Newspaper Page Text
Wbttttt v^LI.N?-1?,3W. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, AUdlST 14, IH9I.-TEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. PABI8IAN8 CHEEK ALEXIS. pTHL'SUSTIC UBUWW tsBlfl THK STREETS TIIKOIUH WIUCH HK 11IDES. jgE OKAND MU LEAVES THE CAPITAL TOU V1CHY, WIU KI. A SiniLXR DKMONSTIU TIOX IS MADK-TI1F. Sl NTI Ml.NT OK THE BBBBtMAM O0M9L. Vajit-, Aiic- 11.?Tbe Cirand Duke Alexias left ,-jji ,'ity to-day !<>r Viohy. Tlie entliusia-jm (1MM| by tl.o visil of tli<* blOthtff of the Czar baa . t n?ni. of i't* lorce hy the peisonal oontact ol *_,-. pMftriaUM aTllll Bnt lall, fine-lookinic RugBtU. *EniT*h *hi ??P<,n 9J94BJ <>'<_sion when he hias -jiown btnmelf to t!?e public he hM tttttvni kf?rty greetingf. I'?'>P'U' hlo reliiciame to be t__ ivcipient of otlicial wolconies, Tliere is nd'doulat, lf tie Qt*ni l?ii'ic's face mav _? taken as aii ?.-Ifx of his feeliagf. tliat tlie warmth nf his wel comc I'.v ?*? pnMic lias made M -ffMUhhl _-?? pres-i "ii upen hnn. The liiue appointed I?. hk d*''.re tot Why lia.l iK-en annoumod U the ^,p-iprTl, and coiiwiiii-ntly b_nje WWWdg ?rathered along tlu* route tto* lus hotel t<i the rail y,mv ?t?Ti.m. As .aiiia-e jm**ti *3**UJ tho ,.rce;s 99* crowds cheered liim elitliusta-lically, ind a? he bowed the crowd broke out l_to cries of " Vln *<* Kuwie et la France,' and ??Vive lc L'/ar. Wlule Ihe .nthiisiasm vo6 at its belght a MM _,- hr.'.k WM m...!.' in tlie long line of people ?Xtead-M alons tho sulowalks. and as the i.raml l)uUe's (..irria.e rcafhed the point of tho eoofoslofl M t**i BmB-M-, hont and witli his .rav fcair 99BB*B in o.nfusi.'ii aboai his fac. opraag to the sideol the carriape, and, raifiOg hia hai and Loavinjt low. threvv into the lap Ol the Grand Duke B potition, aahvli, it wns bfteTWttd .canied, WM a reouest for the redres* ot eoCM crievaiKv* ftoa which the a.el man was siit'eiin.. Tbe lifhl ol presentius petitions in thia manner is one of the low rii-hts pueetMrrt bj Raaatan ??bjeete, aml the documeut was taken 9J***tn*Utm ol l.v tbe Grand Duke. At tho raihvay statioii there wr.s a repetMoB of tlie eeewee of eatbaeb-RB wltoeeeed Atong the kueeu. Orand Duke -alexie ItaMhed Yichy Ihi slternoon, aud there WM another scei.c of en thushuun on bifl arnval thrre. Tbe Kussia n con (.ul in a s|H*e.h, declared that the flotlon of lhe hokrting ol ihe Ruseiaii Uae to make the Gra-nd jjuke's Ktldence en integral part ..i Kussia waa jumcof-eeij. " because Fttince u Soeeu aml Knesla ls r l iii* *0 When the Grand Duke arrived at Vichy the Knssmn anthem WM remlered b? a Choil ?,f M.o voiees and the orchcetra oi tbe bnen Theatre. whicli were ?tationed outjride ol the tou Xii.ui st.itimi. The -.iieei*- ol the t"'>-i were {llaminated with 20,00U Venetbu. -Uape. THE CANATHAN BCAN'DAT.S. HT. HECTOr. LANOKVIN rROv-l.XAMINM) THK BUK Di - CI1AI.KCHS INQ11UY. ..tua.a. Aag. ln.-nef.r.. the MvBe?ei ead Bleettont DNMRMtee lo_?y, Mie _ai?t*-?-4W_i_lnatk>n <.f >;; Hoet ir I.ii.i. Ungearln, who l?s Iwt taaslc-O- from llae Jallui-try "f PnblC WotBa, in fela'n.n to the '"-ti nnrial fund WM |-aJ_B?ed. sir Ilector ntd I _.<1 not WWl1 I.. Bjtoat th'- names ol the . 'itni t". |flCM-i Ihere wm do do_W thnt ?me ol those ..-*... iubf-nl.'-d vinlii srtebed lo pojr mora lf tlw min ead e-noaurti aaajw lo be motte knoarn. ll" _, 1 rn.t v.-M Uiat tliev shoold be nnl:iri'i- '.I. It vr^ not becaa-e be thonitM it wrong Vj eontri i ? Mmosalal The t-n.d v.x< mi>e.l openljr In all paHi of Ibe Domlnlon, a:<rt to Mi awlnd tbere ara* , | _ -rrone ln r. li- _?nW i?M he h*d es*er r cetred av.T ni' ii-v fron. TbomM MeOretarj for etorl. nrfone. He mii be did nol i mtrlbnte :l """ ' -Le Um**9 (ii'\a-";iii'ii. He hnd pedd tbe tnowu |is a los'i ratlier tlian .. fti\ Ih'cj.-v lie want' il to have *ome cliilm aj-ilwl tba P?pcr in dM ii ibO-M ever |'.r" __mfns< tlie party. ln HM Haio in (lialenrs In'i.itrv tlila mornlns:, A. fisbotii'c prev.i'V't of Le Bnnqne iMlonal ? ..?? letters <?f .'rc.iii, amoaintlng ln aU to ,*-i7-.' i'. ?'."i":in. u aetlng tkeater of Ibe Quebee provlnce, and u. lo tbe dbpo ai oi (fiU'n p.itii'ii. of tbe pmeeoto. Contaactor .?'?'"? * -m re. aii.'i'. eai d'-i .-<i tbe eommlttee. He _..' iiiat, nn natter whal oplaloai thej expressoi, be vonM decllne to an-'ver ttic qttestiona wb".cli he bod re^.wi inrtoiiaj t" ntarir, A renhiitoa w,i> unanl ntoMei t> laaporl btan to Hic Hoaae, an-l aal thit he lK* dealt witli smnaiaiilv., Aac 1A-?Kx-Alct-iiii.-in McDonald, who Yi-.i-i nbt.'vlncal so niii.ri i.oioriftv bv hla acttona ia i-.'l.i tion |o leaien lor u.e Tnraato ntree. RaHwav syal nn. p__ writt.-n u> Uae Mayor. saylns (iual be la Iormul?l ds thfariee ol niaif.?;. ???"? in offioe acalust ccrtuln mein ber, ol tiie CH* CounelL THF, woiM.D'S FAHt 0OMMI8SJON I\ DEKMABK. OeMrbBfea, Aag. 13.- Mr. p..:., of iba Chk-aifo rmr ci.ii!iii:.-i"n. i?-1:ir11<*? ? i t<> OoponbaRen to-iay. il ? aifiioeaod blasaeU u^ mort pleaaed arltti !.?- re eptl ?? jn Baredea aai St. rarajr. All el tbe l^aiii'ic merehants. Bana-Mtarera aai antborttteai haara pronalaed t.> snpport tbe Pafcr. Mr. i'?-'i. bai an Intervtow wMh Klng i wbo Mjareaaei tbe ieep intcr.-t Us blnjloai kM ln the WOfM'a Iair. Tbe Klng Of D-wnvirk ravc a hnn hon t<. the Ohleago Falr Coniwlaslooer. to-iay. The Crown Prlnee nnd ni! Um moaibcn ol tbe Cablnel were preaaent Tbe Klng en.i Qaeea ronveraed freorjr wltb t!..- guesta. Ibe KIiir, In toaatlng tbe Worli'a fWr ani tbe ielatates, g_M that Denanrt woold be torgety rejan.ted at th-- Kair. Mr. (an-, the ITnKei Watee Mlnlster, gare ci ditiner io tiie delegatt-s thla evenlag. A namber ?.f eonferenre have b en nnaatrei b f . the i< an.l i i- '? entatlve* of tbe prln. Ipal brunc -es of Indnstr-v min commeiee. It- i- not Improbable th it Uie Crown v,i.f Denmarh \.ill vi-it Ibaa Fair. cn\ of Me.\lco, Aag. l- Lleutenanl A. C. Daaer, World'a rmr Commlssioner. Is now in Tiaiupl. i loi.a. li.,? .-ifi".- I'n.'.-u-i Falr Intereats. Mexlca will make h il-" ."almlt. anrt th" ...r-.'i'n neiii la dolng all ln |M iHiirer i" make il"- exblbll a aoecoss. ITesldenl l>mz ma) vlalt tbe Fair vith two of hit. Minutem. " IN DAKKB5T BCS8IA." ' london, Aag. lb.* Ibe wot* eatltled "ln Darbeal Raa_taka haa niet wltb a good aale, and to-d?jr the ? ...iii.ii, waa i saei. Tbe boob i- ievotoi to an rxiiosnre of tbe wreafi trom wbleb Hebrewi in Rnsala auffe-r. and tlio ediiion ot bulay artvj*? long H?t?- of fn.*.ii pariacntlnni A aaaaa "f atalMiea i- preaentei t? j.i-ov4> tha; tba ttateaseol aHagwl t" hare heen made by the Ctai uiat Hebrewa .a.