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THK SENATE C0MM1TTEES. _lS.IO-_M-.NT OFT HL' KKiTRUC-X members. MR. 1I0AI1 BBOOMflfl OIIA1RMAN OF TIIE JLTM-t ARY COMMITTEE AND MR. TEI.I.KR OF FRIVIT_IT.ES A.VD F.I.ECTIDXS OTHER CHANi.I.'-. ' I'Y ri Ho!.' .IU TO THE TRIIit'KK.| Waahlnpton, l>ee. 14.- Tbo Republican caiirn* com mlttee, wBteB has bcee. engnged for a week In fllllng tha vacandes on thl> Senate commlttees, made a tlnnl report Rl flaj to the full chikus of Senntors. wbo recelved the 11st of aft-lgnmenta and laid them over for uppmval matll to-morrow. The chnnges nnc.ouiieed In tlie Senate conimittee?; havo been generally iinticlpatod In the*** _lspntche?>. ?Baaflor Koar, b. te-Oaya raport, Boat t<> tiie head of tlie _ini.rl..rr cnnnilttce. a nirwf flljmlfled and ln fluentlal fM**, long held by Mr. Kdmunds. of Vermont. The three new meinh..* ol this committce wlll be M.aafB. Tcllflr, Mltdiell and I'liitt. The I hulrmaiishlp of tbe-Committee on Frlvlleges and Elections falls to Ur. Tcller, Mr. Hour tuklng second place on the committce. Me-.r-. Mltdiell, Chandler and Hlgglns are the new niembeis. The Ciinniittc. on Clalms Is to be headed by Mr. Mltchcll. who pives up the chalr matuhlp of thc Committee BB Rnllronds to Mr. OtME, of North Dnkotn. Mr. McMillnn. of Mlchlgan, snr ceeds to tlie ehalrmanshlp of the committee on the l)l>tii>t of Columbia. Thls committee hnn been en Inrged, the additional majority member* belng Messru. I'luiuli. Wol.-ott. (ialliiigor and llan^broiigh. The two Important vaciuicie- on the Foreign Reln tlons Committee nrc i.-signed to Mr. lll?eock and Mr. lUivts. Mr. M< Millan'- place at the head of the Com? mittee of Mannmctiires m to Mr. Hlgglns, of Dela wnre. Mr. Cullom succe^pd in cnrrylnfc off the much B88atBfl place on thc Appmprlatioiis Committee made vacant by the retirenient of hls colleapue. Mr. F?r weJl. But to ni(*ci tho urgent demand of Mr. Stewart and hls friends, tho mujorltv rspreaentation on the Approprlatloii- Coiuinirtee was incren-ed to six. and the Nevada BflaalOfl flraa nssigned to till Uth addltional vacancy. tjenntor Stockbrldge dertded at the last moment to remaln at the hend of tlie Flslieries < om mittee, and Utf l.ibrory C/.mmittce went. consequeiitly, to Mr. Quay. Thc other majority mcmlier will be Mr. Wolcott, in Wtioaa favor Mr. Hour rctires. Mr. rctalns his Committee on Clvil Ker\*1cc nnd Hetrenchment. ond gets a j.lace on the Comtiilft>e on Intcr-tiito Commcrcc. Tho chairmanship of the ("ommittee on Edueatlon and IShOT, so long held by Mr. lilair, is to go Ifl Mr. Carey. of Wyoniiur. u member of tlic Caucus Comnilt? tee. Mr. I .Itigrew, flfl Soutli Dakoto, suc.ee__ to tlie rhnirninn.hlp of the sclect Committee on the Colum t*lnii byoat-bn, given up by Mr. lliscock. Mr. sj'.mp. of ldaho, get-. the Sclcct Committce aa Indian I>epr-dat1..ns, of wliich Mr. Btootf wns formerly ohalr mon. In ronstdemtinn of hifl sipjinlntiiK ut to the Approprbiflons Connnittce, Mr. Stewart resign*; hls place on the Coriniiiitcc BB Mllitnry Affalrs, whlch Bl to be given to Mr. IToctor. Tlio e.x-Secretary of War siiceeods to the chiilrniiinship of tlic Select Committee to c*>tiihlish tlie l'iilv.i-.ty ..f tlie l'nited iStates. The important Coininittco of IliU'iits, rellmiulshed by Mr. Tcller. BflflflflflMla to Mr. liixon, of Kliode I-land. who bflfl 10 fur liad 110 thuiriuuiiMhlp. Mr. Sipiire, *of WBaBlBfttai. Bfllfl Mr. Quay's old (ommittee ou Tran? portatlnii Roattfl t.i the Sea board. FjkIi of tlie Mon t&tie iHenat'ir.* also gcts n cliaiimaiislifip. Mr. Snnders .siicceeds to Mr. Farwcll's place at the head of the Committce on ..nmlled HKb, and Mr. Power tokes the Connnittee to F.xnniiiie the liranclio of the ( i\il Seivl.c. re-dgned by Mr. HlfS-Ba. XBaflfl ar?- tkfl (l.ief -isMgiiincnt- made by tlie Cau cui (oiniiiilt. ... and llierv :i> little Ui.ul.t thnt they wlll i-atlfied a< to Bjorrow't meetlng ,.f thfl full eaneos. As a wliole ihey will he con-ddered ns hlgbly credltu blo und .satlslu.ii.ry. I I.V h\%ASE OF EXPORTS IN' NOVEMBER. SOMIi B8BVBIB TUAT MU81 MlKE THE FREE __u_D-8 nu cxck. Washington, I>ec. 14 (Spcjial .-The large and stendy Increa.^ in the exporu ..f doiiie-tic preflaetfl trom the Cnited .stat?s c.,iitinues io belie the pr .pbncloK, lf lt floes not I-U--P the feeBngfl, of thfl 9m inid.-i-s. The ?Xforta >,f in_a__ta___ lot HavcaaBar, l^iii. uaouited to *^4..8rt,bTH, a.- compai-ed wiil. 87,888.80. in No? vember, 18i?0; f..r Ihfl tive B)? ntl.s cjided November ao. 1881, tti*- t.-tHi 8B_wrt< of brcaaatafl- a_aa-a_ad to 81'_:>,7_7,:ki0, against .f44..;7.'),477 diiriiiR the .?. re-iioiidlng pcrlod ..f 1. 90. and the total for the ei %.?: months ended Novemb. r 30. 1891, was *104,077,0)7, as compared wlth flB88,fl84_0 for the corresponding Iierlod of 1888 Tbe rompurativ.. exports of *_____? Itonis were as f, BoflVB, for the month endc. WefaB-Bflt ?JO, IriOl and 1880, re_p.ctlve!y: MflTj. 1881. Nov., 1890. Rarloy . 1842,408 fll!) C.?i<i ('oin . 1,884,811 7ft4,O0D (oiiiiiifal . ..s i:.; 78.943 VtU . 470>?|7 1878-0 Oatiii*1*! . 87,618 17-. Rye . 910412 -8,1 Wl.c-t .lS.7ie.0BB 1',s:m .r.(i Wflflflt BflflU. 8,748,088 387ii.O'^ ln November, f,c the fii-t lim- i;i iimiiv moiiths, tlie total valu.i of the exportfl <,f beef, k g aad (Uiry pr.Hl 9*9 exceeded Iheaa nt the cntiflifoaialaB niouth of l_ht year; U.e total bt Noveu.lier, 1881, was 88,441 .(MB; f r Novcmlicr, 1880, it vsa^ 18(440^817. F'.i t.'ie clcveii inontlis cud.'d N?.v. .ul..-: ::(TT*lh'..l. thfl I -tiil B_B8B_-M to flB08^S84>lB, aa eoB-faiefl artth 8118,186^087 for the corni!>p<.ndiiiL' pertod of 1-i.o. Tln.* exports ln de taJ] for the m. nth 0_ Xoivmlur, 1801, a-s coinpinvd wlth NovemUi. 1880, wee _- fcdloflra: 1881. Nnv.. 1P9.. Cattle ....-82.180.881 a.,-74.842 [''?-- .?. _l.7:>rt 81,030 f'.rcT. . ornea. 7s_(i_l 784 218 Re.f. tretb. 1,88_,727 1,1*_0B7. lt*f. RfllteB, plckled, etc. :;-..'.! _'.,9 .i"><m:i 'lall.'W. B58,B-8 81*! 10.1 Baeoo . 2,497,801 2 <HK),700 llani.. ... 742,418 oW.32'A Foik, frrsh, k_.Ii.d <>r ;<M :o\ 417,712 I.?rd. . _,C28,?02 L'.H4.Ria llntter . l_8.1-0 1 id 309 . 878,-84 .",-2.190 The aapattfl <>f eaatoa Bw tha month of iCnrflflBhar, IflBt, aiiii.iiut.d f, 840,007,01/5, :i. corurmred with ?44,-88,808 fot N-rember, 1808; Ihfl tutal for the three \ldcd N.ivcn.i er :iii. i.-9], amounte. to C08, 901.771, acaln?| a total ..f 8119,404,7-0 for tlie eorre sponojng i^'iiod of last ve.r. The ejports ..( nuiieril nlla for Nov. 1881, ainouiited t" B3.50fl.5flW, a_ romTfltred wlth B4,50_,_3. for November, 1?!*0: tlic totnl Ior the elev.-n m..ntli> euded November :;;.. lfioi, amounted Ui 841,474,188, aa c..n<l v?itji *M7,7(K),47l f,,r the correapondlnc period of ls:;o. A LITTLE Ko.MAME ABOUT MB. VROOMAN. Wa^hinfton. Ii.c. 14 .*-i?ecUli.