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AN ADVANCE IN PRICES. IRREGULARIT? IN STOCKS. JJOEB IIOPEFUL 8EJCTIMENTS PREVAffL IN TnE MARKET. gALES AT TBE STOCK'ST 14. BBBBS AXD BAXK STBCkm. ******* Bat Baak 9*. ?? ?9a*?>?5 lo.aO", B Mll...... - ? * Mt B ^ """J T*aa s*.ilem*n. .1* 0* 10.BBO.....-103^flB '^'.TReeelptJ, *?O0...... **? AH> T*P * ? t ?? 1P.PBB.7B% ineb* S?=fe iow.-.II u.oao.**** JoOOO ."?? maHTA-tXi* ??.00O.-.-84 lir.'M X%* itoao.??b CM iiaetb lat c*u*. 3.000.108'. *%t* A Obio lal ** (KrieaA 8.000.118 Aetanf ?.eo? t*t 1.0BB.Ifjfll BjBOO.Ut* Bm r i * **ae 6* Coaoea 6.000.?? e?'. ael* ln***. B.0OO........W?t Ce. Baet Y * To! ? in.000.80 V. 16.000......**1 (n K JOlt 6* tfa.188* R.rut*r*d*^ ***** M* iuo ? gaa.tB C*VH**?*T?K *? tm*.***? *0W. g* B.flOO.9*<* Ch** **' *Ucir. ? im.,***** Cbwasd X*r P IM 2.0(10.Tb r.i * a.*** tt tr:* 1*1 Xort j.ooa.m% ir.t- K?or lat Ln 14.B00.108% ChicBur * u 8F BMB.ioj Fllat a Prr*. M .',? B.V..0.10.1 Ft*ene aliO lat B.oao.t? O'o Pae lat 14.000...B7 Seortla ra*1flc B.l Oonaoifdated 6* a.naa.ot*t 7.4KK..U H*a? A Tes C'eu Iai 8a 4.000.101 2.000.100\ UM I A Tex la. I.OOO.flfl 8.000.OB I. M M 8 >t ('oaa fl.000.118 ?rt Coup* LBrle* VV 1?. ?>? S.000.lOrt Ue k"n? _* Tex 1* 8, Con.7(1% 1.000.78% M* Kan anrt Texaa 81 9.1*00.?7S, 3.000.B7S M'.rb Ceat 7a i.iMiti.119 Mii l,MW T.x ?** a.ono.B7% M?n.B7% [*'-* Iflia Xor lat lPlo Matn I.lne l.oen.10? Morrlo an.l l.tnet < on Ofd 5.00" 18 ". IS Ifora I. and T 7* 10.000.11B X Y Or.i 1*1 Comp 1.000.123 >? Xer Par con 6a '\ C.00O.Tl** 9.(11*0.78 X Y I. E and W K**w -i* (,'oa I.OOO.07% . "u ta 10.*.as NT Ont ana W lat 8.000.114 horthweatcona C?u O.M llouda jt.OOO...... l'-'3 Kce ticlrt ISda 6.000.121% XTftiT b*t> !>* Kes-.?.?r*a S.0..D.10!.^ I.OOO.104 S.l'Od.104 I* YChie A Kt 1.4* 6 VOl'.bSF. 01% 1.000.01*, K tV flfl rr? l>eb 5? s.aa*.nu, Ohio *t Mia* 2^ 1.000.113 Ore*ei imvlit ?1,0**0.BP% Orecoa laiveoh 8a 6.000.9*. 2.0(H).H4 B8j88B.64 V, .1.000.04% Or*g?E wh Uue Bfl i.oao.ti*. On m.*.' x,--a l.aoa.67 Fbt; A Rramng 2,1 pre.' laroma in.ooa.88% Phiiah.l Reaaing U M it 1.0..O.7BN t.aot'.?<?? Blrk A- Wfi.t P*mi Col Tr Sa a.000.68% S.OOO.65% P.OOfl.6'> Term Truflt ba 40.00.'.-?S*. -d.0.1.1.b.i % ;(.0<k).(.34 a.oao.8?% Baaa* w * ogcon 1 000.AOV** Bt I. A iron M 6* 2.000.B7 9t I.< nl* 60 lit 10.000.B8% T*nu C Ir * R tf? B.rmine'm lilv 1*1 1.000. 80 Tet A P*e lata* 10.000.~S3 Tex ana Pae 2d Ine 10.000.27% 30.000.27% 10.000.27% 10OOO.27 8.000.37% 10.000.27% 12.000.87 ?l 3S.l>00.......127% To' et I * K c '. ?t 2.060.,.82% Toi A A * X M Coa L888.B2% Union Elevawd l*. 4.000...... 1(.'7% Wahaah R B lr. 1.000.B9H WahBRh R R 2U 8888.7SV 18.000.,.74 WBhl'ebflera 10.000.37 W**i sa*r* *:?*.? -1.000.100% 1.000..C... 100 a.wK..100 2.B00.PH% TBE GEXERAL LIST. ACT.-41. **.*?*. LALEA AT IRV COSf-OLIIUTFD STOCK. BBB TE IBOLLCX EICUASQE. tEBBEB. *" 0|-en. illrh ;. P .... Al\ phtt .a- c.ii% .. A Pae. 14 tta* k Qy. u".% I St I. . 81 --? C?n S?iirh"ii . 4n<* ' -? P_ ?H II ? Ceo: ot S J .1)1% H (.*. J? ' Laeh v Bf .184% f* t fi _ a,. |% fr*k? Shor. . J. r. i ar. l^tiU * V??i,. M? Padfle . 07 M K a- T flflfl. H L"ad . )'% ... 01% * * ? yu, p_ * T 0 4 W.... li% , Puelflc MaJl rM. K ,82 "l*** ?1% |J5 , Rlcb * Wnt T. 11 if% il 11% *i? lesfla Paelftc . l5 \2 \_\ D ,& I i_*nn Coal A Iron.... 27% ^7% ***, ff*t *___ Yulon Pa-TBc . 84% 85% 81% 3?'? I'W Wheel * L E. 81% aiJ 314 JT-j ? Wawwh pfd . 23% 28% 28% BM _??? "Total ?bare* ia\i7777:.._77777.'7~~'.7.77A*i,9'.0 BOTBt. At Ttl? ine. 01% Url* -d .-on . 07% <leo Pae cer Sa. 88* | )lo-k Valley 5a. gi ' >i K *T?d. i7% i Or Imp 5a. ?.?.? Ur Ibiu lat. 88% 1- * R fc-n la. 70% R a W>t 5*. 88* R 4 w it u- ia St L Bnuthern lat... 6'1% i Texaa rtMflc 8-1. -.'7% Wnt Snore 4a.100% ; Wahaah I'd . 74 to^al amount."....;..B04.000 _UIXIXQ 8T0CIS. Alta .85 Uo" Js So 200 Alice .1.75 1.85 1.70 1.S6 800 lAatorte .01 .01 .01 .01 I.O.*' - Itnont.81 bl .81 ^\ S00 * Bclcker.8.(.3 BjH 8.65 805 100 t'ballaa -.2.00 2 00 2.00 MO 10) II ' "r:?to .aO .3i) .80 .80 500 liale A Xerrroa*.1.03 l.M l.w 1.95 1"0 Irm silver.1.10 1.10 no 1.000 LeflflvlUa .io .10 .10 .10 "0" M'X'1*'. .8.70 2.70 2.70 2.7o 100 t'Ph,J ?_.8.71 8 75 3.75 3.75 108 d .1.15 1.20 1.15 i.-.-o V.ah Con .<to ,?.0 s*t) .00 | I Ye low Jack-t .1.83 1.85 1.85 1.&5 . 100 CLOSIXG PBICES OP BOSTON STOCKa. . _floaton. Ang. 14. 1801. .. ^ *. n. *''-***rA*y. ..-C'V. " fBfllarflaT. f?Ey. Atoh t* Top. 33% 34% iCal * Hecla.UA L'jO Hoat 4 AIb.uiy...20i 201 Prunklin . nu 15% Eort ft >l:.!i.?v ..173% 175 Haraa .? 7,-1" 75 Chlc Hur ft Qy.. 8rt 80% Kar?.irge . lu% 10 fltehbuif pM7... 70 60% | 0.?'-<-ola . 3.', ?5 STlnt t p m pf.. 05 05 SaaM Fr _**.... 45 43 M?ss Central.... 10% ]<;% lOuhiey . :.s \>s M.'X Cent ooii,... ]?% is-i, I'lamarark .188 15* N Y ft X E. 34% 35 Aunlaton L (o... U 33 N v ^ x 1: 7*...n*. 