THE DEATH OF MR. LOWELL A DIsPATCH OF COXDOLLNCK __UJC1V__J BY THE P_____D__NT FRoM THE <_____rt. P___ID_:.NT HARJUSOX'S RKPLY-WORTlS OF RE _____ AND SYMPATHY KRu.M 99- ?OtM WHITTIER- HOWELLS AND OTHF.R FRIF.NOS OF TIIK DF.AD 1" Washtngton. Aug. 18.-The Arling Secrr-tarv of r ts. reoelved. through Slr Juliau J'nnmvfote. tlie Itnti-ii _ln_,ter at W_s_tn_to_, a 4l*pat< a from the Mai-?|ul- ?f b___r>ury, tn the fWlowlng woi.- : " The Qn_e_ e> *lres to e-p*_*e her oorrow and regret at tbe 04*-** which has Jm-t reat-i-ed th_ conntry (_to_ l?nd> of Mr. Lowall's de_th.~ alr Ju_an retruesta- thst tne d1*pateh Be laid before the Pre-l4_*nt. aod by his dlrection a copy was im nisdl_W_y ti-nsmltted to tha family ?f the dead poet. ArUng S-*"*"_8_Ty VVhartoo re.lted to r*ir Jnllan'- d!* patc_ as foUoars: "Tha Presideut dirt-rt. me to * tmoa-ladge tha reeeipt through you of Uie telcgram from tbe -__-_-_. of halisburT conveylng th,- Q__8B 8i,Jonco6 on tbe death tt Mr. Lowell. and tean Howells, when tnformed of Mr. LoweU'* death, was fleeply affected. He declined to voioe hi. estimato ot Mr LowoU a. a poet and a man. " He was too neai and too dear to me," ?aul Mr. Howells, -for aic to mv anvthing upon Iha subject at B-8B8B- 111- death _ a national oalamitv. Probably I shall writ. an arucle upon him my*e)f, and preler that what I lu.v. to say should be givea in my owu words." -? EN'GLI-H TPJBITE"* TO MR. LOWELL. APriU-CIATIVE WORDS FROM UTERARY BfO COMMEXTs OF THE LOXDON WM London, Aug. 13.-Many telegrams from B-?g*1ahaiaB promln-nt in litcrary, dramatic and other walks 0. Ufa are bein_ r.-..iv,-d i:i Iht. __**, e.\pre.-mg B-H-- u-i leep regi-et at tho death of Mr. Lowell. Among tha telegram.* receive- IMl morulng wa* one from Tennv-..n. arho has recently returned to his resldenoe at Aldworth. oear Haslemere, from his summer home nt Preshwater. Mi of Wi-ht. The aped English poet was a daaa friend of Mr. LoweU and the latter's death ha* alfected him deeply. Lord Tenny son's messa-e BBTI: ?? England and Amerlca will mourn Mr. I.owclls death. Thev loved __B aai hl loved Ihaaa. Pras 8_-aaaalar myself and ___a .our slnccrest sympathy with Mr. Ixiwell's fauiily." ' Henry Im-ig. in a letter received to-dav in thi* city. savs in refereuce to Mr. Lowell's death : ? 1. ln eommon with all __0_-B_aB, lameut the loss of ona we so loved and honored.*" Walter F,e*ac.t. the well-knowr. wrlter and nove ist and flrst chalrman ot the e.xecutlv,- comnnttee of the lncorporated ta-My of Author*. _98 88Bt a tal?*i*mni from Partmoor to a news age_<>' in this ciy, in whlch, RferriiiK to the death ol Mr. LoweU. he BBjraj Taa Bnclish Au" I8B-I Ito a_9f_al **?-?? ?ympathy with Americaii* on the death of tha: -srl-.r. IU friend, Jame. Ruaoell LoweU.'" -The Bbb-b" aaara: "-ha death of Mr. towan _ ?robably more wMatf ??nd keenly HM in ELglai.d than would be that of B__ other American, or. indeed. Ol anv man aot a fellow-cotintryman. With hla U-.'alh ibare ____e_ mto hi-tory a really remarkuble mind. arhaaa ia___a__a *?-l grow wuh time. -omipi __-? Ucians hated hlm. but he goea to the grave moitrnM bv aU that i> be.t in Ameriea. and amid the h_ai___ rc g_rd and admlration of England.*' "The "-t-n-ard' say.! " Americ_ may c'.aim t Unction of hi. birth. but his fam. be'ongs |o the wider ropublir speahiug the EugUsh longue.*' -The i>_iiv Itowa- aafa: ?__?. <.ow.ll wm be totuent-d in England B*t 1"*- than in Ameri.a. He a-as ever a f.ghter, and _l_a|. on the side of hone.ty, )u*tne. freedam. mercy _nd peace." AU the other __a__aa BB_r_tog B_a-Baa#ara contaln Similar comments and lor.g obltnarv aatkaaa. AU the aiteruoon paper. ol thi* city and tlie pap^is publ.-h-d ln tlie prov-.iii'.-s have long a:.(i k-Ttof _r__toa 01 Mr LoweU. who-e death has callt-.l forth e_pr<--sioii" 0_ *'.r row from every fBB-tor. "The Pall Mall Ga'ctte" Bay*! uThe nniversal ___aaa.loaa of a___trattoa and rctrret on thls side oa* _h ??? elo^u.-:.t t^*t,mony to the realtty of the ententa l>etw^en th<- two %n tions of the Engli-h -i>eaklug race whi.h it ?a_ one of tlie Bhtoaaa al Mr. ___a_r_ _k ta prumot^. His place lo with Caiiiyle aud Uuskin. Wliat the*e men liave done in pro*e to kmdle faith. stinnilate r done in hlt. nrophfUi vei-e.* Edmut'd Williani <_<>-*<-. who in 189. '85 ?:? i.vervd the " Lowell Lect_rr~-" ln sev.ral ett-Bi ol ti?.- I'mu-d States. I?_* a k>ng aa-tlcle lc. "Tlie St. .I_iiie*.N <*__ette." ln whlch he sp?-k^ lovin-ly and revcn-iuly of hl* dead frleuid. _n oiK'luding lds artlcle Mr. _*>?*. America mourns him a* otie of her _ ,r?niw Papers" was a great work. lt day. A large ci-owd wltnessed the bvt efferbs of the "crac-s" previous |a the great Newport oontest, whlch begitis on T-BB-BV. The first place Ui the double goe? to O. S. (ampbell aud s. T. C__aa, who each win -Uv.r fl_sks; while the seroud prt7,e*. aDrTer bachea brusl^-. brlong to L. R. Parker and H. MorUmer M-tofB. In the ____ roiind C_a_|8_a_i and Cha-e defeated Parker aud Billln.-. after thn; ? ctoaa and exciting art*. p_ii? i*8__B*ai -Baa. aud the back-roi-rt play af Cha*o was partlcularly notlr-e__>ie. C_a_99B_l and Chaaa pi:!l.-d ont _M hi*t two M:t_ by aaaava maigln., _4id the wholu li wai aa eihintiou ol gi^id u-ti'ii*. la MH *"0ii flnal round between l_r_ar and P.llftngs aga.n-t T. P. Lorden and A K. llubt;ard, Bord"ti p:avcd ln e-C-Ueflt form. and lafehal wlth Bjrod 8B_-t i'ollow Ing are O.e r?;sult? aj t.'i^ ua\ i _i-n ? douijit*, aaasad round-h. m r_9__* aad r. R. Parker b?_t, T. P. Ek.rd.n nnd A. 8. ?*_*? a-S. bemi-Ciial roiiid-O. _. <;_niub'll _a_ 9. Z tha*. be_t H. A. Colby an-u wer. _-ereUry Bia.ue and famllv. Ha Traey. Adsurai uhrmrdi _nd iukmi BaaMaeaa, Mr. and Mi- Philip LI\*lng?ton. A S IIh.u,, j, Ml?. , _uderl. a__i!lon ri?h. jr.. Ml?? Ot-d?n. HtB. Kr^d.