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STOCKS SHOW LESS VIGOR. MUCH IBREGULARITY. PEICES GI-NT.ItALLY HIGHER, BUT TIIE CLOSE AT LESS THAN BEST FIGI'RES. SALES AT THE STOCK F.XCil.VN'lB-AITGITST 13. OOFBffXlfE.VT BOXltS. _Ta4aC?~. rJS V a ???? _____ ?"?.- t.888, 116% 100*4 90XDS AXD BAXE STOCkk. _<-8a___-.lS MOO.........*"* iikB* tS-000.81 -.0*0..60% jooo.50% ?n?*.60"* JH.OOO.60% V5.IHKI.BO*. 7SO<>0.Jl 5 000..O.?1 ?M*0.JjV -5.000.?1^ 6.000.6V 1A.??0-61% kmo ...-.?An_ ;0.(HHt at 61% l.nOO.61 J, B.oon.61% B.fKXl.51% a..',*0.6'. ajnCotOIICoRo j.n,io. ?s% 2.000.d3 8ronB!?a ~1 181 r_r Kanth i*t aaa ..0O0.....-.IO3% c_ rtciic o ea ii.oeo...... io? 1887 t_*L_>__*s Cea Pac 1.0 58 10.008.87 ta>< *nr *yuiDpr ren Aa 10.080.103% thir Paa a st L B* 1000O_.87 ?_t k 1 A Pae 6a Connon 1.000.."..87% iOOO.87*4 Chie *?* Erle 10.O0t.'..?...8884 t *. a*tt V A Tol 6a MB._--8?T* CwBaab a t o-i 6a 8.000.fa 8.000. _ti% l.oea.82 ?? 8 000.18a_ fbe* ano *. con 6* 1.000.**% 0* oBAAPir 2rt Conaol 4? ..000.00 Ta r?. A ?ioe aa .1.000.77% puif.o__.atl 9a rtM'th and RW O lat 7.000...70% 6 000.70?. lt W*itti ?c D C lat 7.000.04 Flint and Pere M Port Hur Dir 5a Man .!?t) Hou? * Te_ on lat 5* 6.000.101 Illl.oi. Ont 4a 1031 Rra.aiarae a.o.Ki.lon Laelefl* Oaa Lt* al MLuui* lat 1.000 .73 lat conn MM.117% 28 Conp 6.000.118-a LoN A A lat 1.000.186 0011 1.000.?1 I-~lff 1*1 (? M 4* 1.000.89% -01 m St P 7a Oohl 3.000.1X0% MI! an.i lat CA Pac Wn :?* 5,000. b5P.-lUS Mn K?t. a- 'lex la 34.OO0.78 O.OoO. 78% Mo Kanand T*xaa -d 1.000.8C% ri0.0W.b8. 87 40.000.87 .1.1.00. 37"* 16.000.37% Ml-1-..r* OBia <?M _i 9.000.Of* 1.000 .04'a U 3.080... _-...8t M11 1. 8 A W F.x 5a 1.000..btl... BT O.OOO.aS.. 97% M11A Nor lat lflo Maln LlD* 2.0*0.108% JtKlu' ?nd SI. cop a.?eo.1*4'* BY Ont and W lat 3.000.114 N*r Far '.d reun l.OOM.113 R*t Pae con 6a 6.000.77s* ?' 6.000.77% Korthweatcon* l.tioo.188 Con Oold Bond* 6.000.1-8 BT Clue A *t L4a 3 000.85F. wl% Sf-IltdW New Vit Coa 10.000.H7 rtor and W <* M 1.000.120 N 1 A Perry C A I Oa 6*00........82 Nor I. of Cal 5* rVOOO.88 NrrthweatsK 6a eOODOli 6.000.US Keartlng a M 4a p.OOO.76 Orepon Imurou 6a l.OOO.??? 2.000.63% 3.000.?*\ e.otK..0.1% a.o.Mi. 88% Oreaon n * Na- 1 * lO.ixio.101 Ui.i?u;*4 tt 3.000.95 Ore-or. Sh i.u.e na 3.000.98 Or* si,?i) NCon PhllA isl pref l..r. B.oOO..60s* 6.W0O. 51 2d pref lurome 6000.34 ..000.34 >* Penn C'o'a 4% Bec 4.0tN?.101% BlrkA Waat poia' < olTrii* IB.OiHl.84% 8.000.64% IB O.K).65 7.000..IN1* ;t.O<K?.sr."* -.000.6?.% 3.O00.60 Tarrn 'J ruat 6* 10.001.._83 R.fl'4ra..?* Wb la 4.000.74% St I_>n1? 9*n'w'n lat ..0*0.60*4 8.000. 67 Bcioto VA N ? 4a 1.0*0.74 St I. A Iron Moun Ark Braneh lat 1.000.10S% 8t L A Ran Fr Claaa B B.00O.110 Bt Loui* So lat 6.000.66% BtLVandT 11 Oaai 6.000.ioa% B* P*r of Cal lat 1,000.113% Tax A Pac lat Aa 11.000.-K8 Tol bt LA K Clat 1.000.83% TJniou Paeiflo lat ??n 80.000..108*4 Vn Pae Dan and S lat HOOO........64 W*b_*h KBlit 4.000.?P% 1,000..c... 90?* Wabaah B R 2d 8.000. h 8-..73% Wab I.ebSerB 11.000.37 Waat ~h*raatd?a 4.000.100 Beaiatared 600.0?% 37.000.00% 2.000.H?% 15.000.8?% Weal B Y and P lat ?..000.98 TBE GESERAL U-T. ACTUAl- *ALR8, 0|?'g. ^l.g't Low'tFlnal.. Bid. A?-'d. aold. 84 *a ad* 66S 64V es> . :o'o 7?% -.- 24**| ,3-HS 1<4". 11'. 13?. '.Ur-, 110 ,_, .Naall- 67% ?- . aa A)b?ar A a..*? Alrl T+b T Aiiai.-e A ra 1 i( ? r tu. iaft 1IA1- ?r.. LurlCXA>or C-uada -outa? , .i?... . Leciral **... Paama C-8* AU...?> c. lataf-??-> . ...a B8?..? (i ic aan. tinc Bur A u. i l.ii. A _aai In CLlcA 8 ui ?r. Vfiic Bl A 8t r. taieUASr-ai CkitA ^*rw?-. iucBKn prt. i 1.1 . ; i at F _ * t?tP-t-.- an LlCAB-u.. Clara** niia... Co. HV ATol l?iLA W. U*l A HuCtou. i-r ? A BM.... i . . A l-'i . :--i _ Teaa v*?.. I 'ia_i> Itteri. K Tai.n 'ia vn. II a j u...._ r UUI A PMar i,n A?r B8_? orhtr._ UouaioDA 'laa l'.i_*iac-eoi_ Jl.Ce...* ia?al>-. aoutei. K A AlicU. LKA W . LK A W orr... Late bl.or*... Luug ialaad... Lk._ML. L.-AfclLvr L?i.*A N _JtA*U-i. tlaiiiial.i.on.... Blui 11 *? - .? Ea. n - o o". kmcinv.. >. cu. MJL bA %...~ mi_ 4a yv 9tU Mlaa* ?ti_? . _ m _ ?r*t. M B Ale*. ?1* prai. -loraoina. Mol>* uli.o.... Muin* *?a.... Mi r.i_?.. M V C*a__.... NT r A81 _... MUbU,in. Mi*mi. - a: -.)-.- AW.... M L?AW vn. N . A >__..._ M.Miaii.... -N VA .Nor. Bl * Nor pri. NYOA*. NYh A W_ : i- aw *n N<ir _ H'....? hnr _>W ara: ;.i au. Uo.... Nu i -? inc.... Nor >?. ?rr... Uhlo* Mi**_, Ul.lo M?Ol_.... U.e.uii .-.I..... Ui lt * _. V? * 1?au. 1 De< A _-.... ph.lA Ha_ttia* pcc <_b._.... P 1W A U. K4? Pl. tUtWItaa..? B>- ''. Weal... kw*ui. MLAA lh... fetL A ATHot ntLA -? lat ?? - ti a . .... MPADw.i.... > l .v. .i.i _ ?:.. toouli. carv. -citt haaine. Tex-a Pac...... '...1 A A _? MM It-iA ni i*. _ .al A O <; vn . L'a-oi. I'm-iiic t'P DA_. lO-ltot.NJ.. .-.t *aa??i.. H'S*t. 88% V _ _ >..?.?. ai VhALKora-! 7_ _| aiaoon C*n.._ (t-_<>aa rcl*.. Coa *>aa........ kuiaoEbiac.... Latia-it ..?? .. C-ui Cabie. Waa -nionTai. IJal 8*4 i l"?V 33V H5 7f% 3*** 78** 86 inw1 iii'* 'ii** l*?* 16^ 47 | t.5 9KS1 .4%' -? -. 48% ?a 86 s' b?^' ie?*' 180 ?8% a% *4?* 25 ! 41 48% 41 M2S: 0. llK 115 2M% 105 ?8\ ? s. 88% '<? >* 10 40% i*7 lb1* 47 -.5 13li 106% 100 7*4%! 73%' a* H6 I ?3% 7*>* 66 S ?4 ?? 36 a*% 88 W 63*. o3% lius *i'2. io*** ioo% toesii i.i.. lha 74 -?* Ta 60%' 61%' 60% 61 ?? Ol1* 74^ 24S 34% 14 01 -4 146 25 11H lo-V le4=V 134?* 134^ 1 127 .128 l?ai tBS B8 13V 13% 6d% 68>9 lOb'4 tO.% Od%_i?0?, 66'* 21% 87 40** 144 la ta j4>. 13?? 81% oi s. (.. V8 2I%| 21% 07*4, to?. *' '5 41.'? 144 I144 6 DO'i 4 . ^6 44'. 93% li.'. 61 .5 43% 28 O.'a 34% 21*. ?7 4U-, 144 M ?a Bl 13-a 41 6 46 11 US 17 6 6 V, la 88 f 21 1*5%] 68V 14% 42 ? 60 13 120 19 69 ? ?H> * 95 96 >?<a 24 12 1S?4 63 u;v*4< 10b'.I ,W7V 28 I B6*i 20 B8% l?s 88 15 90 H9 10 ;u3 4Hi 8t 12*4 21% ? ','. 39 bt* 99 ;i *6 341 ia?4 *!". 225 i 6 16 16 W 21 % 1U0 76 104 6 12 13% 11% ?7s 4U 66 99*4 u% ?7^ %\ 18 b. .16 ?. 240 10 20 1- ?? 1* 21**1 61-4 61% 28 28 li1* 52 b 811* :o% 62 li. 80% 14% 14*4 86"4 34 23 S Bia 7?-4 4"&"?4 2.4 10"*' 231. 31 ! 73*4 44%j a 31% 84%i 234 | 40%' 28*4, 81% ".. v. 4*5'* 83% ahHrae 600 100 2iu 600 100 18,2-0 JOO 140 1,970 isjai 200 2.830 18 | 46% i<8 18% 13% 13-*' 13** i.