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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. BRIDGE AO COl'M* FOl'ND CORRECT. BTHE I/)NO EXAMINATION FAII.S TO DISCLCCE Mi ERROR. Mayor Chapin neglccted hls last opporturtlty lo at? tend n meettng nt tlie Rrldge Tnist.'o. ye-.Uid.iy when th? I**cenil>er mecting wn? hold At the next meetinc hla seat wlll be taken by Maynr-clect Roody. Ma> ur G?wnt wns nlM. BbSOBt. A subcomniitte? reported agalnst the payment ol an asses-ment for - ?ewer aloiigside Bridge *%*)*** ** Ncw York. on the bnsis of tho eoB-Mfll ofl tlie trnstecH, who held that un 8-B98B9RRM ts R tax. and a* Iho Ilrtdg.* |fl not subjcct t.. bAMM, a.s?.efcsr.ietits shouid not b" lald against Hfl property. Tht* wns BRflfRflfl The New-York OflflflflR -RflflRflfl of Acc.niiis. who hare had expert flflflfl?MME at work on the Rridgc books slnc? tlie fir>t of July. present**d their repmt through ControIlT Myers. Tl.e i-epor. cover. the perlod fn.m Peeeinl^r 1. lflM, the d?t<* when the la*-! prcV-OUs ex atnlDation ended. to .luly 1. 1981. The books were founrt to be eorrect. nnd to be kept ln the most Ihor ?ugh nnd svstematic nn.nner In all Th? bal nure on hand when tlie aiBMJBfltRlfl began WBfl *1->V 187.14. the irce'.pN 88,888^888891 BBB-lBB a RRal of t*>.~2t).itoti 9:t. Thc f\pciid:tures were #11,451,1.07 0.'., ar.d the K-ilance .,n .luly 1. 1981, was 8_75.323 88. lt was recommen.led that tlie treasurer have power to requlre bond. from all -iibordiii.'ites In coiifldt ntial relatlons to hlm. BBfl BBM h.'ve IRfl power lo Mispend, .uhject to npproval I'T IRfl U-flflBflB. was nlx. flflllfli Ifl the posviilllty flf peculatlons by Ui? ...Ileitors on the aarHBRB-WBJ- VRfl were aiithori/.ed t.. iflflfllTfl money ln ticket* for far.-. lt was mended thnt RtRfll MlflMl for the carrlnge-wavs bc ap pi.inted. nii'i tan* be pulfl by Uctoi only. Tbe iflRort was acccpicd. nnd the recomniendntl OM wlll !?? mude h flpeclal order nt the next monl-.ily meetine. 1h(* iT.ort*- for November sho-.d a CBflh DBMBOf. at .lie fliM uf the inotitli of 8.-.4...S44 78, rectrtpts of SHOO.'13'I ?.*? from UilK ond *_5.574!i? from rents aud tuterest. There were 3,439,964 railr-i.d pns-sengei.. A BIG DDG OAIT.HT TIIE TI1IKF. PWRRfl-BR ?AW THF. GBURR AND CHEF.RED THF. ANIMAI-. A snenli ttY.ef w,*is flflfRflfflfl yesterday afternoon ln Broadway by a lnrw* Newfoutidlnnd dog after a most ?xelting rlia-.e. Several hundred people wltnessed UM rapture and cheered lnsttly. While Ihe man and dflf wcrc stxuggling in the street together, Roundsman llolohtm. of the Sixtecnth Preclnct, came up and took th? prisoner into custody. Tlieu tlie dog IfllflfljBBfl BR hold on the tail af thc man'fl cuat and ran peucefully by Itfs side. Thc ftf'ene flfl the strnggle wns at Rroudwny and the East Rlv-r. At tlie pollce station tho prisoner de -.iriltcd himself ns William Rlaclt, twciity-flvc yenrs old, of No. 45 Cross-st . Boston. Mfls9. lle wns well dr_ss>*d and unld he was a salesrnan. Wlien flflflflcfeflfl ? palr of oiiera-glasses, two breast pin?>, a box of dc*-lgner's tools, a new palr of klrt flRiaafl, two sllk Baa__-_rcl_afl. ? memorandum book ?nd a kiadert revolver were found on hls pcrson. l^tvr the pollce learned Uiat tlie articles belonged to Mrs. Mny Owcla, of No. ?9 South Tenth-st. Mrs. Oarcla had seen a man in tlie luUlway of the l.asement floor, but hfl qulc'.ly flflflaffld. "< _<*.- tlie dop. wboafl owner ls Krank Osboin, t. nelghhor, was in the BflaB* way Bfl ihe tlmc. Ilc was ? frt*((ue:it vlsltor at tlie (Jarcla h.une mnd mnch jx'tled. Mrs. (iarcin called lo tlie dog t? capturc thc thicf. Hc readily undei-^tood the re(|ti(v-t and BRuiflfl BflflT liN man. Tlie tUef Jind not potie nmi.v yai.s when < liarll*1 liad hlm b.v the ttvii flfl his BOBi. lie Mtaeaflafl la tossing the anla-al off, and again RaKflfl U? run. Tho dog iiuickly foi lowed, and nmn ;ui<l dog ftmght an far as liioadway and Wyth?.-avc. Hy tliis lime several hundred people hnd been afl-BBfllfld by the sceiic. Thc mnn ag;iln frocd hlm.elf aud r:ni Ifl tlie street. where he at tempted to Rnay oa Um back of onc of ilic wr.iiatus burg Nrws Coaipanx'fl ?s.^o:i-. Tl.e din;, watcblnfl Wh tiio'-imeTits. ii-aiii Juid J.lm by tlic coat tail. black fi.und It linpo^bl*1 ui rctaln hls hold on the back of tlie wagon. at.d trl<(t t<> run down RrOflUtway. H"<*d to flgltl Ihe dog off untll Ihe feny wns reached, when thc bca-t ugiiin .