Newspaper Page Text
.VmnsrmrntB. ___-,- . BIJOV THEATRE-8-A Hlgh Roller. BROADWAY THEATKE-tf-Wang. CA8IXO-?:15-The (irand Duchef*. EBEX MUSI-:_-W_x Tableau*. ?_L BORADO (NewJeracy;-?:30?Rlng Bolomon. OAUDEN TU1'.ATRE-B:30-Beau Brummel. KOHTER & lilAL'S-B-Bl.-k Wlilttlngton and Hla C*_ AlAOIHON SIJI-AKE QA-UM-X *..MPUlTHEATKE-_ :15 ?Th.-odorc i'i.omas'a Co.icert. WADiMiN BQOA-UI _____ KK-8:_0?Jan8. ?ianiiatt\n 8 l_a*aaBa -?ALMEH'S 1 ll BAT8U8-8 U-Tl.e Tar and tho Tartar. I'olo finnTfTfWf i naai ___ TERRA. I ...VRDEN-S-Ix-r Waffenachmldt. 14TH STKF.KT THKATR??8?A Falr BefceL Jn&e* to -\0ucrti8fmctil9. Pa_c. Col. 1 P?f?. CoL iroua-ment* . tt II I In^trnctlon ._ 1-1 Annouiicemenu .10 6 llaw ^chools. _ 1 t*lo Re?i il.o?t and I'ound. 6 8 E*tat-. .1 6 Marrlun's 8 i?_th?. 7 d Ji-nke-re * Broker*. y 1 IMIaeeliaueooa . 4 2 r..*rl and 4 i! Ml?celi n*ou? .In 5-0 Btwlneo-ChanoO*.... 4 2-;i New PublU-ationa.... 8 1 Bt.sinew N.-tlcee.... rt 1 Oceao Maamera- f> a Counl v Boa.n. ."> 0 Frouoasl* . tt * l)iM.1end N.-tlcca.. .. il- 4 l!e?I _>??. 8 4-5 I<r< ._iu*aliig . 4 2!Ro?lEVTale. 4 1 Don*-.t.c Mt.iatlcna ?... 0 W,.-Ve.l . 4 6-6 U.? aad ? 1 ? r^. -4 - i - . Nutlce*. 5 4 'Rallroad- . 8 4-0 don* . ii 8-8 special Xotleaa. .' o F.naucla] . 0 8-4 St?unboata . '.? j-5 J_.?_ne_i| M?etlngs.. 0 * .S..i.i.. .?; ilesnta. !> 5-ii r..i 8ale .? 4 - _*_a_*r K.s. .inid.s I 8 lloio wAnU-d.4 84 T.aeh ia ---.. f J ll.raea an.tarrtagae 4 i TbaJ_t. <J 8 Il.iifla . 5 -IWork WanKi. 4 ??<> JBnor eco -Xotirefi. "^RIBLX_TtERMS TO MAIL BUBSCRIBERS. 1 y. ar. 0 nio?. 3 mos. 1 mo. Ballr, 7 dav* a weeK.*10 0" *5 00 *_ :>0 Bl 00 I.Mlv, wlibowt Snndiiv.... *00 4iiO 2 00 l?0 B. ndav Trlb-ne. -00 100 50 - iv.-eki'v Til.une..... lOn ? ? ? _.-:> 1-lVerklr Trlbune. 2 00 - ?? -? Poau+re pr^iald b\ Trlbune. except on Dallr and S'indar pnm-r for mull ?>.b?crii*rs in New-\ork Clty and on DulT, frcn.l-\V.'.-klv and W.-.-kir to forelgn countrl'-s, ln whluh caaoa exira posta.-.. wlll be pald by *ub?criberv Remlt bv Poftal Order. Kxrress Order, Check, Bruft or Jlerisi-red LettCT. . , __ Caah or Fo-tal Note, lf aent ln an uniegistered, W111 lw> at 0WDCr*a n*k. Main olt c of The Trib. ne, 154 KfaBBW al. New-lork. lAdtfraaa all eortaipo-denca alrrply '-The Trit.unc," New York. BRANCH OFITCF.S OV THE TRIBI'NE. AdvtrtiH nent* Tor publlcatlOO ln Th- Ttfbuna and crd<r? for ntulnr deli\.rv ?.f tne dallr iwper wlll be ro CClved at the foll ?\M:.i.- i Mncl. c!Sc* In New.York : Maln branch olMoe, l.TA* Bnodway, torner 31-.t-st. 1V4 itl.-ave . corner llth-at. 270 We*l -fd-at., ? .ii.-i 8th nve. 106 We?t 42d-t, near fitli-ave. 52 Arenue A, near ij.?f ith-at. 780M_re., aottaaeo i7tii-?t. l.n_r. -dave., between ?>o-i, mi 61at eU. 180 F.vt 12-'.t!i-st.. li.-ar J?<!-ave. 1,002 fith-ar*,. neir (K"th-^t. 1.70S let-ave., ncor 8:ith-st. 09 Llberty at. IN OTHER CITTES. _^ Brooklvn Advertialng A-nicv. 397 Fulton-st,, op. Clty BaV. Wa<.h1naton-X-i. 1 322 F at ? FOUNDED BY HORACE OREELET FBIDAY, AUOUST 14, 1891. TEN PAGES. THE SEWS THIS MORSISG. FoivU;n.?Tlio Orand Doke Alexis was cntliuei Bsfical'.y cIlticI bj t ho cruwds ol jioople who lined Uie BtCCBal tti l'aris Uirougli which h.6 car riage P0888d. ' Tlie Sonaputty of Manipur nnd a nativf geoeral were liaii'.e.i for tlie part. thoy took in tlie rcc<'iit mBBBtt8W of llrilisli offl cials. ;-~ Tlie Kinx of Denmark gaVf a lOB-hcoH to the C_ieago Fuir (.'oiiiiiii.-hiouers; Denmark will he rtjin^enteil at tl.o lair. -___ Tlie etate of hieffo ln liolivia haa beea raind. DoB_e8tlo?Tb8 PrBaidenl ordered that the jCh-COkce S-ip 1k? Bloted to wi.itcs. Tlie plans iOf his joiirney to lleiiniiigtOB, Vt., next wtvk, w.-re made pabUe. ___= lA-.-.lie \S'. R__8_ was cominated for Supieine Court Jndgc in the IVth District of this State. _-_= Prenident Harrifon received from the Qneen a di.spatch of ondojenee ?on the deatk of .lames H_88el] LowelL _'lic Gkariaaa w.m tlie gprrial n.eo for ihe 4f> foot-BB oif Newport, beatt-g tbe Sajonara only *_? seeonde. _== Destructive -toiuis occurred in the Ea*t and tlie We_t. (ily and Suborban.?Two more Chinese lepers were d_80OT*Ted; tl'ey were wnt to lllackwclls Island, iiiit. arera rataxned on tl.e dtoinanda of th.-ir Boaatrjraae-. ?? WinneiB at Jerome Park: [WTaloott, Tcniti'T, Fin-ii/i, Kmyaaek, Banqnet ciTid Pafaa Abrahaa Baekcr, who failed recently for 94,000,000, waa arreated on a eharge cf graad lareenj.-The New-York baaehall team waa defeatC- bj the Cincinnati ninc. aud liriioklyn by <'lii lago. Stoeka were irregular and seii.Tiilly lii_li*-r, bu1 th* Bloai-f wu> at coii 0888*0881 from beal Bgarea. The Weataer.?Poreeaat foi to-day: Fnir, wtth fli?hi. tiicrnni ebaagei Teapcrataxc yeaterdaj: llighet.1, M degl-ta; lowest, <'.7: avera^e, 74 3-8. JPiroeM fOtag PM! "./ toim for ihr summer can liare the VaUg and Sundan TiHainc mailed to tktmfor i^l.OO per month. or 92.80 fi>r three vioiitlix. TrmvtUert in Buropt ean reecire 'Ihe 'Jrihnne during their atmenee for $1.66 }>er Dunitit.foiti'jn i>i>slin/e paid, or lf 1.4r> /??' three uionthfi. The oihlres* of the paptf will be changed Oi ojttn .;* </YmY<</. .-?_? Thoro soom^ to ho ;in epidovio of railway Accidents, and tlie old theoiy that th" safe.<t t:ni ? t > t iv. I is jn>i after ? diaaAter ia not at all oojii rmed bj reoent oxperienoe. lt waa tbe Now-York Oentml- turn |ual to oac-pe ? bad ft^t-h-i]> jreatOrt-Bji when an expreaa tiain near ."Oaghkeepaie ran into an open switch. Tlio Mporintendonl explaina that " aomebody" mos) Lav" opened the awitcb "unoon#cioii8ly"! Thal " ?8o:noi?ody" ooght to be found and lii^ aerYicea d-apeoaed with forthwith. X'> man who oould <.|>cn a svitch " iii.coi.s.-ions y" has any ri _r 111 to li 11 a place on any lailual. The Knjrli?h tributea to Mr. LoweD are ni jiiicit4 >? they are deoorred. While the note of Americaniam i< predominant in LowelPa moat oharaete lati work, it ia mrortheleaa true that. his c-niTiii'intion to letiois is a contribntion to t.nj.1 -h Kteratnre in the hraad and trqa Beaae. Bbakoapeare is oora, and n.