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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. TWO HEBREWS CUT THE ROfE. CHET SAY THEY DID IT AFTER TIII" SCAFFOLD FELL WITH TWO 1'AINTIRS. Jolin Nlebucher, twenty ye;*-* old. of \v_t_lni-t. and Dumont-ave., nn<l lluiris MbbbBR, tw.nty ye..s old, of Watk'.ii* st. at-,.1 lllnki-avc. tWO P-BtaWB, "''"' ?t work shortlv MNlfeM 11*8-888*-] "" a li,,nM3 ?* WoU-ins-st. aai OmtmO Wl,, when ihev arm ****** lo tho gro'ind nnd .erion ly injund. Thev ?w stan.1 liig on a tianpltiR platform abont IHeeB fect ttOU the ground -tam lt aaare way. IhroarlM them to tlio groun.1. Munster was fMOli -? hB?8 Mi-talned scvnre s.alp w,.u:id*4 anrt a probable ftaaRura of tl.o .taill. He was alleaded b) M B-BbalBBea snrgooii ?nd r-mov.R lo st. M.rv's UemptOB, where 1.1s roiiill tlon ls lllBlllll SnUiBB-B. wus scverely bniKod. Ha wn. lahaa I naa, Tlio Scvente-iitli Pre. palra tund on Inve-tl pttlon tliat tho rope that heM al tbe BeaBttld bad been c_t. Thev l<*ar..etl Ihat Jaee_h ttn_"_ fo.ty Bvo tcws old. aai Sleot- De-*B_ebl--hl, tt-dy-ttrea MM old. Pnlish H-breWa, bOtt of W.-itlun-st. >?,<1 Blakc-ove.. whO own p'.-ipr.y i.djoininI tta lmuse oThere the po-atorB were. hnd i.nd ? dtapate witt ti.c. beeau.-c. as llicy sai.l. tte sea-told pro^bed upon their property, ani tha patatM bnd bo rlghl there. The pollce conrluded Ihat they had ?ttte ****** arraatcd theni aa BB-VMk-B. Ihaj .'i<iM.iti<-,i thal tte* had done lt. aad ju-.ic.od Ihea-BeRraa oa Iho PFOutO that the aalntera were trespnsscrs on their property ?_m_.?? i?_>.|i u.rmN'-lon. Th-v wetv he'.tl 011 B < harpe ofUn""! t-.XV.?V.'.i thi re_ull of 11,0 injune, of M,T.^rt",C'^?-^ su,d thal tl-cy ,,id ?.il vu. 4h? V?,... iintil aitor t'10 painlei-; Juttl fal!< 1,. riieii S^__ws^-%_*^i5 V> fall Into ttelr yard - B DECLARINO A iSTRIKE IRKF'nLAR. The Proohlvn Pul.'.shers' Assoriution, r..iH-0-onllnq the new.paprrs of ihe <-ity. aaa kaaad a eReaJar dis araitrr-ag ti.e aaRaa ef ihe eoaaaainM of TvpowrPAthleaA Viion N<?. W It. orderlnp a strike ln the, nlTiee of "The Brooklyn Eaglc." They say that tlie committee ha - 1-nored tho aprocment on the BtreBgtt of vvll,<1' ? Eaple" enterod the union. that in orderinp the stnl.e tho onmmilloc haa vidated _m law- for t****** __* tahli&lied b? the aaaoeiaMon, for whieh lhe eomaRtloe art., anrt th>". eafl upon all Mber acBBBtiaHmta aed 1o be lnipo-od upon by appeais for aid. The BBBBl la the nieantinie. it is .aid. haa had lhce__a_di ?,t dren lais, posul eaa* anrt poster. printed for di-tribiiiion anionR Uie BtVCH-BBfB an.l .BBdm of "The K. .io." It l. UWBal-rill lhal ll a RW daya ihe Itrooklyn Ncw_ dealers' A^oeiatiot. \t1Il ralB-B l<> haadh tlie paper. ?*The Ej.^io" BBaoaaeed yertenViy lt had never required its ecaaBoalwa lo w<,.-k aa___\ or a? rtllrr numlter of tlays a WMk, but allowed he n 1. furnlsh Bob-tlto-ai at any Uine. Anioi.K the -1 iu> or ninety people iswlarly employwl 1:1 tJTicseUiiii' Vess than a do-en went oul. > FINDINC. TIIE LO?T RF/T.IPT IN A CELLAR. The snlt 01 Mn Mi.ry lUlceU BfBlnR HeaiT wtl B8BB to hiv-. a inoilK__.*c matte by Herman Altp-ll. her hubbund, nnd herself on piopfity nt No. 108 Aclains ?t., ln 1808 set was befoi-e .Instlce Birtlett ln tho 6uprcme ObvH luaRiday. Mra. Alipelt salrt ?h;.t her husband was a lunalle, and Ihat she Mp:od lhe morignge only when a knlfe wus held over her. The defendant said tliat the proeeedlngs were rejralar and that the forcclo.ui-e was liepin after iwenty days hatl cspired beyond the time when the intet-e-.! wm due. Mrs. Alrgclt had said thnt she pald Ihe Interest. but was aaablfl t < ihow a reeclpt Slr.ce then ihe recelpi ha*- bOBB loinul. after loi.p seureh, in an ohl vail-e ln the cellar anionp a heap of nibblsli. The dtfenflant Imd pa:rt *10(), bnl U was on the princi paL An adjotiriimcnt was ordered untU Aug. ^4. FOR THROWINO HIS CHILD OIT OF A WINDOW. Georpe Kennedy, of No. 1?2 Hopa ai, was a few days ago releus.d Ironi tte I'eiiltentli.ry aM8f Bertlng B scntence of two months for bitiiiK an odteer's flnger. fclnce his releasc Mrs. Kennedy ha. refused to live Witt liUni. Aboot rtiidiilpht on Tharaday >lie waa uwahenetl by hearinp her husband ooming throagh a window ln his stofklng- feet. Ho had elimbert ap three Btortaa BB the flre-esrape. On enU'riiig the raoao he dra.'.'.-d lil wife from the bed nnd threw his three-vear-oltl child out of the window. The ehild stn:< li tte tlre-,-c_.p:? nnd was unlnjiircrt. The srrean.s of the bronght Iflp. anrt ve.-.U.rdav .Itistice Ooettl-g BBBt Kennedy U> tlie Pcnitontlary lor six nionihs. BENTENC1NO ONE OF THE HEARD -PFLLERS. ..'-.?rpe Rlppstcin, flftcen rear* old, of No. .V_ Wal ton A.. one of tl.o gnnp of " beard-pullet*" who have been eneapert in pulllnp the. beard. of th<> HobTOW rf>irtent<* "f Moorael., wa- leelatday Be_rl b. t.'ic County Jall for twenty-flve days bv .lusticc Qoetting, havinp 1-ecn found pullty of the ofTen.e. The eotn pRhiaal was solomon ..rluitz. I.ouls Sanborn, six teen vears old. another niember of the irnni; who hai been ane-ted Ior tlie BBBto Odfeoea, WBB BITBlfned before the autR-itrahi ?n-.i tb" axaailoatlOB Bdjourned until Beptember ?>. The poUee -ourts promlM lo aonl-h in-iebcr of Hi" BHIg Lil.en IB-D i-.i-t,il.V ?nd prored gailty of lha i-iia.-gc. THE OFFICF.R WOBM A WOMAM1 C.OWN. Ht'iiry Rewbarg was arralgned la tl.e ln.tler street Polue Court y.-terday, on the eharge od iibandoiiment bronpht bv Mrs. Mary Ann Newburp, of No. .'.?6 M-vcntcntli-st. MrB. N.'wbuig h:it1 BWOia out 8 w:u rant lor Newburp's arrest. un Thur-dny she wnt word to tlio polire tlu.t -li<> exp.-. t<-tl h.-r hB-band at lier bouso. So (onrl oni,-t>t- CrOBB was detalled to arreat lilm. llf* arrayed b-BBBBM in one of Mr*-. New biiru's dM-Bai antl wa-. sweepinp the bull when New burp entered the heaae In the. eveatag. Rewbarg kbvo bontls in 9HO0 to BBPPOli his wife and tlifv lrft the ri.uiiiooiu together ?uii tiioir troablea upp.tently ?ittled. ORAND ARMY MEN TO VIS1T OMTTTSBUBO. WlB-heabBT Po?l, GRaad Army of the Republic. lias #n:ti:ped for a thrve .lays' SXC_nlOn to (iettv^biu;.