Newspaper Page Text
TI1E MARKETS. TOTAL RBrKl-TS. Plaxae-d. taga. 10,588 11.d. r, BBlaa. 1 Hop?, haloa. 48 Leathor. *'.d< e. l.Sio Oll rak.. pkgs. 8.*4 QM BB? k pKgS. 120 iioef, pkgs.... 181 I'utiiiviite, pkg?. 0,26i> laitt. k.*i> . _t?7 pea'i*. bbla.. 40 Bneawax. pagB. g latto;.. Uvl??. ,28 ?'?. bbls.-.. 438 KE. caoea. 8.814 lToT. BJ?_. 14.J?_ bh.a. S.o Corimeei. tata.. 400 | Lar l. k. g* . 1.SH \vh _ buah.2P0,m<i , Buttor, 4'..11 ? h?.h. W.92S Oiceae.pkge . 18,071 __? b'i*h. 74._Oii Br B? d hoffa, Xo. 613 Kre'biiah.... "2.? I Tallow. pkg*. 828 Kji. bU'h..!. 1.000 : ToSaa.-o. l,i,d?. 188 ;?,???' tui*h . S.bOi) Toliacoo. p*irs. 480 oaaaeel.bbla. 100 Whlekey, bbi*. uo8 GKNERAL MAKK?T REPORT. COFTF.K -The *pot niarkct for Hlo fca* not varled slnce ?aaa at ,ur laot. rulli.e qmot an.l g-ierally ateadv. Xo. 7 queV at 17*4*17 _?? *a_-a. tjOO lng* Xo. 7. to bo ahlpved, i atZ Ot mtld grado*. aalcs 255 bag* Uasta Kaoo t nrivite t*m_. Optl na arera devoid of aea frawr**. and uir flin tuatlons cuntin-icd on a Mi.ali a(?*te. ahiic bBptS *a* puroly l"C?l- Angnat at tlie eute nt aiifferei a derline ,d 5 po'.nta ou roalltlng bnt thi? was aubaoquoiitlv rerov. ?rtd. Lator nionth- galacd 38)18 imiuta on eavarSBB "( ?khorta." CabaBB were ???u.u- a? a nib. but without r?e.?_ Havr- cloaad ^i_*_ lr iow.M- ln ?omo BBMB and lisii-burg tropjwsl \a . ofg;. London, howover, 'aaa fUni. Offlcial at 2 :*??> p. m. : Ai:gu?t. 77~ Od ; Septom ^?, T8a IkS ; iVtouor >'M!> Oa : Novoml?-i. f,5* 3d Dorotnlwr. tda'pd ; Jau.iftiv, 0:_ Sd. Rio quotn* . Rearusai nr-t ilO kiio* 9*7r>0: good -cooiid _io kUaa . 88)00; aarhange iari??u?'. l.'.V; raaedpta ln uto. 1_000 h*n>; BJa eledr ?nrw? to I'n.ud Stafc-s, 7.000 bsg- do do to Euiote, _ t4K) bags: l'.io >t.->rk. 311,000 inw: Klo market flrni. Ko.c|]aa ln Saatos, 0,000 b_gs: Sa?to< *tock. .'.4.000 b?ff? : ssnto- Bmr*et fl-m ; good s\er_ge S_itos, 10 4 000. lto. .einto at Rio Jutjr 1 to Angn.t .1. lsp! 420,000 h04?s; ,an.o ume ls'.*0. _47.OO0 baBs: Bamc time WStVWl ?>0 baaa. Reeelpu at s?nte? Julv i ta Augaa 5. 1881. WiiW haca: ?%me tln.o lSW, 1300(10 Mtg* Bjate tln.o l*j_9 202.000 t>K..v TiM_' aale* bete to-d.o, 22.000 bBgs, gu-t at 16.60?ir,.o.V-. Septembor 1 ?'>:'? . Oct_ r^r ii',n?n>. Sreremher I8.70e. Beeeaaber 18.40* 1S4^. and Moe?h 1*-. ck.asBB as followa: J-. -?? .'.< ?:.-. Fehrimrv. 13.13.10c; Minh. I8<*13.0V: 5*>lS.0Ae; M?v. 1_ <<.*if?13 05,.- : Aucnat. I'l.fKW 1SIJ.V: ScptomN-r, I.V.f>?? 15.80. . Octobcr, 14.05* 14.,6r ; n raubor. 18 T0_t3 7? . r>ee_bkr 18 50a 13 M Bseae e>lhaH?a atoee Angual 1, 1881 Bew_rork, 28_4a >_?- Italtlmore, 17887 baga; Xew-Orloan?, 88"* t~c? : fcstnl. taiss i?g?. OOTTOX?Thore waa a qulct markot on tho apot. but ?rMaa wara flrmVr lLatnUintd. Sal(*. 15t lielo? for eon Totel r.Ipta at the i>ort t?.-d?y ?78 balea. aa _#_.n't 781 baloa Uu- s*nie day laet wook, and 211 balos aeai laat T<*?r. Crop moveroent: 1831. ?18w> * Ba.oa. Baloa VIslMe anpply .1.WJ8BB ?.??.?__ l?. 8 daya. \>?\ .J-?i? . to ?? .-at Brltaln. 5 day*. 1 KM 12,104 E\ports to Franoe, 5 daya. *__ :a to Contlncnt, o dava. d,H* -. Xew-YoHiifa UeaMad arata, koaaaa, rawitad datte.. . 13-'I0t *k'7SS ln oth^r paaeea ^-siiinutod.... .... 037 2._2. T..U1 BBBell ln Xow^ork by run ntna oount. i3S4ia iv,4>.a Sv'k ln all fnitod ?tat4? port*. 818.888 80.884 Llrerpool t?!r_rara*. 1:45 p. m.-Roc.-lpw. 2.000 balea. .,f wbiohAmor-oaii. 2 000 bilcs; aalc-s. lOOOO bojea, of v.hlrh for .iwcM'.Htlon and o\po.t? balcs . Amorlcan. MOOO bales. spot tnark'.t-A. tnlr Lu?tn.?a doti-.g; rold diuig. 4?sd. Futuree opened BBSJ Bt 1-!'>??o2-041 deellno. Mancheator markef. YarnB?.SWady. Cloth-A falr buiil n?._ dolng. Quotatlone are based oa Amencan standard ot clasBlflca. tk*K Vnlands. Oulf. nM,n_? .~. 5V 6 18-16 ^"^.naVy::::::::.::-.:.iIhj h l>r.(id Ordtnarv. ? I'-W ?.? Str. t Good Ordliiary. i 1-10 '? I.ow Mlddllni: . i v. ,a oi! Bttlcl Low Mlddllng. ?lJ.16 ?\^ Good'^fiadYi'na'.'..:.:::::"::::""'""""" ^ _ 3-]? Btriet .**>e M.ddllng. 91* ? ??{? E_^.i!^'r.:::r.r.rr-r.r.:::^k alicid 6TAINED. Oood Ordlnary.}; _f__*__10taf*.2"* ln Btr'.ct Oood O-dlnarT l^_iM^.*il?_:v'__pS.'_^_l\_l d modorat" Of !rf2 pillltS. WH - -ail/nin ii- .v..-, Thl* waadno to a ws__*r Uhrwrpeel "??'?;*--. ? *_??'_!? ;;',' thl ??shorf a'dc Blph.i' flgureB ?rere aeored late in tho lU% _,.; ? a i- _V_b at _8U polnW riaa, asoet luarkcd on n"ar BsBBS?*. Dalaa, 73.800 balea Otaaaaapnsea, Bl_j - *>_?*? *_',?; Aur'-at . J 88 Btiitemher .7._[_ ? ._^MVi S r?-ember .*-l - - ].oiiber .f , . Febrnarr .8 I M.-h.k April ." Xfar . 8.7 *8.71 5_M . FLOU] woak. +A ? t'sde bm.?- u- biiyiug ? ?- talr, u tancy braud*. Iju addition to t!. bus!ue?s tio.ed. Uiero _?_4j a.oo? bbia riiXaiKob. h.4 uat ?"?___* f_ exi-ort . lncradlng 1,600 bhli Lotf Ertra, Wj-J* aTT?; 8,700 bbla Clti Miii. 85*85 1". fo. ^ oM. Indlee _OVR AXI. |CB__-a_OyB_The ?-?? ncral inarket was wah . though prleee -.r,..?.d i... n.atti. l ? ??-. C'.tT mlll . atrac \' ", '!". r to cho--. 0440*05: fan.y. OShSo ' 0: P??_ "*=_ r to rlio.ce. 84 00*4)6 15; h.nry. B4 20*)*oS5; >ta Sprlng ?'h -,t lo? wttra. W 75 .i *? 8">; cioar. .?ilO: re mlxteirea, M 3SO'*4 75: atral/lif. conv pfdlaary ordlnary Mlnaoaota at aoaa -,!.?,: I*aleaBB, orllnari to chr,lc;-, 84 0-',.? . ...; ian v, e". a".u*'> SO ; BaparSne. *8 S0e$4 lo, Pi.r'.n.- and Wmb -'"?">? ??'_* ??* T,1"*?!: Markot -I. ? ri. du'.l KOUTHERX FL(?. '.- ? Ha" ? SuVaad - i:o.. i,M in'-dingshi,. plng ..r.d- - leand Farolli i ?ra?._*_ ' fcauftO I 853?-RYE l-OUR-Plrmly a ,, . - Sup. rflni , al *i 70fa . --, io to _rlve..._-. roRXMEAl 1'ellotn Weatern quoted at 88 801 t_ 88, und Brand arhae at r;i o~>. Balee, 800 bbla. i. \ . p.w. n ? opUon tradlnir n.n-t be l aa a eomparai - ? aBalr. The :-? .y> ' ulone l : at the elose ahowtal genenl loasea, - ? , trno ln tho Inatanee ol Mav deUvery whl h at one perlod i'ilcd f.i'.lv '? . Eeae than 8,5. OoO buafa repre Bented th* total <i il - I??? ?' " p4*mber whlrh ktarted il.luently di .-i-*d to 87 l-ll then rslllod ? ' at #1 0<?4. and pro*>ontli seUlod to !"' 18-10 it advnn-'ci to 81 l : fl May wngi-l from il O*"* ' ?t . ? " ? - ?d ..* Mi .. : _i? oarlv aesaloa th. "b ars" i. ??: tha x .-. u>( --t, ?. .',:?..?? r. v.-IJ....I eablei enrn- "ad lower and r. weethor Wi it ,, .-i to which I ' elom -nt ?.1d to a i eat-nt. ??Tho t'lnciunatl Prtei Uurrent" ?a? ijuot-d ai eatlmatlng the to. 585.0 th au exi.ortabl'- surplu* " ?" bush. Th n ai'atn, th* r-coipt* at IntHrli.r llltf-ral. Lat<- rab pnrt .1 . ' :t ::?- :.t Llv ? !,? ? ParlB 4 al , tiiforala waa placed at 50^*00.000 buah, agalnat ?'i oooooo buah - ard e,a >7 .'