Newspaper Page Text
LI1ERARY NOTES. Mr. Oeorg? E. Woodberry's "Forum" paper, deallnR chlefly with thc- romniei-. ial motive in literature scen'R to ua unduly pesslmtstlc. and. ln rnith. somewhat Ul considered. Whlle we concede that the monoy-KCttlng. inonev woi-shlppin? s-piHt may po*stbly havo some do terioraUna: effect on mlnor llterature, we do not belleve. that It wlll cltbrr extmgulsh or itiflnenee acrua! K'wus. The etrng of aordld poverty. the misery of dirty and ignobte aurroundlrHra are not abw.lutely necrs.~ry to the hlrth of loftr thoupht; and the thonpht is no less loftr If. after It _ recorded. the thlnker <b-scends from hia mood of Insplratlon to awalt another in and oomfort, The hoiiaeholder's e*so ln which Shakespeare dled wrtihl aarm ?> ahow that the gruatcst of BOSta was not wlthout a thHfty revrard for property ; yet we can not *ee. that the commervial motive wo.ked anyi|i|?n to his R4M.1UB. It we were incllned to ?4*ree with Mr. Howclls in hta theorr that genlus b. Imrd worked. we mlght **? aere* with Mr. Woodberry ln hh apparei. fear BB to the effeot of ? oommerclal on Pterature. As lt Is. we do not in tne lenst antblpato that thla clrlH/aUon wlll cltbrr l.urt or retard our llterature. If Mr. Woodberry were to re-cenit,-.' th;.t in many dtrectbms wo are stlll ln tbe***** if. above all. he were to reart ?ur 11 terary htetorv ln the BBjbt of that fact. he would. we th k, be wilUr.* to admit that the urowth of our litcnvtnre has been eminently hca-lthy, natnral aiKl vigo.ous. and that ft Ba_PBB a inajmHlcent Btoaalaa He doe* much less than JusU.-e to onr maff-ilncs aa Ihe nurscries of authors-BO much less, *s to B.iggest thc aasplclon that he rarely reads them. The two rolumes for 1H?0 of tlie Hakluyt Soclety have just been is*ued. They consist of '-Thc Yoyace Of Fraiicot* Leitnat to Rodrlquee, Mauritius etc edited bv Captain <>tiver. The Society bw In paeffr ration edittons of the "Travels of La<> Afn.anus ; efj th? "Voyagea of Foxc and James to HtiBBpu s l?a>^. of Baleigh's ? Dlscoverie of the Knipire of (iulana-'; and of 1)amphrr'B " Voyage*." There 1s a ax>od deal rrf tit.sel In Mrs. Amelie RiveVs Ftx.ry In "The t*o*mopollt?_i" : lt is much to be fearea that Uie yonng tady baa not jrreatly Impioved her literarr theortas and performnno-s. It n?y wfthout eiagceratlon he said that Matthew AriK.kl detcrtea Browning's verse. As to the greater poet's opinloti of the other's poetry, Mra. Orr's recent biography gtves aa do satlsfaction; but in a letter to "The Athenaeunr slie is nmrr " Hro..n!n_ loved Mr. ArnokPa poeaiis," slio ,-aiv "and made at leaat o_o <rth.r pawscm lore them 1 thlnk Tbe <;s P?J Scholr-** wv that whtch mc*t :ipp**..l<-d "' ?"??? anrt ? to the one lnstance I can reoall of his betrayln* sym patby with a dramattc or lyric sndness which heid any reflectk,., upon Bfe. I first knew the BSaBB through the llnes ln which lt chsiracterire* OBT modern oxistence as a stranire 'dtsea*?,' 8 tale of -sirk Uurry* and 'divlded atms*; nnd thev have livod In my inemory throiiph these many yeara ln tlie soiind of the low patl.etu ?roice Iu which he ropeated them. Soinethin? of his fealiiiK mav be gnthertd fnun B BBBBiaB _ the letter to Mlfi^ Hlagden wtdrh I havo part'V t*** ?* P- -8' of the llfe. But he fnlly appTe-iatod 'Ktnpedo?1cs,' as, tndeed. its author knew: and in thelr order of nu-rit all the other poems. I thlnk therc can be no unklnd aaaa ta BBftai that Mr. Arnold was less |B8t toward bln_? _ Julea Claretie onotes the most fashionablo book acller in Parts ac (hvlarmg that Uie French publlc Is now eng-ged ln rendlng hl?tory; tliat ? the novellsta are loslng gromid.- and that llterature and d(K-umenta wlU henceforth have tho npper hand of tmaelnnttva llteraturo. In the line of these. state nKnit^ la this lmerestinir paragntph, which wo flnd in ?Tho 1-9 BB? _aBBB88".l Hkrig is expeHcticing lust nnw a curious crlsis ln the l-ook tr*4<?. These arlse from time to time, r>r tlie publtfhlng Uade ls no more tn* from (iveipiodiiotHrti or ?? elnt" than anv otlver bronch of commetr.. There are about a Boaea authors wlh? command the French marhet. und w>me four or tive whose pojnilarit>- BBemi lnexhaustlble. Hnt tho number of BoreBata U to be eounted not by d.*ens. but by hundreds. And st 11 tlie uublishers go on lasataf. A few days ago the pnblfiher Of one of these popular authors Iwd *'.?? copics ol his last Tontiiro rrturned to hlm. The> weia tlie voromoa that had l^cn aent to tlie dlffcrent niil wav etatlons. There had beou ?careelv any sale. they aU came buck. And vet this antl.or wa* vcry popular. Tbe e_planatir>n is the pievaletit plan of sendlnR worka tirst throuKl. the aa ftulllelons. Tho nuvel b*d h*t iu freslmess: h was disoonntxsl before, lt was _ aaa- This system is found to tell on the nior* ex Marra voTumea. Lately an aH pnhlicatJon BBedltton de luxe. maifnlflcentiy brought out. illustrated with orlirlnal eiiKniviiurs, libcrally arniounc/d and Rener riuslv cnticlsed, eam- t*S-k to the publlsh.-r with only onc copv soM: a se(vmd venture, mibliBlKd nt a piiin.a, oMnlned a aplc ol ?lx exampfca, and then the edttton was ?oM out foi one and a hatf fraiics n copy. At pn-sent lt 1!. understood there are 3,000,000 volumes of novels on tlie handa of Farls publlshers w-hidi cannot \a cid, rld of. Aud this number grow-R from MJ to d?v It was even protiosed tliat these unsaUblc vninmca ahonkl be dlstrlbuted at eountry falrs aa for childrefi. instead of (rinperbread or sweet^ hnt thiit tbe Pn-foct of PoBce interfered and BaOPP-d thc practlre. _____________________ Ncro Pnblicaiions. u fcADY TO-DAY.: EO.NLVIN _______ The Adveniurea of a Runaway by Land and Sea. By HDCTOR MALOT. Tranalated by MARY J. SKRRANO. fBAJUPER'S aR_KKI_X SQUARE _IBRARY.) 8vo, raper, 00 c?u_. PUBLISHED BT HABP_R & BROTHEliS; New-York. The above work la for sale by all bookacilc?, or will be aent by Harper B Brcthcra, pi.stpaid, t? auy part of the tr/nitrd 8UU?, Canada. or Mi-sico. on recclpt of thc prl.->. ElL'hWenth Edition. uoat paid. for 25c. oi ktainua. THr. Hl'MAN HA1R: Wh_ lt Falls Off: Turna Orar, and tbe Remedv. By Prof 1IARLF.Y PARKKR. A. M. LONO A ( 0 , 1.018 Arch-st.. l'hlia.. I'a. "I'.vtry one should rcad this Iittle book."?Athenaeum. tiiui 8ct)oola. THF WEWTORK LAW SCHOOL. 120 BROADWAT. New-Tork Ci?T.?AnnuaJ Baaalen apaaa, Octot.-r l. Ihtfi. Two vear?' ?oursf. leadtng to dcirr*' of T.L. B. Tuitton fee 8100 "Dwirht M^tbrd" of tnatructlon. For cata kxroea addre*? OKOROE niAST,. Dean. _ 3notrnction. For Boa? and Young RIen?City. A-CLASS KOK BOTS.-li.terniediata and adranced ? ajradea; atudenta pn-p_rad for coii-?c _,". a lentlho BctiooU _.d bualue*-. W F CHASE. 72 We4rt 50Uau ADV1CE ABOt'T SCIIOOLS and circulara free to par *nt*>. SUvte loculr.y. BMec dctred. pupil'a a?* and aex. P. V. HOYRSOON. American iichool Bureau, 2 W, I4th-at. ?HKKZf BOHOOIa Autunin half. tw, lfth yesj. wlll becln Monday, Sept. _8, I8BB, ln the new fljvr.roof bulidlmt. 18, 20, 22. M Weat 4<lh--t. Accomn.odations for a llmlted numljer of iVarding atudenta. For latc-t and de*crlptlve pan-phlt't addxeaa J. . : \.-.h REED, A. M . H-cl-T.r. IN'Sl'ltrtTIOX ta Mmmirelal branch^s. elocutton, milf tary a. lenc-- ?i.U tacuca and deflcleat Ei..-r.a.-> given oa ~?sonabie ??'n.s; u.ui,- experienoe. Call Tuiaoajs and Thura-ays t*tweau 8 and 3. or addreaa B. K. HYATT. 113 htadlaon-ave. IVsTlTI'Tf. 0P BOCIAL KC";N0M1('S.-1??\ a?.U rv.^TT ' irTar sci.oel. preparalon to b.i*ln>-a and ciuiianahJp, ?"'j?-"^;r fefV.-N. _s_?__?i!!i_____! 