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HIGH PRICES FOR RYE. THE MARKET AFFECTED BY THE KUSSIAN UKASE. ? 0XJ0TATI0X8 HAVE ADVANCED FORTY CEBTS A BU3BEL IN .1 FEW DAY8-EFFF.CT AT THE PROT1CCK EXCHAXGE. Wttldn th? laat dav or two rye aa a featnre of B** Vort tradlng has oomc to Mb front. Tho < aaaaa of Ibe advance ot tbis ceroal ln Importanee ln the ******** world have been the great falllng off in the Btisslan erop and the ulmse of the Onr BSJBM BB| exportatlon Of 170 from that country after August 27. Oompamtively little atlention has be?n pald to rye on aooount of tha small uuanttty ****** * the eounli-y Heratoforo the amount grown has not ?c<f*** ?* home demand by more than 4.000.000 or 5 000.000 bnahela. From 1881 to 1800 tbe averape yle.d of rye has beon 25.70!*;?57 bushels. In some years lt ha.s ruHMlha 2fl.000.000 bushels. but ihat flgurc va< exeepttonal. The averoge ex porta during Maaa years bave been 1,600.898 buahela This Includee ibe year 1888. when there was a heavy foreign demand for Amorlcan ***** and then 0.240.344 bfl** ******* for export. Of the amonnt grown over 20,000.000 bnsliels are used ln the American dlstllleries. It la lmposslblo at this time to form an accurate es? timato ol tho amount of rye wMch tklfl country wlll prodnee. It * t**** ln round numtiers all the *** trom 28.000,000 to 50,000.000 bushels. The Depnrt ment ol Agrienlture ln Washlngton haa no hnowledgn of tho acw?ge or the average yleld by the acre. accord Ing to tiie Iflflt commtuihatlon recelved from it at tho produce Exehange. It ls not thought. however. that there wlll bo more than 5,000,000 bushels of rye for export. ThlvJact. together wlth the foreign influences. baa aent tba prlce of rye up some 40 cents a bushel withln tho laat few days. Yesterday theaa WBB nn ad? vance of from 3 to 4 cents over the closing prlce on Thursday. In the nelghborhood of 112,000 Laiklbi of r>-a were aaM on oable orders, at 210 marfcs on de t***T* This ls equal to $1 24 in this country. K. Pfarrius, one of the largest dealers in rye ln thia city, aald yesterday that the present Increase in prlce was tflfl 89 tbe demands from Xorway and Bweden. Rus-i*. bc added. aXfOC^d annuallv froni 00,000,000 to 70,000,000 bushels. !Trtd on aeeount of the falllng off in Bflflatfl and the prohlbition against exportation the. demand has been large for this eereal. About two wceks ago he recelved on one day twentv four cable measages. a.-klng about rye in this country. Tha me*sages eame from men whom he had not been deellng wlth for many years. Mr. Pfarrius thought that Rusalan flrms had inado contracts for German and gcan.Iffiavlan dellvery in Octeber, and under tho order of tbe Ciar were sliut out from exportlng Russlan graln. The question now wlth them is how to HU those ordere. Hls advice. from Oermany yesterday weie th?t 193 marhs wero belng puld there for wheat and 810 marks Ior rye by the 1.000 hilos, the latter belng equal ln this country to about *1 07 a bushcl. "Rye." he oontlnued, "la bringlng from fl to 7 per eeat more a pound over there than wheat. One of the resHlte of the inrrensed price ln rye is that in Norway and Swedcn wheat. whleb heretofora has been too hlgh for common use. ls belng consumed lnstettd of rye." J P. llennett, another graln man, aaid he thought that wheat would not bc affected much. He expected to see the forelgncrs begin the free u*e of eora. Wlieat felt the effeet of the sudden boom Ifl rye. and was qnoted from 3 3-8 to 3 1-2 cente higher a bushel yeaterday. Decembcr closed at 81 10. There were 600,000 bushele eontra. ted ft* to be sent abroad Corn alao lumpcd up a few not.he-, and wa*. extrrmel. nJ.lvihronVhout the dav. It did not rneet the ex wctotloh'. of corn dealen, however. m ltdMLtottoUo* iba rt-c In ry? as cioselv us thev would havo Hhed An ln e.estlnc quesKon for the eomplalnt eommTOee of fhe Prodnce ftxehange to letUe kai mmmI??; nection with the andden rl-o in rre. K. Pfarrl n bSSht froni one man 128.000 bushels nf rre ft.r de KS at thla time Ti.e ...Ucvnce ifl g^*** ? h* arlre then and the priee n >w ls S?.1,,U(H?. i n< wSafin 8-m! one of the rs of whlch Is aineBBbet oMhe Pifldnre Kxrhange. has lefaaad to pay the mar aini due and ttie case ha- been brought before the fomroittee The flrm boUi that U.e New-Yort Ia chSISe hai no Inrlsdletion over 11. and on that groand ia^ares he complolnt. It will be a ndaaUe precedent STttire tranZtions if the committee ***** Ifl BW - Of Mr. Pfarrius._ GERMAN VIEWS ON THE RYE UKASE. OETAEP THAT ITS MOTIVF. WAS PARTLY POUTI CAL-THE FRKNCH WHEAT CROP BAID TO BE SHORT. Berlln Ang. 14.-The Cabinet will meet on Satnrday co diaeaia means te fliflllll the ili effects ol the Ilusslan rye ukase on tbe poorer BbMBBB. ***** wholly dependent npon rye broad. The provlm-M Gov crnors and DoaTOs are lnstructed to report to the 0?V eniment comwiing the stecka on hand and tbe hBmel 1IUI>HTH Ofllcinl orgnns assert that ****** will BOl he able t* eontlnue ti.e prohlbition long. thronch fea. of disaster to her own flnances. The 88. Petersl, n corwpondent of "The Cologna G.rettf B-ertfl th* the Bpceial Runslan comniisslons whieh were recehtl;. aent ont ta make an investigation reported to the Oov eniment that there was suffldent rye stored up to render the prohtbilton of exportntion anperfluous. that tiie dlstroas was overrated and that the harvcM was not I bad as nlleged. H is belleved In Berlln that BflBBla tooh the partial dlsircss as a welcome pretext to aim a Mow nt Germany. The " Kreua Zeltnng" auggests Ihat Germany now prnliiblt the exporUition of eorn. Tho "Voasl-ehe Zeltung" and "Frelslnnlge Zeltung" trout the idea that the prohlbition ls a political move and counsel th* people to start a vlgorous agitatlon agnin't the corn duties. St. Petcrshurg. Aug. 14.-The uhase prohlblting the export of rye from KusMa ls still afferttng the pileea of graln here- To-day rye advanced two roubles, und wheat one rouble. A ukasn has be*n laBflBJ directlnp the rallraid ofRrlals througliout tbe eoaatry lo give precedencc ovev all Other trnit's. passenger or freighi. to Ualnl B09 veylng praln wipplles to Ibe dtatreeeed provinccs. Amsterdi.m, Aug. li.-The eorn market here wa much exclted to-day. and prices advanced. Rye for Oetober dellvery closed at 275 guilders, belng an art van ro ol 27 guilders. Mardi dellvery clos?d al 253 guilders. a rlse of 8 guilders. Paris. Aug. 14.?The " Iinlleiln des Hnlles" has been niahing inaultles ln irpnrd to the wheat crop of Franee. and today lt pahBahai l?s deductlons from the ivplies of a large number of mrrcsponde.its. The resuit "f ti.e btveetigatioa, the pfljet deelnwa. Bhova that th" rheal crop of Franee ^ui not exeeed f5 000 000 heetolllres. Tn meet the aOROal demand of' the .tuiutiy lt wlll be neoaaaary lo ImpoB 82.Ron.o<>o bnahela <,f ?!.?... Londnn Aug. 14.-The vieemy <>f India eablea that there has been a good general full of tflifl ln India. DOLLAR WHEAT IN CIIICAflO. THE ITOCUXiAIOBI P.MSINT, THF. PRICF. ON' THK STRFN.-.TII OF BDB0P1 \N BEWB. ritlcago. Au.'. 