..' 000. i oth of ?hlc|, hsd a - i g cfl-'ct. ?? crop of M no. m , waii aa.d to U- 130.1 O.0O0 buah. Bgaln?t 79.000,000 t.u.h ? \->r\r a?o. and prlva j r sprlng wheaA at - Th- ^ a bowevei BBgrogated 920.411 buah, ol but< d noarly OOo.OOO bi ? . 4,000 buah. This eheeked the downward ? and promptod - oa-erlng of "ahorta." T_e blg ? rporl ,....-.,. upward ' takcn prompt x-.d - dell*/Hiiea Be* . - thla th. r- ?.-r- aboul 150.00 houi.'ht late ri*U?daj agalnal teucoa. Th?re na. a revlral of th.- Vcnt tali; regarllng tn dv crapa ahroad, but It had llttla InSuence. -\rr va'.* at in i ? -k-i,- 3i? ,i.-n r, and 42;' 8J1 buah wUitot Bgalnat 104 , ' " '?? -?' r?*api " v-?r a.-" Beaboard r- ? i;t- 898.078 buah; ? leeran ? ?._V 11 : >l aad 18,600 pk#a Boor. [T>o aj?t weah early, but cloaed ?it!. i eateavalvo forolgii buylug. The c\i?.rt b all wli.t' r r .1 to. tendlng t. o. b. At tbe out port* thore wore 240,000 buah Ix.uirht for ahljnnont. ; 188 000 buah JfutorO, 090.01)0 t Uah i ludlna ungraJafl ?Inter I ;, . ? :?:.*? .:'.>??.- . |*ompt aad noar ? -1 01 7b; do ? ,- - ,-, i Xo 2 Chlcego apiing uoalnal, f,\ 05 [ Auguat " lo?lug at !'.J4': ; <lo ling at 97*ac do Oi^ober, cl.^ing Bt '.'T\'- . do Novon b ? ,-r. 09 18-loN - 00 7-10, cU>B. .Si r ?1 . 1%-il 01-V. eloabtg al 81 01H i I 05\, cloaina Bt H? * - Jlau :??* (ioniand . - t. prlcea rontlnuta Brm oa th. baale of ,s,< ..-'. I ? \\ af m Io arrlve e. r. BARLEY MALT-Qulel a:. 1 u_ehaaig< : of the tln.o. nnd thl -1 on th- downward turn. Deeeroh r * tleularlr w??k, and showed fullj te k?w_r. ^oar oiitiouo ?-,;\c. but eloaod wliA a allghrBeeevery. Vjta ? , j ?ith aome litti; Jiq'iioa Earlj eabtoa eama h> Jowor. vi,... r d . deeHne of 'o. i<i on ?j--.. aiathor Weat ?a* very eaeouragng to ha ? r end ? '? HheraJ. i reported a na br.preve_ent In tl.o rrop r<mdlttona U.l? add'i I haavtaaaa. Therv waa a sllfbl in.-r.ii-- _ the eJtport _(|iilrv, but lt ava -.'? t tj.r- .'as a deellae ,,f .,n,- wli offerlngw. CT*^BJ_*5 were 7 - r? to.,k 5 k*d?. Sale*. IM-OOO l.mii rutura, -2,1"" Ineludlng ungraded at.d whl-.- a. mli 'i ? 89?3*71c - 70ti7lc afloat, prot pt .. I ipeelaJ Me -' Augaat, '!.? i ?7V elaalni st B7H; .. Septembor r,:.i?0">;?''. U 68V ; do Doreinbor, i clo^lnt at .?,.?,-.. ??,!-. Sultorod With tin- BO.i- I ef Bp oUat,, ,. ,, w_. mtli aetUe. ii-.-, |?,r:i_ _i<l Mo'ltnir f ^r w- U-rn (?u^l a do itne mt Sa\c at *. p-rt -d, b"t '-! a i - on tl.e contwrv. ru.-d tlrin. of.h )ijfi,t.-r oderlng* aud fa.r d-mand. ? * - - -.'j-, >*?< b- ,h future, 12..0fW bu-i. ?]?i. Inoludlng No :h mlxed at 40c elevater; Be '.i v-hlt i, : ? rat r 8o, 2 i evator, 41-a- afloat so 2 wblte, ;2- elevaVir; Xo 1 ?i. i olo\_tor Vo. 2 (hhaeo. 41.o track mhod ? track whif^ .- ?t 84e: do t:4o, .-lo-ing at 3"V ? do (..tolci M'l-r WV " tugual ?: .-51-.. H.c !> Q ...- ^ ? - | iprlng a d wln t*r. 00 Th, * aai; 100 m ei25?*180; __S,p*ijfio_ii 1% : "" f "* "'J,",n:'1 ?l 814B81 10: hoiiinv C TbTAT AND rTTRAW- BwppHea af o!d hfv are small. and on au-h tho maik.-t rul^a i-tio-.i:. with a altght iniuiti.' ? , l.-'v.??. r are ?t!ii h',:d ?* aloof. The lota of r>-? an . -.? aell at .W/7V a. o, ,,ualltv. 8'ra" dnll II M Old faaer, PX>_95< r\n)t<- t-n<-; P ' ? ' <lo^er ratxed 8-V-70 STHWV 1^,,,/ ,v,-' ri.-,,.;0c; I.V)e : oat .'{i?4t>r: wh<-?t S5tf40c HOPS Bua neaa ln thla lln. 1- aUl amall lov ,i. wauv of br -... r-, and tho mark.t etfora no OpW fealur. - a* U) prfo. a, the foellhg U ain.ut Sv.u-. i)r'r- ? uo ?? lAcilf* tnodlum 16_17 rommon to talr I4_1R IWW 9 ?': i- -1 ?, ,,.:,?? PaelBe (w i i"'.?o choic-, 1?ul9c; eomnion t?. nrime. Mi iaJ.s Iix-Qul't bat atoadv. Balea 25 ton* Hrnitv tuguat, at Z0.10V, Spot qu COP i'hl; Plrn <u>l n.or o'i.o: cal-s, .V..0OO fl r.ak- niM.t. 12r ; _id 28.000 81 Auruat. 12.0V LF.AII Ktl ??a-- 1' t i ? 4 I.-..- .sl'l.L'll.l: Dull... j-,., LROB WAKBaBTR- r/aelaaaged. MOI.AS-HiS?Korcign alow and iiou-lnal ; Cuba, .'-0 tt*t, quec-d at 12 I or lilav i: -t.'ap 'J^- U ijiioted on bbli extra haavj _a_4_ac ^rad-.s ln naoderaU d-inand , _.'.. V. av g.-.d to p_n. v and 20d24c coiunion to j_lr. .VaVaL STORl i iKI'i.N I iN'i-^ ln i>ri. ?, thou^b tr.'Un^ ...ntlnuih livht: ouo' d at ;4r,rt3<|J,c . ..BOS1N?Had a alow ln. iuirv. Mra.n.d 81 _". : ir</od Btraiaed, *l 4(1 _ llM; K, 4108; O. 4180; H, 4.10; I, BSBOl K BitO, M, 82 60: X, 82 80: W. (i., 83; W. W.. S3 40. ___>-''' (.? ,"<o aeed, -a'?a, 3"^? bbla off ?rade .-mde, at _T8_tc, CetOtiiuC ?old> to C_.i_iUiI, Af ?. M__?a>';m_. ut 4 Amcrlcan, 42c ; om o' town. 8He; (_icutta. -MV; Uird, fi.,T,,_:: _"v;, a'.f.iow-, ,-'-; Mennad-n, erade, Bomiaat; Tlglit, preaaed. Bl_tS_j daik prje'ed, 28o blaarhed ?lnter. *iclV"' hieorhed aprlng, 8i_8H; extra bloachol wlnter. 9*i_______'? _?ru*__?lc '< ""urai wlntor, 74.; naturai api_tg^80B80e : ble*rl,r_ wlntet. 7887*:; hieached aprlng. i.c: WhaiB.crudc.iO,-, naturai wint?r, ift'.-.W; patnraj t.p-iug, MOBSc: bl.u.-hea, wjnter. ist&Dc; bfcacbed aprina, B7c: extra bleachied. go,-< }_;,o,iin'_. 4?4tf.'.c t~r _a,,K,ll^-;I|fai:.,:e..du%>o,:; 1'?!m- *<?^'- *?3* >*>?? OCEAN PRRIOHTB The ?npplv of ateaan avrommoda BM on the rpot 1? \cr\ m. *__-,? and aultable for general ,Tir?o only Gralti rat?. are ?ttll tendlna upwaisl. _i?l a tron. market ls rulliif at tho rloie. with LlvVrpoul quoted Bt 3-..1 n-id LeMea atw.ut fld aske.. Tl.e . ngaaeuieut-. ware 18,000 bn?h fraln t.. Autwerp a* 5??d Augitat. and 80.000 IukIi graln at 5?4d (atorei .<* ntomber; 10 llambuig. 10.CO0 bush gr-n. 8', pfa QRAIM CHARTERB? Swiiner Orloo, beoce to Madoira. 04.000 hueh gram. on privale toTBH.FETROLEl M ci! Al*.ITliS- N..rwrgl_n bark l>. II. Morr.a, henre to Stettln. 7.000 bbla roflned. 2? 7 _d; lirltlaii nl.lp lioval Soverelgn, heno? to t'ali-utl*. fi.Vnno fbaea reflu^d, !,">< : Itiltan b.rk Obllo. henre to bt. Louls de Rhov, 1800 t.hlo .-rude, 2s 9d; (* lark VaUaM-ali-o. benve t? Ulvert^oi, 3.000 bhls retim-d, 2? l_. MISCELLANEOUB liriti?h barU Teboegan, bence to Um weM <?"??a-t south Aaterlra, on prlvate tenaa; Hritteh burk Jtoae taaaa, tho aan*. ta prlvate toruis PBUVISIOMS- FORK-Had another ?low dny. aod Srlv-cs rul'd lo-ver. owlng to wookrr W-'trn advlrt*. al.-., 150 bbla Moea. Old M. ?a quoted at 110 75iH.ll 75; new do. *12 25-812 75; short clear 812 7598'] 75 fau.liy. *li 7"..ei3 28; eztra prin.o. ?u> B0M11. 111.i.r'-Oteady i.ut ? qulci. Extra >l-f ijunt'-d at iO 50_?10 80 ; -,*0.>Oft?105P ;'ly.?>133*14 ; ua<ir.-f. ? 11..12 in bbla, *17 5o_#i_ .