Newspaper Page Text MJOU THEATRE-2 an? 8-A Hlgh Rollar. BROADWAY THKATRE-2 and 8?Waag. t AaiNO-8 18-Tho Orand Ducbesa. F.DEN M08KE-Wa_ Tabieau*. EL DORADO (New-Jeraey)?9;80?Rlng Soltmon. .. AKDKN THLATRE?a?Don Juan. 8?Dr. Jtkyll ani Mr. Hyda. EOSTEH * BIAL'5-J and 8?tHek Whltangtoo and Hl? Ca*. MA.DISON SQVAKK OAADEN AMPII1THEATRE-8 :16 -Theodore Thomat'. Concert. MADIf-ON bQUAHK THEATItE-2 and 8 :30-Jan?. MANHATTAN BEACM-8-Klreworaa. l'ALMER'S THKATRli-2 and 8:15-Tb. Tar and the Tartar. roiX) OKOUXDftS?4?Baaeball. TERRACE OARDF.N-S-ro?tllilon von Lonlumeau. 14TH SllUIT THRAT&E 2 and 8-A l*alr Rebel. Jni-cit io ao_-.rti3-m.iit_. Hm.isemente .11 8 Biinounceinenta .12 6 AucttVm .**!" Keal Eatote .10 4-5 Paatc Col Paae. COl. - Marrlaee. * Deaths. 7 ? .1 MiacUaneo.ia . ? 9 Mls.el.aneous .'?_? 0-0 New 1'ublhation..... 8 1 I-.SU4MT .XV ????. .-- ? ?..-".- _ .. Bankera 1 nrokers..ll H ......n ?_J Uoard _: Rooma. 0 BJI'iodomI*.10 Uualnes* t'hances.... <J 2-3, fnblic -Notl-e.10 ituaines- Notleaa.... V lllRe. S?_??_| .,K _f Divl, . , 8 Real ?*?.-.?.}\\ M ...idtnd Notlcc....ll 41 Kcligioua Notl,-e* l-_ l.i.a?iuaklng . 0 5 hVoom v -lats. J - l)0",eatlc iltuationa it-oada . ? ??? Wauted . 9 0, tmlln^d*. 6 ? Excursioiu .11 50 >i>ecial Notlt-e- ..... .. 0 Ki._n.Ul.11 3-i ?al a br Auction.... 6 0 puiaxiA^ umttajau 4 ^<;:!::;%^;-y;}o to mip^viiit,.."::"'. I'. 5 sum._|*ort Ouldea..l0 0 E?SSd::::::::J 1 Si-V^t:.-:.:::::1. <-. Dnsirres aor.ces. OrncE FuRR-TRRR ___ Ia Oieat Van 1;, inai.utattured by T U. IKLLEW. 111 mitoa-at.. .N,-;y-YorU. Desiis. Llbrai *> fcc-_ TRIBUNE TER.MS TO MAIL S-BSC1UBF.RS. 1 year. l> mo-. I inu-s. _???? Daily, 7 dava a weelt.810 0<> 85 00 Ai 50 81 00 liallv wllbout S-mday.... 8 00 J 00 2 oO ^0 ? ndav Tnb ..- . JSOO 100 .'0 __? Bfookly T.lDune. 100 - _ '^raaaiSK^ aaprTfttlLS-S^uM-ar. ... kew-tmO Clto .and or DaUy, Beal-Watakly .nd Watkly lo foreign wuntrla., lu ?*>??< eaaea *xir* poauge ?ill be paid by aub'crlbci*.. bv Fo. tal Older, l.xi rest. Order, tuttk, Drall or IUgtoRe?_gR? ^ _ ^ ^ ^ UBrMUtered letter. "lialn'oi,^ VE-.-TRbwe. 154 Kb_?._>?, R8W.T8*. A.mre-i all correapoi deuce -Int-ly "Tue lribune," New *""' BRANCH OFFICES 01' THE TRIBVNE. Advertbeuie-it* for pubtleatlon to Tne Wbune and ?rdtra tor naulai drllvtr. of tne daily papej ?iii be rc telvtsl at tl.e follcwlng 1 ranch ettlttt in NqW-JOW^ M.ln braiu-h othce, 1,288 l!roadw?y, cor.icr .lot.t. 153 4th-aie , corner 14th-st. L'70 Weat '.'3d-.t? coiner 8th ave. 10(1 Weat 42daU, near Oth-ave. 52 Av.-nuc- A. near Baal 4th-at. 760 8d-ave., entrance 47th-*t. 1,020 3d-ave., between 00th and Olit aai. 180 Eaat 125th st., near 8d-ave. |,0H Oth-av*.. near (*KSth-st. 1,708 lat-avr., near 89th-?t. .9 st. _?OUNDED BY HOEACE OREELEY HATUKDAY, AUUUST 15, 1891. TWELVE PAGES. THE EEW8 THIS MORXIXG. Foreign.?The latcatifat-aaa of three commil Xee* int. the Lanulian scandals were coniinuetl in (Jttawu. -ssss Fiesiileiit L'niiiot eiit4'rtai.ucd the King of Greece at lunclicon. - The lnlci riUional OeograpbleeJ Congrcss, at Berne, held iis aeaaton. rr____ It is Itelieved thal the Freiicli wheit erop will show a ureiit shortago. i? -- Meeaia. Butterworth aad Uandy, ol the World'a PaJl Foreign ('oinmiitee, l.-l't Vienna for Kaatera Europe. Doniesiii'-Tlie wiilow of President James K. l'olk itod at lier bonie near Nushvilie. a-ssst Tln* liiiieial ef James RagBcll Lowell was held in Ai. ?lel?n Lhajtcl," Harvard University. =_=__ Dee4?m wlieat tooehed the dollar inark in tha Chicogo Usaid of Traile.-E\-S.>eaker Keed made a -peccli at l'ortland, Mc., at a reception in Iii-. honor. lln- l'l-esideiit, app,,int<*d Chaiies C. Erdinan, of Louisville. (onsul t? Colon; r.lso Henry C. Mills, Jadga for the Northern aad Boafham Dis tfieta ol Mis.-issippi. ??. Secretary Foster dia avowett a stuteinent conceinini; th<- B-OWBeaa with whieh the 4 1-- per ccnt bondi. are being presented for exU*nsion. City and Subtirhan.?A boy was found to be aaffeiiag from triahlaae. =.? The "whalebaek" tt,-am.-r ' tharlBB W. Welniore arrived. =^rr_ Prieea of rye were advanced Irecause of the ..us_i.ii nk _e.-: The New-York baaeball team dofeated the Ciiieinnati nine, and the BrldegTooma Chieago. :-Stocks were irregular, but prices generally udvanoed under a more hopeful M*iitiuieni. The Wtalhtl rnHMart for to-iiay : Fair, followed by ahaarea; slightly warmer followed by cooler. Temiierature yeslerday: Highest, 80 degrees;, 18; average, 74 3-4. Pereons gooig out of totrn for the summer can have the Daily and kfexUUoj Tribune niailcl to them for 1,1.00 per month, or $2.50 for three BtcntlU- - raveller* in Boropi ean rteeive The 'Jribune during their almence for $1.6.1 j,er tnuntk, foreign }io?iage paid, or $4.46 fot three monthi. The address of the paper will bc chauged at vften us devired. The Cou:t of Ueneral Sessions has been ad journel until .Se.itember su fir i_s the triai oi ts cont*rned. but it dr?s not ;;u* that the cause of justice will siiiTer by reaaon of the two areeka' boJ__-_j. In i-jiite of the hot, wave, tho Uiaad Jury hive done a larRO iiiiiwiiiit of work in the last fortaight, and the iniiiilter of priaomn now in the T, in1,> is balow the ataraga. Mr. HiooU'a aaraari appaala laal uinter for the oponiiiK ol BOOthar part of the tOUri ha\e not been justilied hv experienee. lf the Distiiet-Attorney and hia MlOdatei are dilieent and jiainst-alcinj.. than iiwd be r.o Irouhle in tigfM__Rf of all tho busiiietss rapidly with the jnocnt macfiineiy. Tbe n unination of ex-Aitoiu^y-C.onera) Ix's lic \V. Baaaall for Judge -if the Supreme Court in the 1 V'h Judicini Diatllct will create a vaeaney in the offioe of CoagnaaHMa for the Jaffeaaa-St. Lawrenre Dintriet. The Ilemoe tOtSj chi build no hopes upon this faet. how r ver. The flisfiicfc is normally stion?lv Repub liean, and Mr. Russell was elected last year by a ]iluiality of nearly fi.OOl). The eleetion of a Congrestsman in that distiict this year will in S"me sense >eivo as a test of public opini.m in the State on the chief issiie in the last cam paiRn. The Keptibli.ans are bound to win, bnt at the saiiit* time they ou_;!it to put fonvaid tbei; atrO-geat candidatc. An enterpiise that should prove of the preit e-t pra> tieal value to the poorer people of the city is mpioachlgg complction. On Moodaj the I'lojiUs JJiths will he opened in Centre Mark?