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^IRENZI THE CHAMPIOX. 6HE DEFEATS MLKt AND RACELAXD. HAMILTON THROWS AWAY A RACE OX K1NGS TO-f. ? it Longatreet or any olber horae cnn defeat the gia_rr.t-!cent l.tUe Qnaan or tlie Turf. ilianal, let the mi of battle be thrown dtiwn promiMly. She ha feoovered overy whit of her former speed and power. and she defeated RUey and Raealand ln tlio pfc?mpion fctakes at ,. mile und a half at .Icrome TUrt Without beiiig -Hlled upon fur a severe stmi-ixle. lt was. wonderfnl to see lur ennquer wlth MOb flflaM |0M ao at_*or,cr!y h_rfla_Tied auid arasoned. hor-ses. when Mie kpA had only a sltitrlc prcpamtory rn.-**. BBd lhal t ahort one. Her reeovery of her t .r*?ne Bl welcome oni gratlfyin. . The time in the Chnmfton - s_ waa not BO fast as wa* expocted-'J 138 l 2. Bnea Und won the Fre.-h_ld .takes fn.m F.npllM* I.ndy In S :37 3-4. and linished pulling up. Bnt na earrled only 116 pounds In Uie Frechold, and 188 ln the Champlon. The slower time in the rhamplnti waa due to tbe fact I-tlev set the paee at a lesa r__>i<l pnit than Eii-_ish Lady set I. ln the Froeh' 88. tlthongh Flrenri Won w1th<>;it difii rnlty, lt wa. an lnteresung tini-h lo BOO, beOBBOO Firentl won hy a neofc. while Riley was onlv before Raceland. Hfimllton's rid'nz anm O-MMn d. and Justly. Ha had tried l-.-f-.r-o to beat Rlie\ wt.. Raceland by iraillnc far belilnd him. an.l 1 ad faiWl. He tro*I thls i> agaia ve-trrday. nnd faiieil m._i_. N |a true that he got up to Ril**y ai tha fuvl - lu the hon_e.?_-tch. !.ut tlie eSoM t<> ebMO thfl |Bf I ad been bm great, and KflOf drew away at the end. Barne. md-* Flrenzi. and Taral did not come down from BBOnaoan bO ride !_cr, as had t*ecn expected. Covtagton wh* an KUey. Firenzi was a atrong Mvonre at rxlds on. Mirha.1 F. Dwyer put aome money or. Raceland Ut wln, and a great deal on him to get see md plate from Blley, and loat it _:i. It was an unlucky dav both for Mr. Dwyer and for llami'ti.n. The 1.1 >. k Joekey committed ono of tbe OTOtOt blunders of his Me. In tbe OMBga 81 ih-M, at aeven furlonp. the flnlsh was a boy aod the usnal place. The .tarters were Klngston, Terrt fler and Aiuil.. Mlehael F. Dwyer bet 84A00 t.. win WOO oi. flngn?I That wa_ all that he could get jhe bod tate oTi KhnpOaaa, bnl i.e aneeeeded tn betting 88,000 to win $2,000 on Terntl'T for placo, aa be felt -nre that Klngston would win and Annie would run la?t. The betting aeair_st Terrilier to wln waa 10 la l, with a few waaara at i"> u> l. and -co to 1 Antne. Terrlticr led up to the thrionf poat in the boanaaamteh, where Hamilton all.-w.-d Klnpton to put his head tn front of Terrtfler, and beld him there under a pull. Uttleiield whipped and rode Terr.ri-r. bul OBOlng that hfl WtA hOf beaten. be pulM np Terrilier just before reaching the re'gular fim-.'i Bne, and a furlong ahorl gnlah BM Bfl Ihtfl raee. Hamlltnn forgnt where the Bnisa line was, altlit>ui:h an Iwanaa sign stretched ?cr**s_ the track wlth the word. ?? Flnlsh Hei-e'1 in enor n.oiis letters upon it. He pulled Kiri^st.Mi alrin.-n to a wall.. The n l*-r 4 ruhbe- of Terrifle!' y.-Ued to 1 'ieid to go on, and _odid Wyudham Waliien. Utri- raahout. dto Hamilton. but he wnf more slu^ than wni; . Jockey, and did not (.-er IllgflOOn going a^:iin ln time to eave the naa. AaUi UtmmaAbma myeota TerrBUt caprured the prlie bv a neek. Klu^stt.n Ntoad. M.rkael Dwver ana __.u<)0 piece money on Ter !._!_?. and lflfl_ BAJBOB on KlT.gstou. Wlld reports were curre'nt that he bad Je*t BUO.lXlO, but these are tlie c.-n* t flgnxes. Lut fOC Hamlltmn's stupid blui.der he laould laave won 8-1.400 on the race. The condlT*-ns of tiie raoes at Jerome Part ought lo be chainrrd -o that all the ?ntflkflO _hc_ld oct ur at one plare. This flnlshittg a furlong beyond the r-gnlar jndjr-s' atand baa alamr* '"'?*n verv nrp*.puiax and ha* den- a grrat fi lnlur_ the prtv-pertty ot tbe MadK. Alfred II. Morris makea a pi_ ti**l aud. iweful ang p-tlon rhat ti.e aanal taatfOO1 srand ahall be <-i*?ered gfUB a p-eat whlte shewt when ftriahes otour elsewhere. Mr. Wlrhers Mt la tho regular btewarda' stand when Hamilton made hia nristahe. Ii-ssibly hls pr.a_nc<* there helped to eontnse the Joekev. John A. Mom> v.a.s taot a. the track. He had fone to Bar Harbor. wli.-re all ->f 1ns fWnlly are. exrept Altr-d H. Mtirns. Carroll flnggaatai tO Alfred ldoiria that he telegrapn to his fatlmr, -Terrtfler de feawd Klngston ln tlie * -?*.:ge r?_ike*.'' witlwut ad <31i_g a word ol explauaU-n. If aii'-h a dlspaKh hnd beaa sent Johu A. Morrls's face WtmU mtnty h?ve been an lnterwtin? -Widy when he read the auaaafO. He wouM have baan a tabHaBt man nntil he read tlie neta-is M tlie Sfln-Y .rk pajieTS. Mmwm Mi:Lmghlla'a an>n?ter Walcot* eantered off with tho lirst race la Uae eMMat poaalbte atyte. He wa- the favorite. CeUa got Be?*n4 placo. Ma_-__a__srtt and Dlsappomtment, flrst and aerond Ujoloea ln the ft-arth naoe, raa poorly, aad the flnLsh wa* between PedesTrran and KnapaacJL Ped couM have won with a atrouger pmmy ttiun Weber, hut Kiiapsack 9M the verdict. Take. Baek w_* thlrd. banquet, favorite at odd? on, walkrd of wl ftfUi mre, aud KlananM ?M at-otmd place from tlie well-backtd but dlatippoinuiu Pratlier. Tf.ts I*ratl.**r wae a star at Ghmteater, but at Jerome l'ark he is uot evou a glosv-worm. Pierre Lorillard'*. Pagan runs better, faster. more truly and moi? ?tea?llly with 124 pounds on hls baok tluati wlth 100. AR hls should be confln**d to areltor-welght racea. Pagan has lrjet many tuces ln l.teO and 18i?l beranse a Bgh* and feebh- jock**y oould d* nothing witfi him. Bergon handled him brtliiaiitly ln the last race aod won handsoniely, al? though he delayed his nm _o long aa almost to MghAen Pt^aji's barkers mto flt.. Pa^an wus the favorttib. >Ii. iii.