*0 ln tee , extra ludla Mtee, ln tca 821-022 .UEEF H.v.MS? ln llght 1 Queatj 'juotod here at ij-lis 80-8IU, aud at tl,? Weat a'. ii7 50. c'l'T MKATB?Qulot for the _kT bnt heid flrm deap'te tbe weakneaj ln other hog proilncla. Flekled belllea quot-4 al 7S,'*7V: plckled har.??. HSll_c; amok,d do. 12* 12SCJ I'1'klcd shi.uld.-ia, il_c; auioked do, 71?uT'sC. _UDDI_-S?Svlfared 1 nirrhor d-clln>-. At <'hieLi_o Sep lember nhort rlb* M.ld al 0.5845O.O2,ae, and tu-tobtr, U.Oo -0.7.V . DRESSED UdOfi R?t,'i-r w.ak and alow; qaoted at 71?.i7'"?e f.,r beavy to llgbt and 7-V?t7V for pl-?. .I.ARD--W'-akeiied _galn, owlng to BBMei advlcca from Ihe Weat, where promfnent op?ra*ors were still on th. "boar" alde. Uptluna d'^llned 2-4 polnta, and apeeala tlim was ?low. Tho closo bowevrr. ahowed a allght r> eoverr. of ",-aah" aaUs ,50 tefc (500 tca export.. 6 70fl> B.72c"; also 800 BM . _ti<l r.. at BOt>B?, U!v e ? ui. wevikor; snlcs. 175 tc* at 0 15c. R-'hned t'oritinent (|'u?t?d ,it 878* 7.06c : south Ameri.-B. 750c ; Aug_nit cl-.sed at o.rtflc ; S t't.-ir,?.,-i < los'Ml ;,t il.T'-'-' ; kftlos, 1.-J..0 U*. 0.70ui'..71e; Octobei rtaaed 6.82?; aalea _000 tea 6_ll_.^4e; Decero (los.-d _t 7.01c- lll'TTFR-Flna atoek rBMB ln, thl oflerlnga nnd I_lr Uen.xi .1. wnlle olliers aro aboUl ?tuad\. Creamarr, .su?t?. i_iis. extra,, l&'a-iy, ; stut,- and Pcmxylvanhi tieainary, tui*. o\t.ra. Ut_t: .-st_t?.' Ciea__ery, s,.eond? to fir?U, I6%e>l71aa>: Craaaaery, Elgin ax tra.s. lri>v<-; otlier Weatern extr:i? lsc . Wentcru hr?,ts lOiillc; ac-onds, K.-l&.c; Uilrrts, 14c; Stotc d_in. half-flrklB tnl.s and paiis, -xtr.i. K--1S.-; do !lr?t*, [.._ lt>_:'- ; do k'Tonda. U^aOlfte; do Wolah tuha, extraa, I'eif^e; do C.r-tN. I8.018>; (lo econda. 14V"'*,' , Weetem Imifitlon CTe?,,ierv. flrata. lfs-lSe; do sf,-onda. IS.-lB'ac; do thlrd* I2e; Weatern dalr- _rata.14.14_o; do srco:,-- l"-2aoS.-; do thlrd*. 12c ; We*t_ tactory flrklna e_tr_, IS"-.-.- , tur>s. ,Atrs. I8e; nr^ta. J--.-,-; aeeaBda, [__ !:.",? .. OHEESE- V ibade atranger with a f*lr ezport ia q.iirv, while eonntry advleas his- more ancour-tring. suitf. Fn.-toiv. fuii cream. fauey, colored, 8*t-0*ac; do v.Llt.-. B__B.c; <lo nne. 8_h _? ; rto# g.MKl U. prlm", 7:l,_fc; do fair to good, 7i*?7??c: ., tommon t., fair B'aOT'ae; do i*.rt aklms, BOOe, eomaioii to ,-hoice; do full skln,*. 202*90; Ohio llat. con.iiiou U> tlnr. 8*a07*a< ]-,,(,s_Duii su. a general rale, MI Btaadj an r_ 1, v atoek; Ne?-Vork st_t>- newi-laldL iOV.^17^: Pe__irivaa_i. uew-hild, IfiVSlT'-: Northem Ohio .ind >*o-fh,-rn, lO^c ; oth'-r Weatern, 15'iiUCsic; Southwe?_-rn, fcilr u. prlti,', U Sl'OAR?RAW?Somcwhat strong-r and ln fair dnruand ?sal ? 1,808 teoi Miisr.vado here and to arrlw, 2 13.10c tor 80 ust; Muacovado, 8'.t t?v<. quoted at 2 9-l?)c, and Cen tr'fuaal Ofl Bwal 8 8-10c. <">n the Toffee ExehaTige. Au.u.t ,lo~d; beplember, 84tSOS.M;c; octob-ir, a..'<v _8i'-- Kovembor, 8.28 rO.80; December, 8.20-8.80 ... RE FIM-.n-l.rni. partleularly 011 low gridoa. Cut !___, -,--,.. Cruahed ."..'..-; l'owd,-red. 47-18c; Oranu. l_t.fl ' 4H-16.-: Cubea, \-*c \ XXXX, 8 l.Oej "A," |B-I0e; DlainoM -,a." 4'sC; f^nfectloncnr ?? V " 4'?i-: CMumhla "A." 4c; Windsor "A." 4c; Ridg. waod --A ?? 40 ; I'hoenix "A," 4c-: Fjuiplr) "A." 8-?c; h 1 8 8.1 JfO, 7, 8 ll-l'.K : No. S ;i*?- ; No. P, 3 P-UI.- ; Bo. 10. :^r : Be, 11, 8 5-lo'-: \o 12, 3'4C. sil.AKl.N'E-Lard quiet ard eaey; clty quoted at 7"ec and .-wit>-a. la l?_ iii,oi;?rk-arliie, O'^o asked; saies, 15 000 T* old, 8e. TALLOW?ln llght re<in?-t. but steadlly hold. Primo ited at .",0 ; aalea, 50 hhda at 5c bld; cholre held Wuble-TM chnnr- 00 the wool niarket hrvve been of portance (iuririu- the la?t fen- dova. Bu?lne.? 1* of Lio'l.<- velume ?t a st-tidv r_nr*. of prlcea, but Uo-ro nr,. ao Mgai of actlvlty -rlalble it- this pomt as ye*. LIVK STOOK MARKET. Bew.Tath TkBiBdajr, Aug. n.-uLKVi-.s-Rec-lpta, 80 earloada oi 480 head -??? carload> foi _aa_uani . ompanr and 2 carloada of SUt. ??>:,i* Notradlng. - adr for mod : m M good beo\ee. t?r?.ss buUs very dull und BBB .-? llll d, '?>. nt Bt low pii _. _ . Clty rt-.--.-il beef ln fall d-tnand at MTfl for T-mj. and Colorodo .-.u *-. and ? - '.''a.- foi eoBimon to eholce nauve do. advltea :..,-<i.i- ai - -fl to r*'! fr- - - frl(/or-Htcd b,>ef V- ] ?" '*? lowar .md ,-ellitig a: - on: '.", BUfl .ui.i ii al ? weok at B-OOd, al aboal livisi par '"The*i iiduuioi go: off with 180 catU for Betaoa Moi-rls 011 Wednccda 1 ? . - ? ftt-i Cllj u laaaa ?:u. 100 can ? and l,8_o ooartera of beef. __.___. MlU/Il CUWS Recclpto, 2 hiad. T.v.? ha*, baen a ... _ood ,wa ard prloea are fully malntalned. wr ;.l whl !, fUui. - Uall. nbe k i. Iloll 1 aold S? . \i.Vl S -Hec. ?--. In aad, ,J which, i 878 head a* oou.-r.. Maf_et alo? rcj orl 1 unaold < .r 1 -? ? ? - -"?;'? iud iVeatom do, at j-v?i-.'-; reala M oO-_i 1 i-i.Diu.oi, 1.1 very eholce. -__, . ^ - - -? ln.-s-.i cal-Tea dnil and w.o); ot 3S:v- for dreeaod Imtb t 1 - bi-1 nau ichcb-e ris<, and cltv dreaacd 1 . . -it t.lO.c. Uuma v M _14},_ l?. *u* , ? ? 106 -:.,..!". 1.- B. Bl ?. Buttenullka, 1" ??, "M - v '-,' ? Ulv?_,!-?03!J?* ???? ? 1 d.. 102 lb, at ::'-? J- ml*ed I alvi ?. 150 B?, y . 13:. rft, -t 5.1 . 08 dn Bt ;:0 do. f7o ?. at O'ac . <?? ' ,_.?.. Hailenbeck _ HolUn: 00 B*rM"-rmlU Oalvea. 184 ?. at 8c; 2 do 180 Bi at 8 ? : " f- - ? il> ?. ;'-- ??? 2l V- V 40, 170 Bl, at ac ; 18 Veala, 188 ?, at G4c; 13 do, IM B?, at j^t*. Belaea: ro Weatern Ctalree, 2'-i 8), at 4?aei ?u do 181 tt, ut l*?e; 7s d< : ??? _, ?t 1*40: 10 da '?,-,',''? ai aitM" i^-r no Ih; i- re_aa rearUnga, 8? !)., at 2??c, :;_- d... IO* fb, at8*ac; 1 Uraaaer, 100 8>, at 2'ie; 8 >eaia, . k Dewej 1 47 Bnttermflb Calvo*. 177 ih, :li jeiiifT.-. Wlrgbt v. Ca : ri'-' B-ttenrilh Oalvea. 105 J. M -.", : u do, 101 !', Bt 8c; 80 red C? - .- u?, 218 B, at ?e;_4 Vi ? 6?_ej 8*0,141 ?'-. * Scoti 8 Mdeeek: n "/eala. at r.1,,:: ?".'?.-'. i'. _. Ka ? ?? Veala, 100 ???, a-. BVe; 3 f.-a (.aiv-, 1.,. Jodd ~\- BucklnaMm: 3 Veala, 143 m, at 8*ae; - led 8UF.EP AXD LA.MBS Re "ipt*. 85 earloada of 6,531 h-fi'l 20 carloads at J. -? ? idj at 80_?-at. rhere waa in actlve den.and tor ?d lamb*. aml ?toek appeared n bc flrm, , orr.mon to eholce aheep aold at I M 00; a '-",-; lec'i. wetfcrra, al 85 73 ?lta al kuiba ranged ln wlci '?','' ? ....... ,,?,. dead mariet was 01 ) lalr, but g od ?-'" Bnnly held. Dre^Mi mutton aold al ?'?'1'." : , ",:;'' i uly al 8-flo.e, bnt In the I ,, . . |ie ?-.s obUlned for ch. .-n. Mel'hcreon v Co.: 280 Vlrglnla *_?h?. "? r. avrraee al *7 pei 100 B 848 do Vlrglnla bhreu. 84 Bi, Bt 84 7-1 10 80, Wlta. 18 ? , M "':M3 Vlrglnla i_mha, f.7 ?. at *7 ? -!7n (lo 07 .