>t Englanda aloae; and ?i l_n|fkiad h;i> n than in whatever lustre atta !? ? t . tlie ii:iin-s and works of Ifriten bo ; . ? : ? the An.-rican branch oi the great faniily thit ik'-'s the Engliah t< n^'iie. In Mi. Jyowell, bowerer, our -nfih'ah frienda feel ;>> P"cniiar intereal growing oat of his i_aide_ee ?BBOBf theaa. ilis death Irnpreaiea Hheaa a? it d*-s BO many Anierieans wtth a Beme of ;>"i aonal loss. It is jrood n<nvs IV?itnaster-Genera] waaamaker is gfring aerioua attention t.> tho pi_."tii ahility ol "iNJnt; pneiimafic Ulbea U) facili CatO Mie !i:iiis|..rt,'itio:i of niails in large citi'*s. Jn this raaprct the Unitcd State* is behind Eng lan.i. in aovefal if whoae .in.-s the poeamatic syst'in is in ?aeoaosful ii-*'. Some ImproTe nir->i>' on cMstin^ derieea :ir^ cliiined by one of OUT invontois, and (here i^ even talk of a pnfiimaiie tnhe bepvoen ChicagO tind New York. But, of eoiiiso. this aaethod of baoa portation will bo bripd oo ? a-aall acale liiv. fJ'he."e ia litile d.'iii.t thal it will aavfl both tim^ and money in eaoyiag the nnUs botareou pootal atation* and tho central oi!. - There is no pievnt r*a_M| for alaim in re apect to the .-ondiiion of the Cioton wai<-r n> tlaeaoaod hy the lates anajyala. The faint _ra< ? of p llntion is QBOngh. though, to stiRgot ;!io need of more aa-foajasit meari-roa to niaintain the purity of the eityV water auppij, Eiam imri ,ns of the Cioton watorahed have shown imiiieioiis soni.-es of ((.ntaiiiiiiatioii. VYhik) gniall in tliems'.lve.s, c.lle, tivcly they OOQatitute a ixit'.ntia,! e\il of large di-aonatoaa \\'nh ? po_)ulatiou of 1'5,0*D0 in tbe Cioton reciou, it ia plain that extraordinary preeautions are neces sary la order to keep the water supply in first class oondition. _ Two more Chinamen siiTering fnom lepros* havo been dNcovered in the city. but there ap peara to be no way of isolating them and keep ini* them from eoiit.'x t with theii roiintryini'i and the public at larfre unloss with their owi oonsenl. The Ilealth Cominissioiiers are not ii accord a< to the neoo-ity ..f isolarion, but Dr _*d_W_. Chief of the Bureau of Contagious Dii 19989. js convinoH that leprosy is _0_t-fk**_ ancl that hners should be kcpt apart from othc; ?leoplc. This is the 99_-__ time within 9 fev weekl that the question ha*; arisen. The pub lie wi!l not breathc with entire freedom unti it ia ___rwe_ed dofinit '!y. Coinni iii-sensc __?> tates that no risk should be taken in so gi*nv< a matter. while DO crueky or injustiee to th< lepers will bo toleratcd. THE BARGE DISASTER. Ft has been develOfWd as a result of the bargr dis.-ister on Wednesday that there is no law whntever onaMing the Steamhoat Inspection Servico to prnvide for the rsnfety of __rg_- _Ot propelled !>y steam. No inspection is had ol them; they are under no r___r___t> Except for ceitain prest-riptions as to their oqnipment, re quirinp the/n to carry a b09_ OT two and a few _Te-p*_a_-T9f9. the laws (tfvo them no atten tion; and even as to this equipnient tliere is no authiu-ity enahling inspcrtors to render tho law ellectnai. They have no lepal right to board a barge. Its owners are entirely at liberty, so far as the laws are concerned, to carry a!I the people thoy please, and to ron their bo:.ts until they fall to pieoes by actnal decay. Theie .-oeins to be little roason to doubt tha' the deplorablo accident at Cold Sprtog was due to the rotton oondition of tho barge'a htirric-inov deck fast^nings and BUpporta. The sqtial! WM heavy, but by no means remarkahle. It 00gh1 to have done a hundred other thinps to tho bai_t* before tearltiR her deok away. Baeh ves sels, of couive, are never safe. The laws oi meobanica are not merely defled bui Inaulted in their oonstruction. lt is aniazin. that there have been so few aecidents attendini* their em I'liT-ment I'V crowds of ?_nr_k_l p'irii* s. for they were b'nilf to rapsi'-e. Nobody who knowa wind and water can do with the centrc ol gravitj of even Btoot ste.'imships would ______ of rentaring his life in one of tbeaa bargea. Of all poaaible la'amities, however. the one that befell tho RopiiMie w:is the most unlikoly. We observe that the agent of lts owners de clares that the dock B-Pporta w-ero sound, but he asks ns- to l.elieve a physiea! ;i>-sui-.iity. Ctirtains wero fastened from the top-dock to the deok l.clow to shield the oxoursionists from the rain, and it is rlaimed that the wind sud denly " hollied*' the eur'ains and produced a la'oral stiain on the deck-snpports which they were never intended to bear. This is sperious but unsonnd. If tho doek's .aateninga had been seeure and its supports j*ood. all the wind there was on Long Mand Botuid yesterday could not havo distui'bcd them. It might have tom the enrtains into shreds 0. oap*i/od the barge, bnt it could not possibly have lifted the deok. Such an explanation is neithor son-iMo nor neeos s:u-v. Tho fa--t that the barpo was twenty-six years old and that there is no law reqiiirinj* its inspection by the Government sufli' ioi.ii.v _c eountl for the affalr without [mpoaing on the laws of phy.-irs. Horrihlo as the efttasuopho was, the re*p<>nsibility for it, in view of the law. will uot bo easily iixed. The inspection aervice should pron*pt_*r prepare for B-bmiaa.o-i to Oongreaa such unendmenti as will 1.0 suni oient to pive them the same cntrol over this c_a_9 of barge* __ thoy are empo**-red to exer ciso for the public_ protection over other ves sels caiTjing human freiirht. THE IMPENDINO CONillCTAT BBU8BBL8. It is annonneed that ihe orrranized workinr* men of Great Hritain have iinally decided to send a full foree of r_pr__-nt__Y_8 t<> ihe In tornational L_b__ C-_g*-8S wliich is to nieot on Sunday next at Braaaeia, This. if tni", u it probaMy is, is of the hfgh__1 aignificance to every one intereated in the cauae of organized labor; BigniHcance that will be apparenton ro viewing the drcuinatance- under arhicb this Congresa i> to naet Tliere havo alreadj been severtil such gatherings in arhicb the Ilnpli-h tiades utiions have participated. In the lii-U. only Kn,_land, France, "-p:iin and Italy y\vi-f rcpre-Cnted. The second. ho!d in l'aiis in i-sti. was irider in its sc.p". The third arai hold in ____do_ in 1888, and wns (siiil moro compreheD-ive. The fourth took place in Paria during the Unireraal (_xhibi_an of 1889, under the direction of the Kreiuh FosaibUisI Bodaliat party. At this Mr. Fenwick, II. P., Mr. Hynd man, and thiity-sevcn other Kn^TIsh delegatei were preaent, aivl an earnesl waa made to estahlish harniony of BCtion between tbe Trade ITtfionistB nnd the rjocialista. At the same time another labor mcx'titiR was hell ii_ l'aiis. called the Slandat Congrpaa. Largel| com )K..