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^1RlPl-ESENT NEW-YORK. jjKR DK WD9 >!KlK"HA>n^ AROUStD. _* _*8THE rJ-JIBLAT-BB TO FXPEND 1I.\LF A M-^0* IWL~'A,US Ka>1 I?,K ?*''*T;^ jioBlT AT UU". WOTVl.D"' FUK. -.leanlc diy-Rood* r.wr-clnsct-. oi thls dty. M a 'T Pid: ye-U'i-Uar in tha motn. of tlic MflflehanM' JSin ->'"* l^aoaarfl ii.. gi<*c an uncnuivncsi and **l ' Jkretmetl ot thc coluni.lan RxpoaMloi to ? w'm chifl-i-.' ln rBPa-'Ba. Thla awrrea-ent to ** ' p.iV1?; ? bo of x-w-Y..VU Btata aad *?U?* BBB^tar^1 ??' **? ****? *** <v"',"t<'s,,ir SaTaat o?i*' *,:(? <,tain*'?* wl aatt-prhta m Maha, but *2|-,g cl t'ie ntnu-t good vrlll loward Chlc?o. ur, '.Twit. aaj ifljnafl a. dls-ppointiucut. jealorV ot ?JjJJL Oa Uie .-u.ti..!.v. uh bz^i8_MMbi Ibt 17M 2J *|IB Uai ;?*? r'c ot < .licago nnd ihe dat*ri ll ... ***' tanjoti thc nt.dei-uliiiig. not n.ily 011 NiU, *kmm*t lo'al puandfl; BBfl fld a bflbata Justly due to tv'*t**9 '.- cr.inuiut'ity wtRflh had *<v.?n tbe Faii* * gefl Vort. were BJOfl* P*oi)-u.m.*d und ___B_B____> r h., j, ,,,: ih* ut.d'tu* wa.. is-ued ItiM S-lunlay bv rtUiflfli >' Ki:1- **' w*s MtR'J bV tl,C' l,K>',,,K-'rs of a ' ._tI. lUUng ..i w.iii'.ui l. Btroiif, ehalr-aaa; Jtd I'lafii!!. JoRa OMR, R-RMao ?? 18871 st:.: J. t^mtt ****** r. Tiie .hject of tbe ir.eetlr.g, as .laied * cai:. aafl M 8-__-_aa an.i act aa u bm Raaaad bj JVjLjd.-.-ii ' couiuiltiee of tbc dry-ROOdfl BlBJda ta bfl LMdnccd ctirlj <n il'C loniing -osioti ol tbe s'-tc pfOVMtaB Ior a proiKM' spproprialion for v t,uug'il:' UM.asir.ea of this Mate ai ihe Columblan Mfliitii.". AH I'X'-c namcd w i ? pr**--ent. Among Znaara J- *?*. Clark, j... e. H. Baaapaoa, John n. SL'i,. fraataa VTJaaui, ??? C Ctarh, W. a. Itytor, ?%? ?*...'. 1. Pfltar Worrell. M. A. IflMafl and Ml M. \mM*f. Cparard tt lorty tBpra-antathre. ?f a_8 1 Ml it'f try -good-* boaan M Hm eRj) parRolpatad M tha Letlug. Oa tabiiig tbe BB-dr, Wiiiiaui l. B_roo| aaM ln V"1? . . .._ v, ij^vc comfl togather for tlic purpose of debb --li-iK .cr lh? l__|wrUUJC8 i-i N.w-YoiU biiig pr- p EhTrePivscnle- at tb( Colunibmli E.:p<-l.ioli al Oiil !lo i -*"*1'1 ll *"t're iN 88P dtTlfltaB ..1 M-ntiu.-nt '____ ti*' emerpnalng i^-pie of iii..-. t-tuie or rltj Slt couwibait'i. th.u- erlorifl to tbla end. it canno* -n._;i ..r fllniflter ui.tive w?flUd p ompl K. ai_n r.i >v * i'*'" C-iy pauuularly to ig-Ore SrTT lhc wboie -orld is lui.4. I d ii EUmiio -. .'?- i.fte-i t*. uot . ..i.i. ed to <:? "1 ttneut, and In ,iie Uxpoaltlon ut 1 u.C-__ 7 . 11 ->?? i*:iutiiul exhlbltfl _i\._j ull eountrl.a. m? ia n-tbrns '!l?' **"! not bc i-praaontad. .-unply '. m Um l ni.ed Maie> ls thc n-cepta.Jc ol -TurJ S__ iv-Miiiiiiu. _nd all things Hnd a market . r".* , . 011 we wm >?-<-? tbe produet ofl B_tter_-I Lu e__M-B.OB. lt bei-iK-cs ..