Newspaper Page Text
NEW PUBUCATIONS. imrnsH axvals in small oomtam. niE GRArilie HI8TOBY ?'l THB Itinilsll EMl'lEE from Celtic Tlme* to the Ifesen! l>ay. llllnatrated wlth mapa, pluna and tal.les. l'p. xil, -OB 1. Nelson a Son*. for thoee who deslre n brlef revlew of Ihe hlstory of Great Ilrltaln, thls wlll be a eonvonlent book Dates noted ln the margin makr It ea?y to flx the mind upon the tlme of any event. I?8 charneterlHitiona nre vlvld enongb- f >r e.MimpIe. tlml <f Edward I. "A taO, strong, li?n? legged, blnck hnlred klng, wlth sharp l.rlght eye*. BBB 8f arbieB the BbB? had a lid." Ilnt thls niethod baa rl-en nlmo-t to the proporUons of a ln lilemiur". nnd BBM Is reedy to wlah that tlie Ba-fct-B in hMorirtil wrltlnf might utidergo b tlbanfl. Tl.e BUaafc-IBl rlmptera on Indlvlduals llke that on Roper BaeOB, tboafb ihey d" not Indlrate oriainal study, are B-B-Bg the BBOM lnter esUng ln the volume. Fr.m aa Amerietui polnt of rlessr lt aeema lmrdly falr to menMoii a one of Ihe 1m r rtitit event* of the war of 1770 Ihe luinglng of Kafaf Andre without also allndlnr to that nl Cnptnln Halr. by far tbe more mlnable fiaaa-tar of tlie taro. If the British lu.d shown n.errv to the Connerrleiit Ranger. Washlngton migl.t wlth some reason baaa beaa expected to sparc Andre. Tl.e aaaaa, baqaant U.roughout the volume. aft aJi i-Atremely useful nd Jmi.t to the tfext. m A GITIDK R'XIK M M >?IBS. B__Bdllir?. B-,^''t/*..\ and Bwnarl WMhnw. ^o. pp. vi_-.U4. London. llenrv FYowde. The edltora of tnls fruide boob fo books must have baen aware tbat th- work they had undertaken ha already been performed. nnd upon a much l.irger srale thun thelr own. by Mr. Wllllum Baaa Sonnen-rheln. in 1.1s portly rolume "The Best Baaka.- They cnn liardly have been unaware. eithcr. thnt Mr. Sonnen arheln'8 book wa-s not only greatly superior to thelr* In the nuraber of bOOfea l?tal??srued- but that ln nearly aB reapeeta hla plan of arrangemont wa* superlor to theirs. Mr. -onnenae.hein. ln hla aecond edltton. 1* sued recently, dearrlbes aome 50,000 boo_-. whereas ln tho "Oirlde B>*>k ta ?B8_B" not one-ftfth of tlmt Bumber nppear. In the niethod of lnde.xes moreovex the inferiorlty of the newer work is conapienou*. It has no Uidex of Bttaa and noi.e of Mibjects. Though arranged alphabeti. ally as repu-ds ?ubjoeta. it li not ?l ali e*jr to flnd haaMa wMB it. ln a volume *o Umlted ln rnnge tt muat be expected thal omlsslons are numeroua and aelertions often arbitrary ai:d crotchetty. Ev.-ii with R0.0O0 books it is quite out of t-he queHtlon to make room for all tho be*l books in all ttfl rluases. but H ia poaaible by tlie exerciae of Judgment and fcnnrrrir *o make a imieh closer approximaXlon to Biirreaa than ln a narrow volume llke the ? Oulde Book to itooks." , _ We have foand the latter peculiarlr rteflclent ln 11* llst- of forelgn books, and here "The Best Boaka" is both full aaid oareful. A ^rl.olar 8M uso Mr. Soiincn?ch_n'fc book with toleraile contldrnec that few really iniportant forelgn worha .ve Ignored. Thls can uoi be -Ud of tl.e ?OaHa Book." Bararthe-eB there IllftillT- M a ab-H <>f read-r* to whom aurh a mnipl.tton win BB >-ef.,1, and to thls ahaaa Ita l.andy Maa BbaaM recommend it- If It B not ralotilated to bc ?aah of a help tn ae*toa_ H should. per haps, I* bornc in mind thnt tl.e preater part of all tba roading done Is not serimiv Nelili-r ean lt be sald that nintiv readers stai.d in need of guldanoe lo foreign BIllBlBI I Per Uie majoritr it may, there rore. be admltted that Meaerv B_rB-Bl and Wistmw Imve provided a sufli.ieiitl.v eatBBdad guile. We have not Baaaparad the fn-aaaa rith that wbleb the Pataaaaa Issued a few yaara airo, uii.l.-r the tllle -'The t;.-t Reawllng." but we do not thlnk the English puhll.? tion is equal t:i extent or tonveiiienee of nrruiiOT to the j-aetteaa one. As far ti* it k<k>s tba '?(Viiide Book to Books" is trustworthy, ihe edllors N.s-lng obtalned B-tt of bm.Us from specialisis. They pabBah a l_ng li-t of tontributon. eonlaiiiing BBBBf wMlkuown aial not a few distingiiUhed imme*. If thelr plan had haaa eularged. __8 sy-tem mi-ht have had ex.ellent resnlts, but wlth the limit- Hpparently *et *t the begiuiiltig of tl.e ent-rprl-e, only a re*pect_ble fragment could be anticlipabod. Daaatla f-rtorj- aa the book ia In tliis rcsp^t. ll may. as before reroarked, b* found u?eful ar_l eonvenient by many people wbo would probably rather noi have a more ambltloua, far-reaching and complex work. I Hitxa pnblicatlona. ^ElKhte*_~~_dlUon,_po*t paid, for 25c. or *t*rop*. rnSt; HtMAN KAIK: U'h.v It FaUs Off; JL Turn* Orev and the Remedv By Prot. HARLEY PARKER. -M. LONO * I O.. 1.018 Arch-at I'hila., Pa "Every on* ahould read thls lttt'.e b"ok."-Athenaeum. _aro StJjooiB._ rrTrTE KEwTtORK LAW SCHOOL. 1201 BROADWAT, I N>w-Yoik C.ty.-An..u?l .-evio,. opeaa Oetober I*1WL *... ..w oour-^. le-dl..K t" deirrer- of LL. B. >ultlon faT eiOO "Dwlrtt<4" ol Inatmctlon. For cat*. lop^.e' ?ddr*?s r,F..1R?)r CBABB. T.ean._ Knatrnction. For Younc Ladies-City. ACADE.MIC ( L-UHUtB i'OB OIllLS. D?algned to prj pare for colLge exaiiiinalio..*. but auittd to HM n*f.l* *t air.ari.cst MutteiiU: apeclal -"entlon give- U. English, ?iooauon and phjalcal culture. MARY B. W1U_0.>, A. B-. and LOI_"A. BANoS 525 Faik-ava., X. Y._ A ** * IB-K-V. MI. AND _.K_. OAH-HtB's ___ __. btliuoL KOK ?*Hti_i. '307 6th?v.. fl_d yaar. Advaneed Claaaea wlth Coila^e ITofeasora._ A' MI.ltU'AN Kindcrgarten IVormal tji-l.ot.1 rcoj,..-..-, -7th r*ar leBV :i, ut OU Weat _-?*_, N. V.. and l-*l Orange, X. J. EMILV M. POB, PrlcclpaL_ NEW DAY 6CIIOOL FOR YOUNO LAI)IE? wUl open on the M.n of Octotier, 140 Weat 57th-?t. E.\ tract fron. th* clrtular: "MavaaBbalaaa, altiiough thr dls tinguishlna Bhaiarlarlatlli of the ?chool arlil bf tba etudy of Vrtncii, uoii'- of thr br_uche* vhich jro t*. nia_e up a .-ompleta Engll_i educatlou wlll b* L.-glerUd. Durlng the tir-t two T.ars the pupn who 1* not fuiniliar wlth ?en*ih to follo..- the courae ln that laiiguage wlll be tauitht ln eacb dlvlatea by an Aniercan iady Vacher." ~*mmm ** mm?lm pkcaBN-P -UDlPro-T. Prlnelpal. ACA_EMY~f.r'lin. i K-Sl-l-ISES, _ MORIUSAMA, NEW-YORK C1TY. Thla acadeuij- will reopexi ou th* nr>t Wcdneaday ol benU?ib?r. Ina u.-iv coinrtit aud a.-aUemy ?t lieoforo l'urk, on tha llarieu. Railroad, wlll l.e n_dy for occupamy na-i, Nov-e_.b.i-. For parth ulai-a call ??? b-h "?'?_itOTHEH DOM-WK K, fenperlor. _ My-iFii-U) _0___E___T_ obuaa?.?-baaa ara two _\ va-aaclaa I* an ??-Ubli?i..-d Ln\?te claes offerlug un uaual ad\*i.UiR. * TO OIRI? d-^irfi.K such a couiae- Com p<.t>i.t laatlifii: earwful attention to phy?lu_ culture; well aaulnnvo gchool-roon,.- and iabo.-atuiv. Surnmer addrea*. COLLBiHATE COVRSE. Uo\ ll. ??-i.?ico. _____ CI.ASfclCAt SCBOOL lOK GI1>?, i -81 MadNon-avo. Eiiiuaiv *"d ad.anced work. I'ri?aratl..n* f.r coibte. ineladlo. Ooluji bi.< exan.inat.on. Dr'aarte (*rmnu8tlca. Ra Stpena W. Mlaa____h and Mla* litirn -, Prlnelpal*. DR. J. laCHB tA HOOL FOR GIP.I.S. 110 \vr.ST -8TH-ST., WILL Ol'EN BBPT. '-.'-, I8BL COMPLETK OROANlZAilON. IXCLfDIXO PRI MAKY DE**ARTMKNT. THOROUCrH IMUU'ARATION FOR LKADiN'. WOki?1TB COLLEOaa._ DB LANCEV 8. HOOL POB GIRLS, 1'3 F.ast 61at-*t., reop-aa Sept. 80, lb?l. lIljaiBB for colle*e. ^laaae*._,_ IACK80B BEMIKARY, 8,021 K!fth-ay...-ilourdm* and J h*.\- _cl.ool for Young I_4.m? and ( hilrt;..ii. I'unil* lltu_ for .-..lleg. . 27th rear ^orroueiicoh Ot. 1. Mlss jaTkso.v, Prlaelnd: Mlftl Bt-AKF As-!?W.t Prlnelpal, fprmer Prlnclp-1 of In.-i. - New-Miiford. Conn. MtSB l-ZBL-S AND MISS THOMI'SON'S BOARDIN'J AN1> DAV feCHOOL EOR GIRI^rt, 82 and 84 Eaat 67Ui-?t., New-Yorfc, Kecpans _______ 0<t- !?________ MA?EMOI6ELLE VELTIN.-Seh**l tor rtlrla. frmiarv, ac*demlc aud coll-ne i.reparatlou. Kinder __iun condWvd entlrelv ln ?r> by Mudame Tlarie. tui.ii of Uie late M-dame Pape-< ai|*n?r. Sixtk year opeaa t-tober 1, 1891. 171 Weat TlW-nt. _ \* [_g~JJ ^>'V llt'NTEK - . K ? ltl ii. r*ar-i .r- reopeaa OcUjbei i ?' 12 Weal I27tt__ ,.i i>s E m. M.vsr.i.i.s IIOME AXD DAY SCHOOL. i'l, r;.. nat.-, . oil?t. l"r*p*r*tory, ai.d Ad^an. i Ela-Uva Cauraea. An and, l''1;./1'' U.VI" aaattea Baopana Oetaber i .?< w-X i-ot-mt. "iVt IsS-J 1 M ding and Dav K< hhol for A>1 ..iri*. Ki..a.n-ri.i, io apecbiUat.,,,l_faojb and f.. rn _?? Cniiiai _t]nu. K.