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LAST RACE OF THE CRUISE. G_40____NA NBABLY BEATEN IN THE CON TEST OF THE 46-rOOTEKS. BEATINO THB 8ATONARA ONLT 28 tSF-COr*DS IN A 24-MII__ AACB-TIIK FLEET DIS* DANOS TO-DAY. [nr TRUtokArn to thi TninrvB.) Newport. Ang. 13,-For the flrst time slnce the Glorlana has made lier appcarance thero aras to-dav a, read raee between yacbU of the 46-foot elv?. in whfcb she was entered. Hereto'fore the Hrlstol ghoat has froen start to aflrHsla been ao fsr aheod of every thlnat elso that interest ln the race was lost, and rejratte-a beeame merely opportnnltles for the Gkwiana to eihlbit her wonierfnl salllng qualitlea. But Ue day ahe won by only twenty-elf-ht seeonds, the fiayo nara puahlnit her hard. At this she put on remarkable bursto of speed, but for the most port ber sailiuK, whUe lt would have been marvellous for any other boat was not good for the Glorlana. When she aalls txyrple exoect mlracle*. aud jrenerallv aet tttem. ln tlae flrst place. the eonrse, whleh was lntended to lie twelve mllea to wlndwoid and return. was reaily, owlng to the vHarlce of the wind. a courso artilch wna salled nearly all the way wlth Hft<ad sheete. and lt raught the Glorlana ln her weaak polnt. She ls not good before the wind. If the I>atr!__ had been out to-day the Glorlana would have been a beaten boat, for the Beotrli ls a flycr before the wind. Tla-iii acain Mr. Morican made a mlstake ln standing too far to we*-tward on the mn out <o the mark, for tho wind hauled to the enst, and the Sayonara and Mlneola pot the advantage of lt. Just before tl* outer mark was reached lt seemed as If the Olortana was a beaten boat, but slie recovered herself by a wonderful burst of speed and aaved the nwe. It waa a close call for her. for 28 seconda in a 24-mlle raee is hardly the marjrin of safety. The raee was a special race for .O-footers for caips ofbsred by the New-York Yac'it Club, and waa the liijlshliiff touch to the squadran's cniise. The wind was blowiim lightly from the northeast when tlie Electi- anchored ofl Brenton's Reet llprht>blp .ond the sbrnal to start at 10 :20 o'clock. The entrles Ln tbe ra<-o were the Glorlana, Jessira, Sayonnra, Mlneola nnd L'vlna-two Flfe boots, one Burftess and one Hcrree hoff. Thev erossed the line as follows: Glorlana, 11:21:10; Jetwlea, 11:21:47; Mlneola. 11:23; Say? onnra. 11 :23:._; I'vlra, 11:_4:_0. Tho Electra, hav ini. starl>d the ynrhts, lottf-ed off twelve mlles dead to leeaaard and iropped overboard a buoy to serve for the outer niark. Tlae yachts all set splnakcrs and balloon JibV.psulls. The Glorlana, followed by MM Mlneola and Jesslcn, ran welj over toward tho lfam gansctt shore, while tlie Uvira and Sayonara kept well out in open water. Soon after startliifr, Iho Mineolia had >ome trouble artth her spinaker. She took It In and set lt again ln flve minntcs. The Jcslca and Mlneola soon conclnded not to follow tho Olortana t.0 far to tlae wcntwnrd and 60 stood out to-rard tho oourso taken by the Sayonnra. Tlio Jos ttloa's sstTte did not soem to draw well arid tho Mlneola pas-od herr. Meantlnie the Uvira was hopek-ssly astern wd tho _ayonara was polnf. for tho mark like a sleain englne. The wind hauled so that by the Ume the yachts weie two-thirds of the wav to the mark lt *m* nn e*?t wind, and it was froshening also. Of this the {".-lyawrara pot the full benefit. So they eame down to tho mark, the Savoiiara Meitog, tho Mlneola a good s-N-ond and tho (iloriana thiraT. The two teadlag boai tiod beaten her badly so far, and it did not scem ta-. I! anythlng could rut her aronnd the mark Imi Tho mark araa not over 200 yarda away from tho li*adliiR b-at wben auddenly the Oloriana befBO to aro, and never, probably, did a bna-t po so faft. gptnnabera, ei curvo, had long siucc been taken ln, but bi? Jfotopaalhi vere diwatng, Tho Qlortaaa was brought eloaei 11 the wind and she aeeoaed lairiy to iifi bereelf ou; of tho water. She llew bv Ibe Mineola and gayooara u if tba) had been anehored, aod aainglng aronnd the mark hauled down her balloon _ib1op?ail, set ? IBMdl one aai wns off for home before one eoaM Kfoety reabae .he had done it. lt was ono ol lhe o..ttic*t tlgbll ever wltties'cd nt a yacht race. Th" ?ayonara and .Mlneola ranie clo-c hehind her, bai ?oiild not entcb her. Tne time of the yachts at tiie outer mark was as follows: im Time. | Name. ThBa (iloriana .1 :21 0$ Je_alea .1 :.a.-i baro-iara .1 :'-'! :10 jLvira .1 31 :6S MtaeoU .* :-t *? Aftor the yachts had Jibed around the mark they stood on for soine dlstance and then mado a short tack t'J wtndward. The Sayonam nnd Mineda taefced flrm, the Glorlana and Joaatea hoMlng ihoir luff for Bonoo time before tht-y, too, decided lo mako a abort Iok to the oaataraiC it was not long. bowearer, bo fore they were aU on the starboard taefe ncain and alaeatag for Brenton's Reef lightship in a long pro .cs-ion, tho Glorlana, of eonrse, at the head of lt. The Bayonaia was trylng her l.e.t |o ovcrtake tho l.loiiaiia or to get neur enough u> her to beat her on ?bipaed time. In this she nearly , succeeded, the (iloriana b.-uting her by only aboat M aeeoaie. Tlie Ume of tho race wns as follow-,: Thus the flrst prlre poos lyi the (iloriana, the second to tlae Bayoaara, and the third to the rvira The latter boat ti'-ts her prir.e ou time altaajranee. Tbe Glorlana, Bayonm and mneota miled without time s_n?~ranee. Tne Brat ead aeeond prtaee woa oa rani ta the ronrae of tbe erulee have been -waried. The Con nUll-tJ i' r i four, tbe Palmer three. tbe Fortona two, tha \ .lunto r two, th-* Mcrlin two, ine Mnyflower four, tne Margnerlte f'mr, tbe Iroooota one, tbe Oem re two, tho Oin<i.-t*.[i four, Uie Kainn.i two, the Ueioulu two, tho nllclegarde four, the Huron one, the Mlsrliief one, th" CinierelLa t'ir e. tbe Ctara Ibree, the Oaaeene thr-.-. tho sayonnra, tln Mlneola one. tiie Nantilius one, tlK' l-ii-l- taao. aiul tbe '? ~- U i?,'!iorrow tlie- fb-e: dlabanda nnd the rrnlsc o( 1801 .I.-. To-day at loncheon on th** Bleetra the niein b?r> of tb" press who have been on the crolse drank tba OeanaowMre-a healtb and the Commoiore ipobe bi.efiy in Then standing and in tllence all di;aiilt of tho memory of Captaln Kohind Folger Cofnn. A RACE P.ETWEEN TIIE RIVAL AND TIIE ENKiMA. Bridgeport. Conn., Aag. 13.- Artirl.s of agreeatenl werr- j-iRiu'd la.t nlght between the oamera "I tbe yachts Hival, of t'rs .ity, nnd Enipn.a, of Bed r.n'ik. If, J.. for a race for -.i.ihk. ? >ide. ga/e Bliet ; i wini'via.d and retnra, oa fatnrday, Aagaat 80, OE thia harbor. The eropoaoi raee baa been talkei o_ iu aiir'itiiii; etrclea for aome tlaae jm-t and tbe reaalt will be lojiied XoravarU to willi much iiitci-e.-.t. TBAXSATT.AKTW TRAVELLERS. A.Tion? the paa?.-nj.eis wbo sal'M ln thi- Rt/'nn'Sliiu Fwerat BhMaieb aere Prafaaaer ciea-eiand Abbe, P. ji .\r.' t aag. -Mr- -"d Mr-1- A- Ad,cr- *? T- tMH, W. M. Buir, V. W. Itallard, Wllfrr-d Ru. klanO, Mr. -nd M a. lioiM-rt Dsawsath. Mr. ai.d Mra. c?i?-, Mr. and Mrs. \V. W. rn-bvoii, Mr. and Mrs. Jl. W. i a. w. Oireiy, julius Oolisnhi-trtt. Uea_taoaat .... tss Mib. ... ii. u.ii..