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SOME NEW BOOKS. ?Cht-rch and Oreed," bv R. Heber Rewtcm (O. 9. Patnam'a Sonal. wlll bo wldelv it_<l. It conslsts of threo aermons. somewhat amplllicd. whlch Dr. Newton reoently preaehed. The llift, " Fold or Fl Mk I Cbrlstlanlty Not Kefle-liistlci-m," I. a strong argu ment against the Hlgh-Chiirch theory that the F.pls ropal Chureb alune ls the true Chaural ln thls oo-nntry. The rematnlng two sermons.. "The Nlcenc C-n-d a of Frecdom and a Charfer of ('omprehen Uon," and "How to Read ? Creed," are an a*.le presentatlon of tte Kroad-Churoh view of the Chttrch's ereeds. The sermons were so fnllv reportetl ln Tl.e Tribune at the time of their dellverv that most of our readcr. are famlliar wlth them. H ls enotich here tB aay of them that thev are brillta-tit, reverent. loglcal and tnily catholic ln tene.* Thev BAPeBBB and candldfy thf* view of tte tradltlanul ereeds whlch Iho toost lntelligent and schnl. rlv ltu-n ln tte Enls.-opal Churrh are rapidly enmlnc to take. [__*___ as ttey do at a time when Dr. Newton'? alleged heretlcal ticws aro b<lng made a subject <>I Judicial Investlca tlon. they will ennble the authoritles of the Chnreh and the genenil puhlic to see at B glanee jn-f what Dr. Newton's vlews are. The stylc of the distinguished preacher ls ludd and eplgrammatic. and even those wlio take onlv a mo. t lancuid inter-st in relliriout- dlscus sion will flnd this little volume verv readable. Hcmghton. Mifllln A Co. hove done well ln Including tbe life of Fran.-ls Way land. by Professor James O. Rurray, of Prlnseton. tn their aartta of Amorican re? llglous leaders. MNBf n Iiapti-t as Dr. Wayland was, he was somethlng rnoiv an.l greater than a mere aaaaaitaa leader. He stood ln lntimate relatlons Wlth the tetst Chrtstian thougiit of his day, BBfBliBlly hi Its t-ndenty toward work. As a teaeter, too, he deserves to te gratofully rememterod; and during Ma pre-sidenry of Rrown Unlversity te did much to foster the growth nnd lnsure the suceess of that noble Instltutlon. His ardent love of truth wae undonbtedly tte d-istingulshing ehanicterlstlc of his rellglon. and lntellectual llfe. "Truth betore all, and wlierever lt, leads,'' wa* the gulding princlple of his condnet both as a theologlan and a tct-rh.r. Profeswir Murray, who was one of Dr. Wayland's puplls, tells the .-tory of his bu=y and useful llfe eon cisely, cle.irly and In good ta_le. It ls a story well worth the telllng, whi.h wiJl elevato and stimulate all who read it. "The Great Dlscourse of Jesus, the Chrlst, the Bon Of God" (A. D. W. Ilandolph .fc Co.), ls almply & topical sn-angemenl and analysls of nil the litteraTice* of Chrirt. rec.rdod in tlie New Testament, ?eparated from tho context. The compiler who announces himself as "a lay man." s-.iv> that the worh ll tte onteomo of lils own search for splrit and llfe, a*.d te heOevea that a topb .illy arranged recot-d of ( hrist's utteranoes will BtB-Uarty h-lp otliers who are groping for li?ht. Asidc frem that. the volume has a value as a con vcnient book of reference to tha BBjrtBf. of .lesna, as the are fully ind.-xod in the table of rontcnta. ? BOOKS OF THE WEEK. ffALES OF THREE CENTFRIES. By Michaei ZagoiklB. 1-itio pp. -.'i't. (L.ttl--. Brottn A. lo.) (L'akink. 4 BBut ef awedaa. n.v Louii Ewault. I2m?. pp. 2^8. il.liuc Brown 4. Co.) 8.L.AIN AXD SOLID QRORETRT. By beth T. Btewart. i2mo, pp. 400. (Aaarieaa Baok Co.) H.UE RRS OF THE WORLD AND THE GENERAL JDdV.v.KN. a.s KORETOLD IN RATTHiiW XXIV ANI> xxv. By tha Rev. X. II. Saboi. l'.mo, ihi. 09. tmamatoti't RaaaalBB.) PRINCll'LES OF Ai-RieULTFRE. By I. O. Winslpw. )2mo, i,|>. I__. (A_ieri,an Book Co.) HOME LIFE OX AN 08TRICH KARM. By Annlt? Martlu. l?mo, pp. 233. (D. Appl.-fcin ?fc Co.) _DUTY. A Book ff>r St-hf. >]?. By Julius H. Seelye. 12nio. i.,|i. 12*.'. (t? _ i '? ? i RVaSIAN TRA1T8 ARO TI.RKORS. By E. B. Lanln. K'mo, pp. Z8 s. (H. R. nehar.) ITHE HIDD1 Ei SIN By Rlai BUaa A. Dupuy. 12tno, pp. H57. (T. H. I'Stetsnn 4: hioth. rs.) DUR CI.KKt. I'ltoM BARKTOR. OR RIOHT RATHER THAN Rl, H. Cv tt- R-\ Edward A. Hand. IL'mo, pp. 84-'. (Thomas Wblttaker.) ?IRrORICAL BVIDENCE8 OF THK OLD TESTA RENT, Hv A. H. Layce. l_Tmo. pp 311). (Amerlean Tract f-tx . ? ClSTOr.KAL lLLUSTRATION'S OE THE 1TEW VESTA hlKsi 8CRIFTURE8. Hv tu- Rev. O. F. Uarl ar. l_mo. ei.. 'Ai'.i. (AaaerRaa Traet boeRty.) ITHE PEOFLE'S HORSE, CATTLE SHEEP AXD BWIRE !>,.. TOR. By wuilom 11. Cl.rke. 12mo. pp. xo. im. T. Bl-hardson.) R. WOMAR'8 TAl.INi' AXD OTHIR STORIE8. Bv .l.iiia M. Hunu lBaae, pp. 323. (De Wolfe. Ki?ke k. Co.) B.'Or?DSWORTH FOR THF. YOUXO. ly C. M. 6t. John. 8vo, pp. 153. (L>. Lothrop Co.) ITHE CARLl'.TONS. By Robf-rt (irant. I2mo, pp. 809. (Robfrt's Sotin). fdAKIXO Tltr. MOBT OF LIFE. By J. R. Miller. 12mo. pp. 275. (Thomas Y. Crowell * Co.) IXcu. Pnblicnttons. T..M?8 FLrTT &T Ci).. nilLISHERS. j?.w work by the n.thor of "How We Got Our Blkle.-' DPHE OLD DOCr.MENTS AXD THB NEW B-BL-S. A History ot the Old Testament for the People. By B. P. SMYTH, A. B.. LL. B.. etc. THE OLD TF.STAMF.XT. Old Hebrew Docum.nta. Other Old Dnt-iimaiiu and their us'? In Blb'tcal Crltleln-, Th,- Rear Blhta, A l_c-la_-a or Bibii.-ai Crftte-an, Tea OtMbaM-Ba, -Ii',w1iig ori?inal manus ripts, M-Bblta ^t?n'-. etc., ,t . 214 BBgea, v*. itli lnJ x. 12)1.0, tl?th, 81. Sevciith tlioiisand. ?'I llnd thr work ltsoif most intercstlng. I have rarcly Baa th- laea-ty of laeM .xii?sition more e4?aplenaualy dis |.lay,d."-(lU. Hon. W. E. (ilailntoiip. "I think l __ay vaatna t., pradtot a ort-t saic, for lt l* erolncntly valuable, and rttatalar a,tv of Intoritiation Whlch until now has not b>-, 1. pop I ui/- d.''?(Rc-v. Dr. aalmou, l'.o-.o.t Trinlty CBIIage, RvhUa. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. BOW WE GOT Ol'R RIllLE. An Ans?pr to QacBtfeaa BoBieBtad t,y th,- New Rrvimou. 4th l'.d;iion. l-',, tl.mi u:,d. I_-_B, cloth, with blx lllu->trut.?ii-, 125 BBffea, I'rl.e, 50 cents. "lt has th<- tliov or a story. . . . My intorf-t never flupL'-d Ii.mii Bnt mm t" ""' I-,st."? (Bl-hop of I), riy. "'kkla volume is paitly blatorleal, parlly R-ttefraphtcal, aad partly eRtleal.layhedy eaa kBdrntaad it, aml averybi-dy wonld ln* l>etu.r Ior Uie Uioughtful study ol 11." w-lCt-ri.iU-u Advaiatf. KECOl.DS OP THE PAST. jieln? En^li^h Trjii-latu.ns of the Assyrlan tnd Eryptun M.iiiuu.- nt*. Rew Barlea. Radae the i:,iit..r> of Prof. Say,-,., aaaRBed by M. Le Pagt: Renouf, Prof. Wa*p,*r,., Mr. Biid'.',;, Mr Piachta, l'rof. Opi-ert and other ai*tii>H)isi.ed Eayptlaa and Aaiyrtaa f-choiar-. The Raw s- ii- s ,f Vet-BM-. dURra from its Budataaicr tn aavwal rt>-|. , t-. mata eiaerlally ta lhe br/,.. aaweat of lilatarlcal, RaUgtoaa unJ Qeofiapklaal taiip-d in th" int <,t,i,ti,,iis aad Nataa, a- ?>-n h> la Nf. r ?MBI t?, p'.iits i.f ...iita.-t hatwsBB tl.? Monuniental B-BBtdl aiid thf o.d Tt-tir.H-iit. TiaaiRaawi of Kuyptiai. and A^yilan T-'Xts are _l\?n ln tii- BUBI voluinc. Vols. |. IV., Beat Kalv. V<,1. V. hi tl.e Press. 12m>i, . loth. price, $1 75 per volume. The _>.-:i>-.. wlll eaaaRt of Six yolume*. "Tl.. r>. ls somethlnR of lnt> rf-,t for tho . ludfnt ln evary Iton. 01 xkm eont.-iii- >>f Ihaaa vRaai-i"?__a-id_a A<aAemy. "Ett-ry btud.nt of tke Bible ahould read t-us Mfia_M -rBiblia. Buppli.-d by BeaaaaaerB, or ^ent on r-eelpt of prlce post ftee. Ki ASTQH PLACE, NEW-YORK. __ KOW READY: TUE UEPTEMBER PART OF THE YOUNG T-ADILS' .lOL'KNAli, ContalnhiK the L-eciniiiiii: of a new story. enUtled -SEBQIA." ail tho LATEST H*ld.? HvefBl CORPI.ETE 8TORIE8. all tha LATEST PAR * K.SSI IONS ivit* GI?ANT1( i?'^^HI.)^ BuBple ijiul ,1 V; F .iCRES. 