-.ized him l.y lhc rl .thlnr. Jle could not l>e ~hnl<cn .,'T. and while Struggling wlth the anlniaJ the 0-flCflT air'.ved. -?.?? NELSOX?- DEH-NCB _NfA2inY. TTE HAD THIli!) TO KI I.I, \ BOT <>NCF. <ND MANY OF III*. REIMTIVEB wi'Ri: C8UXY. Thfl Rflflaaflfl of llenderson L. Nelson, th? privato of Battery A, 1st Artlllery, who Is on trial for hls llfe ln the VnMe* States l ourt. charged wlth the murder of hifl fellow, Privato Mel^an, Bt Fort Hamilton, on 24, last, was bepin yesterday. The ease for Kaflaa was opeued by Conf_-____BB Elil*;. of Ken tuoRy. who devoted himself to showinc that the whole Nelaon ftunlly was talnted wlth *B}u\ il diseas?. He Intfl-vded to show that tlic defnidant could not posstbly b?* flonvleted of n l.iglicr crlme thau mamlaughter. Tlia avldanee wenl u> show ihat Nelaoa dW not know MeLean aud htd no grudges to settle. As an _BB__B9J of Ml lnsaiilty Mr. ElUs said that he slapped hls Rster's fach ouce wliliout any eaaaa what-vcr. When * boy. !.,? atteinpted t<> shoot a thr,*e.year old'chlld without any tflMflfl, Three of hls pi-at-tunt* went ABflBRi and he had a eoii-in wRa WBfl Insane for forty year/. His grand father cat hls throat. 'l"wo of liis eou.?-in w(i_ eoaRaafl Ib n:i Rmbm Bayhun, and his llster IRaaj was insane al her home In OWfl8flR0-9. Ky. Ncl-nti hiin-elf ?as al'.viys (iiieer. After Mr. Ellis had fmlshed OflBBial Isiwic S. Catlln read thc depo-liions of pers.ui- Ifl Kentu.Uv as to tho prisoner'-* sanity. Ell OOZ, of Owensl.oM, .woro that he onee saw Ncl.on throw a brlck at u negro wlt-hout canse. and he fclt sure of hls lnsanlty. J. K. Lancaster, John H. McIIenry and Dr. F. L. Hall also lald thai Rfllaoa aud liis family BBaarai slgna of in 9Mtmj. J. H. RoMaaaa. a cousln of the pri-oner, and his brother-ln law. came fi.m K-nlucky. aud took the ?tand. He said Mtt t-n years ago, Nelson BflRdflBJI left home, and tho ,'amllv never Bflflflfl of him untll they read of the thooRng Rl the new-papci.. When he lett home he had tobaoc. worth #500 la a barn, whlch he might ea-ily have tutried into mouey. Ipste-ad of dolng so he want away without a dollar. He seeroed not to know wfint fear was. aud could break a mule that nob-dv atoa ould. The ease will be sumiiieU up thls m.nili g MORE MONEY FOH F.MTHFfL HENCHMKN. At tho meeUng flfl the Uoard of Aldcrmen yeaterdny lt was voted to transfer $1,MK) fiom the unexpended balaiiie of the Mlflfl and FlfMa Dciiartment to th? Uoard of Audit, ou HflHOfll Ofl AMerflBfll-at-Largc Heanly (Dem.) 11? was s*sk._ to ?xplain, and -aid lt wm needed to e<iualize thc ifllflriea of tii? clcrks anfl aceouiitante ln tho Auditor's oflice. ono clcik was reoetving ?IJ,flOO(). while six men, who worUed hard and falthfully, only got 81,400. H? wanted them to have 8100 a year apiece more. Ald?rman Tliomas Fald this was a J?b to use up all the monev a department had saved. and waa a fraud M tl* U-Xfl.iver^. Uut the Democi-atlc majority put tlie thing through, the three Republicans piesent votlng agidiuit lt. THF. nOU-R WINS A POINT. TJi? (Joneral Term of the Siipcrior Couil yesterday eonfirined the i-iiort of QnaflB-R kMMta Wiuslow, Marean and Drlggs, in favor of th? appllcatlon of thfl Coney Island and Bru..?i.Mi Railroad .oinpaiiy. f,,r penuiflslon to opemte Its road l.y th? RoDflf electric 6)?lem fnmi the OflflflB I'aikway aud Coney I-land ave., ln C.iiey Island ave., One hundred -anfl ilfteeiith lt. and Nlnth ave. to Nirrth ^t., alongsldc PTflflfflCl Park. The BfeBBflR can be made ln the power as m^.h ax the cciisent Ofl tho Mat. Uoard of Rallroad Com mliaioners M -?cured, whicli was ptactically pfloaalaafl __, aoon as the favorable action of th? CRfl-fl-Mfl-ODa-fl wa. obtalned. Th? property flfl pflflBBBa opposed t , tlie trolley, ln Ninth ave., has been purclmsed by the compp-iy. The Railroad ("ommittee of the Roaid of AMflfMflfl lailed to report yc-U>rday in n-gaid |8 UM BRffRflflUM of Uta four prlnciiial street-rar compi-nie.; to secur ?MflBM-flaa 10 uae tl.e ti-olli-y. Th? c-uimlttce UaaM E, he dlvlded : flO_ae nieuibers fa^or grantlng all Hi appllcatlons, and othen favor introdu.lng tlie trollc* by degreet.. THREE OF DR. PAHKKK'S Vf>Ti:VMK.