*t Fliiee. havinji baaa OOUBtrnotad thronjih the liheialitv of the AgaOCiatioa for [in|ROT-Rg tho Coaditloi of the l'oor and some of it.s friend-. Theaa baths are not a chaiiiy. feinee a chartfe ol 5 eent* i?i to be made for the aaaj .'! them. The chai-jjc is hardly more than nom i)al. and (in aetrealj keep away any who d" iiro 'o aajoj the bcnelits of the plaoe. The baths niil ba "P^n on Sunday :ls well al during the r-s: i.l thv week, and deaervo to be largely pationizcd. _ J'lenty of fruit at prices withln tho reaeh of all is the nt!" in the miikets of this metiopolis at pre-sent. The contrast bataawg last year and this is m ?t isM-iking. A year a/.o N<>vv-Yoil< Hiis ifaROtl wbolly depenilent on Caljfoinj.i foi pears, pgadbaa. etc. but now the Kastern grow ars hava uia< ti.uJly a iuonopoly of the field. | *_***m*mB* are the fruit most in demand at pree ent. and the coming week will probably aee the laigest oupplie* tbat the Delaware orchards tar. afiford. The gloomy prodictions about tho failure of tho po;ich crop were the work of falae prophots. IVaches are plcntiful, tho prices are reasonable, and everybody can hav? his fiU. Governor Hill has made arrangements to ad dress the farmers in varioiw countie* next month. erldeatiy pcrreiving that the Alliance is some thlflg worth loefchg after. Hk appeoranee at the conntv fairs will be full of intcie?t. I.ut will not LIIBmain after all. with the visit hc is to make to KBffflld on Labor Day. The: Tbib tnf'k roaders were fuily iBformed on Monday reWrding tho trouble in the Democratic ranks in Erie County. lt il not hclieve-l that tho Uovernor will gO thorc for the purposo of pour ing oil on tho agitaW wators; the objed "f hia visit wiii be to see that the followers of David H. Hlll get on top in tbe impendui'-' Itmffle. <>f coitrsc ho will be welcomed bv Wiliiam F. BfceehBB wiih open arms. THE RISE IE TrICES OF GRAIX. A Btrikinf chaoge baa occomd in tho busi ?,- wo.ii Nviti-.ii! a few >?"?}?**? Tha Ume or ,)?. nuketa 888 materhlly alfred. W088 are booming. wheel having rsen over 8 cents with i? bntv-oiob: boon, while rye has cornered it? self. Anxietie-s about money are great ly al lajed I'T growing conlidenco that Euioi>oan de m'ands 'for American breadstoffa will bung bither in a short time all the gold that is needed. Accoi'lir.g'y, the deni:in,l fOf oonimercia! paper bM improved. ai.l the loan market* show gieat oi- ooafldenee. Theee ehangea re.sult. ia grearf mcastire. from a lingle Bd of tho Russi.m (iov ernment. namcly, tho prohibiiion of expoits of rye. lt is commonly inferred that an enormous inereaas in tho demand for American ****** inVt follow, because the people in Europe who have DBoallj oonaumed Bbout 50,000,000 buah ols of ive from RoBBla will be compoHed to buy their grain eletwheie. lt is the custwn oi ?pecnlBtOZfl to BflBUII* that the requirement* of liermany, of Franee, or of any other country in Europe, are stnctlv proportional to popula ti'.n, and that UM flianttty of grain requlrod wil bc ihe aame whether prices are uraaaally bigh or unusually low. 1. u poMlbie thal the infereneea so commoniy d.awn from ihe action of the Kussian Govein ment may b? found in part crroneous. There is no reason to douht that the European demand tor American wheal will be tbis year far 1b OiceBB of the ordinaiy demaod. There ia BO reaaon to doubt Europe will be compeUed ,? ,,:.v large snms for brradst.iffs pnrchaaed [rom this conn ry. Bot while this i-. trne, it il poasible tba' there bbbj be exaggeration in tho eetimatea of the qoanUty required, and eorn? qoeatiy in the eetimatea regardiag tho probable pric ? "? grain. Jt must Kml bo rememberod that the Europ ian ,rop has not yet beea hanreated in all of the countriee, ao ''a- tbe aetnal reaall or the yeart induatry raonot yet be accuraiely ImowB. At teative examination of the rariooa reporta by tho mosl oompeteat experts io Enrope *owb tbal they wy fr. m each other bj maay Boill lon buflheta in theii allowanoe for the yiel.l o! (iiiTeient .o'.uit'ies. Tiie weather from thia time mi-ii ti." oompletiofl of the barveat will havo aomething to do with the Baal outoome. The demand f<>r graln from thia .-ountry am* yet be oonsiderably diminished by favoi-ablo weather Ib portiona <.f Europe where tho har vft-t haa not been eompleted. Hut another and much more important poaaibilitj of error re Balta from the aaaumption That the qmntity re qniied in any country is the same wl prices are higb or low. . lt is not long sinco sroetilation at Chl? cago and elscwhere eaaeed an artificial ad? vance in the price of wbeat and flour at New York .-o that tho bakeiB adraaeed tbe priee of broad. At on.e it was no'tced that the con stiini.tion was mat^rinlly dlBriBlflhed. Tho bakera oomplaiBed that a large porl of their trade aaddealy fell oir, and this in the larged city of tbe New World, wheie wagea nie higher than in any country in Europe and where the condit;on of tbe laboring people is |ltogethor more pr.