14 (>i>e<'lall.?The IikUv mnti wh-i bouirrl Wheal T9t*tt8*B t^nlght can lell lt ont at r, 1 -i ce:i<- proht. The l.ul'.y BBBB flrhfl boU-'ht Whtfll la-i Wond.v c:.n s^Il it ont t'. BlgM ut 10 rent- pieflt lt ,d. however, to flnd nnyliody beifl Wbe made *ny m.'?..?>?. N.-w-Yotk gobblad aawrlMng un lo IbB niornl..g. At th? open ing to-day New-York keeBBH an cnormous seller. flfld la-Blghl BBBBl be in the e*t***Ln M is cn "M Uue etaae; no' ilarted, how? ever. this time by the W'e.t, bt-.t by the I Csblea today wem 1renienriou-!y str"i^-. De, nber wheat frnehert 81 on ihe annonnc,*ment that lha Oae man Government was afflla <". B'dering U.e fldvlaablUty Of Mispeiiditig the c-r.-Hl dflllea Ofl graln. !'? opened at'.)?". M eent-. loflahad iri aad eloaad ragnlariy M. f.0 7-8 cents. TonlgM on tlie ciirli WbBfll MM .'. 8102. and --calls" IflfllH got "P t' ?' ?,; *-- Th?-' WeVern news cut BO 9*9**** TJ,', T(%( m | j th* ,s!iinat-s lor ?atflitfap 885. The watther le the \v,-?t waa -ui-cri,. Baeh predletlow ns wbea . aalvel aa *_**8 wheat ***** ***** '?'??? **t***9 ->n l,,rc heaed. Botbtog of Ihal -<>.' eoanled. Belthei dld the feet that Be*-York. a rafltpafll bflU f-r f.v, wecXs, h..d apparently got 0?er Ofl the flelBag ilde ciiartets beea wara aawAneed for 57i,foo knahato, Vngu-t arhafll BflM up la the ?e.eniber price. Byo wiM up to 88 cenls. 3orn advan.ed 1 1-8 cents and elosed M an I Wf 1-4 eent. September sdd ir,.ni 88 8-4 eflfltfl 1" ?'' tent*. eloslnp at M 8*8* '?>'?> '?? * ***** M wae aU 1. lympathy with WflaaB. Th<- tfflde w;is n,,' 1 nv. IflBT. wa*. no important news. IhB leealpla WOIB Mi lh" estima.s Baa SH.urday 4.*.o. xt,..- waaflbw hi tba Wm was flne, tiie cr.,p pro^ix-ets -tiperb. September oata opened and closed at the same pr,cr> 28 1-* rent-. provlsions, lnflueneed by the bnll enthu-la-m lt wheat, had a lllile recoveaj', about one-half of day's de<-llne. At the <l v pork ihOWOd an :t'" " ? _uB8_\*9 rent*, l?rd of lt) eent,, atid rl, "I D '? nu Tkfliedaj night Tbera aaa -<....e eoverlng b; Cu-Iah' ..:.d hv Itenui. The hogs wen: only 10.0OO the ^'?tiniaie txir Baturday only o.'JOO. TROI'BLES OF ELEVAToR O.Ml'ANIKS. Chlcago, Aug. 14 (Spe.lali.-A Bt ttht, -Minn.. dts pateh aaya there ls every pn.spect of a war of liugc < i, Min Balafl Th? nleahant Havor, MBMfl flfBafl atiA ?<k)U.1iik ***** t, I LP ? tit* ?t.*a ii. ..'.a oi a imuu, ai.a U u? _uer OT HotiL.t bo CO-ti..' "i bHieu- lh. .io... _{,.,-ifyiiit tKlltofri Sw lie u?e. ?o that lt ?? u.- b-.t faj.-my j-oineaj laaaa. aaB ttiur Amau* aaauid have a \*u_ut_. proportion. between the elerator companie. end tho , North Dakato Bailwav CommU-ten. tnlee. a way Bi .cttllng the difflonlty 1* found the Indloadoni are ; that the largo-t ylcld of graln ln the history of tho BR_B wlll bo harvested without a pnblic warehonse ; open to recelre lt. lt l? undrratood tliat the elcvator f ?-- wlll deellne to do boMnca. under tbeoaera- | tlon of the imblic warehtmae law. and will attempt to , opcrate as prtvate elcvator.. The Railroad Con- | ml-sioners clalm that the*' cannot bny store, ond i Staarhea. as prlvaV. etevaton, and say that tliey wu. rlo_a the Umt open ellevator by Injnnctlon. ?? A BIO WHEAT CHOP FOR MANITOBA. Wlnnlpeg. Ang. 14.-The monltily crop bulletln ls- i stied by the Manltob* Govcrntnent to-day aays tl.e pr.ispe.-tts for a heavy crop of wheat, were never better than now. Cuttlng wlll bc general in ten daya, many ,'anners havlng already starM the blnders. o RAILROAD INTERESTS. A XEW CHAROE AGAINRT THE AI.TON. Chleago, Aug. 14.-A dispateb from 6t. Loula, printed tn the mornlng popers here, quoted Atslstant (leneral Passenger Agcnt Suttle, of the Jaeksonvlllo sonthcaslern llne, as mnklng grave charges against the Chleago a-nd Alton. If he ta correctly reported, that oflicer clalm. to hare proof that both the Alton and Wabash have been sclllng Grand Army tieket* since the agreed date of s?le. When thls wns bronght to the attention of General 1 *a?-encer Afcnl Charlton ttiii evenlng. he gald: "The Jackiun ville Southeastern charne come* rather late, and ls rhnrartcrlstlc of the methods of tliat companv |0 deallng wlth charges preferred asrainst ltself. Suttle. ln his statcment, contrudicts Traffle Manager White, of the Atchiaon, who by his clrcular letter to lils BBB dnctors and his .tatements to the preas practlcillv admlts tlie allcgatJons mado agulnst hts St. Louis line. He also cotitiwllcta Flnlcy, wlios eonespondence wlth Mr. Whlte and wlth the Alton. cstablishes tho correctness of the assertlons made bv us. No eharge has been made by any road, or bv Chalrman Flnley, against the Chleago and Alton, aai It ls oeitaln that if a chnrgo could have boen sin talned lt would have been made. Suttle la evul'-ni \ talklng wlldlv and Independei.t of faels. and I <io not believe him and do not imaglne that anybody does. If he can provo nnytliing. a. hc fca.s ho can, why does he not do Itl" PROSPERITY IN THE WEST. Chleago. Aug. 14 (Speelal).-O. D. Ashley, preMdent of the Wabash Hallroad, has Just retumed from a trlp through Kan?as, Nebmska, Iowa and other Westcrn States, and is enthuslastlo nbout the lndleattous of prosperity bo observed. "There wlll be po ocewlon ror complalnts from the Alllanee against tho rnilroads this year," sald Piosldent Ashley. "There will be so much prosptiity among the farme-rs thnt they will have no cause for complalnt. Everywhere I went In Knnsas, Nebraslm and the adjolnlng Statea, the c.ops were in excellent eonditlon. The. wheat had just been hnrvested, and the farmcrs say that the crop li the largest they have had ln years. As a natural result prosperity will follow in all directlom, and there wlll be a great inrrease In railroad fihlp'ncnts." " Wlll there also bc an Inrrease la fieigbt ratea T" "No, sir," was tho reply. "The rallroads are safls tlod lf the rntes remaln flrm, and good crops win m -uro that We havo do dcslre to ralse the rates and wlll not do so." President Ashley ls strongly of tbe oplnlon that the Pnllmiin nnd Wagner Palace Car compatilcs are charg |Bg rates tliat aro altogcthcr too high, BBd us tlio -ame feeline seems to prevall among the majorlty of railroad men, tbera wlll l?c n nnited move. he tl.lnks. before long to compcl the ileeplagear eompanlea to eharge more reasonablc prices for the accoiiiniod_iton? they extend. e BOCLEVARD ORADE CROSSINOS IN CHICAGO. Chleago, Aug. 14 (Speclnl).-The South Park Hoard al. the last meetlng nfter a full dlsrtn. lon dcrided to stop tho rallroads from rrosiln* the botilevards at grade. and passed a resobitlon that hctic oforth all rallroads crosslnr any of tho boulevnrds or parks must do so at such Bb vatlon as not to Impede trallle. Wheh the city grant* ihe rl*r_t |b lav it- bracBa to the city I1m1ts this does not eonvey tlie priviiege to eroo. the buulevards. whlch ne nnder the control of the Park Board. Such prlvlW-s ,-an be granted onlv bv tlie Board itself. 