-n. u | Predarlck V. 1-8888, ?*??__? Miitth-w ?lataa***. ?-d Mi*? C_aa_a, wr?. __b_bh sun. ? tn..* stur-ia, Maaaaj B,*idi> >_r>. |___a aad mi_> __a___ Th. match wa. ooe of th" nio_t .ripntlOc of Ut- y?_r, B**sry atrautgy being sdopt"d br I oth aaaa___aai r> _ardl?_t of inr D-rtlcul.r -tv:>. nt nl.v. 11.,. \ ? ailia. aitttng. uUmtr whr-u aervui- or B8-BB BB_fl| . -? it t_>> ast. wa* th. t-aturc of hi ular. Hall w_? D-rtlcularlr sdaaisat ln r.tur__n_ Hover'. driv?? with hl* backhand. Haaay oaatttratt ths fu-.t -st. Hov*y't piav !u tn. _?cnnd aet was a B___n<_td ex-ibiilori. Hc piayd all around Ilrnl. tbe hall. fsr out of hls reaoh bT _aa*8-_ play. Wlth .wo seu to nothmg sgsiu?t h_~i, Hall aet-red the next three ?<-u and the match. althotir Hor*y uaeied but two polnta to win. Edward I.. Hall will meet hi* brother, faMart Hall, for the cha_plon?hip to-morrow. Thfl aat day were aa follow*: FlnaN for Uie all-conier*' piize-Kdward Ia Ba r. h. ii.,Mv, :. a. i_i, .d-riaift and i?-dr^tii ixat BNofea aad ;! 0-0. 0?0 ; Hall Liolhers _e? Whltr and Bv* 188, " ?''? '? ' THF PEEEIDBBVB TMIP TO besXISGTOS. his jot;nxF.y ox Trr.=D\T ntxt-iif. 0B_e_s tn CIIEUOKf.E Sir.Il' ci-OBEO 10 ?TBI-'E Cape, May. N. J.. Au I B8 rlaaa aawmaeed t,? nigtit hi- arbadale thaa lat I from Cape May to Bennington. Vt.. BtXl _Baaa_f< The uuie of departure i- I ! 10 a. in. Arrlvlng la ONf at l_::>0 p. in., he wlU lrave Jeraey CHf at I p. aa, arriviug m Weehawken at 1 :1">: le.ivii . ..t 1 :H0. arrlve al Newbnrg at 3 p. BB.: leitviiig at B :10, arrire at Klngstou at 4 p. ni.: leavlng at I .10. urrive at Albany al J IfiO. Tlure he will BBBf t_i 1 >i -BY. arnv luc at Trvr Ut 0 :',0, lenvlng at 7 p ni. lat BBBJBlBBtna where ho will arrive :.t I U p. m. The route will 1* orer the Peiinsvlvanl8 to JBa-ly Clty and over tlt> \w-t ihota to Baaatag-Ba. Th* parlB aapaata u> itof at Intennedlate poinl- a- the time will aJlow. On Wednesday, Augu.t lt, the Prealdent will ba preaent at the dedleatlon exereise* of tlio Sildien-' M.-n ument at Iiennlnglon. He wlll start Thui-Mlav mnrn lng for Monnt Mr(iregor. remaining Thnisday and Fri day. During his -1_r at Mount Mc.regor \V. -I. Arkell will give a birtlidav dinner to the Prealdent. t<> whloU between twenty and twenty-flve gentlemen have been Invtted. He wlll alao go flshlng on a private lafce near that plaee, which U aaid to be rJUed wlth baaa. The Prealdent will _t*art for fcamtoga Frt.lar a-tem.H.n. arrirUig there in .did for dinner. He will remaln at the sprinir- untll Tuesday mornlng. Augn*t _5. when. under the eseort of Serretary Prottor. he wlll *t_rt on hls four throngh Verm nt. Thla tour wtll oceupv kar days, and at Its conclusion tlie Preiident wlll atBai Bl onee for Cape May Poir.t, arrlving August _i*. Hls stay tiere ls indeCnite. but lt i? probable that at lewst two weeks will bo spent at the sea-hore rottn/ before anotlier thange ls made. Mu. 1. depe*ds oji tlie progre?s made ln the repairs now being done at th> White Baaaa. This work, lt is said, will not be tin ished befoi-e Oetober. and tlie PnMd.-nt will take a hnnllng and flshing trip before he flnailv settle* down for tlie wlnter's work at Washlngton. < >ii his comlng tour the President will be a-compani.-d bv Mr. Hal ford, a -tenograpber and representativ."- of tlie preaa BaaoaUaUaaa. lt is po*.=ible that he may take a friend along. Secretary Proctor will Join Uie party ofi Iba way. and Attorney-General Miller and other Cabin.i mav lierotne niemtK-rs of Ihe partv. The Pi-c-Ident tliis mornln- touimuted the sentenre of a .?..urt-ninrtial at Apaelie. ArU.. whirh a B-Oai time ago lmpoiied a ?entenre of expiU-ion from the Army on Captain WUliam Davls, of tbe 10th (avalrv. for gettlng lntoxicated while on dntr, to tlmt r__*I auspenrion from rank, snt it k the pendatant effort_ of liooinera U) have the territory opened to while-- and ln .tion of that thev maiu- oecaalonal ratda Into the Miip. Tho l?i-.'?ident t.vday -ddreaeed a I." " ?? -.?. retarv of the rnterlor. avprovtna the re:t-.1 Indiar!*- tn owte-Tv ..f th" <-;iit!e. and not aettng a- agent- for Uie*. dlr. Lnniinl. _. MR. f'LEVELAM) B-OOM BBOB-OB Boatou, Aug. 13.?Major A. P. CbUda, al th" eOBB miMee of arran^entent?i for the BWO-Ing?_ eele! next week, has received a lctier from ex-P;. Cleveland, thanking the eommitiee for the eowteay extended, but s.iving that ii H -Bpoaal la - Cferelaad and i.ln.self fe utteud. He hopea tliat the oceaaiou may be a prand and tBapreaaiva .me. BOSORISG TBE REF. LEA LUQUER. A PRE=ENTATIOX OX THE TWEXTY-HFTH AXNT VERSAKY OE HIS BEO-OBSHIP. The twenty-flfth annlver>ary of the rctorship of the Rev. Lea Lu..uer over the parish of M. Matthew'. EpN.opal Chureh, at Eertfurd, Waato-B-tor Omnty, ?a- BeaBbamtod by a large rn.mber of u^ Baaja-to_ara mi Wodnesday, who pret-ented to their p;_stor a feaU monitU of thelr e-teem for himuclf and Ma wife. Tba i>an-.l_oners gathered npon the sparlous lawn of the reetDrjr about 4 p. m., and among otliers preselit were Btabofi Potter, Wllllam P. Wood-OfB, the Rev. J. H. BMBBH-B, BBMdef of the Presb.-teriau Chunh at Ka tonah; the Rev. J. F. Feitn.r. af the Jiaptist C-nreb of Bedfoitl; W, II. Bates, and the Rev. J. H. Hoyt. John Jar. who expected to be pre-*nt t.i make tba ].re*entation, ,-ent a dlapateb feom RlebJeM -prlBga thai he was not able to reach Iledford ln tin. bis addiws, handsomoly engro--ed and boaod, araa lead by Mr. Bates, clerk of the veatry. Biahop Potter made a few rc.nark.- eongratulating Mr. Luijuer and hls wlfe for having been pcrmitted to see the twenty-tifth aiinlyer,arv of tbetr .oniing to the parish, and witl. ao atgo of dlaaeaal-n Of atrlfe or Jealou^y among the parishloner-., but every siirn ot pr.nperltr, suece?;s aud g.