-it, j'ioff--.i M. W. Barrtnftoa, Mr. snd tO*. ii. Beyaeatea, Mra. Haniet n. Baaanton, M Mra. '? W. ii. Jaaaaa. Baraa Kraitaar, Mr. aai Mra ;. K.n-'-r. W. II- Llr-tiUmi, WOtaa J^ai-k-iv.., Mr. and Mi.. l hurles Ijampe, fuunt U. de M< u-lllv, M. ,i. liatthews, A. W. Marrto, laaaifori Narekrap, K. ii. I'ri-ttan-ii. Mr. and Mr-. Stanhnpe l-iUpa, Prabasei A. l.a?r.'iii? batC-__CtloaTl and Mfa. Betese, Mr. ard Mi. .. i>. Daaiiee. Baraa vasa Bahaaaisv, Mr. and Mr.. r. Mataaa st,, Mr. and Mra - nate, Mr. and Mli. K. T'Kiker, llsiou snd U?r....e?. WlrksaM Flrliliiiiii. S. Bownian Whoel-r, Dr. A. ... V..|.-"r, Thaaaat Wyckei bytrry Bowkett. Qaorga ajurk-, Mha Fleeeaet Loeroti XIr and Mrs. John Ur.av. BUebaii I>omey, Miw Isab ! Irving, (liarle# LecMeeab ttkm ****** Frtaee, Mlsa May Mylvie, Charles WhoatK-lgh. Edward Wilke*. and Uinra- Widrmr. Ihe steair..hlp Trsve brrniRht a larre numrrr nf pi-, nagara mi mio port. amonu a-haai wera Mr. and Hr. taanea Ballla. Mr. and Mra. Martaa ?.-xt.'r. Mr. and M-.;. I'.. K. Oreen, Dr. J- 0. Hlnsston, H.'nrv HijrTinann. K. W, Irnklna. M.a. M. Ludckin)-, Dr. Nlcholai Mandl. the i; a. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Newton. H. W. N?lsi.n. A Ji Nrl.on. .1. T. sh.nnan. Mr. and Mr.. Satterthwhlt Torrey.' th ? Hev. \V. E. Thomas und 11. 1'. Iba Mr. and Mrs. Wellhou.-*.-. O. V. fc. Ward. Mlsa Harriit Wuriburg and Mr. snd Mrs. J. Wsroer. aTHir CACSED TB1S ifi.V'S DEATBT a. r**|wrt that Mhhai-i MssTtoaay. a (Msaarerkar ot mlddle age, had dl.d ln hl-. h<.m> ln the t-'i.-m. nl-hoiiae No. 51(1 We?t Kitii.-ui-at. under icaptelaaa elreaaaalaaeea wi to Uie \\'.>t Ko.'ty ?? vnth^t. polico ^tat.loii |?aMre_f afVi'rnoon. The pvlk-e weto told thal Matt-taay had baaa pu-hed off the atoop of Uie l.ou?e two neeka iviro, aud had reeeived lniemsl lnjurles. Morrl-sey's wlfo aaid ahe thought hor hu?band bad lallen and had Injured hlm'-lf Tber? waa a rimor ln thr nei(rhb?rhood that her brolh.r. nani'-d Moore. had Qcari-llurl vrith h.-r hn-iband and liad pWbai hlm from Uae aKp. Kalllng to pet any d>'lnllo jn formalton al-oat tlie niaMvr ln whlli Maatlaaap had l.a durt. th*. pr.lice last evi.rlni; n-nt fnr a mroin'i M > tovaatlflaalaa, An auu.i?y < rul.ably aalll b? U'S'l' to-day to tmrnmam* U.? real causc oi the d.aiii. "C.iiie, Shall We llear This Mu*.lct^-Much Ado AtK'Ut NothliiR. (Jllmore's fanious Jubllee at Manhatlan Beru-h. Greatest Muaical attnactlnn. (irai.d ltallan opr... Chortis, 22d Keftiment Drum ('..rjis, Anvii., Aiillkry. Magnifloent pi-ojmamme. Tralns every half hour b, tbe l^uia I-laud Kallroad. ,*. THE EXTENDED 4 1-2S. WILL THE BANKS TAKE UP THOSE HELD BY ISDIVIDUALS ? THE TREASURY MAT HAVE TO BXBtBBM ABOUT 015,000,000 OF THEM ON SKPTKMDF.B 2 Waahlnslon, Aug. 13.-Inqnlry nt the Treasury De? partment devclops tha fact that 6en.t_.ry WBtmft plan for rontlnulng tho 4 1-2 per ccnt loan at I per eont has ao far fallrd to meet Wlth thr favor that waa :>ntlclpated by its advocates. On July 2, when the offer waa made to continue the 4 1-2 per eent bonds ut 2 per rent, there were nrnt. tandln* $.1.0-0,000 of the 4 1-2 per eents, of whirh amount $-...000,000 were held by 000 National banka a_ a baals for rlrrulatlon. Since then $18,500,000 of the bonda hnve been con tinued. Of thia amount 8.1.000,000 came from pilvafe indlrtdnala and 11&,_00,000 from 000 Natl>nal bnn**. leavlng *7,5OO,000 4 1-2 per oents in tlie powosaion of 300 National banha, and $25,000,000 ln the handa of Indlvlduals. Theae bonds, aggregatlng $23,000,000. ln order to be continned under the pre. ent offer, mtwt be pre sented on or before Beptember 2, tbe date on whi.h thelr lntcreat ceaaes. otherwlae, the Seeretary of the Treatmry must be prepared to redeem them on prea enUtion. or make termi wlth the holdera for an ex tenalon of time at the present rate of interest. 4 1 2 per oent. The avnllahle ca*.i balanee ln the Treaoury to-day, outMde of fracflonal silver coin ond deposlts ln National banks, la $13,500,000, aod la gradtiftlty tn cretaslng. While there la no o,ue?tlon of tho Oorern ment'a ablllty to redeem theae bonda at maturlty. lt is well known that lt would prefer to continue them There la no doubt that the $3,000,000 of bonda hnV hy National banks will be pr_?etited for contlnuanre. The uncertaltity ls wholly ln rrgnrd to the B15.O00.000 tn tlie hands of Indlvlduals. The Department had ?*? Htiranees that thrso bonds would be tofcen uP 99 hM National banhs and Used for tho purpo**. of Inn ? ine thelr circulation. Thls was tho i.rpnment thnt MaUuy Indueed the Department t?> adopt tlie 2 per OOBt T>hiu. So far, however, it seems tho aamiranoes lmve not been made good. Aocording to a promlnent Trcaituy offiiial, this ls enUrely the fault of the bank_. " There la no senae," aold ho to an Asr-oeinted Preas roprcsentotlve this afternoon, "ln the owners of these bonds holdlng them for redemption by ihe O .rcrn ment at par, when they are at a premlum of three fonrihs of 1 per cent on the market. They are etther lioldiiiif uut for a grcator prrmlum or the bann.. whirh were ostenslblv so wiillnc to take up the aoun for the purpos*' of Inoieaolng thelr cirrnlallon hnvo gone baek eulirelv on thelr promlsea U- the I-cpai'l mont and ai. maklng no cifi.rt wlu.tever Vt seenro thoso floating bonds.'' Thia ls one nf the que?tjnna that will be prewnted to Seeretary Foster on liis rcturn to Washington from hls vaeation in Ohlo. PKEl'MATIC TUBES FOB TIIE MAIL. POSTMASTEI.-GEXERAL WANAMAKER TO EXPERI MIR WITH A NEW INVENTIO... waahlngton, A.fg. 13 gpootol). Poolaaaahir flanaml ?raannMher la said fo be arranging for a aeries of ex pertananto with pnenmatli tahee a^ aids to the mpid trai.sportatJon of mall ln largo eities. A New-York Irivenllon of reeent date has esperially atlnicted hls attriitlon. bemnse. ln addition tO the main tnbo. lt has a awiteb attachment, enabllng dellverles to Iie mn-Ie ?t <?nl.Ma.1on-. as well as at thr .. rmlni. If the experi ments an* oaeeeo-fel, aa promhed, t'ie nrw systom will havo a trlal at CbieafO. Postofflre oflirlal. who aie famlBar wtth the proposcd ayatom predlel lhal lt wiii be Intrrvlueed in nll large dttOO a*. soon as th- nree-* _ary appropriallon ean be oblalned from Oongwno. So oonfinent la Um Inanntor aaid to be that hls patent wffl do aii thal bt clalmo tor lt that he oiter* to eunalnMl ? perfectly worliing pneiimatii' ayatom between New Yorh an.i Chtrnfo. The por ii man*'. ayetem ls used in the poatal ln UmdOO, Llverpoo] nnd aeveral I ,-iii--i (iiit-s, an.l it worka aaceeaofaUy and ex t'.. ,i.-!l\i':v .-I th- mallfl to 0 l.-m.rkablc de ,?"-... Th** BngUab ayat m doea not emi.nvre the awlteh* ,',_ aMaehment, which li an Ameitena eontrlvnooa. it is andaratooB that the Puotmaatm flonarnl win make an effort to aeennj rer-lain prlvilepres tor the i eAUi Btnteo omllfl In the tunnei now betna eonctmetoi nnder the Hadaon Rlver. He pro poat* also t?. nrze Oonpeoo to anieml tbe bill to eon itruet :. brUgt oerooi tho North Rlver by addlng ? provlftlon whirh will plve the (.overnnvent tlie riaht | . aae the blMp (OT tlie tranaportation of Ihe mallt. frec of eharge. Hr alao <le_lr.s to obtaln sinillar con rneaatma ir. the onhmailne tnnnaL A great mtataho araa mnd. wl.en ihe BrooUya Brldge was bullt in noi obtntntng pormiaaton f.r the .iovemment lo aaa it in oonneetton with tho aaafl oorvloa. Karw the mail is eonveyod to nnd fn.m liroolilyn ln wngons, whioh OOOt tbo (ieveriiment 0 larfO "um of money BflBwdly. ;t |i suggestcd tbat a pnonmatk tnbo or amno devlee might bo attached lo tho RHifle wbleb wonM greatly facllltato the t.