'Ihls mav he regnrded n- the Bl-t step toward the totel abolltinn of grade crO-BlngB. It ls expected to bring trouble with ihe Northern l.iclilc. _?? A ROAD ST'ES FOR CNPAID SCBSCRTPTIONS. Ballimore, Aug. 14 gspeclal).?The Baltimore and F.astern Shore Rnilroad Company has entered ?uitI agalaal a aeora of farmers and land-owners of D.,r iihBBtar Connty to re-rover subserlptioni for tlie stock j of the railroad company made bef-vre the road w?s built. j The de-enc? will be that tlie stock was taken with the flfider-taadlng that the road should run throurh eertiiin plaeee, but thal a-ici- tJie <-uirh was tafeea the road - i conrae wa= ehanged. Aa Ihe :-aad ls now ln the hnnds i ,f i roeelver, :t wiu h** a im-dshia if the cltlren- named I n-e tv mpt IM t , pay lhe amount of their -nb-eripMot,s ln fall. The roa.l wlll BBM pass Into Uie bands of New-York men. -? THE AKSOCIATION NOT GOIRO TO PIF-CRS. Chlca?o, Ang. 14 (Spcc-all.-There ls no BMndaflaB In the rumors thnt the Western Passenger A'soclatlon i i< gotag to pleces or being re'?rganl7^*d on plans fur tilshcd by the Western Traffle Assoeiation prosldents. At least, some of the promlnent offlcials who would l?o Intercsted in such a move say tliere ls not. The Western Passenger Af-virlatton gets along as well as does the orpir.lr_.tion to Whteh lt ls attached as an auxlliai-y meuiber. _ HALF FARE RECOMMENDED. Chleago, Ang. 14.-Tho commlttoo appointed to make transportation an-niigenients for people daaMag lo vleit Chicapo on the occaMon of tlie unveillng of the Oranl monument has reeoaiBiended that a rate of OM Bwa for the rtiund trlp Ite cliarged from all points in the lerrllory ei the Western Piuisengcr, the Central r.ii.M.c, the Chleago aml Ohio Uivcr and the Mtehlgaa Paaaeager aaao. lauooa. EARNINTiS OF THE ST. PAUD. Chlcaoo, Aug. 14.-Thc Chleago. Hflaaahea and st. l>?tiil Company to-day gave out Ita stotement of eini for the montli of June and for tho fl.-tal y?ar end ii.k June 30. l'or the n.oiith of June the Btatement ehows ftam eariiings of e_,147,814, an -.IIBBBB, a_ compared ?,tli the. boiiio jterlod of l-._-t year, of ei97,73., whlle the net earnlnf-s w. n- $074,010, an lnt-rea-ie of t?4.814. F?r the yesr the gro.s earnl.g^ WBN 427.504,224, an Incr^ee ,.ver tho-v of Uu. prerefllnir year of $1,01.8,710, aud the n-t aamlBga were et.l-7,7-4, a deereiue of 4f>:.--0. Tliir, it as an RtllOBM IB r,|?-rjtnig ,-\i>ei^,.s and B-BB8 during lhe year ot #i.ih:h,4o2. incon.e from othor aeanei aiiiountt-d tu tOtlAOl, maklng the total Income for tlie vear aa,*71,aai. i'i\,-d eaatga. and laaareal on boo4 alnouiiU'd to *7,.37,L-.-.l, i.aWni; a balanee of *-',234,630. aat of wbleb a 41vld<n4 of _ _ p.-r ctit, aniourithig to ^707,750, aai iaclarei fayaUe la Aprfl. PASSEXUKR A-ERTR CONVEKTIOR. ChlMgo, Aue. 14.?Tl.'- R,-tiil-i:,iiiti4l eon vention ef th? jn a.aonlatUai of (leuer.i ntaaenget and Ti.-u^t .pn'.s will I.e I.. id at Old l'olnt Coinf..rt Kejit.-mber 14. in.- Chaaapaah. uad Ohlo will run a ?]k>, tal traln fr.?,n ClnclnaaB, laavtag Bnl eRy Saaday moi.iing, BegRuibei 18. That* uoln? from Ohleage wlll lejv,- bar. oo Satur? day night for t'iiuluuatl ia oid.-r lo tako tho kpeulal traln. m 9LEE1 AT xnrPOBT. Newport, It. I.. Aug. l-t.-The torpedo Liat CaahlBg toob Um Raval Omaailtt-e to Bitetol thti B-taraaaa to inapeet Heria.holPi worha, aad in the m they v. iu inapeet |he Baval TralaiBg Btetlon. The whit.; Sqaadroa wiii -a!i early Roaday _aomlng for the uiii.i. ii- laal deattaaBoa being n?r Harbor. To-mor? row B-tarao a ihe reiael. of the Beel wiii i. ? opbb to pabBe laapeeHon. Tbe Coaetellallon bai delayed her . ralae. To-dav divets of the ttiri^lo ttaUoa hat -tt worh repalrlag tbe daaiage laatataai bv poandlag i-.-i'-i- dni. ig bei rrnlse. Two plaiei were 1 -i .md litr k,-ci cbaied. bhe probaU. --ail Mdeday. ? - THff WLAOltAR WEST TO SLEVP OX TBE T/f.l^/T. a Bii-.-'i'T'-d Jamei i aAerweet bad a nar r.,,\ ,... ,|,e Iii.iu Irltanl d.ath while a?l>-.-y .., Ui" tia.R near W.-stbury, L. L, ] alag, IV riels-lit ?a >ti...i. i.. ?-.- euployed *ai itdndlae n Ih. ?.'.?* I ira,_, md in arder t, p.otr.t l,i ? waia fr,,., ? I weat ah.:,d. He .at dot.-.i on th waatboaai tm,-, and ln a uliort time w_? m_| j,?;r. p. \ vM-iboiiiid trala appreaehed -t a hipi- iai. at -\r--A. Ihe ? r HV _..->. vw-.-d and whRBei for tn | | , ut al ttn v .v ii, t'.-n i4-avaedi t? .-toi, hl* ira.n. bat \* un?b|e lo do ao. Cndfrwool ??*> fttuclc and Un,.wu in tli? air. II-.? t".-iv."1 a ..iiinund tiatll'll ot une l"u, bnt w?^ not otlierwls,. inj.ocsl. He wai IBhOB to *oi. C'atl Ho-pltal, Urooklyn. -4> AQRlCVLTVir.lL DIB1TT0RS XEETIVO. Wa-lilngt'i'i, Aug. 14.?At the moetlng of ihe As BMlattaa <>f OfMal AfrkaKval Cheatftti |n-day the (OlleWhlg .""?:- mrr i-i?-. l.-.l : 1', N. f. I.up ii,ii. ai Aabnra, Aia.; rka-preafdent, -. R, i..,-? ?? i.. ,,i Hadlaaa. Wla.j _a_tatary, H. ?/. RUay, ei Raahtag lon ; awaben oi the eaa. un-,,- eunnflffee, A. L. Paaay and 11. A. liusu.ti, of LafBgalla, ind. "i'll brlag you ordera. *i' u ihall bear uui*-;.-.?? ?(Twt* ...iiil'-iii'-n of \'r-rtna. liilmore's firand Jubllce al RanbaRao Beaeh. lll. woiid r*nowi.fd baad of 100 BMuMaai Bnaad voral -, ouera eborua, drvra eorpa, anvlli and ?rtliiery ln rpleiidtd pts.Biaintuo. Tratua eveiy Jmlf bour by Uii livu* ___9t U._Jil'?,*d. _ i. STATISTICS OF CITIES. TIIE CENSUS BUREAU'8 FIOITRES ON MUSI CIPAL IMPROVEMENTS. TBE COST OF 0OHMIBM, WATRB 9T7PPLT, 8EWEBA0E. POLICE AXU FIRE PEPARTMENTS. Washlngton, Aug. 14.-The Oi-nsns Rureau VMlay issucd a bulletln on the soclal st-VMIcs nf cltlos, whlch was prepared undeT the diroction of Dr. John 8. DIH |&gs. cxpert speefnl agent of the Ccnsus Offlce. Dnta are given wlth rogard to atroets, 'trert llghtliig, water worfcs, eeweia, pollco and flre dejiartmeute of ftfty ol the larger cillcs in the Vnlted Mfllflfl whlch havo furntshed fho Infomiatflm awkod for. The percentnge of total area of clties whieh ls occu? pied by atrteb* U tfiown to vary greally. Thus ln Taunton it ls 3.2, ln Woreester 3.4. In Boston 8.8, and ln Fall River D.2, while in Denver lt Is 73.9, ln In dlnnapolls 56.4. ln Washlngton 43.:>. and ln naltJmore 34.4. All Uie etreets of of Boston. Worcoster and Ilolyotos nre paved, whlle in Denvernone aro paved, and ln Mlnneapolls but 3.1 prr cent, Ifl lh Paul *?* W* cent, and ln Dailas 4.7 per cent are paved. Tho avcrage yearly cost of constmcflon amd repalra a head of population in rltloe havlng over 100,000 lDhab Mflflfll ts 81 54, and in twenty-seven clties of less than 100.000 tehabttflfltfl It ls 82 04. The amount a head of populntion annually exponded In street clcan Ine varies from 5 cents In Rnffalo and 8 ccnte in ('Ui. ago to 71 cents In New-York nnd M cents In Cln? clnnatl. There is probably no deflnlto relation be? tween tho co*t a head of street eleaning as -hown by Ihese flgures and tlie actual cor.dltion of the atrecta as fo rlennllnest. As to street llghtlng the bulletln shows Uiat tho annual eost of each gns latrlp vari-w fro.n 8"0 ln New Orleana, 943 80 ln San Franchco aud *.'17 in St. I.onla. to 9i:> In Indlauapolis and ("anton. *15 00 In MtflflB apolis and 81750 ln Hoboken. Tlie annual cost of each elertrie lamp varies from $440 fi7 ln Sat) Franrlsro ai.d rrinT 2i ln Iioston to 8.'i8 48 ln Denver and ?M18 ln (Ihlrago. In cilies havlng over 100,000 Inhabltants the nverage number of lamps to ea^h siuare niile 1* 210, or 13.5 to each mlle of atrcet, the nnmber of pupnlatlon to each lamp being fortv-seven and tno avcrage annual cost of street llghtlng per head of population r,7 cents. Wltli three exrept'.ons every city of the fifty under ronslderntlon use- electriclty In whole or ln purt for street llghtlng. Twelve citiea uso no pa at all for this purpose. Of tlie citles given in this bulletln, th'.tty-flve own their own waterworks. These clties have n P"pu laUon of 6.704.c.0:i and the averacc Boat of t!w malntenance of tho works is 88.TB1 41. Th- ****** annual reeeipts from water rents were 8184138,188; and the total oost of the worka Wfll $1d5.ri4.