*j?erous. riujuo-tionably a -iniilii' advance in the priee of grain or of breai in aay European oonatry will matedaly affect the qna-nity of wheat eonsiimed. To what exlem the eousnmption miy l>o dirair.i-hed without general Btarvatioa or anfferiag cannot be de termined, but it is plain enough that a material deereaso is poasible, and in event of higb prices is probable. Already the prices of graiu in im -si European marfets have advanced 80 iai Ihat the consuinption is likely to be oonaider alily dlminiflbed. Hut it must not be forgotton that a moderate dacreaaa in the quamiiy ol wheat and r;c oOBfeumed would mean an im? portant change in the q.mntity required from this country. It it* OOBBBOBly assumed that tbe ensumption of wheat in many European ooun ti n- is fully double the consuniption in the United states in proportion t<i the population. Obvious'y, this is becauflfl tlie jK-iple of this country aio a'.le to eat more moat, and are ia tho babil of oonsnmiBg more of other klnda of food, but if bread should became nauaually deai in Europe, life would be Biutained opoo a much smallcr COBBUmptkm jw-r oapita than has usuully been allowed iu stati-tical eetimatea. Jt is not wise for thoso whu oontrol the openi tions of the Farmera' Alliance, dr tor the sjk-c tilators ia American Hoarda of Trade. to reck m too lar^ely ujkhi an nnehaaged oonsuniption of grain by (Be jx-oitle of Enrope. Before thia crop yenr olooefl *** may diflOOfW that Enrope .an aapply Ita aeeda without famine or atarra tion, and yet without DfliBg as much grain witiiin a knadred miliitm buahehi as ha- nsoally beea roniumed in ^eara of ordlnary priciw. Should the prioea in this country be artili.irllly advanced, whether by action of apeculaton or by the d.-vices of tho Farmers' Alliance. i; ia poaaible tbat the decreaae in ooBflumptioo abroad may prore auffldenl t<> bring disaster to ataay wh.. uawiaeiy buy or boM wheat in the belief that Europe mnst have it at any piico. THE BECEXT P08TAL COXGRESS. The post;.: aerriee l.a- become ao integial and iadispeuaable b feature ln the exiatenee ot eren dritixed community that any modificatiqn of ita rulea and regulatkma m.^t neoeaBarily be oi large interest to ihe public. \ number of duuigea i\ere dedded ttptm by the recent ln leiiiatioiial 1' t'ongnaa, held at \'i.-ni'.i: aml althougb t.velve Boothi are to olapte be? fore they c.ine in;o OperatJOB, v.t a brief eiiiimcrafi'ni theieof cannot fail tu pTOTB DBeful to our letter-dispetchiag a?d lettar>ieoeiving felluw-titi/cns. In the ?ii>; place, the limits of the I'o-tal I'nion have been anlarged by tha atoeasioa of the Hiiiish Auatraiaaian Cokmiea ef New-Zeai aud. Ijneenaiand and Tasaiania. Among the oountnea itill itanding oul are thi Englkh poa bb in ikmtb Africa, aad it is poaaible to commiinitate by post on nwre advaata ; t-iins wim, Moaambiqae a;;d evea with Mada gaaear thaa with the Cape of Qeod Bope or Natal. The loduction .,i tho ohatge for BMBB] onl-i-s, aud for registiati.ui, and th< of tho siiso of piilU-ins raniag.fiililf by p,,.-i m tho next BBoal iaBButteal ehaagaB. Wharc hitherto the ganeral limit aJlawed waa eight inches it will henceforth be about twt?lve inches. Another important deciaion regards the falsifi ratlon of postal stamps. Hitherto the forgery or imitntion of foreign postage stamps has been tolerated, tbe respeetive Government* oonfend ing that they could not interfere in the absenco of treaty engagoments to do th. All the Statea of tlie I'ostal I'nion have, however, now mutual IV engaged to put down in their respectivo rerriuirics tho falsilication of foreign stamps. and henceforth the latter, na matter whether the produetion of the forgeries is for tho pggeg ?f poetage Bt "^rcly to meet the demands ,,f Btaaaj) coiiectors. will ba deail with as a erfmina' offence. on pieci-c!y th- saino footing as if the counterfeit stamps were those of the oountry in whi.h tho forgery had been por petrated. lt has fnrthor boen agieod that there -hall be uniform ratos of postage from all States ,,f the I'ostal I'nion tO every c..iintry not in duded t.herein. lleneoforward the samo amount of postage will bo charged from every place within the I'nion to every placo without the I'nion. A great many minor modiiications have like wise been intindneod with respeet to tho sond ing of prlnted matter, and alao in oonnectioa with the tranamiaaioB of piedoua atonea an.l ef Bimilar raluable ..t-jects. Hitherto certain Statea of the PcataJ L'nion havo only permitted them to be sent as ]iarce!s, in future they ,..ul be tran-mittcd in re?i.<t"i"i lettera. Thi> will cortainly be regarded by Jewellera as aralu ai.lo coBceeaioii. Einnlly, it has been agreed that a kind of Interna-ional Postal Clearing lb.use shall be maintained at Berae, where all postal looonnta tor Interoommunioatioiia betweea the various ciiiiTiios of the 1,'ni'jn shall be kept, all charges pald, and where the difltribution of :c.-.'ij>rs for pOfltage a.- between tho eOTOral Statea shall take place. Horne, in ono word, in to be henceforth tho postal clearing house of the civilized world. THE PATHOS OF CHILtl-LlFF. The Tiunrxr/.s faith expressed a areek Bgfl in ihe gene.-.'.sity of it* readois was v.oll found ed. OontrihutioBi t.. the Freah-Air Fund dur? ing the week havo been avor.tging $1,000 a day. 'ihe 1,00(1 cbildren tor whom a apedal appeal wa- ma.:.' bare not ben diaappointed. Indeed, tho number sent into tho cointry dur? ing the week has been increased to 1,157, several of tho pariios having been enlarped through the Jil.crn.lity of the patrons of the Fund. The results of this sea-on's operatiot.s already execed those of pievi-ms years. Tho total number ..f cbildren who bare beea allowed tho pririlega d? a fortnighfa outing ia 11,588. Nerer belore have *<? many I- '"it of the city during an entlre aeaaon. With con tinued generodty "t, the part of the pnblic the figures will le earrled beyond 18,000 before crK>l 'weather aeta i... One of tho pleaaanteat featuifs of this beanti ful charity is th.- aaaistanoe I tal 18 gi?en by ricfa to poor childien. Among [he BubsctiptioBJ Bnnotmoed from dav to day ti.e moal i:n.