*?d-feeling. The other ?IhIbbibb _ffaaaart followed Btabop Potter ln arlablng contlnned prosperity and BBBceaaa undei Mr. Lu.iu.t able admii.i-tration of his dutie^ a> i reetor. The others present Jolned in adding thalr miii|iaa?laBiiiaa. The gift to Mr. Luquer was a solid silver set of four eandlenicks and a loving-cup, upon eax-h ot wbteb waa engravod: 1800- 1891 A'.U'ii-t 12. TO THE RI V LEA ET'QFER. Reetor of St. M;itt.h.?? rimr-jh, U? dford, N ..-Vork. A TRIPt'TF. to twentv.flvo y._,r* of faathful Barrlee, and a, Buken of'the rpcard and affertlon of hls parl-h |*Bl 88 and (ru'iid-. An elaborate case with a solid silver eeab MfBf bowl and miik pltcher was the gift U> Mr-. LaBBjaar, and upon each article waa engraved: 1?C0. ._, 18J1 tt '-? ._ MRS. LEA I-fQt'F.R. Krom th- wemen of st. _r*M_*w?a Chur.-h. R.df...;l New-YorB, ln lo%'liiB memory ..f her twaaty-flre yee_a *i?-nt iu and for ti>e |_ri->h. OSE OF EI.lJ TIOSEERS GREAT SOXS. SOMETHINti ABOUT THE EXPEOITS OF AXTEVOT.O. A fioble apecimeu of the highly br-d trottine horae 1* Antevolo. He 1* one of Uv (ir^at>-st sutia of h^naMir BBaaK ford'a famoua atalllou Klts-tlon.-cr. II.- i* a kaad-SaM a?U-brown hor?^ wlth a at*r on hi* BH?M_I and th>- uh* hir.d paawm whiu-. Ar.u-volo stands 16 hand- tu ln'icht, and pui.- dowu thr b'am of a trl of Bl alt* at about 1.L00 i?.uudn In falr flftah, natraln.d. He waa foalnl at Palo Alto In 16*1- Antevolo li-. a three-rear-old rv.ord of 2 20'.,, and a fouryar-uld u.aik 0f 8_8%. B8 BBBMel a niil- ln a ra.e at flw y._r? md In 2:10: haa trotud tao mlle* la 4 :40, aud haa ahown i|in" r mlle*, at a 2 0?i .alt. m 81 . aa.-oi>-K. Uf. can troi ? jiiarU-r now 1? thu atud. aa h? la, ai.y ruorniiii. in Bia *< , _ .n aaseada. Antevolo waa pur.:h_>. d bv the l.'lair-.'vl.-w Sto.'k Farm. of Clalrevie*. Mieh., to h.-ad lt- -Bl M Blfae, for a8.').000. Thl? year BBBBB* h*\' baaa bicl Bl b-B at 8*00 each. Last v-.r h?- abl-BBai Iba toat SBBd ?Nrr ag.- aa raaaad?BBBy-Baaataaaa (raaa tbity-t?>. ....p*. Iba | ?... I. a BBM ?* Arit..\.il.. as an to~aa8BB8-il I" 'I', hia a.i.-ce** ia an ac.ui- d fa- t. Ow tt thi- I Ita fft, 1'ra^ ..<>. '?""? * tl?>r.m.tibr?l B?H * trlal In 2 -'i?. Ant.-i... _ ru 11 br.irh?-r la AB_BTB laken a leading plate a_iou? troltlnir alrea alrrad. ??r.-dll*d with Alfn-d << . fo'ir v.-j 1:18**i Bad. ?.>.?! 2 24H; at four y^ar?, and Btipaen, lbaa^ra_Mli rwi.ld 2 AA. if Ai.teM'lo had i.u r.-1-nrd at *. WBBtfd 1?- ln (i.-n,.nd .iiiiiii.p baaadaaa af r_*t i. .- - aat MM aa* ,f tti*- ain- ?f Sunol, thrt-.y^ar old r<-<...d 2 IO1-; of _?? BaaBaa MaaaaaitlB md re**H 8:18 ..' ini Bay, ,r iiaida Baaa, al I?* a aad of a ,. nr- of olh'-r* wlth wonderful rrt-.,iJ,^ Ur. Wann, th* ?up?rint*Ddent >.f (Uu-vl.w, *ays thal Marvin i?* wr.Ueii him that lie a_B drive t'oral. hM old. a full ?i>t>-r to aaaaaret*, a iiill.- ln i r-..- M -' 1"' ,,,. (j,, __ |t I B__*8 88M of HM 0/.--I--1 hr.HHl inar.-s. -le W??M alnady thi- dam of t~ tmi ,.il .,iu tiKil ha\f b.-ien - Twi-ntv-li\.- i?-r ."nt of Ai:U-\(io'* blood 1* UioioiiKhbr.'d. B_*B a liUI?. : Antevolo ln by llt-.tion. .-r BM tt ,.-.-r aaa bf Hurr.l.l BMI-M ..ot ..f i,r - i Maud. ?'.d < 8t__Ba_*8 *lrr aud dam ?>r- X W RteklDO-d and CMaaBbaa. Th.- nana?- of Abdallai. I., th^ h>..t B-M, H'orv ( l*v *'. hl.-nirh.i. M , Mt*, BaaaM s.oti.i.u and reaag IM-aaa BBpaai m MM I I --'"? _ A XEW PIAXIST TOB SMEBESA. Alfred (iriK-ufeld. court pianut to tbe Emperor* ot 0?r many and Auatrla, h*? bren uiu:*e i for a U.ur of th, ortiK-ipai ?-iti*? of thi? cui.tiy aaxt Maaaa, ?nii.-r Hm nauaien-il ot Uo Uoi_aaik. Kepeatcd ?fl-rt* hava be.? ?rtawaaaa toha f., ,ev)l to brl tllta ??_? w> ,. bat *UCCftw unm now oWin? to hl, ?,. ?a. it a_ ?-___ concfrte ?_,?,? ai%m ?t th. BB-aaj snd An,.r!a. m _j_o _. th* b-b__b_ raaattaifl i? ..iu, vi _u_ n..rl|;. .i)d st _,?;,r,bl?f. ftJM Or-aafaM wlll i* M.-,..^ tT hu lji(,th,.r ?. . avl.lon.-ll>t. wh?. ha. ?.? .?.. ,.,,. ?f ,,,,r, , ther. wlll j n Ul m,k,. |__aa halt. and otilv ,.-. f-edc-d ln l-OM-Bf away. Aa eheat Mfty *cho___n Imv. recclvcd wani m--. Iha aaal .ru; - of ito varsfatoi wlU na_H BMfe Uy to paaehera _ eaaght la nahilag -eu. The l.Vtls was to -ai) at __ date r.f wntinir."aud Blll la toOowed by the othera ;., rapid - 1*8 i;ehrir._ >ea Ooa_a____o__n arrtvwd aa lat. _t. Baa* ara -eatt-f w-fth th.- ta-*aa_fa_-_, Thii laiartnani wiu' "?turn .. la, l.ut tha Mt_B_ 88881 80 _8 m n? hnrrv. -j n- Brittah __f _?orpoiM haa airtfWd from tt.*- Chlna atatJOB, and each aattoa BO- Baa threo wa-ahrjM bere, la ______ la tha I'nited .--tates o-ttara. 80 (ar iha eattora aai. tobaa ,.u iha Qa Jaty 98 the Danrla ordered iha Baa_ag aelaaoaar Kii.-i. of laa Meejo, to laaa. Behrtai Baa, and her -agnada Bt_a_-_a_ to 9a ao, a to* adaatoi after. how ?mar, Ihraa r_ta ahota were heru-d on tba Fth.-l. aud a boat from the Oaraifl raOod ov.-r io aar thaaaajB the lOf, Tha _B8___a>hoal araa found ln the water, and on ih- a**a_a__9 Iha aahaaaar aaa eetoad- Her captain . hUaaa that oaa of tba eraw aaa lilag at a bottk- iu tlie B*at_r, and that his ?ehoOBer was too ?tuiill to take the -mall boat on board. Tlie Ethel aaa brought tn dunalaska and her crew is now tn tlic eu.todv of tl e aaartBaa she had taken flfty-elght bkins on Iha day befora Iha -elaare, and hatf BTO m an. M*___ wir.k the iteaaier Alki wiu ba _eTrt t<> Bttha with Um priaafl aad tha Ba__Baara, and tha Baeaua*. etlieaea t<. eoaalef Um latter. l_8Bl_B_a1 Tyler, l". S X.. will coiiinulid _M Liktunfa. and _B_8D Di^ld Iha BthaL 0-toeri of Um i -ttaf state- .Up _loha*aa, arltt-f f:-uin Oirnalaaha oa Aagaal 1. *ay that tha Mtrfilftri oeaii* raa on the roehi _4 -t. Oeorge Ishtad dnrlng a 1 be shlp wi , : ii] .peed, when bi 1 were leen ahead. The engine* were r--.-r-.-i and tba bow nu--r-d the ro. k, bj about t.