-i.tl4, an average of 821 89 to each head of populaUun. Thlrtoen cltlea, havlng a totnl population of 1.::<>!>. 168, have watarworks owncd by private co.npa.iles, the total cost of the works a? reported belng *-'17, 720.877; but this evidnitlv refers to the BBpttal atoek and not to the actual co'st. The ineratfe flflfllBfll reeeipts fiom water rents are #84tl,<i72. und Uw cost of worfla to ench head of population i. t81 -<?>? The details as to 88* citles are glvcn as followa: Annual clwrge lu; water t'.r Ry Mllea ot Tntsl co?t an BVCtafl* whom Clties. niaina. **?*> ***___*___ ,WU<7tV NtW-Yor* . MO 8j0.OOO.OO0 BOW ,V thlcaao . u-8 i.').724.o.>i l* <J?> *>}*t l'hiladelpbla. 880 >.-??_[??_.'> 2? nS Brooklyn . |ld 1S.4SA.M0 B00 ' St. Loula. BM ?.\*.-.'..,".' 14 00 ?JtJ Beetoa . oai 2i.v.u2-..* 1200 CUy Jiiltmor.. . 107 10.1<v'.0"0 .00 ' l?,\EEelai*... 848 i:...'.HX".". 20 00 PHvalj ClnelnnaU . 271 9.M0.000 12*0 CtJ I'lfve'and .11 8,884.278 1123 CltJ .uffsioa..:...... tn ?**_**__ U___ ~r,V'.V. RewOBeaUB .... 74 -.?-",000 85 00 Frl\Mn DMroll . 858 4,400.60.1 It'OO ? '} MllwaukeV. ?* A.Vltl.H, 1100 Waahlngtaa .... 21? *?5l2'22? ,!-'-' rttl .\M?BrK N. J ... KO 8.1U.82I M ??> ' ll3 Mlnn?*nnlll H'i - . '.?''?< 9 00 C 'tV ,,,,,"? '"" 118 "0"'i !-'"> Pri.u"' -t Paul .. 188 2-?58,lOI 8 GO CIM iLin .:::::::: w hh.jss )'?"', sass lMtlanapiri& ... bO h____'_^_l -- ,/, ' ' , '. WmteXrt, Man in l.-:. ..'2 ? ? T.-l-do .... 70 1,840,000 uio PriMit' XeuVyVn . '-7 \*___M? !' ",' **?? Lowdl. Maaa.... 88 2.38:!..".") W00 Xiu.h%-11le. Tenn. 4i. ? JfW * ;]? IHRwr.M^ ca l*_*** }?_*_! U'l. Can.briAgr Ma- ."? _.:tA.:*., 17 08 CI (-,im1,ii X. J. . 57 860,000 11 OO < it> Tiviitun'. X. J-... 70 S?r-;^' !?S2 Lynn. Maaa. S7 1..V.U2-2 11 oo CUj llartiori. Conn.. 80 1.748.M8 800 CBy Kvv,?.\ill?. lid . 41. tOO.COU 15 00 ___*A*i uTxngrtea:(al 8.6 1328,080 8400 Tllvmtt Lawrence, Maas. M 1.8B7.10I 1200 _.CIty Hobokan B. J- 17 *_\?__\ }\ S V,r %a^' DaMtu* T.x ... :<"> 8100 Private Sloux City. lowa 28 l'...-..oi.O 1MW ?,<-'"/ :.tiand. Ut.... 10>J 2,t*21 .'.oa Iii no Prh.t ,ke, Maaa.. 17 676.7W 11 CO city hlncliaiiitoii.N.T. ti 5.10 IK'O IK-O ( lty Dulath, Mlnn... i;o ti24.n'.n 2000 Private K'mira, N. V... 40 67l,2.'.0 ls 00 Private navenport lowa 'A4 POO M 00 Private .1*1,1011, Ohio... 3.1 260,008 808 * HV Taunton. Maaa.. .'.'.I 671.8US i:ioo City Jj*. Cro.***, WU. i'O 191,104 1200 Clty Xewvort, kv ... 2fl h .000 17 00 Cltv KorkVd, 111... 42 ?" ,000 11 08 ?l'.\ As to smverape t'.e bnlletin ahOWB that In twenty one citles of over tobabHauta Ihe total lenirtli "f -ewer- is H2.77 per cent of that of the BtlCeU. Tlie ;ive:,ige number of ronne.tinns to each mlle Of sewer ls 11^, servlnr an avenige popalflttOfl of 1,958. Tho aver.-ige annual cost of IflhlllBlflnffl .'u.d reptilrs lo aaah heiwi of rhe popnlaMnii ta 104)86, BTaahtaBtoa and Cbmbrldca bave mo-e .niles of aawaia than ef atoeeta, As to tho pnlice, It ls shown that ln citles of over 100,000 lnhabitunt/s thcro a.-e on an avcrajre 18.68 jMiti'ilinen to ench mile, nnd l.'i mile^ ef street to each i>atrolm?n, who make annttully an of tliirty four arre.sls. In th.t* tttt* Ihe ro-t of the for." lo eaeh heai of popototton averagea fi 4-J, rarying haa 88 80 in New-Yi.rk to ir' eenta ifi Omaha Ifl rtttea of leaa than lOO.OOO Inhabltants there ls an avemw of n.7.', paitolnien to lha s<iuarc niile. and 4.3 mil-s o.f -.n-i |o eaeh pallllllllBfl. Wbo male- ntitn-nlly an average of iifiy-o;.e arrest*. Ti.e cst ?f tbe toree to aach BflBd Of population Ifl Tf* cents, varylng from .fl 80 in New-Ilaven to 00 cents Ifl NnshviM,-. The average dcath-rate in the ^oBee f"i'<es of oll i clties ls ,r,r, Ifl 1/00, varvlng from 107 in 1.0..0 Ifl i i owell and Ktri ln ln to 18 ln 1,0.m) n [ New-Yor* City, lJ ln 1.<XK) in UlBneepella an.l 18^ Ifl I l,tOti the *ul,Jeet'of flre deyartment?. lt ls shown that I ln twentv-two elt'cs of over lOO.OoO l>itif,!,;t:.nt? each the aveiage annual co.t of tho flre depflrtmantJp meb I heail of population U hl cent*. varvlng from 81 ,H ln Boston aii'i 81 Ofl In Bew-Yorl to M cents ln Chica^.. no rents in Philiwleiphia. 70 eenta ln Bronblyn. 00 centa i? pi umta, 35 eenta m Baltlmoia, #i 18 ln >an Pran I Ciseo nnd 82 re-.iY. in Cnclnnuli. In clties nnuT , imi ooo inhabliani'- the average anpnal roal of the deoartment to each head f popnlaBon ls ,1 cent-. In twenty-one ettles ?t ov?r H^.-OoO li,.,ni,ltnir < tho total loai bv ilro during 1888 fM BB 80 toetcb Ke?d of hopulatlon, nuialna from 8021 ln RnlMa. !s'i"> 'n it. Unla and 88 ii ln Brooklyn to #1 11 ln I naltlmore. 81 08 in Ncwark. and 88 eenta ii. Washl'ig 1 Ir li. hvenlT-even eltle, of le s lOOjOOO ln haOTlaiita eacb ihe I 4*1 Bm by 8re 8n-ln8 1880 wai ?t At to each head of population, rantfng from ** *** g g IL,V.94 M ln iN.rtland an.l W31 lnlRoebtord M e. "ts m Newport, 10 rents ln llartfr.'-d nnd 1<l ,,.nt- ln Uwronra. iar?e nre in l.vnn it***.. tjSiti -7 to ench h<v?l of popnlaaon, baa not bron in dti led ln anv Of the averi KO OOffGERN ABOUT TIIE 4 1-? TT.B CENTS. Sr.tRKT\r.Y FO-TF.R DISATOW8 BTATZMXBTB IX YFSTKRDAYS DIBPATCB. Wa*Mntrton. Aflf. 14 *****Bt- Actlng ***** tarv Sattleton, Of ihe Tr-asury riepnrtment. on linvlng Ua BttaflttOfl calW hft ni.,on to fhe general pn-s- dl-pitch sent ov.t la.t rlght relailng : to tbe flxteaatofl of the 4 12 per cent bonds. ln j whlch *1 promlnent Tre.if.iry afCdfll" was t wlth r n-.:ir'..lng tbal Ihfl Kflttoflal baahfl :'ha/l gone ba * on their pronise to the Dcp.irtmetit. llt,^ were mnking no efTnrt whatorer te aeean theae floa.lnp: bond ." c:.lrt (h,,t the dl-pat.h Ifl qaeattOB wv. n,,t atrtbortted M Ihe Depflrtaaaoi aad thal Ma eon r;u-ii.ns and dld not r-pt^s^it ofPrlil oplnlon. Th'-re wfll notiilng In the iffaatloa, h BflM, to eflflfli Batoflfli or even eaaaetfl aboal the ex 1 of pajramri of tba ontstandtng 4 1-8 per eenta The Battonal l.v'i.-s hvi abaaal) extended about fi" 000,000 .-f ihe 82B,OB),008 thev heU **??* lit.sii f,r clr ' enL-iti'in. aii'i then waa plentjr <.f Mme yet i.efe.n> Bfiptember S t > eatofld the r^mulning if7,ooo,fxo. "f tbe if2.',.000.000 ln the hands ol the Indlvidunl holders. ' thoae 1 ar.?*!.". aaB :"i"i betoia BeyteariMV - wwflhl >?? retbi-n.ed. HflW manv nf t'e^e would be flfBRld f,,- flitoflltofl r,r hnw many wonld bfl out-tnndlng ^> t>e uidnnifll ".' BepleaBbar 2 was. he .len.