Newspaper Page Text
Ccc.ion Notice. Enst One Hundr-U and Twcntieth street, and Madlaon av,i,uc Un. M'tj-Ufth Eleetion D.atrlct shall -ontiln all that ?irt of Uie city bo.jud d bv and lying wlthln \\ esi 11110 uudr d aud iweii'.'lil.i1 atret. tllth avenue. East Uuo llundr.ti and Tw. utv-i... rtl; itreet, aveuue, East u..- iii.i.u ._ an.i LaeutK?h atreet, Kifth avaaaa, Weal Un- lii.iiir d a.,d Nlaeteenth atteot, and E.-nox avaaaa, Tbe tlfly-sixt- Eieclion Disirict snall contain all that uer*. of thc' citv bound.. bj ani lylng within waatOaa llur.dred aud Tvn-ntv-thinl flU-cet, Eenox avenue, Weet Un llundr d aud E'tii.t-enth street, and SevcnUi aveuue, The t'ntv-s, v.iith t,:, .-lioii DUtr.ct ahall contain all that lait ol th- eltj boun icU ln lal Ivln. within v\.?t Ono Hundr- ana Twenty-avventh ttfleet, I.ei.ov aveuue, West One ilundrvd and atraat, and b-venth avenue. ,, tha I'iftv-tlgath r.loctlon DUtrlct shall contain all U?t part Bl Ui dty t> hy lylng wltnui fljefll cn- iluii.;r.-.i _.d 1 str.>ct. Ea?t OM u.u Ta iity-eevcnUi street Madison avnue, 1..-1 One Iiiiiid,<i and Twenty .flfth atreet, WaM Oaa Hundrtii and Iwanty-fliUi str?t aud Deno- avanae. Dm I iftv-iiinili Mecllon Dirtilct contain all trtm part ot Uie .... ...iiilixl by an.i lying wiiliiu Eaal uni. Hundred aid fwenly-flfth ?ir ? t i'ars Bvenae, _a*t uae lluudr-d and Twenty.etonfl atreet, Madi-m av.-tiu... i..?t Ou- Hundnd md iwenty-teurth atreet, l-litn aycue. Tha hi-Ueth Eleetlou Disiii.-t shall contain a tha, "??rt of the elty 1.0 .11.1.1 bv l.vlii-* w ilhm East Ono liiiiid.ed anrt Tweaty-fnurth stre.-t, Lexlngton avfloaf. Eu-t Oiie lluilrtd and l.v.-,ityll:-t s.i-.t. -iJ B__l .-.Mv-t.r -. Eleetion District shall contain all thnt pan of tha eltj bound .1 by ai.d lylai fllthla B"?m Huudred and Tweuty-lourth atreet awWidavfliifle, i-*..; One Hundrt. and Tw.-uty-thlrd atr et. Thlrd avenue laiat Uae HiiMred ... u Twcnty-flrat atraat, yid immmpma " The' SDtty-eeond Eleetloa Hmtrict shali coni.ln all lhat u bi a.d lylng *_h|p_JEf*_' On." n.i..a*i- and Twenty-eeond atreet. hecaadatenue. I .?. uuudied and rweatteth att-et, aafl Jhird **_*_" RlXty-thlrfl EleeUon lllstrict shall contain all BMl iart jf the cit] bounded by m.d Ivlng wimui Eaat <. ??* huudred a.d Twenty* eonfl stieet. first avei ue. Um* Ui.e Uundn- aud Twcntieth auyet. and Be*x.nd ajeuue. 'lin Slxty-lourth Klectlon Dlatrlel shull co. taln all thai part al tbe _l_ bounded by anl Ivtoa .m Oue ilundm! and Taraty-aeeond fltre -t. 1 ?"??<;??/ \ r I_.t.l Oi.' llundid ai.d twentieth itreet. aud First avenue. Th- Slxty-lifth EleeUon Diatrict ahall contain aU th-t inrt of the city bouuded by and lylna wrhin Eaat Oaa Huudr d and Tweiity.third itreet, Wrst avanae, East One llmio iu and .;?. .- ..-.-? oud street, and Thlid avenue. Iii- Sixty-s :th i .?'(>?. Diatrict ihall conUni all that nart flf U.e cilv !.o(.|iu.d hv anl ivi'ig within East One ll-iidred and Tw, ni.-tif'.i >:.- t. Uarlen rlver, t.'-t one llundr. _ and Tweiity-aeeoi.d itreet, aud First avenue. tht Slxty _evcntti Eleetion District ahall cooUInibU that -itv* of'tii* elty bounded by and lylng w.thiti J-.a/t One Hunor-I nnd Tw, street, t' BvenUO, l.ast One Uuudred an.i Twi ut.-th.rd strs-t. am! Second avenue. The Slxty.clghth EleeUon Dlatrlot shiil contain all that part of lhe cit* bounded bj w.d lylng vdtb.n Harlem r . 1 Eaat Oaa Uundrefl and Twaaty-_B* street. and hc ond avenu. ,, Th- Blxty-nlath Eleetion Dlatrlel "-hall contain all that van of tl ? eltj i.ou.d u bv and lylug witniii Eaat Ono Hundrel .u d Twenty-slxth atreet, Seeon. avenue, Eaal On. lli.n.Ii-d ond Iweuty-fourth atreet, and l'l.iid avenue. T) - Seventieth Eiectfon DUtrict ihall contain all thst 11 t or the city bcrunded by and lylna within Eaat One ii.r.'.r.l and T?-m\?-wnth itreet, Thit- Bven_e, l.u-t Oi.e Hundr .: and Twenty-fourth street.. aid F.ok avenue. Th- "e..i,n-.r- 1 . t on liislil.-t alial. .-ontain ull rlut part of th- eltv Lound.. by and lylng wltaln Baet One Hundred and rwcnty-elghth atreet, Secono avenu-. i-.-t One Hundred and Twcniv-sixth atreet. and TlnrJ ave.?. SeventT.ond El.-tlon HMrlct shall contain all tliat par; of the cit* b,.....<l.(l bv and Lylng wlthln Harlem rlver, r-eeond avnue, t_st One |iuidr:l aad Twenty elgnth atreet. Thlrd avenue, Eaal One Hundr..1 und Twenty-aeventn str -t, and Lexin.ion a*.ie. I;. ' S. ventv-thlrd Eleetion DUtri. t ahall contain all ?nnt , inded by at d lylng wlthln baai one Ii ? r d and TnlrtleUt street, Uxlnatou avenue. Eaat one odaud I wi nty-seventh atreet, Park avenue, i_-tone llendi-i.i ond Twentv.nlnth atri 1. and K-th avonaa. Tho beventv-fourth I ? Uou Diatrict siuil eoataln au that 1.11 * ??' .!.?? dt, :.. did bj ind Ivln.- wlthln Eaat One Hundred ?nd Twentv-nloth -tr. .t. 1 :<rk avenue, t_st ,1 and Tweiity-HIUi Krect. Madlson a-ieaue, i_s- one Hundred and Twenty-eveath cti.-t, aud tiriu avenue. . scven'.v Uf.h Eleettofl Dlatrlel sl.all conuln.aii tha: 1.1; ??? I ie fltf ?...- ..d-d l,v and lylni' vvith.n \v ?t Ona iiui.dr.-il and ThirUeth atri t, Kifth avenue, Weat One Hundred and Xwenty-aeveata -tr--, and uaaa The Srveaty-alxth Eleetloa Diatrict ahall conviiuail lhat n.i. of tii- elty bounded b* und lylng w-ittun w.-t (u,e Hundred and Twentynlnth itreel Lenox avenu*-, Waat One Hundusl ai.d IVeirty-flflflflBi -tr-t, and fe-v.-nth Tht'seventy-eeventh Eleetion Dlst.-i.-' -hall contain ail that n rt of the eltj bounded by and lylng vvirhri WeM One ii.i.i-ireti and Thlrty-thii. atreet, f_flao.v avenue, \\ s. ,,,- Uunflred ai.d rweniy-alnth (treet, and beventh "^io'-'scventv-eiiriith Elartloa Distrht shull coutaln all thal iii of the city bounded b* and lylug wlthln weal '(?ne Hundred aud Thlrty-ttilrd -'r-.t. I'lfth aveuue, Weal (?? H,,.,i,,u ....ri rhirJ th -:r, 1 aud Uenox avenue. Th, beventy-nlnth Eleetion DUtrlct ihal] c0.1U.ln i.i thai pan ol the ? 1. bound .1 bj and lylua r-lth'n i-.i-t one llundr.<fl and Thlrty-thiid str-,: h-h--- rive., KastOne Hundred aafl r__rtle_i attaaa, "".?ho Eighti----'Eleetion Dlatrlel ahall eaalala afl that part of the -Hv boundi-d bv and lying wlthln weal One lluiidred and fl '?-' ". airt l, Kifth avenue, West Ona II od and Thlrty.third itreet, aafl Beventh "veiiue. , , .,,,-,1 on DUtriel contain all that . .... ? wlthln HaHeni ,-;,., one Uim-li d and Thlrty-thlrd s'.r-et. Flfth avenue. Wesl On* iluu.u.-l and Tlurty-nlth .stm-l, and bevi nth avenue. TWENTV-I OUKTH A.SSE.MUET DISTRICT. Tha Tw?ity.ffl?rth AaaanUy Dlatriet snall be divided Into larty-thr-i eleetion dUtrlcM, UM exieat and of which ahall be ai follow*: . ,!? . n 1?.-trl.-t shall contain all Uiat )?rt of u.e citv n unded by a..d lylng wiUiin l-ast One ji.iuuk-J itu autee-t, al.lanaar avenu-. uaneM rivar lhe _ec?i*id'l feetloa DUtrict Rii?H < ontain all that part oi Ui- eltj bo-idcd l.v and lylng wlUiln Eaat u..e Hundred ?ad 1 iiirtj - .enth tu. ? -t, \N.nis avenue, Harl-B rivar, und Tlie -Ji'.,id 1 lec'tion DUtrict ihall eanlaln all tluu i>ait ..f Uio cit. 10..1, . 1 bi and lylng within Ea-t Oue Hundred .r.i.ity avcafle, ilanein i_vir, " The FourUi I lectlon l.istrict ihal! contain all part tl ti.e bounded l.v und lying wuiiii. East One Hundred u.,1 Forty-third -tr- '. Irlnftj av-in. . Last Onfl Bundred ii>d t'orty-tiiih atreet, -outhern Boulevard, Edgo >Witr 1 ^.f i.s 1 ,, _cn| .-land -....nd. irlnlt- avenue, i .i-t One Hundred and I'nlrty-eighUi itreet, i);.Hjk avaaaa, und ^o^;l. UroU r lalao '? . jh- Kifth Eleetion District sl.ell .ont;iln al. that part of thl ,.:y bou de' by and wl hli E;u-t Uu.-d.-l and lonv-in.iu atreet, brooa avenue, Eaat Ona liunur.. aud and v\ nn. avi uue Ti,'e btxtii Eleetion DUtrlcl shiil contain all i_rt ..r ti?. ,? tN bounded by and lying w um. I__l One Hundred H.,d rorlleU. itre-et w.lii- av. .me _aa! One llunui-o aod ur- .aevenl 1 -1 r ? t Aicvander avenue, BaatOBfl Hundr.d aud ihirty-sUth sureet. and Thlrd avenae, I.,- .