80LORED FASIUON FLaTT! of "i Ki.,1 ii, s. Kew Raalo, mw EMBROLDER- d<-..r.. J'A'ITEKN'S, 4:c., A.e. p:i.-.-. 30 cut- Y.arly, 81. All n.'Wfd.iilei-, or THE INVER.VATIONAL XtlVS COMPANY. FOUR NEW KOTZXB I-or. 15 CENTS. 4 NEW NOVBJA AU aaaaj-aaa m ti.e aRPTERRER m MRZJI af the KAMII.Y URRART MONflll.Y. Only 15 C-Jit-. Ol all Be-Bd-BlBTI, or TUE IMERNaTIO-sAL RBRTfl CtiMl'ANT, h3 AND H Dl'ANE-ST., One door <-ist of Bread way, Rrw.Terh.__^ Elzhteenth Etlltlon. post pald. lor a5c. or -t?n,pt. THE lil .MAN HAlKi Wh.y It Falls OfT: Turm Or.r unl th,- Renifdv. Ilv 9_t. HARLLY rARKKR. A.m. LOSti A < O , 1 018 . Pliila.. Fa. "Every one -hould re_d thi-. llttle book "?Athenaeum. Lam Sitjoola. THE NEW-YORK LAW SCHOOL, 120 BTjOADWAT. New-York City.?A<_uu_l _*--!?., o\ttu? Octobi-r 1 '*?"? Rwo \car,' cour*t>. Ifanln. to de-rr*.' of LL. B. lultton tae 8100 "Dwlrtt Rettiod" <,f limtructlon. For cata U.'i ." iddre-* nEOROK CHASE. Dean._ JnotrutiioH. For Younc aatm*09?>City. ACADEMIC CLAKM-M KOR Ulrlhti. Vfigatk tt prt Bare far eolicae eian.inatlo.i?. but tuMed U it_ ntedt ___, __Te?rnf?t ?tud-nU : -ptjclal itttcnlion alvtu uEnflllh. Sec-Uw.1 ?..d cuiturr. MAiif a. WJilluW. ATBrar.dLO._A. BaNOS, 625 Fara-eye., N. Y. A" H'Oxll II i> ' Ol.LE'ilATE (Ol'ltl_F--Thert ttt twe ?B-flfl-Raa In an ??.?Mi'ii'.lifd pfiyat* cla** ln N. Y. Clty aeerlQD wnuaual adva?iUl"-? To OI-OJ a?>?!rUig su<* ? Car_pel*it teaebfrt-: cari-lui atWnUeo _ ph-?i<al it vrrtl raoitiu. _ ?o)io?l-r?i.riis and .>t>ofU.*v. Synui-r L &____il-AXE COUii-J.. Raa to, RMalca,?. T JnatvBtnou For Y**b*] Laflee <nn. .? a n_REV. PH. AND MKS- OAltDNKR'B A )T.-fft)iiLi FOli UUUA BOl 6ia-?>e. BJB year. Q***m* amteii wiu. coi'.mbia Conege ifofc.sor.. __ 1 MFKKAX Klnd^arten N-.r;u:,l 'Sehool r-op-n;. gta S^.g*^^r ' EM1LT M.. feffi >iBdwr A Nl'W DAY SCHOOL FOB YOIXO LADII-S wlll , A '? n the ath of 0. 188 Bn* ***** B? mt* from taa ..Kular: "Neverthele.,. BBBflBgfl the dl UniniiahlnK flBfllBHalHtlll ol the .nhool wlll b.- the atudy STiwici i o". ?f the braaohaa whi* co to oiue >.p a CABEMY OB THK rnsri.lM s. K MORIUSAMA. XEW-YORK CITY. Thi. ai-ademv wlll r?op-n on the llft Wedneaday of tit^br 'I *** '0..vent and a.ademy at H.-dfnru _?I,l on the llarla... Railroad. wlll b,- r.*dy for occupancy naxt _**%*****. **^tfg?*j$kisnc*. 9ap* _oTa8SK!AL 9CHOOI. KOli MWAt* I 9?1 Madl-on-ave. (/ Prlnarr and advanced ****** J____9*_**__**, -**.**? **? .. <.:..,<l?.. flnlunhi.i vxntn.oat.oii. D'-laarte ..Tinnaatl, *.. na otS-ns Sept 2? M I* a X "... -nd MUa Biari.ea, l'rti.clpals Dr7i. HACHS'S BCHOOL FOR OIRLS. HB WEST 59TH-ST., WILL OPI-'.N BEPT. 28, 1801. COMPLETE OROANIZATIOX. INCLUDIXrt PRI MARY DKPaBTMEXT. THOROVOH PREPARATION BOB LF.AD1XG WOMBT8 I OL1.I (MBB._ - D" Tlanci:vm BOOL K)B 01BI?. 23 Eaat **?'} reopeii!. Sept. 30, 181.1. H8BB for rolle*e. Boya. Ac Claaaea. IAIKSON SF.MIXARY, 2.025 'BVFmTi^'^uMU J Oav Sehool for Younf Ladle- and thlld/en. PjiJUg utiMl'for eollea- 2Ttlt veai . ??r.nn-li'-e. pet. 1- V1',6 JA(f'KS?>'v. '&ipaf; UlM BLA K B. Jf^Mgg* fo.n,, Pdn. i/a: of InMesld.- scho.,1 Baw-Mlllorf. C?on MIfeS PEEBLES AN'D MISt- TIIO.MI'SON'S BOAKDIN-: AXD DAY SCHOOL KOR OIRLS, B2 and 81 Eaat 67'Ji-f.t., Jfew-YorB. Reopaoa Thursda;, Oct. 1._ M. BALISBURT'fl SOBOOL FOB oiRLS Xo. 4 GSUi-at., faitng .'"iitml I'arlfc li.ojien. Oetober 1 MlftS JEN'XY dergarCoera reopei "iafllS-S I.. M. XL'.WI'.U.'S HOHE AXV DAY SCHOOL. l'l -Kiiidrf.irt.t., Intermedtate, Oallaie rf-imr',,t.?',V aud Advaqced Electtve Coujaea. Art_and l>.l-..rn; oym l6s JEN'XY ll.-'v'l'F.RS Tru'lnlnp Cltiss **r KVa* fl.rcaitr.vrs reopen- 0. tober 1. al 18 Waat l?im***~ tii.stlcs. K.-oprna octob. r 1. _67 l-s "... K. MOOBB.?Boaidlng an.l Day Behhol for Olrla. Kl.idf-reart.-n bv spe-lollst. _ \r** _. ' '? *n fonvniMitlon. K.'Open* ... t. 1st. 11. ?. itww* M Crerman Convoi.-i.tlon, Reopfn_ M18S OIBBOBS' SCHOOI. BOB OtBXMt** ____ilS_ st.-Will reown Saut. SO. Tbrcn boardlnc pupus will b<- i.-celved into the laiidl?. - \TlSS"FA.77.AY.fif 11 L. KO.-ES. 10 *^J**t* t?l hoarduiK aml Dav S.-hool. reopcn? Oct. J.t. Biiectal eourae* of afioy. . .. ? i?I ITrnct. ann Oerman B'.Ml.ift and I-a^ behool for (Hxla. Twenty-flRh beglna S'pt.-mber a. MB8. UCOBOLB WElL-fl SCHOOL FOR OIRLS lTl 711 Madlaon-avc., pr--p*res for collega..^ fsSfcS ORIXKBLL'B l'^^ S?'*??'''??,\'{,,l.[**\1.,.^* , l/.^t .-ot.i.-t.. feopeaa "? "'1 '? ?"'??"? ';'. ',.?? Urv and l'i-i:i.arv DelSa. '??'?1"' *?____* __?!*** n'rth< MISS -.-SAN VA> AMKIN.,: Sehool J**?** tfttitart, taUnMdlata. ""r^/r't T i- ,r - . e tion for . ..i:-.*". Reopen* Oct. I 10(1 \ 881 i BB lHfl JAUDOB'8 I \MH.Y ANU DAl BCMOOL lX'R M iam ? Madl-iui-H..-.. wUI recpen 0"?b-r let. f m-ses f',r Wl' .hlldM r.. )'.' ????? '"' ********* *"*? ?>r tbe Hat\i.rd nnd Colun.bin eaandniiWM._ MlSfc *VME B'lOWS, 718 715 FifWi Avcnua. Ktoai-y and academlo wark. lmliidinjt prci?r,t!an foi coii.-?t and fT-h- oi"'..'.'.. at** Barrar* namlniBaaa t-r womea._Beopeai Oetoli rl.___^________. MADMIOIBELLB XBEL. i_t___*- w__ s.iiooi for Olrla. I!'-'.;"-.'-' OetabBf 7. (N.i-nber llm lud... 26 Ea.t ,%.itii--i.. ri-a. MadlaoMV*_ M M ADEMOTSELLE VFI.TIX. ,?n.Bt0t. ijchool for Olrla; prlmary. aenrteinfe and eollefliate. Klndergarten r^adurted entireiv ln Frenon. ,-,W:i v-.i: 'il^-n- 0. toht-r 1. 175 W1',ST 78D-8T. XbAMF. ftA (sfi.VA.?gehool for Olrls. fAi7A\ th* teagngfl of the flehart and tha famlly. ***** 3Slh-st. :.3d y?tr b. g\u* Oetober L_ [?? i lliSlK.l.M'- SCHOOL FOB oibIaT. REOPEXfi SEPTEMHF.R 28TH. i.i o.vrn BT. _, M ISB OAYLER'S DAY SCHOOL, FOll UMM. LADIES ANi' riTII.DREN, WiTH IUMiKH'.AUTI'.V EEOPEXS OCT. 1. 174 WEST P6TII-ST. T1 MISS CBOCKER and MIBB BBCB.-Seho?l for dlila reopei.e Wedneaday, Oct 7th. Olaaaea for bov?. ai wcu 4i'd-.-t.. oppo ? Bryanl Parlt. ^_m SUBtJRDAN M.yiv.U'.V Ioi Young T?dtes and t'liil dren, Wu-hinptoii i.v anl 17H1--... Bew-Yert Oty, wlll oi*n S't t';n.'"i I0"i. is'.-i. Attractivc sltoatloo, new buildlnn. Tiioroual. in.-tr ? Uon in all druartmenta. AU dr - ti* Prtnclpat Mr-. KDW1B JOHSm_ THE BEED BCBOOL, 0. ? and 10 Fa-t 63d-?t. ln i-i.a.i;a ot M,-s Julia O. McAUIttar, Prlnclpal. Mis. Svivmiu- Read, \ lnitor. 28th vear beclafl Oet. 1. 'Ili- Uilrd l.illditiit. No. 10. ]u*t afl.l-'d to th>-<.l. affnrd* ltniii(.v.4 tw. >mtno<lntlon? to bnt.i r, -il'iit and dav |iu|>il?. T'll COMSTOI K S.HOOL. Familv anrt Dav Bei ioi fbr fBrla; 20tti vear tieeinp Oct. l. Miss day. Prlnclpal. 82 wwt <oth^st. TTfFWfiSES mores. 047 Madlaoa-ava Boartllng and Dav scbool f"t YounR Ladle* and Chll? dren. Pr-vsr'j for Ra'-nard and oBier colleirea. Elghth year begln? gejAember 28._ Ii HK ni i -.?-1>- i.I'.aHam (?nec?M0 Mlaaaa Oi-eein.-BMTdlag anrl Da- S.-l*ol. KfUbllfched in 1S1.V Rr.|.-n? Oetober 1. fl> 5th-avn;__ Tlir. SEW-YORK COLLEOIATE IBST1TCTE. l'rin:a v A.oil nii,-, Oolleslate D.-jv-irtm. nt*. Reepena Oct 1. Certlflcat. admlta tn w.-lla. Smlth o. Weliealay . ol 1 I! . ALFRF.D C ROl l'.:i,,l;,jl. Mg 1 ? v.ox-ave. THK MlsmFiJ WREAKS' noard'.nc aad Da] Sehool for TO'i.if ladS'- tad I'hlldien, wlth Kind- rctarten Reopen- OatOb. I 1._17 i:a-t ?iMh-RL_ HE BlVERSiDE Bl BOOL-Mlafl Emily A. Ward, . Prlneip:il. I'reparatlon for Vaaaaff, r.arnurd anrt other colleeen for wom n. Aeade.nte, I:iteniiedi'.te. Prl.nary, Kiiirfer???rt'-n ?nd Sneeiai Claaa fo- Boya.'. ro ana ror reatdent nn-i.-. Beapoia Bept 18. 50 \K<-t IO1U1--1.. C-ntral I'ark. _\_ VAN XORMAN INSTrtTTE (Fo.ioded 18571.?ITome and Day .-'-inrf.!. Meflale nrli Expovltta 280 and iki 7i-.--t ? id W??l End-ave, tAnnex adjoitilnt:..; M n.... VAN NuKMAN Prlncl] wkst F.VD AVEXi'F. Behoal for Olrla.?Prlmary. Fro 11 njratorv, CoMrplate and Art Depnrtitient*; thor.,"eh at'idlo work. Mis- M.