Newspaper Page Text
AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. i 8HB CALL8 HER HISBAND A BIGAM1ST. John W. Hylcs, a palnter of theatrieol seenery. was arraigne- ln Ih8 Gatcs. Avenne Pollre Court yesterday for big-my on the complaint of hla wlfe, nello llyle*. He was arrewted while at work on unme sccnerv li a cellar at Kalph-nve. an.l Mfllnnnngt. st. Ha B ulmiit tlilrty-flvo years old an.l Ma wlfe llvc y<ar> voutiger. Mrs. Ityles, whoso inalrten name was lvin.avne, ?aya that they were marrled In 1886, al WaM Al-xandcr, Penn. Thcv have had flve rhlhlren, thrw of whom are dead. She was an actress, and h<-r huthnnd was travelllng wlth the oompany. Ahout 18*8 188888 ago they went lo llvo at No. U4A C__BM8fBt He Bmvelled wlth a theatrlcal rompnnv. and on one of hia trii?g hi* wife BBga lf ni-t Huth NarB-BBb. tl." daughter of Otto roarlboci;. a bfAer. of Ralph-ave. and Deratur 8t- *>?*> wws a rhorus girl. Iii sumrnei ho worhed In the bfthery and in wlnter she araa ou tlie stago. Hm. liv-l?* s;<ys that ln Xoveml>er last her hmband marrled Kutli. BBB le_rncd of il -888 88888 1-18888 wrltten by Huth to Byles. Afterward tha 1< urned thal ltul- Pearlbock aud her husbaud were raaatag a tandy ttoreln Reld-avc. i.ear Maaoa-ot. Ml>- '<_.? h*"*,"1 v1? thv DistrietAttorner, who c.insed tl.e to be arreMed. He denle*. the rhargo* made .-.?auist hlm. XTlio could not lurtilsl, *1.00<> !.o waa remai.ded to Jail. . LITTLK CIIANGK IX THF. MAYOR'S COND1TION. Report/* Jr<.m Tarrytawu recelved In Hrooklyn yc* Krrdav s?id t !>_t tli.- .o.idition of Mayor Cliai.l... win. .* there contiued u, hls bed witi. raaatMenl l.vcr. aa piwtieaiiv aae-aaaa- At noon hla bobbb was 101, and he Bai p.-irtnken sparinglv of iniitK.n broth. He r,p.T.i n re.Me., ,,1.1,, aud vevU.rd.v m.rninr. ?M wrak. Tlie tilBh levt. and warn. weather ii.rt loM ?w?__ upon hlm. The Mayor la belnc atU'iid-.l bv Dr.JJB* nlng. of Tarrytown. and Dr. BM-t-BB, of **?<**' Mayor Chapin's fanillv phjfl60tBB. L*.t nlght ?*? Chapfn was reported to be comfortablo and slighilv 4k_*BW was rcrelved at tlie Clty Hull yesterday fron. Mra Cliapin aslilng lhat Mr. Phillip*. the privat* aecretary. go immediately aaj^rjrtown 88 the Earor wM.e>i to aee Wm. Mr. Vlnlltps ls an wa Wr Campbell. Hh- se< refcny of th- Civil r*i\h- W-B B-sion. htarted at a>nc- for Tiirrytowii. Kt-K-SINfl TO PAY >ll'_ IXNFSR BILL. The Park OaBBB_-SBaa_aa h-M a BtBBtBH yeiterday and read uie letter of F. X. laaaa. -ta BaaaaaBar, aarlng that unle*e hls blll for .102 for pl-ylng it ?Vark ou July 18 aaa pald l.v |<a?-B_f BBBB ha *rea_i not give the other two BBniartl anBei for t.v I.I* c.n tract. The gronnd of tl.e ref.iaal araa that he wa* order-d not to B*B. by the eaptain ..f the park poli. .?- 'J l.o,a?.t?r. however. B*M*- that l?- e*BBf4-Bi vlth coutract. whkh ord.r.d Ll... ro play unlean it ?;.* ralu. lng and he off.T* to prove lhat it wa? not ralning- riio Board unanlnK.ualv ?<le, i_ed nat to P--v *? b"'- 11"'>' raaolr-l to blta Conten.o to |hra tba aanaarta an nexa baturday and Sunday wl.l.h laaaa araa to have plyn Tt,e Oon.mlaslon order-d W.i.H.rop Park, in IB. KaaMan Diatrlct, to be thr..wn open to BM pnb\u: on !.,.?? il-.vs. Larlv 1.000 feet of walk, bar* Wn WI aat on ono ?!*c of BBB pari and work elsewh.-re 1, B*-_ dot.,. TO RESIST AX ALLEGED CONSPIRACY. Ju*Uee Bt.rtl.-U. ln BBB Supr-n.e Curl. ha* gr-nt^d _o 50 a week alln.ouv atid *7o . onnael fee to Mr*. BaBSlla W. Merrni. of I.u.i.l.i.u.n. Ia I. who I, boing auedItoT absolutc- dlviir-e l.y _? h-.-M-id. ****** ^ M';r"u"' Tl.ey wer.> ii.arried In Oitob.-r. 1888 ^Sl,a i. -...di-i *?-. and her fatber, Beujamin F. D?W, of ColU BprBaj. L. 1 L her |-_8B_ ad -tm A 1-tter hmi. wr-B. Ba Iba plalotllT'* n.t_er expre?*lng rcgnt Ihe aatt Btna lo .,. ...fend.d ha. M -V lawyei to ^ he ba re?,?ved. aud the court aaa 8111 ll li tu b? ?'8>'n'n' ?" **? removal. , ___ 11,- d-rendant ^av? that there 1* a consplracv to ruln her. In aauBjaat al thi* *?-rtio.., ?nd la aaalanaBtaB of ti.o aBaaaaa; aba aaya tbat aba waa _HB1*a on tbe pia^a of a hotel Btttaa to Jaaa_ Ba-alla, arhan ba ?-id ba mutte* to apeak to her * BMtaaat in prlvate, and tlmt she at.-pped to her roon. ...-ar by, aod B-Bt ** aaaa aa B-O ?ere laaMa her huHband and aaa ent-r-d a:id sald: Be*. Uiere 1? i"V ?''" ?'t>" - ")i,n ln *"*? r0'""-" bn,J t'lls ?tber llke ln*uiice*. _ _ F0RF??TERS II AVE A CLAMBAHE. The Hitti. OanH al lha _bc-_bI Ord.-r of Fat_l-ta con Unaed lu **-;...>. at Beaaaea llaU, Ctmrt aa? Batnaea au. fiY-tcrday. Tha aie*4la_a nera heia behlnd <-!?-d door*. The uKist Unp-rtanl Btttmm ?:-- ihe adoptlaa ot ti?- i port of the eo-BBBtt-a on brar*, B-*r_--| ihat in httara _.- -upreme offle.-T* BMHt be ele.U-d ...nons U.e *afB? BBaBtlaaa u, Bm Baaj?aaaa bo8j. WrtaerlT aaana of the c0le*r? wv-re r..<iulred to aaaaa fron. tl." BBBla ln wl.uh Ihe aeaalon of Uie ?*88*88* iuiirt iiviy ba _*?. The court remalned in aaaataa untll 1 p. m., and tt.en th- d.-ifK.v laab -. aaur-ialaa to Otaa 1-iHi.d. wiiere tii.-y had a ... ?.'..?? The 6ele_-t-i haw aad a group gBetara takon on tlio City Hall atap ? (iATlIHKED AHOl-r TIIE TOWN. The Department of C-tjr Worka baa raeclaai pr>' poMils for paviii^ f-th-tvn. tX~ T- I: ly itlnlli- at U> the <itv liue wiih BelgUin bloeka. 3. MeKaenaa ? ajraa oBat t-. Ao II tor 858^00; Owen U'Baeta tor *7o,<hh., or with oM MoeBa tor 850*17; Charle* llarl bM 8a_*348. Ha ui-.. oflered lo pava lha alwet aitb loiibli-Mout-i for #;::j,rii'_. Daiiey a B_i, t'l- eoaasel lor Weoln Itaaaa, arfca ls aa-ar aaateaea of death tor tha maiaar ol AJ izander Ihlvaaa oa Bnatar Dav. 18B0. hnve 81-6 notteea .<f |vo npteala t.. Um Oourl ot Appeala, one baeaauM "f tlro refusai ..f the- BapranM Conrl lo dlwharge Tra__a on a arrM ol babtaa corpna, aud n.e -th*r boeanae "f the reiBaal >.f .iud._-.