V^'l-l...*?* ?6,451
it ?fAKVsT10N WAO-ES-AU. WH.
f m D BO Bl i.OiT.
ibT g_B_MB_l- to thh .riu.n_.1
_. yraneiseo, Nov. 2t?.-lB B B-W ili-paleh
Manrutuli" 008888 news of tlie vreek <-l the
fr?BTaMti with every aoul on ber. 87f Soutli
?.?kTM iiiisMtiff. This wre.k i.s a noteworthy
** ?. it n.urks Ute failore of the lirsl ___NB8_V8
?*' ta ??i.i.ick-iairdiii. " on the l-cille Coaat
"hric ThIii'i. it will i>e roeallei, tou.-hed |a
?w brig ibiiki. ?- "*?* "~ ??.
ke'? B?V. ill,ern m,lc-s n,,r,!l "f *'?klen ?'?te,
Il ia SeptVnibcr. eranimed xvith QUbaH Island
undcr oontrad to ooffee plant-m in the Ban
^. diatrict 4>f Mexioo. All the horrors of
i_?ve traftio 4.n the African Coast were rv
** ^ during 1 lie few tlays tlie Tahiti lay m
J|Jf _ Ray in distress.
^Jv Americaii steamer Roseville arrived at
u_.__.illi on 1'ridiiy from lalapa, au(| her tap
-fported that he had paaaed tlie xvreck of tho
jTiji rlevon milea BOUthweM ol l.izanl l'oint.
g^trm floaling hottom up, xvith lior rudder goue
Z, t_p Kdl-iat ihifted. It was evident that lha
L_ Mpe.ize.1 while on the istarhoard tack, as all
w_ aort riggii- n:l(l ,,ef'a cut BIBBf iu an attempt
n_Tent l.ei going over. Tlie ilisaster hud (>??
-nfd thlrty daja liefore they sighted the htilk.
r_f Beamer s,ti'|>pe<l arul sent a boat off, bnt
w _ livinc tblng could lae found. The veflBel
aartor could n?t l>e soarehed to ileterminc ].<>xx*
_-_v of ihe Iriandera' bodiea xvere atill belMBBl
!*_(. Thr hrlg. yawl x\.s still hy her, Imt. her
twoi-a_l' boata were gone. This giveM little lu.pe
thitany livea were aaved, for only the yawl xvould
l?tt itood any chaoce <>f atirviving the atoffla.
r-w Xaazanillo inouiiiea were sent t4. inuiiy
Mi-aon tl.e '"--st" but nol a survivor was rep.irted
nh?vi-g m..<le th_*ahore
The Ihbiti- oargo of contraot elavea was nb
ained on Gilbert UaDd. There tl.e people were
aaity atarving, an.l they xvere OBflUj imluce.l t->
?-j a aontiaot to work for three yeutis at !.*
?_? taontli, with tlie provialon that ?t the end
01 tbe temi they were to reeeive a free rcturn
pmnt. II. H. Leavitt, of New-York, xvtiis a
4w-lourth- owner 4.1 the brig( und Captain Fer
ganawi.'-'l the remaining fourth.
Oi _pp;e:ubrr _0 ihe brig put iu at Diake'l
Jtarfcr repairs t<> her rigging. Dr. Glbooo, the
?|wn, left the xeaael iiiid rctnraed to Ban l-i-nn
-__ Hc declateii be would not retnala kragei
m boanl il lu were paid a fortune, bb Bhe wa>
_arawurt!..v, and there was also a chanee of
trathir witli the ialaiidera. Augoat 18 the bi i_
waaeaiifi.i in aaqualL The tnpaalla xvere blcnrn
lnto biireils and t>.'t!i fortoail aad ?-i?*_-ii were
auried away. Ti..- V4_a_el lurched ln the heavy
aa. and ihe isl.ni.ler_, eooped up in tlie liold were
lirown into (i<-;vl!v terror. After th.^ wlnd _ut>
aided Ughi aaila were ri-.ird. and tbe veoael next
put into Drui.c's I'.i.v Lu repaira. Fergoson o_
iflfount oi aiokneaa in bia ramily waa foroed to
atiy liete, aad Captaio C. -.riekaon took eharge.
A .trt.ng effort waa made to Induee
tin- Uovemment to st..p the ahinment of theae
lahon-r. to Mevi.... bai it fall l, :.s tii.' ahip'a
pipers were deolared ?i!l rfffht, The kdandera
atre ahnple ffrople ann evidently knew nothing
ui the liHr't work in frtorc for Them. Tbej refuaed
to iieeppt half-dollora for lome piettjr euiioaltlea,
f>'it reartily snli the aame artielea for a Di.-kel.
with whieh ili<v w.-re latiiilinr. Few could
>>riaak any Knglish. Beaidea tlie eaptain and the
siander, ilic T-.l.iti earried three mate.^. n
jili.-ieian, Dr. BeryMaer, two e:.nk6 and twelve
re^n.e'i. Not a word haa Ix-en ree(<ived from any
ef these by their frieruli. in thia city.
WlJli; V" r LL'__>". '? UT, s ? " e.ijfpy Bifjtfi.'
Taenma. ITaah., Nov. cn.-Three MberaiB on Ihe
Northern IVItir road huve made nffidavit thnt
twenty five ar more men -ew kllled l.y the lnndslide
at (.tif'.ii iMtloa, on tho llne of the Nortbern raciflc,
Wedne.-d.-.|. ihe 'tatetnent wus publlsheil thnt only
two men were kllled.
E ._''), Nov. -Jii (Speelal).?A di-p-it.h from New
Orkaiis s;i\-s: ??The progroBi of tlie prinaai-v eleettona
B laahlnna for a DeatpcraUc >tut" tleket, whieh e__
knre- _ls.> the lottery aamndfn.nl to tba ...nstiiiiii.Mi,
lnfflr.te, th:it (aptaiit ->-lrim. tii ' B-U-lottOr. .-sndi
Me, wlll after all bb_M .. reafaetabla ahoarlng aaalaal
ti'..-. . M. Encry. To-dajr it la: >.'. K.er.v. ^7.;:
A__n.s, 1-7; (!ie latter h.-.v.n. laillBBed si-icnti f mr
t')W>, during tlie wv.-k, wMle Ihe kBtery raodtdate
aniy _d.tfi ei.ht lo his Igaioa. The Impre-slo- i> now
. prevalent tbal tbe ea Uovernor haa alieady
attlved tlie -:-.t-i- part oi Ma voto, nnd thal the
r?inK-i-" Alllanca wlll now ahow lts atraagth and m
ttn.i-i /.,r Adami neartjf :.il of the delegate \.i M ba
?_et<-d. Three liundix-d and forty tlut-e votes wOl be
a?_vary for a Bomlnatlon, w McBoerj i- now alst]
?even troin the |o_L, His fri-i.ds h. tt.ii ha wlll
acm. i :!i,. next 1 11 daya, imt never__o]e_
Mterlnre mnch Hnxieiv ut the strii-s (,f the antl
rite-,- man Cali-ulatl l' upon ti"- bltter dlvi*lon in
M levii'M :_ijr r.inks, ?:..! li.lieiiiiL1 t.'s.t Hi.- tlir.-:it^
la i.-.it \\>\i be .-i-.'.'-i .mt, und thal there wlll be n
Heaan:.- . uidldate i"" Oovernor, the
B8_ca:,s Hr.. lK>ginnlng t.> organlae for a deiermlned
grta>-loi.al tlght. ln every pnri.li com
?jttee- an- ineetliig, puklUng regt-tratlon aiid bai 1 ?
h -itlei-.,. Thera ls mwh t..!k of .Iii.t^-e \V. 4i.
? Hy, "f I.,?; . "1...I. lie is '. itroug man la h.