-'? 22r :.. :*. ".I, that thlfl dty and this -tntfl -|.,...ld _nc '? aropei repreaentatkiti 01 tiie.r maonfaetor -, 8 -- ?Ul iv?nlU .ApplaUM'.i ltl> nc.e-c-.r. ior -.1*.* clUteos of thlfl couimouwc;_lth tetadei.'. .ii.uvd view oi J.v Columblan Ex>>>on. vt w-m. M be ah e i*> -sv arbal laalah ifl-d of lyio, our an i5 -the (tos*.niug dtv. who-** -aerehaata ase nri'_or-. w:.c-e truAicker- !>?? tbe lionoruble of tha **?> ***e'_raVn a bili to present to tht* L'gislaluit* MW I'.np-' Ol flO-tUtnc au app'opration ol nioney M-tienahk aa k> m__- a nronerexWMt at Chicago. ;*?> ?__>. . Ui m. the B-Bte -Iiotikl .ppivpriate a i\)oud ... dolMu.; but BO-aa of n_j ntanda BaTaaaM to ne that ttsa waa too niuon to a-'i for. but iliat w? ^oukJ appJv fo. ? fli-Ji whieh the p?ople In the nirul 6a*v-i* ?,-d favor. Tls- MhahKBDta of the r_.iui Slrk -tv t. ot- lrt.i._ie.l lh:ii wc _JV. per _ti>-. but f tha _M? Hall ***? havo 9,50 >.<? o ?r,p^ \;o'e peopie e-d-? flrtudn ttwt radlu.- of the (V Ball f" n inii'tii ;i li'-* liaall aaywhei- on oarth. mtewi lu 1a:0oj. aud thlfl gr*?t iwpulatjon of I e i'i N w V..r'i tiv>: c ought t?. ' #.">0").OiX? - _ ;? <),? i o-l-'.lt. lf v.c would -sk Jor I! n>'.!??(> we wonld not lx* a_;.lng for moiv QKMie] ___ t'e rti?" aiid cH) s-!..Jl exaeod ln Chteapo. to ?8 be exMhlthMi oii a par witli Uiat of any other , ?' ,..ic of the *io:i(b Aincr1ci:i StaU*? _Lp*v>p:i<; ng 8150.000 each. a"d msiiy of our owii (i. (me iniliJon dcJlans for Jlew York : 1?. jriv mor. ln proportion tb?n ili^ amotcitfl *j*beA lv oth-r st.-ite,. <y Uie Cnlo1! a*ifl Booth A_n?r nn s:?i?--. I onlv gA'e yti mv own id"a of what . \"cw Yorli ri (n<tcr to tb_ke a propei rpr*-e-;.i lo. .it the (Vnmttan Expo-iH^n at ciil-ag ;. i.M.jrt'in- ?) A* a enpy of the propflaed MI1 Bad already b("*n sent Iscarh M IROflfl pre-.nt. it- raaa_nf was. on motion of ErVliii WlBi m. (Ji-.prin**'-l Wlth. Tit* ?ct pmvMfli t'iat the World's OBMBBMan Com ?Hi'-nr-at-Large and the two World's Co'uniM'iti taBB-B-MBM-fl iVprc-f-i-'rc Mie s^tote of New-Vorh. in (arnianc. of the ud of Congre-* \ _s-ixl ln Apt*i: lt.--. toff.her wiu. -itdi f.-malc BBBnapera as may 1* ap pnt'-d t. rpr-'iit the Btata, and uvelve (oinmis <Mfs who sli.H be iipp-.rt.tcd by the GMwaroar wiitiiti _?_.,;.- after Uie pas-ago of the bfll, and w9* -hall hal-cnd -o as fairly to repnvei.t U?e BglliaRaial, ?a-utac.-rinf t *_ ooBMBardal itdi; Rlea of thfl .-tate. dall con-tttule a B8_ffl of -tanafflH of thc .-ute of | ? York. Thls board ?iiall niect M New-Yc k OMp Rt a date to be n_incd l.y thc (W.vcritor and thci. rrorW-* bf ihe elocJon ofl ? presilont, afcfl pi--'d"iit i I - ."ciaty. A (?nonim for tho tru_s*.i< t.on uf - -:_J1 BBOB-M .'f c.-h' IIl-itl'K.'.'-. 'Ill- lilCtl u n -hiiii aorwe wttRaal comp-ii.