--A-.iih Kiection O.strict ? .all contain all Uiat par: of th- elty bounded by and lying wlthln Eaat One ll'inursl ;..,il l... r-thlrd atreet, Wlllli avanae, East One Hundi-.d ?trevl ..l.ll I li 1: il ;.ve.u.e. !.-i,t? 1 kctlon DUtrlct iliall cuntaln all tliat liart ft tbe eltj i> .unded bv and lvlni* v. iti.ln l.ast One lli-uoi d a>.d ""'oriy-fourUi itreet. Morrii aveuue, Eaal One ilunui-.-d and Korty-flrst street, Tblrd avmue, and Uarlen rivcr. Th- .\';:,t!i Eleetion l>i-trut ahall coiilaiu ull part of tn.. clti bounded by and lylng witidn liast One Uirodrt-d , n.i i 1 it -i.-.i. li sir'-.t. IU. iioid avenue, I'iu-T (T.. Hundr, d am, Forty-sixth -.n-t. Thlrd avenue, Eaat One liunured a.d Korty-fli-t itreet, M.;r;s avenue, East One Huuur-d inu KoKy-fou Ul :r.-l. and'i n i.iv-r. Thfl Tenth Elcctloi in-tri.-t -hall eoataln all tliat pa.-t of ihe city bounded by and lylng within 1.1-t One Hmi'ir-d and Porty-klx?< itreet. Wllfli avenue, Eaat One Hundred ;,,,,, 1 . , t, Brook avenue, Eaal one Hundnd and F?irty-thiru, and I'hlrd ;.v.....e. Eleventh Elecllm D.stnct shail lontiin all Uiat r?ii nf tne <;:v bounded by and l>n._ nlthln Eaat On? lundr l and Forty-slxtti .atreet, Si Aan'a avenue, East One Hundred and Vorty-ttilrd str. ? t n.ook avenue, l-.x-t On. Hundred and Forti-fourth -. ?? t, .... WilUai avenia.-. The TwelfUi Eleetlou DUtrict - a. contain all t:.?' parl of Ui- dtv bounded bi and lylnc wiih'n Weat4-he?t?r ave. Bue Eaaie avenue, Easl One Hundred anl i*_ty_lxUi atreet, Wi-atehester avenue, Bronx rlver, Eaat nver, or 1 un- Is a-id sound - ? thern Boulevard. East One Hundre- and Fo ty.flftti atr 1. ' avenue. ,., Uuudied aid 1 .rl., -t.-.iid Ittflat, and flt. Ann s .. The Thlrteenth EleeUon DUtrlcl ihall eoataln all tliat Mii ?? :..? ? '. bounded by and ldng within Westchester avenue, Kt. Ann'a avenue, Eaat One llundr._ and tort.v alxth street and l?li_ avenue. in- Kourteenth Ele ; ... District eantatn all Uiat ??rt uf ti.- eltj botl'd ?! Ix and lylna within ta-i . llundr.d and FHty-aecond itrl?t, Third avenue, and t'ourt land aveora. . ,, ,, ,. , nth Eleetion Dlatriet -ha.l eontain all that p-irt of tne ?ii\ bounded by and lylna within i.a-t One liuiidr.-d and Klfty-flrst atreat, Courtland avenae, i-'-t One li'.ndr d and To tv -ixtii atreet, and Morria avenue. ih- mxi. DUtrlet shall eontain aU that port of ti.- city bounded by and rying wiuiin Eaal On j'.M.di.ii j..u i.'ti-i- ,t , itreel K^ ..'l avenu Mor. - 1 ,.? .,;,. ii . ?. and 1 ort -- tth atreflt. RaiUoad avenue, t_st (Jiic Hundr d ai id f. i-lv-ii.nth sti-e. u BBfl llar eit r." r The s-v-uie. -ii.'. Eleetion District .sl.all contain all that pan of Ui.- citv bounded by and lylna wlthln East One iluiii .1 nd t'lftv-a xtl itreet, (.x' h\... East One ll.t.d.-d and l-' str.,-., und Morria avenue. The Eghteeiith I.I-tion l)i-tr, t shall contain al! that psrt of th- .itv ...,11111!, i ti. and lylng wlthla Eaal One Tlundred aud i-'ftv tifh atreet, Third avenu.. Ea-? Oaa jiund .daiii Flfty-secoiid itreet, md Courtland avenue. Th. Nnet-eii? l-'.l.'tion District shull .-ini?1111 all tliat uort uf Um dtv bounded l>. and Iring within Eaal irn Hiind.'d a;ri 1 ft* Ighth itreet, Eltoo avenue, Eaat One Hundred and!, itreel Courtland avenue, Eaat One lliindr-.l and Kllt.v ilxth str. -l and ltailr,>a(l avenue. I weatleth 1.1-it:- 11 Dlatriet ihaU contain ail lhat pait of the ,..'? bounfl d hv aml lylna Wlthln i-.a.l (ine lluii.lred and t'iftv--l_l.t)i -itreet, l;,.:.l, M. Ai.v avnue i~st One Huodred and Ptfty-i!-tb atreet, Eafllfl :lS).?,:. ,v - . a.... Thlrd avenae, Baat Otu Jlundrei! and Elfty-ftfUl itre t anil Iiiton avenue. Tha Tw-ntv-iir-t Eleettea Diitricl -i...ii eoataln all oart of tlu- elty bounded l.v :?d 1 v in*.- wlthln Eaat Ona Hiiuiir-d a..d sixtv_alrd -1 aet, Jacaam avanue, Eaat Oaa Hundr.- ai.d sixtv-nr-t itreet, I'ulon avnue. Weal av u ie, Easl Oae Hundr d and r.f.y-si.vth stieet, aafl MB. Tt..- Tw-nty-e- ond EleeUon Dlatrlel ihall , ontain all Uiat iwiit of ti..- ?* .v bound d by aad lyiag bIbUb tiast 1. liurd'cd and Sixtv.Brit atreet, M.-i ose avenue, Eaal Oaa Hundr". am; '' -'r-1. t.llon BVCBUe, Brook avenue tisst (.>u> Hundred and _llty_acO-d Itreet, Third [ Easl Oue Hundred and t'lity-ei^titU atraat, aud Courtland avenue. The Tweutv-thl'd EleeUon District shall contain all that oait of thc ,-it* bounded by and lylng within Ea-l one liuiid..'! _c! sixty.flfth itreel Brook aveaae, Blaai av . jiij.. la-t OBfl Il'ind.-d nnd BlXty-aeConfl -trc-t. Ilell?M avenue Eaat One llund.-d and gi.ty-flrat street, Coart. luii aveuue t--t Oa* Hundred and t*ilt>-c;|..|iUi str-.t, and (.'romw-ii's creek. The Twenly-foui?1 Eleetion DUtriel ?rall coiitain all of bm eltv bound.-d by and lyiag wlthla Baat One Hundred and fllxty-savenUi -f?I l-'ulton avenue, Si.rlni! pUee, Uosu.11 avenue. Kaat On* Hund.ed and rUxt ? second st-eet. Ilnsi', avenue, l_st One Hundred and Slity lourth str- t and Waahlnf?_ ?" bb The Tw.utv-iifii1 I:;-.ti.;. DUttlel sliall (ontain all that part of tl.e ..iv noiiiided l.v and lylng wlthla l_.-t Ono HnndreJ and ?lxty-slxth -treet, t'nion aveuie. Kast Onfl Hundr.-l aud Blxty-flrat ?t.->st Jiokscu avenu-. t_st Oaa Ili.ndird anO-lxtv.third atreet, and n_u.ii roafl. ?ltic j w- n"..- \ ;, EleeUon Dlatrlel <?. i.taln al! thal js_t ol tl" eltj bo.led by and ivln:. Twenty. U.l.d Ward lin. , I..-' r avenue, fnlon avenue, Hsn.e ctr---t, 1 ,r.. -, avenaa aafl Baaaaa Taa Taenty-aavrntti EleeUea Diatrict eaata ^ that of Ih* city bounded by aud lylng ?iu, -. (111- llindr.d and Slxtv itreet, lulto., aveeua 1 -i-i Oae llundr d ai.d KUty-aiBhth atreet, Bastua road. Tin too Home -tr.'-t .-...,. avenue, Oue Hat,d.-d and ?si-tv-sivtii s ...i. S|. Inr plaoe, Kolloa aveaae, Eaat 1 a* jlmidi'-d and s-ivt arvintn itreet, ai-i V-_shina'aa avanae. ilie 1 w-ntv-i.titli EleeUon H!.?tr.<r ahall .ontaiii all Uiat part of th- elty boundad br *-.n lyiag wlthln Twenty. third Ward line, IK.-i n road. Easl '...? Hundred and til-tv-cl-iitii str?1. l-iilio., avenue, l_^t Ona Hundr.-d and glxty-a -'?" flvenue. ;. -niuth Eleetloa DlBtliet -hill contain ail t_at aart of U.e elty bounded bj and lylrif wlthln Twenty. Wai rton Eaai OneiRoadred _?,. (tlxtv-fonrtk str- t. Iii : ... aaa Baai One Hundr.-d .v.lirtii st-ct, aud Siicrldan avenu-. The Th ni-tt1 1.1..; .... Mstriet .-.aii eaalala aii that aart of Ui- elty lamiid.-d l.v and tytnc withm Twenty tn rd Wiid liue, Sherldan line, East Ona fundred ?_;; ?IMr-flfl - ?.. reU'a ? r?k. and Harlem rlver. The Thlrtv-Urst Eleetloa Dlatrlel shall rnaaUa aii that nart f the . t* bound d bj aod l.::.i.. aitaln Morrii laii" to McCeii.h'a Dam n_il Eaat Oaa Hundred and Kevenly aavaoth itreet, Morrii. BVCttt?, UUt Onfl Hundred and bev (flcction Xotue. entv-fourth street, Ea-ltmrn avenue, Walnut street, *_*__? wood avenne, 1 weiuy-Milid VSaid llae, a?d Ilarlem river. ine Thirly-aecoi.d Electlou Diatri.-t shall coniain nll that part ot tat (itv boun ed by nnd w.tuln 1 rrinout ave. iiu.-, iTaiBlllgBtll avenue, East On- lluri.l.. 4 nnd bevcnly um-d atreet, itaJli-ooa . 1 weat,-in.rd Ward Une, Fieetwood avaaaa, walnut atraet, __mh_u avaaaa, r_*t .'n Bundred and aevea iy-f*arth, a.iU .viorrls avenue T..e iiiiuy Ele t.o.i Uiatnet ?*4i caataln nii uiat juil ul t.v ct. bou..du Iv aud lylng wlUun 'li.mont avenue, in.rd aveaae, T.v.ui.-.lurd Waid Uae, Itailioad ave.iu... Ea-t o.n- iluudnd nnd sscvcnty-Uiird street, aud \Vu*rUiigi n m uu.-. Tne Th.rti fonrih El.-ctloB Distn-t. shall contaln aii t.iat j-iiti or IM eitv lioumi.