-ol-en- ... I. 1-t. 11. ?? ?-?o?_ ManME nriOWN, 718 714 Flfta Avenua. l*Hu*ry and a^adeuilc work, lti?lu_in_ urei?>-_on for i-ii,--fe -r>* f.,r th. Cclunibla ai-d Hurvard e-amlaa?lo_? .(...-. aud fi.r thr Cclunibla ai-d __ lor womaa._ Roopena 0<vol*i 1. 1891. HI AI>l-..M<iIsri.LK RL'EL. _ - I?J 6ohool lor ii\ii*. Rappena Octobar . io?l . s uD.t^iimlt. *.) \l* E*?t Vl6?t., naar Badla^n-ave. H.1 1SS GtnB0V8- gTHOOL FOROIRL-S r,.r, Weat 47*. iri bi._wiii reo^en 8ept. 80. Tfirea boardlnit p?pil? wili 1 ??? i? 0 Into tv raniil/. _ _ ? Mli>.S EXi-ABtrTll t. kofr_l."*lCr_a?; 7o_.-aa Boarding and D*J S? hool rwpen* Ot:. l*t. 8[>?rial caurv* of ntndy. _ KST-1 i'.oKHI.I. II .0 r.AST r^TH-ST.-Kiirllsh. _ Eisjoti ..i.-i "i.'iiaii B .ardinp a. d Ha- fecl.ool for . -> ej.t_-ntt.i becliu .vpw-inber -?? IN! M.. WEIL'a SCHOOL, FOR OIRIJ5. 711 _**.Min-ava., i.F ;a>r?? for cellag**._. KAS VAN AMIIIV..K. s ? I..-..1 f*i Oh,.-. r_ I'r.min lut-rmedlal denartm-nt*. I'r-!>.ra t.ou 10. Ooll?? "?"? I. 100 E. B? ??! n .Pa k-avj. M M| KEAi KWKLL 8 > i ,i md Kindergarten for bei 1. at 150 Ea*'. M3d?t._. a % ,-- ? - . - . MILY AND DAV 8CIIOOL POR i*J .iilUv. 8.8 Madl*???ve., wlll r.(,|Hii Oei-fe?f lat iia?-e* lor 11 e .-'.'i im ; ,:rauon for collene, and for .i t-xamlnatitaa._ Wj?r>AMK 1>A sILVa.?Sehool for f. Yr -r\< h tlit '?r,?.._?? ,,f the ?fh.>o' and lh* famlly. M Weat -HUi-af- t8d rear beglna O'toti*- 1. M?ishot;m*? bchooi; ksr girlb; w iATH-T. m i^-a i)\Y scuoou i-()\l- .'...... i.AJl.> AM. CHILDREN, WITH KlNl'LI'vOARTI N RF.0P A" ?. I 1 :?? ____ _TH_ST. MIK8 ('!'..-< BER and MIKS BECk.-S.-hool for Q_t roia-ti- \Ved-.'ad*>, O.-t. 7th. Claaa.-* |?r boya. li Waat _4-ki., oppo*lte Brya-t tmtl Jnstrnction, For Youna I__dles?City. n-itK ?_____? OH-JUJ*. 81 I 0-HOM TO THE T MI W*4 OBEEXV- Boara-ng a?d l>*y *fhool. Eatab i*h.-1 m lB-a Ttoar_.<"'"'! l e-a-i-Ta._, THE M.WV.'HK OOLLI (ilATR I.\*T1TI*TE lilMiliJ AlMdsa-l -O-ftftaM lM*?rtm-nU. R*-l*-n? Oet 1 ''?>tinc_T -dliilU. U, ?V-Hv .Sinlth or Wel|e,lfV Cob l'_e. |__v. A_j_______E_D ' l;"'- ____??_ 3_! -*".fT*' Tmi Hlrn SCHOOL, fl. H ?nd 10 Ea?t _3d-?t. lf stara- -f *??? -?<-??___? M^AUUUr. PrtoelpaL __ ___*_?? srlv-n-;- Read, Vi-tor. ?p-h Teir he.iiii Oct. 1, 1891. Ths third bullding. Nt,. ie hut add.d to th- .rhool. afford* lmproved acconmioda , ga-. r.? dei.t and dav pupll*. TIII. lliVEKMDF" gcHOOL- M'-sTBmtty. A. _Ward, rnnciiv.l rr-paratiou for V?s*_r Bamard and other -allarea u'r womaa. Acadef-le, intenntrilats Prlmary. Klii-_r__?_n and Spo.lal Cla** for Hor-.I__rge.alrj !__?__ rajrr-aM-Bl P_g___ 6o ?r. 1948-4... Oaatrll Park. Tlir COMSTDCK SCHOOL. , i-amiiv _od D-v 8o).ooi for oirli: f9**___B* haf-Bs 0_-to. __> ?r_B-n SUa. DAT. Prln.lpil. 82 Wc?t 40th-*t. T Mfi*F.s, 047 M?d!?on_re. i HoaH'n. and Dsy School for Young Lsdle* _!___? li?i PratMI*-- for nurn.rr! and otner coll.fes. ______ ' .,'h.T.nt -? -pl?-ib-r 8 ls.'?1_. THi: M1SSE8 WRKAKS' Boardlng and Piy School for vou.. ladlo. au. chlldreu. wlth Klnder..*rten r i._JL.__,t_tt._-?t_ \M\ KORMAN INBTITCTB (1-B-ded 1987).?Hom. and I>nv school. Medal* Parls!.>:i 1889. I ? md 98_ 71*t-*t. and We?t End-nw. lAnnrx adjnlnl.-ig.i Mma, VAM -fOBMA-l, Prlnelpal._ ??'! gf I'ND AVrN'T. _.h(_l for OtI_U?Prlm.rv. Pre W Mratorr. Co'lc-iav ?nd Art Pcwrtmento: thormigh .t.idlo work. MIs* MaRTHA THdMPSOX, Prlnelpal. Rnor*-n. Oct. 1. -91 Wrat F.nd-ve.. eor. 78th-a_ For Boys and Young Ken?City. ADVICE AHOIT SCHOOLS and clrcular. fre. to psr .ni". State locality, pHee deslred i-upil'i age ajid -.-. P. V. HtTYSSOOX, Amorlcan School Bureau, 2 W. 14th-*l_ ?CLAivs iiiK nOT-.-lnte?_is_iata aod __v_need srad a, ti-d.-nta urcpared for colleg., l?w, .ci.ntlfla ho-.U and biu.iii.s_. \V_ F. CHASE, .01 Weat 48th-*t__ ERKELEY SCHOOL. A H Autumn hslf, twelfth year. wlll bagtn Monday, Sep* 28, l.'Jl, in tbe new fireproof bullding. 18, 20, 22, 24 W(*t 44th-.t. Acconiniodatlon* for a limited oumber of _..ard;n<* .tudfnu. lor iatesl registtr aad de-crlptive paiopblet addrea. J. CLARK REED^A. M-. RegUt-ST. C0M__OIATE"lXSTITrTE OF DR J. SACHS, NO. 88 WEST 69TH-ST.. REOPF.NS Mo.NDAY, g__*T. 21. THOROt'OII PKKrAHATION TOR COLTXOES ANP SC1EXTIF1C SCHUOl-i. C-__E_*-X ___-__1-r- FOlt BuaxNasa. APPLICATI0N8 RECEIVED AFTER __i'T._L_ ARVARD SCUOOL, S78 6th-a*/... Reopen* beptembt-r 28, 1831. _\__1LL1AM /RKEIvANP_ 1" XSTRUCTIOX ln commsrelal braricn?s, .looutlon, mlll t_ry ?.l_nc? aod tactic* aud deflclent E_i_l!ih g.V*o on reasonabl. tormi; Iodk exptrlruic-. Call Tu_-_ay. ana II WILMAM _*B__rt-.N-?. ?r-_B8BB_U I comma.-elsl brancn?., slooutloo, ni tactic. aud deflclent EnKlish f.rta -., lonv exptrlruict. Call Tuo-dBj. s l_ur?__yi b.tween 9 and 8, or addre.t B. P. HYATI. 118 M-Hsoo-av.. INfiTITl'TE OF ROCIAL, lCCOXOMK'S.-Pay arutlefja Irfg school, prcparatory to bu?lnt?? ?nd oltlientoip. Wflj^__?!^r1-7^M ^rr^ n_ -RVINO bOHOOL^O^D. JEA?. *? 9. _PrsparsMon for oollef. ?* to.lnsia. | H. MOHJSE'S 9CH0O1 FMH BOV?. J. 4_3 Madlfcod-avt. Opeim Octob?r 1. Foi rlrculur* and lnformatlon, ad arChs Uie prlmipal. at Cotult. .Ma**. PREFAKATORY colleee .cnool ?t 179 Wr-rt *>**<?*\. eoud.iet<- b? H. E. Well*. the ttmwm^fhth?n to ?tudy: thought excrcl.ed snd -pecdy dtral#pB-Wa B{ abllitle- bv the n.cthod* of InstricUon oitiplori-, pe.?onal atuntion toj_acjnjjlmjtgd to twelve -cholarm._, .TnTvERSITY Ol'.AMMAR SCHOOL. 1.478 Broadway, /*n_ ?A_)I90*f-AV__, war .-.otii-.t.-The Beaaleg t) ._ schoo) for Bots. BeoMBS (i.-n.bor l.t. WILLIAM .IOMW, A. B. (Harvard), Prlnelpal. A For Uoth Sexes?City. ?BUSINESS EDLCATl.N.-Bookkoeplng. wrlting. .arltlunctlc, corri-.pondt'iic, siiclllng, *teiio_raphy, trpe m "iir I__d(. -" d-partimnt. lTlvntc lintructb.u day, fvenlig: aU-?mmcr. PAINK'B Rt S1NE.-,!. COLLE.iL. fl. ll" "ery. eor. Canal.; upU.wu, 107 Weat g4_-*f_, eor. llr'.adway._,_ & CTIXii AXD KMM'I'TIOX cln-s now fonnlng; ten Alrvs,,..., 83. ELMEK YOfXOMAX, F.locutlonl.t, 144 Wesi -jd-st,_ A l.LEN SCHOOL. 310 WEST 88TH.ST. *\ Hnmn and l>?y S. hool for Oili. and Boys. Reopeut Sept__ 21, lb91._l____parstion for Collegc. ETTROPOLIT-l-I COU-BOB OF Ml'SlC, 1. and 21 Eaat 14tii St.. Xew-York CltJ. Ba. no rqual for the UioroiifUi.eas of In.triic-tion .nd the absolut. aafcty of IU mctho.*. Fall u-rn. bcBiriB Si-pt. 1? Rasld.BC. di-partment foi lady puil.s iTom a distance. Dtidlcv Buck, Pre_l_eDtJ Aloen l'oss l'atsoiis, Wclre Id.nt:' H. w. rir.-cn.-. Sec'j and Trea*. For parUculars tend for Cojlaj. Annual.___ PACKAJ-D-a BUMXEfvS COLLFOE will re.'pen for the season on Tu. _d?y, Sapt 1_ Bcnd for new ____Stod P?!*^,^ Pre.ld.nU 101 Eaat _8d.._ M t. ifORTHAVP-f'RA II A _T?pgC HOOL. ______ ^ Thoron-hlv q.iallfles and c.nt!"men for Cr-t c!a?ii ih.-'' ln tln- ahorteM l?o-i*1t.le tlinn; a thrc. montaj raars. m botk sho-_iai_i aad tvp..?_riting eap: one noattl, 812; evenin- elasse. aft.r Sl.l'T. 1. &C WEST ___>__. _ T 1 llrooklyn. HE M1SSF.S ELT'S SCHOOL WOR OIRLS. 140-142 Columbla Htighta, BrooKlrn, N. T.. Wlll re^iprn _->o^n,^_J_-___ HE BROOKLYN HEIOHT8 SEMIXARY.-Boai-'ne _. and Dav School for Olrln. 41 *t vcar opena Scpt. 24. Ad. drea.. for clrcular.. 188-140 Montaguc-.t.. Brooklju. X. Y. Hoboken ^JTEVEXS SCHOOL: THE ACALI.MIC DI'.PARTMF.XT OF THR STEVE.VS INSTITUTE OF TKCHNOLOUY, Rlver-at., '.th nnd Hth st*., Hoboken, X. J. REOI-ENS ______ L'3, 1801. Exanilnatlons for admUHion on the 21?t and 22d of Beptsmbar. Full Courss of Stndlc. Pi-eparatory to Or.llcges, and Schools of Srlencc, Law, and Medielae. The R_t<> .if Tuitlon for All Cl_*.e- 1* *150 per Year, ar $50 per Teiin. THEHE TERMS 1XCL1PF. ALL THE STUDIES. For Catologues apply to tht Lll.rarian of Steyco- Instltute. Musical Inatruct-on. MR. A. L. SCH.LTZ, Organlat Saod* Street Memorlal Church, l_voklyu, reaumc laaaoaa (plano aod oigan; bept'.iDbcr l. Addr_,- 187 PuQisid-xU. Brooklyn. For Voung Ladies?Country. Ateaciikr of so\ci_i ysaa.' wmariaa. iu weii-anown scbool.. ?l*ti??* to taha ii f-? giii* to ln ber o?'u houte iu Uie countrv, not fur f.on. X.?-VyrU. Musk; iNcptionai s-vaotagea In art ; li inh tuu^ht by s native. lsc-t r i.-r.-nci-.* glvea and re_ulrcd. Addres. _ A. 1). <j., Tribuna Oflico. HAQUKT IXSriTUTB _ irt Hill-, K. J.-Fr-ncU, Eng lisli. f-__an s. IkkjI far -....wg ladi?.. Studcnu propared foi colleg. yr ?o.i.-t\. KatlvejRaubar. ln languiyfe*._ B1T11L1.HE.-. l'ENN.