- Moore to pnnl a new trlal after tho -onvtotloa. TBe aaaa baa alreadj bean u> tna ti.urt of Appeala oacc an.l at-O t-. lha li.ited Siates court s. Tho nurabcr of deatl.s in the weeB enrtllng Aupu-i B waa 640, b.iu^ tortjr-four toaa than the aaartoaa weeb and two leaa than ln tho oorre-pondlng weeB hi I yeur. Ihe irnlB rotn for ii.e aaak aaa -''..'?.i. The thn-tieth aaaaal report of tha OonsanlBalonera ef Iba DepBJ_nenl .;f P-rlu haa Jnat been prlirted. It emtnlap pboiograv_rea of Boresi Path, near tba Litt hfieki Manaloa, a noak on tbe btha, a aoeae aear tlio Tiilid -.t. ciilratice, atid a V_aa in J ott OI-8P8 Park. The Btrlhe in "Tlie Bagto" ofllee tQBtlnaea ]>ia; ti-aiiv o"1 ?awiaaB. Iba aaJon yaatarini is^ue<i a nitinif..' t<> exptaUi?(8 Ba P-attlon, au.i tajrlng that tba j.oli.-v of --Tuc l-.?le" uili.e is " aii-iiinry, unjust and eoaretta." Mra. John w. Pbelpn, ol Bo, 860 Gtaana-aaa., who Ba6 prraBaal niefarta aorth 884000 Btolen frnaa bet home 011 July 13, vbleb tho pottee have been anable la rocover, lias nB-rai a pM BM-al worih i?lt*J 1:1 bopo of gcttlng it batk. y.V THE COLLECTOW8 CHAIR, BZ-BEB-XOB BASSETT BEGIB8 4CTIVB D_TY AT THi'. CUSTOM nOU-B. Collcto.' Fa*-eti aaa ;.t Ihe Caataai ifonae at ? 1. early boar re-tere_jf mornlng and plnnged lm in.<!iatelv iiio lh. warh ix-forc lnui. Colonel Br 1, ciit aaaaa in aoaac tlme latar. booo after a telo ?-i;.i,i aaa reeal?-i ftaai Ihe Arthag Boesaturj >.f tba Troaann al Waehlnetoa, A. B. NetUcton, Baylni tbat Mr, laanetVa twuiu araa BaUafact-n.', ;u.d thal iii^ eorn iii>-i.>ii a* Canector bai beea torwarOed to Bea York, It wa< ait.-r ih 1 re'.-ipt ?f tbla te_egraoj tbal Mr. 1 fi.iinailv tooh ih ? (_liector*a chalr, 1 cot-.i U< it l.y BrhMrdt. Tlu> f;w: thal the baag gtaan bar Mf Faaaetl haa been t_tmp-4 t>v tho Treuaary DeportttMnl i- aaM to do aaat with au anratallnna iiiat 0 wa.. n.,t \aii.i. baraaaa bbm <>f bla bonaHaaan 1- Vernon H. Braarn, the aajent of the CaaaN Lin<-, a Boretga '<.r jH.:-..iion. N.111.' ?.f tha ardetil defetider* of ili- s.-uat ? (;,?? envn bave ie--n naklng ahj Mr. PaaaaU BM m.; ra eign ?<> >*uat?r wh.-u h.- aeeapt-l ihe app_Bta_arl of Collector. Colletor faaaeM ati-w.-ml 11. il >: ye>terdav bv ref.rriug BB Arli.le 111. _8C_M 8, of the t'on^tttution of Hu- Hatai Ma ]--??.< BbeH 1 .-iii'iiue Ba lh* I?*at<?aara arho, al the Bha* of 1.1- eleetlea, la, m wlthla 100 6*ya p gkeaata h?- brca, .. aaaaa 11 al Coagiaaa, a eivii ... 1 ofti ? >-r aaBai aba .1 Btatra, ..r tn. attet-aaaVt t f.,v. r:ui..rt. And If BMf p.-r-.>a *'iull, nl^-r li.: b] t ...i a- :. ??>? ?>? te 1 ..f tii.- I.- .-?>?.; ap|oli,Ud u> anv at-C . .-Ivll or inllltary, B 16 r ?'. '? ...ri. o: lha Cinud M_l">. or'.r an. Ity l>.\. niiii-iit, l.tance lh. reof -IihII VaeatB Ma -<:<t. Coii.xtor F.-.'w-u, bearaaar. wip wrBa ? letter lo the c.overuor. lnfc*_tlng iiiiu thal ba ha- a-neptei lha oflicc of O-Beetor, if.l.VK LKJVOh BMALBBM DELUQVEXT. Ab<?ut _?-() li'iu>idealer> have failed to pay thelr iperial t*.\ ta the BaaaBt-BBBM aud \vnrnint> f.?r H.eir *rro-t will be Usued ii bhay nu __ aaana forward trltb thi!. 888888? ;" nvc Ib:'1-. 080888 W. Laniphei.-. of Na 06 Watt st., w-t.s arrestcd yoterday lor fallmc bo paf tliis tax. (omml>s|oner Shields held him lor Ui i__^_ Vf7J? FLCSHTXG STBFirrS OX THE KAST F1F>F.. Th.' MaeatOrant-g Aid K.e|etv'? exporlnient of flii-h im. . ... mi ihe K.ii MBa la tix- hraar pan <?f tbe clty to rleaiioc them will probabl* (>? aaaartaaan U_a efenlng. Mia* V. tl. Daninlaon, aaeaatary of th? ..x 1 et.v. has -tlocted He>ter^t.. 1880*888 the how.ry and Itf-tsl n ata., for the flr*1 trlal. and )i_k aeked tlie |_a IMyarUueut tor a ti- oii.aic to do Uie ilu*iiin_. Highestof ail in Leavening Power -Latest U. S. Gov't R.port, HOME NSW8. PKOMINENT AKRIVAJ.S AT THE HOThLS. ASTOR-Lx .-.vernor F. W. M. HollldaT, of Vlrfflnta. F.VERi'.rr Prataasaa B. B. BarafeBd, ot Camhrldfe. Mae*. UrTH kYKKVB Oaarga W. (hllda, of Phlla dolpnla, aud P?flfll Sheihibar-er, of Ohlo. f'KAN'P 0*-....ral N. H. .SwHtr.r, f. _? Army. .nd PajTBBrtai QrflHI Ci-iv OaaCiSB, C. 9. Mnrtne ."or)*. _-U_ID IT.VirtTT tlSB-ttf t'harles T. fiaxton, of Clyde, N. ?? HOFF.-AN-Kcnator Wutaon C. Squlre. of W-ShlegtoB. and Oa_Bl de Rl ll.?irt. .f -WrlB. BT. .lAMKS-Kllo.i p:^-nun Oaorga 0. BUHB-Blaa, or W_sta_-_. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. P_rp!d Translt Commts-ioiiera, No. 22 Wllllam-.t., 2 P' Fun-ral of Oeorie Jone., All SouIb* Protestant Eplsco? pal ( lmrh, 10 u. in. _____ lArvntlv Q BBIMll-aa of 98W--8BBJ StatB Llqnor D?_ er*' Bsaarlalli?i Jeraey City. lagaast la the fi___k_B murdar c_*e, Brooklyn. Weat Side Cltlzcns' Aa-cclstiuii. WM 9-888 Hotel. 8 N. w-York-Clnolnnatl basebaJl matoh, Polo firounda, 4 Navol Veterana* picnlc, 9-tsar*a Harlem River Pnrk, 8 P' Mu'ic ln Bstterr Park lvy ?Wth Re.lment B.nd, 8 p. m. NEW-TOBS CITY. .latnes Mcfoiiiiuprliv, wlm ha. b8CB BB-l-tarj of the Tw.ntv thici-?t. ______ of tb.- Youag Men- Chrtatlan Aaaoctot-M 9m Um IbsI elglrt yenra, la abonl h* B-oye to Nortiitieut. Uaaa. He will gl*- ala 8*_l addre to voung men in Aaaoetat-on Hall ob -anday Bfteraooa al 3-30 o?_]oet on th. M.bjc-rt 0_ **Bt_w_B-8-lp. Tho __pe_se? ol Uta tbrlft. l>eri_aiie were mah-tiaUy _ic-**__H- yesterday when rya 9oor m vaaced ?..i 'Change to 94 S599-2- a barnl. Bga m tha grata aranl np to9-0_ ? bnahel. P.-..,iu....n <-f exparta ..f rya fron __e_to h_**e e_elt_d Hc ?'?"'"', 1,,.,,.. _ml lf prlces -4*1. B-heat, Bl ItS com,,..-..iiv" viiine, onghl t(. obtiio an enkarged o_U_t. ?-.,. o. (,." There waa a eal aaylmn rtBraag a Um months ago, hut it had a _Hel ttW*-? 