yti-Ll._-??!?, 3-7.
ftfif. Aus ' ?a\ dispateh ne_t-__ in city
t^ijav *rom ,,u0''o> ? _?*? asser's that Cliili will
a^jaie mi agaiaat Uulivia. Wause the Uovern
nt ,,_ the laticr conntry has reoognized the C?u
rtrfslcin,il purtr of Chili as lielligerents.
(>qo:i. Aug. 7.?The llalmacedun 888?88. Presi
?ote Pinto has left this port and ahaped her
??___r lu ? waaterly direetion. On the eve ot ber
.ilina a ?M--B of sailors dpM-rtcd from her.
San Dtogo, Cal., Aug. 7.?An oflioer II tlie
Pn'tcd Statee fihip Prnaaoola. wliich arrive* h>*re
Mteiday trom ("hili, said t.i an Ast-oehtod Pr.*ss
(nrrwuK.ndent that the progress made so hi BJ
ritli.T pitrty *n CaiH i.8 _?_?_ The OaggNaatagM-l
party ha?l plenty of money, while Ualmaeeda i*
flooding the eountry with paper money. At Yal
par_iso e_B En2l]sn .overcign its worth $15.
hhoold's new eruiners airive from
Europe in pood _hape to eator eiuairoments, the
iusunrents will ?>e defeated ; but if anything hap
pfrs to the new ships, the war may eoutiFine for
vear? Both parties are well (.upplicd with arms
Md ammunition. So far only three cngageinentt*
h?\t ls--'. t. i-'it, MM ef them t-erioii.s, and tho
i_*_rco;:us have been vietoriDiis each time. The
Mafgent veeaela Eameralda and Coohrane joined
in an exi*eiiiti<>n againat Coquimbo, and just
{iffore tho lYnsn.ohi .eft !n,ui<|ue it, was reportecl
thrv had W-cn vi.torious in the llpht.
In reffard to the ataktag af tlie Pen-aeolas
Uuneli, T .iptnln Kantz s-aid it wns entirely erro
neous Tl.e blowing aa of an iueurgent lautieh
hr i lorpedo was probably the lonndiition for
t_e -ror*. __ ,
Three pro_aOM now reei.snize the ConttT.'Ks.inno.l
?artv-Aiae.inia. larapaca and Tac_. The lnt
ter pr..viine. bowerer, is to vote iu two yeant
whether it 6hall belong to Chili or I__
The Genoa incident ls o;ie more in-tance of the bad
hek -Ahich ?>eerns to be pursiii-iR eralasn of Dlctator
Balm-.t_a. The liosttle attltade loward them of the
hpaah) P-rtuj-mese and Bpaalah Qoven_aaata has
already been r*-l;?t<-rt. M W_H Bl taa aaa___aaBl <>f
tiie Ennli-h at Fei:_nM to -ervc on board
thosc vesM-ls. Kut there arc some taeta relptivc *t_
thal )Tif-__n whKh have not yet been recorded. One
q{ th--. cralners. the PreeMeBBI Errazuriz, ls said lo
be now on tbe Atlan'.lr on lhe w;iy to Yalparai .,
pofrly prmided wlth >ailors and firemen. '? La, Cor
re-po'ndc-nfia de EsfJaiM," a aeral official paper of
Ki-rid, j*tated that tlie ___*** ...vcrfimcnt, on h/./r
i:i| thal the crui-.-r had leit Havra, Ai.d that it mipht
C_U1 at i-vnie pcntoaalar gorto, l_ul sent ordors * .iiullar
to -hr*e i*?e_ by the Unti-h Adiniialty." teMddtng
i" aatkarklng of aaHow, Bremen an.l oruetm ot war.
As to the other veaael tue Prr-id _te Plnt'., it appears
th_t Mhlle it ___ ag.iiund i.ear the port of Toul .. an
lullwi deaert.-d froa the ahlp ami was b. n.p taken
awav in a eiuall b.wt manneo" by two young men. But
li.oy were overtaken bv the riulians and imprisoi;-d
on ih" enii~.-:. They were leleaaed on th.x;.rt'T
only npon the e_. lal _ei__ni of the Oaaaatlaaary ot the
Ikaaah aUlNai. port.
Madrtd, Aug. 7.-.U the time ol the reccnt fifrht
between a land of ainied men ae.d the sentries BNarai
the bv_c*s oi Bataalaaa, it was _t:.ted thal laa atta. i
was the result of a coiispiraeT among ? uumber of
de-sperat? 8t_<_ speeuUtors, who^ de.lrons of ransing
a fall ln the prlees ot securitifs dealt in upon the
bourae, adupted this me*ns ol staninc a report that the
ati.ek tras pen of a i islng l.y lhe Bff bBeaae to over
throw tbe Oovernment, ;md ftus I*r-i.isr aknit a dft
prestlou to prltea. Many persons _e ioved that it
wtii na'.ly a Kepu-Heaii tnoreiaeat, nnd !? ??_- stated
that the eonsplrtwy eitouded to other spantsh eltles,
end that a pemeral rl-inp of the Republiean tpartv had
been arrariireil for, I.ut the pl"t lu.d mlsrirried.
Ik? repr-rt of the affair, ?c tetagiaphed from
Bar__aB_, played no crcdence on its alle?pd Kepuill
ean a^pert, but said that Uie oatk-V-h iw the work
of stoeh speeul-.tors. and todav that i*eport wn- -ul.
ata:;tinted by Ihe anv.t i:i I'.an-.lona of a WBD-kHOWa
and heavy .i-jiei-atoi- ia (ioveinment MtHliUea, on the
di.rje of heiilp a pt.rtv >o tho c<.i'-piM< y. The polh-e,
up':. --<ar?*iJnK the prlaoner, tonnd in hla poaaeaal ?*.
b Baaiher of lrtt?r^ whleb ptove beyond doobl that he
__. concernea In the attaek up.ui the barra. ks. and
i.'u.t t'.e afTaii- v:.s almply n n>>\\-' de?pei,atc
a. beme t.. orlglnate atartl np romei. and tbtu jli.?w tl.e
aptfatori eoaeeraad t<. ??bia-'' the Btarket
l.ondon. Aug. T.?Captain Lawtor, on board the Bea
Serj.'-nt, arrived a* Ooverack, near Uaatd Potat, on
the E:.tUi.i. Caaenal, at 8:30 o'clock ftedneaday mm_
lcg. liis i-eegai of the IncMeota <>f the I Ip
inu"' iiurrow Baiapra (haa .'? ??i--. The bkmI ei Itlng
evti.t WM aa BOeoaator he Imd witli a -li..:-_i ai.d '.!."
BBVal method he adop'ed to ti'-'ht tha iuer:~l":-. On
I ? .-.jt bI Jaiy -i ha weat to aleep after he i.:..
?aae hla rvdder iopM taat aai atherwtae prepartd his
t au to eaea for heraitt. He vu auddenly awa
by u p-indiiiK nolse and npoa tatreatlgattng found a
?harfe rabUni agalnal feae He pald noattentlon
BB WM B rommon 0W-W_.ce. ?-'"'I.i nlv the
b.?it I8V8 a twttt, and he found that the ahark had
Mr ei over and had one end of the b(?at ln it- n: .ith
tr>-,:--* |o gnaw i; i V. Captain Lawtor ^hw thal
Bttst be done- He had a harpooa, bal vm
a?ra_d u*t if ha tl.r.-w it he mlgkt loaa it. Ile tH'-i
to l _!i a haUe t'. lhe hMtooo -o tiu.t he mi;*ht -tab th.
khirk withont danfor af loatag h!^ aaapon, but ho
toaaf thal i ? woaM nol ha?? time lo do it. aa tha
I all lt- atreogth and it- poarofn]
j:.-s -w-.-r.' tajariag I'. boat A brtlhanl Idea iawnei
on the Mptair'a iiiind. Taktag a pau-nt yaekt?gnal,
whlch eaaatrtai of aa exptoaJ-rc Maparatlna thal a.t-'
MMiiwhat Bftec th<' B_u_n_r ?.f Booaan Madtoa, he lit
? . ? wrapped lhe rigsal ln ;i nowapaper. Itaa
l.e thrta hi_ Boeal w_bboh ovetta?iC Aa _ooa aa it
iBBChei lhe water the ahark I't go tha boat and nia-ie
a da-h far lt. Th.- wm un anfoa. laal i atore ..a the
part r?f tle ahark, f >:? }a I aef tt, II exptoded,
niuri- tr, thedetHmenl of the ahark's Intemal economy.
\v, -I (?<;.? arrivrd _i Covcrach he wm
f - .-! s',0 ir- a _.--..t.v f.itiL'ii.-d cmdltlon. The
i.-i- .t ?-,.. pla e ofl-"'i him tbe ho-pitalitu-s
honoe and Captain Lawlor la now there rv^tin?
lun.-'.-lf fron. the -traiu of tbe v<i\.r.--.