-, i*t-:i Mar, Harpert ivny and WaahhigRM-. it wlll ba.e lirxiUvn al '?? a, bv aa Baple-Bbar 5. and go by v..?v of lha lijilfnion. B-R OhlO Ba_Ma4 fioni .Ici-t-v ci\ ti Batthaore; tiien,>.? to CRttjrabarg oa ihe \\>-t Ma:-vi-i:-<' nallrnad The toHowtai day wlU be ipen! on We old lialllt-bill Oa BaptoB-ber 7 ti.e p..-: wll] v,-.i i'en Mar BBd Hat pei'- Kerry, and after looktng over Rojivar Helpht*. .lohn Diown's fort. lhe BT-.-'..:!, etr.. the pnrtv will po I > Washlngtofl and tahe lialn at \. :_0 p. BB. for Raa Yoth. TROI'Ul.E IN TIIE 47TH RF-OIMFNT. Uat-tenaal Warrao I". R. Tappar, ?f Ccaapain P 47ti: Reglmlnt, a-.d LleotoBaal C. A. Androwi bave tondercd Iheir ra-aKnatlaw a< ..n:r<>!-- of tte reglmonl end wiii al OB-e reqaRal Cotond Rddj to take bnmo tii.-it- adloo upoB them. ihe troubte ttal i.-<i to - taid to bc due to Ootooe] Bddy'i refaaa. to grant a leRaaal made by l_eatoa_nl Tapper for a poatponera. ol tte eompany** etoetloa aai 1 tte vaeutton sea^on e:..-.^. Ti,?- oi"<i?>'. haa baaa ?t d .wn f,^ tte J-ii)> ri-t.. whlta Ltoataaaal Tapper i tn, loti thnt ii be deferred until October <">. a- atani o 1 ' -ri-'n an* out of tn- rlly and be hlmaell would b.? awav OBtll noxl awBlb. The reaueal *** nol BMReaT i.x-?-ant..|,. tamet M. Raiiklu, wlw waa i..mtit:a'<>,1 on M-mdav ni.'i.t ':.-t foi tte raptatne. of the coi.ipanv. will BOW hav,- BO OPPO lt-00. T1IET lll NO HI> KK1K.Y IN TIII ITBKBT. A Iguie RhalRd -Boherta" waa toood haoBlog la the BB-dle of Pola M-'.. aoar iaaiaerBTa., yeetetOan moriilnp. A rolorad man of that name hi b-QdlOg a row of hOBlBBI Iii P?hf' ' -?- ;,,:l1 ,U1* ,,!" " '. wiih iu wa-h.-i. bobbb >.f whoiii aa. the. bav- aol Xye;.. j,- i f,? iMr bR *? M '! *'W>p ed tbal -"?.,' of mc men mada the effifj and baag it up ai olfbt, elttar f.r ihe pt:;,,- of splte or "f m*ii.i',- hi... Bceede to tt.en deun.i.d-. ti* ? .-n.-.-v waa eal dowB mob alter brlog di cov. red. > r. Koberta .ond ool be lound ves _ _ His W.'.'DI**. LSfl W ALWAYS llis WEAPOH. ji,.?,-,- a1 itgei wh., ilv,*- whaa out of the IVnlteiiiinrv. m No. :>7 North HeaOBd-rR., was PA-ia a btRbbw la laattaa _oaaUn_'i i'*,ii* V4..,t-i-.i-iv 08 al his wife. Ahren-. bas apt-nt the pivitt-r |,:nt of lils time for Ihf88 p_8? '" tlie I'ei.l'eJiliaiv (OT a- aulllnp bb Wlfe WRh his WuudCBI leu- He abtalBCd Iii- u-unl time. six BBOOttS, featerda.'. # _ MATOR chapin- ur.TTiN-r. m;i ?Xherf wa? at. tag-*?vaB--al gasafadag ta a_e eaadltlm oi B'.vor OaaatO, <a*ha '? '" *l th<' **** of Ml -s' btaatatta, la ?_n. Dr. FaJiiiiiiir la the afteraoon sald Unat Mr aa* eoB-RRrahlf teOet a-.a Baal ti"* Rver hvl tm mt-'dj M.b :d.-d. Mr. (rnpin t,Mi.< MBM i.'.'irl hf"*nt Ur,. I baa-i .- ahaata ,-??-'a:.tir ?t >>.r aaaOaxtaVa isiAd-. ? ? ? CUTU-OUO ASOVT THI IOWM. Tlmothy J. Da<Jy. ti.c bitither of MKh-l .1. Dadj, wns sent to the peniteutlary for eight niontb- l,y Mb e Jnstlee Walsh vesterday. for passlng a wortbles. ehea-k & $1U __ flint-1*-' it, i>OicUer, ol bo. ltf> D-___i -t. Hls biatbr. dccllned te Intarlara. TlmrthrJt*** pill.v lo the thtXB* ***** ******* "? ? ^Z i,sc-,l he hnd a nnmber ol blank checha wlth hlm. louis m****> w,i? *****io co,nmit "*"? 5 K" inP into the rl'-'". M OBtBBll* tttt* t* *******Bjjl Ji ...?, k. |all I" t*mt%**** ***** * **_*** ?"-," Wai* ycet.rfay. ><- gB*fl Bfl 8 MBB ? Um fllauaaeal thal ka 1*8 I** 9mm ***** af ?..oo. all ti.e m..n.-v ba hed. b.v w?nc mrn nt tlie t-rry. Tl.o IUlllI * the New York ao** Biw.klvn BttffB haaa m* "iTors lor a laige muBbat of ptoeaa ef prap- ; tt* ueeA-A fr IhB t.-rniimtl cxtc.-io... ti.c BM J amoaattaf la Ika aggwgnte to ?856.858. m bbm bm offBff Bia not aeeeptod, ...:..T.)"rs w.ll bo ap i i,y tkB "...rt io 9*T*m* lh* ******* ametei BBawail L. Wetmnt* will mU IMfl morntnir for Kurope on tl.o Line rteaiin-hip ?* *"* ,,!?(. Ha will li.'.nc on >ej.t< :., nnd WD1 he baeh in UMfl to taka M BOtlW I>art ln the fall ,;,:iii>:..:n. Re Ihtnfcl Wllli.i.ii Th*h* wlll bo tho Ke? publiean candidate for Mayor. Tho UlRli OBBll Of Forcstrrs met apain yesterday mnrninn ut Ranaaa Hail. Ti.e BBaataa wa* ******** occupied wlth discnsslot.s on private of the order. In 111.; BJttliatun OflBtala propo^xl nmrn-l ments to the constlfit.on were takea up for con sldet-Htioii. Tho Twenty siith Ward I.incoln Club ha< paBBOd iiiaalaltBBa toflontag Iflfaal P. Ptoehar as a candidate for the Rer.ii!,li'..i. lion.innilo:. f'.r M88BB In the ttm DlBtrti t. Deia Bupp. thlrtv years old. ol No. 1?2 *****__ ?waDOWCd t *?** ?t sugar of lead on Thur-day night ?ith BBlddal intenl. :?hc was removed t<. Bi <"ath eriiic's ll..-i.itul. wh.-rc her fond'tlon is *** * ** ,-riii.-al. Tcmpomry msm.lty ls said to havo caused her u.i. The body at Bernarfl Cnrrtin. tho elRhteen-ycar-olrt son Bf ex Al.lPt-nian J.'hn Currnn, o( No. TT* Second riace, waa taken lO hls father's hr.nse yesterday morn tnc. Ha *m drowned whlle bathing ln fchccpsheal Bay oa Iharaday._ HOME NEWS. FBOMMKNT ASR1VALS AT THE HOTELS. ALBLMMlLI'-Ml-n ******* ********** th" **_**? Tapaka aoi Baala v* RaBreaB Oaaepaay. n**? _**_* SVE-tawiA Mirlt WbIBBT, V. C, C. B.. * *****_, ??. M,rq' ti BOB M:ir .,.,?? - 88 VBBe. of t******* ' txhmm* aattmt O. Umtty, of Boa* ****_ "X;?,? .itea-mC. ttarb-tm.otM-a-bL-.eim. **%??%%?] .u.,ue T. J. BbmMNifl, of tbe Baprenfl Court of Qewm. vi. TOBl I ?? ?'???<? IL BeflflB, of D"law..r.-. W LbT MlNSTEl-.-Ma.vor Edwln B. Stuart, of rhlladolphia. WHAT TS GOTNO ON TO-DAY. Monmoutl Part 9., Umtti Part. 2:30 p. Bt. Ot** ol l-r-t-V a.:,":.! ***** ??** 9**** "^J?J Oi-rniaa-A'n.r,:,:. Btt******** Club ****** Nortl.lleld. ! 0 Nov..York-C.ncinnatl baseball match, Polo *t***B*. 4 P" Tt*** TtethVmhme* Assoc-.atlon tmttnt, Xow Harlem IU Lonri-lnnd B?~B 9******* of the Navy ro cat'j., Heaipfllead R?y. _ , n. ,.?. XtM* Athl.tlo AsscHatlon games Xavier Oval. 2.80 P' Snaal t****t ***** iution of Odd Fellowfl ?cu?ioa. crkh.t matokea H Pi-paet and Ilenti^ JBMa. Music la Caatnl Part by TO, Beghaaat Dand, 4 p. r*. .-? WBW-YOBK CITY. Van rotir.lar.dt Part ba ?ae? by military OT nuUatton. for driliinR paipoaaa o.. ?.i.j.i..-aiP.n t? healient Albert Gltap, ol the l'ark >-,,'..'