Newspaper Page Text
THE MARKETS. TOTAL KEt'EIPTS. plrtta turp.. bbla.... 83r. itu, bbl.. . e.4 Beana, bt* -**-?? b*_ _ l**a ..-.. . bbl*. 601 iVjttoo. balas . . ??? . 1)5 eii >a_> _..i Oll.-aka, pkga . l.&Oo Dried fmlt, pkga--.. ?3.>,ei,. ?t...k, pkga.... 2iu __?.. ihl. 8-4 P. a'iut->. I_*a . 183 ___m c_-e? . 6:-.?f> i-ork, pk_a . _ itaui pkga.. 18,709 B ef. pkjie . 111 Oataum-al bU? . - i->*. pkga . 884. JSraaw-l tMg* . _,5i? ; ?_,_, pj_?* . . 1 oo? vjyiie.i. i>u~h .148.700 LaiM, k. ga . 1,007 , on. buah . L8.82S hutur. _,**-? -. 8,871 laa, imi_ . Th.iMX) | |-|?a*e ?kg* __. i' e??.d hoga, Xo. 20 %7_:i. iniah . lo K.o i; ,o, ___- . _A 1**4, buah.. 1,6-0 rtce c.iad, baga. 150 . * Pka*. ?$ Ur~a*.p-C>. 20 Tsll.a, pkg? . 181 ?d. b_j?. *_? IT.dw.-o i.hd* . ?__ ?app !-??. 40 l 1 (>t?c.-o, paga . 70 Hlda.bal.-a . 8 VI hi*k*y, bbl* . 871 - 5-. VVIne rCal.). pkga... 8..JH Laid plga . B.O-.s. 1 Bnandy iCwl. phga.. 1.210 laather. ?lde*.BO.M* W__le OU, pkc*. 320 ilo*u-d aewl. Pags.. 1,7-A i l?-d*J ttENEK-AL MARKET JtEPORT. COFFEI'?_ feellng of _ru.n.?> p-evail?d on apon Rjo fay C_mg_ traa?n wa* \ejy yul-t. No 7 q.ottd at n"?-17Hv. *ga No Tal I7sae 250 bugs ?_, L. arrlvc 1?V. a_4 ttw t>ag. Xo 8 apot. 10 V- Mild ?jvwUi* atua .-_;??, 100 bag* Maia.-a.i-... l.v ba_- l_g.*y.a. 114} _ar* eeutral Am. ncan. 170 bacs lum, *ud 06 baaa b*v_niila_ aii artaata wni... ln -i.e ?paauiaUre liue ther? ?w, _..t m_c_ a< l.mi.v, yel the e^p.??i-...?, *a? ta??.?r, wit.i aooa* littl* of '?imu.'' la&ia* a? a we-* atrwfer. and the nealpla a. Rju -_o-?_ a f?Uikg aff, bom oi which aid-d Uie ? buli" ule Ul Th* r4.-i.-lt of the __liuge wa* a riw oi IMPTO &_>_>, and. flnai ttg-ra* wei* tlrm. Havro gaui.-d ?? fiai.J cMaa. ai.d __.iibi.ig aliowed a alight Hg*. LaadBB ?aa al-. atroi *. Q'.ototlou*, _.4.'> u. m.?Aug, Ti? (? , y.Uibar. Utfc. Od ; Nov^n. k..: ,x_ *d ; 1>.... e_.ii.r, 64a; Jau.arr. tt-* 8U Jlio qu..tea rrrular mr*t ,10 kilom, io*0.'>i; giK>d *.tx>nd (10 klloaj, _, i ,_,. j , ret. ipl* in Kio, _g? ; * to l"n.tvd _t_u*. 5.000 baga; lUo u.<i Ui_? ; Kio rt:_!k?t ateadv iv-cripta u> Sai. ??> J..H.H. bag-, &?_v?. alovk. 54,000 Owgs; Sai.tu- maik.-t _? _,k4 ave.a_-t iw_i_?. '.?t OoO. _-c?i_)_. at I. 7'?. '^, KVO hacs ; aan..- U_M . - ? Uags K. .-el2it? at lulr 1 b? Auguat 12, lfl."., '.*? 001. oafv ; ^?iiiw ;.r_u, . >. ,_ow -au*. li.sai .- _>-da., 17,g?J laffi, 1-cludiiig Auguei at 1 ('..*'. : Oiv-Jtoer. 14.60^14.70. ? ?ri.--, Ni-w-orleata. -.090 t>aa-, touu, 70.... *'(.?.)*iu.N-i'.r j,ro._pt deuvery a?Tered a Ue. Lne ot i.Hm x.. - tradu-g - - ?)le* 188 louvl recelpt* at t!.e pu.-; lo d*. L31A l.-4i.-?. M *__-.i>i '.'71. b?oa ti.s Uay 1_?- wi- * and _4tJ bale> ? cr _. i_orei_e_t: 1801. 1890. li--*. B-iev ?-? auiiply.l,t>ai,5-7 1.201.997 uSat*. tive dara. 5112 _ 4?J I_iB-rU U- > Brit*i_, fiv* day*.... B.7.3 S.oT'.* liia-'.sii' ' ntlueot, flv* daya. 1 Ood 07 a_wk ln New-York ln llceuae* ware Bouae-. countea d_U!'. 130,085 41.751 . l.i-Jl> 80 letal st.. a ln New-York, by run ,i,:K,._.t. . Wl?8? 41.8_1 I S'_te* portt. itOJ,4 4ei 6.'.---. * U\ am*, 1 4.'. p m.-S*lea. 10 000 bal_. of ou aiiU export i.wO b*.e*; Amerlcan. it _._r,.e: atead>. M.dlilng. t_fl i' turo .?:?? ned barely ateady at 2-0... .-< llne. i*B-Yarna _ui?t and unchanged. Cloth Qao(, ,-ei m Atnerlcan atandard of c.aselflea Uo:" Cpianda. uulf. 2 . _?*?__,. * J8"16 Or__arj . -, ;Att I_ ?v. _ i-JS --- . ? {-10? _> Uug.. .13-10 ?_ . * 8 1-I6 . Mi-d:;:ic.. 9"8 ,???}_ r.g ia:r.10 J";:1?, .lOHi lOlo-lb 8TAIN?I>. OBd-BBlT,. ' I L-.w Middllng.9*j ?rdinarr.i?_ Ai.ddii .g. M? The - kt __. - the i-iit.1:.! - abie aeillna ? b-..t>oiii.o-d. 'ii;- ?. -?? on Auguat. .- monUii .- ..) pointa b> l..? - -? Loweot, Sales. Autru-t.- J ?07 7.07 . O.uiber .._. I. 8.04 14* - Aa s?.. ?", .. .- . . 8 . t ji.j>? . t.7j.. S..0 _t____-l_Ol " .- a-ara |4-> eral ln R.rt. In 1 ty nnll ln th" export llne, : ?i.rl_k w?,-_t, U.'ignt ar. tha Weat, coat, fr t~r:i.-. Th' . and iiltrri (rrad-s in liberal (jnantll t,. .ic arrlve. u> lo l.. - - . . - i.SOO foi 1 400 > - ' ? ' ' bbl* Mlnnejota I.y ? BB WCB4 10; 1.0" ? ?3 7.'.. Q."' Clty ll.::. t\ *ii.*i 15; P*_n*~. *i 2"> ? Whewt, lo'v Pr?de? J BS 75-*4 10; ordlnarv to eliole. 4-. a'.u+s : fancy, *5 10 , 81 86 taa 18; faner, . lo. ? 1 ary l m.e. ei.rnifc ' WEKS ? ng Nhippli.B (i - arce and hlgher. onm ro 1 lerflne ?t B4 80 5 for ;n' ? w>le rai loa vv - ' ,vln* ?'? r,o bbli Brandrwlne. . in .WHEvT?There ?j? more artlTttj fn the - .arv^.i-rvi |j-.h:1 chaniTli.L har.d* Tv- ' ' \ - >? ?- -.-. ?? - - p*red wlth tli-. 0 ... . j.revalled d r 1,, ? the ???>? ' - ? tioueht with eonaldarabl" riaor, leadlng ui a., ad^-ee of 1#IV on Ui ? favorlte o;.-. . i?. -' - Bl 08%, n--i aubae. _ oe,^. ?r-..r wiii-n !- diopped t ? Rept ' "?'< nt th- . -Ti 08*4. '4, ?1 04V er ?-art.rl ot *. 0-. ?-,d - _nd a] ow. leavlng olT at ? 1 BB - ii. aad mi tlila there waa oooald _ttld up on - ' "^d a rlee ot :.e. p^r tjit Vt*i* wa- Biao -'ud t? bu ?trong? Tli- v.?Ui?r how The Ruaa it <m alao n'd~1 a* tal. - li. BTHir. I- .?,nnanT. Cieani and H V.yUis fnr exj.iit account, botti of w." ? th* boe-aaer, Vrlvate eahle> ? --. wh'.le r,t>i<.r? we** The areaBhaa Weat ?|k flri", ??? ,,,... ,.r hu,| i-.- tro - al bl Tt ? ioi-lun *eiiing 'tarted th>. - general ? ? a.,rt *t Ihe VV--?t durin* the afl ? .-aoi.-s cama 40 e< n*u_*a i~-it.-r <m wheat h ? 'iaJ b*t IttU* ?rteet. Il-rlln advb ?-. howwrer, were ?ald to t.e w.*kc-. A'rnai' al latarl* .- .- B5O.0?1 l.'ial. *prl.^ and U7.24A bui - 17 and 2S7.I - ^ealKnird r D*b ?h-at and 47.0-V. pkga lln.u r. ..-th -, ?? nmrk.-t. r_ed unaettl.^1 n. wth ort:on?. There lor export all wlnter rwd. prompt - to a.ul ;? rludliig buylng r-arlW SftCrX-O B*_k 2 . '?"' > . i, rve at tne v\ 1 -t ..- 'n do wiu * -? ln thla li.i". -, '??. ttiture 6lM,.?Kl baafe a|Nit and .- iater red at ?1 Oi u$\ 14 Ko. ! 8*Urerjt 1 do , - . ? .-.-il ..ii '! ?i K '?!%IfBl 05 : Xo ', ? Xo 'J Atigoat, ?1 04 ', a luV/H-I 07.',. . |_81 fr'_ eloalayi at eloslng at Ji 0-.. " -. elnali e at 00 j ? . - - k tlvia; -: ' l.vr. ...... ?\-n,jm - ? 000 '...