- llepiil.liraii poll ttrlan> wbo would naturnlly Jinow all about lt pro (e-s uttcr lgnorunce rcgarding Uie aJJcgcd phm uf W. Wiiimaii. late raiididute for I.lcuieiiant *>"i crm.r of New Y,,rJt. f.,r reorgaiii/ing the Uepubllc:i.n party in that Mate. Thflf dcclnre tliat the story lo thls etTe. t pabli-h<*d in "Thc HeraM" to-duy ls ? Ml of politl.-.l roaaa_-__| and that there ls notlilnif iu It. An Ititirnatc friend of Mr. Vnolnun said to nlght : *? \Vli!it<*ver vieus Mr. Vroi.mati holds on the matter, I fcnow he ls too aBBB-BBflfl ln BafltBBai lo uiidertak.* ihe ta*>k of rcorguiilriii^1 the juiriy ln New-York. Th?, Prosidont M EM adflfl to interf'-re in any Stutc's poB Bflfl. Bo U Boerotary Poatflr. who did notaaaa iflfl Mr. Vroonan. There I-. nothing ln the van, bat Bfl .it tempt of a Uemorratic paper to utir up >.trtfe ln Kepub? lican clrelea; but it will not siu-ceed."' '?ICEMAN- TCKNF.R BHOULO DBBjIBB W1TII CABB. Br_ah-B__aai, i>ec. 14 (_8_-_al).--0a iii<* ajBarBaapar. roll of ih') llo'i^' of Uepi'tieiitativo arc borne tho names of a of di>nl?led vet.-raus of the Cnloti. Tho con-.tltiite ?hat Is kimwii *g thfl " soldier*.' ii.Il,'' appointui'-iit-. nj. ,n whlch have tieen pnvcrn fl BW many yoara nolery by the fact thnt ajipli .ii* aa well a* ln oumbent- are dlsiibled In Cie Xl.IVth Coo gres* au effort to do uU.-r' by i>oorkeeper y\tz bugh waa inunijitly flflfBBflflC dc*pite tlw: fact that he w?r? a -Mgrr man than old QnmL* A cepetl lion of thl? eltort l? uow undei-tood to be threnttcn d by Doorki .i>cr Turner. A Jilgli nfh.'.r of the (...veri m-rt t/.d.iy i.markc- tliat tlie.r WBra B B8_aa8l 8. t'lilm vct^'ran1- tfl lus dopartment ?hfl were nol dls. ?l.Jnd, but had been retalned slmply on acc-utit of their faithful -ervic- J>i the Army, de?plu* the fact tlnt Uiey wei-e Demoi iiiU. He expressed the bellef that fnr every dlsa'jlcd I'nlrm vetentn, l) morral r* Kc pnbllcaii. di'-iiii^^'-d by - lceniau'' 'flir... i. at lea^t 09* ot the -Mnocrntlr .lerli- lu hl.- flepartai nt would U>te his plac . Jf Turuer (.ntempthto- a .aid upon the dl_kbJed ITalon veuwuiij. who l.a.< _erv d the House oo fiilthfall.. BMWt ?f whom arc iftliius at len-t one loc or aini apler^. lt niuy _. as well for him to Ittku Iuto u.i'.iin: the Ia< t tbat Deuiociatlc ex -Ojdlers vrJio are clerks ln the departmejiu may >uffer In oonaequcii'-e. < >?.- l*ilf of tbe m__ -.hii* name* are on Uie -bOkllcri' inil' of Uie Hou_e are lirm x-rat. and one h.j_ ar Ropeh-ieaa.. 9WBBBTB of THF. smitiikonian. Wa-'iington, Daa. 14.?a joint raaMallaa Ia4tafla88| in the .Senate to-d.y l.y Senaior Olh-OB, <>! !/oiii*4i?riu, prflvides Uiat the ^_-_.n_l^fs ln the hom_ (.,' li>gr_vt* ut the >mlt-i-H_aii Inatttntlon chall be tllled by tbe appoL'iwnmt of William Frrwtou Jobnatiai, of l.ainsifciia. lu plwo of Noah 188888, of I onnc.kjkfljfl, r?-' :, and by ihe r??pl?oliiiiJeJK ?t Haajf OflBBMB, fflOBBfl ekiAtA and M. ''? M-dif-, nl Wai.hiiigi.ii, wliove term ?_ flfrioe expire 9* Detxoiber ?_?._ Th- I.Bii.r ?! ln-?<r?ef. Ahr?_d fTllll'lM, l JO-d-K 1 Bultfld FOit ALL. A_J_?. The aaseta ot THE CO.\IVECTIClTT JIUTIJAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in 184? were. 510,738.81 They have lucreaaeil each year aince thnt time, and on Jan. 1, 1881. were. 58,747,707.44 And durinit theae years the oern pany has paid to pollcy holdcra.. 145,835,31)0.80 It haa paid for tbe past 20 yeara ? an average dlvidend of._ 34.31 per cent Ita ratlo of expense of niariagement to Inoome for the paat 4- years is 8.51 p'T cen; It? surplus by New-York etandard is over six niillions of dollars. PHILIP S. MILLER, General Agent for New-York City, Lonf Ialand and Naw-Jeraey, No. 1 Wall St., New-York. SPEAKER CRISP BESIEGED. MKMB-.B. ADVISE HIM CONGERNiNG COM IUTTIE9. IXDICATION- THAT .SPH-NGEIt WILL DE CU-IR MA.V OF WAYS BBD M?8BTI AND MKf MAN OF APPROPRI ATl'iN--. (BV TELKtilurH *OTHE TB1BU-B.J Washington. Dec. 14.-Speaker Crisp was ngaln be sleged to-dny bv Democratic Keprcsentatlves wllllng and ajudoaa to atataa nnd aaaM bba in that "BMrbaaftaal mnttcr,'' the distrlbuUon of commlttee rhalrmanships ?nd assijjnmants. Among those who ronferred wlth hlm were seveinl active Mipporters of Mlll? BB tlie tspealiershlp, who Imve come to the aenslble conrluslon that regret for a lost causc aud a fallen chieftaln, whlle It may be a noble and cornm< .idiible feellng, ought not to be allowed wholly to eontrol thelr actions nnd Ititcrfcre wltU th"lr own ambitlons to u greater de greo thun mav be Inevit-ble. Meu wliom it ls falr to IB gard ns among Speaker Crisp's BB8IBB] Maadfl are Mrouglv in favor of hls adoptlng one feature of the plnn or prognimme which was made faaaalBBBt ln Colonel Miiis-s BBta caaeai eaavaaa far Iba Bfeabap* khlp. lt was the proposlthm tbat, inasmuch as there nre aiore Noithcni Democnits than Siuthern ***** cmt- In the House, the chalrinau aud a majority of tho Democratic MBBB-BM-lf of the commitU'es on Way* and MBBBB and AffaflfriatfOBa should bc choscn biim among the former. Tlie two men most tnlked about to-day for the chalrmnnshtps of Wnys and Mean- and AffiaplaHaaa were Mc.-srs. Springer and llolman. It niu.v n?t ha pen.rallv known that Mr. sp.lng-r'*, rontliiuons M*> vice ln thc House has enver-ed a longer pcrl.Kl than tha of ?ny other Northern Democn.t. whlle the total Uaatb Of Mr. llolman'* servire-Hlthough It ha*. not been eontinuous-exceeds that af any Kepre.sentatlve, North or south. Mr. Itynnm. of Ind'ann. wh... it ** ce.ieitillv BBlMlllll. WBB to be ch.iirn.iin of MWJt and Means la case of Mllls's electlon. baa served on v tU years, while Mr. .Springer'* servlce has covered ?* teen vears. Judge Ib-lmnn's total service amount to ******** vears. the last ten years ol whi.h has been contlnuou*. JiMlge llolman always has been B *t?rdv foe of c_tmvagn.,re In npprop*la. ons. ln fi. t he has won. If he haa not eamed. B reputatn.,. Ut ?r..m?ny M *** as economv. Slnce the death of Ln.uel J. Bandnll. ***** Holman flflB 9t***J f"> MBMd more oecnrate and tlnrough ******** "f *? upproprlations nnd oxpcndlture* than any othcr BBBB , **? Sb^Tabl, of the Commit,e = Bt** ? IUrb.ii- U au Important and aaaUBbla BBB. Mr. KSL- of bouisiana, was chaoman al I* ***** ipeahar CeHBla, and tha leading aaeBrterJa ? last CbBglBBB. Hc WBI 8 BBBBC-laf M Jb *** ? H> and daatrta UM rhalnnan-hlp of tha i IIBBBjIlH Ifl HBa Congress. So. too. lt li nnder-t .od. BOM -.enernl Oatrt mes ?f Msalsalfpl, who was a member of Ihe tM in the Iaal two a?*xt*m*. and aaa oaa of 3tMe* Criap'i most active nfrarleta fo Um ********}*? One cr tbe other of them wlll doubtl-s neHaa . 18 . halrmanshtp. nm?. There B BBB8 doubt that Coion J CbaHaa T. 0*PBI rall. of N.rglnla. wlll ba BBlfOlBted rhabiium of K-c tions, ot whi. h eaaOWaa ba wa- a member Ir, the laM twa CaatiiiMii Tbaia is Baa*a*~Baod t be Uttta **_ that Colonel 0*88, of Alabama. will be appoint-d ?