^: Daayoa*a entrie*, Meriden aud Atrtight, dld uot run oofcatkiud, but neltber ot tbem got a place. It wa* reporwd at tbe traok that an offer of ?3,j00 for Pagan bad been made to Mr. Lorillard before the raoe, but tliat the owuer suld that he wtmld not taie lt?s than JU-..O0O. Tnls son of Mo.tcmer ought to y.**ove a vuluuMe stalllnn. DETAUaS OF THE RACING. FIRSTT RArt?Sweepstakea of HO each, with $1,000 aii'-i. ot which *1'00 to tha aecond and .100 w> the Uurd ; to earry 7 !*> _bo\e tiie acale ; U.e winnrr to bo ?old at aucUou for *i:,000; if eutrred to b? ?_ld tor leaa, 2 lb allowed fur Mflfe *100 down to $000. BOfl-rMflB buiidred yaids. BatMHt. fct. pu J Mclanehlln'a ch. c. Waleott, by I Sa?J5? , ._2 j. w. Biajal'a wh. f. . IM. 3. 102 (Lt - 12-1 4-1 I i . _'~ra.-_, .1 10. ((.lu*ton: 3 IO?1 3?1 __,.?tna. 4. 107 (car. lOe _..', 0 5-2 7-10 0 40-1 10?1 ... 4. na .... . BetfaaiO ??-! ?-o a ..1',. ? ? ? -tr.igbt paul *120b. piace 17 7o; ( -11 71). ..,_? ? , ? ?.,*.-:.?! fi-int wh.-i. tiie n:d ilaaavoainl tahlai ' may eaa_a M sitht agaM on the aaaa 8eM tu;n . had tun ti.r. -n a'id **_ , \Vai-,,tt k' |>_ I,.- ?<J\ ui __.'.. and caiitrrcd haa ulta. HI OlU.M.i: ETAMEB, Ut three _ . *> Ui +>.(.._ arttl-d : '' vi. unm i L .-s-u m.i- . . MN, Mm 64 auba. 1. A. 4 A. II. M. Alarui?ll,,-.:..-__., ;. \r- , 11". lb ,,,.,, ~ I. ttl.n Id I 10-1 1-3 U. F- Dwyer'*. U. b. Kinf.K . , ,? ,v . (Haii.ilon 2 1-12 Out Y. _. >I- Le-ae^a b. f. Anni*-. ?, I ?____? ? -'" ' o?o Ttaoa Motoala?T. I . 10. Aaa a- _-... . ?: m Mert, lai ?OO. anJ Mfl r ? ? and gtaa 1 tin- l.n,?li i .-? I . ?,. the rui.uliitf ani LltaleOeM tri. i M k* I 00 Mr ? Ing U.- ? ir |..ii-ti.s icnd ??s | .;,ng Ui.r t *-oi t.. Mfl ahU- ' "?'?? - ' doablfl wna k aet H re . ?wii, ood -b*- boaooa eaa WaU ii. a>__ aaaufl at ___?? paudork .au-. .?.. MacL antl MOVb I to -. .... I- fl _-.. uu I*1 Oth- - i "i' ? '? ii- -<J ?w.k _ Mto 1. " tn*-. T--r a <J a-'tt gaintrd a i'_tl ?' I ' i'Utftl. In-fo: ! lijrri Ut-*i a*A<k-. k .- . fmleaa call made i,pon hiru, but wa. .. wbo vton by a h**ad. Ai . | .- bt,,;. fHIRD RACF.-THi: CHAMl'It -N BIAKKM. M ?-' with fc.btyt ada. ?? aui ti' thir-l I a baAt CMa u Uaamt X, ie*_i, wiu. _*i Belttaf. St,. pi . J. B. Haggln'a b. ro. Pirenzi, by <.leneJ? Plorlda aged, 120 ?.ttamca) 1 ??5 1-H E. Corr.nan'a b. b. Ki.ey, 4, lce ?? * '.'!> tt-Hlj 2 _?! lf. F. Dwrer'a b a. BH_eaMad 1 1 '.oi. 3 KJ-5 1-2 - MuU-ala-Kir.-n/l atralrbt l.-id ?7'-., pbefl 06I0: zf_ .iv .xicrw-d :,- aoaM f graa aavax able to n-.i a?av trou. Flt nal, t-,Lo _i. mu..-. two lengtha of hlm under a iaOUa wrap while "Old Bonea" tralW .-.hlnd. Hamllton cut cornera on O* run frt.m th>- ah-bbeeaa ta th<. ?<_uih n-id. and \?ti*fi* ftraaat, who ?a. forv.-d to co lo th.- ..? Rac-lanl tad ''??trh tlie -nar- canv >u> aa B_ and challrnBcd lt i. v arh-B IU"'laud rlunr lo the rall. Baiaaa aat parl : .?? m ot m* t*t ***** 1 h<.n>* tl... ea-ile-t of winner*. by a BO-bi bUMy, out. aocond. a aaah before Raoland. on whoin Hamllton work.. ta tul-r-bly rough ps?snpe for the la?t uall niib'. FOCKT1I IU< E-Scl:mg aw. ep?_ak.*-i of 8^0 aaaeh for two-year olda, witi. 9tJBBt ,__._, , - to the nd and ?10O to tiie Uilrd. Flv*. fiiroiic. _ __ _ Bettlnf. bt. l'l. B, W. Street'n ch. c. Knapsack, br Ker.t-.ka , ? . -Xlrvana, :?-, Ba... i }.,. tai. 1 -?-? 3_,1 E. Li.!gh'? ta. '?. I'.Kle-itrlan, 110 .WHaer) _ 6?* 3? .. MeX-turhlln'a b. e Taka n* k 114... . ? , ? iMttiefli :,i) S 8-1 3-J Oount. 104.(|jnlil.'V () _*0-l _-_ 114 .(_.. r. . ? l i?,? snt 101. ii. ? i i?J .[W_'ti o eo-i B-i li : .(Um Bf. i Murnhy. 107. n n.l" " 50 1 -'? ' ( onstantin?ii. fllh, 101._a 30-1 10?1 Tlme-1 M. Mufiain-Knap-*. k atraight pald 059 Sf> pl.-e B-BTS; aa place 4i _kna f.irion.s thla wa* anybody'a raee. Thm P ?-, drew out und calm-ii a lemd of ha'.f a lencth. l'.rok Inc all over a arUiner. BM Weber c--: Vorot at rldini. and eenM grra the colt no a*?i?.tanci- whea eboUengoi by Knapb-.,'.k, with Hac Inrtrfailgabta Jvi,?-? Laahtay sa hla back. ln a Uriainp Bal-b Kiinpaark won tlaverl] I* ?? n?*ck ; P,sd*a._.__ii v* ond, a m-ck b-afore Tjke Baik. FIFTH RA !l"ar, awecp-Uk-a of e_5 esch. wlth Ol.-.'-O added. et aTblab e-.'-O to th? aoi-.nd and 0100 tu the third. Oat' BtOa and thrte-siw-.-nUis. Bet tln tr 8;. Pi. M. F. Pwyer'a h. h. r.-intliiet. h- r.aa-on d' T., 4 yr-., 11-' Bl... (Ifa-ii'.ton ? 1 3?5 1?4 J. Murphy'a b. m. Khaeaaa, a, i.s '."'-?. iBarasa 2 e-l l-i W. P, n-irrh's b. h, PraUier, e, i.m (ear. l"3*_l..(I_4_tlffi.'ldi 0 l*-_ 3?*. B -r. 6, 104. Weber) 0 16?l 5?2 Tim?-_ 08V M'ltua'.s? Baaaqeet stratpht pai. 08 46, place 07 0.r>; Ktni-.'-n, ptaee et* 45. lianqu,"*, fai outrCla*n>ed hla opponent* and NtOaai to make a rae*- wlth th.-m. Walt-ur. Ull he re*ch?d rJhe ' lie .'ut taaae, and awsy, won wlthoat elTurt by a l.-iicth aod a half ; Klncsem second. two lenptti. ta. - for** Trnther. Wmcheater and Bun Kinirsbury wrrs wlthflrawn. S1XIH RACF--Free wclterwelght bsndbap sw#i.t?t_k?s of ?20 each, with $1,000 added. of whioh $.00 to the second snd $100 to tlie thlrd. Thr'je-quartrcra uf a mi:s. Bettlnr*. tt. ri. Rancocss istable'a ch. h. Psean, by Morta m?r-Ma-VI,;??.... .', vr-., 124 Th.lBerareni 1 6?5 1?2 C- U. M.'lnr'. b. f. KU'" T.. 3. llB^SMek 2 20?1 8?1 Ilunlilc. Ilro*.' 1. r. W'esl r.. -'? ?- ;i. 110 ft-itUeflemi 3 10?1 8?1 Morid.-n. ?t^'.. 1.8.(UamlUon o T?2 ??J> _;,., i.;;:>Hr3. 12U. 0 10-1 3-1, 2. '."1.d ..x) 0 *7? 2 0-_ St, Joha, u.ed. lis.luia o l.*r-i ..-l Mr. Bai . 11-1 Beat Broad. - ?. 5o-i lb-1 * Prlee sarainst the atabta. Tlme-l 1T. Mutu?l?