-n do. *l and 101 . Sej*. ber and t quiet. . ara. ter The h 11 wh-at 1 Io 1 !, 1 ? ' ? - '?''*''' e?l ? .-. orable, ? - 1 raln. the rpeelpu. at th We* a i-. a/to.i at Ihe ible* w-r>- taiL? ev . but e'.,?-d Wlth e- buah, Clearanew 280 bu?h ?O bu>h auot and ap-<Ial an : -.. hlte ?t 73_7_V.. No . r< xe_, ? . . Mfl.ait : t'*? }?!<:<! ? . No. -J t.ifuat 71 ...;72s?c. .-loalni; - -,e : do, ? 1 . 4l ,.j:. '? I ii *;?.' bad a depraaalng Inliuanoe. ..i>tio ? wlth -...ii Tha ^ihi!. - - t oiTerlng*. - *,t Ili.'Indll.Z Xo 3 >t 47c < 44c afloat : No '_ white. BOe r; N n 1 w I 4 Bc ? w-e't.. do ? at 3_*ec : do l s '.' whit Vuiruat, . lo?lnc at ? :.r ik ind ?'ii'l"f ? ? 10.41 15; hondnv chop, tl 1548 I HAY AND STRAW-rirmoeaa i* rtill not.-d 0.. oid bar aat N ?? h ? . -011.1'l ll.t- f lai .-. ' .r to *.,.k1 stkaw Lu?f ry< - i*50c ; oat, 40_50c ; wh.alt HOF- : _ \.-r.v quiet n.arv wltj, :-:.ll trade (.<? and bl - ' f.-ellnu .- one -' ' ' . lOIU.l . 11 t . . r . . ai. -Tl.'. 'i|H..i.-d -t.4K: ?0 U>e Lak-. AUgtuI - iite.;...- t 1.-05 LKAtl?80?_4_) ; . .. i . ..Pf'? il'.r.N w . 1; . AiOi ' ?'*> <?? al, quoud at ?0 bl 1- Hxtra h . i Do-.e-ri. irrjd?e <|'ioU-1 _?%<? U> Jtftc u<?xi Ut fxn.-v, a: ? NAVaL 8TOR__ SPIRIT8 Tt'l _?l...i S]rH ? "? r f..r .--ua ne-" .Ri.SIN -gi > . loo .?._, eon.Bi_i and rood <l 87l* f?M' 8l85,| -Md ft-ata-C ?i 4w, Jfc 8i *8. F. 81 88, tt, 81 88, ' ?-.*&$; kfo80: ?. 82 40; M. 88 80; N. 82 80: W O, 01I_.-C*3ttonw**d rule- flra i ______ 200 bbla aff grade, v___ ??' ',*""*. l0_ oh*- wUt?T>_1ow, prtrate fenn*. \Mthln ihe laat few. dav* therp i_? _**? ,n firtaad*. tr_d< a,-eoropll*hed !n orT graoV tpIIow ftn all 18 0<jO M>1* , W isoutlirrn dellvarr, prlvate Urtua to th? ' Other o!la <fi,}\. r<.ttc-i(wad, cn?' lu.niliial; do off grado. __?...; rofln-<l ? v?imw __??? -6?87e; cltalea. 4i_4_o; do oil grade. ?-_{? 34-; Coraanut. t/eylon. ft'.afe; Coehin. 7??.?: I.ln*--d. Amerlran .}>; ou". ?? town. 88c, i.alcutu. 58c ; Lard. f__7r*_____^J,___*?*- ??! M-nkadpu. orudp nominal; Ilgrt prpx?e,.. 81?__e; dark pre_-ed, 29c; h <_.:h*- alnl r. '"h?_ ?prin_. r__-8c , extra blearhed wlr.ter. ___TC Lj_____-* ?,""(1"- -???'? natural wlntw. 74r ; natural -prlng OS.C'k- : M.ached wmter, 78.7's.: bleaohfd M""1'"1. , ,.c; Whsie erudp. 50c; natural wlnfr. 55?i5(V ; natnrai ! aprtng, ,,4<?55e; hleached. wuitpr, _*)_.">?*? b.eached ; ?prln_. 57c; o'tra ble.BPhod. Crtr ; Sapmilflpd, 4?4*5c per ?: ?'*_?' ,ta""n- rt<a?<\c: Palro. 6#6,c; Straiw. 80.-: ]__>.. _&.; Kan'aped 70 ... CAN* ri'FlfJ.'rTS-Oraln ratpa to Kngllah port* suf fpr?l a aerero rpartlon tn-dav. hut otherwt*,. ther, was ne chougp. The bti'lness jncluded 40.000 r/.-h groin ta Lt*n _ 1 i?.?l at 2d, and 800 halp? eotton, "?- ; to I-mdnn. 4" (*"' hu*h araln. ?d : to (-.penhatrpn, le.oOO bu?h KraJn. 4- Od. Sci.tPmbP-, and S-.O0O hn-h dn, 4* (-1 Crtohor . ...ORAlN CIlARTI.RS- llr'ti-h -t*_~i?r Amella! l.H.fniO otm. to for* toi i ? ' ? . ,np of ]4 ovc Qtra the ?_na; I*r:t ah *u?nr - EgglaatOB, H.OOO qtr-, 8* 10-_d. prorrpt: , Itrltlch *tp_mpr Conm-lia fralst), kasee to Cork for order*, I !> rvx> qtrv on nrlvate tPrma. PK*Tl. >I.Et*M CHAft. \ TKKS-Rrtti.b. Wk Sllleon. I-hlladalphla to ia R 4.000 bl.l- rrnde. -.. th- bark John 1. Smllh, tn B_* bure. got 2a \\t\; bsrk Jol.n Swari hene* U Rio Janplr-, 25,000 r-a_>. reflnpd. on prtvate to.-is: B-itl*h !>a-k Harry Bii*,ihman, h?nep to _.* < ontln.nt. 3,500 bbla napii'hs, 8a Hd ; RrltiMi ahlp Crofton Ha 1. hpnce to r,]e,itta, *5 OOO casoa refln<?l. 15c; ?choonpr Joae Olavarrl, hpn'p w. Kir Janeiro. ppncral rargo. on p.-lrato terma; Ro-a Mu^lipr Portland to Siant^.* lumber. ?10. MWMsitiNs 1-oUW-Had law dtmand, and the feel with th" !?* *-*' ,)n' "s *'"**' mthpr weak, am,i_t.h!zlo2 v^-*t S.1^ r,n hliig M-s.?, prlvate t?rma. o',d Mp?s quoted -i/.f-S.60?*1! "*i new do. *319*11 50; ,hort ele.r. 81. 75,, I 813 .0: fair.lh . 812 7f,_t!4 60; ettra prlme, e'.O .V>-_811. I -.BEEF?(Vnerallr ateady, witli a nifaloiat.- .uhbmv demand .Salea. 100 bbla r.ur* Ifeai nuot-n at ?9 :?0(?*10 50: 50; fan_ly.?13?fai4 ; packet. : *11_tl2 ln* i?1750aalS 50 in t?* ; extra Indl. Msas, ln | t<s. 818_a20 m.F.F HAMs-Qulet and unrl,an?_l : o?ct .1 j h?re at S1M-B18 ;,o, and at the Wo*t at ?17. Bal ? t.t.U at \v...t, BI7 . (TT MF.ats? Flimly malutain d I !u prlpp wlU? a fair li.qniry. Sft|p?. 50 1 W , tn cb-ar Bc):!?*. 7Vc. and 1.2v0 Pltkl.-d llnm* 11 . ' il'w. PlekP-d B?ll!.-? quot?-d at 7*<as< : ?)lcki^l ] hama, 10.,711?_c: amok.d do. 11 __121?..-; ' uick. ; l-d sboaldPra, 8i._-_?; ^mok.d 40, 7',-*7'_e .... . MIDDLES?t'n?-ttid, clr_ing lowet. At Chii-ago, Sep , ternber short r.i- sold at 0.7O_..67_ic, and (>> t. ,.-r, C>2_ rir.r><-r.i; 1K!(."? "Steady _? _ ru 1' i i q>i..t'_ at flL._7'-." t.r liav" to IP_I,4 _a.| 7>_./7-*>e for 1 plgs...LARD-Was atronp f. r a short tlme early in tbe ???s-ion, but thp Weat weaaened on hesvy i^li,,', br * , pruinineut oporator. ajid th>- loca' mark.-t Tollov ? 1 a hreak ..f 8_7 Ba_r_* The eio*e wa* baraly .letobpr waa dealt ln more frsalr, but BMeula. ?h*rw:-e wa* alow. Of "(ash,1' aalea 2.50 _??. ;,t; , OlP.o, .loaiiig at 8.M2. !**?*? 5> ; Clfr ?tP_Jn qulel i IOO tc? ai. 6_*9e. l>t'.ii<_ . intl.ient quotPd at 8J40_7._-. ; r ,. Amerlca, C.OOe. August uomlnM ; r_ej"te_ir*>r i cloa.-d St 0.-?4c : sslea 2.CO0 tcs st 0.*__8..0.j ; Ort ,1,. f pl.*.-d at 0.t*4c_ssi?1. 5,250 tcs, 7-,7.01e; Deoerober 7.1s ..Bt'TTi*'t?D*-n_nd ls fair, anil wlth amall ,r i rlvala tha market rulea flrni. es-s.-lally on th" 1 IBet Lu*.:itie-. C***B__ry, -vtate, poil*. er.ia, 20e: .S-ite ?__ j p.-nnsrlvania C-ebar.-rr. tuba. extra, 20. *.': omery, seeood* to tT.r?_a, l0-i?18_c: ('reanv : othei \\<tcrri extra?, IP'.S.Oe ; Waatern nrsts, 17-4W8e; ?aoonds 18-18-c: St_te Dalry, half tub. aaiid palla. extras, l-'-.-./IOc ? do Cr*ra, ltV* I7*__; d.> ,nnr_ld?. 15ffTI'-; do W",nh t-t_. '-r.'ra%. t*.i l^V.": rio flnr*. ia*s4817c; do -se.ili?I, lB-_8oi weat ern Imltatlon Craaiwery, Bl-ta, 18-10.; ?r> apconda, l-.r 14'-: do third.*. I24fl_'_e; Weatern dairv hrata. 14?