-ati._i, bi.t _. uui rp cxp. sjuiii bo i.iiowci. Au Exeentiv. ? IflBMf shull he appoiiit?*d bp Ma b Brd, by ?bo_i bi- sjilary ^.'iall bc lixtd ind 1:1s BCta ahail bc - t?< thcir aapcaaMlao. Tiie board ijui.?d ta bbbIh raparM tt*m em* to time ta U_b Qo* rroo aafl pi'Cjx: aeeonntinf ..f Baonej e_pend_d li : Mr. Tl.e >,in. .1 B-RRjROO is to be appra pMaed . . ont u.e BBjaota -ought M bfl it .ia- pc.'*p<>v*d fir.'T.hern.o:* to flflOd tO (.ovcinor fliect FMflror the toHowlug MMer, _!. ned by ti; ?? RMrj u d the ni'iiiheis of uk?. toiu.iiiijvee Ubokig iho Ml: New .oil:. liec. H. 1881. Th* flon. BoowaU I*. i'i..-tT. Oovflmor-eMct. Dear -ii : gned Ln".'.' bflon InatrtM'tod by i ? > tuerchniru *,f iRe cltj of N ?- ^'<l^k i ? i ? v.iiu yoil o;: tbfl -ii-jcct ot fhc -.xp'-U!?:'.'.'_ . . .y .i some rflcomiuendatJoii by >-u to thi ;e !:i your foiUioonilug annnal n ? si ?tv~ .?.?..;.. u. tor ;i i>ioper iepie?entaU__ ,?/ tlie In t tbe I'fl Falr tfl ht -It .tl., .; ..I :., ( ? ago. ?.ii- to aa iu.;- ative thal floeh rep;*.- i .' l>* -_o. U:<- eonunei.--] and BuaneMl Intoi - >,T tbe -tat- requlm :t. New V.?rh DalnMlnfl in Ue slatrr ates ? eommandlng ptace ahtob ihoujd i.nt u i*?r- !i,j:... ,:. .:<?: i...l w.ulO b* f: 1 ? ? .'<? w.*ul_ lf (oli-ti'iid ;i- j. ..: T-t t-uc iiiu-rc^is ,t h*--r elti_ena de " pl in.<! . lu ulj ll in - i*.itl. hei . Amerlean eonunoaflraalthB. 8. ,. ?: i t bave ventnred \o liitnMe Uf -< tug . louchlng a ou wb_oh ;..n, m il-ldally. .1 :??< we n- p:,1 ; r, -- i v*..... tne litipoi ran ( wblch you nre abi I . l:i tbe ]. .' v-ii. h v." i The Mlowlng mohrttana were offered by John Cl_..ti: At u BMBtlOg of ih-- Bry-floodfl mer.-hatits ,.f ihe Torii, i. id at tbe MiTi'lwnt? Club, So. . ..; |.??? ruber, 1 ?*-"_* 1. Ba Mlkmiiig . ,, were nuanltnoaslj ht ..-, ? gOOdfl u.-: ?' 8 ?> ? 'tork h*-...ri.l. ii,."j- i -.- tbfl blll ! i:,i o:i 1', th. r*-. itia* Ing * "p.1at on f"i a prop'r represcTttiillo.i . 1 th* ri -ts of t.i."- State ol the * :* a- < ii a.o. ni 'I itislt'.1 the ,.... rchtinti a 6 i i I i.r. r -'.!?'? und dtv iu cc.irtng I ? * I -atd ill) Into u :? v. ., . ec. Tbat (.pl** ot .aid bili be pHl.t.d and ? irpK-seiitat'.ves of i.ll b.iiu. .,"- >.f lirt-.tpv la th ? ? cn rn!1f"c be ln?trncted to coin Ith ', lemoreloct Flower f.ei lu' th" ''.*. rKi uj v <: proprlety of aoma racoaimei dati m <? in hM (erth-omluf annna. me^aape. fcpeakir ? ? theaa ri *?' Cl all Ihe ii-.-! 'iii'iic-i iu tho i.o|. tua* *?? BorM' nr sboakl enioc to Bea t'ork. iV? were '.. but ??; were lieal.i ill n f;_r. -t 1 h?v? the gc.te^t h- p~t und hon**! ?;.??! ?.?.';,. _--_t u-. aid for il,*1 h.rd wo.-ll _?v?flo?e MiU ,.?. ,.,,(1,11 ia.. :n they ha1 c ?ho-.n. l'u . I'i'-ig u'. i'i* 'mi* in ih * l be i ' * YorB D-orchanta: bm 1 doeercly is^jc w li ?!,-'(' ruaiiy ilnies _- Jiucn .t. -, ?,. ?.;,! .',', tl ltl" WllOlO *** br gr-aUi btiieCted. It Is a natlo ul RV* a- . ,? he consldered othei >-c. i _io iu ihnt m.'