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he " Hxed up." Whether or not they xvere flxed up in accordanee with the plans and specilioations provided b.v David 11. Hill is known only to lh4>--e who are on ihe inside of thia imamoua plot lo steal Ihe soat to whieh Cilhcrt A. Denne 0BM eloeted. Novertheloss, laetweon Ih.- time when thla S;:pervisur put his ietui:_ into the hands or 1hc Demoeratic iiispector of eh-ction to l?e " lixed up," ballots marked by a prlnler'a quad were reeorded BB the returns as hnving been fouml. The Supervianr hinoelf ad mitted daiiag the iBBBVaM of the vote by the Supervisors that the B_B0tBB_ b. whom he irtive th/ return* "for iixinn up" did not enll a meet? ing of the full lioard of IiTspectore, but nttemled to it hlroaclf. The law fnrther nnd expressly declaros thal all marked ballots over whieh any queation is rnisel must lie retumed xvith Ihe pii-Ts. anil be preserveil for nt least one year after the ele.iion in QBM liiey are needeil as i-vi dence in <->i>rt. In this ease' only one ballot BB whieh xvere the qaad marks was retumed. Thia xvaa pitsted lo 4?ne of tlie sheeta on the Super viaor'a returns xvith ih?5~7hdorsement of omly one of the inspecior*?*> one to wtiflia Stnrfrea hid jtivenhis pnpers lor " B-lBg iip"-to the effrct that thirty-one baUeM like thia hnd been voted. In regard to such indorsements, all of the inspeotora atust unite in makinj; them, and they muat bo made npon tlie baek of eaeh of the ballot* that are eonsidered M lie marked or defectlve ballots. Again, it ia mat for the membera of n Board of Supervisors M dMBflM-BB wliether or not ITallota are markeil solely u|>on the testimony of one of the inspeetors, but the ballots tllcn_Jelves^ must be there ns evidence. As hhs been said. only one of the alleged thirty-one markeil ballot- xvaa sent to the lioard of Superviaora. At no tlme during ihe entire canvass of ihe vote by the lioard of Supervisois did Supervisor Sturges deelare it to be a positivc faet that that number of ballots marked as he said were voted. All alonjf he has an-wcivd all <|ue_tioiis in only one way, and that haa been' "I under>tood so." Against his C'luiv... ul " I understood so'' conic the ilirect and poaitive statements made in the form of aflidavits by one of the Kepublican and one of the Demo cratic inspeetors of election in this distrlct that ih.-y did not sec a ballot marked as DtBlfM and his one inspcctor ilescribeil the thirty-one. To men bBTtag within them uny idea of rij,rht aud deeency, aa well as any regard for tlieir ohtirac ters, i?hc word of two men laken under oatlcought |B have been eonsidered before that of one who had only heiireny as the basis of his testimony. lf David II. Hill had left the Superviaors tb-IB xelves lo have settled this BBM there is not uiuch doubt but that enough of Uie Demoeratic nieni bers of the board would have risen eupcrior to partiaanship and voted as they ought to ha\-e done and as tha law roqaired them t.? do. But through his rej.resentatives Hill was conatantly behind them, coii.stiititly BjNVfiai them on to the oomple tion of the crinie of whieh he WM the ii-jtuator. They omild not ahako ot. their fear of Hill and the political OoaBBQBCBfiOa thnt might befall them ii tln-y disoboyed his EiddlBg. Hut if every Bepablicao ballot thal was cast la the entire Slate at the last election hud bMB marked, and it was known heyond a (|iiesti..n that ihey h;ul T".. n marked pmposeiy, under the pro V_dona of tbe law they OBght lo have laeen counted, teaving it far the courts alone to determine poai tively thnt they had beea marked for the purpose ..I i . iitilication. Tiie majority of the lioard of Siijh'1 vi.sors of Dntoheaa t ounty took i"ne word ol Mipervisor BtargM and threw out bodily the thirt.v one ballots that he " undcratood"' were marked. Even bt doiflg this the seat-stcalers found thnt tlioy did not have enough votes to overeouie SeaatOI Deaae. plurality. Other aeheme* inuftl ba resortod to liefore the de_ired end could l>e reacbe.l aud tl.e crime proposed successfully car ried out. Then the Baperviaon deeided tliat eig!ib*on ballots wbioh had been xoted in the town Of Kust l-'ishkill niust Ih? tl'i-own out, liei-ause IboM who had voted t!a"iti had KCB lit to vote a split in pla.-e ol a itraif-r] licket. Tliis was the only Ki-uml and the only i-xci se lhat they could pre? sent for doing this. They made themselvcs fodge juiy and court in detC-tnllllBg thnt these split ballots had been voted xvith the intenlion of allow iiiK tho Ki'put.lican arateben to know who had voted a Kepublican tick.-t. AlthOBfh this is Ihe prerogative of the Supreme Court in the h'rst in Btaaoe aad the Coarl of Appeak Inally, tbe Dbmo oiatie Moaaben of this board, who admitted on Wednesday last that they did not know what the law on this poiut xvas, deeided to throw out these eighteeu vot... This atill did not make enough to avMO-BM Kenau.r Deanes plurality, aud yet another crime waa committcd. Iu the town of Dover aeveti ballots luul baCB voted i!lej.illy. That is, thi- pasters weie htstcnod M the outside of the .ith.-ial ballot, insleail of upon tha laaide, whoic it'i aol ba ama, ;is tha byw dtreeU As ihe iBBpOOtoa. of election BBBM B088M tbOM votes in oaaattag thi rgturna oa elee-tya edght they pnt il.o-.i- arvaa ballots uniler a Mmp BM sufe keepi-f. After their retums had beea made ip tbe Qjaaa lion aroM as ta what should he done edth tha seven votes. The two Dcii.-crati. iaapeotara. who were thi- majority, thoOgbl that they were lic uublican hailota, for ..f them had eaaght u _limpaa ol a balloi having upon it the aame of the Kepublican candidate for iJovemor, and they deeided to have the balloU deatroyed. '1 his was done t?y Ambrooe Ht.-_.-ttc, who xvas employed bv the DemTOrata a. a watcher. U>- threw the votea Into a atove pnd aaw thal they were baraed. David H. Hill did nol like the Idea of .-ccn trnod votea golnj to waate In thia way, so he ordered tbe Dotiio. nitic Superviaora to count them for t?-e eatire Deinceratic tleket. lt is poritively known that al hast toiif <>( Ihe hurned ballots were Republican bailota. S.. that lf tbe Hoard of Supervisors had taken any action at all in reyani to th.-in it oughl i<> have crediKvl the balloU as they wero cast. In plute of doiir: tbat Ihe majority followed Hill's ordera aod counted tbe Mven i.l.ilots for the entire Demoeratie ticket. Kvon now then ware BOl enough votes atolen from Senatoi Deaae ta overeome hi.s plurality. Four split Republican votM had l?een cast in the Seoond Election Disiri?t of Ua\ Hook. They fol lowed the eourae ot tbe <.th.-r split tickets. Buf l>v this illeaiil act Mr. Deane's plurality waa not entlrely aoliterated, so another aad nn eptirely new acheine waa tried nnd aeeompliahed. Thla waa nothlng mow nor less thaa goiag laebind ihe returm and eounting for Oaborne votes that bad beea <?