8_1? The sMp AlexwiuYi- Gl_80n, tmm gBB FranclRCO, Man .._:?!? barrals of C*_-forela wtoe, ??_?-?"?; BHsrcial pacasKB. of braody, 199 eaeea of _-_elfle ihelli ____ boga of U-bb B-s-S, 399 ea__a of wbale 00. 1.899 bags of erade bor_a. 19.747 OBaea <_ ??*??? _aln,o_, a_d i.TSS bags af wu__i- "ee_. tlc aalinon 1. -raated after the aansa-l is_B__e* _aa_a_- for thla ii.u. wnale .-ii waa oal of tne bmiM befora thls arfgrel Tln- arnsUi- aeed ls tim.i> for bbb ln Dkkk f.uTories ln -??i.tciiit'Cf. Tf,e ir__9en war 1488881 Yantlc. whlch has 99BB tylng ofl TarentJ slxtl. st.. Eas. Klve-. for BeW-l ireeka, waa pnl lnto the _ry-_04_i al the Wavg Tard yeatentoy, to be __a_e ready lor > tmrvve:,.,' ernlse Iq the Sontli Atlaotlc The Nnvnl VateraBfl __1 have a rennion, in eoaa m.ti'.ruti'.u of Ihe oaptore of the t-rta in MobUe Bay. at ll-rk_fl Blver Parii thi. afteraooa bb_ ovenlng. Chartoa 1-tro, an englneer, a*M -_n_m_ad to foar yeara' im_trU_-ment in Oen-ral .---i'.n- yeaJei-ay, kaving gleaaag galttg to abdnetlng Aagaata L'aloger. ol No. g ? Uflord 1-888, OreeBpolnt, oo -BBB 10. He preteo-cM thal he vaated to eo-ploy her aa n -cnaut ?nd took her Nea Uaren, Conn., and Baaaalted her. Tlic eralaer Attaata waa 9oat?*- eat of ihe dry doei at the Nairy Yard resterdajr, and "O-ored nt the ord oame dock, where ahe wlll roeelve a few nlnor ra pakli ? c.iiiiii.Kioi-e Oeorge W. Helrl_e, Chtef ol Uie Barean r.f m am _hig__g?rtn_. wa-. at the Navy Yard yastei day to lespeel tbe machinei. t-aUdlag for the new entlsera. A Bolute ui eleven gnaa wo* given In Ua bonor. The iiinth annnal afh-raooa and aveotng picnlc oi Adan Hosi Poat, No. B30. O. a. __, ai_ _e b__f to norrow nt Waablngton f_i_, _eT6n_teth_i and Ea_ Hlver. TMc jiicnic i* iic-ui fir the tx-iictit of tbe rellef fm.d of the post The ?teamer Oeeanle arrived al 9an Frandeeo on ___Mday, -itii mallfl froni Hong Kong, Shnnghal and Yokohana. Parl of them wUI arrive In Kew-York un t-nnday, aad the resl on Monday. The _e_l mall for Cblna and Japan wlll cloae ai tbe Oeneral nt 0:30 p. m. on .nnday. Profosaor Maik \V. Hnnlngton, the Chlef of the I'tilted -tates VVcather Burean, railed yesterday oa tbe Puersl BUauarck, ro attcad the InternaUonal Con ference of Hepreacntatlve. ui Weatber Bervloe. In Monlcb. The eaae of Polle ? captain Oopdnad, who ha- reai b I tbe retlrtng a_e, bal who baa demnrred to retlremenl on the gronnd thal the law does doi apply to reh ran. of tbe war, waa referred yesterday l.y tbe PoUee Board t?. ('(iiii.iiaiii.ii Coanael dark, .lohn CTlngman, n aewadealer, committcd anJelde laal Dlgbl nt 9:30 o'clock b) hanglng bimself with i ckitbea-llne al Wa bome, No. \"o MadiaoB-i. Blck. neaa and do__estle tronble l'i him t.. lake hla lif^ He leavea a aif. and sl_ amall chlldren in de.iiitutc tircnfnstani es. FOI! THE FFXruAI, OF 0E0KOE JOWEE. Tbe fuo-i-l ..f Oeorge Jooes wlll t;il<o plaee al All Bouls1 Chnrch, Hadlson av.>. and BLtty-Ixtb-st., at n> o'clock thla mornlng. rhe reetor uf the etaarcb, the H.v. in. R. Heber Mcwton, wlll offlclate. The fo-krwlag wlll aet aa i__l_ea_-r i Oeorge W. Cbllds, Uoberi Hoaner, Angnstlne Bn_th, Tboma. C Acton, Davld U. Btoue, John Beott Boyd, Henry A. Unrgan, ..f Aurora, \. v.. aad tlirce of Mr. Joni -in Inl ?? .rn ?? Th.- Times." The barial wlll take plaee at VYoodlawn, li. Waltcr \V"b:., third v... prasldent of tbe New-York Centi-I Ballroad, boa phtced Ui prlvate car at the dlaposal >>i tbe famlly. Aboul odc baadrod ..f tl..- empk-yea ..i "The Tiioc." from rhe edltorlal departaie-t, Ua poslng room, the pubilratlon oCBor and the pros. room, will ati ti<i tbe roneraL Al a BMotlag of the Wew York A aodated m-;.-ki.iy, the followlng ninnte wa* ndopted: -Th. nembera of the Xew-York Aasoclated Preai deelre to reeord their te-tlmonj to the rls-h eharactcr ..f late o--.. uua, G orge Jooe . of Tha tfea York Times.' Hla answanrlng Intrgrtty, hl. maalj ladependeaee, hla Intoteraace of wrong-doltig that Uited hlm above the tJiiMin.-l .t p' '.-?. havo .ii-iii.-.ii-li-d hlm In i.. ranks of loumal in and plven him itn bonornble imme to u- held In lorlng mentorj for all tlie eotnlug years." i>r.'7r ox r_nrrcxi_Ts> peeeobai peopeett. i nt l a sborl time bbb the pfrrtraal effecti nnd boosehold p?ni* of Immigtanta \\>-.r MaUtted froe of dniv. One v.ii'- tlme wa. aliowed tn wbleb t- im port tbe i" '?"':, '? uoods, and tbera was do tlme llmlta tlon on f____LuiY, <-t . i ii'ici n i*-. .-iu ii ckton ..f t^a Treasury Uepartment, the Rood. owaed bv Immlgrants ii,)i-i Ih-, broaghl lnto the country soon aftei the oarw ra bav.- reached bere. rhl. deris'on baa caused no uttie aiiioiini >.i ti-uhle t" the variutu forelRn oxureu com pankw. Dntio. bave bwn _**ea-_d ...i nll t'i,,? gry>? whlch have beeti held __ck for any con.iderablc Uiue. i!,- decision iBvolvea n large Baaoaat oi "tioney. ?-_???-_ PUOILISTE AT Uir UABITtBE EXCBAEOE. There waa cawakterahla exrllemeiil yc-tenla* ln ti.e MarM-na Bxcbang** owtng lo a Bghl between two .? it> B-BBibeis. Wiiii-nii un., ni iha Brm _f Mlller 9 Hougbton, of N... 8_ Boath-st., waa argulng with a >lr. ii.i,mv, .f tln- v,.iri MeaaudUp Company, on the BBBatloa ..f ..... twi-- fr.'i.lll. Tho aciriiin. ni .--,1 heaaad and Uowa were e-chanaad, l.ut tha eoml won -Soa *<-p_r,ii<-(i by other meanbera who w< ra oo the n.M.r. The matter a*a. reported t . tba board ..I mao BgBT , wiu. *Alil tak- a< It.'i. t _aj TABZtr IBABUM MFDAIS 1WAEDED, ln aaa_a__B_g arHb Iha lepert of th.- jikJh-*. bm a_aarl. .an PraUetlV. 'larill L, a-'n. BBBBBB.BI Iha a.val of paiso. to w.-iiior eaOaga ?Bd.ati ..t 1991 i ,? .--..\- .,:, ... :.l!-.'l al l'r;.|. .t.oii oa tb.- l"u I., _? [.wer .,; IHfagaa Ii 8hi i anv I W il * " Thi- ..r^: pri/, .,f BJ180 BB. bBBB a ?urd-<l to 9aa_M ? . ??... ?? ai I.,. i .... af Baa* v..rk. prlflfl of .IOO ms l>, :, ., ?