*ha:r man of the Commlttee on the .Tudieiary. and that ( Mo nel Herbert, cf the -ame State. wlll laeBlfB Ihe ch-a'i DMnalllp of Naval Affal:-- If IBeaa BfpatataMala -huuil be made. thc pnt**M ..f tba a-ignm-M el Geneial Whecier, abo of Alabama, t- tbe ebaliaMBialf al BiU Ury Affairs. a place whieh it Is tbe h.l.rht of his a.nhi tion to rea.h, _nd whi.h ba has exK'ted to attaln ln this oaaateaa, aaali he -upht InBaed. The Commlttee on Kules will probiihlv be nnnounc-d on Wedaeaa*af, and Bfeaher Orlaf hopaa to havc the ll-t of other standlng C u.mlttees iBBdl N'fore the holi day mmea. Badaaa tha totter ahan b*M* Uu** Deeea ber S8. H ts under-t'H d ihat _ie hx- not yet fully da dded whether to ebOOM the aMBB-Bia af the commlttee BB Rnles tttm among Iba men who are to be chalrmcn and membei- of Ways nnd Means and Appiop;lat.oas or tttm among other BMBdMlfl of the llciis.-: bnt al I ent he is lncllned to the latter cour-". While iu dellnlte infonnatJon could be obtained to Aoj, there were piettv alrOBf toah Bttaa i thai Br. Sprluger wlll be Bffatalaa ehalraMfl af Waj Meaas ond .ludg- Holuiati chalnnan of AffrofrlaBefl*', iudeed. it B a-^erted that ? dci-ion hai beBB viiiu:'.!ly raacbei a* to the latter. Tba ajaaalpa ma that, if Mr. Bfriaaaa utaani ebatraaaa of Wajri and Means. Meaua. Mills,. McMillin and Wils n. of W'c-I Virglnla. together wTCh Mr. stev.-n-. of Ma-aclm-eit-; Mr BaeOB, of Bew ?foat; Mr. Hryan. of Nebi'.ska: Mr. Oathwafte or Mr. OBBBB, ol Ohlo. and one man (NO tha Boath hesld-? the thsee fir.-t nani'd, will eeaBfoas the Dam-CraUe BHiaibinhlr M thi- be tha proframme, it -vi.'l iminde Uie enlargement of th" conimilt-e tttm thirtei-n to llf teen member*. Of course If Mr. Springer shall baoOBM chairmau. t';e pollcy of the commlttee. s.? fur as he can eontrol it. will bo not to nndertake a geneial revWon of the tiritf, bul to ftOfOaa sevcral BUBiarea; iii othcr woitK the policy B to be -tariff reform" at rctail in.-te.d of bv wli.desale. Free fu.t la Bl BMM the suli-t-uce of one bill; free lumb*r of aaather; bBB aaal, witli a slmrp horirxmial rdutllon of the duti?s oa woo'.l. n ?aaaaKB-faa, aaeibar; free c^ai aaa* iron. with B shnrp blBlBBBbd cut of ihe duties on masufi'iu" of irm aud -teel another: and so on nnlll the entir) -aii.'i-rructuic -hall havi beea dcstroyed. Haaas aaiaiwiabbi aoauaeal has baaa haaiB beeaaaa of tbe fact that Colonel Milb n'.A hi- llcuie.-.ants hnvo held aloof froin the HflBltar ever since hi- ek-ction. Ha f-i a* Colonel MI1U him-e!l h conceincd. thls com meut or etttktm i= l)*rdly falr or Just. He wa- pi'>* drated by lllnesv on the nlght of tiic day of the abetlofl and has been conflned to hls rwun ever ?ime. <>n N)t uixlay and ye-terday he wa- feellng better, Jnit he BBBla grew BBBBB thi- afternooi_ and ln- phy-i'ttfl wa- snm moiied 0, his bataMo. Bj 'hc dwtor's in-truction- all VMIari weic aaatM BUdght, and one of hi- ncai.-i friends lnfornuil The Tribune eonaafOaaBBH thi- even iug tliat Colonel Milli wis ?? reully a *_8f t-lck nmn.*' H8 is -ufferlng on aoeoaat of both the intcn-" fhrakal ad inental -traln of the Speaker^lilp conte-t and aJ-.i tttm a bbvbn eoM, attend..*d at latervala by high ferer. lt is a fldataha lo believe that aii ui Miii-'- ?op porter* are still sulliing over hl- dei-at. Today, lor e.xample, fie elght Illinois DemOCTBtfl wbo \i.ted fyr him in prefereiic u> Judge Crisp held ti eonaaltadOB, and a- ?;i wnwl of Uwlr d?>lri! to do everylblng in the.r fkTBtt to uld Mie Speaker and proinot" tln- ipoetll of ils admlnlstration, they unanlrnou-ly ag:eed to Ofer lo serve on any good commlttecs of whicli thev may be appolnted membei-. Thelr ollve bnin.h a?BflMM tha tom of - letter to tlie .Spenker, in whl.h thev unaui mi'usiv approved on** atMlhar** pretareoce* lor eoat mlttee place*. Mr. Wlke aZfreflMd hia will ingnes< to aervo a? a menib"r of the Commlttee ou Wavi- and Means, nnd Geaeral BaabeiiJ pledged him? self to micopt a place on "lllier the Commlttee ot) Miii tary Attaln. or wawBBQM aul ro-trotul- Dcerarabl*) the former. He was B .?ld>i iu t!.e Cnlon Armv dur ing tU- Wur and was j...-tni?-t. - at Chirag.i under U>8 (Teveuinil Admlnl-tnuon. The otJier Illinois MtlU ineii were aa modefct a? Messrs. Ne-berry ?n1 Wlh-.'. There is reit-oti to believe that Mr. wllUaOU WOBM accept the (Oialrmanshlp of the OotaaUttea on OotBBfB rather than that It should jo a begglng or be left aaaaal. He 1 as llraag a fi*ee-< olnage man as Mr. blaud. of MU.-.-i.ii The action of the Illinois men who .supported Mr. Mlll* In prefer-nre to l.otli Springer and Crisp Bhows a commendable and fBaareaa ?pirlt; they are apparenilv ?"illl?g? to let the dead paat bury ils own d':ul. .nd acept good asslgnment* even from the hand of Spealier Criip._ .ii'IM.K Sl.TIOFIELD'S PROnAIJLE fCOCMBOS. Waahlngton, Dee. H.?lt ls sald on g.anl anthority that ex-Kepre-sentatlve balier, of Indiana, has boen ae? leeted for nppolntment aa a Judge of the Court of CMBBB, vi''** Judge Scbufleld, r.tlred. and tluit bis nominatlon wlll be aenl to the Mmate thia week. AN F.XPOSITION IN Kid'AUOK. .\a-tutigo.n, Dec. 14.?Tba Uuivuu of tbe Ameri.-an p.-pu*)!'.- haa been re<iu.-ted to bring to Uie BJ88BBBB rtlnt'a ri?# Karalr?re,-DoD't nl*? thi- ahaneo to ii II kuBij M,t MBaBBaM Fut-nltur* at Fllal'a, 104 Wo) UUt-aa. Dugt reduvUaaa M taroa of tho American public ihat thero wlll lie held aa BXpoMMfla lu Quilo, Bctiador, whlch wlll open ln the l.itt.-r pnrt of Mai.h. The exposUlon wlll afford an opiKirtuiiity for the dl<phiy of American m.nufaelureR iu a markct that ifl now practhally BMBBBfMi. llirtlrulurly Ifl |fcla ?*> M **Mf* ?* -**? ?n>-ller -^ tlelt. of ngriciiltut-al Implcment-. , * BKU-I IN Tlll SIINAT.:. A (ii'.i.vT ihtii 08 miU8tJ___fl UIIBBUUB_D PROPO-BD AMINI.MKNTS TO OTRXIBQ L.WS. Wa-lilngton. DflB. 14.-Sen8t.>r MMB. Bf ("al-tornta, liitiodiKcd :i I.i11 today aniendlng the Ocenn Mail BBbaM] act of ln-i ( ongie-s by prnvldlng tbat -tcamcrs nf n grOBfl ngi-l rod tonnuge of not less thflli '1.000 BMB, of the ...n-tiuctli a, matcrtnl und spc'-d of the .ecnild eMflfl (18 B8BM and .'..fiOO tons), may be ein pMgrafl Mr a peilod of Mi BMM tlre years and -hall r**celve the c(.m:?'ii-atlon of vc?scls ?f thnt class. lt further amends the u't by t)ia addltlon of n pro hlbitlon of poottBR ln Bfflaf to flx. alter or prorate poflflflBfflr <;r tnbgEt rates wlth any rnmpetlng steamer or rnllmail llnes. Senut ? Wa-hbtirn Introdiiced B bili drflnlng ? futnr. s1 aud ?optiiiii-" und -BrB-fltag ipcclal taxes on d.uler* Ihereln. The nrtVlex Included In the blll In the two ternis are wlieat, corn. oat*. rye, barley, cfltb.i und ull other farm productR: al-o pork. lurd nnd all other ho?' produet-. The blll provide* that dealern ln futur.s and optl.ais therela .hall pay annunlly n tnx of $1,000 and thfl further of 5 cents u pound on cotton ond hog produet*. and 20 centu a l.uslicl on nny of the other nrlirles me'itl.ncd. BoaaMr McMillan tntrodnced a blll nmendlng thc OOarict Mhor act so as M prohiMt conli-a. MH from ?jBBfMBtaf convlct labor oa (lovcrnment bullding-. Senator Fcltnn Introdiiced a blll iime.idtng the Clilne-o Kxclusion ud so, as to. requlro Chioeso re ni .v.'