_. t for Deaae. In tbe Seeoad Electlon Dtotrict ot the town ..f Kiahkill the lnapectpra ..f eieotioa found lhat SeiTtor Deane had polled 131 votea hikI Oaborne had polled 117 x-otes. 1 was aometbiag extremery stran.e in the minda of th<- Demoeratie BapenrlaorB, for here Mr. Deaae aapareatly had ruu as many as t.n ot eleven vofia aheod of his tleket. Thia eotild nol In> poaaible they argaed, or at least Hill j...,l Hluoklej argued for them, so thoy deeided that Ihey would put a Btop lo this id?-a uf 000 eandl late doing better than aome of ihe other randidatea who hoppened lo h-> (an the BB8B8 ti.-ket with him. bat nol qultc as popular, aud they imlrrmiiii'd to live to Oobomf the votea iha't had been eaal lor Deane. This xvas doee and _t_made a difference ol twenty-elght votes in the ooint for the Republican candidate. rhe lallv aheeM k?-i>t by tne Inanecton <-f electlon ahow thal Mr. Deane reoplyed 181 votes in tina dlatrlot. . _._____.?? Tlus was not the only place ln whieh the Dem > ontic Supenivira by a partiaaa leipjution took votea away from Mr.. Deane. ia the tawaof Kliinebeck his oouni was redneed by oae WWJ and thnt vote was given to Ooborae without the least pretence being made that be bad a elaun apop it This made a difference of two voMb in os laorne's favor. Then in another town waa B ballot that was so badly baraed and mutllated that it waa impossihU' to read the aaaiee of ibe eaadldatM ut-rti it. This was the eaae with the candidate for the Senato and other eawi'idatch namo.i ori?!v \\<w on tl.e ticket. The Inape-tara of oleetion oi-i-.iiallv rctii'iod this l.alh.t. as a t.lank ballot, but tlie Board of Superviaora counted 11 for the eiitin- Democratio ticket, There was only one um re sIohI, and that waa tho arbitmry adnlnon af one vote to Oalmrncs list. In one of the warda of this eity the laapectom bad retumed only -*.n as the total Bumber of votea eaat. The total ahnuld havo Iwim 278. No one knew for whom the odd vote araa origiaally.eaat, bai the maj.rity of the Bonrd i.ave it \o tl.e Domoontta. Tl aum up the entire affair? the DeMOMBtn majoritv 4if this Boaid, uudcr the advico of David !!. Hill, delilH-rately lifty-three VOtM fj,"""" Tie Reaublieana and counted them aa Maaka, and ;??< rleUnerately added Ihlrty-throe votes to tba r_moeratic candldatea whlch nevor had laeen east ?*. thctn. Nof one of thOB* VOtM Bllglll to havo 1a*en taken away from or adile<l to tlie BOBBBBf ol aay aaadldata wiAoai the oxproaa ord.-r of the court. The thefts of Ihese x-4.t"s are nol the crimej of whieh the moinl^rs of thi> majority of tM lloatd Pluy " lonorrure Abraal" lha aew nn.i jn?i>i.i:.. auai,.- of mvel. fiKe II -8. -ol- cvc.rwUara. of Supervisors are guilty. Kvery man af them 9 _o voted to make up ihe irandulent r-tiirit Whieh waa lile.l bv John J, Mvlod with th- Se< r-inry of Statc in Albany is guiltv of a feh-ny. BBd if the K ?? publieana here deeu. t.. d<> bo, eaoh oaa ar tue maioritv can be Indicted for this onenee. me cotle ha? a section thnt, co\ers the 0800 to a letter Outaide of thia, the returns wblcb aro liled with UieSecret'irv of State must have thfl seal ?f ihe County Ch'ik of the ci.unty from whieh they eame. Tlie forgcd returns have no sue.h seal uttaehed to them. The Board of Supervisors of Dutchess County muist meet to-morrow and aguin eanvuss the votes whieh were eaat in this county on election day. This time tbe b.ard meets under the order of the court, and it remalns to be seen whether or not ihe Democratie majoritv of the board will continn to defy the law as it did under the leadcrship of K Wright Vail, under instruclions from David B. Hill. Tlie Iniard is called together under a inandamus obtainrd from Judge Barnard, of the Supreme Court. earlv last SHturday mornin<_. by Kobert P. Wilkinaon, nn behall of Isaac W. Sher rill, who was eounted out. He wns the Republi BM candidate for County Treasurer. and the samc votes whieh were st<ilen from (.illiert A. Deane. the Republiean candidate for State Senator, als. were ?tolen from Mr. Sherrill. If the <-mrts linally deterrnine that the vote. ahooJd have lieen eounted for Sherrill, they must naturally be eounted for all of the Republicnn cnn<lidatcs from whom they were etolen. Tlie theft of these votes, together with the arhitrnry edditioti of thirty-nine votea to his necotint, gave to the Democratie candidate for the Senate a plurality of fotirteen in the district- lf the court* eomael the canva_wers to give to the ftcpubliean eandi? dates only the votes whieh were stolen from them, the 0081 in tlie Senate will not lie oeeupied by a Democrat. The Kepublican uUorneys who hav; charge of the are po.-itive that they have a elear oa?e, and the aflidavits whieh tliev have on hand eertainly _how that not one of the ballots stolen from ,\fr. Deane *should liave l>ocii taken from him. .? a r-? _____!/. DI^FRANCm-FMENrT OF Ull-UJUL WHAT HIS.ATTF.MPT T"> f-TF.AI- THF. &-_-__-? TCRF J|-V_____Y AMOfXT* TO. Albany, Nov. 20 (.peclali.-Oovernor Hill had hetter Intpecr, for a few niomeints section 1, Artido I, of the (on-titntlon. lt rc..-8 : "No member of this State shall be oisfranchlserl or deprlvf- of any of the rlghti or privllege- necurcd to any cithsen thereof, unless hy tho law of the land, or the Judirment of hl. peer-." Mr. Hill's proooedingh the last three week-. or <-wr slnce the day of election upon November 3, have been dlreetod toward virtually disfrain-hislng tho eH-WBH of tho XVUi Senate D??tet, who pave tl.e late (iilbert A. Deane a plurality aa the Uepubllcan candidate for Senator of elghty-three votes; of tho XXYIIth Senate Dl-trlct, who gave Franklin D. BhW wood. ReptiMlr-n, a plunillty of 1,000 ns a candidnte for senator: of the XXVth District, who gavc a plurality of 3.3 votes to Hufus T. _%-_, Hepuhllcan, as a candldute for Senator; of the voters in the lld Assembly District of Queens County, who gave George, L. TftBha. Kepubllean, ? pluraUty of 3_0 vote.; and the nttlBBBB of the XVDh BaaatO District, who guve john ii. Deahy, ?apahMaaa, BTO plurality. Mr. Hill's uttcnipts to balMoae th-' Bepablh-n county cierks of Oioiiip aau Dateheaa eiBBtlea form ono of tli- most remarltiihlc ******* to EO* attetnpt to deprivc the Kepvibllcan SenatorB-Otoet an.l Asseiiiblvnien-ele.t of their certifiratcs of election. All thut these oflicers have done is siaiply io paatBd tho election returns from alteiatlon. They have 888-1 agalost the Democnitic Bonrds of BaperTtSOOl Wh0a tlu-y have alBBOBjtol tJ faMfy thoea election ****** and bwaa fraudulent rertlflrutes of election. County Clerk Cotton, of Ononduga County. is ugaiti Ut be put upon tho rack by tlie (iovernor it. the F-secutivc Cta-Bbar. It wW be r-aaaabared thal tt.e (iovernor took some evldenre OfBlaat Cott.ui laat week but even he did not have the bo tlne .- tO deptiee hlm of at OBO0 and put in his place a i>ciu.