118 gaa i>^?o L co.. io 1 1 ii/l I'a'.bb it.**. * r* a 1 \B'.-.?? *:?*_.* t *??__ ***** ? <>ld Colonv ... .165 104 iL.tland com. 8 3 autiand Ti 70 . t .om.... 10 16 Allouei M (new). 1% 1% Atlantii' . 12 18 Bost & Mon|. 42 42 Weat End L Co.. 17% 17% 1 'i>hon?...l80 180 T.amNon S. ,->?-... 10 I'.i Wgtor Powi-?. 2% i'% Centennlal Min.. 18% 14% X B Tfll * lel 18 4'j Putto i r.o-it Cop 14 14% CLOSIXQ PRICES OF PHILADELPinA STOCKS. Bld.Aaked. Bld.Aaked. P ft II O M 4a..70% 70%,Lehlfh Valley.. ..4;% 48 P ft U let pfd 5o.8(>?* 50% Leh C ft N 0a....48% P ft B i'd 1,1,1 ba..83% 8:.% Pennsylvanla ....49% 60 1" ft E 3d pfd &*.120_20%J_ ST. PAUI/S FISCAL YFAK. Friday, Aug. II?p. m. The Chloago, Mllwaukee and St. Paul Rail way reporta it* results lor June as follows: Grofls oarningo, $2,147,614, againat $1,1140,676 in June, 1800, a gain ol $107,738; operating expenoes and taxes, $1,472,1197, againat $1,810,073, an increase of $162,024; net enrnlnga, $674,016, against 9833,801 ln 0380, a galn of $38,814. Wltb the rfturnfl for Juno the fiscal year of the St P.vil closea, and the prellminary report ls found ?till to refleot the unfavoral.Ie conditlon6 of ratea whieh wero ao aggravated in 1890. Tbe gro66 earnings incrensed -91,080,818, although only lialf the peoriod was eovered by the operatfo'ns of the new Weatern Trafflo Aneor-iarion. The cxpensea and taxea were increaaed $1,163,403, leaving a de 088888 ia net earnings of $04,88C. An increase of $114,193 in "other income'1 was partlv offset by an ine.rease in cbarges of $23,097, bo that witb the l.?s m net eornings, the balanoe after payina cbarg<*s is $3,800 less than in the previous year. The P'.irplus after 7 per cent dlYllends on the preferred fltock is $096,165, or $18,362 smal'.ei tban in 1890, but this aurpltis ls equal W 1.80 per oent on Ihe oommon Rt4?clc, against about 1.88 per cent a year aga The preliininarj" stateinent compare? with the two preceding years as follows: Y'e-.r .nded June BO- 16J-9. 1890. 189L (iro^* aamlnffl.-*25 42. 559 aW,4o3,708 B27 .'? i Oi^ r-utlug -spenaea.... 105-?f.::o3 A.,l7a,00d 18,3'JU,5oO Xet OMiilnia.-^. 08.8:4.174 Other buxime. i.i'5,777 Totoi tneoma. 00,09V'5i Cbfltgefl. 7^88.608 Bilanqo ....?..-..?? 81,811.333 Di\-ldead on preferred ktocn. a972.400 Surplua. 8833.805 8717,327 8888,181 a 4% per eent. b. 7 per eent WHAT WAS DONE IN STOCKS. The stocJc market, in maklng furtBer progrr*^ toward higher valuea, exhibited notabie irrei<u larity to-day. Although we understnnd that tlie project for plaeing the tloatiug debt ol l niou _Pai"i!io beyond prohabillty of dHturbnnee lor some time has hoen llnally arranxed in all mib stantial ieaturea, that stock l'St much of itfc ri'ceiit ac'ivity, BJid Mfter flootuationa exceeding 1 per cent, eloswd only 1-2 per eent better. The plaoe of leader in point of business done wafl usurped hy I.ouisvilk- and NflflhTllle, and whik it hroke to (**. in justitication ol "tipfl drc from a particular souree, its net dee.line WM onljr equal to Union Poclfic's gnin. Tbe Orangen, the Northern Paolflo, Miflflouil Pnritie aod I*cka waiina were all ("trong, with net iniprovem.-nts of 1 per cent and over. Atchlson BIOYfld np OBIJ aligtiur, notwltlisranding the ooBttnoed heary pafrw? in frr'iss .-.?irnitiTs r.-ported by ti.e cump.ui.v. The rwe in prices tliis week would Invite more eonildence were tbey not so obviously the result of profertfcionnl openitloiiB. The lirmness ln the fnrelgn exehflnpts ii COrioUfl when comr. ? MILs drawn aiainst export.*; ouirht to \**> inereas ing. Tlie slightly higher rate.s f'.r eall lo.ins nV tained at one time in the afternoon are no index of T,he actual cond'.Tion of the money market). Sfocks were not up to the Mghast pautB it the e.l.isc, but the current cxpcct-itioiis wero fot further advaneea. THE DAY ES' T7TE BOND MAHICETT Oovernment. bonds were neglected at the Stoek Etchange, but quot.'itions were advanced 1-4 per oent for the 4s. Annexcd are the last flirures: Bld. JUked. , BAL .VskeH. 1B t*m 1BB1 188 1fftT*a .... ,U.S.eur.8a. 1S00.;J2 .... C.S.4?.i?07.cou 117% |t.&..:'.r.lla. lisvS..ll.i'a .... U.ji.ta.l007.wfl AlVt 117% U-Seui '',?./.fc .....UJ .... OA^ur.O*. 1Q05..11O .. . Im.- I ??*- Hl ??*? In .State bunds an unusual numbei of 6outh ern icaue* were traded ln. Tbe ??-le? int North (.4trolina ajpecial tax Chatham Railroad laaaa at :,. and weatern Railroad at ibe sam. ligure, Virginia <^s de.erre.l, trust ree.-ip* ^.1-4. and TennflflflBt settlemei.t is ai 100, 6s at 102 and 3s ut 88. In city bank Btoeka tnere wen- ttk* af Wflatern Nattonal 188) ut uz. The faaaral bond market waa not so acure 81 reaterday, but a lar^e variety of bvnefl ti oelYed attention aad an nnu?aai aumbez ol changea were re.virded. Klohmona Terminal coilau?ral trust 6s roae 5-8 U> 39 8-8. Bnt the 3s I PBB eent to 58 1-i. Northern fBelfio t-onsol 3s were up 7?8 per eenl to 78, and Oregon Jaiprovemetit 3a gained 3-8 at 641-8. The a. hiaon ifsnes w.