\ RRSIOR Three ofl the BBflflBRfllfl flfl IRfl IflflUj Ofl IRfl CRaiefe <H tlie Iiedeemer, at IRtilROBl. BBfl J'o,:~iave.. Jiuv realgned, aud thcir action is BtlflhuMfl tfl flUaaUi faetion over the re.all flfl tlie I8T. Dr. ?teveiis I-ik r who, at the requcst of over two-thlrds of thc flflBfrflffl Uon, has agreed Ut coiitinuc hifl work in IRfl ilitmli They aie Mflflaifl. Adriatnc, Kynoii and < ..nklin. lt lf snid that Mc Adrinrice bccanie ttflflflfl-RM some tina *fjtt be.aii-e in. railfli flflt-kMfl t" aBoar au anaa tainment to bc h'ld m thc tliur.h for whlch an nd mlasion fec was to be RBflflRflfl, The majoiity meinb.'r of tl)? ve.try say thnt the withdrawal of these thrc man will lu aa way *M*t% UM paoafflrttj >.f thc eharch Xli? reaignlnit veatnrBMa decline to fllacau tli*_*lr fllBor ence<? witJi tlie majorily of the congngation. TO FORM AN INSCUANt E 1'ATKOI. Tho 8BBB8fB tlone l.y water to thc -l?.k of HflBT) RaUerniai.n's dr\goods fltflffl, while the llicmcfi fl i OXtlnguishliig flamea on tiie t'?p floor flfl Iho building wm aroused many flfl Uie busiue-* men ln that pia. i th? city to t?ke hi?-'s iBT B_fl lormation of a fire pxtr ,i 8R?r 900 bu_inefl? men hav? slgned a petitioii now I tlrculatlon. The matter 1? belng pr?*.*>ed forward bi B]Mr**t R- bchluetcr, whoafl B9BM laclud? tl* eirctto. *% a twa *tor> 90_a8_-gr hauflfl at $ouib Third and N~TO BAKING powder is equal to Royal in strength, purity, or wholesomeness. None makes such light, white, flaky, sweet, finely-fla vored, wholesome food. None is so uniform or econom ical in use. These are facts made pat cnt by the official tests of the U. S. and Canadian Gov ernments and ? by State and City Health authorities. Havemeyer Rt*. Tho tee to be asked ol the subsrrlbers ls t" be 8*1 per year. >-? a - GATHERF.D ABOIT THE TOWN. Frank Cowley, the escaped lunatle, who wa* arrestrd at the home of hisimother, Xo. 12.'. Xorth Sixth-st., on Sundav evenlnp. waa removeil la tln* Flatbush .\sylnni yesterday by oflirers fiom tlie Charilles Pepartment. several 88888 of death from the (trip Imve, Ixscn re poited to Ihe Hoard of Health, and fears of its spread Ing ar? entertained. The report of an epldemlc of scarle.t fever is denled by tbe Health anthorltles. Mrs. baaa CIU88B* ('hapman. wifo of Htiwley Chap man, who made her ante mortcm statement after slie was MtM by Hert.ert S".irvant. the nurse of her puretle hnsliand, has no far re?-overed timt she wn? able yes te!-d:iy to leave her bed and walk np nnd dnwn the ward of the hospltal where she has been slnce the sliooting. Thn elertion of directors for Ihe Real Kstate F.x cfianpo reMilted ye-tetday in UM BBeeaaa of Leennrd Mnody and his BBBOflaloa. and the dele-at of ('. Aafastaa Havilund, 888888?7. who opposed Mr. Moody. lt is ox)>ert?d that ex (onpressman Parwln K. .lamea will stireeed 7!ecler as presldent, us the latter d.. slres to rotlre. The fiineral <?* Patrlck Carraher, father of nepnty SherifT .laires Carraher, will take p' today at I p. m. nt hls home, Xo. l.'.H 1 _ Division ave. The huri.'tl will be at Calvarv Cemetcry. Mr. CarrahT, wlio dled on Sunday fivm heart falluro, was elKhtysix years ol..1, and **'W fo;* many years a member of the lirm of Beaiaf - Carraher, pluxnbers and gasllttcrs, m (>nmd st., New-York. John Mllllrh, thirty fonr years old. of Xo. 72 Pnl llvan-st.. nnd Frederlrk LevNon, of Kinf? and Conover sts... wero at work on a i.Intf>.rtti over the dcclt of Ihe Kteamshlp Fabre, at Hi< hard- st. at n :-.() p. m. yes? terday, wlien thc pliitform fell and the men were pltehed overhoard. Tln**y wero soon Pcscued. bnt Mll llch was *o ba'lly Injtired lhat lie dled before the nr rlvnl of an ambuianee surgcon. The body was taken to hls home. HOME NEWS. WHAT IS GOINO ON TO-DAY. Cemmlsiituers of State, BtatlBBlMa at Nlaiara, Xo. 214 Broadway. 1- o'eloek. Chambcr of Commcrce. sjie.lal meetlng, 12 :_0 p. m. Harbor I.ine Board, Army BuildinK, 11 BT m. Columbia Collese Alumni annual dinner, Hotel Bruns wli-k, 0:30 p. hi. Rapid TiaaatW CommlMioners, No. 22 WUllam-at., 2 p. m. MiDiey-Iiavenport iilgenn-shooting match, Bcrgen Tolnt Stmdard Oaa I.isht Company dlrectora, Xo. 2 CorO landt st. Tammany Commlttee of Twent.y-four. Wrst Slde llepublican Club annual dinner, Hotel Endl eott, 7 p. m. New._ti(.'land SocletT electlon. Flfth Avenue Hotel. 8:80 p. ni. Board of Aldennen. 