--rat. liut it ls expeeted that lo-morrow the -8880888 wlll listen to Mr. Cotton's wUBBBBB "nd tlien deprive him of Ua oflice. \\ ith a new County Ckrk of OBOalaga County the Deniociatlc 1008800 here nre 8088-081 thai tbey can defy Judge Kenntdy. of ihe B8BT0-- Court, in bis efforts to aataia u .ertlHcatc oi ckttlm for Davld A. Munn., jr., tho Kepubl.can who eleeted JBIBBBllljB-BH from tho lst Assembly Dlatriet of, onondaga County. Tl.e Ott.BBjt of Ahnet F. Jenlis. undonbtedlv under 81810-8 09* 0880-80* 11111. to secure i, daj of piaeeedlaf. from Jaaaaa ii-tt aml iiartiett ln BrooUyn yeatorday, with the alm of tying .imizc Kan nedvs haada up in Oaaailap Caaaty, la a pt**t at how desperate Governor Hill and his Democratlc ad vlsers are. Tliere ls some susplcion _ere that g8~ emor Hill deferred rcmovlng County Clerk Cotton BOWJ lor tbe purpo-c of hold ing here ln. Albany eorlata Democnitic laapactora Of eleetiim who liave been suiiiiiiiuietl hefon- Jadge Kcnnedy. Tlie~c iu-pector., of course, WIB IhBB be Mipplled with an excusc for remalning away froni Byra ease and Hsoaeyiog Jadas Kaanedy's oidera. Domo C"_t C pollticlan- he.c aay that. wha.evc: JudgB Ken ne-y nav do, f_T-v wlll appeal from btadel IkIom to the Cuher ooorU. Ae Inteni l? plaln. Tba ewo U tobo ' 7.t -n S-eoorta anttl tba Leftalatare -n;.iMi,..-t. Md r_ndWa- for Awtemblyman, i- to I- a nrttttcato ot elcctl-)- from tOBM appolntcd ln Mr. I".. I "ut. eipert-d abo that the Dcinon-ai- of Dnt| b( wlil preei thelr charges Bgaliwt Coonty ? M lloffman, and tbat perhapi toto ma. be done to-mor? row, witb ihe thought ofembnrraoalng tbe BJpublleM eoutiiel. wlvi/are Mivlng to rwerae the wrongful actl ,.f the Boaixl of InporvlBora of Dutehaaa < mtity ln rast Ini o_t BepubUeao votes and tlm-. upon the faie of th- rtiiinA elej-tine Edwiutl Oaborne, DoaBJerat, as Banal r froni tis" x\th Dtrtrli t, ?, rLOWXR- i.rantnt; toward iiii-t-. -PPOBXB OP THK OOV-ft-KM 10 (..'T 1 <;^'-'^ iioi.u 0? his na_r__?_cB. Albany, Nov. 21) (Sjieciab.-r'ilitic.a'is are le.innlnr. to thinlt lhat Koswell 1'. flower OlOrtpgBl Ma til iniiiKtration to Davld H. Hill ln ret-TB BW the lat'ii' pro-dfle not to oppooa Uat, Plowor, when be aoagh! the nor.ilnatlon for 001088-8 at the hand . of the H.-ni" rratic state Convention. If BBOh B BBOTtJBgB tXMto, it is arpu->d that it 0___da t/> a pfedft from Mr. Flower to suppnr; Mr. IIIII for Pieatfleat, al-an-hID Ing all Ihaafh- Ol being a candidate fir I'r.-. M -nt hlmaielf. Mr. Flower ls p_a_Bl a Rixal deal of anxiety to th? f'le.veland men already hy his apparent leaniiu' towaitl Mr. um. They h.k why it waa Booooaary for Mr. Flower to taKe Colonel Timothy S. Wiiliam- aa hl. privhte secretary. 't is tiue that Colonel Wlliiains hns been an exceilent prlvate secrvtary for 081-00* lliil; ro-eeat. haaaei di^(?Ieet, haid-wae-lag oad able. These are exceilent qB-IUh?Uoea for a privab- 8X18 tary, but then Colonel WI1H?I COaM BOt Bdl lo ciny alonp with him Into tlif nc.\t admlnl.iratlon many of the Idcas of the present one. He could not bc c\ tected |0 havo any but Ihe most frieniUj loellnga loaaad (iovernor Hill. Would he be npt tO 00 '-tit _ his way Ut aaf a filcn.ily word for (irover Clevcianu if there -hotild l>e a flght within the DenMCra-0 party of this State for the. control of the galOgOt-W '" t:"* Deniociatlc National Convention.' This i- a qaeotlOB the Clevehmd men are asUlng. They (.ititiot bai ?ish thut Mr. Flower had sele.ted 08 Ua prlvate secretary 8NB0 man not 80 OhMOl] lelated to Mr. 11111. Then 00888808 HlII 1- 'd-o 88?llllg 00 nuine a Ipeahar at th? Aaaea_4y (arorahih t > M_i rathor tiiiui tB Mr. Flower, artmliiK thut the Ass-mbly v\lll he VtawtattAto. Ta* maa peleeted by OaaarBor um i- Dr. K. H. Iiu-h, of 0?M-?Bg County, one of hi- con tldeatial politl(-.l agenls. The Ipoahet of the As-'inhl.v i-> .ne of the flaoat liitliieiitial incn ln Uie Btata, a^ Mr. nowar win _aeovar waa* h<- eoawa to Aih_ny. Thta rati'lldacy of Dr. i- ].u-hed l.v Iho Ilill IhilBOfrB? everywhara in the Btato. Dr, Baah, if Epeaher, cmiH do a deal towaitl InS?taelag the cuirent of Demo etattc poarttea _! i over tho Btata _1ba Bpee_.r*i ap p lnUD_nta of ehalrmed ol eommlttee- have a gieat l.i Baenee upon pollUoi ln his own party. l)-*vi<i it. iti.l's ptatanee tiut beloea not _?> tu BTaah Ington becau-e he 1- afi-.ld of Ueutenaiit-Oovernor .i.'.ie. i- langhad ?t bera. What ho deatraa ls t<> ? bM Mr. Flowe:'s -dnilnlstiufion tl Ihe very -Un ln his favor. That I-- why be BBBiaiM her- until .l:iin>ary 1. Hy that tlme Mr. Hill wlll hawe Mr. Flower chaln-1 np ?O that he .??imot hniTii hlm, IIIII, as a candiilate fur l're.ldent: BOT la-iome one hiniself. IHPP-HIB01 WF.LCH STILL IX 1IIDIM.. Bysaeaao, Nov. BB (Bpeela!).-_fco__a J. WMeh, tho fuplUve BBpOTTlBOr of the Third Ward, has not \i-t iv turiH'd 88 tl-.s OttP, H<- I-. hayOBd 0 doubt. lu hldin^ at Atiburn. After tB??g breulifnit at the OahOBBO lloiis.- p0B?08_y inoriiiiiR Wel.-h I.ft _M city and 8088 but Ma friends know wberc his prcs-nt hidin_ Jfttat la. From rcinarlix of Welch's frletid-, it is evident tliat he has no fear of the law and lhat Mffl 0_k?Ua 8??d ready to protect lim from Iho scntenr.; of Justhe Kcn n-dy. It 1<i now supposed that \V, I. h wlll reinaln la conceibnent until nfter (iovernor Ilill 00001008 Ma ih clslon lu the of County Clerk Cotton. lf (..\ ernor IIIII decides to tol. OBOBdaga of lt-. rluhtful v-.te W-lcl 8-1 Mienl! ha< k ItltO fic i-Hy aml _ regarded by lilnB?M und Meada as ? tiiurtyr. NAMKI) To BDOCPO (iF.NF.ItAL W. H. F. I.I'.IV Manussas, Va., Nov. 20.?The Repab?1088 of Ihe VIIHh Vlrglnlu D??M f*t*9*9M non.l natj-d -lolui Atnhl^r Hrooke, of OBlaappor, lor (on Ure--, tu BBOOOOl (ieneral \V. II. F. Lae, deceaavd. EAATHQEAKE SHtK Bl IS THE IOMXEWEEI, s^.itile, IDgBlk, Nov. J-.i. \t :i:_l o'dock IhU _ftor noon two ah88?l of eartlKiuake, laeting about llvo no> oti'l-i each, were ftlt uere. A WKi:K.M(HlKF()liKlGHTIN(r ciian.'i - OF THE Ti:.\i<i:,M!:" CASM DAlEi _____T_a_B_ BOOM BO_ BO l-BYOMJW 80__B l_ -thi: nim wmiMiK toiX-i t i.'.i-i'. |uv fgff---? 'o tiie BHBBBBvl Wi.shln. t.,.i, Nov. Jii.-Tli.-'e v.;,. |c-s Imstlo ln and ahotit tli4? hradfiimrters of Ih' spcakershlp candidates tod?v than on vesterdny. I.ut a BMM deal M IMM work" aaa Baaa bf them and thelr ttjmm, and plaii wero nai.titrfil f..r IM 80BBJBB1B 0*80- B <" fBl Satur? day. There were a few iirrlvala of Kf|irmeiitaUvc? elc'.t, Bll of Wham were promptly BBM and efforts mad* to dlsiover or Influeiice thelr prcfcrouio,. nn the whole, hOWOVOr, the s.M.atlon BpPMIBi to he BB e.xiept for -flgM indl.ntlou* of waverlng M tlie pari of some of Colonel Mllls's lesi eoiilident -iip paHm, a_8 BPPear M have lacgun to eiitcrialn tbc Idea that it mav M BMIBMB7 for hls followers to trnns fer tl.elr ilMgMBM to BpMBBBr ln order to defe.t JadBB Crisp of 100-01 l?l<.1 Mills hlm<.clf would res.-nt any BBfl_BBB_0B IhM Ma wlthdrawal might hecotnc wlse ?:? . s.?m lii any p.-sslble eoiitlngeni-y. Home of hl- parti-ans derlved con.ldei-blc sat^fac? tion from re.i.rts that severnl leadlng Denior.ratlc newapapeis ln Tennessce, tieorgla and sotitli Carollna J.avc pabHihei e-ltortali in whlch the .nndldary of lud..- 4 rl-p ls vlp.i-ously opposed. Two of MON P-pers -?The Nashville Aincrlcan" and "The Momphts Ap petil Aviih-iii hc"-_ro strotiR supportrrs of M.Millin. nnd one of the Bther-, "The Cbarlcston New, and Courler." had advocated the oleeti4.n Bf a SpeaKer from the Nor'h untll vcxtcrday, when lt publUhcd an edltortal in favor of Mills. The Mills men were al-o enrotii-. ed lay tha nrrival of Mr. (ieary, of C-lor-do, who announccd lhat he and hi- i-i.lleagiie. Mr. ONBBMNJB.would botk aupport tho lfcBM candidate. They have beea .lalined for him la all MM BBll-M_8B. ? ? aniantood that hc also e-rpaeti to tm*m aii ..f tue Deaa-er-tk rrn'm tmm Vtm-Jmmj, tive m aaMhor, ttooogh lha B-tooaea of Beaaaw B_t?BMMj .tudee Crisp. friends, hnwev.