-d by and lylni! wiihlu Thlrd a.e. u-. Ireaeaat avenue, llronx i.vcr. aiui Tweiity-tbitd vv aru ilne. ine Hi rtv-lifUi Eiectlon Dlatrlcl sh.ii con?ln all tbat p*rt of Iaa eily bounded by and lylng witnin tjuarry ri.-ad. KuiKsl>rld-e road, Franklin aveaue, baaMM ureet, iironv rlver lr_nout bv aae, aad ii.ninud u\eu.,e The Tiiirry-sixtn Eleetioa Dlstrlct il, ,11 con?ln all that part ?f t.,e c.iy bouiid.a bv aid ,yin?; wiibla PeUuua BVinue, lironx rtver, Mn.uei s r et. FranKiin avenoe, KIiilsIi, ,dg. Qaarry load, Third avenue, Klngsbridge r-ad, nnd vv a hiiigl n avoao. . Ihe i.lrtv-s. ve..Li l.i.ction District shall contaln oll tliat |siri or tne cltj bound d bi anu Ijrlug wlthin lllgh brluge road, Kmganr due r?ad, l'elhuni BVMBe, WBVhlng. Un venue. KmKsbuUpe road, Thiru BVeaoe, liiujrry mad. ita imad mv.iiu. . ireuioot aveaue, and AuUiony avenue. The T-lriv-i-nhtli Eleetion Dlstrlct shall contaln all tliat part ..r li,. citj lninded by and lylni: witnin road to Karrlau'a Laudiug, Blghbrldgv load. tnthony aveaae, ire ou a.e,ii- I . *. Obe lliind cd and Beventy-aeveuUi atreet, Mctoarir* iiun, ioad. Masrtfl taae, and Hariem r rar T..0 Thlitv-ninth E i.-cl on District shall ronta-n all that part of tiie elty lioiinii.-d by aud lylng vvlthiu itiver uae aven.o Ea.icy av.iiu.-, Klugabr.dge ioad. lloston av. nn,-, Mnuti-o , - r., aveoua, And ewa a> n.ic, Van Court iiind ? ? .e, ,i, e avenue, hontfi.rn i^nnevard Webst> r av.nue lli-hbndge lottt, :o..d t,. ilerrtaa'i Landlag. and Hariem rlver. Iha lo tieth Ele tion Distrl'-t shall contaln aU Uint rnrt <if tiie ii;v boanded bl au,i lying a uiln imrUi.-rn Ji.und ry ,. th T eaty-fourth vvarii' Brenx river. i'.-i hai. avaaaa, Waaaot avaaae, Bonthi?a Bealevaiaj, a.,d Jeroine a< nue, Tlio Eorn-lirst Illc.-tlfia Dlstrlct. ahall contaln al! that wn of tn.- elty (i.iid.d i.v aaa lyiag withta Mlddie i'.rook Fa.kway, hia iilli ro?d, Jereme iiv.-nue. \'nn CoiirUamli nvciiue, Aadrewa av, .me Montgnm.-ry avenoa, I'.os on avenue. KlQgehridge road, Bail.y Bveau*, Rlver* (iule a.eiiuc. sp.ivi.n Dayvll rreek and II'hl"* l.ronk. Th ? I oi y scc ni' EecUoa Dlatrtet siiall . ont-ilii all tl-.nt part uf the ei v bounded bv and lylog withln ilne if nrniuii.e.iis divld ng Wlll?? ('. \V. t/-or- and J. It. VVhltine's land, Til.l.l.'s brooii, Bpoytaa Dnyvil BfOBb, and Uud ou or North r.v? The lorty-UiIrd Ele. tion Dlstrlct shall contaln all Uiat p-irfc o* the c tv boiirded bv and Iving wlthin nnrtlierii 1?.u?.:*,-.. of the Twenty-to?{fa Ward, Jeroo* avaaae, '.un Hill rmd. .vtiddle Biwok I'ar.wo flbblt'i brooK. one or nionuii ents di idinir W lllain C. weticore and J. IL Wliib Inii's iand 4 d Hiid-in or Kortfa rlvir ily oider of Uie 11. urd of Poliee, T. r*. lioniM'.nron, Clilef of the iiunau of Elcctlona. Poi.icEPErARTMfSTf.vriir fTTT orXrw.Ton? i No.800Ml'L ri.nv sir., kt. \ BrBKAV OP Fl?CnORB, , NEW-ToitK. oni nni.'., 1SH1. ! N'OTICB is horol.y givtm that in piirsnanre of aertion 1.B29 of ehanter 410 of the l_w* of 18S2 tl.e Board of Poliee h:i- dealgnated and ippointed thfi plaee of rcglMry und ixvlilnp plaeea in and for each of the elee? tion (Ilstiicts of th<- Clty and County of New-York for the electlou:-. next enscinc as f..llows. la wit: WTBBt AMBMBLY UisTniCT. Iaticatluii. i n (iiplert m 1.60 Peari st.Barber ibea. ?2. 27 Daaver st.l'lumbcr abajt, 8. 2f> iv.Ti slip.Tailor ibop. 4. ll Brtyadlway.Rallroad otbea, ... :- < rt i-vicii st.Clfar atore, fl. 10 \Viisliiii|:t'.ti st.E:i.iil...v nicnt offlre, V. 89 Griaenwieh st.I'rfhri.-.ker store, e- 05 UreenwIcJi st.Una>rtaber siore. 0. ii.'8 Greenwtrfj st.Clgar itore, io. if"- WiisiiiiiL'tiiii st.Barber aaaa, ll. 863 Greenwioli st .Prodtm storia, 18. 188 \v'.--t Broadway.harber abop, 18. i. jay -t .Baataaraat, 14. Itnl g',.HiirU'r slmi). 15. m st.Reataurant 16. 7 LalgUI st.Varlety stora* 17. 10 llubert st .Tailui-sluip. 10. 863 w-e?t tt.RaatanianC 18. _ >7 lladton st.I'.ilnt tbop, BECOHD AMB-BLT DVOUCT. Loratimi. < iccupied at 1. 113 Cberrjr s,t.riothlni; stone. ii. 3 janifs slip.1'i-iilt More, :t. 4i i.ak st.BoanUag heaae* 4. 4-J olivcr st.Caiiflv siore. B. 4!) Madison t.t. I ndeilnker s-toro ij. -J4 Madison st. Eiii-nitui-e sturo, 7. ? . ? y . Imi'iicr abop, 8. i;7 Booeevell st.Junk shop i>. 862 Prarl sl..( Igar -tore. i(?. 4:i Oberrv st.BoardJngbeaaa 11, 409 Peari >t .tullai- niaiiiifactory. 1-'. 4i;i Peari st.lulur simp. 13. i!36 William st.I'.-iitit ?Utie. i-i. r.iJT Peari at.011 atore. 15. ::i dtj iinii Plaee..Machlnerr atore 16 4si Peari st.Einl -Vtre. 17. i. Baxter al .Vacanl store. 18. ii Dojrer st .iTiroeary st.irc. li.. 68 Bajrard st.Tin st-ire. 90. 85 Mott st .i iMtertaber store. 21. f.i! Ila.vter st.J-'eed store. Ui- 75 .Moit st.Barber abop. 28, i?'> ltaiih li, i-i . Rnrber sbop. i!4. 124 LaoaaidJ st.I'ultil store. Tllir.U ASe-EMBLY Dl.-sTKICT. Ixicatloii. Occuplod aa 1. lf>5 (ii_::d st.f'ipir simx,. 2. 4() Eli/alictli at...Vaeanl -lorc. Ii. _1T (.rand |t.Barber sln.p. 4. --'.'ii Grand st.abaettoa room. ... 4i)7 l.i-,a,uiL- -t.IMI08 store. (i. 71 0pit-g st. I' ^hop. 7. 8] Harlofl st.Bateber abop. (,. 4 l-i; bnrlng st.i iKfertaber .-tore. ii. 23 Hprfng st.iron aarba, 10. 44 Prifloe st.t'jiiilv store. 11. ".(. Prlnoe rt .Pnrnitiiiv storo. 18. 888 Mully-rrv .st.Ilnrber shop. 13.244 M .tt -i.I'luiiilier sli-.p. 14. l-'-Js Eli/.ilstll st .Pollinir bnoth. 15. 48 E. llouston -t .Oabtaet sliop. 16. 17 (iicsii Jonea -t.JTallorahop. 17. so i-.Hiitii nvi-.boob atore. Ifi. 74 Thlrd ave.'lal.le. fin-tory. in. 181 K. I3tfj st.Dwcllinir. M), 9 Irvitip pl.\aiaiH house. 81, E. E. eor. K. 18th nt. ani! Irvlni; pla<*.Pott?6 BOOtb. ? 22.276 Tliii-d ave. Barber shop, 23. 35 E. 10th st.Monlding siore. EOIKTII ASKEMIil.Y DISTHIOT. Location. <~><"<-upied a* 1. lii-J E. En.iiflw.-iy.v loth house. ?j. -.".. e. Broadwai.aia.iui-0 .st,,,.e. 3. 62 llenry ?t.Rnrber shop. ?i. 07 Maduonal .Mlneral wat- r srore 6. 8m _aa_oa st.itarbar abop, ?. '2U Mf.niv* st.8i 1) ibop. 7. b Moiiiv.i.- rt.Miiii-ial vvaicr store. 8. lOO t'h- ny st.(ainlv tUaja, 0. 83 Cathanne aiip.Baurber simp. 10. 7- M,>:;:?.>-? -t.Il;ui?r .liop. 11. 126 Mad?on tt.Barber ibop. 12. 74 ii.-iii-.v al.Oandv simts. 13. 71 Henry ?t.Tallor sij,,j,. 14. 00 IMvi-sion st..Jj elng es-uihllKiimcn* 15. 34 Cboal st.l.cnl ostate olhcii 10. 155 E. Iiroadway. i.-.n- itore, it. l-:, Madiaon --t.Bhoo -lunt. 1-. 164 Madiaon at.Cbndv store. i'.. 243 Cberrv st.Haniesa sdop. 30. -'?'<) tiw i:.v >t.Barber abop, 21. 270 cli.-n-y st.Ca,i!v st<,i-?. 22. 256 Madiaon ot.Oaodj atore. 23. l;j-; E. Broadwajr.Barber abop. 84. 202 ciiiioi, at.Ice cream s.-iioon. 27,. 40 Mon gomerj1 st.I'nxlrrtaker si,,? 26. 506 W'atei -t.Mlneral water atore. ?j7. r.7 Monigonierv st.Barber abop, 2-. 329 .vij.ii-oii st.H,,,, sliop. 20. 280 e. I'.roadwaj.Harneas sbon 80, :.-'. Madiaon st.biail nery -.i .ro, 31. 28 m.;n- l st.Barber ibop. ::-j. tio cherry st.Varanl stots-. 33. 4ir> Cberrv st.Carpeater shop. 34. 05 Jaebaon st.Caatjt sioiv. HFT1I _B_MBLY DlaTKICT. Lacattaa. <n i apteal aa 1. 883 6prto6 at...Barber sdop. 2. ?>.'.? r-prtng tt.PalBl ibop. 3. .i.'.i iliid-ot^st.Cuafectlonery store. 4. 73 Varlea si.Pbunber abM, r>. -j- ssiiliivan ?t.Tallor Bhop. o. 117 Vin-ick st.Tallor ibop. 7. U42 bprlng st .Papei itore. 8. 200 lliid-sajn st .Iiiiiicr .simp. 0. 320 iiiid-oii -t. < \got itore. 10. 888 -udaon -t.Barber s)i,,p. 11. 180 Varl h -t.Candy itore. 18. 162 \ ..i-jck st.Miiic-ral vvaor store 13. im) Vartck il.Tallor.i>. 14. 173 \V. Houaloa st.Tallo.- abop. 16. 88 Maodongal st .Tallor abop. 16. 135 PrtiK-e st..Tallor abop. 17. 100 Prtnce al . Upbolaterv store. i-. 154 Prtnce -t .Jor atore. io. 104 Bprliig al . Undertaber atera ?_o. 4ii Miiiivau ahop, 81. 14C Bprliig tl .Clgai store. 88. 12- Bteecaer st.Citrar stot-. 28. i7i TbompaoB st.Carpenter sdop. 24. lo4 B?eeaer st.1 Nii market. MIXTH AW-MB1.V DlbTSior. I.i.iailon. '',. iijced as 1. 503 (ii-ainl st.Unrlier sliop. ?