*_iir,pnrtai!on of the inail he iw. .ii' the two tifics. rhe PootmHater-Oeneinl think. the Oorernmenl ahouU iiavr the rlghl of wny over ali rach itrnetnrea fr.-.* ol eharge v>it!' rcmns ? uae anj practlcable devleo tor Uie rapH hnB* fer of the n. a, WORK ON TIIE NEW I'l.ATES NOT SrSPENDEO. Washington, Aug. 18.?A..Mng SerrrUry Ne'tlet.,n .-aid toiiay thnt tho paMWwl statement that tho Tionourj Depaiemeni baa aaapeaded the w*irk of cn gravlug the new plate. for the $_: silver eertlflc-tc bear mg the vign._io of ihe late Beeretary Wlndoa is In t-oirci t. The work hos U-e-i pixisi.ntrd eOBttnnOBOlJF trom the time [he ord-r WM .friginally givon, and H i. now approaohtng eompletlon. In view of the preaa ing d^maiid for enrrency of ihis ienomlnonVon and tbo ImpoaalbiBtj of delayinf taitber aettvartoa untll the nea plate eoaM i.e pal to aae, a limited number <>f artditional imprcsalon. hove beon ordered fivui ti.e lurmer plaM ueaiing the Haneoeh rlgaettn. NO NEWS ABOUT TIIK CITY OK PANAMA. Washington, Aug. 1_.-I'p to the hour of closln. lixlav the State Depiii inient hatl not reeelved :.i.v teVOti lrom 1'nited BtntM -* I'a.hreo at Qnata iiiiilii Clty, ('uaicmala. relatlve to the case of the Padfle Mail ateamer City of Phaama, scizci by tho Balvador autborttlea al Ea Uhertad. Tio* Depart? ment ls nwalilng tiio Mlnlater'a iriairt beforo decldlng upon Us fatare aetion ln tiie 0000, ON TIIE NEW-YORK BOARD OF APPRAISErtS. Wnanlngton, Aug. 13.?Oenetnl ApproJoer Bhartlefl lias been oaalgned lo dntj ns a membor of the Kew* York l.>:ir*i of Appralserm, In plaee f>f Oeneral Ap piai-er shaipe, who i.a.. reeelved leave of aboehee, WF.ST VIROlNIA 51AY (iKT NONE OF THE BXPUKD. Waahinfton, Aug. 13.?Aettni Beeretary iVettleton ha* rrrcived an ojMiilon from the Attorney-Geiieiul as to whether the Beeretary of tiie Treaanry is renaired to retafn any of the amonnt due Weat Vlrglnla for refnnd of dlre*'t taxv-. bf reaaon of the alleged liabillty t,f the ,-Ialt- fif WOOl Vlrglnla fnr a part Of the lli.obt.'.lr > I virginin hefiue the aepamtion. Weal Vlrglnla aaaamed m - - (?*? 111 i t a 11 <* proporthm ol the pnblle dei.t *>f Vlrglnla pitor to Jaiiiiiirv 1, ISfll." This wns ovtr ..10,0;X),000, ^..a peauy Wt-OOjOOO wh ciar vi Hm Dnttotf istaic- a*.*i .till fcmataa onpaid. The Attomey-Oeneral ezp tbe opinion that it is the dntj of tne Beeretary of tho Treaanry to laotot upon the rtght to oei <>:' Um pio l",:ti(ii] of UM deb;. fm whirh West Vlrginia ll llablc. Th-- amonnt oi thr dtreel tax paM bi Vlrgiirta was i*442.40rt. nnd by West Vlrglnla fir.Li.uT'j. POISOXOUS GASF.S KILL TWO MEX. ONE IS OVKBCOME AND THF. GTIlErt OOES TO RI-rtK in.M AND 1.0SE. HIS OWN I.IFE. Two men lost tholr live- iu a eeaapool on ihe ont* skirts uf Stewarti ye teiday betw."?n 4 pei ?*> p. m. Th- oeoapool is at Fo. 488 Bnmnier-ave. Joaeph II. Oaborne, torty-flva ytars old, and Marvin Owona, tweaty-flve yrur- oM, nndottooh t*. eleaa 11 oat They proruiv-d a laddT and OfbOTOO dr-rr*i<led Bnt. Iie was tin.iUiv overeooae by Aoodly gaa and f.11 fn.e BownwaNl I" the ?atrr at the bottom of Ihe well. Oweoa sf-aing bim f;.n a"d beariag him for aid, lii'ltnti to doaeond tho tad-tar to his uld, und he to? wa. overi-oine and f*n proetmte. mfn iti the iierglib.-rhood had heard Osborne rry lor help and hiirrlrd to the t-pot. Kf,.li/ln_ the daanw withiu the eeaapoat, ihey proeaiei ropea aad ,'.-.: |.-, Mg them oronad ine bodlea ..l iii* two bmb. wha wore drawn to tho Mrfhee. Both wera 1 .'. The wrii was twenty live i_.-t iircp. Oaborne, 0 bo wai a t.a-h- ior, bad bonghl Iho boaae ns a pr.aent to his hi-toi-, who waa to bo marnoo neat werk i.. -. The brother and aiater llved ln the lion-.. The OlatOr la prostmttd. THB 1F_lVi;s HEXTOBED THE BTMVt EOPY. Th'* bodv .,f % beautiful girl. ei>l?r>'titlt tbirfan yrara old. waa waah-'d aahorr at I't^.uv lal-inl l'u.i.. r-t-rl-r ?fieaaoaa. it m ,.-u m b* toat al Plaraaaa BehemaMwr, uyU nBUvo, wiw na. Bnwaei ,a lowolPa wiwii, bi a m ? araa Nm al 1 -t thtU ... Bchaamoahoi, wb.. Uveo at Ba 108 BaM OaM4iaadrof 1 '? tw.-iil*'? ?. ond-.t., rltv. and .. i-oii.panicd hei pataata 011 an .Miiralou U. l\,? -kaway Ut day ahr h< r d-_Ui. ..I. p-iiiriiiiic barna i? u,-- oemlai th" Baharmoahar famiir pat ia ti..- ?t Breaktya, with pm oi.j- t *,f K?u,hr r.onn' In tli- 'li-*rt?- t paaatbla HOW, Th*- pnt m* dari, ui 1 in tiie runh of paaaanaan Ptaoaaaa f.11 *.r ?__ ? nv.rt oard II. r fathar J-jmii'd laU Uie wattr afU-r lur, sui vould Aud uo tnacc of bar. MUSIC AT CHAUTAUQUA. TEN THOUBAND PEOPLE ENJOY A GRAJfD CONCEIIT. a WAsmxoToir ?inoer warmi.y grektf.d VIEWS OF A Sm.TlTF.nN I.rCTl'RER Olf TAXATION*. [BT TKLIORSPn TO THB THIDUHtJ ChantniKiiia. Ang. 11.?Ten Ihontaad people ln the big Atnphitheatre here tbla afternoon warmlv *P planded Miss Decra. the Wnshingion alnrer. The ocsva.lon was a eoncert In whlrh Itadtag artists of the country prartiripated. W. 11. Bherwood, of Chlcago. planiat; Mlas Annle Partr. of Bo*ton. oornet plnver; Churle. K*llogR. of New-York. "blrd-warbler," and the MnMM Qtmrtet took part. It wns a red-lct'er day at Chauannntaa. Dr. H. R. Palmer, of New-York, and a rhorns of a thonsaud retaee, were heard. wlth the great ornatn. plano and hrasa-band ivonipanlments. and tlio gro-e reaounded wlth r-veet sounds. Mls? I>eeca aang the eavatlna, "0 luee di onest anlm-a." from " Llnda dl ciiamounl--" There were four reualK, and for an encore ahe aang "The La?t Itose of s-ummer." The great Amphltheatre was rrosrded wlth thoosanda of people, and m*?n found refugo hy cliuaMng Into the i-affera. Special traina brought people from New-York State, Ohlo, Pennsylvanla, and even Kentticky. A large party of railroad men, pas-engcr ngonts. etc of the Yanderbllt llnes, occ4ipied sents Just ofT the stage. i.n her serond appearanre, Chanoellor Vlncent Jolned wlth the ten thousand people in the andlence In giving tho -alnper the Chautanqua -alute. Amld tlae flnttering ,,f fms and lhe wavlag of a sea of whlte handtter chi**'*., Miss Ilccra asccnd.*d the platfotm. She then ?ing the Bolero from "The rJIclliau Ye.spers," br G. Verrtl. and Eck<-r''s echo *ong. The sesslona of tho College of Liberal Arts ciamo fo a close to-day. Many taudreda ef sliidents from all over the Fnited state. have beea at work here for the pavst six week" In all klnds of unlversity work aud ftaeir progrcss ond proll. lemy aro worthy of the highest praise. This waa lhe pM.T.immc for todav: ,\t ii o'c.ocit, toetare, "Otaiatone.* by G. A. MePhea Towlo, of Boaton, in the Amplii'heatre; _:?.