^ht, larcery a matter of |aaaa-wartt. Tht Dapartawnt, hawtwar, Nervous Pj-apT"1* '" BBaflBB t**, tired ?t,d Utik-i'M, no ambltlon. il,.,-p ur'gtlat, H" ap|*Ute?thia w?? n,y .ondltlon WbBfl , , ui Uike Kaad'l h?ri>ujanll?. i>,.n, tl," .err fl.?t B aeaaaad tu * J"-1 "h.i i ?eadad. Xba awveaa dj? |m>-.i? baa nuw , paaa, *j appiti.* 1. asaslBat, ?i,d I can <?t h.-?rtlly wlthont Ul-tr, .-?> ?rt-r?ard. 1 ??'"'l' wall, iii,4 aaa aaa pa abaat tt* ***** mthnut nsving ui?t tind fe-itiig i". Haiaaal basaia l aagaa ibbibb tha n.edt cliiu. 1 tave takcu slx iMitiles ot Hood's Sarsaparilla and leeeaaaaatf it ?* Hm Khik ,,r ||adlelaaa.N '? ?* act'LLY. Praatdaat h''i Daflfli, 2iu Catl.erlne-at-? -Urtrolt. kli'h h* 8.-U* aura to aai Uooi'* &***-____,_. would be ready at Uiat Ume to redeem all that luul not bee-n cxtended. gecretnry Foster, who rcturnert to WMhtngton thls evenlng, when a-hed about the matter said thnt -, one at the Department waa authortr.ea to glve out TaS&M intlmatlm: that the paaartaWBt waa div 1__bS3 with the. aetlon of tha RatfeaRl baah-, He S-E-aTttad aa Br aa h. waa Booeeraaa. ho had no ooibplulnto at all to make ug-lnst them. THE CITY OF PANAMA IN GUATEMALA. MIMSTER PACH..CO PFKDS NEWS OF THF. PACTFIC MAIL STFAMI-R. WftShlngton, Aug. 14.-The State Department to-day recelved a laftBJMB In ir-'atlon to Uie 1'acltlc Moll steamer (Tty of I'anama fron. Mliii.-f-r I?url,oco at Ouitcmala Cltt, C-natemala, ln whlch he soys: On tho mornlng of the icth laat, X?***^*** rad.ri. aft.*r (apiulri Whlto was serv?<l wtthrnotiOB01 'ontl icntlo:.. he w.tghed anchor and BWived E2?**B ibe sain- eventng. All tl.o pi_-.-Ci.gers hnvo landert and the .-nreo ls bolug dlsrharge-l at ftn 3oe__ The T.IInW>?r also says that he haa telegrapl''^ tne protest of thls Oovemuietit Bgah-R ?*?* eoadBBattOB or the reeeal by tho Salvador liovoninitMit aceortllng t/< SrtrScSS-i traaj the . tateDcpartinant Th? *o"?ro \Te Mlnisl^r'. diipHtc.i MeaM to Rrtente that tw J?? ttieol lefugee. on bourrt the itearoer have atao land a iaf;-lv ln t.uatomala. The I'cpirtment atlliawaija Ui. Minlster's reaort of his inv-s;-atlon Into thefcfCU leading up to the reaeePe oonfiieatton, and]pend ng ? rceolpt N la B4d BSPeeted that any IhrtherMt< lll be taken, parti. _ai iy aa bba veeeel to aow m .iiuitctnn.iin wit-r-. T!,e ..ue .tlon of "^"d ?J!ftI2 -e-el io Central Amerlean watera to protoct Arnertoar. .-. there is *BU belng eonaldwed by the ?avy rStmenl offlcera, bnl up io the eloaaofoffl?lhour. l_-3_iy no orders had beon l-tsucd to any vessel to pro oecd theaa, A TEN-IXCII CrCN FOR THF, MIANTONOMOH. Waehb-gtOB, Aug. 14. The < irilmince llureuti of the .Naw Wlfl to th/* New-York Navy Yard to-morrow a ten-lnch gun wlth carrlage from the provlng groana. nt Indlan Head. on the River, below \\;i-h LngtOB. The gun wlll be plnced on the Mlantoiiomoli now at tho yard. TMa, wlth the *Sft"gjKJg 1'ieh irnns whleii the vea?el now has. wlll eompn v ,. batto-yaa Bar aa tha Ordnaaee uureau ls -ooeerned. MATAAFA IS BLfOHTLT BWItata* Wa-Wngton. Aug. 14. -Dlsputches bearlng date Of july 18 were recelved al the Btflda Departaaent yeater dav from Ooa-B_l Qaoeaal BeweO, ad fbuaoa. Xaay sny. in effect. that althoutfi Mataata ls iWTrert lc-s, still tiicre ls no antlclpatlon of lmmedlato tro.ible. ? BILVER PT'RCIIASED IlY THE TREA.SCRY. Washlngton. Aug. 14.-The offera of siiver to tl.e Gov .rnment to-day rtmounted to l.-WOOO taMOBB, and the amount porch?ei -19,600 ounres, *?**__*** 75,000 oaaeea nt ao-aaao; 4. i.:>oo ounres ftt bo.qoi --. The local pureha-es at the mlnts to the close of b August fl amoiintcd Ui 447. X>0 ounc*-. TROUBLE IN CLINTON PRLSON. CHAHGES OF ORDELTT AGAIXST WARDEN FULLER. THE FACT THAT HE IS A CLEVFXAND DH-OCBAl THOUCHT TO BF. SIGNTFICAXT-..OVERNOR HILL'S CVNDIDATE FOR THF. TLACE BUFERINTENDENT LATHROP LOOK INT, INTO THF. MATTKR. Alhanv, Ang. 14 fSpei lal).-T!ie state. anthorltle* have been liOW to move in the matter of the el thit eraetttea and tartaiaa >wara praettoed ln Cllnton Btate Priaoa. The leaaoa ilvea f.,r ti,i_ tardlaeaa i that ezpaaarea of rigid disciplinc ln pitoon. ap; of fre ocearreaea, and that the Boarea of the infonaa doa in the pneeat ca_e wa* a dtoeharged keeper. Ihe paraaaa ebargai wllh praettotog these aUcged barhartReB, lt would -cem. aheald be elther proven pBlty or laaoeaai Bat they say thai thev do nm tuiii.t a to?g waM fur eaoaarattoai; that they bear bo inu.-i. of ihi- son ofetufl that they ata B-_deaed to it. aai whether tlie pabBc iKilleve them gullty or h-DOO-O mnkes but llttle rBftereaee to them. There i- aa araay (,f men liept in . onfinement. Many of them aro of B rtotoni Batara, and never let an opportunlty to B-oaarl i keeper earapa. raaae are tho weeat elaae af bbbb wh n rel-n-ed. tiie prUf.n offleials ullege. and it I- from them./enenillv thal tlie great atorloa of WTOB r.itli.-r-,-,i. Tha aaaleat men to rt along wltb in B prlaon are tho*c who are more sinncd agalmt than rltmlng. Thev do the work attslgned them, aud when leloa-ed froin prtoOB do not compluln. It Is only prisoners Who will not work. are ?urly and in-olent, thal so badly Baad. To this class of men any kmd of dls.ipllnc Is biinletisomc. "We have got to havo strlct and righl dlselnJinc," sald Waiden Dai-ton rccently when sp.aklng ot the matter. "II is n<, easy thtng 10 manago r.oiiO er'ial iiaS-men who nre kept ln coi!iine:n,!,t eonehuitly. K we lat Iheae moa have IlK'lr pwn way lt wonld bc Bhe (he OWnere of your paper t'lrning the offlc. over to tiie amat-yaa und Bftowlag ttwm to raa it. Ia Brder la BMdatain di-.-ipiine, lomethiag must ba done thal the priaoner. toar. Deputy Moan, wi... to eharged with ntrot lllcs. ls one of tlu: beat iliscipllniirl-iiis ln the I bave never beard of btl belng anythlng but liiitnanc.'' Governor Hill, when asked whether he would direct an InveMlg-iKon. ?ald that the Bnfcerintendeat Of PrtoODJ, Austln Uthrop, wns supreme in the i.iafcr. If he tftongh! the subje.-t worthv of an InveatlgatlOTi he would naha oae. The Oovernor udd that ii there were. however, any glariii,: hrregnlarlUe. <>r ernelBe. brought to hts b-iowledge and the Bapertntondeal did not act- ho could ns (iovcrnor dtteet nn lnvestlgatlon. ne beBeved t';'' _apertntoaaa_t Lathrop would eaia ftillv lirilt Into BM n;:itt. fi Tl.e allegatlon has beea made that Warden Fnller. of CKnton, nr.d lehstor Baieraoa'a brothT were verj thleh, nnd thal tha tortner nnst have bad aome peru niun- latereel Ib htnyiag along the* indaetry In the prison, so as to ttii-n out as many iblrtl as paaatbla f,,r Ur. Bmeraoa. This warden PoDer i Ho says tha. n. prlsmicr ls conipellcd t:> work over hours a .lay. whether bla taak ba/dooe or aot. Oae OT two of tho pd'oncrs cun maUe over thlrty shlrts a day, but lie will BOt allow them to. The (Uilly task of B prlBOBBT is elght shlrts. If he fir.ishe them bofore the day Is over he can nwiinln i<l!e h: hl? mu.'hlne until tl.o day ls duiio. Some prisoner-, v.-ho waat to liccp employed, not carlng to read. ure allowed ti tahe ihtrtB to their cells wlth them to llnish. Thls eonnta OO their next Hay's WO?h aod ilvea theaa |n I thal mueh latoure ttme, Bome ei tiie prleonen ara elghl daya ahead of their woth. Th.