.T of the -t_tc- bave already *** forward u> give it their ad and e .peratl m. h.-.'pard, but I an ire nol h i *bm ?>.... i an h_ca ol ptfll he! ng on t:pt pnrt. our .n:,j." '.:> '_u>- Nev. ,'**??? nrc given to ui-t.ln. hoeU- slowl] -??"''.,.1 'JBB- ?___ ,(-,, f,,.. n>ilH .,_. iu,st.. (lowll i - ' w? _!_?_>?' "v. aromptljr and ury- i.? ilature i'j'i-h.1 acfion. i - ou i be glad .proi.riau-; rould be 81.O0O.000, bnt 1 ***** t'u* rir..l dti/.-.i. wlll think 8500.1*0 i- mu'li Uow. dflfl L. Muith, pi'c-ident of tlie Cbainbcr 0_ 0. ?*?**, f(H!,.w.*l Mr. Clutllli. 11- i*-id M !?'< ! md tti. iflflMilntlnnfl For u:y. p_n J am ' j- .(j. tbe Falr. W'o ?HJ perlflkps l'>sn .. r** ot ii,; yn.j.i thni v.uuld bave gou_ o the noi-i ?JBBM. _:, i ,tv- JX(jr0a_i ..ouii.arile*; but we h.y i*-'i JSSTwl fiom ... i-nmijiM) t.o.h ? lu i '-.ttitled io our 5"faUlT i,d Mippo-r on >iatiou:i] ?,r(?und.s. Itirn **? rn.;!.- n, it , , Is i bleago, the la . _?*'BK)i' .f NewY.r:-. <A| pltui-o -n*-- l>u>- .u?v f?Mf of N,-* York Uia-i ant pla?" in tho world. ''he Is P MM .uhUjnier ?:,.; ?.? aro prlvlleged to treat ou. ?*___?t-niei? aa well a. we t,-e_t ourv-lv... r?ie tjftt^ ti Uu, -nopaiby and siippa-t d "**. '."'^ 25H_ftflv.jn.mant ar.d lf 1 wiu* in Obngreflfl, I rould j^^York ^u a RMM ooaaa-afltaa pn.-^wthtog BBBBl ou u, rbl? conotry, pui'tk.anrlv ln **?l"f. __?._.? -10 U-Hf- <<'?a-ru ln the Unli. . <MB*aB that b g? obUuwi b, ha?e an ?f!Joe 1l So* Yorh to ?'^*tjJftJ 5*?tei.'ial bufllties*. 6n iiearlv all 18c go-ds bo'jU'| {?2*Wgo. at ffist hi.nd. we get u sUghf eamiul-ston Lvnn* wny or nnother. W? have manv dflpOBW ELO-bMno, aud lcrid htr a great deal of money. i-mTV' "?* *? ?4**' '?? ?~*-n ??**?* ?" ?*'?'??*. ?': ""' Wi Itaaai that pi__p*.?. net ft* fuj-pMRB iiilR ?**? ??> flotne loro, in w?*w-Yo_k. BOBB "I Big ?*? ?"?Mi wlttumt the toflaence of toat prtiflpertt. being felt hero. w?? ahoiald h_Ba 8 Utm v ?'"?'?' "? *** ii-.a'?t?r. .Ijuiliis s. Morcau tnice su'.d to mo ln lamdoii tluit he ulwnys preferred ? drcioods m.m Ibr a fsirtBer tyecaoaa u man Uiat wns succeasfu! ln the diy >rts businest. wus su.c... uii tn averythiug clse. I hnow thut when drygooos men tuh- hOH or nn eiit. rj.ii? ihe, aceor.ip.lsli what they ?**?*, out to te, nnd 1 IHIevo y?u wiit aaaoaopttab MMa. (Apflaaae.) ?MaBM Wlman, -sho followetl, spcaklng a-s a lor. Igaar, said an paal i Tha Oahunblun Expo-ition will be unlqiie in history. lt ooMBMwoimtea an evanl oi the *.iipi-onVvt Inipoi* t ice iu the liUuny of the world. lt acenis flitti.g that, la tba h!"i year- of tba tirst rantan of inde litndeiice. thc people of the l nitod t*ui/*s should 41v? to tbal comiiieuioratlon a comjilettrness wlth whleh notMug in nll piiviims history wlll compnr-. Tlie Cbtcaf.i BxpoeMon aboahl l.e iike a raal B__aateaa la tiie ptomaa of tne wor'd, ou object laaaon hy which can bo illiie.t_n.ted piogifss for all HflM 88 Vonie. h'lrope and all other parts of the glohe are wntflilnE *\\\ au intej),-e ntcrc-t dereiopflMBta oi th.