<>. grand concort, ih the Amphltheatre; 4, Jccnire, -What shall we Taxl" Dr. E. W. Iiemls. of Nashville, Tenn., ? the Hall; 5 p. m? C. L. S. C. round table, ln the Hall; 8, a plntform meetlng of Cbaabaaqaa alumnl, addre**s, "Tlie Blble and Whv \V<* firlleve It," hy Dr. J. B. Ilelwig, In the Amphitheati-c. Dr. Bemls's lecturo was In part aa follows: Tbal tax ls bv M mear.s beal which is lowest. ho greal are tbe openlnga for -li* expe.idittire by uowroment for aeboo-t, roada, streets, ?aiiliiiiloii ann many other Itena, that oar country would be better ofl if twlce ns much a-. nnw were r.ii-ed anrt pru.ieni.y ipent tor Uie.e pnrpoaea. H ls moal Impprtaoi Uani onr lysten of butatlon for raiatog thi-. necded revenne should be aa e.jultable and wlso a* posalble. />??_?*' nll our svstcm-. of loeal 1'ixaUon in tlie -evcrul .-.tarcs aro audly ilefectlvc. in DOtbtOg eou legUhtUOO do more to tarprore the country than l.y r.'omliig odr lo<-al ta.xatir.ii, now |ha very WOial in any fully <lv ill7e<l mation. Evorv one is agreed thal our taxes on peraonal propcrtv, euch as stocks, bonda, mortgaffes, aiul money nre a furce. and woree- Belng ... i-aiiv ooneeaied, or of mch nnceri.-.iti valne. thero li |be greateat dlahoneaty nnd In-equaHty ln tne rc in;ii of such property tor nseeeementa. Nor lf wo would reaeh this peraonal property wooJd it be poaal* ble to tax it fnllv. Taxntlnn Mcordlng to ablhty to pay hhould hc our rnle, H nny believe it posalble by' strlngent oalln to foree people to revenl their p'ropertv, look to Ohlo, where the ezperunenl after full trial ls prononnced by all to be a great fallure. The best foi-ni of taxation In adillthm to the real estate inx wbieh wlth some modlfleatlon should ra*maln, la nn Inherltanee ta* progresalve aaiih tt.p sir.e of Ibe Inherltanoe and the remotiness of relallonshlp of lhe Inberltore, and a progreoalve lneoa_e taz. ? GRADTTATION AT ROFND LAKE. Round Lake,, Aug. 13 (SpertaM.-The, new Round Lake Academha BB-tared a good flftv Metbodht min and their wlv'-s at the Floavcrv Orlent, Mra. Nowrnan's cotlage, where th?y were foasted, taat cven ing. A poem was read in the Auilitorium by Dr. .loseph R. Klng and the Rev. Dr. .lohn Coleman, nf Troy, dellvct-ed the aendemh. oratlon on "The Mit.islry of the Time..'' At tlie banqaet tho spcaklng wns rommemoratlve of the scs**lon Just closlng. Bishop Newman announced that the nilnlsters' Instltute. en larged hy addltlonal deparLmonts, had been ma.le fa peim.'.nent Inotttaiion <tt Round Lake. Ammig the taeally will be Blabop Foster and Dr. William V. Kell'.v, of Hrooklyn. The jiadaollnn esearelaea took pia^-e to-day. ln the poat graduate c]a?a th* following received seats, ?Meb nre MibviltubKl for Mrs. II. C. Farrar, Mrs. Grlffln, Mrs. II. II. 1! I'horn, Mrs. Klng, Mi-a. J. Lord. Mr-. Rol-ert Nowtoii. Mr<. E. W. Mmpaaa, Mrs. Itannle f, viaii, Mlaaaa I. B, Cadjr. MD* D. Cfaufe, Bertha C Farmr, O.rdella Klnney, Gussif. Lord, Jcnny Mc I.ean, Deltabeett. Llly J>- .Smlth, llaltle F. Mtoiir and Cieorjde W. Taylor. In tho normal rhi.s were. tho fol? low Ini. who reeetved a d'.ploma: Mrt. H. B, Loomls, Urs. a. ll. Walie, Mlaaaa Bante V. >aile, Emma .1. \\1nans, Amv ('. Bbanka. jr., b. h. Eddv, Lotty 3. (oon, Fannio E. Cooo, Allce CI-PP, Mluiih. M. Almy .imi Maaayoiil IbkabL THE EXRR'T^ES AT (K'EAV GROVE. Ocean Grove. Ane. IT. (Sp<-clu;i.?A arreat crcwl ut tend'sl the fOt-Bg p;"ipl(i's nicy-thig todaf. The Rev. G*?orge i.. Barher gaare tbe Bertptare toaaoa, afier wbieh Isaac Mcredlth, of Norrisiown, I'.-nn.. tang, A two days' woninn'a enronraTenient nr-**Hng oiicaed today. Mrs. Kinnaid ChandlT pre'ldcd and mii'le trw openiiig twldre.s. Mrs. Mary gfl-M VYbeetar and Otben ^poke. There wns n large attendamo. Tlils afternoon Al"xunder Abou Hluilll, a OOBVertad syrinn, wbo i odiic'iting hlewnll for wovli iu hi- nutlve land, lectiired at the nodel of leroaalem. He paa-' ea imltatlon ol tb. Jews' call, wbieh i- .riveii live ttnee ? di. al the iwur of Brajrer. ? LBCTCR-PB AT TIIE BBASIDM AaO-MBLT. Avon-by-thc Sea, N. J.. Aug. IS i>pe< ioI).-At the Soa-ide A-.-ciiiI.It 1h!s nioining tbe deTOtlOOal oxcrrlies were h*d l.y the Ber. a. Arn-ttrong, ..f this ptaee, svi\-~-t'r Barter, of Boatoa, lectured upon "Hattooat lUD." Ma.laeni All'Mtl, of New-York, gave a laetaid in tho school of Bipreaaloa, explalning the dlBeieoeei ln .ihysique and th" anu.niit <f BCrTOna ciicrr'y betweea Amerlcana aad tho people of other oattooa, Tbe i.ev. John E. lajjtaia. of Atbantlc city, lectured ln tbe l.iologiral d"p,'irtinent. Profesaor Gartaztd, ol Boston, gave an evenlng taetara. nr.F<?RMEn CHUBCH BBUKIOJI AT TEB MAR Balttneore, Aag, 13.?Tbe eeeond annnal reunion of ii... Befonaed Chnrch of Marybtad, Vlrglnla, Weat Vlr? gim.i aud iv-imsylvania is beln;; helil at 1'en Mar 10 dav. Xblrtean special tralns arrlved tbere tbbi morn? lng wltb aboai 13,000 peraons. Tho Rev. H. II. Rahner dcllvercd the addre'a of irclcome. and was followed by tbe Ber. .1. C. Bowman in an addreaa Mch Inherltanee. tlu. Hetdel berg Catechlam." w. Ru-.ii i.ill.i. ilacnasei tbe future of ihe Beformed Chnrch and the Hev. n. r. Dittmar :pu;.o of ?' VVoman'a luflucnro iu the Cbareb." ALTBBATtOBt AT THF. MABBLM VBUECB. The Mnrbie CoBeglata Refonnci Cbareb, of wbieh tho llev. I.r. Uurrell is now paator, has been and *'lil ls nnd.'iToin. extenslvc alteroUont, The jeeotatlons wiu be ooapleted nexl oiontb and the Brd aeirlea anii bo in Oetober. Altboagb tbe rbmeh is .mi nue<i aaiili M-nifoliling, enough progreai baa beea made to tae general ityle "f the work and ln abow that it wiu be oae of the mo?t ri.i.'y ieeontei ebBKbes in Piftb-ave. Theae arbo haare beaa ha Flfth ave. iu tiie etantap tatetp have been ainactci by u.e bcauty of tbe aplee of thla ehnreh, wbea Ibe leareh light of i'ic Mndlaon Bfaare Oarden haa baen aBowad i<, rosr |t. rav. r.n its avhite mai-ble or "ll it- gllied'-vane. Un dark nighta the oflcit ls strlUmg. s.\f/rn ATTACBED JU.v WLTB nusT. U beea aeeeitalned tbat l'atrhk Joaeph Bmith, tbe Brookii a BHdpe polioeaan eonflned lo tbe .i< Ben Marbel priaon tor tbe mnider of John MeKBeal ? i-.ii, n. .1., un Batarday nlght is_t. oooualttei un aaeaalt on his wlto wbfle v.a.t ag tor m Brie tral at th" Patoraoo itattan. Bodth weat inio a B*.*o\ ^l*>p the ht'itimi aud !? fi | i .? Lfg ,,n tbe ptoi tot-B. Fearful thal her hi?b;ind WOaU mlts tbe tra:',. yjr-. -.mith went io tv liqaor ih p and loM him tbal the train wa* due and a.ked him |__ rgtal- to !..?? stallon. TMa aagirN Badth and ha stmck i?er a bi".. oa tbe inmitii, it is alletei, eattlag open her np. gaMtl wns t.j f..iina. op iu. t/ktm wtth otbera wbea pr vented i.v paraoni la the place. it leabi eai Itart Mnith. before leaetns the boaae ol hU dster, wbare Ih ? araa eoaiaUtted, becaate eagry hecanaa lus aaif vaii? i.wi .('iit<' raadj t" siart when be am-. __ni iti bar ther.- and tbea w-*i:i inio the ti ?? tuad itruch McKllonboi .ugh. umiili wul i* inken to Paterson o reiu.s't'.iii papera wbleb are being prepnrad, TBE WABBBIPB AT BEW-LOTDOB. Nivv I.n'i.l'.ll, Aag. 13 IS|?.1i:j',,._.v.,,., mAAfm, ,,f th.' s.,11 iiiniii of Evuiui.on aacbaiti at the noath -I On barl ? tredneedag nlghl aad Ibla oMealng Adnilia w.iiii-r, wiih lonatan Oaeaaroa, Battar m.d Btart brldge, of the ( <?. p;nd an gfldgl vli-l' Ifl Ibe naval -.tatimi. llu- Mtlisjj t.