-r, asscrt tliat there B paoi laaaea lo UBiti that nt iea?t Meea of tne gow JMBBf ni'-n will vote for hiiii. T!i".v Ml B-M IftBt the daim o. U-trMaa vMm ta WBm m 9mm York B aM _4_s4.'il on HMVOM Informnti.Hi, und Ihey siigge-t tha', ? j,,.- Ho.s" M4__ughlln has swung his men into hne f,,r Mills, th" frlaada Of the h.tter mav abato thelr BeMoestra llooi ig-tael Criap, m thi paaai that he is a IBmmaay candidate Tho (rlsp men BOW MBIlBl ma\ rOlM tO Mills Irom New-York. provided Mr. Cavert votes for him lustead of for McMlllin : und the CHaf pOlt-BBM still claiiu. wlth apparent conti.tonee. lhat ha win NeMaa UBlMM, and probahly si-tccn, of the Ncw-Vork votes. KaaSM. Hcar and Wlllianis, two of HM young BMBB eaaaaMa -WpieaaBMWvM. bn aaridaf fa? (-'"1'"1'1 Mills wlth ull tho eiilliusin-ni und BOBB-BBra Of voutli; but th.'V MbOT under Uw HeBdvaatage of per aoaal atraagan M aoarty all Um tmm *i?t uwre cx ].,?;...-n.-'U ?uiiihan. .IiKl^-o CriBB/a l.oiid.|iiaiteiV BMB wns st.-.n. ly 11; lafareea laaay hy tha ai-ital M caMaei Cf-rraU, M VirgtnM, au.i Mr. iicniphiii. ef s<.utii CaroBaa, both of -h.u.i BN popular and inrtufiitlal. und BMB of uiiiili .xp.-ri.-nio as m. II M ablo and 8-1-0- politual workers. They broupht rlieerliig BBPO-M fMM tmmt respcotlve BUtCB, wMoh BBM said to v.rify tho pre vious cstunatcs of jatfffS CmtWH fHBBda, whuli BMB live, and pnal.ably scven. roM- Iu Virginia. nnd tluvo or moi-o iu .-"in li CB-OtlB0. BothtBg itUditioiial lould M hMTBei to-da.v nt any of the MaiqBartin la resport M the BlIIMIl of the scven Deu-oerata troM rctmsylvania. ln \vtv.a to tl.e Marteea Otdo PaiaoeraM, ti.e mmmmmm M the crisp mon appear t? have hean more Mwrly ear ,.,,... thaa Ihoat of tha mun men. Both etetmaf ten. Tluis far only six ai-c wild to bave tomniitted ih, ?, -civc roar f.r Clrlsp, OM for Mflhl and on..- for Bprlngar. Ti.e a'.titude of the Ii.dlana men BBM U still aaeartalB, Btthoagb lt atraaay appaara evtaeat tlii.t Mr. ByBBM'l iiticini.t lo traiisfcr them in a bBtf to the Mills lamp Inis been B failure. The nri.val M laifl llolmuti. hus been de 1;,V. d 011 BOeoaat of the illncss of hls v.ife, is aaxkmaly awattai by Hobbm. WBm, CHapaal ?priagar, M hls uttitudc is not yet hnown. and it is BBIBmill lhat bB may iiitlii<-nre the voles of sevenil other mem I,. 1-. iio haa Mrvei tweatji >\ jmrn m ? bmb-bm of tiie llouse, and ls thei-eforo. the MBlOl DMBBOMiil member of Uiat The Mills men dalni hlni wtth the utn.ost conllden.o, but It ls BBBB.MI by tho friends of one of tho othor IBnlMallia that the ^a^'.? ?.f IBeat (una mortally offended the !l(K*ler stntesman a few years BgB in B 8000-8 m BMeb he deiioiuiml IUs ideas und n.etliorts of eco4iomy h? - p_is.lmoi.lousn and "" BBd Us4-d other j.'lje.tives the rever*. of eomplimci.lary-an BfBBM whlch it is said HMMBB las never lorgotlen. As he ls BOW said t.i rheiisl, aa BB-biilOO to be ChalnBBB of the QWBMlttM 011 Ap iaroiariiitlons, it is BfgttM that M wlll prefer Judgo Criap or Mr. Bpringer M CBtoad MBM Mr Ma BpeaBM shlp. Ho wlll iirrivo here to morrow. Mr. MeMillin 10 dav cantinnod M he BOB rommlftnl ob the -afcjed M hia eaaeMaay. Ha do.-h.i-.-d, how aver, lhal he aaw bo raaaoa I > feei flliiiBMBM or dcapmMeat, BBd that ha InU-ndeil t-. remaln in the rBM t . UM end. His lioiitenants sTlll chiiiii tWO v. kfl ln New-Yoil;, IhOM Bf M-M-B. lovcit aud bunllng: two ln New-Kiiglnnd, two in Iviii.svlv.inla, ono iu IU -1 Mi.j.i, threa la Loalijaaa, awea la Wbb-MM, threo lu Kt-ntiiiliy, und enoim'li BMM0 m other Mates io Bttha a tatal of twenty-livo \ ??: Mr. Bariafw did not appaai at hl? heaaaaartara utiiii thi. evMlBg, bai lhay ware hapi apaa, and aav eral aaBBaMea M lais ahal waaa _a Baty <ii.ii.Kt the i-n titx) day. Sjiriiu-'er stoek conllimcd llnn nnd buoyiint, Wtth B strong upward tin.l-ii'-v, whirh appeared to mrpriM as well its BBBOy aome of the aid-nt friends i,f MHK who an- not taHdag now as ihey were several rtavs Bgo ahoat aa_lag tii? votes tram DBaola, lowa, Miehipui aod BBraral other MaMa t<a the MUla eofanaa ,11 as Bprlager is oait of the way." IheM la aa doubt whaMver that Mr. -MriagM Mm MMilly giUnci -imiiKl initai tho last week, If BM in votes ,.t laaM iii lha roapeet of Ma uaapMlleWi who have (?en-e<l M legBI- his eOBVBM M BIVOhaM nnd hls can ( as harmlcs-. t'olonel Mllls's WaahlBBlOB OTfBd to-day c .ntinued itsassaults apaa Jaiga Crisp and hls supporlers. Here are hoiiic e.x4-eri)ts fiotn tlie cdlt.irial eolumus: II || ludkniUM, 1/ BM BBSBI H-M that. to wiU.eH* Uie six-. u.-l ? of all p-d DenKK-rats to!ial..niii(j to put asido thr t__jt laaaa aBkh ttvir appsaaaM most dr-ad. BMai r Ing, MwaWI, BBaflM U> M tl.e i-hr-nlc eoiidltloa of a cer tiiia etl s nf _BM aha have*.'d to ruai DlBMIIBlbl pnapitta aaaa May aaea MMMaM, und ?t-t a?:de the .wiu of tho Iieino-rat:.- masm- who ar.- alwuys right, IM CHaa .-onil.lnatlo- that tlao l>nvM'r3tl. party nhall ahaudoai Ii> line of attack aud rally round tho MBB-BB^-BBaa aud th. autlfr's traln. ? S|>oali.T*lii|i aaaMM i? a aquare flght laelwpon MBM and lavaaaarafana and iruip wd-?iati Tii ? r?-tii..i-;.-i'i. n.-ral has aeen llt to glve ten-y.-ar aaallBCila to tM l'acltlc Mall Stano*hl|a I'oinjittiiy under ,',,. subslfly Law ]*-sd l.y th>- l_j.t (wigii'M. Thi* raia-a t"! inie.tkm at onco a* to wh.-th. r, there l.-lng un a|ip:opriat'.oii for the purposo for only one year, the frilt'-.l States Ma 08 conipclled to pay the suiaas BgraM apaa ii'-t.>'-',ii Mr. GoaM and Mr. Waaaaaaar, a?d do.iht l'?s _ iniiiili.-r cf eentleineii who lol.bled for the pssi-age of tlie l.ili, nnd who are now nupi>r>rtlii_ Crlsp's candl duCy for tln; iSie-akeiship, will he on liai.d to uri.; Conyreas l>, \i.ld. 1 le- ?.f Ma la. ai.i.irutle llous'- wlll be laialn - Mt MM doilar should bo apprtpriatci! to pay for thla aervlce. at h-ast, until a ii'i. Mvaattgatlaa si.aii havi ha 1 ?aM laM Ma awBMala hf afetoh MM ja-sair.. of ti.e ni'.i m:is h-e'i-d If some DSBWaralM dt'eks should Ikj ln Ihe <-....".' of lnv. thev wlll have plMiity of foo-i RepaMleaa aaaaelUaa M ?uiier wlth th-m in juihiic aatee-B. Il w.M.ld 1^' a liliinder arana than a CriBM f?r tbe II- -,. .? . -ratl. ll'ir s.-i.t'tiN's M aaaBaaMaM their l>_'|..|- 1.1. (li. .\.. ..f tii.- ..f 1888. ThraaMailM ot th? Raataaaa lattvaa tavai Mrii ioMbb, Ma ia?u<. upon aMM Ma tmtUo ls to M fiuul.t. und lluo BM ,,f pxery 1,000 of thelr loiistllcents b. lievo ... j.iinii.i; 1 attie ..I. Ma ibbm laaaa. IM man wM Miai hls ba'k m I'is PBBfll and party fur pi-rs..iial udim .. Lool: out tor eounterfeitfl. imi tatioiu, and kiiIh stitutex, rejiro .-< iltlsi .;./., i'....', hut sold at l.-ss than . '? 1- u ! a r pricea hy dcaler 111 n.iilicini. not , inith.'ii/' 1 to v 11 Ilr. Plaroarl yrnu 111a meilicm>-s. To gnar.l again-t fraud end imposition, tho iii'ik.