-ii;>H01,rHUKl-E.-A BOSid u,? a:^u Pi.y sci.i.l Ioi UUM. I'rep-ratury snd lull Acadeimc i oiitaa. -"upii* prapsred lor colbgs. 'iw.nty-fouriu year- *? L "AI,.H, I'llncipai. BORIltN-'OWX (X. J. OOLLEOE (or jouug wouicu _id L'irlv on Penu. R. lt., between N. V. _nd Phiia. A.dr*i.s Mr.. (il.l'.ll'.l I". (. BOWEX, M. L. A., Pr_?. ??OOXWOOD" H....H. DAT SCHOOL ("ll li.ilKLS. llealthful location, deligiitf-1 ?urrouo_ln??. ?i'iiorough work. Pr?p_iaU_n for eallags. u?y* uuder lHel*e adinlttcd. f'ol clrCUlsn and tcr-iii, addre Mr?. R. ________SWOLP, trfTBS, <-ooi___ C'ATHEURAL SCHOOL OF ST. MARY, liAKUI.N CITY, L. I.. N. Y. Fall term beeln* Wedinwlav, HeptanlWI 24. EntrancB exsmlnaUons Tuesdajr, Sep?B_i_.i -.3. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and _ to 5 p. U'- '"-'" KtolBIBhlna of tlie volce of 8200 each me offerod f. those psaalng th>- best cxainlnatlon for e U> tl e Oollege 1* rpatstary lumrtmcut. lor par ti.-ular* addiea* MLIBfl Jt'LIA H. FAR WELL, _*l___l_a__ CLASSICAL AXD HOME lXSTITFTE. I'ougbkeepsle, X. Y. Kor Yo'uig Ladies and taildr.n. Oi-duaUng coume. or preparatun 1 .r uollege. SaHaIi v. h. iq-lI.l.K. Ptln DARLlXOTOk' SFMINART for Young L_dte?, We?t Che.tcr, P?. 88Ui jear bcplns S.-pt. 14. (ioixl bulld lug*. ext_i*ive giound_, be-utlful and bealthr location. Ovinnasiufl). Lsngnac-a, Mu?l.-, InawlDg, I'aliitlns, *c. 8l80 per year. C-Ulogua*^ R. DARLIXCiTO.N, Ph. P. | LADIES' 8FMIXART, Ca-meT, V. Y<-90-h year, lf S. ;.t. 18.-Ilc_rt_fut, h<m,.lke, thorougli. pro-rea-lve. Illustated clrcular. Hev. GEo CROSHY SNI1TH, A.M. WIcMT SCHOOL FOK OTRIA Englewood, Xew.Jer --, Mi-iir PallMde* r.f thf Hcd-on). EUPUAME8 CREIOETTOX. F.LLEX W. FARRAR. i) Pr.MIRA COLLEOF. FOR *VOMEX. Courae* of btudy tooae ol _r?t-.j__., oollegea. Electrle iig.il_, -tc_-i h-at an. jiev.tor. A.trouui_iuai ob-arvatory. Art b' hooi. Mu*l( Bulidiug. *c. .17 .tudent-. CUARI.ES VAX XORBE.N, D. D., Pro?t., Elralra, X. Y. L*OKT EDWARD COLLEGUTE IXST1TCTE KOR *? 100 young non.en. Superior butldirga and advau tage*. Twelve tcachcra. i* _ grad.-atlng couraea and i-r.-psratory. For acliool r?r B_-I_al_a 8>p_ 14, 8-40 ln two Uiat-lnnnta. Baa lllnttratr-d calalogne. JO.s. 1.. KIM,, Li. lt. ron Edward. N. Y. (J "I.DI.N HILL 6EMINARY to: Yauug Lndicv ni? > oo.\, Cobil-Mim I.MILY XLI-sON, Pnaelnal, Mli A.NNIES. aiB_QX, As-Xlaa. Pti______ Hu.-.i l.N'Trit'iK. 1a_r-.t~'<ii. X. Y.?A kvardiagand d_T acbooi for voung ladic -n-: llttle ?irl? Win N.BpM -Spt. 1*. K1- M. W. MEICALf, 1-Mr.cip-: 1VY HAU,.-HOMF. AXO COLLEOE PRETARATpPY S p ,?i io- Vounx Ltid.e*. I.?ta.;i?i?.- 1MI1. _lr?. J. -JLLEX MAXWEI.L Prioelnal. Bridt'etoa. X. J. LIVIXOBTdx PARK BEMIXART, Baehartt. B. T.? Hon.f ( imrch .h. hoo- for th. cai*. ?anageuient au1 culture ..f roung la.ll-?. ;i?ih .'-ir brctas 8?pC l'i. lpiil. \\iiu. r..r UHuiiraad elreular, >lr>. C. K. f:urtl*, PrlaclpaL JYXDO.** HAI.L--FOR TOFVO UDll'.s > '?'-l '? ?! __Mi |.r-u_r.t:i.n. Clnnlar* bj mall. .sAJH Bt WELL8 BVCf. A. M.. l'o'ighkrrp.i-. >J. Y. M0BJU8TOWX, M.W..H r 8t. Hllda'* 8<hool foi Tweirtii ,r_i i?../ius Sept. 28. clrcular. w_--w,_ S18TER gt'PEI'.lOR MRS. ROB .ught..^ la ihclr M-U. s.h.H.i fur <.,r? -. it I.vnip, Csan., i the BSUI I'-adi tlie hai;.. guitai ai.d . ,, __nt |(,r. ?-i_..i ..mhroid'-ri...-. <;lin_t_-- unu-U-Jlj healthy. Ba'isS ANABLE'8 BOABJDIlta A\n hav ? rtOOL i?l ;,. Young Ladl.. ,ind Llttle (.IrU. l ;,-,.. p l*Mla?. lphla 43d ye_r !>e!n* Bepteoiber C8, 1881. ? f!*S BU__t_XT_ aoardliif an l K^j ?>?,.., f0. (?lrli Irl l_ir>U?v.? on Hu_?r,n. Prlneipaia. Mi** H. L Uulk ..i, MKJ .'?.. C I'lurr.l ' AddMM hj IHUr untll Sept. 1. MIHI ANNA P. TOWNSKVD'S BCHOOL POB Oll-.l.S h:., r'n.nved tt*tm Jamali .. L I., to *>4 Par? Plac. K_____, X. J. Year _____ S-pt. 24. a? lss s.u.r-nMtYs i \.\:n,Y \\r. t,av school JtI IOR OIRIJs. 41 *_':th__, PitUtt.ld, Ma_< _Ut y_ai b-.glo. Sept. __. Ad '.rc_? '?_____ _A_I_9L'RY M.M. .nBiTTUllUH. F..r v..u!>_ I_dha Caaat-y. M?tjv nui.invM IKKTITflE FOB ?.IRLS. , , P_J*a_ri" J ? .? tillaV. U> coliog-* ; prlnrlpal MI_Tk il.'.OVI.f., .lav-lrai UatNt, Oxford. fingland. a_r_B lf Bl HBirrS Poardine ?nd nv-^thw.1 r?moT'l Mto -immt. "n,?,J,^>: tofin*. .3.8, includ-ig laa pu_g*a. a_-Na- by lett*? untll B*jpten-_._._. Mtakt TBOB-AS'H FAMILY BOARDLNG SCHOOL. Foi ti..- raee|*I?" >A x pepii* ..nlj. Student* ?^^V^r anfce-e^ certlflct*. Apply 21 A-:?l..".>-' '?"?"' ? -'' __ mrwr? i __j KABET11 DANA'H Sehool for Yolin_ M t__m at: Morrl*K>wn. Ncw-Jeraey. ropana rVptem ,? o, Ten,'-. -."'I tultlon ln fengll-, LaUn and ,,%?T;'i.r,(.f.. ' arplleatlon._ Mi?B f'VllT.'-- INNTITFTF, Norwalk, Conn. A iiomf siiraol f?r oir and roung Ladlea. Prlraary. ,....-n,i"t.- anT .?-:-'?' Preparatorr .,ra-?. Careful at |e_So_tomorals.. d ...a-meia. H.-althful lo,-,t|..n. 0T naalom. Tertr_ nioder<..e.______ (wBW_aroi_jrrj ootbibbtatobt. ^ Founded by Dr. F.. TOUR.IF.T_ CARL FAF.LTF.N, Director. Mt'RIC?Inftnt'tton ln riano. Offaa, Volre. Vlolln, Solf'-.plo, Ilarmony, *C. C-M8 tiilton. CO lc**on?, 1*10 B) 880 FrhaBBhB?BBBB fhraa. I>cltaW, l,ectures. Choral hA.tral Pra^ticn rr.F.i: Bi all pnpOa, ELOCTf. TION'.?Oratary, Dramatlc aad Lyrla AetlBB, Flne Art<, I.anpuag.a, I_taratB8Bi I'iiinn am! OlgBB Tu:.tnp. A COm [ortabla HOMB f?r Lndv BtaalenBf. Calaadat free. i-.r. Zaan b-B?m Beptaanbae 10, 1801. FRANK W. IlAlMB .ienrral Manager, Fran-lln Squar.-. Lrv-ton, Maa*. i-VOONT-'ht",IOOI~For>? YOFNG LADIES^ Removed ln 1883 from Che-tnut-M.. Phlladelphla, to n.ontz lha ap?sleua eeontry arat of Jay Cooka, will uepin ,." f0rtT-s.' year Wfdne.sday, S.-ptembor 30. For clr? cular*, apply lu I'rln.-lpala. Ogonti Sehool, Montgomery County. Penn_. t,T >.(jN)..s Si HOOL. Ateanr. !C. Y.?FpiW Ba 8-B_ IN tion of Hlahop Doane. _fat vear. Full eoura** af ntudr from Ki'.d'.rrarten throngh Harrard Cour?e for Women. 84 Itiatrurtor*. Tultlon B400 a rear. For ea_ lo^uo <-Mr???- -i. AONBS SCHOOL_ _t'. OABIUi-X'8 SCHOOL. PEF.KSKILL. N. Y.-A l? board :np *<.*..ol for alrla, under the charge of tbe St?ter* of St. Marr (Bplacopal). Twentleth yoar com roencea feepiember 23. Addre-s The Slater _l___Charge._ S~ T. CATnERINE S HAI.L~-15th year, Long Ialand dlo. ca*an achogl for girl*. I nhrged and eitenalve nrem lkaa. Lalfe and afUclent *ta!l of prof.-aaora and teaeher*. Prapar-tl8n for l?ad!n* ^oll^.^. Th<.rou-r< worB a >I_laJ fearur* of tliia ln.-tit.itlon.T.-rm* for boardera. lncl idlng a_MdU_. Frenrh, .Krman affd I.atln. from ?i)50 i?r annuru. For day pup.l* from f.">0. Next t-'rm conunnnce* S pt. _?. jjl partfeul-ll on aiipllcatlon to SISTER CAROLI.VE. _rf6-'.0_ WaahlnftOMVo., Brooklyn._ ST. MARY'8 HAT.L, BURLI.VOTOB, B. J. FlftT-llfth achool year bepin- ,"mb*r '-3, 1801 ftl<w CHARIiOTTE VIT. ii.Mll, I'rlnelpai rTFTossiNiNu BEMlB-BT, SI.Nt*-SINO-O.V-THi; Ht'DSON, N. Y. A arliool of the hlghe*c cla;.* for y?aa| Ladlea, hom?HK?, healthful, tJioroiipl.. Wlth a BtipaBtBB faoolty, 1-eautlful 801?oty. and a co.-r.cil inciudlnp the Rev. Dr*. F. E. l'atton, H. M. FieJd. Wm, U. Rtbert*. Win. E. Moore. C. C. Hall, etc. lt-* B. Ii IBEUU-P l'rl:..!].-. rp Dl YOt'NO ___9-BP SEMTNAF.Y. Frrehold, tt'. J^ 1 A plaaaant honi.-. w It.h axceUenl oiipor'unlti..* for aa educ-tfoo Ml^t BCB10B D. SEWlLL, Prlnelpal. THE MOnTviAN SEMINARY. B-thlBbaBl. __?..____? more than a century favnrably known _? a conaclentlou* and ?ucee?-ful fdncator of young women. Invlte* au *x amlnatloi. of ita rcathoda and cur.-lculutu ra\lf__r_i QROVE LADIES' Sr.Mt.VARY. fiaratoga 1 'Sprlflg*. N. T.-T>lrtv-*er*r,th vear beglaj. Seut. 10. Addreaa CHAS. F. DOWD, Ph. D- Pr?. f i N'ToV TTAT.L BT.T>11.V1HT 1__ ' .URrSTTamalea, U I, I tee mM'-s from Nflw-York. Se\<'nb.--?*cond v_r baa-a _?__ :"'d )_*____ Mlv- s- *?." _!______ WE8T WALBUT BTREET BOARDINO S. Iioor, for Olrls.-Ho.neliKe, thoronah and progreaafra. Addr^a* Miaa J. TIUU'J'MA.VN, 4.301 Walnut-^t., Plillaib9phl? l For Iloys and Young Men?Country. BETTS ACADKMV. SUmford. 63d year. l'rt-par.-s for Celtefe, B-ieatffle s.-iiooi or iiusin?se; BlBBB lo snrround at.irtenU wlth home liifliiem-ea, t.. ti... ii.'livid'ini not tba eiaaa Bm bada oi worb. Brigi.t kti.dent* are advancid i:.pi'liv, yet thoroughlyj thoae ol alower mental noraaieot reeelre extra att. ntton. W.M. J. BETTS, M. A_ (Yale), Principal._ BOBSBBTUWM iN. J.) MILITARY INSTITUTE. REV. T. II. LAND..N. l'lll N< I I'AE. _ LIEUT. T. D- LA.tDON. CO.M.MAN'DANT. T BOYS' BOARDlNfi SrilOOL.