_'. 'jo Jaebaon al.Barber abop. 3. r.nn Grand st..Barber abop. 4. 14 GOerCB sl.*S|.-perid, r store. 5. t-,5 Mi.lie'i" st.AitziA esfate orlica_ c. as*) : h *t.-i.ttt, oiik-4-. 7. 4'. BrooBM st.Jen i_jr store. 8. 41 _-wis st.Tallor tbop. fi. 3oi Bivlngtoo st.Barber sbop, io. 56 Oanuon st .bh o ahop. 11. 4-J C'lnnibiH sl.fcho> abop. 18. 8 (titmoii st.Tallor ibop. 18. 110 liii.i.ine st.I'andv siore. 14. 23 Cotanibia <?!.I'ndertaber stora 15. 65 Bbe IU *t .Laamlry. 16.60 I'fi -t .jahoa abop. 17.31 litt st .Clgar atora, 18. 450 Grand al .Tallor store. 18. ? - Attorney ~t.biah:.- olliee, 20. 3 Attorney si . .Tallor atore. 21. 88 Heeter st .< aipenier shrlp. ?^'J. 804 Gvaad st .l iuar -tore. 23. !-?? Broraae -i . Barber -iion. ?J4. 132 Noi-folk st. Barber abop. 2'.. -jOii siai,i,,ii st .Kestauraut. -.-.;. 825 Btantoo st .Barber abop. ?j7. -jr,:, s,:) j,,, .t .Crocbery ~tore. ?jb. 85 Colnmbla -t .Bestaurant. ?.'0. r>i; Colambla >t .31a ib p. 30. 831 etantoa al .Wof*i More, B_VBIr_B A88BMBLY DUrTRfCT. LoeatlBB. i 'rniptai aa 1. l W. -tl st . .liul estate ofhec. ?j. -.- Bonth Fiftb bvb . Polbng bootb. 3. 10] Bleeebar sl.Clgar itore. 4. 825 Bleeebar st.Pluiuber sliop. '.. -- .s,.-.l!i nve .Mai stois-. rt. 13 Dnlverstty pl.Barber ahop, 7. ;..i nint.n pl .Barber abop, ?. 41 t iiu.r-ltv pl._ .Barber ibop, B. 186 >i\tli .ve .... .I'.;iri?-r shop. 10. 00 iiiiv.r-itv pl.i;?t:..-r abop. ll .',-_? W. I'itli -t . \vvninB- shop, 12. 143 Waver'ev pl.M,o/> ahop. 13. 9 Grecnwichave.?>hoe ihop. (flcctisn Nornx 14. :i*l Greenwlch ava._____ *,tol_" _ 15. 233 W. 4th it.liuteher shop. 1?. Wi (' ave.Clgar fltBJt. 17. 1?7 A iifi (iieenwlch ave.Hable omce, IS. 188 Orceti-Alch ave.shoo shop. in. 5 seventh uve.pnlnl su*re. ?0. 114 W. UIli at.I"urnlturo store. Bl. 66 seventh ave.Feed store. IS. 1.8 W. lJtli it.Tailuf store. 23. 108 seventh ave.Jlarness ahop. Si. 17 t'nlon sq._______? ?ho?** _, 25. ISS W, lDtli it.t'arpeoter shop. _?'.. 52 W. lfith st.IplK.lstery ston*. ?27. 150 cieventh ave.Barber shop. 18. M \V. 21st ?t.I'olllng booth. 29. 211 seventh ave.B99S sn"P EIGHTH AiSSEMBLY DISTRICT. Loeallon. ("cciipiC- as 1. 50 Divislon st.,.Honk shop. ?.'. 1S0 cai.fil slmp. 8. 118 llestcr st.Cpholstcry shop. 4. 103 C^niil sl.Hesiauraiit. 5. 99 Dlvi-lon st.Kestaiiraiit. 8, nr. Oaaa] st._*-*?? shop. ? 7. 45 Ludlow sl.Hukery. 8. oo Chry-tle at.cigar *>tore" 0. 1)4 F'ir-vth ft.Harber sliop. 10. rO AH'ti st.Re^taurant. 11. 70 Lu'llovv flto** 12. 11)1 Ludlow st .lliirl-er shop. 18. 8. Klv ii-.'.t. st. I.'iiin'lry. 14. 102 Allen st.Harber sliop. 15. 161) Klrird.e st.St-blfl offlce. 18, 140 I'cirsvth st.Statlonery storo, 17. 188 I'o-vth st.I.amidry. 1?. 13 Delnnrejr at.Itesliinnvit. li?. 84_ It vv.rv._____storo. '-?o. ia Ch'-vs'i-* st._aoa store. Bl. 170 Korsvth st.ttnlter store. 22. 17.". Allen st .Pliiniber shop. 83. 141 Lu-llou st.Harber sl.,-p. ?24. 133 R,vi.:-ioi. st.Cl_-r store. 25. 140 flt.Barlier shop. MNTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Loeatlon. Oretipled Bfl 1. oift (iieenwlch shop. ?_. :ip? Ilulson at.Fcert store. H. 61 cnim'no sl.Leatlier slore. 4. 88 Bedf. rd st.*-tsbe oflice. s. 81 C-roitne st.,Hat stxre. 0. 25 si.xtl. avea.Furnlture store. 7. '-'.1.1 Btoecher -t.Tailor shop 8. 88 f'rove rt.l'ootlt.e shop. .... 34 Orove st .Cabinet maUer's snop 10. .'le _ 40 Conimerce nige wniehouae 11. 4,(18 lliulson st.Ilctiiro store. 18. 888 (ireiHvirh st.(.meery stoie. 13. 4117 H.idson st.Palnl slore 11. f.7-2 Wa h'nR 011 Bt.r.nrlier shop. 15. r.8.", Waslilngt-.n st.Ciirar store. 16. 940 W. 10th st.ovster saloon. 17. H45 Illeecher st .f.'roe.ry -lore. lft. 7rt _ hO lianli st.btab'.e offlce. 18. 7.s.'l (ire'nwleli st.Paint store. ?.".. 7'.,:i Wa i.i.i-'ton st.BJao-aaalth shop. 81.408 We-t -t .Reataa-aat ?22. 7.*.7 Wa-hin-toii st.Barber siu.p. 23. (ill. Ilndscii st.Barber shop. 24. 18 Elghlh ave.Njflf liiintting store. 85. 777 Waahlaat-a st.P'liti.ber -Imp. 96, ::i MiitM ave.Feed store. '27. 848 HiidfliD it.l'rodiiie storo, 86. 840 Ha-aaa st.Harber shop. 88. in. e._' ?. uve.Otar '?t,,r<> 30. 78 Nlri.h nve.Barber shop. TF.KT1I ASSEMBLY DISTKICT. Loeatlon. Oau.led ai 1. '212 (li.vstic st. ilpar, ?2. 140 K. llo.iston st.Restaurat.t. 3. 7.-* snai.t-.u st . ItesttuiriiiT. 4. i?o K. Hofl-ton st.Bar-er sh-.p. 5. 1"7 a-flfl- -t .Burb Tshop. 8. 275 E. Hotiston st. Kesianntiit. 7. 157 se/ond st .T.ibnrco store. 8. -200 seend st . t'iRar st<"'*'- . fi. 170 Thlrd et . __?? rtalier store. 10. 5-1 A.t'lorist store. 11. _.>7 K 4th st. ClRT store. 12. 519 Klft'.i st.Lui-.-ry. 13 M8 Kifth st.Bakery. 11. &:t4 -IxMi st. OflOtl storfl. 15. MI .-Ixth st.Maelili.e stort. 10. 108 Avenue A.C'iftar store. 17. 126 Flrat ave.Phoe store. 18. 104 Tlrst ave.Hut store. 10. 1)0 Kir-t ave.CflaTflfl saloon. .0. 427 Kiftli st.Feed store. "1 402 Flfth -t .Kiirnituro store. 2J. 148 K. 4th -t .Tobacco ytore. 2!l. 88 Avenue A. Shoe store. "4. 42 I'irM ave .Confeetionery store. 25. 108 ?s-conU st.Mlllinery store. 86. 129 K. II >n-ton st.T.'.lloi- shop. 27. 88 Second st.T.-.ilor sliop. 28. 43 First ave.CtfBT store. ?"i 126 E. 4'li st .(Viiifectionery sUire. 80. 115 K.'4th st.'..La.-b.-rshop. 81. 347 st.Barbflr ahop. 89. 340 "sl.xth st.Tnllor shvp 33. 103 1 -Ii-st ave.Shoo store. 34. 127 First ave.<"ljrar store. 35. 14 st Murk's pl.Barbar shop. 86. 237 sixth st.BBoa tnmt. 37. 040 Sl.vili st.Cipir store. 88. 87 E. t'oiirth st. Peifuinery 86. "11 Third st. Stubie oflice. ?10. 2 st. Funitture store. ELEY-NTH ASREMBLY DISTRICT. IxK-atlon. Oerupiedal 1. 3-3 I'uiirtli ave.Clgar store. 2. 400 lonrtli ave. Barber shop. 3. 354 I'.niilhave.Tollor shop. 4. 10 W. 28th st.(*<irpeiitei- shop. 5. 3?8 Slxtti ave.Tailor shop. 8. 88 W. 20th st.Tailor shop. 7. 421 si.vtli nve.Clgar store. 8. 2-*7 seventh ave.("Iiror store. fi. Kd \V. 27th st. Plumber shops, 10. 110 W. 30th st.Barber shop. 11. 106 W. 30th st.Oirbnter shop. 19. :%i w. 31-t rl.Beal estale ofllea? 13. 447 Fourlh avo.T;ii!..r -to;-e. 11. 10 I-H.fc ave.Bolliiip b oth. 15. 02 \V. 31th st. IMtiinb-r sflop. 16. l<>.ri W. 33d -t.Auction store. 17. 455 Seventh ave.1'ii(k-rta_er storo. ic s. K. tor. w. 35th st and -ixlli uve .Polllng bootlV 10. 117 W. 34th st.l'alnt store. ?0. (KiOSlxtli ave.Barber shop. 21. N. E. eor. 3DUi st and Mn.l isun avo.Polllng Booth. TWF.LEni ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. l.i.rntion. Occupi.-dai 1. K'O Ai??riiey st.Express oflice. 2. 345 E llouston st.Pri.i.lnp ofdoe. 3. 132 I'ltt st. Butch r shop. 4. 411 E. Hoiiston st.Shoe st,.re. 5. 4 11 E. Jlou-tou st.tlKar store. (i. 440 B. Hou ton st.Shoe store. 7. 41*5 E. llouston st.Clothliig store, x. 208 .second st.Macliine -torflh 9. 34 Avenue 11.Barber shop. 10. 307 E. Fourlh rt.Paper st?.rc. 11. 50 Av-iiue D.Cixur stire. 12. 84 Aveaae c.fl_oa sbire. 13. 111 Avenni" D.Barber shop. 14. 100 Avenue D.Barber shop. 15. 188 I).CiBar st.,re. m. 132 C.lliir_vv?rc st-oro.' 17. 156 Avenue 0. .. Crochery torc 18. 417 E. l<'th st. Resaur.iiit. 1'... 107 Avnue U.IRilery. 2'.. 173 Av iiue C.Pieture stoie, 81, 887 t*. 01 ti st. ( irar BtOffl. 92. 318 st.Ciir;ir 23. i -i Blghtfa -t .Osar -t-ire. 24. 07 Avenue C.Ugar st re. 25. 77 Avnue B.Miichlne store. 2.;. us Avaaaa b.8hoo -tor*-. ?_'7. 43 Av-i.uo B. ( rocke.y store, 98. _1 Avenue C.Dry goo-ls store. ..".1. 886 1'.. Il-m-ton st.Barber shop. TllIBTEENTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Locaiio;.. (.ccupied aa 1. 43!. W. ltith oihca. 2. ri) Nintl. ave.g-flfl fltore. 3. !.(i Mnth Bflfl .BarlaT -hop. 4. 132 Klf*:th ave.Clgar ^to-e. 5. 830 W. lhih st.Confeeti nerv itore. .1. 120 Ntntli ave.lUri.ess shop. 7. 110 Te th ave.Vaeant, 8. 135 Mnth ava.Barber shop. fi. 15'.) Tenth ave.Barber sliop. 10. 150 N nth ave.Tailor store. 11. l'i''. Eipluh ave.ClfarBto.a. 18. 1?9 Seventh ave.C-Caratoee, 13. 