1 p. m. rilice and Tllot Commlfwloners' meetlnBa, I/iinmid I.lterary I'nion ronerrt, Tammany HBU. 8 p. m. I'rofessor J. B. Moorn BaBBN XlXth Centtiry Club, Aftaembly P.ooms, Madl-on BfaaVB .iaiden, fl p. m. AaM fOlBaiJ BMeUBfc St. Janien'a Methodist Eptscopol Church, 8 p. m. Be-fnrd WhBSbMB rereption, Avon Hall, Brooklyn. St. Mlchad'a Chnrrli conaecratlon, Arnsterdaro-ave. and Nlncty-nlnth-st.. 10:H0 a. m. I'oard of BaBbaaM and At.portlonment, City Hall. Court -ylvanua. Ba 7.HJ7, A. 0. F. and A., ball, Lexlngton Avenue Oi,era Haaaa, Dr. fi. S. Wheeler's lecture, No. 222 Bovery, 8 p. m. foncert in aid of shop Rirls, Xo. G West One-hundrod ard-twenty-f fth-st., 8 p, B. Brothtrhood of St. Androvr concert, Harlem Atlienetim, 8 p. m. Amerli-an Obitetri.-al Society annual meeting, Thlrd-avo. and.Twenty-UilrU-st., 4 p. m. SEW-YOHK CITY. There wnfi no nieetin** of tlio exeetitlve eommittee of Um Hrant M.niiiment Aaaodalloa yesterday. Ii'lrh.-trd T. Giaaaar, UM IBeiataiT. sa'd that :i i-perlal meelltiK was called. but tliat it had been adjonrned lor want of a (|tiomm. Tho death of Joseph MeMahon, a member of the Pro.litre Exchange, was uiinnnnred yesterday. Mr. Me? Mahon wns- twenty sevrn years old, and he had been B memlier of Ihe flrm of .1. H. Lorke A Oa. Hedicl from Koman fever, rontra.ted wlille he wns abrruid some timo ago. Tho members of the f'hamber (rt 0888888888 to-dav wlll listen to a speeeh from W.-inier Mlller on Ihe Bkaiaajaa CBaaL Thls la a sperUil meeliiiff, and it la ixpected that there wlll be B 181*08 attcnduiuo of ne^s ine.n to hear tlie o.\ Si-nator. The steamship (itirlei, which nrrfvrd here yesterday from West Indlati BOtrta, report?1 that on iJocember 11 sho paaaeB the Btiatlng arreek of a reaael. u.ttom up. rhe aiaek *aaa la Um path of Boauaaraai und dangerons to navipitl'in. W.4BfHIBB OX THEIR WAY 10 SOCTHEKtX WATERS. Two AiTi.-iii-.iii inen.of.war on tln Ir way to Chlll wero li-iK.rt. d laaailBBT bT UM PattcB SUiies and Brazll Mall sti-anishlp Advani-e. Ti.e BaaBBB araa nn-t at liuhlu and was ttiiTo whea tlie Advance left on NovemV-r 81, Ukiiii,' nn eaaL Whaa lha ABvaaaa iwchaB Bt. Thomas sh.. uet Uie Cnncord. Tlie Cnneord was to tull the next dav. Du.einler 0, fnr Martlnlijiie. 'Jlie (Vitiuid wa?, it wa? thiuifht, maklriR her way by 88BT 888188 towaid Chili. on bo'.h vaaaala all lumds were repotted in (.*ood h alth. TWO YACHTrVLVBS COXSOJJDATEO. Thc birtlijilaeo of tlie SrawauliaUi V.n ht Cluli wiis at OyaBn Daf. Waaa the club left ther- ami aataMlaaaB its iiomt- at Staten Iitland, the Ovi-ter llav Yaelit Club wa-, fataaaB. Now that um 9m****Amk? Clafc is bbbbb baeB la its lirst lovc and will have la the cmilne BBaaca a bij; hhoro iionse at Oyatat llay, the 0}*-t<-r ltay Vaelit. Cluli Im to bc i-iirbe-i in- tii>- BaawaaBakae. At a wa nt awetttaa ot 9b ? .y-ter liay Vai-ht Cluba r.-aolutlon was paBSSB iniiultn,' tlul lub wit-h tln- Beaaraahakaa, XMi BHaga the Mlawlaa i.iniberi. into tlu> 888881188118 Cluli: Jnhn V. Adani. Lm.iK V. Be! I. S. 1'. I'.laedVn. Jr.. ?Mepbca Baker, Baaa i>. r.air. tt. it. M Ball, a. w. cai N8M, jr., Wa!t>r II. ( nl. s. Wilnn.t T ( i\. i ?v. r., IrviiiK < o\. Ili-in.mi Claike, Sunli-v W, DtBter, V.UU rd ll. iieiby, BBararB i?u Vhrirr, I. w>nian DtwaaaaaB i. n. i-.!y. it. ii. M. i-'-i_i->n. i'. m. t ??. n.iii. Jaava ::. ? ri.-ii-. (>ii.-i- HimiJI.i. I.u,'eiii. s. ihuiHiv, Kml-rhk ? ridiths, wiNMaiOraaaaaaa, a. s. (.orii.nn, a. Wmley Har ? r, 9. W. Ilaittcld, 11. 11. Baiaat, oliv.i I.. JaaMB, Bar I.olomew Jainh, I,u?reine .l.nBm, LBSBBlB Jaenli, .1. T. ..?avitt. U. C. I^> Koy, H. W. l.e Hoy, M. vw, I.. Meje-, lohn Mason. 11. W. T- Mall, K. B. M.rilu. CBaitaa (.. i. ti- Braaaaa iv.-k, c. t. i*ari,.-r w. i Qaialard Jaa - A. Rooscvelt. Theodom Roo.e.olL E. Wlll.flrd lV;uy, 1*1 win ll. Swan, Jr.. William I_. H"on. Jacb Minith. .Iame.i lleuty Smlth. Jame*. BhflRBB-, F.. M. Toausend, Jr., I'. M. Townarnd, R. .'. Tonnsend, Robert T..wo*tend. M. R. Towii-end. William Trotter, II. R. Townsend, J. H. MM 3 iapi-an, Fred. C. Thomas, JenKlns Van B-hflMR, J. B. V:m Brtifl-B. J. ... W.ekes, Jr., H. D. 9. WflflBBfl, 9, 0. We. k.s. A. D. Wee*.*.. William M. Walker, W. R. Wel. rt-r, Jr., A. C. Wall.rl.liie, l'. II. Will.aii.