_ff*\": do -Man*- ia?18-c;; do thtrrK 12,7;i'*,c: Waatern ? ? - t'rkin*. Jnne, etrra, I4r- tuba. axtra* lt. I 1_V; ?*<*<.nd.*. 1:" :C . ? < iri.I_5E-.Msdp a further *lU*ht ad\_n'-p. wlth rp^pwed export bojtac, BtaM fs' torr, full cr< arn, IBaeT rolorod. 8%_'ftTaC ; do wl.lte tV, ,,*.<" do fln-. RU'?>??-'?; do -ood to prlme, 7\-,e'?c ; ii,, 'ur to good. 7l?-7*,c: di, coimron te Mr, r._ 7'4e: do part skims, sr?C-c: to ebolee; d, fall ?.kims. 2-__c; Ohlo flat, commor to flne. 8*_4i7_e. E(><5>rV_R?_-?-r esstei wlth a alow dpmand. "Cow.Torrt JHM. r.'-w-laid, 17'ffl7'?p; P<?r_iTiv_nl8, ]7(/ 17"?e: Wp?t?rn and Xorthwesbern, ld1.-'10*?c; South wf?t'-rn, lA.'Hi".". .AR-P.n-Uv held. but tradlng .low. S.l_i ym terdaj 2,-0 - Centrlfugal, !?o t^.t, ? ?.i__.; ai.^o 600 - .-nd-, ?8 t-'*t. 2"?p for Phlladelplila. MBaoo. % ? -d at He. and OentrtfugaL Ofl te.-'. at 3 7-ific <u\ tn. ' -" ?? Exchanga Angust pi..?ed af B.''^ H _4_S.40c, October at M.32*3.80c. No. x .., .<?- '-??. December nt S.20--.30.. .. l'.K PTXKB?Steady snd qul?t. Cal Laat, B-sei C ru'-h.-d .5-": Ppwdered, 4.e; (innu!,tod. 4-_H*_e! XXXX '.s- ; Ttlonld "A," 4*oc; Diair.ond ? ?\ ?? 41,.. 1 "A '? i 3-lo5-: Coltnabla "A," .>_.; WladBOt "A," -IV; Ridcewoi-l "A," 4 1 :>'.??: Phos. ? a I-16. Empire "A." 4-; No 8. ::7, ?: (fo 7. Si," ? \'o 8 8 1 M0? : -Vo :?, ?*?. : Xo 10. 3 f- i>, , No 11, IW Xo IS, 8 .",-11". STEARIXK?Lard ln li-hr, rponeat. Choies ln tr* irlnp. o-._3 8-18c. TALliOW?Qulel snd barely steady. P Ima eltr quoted 5.- asked : sale* yesterday 125 000 Bl out of lowa, ae. VTOOl -A llght BOtted ln both dom??M" Idnda. bal th ' ??**_ to have staa_y lunnort 'v- ?>? .??? XX "? -e, -0*9*810; sprtag Texaa. fnli do. - ??! I ?? ?' ' 4c; medlum scoured do, 50fT53c; Oeorgla, 28___7c _. uraix jxd rnonrcE markrts. Fr.ATIT." > OT VKW-YO**** PFAT.TNGS. The -1 tlw Pmr!nC(> I's-hanre ffatailaj iiaotirtl laife pi-portlaaa, and a f'*-iin?r.f th. 1 |i:iv;i:.ii twer priees at Interwala, Th. vluine l)f ?,,.., - 10,000 boahela. with ? - a.' oont D-itae the ;.,rt Of tlie (Inv t'e- V-rip?:r wa* .; 11,1,- ... t?, 1 ul Unuida ? . _e ,;,.-. i i_l und t_e bears flnally predomi I -?_r, bxiwevcr, than on ?Ided fche lonwa at tbe I _.1 to l.l hi .. sr, not ? ? dlng .11 ? improvon -.t ln tl .... emeut in rye over eni prohlb tire exp wl from Basaia bad s atlma iatlng (????< 1. I a. "????'? s-.d of He ,?1 advance <>f froiTi 40 to 50 raeiitlmes. Forclsii - by l.uiis fioally tar-ed .1 ,.1 tii? rnaratt tTaa h ..--? o\i>..r: to cbech the hit^ dextrcA_lcni. (1<_r_ari IfberaL i'.-iv_te eabtea were ut.-.-t ,t p-'rri!!'- weateer, par_cul_rly froni I '1 bls, too, bai . ' - effect. - nt .1 (>:>. s..i(. up to .ti ??.*> :t-4, aod u> pp'_- t? 81 (.4 :; ?..- ],,??,..; _t #1 07, went up *.. ^1 (i? 7 -. and dropped to 91 Ofl 1 *-. The spol n ri.^ii wwak, after a iirrr. ..iK-uing. Tliere ? i for pronipt au<l ape-lal ru ar del vi ?? . At the 0 itp* 1 - ; rnent, i bldrj by Netr-Yora __s_. MUl r. ? _m 0 ' i hnsbela. ( t:i v. a^ qulel ?'..- :i rola, ow1n<: to tlw e_<*ltem*-nt ln . it market E-rU in the d.-j- there wa. u rlae of from ) 4 tf> 1 - eent, hut lat,. the n.arket weak ened on-ar man htrorahle cr*.p new-a, and f.na_y lowei than ..11 'Vedne-day, Late eabtea arera lii-ficr but bad llttle rr.__enc_. The easb m.vrkPt wa~ Bbotit 1 f_Ol i*l-.*if:g, hotr>;ver. Wlttl l^ss Urm T'i.-> arere 40.000 b-Shela tuken for eiport, . for .pacial Octobe-r deallnsa. 1 a:^ wera *-.-a_tcr and mtlici dull. Option. deennod " - ./-nt on i-''?xl crop r4*p_rta? whfch 1 <i (0 . Uhlg. TIk- <p.t market opened firm, but el08C I .rl *ms flrm pnrly, hut *vcal*cried on heavy sellintr of ptoT_rlons at the w.*t by a h_r_B o_*ar_tor. The rloslrig wh.* from .^ to 8 poir.ta lower. The rl .sirp prioes wer*-: Wheut?August, 81 0434; September, ? 04 1-9J (?."txiher, 8104,-8; Decemb-.r, 81 00 3 -; May. (fl 10 T-8, __.,__,. ( ,, 71 l-_ rer.ts; Septeml^r, 63 1-4. er, M -i *? _______ -o - o ? - An-nn, 35 3-0 cents; (September, 33,-8, Ortoljer, 33 7-9. __ ambar, 9?r>4; O.tober, 99 94; De:cmber, 8" 14 Tli.' r*-rr>ipts at Kaw-Yo**, I_iItiinore*. Hoston and l-h!i_d?-lpni_ yesterday were: '>v!..?t. 477,199 bnsbeh; eara. 37,088 b_ah_ls; oata, 103,236 bn.hels; ci-.f-,..:', bashels; Bour, 83,015' packages. At < h Milwa-kee and Bt Lonl. tba rccelpt. wew: *heat, 479,818 b-shela: eorn. 43.04V bnsbels; rem. _,').l baa_8_; total, 798 989 b-Mtels; -Oar, i'i,-T:: paeaafas ?niF. T-U-D- IN CmiCAOO. t'ht"8.o, au-. 33 IQli.U-il) Tl looned to-day sa lf _aw?X_B_ h.d lor:.-1 on _____ I'or a llttle whlle in t_e a_B__ag llitthaia iubbiciI 10 te- hnviiifr, bal '?- f-oek ReW'Yarh kd u.e _alBaf< 9_ l-ardrl ?? _MM ::* and Wlth _?__ Iroi, tne ?ti, d.u.a.H iud.,, ? praraan. The pi-feaslonal trad - 1 war. tK_r.?:, U. u '.-. a!.. Th?? "BSBll BB, a pau--.' Ifl the ,?l\ai.,.,.. _.._ ., |J HOW evr-r on u,.- "nm New-York wa, is'jK.rtlr.g 04 l(_<ll* tirCMi,. _,,_ wj. |,,lV-n., ;,i; pric, ap from :>-.., u, s..-_. Th. Weat,-ru ? ,. ]t r?.iild have wew '' ? n'.A th.-r.- <? as no pr..-. n were 819 "-r? new ir...v.. br (he v"-' CO-TOII _-_-____-._r_ TELECRAPIl. Ltaarpoal au.. ll * ? ?__4>M-bb?_M ssie* of the dav in"..i'i- *.K"j ha.?a Am^rVan Paanra. -ad *> vii, rlcan?Wlddllng, low BUddilug .lsuas, Aujruat dell^ ry . .i LT-'.ii. Auyust aud aapfmU-r dellverr, 4 20-8I 4 27_iV|d _:-Old4 2M-(3.?'. and <? ' ' 27-84_4 28 ???? " ' -^?l;\pr-. 4 81-dad lui.-r* ? NovPtnbtr and Deeemhei dellverv. ? 8a.'V4d Inirer. 1,M. __ ^. B,.,d J.p , 4 88-04'd _ut tp Jun'iar\ :,r'ia:>- nnd M?m, d- Ivi rv 4 I" 84_>4 41-Old. . . ... ; i3-it>- ? loa ml-dlliK T1-'. : ->??'. 1 t, and gTOM Un_ 40 bales r.r-w erap; axporta - as 50 :?|i?; Hplnner*. 29 li-i* : atnek. I.70_ hi: - . niid^l-n_. 77t" : 1 ' 14 exportu eoastwias, 73 balea; *ii.? 14.5 i.i ? '"-'I balee. ?.iiah Aug. 11 ' H n .-a-v ; mlddlln. 7"*" ; li"" ? 7 1-1'4-: .'..*! /rd:nir. .?_?? ; n-t and irroa* r -;,j_Jj,sr 22 bal-* new cr..|.; *a!.--. 3.. ba' -a ? ato.K. 8.981 S'p'( ?_. 7 V ; lr w . 7 " :.; good ori:_,r. , 4??* bales. Ineludli . ? ? ? - k, 89 '.... - _E__0___VII TBODCCM MAKKET-:. __trarpaat, ai, Jasl la i>. or d.mand PorM iu fair dernaod; prli - v. :..,.. inn . Irm at ,-. iw llun- in fall 1 r . ul Barou ln j-h-I demand ; i m h_rl. ' ' . about 4.'