-i' ..., 7"' 140 I?. S7 ii% 142 142 29 ?, A-kUl* -.xur... ,4 toier _xpt.._ 116% 116% ii6% r> txui. ..... ? i. ll?_;u?a _i ,44 h .. ? ......| Bea.-u.' 6 1'1'LX. ('.iui.roLC.u-_, 1*1 C?_i?l.... lulau.. a*iT-uidca_L Ja.i.b lrunCo..' NeaCi.. Oaa... Pa < <?al.| '.. A -?.... *?*rei. Hc?_ai__aL.... t>-larw ati-iua v. -. .i.. ?? . . A.u lu\> Cu uri, < :,.c ja Jtoi. lita 'lr... Nat Cur.ia_*...i N?i cor.i pr.. Kai Uta'ra.. pu< llu .M...1.... PPCarcv. 1M _aa 0*1 041... dodo nr.. AmSu-arBena An. Mli. I'.elt 1,1.1 tr-e lT_*u.... H>4% 14' n 3 a 26% ii% laa .10% li? ?7 142 201 13* IU 6 16 'J?4 -> I ^* <* .. I 72 26% .'.-,U 20?. ai 11 30 4^ , 46*4 91*. 9(i?? Uisl 91.. 'OO". .9 ioo^ 10W% 38 al 21.% i'i 32%, B8% lui IBI 16<a 14?a 79 U% .'0 M 130 , 2.. ''0% al I 16>4. .7 4'<? 94 f 89* 13% ii IMI ll'j ll 14 14% ;' 73% 10 .70 27S 06 12 40 6<* 9? 73 46% 81 S. ? 0. 26 m IK3 20 *? 40 '.9 I 300 1.262 2. . 400 15.U1J 121. 200 8.30U 4.310 4U0 bOU 1.85* 740 6.BH6 1,716 2*0 1* 100 600 81.888 " 6 800 8140 300 60 4,5o 6 206 606 16 6 610 8.405 400 4*5 11W 60 Toulaale* for tlie oa.r. B0M.O06 aiivoioeu*.loo_188 / 8a% aJt% "i*B*%**i*a'? io.oao 8-X-S AT THE CQXrOUDATKD STOCK 3.V7/ FF. TROLEUU EXCUAXGF. STOCK*. Nam.s. i?j? . Jllvh. Al Top _ 8 V. 3.T An, _ug i: C_i'- .. ( 1.1c lt I I l'. Chle llur 4 Q. . C < ' i^ M L. ' t.'e Mil _ 84 i Ont >.f \ J. Lark 4 Wivt Lake Snore . 1*8 ... ?.."4 '? v. a vv fd. .'.:?? M> P-c,8c. Kat Lexd . .44'. ? 7.T. . 85% . ...' . ?'8?4 .111 88_% 1&_ 4-,% 80. 81 < 04*< 1!: '. i:ji\4 88% "?H% North Am Co. 18*4 18*? 13*. *8*a JJ9. XYLF. AW. 18S _"?: ihS 19-a WO Nor Pae pfd. _1?_ 6'-'_ 81s- 01*? ?*_5 X Y C * Mt L 2d pld. _4 _ _4 _ 24 _ 24 . *<_. ' N Y _ Xew.Rng.... 84?_ 84'. 81'. 84 . 1?' i Pae MaH .".... 82'i J_. 8-'_ 82. 2(M) ? Itill A Rssd. __ __ " _3 S8 200 i Rlc.i _? W Pt. 111, _,?, jor, Hi, 100 Tenn (' A 1. 20 _ "tt _ __i_ _o_ -? ' 1'nlon Pncinc . 84% 85-a 84 84 _ 80,9t-o Wabs-h . 10*4 i(.a. io*? 10*. 1,K> Wab.nhj.fd. 2S?_ _5*? .8. _3_ ?<>" j I Lt:. 81*-_8l*g_81 ** 81",_1__> j Total.T. 100.750 BOXDS. At T _ S F Ine.. 81'a S1T_ 8*5'_ 61 . 897,000 At T * S F 4*. :??, 78', 78', 78', 5 000 Irie 2d con. T47 '.17 97 97 1*808 I?i<?!,_., <>??? 1st. 73 7s 73 73 |.8no Mobll. _ 0 g.n. 05 05 fl* gg ???__ Ker Pacliic _d.IU U_ n_ 112 Or _ L con S.. 98 l?8 09 98 1,000 or Imp .*.*. 03 (VI gg (>8 4,000 l-eo _ F.a?t Inc. 18 _0 18 20 16000 llith _ W P "s. 61 _ 6:.*, 61 _ .'?*.. 83.000 !? A- K<--.tlng gen.... 70 70 70 70 1.000 Klo 'i W 4?. 74. 74 _ 74_ 74 _ 2 00" St L Southeni l*t....H2 11J H2 112 .000 T,x Pae lat. 811 88 88 88 -'._'*? C I' U _ *< l*t_ ,14 04 04 04 3 0OO nv?i?_.-|\ i*t . 90*4 ou-. gaBj gaa. 4,ooo Wabash 2_ . 73"a 78. 73*. 73"a 6 <>0o Wi ?1 gaata 4a . 90*t 100 89', 100 6.000 ?___To'_l ?le- ..TTT. ?"."..."7.7777. ? ~9~1 ?s f>00 _VTKIXO BTOCES_ A?i>cn .4.00 4L0- ToO 4.00 100 Astorla .01 .01 .01 .01 1,800 Ii.->t St B.leber.9.80 8.80 8.80 8.80 100 llelinont .81 .81 .81 .81 _( Prm.wlck .ld .11 .10 .11 40O Chollar .2.5 2.25 2.-.-,*> 2.25 100 li-ndwood .A..1.85 1.85 1.5 186 100 -oiild A Curry.1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 100 llal.' A Xorcrosa.vt.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 100 HollvwrM*. .02 .02 .0. .02 2.000 Mexlean .2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2oo Mcl.tle rtar .01 .01 .01 .01 1,000 Merr* Xevada .8...5 8.25 825 8.5 100 Sinridard .1.15 1.15 1.15 1.18 100 Potoai .4.85 4.8.*. 4.8", 4.85 100 I'tah ConL .1.00_1.00 1.00 l.QQ_100 _Total aales .0,800 BILVER._ Biilllow Certtficates,.71i.*4 98\ 9-?. 90*4 4,000 OIL. Plpe Llns Csrttflcatee t"7*a C'-'. 87*a 60'a 102.000 Clearance. ..77777. 3i_,l>ob CLOSIXQ PRICES OF PHILADELPHIA ST0CK8. Bld.Asked. Bld.Aaked. P A RO M 4...70 7C?, i Lehlgh Valley....47 _ 48 P A R lnt pfd 5-.SO*. 60 _ Leh C * X Co....4i> 46*j P _ R 2d pfd 5a. 83 83 . Pennsylvania ....49", 50 P * R 8d pfd 8*.-28_S0>bJ_ CHICAGO AND NORTHW^STT-RN'S REPORT. Thursday, Aug. 13.?p. m. The Chicago an. Northwestern Railway Com? pany, in maklng its complet. report for the flseal yearended May 31, 1891, is ahle to submit lo stook holders an exhibit which is entirely satisfaotorv. when the low rates prevailing for port of the period are confiidered. The gross e_rnin_* in ere-sed $628,937, or 2.31 per cent, over the prerlous flscal year; but there were increases in operating expenses, taxes, and nct intereat paymenta, ao that tlie balance left is smaller than in 1890 by $390, 402, or 9.58 per cent. Tbeae resulta attend the opemtion of only llve addltlonal milea. The fol lowing table oompares the operations of the com? pany for the three last fiscal years: rsara aaaad May 31- 1999. 1890. 1891 Mll(< Ol^rsted? 4,-44. 4,_60. 4,.36. rr_^-ien?i?!i7..._ 81,201,277 80.288,179 80 700.381 rrra Srtghi .......... lS.l^S.CtO l?,0.V?,218 I8.?9?_l nZ nail^expiesa, .tc: 1,237,33) 1,925.4.6 -3>?.9 rpot.! .$25,002,259 827,104,837 827,7'Jfi 074 0^Jx,s,'ii.I>eD*".^.<1 16,027,237 17,40^105 18,291,000 XBt axminq...'80,604,972"89,759,782 88 502,008 tSrur!!?zmMm ?Emmw& Tot.! ?. 85,698,458 85,r8S,767 85,822,r? P_,_nc_. 94,999,919 94.070T__j 88,080,502 DMdenV V......... ?? .._3M* .604 _3.444.979 9,449,-04 8l,rplu. .._. $022,012 8026,983 8231,7^3 ?On commoa 8, on preferred 7 per .ent. In addition to tlie foregoing "balance," the company's proflts from the opemtions of _r__9 Missouri Hnes were $51,051, againct $113,4.16 in 1890, and $'.22,908 ln 1889. Tlie net receipta from land sales were $433,127, ar-ainst $383,707 in 1890, and $394,168 in 1889. The net resulta to the company of the operations for the fiscal year emled May 11, 1891, were as follows: Xet C. sod X. Western traffio.W,0f?'n.T Xel from tr-n.