-P?4-an ?trel.tit paid $14 S6. plsos $8 36; Kltty T. pbaea 017 10. Wost Farm* ar.d Annle Queen dtd not atart. ll-rid -n ied to the head of the stretch and efilli?p-i?d. Jl--L-^n waited wlth P?5__n tlll a'.l his teUoaren bai heart 4 th.-n eame away ln th<* last Bbrtaaaak and won ea-iilv by a leagtb; Kitty T. _eeond, a lcngtJi before W-strhester. A TOAIXKliS NOTES FROM THE TRACKS. Morris Park, Jaur.. 13.?The wosthej wav- cooler this morning and aU t_e were aa ell -d. "Kns|," Me. ("arthy ha*. no rnct. Hls ?table Ls t?> nnn-h tor one mail to train. He Ita. tw^nty-tlve borso- to work every d_y. "Knaii" h_s*. hor-c that wlll do, but Bb _hirte.->n are deadwood al t.r?'^*ijt. He wttll be P'joic->d when Mr. W:t_r*rs -nnennoei. his aale of bereai lx. training. and Uproar colts were ln good a_?j>-- thla mor.iin^. B'th w^rc avorkc-d stronc ar.d d.d u L.ilf lu flfty Ti." eebata irera clven atj-onc fiUlops wlth a taeatber throuph the stretch. Allen had aii-- Melaaaree lot out a/id Maaj dtd moderat* work. The hon*.?i ln U_* -.table lo?k b-tt-rr Thnn alnmst any hataas tn training and work fa-t. Y..rka-llb* B?*lle could ftaet aa she HMd this mornlng snd did a half ln 50*_ - 'lnH-r ? polL K^y d 1 R-y worft. a. abll uk -ver he did ln hi.- Itte. il- laoba Uke leadf u.on'.y. _ai a mli**. to 1 44 ls en?y work for hlm. .san Juan wunt an -Njny fallop, -leveii-eitrhths, ln 1 :35. Fred L-se la doing Mraag work. Th-* Reed flllles R-illy and Annle show freat sp*ed. All-n ls ?w?.'t on rh?m and laaba _i win _oo<J racM with Ui-ni HUa fail. M>. MeX-iaree "Wtiii onlv thelr runnln-; :ar*nd,an aeema to be aii rirht. Bta !?? doint' .??r-.'.ar work airaln. Allfii hai- thr?-i' splendld yaarlinri M hi. lot and a'.i hav rarJng action. .Srit'it-day ls *--.kf dav and all Bbl arr-'ut awo and Bkiao year oid 'tak--. aleas i a laala of MBO. F.jih Baoiaker imd aat bl. M tlus rnornlr_i and let thom utep along a little Tl.e B.-ita colt. which little Monaban fe'.l to his death froxn yeatariay, baapai on his qr.-irt.-r, aaWag lt nearly off, which him to atu-nblc and amaat* ft.U down. This waa the r-a! taaae of t.) d?.t. MelpnT and Rlot sre Kra g'i'd bread-wiiin?rs. Mtet is what old-tlm.' traUMfl call a Maaa. N'i what Lor-je l* 1? aao-?<sl ?th he h4Uigs to air,. geOa up to ht? .hrs.-.t-i.' ?', tai toeao*t (ry t>. cet by. .. rl-ht thn-e tlll he teas-.- Iii. ?ppaa-Bl to qult. Be Riet b ? bari baraa te beeb Ibe Kaiuia colt wiu do, altln.u.h he |a still a nmid-n. Jiuimy MeLaogb-hi aaaia hia horsea over t_ the Sonnd and laat tbaaa ?-anl in the salt water and mud al'.ng tlio shore. Jlnimy valll snrelr make a ??.eaat of Brt Thi tav',.y*nr--o!d filly Otera ls BtalWVtag and d.reji h-r h_iif-miii' up the boab-atreeefc la Bl aecaaia. Beageaa, who twlaa tae Beerge Parbea, had out Arab. Ro.Mjur.fort and RaaglaMr, ai.d araarkei a two-mjiiut. gall with theaa. Bargeaa la aet a bellever ia traik-i Mtala, ii. la oi.*- nf tba aaalaai ntaen to tind on the tra-k, a* he ia .ilia-avs ala..ut bLs -? J. W. r_ogers ls grt-Bg lse_orira t"o-r-.ini M -pirt*. and B ?ns-*l'**-g h'-r ap Mr stirf werb. bh.- look. Mg m.w, but when she l_ad l- aaa - P-ribat Baase. Sho aras --o tliln that she couldn't caiit a Khadow. UaapUgbter ai.d Plckpeeket work M_ee^-artera m l :19 wlthotat urging. Arni.1.1 ta rlght a: flve r with Ugkt av, :?ht. wtn is n aaay haaris to work. r.!d hts f'.vm. John Iluc-o-lns hft* tba Loriliard horsee ln great rhape. and m tbeb raeaa Btay sre alwaya 11 m M tha of hia hersea hava laat renaiei to from Bha viM.t this s.rriir. Boaae of k ?M not .. d fur two areaka. B< n mt at thkm ara aa B ll-U Jlro Mun-hy. the W-.t-n tralnor, baa begaa tn pr**s hls ll' arerkai tare tare-yeai elta quartr. lo 1 IT. Marphy will lr-t tl.e booki-* know he the ha-etaig B "v r. m tuioked to retara te-roor* ? not r-tuni tiii tha Bheeg-k. ageM. aai Lear * ? Joha B. Merrta had oat bia I. an eaay way <?' la-ng, aai ioes a qaaarter In 24 - >h* eetam a tare ilnaM ? .:,-.. I a is ln a aara Igalte and Mtaa Kaott i hav.; not t,..*.n \aoriv?d at than beal Baea Iheti arrtval at ?Mb. Wa.Kii.i.,, WaMaa had the J. A, t a. ii. Morris hon? out and IM _- '..a la a 1 ? ' OB Reehea- **"'** ? - tlian a pi'i' gmlar werb, aai M aay Baae can di. - i i" . of ho* a. An' , - baa nearly r? rneas. iha aaa et - _ ? i i ? i'i,p? '? B Ms I '.a -? areral - . Whaa Baa dna- i oaaa '?? - me . d l OB, watcb ' Papn." V- i: abwM aot . .' \>'r to ?i-t .am. Jjniii l'incua hac all of hy- 1". i">t ESBgllab Daiy fcHag rk. IvBH fo Uiat di-tunc ii | , . , ??, anl 1 :4S la <m!v w. rk fiu I %* Minia trrl, . : ? 's '1. not. up to lll It. - 411 kaoav. Ba ? ni . artth i '. !, Ml. Ih. , ' .larat on ln tlie onirr ut tha ( .MH-y l.lan.l lot Ih'' Fut'irr. n,?-i ,.'. BM '?'' '?-- :,t I ..Ui tracfaa la Oeneral Jaehaea a. bat tii- . .jn-it ti. ..nd tn*- ittlst? B is-sard Ui it wiu ba st iiiudi ajait Byn ?? ? Mavean Da a u> llke a ; 'i h?* a In ni rt..-. Taniiiiany do ? fali Srerl . ?? :i.- b-u.-r overy daa- a-.d ? iidMI; Th- BM I uke klnri.v it on trht* flat and up U.e ? ack-tt-rtch he B aB BMa Byrnea aaya that U.e . w*. ii*-'->-r iu baOba eaaqiMea. wiu. aaeb a race *hfi wiu be hai. I u ? :,_n" tual ?h<* -nd l_on?.tr.*rt ? . _ a sriKd track. What a beOBBg ' gjUiW wnt to MoomoiiMa t~ ???.? hla yearUa . , ,. 4r 'a.d at the track H war a sea of *?*? W"r'v , ? - -- 1 ittl. .luiiahan l-BM frrnn TaaBata, not r.r.K>Kl-n. Hj? u.u.-.. B d'*d aai Ma BBbae B ." m aai M bhe baaa-tal 9*t trom ih- read be I , ... wi, n aaj : i artnm* afpBeM va.;: ba paeaaatly -Maaiai la >?ja bM Joj.'-j ?***a _4-* OMNBee-i BMt aol ro.: uj Uae Sheepabead Bay atam%i0M j^x hM won m mT U-are of Uie mooey at tb* mt-anntAh BMBBB-ft THE RAIIWAY HAXDICAP. ?