...M. i \Z will l*ue tl,e n.vde.l p^rn.its. Btaak'* ********* ,;in ,,? tte* .... .vv BtO ^<"i.t >...,l'.y. M>. 0***9 ba. BBBtCDOd days nexl wcc-U lor ti.c (-Oth and 8Sd leirimci.ts. Maai Oaafl Post. Oiaad Arn.y of U.e Rcpubllc. will h:iv.- ita aanaal toetlral lor Iba baoaBi of IU re.ief fund at WaabiBfton Park on Aupitst 2i Fianlt - t.rav, forn.orly inanairor of "The. Man aaa KM't-s." retanu lo ***** karfnBaa ln New York as parltier Of LaataF B. b-ntth, the w.ll known BdrertUlag acont, whoso oBaa is ln Th--, Tribune BalWlni. The new oopaen wpreaootfl .oae of the baat pafara and best a.lvertlse.s i.i tha country. Tho Tamrnanv Hall General Commlitc* of the let Aiaembly DUtriel wlll have Its annual exrurslon nt Washlngton Part on Taaaiay. BafpM wlll leave, Yi,-i- No. 8, North River. at 8 a. *., and FranUlin-flt at 1. ::;o a. r.i. Dr Oloaar, 8B?0l0f of the Vienna Llbrnry nnd Hla torfeal, has wiMbb Umym (*n*ot for o. eopy of Ibe nty ebarter. Ti.e city ti Borerne8 nnder the CoaaoBdatloa Aet, paased ln 1888, aml tha nnnierotis ameaBiaenta wWeb have been rfnee added. no oomplete of the a.-t, as anteoded, baa been priated, i.i.t the Mayer reqaasted Beeratan 8paa? t> make a eom^laltofl and aand it to Ur. Oloaap. I? ac.or.lai.." wiih the reqaast of UM V********* on tho i.i-i roraaa of tbe ?teaaublp La Touraii.e to N,w York a n-il> ?f the Lloatint; Hospltal of Bt JohB'fl OatM i'i the ..Mi...' ef Ttie gteamflhlp wda jktm on Tharsdagr. The trip pire a pleaaarable oatlag to 1.0B1 i-hiidtui and niothers, ti..- axpenae balap ** i.v tha piaeeeda of tha eoDeetloB Btada i.y Ike iaa ?engen oa the vopapa Irom Pranoe on tha ateamablp. John II. Hayer. an att.-n.lant at the (Jrand-st. pub? llc 1...U, waa chargBd avlth axaettnd teofl hoai person-. deatriag the privHaflB ?f bathlng. Aaflag Oonunla. *ot*t Holahaa, of the Dapartaienl of Pablle ITorta, examlnad the erldenee air.lnpt Hayer ye* ttay, and dp.ided ihal hp otipht to be rcmuved. Hayer*a nanw v.a- aeeordlaati stricu-n baa tiie dapartment p:.j II. IN. "W. L. s. WIIboo.*?II you menn ateamera liound from Enk'lB'.d to Bow-Yort, no. Bran n. tbe suin mcr, when the Ragllah itoaawn ta!:e Ui- ni"-t s,.iilh ,riv eonrae, owlag t", yon aoald not bo abie ta s^o ii.em from Asbary Park. At Um Btoetlngfl ln ProUUthm Park. Port Blrhnion.l. n. ]., ?? siun" Jonefl wlll deUver theae aeraflone: "Oal Tii.-i-'," lo-day at :t p< b.; "Conerlenoa, itemrd and tiod," t<> morrow at a :iO p, tn.; - Chara.-ter BaUdlng," at rl p. ni. Servlcs on Stinlay Btomlng at 11 a. BL TO EXAUIXB IHE CBOTOB WATEB8BBB. Prcid.-nt Wiison. of tha liealth Board, on Thaiadaj dlreeted rheailfll Martln and hla aealatant, l>r. Beebe. lo becln ??' Inspoctlon >i tbe Croton walerehad, an.l (;?>- tB l.s.-erlal.i if II"' trac of nltritai ln the ..... -r wis <iuc i.i any poUution of ti..- ttreuoi wMeb fed Craton Laka. Dra. Martla aad la-cix* i-n the eltg by an early traln yeaterdaj morning, expeettng i.< i>? i.v a. iivn or three An*-. Tbey aill laka lamplea of water from Ihe lake aad from Uie rtroama whlch Bow lato ii- Analyaefl maj ahow whlch itieama, if aay, tue poUnted, i'hp t.\" shiiH;.!", ..fii,ei> tiM.le a partlal tnrve. ol Ihe ' roton .ij Wel only two yeaia ago, and toand ?'? number of laataneea of contaminatiofl bt tewen and bonae dralna at Kensleo and Bnwstara. i bej inggeeted tbal large t'.:..'.? ba awd to parlfy tba water paarlng through ti." aiineduet, bnl nuthlng eame ot the reoommeiKlntlon then. lf ih.-v Hnd thnt there ls :m im iva-c of contamlnatlon, ihe llcalth Board n..v ..iii upon the Uepwtmenl ,.f Publlc Worta io ttllar tba water. _ A TABBWELL D'.XXFR TO 7111.71/ 9ECBXTABT. The c?.i!i.:IU.'.' Of m:..latr.-aietit of the Twetit. -tl.l.fl ?t. branch '?f i;-<* Voaag Men'i ChrlaUaa Amoelatlon ,-?v.- n .li-.i'.'T ' i Ihelr aecretary, Jamei MeConangby, al :hr Bepubllcan <'!'.t. !:<-t evenlng. \ir.-t tba dinner .? . .'.i:(!.i,in- waBrh araa praaeuted to Mr. MeConao tha <? ".in..iti.--. the preflentaUon apeeeb belng made ??' llanford < rawf-h-iI. Bpaaebai arere al?o made by O phafl Bralncid, J.-.. Mfrwi K. MarUng and WUUam >. Moan. Mr. McCoaaagby la Ihanklhg tbe eommHtee, lafcried bappQ] ." iav axpaileacafl a- -??* a-i.n-. at ?,_..- braneh. ii.- ha ii.-i i lha pi..' ?? ?-!?'' e i -13, and toavei 11 to ta1''. a prol.-s.or.iiip ul Mr. Moody'fl s. In.ol at Burthfleld, Mu--. Aatoag other* pteaenl weia Bldmrf T. Davtea, 1. B. Leayrratt, Alexander ??? li i- Alfwd B. Mnrilng, Jtfpci v ii \ leck. ?llllaii. J. "? .. ? kVHHaiii II. Mi. Iind-., I). V. i-inltti, riamuel .V Ular - B'llllnm Dough II ?.. . !,a.i < . .V. Uf Mi-in. Vt. U. V. Iloffm ? : P. .Motl. _ J "BI8 r./'tfi FOCXI) IS Tlir. TAXTIC. An iiikp.-.'.mn ni lha woadan| Vantle while ln tiie dry-dock ut tha Navy Yurd y.-st.nlav dl-,1 ji -crii.ti- |, ik aii?un<l .!..? siii-n-^eartag for Ihe l.ialli shaft. Thlfl is 8 hab BBBflOd nioi? rn- I--- trouble ln U.e paat, and the last BaH tbfl \r- .-I w.i- at ihe vard she ha.1 lo bc docked l\vi..- t,. ba repataad aboal tha etom. H la i stlautad Ihal lha repaln iMadad In thia part <?f lha ihlp ahma ?.n laka at laaal Baa weeka. -? A LARHF. 9AL8 >/F L0U18TILLB tfOCE. ?dwarf li. Atwood. who hai reeently aitrarted aea* llietabk at'.enl,BB ln Hall Mn-'-l I,. U' "?-.fttlly ?? U-ar i:ii--" i'n,m l'.n ii' ? Railroad to.k mmm Ihraa polnta, agalfl iiwa altenUoa ?<-?-: iai b] Klllag, thraagb aiiimii k. Hapkl . "i iti" Modh Kiehaage. io.<kx> ..f Loni.-.-i I: an.l Nio-livlll.. ILulrn.i.l -t<,. i,. 1 h' prieei waaa vaii..!,.-. und it ?a> ttt* B** 18*, A8waod, or IMaa in lund hlm, uiaOo a oouai?erable aniuunt out ROYAL BAKING POWDER Is Superior to Every Other Known. Sc, ku,< lf. s. and C-mkn Om-mt- Aj__. NEWS FKOaM NEW-JERSKY. NKWAHK. THEY DIDN'T FIND A BOOT IN TIIF. TltrNK. a .ve. trMi.ii trom whieh aaaaaat-d aa oRmOvo ~t - _..r-..ted UR attention Bf li." b-CE84R ""'" ? ^Molt; a'd EkkOA K,U,o:.d -tt*. I. ???