*?. rHjaxted i.\ b.th Burlle*. a plaiiter ... ton
*__ilii? weaitli nnd a Inwyer who Iik- actdeved dis
?atiun pa tlie -op.-ema ("'mn ben-h.a
.-'-;. ??;'!. vim D 8__ 11
Ibhbi ' y, N .. lu. Pablle exclteaafffl over the
**??? ->?: .? !,_s Mih-ided t-. ;. froal extaM,
Warlpaiij,- tjeeause of the putallc anaoaaeemant thal
?i*.B?als4M:i not prosocute the abdaetor . Ur. Beab
ls invoived bacaase he save hia
*?* that lie would a.sk no qoi tttona if hia ehOd were
l*Sl-l ruarued, The polloe aai Uidi pfoaBa roJated
". i-> alw returnod the ehlM, ;.nd .mjiii
?^-allow wm to refraln from doing all in in- power
i_?*?vk-t y. 1.,. id M;-. Kiii.-, now under arre-l tor the
r**- be-i.i..- tlie ddt-Une of p__ii<- Intereat ln the
T_jM|r_..iie;, _:r -.tiij ii'-;it ;u ludepeiidence, where
??*_*t_.e-: l_st night out of tlie ?ay ..f :. p"- Ible
_5l__iyi:' .'.:?._. _he man lhat retarned tbe nhlld
^"???It m'; ;ot the raward i- -till Lelng searehed
i_i_*_|r''',i'e. No tr.<-(- of him ban been found
^jJ*lo__; l.i.ev. he ba suco Mled ln pettlng out
mj/**1' X- V.. Nov. _J (.-pcriiill.--Many m-w btilld
^?"?aMady going up at dlffereirt potaM aloBg thi
kl*'l',hj I'J't 1 ann DeMwaia BaJIroed ln tha Oata
* At QMBn iiiin i:iui ?nd th-ivlag
T^iBthe Uelawara >i<ie ol Plaa Hlll, thare are
-??? :. ?
ii... 11 (l.-r way. Oae of theae
???11-r .?'i.ii.' ? 11 ;..'?. wb?. ''in- ui i-i
_J* t_e taamer bone of Antoa Be IL tM orehaBtia
T~*- A fe?ture <,f tbe hoiw ls aa oM Gertaafl d:l;ak
j*?u li. te j i_enient. Thi- haa a walaacotlng of
aefc__rk "** ?0-*-*- (.'-rin.-.n p.ov.ihs BttOf-d OB
at___T*' ***0*01* BtelB, of Bow-YorB, the Brealtaet,
J2"toj ?* K~t .,f Mr, r-ehii's eottaaa at 815,00a
ImL**^ * f"W "*r* !l'''"' * '?'' ''"' *ma "! ,lM'
l^*y *9m | m (?.' Ba- <o.-i.er-. weee
(y^^Sh l;i.i,-, ,. qow aa Baa nnd valnal.lo a
hia/, "f '"-v-y suminer home* a- enn bc found
B i_Lu_u,.u-v- A,""'t ibe ?"'?> thing tbat aceaia to
mtuAiiJ1 '- thla ideul .ummer mouutoiu villa
Mr m _S ?oeW) m a puper, aaema aow in a falr
' ?' hBag tappued. '
L*_CT__arc s (<,.,/V7- Tem mirsovmi.
*<_ali K*->; Nov. _o (epecial), Th.- M.ite BoaM
ti- _ ^ ?--"--_oiiei_ h;i- enterod a Boolaloa ln
^ ?a? ut va ..... ^ ,. ... .... .,.h..
k Rv? 1? ' "1':,""",'t to Ho?toa. K:.i... t
__.!_"'"' ,l"' BMial rate given to |ob_era. The tond
a^. *? Uk,; ? nntii r.-.id ii..- i.,< :.i rato. Ihe ')>'?
Tmt*to?*Jh;,t ,t,1,r v:" -I'tUk-d t" whole,:.!.
***< ln ih, '''"' "'?'' "?'? (oiiimodltv ..If.-.-.-d nnd re
?'i? BBM aaa aatrtM t. Jahhera' n
J_* :,'v" v - j , .-, TBEE,
l8-T_r".,,"v -:' \ dlapaiel. Irom Iliirango, ?'ol
Bv. jT"*??*-ran" | pk i:.-.y. UM )(""'
i_nil?iw. ?Mu?*red his n-jther two MOBtM l
??de- ,, ",un l-aterday and pleaded gultty t .
**Ba'B___ii?e. fc"''or"* 'le_-.ee und w;.s sciiteiit-od by
""""er to tlw Kiaitentiury for llle.?
I-ondon, Nov. 29.? Advices received here frotn
Shan_liai aro to tlie clTeet tliat the reliel .or_e_
in Mane]liunia have doleated the Jniperial troops
Hont to ?uppres_ the rihitin in that reyion. The
Impr-rial fon-es mimbcrcd 1,100 nieu, and their
defeat.eam.es tlie Ooveniiiicnt ihe ftSTlSt n__iety.
lieinforceimeiits to tl80 number of 6,000 men
have been dispatehed from Tien-Tsin to opixine
the rebele, who are inurching on Pekin. If tliif
Imperial troops are a_nfn defeated Ihe position of
Pekin and Tion-T.in will be extremcly criticaL
"The Chronick-'' correspoudent at Tien-Tsin
aays: "Oflicial reports of the Takow mas-acre
cotitain details almost. without par tllel, ev?n in the
history of China. Previotts dispatehe. have
given but a faint idea of what ha|>
jiened. The memberp of the little llel?ian
riiission had no opportunity of escapinj-- The
slaujfhter be^an with tlie killins. of native eon
verts, many of wliom were pu! to death with liend
ish eruelty. C__dI?I of tender year6 were
aeized by the savages. hacked with
knives and roaated at a hug. lire.
A worsc fate still befell the nuns,
who were subjeet to the ^ros-sest indisuities,
beinir l.rtiiallv outra.-d bf the fiends, who
alterwaid bratned thetr. with ma__ive dta?B. The
DelgkBl prie_ts were cruelly toitnred, hut
uiet th.ir fates with CtristiBB resi.nntion.
A priest wa* bratned at a blow. The lieiids llien
seized his hody and tore out 11'!' toiume nnd heart
and hiirned Iheni. The native (.'hristiatus were
treate.l even more horrihly. They were not per
mitted to die a nwift death. The miscreantn _;-ized
the wretched eonverts. who Hod iu viiin
to the _________ and btibjceted them
to fearful torttire... Their children were
6eized, and 08?M hacked to pieees, and
others roasted alive liefore the eyes of their
;i_i)iii/ed parents. Theu the parcnts were taken
and treated with a rrfiti^ment of ertielty tlr.it only
OunoNe understand. After sulTerin_ varioiis tor
tiins, Mi.h as still lived were slauirhtered. The
mnndarini. 00CB8 eithcr tO have favored the rioters,
or lo have been ovefeon.e with Oar. In.stead of
altemptin_ to snpprcss their violenee, or protest
in_ n.uir.M it^ they wclcomed tlie nnirdereis, n-I
haaded from Ihe __?ght?1. and upread a feuat, aud
hel I a fete in their honor.
lt would bc hard to deplet the _oelin_ of
Earopeana in B?a_p?ai aad other plaeea ut the
reh-tion ot tliese horrora They are not aagry
.-.inibly, they are furinus, aod then' is a loiid aml
Dnivena] detnand Irom al| foreif?rra lor a punish
ment that will brtog tln- Chineae i<> their aeaaes.
and iuipress a Bever-to-be-forgotteD leooo?,
LoadOB, Nnv. 89.?A r?_?rkal?B but iwt .ory aerl r_t
aod?.nl ..' ? ?iiii.-i at r.)iii;:outh to-day ahUa the barbo.
wii. ahroo?sd ln thlch fop. Dunng tha Ume the o_.
Dnea of tho sB-nv arere th?i bl?1?i troai -i_ tit Uie
iiriti-h troop?_p Croeodlk. wlth I,d00 b?i aboard,
rao asalaat tha atraetara on wMeh i~ bullt the ea>
I?oalon ot tli.. i.a:)><>!? ralrarajr. Sha waa -_a\1aa at iuii
sperd when ihe -raek, ami the f"" a "' ihe ihoeh waa
so gieat that flfty V3rrl< al tli.' t-iilwiv avoiv <],-.tu.e.l
iiti.-l tiiree (?ani__es Tvlilrli lurt been BtaO?Dtf <>!t the
tra<k v.-er? rrlletl Into tli'- 888. Oteal al.-.m 8_> ferl
lor a time, liut no <;n<- \-n^ i.; Id aml. -li.-ula'Iy
enonpb, the tioj_>.-)iii> eacapel dana^c.