\RTH\ TIIOMPSOV. Princlual. Reopeas Oct. 1. 281 W.-t F.nd-ave., eor. 78th-at For V*oy*_ and Young I.It-n?City. ADVICi: ABOl'l' 8CHOOL8 and oircilar. free to p?r eata. litJte laeaUty, pflee d-?ired. (.upll'a aa.-'- und aex. r V. HBT8S00B. An.encan Schoal Borean, 2 w. 14th-at ^cLass roit BOY8.?Inteimadlau anl adraa >i , BIBdea, atud.Dta prepured for ,?,.' . . 1. "?. a lentlilo acbO<>B anrt 1mi-iii'.--._ W. I'. CHASK, 201 \\\.t it)lb-*.l. JEBEBKSLET SCHOOL. A.i.umn half. twolfth year, wlll beeln Monflny, Sept. 86, lbi.1, in tlie now ****** btilldiny, 18. 20. 22, 24 W.-t, 4lta-.-t. Aciomnioa?Uoii? for a llmlted numner of txarding atudt-nts. For latest rcgister and de?'.riiiti\c jtan.plilti addrvaa J. CLARK RF.ED, A. M.. Bcg^trar. COLLEOIATE IXSTl'Il"l'l; OF DK. I. BACBB, XO. 3ti WI'.ST B81 II ST.. REOl'ENS MdXliAV, BEPT. 21. TBOBOFOII PlU.PAl'.A'llON F'.R . OLI.KOF.S AND BC1KNT1F1C h.'iloui^s. OABEFVL TBAIB1BQ lOK BUS1KE8B. APFLICATIONS BECB1VEB AFTElt SEPT. \._ HABVAFJ) SCUOOL, 57s Ita aaa., laagau Baplembar 28, i8f?i. _W1LUAM 1 Iti.l.l.A.Nit, {,ilni|.al_ IltSTftOCTlOlf ln commerclai Uaocnea, eiocutiou, mlll Ury auenc^ *iid ta.-tica and deficl.iit EnHlah given oo riA*.t;L?iue t^fi4->; lon?' Qperlence. Call Tuc-daya aad ThuraOaya betwven B and 3, ?r a.ldr.f b F. HYATT. 118 Madlaoo-ava._ 1XSTITf"?E OV"Soi i,\i. |i OXDMP S Ha\ a ,d aven Ittt -.'lioi.i, preparatory to buatneaa and i ItlBMiahlp, wlll owen'r 14. '{?",? A f,.r cataloifue. _ ?ili5:-!;rN"r,'iN'. Fr..:dci.t I2i. Fart 28d-at 1RVIXO BOkBBL. \_o__x* U. iuy, M. A. Ml FIFTH-AVE.. Cor- 40th-?t-_ PieparaMtjn for ooilege or bnalaaaa. H. MOMBB*B BCHOOL POR BOYS. .... Mafllaoa ava <ii?:i- Octabet 1. lor elKUlara und informatlon, ad (_]. . ;jn; prlhclpai at r.,tiiit, Maaa._ Ir.NTix BCHOOL, 88 EAST TOTH-BT^BOB BOYS j nnd,'i thlrte?-n yaaM old. H.-alt.'iv ttalnlni; for yo.iiiu taya. o.-t l-_ PKKPA HA'iHTRY coliez--r. m*'." ":,t 1"1? W.-r. W7ih-aL" condjc-ua bv M. E W.-lla: Uie Uarnir tatteht h.w to atudy: Uiought exrrciacd and hpf-dy d-v-,o',,m.-i,t ot abllitlee by th-- n..-tho?s of lnMructlon em|i',oy?a; perfonal atu-nt:on to ea-h : llm!U1 to twolv.- arholam._ BIVEBB1TT ORAMMAB SCliOOL. 1.473^ Bmadway, near 42d atcal . . -? J UMVFRS1TY ORAM.MAR SCliOOL. 1,473 Broadway, near 42d at. 65th Tasr Prl'r-.rv. (,iain t'lal *a_\ Clw. alcal Dcptt. M. U_ HOBBY. B. C lIF.XDP.1CKeON'._ Cii/t maM^o.N'avk.. i...?r SOWi ??' Ti,, Bentley 114-i Kehqol l?"' Rova. R<op"iiK (x-Uile-r 1-t. WXLLlAM JOBZiS, A. 11. (Hiirvard,, Princlpul. For Both Sc\eB-City. ?nt'SlNESS KUl'CATlOX.-Uookkifpitut, wrlilng, ailU.n.etlc. correapoiideme, ipelllng, at> no-.'iaphy, type wiltin'.-. I.M1'.' departuieut. Prlvat, Inatructi .n dav, cvealog; all eumnier. 1'AlM.s ni B1XE8S CoLLSOE. *s_- Bownry. cor. Canal. ; uptown, 10.' West 3un-?t., cor. Br.iadw-ay._ _ ("tl.N'.i AB* ELO. I'TI.'X <?:.?- noa formlng; ten l.?*..ti?. *5. EL.Mi-.R Yul\N...MAX Klo-utloni.t, 111 st 28d-?t. _ '_ A A A 1.I.IJJ SCHOOL, 316 WU *. ll.,aie in* Day Behool foi Oiri- ana lloys. Roopena Sept 21, 181*1 K.paratlon for College._ JOHN MArMI'-I.I.KN> H HOOL ai t_ W. Kil-t-at.. i.a'f black trom tii- rabla tara, raopena Mondav. 8ept l'tli. 'l.tir,*, B100 * 0240. Hoard".*, ij-Kin. ClKUlan at 1'CTXASns. _.'7 W ..(] -t_ Bl|CTROI'.iI.IT\N i ol.I.I...T. OF MI'SIC. ***** 19 and 21 iiam H.h M., Xew Yorn city. li. no etiuai for in" Uj. i.,i, of Itiftru.tlon and the gb.-olute v>f'-'ty of Ita m.-Uioda. Fali (--nu ty.xiu*. Sept. it. Re.Uyitv depirlnieut (oi iady puj.llh from a dlfctuace. lodlay B...*, Pu-aid-ot: Alwtn Bgm Paraona, Vlra-Prea Id-si' fl. \* Gr-?iie. S.c'y and Trea.v For partlculurs *end for C<,n>.'ge APn.ia). _________-_ PacBarb'k bosixens roTIBBT wai reaptn for th? ?aa-on oo Tv-aday, Sept 1. 6eod rar d?w Biuatralad pruapectaa. S. B-'PACBAKI). Pr.-aldent _101 Eaat naf at cnenfffTKn nnanawB nmionT *** Tboronahly fiuallflea ladlea and ****** tor UraUclaaa pnaKlaiia In th-- Hhai^Kt |^ni?ible tlin^ A three , eeiiraa tn both .liorUiand snd f. pewrltinn. tUO; on.r mnntb. B12. Eveiilnji 'la?- arter Se|* 1. Te> Weat 'J2?l--t THE BOOg'ii'TA-VEX-All*. SPORTS7octa\o. 800 nacaa. ll.uauuea Tba ataaaaid antiMflBtf on A>.i>mar. onen ur aaiuff-wtnU. Rulaa fo. aallhifl. awlrrnmaK. hall play. toi ahaotini. hor-eba- \> rlfllng. ftc. ka.. la4alb (luar t??l ttfptt"l"*4 hv *i*t ' New-Yam. tz*__,___,*. iaiW iAKcraJiy caiapllBi?a?*ay (ha oreaa. Jnatrncnon. M'.M-ril I- atrti- flon _._,_. . _ __r__riT__T_L OrpanUt Sand* fitreet Memorlaj I\l ^'huMh ' Iir. o-U.'. ??R ?*?"??? lew-on. (plano and SL?*-&m-_r l. Add^Jl-T Duu.eid.,-. iuookl,-.# Hroakljn. rpHE R1B8E5 ELY'S LCHOOLWJR CIRIX 140142 ColumbU Heighta, Brooklyn. N. T., WUI re-o?f>n Beptember 30th. m?r n'ROOKI.YN Ill.I.iins SIMINARY.-Boirdliil T ?__ Da r Ki-ho-l fo* Olrla- ??t vear open*. Sect. 24. Aj a!,aB. l-r clrcBlira. 188140 Montaiue-it.. Brooklm. N. Y. Iloliokea ^TEVENS SCHOBL; ?mE ACADk"^ DEPARTMENT OF THE 8TEVEN8 UCBTITIITB OF TECHNOLOOY, Rlver-nt., bOVtaaa '>th and ate., Uohoken, N. 3. Rl.OFI'.NS M'.I'T. L'it, 1891. ExaminaUonr. for adn.Usioa on Uie -Int and 22d ef S?pr/f.n,rvT. r_ur.e of M..dif? Preiwretory to CoUeget, and Behools Full cour-e o^ JJJga*. Eaw, and RedJ-lM Thf Rate of TBRlea for AU (. Ujwea ls *150 per Year, or B50 per Terio. 1081 TERMK IN'l'Lt'DE ALL TIIE STUDIES. For CataloguM apply to MM Llbrarlan of Stc verx* Initltute. For Young Ladies?Conntry. ATEAt'H-.K of MVBTBl v ara' MMlt-M ln weU-ijnowu scm.oli f-labt- tu Uke a f,-? gui-, to f-a-'h ln her oa >i noufttf ln the BBuntry. not far fn* N R-jaRi ,L:'..?al BdVBiitafei lu an ? Prwuch layght by a i.atlvo. E5 jgwin Hvaa a.,1 r-.i.-in-i. (.A;!|'-)un_ onlce. BAQrETTN-TiTi :*. I irl iim-. B.J___r-9tm__ Jb* llJJl .,-n.a.i schooi Iti lo-itiB ladleti. Stud'.-nU prepar. for caUifi oi .j:i,.-..*.. Ki " rain Uofyafea._ Bi.iiii.Eiii >i i'r.NN.-niMi<..'iH"RiJE. -ABeardj luu -utt liaj bCBoel loi UUla. .'.eparatory ai.d l?u Aeadeailc Donrae. PuaUi preparat iy<- <-<>u*9a Aitejitj-ioirtii yoar. 1 1 ?A_.ll, I'l-.nnpal. _ ijORDENTOWN (N. J.fCoLLE.iE for youii. uoi-':n and 1> fffts BB l'-i,i,. K K, b-tw?_n X.Y. BBd Pi'''* JKdreea fara. UERTRUBE U. BOWRK. R. I- A., lr.?. 1) flXWilol)" 11a * i> ? a* A > 1 * ?' A V __rCHOO__i FOR DOIIU-b. H-Blll 'ul Voaatlo... d-lightf-.l aurrounfII..Jv ?_hor.ui- work. Prepaiatlnn Ior culle. ". ?o>> u"0*' iweive adniitud. K?r clr ?. >r-- nnd Mnna, adJre**. **ei ur* IX B. -R-8W0LP, Ljma, tonn._ ( ?i ATIIEBRAI. BCHOOL 0? BT. hUX? j UARDEN > ITY, L. I . B. T. -,.?,__! unn 1-.,,- vVedneaday, Bejjembor 24. Ef1?0* exaniluaS-iu futwdav, Beptemb-l 28, 10 a. rn. tn Ita. 3l?__-v&carR,uun-'? . \ass '..r;s:",!',:i'.r,r'f,,;rs-*.r.',':.:. ,-i-vr CLAS.SICAL AND HOME INSTITFTE . PBughkaepaie. B. V. hor yo-rg tapOmtm CBUdrcB. t,, -it-^ oi, ,-r; J ;rf.-> ^^ j^ v- S J ?Raoneni Hf*pt. 8lUi. . rparatloai for _ua_e a .peol-ltv F.iTil-4 "dmilVd 10 V?ss_,. Wll's. . ai.d Smith on .ortlflcatf. QA__y_l___ M. raW_RT_r__. A. R. DARLINOTOR SEMINARY for Youaa Ladlfs. W'fjl ChXrr. Ya MU. y-a- beflB. S-?t. M tJS?^__SliS" i?.-. .jtentive arounda, beJiuFiftil aod hf.-.l-hr io atton. Ovnnaalum. Lanauacea. Uuatc. Un*'- ?'"? "k- *^ flBO per year. Cataloa-fl-a. R- DARLIROTOli, l *?? ? ni'.i w LAJBIEV BEMINART. Carrnel, N. Y.- -'*''>',"'r ? IR HeanhM, h<i lha. "'"'^iF1'-. *'?..' _\? lUoat atad dieolar. Rev. QRO. CR08M .s.Inii. a.m. PI.MIRA COLLEOF. FOR 'VOMF.N. ?aia_a of tUxAy thoae of Or_r-. i*..* oollBpea. E)MRle hBhu. ?tfj__ h._t an-, oi.