-is of ln-. I'ierei-'a genuine modicinea now koII their worhl famoil remflies only tbrOBgh dru^elata, authorizad a_ agentu, and under a pontue (tuttruntet 4.f henrlit or I ure, or money ri-futi'l.-d Authoriiod agenti Oafg can, uauli-r tbaSB reeulationn. furiii.h lir. Plaraa. u<mtmmt -aed-efiMe,whfclialwaya h'ive baaa. are, nnd alwava aill be, auld ut Ibe fi.llowing jarii-ea: I>r. 1 'ler'-os ('i Medioal Discovcry (tha rt-uu .ly for all .Iisoamw arliing from impuro blooili, 81.(1) \*-r Uittle. Dr. Pierco . Pavortte i'r.-x-i-iption (tho ri'tnedy for wuman'i chronic waakaaaBM And deraafea-aaa_ ii.ixi per i*.t tie Dr. Plaroa. Plaaan-I MmM rthu origi nal little [ivar Pilb,). -.*. c?_U per vial.. But in.-,'te Ilio ihaape-t ruadictuet aolil, bacaoso you uay only t _r the tfood you gat. M | lu I 0fll or 0_BIWlB. B? M_f from thoae who 0008*0- hlm w-tli thelr -801 _ .._._ Mr C v aa. eailly !?->"> a-OMt aaythlag iy ?'? hi. n-MIe n ??? ?? ae larlfl *tatm, *** I.:" f" "*? hi. ,1',-h _*? ahe* hi ean-daey j...t now i- Why we Oa moaaaoi -r UM irajartlaa Baaaaaaa - ><"'<?<?'? "?*?'* li'. lanrer! H Mr. CMap la- as .._..)? vetea ttt BpOllKI a< l>< ,-luini- i.l.v rle _?'..!. a.ixl-ty - 1.1- 1-80*1 '<? ?_? M.'.'.a M.Miilln. H..t.-h J..I- Springer I" t'"' ",,!<n Had It i...t have Ic.-n f,.r tl." _r-..t 88801 d.m<" 80 Rraaklya a:d thr- rural 0-flllli, Mr. PI8W8B would 0880 d.'f.aU'd ai.d BM UgUlaturc ?ould liave l*'-n Be. pahtlsaa m h8t_ MaaehaB. if Ne-v-Yor-M aatoa ta to I. ,,.? at ln tho Hp-aker-hlp 808*88*, In BBt- of her **? tioimi turn* ao aaaM paofte ut haaBaa u. ?8aa ?i.o <-on,.. fron. 8800)888 who havo b.-.-n AA******* "f ";" for lurr-aalrp thnlr 08888888?8 \oU>. There la je.t 808 (l.nprr ln the Mtuatlon tl~ lt MTSMpi wlth tho arrlial of the nioml-ra-.l-<-t. Bad oaly 888 Th<" BBBthBBnt of two-thlrds Of those who wlll 888888 th." M_| Do-M Mr. Mills and tho prlnclpl.-i for whhh hc atandv Ou th- BBhSI hand. n immbor of Uio-o8who d.alre to vote for Mr. _H_ ar- tl.'d up, t>r a ballot, at th" tOBOt, wlth the jBJBt?MM of very mH__?I 000?8BBBB who um haaaaaa, not the allghlBBt ahaaas of eiecUon. The .paareat tarlaen hopt of Mr. OftaB/e tattawaa. la to iml.u-e thos- fentleinrn lo ren_tn ln Uio fleld, h?ph:_ *J thi. moun to piolonp th." atrupiln until ? clover coui blnatilon. can 08 ">-<' I 18 08881 hlm. The daniT-r. howev- r, la not me-t. Aa thi- menibera arrlv." It Is evldent that they 080 tahla* slil?a rapldly aa h80BO8H Mr. >lllla _nd Mr Ot**, ta* ** h'tt-r la lo.In_ 99*** dilly n? th<- Nal paipaan <.f liU can.ldacy la beln_ dlsdo-'J by tbo various IntcreiU Uiat are r-llk-l to hU .u_:H?rt. Aa _..? havo rald ??f.i.. . thero aeen-i t.? be no poaalblllty of _-fi_.thi? Mr. Mlllv aad Bha atahaa of f?.?0 out of every 1,000 0808808808 i?ho ar.' truo to tho fiindimental .rlnrlpl.-. of tho party md h-ok only to p_rty BBaOOOB, an. not to 00-f qucatlona of oer-minl ur.fernient. A8808-?g to this Democrntlc orgnn, not only is Judzo CMap BBWOatl"/ to lie Sjicilier, but those dlsttngiiMied Daai'" nt? who inpoort aha nre BBwarthy la bo mem \kt. ot the House of Hepr-'e?.iitiitlves. This |s ttttly n dlRiournglng stote of nfalrs. Of .08000, if Cilunel Mlll. ahould be chosen i-^-iker ho w-ild f.-el i? to ite tt* _BP?allW. duty to j.Iim. Jtidgo ( rlst. .mi all his Npportara on the '-ti-l-ends of eom mltt?-??. where thev could nrromplNh the lenst poamlHe amiiiiit of harm; but what would he dn wlth Mohm-s. M( Millin. KpHnger nud Hatoh if they -hotild por^.s; m remainlng in the fleld as eand-lataa, Uteraty aggravu lnir tn.- iliniif' r of Judge Crlsp's suceess and Iniporlllmg in- ov.n proapaetal IIATCII HOOMKKS PBOM "0-D ____"__T.* Iltt-hutp. Nov. ?Jf'.-Conprc'-iiKin W. H. H8??. of M-BOBll. candidato for f-pcaher of the next Hooaa, p_s;ed thraagfe Plttahnrg to-night with n hunja pnrty of Hatetl boomcr-. boimd for Waihlngton. Il the party were Onnpre--men Dootary, T.'r-ney, MBB080 nnd ii-ani. ?8 Oo-grooaaaoa Oehh, K-haa und Ooehran, nad 88 001088-8 Iipx-kmyer. ( onp-.-e-sman _8?- ex praeeod oonBdcaoa in lds election, but -nid it wwaM roQBha 80*8001 ballots. He BBya ho has tho entlre Vi "itl dele^ttion, Wlth the OXOOpttOa of O'Nell. wlth BBB. . , . - CanglOBBBBTB Ilallev, of 18X88, and 1*188(8. Of Ten ?,- ..-, -ere nlso on t?i?- train. liailey ls fo.- Mlll. and Pferoe for XeMilHn. The bittar ?aya XeMIUln wlll luivo from forty to sixty votes on the flrst ballot. _> roOFOSBD INVKSTIGATIOXS BTTRI HOOTE. now Tlti: D-MOOB?TB ItO-_ TO MA?-E POT?TXC?X. O-PITA- FOK ".'-'. Waihinglcm, Xof. 80 (Speclal).-lt ls apparent from the ione of prlvate dU-u*s!ou iBOBg IhBaoeratle Kepresentatlven v?ho have BBllTod la Wa-hlngton that tho (OB?Bg Ke?slon la to be marlied by a number of iLve-tipatloiis by meatis of whlch the Demoerats hopo tu 01 riiintilate poSttcal capital to be cxpendtMl ln next 0008*8 I'l-e-identlal laJi.palga; aad al-o to Und 0S8-B0B for att~i<king aud cuttlng down appropriatlons for scvcr.ii braaehaa of the pubiie Borriee. Ono of tho lnvestlgatiuin paepoaod wh.rh Wlll proh obiy i>c lepun iind pn>-.H"utc<i art?11 eaaal?wahta aaeray will rclate to the conditlon of the Civil .-crvlie, aittl ?peel-d r-f-IOOaa to the opara??B and adminlstr.itlon of ti.a cvi Serviee law. Thero boa i^en aome laa. in favor of pk.eitig Mr. Andiew, of Ma .-n< hus-tts, ut tlm head of the Comnilttee OB Fciornt In the Civil Heivhc and givltur that comnilttee ftirgl of the 081-Bllpthin; bat it is objected that he Ie too raraast and slneen ? ttaotam for that parpOOO, and Uiat tho chalrmanslcp shoull la; l,.-.tiiwe.l epoa 0 man whO ls 08088 in sympathy wlth tho rlews of the niajority of his party. It ls prctty snfe to jiredlct thnt a ina'oilly of the 0OO8_-B_8. t-ho 0080 may bo Its chairman. wl'l leapoad heartllv to t'io i!. .hc of an (iverwhelmlng nnjorliy of Ihe Demoerats lu tho House to Cllppfc. 8. f?r 08 POBBiBlBi th" opera tions nnd unefulness of the Civil B rvbe ('.mmlsslon and to cast rtlscredit upon PreslJonf Hairlson'H Admln Istratlon. T_ls wlll bo done. no matter whlch one of tho eandidates . ir bpeaUer shall win. All of them aro ae.aaBy lallnaat in raopaol to lhat as w.n a. to frary other subjeet exceft ?' tariff rrform.-' lt is abo propooot to rcnew the InroB-gatton of the Ten-ilon HurcQU, and It Is probahle tlmt Mr. OOQP0T, .,f liKliaim, wlll be plai od at the head of a speclal com mlitee for that purpo-e. Sevenil m Mtho 000 Mr. OOOPOT ?oooaod bwOaod not Ie a__i th ? ?atter if OonaaaU-toaee IJauni should retlre from thi; oflice: but it ls now ns >crte<l tlmt durltu? the last elpli- months ho iuim beea baap eoOootlng InftinaotBai an.l teetleBoay ?pun whl.h tu baaa n Baore Ihoroagh toaoallgBtlon thau th'? one whlch was 0__0 m the ** OoagTOaa Th. Dooaoerata ar-faattf hopo ani -tpeel u< tind thi tield of ini|ttiry a fruitful and prolltablo ono in a parttaaa ooaao. C-anadasloaer Rmbb and hts tr****, lt, ls said, will not att.'inpt t-> hlnder the ptOP Md lar-rtlgithi-. bai oa the eoatrary wiii-weiconr. nad i . all they ran to iu;.':?> it I-oii.pivliensive and thOfOBgh, boUevlag that lha reaaM wtll i.e aeesBpl-te r_?Icattoa vt tho 008B-??ta?ar nad hia B?aag-aoat ot this im portaat haanch of the pahlta Bervlea, Thero ia also a -itron;; <!'