Parlfl., Nov. 89, The Aaaoelatad Preaa report ob tiie
effert - of tha M-Ktn-Bjr Tariff Law In Fiance la i-e
produeed l>y all tlie lcadini; Journals of Parla, ,-iu<l la
pn?Otincel ? most in:ele^t;tls document.
.,.,...,... ? ,- me iiii" -fir.n 01 tlie n(1tni>-Ion of J__l?-C_.fi
poilc, M. Siepfrie., M-nit;er of the Cliatnb.r of Uepmlea,
aapa tnat the rnited ttaftaa arlll u- ai.ic lo btttataee
salt meuls In Frnnt-a ln apHe of the Fr-tnh duty, but
tlia-t if the TJnited St;it<"s conpre-s wnutil tllininlsh tl?
dutles cn French silhs, woollens and eot???a, a r-diH
ti'in of (he Fretirh duties on Atner!-:m ?apoii - WOltM
I ? i-mlllv Brante? A tr_at_ ol < __erea -UH the
Dnlted 8?itaa, be added, a_i noat ?ea__?e.
Berlla, Nov. 88.?The f-?t that U. Ie Qtera, the
i.u- -iu'i Mini-ti'i- of Pbt?cn hi_8lr*. waa not oape??U]
feted l.y tiie Qai??a Ooarl on the oeeaj?? ol bla vi-tt
i,:i- .-ii.ti.-'i nu'.i ii pable connaenl heaa. "Tbe Poat,"
refening t<. this appareal toct ot iiropersitteiitli.il lo
the i{ii--ian ilaanaman. axplalna that ::. de (..<i> eane
i . Berlla, no. la iiis otDelal capaetty, bat bb b prlrate
Indlrldaal; and (nr thla reaaoa the flovar-B-Bl
deemed it naneot wary t'> beetow kpectal bonoi. npon
the dl?1 li'.ui hel vi-ilo:-. .
st. i'.-tcr-liiii_. Nov. 20.?The Russinn newspapern
t,-;if\ t. the excellenl Imprea-on produred by Uie
(ierman Chanrellor'a apeeeh in tlw KelcliataK. Tlw
"Xovoatl" Mtya that tbe apeeeh deprlve. tlie hostlle
. in ii." ("iumui i:ii--oi'i ..I..- papers i.f -?11 Uielr
Tlie s, ii ot M. de Olera, .-.- tlie
?? Nrvi.-ai." baa )::?! a voluable reault In d p-lling tbe
clo-?i batween -era_?)f and Bn_?i nnd 11
i i . , .8,,v. 80. Elphl boadred atrlhei- a: Rivc de
(.lor, after boldlBg diaorderl. im-'tlnga and paradea 1"
it.v. eaptared ihe AfB-faade mlat and rebapBsed H
"Bertholet" nriaa, UJaa* ry <f a ronaer Depoty of
tbe Lolra dlwtrlct. They InteDd lo reslat any attempi
(I.-.- tlnin. ,
At Len . the dtaatlaa i- Imptovug.
Berlln, Kot, SO. rh<- fcI-?t." _f thla dtf. la aa
tborlty for the statemenl thai Ihe Bu-salan Govem.
meni u aboal t-i lasae a decree prohibt-us '?"? < -
,ii of boraee -khh BaaUa. In aoaa. i?irtent
i: i. int.n'i.!'. actlon of tbe C_ar_ Oavernmonl is looked
npon :i- addlllonal evMence lhat Ruaala la preparln.
for boatlllUoa ln the near futnic.
Paris, Nov. -J'.t.-A depatatlon <>f fhe beapne of
Fatiioi., beaded by m. Deraulede, to-day wreathed the
iiit.niiment on tbe BeM of CbanplKny. Ie aa addreaa
M. i'e: nJade pi<-ii.-t<-.i taai tha l?oa waa approae?Inx
fOT the w.ir (if l-< vcir.-e.
MM. Laur and Mery, Boalanglata, alao .i.oko. .\
ho-rii-' eiowd M-Bed i.ikI booted, and flnallj --. parrlaan
ti-ht l.pie out. An in.ti--. i-il-al'!"- acene of dlaorder
enaued and footlnued until feadanaea latno und
qaelled the dl-tarbaac
LOBD LYTTOJI Ai A -rii:rn ai.ist.
I'.tn-. Ni.v. 88. n i? -~!<i that the late Lord Lytton
aaa ^> a_rotad apWlaaB-t; that he beUavad be had
comnankatlona wttb _oan ol Are, Balaae aad
Bapolcan, aad thai ha toaipb-ned thai bo waa alwari
bofBed In trylaf lo have aoeeaa to the ^iii:ii <>f i)i
f:'.t her._
Parla, Nov. BB.?The 4rehb_hbp or Ala < rtehrated
naa la the baattea at Lyoin thla Bwralnf. In the
Him-." of his 0ddreaa the Vrehblahop refcrrei to Ua
reeeal taial befcre the <"?rt- He di" 0-1 -eprel whal
he had -MM, he ~.iid. and tba fuct lhal a Ine bad beea
i u'liii.i no. )...v<' the (?)!-? i of dleadns blm.
wii.'.i the ArehMshop wu fcBTin tho eathedral Ihe
eo-peca-on ro_0 and .:>!'','i -Bt: "Vtrt Boelard."
Tho -rchblahop paaaei *a* reepoaded t<. Mda maal
f.',tation. -Not vive _b__ffi." be aald, _^__J0_.v11_2
Ie rondamne." The people Ihen tottog hjm at hh
M.ird cried nealn aud apln -Vlre 1- <ondamne" until
the Archbh-op droveiwai la Maeon
i'_ii-. N'.v. ?_?!.. in tho Chaaaber ol Depntlea .eater
dav M. v.alion, the ropotiar of the <-iini.iittee havlng
the in.iit-r in eharpe, polBted out the liawbaoka of th.
propooad troatji arltli DahQMie..
a_ KiKtiii'-. Dadar Maeaatary of Btata bw ihe
(oloiiie., nnd M. Blbot, Mlnl-ler af PonlfB Aflllra, OB
t-.juiif nf tbe. nayniBBiaait. .oaliaiod lhat lha (resty
ua, i.<..-j.t:it.!- and iidvai!taL'<-viis and d-r.d-Hv **t
eaahJe t<> aaalhw %af. Tha eodad caataaia, they de
<?:;:;re.i., WOaM fully 008.88880? lor the 18b? dy to bc
paid to tha Klag <?f Daho ? \ ?
)1. ( BBBBiaa*. M. Deroal.dc nnd other -Wnhara
sp-.Uo nt Mafth. attachlag Ihb aettao <f the OoaaaB
n?.,it in the inatt'l- 9*6*1 --880-0B.
M. te i !<?>'?;''. ?p?Bkl0| io rrpll lo HM08 0tlac_8,
mM uuk H i fu-ai to latlfy the Irealj woaJB ba
laataaKiaal t<. 0 w..r eaatfag 1 *),OOOflOO Iraaea, .u
tlie -OBBM II-I BJW00108I W0B? had lo 00 i''''i
?BBiimtT idaBatflfM h<- waa _srpt-Md th.ii lha ***?
1^.,-. nf tha IllUBBI l-c't i-hoiild be ln favor of it
Flnallj, bo declared U-t the Gov.rin_.eut tuuW -?l I
Iierei.t the B8B-BJN ItnpliVd in refeiring the trenty bark
M. Derriilede then ?It'idniw hls motion to Ihls
end. I'.ut M. riehnn Inslstcd on n dlvWoii on tlie
aropoaaJ to refer Ihe ti-Bt. bn.-u t.? the eoBualttea,
Tha propoaal waa then Miiunltt<_ to a rote, with the
restilt that it wns reJeeted-:iwi to 108, nnd the artlelea
of ti..- treaty, tafataer wtth the erodtt for the K.ng,
were BiOptOB by large niajoHti'?-.
Parls, Nov. -j'...- Tln- -s-iuite yesterday ndoptrd ll
the arti.l.-s enil.nieed In the new BBBMBM tarlfl rcLtit
Ing tn unluial produrt-i.