-iat-r. * f.ronDii4i..ui obaervatory. aJrtflfebool, Muaio Bulldlng, Oe._ 217 .t.m.'nts CHARLES van \,,,.:,,.n. D. D . Preat,, BUtdra. R. T. ? >,.,.i i.jiA .mi,.n.i.i..lAii. nfsWP-TE. i I vou-ijt -,.,..: ?n. BupertO? _<.l:<11,i.'s and adv.i Twelv. uae ln ia Bla ar-dwattng eoaraee a^d prepara lorv. Kor schooi year bealaalaa Bapl M>. *'in- '"'.''* ? lim' M - lUuattated ,-at,alo_,i,-. JOS. B. KIN... lt. U., iM.rt :.1?aiU, S. Y._ ftOLOY.S IIII.L SEMINARY for Youna__*Blea, Brldn lli.oit, Conn. M s, r.Mll.Y Nl.l.soN, Prlncir?l; Mrna ANNiEP. <4ir,soN. Aaaoclaai PrlaeIpaL _ 1 1 l.l.I.Mi'Tll COLLEOB fou romta womew and oirls. EDl'CATION*. HTiALTIL HOME. Large Illi.-tratfd CBtBl-SM BMl ?a appll'Otlon. Student4 from aJl pnrts of An,.-rloa. N-inber recelved limited. CondiH-ud per/ttei kave BewTork, CtaetaBaU. t'hiiiaao and other poiu'... trr the Cell__c, ta s-ir.ii.i.-T. Rfiv. _ N. ENOLI8H, M. A.. I'rlncipal, LONDON. OVl'.IIlu. DAXAPA._ DME iv- . i town. v ? -*? 1 oarii nu -...d Say achool Ri rounc tadlea aad ?*tt? KJJf- ,.XVI" re-opeo Sept. 17. Rlai R. W. me.cai.i-. PrlBclpaL 1 YV BALL.-HOME ARD COLLEOB l'REPARATORY 1 S,_f,?l ror rouna Ladlaa. Eatabllahed 1881. Mr.. J. ALLEN MAXWI.1,1, IiridL-.-ton. N- -'? LIVINf-kSTON PARK 8EMINARY, RocheBter. N. Y Home Chiin-h > t. ^r the ear-. manag ment.afld tnltur. of roung ladlen. 3-. ' : ,'," 'hl1 Wrtte lor i!ii:-'i-it,-'l elreular. Mr-. I . M. i rUj, I'i-." pal. M ? VNi.nN UALL?FOR TOUNO LADIUs. 1/ 4'Jd v'-ar. College preparatloo. C reiilara hy jnatl. bARUEL WELLS B_UCK, A. U_, Fom-IiI:-"l> R. R. \ _ MORRiBTOWN, Nl.W-JI U-.i-V. st.. Hll_??? Schooi for ,.. rwelfth yea, lK-gina BmL_g.g_^ MRS. BOBERT H. ..KlS'voi.n aod ,in> l-Ii'-t-., Ib their Home S-.-hool for <? rla. at Lvme, Conn., bealdre ti, ? .,.,,,1 braii.-l. -. teach Ih. barp juiui ai.d elcgant f.,. .-ipn nnbrolderif*. uii'isuauj btalthy._ ISS iii'LKT.r.Y's Boardlna and Hj_- Schooi for olrla. Tattytown on Uudaoa. l'riii.-ipais. Mlss h. l. Bnlk Rlv. E C Plunilcy. Addr na by [ettei until Sept. 1 ISS ANN \ 1>. iOWNSEN'DS fi, HOOL TOR 'iMU/S ha.- removed from Jainalea, L i.. to .'.4 Park Plaee, wark, R. .). Yeai begina Sept 24. Illls, .'At.iMRrRT'8 KvMII.Y 4NI> DJYf BCHOOL Iti TOR i.II'.i.s. ll Son -. PltUfleld, Mi-s vil-t \-.,r 1,-t taa 8 p:. --? * : .. .. M:-- >.!,!.-nt'itv. Plttafleld, Raea._ _\Ti>.\ BRIfi ' ' '-' INSTITL'TI FOR ,.11.I.s, I?J l'it-r-,,11 N..I. .-,:i;i.-,'. a.! . ; M.., j. k. HOOV1 ii. ' i->- -.-ai .?.,!.--. Oxfoid, England. MISS ^t ^I HUlfT'S P.oardlng ind l.a-- Srhool removed ti. Ssumnil', NewJere-y; termn, ?3.6, lncludlng lan puipes. Aililr-.s i,v latter ontll Sepl rober._ MlSfi TH. MAN'M I AMII.Y )',. i \ I'. 0 ! N- . ? < II* X 11.. 1 ,, Uie r,.- |.:: Ml ol ? puplla onl. . atirlnit. i.r. " ,t-.-'l for Vaaaar i-iimh-??? ly , .'rtiiicato. Open. Wrdncaday. B pt H'.Hi. Apply :.'* a. i'i. ,ii>--'. Po, ?:.!?-? -|.-:-. N- Y. _ Ml i.i,!/ \ i.i-.l II *' '? S \'> - /..un . , ?;,.. .. m irrl-t, mn. N I, ? * i.?i;,-.i- S-ptem bet -.'... Ti rn - -cerd Nid tultl. ? . LaHB >-A fOOO. , IrciiUr. on arplli itloa. _ in. A -Imary. -ful at ,'' ?,.,',', f.ii loeatloB. 8] a> Term' if,..,|. ?? i. _ MEW ENOLAND CONSBRVATORT OP MF810. Founrif-,1 by Dr. BBEB TOl'RJEE CARL PAELTER, Dir?ctor. INSTRUCT10N IR FIANO. OROAR, 70ICE, VloLIS, I Byatamatte eaoreaa iu tlaa* aad prlvata laaaaaa. Tuition, .-,, ?. -:io f, - -.-() elaaa Iwaaaa Rany Prea I Kaeltala, ko, EIo iitlea, Oratory Bad DR ,\,tii,-i, i-im- Art*, Uteratara, Laagnaava, Ptaao and TaaiBg r.i.Mi ORTABLB HOME mt Lady btiidnits. Cai. <>dar fr.-c E.M.I. HUM Iil.rlN'r. SEPT. 10. 1891. frank W. HALE.Oraaral Min_?f*r. FRANK LIN BUITARE PO_RDR, RASS._ r\(iONTZ SCHOOL FOR YOI'NU LADIES. Rem,,v, i la E~*o.t f;,,.f. Cheftaut-at, l'liila<elphla. to (,-,,:.'.- 'I,-- ipacloui conntry *-<%t ?,f ,lav C.,ok?, wiii b?gin Ita lorty-aecond yeai Wedaeiday, Beptenher :io. F,,r cr. CORra, apply to PrlnclpaU. Ogont/. BchOrt, Muntgoni.ry County. Penn._ Mi-. i:\ir.n-, IN'STITUTE, Bonralk. Cona. A . sehool f..' - ai-,1 Ynang lai'Iif*. I'-lmary Intermedlate and I'oIIpbo l'r-,,,r.,- - ? .--,-. Oarefu i I. YE _E.MI.NARV. Rl I *- -iv-York. im partieulara a Idreaa Mli.-s s. j i.H'f.. 8T A'iN'i?> SOHOOti Altapy. N Y.?lUuirr th- dlMC Hon of Bianoi. U'.me. L'ftt year. I-uU coura^a of .t.dr imn k nernrtBB Uironch Harvard Co.irs. ttt Wo.uet:. 34 lr,fctr,nt<,r- Tuttlon ?400 a Ko. mu lc-,i" .? b'i A.i.NES SCHOOL <T fJAl'.Ull.I... B< HOOL, I'i'.EKSKII.L. N. Y.-A ij iiturdiiij -. i i, under th. karga ol tbe Slatt - Bl Bl Mar> (E|ii-.:,,p:il). Tw< nti-tli y a! ,:._)? Biencei Beptember 28. Addrcs The fcin-er |n eharge._ ST, CaTHERINE'8 Il.\LL.-18*Ji year. Lon. laland di> c>--an icbool for Kirla. liiilard^O and .-.\t-,t.. iirera Larg.; aud ? rtltinnt -.taff of prof >-trs and U-trher* All cartlf-.l'.ai-i o.i appllcaU . io Het-iiOA wB-hington-avo.. Brodklyn ST. MABT'S HALL, IM'KI.I NOTO V, B. .1. |_fty-llf-j I S- Lit-iiil,' r 23. 1891. Mi-? CRARLOTTE TlTCOJ-B, PriaclpaL rpHE 0SS1N1NO SEMINARY, I BIRO-SINO-ON-THEHUDBOR, R. T. a a.-hooi ..r tj, i.'-.i.lan foi yaani Ladl-a, homeiikf, lic-iithfiii, tborongb. Witi, a anpeiloi (j,? .ity, beautUol aeenery, aml uidari a eornefl laclud_n_ Iho Bev. Dra. V, L. pBUon, H. M. 1 i..|_. Wm 11. Itt-erti Wn B. MeoM, C. ... iinii. tt.. m: - E. li. 8H1XRARD PrUiclRu. rpHlNltY B I r.E REVERLY B. 3. I ; L it'.iii'- Ht-honl of i.i/ii arade; aolld oulturo lu Bogllah, aiual. irl Iai ir'.f'ii traln ing i tiuiiii-r. miii'i ..;,. I, a.v Twenty-fourUt yrBr 1 |1bi > ut, 21 1 '? Item MISS K*. iii'.i.i.i. uii'.hons iiint. PrinclpaL THB Yni'NU LADIES' SEMINARY. PretholA, >. J - a pleaaaat i ??. ?-. i?lth ?xteiicnt nnu ? ?- f r an .ducation. Ml-a BURIOE D. 8EWALL, PRnelpal. I-'IIE MORAVIW SEMINARY IiKtliiehem Pa.. for rnort- than a .e.itu:T favotabiy anown ??, a cona, bntloui ind ?th<?>?r_I educator of i? ag i.on-.?n. invltt^ au ex anilnatiori ,,f it- ..<?- d. ar.d earrieulttBX_ rpi'.MI'I.E OROVB I.ADIEs* s;-.Mi\ARV.' Saratoga 1 ' R. Y.-Tiilrtv-aevet.-ji r.-ar beglni Bopt 1 addr-ai chaS. r. Bo<\'i, pi, d. Prea. f ,~XY')S' Si.SriNARV l-'wil ,,1K1.S !, U l.. I, ',, -ill"- Iron N-? Yo BevenBi ,-fond , ?rl Ki A.>ir?v- Ml-- 8. A. Ut'N': Wl - I WALN-1 .- 1 l. INAnY fnr I !. , . '.- _ 1 ..- ! - D .. :. ; piTli.r .-dueatlon ln Coll.-.-Utc. *?_,?, tic, aiid Pr.-|M?rat/)ry ]i. pjrt, i-j,t? a ?., in Mii-i- and Art. MH- RBRRIRTTa Kl*TZ, 2Atz W.-iinutst.. I'bllada. WEST WALN'l'T STRF-ET P.OARr.IN'fl S.'HOOr, for ...r.- ii ? liBj .'...- -j h aad oroffreaalvi IMl -- Mlf- J. TRAtrr.'dA.VN, 4.S01 Wainut-. t.. pi,llad.-lpbla. PB. _'or lloys and Yauof llfB Oaailllf BETTs ACADEMT, hun.i?id, i - :,ti. IM * Prepa.-'-- l'< Uallega, _.-..t!l;i- .-..I,,,,. ,? l. aiina to surtuuiid >fl.<e.:'-- iviih hairn, InBueneca. ta l ' tnr lndiVi.'mi out tnv ? -.?-- thr !,?_|? ?( y,urk. Bl+Bfe] itudeea are idvanced np-diy. iet Hwraughiy; I aluwer lufiltal ...ot?_if-iit rectdvt . ttr? au.-ntioii. __?a. i BBTPl, M. /. (_..j, . j?rlB-lpal._ BeaRi. IN" BOf-OOl! RDB li BOYB, h?_?tlfBlh ?lln-at-a on _h>- haiilit of bl,T>-w?.virv Rlv<r, Red OaAB, B. 3. PltM??n? h..ti,4>: gii v-ar-' rui^rirn.-f O. W. TfTARR. A. M . BupeilB-BB-B-*. BOItDENT".'.'.'. '? I -rii.ITAI'.y INSTITITI ' LA',-|...\. KUfMIfAL I.lI.iM i. U La;?i.ii\. COM RAN BART. I? OTS* UDAllMN. S.'.l/OoL.-Tl.TOgKs V * >V l U rheetei M y.-tftoiaoai. B4?narai.S. fer oBllagc. ?" eiktllk aoko. Js <k \ti*toeaa PrtXy-UOri year wll np*" bept. IA. *t!aria>-d hv vt'tm: tytmnaiuai. For alf,?>:.__?? ooVtyKt, -- _'. RAIUIIM, jx>^, t\. U . d'riadlN jnsminion. _ For Boys and Young Men?Country. CAXA.N'DAH.i A A< ADF.MY.-Baya only In.-orporaud ir?j honie eare and tnlnlng ; prepar?a for auy colieaa. Addn?--. .'?" pr'i'i|'?l' ?'