23d*t^ I.TIBO I0W^S[,^ M. A, Cor. iSth-at._ P:ai?raWo:. foi_eol!eg_e_or b-alnaaa. P~ REPARA1\/rY coiiecc acnoot al 1TB 47'h-aU, eonduewa hr H. E. Well*. tho leartier to^Rfet how to efidj . thouBht ejerci'.el and apeedy d?velopnent of abllJt'.e* bv the r.*0'-'J ? of InatroeBao crriployed; panooal attcntion i*_eaeh: llmlted Bo Iwelve acholai-_ II aiTPB-XTT (4RAMMAR BCBOOL. l.?73 Broad??T. A For Youna ladles-City. CADFJMY OF THK rKSULIM*. E. MORH1SAN1A. NI.W-YORK CJTY. Inls __druy wUl reop.-u on the flrM, W.ili.cadai of sopteiub^r. Iho new con\ent and acadeiuy at H>slf(ird 1 ..a aa Bm Uaj-in- Kairoad artU bc r**?dy tor aeaapaacp ue?t .\o\eniber. For aaitc jIbi-h cull . ?". M" illi-it im.JlMtK, buperior._ MonTri?D i'0__h,'ilA'l_ bo'l K&>- Ibata ara two raaoaalaa la an eatabllsl.eil prlvate claaa offarmi,' un usuai adiaiitaa'c* Tu qirl.s. d---i.?iK >uch a eearaa. rom p<tirDt teariitra; caren>l attcntion t? physical ciltun-; well e<julL.ic-<i avbool-rooD.a and iaboiau.rj. fluninier addrc*a. COI_.l?lAT>^_i:Ol.'lUsE. U'i\ 16, Ke!i?.co. \. Y. ACAOEMIO CLAS8?8 KOR OIRLK. Dcalgned to pr?. .par? for coll-g. .<i.n:i..Ui?v bm *u.i*d t? "_c nc?da Ct aii e_i_?at atud?iu: apeclal aWeiUion glveii to EiiKllah, BJoenUori and pliyalral cultura MAKT B. WIIllu.N. / i.. ar.d lois a BAKQBVBtB Parsara W. T._ AMFKK'ax KlBdrrgartan BanaJ Bchaol reopana, 27th . <5_t. 31, at 60 Weat r.'d-at . S. Y., and East Diangaj fc_ J-_,_EMILT M. COE, PrlnclpaiV .? a nf MhiY uh. and mk_. aatt-Maia'a __. .scllOUt. KOK (?ll'._>, eo. on.-as- MI year. Claaaca wiaa Coi'imbia tki..'???? rrruteaaora. C. u B BOOL TOROIRUB, j ?<;i M-dlaooare. Prlrrarr and advaoaed ?ork. Pr.paratl n. f.,r collge. lo'-lurtlii^ Coitin.bla cxaii.'ntition. Dciaarte liT.r.naaU ?. Ra I - >rUi and Mlaa Baraea, Prtnclpais, JiOKBOH bEMUNARY, u.O.'0 Fif?.-a\.-.- RoaraiiiB aad ;,:... s,-.:..ol for YpuiiR l_dlic anr! rtilldjen. J'uplla attea for colleae. 27th y.-ar coir.n.Mice? Oct. 1. MISS />( HftCiN, Prin-irai ; Mlifi BLAKE, Aa?i._nt Prinrlpal, faraiBB rnarisSt ? 1-siBaide i>ci.ool. New-_ii/o~i. Coaa. Jnatrnmon._ ~~Fut Boya and Youn? Men?("Ity. mv T?iR _ lFULES AND MISS TBOMPSON'8 M HR__a_MN- AXD DAY SdlOOL FOR OIRLB, 82 and 84 Eaat 37thut., Xew-Tork. Reopena Thuraday.Oct. 1._ M"-ick ANNIE BBOWB, 713715 Flftli Avmut, PMriaVv ai. ac*_t_n!e work. lml. .m* P?P???MOB, Mj ?____-*_? f_T;h.- Columlua ard Harvar. exaaaloatlon* ffiaMMBu _%a?Vfr8_B_r tT-f-aT:._ M *a___Si,M^I_i^___MM __M_E_ 7- 189lL lvo_t^h|i-nlted.) 29 Kaat eeUal. near M.dtaoo-bvb^ MA___T6lSELL_ YE1.T1X -SMioo'l for Olrla. . l.iw-n' aead-mle and coll'gr preparatloi.. Blader. gaiten coi.-uct.rf entlrely ln ___,jl?_._! _-L^?b_b dupII of t?_ late M-dani.- Pape-( arpenter. Slxth yrar op*_? baCbfl 1. 1891- __ Weat 78d-a_ _ _T. 1__ _I_bO__' .chOOT for .Tn_^7vTw^t 47th I\l aV-WW r_>P?l Sept. 30. Three boardlng puplU will _?? rflved Into the family-_ \f ISS EII-A.KTII L. KO.TM. 10 Eaa^75th-a. 1>1 11,-rdlrig BBd Day B_.I, reopena Oct. lat, Biiaiclal couraes of atudy. II 20 I.AST ".V'TH-St.-Ftigtiah. Mlme. and 048-aa B'.rdlng and Dav School for Oiila. Twenty-ttfth J-ai b-.lim S.-pWrnbor AS._ BJBRST LEOPOLD WEIL'S SCHOOL FOR QIRL8. Jtl 711 M?diMjn.a_e^>_p?re_jor_oolle?aa._,_ atal.s M. BI_iCKWXI.r_B Bb_ob1 aaWLBl_8MfarMa for Mo*_d>8- la-pa-a Octobcr 1. at 15<) E_at 83d-st.-. MISS .IAIDON-s FAM1LY AND DAY SCHOOL FOR UIHLS. H?8 MadU-ii-av.-., will rtiBWi moliM l". CMasea Mr lttti.- t__d?_. PreraraB_i for aailasa, and ror Uu- H*i\urri aud Colun.bla __umnjl_CBB._. MADAME DA SILVA.-School for Olrla. Frerrh Uie ?aiiguage of the arhool and the famlly. 24 Weat 88that. 38d year brgina Qctober 1._ Tiik U___> MIML, '411 ?"d 10 fj"t In charge ..f Ml*a Julla O. M'Aillater. Prtaelp*-. Mra. Sylvanua Reod, Vialtor. 28th vear baglna Oct 1, 1891. The third bntldlna. Nc. 10 Just add-d to th.. acbool. afTords improved accommod* IU, J>1>. KIU.U _> _?" "sV??..- -. Baaa to both resldet.t a.8 day puplla._. THirTtlVfeiUsiDE _rif.6i_-Mn.B limily AVV?.; l'r.paratlon for Vaa*ar. Rari.ard and othef aaaMBBB for wom u. A-Mfiolo, liitermollate-. P''?*! K; iVdergarten aud Speclal Claaa fo- Boya. L?rgo. kltr ro__.7or wSldent BBpllB. 50 W. 104tl..^t, Cantral Park. ThV '( _____ u k s.hool. _ . _,,. r _rnllV and Dot Bchool for Olrla ; _?_ y88_MB-B8_go8_ bvr 1 10* Mb" ?*v- Prlncl_D*I_J12j!^?lJ0t|?-!_. THE -MSSES MOSEK. 647 MadUon-av*. , Boardlng and Dav Sehool for Young LBdla* BBdCM^ dr-n. Prepare* for Barnird and otber collegf* l-ignia ?-?r beglna B.-ptembtt S*. 18.1. _^-^? TlIE SflBStS W_.F.AK8' Boardlng and Drr J-?h001 for reama MUaa -nd __]___.. arfth ^"d'K^_ Reopena^ctobe^l;_ 87 __?t_oatnj>i; VAN ?JORMA_i WBTlTjrtTXfFooodeeMMTK ',,1?I?n!! D?v School. OOI.D AND BnO-fl* M^"AL^/Veal EXPOSIT10N. 18.8. .80 and -8TTIM^. M*L_f? Eod-ave. Mme. ViN KORMAN. Prlnclpal.? \arr.8T Esi) AVBITUE Pc-hooi for __lB>-Fr_Bary. Tr_. YV paratorv. CoUeKlat,- and Art Pe^r*r*nt?; ???r?,'f.n atudlo work. Mlas MaRTHA THOMPPON. PnnelpBJ. Reopena Oct. 1. 281 Wct End-ave.. cor. ,8th-a_ MiiRleal Inetmetlon. 1*1 R, A. L. SCni'LTZ, Organlat Sands BWBBB *_*?_*! LU Church, Brvoklyn, will reamne leaaoi.a Ug?Jg_ organj tseptoi-ber \. Addruis 227 Dufllold--!.. Brooklyn. For Both Se_e9?Clty, A_,____? SCHOOL, 310 WEST SflTU-ST. Home and Bay School for GlrU aud B0**,, __I_K)pcua bap|? 2T 1S.1_ PreparaUon foi_JIWI*_ METKUPoMVaN f,,l.l.l.'.K OF M-SIC, 10 and n B*?t 14th St.. ICew-York Otv. Hh, no eeaal for Bm thoroughiieaaof l"'i'ruc"0?n1 ?nd.p^,e ausoiute safety ?f tu n?tti.^a Full MaailBMlaaaeM. 14. He-iU.nce for ladv pup la from aJMAN, Dudloy Buek. Pi,-hI4-iU , Albcrt Ro?? VaracnH W?*{_+ Ideat; H. w. Oe?_BB, bW. and Treaa. r?.r iiartiimara aend for <"oll?.e Mnnal._ _-. PACKARD'S BUSI.VESS COLLEOE will reopen for th^ eeaaon on Tue_try, Rept 1. Bena for new ___b_SmS P^'g.^ _?,,,?... 101 Eaat 28d-at Broolrlyn. 'P HE MISSE8 EXT'S SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. 140-142 Columbla Helghta. Broeklyn, N. T.. 8ep_mber_80th._._ THE BROOKLYN HEIOHT8 >EMIXARY.-Boir8lng and Dar School for Olrla. 4lat rear opens Syiit. 24. Aa dreaa. for Clrculars. 188-140 Mo.-iUgue-at.. Brooklyn. H. Y. For Youny; Ladies?Country. D AQ.ET IXSTITUTE, Bhorl Hlll*. B. J.-French. 15 Uak. 7i.-rman school for young iadira. otudunta pr.-pan-d 1,,i BoUbJN 01 aocUrty..._Natlve .?achcrh In languag.-s.__ B_j Hl.l HhM, PEX.N.-piSHUl'IHUKI'K -A Boa-d lug ai.d Dav ..-nool ku Olrla. 1'reparatory and lull Academlc .ta.rae. Puplla JtaBjarod lor collegi. 'Awenty-fourth year. -. 1. \VAI_5H, I'l li Utlil.N loWN (N. J.i COLLEOE for young wom-u aeid eirls 011 Penu. 11. R., between N ...\._ and PJilla. 18 eirlv 011 Pt-nu. il. K., b.-t*?*n _. x. bob 11.h?. Addreaa .Mr_ (iERTRUDE O. BOWKM. M. L. A.. Ptaa. ?' I! x IXWQOD" II. -1, a.m> DAY SCHOOL FOR ...,IKI.S. locatlon, delightful aurroundlnga. 'Xhorough work. Prepajatton for coliegc Boya under twelv j admltwd. For -ircular* and trr,i.s. addjeaa aweuj ???w?- Mrs R jV ORISWOLD, tpne, Conn. 7^_;s^c"AirA-_e^0M_;i?-^trtrTR, ?_. Poughke-psie, _. Y. For Yo'irig Ladlca wd OBjaW- Qri-MMM g^\*ffWk_V *?_aT fvARLINGTOai SEMINART for Young LavUea, Woat I) (hes.-r. Pa. 80U. year baglna 8-pt. __^??>?___W luga, extenalve crounda, bcautiful and healthy lo-atlmi. 8180 per year. CaUlogu-a. R. DARLINOTON. Ph. D. DKl \V LADIES' sr.MtNAKY. Carmal. N. Y.-28th year. gBpt. la-HaaH-t-t. h..n,ellke, thotough. prot-reaalv}. Illuat-ated circular. BaW. OEO. CROSBY SMlT_. A.M. WIOHT SCHOOL FOR OIRLS. Bn.!