.I from tho l'nited states to be sent to Clilna. M> ste?id of the country from 8-8888 they came. .Senator Cameron Introduosl o blll pruvHlllig Uiat all persons ou the penblon roLU und all peo-on_ hcre gJMfl graated pemioas who have lost tlw slght ot one or bnth eye... or both l.a.nds or feet so ai to b. to tally dist'olcfl, or of one hand or foot, so Uiat bhey uiay be nearly heJplcis uud re<juire the aUwida-n-ffl of othen. siwli get a paBalaa of $ioo a inonih. Tho*e. who Mflfl BB am at the shouldr.1. or a leg at tlie Irip, iim to receive *i?;0 a niontli: those who have loet an ar ni at tlie elbow or a Jeg at the knee, BBB a moutJi, and oll wlio have lncurred or 8B8_B888Bfl oUier di-.ubillt._s aro to recclve a per month ei'iial to the of tlic lal-s for all tho other di_-.b_U.tle-. -enatjr ITBOlC IlillllflMBfl a blll to amend thc act to promot. tlie adaiinlsliitloi) of Ju-tlce ln tii" Army BB BB to provide thnt roiniiiaudlng oflie_rs shall bfl authorlzed to upprovc thfl . "titences of simimary courts BBfl -hall huve Ihe power to i-emlt or mltlgute th. same. | Baaaier t.alllnger, of New-llampBliire, intniduced a hill tor th" betl.r piotc. tion of BBBVtaa. lt Bl OH Mflfl that all pSBMM having jh_rK<* ln any way iu any flflfflM tineiit -hall forlliwltii dJ-iniss ull P-BBBaa who ai" linl flllliaai of theX_Jte:l BBB-BBj ;iud tliat Bareafta. aa peraoa Bfeall Ge afyoiatafl to afltos who 8 pot a clti/.cn of tlie l ult?*d Mut? -. Mr. I'rye IBtaModaefld, vlth u iiuniber of am.-nd ment-, the hill irpuit.d by him Mnr.h _ ktst from ihe BeMet CaBuatttafl on F-.itic B-flreeds, piaiMlag for the lefiin.ling of the debt of the Piicltb nillroid-. The gi**at*'i- p.irtlou of tlies<* uniendini'iit-ar.* ebaiiste.s'prn BOflflfl iu tiu* dut**s lu thc blll to mak** lt effective n.xt year. one otnendment provid**s that tho present vatnaa ef tiifi BtniHTrrt* of the _Bfla8la-aaai of the atded lowls and the uuioiiiit- pald therc-ii .hall be com on th? that money ls wurtli 2 per ccut lier aniiuin ln-fead of 2 1-fl per cent. Another amend iii.-nt to the BfldMa lvlative M Ihfl iii>tln>1 of coniputlng tbfl laflaaflBiaaflfl pn.po-ei that to inc total aniounts i.?iii.'iinlni' BapaM after deducilng UM slnklng fiiinl **pEe*am t<> tha BBBBjaalBfl th-re M to ba aaflafl a miiii eoflflpntafl aa aaeh ba.-i- _-bb-B_b8 Baaaay to b. vorth 2 per ent (iBBtaafl of 2 |-8) ai to lef-aflaal tha .apiiiiii/.cd araaaat worth <?f a lahato of interest jfor i.ii year- of 1 per cent dustead of 1 1-4) on thc total aapaM BJaoanl aafl oa the aaaa so addtsi for tha Hint- of Mtaraat, Benflflar Kiye M_l-8aaafl a bili flxlng th? sulary of ChB k'cp.1- of all itatloii- and h.iivs ot refuge Bl ??1.(MM) por .um ii ui. and thfl coui].enaatloii of all surf iii,ii at th-' mM ot 875 9M inmith WtMJ employel. 8 niii ,i- Dolpb InUO-ueefl a MU M ttt lha Bavaral m.!..- and XBnttorMfl M rafltafai the a_M laMi-. al_Ma ih, ir hnatiflartta. it provMafl fic tbe Maa_af by lha L'nited .tiit*> of faafla t > tt* fltataa or TenMarMa, th. |(.;nih to Ih* made lu any min not cxct-edlng fJ,500,000 in any one yenr to B slngle Bt8M or Territory, nor .-.O-flhH u grand total of BlOfiOOfiOO t<? any 08B .-late or Tctrltory. The ternis on whlch l?an> are M bi* mude provide for the I vie by a Siate or Terrltoy Wte*9VmJ thflli < f hrrlfsttoa bonds of denomlnatluns Of 1S.">(X) each. ixMleeniable ln Bf* f*Mt and matiirlni. In flftv yearn, ond bearlng lntcr*at at onc per cent jkt annuni. The honfla ara t> bfl (leposit.-d artth the i iiii d Btate* Treaaurer, and lha BB_rat__7 of Um Treast-rji 8 M i^uc thflraoa Uattad siaic*. bo8bi ta lha anioiint uf thfl par v;ilue of tlie bo_4*. Tl.e Tn-a-uiy n_t<- nre M U- * IflflJBl tfl-Mtflr Mf all prlvat** debts, duc? and floaaandfl ln tay uu* not exeefldlng *io,ooo, and ."?(< Iv.iblo for eaato_-B, taxes and all public flBBB, and *han ledeenu-d BBfl) bOMMsOfld. Mr. ivff.-r. of Kaaaaa, -Btrafla-afl, i.y laB-wat of tht* of*** Wiirk.i-' I'l.iiti.'ii AIBmob <.f tha DIMHet of ('.uuiiiliia, n blll prOTMlag for the 'ikliig cf a sp.cial lupplfflBontarj eaa-aa of tiie i lalMfl Btataa, for the parpoaa of anBliig flaeb pcrtaa, Bna, BBBBatafltaa aafl i irporatli n qncstMai iciativo to tb?*ir piapcrtfi debbi, .?:.-. Mr. 9*Bm bJbb Mta flaaafl, ap raqaaiti a biu provMinp for tha Iflaat bliBiaMlly afa mOMarji ractatar . f ii;*.* i idiri Malea, ?__wlng the aaa-ta, ivddii*, Um number of peofllon . crllliuitc-. etc. of ull -.ui'vivlng jh-;,ous wbo havfl been, are nov., or may beraaflar b?> employed ln tho mlfltary -.u\:re *>f the country. *--n utor I'etf.-r _,!.-<> U-trodaead, by rxraflflt, a blll to regu MM ia'"- of peii.oii aafl aaothav lo lacraa_8 the number of ln tli? Army. Aaamg the other bOb introdu.ed and icnnad vara ll.e f..llOflrtOg : Bj \lr. Bonlrea 9** t monuinent Ut C. s. (irnnt In tha city of waaWnaton. Iiv Mr. OoEt Io amend H? laws ln ivl.tion ta Kational bnhtt and to r.'tir<* their orrrnlatlon. Ilc Mr. Hnlf-T'i e-tabll-h i pcrmancnt reaflUfl oflice ?nd to pmviii.1 fii i ii.iiig Hm fwaUtb aafl mhaaajaaM . enanflOfl. B* Mr. flflfllflll Fnr ld? relief of nicM InflpOBBBIS ai rfew-Yot- ao i Baltimore. , Itv Mi. I'rve To e-titli h n inaCnc bOBfl for the advanremenl of th" IntereaM of lha n?eehanl marine. Hy Mr. sh-iurin- ior fl uniform rliis^lflcatlan tt wheat, ? i -? i".''- '?"'? Bj Mr. cliaii'1 ler-To ro'Tut'it** and Improve the (Ivll hervlcc Of thfl C.ilted Dtatafl. Tn ullow the pay ol re.r adnilrnl t.i coniniogores wii'.ie i.-tifi_- :i- t-ar-ttdrairal. l;v Mr. Mit'?bcll-l'eii-loi.'lng -oldlers wl.i sTved ln Inillan war*. A_ . , . Mr. AMrich moved tlie iiniciidmctit ld the rala (of w)ii. h hfl gave ...tii" Mal ".-? id repnlatt-B BflmU-Ioa to (he ti<Mr of thc Benata. TM* aa-eaaaMBt wa.? ,-i, ? ;...i. The prlndpal chnnge li aa ta .lerks t.. eaaa* mit{***>- and (lcrlis to (~enar.?r-. ThO| ure admltted ? ben "in the artaal flifleharaa af their a_Mal duties'': uird I! li'd that ,? j.-i-l - t. Bflnatctfl "must be loenlariT apinilnted i.'id t?e horna oa Bbfl rolls of the _ , letar. "f tl.e Senate as raeh." The senate Hicn went Into exeentlvfl flOB-lOO, wb**n -ome nominatlons were referre?1 to roiaMtatB; and then, at 1 :-0. the senate adjotini-d tlll t?t-morTow. ? ? - cr.MMis-ioNF.K RATB **AT 09OB. trBah-Bptan, Daa. M WpaaMI) ?W. w. Ratea, the c BuaMBtaaar of rtaalfl-fltoa, ha.s pottaB into MaaRM apnlfl R_roa_- BM M.aring aml.lttou 1a dictate ln his annual lepoiM th? whole conimendal, und MpUMttva pattey (?f tho OeiMBB-fajf, ye_r he ? siicl a voluuiiiii.u- conip'ii IhUB ,*f h.s view. on rurreiit BoRtlca and M_feB_ttBB M a*BMB Ba paRaMfl aal ta lha Beflflaaary al lha TT8bbb_t. ta mk* Prrsid-nt r?nd ta Coagt_Bi Jii-i -Ref Mara vara aai<?