-od of Uennan S-daliat- and fully coriunitted to the Si'cialist idea. pui-o and simplo. A fusion of the two bodiea was pnuMMed, bui was not efTected, the Marxiata being nnwfHing to aocept eertain coaditiona on which the Poaaibiliata In ?iated. <>n adjourning the Blandsta gave to a Swiss c(iiiiin_, e authoiity to organize the next Congi-99, while the Pofl-tbillati decided to tneet at Hrussols as the jruosts of the Belg-UI work nien, tho latter agreeing to observe tbe aame rules that had governed tho former Congn without regard to the Marxiata and their doinga. The Hrussols CongnMB W9B t i be held in August, 1891. For more than a year the Belgian oomnu'troo kept their pla;:s a profound -ecret Eron the i>'si of the org-nized labor world. ln the gpring ol the preaenl year. bowever, ihey began to reveal them, and il waa made known that, contrary t<. tbe igreement, they bad been eo qiiottin>; wilh the Marxista. They had. in deed, peraoaded Um latter t-> abandoa their Barisfl naeeting nnd t<> onite ***.-i11? tbe B*ra_a'>l_ Congreaa; i>ut To d<> so they bad themaelvea igreed to abaadon the rules wbich the Poa? aibiliata at Paria had held as a aine nna n >n, This was i--iik- treachery, and waa vigoroualy denoaaeed as meh nnd proteated -gainat l.* ihe Kngliab Tradea LTnionista and othera who __ok part in the l'aiis Congreu of isso. [n ^j^jj laat it w:i< QoanimonaJy reaolTed by Uie i Bentatirea of T?0,00fl Kngliab Tradea Union iata to go to the Uruaaela Congrea. and insiat on adherence to the rules laid down in Paria. liy the latter part of June. bowerer, the |{f.| pians had carried their re*r_lutkM_ary irork inuch further. 'J'hey had __a_t-d the name li un " ltii*-inati,iiial Woikmen's CmgnBmf Ul " International _o_ta__t IV_*___M_. Ceogreaa ' and in overy way poaaible propoaed t>? identify the ga?henn? and all who attended it wit_ m^st extrome piinciples of SodaUam. On thi* the _Jiit_iish dMded not to bave anythlng to do ?\ith it whatever, wnlcss to B9ad a delegate moiely t. enf-r 1099991 protest agaiaat the whole pr-eeediag. As if to etiaeh tba Btatter, tbe lleliriaris only a few days a..o ehMged tli- dal ? From T-eaday, Anguat 18, to Sunday, Augu_t li;, thiih ___k_ng ii j)i:uticaiiy impoaaible foi he Kngliab to grt -bere in \jbm to vote on tho nganiaatioa without __er.__rlag u put of thia iveek's work. Tho adieme wa_ evidemly to "freezo out" the KngliRh, and thus rapUire tb< Conpress for Socialism aRainst Tradea Cnion ism. At the last momont, however, the tcnacit; and pugnacity of the Anglo-Raxons have com. to tho fore. The orpanized workinemen o ( Hntiin have docided. at whatcver C088, t' l |,e .uplUBTJlfcill at the Bl-BB_t- Owigl?, 80 havi 1 every dUegale Ibare to whom they are entitled i aad tO J?'n f?ri'?s in a battle royal for the 000 trol of the wganiiatlnii It will be i Bttfai UCCaalfWl fOf such a contest. It will be th< largeat such pathcrinf: 0T*jr held. with fMegate r from even Enropeaii country and from Aa-ori r ra. .Mary catnesf and -aX-fnpli-hod studont of aocial and politieal fMrtromj wfll bo there and many ..f the most rahfcl aad lacoberenl o rvvoimionists. The ageada oi Bubjeeta befon the Coagreaa lacladoi many of erodal Impot tanoe. liut the one dominant mue to he trie. i> this. whether the prinoiplos of I5riti>h Tradoi rnionism or thfso of (Jormaii Soiiaiism Mid _H I'iiri.s C-B-Bono are beseeforth fo pievail if the Intenfl-Jonal lah.if organliation. As th< Britiah delegalee are thoroughly uniteQ, wi will forin neaily one-third of the whole body a vigoroua itraggM may he looked for, no mat tcr which way tlio resnlf may inclin.. VIRTFES OF THE SOIL. Mr. Btedman gave our readeis yesterday an [lluminating remh-iacenoe of Mr. Lowell's kcen discernment and tiue instinct as a critic of HteraturO. Th^ older poet, intorestcd in tbe verse, of n new wrlter, had volnntarily BOUght him out in order to him tfl perBOVOI*. in his wooing of the miwes. Mr. Stedman had writ.ten some distinctively Amoii lyrics, and had OOOpM with thom moro elahfi-ate and lahorod pioeos on classirnl thomes. Mr. Low_ll'a preference was Immediately shown for the work that had the charartrri-tii qnal ities ol A-Mrican life. The ambitioua antiquea he politety condemned with faint praise. " Dfl yoii think you can do thOBO thfalga any hetfer,"' ho asked, " than they hare been done by Keata. Tennyaon and Laador? When you write Ameri? can ballada you ai<> on your own groond, breath inj. your own air. and have a touch of your own."1 Tho va'idity of tbal critioi-m was at teated by Mr. Lowell'a own experience. Hia chief auccesaea in Utca-ture had been achieved on American ground, u a p:>ot of New-England and i repreeentative of National thougbt and i"<? o1111*-. At leaat twice during his irduooa lit erary oareor ho had the crowniag diatinction of oxpios-inf. in great National cises all that waa in the overwrought hearrs of his oountrj men. Once it was as a aatlrial when, in " Jon athan t<> Ji hn." he rebuked England'a offensive bostility to the eaUBO of lihorfy and its iner cenary greed in supportfnR a alaYeboldera1 ro bellion. Apain it was as a poet when, after the oloao of the Civil War. he raised in his ma jeMic " Commemoration OdO? an impeiishahlc monument, nobler than sfone or hroii7.o, to Abraham Linooln, "one of Phitarch'a men." Tlie truth, eml.odied not only in Mr. Lowell'a keon eomment.i on the wnrk of a new and proraising writor, but also in his own Utorary achievementa, is one which is horne out l.y tho experience of all apos and raoos. Tho greal 1>.? fs and pio-e-writcrs, Indeed tli'' Kiea: stat.s nien and prea.hers as well. are those who have exprOMed nol merely the thougbt of their day. but tlie _8p-ra_o_a and moral purpoaea of men of th.