-rc u.'tive, but U.e lnootnea ? - ti lotloa al 82 1-4. Beadiag becond preference incomes fell 1-2 i?er cent to 1. Hoofltan aad Texaa Central tirsta were off 1 per cent at 100, and Hoeking VaUflf 9* declined .'.-s to 88 1-4. Taxafl Pfl. lie sceoad in eanaaa were 1-4 pn ,. ? ? ,t 17 :<-i. The ruUng n.te fur uutneiy t* oalL in spife of tiie stoe *.. ]?,**.? earryiag ***** oyw until Monday, waa I |^r c.-nt, but u sl-.^h: flurrv oarried q lotaUona ta l per ofni. The boBiBeflB ..t the highet flgure waa ?an:.ll, and tbe lin:.i loans areic made il 2 [>er cent. Tbe Clearlna Houae Btatemenl arafl na foHoWfli Exchange*, 687,210^84; baknoefl, $4,122,285. Th,- S :!>-Tten.sury t.,.,|ay ^*aa del.tor t<i the Clearinn Houae $521,178. Tho bulneflfl "' ' ' reasurj f< ? ; ended to-nighl ln reeeipta ol $24,054 485 and pa. enta ol .'?. 60, [ the leneraJ balanee $141? 478,680, :-?- 1 .854.038 .m AuflUal 7, ihow laa aa galn of 82,524.662, Bul deduet Ing from tbe paytnenta$3,453,000 aad from tbe n> for itenn wbieh alTe I Itfl ? ooubI with tlie Ganeral Treaanry, Li fecUna the banka is 81,860,663, bul thla reanll Incluaaa the reoelpl of $2,400,000 fm paymaal ... other point*. To-UayB operatioai Re ceiptfl, :? ,565,027; p -.-r.ts, $.1,140,078; with ,-?* of $113,588,133 eoin aad $27,888,827 eurreii The Twaflwry parehafled .mo.'.oo cincos of sil? ver al 88 0.1:,'."...<.'.'.'. eentfl an oanoe The offerinirs 1,888,000 0 bb fl .1 girea o il I ? 147,000 ouneefl parehaaed loeally at the n ? ' ?. '!.?'? p irehasefl ... thaa l,( 08,800 ",.? legal quota fo? Ao - I The fn:'' Stafc t Waflhlngtaa re <ci-..-l to -iiiy $158,348 National bank notes for ption Tlie OUfltamfl reeeipts wait $885,451, the in revenue rrceipts *'.';r>,l 10, and the niiscel laiieoua reoelaBa $28,217, TB-daya WaahinBtoB 1 reflanry atatomenl '.f ea?n on hand and dapomtfl ln bank eomparefl with ti.e ligures of tb* IflflB 9* "s itiQ*W*. Kotr. 1.1 A'.e 11. Difl. '?ii' ** \et tnli .... hat. 1812.').".:: 3<?J 81| ' 07B.023 Ine. ?. '..I-.-. v,t l * t ot 1. 4 81 247 189 88 87! 881 D* 97***1 Ne'.? aZStf^T 18.818,888 12 01...Q17 B AC'ial r??h ln Uie r^ raalta "d";i7lC8 I ? . foieigfl esehaagflB wen- dnll. bal 1 I laoe * uiau.taii.ed. Am.exed are the ^uo I fur nctual bnBlncae: Bank.rc' hilL. $4 H4n $4 ?4 1-4 and *4 8<> tam ]-._j ai?; st ,,,t M.ilinj. re-peotlv. ,y ; Freneh tt-9AO, .*, ... 1-S and .">?"?'>". relehmarki 04 <-4 and _.-, in Londf.n ItritLsli con__i9 were 1.1 c higlipr for money at ?* '??-l/> an.i u:..'nange .1 f.>r 1 eount at tho same flgurt\ Xin? Bank of F.nglni'l ?25,00(1 bolHoa on h_,!,.n. <?. In tlie oprn mnrkpt mehatf v,-** enny ni 1-4*1-1 prr ff*nt f'.r daily balano.. at,.l 1 1-lB] 1-2 p<>r ri*:,t f"r --*? co-intfl. r.;ir ailrn wm atrswh- nt 4_ an onnor. Am.rj.Mn rallway _!_;,..*! sironn**r. bnt su(Tcn>(1 loev? later tl ',..-:.*. v II Pnrte Frcn.h _ p*?r eent/. v,',.r. i'; af Exclinnge on Lamlnn .5.2*71-S, RATI.ROAD BABWOS. ATCH1&ON. TOPF.KA AND SANTA TE. (WkaR ariv-nj IftfjO 1f?l. N-'mV ef mllea. 7J1J -.,110 7,114 Flrat wan,i In Aurust.. 8l'*r, 2., $.1.7745 9" Jon. 1 to Aug 7 ... 14.883.; .... 19,Cfl?3.-t)7 ST. LOFl.s AND BAR H'.AXi.ISCO. N.mbe. of mllea. 1 :i.*9 i.u 1.80'. Flrat weeit ln Augu-t.. ?13 ,474 814". ,V.S 8'.">4,-MO Jan. 1 '.0 Aug. 7.... -.ddtBTI 8,478,184 4,741,823 OOLORAUO M1M, ? V_, Number of ml'.ea. .87 35 Flf.'. a'B".k ln Auguat.. VM.'.Ki g.10,',1,1 $42 1 TO Jan. 1 to Aug. 7.... M-,8M 1.11.1,333 1,203,371 CIN.IN.VATI, JACK^'N AND M.U aIXAW. NumiVr of n*ilei. Aii 844 344 Fir*t week ln Angnat.. n.i.o. ?i..--,: fl. 18.1 Ja:.. 1 R A.m. "???? iRJJM 331.;*,i_ 423.413 KAXSA8 I ITY, CI.INTON a.v.'i _PIUXUP-X__D. NuihiVr of BU*-. IM 1C3 l?l n,-,i week -i A'iKust.. M.O09 woio o'.T.a 1a:i. 1 R A?f. T... 1.,-,..,; _-;,.-.?! 1<,1.-'.? i KARBAI < ITY, l-Or.T BCOTT ARD RJCJCPHIB. BraiMr of a_Oea. <*.7i i 71 ?"i Flrat week ln Auguat.. $80.?4 88Y4_- ?74 8'". Jaa. 1 10 Ang. 7... 2,687,208 2,779.228 2.41 KANv.K (ITY, MF.MFIll.-. AXD BIRMINC-UAR. v . r a tr liea . ? r_\ H-?t - --?'... *17.7:'.l ?IS 3-2 82*"> 0,M Jan. 1 to Aug. V.... _-.-,_*. i 078,847 WU.O'.iS 101 I" Vll.I.i:, N..W-.\LP..\NY ANU CftJ, -fwribeT of m!!e?. 187 B_ l*li=t v. k In Augn?t.. B19.870 I'l 570 8SJ.107 Jan. 1 lt. A * . 7 ... I,3'i'.,ll7 1 i7i,:,2<l 1,0'?,C44 MANHATTAN ELKV (OWilal to N w-Y ' ""m-ra.) Qairrer ti-rt'-l June 30- 1?*11 SroM earnlBgi. 82.?-i...73 $C.4-.7.'_i3 .B.M-.-U ig eipeneee, 1,212,700 1.-01.--8 1,. B_ -arnlnga. 81.128.237 81.2-S.-87 81.2J ofrr Income. 2L.O0 21.Sw ToUl Income. 81.14T1.7C7 81,279.787 81.202.58*. Flrat that. .?>. 