. r. iirm iu :?-'?, f..r lona -1. " ? H. ra_ ?! . ,hi 1 A??-rl.-_u rln-al whr. und ... 1 il- ..d i 1 r *?,___, d. . an1 I, ',' ?r v ? J1 iVf ? - ? 1-. jnteat ,,,_,.,.._ rit-. Improvlna Kanaas wlntar haH . ->-_ :? red apHas tlra. st 9s VI. " <-" . . .. ' n. - t . ?.:,? pLYiu Io..t-T".-re m Bsaata- a i iv ll "" ? -; " '''" n_a,n,,,"rti_;K-it.?-* >.?-. *?r-vr."-'. ^-_'J.i,^^V__**B8 Bta__. 88 8u_4- Wi aa Ta_*na^aT -AtMfi ygfa-J? "??** _R___ _r a"**5 ft 8- 70*8)4 40 eowa T*2?i. f2 Pd* *& i Weat-rne, ia.o4a?iJi4S ?hi^*e__.Vt4?** ?? y^^ffi paek^rv'b4 M4rj6 10; prl_-_J?L =R? *", "'_?.. ?..'** tO; prlme >lghi?B6 M_?? SK. _?_?_ tfS ?4 84. hheeji-K..-elpU. 5 0nl?*___* : ?;:**??,_ M_tt head; market'fainy itlve/^,''?4 ? ,^v n.lxod and w-rtnera *4 flft_e?7771-' :..f "**? ' mlired and wetn**.: *4 8-_88_Tf UEfi _5 j_iS ?, W.*t-ru*. *4 15; larnba, 8.1 60ajA .i-***"*' *" *orf*4 w' SL Lt_Uv Aug 13-- 4-W1i-.R*,#1_til ?> or.0 head ? ?hlp *_ET aVSo i_^_o?____5rElk8V__Sa -aaTra !_n__i.?___.W__0_n'2_5' Jf ???? do. *3_*5 jTeaan and Indian *i??. ? 20^ *, _&& ? .<#-**"" 11 nga-IWelpt*. 3HOO head, ahlp_cnU ?orS, held nir ?h,^'.,,7V.;r^^h,----^-^?; ?fnrmsrieb $_n?.? Co tt. OWXER OF Ft'P-SISHED HOCKF telnw^-?,-it between '.th and Oth ave*. aonld ' l*l?\^Jf* __? _ amall prlrafe famllr for th- boorf of * ?____'' ____ - ref? erenee required wlth appllcation !*_*?.? J^l?' rW, _,-!_. New-York IV O. aaBBBBBB P. B-, Box -otria. _Mf-_ ALBKRT. KIROri^- i_ aw llTH-S... U_i. BltOAUWAlf AND ITH i__T w T LocaMon central. Ideal flreproof bnildina-. e??i'aJ_ ajjaalBBB BalBee of .?? to aix rtW. "3 Ahed I ? l J-__I_______r?y ur*-*.-* MAXMOrt HOl'.??_, HIt(?OKLYH Hl'li.lira tlrect.r cppoalte Wail-at .\,w.lof? 4 ?uu2r S *"_ ? 2_iE "_2 -?d 8-8 Brldge SJmlnaa mperlor *:ecrorood*t.on?: reaaonahl* ref, \*-Z*iTfamllr and tr-naient hoU?, . 100 rocna. S?nd fo, WJSlgji. ^ Cost ?na Sonno LOST-Bank-book No. 812,610. B-nk for Harlaga. fl n:?e.-k.'r-?t., New-York. Paj-ment atopp.3. Pleaee return book tn 1*1, k. ?c-an Bt.amers /X)Or_'S TOURS BOUND THE .YORLD. (ALL TRAVELLIXa EXTENSBS INCLUDED.) The FIRST PARTY of the eea.on will __? VAX COl'VET. by 8. 8- EJdl'RESS OF JAPAN, SEI'T. 8. Foi l*wing dat?_: Sept. 10, 26, and Ot. 8. ? bend for Ulut,ti_:ed programm*. THOS. COOK ft BOX, _201 and 1,2-6 Broadway. New.Ycrk. THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. cendurt* a faaaaal expreaa bualneaa, by all b I ara. to and from Europe. AMCHOK LLNE. V. S. Mail stcamahip-. FOR GLA.xiOW vla LONDONDERKY. t. Tht .-?., N. R.. foot of Weat -4t*-e*. __rnea*la..Ai.g. 18, 1 |>. n. I An<:riorla..A.iB. :n. 2 p. m. ,.. a 11 _-, 7 a. r_J f .rhiopla.. 12, 11 a. _. C1TY OF BCMi. &eut. :.. , a. _, , oe;. n>, 10 :_U a. m. liat^a for p.a:ooi ra??jg By S. S. C1TY <.(?? ROVtE, 800 and upward. accjid:..;,. :o ac ..mmodat.on and locatlon of Moora. Ut:.e- Steamera of th- llne B50 and upward. .leioiid Cabln, 8.10. Btemg*. *i_. For booi.* of toor- and further Infonnation, apply to HgXDER- _ -i-OTIlEl-4, 7 BowUug Ureen. X. Y. CANADiAN FACinG RAILWAY fltia__Mni. CniXA AND IAPAX LIXE VAXCOCVBR, B. C. to TOXOHAMV. BH.vXQHAl ar.d HONO KOXd. XEW-YORK TO JAPAX IX 15 DAYS, 0Ot' ml'.-a the aliormt route. Lower BBBea S"nd for info.-rrntlrn. Intcr.ded - Va.jouver of the new _\p;eaa S> __*hlp* I'M'.THIA not new).Aug. 10 F.i-:i'. S^ 0F JAPAX.-ept. 9 ?IT.--. ..!?' INDIA.. . ..Bept :)0. E. V. SKIXXER. KVERETT FKAZAR, (r*n'l i-.L-t'n At't.. Chlna and .far*.. Krt. Agt<, 8^3 Broadway. X. T^_124 W_ter.?_, X. T. C I'NAKI) LINE. NEW-YOHlx TO LIVERPOOL. vla QCEKNSTOWX. From Pier 40, North iliver. FA_1 E-tPRJE-S .MAIL 6LRV1. E Annn'a ...Aug. 15, 1 p. n? j i I ' 5. 7 a. tn. Vn.brla ...Au. 2-. * ?. ni. IAuranta..8*p. 12. 11 30 a. n, Kervla-.Aiig. 20, 1 :i0 n. m. I I'ui.ria... fc-pt :., 0 *. nu EXTRA BTEAMER. B ' nla, B. i-t. 2, a p. m. Cabln pawu: . - [ntennadlBBB. J.')'.. Ptee-ag- t,e_.!/. 10 and fron. > I |*rta . f Eorapa at vrj low rat^-a ror frelgbl and i..*-~e apply ..t the eon. t.-nr'a OfflC-e, Xo. 4 I'.o vli.-s: -? ? k. __ .'.V.\ ?. . m , ... rai Agenta. COMPAliME (.l.MI.M.I. Transatlantiqiie, FRBXCll LIXE TO UAVRE EVERY hATCKDAY. j.a J. 'I KA 1X1'.. Fiangel - . . ,".. 1 p. in L,v ii' .1 r. ?? li. a LA ( HAMl'AOXE, Boyer....Bat.. Aua 29. 1 p, n.. A. 1-O.t'.i.T. ileneral Agent, Na A lio..liiii; c;reen. C1HAR1J STON, S. C, Um .0 th _ Soathweat, /JAt K i).\ VII.I.E AXD ALL FLORIDA POIXTH. . iAMSIIIP .'..MI-aNV. Kron, j le- 29 8t 3 ;.. m. AIXaONQ! IX, Ll_rltatoi and Ja. r-'*,i rllle Fri., Aag. 14. ' CliERi IK I..., . 1.-- ?? ???? 17. YEMASSKi:, Charleston and Ji -1. Aug. 19. All at-a . paaa n? 1 tt d .1 -. k ! Incurance . r,J r ? ; lf?1 of o:.e p?l I ceiiL \\.\l. 1*. CLTDfc t t ?.. 4_*oeral A.eiita. V. T. T O r.'iP.H. <,.nl As*.. <i >? i-r't Llne. 317 liroadwar tU'iOA U.Sr.. I DXITEB STATBB MAIL STEAMP'.r.S POi; QL'EENr- ERPiloL. Lear? i'..r 3o, K. It., fOOt of K:n -al WVOMIN. iatnrdar A g -? 15. 2 p.m. aLaMVa._4_urday, A.i(r.,?t .2, 0 .''O a. m. VS .-' ONSIX. -? - l'- i'. ARIZOXA.haturday, Septemfcei ."> o a. tn. ; NE\ ADA. 12 noo.-i. ?*Mn paasag.-, 880, BC0. *,-() .r, 1 Bl W (aeeordlag U. 15 8b -rag. at low 1 rate-. A. M. CNDER1IILL 1 C_, S5 Br.adway._ HAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET CO. 1-X.'ill.-.-- SERVB E o I.o-.don and ila.: burg. Augusu t'lcuirli . .s,'Pt. 8 Xormanala .. A17 27 KnerM Riaaiarek.s>-it. 10 E\pre*? *-<-arn- r? crUTT no t-otion. bERVII I illiect to Hamhui-_. Danla ??'? 1 Kurla ??? An;. .2, , a. _. Flrwt eal.ln, *'-0 at.d 01 n o-ilnp to lo?--.t:oii. ItlCAX lOEX'L PASnAOE OPFICB, PACKEl . .MPAXY, - n RlCTHARD '.-(0. i?7 };- 1 I 1:1 Broalaray, New-Tark. 1" WI \\ i.l.Ni. 1 S. aad R vaJ Mail it -imer* FOB QM.l-NSTO.VN AXD UVXRPOOL, . ITT ui r.v>.l- MTedi ?-..iav. Augu-t 19, 5am wlXY OF CH1CAOO... - - Augual 2?. 11 a. 1.1. C1TT l ?F N 1 W Vl 'UK.. vv?im. > : .v. Sei ten.b ? ?.. '? C1TY OF i:.; ULIX... ..Wedneadae, I ? *. ir,. F-oni I'l?r H N R. add.-'.'nl.-ii'Chriamph-r-a:. Ferry. Hli'.