- contT uent. 'Ihe Chlcago Krhlbitlon will bo tla; Index and Iba BMMHtra, u* it wera, af that davelopuMOt. iinme it will be au open book to the world nt lwge. und no ? ? ?? ! .ver of IU- country and no one who urtmlre* Its )ir tfreaa ?-n hesit-te to give the enterprise Ma h.-.'.rti'-M siippoit. Tliat New-Yorli. of all 1lie-< Stute* of tha l,, should hcsitnte far an Instant in awnrdlnfi her full ahere of support to thi- grea* aadertahlng, H n .t (c be thoupht of. Hlve -boull be foremost Ifl thc lieort! no-s nnd fulnes* of her suppirt and h*?r mcrcliants nnd nianiifacturen nnd tha pu)'Bc ut large will aastalfl any movemonl thut pnts hcr shou'der t/> slio'ilder wlth her -ister Stataa in nmKlng t!_c and nebleat reprcsenta th.'i thai c*in be BBBM ol bar preatness and h.-r 8B terprise. Tlie raaolfltlOBl ?ero inran?.jnon-ly adoptod. The following invltalior, w.-s ordcred tn. b.? is-uod: "Thc BXpBBaa fnr the World's Falr bill ls defuiycd enti-.ely by IQBbIbBllBBI Siibscriptlon li ts BTB to l>e found on tho table o:- at the ofilco window. OBaeBa can ba mnllcd to BBB MtlBtarf of tho coniniltte/*, Wllll.-.m V. King. No. IOO I onaard al * Mr. Klag was .icrted Baasnrer atoa, to ?Be eBam of BBbaulftloiia. John ? ?iiu. a'-o spo'ie brtefly In aorocaey of the plana ot t'u* c "nm.. ce. \ iommltte.- canalaung o? John GHbb. '.V,;; : in K. Tefft nnd WHltnm V. Kin.T wus .?ipnoint-'d bv the chair to fonnahitt; bobm plan Ibr accnrlns tha nhlted nid ar.i ea-operatloa of tbe pr?-s in New Yort State kfoklng to lilslatlon !n Ihe llne lnd'.c;ited l<y the propoaed bllL The mcllnc adJoumed rabjeet to t.i" rall ol the errtrman. M< Jianlle it l- e-q.ct.d tliat Other Bade bodirs will t-ilte coopercttive action. POB THE DK-TNT.R AT DELM05I0OS. UlT-T- WHO IIAYF. BI-BB INYITT-:t)-NFARr.Y IU Of THOM WIT.I. TiF THK.F.r. Tho dinner to ia- ghrBfl by l!ie Wor.'d'- Falr ( otrini** Boaera of this ^?ie win u* Btaaadrt bf a gatherlaa tbal win t>e tiior-'urhiv tt*naaotaBaa of Bm \v*r.eA in n M8BI of ihls eMf. J. ??s.-ivcr Ptr.. on whom ih her eefl of arranpng the atTalr has devoived, ls peeBBaitf bow BMrt by Lfe \r<(k* acqaB-rtanre *.:tn lemiing bbb of New York to s^eet a number wh*> would Mmht Bn everv bra'trh of ladaatTf. aa\*\ a r-n-ling of thc )i-1 n.W nhtrm that h\*. arorb !*?