*wood, K'tJ. J a-v (oear Paltaados of the HudaonV ?.?.,,? ________ R- cnnioiiTON. B_____r w. y__Ua_Jt._ PUCUU OOX-JBQB FOR WOMEX. i__iret-s of biudj- Uioac of _r?t-c__? oollegea. Eleotrlo __hta fcteam heot and yle\ator. Astronouikal obaervaiory. Aft BehOOl, MttBtC Biilldlng, _c 217 atudonta CHARLES VAX XOKDEX, D. D., Preat., EUdIi., N. T. |t?orT __>wa_-> <5oi___oia__i lKiTlTVTE fOR ? 100 young Supprlor b.Uidi.i^ and advan t?ge_. IwalTB BacllWll BM grodratlng couraea and ?r.-paratory. For 80-8*8 fBM. b.*lnnlnc Sept. 14, 8^40 1 two luhtaliia-iit-. see lllustratod cataloeoe. J.... E. KIN'i, D. D., Fort Edward, y. Y. I) (a OLDEX HILL SEMIXARY for Young Ladlcs. Brtdire 8 port, Couu.-Mla* EMILY ____?OX. Prlnclpal; Miaa AXN1E S. GIBSON. Aaaoclate Prlilclp^L_ HOJ-l INBTIT-TE. T__ryt?wa. B.Tj-A boardlng anl dav arhool for voung ladies and Uttle girl*. V\U1 re-open Sept. 17. __M BL W. MEflCALF. prlnclpal. 1VY HALL.-HOME AXD COLLEGE PREPARaTORY Sdii.ol for YouuB Ladlea. BataMlah.-d 1801. Mra. J._ALLEX_L^AXW_ELL. Prlnclaal. Brldatton. H, J. JYNDOX nALL-FOn YOCXO LADlb.S _ 42d ?aa?. Coll.-ee DreDaratlon. Clrculara by mall. n ma: ._poi nALL-Fon yocxo ladieh. 1 4L'd J*ar. Coll'-ge preparatlon. Clrculara by _ SAMt'EL WELLSJUJCK. A. M., PouRh_eepal?,_N_Y. M ORRISTOWN, XF.W.JERSEY.?ST. HILDA^ _ SCHOOL FOR OIKI.S. Twalfth year l.ejrtns liept. 38. For clrc-lara addre-ss 8I8TER bUPERI.R. __ MUbS ANNA P. TOWXNF.VD'S BCHOOL FOR QIRLS h_s removed from Jainalca. L I., to (A __rk Placn, Nwwark, N. J. Y?_r b._lus HcpU 24. _ AA IU *ALIftBTJHT. iamily axiTday school IvJ |MR GIRLS, 41 Southat, Plttsll'-lif. M_sa. 21st rear b.-cUis sept. 2-. Ad u-?-? n_I-B -AL-BBUBT. Pltt-sfleld, Maa*. "l_l AkY BRTTillA.M INsriTI TE Fl'ill _I___C lll PBteraon. X- J. :>. t>. coll^r^a ; prlnrfpal MUaa J K bOOVER, Cla.sslr.fti coutao. Ovford, I' M a _ (<-; ANABI.F.'S liOM-.DIN.i AXD DAY SCHOOL .. fo: Young Ladlea aud Llttle Girli, 1,350 Plne-st., Phlladalphla. 48d y?ar b-rlna 8-pt"mbw 28, 1801. M MISS nt'LKLEYS BoardlDg and Dajr S.'hool for Olrla, Tarrytowu nu Hud_.n. Pilnoipals, I_Ua H. L. Bulk l.v Mlai E. C. Plumley. Addr-s.- l.v letter anttl S^pt. 1. iss M. M. H.NT'S BaanUaa and hav Srhool rcmorVI to Kumrnlt, New .eraey: terms, ?31'8, lncludlng lao guagea. Addreaa by lrtu-r until Beptembiar._ [W EW^ENOLAXD OOMBEBVATOBY. Founded by Dr. E. TOUR.IEE. CARL FAF.LTEX. Dlrector. Mt'RIC?Instruction in Plano. Organ, Volee, Vlolln, Solfeeglo, Harmony. _c. C_,km tultion, _f> b-asons, i?lo to $30. Frlvat.. l_*?o_s gxrao. IWcltais, LaaMnaa, (horal and OKhoatral Practlce FPvEF. ta all puplU. ELOC U TION.?Oratory. Dramatlc and Lvrlc Aitloti. Flne Arta,, Literatur?>, Plano and Orxan Tunlng. A com fortable HOME for Lady Studenta. Calendar fr**>. Fall Ti-nu t^kins S-pf-mb^r 10, 1891. BB-JTS W. HAI.E, Gvneial M-uiager. Franklin 8*1*8-8, Boaton. Maaa. ! f\ OOXTZ^fe-HOOLTYoR"Yot XO LADIES^ Rcmovad ln 1888 fiom, Phlladelphla, to | Ogont?. the ?p?clou? coui.try aoat of Jav Oxike, wft) begin I Ma laaay bsbbbB yeai __8BBBtaj 8ipt<mber 80. For cIn ? cular". ajiplv Ui Prlnclpala. OKontz bchool. MontBOiiicry County, PunB._* ?_T AONES S'-HOpi. Artanr. N. Y.-fn1ar th* llr^ C. uon of Biahw, Dojn*. 2fat year. Full couraaa af ?tiidy froni Ivuidorgarteii throuah Harvard Courae for Woatea. 84 lnatrur-lora lultlon 8400 a r?ar For ea__. _?gu^ addreaa ST. AQWR9 BCHOOL _____ I wT. OABi:n,L.s BCHOOL, peekskill. n. t.-a ' O boardlng Bdkool for g' u, under the charge of tha I blatert. ol St. Mary (Epl-copal,. Twwitk-th T ar com ( n,.--cca S.-ptember 1'8. Ad_ro?a The Blater ln Charge._ I JU T. CATHEKI.VE8 HAU_-18_l yaat, _B_B 1-laiid dl. , 17 eesan athool for girla. Enlirgt-e; and esteftalva prem liea. Larg.- and eftlf-lent _*n of profeam.ra and t_o-h'-ra. ll-paration for KaalBB ollii/,.,. -; work a si.clal ft-aUir* uf a. ln?t.tutlon. Turma for b_?rd-r>. Incl d!ng BBBJIIth Fr luh. afjd Latln. fron, $gfi0 pef aiuiuiu. l-'or day pupils fron, 880. X-xt terrn commepr . Sept. "' All |_rtlouIara on appUratton to .'"' ?xk-W2 Washlngton-av_, Brooklyn. iilara on appUratlon to Blbi'ER CAiloLIXfi. 8T. MAKYS HAI.E. BU&LIBOTOB, B. J. FifO lifth hriiool y?,r l^ijlnf K?pU.|Lh.r 'ja. lt MU* CHARI-iTTE T1TCO..B, PrlnrlpaL TlHiTYOl-NG LADIES- SF.MIXARY. Fri-hold. N. J. A pleaaant home, with eicellent iuipor'iiiii?;*a .'or an I educatlon._MD* EITXICE D. SEWALL. Prlnclpal. THB OBBIBIM.; SFM1N \n\. .SING-SING-fl.N'-THE HUDB.B. B. T. A . hool of BM BMhBM < l_?s for ynuna IjaAlrm, homMtk*, j hi.lthful, ___BB8_. Wlti. a ?op. rl.r fafulty, Leautlfui ; BBBBBBy, and i.tidaj a eoi't,. II bMtodlBg ti,f lu-v. Dr*. F. L. l':uu,n. H. ;.. Fitld, Wm U K. . iu, Wu,. B. Mi*re. C. <'. Hall ,t, Hl*. E U BHEJlRARJ) h_,.,i,_1. THE MORAVIA.X SEMIXARY. .t.ilrh'in Pa.. for _,or- UBta 1 .etitury favo.'Bbiy known a* a cona'-lentioua and ni(-i-^?iiful .-Uuiator of young WSBBBB. UiWfra aii ei aoiinat',011 of lt* n,<-lli,4s and currlculiinL IM MI'I.E "GTtOVE LADIES' SF.MINaKYT'__i_toi_ __ Si.ringa, M. Y.?Thlrty-aevBiith raar b<-g:na Baa ?.. it;. 1 Addenaa_ ClIAS. F. DOWd. pi,. _.. jf,M. I f 1 Ni"\ HTrTT-EVriK'ARY roH .'nfll.S Ja,nai,_: \J L, I., ten mll'. fron. .N'.?-Y,;rit. Sevrnin???-, ona :'_r beglna Sept _3d _ Addre** Ml?s H. A. HCKTTTNO. WUT WAI.M'T BTB-XT BOAROIBO i HOOL for Glrls.-Ho. aliKa. thorouph and r,roer.4salve Addr(_? I Miaa J. TIIAI'T.MAXX. 1.801 Waluui-st. Phlladalp!,i?, l-a. F<>r rb.vs nt'ii \oiin_ Men?("ountrv. ASTRfCTLY ENGL1SH EDTJCATION at mraVraU ? OioroucU. Bra< con.plit... BRTAXT S< HOOL, Roa.yn. Long laland, X. Y. ALEXAHDEB IXSTITCTE. Milltarr board ii K __?__" \\r.ite Plains. M. Y. Prlucliial. .. IL WJI.I.I.s, A M . _k I) _ BORDIXTOWN (\ J.) MILITARY INSTIT-TE. R.:V. T. II. LA.ViiuX, PKlN.ll'AL. LIKUT. T. D. LAKDOX, 0._Ua__B___rft _ri6irnrnoi_ Fer~BoysTand Young Mcn-Country. BBJRB AOA l'1-.M V. ?J*?r_____>*fi__at"et TStBeae [ e__EV______-TO "?K_ u? i?w*~_S*_ **3i^mSUW?j ??? ?' -g'^ffr-BS1- pwi ,':;;;;'"" aSS*__#l-P_a%!?SP^ I7_*ns__5_A_ 8CHOO_ or saint p*cl. oarden (y Antv L l -Addreaa for Jnly bii.1 Aamel < KA_iaBB imiRTEVANT MOORR,' B.wch. M*. _______ r n^T^^;'JJ^A,V\nnCAV^^,cd in bea-.ty C?Tl-r_Al?UA ACADEMY. Boya oolT. l^'JS^f* I7_4^ha_i care and tminlua;; iireiarcs for any '"'"Y AddrStbe^___b__, -). c. N'.IikS-s.,a?i_H._N___ f____W_M x_5^W ivsTi itTi:, U rranklln, VI. _ - i^?,?rea for beat colluK*.* IbOTC l_> rouriea ln bu?tn*-?*., ... ?__T_Bd taart; apbrtsl Iralnlng ln eiocutlon aBdlfl h.- _" of^clilna: puplla m-elred lnt? PrinclpaC famlly _ ___ ner?ciio..r rear Bend. for ratakwoe. Bt ff.4U0 per g-y COLCORO. A. M.. _Prlndpal. a^TsTTlREEVVYICH ACADEMT. J-Founded 1808. Both Ba_N_ On Narrar?n?ett Bay. -tearo heat. Electrlc ll,ht. laBl HlB. Twelva eaaraBB. 8200 B psV. BapBBBaaS Ul. For lllustrated caUloRno __f*J II. P.I.AKi->EKli. D. !>., F*-t l.r-enwlch. ?._!; Mev. ... AHTMAN BUBIBMB COLLF.OE. l^aalJBa|Bll.M.T.? J_ inen aii th'- vear Thorouirn Instruatlon in Hun?Krepiiih, _____ Ooulmerelal Law, Viin-anshli-. Cwwporieoea, Ari-fl?W Ac : Tele?rapi>y. BteoographT, lypewr 1 lnh,i BoaTaaM men raopUad with otMBpeaeotiBffUtiuiU*??enors not'c" _o r_a_M for sltuellcea taralabed. Bend for eM__B_ n-bVH(.l. B< I100L FOR BOYS.-At Milford. Conn. i'j ParenU who an. untortunate ln U." "'??",??; "'"tfre iLeir aaaa wlll do wall to ptoflt by th- .aS>aiiUa c offerea by thla aehool._ Add.eaa FRANK M. BOWE. Baj_ FREEHOEDI IVBTITUTE. Freehold. B\_f. I ??**_?.} eoliCK* preparation a apeciaity i bualasjp.. klgh acnooi and claasleal tourae*. Bl__fW0OS Mll.ITAHV IN-NTIT TF..8888., I fflUB. XI A JA.l.iAK, A. M.. Ph. !>-. I'rlncliral, MjfWBB. ?? J Open* 16th. Cstalognea on applieal-D.-, HOME _tt_ fiCHOO_ for 12 mnB,**___:__*tt_I__ thi.rouah. flrm dtylpllne. Ind'MU'U attantion K^n nwdtm,; efrcVawa. FK.vNi-h 11- BJJEWXB, A. m.. Falrno.ld. Conn._ L-* KF.TVOOD llEIOHfS'lC HOOL. Eakawood BS * Jer.