-. vestcrdav morninp. The tmah hnd baaa left M ." , ,-i, 1,1 i. Traaafer Company on thar-dap. Tha baggaga I,,,.,, Hdffed at lt . uspl. ......Iv for . ninc ttBl '. ??? then be omtog iradBBltT eoawlaoad ttBl it c-BTtalBed a daad bodj they ealled la ti.e deteettwd a. tte itatlon. The n.nio'r qataklP ?pr8Bd about tte etattoa that a bo.!y i-.,n baea tanad '" H trBah, BBd ttera aftsa _a_rj e*> ctted mg.iirios. wi.iu. tha e8_eei- wara dl.bRbi tta matter a wtdt-dieai-d Reaaaa entared tte atttloa aaa eihlblttng a ttahet, rwiaoated tbal ttoRnnb *- -heehed |0 RofR-lBWB. UM ootain.-l a ehO-h WB_hed BWBJ nnmotaated. Whea the Morrlstowa trala draw np al tl,. RattM UM t i'i ii lc was pl:t,,-(l ahoai-, tir: del expeett-l ttal lha wooiaa aroald boaid It rh ,,,? . her a-ain. DeteeRve MeKenaa, el ttaBaU \_0 Oompaay. and i.......t.v.. ceagroye. ?* *_*'"*' bttii-d'tl tte traln and Bceompnntod tne trunh to Morrta ?.,,. \ir.v,.,i there thej bad tbe trwah plarad te ,lo bacgage-room, aod then it was deetded to opea vl When ti.,- UU was ILfted tho ml itdrr wa* __**_,__** trunk eootalned aome old rkrtlilng nnd u. lot of beoaea egg. ln aa advaaced -tate oi decay, Three votinp men. amonp whom wa* Arthur Jlllehcll. thlrty ve..-, old. of N... _4 l>ownln_-st.. iR-ted ta walk dOWB the Ontnil I.iillroad ti-irlt. to th" bai jteierOaj araratag on a fi-i.n.g trlp. Af u.e party were cr-B-tng th,- brMBe_a4 gaUi-rt. f______*\__*. sppraarhlng lrom bott dlrectlona. Mlte'.'_" ' '' __ nanion* go uAely oal of lhe W, bal MlteheU t*o .?'?>? .-4.Tifn-a.-fi ,,,?! ?,-,,i-i..:.tiv hilted. Hewaean married and lived wi.h his nioth.-r. The Boutt End Clab bai te. tfed le build a new , lub house to coal ?15,000. A 1'u-la., Jewtah rubhl. named Wolf Edelsteln., liy Inp at No. 101 I'tinrt?t.. wa- arr-t.-d BBd BeM m SttOO ball v.-.t. lfinv. on n .-harpc of a?-?niiin?* jona* ('..--?. -,. nelghbor, wtth hta HaU, Bdeiateta aajri he aetad lo lell detooce, lli.. |),,vt e\piv>s on tl.e Delaware. I__rk?waniio an.l .v.-t-m Railroad w?- boarded at tte Broad-at, atntion yeaterday bv two ranatoblea, who tolormed a mirtdleapefl man thal he ara* under arre*b n ro trnei to leave the rar. anrt tt8 conrtjttlw raitledhlm .tmggllng to the ptaiforni and t ot him hefore a in-.:,-,. ?f tbe peare. The prtafmer w> A:.';;- J/.';*;'"' a well-known rltiren of Dovcr. John ',. Urmliyeo. a Rowarh money-tondor. charges thal Dodge obtnlned $130 from him on fii-e preteneea. DodfB wai n iea_ea on tk'iii. The Oenoan Reptihlirun Club of th- Th:r1>**nth Ward of N?v.:..-it b,.s appolnted a c?mmItf4jeto uxe -tcps for UM f-.s-rtio.i of B ti'-w < Inhhoi.s,'. Th- ( I.... beM a torgely attended mcellng on Ihnr-day nlght anO added a number .,f new membera to tbe ron. n?? d.cldod t<> celebmte tho clnb'a annlv-r-arv oo Bep tember 10 wlth a dtener and a commlttae wa- un pote-ed to se.ure Rwd gpeahera, JERSEI CITY. A spedai mee.tinp of the Btreei and Water Commta Monera wai beM reBterday, and the foDowlng reaasw or. were dlamta-ed ! M. T. Ttogtep, WttBam llerbert, .i?i,n .i. Byao, M. P. Mowa, Btebard lu-ll. P. BteBiKm. Willlam Wbeloo, John Dander, .lohn H. BaTOvan. Joho B. smith aod Thomai ntaalmBWBB. Thl acttm ta the flrst sVp in an effort- to rertme the expenaea "f (Ms departiui-iit fll.OOO n month as ordered 1,y lhe mwidl ,.f niiHti,,.. More dtafl-tasata wlll be mnrte next !v..,'!r ti..- "..tir? ?r ti.?* i cbarfed were HgW und Uie BB-ary was .fT_ n mor.tll. HOBOKE-f. THE POWCEMAira BLOW8 MAY PROVB FATAL. Oaarsa -RfSBr, ol nmton and De Motl -t- ma* dio from tho effert. of a rh.hhln . adminlst^d hy PDl ,-ni;in Thom*.. Qulrk f*nrlv yeaterday n-ornltip. Qnlrk hfiirrt b dtatarbaore in Bmb-t'i barno-i -tora aad eaterad. He tooh offeBee al Banesrt ropUea to his uuwera, aad the rdleer e_-d Ma nlght "?fb on Barxra bSad until tte tattor waa nearly n^on^""' ^ ? , rt locked him ap * n ? rharm ol d ?" nurinrM ?.kull wa? found to have bc. he ??:,- eenl to St. M-.-v= loipttaL X hln ., - - -ha._? of dtoaidarir eoodneb Slaknll wa? found to have boen tn? t?t-?l aml !,, "wL?nt t? Rt. Mary'? IIo*DltoL A warrant hai been taaaad for QetrTl arrrst. The faaaral of Fatb-rs Orandenlns Ro?n and' John PWtllp. took i_nr_2ji. l_-.rilhollr Monaslery on Thurs ,1,, Father Boaw *ra? born ln '????"??' Italy, ln 1817, .nStravelW all orer tbe wnjM dolng mUdonary work. Father PbUllpa was born In Italy R laaa. Crtorge Whlte. tlirt-e yeut *_J^&\AffiA _?^ ,-,., ,,vr-r by :. Uroi.I. ear drlvet b\ ...'Un ??*'*'' ,Tf v 71 M',:,f-'st., lateThnredaj n ght, aod rti-d .? S. Mary'* Hoapltal yeaterday montaf. Reber baa be -ti Brreated. Chartai Bmana, who lived ln Hlgh PubH ave. for g^wb brooded ovrr inppoaM jronri antll \__4y reetrrAav mornlng. when he thnt hlmr-Mf. He ,;,. on. bnllei Into hl month nnd tam more Into hi bSdy. He dtad *ve mlnnUi after fhootlnf hbaaetf. ilis wlfe owiii a liqaor ahop. ORANOE. An e-fl?lnR BB-B8 bjoh plaee at the Tneetlntr nf the Weat Oraage T_w:*hlp Committee on Thand-r*. evm inir JOhn HBB-ey, nn Iri-hmun. deaaaaded the rr-l't to ba heard ai ta tte eiaeatlaB of axteaa-ra O tte xewaih Paa-emer Rathrap. ttRttel ovelttA ha treated tte eomaitttee to prraaaal abaag Bnd tmnliy nn ofleer wns sent for. Offleer Bolraea appaared. ne la a .im. man and IbB eontraal bf>tw.-en hl... anrt the bnrly IrtohaMU wns eomlcal. Betog m-iei-ri to re niovf the man Bohnea then taeMed him and tte lntter , -, hi, i: with him. both men rolled on the floor. A llght folmwed Btidd thr cheeri of ttt roeetrttorB. llnsS-wm angdli averpowewd aad bxhtd ap. NF.vY EflBDNSWICK. Michaei Dtahupp obtalned empIoymeBt Bboat eipht month* Bgo on tte tatta ot John P. Voorhaea, near Ford** corners, iev8ral mllea from this elty. Lately ba waat on a -__?--.? Ue ratarned ta the larai oa Mondai alght tetoxlcated. Mo wai ool i.?.!.-<i aft<T ;,,,, i r,i,-.i.,t nlght alicn Mr. Voorlio-* rialted bli , (1 i.jun.i ui.kuiM. lylng ii.ii.'ii-.-.-'sJ on bli ?. \ raaor ?... etatrhed ln hb hand and hl* ii,,,'.^ waa tot (ram ear to ear. IU wa about tiurty * Tlm ebaptet o* the Deltt ITpriloa fraternity te Bntitrs itiilege ha? had plani drawn lor a nea "Mibwiiu-iiii i-inttpo-:i ?