804 F.lKlitli ave.Class st/ir*. 14. 211 Blfhlh ave.n-ootlas gallery. 15. 175 Tcntli ave.Barber shup. 1.;. 217 l-nt.. ave.(-farato.e. 17. 210 Mtilh ave.Barlier shop. 1-. 233 E "rlitli ave.Tailor store. 10. 253 l'ltcl'th ave.Jeuelry-t .r-i. 20. -2-2" El-fhtli ave.Barlier shop. 21. 272 EU'hll. ave.Tailor store. 22. 168 W. 24th st.Tailor ahop, 23. 252 Seventh ave.Clgar fltore. 24. 231 Mnlh ave.Cnfectl nory store. _"*.. 946 T. ntli ave. Barlier -hop. 21'.. 968 Mi.tti ave.Barlier shop. 27. 24f- Nmih ave.OsBratora. 98. L'02 s ventli ave.Clotlilng stoie, 89, 353 W. -2'th *t.Lealher store. :;... 800 W. 27th st.Barlier -hop. 31. 221 w. 27ti. st.Tailor ahop. 32. 946 W. 2!.tl. st.-Supply -toro. 83. iU4 Mnth ave.Clgar store. 31. 360 Klnth ave .Tailor *hnp. 35. 427 Elplith ave...Clgar store. Foi I'TKENTH A-SEMBLV DlhTRICT. Loeatkn. ' ? |.. ,1 aa 1. 50 Tulid ave.I.aui.drt. 8. Btl Thlrd ave.Tailor-loie. :;. 933 Flrat ave.Ci?ar st0 e. 4. 20:1 F rst ave.B_t-har shop. .-,. 1-3 lir 1 ave.Bu.ter store. '".. 171 Flrst ave.FlndlnR store. 7. _;i?> B. 10th -t.Bart?;r shop. .-. 66 St. Mark- pl.Paper lore '.. 137 Aveaua \.Flo Nt atore. 1... 164 tlrst ave.Clgar slore. 11. 848 t'.. Tenth st.Barber shop. 19. 910 Flrst ave .StabiV oflice. 13. 403 K. 13th il .Oarrlasa hewa. 14. r.40 E. 14th st.cig.r>to v, 15. 220 Avenaa B.Barher -imp 16. 532 R, l.'ith-t.Blarhamith ahoa. 17. 520 K. 1-th st.Wafon ahop. 1-. 170 Avenue A.Dry g.sals ,,tore, n?. I09 Aveaae B... Bahery. ?jii. in4 Aveaae B .Btatlo-ery store. 81. 167 Aveaae 0.Harnaaa ahop ?."_'. ?-'"'.. Avenae C.. df-rato-e. 93. 640 K. 13th st. Dt--snialilng storo. 24. 619 E 14th -t.Harnmi sil0p 25. 202 Av BBfl ?'-- flBflfl stor... ' IITEENT1I -S-S-tBLY DNTIIHT. Um 1. .. 1 iijneii a< 1. 615 W. _'th st... .Vacar.t -torc. 2. 445 W. 2'ith st.(., f ctionery store. 3. 41.1 W. 97th al .Barber ahop. 4. 509 W. 96th -t..I'lnnile-r sh.,p 5. 810 Mnth ave... . Vi'.'illie -toi-e. ?. D35 r-*nth ave. Cand\ 7. 357 Mnth ave.Caoa. stor--. r :...j jeiiti, av.- .-Bhoa Btoifl ii. 45'.i \V. .'.1-t -t. .. Junk shop. 1". :,'.'. Tenth ave .-Barber sliun, 11. 403 Mnth ave.Barl-er sln.a, 18. 418 Tenth ave.Barber 1 hop, 18. 487 Mnth ava.Barber thop. (glcction Kftttf* 14. 461 Nlnth ave.-Crvtidy store. 15. 4.t:> T-nt'i ave.Barber shop. KI. 441 Elevcntliava.Barber shop. 1? 453 W. 3.'.tt. st.CarrluKeshop 16 474 Tcntli ave.Dry |B06a store. 18. 4 13 W. 37th st .Barber shop. 00 518 W. 88th st.Paint store. 81. 511 NlnUi ave.>hoc atore. -2 410 W. 30th ot.-Taiior abop. 28. 4e4 F.ieventli ave.Barber abop. ??4 5(>4 Klfvcntli ave.Barber shop. 86. 434 W. 40th Bt.shoe ''tore. _>. 411 W. 30tli st.Elxtiire store. 27. 300 w. 4 'tn st.Barber abop. 86, 310 W. 30th st.Grorery store. 88. 846 W. 3-th at.I.i-ather stoie. 30. 322 W. 3.-th st.Paint store. 31. 354 W. 37th st.TrimmltiK store. 32 460 tflnta avo.Real estntc offlce 33. 44-J Mn h uve.riRar store. 34. 40 Ninth ave.Beal eatate offlce. 35. 23rt W. 40th st.Talor shop. 30 271 \V. 38th st.Barber shop. 37. lmm w 371I1 st.Metal shop. 3h. 270 w. 3'ith st.Barber simp. 30. 444 S venth nve.Candv store. 40. 968 w. 34th st.Barber abop. 41. -14-2 Bg'ithnve.ClgJBr -tore. 42. 250 W. 32d st.I'ltimber shop. 43 B*a w :i Mi st.Leatber store. 44. 250 \V. UOtli st.Barber shop. SIXTEENTH A-3EMBLY DISTRICT. T.oration. oeeaplei as 1. 240 Avenue R.Tallor store. 2. 368 Avenue II.ClfBT store. 3. 2->3 Av. nuo B.Ilarnss sliop. 4. 533 K. Kitll st.<'(,:icli l.niise. .'.. 2r>4 .w. nuo H.Grnearj tore 0. 521 E. 15th st.Palal Btora, 7. 233 Avenuo A.Barber shop. 8. 432 E. 15th st.Barber shop. 6. 847 Avenue A.v.Shoe 880 8. 10. SB6 Avenue A.Cicar store. 11. 432 e. 1 -tli st.Maehlne -hop. 12. 300 Kirst ave.shoe sto 8. 13. 383 k. Mtbel.Barber ahop, 14. 1*9 Third av?.Rurber shop. l.v ?_*21 Th r.1 ave.Shoa store. nt. 207 Aveaaa A.Barber simp. 17. -jon Avertaa A.BeabaaaBb 1?. 335 FltSB av.R, stiiirart. 10. 333 Kirst avo .Fumltiire store. i.'0. 341) Second ave.Barber shop. 81. 301 r-erond ave.Rakery. 22. 307 Kirst ave.Shoe stoi-e. ?i3 868 Kirst avo.Rarher shop. 24. 400 E 22d <t.Orocerv store. 25. 3-0 AverTtte A.Kced sfore. 2f>. 833 E. BM st . Knrnlt'ir* ?torc 27. 215 E. 844h st.Stable offlre. 24. 421 Klr-t ave.Hanlware st re. 88, 88* K. -.'it'i -t .Carnetite- shop. 30 300 K 2<'th st.Stable offlce. 31. -Jio e. -j?ith st.Btabtooflke. SK.\'K.XTEE.VTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Location. Oeenpaai aa 1. 548 K.cvvnth sliop. 2. 510 \v. i3d st.Barber shop. 3. 584 Eleventh ave.Vacant store. 4. o-j:, Tenth nve.f'limr store. 5. 501 El-v.-tith ave.Klsli store. 6. 041 Tenth ave .i....Polling b ioth. 7. 088 Eleventh ave.Harneaa simp. -. 560 Pf. 48th -t.I'olIinK hootli. 0. tis-i Bleveatfl ave.Vacanl -tore. 16. 7oo Tenth ava .Barber shop. 11. 07M Eleventh ave.Barber shop. 12. 000 Rleventh ave.ulgai Btora. 13. 788 T ru ii ave.Barber simp. 14. 745 Tenth ave. Barber shop. 15. 710 K.eventh ave.Barber shop. 16. 7-13 Eleventh nve.Vncarit store, 17. 755 Tentt nve.Barber -hop. ls. 758 T.'i t'i ave .( nndv atore. 18. 71". Nl nt fi ave.' icar itor* 80. 457 W. 50th st.Polling l.ooth. 81. 40J \V. 50th st.PolllliK l.ootll, ?J-.'. 438 W. 4i.ili st.Tallor sliop. ea. 406 W. 4'.uii st.Barber shop. 84. 4:.:, w. 48_ -t.Barber shop. 25. 88_ T.-ntli avo.Tailor shop. 20. 005 Ninth ave.t'ifrar itora, ?J7. 007 N'nth avo.t'lpar store. 28. 664 Tenth ave.Maehlne store. 28. 053 Ninth ave.Rarher shop. .".0. 037 Nlnth nve.Tailor shop. 31. 810 Tenth ave.Rarher shop. 32. 5*4 Tenth ave.' i-ar store. :.:i. 446 W. IM st.Tallor shop. 31. r.4>i T.-ntli ave.Rnrber shop. 86, ?">"..'. Mnth nve.Barber shop. 36. 848 V?'. 4^d st.Undertahi r stoie. 37. 506 Ninth ave.Rarher abOpv 3*. :n)rt w. 4ith st.Ba ber shop. 30. t-:t_ Nlnth ave. Rarher shop 40. 850 Nlnth bvb..Tallor sliop. ?11. 664 Ninth ave.jClgar Btora. 42. 884 Nintli ave.Rarher shop. 43. 37ft W. 4-ith st.Tallor ahop. 41. 739 Ninth avo.Und rtaber ste/a. 45. 643 KJ^'litli ave.(icar store. 16, 704 Nlnth ave.Rnrber -hop. 17. Braadway nnd 50th st.PolBas booMb 46. 804 EUrlitli ave.Barber shop. 48. 7>ii r. ni th nve.Barber shop. 50. 666 Elcli'h ave. Masta itoia, 51. 370 \v. 4Sd st.Barber shop. 52. 030 Elphth ave.0*9* store. EKillTEENTH A6SEMIJLY DISTRICT. Location. Oecupled as 1. 344 Th inl ave......E.xpress olhce. 2. 154 E. BBtb st.I n.leitaker store. 3. 44?l Thlrd ave.Barber shop. 4. 165 E. 86th st.stable oflice. .".. .",40 Thinl ave.Tallor Btora, 0. 624 Third ave.Rnrber shop. 7. o:::i Thlrd ave.Barber shop. rt. 845 Thinl ave.Ifestauraiii. 0. 3ii7 E. 4oth st.Prame factory. 10. 323 K. 38th st.Stable oflice. 11. 503 Thinl ave.Palal Btora. 13. 668 Beeonal a c.l_ 'ertakar store. 13. 3-il E. 3rfth st.Btabta olheo. 14. 888 Beeond ave.Barber shop. 16. 635 Kirst avo.o.vster siti,M)n. 16 868 E. 30th st.Mi -i store. 17. 585 Tblrd ave.Plorist store. 18. 300 e. 36th st.Barber shop. 10. 3-1 e. 35th st.Barber -hop. 20. 203 E. 34th st.Kiirnlture store, 21, 5-0 Beeoml ave.Batter store. ?;?;. 838 E. 34tii st.Barber shup. ?_'3. 568 Kir-t ave.Ife-taiirant. 84. 850 B. 33d st.Tailor store. ?j;.. .V.I Kir-t ave.Furi.Ituie -tore. 86. 405 Thlr.l ave.Jl.irber shop. 87. 544 Eeooad ave.Reni eatate oftlce. 28. -V-'O Klisi .tve.Rarher shop. 20. 405 E. 28th st.fstorii house. 86. 3I?< E. l?)th st.I'lifteruiker store. 31. ?_,44 E. 86th st.PrlntlBl offlee. 3-'. 3?") Thinl avo.1 i^-;,,. siore. 33. 807 E. 87th st.Keed store. 34. 488 Cacoed ave.Rarher shop. 35. 332 E. 27th st.Tiiaiiliiai* f'ollege. MNETEriNTH ABBBMBLY DISTRICT. Location. I., 1 splatf *? 1. 8t?d Elghth ave;.Barber ibop. 2. 040 Eignth ave.Barber ahup, 3. 304 W. r.Atl st.I'ollltig 1, olh. 4. 763 Nlnth ave. 1'aiut si.op. j. 700 Tenth uve.Poiiitife'b.utu. ii. 74- l.lev 111 Ii ave.Barbtr ?hop. 7. '15 Nn.Ui ave.,_di-bur shop. 8. 803 W. 51th st. iuuor shop. 0. 816 Tenth ava. Barber sbop. 10. 