? ?' .N'.rtRIS. tananrtalyua, X. Y. C, ni i/n v"am military acadfmv iiioi,:/ Mnntiromery Cu.. Penn. Unexcelled ln beautr ____ hl-iitiifili"-- ot loeatlon and aurroundlnca tnd ln bulld **!*nSnulpmea* anrt all otber reoulaltea of a flrat-elaae il^.ooL xuniber t. uo. Par llluatratod drcular. Jdd??a._JBO- CaIvIb RICK, A.M., Prlnci^ab_ jS v-,t 0B1BHWICB ACADEMY. JVo'in'.d 1808. Rou. Bexca On Barraganaatt Bay. ^t??". ?**? Elertrb- bght- Bbidowed. Twelvc rourae*. T..00 a year. Bt*t*tmt lat. For Ulustratod catalogue ItavTy. D. l'.l.AM.-I.r,I-? D. D.. BMB Oreenwleh. K. I _n aSTMAB BU8INE8.S COLLEOE, poughke'-pele.N.T. rj.ii>.-i a.i the vear Thorouxh ln-trnotlon ln llaoitkeepiiig. u^nktng Coaimerclal Law. I'eitinauah.p. ^o'^apondenca, Slo, Bc. TelejrraphT, st*..o?raphy. Tjpewriuag.*' Buaioaaa men -iim,i:,.l "1th .-omp.-tentaa8lauu.ta oa ***** So eharee for .it-.atious fumUhed. Send for eat 1 g?: *T> UtWOOIi SCHOOL FOR BOYS.-At Mllford, Coan. tj l*ai?.iU who ar-- wifortunaU- ln Uio oi their iBOfl wlll Ao weU tn p.ufit br the ad.antogo oflerea ii, thia .chuoi. Addreaa FP.ank ?1. BQWE, sui/t._, FREBHOLD INSTITl.'TE. FreehoM. N. J. ; 4Bth yeafj eolieg? pr-paration a epeeialty; bualimia. higb acaooi and i_ourse- ____?, _T?OLBEB HILL PBEPABATOBY BCHOOL lf FOR I) il - -i-.o I'.-r Annum. __KlM.--loX-ON-Hli)5-_i_X. V Y-____. 7-.LEXWOUD MILITARY i.NSTUTTF,. $300. CIIA.S. Ufl JA....AR. a. II., Ph. D., PrtaclpeL Matawao, ?? l* ovtaat Beptembar intb. Catalogoca ?n appllcaaoa._, HOME a.nii BCHOOL ...r li yonng *__**-*******? tioro'ivt,, Brm gloeipllna. lnd'vldual attentlon ; gyn> ,,____*,'. cli.'ilan-. FRAXCI.S H. UREWER. A. M-. palrfleld. Conn. _ ?. LTKF.tVOOD iiFKillTS SCHOOL. Lake wood New. jor-ey.-Amona u.e pinea. A thorough aod attra- .t**? -, iiool for boya. Op-na Oct 1. _?_ .._._.,__., -, ,.oo. r v JAj^IOS w.jaOREY.J'rlnclpab_ BfEBRliL it.'siMSs COLLEOE. __**** ?__?_____ M V..,: be |?- 9t* 7. Cnmm.-rvUI. iho'tt^ JWC I aeademlc fl p"-. Cetaloguea. ktjtrtt* M. a. M?riB. _______ aa nxn i.AIll MILITARY ACADF.MY Mjntvlajr. [Tl X. J Coli-.-- and hinlnr** nreparatlon. A'1? Ki" nM,u.n andcxteaalvc g^-^ggg^ ???* j aeleet Famlly Soaool for Boya from 7 to 16 inclualva. b'end for clreular to M. C. MITCH1XL. fa***^ MTtTKNAPi*!?f WoTBl-rfeCHOrti.. PiJm0/?~?"'i7" bora. H. K. Larned (Harvard). Hcad-m.>ator. Mra. knapp, Prlnclpal. ., ? ,., *_...? IvvVi.KU 1'OIXT FCflOOL. Daiburr. Maaa.-M hora. labcratorl,,. F. B. Knapp. S. R. (M. K_t__r*\ti*aa9*m\ achoola l..",,.:" for sii-ntlllni Sehool. ColleKe or BuataMa A.ti|,le arcind-. on Plvmo'ith Bav. Indlvld'ial t.*cnin?: V RWTON iV. J.) LB8TlTUTE^Hi'Bbe??j8?5S,,Wl H hea'tbi,-.-. mont homcllke bovA' aehoola wdfMn ? ^lle? it X. V. '?"?.]''''..-ly .I'l'-li'i-d. A?^?**? **l*^___t_*_\ Mddlebenw, i>o.'i-*, .*-? I, WILSQB. A. **, Tt******* NOBWALK MILITARY IBSTI+UTE, BOBWALE, ' "N'N. 1"th ve:,r. Preparea thorouif.ilv for collef*. aclantlflc ^-^^^^^'^-li^rii^^Kv'r^:^^.^ PEXXSVLVAXIA MILITARY ACADBMT, ( b**tar, Pa. Wh Sflflt ?*?"? ^'l'0- 10- 81* A MILITARY AlLLi.'-l'.. _.__ Clvil En(rincorii.?. Chamlatry, Arrliifct'tre, Arta. A I'r.-u.iraUirv Courae of ou-' >ca:. drcular, of M1-: fta^JWfcf . ol p OVOHBEEPSiE MILITARY I^'Y'^ir Iu"in"^ I preparatlon for eoileire, scientfie ;'''">'^, rJ^ ;;? l^cition healthtal. an.pi; (rrawjda for a t t? ?i".rt?. FRANK ll'.I.l.A.NI. ' . Bj, WjM'e1'-. Poughkeepale, w. x. _ aaiVERViEW a"cjademy. ^ y 'V.A _?,, Pr.i,'?'?'.?'"-. thorouehlr for College, th* Oov. ****** ^*^^StI ww fflSr R7;;f?^f"^h:!^MS^^-cee: thorough fc.'i.ool ayatom. Extenalve Mr'.'md-; pymna-luni boat hevae, *'c. Addreaa Rev. B. L EVKBEST. M. A.. Reetor. KrOERS COLLEOE PBEPABATORY BCHOOL, Bew Brunawkf, B. J. Reopens Beptember 18, 1891. ****** ' ".T .V'i'a V vVx"; a: M..'"neadMMflato,. . *\*r. Al'.STIX'S .SCHOOL tIN-l'OR'Dl, Xew-Brlehton, Sta.en Island, N. T. A Chun-h Behool of the hiche-t olaaa for boya; mlll tarv; teraia, B800; Nffll r<-8ld"nt m?nten* trom itrown Lonrfon, Cambridje, Dublln and Parta; houae ?nd ?roaflda foi ' immodorfl Oarncr) ?n.ona tho mcit beautlfil near Bew-York i w.ll repaya a AAt. I'.ev. O. MOBTIMBB. D. D- Kec. _ ST JOHX'S BCHOOX* -I.NO SIXO, X. Y. Rav. J. H. OiltSON. D. D.. Roctor. Edward II. Bo-twl. k. M. A.. Warren S. Adama, H. A., Awo.'it> Prlnclpala. Preparci for colb's??. ."ienf'?'' anrt ik,vertiment ?,-hoola, nr hu-1ne<- Uf"; mllltan ?v.-tem. e\t..n?iv" plaverouna?, BTDina-I'im, laborator .md boy.' wnrkahop. Speilul urovlali.ii forth. -ar, of vouna-r.boya. THK '.'311 YEAR WILL BEOIB BEPT. IB. 1891. _ OT T.i' K P.'S BCHOOL, BtXSTLETOB, PA.?Bea* Phlla S d'.'phi.i. a hla I. ExcqiUooally health. atloo, Hc.mhibil aurronndlncs. Preiiur-'a for any eolleca or buaioeaa. Ilovs enu-r-d Yale, prln'-eton and I.elilirh aucccaafully ln-f, v.-ar. i-ix-rlal eare of youn?er Boya. BumberJImltod < H as. B. 8TBOPT, PrlnclpaL ST. joiixr, militar'v scnooL. MANLIUS, X. Y. rnder the vi-lfit.nn of tlie War D-partment. Mllltary _^ V* * iElt*2%*l YERBBCB, ? glllallB8BI8 SlMMFR srnont. at the Feek-kill Mlliury Acadcmy. Locatlon bcilthfil; ..'?r- aud lnatruetlon oxcelleut 1011.V N. TiLDEX. A. M.. M. D.. PrlnclDal. S THE '1 .'. PLEA8ABT MILITARY ACADF.MY will ,- -,',-.h vear on Sept. lsth. Full eour?e of atudy. Un ,|.|,: . ,-.:.'??? i and evcrj faclllty for tho coauflM aud ad ?:?.'. ot Btudento. Addrtaa ?__?. ? , , , J. HOWB ALLKN, Prlnelpal. jg lOLAft'S PBEPaRaTORY SCftOOC Th. m -take. ln J5 brtaglns uji buy-. beflaa at A i.aii,|)hlet. yWOO a year.) HENRY W. SIOLAR, WewburgB, ^f. Y._ w' IOLAR'9 PBEPABATORY BCHOOL.-Reunlon ln 1802 J> - BOth annlveraary. "Ou? "id Hoys" ov.rywhere ara r, ni. -t..d to ?>.hU thi-lrjir'-?".it aiiclre*-.". to HKNRY W. SIOLAR, Newburgh, N. J. ST i.i tii'.oi.'s HALL FOB BOTS, Si. Oeorga'a, Md.? Co leBe or I",-..,--. Pfot J. C. BlXEATl, A M.. l'i;ii. L'naurpaaaed, thorough, -af??. and reaaonablo ehargea. JJi y>U-.\: -i'ii'">L POB BOYS. C* A. THE BBYAXT SCHOOL. Ro<lvn. __. I., X. Y. 0k1nl L. 1 s umd. Send for 11'uKtratcd ratalo?t^e: riMtlXlTY SCHOOL. TIVOLI-ON-HITDCOX, ^1. Y. I Locatlon anrt -urro'ii.dln?8 >inanr|iaa.?ed. Equipmenl'*u-. Oymnaalum. drill hair, bowiinr aliey*. cw. Thorouph pr.'paraM,,n for roilene. -lentlflc siiioola or bual 0eA8. IAS STARR CLARK. D. I).. Rectof._ f|>iii: cci.i,io.i.v ri:"institttf.. "The Caatle." Xew. I Roeh. ,- N f .'? -. - iir-par-.l for coMeee or bu'lnoaa: rootnt alapautly furnUhed. lt. F. ruLLER, M. a . I'rlm 'IMll. BIOHLAXD M1LITABT ACADF.MY. Worciater. I Maa*., beflna ...,tli year S.'ir,. IU- Ciaaaloal, Hclentiflfi. lt -iiii-vs. I'repaiatory Dt-pto. Car .ful Tralnlnis. Hotn.) Com forto 1. A SHAW, A. M I ad Mastor. 'Ii HE '.''N'M'.llV, 1 a famlly a <i,">l for a llmtt.-d numb' r of boya. Addicss .("HN C. IliUN'SMADE. \v?,hint;t,ii Lit nfl, il Countv. Cana._ aarvoMixo semixaBY, bibobtob, pa. "" Sj?. mi...-: .', ll, ir- preparaUon, Moatfl ?Jid Art. i,i oin -in.- Courae ai-n la Belaneea :>nd Qflflrtea. Wrat elaaa Boalneai Collegn eonneeted with lahaal. Beetrle . t BirouRhoul bulldlnga. Elegant now ehapel. Ba - foi Mu-..-. Elghteon Inatruatora. Flr-t- ii -- boardlnfi departaMmt. Expeaaea: Fall t-'mi. ti,.it,.ii weoWa, fnr board, wi-hina, talUao In academlo ligin atean h'..t. room r nt. ,t'-.. 470.oo. i'..n term opena Bept i. lor eatoloauc, add Bev. L. L BPBAOUE, D. U., w i'-i 'i-.-i ii; \cadi-:m V.-.'.-Ui year. Tl -.ctoitah prep. . r -.'i.iit.ii.' aehool; auuilrable n.w uiidm,-. complete labo:aU,rn:s, auperb gimiiaaliuii: an.oie uamptia; aeneral athletlo cround-; . mder track. Ii.'W. ABEIP ROMBIE, A. M., Prli... Woreestcr. Maaa. _***-* -CHARLOTTE BALL SCIIo01^18'Jl.-81tna I / ?4. ti ?, 'i:i-i:r|ia-s<id 'or bealth. BngUflfl, dasaical. n iti.'il. commareial md mllltary coutaea. Addr?s? K. W. 6ILVESTER, Charlo'te Ball, 6t. Mary'a Co.. Md. For Both Sexes?