<?,<?;'???." ;;T^'-,f ?;;;; lu-t ..... I- >>i tn. t-olie?o. :i,- biiilaitifc .wll <-,>-. . pn, i. lo 1110.000, and WlU be ttttOd np te lhe Diodern -tyie >.i club b-oaea. OTHER SUBURBAN TOWNS. \VI.STf*l|i;sTi:i: '.OI.'NTY. MOTJKT VERROR. Oj cattlng "ir the prlrltege* "f town Bpttehllng, Btreet apHakllng and Uie Ireiiuenl Bnahlng .',' tbe lewer-, the upply "i trater in kepl np to Bbonl two ttlrdi ?,f tte norm_l prea-iore, aud bonaahaepera bav.: lafltaiant (o aee bj practiateg eronomy. The wetta ha*m auaae Inlo general ase agaln for obtalnteg drhiWng water. Abrah V. PTench, EMItor ,,{ ?? rii,- Argna," nm made a peraonn! laveatlga Uon <>f tte Bater rapply, and pnb-Rhed a rtalem-nl reatordap, a parl al whteh ;>;? tollowe: "The aupply ? Whal it -boiibi be, and ttd -ompaoy have aiade . iv,-- tiHi objeeta -,i aevere eriO-taaa. Wa wlth i, had hoped lo iee tte companj Increa - but ttay, witt ? deflanfe lhal nnlj l*eeom.a . , ,,.,"r,;ii ?!?-. have i-.-v.-d antll now. We Hnd II ., i-urtall lhe oae of amte* lor otlier than mllnary ,,'.,,,..-. The :iii,-i-ii. toUt al Bevenl '..;;. . !? ,-,.,. ,-ni to be an Ineahaa.tlbR inpply, ,.,_,?:."?? ''? ptnonaa mlnntr. or 4?3,40<) gfJ i ,, in twentj ftmr*. Ibe ut Pelham 1.111- i- l,,w and ti? Rgbt drlren welh :,.-? kooi ? n ,1.i.o,-h at v. ,.U. T; ? .poi" Ot .00.000 c II..II- ln twentj fonr bont-.' ThR arouW glt 2_ koi.i .. d?. 11 emeb pm I'liI'Tt'llt-'.-'l ir/K.-,,u :,*"i.llit of tlu- <-,-: di-oni'i iii" <rr_4tsr rompani has ordered tbe rtlsron titiuanre ,,f atreel and lawn kprlnhllug, and thr.-a:-.. ti> ~iint >.(l IImj ?upplJ " ?'? 'r,i.i '- nol regardi*d. The 1' ?! t- 11- ?!?-!? ".ibl-li, Ataorlati.*port*4 thal tbe mpltal loi-h o! tte a--,.. i--n..!i ha* i,.i i ,i,.->: fiu :,n<: tl'at j, i-t-.ttT ? |_M bf.-i. ?, ?|,. io ibe ? .!! Ior Ihr paj im nl | '*, p. .- i-rnt ol the ..;i,., i ipil, -. A ;.ii,!. tu bc ' bj tbe a ? n lat.on uu au ln lug ave. 1,<)N<; rsi_AND. pon ii tMMRitixa \ bov. loaeph Blb i t-na, Ihe Rwyer who io,,is.^i ,?f Ittngabop named Tl-Bott) 0-l.hea, ?? f,,T-.- .in-ii.e Manley .ii Long Istaod Ctlj yeaterday. I'l.. B-BBtlt. ib:.i-''-'l thtt .-.hi't- :,.-,,? itrach Mn i" tn,. head ttraa tbaaa arttt a i ? hammar, aad DR. 3IAUY WOOI.lKV MlXOVr, O.IMDN OF NIANITO tt Waat ?<?>", -i . Bm v.,.**. Julv T, i?--.?i felnre makin. * trlp u, < ?....- -ol . ? ? .,MK _?. i..,-?itn_. ta. -,." ? ?'** purltj oi ti, Haa. v\..i<-'. 1 ha".- Ih'^.i U II) :.- a tahl^ i.|l.i, to tha vi i.i-:.i-i ,.r all oui, - - ?na h ;t XUIU.L i, SKUaOlU-. A-u_ta. IM frwiklin sL, V. V. |M Ma taettmoey awirtll that Iba blow* were ****** wllile im was lylaf on his baefc. Thtm baya wim wttneaeed Um alMfed BaaaaH leattldd that th- ?..,., Mreeh whUa OVhea waa lylng Ihoe ******' ?i*;,,. phyaidaa who attandad Uk boy toetifiei that it ??? impoeelbta tar '. boy ? BnrvBra araa on.- biow on ,?,',. head if .'iv.v. with a iiaauaer ..f lha welghl a-ssert^i. Tho pro-cciitlc' kad two WltoaaaOB fron. the ****** -O-IM whi.h Mr. tJUveratOM I,.-.*.. flaBUng BB B tis-m.-e. They tertined that the boy waa ****** SSrSS*wb_iithej .??'.'.'". Thdr tatomenfa.were , r??-? onl by Um eonrl a- Incompewnt. ***% L,.v. a dedslon ndjudglng Sllverrtona gdlty *>: MsaS'l ln tiie thmi degree, and aaapended muMMB NF.WTOWN.?Charles Kohlmcv.-r, of rolleite Tolnt, rtga out Bdhtaf yestcnlav tottad tho body af a nian loatim off Bowery Bap Beach. Ooraner iioneyer ??'? ,-,. body re-nnved to the morgne. There Dr. ****** ,-. j?tooo exaaUagd tha body and nM t^KftgnJE ,? mo water aboal ten .i.v.. From ? ; Atoripunu be cloihtnir It wm belleved Uw ... -tn wa-I-.' ""^ .^" J. ; V v,. ..;?; We.. 8l\tv-fllxth-?t, New-York. rna .?*?* [i. wbA wa^rttin b> SulS: inid ka oonM ** ,?;,:,. tor bla Ihrefl . MMren. OLH5DALE.-Coroner Homeyer wna to have neipn ??.,".,?<-, lart night ln tk?^^o?H?5^\SSr^S or Uoiii'i-.i. wbo waa raurdered ... >* *'"'" . ,,, Glendato two weeka ago, bnl al tbe reqne. t ? -f tccilvna wh.. al wort on the ttm the "''"'V,'.;, rtloumed for anetber neek. ,Tha ~ro?*,?*? KKj detective* hnd obtaln."! a cl.-v whlch tb.IV h<* uev ci u,.',!d eaable them to cantnre the "'"^ X'',. ,r* week. The eoroner rafkied to glva auy tnrtnae tamt niatl'in. _ ^_ A I'OOR TEAR FOR THE FliVlT-GROWER PRICES UNUSUALI.Y LOW. DUF. TO THE TEMPER" ATIC WBATHSB. Ai The THbane prertlrt?d some time !\g.o would he the fa-e. SewYoeker* an ddnged wltb fruit" * ****** r, from almoBl mrerywhere, al almoal Ihelr own mis wmmcr. TWfl may poaslbly ba newBB>iae toa owlta who puiehasefl of tha optown ******** rhann B nbIb aploea toe Bartlotl peaia, or about 300 per eani pioat, but to the thrilty Bbopper fr.nt u im inxurv to far as price ls roneerned. ri,.. propbet wl... s.iid ti.e Delawan pcach erop wns a tollore thla year was for o.-<*e wroag, and tralnfl uw in Jeraey CO* at 9 a. m. dally bringlng loaclooj peacbei plched Um prevloufl day, wblcb are .*, ?iiv transferred by Hflks to Kaw-Yort and thenca to the vartoaa retail market*. Arrival* have be b bi i.iirh Bfl 40,000 half Im l.'.'l baflkOlfl dally and th.? BW likely i" rontlnne tm Oetober. Waw-Jcr ey I " *wdla Um icdript* by 8,000 lo 10,000 baaketa, and a good oaallty ol peaehea eaa ba boagbt ("r "?"?"? ri,.. m a on wiu not ba a peeaahwy aaeeaaa to the growere. aa large vnurtMUei of peaehea have boen *oH ;it fron. 88 to BO eenta i*t baaket, whleb doea not ,,:,v aspenflea. Proa* Baa York Mate, part.i'.larlv from tin- 11 tdaon Blm dlalriet, launenaa qnastltlea of apples. pcarn. berrlea and other frnlto arriTa aaary morning, whkb are Mlllni at very low prieefc Ono ,'oii.r tor a barrel of applsa or a baahel m Barttott peara abonM be cheap enoagb for anybody. it h i rignlflcanl tad that In tbe rlclnlty of Rocheater some BM aprii.... are bdng prodaced, eqnnl i.i VtnHty "> tht i alifornla prodnet. . Tbe watcrmdon prodncers ot Ibe Bonth nre w?8 t,., badly as anv of ti.e glOWer* thla ****** ?-> weathor bm been coM nnd Bnaeaaonablc, wbieh simply kins iba -ai.- of watermelona. trom dgJity to 100 nn, each i.tdnlng 14?0 tn 1,, havo dafly been coming to Bew Yort dartng UM bwt month, end iul..-.. haniiv i,ro.ipht bdgbt ohargeB. The prices pald by Uie wbrteeale dealen b?vo been trom *? to 81 ?" pet ear, whlle UM fMlghl by rdl aid ateaner averageB ?100 per ear. In maiy Inataneea ti.e metona baw been abaml-n*'1 by Um con ilgneea ***** ln BiMb eaaaa osponatlon company idla *nek lot* tar their own aeeonnt, to gel the mtght rharaee out of them. CaUfornla ahlppen are snffcrlng levewly nbtO, nn.l ;ire mneh dMconraged oacr th.