*'., .r, Fmiik Work, BL II. Wal.s William I- Youn .?. LE.Tl'RES AXD MEETIXGS. veteran* of tho IrL-h RriflBflB Av.o..l;it.on wlll havs their 111111131 dinner at RRMfl-flB-B- B'flMIM eveiiiiic. M MMaBaflBMBM ti." B-aartari M HM B88i Rflfl-aaaM Coi the war. A BMflal flflflflfl M CflBBI? lo Colonel Jan.Ifl Qfl-BMB, for sallantrv at thc bafle .,f BBflaaB suU?n, wlll M fllfl mmmt hv Oflaml ltm*t R. OTBaRaa, UBaBaBBBt Joi.n t. . ,.1.1**11. of Coronenv .'. <".'.)th lVelnvnt. wlll urestde. A J). Isartc and BBBBMbI . iiU rUliitnent f..r UM R n-'llt ,.f the Tm* Won.ei.'s OhlHfl-BB A*-m latloii. of Ilarlem. wlll !.?? I.. id ii, tlie r,?,iie. ..f th<* V..iiii_ Men'* Chrlstlan A?..o.'la llo:i B-flfl-BB. at N?. I Dii.-hiii.died .i?l-t.fl>* ntv-flftii st.. Uii- i .eiiliii*. Beventr vounc women have been drill Inir under tlie dlre.-tlon of Miss QvflflM lUn.roft. iu BflflBa, n?_rch.*<. irvninustt._, taMean*. Mfl. MflM Ilaucroft wlll Ik> MflMfld l.v Mlflfl -toMBB-faa, in*//..; MIM Uertha IVhreiw. vlollnlHt, and Sl_. Du.t.sflJ. U'tior. A recei.tieii wlll bo Klv.n t? thc Rev. Dr. Burrell and Mtfl. Hurrell. In the (RflflBl *t Ihe OMMfl-Mfl CRBIflR. ut Hfthave. aud Tflventv-nlnth-st.. on Tlmredav ev. nliii.'. nt 8 o'clock- The f?!lo?lnw make ii|> U),1 rception lon.nMBfl : RohCK S.h'11, . halrniati : N< Uon Abl-ott. 9. V. Allls. W. BflMBBBB, JflflBM R,,vd. Dr. 9, U l?BB, Saniuel M. JflflBaflB, Wlillani RflMRrtflfll Jaudon. fli.neral E. H. HlflllT Amasa Thorntoii. John J. Tu.ker. A. V. W. Van VoeRMa. I-Bflflh Walk.t and Ur. .1. W. Wrl.hl. The BMBBflflfl .,f tho llowdoln Alnmnl AflBBfl_MMB wlll hold their MMmjm* ,,n.l annual dinner at the Iloffman II,>?,-<* to-morrow evenlns al 7:30 o.|,?k. It R BBBflCMfl that riQfB?ai Lflfl aml Mr. fl'atv ?rUl Bfl Mflflflfl*. a?'-l grt an aaaoaat of their racaal Mia t.i Datuador. BAXtOBB OUtBB TdlEIR OO'JRS TO HIM. David Ka lowitz, a RbbbRb. Hebrew. was land-*d a? th.- Jiirge Ofll.e jc-terday from U.e. North t'.rnian Uflflfl steamship BRflBfl. If hls sto*y ls to bc MMvafl, the BflflRfla of the earth are playlng battledoie and shuttle,.,, sfl wlth him. He -. ?' tbat h.' was a farmer BflM Klcf, in R.iaslt. and hid MRarttflfl hls fanr. fiom hls father. Tha RaaRaa QavflrMtflal aaaflMflfla-fl the farm ?i>d oid.*r.d him ?nt ..f ih- .ountrv. lle w.nt U. (.erinajiy with hifl family and th*. Oerfl-flD au-iorltl,s f.,re, d hlm t*, Iflaffl that eoon try. Ifo h*'I JaM en...i|.'h im.ii.y t.< |i?y the [are of hlm MR and hl* fan.llv t, tlils country. and as !?? was ( .?ii... ii.. arrtvflfl at lha ??r?e Ottee h? *_* n,.t allowed U> l?e i.iitmIIv laudrd. Me say., he has a stskr ln lliila delp-la, whom hc ls anxlotiH U. reacli. Announuement*. A.? S OZODONT. the ladies'', O nlv rival* It d.rlde. }_ ephir- of ilower-ladcti air, O ulv' with It ,'iui eomjiaie. D ome c.kmI to flrflryUuag* () n ev'rv sid*1 lt> pralflfl* rlnc; M eirle, t t>. ti-e It ladies won't. T hey ail inust have tlnlr bo/.ODON'T. A (jreat Offer bjr Bflabaek. the Waather stnp man M MBfl all .old d'afu ruabJafl throti.h Dflom and Wlndow fl. l'rlcc- reduco-1 at lUichuck's. 172 Kulton-flt. A vigoroua growth nnd th? original color given to the hair by Tarker"* Halr Ilal-am 1'ark.r's (ilngor Tonlc the hflfll cough cure. Urown's Camphorated Saponaceous Dontifriee ls the best tooth i.owder ln the world for prcservini.' the MMR, "Refreshlng and d.'ll.ious." tt cents a bottle. CoRN1_f.L'S BB-B80iai OOSKKaC ?OAP. PMTflBM ail flryneflfl and rougiiuess of the hands. All Drugglsts, '2o ceiifa. * Henry A. I)anif.i_s. M. D.,' :i0 WEST Bfll 1I-ST. Dlseases of the Nervous Swum (H-nlto-Urlnary Organs. Impotency and iju-rlllty. Hours 8 to 1, 5 to 8. Mrs. Winalow'a SoothiiiL' Syrup for Children tcethlng, soften* th.* truiti1*, rMQCflfl lnflan,n??tlon, allapf1" paln, cures wlnd collc and diairhoeo. '2i cents a bott.e. -_? WiiEATF.NA.-Tlie liefit hreakfafit food; delirious nourlshlng; cooks ln ot.e mlnute: 2i centa; all grocerfl. H__V_TIi FOOD COMI'ANY. fll Othave. ~-* PHILUF8' Dioestibuc Ooooa. A flfllieiO-fl and nutrltlmi*- and easily dlgeated. The only (.oeoa wlth rleh cl.ovolate flavor. FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS. A Special Line of Duchesse Lace Uamlkerchiefs, in Fancy Boxes, at S-2.50, $3.00, $4.00, up to $10.00. Point Lace Handkerchiefs, from $4.50 to $25 each. Ladies' Embroidered Llnen Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25 cents, 37i cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00 and upwards. Ladies' HeiiiMtitched Handker? chiefs, per half dozen, in Fancy Boxes, $1.20, S1.30, $1.50, $1.75. Gentlemen's Henistitched per half dozen, in Fancy Boxes, $1.50, $1.75, $8.25.