-ir own country and race. Hoiner. I>iy deo and -roethe not only beJonged t. the liv ing, breathing world of their times, bnl each to his own country. The touch of life which made their work bimnrtal oame from the soil. Mr. (-ladstone exerdaed a greater power over (.ngliah opinlon than Lord Ikaoonafield, be cause he was Bngliah in beart and mind. whoro as his rfval waa alwaya anapected 'of belng balf-Asiatio and eaaeotially alien in instincts. Mr. Beeober was the greatest preocher of his day becauso his penins was a characteristio product ot American aofl. It se^ms to he tlio natuial law of tho intellectual world that exotica lai.^'iish and have to struggte f..r rocognition andexiatence, whereaa what i- indigenona flour ishes. has free and boara fruit abun dantly. Certainly thi- is true of all that is Lcst in American liteiatuie. [rving, Hawthorno, _mer-on, Bryant. Longfelkrw, Hohnes, Whir tier and J^owtII have all dono th.-ir most, en durinR work when on their own grouad, in stiii'-t with American feeling and purpoae, and " breathing their own air." Never waa it more important for living au thora ti r-co'-'ni/e this universal law of intel? lectual production than at tho prerent time. when oovellate are acouring tho end-; of the earth and raaging over pati agoa for novel themea ari_ fantastie characters, and when the ri^inL' i.rtotrs oounl it but narrowneM and pro vin.ii!isni to hc patriotic an-l t> write ibout their own oonntry and their own people. Au th..r> are talking vaguely t .-day about the rc public of letiers as if it were a tra_8cendental realm in Uie air without any working relaUona to any oouniiy or any living rare. If they will take counsel with the beuignanl< ,,f their library r-helves they will learn the wh ileaome leaaon that the living writor mnal alwaya l>o the conduit of the freahe8l thougbt, tho deep eel feeling and tlio moa! intenae moral convic Uona ..f his own country and raoe. lie muat not l.e ashamed of i*i~ own homely aoii, for the atronge-i qualitiea and moat potont energiea of his growth wili como from the clo-i*st oontact with ii. "Romola" waa a aplendid produd of G ??-" Eliot'a an. but it waa aaaent-ally aai exotic creation, and the manneriama and an alvtic mi thoda she acquired in writing it marred and weakened all her Bubaeojuenl work. li "ClOraoal Talos.-' "Adam Bede" and "Mil on the I'loss" Bhe waa on her own groond, and her work had all the characteristica of BngUah life -iii'l thougbt The living author is th" h-i man in the world who can ifford to he with? out a country. What waa beat in Mr. Lowell'a work waa what was diatinctivefy American in thougbt and purpoae. The M Commomoration n.|.." marked the oulminatiqg poini of a long and productiYe oareer. lt remaina to this dav the nobleat poem in American Mteeaturo, be cauae tbe virtnea ..t tbe i oil are in it. PBBD VOUGl t8S i\l> TBE H.\Yll.W UI8SI0S. Tho. 9 \\\u) ' ' | ii TlIK Ti::i.i nir knew him throughoul hia Rreal lif of *tia! and triumph were not diapoaed to look opon Ihe llaytian miaaion aa adding to his di^' i.i-t. . an I will it it now regard its loaa m de tncting from them. N'o aucceaa thal he mighl have w.ui there wa- needed ..s a orown t<> bia oniqoe oareer, and no failure, it liilure there baa been, will in any way affed the adaiira tion to which bia _>a?' entiti.^ bim. This i, troe if we coaeede everrthing that baa boea reported from Uaytl u t.. his .ontiBMatal pai tiali'.v h r th- llaytian Governmeal and hi? conaequent inabiiit) to appreciate bia dotg toward the inter st? in bia ehargi. \\>- d-> not nedit tbda aocuaation, bul if t... dt.| ire ahould only i.e called npoa t-. beUevo thal 'he craeltiea and wtoiir.n siilleied on l.chalf (,f his race have exerted a not ___at_ral inflneoco un his Bne inri-i_ati..u. We d.o.ild ti? -1 t,, boliOVO only thal he baa impul -,i t,, the Preaefa aegroea ol Uaytl ihe aame degre. pjorality and truat worthiaeaa which have beea developed >.. i.-a * _? -? - ty i.y hia own pure iafiueaee aad edtfying a_ _m_)!o in the nci'io race of Anglo-aa_ou Aint-ri-1 ca. lf this ia true, and if there are any whc wiah to hinme Fred Douglass for it, thoy art waleOBBO to so ahead. It is not his reputatioi j that will snffer. 5 \Ve douht if there ia any one wbo could havi f got. from ByppO-te, hy methods that the Ameri can people wmild have justified. the -888-00 o Mole Bt Nieola.s. |f is p|_fg thal the. Dictato' is | comt'ion advonturer. hrilliant and ahle i niav he. hut OBdoubtedtJ unscrupuloiiR, carin. iiothinR for his promiage, anxioiis only for pres ont BOCO-M, and willinj. to do anythinir cal oulated t/> ohtain aud Booure his Bopremacy. II' Knows 'h.'it the Dnitod StatOB ai-e not jfiven ti (oiH|uest, and that, from his purely BOlfi-fa poin ?f view, hc can alTord to def.y them. He knowi j he is ??_? in the conrhisioii that they will no send an expeditfam to enforoe his tirtoal agreo menl by aims. The game he h_s played ir view of this fact is neither smart nor valiant On the oontrary, it is ? particu-ariy low speciei . pf trickery. In his cxtrcmity he ohtained oui i assistanc" l.y giving us to nndorstand that h< would oede or Icase the coaling--tation. Ow trading vessel-. were protocted hy our cniisen in breaking l.epi?ime"s illeRal but iU0_68Bffi] blockade. Hyppolite's army was released, and hc was enabled to coiu]iier his enemy. i'f found his power when he got it excecdiugb unstahle. Ilis encmi"s. awaro of his obfigaV tions 80 the I'nitod States, sct trp the cr.v thal ho was poinx to imi>air llaytian BOVOreignty over Haytian soil, and they succeeded in work ing up a spntiment apainst the eession which was dangeroua to his atready lottoriBg *>at- Bj Hurowing over his promise he was ablo to con fuso his enemies and to appear in the liffht ol a great and darinK pat.iiot who cou'd even defj the mighty Hepuhlic. Well knowinc. that