-. at 87 J -' _ " ' :5__05do, m ' . ?- ^?:'fmd5;.arV^_. ? do. ni 81, BtMOO; 121 8 la do '. "*? . -- ?1 (iiin.: 218 Vlrglnla l_unba, 07 -? al tOSO. ino ? B. at 80 87H: 1-, ",'?'? -, 80; i- Indlai - do II - l, j do, I"'' Bt 83 80; 11 do, 148 M, al i i. Kaae:' 08 Jeraey Lamba, 74 ?, at 87 15; 101 do, ?_Ueklnghan 210 Oh Bheep 70 M. Bl *5 40: 10! Fennavlvanla Lambi - -1 ?>? I [90 M, 0 -. Ulllgtl 10 Wm ' " ' "J 84 .v> at ?**,. -- do ' ?: " "i ? ?'-'?? .. .... . ., 11 Barrlngton : 2.8 Buffalu - - ' - ? -? ??.--.? Rtat do. 104 ?, al *5 853 K il nueek 8 llolll- : 1? StM ba. >*? .'. '?*' ? 24 s,M. -:.--p 7.*, Ih, atOI ., ,n j .; . . .- ? Sheeii . j, iienbick ? lamba, 82 B h aa .??. - S-lleni 18 CH 75: ?o -tat^ lamba. '5 Ih at sn ?..:. 27 1 ? .?? ??? 8 044 & Pidco?k: ?? ,',J- ,...., ... il".,i- IU-e? ntc 10 carloala, nf 2.8.6 D II for beavy boga ? ' ""? ii^*,'"' -" ' - ln '.-? ' Weatern ;.''?' , . loadpf MI h s,b-a l- ' R Wi rbt _ ( 4. ' ? floga 159 ti ?583 per 100 "?: "????. _?-?: ??'y''.'-'.V rf ?t 85 75; 12 do, 21 f 0 . ' r'- ?? II 85. 6 do. 82* "*? u' *< "3: s '- ' ?J. nt84 ,.. a W. I_rmb (r?M Wedneadar): 28 Sta - K4ff . ii: do, 188 B?. at 85 80: 14 do 101 89 do, 280 ?, ?t MM; :f; Baagi do. 310 B, ai ?? 00., ?' Hnmi | k, .?? -? ,? r I I B Bt 88 80 - 150 "*? at 85 80; -.4 do 207 Th, :(t 05 75; I '! 85 : 2 Itough -io. 3C0 fh it 11 80 : al-n la_ yeat nogi 160 fl ' ? "'? 05 00. ?M *. at 85T0; ? do L'70 Bl, at 85 80 : 28 -I". 270 _. at 85 50 : 141" ?, atM70: 11 Bough Boga, 2888078 18. ?t04 00jJO4 ,5. J. I>,\ '. ' 0 . 180 MI. hlgan lt .--?-. 1.1 B?, at 86m K, M Haga, 1W "*-, at *, 75; 7 Ilongh ln, 311 84, ?l 8-1 75._ I.IVK BTOCR MARBBTB?BT TEXEORAPH. BaOala, a .-. 8^-Cat_e?Reeelvta h_8 -' houre, 1,840 |w-U ; total '? week Uiui far, 18,220 ba I ?????? ">? ? lu-t week, 10 100 head conalgned througl . 4' hrad; _ New-Yurk, 1.2S0 head; on aaio, 100 bead; mark.-l iipenen _a eloaM quiet; good llght ;^_i.o..o f" B3 40.8850; roaa and helfers, 9'- >0_fS75: veala, a_50w85?0. lloa> ite. ,ir,t* last 24 houra i,6tx) 1,1,-11 for ?eek fii 1- far, I0.66C li-a-l . tor I ?,..?', 88.400 heM; eonalgned throogh. doi"- he* s,-, i Vork 2.?50 I ead an -.,?, BOO; 1 kel .?',,?, f?r' goo-l i-om-ie-i . ,-io-< d ab d.uni?, l,*, .-.f ,-?,: corn-fed > ... .? 85. ^ '?? ? nartlT . orn -fe-1. B5W*.00; plga v.-i-. - ? ? . 7. f ?' a_iw to beat! Sheco aud ).-,mb?- itecaloU laat 24 honra. -%,M,, head; total foi N,"-->. '??> tor, -?? *"' heM; ___T__t a-eek. 17.800 ied tbrouah 8. . head- to Baw-Torb, z.100 h.-ad; on ,."'?. UOO bcad; markel ,,,,!, 1 ateady, bul ?ic*" ???'"- 0 ateadi good iheep, *4 ..o , , extra her, . _am_?, ?5_*8 25. i-ii,-_-o AB8. 8. "The Eve_lBg Jo-rnal" reporto: Cat. ?/ o ?, ,''- l" 000 h. -ol blpm. nta, 1 0 0 I, ? ??! . duu" towerT'-rrlme ateer* I to rholee, 88 ,,,,,,0.0:1 and mn r,j,.. ,s #3 '0 7-i, SO: natlvea 1, ? -.-' ',' ffo_a-R*?elpU. ': iblpmeou, IJO00 hej^ ',',. ,.t ,.,,-i 10915c lower; ronfh and r_a_moa, ??-'?? *i?-. ,, iv'd and rawke ? 04 00*85 15; prime her*/ and ?__?_ - ' .w iti,''. '*'. 35?B5 40 . prime llg.l 5 ... r. B480_a5 15. Sheep Receipt-, 7.000 head ahlp SiTn-T 8.000 h.-ad : 0,^1 lot .i..w. ?^,.k 1- -,,.-. .r: : ,?. -,, r- Texana aud Wr, 1 . 1 Ftocelpta 8.800 head; ihlp , ._ _8oo .,,.1 . maikei dull good to expn l nal . r.vr 10 u .<! .! T_x?'.', ^rt ind an -tr -:e *- IO?88 00; eanm , l_0 ?' .. i.^tn's 2 500 heo I ahlpmento 3.. 00 head ; markel 1 _!! ,?..' to' F.i-t hnavy, 8840*4-50 mlaad r''?<,";: i-,,?- li.lit ordi__rv u. eMIoe. 85 8ol85 45 Sr^'pU-ObO* *.' ?^reo-nto, 6.800 MMjMaa ,-teadv; fair to eholce, 82 i.wai ??> rk'-l COROM MAUKKTs-liV T-XEORAPBL . . ? .^_?i Aue- 11 4 P. BU?TM aalaa M BM aay ln< Inded r :\ V u,o? ?'. ' hittireacloi .1 baraly at ady Am B.ia00 balM Americann Ui ,??. Auguat .1. , .'?.V'iu_ o- A.r'"t ??' i"I''-'"'''"- delfvcty , * __5^ _____oher dellvary, 4 ... ?m1 buyera: fetatembea , '' rv 4 _*oVd buyeri , O. tobar at.d Xovem ^Ju.u.b,- d.ii., > i -< yo-Vember and Daee-Ori d. ber d'Ur_{-M_4 88%4d; D^embei and Jannary diulvery. ?'''f-V.A* I r,-liii Ir Snd 1,-bnian lellyui-y, 4 3W-64. ?:'' K- u_;. ?--Mar.-I. delh-.J. ? " 1"1V",\'.i_, aii- h-< '""'" -t'"'1^ mMdllng, 7_ law .'../..__ wS__ry. .; .vii,, , aoi and graaa n.lddiinif. . .t. r,"_r,?,11j,[1_ 55 new erop: -xioru eaaat. ata_ V'J _ _ a___Sto_ .ulet; n.iddltng, 7',c; nal and 5'mWbBP. !_?_? Tirr Braii 4aid4M_g, 7_B? lOB rolddtlng e 15-lSe , good nrdJnary 8 _o ? not and iri? r ot'.Ii'a' "9 ' " ' ?W'eWpstsierUn ?***?? -jjjy _.VJ) PMODUCM MdMKtn, FEATfRKS OF NEW-YORK DEALIN<iS. There was an abnndanoe nf newa ln whce-t yeeter day. and raoat of It fn\-ored the boor cleruu.t. yet tho dcallngs fell below 3.600,000 hu? The ilrift ..f BsS marttet was ernitlc. at ime time prtoes sbuwlng a (b-.lliie of 3-B</ f>& ront, sj.d then ?(.hIii there vras a -.llght adviuio*.. Mny dettvery w_s _n esoeptlou to the gmieml rnle, olo?1ng 1 1-6 oent lower than on Wedneaday. In the lirat pluoo the (_blee were hSary and lower, whlle the weather Weat wa-, _ll tbut could I* dealred. l_a j*?relpi?, thc.ugh le<u than expected, arare Ifberal, ut.d tbe <'hio *?tjne _...__ ..( Agricuiuire placed lt* coiidltloii at 07. The Xorthwest aliaa the jirtld of Mli.nesoia and Lakou as e*t_nated at l.' bhsfiela, ugnliist 7i.,(K.u.(iot) a yeai ago. The Clnelnnatl "Prlee IkirrenV placed tlie tw'al crop at 6*5,000.000 baibab), with an upartable earplaa of _O0,00O,000 baabels. Then apnln tbe foreipnors were seilors. all of whJoh helpod t-. dopre>s the marhet. i>ut tbe st-anoard Btaaranrea aggingaiei orer BOO.I *> buebela. and thore was rrnou.xl extcnslve buyln?. vrjjjch tendol to steady the attaatlOB. r'arls rablea reported a Seerlna of -i.xty eaaumea oa floiir. and late I.tvcrpool aeroanta were decMedly beartsii. sep tomlior nponod at ft7 1 * BBBta, and nuigrd from t>7 1-16887 ;;4 eeeja. Dseeaiber Btervd at *i oo 1-4 and ao'.d between l>'.'> 18 18 und #100 7-10, eloalng at frl. 1 h< sp./t inarliet eJoaed stoady bernme of tfle blg export bmdneea. Fpward of 600,000 bushols of wlnter ro<i wero taken by Milppers f..r proriipt and gpeelal dallrerlea. The oatporta reporteu" _to,ooo busliels for export, and 180,000 baahela were bought asatnat eabb) a< Bptaaraa. Tbe milllng wero BObV tiiiod b. taree Oorti ala0 waa araah but verv nnll. ln tlie opilon 11 ne kea than _jo,*?oo haaheii ebaajpad hand-. yef prlees brnke il BS 1 cent, Uecetnber sufforlfiir tho noet jii- weatber Weat w_? perfert and reoeipt* Bberal, while tbe inblos came heavy and lower, Tho Cln rlnn.'itl "Prlre Ctirrent" r?