-Mt.s^ouri llnea. ari'io Xit from land sale*._ ___ Totsi.:_:. .84,iovMO Equal to 6 :f>3 per cent on the tot_l outstand ing eommon and preferred stocka. The passengers carried ln the last year num hered 13,184,629, an increase of 1,042.040. and tb- revenue waa $6,700,851, an increa_e of $415, 172 Tlie freight tonnage moved was 13,610.872, nn increase of 478,702 tons, but ?Iie nnniber of tons carried one mile was 1,950 037,071, a 09 crease of 50,145,532 tons per mile. Tlie earn in-e from freight aggregated $19,829 341, a gain of ^K* 1?8 The averoge rate recclved i>er ton for eneh ton hntiled w_> $1 46, 999__9t $156 in the pivviotis year. Tliere were 190 miles of Bteel track laid. maklng tlie steel mileat-e incliiding see/md track, 3,998 mUes on May 81, 1?91. i.lte inrrea-e in equipment charged to construction 80n__8t-d of forty new loeomotivrs, 10o P'^0? C4irs nnd nlnety rrfrigerat^r enrs. The ainount expended was $546,921. Ji_-reTietvals, eliar-ed ln oPrrating expenses, wr-rr the ptirchaw ol' ***** new locouiotives, nine pBBBBtlg*. cars, 150 plat fortn and 250 iron ore c_r8. , Tlie fnnded debt wns inereased by the lff'ie of t? 720 000 4 ner cent bonds for oon?trnction ac count 'of the trans-Mif-ouri linea, Ihe being ehar-eable* against those eompanie*-, and Dai(r"in lieu of interest upon their own bonds nnd for conatrtiction account of the JBBBtton ltail wav For enulpm?nt and improveinentB $5,oon, 000' 30-vear 5 per cent deiK-nture bonds wei-e iesned. The net increa_e in the iunded debt was Appendecl are the comparativc balance-flheete for the last three veara: COMPARATIVE RALANCE SHEKTS. ASSKTS. M__ S1_ 1880. 1890. 1891. luVdrr?mvne._n?n-'. Wgj.'dM 23,7.3.845 97.854.400 Mat-riaQ on hsnd... 1,044,709 1,9.3,007 _,026,-l" AJSrt$_M.-D4 biUS 1,977,511 1,825.499 1,751.922 0-S __t_B_:".J: ..-.1.884_t,148J-0 -,880,-48 Total..:.8180^114103 .187,897,014 $190,800,193 LIAUILITIES. CommoB ateek . 831,377,828 831,377,:"-S PrTrrSd 'rtS.,"'.... ???????. 22,338,170 ^989,TW Total amount. $53,710498 $53,710,4r? Onnod by the companr- ,non- 'ns ionr,7 via Cimim.ii gtock . 10,007.8_B 10.007,??ao wi_aiai ataaB...._-',284 _2,W4 Total atock. $03,700,320 803,720,320 803,720.820 Sto.-a of proprletary -__..? Mvs, road* ....... ... 684.300 579,110 629,883 Fiind.-d detit 105 121,500 104/^5 .".00 112.570 :.00 .Slnkms luuda...'.'..'. 4.5.2,400 4,747,970 8,800.101 r.cicral liat/llti....... I.I I4?J2,195 ^r^^trtt;,}^? *.??\ -??_:__. PV. I .( 6.104 8?. Rnllr'.ad anrpiua'.'.". "_9__.049 6.871,07, 6,390,82] Land ,ncome. 1.57",71:. 1,9'4,1.1 1,697,148 Total .ai88.fl4.l03 $187,897,014 $193,800,195 WHAT WAS DONE IN STOCKS. After 1lie eliniination of a large part of the ghort interest yeBtMiray, tlie gtO-k market to-day i-liiiwe.1 le_* ruorand more _ir.ftilB.ity in finctna tions. Some f_lli_g oil iu aclivity occurred, but tiic sustainetl protB-MBoe of liiion Pacliic enabled a fair vojuioe uf tr;nliiiLr f,, Lr- ____f_e_. 1__ nianiptilations in tha apeeulation are noi. to be den>i!, l-ut they 1)r,. anssling ln * h;,rneter and tberefore Bttr_eti"re only to p__fe_-io__] opcraturs. The BOtoriety aelueved'of late l?v a tl-dei "over the raif may 0'it lie deserved, hut it is a f_6l uiiirii affords eloqueat ooBrnM-BUiry upon ihe natare of the e\istin_ market. I Bion PBciflo fell from S_ 1-4 t,i :ii carlv in *he nvrning. and after b 8harp reeovery to ;;:. 8-9 tl ende.i with a net Jos* of 3-8 per ecrit at 34 .1-4. Tlie 8-4*888-17 delay Ln formulatlng a piaix for Onancing this con.pany, of e__l_8, is ufill.ed for tlie Biaki-g nf Buctuatione -eoept-ble to "?_9_Jpe8__" howe**' iinscttl]lnt* they may be t? ^ennitie invest*.**". wm anuBtiaJ life in Atchison at a bbbbU, hut LoBB*r*__8 and N-B-TillC IT_i *B*-__fc fi-.itn (,', _?8b9. 1-- lf> S93-IB97. Tbe tirangers were Btronf on the pronlae of ihe rr..:>-., bnt St. P_ul liarely irnincd B *I-e_ou net. ijc rOBC over 1 ]M'f cent in inti'-ip.tir.n of on ex.-ell -nt Bt_t ? ment ot .lune net earninga, 'Ihe late dgaliBga ner.- gener_-iy nu-e al reeedlBg Bg_re_, l HE D>V IN THE BOND MARKl.T. For tbg Iin*t tiuie iu ___y (!nys galea of Cv ernini-i t b09-g v/.re IVOOrded ar tbe Stock Ex .?, -1 1-2** 8ellin_ Bt 1999-4, and ls at llo;t-4. Finnl r-uotntions were B_-h__f_d, um nnnevi'il: Rld." _____ | Jtlrt. IT *,.l'-.,.it<ril,r?.L-.|(j.i.', .- lJL_.riii.6-, 18(?fi..ll_ .... I'SO ? IK.l.Lu. lOOeJ JJ-9 ' ' '-. 1 >??>... 114 .... I107.OOU .IL'.- HT'j iL-_.. i.i.ii,, |_08..11__ .... ili'7 l-ff ..ll? - 1 IT _ IL .h.eur Os, UB88..119 .... U.-.C'irO-. I89-..110 __??____ ?-??-> .-.4..111 .... *,t;.t,' iionds were negle'-t?-.|. We note g_J_a iB buik stock. of State of New-Yorb |A0J Bt 1 lo, and Weatern N;*tional (991 ?it 99_9S. Tliere wns a decided inere.ise in the _e_llnj_S in the ge_i_-l h"1"' ?"'?' ?*" '"lf i: '''w 'M""'"'K Bchfeved nromineoce. The uu.veinent oi j/ri<e? WM-frregu u. . oontiaued Bflirited deauad f?.r tbe Atchison i__r_e8 carried tbe Ineoraea ui 2 mi oeai ta I'lchmond und Ti-rminnl c*?IIat-ral trust on r<.**e _ ul _.!.while tbe 6a fell 1 l*- o-at to M, Bead J. ijW0 __*__"__*** -a _____ ? fruc fbt* araa u mplo ??pp]v 'of money on caii MBontt ' "Waaaal ?aaaaal IM TIm OM-JM H88BB atatamiMit WM aa follows: Excian^ra 88H.B44.34S: ha|anc*a. t8 018,801. H,nis7,;2!,^M'rltHWn:,,lrht',r-'1,'?-(l-rin'? J io Trr-r.sur.v DeparUacal har, not riven to tlie publir. The prim. at which tlio b-l-tod eiW.T of feringa of jrratrrday ajett mndo. \n _* cirrnm staitrei it w..uM Ih> an intfr*stiiiS announcemfnt, if tlio autbotltin heve tho privi!p_f The Uait-d Btatca Traaaarjp at Wrmhinpton r? oeivp.l t.Mlay 9128,408 Nntional bank n<>l?s for ro.ieniplion. Tho rtirUoma ropoipt- were] the in tornnl rovf-nup n?r>i*iptw $478,1.0, and the D_8-rf laiipi.iis rec-oipt? 8.17,Ofl. ToJ-by's Waaliln-ton Trrnaury otntoment of pash on Jmnd and flpjx sit? ln tianlt comparM with Ihp BfBrea of tlio lust prr-vioua efatornpnt as fol lulVI: Au*. 12. Aug. 18 Dlffer-nre*. Net gold on hand.Sl.iyWl .3:'-. BI28 777.60.', In.. 91f><; 237 Ni t allver on h d. 84,400,'.H'.'I 84,247,106 D.-c. 17.8.708 Net letral-tend'-r* on hand . 