-n *__h The rtttasr Bush plcked np seven men ln a wiiale boaa, *ro_i Um whaler Trtton. T_n bad been i..-t ,;i tbe fog, and .:i l I ten daj befora 1?-11;?_ picked np. They were ln a terrlble eondltioo when f..und. or:e havlag goee mad. nnd fo'ir othera are not ,.\ to irvlve. N'early all tto- *e___n bare ivcn notlfied to havo Behriog >"a, aai have eo_.pHe_ witli Um order. ? A TBOUSAXD EMBL0TB8 8TBTBB. WOr.K gUSPKBDED IN" _-*B_E_ <^n n CAU8ES OF THK TBOUBLE. tallors and pr*-s? .?!- aanrl ahopa, The *trik.j was or_erod hy I :>'-',i board of tii?* ' :i!l work "a. ____elf !___?-___. Aeooi-lng lo Um ofBeera ..f tha CVM-DBafears' _-_ob, Mr. Btetn, "f Xalaa >tcin ? Co.. N... ;,o7 Broa ha- heen trylag for aoaae Uaaa t.> peta-aaa hi- aai] to leave tha __bj_, aad ha aai tod lo aaaploy non-w:n ? : n e bha od* aiiiv t.? raeogn that 900 BMO aad VOBMB went on otrlke lu tha ihofi '.f thla tirm yeatorda*'. Ia tba eaaa of Pto-daaa Ba-tbara, Wo, 899 Ch where I -_? aaa- or_,-rem nlm. There ls .very indl.atlon that the strike wlll B_flBja9. HOT-n IH THE FIFJJ) OF LADOR. Chteaajo, Aug. 13 fB_a___L?Maraaall Fieid A co. h u;.- eeeMed *o attear-H Uie -apyieaatoa of " ra_B_a_* ifl ihOffl whi.h matiufnciu:-e g'**ls for the trad^. The tini! to dav tenred ooUea oa a aa-abar oi eloah aaaialbiilailag ahopa t.'.it aalaaa the. __atod their Bcapkryea naore ha_aa___y ao more -OBtra-to woold be i*iv...i tba- by *fara*t_H FV_d 9 Oo. The ? i to Um rondltlon, and now tbe Cloakroakers' L'nlon I. congratnlatlng Its.-lf on having galned an Importnnt rictorj. Pntnam, vnan., Aug. 13 (Sperlal) For - me tirn* the nidtt.-r of organltlng the weaver. >.f thla Btote inni." head has been U_ked ot aad this afteru ?- held here, al wblt taken th- ?-*?t stepe for organl/.liig a ?dety, to be known a* the Weatrera' Mntnal Beneflt Assonatlon of Connertimt. There an- al?>ut 8.5410 area-rers In part of the Btoto, orer _,000 of wLoea are _ lf/.-"-" _r__9_-_.- WOVTM-BB MTTAl AQATB. ? ; i _. Haaaa Baa?, w_? ___. __?_l fsrr.o.i- t-*.. ? ,. sea a gagad u> .ing Ml,s i. l_ purtu ln Ui- ( - ??? ha* ii'Hin b?n broBght mt?i BaCto. hy 9t_ bMiwI m Mwa af B. C BoU, a ___. 8?BBBM f: .m ladMBB, B_a I- in BBB-S at met, ii- ls _e_aa m t-jhaif ol ii-r huatond*.'iv and >?? ? a*: ay wbleb ah< ?r,aii nU-qa-fe .:i _a_B M anv lataraal in her haabaad. i, wmt , . . _ aad ? - i lt _ bbM t!'.<". sto i* _.?? l ving ln BiLoekarM, wMh . u-^ru w__sn, w_s aa. Imfliflil/ ha. wa. ""r - of tfea l-ti Ballway, aad j' Um Uaaa ol hls eaaUi M. rl .st alght in leen k of li I __? __a_l Mra. Baad. lt _ thought l . alH aa**. aa tn.ui.i- la Brraaatog Um aaaaj that h- OaflflMB. _DX 0? _V EX-ALDEBMAE DEOWSED. Bcrn-rd LaaiBB. tli- .?i.h'?^ii.y(_r-.f -aa__a. _i(i irTTs.u: hnc (1 . ibflkM wiii u.t foi- alght _ay_ :hj: .v.'.ir i___r< // uim-tfr. l.e Caarrler d^ Kiat- L'nls, Aasaanl 19. A ;? tbe appofn-nant ?l >' U. -h- |?.-t ...f Minlster i Envoj Bitra-ntinarj ol Fiunce Lo ln "'?' - I !:,- 1 .'. !.. !? ... -? -v: m.-nl Uli'l.nil.I.-dl-, l m rr Umled -t..t--' in ? !;-?',;i illi ai "'osl i the mo_t dl*Ui . Bl ... H. l-teuotr. wa. Fraocli i-^o. Fi-in th<-r?- Um Frrn r,n M l-atr:, appoinl d I'rench Mlnl*ter to Mot .?s in ., i-oui v Bng_.b rivaln , |. .1 i<- the r>- rtit . oficluMoii of ? - ? tiw drraction of the western part ol aai Algerlan territorv. , . .. ? i., -um up the per.onality of M. Patenotre w* do not .ioiii.t it ? ill be B-lrome at VI lie *rl1 il,. boaor to our .ountrtr. aud ooatrtbuta -till n Mien tlie bond* of inutual e-tc-m aud aQec-OU bttwreii tuo two treat Uc_ubU__ RAILROAD INTERESTO tiie trjuoi pAcinc >.Tr..Tios. MR. DICKIXSOX BVM-8-B-D TO COXFER WITH OOVtO-tMU Vtnv TAKI'.N I\ ilMUIl. "msha, Aug. 13 cp.-. lall.-AssMant General ager DiclUnsoii alarted ..n a BBddaa tii_) to the \V.-t ? aatof, it la tha* ba \'t\ in re-ponao to a -timinons from Jay OopWL Thi- -um la labaa a- baarlaa eeauaact-aa ar_b the aaaaaal '.n of riiion Paettk BtoaBa, An oftkihi at baaa^aaadar*. who l- m a p_ Utiow BdaBBBBl he spenk-, expreased tae opin.on that the braafe M the BBM l- ..f the road wa* part of a tiould ?i B8B_B ?httpe now tha*. it any tlme dtirlng the pn*t three year*.* -ai-l he. "The redurtlon in the expenae BCeaaat haa I thi- ha- h-njaty tactaaaad the net earnlngs. There has been no money rfpent la ted that the .lune report of net earnlngs . from the Baataa ofli.e eh-wed a large df I iu tlie n<-t earnlngs. '? Theae rafO-M 818 i i.jwed to 1... naa l-.e^e bad Baa being ?1 he. " I wonldti't sweur to the publMied ligures belng ihe same ?? 88Bd fioin Bara Ihe cmditlon of tlie road wm well lenowu t<> (i.itil.l BBd Bba other-, before It was taken In .hunje. Mr. Clarft was seut out here bf Mr. liould for tlw sole purpoie of looking It over. and his I?f0r( on tlie siti.Hti..n decldod the tpieation of taklng the road or lettlng it alone. T^ie condition of the money niarke' Vaa BOreaeaa at tliat tlnie, and the eondltion of tl.e road'-, Baaaeaa wa- as well known to them at thnt tlme as lt is now. Depeud oa it, Jar i.ould wouldii't be _p in tlie niountalns H-htng If he thiught I i- atoeft w.ih tu daneer of goln_ to the bot laaa, rn aaabara to my arbaa aaa Btoad* paaa awav ha wlll be hMflfl to be h-.ldlng more l 1.I..11 PaetSe *tock than he had t.< lt 1* nothing new for him to btaab the market.'' The direetors of the 1'nion Paclflc met a. bat nothing aaa Bjlaaa out aa to the raaaH of the eflarl t.. 8rtBKtt->' i ,f tlie . aaa ..f tha rompnuy. lt aaa only said that favnmbie progn..? had hean aiade. A meetlng of the Board h.ts been ralled for Tn.-day next. At lh* iii.-etlne fialflldaj a BBBBBhBT of tlie Execu iiv.. CbaaaMttoa <.f the Board of Dlraetori aaa ajeeted tu r.n ii..- rarai 11 eaaeed by the abaaoca of Ei-edcrt.k L. A_M_i arba i* iu Europe. LABB AXD EAll. BATBS. Chieaajo, Aaf. 13.?The ? ? ? t-booad rataa fr.