-i. .rt<d ?*>ine Improvoment ln the crop proepecta. arvl t.i's, ;??>. iUdo<l tho ; ibort" -Ido. On Uie spot the marhet broaa l-SBl oent and ablppen took iOjOOO baakala. UatB bad a more aetlve d;o ln tbe speculatlve Uno. and prire;. -ntforod a decllne, fnlloarlng tJie lo;iding eereals. The ?pot market, lii.wever,'was tlrm, wltli ? (_lr I ii-lne-o. Lard brokc agaln pn seiiing at tho \vo?t by blg iiO'i~----. Aiout 900 tea. were taken f.?r oxport. Tho d&Mug prtoea won:: Wheat?Augnat, Pi 3-4 renis: Septomber, 87 1-3; Oetaber, i<7 M-4: De ceniber t\ ; May, B1 04 7-8. Oiits-Aiu-.i^t. U4 ocots geptember, 32 7-8; Oetober, :::t 1-2. Corn ?Angaai >'<~ l-B eenta; Beptember, >'*> 1-rt: <?' tnri<r~ 63 1-81 Deeembeir. 68. !_*_?Angnat, 86 86; isepterabor *?! 72: Oetober, 86 82; Daoaaibar, BTOl. Tho reeelpU Of wbont, onrii. oa_ and fb.ur ?t Bew. Yort iBaJUmore, PhUadelptda and iio''<.ii yestcrday wero" Wheat. 583.078 busheU: corn, 74.30,4 btuheU; oaai."86.7T7 bnabatai icdal, 764318 baabels. Fi.-ur. 4,;'Att"cl'i.rj'",^MIIwanhoe and Pt. P.-.ul tho roootpt* ^-oro- Whont. 457.690 buahola; eorn. 320,6_0 baabels; oaia, '?_?< -21 baahala; tma.1. 1,048,076 baBhebi Hour. 1 <;.ii7T laUIBSBJBB ? THK TBADB IB r_HlCA?0. Chlreao, Aaf. B (Spo.lal.-Xew-.-ork fiimlshod bl rir_niw? of wbeat; bal Bew-Tar* did not fnmMi atrenf esbka and did not do aap fint-riaas baylng. Tba reaaB waa tbal wbeal at aae time showed a do rUne of 8-4 cont, and at nlrht *howod a joas of 1 2 , -,'t The WeebVrn newa waa nwre bearbib tban !-v,t' -Tha Prloa Carrenf tMinated tbe<__8 at M5i000.0?i baabela; ' _? ?hnTv'^\^!^^ erttmatcd tho pakotaa and a_n_e*abi al 180,000,000 busheU. 60.000.000 baahela eaar tasl rear. Tbe Wo.fn. weather wa.-, more annimerilke; tho MKn_ : -v> protm-.-i ? rontlnua..I sptendld can dt'ons ExporuH here were aasde ratbar aneaai bj requr~t? frc_ for_sn ce^Bpepdanbi U> rtaasa I rms rowhleh oi.l rmreheees mlcht u? cancoiivd. Ba (_n_ arare 3?_ eare; eetlmale for 1 n.ra.5. .!.><v V-'.nbM -. w between -.- B tc and S9 lj8c, rjoabaaai l\> : -? Tl* aentlroent l.orv \, gn.wiug twt Uy Wostern n.-w. 1- too mneb for tho aaaboard ba_ ad vi?4tlaat the ig wheat rt*ananrea are iik-iv ln tbe eaarae of ten daya to demoralUe Uu forelgn morket Corn decllned on the t-;- ? ? ; *her :u.d on ,. . ?-, vod emp proapeeta. Kvn "The Prtre (v.rrof pWctalaToJ yle'kl If there l-nofroet toBgje. Mld between 55 8 4 and 651 8. elo^gstMi a r J." ra ,,ii,tv woro nc.5 ."r-. .-Mniate for Fi:d.\. 3SU. 11 SSada^tUsaalfl ' ??_ - ,^ ^\*?:l ?,,,,1- (jute were Just tbady Septembet openl g al .'?; ;-e. ..-in elortng al 2: I2e. Tbe re?JptB wt* 00s c_r> FrWay'i e*Uniat?. 260. Bean and otber -?,,,.*,,,;,,, ,1.. bave n:ado a p^ tew on tho tld' of provl?V?na eerered bvday. r.'.it , ed%H??. Srptember porl wld MwwnWiO ;.,..k-. ekralng at 10^5: Bept?mber ka^ba. h.r.0 and '?..42. clo*lng at 0.41 : bep^rober . 6.62 and 6.65 elostng at 0.80. Pacaats rUII' eontlnna e?cacdln_fy beartib ___??< ? 7 Vf /: .N 7 A 1 B 0 W THA n K. n___ore Aaa. 8-Plaar fteady, aaelajnaed: re4_HatB| ,.yo,l bb!. - ? ? bbl_ Whoat .-.,,.; _,? month. ?7*r?71.c; >epl - ^c.,;:,;; trr& ,1 western. ?W a-k-??! i r. ?re pU '?*> ?.,,:; ffidXSaV^K tin.. unehang.-d. ? ? ? \-?f ,^inl.* ' No ? i:\c Baaw So ehanga Coppar? so enana ? r____ aub. 8-Plaaf Brm. Corn pomtaal: aieamar 77_7_T oattduli: So. 2 whlte, 10 ? l.*??__ msnd. Butter eaale Wert n rrosinei te. ' 1. ? - "uiei. Egga ?!',i,-1:, ,,,?; .?- l~. v-,.,,-1,.- 'f, .... ? l.i 11.11 'Ul) liVd 47,?!o s__s; eorn.*; eaU, 1*8.000 buah; -,',. .,..-'. 8.-8prtng whaal oulaa and aarir* Batoe of^SOO b??b xo l bard ???? 0S_s. clo-lng a 8108% Xo 1 Xorthern ? d ?'' 81 |-'^. 'M:v,-, 0.000 buah No ?_? S. rth. n. to arrlje, sold at. orc, lakod; wtoter ?? - ** ?,C,"M_? . _S3 aaTnaS.1"! Jerj rosSe a '?;-'? i? anrtna 811 23 C*. al frelghts Btf.ii ..; : ne eorn or ??.: 17:.''" efforod. KrofPl .,,,.., !;;;-!!? T.:;., K"^; . ^WbuS - S_i -- ,:,^? Chleaaa Aug- O.-Tho leadhag fatarea rangod aa follows: WIH'.AT no. 2. Openlug. Hlgheat. Lo^e^t,. Clo*in_g. ib.r ............... >(.: r?, ?;,, 5. CORN. NO. 2. ',7'? 57V 67 5.^ Auguat. '.-,, --,i ui| ' r . 3 ? 03 M_ &'-':a ?. t ibei . ' _ OATS. NO. 2. "7'* ?->a -7'* !I5 Augtst . aju 27'4 - ? - ?Jept^mbei . - -,,,-; 3, - ;; , 31 ~_L_Sfl POltK, P83t HBL in":^. K'42. 10 20 10 35 -I'?o'"r .1045 1063 1088 10 oO .__._J._Wt 108 8A ,;\; ?47'2 0 42'a 0 45 - ? "''"? . ,. ,-, S87*j 0O2. O&a U toh 1 . _,.,, ,)_. -. ssst.1 ! SH. S8% ? aaliSo. ln< ' v ' 1 fl-.C- -1 *1 "1 ' ", r -' bb 4 ? ? ... boaed. bad gWW . ^.toWd ?? ? I'l ' I'j -. 272.0.1 II ? huali.2'Mi0C0 i . 23 : OOO 11" "H . . . ;,1 IH 1 ? *??,. . 8,000 '"__" ;ba-l_eil7.1 . ... IS*a_lie. ? So aj Ii g on track. rash. *"~_L ;r;'; . wxoCa.wMhTiedyonai .,'?4-. !?_ 0I11M Flour, 1,0. (i ' "J.".', ?-i a_r.L?l on ca?h whont woro aU-ady v .1:; ?!'!:... ..1.1... ? rasfalrfora ? .So. 1 s-.H mainlj at 05e. , . ? ;''> So. 2 - .n. from -v-' .: Plpta H r^pt^ibar, W ? ?'? No ?' Sorth. rn, Auguat 84*4. , " ia_ . ( .. eetlve, Brm; So v TtVW . ? "? N" - """j: ? " ; ' v/ -i >,Vt. - - N" -? .' wi,.? m w.iov 41 11 Bplrlta 41 W. ^,:;'m .nd ohi,*f.?.t- .0,... 10.200 Iiuah; l7.aX?baab; _st? 40000 buah; 87.000 I ,.n,,,d,,,.,,.? V.,.- ?. ! lotBi BM_l ' **awed ll""' ?.!__? Brafloui oatot bo4 -t.-a.i- ; ^4 II f... .,???? and ?? iaf old and half n a P nn_yl; tania aod Ka. S Dclaware red. tnlerp. BTJja \ai.i? ai> > jj 2 r,,, ? ,(li ? ..M. ',;v ? ' ? '' s ? ,??.. IvrtMc w_Joid SO 2T..lx-d. 47. . old So 2 whll M)8H no?r7 ' t , ??. ...!..i-1. :*i.i-?-.- Kavrai!. johblnir d. and .t-adi. I^rfl , r,tm-d hoaV- ButfT Brm . - ? ' nrtnl ? xtia 28 -'-'. 1 wd Brm; I'-:.i'-'' vanlii flraU 17',' SngSf It-tiii.-.l ateadlrr. b?l noVdor.^I 4 6-lno. granulat-d 4 II- artldr* inchii.i.' 1 Reeelpta Fleur. _800 bMa ., ooo aa.ka: _hV_t 104.400 bu?h. .?-.ii, 2,200 baah aaaa nn<m baab. Shiptwonta?Wheal, 0'',w^i ' _; corn. II.HK) bu.h ; oat?. 17,300 buali. *t, *.vA4a, _tVI* 8__i'iou/ .witi, iia_a_tlsV. ?i*a_ oniruir. t-.ct.rii>. Onmmrr Rtsorto. LONG BEACH HOTEL, L I ON THE ATLANTIC. ___<r IDEATl, SEA8TI)E RESOET. ?83 MII.F.H FHOn NEVV-VOIlIt, V1A IIIK I.OM. IWl-AM) KAM.KOAD. .I\K-*T BOATINU. BAJtlKU. ASf> PlMlflBG. Vti*in" '**? ?m_Wc_ .B_.BPA_e)ik Titi __J_flrI hathim* bcaCB on lobo im.and. T_r\\M_ST BATF.S. *l A DAY AM) U'WAKD. W i-K-I.Y BATEi, 828 AND b'PWAKD. WBW i r*" DF.VINK. Minager. ADiROP.DACKS. LF.I.ANn IUH'SE. P0__tOOM b-JUt, N. T. /amlly hetol of bleb el_>s. tBBBBM. apoolntment and ?er\lce aaaarpaa ad. K-neat t^nnis courts in uie Adirondacka. Bpei ,; .