the mighty Republic would let him dofy if hc chosc, he has tahen the oonrso beat calculated to sorvc his present ends. We douht if another rosult would have been possil.le no matter who repre sented DB in the negotiations. And yet it may well he that Mr. Douglass's resij.nation is wise. and that a white man and a man less intorestcd in tho racial qucstion than he sliould now l>e sont to Port-a-u-Prince. It is not, anreaaonable t< supposo tlmt a Minister beat on iiphohling our interests and not con ceriiod to see the cause of negro self-Rovern meat vindicated, would, in the present situa tj..n. aerve the country better than Mr. Doug la-s. Tho obange may bo to our National id vantage. In do fenso can it hurt Mr. Dooglaas. Hia great abilitiea have their better opportuaity at home and among a people to whom his hia tory is a most enojQJiraging promise of the day when there will be no negro qucstion. WHAT THE TARIFF DOES FOR LABOR. In nine months under the new tariff the value of dutiai.le and of free Importa eomperea ?a follows with the returna for the same montha of the previoua fisial vear under foriner dnties: l-'.?0?Jl. l.S-O-'OO. Total tWfaM tBftable.$334._t4,7?8 1880,788,0-3 Tot.l valno frc?. _f.r.,!ic,._.?(i.i _08,083,8T3 Now that the detailod roports for nine montha havo been publisbed, it is poaeible to dcatermi-O much nore Oloeeiy than before tho charactor of the decraaae in dutiable importa, and of tho limicaao in free importa, and the results placo in atrong light the Dae-Ulneea of the new tariff. There must fira! Le doductcd from free importa tho la-st. year 945,501,72. f?i' sugar in Aprtt, Maj and June which was formerty dutiai.le, and there then lemains 0255,457,68- of free goods, againat 1208,588,871 for tho same. months of tho previous year, an increase of 944,478,818, or about _2 per cent, in itnports Of all other free gooda. On the other hand, in comparing importa of dutiable goods, there must I,.. dedocted from the itatement for last year 928,836,782, fhe value of augar imported in AprU, May and June, then dutiable but now free, and there remaina 9860,949,270 m tho value of all o'her dntiable goods, against 9834,244,768 for the nine months under tho new tariff, ahowing a decroaso of about 7 per cent. A large part of the in dutiable poods appeara in th" maanfaeturea of wool, which were smaller in value l.y 914,911,851, or :58 jror cent. than in tbe *amc months of the previ? ous year. Dotwithstanding an IncreoBO in car petB and in WOOl clothin.-. In clotha the decreaae was from 11,679,279 yarda to 7,114.7111; in dresa goodfl fi'in 32,514,821 to 81,724,657. in rags, aboddy and waste from 8,554,603 pounda to 572,712] in yarns from 2,601,11. pounda to 7!>7.:{!tO. and in knit rabrica from 91,069,569 to 9844,402. In mis celianeoua woollena nnt aped-ed the decroaso ia fioni 94.697,889 to 92,144,274. These changea mean aimply an addltion of aboul 915,000,000 to 'he demand for American labor in one branch of manufacturo for nine months, or at the rate ot twenty milliona a year. In the Iron and -teel maniifacture important gaina h.r American indnatry are Been. There muat Hr t be deducted the Importa ot tin platea, which have increased from 600.000,000 to 310,000,000 pniinds as the now duty went into effed a' the end ol the nine months, ;uid tho remaining decreaae in value of ir..n and ateel prodiiitt imported ia 93,883,518, or more than 25 per cent. In eutlery alonfl the decreaae is 91,266,825, or more than two-thirda; in hoop and band iron, induding ootton ties, tho de? creaae is 8664,652, or ncarly 90 per cent: and in win- roda aboui 26 per cent. The changea in this branch have added oearly 94,000,000 to the demind for American labor in nino montha. The importa of miniifnctures of lla.\. hemp an l their subatltutea also decreaaed in value 98,795,615, or about lfi per oent Among the agricultural produda tho most conapicui us changea aro in barley, Importa <.r whii ii decreaaed from 11,018,402 buahela to 2,802,838, or oearly 7<? ix-r cent: in eggs, ot nhich the importa decreaaed from ahou; iu. 404,219 doceo to 1,225,226 dozen Unoe Oeto? ber ?">. or more than -even-eightha; in Bas of which tbe anporta dropix-d from 1,887,037 buahela to 591,786, or more than two-tbirdsi and la tobacco for wrappera, in which the decreaae has been over 3,006,000 pounda, and -tn ralue 98,238,110. In these four ,tem> tlone the decreaae In value of im? porta is aboul 811,257,000. When tbcae few daaaea are dednded, with then' aggrcgate decreaae of over 937,000,000 in ImportB, i' afipeara thal in all tho remaining Importa there has been an increaae of over I- is |||.. i;u-t tlmt III.r^t- of tllO other dutiable imp--rt.- were dther reduced or not changed in duty, oi u... r?. obanged that any Importanl decreaae baa reaulted. The greal induatrial tevdutioo which is in iipopir'ss is iniinly due to the prOViafOBB ihOVO mrn tioned. an I the-*' have plaialt added at lexst 987,090,006 in nine month.-, or at the rat.. ..f in M than 930,000,000 a year, to the demuid for A-Berican labor. And theie i_ yet to coiae tbe greal rbange reaoltiag trom tho dut> oa tin platea, which ? iy by it>eii prove _-. iffed the demand for labor t? tho extOal <>f auuiy mUHona I'reai.l^nt Hiirrison ha* added another to th.; long Uet of cxcciicnt apaatateeatB which baaa lent lu"tn- t.i his A.lrmnistrati.mi. Mr. Bichard Ci.tns siiai.n.iii, who has been named a? Miiiist.-r i,i _olrad- , Uflata Uiea aad Kioaragaa, is BBBiaentlj qaallfled Bar tbe poafc Ba baa had bbbh iiipi.