*? been daoa ?? a*aB as to do lrfm giaal ? ????dit. Tlw uumber of Invitwl gaeat- from tlds Baaaa aad aaaaarfeera has grown fo omoMy 100. It ln etaaai tin- MkaBaaj: .inm.s ii. liiesii.). JuMa Booaaaeii, Loui*s MBgaralt, A. D. Anderson. j. geaaer 9t*t*', w- T. Baher, LfBaaa J. (iagie and Laabav Clafin Mlils, of ChtcHSto: Thomas W. Falmer. E. T. Jetfcry, BK-PreaMeni (KevelanU, Vlco l'rysldi nt Morton. elecretary Tia"y. BaaabM .lohn BT, Dan.el, <W-tn-ge R. Davls, Pern- P.elmont. Mar^r QdbBB, Mayor Chapin, D. A. Iioodv, 11. 1). Polhrmus. Bnabaa Oandagi Dean fa^e, (K-orirp B. Coc. ex-tJovcruor WaOar, 'ormilih- N. P/liiss, Colonel WIBhBfl 1.. Sttwig, BtrtBBfB Ulakeiiian, Stcph.-n a. WBIher, F. \V. Devoe, C L. XlflbBr, F. II. T-'iui-er. Charlcs WortJilngton, W. B. D. -tofe.-a, \V. 11. Ro.s, \V. F. King, Dr. Norvln Oroen. E. M. Fulier. Jorom* li. Wheeler, (ieorga M. Puiluian, i>scnrS M--his, F. R. Courtert, I>ai.iel HuntlBglon. cx s.mator T. C. Plaitt. Arabr se l-ncw, I.ouis Ooutencin, tJenctal A'isten I/athnop, J. f>lo:it Fnssett, (^ncral Charlea*?don, Oeaeral \v. II. !?ew:n*d. ii. c. Jewell. OeorfB C. Bti"li, PKafaaaot Henry Thiirston, ThOBipaoa KingsJoH, Cornelins Vand-Tb'lt. (icorge U. BobarfB, ganaal Sloan, Anstin Cyrbin. Jay f.ould, J. Ilerpont Morgttii. John King, IhaBBBB P., J. R. Maxw.-U, B. I*. Wllb.i , O.P. OaiB, F. K. Hain, Charle, A. Dana. | Ciirdiner 0. Howland, Artliur F., \S*. Biad 1 iii >Ierrtl!, E. L. 0-ofktB, Osarali Ottondoifrr, C. Kar .^:ii. T. <\e> flBUBBaa, J. L. N. Tl.uit, W. B. Deckerman, Evaii Tlioma;, \V. Kle, CbariBB (J. WlU-on. OeaaajB B. Ke^ul. T. .1. I^-f^ns, (leorge Wllllam (*ortls. ?Y. J. Arkell. .loseph K?ppl'-r, lieithaid (.lllaiii, W. C MThttaey. Cbbb-m e>. taiHh, Thom*. u. McQatoe. 8aaxa8l iO- P r.-, WLlnuu Ii. (ri_ce. .)(>*? ph .1. d'Donohr.e. rjohii- Cronci, .lohn D. CMbbbBm. Abram ??. HewBt, Irta-ad Osf-per, i). \v. C-aidwll, Jnhn Newell, J|. B. Ledyart, JaA. Bojtwlek, Le t.iiiml l;. duin >n. H. McX. i.'.oi.l.y, ii. Walter ftebb, l?r. ?s-wnril Brt>bh, II. A McCflrdy, llen:-.- B. Ffcigler, WUl.'atn BoelMfeller, Henrr li. Hy.le. .Tame^ W, Alcxand- r, naorfle II. f-l'ian, Jolni tt. VroOBMO, Afidew nain-gl*. W.T-lier A. Wond. Bd -.vnrd E.1I-. A. \'ai) Satitvnoi-d, TtHBIIBli A. ?BB-Bn, W. D. aomne, R, C. Rtanioa, Herman Redder, MoaUgaa Mai'.s a(Tu Willlaiii WbealoeB. CONfJRESS AND THE FAIR. Wa--.hington, Dae. 14.?Repres*nt,*>.tlv-e Sp-inge:. of Illinois, iu spnt'kliiir to a "Po-l" r-eport*r of the action of Um Board of Control of th? \\ortd'? Fair in d-.-iti lag to aab tat an app.