? -iro on the part of many p. ui M nits to lnvesti-ato another braneli of tho In terlor Dcpiiriinent, tho 008888 BarlBB, t!i<: nianagv nient of B__h has In-n ctitli-0Oi wlth thi utunM sev.-iity bv a pirtlon Of tho Democratlc and M-fWB-V ptcaa. Jrhara i-. no aoaht that Bapoojala-d?at Porlar will lieartlly welrotiio and do bll uttno-t to ald BBBI an liKiulry, if It bo ltistltuted. Many of tlio most vcnoinous and vlolcnt jittacks have hc*n 8800??f?Oy lepellcd in the nearapopan, but he nitutally fetls that only an ohVinl ln<iuliy and vindlcatlon wlll silence them. So far as the acctisatlons nf extravagancc ln expeadtCBrea are eoaeeraat. BBpartateaioal FOrtor wtll be al Io ca-lly to rcfute them, ai.d ?how that th. work 0l no prccedlng cerisus \\w been 00 cconoiulcally or moie acciiratcly and cnuiently cotiducted. lt cer talnly I. due to hlm us well as to tlio country that the ;u i iiiacy of tli_. work -hall be fnlrl)- and fully demon struted. This is tho 00000 needful on 000000- 0_ the IiendiiiR propoal?ba t<> establlsh a p-rmancnt nnd thoroaghly ooalppoi eeaaaa harena, n subjeet whlch h of tho MglHot taaportaaoo aad tartoreat. Among 80000 of tho Wo-U-rn and skuthcrn Dcmn i-rats thero is also u atrong sentlment in favor of nn IBVO0?B0-0B ol tho Ir.diati 888088, c-pecially that brant-h wlil. h hns . harge of tho p_188888 and (li -trlhu tlon Of liniT-T. gootls and suppllos. Scrious statenients iu Un ettcct thai ihe bavtaaU and i-iothiim' paiahaBOd for an- Ita-ibatOd OflMMMJ the HOBI and other trihOB of tho Northwe-.t aro cxtii'mely Inferiot lu (tiiahtv, and .oiiio of them, ln fa. t, vlrtually worthle.s, havo re (cntly appeared In 8880881 Western aoarapepO-B, c-iples of whieh ?888 been rccelved hert". B0_8 af thOOO -lat-'inents parpOTt to bo votiched for by henator lVt tl.ri'W, of BOB?I Dakota, who, as a mcrulicr of the Senate Coiniiiitteo ou [B?180 Airalrs, vi-.lted B08880I Of tlm siotix Baaairalloaa In his Btate early Ie the f;>ii H is ?ald tli lt he Will b-iOg with him to V/aahlBgl WB ?ovaral aamptaa <rf Ihe bh-?ata and elotl?g whteh woro djstiihnted this yi-iu ;u:<i whieh bo ohtalaad from ti_ indtana in a raeoel eoBvaran?oo wlth a Pribaae eorroapo?d ent, AssUtant Secretary lliissey, nndcr whoae pOrBOBBl iapoi rlatea the awaada wara a_?e io tha I.lera bbt li.itla.ii goods and supplle-, aad who pononaU>' 88881 ined and teitcd the -.aniplcs olfcred. anM tlmt the -tai.'iii.'iits ragnrditag tha ta?wtor ajaalty <>f iho bian and elOthtBg oultl um 00 coi-icil, ai.d tli tt tl Dopartinent eo_rtcd Um aeoal Ihoroagh lavoettfatloa, OeBBial Bafaay i- oa oi<i Baorcheat, aad thorotBro hts (?dpaOOd iu napeet IO th<' <|aality na well a_ the prleoa <>f l eda i- haaed npon peaetlaal knowi.-iii-'o aad exp.-iiciice. it is Badoaatood that auapasa of th<' blaaheta aad elo hlng i .-u.-d to tho lu?au* will im ..nci-d ln evldenre hy tha Indtaa Kureau, if au Invoatigatlon a_auM la_e plaeo. An other bi-ueh of u.<- iiuiiai, aonrlea la itapoel t.. whirh thera i^ taik ..r an Inveatlaatlon, i- the mnnagii iii.-iii oi the ln.iiiiia buiidlng und day -. hool-, eapa clullv on Ihe i<-"iviit!ii'i-. lt ii uadoratood tbol there l. to be un Invoatlga olao of the oEtot of the Contro?er of lha Currency, su lar a^ Ihe 08-tnrB-tl0*1 aml up-rv.Mua of the a< coiiiiu und opoaallaaa ol National banhlng oaaocio tii,?,-. ara rtweerned. Tho Demorrjt. baaa been h-<i to l..'lle\e that there ls anlue caplti.l ... I.- made out <>I nn inve? >>i ta.' '.rtiiini k.i> of CuatroUer Uwo) ..mi hia siil??rdiiiate', in regaid to ihe olBoera of the n.i luiuk of I'hlhi.lelphla, ?ud the Ma\emk Hi.nk ut Boatoa, aud thore la i" loaM ihut mwm of tf_>_ MM lo ? her materiat with whl.h to U_llth th.. i-cp'iiatiiMi or both tha Dootr?tar and iBataoaaw <?'-netal. Another hopo l- to li> iu- p_?adworh tor a viaoroai oaaaall apon the Nutioiiiii banklni lyatoai, lo whieh 8?i Fnnaara' Mlinu.o Ropreaentatlvoa aud a targo nnnibor of noutb i rn und W'?^terll Repreaeiil itlToa m-e bltterly und vlo li'iitiv ..pi-o-.-i. lt la oapaetod tiu.t th- B-anaajBaaonl of tii>- Biupoaaf l;:\c-t -.itluii will l?a confliU-d lo tho Ootninlttee 00 ItunKln? and ( urremy. uf w hi< Il It I.. iitxler^t'MKl Mr. Dovort, <>t New York, hopea ta I*- chnlr man. In m?c Colonel MIII-. ta eloet?I Bpeahar. 1 ? ..?ntltneat. nf ho.tlllly to Nurioii.l bank'. will Ih- .tfooaer and niot-" active during th.? eomIng leaMon of laa 11/ ?? tluin H hia heen f :r a iiiinil.-r of vears pa^t. -."'.iral iiihcr ln\o_tl_ntloii:i have been hint.-d ai ro rentll iu vajtotU niiarteiN. but t liirso i.bovo ni'iitluii. it a..- Uie nn. ? w ln?-.-. nroje. t.-r. utid advocatos ..nm-ir lu M (he st.onger nnd M0M BBBMfBBB. **?*???_ SllUOnt E-M wlll bo'H e?.u-h ta>*?*&? tof. tmm 3 UM tl.-nc Of tM Mf MM aud BIMBgBBBBBa. n._'t?MMi:vi)\Ti. ns OP ttWMODOBl MI-ir;v,"'.'-j;, Waahlagtoa, Bov. gB.-Oiffltnodor. MalvllM < I ; ?? the Bnreaa M -team B-a_Maarln|, haa Mb-BttM8 his bbbbM Npart M ?he BB-tMB-T M Ma v.w. HbMm BOrtonco of pmvldlng t.uvellln. rranaa and suft.iblo BMMM of movlng heavy mai'hinory in BaVJ -B8BB pointed out, nnd the ertab-nhment ot a.m.11 MoroBMBMB BtMehMl to tho MMMM -B0f8 9 reronimended. >f il:,. BaataB Xavy Vaia. lt B rocommended thnt lt be agaln BMd as B repa'r statlon. ln connectlon with a gpBBrif-BB of the work done nt tho New-York Xavy Yard, It Is thnt surh i-x eetlant praMO-l UM been made ln tho eonstnirtlon of tlie marhlner. for the new et-JaMI rinrlnnnti and Ralcigh that lt will be ready for tho ves-cU when tho hulls aro compWod. In .|ual't\ of workmanshlp and aaM thta work 9 said to aoMfara faiarahly with thnt dono In any private establlshment. It la recom mende4t that additional WtBgB to tlie holtor-almp ba bullt for smlthlng nnd eo-pper wflTk, nnd thut a floo-ton teatlng mndilne and hydniullc bcndlng prcsi bc pro cured. 4?f the MafM Island Navy Ynrd, the report _ays: ?? It is eainesUy rcconiincndcd that tho hhopa at thla gnrd Im completed und fully ?uppllcd wlth toola uf l?to design and of power to 1-indle tlfe heaviest nwrlne enalno work." l;y far the most Important feafur.' of tho report B C-mmodore Mclvlllc's- statement MBBBfag the personnol of the Knglneer OorBB. Ile savs: ? It ls wlth regret that I BM analn rompelled to repotl that tne number of BBBjaaot 0*8881 is iBBB-BBBBt for the. proper perform anro of the iattea belunglng to them." The teport sIikjWs NOW collMotis and other accldents have roKuIted from iiisuffhient enginecr _MM mm v.ssels, aud how tho piii-fag BMMai. of the aarvka have caused Uie ab.ndoiiment of other work of gMM value to the coun try_-aecomp!lshod thr ush the dc__. 0>* enginecr offlcers aa instiai-Uirs tu technh'-l achaola and eoUBBBa. <oin modoi. MelvlSa aaya Um naa-ber of engineer 08MON should be at least .100, and even this number wlll M Inadeqaata nnleaa supplemcn-ed by a su.1l.ient nanaw of intei.iir.-iit and sklued arttfleari and well-uMaal Bia_ meii. Ile would llBW upon tho. t'-chtiloal fecbool ol the cmiitry for half of the yoong anglneei., to take a two ?reara' niucil.-nl jk.-i. rmlaato rourso at sea. A MCtal .cui-e of 8B0Oea-.Og U wonililenile.l to BO pi-vldcd for at tho Navul A.adomy. Ihe aboiltlon of the old fishloncd "atMIB-B* on stuphoard ls recoru BMBded. imi-CIOB wTOHtt-B.