-y Amona Uie plnea. A thorongh aud attractlva a,hool for boya. OP^^V moREY.. _?_______ \riTCHEL_'B BO.S' SCHOOL. BlUerb-a. *'>*-*;-$ M DdlM fiom Boaton, on the B. and L lt R. A atrUV O aolect Fan.Uy School for foy. froi,,i . to 15 .nolualva. bend for clrcular ? M. C. MITUIEi.-. fag*^ ? i CiliTTtX^^t'Bl^Ss^^l.I^fi'-- k1*"'/' M V^^S*"^ Com.i.,rcUl. "hathand lyj^wn^ _ hcadnmlo d'.-pfa. CaraWaue*. Addicai M. A. >!? ..m.rrc M 'WVIi^b*: ESa^abSrarai aSrprlpa^ ^^^^f^sM?^^^ Amplc iroiinda ou FlTmouth Bay._Indlvldual_ teacmiw. ?ts ONtCLAlR MII.ITAHY AXAMMT. ManteUlr. i>l N. J.-<k41efa and buslneaa Drcprr.tio A lari-e gjm na>i.,mand eatenalve *r^yffi?*?fZ l^nMp:,!. Ufer^^^r:^!Hi"vA^ *_(JRWA_K MILITAKV INrjTITt.Tr:, 11 XOHW.U.K. CONN'. 12th vear. Preparea thoroughly for coll?(?c. aclcntlflc _T"r"u~T-..\r ,v i ^ IVHTTTUTE ? Hlffheat fSOO ft. i.l'\ . I, N ^t^t^o^^cV,!:- .,. wtVbb. } gUea af N V Ehb.. a-i.. elaa , eom., imalern l-irnruas-B. m.isic .,?. ?1.'h|c,1 enltnre, 88th nar. J- WiL80J_ A. ..... 1'r.n. PENNSYI.VAVTA M1LITARY ACADF.MY theater, P:i. ?Olh y?tr oprii* bepu 10, 91. A MII.ITAUY COLIiEOE Clvll Engineerini.'. OheBdatry, AKhWactura, Arts. T Prroaratory Caorsr ol bm ' aar. Clreulara of V-. 1% ^^ShW^J&iJ^' R.VERVIEWACAIiFMy; unah rear Prenati-a thoi-outhly for Cnllcge, tha Oov e?^-^^& SSK 4&ST: ll^KPilBt^x!^^ a.hool ayHtiii. I_t-nalye J?M*_1Jpr^_"tfl_b__* house. *>-. Add?*.-? iiev. II. I. BV-R?BT, M. A^ Bector. T. Af.STI.VS aCBOOL (nfOOB-l, N?w-Brl(thton, Statcn I?lan1. N. T. s A. Churoh School of tha h!ch**t cl^a* for boya; rntll tarv avatem: tcrms, BSOOi cn-'ht raaldeot aBasa-jB from Brown. i>..idor.. Cambrldja, ruibllii and ParUj hou*? and around- (Of t'omruodor- oarncn amoiuj Ui? _o-t beautimi near New-Vork; *.cll r.-i'.v- a w-lt. __,_,_ nev. A-PREP " -ORTIM-B, D. D.. Ib^c_ _3T JOHN'S BCHOl i.. S M.N.; BIKO, N. Y. Itev. J. B. O1B-0N. D. 0.. Rer>t?r. Edwsrd 31. Bostwlck. M. A., warrSB S. Adama, M. A., Aaaoclab- rrbicipala. Pr?Daree for college, aclentitlc and ilovemment scbooia, or bur-iii.** llfe; r.niury BTBtem. extenalra playBrounds, cvninaaluni. l.ibor?ti)ry ard boy-' wdr.iahop. BpeeUl proviabm for the car.- nf vonng?r boya. TilF. 28n TTtAB W1_L BEOIJ* BEPT. IS. 1801._ i_T i.i'KF.'S BCROOTj. Bt'BTLETOX. PA N-:.r Phlla ft df'.phla. A h.jth-cluaa achool. Escciitlnnallv hc-'ilth. ful locatlon. Deliahtful aurrounding*. 1' for any f(.llf?-e or tmalneaa. Bov? cnb-r<d Tale, Princton and I.chlah aneeeaafully laat year. -iiecial 'Bre of younirpr boya._ Numti-r lim't-d. ( IIAK. fj. 8TR0CT, Pl_clpaL ST. JOHN'S MILITARY SCHOOI.. _ MANI.IUS. N. Y. T'ndcr the vt'ttatlon of tne \\ar Dcpsrtment. Mllltary _,4er U. H. Artnr^ Onker. VE,.HKCK puperlntend_t_ ia__R'8 PREPARATORT SCHOOL. Tha mi.t-.ko ln bringiiiu ui. boy^ tx-pli.-. at ulght. A nan.iihlct. (JWOO hringiiiK np boy* b__u al Bight A paniphlei 18000 a year.) ______ w 8J5___ __**?__ "? '?_ Is ii/TMR/iTpRr.PARATORV BCHOOL.-Roonloo ln 1892 ft -30?.h annivi-raarv. "<lur nld Hoy*" everywhere are reqi.fsUd to aend thelrjirea.-nt audros.i.s to HENRY W. SIOI.AR. Ncwburnh, N. T.__ 4_t'MMER SCHOOL at tho P?ek>kiU Mllltary Academy. OLocatlon he_thfnl; care and Inhtructlon exc?lleiit JOHN N TILliEN. A. M.. M. D.. Priucinal. Bend for eireular._ S THE MT, P___BABT MILITARY ACADF.MY wlll rvopen iw 61th vear on Brpi. leth. lull cour>.) of -tudy. U'lildlnti* rcflUeA and ov.-r\ facillty for tlie com.'ort and ad vauceinent of htudciiW. Addrcsa j. HOWB___EK, Prlnclpal. ft AT THE BRYAXT BCBOOL.. RoMyn. L_ L, N. Y. Ovrlooklna I* 1- Sonnd. Send for llluatrat-d catalngne. ST. _l?OROE'8 HALL POR BOTB Bt. 0_?rfe*B, Md. Coll.'C'? or busln.-s-. l'ruf. J. C. KlXEAJt, A >L. l'rln. tJns'irpaBwd. ti.oro'.ph, ?afc, and raaaonabla chargea. THB Ciit.t.i-VHA IK INST1T1 -Tf--. '?Tha OaaUe," Baw. Ro'h-!b S. Y- -Bovs prepared for colb_* or bu?lnen4; roon,. elogantlr nirnL?hed. B. p, PU__EB, M. A . rrli^ Ititi. BIOH_?BO kULITARY AOAOEMT. Waraaater. Masa.. bettlna 30th yt-at Snpt. 18. Cia?aloal, ficlentlfic. Ii.iKluau. Prepaaatorj DeptH. C??re^ll Tia!nln(t, Home Com forta J. A. feHAW. A. M., Hcad Mast?r. _ MPRINITY BOROO-, TIVOLI-ON-HUDSON, BT. Y. 1 L.icatlon and surrouiidliiK* BBsarpaasea. I^npmenl cmplete. uymi.BBIurn. flr.ll hall, tiowllne allaTB, eta. Tiuirouph preparattr.n for co'tece. ?c!rnftfle sehoola or busl> aaaa. TAS. STARR CI.ARtt. D. D., Roctor. Ii HH OtJBJTERT, A famlly aubool for a llrr.ltcd nnnibcr of dotb. Addraaa JOHN c. BRINbmA-E. Lltchfletd CountT. Conn. __ nrroMlKO sf.minary, bibobtob, rv. Snecialtlea: Collecc rrc|,arati..n, Mn-lc and Art. Oradaattaa Oaarae ai?o in BelaBaaa and Plaaalna Fir?t ci;ias Baabaaai QalBaaa aaaaveaaad attb aabaat. Electrlc lii-tit B?aagbeal huil.lint1-.. i:ierant aan ehap-1. Ba brt'-'d coiivciil'-iiccs fir BTwda. I'.lclit-. n Instructors. P_aS_aaa departni.nt. Expensea: Fall t-rm, tiiin.?ii araaka, for i.o?r.i. ??..viing, anitlaa tn seadetnle htudb-s. iiuiit. htc^m hrat, room rcnt, .-t.-.. 870.00. l_B t*nn ..jHiia Sopt- 2. For catalotruc, a'ldresa _Ror. L. I.. BPBAOPK, Ii. D., Prealdenl. \17P_LEYAN ACAD?afT, WILBRARAM, MA8S.-Ons ?" ?l tlie acaaen.l. and c.laaalcal achooU ln N'c-.v. ihc pavn.eiit of *-'00, oii'i-lialf lu advanrn and tle- reii.jind'T .lan." l.'itti, ?111 cov-r ordinarv tuit.on, ?.tli board, t..r thi- Tcir, b>?glri.iliiK S^pt. '.d ft nd for l.'ata kig'ie t> >.;. M. bTF.ELF.. frln. aarORCESTEB ACADEMT.?58th y ar. T>,cr..'i?h prep TT aratlon for coli??c or .cl-ntlilo achool . auinlrabb- OBW t'Utldlnta, complct" laboratcriea, auixrb gynmasluni; ampsa <-ampus; aer)'?l atl<Utlc grotind* ; iln'd r track. U W. ABERCROMniE, A. M.. Prli... Worcetter. htasa. 177J -OHARI.O'ITF. HAI.E 8CTtOOT_.189L BttOB 1 4 i 1. Baa onstirpa ??i 'or h<alth. I.rntii.h. c'.asa'^al, raatheir_tical. con.manlal and nllltary cou-*e?. A'llr?* R. W. BIf.\ (hur'otl- Hall, kt. M,iry'B ( o , NId For Motli Sexcs-Country. CHAl'PAQUA MOl'NTAiN 1NSTITI TE, Chappiqua, N. ?.?ord.-r prograuinie lor !SVl-*a_ _..i piciurc. a.BBanr, ti. blila, thlru-two mllca from New-Yorh. OBXECTICUT LITERARY 1N8T1TI FioTT BnfflaUl Conn? Co-eduiatloaal preparaa ;..< eollegi and i.u-l ,"hj lrre aeholarahlpa; apeaa hepteaber jd. HVCK ll_i0W? (Ja*. J-1 tv-mr.I. IL.Th aexea"; hlgl.e-t iKlvun?Be* ln claasleal c,,nr--s ln mual:, art, eiocatloa, aeleaee; be*t bulldluK of ,t- i adatea ii.-?rl> 200 boardcr, ? tw?. houra fron \?wYorK ; cataiofruo free. HF.V. OBO. H WHITKET, I). IV, I- lent. 1>E--IE UnTlfUt-. Hloh foWS s i. I 15 ln Facu!t\. I' r.-r Col_gt. T.-achlng. B i n.-a. Thorouch In (?.-rii..-in, Franch. Mnaie, Art Up< .a bapt. Oth. Botli arxea H. E BLAUQHT. a. M PrlBclpal. PKHIKOTOB (N. J.i BEJBUBABY a s'v _AJ>I__ . o.ic.-e. S-nd yrar. 0(I?-r* rar-: ?_ jcatlonal facll ItJaa. ferma rnodomte. Hi_h and lon'-thtul. B'^am ht-?-!ii?; ca?: fira '??. apes. F.a*r of acce*?. THOS. HANLOV. I). D.. PresldflBt tor _2 Teara. R Itotli ??\m. PrUate ln?truitloii for tia. kwart ni.plls. ocm.wj. i ui.i.r.';r nvm b On-the Ht'DSoS - tlon for tia. kw?ri ui.ui! W. H. BAK.MSTER_ rSIHE CT.AVrtlACK 00I._F.OK and B0D80B RIVER 1 Inatltiif- for Hira and C*lrU wlll open ir- BB_ faai fcapt. 14, 18P1. For caulopncs arlir---s Rev. A. H. FT.ACK, A. IL, Pre-t.. Claverack, If. T. a_as)B_a_Baa_. Cir.' ii.AKB achooia. both aexea, elty and eountry, aui.illed, wiu, ear^ful advlr.. to par?n_. MIRIAM COYRlERE, Koom 14, lfio oth-ava. ruriicr,. AMERICAB ANH FOREIUN TEACBEKS* AUENOT bnpp.iea I'iofea?ora, TcB/;bcr%, Tutaia UoTtracaaaa, *c. U. ' uiieBi-i. fe.