521 PS9 -0..5Sd 60o.ftl7 Sun'.ua . et;2H,o78 8710,193 8602.048 NEW-YORK AND NORTnF.RX. (Oflic'a'i to New-York Ststs Cr,:i;rr.'rIonera.> Quartf-r f-d-- Juno 30- 189 ? Chanrea. irnlnga. 8140.7. ?13_ 3.J8 D?-. ? Operatlng e-peoeei. 112,948 104.743 D-c. ITet earnliiRS. *2*<.m:i B.-7.04.-Dec. WS Flrst ehargei. 18.900 U^dSIaa. 2.848 B'irplua . 89,133 80,202 Dec. 83.031 I.\n?ORTS OF.DRY G0,.*Ds. Far tbe wrek- IBBO. 1800. Ml. Eotcred at ti.< port.8'-V'-..0_4 rj...'". !>13 8-.U87.1M Thrown on the markel... 2,971 428 - :->7.*.'_l S.lGJ.S.Xi glnce Jan. 1 ? Enfr^d at the port.... 87.*,?0.327 in*. ..7'J.ini 7n,t.40.r-.:. Thrn-A-n cm tbe rnarkft. 87,1 18.983 78,M4,_0_ JBanktts oni Drokfta. Kissam, V/hiinev & Co., Bankers and Brokers, 17 BROARRTRBBT. MII.L* BUILDIRA nrTBBBST ALLOWEDOR DKPO?n a C0O3TT, TH iBCTTODRAPl AT8IOHT OOVEBRMKNT. rSTATB. FXICIFAL AND KAlLh'. AT. HECUMITIES BOL'.-Hf ANU >ULD FOR > Ail! UR L'PON UAROIK. Bi'.ANUII 0F7ICE. 42D-.-T. AND PARR-AVE. iinnncial, Better than elght per rr?ir PKKFEnKr.D MTOCK. We offer for __R 818,000 H i?_a of a long-e-tab'.lihed mOI HT1MAL ( OMPABT I i iWd ln Ihil ITTY at por ar.d atorupd lnf^-t. IlONDr* $-00 ea-h, runn'.ng 10 v?ira front Jan. 1. 1801. OMpoa. JANI'ARY BBd Jl'I.V. Theat B'.nda are onq'it tlonably _r-r--;__9, ar.d af'r IR clo?f>*t lnrnstlgat'.oii *? r>*>:on.rr.f>nd them. For further parttenlan -ppiy w BANKERS AND BROKERS, 30 AND M BXCHAKGI PI.Af K. ATCKSSON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILROAD COMPANY, 08 MILK KI\. BOSTON. Aug. 12. 1^01. The Board of DlTBtlBIB h.tving deolatod Uut tho INCOME OOLD I10ND-. of tlila compony are BaBtRd to 2 PF.R OBRT. UTTEREST, ln full. f--m r.-ult ti op?ratu>n> fo- tt,. ReoBg p- :<>d eovtred by tonp,n Bo. 2, fn(l>>d Jaae .''"', 1891, IMfe ir,--: at will bf> pa!d on a-.ij after Soj.r.. l prt.x. at the off-fR of HiinU of \orih A.nrrira, Boaton. I nlon Trual fompnnr, Se w- Vork. llnilng Rroihera Ai X ompanr, Yd., London. All OOCPORB wlil be a-.rre:ider-d to the Agency maklng Hflll Hold-rs of COi'PON RCRIT of the |b?T8 bond :?->!'? ontlticd to lntoreat fe>*pt. 1 Bl mR praa bi tbali ?.-r,i, Btrtl8eBt-B, ^?,'ti wpeaa tn_clied, fo: aalleeMBB of in t?r?t. canooiutija of Ou co'iir.:^, i.nd tadorsaaaanl al the c'rt::'..-atc?. at th>* aOAW n.-kin? Bm p_ Intcreat on RE(*IHTi:F*.?i. BOXD CERTinCATRS wlll be rerr.ltted to holdera hy th. I'uloa Truat Company of New-York. J. IV. BFINIIART, Vicr Pre-I.leni ?ETROPOUTAH TRl'ST (C.MFA.M OF TIIF. (ITY 0. %EW?tORRm Noa. 39 aad U9 OTottaat, CalrtlalaadSjirpIua.* 1.709,860 DeaiguaLCi BJ ? ?.- ? ?? "? -- , '* ? ? ? ?> Uc pc-luiry. Wll* reccivo aeuciii- ol mouey va lnu*rc-*t, act a? nacal or trana'-er ..geuD, cr _tu-:?h lor r-.iH,ra'_oi.a, and Beeept ?nl aiecu.... -r.y ,"ga, *.r.>--.? fjTOI :orp^ rtuiona un aa fa\.j-?', a '?r.:?>- otbe; u-Ular coupuniea. l'Hi.MA.s liil.j.H-,! SE. Pre Ti'.- DI ii.. K O. TAl'i'F.N, , k-a-Praalnenl CUA.-> R. JEM'P. .',1 V.. ?-l're?ldent. P1.V..RLY CllEW, Srcreuary. OEoKufc, D. loi.NLi, A_a*?jSecrMary. NOTICE OF REDE3IPTION. HOLDFRS OF nOND*. of the BOrTHERU I" RAILll'.AD COMPA.NV ? BO* l:i ti, ? ' ??? unl tha ?-*>.', ol * to th rcdi-mp nnder -. . lll 12 ni .. I,- o> Ii tl. !-. \JO*t ? ' ? rcjoct any or a.. D. O MIT.LS. \r-,stM?_ i. I. LANiaINO, 1 Tnisteea. s.w_ AVOUNti MAN )..'. .' - to .flO.OOo >jo i ea barlng I -a >'. n_t' Jf'.n a Wan ,,' , t? rlen e i - SAFE 1N \ 1._ MAM KACi i KIN ? Bl 1 ES AT CUICAOO. lllyli. '!,v ,a-,<i. ruat ,,'i:-i*,' n- io.. ?itli -. ... v?..-r. tt.. S.t,.>? ;.;.?'.-. poi d n ?? o ? I JOfl Y. PVTRAR _ CO, _ . . Chleago. ^ IVHIIREAS, iiV Vli;TIl. OF ".\.\I. i'i i;-r Tf A.\r to aa ., * - atitre of tha Bta \Va_t_o --. "An act a,itiio-u!.,j and Uie orga _ tract lndolii '? ? Board ol .' aahlnfton, d . a: -. ni '. '?, .\-..- ... t,f. therw - * non,:,. ,t .ii ..f on* f.r , .-,4-iii ? aeh, t, bf:.r il d?ie t>r laaua, lo b* para IBM 11. anv part t!> _o.-.d? to bear Intaraat I :? ,i to bo pa r New-Y >rk, ano \V ? ? : I'.iatd .,f Co'.nty C''mfra ,-aa a':thorUrd lir law b? n.i oid-r ? ? ,,. i.:-.,:. _ '..; ,-. rd and ardered tho li -i glV'.'II . . * I wblea ui ti." - . ,arj:.*.t- ? Ib* '.a ?. .; i ? mi uf ?> .' ii bul. f bonda ? nding act of Uie fjtat** of Waah ? n paaW ,.: ? * - bonda dr Iai d . i al 'i ? o,d ? \ud. Biudr - . ? : l.un- Wlll . ? ? ' ? ? -: a* ? ? - 1 - I ti,4 ui. b'i^ i- infarrnaUoB eooeetnlng aald baadi Mdi ? tao uu : Dated ?' s^-ia-i--, Wi-;, , j. r 14, 1 . i natrm.a Board ??< Count] ('?.-rui.lsalon'-re. J. J. T.. PEEL, Bl \\*" ? ". 1)00 .ni so ? , ,, 118 B aadwajr, lll Pja CEXl H oi \OBi WbttrbU, any ?*? " " ji, o-iiit. i'0"il ,ra ?nd rR team. V. W. Tt-OVNCS. U-a 1.&-I. B-ratUa. Wa-* _-fmancmi. WB OU* AM) OFFKR S350,QOO CITY OF DENVER, COLORADO, Public Improveinsnt Bor.tfs, BCnKEMABI.B AKTKU JII.Y 1. 