<'ountry. CHAl'l'AQU* MOUNTAlH lXbl'lTUlK, Chappaqua, .N. V.??jrd- r i)i,i^'ran.iurt for lhUI-'li-' ?nU p.otura. viiioii.. the liiii-. tbirty-two Bille. fron. Mew.York._ i. Kl I' LITEHABY INSTITUTIOX, 8u?eld, \y . y:,n- Co-udueatioaal preparefl (?r eollege md bu-i ;.i. n.holarahtpa; open? Beptember .'d._ DHKIN-'A -I MIN \KY, U I I.I.IA M-I'OKT. l'l'.NX. A to'irmi'-'lilv -X|iil|,|,-'l il.--I'il and Si'i.-.iUII.- Scliool f,,r tiotn ?\,.-: 1.1 t, aid r- R*auta? and BlectiTo Counea. O'iferred. Uare fa.-lTltlaa ln Muale, Art and Mod.'rii Laii.' - ' eleetrlc light, all modern .. ii,.i,,. ._-'* ;<* ).-.,. all tharnea for a jear ln a regular , our ?. Dlai ouuta ( . i'f ? hi ra, tearhor; Mia tw , Irom tamfl ? ^ >"r"i,h;,,i:Vv %liVvA*t. _ PEDDIE [BSTITUTE. HIOHTSTOWN, N. J. 18 lu I'a.'ilt.. Pr"i)?r'8 for Colltge. lt-a.hln?, fluaine-8. Tboroneli in >'? riian, French, Kflflflflj Art ODCna bont. Oth. bia . P ' H. Iv isLAUOHT. A M , PrlBOlgal. PEBBIBOTON (X. J.) BEMIBAB1 a.VB LADJB9 . o'.kiie Vnrt y ar. Olt-r- ran udu.'ational factl Itiea. Tei'ma mort.iiate. lllch and hea'tnw - , | ea-; llra **< w,?ea. Buy of aceena i'HOS. HANI.ON. 1). D.. pr.-lil,nt fnr 2'2 Terma moderato. Hlgh and hea'tnrui. Steau. venr*. Hli' KLaXD COLLfeOE. X\-> i. oiith.--ll':d-*on-liotb ?etiM. OymnaaUefl. Mllltory Dull and Baglaeerlag , i ,|,- Cataloguea free._ SiVARTMAlOHr ' OLLWIK, SWAILIHMORE. PA. .,,??..- '.'li, i?oi,fl, 3"... ISU. 'l".r'-J Brtaalffl teBJB Broad tt. feuti'in L'nder aara of Frlenaa. r"ii Cuii'-g. t our-'- for .-oth aeae. leadlng to Claaalcal, h.iigi acleoUUc and LBMry B^greea. Healthful iocu ti,,u exleaatve pround.-. bulldin;:- ma.-tilne ahop-. labora Kirlea and llbrarlea. l"? partn-ulurs und 'atalojuo ad ,?,-, SWAIlijIMORK COLLEOE._ fiitir rr tVKRAOR COLLE??E and lli'DSON RIVIcTt ,, In ?". t- for Boya anl oirh \.ui open lt- 3HMi y.-ar sept. 11, l.'.l. I .,.- '?atalOL'.ic* addreaa IVv A II PLAl K A. M., Pre-t.. Clavraok. X. T. _ a. -i\ ,v yi. Ml Board and tultlnii. S.uiiuat'y telr'.^. ; m\OA3 *i'.u tewtaoiy iIm.v- thorough ln ... ; ,-rv I althy; bflflt eare. i. .?. Iiooli., lla,'l. N I Mh*D*9**o**. CilMCVXaABB aehoola, both aex.-?, elty and couatry. aunilied witn car?ful advlce to parenta. MIRIAM 0OYRIr.BE Room 14. 150 5ih-ava. A Ifathrrs. MEB1CAB ABD F0RE1O.N lEACBBRB' AUEXCT bii-p.ica l'ro.'.--oi?, Toackata, iuuira, <H?veraiaa?a kc.. t- ' ollegea. s-uaol. and lain.liea. Ayply to Mr-. M. J yOUN ? t I LTOW, iA Uj>)..u ^^uara. A- ,, roBH Profaaaora, Teaehera, Oovaroaaaaa oi aii . I.r.ntl. ?? aupftiled Ui univ?r?itl-'a, coll-.po->. -elio,,|? .eo iji... i'i. maf. a.boula to aarejit*. Haderu ianguafta apokeu. MIRIAM COYRIERE. Kaoai lV WO 5tb.Jv_ _. "r vro.vR (Yal ?,, r,811 Broadway.' Privata /\. tutor i,r?paratlon Ior evlkga . eoa.-hing f?r evainina lon- Aidr--- mtll >ept. 4. Tnller llo"**. illrhilwld .^.rln.'v N v. Vork_ BTI'.a. BEB8 -'ipplled for all BranckflB. ln aay luialUv :.ii ll-.l. f.r reglatration. Farm for atamu y V I ? - ol !;.: i'i '-' W- llth-J*, |>KI\'ATI. rt'9'OH -.oliimbla honor man atid Vmv^r. I -.ity >>lio8v toiM-Ue, ln . oiiaaiatv and preparatory etudteA Addreaa Box-1*. WBIte^'OlDfl, X.-X. C-dfheri. _TriffnVlERHOHk'8 TEACHRR8' AQRNCT. B?WS a?" ^*j^al<,r4tl.'i,t.UNSY. ES^MW,a* 1W' aynTToTC^-TWIegi* __aaaaB i? San Iet ??? w??">*? aop 1 u.nb-r i. w i, ....,-uatci.v ii awpaBdjfQ^jar* _?._._? Addr-.*. II.'TOR, Bot 30, Tribune Lptown _\TSm7____\ ^'?^^___^...l ..-,_?r-g-z C-xpTri^fT.AATlWPA' TTTi^NCT ?i.ppllo". ef bool nUctta wilht-acher-: teachet- ?1th poaltlona. _ I, M HARRINOT'.N, Prt.p y? 44 Ea* 14th-?t.. N _ Y_. W \vn.P .-T-'Bch'-r f?r ho-. a achool; a r,t-u.. ?aalRMBB, with igceea-fel eaperleae* ta ajaa> ,? *. _ bor-t: ?i?rv llteral. Addr<-.-.. wiib lettj Mcr? -VLIVB B. FRATT. Jr. Mllwauk-e Aeademy. M ilv-aukf-a. Wla._,_ , ? U7 AN'T-D -ln a dellghnfuilv tltuated alrie' \\ Behool In Conn-?-tkut. U. the country, n?ar the OexaA, . Vrmanfnt .cicher of th.* achool bran.-he*. brlnglng '.Tu,. Addrre* Bo . 1,5?- N>? -lluv.jn. < o.m._ fcTsTKft Im'mKUIA IELY,*?i'*i \V reaeber Otj-B-an, Preneh, for sfmiiiarv. *60t" ?'? -?.,?. ; loaehrr drawing. ...Inting. hwding-at-nool; t**a*n?r ?>.,?_ naave; *ix goveraeMBa, for BriKlwa f*n'"".*; ,ou"-"ef>p-r triaBfuioi.. ucnt'emea: iwe Rae*wJf mamSeta* braneh-a; teaeher O-rman. Fre.i.n, ??g n?. KpTaT-palian. Apply to mi-s donovaN's teaciI ],)ts' III'REAU, 30 Baal 14tl,s*?._ ttauroaaa .?AMBBIGA'N i.lti iikhT BBAII.IBRA-?.? N?W YOR* CENTRAL & Hudson River Railroad. THE FOtTR-TKACK TRUNK LINE. All tralna arrlve at and dcpart from CRAND CENTRAL 8TATION. Fourth Ave. and p*rtr-aet*ond Mt.. Sew. .ork. Caritre of Hotel and Re*ld*n.e Kectlon. THE ONLY RAILROAD 8TATION IN THE CITY. Traln* letive nn followet i-A-r maii ani. 1.004) laLARR SPBCIAL. tt.11. a m -For Alhanv U tl-a. Clayton (e_cept Sunday). m\ina\aSa, Rooh.nmat, ,lwi?. due ? 8:10 a. ?. 8ARATOI.A. I.AKB I.KOKI.K ANO MONTIlbAL araciAia Bi'AO A. M.-Wa?ner drawlng-rooro BBJB BRBBjfe. Oue .*tai_t??a _:.. p. rn., Coldwell (L. <?eorget 4.05 P- ni., Alonr.reil 9 :15 p. nt. Ni'W-YOKK ANO OHICAOO Ll.MITED. 10,00 A. BL -Compoaad CX, l-.slvelv of W.p**! V^M? liurret, BflMhlncand Ubrary. i>fnii<? i???>?.'*n>^ ment aud SU-iard Bleeptaf and Drawing-Loom tar . Due Chleago 9 iAB a. ni. next day. ciiituio dav ixruaa .. 10:30 A. M.-Dallv Bzerjt Kundiiva CenneoR Jltu-iav ii.mortant RewTVork Stau. Uaei fU??3ftt_____L traln dof-t no*. run -_*t ?f CtAtektm and Detrolt. -lll TH .VF.-.TKHN 1,111 ITBD. Ii30 P. M.-Wiwmcr V-Mhulf* tXtawinglXoom maaplntl. y-iltet. Smolili.K and L.r.rary Dlntue ju.d Cal._car*. Due. Ctnctanatl 10:60 a. m., indlanapolia 11.65 a. m., St. Louis 7:18 p. ro. _-_* day. No ^x'-ra faif. WOKLirs FAIR hPKOIAL. 1i30 P. ?G-Wafl-ar v.->tib,ii", bieeplns.,.taektaa aad Llbrary and Ddnlna ( ar* Due thi.:n?<. 8:00 p. m. nr\t da?. Xo extra !-.-??. MITKDAY SA11ATOI1A MMITF.D. 1:40 P. ..I.-Waaner Drawln--K,-<im and Buffet SmoKlng Cor?. Due Saratopa 6:10 p. m. aiARATOOA aRRCIAli. 13.30 P. M.-Wngui-r Dran ing Room (Rra. Due *^bmny 7 ?:.'.-., Tr-iy 7 i?. BaraMfB I :40 p. m. Rurm tnrougu to L?ka ijeorgf wlurd_ji. MillTH rtllORF. MMITED. 4i30 P. M.-Wa.... ? VeaUhota BbBR o??\n*?n0?' sleoptaf and Dlalnf Cara, Duo D.troit 0:l,? a. >n., Cliicuco 4 ;-><i p, ii . h FA>T WKITEItN FXPRF?4??. ^ 0:00 P. ??Wagner Yeattbute Dr.?in^-Room. ^?P1" at..t DluiDg Car-. Due lluila o 6:1 ?> a. "'-frmiil'lO PalU 7:12 a. n,., Cleveland 10 ar. a. m. Detrolt i io p. ni., t'hlc??o 9 00 p. u... Bi Loata 7:4.% a. m. AOIRONDACR AXI> .WONTRKAI. i:\PRKSM. .,nn n m _Wairii-r sb-npliig C'ars to riartshurirn, dua 7'?iV/a m.: t" It-.-liaKton, duo BTOO n. fl_, and to Mon tr>-al, duo 7:16 u. Bt. __mm Bl Fl'ALO, MAiiAKA FALL". 1.000 I??LA>D AM? ADIROaDACR KFBCIAI* 7i3B P. BL-Wagner BleanlBi Cara. Row-Te*h aoBnfa^ D... 7:ao a. m. N a. -irtf F..II-. B'OO a. ni. t ta ^,3^0 ?a. rn. Alexandrla ilay, 7 oo a. ui. Faul binitha ana Tupp^r LakH fctttticn. tl.SXlNNATl A\D ST. LOU* EXPRB*"*. H-00 P. .H.-Wayi?r Veatlbule BleentaB Car*. DaaOUv "innatl T :. 0 p m.. lBa__BBp0-Ul lOlo P- ?.. bt. Lou'.l 7a?an>' L1M1TED FAST UAIL. 9i00 P. M.-fSl-r'HK-*--"- paii.?Bf?ri only oarrled oa t_la n-uln for Rochoatar. Du.- 7 45 a. m. CBIOAOO BI?HT KVPRESS. MS P. __.-Waoiti 81-euiiig.CRra, Rew-YaaB to Capo Vlncont, R'UlaT... Deroit and Uilca.o. iNEWRURi- . P?>U_HRREP8IB, RRIRK* CLIFT (KTLN_8TO.N A.M. CATSKILL UOVXTAt^O, AND HVDSON-17:80, 110:80, IA1-.80 A, M;, O'M, 8:5.'>. i,.2o P. M. ; uito for l'oughk.rfpaif. 0:-'0 A. M., 1 :A(). 13 I't, 14 :?-, 0 CtO. 7 UO. 7 :3o, ?iOO. ?_15 9. M.l for Catsklll atatlon (OataklU and tha Catakill Mo,.n_ t,ii.