-ic eoaMeted wltb By** nJie oatragi i la anl mnded. One h-rtaaro "f ibe feeUag of tbe Ceaitne ia given, the toeta loaiiinlag wMeb weaa laceHod from a trnsl wortbgr aoarea. ihi Majeatgr, ln eompaaj wtth ti.< Ciar, aoaM Hbm ap bi-geeted Ibe treopa formlng Ibe pai-ri-oii nt Mo-maa. it | eaatoaaarjr oa raeb oeeaaimia t.. i*ia-.- th.* .'.idi-r-. a imi.tiav altor tbe b-spootloa. On the aecaataa reierrei (<i Ibe ofltoere "f tbe varbms renlmon's WOW in tiuil.-d that in. ID-br.-va' lolil?ra ai.oiild be aaaaaal al tbe laepectloa. Al tbe paialealBr racjuosi uf tiie tbarina tbe Hebrewi aaere eooined to th.-lr barraaba. la b-fore-tng tbem .?f Iba reeaoa wbj ti.nv weee got penatttei lo )ata tbelr lellow-aoaVUea-s, their ofli. ? r. lul'l tlyin tlmt Hebrewa wore offenadve to the rturina, wbe wlabnd t" ii-.- sparei th.- >i,--^t uf tlieT Tln- b.xili r .iiiiin-, a letter from tba l.eke of Wt I niiii?t4*r, aaylag that timiKi- ln n_u? ._ nre going from b_d to verae. Tbe InhnauuiH. <> Ih-a Ras-dan ou thori'.les. tlie -.uke icelara , b tctoundbig und almo-d tncn-dible. JJll" INT.'-UNATK'NAL V. M. c. A. C iNVKNTK >X. A-Hlydam, Aag- l-w-_be aTofM*a Oonvmrtton of tbe RTewg Iaml C-fMlaa A welatlona opened it- seeond tag-a pi "???! i -- al 9 oTetoeb iMi mmnliig Tba Iral aubjeet .ii*' aaaei .aa.: -tptrttaal Ufe la Onr A-.oeia Oons; the Dnagara that Ibreaten u in Onr Ariaal De velopmei t: the D--1 Means fnr Mnlatalalat HfH Imr ,i ing It. and f.r (Vti-tan'lv Reerbtttai A.fiae and Trul. Couvert4_d Mi-oiber..*1 The ilaoaaelM WM egaaai ba the rcadlng ol a paj-er in KtiKlish by Hobert Durii, of london. The E*V. Mr. IhliMprtaat, <,f Beme, s.'.l terliaiid, also read a jiajn-r Ifl fMMb M the ?u\ j.-. I. .md inotlaer paper, peopaMd by WiUum D. .Murrav. of Plaiu tcld, N. J., ta member of lhe Ainericaii Ititfriialional Coininlttee. was read ba Mr. Douirla'.. ag... ,,i ii ,. Ameri ean delegates. Tbi paper pn'imrcd by Mr. Men*. slioared tliat, avliiJ.- UM Aiuern- in B-fleetBt-OM a*ere prt-?p?'rfMis and taj.ldla giamblg Ifl nninle;.. BWaBbev ?lilp and properlv, and ai. ;.? glvtog i.u.. h aiti-mii.n i.. the MKlai, and pbjralea] ievalogmfl-r( .,f yoaag men, the pn'iit'^t und n.'^t greaperew wnih of tli*. -ssj-J-latlons aaa^ iu tlie devclojjiin-.'it of tlie NHghNU hf. Ot yoooif iraen und in the cflurt for thelr eOBW Io tke aftcruoou tho sccoud topit, "Tho Yoiing Men's Chri.tian A000C-0____0_ and Its AKItiide wlth Repard to Um Ooeoal QMooMe_,a wa-. BUaaaaeL At Ihe cv.nini. 000*1001 ti.e tlilrd toplc was ?a_< *n np nnd disiiis...1. Th. subjci't waa "Tlie Yn:i.i? Um't rlirlstiai) AaeeaUmmt ln Roman Cath**llc CHlWtli II,iu f OtlllWtJ the Dinii-iiltl.s which l'i*evcnt Th* ir Po* cli'ptiient." Two papcrs i.n Ihe Mfatoct wara road? one ln M. Ai.haud. ... I .irls, and the other by the Rev. Dr. Ttofllf <??>?, of Home. PATTTS THEATRE AT CRAIG Y N'OS. BBBBBD WITU A BRII.UANT ENTKRTAINMF.NT? PATTI AND tilCOl&til HEARD. london, Ang. 13.?A _p*r*nl trnln from I.ondon yc**trrd:iy convcyed "many peivims well known lu tlie mn-lci'l and literary world to OralR-y-.Vos, whoro Mine. TttM bm bullt a? h northern wlng of her ciistle a prdtv little tlx.-amt. I* ls ln tlie Itnlian style. A f.".iii!-.* ls ,t moval.le andltorlnm. whirh run be ralied from h s|Hiit of one 1nr_ in t*v.-nty |o a l.-vel wllh tlie stiizr. for use ns p i,_ll *,*. Inni re(jr:1ri<l. riiifliti.'iit .(.n.-r-y ls pr.ivlded lo monnt sl\ f:ivorit?* oprrns. Tho thratn* tnm 000 peateee, Ume. Patti hnd a Immn pajrty M 200 friends aiid rieli-hhor. Ut wltnrs- t!i" r_<"itii_ of tlio .he.tro. The or* dMdORI and choi n* wero siipplird hy WeMi soeleties. Amonc tli. tKUUt were Nlrollul, Novara, Durward, I.clv ?nd Ume Valdn. Mmr. Patti appeared a? Vloletla ln thr* flrat art of "Travlntn." Um s.-t.ic ninann'.-rnlly, Ht*on**lng the M-dteBMO tt| the hiplie?t pttrh of enthn.iasm. Bhe '-ly s!:pjion<*tl hr Nlcollnl ln the Bm ronderinj; of UM Rai__00 oeane ln ?"Itant." Sipnor Ardltl con tlud.d wth ia.*t_ and slilll. Mr. Terrls> d-liver*'*! 1111 eff. vtivo Iimnj-iiril ar!d**c*>. H" npol Bfftned for tlie ?MTOMaMe abwnre of Mr. lrvlnp. wln., bc said. had ib-s.rt 1 |o BigaaUaO lils ampatatmBov. ot Ume. I.itli's tflUfOlMIWll talent as a ?iager and KtlUO, and t.i iiiark li, . sti-onp sensc *.f Uw clos. allianro Ixiwivn Ihe m*:si;il i.iKl draniiitlf 9tU. He Hien d'-i rilif.l Mme. TeAll as ?? a |00i UAry who haunt*. tho raok of nlftht. a tme friend of thr poor, whrxe bO-Mfatithma lOT ;i 60000 years pfcsi have rlpened nnnnmlirr. I Ihroiiu'liout the lenpth and ir.-.idt'i of thls pfctareoqtM rogion. in thi*. beautiful Hitiatio,11 i... oonttnued, '?.ii: ai-e jiiiviiec*-*,* i<> Baten bt iin* Inromparabfe that tmt 1 in..- Ita beniera in ? ipeU of wonde. nnd detlgbt-" Mi-. Terriaa then deeUrod Um theatre opened, aml Um eurtatn tott oa ??'r._\-iiia," afi.'r Hi-- playing i>f llir KatiOITUl iinthrin. Aftervai! UM goeavt were entertalned a. wipper. Hlr iinsse. . 1.1,1.. prouoted a vott M liiani.- t.< Um beal an.l boeteoe. THE SENAPOTTT OF MAXIIMK HANOED. PAYlNi; THK PFNAI.TY POR HIS P . f'.T IX- Till'. MAS8ACRE OF IHUIISII OFFICIALO. Siinia, Aiit:. l.'t.?AnoUier iilnsii-aii.ui of the swift pniiishment whli h Enflud Infllcta upon Umm who vioiate lier rlghta 01 loftinge upon iier ttj.r.? ? t\ tn India wns . i.t'ii t" tla.v at Miiuipiir, wlien tWO Of Uie lenden ct Om maanaen <>f iiriusii a_He_Ui ln Unrcli 11,.'t iiii-ii- ii.-tiii a. Um patm i.f UmI oapltal. Hm two iii<-ii wen iii.-n,i'-r> ..f ni.- Mtgulng hunllj ot Mnnipur. Both li..U app.?1**<l tnm tlie s'-iiu-n00 *>f tlt-atli tlint i'tul Loen lmpoM'd npon UMOB l>.\" ttM Military ( ourt of In qulrj before whteb Ibegi wan tttot, bnl Um Vteeroji i.f india, tlw Mnrqote of Lanadowne, had dt*iid.*d that the Interaata fi Orenl lirit.iin demaode^ thnl thm in.rii.i die. They were haaged, Rhe orAtnary mnr tlerers. Tha pnpelpal vUAtm was um Ponapatta, or Com iimiide- 111 * 'l.if f Ol 1 i.e MnolpUI. iniiv. Iie WU t .1 brothar <>t Hi<- Rn)nb .?f Manlpur, nnd ao_ne ytan ngo be iroaa Ihe Kaj.n Into exlle nad placed another brother on the throne. II waa tbe - 1 istlgated the maaaacre ..f Chlel Commlarioner Qulntun, Pt.iititnl Agent OrSmwood nnd Um othera who lost iii.-,r lives ai the Intal durbar heM tn Mi - ..,.. other man baiiged irua Uie Tongal general wh ? : the Hag **i truee under which Ihe Engll deco>ed trom ('?"? Be*ld< iiey at Man nor, ihe untive iMtecutloDer to str.Kc tht ;,???- and feel from the IJHUah d Vii Im inense crowd of natlvei wltn sjrod Qm hnnglng. 1 ?n . -1 ___ 11 fi any d-tturl Bnce. THE BU93IAN OrUIN I'KA-!:. HYE MIBR T1I\X WH?M IT AM.TIKnxM \Mi BEKLIN'-TIII. OtTTLOOK IN EtTROPE. London. Ang. 10.?Bye h.s rlnen 8 ihlUloga ln Ami-erdam, and both Ihere and ln Berlln ii i- <'?