-y do thta -^. thal whaa they doal feal well they .;;,, remaln ln idletn'ss at their BUVChlnee. All prl. aalea. si.-u. havo to r't lato th.- ihopa eaeh daj vhethee they work or not ir left ln their eeU. they vonM bc up it. -ome B-toehlet. Wardea FuUer de ,t,,n*s thal the paatohmenl iro not bm.-ii. aad are n'onc t<? n^id h* the proper anf-reaiaaal ?f dto etpltne. Bi Keeper Joba Brophy llve? in 'ltoy. tho home ol Boe. Bdward Rorpby, of lhe --'ta.c braneb of the Dafl-oeraRe paity. Rr. Marphy pol Brophy aa ap po-BUaaot, throngk Bavernar nm, aa a keeper ln Cllnton Ktate Prlaon. Mr. BrophJ bagaa wrltlag for apwa rlght after h gm lato in- priaoa employ uient. -OflM Of ti.e pr1-,..i i.'.l.cials Mld that ho wa. a dangctous r.-.aii. Rhathar they flaeant hi aiHelea wonld neat-* a Waa laipiaaaaM, or gave awaj loo ni'it.ii of the in-i>i,.' maehlnen ot the prlaoaa, . ni,. knewa. ile* waal lo work m Cllnton Prtaoa lai October. He na ael aaUifartoei to tha B-anage niciit, and waa late ln rebrnarv nnlonded .m Aobnrn pr'.-.n. i!c reiuained there only three weeka, whaa i,?, waa sent ,<ut Into Uie cold world to butfet the Mareh wln.'.-. trardea FaDer ii a staneh Ctovahmd Dea-ocrat. Ha baa the repataUoa ol betag a go,,d dtoeipBaarh-n. ..,.,1 of i o, *i,.: ar <*r tt.e welfare of hi- prtoonera. ii. often get. up Bntertalnnwnla ?->r then, and iriea In many vri t? aaaa ap tiie.i- elaaa eoufiaeiaent. La I vear Oovernor mn wanted Mr. i-uli-r'- plaee. Ua wanlai M fot a Tr.y n.-.u naaaad Rlcliiel Conway. ____ ot County cierh Conway. i,.,.- murphy nrgad Ur tonwaj for u.e plaee, bai Mr. Palfcr would aol raalga. .--one ?*v '"A* ahat tha Oovernor, i.,vr?. ?t his mimt apaa dtoplaelag Mr. Puller, waa bound I. do lt before retlrlng troai ofaea, aad lhal Mr. Brophy wa- th.- ri,..r. Klected w d-i the ...nv worh. lohn iiiMiiiiv i- ol .?'. erratle nature, and bla fricn.i ,,.," ,. ...,, I,,. wrote lhe iturj ptibltolied when ;.!'., ?,,!: i.i- queer flto. Otliers believe that h. u.mii into ih' prlaon for -I.e purpoee ol roncorilnii t__? Vton ?i...*. he did; h fn t. be ?U??d Ume anu a-nin tial be enterad upea the a irfc f">- tba purpoee ^m"'--;,!,-'.-:,''''.'! Prlaon. t__lltrop Md bla ehlef Cliarle. K. Daker, -,. -m the tii^t three day. ol ,.'. weeb ..' ihe ptiaon InqulHna nto Uie cham*. na/i" hy Biopby. oeneral uthryp would noTninr "ai.....t lhe rcaull ot bto InauWea aava lhal _c waa formulai na " '"i*"1 whieh would bo giveu t? lha piii.ii. proboWy i<- aeorraw. ? ?? > 0 i Kil Of BTDIOPHOfM k*Olf. Aewiilaa '?? ,; ' awawal i part. t aa I P byterlan it opitftl ii,. . !??-?. ib- Iad *bo aa* ,l"* ?' '" * * wbH -.,',,,,-..?- ol ii.tii.e,!.,.!,.-. la ivRtag BhMg nleely. ?nnre ana a taarard baptov-aMBt la bU oervoai Uj T ?. , between, aml gMlly r-raaed. it ir-_- ihea Road praaB-Bhto I.?ave Um -...ii j. I B> Miti.-nt ?..- to?a li perlectly rtaar. Whlle Iho do. tori do ....t iblab i ?:ct.....' fr,'." byi apbobta, they an: untAllllug ttt Ciiireis ?a iipliil?" ?? ku ll*^ ?au'< tt the aitma RECEPTION TO SIEAKER BEED. HE SPEAKS AT THE PORTLAND CLUB. CABDIMAL PRINCirr,ES WinCH THK BEPUBU? CAN PAIITY bllOfl.i) ADIIEBE TO. portl'ind, Me.. Aug. 14.-A recepUon was teodered to Thomas Ii. Kc.-d l.xlayby the I'ortland Club. Mr. Ki'.d waa recelved wlth gretit enthuslasm. In the dbfliafl Bf Ui speeeh, ln wilch ho referretf to hls recent travels abroud, he aald: Wl.llo we aurpass otler Batlona in of terrl ritory, in woiutiotis s-djery and eni?;rprl*e, we are n"1 ao fnr ahead of lieffl a- we uw! t" he ln rtevo Uon to liuuiiin llberty. Bverywhere In the world tmj K,v- of llborty has IneisMed; everywhere ln tho word the ata idard ha- l.rou lftcd higher and hlfhar, unt.l. ln the moal of Rurope, Itreechea a pomt aim,-. <'.iu.ii to Mf own. In lta.y Ue Klnn baa not tlie p.,wer of a? \merteau Piealdent. In Franee a great Itepabllc has taken root ln tliat Aill so deeply that 1 bcllcve tho ll ,.-m- of time Wlll feat agraltmt II ln vain. Permanent republk-anlam is tht rule of Franee. ln Bntfla-ui tha inanlfwtotlons Of tte publlc wlll uro fnll. sufflrlent ana ronclualve, and lf there U anythlng Uiat we now need to Ix'-tlr oan Ives about, It ls to Bive tiiis country once again tbe extremefy advanced posltlon whlch lt f ? i ocApied ln fiv???! ot human llberw and human rignta. In Its recigtiitloii of nianhood ns sueh, we were the plbneer nation; we wero the people who determlned thal tbere w?a ut*y ln tha mie ot the people. And vt, wo ourselves, were very mw n afraia of Uie nsnlte. It wna a new Wben, KKi jrean aao, our afleeelora bepin to entruai all the people of tne country with the ppwera of tne whole oountry tbere wm V** feai lesl dlaaater ?bonld come to tbe nution on aeeonnt of it. oar Constltntlon li full nf tboaa toflia. It ls made wltb checka aud balancw lu or-ter t<> re^.raln tl:.- people of thi- eonntry. Theae le-.raiuts ln the Conatitu tl.iti were aultlclent Thev were all that any nation nocded, li.ii. 1 ti addltloo ui this, during our hls.ory, whlle we were undrr the control of the Boatfl flfld tboaa who lympathiced wlth >hotn. 'bere Krodually grew up otl.ei' eheeba an.l "ther oppo-dtlons te tl.o wlll of the people, until to-day this eountrv does not occupy tbe advaneed p.'-iti..:. whlch lt tortneriy occupied wiih referenee te other nations In regard t., .ii.- ml? of tbe peopla. Tbe Bepnbllean purtv hM alwnys been deairons of doing two thlnffa, lir-t. to d.stril.ute among all citlzens npon a fair i,u.-:-. .-> tar bb eonalatont w-iih the or ' nt. nf soeietv, these WOllderftll gtfts of Ood whlch oonrtltnte the weelth of the Nation. In no no tlon on the tece ol Um earth haa there been sueh a ntlon "f tho advantages of nature and of the rlebei ..f the wrontry. In no nation upon the toee of the earth la ti.e average of comfort and happlneaa so hlgh u ;t. la ln tlie Unlted Btataa. To my no?lon that dlatrlbntlon of wealth ta made by the avstem whi.h we ,.i!i protectton l? American indurtrlea (applausei. a syatem bv whlch we have |^vti vic.oriotts in the b?* llc- fnr wealf. and tor the development of tlus gr-nt eonntry. L'pon that p.inciple. thu? auc?easful. the liean party, even ln ml-fortiine and defeat. mav :,.-! -.if lv and aeeurtlv. There ls one other oardl na] prinnplrt upon whi.h it has reirted in tlie PH-t and upon wlilrlj if mnst t-st in Ihe future. and that ls tbe ;! prfnclple of the rlghta of man. Give t" evet.v e mforta whiel, th-n- need te make life agrc-iibte and thnt dlstrlbnto the groatest amonnt of Jiappinesa. and thua give tn every man hls falr e<iualitv before tbe !aw, hla riirtit lo make ont of h'.mailf all that he ean. and above all khlnga tba ri.M never to be governed wit!if>ut his own eonaant, (Greal appimwe.) \ ever may banpen to t'.e itepnMir-.n partv you may lie tare thal it [s Inrated by theu prir.cipi?s agtUnst any permanent dlanater. W<* mav li*e offlce*, wo mnv lose eleeflons, bnl tbeaa prindphw ar.. inre in the long mn fo lead us on to that vlrtery whieh alone Is woith the pnranii of a greal people, a rtetory whieh ahows it*elf in tbe contln-ous, upward movement 01 elvlllra tlon ln tho world. <<.i-at nppiatue.) BHI/fl "LA=T WORDS" TO TTTE PATIMERS. ACrEPTtNU IWITATIONS TO RPEAK AT MANY OOBBTT FAIRS?WHY HE COF.S TO BUFFALO. Albany, Aug. 14 (Spcclal).?Oovernor Hlll has de? clded to a.!dres.s a few "last words-1 to tho farmers ,d MM nmchBBlna of the State. befnre aurrendcring liis offlce te the Incomlng r.epubllean Governor. ? Bternal vlgllnnce," he said te-dny, " ls the prlce of helng on top In"; nnd lt may be that he seos tlie iitHJUBBlly of pay ing vlcilant aitentlon to tho Farmers' Alliunce and tho wwrWngman'a vote. Ho !ias necepted an Invitntion to ;Mldrc8s the farmers of Allegaap OOflflty at their county fulr ln Weilsvillo ^ftep september 3. It ts upon September 3 that the Prohlbition State Convention wlll nominate a State tichet in Albany. Is it p.