- f.,r Reptembar. ..._? _ _ 1,. K. i B D. LO.KE. C ON CR __8 H ALL, SARATOOA SPRI.NtiS. bKASON OPENS JCNE 25, 1881. _.eco_u_od?tea 1..-00 gnesU; ratee from a3 to 88, per 1 Uy. OKOANIZAlION AN1> MaNal. ._11.NI OF THi. r'AMOUS LAKEWO' D. _H. B, CLKMENT. >tanaf_____ A __U.Tlf._ "srMMER nKSORT. AL'VAYB COO_ AND NO MOSQi'ITOES. INDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, 'ori;f.n\vtcii, conn., filtuited on LONO IsLaXD SO'JND: 28 mllea from New. Tork ; 10 mlies frotu J.-ruu.e 1'ark; 17 mllo.- from Murrli l.rk ; 40 miiiutea from i.-ind Central Dopot. 8end for daacrlp-ve p_mphl, t. Addreaa_11. H. TA1U3. LOJVfl POIVT HOTEL, Ol BBBBCB I.AKK. Lang Polnt. N. Y. (n _r Waiklne Olen). No mosaultoes uo mularla ; bowilng, arl.ry, tenula, boatlng, bathing and flalili.g : food Uverj?; ? _ra_el_M orch'stra; weoxlv hops Tablr and Barvlea uo urpaaaed; tnn-ient. *2 p?r day and up?ard. Bpeelal rat--s f.,r faml'.rs. Addreaa HAll Kl.ON S. DOWBS, Long 1'oint. N". Y. on S-neca Lak.;. "NEW GRAND HOTEL, WESTERN OATBKXXZi MOUNTAINS. Now cnen BATBS RED.I EO fOB J'l.Y; ONI.Y HOTEL OB MOUNTAIB IOP WITH IMKE.T KAlL IIOAD AC-ESS; Mevatlou 2,800 fect; 4?a hour, from New __r_T ?or ratea, Be., adlreaa S. J. .GKNELL. Maa ?__? m 1 (' CAMPBELL, As-slstant. fcuinmlt Mountaln "O-Dlater Cc 3 Y _._ PROSPE.T PARK HOTEL CATMRIUt, N. Y. Wll.l. OPBB JtTBB BB, 1M01. Thla popular BB-UBM I KWt la situated at Latakljl, W. T., on S e 1. gh blufl overlooklng the Hudaon lUver. Both rtver andmr ii.taln \1-wa ar? unaurpa?vd. lho hotel appolnt nin.^ar" Brat-claaa. wl*n accomn.odatloni for 350. Superlor Srtbeatr. Tawn Meala, MUlaraa. boaBng, Uvery and ether'attr-ctlona Heuaouable terma for boUi MbMb.1 and ^F'^'pa'rtfc'ulVr- BB?1 July 1 apply to Hon. MARCWB BFAfHlO. Boboken-va., Jeraer Clty. and during tha ieaaoii ti J H. BAOLET. Manaeer. CaiaklU._ .bC-ry rAUK.nNTJh k Cor. of 2d and Oeeaa aves.; 80 y?_da fwm tha mrf; mh A j^atja; *???- tr-... ** ? BI8 Ig?*^^" HOTBLBBMICK. Bealthleai moantaln Kierl M Ameri. ea: ?r:tc for deaerlptlve |?n.pniet. 11. M. BBBICR. Prop'r, '; f-ycoming Co.. Pa. ,TBL A,'L^!iNO LAKE. N. J. || Hirectly on boach^nVsYrb-^n^u^^^r, watar. fiotftB. IIOTE1, AI.HI.HT. F.IHOPEAN PI.AX. IITR-Sl BliT. BROADWAY aXIi BTR.AVB., B. Y. Locatlon central. Ideal -Nproof biiildlng; cool and Botaeli-aa. Sultea if IWO to six NUM. elegantly furnlahed. Cuisine and aervlca Bnaurpaaaaa, renaa n-a-ooabie for BBBaaei aaaaaa. ^ Hmt^f w ff\\ftt\\tmton* \ Preneh omnTBba,""ol drag. or Bdly-bo ,-, i where _? bc -?;"? Addioas Plrtuo-th RoA Panta Co., il l-.'i..'?*. , lioaton. JDrocc.als. DHOFOSALH POB T!IK COXSTKUCTION 1 ,,]? A Iti U.I.IN'J FOR !?>!? BY rilE _AVAL TORPEDO RTATbON VXD WAR POLLEOE, OB covsTER'B HARBOR ISLAXD, NEWPORT HARROR, _ i-n'ui-.'i f \:. .iu-tiou. NajT DepartnieBt, WaahlnB __ n. i ,,'n! 20 :s i._s.:...-,,..;,....!, nn- h.-rob.v in ;,,.-,, , ,u ?r _a_gation, Ba-ry Denartment, untii 18 a'elock noon, m rridajr. tba ?l?t div of lugnat, 1891, Bl which Hme and plaee they will be np'-n-d ln tbe ?, r -:, t -t ittendlog blddera, for the conati ; Uon b] cont act, ot n bulldlng for i - , . tatlon and War College, to b? ereeted on Coeatcr'a Harbor lal ! I Karbor, R. I., upon a ,; ,; >,.. ri, ? ? ?? f of Ihe It'ir IU of " tnM |,,, - i -I, v eordanca with plana ?*\'.. Chlei of the Bureau ol jgu-igai ii 'l ?:? ??" '' Bna can be -??? n and -; aml ied anrl the loan ot a llmlted i opl s ..btalneil :, n... j;?;, .. of Na ?'"n. Navy Denartment, or nt th." ?,.,,.: ,,r ue. g C. Mbmib * Bon. art-blteeu, Xownort. B j | .j,!..]-.. i iceoi panl l by ^ oenlfled -K-ek ? ? , ? ? ler ol the s.-cretari of the Navy, for Uie anm of 81.000 ???? ? gn ir. Id r, If bla ,u ten daya from the re< -lpt of , t, ,. ol , .1 a ? ' bla offi -. rnt r into * formal i for Ui ? falti r;'. t. rforr, , ? o k and glve ., . .-,,,,,:. boi i fur ?ueh perfortnanie ln a penal aon c.-iual to 15 pe* cenl nf th a om t -f hla hld. Bald hnlbl lr_ a ibI be roinplen. ? s. ? ?;? ? , i. IHi_, -m'l paj under the rontra I ro ta , truetlon will be made In -l\ en ial ' i, upon bllla duly to be j-nld fljiBl compl ' tanee of I ""nrk. Pro -, made in duplleat.. n u ? o >\ ince with rorma ?|;|eh will be. furnl.h d un appllcatloii to the Bure i of ,? ,n , i.t-1 ?? d I-. aealed anvel I I "Pro noaala for tlon of a Ung tor uae by the Naval ,nn rt". >,-.n and War t'oll g?." and addreaaed I I , ,, . f ?f ,. Bureau ol Navl.atlon, Xavy Depart Wa : igton D. C. t ta n aervrd to r Ject ,n or all bida F. at. BAIWA* . Chlet of B?. Buieaa M Bav. _ _r_nr_rri an. BroRXTs. VERM3LYE ft 09., BJLNKERS, 16 and 18 Nasaaa St., __c*v-York City. Dealera in I i-ti aimrni "lecuritlea aoaaad "?'? K ' ??,-?, -? an IroportM '. I..,- r -? , ut ii, ar the clcae ? ? '?'??" '"," ' i ui noar loe , ., - ? ,,...- ,_.. ? ; . I i-. ; No. 2 r>d i ?-',. Wa ,,-;,., Auguat, 8 ? ? ' """ "? ? .'?,-, cloalug ?? l" , -., : iioc .n wheat uru 1 0 l '-.-? Il ' r i dnn.- ii ??? n : ?: an I aonii t; -in,. f_. Uon. . i. dav. Inang Id . Jan lar, .\... -j raah. 27 ,- ? , ?,- ,1c - i! I . - ' Plasaoed unchanp ? .' I ? ? ..-?;? rnin.ul .. tli.ll. V I 11. ?!-::. ? - ? ? - ? tn-h . ? I.UOO b lah . eom, '-"' T",;.<io. auu u.-w.-at Bi-tivev eai i?;Ang. ?? r-asli, C?.'. .>ats Bi ., N ? - ?? II ' ??? r - ? 1 ?t__U , . - - ? ? Ni IV"; 218 ;.--?? n ?.-, fj4 Baal ' ? bbla; wbeat, 334, 582 bu?ii; 'om, 1,818 bua EtTROPEAN PRODUCI MARR Llvera _, Aog. r,. 8:t5 p. m.- li>- f ln i id hatna :., filr I. I ? il Iddlee, ibout 45 - i. Bm ? ''' ?"" . ? ''?' ,?' 88a Bd "..t nld, and BOa Bd fbr new. Che ae ln P'-'r "'? ,,,,:,,1. turj utlr.. ln fair - i- i ;d. I. r' Snni md futur-* in ; . - ' - 80 2 r : r.ii,-i, d ' 'ir - '?' , ? ? j Hl ? ,? ,i : intob, r ?!? ol ,,-.,,! Ilopa at I.. -? Tbera la i EVROrCAM 1 I :. ?s.i 1 \t. MAKJC1 I___BB. A-.e-. rt, ( p.'m. I ; iba, _,.,, |i , 103.; i aoad aa !?? *, a__, i ? ote :t ,-r i-enl , -"''; raBttnea for i ? i "? *t -?^ ; from o,e D-ok of Ijipl-nd on t?la. ? ? UOO. TLOSINO PRICBfl OP POSTON STOCK-J. ""'''?_ --, .-I.TI3.-..C- a\. | UU r -i 5001 1 r.nklill . ';? ?fj aatu. i !-'? . H ?.,-'] . K Kua 1 , K |ii 7l . 1' Sl pf. 01 Bt ? ' , " f \ns; !'.,'.. , entrel ?';, ?, ? \ t'eat .n . i--. I ' '? ' " .!'' v en? 1 " ?? ' [? ,,1,1 , .loll' ??"??' !'?? lb1""1. _!_?iea M tnaw). l \ I r, BulU'O Itoat Cop 14 '? ARVERNE-BY-THE-SEA, L. I. __*____ HOTEI. NOW Ol'KV Dlrectly on tho ocean ; auporb beach ; atabllng; nna dnvea. 40 ii.irut*. from S. v. vi? Lnps laland f.-'-iwaj. COTTtOKw TO RKSTCOMPI.KTKI.Vrt ?