Berlln, Bor. BB.- Kmpemr WUIiani met tlie Klng of
Dmimark on hls arrivul at the milway stat'.on ln BM
dani to-day. I'nrdial greetln.s- were exehangi-. A
gi-und laeepdoa waa given t.? the ktag at t_e CaatM.
Atehlson. Kan., Nov. _n (apootal) DflBOld Seh-BMB,
a WaUMdo Atehlson (ounty fariner, xvho went back to
tiermany two montlis afO to vlsit hls old home, after
BB BhOOBM of twenty three years, was urrcsted as a
4leserter from the (lerman Army iiud Is now *ervlng ns
a soldler under tl.e Empcror. A protest is to be mado
to tlie btatc DeparUii'.-nt.
l'hiladelphia, Nov. '_'9.?"The Prcss*1 to-morrow
will pul.Iish Ihe following: To eonsult his me.li.-al
ndviser was t.l.e prinn- reaaoa for Mr. Eliine's trip
to Philadetphla. Mr. fflaiae leamed ttmt he waa
la tietter health and Btl-Bgtfa now thaa he was four
jrearsagO, BBd that six nmntli.s and ;i jreai heti8-f ln*
would l>e stronger than he in now. Ile lrarned
lurther that he is ns good B BBBB ph.vsicaliy ut
sixty-one years, Mr. I!l;ii:i-s BgeJ as anybody else
of like B#B.
"Mr. lJInine is a well man." This is what Dr.
Ifadiaoa Tiylor, the physician to the Scoretnry
6- State, said yesterday in au itifcr\ iew. Dr.
Taylor thoTOBghly exainine.l .Mr. I.l.iine diiriu-.
the latter. xi.it to this eity. nnd he has lieen
asked to make this stafeiu.-rit lo put :i stop to
tlie niiiny rt-ports lo the eoiitrary. " Mr. l.l.-.ine
is in :i better ooaditloa, a pcBl deal BeRer eond
tion, thaa six iMotitlis or a year BfO," added Dr.
Taylor; "and m far iw.-^ can deflaltely say fr4im
b oarafa] obMrration of his eondition and whM
has beea toM me of what ii wm befDTC I begafl
to attead him, lir. Bfadae enjoyi tietter h-ahh
than he did three or four years ,-v,'o. Six moiiths
hence he wlll l>e even bettet than he is now.
" Mr. liiii.iic la ii v.cll maa, Foi hJa jret 1-. be i>
.turdy. JrVben I begaa to attead Ifr. fflaiae last
r-piii;^ lie wa.s :iii!.'eri:i_ from BB BOttte UlBIM. Uf
araa ln a v.-ry bad ooadltion, aad oomp-etely brokea
dowfl I'V ovcrwoik. 1 did nol ItBOW wi.at the OBfr
coiiie would be. Now there -la no doubt in my
liind, f?r Mr. B-aiae'a health is exeeUent. Ih
is baek t->. his aormal weight?-wery good weight
that. He has B gOOd BppetiM aud lleepa well.
" Mr. BtailM has got well by llie ex>r
c:a4: 4.C eoflBBQB sense, n<>r medicyics.
\t n.-ir Harbor ho w.-nt aai ridlog so
fi.r e.H.-ii day, walked 1 c rtain djetaaee, an.l
p ;-,\c 1 hand-ball a tixo.l leagth of time. ln shoit.
he consciciit^..usl,v ohoerved my adviee in tbe n.at
ter of exen'Lse, and uow we are both much grati
lied. Hefore his illness, Mr. Blaine WM uot a
MBB who woald take MBOh exereise. Now he Ls
.tba opiM.site. Ile lias grawai lo like it. Mr.
Blaiuc wn.te m<-, B coupie of \veeks laefore his
\ iislt. I1CI0- tia-JL hc x-_l_Uod aho-ul. l#o mde* rrrry
day. often, be aaya, bc weih- a mlle <.t a at-eteh.
"lf Mr. lllninc BOBt-BBOB M ttike BBM ot liim
si-lf, a_ he is iloiiiiT now, I ise.- 110 reason why he
hliould not livc many yeaia longer. Ile ha_ en
1?>red upon tiie rij.c i4ge, laeiiii; Btxty-OBC yOBH ol I,
aod he takes plcasure la his jiiescnt strcngth.
\\ ben I exai'iincd liim he pull.^d up his right ariu
and felt his niiis.-l.-s. 'I bey weie good aad lar_e.
It is gratifyiag M itate that bia limba aad hi_
arma are more moaeularand Mrgor thaa they baTe
heen for yeara. This is n matter of eome little
pride to Mr. lil.-iitie.
" V\ hcii I sai.l bc will be even iu liettor health iu
six montt-4 frum now, l atata aa a reaaoa thal a
I.. raon, My i>i;e who had beea ill with typboid,
will not recqver all hia form-r Mreagth i:i.ii..
(liately npon recovery, He w ill iiave a heavy
fcelin. in his limha, ete. This will ur...liially w..rl;
..ii day by dav until be Hmla bitnaell stunlv, quick
and full ol health."
t vi:rs 11. 1 ir.i.i) .1 sick ../.i.v
JU . SOB .CTII.L IN" '1111. II..XD- On l\-\MTV I X
ri-'l-.T- A RUMOR DEX1 IH.
ryma w. Pleal 1- .Ined t 11- bed agaln and ls
?'ii .-. iteh tnati. Hatnrdn) he fell >? 1."h better
that ii" tefl h.s room and In the evening ?:i- M hia
aeenstomed ptate al the dlnncr-tablc. Yesterday, hoa
ever, M aai anable t" kave lu^ 1.n and renalned
in tie.i all day. in tin- Morning Dr. Bngaoo Fnttor
??s siininioiied, and nfu-r aeelng Br. Flold ha wrala
ut the foUowiag atalemenl of the patlent'a eoodmoa:
Mr, Ki irt's eaadlBM reqalre* aMalala BiaaM r--1 and
<i-ij t at pr-seiit. i:i"iii:.\l". II I.l.l li. .\f. Ii.
4an |h_ -pnie ihael of paperoo ?iii''i the iMIemenl
1 Mr. H'-i i' condttlon waa wrttteo waa the following:
?? Mra. Undl \ 't 1 ondltion 1 main tt ? k taged."
IM iio.-i * ealled agaln lata M I evening, an.l aaid
there was do change to t>- Btade la m wrltten state?
Mrs. i.iciiev, wbn 1- >*r. PtoM- daokMer aad Ihe
8 if- ? f Mr. I.iu.llev, of t'ie t-i-in ..f neld, Undl V. Wi'-eh
cis m Oo., is sl. m li.nt awdlcal i.teir.i u 1- eonataaUi
EMward M. I'i'-i.-i, vin la- h.si hi- reaaoa oa aeeoaal
ni i.a-iiH-- troahlea, la -till la Ita eare of Insantty ea
i>4'iis. a bmb at Ita FleM hoaae laM avenlng, who
^aid l.c had authorlty to ->>.-ali for tti'-iiiN i-s uf thi fain
iiy. aaM thal Bdwavd FleM ft lerds) wa ameh mtmrt
eiilin than tii- <l;.v befOVO, an^I tha*. tbe phvsi. laOB were
bopofal of 1 -i--e.iv rec ivaiy.
- .Mr. Fleld is atUl i-'Ihl' eaied for ln a qalel toealtti
ujitown." siid h??, ?? i,nt ananfoementi wUQ j.; >!..hiy ba
bhhM M-boiiow t.. lata hia t-i iobm ptaee oat r
lown, a% his pliy-ieian, Dr, l.indl.-y, has atlOBgly ad
v.s.-.i this itep."
j ii r,-t_.ni to ti.c ru_aon thnt Ita 'riiui-iK-r, arhylaad
Company waa Intereafed in Um aBBln ..f 1 -iei.i. Uad
lay, Wleehera .1 Oa, the preaM?M M that MfparaBoai
p. 11. Tiiuri.'T, aaid jraaterday: ?? n._ Thurtor, Hhy
1 an.l Oampaay b. n.-i Ita ilghleW lateraal in Ita
aftatn of FleM, Undley, Wtoehen .?- Oo.. nor bava 1
any. Nelther tln- Thurber, wi.'.laii.I Coapan) nur
in-cif bave ever had an) irun-action of nni Und wtUi
l__i concern. or wlth the Dm whlch preeeded them in
lioalneas. FleM, l-iiulh-i, \\'ir>. l.?-i- .' < ... never were
Interested t" ibe extenl of 0 dollar la the Thnrfaer.