__? wetahta for the lUliw*,- H_n_;. ,n. one mile, U> be run at Morrla Park on lalaiOaj, ar** aa fo'lowa r , ?X*T' Rfl-Bfl Wt ! Flissnil. ? * .m ikn . I .Tirendon. ] ls - . . .lia a .lj_. -r . ]]?. B .-? , San .ln?n . 1 .,, ??aa . r .1)0 .10.1 .io*; ! Amreilanee . >,?-, ? I_adr . r . Im - r. . i ? : n . .ll": .l.o Paran.t.. *Jg ??an Joaquln . ?'" . -i .... - mde . tn <-*at-lu . ?IAc- IVwt. i ot . ? n - *io _ uf. r ? . W . f.-?(r?ii?.. .? im Oiaway . .3 n . 8. mt-r . AN EXriTTNG DAY AT S.VRATOGA. FAVOP.ITES HAV1. A HW.Tt T7MS Of TT-RltiFAX F.VTERF.D TB a 8K_X_nra _UflB* Sarr.t_.rra. Ang. 18 tBamtal -More fl_____Mf wenea were ?rtn-oaaed M Bay Bm waa bflMao aa tb*. San* mm and tli.' I ad M Ik- lllod aria aappreaaefl eaeltrroent. Thr mm n >i?h1v baadlflg ind racMg .??_: *??-? in dl At tti.r ney MooatMo a me play there ??* U-iuhl*. The r'ni'-hunor-d KeataekjT MflkOfl WOO thr tn Itlal wee. and BMro **.?. a _rand mah made tn b.*t on PN-BCaada, a* Taril hai! th.- n.-ount. *.!..* waa a hot _?*-. d Fnr.l. K'nney ran awtir from Mfl Hryan* arr.t M B., a dau-hter <?f Irf.rj.ioi-. whflfl hM gflMMg B__iM_Ddl? waa aialy beaten a baod ha thlrd i Mn Th>- taBa and ? geaiMi wa* Ma BO-d ra--". Xhoao wen eieht aaMaa, bn' Ahl and Lflfl An- -s MflflMB. Lo* AaflJBlflfl h.d beflB iimHIn. alone !!k" a gaad-aMOflOd now In her ra.^.- ani Mfl boo!. .1 io to i a-i.n?t har. a tfltaet Mw, oa ?rm? wi* th? Bbbm hatta BtaUaa naabfld in wben th* tal.-nt fear-d to tread. arobhled all the Mg odd* tlr-v flOaM gflt, and q.ii. kly preaaed down th? ptUt alx pouita. Tlie nntalde publi-*., wltb whem I.,- I , ? fe - boel *1 bflfl a', a, Ii, Uie in*aiitline RaaMfl nt 1 M . WflBl bark M 1 ta 2. aa lt heram. nol. **d Bbeal Mat a eonMnatlon waa getting ln *ome flne werk. Abl 'mn M Rafln*- nntil he qnl*. and I.n- An. ?!?*. watt ir? __?. i-ame up at th-- ond ani wun **!t_ h**r old-time n_or, i . th?- <-rt>*?d. lor th*- Albany Handteap Eon a*ar<*d away all bnt Sar-.tiairo and It-lwond. The hlp hor?* won wlth im ??ii?e Ui far t time. The foOTth laefl wn? a *'-ll lna affalr, whtfh had b*vn *tu_?t!*rit. ?1 fnr one that dld not ? 1 Mia MtflBoao wlth thlr.*-?n entri-a. Itin fax w?.- amon. th" n'irr,b"r ent.-r*d f. I>e sold for 81,108. ? :-??<! !n weedar. "SMMa in a i-olllni: ra--*'" ??_here*a a joh 1n th!-." "II" .<-..-.*t wln.'' Si"h th-- e\.-!aniationa. Not**it_staii .ln-: UM, he waa the favor? ite, and h" won fr-.m Mail M fio:-li. ?I: T" ?a< a raab to tea him M-.Id. and a larsre crowd pooifld on M tbfl tnefe an_a there M Walbaiim aurt^a h'.m M 12,000. Rer-poraea hunt1r?d, and Wal'm-rm nprrrr?<1 Mfl pfltflfl **0. Inqnlry a* to th-> lOOoao Mt aaflMMg T-lnfax for th^ small *-im brounrht o*it the lnforn.atlon thar I a bad Mf, and f*ar- wajva !it.ruiiii?*-.l of hls r,r_klric down. Xlila wae BM baUOffld, l"it It U a Mefc The ti'-ar hlnd Mg of thf hOIOfl Wflfl lianrlai:--, bnt thia was i :.s a taao, anrl at th ? -? ' lh*- ataaedlBfl . ri,.. jtj<_-_- ? ordered th<* I temareA. Ig . . divl.-l bMwflflO tht Ifl '.ntl l.r>rao and ..-i-tinn, Franli TnfUt, irboao hOtflfl tbe p!a.*"'at 8 tn g, had moflO Cnal ra* Ct-BltflV On baoeghl 'ip WfltttUBa, and had j. r*_nilar *_?i killinir," bOflkfld him at 10 to 1. T.. ag ui** onl-T '.f Mlaga, j* Ihfl '?WlgbM" an> gea eraily aeat tio* i|rr"- I' woa a ^ii-!ookin. -r-t nf i tliat naeMaed at the tra*-k to cet ?(j.iare AO Ihfl Monmouth ra.e.., fur oMIhor of the r ? tea ron into a Tlie wcflthlll wafl door, tbe tiaek fa^it, atnl the crowd large. Xhaaa ar- Uw IIRST RACE-THE Ki.NTl' TCT ETTAKE8, f.r f?o _-?T-n:d-. alOO aaeh, haif ? ' if OfloMnC 0700 added, of whi .h 92O0 M aacoad. _*1x fiirlonffa Batabw. pi. 0. P.. .Tarno'a b. fl. Frank Klnn**r. hT lirp. Dro.ei-Prtnceaa Cbu.k, 11D >?1 4?. "??*? 12-1 5-1 I_aboid Brao.1 b. t. Fjementia, no laml .. 8 ?> I ? Paahandli 111 Meraaa Oullnda Uu. (1- uewlai ua !?.. w antl U. 1' 11. 1 13 Al ran. Time?1 .I*. pn..|??Fnnk Kitin.* 116, Pr??? -.??? ld< 016, Mlaa DLxic 013. '?' ; n\ Actor trus wttbdrawa, Af:.'r MflOfl 8eMy 8t?y were aent i .,i;.-i,.y **.*!i baaehed, bat Fraab K larwwd and luacbml th-* i__.if-r_.iu ix.- a kaatt riaenaiafla. wbo waa teppad hy Oallade. On the lowar tnm EMaey Mereea d kta atad * 1 tha atieMb a IflOgM and a ade, irlM tfM eMaa inek. Vp M ? r-ney ran away fron, an conip-titora ind waa aoadlj ty ' i '?h':' -v""1" n. (?ot u.o atooo, boH '???? lapp-*1 by panhandlf. BB* i -ND P.ACT^Puwe ??O0, ot whleb 0130 to swocd. and mn awery. BB& aaeh, brtwaaa aaeflfljd and thirl. BM Ml * One mUe aod a quan.r. B?H ifl bt, 1".. ISant* An-ta Stable'a eh. m. Loa Anyclea, bv ftleneljr-I-a Pelka ".--? ,,:_- nos.( .(K ' 8-1 8- - E. fho'rcae .C Co.'? b, m. AU, 104. Slmaaai 2 4-1 1-8 L'ndin. btable'a b. c. Bartne, i. 122. '. 2?j Out Ti**,---- ' - laidfl BanMt a88, fie.a +1 ?? Th.y WCtO sent OWBf MflOthfle, and Rarine and Abl ra.'^d Mgetboi to the ttaad, Iwo lengtha befon Aag Un a* ah**y w.'iit rooid to uie quarter Ra.-ina ffir.-.d haif ? laagtb befon AM and _..?* AaaeKa flaawad up Uie leofM ut deyllgfet aad May ioa aMea too be.a gat, Whn Mfl haif-i-.iile pal raeehed Xorroet ieat TMflrrr oloog. ai.d U waa aooo a laagtb in tr..r,t of AM, aed L ' ap M Ain's tbonlder. Oo "- " ' .-, f,,r Abl beodtd Ra loe, whUa '?'? ; :ii on I.. - Ar I - ? - d Int*. -. -..|.t..; i,. rh m man ami B ? U-frm -rhlpMof. Thta Un Aaflelea eaoaa with a raab, . at Mfl Mat Mrloag and Mal - of a lengtli. ,- - T1IIRD BAI 1. THI- Al_!t.\XV HASDICAP, a - a uf 078 ? juiy i. 19 ? > laly 18 ?'? 500 added, 8880 M mtaad. 0100 tu l iWa, 1 1-3 Out San-a Auita , , - i. I,--.- : * 2 * - -1 ?? - W. B. Jene-.'a t. g. Bei?*ood, 6, 110 ( A 7-1 7-10 lin ? er, when Ban tia ro r*ia!i**i : and reaehed Um qaartaa balf ? leagl ? ;u Ua I.--- - raa ? hot one dowa th ? I' balf wttt a i-ri_*.