-ho. 1> ji.i l?.lu:llo^. ABI.IT to _Jir* m. j Y'-i ku i li.1uN ja vf.ll taaara .. A -TUT0R8, !?? ,.r rjaraneaaaa of all vx. oraach ?? .'ipj.lKd to aalraralbaa, ealltfes. ?c?noia <nd laii.illM. Clr-nlar- adioola to par^nt-.. .Madern>a ipakeo. MIIIIA.M ( OVHiF.Ri:. H.,.n, ,V |S0Vth-?? Ri rr .sTmvi. (YilaT 1 ,-,u Broa-waj FrT i ? . tuior ij-.-pai-ati. ii ior eollegaj aaaeblna for eaajrdna A,ldr.*s ui.tii .-nrpt, g, Tiiii.r Uotiae, Klcblirld __ ringa, .\c?-lur*> _.f_rl)f.B.__ FST T_;_CHERS aTippUBd tor all }_*_*i_,____[ leeeW NOFEF. for VgUtiaMou. _?*?rm fnr aBarno. i V B^TYBBO.if Ame_e_ia*a_Bl BaraM, 1 W. U____ _3 OHERMEKHORN _ 1 EACHERhV A?. _NC,Y:._. ,_u __ OldM.t and be-t known ln U. S. liatabllahed 18\>.i I llth-at-^N- Y. _ TTN.ON 'TEACTfr.Ks ._.K\C~Y~a-pt?iloa achool nfllcer* U with tenrh-r- : teaehera with P?'tl0",r' _? ?, w _ H- M IIAJIIUNGTON. Prou.. S- Lafayatte P1.. _. T. (.Icctio u Xottcc. GTATfi OF NEW-YORK-OFFIOE OF THE, ?. 8. I BJDTABT <>i STATE- . _. 190l I ALBANY, July 29, 1891. To the B-BBtfl of _M foiiiily of Naw-Yoffci - S1K: Netfsa la glven that the <_*&* Fleetlon to be held ln thla BU_8 BO th- Iu.s.l>v__*_*a 'g th- tlr-t Monday _ No\-ml>er BBXt (Nov-mbor Jl. tno f,.||,iuii!i! n'llf-.r* jr- to be cleoted. U> "",., A OOVt-rnof, iu tlie plaiv nf Dsivld 11. Hlll. _____ p ? iiaaiaaa-i naiBj-ai. B Ka ajeee ? F.dwam *? S rtory of SUt.'. ln BM B__a of 1'rink Rlce. A fniitmlier. in th- plae- .,f Edward Wcnipln. A 'ir.-i-rr- r. lu Uie puoe ?f Eillott panforw. . An Attoroey .tnneral, In th* plaoe M Charlea 1. ??""'; a st.t- __gi___ _.d B-rreyaei M fi paaaa M John "?fjMrBeaa M_aa of bbbbb will expire on the laat day of ^'T'.iMsti'rof the Bupr-nie. Court for the IW___?*__ tii.nrt. H. tM plaea of ireoraj L 'nqrB-^epp^*ajy the Uoven-r ln the ptaee ol John I. ',;,Yl?-J ,".;?: ?i?.. u m nf MBaa a_J B-BM on MM la-t d?v M PB8BBI MrA*_-_MS8 for MM Flfth fienate Dlatrtct^ con.pwrd of ti, coonl ol Rlohaajod and the ptBaaat *_?r/_^a_r. Thlrd Ftrth, sut:., Eigi.ti. and Po..rt*?.ilh Wa *rf thia ,-.ii uf New Tofk: all that portlon nt the loiirti? vv.irv ' _..i ol?. that lie* wlthln _<?*_ lt Bttaet, ^ ";,t''"', '., K' 1'i.rk B_w. Saruoa atreet. Gold ,_???? t. l.-rry?a*re*_ _ l;",* i 1. Fllth, BUth, F.lghth and rounawuao ?- -T...'.' , ?f ti ?r Ne? Yort; aii tliat portlon ot the ^_J_JT___._ _..i ,,t-. thal llea wlthln RoEevell atraet. Chajham atreet. l'.rk Ro?. Bpruea atreet, Uold atreet ?^1?r^Jd_i .I,.,, and E-atHlver; al< thal portlon of the N toth*jg\J* r ?treet, Loroj str--' nnd Korth lUver, i.oxrnora laland, B_Hoe*8 laland and F.UWi laland . _, ,hP A -eaatei toi tM BUth Senate Dbtrl.t, eomi *?l ?' tnf Reventh, Elovanth and Thirta-.-nth 8_"J?__e__3 n, ...Vurk. m.d al) that portlon nf tr. a^arttml of ^ elty that llea "ithin Catharlne atreart. I hBBMaa "i"?. Booaevelt atreet aiul __* RlV?, n,,.rl?t compoa.. of A Beoatoi f"r th, Bcvmth Hen*te Dlslri_t, ? ' VorK Um renth and Beventeenth w?rda af tho eltT i. ' ^ aii that porUoo ..r the Flftaenth ward of 7'' , V-,,! t i-j" wt _ iroMway. jand aU that Pf^^.%_^w,_S. l?_. aud Twenty.ttr* wardi of aaJd elty thrt *? V_?__^L_i tenth BVee*. ThlrUeth atreet, Thlrd ?___f,^J_S_^ot A Seoator for th- Elghth B*nat8 [":!H'"" . " n'u ,?M the Blxteantli ward of the eltr ol *J__f?__ ^__?*_eiwy dMl of UM Xlntt, ward of ?*ld elty that ''?* "1lhun Vnur. Ktr.'i-t Blew-ker at^ot. Carmlneatl.t. SUth Bvenu, i r Yr.-t and Xorth Rlv* ,M that portgn.of the II _M_th ?urt of aald -Ity th:-.t ll.a wa?t uf Broaaway. aii U_, portlon of Uja ElgWth and T?; "*>rt.^t -, i.tV.i?*th Milil Clty that llea Wlthln ' ",|rt^tV ,11 nortlon of ?_&WrfBta_atD^^ T_ M_&r% Malrea" M-MB Dlatr.ct. compo-e.1 of .11 that i_Trt_Hi ofUi? Twentlctn and Twenty_r_ *??"_,?{*? oHv o' n'-w Vorit that llea wlBiln ThlrtteUi if_??^"?j _S?S_.M_?M^^ ,S",Ads^?u'";'%he ?aaaeaai B_aa8a OkMtkmn^ g th- Twenty thtrd and Tw-ntv-fonrth v^H- ,_^_3e? Mew-York and all that. portlon of the Tw ;"'?..?w "_ ,' and Twentyoeeo-d warda _ aald o.ty ftBtllM wlttln _mj Ueth atreet, Bpnytan DuyvU cruek, BaajkBi araaaa anu HUAJ%S_-_itBttTa ln the Fi'tv-seconrt gaBMBBSBiM ttj rnlied -tate* Mr the l;Wn? ?l ^' ? ; ,,.-. i ot the Eleventh. Blxteontti and I-J'-'i t---nth fc: "?"{> olatrict* of the county of _*w-Yoi_. ln pMea of BraaB B. Bp.OT_ty^_n-'*dl. trlet oflUera alao to be elected for s_ld eonnta - Twi'titr-f.iur mcmb->ra nf A? -l)lr. , . _, tr?,. a A Judtre of tho Biiperlor Conrt, In th" r-ltwe of Henry A. onderaloHve, appolated by ttia Qovaraar, ? paaaa M oearaa L. IngTahanv realgnnd. _. ,_ ,_? _,-?? ?? A J.i(l_- of the Court Of rommon PMaa. ln the plaee of Roaer A. Pryo? appolnted by Um t_rrer_8r, la piaco oi Rlcnard L. Larremore, r-sijmed. , , ? vr Two Judgee of th,? Cltv Court, ln rV.',? ^ r I" ..^V Rhrllch oii.i John Henry NtcCorthy, anpolnted by t,,? ?.o\ ernor, lo plaoe of DavM McAdam. realap**. _?_ ~.ntl... Tl ree .oronera In the Feidlnand Larry, Paniei Honl-v and Lonla W. Behnltze. ^ , . ___ ?, All VhOM t. rii.ii of offlC* -i 111 explre 011 the last day or Deeember ne_t R_a__etfully jour*. .?_._. fraxk RICE, Beeretar. m state. snr.nirT's otoce coubty coxfki boi se. iity AND COUNTY OF NI\V.Y?>P.K VKW.V.'l'.K. .Inlv .10. 18B1. I eerUry Bm above to be a irue .opy of tim e:,-.-t!on notlce reeelred i-v me thu .hv from th- secretary ol JOHS J. OORMAB, BherlS of _m Clty and CoaBty M Bew-YoiB. SHi-.r.lFF'S offici:, COUBTT OOtTRI iioisk, iity AM) (Hl'.NTV nl- NFW.YORK. ^ new-yoP.k. J. i.v :m. 1891. PnblNhara of newapapm Bill not lna?-rl thli odvertlao m.Mtt nnlea* apeclally luthorlied to lo do. ' JOHN .1. OORMAV. Sherlff of the Cltv a',d CoOBty of Wew-TerB. Cccial 2f.t_ref? G il'KI.MK COURT OF THE STATE OF ii MEW-TORK, OITY AND (oiNTV OF Nl'AV YORK. -Edward lt Ladew and Joneph II. Ladew, plaiti .:??- aaalnai Rlchard tl. Loof ai.d Ellaa Long, dwend* ants. Ktrnniona. ?i<, tM above-named defendanta: YOU !.:?? Bi oned to aniwer the eomplalnt In i Hea, iu.'I to aerve n eopy M yooj aaawet on ttia jiiHititlira" Bttoraeya wlthln twenty d?.v? aft-r the oervleo tt thla excluatve of Uie daj M aervlce; and in ?ae M four fallur to apfN_r, or aaawer, Judgment will ba IMen aaalnat you by oeftuit, for Um n-iief d-iuaiid,-i ln Uie con plalnt. Dati-l Bew.YorB, July 10, 1890. 0L0OT1 '.- OLCOTT, PlalnUffa' AUorneys. omc- and Poatofflce addr__, No. i W-rrea-st., xew. York Clty, X. Y. ?1,, Rleh-H H. Long and Ellaa Long, Defendante: The f.-r -golng aummoaa la aerved ujkih you by puhllcv Unn, purauanl to an order >-f Uon. Edward Patl one of Um Jo__eea of the Buprane Cnurt ol Uie State ,,f New-York dat. 1 Uie Bth dav ..f Angnat. 1891,.and fli--d with the eomplalnt In Uie omce .-f tne Clerh of Uie Clty and Connt) of .N-?-Y?rk, nt. th- Court Houaa, Naw-Yora Cltv, the aald uih da\ of Auguat, 1801. liat,-l New York, Augual -,. 1801. OLCOTT ,fc OL. OTT, Plalntlff*' Artorners. ?I, New-York Olfr. ?ceait Stcamcrs. QOOK'S TOUBrJ BOUNO TIIK WOBLD. (ALL TRAVF.I.LING E________B IXCLUDED.) The FIR.ST PARTY of Uie ae?son will le*ve VAX OOITVB-I hy R. S __f____M OF JAPAX, SEPT. 9. Fol? lowlng datna: Sepu 1ft, 26, and Oct. 8. -beod for UluaU-ted programme. THO.. COOK. _ 80N, ___l_uid l.r.'i Rroadway, Now.Ycrk. TEUS A.VU_RICAN __b_PBE-. CO. couducti a g-i'ral expreea bualneas, by all faat ateam. era. to and fron, Europe. ANCiiOll LlN-a, l'. S. Mail Steauiships. FOR GI.ASUOW vla LOXDOXDERHY. Froai l'l-r oi, x. R., foot, oi Weat _itn-*t. F.thlop'a ..Anx. H, 8 a. B. UlNBaal*....Auf. 93, 7 a. m. 1 \,rn??la..Aug. lo, 1 p. m. | Ancl!orlit..Aug. 28, - P- m. lilY O. RO.ME, KepL 5, ", a. nu ; O,?_ 10, 10 :80 a. m. R.a.