> ,r.I .1 t>. l-'rxl Ua if llt..n lun sjaa*_rsl ' '??'??:"?? iii- iiiiid prlai af <?*.o i,a- btea , la kllttea I. Daalap, C raell im\...t, ailvri lat . -po.dal y BisrllBiiaa. Basays bav. 1....1 twai li, w. PaaaBaa, Oatfag Umt*, BaaB_-l .1 Bawllag, Lat-yetta CaU-ga Iha Mfra *(r \vii,a.. .m , jr.. (r.-orc.- (;unton, Davld Uull lUcc, IL 11. __________ Jo_t_<h NUuuio, ii. NEWS FROM NEW-JER8KY. JE-B-IT riTY. gSLL-BQ (-..NKISCATED OOODB. From 1 P- ni. ut.tli 4 p. tn. 188*68-8*. tha abaea of Baii i?ea.,..i. Onlted Btataa Marah-l Ma J***;*""*; luaBaitiliil an anettofl raaea Bw recood-hand ei.aii.i,.. ?eaaUT, ato. la h aaa a aeora of -aahara la theae -.,-(., ie? aeaaral pcdtttrtaaa, a baa araaaen. ..""?< '?),-. ...ii Ui-ted Bbalea W-tri.-t Atlntnef Henry 8. WMte and b raptd tpeakhog aaetlOBaar. Ibaaa peonle ?cro attt-ctal ta tbe Itaaral BalMIng beeanaa a ?u..ntitv oi nrlielefl BUega- u> bebang ta Wnrran B. sniith. of Youfcere, had been aetaaal by Ihe (hwtoni u_u laBtajia and eonBeoated to lha Oo%_raaaeinV Aaaong th.- arttelea were thirtsr pnlra af a_b Btoeto *ma; two cini.roMei'eii IBbJe enaara; one Mea ahawl; p*ln Bilk car-eaa; oaa -tadnOloa la ea-o! <?ll(; ?oM >up, aaaeer aad apaaa la aaaa; one aoaH bia, giaoond aod raby; oue Bagae rlng. di-moud and wppblre; one braaatpln, g?id; twelve ralbi Baaaaaa; ,i.?i,...? r_, ,..i;.,t-.,;...i. totli (18-1 taaall i.-.s?">",. g.,i.i; three pnlra nUB gartera; oue allk a-t-aa-airt. .WO BU h-X. turta.ns; ot,, brorelet. goldJ *?CKh_ ,?...,. and elghta.ii aall anoon-, bbB. Ih,'M:, ul,-i..' had been apprUBCd m the unatora Hou*aa ^ a-ortfa f-,TM. l'hc dnty on them waa ?_J?.?\ ;" i?- clo*. oi the bnJe lt waa 8_eertaUje8 he entlr. M had been wM mr ?j?* *?ffi . piove of the Cnatom llnaaa named .Vright bough good* amounUn; i i I ?"- IO. Ile aaa *aid W mmii the alle_ed nrlgliuU awner. Tha hlgbeat pnu_ posslble were obtali.etL T<> POT IHE I'.iMI'AXV (.X ITS FEET AOAIN. Ihara la B atrong prnbnhlBty now ihai tbe eredltora of tl.e Inaolrerrl Irtnlahd Inaalated Wlre < aapany, of Harrt-on, win i* pald ln fail all the -r-aoy tbe eon paay owea tbem, ai.d tbal tke baatoeaa wlU be eoo. Unned Iba IHnMnd Uompnny waa orgaolaed oo tbe mlna of n preeedlni eorporallon. Ihe oM ooaapany lima torred lt* dendu for tbe propertj ta tbe Weatorn Natlonal Bank, and throagb Ooornd B. Jordan, ea Tuaaartr of tba I nlted iStatoa, the bank bokU 8iao?""oo ni Btocb ..f tba IrlnMnd Company, oni ol tba 8180,000 lianed, i;.. Iver O'H.nirke yesterday n-ked C-B_-0-0r Me 00] tor pea-U-aton to boU aoatt ol tba tani ut lha company lo obta-Q Bbaaay to aaBbM bba ta earry an the lu>1im---s. ? repre-entative of tbe Westecn Unni iblectcd t. thi^- siile, aud -said Ihe bank wooM be wlltlng to \>r\y tho crx-dltor* i.r Ihe conipain aud tahe p._?e??loii .a tlie property, Clia rcllni McGIll th.n ordcivd thal the bank ahouM pa> tV?,000 yutterdaiy, .-, i the real of ti?- 8-&.0O0 detota b.-t-.n- llie cxplralion ..i -i.\ week*. -\> a?on a- the monej i- all pnlU In Uie tVeateni Natlonal Uauh and tlie mlnorti) atoch liolden wth be pnf In poaaaaatoa hy tbaeonrt. TIIE BTOCKt ALL BOLD ADOVB l'AR. At ;. public aactl-a yeaterday aoaae atoeka and bonda tba* beloaged io tbe late WlUlnm GauUer aara ioM aa tollowa: Ten abarea .f Uantler'a Jenw] < Ity G_a Llghl Oompany ttoek, 188 l_; IMrty aharas, i-;,: thlrty abaraa, 185 l-: tcn aharea, i 8, all to Tbomaa II. Unntler; 81.000 arortta of Newark i Itj Bv* per eenf ?? arrenra bond iM tor 104*1 - lo Controller Ifongh; *j.<kni a irtli of Jeraej i Itj icven per cent. eottpon bonda, d..e May, l ..;;. ,.i 105; 81,000 .l.-r-'v ciiv aerven per r*_l ronpon bonds, dueln 100; Htli barea oj. PeoplCH tioa al. weul lo L. Ander-on, if New-*?ork, tor l-i l-j twcnfl ilmro* ..f >??" : ttnarauicc nnd Trual CompiUiT'8 at?ch Were ioM lo J. E. IIBlalieizer .,, ,._., .,,,, ,,.., ?:,.... ,,. ... ,? -.. ? itj lu n ran. ?? < ..... , , maa li. w I w 100 i -. Ai Uva !?'? ''' by tbe I'nlon Ctah and other Repnbllrana Itare and m New ark, ta wakome home Uenernl B. Bnrd n-ubu. L'nlted ? ? Miniatar to tSpala. Ha wUI arrlva probabl] on Hept-mber ?'., on the ateamer La TOnralne. A tng I wlth eirUiualastlc Jeraeymen aad a Mg bra*a ,a:.;, t\ ii go down th- hny to meel tne Genenu. Hc will probably be taken tu the Jeraej ahore al om i ,. ,; ,.',,.,.. a to tl.e l i.i ... !???.. i*1 ' 'Inu, where : i otne v 111 be n neweo. i; a. Mottoy, pe*tor of Baleta Bapthrt Chnreh, \wM ?o ... lialtlmoi*. f.. .tfiv. He *__< . to tahe ?itii hlm Uie two llttle chlMp n of Bdward W. Hnllingi - rondemned colored uiurderer, a.ui pta_a them . tbelr auut. NF.WAI.'K. \ Dnmber ol robbertaa were reported lo Ihe poBre yeaterday. The hotwe >>f D. II. Dnnham, Bo, 880 ciii'.m ii..... wa? robbed dnrlng Vfedncaany algbl ..f -.,... urtii ..I tUverwmre. Ihe (amlij I-. nbaenl fr-mi the dty. Tbe re lauranl of Achllle stetter, In Broad -t waa robbed .<f 8-0, taken from the tli!, Th< of vil'ia:. Unl n . xo. in -:?:.? li ?... waa robbed of a and ottier .-.:ti-1? - . A meetlng of Ihe st8le t'eterinarj .' ? oefattlon araa held al stenger l^'11 >' 'orday, whI vc-lcrlnarlnna from ,.,.;. .v > lu utt.ndniicc. i;.-]--..: - and papcrs were read. A number ol the paper* r lated t. tober ,v Dottgage tor 848,633 00 on the>ehattela bolong in. to tho Jumbo Brewery wa .-.'. rntcd yesterday iu tbe name oi tfamnel K. Bealer, ol tteueva, B. v. ORANGE. A movemcut i~ mi tool to oxteod tbe Une nf the ? Ciuaataan nnd BbtomflcM Kallway from lt^ pres?nt tennlnaa at Tremont-ave. ta SooUi Orang-, titid .r.-eut-. of the oompanj nre al worh aecnrfng the ? M. . .i. v . .-:ii .