11.848.P37 13,213.206 Inc. l,P64,3r.O Artnal r*?h ln tha Tr>..T?';rT vault* over nutatandlng cerfiflctite* .. ..tM.l9.S3L 129 817l,23-,0*<fl Inr. ai,*W)>3-i Bepo-lt* ln l.ank. H.OI-'.VJO lM,'?20,:f)_ Int. 2">7,702 Net caah bal.81^7,00.1,718 $190.1 3m,2.V. Ine. rA,lrA. AO The foreicn exolinnires wrro diptlnctlv firmpr nwiniT to a Binaller supply of billa and an inr-rpnspd dpman.l. Anaaxtd are th? icrlaed qiiotatinns f.?r Bctnn] bnalnea": Rankpre' i>iik. (484a94 841-4 aad S4 88 f.?r lafig oii?i short Bterttag mpeet-valy; Frr-nr-h frnnes. -.H 1-8 and 5.20; rciclimarks, u 1 3-4 and ?5 1-2. FOKEIGN MARKETS. TIip povprnorn of tht* llank of Kngland at their wepklY meeling mnde no chang. in Its miiiiiiiiini ral" 0. (liscount, whieli rein;ii-:> at 2 1-2 nor cont. In tlie wppk tbe bank lost ?78,008 bullion, bat tbe prf.p'.rtion i.f reserve to was mi*o<! from 4*.6fl to 44.2:; ppr rput, against nn ativnneo from 30.60 to 41.83 j?er oent ln tho correspondit:^ wrek Inst v?nr, wl.eti it* dispntint, rntc was S |>er or-n*. The bank to-dny Riiirerl ?28,000 bullion on balnnce. In tbe open market money was eaay Bt 1-4-1-1 per cent for rlnily balnneea, and 1 3-?a 11-2 per Qfnt for -JaconnBa, liar silver ror-overe.l 3-Sd. Io 4f> 1-td. per ounco. Araorirnn raitwaya made a foir re^ponse to Weflr.csdav's adranQe htlt, but the rlnse wns only sleni y. Jlrit.ish wero 1-16 higlicr at 06 1-9 for motip.v and 06 8-16 lor tbe aeooiint. The woekly atitement of tbe Bank of Franco sbows a lo?-a of 02-r>,0f10 franos golfl and *nu increa** of 6'..n,000 franos silvor. At Paris. Freneh I rnT cents were up 7 1-2 eontimes to 85.10. lixohange on Ixn.lon was 25.27. RAILROAD EAfi-IINaa CHICAGO AND Wr.STF.RN MICHIOAB. 1889. 1800. 1801. Nnmber of inllea. 418 418 478 T1r*t vreek ln Ang'iat.. f^..?03 ~_ 8-_9 __2*?T_ J?D. 1 to Aunu?t 7-- 800,.-.SW W8.10U 8tt2,4l. DKTUOIT. I.ANS1NO AND NOUTHKRW. Nnmbar of mllea. _,?!?! _^ __ ... 2r",8 FH.t week ln Auguat.. VA-7,'9 f*?.^2 _2T^',o -lan. 1 U> Aaaaat.1.... .27,529 678,120 892,903 EVAXSVILLE AN0 INDIANAPOLIS. Nnmber of mile*. __ IV) W0 150 rirt?t Week ln Am*-".!.. 87,,121 86 610 M,.:^ JtL. 11 to ABBjaat -?..? 164,028 163.218 10.,r,39 EVANSVILLE AND XXBBB UAUTE. Xn-iVw of mllea. 136 1B6 _130 Plri-t we*li In Anffnat.. B28.233 023 801 820.'.'>'. .lan. 1 to Auoi.M 7.... _10..;',2 f.OT.iitlt 677,805 I^AKE ERIE AND WESTERN. Nnmber of mllea. 689 __._ff! _.? 7?2 pral weelt ln AnffU-t.. ?04.324 067,784 %*\?__\ ?lan. 1 to Aug.i.t 7.... 1.688,071 l,732,.23 1348,668 liODIBVlIXE. EVANSVIMiF. AND BT. T.OUIS. Number of mllea. ?00 821 ____9_ Flrat ??"k In Ant-at.. aSfl.T.Vi M2,t83 J29'. H Jan. 1 lo AiiBist 7... 1,448.031 686.680 884,fi.>i NEW-YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN. Number of mllea. 371 jJJ ____ Flrat weok in Aiiru*!.. 046/,,". Wyi . Z ~-\ Jaaul ta Aagnal*1_ 1^088.8-8 1,888,8-9 -,T_8,67?1 OIIIO AND MIBrilSSIPPI. N'nmber of miles. 028 623 623 Kli?t w*e?ln Atiguat.. B88..H75 81W.?_f ?O4,O80 Jao. 1 S Ainttsl 7.... 2,-30,453 1371.401 1,884481 PEORIA. DF.CATUR AND EVANSVK.-E. N.imber of mllo*. 254 234 _._2.**1. Flrtt week In AiiC'.lt.. B14.H02 aiC,"78 818.61., >*n. 1 to Auguat 7.... 4l6,0_l 405.106 628,071 RICHMOND AND DAffVlLLE. Number of mllea. 2.987 8 078 8.120 Flrat we*k in AtiRint.. 8-87,828 ?-C<i/O0 81 ; .Ia? 1 to -ag-M 7...- 6.611.067 7.330,942 7,803,620 ST. I.0UI8 80UTIIWF.STEKV. Nnmber of mllea. _-?-c2_ _,?._rT Flrat week ln Auguat. 0.0,.,48 e,18..1 .lan. 1 to Auguat 7. 8,078,844 8,-10,65_ VF.W-VOItK. CHTCAOO AND ST. I.Ot'lS. fOfflelal to New-York State Commt??lon>-??.) QuarV-r endid June 30? Oro*. earnliiga . ?1,034.M3 ai.31?,21l 61,367.^.8 Operatlng cx_.enaea .... 708.064 1,040.223 1.141.240 Netearnlnga. 8238.5.f> a.CO/^O 821C.6W Oth-r lucome . . 4 03:. t.846 Tota.1 Incora* . B28?,300 a274,;r>B 0-19,-04 Cliarc-e* . 240,707 -51,668 Deflclt . t_J!)8 ^^CO 834.08 ?Surplus. EUROPEAB I-BANCIAL MAPKETO. Londf.n, Aug. 13?4 p. m.?t^nlted Pfate* 41. per eent bo.. 1*. 1028a, t-x-eounon ; Canadlan Parlfie. 84J4 : ^fexl^a.i ordlnary, 88J Bt I'.ul eommon. 06^: Mexlran Central, new 4 p?r rent, 71?4. Purla _dv!o.e QHOt? 8 p*t rent rente* at 05 frruirs 20 t-e.ntlrBP8 f..r tl.e n 'coiint. n-id exelnnge on I-ond.m nt 25 frane* L7 e*fltlm*a for < IWk,. Tha amo-nl of hnlllon one into tlio llank of Knpland on tial-n.e Ui-dav tn ?23.000. i*infincial, IfiVE^sfORS I? Shonld get lnformatlon about our <;1ARaNTEED Mortqaqes 6% ! 7H% GIARA>TEEI) Bonds -i .-ai: CO Stocks WE IIAVE HAD 10% 20 Years' Experience IN INVBSTMEOT* NEVER LOST A DOP.1.AR. _ , In every in*t_ii.:e Int-r ??f and Prlncl|_i l;-*. l>*-< ii i?aia at \VE IIAVF. RI_B__!b_U}' TO INVr.r*TOH.1 S13,80D,000 reall/uig 8 tM eaal to 12 per cent Interett. We never bandie aa; aeeurltj t..:.t ?<? d.. not tbaolutely control. 'i ?'<? Invaatmenta we tio.-. i.iv.- ara ?? aeeurt &* anv we have ever o". r. I and l t morr linei-cat than nny ?.? ha\<- oif.r.ii u. th.- kaat tan rear*. We ean refot to tir le:>diiiL' imnkH in New-Tork, -.nd to *a* 1.000 patrona. We tn' under th- taperrlaloa of th.- Bin_iii_ Dapartaaant of j7b. watkins l. m. co., ?i Wnii a*? (or Biaa-arny. >e~ VorU. HF.NT.Y P1CKIXBON, Maoagar._ ATCHI30N, TC?E;(A & SANTA FZ RfilLROAD COMPANY, 9,^ !?II1.K ?4T.. BB-TfOB, An_. 1B, ISfli. Tiie Boord of MreetaM i... 8 ,: ""' ttat **><' IBCOMB i...r,i. B0BO8 al I ara to 2 PKR CBBT. IBTBBEBT, In full. from raralt tt mptnMtmt f..r the ine-.tue pariad tavarai by Canpaa Ba. t, enfl.d Juiii; &?, 1801, att*fa :-.: r>v? will be paid on and of'.er S.-pt. 1 p'ox. at tl.e oO_C*a <?! Nntionnl IlnnU ol Nor:!. Ameilca, Bo*lon. I ulon Trual C'nmpiiiir. -Nrw-Vo.k. lii.rlnc llrnllier* A Cotii|.....T, 1..I , I.omlon All COUPOXi w:;i !?.? t?ri__?raB t? tlie Apenry BBi--B| pay?ant ii.44 ra ?>' OOBBObj s< mr of the at>o\e h.;nd Baaa, ? i.t.t ..| u. latei?tl bapB, i aboaH praaaat lha la terla ? ;l. rouj ui- attn.-ii'd, f.> BallBcHau r,f ln 1 - li*. ..f t;..- rat-flcataa, *t Ba aflkea B_kli | lha t..--' ? latara-t aa BEGISTERED BONIi CEflTlfK ITE8 v. lil ba remltted to t8_88* Iv _* 1 i.i'.n Tni't (. al BaW'TarB. J. W. ItriMIAHT, Vlrr rPr?lilrnl. K0UKTZK BROTHEBfl, Bankma. 180 BBO-U-War, bbw>to_uk, laaue Lcltera ot Cre.ll: for uae ut Travellera. iiraw latBkJB liO-t OFFICE "? TIIE M1SSISSIPPI K1VEK lil-.lli..!'. COMPABT, . 1:1. .,..11 iu.. Julj i?, |?01. OW \\.H< ?K MOKTii itik LillNUH ... the '?i.-?-!-si;pi lt.vir HiiU;,- Conpaay are h*rebi n iii:ii tkr iiiiu-d Btatea irual Companj ..f V. a . ? 7. ..->.? -, baa d. >iri.i?* i li . ? bani> nut _..>. 1-7, 188, . .....I :,H0 t.i !-? r-'I emed _. ..':. rt_ by tlia aiortca** .?. a^.onnt .f Blnklng lun.f. nayn.ent dtif Oetoba 1. i ? .| m.'I . ond* tu b. ..?:?-. ?-I . |i .|]\ p,\T.'N t < O- \" .'