- BSPOBT, praahtogMn, Nov. _o.-The annaal report of M. ->? Whoeler, ChMf I'ostofliee FB-gaelDC, nlthough composed BBBBtly of lables and . tatlsti.-i, Is Interostlnir. ln that ?it ihQBI '.he yoar lo have beeu alngulurly frce from Kreat HMStera and crime, whlch do so niuch to prcju dlfe the postal MrM-B." Ur. Whceler ?ays: Thero have been those in tho servlco who have not been able to wlthataad temptatloo and bave tallan by tha wayahto, and in.-..ii-ldercd pilferii.Ks bave, iu n BMBSUIB. li.vited irlth Is.u from tlie public, but BO great defnleatlon, no great robbory or lo-s. biau. .'ii.-.l the recoi-d of the Department or thwanM W efforta to aerve tho people. Tho spirlt of gwni servlce, I lielh've, grows year hy year, and I muy lie pnrdonod for aaying that, In my oplirton. the exumpio of the Ptaacn! haaM of 'be ller-?rtniont. law been felt ln sumo il.. roe down to th? hnaibleat empioyo, ao tnai aii aish <t<> porform the work In band, i.t-.d do that WBlcB will reihiund to tho creillt of the sorvloe nnd the iu ?f the public Thero is no tcenenil deslre to vjolate po?rt_l Eawa aa'an-h, and when Itoecun, pubno oplnlon reeognl-e* nnd npproves the Jnstioc of thelr aaforeaaaaBt and tha paawaa-OBt ot the In hN tablo of crlmlnal stntlstlcs ho show* that tho totnl number of BiraaM ls gMBtaff I J' 100 tluin Di-t yoar. hut tho nunihor i'f poatal cmploves of nll Mada arroated is f..rtv iiv? Mm. Tha numiaer of eonvtcttona this vear was .'11 per c.nt of tho number of rirrestw made". ?s ngBlnal aejper canl lnst year. Tho number of buiftora of poMoffleea arrc.ste.i this yaa* was 179, aa aimlnst 131 durinir, the prevlOBa year. A VAM'AW/R I'AIJI.IAMKNTAKY IIISTdHY. PrBahiBgtoB, Bov. _?.?Oa Pabraaqr M MM the Sen? ate BtBfMd a rosolutloa glrretlng tho 4'onnilttre BB Uules to examlno tho aaamaerfpt of the "Parllajnen tary Ill-tory of COBgW-,* eoaiptla-, odited aud righMd bv llemy M. Smlth. (OBTBBl cloi- of tl'.e Mouse Of Heprosentntlves, and roiKirt to the KeiifH. ns to tho advtaabtltty M paiehaat*. aad pMattog the samo for tho ttse of Comn-ess. IMa work was liepin by Mr. Smlth ln the winfer of 1K79 at the sugge?tlon M the Into Aloxandor H. M*VOB8, of ticorsta, and tho lat-J 1 Tosidont GartcM. With a vlew of lahaBMtlBg ln a eoavonlaat f-?rm M Ihe leaate < obbbIIIm on Bata HM I'lau aml BM thed ?f lils v.uli, Mi. Smitii li M BjlaMd six cluiptci*. selectitiR the 1-t. Xl.\ lllth and LM OBBtMBBJB, Whieh, with BB explanatory statement and outlino Inde.x. wlll sln;rtly be ready to pr.-nent to tho IlllBIBltMa The pian af the woafe lncltides a .om ' jaleto and cai-efully vcrifled history of the nilea of ench IIoflMS of OOBITMa, from the It to UB) ?Maa -i aaa _-M r<ine-?.? Everv nito or oniendinont, propoaal or adoptcl, every Importiint ipiMllon Bf OlBM Of prlvll.^e (l(srld.:d In elther Hooao. eoeh eoBteatad lleeUoB case nnd action thci-eon, aaeh iMeet eoaj-attMe eteaMd and a hMtory of tho Blaarilag eoaualMaoi is Mvbb, Mgethar wtth a Mimtnaiy Bf all th" MB-Mg paiHBBM-ntary stru?t;l-'s or eontests, oth.-rwlso known ns - doail >laafeBa or " flll bnatering" piocoaBlagi UM roaapMM Mnaaaal af Oongreaa givlng, as tar ?s moaalbk;. the political rtatni o| each member and Mi-* eommlttee larvlea, is als. a part of the pian. in a.ldlii.m wlll ba |lven an out imo or rammary <>f the leadlng evenM iu the political aud lirgisiativo plstory of Congreaa WSCUBJsa ]:.\'iiinrri< fOB ri/r Mfl, Ch-eaga, Nov. ?_;) (Si.ciaD.-Thiity apaM aatplayed by ntB-aain r. \". l-lnaai ehhri ..(lha BapariaiaBl or ethnoloity, are aeOBrini N.arth, lOBth and OBatMl Ani-r li-as fur e.xhibils rrf the ethuologl. .1 BM uv of tl.e tlm-e <*>iintrlcs iiiei'.li.ii.- I. 80B0aaa88 1'ut.i-m has arrtVOi in this city to report propre.sS ln hls uork. and siivs ttmt he ls mi-otliui with an dok'f.f lacccai in pthariol ethnologlcBl ihMbmbb. Ha haa BBW iwo pBlUM Of re!i.' huntct's In Central and lOBth Aiueriia aud hu; 8 iBlplOOJ Bf inuinmles, fat.ras aud implcmcnts of the BhOrtglaM Inhabltants i.ady for shlp uient froin EBra. wiiiio FioMaa r Patnam is wartdng up ashMM ot an cthiioioyi.-ii ahaiaeMr from _M loath AaMMMa mbb trlew. the Wtatdl FBlr CMBBlB-IOBira thero ai. daily senitlii!? lu reports of plOglBBI. Dr. i;?rtolette, the OoBuaMaloaM M B-fagaayi tTiagaay and th-> Arpaaaa Kr[.ali!i.-, wi'itcs that it is proposed to Increaso tlie ippiupMlBBB niad-3 by tho latter BBBBBB. froin $lii4).iiOi) to .f:i4i!i,000. Dr. Josc Deeotid. who was a delegato froin EBngBBy M llM I 'an AM BB an 4- if-: once, haa been appoliite.l peaaMaBl of th? comnils-i.. i that ls to have (hargo of the I'linu-'iiav e.xhlblt at the From l.leiileiiant llaker tOBBM tln- inf_.n>:ition that the largeal rtgar naanfaetoiy In Mozleo win bb_M au eztonalva exhlblt at tha Rxpoaltton. Br. Latch, who owiis the larite-t sawiuill lti Moxl.-... is pruparlng a tlne exliibit of the i-ablnet w.Kids of that Country. .1 rOV-Tfl BffBUCMBt WOMAE UARRIED. .Mis, li.'illi.i CMlftaab, who on Wedn-sday last WM arriad M AtrB ?'? Deaally, Jaaloe partaar af R. J. Daaa d <<>., baaBMa af tiiis city, was one ot tba HMeeMfal foaag womw who bave eaMretf lha baahMM iieid. Coatlag troM HoaUaal Iva vcbm Bga, iha hiid at tiie cad of B JTOBr BBB-flaat full ehBlp of tl.e liiian.lal BBd !.u-in''-s .1. pai tinents of thu tluxw BaBMB issue?i l.y a pahBahtBg hoaae hora. Her ahttBg aaatt| her wheM ? -t wbm ladgmeni aroali have baaa BMBBorahl. t.x-d. ibe Mfl the leM >f tM4a i-ui a aiaater of lt. IHE X9 AMAQV l CAXAL 10AX. PWragn. Nov. 2U (-spc.iali.-ln an IbImvMw NBM8V lag th.- (ftearagna canal Benator Ailaoa, .;f lowa, ifealr maa of tin- Beaatt ('oininitt:.n Approprial ? ? 1 ixpeel UM BleMBgBB t'anal to eOJM up afRitn this wlnl.-r. 1 ICMU- lha I 'in-tru. ::.ui of that BBBBI M B a. les-it.v, atul I want it to be cniirely uiuler eontroL it- profMtori an InSeat oi Ita toaaraetloo, and If they ranliol ralM UM BKB-8) ui Ain.-iii ,i thev will pi to taetga conntiie-. m B_rnra BM taatiaL A blll wus latrotfaaM MM NBtag aM ?ns (avoaaati aaa BdMBd by the COO-BMlMa ou ForeigB Allaiis of Uie .,,,:?,., ih,. blll I -li for af 1(M.(Hhi,iiik). and the best i ,, -, aaa oBered ta tho Maa. l Uaak Ubbb-IBm Mm of ti.e bonda ware t<? M l-n ta the vaaMa M BM OovarBMMBt, an.l tha UovNB-BOBl was to have practl .a! IBB88B. Bh-ftll eiallti-. 4-oiit.-..| of the cutial. I ihlnk -i t.i 11 of lhat tiiul WOOM IM'1 all tbe BOBtad st.p pori ln Ihe KenaM, lut what tbenloaae woaM ia wlth ii i bava no meaaa ol kaowing." HI.M.UAL JOSIAH ra_VH T<> BB LEAPPOlSiElK lt Is ofHeiallV am; .nucil Hut tiove ii.u-clec! Fl.iwer ii_s iieHMi lo leoapolnl Otaeral JoaMJi iv.itcr as .\.i]u (umi (??? om his itaa. Conatant bmln workers have the t.i.-?l in thetr head* whitu ktionld U" aldina dlga-Uaa, Iaa r.-alt-s are h4>ad a. Ii< bl.l. ns... ??. -i.:\o-i.n.-_s . ..ii ti:... nn.. dv?l?'l-i*. tlui-. irlluvn. m nl the akin. trrliabilily of Uie t.i_p_r. aflae'ians or 'u* kldi.ay?. The>.o. unlma rou tako atiuiuwu-.' Llt.-f fl K?hvW_ ii._r bocoiua liu-urable aiteatea. We are _Mm__f_ct-_-t.g in tho fineat quality ofiSilver Piate, a large riuinber of dtt-fM of Spoons and Korks; ?