501 W. .".4lh st.-H.iu eistijp 11. 838 Tenth ave.Kurnituiv stoie 12. -'?- Tentli ave..liul stoiv. 13. .-*.? Nlnth ave.Barber ahop. i4. BM Nmtii ave.Btattonen store. 1... 1 Orand i.'.n-Ie .Barljer abop, 16. 884 rc-ntii ave.Polling boott, 17. -,,- K.ev nth i?ve.Clfar ,iore. lo. 15 Cobuabaa ave.Heat c tuie ofUteL id. ?;'.) AJBBleria? avo.PoUlna boofln. ? 21 An.-i -id.ini nve.6ho ? >l re. 21. o7A Eleventh ave.Barber ahop, 22. 62 uve.Artmuberaboa H3. 44 Auisiei-daui'oili g I, otb. 84. 68 Ani-ieidam avo.Po_lB| I. mth. 86. 08 C< luiul-us uve.('ig-ar atore. 26. 05 Co.nmbna ive.Ra. ber shop. ?j7. 1-5 B uievaid.Pee6 atore 28. lon Ainsierdaiu ave.Kuriiitm-e store 89. J30 W. O'-th st.uvvelimir. '? 80, 413 Boalevara .Caadyaiara. 81. 2iKi Botilevard.Harnasa shop .12. 20V ColaBba* ave.TaiJor ?hop. 83. 811 ('oliiiubiis ave .T'ndertalver store 34. 285 Amaterdam ave.I'lun.tM-r nhou 860 Anteterb?m ava.Harneaa sho? 36. E st s ,1- 111 i.oiilevanl, bt. 83d and n5t!i si*.Oandv store. 37. 4i)o i uiuinbus uve.Barber simp :is. .,().-, (oi,.inbii-avo. 1 Ddertaiier atora 39. 51.3 (' uve.Iiai l?. r sj|?p. 16. . -1 < oi iinhiis ave.Htatlooery store 41. Anletcrdaa ave.>h.j.- ,1 irt. 4-J. H82 Coiunbus ave.MaUontrv 'store 43. 705 CotaUBb- ave.Kurnlture store' ?11. 7..:i Amstardan ave.lii.leriui.ei- storU 45. 785 Columbus ave.?Barber sbop. 16. 7,-1 Am 1 nliiiii ave. Real eatate offlce 47. 141 W. ICK.tli at.Kuruitua- stoie 4*. '-?J7 Oolaaiboa uve..liaal eatate oihie 48. 107 W. 104th st.Barber *hon BO. 0:12 t'oiuiiiiiiis ava..i'ikiii- itore. 51. 886 i^luuihus ave.a_arb -r ahop ti-2. 3156 llahth nve..FBocy atore.' 53. 214 r-t NiebOb- ave.I'lurnbei shoo ^4. Jii7r> EiKhtn ave.Ua b r shop 55. -J.MO E.ktliUi ave..Rarher shop' 00. i!.,5 \V. li.'5th sto? a7. 2384 Blgbtb ave.Tailor ?ln,p ' &-. 2808 Seveuth ave.Ral esuo-'oftiee 16. 2240 Kiifhtli ave.Eumitur,. -u>? riO. 2M4 Eiirliih ave .Tailor ,bon .11. 870 W. Hith ?t.Tallor shop 88. 2157 Eiiihth ave.f'ijrar -t?,ie. ? 3. 8335 E ghh ave.Barber ahop 04. 378 W. 125th -t.Rarher shuu' ?;5. 406 W. I_5th st. I nderuki-r s?r_ 56. 1330 Ain-t nta:ii ava.V.nui.t -tore 07. 1314 Aiii-t-rdum ave.Barbet ahop 66. M31 Ei^'luh av.Barber Bbjoa! 68. ^".17 Klfhtb av.Barber aboa 70. 2055 KiKhth av.Barber iboa 71. 1710 Anateriaai ave.Clear store 7_'. 343 W. I4.'.thst.rndert_v,.r ?itope 73. 1640 Am teraai? ava.Vaeant tore 74. lli<>4 Ain-terilaui *ve.Ilarher shop 76, -J.":0 Aiu-terrtatii ave -sintl-.n.-iv -.tore. 70. Klnirshrlrtire road and lP2rt ifVaeanl -t-ee. I WK.NTIETIl _B8_MBLT DISTRKT. Laeattua. ueeaa?d ar 1. 662 Thlitt ?vo.Upu- store 2. 7.4 Thlid ave.cigar itore. 8 904 Th rd ave.Cltur .ston-. ?1 838 Tblrd ave.Plomber aboa. ?'?? i'i e '.31 *i .Barber ibop. 0. im K. 5Ti_ si . Barber ihen 7. '..- . Thlrd av,-.....Barber ahop 8. 1,054 1 ir t *ve.a.Tallor atore 0. 1,602 Serond ave r-rattora -.tore. 16. 1.'.-.. Be. n l iv.- riboe *| ? 11. 1,076 ?>? .- .nd ave.Barber -hop 12. i.oi'. Pirat ave.Clgar * 13. 865 Kirst avo. * Barber ahop. 14. l.O-l'.i Second ave . Rarla-r shoi 15. 808 E. 53d st ahop. ii-.. 1,008 .-scond avo.Tallor itore 17. t.OO llr-t ,,v-e .sh,?. .loi-e.' 1*. 304 E. 63d it .Barber ihop. 10. 877 beeond ave._Barber ihop. (Eleetion iNoticc. ! SO. OOO Heeond avo.!!ar^,_! ^P,,' _,?. 866 Flr,t ave.K^shop?' ?2. '-I5H Second ave.harber snop. _,T 808 Thl .1 ave.l^Tr b^ 94. 867 Second ave.?*f,Der ," f " 2... 346 E. 40th st.5!_-_j2___. 20 SM Flrst ave.('lothlnit store. 27. aos k. 4(ith ?t.Tailor store. S8. 90- K. 47ih at.Stab.e offlce. BO. s43Se..nd av*.Barber ahop. 30. -50 N-.ond BtflJ."T.. ??.___ ? 81. B_4 Second ave.-.?lot '<nB;;t0JV 32. 711 Thlrd ave.Statlonery store. 88. 961 E. 43d st.Harber shop. 34. 7..1 Seron't ave. ______? _____ ?5. 703 Flrst uve.Fl_ture etore. TWENTY-FIRiST ASSEMBLY DISTKICT. Loeatlon. m $9939*91 ** l. 1455 Broadway.Ta ior itop. 2 101 W. 15th st.PoMiii; booth. t*'. 713 Scv.nci ave.C'lKar storo. 4. 757 Seventh ave.?_???__ _??_____ . 6. i.15 Btxth avo.Ilumber shop. ?. 101 w. 54tn -t.ralloe -ton 7. 865 Sl.vth ave.Keal estati" offlea. 8. ;i-2 KixMi ave. ph.lstivv stoie. p. 1)34 slxtl. ave.Iiarbershop. 10. 878 m -th avo.Barber sliop. 11. 894 ."vth ave..Tailor shop. 12 788 Btxth ave.??'<* UCQ. II 198 Part ave . .Tal or sliop. 14. 191 E. 44tb at"!.Stonee warehonfle. 1..: 374 Part ave.......rplKilstery store. 10. Park ave, near | E eor E. Vith st -1 ollinK boolh. 17. 573 Vaiisonave..Buttor store. 18. 017 Madl-on ave.Barber sliop. IB. K. 01 st -t anrl Fourth ave... l'ol ing booth. ?_">. ld-1 E. 03(1 st .,Stora.'e house. Sl E. 8Tth st nnd Fourth ara...Mllng booin. 22. K. 71st st anl Fourth av>-... l'ol lnf b<vjth. 23. E. 75th st unl F .urtli ave... Pollnff booth. 24. E. 77th st and Fourth ave Polling booth. 25. K. 8. Pflrt ave, bet. 80th and 8lst ?ts.Polling booth. ?fi 102 K. r_d ?t.Butciier sliop. 27. i'i.l Part ave.Barber shop. ild. 7o E. 85th st.Carpenter shop. TWENTY SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Loe.'Ulon. Occupied afl 1. 160 E. oist st.:..Tailor shop. 9. 166 E. 66th st.Burber sliop. 3. 1200 Tl.ird ave.Barber sliop. ?1. 1886 Thlrd ave.Awnlng shop. 6. lr*l E. "t-tli ?t.Barber shop 0. ISS E. 80th st.lailor shop. 7. 1458 Tlnnl ave.H?t store. 8. 168 E. .J<itli at.Barber sliop. h. 10^^ Park ave.Fiirnitiire .store 10. l!-T Park ave.-s?oe store. 11. 1103 Park avo.Barber shop. 12. 1006 Park uve.Candy store. 13 1303 Lexitijrton ave.Barber sliop. 14. 1537- Third s1*>re. 15. 1661 Third nvi-.H.-irdware ?tore. 10. 1727 Second ave.?*ho_ store. 17. 17..3 Fl.s; shop. 18. 16S5 Flr-t ave.Barber sliop. 10. 1668 Avenue. A.Candy store. 2'). K150 Avenue A.Bflflflflf shop. 21. 440 E. .-'itii st.Btitcher ahop. 22. 1619 Avenue A.Buteher ahop. 98. 1648 F.r.-t ave.Candy store. 21. 1027 second ave.Tailor store. 25. 1023 First ave.t-SBf Uoph 86. 1606 Aveuue A.Barber shop. 27. 1604 Avenue A.Barber sliop. 86. I6S0 Avenue B.Candy store. ?-?:?. 1<>08 Flrst ave.Barber slfop. 80. 1013 Flr-t avo.Barber shop. 81, 90_B.8Sdflt.Barber shop. 32. 1455 Thlrd ave.H?t store. 33. 1666 Fir-t ave.Ilardware .store. 84. 1661 Avenue A.Barber ahfljf. 35. 1664 Avenue A.lailor shop. 86. 1668 Avenue B.Cljptr store. 87. 1630 Avenue A.Candy store. 36. 1571 First ave.Harber shop. 30. 15?3 Bflflood ave.Harber shop. 40. soo E. Blfl* st.Barhflf shop. 41. 1543 Flr-t avo.Paper store. 42. 1616 Avenue A.Barber shop 43. 1324 First ave.Candy store. 41. 1534 Scond ave.Barber shop. 45. I3;i7 Thlrd ave.Piclure store. ?I.;. 1508 Becond avo.Barber shop. -17. 1510 Flr-t ave.I ndertaker store. 4-i. 14?4 Plrat ave.Hat store. 40. 1487 Fir-t avo.Furniture st/ire. 60. 1347 Third ave.Station-ry store. 51. 1464 BflCOSt ave....j-MW shop. 52. 1424 Avenue A.Barber shop. 53. 1__7 First ave.Confei tioncry store. 54. I4:i3 Beeoad avo....shoo store. 56. M13 Beeoad ave.Clgar store. 50. 1420 Beeoad ave.Bta_o__rr store. 57. 4!.''. E. 74th st.Barber shop. 58. 1300 Avenue A.F'urniture store. .-,!.. 1331 Flrst ave.Barber shop. 60. 919 E. 72d st.Polling booth. 61. 1215 Third ave.Clcar store. 69. 13601-9 so ond store. 68. -135 E. 70Ui st.Jshoe shop. 64. 19-0 Flrat uve.r-tahlfl offlce. 66. 1-21)7 F rst avo.Confectlonery store. 66. 1105 Thlrd ave.Barber shop. 07. 1250 se.ond ave.Barber sliop. 68. 1066 Thlrd avo.Barber shop. 60. 1200 Beeoad sliop. 70. U66 First ave.Dru(- store. 71. 1048 Third ave.Tailor shop. 72. 1013 Thlrd ave.Beal estato offlce. 78, 1100 Flr-t avo.Harneaa shop. 74. 323 K. 50th Ht.Barber aliop. TWENTY THIRD AjsSEMBLY DISTRICT. Loeatlon. Occupied aa 1. 1412 Lc-uigton ave.Tailor sliop. 2. lin Ls?-Aftoa ive.Barber shop. 3. 170 E. notli st..barber shop. 4. lol7 Second ave.-Beal estute offlce 5. 1S44 "-etotid ave.-barber -.tiop. .;. soo F.. looth st.barber shop. 7. 1707 Thlrd ave.slioo at.i-. rt. 166 E. W7th st.jMHrbflfl ->tiop. 9 s. w. co;. Lexington ave and K. io;,d st.