-I i ie i ? i" 11.' ? t . The ronte a- projoried i- through -? itlund t. lo Bonuvse-nvc, .,, Vosc-ave. and through Voac-nve. to Bonth l Uie cxtciislon la oboui .. mlle and a half. PATSBSON. i.NF, BOY Kll.l.r.I.. rill. OT1IBB UBELY TO D1B. Wllllam Llveaey and Frunh Quinn, ia.1-- ten yeart oM, Jnmped upon b alowlj axrring coai trum on tha Utcka aanna BaUroad al Weat Paterson ye-terdaj mornlng f..r the purpoae of tteallng n tn Pateraon. When Um traln araa pavdng Plne-aL t.':.- Inda aprang otr tbe ean ou ta tba arc_thOiind bntcb In Cront of ti..- Ilnehettatoarn expreaa, due in Pater-on al lOflO. Before the ba? ,.,,??:,! ?_. t ofl tbe tracb or tbe englneer could -t-*i* the t,,iii it).. boya were atrueb und thrown alotigahle ol tlie track. The pil .t ol tlie englne airuch _l\*e?>y on the bend and r^i?hed ln un aaull, \'-inie Quinn was atrurk on the back. Young Llveaey \\:.^ kllled In s-tantly. Quinn Wn rrltlmlry Injiired and there are iltil" ii..n... eiiiertatned foi hia racovery. He araa r?* Dioved ?'. M. .ii.-'|.!i'- Hoapital. Both boy-. li\.- tn tbe it ;m>. Tn Maj-iiflll -t. r.I.IZAIII'.TII. BBorta are ..n foot t.. tlaii r aew Bernmn Bepnb ll.-Mii dall] newspapar ln thla dty, arhteb wlD abm be eirriiiat- ii tbnmghoal rntoo Ooanty. Tbe Bera_aa BepnbBcana, wbo ara a numerou* and ateadlty Incren* iu^' ImmIv here, bara long wnnted b local orga i. There la onlj .? Gennao publUntlon, "Tl* It- -.-".'? an.l that i- DMtehlne Denaoerntle and publHii'd aeekly. Tha Oentral Tnt-1 Company ot Bew-Yorb bna begnn a fon?clo*_re >ull agalnal the Metnipolltnn Ga Ciiiiipiiuy of Ell-abeth, ..;. ;.<?< "nu- ..i ihe latler do faultli - iu tbe paymcnl of Intereat on bonia glven Ui leoortt ihe morigag. for 8850,000 wMrh Ihe Tru-i . ,i:,|...u\ hoMti on the MetmpoUtnn plant Tbe anli I* broughl iu ti." S( - I? ' -: >.f cii.-in.. i-y. Tbe gai company recently ; ? the handa >.f a icc. Iver. Oordon, the full. v gnoda merchanl who baenme Inaane bare on Wedne-day, berame ao rloleiil yeaterday thal ' - i-.-la'i-..- had hlm removed In the ?ftem. ta Morrla Plalm Aayhun AlBiaadar MeBalr, of Bo. -i- PlnrMa^-k, i ton nlghb ./" nearlT had hl* ev-.> knorked onl by ile iivliii.' ...ii- froni a Ir.iil- ..f - mI . waler. Tltl* ac Ideal ,...-,- the cauae oi b wor-e one i. ipp ,a_- ,,i. iVedne?1* nii:!il when owlng ;>. bl* detWtlve -i.-i:- i,.- m ?J l,l_ footlng and tumbled rl?wu -1?i i ^ iu hl* bome, ana taini'i- Injnrlc* f ...t vhi h he *it--t lasl nlght. He re ehlMran, OTHER SUBURBAN TOWNS. LONG ISLtVil). His RBOTHKB 61 BPECTM M >IL PLAY. Pi.ti-i. u Weleh, af Bew Vork, ?<?..! t. the morg?i ln Flnsl lng yaatarday afternoon, nf ii;.. man b>??I In Flnahlng Raj a- ti..t .>f Ma brotber, Jaaaea Weleh, P.itn. u __ that Ma btotbni luui been In Ihta onanlry l.m iitrw mon-ba, aad waa i^-i Been aUva ??:. Toeaday Mat, .,:. hda way t>. rlall Meada nanaal Mahrj ta IBuMng. Tbare un bralana < n the i.?, ggd ;> haa p on one aMa of tha bend. PntrMh Weleb I ., i,. brather aasl toal ptay. nu n boM an ln iua I I * morrow nltht. Jamea wvi h had lttri-- ... ni hla i. ? r Klu hln r. DID "TOM" HK'iiAKiivi. ? WB1TS Tin- LBTTBB1 ,li*sti.e Walton, i f Day hn ., faar aaga aga ( ? ? ? I i l- -t . ;,.,.i:, nr_*\ Pen-aeobt, ria., aad 4ga I "J. W. Tytar.'" n?. artter aaked t-i>'" .i,: i; . I.. aend Maa "Tba1 Rlahantaaa's pbatograpo aaaf ni '< b hall aaaerlpMon ..f b_BbaaWaaa lha wilaa | abo aaked Uw rnuiii rsaaarg u_d b88B offciad fur th* raptore of nieh_r_-on. Ju.Uce Watters after 99> tha i.rt-r t_oaaay, camo u> Un eoaaraaloa that iti bal |2_ hv hla BBB* law. "Tom" Rlchard ", who I* W_B88l hy the a*__OI__ee for III -BBBIIIB h_____i__g hiiiIIM 89 th.- laat- rhara o. Umg , _,,ui _acJh*r-_ea for a long time iived m a eaaaj i _?__ ,,r i-iin Ha _____*amd soon aft?T a :.;;<;":; :?'.'.*!??<! h'^S^K^ 5 hlN^ he had atotaa ttea* haaaea at w?e art.k* wi u ,,. mU t|mf ho _r_2_t__f*i_. abdu-thU wHeand _nj_riao_ bar la thi* __* For : V,r.ii day. and nlghU -*-_ed man ___?___ for Blel-B-aoa, bal _n_n. _h*9 ap UM haai MABJBQ WAH ON TIIK gCHOOL TKIMKKS. tt IraaMB IB the IWytliet-ourito gahle MttMJ haraaea IibiUmb* -_b_bb ?* Dnb Is !""1 -'oh" Coa-en jnv.'ii tt- to tfvc a" 8_ee__- ol tiifir triranettnna Cbargea ba**a been mnrto to state __per__tajn4_ia*. Onper, with ti.aaaaad thal tha _-89*aa ba ra_ao*rad (RHB ..iii"- lOf havhiK vlolnl.-d 1-8 M__?) laws of the _,.,,,.. j,, thal they _a**a aol lo-pt booha <*? pjaia r*> ..?,,?. The _g_a_araa af Blehard Rawlay and AOaa m. Bpenea, twe gtimlaeirl -wa__*a_ta of __yik-_o_r_a, ,___ attf******** 8? -'.I*-* ("iinphiiot. ___B| .-f tho matter ye-.t.-rdav. Mr. Hawley sald: ??wo sha- (crtaioiv preaa tha akaMea. ___. ajg hnadiMt maim-r i? whi.h tho tru.*t_._ bave been nia? Sng *c-ool matt-ra at Blytheboorne ?aa UMeUedaa to take thi - itep, We are paj Ing too maeb for school work and gel comp_rattveU llttle retnrn. 1" d( ing SSTwe B.B-. no apeclflc rharge of ^f*^!? tho trtutees, but we wanl lo know jrhal baa ''7"? wltb the thon-and. of dollara spenl ^J^il^k. of the B-caaed tiaaleea eoaM )? found la*t iupn* THE __-AIt__rr OF MB9. NKIMKYKU CACl.llT. .lolm Aiiirini-u, tbe Begro who -aesBjlfafl -?"-? rretmeyer, tha wttt af C-a_ta_la KelB-eyer, of '-t'--1 week. U i.. oa M_a_ay,.I Ihaa rahhed bar aad mnoo ?ta ?.,,.?,, ?,,v ,in,.s?,i , - o'clock on *?*?"??; DlgM in Jatnalea, l.y Conatabla 0-or_9 Cmt%ai Man* ____* L i. Tba negro had unie lo aay when taken ,?,? ra _,k. Ha waa -.-u.-dy l.HiidnitTed by tho eonatsble. Oe__ta*_a aai* bad BB-aiaaaod that Amoi ,n?r, had fone in tho dlivrtion of -BB-** BB* bad noe the.-., afarr Wm. A__-dman bad -h.-.v-.i offbtt L, whlskers. C-natahla ClarB teoa* Wm -__.*_!__? .. ,.. I-.-.- be tvaa plaecd la the loch_p, and Mra. Kw Immedlaiely -nt tor, aiid u.,..n h.-r _r riva ioaltlvelj i.i.-ntii.-i tbe negro aa i..