Wlil.iiid Compnny, ..r any <>f its aenirltlea. Thoae
-ei.ivncs when offered for natwrrlptlon W4_ro -<> brjtely
over-rab-rrlbed thal it 1 kl ..i.t-i-s rgl?lde tbe urocery
trade recelvrt onlj 2fi per easol ol itn- aMouni they
upplied for. Tl.is recillted ln ao wlde ;. dlitrllniton nt
tbe e,.;i,j,;iii.'- Ktoch that it now baa nme ^..h.o -.?.mk
boldcra. and Fleld, I.iu.llev, Welrher ,v Oo. are BM aad
never have been among the number.
?? m-, ral] ni the a?_gnoe un Friday waa amda La
tho iaieiv-t of ? fi-u-ii'i who had loaoed aome uoney
on iome -'?? -ult-.c-. whlch, witi. hl- permls-lon, had
been lefl wlth li-hl. Liiall.-4. Wtocher. a Oo. f"i aha
l Iniiolred roneernlna th? -.-.-uiin- iwi.iiii bad aol
thr leasl '-oiuiei iloii xvith the lliiiili.-r. Wh\l:iinl C.111
paay) and hnve been a-anred thal ttaj are Mtael
in ii,.. Bafe Uepoall Oompaay."
i:u-i.in, Nov. 98 [fptiMD Thu Bor. lamwi PtaMi
Bpaldlng. foe twatro'yeai. loetor M Cfert-I Chareh M
CambrMgBi oae ol U.tfeal Bplaeopal alalaten ta H 9
country, hai n - goed aai miii |ota Um OathoHe I I
Hl ".old hi- tOB.H_Bllim I'.div hls iras.ui- f>r this
,,,irs<-. lie aaM M had atwayi beea ? llbjh < haieh
man and haBBTI I ln Ihe lafallll.ali'v of t'<- chm h aad
behad aoeorhaown itapaMMdoaM. lie . lOtMaed:
? Many hoara aaM IhM 1 have I.? Mtaaaeai ta ?y
ieeUMfl I'V ti"' Bplaeopal aMeUoa. My aetlao woaM
bava beea wtart H 1 if Ita Mgbeal elugpmaii ta the
land had I""" 8B-il W-*0p. '? '?' \w:t<-r <>f the .-.ii..eiit
amrM wtaM wiBmgt have tmrni rtroagly taloeacM
,,?. ,. it AagaaHaa. ti..- wrIMr ol Ita boo awHI
_ . |,., .,, tp .1 .aa _m 1 ?? m Jobb n.-n.-. !f< amaa.
No indurementi have been haM oat M ma 1 have
rather been k-Pl hach many tin..--. The fuUioflc
Chnrch IncreM-ndy uppcar- to nio to be tho true
Cliurcli of Ctu_l-*
$Bjua% HIM.
!___? F1UED AT C'LO-E EAVOfl
?1I1S __________ __-0____E
Tbe Rev. Dr. John Hall, paator of the Fifth
Avenue Preabyterian Church, narrowly escape.1
death yesterday at the hands of an ______
Three 8-800 were flred at him as hc eame out of
the ehureh after the niorninjr service. Happlly,
all of them _0_W_ thelr _____ John (leorgci
Both, the man who tried to kill Dr. Hall, ia one
of thoso crazed ereatnreH with a faneiful gricvance
who make weary the Hves of publio men. 11c is
now a priaoner in the hoods of the poliee?
Dr. Hall, as ustial, preaehed to a crowded
eonyrejration yesterday mornuu-. After the _ervice
wa*. over he etopped on his 'way out of the church
to talk with boeqc of the elders. The congrcga
tion had gone out and the scxtou was about
to oloee the doora when Dr. Hall bade the
elders frood-morning and walked out. It was
then just ten minutes to 1 o'cloek. The church
standi| on the northwest corner of Fifth-ave. and
flCly Iflhoi. It has two entran.es; <me on the
-ireet, and the main one on Fifth-ave. It was
throu-h -08 latter that Dr. Hall passed out. He
turned to the left to enter his parsonase, whieh
adjoins the church on Fifthavc.
Then* wiyc few people in tbe avenue. On the
oppo-ile si.le of the street aud inmicliatcly BBB
inj. the clmrch 0100- 0 tall, well-dressed, finely
l.ttilt, BBB-M-M man, with a BowiBg b__l-l and
;nusta<lie. For nearly half an beai he had pacd
lllllC0llj up and down the sidewalk with his
eyes tivd on the door of the ehur.-h. As the fatnil
iar liifitre of Dr. H8_ a'ppearoil in the church poreh
the man stopped it. his wulk. Mis ey.-s lit up
with a ticndish hate. He took a step forwanl
und his hand darted to his ri.ht-hand overeoat
pocki* t. Dr. Hall reaehed the 0tOOp of his bO-M
IDd l~_an to moiint. tlie eteps, and in Ihe 08BM
instant -omething in the man's hand BB0Bfd in
the li_ht and a pistoMhot IBBg OBt OB -M nir.
'I'here was a < rv frcm the l.ysranders as Dr. Hall
wheeled around and gazed confuseilly ahout him.
Tlio inati who had lired the shot stood still for
an instant. ns llioii.'n WBtehiflg tln- etfeet, of his
hn'.let. Thlfl he darted acro.ss the road until lie was
within half a dozeu yarda of Dr. Hall. A.ain hia
riajhtai-B w_a iBB8-d ia stcady aiai at the Dootora
form, and a teooBd shot ran_ out. Dr. Hall had
sccn the man rush towarTI him, lie had _e_B the
irvoher levellcl at his head, and rea!i/ed thai
it was he at whom the b_Ut__ had be_B aimed.
Instinctively be dlfted up the 6teps of the
sioop. The 800088?. followed close liehind him.
Dr. Hall pulled o|>en the 0tor_B door and BJOt
betweC- that and the ftont door of the house.
Ilis piirsuer dtBfged open the 0tona door and
OtaadtBf on the lower step raised his reyolver
fur fhe third time and lired. This laat B-Ot was
at close QBBfttn. and Dr. Hall felt, Ihe whizz
of tbe i.ullet ii. it fle'w past _itn and mbedded
it.self i;i the wuins<BOtiBg of the door. As the
third shot was lired, the man wlieelcd ni-oti_.il
and ran down the stops.
It had all happened with .such suddennoss that
every one near the spot was pn._aly.ed with
iimazement and honor. The first to reeover his
.!._.?? was A. K. Diek. Mr. Diek, who lives at
No. ..'I West. Twonty-Hccond-st., was on his way
home from the Kev. Dr. MaeArrliur's Calvar.y
B-P?H < -rurch in Fifty-severrt-li-s.. He was
walkiuR along ttM west Ude of the avenue when
be hear.l the lirst shot. He BBW Ihe man rush
toward Dr. Hall and saw the s.-.-ond shot lirc!.
He B8W the man rush up the bO-M Btepo iu pur
suitof Dr. Hall, and luard the third shot. Then,
as tlie assassin ran back 00.008 the road to the
tmt* sidc of the avenue, Mr. Diek, with an cfl'nrt
a . ut a man siiildenly awakeued Ir.un a sleep.
daabed after him. Hurton. tbe aeZtOB, had just
eloaed the chareh door behind Dr. Hall whea
i,,'. tOO, beard the three shot-. Ile opeacd the
door and rt?hed out on Ihe aidewalk. lh' eaw
a man. _t:is|.in_ a SSOOkiBg B-TO_T_r, run down
the stcp. oi the paraoaaffe aml aeroaa the nveBne
\li.,. Wil.iaui IrriB, a rehtive of Dr. Hall. ran
d0WB the ste;is of the paitsoiia'-e and s.re.iiueil out,
lhat. Ihe man who was nitiuiii:: away W88 the
miU who bad tned t?? _hoot Dr. Hall. Burton
r.in after him. As the man reaehed ihe cuih
Diek and Bnrtofl grabbed him hy the eelbtf.