-Throg--- K*ek. Weat che*t*r, N. Y.-Thoruiiu-h pr. p:i r r ... for collogc, ?cl .-ntltlc achool* or bualneaa. Forij-thlrd year win oi^a beDt. 15. Wann^d bv ateam; BTmna*ium. For airtulari apply to B- T. HARKl.Wlo.N. A. M- i'r!... lpai. BOAf-blB- BCbOOL l_R 12 B6Y8, b?.i-fulTr aliuaoed on tiie baiika of Slirewobur.- Rlv-r, Bed Hank, B. J. l'i._-nt bome; 3" rlenca. PRIKCIPAL, Hox 477, i -VaV-AIGUA ACADESY.?Boyi ooly, Incorporate 1795; hon.o tar.i and tralnlns ; prepare* tor any college. Addro^K tin- pr;n.ipal, .). .' N-.KUis. L-nandalgua B. Y. C1ATHEDRAL BCHOOL OF BAIKT PAUL, G I / Clty L. 1.?Addre-s for July an-l Aupu-t ('IIAREE bl'URTEVANT MOORB,' Beaeb, Me._ CHELTEKBAM MIUTART ACAPRMY Ogont/, Moatgomeiv Co., l'enn. Lnexcelled m beautr and healthfulnes.* of loiatlon and hiirroundlnp* aud ln bnlld lnp*, aoulpment and all other reaul*itea of a flrat-cla_a acbool. Numb-r Umlted to t>0. For lllu^trat.d clrcular. add__a, JKO. OALV1M B1CB, A. M-. Pr__a*I P? V8T OREKJTWICH \CADEMT. -Fon-ded lHOd. lioth Beataa On Narrapansett Bar. bfain he_i. Eleetrle U_h- Bhidowcd. Twalva cour?c<. S..00 a y-ar. Beptam-W 1st. lor lilustraled cauloguo write llev. E. D. I'.I.AKESLEE, D. D., Eaat Qreenwleh. K. 1. ?~ TsTMA.N CUSINESS t OXtLEOE, Poug-baepaie.B.T. Opea al] tl..- vear Tliur.iugh iuatructlou ln Boo-Leeylng, BanKlng. Comm-rclal Uw, I?eninari-hip, Corre*poud.^uce, Arithnetlc, *.. : T.-legrapt.y, Btenoaraphy, Typewritlng,_c. Bualneaa men sui.pibd wtth tomu<t..nt a-.sliu.nta un ?hort Dojtlee. No rharftu tor altuatloaa fumlahed. Bend for cat 1 ge. I7< LMWOOD 6CI100L FOR liOVS.-At Milford, Conn. _ FarcuU who are unfnrtunale ln tn.- i: a.'u.p.-nient of tnelr ?ona wlll do well to LiofU by tho ad.antago otlerod by thia sch..oL_ Adlre** FRA.NK Al. HOWE. 8up_ F" ? BEEBOLD INSTITUTE, FreehjM, N. J. ; ttth year: coliep* pn-paralion * ajwcUlty; bu-U>a>*, hlgl. achool and tiaaalcl courao- _ /ll.ENU.M.ii MIUTART IB8TITVTB. 8800. CBAS. l**A. JA.i.iAK. a. M-, Ph. D.. Prlnelpal, Matawao, B. J. (.je-jij .Sr_,t.n,t<-r 10th. Cataloguea oo appllcation._ HOME AXD SCBOOL foi 12 rouna boya Hcalthful, thorougfa Brm dl_clnline, IndTvldual attention; gym. naf-lum; clrcular*. FBANCXS ll. BREWtUi, A. AI., .alrn.-ld. i onn._ |"'_HEWl_OD HEIOHT8 BCBOOL Lakewood. N-w l_l Jer?-y - Among Uio pln-a. A HHiraWgh and BttaaettTB achool for bora. Open* <>'t. 1. acnooi i-r ooj r- J^ggg w MORET, I'rlnclpab_ atBRRILL BVSINESS OOLLF/JE, Stamnrd. Conn.? IrlYaai I....... .? i.t 7. Commer lal. thand trpewrlUng I aialan1- .1- pf-. cauiogue*. Addr.?* M. a. MerrlU, Praa, iti ONTCLAIR MII.itary ACADEMY, Moatelalr, i*| n. J.?Collegc und bualneaa ] A lanca '-:? m in_,lum and ..\t-iislve proiu.d-. Foi ratalogue addreaa J. .?. MaeVTCAR A. M.. I'rlu.-lpal^ ITfjHELT/S BOV8' -CBOOL, Blll.rl-a. Ma?*.-l8 a mllea from Boaton. on the h. aud V. K. lt. A atrlct .y aelect Fan.ily bebool for Boy? from . to 1ft Inclualva. bend for clrcular to M. 5. MUCUELL. A. M Prlnctpu fJiJrrrTioLi.V iX. jo'~a.:adi:my B6R itoY'i: ..Between l'miadelphla and K*w-York. H.-a.thful, iiuipful iiuni'iik... Education wlth (ormati.m of e-aracter. Coflege l'reuaration, E-ipli-r. and Bualneaa .our-- ,400 per year HENRY M. WALRADT (Yal*). Pt?._ KVATU'S HOME SCHOOL'Plrmouth. Maaa.?12 bora. 11. B. Laamad (Harvardi. Hwulr_vter; Mra. knapp, "Principal. '_ PUWDER HiilNT RCrTOOL. D-.xburr. Maaae-SS bora: laborato'Ie*. F. n. Knaup. 8. B. (M. 1. T.t Prine_*l. Both aciiool* prepare for Scienrlllc Sehool. Coll*l or Bu*ln?a?. A.nple Bio.t.d* on Plvmouth Bar. Indlrldual o-ching. NEWTON (X. J.) _NSTITlfn_?Hlfhaat [800 ft .l.-v.i, h.-althi?t. n...-t hoi.i..|i?.. boya' achool within 80 mllea M B Y F- . eeta., n.<?1<*!n lannafea, rr.ualc and abyalealeoltur*. tbth-ar. J. WILSON, A. M., Prta. ]ORWAL- MILITAR1 INHTIT-TB, BOBWALB, OOBB. 12th rear. napaiBB tl.orouglily Bjg BeOefa, BBt-BttB* aetaoala or Bnateiaaa; moderate ebargoa: clrcular tent on rqiieat. IiiAN.i S ROBERTs, Prlnelpal._ PXl'tK-AVI.N'I'i: IN.-.I I'M I L. lir .lu'l.- rt. Conn.-KX eellent boma achool f..r bora Advantage* Brat-claaa. p-rcnta alwayi 1,1-k--! i.IO. Bepin- Septan.bei :'.'. Ib'.tl. For elreular* adilrc.-- 8RTH 11. JONBS, a Bf., i'rlnelpai. M \W M * E_VNSVT.VA.NIA MILITARY ACAB1 MV, "?. Hotb year open* b ' MII.ITAI-.V CUI.1,1...K. Jr the&ter, i'a. 80th year open* b-pL 10, '91. A MlLTTARY COLLEUE. Clvll Eiigint^rni;. Chemiatry, Ar-hitecture, Arta. a Prepara. ? ?? C ?-- ol ona rear, Clrculara of Mr. OEO. il. SlERLIN'i. !>A D-y-at., clty. Col CHAB. E. liV.Ui. Pj_*ald*nt-__ rbvOHKF.F.I-SIE MILITARY i.vsTl'l t TK? - T'.o... i.-h preparatlon for coll.tre. Klenunc aeboola or bnamea*. liOcatiuu h.' An.ple prounda for afhlatlc hjiorta. frank ii'.i.i.A.Mi. C. i- Prlnelpal, _Poughkeeptle, N. T. IVERVIEW ACADF.MT, Poiigliki-epsle, W. Y. 60* year. Prepare.- tlio.-ouphly fur Colleae, the Oor Acudeuile^, and Hu*1ne?s. MillU.rv Orpanttatlon. BISB_E k AMEX, Prt-elaa-t. RBOTOBT BOBOOt^ HAMDBX. CO'wB., For Hojk. *b-J-$;-l7J. Hon.e lntlueneea: thorough M hool *T*tem. Bxtenalva pround. : l___naalnm. boat home, _c. Addr-.- Rer. M. C. ByEREBT, M. a.. I Rl'Ti.l R8 OOLLEOE PR1 PARATORY BCBOOL, Bew Bl n ?? N 1 .: opena bepten.b. 1 10, leai. I'reuati-s foi- colli g. - .i..nls or b.iiinra*. I. H PAYSOW, A. M.. Head Maotar. I? Rev. J. B. OIBSOB. D. D., Reetor. Edward B. Boatwl.-k. M a Warren S. Adama, M. A.. A?-o.iat- Prlneipala. Prepare* for co!l'.p?. aolentlfle and Onverninent aehool*. or bi:?."-#_? llle; Bflltary *y?tem. ex.en-i\.- piujground*. gyrrnx'lum. laborator ina boj ' workahop. ST JOHN'S SCHOOL, Sl.Vfl SINO, N. Y. Rev. J. B. OIBSOB. D. D. [w?rd B. Boatwlck. M. A., Warren A--o ;*t-- i'rlneipal* Prepare* for collep*. *cl*nUfle and ' butlnea* Ute; Bflltary >v?tem. ext. rrna-'lum. laborator-- md boy.' wurl. Spe'lal nrovihion for tha care of vounp-r boya. TTIF. ^I> -_AB WILL BEOIB SFI'T 15. 1R01. ST. I.feTK.'S arnoOl.. B08T__T_W, P\ -Kcar I'htia" dtlphla. A hlgb-.Ua* ?.-ho.,l. E\c.-titlon*llv health ful location. Deliahtful ?iirro.i..,dlnpH. l-reimr-* for anr college or b'.atiiea*. Boya ent?r-d Yale, Prlnceton _n_ Lthiga auceeaafully last year. *_**_ .-are of yom.ger boy*._ Kuiaber Uraitrd. clIAS. fl gTROUT, Pwaclpal. ^ T./okya miuta^hool, Ond.r lh* r' lutie . of tha War O'partmant. Mllttary _>4er U. 8. Arr.y Ofllrer a_aaw w - flgftjj \v^ VERBECK, 8.iperlntoadeal_ CICMMBB BCBOOL at the P(?k-mu Mi:it_ry Academy. ~I?cailo:i heaitiifnl; i_r- _id Inttruutloo otc^lieir. JUHN N TILDMN. A. M., M. I>. p?_ci?*l. Send for clrcular. SIK?i -IN".. N. V. 1 111. MT. I-I.I'asant MILITARY AOADBMY wi'.l ii.i.j.'ii its ft'l'J. rear 011 Bej*. istn. 1 all . .c:r-. of I Buiiuing* r'tit'.-t 811 1 -wii fa. 'lltj for UM Comlort ai.d a'd van. a.nent <>f atudentn. AdU..-, J HOWE ai.lln, prtaelpaL w< n.i.AH's i,t'.riAr.A'!..r.Y BTitOOl. TS* ... .-taiTTn D i.rlncuig ui. bor. uei'ln . at ,-i?hL A 1 an.i.hl.t CJlO-J a year.) III.MtV W, BIOLAK N>wburjr_, N v SIOI.ARS PREI'ARATOHY BCHOOL?R-union ln 18M -30th aanlreraarr, "Oar OM Boya" everywaer* a;o nqinH to ?enfl ft ?Ir >,re?ent addr-w--,. i? BBBBTW. llOLAB, Vavtaaab, V. T.__ ST OEOROE'S HALL FOR BOTB St. <-?orae'? Md. Cpllega or t,.|.|ne?- Prnf 1. f 1.1 n^. \>.. a M., Prla. Unairp-a*ee. tborouy . 1 r?a*-n?bie charyo-. SlMMF FOR BOYS . at THF. BRYAN1 &CHOOL. Raalyn I, 1 n. Y. overlocklng L. I. Bannd. 8*1,U for llliutra;?d .-a' riM'.IVITY SCHOOL, TIVOM-ON HCDSO.V N T I Location and ?urrounding* '.naurpaaa. _ ' LuuiDment'eV. ..TTriiiaalrin. ?/ m al ei - ?f Thorough pr?par*tl.n 'jr '"J'tre. ..-le-.tific ,.ho,.la or b'ial aeaa. JAb. STARR CLAl'.K. D. D. B-cta*. jiiBitnuiou For Boys nnri Voung Nfrn?Country. Tnr ___X_S-_.A_g IXSTIICTE -The Ca-tle." X.w. R_chel* N Y 11..V4 pr?i-red for clio.e or bu-lne-a; rooin* el'g-*tlj fai-Uhod. H. F. FI'LLF.ft. M. A 1'Hn. T?*jWg_^^^ t^^J^^^^^W^^. T* HvJ ____* ac-BBi for a limited bb_B__ _C____l A00'**" Washington. __te_9?l_ Countr. Conn. imrrOM-BO M-.MINARY. KIXMSTOX. PA. ** ."sp^cleltle-: PeDega ir-i^ratlnn. B--_8 and Art. Oraduaflng Cewrsa nl*c In Sclences and Cls**lc*. Flr-t _.,_,? p .?? eaaaeet-d with whonl. Electrle lleht Uimu-hont b'llldln-*. Eleg.nt new chapel. En ?r.<- eeBt-BlaBeea M Mu-lc. Elghteen Inatructors. Ftr-t-rlo** boardlng (l.pBrtm-nt. Bxpsaaas: 9-__ MBB1, i tl.lrt.