[._, Carving Scta, Dinner, Dessort, 104 Fruit Knives, with liundlirs of pajj Ivory and Silver. Reed & Barton, 37 tnion -.qtiare.] MM, SHERMAXS FRIESDS HOXFIDBBT. I ?r_ >aa. propo-itions PBOM Tiif' POB1KRB BU_Mm THATIXI-IC.T- W: .a-flM ' I r__ntPJB8j Columbu.. Ohlo, Nov. _f> i-<pr-c|:ili. TV -jukat ?. fldence of Mr. .sheimnn's tapportoro ln Iho contest worrlcs W.os. who are manajrln. <? \ Foraker's rauva--: The t-ennfor's m?rri_*r. ductlng a m*at, nnd while B-p posltlvo In thelr rlalms und -late H?l ir. ro-electloii ls B00?BBl Ijeyond the (|?satlon of estlm-to of his Mrenrth ln the rauiu? I ? *1r_ a the publlc, a.uhoiijrh u BjrfB. numl 00 of tl to the L.Kls)_ture luive opeolv <:.-< larr.l t, of voting .or Mr. .henniin. Th' |08pO--BI to fc quite Into the cligihiiitv <-f CWoaol Brlee < -ia ft?a tlio Foniker ipeople, and Ir v. .- MI to Mr ,-h polltlcu. sag-clty to lx.lnt <mt the pr.per niettirf procedure. Wh08 the Btate OB8B_f?tee 88et t<? roaaa. Ihe proposltlon them vta. fmm the oataet ? ?-___? dlspo-ltion amoni? the 1-0880880. 0-MHBP8B8 to ph->_ responslhlllty of futiire 08-00 on sei BBBff ?h<i__j, The Forakcr followlng <ompl_t?ly n-verac- their ?_. 4 artlon, nnd this restilted In refcrrliu. tho >|ii?.Uon 4 elitrihillty to Judf-o Niish, a re<o_nl/.-d frtai* of th* Senator. The latter wlll Ite ito udvl- r <.t n m?_ C.mmlttee. and on Na BBfPO00B nnlv ?1ll t_er_ bo any further sleps tukeu P-tO0 to tt e n:.*e?t__ ?. t^ LcKMaturc ln .lanuxirv. The last of the novel propoatttaai lo '"me (ma Ba Foniker is pi..1-001 b) < '? m W. 8, CBppodar, his chief iii.inii.ei-, who ?poi -ita not nce*s?ry for ?? laB??B?n '? <-l_t . Beaalor ??? t Ito Irai -?? h i it ua pone th-j 888?80 to th." VU !Jotllti?1 s-'-alotl ?0 in ihe raaaMoa atta-M hhe v_atloo Ie lha i>rmb__a of the Wtate t<? l>e -?tth- cither at tha ta?a the 4-to itates BB0 0-0BBH for th" Natl.nal COaaanOBB or lf i"-"iiitiun of the Hato Coavoat?a. Mr. f.rmtaf. frlrnd. are willlng to <!o.e the eoatoal 18W, or i*_ leave the rpiestion open until th" '? '??'?? <? <f _e pasph can be heard. They know th.-u ilreoglh, an. -. niakine no clalm . not hascd .-ti f-.i. .I they kan. tlint exdovemor Koraker wiU. lf he livea, ao. Bt e_B 800 080 that he will, bo the n_-t I o\vA -_a -ptiiito.- troit ohio, whether he u <? -i.-t.d In lrj_, or, _> cordlnu; ta my lOggftlnB, in I8B3__ ThU Is reimrdrd l.v lendin- p.dlth?<?* - hew ? _ of weakne-s and a l?< ?- of taltli la tia? _8Mr Ol l'..rtlier to 10?10 -OBOOOr Bh?__0 lo prlvat. |__ It |s argued that if he had _mthin_ lik- Iho ?iirtt?lt < lalmed for hlm no propo_tion KM-ing 10 8 P"tfP?? ment would lo OttBBOO?? *ATAL WORK Of A tJt.ny-WKl* A'r/7. ckdwdkd PABBSWOn 6AM THBOWP THIRTI 1 ..r.r into a BWAMP. ( harl- -ton. s. ('., Nov. _1? (.".p.-. 1. 1. \ -ouihbfl?8 paoaoapf train whh -_'~? pooata en boai 1 a a <-r*_Bf tw.-ntv inilo ii.irth of tl-.l- iln-e to* I Igl - Bl lOo'dorl i.u iho Boath caaoHaa Eattaaf. < n? aaaa, a named Parks, wus hurl.-d undBT lha 1 **tt aud cr to death. The baggagemaaier, Ainlei.: ihe *****> man, Herson, and thr.'.- pa-'-ii-'-r-. V0T8 ???rl*'ir lnjui-ed. Th.'i" WWJO II88 0888 80 lha toola, iri?taaO?BBB a I-iIIninn. -VU were thrown thtftl f t <l <?? ? cmbiuikment to 0 .watnp and ? .rt iBa T~- II*-* ?.-? uf ' ? "-'O'- - i_tfan_al ? inlii.i ulous. The p_-_rnger. dl.rovet d_nce thut the wreea aaa Bt-harataB. aai i-h-Bh) pli.nned. one" J-iiiK'ii, th.- l ? ? t**** aud Iho l?'lt> aid ajthea ibal bata U 10B -raoa. The B-hataito aad UM tntm h trbleh aro* ?** m re_a*l the'lio.t. wr<- loutid l\i,?_? .1 ".-1 l ? "' the tr.i.k. *8 evMee-o potat- '" the farl lha) H wa IBa -_a ? au ezperienced rallroaB h.and. ph',ee>?)R > uo\t\vri.i: 1 ??? Prof aarOoaifa 1: I.i?*B l>??w^ - afhtaffB lar lll..-tr-t"d k-tort- li-t ct.lh J ...-. Hia BBbjad waa '' the vtawa t'iMv lonaloef taa BB-rataao loaa ?" ?-? ,,.;.,, M nil ir CraawfrtlM aoaa-l <<??? ?' --""? ,,, pooolaa aoajKU. Ti ???? ? " "'? \ ?aa pototatle, aai aaaaa a* I ' B_-_taa al Ba 8aa audl' Bl ??. __h.? i'li.f --..r .'i-.niw -1 B-8BB "' '""__i_ ,. At.i.fl.a.i 0-H-a. I" '??I-" -_-_** riewi .,r N-?.v..,k. uo-u.... . i- -. : M?a_i*. L-aaaa Baa Piaa kwo 11--- _Wa a r ,au ______ ?,-,, nhlblte- Ua i --rt ,*??? Um ,,tv ahars ?-U th- paspla hav? _? aai U-Baar i?oatinuu.., ba *m ? aartaa af bmb ti?. raaaaB- v.ii.-r, PaBoa ^?__T . ???, Baaoaal BaMa*. aaa 0-w I -riiiien-. bullduiua n W.-h...vt...i 1 ? '"r*"* I roMvaU il.-.-.M.,. Um- ln '"- ' UM lai.l.11. fl ? Bl o< la ? ??"? ,,,?., aaaahawa. -i"- " 8-ta ?' ?_JJ ahaw-oappoaaaatawaaaee ??? .-t-a_B riM WBATBBE MBPOBT WARMIMi II' IN Tlll V I'.I! washi.iKtoii. Ilar. BB Ha waM B ( LLiontoli piaaaaaa la .??un-. a.? -? hHnh-tata ?? Jh" <old ?a." ln 08 ft-.i.l ha^ -arl-pl ?l u- - .?rii ia.ll Bl Bha ...uiitrv MM <.< U O and tho boutheaat front of BBlB <"M ?~^ ?aaaal t? h-W- B-rMi Th- n _'*JT imBofi uh p. in. Boaday ?.- ? ii-i< ?wta u_*'TJ; t?u AUanta and |a-s.d thro..-. \. " ^ ,iv ?f u.e 00M waaa la aapiw- "*** Z m Caralloo-, oai Ma __*?_ an lUutij I- ?' -1"" "T .IBlllipllBl h-n--?- -" __a_B ,? due to i-y.-lool.-.'-n.. ..' '"* ?|**^, itioiln- a'oiig Ui" ?*??>- -tt."?o. I- me* .. **?fMmt ,?a?t. ?!i!'h i.?\<- biuuKht t.U t? ?'? . " K^ l?i._ -IU i<nh Ki.-_, l.iten-. I 1 J-JT lia\.. fali.-n 011 th- J?< k-*' 4 ,,,ik..? the liah.llty ..1 <_: ,.?!iiir to molatur. the r~al 1 I ?uir?l ln Uie upp-r ohui \_lle\ iu -I'I*?__* ,?-,'iiir?- 111 ui" <i|'l- r "o" '-""J _____?_ u-waiaw i-ua, * laat bor-M-ri. Braa haa ???l"?"f.,7__,,!_?? 10rt_.r_ M'l.U.i.,. - ?;"WBa lloitliWiat ..' a l'ue jolii'nK l<? ,W B-BBl ti,,.". vii...i - th- BHBp-raana li w-a__B ??-~? MfMOal lo'iditiuu. 1 OBBCAST Tli-i. I P M taOBPAT. P00 M0W4B0g_-B, i.ti'Mi:-. B-081 uothrrly lalr and all-litly __a--l T..-_l?v. .,.___, i-.r RMtaoa BawaToah. _a_wa lw?'.',,B* _.*__?, I'.IUM-l'-. VI J ."J", 11.-i. 1...1111 Btataa; aUgh-l aaiaaa aai ?r^a?? Tuesla.i. tk/m**" K.i.- tho farolii.a. aud Co-ria I !__888 _a_ taaa I " aud Bteboblj -'-'r- jMa_r K..r Kl.-ii.t_. .I-T aud (-"? ? <?' ?-*u "s,{l" ui atahjal paoataa MaaBaj m_!.t -? __?? V\,t Alaban.a, M - ' ?ad Tf^ allfchtly vrartn.-r and B-i |B88_B_. ?__* ??* K..r w.-t-n. Baw-Torh. \v. ?- r. r?*"*,^ VlruInU aud Ohlo. all-htlr BrOtaBH J?'-? r"' aai?BB and falr IWBlOP. . ,,, ? ., Kor Teu.."..-. K-IIB--T. lai ?'" ' 888-00 and falr; BMKh Wtrmtt tu* | K,.r HtahlgBa ?"d Wl-.o; -i... aaaa r aaa *?> wi riiier and falr Tue-day. -? :io.5 ^ ?__ TRIBUNE LOCAI. OBBEBP-\T10___ I -I !___???-??*- sT__|. ""B??WVf4___ i: ___________-__?_--?? ~ iu Uit. dla_ian< a conUauooa >?a.u .-; , ,,-, ^dj ihaute. ln l_-i->ai ro. aa li._.i_l*- '?> ,'"' ?..,.*??? ?*? r< " dl..> Imm?.. ? <-r. , The bi akeiMh* J ? ?** U-lHratuir, aa ohaervel ai hWr. PharaawJ. Trlbun." OBtoB Nov. 80. 1 .. J"2_J___JJ "^~at .?,,.? alUi m??.!.?- Mtt * M0arU viicd.. Bhlfttag to '" ^..-.^ara tl a. .... wa. .74. ...d at IM ?- ',_,_? ,J0V? ??i.,? 11% to_ar taaa aa tuJ*1******* , _, ??'?? lower than .... k it.i-iv' _... rwohaNy ?? ""lu and, a-_ gto tl?; _t^Wraila!____ .enerallv f?'r weather, m.a -ii.nt _, Far Hollday ,i,n_,?__ Oo to tiiBt'a rui-iwu raawr-a. IMUIN Waei llth"**