.2 WiiIi.oih ;, \( __ lalrreat aa L_id. daalgnated aa atov. aiil ceas- I ber l, 1881. C1IAK___ ll. BDfTSa, ?68888881 -lnancim. BANK STOCKS. Importers and Traders' National Bank, Natfrnal Bank of the Republic, New-York National Exchange Bank, WELLI^g' ? MALCOM, 51 L.'.CIlAMiF. l'LA' 1 GEO. H. PRENTISS ? GO., _? William**!., X. Y..aal .O** ltoiita?ao-l., B'lilyu. Dr.ALi-.R_ IN LOfiL INV_.STMI.NT SECURITIES. Member* ot _B8 New. York *4|ock Kscbaace. w ADA.18 | m'ij 88 COMPANY, T.,,. ?>?, lii.oAI.WAV, XEW-YORK. Aug. 1?. 1801. III. _-KAa\_FJ_K BOOKS oi Ihia Company a-lll b* cloasd fron*. o'elocgTp" ta, Am.-. 14. i<. t_. ?i<.rniii_ ol Sep'. _. _W. I, Ht'UUI M ,'r i_ HJ-UKAS, 11V VIBTUJ. OF AND PURSU ANI' to an aet of th? le_:aiatnre ot the 98881 of Washlng- i, I.'-' >'., "An a<-t aiitnorlzing and rmpowsrlag the oriranlred r-o.intle* of the ,-*tjt- .,f Wi_.hti!_uu. to '"ii tr_.t liidel.t-_i!>.** and t<, _.fl'ie bonda for fimdiiiK the _M-S. and d'.-liirtiiit _i nm-r.ency," SPVroved on tii ? 21st dav M Msrch, 1890, a,iil ii.f md-r of tli.' i>.o_r. ..r Oonaty Corn Mlaalooar. nf Bnokaoa County, Wa*hiu_ton, duly n.iid- and t-ntered, Buthorlslng aatd eo_nty t. fund tt. ladebtadnaa. thereof and to TTorrow the anm of two h'ind-. tb.>'i<-'nd i__-0.<MX)i dol'.ara, and to iaaw; lt* ne?' bond* tbcr. for. H.ld bond* to u- twa hundri. in aiunber, m.d >.i tne driiouilnstlon of ?n? thousand dollar* SBBh, Ifl liejr dat" tlie date of l-aue. to hc pavaMu ln twentv Man SfUT thelr dat", tbo cimntv reserrlng the rl.h', to p-y the *am.- ur any part ther<-nf after t*u raara from d?t" uf U-RM. .sald bond* to o'-ar lataraal at alx uer cent p..r ar.num. thf UV u-r. at to I).- iKitd a-iu'.ally ln the city of B.W-Y-I-, lu the State . f Nea York. _na, WTMUBB.. UM sbM Board of County Coromlaainnera -aa antl.orl.ed hy law by au oid. r mndo and ontc:c<l <>n the llth div nf .luly. 1*91, anthorl.rd aiid ordor-d the l?Miauc? of sald nord? aod tli* aai. then-of, notlct U ,, that bid* will be recelved bv tl." Board of I'o'uity Com Bilaalon-fS, ?t thelr ?rrlc, ln tha eltT _f .Sj-ikan.. Btat. of Wa*liin(*to_. for the inirr-ha..) of aaid .cm__, ni, o'eiock p. ra. of tho _4tli day of AtiKuat. lri'i al wblon tlm? all b'.il* wlll be con-ld. r.*l. A crtified rhp.k In tli" ?.um of twenty-ilv. ihouaaud dollar* m..-t accotnpany caefa bid to suarantee th..- falthful nerformanre of thu terma of lagalttg of bond* laaued under the county -iindinc. aet of thu State af ha, bBBB paa-e- npoa l.y the Sniireme Co'irt of tln- StatS, |i (he BSSe ,f M-n: F_v, 20 Pacliic Kep. 893, fci.d by coni|*'t>-!it attorneya, and rich f-.;n_tn_ bond* decland 1-cal. Therefore, no condl Uoiial bid or b!da made S-Djcat to le__iity of bond- wlll be tntorwln-d. The a*?o-?ed ralnatlon of .11 propertr in th" county a. ahown l.r tha tsx roll fnr th. vear lf<00 la U-2,0t)_,8O0. The lioard reaerves tlie rl?dt to rejeet any and all bid-. For lnformatlon concernln. aald bond* addr-a* thu un. laralBB8_ Dafd at 8pol?-n*. Waeh., July 14, 1891. JolIN MAYER, Chatnr,_n Board of County Cominls.loners. J. J. T,. PEEL, County Audltor and Clerk of Poartf. <_ .^7|n"t^?10,006-Sr?.oial Capitn.1 wantad, OtlvU 800 per cent profft: -ecnrltr rjiven. Addre.s 41. 34 Ch'irrh-?t. fank.r. ano Orortcra. ILYE & C0? BANKERS, 16 aiid 18 Xassau St.? IVew-York City. B.alrra la gafS-B_B___MI ______g_B_ -financiol illeetinga. i WABA?II RA1LROAD CO; July .8, 1691. THJ-; ANNUAL MEETING of the Wabaah Rallroad Cmpany and D.benture Mort^age liondhoid-ra aill bo bsM Ifl Uie B<ner_l oflics uf tli.- Con*. l_nv. .-it. I/oxi.H, Mo., ou _uc*_sr, Septeiubei s. 18!>1. comn.enclnK at ? o'clock a. B_, for the alecttou of Direetora aud the tran.aetion of aueti ott.r bBCtnasa as may 1 giily coint. before ?ald n. The tranafor Ilkik. will '.Ios. A'iR.i*t 8. 16')1. st 12 o'clock noon, and r*-|.eii ,*.ept.-u,_er 9. 1801, a. 10 o'.-lock % in. O 1). ASlIl.l'.Y, Pr-al'Iciit. J. C. OTTBRON, 6e-rcUry. Ditri.-n. -V'cticc. "^i'_*^vjrr___j'Ni_7 AjgD --.KB Liiiis railway i DMPANY. KO. 40 WALL-ST., NEW-YOftK. JPLY 13, 1891. DIVIDEN1) NO. 14. ,____ ADIV1I)ENI> of ONE AXD OXK-QI'ARTKR (ls?) PER CENT. so Um praferrcd -tock of Uila com psBJ for th- quar.r in-ln. JUUS _0, l_91, has thi. da* been 'l-y.ared, and wlll be paid on aod after Auaual IT. 1801. __a Wansfet book. vclll eloa. rm iulj 81, ?t . o'clock, and koub Aiiru.t ls st lo o'clock a m. .lA.-ir.s M. II vM S.....-ctary. _ OFFICL OF TIIK DEADWOOD-TERRA MlXIXrt COM i'ANY, _U1__8 KiII.I.IM. j;, UROA_)-8T., NEW-Y.RK, AUf. 10, lo9L DLV1DEND NO. 92. A D1VIDEND UF TP.N TIIOIfiAXD POLLARS. Iielnjf 5 cent. per rlmr.-, ba.-. i."-c;i dcelarad, payabl. at thn ?.. of 1....11. boi. _ Ca, ' arisfef Sfrcnts, on th'. _0t_ ln-t. Tranafer books elos. oo th. 14th _II. l;. r.Vl-_->? .N-, Se_r_t.ry. MOT1CE. il A dlvld-nd of 81 por ahare wil! be pdd on the eom? mon -to.:K of tha Thon aui Homton Elsclrlc Coinpany on AujiuKt 16, l_8t. ls *'.o. kh-'ldcr. of recora at clo-o ot Mulneoh Angll.t o, 1891. , ,? . , . 'Ihr tran*fer h ...k* .,f the comrrm ato-k wi.l be clo-<t fron, A'l.u-t. ?> Bb ABgusI 16, both ilay^ InelBllTB. llv orJ-r y. tho 11 >ard of IVi c a. ('ii'iTN, Tieaaiiiar. _Baaaan. J-ly 97.1981._ CA.N AXTo.MO 8TREET RAILWAY CO. I_l Caanon Vo. ll ot Ih. Baa Antonlo Btreet RallwaT I ompaoy l. payaht. at the oiie.- of tlie aTLaniil I'RLSi'l COMPANY, No. :i'.? Wllllam-at., o:i snd after AJ__ 15 1891. r;___UL_._.__._-Ll---_. ui IriCE (>;?' TMF. AJdERU tJ ' "Vl. COMPANY, ? RO. 1 BROA DWA V. NEW-YORK, 10, 1891. TIIK BOARD OF D1RECTORS of the Amai-i l can ( rml r.,ni.iiiv, sl All,-i''iv Coiinti 'I bave thla day darla. i innnsl dMd-nd of iiire.> ,. ? -..t upon th." capltal .tock ol the con.p iy, inyaolc at thi* on Thnradsy. Scptsmhei 10, 1801. Tlie tran.f.r booi_ ,w1!! be cIoh"1 ou Aiijuet 29, st :4 o'clont p. in., and IBBB.B BB thi. i:.or_l*i(- flf Bepb iibcl 11. 1891. r.F.o. M. BOWT.nv. f r rr. etram-oatfl. FULL NIOIIT'S K1>T. SMOUTr.sT R.ML V.IVE, MA1N I)K''K DIMTNO RO0M8. Sl-LI.M'ID Ml'SIC. A I BOSTON I "^ rilROPOH PARLOR CJ___ 10 WH1TE MOOtTTAlBB. S_B CONNKCTICUI si.d MA8SACUI ;.. i- Iri alon. Loav. Pler io.d No.. 29 K, K- (MI af ??.'