-n ?.'ck?, for board, waohlng, tnltion Jn acadenilc'-. Ught, stcaru room rvnt. utc, 870.00. Fall term open. Sept. 2. For catatogn., n'Idr>-<wi ltov. L. L. SPRA.HE. I). _>.,_Prc-ident. , HTSI.T'.YAN ACADEMT, WILMIIA .tAM. MASS.-pne TTol tl,e b.-t acaiUnil.. _nd claaslra -ChOOU iu J,,'w: i. ihe payment of 8-00, on,-i.alf ln advance ana ti',. ren.alnd.r Jan. 13th, wiu .over o <l:narr tnltion, witn tio_r_ for tho \'-<r. hcgliinlng brpt. 2d. S?nd for C_l_ i.gne BJ "? ?'?! B?l '??'?'?? I'rln._ WoltCESTER ACAnF.MV.-r."th year, Itonmah, P*__; intlon to' coliegd or -eleatlB. school: aumlrible new ..iildinK*. compl't- lat_rat?ri'*i, *ii[?-rb gymnasimn. anii.Le rampua; gsoeral .UUetle ga.'ind*; rind-r tra?'_ 1). \V. ABERCROMniK, A. M.. Prin., Worce-ter. Al?_a. -. _?_? i -('IIAULOTTE HALL BCHOO_-189l.-Sltu? 1 i I \. tl n BBe-rpaaBB- for h.alth. F.ngll-h. claaalral. n.athcrnatical, lal and military*. AddreM i;\A". _lLVf>TK't. Cherlo'f.- Hall. St. Mary'. Co., Md. For Both Scxes?Coimtry. CHAPPAQUA MOUNTAIN IVSTITUTJg, Chappaqua, a y.?order pru_rai_ii.o for l?.i-'._ aod pioture. ? mnng thahllls. thirtytwu mlle* from Xew_Y<____ 'n O-fXECTlCUT L1TERART I.VST IlUTIOX, 9uS_}_*. \j Ce-n.-Ca-e-ueadoa.l praparea for .-ollt-ge and busi M-Sj M *ree __-_lara_lpai open* ??s.-L.temtMi^ -d. PE'DPIK IXsfrrciK, HK.HT.'sTOW.y, 9. J. 15 lu FaeoltT. Pr.-nare* for Collegr 1 each Ing Bn?ine'.?. Ti.orou^-h bi IJoriimo, Frencb, MuaiC, a-_ Q,_a.Bapt.ath._iBgh ,-g^OHT< ^ __.. WMteto. _ P. PUNQTOX (N. J.) KEMIXARY ANt; LA-)IlvV S.i.d v-_r. OnYr. isr* ?*u,c*'?on*1 ?_____ Ules i-.m* woderate. Hlgh tnd healthful. bteam k.atina, -J-i Aro ,.?n.pes. ?__J of .?***??_- _____ Tli6b ifAXLOX. _?. D., Preeident Tor 2- Tears. _ R?oTTk CIS 6 C-LLK-f, ?TA?^_-TO-tHupaow Both BB-aa. Frlvate lnstructlon ^for j^'ij J^jg;'^119' IiHE clavikack COlXXOBaad hudso.vMMV8R In-C-.t for Hoya _nd Olrl* wlll open lts 38tJi yisr Seot. 14, t<01. For ? ?atalocne- addrBM _ Rc-V A U. FLACK, A. M? Pr.i*t.. Claversck, X. T. MLsceli.ineoua. CllWJL'LAlta achoola. boUi aciea, city ?nd_eI0.ufi7/ supi'lled, wlth oareful advice to parenU. BUMiaai COYRI-RE, Room 14. 150 5th-av__ _^irarhrrs. A_U__U___S AXi- FORE..KN _M_,Cl----t* _^8-ICT buppllea Professor., T-_c_cr?. luuira, irOToraes-oa, _?., W Oollegea, -cbo.,1-. aii'i .ainlllea. APP'y _L?___ Mr*. M. .. YOUXQ-FULTOy. _ buion S.uara_ -IUTOR8, Profa_K>r?, Toa.h-r., Uavataanai ?9 aU . braoch-, auppiied to uai-aralttsj, coib g;i*. "'.h_J?1?_.1_|___-j Um..!?*. Clrealarj seBoolajBM-wt.. ,M"de**> ungua*_ apoken. M1KIAM COYHIF.l'.i:, Room 14, lo0_^*v_ _?Evl-__-_ ___5TE f-B-sT i.'.ii Brosdwsy. I'rTv-t. A. tutar; pr^paratiou for eollege; co.oliltig for j*"?"*: tlona. AddreJ. untll .>?pt. 4, Tuller H-Uae, Richlleld bpringa, w.w-Tera L ADY wtahaa sd-rc-i oTboard'lng achool for h.r daugh ters, n aad 12. a_ew _b. herself may oMaiB P___a_ii ?i..ti,.r r.f hii/iuT i'.ii_n*h bmnches; lu M t-.-h'.-r of hlgher Engll_i branches; J0"! W_?-?__; i,iih.-t r; opportunity cosUng ichool aln_*-l bo .. log RI-*POX_IBLE, Box a r_ "l_ Bvbt TE_i lir.r.-- ?'ii.iili,*l lor a!l Dr_ii>:ti'.'\. Ifl any geSlJr NO FBEVo.Preal.trstton. JJ"?^.;^^ 1- V. HtTYSSOOX. American School 3 W. I 1__ ni\ \. honoi man and Univor. ' \itv i.-ii..? eoache. In eoUegiats snd_ p-eparatory ?Mdlsa Address Bos 14, Whlte l-liin'. __ Y. s , HERMERHORX- TEACHERS' AOBJIOT. O.d-t aod best known ln V. 9. _-_>M_aMd 18o5, 3 Eaat 14th-st., X. Y. r*trLr'F>P_-(.''.!I.--- -r.'l-:"- is "i"'i. foi .i.u';.i ..??.??nt S. ],. I teuiber 1. or Immi llatelj If deniandali hlghest rrt ..,,,,,,. Addrea. TUTOB, B'-x 80, Xribaaa Dpt-Wfl Ofllca, l,_38 Hroadway._ f-i nkV\ 1-EACH1 R8' AOEXCT -uppUa. .thool ortjeera U w-irh taachen .... her* wlth position*. H. M BARRIXOTOX, Proo_. _2 -sfsr***. E!_ !????:? U'_\-ii.ii. Teacher for boy*? ? hool; n trua gentl'man, >> Av Mic.-e.__l experlenee ln a-enwnt of bovs: Bilary llteraL Addi w, wlth I* f- r ",...!" it LU - H. PRATT. .ir.. miwea-ee Ac___ny, Mllwiusee, Wl. W HXTED.-In a dellghtfullv dtusted i*1??\'_?jjl,"5* r aehool ln ConneeUcut, ln th.- country. neai the Beund, a i,.n..;.hn- teicher of ti... .ehcol bi-nehea, bringtag j,?j,,i_. vddresa Bos L668, Xe*___IU*_*___Conn. WAXTKO n_M_X?IAT-_.T. TEACHEIW-Ijadiee: l-aa-her Oerman, Freneh, for seminanr. aWOi%ni home; teacher drawlng, palnting, i..?rdii.-_--h.-Iio..i _t ... .? r .reneh nattva: als ?ov_ree__es, for n^^laaa fsmlUes. houHPkeeper, InaBtutlon. Oontlomen: two t. a. ).? - ;"r ,..??,. r '.! bwnchea; teacher ilerjnaa. Frtmen, (ggtoa, Isplaconalisn. Apply to MI8S DOKOVAN_ rEACU I. I _s? BUREA.U, 90 Easl _4U?_st______ ._"\\"T'i> imnif- '? ' Tw" z.'titloincn for W, ?,??,;.-lal d-ixutn^nts. Ladle-: Teacher Of*?"; .-,?n, vo.-ai, el*?uMon. 8_00jtsache* , _,,, flrtOO; natlvfl French teacher for -4wnlnaryi . . .;. ,. for other vaeanele*. Apply to MlM DOB*> . TEACHERS' BUREAP, no V-.^t Hth-t._ jJrop ostiis. I-Ol'OSALS FOIi TIIK CONSTRUCTION H!:,n_ form. of piapoasl. and apeclflcadon. otrtalnod at thi. offlce upon sppllcatfon -;';';'"[? {Jgether wlth .11 nscsssary Inf.nniatlon, m .1 oiny bld.-, upon tM.. torm. wlll t.OBsldered. ti,.; right ls *4?w"rsd to rejeet anv and all bbls or pnr.s of bld*. ?/. W. DOBglBBt, J. W. Kom, ii. M. Robert, Coi ? "? _ _? , D RO.-O-AL- FOR BR1CK BUILDINO. I Depot Q'.art'Tiia-t r'* Offlce, Da\ids Ulaad, 8T, \ II., Attgusl 1". I881.-Sealed proi*sal*. ln trlp_lcat? wl.l be recefved uutll 11 -"clocli a. m. Tueaday, bEPTEMBER thereafter, f..r con.truct Ir'.g a d'oiiblc ?et of OOlcera' Quartew sl Dand. IsUjnd, v V H. Plaoa ipactflcatlon- and genoral ln.t.uetlons to' bi-dera, togethci "itii blank form. of pnino-als. wlll -. aUhed un ipplication to UU. offlca. . h ? rtu-.'. t? ,,,v or all *?:.!- I. r.r\..l to the I nlted Btates. Captain .i. McE. iivni. Aaslstanl Q__rt4_-_at_r, t. b. Depot Quart. rn _?_? r___._, 11 l-jol'i ?S .l> for J?lilit_ry Supplies, Offlce of ths Quai errnast r, i . B. tflUUry Academy, Weat lont, N. V.. Juli 20, 1801. Sealed prppo*al., n diipll ,;,?... lubjsct to tba u.ual .oudlUona, wlll ba 7"" ,v;'?_ ";''' thla offlce untll 1^ oVlock, noon. on the ll'th day pf Au un] for bullding materlsls, pimi.t. ng materlala, prlntlng material, gss and rtesin Bttfngs, watei aad ga. bardware, |?lnU. I'.r- br.:;. brooma, brushes. range barta Rlas. and other miscellaneou. atorea .pecitted on icbedule. t,, he had oo sppllcsUon tore. Inefbs. propowU. ln ?nveioDe mar* ?""." >?"?? il"a u<1." dSr_?_e_ to the undtrHigiiod, W. ll. Mii.i.i.U, Captala and ? . . .1 _ lt iioPOSM-S -'OR IIKAD STOXEjS-ARMY I BflLPIXO, WII1TEHALL-ST., NEW-YORK C1TT, lulr 10 Im'.H.?'-d proposal., ln tiipllcaU-, subject to S.ual c-B-ltlon- wlll &? Kcelred at thla offle.tli 12 o'clock ni Anuu-t 18, lH'Jl, at, whlch tlin..- a/id plaC. UM. wlll :?- niKii.d in I '?' biddera r.>r fiirnl-hin. r, i*-h. faubieel to an Increase oi d*wre_.e of twenty v:o> ,!,? ,... ? Amerl an M -RRLE HEAD 8TOXES, ln !,,!,. Th. uoi-rnmant re*erves th. right to rejeet aay ..r all ,., _ pi w ?in !.? Diost advantag* . t. l'r.ferenc- wlll v- glven t... artlcle. ..f d.,iiu-tlc priKlii.-tlon or ii.uiiuf.. tnre, condaloiis of qnallty e of foreign piodn. tlon. a_d iuir .-i,."-.' I S ri'i. \\ !i \i;r i:i ILDERS AND C0NTRACT I ,,1's Offlce ol Ui" Llght-House Engli.r. :td Dl^trlct, T-mii-l-svllle, B. '>., Augu-I 7. 1891. Propoaal- wlll be , ,,\". -_i thi- e until 1^ o'clock, noon, of T th* ??'th day <d August, imit. b.r rnnit-1.1 n?_ the material. -nd'tmbor ol "li -lnd. neeesaary for removing of tlw old _i__f bull-lnB new wharf. and dredglng the baatn al th. t Mi- j.,,., .? Depot Tompklns>1Ile, Xew-York. Plans, ". ifl.iatlons. torma of proposal.' iither lnformatlon may -- right I. r. any <i. fecu. ~,lght-Houso F_ig*ln***r. 8d !?_-_____ ..,?,-. forma OI propi>a-l.iiiuwr ni.rn ..'? ,,,,t_.1 ..11 .pplieaOon to tbl. offlce .-c-d t,. reicct -jjt ..? bJJ ' 1 __ to aahra ?. 5 p HEAP M-J"r of Eaglneer., 1 s. ,\., li I'ii IRON M LNUFACTI l.'Ki.'-.-uili e o! the Lliht-nou-. Englneer, M Distriet, ToaajklnsrlUe, S v Augu.t 7. 18-1. -Propoaal. wlll !.? raeelvt. at tiil.s ntil IL- o'clock, noon, ol Tuesday. the __th da? of i-'.| for furnlahlag th. materfal :mri labor ..f all klridx nec**M_ry f..r the 1 md d.-llvery of the. M.-'al Work for U.' Xorth Whsrt at the Ll.lit-ho'.iso De|K>t. T1.11 i.lvlii-\lll" Xew-York. Plsns, apecl8eatlnaa, forms of nrorioaal* n::d other lnformatlon may b.