* <i.<!i'. denrer thap whoat. On nn avernce Garmanj ImpoHa _,iOO,000 qnartera fi"*ii Bna<?._; Holland, 1,000,000 qnnrMra; Itnlr, 600,000 quarters; an*l Mor w..y nnd Bwedeiv l.oOOXXW quartera. Mo ronntry .ni; simiiiy thla lo-s. Amerlca i> able (?. mpply only 1,000,000 quartera. Therefore 1 ;** tooa mn-t i.e re i.i;.r. <! iy wiii-;.!. Uw ii now dcpendi upon the nexl foi-tnlght'a weather ln Enrope. lf Uie weather luma mn I'iitl, Amerlca will be ln a poaltt*?n te eontrol I market. .Mann is a!t- ad.v lor) be <*. own.z lo a "'I'"1' 1 ,, Am.-." an farmen are mort^aglng thelr c 1 - ln ord -r lo li' 11 wbeal i ;>? l*. Berlln, Aug. 13.?lt ??a a. Orat beller-d lhal thi I gmin nl, -." v. :i~ <l,r * i.-i ;ii.iiinsl i.m.'ii ? 11,. uovcrnmenl dow appeara te be conrtneed tha< the ,ii,;i-.- u... pr enpted ehl Oj 1J economle moHre _ Grertuany'* Imporla "f rye In i!i<^ laM deeade bave amouiited te onlj abonl one ilxth of ber own produi . \,uX nr ;.;,;,,? nf ihe German cropi IhU jrcar maki ,,,1 on more aeri m-? Tho lateel utatla Ic*, b iw ??ver. leave gnmod for bope Uiat Om barve I wlU U mn* h better than ? a ??? 1 e led. Chlcago, Aof. 1- (Spedal). Ooanl Caadnl, Busslan nli . ter 10 ?'lii'i. bli aleee and mald and Alexnnder v .,.,,,..,... are In tli ? rlty. The Cowil la 10m. arUI i,i, and Mr. Pnrtefl doe Ihe talfclng for the party. ? ( ???..,, j. nmnlng rlfe over the l ia?*i nhaae againal iii*- expenaUon <rf ry* fr,'Ui v'-? Emplre." ,!'' *Mi "Gerana merehanta are aeebtng t ? mahe II :ipi?'.*r the prehmlaan of a oertnln war, bnt aa a matter *.f facl the odld wa. laaued u> preveni Om erlppllng of Rni -1..V OWB .'.r.arier-. TtM tyt CTOp ln Ihe 1,'tls-l'Ui ...iii-t a faUun and eoo-dertng the vaal populatloa tli,-.! dependa npon ii. lt 1- only Jnct lli_l 11 ...I. atand In the way of apecu .' at, wbo M'.i.ld :.'..i!i-r the siipply, corner tl (aa v m ?>v baa in Vmcilc-i) and then tell II to the German liiW-is. i),e iika-* la viiliially a BP ?' protectlon." Tiie rye ti-id- at the Prodoea Bxcbange has been moi-e or ies_ exctted m tbe laal da*. *>i two, m eonae qaenee ui Uta prohlbiUou u. Um Bnaalan Qovernmem of tne exfortatten of thal eeieal trom Um country. The bna been thal tndlng mn been mmanalli active and tha aiarhel has been atrenothened. Yeater dav Umm were 190,000 buahela ?oUl for lali dellvery at price* ranging lrom 05 ccnta to *l o- a baabel. a* oarolng to the time oi deUvtry. OOMPLIMENTED 1 Tli _ HfKE <IV EDIKBOTGH. Deronport, \ug. 13.?Upon the arrival at ihis naval itaUofl "I ">e Iiiiied M.iies appientiie (ralnlng Udpa .laine-iowii ami Portamouih, thea commandera ri.iird iM*"ii *nd ran! ti.fii icspi-it- t*. Admlral liis j:,,.., Hlghneaa tlie l>u_e of Kdiiriairtrh, Nava] (0111 ,??. ?,iri- in -1 Im f a1 Da\*Mport Ti.e i?ni.* yeaterda] letiirurd ih** vlalta, The gangway. of fo Ameriean aMpa were manned, -> 11 bauda wen ptpai to "recelvt rtattora," as Um Admir.ii atopped ahoard Um ?liip* hc grtoted "ith in*- -nini,-. due iiis raub lo Ihe li::u~h Navy. He ezpMaaed lo tlie * .iniiianii* ra M graUfleation at tha Una ibeniag niadc bj Um naval auprentteaa ciiiNA .vrsT psotbci poiunointaB. Loiidtm. Aag. i:?-A m-patrh fr 1.1 l'<*Uln s.\s th_t lt i> <\ ir.'nt finni ihe Bctton tahen by Um Powera thal tii**\ iiiu*iid te i'onijx*l thli. t to ptoAect toMlgnere Uvlng althin ii r bordera. Tba rep_e_rntatlvea of thr mveral Powen ii.eiv a.iti: aeed ? freah j bnt note u> tbo Chlneae . ,<iv -r -iii.-nt yeateitlaj tn iclatioa to thr oatrngea pei peOrated brchlaeeo "'<?'- opon n.< ?laoiona .m<i aala ?lonari s and othera la tho Vang-taa-Klang Valley. io awndlng that Chlna tnhe Immedlate atepa t<> protcrt Um livea aud propertg <' ' gUSPBHOING THE IMI-OHTATION OF WIIKAT. Lisbon Aaut, 10^-flM *-",v' rinii.nt of Portuifi.1 pro Ibils the impoi'ttttion of foreiCii wh.-at frotn bepUrin her 1 nntil the notlve erop has beon oon .umed. THF RKri'.NT ACCIDBTT TO EVPEROR WILLIAM. IMrtln, Ang. 1:1.-Thr "CologM Gaaetto' gfvaa Um (bUowlnC ?? "" ooithentte ecenaal of Iho _Unporoi - ? ,,,, anidnit: Thr WM Je on Ihe door _ um riiin t.f iho ImpertaJ yarht, taUdng anlmotoOly Wtth mriiilrr- Of hia Mtte. WhO? be siidtl-nl. luriiHl :i?,i .,, um aan.e oaomenl -i'l'i""' "? tho Ho lenm 1, v,-r rt *l.-<k. Dr. I_-ciitI...1.1. '.11 OMhlaft Ul BX inm 1 Uo,, fonnd the BMpwor. ri^l bmemm dlalorlag, The i-i" ban without MncWaf Iho |MtafnJ opon ,,. , ,f the rep-aelni oi lha BBmrnp. m- UathoM baa-BOWd the Ui.te. aj^l udvis.d the Einp.n.r lo May iu bed. Tbe Emperor im Iiow .taiid. aud cveu walk. without difllculty. Ihe knee is .tm Kept baudagod aa a piei-aiilliiii. LIVINi; ix TEAM OF MASSACBE. HISalOOlll 5-ITl'ATK'V OF ROllFIRT Lril'I. STEVEN BOJI AND Hls PAMJLY. san I.anrlseo, Aup. 10 (fepeclali.-A lrtt^r rr**e!ved her. from Mra. Bobeit Louls Steven_on up-e.. & gioomy outl'.* for Kuropean- ln ?___.___, Writini: fn.m Vrvlluna. Uie pi*?-tty home wblch L_e _M?-M bai made nrar Apia. undrr date of .Tuly 1_, .._<? says: We live ln a OOnotanl tumult ol tfareaOOOJOd war nnd inaaaairr of the whltee. We rnaile nrraiiircments to aond tbe chlld io Hf?io.iilu ln war brvak. ont, bnt thr reM of tta will .tav and sti, h lt ont Th*> la-: ! _care WO bad we fonnd mamtno had loat the amnuifil ; tion. Ther.* are no men of wnr berr but one liennan *l;lp. and lhal don't .onnt. as lt onlv makrs more ? trouble. i wlel onr oonntry woald hm aa a ship. stev.'iis '.| says th**lr home la very pleoflOJ-t. , fttty live ln I eOOtOgO. btd take tlu*ir meals In a bi? boaae BOar by. 01 her baaband ,hc sn.s: I. mis is well. Yon ahoa_M MO him come fallopine np from Apia. IooWhr so wrii and eheery. lt would <i yoar heart good. He ls baay on "Tho Wi.'.l.ti" anOl several .liort storlr- of letOltd life lec-ri.ds thal nre very tatorooUBg, The rcotof us epend .mr tiinr gardening._ THK OIATB OF SIEOE BAISFI) IN' BOLIVIA. WaaMngtoo, Aag. 13.-The Dooatrtaeht of s-tate has been htformei by the Miniater of the lnlted .**'ate_ at La Pa? that on June 26 Ua; I. >l!vl_ii riovernment Insiied a dei n*i* HWUOfni the decree of May 20, 1800, Aeelartng the BepahUo te ? atnte of siepo. Tho stut. of slege in l'.ollvla was pi*oi_imed la*t Mai on neeomri of tke rehoUten i?*d by Oosoeal I'aiiia.lio, M a-Prc-sldcnt of tlir Kep*ib_lr. He hnd made several i.-tempts- ln 1000 and ln the hcglnnlng of l__0 to overthrow the Oovernmo-rt of PreetOoal Ani eoto Aree, Who oeverthdoei p.oclalmcd ? general _in oeaty oxeludlng, bowearer, the leaicn of the move inrnl. But, in May. 1000, <*ii.-rHl Camacho rt eutercd tiie eoantry, tmi tram a emaU batiie near Orwo, over ? .'I'-'i-l :*.;.'... His -'"?' 