--.-iv.iii^.i W0? ' ...ei, rsje-ri.,! nf,?-.,,., ooint, |s.hl to tll' li.'.lui.i; wuler bu-i.i. . ... port ? ?- ? i_ui .-i.niir. sintii.ii m tUrtoee hnn- rta New Vork OBBtVbL XkiWgh Kle-p-:... _h:c Um t,ul_. REPUBLICANS AUE UOPEFUL. UNITED WHir.-S DKMOCRACY IS DIYIDED. MEN T_I.KI*.0 OF FOIt THE OOVERN0n*sIIIP-0UT LOOK FOR r.FOT .T.ATIVE rANniHATF.S I.V VARfOI'S DISTRI <"T*-. ?an>f k Hr*FKcoiai.apoxDi.i?Tor th? T?iBr*<R. .yrarns-. Ana. 12.-M.ny memtrrr- nf Rrpuhllran connty WgaaliatllWW atleiided fhe Republiran Leagafl Convention hrld hrre ]??t week. and thry natnrally tallted a gona o*n\ about the approachtn. State ram ptiljrn. All r?iwrted the. Republiran party to be ln flne rondillon, Iharmonloua and krenly att.-ntive to p.lltiral afTalra, wherraa the Demorratlo party waa torn wlth dlssmsions over tlie candldary of Oveland ?nd Hill fnr I>residr*nt. Tlie nimea rhi-flv debnt-d ,_nion_ UMM. I..<publlrs_ts. aa M nominatlon. for Oov ernor were thrse of Andrew D. Whlte, ef thla ttty, former Mlnlster to Berlln: Oeneral .tewart I.. WOO*. ford, of Broohlyn, former Lleiitenant-Oovernor; ex f*e*sma'i John II. Ptarin, of New York; .enator Oeorice B. si .an. of Oewafp, and . o. frr*. ssma.n James \\. Wadsworth. of Orn.'.-o. The friends of Mr. Wads wrtrth etatrtt th .t hr had been fa!_eJy repre*rnted ai drclarlng that Jie wonld not armpt the nominatlon. Thia statenieat waa untrue. and waa cvld-ntly aet afloat by Iv-morrats wlth the intentlon of harmlnR tho Republican porly. _ Senator Saxton hna no oppo*.tt_n ln the Republiran ra__., and apparently will be renomlnated for Senator by arclamallon. II!s dlstrlct comprlse. the BUBBBU of Wayne, Ontarlo, TaftM and Schuylor. There promlses to be a hot contest ln the XX. th Senate PUtrlrt, whirh ha* withln ita territory the rountles of Onondaca aid Oortland. Three randidat-s for benalor lire alrrndy s-ehins support. These aro A*s_mhl. nmn .Whlte, of rmondaga County, Assemblv man Peck and e\ As-semblyman Tlsdale. of C'ortland rounty. It || poaalhle that, ther* may be a movement to Indnre Sciiiit.'t IIrndr.r!t_ to reconslder hl* determina Uon ti-it t*? bc a car.didate for renomination thla year. Assemblyman Arkcr la a atrong randldate for Sen? ator ln fcnhtor F.iss"tt'5 preaent dlatrle., which con ai-^s of tiie rountlrs of Steuben, Ohemnnp and Alle gany. Mr. Arkcr's frlend* hope to aeenre for him the .upimrt of both tho Asaembly dtatrirts of .tcnbeii .'ounty. In Allcgar.y County the eandldate* for Ben* ator are Charle. A. Ii.11 aml ex-A?-emblyman Cotrell. ElRht of tha Republ!-*on rrienatora appare'htly are to har? tho h'lnor of a renomination without oppoaition. These are SrnaUu-s Robrrtson. Rlchardaon. De .ne. Ein erson, Erwin, Van Oorder, I.aJRhlln and Cop_r**_a!l. Tho _enatr dl.ti.rt whlcli has as Ita membera the ceimtirs of IterUmer, Matli.on and Ot_c_o was the arene two year. aixo cf an unuaually prolonged strnRgle for tho Rrpub' Domlnatlon, which ifl enual lo an election. Thi- year there wUI apparently ly* another lone tussle. The ramlldnba are Asacmhlvman Mott, and rx-SHintor John E. bmlth, of Ma.llsoii COBntj . senator Tltna Bheard, of HerMmer County, and A-,cm blyman Browo and B. K. Wlibcr, of OtoefO OOoaty. The Dcmorrats will probably nomtnate Assembly man s_f?e ln rhe BenaM dlstrltt whlrli has as IH mem ben t:ivenc behoharfe aad Uhrter conntlea. rnu flla trlet Is DfltMlly Democrntle. It has b.-en repreaented for the l_<t four years by Senator Llnson, of Klngflton. Republican polltkians aay that 6enator Sloan's suc eeooor ln thr .feffrraon-oswegn dlstrlct will I.e .lohn Mullin, a lawyer ol Watertown, and son of tho late Judge .Mnllln._ Ex -Speaker Fremont f'ole haa formed a law partner ahlp at Taroma, Waah., lately Wtth e.-Assemblyman I.ouis K. Chnrch, of Quecns Connty. TIIAT OHIO CORErFriON FUND. MR. SIIsYNE OIVES HIS AUTIIORITY FOR TnE STATEMENT THAT $.00,000 IS TO BE SF.NT TO DEFEAT M'KINI.F.Y. Saratoua, Anir. 18 (Speoial).-C. C. Bbayno, of Ncw YorK-, who is itaytng af the Grand Dtolon Hotel, win, baglnalng Angnal 88, i-iiiko a number of apeeeheo in ohio ln oapport Of McKlrflcy. Several ftatement.s hav? lng bern made aml their sntlnrity qaoatloned by peoplo inimlral to K<-I-ink-y, The Ti.bune con-eatpontlent thifl momlag caHed npon Mr. Shayno and Intervlewed him ln regard tO thfl fe-laratton tliat tho linportcrs of Nrw fOrt ?'Itv were t-> _end 8&00.000 ti ohlo to MrKlniey. Mr. Sliayne MM : ?? Ni.w that the BMttOt has fcrrome public, and namea are being paradad ln the l.e'.vspapera, I don't know that. 1 i'm any hmgor rompelled to wlthhold the sonree of my liift.rinat'' n.'' "When ilid you recelvo auch Inforrr.atlont" aaked tlie correspontlent. "On Anpust 7," rcplietl Mr. Shayne, "I left New York on tho :i :..*) p. m. BamtOga sperlal for thls place. While nenr HWghhtllpfllO I ItOOd on tlre platform of one of the mrs, p litlrs wlth S. P. Hyman, of tho flrm 0f B, Maofl i OO., lmporfers of aill.e and satltis at Broome ond Oran.l sN.. New-York, and from whom I a pood many goods. ln the conrse of HMdlflCaaelOO, whirh was pnblie, llvmaii said: "TTil b*-t yon $100 th it 0 iriiplj.ll beats MeKlnley.' " I rri>!ierl: 'Hl take that bot.' "Hyman th**n s.icT -The liiijr'i'.rrs of New-York city win mnd 8800,000 to Ohio to defbaf Ke-Dnley. and onr lirin hr.- already rontrlbiiled .-r.-.O.) toward tho U''* I then fa;*l: Tm glad to bOOT thnt Ma'emrnt, aml ru mann aae "t it on the atamp ln ohlo.' Thu was t?e rv -ct ln ignage u*ed, aad i am ready to make ani davtt to lt. il*. in-.iii'- atatemenl waa made ? pei ln pnblie, and ho p!aee*l no ohilgit'oii of leeiaey on his utteranies.'' _ _ LESLIE W. BVS8ELL FOT. JUDGE. THE DEADLOCK IN TIIE IVTTI DISTMCT CON? VENTION BROKEN DY A OOMPBOMISZ. 8MntOf__.Aaf.ia (speeial).-Thr IVth Judlcial Dlfltrlflt Republln.n .'onventi'.il to-nicht nomiliat.'il Confreao man l>*'iir W. Rbm iU, of Oanton, Bt. Lnwienee Connty, for tho Bapieme Ooart Jnatlceahlp. Tbe ooaroatlon bai ir?'**ii in a deadhmh oaroi Jadga Chariea 0. Tappan, tM p.its.iitm. si. Lnwrenea Oonnty. and John P. Badfer, of Malone, Pranhlln Oonnty, who eneh reeelred Mtnm votea la oreir ono of 118 baBote. A two-dny con kfanca leoalted In aettlng aetdo Tappan and Badgt^ an-i maklng Knaaefl the anantmona eholea of the con veiiii-n. Mr. Baaooll. who wai a delegata to tho convention, aorepted the nominatlon and retnraed thanlis (or the honor roiiterred upon bim. Ihe ??"l"'' tton <if Mr. l.iis-sell is gt-n.-iaUy coiireded to be 0 ii.oiiv aolntlon nl the wearlaome deadlock problem. ' ri.* nominatlon of Oeneral Knatell waa brouglil aboat bl tii-- i'i*:'."'!' dolegntlon, which Lncluded John M Weber nf< Dnton; K. < . More honae, ol Baaex; F. I). Kelbou-rn. of FrnnhUn; W. D. Dtmlap, ol Montaomeryj i b Lamoreani and J. W. tfoughton, of baratopa, a <i li i< iiuri-sit-'h, of w i-i'ir.'-.n. They won ovor I'i'ill-'P Kr.-:.. *.i I'nii tfi aad HamllboQ, nrhlch gave them j. maioiitv. Then ih.-v deeided ;i- their ultlmatum thal i.