Trerm Aag. 7.-_rt_ latoreal i- iBaatfaalBd la the
? '? anrM ngardlni Ihe cahlblttoa of tha Holy
?ow-_d to be the Maadrai coal wom by Nm
_*vi?jur?wliirh ls io lal." pla' e this month ln the
_il?torb Catl.edr.ji af st. ivter a..d -t. Helen. in this
aaetaat <it>-. Maak cwtoalty la ai-... niauife-ted by
l"rf>t'-ri'.t- ln |he propoeci exhlUttoB, and il i- e*>
. that taBMBBdl of p.':->!is Will BOBBB to __*__
fruui aii paite ot the worU.
i_i-.-, Aag. 7.-.\? a moaJI ,,i the reeaol InQBlrtM
?? raiBMtal lato lhe dellnqneoelea of eee
aata A ? re_alea t-. li.?.. (nsBjakei
?,i,! '?,r' ' tbe - -t.i lha Mwafacturv .,i niellnlte,
lhe oew a_pto-lre ... ;.:?-. i,-, , .,. GortniB-ent, aoi
otri.-r - ,-t- .( tbe l-r-iirli \V:u- Ii.-p;,i-iiiii-iit. M. de
I '?'? Mlnlatei of (1 ,j ,,, ,Hoiicr ?H
oflK.-i- ol tlie Frenrli \rm aho acl u. a?ent ? foi llrme
luu'iu! i . ala.
bond n, Aag. 7. tht Mar.iuU of Atteabfli. haa
aiade ajpii'a.ioii i<. i!ie eaarta (or itrui aaortlon to
teii Mi aahBm j.i ?aveaaha Poraat, Itartbimash, to
Lord l\.;r.'h foi i'l70,000. Tiie pi.^eity .on-i-.s
Of the BBdBBl IBBBriaa and 40,000 a.-res of grOOBd.
Ihe other | ?? appoaed to ttio pBattag of the
appibhtion, baatag Ihctr Bpp8_lltoa on the aajaaajait
that BBBggn alone will ieap any bendit fr<;m tlu- -.ii<
The Mar>,ais :.'?- that the liui.sioii wiii ro to niiii
lf he to ebBgM ta ratalB poaae-aton of it. m ha ins
ao* s'_?i.<-ieut ineun. to malntalu It. zim <<mrt re
aerved lt. de.ii.ion.
lOR ATTACKI.NO the indian 00_BU__BT.
Cal'-utU, Aup. 7.-The BtWlgapefl printed here ln
tiieuati..- I:ii raage have r."-'-r.!iv baaa 8eeo_l_g Baah
space |o BlttelM eoatalctag bl.tcr BttaeBl upon tlie
Boaenatata of laata m a.iioini.ier<_ aaaa. thi PI ??
p ol the Mai.jui. of L_.i:ddowne. The Oinei-i.iiieai
finUly giew li.ed af ti.ese ?_____?? and recour&e was
ru_ U. the <ourt> for nllef. 'foday wurraiits were
Uaued for the arie.t of the propriet-r, etfitor, manager
btd ijii^Uf oi itiv ? i,ti_"b.^ , ti.. ul tlie J-agiu.
natlvt. Jouraal... Should these new?*.per men be
found gnlltv, they will be llable to a nentcn.a vui. Iiig
from traiisJ?or_tioii for llfe lo three icai.' Imprlaon
I. ?__oii, Aug. 7.?Mnoli exrltement _as o_a*loncd
In Mm .V.'ii.eohapc. D_Firl<-t tlils morning, whr.n a rumor
_?_? itpidly rirculatod that "Jack the Rlpper" bad
agaiu appe___ and romn.itteid one of the bB-_BMlia
that have made hl_ name i, huu-cholrt word ln thi;-, BMBt
ill,1 part ot Lund. ... Tliat there. was grmnd for
fh. ex.iteiuetit eannot be .otibti. I. R.iiy thls m omlnK
n_ e_e uf the __B___fl__ of Whiteel lapel, an old woman
n.iiiHd Wo .lf_ vn_* passi _g th rmiKh on. of the nuuier
ons dark alleys. with which tlie lrglon abminds. __e
was set upon by an unknowu man, who wa* anneil
wltii a sliarp knlfo. The plaoc wliere Oio __sault was
uiimIo wi. dark atwl dl-jnial. and as the hour wa* oar ly
Ihe aaaal prowlers luul BBOfljl-1 i-fntie lu or
under ai.!__. where they lay In driiiiken aluml. r. As
r_vv_ are al almost houriy oreiirrenoe ln Whiurhapel,
no attcntion was paid-if, ln_ec_. any noisc wa.-; heard?
to what was lah_u for one of the u*ual driinkcii _(-uffle_.
But for tlie old woman It wi. a DgM for lifc.
It appeure that Uie man, who (lie people of White
ehapel are lirmly eonvinced vva. tlui '? Kipper."' uscB his
kiilfe with fero.lty. llo in_-pcd the womim
hv tlie head and brawlng her baek ward witli one hniid
B8f8BB lier moath, he silenced Uio rries plte would
naturally have trled tt> make. while with the other hi
drew the luilfe 088888 her thi .at, infllrtlng a tcrrihle
wound. Then he plunired UM wo.ipon into her body
a. ain and a. nin. Tliere M also a doep wound on the
woma n's arm. When rel eysed fnun the _ra<p of her
assallant, she dropjxd to tho gronnd with tiie bl.xKt
pouring trom her wound., and when, ahortly after?
ward, .she w*. di*r_vered by a passing polir.mnii, flbfl
wa. ln a dying oondition. BBB i* IO_a__ years ol..
The woman was taken to a BOaftta. W__*e, after
?_____ she rerovened suffi. iently to tell of the aMatt
niude upon her. She ls u German, nnd, unlike all the
women munlered und nuitUaicd In Whlteehnpel by
"Jaek the Utpper." she waa not. lu the rompanv ?.f
the man who atia.l.ed her. bal *_M paaatng alonir ihe
.street. when, without vvannn^, (he as__*-*ln apcaag
upon her. She stw lhe glltier of Uie upra. cd atoal
llade, but waa unab . io e r:ipe from tlie f__i*p of her
a?ailant. .he ralsed her arm to drfend hcr Ibraal
from the ?sv...plng blew ainied at it, and it was
through thi* flB___B_Bt that lhe wound in her arm
was ___?._. When hcr __?!___ relra.e< 1 her fnun
his gra*p she fell upon a doorstep. Uespito hcr ier
rt'.iie injuric... .he .tm rotalaad poaaaaaloa f'f bar
Beaeea, und, l.ionpli the wound i;j hcr throat vv:is
hleeding praAMaljf, ?he wiis to articulafc, tbfl
0-_#aa D_ luiving raachei the wino.yii.e. sev,-i-,il
por>ons pa_*ed her while .slie was lylng on tlie duor
step, aaB, tii"iis_ they BntaaaaaM v> aaecrtotB wbal
the trouble wa_, she .imld uot speah Eagli^h finlli
cienU.v vvell to muke tiicni unde."*t*)iid that nn attenipt
had been tnade lo iiiurder her.
It i? under*to_d tliat tho policc found, ncur tho
sccne of tho crinic, a raz.or cover.d with blood. The
vMituid in the worron'.* throat eould ha.A beeo eaaafd
bf a razor, ;i_ conld al-_ the deep one In her ann. bat
it ls l.cllered Miat the otber lnlu_ie_ wero c.u*cd b?
elther a knife or a U;ii;pT, as thev fl-PMOr io ba Btao
?a nnd-,. an.l 001 taeh u* wi.iUd b. made with n raoor. man ht-? b.n. tabeo li to cu-t.-dj' on >u..pfci'.n ol
l.iiift Ihe Ba_a_-_n, but the evi.l.n.e agnln-t lilm ls
wcak and no importance i<- attachrd lo the air>-(.
Inspe, tor Byrnes, w_e_ his attentl'.n was ra!l< .1 yc1
terui.v to UM Iateat munler hi Whitc.-.'.'.pcj, i-.-f.ii_. _ to
talk about the case. escopt to say thnt the.e WBB r.o
reasi'ii to bolieve that "Jraaebjr," tlie mni-d.-rer of
CarH- Brown, In tldc eity, ever wa? concerned in tlie
London murderl. He dcui.d tliat he ever had r_
eoived a mesiage from ?' Joob the llipp_r "
iterlin, Aug. 7.?OoBnul-General Edwaids has Jii'-t
flnished hi_ stitem.nt shoalng the value of Bedared
expoJ't* from tlic Berlin corisiiliir jurlsdictlon to tlie
Cnited BtatOfl dunns lhe !___ ttmt endln_ J_M 80,
IBBI, Vtaa Borlla Consulate-Cieueral touipn.c, ihe
B_BB____BB at O.naberg, KtrLu, Bi-im-n, Iiresluu,
Brun<wick, ChemnlU, Dresdcn, Hamburg, Letpab:,
Magdeburg, Plauen and stettin. Th- gen-ral BgONfl
are given bclow, and some of tho most linpi.rtanl it flBfl
an campared with those ol tlie preccding >
Ihl. wlll be of si_?cial latflroat, as the McKii.l.y bill
lnis been in force durlng the last nine months >.f tlie
fisCal year. A flPBOfflM d the cxports from tlic i'ranlt.
fort -oiisnlar district is also givun bclaw, but as Uie
Fmabfort QaiaaMla Oiioaral Boaca only aaaaal reporM
at the end of ca-h ral.-iidar year, it L* poflaflrie now lo
plva only the statisti.-s ol tlie 1ir*t slx ni'.nths _ 1801,
aa eoapared artlb ihe oorraapoodlag months lu inbO.