- exoepBonaUy taw prieea huvc mled dnrlng the last. month. ip to we preaenl the prieea aea tafly "?"- t** *** *** t,mn th*"y ?,.ro laal yenr, whlta UM quallty Ifl ***** * last *ear ton'a Hm pw*ent raaga of prieea bb eompared wlth tho similar period for htat year is a- follows: 1890. 1801. Bartiett peara, in beaefl of om* baahel.t*06 8888 i rn'f'.r'l peaehea, ln baxflfl ?f ooe p... k. i ia *** I' iyerj vinely, ln boxea .... peea... 2 00 T5 l'taan '*t t***T *'?'" ?. I" I "< " "' """ P**** 2 00 7" Tlus's r.'-aill- U.eati heavy loss.-s to the ?iw mator and flblppar, bal tn bp?b of this aboal fn car ;,,,;., , daUy, eaeh eoatainlng Bhoul 800 rn?'i<i'C?s * ** of them varictios, are MH oo th - 8tar rnion Doek, at Veatry-at, d ancttoo by B. U Uood?alL lt is rignulcaat ihat wltb Um hnmenae .numMties of Delaware an.l Bew-Jereej peadiet and Bartiett pears la th.- markd Callfornla fn.Us ean bB aoM st Umbb pr eaa, a- Ihey are fully SO pae eent blfher thaa similar prodncta from tha taaMmamd loeaUtlra are biinntn*. There ti a ieport Itail the eelebfatod T.imy ?n.p.-s I ,V(. beea Injaiad In bobbo toealMM In Cnllt?nta tit Brasaboppera. H ao New-Y,.rk will nol re.elve aa nwr-aunPly "f thlfl kind Of fruit tlii'- fleaaOB. Th^o , rttpo* come lato market dnrlng September, and eoa Uuue .... as late as December. Pterbanfl th" worel " hlt" lot of *pecnlatora m the fr-it market thla year have been tlus dclly ,.. ...iro an.l on.,.., iniport.'.,. La I rear hli?h pHcot niled dnrlng jnly .....I au 810 per box toi Mnwns. lt wat expected Uwt fl ilmUar hlgh marfcal wonld rule .- . aeawm, Biid thousand* ol hoxe* of otungca and lemona were^ught by the. apecubrtwa at prieea tlmt ?,.,,;,. the total roaf here ah.-ut 88 i?t box. Manj iniporterfl who could not bwy marte heavy advanfos to flwrutatnm ln siclly. some of whom are nol ?wponal i,l... an.l bance a delldl Ifl ? toas ta wboevar inaJie* tlie ?Afhd weather has aii to do with Mgh prieea, and as this tavorable temporature did not P?vaUr.thmisan^ of boxea of lemona have been aojd ata ^J*JW?"S pet box. Dnrlng the la.. tajj tonK^M '?,-,,. ., i.,??.... on the markd t-. b? ?old. wbifc the vislblo .iiippiT attoal and whnl hai baanledd wBl amp^ .-.t.. c.:'. i.'-xcs tor Ihe month of Augast. riUs i"i.- veek'e warm weather baa advanced prieea, so inm tne ;,.,-.. s have nd been iq -"?'?'? , .. B?porti i.-n. Almeria. Rpdn, recdved from Mr. Cumi'l..:: "f the Brm d Oampton, Ooodflell A Lo.. ilmll -d of London .md New York, wbo -mp the bnBi '?. ',_,.*,. eav thal hla rtall ...ror.:!. tbe grape are ,... ol Utn rla nv***l? the tacl thal the crop w.n be !,','? '.ti..:it MMMMMl banda. agdnal 1,000,000 banda i.,.. rear Barh barrel r mtaln* forty ponnds of fralt, ., a.i.nt 200.000 barrefc are ihlpned ... the UnBed ,:,.. halance golnp lo Bnropoon marheta. lh ,.., ?; f?r thla .i.-'.'M " ln Prod<? 'i""t " **__L\V**__l*__\ pro ? tii. li vl-ll .. ~i. !'.-. wlnter. i:.h.tu: i i soi wlll not be b proaperans year fyr Um nall. p ,.., t. A SCARCUY OF ENLI8TBD SEA.'IEX. Tlir. BWHJIBEMEBTS BOB I'NTPr.iNf. Tlir. BAVY AND TIU'. PAY 08 YA1U0CT 0BADE8. There I* fltfll a -? ?> :;v "f enlated men. eapedally nf flremen, br Um ?.I* l,f **** ***** '" ?Ma?tadoi!j l,ul there ar.- more appllrtnta at preaenl than for a long ii.."- pa?t The iwB?lrenMnta for enUsttng have pablbhcd in drcntar torm by Oaptaln L A. Baardklae, eommaading lha recdvlng^hip Vermont, nnmber araa mdled to luqnlrer* yedeiday. Itaayfl thal maa aia bdngenltatod In meh capadttea aa they are Btted tor tor Ihree years. All applleantfl -n,,,.t paM a rtgld examtaatton, eapertally a- to eye lood teeth aad haa trom beradltan dl Applirants over dghteen and nnder twentc ne reaw t*n be enBatnd wlth Ihe kgalconaent ..f parenta or n irdiana." Men with ..-> knowledga ol aea Hte, .-ver twenty-one .,,?, m;,|,., ,_..ui. "vi- yean of age, maj be .?.:li-t??',. as , ,.., ? I,,,* j[ the appltcanl ba* ? mechanlea! trade .- oml.Btended ta thi.n toar yeaia. Tba laOmi U phydcal oaly, and the pay B18 p.-r month. Por erdlnary fleaman the appUcanl maal ,,,,.. i.i, ;,t aaa d Mad taro yeara aad iii"-t paai examlnatlon In ree8ng, rtaerlng, bnotttng and ipUclng. ,.,, : |i,. mj |i giu par month. The appllcant for , nn ii. imi-t havo been al *ea al i*-ia ftmr t**n* and m{\ ,,;.,.. , . miination lu fleamanablp, tiw? n i\ in'..-1 TiA l. ni"..';|. \ , ii,nii'.;.t.- fr mnst 1?? a good te.' ? md || u ili"*lrable thnl he abonM be ai.l- to .'.-> ,.'[.,,.1. ;,,?.,-. ,,, ...pp.M-.niij.'s work. ti- mu?t, rved " I ?? ' . y??r oa .,; In,i.t um...u.-hi\ i.n as th'- iiame* and , tnodert. marln- niiglnea both ra, .nd hoa ... caire tor thetn and regnmte their ad n in.i.-.' i ' ' ?? '.''? [" Pjnctlre: ...?i mn t .,i n undewtand enough arlUmiell. tu keep lj the loKbuok, Uirludlng tne worUng af deetmnl rhe \"* ? ^7" ;i nonth. \ iii-tc).- flretaan, wtaae pay ti -h. per month. mn?( bave had expertence aa a Oreman "n,1',-1 ?nd liave knowledge aboul marine enrinea, bollere, and thdr uttichmenU und hoa to dl the working part, :,,, engine et*. A lecond-claa* flreman must al-> I,,,,, had --'.i- ri-iic- In hlfl llne ol wort aad kn m ii.tnethlng ..f the enalnea, punipt, ete. rl?e paa l? i month. A ? andldate for c?il heavor -ho ii.i. t,y nreferenre. hnve had ?ome expertence at flrtn*. an.l the 'ith. aii ratea are antttled t.. i aa i;,ti,in in- .I,,, equal t.. 88 i>--i month. -*> .1 i.'f.'irr BOYB DBBITDBB. Mary nnalrtiBir aa d UUrty-alaa, ar rue.! H Bfl linll.lKr.iul 08 Ihfl -leiiinr 1'^ * "" Thlltv ,u\. Bha aaa tatally bBad an.l araa daiataaB. Wlth iwr m.-?- Itet molher. BaBer aad hmtli-r. TlM family i id I'l.ii.- of money and h ..i beat. ln .!><? t''"1' i-"*...''-; iu liub." Oanaral O'llcinio demauded a boud of a-.nnoo tyfore she wa* allowert to land and three ftTdi'Tmerohi-ira qimllfled aa her bondamra. **_*? f^S tt. If-ave Italy the Bteamahip lOmptM SmiTmled a dopoeH of fM tO dcfrny expensea ln caae ..lie waa sent lufli. ? MH. DEPEW COXREATtTLATRt TBE COLLECTOR. Coll.'.