-a for Saloon P_*BBta Ry S. S. CIl'V <?F BOME, 860 und up-vurl, BCC'.rdlng to a.-oinmodiit-uii and locatlon of I'.ooirw Otl.e: _t>ain-ra of th- Ihio *">0 anj upward. Saeo_8 Oibln, fHO. rit--;ug4, $19. For txiO-s ot tonr- an 1 furt!. r Informatlou, applv to ngNDER-ON BR0TH_a_t. 7 BotfUng Ureeo. Jr. T. COMPAUNLE GKNJ_BALE Transiitlantiqiie, 1 I'.EXCH LINE TO HAVBJ3 FVl'l'.Y BAT.R0AT. LA OA8COUXE, santlll.Sat. Aug. a, 7 a. m. i..\ IOI HAlMs I U.g u. .sat., Au.', 16, 1 p. ro. LA BOI ROOON1 , I." b nul .. _?_., Atur. '-'?_'. 7 h. m. A. FOR. ET, ile.iaral Agent, No. 3 Uoivling Oteea. CHARLESTON. 8. C. tho South _: South weat. JACK.SONVILLB -WD ALL I LORIDA POINXS. 111 CLYDE 8TEAM.HIF COMPANY, Fron, Pler 1.. K. lt. ifool lti?is,.\ alt-at.i al 3 p. m. Yl'..MA.s.si__ Charleston and Jai KaonvUle I'ri., Aug. 7. bEMlXOLE, Charleaton anU Jaekaonvlllo.._Ioa., Au?. lo. IKOUCOIN, Charleaton and Jachaonvllle . W?... Ang. 12. ,. II atea.n-'rs haw; ftrst-clds- piias, ng-r a,-..,:. nu datloua. IneuraiiL- u-,dvr open pollcy effeated .it one-ilith of one pei ceiiu WM. P. CI.VDi. * 00., ' Agent*. :, Bowltng Oreen, B. Y. T. O. XOBB, <H:n'l A^t. a. s. ir". Lina. 8.7 Rro-lway. (' 1UNAH0 LINE. i NEW-YORK TO LIVERPOOL, vla QfEF.NSTOWN. I'ut 10, North Biver. lAsi EXPRE-B Mvll. BEKVIC_U_. 1 Etnir:a. ..Aui'. 8, 7 ,80 a n. ! -errta. Aug. 2.>. l:30 p. m. Aiirm a Aug. 18, 1 P. n> I Etruria Bapt. ?? 7a. ni. L'uibrla ...AUg. 22. 7 a nu I Swp. 18, II JO a. m. EXTRA f i ? ?.v.ku. Dothnla, Se) t. 2, :t p. u, Cubin pa^s.lg-. 880 aad upwutd ln.-rmediat", ?B3. Bteerage t:,-n..t_ u> and fru:., all (>*rt* of Europ.. at v-ry I lo? r*v s. i-or fr-.ght :ind uiasawe apply ut the com uany'a oitic-, Xo. 4 Bowll u Oreeu, New-York. VKll.MlN 11. BUONVN t ..... _____ AgunU. C1U10N IJ-NK. I UNITED STATF^S MAIL KTEA.MER8. FOR Ql il-.NsTUH X AND LI V ERPOOIa, Leave l'lir ?s, N. R.. foot of Kmg-at. AKI7.0XA . saturdiy. A.ix i- 8, 7 a. m. WiuMiMi .- ? Baturday Auguat 16, '" KEA8KA . ..Baturday, Aufuat '-2. <i W18CON8IN...BBtuiday, Augu.-t .'.'. - Aiti/<i.>x \ .haturdaj seuternbei S Ba. m. i ,1,1,, DBBBBBe. ?">". 880, r.on :.nd ?llVI (a-'or-dirg to ateamen. 8_.nd i-aWn. -:: ? _1 K38 81 rage at low rute-. A M. FXDMLUII.L t CO., M Hr.,ad?vaT.__ H_MBUKG-AMJ_fUCAN PACKET CO. I XPREsS HERVK E to Londoti and Ilan.bnrg. Fuerat BlB_i*rek....Aoa. ih Nonnannla tuf. 87 Augu*l. -, i. ? i ' ?: -: ' lumbui .B4 p_ :i __prea8 BUajmera carrjr no cotton. Al-io KEOULAR i. dlroet to Haratrurf. IN_tAN LINE U. 8. and Knval Mail Mz-amers, FOB Ql'l.I N6TOWX AXD' LIVERPOOL. I cITY OF BERLIN... _-_neada_, Au.-ua- 12, 10 :*0 a. m. . u V 08 I'.Mils WednaadBy, Attfu*' |8, ?'. *. iu. ? i ITY OF ' III' ^'?" Wedneadaj Attgual IH). 11 a. m. I t II Y ny NEWYORK. We8n_N_aj r?e|iteu.bei 2 ,-, a. ? From Pler 13. X tt., uddiolnlug Qhriatopher-at. Ferry. Illlsi t AllIN. V'O and upwur-t. a_cordln| t_ H.:?iner i and loeatlen ol rcom. HECiiNB CABIN, *38 and *in. - BTEERAOE 820. PETBR Wi:i.illT A soxs. Oeaaral ; Ag.-nu. 0 uowiing Ojreen, N*. Y. ____________ NEW-YOKK \- CUBA Muii Btoaxqahlp Co. P i-? 18 j:. I 17. B_Bt BiVl r hi-ir'ljv atBBBieta at 1 p. m. -,n,d otaara ut 3 p. m. for Havana, Proaieao, C_rp??he Kroniera, i ampieB. 11 s.|.;? 11. ;,,,,: \-, r.l i ? M;i_iri/j?, (ur>l'ni_i. Sagna Caibarlan, Nanaa.i, banUafO de > uba, Ouantanan.o ai.d (.'lenfuegoa. \ i MI I.I, lliivan:t a:id M-xl-an PorW . B-_, Aug, H. s\i:\i.i.;a. UavaBB and Cardenaa... .Waa., auk, 18, iiKL'.AHA Havana and Meslran Porta Sat., Au. 16. i. ol vi.r.x AXHRIA. Hav. and MatanaB_W*_, taa 18. i ii.m i v-. iri . la to da i ui.a aod i lenfuegoa Thur*., AUff. 13. Thla Lln* rtlr.-c ronn nlon >.ltl. and Usu-s Uirough ! P.I1U of u- all uoiut< on Meilcau B. W. ? o.. >; ll \\ . Ot., Ltd., and Ui_ MoiiUrcy and liulf Ra!lr,<i<l For full partf-.ilars, fr-'cl.t or miiage, anplv to 1 J*Mi_i il WAKD _ <0.. 118 _'Ali-a_ tPr-au 9ieamera. T^T^ D_^FAC I FlC^RA iLVVAY I j Steaaaahlpa, ,__ V CHINA AND UPAN UW_ rrom v -.^-n.,'.'- ?t.??> ?? jy,\_>, rnWA. TOKOQAMA. 8HaNOI1AI and H<>?g.&$*9' NEW-YORK TO JAPAX IN 15 DATBa 000 tnllea Uie ahorte?t route. Lowar rates. Bend, for informaBoB. lalrnded s-IUukb from Vaw-ouv-r of lha aew " Soaai Eipreaa Btsamahlpa I'A RTHIA i not nevr,. .______ r.MI'RISS .11" JAPAN.__2?p\o EMPRFAS Of 1BDIA..............;. ____Ja-T at V HK1NNER EVF.RETT 'RABAIB, * _e^_K_3 AgV _ Chlna w?1,^-|%A5.T. 853 Broadway,____T.____*-4 __!*l-*5=*-=i-s' TAHAN -CHLNA. OCCIDENTAu _!ID OBIENTAL Bteamers leave han Franclsco as fellowa: oceanic.M?*-^ ?*.?'. ??? 1 _? ViAl-'LlC Tutaday SepU'O.bwr U>. ? P- ra b_LUlC(vla Honoit-i)" *.. ..-__a_B>j octofcer 8. 8 P "'? OC?ANIC .Tueaday. No\ornb-r 3, 8 P- m. bupcrldy Bppoii.ted-_upc.rlor _f_fB_______Ha_ lnd Reaervatlona can be made, B/~5t*a_ J* tt^_rT____ cabb. plana aa? Bt BPi and 8(3 Bioadway. NeW-rora.or Room K Railroad ft^*^*3_? Mda* T. H. UOODMAN, Ocueral PBAVaen^er Ag____ M__l-_____*r_A:N LLNL. Bxpreaa Paeeeaaa* sWaaaaai servtee. New-York to oeooa ln Eieven Dar? NOItUUH XfcCHEK LLUYli h. ?*_??__ blbect iux:te TO WUTBOJ kra-xcjb, Avoldlng the NoVth-rn Lafc'udea or AtlanWc. the. Chaonel Croaali.K iuia R- R. fdlda* DEPARTi RES: 8. ?. Ft'-DA. Wi.l)XIM.AV .)( T. 21, 8 A. M. _ _V FbLDA, WEDN-SDAY, BF.C. 80, 2 P- M. and every tive week* thTttftor. l'astaue $12* or *100 a burth, Klrat ( abln. ^oki.ftic H? l j:o__JL _?ow??g r**n' \TOKDD_t TSOll-K LLUYD S. S. CO. Il SHORT ROUTE TO I.ONJJON. NEW-YORK *.tfllAMI'TX>N AND BREMEX. _t._in.r- ?all fron. ptur foot of _d?,U Robokon. FAMT EXPlUvSS hTEAMERB., Aug. 8. ft ?. m. I Trave-lues., Aug. 18, 5v m. Aug. 11. 10 am. Elbe..WBd.. Aug. 19. 6 am. ..-.. r .sat. All*. 15, 1 p m. I Mu.le.Nat,.. AUf, 22 8 mi, I Iral oabb), 87ft aud upward a bertfv brc.nd rabtn, 800 a N-rti.. Btatrage a: [_w_a_ ratee. cxirici.o ? <>.., 2 Baat. ___. DACIPIO MAIL BTEASJ8HIP COMPANT'S I LfNEs TO CALIFORNIA, JAPAN. f HINA. CENTUA1. AND SOUTH AMJatlCA AND ME-IOO. From New-York, p;-r foot of Canal-st, N. R., for San Franclsco. vla the lathinu* of Panaina. NFAVFOHT sail* Moidar, A.iKU-it 10. noon. From K?n Franclsco. Ist ?"<1,.Il?iry,n*n ?u FOR J.VFAN ANIl (HINA CITY OF PEKISTQ aallB Tueaday. Auzuat 11, 8 p. m. For frrlght, paeesate and genoral lnfirrrmtioj., apply to ?omijaiiv'a oflic- on the pLr, foot of Canalkt., m, K. ?ompaaiy on.c^ ou ^^T^V_J^ewT_Superlntendant. | H ?_ ST.\H LINt a?v POR ANTWF.RP AND PARIb, , Saillnfr for New-York and Antworr ?raa?r. waesi.and .Wfcdnciday. Aagaat ?. ?? 10;2f?*- " RHYVT.AND.Wedneaday, Au?u?.t 19. ______?_> ai,. . rif- : Plli\ Cabm. SM and ?PV*____*__?_ ?ao ti',d opward. Baeond eabta, */=*&. Excorsion, S?5 to P_TF.RtW^H\Va^OlNfl.tOenH *_?.. 0 Bownng Oraen. KKD " 11" L1NL OF STKAMSHIPB, KOR LAOUAYRA. PfERTO CABELLO. CURACOA. ? CORO ASIi MARACAIBO, Pler 30. East Ulver. _.?__. 88. CAP.ACAH .Wedn.--da.v. aasaat 12. 2 30 p. m. bA VEXEZUELA. Baturday, A.i(n?6 22, 1 p. m. ?8 I'HII, \I>EI-1'HIA. Thursday. Scpt^mbei 3 1 p. m. Tho*-o American st*imalilns. BpeSally built for the trade. have vary ^'^l^iTls^A^ _"__8_1TP. Tourt-sta Aaento. (renural Mariagera, "1 Wall-st, "lWs COOK_A_gON. 201 Broadway._ VVHlTTTs'lAK 1.TNK. TT g__t QU_EX8TOWS and mverpoot* IWIYAjV ANb fNITED &TATES MAII. STFAMERS. ?M M-stt ? aub. 12. 10 a m. -Majeatlcbept. 9. 9.30 ?. m, .;-n,J,lc" AuC. 10. 5 a. _. t;er,n,i,.sei, W, 3 :lo pm. aTantonlfl AuB 2H 11a.m. ,T"i!?nle.Sep. 28. 9 M) B.m. BrttoMnle" Spt 2. --. a m. I'-rt-armicV-p. MtdO p.m. "rlU' From W_te Star Dock. fo-.t of Wefi JOtb-at .<-_??ri eabln on thrae atflaioera. B-aloon ntja_N0 and '.iT.ward. acccyrHnB to ateamcr arid locatlon of blrth. SkSH hpjagyg^gg^ Aag^ Stfamtioats. PROVIDENOE LIN? v___ NianT-S BE8T. BH0RT_8T RAIL IUDE, BP-EXDID M.