-rn Bew Bnglaad poiata ara bbi bo aaaoalBa -. TraJBe Baai Um ?? --bl ]u-t now that it 1- not worth fightlit. over. and the Baaa are not parti.-nlnrly t. i':nii aad Mlnoeapolla t.. Ba lara polata ??lad i-rT.-.t Aat?at ?-?"'? Tiie aaa rataa win ba :;<> eaata to Baw \..ik aad -". teota lo Boatoo. which w.u i.i>.k.- the baata in ,i- .-. and 7 i S eaata to Laka Miperior jM,rt- on Uuoogb ablaawBta. It .- betlered that all the ?t ..f dolnj bualne-s al unproi ? trafne will be - > larne trorn thi.- time ? _ that thera w_l be no ex< uae for tuttit:g under the agreed tan.l-. CHK-tOO ABD XoETHWEsTEUN BAB5IBOB Ch: i:i.?Aeeording to the thlrty--e.-..tid aaaaa) laajorl of toe Cbkaaa and BortbaaBtaaa Com? pany, tho t-'t " aatB-aaa f ? the y-ar endlng i wara 88,700^181 ;i-. Tba rratgbt eanilnaja aara -r 1 :?.-?_?-..??-? 1 ;n ; asfn n,-tii aaral 8S to, iiL tl.e alakl?| fund and th.- paymenta of dlvMendii the aorptai lng- were t-S-JS (ifii.i'.r.u Doanrr wabt tuf. bbtdob. Nrw-iuvcn. Conn., Anf. 13. Captalo i:.>;.e:-tley. his laaryar, a-ked for and ol.tal::.-.l from JadfB Torrwn e au Order .f aottea on tba Baw-Yorh. Baa Haaan and n.rtford lUllniad |a show . au-e H-Zl Tu.'sdav why they not be enjol.'ied fnnn balMlBg B BrMflB Oaat Weet Kiver in that t"wn. The rUlway company had a to ItaBaaa at ararb on the bridaa yaaterday, haataatai tba arorb aad tbey itraeB, A -penai tmin wai run front this iitv la-t ntght with another gang and work wa> ...iitlt. >sl all Blfbt The B-wlupeopl* are C at tba altegcd encroacbment ot tbe raurood on thelr right to the navigable rivtr. ABBTTAL BBPOBT OF THB BOBTOB AND ALBABT Boaaoa, Aag, 13. tba aaaaal raport of tbe dlia-tora al iba Boatoa aad AXbaoy Ballraod Coaapany to tba rtofbaftHfra abowa that for tba yaa ?-? :-" the total receipn aara 99,tlB,222 aad I ? net loeoaaa 18,408 4T2. The Borplaa, after d'-du tlng ci_r|t 167,571, in.t'iiing tiie preaaot aarplai fl?w Idd. ? eoUfHBBB P. H. ABD B. B\ A880I rATTOB. The aaaaal Boaveattoa of Iba Bootbera BaUway aud stenui-ii.p Aaao-taattoa came t<> aa eod yaatorday. Meetln?i bara beeo r* 1.1 f .r tbe la I iya ad Ma -_i Park ria.-. aad afb c w-ns anded tbe netatary aaM thal tbere had baaa ao il? Bcraaaaaal ol aay kimi. and thal ? ament . and w..iild boM ROOd tor anoth.T ? ? u-ere ma.1". Ex---n:itor .to-eph E. .. ?f ueorgl ? praatdeot, Tb?*_aa H. Carter aaa lonimlaMnnw. C. A. Btodaa lecr-tary, and i-;. k. BBBMy a'l.i Jo?n lerl?aB wen- arUtratora. Tlw all re-aleeted, aad tba oM rata ooaiaitttaa ? with Mfllng ehai I Tbe raada lapnaaoted arare the Bkbaxa I i(;,..,?;... ,,;.] Dog_tnion -toaa__lp CoaBpaoy. (i ,;*' 1 ,;,..,.,,,..-, 1 ,. ? Cbesapeaba aad apanj. Man banta ai d M Tian-portatioii Conpaay, ~.-..!->:>e?i and Boanoba B_U raad, WUndnft-n aad Bebton BaUroad, MM "/aetora ?lautt., th>- tTaatara BaUway <>f a Atbuita and w.-t Polnt, tha l.r-ia So-tbera and Florida. tbe 1 rrtnfton and v- " itral Baflraid and Banklne ? ?" ?. r . npanj ..r Rai an ab, tha Porl ? - tti l-ratlna Ba Iwaj l ? , Ballroad Company. the N .rfolk . ,?..-,?-. Vlrajlnia and >???<*?;?>-.. and the s.v.ii.nah. I'lorlda und W'-tem Rallroad OOBBaap. ATP-At-BO FK"M 1IM.F.V- DBGISIOB. CMaaajo. Aug. n.-rhe ciucago. Bt. raal and I l ltv .. Boaa tha dadaion al 1 balnnan nntoy, danylne B lha rbjM to Maa 1 ? ? - ,,,,!-, tbdt arlMla ol Iba aajraeaBenl arhieh pr that I hall be pl. wlta tiieir uuaapatltoia Tba road hoMa tbal anlaaa tt - HiBBlltai to abaarb ttaaaanr 1 atoaad at * BBuarat arlth tbe roada that ? the t nlon Depol al Kan a Clty. rne axoi ^atora baaa not vet oeeu -ppotatad. \ (TT IN BATB. I ETWEF.N BOBTOB \M> -'? PA\7l 1 Mi aajo, Aae W ,?.- Baar-Tark aad n.-w Eii-imd. Narthara staaaaahtp conpaay and Baatara Balraay >.f ': '*'_ ,,f i.uir.iio aad aTaal bajarrior, aad ? ''? " ,-,-nt- baa aad to tba - bv ??> "f llle' V.\< .Otb aid ai.d Er:e CBBH- ...mb,ua THE P. B. R.1 DVOT IN it. LOCII H 1-'"..-. A -'- 1 - tl Iba re.|U?.-: of M. -I '? ? ? r of tba Paanaylranla Batt .- kT.tnt.ii ihe road > paraall to ? ammniat!. MMgM MtoitoB an tba blaeb boanlid by Muin. Of?B --.d -'?>. aad ?'' t,ie .. b aa .f Um i aa M ? ? I 1 1 ? IV ataatoa wi,i ba 700 Met ta h ' ,'''', ..rl.le. Ihi- BBSVa '?'?il. ]v:,u.M ,h? in rrjrani . | .t. tbb -1 i.\. 1 aaioa Ql mil'. l_.-ln nl I'r.n.. _aa* lauoa 1. ? Maa to har'. a__1 tnm aaaaa ' r-r- * "w .-?-'h.ln-ae Donaid B8BI BBM B_M J' '??*-? tmt ? ... MM u-rHUirr ot I i . v\ ., a a a/aaari f \.iir*iou MahaBa on Lhe baala ,od fondl'-lona -dop_-d by the Waauro Pa_*en*-r A?*o riation I"- laaj-Ba Maataal bf Mr. Donaid BraM ?ui-B ,, uj him t.. - :,<1 ai...U..r .ircuiar i-tu-r to ,, lV aoa_a?al 1 ..t<-i fraaic a**o ? >.t\k?\. .;_.;ur-an r?te?, -ud to bj?-1 Uie eomp^titlon irttlng to eonns-tlon wlth -d? ?P*"*lal trafltc. o-**rvlng the preeauUc-iary ro-asure- pra-crtbf- by t_- -aa-. 98 th- We-tero l_--en_er A-toctaUon wlll n.aintalri two autiiict b.?-"4 for roosU-cting th****" 'ir'* Mr. Dauaid ha* r_l|ed a _HBB_Bg of BB8*MBBBto for *-t nrday, ? order Uiat unltorBi quotation. may be 8-88899, THE tAMII.Y PFTOUT VPOS TllE STREET. ! TWO OF THE CHIT.DRF** WEBM mVTTEMJBQ F*V)M DIIMITllFRIA-TWO MONTHS' RKNT WAS P8J__ (aptalu Cortright, of the Tlilrt.v-**coiid I'recimt. ls face to fare wlth a dlftl.ulfy whlch threatens to in rgfag 11 (99081 of offlclal aiithorlty. A> gue-ts in UM -tat.on baaaa h_M night he hnd tlw wile _nd four chlldrru of John Seaman. an clecfrtclHn, employ _ st Ktoer. Bowarg Theatre. Another 8-09 had been .~*nt to a hospltal. Mr. and Mrs. hoaman had llved un happlly tm-etber. Uoth were ia tbe bablt ot drlnklng. The faratly occupied a ?at at 9*. _7* We? Oaah-B dred-andforty -irth -t., but about fonr day. ag*> 9B> inan left hume and did not reuirn. Ha 88889 two __a__f rent, and ye.terday morulng at 1') _*8__eB IBBBM Mc( arthy, a marshal. actlng under lnstructlon. from L A. K.