-onrlation of !Pf..D00,OfK), Instead ?f a laaa of that amount, as wns ut frat aaadaBtBlatal, said: '* I do not IhlnU that tli<-n- ls nnv good re.nson to ?xpeet thia Ooagma la aufee an appi-priaBoa of the aaaoaal Bfariaai. for this Ceafreai artn ts. ohary in it, expeac-laiea. Bar do i BBaarataBd that .. rapUar ippopriuiion tvi'i ha aakad. OuBfreaa win. how ?t *r, 1 am eooddeai, BMhe a loon to lha Board f.r thnt .rrii.unt., for. gBBiaalart >'ts !t will be by Die n?eipts. viiMi wii: Bfgregate three times the amount BaBrt, ii'-r- will he rM) f.'iilnr- on the part of the Oovcramt l I t.i hare it irf.aid. Congreaa tn this way advanert ?. mll.'ien a half lo the Ccntcnnlul. and I know of no : .vsoti ah) the lVorW"a Palr, ahteh will be Innne ahlj laraar, -Ik.umi not reealra th* Fame goaenaa ire tinetit." BRAZIL WILL Bl REPRESF.VTF.D. t'.'iptain Alexiinder BoigBM, IBa roinmissioiier of thc !V)InTnblan Expc.MtJon to Unuil, retnrned here ye^te.r fluv on the t'tiited 8BBIBI ond Hrazil Mall atenBMBtf vdr-uce. He ssid to a raporter: *'Brar,lI wlll malie * g;sid iboarlog at B**a World's Fnir. Sereral Pra/.ilian .?-tavs i.u-.e abaati made appraprtatlaaa io:- k? di-,c -uniiiie exhibits to fhlnago. and otbaea wlll do so. Thc n?w irpublc nf tli" BOBth Blll, i think. do hersclf rraill :'.t the E.vpo-i.jon. The Baaalblfc ol Braatl ls still Ifl u'i**. {bnaatlva period. tui whin her BBhUdta aro tt C'hlcaff i do not doubt tliat Uet trit '. ?? m inv w-.Tihv of a irreal rOBtrtlT. Evervtl::. g is ie f-".- .: i->o<\ Braxftta- < at. thc Falr.'' WOEE ON THE WAEH1NOTON AECH. 90Tttt NTI'DlJi TO ( IBJIY Ol.'T TH!' IM 1 ROVED I'f.AX. The eoaiBrBtae for tbe er eiloa ol tbe Wnablngton Arch rr? r al Ihe oftlre rt the frc.isu:v'r, Bo. '; Wlll 11 ?,.. yesterdai al n-on, anrl ll. a. Marquand, chalrmaa, pre?Med. wllllain B. Stawnft, treatnirer, iap ',;??! BBbaeripitoi i .11.- ot 8100,078 88, i ahleh tfl05,075 82 ba l.n part, learing anpaid 81,307, ol whlrh bi ( ? '??? '.'? ai - f*t aboal B700. Amonnl re '? IntereM ta date, 15,024 01, BMhtng total I pBcetred fllO.10043. There haa beei ln ?'??? i i s:iu.-iJt-i of the ai !i to da i 9 ?"? ;oi < :t. aad (ar aQ other eapaaaeaai I ,858 81; katiag ? ,.. i halaeea on hand ol B15,94140; whleh, urij-aid .?ei_.-ci.pti >!i- aaBaaated gaod, kare* Bia,aBl *f> iivaiiabie f.r IBrthor worii on Bhc atrnctaro, -.U'. :f'i-. IVhlte, Iba u-.hi.e-t :t Um arch, i - thai tha BaraaBore of wMch tha eoraer bi...J: of marl I. j oa Daoaaiber 82, 1800, haa darlag tbe year baaa nmKi t? ;_. Brtad ol -."'ty Ihaaa feel *:.--. Im hea, ... *-...;? bb t abora Ihe cornlea; Uiat um Meaa of tha ' ?-. .,;? :?;?<?:.or (!f*i>!r.:,s of ti.e :ireh. a'irt tha ?? mlea baaa baaa earredi aa alao baa nearly ;.;, ol tbe fjliBf! thut, owiog to t/:" reqabeuMai ol thi (i:y gOVI -.-.-'I BBl that tlie ri-dwuy batMSan the ).l *rs i iio kept epea aud piateetad, H aaa Beeeaaarj io arael ?*? Mtw* aticl *Bba8BBllal sc.j)ro:d. whuii aai bo! laatadai !" ,;is ostimutx* paarteaal} iBbailtted lo a'ld BUBUBtOd bf tlM IOBIMMIWI. und which hflB enst aa udditlonal thnt uiteratk'iis in tbe araf o' hearter aaaawai'b aad a bbbb npoalng eoralee, ui Um rtart bf the eeaaaaltlaa, aod **n hUaaaa* Iron atBtr .;.