-i . Alll>, *?')> and upward. a"-ord!:i_ to af-amer .-,1 1, , :? '\\H!N', *:U and ?40 FTF.' )W.r. 820. ri-'.TI-.l'. WHl.illT & fcONS. rjencral AcenU, 6 liow.lj.g rireen. N._Y._ .1 APAN-CHLNA. OCCTDEKTAx. /TTD op.TENTAL -b-aniera l**ve San I'ran. 1?eo a* followa: OCEAXlt. .Sati.rlay Ai.gnat 2_, 8 p. rn. .jAELlC. epfa'niber 18. 8 p. m. BELUli ivia llonoiulu..I-uradaj. K. 3 p. m. OCEAJfK.Tueaday, aovc?ber 8, .1 i>- -. b ipartdy appolnled-ftap??a Ateonu-odallana Keaer\at.o:ia cj.. be B-_? b. letter ur te.e^r-y.'. to and cabln p._i.? ^??..Il at 281 ai.d MA Hio-dway. .\>w-.ork,or lioou. ?4, KaiU-oad U'-.i-l. g. Franeiaco. LELaNIi BTAXFORD, Prald?nt. T. H. QOODMAX, Oenaral Pa_K-iger Agea*._ M" EDlTKJiliAM.AN LESE. !.]??- - M-ailier 5e-\1ee. New-York to Kenoa u. E.*veo Day*. XORDDEI I-CUER LLOYD b. b, <0 DIRECT ROI li. TO S./ilil 0F FRAXCE, RIVIERA, ANJ> 1 l.vl.V. Touching (..ira:tar. t?. land paaaengera to bpain. Avoiding u.? Xortt rn La^'ode* ..r AUanttc, Uia ciiannel ( ro^-, v aa I. '. i- R. K.des. DEPAR1 L'RES S a FULDA, Wi-.iiM SJ.AT, OCT. 21. 8 A. M. S. a FCLDA, VVEDNE8DAY, NOV. 25 XOON _,. b. HT.l'A WEDNESDaY, IiI.i 30, 2 P. M. and ererj -:re weeka tli-ranfter. l'_*<a*e *::.-, .. g]60 a baith, Flrrt Cabln. _ OFJLRICH- _ CO., 2 11 -. -.1 i I n _r .__**"._ VEW*TOBK i: CUBA Maii Steainship Oo. i.1 I'.*B> 10 Md 17 Eaat lllv-r. BjaturdiT itaameri al 1 p l... a-.d oth. rn at 3 p. a. lor Bavana, - rneefca gf atera, ; . -o, ': ? >;.im o- 'I V> n I I MataiiJ**, Cardcaas, ._r'a l .> h r-<n. _ aeaau, _anti--? d- Coba, '????? tananio .:.d 1 l..nfue*oa. Oili-ABA iiu inasndM ? ? ' - Sat, Atia '-'? \i.i:\ tNDKlA, ilav. and Matanxaa Wed., >u?. 18 M' ?-- ni v -. , ? .\ Har. . Mea porta BaA, au-. 22. NIA.4ARA, llrt\. an 1 Baftta.W d., ftag. '-??? CIF.nFt.'F.i*4?S, N'aaaan, sanUneo .j.- . aba 1 d f ?g ?-... .. I.. U_, A-;?. 87 T'1. Llne hai dlreei ronncetloo with and i*<ue* thronKh Bl.i* of Lal.iii; tc all polut- ou MeM-an R. \V. . 0., M< ? ; K. ^- Ca., Ltd., aiil lh* Mootaray and Mexicaa Oulf Rallroed For f.ill partl'-.tai-, frelght or i?**a*e, apply to JAJIES E. WaF.i. ( COT, 11. vVaii-at. K-ORDUEI'T'I'IIKR LE'?W) S. 9. CO. BHO LOXDOX. gEW'-yr.RE BOCTllAMPTON AXD liREK-Ba*. -u : from plor foot of _d ?t. HoboKen. FAST i . MERB Efetar.-Ba*., AU* 18, 1 p. m. Sa?le BBB., Aof. ?2. 8*. m ', r.e.T'-- -, a .?.'.-.;. 1. ui . *-i''--- l " !0*n.. Elbe. vv-d . au 18, 0 am. |Fu:du \v d , .v.* 2d 11 1 - FUnM e*?- ... avo ? lf-t. 6? r*B*8 iweat mte*. r^ir:-.!-. kjCo. 2 BowjL '.'B DACiriC MAIL -TEAM-HIP COMPANT I LfNE.-. TO CAf.IFORNIA. JAPAX . HiNA. CEXTKAL AM' sul TH aMERICA AND MEiICO, i-ro (i*w-Y*rk, pr loot of Caaal at, X iw, lor san FranLinto, \l? U.. .f Panan.a. ? From R*n Franelaro. 1?- ai.d Brannan ?te.. l-.r. ) v ? \T. CHIXA. CITY OV Kio DE JAXE1RO >at? Th?' Bant, 3, 8 p. m. I-or frelght, paaaaga _. : 1 a li ' ' ' . a;iply to con.naur'a oll.-e on tl ?' '? 1: II. J. B0LLA1 Oeneral Supcrii.'^ndaai_ REL) 8TAJ. LINE 1 AN rWERP ^vr. PARIS, KallinB for W*w-Y*rk and Ai.r?-ri ? \S I -TEKXLAXD. . 11 a n.. RHFXLAXD ..... w ? ;,. m . ebtll r..W- 1 >r- EJtl i.r'loi:. ! upward. S #*l .n. B05 to r?-.-?. -. ..?,.'! Ai:- . ', 1! ? * r . 1>1.!> "D" UNE OF STEAMSHU'.., Itl-OR LAOUAYUA PUERTO CX'.V Ll 0, CURACOA, . . iRU ANii MARAI tli Pla 86 Fai r>?. VI N EZf'EL > .. 1 p, m. ? h PHILADELPHIA 1 |.. Bi. ? Th- ? 1 llly I M 'lide. kave very aupej ? Ul ? ra. BOL'LTi.N U.e.rl--. A- .* ? r. '? ? v r . 71 Wa 1 at. III" WHI'I 1 -TAJf ! . or yl II NKTOWN AND 1 h .va:. an . >T*T1.-. M vil. ... ,J O 4 ?T. iito-.. \ r '-' 1' ?- m 1 ' ?" ' ? ? ? 1.1 u,n 1. '? p-.i. ?M*>? ' ,n *- in I *Ma - .ek, fo-.t *f ' 11.d uj.ward ard ar. r - , ,,r hirih 1. *4 .,, |?\.> ? - > f., 1 0- to tha O'd <o n._. eC1 OH-B*uira OHi.e. Na 29 Bro.dwar, New.York. Pi.lU d*la-ia Dfl-a. 408 Wa-_uu*a __, _____4 ilauj, x_** KEAL ESTATE. BU?r\ES> AT THE FXCHAXGE. C'maiderable lrit#-->--t w_. ahown at Ihe __a__-_ T-*terflav ln the Rnle bv ,:. V. Harnett * C_> nnder forc rlu-uire of _*__, _Dr to _i_ West Fittv-thlrd st.. we-t o heventh ave. ffcj pa_f9"% e .nsi-ds of four f.ajr stor* jronl dweiiii... ,?, |,,,. |Tx90 ench. Thoy ?w oifer,-.! hy order r,f the referee ln I"t. Th? blddln; ran vij_.,r<,.| _, fr-.m 937,500 un to W-.aOO, at wlnci prl.e A. W. ?a the l.u-.or. n-.uip interest waa axpreaaa. reatera-f ln the anJe o the Hteveos Hoaaa pr>.p,-rty. ai Um s.mthwest ccrrncr o Rniad-ay un<i MorrN -t The plot is in-egul_r. hn r**Pr?'"'-iits at,(?t ii,-<-i ,;lnm f~-t The motigage slve! 1* MatPd t<? be 8?-*"*>.(Ma>, or about W7 a square foot In addlUr.n to thi- tv.. evnmt Bl-Tl nnd 10*)x71, li <>ne hnndred-arid-twprf. third st., Eichth and 91 Nlrhola* nve?.. have been tlinnvn in. maklng. upon i rougli <-<tlm:ite of th.- pfeaeoi marhet f-B-M of thes* propprtle*. the sal- ..' tli. -fteven. House to work out a about #*;_ per square. foot. _ . ? -V-w-Tork, Thtir-dar, AU8- 1?- . Th, followlng aale wan h*'id at the Exehange snd Aur.Con l.-om to-da. : 4 4-afory dire|||h_., ^u, pi4)t of Uni No*. 208 U _14 ?M .5*d-*i.. ? . ,_ fi w 7th-a%e. plot. -C_50.5, C. W. FarrriPr, 8o_..r,oo RE' ORDED REAI, i.-TATF. TRANSFERS-N. T. CITT. 8a_?-st, No. 170 ?Tsst, la____899; Samuel R I'onnelion to Wm II Motlaa . 81 Bth-t. a ?, 64.0 fl _>t--e. 18.-_7S. Win Waller to Wiu li W.l er luf _art>... ' 63d st. n *, 150 ft w fHh-ve UslOO.S; an*r vood Aldrleh and Wtta .. Wm K Tiiorn . lie. SSth-at, a s. 200 fi ? i--. , , philipina 11. nba h.-r to I'h.l';, fl .... 1 _r,tl. *t. * -, 17. '? ?? ,-?-... _5.06.-i phillaliia Ketchar tn Phllpna B-uiaeh-r. 1 12t.i,--'. s s, 110.8 t*. Arenu, a, _3x!03..'!; H.ti.-y ? 1 Ou!??>. n -. 200 ft , o Btawa, ref?r?p. -o Karah J Mlller. 17,000 Hon..-**, H<m, l.oTo to 1.070; T.crn- u Allard to Marie L A! ard. . i Efl. k-at, No. 1(0 ClMia Dexh*im r ar.d wifo io EiaeotiM Kiwi . 88,000 64fc -*t ? a 800ft. im._\?, -8xl-8xS8.3s_.S_8; i:: Un-? it, r- r . ?<-, aadrea D-emch-Kk . 1,650 )>'j h ?t ? a, '.''?. ft * .d-ve ZSxlOt ' T iiar_ek to > l ijari,- k. . 1 _c. 13th-*t n ( %. 100 f: < , 7lh-?v_, 20x1094; FlncK to *-inn_ l'.o*t. 80,000 6__-st , a. 819 ft s M-ave, l..