- ohtalned oa ?p btlratlnii tr. this offlce. Tlie Ia re*.-rved ln relecl any or ._! bld* snd t^ waivn any defecta l?. P. HEAP. M.lor of F.ngln<-er?, I*. H. A.. Llgbt-Houae F,nrlncer. M Pl.frict. nailrouos. nLonVlslarid Railroad. Ll.AVl, -IMM' XA-*I Illl'll-**,., V ... VUK OIlEl XPORT. KlVI'.lt'll.AP, a:l'0 a ni., 1 :*>0 .bat ,;r,; j . o; !? .' BO r l-.and BJtprass, 3 :'J0, 4 :J0. '.1 ;00 _. ro. SA.i 1IAKH..II. ih- HA'll-i"NS. k :20 a. ni. : IM fMaturday. only), _:50 Hamptons and h_? Harbor Lt ,r.-^ 1:20, 4:_0. Siindsvs. 8:'.0?. ni. c\:. UOU<'E, ' "? a '-'"? 10:90 a. m.; 1 :,*?i l!*?tu^ an- only . :t 2U 4 80, 5:20, ?'< 80. .*Sond_y-, 8:S0 a. in. rabYLOM 1 ::?> 7 OO, '-->". 8'2_ '" SO a, m.; 1 .?', 1 % (bat-rday. enTi . 8:20. 1 :30. 4 :_0, 5:20, 5:80, 6 :.'.<). , a io:00 1.-' 1 nlght _Wea_es_BysandBstardajsoaly). _ :50 B. tn. 8:60 P. "? _, ___? 1 _?KT _B*FI-BBSOX. XOBTHPOWT, l'UXTI M,"ON, Col_D -PRrxo; 9:00 i <<?? ? ' '-0 l_?to-d_ya only), 4:20, | ;'i. 1, .11 p. 111. (to Xorthport Buadaya, U :c0 a. 1:1., B0*r_TER BAY (.LIN CO\ B, BEA ( I.Il K. IIOSLYN, .. .,,:.'(;. 10:80 1 ' 2=00, tM. 4:20. -*S0, 6:20. a\.l 8 co 12-00 nlght :W_d'? :>nd h?fh only,. Ssundaye, o-on !t 5u a. m 0-0. ?:-*> ?? >?' 8 *?_ni>KN ( ITY, ft*__f?T*_Al), 8:40. 8:20. 10:.V) _ n. 2:u<). 3 30. 4 :_(> S-0. ? .SO, 0 :_0, 0 M. b :00. 10 (W l-:'1? nlcht. Sunday., m .0, 0.20 (?i?idcn Olty ,.i,li 1 ? 1 :20 0:_0 7 :80, 10 00 p. 11,. ""Wl'- K'" KAHAY .ia VAIXEY STKI'.AM. 7:0*1, ,,, -,,, ! m.: :t 20 0 50 10 00 12 ??> nlght. Buodays, ,, 8:60, :. _. B:_0, 7 80. 8 00 8:00, td :T0 ,,. __ .hVKKXK and KAR llOCKAWAY, rls N. Y. and Horkawai Ii-i'h i:>. 7 00.8 80 B BO .. m.j l?0.8:20, 1 20, ?'? -" ?'? '. ? * '0 i>. tn. Minl.y-. 9 00 10:60 a. m. ? - Ti, ; -. 1 \ k, t ol 34th.?t. f.'t uf Cham :? , l; ;i DSO and 1 ::;:! Brondway. ln Brook 1 ,,| Kranklln st*. ataQohs, 107 Droad. Nei-W _L011_Bra1c.Rai.oai"' Sl .M.M1.I. .1. _L-__I Lt, Tralna leave .NtH-lork lor Bad It_..a. Long Uranch, o.,,.:i Urove, Aabun I'ark und l' Fleatant: Fron foot ol Lioerty-at.?4 .do. 8:18, il:l_a. m., 1 :_0. I_c?, o .u - *o u. 111., ,1.1. p. in. i.nday traioa do n.t ?t...> Bl Aaborr Park .nd Oceaa _88B_ lifl-lri IIM1DU; 8upt. X. V. and L. 11 K. R. ll t B vl.liWIN, O.n'l Ps*?. Agnt . . U. ii. Coof X. J, J. R. Vnul, Q(._ 1 Pa*.. A.ent Nm, R. B ttaurooBb_ ._.. "AWBBICA'B OBBATBtT ?AIL??AD.? NEW Y0__ CENTRAL & Kudsort River Railroad. TIIE FOUK-TRACK TBUKK LHsTE. All traln* arrlve at and depart from CRAND CENTRAL 8TATION. Foarih A*e. aud Forty-aerond Mt? New-? orlt. Centre of Hotel and Rr?*ldenc* Seotlon. THE ONLY RAILROAD STATION IN THE CITY Traln* leara na fallowa: FA??T MAIL AND 1.000 IM.AND faPECIAL. o.m a M.-i-'or Aibanv. Bttaa. Chaytaa (eaaaat Bunday), .syraW* RocAeatar, liatavla. due *t Buiuio 8:10 p. iu. fiAUATOUA. UKK OBOMOI ANU MONTBBAL SPKCIAI ?._0 A. M.-Wapner drawinp-room cara throuph. Due Twm.oga 2-0 P- B_, Caldwell (L. George) 4:03 p. ni.. Moutre?l S:l.r> P- BB, NKW-YORK AXD CHICAISO I.IMITEO. 10.00 A. M.-Compo*?d ex< lualvelr of W?pner Vaatlbnl* BiitfCt, Smoklng and Llbrary, DlnlnP. 1'rivate i ouipart naat and suiidard Sl.-.-pliig and Drawinp-I.oo.n Cara. Due cnicueo 'J ita a. iu. uuxt day. CHICAGO DAV EXPRB**. 10-30 A. BL-DaOy aoteaat bundaya. Connacta _____] linpottnnt .New Vork State llne* dlv-rplnz Saturday traln doea not run weat of Cleveland and Detrolt. MfrTttWBai-MB I.lMITKO. Ii30 P. _L-W*a__ Veatibule Drawlnij-Room. Bleeplng. HuBet. .smoiiinp md Llbrwy. Wntaf aud Cafe car*. Du- Clnelnnatl 10:00 a. _., Indl-napoiN 11:58 a _-, St. Loula 7:15 p. m. n. xt day. No ?**** fare. WOKLD'H FAItt MPEUIAL. Ii30 P. M.-Wagner Veatibule, Sleepinj. RufTet, SraoklDg and Llhraxy and Dlnlng Cara. Due chlcago 8:00 p. m. ii.\t day. N'o <-.\tm lare. aATUMDAV SAHATOOA I.IMITED. Ii48 P. BL?WaB-ar Drawliitf-Room and BulTat Smoklng Oara. Due Harataga 0 10 p. n> -M.-xn:.. . SPBCIAL 13.30 P. M.-W-gner Di-awlng-Rooro Cara. Due Aibanv 7 .6, Troy 7:35, _?ratopa _I0 p- 'u. Runa tlu-ugn to Lak* (ieorge Saturday*. NOKTH MliiHt: LtWITBD. di.lO P. M.-Wagnar Vestlbule BulTet. Drawlng-R-orn, hlweplng and Iiinlng Uira. Duo D.-troit V lo a. >u-, Ciilcapu 4 .50 p. iu. FA>T WE??TRRN BXPBB-B_ 0.00 P. H. -Wacnet Veatlbule Dwwing-Room, fi!"*P'"? and Dliung Car-. Due Buffalo 6:l-> a. JJ.. A>aflft Fall* 7:1_ ?. ..... Cloveland 10 :3S a. m., Detrolt 1 10 p. m., Chlcago lt 00 p. iu., bt. Loui* 7:45 _. ni. AlllltOMIAlK AND UOMIt_AL i;XFHK?. 7i80 P. BL-Wagnat Kleepiup Cara to riatwburgh, due Tl ?5 n .',. ; to BurllnqUjo, due 5 :00 a. m., and W Mon ItVal. duo 7 10 a. BB BIFFALO, BIAOABA IAUA 1.000 IHLAND AND AlHHONDACK SPECIAL. 7.30 P. IW.-Wagncr Sbuplug Cara. New-York to Buffalo. Due 7:30 a. n, Nleg-ra F.Ol*. 9 00 a. ni. < jayBBB),,ij_ a. m. AlenodrU rfav, 7 :uo a. m. Paul l-MBra and Xupper Lake. htatlcn. i IMTN.NATl AND ST. l.Ol'I* EXPRBH". 8.00 p. BL-Wagne* yaaBtbol* Bliiabtf Oaaa. B"?_ta. clnnatl 7 :i)0 p. in., Indlauapolia 10:80 V- Bfc, bt. I..OU1B 7 80 a. ni. I.I H I I'Eli FAKT Yl UI.. 9.00 P. W.?Sle.'plng-Ca'r paesenear* only earrled on thla traln for Ro<-he.iter. Dua 7 :45 a. ui. LIIIOAdM Miiirr KCPRRaa. 0il5 P. M.-WegnaT ileeednf^ara, New-York t* 0*po Vinc.-nt., Bnl?lo, Det-roit and Chlcapo. E1BUKILL (NKWBUKO), r..( .. II K l-.KPME, RBINK C-IFF (KINQ-TON A.ND UAT8KILL MOUBT-lNBl, AMJ 111 ItoON-17:80, 'AO.M. 111:30 A.-1-, 13:80, 3:5.V 0:-0 P. M.j aKo for Poughkeepole, 10:-0 A. -M-, 1 :AU. 12:18. !' :88, O.OO. 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:15 _hLi for Cataklll atatlon (Cat-klll aud the Cataklll M<iun_ . 17:80, 19:20, 111 80 A. M., 18:80, 3 ?>'?'>__?'? P. M.: for Qarrlaoaa (Weat Pointj, 17:30, '.'.> -20. 9:2o, 111 :30 A. M., 12:18, 13:30, 3:55, 14:50. 0:25 P. M. ALBANY AND TKOY-!7:_0 9:10.10^)0, ll" 30 A. M.. 1 JO, 18 :80, 3 :?'..?>. 4 :.'..., 0 :00, 7 :80, B :00, 8:18, 01 -"'' P. M.: til^o for Troy 7 :00 P. M. .. ,? ^ BAKATOOA?17:80. 19:10, 110:30, 111:30 A. M., '3:30 7:00, 111 *9 1*. M. UTICA ANI. BYRACU8E?!7:30, 0:10, 10:^0. !1O:30, MI :AO X. M., 1:80, 4:80, 0:00, 7:30, 8:00, Ba*, ROCHESTE'r A.ND BUFFALO-0:10. 10:00. 110:30, 111:80 A. BL, 1-3'.. 4:60, 6_0, 7 :30, 8:00, 9:15. :u ,68 P. >!?: eVao fr>r Kocbester, 8_0 !'? -M r/IAOAKA PALLS?9:10, 10:00, 110:80 A. M.. 4 :.>0 .; 00, 7 :80, 8:16, :il :69 I'. M. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS AND MONTRF.AL- '9 :20 A. M., 7 :00, II 1 :8fl I'. M. CAl'K YlNC-NT, OLAYTON, AL80 F?R ADIRON DACB MOUNTAINS? 7:80 P. M. OODBNBBUBO AND OSWF.GO 8:16. 111 :59 P. M.; also for Claytop 19:10 A. M , 7:80 P. M.; for Oswe.o 9:10, 10:00, 110:30 A. M.. HO.) P. M. aUBURN ..IN..V\ AND CANANDAIOUA ? ?/_?, 10:00, 110:30 A. AL, 7:80, 8:00, 0:15, 11 UM P. M PITTSFIF.I.D. I.ENOX. NOKTII ADASBB AM) THE HEIlKf*niKE B114-8 (rba rinrlem l)|\ialnn) Two araiaa witn throaaa Dr?wing.R*oaa Qara. '9:01 a. in., duo Plttsfleld 1 :35, K. rt'i Adam* 2:30 p. m. 13:00 ji. m., due l'ltt-iieid 8:10, North Ad-ma 9:10 p. m. KOMTOLK ANU THF I.ITCI'.FIEI.D EUU-B. :H:50 p. m.. thpei5|h car due Norfolk. Conn.. 7:32 p. m. For tiek'ta and apaea in Sleeplna-Car* apply at oron.l Ceritr.U Statlon, or at 413. 785, '."'-' Broadway, 12 l'ark place .r.:t Weal 125th-a_, aod lSSth-at. n-.tlon, N*w. York! 888 Wa*hlriutnn.?t.. 7LW Follon-t., and 3'.i8 B'-d forl-a-v..., I',. D.. I5r?.klvn : 109 Hudaon-at., J.-.-.-y Clty. Weataotfa Exyrvaa ealla for and eheeha iiappapo from hotel* a..d realdencta tluouph to deatination. 1 Dnlly ezcept Snndav. Other tratn* run fl.iil.r. Ibove, exient those learlng at. ?:10, '.cl'.i a. m., 1 :40, 2:16, 3 30. 3:00, 3.50, 4 .00, 4:60 and 11 :5!> p. BB., atop Ht Kt-sth-nt. etfitlon. ioiIN M. TOUCEY, OBOBOB H. DANIELS, Qeort? Manager. Oemral Paeaouper Agcnt. BALTO. &0HI0 R. R. Faat Exureaa Tralu* ^ ..i PHILADELPUIA to BALTIMORE, WASHiNGTON, OHIUA-O, CINClNMAli, t>T. LOUIS, ANI) All. POIBTB IV-af-a i'LJ.I.MAX CAR BMMVTCB OX ALL TKAL.VS. Leave NEW-YOttK, loot al _-barty*t., a? foiio?-?: ForCUlCAOO. 2:00 P. Ma 18:13 a. M. KorClNllNNATl. ST. Lotfl~.8:00 -V - M -. .. :00 1>. M. For WA8HINOTON, BALTIMORE. 0:00 A. M. (11 AO \. M. ill.iinu--.-ar.. 8:00 (8:80 P. M- d.i.liip-.-?r), o :00 1' U 12:18 A. _. All iraln* run daflr. For NORFOLK, vla Bay Une, 2:.h> /'. M. neeic-dnya. Tiik.