-nny, agent of the property, which 1. irwned b\"*a man nsined Uray, di.poi-essed Mrs. Sea man and put her wlth the tlve chlldreu and tlie fur ulture on tlie -Idewalk. Two of the chlldren, I.abel and Florence. were 889 feiing from dtphtherla. >!*?. Seam_n. wlth 8 baby ln her arms and the othera cllnglr.g to her skirts. p_*ed ap and down rhe ptivement unUl _ o'clock. when she Md la the Thlrt. ..cotid 1-89-891 Mation und saw C-fU-B fortiight. Tlie (aptalu. after hearing her storr, sent her, ln eharge of ufficei- Ooett. to Uie I offlces of UM gectotg for the lfeventiou of (__B_g to I'htldren, but the ol-.ial. there decided that the cu*e w?s not one ln which they could luterfere. Tiieu the woiimn wh- ia_eu to the lioard of Health B--Ma to llal t.. bat when um raaehad hhera tha e_to_e aaaa closed. *-he went baek to one-hundrvd and fortv--l.\t!i lt, ;,nd ther*; tne police. not knowiug ____BB. what U> ia wlth her. left her where ito had flrst been found, OB the pavement. A had been left at the Board of llealth - and MMB ufier 7 o'.-Iock an ofllcer of Iha B_aid appeared and ofrec- to put Mrs. >_ean-_u ""d het chlldruu ha. k in tlie tlat. gha sum' rea-on the woman refu,*ed aud .eenied indiiferent a. to the fa*e of her ehO-BBa, The lioard of llealth amaii'snce was sent for and ln It Florence, Iha aMar of the two -u(k chlldren. aaa taken to the Willurd Parker Ho.pitaJ. UM oflVer declding that laabel ?- sulTii-tenily convalevtit t*J ue left wlth her mother. I p to '?) o^ehMh Mrs. Sev man, wlth Isabel and the three othyr chlldn-n. ro mained on tne pavement. 1 heu they wer?) taken te. >lr liavmond waa b rn at Bedford, Wes_rheatar Coonty N. Y., ln 1839. After obtalnlng an academic edocatt-B he eatered Lafturetto CaBeeje. After to aai graduated ha -tudled law, and was udmitted U) practice. ! of followlng the law. he Jolned hla brother m othlag baatoes. ander the flrm name of A. laj ,_.?.?! a (... at Kaeaaa aud Fuiton ata. That aaa aboul twenty-flve year, ago. and he spent tlie re.t of in- llfe in that b-ehMse. Hls iiome in U9a ettg was at No. SS F_-t FIftv-llflh-t.. but he IpeBt a grlMl BC-1 ,,f his tlnic at his plac- at Locust Valley. B* leave, a ?_, _ad two aaagbtera. He waa * ??5>**pAjJJ_! New-York Urlvlng Club and of tlie Manhattan AthleU. n_b. The funeial-will l/e held to-m.-rrow nyrnlng at io ovior-k at the M-dlaon A*_aaa BtrJiaiil Chareh. Tbe burial wlll be at 9*_0--Hr_, ________ S. WOX-TC H, .... Penn.. AUK. ll^-C-B-M. R. WoUa. of Lewtsban ?ho wa. to.u..y ??ho-.n Bue-ttV. .'.,...?.:.-M.n-r arorld.-_tr< , dtiggid daad aa Bto Maaat Uil_ af'.' The new. of Mr. Wolfe's deuth created a grea' tlon in town. He had |aat dined tie-rtlly and wa. retnrnlng lo the <-pitoi to raaaaaa ? _*_faT8_ea **itii ,1.. ivnnsvlvania Cmuilssloti-r. to the Fair when OTer !.,;.,', "r an attaeh ol heart U-able. At the u.ble hc ipohea of hla liealtli as good. CLARK T.IPK. Donv-r, Au?. __-?__* U|M di.d ?t hla r-BM-Befl m thi. city at o a-cleek ui-uight. He aaa _aaaa time UM l_r_e*t r?il'o_d caBt-B-M. M the wo-ld. Mor- U._a a quarter of a century ago hls home >v_* ln, CMea_a. >?. rtffl ha* larga Braperty IbMM?m. He w_? a ekwfl trtaBd af i? '? Jl" '"** *"-'- of,hS ,. _!? __?__, but what w?* left is lalaad al 100. ________ CRAP__-B B. post. __ags_M. a.i_. 13 rBpeth. ^torl_i B. Posi i known and popalaf *t,,...-ruK),-r of tto Illd Judu-I-I DUtrlCt of the _.,pr?n,e Uaait, dled very hndd-.Uv to U. . ,.P. thi* sftarnoon. a.ed sbout Mrty. H- bad bBN saweU (or a t.w days, but aa aoa naaldaiid aha a-_le-_y _^__, THOXAS PRATT. BsrrM-M B. -1-. ?*"-? 13--Tli..*_a* Tratt. who. tl B . *? laaaafl in N-'-i M m o-fard Tawntolp, i.?ir n-ividere. jraaMntagr, _nd Dbiet7_oa H- wa. * haie old aaw -.nt.'. j bw inonth* age, aaaa to wa- Mhan UeB. Ue w** aada a -_. ZfJECt OF UIE CBIXEEB F_'7.7-'0.v 1CI. j, |... ? o.Aug. 19(apeetolK-CBlaaathaeeemael br th.- Chlneaa can aaeara a reversal or awdlieaUon of the rnited State. gepreiae Ooert heelsloa of Aagaat i m the c_ae "f wun h-lag . aa aaatM. wlll toreaftet b, a,i tto. port The -agreaM Coart held . rtrlcl eoostra-Uon af Baetloa 8 al tha Bxelnslon . that anchli._i4*rchaBtawhoaraal . ? ar-at baar the Chl_eaa _-T_rn_MBt1 orr* ntirat- thal _aey hare been mereba-t. and are elhP-le t,, enter thla eoaatry. Thi, will preve an irBp.r.-ibl?j barrler to geaabM C-lnese aMi-haats, u- Ihalr Oaw ernmeni refoae. to laaaa aay oer_____ea. rheee which ,?-,: :,.,-eiv-d _-saa-_ea were Umply laaaed bv eoosala. It atM bars out mwchanb- from Cubaor Feru. or ai v other eowntry, aha mav _*k |o eatar thla aaaa> ,rv 08 th-ir WBg hOBM 10 Chlaa. It harred OBt 'o-day 17ir. ta waa eaperted to laad bere. The:r eoB-aal pr<>i>"s?'s to get tbeai aabara aa wtni ot habeaa eorpaa, ?n_ then to api^ai to the Bageaaae Caart t?> fhangi it- deelilon, Th- eaeea aa babeaa eorpaa wfll eaeaa before JBattea Flehl to_tarrow. II tiOBS here that all merchants* c.-rtitlr-Htes pi*a thfl Exeta-loo Aet went lnt,. erTe.t huve .,."? spurioos. EvWenee ba. been gaUwredjwntly ,'.l,,i -how.:,.- tbal rertlflcste. ;Ul^ '''"'? v-.,ki io fs'WO eeeh, and that bobm oBirMJ in iae imeriean con-nlate In ibangh-l wa. entt-ged la thls lUlclt bar IncraUrs baali l _SI GOT fJ-i.tlOO FU'iU THE RlILROlD. Ptae BhUI, Arlt.. Aug. 19 (r*pociul'.-Mr-. Ada H. rjauet, adailiB-liBlili raraiiwd ? iwdiei of ? tln- .-t. i.ouis, iron Moaatorn und ? ethera Kaii aay Coaapaaj la tii-- Cli-att i^u-t at Dum_?. Desha Coeoty, Ark.. t,r?!uy. The sult grew oal uf a wreck ou u MotinUUn road withlti tliree miles of this city ?plflBBhai 1">, Htn), la which a number of pa_ ? injurcd and Frank ?weet. tha husband of ..? plala-ff, wa* lillled. II. K. Whlte 9 N. *J__agto ,. ? -lutltf. and A'.i-t.n _ l-*l?r the de (endauts. An api>eal will be taken. -4?