\100.6; Albcrt .1:- t aai wif, to Aaa. _aaner.._. 18.750 Pltt-*i Ho 92, . s. 28x100; Aan. Raaner to Senelv, Mmon.. _.,003 Can i r Ungave, a ? I..' <? ? --ap 8 Camrirt.llr>|{, _ ? ffard. -8-1-7.0 I'. . A M"rn-H to ier. of Sk ' r. 1 74th-?r. i. s, 1 . ?? ? ' 0 .1"-' 2 : tds snd Jo* Slr !r lo BlBBSBS BOd i'a.'.ny Hiarn-. 55,000 ., av, ? * 'J'. 't ? isk .' rra .-. 100x100; \\ laai R 8??I I_ind Impt 0a to Henry lt llml_. 8,000 Fox-v. ?. a. 02.2 ft ? loTth-at, 41 ?x'-,9.3x47.3x40; B-".s:e Kutpr tn Frank McOarnr. 2.0CO r> ,. Iimi rt -v wen'i B, _.5xl00; ( bflfl I' and wlf" to 0*. 8,700 HorsUi ii CoakllB, tni-tp.;, lacoh str?nt to M a C LeTj.;. 13.r.oo Sai.-" property; Hy \ \: lerson, Kferee, to ?ame 13,".00 Prarl-at, Noa. 284 to 280 a .orn.'r Bae_jnan_t, 60.10 - i n Petdt and wife to Cha* 1". Tr?"v. 1 _tornlng,ide-vo , w eoruer I10:h-t 1 '.11x150; t*_aa l; Irucy et a: to Joa W Spencer. 28,000 RFronnr.D mortoao_6. Aldrlh __M*rwaa8, to W K Thorn, n . B3d-*t, w Orh svr, dPDJOnd, f 1000. 1 __, Trofle, to HariPrn Savlng, Bank, . ? Home-at. e St?'bhin*-_VH 4 . 1 vear. *S.0C,0. I! -r-n k Chr ?tl.n, to C Mulier, . . 18lst-.t, w Arenu. a. 4 years, su.O'O. .?..->, io ls. W, lo M K Moulton, n . Hnil-ave, w Buh.rb_ti--t, I rear, Sl,*.;). rjyme. Mie-hiol J, to 1 J Byrne, s s 84th-st, w 9th-ave. SA.OT'O. Bruaui I. >ta-c. to eter? John Bavla, a s 2d-sve, s ? 5 years. 810.1 Ba . r. '. to t:ic l'.niirrad Bnll'llnjr sr.d Loan 30 H-uer, Frledrlch, to - I Bllaa, a ? ll?t-_, w ltt-ave, 5 v srs, ifl". __ _ rnoll A-a 0 to .', D Hllla., w s Brown Plsc ? . M W Borland, e s A'.ien-st, s Orand L 5 year*, Sl i R \ ^ ' H E Jones. n s 20t_.?t, w Lpx Ingron-ave", 1 ?? i ?_r, In_raham, n a lOCrh-st, e A ,.5<.'. |. - .. Mar'y E V. t.. U P H"rrmann, n s 74th-?t, w ,,. ?. igton-avp '.' years, +1.500. Ubert w, to Amerteaa Surety Co, 357 W?i - bond. I ;.ii ? -. R If Csaay, s s Kilrmount Place, Installs, 81.600. Annn 8 i ? Il l l.-T.nann, n w eor Canal and Mnlbcrry -'^. 1 v-or 88,1. .,. ,? i bristoph. r, llarlem -.aving* I!*nk, a w eor 4th i I20th-?f. 1 v-.r. :i norta, 8_a_6,_4, Ryama, Bhanehe, t.. 1 _eh i t/., n n 7ith-at. w 8d-ave, 3 ..000. Hali. "!? -v M. i "V I! H?al Land Imrirovempnt Co, w ? llpelunao-av,, - i*ak !?-.-_-. :i .(??>??. s: I, . ..... -. j ? .. .-halme ? 24, map A*top, 10th W 000. V J Mlddlebrook, 76 llorstlo ?t, d-mand. 810 \| ,? Barsh I to Va*aat Col'eee, n s lflth-t, w 8th , ? - \\ ..''.Ti fiav!nrs Bink. s a l*,r,h ?yp -!::?!-? ' ?fagel li '1 r .a i, '. 1' B Johnaon, n s 183.-st. w I I (VDonelsn, Jani??. tn W F FlahPr t Co.. s a 58.1-st, e llth-ai ? " 750. John, to I' 1". !-'?r. 271 nroo-iP-< lraae. demar.d. ? ? , T. iN. toB 8108*11. ? ? 12--i-*6. p A***Jl(ia ?-' -: r.(,o \: ?.- ? Einll, n s 0Cth-*t. e 2d-avp, 2 mortaa.-*, 1 r*_- - SMd rker T.enr-old. to J I. BalkltT. .14 to 88 Thorniwon. . - . ,i. MnrlP, to T. Surdam. * s 87th-*t, w 4th ave, 1 . ai C;tn pra-rrtTj for _c!f. FOR SALE OR RE1?T~ > ?anlliiBsa unfurulsheO, , 154 v. ? - co ro R. v. ii tRXl i i ;: i. t :. i BLO? K, PROJTT 4?v 5TH-AVE jwt I '.'. r> beat loeatlon <n city - CRCIK3HANK k CO. 170 Broadway. Bnsirttc. piopertp CTo f*t. UEMKAP.I.E IWK-TMFNT PIIOPEHT'.ES l)"\in Towrn 1 or *?nlr. RU.IM) ,V ?VHITIXa .> Ilpr_n,an *-!? Clection _\otucs clv\TK TTf'.\L W-1 (?l;K-< tFFIcFoF^TIli: ? _? bl." RETART OF 8TATR. AI.UaNV. .i:lf 2t', 180L To thp ShrrtT of the Coontr of Ni ?-1 SJft V ? ? IhS (r*n.?!-l pedtn. . lollo* a >,..?. r mr, I ' i?:i\l: it. H-U. . a l.n ,1.. n_it i...\ rnor, in tne place of Fdward F. Jor >a , .^.-. r ->ty ol - ? ? ' Frr.k Rlce. A 1 >? .ro.'-r, .;. ' ! .<:.> :.r-1 VV( A i . ? ''?-._ An Attorn. ? ni in th- plaee or Charte* 1". Tanor. a ^ti.. ; n_ii,.. r ...'i Surveyor, .:. ?' j0"n Bagart, ho?^ t rn* of .??!.. p will SXplr. on Uip la_t day of npxt. a Justleo of t.- fi'ipr me Coort 'or ti.e I Dlatrie) . i. ingrsh-m th- Uoverni i of J". n l_ Bra ' foi aa I A ttenatot I sats Distriet eon; ? ih:.-d t-.r.ri, Si.t.i, ?. ti and Fourtoenth I N'ew-Tort .. .? ? t pertlon ..I th. f'r.'.rrii VVari 'f ? ? ? : . . ? ( ' -- t, Chathi l-nr. K.'W. 8] 1 fcllp and Baat Kivei ul that portmn of i that in- ii - !'..,? "kt atraet /..-?? a-rwi snd Sorth River, i*-rernor* I-la-.l. Hcdo. , laland and EUll A . ? Distriet, romp. --d of tn* _ . _a u - 1 of *a.d - at 1:^. ?i_ kal . *_*sat, 11 i v e r. . , *d ot . ?".,-h ?-ir'l ot -... ? idwaj and ? ? avenue and Br . tfi* Stxtpenth v irrl of N""-Vor-. sll that por Jon . ' , r . T . ?- ? ? -?? ' -?-*'? :?' -? '"' '' ?,' t .r Bro d - . : said ?tr.-ot. Bfoodway aod *tixi d ?:i tt-.m iv i . ward or aald It] rhv llea wlthln Taenty ?i ? irA N'.r'1 \ - ? ? that. port ' ? Nli eteenth ? ew-Tsra Usa e_*t of Th.ra . , .ii i, - | - ??? Distriet, eotnposed or an d Twentv-nral S ., Tort mir lie, n _h.n Thlrtleth ??-?-'. I :,11 ?_.'?' :?'" .... ?*___- 'I? ,rrnu* and all th*: portloo of tb. Twelfth snd Twen v . . | - I>la id? , \ Senat ?.- for the El n-h Fenat.- Distriet, rntnpe**"" ' ... .fourth wai ' I ty<_ enaeta , and T-'-ntv apeond -? tl"th --r ". Bpoyi Elgbtti BTanaa and i'-'xr-". . .^ \ . ? in thp ri'tv-.i-i.-id Con-rr-p* of the ? ? - - of the rount. ..r NVw-v?ra, ii. plaa. .?' liank a. . . __M nty snd __-tf I be el.eUd for aa.o T>? ? ' ' hlr. _,____' a , . s< I "/'n._^ *? ..eor.e _? , ?_ ~i ? ? ? ? , ln p sca oi T*. I -' ln plae Khrllch and I ? 1 - . . .! I. ?' ? ? , i , ..." _' . .y o. '? I'H . ' Rtfr-tl i I i ? . V '.,] *T1 v > ?> - T ' ' ?.r. I imi: >h?-r!r* af __ nr- a i ai_. _. 111 turra nn ? ? v . ? . < itt M.U | pul l?* r. ?r -i ? i ?uei.t ?al ...... JOHN J OORMAV. ___x_3 ai IL, au- and Cou_i# af _?_*.-__. -Inctiort Salea of fieai gstaic. T. F. Altt ilF.ll. AL'CTIONEER. GRANO AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, AUG. 15. 300 Choice Residence Plots at Etmr Part (FORMERLT THE MAJdMOTH HOTEL PROPERTY). ADJACENT TO BOCKAITAY BBACH. THIS PROPERTY IS 8ITUATED OX THE FINE8TBEACH0NL0NGI8LAND. ONLT 10 MILES FROM THE CENTRF. OF New-York and Brooklyn, AT THK WBEBEOJEM OF THE N. I. & ROCRiWAT BEACH RlILWAf. THE ENTIRE PROPERTY IS RESTRICTED. LOT-* ALL READY FOR liril.niM*. Broad Avenues, Wide Stone Side walks, Running Water, Electric Lights, and the Most Perfect Sani tary Sewerage. THE PROPERTY FROXTS OX Jamaica Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. BATHttG, SAILLXG AXD FISMNG. D-IVIMJ OVER A FIXE BOULEVARD BY THE SEA. TERMS OF BALE.