><>r tar.t. as a rule, are tho reeeipts fiom chfldrea'a ,.ii -. lawn partiea aud entertainmenta of v rl o.iis kiii'ls. This is one of the largeal BOUTCea of revenue for tlie Fuad. At siimmer hotels :n 'i boarding-housei and among the coB at, well-known rworta chOdren who aro highly favored tbemseirea in their luxurioua aunouad ings a.e enoouraged to plan simple entertain ments for tho benetit of thoae whOflB livcs are ovenhadowed by poverty, priTatioa and rick ne-s in the liciitO'l tencments of the city. The - Air Fuad thereby gteddena the bearta of ii.h and p'"'.r alike. Entering with hearty nal np .i the pleaeurable exdtemeat of ihc-e fBirs, parlor eoaeerta and lawn fetcs, tho cbildren of tho ricb in minUtering to the comfort and hap piii'ss of the poor iind their own brighti-st days during the nddamamer outing. lf tympatbiea are itirred an.l h^arts aoftened among the rieh by tho travels, adventures and entertaiameat of thc<e teaemeat pilgrims, how intense is the eajoyment that is brought to tte homofi of the poor! Sfany a weaiy Little Nell his 1,'id down thia aeafloo in the farmer's fielda and paaturea the burden of cares, troubles and labora too heavy for her years whi.h die has been carryiug in tho noisy, dusty city. Many a poor ragaboad Jo, a long way from rhe. lhadowa of Tom-All-Alones, has found a kind bearted Earmer'a wife w-ho "woa.wery good to hin..'' Nol a few hungry OHvera have aaked for their third plates of dinner and not met with refuaal with intimations of their rapid pace boward tho gallowa. .Many a neglected Joheny has ben preesed cloae to tte beart of " boofer la<l\," and porhaps even Tiny Tim's voico haa been beard p'ping cheerily hero and there. ?' God bless w every one !" It is a good world of whieh th'- Fiesh-Air Food ofFera iaapiriag gliaipeea every year?a world in whieh tfco in D0O8BO8 and pathoa of child-lifo broaden the sym]?thies flf young and old, and e\ert a ref!".\ influeuce upon tho-c who minister to the plea.v ures of the poor. AjIERICAXS TO OWX AMEBICA. Ah, tho tune is cbaagiag. Jobn Buli is not. quite ao complaoently aelf-ooohdeni 'a* be v-???-? When tbe McKinley bill was pending John Hnli bellowed aboul it aa if ao nation on earth had a rigbi to defend ita own industriea againal British rggreerion. At the aame timq he pom ponriy rcpeated his theory thal any defenoe of it- industriea by another nation would ii.evi tably injuro thaf nation only, and Greal Rritaii: bo at all. Jrthn Hul:'s bellowiog did not li; John Bull'a theoiy, and the worid waa inclined t.i iaugh. 1 new tarifl has been in foree fnr some in.nitlis as to most produotfl, though only for one month as to tin plateei Tho tone ... British Jouraaai haa been growiag more meian* ohoiy moflth by montt. American defeaoe doea it- intended work. Hut Britiah theoriea hold water bo better ttan i -. va. John Hull begina t^i have only a faitit whiaper for his hopes, bul l ],r,--eni lo-v-s wi'h Joud gioaus. "The St. James's Uaxette" s iv- : .iiiiftitiff (ran tka retarai laaaafl i,y th? BoaH al 'l't-.i-i... it 1'x.Us a-* ti,.i;i,:.i ara h.i.i aliwady roatifcinl tha , mi ,,; |ood tlmea 'i I ?? na in ti.e txpottt trn-..t Greal Brllaln i- andoaMadly daa lo tht eparal .... ,,f tba m- Kii;!?-? law in Ihe i nltefl Btataa. Wa baaa t'-rn t")'i Ihal ie. ?"tiiii BvaataaUj t*mt u i-h1 n,i lortaaa t" t'"- I nited Btataa, bal lh tauaedlata otdfld rai t. i.ii torelfn naoalflctarera, atpaeiaUjr thoic al . .iui it is jil.i:.!v ,-viil'iit that tlil- cbject ha- baaa atla \\.ir;y "Tho St. .laiiv-'s Qacette" oarelesa aboul tbe Caota. The objed "f tte new tariff araa n .1 to bil f"i"i','n manofacturem, but to defead and build ap home InduBtriee, and it is gratifyini: to AmericBBfl t-. Bnd In Hiiti-h leremiada ample evideoce tha;. the objed haa ittaiii'd. The h.iin to British industriefl, ilie |.io-trati"ii of li.Tiiun indoBtrlea ^o fully deacribed in dtopatchea on Wedneaday, gite bo pieaaure exeepl aa H ia made deai tt n thr aew tarifl worka foi tte benefil of Americana. "The 1.ondon Titn-.-.," commenting oa tte Jnly re? porta of Britiah oommeroe, doealndeed rail its notion thal Ameriea \\.ll euffer ia tln eod, i,u- idmita thai Britaln ia aaffering aow. r lys: Th,- ii.i ii:..- ni BXfflri i- .li-trilmted over t!..1 **Bt8* ' lint. Thr MiKi.ii'-. laa !.., baaa lha gr*-.ti *m* * i taihaa. >. Tht ptetpad al t:..- hia 11-; --..rii.-.i axperla I ? ihe I i . ahlla tii.***** it-t- aaaa -t.u afaa. Kn-n-i, .aerehaaai bb8 numu f-,. tm-. n ?v?ilf<l tliBin<?lve? ol tlie outlet, aud wen m*A wltli mhI e?aoruo?? au Ut* p*n at Amcrlc* to bal ot lower ratei. The MoKlnley law now ln ftrroe ha* hnd ?he eftrct expeeiM and Intoiadad. Amerieans havo reaaon to note with eapecial interest this admiasion by "Tho London Times" that the art has the efTeot eipocted and in'end ?.d lt doos in fact check Kritish exporta to this country of thone gooda whieh this coun? try can produce for itself, and therefore builds np indnstries here as surely as it lcssens our dc ?,.,i,|ence npon foreign produccra. It i? this la depaadaaoa whieh Amerieans OBtk-O, and whlch them to look upon the new tariff with .au-faction. They know that Amori.un imlns tiial ladepattdeaoa means moro demand now br Ameriean labor, and an ever-Rrouing and jiniirless demand for such labor in tiraes that are cotning. * Tho Hririah theory is that products must be jnuchasi-tl from other countries or they will not bo able to purchase our products. This theory would havo more truth in it if the people of one country nover owned titles to or mortgages upon pr.perty in another. England ta.xes tho whole world to pay interest and dividends every rear, becRnae __ng___b Laaeatora have put vast .ums inro bonds of various nations and cities, into mines. m.mifaetiires, mills, ranchex and bURariei in various countries. When England cannot send us anything elso for the bread Enf lish corisiimeis brbI have it can send tw back stocks of railroadi ud Indoatrial coinpanics and bonda by the bnndred milliona for a few years. That will not ha.