$2-50,1^3.00. Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs, i'Z\ cents, IA cents, and 25 cents eaeh* (ientlemen's Initial Handker? chiefs, 25 cents and 50 cents each. Novelties in Chiffon Rufflingrs, Xeckwear, elahots, and Collar ettes. JAMES McCREERY & CO., Broadway and 11th St. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MINIATI'RE ALMANAC. Tl.-DAT. Sun rl?e. 7:13 | Set. 4:30 | Moou set*. 4:.l a m | Moon* agelt HIOII WATER. A .V-SanrtT H'k.. 7:11 1 Oov. Isl'.l.. 7:34 I Hell G'e.. li'27 X.W--_ndy U'-.. 7.4? I Uov. Ial'd.. 8:11 | HtU U'e.. li oi IXC0M1XG STEAMERS. To DAY. Veiwel Krom Snile.1 I.ine. yucUn.l.l.lver|ioo1.Nov '-'fi.Rattuaal JL>:t_> -.II.unl. Au,, i Mi.T-.nla.HaMil.nig.N,.v flfl. 1 alufl ?_'_iiii.??.I.lverjMiui.Inc 4.Whltfl stur llotterrta-i..JlllflllIllBBB lie.' 2.Netli Aincr Vucatau.llavana.Dec 10.N V _fc fl'ul.ii Wrornina.Llverpm.l.Dcc.(ininn .'ii.;.-.-in.(llangow.U.e 3.inchor Fnrfllaad .Antwert..Dee r..lle.1 Htai A.liii.lKliu' vaaaastiAT, bmx h>. AMvrian.OhBflaw.D. <? 4 .Allan-State Vee-' . Dflfl 5.N. ih Amer rnuitsiiAT. iikc. 17. Boliemia.Ilaniliiirft.Dec 3.Hauil. Amer OUTG 01XG S TKA M BBB. TODAV. V-flBfli M.illn Vensel llne, F..r *...iN. llaafl. s-.r.e NO I.I.,Ml.Hreiiieii vla Sonth'i-ton.. 8 ;i m li .. i,i Pataeaar, Red CToaa, Para . 4 .. ... ? aa_ wwaaafliAT, mr io. Clty of f'liic.'ipo, Inmaii. 7 am 10 a m Te.iloi.i.. Whil.-Mar. I.iv.r|MM.I. '.' a i_ .', ;j()., m NoordlaatL Ked War, Antwerp. . 4 ..;., fl i ? -u-t<,i_._ NY 4bfulia,llavana. 8c. i i> n. .i pm urlDMo, yueUec, Wlndward Ialaada. l j. ? 3 pm raeafloai. rba 17. Datila llanii,iii- . 7 a m , Clrntiieg-a. N V <_ f*n_a. Clenl-e^m. l pa :: ,, .? T-lnlda-,Qu-be*. BenBUda. 1 pm A l?m SHIPPIXG XEWS. POllTOf NKW-YORK.St XDAV. DRC IR 1H01 AK1UVED. BtfW-fTTariafaBa [Br). Hlaaiwfl, i..,i,,i?h Nor'JO, Bhlfllda 18, in bal-WttaJ ii wlBiflflli fl ? a, -urnraflallfefl iur?i l ''m,.,,,,, MaanhR 9thf-B-jay,Lmttm 19flaaa, wEttrntm to \ll.iiil,.' Trai.-lH.r1 i o. at the ll:,r al ., p m. -i.-iner f-e.Ma dlri. Dnttoli. I.i\rr| I..,:,, gueenxti.wii r, wth neiw aad paanr-fl-r? ta > ernoa II Bruwa A Oa, At n\e.! i.t Ibfl H-ri.t s I"" BBI Kr-titnllel1 . Ur,. Jenkms. |)nti,|ee \,,\ flfl, wlth High class groccrs keep [eY-iandsSsS* ****%%% Absolutojy the Best 1 VffU and rccommend it, for they know its high quality pleases their best patrons, and is surc to make anyone who tries it a permanent customer. E. J. DEHNING 4 CO, 900CBBBOBB TO A. T NTKWABT Ai CO.. IJKTtll. . OfTer to-day in their Gentlemen's Furnishing Department, 300 Hand some VIENNA BATH ROBES with SLIPPEHS to matvh, at S5.00 each. REBVCEB FKOJ1 ,7.00. ',100 doxen Fine English Suspenders, with Sadlrr's endtt, At 50c. per pair. 200 doz. English Knot and Four-in-Hand SCARFS, At 35c. Each. BIIOAIIWAY, 4TII AVE., OTII ._ 18TU KTM. 14* St. we HA\T. 9099 PUBCHA8BD H'.o.M A rn.o>ir RBBX IMTOBXEB. WBO WILL RETIHE BBOM BUB1BBM OB JaMj'aKY 1ST NEXT. TIIE BAL. AX( ? nl-' IIIS .MOCK OV PlNt: India Silks I-.XTKA WlDi: (SMXCB), IB A GKF.AT VARIETY OF COLor.lN'i.s. IVfllCB 8TB OFFF.U AT NEW GOODS, ACIUAL VALUE BL TIFFANY & CO., IWION* 6QFARE, NEW-YORK. OPEN EVENINGS Until Christmas. ^ ?*> bo! Our trousers arc having quite a run, and they ought to when a man can st?'|> into a pair of them aud t?e perfeetly fittod lor $>") to $10. It's no more difficult to make stout and siim si/.es iu trousers tliau in other garmenta. ROGERS, PEET 6. CO. THRKF. I Prlnoe, ?BOAT) WAY) '.V-_.-!*???. BTORB8. >3i,t-u STEINWAY The Standard Pianos of the World! The Largest Establishment in Existence. Warerooms: Steinway Hall, New Vork. aadaata BlaBpaaauSBaaeea*. TTaraufc Arrlved at tha Baa at 8 U 111. M>-iiiiii-r Cul-la (Br)., IIiiiiiliurK Nm 21. via ILalifm. ? illi inil-i t.i lt J . 'rn r. ?; reaaal la inai-t.-r. Arrive.l at me llar al 1 19 p iu. siiaini r lln nn ii ilit.-ln, Bnta, Amat.-nlani Sor 27, in ball?ll l" II Stiir-ilit-ruA- in. sti-iiiiin Waki-lli i.l i Br). sl,i-lilrakf, Antw.-rp N'ov 2H, in Iwl la*: !i. BowrlUL'.v Arrlill.alil. Bteatner ii..iiviii -I'.ri. Baxter, Medttarraaeaa pottt rtaOlb raiinr x?