-ii,* w. Rnaaell be made the nomlnoe of tlie eonrcnti.m, or ooone from 6t. Lawrvnee tvmnty woald .<>.-'. I*-.. iii<* nominatlon. Thr remalnlng Tappen men [hm <?<>*; ,-t.? ?:-1*. aeqnlewed, Ruas^ll, rho ? ? ? n *' ?'? ,i,t- iii th ? co iv. ntion, woald not acc p th ? nomlnati n untll l'i* roiieaguea nom ??'. La. ri ?- connty, N, M. Cnrlls and J. .-. Melntyre, would agree to It, Th *v exprtnaed themaelvba ln accord wlth the majority, and the noruhiation was made nnanlmooa, ti'ns 11_-i*fJi.j-r both facttona. TIIE MARYLAlfD ALLIAXCB coN\TNTluN EXDED. Balttniore, Anf. 18 (Sperlal), The Maryland ? \;i mt today ranleotod EtooMeat Hngb MltchoU and the otWer olBeera, appolnted delefatea to ihe N/it'o'itl ..liiv;*.'. and flnally adjoarned. Colonel i.. L. Po!.. prealdenl .>f tha National Alliance, made an ..Mu". in whieh he nr.-eii tho Maryland farmen to i.ilio a bmtc aetlva iiit-i'-t in potltlee, and endeavor r.i aend a str-iin: delegatton lo tho next Leglalatare. At an Infmmol eoateionoo afl a tho adjonrnmont it letormlned to awalt thr aetfnn of tha Bapnbliean tm.' Conrentton before lahlng atOn atepa la the ramyalgn lf. A. Dnnnlng, Editor of "Thla Sfatlonn] Bronomiot," ^nid i " i thim then la ao donbl thal win Ih. a thlrd party Uehel ln Maryland. It ..ill n rt bo oa Altlaueo tlcket, e ti. AlUanee doea oot nominatc tlcketa, bnt wlU he a wople'a partj tlcket.'' - _? TENN-sVLVANIA DBMOCBATIC CLUBS, PittstiurK*. Aag. 18.?Prealdenl Cbannoey P. Black, of thr St.-i't- 1) iina-rjli. A-siiilniUm of Clnba, cnUol o nireiiiii- of Uw "_<*einive commlttflo tt n vn iiiirrr loi oexl Wedneaday, to arranga ter tbfl BtaM convention lu Uila clty next imuitli. TIIE BLOOM1XODAL1 REPUBLICAN CLUB. An anth?laatla taeettag ol iho Blooanlnadale i: ? pubHran < lab *'?s beld lu-t .ni-'iit *t tho club. ijni.rlers. at ' oliiinl.'is ave. and t >n<-1iili,.'1n >i and elghtl. .t. Roherl >. Hol-forty, tho pnohleni ol tha rluh, pn ?ided, Jo d m. T'.ti-ii :.'t ii ,. wentary, \ lettei fr*mi Jaaoofl 8. Chnhoon, proafdenl * i Iho Repnbtlran !fo tiouai loagno. wm read. Ihonklnf tba rbib lor rh leM ? i cngrnt-ii.tK.ii. .'. B, Matah, ns ehalrman <>i Hm aanagaakM Md thr ooowentloB at nyiaflnoo, garo aa en lanoiooMt royort of lha eoaventtou. The nporl waa ??I't-d ai!*l lh** dalegal 'a.ilis of Ihe Inii. a i"_.iiwtj..n rattfl ipprdntmenl of I. Bloal ? ;.. i .ii . i.n of i '-? Bori ..nd wiii |m roted -.ii al the m ai me. lliig. whieh will ta i rid aa tho aerand olghl ifter ihe Repabliead Nato 'onveii1li.ii. A vi.te of tlnnh- v.iis glVOa tn Thfl 'rlbniie f.,r its WOtft m bl MUi of HM B-OOMhlfdalfl Bfl thi ? in Chib. a iiiiitiiin for thelnrgantaattaa of ? bnl ,rrv w?s p?.s.v' d, t!i^ * -ninmlli. tfl ii-.m- tb rhoree belna lawir Vlri.ay, Tnurua* Uiwlor. H. B. ruiteii i?.i._? Wei.l. in <i Wllllam \ Ball! Auiouu tho__ _.r_-u,t ?eie M..,- tittl W. siruiiier, V.'ill lam A. Ilallv. Iaaac MeGay, Oeneral Jamea R. O'flelrne. Alexander rhanibers. Hlghlund Flower, tsamuel R. Totten, Thomas Lnwlor, Frunk Jteynoldn and James Webb. m MVNilS COUSTY REPUBLICAN PRIMARTE8. TIMl S AJTO PLACE*. SF.r.KCTED FOR CllOOHlXO 1)1'S TO TIIK 8TATE CONVKNTION. Tho attap t'ountv Republican Oneral CtntBtBtt* bfid a tfeef-1 Bietlng at tho Critertoa Theatre last evenlng lo Ba tbe iataa for thia p.-imarl.s and ronven tlons to scnd Bofefatao to tho. State Conventlon at Boeh ster on !*>pt(mber S?. In the absenee of W. w, Gtoodfleb, the chalrman, John fi. (igllvle, preslded. War ren C. Trpa.lwell was s<*cretary. On motion of Hngo Hlrsch. SJ-pteml-cr 1 was fixed as the date for the prlmarles fo elect iebfltaM to the Assemblv dlstrlct conveiitioi's. am! BeptOBber n as th? day of holdlng tlie <i!?trict eoaveat_ons lo etod detogjatae to the rit_.te Oea> rnnttoa. The piaeea of holdlng the prlmarles were ieslgnatei as toBowe: Flrst Ward. No. 84 Ourt-st. 7 to :? p. in.; Beeond, No. IM BaadbHCt-, 7 to i? p. m.; Fourth, No. BSB I ulton st.. 7 :.'_0 to 0 p. m.; Flfth. No. BBB Hlgh4it.. 7 to 0 p. m.; BUtb, No. B6* C un -??.. 7 to 0 p- ni.; fier'nth, No. 1BB Oatea-ave., 7 to ? p. m.; F/.hth.Twcnty thlrd st. anl FifUi-avc. 7 :.10 to 0 p.m.; M.Mh, No. 4.'il FTatbush-ave.. 7 to 9 p. ni. j Tenth. No. _:sf> (v.urf-st? (i to u p. in.; Eleven th, Rridge and imioagbbp ?_*.., ?'? to 0 p. m.; Twelfth, No. BBd Vau Braal st., 7 to 0 p. m.; Witoodlb. -taraba HaH. Hc** for.1 ave., 7 toOp, n.; Foairfee-rth. No. fll ('rend st? 7 to g p m.; Slsteeiith, No. 71 Mcaeroks st? 7 to 0 p.m.; BevOatOOOtb, No. 14* Grecnpolnt-ave., - to 0 p. m.; Elghteenth, Wigwam, De Kalb ave., fi to 0 p. m.; MlaetoNtb, (inrflold Hall. No. 437 Marcv-ave.. C to 9 p. m.; Twentleth, Adelphl Hall, Adelphl-st. 4 t*. B p. m.; Twcniv-llrat, No. 54 IHmonico 1-000, 4 to 0 p. m.: Twenty-serond. Blgbtbei and Fifth ave.. 4 to 9 p. ___.; Tarenty third. WiRwam, ('ates^ave.. rt to O p. m.; Twntv-fourth, Klngston and Atkantie aves.. 7 to ft p. bl; Twenty Bflb, BeM and .leffarson avea., 7 ta P i). ni.; Tw.*nty-slxth, Lfberty-ave. and Wlnomv st., 7 |o ? I>. m.; Flatbuah, Town Hall, 8 to fl p. m.: ls. Morrlson's Hall. 7 to fl p. m.; Oravesend. Town linll. 7 to 9 p. m.; New-Ctrecht, Van Pclt Manor real estate ofllee, 8 to 9 p. m. The places of holdlng the Assembly Dletrlct. con ventiuns were flxed as followa: lst, No. 84 Conrt-st.; Ud, Xo. 51 MjlMoeea.. Uld. Federal Club. Court-st.; IVth, C. S. r.rant Club, No. 11 Rookwell Place; Vth. xo. _13 va.. unmut.; vrth. RM|^H-*-fejE__*& st ? Vllth. No. 73 deaerole-atI Vlllth. Blghte.'nth Wuid Wigwam; IVth, No. 427 Maroy-ave.; Xth. Twonty-third-st. and ! ifthave.; Xlth. Wigwam, ave. n-ar Marey; Xlith, Llberty-ave.. near ?lnona st. All the Assembly Dlstrlct conventlons will mect at A p. m. _ MR. DLAJNE'S FBIEND FROM THE WEST. Mlnnenpolls, Mlnn., Aug. 13.?Loren Fletcher, one of the Republican leadera ln this Btate and a eondt tatt for the Republican nomlnation for Congross ln this dlstrict, returned this mornlng from a ptlgiiiriiMfe to Bar Harbor, Me., where ho saw and had a long talk wlth Mr. Blalne. Mr. Fletcher in a. New Eiiglander and ls an old ac .uuJntanee of the Repub Bean chleftaln. He said this morning that Mr. Blalne would llve to serve hls country many years yet. The j S< 1 retary, he declanrd waa not 111, but slmply needed. j rest and the kind of rest he was gettlng. While he refnaed to talk polltlca to Mr. Fletcher, ho wa* not at all averso ta have Mr. Fletcher talk politlca to hlm. 1 Tho Mlnneeotan told him that two toplcs only wero n iw fllatiaamd ln the Northwest-the big wheat crop nnd Mr. nialnc'a healrh. He assured tho Soeretary , that Btalne and Reciproclty would sweep thla part of /the country. The only answer Mr. Blalne maito waa a smlle and a deprooatory gesture. Yet Mr. 1 Fletcher ls dlstlnctlv of the impresni'in that Mr. Blalne Wtll mn lf asked to wltb sufhcicnt unanimlty. ??ui.i be Impreea yoa as a man on tne vergo 01 th?. fff reijdtod Mr. Fletcher, "but the grave was that of the next Democratlo nomlneo." NO INTEREST IN A THIRD PARTY. BpringBeU, BL. Aug. 13.