--.?_->? to the g.-nerai welf:ir'': and. although Mr. Wlndom did ii'.t rellsh iiiitiv of thc fl-gpeBtkB-l of hls lubordinaf-, the reixn1! mh- Cott.?ii iBta l'Ciit ind clr.iilated Iho country. TRM vea. 1 lie- Trea-.tirv Ivpartmeiit olliclals Iried to siippreis Mi. luites, and au order was i--ucd raffllitag aii ba_8BB reperM ta ba nRaMMafl to Bana uiiy 9o*btl b-fora p8__M8_R__. Mr. Latfls, however, gavo out MM BTBflB I full MMMMf tt miotlier e.\ tra..rdlnary report .-overing tln* whole fleld of i .uiiiner.'| a:id |).,lit.c;il eioiioiiiv. A, tln, Bfll I8fl_f| Nettleton was in.icli cl.i.r.ncd ta ;>" the ab-trHrt ln prltit and sent for Mr. Bataa. rapart. MM _8I MBBfl to be a inaiiii ..-r;pi i.v.-i 4O,()O0 woeds iu I'ligth, and. after a cin-iory t***r* tt lt Mr. BflMM-BO r.-turiied It wltli an order to havo it icduced BBB) BfllC. Thls action puts Mr. Ilates pructicully under the (^n-urr Bfl the iM-partment, and it is said that Secrelary Foster, when he retum-, wlll Infjuire further wli> his order in recjrd to biirv.ia reportfl was coolly ignored by the i'omini?-ioticr of Vi.l.ation. Mr. ll?tc-'s abridged (*ditlon of his leport is due BOfl-B time next week. ? MI.VF.K ROOOHT AND riTiNDS KKDF.F.MRD. Wivsliington, Itee. 14.-The iwnount of Ulvcr offered for -.tle to tlw TreaMiry iH'pariment t day wa, 7^d, BOB OOnces, and the amount purcha?ed 2.'.0,000 ounces ul 80.88, lnird.aK-'s of *llver at the |o<_J BBBM up to the 8_BM M _8BR_BM on Decenilier 1^ aggregalcd :i78, 000 (lu'ir***-. The amount of 4 1 2 1104 cent bonds i.*de.*nied Uv dav mus WO.IOO, making thc totnl redemption to dale 828,838,450, and I. mvIii. oiitMiiuding #si,_7?i,'.'Mi. J.ilTtNAI, (I.FRK SMITH RFJ.OVK1). Wo-lilngton, Dec. 14 (hpectuli.? It Is aiuiounrcd tbat ( lcrk hCerr U?-day N_8B88fl 11 H. Smilli, ) clork Tar, l.irarlrr aad Tola Wafrm. A po*IUw i?ll?. l.r rott tluwu, v*._a? 4 a*. ik, Mfl-i?iact-i?ra. HODGMAN'S Mackintoshes FOR GBNTI.E..IF.N, AND FINE. MGHT Waterproof Cloaks FOR LADIE-, MAKE I'SEFUIi HOLIDAY GIFTS. HODGMAN Rubber Company, Broadway, cor. Grand St.; 21 WEST 23D ST. (AOJOININU FIFTI1 AVENCK 1IOTK1-.) of the Home of Represenhitivcs, aod appoinl"- N. T. OrutchfleW. of ln his place. Mr. Mnith ia a Repub~c-.ii. Aftor tlve years of servloe ln On.- Hou**) as commlttee, blll and prinUng aud tally clerk. he wus, at the reiuest of .Siteaker Kerr, appolnted Journal clerk of th? House ln the Nl.IVth Hongross, an.l at tlie re?juest of Speakcrs Randnll, K-*lfcr and Curllslo retained in thnt plare ln tho Xl.Vth, XLVIth, XIA'Hth, XLVUIth aod XLIXtih Ouigro-s.'-). Kor the UM IU* iu the hi*?tory of the oflice It wa~ made a or pollrtoal icppointmie-nt ln tho lAii Congreos und Mr. -nnith was removed. Ho was renppoliUed at tho beginning of the LIst Conpe-*-. ln the XXXU an.l XXX Vt~ Coii?re_ses Clerfca Young and Allen alt<*mpted to r**move John M. Barclay, then Journal elerk, but woro prevented by .peukers OabB. of QflBBJIa, and Oit of South CBiaBBB. It IBBiahM io h? geeu wlicthcr Hpeaker CMBi wlll interfeie in a siinil_r matinor. PROPERTY-OWNERS PROTEST. A Tl N'.VL'L NOT WANTKD IN MADI-ON AVE AV A*--0(T VTION FORMrD TO Ol'l'OSl-: IHE ttLAB AS l-'AR Ao rOBBXBLB. ? I do not want bi lie thought frlvolous. bnt I would like to know why thi* tnnnel wn-m't plHtined for l.ex Ingb-it a\e. or l'mirth ave., or any a\enue furtlnr east. wheie th.* bulk of the WABb 1-. nilher tlian for Mndlson ave.l" asucd t.eorgc <>. Moore. "Well,* said Charles A. Duna. **the questiOB I") Intere-tiiig. but I am sorry that that distingulshed body of our fellow rltlr.ons who cmiiohe the Rapid Trnnslt Cotninission have nol ar<iunlnted me fully as to whv the resldents of Madlson ave. should be made the vi.tlnis in thls partlcnliir matter. rather than those who live in tho streots you have named.* Mr. Moore. who asked Ibe questlon, wns one of 800 projjerty ..vMier- iu MudKoii-ave. who met last evenlng ln Jm**tmr*t Ball, Jlrutl-cn ave. and flfty ninth st.. t<>> -t BfatBBt the propo-ed .mstniction of an under paaad rallroad in that avenue, ns a pait of ti.e new plnn for rapid Irnnslt In this <lty ; nnd Mr. Uann. wh > made UM -T>l.v. *** thc rliairman of tba meetin.'. Mr. Daaa had Just stated the object of the m*?etlng. Rhhard A. Anthonv, as aeerBtaifi had offered a serte.-, ?f iT-6lutl.iiis: Wheeler 11. Pockhim and ex Judgo Ainoux had uiiide s'peeches. and a report fmm .!. James K. (ros?, an cngincer whom a commlttee of the prop? erty owner- "inployed, had been read, a- well H aa lodorseaMBt ?.f the same bv Wllll.un R. Hatton, another englneer. TMa was the lOBahlBOB iBBeBed bv Mr. t ro-- In his iciKirt : ln thc cBMe of the propos.'d tunnd, If there ls any t.nth 1.1 thc theory of the plston-llk- action of tralns ln ?naBBBf and BMB-Bg I" air, the r.ovement of en ***** traln at fnrtv tBBBB an hour wlll creato au alternao* out draught and ln-dran-lit of UOO.OOO rublc feet per n.lnuw at the venlilaWi.g opei.ings, and a local traln aveiaglng -IxU-n MllM |?t hour wlll create au out aud la clrjuglit of 120,000 cublc feet per iiilmiu*. What the result wlll Im- of opcratlng aaeh tralns at ahort intervnls la B**h 8II8HII8BB M a roctingular tub.* of .r.O.) -q.iare '.???* BMB, with afaalaga aaJf ?' *** *J*** to l-H0? ** of ** ?*i,oth mtSAt .an onlv b" surml-wd I'h-.e ls no BSaeBf similar 88f8ltaaea to gulrte ns ln an opinion, tmt such aspaetoaea as aaBBa lcad* ap to the hBlef timt. a preat IjIBBlll or BM air and CMMMja?l vlbratorv etleot ,,n M-MM-a win t** naaaaa at an<i n... ti.e apaa-aja to the Bppei a'r ThU wlll ln' a annoyau.e to aaeapaata al *?e~ buiidinga. F.x Jud_e Ainoux nsked: 'Why don't they tp tkroaah roar-WMB. I TIk-v c. ui.i build tba road aloa| Ihcre 011 plllar-. wlthout lnterf-rlng wlth anvboly or Btiyihlng. and 1 da not think tlK-re would be any ground fer dis-alisfartlou." (Apphm-e.) T. J. BMaBB-Mr. Chalnnan. I think that this r-f BBBBMJ 80 r"urth-ave. The < Imlruian-Is thc genth BMB B property owner in MaBMon ava.l Mr. BfBaBa- I live ln iFourth ave. IBa (halriniin-Thls Is 8 nieeting of Madlson avt. propettv owners. Mr. BraabB?1 un-ler.-taud, Mr. Chairmati; hut have you ever lived in FourUi-avo.? No* Then what right have vou la try and Knddle 011 utifortimate I'uurth-ave. mor? idiaBantlOB rnor? nolse, nn though we waaa not alrcadv BB0N thnn abundiintly provlde.1 In tliat MBld ' il.atu'hter nnd npplausc.) Ti:< m laaotaBeaa aaaa adopted amd appaaaa: Bl ..'.vcd. That, as It l? 88888 -1J Uu*'. Ur- pM~~M B~HJ d Irjn ll OBBBBflBaB-B, In or<ler u. BBM Uve ro_.T thrungii the avenur, BMM eUn-r ottaln the wrltt a oontiit of BBB haM n aalaa <.f aai owueA of the paeaartf, or, Ballajg i?i tliat. n.iist ohtuln a decision Ifl favo: of thelr hpht to con Mm t th - road from a commlsslou to be appoint l ly tho Suprenie Court to j-a-ss ujun the Qui:~-e.u o! wh. th-.i ***** a rall.x/.U should bc I uilt through the as -nue or not; ?