-SIC. BB-Bff. 1 BOSTON I "^ I|_l0r^HBirM^_riV& ,lon. Laava 11-r told No.) 29 BJ. R-, foot of ^?r>',-n-?h are:00 p. m. dailv. eS., ^?g.-^^j and atatcrooma reacrv-d af 172, -??".--^"V'.iJ _l:?, _5%B__ 1 3i;3 Broadway: ',37 6Ui-(.ve.. 1.1.0 9th-ave., 284 west Eaat ll'Sth-st.. 148 Bowarr. Aator Haoaa. O.-moiOtltan and Wtndj.or HOtaU. New-York: 4 Coiirt-at., W>0 F'ilfon-?t, and 98 Broadway, E. D.. Brooklvn, or by Udenhooe ctfl Cortlandt. 3 281. _ STONINGTON LINE, INSIDE ROt;TE TO BOSTON AND THE EAST. ONLY DIKI CI SOCND U?'UTE 10 SfARRAOANhKTT IMER ASO WATCH HILIV fsu-.-imt-ra Rhodo l-iand and Xarrecaaae-t Mawa waw Pl? 88, N. R . one Wock above Canat-st., at 5 p. m. dally. Bundaya mcluded. Stateroomn raaarred at aU above offlcea or by telephone call ? ortlandt. 4,-lt BP-C1AX RBDUCED RAT1_S _r exc.iralous to Narraganactt 1'ter and Watch HUI, eood ?^n_^<.n_fc^'irda^nig_h?bc__j)nly,^etiirnln__Si^^ FALL RIVER LINE. FOR B08T0X. KEWPORU I'ROS'IIJENCE. MAR THA_ VINEYARD, VA_TUC__T, CU'E COD and aU D0l'B_E KUMMER KEKVICE. The four lcadln^ Btoamboata of lha ?oiid in eomailaataa, Plymouth, l'linrim nnd Provlclance. .__,_, Eca\.- N-?-Y..rk from Pler _<. N. R-. foot of M'irray. st.. week day^ at SillO und 6.11 p- ?? i Sui.aaya, -niO V' C'innoeUntf Ann-r. bo-it iBBYea F.rooklyti week daya and Sundavs m 5:00 i>- m.; Jeraer Ctty, 4:00 p. m. A BDlendld band aad oKhestra attarbed to .-aeh at-amer lr, ,?.i..? 1TI.I.MAN VEHTIBULED EXPRF.SS tralna eonnect with aU st.-ameri at Fall River. '?In Britrhteat Bummer Und." a ...autlfully 11 '"trsted book of over 100 pagee, t..c- th-r wltb ??Maiuial of O d Colooj Rraortt," contolnlna n-t ? btuidredj ofI hasela la Old Colonv t.-rritory. reacBed oTrectly by the Fall Rl\*r 1 Ine aent to applicants on r--cclpt of )5 cent* i^statte. Ad _??,' i>. o. Box l_2, Wew.Tork._. HDDSON RIVER BY DAYLIGHT. Day Llne Stcomers _.-__? KFW-YOUK oi ALBANY. ?? DAXLY, exoept Bundaya, _?a\o? Brooklyn, i ulu>o-at. (uy Annon.8 :00 a. nw New-York, Dosbroi*sfe.-at. Pler.8:40 New-York, West 2id-at. Pier.9 00 for ALBANV. landlnn at Yonkejs, Weat P..lnt. Newbure. PoughlteapJla, Rhln.-beck, Caumlll and Hud-ou. naBaralna leave Albany 8:80 a. m. Cennectloii : ? .?_ U'ESTPOlNT. NKWBI'lttJ. and POKEEPMK wl_ do?n day boat. RUIMBBBCB-, with Ulater _. D.l. R- R. for reaorta ot the Catsltllls. CATBKILL, with sp^clal trulns on Cata. Mt. R-R AI.BANV. -^'th tr__i fo: Nlaeoia PaUa. ptmu. and tho West. Bo?ton and the Ea?t. Montreal and tte ljorth, aud with HPRt'lll. rltAlN** t.. and from .*<AI?ATO?JA. The tf. Y. Traiiifer Co. will check baKKage from hotela ,nd ^j'{^(. AVD a,KTERV00N ( OVCFRTH _^ NORWICHLINE l-or lloswu, aU pwiiita Nortii aud _*?t. D.rt-ct rouw to Kcw-lxnidou. Watob HUI, Block lcland. Norwich aad Wur cestcr. Kbamei. ;._vc Plar 40 (old mimb-r). Nortti River (ne\t pler Bboro De-sbro*?es-st. Ferryi, daUy, Sundaya ex Cepted, at 6 :30 i>. m. Tkk.t-" and utaterooin- .*e.urod at 6, 47. 961, 3.1 347. 353. 807.717.9&7 and l 225 Broadway. In Brooklyn : 4 ( ourt ?t and 331 Kulton. Offlcea Weat ott's Exprosa, Pler 40. North River, and 00 ateamers. Weat e.irt-s F.xpreaa wlll call for and chock ba?vac<i from bctola aid resldencs. _1-L_ w- "Ra0Y' A??oot. ALBANY BOATS. P_f)P_B*B l.INK. aaaaaarta dhew and dean richmond leave oia Plar, 41 N. R., foot C*ual-st. at 0 i.. m. DAILY (Sunda/B evceuiAdii aUo URUOKLYN, loct lultOU-at., V1B. A.V Nt_ BOAT. i |>. m. Dlrect conncctloni, to SaratOga, Laxe OcorKe Adlroudacka. lliou-and latands, bharon 1 bprli.flts, UdSDeratowa, RichtioM Sprlnna aud Niatiara ! J-alls. BATl RHAY Nllilir bTEAMEK connects wub ' r-l".iIAL BUXDAT MORX1NO TRaIN for ISARAXOOA i and LAKE OEOROE. A.-?aVIMB ?TBAM?MIF CO. lhe only _n-> t line ui Co-.ia*;. City. Mui>a., and Port land Maii.e. Cuuic ctuit- at Punund wiili aii railioada and ! ateanmliln lln-a for Bar llarbi.r. Old Orchard. Polaad ; bprlng*, vVhltc llc.inUmi. Rookland. Banpor, Bastport aud j _t. John, N. B., iir.d .Ul Cisteri s'imiii'* reaorta. Steiun. , ir. ?aii every Mondav, Wednesdav ?ud baturday at ft p m. I from Pier 38. 1'.j=- ftlver, fo?.t of Ma.kct atnet. N. Y. Vor further Inforuailon apply to HOIUTIO HALL. Agenl. | Hudson River Steampr MARY POWELL. DAIl.Y (8UXDAYS EXCEI'TED). I.cavea*--ch-"t. l'ler, 3:15; baturdaya, 1:4ft p. BL Do W<_t _d-st. Pler, 8:80: Do, 2 do. , For CRANSTOXh. WEST P01XT. CORNWALL. NEW. BURO, KEW-HAMBURO, MILTOX, l'OUOHKEEP-IE, UYDE PARK and RONDOIX. _ A-.NE\V-1J.\\ K.N, 7_o. r EXCURSION (good 0 daya). 01 3ft. Me&mors C. H. NOltrHAM and CONTINENTAI. leava 1 I'eck t-llp, Pler _3. E. R., 8 p m. and 11 p. m. (Bundaya 12 l?- m.). conncctliiK ut Nciv-llaveii with _>'<-l_l tralna for MKKIIH.N. HaRTFORD. M'RI NTJFIELD, HCL VOKE. *c. Through tlck. t* sold and baggage ,-h>'Cked at U4 l*Br,.ad-.Tay, New-Vork. and 4 0.>urt-?t.. Brooklyn. LriATS-ULL M0UNTALN8. OteaaaapB KAA 1; TERSKILL and CATSKILL leave Pler 33. N. R., | foot of Jayat.. every w.-ok dav at l) p. ni., connectlug I with Cau<klll Mountaln and Cairo R R- D.r.ctory ol ! auuimer hotds _.d bourdlng-ho.i*--a free at pler, or inall'-d to auy addrcss by W. J. UPoHES, Ticae.. Catsklll. N. y. IMUl BON1XHJT, l-iNUSTON and intor mafllatt landiugN, from foot of Vfaat lOth-st., Pier 48, Dillv Bt 4 o'clock; Saiurdays at 1 o'clock. KA.MSDK1.L Lino.-Sfrs leapa rHar 24, N. B", foot. Pranklln-at.. for Weat l'oint. Coli bprina ComwaU, tOabktll Eaudlng. Newburg, dailv 5 v. m.; ttunday 9 a. m. ?J ? W'lNTHIior" f"r Har Harbor, ?^ I j-l|.ort: Campouello. BL Andrewa and BL John. at S p. ui. BTBAJl-l "LUCT P- MILI-1''" foi R-iekland and n foi atooaehaad Lano. Taeatdara 13 noon. Itoii from i'.er 4'.., i-?-.t ,'*l\dr^.,,11\l **rV _J*i 1 ANSIN.i 807 llioailwai ; 1.0Ah EXt H A.M.I.. !M7 br,.aduay aud P. H. SMltll a CO . 17 and 1J Wllllamat. SOUTH NOKWALK.-^toamer City of Albany, Ueekman-at., 2 ;id p n>. inaiurday 8 p. m., Suuday 6:40 p. ni.). Ea-t Blat1*1 20 mlnuU). 1 ?ter. TROt Hoats foi: ADIRONDACKS; SARA - PjOOA, lake oeoRoe. BtBBBiare aaa-taaa or Hty of li..vjca\e pl.-r foi.l Weat lOth-at. duilv, . xcept BATi bDAT, o p. M. OaaBaat with aaaaaaa traina for all IIIUU N.rUi. Li-iv raw .Ncur*l..n llck._. S.indaj aUaimcr touckaa al Albany. Kooina rcaerved Iu advauca. REAL ESTATE. EOJSIXESft AT THE EXCHANOE. No. 487 Le.trigton-ave-, b are-atury brlck teneBuaB and ature on a lot 35x100, and No*. 118 and 121 Baat Forty-aeveiith-Bt., flve-atory flaU on lota 36.80, weja adverttoed for aale at the Real Eatete 8_B_a_BB| \m J.iliti T. itoyd yesterday. APei e/inaultaUon beawBsa tho referee nnd the attorneya t<* the varfoua parttea ta Oas anlt, Uie sale -wa* adjuumed until Auguat 87 The rec_nt fnliurr., more eeperlnlly among _____ and d'alera ln i-ommercUl paper, bave not b__ IK out effct up.,ii thla markft, tnduetnp b<>Ui bujeaa __ <tall.r? U. jHistpmie. ,,p.-t_ti.,iH until thlnga ha-- aet__ down again. The actlon of the Mutual l_fe In*B_Bna_ (Xitnoany and 88888 oUier lejidert ln lalatng ttia r*_ to _ per I*- al_> hail a weakenljig Itiflnaiia. On the uther hand, thoro are kwge anma ?t the varioru txugt wmp-iile* atlll awaltitiK invaatmemt. ln dtIbm real-estiate aerurlUe*, :jtnl for hheae, them appeara ta _3 nu dlmlnutlon ln prloe. Tlie rooma formerly ocruple. by th* Real _a__ Auctlonaera' As_icIa_on, at, No. _0 Plne-at., ara_ reut. Tlie followtnir, aalea at prlvate ouritract are aa. nouneert : R__ard MaBBBBf na? pureha-ed Not. 138 and iaa Kaat F1ft.trth ai for tUHjitiiG. lt U uMe_<too_t__T nevr nyriaioguo will be eouatni. ted on theee B___b_l John F. B. SmvUi baa stold at prlvate connr^njia 141 Wext One .Huytted-and twenty -*oond at, bernt . port of thc estate of Ueorge W. Day, s__a____ al Il7,000 fi A. Manlce. "? Niw-York, Thur*_ty. Aug- 1 Xo aalea were held at tha Excbang* aod A.cUon __. to-day: "?