-inuiii-. nperieaoe. is a man ..f odueattoe aud broad aiind. uud i* Q-avgrbuiit with tho iJpauiah, ) French and Portuguese langunge*. A better ap polntment lt would bave been hard to make. The earth having pluoged lnto the August metpor zone, the hich thennomcter and tho (Irea1* reform craze are alike explaincd. _ Nothlng new under the sun, eh ? WeU,' how do4- a ajeddtng trip 99 M_ye__l strike y<m P A t couple just reported from <"hii:iaro have travelled ' some 1)00 miles in this fashion, aad seem to thlnk ' their honeymoon ha? licon a hig HiicceHH. Every ' one to his own tatfte, But lt is to l>e fearcd that 3 riir-yclo wedding trips will not eoon aeqtiire ex i lended popularity. Theit ifl necestnrily a l.vk 9s b thatBociahil ty and |ropinviity which have always . Iw*en regarded ns iridispcnsalile to the coinplcte . happin.'HB of the newly-married. Though 9_ heartfl may beat ns one, the wparation which two wlteels compel cnnnot, he regarded a.s other than a drawback. -_? Kansns City is not. N'cw-York. The descent of a moh of enraged taxpaj-ers upon the Mayor and > ; Councll of Kans._> I ity the other nlght to wn-ak p vengeance for the passage of an ordlnanoe that i looked like m steal was a _ug?ostive, if not an in | htrtictive, Hl90t9ule. The Aldennen of Xew-York | have rcaaon to fhank their srtare that the much l puUupon public here has never resort?d to suoh cxtreme meaaures. Disoretion has been aliowed by the Trefustiry Department to tlic Acting CotnmisMoner of Imnii gration at, thls port in regard tu the landlng af immigmnts on Sunday. It ia no doubt a h;?rd flhip to keep the C_*pl_*"89 of this burcait on duty every Sunday in Iha year. At the wme titne it would be a hnrdrhip to compel a large number of itiim.gronts to remnln >tn r.iipbonrd twenty fotir hotirs, or even twelve hours, longer t-b-B is nincaaaiy Aettag Seoretary Nettkten is clearly right in insisting that no change be made in the exlsting arrangementfl tmless it can 1? done "with? out sorion.s ii-onvenl^nce to arriving Immiarant.." The immigration oftieials are sure that this can 1*5 dooe, and no doubt the steitmship companies: will be glad to co-ojiernte as far as poesibie ln wliatevcr arranirements may be*"made in orrler to do away with Sunday work at the Barge Offlce. The sbowers of Tuesday and Wednesday waahtd olean away the peJ-olithie drlft of Mail-st, Nothlng *lse e-*er doea it. Tis nobody _ busi ness. Nobody does it. Truly the rafsers of peaches are the most dif ficiilt nien in the world to satisfy. Now their coinplaint i_, that there are too many peaches. that it. does not pay to inarkct them, and that, in e.>nseqnence, they are left to rot on the trees. It br-* not yet strtick the averageecitizen iiere 8-089*1 that peaches are a drug in the market; and isn't it posslble that growcre have jumpod at a eooelaatOB too hnstily?. Perhape the explan ntion is to bo found ln the 6tateinent: "It is expoctcd that late fruit will command profltable priccs.? Tlie ioference is that the ?ppetire of the coiiKiimer is not to be sated with an oversupply of the carly varioties, so thnt he will prforce buy abundantly when the later ones come to market. Perhaps that will work? but then per haps it wlll not. ? ? We thought it was hor in New-York, bnt ln Chlcago the sun has baked appies on the trees. Tlie cooked fruit could hardly be used aa a World'a Fair docutnent. _ , Yermont made an appropriation of only $5,000 for tho World- Falr, nt its last scisslon. Now a special sesMon has Been called, in part to eonsider Ihe qucstion of softins nside a larcrer sum for that purpese. Tlie Ncw-Vork Legislature made no appropriation whatever for the Fair, but not a whisper is heanl about a special session in order to remcily the defect. The motto of the State is " Kxcolsjor," hut it is cvidently willing to "go down foot" on this qucstion. All tiecausc the Democnts could not have thlngs their own way in Albany last winter. PERSOSAL. When reporters went to Ollver Wendell Holmes, on Wallioailaj. to ask iiim |0 talk about Jarnes B*_B*a_ Lowcll's ____. ho becj-ed to bc e_*-_aa_, .-^tyiut- 8-84 be f. lt lt to be ln poor t:v-to to do so while Mr. I_fa*a_*a l-iaaina nare barcly cold. The relatlons of _M two men, ho artflert, had always been of .such a frlendly and intimiito C-araetet thnt lio did not -avo the lieart to talU f.?r imbllcation at thls tlmo. In \*lew of Mr. Lowell'. _ls_n_u__B*_ earaer a.s an aathor aud citi_en lt might lie contildered proper M a mtcr (lnt*.- to t.ny a trllMito to hi, inciiioiy. ll.. Holtnes wlll be efghtjr two jraa*. oU on August 29. His g?nei-al Hei?lUi is good. thoagt tho rectnt hot spcll liad a deius-a-iii;; effer. upon liiin. Thero ls no lonpcr any doubt as to the fate of Dr. von Kattateliif the f_B_aai _4*___aa pro_.aaor aud e.\ plorar, who reoanU** BJKlaraook a t<iur of tswit/.eriand. ,\.i irdlng to Oenaan paiwrs, hls body wsia found a fow davs i^ro in & ererlee aa the aoatharn sido of a*_ riiatu-. \ mi Kalkateln was an lnfluentl-1 member o( tt..- Ubaral jvn-ty af 0*w__any and tr>.k the peateat Interest iu pollUeal aud educaaonal uiatUfi. Mrs. Doiiflaas, wifc of one of tioncial _*__.. phy sicians, baa raeatve. an b_i_k_i_U-_?t ia the xraaany Department ai Waablngtoii. That very InfflifHllj r?'llc of _**a___t*a_N*8 Pcrr*.''s fl.lit on i.alie Kric, hls Bafahip MiiK-ru, wa_ sunk ln Ktlc llu-hor lu 181-, "Tho liuftiilo Courier" savs ;:t after passltig tlinmgh various owncrshlps tho Mutara now belougs _8____*_n_*___Bt D. P. Dobblns, ol [tnffalo, wlm, it is expected, v. IH ralse this rclir- of u de paried naval aapreniacy aud exUbil her at *.'hl<_s*o ln 1808, armed witli the ianw carrooadea and amooUi borea aitb whloh ber "iramaiKler ama able to taa*, ?? w<- have mel the enemy and they are __**_; on? -.luj), threo skwps, a se_0O_ar and a briK." __-Q_aen Nala_e, aeeoi-lnc to DmsenI pians, -_in remain wlth her auiit until fall. She intends later tu vi-lt h.-r ilster, PHiicess (ililfca, lu Paria. "Yeataraay afternooo," says '-Tlie Det:-olt Free I'to^s,-' ?? _ gic_p of <i. A. B. vctci-ati- sat tocethcr at tho .Mic-hlKiiii Oea-ral rl"ii?t waitinR for thelr train und in.iui-iiiK lu war remlniseenees, when Major l>.n (.f. LoraQf deiiaruuent cinniander for 9*88_l_ft_a 8?9 Ua ka, rolaani iIk; toUowlof: when the a.i .Mjchi >raii Iufatitr.' left UnMal b'api'ls I was No. 4 la tho lirst four of t'oiupany A. aad _s we iiiarrhed .ii ?' | Boat- Dlvtaloa itnet froni the fair gi-oundu I nicolleet that a ____aon*e jroaag piri ran out troai tho poccb of Dr. I'latt's atona re Idenea and plaeei a l.oii'[ii"t ?,f flowei. iu tha nm/._lc of my gun. |. Hi<iuel l cairi.