>v -.'ii. w itii hhIm ami paaaaaajeta ii> Headeraea Bt**. Al I li. >1 al tli>- llar al :; p UI. Btramer Advant-e, Croaaman, Baataa 8**a~ lc.via Blo Janeiro aml tiav porta, arllh unl-r and paaaeawaTBta L.s* Braall Muii Ha ii,. Arrlved at Ihe Uur al i<Ao j m Ktea_irrMlrioa (Br), Flaher, BtoJaaetro Xov 18, 81 Luetet ilai-. v.nli i i.ftn tn i.riin, m-.i-iI i.i llii-ik A-Ji-voiis. Arrlvcil at Un- llar at ?'? \> in. .-I. aiin i (iiirliv i.Vnri. Iii Inur-.. (iilm-a 4 ttuya, with tntlt to 11 Imiuols. Airivnl at lli> llar al i-IDii m. Bteamer HiKlaou, KemWe, New-Ortaaaa, bb* BA* aml paa mciil.-. i - Ui s II --i.imi.iii. M.ainiT Yimaaarr. Juiksoiivillt- aml ('Iiarlastmi, Wlll> Ulll-illllil'. is ln Win 1'(lllll. A I ii .-tnuni i Hlataof T*x*v*. WiilUm-.. 1*. riiamlinu aml iiriins Wli k, i..i. miIIi iihIsi ,,inl i.latp-ra I.C II Mallory J <-.,, M.. i I iiM.i.-, ii!, lt. nm II. I'.irt l.iint, un), BBlaa aml I'.ii eenarra i.> UoratUi II.ill M.-.iin. r Mavnrtek. IuImiII, Boaton. siit|i vaini.iuiriitn, Baaac, Bi.Jaaatr.Oal 3n,i_ iuii.i-t to lna-li I M'NsF.T Wiml al -amlv lliM.k, Uclit, W, i-lmnly t*A huzy. ai ( ;iy laland tii>- aaaie, CLEAUED. -I. .nm i Qlaaagk Un, Imki-, Japan iinil Cliiua porti-Kilw Iti rv A ('?. st.aiii.r Lndyala UIU (Br), Bvawa, Laadaa laaiaaaaaa Sull. r liiL-lilaml cliii-f ilir , Brtatol Ilarln-r.t i*o. -r. .iiii-i jjirfu Day ,l<ri, MrlirrKor. Siiu.u-rhiii.l-BiiwruiicA A-.liil.alil. st.. nm i -inu- '.?! . WlUegerod, Bn nu a t|b ? ?.-).!. h-.V I .? -I. .iii.i in Bajrtci (Bd| . iti_t? ns. Aatwwf ininii. Bdra A <n. -'. amrr <-iir_-. ? Xir . It. um r.. i .iliai.i il 1 .imii.ti ,-t. ln. si.ainii -. iiiuinli-, l-latl. i liarlr-liin aml JackBO-Vlll. Wm P( in:. J Oo. Miaim i Kaaaaa Ctty, Fi-inr. Baraaaali lt i. Waiker. ?AILBD. si. ..ii.. rs sp.ilii. for 1^,11-JiiU; l^irKn l'.ay, gu.rtistuwn; Talla li.i--.-. . s.r, .ihimIi Miip -iillaii. tm - -. XOTICE Tu MAKIXI 1*.S. 'i i.i Mlowtai mn eaa aad mm boojra hare ^aaa itataeaa ln wMdeuapai buoyaiui thewlotci in.,iitii Lmi lalaad Booad, 9e* N?nk Uttla __U i-.1.,u,t n.-.-r. X'.. 1 l'i-l,. : - l-i .ml -i.iuiil. < -i'Iiii MlMilli- .iniiiinl. So 8 llalii lalanl lleef. Noll Najwtrve Polnl ImAgr Hai. Xm Landao, l nu -w jtmtnl "1 Blaek Le<Iit. M.2. Wl. MOV-M-.NTtt 08 Ml.AMtKS. roRBioM poni. HKi-r..i. Dae 14?Antrad, Baaaaai \vy,uie (Bn. oibaon. fimii Nea Y?.k. III n, ln-. 1.1 -alliil. Ntt-.iiiu r Marll Un 1)1'. lt,-... *ui Nrw *t*n* li.. 12 Artlvi-.t, stiiiuii-t Amlii ua (Not). ll.inii-n, fruin Kea in-. 18 Irrlrad,ataamei Oallleo (Un, Macea, (roaaXaw Vurl -i.,iis,ni*\. i?, ;.: vui\..i, Biaaawr Ljrdlaa M..ii..r. iiiltr), Bareaa. rimn X. ? Vmk oii Iii i way )?> LoiidoD; be) rtoerlufl un I. iUiiim,.' il l.i/aKH. Ih, 14 I'm-m^I.-.t.-aiiiii Ma-_uliiin (IMcli), l'otJ?T, PotJ.rfinm Niw \o\. eaaai mmy to Ituilrnlaiu. KuTTBkiiAM. Dec l- sailni. BtaB??rUbdaai tbt.Bi, liakk.r, for tt** Vork -ii./. l... it mm ..I. -i.aiii. i , ll.i.ik..? (Br). Weat. aud y.rkatore i Bi,, AruuUl, fraw Japau aud Chiua porta tor Nbw OPEN EVENINGS. WATERS PIANOS. 134 Fifth Ave., near 18th St Mus/in Underwear, Sacques and Afirons. Banrains for the Holidays. o Lace BridalSets.13*90 Muslin Night Robes. ..$i.58. ihandsomely trimmeJl Eider down Sacques. ..I2.25. (perfect fitting.) Ladies Aprons. Aprons for Maids, Nurscs, Butlers and Waitresses, 25, $8, 50 and 75cts. Lord& Taylor. Broadway & 20th SU GorhamMfg.Co. Silversmiths, Broadway & 19th St. OPEN EVENINGS =_r:-_ . _> H UHPHREY8 ' DK. 111M 1 * 111'.L.. >*' S!'l..TKK > are ? .Ull. .Uv an. .arefnllv prepar. .1 rduflfllfla; us-U for RflUI *? *'-1 ^ la prls-.e ' |. ?,-,,??? ?lth -,..M, tn.l f..r ?\, r thlrty jnrarfl Bafld l,v the people. Kv ry fltBftfl BpeelBfl !< a *-|. ? ...i .ure for th ? tll-- .1-" nan.e.l. These Hpeclflea ran without drnealnv. ptir_1n<! or re. diielii- the arafm, aafl ire ln la.t. nnd (l*'?d tl. - .orerelga re>metlle?i ot' ihe World. _ _ I.iat et prtnetpal Rea. Cnrflfl. Tricr? I pevi*r?. ''.iiiu'e.tiou. iorl?n_tiist:(>n .ii ?i \Vorm~. "A'orni r'ei'T. ('?!'?.8l II < ryiua t olie. or>? flf lafBBlfl. .-?> I Dlarrliea, of I'hiMren or A.ulta.ii 7 t ...lah*.. CoM. ItroD.'liUm.ii H Neurnlaln. Toot|jaeri?. Kaeeaeha.4i II ftewmum**. i*>io_ UmAMhen, vartigo._.> 10 l)??pr|.?i... Iillion* Htoma.'h.'ii 11 *Sii|'|ire??e.l or I'nlnliil IVrlml*.-.. .ii 1_ Whilea. loo l'rofn?-P-rliMa.ii ifl Cronp. OflOflb. I.ilHenU Kretthina.-?? II e*ali itheiim. ErjrsipHaa, Kruptluna.ii 18 RlieuiiiHli-in, I'.Iie.i.n-tir PalBfl.ii IH Frveraml Aaoe- cliilU. Malana.ii 17 IMIra. Hllnil or Bleednia.?.. .ti IH Cniarrh, Inflneiu.a, (old lu the Read.H ViO Mhoiipi"* < ouahi. Yioleni Coiiffhs. ii .7 Kiilnry IHaen.r.IJ ?N n.