The total cxih.iIs from the Bciilii coiistiliir district
Batfog the year ending .lune 80, 1881, aatoaatcd ro
850,753,801, a- tompured with . Kl.O...,'.'-?, .,f tbfl
praecBJDB . ar, a ButMlBfl of nearly 8.800,000.
Anoog UM BKMt Iniportaui IMaofl oia olbaaaa, ol wbleb
BS01.431 4- vver. etporte.l iiii* year, ;.s agataal 8815,
033 ie in lhe pre__NU JTOar. Oa the otlier baod,
booka and printed matter. 0B vvhi.h, as on albums. a:i
i:,- reaaed uuiir wa* pBaeeB, umoumed to 81,026,
77071, an Incroa-e of 8881,08804 *ver tlic prevloafl
%..,- BattOBfl and buti-.i.cveis abowed OBlj B44,
168 78 a* BajBlBM 8187,188 TO _ 1881M-0, B BeereaM
Of almo.t 75 per rcnt. Dn-s an.l pMoagOO-i t_l
trom 8.710,-78 40 ln IBBB-IiO to . . 7,.; la
l-'.o-!.l OMVflfl and b_l__7 BbOW lieavy denva-, ,,
(hc latter espedaU. '? t,ie C!M_IB__ dlflWct
SuKar hll fiom ?r.'-!_'<l'i^ to BH,683^804_.
labaeeo oboat beM ii* owa.
The I'rnnl.fort corsuli.t.'-ticn.-...] eomprlaea tba een
suiatcs ..f \i-. ta CbapeUo, BanoeB, CologaOi Doase
torf, Fiaabfort, Kei.i, Mannbei-B, Mejeoca, Manlcb,
. nremberg, Bonaebarf, _tutt___- nn.i tbe C__BaMrdal
Agencj at lucrth. Ia tbfl _-___??? eoaaolar JiirM
dlctlon the value of _-___- expnrts during the li.X
monhi endii.t- .lu._ 88. 1M1. wofl H8___.801 -7. Bfl
agaiBBl 821^07,000-7 Bi the KareapoBdlag *u
muatba ol rh. pi-____g yc.r. BiaMa, Mndlaga end
t:M.,nilii_s BeeNaacB from 8783,548 88 to 801 _,985 OB.
Braaia powden aaB met bm__ wata exported ta tbe
value ol 8318^44 80--Bl _M?1 87 le_. tbaB hl 1800.
..f . inr. . glaaa, pareolala .niti rtoaewora ever $700,000
trortb waa experteB?eoljr a Bttta less _,:_i taat peor.
live*. iroaj and ili'-iniml- ainouiind to 18,105,838 88.
aii ___-__. ei 888M7888. fBaejr _D0ia ai.d toys
were 8-81^75 80 1< Mfl tn ralue tban in t_M
BrM s,x ii.-:,ti.- of 1880. Plale fimee, wladpw and
TiiliTor glaai al*? fell from more tban .1.000,000 ln
1900 to $S?YM?00 ta 1881. TohL* cuntry imports from
r-utlM-iii (..-rruuny .18.,OOO worth ot hair. and ovi-r
9500,0.K1 vM.rth of hop-. The Baportattoa et _M latter
urti'ie _a___Oi about 33 P_" '<-',u a_B ''riir
Iionvvair. B__J ;md (till?v have fallen (TOflB 81,640,
7,1- . . to 8002,3-- '?-!. a de.-r.a_* of n-arly BO per tAm%.
liaea, .ott'.n *i.<i vv'_iK-.i g.KKj- BaaoaaM-l lo 81307,
08611, nn appui.nt toeiaaafl ol 8818\S848B; bat, ba
Um ItCflD of r'oth ha* disapparcd from HBfl ye.r's ttate
ineiit. Wbenaa la>t year % ainounted to ovvr 3B__BJ00,
thi* iu.-r.'.'--'' ta aoaj an appareol ooo. Moota and
?aaleal biat__ooatfl wbta expotied te Wet __oo ol
B120.96883. MB. V|1K Ko?H-, vdvet, rfbboaa and
braKta 1--11 from 8B.11-JB848 to 8B*_-1.__. 88. W
wine*. b.-andv- bCOl BOd li.n.ors. Anieii.a took d.irln;.
the taat half yenr. 67-6,-88 .',:; worth.
I m Ulla BHMfl "f BgBB it is, hOWOfor, nexl tolm
Doaalbta to draw any deflnltfl ooaebuloe* *~ "> tba
vo li..-' aod eBecta _ Ibe BeKlnlejr M1L B_?fl ap
.,,?.,-,-.-.- In tlw value of Bk experfa are daeJo
}.'.. .- ., 1 .-.-.-?.';.' "'- "I lhe Ii. par.ui.nt a* rogirdt
#,,_ lultinc. was formerlj all Involeed from Masdebnrg
00, ;em nv nrfton Au* Ha. No. the Au-tH-n >ufa
__..i* ..'_? "? ** m i'- _ ?? conautate,
V s, ...iiil- lalllii. nn" in the exportaB-B ol -u_ar.
ih- ..?.*" to t_? value of/.iMi,, export-. U? alao not
,'J rt... to a.. toereaied oaiuber -.f lovolcea, bol
? V.o ihe eN.i"i"ii- _ th? Unlted Btatea eon
f.-,,,.ieiiiv ... 1. ^ i( ,i[i(J,.1.v.,llI.,,llinN- where for
;",,v i ' ma.Iv __Safl a *v*i n, of .l.-plo.-bl- looaeneaa
"' ^ 11L1 Trui invol.-e* were aceepted _J war." ""'lt'
,,,,.v:lj|.. d,,'l v.m'- 1 watelifnln -. To
" ''''., .V- Mwarl* IBUcb -I UM '."11' i.f thls
' ,?",' L. ln th- -niiihen, Blatrtcta, DJider
I'''-,-! . _ .,1. " almllar -pl.-tt prev-Htls
katai. wi.rk of rnvrmno w maiittoba.
_ A111- 7-A 81-BBl lf"1" Monlen M-JTB
JTS. _,_ iSLmet BBB ?,h.n?,if hiol,
., _ ,.,l 1 ta_ ?_8*?. ''?"' *** ***** *M
over'tl t ^ 1 .
A -'10 tlils fliol'lilllg. 1"' "?''"'' '
,;,, g _?S th., (iwciiiug al a tBraaar ....... -1
1 . M..,.e., . ali-ut b-TOB _BUa> tfOflB JtorBa.
?,,d stiMining Mr. Martens and sii (hildiui. i.a
SLilS. J *? 4 ***** *? * ?t0 tH^
canseloitaneu. Ile at onr/. act to work to carry Uia
others from the burninK bulldlni*. |t!,<* m8_ the llvee
| of his father and brothers and t*lstm, who soon aftor
: ward repiineil eaaaalOBBBaaB A d_aaa_._ from Moosa
i ,1,,'v aayi Mrs. .lohu Hcliliwita anu k_ii_ 07 p_j_t
j ning la.t niglit, und MiMlllen'. aloaatot v-_s burncd.
CtwrigM'?: 18"1 i *_" IBB BbMlbrB _t-*a?ia_ Frut.
l.ondon, Aug. 7.?The close ol the ees.lon of Pur
liaineui. bflBP to the Mtnlsters only a bilef ces_atieu
uf worli, and to polltlelana only a short re.pite fr.un
speoeh-mikUlng. The receas -III be tho llvelio-t in
wauy year*. each tid. working ln vlew of the tart
tbat lt will be the Inst campalgn beforo the ttaaabB
tion ef Paillameiit. Mr. Ualfour Bflfl open ihe i .nn
palen 8B Monday at I'lymouth, when lt 1-,<;t-{l
lic will _1vo a further inkllng of his aolotion of tlie
problem of Irish eounty government, iu whlch the
Cahtoet ls now dltlnrtly pledped.
If lhe BteBBBBB of royal pcr-onagcs Insure the
BBOeeafl of Uie World's Falr ln ChiuaRu, its BBOBBM
n.iw M88M BBamaB. lt ta certain that several mem
lii-i- of the EafB?\ royal fumlly are showlng such
;ni intere*t ln tlue preparations aa lndicates an ln
teiitlon on their part to vi?tt the Falr, and rom
munieatlons have reaohed toudou from Berlln whlch
leave little rtoubt If Eu.-ope lf nt perfec at the
tlma of Uie Fair. tho tyerman Emperor will lndulge
himself In the greatest royape of his llfe, ln seelng
Ainer4-_ The heen and ______ interest tahen In
Loiidon in the Falr rendcrr, U pi-nbable that au Invita
tion from tbe Mayor of Chlrage to ihe Lord Mnvor
of i.ondou, aahtag btai la toapocf tne illa nna prep
anilions tor the Falr thta JOOtt B*OB_l Und MClptBBM.