-i tb- boM "i Belweod, IflBped ty Bea. aaaa oa ' -i1 '" n lar.' Mob oaother pt-11 aad i ? . . ? ? . V, boma, Tfloal 1.1 Baa ? : agaM, ii-- wae by iwo HaigMa ?? :<?'- ? ?nd a l'-ncu. .iua a bal) Kut'RTII 1. : ? Uf I : a-A 1-2 i .... _ili 2 -??? I 8?1 11 "1 1 .(ll.. -~' .1 " .)' -? _ -n IM TIiik' 1 ?"y" ... . ' ______ ? :..iK d. lay th- ' " - ? I i. aad after i Bawa m A:' : RACE I*..- - ... ? t .' - , (A ? rei. i - '. - .rn ma, ? l.y two ?aa, aad . loafBi bfltl -r Maa No bid f.r aMntr. THI - TO BAT. A great prueraan t-.-moi n.w. aa will ! be a-i. hy ? . irl_ 90. : Urr - ? _. J . i ? . ' mile. .Nuw-or-.V*.?i> ixa. --I--." MUUO. 114 i II IU, I* J. 1! 11 I . - - I i'l \ furli ; .t) la.. 1_<I I.. Ul. V.J .llhatt I ni Un- I....' IOB, P-anyroral 108, Poat Odda l?i. 30. 'ih* , rn- ra 12, h% ? FoarU ...... gB ca**?*jj ii ?_i, i. Mlnch 020, J*_t,- y. g_o J. B. 0W). BBOa d'Or 020. Now ar 48, ited retiow ei7. caisarj i".fu. ats raaainjn .?_.-, La-a Leef eio. Busteed -uie* aiO, I'o-.t Odda 08, NOICI HANKS MAKFS A Nl BW RECORD. ? MMI'HBII A MILK IN _ 12'? AT ROCHESTER-THE OTHFi; COBtTBMBM Rrvh->ator, Aug. Thl* waa a favorable day for sr,. cd at th" Iirlvlag J-ark, and aba >r-.nd 04*0* cracks tesi MO advan-KM of lt. Bmld DaBta had bM hK heart on gla. , ink- a n-???? r- "rd. md naOOadal ln ag ba mark of 2 14 aeiO at ItM-B-Sf, by a ??.--o4id aa^aoseaaa. Tno eaatraa wm ap.-a-.aiiy prepared, ; li'in laabai utrong ai.d -..iowi-d a!I her aarveBOM BJfM tt +r** lo wamilng np. <shr. mn down MaaaaM ui-* nrst tim.'.. aai Pel i-led a watch a rar- __?? .<ii.irt.-r*. Ba meant to go the flrat at a 2 :U pa- BBaBi "tole away and wa. ? . - ? Op *a na.kjatretch thr etm was ?tewar, ai.d the half wa. Matl ln 1 0 '? -? IVrnnd Uie upi>-r ?nrn Uie pare incrca*^ % little. and the watches lndloated 1 .40 at tli.- -rc?.qi,vun. I. .bi" cab '1 mi ihe mar ? and she eame flylng down BM -'.-??'., I.. A? .h-. at-ni .i.d-i Ba ahe waa trxtUns close to a two._ili.uu> aU_ ly that had a tini.-r -.near that it was a r?s'>!r_ perforn:ance. and a ininute later the btard m*oemmt BM time. ..l-V N'ancy Bank. BaaM Bta . ia and now -Ui..!. th.rd among ? ? LaOa on Dobl" worked th" gaol l!a->f ye*?r-old a nlle. gi.lng at-Bg from tne half, aud r-.-i.illn-i her U.e l?*t quarter In HI _ -,Mr****\ ? weat .iv ly j_ioui;h. -.-ipeclally tbe 2.17 r b J- ll. K ? Im lson -na* favorlte. MBa i. " : ata aaai a.-.. mB baiked. Ttt il. taab a Kraag l'-d m Ba Ur**:. baet, and, after a hol it-rbt wiu. IU.h_jd-on. carrid Uie gt-ldlng bi a breab and b>-at \V_.1_*t E. by half a length. ln l; :i.. *. Tr... i.. \t baai *>?**? * aa aal of Uie aabat b? iwta-n Vlc n. and Ki. hard-on, Un> ...rmer flnisblng ln _ I',1.. bT a n.-k. Ihaa lt ms 5 to 2 on Vlc H.. and sh? ? nded the rar" after another rattlln. noi-h. Rlchard aa iit-kintr two haudy hkipri, tor which he wa-> aet back to ?uml vlace. Oa '- l-B pace waa a glft to Cbariey P., who aold at any odds after tae first beat ITIeblagall we* flrst chelce for i ataao, with Ifflaalt Bghert s?iiing a?eii up. The BaB-ta n.aro eot Bneagh MS1 th" pola. and had Uie lltet t.-_t won lf tba had kept B 1 bat .he eook a mn te* ateas th? itaeaaae, and Hon at Oearga prope-iy iw Uv> Ur-t place. Nlr-tir.lns-.le was idso imateady ln B ,,ncl h-iit. BBi, after Baa br?*->, lunded MCaai to IUinois I'_'I" rt. but van aaralu aet hock. Bha settl.-d down to ? Mter this. and had litUe BMhM lu landmg Uie Mzt ihraa ii.*.. a-kiag aii th for Uifl Bat day of tho meetlng ahe 2 :25 and froe-for-all - bava MgaBaaaata with th.; tm* p_'>n-s. BWi" Hamlln, Joat-tl and wlobe _re to go tn the wlple haaau. to . 14". 8aaa_ar_a: 2:17 CLAS_i-PURSE 02.000. Vlc H.. ba- Reavta Blaekbird (fltarr). 111 wert . ? J _r i. 1. Bte-ard . 3 _ .. H-.|.r?r'a ".? r- . ? 4 Mlaa a . _ ? I . Bta . . l'i'4. P a. B- I'fl'-i. -i..*,.K). ("harlev P.. bv 8-evernor Bpragaa (Braoicaal. 1 1 1 . - ** - Tr-'s.iir (Barker). * -' J . . - a. Tln ' . ? li, 2:L','l CI4ASS?PURSE *2,0OO. .vi.hungale. I Klng pu+ea). 2 4 111 lllinoi. ' . 118 7 2 lli,ii"-l 1.??. :. . - 11(1 1 . 4 2 8- t Hart; . B B 8 t ?"> Irewsj . ?'. :i A gir . 11 1 ' . i 5 li 8 di .... , la?V SPE' I.VL l'l RM. A(3 -? .. "00. Van, v . ''I'-). 1 2 - . 11, 2:12V. TIMJ AT (ORTrAVD. ?' .nd. V Y. A'ir-. 13 (Sp"4-ia_, -Tl.e two days' to.imam**nt M the OartM - (lub was "_ni"d to-day. Iht ahtaf tatatat 1.4. a* to who should <arrv --??tt. of Baaen, a -afrraa. of Byra ..,. 1, rratt ? ??<? aabat ar.d i.*t \.-r aaaai ??.>>?" Bcher-anibaa, of th.- home aii ??ie third place. Barrctt wm avery aaaaaataka la whkh he (Bterei, To-day th-' n,?r"handU? coct??t wa. _h" aaat napertaat. Barrett aad -atever caaa on" and _?o. n alngl-a. rnpld Mrlng Barr"tt cot th. ciub'? s|,-. im prtae. a BICTCTJ- E-BC0R9 BR-iken*. t,. . \ .? 13?A. T. Z^nmerman, of th" I i.?-, low"rcd th. half 1 lOJ. In a tBOl ? pii 0 Park ?.? ? fOt tll" dlSUI' ' ?' ".Vi.'llr 4' . ai.i wn- 1 :io i-'i. BbuaMHoa ava. Baaei by Mta of Ui- taeal elah. B< ara i_.'.d by 1 . a. 11. Itlch. and - by Itleh . tn hla way on the tast gnart. r. Zin ??m inr.n taela th_t he eaa Ioara tiii- laal a seooai, and wm make an ?rlal Saturday aajaa | TBE CAXOE EACBB POSTPOXED. w-Oabeae Potat, 5. Y.. Aug. IB (.?.*" ial).-lt. waa .?i,v.-t"d that lhe .;?">* rbeea woold be called to-iay, ? w.m. Mat aU iii" paepawab . re postpoaei nntll - l taro salBag laeea, the en tjnt tbe 1 '- aith Ibe opael partnTlng, Wblfc ?; of the i hi,... omti 1 bai ead tbe aeent tbla muriilng waa aa aolme-ed -, ?? '? tBB FELL OX A -M-V AXD BE BATBD BER. Annie Mw-B, agad thrm m tnoi ut a aeeond STo. l.-ii I'-i.-iilc-.t., -i.-ii iht r U oat oi Bhe arUiow nd ?track mi Ui" ahoahter ot .. naa wbs beppaaai t-o be m, all aaeeaaetaaa tbat be vnv, to ave bet ,-.,... rolled ? ? '. aronnd at ths ear. -b. - could not be J ?