001 *;i;d'd, and he was beaten bael by tiie poiivian tooopt, whteh pusMd Un oi l-.Ttvlan territory. Thit gnve ri=e to a diplomatic Inddent botwoen Tura and DoUvia wOleh *-,_- peneeabl] nnonped, bnt whi.h brought aJ-out the ,,,. ,,f tbe Bo-lvtan Oal i be revot atton of Um atate of abego showa _____ Pre .1 dent Ane's A-taainiatntton UUa sir; ?.i bavtag tho mppori <>f tho eoantry, and (hat it ha- been a. prov?d by the n.iiiviai-. people te Ihe teteol imvo it Ua mam in nn in'.'iria lonal qiMatton of paramtmnl trnpootaaeo i. Bollvta. Tiie deereo of me =tnte of b invotMd just ono inonth after Um reeognHton of iho OouaUtn tlonaUal Gtevernment ln CUI1 oa belitferenta. On May 87, Fn ?? I ' " Onhlnot pMOfataMi thal rerognltlon in a decree, dated nt Lo Pao, vii.<!i -???. "The Gtovernmenl ot Bollvta reeognlaea as a beiliR eronl Um .innta of QovemnMnt whteh neto ln the name ind as the repreaontattve of the legUlaUv. |. mer ot CMU ta tha etvU wnr wtth Um _.i*.iio__ of lha Bepabllc arbo aeta In UM Bamo Md m a repra '.-,. ,,f the exeentive power." BoByi* bdng a neiirhbor ol ChlM, oould fonn a eorrect judgment -f the r-il condition ot nffalra tn thnt country. aod ap iiK decree ol l-ecouniUoii by Pi.sM*nl A Aree, who, one montti laier, hn? aeen lit to ral rtnte of alece, no oppoalOon havlng been made M hia admlnlau-tlon of tee extemal as well na ot tlio :i a.lairs of ti.e l.olivian BepubllC. REPOBTI5G AGAlKBT 01 N/IF.rfS PBETENMO-f. Berna, Ang, 13. The Geogrophleal Oongreaa to-day adopted a iwolntlon tn favor <?f the rumpRaO ,in Interoatlonal prononnrtog geogrnphlca] dlcttonary. ,ni.J i.y a large mojoritj i land thal the Bngltah prlmo meridlan oaghl tt be nntveranlly adopted, n;-.<l thai Etifrlan. ongbl t-> adopl the metrfc ayaten. The committee to wblch the matter waa referred has dr , id. i thal Oapl i n Gtealer- prel t he d , _ I*, irue ? MU*._a?lppl ii _i.l nml in. Iionor ol tl..- dltcoverj ta iu "-** lo beboui* Lieut-iiant Allen nnd .i.'it.i Mcohet BMIORATION COMMISSIONISBO OCT F< >H BUSBIA, Berlln, Ang. 13. ibe Commlaalonera appolnted by tba L'nltcd btatea Oovernmenl ti vi-it thr aoo ,i i.n:*. i>.- for tbe purpoae ol Inveatlgailng the qnm tiona pertalnfng to the Infloi *'i et-lgranta '. om _kh I ii.- ? '., .: u,,, ,.(,.. xhey were ir.t_-<?.!:i.-^-.t to vorfona Bovora* otHcera by Mr. Phelps, the Ameriean Mlnlster. vid gathered nmcb tnformatlon la reirard to the eml gration from thia country. T..ii..\ tbey lefl Berhn for Buaala, when- t.iiry wiii ntas for flve weeho. Afl r concludlng HmIt work tlicre tl?! will return io Hor , i will Msii Hai ibiu ? :? i iii' ? ^. ? ,,\!.<*v llins.'irs NF.W PLAN POB TIIF. HBBREWS. London, Aug. 13.?Baron Hlr ch la ne otiatmg with .-..i lo rent land along the railway ln Aida .iliii.i- for a Hebrew eolony. Ho offera ._ 100,000 yeariy for tbe bnd. DE8TEUCTIFE HCMMEB 810RM8. THOCSAXDS OP ACREa OP WHF.AT RUIHED - nv.'i kGE ir ni: hv i.niii. v: titt. Chlcago, Aug. 13.?A dlapatefa from Helroae, Mii n., ? ,\ t rriflc ball 1 rm paaaed throngb be Tbooaai d - ol ? rea of U ? Uneal wbeal li county wete kn rhed down :?.. t fen momenta, many ng all th. li ... ume Oetda of wheal loohed aa if they ,,.,,, i?. | ,,, d over arlth i land mUcr and then ii,,. wldth of n ** I rm ranged fr*.m two mil,-.. and ii- roursc waa tt <m -j t t?> west. ii,. miwi iiiiiin." waa *i >ne In Lahe Ocorge n id Bprinn hjii. .-. - had nol yet begnn cutUng ncur il,.,-,- Urwn-., and the paln .*;is (oially deetroyed.* Keoknk, l wa, Aug. 13.-A tcrrlble wind and raln , ,,?, vi-H.-.i Kefthnh i'i a.t-mo m. HoM of the -h:ide tiv<- aero blown down nnd tbe amall bulldlnfta rnoved from thelr I onda looa. Ugbtnlng atrnrb the amphlthoatre al the fali grounda. Benjamln B. owell bookhecper ol I ' bm - ? Ived a "i, ,.-ii.':.t i.i-i thougbt to i.e fi.i-.i. Thero wna .. ?en* TVul panlc throngb '"' ;i-' ';l'- ? WIIHmanUc, t'om;.. Ang. 13.-A tarpe ham on the ,,,,,.;,.. place in HanafleW, bei nglng to George W. Morrow waa itruch by Ugblnli ? '? tt. ijred, wtthn ;,,:,:,,. ,,i bay. Lo P3,000 te B^fiOO; parOy Danlelaonvine, c?:n.. Ang. i:t.-Thr heavy thnnd -r .,,.,,, v,,-<ii;. day nlghl i itu i eonald. rnble da "??hi 'iiiL* atrihlng ta aevenU placea ln >"it:i KlUlnaly ,u,.i .terling, Imrnlng barna and hllllng Mvoral b and cowa. \tlniiiir Hlghlanda, B. 3? Ang. 10.?In Iho heavy ttorm of laal ovenlng the eottage of Otepben 11. RrwcU, ,,,, Beventh-ave., wa atraek by lightnlng, thr boN paaaing Uirongh a bed and int.. th** kttehen, dcmoIUh lag the oooking atove and aettlng tlr*e to the bnfldlng. Th.' flre denaitmenl waa enUod out a-nl UM flanie_ wen aulcl i* exilnguished. tSeveml women wawe ln ,,,,. bui iU i.f them were ui ire ..r les, affectrd. tbough none ware Mrionaly Injured. THHKB BBOTinBtO THOCOHT TO DI LOOT. Bettnate, Mnoe., Aag. lOv-Threo oona of Loula T. Cuatdng, of Oohaaaet, weat to iall yoaterOay afteinooo before Um heavy atorra rtrarii bere. ond no n. them boa baen received yet. n is band that they -'?' '"^- 0 PATAL KPraCIO OP THI KF.cF.NT HIAT. AMhoogti ih<* heat wave had largely pa/*srd ..ii yea ter-iay, tlie elocta of the aoorehlng arbather of Toea ,i;,,, .,.?] *.\. dn< day arere sun noUeonhte. Tho imui i,rr oi proatrattena In this elty wai amall, bM thrre wen o number ..f de;itii> .tu** to waoral .asos t? pros Irattona on pievtena dnys. a parUal bal of Um futai eaooo ts nn Mooro: Oeorge Dtttman, atzty-aeven yeara ?lt!. dlnl iii his li.irn. . No. 110 Bi M;t:_'s l-la* o: Andr-'* Mull* n, aevent] ii*..- yeara nid, autiered a ranatrohe al *o. 003 Ninlli ave., and di*.l ln bm than nn hour: Jamea Ul < ormlch, thli' oW. a drlver, dled ni Xtt. M Cliartton st.. Otto Ete-dle, iH-e*! ten montha, dled lo liis inoiiier's _uii? _t Na i.i Nii.iii i.vt.; Charlea u....*l vnn-d. Dlty-fonr yean oM, waa prootiated ai n... Kfil west Elgbteenth-aL, nnd dled _*?!"_? the arrival of nn ?ooholanee; Uarj Donnla, aged tafonty-oU yeara, dird ?t lu-r home, >.*? Bld laat Ptfty atath-L; Harry Km.* wnld. wh*. waa atayteg nt Ihe Morton Honao, o ??? tahen t.i st. \ iiK.'iiis Hooytbal. arhero he dled i__t eveniaf. (.'harh's L?\el, of Yonhon, tha euglnier iu Ui>- 000 ttui biu-ion of tiie Puoak Haetric Li^ht and Power CompaiiT, wa- overc.tme hv th. beal while at worh, aod a ol Lh-' atatlon u'i<i *ai urid?r a tie,- to oool oe], He ink Into InaenelbWtj uid*d_ed a ahart Ume afterward. Diiel leave* u v.ife and _*jveii yonBg chlldn ? - ? - TIIE DREMllkR BOT OF THE hAPI'AHAXKOCK. lirlrolt, Anp. 1.1.-The riintpov^r-v whteb WO wajted ,o waiiniv Onrtng tbe o. a. n. oneampmeni in re?ani i,, ti, (Mlm ut Rahori Hoary Hootfon bal i*> baiag tie* ..i.ei ...I ?? d.'