-' TBBEE BUBBBEB F1KMKK.1* TE A FBEE FIOHT. Wllmingtou. l>eJ.. Aug. 18 |**peciali.-The _aaa_ "eraay a-iaaen. to the aa_Bhsr of a.ouo. held their sanaal rea-loa UHtoy at P_a__w__a *?. J- Two paatha abhrtod a ggha, ? which aoo pei-on. u*>k part, und whlch l'mted three hour.. OM BMB ?b? *n ?>adly l.urt ba in-iy -88. Tw-nty other* are under the oare of gbjnlrteni and abaad -00 received slight m Jnrlos. IHaaei 1 araaed th<:m?elvea wiUi wagon wtopa, and woi-e the buti. out 1ti t^-atmi. one another. Two handiai person- Walehed the tlgut from hoiuetop*. \ *tewe_a_e man 'U- purvued rwii mlle* i,T the BBBb. and haa not returned. lt 1* aBl known whether or not be BM. Wlth foul plav. m WBkVt Od TBB WLB0EAB9. k-v Vfeat, F__, Aaw W (9ae?lal).-C-|>lBfa l.oiger. ,f um *a*_a_ar Coaeho, f<"n ?*? v.,rk to aatoaaioa, nrrived bere b.uight. and reports that the wiv.-ked -t.-amer Kidurado algf.alled hlm ^ti Tuesdav uight _t B*__BB-, when he w-nt __B_a*-b_8i brluging the F.ld.?r_.lo'. mail la K<-v Waei I aptalu K) rne boarded,, and BBtd that UM punip* fiom Kev 9BBd retea, but that he expcitcd to repuir them ?nfl . |o purup tba raaaaJ _n hg TbaBadag aaaa; The ^v- aaa aa_toe Mclz-an and the wi-e.kltig *. liooner fora ;lie only Baaaah* U bto w:v-U. I;\rne m :- held on to hi- abtp, and refu-e- to tiirn ,?.r ,,. wre. _er?. wh,, are bovenna arnun.i like sharl l be eraw aud all haaB- a"' work lag boaaaly. _______ _, _ tii mWBBBTBBTM fMBBCM THAT MA1S I h t. The (.hicag) luter oean from M).!l_ud, Tex. ( BM af Heneral Dyrenforth** party to-day sald ! u t*atr aud M(?day i_?t part of th** raln-maklng app* only w_? W up and a prellromarv trial made, -irnpiv i . te?t the effl-Hcy of tlie apeHal blS-Uug pow der w'hlch U belng manufaclured ?t the ground. from ,,,-,-w-i toaaahl with __. . , . a'e do not tbinh wa exploalons actuall; prodtieed the atorm tof Tueaday, Ausrust Hi. a* they were not on * large enouah *c*w' but they were undoabtedly InatruraentaJ in preclpit-tina the moUtnre wnich tlie ekmda brought to that l<***J Ity, and greatly IncreaMd the Intendty of tlie ?;orm an? the <__ai.lty of raltifali. which was piateat ln tn* vi.inltv of the plaee of operatlon. ? We wlll contlnue ? eanttoaaly make teate aa tn the d-n->ltr of the atrno-pl.are In thla p?rtle?l_r loeaHtr. ao tltat our liombs mav I* adapu-d t>> meet ererr ooaalble i-ondlUon. aud when we | -lifl.U-i.'lv aatapjpd our aelaa* apoo tbeaa and sV.tiar p int< the deri*iv **? perlmenl wlll be made, whl.-b will not be yet for aef eral da>-." TO MAKE THEIR QWB TIS PI.A1B. SOMERS BROTHFRS, OP BROOKLTX\ EBECTIXB 4 Pl.AXT FOR THE WORK. A new tin-plate enterprla* la aboot to be und.f taken by a manufactiirlng finn who aeal're the advan> taire* of the M.Kmler tartlf. ThLs tltwe the Industef la belng BBBftai "ear home. Tba Brin of .somerB Oruthert, ?t fThlrd uve. and Tliird -1.. I;~>.klvti, ara BBBBBjae M the tin good* bu-iaaaa. They __nuf_<-t?ra all kindW of tin buse* and cttaev from tbe mort plain BMMri Btabarata They have had a great de*l of trouble for a long tlme ba oUalnlng aheet tin at proper prlres. The tin plato nn_t_et io* bwoo ln th* har.da of .-. few flrm-. and tbe aiaterlal haa been -corIlered', tlme and axalii. forelng pcWoi n'wav b*> vond tne proper v-l'ie ? the good*. Tht* state ot ibing. m_ie it diflicult t.- gtre catimate* apon work, and so the Messr*. Bornara fVIt that lt wouM be a _o the work. The bulldlng la now In pnx-aes of 88888-88. lt i* lu tlie rear of the flrm * fartory at fhlrd are. nnd Thlrd ?t., 1? 300 by Ti feet ln atoa and a part of lt will he three atorie*. and another part alx atorle* high. Tliere ha* been aome dinicuity about gettlng the roachmes from Englnnd. Tlier are p_d t..r, 1;ave not yet been dellvered. lt U Baaaaabal tl._t tlie HritUh tin-pbae manuiaetiirere are uMrii Uielr inttuence to prevent the machlne* from learlng the BBt-MBf. There has been considornbl* delav. but a l able di.-pafrli was received the other dav sUttng that tlie machlne. would be Bhtpped ra a few _.:,-. ,_, . __ _. L?. M. -OOB-fB, B uiember of the firui. -ald ya-terdav . ? i UMni oar naeatoea win come aior.g all rlght now. and that we wlll get at_rt>-d without any further tmu ble. Tlie c-pmlly of our plant udl be _,000 boxe_ a \v?-k. of 11x20 tin. 112 -het;t- to a box. We wlll keep tl.e mlll running nlght nnd day. and wlll tell all we don't use. We. wlll roil out the sheet* rtgnl bero, gettlng tlie matertal in bar-, from a flrm ln . ihto We w-tii boy <>ir tin rlght In the market. Al t it wlll probablv be Imported tin, but I auppoa* iu time they will be able b. nnne tin In tha cl.eaply ??noiigh to eompete witl. tho forelgn product. i ef aeveral otber ilmis ta varlou^ part* of tba country who will uooti uiauufacture thelr own tia plate."_ _ A BIG XEFH1GEBAT0B BUHXEt). Th.- -laii.titer huii-e ai:d ivfng-nitor of Alexande* Maybeana, M Beadh urange-ave.. >outh orange, M. J.. ?.i- laalrayad bv fire at noon yesterday. The build tap ar- twa-atory baaaa and aaatta-aad machinery, reftigeritinc .ipparattis and meat worth atH?t fl_,000. lto; nlllpfBtor BOM IdtXOBO. and the bulldlng* wera wortli Bboat Bt\0OQ, niaking the total Jos? about 8*10.. 000, Iba Bre erbjlaatal ln the n?iiier-roo_i aad ob tanied greal beadway before aaajlaaa from >ewark roach th.- l.tiildlng. Large herd^ of eattle and ibeep wera in p.-ns adjolnlng the bulkling* and were re-eued wlth Kwoe difliculty. The "fnsurance 1? about i?lT.O0O. -?-. WI rBB LOJO -f-wIBB CfXT HIGH ICaTOO-. Iha Beaad al Edaaatlaa >.f ?anf l?'.*"d Clty laat nieht appab-M eaaeeatai Edaaaid t-ajan prindpai nf th* Uleh Sehool. .it a -aUry of ?'-'000 a ye*r. j-HanaBjj a* fora f a S> hoyl Coniniia?iou*r lu Uueena Cauaty. m l.i.