-.. 17*), !0:?0, 31:80 A. R.,JB_90, B\9A, 8JB i>. M. for Oarrlaona (Wo?t Polnt), :7j30 !J Oo 9.-'5, ALBANY WD TWOT- :7 :*). 'J l,>. 10.00 ..10.30 A. M.. 1 BO '3 :90, 8 :?',-?>. 4 : .0, .1:00, 7 :30, b :00. 0 :15, 111 i-9 1'. R.; al.-"o for Trov 7:00 P. _ .___._?_ ?, .__ BARATOOA-o 17:80. !0:10. '.10:30, 111:30 A.M., 18:30 UTICA' AND 'sYRA('1*SE-'7:30. 9 :10, 10 00. U? :30, 11140 A. -_.. 130, 4:30, - :00. 7:30, 8 00, 115, I tO.Vl bfTRR 'ARD Bl'l-FAI'O-OlO 10 00, !?? S?, ?11 iiO A. M., 1:30. A:_o, ti 00, 7 :*>. 8 00, 0 15. lll B8 1*. M.i ait-ii f,tr Rt.. heater, 9:00 P.M. BIAOAKA FAI.I_5-'.. :10. 10:00, !1O:30 A. M., 4:50 ad. lu'.vVi.MK0 mot; nVa?ns AN'D RORTRRAB- R :20 CAPE^VlRrjS.NT,1 r'l.AYTON. ALSO FOR ADIRpN l.V.'K MOCNTAIN*.-: ,i0 [*. M C^DBN-BURO and o-..VH,.iO-f. :i.v 111:59 P. M.; alao for tlayton ?i 10 A M 7 ilO P. K. i for OnwekTo 9:10, 10:00, !10:?10 A. M.. 8 00 P. M. ___.___._ . ,. Aril'KN, ..1N1VA AND CARARRAIOUA,- 8:10. 10 00, .10:81 A. M., 7:30, S iOO, ?:18, 11 ?>.' P- -M PITTSF1F.I.D. I.F.NOV. NORTH ADAMS AM> TIIE RRRKMBIRI BH-UI (vln llnrleiii Dlvl.ion) Two traln-. vith thiottf- prawlog-RooBi Can. __ ?0:01 a. rn., duo Fit.-ll-it 1 85, Noith Adan,- t:B9 B. in. lS:60 p. tn., du,. Plttafield 8:10, North Adami B:lfl P- ?? NOKFALK A\U THK LITORR1BLD H1L1.S. 13 -50 ... in., tiirougli ear dua NoafDlk, Cona.. IOO p. m. i*,.. tiokcii and (paoa ta Bleoplng-4 ar* apply at <ir:.nd Central SUtlon, ?r at 41.1, 7B5, 04'J Uro.iu" .v. 1^ Park i-l,,.-. hi WbbI i_.v',.,:., and lftthit. .-.. .on. v-? y.-rlt ? ;.:t:-t \ 728 Fiiltoii -t... and _...l llotl f,,. , ? r. i... r.j.H_.vri: 109 Hudaon-a., Jersoy ? ity. v^, ? ,,t , i ._? -~ oalli ror and ehecki baiiuacu from hotolft and ?? -'>'.-n- - Uiroufh to def-ttaatlon. ., .xcept Sunday, Oth. i tralna run axiiv. ai..iw t.rii,.' ex-.i.t thoae iravtai at 5:10, i.-io a. R., 1 -4u 1*111 I iifV B:iO, -V.. 1 :,0, 1 :,-, and 11 :59 p. 9k, ^'?..mNHMh^.r^^.' OBOBOB H. pARMLB, G,-neril Ma..?7>*r. Oeneral p.-...t-i.-'-r .'.gent. BALTO.&OHIOR. R. S''HiV.\'u'i*'r.i,p!iiA w Ibaltimokk, WAtSHINGTON, ClIlCAtiO. CIN1 IN-NAll, ST. LOL'IS, AMl ALL rOlRTa WEST. rVUMJAX C.iR BXXVKX OX ALI ru.iiss. \jmva MAV-Viiii... laol "I Llbt-rty-si.. a- fo.lo-.v.: ! S C Ist iXs\?l%YL^yktoil .v BL. 5:00 P. M. - . W VSIIIV.TtitX. Y.M tlMoKi '.. 90 A. M, [U.M a M dtataglear). 2:00 iS :80 P. R. dining-can, 5:00 C m i-i,. \ _i All tralii-. run daily. '.-;.' .Ii'iti'iiK vi. kiv Llne, 2:00 p. M. Braahdwa Y.,.k ai-^d M lliui-v.^v . llrut'klj... MAT1..N F-.i' OF ll?feVo__|TT^? *':...i::v,w\\; ?Ur ?d cheek ba?. gasn- fr,,u. kdtal or i.-id-n - to d.*,titntioii^_ D _ L A VV A K E, LACKAWANMA AND V. tAll I'.N l.lll-1'..lAD. Bborteat I ne Veatlbul d Pullinau t'oaohrs. 9 *. i.i.-liuiiaio. BlcliHald Sprlng;-'and Oawefo Eiufttt, vla Pauraon, (?r vVat'-r o*y, bfroiKjaburg, _.- i-anton, Bin. ? hilnton Ow-gt Itht-s, Vvaverly, Ehnlra, Comlng, jj.ui, ?;e. Mitri-.m*. ^atervll^. RldhflelA 8prtnw ftl,-.i, Mt M.,rrn Oreene Oxford, Norwlcn. i oriliud. Brncue, .-I'l-oii aud Intenn-dtote .union*. CooneetB at - wltb trains for PlltttoB, WUI;.'b.rr-. Dan^vlUe aad iiberland; at umUlo wlth trahii for Oe Weat, -?.Oa m --Iliiii1ian,t>':' Mtttl, *.1a Hooiiton. l n m' Blngl amton ind Elmlra J-'.xur,-ts f0r Water <;.ii\ stroiiilfb'.r. aennton. oa.g.,, Waverly and Elmlra, con i.rit- at Scranton ?itu trai.^ tat I'f.-tton, i.in_?toB aud Wtt"'lo':'p!'n:.-S.*rii.t,,n, W.lliesUrr-'. aud Plyniouti. l.\ 'r - 'io ti in fdnltyl.?Bnflhlo Llrolted Bxpreea, vR l'at-r .... tar Mtraudaburc Scranton, lllnnhainton. OwefB, ff_> Ttiv ElrntR Oamtag. ???*?-. Wi.Mond. Danvill.'. Ut \t,?r'- kc arrlvlng i'i BuBalo atleOo. m. ii n' ii, iaall. Buffalo. R.,-hti,-i,| ,>,prin.. ind ?? .- '.i-- fur htroud-fc-ui-i-. Seruito-i. Rt.ighiwnttiii. t'ortlanU. Wi'- rvili- I'U.'i, - i:ul "' polnta on Buiralo Dl\!*>; ,on, t- Btth tral'n>= for th,- Weeh. WEaT SH01U- E-AILSOAB, (N. T. C. _ ll 11 R U. t'o . L*>?>*e)?Tralna l.-av>- W-'at 42d--t|. Ktii ,.n i\f'.t-York) as loiiowi, and L'O ntaaUe .-arin-r from _h? foot o( Jav-t. (Rew-Terh): Hamlltou. Ixuidi.n, Detrolt .'il ._l.a_o. -10 a. n... *5,ir> P_ Bi.. -8:1**> P- in. _ ht. i.' iis -5 15 ?_;? P> '??-. toroHto. U0:00 a. m.. 15.1.1, ir n o ni. li'iifal,,. Boebeater. luaponalon lirldga, tc.?-ar? FBllt. 3:30. *10 <><> B. >i . ?_ tld f R., '8:1- p. u?. **?..r?i.I Srwt-.i-e, 3 :30. * 10 :00 a. i'i . ?? I.V O 13 p. ui.. _'l V. a n. iru..-. o.,',y to OUbB). Klnga...n. *3:30 '7 15 Jio-cni .'n 0'.Ml :-?? a. ..... rtiR.ajToa 'aJM, ;8 ii ? m ?*__>uiil and Albany. -3 :io, "7.15, "10:00. ri1:.j ?' _.' a3 46 P ?>.-. ad ?0, -.'iJO. -1'. P ?> > raiiMon*,, We"'" Polnt. Coniwall, RBWburgl., -3 ?. *7 IV 8.14, .Inim '10:1.V lllilaa. m.. **l:l->. a4 00. 4:30, ?5:15, *' r "-.) 30 ?? IV '11:45 p. .... and f 11:00 a. tn. at>_ ' lor Coi-niatl and Xewburg-. Moutreal ai.d ?6:15 u. ui Klenant al^ejjlng Tralna and r*00plag >'ar to H-oumvllle ou ii. (Sunday.. only). _????1,_li^?____*Jw, M"k0,lJ ____ |_.nn"vi_?k*. 3:80 B. m. 111 00 111 :M a. u. aTBttB J0," l'ifl?r .'ar to N.-w-l'aili ou UMk. rn. tra n. Half Bollday Speelal, -atnr|ay oulv, |:U p. m. for KB.!.>rakiil. H H.'-T. H.oo.P'-nio. Hobart Hot^l buun _jid Phoanlota. Patltw car w BlooaavlUa. 9e l._ivlll.'. CalM aud Moun Wln Houae Starlot , 7 15, IU 3* a. in.. a3 45 i?. m. I'aH-t <???? to t a->4lll. Outo k 1 WountBln \lght Qna 8 30 a. in-. ^W'] ? J, alerping rara lo Phoatucla aud Btoomvllta. t>"!l'l tl.illT. f'x-'l.t Mat.ndav. All ethrr tialn* dall? ???'?*??? .Mimln-. I J a I,-aV4>* llrooklvn, yl? Bro.-klyn Ann.-x. |to OB. 110:40 a. rn . aa oo i>. na 3*r*_ tBA&P.B. K. .tntion! ?)1n-4ii. 11120 b. m.. ah:-8 p. m. f^ttltkela, time t_,blea. |??rlor and aloeptn.-'-ar ar.-oi.,iii-tUti..n? or l.,lo,.,ia.??. a,|, t oOR-a: Ilrv-klvi, 333 Wt,l.lii.te..-.t. 7i-o i-mton.-t Annea e-m.-e. IbR of -R_J__an*aa; .Kgj__!_* Clty Noa -71. 808, 7rK?. 941 JBtaeAmV. __**I!___L 17 l'ark Yla.n. ,_ \V..| iBak\^A_.aM WteA BM Sut'orta. f?or. <.f Waat 4rd-t. and loot _*JgU____L__\ 0. R. LAMtlKiiT. Ueacral PaaaaBgor Jnumt. 9 Vi-ularbMa. are . RawTara. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY qf AMERICA AND The Scenic Line to the West TRAINS LEAVE STATIOXB, faat **% Oeabro?Bea nnd < orlUudt strcntt, n? lollauat ? On and after JULY 19th, 1891, HU KAKT MNE *?% SaTufta?/ """ "?'? Coonecta' ?&? '0' Tal-to, anna. a SP" f""'"*^**!* MMITBD. n.awinv ai.d .SUt.- Room, &l?aping. Dn.lag. rin.oxlna and OEetrvaUon Cara, prea-n InJr ifnane&I re,.,r*' *m**it*hm* aud u^titmn. U*tt*tm' mjmM TS^2_**S J__\_L B-rt^r-nhoo. Btaan anl all tke ron, I2f??fJI i?. , . 'n ST.0""'' "ghtoB >? ataUooary anl niovable .1.-. frl. llK),u Arrlv.* CtaelanaM 8:40 a. m., 11 148 ?*. in., and Chica?o 084 a. m. aa* **T. l.ttVlH, \\D < IXG'|N?ATI V.XPHV.*V*. .'liOO P. .IL -Pullman Veatlbule Sle?ping Can fron, Xew. YorA. aal Ulmng Cara from Xew-Yorl u> St. L*ul? aag Clnclnnatl. l'A****tiBeT eoach BaW-Tarfl to Colun.bua. Arrlvea (Inclnnatl 11 L>5 a. n.., wid St. Loula a 00 p. m. next day. MM OB8JBMB88B ni-.n*. 4tOO T. M.?Fulbuan Vw? BWflag. Dlolna Bmofc. ing, nu 1'eonaylvaolo Riilnad VeaMbuie piaeei ag Coach.-a from Baw-Tork to (.hhiatfo. Arrlvea ln __. cago o 15 p. ui. next day. THK WK-TFRN- I'XPnra* BiilO P. W.-Puliins.ii VofUtmlfl Sleoplag Oflf Xew-Yarh to Plt.ahurg, ist Loula Clil.ayo, Cla. ln.-.atl, CleveUna aaa MeinphK Dining . *r- Xaa.York u> Phllad-iphla tfj Plttabnrg U* RI,hn.o:.<l Mi Chloagfl Arrlvea at <_t.'eit_. bua 1 Ai p. rn., Cln.innatl ?> :.n i, na., Chi-Man <i ** p. ni. next day, and St. I....1. 