-.i clear t<> Wa*ido__>n. ?!>.. v n kaoa who iha roaaa ladi wasi1 _.-!...t a Orand RapLis vetcrun, a rr-cmber ol the .'.tli .Mi.hiLan Cavalry, -ui.d ? ' loii know the ii-iiiu- thal la.iv now tx-.rv " Major l.ovcii saM thal h<> knew her by fifiht a* mi-s ramiv iMatt. and he was vtry nraeh surpHsed to learn tbal *he * now and (or u.anv reara has b?5cn Mra, l)i,n M. Dlcklnson." HOW TO -ECUBI FliF.E ART. Fi-om The Boaton Bad_-h Whea the aathara w-atited lataaaa-OBal aoayrlfM they unit,-<i in itrong aad earoeal e-foft, an?i ln Uase .,!.- ilned tt. If tli" artt-ts wanl fr-?i :,rt tba. B_aa1 -I...U their Cftith bj thelr arorka ln th-* aama iiiauiicr. it tbej deslre ll they ?1U arork lor li. aad if b-bj work (or It they wlll have It. Tlio lnlti-..l st,-p ls _0_ t.> i iino foiuant and make tln- proposed ai t i .:i?fres, u\ M'a_lilngtoo, to bc held In Daeeaabar, a sm-.-. -.. Boma thln** aill nol k",v onl >>f nothlng. WlWionl .-tr rl and energ) ther- wlll bo no n-^uiu. Tba .-eatton lics wbolly wiiii ll.e artlata lhamaeli ???>. A W_BT IN l?I \ COALHia i*T\TION'. Prom The i-. ?t'.n .o_rn__, tlie rondltloo whlrh eoafroata u^ at preaaal is u_M >t. Thomafl ean probablj be promptly nnd aaaUj ac iiuirv-d, arhlle Mofc st, Nleholoa or __a_aaa Bay eaaaai. J__T-__90*1 WOULD HOT h-fOW HIS I'AKTV. risiin The Boatoa 'oaraaL instoad of th. Btroaf, dlstinrtl*. Aaaaatraa party which ba (Thoaaa Jefrenon)'_-nghl to mul,.- it, it ttiw Democi-Qgr) haa itr_dllj defrnerated, until it haa ba ...ini tlie ai-knun'IedKed Bt.d .:.-i"?ju1.jus tool of forclgu Interestx. .- ? TOO I.ATK To l.KVV OM IT NOW. From Tln- i:?.-t.?i llc:;il.l. Mr, Oaorga -letaaar Card. laya the i.-?ai profes^ioti of lac preseni dav wiu be .urprlsed la learn thal Br. Webster, the matast Amartcaa towjrar ,>t bl. tln.*-. riiHii- i.ut 915000 a wm- by ln* practtee. Tha leajal pro-ssilon -.(in probably not ba so mm-h a?t<)tiishen h< the amiiuat as tomii ol Hr. W^l.?t<-r'. numeroua twoB-tora, if any of theai ara yet living. II \> \XVTIII.N*; IIMM'IAF.I) Ti) IHMt Froni Tha it Laala Olaha DaaBoarat, Aa t?,-ut\ iino- kpar. haaa pa-aad atthaul a singie fuNehoixi i ..iu i;. q. Miii* beiaf rapxa-ta-, tha prae BfaUtt] ln thal hls ( friend. lm\f at ltf-t aveu Uia iwil_ ef lcltlug huu travel uniuu_/Kd, ? TRIBUXE FRESBAIB FUSD, ACKX0WLE.VJMF.XT8. Pr*vlo'i?ly acknoa-lodg.-d.822,701 BB A n.ember ot rsl. Marr'a Church, Manha'-tanvlll*, VT th.. Kev. ?. II. S'-hw-.l.. 2000 Cr.ild.-t-n** laan party, <?r_it llouv, Jt'fT?r*o_ ll..|Knt*, C_l*_lil. X. *? . W000 A- M. <:._ . . 100 __ii rtalnmant glven at tti.- Mountain Jfoua*, Kl'lr.d, X. Y., July 20 . floo IU.aai.iond and Su-ai. ?M.t. I ^ ?.?_.. 600 ii.??. ifl h. . iroo f. M. Oliph-nt. 1_ fxj J. L. T. 10./) Sydn.y H*rb rt and .Mlii* . 4 ,yj C..?h . ? . _OI Uenjainln aud Harrbt <.aK<\ BaUl, X. Y. t 08 Kneiida, VV?lor M.ll, X. Y ...-__,. 2 on Onteo-B ciul), Ta_?srarlUa, M. F. 3000 "Bar-ara W-itu". i 00 N...K. _. 1. 1000 A. .., I alnklll. SflQ "Mogaia" . I co Jolai A. Kobellng. fka A-' f \Vo..II.m,' \/u<i Itrnch,' xi J "..".'. '.'.'.".".'.'.'. aoo . Irni^nr and H n ?? , I.I;/:.I>-tu, .\. j. 0 ^ I.i ntMBOrr "f ' B_rl*8 Kl.i!{?.,ury Ma. kay. Ifcj 00 .mi~. :j. V_u Veea. 10000 H'nry T. Bfc?M. _o 08 II 11 -v Jai.,'- .,. 10<I00 Ml?a M*brj H. IHeBlnson. j B Mr-. ..... ?* II. .Moigan. l*v> ro F. T. L.. B-,07 S. V- TiBjaai......... . BB "B *"!''," Ilartford, Co-.n. 3 na B. ii- i*"i(.". iSM A. H. BM C. H. i>iv, IBha^*, X. Y. 7888 1".. II ? BBM. 2508 (,..- >.' Ba* Omreadon If<.u?a. ("ar.ndon ISprnga, VI. 138M |Icl_>, ..... ? and Mildr d. 0 B M. II. T-i>j*ii. K.0.1 ll.-ight,. X. Y. 100 BcbelUbnrg, iviu... rrcs_-Alr 8<-rvir*.. 82? PrhollaburK, renn., O-Sh . 100 I...I... .-? . 2.-, rvi dxirre Woldlngton. 1000 E, N. 0. ?>'*_< V. X. K H_rl?n . 30fl of Sotiti. Oaataaaaiy, <nnn. _'?oo (0 nt'v. _:, oq A f?*w iiiirnl#n of th?: .V.iitnwn L. I., _T>-aby. Wrlan Ch'.rrh, per .lohn II. Pr*U. 80 08 To_l, Auguat 13, 1891.823,781 ?B To tbe Edltor of Tha Trlbune. Mr: I earnestly bei*>?-h mv slater Kptnsiers ta ahandon thejr poodl.-s. ar.d laitflo*-, _nd ?_!?,, and par rote. and send whnt they GM for poor ohJMren. Th* Fresh-Alr Pund nnist be kepr up. Inrlosed pleas* flnd $!5 for it. Yonrs it*|W!'ffiilly, - BABBA-U WAITE.* Xortharapton, Jfs_>8., An).. lf, 1801. To the Edltor of The Trlbune. 81r: Inr.lo*cd you wlll flnrl rheck tor 812.133, ra!**4 uy the BO-ala of ttto Cl_raai-I Honsp to ald your com m<in<lablri worU. Tlio aprval ln Fridar'a l>?ue ?_. noticed by some of tlio (ru*?.te that *>venlnif, and rli* Idoa of l.riidln. :m f>?rtival wa? *ugir.".ti<l aii4 mat attt nniveiNOI fcivf>r. ( ommltteea w?ir- app..!nu_ and ItivII.-iMot s BBBl to tho resorts at Lako BB_B|a_888 ln (ft-,ll<.ton and Mount Vert in MiddWon, and t_i gnesth aaaaa eaef hi poodiy numbers on laaaaafi the day of tha iBBttV?L In tlie park ln front of rli* Iki_| li' Btloek bOOM-B wero sct np for Ilio miIo ut, pop. com, appl.-s, j.ingerbrea.1, Ice cn?m nnd oth.-r rafrbih BWBta. A llsli iKjnrt was li^lied as <lry as many ?f onr trout hro'.ks. The tublfl of ft?ary irooda an.1 btrrfTtiarli .xiuveiilis \ms very protltt.hte. lha noi?l fortune feller, l~lia_iaait_i. was kept buiy tn her ?psy tent r?> WBdi tlie fiiiure. to iiiirnerous yOBBf pe/?ple. The BlgBi ?? P/bal ??? most dlslikes,'' in front of another t'-nt Indneed naog a nialo und female to drop their Dle_?K. and an fcjr.ptiu.ri w_s rev._ed to Dtunero-a Iminirtna eni thmuj.h _ nii^r.?s<.opc at flwi 'n-Drv a ih-<-[i, \.iul?.. Bebeeea at the BjfeU di>ix>se4 oi K-llon* . 1 . aeeUeot lemonaale and *pi-in? \*ater t* thlrsty iravo'l.-rs. Tl.e little a^rla sold fiowerf, aod boys from tho neJghborlni. farms ran potjito, ?_, Obetarle a <\ utber ra'-e* and cllmbed tlie greaaed p>il* to contrlbnte t::.'ir share in rolslng rn.)r,.-> for rhlidrai Iosk lortiinato than themscives. An exrHlenl __ridl from Itutlaml pr.vldod by the hofel proprW.H- and tha pi.-sts furni>hod naak to h.-Jp niahe tl.e ajr.Ur aurrea*. ful. _v cootrtbntlon lakon _f the Sundar servioe* oon iluct'^bv the Be*. a. a. Miner, of B.