-m Amerieans. The chance. aro that we shall see a few of theso evnlcnces of ownership reriirn to this country Ibl wheat and ootton before tho snow ilics, and a ,tai.fT whi.h -Rahlea Amerieans to own Amenca is not on that scooont a bad thitig. THE CASE OF' TIIE LEPERS. The clisjuitcs between ho. pital chiefs and tlie Board ol Heaith over the custody of Chinamen suflering from lepro.-y have eulminated in the reieaae of the patient.s and a consequent menaco to the heaith of tho cemmunity. Of late caaaa of thie nature have been so frequent as to im neoeaaity for the most rigc___a applioatioa nf' exiiting Teftrict_<ma. It seems clear that Chineee tepen can defy ali barriers raised againat their entrance, and their innludy is ad ,.| m a nile only when it has reached an adranoed itaga. Being surely incurable, it gen orally involves their permancnt retention in tho hoapitall to whieh they may chance to be carried-an imprisonment to whieh Chinamen are radieally averse. While a donbt exists u bo the danger of contagion it ia thorofore doubly the duty of looal heaith oflicers to diseover ;U,d laoLate aU new eaaeaj and such loose mcth Odl a> havo permitted the MCapt of Ding and Toy are not to bo tolerat-rl. Tho gtartUng propoaitloo that leproaj i? not to be hei.i oontagiooa in thia dty until aome i.,?!.-. is proved ;o have Btcffered hy contact la a monatrooa ipeciiaen of aaedieal pettafoggery. ],, I.,- sino, tho disease is better oadaratood to-day than lt ever was before. Experte bare ?<{ iu ilifierentiate its shades in a way never diaamed of a oentury ago, Bnl no s'xvifio has yet heen diaoorered. The necee si:,v for isolation is stil! generaily in.?isted on. and the most eminent physicinns tackly oohfeaa their Irapotenee by directing their efforta to the enforoemont of celibacy among the viotiina. Theae faotg. lar from breeding popular eon ,.f the diaeaao, aboold Inereaae the ancient dread, and (he d< otora wh.. deride public warn Ing. mlghl be in better buaineaa. The feor in apiwd among Chinamen themaelvea is forcibly thown by the facl tbat Ding, a noted fan-tan player, was compclled to give up the game be oaaae othera rafoaed to bandle the coin that paaaed through his bands. lf tho ho. pital autlioi'ities aro debarred from botding leproue par.ients until the Board of Heaith asseinblcs uid forma lly pronounoea tho diaraan contagion., fno sooner the Board getd ber tho better. One expert, at leaat, Di*. gdaon, has no doubt about the matter. atid his prompt action indicates a vivid ap predabion or dangera whieh it is a pity his MOOdateg do not generally sharo. The public would lisien more traaquilly to furthar dia* oo-aioni ii Ding and Toy were in custody than thoy can while these and other lepors are at large. Caaual avsociation may be loss polluting in their caM than in that of stray unaUpOS or fever jxitieuts; bnt for their own sakes. as wHI m that of others, Ihey should be speed ilv lodged in tho (Jharity Hoepital or ou North "i laland. WOMEX AS BICTCLISTS. No reeent developmentw of our institMtions i* more rdgnifleanl than what has been ealled the " fc-nalc biqyelo emaa." ft outdoea 'ihe dieae rer.;riii erase and the ornzc for woman Mffrage m wide an.l BBdden popularity as well a? in efteetive reautta A year ac;o, woman ridera of the wheei were almost unknown, exeept in mftguzines, anu ;i w.ll-hred dumsel would as soon have thought nf fjuirtinj; out un B twenty-mile apin su* ni driv ,nn _, street-oar or a beeMraek. Now we have ohaiged all that. In thia city, oobblcstones and 0 liiui-ks have pn*M>rii?>.l a dapliOB-ioa of .-i>led legiona that iuf.'st the anaootb aaphalt atreebi ot I ? l ?? London macadam, and tl.e brocd thoroughfarea ol Waahlngton and Etuffalo. Bot in Central P.-trk, lo ull the Buburba, an.l bo it tbe real oi tha aettled parl <?f the ,,,i:i,;iT, Bashing Bpolcea and Buttering akirta are aa coiuiuoii us babiled amanna were omoa in Keutaeky. The eraze lmfi even penetr.ited to IfioneapollB, irbere 800 mhnara an.l maRrong k;inw ull aboal wrenehea und crar:ks nnd '.il Oaaa, und have ?r gMuaed liHMu-elvcj. late a leagaa, One daoghter Of the Floor (ity h;it, a.hieved The crclitahlr Biaataar raoord uf 2T mile* la 'i 1-4 baaaa A young aaothei glidea about with her baby swiny: ? from the hai-.,lle-har. A Oollege profeaaor aml hia wtto bave leii to "do" Europe mi wheele, aud * Ume matrOB hiib BBtOBi-hed t , aati ea la the itaaate wilda of Dakota. lt aeena rather late la tbe dajr tox tne propriety of the e.\eir;M i i be Queationed. Whatefer women naf thiiu. it i.s, ti,,w.-\,i-, lodttputabla thal iii... c'liine ahaervera pawo bardii eoa?_uared rie ?.u priae ahe lliart exhibltlon ol the kimi engandered Biahop ( exe, oi Weatern New-York, the other daj Ukaned wamra bloyoliata tt? "weird aiateia' on brooniBtiekB. HhR tTranoea Willard often the j augge -ti.'i. ?f ?? Portuaa aad her wrheel," or "Aurora fr m tbe -a_Uing eirek of the in>iir_," aad th:s will aaturally be preferred by all well iBgulated ohampiona of lhe Au Lmpartlal orit-e pertloently obeerree that if tadiea doubted th.* leearum ..t biej eliag they Wolil'l r!4".ei pui,tiM-l it. ThR peih:i|tf> otight to preelude farthea dlaeuaaien .?f thal phaae ni the .-.M-irisi., bai n*> graeefulneaa may be le fWmalflj eoneidered. A* aa aid lo heaith, phyBl dana generall] reooauaend n, althougfa iis abuae la aa eaay aa i<> paial ta perilooa paaatbUiUea. The oontraat between tbe poetloB .,i tha baiaewoman aad tiie aregaaa biayeli-i, bowerer, leavea ao doabt us to the advantagB ef the former. ln all Uut tse.-unty and 90At Bl att-iiiiiu.-ilt, Io the me, h.iiiu al dlieettOB of an ip,n ein lc, that c.iLs only for an eaaj balanee aad a Brm hand, tbat h.u- tn be d!siii,,uiiiisi und pUeEed -i every | i,i!i, arltb tbe gotaramem al a Mgfi-epirited iiii.vctiietit iiuikes a .hMiiitnl >,ii the and ni"'.I reaauro-B ?>i taa rider, Ls par? tteolarly Bafortoaate. Tbe bteyole taay be the ..,i,T ,-i.ii.t'i, aad us Baefulaaaa aithin limita la uiiiiiif.