-Tea per etnt ef th* purehaee rnn-r aod anettonaafe fe* of 9& on ea.:h lot to b? pald to the auctioneer at tir* ttine anl plac. of tuir, for which bla reealpt wlll be glven. Baianee of piir^naae n.onev to b? pald on or before S->pt. 11 as the offlc* of tb? R<">( k'awaY OVEMEXTOO., LTD, 10^ B*0-dwar, X Y. llftr p r .-.?::'. ma. .-? ? ? . an-1 >I.irt*a.e for thr>.<. or fl-.e jr**r*, wlah ii:-r-.-. at .". per oent,, paraola e^mt-OJinnailr, witl. p:-lvU. ge of pa. lng PrltKlpal of Mortzau* at anr ttm". Conterno's 9th Rcgiment Band will furnish Music. Bpeelal traina will le_.v Long Ialind Cltr liOffji _>.; Flatrioali-ave. iBwokIit,-. 1 00 p. m., atopping at Fr-n-^i. ave. (B-dford) ar.d Ea?: New-York. Buahw|._. l o<> p. m. 1'or tuli lnforniat:on ai.d Free Ticket* -P!-lr at tbe afll e of the Rotaaj Fart _pml Co., LTfl, lH-2 BROADWAY. R*on 81, X. 1., OR T. F. ARC'flKR. Auctioneer. .lur-alra. L. 1. CHAN. !*. BlfOWN. Anctloneer. Tru?teo_' flale at Auet'.on of the ELBEKON HOTEL PROPERTY, ELRKKON. X. J CHAS. S. nr.OWX wlll ?*!) tt auctlon at the Real Ba tate Exrlr.nit-. B'J L!.-rt.v-at., N. Y., at 12 _., \VF.I>M>DAY. Allil ?T 19TII, 1*1)1. under dirwUon ofSEWARD, UCTHRIE t MniiAWET?, at... . T*. THE ELBEHl v HOTEXi, ELBERON, NEW ; JERSEY. Tha land r_ - from th. a ? lo 0 m-*\e., : on whleh it l>a? 450 ft- frontaye. The Hotcl 1- attnctlr* ' and f.iliv equippe.!. Tl.e ..iirlt'ld lottage. adp-intng tbe . ?> ...ri/e aid 11,1*1. rn. I- Included ln t...; ?ale. ! The Hnt.l and Cottage wlll b- sold fa____e_, .nd *'ib - ? to C. '!'. .ror .--. Tha r ata for 1H01 to fro to the ieller. On?-half of th* purehaae inonr ...a- raa -un ou bond and B?rtgafa foi 3 years at ti p>-r ont. For partl-'.il-ra, a-ld.-. . __VVAKI>. >.T rHRIE * MORAWETZ. Attpmera-at-Law, 31 .Vaeaau-at., X. Y., or CHAS. 8. BRrtSVX, fit. Lr.-rt.y-st., N. T. Conntrn ?3ropf.rn Sor 8a\t an- t?o Cei Homes for Summer and Winter. BBN80NHUBST-BT-THB-SBA. Sewers, Water, Gas, Sidewalks, Fencog, Park on lioacli. 4.~> minntet from Battery, N. Y., vi;i new ferry and Electric li. K., every half hour, or from Brooklyn Bridge, via Brooklyn YAe vated ]';. EL Fare on Electrlc R. R. firo eenta. Iliustrated c'rouiar* sent G. B. F., 41 Wall St.. N. Y. flml (Pstatt. (CUuvtcs af. firototi* ENTTRE MANA.jEMENT iK ' ?? ... R8JTATF. MON_lf LOAXED OX BOND AND MOHT-AOB .18 LlliERTY MidlKT, N. Y. fimnmer tleaorti. THE AMPEESAND, ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS, N. Y. OPEN THK KVITHK YI.AU. Thla n?w hot?l la beautlf".llr Ic-ated on _*w*g Saranac LaAa Di.tlng the pw<t Hi'iter lt baa been .iiinr?"C. and la the ii.oat :'.,<lern and B-.*M hotel tn .h" u.o intaln*. r.:m. |..-*n, b^.t. g:t*. e:?ctr'.c beil* and e ? ? ? l.3p";a. attraatlona far 'o.;ng pe.-nl-; xuaic, te_ala, bou' niL.K a--- b-iaehii Reii. lor clre.'-r*. i'r.:.>. _*., EATuN _ YOCXO, Managera, Agperaand. X. T. ADIRONDACKS. I.I'.t.AND _OC__| BCHU-jON lake, n. y. Famlly hotel of Ufh ola*?. Ln.*uon, appolntrnenta and sarrtee uns..r[Hi?*eJ. Fia**l t..nnl? court* ln tn* A-lroodack*. _p.>clal ratea lor Beplai L. R. & _ D. LOCKE. ADIRONDACKS. * . ?.'. LAKJC MAa.iAVVEv ' BECOMi SEABON. OBM of the uiOftt, heaithful and I _eeu:;ful ... atloni in th* N-.r'.h Wo.idi. ih-- hunting a-.J I the flaBli k poaltlraly unsuruaased. Hote! new, wtth moU en. Unpruvenvuta. I-::iel- lUoatraaad book, *Un n-^p _id fuilp-ari;.-ii. ..??>. 0?lled njion appllcation. Addreaa CTIILBWOLD PARK H0C3E a.NO COXTA.iES. Chi -anid, N. Y. _ CHURCHILL HALL, VIA.1IKIU1I, R. V. Oo-_ Juao 1 to De... 1. i'a.-lor car* from New-YorB and Pailadeip-la 4.r"i.t t<i hotai in-o-j.-idi wlUiout chanftt or tr_ ir? from New-Yor_. Elovation 1.800 Jett. _ I S. E- CHDTWHILL. M. r> . RUTford. X. T. I. I < UNTON CO.. N. Y. OX TH? MAIX r.i.vK <>j- TfiE MLAWAKI AXt IHliaox k. R. THE SUPERO SUMMER HOTEL OF THI KORTH. C. N. W1LSO.V, Manager. Al>so mana.ita Of nu; noTEL CORDOVA, sT. AlUI'STIxr. FLA. nToWLANDTHOTEL, L<?>Ct nitavcii. Thi* *?>?t farrllr hote.I wtil open for the won June 25; cuiilno and tabie ?er\ise are uoted for tlielr exrel.eoee, ?r*c!_l r-tea^ for the -oa^on ; arartmenta can now b? ei,(.a*ed at the Alben.arle Hotel, Madiaon 8a??re. Xew Tork._HF.n-rv WALTER, Piaaalaaar. LO.\? POI.VT IIOTKI.. ()\ BBXXCJi I.AKK. I?n? T.i.r.t. N. r. (m*r Vratkla* __*V. No MaqnlBBa*. to nmlar-.a ; tio?, .r U'-ry. s.-i:n.?. i. . r.?li_.g ; B.Hid li\crj-; a Urfct-.-la*- erafca-ttai w?.xiv bop_ a.< d. _Ti/.->iei>t. (2 p*r day und ui.aanl. Hp al rat*.. f. - faii.liee Addr.>?4 JIAI'. KlaON S. DOWNS. Lou*; i'uoit. N. V . ou Sen .:a L*ke. NEW GRAND HOTEL, WBMTBMM CATSKILL MOCNTAIXS. .vow *paa. <>m.v BOTEL OX mointain t..i? with r RAILBOAD aui.*' ; eleraBon -,'>"0 fe.-t. ^j ho'i.. ti?_ Xaw-Tork. i?r h J- '"K :.:.;.??-. _i.t, Si.n.nilt ?? 1_ WOI-Z-'E-ttSlO, Ff. II. KIM.'VMOU l>N. WXMI'l-r.OliKl. I.AKB. til'r.N II .s.. .... NEW -U-age-Miat. _., tab.e; U-agiUncenl a -??'r: j . dr ?? . BaeaB tpn.t BB8J ln a.w _i(U?; anoouug *od - !,, ir,... ??"'?W^.Vr'lMrMlN. ST. M ? ? '' ? ? ? Trnua Tlfw ? aTLAXTIC <_TT_ K. . V -? ia ira n^ar Leac*. t.err--ug ???? AU BnmTnrr finoxin. ARVERNC.-BMHE-8EA, L I. AKVKUMK 114>TS_ WAVW OPKM. Dlrectly au tho aaaaaj auEP-rb _eac_; eta-Uag; fl_8 __*_*. 40 mlnu-.n N V ris I.< n_ Ulanil IU Iwsy. COTTVWE-* TO R**J*TCO*1F-I.KT>l Vt*Ctt<l?II9 _&!_ll A ______xutRN .. Frop'r. .__ 4-HI Kl PVl.Ii *l J. COLEMAN HOUSE. m Dirpeur ou uie n_s_n. Fhe,, u.,ui. "**_? epen baKi-sy, Ju_e 27. For ratea, ->__..__ and u-fonnai* tloo add.-???.? ALFRED S>. AMER. H-V-I Xmpprlal. Br?-_ way aod __BV___. New-York |unlU May 81;. or Cole___B Houa*. A?bury Park. *'. J.____ Delightfully Cool. Alwava (."/.??. lUV.'.N'rT HOUSE. :>ou*_aea?t_a, _*ng Ialand; Henry Terry. Froj*i?_r. No, (ar frtKB roariag AUantle; _U*r houa,; broad v-randoa: fin, 18"-j oo ro-aqultoea; excell.