1001. AM) PAV ABl.V. Ji'l.y 1. i?iOH. j PRINCIPAL -AN'D IXTEi-.l ST 5rMIANN'VAl,) PAYxni.F. in BSW-TOBK. Beal Velur laj.ible Property.tvlOO.OOO.OOO *.**t*****eA Vnlne. 8B.B8I.8B8 Total hinlnr.. 'lrrhiil|.,B tliN lasar'i 1.300.000 IMH'l 'I.A'IION, 1-23.01)0. Tlie la4cM<4aaM ti l.nilted br tha Oaaatttattfla of the state to TiiiiKi; r^r aaafl of hm aaaaBtai vataallaa. One-balf of the above lad.-btcdness bear* fc'ii BOI U per cent latareat. LegnlitT Bflffrvrafl hy oar ceunael. FABT1CULAB8 ll'ON APrLICATION. BLAIR & CO., 83 WALL ST.. NF.V.-YOBK, KOUNTZE BROTHERS, Kanlrer*. 120 dkoai.waY, BBW-TOSK, laaue Lettera nf Creiii*. fcr nee ol T**JtB*h braw Fotaiga BUla .finannal filcstmgg. IU BTABA8B &AILBOAO C'OMPaNY. J .o, IjOI. Th? U II elOBfl flugvafl 8, 1301, at 1 o'e'.ock u'juu, .nd r e it C? is -1, at 10 o'.lock a B> ... asully, Preatdeal I. c. OTTrsoN, Bemtary, DiiuUer.o Noticcs IHE wmxlaxq and lakl UUfi kailwaY ( "MPa.NY. NO. 40 WAXJ rOBB. Il'LY 13, 1S01. MVIDI ND SQ. 14. i D!\1DEXU ol u.Nh ASDOXE-QUARTER *. . P?R <.i..N'? oo tbe prefei - [ ttUs eont mi* for Uie rjuAru-r tt tbia da ? A. ,:: 1 * I . ' July .11, at :? 'clock, atid r .*;,-?* Auf il . J at 10 ? i. ?. m. '.. Sl. II AM, Pect tery. niAL AXD Ii' l'*-"S RIVER HAIL ROAD COM 1'A S Y, 0FF1CE OF TB ADlVIDh.M) of - :i" 81 '. ' :Ifl C?n? ou the .1 atoek of tbe ROME, WATEK luffX AKD '".IU.- 1:'.'.'. RAILROAD ? 1MPAXV, . Kallrofl i t. ? pru\ la a* ol t.i a: tr.i- - and att-r Auguet 16, '? I at the loe'iis of u'... _i. \. W - ???t**t. ^ CHiCA(?0 AND ALTON RAILROAD CIUCAOO, 11,i. - 11, VOTICE.-A quarl of Two Dol il ia-.s n-r thtn aaa ibl i-rr-rt and ommon at. ek ftrflt d,r, uf S tpt. ?,' . ' Th, ? . v< 111 bO i**'.: ll .,1 ml ' l. II. POSTER, I.' *4urer._ VOTlCh. i.* A Blvldeafl nf ?1 pm thatt wlll be r>'ld en the com ,ny on Atic:-: 1.1 l-'l bualn-aa A'i The tra ?'? r bo :.? ul the cn-nmon sto'-k wlll be clo-.-d from A':;".-- 6 :?, ..':.,-' IS, .. I I IVB. llv oi li r Of Ul I' ?. ! f 1 I C. A. . OPFIJT, Tr'as'trer. . ? -27 1BB1._ _ QAN IXTOXIO -! \Y CO. ? ' . oupon >'? I ( ut: ]>~,r.. .- ? ? - ni: -. - la _ \'Y, .MV 1 BRi ? DW '.V, N ,\V.v,,;?:;. A??.. *r*. Iflfll. Tii;: BOARD t)F D1RECT. - I - Ameri \ mr ? . i',.r i - .-. ? ? peyablo at tht Th- t.rau^f : on Aucuet 28, at B n', :?? i. o. a 11, 1881. _OBO. M. BOWLBY, Be r"-.rr._ THE COLUMUl'H AND HOCKIXG COAL AND I."."N CO. '..-'*? d . : ."i pei 1 i ? 1801, li- ka (1 - A - . md "i' n Aucuat 28, 1891 , m:v;f.r 11. miT''tift,t., L ' " ,., ' -t\r. Ptramttcals. iOVIDENSE UME 1 . LL NII HTS BERT, 8KOBTE8T RAIL IilDK. MAIN Vl.'-r. DININO !'. r>A*i. EPI J D1B M -'.'.' jsr* \ BOSTOF^S I * ,.-.!! pabl ,.; . va ro wiii.n :; ThflCO -N ? ' ? ?' i'i ai'l Ma- - . - lid NO.) Z'A B. K.. I ' ' ' ?*???, a., 0.0' a. m, 'i\. ir -\ -. ? - ta 1 J .?hed _,n^ itatei ami ?* :??**. -,t 178, -' - 1231 181 Lant 125tli?t.. 143 B< <? ? - , ten it 1 Wlndaor No'm, Bew-Torlt; 4 .'ourt-at.. v. E. D. Brooklyn, or bt thttthott <""'l '--r'.andt. S.Osl. STONING-TON LINE. INSIDF. ROUTB TO B08T0B aND T:iL EABX. BABB.t(i \N-!.'. f I'M K IMI WA lt II 1111,1. I a:.d Xtrriija:.*"t i ?" "? ? n- tbat at ?'? ' gualiri lneluMd. bV>t>rooma untvo* al all ai ? ?> HUDSON EIVER BY'dAYLIGKI ? ,-. 1. Bfl St,?n-r? vrU'lUUh ?i ALtUNY. DAILY, t-ioey. SuadBjra Lfla.fl-i RrooK'.Tt:, i-u.-on? ,i. i'.i Auaoi;.S 00 a. tn. New-xork, Boatiwaaea^t. piex.?....fl:40 " S'flw.Tori, Weat fcd-et pier.? oO " for AL11ANY. ludlM at Yor.kara, We-t P,I,T.. :,.?burt Puugr,^'*:***'.'. Rbloebeek, U:??.,. a-,d H.a.oii. BatunUai '. v e albany 8.30 a. m. (' :ifi'-"t!o*i? : ?F.*T P.IINT. ^F^VI't Jl(; anfl PO*KEEP*siB w'tb i a ciav t...?c ?HIBEBECK, wlth I ?l I Del. R. H. fnr r^orts ol ? ? a:i tlila. CAT?4KII.!.. - ' * - Tate Ml F.. R. AI.'tAM **t* *rA tb** '?'?' Md ?!l l*PI I'i. . lt Al N - ? I I Bora laABATOHA fer Co. will ebflck taczaac Boa r ? n n '. l-ni-f.. UOBXIBfl \M) Al'TKltvooN tnw.'-T "albaay boats. Pl i.lTK'- I.1KE. BtOM -r- ;..:.\\s and DEAM BU fl Pl.T, 4i B. i'. . . , , '. at '1 [,. i.. DA1LT . ...... 'i:;.\ N'. ' Bl .v li'.Ai. _ |,. tn. D r ,-t t l.m,^ ? ? odaek*, I Shai n ' **?:'??? '.'.'' \Y M'.i. 1 8TF.AM ..!'. - tVl-J IAL 81 ? '? .11-ViXU XHAl.N for BAUAl UK I ' .. ... p . k :? . - .;? ?UT Hudson River Sbampr MARY POWELL. DAILY (SCJfDAYS BB Ltiv* i> . .i i*., BMurfljya, l 45 i> nt ?-...- . Pl I ?.i; Do. 2 For >. . l.VT, COK.vWAH., M.j, BURt* M . ??? ..TUN, iXil'uiiiir.LPalE. HY.'.. . . KuNDOlT._ a -:*.L\\-ii.w -,n li*.- . ! r. _.ria. t, 2i. Bflflflaiera c. ii. NOliXHAM and >. >n : i ni.ntal 1obt? yn- ??. .. Pier Hi, K L. B p ta. and 11 f 12 li- B | , :- ? ...i. :. wlth -, fur M. ?'. tTFIBL U( L .; ., ' . .-z ( rked at '...i*llr fldvajr. N'ew-York ind . ? ?_ / 1 \ i . ' '. | - imers K.\-\ ? j ...... i.r. > loot of Jay-at. .