-? - PERIUPs tt/l SAXM V.APE HIM VXBABT. aee:. too Ltaeota Oraat Blcbantoan, whose big tbat ii- eaaaot al ? p iped l-.iti, kftei be bai n 1 ,.d down th- itaeet taa nlght In hB ? 4 weat a bei, attll 1 . ?? iv 11.i.. yeai -? HXM P' ? UTVBXTD RT MAIL. Th" ' '?'"' rr-'-T'i'ir ' ? et th. ? ui. BaUreai. Thi- Oaey did wBb CBILD-FLOGGINQ AT WABEAW. C_iiv\:::r I SDUCI OF I SBEAf BCSBIAB BEXEK-il F'.i'u tbe LoudoB Times, ? - - ? ? 1 I ? !,. ?. ?' i " .. ....... lier .... 111.*.. ? ' ",. nll ' A ball ra-porl '* 'lra'''! "'' ? ? ihe ftovernoMie irko. on tlie mnrrow f^neral <??-?? . '?'? baalaa. . 1 nnia havi appll t to ih" b . toi llr the 1 ted, tlae , priaon I ! ? . . r tor bia led. \[t * .l.-.-v- ui.. wliip away, ani nin. lf tl I p4.r-.n_de 1 -iinl tut.-.r ? .uraan-. -i^tci 10 tne it . "ld f-launf ": '"'''r:*"l. , , ,-?.,._? Ii *s:il siarreiv be rrs-difd rl Of Ihe 1 . ? ... r-f.i-,.1 - ntence. . ,.1, hi. flesli - '? Vi.1*' n.'i-'ht biu-k t.. Ms mofbasr " *"** -\[ ? aho. -1 . ronditlon mu-t I. : : ? . . -.- ..-I: ' . . rews4>n '.it 11 very n-toraly ayarl) ..f Warsaw, nii'l it H f.r tl_* Uu. .ut_? iei ]u = ui> iviiiduct uf UU-j . -ou. HOME TEAMS DEFEATED. GIANT.- AXD ERIDEGI.OOM3 D BAD LUCK. CIXCI_?NATI TOO MCCH FOK JTEW-TOBB AJfD CHICAQO FOK BROOKLYN. LEAGUE. Ctnelnnatl 7, New-York 4. Cl<*v<*land ?. Boaton 5. aieaajfl _. Brwfclya I. Phlladelphla 7, PltUburf 0. ASSOCIATION. Athletlc 6. Colnmbua 5. Baltlmore 2. 1. bt. Lnnl. 11. Wa-ihlntftoo 5. Boawn 7, OlncmaaU l. After wlnnlng two rlorloue vlctorlea over the Chlearo -??ebe.l leader*. the Glanta were called upon to meat the, I MaflaaaflM, who baffl beva* battltni? ao merclleaaly wlth ?ji- l'lttsourgs for tall-.nd honor. in the Leatrov rw.e. Of ???taa, tbe Cln.Innati* won, and won caaily. Probably it waa bacaua.- lt wat th. IM of the ruonth, and New. Vork'* team of _t--__ bnt errattt playera are aajpflflflflBMaa Juat 1,006 apeftetora went to the Polo Oround* yester? day to _ltn**?s the battle betwern Me New-Vork and t in.Innatl u-ame. Barr, tbe n?w Oient. atert*- ln to pit-h and wa* dolnir falrly well when au unlortunato accldent ?OflaOtOfl Ifl th.; thlrd innlnji antl Barr was added to tbo QUmW atn-ady aaeaBewflag h.wpitai IM. In n'turnlng a foul ball M the MBaM a poii.eman with more muacle j than a.'ni..r tboug'ut that l.o would r. turn Ua ball l:ke a r-al live baK-toaaer. Hc ex.rted all hia Ita n*th and llned th. boll* the dlamond. Th" H A ? nb- -*trui k Barr juat t?*hind the rlght ?er. ard he MRttfld ov*r aa lf atru.-k br a p-la-drlvt-r. He waa taieA. ? nt h..- ?a? not -< non-ly hurt. and aaya that be will bo abl.- to piteh to-morrow. W . li, who had had no pn-liminary practlce. then w.-nt ln to piarh. Hfl had poor .-ontrol of the ball at the atart, but pMehfld In gr**at form ln the laat four lnnlng*. The tilants, OSflflflt tn the eighth lnnlng. w?r.> ._f*tunate in I Mflll MM. Connor show-d a gr-at :n hls work. and hia frl-*nda were ooce more bappy. OflN was *i<*lt and retlred in th" thlrd Inning. Whistl_r taking hia piace. Buckley retired in tbe flfth. Burreil Ifoing ln ta cateh. The '.iauta were the flrat at bat, and opened the gair.e wlth ono run. tVoro i_it tn the plteher, but Rhlnea threw wtldly b> flrst and no. was *_f<-. Tloraan'a hit to M*-. I'h-e i-tlr-d .>ore at a*'C.nid. Klrhardson waa put out. tiur, O-MfO-fl hlt .?af"l. to -entre, a.ndlnp Tlernen to thlrd. t onii.ii hlt sa'rlv pe_t aflflead, and Ti.-rr__n scornl. ln th" last h.ilf '.f HM -nnin_r tli" viaitors also acorefl a r*in, tylrn? th.- cani- . M-1'hee \?_* aent M nrst on called ?Mails and atola '?" swond. Latham's aa*rll1ce pnt MeThflfl on third, aad bfl leotod on a hlt t>y Halllgan. Hrownlng mado a hit and Ki'illy aarrtttced. Thea Bai. aent Curtla to llr?t on ealled balls, fllluig the bae.-s. bmlth ?u put out and U..r h.^al entliualasts felt ifllHwfld, In th" Meat-d Malag Barr stnii-K .rut tho alde and waa loudly flppMndrd In tlua n?xt Innlna the <iian_a' trouble* l.atlu.i.i l*d u(I wlth a liume r*in drive tn far left Ibca Fffllllgtl waa put out. While Brownlng waa bat, BtTT +*- tmt UM ta th-- gronnd almost un ;-. Wflteb look hls pl_.-e. Browuin? waa aent M ? .all. d ball*, and lleilly foilowed wltb a two-baae tn left UU. Aft-r Caitlfl h?d h-*-n put out. Smlth was sent tn flrst on eall.-d ball*. Illling the baaea. Keenan bit Mfdy i-a-st ll.-.-t, and Relliy and Br.wiiiiig <rame home, makir.e th.- s.-ore 4 to 1 ln fav.-r of th.- \i.ltore. Tl..- MaMg arflfl aeoMe* laxl f,,r the Glaiita, r.,r UUU rivai- afldfld' Mflfl r-iiis to thelr ? 1ft r BbMCfl had beea H-flOflfld ot. Wfltflh went to pleoe,. . nr, MflPhflfl fo 8rM Ofl call-d ball*. LaOuim ?ard third aml beat Ui- bo8 to ttrst. Wekb tried to g**t hl* iriaii, bat tlinw :he bull out of Coanoi's rea.-h. an.i MoPbefl - '.r-*l. WhO. J.:i'h:ini fM M thlrd. Helllgan hit to left fl-hl fo; tin" bas.-. a :d Ijitham atored. RelUv* ^^t, ti, nfl bflflfl and. ar liichardaon al -*"d .: M i'.*r--, BeiUfBfl tOOIOd on tlie orror. Th.; f.Unts dld Ihfllr only eBOttlM work In the ei7hth MaMg, BBd, ar ti.. v urur-d three run*, BM -Towd beirame cnthna-airtlr Tiomnn *??>* gat set, hut Rlebardna waa I*tler>t and was Mafl M 1.r ?t .m '-uilrd ta.ll-. O'Konrk" hlt M hrft flt-ld for tw.. base. ai i, aa BfewaMg ftimil.-l Uie ball. SMhardOOB tflfll-d, C'.naor th"n a great bnar iob drli M ???- fl*id. tho ball roiim . ri._r to'"?* tlub-houae. Tho aeoN warf as follt.w*: NF.W-Yi'KK. I CINCINtfATI. r 11. [io a -* | i lt> I*? a e ? f 0 0 10" M'Phee, 2b.... 3 0 8 d 0 iVr-"._ rC. 10 10 0 LMbMB. ilb I 2 rl 3 0 (1*0(1. 2b. 114 4 1 Hollljan, tt... 12 10 0 .? . . i _ ;i o o H'-o-vcin?, 1 f.. 1 I 0 0 l ;, l87l : ..-. 