^?ie fore; II -Iv.'l. That w-\ the uiiderslgned propeitv ownfra ln Mvhon-ttve do ea>-h wlth th - other ag\-,.' that trt wMl not sii^ii <>r ei\- BBf caaaSBl for the con/rtructton of tt.. . ? <! ra Iroud BflBM or tlirough Mad1i-on.a\.-., _l-*> tnat lf Un' Uapd Traniit CaBBBBaMB shall p r*i*t lo enti-?\o-* u? put. uii^ ro*d auaaah Mailaaa aaa. bf opplyiug -? the <-o<nt to ?pis.:nt ..-oinml-?loii'88 M de teriiiini thn Bjattaajaa, w- win apfaat haaaM aaeh a aaav mia?ii.ii. and cudcavor by BM-f l>IfHUBBM BBM la eaaBBBM tli- (l- f-al ot BM plan by MtMlhMJ a decUloa of Uu ceav mi--i BM I BfahMl it. Kaaah <l. TBB! the pro|>erty-owners In Madl-on-ave. now h-r-hy NlM ttaBBBTiaja into aa anscK-latton f.r the BBipaM >< elTertlvcly carrylng out theae rivoluttona, and that th" chalnnan apoplni a B8BBBNBN of Mfaa, altfe p,.?.r to add to Its iii.niber. to I**** rBMBB ae the SMIBB.I co-.tTiiiitt.>f the a-MCtaBMB of Madl-*on Aaaaaa I'l'i-irtv Owaata ?rhteh b^bmbbbBi Ib aaaa ntMt ta ? ?d-d, shaii hi elwir.'.d .vith tle- duty ot R_aBB| th.- wme hy volnntary aubwriptions, and ol carrylng out the purjioses ,< the n- ociatiou :i- i\\tr -?d ln tlv-?e r -toiutlon-., aml that . \-ry prop- rty-o-n?r B h>-r-by eanie-itly reqtiested ti siim th. -? raBOiatiaoa aad. ha*laf d.ate 88, ?hall be,-otn* aud be tteem d tt member of tlie assoclatlon. TBOVBLE8 0P BUBINES8 MEX. riAXO M*.NCK\<Tl 'RKRS Illi OMK I N;-0_V__*.'T-A BB HVK.R Al'l'OlN'TKI). Conovers Ilrothers OaaBfaaf) iiianufactiirers ut Nlnth-ave. and Kourtenth st., havc beconie liisulvont, BBd OaatfB VV. Cotterill haa been nppolnfd recelven*. 'i'lu' BBBBB-Bf BBBI Im-orporat-d lu Augusi, 1.--.7, \.it!i tt capital -t,i.ii of if'JOO.OOO. It wa- a 1 lo-e cor|xiritloll, James I*. Comnvr and l.eorge II. (onover holdlug all tho stock, BBBBBi one share, whb h was held by N. \V. I'hayer. They chUaiert 11 worklng capital of over #170, 000. Th.i direct llabllltl a are W1.880, contlngcnt Uabllltie- on bills recelvahle, etc., f:i..,d00; ftssets *B*f 013, The largest < redtors are Jacoh Dlll *-,4m, AI. fred Holge fa^BB, W. E. I*. lbxlges *i.J,..00, Wasels, Mickio A Otaaa BUBT, s. Ibbbi #-~.ji:i. Tba eaa> tlngent lliU.llitles are to H. L. Uidlngton if-.'jiu, lutnk ol .tlie Metropolls BB.llO, New-York County Nutlotial Iiank 8-j,<>47, and others. fiadarida I'aiilseii, doln^t buslness as I'i*den< k fBab seu a Co.. general eommlssion m.-r. hauts, at No. 11) OM hlip. made an u-ssignment yesterday to Henry \V. Jon.-. givtng a prefer^n.c for Bl.lMO to the Wllllam Haiiker Comjmny. Deputy Ibarlf Ib "iiiluiics hns recelved u writ of replovln agalnst bevl II. (ioldstoiv, nuinufa. turer of trousers, nt No. BB* Utoudway, for B->0<), iu favor of the li U. CbdHB Company. Mr. .Stewart, of Knceland, etewurt A Kp-tein, attuninyti fur tho plulutlif, .aid Tbe (.iinir far Chiistaiaa! Tha i.Mii.e of ihMu l.M l'. Aiii.0.,1. u full .f I 1 N Ht-l 11-.I1 10K AIX A.HY.S. PlavMl on a beautlful boaiii. Comtm ln a tiand.oiTi.- bai II to NOVk.L, aud EXQ1TIKU. lt Osato 81.*_.'-. aiakaa HaTPT EVENIN?)_. v_?r_y -M il." MflflM **?!'" _J?*______ prehi-nslon and woiild-lie wtthdrnwii. J TRAIXER'SXOTESOX WOMBMB. TALK AU IT AFFWrM THAT ARK OF INTERFST TO TL'HKMKN. Adolf Nelxon, tlie MBBBflBB of tha Morrl* Park Club houae, 1- I" NaahvUM attending the funeral of hla hrother. who dled last week. Tbe lalo Mr *ME9t was ono of the wcnlthy BMBMBB tA Nushvtlle. Hla death aaa aapaetad Bar some OM*. M. _,??-_ ? nmy* Lakebind ls ?uld to have tv.o good yearllngs In hls stable. . . _,? J.lin Croker talk.. of leaving llrlglitoa Head. with hls stable. . IteiKirts from clourcstor say that raclng wlll he resumed .... ('nrlstma- Day. Tr.ilners who have hors-*s at that traek have. been told not to move thcir U;rscs M other tracks, a* everythh'g would lie all right ln a few day. -mlllng John Kelly said yesterday tliat 88 lntcndcd to sail for Enrope wltli Count OMflflB. BBfl that ho would not go to the lace* agnln this year. They wlll .ail 08 the MaJestle on December 30. Cunt (ildeoii said yesterday that Trainer Hyland WM all rlght. but it would takc tlmc tot hlm to regaln hls form. Tho Count says that thero ls not a f***** ln the siable tliat ls worth **?. J. E. McUonald gocs to the race_ every day. Ju*t to keep hls hand In. he ._iys. ? RRMM* t'orbett stnv- ln tbe <lty. lle ?av? he is BBfl licttlng on ti.e It-Mfl, I ut MMM an occasionu! flyr on om of ? Mlke'' Dotiovans good things. Jacob RB8BB has t_8 BOBBM owned bv .lohn Hunfer M his old qiiai-t.r- at JflfMBB Purk. When nny Of the boys tell RJBB about yearling irials be sln__s hh BhO-Man nud savs "tiii, ta*.*'t .s fltflBfl ?pModJfllj. biifJoke"" Issileni ln r-gard to hU 8*88888 next fcaaoa. The lato Ciiptaln Franklln's farm Ls io bB -old undcr the hammer. It adjotns Churles -Mflfl lalrvl.w iiiiiii, and ls Ihfl hlrthplnce of many not-d raca Iiorses. Major 8. (J. Tlmnuis MM B_I-_n_afl 88-flRW farm, and wlll 88B8-MM ln tln* NS-B of the breedei-;. Tho Oaudy Dlnmout colt sold for .10,000 to T. A. Khret was bred ln (anuda. Turfmen froin Lexlngton say that Flelschman. the Clnclnnatl turfnnm, wlll have a strong stable M 1*>2. Captaln S. s. Br.wn's Moblle divMon wlll bc BBBBfl In the West durlug the enrly sprlng. Pet"r Wlrnmer will train them. J. W. Rogers wlll train the MorrL- Park lot, B8 he bas a half interest ln them wlth Capiuln Iliown. Tliomas Mulqucen, who mmiaged tlie stable of John II. MorrMaty, tho 'olorado luiuer, ls tn th? (ity. lle intends to make It Jils home. The ('alliornta yearling- have been dolng 8888888, IX rcports fr>m tl.e raaahflfl Bia tnie, t_e.? have B mortgage on all thc stalies in leii-J. lt ls strong* bul true tliat after every new t._al run bv a yearling, BJUffl-BBB will sav: "The best 08-1 I ?V"r *aw," lt niak.-s a inaii rcpeat liliii-elf, and a.-? a general thing hc -<es about (an tliat ara the best he ever saw and not one of theni show. up as a winti.T ln tRfl sprlng, or ever wlns a race. LaeM Applebv ls e.xpected to buy a stallloti in Eng bind, whprc Jie _= now on a vistt. He owns thlrty-two brood mares, and want*. un Epgllxh stallton. Mr. Applcby wlll be abroad for two or three months. flfl least, hrhtta Dnvld M. Johnson, who i_U?d wlth hlm, both belng aoconipanled by their wives. will retum In a few we'eUs. Mr. Johnson hon been tmwbW wlth malarln, and made tho trlp dilefly for hls Jieulth. FOR A RKi RARBBALL ("ONVENTION. Probably the BMBt Important baseball couventloii ever held wlll tako place at Indbinapolls today. I'.oth Nationai I.cai-'ii. and - Ani.'i'lcun Assji Uilloli elub oaUflll wlll meet in. Joint ddiate to try Ut so.tle the w:ir whi. 1. has been mi fl|fl_______ to baaaball utfair for th.< la't two years. .lolm II. Day nnd J. Walter spaldlng, of tho X.w York Club, and C. H. I'.yrnc, of the T.rooklyn Club. started on th*> 1 _M train over th. New York Central road y.