*.sible that the Governor wlll purposely ai.sent hlmself from Albanv at tl.ut Mme. in order thus |o avold tho painful apecteele of iho deelitilng sttength of the Prohibttton pn-ty-lhe -fongest nllr of the whlshey-lovlng Democratic party 1 Then, on September 7, labor Dajr. tha Gov emot wlll dellver an uddress ln Buffalo to woriilng mafl, There has been eensiderablo "frlctiw" withln tho ranlts of the Democratic party ln Buffalo tn the last It had its orlgln In a visit of one Grover < !? veland to JiufTalo. There Uaa followed an attempt [ i,v Mr. f'ievelnt'.rs friends to regnln for hlm that control of the Democratic party " machlne" in Buffalo whieh ho onrc pos.-esse.l. and then lost to the friends Oi David B. Hlll. Bnhapfl Mr. Hill gocs to Buffalo te scc to lt thal hls friends surronder to Mr. Cleve? land's; bnt BOaoehow people here are aceptlcal when thla vi"w ls broaehed, nt:d rather incPned to the vlew tbal he ls vlgllantly looking ajtcr hls own interests. and determlned to keep "on top in polltleg'' In l;uiIalo. Uovernor Hill also tblnks now tbat he wiu dectde to addreaa i ho tariaew >.f Dutoheai Coanty at Pough Iteeps o on September 23. He haa accepted au ln ?; to addreaa the farmers of I-ranklin Connty al Malona on September 24, and the fanneis of <?r leuns County at Alblon, on September 2^1. ? - riiF. n.i.irrois and the almantf. Chicnio. Aug 14 (Sp?cial).?"" Jtvnea, chnlrmnh ,-f ihe Itepubllcan State Oentral Committee, in speakinn of the farmers' movement ln Illlnois today, said: -'The party WlU cut some Jlgnro in our State's polltlcs, bat it wlll tu it draln com from ttie Bepubllcan crib. Tl.e-e Thlrd ptttt* lieople met nnd utt*Ted some sweel talk on the farmers, and passed no end of resoluttons gnbodled in a con-tittitten; but the QflflBMOB ari-"5;, DM tbOfl - .i.'-'ii win, laiinche.l the feeMe party yesterday Seho the aanttmeflt of the large fartnitn? popalatlon of Illlnois ? I have no hisHitnoy ln anying tbat I 80Bl bellflVB they ilid. A wl-e I'rovidi-Tire has tattted thi- wouM-be thnte ronienjd light b.v the erops this year. ThTOOfbonl UU idl tbe toadl ai-e Ju-t groaning wlth prodflOta WU TttttMt 8mMh cr Jones at BpHnfflaM yest.-rday Intereating himself ln tha form itlon of the thir.1 part,y ? te: be hfli everj avaOable boraa and hired man at work in h|t Belda. The men wbo ama thBva are t l.e aore headed, amWUona pulltictans, *o te *P?k- Bf *** time the fftrmer haa arrived at the oonclusion the Bepnbllean party and tho McKinley blll ure all right, WHO WIU. BUCCSED MR. BU88BLL FS OOBGBMBI Wat-rtown, ?, Y., An?. 1?.?Tlie notninatlon of Lealla w. RoaieB, of Cflntofl, for the tapiBfli Courl Jndfeabip ln tho IVth Judirlal l.l-tri.l addi an MMxpeetofl deBWBl of interest to ,,,;?.. eleetlOfl ln .l"(ferson and Si. Boantias. Mr. Ru-seli ta th-? Congressman boa tii" dtatriet whldi tbeae two eoontlea eomprtaa, md hla realfnotlon of thal ofltoe win laaaa a vaeaaey to I.* Blled by an eloetlon thi- toM, Ihe IntfleaMoflfl ur-* li.ii .i.ftei.ii Connty wlM unanimouslv pre?ent the name <>f Charlea R. Bhtonar, preaenl Dapaty Sup.>rin ? nf I'ublic [natrnetlon and form rl? rt'pr.?s.-nta Congiaea wben JaflBnoa, Lawla and Herhlier ,,,.i!itles w.-re in "'", Oon?raai Matrieh Ha me ,.e,l ,1 W.rn.r UlOer. Mr. M,i'iner Is uudoubtedlv the moal p ipular Bepnbllean In t'.is eoflflflf and ...... of ihe ,?-: rata-wlnnara ln Hm dlrtrtei und st. Lawreaee County baalnfl reBn?nilBbed lha offle^ of Conareaaaaao (or tba Jadfeablp, tbere la every lndiration tl.ut his ,,!?? -.viii be aeeeptabla totta peopte ..f tbal , ,. I|V \ very uvelj boom baa been itarted f.-r um to-day and ta ipraadlni rapldly thtoachon tne i oai ty. _ ASKlMi A CBNT PBOM KVF.ItY VOTBB. Chlcago, Aag. IL.?A dlapatek from Top ki. Kan., ?ii.;-. 81,100 waa axpeaflad by tha People^ State Central < ?? lawri toll Ifl ? eaasalffl whieh elaetetl ,,. , ,.--men. .-:s!iiv f.iur leglehUore, a L'flBad -i.,te-. Benator and a lualority <>f tba coauity i*?-iv?-t?-. II the committee baa dartded to akpend $io.oixi. v.i,.. votod tor wniets wiii ba Behed to contrlbnl..'.?'', '" l1"' Oofltoal Coflunlttoe. lt wttl ,,??,, uuofljb the Ctajnty ce.trai ComfltHtaaa, and -. . (or Wlllota the Connty (Um:,,itI,(. wW forwaid HO ta tha --'at.- Committee, whleb "iu lie larned over to J- B. Vnaeh, mei . ,,,,. ?..,?. v \ eommlttee of three membew ,?, n'.e -v-.i-if- f'f-tMl eommlttea **U advlaa wltb I'lriiri, ln regard I - ex] Clir.MCN'i 001 NTY UK.l't HI.K-AN 1'RIMAHI !?">. Blmlra, M. V., A??. Id, -Tha B^nbltoan prtnarlM ln cheau ? Ooan^ m*x* eooipleled ti* ..i.-'t by lha au.ii-- in t,:'- Saventb Ward ol th* eltp und m tha towa of Kl.nuu. i ? ? ? f BapflbMeana alalfli Um Nventh ?-*?>"?? bnl B ta ...?...-.- -i i?' *? ? i"-"1 1:" pablleana. Tho Blood BepabBeaai earried tbe raaeaa I? ihe Biwfl of Mbntifl, whtoh ti eofltoatod, The n? .mi- * .i whbla bn m toltowfli K.--tt Kepabllcnaa, nacoataated, 8fty; Wood B^nblleana Bueonteated, ,..., .?, wvea; BonBsaBBd, 10B. 01 tha ooatoatod ***** thaFaaaetl RepabllfWU.**> ******* ** *** *** l;,,,?i,. - '-: I -.. *'-? '?"?"-.N '??""- Wti' i:i.V- CKKAM Htl'l ,. _9__yc\^L,'_^_~. into Ni.-ml. ii vui.kly Ab- BrCATACft^ aiVU. aemm the Bead. Heala the B^tArWo| W.W**__?x ? H 8 ***** CATARRH~ i'i.k Ui?: .--i.iell. <Y*]*yjf __\__W\l*_i/_**A Uoll-.vea Cld lu II ad and Iteud- W*B_%^? aelie. 50c at DruBgUt^. B_W^-^_________\ Mantelsp Tilet, Open Fireplaces. Hcusehold Art Goods. UNION SQUARE?? >cor. Broadway. Onlr eonctrn ln eur Hns hartng iu own fo-nvdrt*.. U'lF of the a.Akrt No 014 ?u>. k. r. RatablIthA4 trtr 40 yttn Everything noadtt tttiat-cUtty. he held to-morrow, wlth two delegatlons to the StaR and frenatorlal conventlon apparcntly JIOCK FOR CONOREtSS IV TENNHWEE. Nashvllle, Tenn., Ang. 14.?A Knoxvllle, Tenn., 41a patch says: "The Repuhli e-an Congrfssional Committee met toduy and canvassed the rettirn* of 8atar4aj"? electlon. The ortiriaj fl-tire. are: Boal. 15,244; Woodruff, tl.Otil; llouh'a majority belng thu- 9,224.? DESERTIXG TAMMANY IN THR IID DICTRICT. Another Rcpubllcan club wa. organlzed laat nlghl and wlll probably Joln tlie Repuhllran league. What niakes tlio actlon of lact nlght partl -ularly slgnlflcant u that the majority of tho membera of the new clnb. whlell wlll bc known as the Willlam C. N'oble As-octatl-n, art men who have heretofore followed the l*vtl ot Tammany Hall. The club vi* organlzed permanently laat nlcht at No. 