-r _->.? Im t. ',,,?, the nlebt threata of vongeaneowere heardlo the neignborhooa of the locknp, and I was decraed advl yesterday to lake the pHsoner away,!andhe , U-.e.,...-i.tiy tnit-n to Lltfle N'ech. whe?^thw ,n_.r jail. Just ce Morrell was afrai.l that tne ,'.,.'.., .ntvii _????* would lynch Amelman, and tha _..,", i n-.'i -.- badlj Mghtened, Ho reached the in. Neck Jail at -: 40 o'clock yesterdaywlB*ornlng. ? ,!,- io ua- n.,nnt., ""??!-n--'"toi.t;;.My- :-. ,:n; ? Long i.tond City, and he y- >;? " tn..i. ..nd (orked np. He wlll be placed on trial there. I IM MC \ -The bOdy of Wllllam BhOfi _-? man who wa. ftmnd In the bottom of the well near the raUroad ,i ., rt wasburiedln Maple Orovo Ceaiete*. yeaterday. ,,,? .hlldren were aaaloaa thal thdr father abouM ,?. bnrtei wlth thelr m Iher In St. MonM^CBnietoiy, :;^;;^l-.:-:,tl^^^ . ,.: ,-,, ratod ground. i...N(i inL -XD city. - Mayor Oleason baa apiwinted jMcaOrear VVatcr Comml ina i ^"V_ ur_nr la in nlBce ..t Thomas Oolluni, removed. Mr. urrar u oM Breman, and Ws ,ppolntmet.ttls ^nsWered as .pllmcnl to the Exempl Flremen . A.latton. WRWTOWX. The <? rona riotata wb0 wnaed tta trouble li_*i week over Iho cffl? of W. I . Mchell were ,,,?..;. I,.. wiii II- a date for he trlaL F?e .,,,.? were an--t..i for tbe rtct, and most <>f them are tiU-ens nf Husblng._ WJ_-TCH___T___ coi imr. _fOr.IT VBK?OX.-Tbe tbat waa far) b few day. ago lest __ere wooM ba a water farnlne for the resl of the Bnat-ner waa mack magnifled yes . The water eompenj waa foreed to beatlr .,_,., wwreaoarceatodraw from, and >.-^t-cv M aerai. tli- righi of lb water In Haguenol Lake, above P. Ibamvllle, and wlll put on i tb-4i*-nd workmen ., make . plpe eimnectl-nB. ?Vltb thi. new wairco ,,i tupply, there wlll probably be enough water to laal unUl Ihe sen.- tor heavy ralns. '* }?.-?~*!!?2 to call .aa-iue-tlng ol .",- ??'?'?'?--? ;''.\"' .' " beina t<> dev;>o incan- for prolectlon *-tti_-st.u ? ? ? c ? .!....-?.- whlch Luve prw utcd themKch *a . . . u ??....'; <i:i Wr.(lli.'-(l.i\ iift--fl.?".i |,'::.ltll ?M?.,, _o.n after hls handsome toa.n w?^?n . .,., _,,_ carri' - ofl two valuablc set* ol name . V.-h.-.'.?? ?..- "i. bohlnd. aod Dr. r? ,.;?.;,,!,i .. hi home rrom .IcKiiea.. has utta-d b re ward fur the i apture oi the thieves. wiiiTK PLAIX8. a cemnilU-e^ constotlng of Tro? ___? Loni Smlth and llarmon an<l 1. V. i-"^-'- ???_ K. C.bnlAll. h:c-V rvportO.1 ." t";- K?..l ot ntsty-. VaV-rwor-. ',,,,? owSed by HodgUns. Moffett ? i',-'' r -m-i.'i-. Bj tbe provh..* of the fran ".. ' , ;?,,.,i . lru. water.mj Uie vlllsfe anthorl v.rv t.v.- years. bui Inuulry .- to tbe value therool ta__alk-^t?. brlug fortb a aa_ faetory regdy. _-_. - ALONG THE BOUND. PRIDOEFORT. -Artlcloa were ilgned yesterday fora farht raee for 91.000 a -de between the Wval.of thla dty, owned by Oommedore Durrltt, and tha Enlgma. owned by Frederlek Oekea. of Bed Bank. v J. The conrae wiH be Bve mtlea to the wlndward and .,.(.?,, . . Peter Btell. a Oem-n. who ar riv.'.i ln this eoantry .... the -teaaie. Bma aeveral _ .?, . boauA for ti is cHy. and reported t.- havo ,;; i- .r ii money was tonnd ye-tenlay ".'?it' bu ,. !?.?!:.!.. t. S-hicii Pi." he b_d .trayed. Ile will be brouirhl baek to thla elty. ? FOR OEEEETlXa * DISCOrEBT DAT.* Dlscovery Day, October 11, thi. year, falla npon Bnnday. and ln recognrOon of thla raef Ihe Pan.Bepnb ii,.,? congres. Exeenttve Commtttee bai Uisued a rlrcnlar calllng apon the i.lafera aad teachera i??? the world totakeaa Ihelrtexl ou th?1 dny the words from Levlttcna tha tare caal In the bronie ,,f -indepen-cnee beU": "Proclalm llberty throttghout ,ii the land ni to all tbe Uibabttanti thereof.* The commlttee atto reqne U t':;.; the subject matter ol tbo dl-coui on that daj ihall be the tU-eovery of .mortca, i - resolta aod it* proralse for the fatore. t-npie. .-f the *ern*oe. and addresaed deit-red on that ,i;,\ wlll be bonnd and prea rved. l_a full commlttee wlll meel In Independenea Hall .i,i,. ?,. is, uid Bmre adopl an addre*. to aU pe?) ples, :.i.'i complete Hk: organl-atlon ol uie "linman Frecdom Leagne."_ .1 PEACTWAL LESSOB i-'^R Hli EEPBEW. Henry CaneU, twenty-tbrce geara old. of Xo, B19 p/eat TWity-s-tth-at., look hl. Ova.year.Id nai-hew, Thoauu Coobay, to Hlgfa Brldge yesterday. Before i*> iiirni:-- bome, CarroU itoppcd al Henry XoB's stable, ai u_e-h_ndrM-ai?d-_ity-fonrth-l and Blghth-ava., lo iea an aack nomed Adam Becker. The two mgn Bftor a llttle talk started ofl to look :'' aoiae bon .. tt-vtag [Homas t': roam ahoul tba itable. Ha a loaded ..i,,t-.i!i ln the -fltoa. and when Carroll aanenred Thomas ihnwed lt t.? Wm. Carroll warned hl* nepbew of the dangcr aad t.K.k ihe weapoo trem him. Tha neal m'> ini-iit there was a reporl and Ihe boy screamod thal he h ,t The shol struck Thoniat in the l( ft for ann .. ,| ,,.- i,. Hc wa. laken t" the Manhattan Hoaplt-1, aiicre the doctor pronounced the wuund daiij-.nm*, , ,-, i; wa ii.-i.i in f-.-tW :<iiii foi fnrther examinauon by Justlce Meade al the Harlem PoBce Court to-day. M/_ rOOI 0TT BBB mEBOEt 09 THE DECB. .11i-t a- tho >t.-a.r _-_I-t I.Kio.ii-rli wa* about tn _iil yosterday, a womnn ni-.ii*-<i aa board. i_e threw i.-i .-it down on tha _ee_ and began taktag otf her Thla done, she demandai t.> i?- sbowa u> ber ? . un, iinii when ti-eattoned by tba oflkwra ..f tbe iteamer she acted la inek ? rteienl manner that a policeman waa -,-nt for. .-*h.: \-.n~ takea t.. a polloe -tutii'ii. __oa afttn-ward her haabaad arrlved tin-i*%, and be bbM be waa charles Mltchell, of thi? dty, and tbal his wlft i. Inaane. He h.-r bo__e. TBE BOI EXUXVBB TO M DEOWEED. a gaaeral alarai aaa ycaBrrday bbbi aad hwai l-llea liaad.nsnrr. aa T___b. Uariaa, un alcht-yaar?M boy, aha i...i ?itii bb Boak r.