-t-rdav nfteniooii. They wlll b* joincd at Allxiny by President Badfla and the rest of thfl ROfltaa (leleg.ail'.n. wlildi left the " Hub'" ut 1 o"cliM*k yesterday mornlng. The local deleg?tlon ls c.iilidetit ihat the unnatiual baseball war wlll suon ba a thlug of tl..* pu-t. and 1- naturallv Juippy over th<? proapectfl, It waa aald rflstordajr __at .liiiiics Muti-lA e.\ inanager of the New-Vork Cluh, bad gone to W_.htng_jii lo take i Uui-gc of the utfatrs of tbe club of that city. FOR THE INTERNATK NAL TCCJ-OF WAR. Tiig-of-war tcanis i-pienentllig Anieilcn, ip-Jand, OenaaBPi BvadBB, Xorway, DbBMbR; Itily and isrot latid, Jiad thcir photographs tnXcn yeutercbiy at the Madlson Square Uarden. The followlng ls a list ol tlie .-.plains and tbe number of their men, as fa.r as an iionnccd: Italy, Captaln Ferraitsa und llft/*cn men; Scotb.nd, Captuin (ieoige Knowles; .weden, Captaln i ailc-son and twelve men; Deiinuirk. Captaln Noctrun und Ilftecn men; Ireland, Captain Daly and thirteen men; Norwny. Captain Kandall and twelve men, and OflT-Sanv, Captaln Petcr Doclger, Jr., asststed by Ofloraaj E. Inataaa. CB0.8-COCNTRY RCNNIN'd AT HARYARIi. Cambridge, Mass., IX*c. 14 iSpe. ial1.? The annual cro-N country run of the llarvard Athletio Associatlon wns held thls afternoon, and BB a, 9, F. Carr, of thc n.cdlciil schooi, Is champioii. It was the most -iiccessfu! MOflfl UbUaUy run ever held at llarvard, as thc time for tlie course, 5 1-d ml.1-, was :ii iniiiiite. 50 seconds. ANOTHER COI'RT TENMS MAT< II IN HOSTON. !'...-:,,:i. Dflfl, 14.?There b..-ln|{ a giiiep.l f.cllng among thH Mfl-Mai "t Ma Rflflflta AtRMRfl A**socl_t,lon Umt the ?Bflfl given'ic:. ou Mifiriluv in hi- teniii_ wlth 1'ettit W*rt nthflt tJO favorlte. a (flflofld ?w _rr_nj7ed. and .aine ,,:r ttu- bmwbMb* Tbfl >M* MM Mua* aaw "lutli tjilrty for :i Mflfli**." Oie ptir>e fll fll'.O belng the flflflflfl _< in BM previoiM matcli. Lfl8-Hfl*fl uudcrhMid .-cr\l<1'1 w:i lioor and be had no v_rler> Ut oUcr. lle MBfl _l*o poor In -.rvlng fo:1 h_7.;ii- rhflB.flT Pettltt pUjvd hLs b.'nt game, .^iivpt ln thc BWtMt of IflflVlCfl aud bflflflt, whlch I-_tU'r w'_n uen?r_llT too blBh. OwltiB M the fnillnsf llglit but four Mflfl w.-r" plo.'-ed, resultlng lu a rtrjw, Peitltt nliiiilni; llrnt uud thlrd tt ts 0?4, 9?7, ind Latham thc BBflflfld aml fourth, 8-6, 6-2. lt. D. BflflM VBfl ICMfflB ANOTHER DRAWB OA.MK IN ST. I.OI'IS. St. I-iiiN. Bflfl. H.-Th.1 ll.'tl. pflflM ?f the flkflflfl match b*t?.'...i Judd and Showult.'r enUed in a draw after .-.|\ti ?lx Thc game sNkkI adjoiirned Oflfll St'.niday an.t wa< llnl-licd t.*-.lay. Tlic Mfltfl at present is as follows : Judd, 2; BBowaMflTi 1; dnmn, 2. FBtVCBXOB TEBOU0OICA1 BB_n_r_U_f, Prlnieton. N. .1., D8C 14 (BRBtMl).-Tla* (atalugue of the Piii.ceton ThaoMcMal _eniinary lias Ju-i aiipeared, slwwiug *A ei)MiliiK.'iit of 18-J -tudenth, fllfltflhatflfl it follow-: (.radu.ites, !>; Mflten, -1; mlddle clu.s-, .".- . Junlor**, i^o; _pefl__M, .'. Flve other semiiuiriei, sixt1. thrflfl college-, thnty Btata* aud six foreign coontrwH .uv rflpreflented. Dr. Talbot w. Chaaahen 8 al pii> ent coi-lurtlf. tlie depitrlment ..f PfOBT TflMflBUBl Btaraaara. wiiicii w*E niicd by thc MM Dr. iiodge. Niniu.'l 11. Keltogg will b*1 tlM L, P Mon. le> tuirr thU irtar, hi- aabjael bfllna, "Modern Theorie** on tho Origln and Devolnpnient of llcliglim.'' WRETARY 909TBB CAXXOT ATTEXD. Wu .hington, Dec. 14. Sccrctary ROBtar (ontinuiss to lm|)rove slowly, but wlll huitlly bc able to leuvo hls house thi. niontli. He wus compelled to cancel hls ciu'ii^.-ment b. apaak Bt the dinner of tbo PofltaB Boarfl ol Trada f"i BTadaaadav evening n.-xt. i.ui baa arranaafl that AasMtant Beoretary Natuotoa thall rtp ie-ciit lilm on thut occiision. (ieiiciiil Nctileton left here for EtOfltan thls afternoon. BTOIBB BWBOBBB BWCOVKBBB. Dtivton, Ohta, Daa. 14.?Policc elreMa are BfBflB excited to inglit over the announcenicnt that Chief .?f Pollce Freeman aud Tli<>iu_.s Farrel, a Plnheaion do t?*cUve, hav.s uiieni't.hed ino-t of thc> diuiiiond-. reeently Ht.den Ofl a tniln here un u.e,>t 0_ K.vk .. fl' .., .,[ Ctneloj-B-1, and rataafl at *1>*.()?m). Tiie dlamonds oi now lo.ked tii> Ifl tlic Deckel llou?e. *S Big, bxit bad? tho old-fa_hi< .uell pill. liad to tAko, und bad to bavo taken. Inefflcient, too. Its only teminrary relief can get frum *. r Try snmcthing better. With Dr. Pl-rce'fl Ploasant Pelleta Uie I .nefit is Uwt Ing. They l_an_e and regulate tbo flver, KU.n-.acli and tiowela. Taken in time, tbey preeent trouble. In any caae, they cure tt And theyeuro it easitu; tbey're nn ild and gentle, but thorougb aiul eff.s tive. There'fl no ili-turbuiK . to tbe sy-tem, .li.t or o<vu[ia Uon. Ono tiny, .ugar contol Cellct tor a lrixative-- thr_e for a cntbartic. Sick and j-iliou_ B_a_8_h-t Conatijitttlon, Indipeatlon, liiln ni-, und ull .li'i'uii,;cniciit?. of tbo liver, utoiua.'b ciul bowcU aru promptly ra liev.xl an.i |>ennanently CBBM. Tbey'rn purely vegctahle, perfcotly harm Ie??, tbe ?! ? .t, nnd thc easirst tc take?bul l#ttidas that, tliey're Uie rheM/tett pill you can buy, for thry'r. ffunntnteed to give aatia fuction, or your money is raturo-d. You puy only for tbe good you get Tb_a la trufl only of Dr. IHurce. HBadidna*. Mantels, Tiles, Opsn. Fireplaces, Art Goods. UNION SQUAREc *?-.. >cor, BroaHnj. ilr eaocaro ln our uas noving im own rooi Buy of Ua mak-r Eatabll.hrd ov?r SO y* Bo old stock. Ev nade aa.b.Waf tor;. XM COLE IN THIS CJTT, ihrfj: people ?ay they havf. un mx. AN ALI.NIflMT IIC.VT MAI'K 1N BO0B__HQ COCNTV IN VU\. The exclbment over the dbaB*MBBBBaei of frfwarl II. Cole. of Nyncfc. had not BBBBBi fBBcrtflp. A| dnytreak several hundred foot-w. BBBrj aai hrt<??. tom men wenl ba. k :o that vlllagc from the Hoofc and South Moiintalns aller a fruitk-- all nu~i|'i Naaab for the ml-stng man. They were tUded ia Uietr Irniit bv tiie b-BBBB 8*1 fire line, aj \,n*t[ and l_e~\es, e-tendiiiK for miles ln all lt seems hardly po-sible after HWb a huni, (-intinoea* aa it wns lu aU diredions ye-terlav. tbal if OaB klDal him-elf in the moiintalns sutToundin? N'.a.k lus body could aaaafa aaaaeBBTf. Kverv ebaap >>t boabai wttw? mll.'s aud every poaBfMl hiding placa ha- been M. amined. Yesterday afternoon e.x Judge Mb B. CM*. Rdwud-a father, r:*cerlvcrt u tele-grviin from <'. W. Miiier ln 99* York, who lives near Palisadw, -a-ing that a in*** aiaswerlng JSdward's descriptlon wm ?een bv hlm oett I'alisivl.-s yesterday inorniiig. Kl Judge Col >, otAtm Kelrans and otlii-rs went to I'allsades at once. only m be di-appomted. other runiots were hdloi 4 \io \o Hlie mAtiner without avail. There ls nothlug to indbate tbat C .Ic wa; dshonaB. ?f?art Oraaa, au BeeoaaaaBt of the New vork Boani of Audlt. yesterday begun bl- .-, | ,.f tho booki of .fe.ine*- H. Blanvelt A Co. He refiis . 