Two women ran into the chun-li aud eallsd to
C. II. Bnrtaa thai Dr. Kall had beea shot. Vonng
Uurton riushcd ..ut aml tame up with his tather
..ii.i Mr. Diek jusl 01 tbay toid t^ieir banda on
the man. A oraard af nearly a bnadred peraona
sur?ed around t!ie pt?Ol-T, aboatiBg and g-8?OU
latinir. The prisonet's lare, white as a oorpea,
l,is asliy lips an<l hi- _-BB_Bg limh.s tol l ot tln"
lear within him. Bai he (ooked around with a
stieerinir lamrh at fhe crowii. and, lii_hte!!<<l 80
lie 0T8B, carried 0- 'he BitUBti-B wi.h the cooiia^s
.if Sat.in.
"That I shall tell in gaod time to the I.rt,"
!?? aoawerad when BBiion adced him why he
had tried to shoot Dr. Hall.
"Have yon -ot a pistol:"' said Mr. Di-k.
" No," replied t ho 088?.
His poi-kets were promptly MBrebed and .here
on the rigbl s;<le of tiie oven-oat was found a
:;-.'-(? ilihre, iloiilile-aetion, live-.hainl'er.-d i.noiver.
Three eha_ihera had beefl diacharfed.
?? Di<l you know whom you w tre 0_oa_Bg<*"
asked Mr. Diek.
-of ci.iitae l do. He has uvteirfered with me
ioo l-Off," replied the man.
" Wiiat has he interfered ahout .' ' asked Mr.
"Tl.at I -shall tell to-morrow:'" WM the reply.
Polieeman John Ihppan, <.i tbe Twenty-third
I're.-iiK-t, here tVbawed his way tbrongfa the crow I,
and the piismier W80 hatiileil over to him and
taken t<> tlu- poUee 0tatiaa.
Dr. Hall wm unhiiit, but eaeh i.ullet bad
found its bilbet The litst m.t Ie a eraek in
..lie i.f the steps of the stooj.: the BMoad 8D_aabe_
tbe rigbl tWl Bf the parlor Wiadowj while the
third lo'l-ed iu the WBiBBOOtiag ol thi" door.
The priaoner was led Into the i-.'ast FIfty Brol Stre ?'
Polioe St.-ition, followe.l by an exeited erowd. To
Claptain, Warta ihe pHooaer oaid: "1 ana John
Gao00_i Batbh farty*rrta ycan old, ani eame
from -hem?h l'riis""ia Ib 1871. I livt* at No. 29
Avenue A." I-'imf llked why he had tried to kill
Dr. Hall, the prisoiier ansvw.>r<-d : "I will tell BOtfa
|ng till 00 08011WW when the 08811 sli;!l kuo-v.'
||e was _M?Md IU a bi?B chiti'-hil!8 over<'iat, a
sttit of dar'k dln?_f_l clotli, aad i 0ofl bb-ck bat.
ARTIC-^s JXH'.vn iv Mi PO! i HOV.
Uie ariici'.'s fiiuini in the priaoner. poan?bIom
_d to pn.'.e that Dr. Hall w:is tlie intended
rietill <>f a inadi:i:'!i K'oth's .lel'.iMon ia that l>r.
Hall has for thirtecn yeirs heen tiie
head-centre of a san# of cotispirator.s fhimd io
har his pro^ress in lile aml dut-Bf his happi
?081 aad D-M0 ol iiiind. I.otli Fays tliat Dr. l'.tt
ter, or B_?Of r.'iter, 1.00 l.-ecii Dr. HallB <?!.!? ?!'
nj,i in tbe Bomptraoy. In th" bacaBlpockel "f
Lis eoat. v.rr- l?umt a pBOBOl <>f pBf?18 OOBt_fting
of 00T-T8] eloiely writt.-n pagcB, aad a printed
i-ii.-ulr wiii.-h li.nl (" Id??.ly Ih-.'ii iaaued iu 1181.
lt ih .alle.l "All CfP-Bl to Ihe PuMi.-." On the
88?ide nf this < in-'ilar wen- the wonls " < > llutn iu
JO-ltOfil Tear the liuuda?e Irmtt ymir e.\i-s and
cover you| laie vvilh 0_0_M.a l?_ (ir-ulir,
whieh wotihl occupy ahout two e.iluiui- <>f this
Bg-a4.._K.r'b b.-CC, 18 Ui.cd Wlth Wlld, _U.-hi.-l .Ul
rBTJap BBd fulmin.itions against Dr. Hall und
1lu.se WBttM I.'oth helievos were BBBOOB-tod WttB
him. The followins extrael niay l>c taken as a
fair BBeefaBBB of the whole:
I iHii.e irom PfaaaM ln 1SU, ?nd f'.r a Mag 9m
worked for ?- I (l:.y. Soon afl.-r my aiii.-l M MB ''"""?
try 1 MBM a??r- >.f strun.-' I in I * Bt I M 1 B_fc*
th. Ir way Into my tooiii. I found that I was the xi.-tim "'
a ..... |ii!;..y to K' t lu'o niv 18881 BBd Bf BBBBO 'it B_BI
odaci la paBaa ->.<i 101 aw. i an. pafaaM hy BM agmti
..f m althy and influci.tial people who do all ln ilu'ir !'"???"
t.. prev.-nt me from iMag ?R_ln In 4_tti??l?>-'--?. ;m- MBttBOl
wMehlae all my ateps and BbBm lt hapaaatMl Br BW t.i
<.i.;_in taaBaa. ParManaara. oy d_y ao- al|M t am badlly
and inentally M8BMB0M. My plIBBBBM-l aaM to li.ix n.y
I. ..! with some ol.noxioiis stiiff, BBBaMg M Ml -
Uatraaa, M *v ap ? aaaaMM aMM m n.e, and pasiaM nie t./
mi_n. tn.mo.Ml Ulk. Thi.. .-..n-pliae- was InauguraiVd
ajalaai aw in 187'.?. and haa no aasM M baaaaa htaMtjr.
The most BMOM rl-ht. of un Aa-eriean <it."-n. ?h<> B0VB1
harm.d BBjrhady, are tr-d.lcn down. My MaMaBI has
Maa rulncd, and MMM BIB MMg made to Mln my health
and drlve BM n.ad by Baaa .Tin. wlth my BMM and drlnk.
The eircular gOM OB M say lhat Both w?-st haek
ta GlBIBBBJ ia 1884, bat that even there his
enemies fOUowod iaim and drove him out of the
country and back to America. Ile arrived bBM
on'the steamer lVnniark. For viirious rcasona,
he said, hc had resolved to writo a l.ook, and in
this would ezpOM tl* l-irt that Mrs. A. T. Stew
art, tB-adtW Hilton, Mrs. llowd.un, SextOB (iil
maii, "Dr." l'otter and Dr. John Hall had taken
a-ainst, him. Dr. .lohn Hall, he saitl. had heen
mixed up la the emspiracy, BBBMt-MM for him
and sometimes atrriinst him. The OOBBP-iatON
Bgned to nive him 1)1-500, hut Dr. Hall obJeoM I!
then they olTer.-d M uivo him $5,000, and ajmin
Dr. Hall oppooed him; t!|m Um prke was raiaed
to |S5,800, aud Dr. Hall WOOld not BOBBBBt to h't
him rtave it. Th.-u |50,000 and tinaliy S".
000 was proposed, aad, althO-gfa the .-..n-piralors
were iiltnost iiiiaiiiinoiisly in his favt.r, Dr. Ihill
Bgaia sto.ad la his way.
For many yean Etofb W!l* ? niemlaer of Dr.
Hall's eongrcgation, bai foi the last twelve montha
had not beea aeai the ehareh. He appealed t'?
Dr. Hall foi- aaaiBtaaoe oa aeveral arnaalona, and
wrota Bevetal lettera to hia benefaetor. Dr. Hall
had several titues ussisted him, in the helief that
hc was a deflerving ahjecrt. ol ebarity. All that is
known of Both where he lodged eoafil-M the
geaeral Impreealoa that tbe aathorittee would
have beea Jaatifled in lodgtag him aaflely in
a loaatte aaylnm al aaf time dniiag the
last tcn years. The hiiuse la whieh he
laat lodged is kept by a man aaiaed
Qriaaer. Foi <*>uie years Both oeeorded a r.iom
OB the lop lloor. "Cra/y Both" was tha namc
l.y whi.-h he was known, and he had earned it.