-tor riutsett left tho elty Inat nluht for bis home IB -B-Btra, ??888 B8 -II remaln until RtXA tlay. He was extrt'inelv bu-v dui-lni* yesierday. Hi.d RooB tbe matiner in whlch lie took boM ?f busi ness nnd dtapaaad of lt It wns niparent that ho <,,,?,, .vo.ild b8 I'erf'.tly fnmillar wiUi most of tho WOTt of ,h0 ,'l>'-',,r? H"IIS?- Hd retelved a lurgo nnmber of letters and tatogrami ronfrf_.tuln.tlng him on hta appotntmant. Among tbe mcs-ogea **??"? .,? ( !,..! n-rv M. Depaw, dated at l***_f**i [TwU-ertand. it waa a. IoIIowb: *J_ut JJ2S*^S Mdent'i wtoe eeleeRon. Oord_al eonrntntoUon*.. jKator Willlam L. Brown, of ?? Tl.e Imllr *?**. r,inln,ilfr Myara. ThOBUM iUinhnni and othera m*nt . , '?].:, .laiorv tottera. Among CfcUeetor PBeeatte eaU btb were cx-r-enator J. M. Pattoraon nnd ( ol'-n.-l Man ,U>; ?f Walerloo. CeL. .1. 8. Marksn,,, e.ilnn.... ?f le hepublieuii RaUonai Leagaei .lu.ltre Alfi-e.1 nUxk lcr^ Chi.rlca li. liuher and Ueninrd OvRRk, _-? - DEATB 09 MRS. JfAJtT C. CABTEE. Mrs. Maiy C. Car+er. wlfe of Gal<*n A. Carter. rtlert nt her home te ttaattwd, Conn.. on Tuer-day. after an illnoss of a few months. Sbe WBa RR dausrhUrr of tho lnte Theodore Dav-nport. i? nieeo of Mrs. \'|. linlns ItBjrtaanl. awl her slster lt tho wlfe of Somu^l ('. Ke->endcn. *???- was a woman of cultlvatlon nnd, In lliienee. The envlronmeiits of her birtb gare ber ttrm of edueaUon. Her home was a e.ntrc for niur.ti Inflnenee lu the work of tlm ehureh. or any g.jort eansa. Whon ln h'*alfh she was an imn<>r nnt fcietor to ._.,-lety, nnd wns ,. woman of grcai dJgnttp_and nre i>l<-tv. Bha toaree an nnmarrtad danghter. Theo dora 1).. and two son., Bdward D. and OaA, n A. Jr.. tlio latter Aaatataat atata-Attee_8P of Conneetlcut. ? MARINE 1STELTAGESCE. MTJTIATUI.- ALMA-fAC. TO-n*r BBB rlaea 6 08 I .*t? 6 84 I Moob aeta 0:08 p m I Moon'* a.e 11 ?-..V-t*.n.yHoQk 8:18 Mtjor. I.laa j WflMJS g ?J A.M?b-ntly ilooa _;.44 i t4ov. I.iaii.i t.i7 I txeu _*?>? o.-v IXCOMIXG STEA MERS. to-imV. Eft.R-VUr..Sft.n^S ?ibe.Bram-B.Aag 5.* ? ;''^ n:;V^i.-::"::-::::::::^?-:.._.:::::::5;iJ, j:::?:--^HS VautMIMta.I-aguayra.Aug 9.Tte.1 D buxua., ABRBSI 16 CmaaaR."laaaow.Aog 7.Anchoi Alaaka.i.-.-.i-ooi.aiu ?.V-.t.- ? i_. Hourgo .na.Hawre.A.ig 9.Fr Iran. ?OBBAT. AOO0B1 17. A'l- ' AUR L ? CftyolI Wa?Uiugtt)ii..lia?aua.Aug l-.,.M*<-uua n,flir .Iarf-roooi.Aug 7.'SiaTl'JH siX..".....bttmm.Aag ?.-v*'-""1 OUTGOIXd STEAMERS. To"UAl Vaaatil Tr-ML Line. For *_??_*__? 1 "ftj Aiira.ila. Cuiiar-t.>1. UMaio l ?*? U-yoming. Oal".'. Liyerpool. ? l Puraeaata. Aneb-r. omemw.u ?? * u ^ !-m?i. Tbuirralia. ara *f - ' Ii..ni_.H:imo-Aint'l'. Haniuura. ?..?_._, a ni TL'ESDAT. ACOUHT 18 Trare. N O Lloyd, BaBMB. * *? w_DNi;s:>xr. adoust 19 ntTotParl*. lnman. UTeraanj. SSJ_S i|,-r_ianlo. Wlilt* . mr. l.irerpooi. J:iuatn KlbB. Sti Llor.l. Hn-iiien. B B m Ul.vnlaiid. Ktfl Star. A.itwom. - PB "ity oi Ai.x-iiuria. M Y A < taba. Bar___a.. 1 !? m 8BIPPIRO XBW3. PORTOKNEW-YOltK.FltmAT. Al'OCST 14. 1H?I Al'.r.lVI_D. PtramerMonnionthibire (Hr). .'nmlng. Japftn an-1 Chinii. portHViaOli.r.ltar Au. 1, with mrtao to f irt-r. M.k.v _ t o. Arrivril ai tl.<-Haral nilrttiiljlit. liUh. , ? __. "teamer Maahatiaa iBrT T!,.,...-* London. inl-alla.t to liii.tnv llfV- Arrn.-iluttl,.'li.irut lu.Sl P .... ?-"?>.._ _.,h m?. ?,.,-i ..ivri.-il-i paari. Kr-inek. st.-tttn Jnly 2ft, wtrh JIT^ffi-iiUto B-ttarttaT Arrlr?laitli. llar al 'V^'iiii',"- Kou-rnan, tl.tchi. ??"4^,j?g__M____?_t2i witl, ni'lf- and passencfr? to 1 iincli. L.lye tte co. Arrlvcfl at ttat-_^-.-U^_B0 (?rl. Wl.ltroa. Annrerp July 30. wlth n,_ . - i' Sji i,l/r-?n .t _<ttL Arnvo.1 Bl UM llur M 'J a m. ?-t, imfr Im.-, ri.iflKtfr Poter**n Oier). Kf.'i' Ham toiirr imr '?. Via ShleMa Ang I. in baUa*t u> (in,uv II,v? sifrriif-r'niorn,..,* H-BT. Koch. RaBtbWg /?&??_** tn.lae and plM.-ticf>ra to i*uucr.. l.dye _ Co. Arrlreil at tho *_!________? ____m'Bar(Br?. MeOarp, MtHllt.rranean eortt via W iilt, r 1 iii ?P. with mdae to IllrVl. PeltmaO A Co Tfleasl i, s_mp_-n._W.-e .? T-ung. Arrlradat ra.. Bar at 5.80 ? w iifuiiit-rTan-arvllleiKr). conrent. Kunt-hai Aug A. lnbal '"m.'^r'Knnpin- St .Tohna, Pit. A,_ 7. Bttt nt_?MPtkam?en to N.w-Y..rk da PB SsCo, Arrlvea at 1"m!.^',i"_ OWBBt" Nor.. T.tlantl, Bai-tcoa h dara. wlth RaR to M:;:-:_,;V^^.' .>' ?,* ?f.r.r ??*-W wlth frult ,_t4.,.,_/ A I-._ra.ill. Ainv^.l_t tlie 10 a m. . ,0S".r* n. "u*.n,i,. ispanl .?ur.,.,,.,.. Mauoaa^arta . day* with iu-h.< aod paiiMgan to j m ceiaxiiu* x ,;,,^,s.,n,>u.n":',?"r"w, Oalvraton 7 day^ wtli BS^^?5?A W StSat^dd-pawl-B md-. ^VinierMlw1','^,.. i*> _r_B.jaca__BriBB naC-artaaiia. w.tu '\i^^l*_JailS^^ a -?* -,th "^.^^'^-"."oi-^^^rt >>w. .ad Norloia wltl. mdae aml -Baaenger* t? Uid Domlnloo >t t o SM-merCltyoi AUanta. Doie. \\.?i'o..,'. Va. with mdae T?r__e.BR' SiS! BS_T?_a_. KB. with md*. .nd ^.'._. ^^lJ"-S.,Ui!!i*.ury. P8llHlhjblB, ta -attaai A c?. , . ?VRBRT-Brlad al aaadf H.oic. light, 88E; elouay. AtCilT Ia'.aiid-!l?lil. Bi riomly. tM'AHI'.D. BM--OT A.iran.a (Rn. Walkor. _.:vi-rpool rla Qneenatown V.r";.",',i.H. "v.u'Vttv'.lir,. OON. MatR.arar. ArkeilIA Co. BtSmBrCotoraao l nr,. Ab??..t. BnU -.S.t.a-r^.,- a 9eau_ Sn.,.i,f.rM,,nt,..ik (lin. Jeuki.iH. I ritii--imn?ou. M-tico *.su--imfri't!:tti.t (Daa), sajodt. tuettin. capaaaagaa, Ra FbVMim!.'rlsir,.'.V.;r.. RtOltt. Norao. Ina-Ftinch. YAytACo !{____?__>?___?_;"___.? K,.i,irw..iu. Ramaaia Baahardadi C'stf-on,cr Werkeortam (Utchl. Bakiter. Rt.ttenlam-F.iricli, E'_.eii* .r?'Breine:liavBB (OeR. B?t_, Roltertam-H Sturx bW-_m-?"l)e nnytrr iBetgb Brar-aa, ABtwero-Funch.KdjB *>_raer l. . Tourawif (Pti. Franguel. Harro-A Foriret. SiVam.r iir-i - (.Nor)' Neilo-'ii. UuDklrk-Slnipaou. Bpeuee *-.''.!"!". Oarurnla (Br). R.itherford. St C ""'?'Tuier As.yr.a(nri. Murray. Mo,litt3rr..ne_u porta-Hen "'.;:.",!!.'".,??. Ramm-ad. .?,,,,<-i,;il-Bo .r.,n Towbooat co. sit-anierOrlgen iBn.Tliompaoa. IM" ?. r-l-Aiuer- 11...*,.. (l'.r). ? llnkBkal. Kinjratfiii. lireytown. _e? '''mimD'v"-.'?. Sicheraon. PBaama Paertli su.: 8aOe '-.,.'"... Aunae l/Bn, wi?;;.ni. Blag-tB-. au. Oayaa, ao 'Ji___mw8avta_- Teiaa, WlteaaBBj Brumwick. .;_. aun Fer n:^ont.