-Polling booth. 10. 1814 Third ave.-urnlture store. 11. 204 E. lo2d st.?*>tabl. oflice. 12. u.1.2 Beeoad ave.barber sitop. 13. 1878 Tliii-d ave.Barber shop. 14. l^-? _. 104tii st.i.aiber shop. 15. 1--87 Third ave.a**tat.oiiery storo. 10. 9080 rsecond ave.i?ti-btr shop. 17. ilill Thii-d ave..1 ndertaker store, Iri. 171) E. 105th st.Barber shop. 10. 51 1-2 E. 100th st.Candy store. :o. iii30 Third ave..Tiulor 11. 1040 Third ave.Furruiur. store. .2. .-. \V. eor. E. 107th st and First ave..Polling booth. :.'i. 1077 Thlrd ave.iwlor store 24. 2127 Second avo.siioo swre. 96. 184 E. io-stii st.Baal eatate offlce^ 20. 9000 Thlrd ave..clgar store. 27. 1730 Lexington avo.lailor store 98. 77 E. lOUth st.Barber sliop, 2i). 23 and 25 E. 111th st..-tablo oflice. 30. 3*- E. 112th st..l'-ruor sliop 81. 189 E. 112th st.Tailor sliop. 32. 2,031 Thlrd avo.Tailor shop. 33. 8180 >.ciiirt ave. Barber sliop. 34. 22H) Beeend ave.Clfar -toio. 35. 21^-!. s_v0I1?" ave.Fnrnltare aBflfffla 30. 9060 Tliird ave.Pltunber shop. 37. 1574 Park ave.Barber shop. 38. 1604 Park ave.Tailor shop. 88. 1668 Part ave. I jih Iste.y storo. 40. 10--7 Ptti'lv ave.Barber shop, 41. 166 E. 118th st.Tailor shop. 42. 204 E. 110th st.Florist store. 43. 80- E. it.ortice. 41. 2232 Beeoad ave.Cigar store. 45. -254 Scc..ud avo.Clgar store. 40. 8-96 First ,.vc-.Clgar store. ?17. 2.i-,2 Flrat ave.Ba b-r shop. 4-*. .352 ave.Barber sliop. 49. 2312 F,r t ave..'.Cnderuik.r store. 50. -2.112 Beeood itvo.blioe stoi-e. 51. 9-31 Fir-t avo. Candy store. 52. 2301 Beeoad ave.UDderteker store. 53. 166 E. 120th st.I p.i. Utoiv storfl 54. 78 E. 122*1 st .I'pholstery sliop. 55. od \v. 125th st.Pnuiber sh..p. 50. 1080 Seventh ave.Iiarbershop. 57. 172 W. 124th st.Barber shop. 66. 310 Leno- ave.Bli-ycle store. .'.'.'. 1b!0 Paik ave.-i'lumber shop, 60. 114 E. 1-416-1.s|,,,(. g),^, 81. 2021 l>'\lt Kiuii ave.-Barb rsTfop. 69. 21- E. 122d st. Hcp.isltory. (13. 9354 Second ave. Ba.ber >hup. 64. 23. 2 ave.Barber ahop. 0_. 9364 Seeood ave.-.6tatlo_ary store,1 (Ki. 401 E. 124th st.More room. (.7. 9497 Firsf ave.-Tailor shop. 66. 24;im Bfl-flatf *ve.Clgar st re. 00. 9300 Third ave.F'urniture storo. 70. 160 B. 125th st. . i.gar store. 71. 2:i2'i Thlrd ave.Barber shop. 72. 171 E. 127th st.I_|r!t store. 73. t*ark ave.Kep sitory. 71. 60 B. 196th it..I n.i i-taKer store, 7>. 312 Lenoa av;.Cirrar store. 70. 134 W. 196th st. Vft-BBt BtoCfl. 77. 21-0 Seventh ave.Barber-hop. 78. -12 Lenoa aflfl..Barbflrahop. 70. 1800 Park ave.I'lumber sliop. -11. 166 LenO- ave.Tailor shop. 61. S169 Madl-on ave.statlonery store. TWENTY FOCKTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. Lotation. Occupied ua 1. 407 E. 135th st.Vacant*-. 2. 686 .**. Boulevard.Vaaaat Btorfl 3. 711) E. 134th st.btabl? offlce. 4. S. E. eor. 145tlist and Walea ave.iirooery store. 5. 004 E. 143d st.Burber shop. ?i. -_5-..i) Tliir.1 ave.Plunib-_-r shon 7. _6_4 Tl.Iid ave.I naertaker store. rt. 9666 Tnlrd ave.l*r._uo. store 8. 8661 Tlilid ave.-Mucliine store 10. 457 WlLtfl uve.Tailor ihon 11. 7W2 E. llfith it.bry gisxls ?toi_ 1-'. .-2 Biil.bii.s ave.Sii.-e atore. 13. 539 ii'-ii-'.-n uve .Vaaaat store 14. 536 ( iiurtlatidt a\e .Buroer -imp' 15. o(?l Cmirtlaudt uve.Vacant l'i. 553 Moiris ave.\aennt store! 17. 557 y. 152d st.llat-tiess shoa is. _;iri. Thrd Bve .Tailor -f-s.i, IB. 7n2 avo.>hoe otaii-. 90, _0"._ I'hi.ii ave.Burb<-r shop 81. 860 E. leiflt -t .DweUlof. 99. -ii*. (',111.tlu.-.rtt ave.Vacant store _ii. r57 1 ourtlatult ave.Pluinber sho_ 24. 33.13 Thlrd uve.Paper atnr. 25. nml Porflflt aflfl . ..Candy bboVb 96. BrUtofl st., near Bostoo Bre.Vae_n| stu-rj, 27. .352.. 1 iiir.i av>-. Barber ihop, 96. 3-69 Tlilrd ave.( aii.1v storv' 98. 1290 Wa hlngton ave.Dn'rlilii^. ;.-.. Bedrwlrkava, 4 Depot plaoflVarant ature. 31. 173. Morrifl ava Shofl atora :;-j. 1-17 Un hlngto_ nvo .... Buteher shon 33. ir:^i ,t., \v. ..i Tlilrd a\>.. Carpenter -h..p 34. 1866 flj'flal PamM .o.-n inr.iiiK'.. shon Bft. av., aaai i7nth at?tara, 3ti. st., F.. of lliffinnn ktDweUlm 37. 177th st. Worth ave. Mull. 86. luin.t -t? n. ol 177th -t .CarrlBM sIiobl 30. F. -. Klngshrldge road ne. lonlliiuii l.utiitlii. t-nd CmrrlBSfl shon. 40. __MBBBB a"',, south ,,f (iun _,_ . -?*? ? .Feod .tore. 41. 8. S. I road*vnv, 75 feet N. ef stdtlu_ I'.-jum....I'lumber i!io_. afittiion Xoticf. 42. Spnyb-n Pnyvll road, near F-iondry.V*c*nt atora 43. W. s. Broadway, near Van Court.nndt Bfa .Vaaaa| Unrt. By order of th'; Board of I'ollc.j. T. P. BODKXBOrjO Chlef of t.'u Rur-ao of k_.iV' OTAT_ OF \_\V-Y0ilK-O, FICL OFTua O bECUETAKY C>> BTATE. **? AI.BAN'Y. Jul? _ 1Ml To the Shrrlff of U.e Connty of New.y?r. ' **? hlR: Notiee ia b> riven that ?*? -^ Eiectlon tn ba h.-l4 In this Htat,- on th- Ta Hay ?____ _k fiwt Monday of NOvemb-r next (N'o.-iu, _?_! fuilowinx oiii'cr* ara i" be e e-tad, to ?it: ?'? ? A oov.-mnr, ln too poe* >.r DatrU B, ffm A LaeuV-nant <*ov. ,-nor, ln tne pac* uf Falwaa n A beaealBB Of Stato. in the pla-* of r>ink Pj?? A Controll.-r, In Ihe Bleaa f,f Kd?*M W?.pi*'* A 'ir.-*??r r. ln Ihe pi y of E loti Da. forSi. An Attorii.-v-f>. ( BF_ ln th. pac of (*. r y__ A f-tito Englner *nd h.rv ,.,r, u ti. j,ia.? bJ JJJ* Boeart ^ All who*e t-nn* of ofllce wlll npirc on the l*nt 4m ^ Decen bei next. _ ._ - A Juetlce Of th' Ripren.e Conrl for Ui* Fit.1 ]m__ DUtrict, u. tl.e i-i*..-of". ?rsr I. '''''?&-;?.. m^^JB th.- Oovcrnf* ln the P*e "' "- B .'. lt adv/iSJj whonc unn of offlce wlll 88*418 an U.e d.j af ajjg bi-r Be.xt, ^^n? Alae ? itepr-M-ntatlve in the iifv... t a Obbb___ the IfatSad Btatea r?. the Ta Ifth ,, iii^J ?aii Btat*. c,rr,|,ilslni' Iba I rBnaif aembly d.strl.t. uf th- lo.'iit-r ef Btt Vwl *a'eaa*t latuted ar.d thai isirtlon ef Ihe i ? ni . ...,on4 AnJB Blatriet ef tbe < ou.t.v -? M. ,-, Omawk hv Uu- .out:. sid.- of i.lvho-s.ntli - -.'ia l*_! i.orlh ?id-of r-lft;.-i.!i.t.. str.-t on lbe ar* i, ??? ^7 ?? Ot _.-xlnn_ii av.-.i-i.-. ?".d <"? th- taal by th. !_,; YAxeiW th.- nlac- of Roaaell P. K < 8-r. l. v'- ? A s,Pnab.r lof Iha Ml b I | 0. ums 2 the eou'ntv of ani Ue i r... ., rWTSJJ ?ihirO Flfth, 8Utn, ElfiMi a royv *?t1attt_\ cltv Of Bteai York; B4l tr.a-. purtlOJ, ol u.? .? r,?ri Kairi cltv tnat llea wlthla k.*. av lt *t - t, < aaihaa *?_ Par- Kow, spnee itra i f*old etr-.t F tr, %t^*f*_ blln aiid -n-V-lvar; all that pomo ol th, N IlUl WJ* s: d cltv taal llea irltaln Bou* on air- i IU-,*, %* t in AVr -tr.- t. l/?roj atr*?4 and North Kivar. Qe*e__l IniiMl Uedioe'i lalaiKl and >-^Js a d. "*? itl-Ster for tbe 81alb MnaTT-, . t.-aj ia__i_i s..v>.iith Daveati and 'llnrt.-.-iitb ??*...:. .,; -"altT Vp*.Yo'ra and all lhat jyortiu.. >.f th- Kourlh wird of ?2 citr Uiat li-s w'lhm Oaabarfoa itreat, ChathM ?9 Kof.BeV.-It slrc t aid I'.iv.-r "* v scnator for th, 6>veath RenaU DiatrtH rWv^^ th.-' 1 -nth and Beyeateeoth nard- of th ? , -t ?f SrVAjJ nll thai DO, t.on of U.e K1fla>. -,th arard of -a.-! tr Uu?l_ e*st of Rroadway, *nd all tliat (wrtlon of th'- EunuMni and Twentv-n-r-tnarf- or aaid cltj r,? r ? U-enth street. Thfrtlcth, s'r~ t. Jh rd aveaii; ani iir_i.w A S-natur for th- l-.1j.hth s.n-i',. I. -?? ? ? . ^?a* Uie Slxteenth ward of the rlty Of Se+-York, ill thu JJ iloii of the Xlntb waM of said ci- , _~ *tr>-ot, Bleeck.r st^?.?r,. rarmlm- sT-r si th avraoe, ftZ street *nd N'.rtli Rlv?r ; all that port i:i of th? P_ tV-nth.aart of said eiw lh?t Ii* weat o ?m4?t;2 tl it. lalrtlon of the Eiah>enth and T-enty-tnt ?arbi said clty that llea withln I-'o.- TMrW* street, Ilroad?ay and .Slxth avenue. and all thit tvi-tBia tbe Twentleth ward of sail clty that II - ??..thitt T?f?or. slxth street. ,h K_th ?br--? 81 th avejii ? Hart Riri V ^<-n?4tor fo' the Nlnth Senate D'-..-: i-.-MofU that poitlo.i of th? EIrhteeoth, Ni- f ??;. _,4 T**an. flrat ?a-ds af the clty o' N-w.York tbat llea <^?t ^ Tt\k avenue and Ulackw.