-bl. Companr'a K?ti_ct af Beef Aliays brulu B? I???tt *nd produ.-e* alcep. MAEEIED. WVT.D-M\RQI'AN'D-On TblliadBT Au?u-t 13 at tha r,-'.i..n.-.. of the ' Mnden i.a-^. N.-?i?.rt, bi 'tn.- i:-v Bod * tnrr, v D _--i-t?d hv un- Ber. E Korreal Em^raoii. Ma ? '?? >lar? eaaad, e*41- and Hearj ..Jil.r.lth Ward. Notiees of marria^ert BBBSl 08 l__a8BSi with full name aud addreea. /.//?:/?>. CABTBB?At Caaa., ea Taeaa_y, Au-n?t l_ Mary C* ? wtfa ol l*a ea 8. Carter, and d?..*h--r .rf Uia late Theodor* Uavenport, In th- r.-Vii v.-ar *f ber aa*. Th- offlce for Uw iiuitai at th- D?ad ?aii b* aaM ln ttt.'rf i.'lM.|?-i. ln hi Joka'a l'j!l-h. sitaiuf.itd, uu i r.aay, Aui_r of h^r agf. hel late leatdence. -8u B-riren-ave., J*ia*y . Ity Uahtate, at 7 :_0 \> bl r.-iday, Augu*t 14. laMnaaal at eoarealea.?' b_?|y. JUX__?Oo Wedneaday, Auguat 18, M I'.i^nd Springa, U orge Jonea, In ti.- T9t* yeai .-' Bla B?e. Euiierai arrrleea al ? - - Cbureb, 7-1 Madlaoi.-ava., oo i-ndav ruornlng, at lo a'elacb. at coovenleaea of lha fa JUXE8?Oo Thuraday, Anap-t ia, at 14* !*~ r-?tdencc, 38 i'nlon >.; ui?-. II.-il.,;- De liltiot, MM of Uie late Ja.i.t-* and Mahala J*a**, ef . Hr. -- and fri.nd- ar- Invlted to atteod lii* funerai at . alvary .1, ai.U ?.l-l-t., ou Sat-rdav n.-ru !n<. at half |ia-t 'J 8". ???? K ki.en .1 9a i ? .a, n/eMaasday, Aagnat 1-. of paia-y^ia, l.jlm \f. K?n. _*-d IA. Panaral aervlc** at. L-08 _Jcb?t- 1'hiiad-lphla, 8**y, . .-t 1.1, a: ti ' Intement at eanvaalcnea of Maa UORi-f?At I*?ria. Erautr, oa W-.tte-day evHnlng, 1-th Lugual J i... - ii M.irau. wlfe of Aii-d.-^ D. Moran. and a miKbC-r .,f WlUlaai R. Morgan. XASII-At Bl88-l8abl, N. I. .... Thu-adar Augi.Kt 18. is'.ii. i-.ii7.*i>.th U-laaa. arlfa af Uia*. H. Ba*h and diugi.t-: of tn- Ma waa K- Petaw KcrvU-ra wlll be h^ld at t-n.e on fcaturdar, A.i.u-l 15 at. A 1 '. B. BL la na?. - HM - 10 traln from Bar-lar-at. 1'AVM'All-At Danarfll*. X. V.. Augu*t 11, John ?>oia ?r_iUi fa\nt,.r. .1. M -M a*f. Kuuerai n-rvl ?- rreat bU lat.- raaidanee, !M4 I^srlngton ?v-., reraer >.r oiKii-t., PMday, Auau-t li, at 10 evloen. Klndly nalt I iuYMi'M. At ni- eoaatiy realdaae*, l.o<:uat Valley, I/on| Island. ou Wedu>__*>, AiiKiist I-, HM, Auguat** R*y. paoad. , ..s and frl?_d- ar* Invlted to attena th* tmwitl ^r rloaa Bl MM M-*i?o.i areaue B-t..n.?a ct.ureh. .-oni-r Madr??ii-a\-. atid .'>Tth-?t.. at 10 *. m., ou Saturday, Auguat 1". WnRTUlN.iTON.?A' II.K'ie, ..u I_K- Oeorge, ?tf?% \A. 1881 . bark- yeoaaaat aaa tt UaaBfa and c_aWou? WorUui.gto... Notlce of funerai htr-nft-r Spccuil Xoticta. roatoilii lai -r,i by an- IB****_ \---i- arauTabl* n.?i!. for the a-eK eiidlng Auirukt 15 ?lo-e U"ouipt.y iu all caa?aj at Un- a-lee ** folioa HiiLiAV-Ai i u. at. ta. Jaaaala* ?uu O-rayBewa. per a i. Uondo (1*?era for I'ruxlllo. l'uerto i ort-i, Bell-a ao* .niat-uiala in'i?t i> dlreeted ''per Howlo"). . _ -ATUKBAV- At I a. B). f-r HraAlI aud th* L- Hata ?niincrt..? rla llr.zl. for r?t. 'l'l.on _- ai.d St < niu vla "st. TKol.m. for Martlulu .e ai.d .ruadaUOp* vuv Martlniqua, lor H-ir?aJ.M* and D?aM-r* ?la Bartadoeo. per a *. llnan.. tn .. r?ewport Bew* tottaea f..r oUiar Wlndwar* l-l-mi- Buat be dlr_ rJa.,. ?f r...Mpe ""'*' "" a-lteaaed -p*r Auranl*"); .r?laTa ni atiMdeaaaaBary 11:80 a. m.) for London t_.,?a.. iia-erl-ud. Au.tru. Qerrmwy. Dw mrk Hwad-n, __Mr_r'a_d auMla, pei ? ?? fc^Jbw. \la Bou__mpt_. and Br___ ^ttara tot oth-r parM of Eiwpe muat iM di~xt*d ">???.d-r : at 10 a. ?- for -Vorway dlnet. D*r a. a. ,'?__./ letter. ""'?' he dira. Utr,-rl_i.?_ airoct. per a. a. andam. vla R.'tterd_m iletter* n.u*t be dlr*o->d "par Werkoml-'r. " J _ . II ?- ?n foi a.-..Ua?d dirart. par .. .. Sai*?u o? iJla-fow il-ttew muat be dlreeOd "?-r a^*___-'') *? 11 ? m- t?u|.pl'-i*nt?rv a. m.. Ti.r r'blaua. Taba*". ai- V.iratan. par a a Orijaba tlatar, . i\7i,_ 'lumoicn und T?ipam dlr*-t a.-id oth-r Meat.-an ?___? r_ Vaaa Caaa ataM o* direrwd "per orit?ba".; at8-0 n a- tor St. r'i-rr--Mlqu?rloii, per ateamar from ?^"^{-C a. an. fo. ro.ta Rica \1? Umon. pe. ri,to i, tn. Malla for th- II*?ail_n I Jaoda. p*r a. ?. _aa lan-ia 'from S>*n ?'r_iicl*.??.. .1.)** her- dally up to Augn*8 io at'O'SO a m. MalUfor H'* *Vwl*tl laland*. per -hiu .-..ille- itMin ??'> Er?ni.|?<-8\. r|(?*c ha-a dally up to AufuBB ?__ at 8 Ao i. ni MaUa tor s. * br rall to il.'fax an* U.?i.-? hv ?te* oio?? at thla ofllfa dally it B-ao u ru Bl-tlH for _lli|uelon l.y roll to Bo?ion and thMV-e by a8a**.*?. -.-.-- *t thu offlcejaily at 8 80 n. _. Ma U tor ruU. l.v nll to Ta_ir*?. Fla.. and th-ao* br .t-arn.-r '-ai'iln* M->ndaya and Ihur-daiy*). rl?*. at thla ?fH..* datly at - '*'? 8 m. Matl* f..r Maiieo. ov?rland ..n ' i**a BD'-'ifailv ?ddre?**d for d_p*teh by *t**-tar, eloae at thi. offl. * .1*..' it A a. ni. ? r aii.H-Pa.-ltl ? malla air foraard.^l f< San Prtaf.fO dally i and the aei?d - i? ariaimad ou th* preiuotptloa af th-ir unlnterrupted avarland ir*n-lt t* S_a Kranrtaeo Mail- f??n' 'h> E*?t arrlvi'i. on tlm* at San rr*n.-l?^.' oa 1 the dav af .?.'l"? ?f ?t.-*mer? are dtap-tebed th-ne* th* i _un- dav. H-.-.i-'-r <1 ir?ll -i.a* fl u m prrrtou* day. I vi'l.u's vtx rriTT. Puataaaaur. Fa tiaBa- lf*w.T*rti v r A??..-t 7 18*1_ Rcligion* ______ 'i.?..iv?r r.- ; .i;.mi i> IIITBCH HaKLK.M . .. . lli i.i II i.:id-?t. and t-Mior-ava-R*v E H. MABLiao piaaebaa at 10 so. n*t ?.hurch cioaed dur uig Auguat. KT J.l-i i.IST EPlaCOrAL CHt'RCH. eotaar -ladiaoi.-ave-. *ud l-Bth-at, J. E VHA.CE D D. P-*tor.?Durtoit tbe l_prara_.ont* which ara belna mada ln the ehur-h. all^ aervlaaa wlll be h-id ln tb* cbapd. Tha Rev. a m. aaaaa e rbur-h. all *ervl?(? wlll be h-id ln tb* cbapal. Tha Al.l-P.KD WALLS wlll pre?.h on Sundaty at 10.80 and : ?5 v "? S'li.d'v-tvnMl al 9:80 8. aa.. aa**, a _**?ia'a iwaym at ?.48 ?^ .??