The three aaaaa1 nsnal maiioeuvre.s Just couclnde-l In
the North sea li?ve boen koenly wataM by every o.u
ernment ln Europe. E.\pert* tbe Adiuiraltv fnr rhanciu? tlie plan^. eoawertteg the fcetaeal
maiiweuvres. a-ftT flve day<s' QBUlllBlBM, inio strutetflo
iiianoeiivrrs. UM -poillng Hta lnilhitlve of the Admir-ls
r-min.andUiC- BB aplte of the blutidwliig. the ?rolutlons
hwve ylelded re-ults Bf I_-Bb8BM iinportance. Thev
hnve i-inwn tho rnpi'llty of the mobllisatlnn of aa
____g_lBh fleet in reality. Tho? have also prove.1 Ibal
lha ii'Mon gaaa aaad oa HmiBbbi Pai-U <??..' ba woikad
rapwiv and nt-eamfally, peacftiatratlag nlnetoan laehea
of iron nrmor und tlfU-eu tnebee of anv eompoaaf armor
atioat. at a range of over 2,000 yarda. Another Ha
i.verv made has modiiied the BCeeptai k_BM af the
v_iue of torpeaa taaaeta. Ia bo inataoee dM a tarpado
_a j_1 meeoed ta aa Bttoek on ao Lrooctad. The ayatem
fo-towod ngatect tha torpedo reeoela eonverted the la
teoce Urto j." attaek. Oal af twanty torgedo boato,
four were B-Jodgef eaptunsl. while two prOtoetlBg ship*
wer. Beetropea. aad awanteen aatacaa won repataed.
The sup-nority of Bett_ over passlve defenee Bgalaal
t..rp.-do boata is thercfore h.-id to be dlBaoiMtrated
Lord Battabarp st-irted to-duy lor Chateau OacO,
Bt Tn-ppe. Hta taat afltatal aati waa k romawatea
i <.n t. m Waddlngtoa, the Preaeh Aabaaaaior, on tho
pr paraUona made for Ihe n.-eption of the Preaeh laat
at Fort-month. The pwwBngi o_ the Praach PNM
over Lonl (leorge Hunlltou's statonieut in Parttament
thal M consWerahto nmnbei of Bffnben of Ua^Haan
WS^^Or-SESaa oaaelaiod tto Vtmo^m
lhe algnlflcairl appotatroent, by a 1:l ..- ...ajonty
at Pr_a__sir I'jivi-ou t<. Uhe ehuir of tbeohigy. llli
x,,*,;*, . ? <-Mit. o afavm amoog the nrtbodox.
Hla-lectlon proTea tho atrengUi oi the broud j
... bi -. h IVcslcyanlsm. Another aletorj loi U
war. party waa tha appoHitmenl ol a jpmnii
tr'- to o'.iuln -.:. a't ol Parllamcnl r lelndlna >c -? a
BMd, nnder whieh tho .hae-yeaia Bttatotedal dreaU
lyatem prevallt, ^._
Lon.if.n. Aup. T.?Batwlthtlandlag Uie reporta that
the Injury anstataed by E.nperor Willium when he
tupped and fcH apoa the wet derk of the ImpertaJ
ncht Hoh.-n/.olleni WM lUght. and that bd WM al.le
to watk the deck the next day with Ma lag baadaged.
lt baa been dcfldcd Uiai le will r.*inair. al Kiel, where
he has arriead tfota Ua WP to BotMf, lor two wratf,
M that his Injury may be attended to. This will
pi-event him from attendlng the revicw ef the QordB,
but it is his liitentlon to attend the ni..*v.<mvr-s of tho
}:"vaiu.n and Anstrlan troopi later la the 108888.
bt. I'etershurK. An?. 7.-The B_aataa Imperlal 00BB
,-ti haa teetaed to tr-e ezportatlen of eora from
thtl 'ouiitrv. owlng to the bad harvesi in ?_____, wl.ich
Bm oaaaed a aearefty of thta cereaL
Rome, Aug. 7.?Mr. Daaatag. "f Bt Loala, who wus
a rtedeat at, one of the eeetaataatteal twUegea in ttda
t'.tv. has boen drownod at PortaogtO, a vlllape near
Chleago, Aag. 7 ppert-D.-THa CMoeaa gao-tlaa is
beeomlng emhorraMtttg to WoHd'a Fair offletala. At
? ,. ,? ?{ um F-reIgn Bxhlhlta caauatttoe, Vlea
Pre_ciil Bryan' *?'i*ote some time agn to the ?
(.,',->? of State at Waahtagton, ln re pod to the adml_*alon
?f chtoamen to thta eoaahry ->.. lhe oceaaton of the
Bxpoalttoo. The mwwer oame to__y to Ihe effeel 11.. ... ? <">v.'!:.:..'-nt bad rooelvef aa tovlta
.,'.,, topMllcipate Ht lhe Bzpoaltlen ln 1-03, and thal
it waa probohle thal they wwaM be i-preaooted.
,,: -- qoeatlona wow aaawered MttstaetoHly, bal lhe
Inqnlry _1aBI_r CBtaeea woold be admttted al Oatted
porto whea eoofag here tor the patrpoae of al
u-idi-.- tbe Expo Itlon, wa~ nferred to Bk. Traaaary
Department Mr. Bryan wiato ?o them lanaedtaety
fOr hifonna'ion. M th- nuestion Is one ___ tlw Ex
posttloB BB_berlBei are. aaa-oaa to baea -him.
ciiief iv- reporta trom laaw-Yofk thal Mi ^^rh la
Eratern dttee in behaif of tlw art aapartaMBt baa beea
sattiafa-rtorT. Hta laaaeata tor eo_perrttop were re
'? -,<i u ? artws ew^here wlth cordW ^V\'Ut\
He ,,..1_ have yp-nt a month BON wltb proflt, he
_iV t_-d wonM have done -o bnl for engagrtnehta ta
Burope whh b he tould -not bi_k.
',?,,.;,,_,-?. Aug. 7.-F. W. Feak, of Chtoaga, ?
memVr of th" Foreipi (Jomoiittec of me rhhago
oolnmblan Bxtd-ttton, antrei in thta etty to-day. Ha
was inet by Oark E. carr. the _____ Btatea Mlntator;
Mr. Klehotaaa, preatdeal of fhe Iad___nal Aaso.
,?.?! a Mimher oi bbbb angagrd ta amafaetattag bv
dnstrtoa in Doaaavt-L Hr. Baek starts for Btoekholai
(O-monWW. Thta aft?-rnoon -Mr. I__h and MlnKter
Can rtalted tba rooaii of me rodaat-tal Aaeoetattao,
vheie th. MtahTter aitauitaf Mr. Peek to the BMaahera.
Mr. PBeb a spewh, i;i wl.n h he twatt upon the
Inpertaoca af ?? Mr to Bm trj-de. of i>?*ii
m-oli. The apeeeh _a_ nwaheued a atn^if- Interest
here tn. tho Fair. The a .'"latlon. lt has bOOB de
,-lded will fidvine the (iovernment BD appoint a eorn
nN-oi. ln conjnncuon wlth the exblblt wWc* thta
,,.,.? will send to < hleagu. Later ln ...'-,,
Mr Pccb rlelted Ihe ofllee of tlw Ui_*ter_of the a
p-rior and dUenaaed artth hii.i the naceaalty of Deaamrk
aeudlns a royal eoarmtaBkB t" Bhe PBlr.
to puonrcu si/v at wii.l.
M Loala, Aag. 7. ,\ Pott WOrth, <'-\., dlapateh
Sav-: "Oalhe weatboaal torm aud r.vit;< traln thta
mornlng wm * i'"-''' af B_ea oaa-poaef al Oeneral
DyrenArth, general dtrcetar <-f the work; Profosaor
llyen BBd C. W. ..s-ier, hanooatato; l>r. BoaeU,
,.,-??,-:. I'.uii A. IHapar, el r_totaB; Oeorga w.
Cartla ni.-l-orolo-r^t- Th-y BM in rharge of ih- B*
perimasta whk* tha Qo_rameel B about t? ataka m
M -ii- pi...ti<ai,iiitv of Bfoaaelag ralo br the Brtag of
exph-iv<- m ti.- appat Btrata of lhe alr. Tboy *rr
?ir.onipj.nii-d bv Mr. BaMBta, 81888888 "1 tl.e !t_la >n
M.-iii raaeb at Mldlaad, tnu, wbata the expenments
wiu i," niifie Taa party had attb them *u the '
SterUl nWari to. prodw agaUta ra lall Beadad
il tho <\]? rlPi'iit- "l11" ""'?'