1 [UM r. s a. 0 l A o o * . ta, . f. o i i l i I '. o ? _ f 1 ,- :-._? ..:::. Uoli ::ol> 'l {S Total,. 7887188 wi-ii-h, p.ooooi; roMla.~4 :>2* io _i \,.,...y ?_ . 10000003 0-1 10 3 3 0 0 0 0 1-7 F..r..d raaa-Vew.Torh 2. Clnrinnatl 3. Flrst ba.e by ertDra-New-Yorti :.. Ctocianatl l. Left oabMea Y'.-k 7 ' loclanan *? Flrat beaa on bella?Ofl tlarr '2. '.tl I, oQ Khlnea 2. btruok out?By lUrr 3. by '? 1 br I'.'n - 1. Home f.-itliaiii. rw<M.a?e -jli-fke Hai:.r'a.i. RelCy. iecrtflce hlt*-W ? 1 . Relll* S-alth. Btolon ba*--'' r.m ? H'ownir,.-. Do*iMh play-I-atliam and ??? EUUuea 1. Weleh 1. Paaaod ball-Keeuan. t-mplr.?Lyni.ii. Time of earn.*? 1:6_. Anaon acd hl* blg WflflOtlB bluffer. went orer to Eaatern I'-.irk Brooblj-b fflaflfl-dflf and noaaad befla wlM the Brid - B,-.d.*-i..'.Li-. WCN quakiug in r: - * taeiM i.-a'.-n. Oamtbetfl. p*>"r prMbMg waa r-ainiy rea_Meafl>l. for Cbleefo'a rtetory. lt ?as "Lealee' Bay'' at l.rk and a* usual *,n ThaMday Htfliaj wna a lerga erowd at Bm Mtt aa to-aeg :he mr"-of 4.873 people. Hm ?-?.?_. pMy of th.. gont --*ar M Mfl ngbM innlcg and was of n.atenul , ,. la winniiig ti." ean.-; for ( blflOgO. With two ?m on Maaa, W. O'Brtao snit a loug' Hy to Kt U"ld. Dahlen ? ' ; ! ' "l0r" """'r!t aUe Uuow M Ut phtM, alao rctiring TUkaay, and _aeb> ...,.st floobM play- - - at tn-. gminda. Th" . hi.-atfo m--n were the flrat to s.ore, makine one rua M thr opcahtg umlng. Coeooy mad" a Iwe^aafl hlt to left fleld ond acorad aa a hl: past ahort by Aaaoa. Io Ut aun. tmt men ran aoat M Ch_eogo*a Uafc Debleo bit t*. left ti-itt- weat t*. aooaad oa a _aorUk? by _ad acored aa a hit to rlght detd hy Oori-U. tu Mfl rlgbth MaMg, whaa l >- i bl jege, '.'ir.',i.-n was itrack i raa ta aeeoad .... a aieilflea by M 00 a bit by Byea, ' ? Bn - Boma fla* two .;, an -nor bv t. imlirrt, went 10 lhir*l on a pa-s.-d 1 Kored -n a paerlflofl bf W. O'B toa. Tln- tab eeauU ?** as tollowa : ClfJCA ?'? BBDOKLTX. r lb po a e r lb po a fl ,.r,? ,. t o -' i Q ii Ward, s ?. 0 o 2 2 0 , 110 2 0 Fouti lb . " 018 n .1 '"I 110 llnkiey, 3b , 0 9. o i .. i, ; 0 2H o i) Burna r f. 1 Z 2 0 0 if 0 _ . 0 0 W.t.'llil-n, lt. 0 0 10 0 <? ...0084 1 !2t. ? | I .... c 1 . e._o l - - ' tl 13 t 10100001 0-3 ' . 0 0 0 0 .' 0 0 1 0 1 .,1 raaa-Chlflaga 2. Left an ia-*--iu-a?o i... B ... pirat beae hy errora-Brooklyn 2. onev, linrn.s B ? . ?? Stru . out- Ilv '..-rr. 1. I.. ' ''t-i ra ihlen and Menitt. Sa*r. Mta? Dahlen. Anaon 2, Buraa - u " Brl-n, . * eruther*. Htol a bam a-Aaaoa, i. o'Brten B by pMafefld bell? UriflM ? ? f ? 0 1 8 0 0 J. oTlrl-.i, -I- 0 2 b b 0 . ii 1 'J 2 I Uaratbera, |. 0 1 o 3 0 1 .- JT 10 I One teaspoonful of Perrv Davis' K1LLER Un a little sweetened water or milk (hot if cenvenient), will immediately relieve any case of DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, SUMMER COMPLAINTof DIARRHCEA. If taken in time, one dose generally does the business; otherwise repeat at short in tervals, and a speedy cure will follow. Pain Kill.-r is equally effective in killing pain from Cuts, Bruises, Bites, and Burns, and no prudent per son should fail to keep it by him. _ At ali -oedictoe daalara. BUY HOW. tf*\ against imi tations of PearL ine, When they are not danger ous, they are worthless. They are usually both. Pcarline does what nothing else can. It saves labor in washing, and insures safety to what is washed. It ischeap, thorough, and reliable. Nothing else will " do as well;" it is just as well to have nothing else. Never peddl->/l. ??' * ' BB -.-*-? -.T, .'ii-nbert. Pttf* ball?Merrttt. Umptre? Powers. Ttaaa? 110. OAMES IV OTHER CITTFR Bnatm, Ane. II. IU aeven lnnln.* ta-iay ths "Sp-taOa" conld do nothing wlth Xlchola, but ln Uie ?l*hu? tbr*e slnflea, followr-d by a home. run, ued Uae game. The winninjt rain waa made on a baae on balla. a aci_t*_h hlt* and a clean aingle, after two men were out and two atrlk-a called on Teb<*eu. Attendance, 2,323. The aeore: loston. 3f. __.0 2 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0?8 Cievalanl .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1?0 1'a-Hilta-Bo-i.on 8. Cleveland 10. Error*? Boaton 8. rieveand 4 Pttchera?Xlchola ani Viau. I'mpU*-? McQuade and Ilattlu. Phlladelphla. Aug. 13.-The Philadelphlana defatoi Plt-ubnrg to-day ln a loosely playnd Rame, bnt th-y were badly frlaht"n.-d ln Uie ninth, arhen, afVr Myen bad ir.l-.sei a chance io retire. the thlrd man, Uie irlMtora developed a tattlng atreak snd kno<-_"d out three runa. Attndanoe, 3,4."0. The aeore : Phlladelphla ~. 1 4 0 0 1 1 0 o <_-_ I'lttaburg .0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 8-i Baaahlia Jbnadalaha 8. Pittaburg io. Errora?I_Jia. delphla 8, Plttebur^ 5. I'llehers?KUng and Baldwln. L' -H'irst. Loulsvlll*., Aug. 18.?Loa.Hvllle and Baltlmore played ! a eloae and lntereating f-ame te-day. The home learn liad tbri'e opportunltle-i to win, b'.t atupid b_a.--ru__iln*r ' prevented scores. Neither Uan could bunch hita. At* ' tendance, 8,000. The aeore: i l-oulsvllle .*..... 00000 0 01 0?1 llaltlmoM . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 --8 Bawdittn? Lo.ilMVllle t. Baltlmorn 7. Error-i-Loula. vllle 1 Baltlmore 0. Pltchi rs-Moaklm and H'-aly. Lm pli"-- F'eriruaon. St. Lonla, Au-f. 13?Captaln Comlakey trted hls new batt?ry ft-om Mlnneapolls Uiu. aftfrooon, and lt worked llke a cbarm, the Senatore wnnn. only four hlta off Kettfer. Attendance, 2,100. The scere: S, r.ititi 0 2 0 0 3 4 0 2?11 waahCon- ":::::::::::: i f f ? ? i i n lUaehlU-St. Eouls 12. aVishtnUton 4. F.r-era-Bt. I.oul. A. Waahington 0. lltchtra-K"tt{rer and _.i_sljorg. Cmplrc? Kerina. i incinnatl. Aug. 18,-The loeal A?*oclatlon p.ay?? Uaelr laat game D"fore aroing ou thelr protr-u ted trlp. trrora gave Bo-ton ths game early. Th" sror": Boaton (A. A.) ."