-A meeting here to-day to atart the People's party movement in IRlnols dtd not open au.picioaaly. When the meetlng was called to order nt tbe Btnta Houso this morning not over forty peraona were present. They rcpresented all portions of the Btate. however. and among the number were Mveral Ofltaere Of the Farmers' Mntnal Beneflt Aaso cbition and c.range. thongh Judge Clcero Lindley, pres bbrit of the State F. M. B. A., and J. M. Thompson. graoi Buatar of the State Oranaje, were oonspicuoua i.v 11,-ir aba-nea. Representatlve Taubeneck waa n inadillgWure. ti. E. .N*orton. Fxlltor of"The Sentinel," of Chlcago, waa elected chaimian. -? A TA1.K WTTH EX-COLLECTOR ROBERTBON. St. FaoJ. Aug 13 (SpedoD.-Benator and ea-Collector W H. RobertaOB la here from a pleasure trlp np tho tabea, ta au latarvtow he said: -'Presldent Harri loa ho-a glveti ns a good cfean Adminlstratlon, wltb out scaudal. and hls appolnteea have been oompetent and clean men. The laat appolntment to a promtnent olTice. that of Scnator J. S. Fasawtt to be Col lcctor of the Port of New-York, has given a gresa* deal of aatlsfacMon. Th_; Republican party ln New York is harmonlous and the prospect- for thla year and next are very bright. lf we *?*** ?>? -jtat4J this Mli we shall also carry lt tn 1892. never mlud who tlie Republican notnlnee ls. I have been a lilaine man sinoo l-i7rt. and am out-and-out tor hlm now. The Democrat* ln New-York are dlvlded bebaaaea Hlll and Clevekind, and the divlslon 1? wlden ing The B-tvOr question will not be one of the lssuea ta ftdw-Yorb Btate ln l-i?. aa both partiea are' J?.n*t freo colnagc. The issue crf lniportance ln New -*t 01k Miii te tlie tarlf, and it Wll bo benetlrial to the Ke publleao part__.'' ACTIVITY IN BROOKT.YN. The aeeond m -etlug of the new Third Wnrd Itepubllean Club of Brooklyn wm beM laat evealag al No. 40 Court at. to effect a p.nnBuent argaalaaltaa. Haarp Pennie 1 anQ Oeorca I.. Appf-lgste waa secivury. Tha permaaent oMeera were aleilei aa follows: Presidcat, john Lewlai vic-president. a. KeO-wtai aaoretory, Oeorge h- -.ppalgata; Bnaaelal atuMaay. Samuei o. : trearaier, william BateUdai marshal. F. W, V.iiitm-o; Baaaaa commlttoc. Jsmrs Calhoun. M. J. Thomas W. Wood. SSixty-Uve meniLers were en rolled. l*ern.aii"nt club rooms have been r'ufd st No. 4^4 Atbtn.i. -a-.-e.. wbata tho next mecUng will be heid on Tncaiay avaalag. CVEBB EVERYTBIXO. BUT OAE SBOW XO DIPLOXA. Ibomaa Btxkman, who udv.rttsea that aii dtoeaaea of tlie ihat nule Of female aro subject to ean be ipeedlly eared bj eaUtag at hls ofllee, at No. .'^0 bat,, vas a pil-uner ut the BaoeS Market Police Court jresteiday. Henry Loring, agent of the Ootmty Medicai socicty of th.; city of Nea York, waa to btaaee for hls belng tbere. The doctor felt rather aneon-fortabta aml played ii.rv.,iisiy with hls clo--ely cropped heaid. Agalnal Beebman there were two charges of bavtag practlaed as a phyalclan without having a d.ploma. a. \v. Pnrrlngton, the eoaaael ef Hm Medleal so ciety, wns preaenl to proaecnta hlm, aud he declared that Beebama aaa a raaindler of the ataaaeat e'nea. p ,,1 people, wfforing from rickneaa, wooM call ei bU ofltoe, he mli, and Baebman, m'tcr mabtng a sort ot oxamlnatlon, woaM preacrtbe a eotatton of Rpsom siit-, or some sagar-coated broad bllla. No matter whal meilclne it wae, ti.e ebarp wns .*i .. bottta Tb* County Medleal Bocletj heard of Dec* and tvo womra, who played the .:s.rt of de tectlvea, obtalned ? ? ,:' neo againsl him. __>i. iieri.: 1 ull eadera wiitle tho two wi.iii.n taatlflei ani udmitied tbal ho waa not a ..,,,. Ho -,.;d lhal he had a doetOT at lus ., ho examlned Iho people arho ealled upon him Inatrnetad blta what auti of otedletno to give to bia I-.' ? 1 i- tbe two arltneseea leetarei was not so. On their vi-it they only met tbe drfandaat, ?nd tt wns !?. who repi .!{ ilS a pbyMetaa and gaara tlu 111 Ihe ini'ii. Ine. Justlco liutrv ordered ench of the women to aiake 1 1.1 ui an.l beld hlm In alelunli of 11,000 ball tor trlkL -?-? A RTOr.Y TBAT UR. nLLBBCBT DEJJB8. chii i.-o, Ang. 13.?A dlapatcb from Dalath sajra tbat aviihm tin' laal tbree montha ihere bai beea BfiOOfiOO bushli of wbeai senl through DntatB to t!- Baai by ry Im.ln 1 Of lt l-.'|.ls'S'.|its a , ? -. - tba M -,111. ,,f so . 1 1 1 tall Mr. i-U-bary waa ,, persl icnl bntl end leaded ap ->iti. I pead qaantlty . 1 ti prleea 1.glog trom Bl 10 to ..'i IB ? bnshei ,. tbe year m bl a thorl 1 ?- ? ? '? tyndlcate 1 nnd ItaeM with enough wbeal ta nelM 1,000,0 '? Hour n/ht ou lhe eve oi tho big eofit wbeal erop tbe 1 altod Itataa ha.1 ever aaaa, aud i mi ti," -,1'irr worth ni o'lt :-ii irnts or le.s u baabat, - ih, whe it bad ta be a-'m onl of tbe e i] I | al cut i-ato i.y tbe ? Korthero road. Mr. l'iil.bui-y b.i'1:. BOtei as 10 tbe trir.h "f ih stalemenl pabllabed bi d.-r 1 Dulnth 1 ii b eor of the dlapal h 1- > laMcbood, evUeuly pioiaulgatai by . .,!., i jurv io his ta-dneaa, Tbe Ige ? .41,1 wlMesi Mnggerationa, both as to eoal , r ui;, 1. rhe total ...|iiii.'ii. nf hls ,n'iis -ii-,. . ver I,. insi.HHi luuheu per aanaa awl the I'm lu*"- laavc n -i been ln e_fo_* of thl* amounl ai a pie-o bclova pttaeut a_Uuo?. THE COURTS. IS ELIZABETH M-.YEAL Di'SANEf A_f OBDER TO EXAMIJ.B INTO HEB CONDITlO.r. VACATI.I.. The motion made before Judjre 0'Brl.n, of the 8o?rt>___. ! Court. yesterday to vacite the order to examln.Mm* | the mental condition of El.'rabeth Ma_INa_k <>r Lol Wa ilnee. waa gmnted by the Jud^a late ln the afW-moon" j The petltlon to adjudar Mi,. Wailare insone and to ' ; point a guardlftfi for her prrson wm aemred bT her ahter lAMh Lonise Watson, of st. Paul. Mlnn. Mi-s WaU**' , who ia aald to be worth W0.000, anffered, lt ia alleged' , fro'n the haDurlimfloii that she was "pei*_f. .itnd.'' yM' I ..rday her rfmnsH contendrd that the proccedings h?4 ! been .inatltuted to gain p-_ise*slon of hia cllent'a pro*. erty. she had been Uk. n to liellevne Ho>plUl at tM ret|iirst of a fnrnltnre drnler of thla clty and Oeorg, Oranpe. wlth whom she had llved for .aeventecn yean The deed for her honae, at No. 2 .7 East Forty flfu,! at.. pnrrhasrd for 888,068k been exemted ln tluj j name of Ellr.abeth Orange. Ifrr eqtiltv In the propert? was tflu.GOO. The counsel charged that the two mea mentloned wl.hed to get poaaeaaion of the real oauta and had uw*d the woman'a alxter as a means to aeeoro. pllsh that end. Iie alao mibmltted affidavlta frr*. aeveral phyalr.ana doclarlnsr that hls rli-nt wm au? Among them waa tlie name of Or. II. I'. Loomla. ^^ Thfl owposmg o-unsel d.-ri.-d tlie rl.arjre of ronsplnv, n .d snl.l that Miss Wallare hut hroii dlsowned wvi aevemeen yeara old by hor motiirr. jndge o'l'.rrn, after tulklng witli tho woman. dee'da* to vacate the order. ^^ TO EXAMINE O'BRIT.N A CLARK. An order ha*. been la.ued by the Pupreme fv-mrt tm Ihe eiaminatlon of John O'Hrien and Meman Clarfc, ?f tlie flrm of O'flrlen As. Clark. ln Wfplfl?aaluj pra. reodlngs on a judjrment reeoTored oa a note. of f_t,*VOo by Francls Higgina as reeclver of tlie North Illver BMk. Both men have beea sworn. They will ba examln ed next w_<"_. It waa aald yeaterday tliat the. would be able to pay all thelr debta. ' a, tOUKT CALENDARS FOR TO-DAT. Supreme Court?Oeneral Term? BOflflflJ ...iprem. .' .urt?cnari.ners? IWo.e O'Mrlan, J._rMra opens at 10 :30 a. m. Motlou t-'i nda., No*. 