^ton, amoiinted to #2S. un<1 the balanea of the <\he?-k. 8102 3j. _M r.....-e<ts i.f Tu?"-'lay afternoon's feMlval, represenia ihe wfillnt. work of many aiid tho liberal patrona??? ol ull of our elphrv pieBt-. C. Clarendon Honse, ffcirendon Pprlnss, Vt., Aug. 13, 1891. A WEDDIXG IX XEWPOBT. Newport, R. I.. Aug. 13 (Special).?There w? a brflliant-wertdlnir Bt 12 :30 to-d?y at the home of Henry G. Marquand, of Xew-Vork, whose only nnmarrM da.:?h ter, Mlss >lat.i<:l, was married to Henry Galbri.tth Ward, a well known Xew-York lawver, the pnrtner of ?. Randolph H..blii-on. Mr. W11J, who is counael for the P-D_B_r|*??8 00-MB from a RiBW Kngland fainlly wliose dc-ds ln Revolutlonary tinies are well known to tho aUidents of hi?t..ry. An addltJon thlrty feet long aud lnolusod wlth buntlng wa* erected on th? . aat slde of the koaaa to make room for the large nnm? ber of gue*t_. Many eame over from Xarniininwtt P1*r, and tl.e farulty of Prlnccton C'ollege, one of wh.we ?ub fctantlal ben^fartor* 1* the fnther ot the brlde, wa* ni* re>ented by Professors Frrrthlngham and bloen. Th* cercmony to.J; pl?re In tlie drawlng-room. and a spenj set off br ribbons was re-scrved for the brldal party. The brlde was aeroinpanlod by her father. Khe aaaaa point-laro on white BBBBJ aiid a ri.-h ffO of old famlly polnt-laee fastened bark with dlainmida. Her bn.les ___!__, Ktaa Uly B_rr*B and Maa CW-Banta Spenrer. earB carried a bouquet of p_le pink roaaa. The brlde's bouauel m frfMBnanftha-n'T Tf.hua-nlBrajMBtMW bridegroom nurl of the u-hers. RI. hard W. (>. W1IM_ Rod.nan BBBl, Allan M. Marquand and Henry Mar? quand. were of HUes^f-the-valloy and BaallBBBM ? reremonv wa* perfornied by the Rev. Rorterick Terrr. 0! HM rxiiith DiiU-h Reformed Cliuirh. New-York, and a brother hi-law of tho brtde. a>.-isted by tho Rev. I. F. I^ner-on, pa*tor of tho I'liited C.rngn-gaUonal rhurrn. whero the famlly attend while ln N.-wport The du-a* of best man were performed by B-BBBSl L. rtrrlsh, m New-York. (?ut-lde the Nowport eottage colony the followlng w?!re pn*?.'nt from out of town : Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Tn_k. Mr. and Mrs. Harokl Godwln. Mr. and Mra. Allen C-lMa Mra. O'Sulllvan. Miss Annie AHen, Mr. and Jlrs. EllR-rt Monroe, Mr. ajid Mrs. ArtBflBM Ward, .MSs Baral <-- WiaalMB, Mr. and Mm. D. D. I'aruily and tka Mi-..-es Hathaway. Tlie collation was BerT-l hy lliiard. Tlie and grminds at Linden (tate, tha namo of the Marquand pla.-e, oflored excellcnt oppo^ ttinltles for decomtlons. In oon-equ.nre, the floral dlapky ?'BB an e\ceedinply flne one. Every part ol tho large honse was featooned wlth (lowers. oa B8_er_Bg Uie i.ii-in d.xirway the wid^ optti l.dl vraa found trarisfonnod Into a veritable bow?>r. the reiliog being hidden wlth grapevtBea. frun whl.-h Baaa large b_Qooea of papea. .ihe drawlng-room, ln arbtea tlie cereuiony wjt^, araa, ..f eoara-, arhera tho groateel Ixigenulty had beeri _t*p_ayed. Tne 8oa_ arajr* arere h_<ooBae with pa-aloa rnwa, lh.- m-nBraj banked wlth white nvses and Ullea-of-tAe-vaUe] the mlrn.r held lion! pBrlB-4-, Tlie bfO-d tt _1 the ^itttll e-id i.f lll" r.n.111. Wbttt _M brlde ai.d bridegroom .-<?<>d diirtii? ihe oeremony amf arhtta re oel\1na ihe concr_t___ODB of their frlond-s, wa=. a per feet pk?ire of ll.iral l_velines_. TffE PALY COMPAMT GOES ABROil). Aiip<;stin Daly's roiiipany has had an uniisually loo| v.-ir.irion ttii* aiiniiiier. The member. ot it niet ?ter their vari?)d restful exp?'rl"iiee6 and enjovnient.- ?o the deck of th? Faaral BtBBaarat ye-t.r.lay BjaraBBfj There were over tiilrty of the.u who Milled under the rh.rge of Mr. Dnly's buvlnoss manager, Ul.-h_r* I?..n.<.y. Thei-e was also the usual congregation al Maaia wislung keaMl and haaflB-ai and sureeaa aad lu.-r.-a-- il fatno to all, li.dividuallv and rolleetlvely. AJDOag tno?e in the party wnti Mr. and Mrs. JobB Dtear, Mr.. ?.. II. QtlMati -MB8f Howkett, Mr. and Mra, HotMai Boawor-h, t.<..?rpe C8-*_B> Mlaa K:tty ("heathaiu. Mlaa Florcnce Couroti, Maa I-.'.k-I Irv.itp. Charlea Laelcreq, Mlaa aj. lu.d- Maaa mn* M?y B-lrta, Cbartaa wii.a'Uy. _?VBri Willu and Henry Wuln.-r. Tha eoiu[laiiv -...11 jil-.y a w.vk in I'arl* aud wlll tli.-n >to | > tho I.yi.'tiiii riienirv, Ix>ndon. tot BB engageineiit <>f i.>n w.vk-,. lf lt meei.s with *$? thin^ UI? ti.o >.ir.-.->? it did laat aaaaaaer th.ue w|ii be no re_aon f.?r dlaaadtafl-rttoa. Tba ne_1 ?<__>*? la New-Vi'ik wlll begiu about tlus la*>t week ia Novemberi r.v/n.7), bvt xot a uxto\. Tt.e Aaaodaalaa of Maafeal Dtraaaata of AmeHra nu-i at I!.tli.e i.f " riie Drainatl.- .Mirisu'1 yes.terd?y und afeaaa Jesse Wllliama peajBBB-Mri and Arthur <'. l'fll -is r..|iu\. No tn-.i-iirvr w.i.s cli?.ti bBB-BBa. -t was iii ugiit tlmt no -raaaarat aaaM w aaeiai. ii(* ,, -.ii.'i.-iiiiui li ? I notliing of the iiatutv of a B8B-B8 rii-.n ii.oui it. but iti' to MaaapNafe Ma paafaaai I y BI8JBIBB8BI BBd 111 .i.i MBBBBB. Many of ti.. Baaa ara aaaaleal eiraaaaaa ?.f iraaajB?Bf aaaaaaaa?* and Ihe cliief roiupl:?ini jn that in -iin.ll towns *t-t-8l it t, i.ft.Mi laapoaaibla u> aad aa ateaaaara h.rge aaaiajb lo give etre.t t . ihe BBBJBBI tliat _B8 1-88888 lave pre aaaadL n i-. bopel tbal tha a-aaeaal?- bbbi impn.'-i ?Maaaara la aaab baa_a v.itti ihe aaaaaafebj of pn> iidlng and b88BBf niiiii.el?ii?, and may galn th* heip of loeal Baaaaa tor its <>i,j...-t.-. ^ M bj vid that 11111. h ..f Iba ??iij.ivmeiii of au aud'.en.-e depen.U ?u thi ?u?it of a play or opera beiii- fltij' pjrforu.ed. ? ?-?? ir/XLUM L. sCOTT 1XPB0VIXG. Erle, rvnii., Aug. 13.-E-Oongressmni. Scott'a .eu* ttttaa la >ltgliily Improved. Dr. Hrn.d. hl< physi.lail, 1 atu ...nti.lenl Mr. __| reeover, thougk Bla rerovery will be B_aaa88*_f Blpflr. He has p*?*ed he liirniiig polnt and the 8-88888 are gtvatly ln ?* 'avor." T/fE AGKICCLTCBAL DfHECTORS IX SESSlOS. B/iiaaBfBBB, Aug. ia. -_be aaaajaal-Mi al tho Aa> KM-lation of Agii.ultural l.'ollege.-. and K\|^'i1uienl ?tatioiia was .onlliiued Uere lo day. Tho aaBBbalB -? .otany, agi-i.ulUiie and txjllege work held aot?r<?? __w-% d_>c_?alng thelr *vo_-l mu Jccfca,