-?. ,-y Bcek day at .; i> r . ''. D r ' r * tr * at ul | I to any ?ddre?i ? v W N. lf. nuK ?'? N ?' 1. MNGS'l'ON aad inror | ?-'.. Yi'.-r 40, ? ' i - RAMSUELL Lir..' - Pier 24 N *% foot I run..I?.?t ?.- - nwBil, la:id::,f, Btwb 'rt. da.1T 8 p. m.: .? -> '* *A '???[ ;, '.iN.'l;'..ii'" ! r I'i il piBlllB bt. AnJrew. and St. Jakn. .MII'. ' -I..-. Y P MM.L' ".'? Ir I: '.' }? ... . MTiiiiara-fli SrHX^UWALK ll? . - , 5un?7 6 40 p ui.j. i-Ji-: :j.U*.?l 20 nilniH". Ut*r. ? l:<tY BOAT9 Ff.l: ADIRONDACKS, BARA - ? ? ? . .-. t - '. r'.h. Law mu, fll *_**__, h,""J*' *\ja?:t u,ui.iic* ** A.Wujjr. i'..oa. ******* iu advance. T <Eu.uaii.n8. TlieWertft PLEASURE BMrslCoent a-iarj'and roamiBOtb aonart-ni. Oan -tne .:?_ Ii'aTi ci-m i'i*-. Dlnncra a la carto. "Klein *??__?*? .land." ' Thf dalry." Boatl.g, balii l-i. flthing. lowilnf in _ bii.iarda. _, _, TTME T*BI.F-?7BAMERg LEATE P!?r 1*. rt. R , fiw-f t St. 8.4A 9 4._1_4- A.R.*. :. . I :_>., 2 :30, J .30 ai.d o . JXp. M.. - Whttt, n.ooNlin. 9 oo. io.-oO. 11 00 A. R.; lt:l?, 1 45, _.'_., 3 4S P. R. 8 ttUo-t, E. R.. 9:30. 1>1. 10:30, 11:80 A. M-; 1:15, 3:15. 4 :Vt, r,:i*5> M. From ??? for !12d St. md Pier 18. N. R.. 10:4.1. lor Pi**r 18 only. 11:45, 12:43. i.i. LANDlKOB, 3 1*, 4:15. 6, 8, 7 ani 7:30 I* M. 40c. F.X( I R-ION T1CKFT*. 48c. EXTRA BOAT- SI-NDAYS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. ALT, TBAVELLINi* EZPSHBBB INCL.DED. A ptrty wtu leave Now-York. >lf>ndnr. *ept. 7. fr.r a l.rand Toar of r-ii-vt.-our daya throngh tho Yel.ows.oneNa.ionalParl. the Paclllc North-p. cm, r_? i\t. ?'linAtn Konte and ALIF0f.NI ! Rftuming Aa li: ? tnmt, Fr Hontc. Ou : - . Jlon.lriT. ??, p ternUer 7- a party wUI 1<wj\.. New-York for Ib* Ycliot. .ioiio Natlonal I'urk and Uu Pni-lfi.- \ortli?t.c*t rcturnlng vib the l'lnur. t-.qnc I nnndipu Pnrlllr Rnllwnr Ikaradny, Oi-toh.-r 18?-Es nr-ion dlrect to Montheru ( n litoiiiin iliiit'-ilnv. Norenihrr I'i?I'lrit of a arrl** of Flaht IVIu.pi- Trlp** lo ( t.lili.rrla. P'irina '?f-picinbov nnd October?A ?erlea of alxtecn Trlpa to Baafi rd R f"7* laat for .McHptlve clrcular, dralgnatlng the per . - BAYNtlRB A- WlllTl'O.MIl. 817 BROADWAT, REW-TORR._ Un steamboat company. MJUBCl BOOTH TO TIIE IRON PIERS AT Conay Island ?? Long Braneh. TO-DAY1 T1RE>TABI-B iOB COBRT LSLAND. FHiiM tV-.-.T_U>-*?r.. N. R.-9, ln, 11, a. _,, 1_ m_ 11 i .10, .',. ,i. T. s at/l 9 jj. in. PIIO.-1 I'll.11 (BEVVJ Ml I, K K- ilattery Place :? : , j, H- .10, !1 .;??. 12 ::.,. a. m., 1:80 I'.IA, -, J 45, 4:40, 6:30, 0:30, 7 :_0. 8:30 ?*:.d 'J .30 p. iu RBTURBIRC.. LF.AYF. CONEY I-l.ANU FHK?4-At 10:40. 11:40 a. m. 12:40 1:40, I *?". 3 :_5, 4:10, 6, 6:43, (1:40. 7:40, S:4f. 9 iO ani 10:40 p. m._ FARE ISI.AND AND BCTfRN, 50 CENTS. TITCE TABLE FO.t LOHO BHAICHi 0OO38 WROt i.iO-st., B. K.-j-O a. i_. aud 3:30 P FI.OU PIER CfllW) XO. 1, N. P..-10 a. m. and 4 ;. -n . I.N I.V,,. LEAYB OCEAB PIBR-12:15 p. ro. and G :!*;>. m. FjUtU j. ..u.M> BRANCH AND BETt R-f. 75 CLNT8; . 50 CENTS. Ev<":r.lon tieket* t.. Coney laland and Long ..-tirich aold at all d-i.vri track atatlon* i-, witii lie* n*an?f-r .j Ferry aid Battary Puee for _d and 3d ave. ,--r- _ coney j&land. I' I'.KU tl. WTE-V BBI-JIITOS BEACH. Sea Beaeh Route, Culver Route, Bay Ridge Ferry, From l-ooi of V, laliclnail Sii-erl, TeriniB .b of I l.l.V ITl.ll ROAII-h, RUOADWAY, 11KI.T LINE. . . nnate coDnectlnir at Ubj Rldge wlth traln* for Coney ?R ani _EA BEACH R0UTE8 .eava all-at. hour.y from 7:10 to 10:10 A. M.. then half 10:40 A. M. W 9:40, K* :20 P. M., 0 :1 . A. M. and hair h. urlr f",?,i 10 lo A. M. to 1J .40 and every twenty mlnutea v> D.IO, 0:40. 10 aO Y. M. R-v turnlng, laat traln* I'-v. Coney l?!ind at 11 Oa P. H. ta. NORTH BEAGH and Cb!Sege Point. Boita Rwa K..?* WIRaa., N'-w-York (ele-at?l *tatlon :-i ind :.?! *.'.*j. . for Cotlag* Foi.-it, 5. 7 aitd . t.i! U p. rr-.-, ffopping at G.-arid !*1*l> Beaeh, every trlp. Fnre 10 centa. La.-t boat trom >'? rt;. Beaeh, :' :10 p. m. , Korth B a ', i>y elBfaat horse care vta Eaat 34tn ? '" B. l',.re .1 cenr .._ MANHATTAN BEACH. TRAIN" LEAYB FOOT K. 34TII raT., N. V _t)v j _.; u bui pme-tt, ..-',, ,o _o. ll;-0 a. m.; ?:30, 4 80, 5-0, (1:30, 7 00, 7 UO. 8:65.'8:1 - 9 ? '?-' -^ '?> r,? ?? m- _. _ viuili.lo.NAi. li.Ai' nin on Saturdars ai.d -.- l :_0 -?:?.-'..?)-- only). -t 00, 4 00. 5:00. o 00 o. bl \\}l\ it all I'levatod road- anj itrect-car IfOIB 7:10 to 13:10 ,'.'! ..f from ll" to 9 lo r>. m. SundaT" liati.-i. fron. BilOa. Bi. 10 8 ! 1 P ",? A.ld'tl.nal Poat l>;avea at 12:40 u u.. (*-."r :.,) - only), . QtLRORR ANNT Af. .IVV.ll.r.Z, THfllSDAY FRIDAY svi''!'.DAY, SL'NDAY, THLS v, EEK. PAIN^S OREAT 8PECTACLE, pU.l* FROM BMPIRB TO coM_nnn_. AND tii'.ANO Fll_RW<M_-_-. ovcry c\_;jaig eicept buuday ?mi Mondav._ FAST S.EA.MEI'Jb LEAVE i; net, -. - br, , .. .