-bt. Bat lt.s anparrcaainn ..f lhe horse ^ an ,,i,ji-,-t af teaainiao dotaiaian would inark n lainent ahle degradatiaa ol aparttaa Ideala ln no way ia this ui',11- apparaai thaa la tbe uiait4-r al B4J_tiiuie. The bieycle iseeiiis doonie.l i>. __>icad groteaiiue Lt-hioua in .-Jinent. Amt-aa ' male ridere, it haa revtved aad made permanent the cap and kniokerbookers of the char ity-achool, and nebody who haa been patned by tbe unsymmetrioal abbreviation of the drnperice of the " woman wheeler" and her positlrely odioua taBtc ln hata will regret if Blshop Coae'a alur gliould initiate a reform. Until thia happens, there will still remaln a certain Juetncsa in hia bt;ricturc. ___ Tlie custom of granting judirial decrees ir. tUvorce ond other procecdings begun by ? notice of p,ibllcationn is trrowing into a great scandal. What judge will be the flrst to grn*p the diatinction of ct.tting this evil weed ap ?'>' tbe roota l.y rcfusing to grant an order of pnblication in any ca* wi.ere he the judge, is not fully satislied that wig.out net or dcfault of the plaintiff or of his attorney* neither he nor they know where or how to flnd tlie defendant ? Now the process is simply a part, and a no.xious part, of the easy-going aflidavi:, machlnery. The alliance between the Louisiana Farmers' Uniou and the Anti-Lottery DerfTocrat*. w^ fore ordained to collapse. The only permanent agree menta in thnt region must include what the coun? try organs call " the octopus." The eonduotor and flagman who were respon sible for the recent wreck on the West Shore Kailroa.d, and who tlisappenred iininedlately after the catastrophc, have been found and are now under BffiBt It is to lie hoped that the pros eantlBg authorities will take vigorous action in tte matter and will lose no time in afioertainins nll the i.-iftfi an.l laying them liefore the Gmnd Jury. If the accounts of tbe accident whieh have already been made publio are correct, them is no doubt that these men were guilty of most ealBBble neglect. It will be well to have an ezample made of them aa a warning to railroad employea ?enerally of their ooutiuual reaponsi bility and sf the absolufe need of obeying rulet* and orders to tlie letter. Even the mo^'t perfeet rystem of rules will avail nothing unlese the per sons amenable to them are fully informed re gardiug them and careful to follow them in all respecta. Mayor Orant wiys that his health is good and that he haa no need of a lon? vnoatiou. How oan this htatement be reconoiied with the solemn BMflTtioa of his private aecretary a few month* ago that the Mayor was in a weak and nervous st.ite, an.l was really in danger of nervou* proatra tion? What has occurred to oause ao graat a chnnge in ao flhort a spaoe ? Bathing in diluted sewage, whioh ia said to be inevitable oonsidering the locatlon of some of the public baths, ifl something whieh the authorities should do all in their power to prevent. Aooording to Sanitary Ir.ap<vt<>r Doty's report. some baths are tit to l>e used only at high tides. and others nrp not flt to be used at all. In a sense, thia ifl a gr*ms outrage upon a larjje aection of the com munity. Tliew baths should be located in the be?t possible plneet-; whioh means, of course, as far the mouths of the 6cwers as they can l.e placed. _ Those who predicted sueh horrible things for this country when the McKinley bill wa* pa?sed must bc truly dlatlBBBBd to hear tbat it has caused tho stoppaae of Genaaa looms. -?-? Tlie presence of tha New-York " hoodlere" in Canada wus t? have demoralized the community. Baer einee they took up their residence and live.i in npparent abundunce at fa^hionable hotels, stories itle.ting the credit of Canadiau oflicials have beea frequently told, and recent statementa and co.ifefi--i.)ns make it apparent that there is apread ..-orruption BIBOBg Canadlan politicians. rhe ptinishment, insuflh'ient aa it wus, whieh some i,r the ai.l.-rmen met with seems to have made New-York officials more careful, but the Cana.lians saw only the success and prosperity of the^xiles who have returned ar.d who remain unpunished. Southern newspapers are announclug that the Grand Army of the Eepublio voted in favor of separate colored enoampments. Aod yet they accuse the North of misrepresentatlon. Although the prospect for an abnndant crop of fall apples ifl exoellent. reports from New-England regardtng winter apples are not so enoouraging. To the casual observer, however, tho araharda look promising, and there is at least the poasibility that the grewem of apples have taken their cue from the peach men and are inclined to be beorish without, good reason. Lovers of apples had sueh B hard time laat winter and had te pay sueh hia.h prires for jfl.or fruit that they cannot but hope for plenty of apples af all good varieties this year. ? Tlie advioe to farmers to lay by a part of the proeeeda of this vear's wheat crop and take a long vacation at the World's Fair in 1883 is timel.v. What is better, it looks as though it might be carried out. if the Alliance doesu't iukrfere. Probably nobody out of Boston would ever have thuught of construing the eontrael leboe law to part, hoflband and wife. A MflB?ohuflcttfl blaefc amith'fl wiie was, however, thn-atened with return to Euglaud because her passage had l?eeii prepaid hy her husband. Tlie law doefl threuten suoh persons. who an not ahOWfl by special invcstiga UoB not to beloag to aay of the prehibifid clr.sses. Bttt lt was never mcant to re-enact the story of Eliza in " Uncle Tmn's Cabin.-' PERSOXAL. Colonel John Hay baa taken poasfleslofl of his snm ni.M- resMeaea at Um vai-. Baoapee Luiie, B. H. They luive si st.n'.v Ifl ( iacintiatl that Han-y S. New, son ??f Conaal-Oeoeral New, wlll uiurry a Detroit hwly -,, m .....i --.iii tor Bur .pa. iirim-r Clerelaad tellfl the Baw-Badfee8 Yeaaf Me..'- DaaMMratlo Clab ti...t ha mmt teflMaa Hm proffered dinner of thal organlffltlOB owina t.