-r_ii Whalaa, at x<>. .io Barrlasn-i II ls baHeved, h..?..ver. ihal bta bady i- lanv i.ioil- iii l'i- n..rth liiv.-r Udas. At .',:_o bb Wadaeaday .iit.-iii.HMi |?. araa <'.. Ih. Blet Bt .lav.*t., uiltliur for hla .i,. wbo works aa B. ri\.i hronk t<. ?.?.. -fl?ta. Ha ?,i ,?, ti,.. atrtngi.? t'-hin., bat arbafl w_alan aaaai lo i,x.K r..i hlm ii- bad dl_sp|__r#d. tl i- sappasad thal Um baj in bd?m ?a> '"*' hi- balanaa, Wl int.. Bm rlvst .,,,,1 v... aro ""I la appaaraai bs >?;i^ i_ir, *?!tii li>riit Mae ayes, aad ona _ hl rraal hm?i ?;u, mlislng MA RISE 1 \ TBL LIQ h S (JE. MTTTIATTPE ALMA_**Aa TO-I. >T Bantlae* _ US I Het*0 S8 l Mwn arta - I Moon'a a.a 10 Hiou w*rta _ J.->aD(ly H->o? I t? I ii"r- I?i*ril 1 ?*" I B>B .?*-- 4 Vd _\'_/-*_n.i> U._* _,?0i ('?*"? !?._ . t 4.o. I li_i uata ,:5t? UTCOMIXO 8TBAMBBA, !'>-l>Vl. MpflBl -v../? ?,?!',* l W\m r.ilyneaia.Fi?.tlin._aiv '^*.Haml,A.n?r 1 [,.,?..,.lluiiii.iira.Au? 4.ll.ttr.l, A.n?r .llrnn.-n.AiiK 5.>. '? ..I..V.I ll.,ii.-i.lara.Aiii-i. r.l.m AUfl 1.-Mtn Anmr ?_ltl(l>* 1. Al ,il'.-T 1 . M u .Inn.loii. AHK i.NBtlons! K,'_M,iila.Hamnar*.auk 1.Ilami. \mar Uaibru.LIt,.hm_u.Auc ?'. .cunanl Aii.n*la VlClOT?.....Haia-arB.Anjt 7.Ilani. Vaaasaala.____u_yr_..au_ 8._?- l> A N aa, at, 98 and 30 wb?vt poi iitkfntii stbeet. Friday, as Usual, Bargain Oat. Thal there is no uncertainly in the values of our Friday offerings, those who read this advertisement will readily perceive. In Wash Dress Fabrics There wlll hr a anle of Fine Double Width Challies At 3'. centa worth 12'3 x. aale of Flgured Ottoman Clotha At 9?? aaaaa--'..worth 25 A aale of ftna 1'ongee Cl*th? At 6*4oeata.wortn 15 No flner rloth ean be found lf you pay SIx tline* our prlce-H-ndpalntod BhBrM. j_ me 0f I_ce Strfpe Olngham* At 8*%c*nt*.'..worth 25 _ Mle of Polka Dot B*teens At 6>a centa.w?rth 12** A f-ale of Haadaome Drea* l.lnahnm* at 10*4 cenU.<*8*M 1* at 8\ cent*.v?1*|,, 15 at C'? centa.8818a 12". Includlng the new r.lue *nd oold I'laids. HBt A NAI.B OF PKnt FrineK Rattent tt \2\e. Fancy Si/mwwr Plannett at 7*4.' J.inf.n Finiih rliambrayt at fiV. Fttmtk Prtnui aataaaa al $***? t'anry IniHa Ctttht at 8V Yard vide Percal't at 9V. ALL FAR BELOW INTRINSIC VALUE. There wlll ba a aale of Fine Lace Curtains [.'in 0r Aia'.e qieeeutr * -P.-al Tambo-r and (leny "ffeetn At One Mnoty-rlsht value 3 50 At Two Forfy-nlne v-l,ia 400 FJegant Oood?-new pattorna -Truly I-rgatn*. Inilla CanvM Onr___- Tlnscl eroa* atrlpe* 8-40 n p-lr. value Ot-.O \VK AT>0 OFFER Blrh Cticmlle Portier?*s wlth ?hade. Ja??ne*e da.lo-> an. heavy knot fringe top and Ixittum At 598 tatna ooo At 0.80 Othaia BBW Bo?fon Draperr worth 10.50 At 7.08-Sheii effect* aixl deHeat* b'dra worth 13.00 At thesa prlee* 'twlll pay to huy for the fnMre. ln lliitalius and Flnnnolt wlll be oHerlngs wrrthy of I-'rlday, in.l.idinp the baMnea uf Tl.ree Shllllng Keoteh's. l.'.tn.y Btrl| *' 18*a eanti On Second Floor Tliere wlll be a 8-1* of Ladies' Cambric and Lawn Dressei wlth Baaquea or Bhirt Walat* At a Dollar Twcnty-nine. A!,*>0 A -tl r OF (?Ingham and Waah Challle Dreaaea at 8- 88 B8B8 alx _%__ at 3..10 wer* tev*a dollaaa at -.08 wer* etfktd-Uan Also a aale of Cklna Silk Dreaaea Dlaek and Colored.-fancy -g__) at 81)9- were Elgbteen dollara On Second Floor There wlll be a aale of 108888* Blous* Sulta of White Berge F!._n_ At 83.OM.formerly nine dollara Navy Blue and White? band*om* trtm, At 84.08.formerly twelve dollara l'lne*t Freneh Scrge Blatera, were 6.00 .. 8181 Xovelty (lingham Dressea, were "._.... 98e < hlldren's pollia Dot Hlouaa*. war* 1.00.... BBl Children'a Navy Blue Kee.era, were 1.7.1 ... 7* In Silk Department There wlll be a aale of Swivel Figured Indias Cole'ed erfects on BlaeB Bru-ade OBBBBtl At NIXKTY-EI-IIT CEXTStt MI 24 Inehe* wide?de*l>-ble for preaeDt aa weU aa Fafl and Wlnter Wear?remarkal le va'-ie. AtTHIKTY-NINE CEJTTS Balance of Fancy Jnpnneae Waah Mllk* that have a'l aeaaon told at 09 and 89 centa. On Main Floor There will be a aale ef '-tf.iocb AII-MIU I'tnbrrlla* Faragnn tramea N'atural atitkl At ONR FOBTY-NIXK all aeconda Ona hnndred wlth Drealen Haudlea Pure oll-bol'.-d ailk.Blirk and e*la8 at 82.49 83.00 TIIEKK Wlll, BE A SALE OF __t*a Silk Outtnir BMrta attSeenJa silk rjfripe. Outin. Shlrta attttena I?re*s Shlrt"?all tlSBB i ? ? ->i u Bflk Wtndsor Tle?? l'laln and fancy at-Sceoa Full list of Specialties for the day can be obtained at entrance of our stores. . All as advertised. . . Uslicrs will give overy desired Information. On Saturdays we close at Twelve. BU-nAf. AC.JC8T 16. Ctwaaala.?**aa_w...?? *.-*?*-? ,iT?m*? ?.t^-Sli!.0 i,a li'.ur'.figno.. Attttt.........?jESE7:??.___ ???.** Tr?n? O *7_*_ O/A'fl s TBA MERS. VO-DlY Hi.ii.t.. H-i Am. Greytown. Ao. i l> ? 8 p ? BATVaOAB. AUGCST 15. ai.?.:- oanar* Ury___. .wwam l aa Wy.irotog. <-..ii"t?. l.ivenio.... ? PJ Purtiaaala. At.rl.or. Ulaaa-W.ll *"i ? ? " Mand. Ttnn-Taua. Opoaniuutea.tO a n '-..?"' Dania,BaruuAmer.Baiaaura. M(l.m , "m Elrter. Xd _l?rrt. _rero*_...,i Z_ i aa V;-m-,;;;^;:,V^;. ,,?vti:_e.::: ' ,S ^;^^'rr';nr,ni;,,,::::..::...: [Z \Z Orl__ba.BY*C_b_, _?*_?*.*?." ?U1 * 8" ronaaAT. Acauar is. TraT*. K Q Moyd. U.B. > -m * aal 8BIPPISG XKW8. POIIT OFNEW-VOKK....THrR>I.AY. AfOUST 13. 18*1 ABB1VBD. steamer ...rtnanic rBn. Chawran. ___I'JTB______S,,S_*' Qiweaatown <>. mtn a-taaand aaaaaianra ba H Maitiaaa Ker. atasaaarCh-a w Watnwr* BaaU-s_ i.tveruooi Joiy 28 '" .'!( n'!"!.-llT.^'''<'ier'. BuaalB*. Hremeii Au. 4. Sonthampton ?.wttb-u-w aodpaaaa-irento oatrt-hnA-e. Amvaaat "atSamer khraMS- (Ddgi. Waywr. ____^A____h_}__ mda-Md Baaaeaa-it ia Pater WrKhl & Baaa, kntral at me ''Me*n!rr%'t.'.r* (Hr. Hmithwalt*.. Rlo.T*nelro Juty 1?. w.t _S- uVhu" ? Jeroa-i A rrtrnd at tl.e Bar att BM a m b7e__r?rUabou*_a*tBri. Beeta.