-, Bro' rnc-at. ? . E. R. 1 ' i- a. ra. i. J ' i - ; . i... 2 I. |i. m. P ' ? 0 i'i,' J. Bi. 0:15 p. m. uu*. a o : ,j-? ISORi-48., Iljrlem River (termlnu. .f -'0 Aii bo xt-. i-ievatod roida). 10 and 11 a. rn.. 1, 2, 5 00. dAO and 8 0.) p. m. La?r. bo*t !?av6 B.lfl-u Kolnt ;u p. n.. BxcQIBUO tlctceta, 85c; chlidr-n undir TON^aMACH, L. I. l.O\ii IBitARD RAILROAD TH.tlN I.f-'V' rOOl -iTI'.ST., B. R.. BiaB-daya, 7:50. 10:50 n, rn i ..'? ? '-? biwdare i.; 12:80, 1 ??'-.. g:50, - 80, 4:50, I ' j. . .'. I- Rl_ West Point, Nswbiirgh & Poughkeepsie Daily Erci.r?lon trx- p- S'iridi}*. hy Day litm Stt-an.eri NTIV-YORK nnd AT.niVY From Fi','cn-*t. rbr Anneii.8 00 a. tn ?? Se -Ynr.c, Dee_roeeee-*t piar.8:4C " " Ra . -_ u -? Per. n 00 " m_ag, d.o in New-YorU at 5 10 n ?_? HIORX1BU aud AFrtRNOON COBCIBTB COACHINU.-R. H. Hacy k Co.'s fonr-m hand, "The LalceKood," leave- tli^lr stcr"-. T-ie-dsyn, , 1 cat .rdiy*. at 10:80 a. n_ Ret'iruins, ar rno-t al >)th-av>>. a_U lith-at. at 6:30 p. m. Tl-it ta, ?^ 60, for round ur^, taa be purchaned tn r llarneaa _, paruneat_ EK1E RAILWAY. SHOHOLA GLEN. BFNDAY8 AND BTEDXF.HDATS, *L iM--: , J M a. ra. ; Chair.L -ra?t.. J.30 a. m. ..A o p. n.. Wa teapa wtm nt Pattr LAKR, ^.?? !n-Ml?T* and .ur..ara. 75 ? lca-.o XSd-at . 8 28 i B_; '.l.amher-. Bk. 8:80 a. m. Bundaya, l>-a\c -Sd--*.. 9 .- _. Ui.; chaui1.":-t-t.. lUW a. n. P.e?u ar tialna refirnicf. ?8. BOUND TRIP. $8. COOR'S 8PECIAL 1 .:?? BSIOB i.i N1AOABA PALLB, f'M Al'TAfQUA and WATKINS ..I* ? ii isth. r. to ,- - -? rr,,m *! RO*i , " ' 8 BOlf, '..ii aad ? i or anv Weat Rh, ', N'W i ? Ita foi -.^^cta and ? r - * ,- - Btramboais. FALL RIVER LIMS. !. MAR , Al'L COU ai,J ull Ea?t< rn IMER 8KRV1 r leadlng -,',ir:uu, . N. R-, (? '-t ot Murrar st.. wae. daj .ti.J.'i -n- li-.l- p. '>.?; ~>u>.d_y*, Hiik p a ? n *r-k dava aud . 00 p. m. A ?>; .nd or l.rxfrt K't-, : i.m \s' \ 1>T1BI l i I -- .1 fllllT I'.lll Ul '-Maiiiial ?.f "Id .'??i- iii ... t.?- Tal! Ri\t>r p'. I 5 ccata poatage. Ad> _ , A.?H-U-fE HTBAn9_IIP CO. UM ... i ?;-?-?:? ...t il--*,. aol I'ottr mii M ? al 1',-r _i,d ..ui ail i-j.:i--d? -?d Lt tr llar-or, Old OrcJuurd. I'-iund hpiln.-, Whlt.- M.untain-. RocBlai.d. Baanar. l_t.?t(,orJ a.,1 .. N. II.. Afd -i. l_-?t, r-.j a?-..,'ii'-r rt-wru. _'__?? ..- Wcdncaflav .nd sat-.riar at ip. m. from P>r -d ___tt Riva*. foot ol Ida.aet fcirjtH. N Y. k at tuxuex u_l?r._a_l4?_ auply w li_l_A_i- U-LL. Axcah .?_? . .. , ,r -_ QtmBsemenia. B~~KOADWAY Thettra. EvgTat 8. Mat. Sat. 2* Baodeerneat and (yooiaat Tt.?utre la Uie World. DEWOLF M'.Pi'KR Ol't.KA COMPABY, 100TH P?Rr0r.ilANCE I Vt ANU. To-wioin_|_WA.VO._, B1JOU TilEATRE. Bwaj. near 30th-fll Erflry Blfht. >IaMB.e? \V?d and sat Second wty-t *_nt Ext^aorttn?ry t?ucee?? at A 1IKJH ROLLER. _l?ee from Maiilard ?*?? \ <*t tl *vt*ry i^rforroane*._ BASEBALL. FOLOGI.f.lM.S TO-DAY. Orand Leagne Chempiiviahln Oarae. CINCINNAT1 ra. Nr.W-YORK liame 4 p. tn. Adml*alon 50c. Re?erved ?eet? at Spaldlne'a. J4l F.rr?d?ay. Y.r-,r**** traln ot. Oth-Bve. L i?a.-? Kntar-fl., S 14 a ?? ? id Buckl^y, N?-w-York fe?ttery._ CA8JXO. Broadway and 89th-at. Evenlota at 6 IV LA8T WI'.l'KS. THE ORF.ATKST OF CaSINO 8VCCE88E8. TlIL" ORAJID DOOKMt CONTTXTJOPR ROOF OARDR.V CONCKRT 7 BO M 18. Admlialoo 50 e?nt?. la'lud nr both enurtilniuanto. *-lS l>REl,ARATION-"INDirrC." ENOHANTLNG EL DORADO. KCKABTIBO Et, DORADO. JENCBANTIXO EL DOKADO. On the Pallaaflefl, oppoeito Waa* asfl-d ?"-??*.: JtOLOSaV niy.AL.rr* Every Evnins * t D'.l.O.^r KIIUUY'I : B90, lacl.-di..g fiun* : : day E\atiing. : KIN? BOLOMO.f. . KINO 6OL0MOB. Orand Dally Proroennde Concerte at 8 TBE PAJB0V8 AND ONLY JLLB6 LEVT. Tha Splendid EI Dorado Band, uader direcilea ?t NAHAN KRAXICO. To Orounda and C'oooerta, 20*:.; to Klr.e Boloooo pea f.,ruiacee, 25e extra. H^art-ved aeate and boaea aao. Take .lay and W?et 18841 f.-rrlca (railroad bu*t) dlreeti ala-i al! Ho o?n. ferrlee, th-n hor?e c?r?. Tha llardma.. Pwnoa eveltiaheiy u*ed at EI Doeorto. NOTi(.'U--Reware of bo^us tl-keta ao'.d bv apecnlafc**. Pur'baat- otiiy at o:fieea of EI Dorado._, EDEX MU8EEL 2******* -TO-DAT: MATINEE. _COLBMBIA BALtBT AND TIIE^JAPABEBE._ n.ARDEN THEATRE. MANSFIELD. UT BBBflflBfi at 8 SO. TO-DAT at 2. Mr:. R1CHAKD MANSFILLD. 6Jt Mat.. p. i ?r_______Dt.^^_n____4_U___**Z**i K08TER * B1AI/3. Mat. Mon.. Wed. Sat Flnt week of livd 8?!omoa'a New HnrleAque, DICK WHTmXOTON ANO HIS (AT. Qtiarftte Toulousaln , (yclopa and baud.>w,_8troiig_14?. MADiSOX SOUAKE GARDEX Amphithflatra Mr. S. H. FRENCH.General Mii.agei EVKRY NIOIIT AT 8 15. Tiie largeat. mo-t Buainlfle ut, and beat appolnted plae* of Bmnaemeni :n th* world. Open air. filldlnu te*. Alwar* cool. Tm thoueand aeatt at 60 flaalB. Two tho.i-.and ******* at 29 centa. r.. .* LAST 3 NMHTb OF X88080M THOMAB. . x.* And hS I'nrlVBll'd Orehe?r? IX BEW-TOBB. A ORF.AT P.