1 to 10 <_JW_ ac 11 o't'l. ck. "" -jnprejiie Couit?Spodal Term?ParU I and B__A4 Jouni'-'i for U.r tenu. Stiprrme Court?CLrcult?Part* I, II, III ani IV-A4. Joumrd for tha trrm. Suirngute'a Court?For probat.: Wllla of W. C. A. .1___ and Mary E. Dieker. 10 a. m. : Carrle M. Enr*. u.* Dianzlg and Xheod.r.. IJr^rht, 10 i80 a. ro. buperlor Court?_peclai Tenu?Befora Fraednaa, j?? Couri r_cna at 13 oVIock. Motloaa tiuperlor Court?Trlal Term? Farse I, II aod lU-aa, Joiirw. lor tha trmi. Common Ple-*- fiperial Term?Befora Pryot, J?Coun ?pen.s at 11 o'cio*.!-. Motlons. Common Piea.?EquliJ I.-rn.-Adjourr.od unUI Aufuit ja Common Ploaa?irlal 'i-nu?Parto 1. II aad lll~n, iouru <l for tno term. City Curt?Speclal Term?Befora McCartiiy. J^-Caat opena *t 10 o'cIocjc. Motlona. Clty Court-Trlal Term-Parta I, II, III and IV,-.... Janrned for tha term. Court of Oen*'ral Sestiona? Part I?Befora Cowtaf. j and Aaatatant DUtrict-Attornty Wauhop. Lyaa?Naa. 1 _i 28 lnclualve. THE RTDROPHOBIA PATIENT BETTER IIE BARXS AND HOWLS UKE A DOQ- AND D0E? NOT OBJECT TO DRINKINO WATER. At the Prasbyter1-_n Hospital it waa learned yeat?a day from Dr. Frank Kupp, the house pbyrtrtao, the) the condition of liugo Eitel, the young man who ata bolng twatert for hydrophoMa, waa ollghtly ltuptovef. Dr. Kupp snld: "lam not yet able ro deetde whethar tlw yoimg man has hydrophobla Ot 6m, Tlie bartioi and Iirrwllrurs Bhe thooe of a do?, whfeh mark hia ont, ivro symptoirrs of ratiu-s, but tlie cravlng for water Uai the pntleut haa is a puz-Jlng sympTom. Tbe pader.t'i roidltion ls allghtly Improred. He p__-*e4 a eomnn tlvoly qulea nlsrht, havlng ouly a few sp.tania, aod ___?? lcsa vlolent than the apoanra of the pft****e?l-_g data Tliis mornhig he ?_* quiet and aie ? gc. nl breakfaK* Dr. Paul Oibier, of tho Pasteur Inatltnte, No. ITI Weat Teroth-at., waa aeen by a Trlbuno repoitar yea. terduy, aad he aald : " I have Juat received ? _rt_ee fron Dr. R. Welaa, tbe family phy__c_an of the Eltela, gtakig me the. full tfeU-IVa of tb* young man'a cymptoma. I am com-inred lt la a o*so of hydrophobla. Ih? Maa, however, la too far advanced for the I.Hrteur tnau ment, which ia a preveutlvo; not a cure." Dr. Welaa also aald: "Thero la no quea-Oon ta my rrjjnd Tbout Ita beli_g hydrophobla. The oiavtng tor water doea not ln any way ahow that tt ta not a eaM of rables, for many meh caaea have been khoan. M have the aame cravlng far wator. Tho boy'a tatbar vialted thothoapltal to-day, bnt waa not permitted to mt bis aon. He dlaUnotly heard, however, tho baitlaia and howlinga of hia aon, whioh atrongly reaembled tho noitea made by the dog whioh bit him." From another aourco Tbe Trlbune reparter taarfled that thi* waa not tbo only caae where thls dog had bitten peraona. Paul E_tel, a younger brother al Hmo, was bltton by the aamo dog flvo weeka ago, but haa boh shown any alarmlng aymptoma. Charlea Knebb, a bar. keeper employed by Mr. Eltel, the tather ot Hnge, also. Ium* been bltton lu the arm by tbe aamo dog. but aa yot Bae not manlfeatod any aymptoma of hydrophobla. Thla dog ia kept ln the baek yard of Mr. E'.tel'a lljrnor* store. One-hundred-and-tenth-at., near Plfth-ave. He u a lialf-grown pup and has a pecullar look ln hia eye* bnt he had never been auppo-ed to bo dangarona untu the reault6 of young Hugo Eitel'a l_lne.a were attrlbut? to hls bttea. KBBEP SOLD AT TBISTT-iTBBEB CEXTS EACE. New-Orleana. Aug. 13^-A dlapatoh to ? The Tlraea. Democrat'' from San Antonlo aaya: "Thero la a grea scartlty of nioney in all tUo lower BK) Granda part I Texaa. Thoie luia been little rain tn elfthv-en naa tlie ranchmen are all ln debt. and tho farmera been unable to ralse enough .or ttietr actual need*. scarcity of money was emphaslzed yesterday at Bon on the Rlo Grande, where '27* fat and heaJthy aheep tapable of growlng four pauuda of wool aiuiually, r" for 33 ceuta apiece." FATJSE BBPOBTS OP OE_VE__AT. BrTLEIt'S DRir-i Boston, Aug. 13.?A rumor tbat General Butler died yesterday auddenly on hli yacht. Amerlca, tained con?lderable circulatlon in thla city laat nll und ereated aome excitement. It was later as Uaincd from Lowcll, however, that General Ilutler n*.t on lil. yacht, but wiis at hls home iu that d. and enjoylng hls usual health. Wben the rumor of General Builer*. deata reaehed Uiia clty a Wafaaan of lanjaftry ^aa aont over Henry flcws's private wiro tn Boston. The followlng terlstlc anvwer was received: I am ulivo and never waa klcklng hacderJB n. lifo tha-ii Just at thls moment. B. F. IHTLEK. THE WEATHER REPORT. . F01.RCA8T UNTIL 8 P. M. FRIDAY. W.ishli.Ktoii, Auc. 13.?For Nrw-Kncland. l-istrrfl tit Yor_, Bow-Jerofljr, Baotaon .*aane_tianh-i Deiawara aad Maryland, Vlr.luia aud North Caiullna. fair; l'.pi.t, vartebia wind.; no dooMod ihTITg* ln umiaMature ; aener liy ralr aad vurrner Saturday. Por Qflfliglfl .nd South Carollna, gcnerally fair, exfana ahowera M lliaMaoaOlin potMoa aln:l tly warmer La tbe la* Urior, aoolflfl on th*' .ta-t; fair Satm Uy. 1 ,.r roafffla rior.da and W.-t-ra Fiorida, ialfl?? aUgfedy ? For Atabeaaa and NtaaMalpyt, occa?ioniI ahowen ln south.-rn portlmi*. F r ii, pi-mrally fair. rxcrpt ?c?^tt?*^?d aha ln me Immodlate Miaalaalppl Vi.ii.y: ahfMly warmer i , tCaatem Texaa, gratrmlly ulr, ascopt local ralaa the extr i . \r .... -.1-. 1- i - ? -- ? aad Kiit*.<?_>?, ailghtly ?a anU i tlr. _, ,? l_r V..-.1.111 Naw-Vora, Wntan P*ni.?* Ivanla. w Vlr?.iil? and Ohlo, allghU/ waraur and rmr, uenrra Mtrnday, aaeepl Ea ol-la Meraooaag ..ouoii-? ! ai.'iia, generally fair. follo\v.<1 ln thr e\.-nm? lo ..1 abowora in S|i BoathwaaMf |airr..on ; aUgMtf noi^ - --? _n l.d.t.r Mi ii ??.in. local r*?i:is ln th*' norli?*ak. allgbtly warmer aaeepi on th, aliore of Lai.. Miewgw, iln* a .' Uki I I-,,: i pp . MlebUan aud ^^ aconala, lt**ai raln*. ?-?or Ull v ihirid-r?Urrma Ul *? noiirlrrn p*?nioa , illg _,,. |,r >"- "i 1. io.-*l lains la tht" norllieastrrn portwa eili-i.tlv wari ? i nr lowa :?'id n*-i rasi.a. froooeat akowero. . lor Mi'ni.-?.ui. fair axeepl ahowera lo the aouwaaw 1 - Nii;Hi l>?l(r't, fair: ?l'rlitly cuolcr. loi fcoutii Dakota. local ra ns. TlllBl'NE I-OCAI- OH_i:UVATIO!fS. -I la aa CT _iOl)H-lr*. r____l__M |f" n\?4 r-ji,-. m ?}LVS4?ltLl!^-rz rr~t?rj . ?> . m ? _J _.1>.l bar*>tb*-l 'L\,?- -tp) ;i0.8 Z Ll'. ' ' , in u.r dJogroa. a COUtlnU* - -"""' J?'?,."_, U?t,va fl-,.-.iiati,... j vi.]...-. aa ob.erv?l AlT,V.'d. 'i'r, nd'a i d'Bnal B**i 1, ,? i-'_id,x Ui^ Mpaoeooi. iiou, al Parry-a Pharmacy, s?un m_.i4ii.* Trthaaa ont.-... aaf. h7i - ?? ?! r v aafl 'i v.-Mii-iv, vMb nri.t aortba - ? ? I tlnally al.ift. d M t.." HMth, antl ? dry alr. Maafl *>. My u." :.MMf ?.* bMWOOB J8 and M, ""?*??**" midniirht it h.d rtoaa to .:.!? TM Mi ? ? tmm tt Mi M Umnta, Ha aonanp ..'???? bna8 m blfbflt on tha aMrMV0OO_lM di.y l;.*t yi^r, ana V ,,, .?K_..I? M fi In aud near I day thero will probably t? mathflr, ? m itlgbi Maaaaal ebeana T.,kr-li.....o.-ai M.or H'aalaiar lo ln?? ?.?*?.??]' f^ P"l.u ?lriiiiii.-n II nn .'.aii-* "'UB" li\ r. a- ... ri. b blood, i d i-r ahiar e?? i