....I 0 2 2 0 0 1l 1-7 . in'lnn.ti.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 Baaeni'n? Boaton 8, Clnclnnatl T. Errors- Boaton L Clnclnnatl S. Pltch'-ra?Dwyer and B'litlntori. t raplis -unmui. (oliiiiibua, Aug. 13.?Coliimbua outbatted the Ata letics, but the atroeious rrri.r* ot Donnella- Inst a game that had b-en won wlth the bat Attendance, 1,200. Th" tu-ore : toiumbua _ .5 0 0 0 rt 0 0 0 0-? Arhbtlc* .-.0 1 1 0 2 0 I 0 0-a B_**hit*-4-oiumbua 11. AUii'-tlc 7. Frror-*-. olum bn? 4, Athietic. ii PUibiaa flaaBMbe. Baafl -"d San dera. I'mplr.?.Mahon.-y. Cape May, Aug. 13.-The Cape May and H-rrfburg teame played two game* here to-day. In the mornlng Uae game. aaa* on!y aeven tnning" long, and araa won br Cape >_4y-4 to 2. Th" afternoon gime resulted ln a fhutout for ths Cape Mav nlne. Th" aaara wn. _ to 0. Troy. A'ug. 18*?Tha Tray aba aajal M eBBeb- form to-day and d> f-at-'d ch" RoCheaBm by Bbbl 800881 Trov _.0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2?8 Ihll.'lll.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10-1 Jlii-i-hlt'?Tror 8. IlochoHter 3. Error??Tror 1. Rochea ter a. BBMalaa-BBahaa and wdis. .veii an.l Bage. Lebanon, Aug. 13?Th" _>ban..n- outbatted the Bullaloe*. to-day and won as follows: I_,._,__non .2 01000080-e Bnffluo.0 0O1OO12O-4 nas.-hl'.-Lrebannn a R?rTalo 6. Frror.?Lebanon 2 Buffalo 3. Batt.-rles?Klt7_erald and McCaffrey, Fi..ld and Wcckbecker. I mpln?Iln-hong. Tnr: pBOOBUM. The Olanw and _BaOaM fell boik yeaterday. and Chlcaga now has a clrar lead of Uilrt"-n poinu. The recordia an >f0ll0W9: I.I.V...K. Cluba. Won. Lost. Pr ct. Clnb.. Won^ Loat. Pr et. Chlca-o . . . .88 88 .?! i Froonla-n ... 43 46 .483 Boaton . ...82 88 .*1 fff ??.? \>w.Vork Vi 3.j J70 ('ineliia-M . ** H .400 i'hli_d.lphla"..l7 44 .Sl? I IMtttburg .A6 56 .3*. ABBOCXATIOV. Cluba. Won. Loat. Pr ct. Clubs. Won. I_o.t. Pr et Boaton .67 "l A?4 Coleaioae ...... 9* *U Bt I-'.'iis. 64 :.T 'CI. 'inclnnati ....48 88 4**a BaltimoN .?-... 8fi JBB UatorlU; g g ?4Q ; AthleUca.60 4(J ..21 Waahl-giaa -W oA .3.1 LEAOCK Q-AMBB T'>-DAY. Brooklyn va. Chlcago. at Eiaet, rn Park. tirooklrn. Mew-York vs Clnclnnatl at Polo i.round-. New-Tort Bosteo vs. Cleveland at ??*'""?,, . . .. Philad. Ipbli. as. iMttr.hi.r_. at Phllsd" | I.u. Th" Bear-Terb and ChtcMaatl aaaa a_Q play again at i tlie Polo .irounds to-dav. XO MORE BUtfi-SAlX SQlAnBLES. Pt lo ii-. Au.. l-U-Boer. ary Maataa, of tt.. st Louis I BroVrua. arrlv.d in Ui" clty thl- mornlni. from Mlnneap<^l?. wlth Derltag, M.-Quad" aad B "-- t, tl the mn-iv disfandei ' Mb-taaaap-Ua elab u ls exieeaai v at Oateba Larimg and Pltfh-t Bttger win greaBy tuagBiea the ?eak pointa in th' Bta aoa1 lnflo.d. ir, B n-i-orud hi-r.- tn-day that Paabbat Bru?h. of Uaa 1 Clnelnnatl riaagaa ebtb, ha* aaneeaial m i.atchtng up ? . tareea ihe Lea?ue and tho aaaaeb-Baa. ii e>-? (?HAND STAXD AND KEN.'.". ATTA.UI.D Prevtdbaee. au. iu cBqkMI).-Tha Puitdraai Baaa ,',. u th r.'.trn Aaearlatha, li m aii- ave ol di.i._ndii."nt. Th- i.ia.- bave Mt reeetvai th-:r saiaries (or Jaly, -nd U." Reea-' ' >? ?-'" *Ui''li """" *n'' ('0-u'0'? -i n j.-.-i ti. Beal aaaasaaaal in ti... ni.ittrr. Th.- plaren |M aal aataehaaaai on th.i .ranil stand and leMO nf BbS .n.'ii.ds todav. If these ar" s..ld thev WlU i.r-aDa'ilv >.? bsafbt ln Uie aaaaa of f t*-_iu in Uie Aaerteaa aaaerlaMoa in-^t a-ear. w te backai b\- I'ru%'d"i>.c^- cauiul. COSMCI'OI.ITAX riU'Kl-.TE.RS Mgi-TO In a Bbl lanMg Dl.tri. I L.-ague arilbM BBBbtb va terday at Baa.,.,.,-. B 1 Bb ?ea?-l rs.-v Athl-tio Club eleven def.-at-d tha ? aaaaaga n*"s bv uir.-? run?. Tas baaailag of c H. BBB a-?. BM Baaaaa. WITB TBE CBOOT/Bl tlATBBB N'orwl'h, Cobb., bag. i. -i-- .1 .-'Tlu. ni'.rnmB is bna-lnc. tue bebaea Bhaaaaaara.* abarabBBa t.irilv a-Bg "I"' tt our Melbud-M ljr..t!i:-..ii _ft?*T tha,. ;l- iboarera "f faeeeadaf. Tbe e_e*j for..__ ihada aea aaBibllail snd ibe <i"-ii uf 'he baab was beari earbar thaa eaaaL Jaaabaa defen?e<i iaiciccy before IrrotfaTt .n ? BBBBrlB-BBil that Maorer a-oald glaae a dpbae ?" BbBMB. bBl iiiate?ad he l1Ml.,.;f .-.,; , / ... Tli..- .-..niest M-iva**?*n Fay uml OiaaniBf. tbe laa aaai aoM pi-.ers _f the -.-.,,mi ilTbrtao. aaa aalreaaaty sbarp. but the ii..p-_-i ih..t K.?? pave tu Ma MaadB a-cre not mall/.ed. lii-ti..p r.r..k Ma i-'ai t.i reareraha) ht one tuni tn hla PUBO aaith Wu'iibuM. th" tii?-I" H-B has liej-n iBBBj ., ,1 i.'iillv ao* afler 000 tt H:e. r-ratide-st atruifBles ..iiiniKii.tit. .1..iii-i.n did uut - raartle"' Ja.-i.bns, i,,. ri." latter tHisi bo gaba -<n .~ome tnr hls usiml bt-tu;r play and pat b-ft. lt wa* __ nnnulo ,? -iirttihr.' Ms -niiii** from BUOOB, ?-BOB last i.iih b.'ld Ma white bull from fB-bf uut. Sniiih'a uabrohen rasr 'nt ..f -oven gatmes rcnilnd-j one of a ?lalbur rerord of JaeObaa in t*\ H11--I) was ele , .n fur br?.;alil:i_: hl-, ri'iurd. "-nilth's I i. iiiiiforii and of tbe u-jii<c-t Kind. lie BgM to v|.i..rv. rik.- MBBBI BOBM MVIM* B Name. Won. I_or.t i W, .,. Loat. P~ldiaiU . ... 1 9 I Johii..u.i . 5 1 2 I I i.*ai . 3 3 in k#y . 1 ? I -.on . 1 4 .d . 6 2 . >i..lth . 7 0 0 .1 \> iimljold. 3 1 . 5 I I Mauisr . .. 0 4 Bi-XXJ.\D BIV-B-OX. . A ..?<__________ -; * I . i..,-.i r | 4 Baaaaal. 8 8 Ua'ei._i.irt .?. 2 4 ilreeui-ljt ??- . 6 0 D.d'?-y . S 8 I THIP.D DIVI-sI. IB n . | 3 Il.i'iy . 2 2 Hari-tt . 4 1 i Kn-.-ht . & 1 (ravi'ord . 2 4 Nfun.n-ld . 8 1 1 4 D U HnUer . 2 1 B. P Fay . 9 4 I Van Wiikle . 0 2 tBMM >TOPnVEK AT M\(.ARA FALLS. All Ne\a York OBBBBB K-dlnaad tirketa now perrrut a rtop Oaei at Niagara Fail- witbout aaara .barge. Heveo tralns everj Uay. For parti.'uli-r. asb aor New York (cuind _li->at A_r-_L ?ce t.uia table, Ull