-l'I'I-AK Ml'MICAL EVFNT. VoefllUta? T/)ul?e Baflfllte and I.?o Rfmnont. To-nlght, Urt K-q'.est and P'-pular Mffbti h'inda?\ Th^odrre*'* La*t Mfht ln S -w-York. Tho MOsT 'ii'.lI.LlANT PR.X1RA.MME OF THE SEASON. Ttifladiy ev-i.lng. AiiK'i*t 18IB, Inne-' Faroo^ii Band of 100, , mt arolneot aolol'ta ol ttyt dav, aud ln ?.'_______'_____i?______l A}r Mu?l.-.l.'Q'i "."?"_ MAD1BON dQUARE THEATRE. JAXE! JANT.'S BABIES' MAT1NKK TO-DAY 1 "ReeordT" aavs : Funny and elavai productloa. JANK: To-nlcht; 8.30. tAXZl jant. : MM J'- -dn- ?i2._Janei ^f AXIIATTAX BKACII. THI6 EVENING, PAIN'8 FIREWORKS. 6PECIAI, BBVXOM IN HONOR OF AMK.RICA'S CiREATEST LEADSB. GILMORK. Mammoth Raj- Star, 4-leavod Sbamrock, Fllght of Monater fthe'.Li, PoatitiK Festoone of Fire, Golden Rod. Jubllee Muslcal Flre-?ork?, tbe BMdjl Wreath, all tho Saturday o.ght noveltloa, and hundreda more. "PARIS, FROM EMPIRK TO OOMMUHS." 000 troopa la action, and the beat performing artlete Id Am-rlc?. PALMi.R- THEATRE. At 8 :1B : TAR AND TARTAR. : ?.-? 100th pcrformanee, Aug. IS. S?ata now on eale. _Matlnee >aturday at 2. T~ ERRACE OARDEN R8th-?t., near 8d-ara. -To-nstht. PeBtlllloa von Lcr.j'im'au, Madelalne, it'.m li* Tt.n- . ., Jaii':'. howaky. Hill- i THEATRE. Xoar 6th-ave. EVEBY NiollV. MATINEES WED. and SAT. Bflflmw "r"h.".?tt? Clrcle anl Bil-ciy. . ..5<> oer.U. The eno-mo'uly ?ucc^?8fui IfUttary <on.#dy D:-jm?, A FAIU i A Maenirtteut Produ.'tlou. REBEL. "Bettfr than Sh"'.oah." dT\t .Tnrt. JKROME i'ARK RACE TEAGN8. On ?** h nc* day apflal Iralaa ?IU leave Oranfl o.-i.trai via HjrI-n. :* rjul. at 12:80. 1 .10. I AO tm 1 -iu P* iu. \V;igfi*r drawlnsr-ryon. car traln at 1.40 t. ni. (from Ne.v-Y'ork Central walting-rocmi d' ri-ct to neetraek. Regular tmii.a atoiipi:< at Fi^u. fcU'.ion ;.i-ar race tia.* , leave 'irand .^-utrai StJ'./.i lu 3H arid H Bfl *. iu.. 2:10 ond 2 ji d. n..: l?ave I2*.u.-?f. Ktatlon at 10:ia and 11 :H a. n... li oo, 1:48, A lo *.,. i 14 d. I;.., i^a\. 13fltb.flt. itBtloo at 10 40 and 11 4fl a. m., 12 -tl ii.if; 1:46, 2:22 iwd 2:44 p. m. t'AKE i'"* .'"- R'lCBD 11.1 Y. 40c. Pfw-ial tolt-.s letnrnlnE ftlll stOD at USth-.-.t. to lai:d r.a .-' tijtera. Sase (!"la? al tho stat'un by purchi?lng tL-koU al Ne-Yorn Ceatml tlok.'t o,iic?a ln New Yorlt, Lr-.ok.yn Iflfay Li.ty._ DAC1XO -RAIN OR SniNE AT M..RRIS PARK AND JEROME PABB Otl Auguet 18, 1?, :**? t -m\ 57. F.xcir*lo.i ftire On Auguat 10, 20. 2?. 28. fr n vd-av.'. riwatefl l'a-1 ExeiiMion ta*. 40 centa, ?lun I*". ; fro:. Hirl.-ni I from 4'Jd-fct. Depot. Kiver. ?5< HArr.S COMMKBCB \T 2 3ft P. M. i'K.::; t".i-.t.i> at noTH PLACKa. M d CBICBMOBB 9n*y. A. I. ( laBATT, Pr?'t CrtarsionB. ORE. Annual Jubilee MANHATTAN BEACH. TO-1IAY, ^::t0 AM) 7.1A, A ORAND PROGRAMME GRAND SCENA'^LTROVATORE." Inrladlnx lli?* Anvil BiiTodo. Vrrdi ***** (.hor-tt and llonil. w(;h Arti.lrrr 4MM*flaalMfl( CARNIVAL OF NATIONS. PFIlKOIt.MEIl HV UIUBOSBBI HAM). I.,-.1?riiuu?< 'a Mllltary Bnnd. -AIA llt-gl Ilr.iin Carp*. (.riind .iti. . thoraa. Artillery (orp?. ">oi>?eh PtB^m. -oldur -i.l'oi* A ? , .Kn.ional ?lr? ... mt ? <iuutrle?. vij^ Kll IN. Am-rlrn'* I^edi-j *onr?nfl. The IJr.-ir.l ceniralt... *.!?;. TAIil.UPIKTKA, Wolil Fnmed Bnr'.otie, mi.Ll IH J. LAVIN, Tiu- Kn?or1tc Tenor. TO-NllillT. 1*4 IIOSOK OT lilL^IOBE, BPBI IAi. F.R'"WHIlhs I.K.IKi AM) PlIA'-" Paris from Empire to Commune. rt. A.? Saturdpj Afternoon Exfiirsion to AYEST POTISTT. Steatr.i?r Marv tt*t*X l'-avlne Deabroaaaa-at. at 1 48 p. p*, VTr-t ?iid-'.l. at 2 p. tt-. arrlvlng b( Weat Polnt * 4 AO ret.iriiiiiB 1<* any of the West Shore Railroad tralna. .-]'. have BHiple t1m? to aae Am* parade, Oey. .?.-'.m.rt b?ii'.dinirv te. Eare for the roaod trlp, Bl BEACH. ^ B STEAMERS Gea.Slocum and Grand Repnblic WaUlkm. N-w-TBTB . r..8 40 10 :00 1 80 \V?ei lOlB-flt.. Bew.fWk .8 ?o 10 IB l-48 l-i r fl \ ll Bew-Yora. ??.* '? 10.83 1 oi Jew*.Y*Wb*rt. H.octljn.0:30 11:00,2 18 .i r- 'T Clt) BrooklTB .\nnex ItoaU. leaviug 6 io *. va.. 10 3^ a tr. at.d 1 M 9. *r P.."irn:ns. leav?- n-a h 11 ?.0 a. m.. 5 and 0.30 P- ta. 50c. i'r.r-* ICBiind Trlp 40c. MIDSUMMER EXCURSION -TO ?AVCH ?111.>K. <4LE.\ OVOKO AND BU FAMED 6WITCHBACK, >ln ( ewlral Knllread *f Kew Jrrsey. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. a ap'fui aaaraaa ir.iu *t;, ;e?*e _N>w.Yora fiom toot tt Uottti* tb, :,.,?!? Kivrr, at o 30 b. ??. r.?irulua, ?ir;.? lu city alhjut V? u. a*. f-ar* .'or lound trlp onl; *i**6; SwivhUtk 90 centa iii'ket* wlll be g.ed te return on Aug. 9 or 10 oa ui.t.i M of Bl to BC-i.t at Maucl. ' Kor In'orn-atioii < ?o .et'B., IndMd'iala or fa?i1I??l ? bi... ln II 1* nAl.UWIN. Oaa. Pa*?. ASU. ti.n.ra. *'.A.-_ 1 :.',..? t: -? \ Y _ KUYPOST AXD .MATV'A' VN Ml.NMK .'ORNKLL l^-awa IUrHaon-?t. B. 1". lo a Bfl. and a b ?. L*a\%* Xtipatt i ?. iu. Ibxcurauta. 88 o?ala.