> bavlng . y other peraonal engagemeatfl aboal thla Ubm. Wiliiam Wiiin.-r. ex-C.ininiaii.ler in-( hte* ?t the Army, i.-. t\,-.i a \. t iu hla Bi Loala Immbb .. t.-w tvti laa meo from repiBsentatlvea ot 1'r.e oolored ra ? ... thana I"'.. tm tit manly ohaniaionahlp ?>' ihtlt people al ti.e lata meettng ln Datroft. I' Btadebaher, at Baath Bend, ti.e maker, .- bbw belng Ulked <.f aerieaali .*** a p,,o* ...a.. for thfl Hepubl.raiii to rua for Govenn.r o( [ndlana next jraar. WUllaa F.. b.'.vai.t, of "The Joaraal,' laug whal is leili.ii.aliy called "night editor," a.,.1 a ***** worker >.n that paper In -?mc eapacttg f...- tw.-nty iwo yeara, h** .t promlse >,i belng trantferred to a 4ey ieak, an.l ta reoeHriflg cangrBMilalliBM fcheieupoa. Ba Qoveraer Oteffliy .1. Imlth, ol v.rni.tu. h i written to ihe present Kxcutivc ,,t tha Greefl m laatal i Btate io nv thal ba cannot, ..- i.i- Mendi would ut.e, be ?. i-i'iiti'ia..- iv. tha Senatorahlp. Tbis leavaa tha elear tor Bei ral irj Pro< I *. Ai Camp Keetlngton, where some <>f the IVnii ?ylvania nllltla baaa beaa Uvlai ki lanla raceatly, Uovernor ftatttaoa t.. aenitlalsa tbaai oAelally, .'-,.11-uia'i baa beeu hohUai ?"""? InftHinal aioni Ing laoflpllwiflL Tha othei fu\. one ethla vi-n-.r-. a i; ,| i.v.'i uttf.i.-live w.iiii.iu nf tat* v.-ai- ..I BfB, ihook handa .wih hla, .....i thaa begffli laeae la ttaa blm. "Cerl -iiniy. niadam," ba aallantljf repllod; aad ii,. permisston .va- promptlj iidilsod. ?? loie B< U( from the Oovernor'i ten! t ie tolr vialtor explali ed ita -ue bad exteaded thla talutatioii ln orier to aln .. bet. Benatof Qeraiaa w balMlna b bbw booaa neaa Laa p ... IM., t.i .vi' Um aaa bamai aoflra laal arlotcr. ?? ih,. l..ilt,Mi.iH! .-um" -ay- tiiat tiie i-lnt. tu:v WlO l" tv .,, :im...ii..u-. aabataatlal BBi OBMlertahla tona tnm-.'. in kaeptni arllh baaatei Qetmaa*e weU-hnesra a'.ii buslnesi llke charactertatlea. it .- aa Uie hulhlltn: will be roofe.l ... betoi ta in and tbal it arili ba n.-aiy ka a*t**_**ot by next iprlflg. t.i IBnatfata Mr. LaweU*i davaUea to nice **ht* t* aoeial BaBtB, " tha Bo . ? a.iv.-.ii bb" relaBM 't.i* i.,i,?,.l.,..-. Pfhen ba ara? MinMler i?> Bnglaad a Baah in I-, r.oaa "i tha Mg AMarlaan bbIM iilMiu liiiti M.tli B I-..-'. "f Mi. Loarall ik.hIi' it vcy ptoaaaat lot M? jweflg vWlor, tlidrmln.-ly \.lth hlm, K-iv.- tt* BflflBB MflBdlj eu.rniag his nmt, aad aeewal ****** ... Ihe taa ..I i.-it,i, vhiflh bb Aflaerl. m Mtatotat ataai ** tba I , ,.. .|.,. ii? nndenraduaia ??- prpfaaa ln hl-. aml was bowing hlm?ell oal ul tht room .atei hla i.i..Mvi.-? ii.Mt evon .ut *o tor aa tba outor uvor-vh.u Ut, Low.A cauaiit *igi*l ot iu? liat, wIUcU wm of the ordlnary derby peitera. He pisremptortlr ealled the y?mng man back, and irpealdng Hndfy ?? dr.viy, aald: "Ur. K?, no real gentlcnan ?n Engiard we-gr* derby headgear. You _honld purc.haae a ni_? hat at once. Your ?ocl_J dutlea wlll d_ma___ __ That ls aU. Oood-dfty." ??--_. __ THE TALK OF THE DA1. "The Blllyblllyvllle fN. Y.) n*ioo,? telli aboal % man who can predlrf the weather wlth tnfalllble pre. cialon. He doea it hy norne itrange marklngi on bla f,,re_rni. These mark. rcsemble tbe dl.icharje of a Loyden Jar a* miieli its anythlng else. There li on* ?art. about two Inchea long and a <|uarter of an Incb wlde, and from tlils projerta two other red lli.e*. On the end of e?ch of tlr>ie it _ blne spot. .'hen the ln MgaltBaa aro for rain the<_ two apota travel under tha shln until tliey toueb each other. Wben the proba bllltlo- are lor wlnd or d.y weather Uiey aeparate until they a.-c dlame.rl.fliiy oppc*ite. Phyilclani liave examlncd the di.colorat.oni ar.d ??y they ara only aome klnd of pigment under tlie akin, and ttiat tliey are nlmllar In nature ro blrthmarka. They can? not explain the travelllng proclivltlea"ol theae for*. runner-, however. Travelllng Incog.?stranger?He.o l Boy, do yoa know any of the news paper rcportera by alght 1 Hotel H"y-i-ots of '??..I. BBnmt/n WaD?ar?afcaatl i am tho Hon. Mr. Oreatman, but I rcglit'Tt-d aa J. smith ln order ta avoifl (crteivlaaraia. llere't a tjuarter. li.,v -AII right. I'll tell 'em you're liere.-(Rtreel _. iaatth- i.'rA Ron, The locel Brun-wlrk, Ga,., paper tayx that two maa caught a young ahark aV.ut two feet long. and kHUng lt flung tt on the groiiiul near the edge ot the water, where lt lay In the hot sun. Tho tld. gradually rt** and after awlillo eame up wlthln about Btg inche* ol ihe dead BBRffe. The water aoon became agitated ang two blg BhaalR api?eared on the arene, ocie three feet and tho otiier nlne feet long. Both aaw or imelt tha de_d t1*h, and BOBR OOmt tbe water boll wlth their tlgliting. Wben th? large aliark had whlpped tha young one off he 8B-B8 back and wlth one vigoroua niah tfirew hii head and body out of the watrr n_Ul ho oonld rcach the dead, whlch he took la Ra mouth and rettimcd back to the water. WHKKE HE PUT HIS ARM. He itood out-lde tlie BR|? uwhile And cald ?' tiood nlght" wlth loveRoa imlle. "(iofid uight.'' ih-: aald. "tiood nlght,? once more Ho tnu .tered a? be'd done tK-fore, And t.hon, bv some oharm, He canio lnsido and put his arm? She wore a hat nt Jaunty ihape, Ti od up wlth aoaae soft cllnglng crepe, A truant ribbon from its peak strayed down und kls*e<l her dlmpled eneea. The moon wa- full. the hour wa* late. As they -tood there twMde the gate. His lore, by Cupld'i bellowi fanned, lilai-d up. Ho took her llttle hand And muttered: " l>ear. u hat ta tho harm." And then he gently put his arm -1 She wore a gown ot creamy-whlte. t?o fllmv that i. fairy mlght Have ispun It ln an hour of thrlit And tent lt ro her aa a gift. The mo-Tn reflected: " Three'e a erowd," And then politely lought u cloud. With opportnnlty ?o near. Hia lovo welled strong and vantshed fear, H>> smiltsl a?av her flrst alarm. And then ho ge-ntly put hi* arm? A llttle blrd came roand next day And told us