-lV* I_and. A Senat?r for t*e r.-r.ri. Senabl I) Btrlet, ???^rnr, 'M at tt that portlon of th- Tvienrl.-'., .-r| I ? # ?''?? n-ir'? ?f du cltv of N'ew-York thnt l!es withln Thlrti-t? itr-et, f'ortt3 ?tr.-.r, Thlrd avenue md Rltrhth avenue all -,h ,t ^rtio* *? llie N'lnrteenth ?i"l "f Oald MtV thal II ? aa.' nt T|i3 avenu*. and a'l tlut p KlOB nf the I ? fth ir i T?mi?. ruend ward* tliat Ue* east nt Ei?!ilh m n-i-, VVtrd'i _| Kandall's I-land-.. A Senator for th- F.leven'h Renate Dlatrtet, ^D-spriMaj^ the Twentv-thlrd ?nd Twen'v.f -;r-h ?,rl- f -h tBr i New-York, and all that portfoa .f th* Tw*|f_ Twaatt?a nnd Twentv-aecond wart* uf ?a;d eitv thnt llea "Ithh Tjif. tl.'th *tr?et. Spuyten Duyvll cr.^>k, Klsrhth averwa _| Hudson Illver. A Representatlve ln the Ftftv.-i ro- <\ CoasnBI aai United Stittea for the TT.rh Tonirr-?-l. n .1 ??-trlct, ro*. iiosed of the Eleventh. S x'e.-nth and F. irhr-enth VM*aibb I?triela nf the eo-mty of New-York, ln [ila- - ot F-inl g. Splnola. deceased. Connty and dutrlct offlcem al?o to be eleeted for BBf con'itv : Tw'i'ntr-fonr memlyr* of Assernblv. A .ludife of Um Buparlor C..--rt ln rhe i.hce 0f Henrr A Olldersleeve, appolnted by th" Oovernor, ln plac* .,f Gtaan) E. Inaraham. re?len.-d. A Judce of the Tourt of I'ommnn r:*a?, In the plic* 4 Itocer A. Prvor. a|i|?.lnte.t . v th-- fJeVMBSr, ln p'ec* 6 Klchard ti. T_rreni,,r.., r.-lmed. Two Jndjen of the Clty ('< -r* In t.liice of MuiOO X, Ehrllch and fohn Henrv Mciarthv. aj.i.'.rt,^ by th* Oar. en.or, tn uiaee of DavM Me.\dam r-1 ri?4 Three Toroncrs. In the buk? nf Perdlnsrol lasvy, Dvsid Honley and Loule W. Sehultze All whose termi of ofllc* wlll explre on th* laat Say 6 Deeember next Reapertfully ro< r FKANK RICE. Secr-'ary of State. SHF.RIFF'S OFFTPF I'OfN'l Y r nrRT BOVBB, I ITT AND OOT/BTY t>y M W V" HK. NF.W-YOKK' r,ilv W lail I certlfy Uie above to be a trae ropy af th? ,-i*.-ttm notiee reeeived by me thl* diy fron '?? S ? -ti-v .,r stil* Sherlff of the Clty and ro'inty of N- n-Vorfc SHERIPF'S OFFaCE, COfNTY COTRT flOt/SE, riTT AND COUNTY "r NI W - Vi RK. NEW-YORK. ,f. Iv So. UWL Publlshera of new< wlll not lrsirt thl? adver_a ment unle*? apeclally authorlr.-d ?o to do. ^ If.IIV f OORMAV. Sherlff of the r\ty ard ro-nfv n' V- w-.Y-u* MOXEY FOR COLVM8IA COLLEGE. HOW THE TRUSTF.ES WII.L VSF. THE BEQUEo. OF PRE5IDEN'r BARXARD. The trnsteea of f.'ornmbln OeBap oecupled & Vooj tjme yesti-rday afternoon ln Hamllton Hall, dl_us_4 the routlne business of the board. In tlie absenoe *t tho chalrnian, Ilainilton Fl?h. Joneph W. Harper pra aided. John B. Plne wae the clcrh. The o_ar men bers of tho board who were presi_t Bfara etepH? P. Nash. Cliarles A. isilllman, Oami the Rar. Dr. Tulbot W. frhunibers, Prealdent Laa, Cwa L Rlves. I?nox Smith, Dr. Wllllam H. Drais-r, t_ Be?. Dr. Marvln R. Vlncwnt an_ Dr. Georp- ?.. W_*Jot_ Mr. Plne said tliat the BBBaa niiP'.itHi.t th_f co* sidered by tlie tnistees wns tiw wlll of HM late pral dent, F. A. P. Burnard, tiie provisiuns of w h_b hero beeome avallable during the morith, H_eafk the deaia of Mrs. Barnurd. Presldent l'^irnard l-ft t?. fhe cofleri $75,000. Of thia, 810,000 ls to be *et a.s|de Bl a I_i to endow a felhiwshlp tu be known as "The 1_rnarf Fello-Whhlp for _ncouni8lng 9*tBtBBm ?aaaBN-? Tha remainlnir is to be *?t apart as a fund to ta known as "The Bumaitl Fund for the Increaae - tha Library.-' A part of thia Ls t? be used to preaBM &B medals, to be awarded everv flve years to a prns? selected by tiw Xationa.1 Acudemy ol fci nrm _ the one who has made the most vnluahle dSov.-rv ifl mf one of the branches of sckince. Tlie award u to bl innde wlthout repird to or *x. The medavl ls to be known as tlie " Bainanl M-dal for Me.-itork.ui Serviee," and ninst be worth at taaal >KO0. The wn mittee on library an- requested k. pre.pare a i_-d? des'urn for the nieAaJ. . N.ithiiiK was done by tlie trtutees'-ig toward 8 BBBlInf of tlie eO-BBBj lu a BBB BtB uptovrn, ? Jtr. llne b.Id tlie reportrr. A PARTY RiX RY CMIMIBAlt, From Oeneral .lonos's letter b) A. J Lnrtlett The Democratle nanv af Iba StatB al BB* ^J^,JJ to-day under the INDISI'I IKD COSTR ?!- OrlUm Wllo>E AKK RECORDED l-v THE bf5***; oi' t.'KIME: tnen who B few v.-.i., ,-? a r- II er_iy liegirin* their bre?d. or obtalnlng a |. ?? > louv ii..' "'? l.v far less BOBOrablB m ana ii.iw [. s eaa _rp we*..a. I-'roni whence dl.l it roawl Not from honeal ia-sx ot leirila'i ate smin-.s. s- i 1. thaa um- rl i 10 da> b>!** the drenms nf most men. Tnelf i 1 iroiten P?m?. whlch they flautit in tli- tBcee Ol Ul I- I " ,>l;ll_7' asklujc, '? What an. you p..i!ip t.. .1 . .i B I :"na'.r*?? stolen from the taxpavers ,,f th -tl af ?S''V4'V'^^ Aad now. |a satisfv tli Ir rapMl) lBrre?*lu? nunts-rv ?? fivsh flelds and paararea new" are re-inlr d. sna THEY AKK BTRTVINO TO ACQI IRE THK *>? t'NRKSTRAINKI) OONTSOL OF UU' Al'l'AU.' '_ THB BTAT? AND NATIOJT, thai the] BBB) "ulllC'l,*_t people in tl? sam; matiiier n.s tli.-y bave the city ? New York. ? BBKfJWTttB THEIR tWrrCBB*. The New-York (liapter Bf H_ DauaMrn ol ?? American Revoluil n held a mt*Umg at ******_[ : '.-rd?y morning. About \oo aaaaBban aart i1"'*'* The chapter belonits to tba orl.-inul Katlaaal ***** whose piesdetit N M-. 1;.-.; Hi ' "*' Kor,er a. lTyor. tvit-nt <>f tba rbaplar, ]? :-.--i<t*??i- *a etoeHaa of oaaean raaalaad la Iba w-bxbob >t thm who have s rve.1 <liirlii^- tlie last I'-I- ^a:es w-*l chosen to atteud tha ffattoaal Coafreai Bf b_ u*t*i ters of tho Ani.-rlcan llevolntion. lo 'f otM '?" w?' Inifton February M. A .-ommitt.-e ,.f -il t> "' t***"' one menilsTs was app,,iiit.'il tu i.,afe Bl et B* *^V. the i-hapU'r. Mis. i'ivii retorbed I il aai ?*J ineiiil?-r had Bfarai lier Bwlgaatloa dnrlai int lt -^ A handsom ? aaa Baal ri- <l i v lbe .-nii*'' **** Mme. Melanle CareeUs, ..f "brle, Fra lee, a ?rr*0<d*Tj ter of llaraja?i ia la Faaataa. Tba ? p bbb '""^J Mme. Corci'lls t,, memb, rahlf la UM :hM'll"lu?\ ? eoi.tains u.e fiiowini; taarrlftloa: ?? ries*cl*j Mine. Melanle Ouvells la pt-b-ful ret-gB-B- * J" lervices o| nev iiiu^ir.nis aibaafalbrr Ib ti* vv*r0' . Hevo'utlon, by Ihe New York Cbaptrr, l)?ushwri tho American Kcvolutlon." Mrs. J. ,-,. W;-e. the secretarv. pa ? I '? < t,','th' C fj ter a Uandsome jravel niail" bTOBB BB BBl tret w prew at Moiinl Vernon. It ls 1-,-iu! tM? tn"*"*" with siiver aaais Iha baaaa ?.f Iha -elaal ha* **" reeeived from Iha rimUer. The aaalga 8 * *J"nB..*a wheel ln nold -int ciiauiel, w;t!i a -Uver dM?rI fll with _4X. The inembei*. i.f tlie a xBti have ad' J*f* f ta teful l.utton of whlu? aml biue siiK. The w was it long a d eiithusla?t.c one. ani mU') P _,..a nitun- wi.i-lv were dlaeoaaed. Ml-s .lane Meadl ? hais cuiwnted b> glvi i irae ,-f -etaraa aa ?"**_?' _. hl t r>- mi.ler tl.e anapleea of tha eBapaar. aaj ?* pivseni were ara. K. OaalBn Poreaaa. M,s;-; mlaii Kobiiisi.n, Mr.. .lam.s Falrman, Mi" t'*'riY!_i Mrs. Mon II. Jfr*. Donakl Mcl.ean and BU* \V_,'kV_ Weleh. ri..\t ii.^-ting of the eaaatar ana ?? "c"* at fcherr) _ rtOveBsber Hl. BBIOB BBMtBAETt CAXAUHBTB, The preUminary i-ala!..i;ii4> uf I'lilnn n-nttagBBll Srt?* Inaiy BBBaa .?ut reebardav. The t..t..l i.f 1..I -tiub-iiis. rhe*-; ai* ih '"' 88 f.>ii..*?: Fidlows, -j; irni.tiiate .la-s. 7; n.-nior .-U*. ''*>? n.Mdla .i.i.-, aa; laafae aaaas, m; spirlsl bBm?aaa, c>. mtu Iii, vear tli.-i- vv.s. |BJ siu te-its, ilivideda* laOaaai NMaaa, ?-?; paiaata ehb?, t iaa av a_Bbji 98', iiiutdi,.,, ao; Jiii.; ?? ci.i-s. li; laabL '?'",- ,ty uriutiKeinetit vj,lth tlie I i.i\.-t-itv of the OBj ot Nvv Yoi-k .nut r.,inuit.i? Oattaua ilaaaaai -aai '.>'*,* *** institut,l?iis are to .4-r....:i <-la-sv-s iti *'n."*r Iii thia way the apeclal aUuleuia coiue law tu_a aeaiiuarv for tbe flrtt Uoa.