-n..un.?:? i* >? *.f tha Bappahaaaoeh," whs bb t|iie.|| il il.l* selll'd lo-diiy bv 1!..- I.-..-.I.I Of ;, 1,-iter trom Um ttonplnln "f the HtnOenh-ri Boglmonl ooh tbiR hia ililma Iii oaerr pirUcular. Mr. Uender ahot ia alo in pooooooniu of oLher dotumeuta which tltiarU rtirAv lu? aUitl. MORE VICTIMS WILL D1E.S IDEITTIFYING TIIE KILLED AXD INJURED. AN OFFICER OF THF. COMPANT AT1MITS THAT TIIE BARGE UEPUBUC HAD ROT TEX TIMBERS. Not slnce the fatal ne.ei.l_ut of the yarht Myatery. ?rh.-n twenty-.'evn human llvr* -vore sayrrHle'-d by the capslslni. ef the boat in Jamatea Hay, has snrh. widespreavl a-rief prevallet ln tlae Stxteenth Ward of Hr-iklyn as waa wltnessed there y4**at?*rd-y orer the fnto of the unfortimate ph..ra<aire seekors at Old -fS-Bg on All day yesterday irroup. o'. peopla (?i.tliert-d in front of tlie baaaaa of the deed, WbeM tlieir boilles had been -Tnovcd. and dl'-rnssed the lallalr ln low tones, and talhed of the rottannc-w of the tlna bers li.'Id ?'?<? barpc to(r<tlicr. beveml of the siar brought pieres of tlie broken timbers of the barjre to the clty wlth them, and they ron 11 be cnirabled by the hands. COI.IU.CTED LIST OF THI" KILLED. The Mbwlng Is a corrcrted list of the dead: KALLEK, Mrs, Kat<> thlrty-nlnu yeara old, Ns. 77 r.o rum-st., wife or V ilqm.r-.Uop ketpet. KAI.l.KK. AngiiM*. ?.lght*aen yeana old. r-ff ?**-* Katle, a1x yeara old. J'A J.I.K.It, Otto, -"Iglite-'n nrt'.ntli* old. OOET8, K.mliniid'!, elfhtfen yeara rld, Ns. 262 Emsn-at .s.:in J.i'lt, Uob-rt, forty yiars old. Xo. 218 NorUi ElKhth-st. KI'MZ, Katls, fonr years old, No. 102 Grahumiae. .' Mr?. C'arollntt, flfty-tno year- old, So. 214 DriL'c-.iv. LEIP.lTIM), Mrn. Anton, tiilrty-oi.'ht yrarn old, No. 1.0 i.raliaiii-sa-o. KO) i-M.W. John, forty yeaara old, No. l.'.l St.--4-.--st. KANI.Al.L, Il-nry,>. pBMB old. No. 312 iir.nd-*t. 1111.1.1 ? 11. Mlaa Itaaaiak. tavnii.v--ti.reo years old. Be, MO IJ,. r' .-.( ll"J'INIIUT. hlrrAe, nlne years old, No. .14 Drl-jfs ? V'C. THI iv.jfnr.Ti. T!ie IM of the tajaied * f^r us a^erla'.ned la: hii.t.kk, Jeaopb, N"" Md Boareat-efc ; !-?>*fa laaa broir-.n. y. 11.i.i i_, 1.1'ii.. ira.S08Orahamava.;rlgbtlegbaebnai, MILl.K!., Mrs. I.onls; rlrlit am freeter I. KLEIN. Mr?.. -if.. of Pr. KLln, tetrroo*. and Bushwick avc ; riifht urm bi-iilo-n. vrvi'.R. William, elghuen ypars old, No. 19.j Mea?rale ?at,; NTH ? Iril. nijl Injurlev BIXD, CbarMaa, No. 231 Johnaon-ave.; snn dlsliviitrd and Injurles; will prohal.1v dl<\ I.ACHI.KI*. Mr?. Uattle, Boi-rum-it. ; Ifad and tiody ?I BfllMKlsTEIt, William. No. 1U7 (irsharr. avtv ; frartnre nf rl'-rlit Sho-ilder and Itiluli. ,S1i:F.l 1. IIi'lll.. taventr-'.ne snd a hiilf year*, Nd. 344 ,' I it, : ln'. nrii injnil' - : w\ti die. ST.'.KI.r, i..rnl'.?. 6 T'ur-.: head etU EVANS, Rol?? rt, No. .02 flrabam aiO ; rirht arm brolow. Wl m 1. ' treltme, aaareataaa yaara ald, Ma li Orattaa ?,. 11. ISI'.I.MAN'N', Mra, I- No. 100 Sklllman-av.-.; Mg brolcn. riidiu.s, Mra, Msry, Maipeti.. I.. I.: ine brabaa. WEBER, Elizabetb, Mlddle Village. face, arm snd shoul d.-r HAIU.ACH. William, No. 101 Bo-riini-it.; nhotilder dta* locatei. BA.'HMaNN, Emma, No. tt* So'iU. Flfth-aa. ; head and kiioiiIiIt badly brni-' 4. w-uii| KH.1N, Mr.n.'Mlnnle. No. 215 Orahsm-ave.; arni bro-sa_. ZKKMAVV Mr?. Mai.ari'tha, nfly-iUc yeara old, No. 110 jo-naoa-st.: ek ?? *'.d arai lajiiai and savera int/Tnai \nfotiea : %-. 111 pretably dln. LANUORAP, OerWa, Xo, IBA St*c?-st ; ock and fac,! 'I. LAKDOKAP, lAx.lsa.. No. 101 rj-aafg-at.; aho-ilder di? 1.,. ui.i. LAXDOBAV, Ttoile, No. 101 Btaffg at.; lea Udlv cif, and SEA MAN. Mrs. Mirtha, No. 110 Jickson-st.. badly hurt Intemaliy. i.i.i-HANY. Maggtai bead cut. I'.i Ni ;r.v >11; fls ; 1.**?l rat. . Mi-.. ii . Nu. 78 E-Waariot.; left lrf. br.,l<--n. Zl i.'iwv. Miss (.., N", "0 lakaaan-ave.; sheaMei dK lo atad. PETER, Joaepb, -...aentv y.-ar* old, No. 78 -Oeaariat.. -Iv Injurr-d. I.l.liM.l.IN, Mrs. i... No. lSd McKlbbln-st.; ahonldor ,:?-,.., tai. , LEHNLKIM, Hattte, No. 1SS M icibbln-st., anklo dis ',, ...i...i. OT'J'MA.NN Ousalft juvr-it in old, No. 173 (.rahsin a\*. :'hsr'k had!. b I r,--, M. Xi. 3i4 L-nnird--' : back br.i1>?a . ii . enc.EL, Mr?. BUaabetb, Ma 303 LoibMl at ; right wg erashed. Thi- n-t doea nnt heb-le tboae lefl *i Oott Bprlng Otove end Oy ler Bay. T;i"re are -i-n numy wbo recelved illgl I Ibjnrlea and made no reporl ef tbem lo ,1,,. lotboi tlea. Tbe namber 0. dead Is tbbteen, ln - ?. ,.1 ?i" f.H'ii. .-ii, 11 waa n-ii'irt.'.i .ei Wedneaday nlgbt. ; of Injnred Ineladea twenty-aeven. Tbe moal affllcted rmr:. 1 Uml ol Jacob C. I*a!bw, 1 Dqnor-sbop-keeper, wbo, ii irtll ba aeen trom tiie l!-' ,f tbe dead, losl ..f i.i. (tamlly, Ineloilng liin ,. | :1|!,| tl>i Angasta, tho elgnteen-year , ighter, wai tho hwl <>( the victlma t-. be Identl Hei. a -mi "f Mr. in'! -i ealled al ibe poll< slatlon I ??. .., had reached Brooklyn, nnd 1 lentlfled Ma motber and UtUa slstera, ln lhe exeltemenl he iv;,- nnabl to reeOgnlte bM Itter Aagnata. aud wben -i,,, failed I.. appear yeaterday mornlng yoang __Uer mada another vl H lo Ibe station, aiai there raeognized ti,,- tace ol tbe iead girl ns lhal ol bia mlsslng slarter. Theodon 1 a omployes and friend* tonftcd ib- e\i ui ..ri pttrty, appcared ln a mosi oxclled itab il] day yesterday. In lhe carlj mornlng he opened ? ;.? |or 1 BSlneaa, wbfc_ rcsoNed In a ?1M up romi ind exdlemenl ln tbe nelghborhood. Hnndredi ,,; ,.|,|.. eonmasimtei aboai tbe strcel ln fronl ol H10 tore >'". i-'7 Uwiliam-avo, Che atora was Bnally elosed at 11 o'eJock. n waa aacertalnoi tbal lt had been opened uifhi.nt the conaenl "f -Mr. Keyaer. ictlon "I li"' Long Island Railroad In refnsing io bring tbe wnrlvon to Ibe rlty wttbonl paying tbelr ? ,. erltldsed. J. 0. Petera, tbe trca-urer ot the exnursbm porljr, elter H" acoldent talegrapbed 1 , tbe Long Ialand Raltroad lor a tpoctal train to lhe people lo Brooklyn. The managcr "f the raliriwd, Mr. Peten saya, replled lhal a aapedal train conM not bj pnl together neJe*. 200 Ucketi et 7;, eenta apteee were gnaranteed." -l tben gnpbed lhe managcr," said be, "tbal 1 wonld pay glOO. ln anaa -r 1 waa told tbal ?150 a ? We then n,a.ii' hp oejr mloda lo take tbe nexl regulM train, bnl tba itatlon egenl refbaed lo uiio.a any . ?. boari onieea !?? eenta araa aaM tor each Tbere wara many without Bwoey, and 1 took gl30 trom tbe Ibndi el tbe eacnralon aai p.i't the .I? ? II1 .t 1 HI? ll.'' No irrangementa bave yet heen made for Iba bortal ,,f tbe dead, and Corooer Lindaey has not any Ume tor Ibe Inquest. derich 9. Oroyor, luperintendenl ane treaaurerol the Myera Bxearslon an.l Navlgmtlon Company, wben .sct.n at Ua ..iii.