>I**HF.D _ KluiiAKi) il BTEAKXS Propr._ The favorlte Ameiican ar.d Inn, whith U one and the aame thlug. BREADI.O AF Ilflf, BIPTOS. VERMOXT. "An Ideal place." Prealdent Ruckham, of Burlfngton. Vt., College. Terma, ai2 50 to 815 per w*ek; ohlldren under twelve and aervant*, 810. JOSEPH BATTELL. ASBIKY PtKK, S. J. COLEDXAN HOUSE. PAreetly on um Baaea. Xka teadlag ;iute.. Wiu ?pen baJurday, Jun<- 27. For ratca, dixgr-ims and lnforma tion addrcss ALFRED S. AMEli. H'?:-l I. porlal. Broad way and 3id.*u Xow.Torh (until Msy all. or Colemaa Huuae, Aabuiy Park, N. J, DUTCHER HOUSE, PAWI.ISO, NEVV-YOKK. Thla olegant Brlck IIo?x-l Is now open for Uie reoeptloa of UuBinex Queets. rtrsi-ciass tn al. d-partmanu. 6END FOR CTRCOLARS. _A1.REKT CJLBPBLABDi Proprieter__ FARROCKAWAY.L.1. THK l BITBB BTATBb lliiTKl.. Complete ln all Its a^p.lritin.-nu. BSW opon under the _ai.48>-mcnt, of tho we-!-known . ate.rer. JOHN J. ROtil-.Rh, o Park I'lace. New-York. GRAND ROCKUND HOTEL. HOCKI.AND l.AKE, the pani of New-Ycik's inotintain resoraBl West 6hore R. f_ ; ona hour's rlde from N. Y Cltjr; grar.d drtvi from the Hud*on to the Huckrnaack. Beantlful monntaln, laku and riv r aaaaary. Haafe day and ovoning. XH_ FIVK.ST HOi'Ef. AXOKQ THE UPPER Hl'DSON. For rafc* ?i>P>v to PR_DS_R1C LORIKO, l'roprictor, fornictlj of __ Ilubtrt's ll_, Caogera, R_ aland Lake. HAnBun VIEW HOTEL, EDt.AUTOW.N, MAKTnA'*) VINKYAKD 1*I.A*D MA?** This hofcl la J>i?t qompMed, and haa all modora Im rrovom'nt". open llreplacca. g_.?. cie; trn: b-. *. _c., _c.; a!>o extonalve plav.rou.ds and th- be?t of UiUitnit and Dabng f*eillt!e.? B.d the. pureit of drlnklng II'la mocnlfleontly leoated. ev<-rr wlndow havlng a charmmg water-view. Beod fej^jflfa tfanagax HOTEL CHAMPLAIN, (MVTON t(>.. N. Y. ON THT. MAIN MNE OP THE DEI.4W4HE AKD BlffMOB lt- tl. THE SUPER3 SUMMER HOTEL OF THf: NOHTII. F.. N. Wir.SOX, Manager. AI.?0 MANAGER OF THE HOTEI, t'ORDOVA, ?T. AUf.r*TI*K, FLA. HOWLANb HOTEL, LOBCI IIKANCH. This ssleot famlly hotel wlll open for the seaaon June 25; cul?_e and table aervlce are uotcd for thelr s_teBaaaa; apectal rates made for th*; >ea*on; apartmenta can now be enrasod at tho Albomar'.e Hntcl. Madlson Square, BTSW* York. H?HBT. ________________ , "hotel columbia, BKLMAR, N. J. 15th 6?a?on. Flneat locatlon on Ui-j cousi. Hotel open after June - Aa., addr^a HIF.D E. K'lSTER. Mnar BB* lUVVaiiUia waa ?-*?- ----- jj 15th. For clrcular, ter_?. tc. a<Jlr*? liNDIAN NECK HOUSE. AT INDIAN NECK. BBABPOBO. 0OBB. Dtrectir ou tha s.mnd. a elean botua: etaaa rooms, noativ rttrnlahed: tabi ? seeond le aanai pnr? well wator; a wlde shadv awa. and u flne beaeh. c- ___2_' _r _?.-.?ronrtetof' LONC BRANCH. West End Hotel. ( iiiiuit'- nnd Keainurant. Tranatont ratea, *4 a dav and upward. wcekii rataa, Btt aad-ppwarj. Hi_dr_th. New-York offlee, ItetropoUtan Hotel._ LONG BRANCH. ( **TAT_*4 HOiEI.. PawlT f-rnltbed and dacorated; aelaat baaliy and tran s,0Dt h?^_j.aYAJraJB-y.-raaatataa. EMTAL WSANHATTAN BEACH ?OTEL,. MAMIATTAV I1EACII, 45 B-XNUTES BBOSI NKW-yoiiK, T. F B__Ut_Bk, BS-BACTBta. ivatkk u\r iioi:j*e, D_L.VWAIIE waTi r. .??-;?. PA. Baaatiful arenorj md tba jatat of boaela; throe houra from Xa-Yort r_ _../-& ^- 1<V *_KOp,?,AD, Ii EBPOkiU aA'iU-N^a, B-UIORD. PA. BOIEXi Ol'ENS JUNE 18 Wrlta for pamphlet on thla great Reaort. and the fa_ena PEOEOiU* BPBAB4PJ salVBBA- WATER. L. B. IK)TY. M_Bger. fj1 oii;i> 'iTa . :i.i ni .'i < ?n, tl lil. HFIF.LU hpiUNOS. N. Y. F> M. EAB?_, Ownei - - Ictor._ IOHL?NB HOI ??, Oeaaa Q ???- B. J^taea?_B unsurpaased; newly fur . no-i comp.etu -.. u.i house J. r?-. Terma a; to *10 S ps*n.ber, aa le 87. _ E- O. KOBEi RAN8, Kl. AMITYVILLE, '. ?? :.^,MH.i:-j FilOM NEW-YORK. 10 rRAlN." DA1LY EACH [SVAY. aUKF AN1> KflLLV,- l L~~A FriNTMNE. ATLANT1C CITY V. I 130 .so eoly one g_3p_ week; *i 60. ii per J.- 0. - v.T.;..:;r B_4jOSb S1DE VII.EA. 10! Tt.i-uo, near 'innd-ave., lfl.\ ? vll ir.odem eonvenleneee; notj op-n; d ahido. Mia. S. F. _.VVrID('E. MR'N-fAlN ':?'' , . Dolaware Water flap, P?nn. N'.w op-n; ?ond for vu'ItNi. B-Mdaa, -n. J. FAClNti 1HE OCEAN. atOW OP?B. A. M, SA.NK. P". HOl'SE, -(??.!%'., I.AKK N. JT Mth season. ban.o n ''1''I'C'V. RM. CONKLIN'S, CO_D BI?K1 ? ? HAllBOr*, I. i . i';a-..nt rra.trj ; f_m_r'a mllk; taM", ooiMm;, Ush _l and batniiif B*e_; ar u> *io. Ad.irea? aa sbova. w'T. M.\R<: BOTEL, PAJBFIE-D. COKB J^ Locitlon, appointui-nt* ?nd -? i ??'? ,?,'!'r VrJ'"V.'"1 OBOROE A. WEEI_4, Prop. TTTt _0__fWt5oT> it'i.'Fi.s. I ig Hnn-h, N. J., wlll u... .i tor gii'i-W June 1. LEON COTTI..NTIN. Manager. _ _ _ _ AU.i- _BEO HOEY. Ix>ng Branrh. If. J._ T:?E OBIEBTA_, att.antIC CTTY n. J. Vlrel:.!-i-iv .. i..4r t?ai:h. Everythlag nsw. All _o4en, B-eaaaaaaarb^ m ornKaxmau PwtJf. __ V' ?? N VEOnTEX HOt'SK BaRATOUA sprinos \.t. Urom Broadwaj nr?t -? ln all its ap :,, r . -v roo. - ?i ? ?! r..--. fnr Sertl \^^ ven.oiit f. aii ho'ol-aud aurln--^ M". S. VAN VMiH'rFN SnmmtT Itcsort (5niJ)fa. *'OUT ON LONG ISLAND" Illuatrated I*BscripU\e Booh of all the i.-?.it i,? the I. 1. K !'. \ 0 f0? -"..-on 1.-.1H aud I'aiuplilet nl IlnieU iiuil ll.i.rll.ia (otinaia Tr e .. ? iu .11 i? u r -? n 1 '? eU I '" ?? sv:i 1 || . | ... I. K. B>, Loot I i i.aia Uroadway. -ind ut TMKET OFflt F. 71 I1IIO \I)\V.? \ , v. Y. In Broahlya bi ; ?.r .-i.-..- -?.?????. . ?' ?< ?_ _ooiitrn liourrj. ATTRACT1VE besne fn ,',,,t itiul ,4.1 . n. OWNEit, 74*A_a E\. i i.l.l ? ? : rfin-d iKime; :ar?- hoasa: Bn? lawa; aaaata; mm> Box 28, J-*r h_in_t-on-8?__, M, Y_ MvTTlCl EARM IlOUSl _ In _e OA rhhII.L_ ElrvaUon 1'600 fee*- Torms. . 84 aa 81. UAJkM li_l_lV4.. ?sst ^4A*ab, & X. _E__B3a__L__?"*V. iSS *i__-T___ <_ttnr9ion8. TbaWaeafB, PLEASUBB GROUSDS A rt. !t, Vful aali ii la*t> golng _(__? ' ey*. Two grand Magi.18. ei t foiiaga, rara a'.anta and nortienltaral wondara. Aa unequalla. menagerle, "narn'.tieact a?'ar.> and mamrcoth ao.uar.nm. .?_. titm "'-n laland elaru _u? Dlnneri a la carto. "_Tii;o.'>cot?ch:an-i ' ' fhadalry." Boa.og, DalaV iDg. dabiog. bowling and b.i.iarda. Tl-K TlBLK-HTBAHERS I.EAVB Pler 18. N. R , fnM CortlaBdt bt. 8.45. ?.??. 10 45 A. V.t 12:00 M: 1 :.w. ?* o", |:80 ?.Td 5i.-> i\~i ? Jewel.'a Wlnri. Uou.l n, V 00. 10 1,0. 11 00 A. M , l-:li. l 45. 8"?_ 8:48 P M. 8Ji l.. R? 8:80, 1", 10 31. 11 88 A. M| 1. 45 1 "?(). 2 15, 3:15 l 15, -.I.I P. M. rjien laland f r 824 S'. ar.d Pler 18, *40<?. ' rXn'RilON TlfKITM 40c. . IXTIIA f.OATS S1TNDATS. N. R.. 10:46. I'or PJ r H oniv, 11 45, 1.' 45. POB ALL l__R_>IBi*S, 3:1., 4 15, 5, 6, 1 and 8 1' 40c. o BEACH. STEAMER3 Gen. Slocum and Grand Repablia Leav M IB.M Ai.-nata. Wea8t__aa. B-w york.I__ fjiff I :f? Weat 10th at.. N York .8 ?