-t offlcea 173 201, 116 and 1,140 Bro*dw*r, Now. York. aaa 98 Bwadway, Urooklrn. BTATION FOOT oF ''.'l v-M'. iCentral R. H M B. J.) N..'?-Vork Tranafer Company wjll .-sll for _nd check lo? paifi. from bal i':"n- ?_ DJ_ L A W A K J_, LAOKAWANNA AND w 1.M1.KS KA1LKOAD. shorte*t Lm*. ViMtlbnl d PuUman tua.-li.?. 9 a ra.-BuiTalo, Rlehfloid Sprlnw aod Oawefo Eipre*s, rlapateraon, tor Wat.-r u*u, -troudabuni. Bcranton, h_niton Oweao, Hbaca, VVavarly, Elmlra, i ..rnin<. Batn, Danavlfle Bherburne, vfratervlll*, Rlrtiflel- -prlnn, Ctlea, ut Morrla Urecne, Oxford, S'orwlch, Cortland, toraeuae. Ful'tou and Intermedlato itatlona. Connect* at Scnnton uttn traln* for Pltwton. Wllke^barre. Danavlllaaiid North umberlaud; at Huttai.. wlth traln* for me w..-t. ; -mj. m.?Blnghamton M-ll, rla Boontoo. 1 p m.-Biiipliaiiitoii t.nd Klmira Expraaa f.r .yater Oap, Stro-dabury, feranton. Owego, Warerlj md Blmlin, eau. neeta at Berantoo wltb train* f.r Plttataa, Klnp*bou and W4^_0,Vfe__-_*raat-n, WObaaba-ta and piymouth Ex vr'i -30 d. m. (urillv).-Rurriiio Ltenlted Expreaa, rla Pater aoo, for Strondaburg, Beranton, IJIngha '...-. ..n.vo. \v-,. verly Elmlra, Oomlng, Bath, Wajiand, Daa-llla, Mb Morrla *C, arri\lt.p in Buflalo ?? . 30 a. ni. 0 d iu dai Rlchfleld sprlni/* and Oawaeo 1.-.1,,':. for Btroudaburg, Bcranton. Blnaluamton, Cortland, Srraru-e, Fulton, Orerne, Oxford, Borwlcb., ^?rbuj_e, WaurvlUe, t ti.ii, ftc, and -11 polnta en Itutfalo Dlvtsion; eonneeta ?'ith tralna for the Weat._ WtST SUOHE RAILROAD. (X. Y. C. & 11. lt. R- tt. lo.. L'*3"e)?Tralna leave 42d-at. btatlon (Ne.v-Yorki as roiiowa, and Un mlnutos eirlier irom the foot Ol Jar-n. (Neiv-Vork): llanillton. London, Detrolt _nd Chlcago, Mo a. ni., "5:15 p. n... *8:1_ p. in. St. lS>ular-6:16 "8:15 p. a- , Toronto. 110:00 a. m.. 15:1.?, Ja-lS p. ro. liuttalo. .toch-wr _uspen?ton Brldpe. NlBgara Fall*. 3:?0, ?10-on a. m.. *5:15 u. m.. -8:15 p. m. ntlS and Byraeuae, 3 :30, "IO :00 a. m., -o :lo, ?S :15 p. m.. x 11 '? a. ni. liuiis onlv to Utlcal. Klnpaton. *3 .30, "7 1.V .10:00. ?H :00. 111 33 B. BU ?*?**}**. :00, **_&. '8:15 D n. ' ataklll and Albaay. *3:30, '. Ao, -10:00. 111:35 a' in.. ?3:i5 p. m.. a4 :00, '5 lo. '8:15 p.m. Crau?ton'a, Weat Polnt, Comwall, Newburgl. "3:80,? -7:16, 8.5. ?10-00. '10:16, 111:85 a. m., '1:16, a4 00. 4:30, ?6:16'. 5-":. '0:30. -8:lij, '11:45 p. m.. and 111:00 a. m. an. a3 45 P- i". for Oornwall and Nowburgh. Moutrral and . anada ea?t. 7:10 a. ir... '?"> ?}?' D- rn Elepant eleeplng rar!. for HulTa'.o, Nlapara Fali*. Toronto. Detrolt, Chicapo and St. Loui* on al. through tralna. fipeclal*. 111 Ai a. m., a3:40 p. m. Parlor car* to s?aratoga and Caldw.ll. Laka George, tli .3- a. m. inarlor oar at ___ied) d*Hr except Suudar, at :46 p. m SaCurdara only. uT,*t. ral:!ll. II'iiitBT. ftobart,. BloomvLle, Grand Hotel rVtatton and Phoenlela. '8:30 Jl 1 : 10. 111:35*. n... a3 45 , . Parlor cara lo llloo.nvllln, (,rand Hotol and Phoenlela (for Kaa**r*kllH. I 11 oo a. m., ili :ao a. m.. i-4,. p. n.? Tiait.s and r^aeplng car to Blaoinrllla ou -< 'tn -. ti.. (Bundaya only). __2ew.p|Hx, i.^k^s .M..h..nk ind Mlnnewaaka 3 10 a. m. 111 :00. tU:86 a. m. 83:45 u ni. Pailor car to Bew-PaltB BU 11:30 a. m. traln. lialf Hollday Spocl_; onlv. 1 :I5 p. ni. for Kaateraklll, Huilter, Boon.viile. H?bart. Grand ll-t-1 huit: n and Phoenlela. Parlor car to BlopinvlU*. Pa lenvlll'i, Calro aud Mountain Itouae Statlon, 7:15, 111 88 _.?>..-! 10 u. ui l'arlnr cara to Cataklll. Cate KI11 Mountain Nlgnt Llne, 8:30 a. tn., Sunday* only, kie.'Plni cara to Phaeulcla and Uloomvl.le. "Dally. I Duily. ex.ept Ksturday. All other traln* dallr eacept Bundar. } ? a Leave* Brooklyn, vla iliooklyi. Annex, ?io 08, 110:40 a. rn., aSKH) p. m. J.-r^ey citv, P. R. R. -10-40. |11:_0 a. m., a-'t 28 p. m. For tiekrta. tlnic tablea, parlor and ab-eplng-'-ar arcornniodatlons or Iniorroettofl app v of!tci<: B.w.klvn, 883 Wa*^lnpton-?t.. ?-'0 l-'ulton-at.. Ann.-v otllc-. foot of Fu!t?n-at.; New-York Clty: No*. -71, 888, 788, 84. nroadwar. 148 Bowery, 1? Park PtM*. H W.-t 1.5th-*t., and Wa?t Nhor* station*. f.?.t ol W**? l-dkat. and foot of Jar-at. N. B, C E. LAM I1EHT. General P*s**ng?r Agent. 5 VanderbllB air*.. New-York. ? BHIOU VALL-SY RAILKOAI). PABSBBOEB TBAIBB leave foo; of I'ortlandt and De* follo* - Mauib Chunk an.l^- i*ilnt-.. 8:10a. io. foi ...--.?... i.\on^, F.lmlra Itocheater. Buf? falo an.l th.- Weat, Pottavlll. and prlneipa! local*. Cbalr Car to Lvona and Pullman Cur to Kuapanalon B.uigc. . , Maueh Chunk and latcrrMdlat" polnt*. il M i. io. for li ira and l..i riuedla? iwint*. 1 p. in. f,>r and InWrn.edlate polnt*. Caalr Car to 1 on.Jri.n.o. '?. . . um clion to lt- a Iiim; and H.irrn 8:40 i>. in. r..r L. t.nd B. -lun.-toi aad prlnelpal luu-r medlato r_ln->. r:..u'r i ar to l..-I H Junctloii. i .'e. p, ui. for PattavtUa and latanaadlaBa iniinu. i halr Car to PotUvllle. ... iu. f.r Maaeh Chnak an-l Intermedlate polnta. on '.. ilea'tlng and II imab irc ; ao u, iu. i.i .. l ? tli Ira, l.oeh. *t.-r. Huf fai.i a...i lha Weat. I'tniii.aii Blaepei n l*yaaa and ?>u*. nenalou iiiidpe. . irlng at 8:10 a. n... 11 :80 B. B_, 1 p. Bt. Bad i. raa-Vot tor all i>o!iit? la Mabanay and Maaav I reglon*. II M'AV TKAlNs. .1.10 .. .... f..r Maueh Chunk. Uax-lUm and nternn^liato patnl . mi 11 a ii, f.,r hi.enai.doah an-1 ln!erim-lial.? 6:12 p. in. lor Maueh chunk and ,ii'.-rn...t!,it. polnt*. 7:80 p. tn. for ...-n.-xa Lyou*. Elu.lra, K... he-t..r Buf? falo and th ? Weat. -leepv to Lyoa* and 6ua penalon Bi _ 4ien__ Eaatom Onice. 236 Broadwar. fiaUroa-9 Pennsylvania RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY of AMERICA The Soenic Line to the West, TK \l\S LEAVE STATIOX*, foot of Deabro88es and Cortlandt Mtrcets, aB loilow*.: . On and after JULY 19th, 1891, THE FA*?T I.INK. 9iOO A. Bf.? Veatlbulo Sle*-plng and Parlor Cara, Arrlv.-i Ctorelaod _ 25 a. in., Col'iinbu* 6:30 a m Indianapolli, 11:40 B. m., Chlcago 4:88 p. m., and ha! Louls 7 00 p. ui. next day. Cotinectn, al*o, lor loleds except Saturday. ' TIIK FEXXHYI.VAX1A LIMITED. 1 OtOO A. __-Compo*<_ exdu-Jvely of ___a*B_ Vetdbnlj iirawli.g a*>d State Room, sk-eping, Dinliig, Sn.oklu* snd Oneervation Cara. preaeollnf fii:-oci?| rep.,rts -tenographera aM typewriter*. bathrooirn for both' sexee, l.dle.' mald, berb.f-?hop, ilbrary and sil the con. vnionc* of honn- or olilce. Llghted b\ -tatlonary and Bart-Ue aleetrta lighu. Arriv.* cincinnati ?40 _ _,._ Indlanapoll. 11:40 a. rn., aud Chlcago ..4. _. rn. next day. ?*T. I.Ot'lS AXD CIXCIXXATI t M'lf- -,. 'liOO P. M. ?IMillman V?NlbalS Blssalag *'?-? fron. X-w. Yor'r., jnd Dlnlng i'tirt ttom hTaa-ZBli to St. Li.nN _n_ Clnclouatl. Paaa^nger coach New-York to Col-mbus, Arn-.CK (tiicintiatl 11:.. _. tn., and ht. Loula 8:09 p. io. next day. TIIK COLI'HBIAX KXI'iil** 4i00 P. M.?Pullraan Vewtib.,1.- Sleening, Dlnlng, fjmok. Ing, and Pennsylvania Rnllroad V_llbul<- i'lasaoger UaaefeM froni Xew-York lo Chlcago. Arrlvea in Chl? cago 5:16 p. m. next day. THE WESTkRX FXPSEHf _i30 P. *t.?I'ullnmn Veettbule Sleopln. C*r Xew-York to Pltt.burg, St. Lonla Chlcago, Clndniiatl, *'1..\>-I_nd _i:_ M'li.phU, DIuIiik Car. Xew-Ysrh to i'hll_d?lp_la, and PltUburg to Rlcnn.ond and Chlcago. Arrlv_, ?t Coluio. bu. 1:85 p. m., Cloelnnali . :30 u. ro., (,hl.__o 9 30 Ii. m. next dar, and ht. Louls 7 :00 ? io. *.-<oiid _on ng. Counect* for Cleveland aod Toledo dally, exeepe S-turday. PACIPIC EXPUEHH. 8i00 P. ___*___?_ UufTet Sleuplng C.r Xew-York I. Chlcago, Xew-York to Merr.phi* vla the hh?n_,,_oah Valley; arrlves __M_-_Bjr. at < -lurobua 7 16 j> ni.. Ci.-v.__id 6:3_ p. ro. n>-xt dav, and dally at Chi.-age 7 :0O a. m. aeeond niorning. Connt-c-i for Tr.h-do daily, aod (or Cleveland aod Columbn., ..xcept Satnrday. *-i30 P. II,?Shenaodoah Valley wlth Througk lluffet bleeper to X.w-Orb-ai.a. llAii nnuti . \\ \-i:i**. i on AXD THE -oi til "Wa-hlngtoo Limited F.xpre.a" of Pall-o.n Parlor Cars .wlth Dlnlng Car to R-ltlmorej d.lly. except Sunday, 10:10 s. m., arrir. W_a.ili.gton 8 r*. D. fl_>; and "> oa greaalon.l" dally. wlth Dlnlng i'ar. at 1:29 P- ro., arrtve Washlngtoo 8-5 p. tl.; regular expreae, 0 :20. 8 00. 8 30 and 11 :00 a. m , _ .10. 4 .30. 5 00 _i_ 8 :00 p. m. .nd 12 :15 nlght For B.ltlrnor. only 1:0Q P tn. Sunday, 8:15 and 8 30 a. m., 4:30. 