-_- II day*. with i_u*? %**__!-? M-r_l(Br>. -Uertam faadarafd Manp *a>_jM Kn:,. witli iii.lie UI A B .mfert?rl.l.e* O". Arnve- at tlie *^-__e?P-l-*deLe-B 1--1M.I. M?rc_ Mutanaaa 6 rtaya. wit"__?ra_ap_ae-Ba-r*?- -_i? * _-BBg*e_, _f-tv*Ca8 (1Ki__aar iTrrlan iBrt. Baia^aaaaieaa aarta na Port Antonio 7 daja, with maaa aud laaaangara ta neuderaou Broa. Ar riTedatlh*-?rat I-.**. pat. _u__er Mauag-a (Kor), imni-i-.u. Maatsaja Bay Aug.. l-o.i Anii.nio 7. wuli in iu l? J E Ki-rr _ Co Arrived at ihe o'te-iue'r Xaeaoeh-e. Bmita, anaaaaan . dapa, witu aaaaa aoii Daaa*a_?ra i* .i 1- Welker. fcitauier Di.i Dwauatoa. U-ncn. Hie.lnnou.i and Norfolk. with niUsa aud-aaeiuiora lo uidDoin.uioii ai fu. b.euuiu. lUiuiul.lsiUoi). HeruolU I'iilUileipliia. tolfuncli. K?1ve _? Co. bteamerCott-ge Clty. Ii.-nnet:, Portland. w.tfe radae an.l Sieiuuer 111 __-*?- nerry. Bos.on. with uxlao to II H" Dllllo. k. _, . brlg Zenlth (Br). Ilorti. Mninuni ;8 daya, with m.lae io or dei, raaael u> I'aul PO. rbanl ac < '.>. iir.i; Mi.idii.k i.igln. h.iaar.l*.Diui.emra le.l-ya, \*ith ni.lse au.i i."s*euge.a lo .. w ? P Araaatraag, 8UB8BT-Wladal Baudy _-??, light. 8, clear. At?C la'.ttii<t-li?l>u ?W. eioudy. Arruefl yaataaV?f"* Btaaaaat Eiy?i? iBn. Bayaaa M*a__B__aan norta via Olbraltar 8a, wuli ma?o au.i paaaengeia tu iluiideraou Uioa. Arrive.iat tlie Har at IU U ... ( LEAKKD. BBaaatae Raaa-ta Pnn.e diri ti..oken. m*teriiam-Si?paon. r Hpeuco .- Voin..: bu^iner i ?iii-...ati?u (Hr)., Hamuurg Bowrlng * Ar.-iutMirt. __ _ >te..>iicr I'nlin (Nor.. iJ-melaon. .'attla v.a Newport Mowa ? \V W liurlliui A ... Mieaoirr Ar.w.ig l?*r). Norrie, Mau.uaa Wiiydoll * t-'o. hieamer Ruwpim (Url. ?yto. I'ort de l^?ia. <_o WmfClyd* BtaaaMB Maalea <mi>?n>. Aiemuuy, Harana J M Ceballoa m '"? , . BBMBBMf Onaaaa (Hr). ..arTin. Hermuiia -A K OuterbndK* .Cu. tttearuerNacoochee. tinutli. M?vuunali--K 1, \Sal_sr Btaaaasa Kicmuouu. t)a\ ia, w ??t r*tafc va-aaa uomiuton feaCo. Bl888181 aaianllWB Walaor, MorlomaBU New?ort .Ne*. - UM liun.uiluii b* Co. 8l~ai_*r 11 M Wlillliev. liailett. llodton ll 1 Duuoec. Bblp -*y ot llenaal iBn, I_lt*_ Bjrduey,B8w?B a Came. raa .v CV?. r.liili li^eiihn*. .Hiiillhwn _, lion ; K.>"K Slrong m Tri.w tiri.lgo. BbiaA -M.i Jiliini. O'lln.i. S;.n naMBBSe SuttouACo. B-tXItBD. ."teiiiier* Franee.f.-r I,..|(.?..((. AaayTM. <?la*.-'..w; Kn.-r?l Biamarck. Kamt.urg; MraHM, Bavaaai A 7-uaUrano, uibarai ..un....... Jierii.i.u. i, \..rf..ik. iti.'i.inoutl, BV*Bl i'..iin. \ i ni/my. U.ii.mor... rini|.* Hali lutli-. for PaagaOBi caaluer. StocWholiu; York tuwu. H..iliiii..rn. Aia?*all..l. ? . I.o.K IbUii.1 S.i.ui.I hti-amer <t.-i. Whituev. for ilotlon. 80m n io maiunki'.s. Kepalrs U. BN-Bfa iu >><-dn"y Charn-I The, tlire- eleetrie-llghted buoy*. No*. 2, I and 8. In Gennev Cbai-Ml, .vti.dy Hoolc, Ne?-York Lower Bay. ?ue leinporarlly eitingluabed bv injurlei, t<> the maln eiec trle cabl.-. Btpalr* ar- balna effected. and notlee wlll bo gi\-n ..f Uta rvilghtlni i.f lh* baey*. ii n tn.'.v af Braakwatar at ni-'k la'and. xotlce ls gtvan th.t .n ar X<iwti -'?i IHftl. a rxril buoy. rung U_ Uu ih.itmn ..f the ?K_, ..III he *-lahUabK aboia h niutl eal u.ile N. 1'- ?( tli* en.l of Hlock l?:?ud Breaki at r lUnal- l?l?nd. in ul.out 9 (atlii.n.^ of WBter 11* ...lor wlll i... black *ud it ?ill m?t I"- iiui.i?.-'r.-d. tlagnatlc rNwtiPg* uid dlataaea? ..f pron.lneut ? M.-.f- are apnr*?|ai-Baly luaro.. iid ir.?-k I-I.I.I W ?*a, : 1-10 itauUcal n.llaa. Itlo.k laland I.Uht-t. 8. by W. Hi vt.. 1 ?? naiit - ,al ii.ll.- . in: li . !' ,v ? - n;.utl al n.lle. THK MOV1 Ml.M'.i OM MKAMKKS. P0BB10M POUTS. l/n_T'i ABJ 18 A-Tlf?l at?a_>-r canada (Be). Itobinaon. fron. N.-w Y..rk. ___?__, i.ivhii-.k.u Augu-s*ii--BaaaabM9_m_ tMrt, K..b.ria. for NawYork. _ ._ <4.8-fl*TOWN, Aug 18-8? led, et-atneia Taaioai* (Br), imn* and Clty ofChieagw (Brl. Reaford. fr*m lienr- t?r New York. foCTHAMPToy. Anr 1??Sailart. ?t?*_?r FnMa rOart, RlB?k. fr.mi Hre.nen hence for New-Tork. NEW. \-ti.f.. Au. 13-ArrlTed. (loamer Retndear (Br), O* born. from New-York. G-LABOOW, Aag 18-Palled. ateamar Sea_dlna?1an (Br. Stewaat. f?r Ne?- York, 8niiL0<i. An..' Ir.-Suiled. ateamer st Dnnataa (Brl. Ba B*w-Y?r_. AMWF.Kp, Anjr 11 -Sailed, ateamer Coe*|_aagh, SpeaMB for New-York. Ans 1_?SflMBBa B8BB?ac f,epanto fBr). wta*. for New-Yar Announretnento. Brown'a Camp1orared Saponaeeoua Dentlfrlai ta tha beat tooth powder ln the world for preaervlnt tba tee?. "Kefreahlnc and dellcloua." 25 centa a baUl*. Henby A. Daniels, M. D., 90 \VF._T S9TH-ST. Dlaaaaaa ot tbe Nervou- fiT?tem, 'ienlto-Urlnary Ortta* Irci-ot-nce and Sterillty. Hour. 8 to 1. 6 to 8 Mnry ladies are martvrs to 6iiffermf. T__l BeaB help is Parker'* Tonie. Parker'* Ifair Bah?ani I* 1 if.- to the halr. -1 We wiih to "arrest the attention" (A visitors to tlie eity, most of whom will pnrrliase wearinu apparel of soine kiud (liirin^r their stny. With three ttorae in difterent con venient looations, eat'h stocked with everytbing won by the male sex? Clothes, Slioes, Hats, Fnrnishing goodi ?we are thorou^hly eipiipped to serve enstomers aeeeptably. Tlie Winter stoek, prepared thui early for our yholcmlci trade, i.s al?o aeeessible to consiimers If needed. Stores closo at '6 o'clock on Sator* days. ROGERS, PEET & CO. THIIKI 1 Prlaoa, iROAinVAY) Warrea. STOKKS. S i..t. SOUVENIR SP00NS The iiierea.sed demand for Solid Silver Souvenir Spoons has indueed the (Jorham Iffg. Co. to largely io* erease their assortinent. The variety shown is nnlimited. GORHAM M'F'G CO*, 8ilversmith8, Bkoadway and 19th Stbeet. "...-. mi -ala- ?? McVa nu* D*ye* ?VrSBB ?tl'lTH POU M'tMIKIt WKAB AT UMB i ll-VN I >0B_? A. H.KINC&CO., ainn ii--.. ( loihter*. 9A7 aa8 V._ BBOAUWAY, N. ?.