*... .N". :i7'.? Weal t.. yeaterdajr, amde the tolbratng statement of tbe dlaaater i ??Wben 1 beaN of the ncdient, 1 tmmeilataly or der.-d tba stoaasboat Tolebeater and the togboat Idle ,,,;,! ,,, ..],?a ii to tiM. leene of Ibe dlaaater. We paaaed tbe iteamboat Cryatal Btraam, wltb tbe dead aii'l sarti-tii- oa board, eae-ing to the elty. We haiiii ner. bm ibe bept rlghl on. Wban 1 irrived at (''i<* siniin. tbere waa notbtog to be aeen bnt tba arreabti bareo, We were toM tbal nll t'|r pu-tj iiut beea lent te Broolilvn, ?> '..e then _t--uiued back, as there wea notbing d e for u to do. ?Ae t'< Ibe eondltlon of the barge Bepabie 1 aalll -av tliat I l.aiml Ihe maaM W*t* f.'Meii aaln'U I went over lt, und tlnn- were ? BJW pteoei of r-.tten iimb-r. bat it mlgM be aaM here that II i- bari to Bnd .. steambaal or aallng resad m tho bnalnew tbal hasn'l rotten weoi mom ahore ai.t h-v. Tba Be ,','?! I,, uu- twenty-ali yeara eat Iba Marv Powell, ,|?- C"i'-n ot tbe lln.l-'.n, la an ol'i boat. _OSt bO* ,, ii 1 ranl bm " wi.en aabrd lu... '.ftea tbe baiajaa were over ,,,,,;,,;. Mr. liroyci rcpHoi tbal th v sraro gone over tprlng. A man namad Fetrn Wartb, a ablp -rright, looked after the ropnirlug <>f tho boat**, be ..,.,.,. Wben if ba eoaM tell bow ?? wban tbe Bepubbc bed evar beea Iborongkly rd tted ln ber ,,.,,,. !?. \..;n i.f ber ii-.-. or evii In the tonr ,i, COmP-tn] bad 'iaane.1 her, he -ald hc dldn't v... to t*.e uni-lent. Mr. (iroyer said he had heard fred" Bttm, Ibe euw ln .i.arne oi the barge, tui tha atad baaaa to blow at l.:u a'ctoeb. and u ama derilr* bf the ereara ?.f tlu- ateamboal -ad .,?ICC ia -1 4 .J" ?? le tii- pter la eaae oi an a? htout. '?t,,. ? ?? I.?"" ou the bnrrlcao d .'.,, iii. rali "? tha paasengen, aho aU crowtte* ,V ui tbe -i'i.- i'-..-'St Uie pler 90 tt\ "?' J?i_"J? ' i'i;,i iili.'t lhe 6oit. Md ihr aviml ' mli ht _rUM .l.'il- fi-on. heloar an.l ptckei It UP. ? '? '??'; - ih. aupt'ortlna i<"l-. arhleh aa.-iv ranged bn aa? n ,,,,1,1 even t?o t^-i iiue m> many plpe -" ,, inni''! lhe '1"'I. '..innifi. iv over. last * }f.,_? '*,.,![.". ..1: 1 '.nll i!, ,. a houae on lb. top nl tlio , __. ?,. u,i ? 1.1 11''l eompklelv ..a- r. , , , ,. v ,. .. ni.-inu ..r Mr. Kayaer*a employes ... Tdaht ln -'imi". ?(. naar <.r.?t. .;j- ??*? ; ', . ,,..,,, Tba ii....uii_ "i.irt I- ??'? '?' '? ' the odvi at.,..,v ,,f nr ??? rniuportation Company for Injartee and V?n,_ , wattea eoaM m.t b? dr<idi-d peudiiig ^Swuoa w)U counsel. ^d tbe UB*tW***Ea?m untll this mornlng. It was declded by the mptnb?*rs of the aaaoclatlon to att.ii.l the fuii** of tlie *** onea In . l-oda. Tlaere will be anotlier nie.-tlnu t.Mi-V AHbeagh a seai-<h wns mude yeaterday at (''iu sp:1iii: Hurbor for tt.e bodles of morr artettma of tne .lK.?.t4*r, none were found. It is suspected, however. thal there may be some ln the Wflfar. There 1_? muddv bottuin at tbe polnt arliere th** eeetdent n-.-irred and It ls quite lilielv tfuit B00H boilM navy BOW "O Iylnft In the mud. Ttvro ls no way to rvcover Wl bnt bv dre-3-.lna.. nnd that work wa*. besnin yeaterday afternoon. (>nlv when It ls flnHhert will lt bc knowii wln-thcr anv more were Kllled thun those at pn'.'-Jit known. Tliere wi*. an unverlfled ruinor that tiiree people were mlsslnp. -? DYIXO FROM CAXCER AXD FAITH CURE. A MAN WHO nA-* RfFPERED AOONY l<*OR TEARS AND YET WOV'T BBB A DOCTOR. Edwanl Foster, of No. -.17 Montlccllo-'avc., Jep ey Clty, a yonnc: m_n, is beUevcd to be dylnc from .a lanrcr. Wheo wr!! Foater worked at br.iM n.-n.Mi -'. He was a h?blru:_l sn.oUcr and wn* seldoni aee* adib out a **** ln ''Is niourh. A sniall rod pustule was notleed on the depi?s.slon of hls lower llp about three yco_rs a?o. Hls wife feared It wn-i a e.imer eomlng. and she freqn?ntly odvlsed him to see a physieian. He was and is yet a devout ln'li.v.-r ln Um f-ilth-riire doetrine and be refused. Hc said he wonld trust In fiod to enro hlrn. In Uae the DM eit.inh-d OffM tiie endre llp, and he becaate grndually woivo. and now Uie di'-temper covers the entire five. Hls dlet for a year haa. been pilnrtpally mllk and glntbvos fltilds, whleh have boea paflggi into his throat throngh sjass 9th**. Hls amdrertag ha-s been in tciisc. but lie has stcadfa.--.tly tC-daed to see a doctor. ' On Tuesdiav eeenlttf he sent woid to the Ftalth-Cnre Chnrch of the Dlvlne Fellowshlp, ln Bramh.all-ave.. that he war.ted the memb-.i-s to pray for him. This an* 'bne, ini the pastor. tlie Hev. Mr. Hanrox. ealled on him th'j followlrw. day at t*****t raqaeat IO? some res.son tho anfortanaae man refbaad to >?"?* him, but a-!("<l Um to <all ,'O.aln. 0 i:..-ides n-hislng to .-oiisult a physleian. Foster re fn^f.-; ansnlutely tO tahe any BJeobolle stlinulant. It ll -j>id that h<* ean lia-e only a short time. but he yet bclloves hN faith wiii make hlm well. THE LOC0B0TIFE RAX IXTO TIIE RIVER. IT Was GOING FIKTY MI.1.1'.S AN HOUR. BUT MO* BODT WAS lflil'.T. Poi.tthkeep^le. N. Y.. Au?. 13 (SpcclaD.-The Ponph haepale eiprem on tbe ttaw-Yoe* Deaarol road left bere at 7 :26 o'elock this moralag as aaaal for New-Yorh. Ja*t souUi of Barnepit, while the traia waa rannlag et the mto of llft.v mllea an nonr, it ran ou un opeii awltefa leadlnj. to ?a mt* iradi on the river bank. At tbe otbee ead ef the awlb h ?*- a train of toedei ear*. l.-inii feet fr./m tbe ewiteh. Motorlthetandiag ihe fa<a that tho engineer appliei the air-brahe. and reveii-. .1 hM eiitfiio, tlie latter iaabed into ihe of Uie -nn.; tniin, ieatfOfblg eevmal of tho cars, and the-u plunped headlong down the bank into the rlver. the englneer and Breman gotag dowa wltb it. 'ih*. tendcr follovaed and the ha?frage-ear was wrecked. No one. tort, i.nt tbe pa lengeis were greatiy Mghteaed. gupertntendenl .Mr< oy believe that tomeboAy nn consctoojL. tauvaed the swiiiii, but that eoanebody baa imt yet bocu found. A MBECBANT MUEOEBBB IX EIS OFFICE. JOB HaAS, A PIIir.AD." MMIIA COAL DEALFTJ, POUXO WITH HIS SK1 I.l. ClUsIlM). Philad.'lphla, Aiiit, Hl.-.Iob Haas, aaied slxtv yeura, a, eoal d-ahr. wns found ieed In ihls ofllee on Oorgaa I.ine, Moonl An'v, iu tbe e.\ir.ino northern leettOO Of thla clty. at 8 o'clock Udl moriiliiv?. wltb hls sknll ui-liei. A elnb and a bntehet. both eoverei with blood, were lytng on the Hoor of ibe oMco. The in..i.v,- tor ti" erbae bi mld lo Baitt been robbery. A negro naiii'd ilenry Davla, aaho Uvea near tii" sc';iie of tbe mnider. w-as mtetei Mii.-. ifternoon on tasplelon ot having eommlttei tiie arlaaa n^ realatcd the olticers, but araa overpoareroi, and when taken to tlio pollrw statlou ap*s_5 ln Bjotea was fuund in lai-. pooket, When u~hed \a ncre he obbilned ?o much money ho wld : -I worked f ir it.v i\r. lliaas alaa.