?" """?',? at, 0:0o n. in. dallv. execpt Sunday. Tlekets funii.nea and atateruorna rt-erved at 17-. :'67, 201, 4l.*>. :?(4 957 snd 1 T.'.'t ii' ... ?!.. ...7 . tl ave.. -?1 C mbu . - ? "'"it l_?th-s'., 184'Laat 1"6th-at.. 14H Bow.ry, A toi Hou.e, Co?r_i'Oi;t:in nnd Wlrda..r Hotel*. N-\*-Yorlt j 4 C'nurt-at., siio F-Uon-at, snd '.? Bi-od-_jr, E. D., Bra-fclra. ot by telcrh'ne eall Cortlandt, 3.0-1. STONINGTON LINE. imiDB ROU-l 10 B06T0B kBV >>??:. B-9T, OM.V DIRI ' T hol NI> ROPTE rO NAHIlAt/Vv*LTT PIEH 4X0 U \ 11 H HILI.. gMai '- Rta ll Isiai.d und N..:: ?i.un ?(' le. p;,.- ao, n. p '?.)?..? Can . ?l . il '? p 8iiiid.iT. Inc!id-d. .-t?r. r o. a reaarreg *t all oitic.'. l.-ll_, __nnn_i_i_jR Par Line Sr/_rnfr? vgw-lUKh ?i ALMANY. LAlLY, e-cept buiiuays, L-?ve? Uroolily.:. i ui^>u-*i. iuy ___a__J.8 00 a. m. " New-York,***e?-*t, iMer.r>:4() " '? Nt-w.!,,;_. Wsat _.d-t. Plet.'. :00 " for AI.11 AN Y. landlnc at YankU-, We.*t Polnt. Nc.rburs Paai_ki.ap.l6, Rhineb<*.k, Uataklll _nJ U.nlnon. Blaiiiln. lear. Albany 8:80 a. m. WK**T POINT. >FHT'.tiC('. And PCKEEPBIl wlth do'.n i'..y li<_, -_. KIIIXF.IIt'.C'K. wlth ITIater 8 D_L R R. for re*orU of .. Caukllla. C*AT-?Klf.l^ wlth an-.-UI train- on Cats Mt. R. R. Al.liASY, with _p_lni fo- Bla-ara Fall*, rtnffaK ?" ,. \S' st. "1o?t_n and tb? )?"?. M ntr .1 ar.d the >ort th ?nd nh. ?.ri '."r*'i'K ivi. rlt * iN- ? ind fron nABATOWA. Ti i '-.' v. Traaafar Co. wlll check _?_???>. from ___bb *" rVl'.?ltMNC: \V|? AFTPHVOOV CONCBB1TH _ ALBAWY BOATS. P-OPLK-B l.lM. Hudson River Sto.ampr MAHY POWELL. DAIL.T fgn .'. EXCKPTED), I, a'''* P ?t 1.'.-. d .1*. , ..t'.iil-)*. 143 p. in. _.o Wart .'-,??;. l'ir, ?:_o; i.u. ?_ _?? [? ,- ( l-.AN rOJ > .VLM POINT. C.I'.N'-VALL, NT. V Bl'IHl M". UAMK.Ril M1L10N, l'Oli,likl-_l'sl_ UYD- PARK sad HOKOOI i. _ A-MSW-IIAVEN, 7.-.c. EXCURI I',-: irood B gsf.), " 9>: -. . . ar. < H NORTHAM snd CONTlNEXTAli IBB* ; ... ii , . u (,. ... i ii p. m. iS'Jii^-yi fJr Ml.I.ilii ? :-.l. ftl'KtNTTFI_LD. l_/_ YOBB, -Vc. :t* *old a .d t>.... ch.ckeB al .4^*llr._dniy, New.?oi_. ur.d i OS4U4V.I-. _r.o I ? (. /-.VT-KII.L .\:orM'\IX.S.-..i.-;ini.--s KAA \j ii' and CA18KIL1 I ?? ? * -1 -s- ,11 foot of JSJ-Sk, '?? ? f at .'? p ni., ? :m<- tl:i? ? Ui 1 -i-K . Iltn 11. K r i.ot? ia ai.O l_ir! ng hou? * '.: ?? n- P'" ? " "^Kr io *ny addr.*. !v \V. .( HCUHES, 1 :???-. Cat.-,kt!l. V Y. nnii RONDOC't. KIMi-loN :tnd intcr I. n-di-U land . a . _*_. f.K.l cf Wi*?l to-hal., I'ltt/ 4_ ?_ji? at ? tfd-***; fc_-_d_ra u 1 ._?._ CxcomonB. _ ?_B?MfBt PLEASURE GROUWDS a -aBajana aa.-l on fatt golng atcam* two grand Conc_iir-(I?lly BagaBtaa-l fr'M*. rare planta inii nortl.-utturai won '?-.. An BnaaaallM manataria, magnlflcant art.r/ ai.a m.our.oth aquartnm. flen* oL_ Olao Mani oi?m ha*o. Dlanera a la cart*. '? Slclo i>u--?!Hiand " -Tha falry." Uoatlng, -af_. lng, -i-iof, bowilng :ai _liu_rd_ _. TI8B TA___-fiTR-MRRS I.SAVE P!?r11, If. R.fnoi oortiandi st. ???. 9*5. m-JA.M.; 18:00 M.J 1:30, _:80, 3:30 and .\:it P- U_\ Jwli't Wharf. Btoo-l.n, 1) 00. 10 :00, 11:00 A. M.; 12:18, 1 :4.r>, F_6, 8:48 1' M. 3-d Mreet, E. i'... 8:80, lo, 10:30, 11:30 A. M-; 12:46, 1:80, 8:16, 8:16. 4:18, B>46 P. M. Man I-.lB.iil f.r 828 Rt. and Pier ltf, B. R-, 10:46. For Pier 18 oi.1t. 11:46, 12:43. KOH A I.I. liANDlXlJfl, 3:1., 4:18, 6. 0, 7 and 7:30 P. M. 40r. pflrinimoN TlCKBTfl 40c. I'.XTKA r.OATS Sl'NDATS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. ALT, TRAVELLIXO B_t____BB IXCLt'DED. A party will leave New-Yorh. ."llenH*-. -rpt, 7, for a i.raud Tonr of Siaiy-one dn.T* through the YsliowsioneNationalParK the I'l.i-iii ? Northwrai, ibe Mi. ??l?.ie>n Jloatr an.l 1 K.-turntng vla the Wnn.a V?. Ilouto. * ...i th- aam ? data, >lor.,ln?. ?rpt.*mbpr 7. a party wlll le.ave a*W-Tort for the Wllnna'nnr Vallonr.I Pm k nnd th'- Pneifle Sorititve*.. retumlng vl* tl.e I'liitir. ? _aa ('nnadln... I'lirlHr Itn.l.rnr 'l ..... -.1 ii, Oetober \~>?l'.\.-nr?lon dlrect to "ioiiilierii f'nllf-i-iiln. Thnmrin-. Novrmber VA ?Firet of a aerle* rf Flgtit lVlxipr Tilpa to I'nlilornln. Durlna Mrpiemlter und Oetober A aerlea of aittoen Trlps to F.a-t. rn Rctorta. _y Send for deaerlptiva elrcular, deelgnatlng th* par tlcui-r tonr*d. BAY-IOBB A- wlllTCO.iin. 257 BP.OADWAY, NF.W-YORK._ 11 STEAMBOAT COMPANY. DIRECT ROt-'TE TO TIIE IROX P1EP.S AT Coney Island *? Long Branch. TO-PAV'S T1MI TABLE FOR COXEY ISLAND. .' tVKST _:iO-?*i'., N. M.-'j, lu, 11, a n_. 12 m.. 1. 1 14, 2.80, 3.16. 4 :10, 5, 0, 7. 8 and 0 p. ._. FRO.Sl VIEIl iSKIV NO. 1, N. R-(?att*ry Pl?ee *Ution olevated nLroadi).-'. :8t>, 10:30, 11:30 12:30 a. in., 1:30, -:1-, 3, 3:43, 4:40, 0:30. 0:80, 7:30, 8 30 aiid 0 :30 p. m. V RETURXIXO. LEAVE COKEY 1MI.AXI) PIrR?-At 10:40 11:40 a. in 12:40, 1:40, 2:40, 3.-5, 4:10. 6, 8:43, 0:46, 7:40, 8:10 0:40 ar.d 10:40 p. ro. __&_ to coxey ISLA.VD and returx, so cents. TIIrTl. TABLE FOR I.OXU BKAtVCH: Plt-.U WKSl' --JU-ST., B. U.-0:J0 a. _.- and 3.-0 PFROM PIER (NEW) NO. 1, N. R--10 a. m. and 4 ... Tt. |-.tlL'H\l.-.'.?. _ _ ?_ LEAVF, Ot'KAN IMKU-J- :1" !?? ni. aod 0:n B_ aj, FAR* IO _UN* BRANCH AXD BBTUMf. 7o -.KNT8; BIKOLE FARK. 60 CENTS. Exmrslon tlckets to Coaey l*!aud a.:d Long ..'acch sold at all d.iwn traeit atatlons elevated road*, wlth irc. u^)n*f.?? between Soatb l'erry and Battar. Pia-.o for 2d und 3d av*. pj>-en'_-er-i. _^^_ "MAraATTAN BEACH. VSUIBfl I.KAVE FOOT B, 34TI1 !aT? B. Y dailr 0 '-C lexcei.l _..i:d*j), 8-311, 10:20. 11 .0 a. m.; 12 20 l 30 _:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6.30, ? 30. 7 :U0. 7:30. 6:00,'8 30, 9:i'0, 0 :.0. 0:50 p. m. jiJiDli'loNAL THAINS will oe run on Sat'irdaT* and Sund.iys, 1 :')0 (Sondays onlv), 8 :00. 4 :00, 6 :00. 0 :00 d. m WIIITEHALL-ST.. tennlnu* of all elevated roads and itreet-car llne*. iiourlr from 7:10 to i_ io. and half ho'irlv from 1:10 to 8:10 p. m. Sutidnr* hourlv from 0:1C a. m. to 0:10 p. in. Additlonal L.oat le_\ea _t 12:40 p. m. (Satu-diiy* only). i.n.u.urr ABBITAIi .irnil-KE. THVBBDAT ruiDAY, SATUKDAY, BUBBAT, THIS WI.l'.U. PAIVS OP.EAT SPECTACLE, PAR1H KHOK K.MP1KK TO CO.II.MI'VB, AND ORAN'D FlREWORl.-, every evening escept S'luday and Mond.r. IlOi^C BEACH, L. I. I.OMJ Btt-tBD RAII.ROAD TRA1N"*. Leave KOOT 84T1I-ST., E. R-, week d*y*. 