Colunihl-. B. C Aug. 7.-From rondu.toi- of In.-om
Inp Uatal J*-b-rdav it ?... harued that a ieclded
earthgaake ihoek waa toB la Charleetoo a- iboarl mM
nlfbt BTedneaday nlghi " i daiap wm done, bal the
_'hAf-k wa- of -io-h toreo M t" rattle windows. The
local piip'i- it. < harle?ton nialw no mentlon of it.
?jOOttltM raiscE, ani: doq. ifc
I'mi-lih-P-ie, AOi^ 7 l.-|i,'.-lal).-.'.,loi.el _-B|lflllB
bl. -i Remarf dof, Beottlab dlef at Bm HotU m
i...\iig i'8'h ',,J aftoeaooa trom i.-.r-i.-i bbB
?xbaaattoo, eaaaaf, H bi battetai, by taoh af nmotrnx
\i, i .ui made cvory eftort to save the animal. 'Iho
llt V.. i B-!88_ ta EuroM. It ls mMjm Prtace
ftet-cul, taUier ol ft^t-Ui ATia?. _ atao gp%
The atatement whlch was made in the omce ef
I llowe & Hutnnii.'U ou Tucsday that Hcrtram 0.
Wrhster _ouid Bfl____flr hit.i?c_ to BM poBOB before
: the end of tho _____ waa v.rifl.-d yeste.d ,y. Fitrly ln
ihr forcnoon Byrnes sent .-ptari Ml l_iughlln
I and ____< Ure-S. rgeanu Cr.iwloy a:id Mlri"__tb*T to
? Bba i.rhrc of tlie law Him ln Ceutre-st., with lmaritction
I to vvnlt there and arrcst Wcbsfr lf he api?. _<-<l IbflfO.
? The lawycrs had sent word to the lu.piCtOt lhat
Wehster was cxpocted to go to tho offlee beforo nooii.
? f.iituii McLaiglUIn and his rotnpanlon. WBllflB at
| t!i_ ofllce uutll 11 :4_ a. ni. Then a well built man,
with Ilirht t,ro?n halr and uiusiurl.e, abo__ l.hiity
llve years old. who woro a blue sult and a brovvn
?lerby Imt and carricd a IfM cane, stcpp.d out of a
cab in front of tlie oilice and ___i_8 brlskly t-.wurd
|hfl front door. He was sniokm^ a clgar. CBptoln
M. I.aughlln recognltcfl him at a glaa.o, wallud up to
blm and *a: .1:
"Web-tcr, I wunf you."
-All right," replled Webster, "I golng to glve
my.solf np and I watrted to sce my oouns.!."
Wllllftm F. Howe busfled btWOlB and sahl he would
like an opportunlty to eon .ult with hl. client. Captaln
MrI_iiiBliIin sald, "(lertaln.y.*
Web*ter and the BMJU had a brlof ronsultatlon.
T!. n afabaaar and LbbJb Aiien, of the Mw arm, _c
ompanled tho dete'-tlve.s to MtoB H'-_d.|iijirters, rlding
tiptown rni a Ji!..ckcr-st ear. They went Into the
iv.le.tlve I'.urcui bv tlic MOttOa, cntraiice. Inspeclor
T.y_e* talhf- with the prUonc. a few mlniifc., and
called in GflBjBfltfl Ct-oss. of tlic Twenticth Prcclnrt, who
luid bce,n atimmonod to the CBatrol 08-00. Ten min
BtOfl after Wobster had entered the DotecBt. Uureou
h?? went awar a_aiu in tlw.,_ly of (apuvln C.-oh.
und DetC'tlve-Sergoant Crowl.y, still arcompiiniert hy
Mr. Allen. The otEeers had learncd that Polioe Justicc
K .Iv. who h.d been *:ttlnc at Ihe Jeir.r.oii Market
PoHeac.Mirt in the bmbbMbc, hpd gaaa to Iba T.mb. to
:-ir in lhe fiper-lal BBBBBOM (ont. an.l t.'ie.y took Web
ster before hjnt there. The Justleo was iroini; BowB
the _B_BB of the Tombs wbBfl they BirlvoB. He re
mahd-xl the rrri*oner to tho custody of Ciiptaln (___?
until 10 o'eloek this morning.
(aptuin Crr. s ___f_88_ to allow reporters to see
Weibster. He said that W eb-__-*fl lips were seuled by
Mr. H'.wc's orders. Wrbstor ref'i*ed to -ay vvlirie he
had been nr arbal ho had BOOO since taat s.inday even
iiiK to 0:-p.-iin Croaa a:.d Ci.ptain Mr Laughlln.
Mr. Allen, of Howe <t-, who l.-is bad eharge
of the casc thus far, *ald ye.sterday: "We shall l.o
rrady tn morrovv nmt-nlng at the .lefTerson Marbet
BaBOfl ( "U.-t to faratob bonds for any aniount., shoiild Justi.e Kel.y deei.Ie to adniit .WVter to bail.
I expected .._b*ter B_fl morning. He arrived at our
ofl, <? akuic an.l pavc _ 11rri. * 1 f np very quletly. I am
p.etty surc that l.e baa boca i '-"r in Jeraey tkeee
. unday, bnt I don't liimw, nf Vv- -I,. 11 very
llkoly ccter a plaa nf aetf-daCflaeo," Iiynies, whea a.kcd lf he knevv whero
Bfobflter had been la Udiag, aaJd: "Wel ster ha* beaa
ltept under rovcr hy a bM Of gaabl MltofB
WhO have supiilicd him vvllli i:i,,in-v. BOBM <>f Hicni
hold thclr hea.iI pr.-liy hi.'h. I _DOW tben an.l if I
BBB gct tlie vroot whlih I vv;iiit of their COBBCCttoa
witli lhe bafllaflflfl of romeaL'ng a munlerer ihey may
p to prison."
The Inspcrtor would not glve any of the men's
nanics for, r.or te!l, if he kaew, wbeifl Web
BBW had been hldd-n. OthOT. f-i.::_!?- s.,i.! that tl.e siir
reii'l'-r of WlBflBPf had bc-n f,,:-. "! hv tbfl liiei.,1- trbO
bai baaa BMUaB Mb_. They teared tint they woaM grt
Into trouble lf U.ey conflnned to Ue.-p hlni :i\v u from
t! ", an.l they told lilm tliit 11 l,e dil i,,.t glve
ii ?.-. if up ti?;.v would be eoaipeltod to betray
WTebflBBI had beea staylng iu the room of ? puabtar
upuiwn, It was sald, an.l hc had imt dan-d lo leavo
the room.
C____M E. Lyd^cker, tho Publlc Adnilnlstratnr, sald
yestecdiy th.__ hc _< lewallv BBBoi ta retain BOa
aaaft B of tho IBBBBBBI property of (o. idwin iir.tll let
tors of adniinl-tratlon were !--u.-d by Ih. Bomgaia.
He conld not, therefor.. return even GaaBwia. 1 -ttcrs
to his BaiOBta. as the, MMct bad rflfljoBBBBd. BairogaM
i'T'isom I . away on hl. ___B_b_l, an.l wlll n I return
ii ii t il 1. In his BbflOOOfl tbfl !-___? "?' the
1'iimmoii Fleas C.urt are authorired to acl. Among
the property in the adnilni^tr.i'.or's poaMlB-fl a:o two
accldent insiirance policlea.
nUCK CLEABEB, u _, , _
BpHMBBa, AuC 7.?A i?>'iv found la tbfl weet . hore
wi?o,k ;.t Moiiii-iiuni.-i thi. tn- rnlng hai been Mentlfled
ai that nf charles or Harry \V'-.. rar Inipector al
N'.wark, lf. V. H" waa oo tht platfonn of tbe
eabooaa wbea tii" eolUahin oec_rr__. Tomaaao Gaa
iona ri1.-.! ot tha boapital..( 3_M>o'eloeb thi* Bfteraoon.
Thi.. BMbefl tha bbbUmt of tatallUea bj the wroeb lif
i.,- wre.unpe ha* been elearod fr,,m the traea and
tiain* are raoaibB aa _-___
Plttsburp. At.j,-. 7.?A Btapatch ban Ralesttoe, ohi...
aajfo: Whal ml_M have been a rallroad arecb
oeearaod aboot Mty r?a> mrni ot tbe itattoa II. al
4 :?_:<? oYIimT. tlils tnoriiln..'. Tbfl Xew-York and Chicigo
liinlted axpreaa BaatboaaB. cooaUtfnB ol Bao eara, rao
into an - pen awtteb BBB era.hed into fnur beav. goo
dola ca-* ilaadlag oa (be aMlag. The tbree fronl eara
.,( tba lii.nte-i aeai Buawa from tbe Bad
w-c.-kintf tba Boat roacb aad tatally wreektog tbe
eagtao .md f.-vipht rara. _ng__eer Bltebta and Fn-e
tcao Oorner wera periomly Injare-. BIomt Ctopper, a
lofllfliml ofthft t wa, waa tostaatl. ettkA. Tbe paa-eo
t-: . BBBibortBff aboal i.fiv, all eaeaped Injary. axcept
UmI i low wero bratacd. Tbfl iwttcb is thoatht io
_m beea left opaa by bobm ?f tbe otgW eraw. The
arcMent oeeerred la B Beep eai The froat ? ir aaa
thrown alrooel to the top oftbe embankmeot and ? ?
mt a hfiken oa tbonob tbey were ulpo-atema. i nu-.i
. ntc, Bonator Moody, ol Bostb Dafcota, _.~ r.n ihe
1i.ini. _ _m
DOfT,TFCL TIIEnllV OF A 1*1.' >T.