7 .nt' ?. a,. .;n,i monj. ing. Connerta for Ceseland and Toledo dally, ei':egl Saturday. PAUPir F.XPKB**. StOO I*. ?.?PuBmaa it'ifiet Bleaatog Car Xew-Toafl to < hlr-ago, Xcw-Vork to Mewphla vla tlie bb-tiai.laA Vail-v: BfBvafl WOfla-flapi at . olumbva 7 it, p ns.. ii..t-'> p. i.'.. next dav, and daiiv *t CTilcaffl 7:00 a Bl. aacoi.d moralag. ..onti.-ct- for T<"l?do 4a:Iy, anfl lor Clevolau.l and ( olumlma, fl9DMgl rjaturday. ?it'AO l\ Ma -Bfcaaeafl. ah Valley Extrr-aa wlth Through iiuffct Slcepor to Xev.-Orl.ana. BALTIHORh, W8**l*ttYT*M AS* THK BOLTH. "Waehlngton Lltpifd Kxi.reaa" of Pullman Par'ar Care (wlth Ltiilng OM to ore.i dally, except hut day, 10:10 a. nv, arrlve Waaidt.gton 8M> p. m.; aod ^0% greaalonal d'' d.liv, wlth Dinlng Car, at 3:28 p. bl, arrlve Waahlna.on 8 20 o. to.; r*-g ilar eip.":aa, 9:20. 8:00, 8 80 and 11 :00 a. n,.. % 10 4 80. 5:00 w?4 0.00 p. ni and 12:18 ulght For Balttinoio only 1 00 p ii,. .-un'Iiy. 6 :"> ~ul 8 30 a. in., 4:30, 6 00, aag 9:00 p. xi. ,i:id 12:18 night. FOR ATLANTIi (ITY. 1 AO **? m. weefc-daya, wl* Tnro'itfh lluli-t P;.fl',r Car. FOR CAPE MAY, 1 00 p. m. 8veekdaya, wlth Througfl H'ifet Purlor r-ar. POR PHILAHELPIIM. Expre&a: 6..'), i iO. 8:00. 0 30. 1) (10 Ch|ek|o ,.fn!|eg. w.tb Iiiniag^'ar. aud 10:10 Wa-.l.!r:?to? Llmlf^t wlth, ai.a 11 :08 a. ir... 12 ?.'0, 1 tgt ] ..) _ y* 8 00, 3.30, 4:00, 4:30, 5 00, . 00. ? 30, 8.;00 ang 8:00 p. tt., and 12:15 night. Ac-.-mnniditlon, 11 ifl a rr,., 4:10 and 7:00 n. m. 8unda)-a. expraae, 6 li fl.10, 0 00 r 10 LlnilU^l), and 10 a. m.. 3 30, 300. 4:00. 4 30. 5 00. <*<V). ? 00. and 9 00 o. ra., aoi 12 -IS nlsht. Accorin.odatlon 7:00 a. ni. For Tiaio-tubl.-N of tralna to local po:nl? on tha Pennnyl. *j-i..* .^*,.iu.a Syatein. apply at tho feliowing Ti.-itafl Ofll'-e*. Noa. 4.o. H4'J and i*4 Broa.lM.iy 1 Aator Houa*. and foot o: u.-bi-o-.aea and Cortland*. ita . i C<,i,rv?i BbO Fiiltou-st.. aud Brooklyn Annex Blfllloa, foot oi I-''i-t, iirocklyn; 75 II udaou-.-'... llob. *'ii; Suflea. Jeney (ity. Tln X.-w-york Tran.?f.-r Coa.pany wlll call for and skeefl baftaago fron. hot la *nA reiid'.'ccea through iu 4****l**h__ CI1AS E. PCOH, J. R. BTOOS (..?inrii Managea_Geaerai Y**-'t' Ac?at CEiMKW, IC. II. OF MEU'-JEKNETa i-oo'i oi i.;ii!'.:.rv>i.. Noma Time Table of .f.ino -ji. I8M. 4 :30 a. m. tor Ranton, Mau-h I'Hniiii, WlllcaabWI^ iMBtto, Readlnjr, llarrlaburg, Poit?^-ti> Hh^a* okln Buabuir, Eaglea M-re. WIIIUni.r*,rt. Ofl B'indayfl for ftaaton, Mau'-h t hunh, Wilkeabarw -trnl vrantoa. 0:00 a. m. for KaaUHi and Alle.ibiwn. 7 :00?. in. fer Eaatoo and Mau'.-lj Ofaunk. On 8und8j\ -Raaflfla, Man I ?bauinhtn. rt:45 a. ni. f-^r EaatM, liaaoh t ***** Wllkaaban* S.'rant.,n. Readiflg, nir.i-!.'iri'. |>?tU8ritle, T^f^i'.ia flhitfc okln. Sunbtiry, Eattb-i Men, Wiriumaport. Tlirotigh Haa Ou Wlllianiaport. 1 :00 p. m. for Bflatoa, Mauch Chunk, Roaillnf llarrU* burst, Pottavllle, ihaaokln, annb'.w and \Vlllfciiiiaiiori, Om Sundav? for Fa-,lnn. Maueh Chnnk, Tamaqua Pntaa* viii,- fTnanhil .i.i Haa-rt?hur<. I W ii. m. tor V.-ts.i. Mwi.h Chunk, R^adlng Rarrl* bur?r, Wtlkesbon-e. BcMfltaa, Ta:no<nia, P?tw.sll!e, Shaaa. okln. i 30 p. ni. f"r r-?to? and Alluitown. r>:45 p. .n. tol K^ton. Mau-li inunk, BeaAiot;, Xmt* burr. <-.'. S.mdavi jt | 10 p m. 7 :30 p. m. f-,r JBaataa ni'l \ D * I iira. \U RAIL KOITG TO THK BBB "IIOKE. Por P'reehoid and AtUu.tu' BlgBlaafli at 4i?L 8tt% II 1.1 a. in.. 1 *0, 4:30, 6:00 p. i?. Sundatyv, 9 13 a. *., 4 :()0 p. m. lex.ept Vr,-eliold, l^ir Red, I.oup Branch and polnta .outli to Pbu-int it I ifl, ?:15, 11 1,5 a. m., 1:30, ^16, 8 30, 4 :0O, 4 :30, 6 :S0, 6 :00 p. m. RHrtdajw. ex'^pt O.eaa Orov* anrt Aabury Park, *:15. 11:30 a m., 4 :60 p. m. tVir Totn* Blver. Bari.-gat Park and Rarna oat 1 :3'i. 8:18 a. B., 1 .88, 4 30 a. n . For 9*t*h Ilavin, Atlantic City, Vm>laiid and Brlflgataa at 4 ?*.*' a. n, 1 30 p. m. , _ Far MonanouU. Beaoh and Seahriff'it m* * to, t AO ?? te., \ :iUi, 4 .00, 0 00 p. m. m*mm**,******,*****. ****** fob vnuamjnnfl^lAtffnMM tm ROYAL MLUk. LINE Par PkU idelphta al 4 :30, 7 :46, 8 :00. 10 :00, 11 :B0 a. a. 1 80 2*0, 3^0. 4 0... 6 00. 6:00. 7:80 p. ta LtJ Slgni hL'xilAVij,. 9 00. 10 :30. U :30 a. ?.. 2 :00. 8:1^ 6 VoA^t&io^'St:Ua"SuBiaa dally * ? :00. 11-38. ?* lUu "ar, a. ai . 2:08, aio (Dir.lng Car), 6 00 ?. m^ "?I'niUi'aVeavlng at 7:4V 11 :30 a. ?_ l*\ 4 :M. 5.01 7 80^! m.12 fs night fflfle^t B****** *___?*_* 8.80. *.00 6:00 p. ifl., hava eoane-jtion for Rea8lni. Ha^ risbu'rg. Potuvllle, " gage irom hotel or reMdenc - k\li\ IIOOK ROUTE, BOB UOXtA UKAN8 li, ... fcAX >.'.'.iiYi_y kt. FR(.M I' 8, X. R. FOOT -tb* KK.'I.'R-sT. K..r Ilixhlan.l lli-o<'h. Xormaudi^. i: :*l r.,-ht. MoniuouflJ De?,-h. UM Ura,.,t at i 3(1, 10 4^ . l ... UlBO >.v , M Slurflara only,. S 15, 4 30, 5 30 p. ?. au:id*ja, 9* ** r?r AUflaL%lg|kMB. at 4 :30. 0 00 a. ?.. 1 BB* *?** 4 tO, 8:80 P- n-.. Su.idav.-. 9:30 a. ni.. I _00' p xn. For l.l.?r.,.i, OGSflB Otmrn, **_**__ ft* _*_{ Mf PleaaBot at 10:15 a. **, A W teaturda>*? only, 3:45, 4 ?* ?WLakawaai, ***** River ?i-.d BamagaBj at 4:30 a a, 12,00 n. ii oo Saturdayi only 8:48 a. m. !-,? K^aiii Ila>..;i. Atlantie City. BtaeUtoB ?"? ***** tor * HO a. ni.. 18:00 m. (1 :OQ |. m. Satnn;*'> onl' RIE LINES. u.r"t id..w to Pmnms. T_t*n*f* _____&*&___ tttt*. M.diieiow:,, Fort J.rr.a M-..tic ba 'P*y* ____*, llu..?l*le, b.rjuitou Bliia'hajutou. L.i'.lia, Kt I'ouU CMcaU 3-.d TB polnta We?U Solld *> loTw-t. aa"'flve' SSttS ?U BBBMB othcrwlae ^..*B. from Woat 'i.'Idat. WtMBBB I>*V BXPSBM. ^? * U Dal v -V a Mag..ra I-'al'.* flafl ChaaU'J^UB Q 00 l'a ? i'ir ?r ' <r X-w-Vork to Buffalo. ***9* Uu 'ollavine to Clnclnnart. . onn^t. at I'ort Jarvla Ifl "n?i ItoUoTi. ****** feunlay. for Monllcello. fgafTIM I l'? UM1III. c* t*.t\ P M IViilv- >o,:ii tra.:. tor CbKago. >1a Cha-ttofl. 3.00 mia, Lake. "ith d.iing car to Chlcago. blccpeia w Chlcago. CleveU'id and Clnclnnatl. HOVBTAIB tOLTUBtm* 3 30 ".u-i asaBCtiS "LH JUM Through car Saturday* for MonUcello. < HICAliO AM> UKAND TKl'NK KXPRK** *? rtn, i- M Daliy-Sollfl tribi to ChlcafO v^a .aljf?? 6.00 PaUa anl 'incd Tr-ink Ral,*?y. blacpCM * liutl-alo. Ro, hc-t.-r. Toronto and Chleaga PAtlPlf L\PK1>H. _? ? n.nv?Vla CbauU'iqua Lake and ******* 8.30 't*& h"! aleepcra IB BAl? Clucago a*A Clncinnatt roit pobt m*** ___ 9tmm_m W-vtx DVYS-4 1i a. n. _*_*?**? *****_? 7 ?'* * *i ?*?& F ****** a a ni 10 30 a. m. 1 p. m.. 8 * *-^- ,; n, V * n... 8:30 p. in. 6unda>-a-tt a. *.. 8pU'm.Vp.m:.fl:Sop.m..8:3K,, m. **MUM*BTUM***\ ._ _,_, niVS?4-16 a tn. HH* A H*. 9 *? m., 9 ** W p t. J Ai p. ai.% 0. m'. 7 p. m. ?llilgfll a. -? B n m., 6 p in. - P MTVK0AV -8PM IAL TKA1N*. ,,TI,?i,.vs ONLY- li 50 p. u,. C-'Sl-at. 1240) raa Sv-iw 1 40 p. ni. m*l 1-201 tot tiaauamti a.l'j p. .... i^r Nrt IflBWB. MfWIAL IM'OItBATlOV ?a 81VS ANU liill-'AULta nay tt* obtulne-l tnm Hoi'.aa. ,, j ,.j,i|,?Br.-r Lxcuia.ona. ^CKKSANl, I'l'LLMAN A..'OMMOI.ATipv> ?? I 401 .17 anfl 887 BruaAway, Charnb ra ***__*?,!_*_ ii S V,itt; af.^^^-?iiXS aSa&?i?2 l^t%- ho& as ^"-^^Vi'NEABBOS:- Oeneral Pa^en*? Age?i_ BBW- \ IIKK, ONTAK1U A>D WK^TBBN U8l\***& " 'Iraaia la*'.* Weat 4.'d?l. at ?i4* ^."^.An. nurg. eariler trom loot Jay-al). for MldolaT^t, L.'iaj??i p?r: larvB Moe^oUo ***-*>*>"^?*rw:_i_l_. ****** baaaa. Banaock, jgarbooflaly, ,ayrywa. JJ*^ '0,w^e. Sidi.ey. Norw, n. l^lmeatou. lUoa. ao"". "??u vBto. Wbeny; Wniw '^?4k? l^^ Mohonk and HM8 burg. KUeii'llia Failaburg. Uurlayville. UiKny, La|V,00,;,''l^.M.dd.ef... Fallahurfc t^tf* ___*___*** pulliiiaii alw-p-r-.. r?cltuin? cha.r car l"? to ?>?8^>iia?. ktfS**\ p- ...., ?l-?''??'''u* Bally ; a'.l olh.-r tra na dally excent huaflay. ? piUmao drawiua-iuoiii a?ato ?,,4,,'",'l-r,,",^;irtitooJt toiiuxi ?t 3-3 Biaaflway. n, .vAurk^, J. U A.M)titow?#