7:50. 10 50 a m 1 :20, 4 :20, 5:30, 5:50, 6:60, 10:00 n. m. Suiidav* s':60,' 10:20 a. BB.J 12:50, 1:50. 2:50, 3:50, 4:50, 7:00. 7 :50 p. ra. _ West Point, Newburgh & Poughkeepsie Daily Exenpslon (e-cept S'irdiyai by Day Llno B_?B?88 NEW-YORK 'iii'l ALBANY Froua Prooklm,'on-at. (by Annet).8 :00 a. m " rfaw.York, De?brn**?a.i.t. Pier.8:4C " " Kew-Ynrk. Weat 22d-st. Pier.0.00 " Kefirnin.. d'tj la New-Vork at 5:80 n. m. KOBK1NO nnd AFTLRNOON L'ONCBBTI THIS IS THE SECOND DAY Giimore Annual JubHee IV1ANHATTAN BEACH. COACHINU.?R. H. ItaejT & Co."s fonr-in hand, ' __* Lakewood," ieavea thelr store* Tuesdiy*. _%_ la?i ?-.<! Saturd-iya, ai 10:80 a. BL itetunnog, ar rlv_ at 0:n-ave. and I4tb-at. at 6 :30 p. m. TlBkaaa, 82 60, for round trtp, cau be purchat'- ln thelr ll,.nie?* Departniejit_ . IPR1E ELAILWAT. SHOHOLA GLEN. ___*? BVBDAY8 AXD WBDXESDAY8, BL I-iuve 2_d-Bt.. 0:28 ?. m. ; Chaint,?i*-st.. 0.30 a. m. Ueturnlu?, leavs Sliohul- 0 p. in. No tt^p^ BW8t of l'uter UBBEXWOOD LAKE, Wedncadaea and -unda-*. 75 rer.ta. W.-dnea-lay*. lea\e 23.!-*t . 9.2.5 ?. it. ; Chambera. kt., 0:30 a. m. Sundav*. har* _::d -.t.. 9.5.'. .. _k| Chau-l'tr-st., 10 00 a. m. :.? returr.lng._ '4_S_ KOl M' Ti.'ll'." ?T?0, cook's Special excprsion " to N1AOARA FALI.S. CII-I'T.VUQL'A and WATKIN'S ..l.i'.V. b, -..,. wr-T KIIORE ll. l< . Aur>*t I^th. Informatlon. handbjll* ai.d Uoket* rr..m TIIOM. COOK ft SON, 301 -nd I -.-?-, ii ,,..-t. ,-? an] W ^; Shorf T'. net Offlee l" >?'??"?? , Itrooklyn. Aoply hnr>ie4l_*ri.r*for tl.-k.-r-. ?..d n modationa l<> avoid' dlsjppolntment. Ctt-amboats. FALL RI?E*t L!ME. rop. Bt)-.iu.s. M.Arur.. PltuViDl-NCE, mar. THA'h \ iM\AltD. .N'AN'i L'CKKT, CAi'_ CUD *ud all Lo"cB_.E Sl'MMi-'.ll BBBVICE. The f.i'ir leadlng ..iu ..f tJi - woild ln ccmmi-alao to_et_*r?l-rttaa, nth. IMitrlni aud Provl.ence. I iv* tCew-Vork froai l':*r -'.-. \. R., foot of Murray ?x., v.ii -ara at J'-'iu ?..d Btla p- ?.i Su-aaya, a?88 Oonnaetlng Aanaa t.odt leavaa brooklra week days and Bundaya .. 5:00 p. m.; JeraoT Clty, l >?<> p. r... I -inli.1 Uuid and orehe*tra attuh.d t> evrh ?teamer ln coniinla*!'-. PULLMAN VES'i'lBCLED EXPRESJJ rltb . i tt> -.. era -t Kall Rlver. - -111 Brl '?-' SuiT._ier L.-i.l.'' a neautifullv riii?trit.-d _ , .,', over lo.) (..IL-.. together with "Manual of Old ? .'? runtalnlng Ll^t of hnnrti'd.-- af hotela :n ? iiiv terrirory, reaehed dlrccUv hv tbe Kall Itlvor i ine -?!.' f" appllcanta an r<*ceiptof3 to:its poataga Ad -. o. !io\ 152. x. w-York. A.?M-_I-fK STEA.HSIIIP CO. Xhe onlv Uirc. t lina U> Coim^i; ily. Al-^*.. and Porv land Ma.i.e. Connectlng %i Por.uad alUi a i r_ii...?.l- .md ,l.i llne* for Har llarbor. Oi1 Ore__rd, I'.,'.:.:,d bprio**, White Meimtain*. R-ekia-.d. Baagar, _a*tpartani bt. Johi;, n. li., ai'd-.11 Baattrn auaioier raaorta. Stearo it* aall very Aioi.dav. Wedtieada. >nd btHi _B7 at 6 y. m. fron. Pier 38, Eaat Blver, foot of M.:.;". BtrecJ, N. Y. Kor furt..'-r _r*twiat-M Bafty to iiOKAlIo HALL. AjeD_, s _. 4- p-....:? .SolU. *..- ?a*- U_*?> .....lo _ #-L-ndoi'i Ulll. IJ.oCk l?ijnd. Wor Steaatcr* leave Pl'r 40 (o.d n-m ' -r . Korth Rl\ur ?i ..),\e ;)<i>,\jtoi*t--3i. rerrri. ?:..... -indayst-x. lcdu. kt 5:80 p. n. TlekeM viu.atak puH.s accured -t 1 321 347, 381, B87,717.0a. and 1 22> B-oadifay. In Urooklya : i < .>..n at >>..l MI irolB-a. Offleea n^tou1! Bx|.ie??. Pl r 10. Norlh Rlver, J.'d .'. -' airte,?. Weat F.tnrea* wi.l .au foi aud eneek hafi-*** (rnm hotel* ?.a , wtdrn ea. '? ?'? -KaIjV. *|_al, KAMHDULL Lino.-st'r* leava Picr'Sa. N. R.". foot I- ran ,:ia-*t.. fa* Weat Po.-.t. Col I :^p; ln*. Cornwall. r ?h:uM lAMidtng. Xewburg. a*Ur o p. ..... _uuO*j 0 a.m. :'!l.AMi.K "Wr-aTMHOF' fur Haibor.^n. . anipob.Ho. BB Andraw* and b_ JoB*. .. r.1 y at I p. av . .MBB ' L'"' Y P. MII.LI'P" tor Rnrhland ai.d, iBBiiaatlaaa (ar Mae-e_aa6 La..... 'iue..u*y? 12 I !>:er IV, 1-i RlVW. (tl-iAV U. LANSIKU 8ir7 Br-aJwar; LOW'ii EXCIlANUL '..7 ltr idur mi F H bMlT.t i. I " . 1/ aud 1- Wllllam-at. NJ II Ti* NOBWAJ__-.?Sl -'mfi Clta of Albany, O, 1:80 p. m. (Saturday 2 p. n... bunday 6 40 D. Bl.), i-'.a.-t 81*t-*f latCT. rpBOY BOAT, POB ADIRONDACKS, SARA * i..<.\. i.aKI'. .iioi;..;:. WUtwtttt s*rato*sa or l.-ava pier foot IV?t lOtii-i-t. da.lfc BBBBfl dav, o p. m. Oaaaaai with Baar?? traln* ha all re*or.a Nurth. Low rat* ..-xcur-luii U.ket*. hund-jr _____ _.,_, _ Albaur. iiutm* isa?r?-i la advau-a, _.m_9e*n.M9. A-A.-BR10HT0N BEACH MIISIC HALL. SUNDAY EVKXIS..I . ACO. 18, _.,_ , AND lt ___>A_ /CVF.NINO. AVO. 14 MONS. A. L. G17ILLE, Th. eeiebrst-4 Freneh Tenor. fonoerly of Abbey-PsMs Opora Company, wlll -ing lu .ou.erU wltu l_? _-._ujr.l_a_ Orcheatra, ANTON M'.ftiL. Con.artor. Admi-slan to .11 part* _f ihe _ail. __ cents. li _.*._._. ALL. l'oLO UfiOUNJM TO-DAY. L*-_ue ? I.amplonah'.p (iime. CINt 1N.1ATI va. Nf.W-YORK. (iam?. 4 p. m. _0e. _TP-ket* and re*?rve_ aeaU at Spaldlof'a, 241 Uj_*adwa*. BKOAIK'. Ai ThoUnx Lvg* at 8,~Mat. Sat. _f. ilandaomear and Cooieat Theatr. In tb. World. DKWOLF IIOPPI'.R OPFRA COMPANY, 100TI1 Fl.l'.i-ORMAM _? l WANU TO-NiOHT WA.Vtl. li C IJOU TJIEATUE. Bnav, near 3.t_-9_, Every N:_i.t. Matln.e. \,.:_ ??_ sat. Second werfc and Exi-ao-'inary 8-icec_a ot V 1111411 Rt'LLf.H. __lce. from MalliarU *__v?*S at -\- ry prrfm_i_ncB. A SIX0. liroadw _j and 3. th-sa. r.ven.'nga at f< 1'.. LAST WPJCK8. THE OREATT'-ST <lF CAMNO 8l*CCE__E9. THI GRAND nrcH.-ss. ra Boor (lAnnr.N concer' .'.0 itr.t*. Iinlud n_ boUi en_> *1N FRJ'PABATlOX-'-l.VDK-O. CONTINfOfS RO0P OARDEK CONCF.RT, 7 80 to 19. A_ml4*l_u .10 tent*. Iiidud it tt botli entert-lni.irnta. lATJOir ENCllAXTLNK EL HOKAOO. VCHANT1N** r.L DORAPO. ENCHANTlNU F.L DORADO. On thr 1 ?, oppoalt* W_*t 4?4t :.: IJOLOSNY Kl___t_8*ffBB : Every Evralnf at i UOLOrv-iY __K____*i : 8:30, Inclitdln_ &?:_ : : day Evening. KIN'I BOl.OMOJf. :.: M.V4i *,Ot.OMON. (>rand DuiIt Prorr.enadr- Conc_rie st 8. THE r___0_9 AND ONLY JTT___ LEVT. Ths bplcndid c.i I>_i_do Ii.n1, under directloo tt NAHA.N rUAMKO. To Oround* and ioii.-e.t-, _9c i to Klng Boloir.on p**a frnnan.e, 2.,e c.tra. it.-.rved a.-at* aiul boxea S.-O. Take Jay and 42d a . fcrn . (n.lroid bosti di.i.t, al*o all IIOM.