At dLfforeni Ubmb Blaee his arriva] la thla eoaa
try he had live.l sm-ressively at No. 1,050 BeOoad
ave. an.l No. 723 Eaal Ninih-st. Ha deaarlhed
hlmaelf aa a real eatate agent, bul no oa* had
ever aeCB him do any work, and lllBBIIinoh as be
alwayi bad pleaty of money it was aMumed thal
there were wealthy trieada la Earope who hdped
At. one time h?' WM -Bgaged with relatiws in
.ici-s.'v iu a wholcs il.- ehiekeB-taiaiBg Bebetae. The
vcntui-c lailci. aad Both mtoraed t.. Now-York.
ln Qriaaer. hoaae Both led the life of a reoluee.
Ile never apoke ezeepC OB his pet, sul.ject, und
then he would r;ivc ul.out his wrOBgB h.v Ihe hour.
His delight waa to |el i erowd aroaad him and
dcliver addieaaes. When Ihe crowd grew weary
and nclted him, he rursed them. OBM B week, on
Si.ulav, be ate a l.earty BMaL For the ICBt of
the week be Uted ehiefly oa appiea. In hia P')0r].v
funitahed room were found three baa
kets yaeked with applm, a small can
vas valise, a lot of manu_eript statenienta
ti'c'l in B hundle, a small DO_ tllled with papers,
and several empty pill hoxea. It was jusfc after
'i ..viock ye-terdap -aaralng when Roth was no
tload walkiag np Avenue-A dveao-d with extreme
care and nratn.-ss. When hls fiicnds next heard
of him he was a prisoncr.
Dr, Hall eoadaeted the afternoon aervioM in lus
ahoreh after tbe attempl M Baaaaalnata him, bot
any peraoa ln tbe ooagi-gatioB not knowiag that
the clcr.uyn.in had had such B narn.w BBOape
would BOl havo iioti'-od BBythiBg linnsiial about
11,0 Dootor'l maiiner la the pulpit. Bol when ihe
pasi'.i- BBBoeaeed tho tcxt, it was evident thal he
had not. forgotten the ..r.l.-al.ho bad paaaed throngb
a few hours before. He was ln tho pulpit promptly
a> i o'clock} and iu a firm volce aaaoaaeed tl..
following toxt :
?? I'l-cpai-o to meet thy <i"d, O braeL"
The Diictor-s diaooarae was aa eloqaeat
..no He ipoke of the aaeertaiatiea of life, aod
nf the neceaaity of bclag prbpared to meet the
Almigbty at all tlmea. Somo ..f the lllnatrationa
ho iis.'.i were touching, nnd there was many a
tearful cye iu the oongregation befom tho end
of the mrmoa. But nat oaee did ho refer direotly
to the narrow eacape from death be had just had.
iu:. U \i.i,' tCC 11 NT uf IT.
A? 5:15 o'clock, when the Doetor dhaaiaaed the
oongregation wlth ii bhMring, flffy or sixty mem
ben of his coogregation erowded loto the veatr.
aad eoagratulated thelr poator on his foftaoate
eacape. In reply to nnmerooa loquiriea from hia
rrlondl and from ;? ntpreeeatative <>t The Trib
iiiic, be gave tbe following aooouot of tbe aboot
?? Mr. Bnrtoa, the atalataat aextoa oi
our church, opened the door of tha
church f..r me when I lefl t_? ediflce. T,:<- door
is near tny owa bowe aad I only have to walk
n few yir.is to reach the :.to|>s of ni.v own bOOfle.
When diieetly Ln froat of my home, I heard the
report of a revolver and toraed to seo who waa
doing tln- slrootin?. I BBW B man lo the niidllc
of the atieet aad at oaee realiaed thal I was tha
peioon al wh. ai he was abobtiai. I haatened
Into tho bonee, bai did not |et loto tho haltway, I
.lo not tblnk, until Bitei two Bortrahoti had beea
tii-o.l. At that time I did BM kaow the nanio of
the bmb, bul afterward, when i aw him ;.t tbe
police atatloa, I r.raiaed him aa John Both, -i
man who had Irciu.ntly ee_M to me for BBBBBV
?? I have helped blm <?n many ...-i-iisions. an.l wliy
be aboold deaire to take my life I do bM know,
Ile has Uh'ii a visiTor to our church for ?<-vet .1
years. Sobm araatha be would eoaie regu-ariy to
the church, aad then l would nol aee him ln ths
eongrenratton for tha.? foar montha. I do n<>t.
thit.k he haa been to the church alnoe laal An_u_t.
"Al the polioe atatloa I aaw him ln ? eell. I
asked him wby be bnd tii.-.l t.. take my _-?. und
be replied:
?? 'Von kaow well enough wby I Ihol at you.'
"I t..ld him I ccrt unly did not know hia rea
moti", and when I requeeted him t.. t.-ll Police t'ap
tain rVarta his motivo, he replied:
- i will not say anytbing now. I will tcll
my oiitin- Btory in oouit.'
?? i ieel c'ltain 111?- in.ui is deianged, aad is
Bot :u- -ountal.lc lor his BOtiOBB Ile is n..t, how
ever, a petaoa who abould Ih? penaitted to i?e at
The i-xphm'li.ui of Botb'a remark th.t Dr. Hall
know wby be hud ihol al him, liea la tbe faet vI_;?t
Both had aeai the foUowiab letter to Dr. Hall
si.tii.- daya previojoly. Tbe tatter belng la Oermaa,
Dr. Hall did not havo timo lu deoipher lt, bul
put it uside BOiead. Attor ho wont hoBMaftM the
shootim.'. Dr. Hall thougbl of the letter and bad
it translated hy his son. It re:ul in aabal I
" llerew-tli I MMid ,\o i a copv of I cirnlar for
tha press ot Sew-York. I havi Ih^-u foBowed
ai.o.1 i.y Bplea; a oonaptiacy h;-..s beea 4_.it.-re i
Into againal am la whieh not merely Ihe rioh
I ued, I.ut, Wol-t ot all. B .ll'l-'.
u.iii iu your poMlioa." Then feUew two i"
al laoobaieat aoouaBtlooa i..-ion- the readei eomea
to tbe EaUowiag: "Siaei you .-ir.I
men la wboae latoraai thJa maaidrBry haia _?de
bm mIb-M-Ib, l haVe deteradaed with beavj bearl
t.. shoot y...i at the lir.sl ..pportunity, and eertajaly
witliln eiiflit or fotiiit-.-n da\s. Vou must not
L?alta-a4?- *?? aciauili I'aaa.
I'otighkcepsic, Nov. Bf (Spccial).-The histor#
of David H. Hill's outrage ou the will of tha
people as it was cxprc.scd in the oloa_?_ of ?
Kepublican to'the Senate from tlie XVtb Senata
District is the history of the Kro-scst aet of
pi.liiieal thievery that ever has lieen attempted
iu liius State. lt was nothing more or IBBB than
n well-laid plot to obtain Ih-OBfh fraud what
had not been eecured at the election. The etory
has lieen told by Tb0 Trihunc as the various acta
in the plot have been carried out, hut for tha
la?uelit of thoOB who are not familiar with tha
many detaiis ol the schemc by whieh David BJ
Hill tried to ohtaiti control of the Senate, il
is told IB-i-L
The stmple etory of itself will allow any one
to see that Hill and his gang of servilc tools long
befon tlie votes were 088?B."d on election night
had n.a.le up tlnir minds fo steal thLs Scnato
DLstrict if the vote ou Senator was at all clooo.