Kalflinri'/.oo, Mich.. Aug. 7.-T_8 BIO-B Mumafhly
|he ? iiniundinxs of the (irmd RofMa a::d Indi:.:ia
vts-'-Ii nre r-tudled, the mnn- ______! B it Cut ?
,i lorabM BaaM haafi aaat Um tbaory "f a plot The
rallroad cBBetali reteee, bawe__. to i koowtodge tbat
tbey im.y i?- wraaa. ftoaMoal Magbltt haa oaoaed a
r,-_a. l of .i.(mm) f. t. is-.:'-i f?r the apprcbeaaloa ol
I tn?- pcaaoBfl wiio Btataihad tbfl traeb, aad thi* ia anp
J p(. .-d to show tl_ oiiinioii h? hoMs. i_?__ra shv tba
? v,:-..klnc (heory ls nb.urd ar.rl IbM t that elthn- tbfl
| rails BpreaB or that the trark etu|i!ove, nefl.-t.-.t to
i Maaa tne boit* aod ?*h-phtt-*s in plaee. Oae b?o who
i rxamlned tlie tra. k eajn that many of tlic rafl
| rott'-n._ _
Borbe-fcr, B. Y., Aag. 7.-.\i,out ?? o'clocb IbB a la.-^-c plece ol brMffl Iron fell fron tbe &**
! ,f | flat tar on an ca.* Oi.iliid OCI Ual fr- i. hl tlfl
! chiii. A few B-lnataa tater .. areatbooad freight ran
j into tba obstiuiti. eaa-log a B-lae-Uaoaeaa pilln. ?P
, ,,i r..-nfiit enrs. whi'ih Moebad Um foar li__b_
I a man n-nld bfl Bt_B 0-1 t" Bag anv appi ?
1 tiabM, iiflncngr. traln No. 8, buacd eaot, lao i"<"
'. |he wreek The rn. in.-.-i- f, aw the i
ttaa, bowator, aod rcveraed h1* engtoo In thae lo
1 nn___H anv m_aui Bafl-_0e belng Booe to the ou
1 . ,.,- ti-iu whlch p:-..-"-,i-.i to thls cBj vla the
, \\,.."i, ..hore U-Cba, drawn by 11^ ..vvn 1... ..i.i'.tivc.
St Lo.lis All. . 7.-11.-tvveeu 1J il'i'l 1 O'-lOCb thi*
,?oi-nii!_ raattbalo traln Bo. 4-j. ____-bo___, wbtab
l-nuls New? Y'.rk bb_ Bootoa ileoojei -. rtraeb a taat
freight Irato ui'i,h araa i?uiiiu_ ln oa a awtteb at
Ho'mer H'-- *4\tB aa____OB Um |MM86-for ti.i.n*
eagtaa,B_- ani axatew eara; alao anaebb-B f??r **
ilf ;i.,m ui tlie frvti-ht tialn. Bfl BaBBBBBBia WBIB *
iin-ert". bat tha faBowtai Mabnaan waw Bart:
____b _____ ooBtaoar, Mrtoaal) icaMod a-d brelaaa.
,?r, ,,u|. M. . *eieie:v . at a'.i.ut tlie licad.
A' J M"iin.!i'_ niall elerk. lerlooaly l.iiit
i.... i- li. Geraa, mail etek, , ,....
{.-.V,,,,.- BMsoaasBr. name not aarartalaoB, uUbiii
MT'u mil' name. Daniel PaaMy. WhO WOfl stcallnc B
rnle n:; the iu .il I *r. was kili'l.
.,?| Fraiirlwo, Aug. 7.-1 hr .-upic ..: CBO-I ?' r,!l
((>r?u todav rviiden-.! B BBCaB-BI la tbfl ?
2mI ______ inv.dv.iia the tiUe to the _au
"?,,? m t*ntra (_*ta OBBBBf, IBBBlBBBll *_**
___, (,f land- The dectalou of th- MBB8I ajJBB ?
1-vor t. 8JB phiUiUff. who oonteudod i^r parUUou,
ls sustaln _, and the land will now be dlvided aJhoTig
sf-var-J liundred owners. The lltlgatlon ln the c*i6e
began In l'-.iT.
The efflgy of young Wllllam O'Neill, tho 11 .ua*
drnl-r of Corona, L. I., and aon of "Sllver Dollar"
O'Nolll, Uie wealthy llquor dealer of Groen polnt. whe
has a < rmt'try house at <?nr_a, whlel. was _u9pende(l
nenr the railroad statlon on Vt'edue^day nlght by aome
praetieal Jokers und eause-d a riot Thuradav nlght.
was raken down yesterday ufteriio'on. Ne one appcared
to oh'ert to the tuklng down of the efflgy, pos .lblv be
oiius. CblOf I'erry, ol the Newtown Flro Depurtment.
who snp<Tvi-,<-d Uie Job, was flanhed by several
ronstabl.s. Chlef I'erry assorted tlmt tho wlre by
whlch it was st.spe.nded interf-'red wlth tbe workliiK
of the fire alamis. The cfUfrv was
thrown lnto tii- growyman srMoo'a oollar.
Willlam ..'Neil eame te Coroua at 10 o'clock on
Thursday night and was met by Wilflam Connors. Ed
ward und .lohn (arroll and (laffln Townsend, who over from Fluahing, det miincd to tear the
i-rti ;v down and to wreak rengeanre on the cltl_ens
who had pla-ed it where lt was found. They were all
armed with large oak clahs, ipf 0*NeTf. at least. car
rled a tvroiver. Tiiey got a ehair and plaoed it In the
surrey ln whieh they had arrlved and trled to pnll the
eingr down. They were gre-ted with a wlley ot l>ri<*k
luils from the ei-owd thnt had pithered. They got' out
of the wagon and O'Ntdl drew his ptatol
The er_a_ Aod, bnt one elti/wi, James Prltehard,
vf\\? was lookinK on, was baacBBi down by ft blow from
a clab and badly bcaton by the O'Nell party. Some
of Uie ritltens flcd lnto BohlOO- grocery store, whieh
the gan . as-iailed, breahlng the door;. Several shot?
wor- tired and the windows of .lohnson's drug srote a-nd
Bm pn .tofil.e and Mrs. Lawrenee's tnbaoeo store wei.
srnn-.h'-d in an.l other store wlndowe were broken.
I-iii-lnz tl.e ilriup Wlllifim Connors, one of the rioter-.
WM shot in the arm and 08W of tho (arrolls was also
The O'Neil (rang got lnto their oarriage an* drore
mpidly ont of town, taking their twa woundnt mcu
witii them u'Ncll WM badly bout'-n. Ha atayed in
bl" l.ot-1 -11 nlght aad went to B-W-Yeefc yesreiday
IWOeo__ Townsend, one of lhe party of four from
nnshlnT ""1 Joi'n Dnnn. the drfver ot the r*rli.__
ln whlch Townaend and lris eompaulons wer- driving
were an-sted In -.uahing yesicntay Hafte'n'idn. mij
WJllljuii Connors, Edward Carmll and Johji c arroll
wer. .riv'Kd la st nlght aad bronrht befOTC J-BtlM
Howard a! Corona. All ol Uiem, exeept l.uun. w-er-o
released ln BSSO ball ea-h. The e..amination will
take place ou Monday. .._.._ .. __
Late l?--t nl. ht Corona was i_ expeetatlon of an
other Hght between 1 and 2 In the mornlng There
Is talk of puttlng W efh'gles of the two .VNeills and of
the wnmav thev bronghl there. All the conmbles
and depaty aherlffa of Newtoa_ were ta Oaroaa M
preeerve the pea.e.