-ays carft.xl a lan-ii anioiint of nione*y avlth bim, for whleh I,,, h i.i often been remoostrated wlth by his fumiiy and aeqnolntaneea, He lefl hU home at 6JoT\ Germau town-ave. a-. aaaal this mornlng at aboot o o'cloob. PERREI.VS ABDUCT0B8 AEBESTEB. TH_ rRClTLESb ATTEMPT ON THF. DLTROIT MILLX-R'i BANK AuuCNT. Detrolt, Mleh., Ang. 13.?The police la-t mpht ar re^tod John Con Idlne, WUUam Consldlne, Tbomaa KCn neiy, Joaeph McDoel aml Edward T. Bent, not.*d tln.v > of thla town, tor the abinctton of Joaeph Per 1'iiii, a acalthy miller, on the evenlng of March 10 bwt P aa* ealled tor at Ma houae that nlght to come ; coi -iii; friend, \au. bnatled Into a earrtage, over powered, bUndiolded, and diiven to a ttranfa houae, uh.'iv be araa h"i<l ,. prisoner tor twenty tour honn In tbe boph of gettlng a ilS.000 ranaom. Ile abraed a [or tbal amonnt, bm hi. banbera an.l bunlly, ln . i eaeblng it, p-rivo tbe matter ^> the pre .ncii i hm-anl rn vans nleed that hla ciptors Ktoeaed hlm. The police bave ln-ea worklng np ih'* matter ever tlnee, and aesert that tbey have ;. rlear caae. One of ?\ men, Kent, n Bveryman, rapplled Ih. i i riage, while tbe reet manefed tiie ibduction. Perreln ..a.-.. taken to Kennedy'i bon-o, which be haa Wentlrted. rhe ibduetors had lald their plr.t so tborouehly ?? I.. have arranged t r evtience :.? to an allbl. l*erroln h;i^ been an lnvaiid ever slnce tiie ibduction. BEABLT KIL1.ED BLBBBLt WIZB UOBPBXSB. Aabnry Park, V. J., Aug. i_ (Special).?ilenry Hahn, _-,.(_ twentj-etz, u.e eon "f Cbarlea Hahn, ? wesdthy H'tiifd merebaot, who Uvea in Philadelphia. nearly kllled bimaelf l?-t nlghl by t ikli \ ?- . overdoae of morpbUM. The tamllj) have been itunmer col here tor aeveral yeara. Abonl mldnlght Hahn waa toaitd lylng nneoneeioiu ln Ubrary Bqnare, two btocks from bli iii'li'.'- eottage. Ho ?as Uttei Into ? police ingan, where he revlvei whlh) beinj; irlven through tii.- ttreete, VThen told thal be wns on hla way to l* tocknp he aaked tho ofBcer to take hnn lo Ibe Hotel Asbury an.l i.l- requeal was granted. AU thoae arho -;_w hlm eupp aei be waa Intoxlcatod an.l he waa pat to bed. After tbe oiiii.T Mi tbe hotel lhe yoang im.'i who fiiunii yoang Hahn in Ubrary Bqnare *vt him i vini eontalafng a white powd<>r, which be liad fuu'id by the -lale it thii niuonscious man. The ..Mi'.r i? ,i: tbe '?'?' to a draggiat, who tatd tbal it had ,!iv eontaln >i atxty (.rains of morphlne, b*} tbal half tho ronteata weie K"ne. The dmi-'^i-t. Mr. (irenelle, and L>r. Wllliams ran to Ibe hotel Wltb the ofl. er. Tbey bmnd yoang Hahn tytag lo a d-<.p ttnpor in bla.beiroom. They haetfly ireaaei hlm and rarrled him iown into the atreet, where they walked hlm nbonl f.,|. teveral boan antll he waa oat of d.!i*r"r. This f young Hahn ia;d that be aomcumea took morphlne ani that he muat havo taken ioo much la^t nlght - ? TUE OBOTOt LAXDIBQ tBOOTlSO CASB. POogbkeepale. B. V-, Aug. ia OKpeetal).?Tbe Croton Landing thootlng caae, |n wbleb I. n. Baker, Colonel IngeraoU't prlvate tecretary, wns shot by a nelghbor'i Anderaon, aaiv- before Jaife Bamari thli mornlng) upon an appibatiim by Anderson*s coaaael lor the Bxing of balL Connael tor tiie Vt ple amde a long irgament, bokUng thnt tbe a-~auit araa pre medltated, and that tbe prlaoner sboald nol be baUei io long aa liak'-r ls jn ianger of iytog> Tbe People irere mpreaented by R- H. (iriniii. uf New-Vork; :.nd tbe prlaoner by Meaara. Lente ani Beott, "f Mew?Yorb, tbe latter aiaklng tbe argumenl m favor ?'f the apal , lti ,, \i .1 : ,ii av?. in .-o.irt. Mr. (irillin i.n1,,v| tbe ..i ivii.--.-4 uf sobmlttlng en argument, wlilch i i pronted. The u.'in took the pa_>er?., and will piobably make a dodaldn to-niorrua. TOBCIBLT CL08LTQ - BCEOOLBOT/BB. Dagaton, K. v., Aag, i:; fdpeMal). ? tteeil DtO, of iii... . 'ounty, lcukid the BebeoUmaae door 0 U Dla trj.4 No. 1. lOWa of New Tait/, last eveiiin., by order ol Btate -upi-riniendent Drap.-r, the powara of anii ila> uut bavlng beea veaeed bf rpeatal -tatute Ui tiie Btate N'irms! s.ho'd of N.-wl'alt/. alfr th- Indebtoi eeaa ef the ilatriet had baaa p-id- Maw oameera nf ihe diitrid laad been reoently etoetad le deflnaea of the ibove law, ai.d ? new tH.\ lew votad, benre tbe prca enl a'ti.n mabaahdng mM e-aatee .^<i etoetag tne ho ,l. .1 PI!!- 1XFK BTABB A JAIL-KEEPF.R. (-lnidcn, N. J.. Ang, in.-At mldnipht lasi nU'ht WIII inni aplrtmin. ? pt-Kmer ta Iba Cmraien Ooamty Jall, ittensptai t.. marier Aadraw Bobbmaa, a aigM heeper, Inni ln tlio li?'-il .-iii.'linari aft*.rwaitl rut Ma own thmat and was MM r.' to tlw t'oover HoapttaL -dtafi the physiciana wty tb-t ho may ro cov?r. ________PK'-I IHM t_L__V? !___ TWO MORE LEPEUS FOUND. WHAT SHALL HE DONE WITH THE VICTTMS. SEXT TO nLACKWF.LL'5 ISLAXD, BCT RETURSEO Oti TIIE DEMAND OF THEIR PELLOW CHINAMKN'. Priyaiiciana at tlie Charity J.n.*>ftal on Blaek well'? Islaml J rsterday sent a leport to Dr. Cyrua Edson, of the Health Department, ntating that Ong Mow Toy aml Tsanjr Ding, the iwo Chinamea who were sent to the hospital on Monday, were Bufferiug from kfOMf. <?n? BmW Toy wna a fan-tan guinhler at. No. 21 Mott-at. Dr. Erlsoa evamirod liiin on Siinday, aml anappaaBd that the man was a lepr, i>ut Om BmUBMBB ww made < nit by tlie fart thnt tlie OJM-Mot had been Iuf.rrins for two ye%r*. frona a Iftajaaa other than leprosy, whieh ha.I covered his fare and portiona of hLs body witli lettions of a kind not uncommon iu leprosy. OB -Mtmt'.ay XgMf Ding, another Cliineae frambler, w!m live.l at No. Bl Mott-M,. wan found to Ix- BtilTering from a similar ooin|il.C4?tion of He wa.. ev.mincd kf Inapectors Doty and Hlanvelt. wln. pBBBBBBri that he wa* a leper, bnt rotild not 1.e mire. When Dr. KnUU seut the two Chinnmen to KlarkweM's Island he sent fo the pliv.leia. s of the hospital a diaRiioele of leprosy in complieation witli tho other dise._se ia each UMt, and the report which hc lecoived yea i.Tday ronflrnird tlie cliiijrnoais. Dr! Edgoa mid yaategday: "I did not think wi* were jn_.ti.lcd in _B>_rlng a public announce ment on Monday thai the iwo ( lnnamcn were iepers, be.ause there was dirtioulty in making a corrert dlngnoata, 'mt we s-nt tl.em to lha hospital \v',iei*e tliey could >>e obsorved under favorahle cirenmstanees, and the report of the ph.VB.ciann at the bogpHa! leavee no room for doubt.'' Dr. Bdaon learned IB the afternoon that Taang Ding had heen permitted t*. leave the hospital aml go i.a.k tO Mott-st., and tliat Ong U9W Toy woald I .