1?m nlghl B dlvulge thn re-ults of hls tofaatlgatlaas. l\t bb: ? Anv repotts that I hnvo a-dd 1 d Mareted a deSclt hpi a cuisory eaaiulnatlon of tlie bo-.k- la-t -aturdaj vt* false. 1 made no cxaminution thaa. I flnd hl? bx~B neatly kept. and I have uot leaned aaoucfa to mahe a ata t." Rcga.-dlng Cole's llninclal posWOfl _o-.rd tle rlj. lape, Presldent Klln.-, Trutee King. Treaaar r iH-ner and others say that Cole was not ln a po-ition to **_? anything from the villag.- If lie adflad t?>? Cle'sposi. tlon ln tlie board of Kduratioti as tu'tee and ieer??iy was praclaely the same a- in the Vlllage Jloaid. Mr. Kllne is presldent, and Mr. QaaBBf is Iraaaanr In 4a Oak lllll O-meteiy Board, of whi. h ('.?!<? Iia- been ?>-.?? tary -i.Meen ye--. Vv- y.thing li ilralght, _c<..rdiii|. to tlie treasurer, C.eorge Mephens. f L'pper Nytvt, although Cole handled laigs BBMBBtl of cemetery money. lTTvlew of thes* facts, there is a BBPattf grownn brlld in the theory that ovenvork broug'ut temporat". BBBBfa, and that Cole watid>*re.l away at a MOBMIll ? . >t inoppof. tuiaj for hlm because of t.V ti.-ar h ut thee-am.' Ination of the book* of Jame- II. lilauvelt A Oo. A? r.'a-.ons wlth which he haul BO rv im. . Hon. O^orfa Scott. stiperlntendent of < >ak lllll' OBMtary, tell* a story whleh Btl4B0_hBM the Insanky feabff. lie ?ayi that last Tliurvlay 0888 acbsl -tiang.-ly arbOa ln 'ha S88B8BBT, and seemed Impressed wlth t.'ie hi.a tliat ha owned all the plots and wanted to turn them into ctm, lt is now knov.ii po-ltlvely BaB < .ic nas zw*t* that au expert at'ountant would be ln Nvack t?utus day to exaiuine the. books of J. H. lilauvelt <t to., with a vlow |o srttllng a privato di-pate betweeo tho fartnaaa ?-, la NbBtlfB sJiar.s nt tba pro_t< of tha year. Cole, however, d;?piaye<l no nei vutisness, and sald: ??! guess they will find things strafjtft!." An hour Lnter ba had Bad. Cole liart a babit of shsentlna himself, often two or three days at a tlme, lut generally told where ho was going. ~_~t nlght Mr. Lucklnson, of Janieu II. BBMBNB A Co., recelved a t.*legi_~) from Kobert .-slppell, a v~_| man of Nyack, thnt he saw Cole ln One hundred aaj twenty-nlnth-st., this city. at 3 o'clock yeatejE afternoon. Allen i. O.-odln, of Ny<vc~, also -,n, UM he is posjtlve he saw Cole in I'orty-UUrd-st. oo Sbb day. Mwart Lee, of Nyack, nn Intlmat.* friend of the C-ole fatnilv. last reeetrad thi- t-_ grain fro? Waa llertle Cornwall. of utie-hundred and -l\i> r.fth M. and .-herldan ave.: ?' Shw KJ. Cole \?tet.ay on our street. bIbo this afteraooa." Mbm i ornaall Is a stenogiapher in tlio Auiericau Ixiau aod Iruat Company oflic -. APPOIXTED DEPL'IY FACTORY lEA*ftTCTOB, Albnuy, Dec. 14.? 1'iictory lnspector James ('ottDoBj Ras BffOiatrt Mrs. >oplua Rauch, of New V..rl. (ity, as DefBtf Faetory lnsp-ctor ln place of Mi>. AiBB ander Iti-emnr, lately j-emoved by hlm. Bn. RaUfh ls lha widow of th<> late Heruuiu Rnu.h. Bha BM ?~l knowu ln (iemuui I'lrchs ns a teacher of m iM. PROMIXEXT AR.RIVATS il THE WOTXL9. BiU'XSWICK?Count Jamet?-I, of Parla, art -- *~> Farlljajik, of Chlcago. 0_J-BBBOOB>~aaaa ABaattal Jolin II. t'phiir, B. ?. B. BIB-V AVBB-_B~-~e~atM NilMa \V. Aldrich, of Rhode 1-land; ex-i,,,\, i ,,?r l.ufus U Bullock, of Creorgla, aud e\-(.'oiigr.'.?UKiu Jehn W. BMB| of Vein;ont HOL1.AKD-L. Z. l.ell.r tt CmmmRt. MIIIKAY IITTiTi Bhl fBBflBWBBBa f. o. BBarBaBBBBj al St. Loui... and John Van Vooriiin, of Baehaatar. l'~.v~~, ?aBvCnajnasaMa Logau u. Roots. ?.,( aiBaaaaa, wind SOR? t'.x-CoiigrcsM.iau John \V. CandKr, of Uoeton, art Samuel J. Tildcu, jr., of New-Lebanou, X. Y. THE WEATHEE REPORT. THE RAIN AlU'.A "sPUKADINi. BABTWARD. Washington, Dec. 11.?Th'- ar?M of lo.v mo**Ot0 aBBBBl thU morning over Kansi- ha- n.oved ik rtlei r-tasrJ to I?*a, bv BBBMBl rain Uiiouahout the <'.-ntr?l \Bll>v-art Uie lake i?elon?. The arta of IiIkI. pi-c-urc BrhBh "X n~rth of Lak>- iup.-rlor ha~ Baflfrt at BlBBWlaiH t** -1* ?st, Baaajaaaa faBaf and Baar4BM0aa8. siu. (oid**r uonh. BaBtaety wiuda aud fair woBth.r. Tl.c nrf ~ lufh paaaaara over the puteau realou ha- lnew.s?d tn Inwo-K). and i-en_mlai? c-ntnl over Luh: whlle the bttomtti o*t rlsen ut Iwo.di}- .Miiiutalu station.. Th>- ludi.-~:i*i? *tt that th,> eioudin.m ?ui taerer. oo *_ho Atimth-Coait, ?"* ralu- south of N'eu-y.irk. t lundlu.-- will ia?M8Mla >??? Enfland, wRh aaaterly n8b8_ and rain or .-now Tutaiaf Biaahn fOWBCABX TII.I. 8 i?. M. tcbbdat. For Baa Baaaart. hMtaa lag elaaaiaa ? *<>i r*J* ? ?BBB ; colder; mstiTlr or north. a*f.rlv hiihI*. *'or Baatetfl Bew.Taefe, aaMar; MaaaaU bIbb*Bi ***** tl.r'..teiiii.L' VBBBM8 and rain. ISur l'_*tcm Penmsjlvanla, B8B Juaf -""t P'"'*'w*r'' light BMarSMj ^ouUusa Uri.v wmd.. -:ivhtl> . oid-T. lur M uy land, Virguila, _MOBHa_HU irt '? or,-.*, UI** drtaraaa Kor Alabauia. fl88B8- and WMBMappi he*~B-? ?'X?'*T, ln I-'*?tern Florlda; cl.-aring durlinv th- d .y a:i_ air M BTBBaaatBPi colder kf Wciinesdiv fflf LoutaUuia, ilraring, cold.r aud filr Wdnxlay. Vot Aj-kaiusi-, culd-T and BBMftBC. piaaairt hy Nla * tlie ea Uru portion ; tolder and falr WeUuc-iJiv. IVir BaaBan -Bna, falr: older. For B_B8 v.rgit.ia, miii; 88B8BB 18 WaBBeaaay. m lor T-uiiesaco aod KeaBaekj. aheaaMi '-d*-1 m, --iIj.\ ii.ornlng. ____! Kor IfaaaaM faw-Tark art WaateM i'.fin?yi*aa* ohlo. liidijHu and lilinoU. tB/MMnbtB ?,-U-: Md BBl * "now : cotd-r by Wrtawday. . ,_,?. i.r uh.i -Mi.higan, HiaaMrtH aaaaaft bm ***?* colder by rVodna-day. _??. Kor rpiier Mblii_<in, aaa? reMer Weda-daj *??***. Kor Wlaeaaala, tttm* BBB rain . and t-ir ?',?u-r *y|-\,r l_*ii?a_K. oii SaartBj sud W-Jiios_..v, fair. decil'-U* (? Kor' MarvUud and lowtt. rain er aaa*, BBear?d M *9*. Ing flMlhBI during the cMiiuig, colder, l.'r -"*' *** Wednn dm\- ._?___.____>. !_.______. v.-.,.......J_. -.1.. ... >k. ? . ,.!il.-r III ||.' ?<'U~~_?? I i- Nei>ra-ka. win In th.' raal; ...M.-r ln . -u K, r th- DukotaX, ucn.rullv falr: -!!?!.lh waj- " for Mlnm-oti. Ilxht -iio? er rain. Mmwm Bj TRIBrNE LOCAL OBSlinVATIOXS. _?_____ -1 Bar. mat i...~B I 884881 I n"io 11 l '-'-*? - j ?]j _H_ BAM 30.0 U:?i^Si._~~~~~~~~~-~-~_ la thi- dluram a conUnuoua whlle llna *b**lKtf. cliaugft* In LTSMtra. M ina.iat._l by Tlie IrlW'' j^ rtaatllM barou.eter. Thc btoket lli-o riw"*1 ,*~ tempcratuie. aa oba.rved at Kcrr)'. l'harmacy. Trlbune Offlee. Dec. 18, 1 a. m.-Partlr BBadf BJB18BB aaapBrt ?.->t-*rdav. t.ut an air ??< aan 8r? ? * ,?. Maaaaa >'f ?BajbaaahBti ?ud aara-Vaaaali *****} J t WotMrn uuieau leaaaad -?? hapHBi ?- ""''.' IZm *. n... and .01 al 8 u. ))?? Thc temueiatuie i-.wu.-d - * f I] ^ M .les"*..., the rr^J^LLfSi"- BBBBl than 88 8M .oneMKiudlni: dav !?-? 188* ??"*' lhau on {.uiidav. .. _,,. ^,,,i,.,t,iv be Idr li. au- o?ir U.U citv U-d.v ***** ? II **>''*?'lr ?,.?# or nortlT Blortf "eaUier. f..ll..?.d br ttehl i-"l" ? ?*** Vm* C'hlaa l.lass. or Brlc-a-Brar ?'*" *!i.Ka>a K.rtai.. aaaaa, wiW^^-iS,