The leader of the gang was Hill himself aud
his chief lieiitenanls were *__Ba Hiis.klcy, a
h.cul petttkal l.ull.v, and John J. Mylod, a youns
lawyer, whoae scruples are no more pronounocd.
than they OUfht to ba. l'-'fore Martinj. out on
UM 0ehe_M Hill llBt 0080 to it that ihe Dem->
OTBtk majorily of the Board of Supervisors of thia
.,?ty were tncti W-0 would <lo as _Mf **?
bldden. He had t?> tN-Ma on this scorc, for ha
learned throu_h Hin< kley that they could ba
eantroUed ** ? *** '' ir ?"-" ?*?? ,"rivca ou.
that t_?- Detnoeratii- candidate for the Senate had
l?vn electel aud that the Kepul.lieans were try?
lng ut count him -.nr. When Hill learned thia
hc saw that the task of IBlBrtBg a niajonty of
the Hoard wnuhl be an easy one, and he went
(0 wOfk acvonlin-h. <>? election nlght when he
Ifamedithai Benator Deaaa- majoiity would ba
_ small one he bad HiBCkky sen.l out, word that
OoboTBe the Democratio candidate, had <>ccn
eleeted aml thai an eateia! eoaal waald prove n
This was the tirst _un tliat Hill lired. It had]
its resuh, Iliuckley, too, did his p-t-t. B-? <???
electtoB Bifbt he (riegrhpbed all over the Maic
what, was Bbaolutely UBtwe, that the ed.tors of
-The Pbng-keepeie Bagle," who are Etepabllcaa-J
ha,l ooneeded Senator Dtaaar* def-* 'y?**
sciti.ms Whieh were made hy Hill and Hin< kley
l,,,l thelr etTet. f-.r on the followin. day. many
?f the Demoerats in the Senate district. declarc.l
that Oaborne had I.n *mHE*d. The rettUlM from
I'utnam aud Col__b_ ...untics, ihe two ..-ountiea
whieh with Dutehea fouuty make up this Senate
DLstrict, showed that Senator D.-an-s plurahiy
[n them was BO. _B_e. At tl.e 0MBC time, hflMrf
DemoecB- ec_fc__d that the plnraUty _*tib for
Oahorne in Duteheea CoBBty waa small, prebabi*
H, imall that the plnnlities for his opnoiient U
the other two OoSSUea would defeat him. \\ l.r_
thfl rcturns from eaeh eleeti.m district in the
county had been fikd ln the County Clerk'sofli.-e.
Bobert H. Hnater, for Senater Deace, with Hinck
ley and other Demo.-rats. repn'.-eiiting the chief
OOBSplrator, went over the returns. and IliB
Demoerats themselves were forced 1o admit- that
their i-biim .,f Osl.ornes eie.-tion was pretty slia.ly.
The more b_-MB_ Demoerats in the county admitted
at 0O-3 when they saw the ligures that Senator
DeaM had heen re-e!eete<l
But here is where Hill's flne work eame inj
MeoaeBgea weri sent in every election district
ln t'<> three couutie--, and the Deniocr-.tio to
s|.e.-tors of election were ordered to watch out
for any defectivc hallots that ______ hc thrown
out against the Kerublican candidate. There
are sev.-ra! kinds of tlefective ballots that, have M
he cotisidered hy ihe insjiectors of election ln mak
Ing up their returns. A hallot 1'uat is torn at
om ooraet may be eaDed i defcetlre ballot, ix?.
eauae Ibal tearing migbt i-r* ? si-n by whieh some
oue could tell whether or not 8 voter who had
heen biibcd to vote had kept hi*. promise. Then
a ballot can be marked la various ways. either
with tbe intention of the 88*81 to Iet it
be known how he has Toted, or uninteu
tlonaliy while he has been making up a
iplil tieket. In 80000 districts where
tbo in.peeton af eketien nre nearly all of ono
piilitn-.il faith, bf '-<"ttin.' the ins|vctora of the
oppoaite party OBl ot the wav for ? few nionienH
ermugh baihiis could Ik> Barhed t. make ? great
dlfference with tbe reoalt, la eaae tbi Inepeelnri
nf ele.ti.ill alolie wi-rc to jud-e ot the houesty
of a ballot Tberefore the law wisely was
atiieiided 11-t winter, cuiiip.-lliii'.' the llMpecton
aml tbe ?iBTaeoere all t<? eonal tbe marked ___
lota, bnt leatring it _or tbe eo_r_ t<? detenaiM
whether or not tbe ballots were intcnit-.nallv
marked. HIM did not eare for tbe prerbrioao of
tbe law 0B tb- point All that he asked for to
steal Ihe seat to \shi<h 0 Kepublii-an had l?eenl
eleeted arae tbat ? -Bffleleert bbbihei of balloti
bad been marked, bc did m.t eare how. t<> dcBtray
the majoiiiy that the -"otere <>r thie Benat- Dis
ti-i't. L'ave to QUbetl A. Deane, Tbe origiBaJ.
returaa m they were Bled wlth tbe CoaBty Cterki
,,r the three eo-ntiee <li? i not ebaw a 0B__leat
number of defeetive a.:i<l marked ballots to IBBB0B
a majoiity for Oaborne. A little tbimg like that
did m.t diacoorage th<" gaag of oeal steajers in.
the leaat, Hill waBted Senator Deaae/i tt**, ***\
be arae bonad to obv? it- _nw -U n<it eal any
ti.ure la onpoalBg him either. So it was that,
while under l-.is ii ? fr_ctiona tbfl Detn-icrali-' he<l
era in theie three oonntiea were elnimiBg tho
election or ? defeated eandldate. lliil was ia
Albany wafting the t-esults o. the tour of Deputy
Attorney-General M?ynard throBgh the tBattle_
Tl,'\ lo-ui'l that they could do nothlBg with the
Superviaon of Pntaam Conaty, s<> they tuine.l
their atteatiOB tO Columbia and Dutehc? conn
tica, where the maJorUy af the Board <>f Bapttf
viaora ln both i-fl_8*rf are DenaaerBtie, Ii
Columbla Coonty b-mnel J. TUdea. jr., oaald ba
depended nnoa i<> <l-> anything thai Hill waali
adviae, and ln this enunty ".Iiiii" Iliuckley waa
more than anxioae to enter iBta the iebO?Hi Ibal
Hill propoeed. Thie eefie_M was nathiag ^a*^ <<f
.__ to maaafaetare marked ballots. t_raagh
thi Deuiocrati.- lti-pci lor.s of e'ectioti, alt.T
tbe returns all had lx?en liled with the
met-ben of the Board af Suiiervisora.
ln tooklag o\er tbe Beld, Ilill fonnd ia the towB
nf Red Hbok ? auper-r?_r a_e oaee bai Uaad in
t lutnbia CouBty. Thie man ha.i baaa ?- aarat*
her <?f the -oaemMy ln the days ,.f Wiiitam SL
Tweed, an.l agaiaal bim a aamber <<f iretty .seri
OU0 s'oncs were t..l 1 by t-0 Ne?-\orl- tiewspip'H
N-l?, ;i,,|..,| in expO-rBg that Tammany rasc.il.
Here tbe Govemor_e_itar umioubtedly saw an
opportunlty toj ii'- "i? :>-- __-?? ? n___tt af __vM
halloti as be nee led for tbe parpoa-o af his ttkm,
i nn- bleetlon Law allewa any BapeiiBBM B_e i es
clerlcal errors, like tbe M-BpollhBg of a
, lii.liil.ile's name or the incorre<t aHdilion of a
column of Hgarea, to eail Iaf0tb0r Um full Btata}
af Inapeeto.a :utd T.ave the 9*0t*9*rj correctiotia
ma BJ Ix'Ii'M" th" tneciiu'-' ol tlie l~iard of Sti|V-r
\ !,i.i- of a county as 0 Board <>l ( anvassars. At
th.- 0__e time the law e_P-i-_lf pfarid-i that
notbiag shall be ehonffd by tbe laopM?M that
will piodu'f a ic-uit di?ereat tnm tha oan
| (ir.-inally reaehed hy Ihem. They cannot ad.l
i M.t -. to or take vot?i from 0 ea_M?date after they
I .un- iia\e t::a.le up an.l oiBB-d their returns. That
i onl\ <-an bl do_8 bj 0B or.ler ot the 080?8 ?0 <iuo
w. naiito prooce.
Bda 1 tbe ?_? tbal DttvM B.
lliil I'Miiui to be the Bap-rviHi tttm __? town of
Hc<l lluok. Sttirges, im., is the man wlio gavo
I o\er lo MM Of ihe lk'tLlueratic insisctors of elco
| uou oi u. l'ki-d lilcction Dietriot tbe retuxni la