* aDownd to retnrn to the city tliis m*.ra iBff. <>:i TfMlQJ -i i'AU-r was seut to rre.i.lent Wilooa of the Iiealth Boatd l.y Hoorvem A- Hamil t*?n, the liwyers at No. 160 Broa.iwayT sa. 1n_ thnt thev bnd hren retained to look after ti.e in UUPtO of ti.e iwo (hiimmen nnd taqntring by orhnt antborlty the mm had beon sent fo Black wtll's Island wlien they were not Icnown to laj lep'.-rs. An onoWCI was ,'*nt. that the t'hinamen were beHeved to he sufrerinar from leprosy, and thnt tbey went to ihi bonpMnl voluntarily. hlr. Wilnon tlid BO. Unow who hnd retained the law Bm. noon yesr.-rday several .'hinarueri from Ifott-at., who were friends of Tsruts? Dinff, went to tlie I'.iaritv Hflgpifthl nnd tlemanued his relensr. The physirhns there .aid that he had not !>een eoiiimitted to the hospital, but had gone there of his own a<*eord hy the advtce of Dr. Bdaon. Tbang Din? said he wished to go away with his Menda* and the dnntow said thev had n*. authority to him. He aceord ini_ly left tln* hoopital with his friends, voaaerl to ihe city at 1 p. rn., and went l.HCk to hia fortner home ln M<>ti-st. Frieni.'s of Ono; .\fow Toy then went to the ho? pltal to demand bio release, and the physiclans said ln> eould lepve tlie hospital in tlte morning. A men-eager waa s-nt to tiie hoopital bp Dr. Edson in the evenlng nnd he broaght baek o note from the warden, oaylnj- tbat friend;. of the two Chlnn men had denianded ?ii.*.r refenae and thev eoeld not i*e detained. Dr. Bdoon went t.. eonattlt with Presi'l.-iit Wilson in the t'helsea iti Wesr Twonty Mdrd-Ot To a Tribunr reportei Mr. WiUon the Health Doard would soon deride what shonhl ba done ertth the leiier;.. Oomtuiaoloner Hryant e uaWL aml wan^-tMOM aa Beaway for abott! two weeks. He araa not pre pared io any what iniuht Ik* wlth the lepera in Dr. Brynnt'a aboenoe. Then* is .said to t>e some dltferenoe of oninion on thnt onbjeet between ;he two Commlmlonero. Dr. F-ls.ii probably expressed Mr. Wilson'e viewa lant evenlng when he aoid: "I do not think that lepera abould Ik? permitted to miiiKle wn'' Cbinamen ln the elty. Leproay is an in fectloua diocaoc to which Cbinamen are mor*. emseeptible than white people. Probably some menr.s can be employed to plaee the lepew ln lome Inrtltutlon, uiiless they can he sent baek to Ghina." . Charity Commiaotoner Sbeehy saul yester.lay thiit he dld nol oee how Iepers oould la* kept in ihe Charity Ihsspital nnleoo thev were wllling to atay tbere. lf the Health Board thought that leprosy wro n eontagtetu d-oeoae, tie tbought the place for lepero was on North Brother Island. ? - IS THB DISKASE CONTAGKMJSf IIKAI.TII I'O.MMISSIOMii. BRTAXTg VIKWS VTOX THF. sI'Bn.iT. chin ll'ip Etng, the Chlnaman who was found anffering from the I ? ne ln o tanndry at Wo. 4.?3 Fifth st., woa allowed to ipmaln Ihere three tayo altot ihe poblic had been Lnformed *.f in~ eo MU ?n. Hia removal to the Charity Hoapttal waa ordoroi pa.tly ? hia pre en< ? i'i the elty eaaaed too aueh talk. rhe iiealth Commsaatonera wtshed to aend him u, a place \*. here bo woaM ti"t i." an object "f o_orhli curioatty or tbe vtetta i.f "Qnach" doetoro. Thero ?rei ? aald to be good reaaooa why tho ii<';tiih Depanh merit eonld in*) take enre of bim. iii*- roaonvnl ??> Worth Brother lalaad mlghl hav.poeed bim t<> eon* tagtoo, and hto preaeoce Ibeoe woi ;*i havo ereated . prejad the place, the * m lala i d. ,'ii.t not oonaider bla *iis.-:i ?? ln ai r ,!' -'? *' '!;! io Um pablle, ood therefore h;s |_nmed!..ta removal (rom the elty was not tbongbl ta h-r Imperatlve. A rumor that the Chartty Cmamlavloneri ailghl ohji the preaenoe ol any more lepera ln the < harilj Hoa? pttal, on the gronnd thal the potaon ?t leproay la ln* teiisifled by keeplng tep ra tom ther, i m - i a Prlbano reporter lu mo Health CommloaloiMr Joeeph u. Bryant ;i _? W tl i> . ago ii'i'l int|iilis-: ?i- thero llkely to bo anv .sciiou. diffl ui'y in aoearlng the ieolaUon <>f lepera fonai ln tJ.i?> eltpP -?laolatlon, lo tho aenae the term Unptteo, ee::;.ot bc enforoed wlth proprtoty ta ;? elty lo anv form ai eompranleable ilaeaae bdng tife-loiig ehronto," i>r. Bryant replled. "However, II wttl not ha at tli iliffleult in __< futiuv, as in the poat, to wlthinW lepero from pahBe Krt-*e wlth Iheb ? ? Ther? " no proot .ii pr moI thnl i ototlon is ntftyni l thlo clty, siine thero U ao evMonco ol u.e tavt thit ? eaoe aas ever ariglnab -l h* i.-.'' -i. noteontaei wlthnloperdanfironat" ?? M f?rni ?.f eontnel laotdont t?> baaaao*nco in this .itv i. knoarn a*. vei ta have oonoad taproop de novo. u i.i.v H-.t tn- amtao t-. tM at ihis mue that, while i mj ? -ii o m aervtng aa totarno m liellevua ,,,. ..;.,. .?:i ean un, thore waa m a wa.o under my eharge Iw o h?g thnt a Brai-claaa ocaterty and uurae who woa ? r?*??nuMi leper. Hlo proaoneo tiut ,a?. ,i?. loaa. opprelMIMlon, OOT dld any harra arise tn.n f..,in. iie woo often ahoan to medkal aud other rWtora as a typtcal eaae "f tai ??lf lapioaj is "i"> ?'il"ll> eooamantrotoii whot h.u-m eonM there be in booptag laann lopotbor ta u phaaa away from Hm pnhBe ga "Leprooy olther is or is not iiaoomoalrobM in thu dty ' \i preaenl *'?' rrtdonno oalaM ol i ?nmaaainn ,. u'v i,.i-e Sueh being the I * ' ? !. i i pr. eni ii maUor ol aentinMal rathar tiiau M .,,.,', .,v j , ,..,.'i. n.i the pn - ran demand ?.th ,:,-.,!;,.i?i, of tbe vi* ti.i.s ofayphlBo ,n.i tubeiTUloala. ?..-:..?-? tooUtepa btlng them iu oon ;,; rttbthe hea-thy and I walk "' ?Haa tne Wht-onal Qovommont baen asktd to pro v;.i,. ;_ nlii.e fnr lep -The de-_i_WUty bl aacb aettoa nn the p:,rt <-l Uta covernuieiit has been poluted ...n b) varl ua arritero ..i. m.s Vui.J.-.i. e*pet-allj by Dr. Mffanl and Dr. Morrow of thli *uv ih's department has r-,oi t*> my knowledge ever made aaeh a requeat. ln my opinion U,# Goveromenl poghl toproeUfee anltable plare tor ti,. receptlon and eare *'f tho leper- found vrithiu ite l.'r Urti.nt hnd OB hls desK a ropy of "Ti.e Medlral I*,.. nl ? an*l he \f liit*'*l t" an ed-MMtal n.iie by Ur. ' |- ,-i,ra iv re??rdUiK the dlvoverr of tho case of < hli. H"i> Mng. it oonlalned the foii..?inR: ? ? i n?od deal Ol <-f -?*:'*' <'\iMlemeiif has been raus.-il i.v the dlacovery, Leprovj ls ?o ~!'jhn* iii'i,.,is lhal the piii.iie danpt from it can almoot be i di.-d. No ui." ls known of H.e dlieaat orlgi Dotlng by oontagton In this eoaatey." CACOHT I.V TBB VXDEUTOW AXD DRtAYXED. Ume I'lanch. N. J.. . Untry, aged iw. nty ? "???ii. >.f feranto, n?ii > iud baanaomplapaal ta '|i..i.tim.ii'? dniK *b iv I.n mii'' \t..fs, wont iii buUi ii.Ji on. the !?? a. ii in _li..ll..? water Uo* -kf.uriuio.i, ai.4 wm c?.irht in iiio unUeilow and drowucd, Tlie t*.-U.v vai nn,jvuod.