Ctdq^o, Aag. 7.-H. Botoo-Barr, a ?aartec of tho
h Parttament, and one of the dlreelot. of the
Harney E_k Mining 08_BP_By, whose interests are
In the Blaek HUla of south liakota. ls authority for
tii- itato-aeat that there are toaa'of Ba ore
B-reiBglng 2 1 _ per eent ln right and on the dumps
Bl th" lui'ies at llill City. Dahota, -peaking of the
oatlook, be said to a reporter: '-our mili wiu soon
be on the grouml. and soon after IU erectton there
;,no toae of the ore will be entahed every d?y. Tho
bloek tiu wl.ifh the null wttl turn out eontalna 75
],<?<? eehl of pure metal. The pcrsons who hnve been
frlktog about there not belng any ttfl Bt BUI <:'t.v
will won dtoeovcr their orroc, ^.r we shall soon be
prodnctng pure tta. -v 'argo qaaaUlp of lt wlO be
ihlpped to England de-plte the output of the Corn
wull mlneis. I-argo QiTantltles of me block tln, as
w.ll as the pure m^ial, will be shipped across the
water.'1 _|
_l BBW-TOMM B__LBB____Jr_ TMUBi.BS f.v BOCltaT.
f:?-toti, Aug. 7 (Speclall.-Albert F. Thatojier, a
young New-York "dn'.miiiei-," has hnd a gr_t deal of
trouble here, whloh his .wiu^el calls "fBUCUBIO??
1!,- wm orlgtaaBy am-sted on a eharge of 0*a__ng OW
mer.t of his bOMd bill at the QuIii'T HoaBO, but was
f.mnd not gulltv and waa dtaeharged, only to bo re
amatod oa a almltar eharpe broafht by me ?aaagera
of the Amertoan houmj. tiu.. Um ai^o he wa* ae
nulUed. Tho last ea.-a was no sooner dlsnllssed than
i?. v.ji- artOBted oa the daahla chMaje of a_a_ig his
hoh 1 blll at (laili's BoatOB Taveni and tareeay <-f .l.y
gooda at 1360 ttOBI the iirm of Hllla ^ 0_b. "1
Bew-York Ha waa trled ta ihe Munirlpal Court tlii
nomlng on rheae two ehargao. Thatohat. ooobmI,
M,- Sheo, made B atWOf plea tor Ma eltent. OB tbe
rtarge of tareeny Jadga Bmhe hoi.i Aatoher to. aaoo
(0r tiie nrand Jury; and on the eharge of cva.n ik hta
;,,',,': i,;ii .-..? prlsoner wm bota ta B100 for the Grand
?luiy oti?a own roeogntaaaeOi
PhllBdelphta, Ang. 7.-H. H. Vanl, who is __-_*
hail for trlal OB a eharge Of <-oiispiraey viUi -lohn
Bardaley, wa- heard from by reoetver Vardley "f tl.e
mapended Keyatone National Bank tln- mornlng.
Sliortly before noon Mr. Vardley learned tbal Vard
intended to offer me Keyetdtaa Baak-a baa t-iri property
,, pubUc Mla tomorrow. Thi- piop-aty tormerly
Botongod to Joha Lucm, toramr pwatdeat of the baah.
?m.l wm Mrigned by his wldow .<> Ihe bank. together
with the banb buUding, lo aatke np the Loeaa deflclt
Vard aaaerta that the baak Bfterward aoM it to blm,
but nobody i.nt blmaaU aeema ta ba_ any baowledge
,,f such a aale. Aa aooo m he heai-d of the eomlng
?,i- Mr. Vardley made ea_a_ to peeeaat h- 0*?
,.f his attorn-'v.- went to Trenton to make appllcatlra
ror an InJuncUon re-tralnlna Yard from mafilng tha
Sle. As-agnoe McOUl, of John Baidaley'a eatote, took
itaiUar ai-iio.i. _^_,
Aub.r.1. Aag. 7^-Two more of the Btata lagl-taai
u-!,', eaeaped Irom lhe Btata Aaytam reaterday wom
, ,;,;,,,! thia iii .ini.ii.. The ilrst was AH.ei-t Uomluv.
ile ha.i ikalked at-out the weBtern Umlta of the .u>
??,.i nlghtfaU, when he ?toio a bomo, bltehed ta a
farmer-a yard ahout two mlles from town. Bhona
Keeler aad PoUcemea Maione and Hrenary .oarted iu
purauH and ovorbaaled taa tagtttta near C_.B_Ba_bi
;iii exdttag all BtgW ebaao.
Waiter Oarabrandt, the an md, was found _k_k_ng
?? ,?,. Mtahlrta of tho ettp by Etattaaaan Sha* **
,,,cdwiil...utre^-ta.i<e. The :,.',i.ou- lon.
,- i.,? .. ....w ihe abaentee. Keepor Boleh ?
I," i.-.-iui tr.!m tl.e WO__B i.itl.cted on him during
lhe Bght,____,_.
oimJe.i, N- J- au.'. 7.-A Hrta-B itabMag ajray
,, ?? the baaeh at Otoargator i'olnt at bjw
,-,??;, thia morntoB Thoma? tyooa, of Gloncester
, ,,. ,;1(i Bdward Fof-rty, of Phltodelphla, a brotBer
?i ,.',? Driseeghter, had baaa drlnktag, and at aboal 3
;,:,.,,?, ,,,v ,-,-. lnto x dtapate. Baddenly turidng
??,, ,.,,?-. i- prli ptaBBed a Boofcat-kn-o toto hta
,,.? - de, jnal betow the heart. Lyoaf arowta*to tho
-oo, ?? Fogarty Bttomptad to eeeapa rba Mel M
.,;?, bappeaed take ... tha aalghhotaood aad took
., t,,iv Thli iiiomlnt Mayor Jacheor. com
iu!! - f LyooVe Injartta.
mimtagtoo, DaL, Aag. ' (-iaaaal).-The ?aaapia
()f .,,, propo-ed Btata CoUega 8* eotoroi ?aaiaata da
,!,,,?! KHlay to bay the Drew far.n <-f :,!,'.vv-v-n
,,..,., wiu. -. manaton koaBa, Ihiad ...iies trom Dorar, kk
the new college. w-iv Beaa, of Dofajr, Mltoe of
-Tho Farm aod Maaae." waa ato-tad faaabftaat, m.h,i.
m Beamer. of WewcMtto, and BbbmiI L. CoawoB, ..f
uillont, were elected pioleaiotB. Tl.e coltaga *a_U be
opencd eaily iu beptember.
noiBniBO roucj obalbw* vi>ox ru law.
DaMbaaee. Aug. 7 Hgntal) -fkrtly through the
? ,,:, ,.r aard paiMetaai and gouihlers, ouly flve
,?t of Hftv men arre-ted during the l_?t -ix months ,
ebarged wlth _n_| pdBcy iBpa have baaa sent to j
i,il f. 'uu't trlal. tha -??aiue men went on Ui-' bonds j
,,( ?,,.,:-.. iill Of tho men ehar^ed with writing the attps.
lha great aaatay BMehtoe, ita baaBgaaeaori i" |
I^TiiisMlle. takes caie of its age-nta, and whun one of
,h-m la air.>fd. counsel and bondsman ai. iii._iodlately
prosided. _
Lo.ton. Aug. 7.-It la aiiuouuted lhat the prlee ef
?1! _____ 8U__r, exi-ept cut laal and cru.hed. has besn
advancrd ?ue-al-teeutk c?ut by tha Amcricaa augar
licdplug Oonapauy.
N'orman CJatppbeH. a atock broker, commitrted by sho.titi-j; lilmnelf in the head at 5 44
p. m. ye.terday in tlie of ProapetM
Park, I.rook-lyn. Up lived af No. 170 Soutb.
Oxf.rd.rt., Hrooklyn, and hful an efiioe at No.
.->_ Hro.'hva.v, iiii. eity. Mr. Campl_.ll was 0.
memlier ol tlie Conaoliduted Stoclt and Petrob-Bra
Kxcliai.ifc, and it is und. rstood lhat he took hta
lifp -MBMBB of bnsinens trou, though juat
what the nature of Ihfl tro ihle was is not
Park Policeman M-Lanchlin ? Vw a well dreiaed
man of age al, tl: B_o___BB0j end of the
plavgroiind at ahont _ :.n p. m., but paid n??
afteiition to hiui. Tba ouui^nat on the pras* aa
he pusned by, api 101. nt ly |fl dc_p thmi. ht. Ahont
tift-f-en mitiufes later MlBBBBBB MbXWBO neoffl a
pistol eljot, and K-J-ng to the f-pot wh ence tha
sotind came found the mnn lying on lhe jreund
t nseneible, with a revolver hy his side. Ue had
lired a biillet into bi_ right temple, and lt had
poasBd Throtjarli the brala and lodfBd juat BOBOOBh
the skin on the other side of the head. A Brook?
lyn Ilospital ambulance took lum to the Seney
Hrispiial, where he di.-.l al 7:_0 p. m., before
any ot his friende eould be summoued. He did
net hecotnc eon_cioiie.
When a Tribunc reporter called at hia hotae,
which is one pf a b_B___n_ row of old-fcuhioncd
wonden house*., lie was met hy a young woman,
who courtooiisly deolinert to cive any in_orra_tio_.