-ci: f.rrlea, tion horae isra. The llardmau F,??<?>? .-xeluMlveiv (_?' st El Dorado. NOTK.'F.-llciMir- Si -0?u* toket* so'.d bv apecu?at*B, Part?aa. only .t otl.r - . .- J'.'. l?;.r-(do.___ I,'l>h.> MI -l.i -,'',,- .Mi'.:r-*C Air.. tr*. J J e&EAT BUCCE88 OF THE COLL'MBIA BALLET. __EVENINun. svTl ftDAY MATINET. _. /"AKOEX TBEATRE. MAX.FIELD, \J Bvt-lnn .it 8 3 '. Samrdar st _? Mll. R1CIIARD MANSFIELP TO-XIQHT, -11F.AU HKfMMELL." Sal __?__ Doa ln-.n . Evrnlai. Br. ______ "*,d _________? KIJ8TEB & i:i.\L-. Mat. Moti.. W'ed. SaA. Flr*t week of 1'rd so:on:on!s Now Hurleaque, DICK WllUTlNt.ToN AND HOI <AT. QusrUtte Tculousalii ;___yclope and Sscdo t_ St-ongMea. ADl-OX SUl AltLUABDEX Amphith_an_ .Mr. -. i. FftEXCH.C.'iieral Managat IVKIIY N.dlfT AT Hl.*,. Tbo large.t, rrio?t n.aknlllr nt, and beat appolnVd p.a_a of anm*. n.ent in th" world. Open alr. S'.ldir- roof. Alwsy* ro\. T- n thouaaod ?e*_l at OO cent*. Two thouaanri **it? st 2. cents. _ *LAST T1IRKE NI'fllTS of THEODORE THOMA8 : x.a And hlt t'nrlvalled (lr.he*tra IN NLW-Y'iKK. A OTtEAT Pt.PILAIt MI-.ICAL EVENT. Vocsllat?-Id? Kleln. Loulfe NatslM ?nd Leo gtormoBa. To-nlKht. la*t Raausat Ni?ht; .->?t"r-Uy. Pop>il? 9<CB?i Sund-iv. Tbeodor. Thom-.'a i_yt Mjrnt m N-w-Jork. Tiie-dav ew-nlne, A'(f;u?t 16ih, iBnaV lamoila fl-Mid of iOO_ t .i. thei wlth tn*. ii'..*t emlnent sol-l*_i of U-.o day, and In aiiiniratlon of "Pepal-a M.alc C-Bcrrta.*^____ MADISOX BOUAAE THEATBB. M I-KAMINW Al DIEXCE-I MAT TO.MORROWI '?rrlbune" oav* : Abnndanee of _*y ond aj-rnllng wlV, JAXEI " _V.B-._S, 8 80. .Ab5| JANE! _a:. Mau at 2._*^'N-.1_. p'ALMKFr** THEATRE ' . At 8:1* JAK AXI) TAJtTAR. lOCth peiforma-ce,' A-g.* __**"_tB_a now on ssla _Matlnfs ______d__a__L_-_? TPO-NIGHT 1 AT MANHATTAN BEACH. BEAPTl I'l'L FIREWORKS. ACHII.LE PHILUON, tlie Murvellou* A*. eaaloniat, ani> r._lX'S "PARIS, FROM EMl'lRE TO COMMl'SK,"_ rTTETRBACE ii.\i;i)I.N. B8th-S_.. near 3<l-:i\>?. X -To-niRht, D.t WiirTi-n-ohinld., wlth Mla. OeorgiftB vun Janu-chowaky ; sa-ir'iu;, PaaMUIan rwi _aajunieaa. I _Tll--T. THEATRE. fith-ave. 1-_F,VERY Nl'.HT. MATINEESIVED. and SAT. K..*cr\'-<i Orfh-stra Clrek aud B.K-ony.18 >?'?!._. Th" enor:.o'i*iy iucces-fs) Mllltary Catuagf Dranu, A FMR I A Mugnllleeiit P.'Oduetlon. RXBEL. "BeUet than Sl.i nsndoih." H' UDSON COUNTY JOCKET CLCB, NorUi _ Hericu (Q-ttan__*_), N. J., Mldauinnn-r MciUUgH Srcond dav, Frid.T, Autf. ll. .Six ra.-c_, coinineiiciiig a8 2-80 o B>. Musl. by KrankoV lildondo Rond. ._orn?a -oio bv .liil*" Levy. Spe.'lul b-.atr* from Jay and 4.d aU. rvery 16 Bilnatas. aaaaaettBg with *tran. aaaa dir??-t ta trs.k; ?i o from harriay, i briatof-ci ?nd Hih Ms sraaj 10 nilnufa. tooncc-Bg wlth __raa c-.irs dlrect to tr.<-k. A8-ri..laTI, 91. S. WHITF.HLAll. ^_S.vretary. JEKU.XJE PAJU. JiACl_ T__AIN_, Ofl .ii h ra.e day ?in-.lsl trsln< will leave (4r_i-_ LVntral gtsllaa. via Harl-in K?'.lM_d, at 1_ .0. 1:10. I ?_ aud 1 J0 li. in. Wagner urawlng -r.oui car train at IU i? m (From NVw-Yorc Central waltlna-room) _. re.t to rac-track. Itegular train* atoi.plnii at Ford. aaa btaU-o inesf i?'-e tra '*.,, leav_j ?raad Ceulrs|i StaUoa, 10 33 and il 3ft a. m., _ :10 aud _ Jft P. m. I leavo 12.,lh-*t_i Ktait'uii ai 10MJ and 11:44 a. BL. 13:86, 1:13, 2:1'. an* _ 441 p. m.: laara it-_u*_ MB_aa at io.ic u.d lYlM a iu 19:48, 13:38, 1:43, 2 ;2_ at.d .44 o. m. Spedsl t cln* tat-ralag wlll atop at i:iSt_.*t. to landl p*1.s_"o9 _rl?T .1 tne .tntion by pureh ir.g ttckct. -tt Ne?.Vork C-nti-l tieket otiicea In New-York, _rookiya i".r 3m?ta CIIT __ 1? -CiN_- _, _, RAIN OR VB1BB AT MCRR1S PARK AND JF.KOME FAItK On Aiir-ii*t 15. 18, '-'-'. I .__.__,_?__, nnd 37 Fxcurolon fa^? 1 On Au.'ist 19, 20. 2V 28. from _d?re, elevated ?*-- Exciralon fars, 40 eenta, tlon, S'.c. ; f'.oui Harlem I froni 4-d-st. Depot. Kl\er, -o'^ ronMENTE AT _:30 P. M. FREE ULLO AT 110TH I'LACEfi. H _ CRl' KMORB, gat-y. A. J. CAMBAlT. Pr-"*i; ?*c_T9icinji. A.-- Saturday AfKernoon Exeorsion ^V^EST POINT. St'-amer Marv Powell, leavlng Deabro?se.*.at. at 1 :4_ p. m., fFaat 2-d-at. nt 2 p. m.. arr:viu? at Weat Polnt at 4 30. rataralag un aag af Iha BTaat gkara Raiitoad _b_m_ ____ea_an b_I _a*a aaajla Mbm la _M d.r.** bbbbI?-, oov_ , rnm-iit b-R-iBga, *t_ t-T. for tlie roi.nd tJip, Si. BEACH. STEAMER9 Gen. Slocum and Grand Repnblic. L__vh Mor.i.i..". ALernoe*. We.t _.'d.*t.. New-York.I M Mf*91 } 9 w_*t 10_._t.. Vew.York.8 M 0.16 i jo ll-r 8. N. R.. Bpw.York.I? ?9 o ?a JewrU*. Wi.arf,>n.9:30 _*?!.__-?_? Jsrsey City, BreoxTya Annex Boat*, lesviug 8:5- a, ?.* 10:8*. a. tn. and 1!J B. m. .__?,? m RetarBloc U**ve neaeh. 11 "0 s. m.. S ?nd 0:30 p. m. 30c. Biaro ISoiind Trlp 30c, MIDSUMMER EXCURSION -TO? ruArni riir*--. QMMU oxoko AND TBE FAMED 6WITCHBACK, Vln ( rntral Rullraad of Xcw Jersey, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. A .neci.l BIBIflBi train will leSNe Bca-TatB ftoro foeg of Liuro -t., NorJa iUwr. at _ :3o a w.. rturuliif. iirrlvc lu ciDY atio'.it . p Iu. for iouud trip only 82.25; 8w!tch-cta 30 centa *X T*'cl<et* wlll be ?">d tn returo on A??. 9 or 10 oa ..vni'ut of 81 to a.-"t rt Maai u l bunk. 1 !,r i.i'ori'..vioi. lawlaMaa, BiglvMaBia or t.nilieei aanlv to II 1* HALDWIN. Oea. P__?. A__. ( nvaa D-lldmg. "3 l__ai_r_*-, N. v. OOMXJ S L A N d7~ vrP.arf kkii.iko.v iu;ach. Sea Beach Route. Culver Route, ' Bay Ridge Ferry, Frooi Faal of Whlieiiiiil "-iriel, lci uili.u. af R?4?Aim *Y I.IVK, UKLT I.INL. lloata eonnctliij ?! L?j Rtdkc wlth train. for Con-8 lalaid vla CDLVER ?nd *=:-;a BEACH ROUTK8 .. iv3 Wl. ho-niy from 7 10 to 10.10 A. M.. tneu] honuv 1(1.1. A. M. to 940. 10:20 P. M. buudays C 10 A M. and h-!f hoirly from 10:10 A. M. to 13 10 aul rv.rr ta-eaty ailaaiaa to 9:10. 9 40. lo :;o P. M. R* t-i-nini;. l.*t tralna i<a\e Coi.iy i.larid at 11 0. P- -L Kicutalon ilck^la, 40 c_nU. FAST STEAMERb LEAVE |*ier. Bft*_t|ya. Bro.rn.-at. 8l?t at . E. BB -O-'-fa, rn. lo:L. a. m. ? ur _ ^_-'P- in. S:il p. m. ?- _ '* 8."Wi. BL ...16 p. m. .. . p ai. Ai?- from 1_Oth-?t., Harlem Klver (termmu.- of .d uiBj _u -ve. vievsted radai, 10 *nd 11 s. n_, l _a 8 30, 6 00, o 30 snd 8 00 p. in La*t boat I- >v a II Idel point io p. iu. __,ural.a Ucketa, _&_., cAudxau __8a|