8*4 Pearl-st., and WIlHam .1. Pyne wa. elected premdent and Willlam C Tay teeretary- 8pecchea were made by Mr. Pyne, Wllliam C. Nohle and W. J. Barr. i;e-oiutions were passed ln whlch the grtevwieo. agaltut Tammany HaU vrere ?et forth. Tlie eharge w*? mnde that Tammany had broken ltt promlses, and lt waa da . ided to organlie in the IM Dittrtct agaln* Tammany llnU and l|M for Bm RaaOAm ot an Aa >_?m_Jvman nnd an A ierman who can be (lepenflea ^ The principles and platform ot Uie R-.U--.c___, l,arty were iudorsed. AXUT AXD XA7T IXTELLIGEKCE. Wa-hlngton, An?. 14.?Leava of abeenoe for toa* month., wltli permlsston to apply for an citenstan 0. two month*. ls granted Flrst Lleutenant Frederfc Wooley, 10th Infantry. The leave of ab--nce granted to Lleutenant Walber 8. Alexaid-rr, 4th Artillery, li extended two months. One month'a ordinary leave ol absemce la granted Llentenant Colonel Joieph C. Nal ley, Asslstant Medlcal Purveyor. extenslon of th. slck leave heretofore granted him. so mtio. of epeclel otdera of May 10 aa relatea te Firrt Lleutenant Samael D. Sturgls, 4th Artillery, 1? ?? amended oa to dlreci that on belng relleved from duty at the Milltary Acudemy, August 23, he proceed to St. Paul, and report to nrtgndier-Gerterul We.ley Merritt, oomtnand ing the Departmont of IT-hoto, for duty as atd? da eamp on his itaff. Coptntn Charlea N. Gandy, A<?fstar.t fcurguon, en the flnal adjourriu*. ent of tho Army Mrdlcal BoaR oow ln scsslon ln New-Yorh, wlll proceed t<> Oeeaa Da*, i ape May, New-Jeraey, and f-urii. his leave of ib Bt^ieo. Tlie le__ve ot abaence gi-anted Lleutenanl Colonel Jamei P. Martln. Department of, lt extended one month. The extenslon of lcavo of abseiice granted Captain G. P.ourUe, 8d Cavalry, lt further exrended one raimth. Ix>ave of ahscnee tnt ono mntitli ia grHnted Flrst Lieutenar.t Wllliam W. iSalbralth, 5th Artillery Leavo of Bbeeaee for (orn days ls granted j_e.cmd Lleutenant Willlam C. Wren, 10th Infantry. 1'a.ssod A-slstaat Snrgeon V. CL n. Meam lia. been ordered to the Naval Hospltt-1 at New-York. va .optember 1._ _ THB EXGTYEEB EELV FOIl TBE GRAXD JUBT. The lr.qu ?*t Into tiia death of llttle Maml* Ham, who waa run ov?r BBi kill-d on July 23 by a Hudcoa Ri-,. freierht-ttwln al Ftfty-Cfth-*t. ind Elevcnth-ave., wu ?_,? llnued bef... Ctrouar Lery yeaterday mt rr.Ir.g. John W?de, tho flagn.*- at the .roartng what* tha aecl. dent occrred. -aid that he wt? on duty ?l the tln*. H? ?aw the child run ln front of Uie witrme, but not ln Umt to ?t>vo her. He taid bo wm not to-.-xl.atcd. Th* .rowded, atuffy eourtroom wa* tha aeene ot m tn. ?aaal oocurrenee after tha tet?tln,?ny had all beea given. Whlle the Coroner was instructlng the Jury. an old man wlth long erny h?'r aroaa, and lnatsted that he have aa oppor tnnty ta tf_tl/y. Coronar Ii?vy lmm?fi_?lr r-ct>? a_Md him aa "Old Patent" Lynch. nf Waahingten. In hia hand he hald a p1?*ce of maehlnery, and h- .tartad U t~. nl.ln to the J-..T how the ac.ldrnt could hava 1x*ca avolded it tha railroad company had only aaei his poteal *WIn vain did ttif- Coroner try t? out tft? man off. U* flnallT he wa. told tliat If he did not krep aui***. he woait M Jlllll He th.*n sat down and remalned lOeafc TM jury retlred. and aftcr belng out about aVtaJ mlnutea tt. turnad wlth a verdkt aKrlbntlng ahe awM-aal to child llkfl lnatten-tlon on tl.e part of the rteHB-i oontrlbutor> aeaHiaaaa on th. part of the englneer, of hM a.. HBOwledged dUMfard of fl_4 slgnals along the road. in# to lnadequata jIB-HMlB againat the danger. fwm locom* "To'roner T>erv decided te hold BM englneer ln 41.5C4 b?tl to awalt the actlon of the (.rand Jury. .- ? TIELDIXO TO DEXAXDS OF CLO irSIAKEiS. The BkR-8 of cloftmakers waa partlallr aettltd at ll^M n m. lat nlght. whea Stein. of Stela <_ Ce.. Vt. 901 Broudw.y. gavti in to tha d.tmuida of the Con-oli-ate4 Beard of th. joint unlona of cloakm?kers. cuttera. tailort _nd preseera. During the day a .veral aRBBM were ex ehaaaad b.*t?-oen Mr. Stein and th. Toard looklna to a lettiemeot but without avall. T.ast nlirht a BBB-BBRBe was held at the Metrooolif-ui Hotel. and at a UW bont Mr Heta slirned .? agreetnent to employ onlr unton m^fl and allow a walklng d.l'cate to vlalt th? ahon at an? time. He alaa slgned a rrwa llst for plec work al u _dv.need rate. >lr Stein wa. exceedtnglT bltter agalnK the elcak. mok-rs' unlon. The 000 atrikera wlU ratura t4> work oa Monday. ______ , ___, ___________ Over S00 eleakmalrera are atlll on atrlka ln tha thopa ? t>e.dman Brothers. No. 8-M Oanal-.t.. and B-njainla ? Oaaaarr, O nroome-st. Ther. 1? no prospect of a OBO ment wltli thes. flrms yet. -w?-f TBE WEATEEM REPORT. FORECAST CNTir. 8 P. M. SATCRD-VY. Wa-hU. .ten. A.ia. 14.-For'.and. falr tl'.'. Sa*j> .lay nlaht; .-otitlnued aaaal so-iUierly wlnds; -l-.owe.-a aaa cooler Sunday. ^^ For F_stern New-York. tn .resuing elondInf?s and kx-* In the ?rernoon ; noutherly wlnds; w_rmer ln ?" HBBhaia portlon, cooler ln Uie northern | .howcra ??? eoo'er Sunday. ? l*,,r New-Jeraey and Delaware, ao.itherlr wlnd* aj? wa:-mer; falr MD evnlna; local ralns _>id coolor at nRBS. Kor MaijlaBi and Ivwtern P,>nnayl*,-anla. Increwlnt c'oudiaet<s and ?h?w,rs ln the aftf-nioon , warmer turtat tiie day, ,U-cotr.Uig cooler at nlght; showers aro P-BBBR bunrttv. . For Vlrglnla and North Corollna. allghtly warmer. an? BjnetaUy Rlr, __eiaBa_ai alaad_Raa aud ahowen at -U'a* !n th" northweateni portlona. lor .itorgia and SouUi Carolina, falr enly ln tha ?s* Bmbm BeeRMBB BaBRaaa. I',r Florlda, AMBaBBB and Mlaslaalppl, local ahoweta. occationnllv li._vy. For I.onlsiana ?nd Texas, local ahower* in th. txrtma tenhMwa part. F?r Kei.t.icky, th..n.1,-r -hBWaBB, For Twiaaiari. arana _..d fair; cloudine** and ?ho?'ri iu ihe amaaaila dlatrleti Ba-arday night. ior lYiaiira v b i-k Weettm INaa-ytiaata Wi'-'* . , a, luu..: ? ?"?? iiiii.?;s. areajaaal hhowcr* aad local thaadm R-nat; Oamam aud ,?,><>:,-r sunday. 1 or Rltrtilair aai Wlaeaaaln, Rlr, eataffl ahower* O Uu 'ou' I'.n'-; ? aler by Baaiay. |.-?r Mlsaovrl rala ln Ih. aoilkerv irfirtlona. _-)_____ -..-?,;, v.?: .1 ; K,-,i,r?:iv falr. y,., . ers in fxtreiu,- norU.eaitern pcn.oo, cool. r t>t Hunday K?.r lof-a. fr tiiient ?',owers; ,-ooler. _^ i,-?,_l? For Mliui- ?-> -i I \.t. 1 I)._,,!,i, falr weather, aliirr.uj "'.,,. Sonth Hakot* and Nebr*___, <Kcaslou*l ahow-tal a-armer bi Kundar. For Coiot-ado, lOCBl rain. TRIBUNE IXX-AL. OlUjCKVATIONa. r? Ri-Pks BSBSS-S ' >S;*^ "1 ,a*R f" li''3 4B.* v.MvaaaeTBv:::! ??^* I* 1 - - -_, I? -., - ?' _a ?..__mm_t-m ?^0 ?*? ? -?>**-> _--->? ?***? ^* fl,.,tuati..i.s yeaterday 1 a. ***"?* ''rft dihea mdi-ata tha teiBperataro Botai M FerryH PkBlBB-ir. ? ' ?J Mtaaa Oa-aa, a..,. Hiaa fl MBaJV laR ? ?JJ pravaUad yt-tarday, nla. --? * *' *****' *l___a !?,!,t,.,..uirM.?.*4.'',- ??- Ihau-il f,?..-,t beaweea BB aad N aajreaa, Oa avavem ,, 1 . ' ? \ hii-her Uian ?.. th,- . orreapt.ndt..^ d_y la.t >,-... a..d * li.tM-i- Uiiy. imi _?______? M '?'_ lo aai n -ur Chl. r-lt. loday ther.- "i-' '? " ">f?lll?ld armOet, followed t.y aaawarsi matMOO ?*ni-r. 1 i h! wh... ri..t>..i.c Bi__, m. Utimtt aud- wataa.