* Male of buildlnga, wiUi plnt ,.f land, X*a 119 ang m Eaat 47ih-at, n o cor I_-xingt,n-*v-, waa edjOun_4 _ Auguat 27. _ RECORDED REAL L\STATE TRANSFEIUa-N. Y. CIT_ AVenue B, e ?, 1_ ft a lSSd-at, _._?"., Wm U Walter and wife to Wm C A___*. a_B SlaOat. n a, 150 ft w lat-eve, .1x100.6; Morrta H "^ i o..i-xi to h>,phl? H Coben. . 180th-at, a a, 25 ft w Am-tordani av-, 60x100( PauUn* Mlmou to Ollver B R_dg_j_n. 4 *_ _a___8Jtaa-ove, n e a ?4_>-*t, 19.?__5; Marv E Fox and wlfe to M_ry !.<..,.-? Poa. ltOOB 7_th-i,t, No. 328, half part; Chaa Roaenoeeg ar.d wlfe to Hy _e-u_vu.;. t 7th-ave, No. 687; Davla l nderhill to Jaa W I' ?'??! -i ? ._.-. 80 088 Hathgatu ave, e 8. 180 9 B I 17*t_-at, 58.4i.jg w trregular: Robt 8 Aiiderw.n and anoUier, tniv t,-:. to S'apoiaan i.- ??-. looa v_na property ; Robt . And-raon at al to ?a_i*.. '^ 107th-at, No. .1 Eaat; oen F <__d?. in to Huld* ooldateln ..,. 18.008 27th-*t. a *, 125 ft * 10tii-a\-, BtaBB-B; Jno V Cainpbell and wl/e to Ell-n Rvan. .. ** qqj 113lh-al. a a, 320 ft w, 215x100.10; __ o Rvan to Jno V Campbeil. lA.Ota biUi-at. a a, 100 ft e Woat End-ave, 80x102.2; Hy A RoDlhaon. r^f. U> Reuben \V Uon*. 6i)a Saui.- property; Reuben W Rn?* to Albert C Hende-ecn. . SOBl Sd-at. Xo 118 Weat; Panny I^^y t? I*14ore Abrahama.?_?-???_. W.?B 67th.*t. n a. 145 ft e Othave. 25x100.6; Fannle R K-zard and atio. lnfanta, to Ajnbroae K Kly.. . lT.BB Saniu property, l-'A purt. ; Jno C K<>?i and >iw to ?ame . BU8B 170that, u a 125 ft e llfJi-ave, 25x100; Jaa Rowan to .aa Calhoun. 1 170th ?t. n a, 100 ft e lltn-ave, 26x100, Jaa Cal? houn and wtf* to In- Rowan. 1 75th-at, n *. 95 ft ? M8B__BI8r~?, 30x102.3; (ha* L Tlffanv _nd Wlfe tn Albert Helian.y. 3608) 5_tt-*t, a a, 150 ft w lat-TB, 25_00* ; I.oula M Cohen to Morrla H Cohen. 1 Avwiue B, fc a, 175 ft n l?i8d sU 25x105; Wm II Walter aud wlfe to Frank M Mna-Ja. 909 2d-ave, No 2,250; Ali.-e llradv to s Fleck....,- 12.8. o-th-at, a a, S40.7 ft w ur ?th^>v, _l 10x1006; Adam S?-lf?--llii_ _id wlfe to llarbara Loa__... BOOI 79th.?t, Ba 820. E?.st; lle_ry liemanvn t<i Cha* Roaenfiurg, _ part. . \ 84th-?t, s ?. 275 ft .? of H'th-ave, 100> 102.2. _c ; I..1 U htevena. b_M Sh^rllT. to Edna A Oage.. 2 981 llth-M, a a, le'.'.O ft u of I1U-BVB, IH l)x43.3x Irrug; Wm C Dh-k V, Elizal^th Wooda ........ t lltli-at. a a. 207.3 ft 8 . li-.?iiwI-h-av, 1H.9? iin*g; ?ime to F.l;_ib?_i W.kI*. 1 183,1-sl, ? s. aoo ,. w of lOthave, S784_104_l; Oeo S. hllnd-r t<i Andrew J iVmnlek and another 3$ OOC Crolaui.v.-. r. s. 12* ft ? of 25_4B___I :*) ; >l_ry II Wr.ght te <>aii W Itnvdi, . 1 068 170th-st. Xo 888 F/ist: 1-niando Wood and wlfe to Mary E Srhroeder. 4.401 78th-*t, Bo 807 Wb_ : Uatthew C M-v-r and wlfe to Ella A M Hall. 20508 14:<tl)--.L n a, 120 ft s - uf Murris-ave. oi'Xlf*); Wm M.-Kenna and .If- .> D_il ?- W M,,rjr, 2J| Fois-st-ave, e a. 14.",.2 ft i ,,f l<_th-?f 'u.iot 300. et<- ; Fredrn-k Sn.vth, raBaraa, to SImon I-o-b and Bnoti er. . 76B 8th?ve, a w .-or 2d-et, 1 9 Bl liOxlrr. a : John P Wlndolt.h tr. iara-i Loewenateln. __8Bl othave. .. ?, 28 ft n of 181at_a, _",\-..0: Bean> B ulaaa t., J,\y ard BBOthBf . 24.501 27th-st. Xns 108 hjkI 105 Eaat; Ma'. Turner at al to Edward Coopei. 24 001 BB OBOED MOfl__-Ai__B. Abrahama. lalBata, to fanaj Lary, Bc 118 BTaat Ma) IntalU. 1-3.150. llridgman, Ollv.r H, tn Hcniv Morgenthau, a a lBOtt at, w __aa_e___B .ve, l year, 88,_a_ Hellamy, Albert, te Charlea L liffany, n a 75that. w Muitlson-ave. X i-:ii>, 83. lii-adv. Uctle F. r.. Wiiliam Mlfhell. a a 107th_^ w Mad-emi-av-. .1 -. ira, 838.000, I'amptiell, Juhn V. t?. Ihe TlUe (. jarant'O anl TnK Co. a a ll.lth-st. a Bd-ave. 1 v-s.r, e.V<X50 sjii.r. to Laammleln Buttenwetacr, i i li'th-t, ? 38 ave. 3 nm-, 81 800. Tliranv, AuMe DiiImU. and huab, to AIU-*t U < lurdlor, a * ilBt-at, t Lexlugton-ave, a yvaiw, *s '.iti. P_a*hu*. Partrlci K, aud wlfe t,, Francta Jt >im?, 1B 128. iiKLi. of Morrtaanla, 6 %.ars. *.-_ixxi., Johanna, to Atigatl H.?--ey. i?07 Ava h\ l year, | ? iiltniiN. Henry K, tn sti>p|, n lf <.'.;n e..mml?aloot, Vc, s s I0e_i-*l ? '.'.- ave I v.a 87.'.a.. Qoadwln, Frank J. ta Ueorge Ehret, Xo 278 SWiaiva, l^as. demand. iM..v fj ItODderaon, Albert C. to f-. t ? n W Raas, a a g.'ith-**, w W ,.-.-, _;id-av... 4 mot, 2 n.t.s, .1 >;<.-??? HB-BftBB, '^tto, und "If- tn i.i.rge F .Marten*. a ? I_0_. Mt, - 8th-ave, 1 rear. _.'..',<*?. II.- hora, Joa* h, to Peter Doeiger. Xo 124 nieeckeg. st, leBB* U.insi.a, ?1,000. -_..,-_ Killake I'heieaa L u?l > -.-l.nd to The v 8 Truat Ce, Baw-York. Bo 1281 ataaiaotiava. ;i year-. 112.000. K.t.ham. Jiinea W. hi DbbW I aderkBl, i * .th-ava n 41st-f, ?> veais. 828.000. l e.i.v urefory, aod ?.i- to kbrahaai Bteaes. n * BBa * _3*--_? ' J ,;?;, _ s a__kB__i and.^ ____a_k ve. m Hiitl, -.-.t-.-. -. n ITMB-BI. 1. y-ar. _W0. McMaaUr*. John u. and wite I Mn-l- 11 Bos?, |_ 77, BeUBont vlllaie, .". yu -. BdOO. ?____ tiuden. San.u-1 B. to _dei_ l-.iutaln. * a H9_-_, e Rrno_-ave, 2 v, ura. 825.000. ? . ,._ Rvun. i__m. to John V __afta_. ? a 27th _.. a 10* ave. _ vears. *>8.oi?). ..^.^ ^ S-hr..eder. Mirv E, to F-rnando Wo .. ? a 170th*? entre line FrarKiln und Fultup BVie. 8 v-ira, f2.M0. S-hnudt, Kary, ta JohB Jorrlatanin, B l l.vth-tl, l Courtlnnd-ave. 1 year. *250. _ Cmfreviii*. ( harlntte, to JohB B 'sMng, Jr, part IK 48, map of v , ? yeara, 87.700. Qlnction Galcs of fical <_Btatt. JtRE. JOHNSCN, JR.'S FLAa PROTECTEC BY 0-CISlON OP SCPREME COURT, NOV. 13tS, 188* OWIXTf TO THE SCDDFX RAIX THE OBEAl A-CT10H BY ORUER OF THE INTF.KLAIiES LAX? nniTANV, OF 100 Superb Villa Sites, AVKKA<;iN_ BtBtft FT. EAt 11. AT INTERLAKEN.NJ. BKTWEEN KI.BKKON AXD IIKAL BEACH _"? AMIIBV l'AHK. SO MVCOMmWVhLt BKIJIM OJt JILV 8JB, HA_ BEEN FOSTl'oXED CXTIL SATURDAY.AUG. 8tht AT I O'CLOCK P. M.. OX THE WWMktTMMM. Th- prop-rtv la b_m ta th- OCEAB. aad.IBJ__^|__| on TWO LAROE AMi PH riRisOt E LAKKV Intjr. lakeu Ih one of the BW*I rl.'.div rvatrlvt.d IBH_B.?Bjai _*W-Je_M. -oa-t, and l.als faii tn r. the MBt taa-MaBBBB. A lar.e BBJBbei of , otta_-s hax^ alrridy be^n ??_;_? tiv-r #I25,__? ha? been apeat for . -n-ral lmpr.n_nanwk Nu ni-siiulto.>a : no tn.ilutla wuter-work* ; atrvta ?:?=*J and cuib-d; maimlrli-nt. tr - . Ui__nparable new*. ?_ nrectlon of a large!n..?r Hotel and Wmter SanltailiBi upon the preniLic.s la now utid-r conalderatlon. < OLLAT.ON ^rliV:c?.OCK? ?.??,, ,_,,, Blxtv per eent of _M B-BBBBBB monev may remaln t>8 bond aiid mortgage, at 5 BBt 8888 Intereat per aunuin. BB one, |W8 or tl.r.e vrara. TITl.l S ,,1'A'IAXTEED. the pruportv; or at tha offl,-_ ..r a_>WA__ Eiq.; I _i'.?(.-n. ti. I. and FARRIsIl 4 PFN_?_ Xo. 44 llroadway. Xew-York. Attornaya for the t o_p*"?_ fical (TBtatf. (ChuvUs 4r. Svown. EXTIRE MANAi.i MI.VT I \K> .a OF REAL.___-___ __A___r LOA.NED ON BOND AND kOH-.A_B. 39 I.IHF.KTY HTRF.ET. N. V._ UnaintBe Ptoperto C? ttu DEMIBABl.B IXV.vrviKXT PBOPKBTlEfl li.,i*? Tawa Foi- *r!c ItlLAMI * WHITISQ. 3 Herk-ian Hl. ?_Tili_ Proprrtn Sox Sulf. A ______ ii itiii: -la _aa of pbbbbjbb88jaajBtjag .11 on i.h^ WMI Bld*. BW OB* purcUaalng _?j_*i_5 i?? i-inainiug houae* itcn alr.-.idy aold.. .'.,4 and -*> ?-* "^dS LIVF. ni'NT FK1 F. F..U FIYE? VEAB-n. M th.-v ean Ni aold at that tlu:e at a prottt^^abo%e th; i^ vwilng Int.n.t ,uid t:.\.?: pHee*. B2.>-KHi aad_??__?>_ 88.000 down will bmbn B88*-a_lon; _u.y tenn*. ouy w OEOB-li O. KOCKWOOD. 1.U0 Bwa4wB8> o.n-r