-hoim llebility. 1.88 'AO Pflfcary WamR?aa, 8faWag Rafl. ii Sold hv Iii.iavl.it_., or sent puatpaid on recelpt of prh-e. DR. Hi'M I'Hiir.vs' MANt'AL 11.1 Pacea). malled fr*-o. Ill MIMIRKYV MBDICINE < O., _Ml_nnd 118 Wllliaui ?*>!.. Nrw-York. _ S P E O I F I C S . Great Clearing Sale of CARPETS. War in Prices among Manufacturers! To make room for onr UriBtfBflfl Bprlag uidcn *?_ olt?*r nliiV e pl *,-,* and rn* ?" (t,i r.ot lnt?nd dupl.eatjiit.. also larve lot*. from the r-e. i;t ??.; I'.l-'.AT AUCT.OX," i-oii-Ntlnc of AXBUXSTER*. IIOQI'ETTEf-. WIl.TOVs \N1> V Kl.TETH ?t IM unlform pt >?<* tt ONE DOLLAR per yd. so.mi: aki. wi.r.Tii DOCRLE Tm IIORRT. TAI'1>TI.Y HUI>ski.s AM? t:\TR.. *?l 9BM INURAIKM AT 5'V. PER YAl'.I). FURNITURE. Flne uphol**te,> _ Parlor I'liriitlure. ln aulu and vld pleces, oni >,?n upl.'V-leriim, ATliREATl.i RROPCRR PRlORR. X. 15.?Speoial Anctlon Sale OIL PAINTINCS To eloflfl an ii.'.'i.iiiitlnii. on Wedlieaday, thfl lUth Inst., in our P8RLOR8connerdnu wlth . ?_r?roon__. uiu i?. sold a -iniiil coUecli.>I .aluable IIDDKIO PAINT. lM'*. Includlns ih- celebrated H .-Tl-1<I'll t K hy sir JOMHL'8 HKYNOI.IIS. Mtuplet ol Kornltuw. .onslntlnii o.' iterepMon R-ni, Parlor, Llbrary aafl Hall I'lirninir* : alao Biegfltit Draperlea, RnflB, fce., whieh we ln.... had on exhlbitlon. & ?MXTH-AVK.. 13TII AMI UTI1 ?>!'?*. HIBWIII, IU1.UERT A KI. A NEW PATENT SKATE. Thlfl n__te is the Inventlon of Mr. It. \V. lorh.-*., ai.d i< proflacefl i.y hla_ aft'-r an aapflHflB.>', BoaRp raaifli a|"i li flvlthmit (iiiestloii the hlthCfll ?iade et ikafljfl ever put .:|s.|. tl.e Ai.|..|l,a.i UMlket. NO KEYS, NO NUTS, NO SCREWS, NO ADJUSTINC. Ry tln1 aitluii of pnttlns It on, fhe ?kate u pr,*/><ed np IgBbMl th-* bttAmt*, BlTlBB a IflflUag of flrm M I liltheito tinattaliied, ai.d i-ntlr-ly ***MM*V*t BhBl f.eiinv of i.M.-ene m whieh R ia nmme* a fault, of .lamp skale*. i.iv.iter |K)M-,it.!lltl..fl Iii *.|?'e.l and i?.int*i any other akate. Kulllni; p, s i.t npaa nutpt 9 prlee, *"> pflt imir. MflaflRa ?ii? Of ll.,H' \M.I II. I.. ,? IIm <.f I lilll Hfl and Sportinv (Joods, Kodaka ?mi Phfltoflraphle Bvptfllea, CaRflry, -I'og .'oiian, Baaaa OaaMfl, y, ? MERWIN.HULBEBT&CO., Opp. I IPTII AYKM E HIITII.. 26 West 23d Stree' l> lAHIIMIKD 1>?3I. J. M. QUINBY & M., dV NEWARK, N. J. .'oa.'hniaker. and MflfltUBflRuflfll of Ulgh-Krade Carrlac?fl BROUGHAMS IN AI.I. .M/.K.S OV TIIK LATEHT KAHHION. PAtTORY A U AKKRUOMM, DIVlNIO.N BT, Opp-.l-- tha Vrw-fl-at. -UaUgii il Ull ll? I,. t W, K 11 OUR ONLY tLACZ OR 8UBiX?S8, SPECIAL IUENTlOJf Adeertlaemenla n.lmllleil |M|. thetm are 1-er.111111e114l.-4l .?? ll#e ri-mii-r. ot I fc* ?JT | VY. nt rall.fcle.HN4 bii.i,^, l?r ???> ?**?* ?*?? adrrrliarra wllA ? aletf. ?*.l 0RAWEWWOKJ; iJAMEMOOLDca -T1ANDY" Waaona tntrtrf*. ? iM'ea. Plwl ne '-a* ",-'?*?? TwoT Wh??l*.rt. N?_ * ***> lloa-XJa"*.*" ?>" "-n f***> KA**r*-?rW--b"VrBW BRADLEY 4 COMPANY. 11 l-aM-r-a BaPBBfc IIC COUNT A BOOKS .? I. Order .i?d Mwled io nnt 1'iiu-m LEACE, **mb ?? bbs ?? Christmas Pr_sents. *a\i* AN A'*THOI'IM\TI. ?.ll I IMM -U I I.. !'.. un im lo" *>"d '?" H*-t. ?||n- ii.nn"- " III".-II ra.-i.-t Mweeajertaaa U,'?M.?.T| '" "IifBB Off LANDAU! ***?'**m niu.-c* uioiimu ,t ,n||( ?Alt>r;? POPULAR HtSTOli t MH.iKriTRi 1*:.'"..^:./';:;:^ | HlBHeal Tea|Jfc#-ta. .'..,-,.., m I ll.rrl.m, ?H*|MKlr?K-. 888Bf --^i _. JJ5J i S. Bintitb fl hi.i-iiii,.. '? *MI Itroail way, MUSIG. Everythinr) u [? Musiclini SHEET MUSIC MUSIC BOOKl INSTRUMEKTl ! ten. 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E. coian ui Kaaaaa A!.;E5-SfRCLL.:.50.]l PENMEM.PWal'ft, |U6U5NEr\V ittvi 1 202 J{ A\K[ BfvOADW^T///* ?TC.\ ' )r\l){ #&m A5ftCIAL0*2*p O.T.AMBSj Penmcp'sArf Joj^-K Monlhi^JlMaie-r-CwlOa 'X II. 1.. BOWIV8 IIK-ilTII KXKBtlBiKB. . ******* ,'-ui,;,,;l..,".'*a y.uiii"- '*? >_,__?.? la< ?*?_* 'i_l-oe ? , ,,,n |, letfl un.-. .lurabl-. .-? dP:e"*,;.',;a 4-tie*K ladara*d i" *?? i.i.v?iriaa?. u? ' era. * ?*?' ni.-a.edli Ve*\\* u.lnBll se..ll?r ?'"?'?? prol |i I. lH.w.1. s.-l-il" ., aoil V.s.11 , .1 \.? ?>-?? RbR>Rb RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF. la a cure -or evary palu l",',,l'"l,..r. KheumatiHiii. Spraltn. H-al*l -rlatlca, Neuralfla KIIIT I'oata Ber 8.llie Hold bt llruaB'-.' mwnT nn minwi's AIMOBB _*?*_