-> ' J,* 1HB I'l-r 8. N. 11.. Bew-YorB._'__ }0:& I.fS Jewell'a WUarf. liroo.ilin.8:30 1100,2.15 Jaraey Clty, Brooklyn Annex l'o^i-, laav aj B aa a. n_, 10:35 a. m. at"l 1 :8S n. m. Retumlng. leavB R ?eh. Il dM a. m.. 8 md 0:30 P. ?? 30c._Fnrr ItoimU Tri|?_?*<__> IRON STEAMBQAT C.MPAIY. D1KECT RCUTE XO THE IRON 1'IEUS AT Coney Island ?*? Long Branch. To-._Ai- ii.MiwA_:._ I-".: CO>BY _._anu. .UO.U VV_>T ?.;?!>-M'.. N. K.-'.?, 10. 11. a iu,. U BB. 1, i 15, 8.80, 3 'j. 4.10, 5, ?), 7, o and l? v- m. FKOM l'lKR (BBWS No l. ?. M_- iftttary Haee autlon rallroa_>).-W:8u. 10:8_ 11:80. 12.80 a li., 1.80. -Ui, 3, 3 .15. 4.40. 5.30, 0 80. 7:30, 0-80 aud 9:30 p. iu- ?__.__ Rr.TT-n.NINO. ' _, ., ._ I.KAVE CONEY 1M.AMI Fl ? R?4-At 10 :4? 11:48 a. n. l-:40, 1:40, 2:40. 3 .5, 4:10, 5, 5:45, 0:40, 7:40. KARE9toVoNnY7s,_AnND AND RF.TT-RN, 50 CENTS. TI.TIE TARLE FOK I.?>\4i ISKAW.l-S HIU.II \V_M' '..ll>>..i'., N. ii.-- 30 a. ta. aud 3.80 P FUO.M 1'IEK (HI8TJ XO. 1. BL R.-10 a. m. and 4 i<. _, Kl.l I'KNl.N'ij. LEAVE OCEA_ riKlt-l_ 15 p. ?. and ?:np. m. r__u_ ioLono bhaSjch anm> iikifk:.-. ;? _-?__i l.'ARE. 50 CRMTS. Excurslon Uckett tu Coney l;ie.-.d aj.d Lona.-Kaeab aaBB at all d-,wn traek itatlona elevated Nada, wUk fta_ ^"nafae bctween South Ferry aud Battcry HeeB for 88 8M M ava, paaaaagaaa._ t CONEY ISLAND. aVB-T BBlUHTBl BBAI H. Sea Beach Route, Culver Route, Bay Ridge Ferry, From loct ol Whllehall ?Urcet, Tennlnua Bf Ki,_\ t I'hil Kii.tirsi, BKOAOWAY 1.1 NK, Roau eonnectu.s al Bax iUdge wltk tralna for ConajJ laland vla CULVEB and _EA BEAUI t^T;lf.n*___ Whltoiiall-at. bourly from 7:10 to 10:10 A. M.. ">ern.^ bourlv from 10:10 A. M. to 9 :40, :10;:L0' T. M. 8u idaya 9:10 A. M. and half lO.lO A M to 11 40 and everr twentv minutea to 9:10, 9:40. 10.30 F. M- BO> turnlng, last tralaa wva Couey Island at il 03 f- ?? Excurslon tlck-'ta. 40 centtj_,_ MIDSUMMER EXCURSI01\T -TO ITIAICH C_nm__a OLEX O^OKO and nm FAMED SWITCHBACK, Vla Ontrnl Rnllroad of New .lereey, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. A apeelal e\pr^?s u-dln will icave New-York from fook of Ub-rty-at., Nortb Rlver, at 8:30 _ m., r turnUia, Kara 'for re_o4 tdp aftljr 08.-8i SwitchUc* 50 centa TlcMM wl'l l"5 fc*"yl M retum on Aug. 9 or 10 oa Dav, nt of ?1 Ui Bgent at Mam-h C.-unk. ..... Kur InformaUoii aa, lndlviduala or fam'.l. ce) annlv to il P. BALDWIN, Oen. JPasa. A:t.. C_?V_ buU-Ing, 148 l_.lbe:t.-t., N. Y._ West Point, Newburgh & Poughkeepsie Dally Excurslon (exfopt Sundaya; t>y Day Linu Stoaiiera NP.W.YORK "nd AI.RtfT From nr,oClvn, Ful-cn-at. (bv Annex).U_0.-Ma._B " NB-v-Yorit, neabruaa- a-at. Pler.8 :4C " New.Yor* weat -':d-t. P:er.9:00 ? Returnui?, d'ie M New-Yorlt at 8:80 rt. m. PJOBBlBta nnd AaTTBBBOOB CONCEKTS MANHATTAN BEACH. TMBIBB MMVK FOOT E. 34T1I ?T.. N. T dailv 8.C lea aul Buuday). e tu, io:^o, tl_M a. ra.f 1* ?:') i 80 - 80. d J1-. 4 ;30, - 30, b .80, 7 .00. 7:30. b"uO 'd.3o, 8:00. B -0 y.'.O p. m. Abiili U..N Ai. ii'.Al.N'a ?>ll be run on Stiturdar* and Sui d_j>, l :60 i_undaya only), 8 <X), 4.00, 5 :< 0. 0 00 d. m VVHITEHALL-ST.. u-rnilnu? of al! .-levatcd rouds and itycet-car llnea, Murly tron 7:10 to l.:10, an4 Jhall from 1.10 lo 9T0 i>. fli. Bundaya bourly fn:m ?j-10 a. n:. tfl ;?:!0 B. :n. A_litl?::al bout ki\,-a at UtOB p," m. (Saturdaya only). . _ . <;r,i.l Coaeerta Every Afv-rnoon md F.venlng. GILXOBK-I IMO.MFAItAlil.l-. IUNi>. PAINS OP.EAT SFECTACLI. PAKIM FROM EMI'Uf- TO rOMMINE. AM) ORABD PIB-aWOaU-Ba cviry evciiiiig excepi Bunday and Mcndav. _ "?-% OES. Po#__f=r A^jf . .'i ?aaa__ ..,"" g_BT /fc <p_5pwt_,' ? ^^>SSi o<T V ?a.ii.B_ia_v'# V. FASX BT______a_l LEAVE Br<"?" Pler, ^ ? llrtoklyn. Bro. n?-st. ?- *?? 10:00 . m. ? a. in. 10 ? I'.-oo p. m. - :18 ii. ui. :':-1" i' '??? 0:0:'! .1 18 p. Bl. ? -3.1 p.m. Also from I3nth-?t., Harlen Kiver ftenrun-:- M M iM ad ave. elevated nada), iu ai i 11 ;? ???? ,J-,,'J? a :80. 5 .00, 0 :30 and 8 .00 p. m. Ia-T boat leav s II-. _ n I'ul.t 10 {>. n.. Excurslon tltkeU, 35c.; chlldre. uudae LOUC BEACH, L. la I.IIM; [anutBB l!\Il.RO.\l> TKA1N*. Le.iv.- rOOT 84TB-ST., B. R.. aeatwlaya, 7.50. 10:50 a in 1:20 i ?->! 5 30, 5.">0. 0 50. 10 t'J i?. ni. -unUaia j:80|' 10 SO a ii..; U 80, 1 50, tM. 3 80, 4:50. 7.00. 7 .50 p ro._,_, ?__ ("S OACH1NG.?R. H. k-Bej &: Co.'b fonr-in J baad, O." Baraa 8MM eMea> Tbbb8bpBj Tk_-_a?8 aM ralni-Bya. at 10:30 a. iu. BMaaaMB. ?*? rivs at 6th.??,-,?. and 14tr.-at. at 6 :30 p, m. Tlcket*. 8'3 50. for rouad trip. can ba purchaa<. la iheir MaaaeBB u>i?tn_.->(. t? hli. HAILW AV. " -Il'-H 'I.\ GLElf. _ Bl'NDAYH ABD WKnM.MilVs. ai I__va -3d-. 9 -C a. :>i. ; C_auib-.ra-?T... 9.30 a. _U Retar__ig.TaavaBbaaeia 0 p. m. No Napa *M1 of l__r ""aRBRarWOOB T.AKF,. WMnead^va and Piin^a^-a, 78 rei.ta. Wedaewlaya leava MM-ai . 8_? a ?_i^l"*_f\ at 0:30 a. m. * " _ m'J Chamters.,t., 10 0? ?? "? lW-i ar ti.-ii -rt ..-r-i-.a. J.ublic Xotices. ?V u ^ |i,.iM.i;TMh.\T, Al UI . .".. 18.1. la . _, iaUun uf applicanu will be held tegmnlsf * ?? uuiru : B__ ,'?,, ;, , ? i:.f . au . Uakaa. ,.' r. ' ;' utait. rinaa i i I I ikera: 8. ui.- '. ' n"8 _,,.'....;? 0. Quartermaa Bla-Itli: .. y..a teniua Yirda an. Docka Department-O. Aaalataat ta Clvll EnKlnee . Oidnance Depattmciit- 10. Q_ rtvruua lu , of Machlnl?u. i?- e_amlnatl ii will be i uen u. all rleuce ui "oiiil'Ktu.g ,, ,. Kl?^ o| n h Bm * arek ? niployii -:.t. an. r'tll, j . 1' r-o,;.-, now hold ipattaa ... ,,.,',:.,..- eoiplay. ippll iti ?, mi i . _. , uoipaoltat - . ably l ,,iu prcvloua e_iulo>era i- to . I.a a.-i. r. hablU ol i.idu.irr .- ?? -a . i t,. klud equll <1 AppllraiiU ?l!l bi- Inlornn-d *. W m i i ?? ? i. ; M be requln. tu lapetl lor atloii. The rxamlnaobn wlU be p ictleaJ la < bar a,-t, i upvum refir Iveh t.. U.e reanliBBMBM ? ,__on t.. be nlled. It will be dli ruaj ??? Uie iiipll'-ant'a knuwledae ni hl< ? .1 n of tbe qualltlea that will enaMa __a to _et , ,..,u r.ork out ??! bla atea. 1'ha BjupUcant'a anleredtrnto , f ?I 1,1 tln li ? ! i lai ona. \\ li ..? tb< ro la no -obs ? I-r.?e,i?? !,, tbe n. r.t- i.f '?.. applicaiita for toe . .;?: ..... >? pr. ?? leui ?? to a . i .--i ,.., IIii ? Ihe YarO . l'lur Ui-ii t?. a rjiidlilaU' from a >l -' o that : that ?? lo ' "J"'' 0 --IX.IU, - , .1 ralrulatlona: that th*) ar? of rvi>i._ilila . ,,t that convlrted of trlme ,,i in'-ilenu-a-or. luatlou th.- will n_ae a daul tha Hei tel i-v , f tha Navy, ahoi t. g the ron uaraBve m.r.i ,.f tu.- aiH>lk-anu f?r ... ti \i incj and de?lcnalln? the naiue of ln- uidirlduU wl a, in iu- opliiioii. ih m-i ?luaiiiicd fur tha p__et ., JC _vl__t, AuUug MHW- 4. (MtiiVZa