-ut t-BaS; oul.f:u,g Unalord. *-lcH eo_ip_iiy ; r-f>r*nces . is?_onable ten a ; protupt rpglu*. DUTCHER HOUSE. PAWL1M'. VSW-TMUL Thla ele__nt Hrick Hotel la now onpn for the umpM-S. _t _._m*r Uueau. __r-?--__? ln _I. dtpartnanaa. .r.xn for cir.( _______ A1.BKKT (Lr.VEI.ANO, Propn-taP. FARROCKAWAY.L.I. THE I XII'KD ?-T\TK? II*>TM_ Omplet. In all iu app".tn__<-n?. Now op?_ uadaf tha __na?pmpnt of Ihe wall-known eavi-r. JOHN J. RtmElUt. 0 Far- Plac. Kew-Tark. GRAND ROCKLAND HOTEL, KOCHI.tM* th. tem of New-York* inouataln reairta: We*t Shor. __ R ; one hour'a rlde froni N. Y I IO : gBB-i drtve* fron. __ Hidaoii to tho Ha.'U. n*.r_. B'-autif'i. niountaln, i?_i aufl* rlv*r -cene.y. Mu?lc day and evening. ___? r_ar___ rot__. aeonq thji ci-pkr nt-Dsoi*. For r*.t*a apply to FREDEKIC LORlJKi. hB___| j forimrly of Bt ilul>-rt*. li.u, ix-igcru, Hc. kJai.d La-_ _ HARBOR VIEW HOTEL. EDI'AKTOV" N, MARTi-A'H YIM.-AII') l_L.A**__ *IA?4!?. Thla hoU u |a_| com^i. u?J. aad haa all modern Ins. i provum nui, opan iirep__.a, ga*. eiae&rle bel:a, *?-., ao.| ,.-? exteualv, playgri'inda nnd U,e L?_t ut, U.oUug aud ._.___?- a.d the p'irest of _ru___9 wa?*r. _ _ It ls magnlfloeotly loca'ed. eyery wlndow havlng ? eharrr.lng waler-vlew. 6eud for clrcular*. _J^V. DRgW. Mar*_er. rf A BEAtTTFtn, SfMMF.R RF.SORT. AT.WAY8 COOL AND NO MOSQl'1T0___ 1NDIAN HARBOR HOTEL, GREENW1CH, CONX., Sltuated on LON', ISLAND 60UND: 28 mflo. from Nowa Y-.rk; 10 rr.iloa fiom J-rome I'ars; 17 mtlas from Morrlg 1'ak; 4(1'e'S from Orand Central Depot. Send fas Cmr-ripflve pan:pli:2__ >_l<lr*!f_B. H. YARD. _ LONG BRANCH. West End Hotef. i ?ii?.r? and Heaianrnin.'. Trin.lent rata., 84 a day and upward. Weekly rsies, Vib and upward. _??___? D. M. 4 W. E. HILDRETH New-York offlco, MetropoUtau HoteL_ LONG BRANCB. LMTfcD arTATK- lluiEL. Newlr and deuor-ted; atio^t lamliy aca tnfll .leat houi. ____._??_. .. J* c- V*^ Cl-EAF. ^oprtsaar. LONG BEACH HOTEL, LL On the Atlantic. AN IUEVI. MCAiSIPI ||_r_8_ 25 MILLS FROM NF.W-YORR. vla the Long lolard Railro.d. JUll.V" T. DnVTNTi MansffSf. ORIENTAL MANHATTAN BEACH IIOTELS. BfANHATTAN BEACH, 45 MIXUTES FROM NEH'-YOKK. t*. K SILLEtK, MAMCiER. GVERLOOK MOUNTAIN HOUSE. OA-MKIUL ??0_r.____a_ 800 rt. hi<ther th_n any hob-1 ln the Catsklll*. Opens Jnr} 1, under new ir.anit .eni.-nt, at r-dueed rac-a. For circulan aad li.forniatiou -d-rosa Ctililv BROWN80N, (J*rrlook Mounta n Itouae, Woods'oek. L".at..r Co., N. T PROSPECT PARK HOTEL, CAI-JLIUL, N. Y. WTLI. OPEN JL\E \%% IflM* Thia populai ?inirna.- NBOTt l? a,tua_jJ at tats?l'i, N. T* on the n:Kh Uaf overlookl.-i _ the ilu.aon lilver. Both rlvel and roouutslti \1ewi ar, unsui-prtMed. Tli. hor*l appolnt. Bieu_i are _rst-cla~s, wlOa acconu-odatlon* for .60. Supor.ul orciie-tr*. Lawu teuol*. bil.lar.a, bo.uug, liv.ry aud c:.i.-r sttractlona Ko-soaablo tertna for both __aal_at and p*r:iianent gu'-*_s For purt. ?Jiar, untll July l apply V) Hon. MARCt'l BEACII. 105 H-bok-n-eve., J.r?-y CHt. and durlng thi aeaaon to J. H. B-OI-ET. M?na_ -r, Cataklll._ Sharon Springs, N. Y. i-AVII.iuN IiOi :* OPENTNTtL 8__*T. 25. Europenn Applleatloii* of **ul|>liiir Water, Inti'.l.'iiK.ii, I'uivorlr.a iua, B-Ili* und l<___fca_ FOR Rhenmatiam, fp.tnirh. r.nd -l.-n Dlaeaaea. Pomphleai, of houaa. and pr'??< gM'.'a. JOHN H. (IAKDNF.R _ SuNH EU___al SlevStlsa !n N'w.,l?!?... B_I*S _:r; n^ .i._lan_ no mo-qui-rx ? ijrand .fen.ry; beatfag, Uvcrj, _c. ; op ?. durtug B'.-j't. rr.her. CHAs. ,-sT. JOHN, Port )'.%__ X, E\ WATER C-A8" I.OI >F.% DBL vwai-.K WAiMt OAP, PA. Beaut'.r.: ? euery .i,_ t_. _e?t of hotcia; threa hours trou N'oa-York vla 1)., I* _ W. *L _ L. W. ISRODIIEAD. L1KI MRMPHRE.IIAt'nii. FLa, fl_hiu_, grmd atsaesy, airnHsal tabla. Illuatra_~l ho- k. :,o? m'ev -iih. i_; ior S'ptembat. A-lresa OWL'S HF.AD IIofFL. y.wi>ort. VormoBa) B EB.'ORD bl'RlNUb, BEDFORD, PENN. Ilotal Opan ul: O.tober. Wrltc for psmphlet on thls great B___rt, *nd Uie famoul B__rui!_) _Pl__N(T-> MINEIWL WATER, L. 11. DOl'Y, Ma-ager. ATLANTK BlGUT-ANIn.. New-Ieney iThe Alplae).-, >'ii.o alevatian ?lo*i of b_. and o _i., posiuvali ne moMiuitoe., supcrior tai.le, b_thli.?t, Lo_n-? an.l flahlog, C'K. .. I ..r.:..vT NF. K L. I. |_hb_ lo Bttan on Loag lalood 8eaa_. dno hour b_f bo-n or rali. T;ai_s hourly. (li-h trrrmnd; MbMbJ. _d_r?asfar t-1-B. >'** H. VANCOTf. oi*-at n ?_ Quean. Ca.. P. jf>. HIUHLAND f.I.i.l. I".1 "?'?:. _ ?, _,_ ^__ D.-ian ?J9"iwaaj lious. htated by ?t. am ; ?aia Ity 126. For . .r-u.ara addroa. J. 1 . lOVLKE, >>trou.l?tj(irg, l'a. H v__-a_l.v . 7T~ D_a-_y_i-aaek. Firrt cla*. uk \*TJRSL** HtTTKI. EARL1NOTON, lUCHFIELD BPRINC.S. N. T. E. M. .AKLi:, Oa_,r aud Proprletor._ H?TEt. E*"*I?'K. Hcalthl^at n ounttln resort xt Amert. ca- v.r.w lor de-criptiv pampnlai __?__. 1 M EsMlOa i'r>r. Blghla-d i__e. I.yco__n? Co., Pa_ K1^'1 :IYi^ifK_iN,:i!A,?vJ_Af__ ^/'?-?JhK ANO _T1LL WAT^R^KIX.*.^ ^ {UM*1-NE HOCSE. BELMSR. N. 4. *?" a-AClNU iRE OCEAN. NOW .Ja'fcN. r A. _ fiANK. w, I ?"Bay L. I_! P .', |7,. t lar .art ., ,1 r i' hathlnc: ;.' ' '?-? ''r*x."* -,? > pt. Addl . i_r E. j . ' s Y. PAJ-MX-i HOCSE, SPK11K1 LAKE N J l4_T*oaaon. _?u.. ma.-iir-.n.snt. Addrass ,4t.h *VMon I.MKi'. I LF.AVXR. SATV1I?EE. L. l.-Ui- i-o.iiie.llng roon.a at U_| ?,_ri ; I 4_sW_8. _.arl Baa '? ' Proprlotor. Lone Brwicli. N. J.. wlll .._>ii fo- g-eatl Jan. E I i..,,v OOTTENTlN, Vla'.nrtr A-ir-aa FUFA) H^ftY. !/?.. B-anek. N. J. ^ VW COURT INN, R< -I.I.I.i: N I. t. . l.50'rain_. F1r?t a_M. 8i t.. 814. Oaea all Ueyea._. Sntnmtr l-tcart (^nibro. ?OUT ON LONG ISLAND77-* il -a-rated ije-.rpiive Book of all s?- l'?.-_?rt_ i_i:i l**.l -i,_ )',?., s.1,-1 _f llmrl- und il .ardl-a 1 -lt-?,? I- r.e ,. : ? '? ??-r I.. I K 8 Loi.- Mar.d .. t> j ?d _-. ll... !?.-. ? aud 1 II ? ? .udr.-4\ aad al Tl* KU' OFFH'F. 5*1 BK?>%lltVM, *. T, Iu I,ro_lTii at n.8>fllk flaa. -utioii. aud _l.t .-i ton-sls (Tonntrn UonrtV_ A. . ?!.,- to. n led p-- pi-. :?. uui..-. tom\ ?wNi . . i \? *t __ta_^ Elti I :,!.'.- I ,i . '-<".?>? ,r odu ui I-li, i;<e Baass_ >uae_ ^u^ aU.Ui ta__l .?ne. Box -8, _a_aa___M-? .t-V