that 'twa.s Jnst thU way: He put hl? t.riu. as thu_ they stood. Where It wonld do the greatett g.iod. -(Tom Masoti ln Clothler and FurnlihBB The latest rellcions news from Connectlcut 1* -btat the growing popularlty of the kirsslng game ealled Rl -snap and-catch-'em'' con vention." It la all tha p at teunday-schooi picnlcs?when the partor isn't inoog lng around. a? tbe young people would expreai lt. A gronp of young ptiple stand clo.e together, and a drt tlieni aelects a young man to chase her around tha group. If ?he ls ta.ight. and ihe olway* It. ihe U bisaed. The young men say that'i where the enep aaaaaa ln. A _:..ip.nid-catch-yin convention wlll flouriah -Oaa a green bay troe when a prayer-mee-ng will just e-cap?: dylng. Tbe acholars *n one of our Sunday-schooR were ihocked oua aeeitoa reeeoUjr by an ?n>->>:r g'.v-n hy one ot the small boyi tn'tbe Juvfidle d^ii-rtincnt. The day's le.-,tri-. had beea hnisht. 1. xnd th". lUPerln tt-ndent ha/1 l.'***n o-Illi 5 the young __aaabanel no -loiy ot A.t.m m U.e Oardea of Men, tfaumai ?tory wlth tba lamaifc: -And so Adnm waa v?r hai'iiy. Now can ,i.,v one of vou chlldcr. t.-il wh;.! misf Ttune bfH him ?" The Roall bof -BafB n.ei'. tlou?sl nlpcd out, " I'lt-ase, sir, 1 know; he got a wlti* -(lTorldence Telegr;.iii. Owlng to a glut ln the marltet Georgla melon growers are getting ?raeh poor prlcea for their melo.a that ln aome ct4_tt>s they actually I,_e noney by Hod Ing them to market. Thls fiiiggest- to " The Savanaah News" the formatlon of a trust t.i ltmit fhe prtjdu,it1on of meloti*. But a mtwh mtire lenslhle way out would be to enlante the melon market. nponned a stltch.-"The accldcnt, madam," aald Oie yoSsurwtn. encotiregliigly. aa B55 E a prepaV E V. _Sw up the wour.d ln tbe llp the lnfant h__l S"u-ed 1. r Slllng: d'ram a St.,1iway ?? wlll leave 4 .car .oaKouA-eZ b_f tweotjr year, trom^de^ ^hentha 11 Ml.. ft-llow has grown to be a man and ralsed a mu-taei'.e. lt won'i ahow a blt. _ . ?B Rn??a babT ol that klnd. doctor" replled thi BB__kaR but entlrely B-H-iU.I mother.-(Chloago Trfbaoe. An iconoclastic correapondent of "The Indlanapotti journal." ln wrltlng tlie home ot Abraham lia coln's vxnnta ln Sponcer County, Ind., says. TM storie* of hls great Industry, and partloularly of M Immense number of rall* be spM. an ttt**. He <Ld not spltt rails here. The Llnooltis bad uo fenooa. BBg hnd no need of them then. BB MM BBWfcl w*? an al most nnbrokea wildemes*. After Llncoln became President a thrlving buslnese was done in the maou farture of cane* and varloiu oUier nrUcIeB from ralU said |B havj been spllt by him. A tog BflbjB, *t* M be the onglnal home of the Un.olns. was tramported bodily to Illinola. when ln fact the origtnfll cabln haa been tort. down and all trace- of it destroyed y?r? before." Proprietor of Drygoods Store-If!? ******* ? amliilng a pleoe of dress gOOdfl, had ^t*m**9* tatUfileUoB wlth lt, would you aal how n.any x**** * AjjiiSit-Ko. indeed. I should ash her wbere da woukl huve the saniple *** , hmJ ftuess you'll do. I ?<* >ouv? mw esperlence.?(BflflMB Tran??-rlpt. READT FOR BEXXIXOTOX'S FESTIVAL. THE DEDICATIOB OF THF BATTLE MOBTMEBX BEXT WKKK. Bennlnirton. Vt.. Aag. 14 9*9****. ***? eentennlal innlrenary * ******** admi*i<m into the O*** .,..,1 tlie 8lBlTBlT? of me Hcnninirton llonumcnt aid Be uilublfllTl BBBl *** * Bemdngton. The ***** M tstmhnty *uiti*** wttb 8*8* *** bnnttu* anfl lll,.?.?,,Ut BKlMfl -!"?>. tha prnulpal thoroughW I-,. iomen* Hobm groenda baaa been ******* ? .atnp. The Vflnaont National Guard ***** it to-day tor aa BlgW aajr*' i?ibm?bibb8 The \n* mot.t Bodety, 8ona al Hm AflBflrtW Kevolution, M* ,,(| i,.-.rt, 'ii't.i-- iu the holdlerV Home fc'roui>fl? ,? H eaevaa pevUtoa, wtan all vuitlng memi**? ol Hm Batloaal aag Btaaa aoeicttes win be vatoaaMi. Ttt tha Boaa al tta AbbbHbbb Bevoiutioo feaa baflfl H--iKt.ed a pronlB. m ptaM to lha flfflaa?Ifl*; they *dl mar.ii beblafl tha Britiah eaaaaa capturwd at Bmm*P t.m. To Ita n.'"ih of lamp Vurraont U tho bflBBP* t.-tit wna - ..- IBT :i.i"Hi pue-ts. Ther- wlB probably be 7.500 men ln the pr< .cesiloa lt Mlll f.'.in ai 'J tr*ttmh* BBd BBBWB at 10 on Wednoa da.. balag fltoMdaaad at Ita inoiiument. where tb? iDBowiag lit-'i-ary axafctoafl aaaari latoefaalsiy t* rt,,-.- hy Wheel.xk .;. T***Jt president of the d*ri prayer by ti.e Bea. Chartaa PflihbafBl, atajtota i**>a toe; BiilBBB <>f W.-1......0 by 08*88888 C. 9. 9989* tAAtmt ** tian-f.-r nf ihe niontimetit to U.e --.?at* i,v ex-Govaraor B. f. Tt* *?** * **mW****m ,? ildeei "f the taMBlBglOB Kattle NOMflBflflj ,,?,?,: a.M.e- of a< .vplanre on behalf *_***** *>'f r Page; '..'.I." i by Kdward J. I'heip*. y* .,.,n; remarta b) Harrison; bentsno Tba baaaart wlB bjOom eserelsw rt" J*8 Baidtera* Hom* greaiBU, after uhich lir-i'ie..t ii?? -.?, wiii hold a .v,.-nl,..'. Tha day wlll ******* nu ela' .uie di-j-iay ul fli-euurks. TIMK TAlil.K ?>F THK HUHMPIV TRM' lYi-l'h-ut llarrl-'t. aai bla I'.ny. who ar.' t<> >? l tha ..?i.i.t-aM'in at BaaahMBBe, vt.. on *******. ra OflflJB Bay ia the private car of (..i rul l tta Weat Hbmb leei, on ?orwlag, ..:':'.. | Bl Barlb l.-anlngton tlie tatat evaotag, artara lha PraaMBal wlll 88* ***** *** *** ' .. -.. M.. BllBegh. Tl.o itluerary ol tl.o ttlP i- ..- f--l!ow-: l.? **- C..|i.- . . , R. H?. 8 :ty** *** ?li i. B ). Ai ,..? We^bawKen . ./. ! I; P'?r I.-?.e \\. I.JI.-..I . J _tiR'?L \ w 'itir-' . .* ' ' I _ ? it i). ta. l.m.,. S.\. it . .I'B! __ Am.,. ki,?.?, . }:"J i.,?.<. Kiim-t..ii.J.jf J Utvi albany >BaU? ir aad Bud? ? Arrlv, T ... .I ,'' -'2* ""?? ' Itehbwi il. K __ : ? -., I ,\'___\ ai..v^ N'uiti, BeaalagMa, *ia l". 0 anl it. 1M? u* ?*? Albany. A*x$. u (BpeclaB. PreaMenl H*"**1*," ? .1 i..,t.iv, wUI be ... Alban) about i...i- .?? minatea on naxl Tuesday, wflle Journ?yto| to U* ulngtan. \t A raeeplton bai baaa tata, >_R!I Major Mauuitig, whi.h wlU probubl*' be BUa.dc4 * Uuvcl-uwi IUU.