5 00, an. 9 :00 p. ro. aud 1-15 nlght. POR ATL.v.VTIC CITY. 1:50 p. m. weck-day., wlth Tbronirh BufTet Parlor Car. FOR CAPF. MAY. 1:00 p. ra. weekday-, wlth __ro___, Buffet Parlor Ow. Flllt rtlM.40H.IMIM. Exprss.: 6:30, 7:20, 8:00. 8:30. 9 (10 Chlcago _fmlte.. wth Wnlng-Car. aod 10:10 Washlngtcn Limir... w'th Dlnlnf-C.r), aad 11.00 a. m.. 12:_0, 1 00. 2:10 2 30. 8:00, 8:80. 4 00, 4:80, 8 00, 8 00, 8:80, 8 00 aad . :.0 p. to., and 12:18 nlght. Aecommodatlon, 11 io a tn., 4:40 and 7:00 p. m. Sunday., cxpr->a, fli.v 9 30, 9:00 (10 Limited), and 10 a. m.. 2:30, 3.00. 8:00. 4:H0. 6:00. 0 80. 8 00. and 9 00 p. rn., ani ISrla nlr/ht. Accommodatlon 7:00 p. ru. P_r TiM.-iublr. r iruu. to iocal pouit* on the Ptooayl. ? ui..? .__,,iu_.i _y?, spply at the followlng Ttek_| Oflicea: No*. 485 _.y ?_,_ _44 Broadway. 1 Aator H.iu*. and foot of De>bro?-e? aod Cortlandt *U. , 4 Co..rt--_. bdO Fulton-Kt.. and ItDokiyn Anncx Sutfon, t?A ot Fuiton-t. B".klyu; 75 Hudaon-st.. Hob-ken; Sution. Jirsey City. The Xew-York ::_n*fr>r Company wlll c.ll for and rhecH bafg .ge from hot^I* aud re*:dcocea tbro.igh bn d^ntlnatlon. C1IA8 K. i'fiill. J, R. WOOD, (ient-ral Manager. _ *>eaer?i Pass'r Ageai JDE-VTKAffa R. K. OF \LH-JEKSET, iOor 09 UB-RTY-BT., XOBTlj BIV9 Tln.c Table of .Inne 21. 1X01. 4:30 a. m. for Es-tOB, liaaeh chunk. Wllkeabarrs, Bcraiton. Readiii-. Ilarr;->iiir_. T_iii_qna, Potttvlllc - , . oklti. Minbnrv, F-cb-s M- r -, **."llfiarn-.?>rf. on S.inday. for l*_-ton. Hauch ( h ihk. Wilkeabarn and Scrauton. 0 :oo u. ir. Fiaston and Allnutoun. 7 :noo. D. f..r EastoB Md Maurh Ciiunk. On SiidaTa, Fa-ton Maueh Chunk and Shame _a, 8:45 a. ni. for Eseton, Maach I'hunk, WilkeAhar/**, Scr_nt?n. IV:idln_. Boerlaborg. Pottsvllle, Tsmaqna Sham. okin. Sunb'iry, F-iele* Itere, Wiliiam-iioi.. Throii.h coacfc to WllHamsport. 1 :00 p. BL. for F.i*tcin. Usurh Chunk. Readlng. Harrls burg. Pottsvllle, Shamoi-in, kunbury and WuIisiDsporl on s.indav- f?r E-Wt i ( i.tink, 7amaqiia, Potts. vllle. r.cflding and HarrUburg. 4 :00 ii. m. for Bsatoo. M-u-h (tinnk. Readln. H?rrt_ bur_, wilkenbarre, Scranton, T__aQ_a, PotaavlUc, bhani. okin. 4 :80 p. m. for F.-.ton and Allflot?,wn. . 5:4.5 p. ni. f..r Fa-too, Mauc), . ..unk, ReadIng, H__r_? bure. Be. Bondsm al .*.:('. p in. 7:30 p. m. for Eseton aad aO atowa. AM. It .11. KOVTC to thi: **ka BHOKB. For Freehold aad Al l - at 4:30, 8:18. 11:18 a. B., 1:80. i :30. (3:00 p. m. _4m__)_, 8:11 a. m., 4:00 p. m. (exopt Fr.-ehold For Red Uomk. Long lirunch and point* -outli to Polnl Pleaaaat sl 4:30, 8:18, 11:18 u. in . 1:88, 8:19, 3 30, 4:00, 4:80, 5:.'i0, 8:00 ii. ni. Sundav*, ex.-ept 0. o_a Gmvp snd A-t.'.r-,- Park, *? l">. 11 .')')-... n., 4 :oo p. m. !?',-: Lakewood, Tam. River, Banagaa i'-rk and Barne* gat 1 M, 8 !?*> i ii.., t _0, ? .'tn p- Bt For Beoch Il:i\ n, Atlantl.- Cltr, VIncland and BTlAgetom at 4 :80 a. ni.. ; :S0 \>. B*. For Monmouth n>_?-u and S.-abright at 4 -.30. 8:15 a. __, 1 :30 I :oT> <-, mi p. in. . _ FOU PIIIL\IVI.PHM. TIM.TIMOKE AXD ,\A>?il.N4-'_ti.Y ROYAL li_Lt. LIXE. For Philadelphla at 4 :80. 7 :4_, 9:00, 10 :00. 11:80 B. m 1:80, 2:00, B__ 4 C ?, 5 00, 6.00. 7 .3 > p. ni., l-olg liiZht. SC XDAyg. 9 .00. 10 :30, 11 :80 a. m.. 2 :00. 8 :30. 6:00, 0.00 p. ni, 1_ 1. mght. I-'or Haitlirort- aud W-Shln-too dallv at ti 00, 111 30, wit? Dlnlng Car, a. in.. 2:00, 8:80 (_>l_in_ Cal), 5 00 p. In., Tralii- leavlng at 7:4*>. 11:30 a. m.. 1 80. 4 :00. 5:00, 7 30 p. rn., 12 1"> nl?!u tekeeH Siturday nlght). Suodsyl 8 3't 5:00 0:00 p. Bi., bavo connoa;ou for l.-adlng. Har. risbn'r^'. l'ottsvllle. 9e. W?t 125th.*., 134 Ea-*t I25th ?t.. Xew-Torlt: 4 t.ourt-?t.. S60 F'ilto:i-?'... 98 Bi-sdway, Brooklyn. Bew-York -Taa-fs. Cempaar wlll call for and __a_t bag* gag. lri.iti :iot.'i or rs-tdaaea iAFIDT IIOOK ROITE, FOK LOXU URAXCU, " I a.s' I1ROVE, ic. FROM i'liii 8, N. K-. FOOT oi ::i . iOK-sT. For IllKbland Beach, Xorwandia, Beahrisht, Mout_oa|j Beach Looi Branch at 1:80, 10:48 a. b_, l-.':00m. (LOj Sat-ird^ys 3:45, 4 :.I0, 6:30 |,. in. B_B-Bf_, 9:80 a in., 1 :00 p. m. K..r Atlmitic lilghlaid*. at 4 :30. 9 00 a. jgu, 1 :00, 3:41 4:3o. 5:80 i>. m. Sunday* B :*o a. m., l oo p. m. For BlbaraB. Ooean i;r.\e. A*> i-_r.. .md P.mi Plcii_nt at 10:45 a. in. (1 :oO Satnrday* only , 3:1?">. 4 SO, r> :80 p. m. K.,r Lakewaod, Tom- Rlvor kkI B_ni"i:at, at 4 .30 a. u_, 12:oo ni. (1 Oo S-turday* oaly), 3:45 p. m. For Beach Hav.-n. Atlantle City, Vlneuaid and Brldgs ton. 1:30 a. m.. 12 :00 iu. (1 :0<l p. m. >.iiur o- ..riiyi. RIELINE.S. t loi.te to l'a* ^.^. t-lan??. l', Xev.. burg, MldaletevB, cort . rv a, al iti. l.o. wii.M Lake. Hoiieadaie, Scranton, Bio.liaii.ton, Elrulra, - - _. ( nrning, WataiO. UIBB. llal.i, llap.iiiond-'p..rt, Avon Sprlngs, Rochcau-r, Ilornell.ville, B'.ffalo. Xlagsra FnUa, loronU), Chantanqna Lake, I l.veland, ClnclnOSU, St- l-jula, Chlcago and all poiote Wt-?u sold Uralo* b? tween Baw-Tork and * -leago. Ko ehang. or .ar?. ctio:c. of routes vla Chiut_uqua Ltiko or XI.can l-Us. An en chantlng panorania of n:o:ntaina. fore.CS aii'l *t:esn:_ 'i'hrongh train* leara X.-w-Yoik, foot of Ch.mbers--'-. a. follow* anJ ttvo mlnutcs axril'-r, uub-ss a___r-BBB .howo, fram _*i*t 23d-et. HKSTIRV r?*V BXI-tB-BB. /. AA A. Bt Dally-Vls Xlugars F_Ua .nd Chautsuqu. y.Uil Lake. Parlor Csi NewYork to Butfalo. bl^epjl HoroolUvllle ?o Ctnclnnatl. loiinwW st I'ort Jervl. IB uolon awtlon, except S-mday, for MontK-ella. VEHT1111LF.I) I.IMITF.U. f? /XA P M. D_llv-Sol:d train for U_M a(ro. vls Chsntsfl. ? ).()" qus Lake.'wlth dinlng car to Chicsgo. Sie.p?*a to Chlcago, Cleveland aod Clncinnstl. MOIM'AIN _XI-U_98_ -? aa P. M. except Uuuday-For Blnghamton. HoneadaJ. 0.3U 1b4 laooB-alla, 1'arlor cara to Port Jervls. Through car Saturdaya for MonUcello. cniCA4"0 AM> fiKAND Tltl NK KXPnE!??. 6AA Y. M. Datly-Solld tr?ln to Chlcago -ria Nlagara ? UU Fall. and Orand RaUway. Slseycra M Uu-aio, Roi.hester, Toronta aod Chlcago. PACIFIC EXPKK****. r> *-?/\ P M D-l'v?Vla Chautauqua Lake and Xlafsit O.'.O i _:.-! Solid train to Chlcago. Sleepcxs to Bu_a_, Chicago and Clueinnatt. FOR PORT JERTIH -.n. vt r>AY*_-4 15 a. m. (23d?t. 3.55). 7:52 a. m. W '5 ai? 7 iO) V a. m.. 10 30 a. m., 1 p. m.. 8 30 p to("i P. rn- ' P ui.. 8:30 p. ni. Suu__,-_-? a. bl. S'p m. 8 p. m.. 0:80 p. ru.. 8 35 p. m. FOR N-WIUKIi. ?ar _-_-** DAYS?4:15 a. m. (?__?__ 3:68). 9 a. m., 8:41 W p i,., 4 45 p. BL. 0 P- m.. 7 p. m. Sundsys-. s. ?., *2 p. m., I p- b?. ?*ATI'KI?\Y *?PE4'I.*I. TKAIX**. _(\TL'KDAV- ONLY- 1260 p. m. (L-J-l. 12:40) fOT nvewburg; 140 p. m. l'_3d-.U 1:25) for UawUiorn.l _;1_ p. ni. tor 1'urt Jcrvl*. -Pk( IAI. I>FOK*|ATI(?". MAPS AXD nifF T8BliE9 may o? obtalncd fron tloket oiheea. Aiso ;opi"? .f "9B8iai_r Home*." coa _,?.,,_ aelccl U?t of hotola ?_id boardlng-bouae- i ">uburt_a ___-_.." de_cilb.i._ ;k_olt_- olX--w.Vork; ?? like Souveulr" aud rSu_?m'r Excuraion*." ,rl. Kfcl- AXD r-ULLMAX ACCOMMODATIONS ?l 1 Voi 317 _?*! l--57 _^._lw?_?, Cha-.b.*. and W at -'3* .t rerHea. Xew-York; 381 ao4l 338 Fnltoii-sl, _troo?lrn; iih lTr_dway, WiUlauaburg : <orne_ Xcwa.:* and __B-_8 _t__ iioboken, and J_r?ey City 9ta_ea. Irl.- l_____f Com-aay call* for aod ch. c:ia baggage from ho-.tla aod r_U a_noH_ tiiM.igb to d-atlnatlou. *--"cc6W c R1NLAKSOX, Oeneral Pa_engef Ageat BKW- . OHH.ONTAKIO A>D WESTERN MUjWA* Tra.u. k_ve Waat 4_d-St. *S r,_4 a. tn. , 1 -' u uM .arncr Iron. foot .l?y-*U). f..r Ml..lleio?... UI0011 tngnnrg. " jitii.. Moatlosllo sS-Uab-i-, lJ*^s,L?vl-it__r Mauor. Haoco-k, carbondal;*. acrsatou. *^V_.____ Sidney, Xorwich, Mmt-too t Uca. Roiue. oueida, O.wego. li.'i*. t. Ch.c?go, and polnt* \\ e?t. u BtM .. n. , btonV l"d, 1 ami.bell Hall. Lake. Mo _o.7_ and __a_a?a___. Wallkill V-IM.ataUooa, Mlddla* Ui?n, Blooinlnsburg, i.lleuvllle. lall-burg, Hurley ?i? Fi.t.ui_rUa-rie^__:l>_.U!0<Wi-*a I _tk - 1 ro<*-_-___i__. I7i04?ii. 1.1. Mlddletown, Fallaburs, Llb>-rty, Llvlngatoa Mai.o., Ko?-hla-d. wa.ton. s'dn? v. aBrwIeh, ObiIH-Ob, we.o. Roch^eter. Xlagara Falla. p.-tioll. Ihl.-ago a:id W-at; piiTlinan ileeper*; recllnlng cha.r c_r fr**? to buipenaioa liriUn Iti.*. p. ni., isaturdaya ooly, Mlddletown, Bloouiiiiftbdrf. __|eii\tlle, r_ll?b..r?. Lib.-rty, Wlilt,- Lak?. Uockiaud. Dally . a:i oUier tra n? dally Muiday. PuUnian drawingrooai ???*... and alecping-car b<n_. _* talned at 3-S Hroadwuy, New-York .1. C. AXD_i_-0_r U. FT *,.. 18 Kxctang. Place. X.a-Voxl.