It. was B-_B8MBI_ Ii.arned that siie wuk tho wifa
of Mr. Campbell's son DeWltt C. It waa also
iBOBBtd tha-t Mr. Campbell had a wife an.l anothei
son living. Tlie BBfgh-BBB hasw liule about thfl
faniiJy. They lived in good style, were devoiil
ohurch-goer s, though to what clnire.h no one loiewr,
.uid were e.nisidered good nei_!ibon.. He had
lived in that house twenty-one JMaifl and waa a
remarkably pr-nial man. His wi.e wa6 sald to
be hi._hly culiivat.-<l.
In the pooketfl of the dead man were found
papers whieh B88BB0d to identify hi;n. The naoaf
laapoitaait read as follows:
May 30, 1830
My la_t wi.h and lOflflaM to my wlfe t. Uiat 1 bfl
cr> B-Btad when dead, not b'lried.
.VOKM.VX l AMPRKLL. 129 So. Oxford-?_
This was on a small, worn pie ,e of paper, and
its date . hovved that he had looked for snddea
death for a long time. He aJso oarried a card of
" LodJ Lodge, No. .. 45. F. & A. M., of Lodi. N. Y,"
and a set of pads showing thul he belong ed to tho
Stoek and Exehange. He liad only 13
cents in money and a few Uridg. and local ruil
road ti.-keta.
Soon after liis death Mrs. Campbell witli a rela
tive of the same uaiue, a n_i(ldlr..-<_ed nuiu, went
to tho hospital to nmke arra_gemen_ for tha
funeral. There a __fb_Be reporter saw Mr. Camp?
bell. the 80800.. He wa-i _etie_-nt. lie said lhat tho
H'licid. was due to husin. ss tioubles, but refused
to be moie definito. When seen later in theevening
and .-wike.l if Mr. 0l mplx.ll w;_o o relativ.- of Mr.
Campbell, the EHia Pia<v earaet dexJer who oo__
mirted BOicide in Pr.ispecf PBrB [n _i-)__ta_T, 1M8,
he Rtiid BA, Re also _.!,| tlnt tJie fou.ily would
not ..omply vvlth the dead im.n's re?<t;i_t to hnv.
hia body oieiuated. In teet. he wae ju..t aboul
to make an ;wcreemont witii ( orlfs, the undenakei
of No. 702 Fultan-st., to take charqe of the funeral,
He and the dead maa were both .eotehmen.
Wliether they were brothers or not li? would nol
Mr. Campbell ia descrilied as a stout. llne look?
ing man, B feet I inehes in height. wTio alwayl
dressed well and wore a aray mustachc He waa
flfty-ei^ht years old.
w. e. BCHMBBTZ, Of PiTTsi.rncr, fails.
Pittsbnrg, Auk. T.?If. E. BdblBOlM, tlK^most e*
tensive abOO maniifneturer in this i_?lon. and bha head
of ?everal flnaneial acd tn_.<_ititile ln*.ito_ons, hafl
fnilod, havdng eBBlBBaed Jud'..iients .-wrpre^atlug 92Xi*
000. The first wa* iu favor of Wllllaai
Loeflkr, his bnitltrrln _BW, and was for *Hi(),0?.0.
The eaus<j ..f the failure eoaM not b" leaiTed to-nl?ht,
M Mr. BebaaarM ls aertOBaly ill al Ins Imme and couM
not bo aoea. Ibe otlier jicoplc int-restrd refn.ed la
k'ive anv inforination. Mr. hrhnierti. was prs-sld at
of the Third National llank of thls clty, president ol
il.e Cbambflr ..f OooaoMrea, and a member of the Na
ti.iiin.1 Baabera' BxeetaBve CaauaBttae. Hit eredit __?
rated l.^h. wtab BBOOjOOO to ?i..O. .OOa cupltal,
Ii i- lafd lhat the failuro wlll not ul.cet the Tiiiiil
Natl.nal llank.
CUtetaaoB, Aug. 7.-The Btyaiyor leo-MaeMao Com?
pany made an a*sitrtmient for the benetlt of .redltoia
thls morning. The compooy ln. an axtOBMvo tiada
all over tjie t'nii.. 1 Btat-fl and u. Smith Aui.-ri. a. Tlie
'-"?i.'-r- an BBward Wortblogloa and i__ Baany.
The ii-ibiiiti. s are _.!^(?.(K).), aad tha .. *???- #.).X),(i(_).
Tl.e aaslBBBMBt wa- made lu order to oBBOl a rcot?*
Bao Praneiaeo, Aag. ".- Bayard saviiie, who -vaa
aneaU_ WOdai May oa eoaiBlBtBl of flB-Beaalor Jaraefl
. ., has l><-.n ehari'.-d vith ebtMotaf nioncy under
faise proteacea, <>n July 18 Be pejaoo-od .-, i_tt**r _
Mtradaetlon porportlBB t" be (roej ox-Beereiaty ii-vyard.
of Wlltaiaftoa, DoL, aod oo Hi" ttraoftB thci.-)! l.n
din-cd Beoator Polr to LuBorofl a Braft for sr.oo bo tht
.Sc.-arllv Ti-.tst and sife Dcp"*it liank of Wilmlagtoo.
it dow appflfln thal Bm letter w.s a lorpry and thil
>avllli- had BO iiioiiey in the ba:ik. Tbfl Intt^r cash^d
ih_ drift ihtouu'li the Mrradi Baak ot this rlty. lia
?ara tbal he itudted Mar wtA Becr tary BagrarB, but
*u'ii'-".|ir-.: By eoaafed In tbe - ia, hav
lng a hoaafl in Sew-Y rh aod London,
WltaalBftoa, I'.-i, Aag, ~ Bpecl J). Bayard saviiie,
mcutlonerl iu a dl patr.'i from ( alifoijiia. was firmerly
B r< *i?l< nt of mbalagl.... Ho naM Mw ln Secr*.
taiy Bayard'a oBtoo, bm *.. aaalaadf in hia
ha'jlts l.e dtd cor !______ lout'. HOiWOfl flOargal with
f'.iEii!. eis itepfatber- bbbm i. a oboeb. _::d Je_i
bare aiiom llfteen yuu-. ago. Br. Uayard sald to>
nlglit that the lettor of InU-dacU-O w:v, ? lorttery
San DlOfO, di., Aug. 7.?A YOBM corr.*pondenl
sav* a _-p 't-t BroacM ta tt the OOCOBBb Indlan* ntntea
that the oartboaabe oa July :;o, reoaMad M abaagtaf
tiie eoorat ol tbo Ooloraio Bnr. it Mfl Bi oM bed
and now iiows thi->n_ii a eiaaaaao IBrtf Mai artiB and
a ti!,iu-.:i,:.t fool l' Bf. Tbfl report B aM meeeeBt
bellevcd. Bad one reoaB ol tba leeeat earB_qaabfl wm
the woew.-d a.tivitv ol tbe rokraooa ln tbe < r-np-t
reglon '\:.<- earthqaBbe al o eaaaed u gix-ut tldal wavi
at the hcid .d Bw * ? '?i* -t I ..iiorala.
Birri-.Y BT _ -___l_TI?__l.
S-d:_!i:i, Mo.. A'lr'- 7. While MUiiuel (.. \V lllanis,
ii-BBBiar of tba Bbbm BOwb cuapaar, wu* a__paea>
lng a in.x "f p>'-. yeaterday. wbleb ba raeMvad feoai
sonli.eru Texaa, B tii-.anuil.i l'-up<- from BM box und
fa-ti.ii?d 'i- fni-'s M tbfl end of Bba mlddle flngea
of his rtgM hnii.1. Ha Ibraw lt from him, a:id tha
spmei- araa -UMB. ta aaM aa aaav (Bbm tha timo
he was litwii. Widlmis l.._.iii to g.t .lelitiou... a;;.l
Mfl pain aaa BB treei tbal it i..'?k three n.en to hoM
him Three il.icto:- are ln OdoadaBOO, but no hopO
U ciiteti:.iii?-d ot aa_ag tba _aaa. llfe.
tBBMB __nriM_8 MCSr GO BACK HtHtE.
r.uttal >. Aug. 7.?Cnit-d BtOtflfl OOflBM Bdeaof llirach
bec!t to-dav i_ndeied a BocMBflB iu tb_ ca_e of two
. BtBOBMB, tfa Lee and Jiw Tan, lece.ntly arrcsted
for viobtloh of the _S8_aa_00 aot. to tht- eilt.-t tlial
they must bo ?eut b*>'_ t I CblBO by way of __n Fraa*
cl-co. Thi* is UM _ ' "ii nf UM hMI lhat haa
been rendervd. lleietofore Chlnimen smugg5-d .Into
the DBHaB BtO-Bfl trom CaaaOo havo almply been kuI
b_c_ to Canafla.
fit-aroriinM at red iuunr.
ned Ba ._. _ l_ \ug. 7.-EaiIy thls morning tba
machh.- Ituial work* BBOf BBI r-i.l .,_.! sta*
Uoii _t liil-. plice wiiv burned. lt B B_ff-8Bd to be
the work of luceiidl?rie_. Tlio plaut uu, valued a*
about Bio,^, ?ud w:u entirely do?traytC Tba loaa
on the builcUv la ativv-l * ,v>uO.