^.l,iu^;:.V^*;n.'r. Bawaeet, Me~rHSa_IB*C8 tiAlLI-D. gwim" Raaataa Prlaee. f?r Amst-rdaro; Oardenia. ?r N_f?i... -tataoi iviaa. Fernandl-ai chaBmhaeeb-a, tmvaat. _.i!.; Alftonqa ii. Cliaileatnn. binp Jo_epli,i>, ,,,i Ifong K"ii)f THK MOVEMKBTM OF STF.AMERS. POBK10R TORTS. f.oyDO''. Afgll taiin -_-?_? Pentan Mouaroh (Br Bn>>t,,w. for Nt-w-Vork. i.ivi'Kif,!. AngU -Rtad,suaaMe (Bn. ?-. ^CIHJ-BTtiWg Aa. 14- Arrivr-rt. ateatner Etrurla (Br), llaiti* from X.'wYork on i.^r way to Ur_rpool. Mov'il.l.f. Aiiut 14 Bailoa.BMBBBM AiH'horU (Br), tan.p. Vhiiam, Aagll Arrivt. I. ateatner l-'iani'lni-o (Br). J<?n. _lna. tram RaW'Tork, _ , _,?_.-? m;ily va-.- 14 l'ji?4,-,t. iteann-r Fn.-Und (Celg1. Ran-l' rrom B-W'Taraon Bar wai ><> Aatw-rp. ST thomas, Au-x 1" Salletl. ?to*tner Sf>>;iirant-.>, B<>'-r*. Ior New-York. _^t__wm_________m_m Announeemeata, Henrt A. Damels, M. D., '.yj wI-'.m rjli.-sT. Dtteaaa* ot the Barvaai bvatern. uenlto-rrbiary organ*, I_i|*ieiic* and Sterillty. nonra 8 to 1. 6 to 8. ? - ? Mrs Winslow _ Soothing Syrun for rhil'lren ttv-ttiliic. aof-'a*. the piina, rediirea lnilammat on. ?*?'*?'? lilrT. dbaa wlnd t?llc and dlarrbcea. 25 eent, a bottlo. RADWAY'S PILLS, Purelr rBBRlBbR, niil.1 and rej bM< ? Cauao perfet-t nicent .,.. cornpletl .(--"-ptlon, and heelthful regulanti. I'ur- Dyspspah. a?d IU Ioi.k liat ot uup\-A-A.,l ,smp:*tm* nnd r.-j'iv,M,at.- Xht ?> item. 2b Ra. * l-ov At DraggtatB. CURE for the DEAF. PBCR'B paT. UU.HOytPTUBULAB-_AB0UBR1A>R8 peifBctly overconi" deamea* and* ln head. "BaBBB. iomfortihlo. ^Ifadju.MBg. Su.;.:o,?fuI whou ??"_r?^?,1;"? [ail Whla^r. e-ren hearJ _i-U_o_y. Wriu. or call ror lluatrited -BOfe of ,,ro?f. fTtHK. Md onlj' by ? HIBCOX. BtVlhaadaaP. eor., New-T** A. II. HIM' tk IO. ?paaaali MJ-N'S Mt-BRARf cass1mi:RE fcifirs FOR ai-.OO. worth doublo tha ir.oii.r. OAT AND tt-J- RRRAUWAY SPECIAL MENTION AATrrtl.rntmt. ndmllled int* |k?M rolnmaa ner re. oi-imrnHid tn Ihe reader* of TfffK TltlB. I'BK aa Ihoro.iahlr rrlmhlr. and hn.lnf., eaa ba br mail wiih lha uJ.rrii.-n with tfxtrl*** ****** mmsto Cta nANDY" *tf***9****** iu,C?%.rioi(t?. j TMVCAB K110 iai, . iW/ <:**.*. < ayrrSO ityle* Jt-T TH KIMIT.l -IITkI Ihe BoadCrt, .*. bo-r ?*** m.*.. BRMM-EY* COMPANY, 14 Warrrn Wlrw*. niWTgAN Bl i.p?- la ta****** '&*74**fig A^-^^7 ra ? ?* i? * ?# -- i i i hi tra^r - viMJKrr H'P'uc ?.'?s Sl l Brondw'r. Vrw.Yorii n.-'i CMaMgaat rm II KBOfltf U*T*ti ***** *-....?I..-I *?'?. 9. a. Ask your *DEALEB for the most powcrful PI1LD CARRIAGES. Lar|f.i .iMorinii ii Ue>l ?*yl*m ...... I.awesl Pricae JOII\ nooiiK, .1.1. .17 X .10 Warres.*!. alao il.;.-i ,??? .*. ;'.,:,? ,_W>_.tfc Whererer in.roineed riraa ??tiafa^ti,in. VETTEB l)l>U \\ UKKN, 77 ( lniiiilifr, Si, M Cleanfast" DLACK 3TOCKINC3. " " a T.i*' ? leuiifUN. . I'i.t.-rT ob, 1W7 D B O A I) W A T. "Columbias BIflllESTUBADEOXLl Cat ilogua i taa. I'OI'K WT? <'.?.. _ n FraaUlla Bi? BO?*TOB. BBABCH ll'.?' IE 12 Waren-at.. BEW-YOBE JCCOUNT A BOOKS .llnde lo Order and Hai. >l lo unr l'i.tli-1-u. Camera Outfiis, All Sorto anrlSizos. Si-ovill & 4<!amH('o.v ii'A Hroomp stn-ei, *i. I. Rf-nd for C'ltnlojjue. Tho moat perfect fcttlng tVla In :inty irai.'-t. i'.r.lj'.ilt.,, s.i|.?r ir work. ! nsuiBbln :uid lo? _ r.cea. ..aa itaAt b-- found at A. SIMONSON. 911 KKOtlUVAV. .? ahlBBIatai THE AMERICAN Ca i.:ilh liMir.nnce Ubrarlee and Booka bought. _ it?iR ,?? ? i ... rurnUbed cheapet i SaCUl'ltV lOm^anV BOOKS, BABB CCBIOUS <fc CUKBBBT. O.N 11 ANU. rorld. Mamm.ifh Catalofne (uie -'"-?' im* i""'. ? i".lon LEftOAT 11 HO*.. tftOttLHUMU* sTKEKT. outooiweaiat City i.?,.''?.??? New- \ ork. l**V. I t-urlu-l ."Hl*. BAMTCOLOB. t?r 8ate 'I I...;.,'..-. tS...-a >, >.-.*,.,-g. .? "'I Bcoaatya Kui. alarCr* rlifiii.aKour-ln I'.niid Tie ?***"* ? , ..pi... -iUi.... BBti?:nn * ABBBtBOBP. 9*8 Br?dw Crouch& Fitzgerald Reliable Trunks and Bags. HU.TIM.IK1. Ml?. caan <> - .^..ooa Bi-oi-hrr. IfltllBfB * llrnr.llr^i .i-ii-rn! M U li ?'*. 188 Ilnudnay. XewTork, IN-J'ltK* ar.AIN'!-!' LOS3 ')R "*?? AOE''} PBOB Hteni** Ho.l.-r Btptamet* T?. PKOPBBTY ABDUBEi msw*. Evorythinq i.i fii Musiclino. SHEET MUSfC. MUSIC BOOKS, INSTRUMENTS. 6er.dl.j: Ltau _uo C<u,?,;flfll Ir-.e. C. H. DriWOR 6. CO.. 887 BBOABWAY, N. Y. O. IMTMIN CO. Bo.toa. 1 traitlaadiaiTtl <5il.-nT Mfl H.oHilwnr. Bi V. Ror.TT) covrrov M%ltlv-? U>JI STVI1L* CUAli .. itb over *' c.iaEK?> o* p?a?> UOH; i.:a^:.'> ao e!rf??J l'r-aeut. a-r. ta tBe bea. c.iflB ln BM vi Me, ?* t ? ?o:ld. M vRKS CH.MIt .0. 'XiO MrOJ^*'iy. X. Y. Call ard aaa tt or ?end tm jatalog01' PUBLIC ATIONS THE NEW-YQRK TRIBUNE. niKMIYTKttlAN SKXIKAL BBMUIM*V *? II. lii.ll. IBBl. >ow eul. DagBea on be or.lcr.'d Bf imiil or hi.ncbt in Tbe ttm*** Uo-iornn *l*re. The i?.i. ri-.linu- i? BtB* rei??rle.l eapi. inlly lor Tae Tribune by a l'r.-?k?lerlnn ********** 88 '*r?e o, i.i". paeee. -ia ceai? n iop?. t*Tt BtB* IM BKI'Il'ltOi I'I'V. I.eflera *8*\ ?* ?** llln.tintf.1. lmm ll.u Wu. l.ulle*. t mIm?. ***** **'*<* Aa.eri.ta. * TalMBhIe aud cBirrtaii.taa 4uc.ii.irB.. 1*11 O.ta.o nii?'". jl innti a .??>? Mll I IITHN SKF.Tt llts. TrnveU of a Trlbuae <??rii-4|ioiidcai la We******** mmhtmhr, ******* ii na. I'lor.liu. nnd oib.-r ??ontlier.i *lnte?. *T*M ***** ****** t-' tttt** 88 .'e..l?. TI1II1IVF BU8ABAC, IMM, tiio lnr?r?. Il.niaa r?eri?.ue,l b* Tlie TrlbBBe.aBil .-oiiioiulua <?" >*.?""ll? limuniounl ol i.rr. *o, lal u?'1 H?au--o8 \ uiiiubii' lo. relereui-e. J-> .??-m? a cary. THK TBIBl'N* Jiail.BK. iba ^i^eeedluaa at IbB r.-.t-Bl p.-lebi?llou ol tht ^O.h ********* * f*tm**B ?f Tbe Tiibuiio. liuladlua ibe ?aeeebaa ea *t**** Buua. I i.r.i.. HcKlnley aad Horr. the ?ee.a br "tediiiaii. ihe liat ol Bioiiiniriil g.ieai*. eic.. eic. 88 liiinU.vHia pu.upblt-l lor.u. 18 .rni- a ? oo,. "TlI.I.AUr I.BPKOV^IESTi ?hy Amerlc-an VHe ***** mn*-* ln l'.o.|,?ri.y." n r.-pobli.-Hilo... lu ?"?? IMin.iil.lrt laaaa o. >h?> eharnu..* ****** * ' h Karthraana ot*n aaajaai i? fBa ivibunr. aadflhi *tm Ihe aaal aalaaaaa alMaBa aThnndflBBia <8BBaiaaa^n8? ?aaltarp bfliiirflaaaia, aha plinaara >o br ***** w* .uli. ln.mi- li..... timpt****?"">" ********** , '._ nr.ui aarelM **?. *>*,*? mo *i? i.r **mtt***m*m* o eeaneaaeaai a^prr lowcpie*. A IIbi af 40 ar 40 aihrr tatra. wlll ba aem l?ee ea appllcutlsa. THE TRIBUNE.