-e luve added about W.'?00 more to tt.o oriplnal tn-Mmalfij nnd th.*' tba aabaBBn-BB of _fara ee-rtag WHY lmveirt you an .Kolian ! DON'T vou care for niusic ! YOU ca,J !,la>' iltter Jl w6eV? practice Ovcrturrs, (>l>eras, Oratorios, or Syniplionics, todaed any pleoe of music evcr eon poted, ffitth perfect expression and womlerful oichcsiral ellccfs. The yKotlnn U ou daily i-siilbliloii, aud >on arr ccrdiallr invited fo call aud ll. 18 West 23d St. 0;;en Wtdnasday rrealnp anta 10 e'elack. Iii plm. of ..Maiod oruaiueni- ln Uie -paiidrc.- ??" rtahat B_aaaMtaa ot tbe frle-e. have added ***** e.i.OOO: mi tha* In -JI, to complete ond rurve t" -r"'h in noaaafl-HMfl with t'ie flnai aaatohefl -nd .ecpt^* deslgn. 811,000 tibove tlie ninount of tlic f>ri^l'?al t_llmate BB_a_tt_8fl to Uie comniittee wlll be 8-8888. 1 'lui trc;iiiii,i', and arrbllert's MBBBBBBM **** foi.*, ,how that thc total cost of R_B 9?Mm,******** BBd fuily i-arvcd, wlll ho nM-H.OO..; of tbb there his Baaa paM tff.8ft.1fl_; thcic ls now a band 08 8T8IMRM 88,88188; whlch BBflB wlll __-?** M BMBR tbo earvtog Ofl thc fri?*-te, and carry thc^truo-tn?^* <" t* bflflgRI of d.xty llve fed. Then* 1? flifflMr. ***** the um of 8-1,00-8o, and the follodBg Itwus of tiii.. -um nre given bj Mr. White froincontr_ct*, RMl To BOapMta tiie . trucure to Its l_-h* ?' sevonty seven feet and carve the Itier*rlpt_sis. 81-.OO0; to enrve l-ur panel. on piers and B-Bf -fpandrcU, BM 880; two eagles, 81,1'.'-; i_f, *3mmMm**mf*)'' Mindri'*- a-timaled at 814-3 88; to*1. __?__.*'__. ?_j_ Tho comniltice* gt-BlS da sir*- ?**'? 84.000 of uus sun. <h<?uld 1* subscrtb^d before anuary ?? !" ? ^ ' thui thc siructure ru.v be carric? up slx feet mgner aud tho ii?ieil(,r rooui over Uie 8BB __-lo_ea. *?"_? wlll then be snspe-ided for the, ond_i*esianed u tha sprtng. wlth th* u'nounf hefli on hnnd. Mit> MilpUoiis may be sent io Wlllt-i R* Mewart. trc-s nrer, No. 54 WlUiam st., or fo T/e Tri.>niie. WALKIXG DELEGATESlXD THE SCHOOLS. TIIF.Y OOMPZ-UB ABOUT UAD WORK ON TnF. RklU-DIBBfl BBD T?fj j.mpi.oymf.nT OP ROB-UROB Mi'N. At UM m**eliti^ of thoCommittco on nmldinps of thc Baaad al miaallnaUTnrtartar aftcmoon. Jhaaaa M'-Kiin. p. ,i. Rattar, >' aMer, i. 0, Btmmrtt aad l"_v:d OalMhan. represeiting the Fo.rd of WalhtBf IV 1 ifBitai Of Cie linihlii't-Tri-Je.- o" RQa eRp. comphi-ned ,.f the faubv B-flMtrnalPn of vmtaa. schooi bafMlnflfl _nd thfl (mploynient <i non-ut. lon men in con Itntettaa. The -OMBT" ,li'vo ,,ewi extunlning the work upon Ihe -.chooibuiidlngs for toaM EEm. They decMred peetordap BM thc oBtpaatar work M the aebooM at Daiaulp mmuXE aa. nnd __8rda**n?. M Forty ?. itid-st. near TliM-avo., and at Rlafl-J -BMM and Tcitii-tiv"., wm po< and Milty. It had b?*-i done, t.'cy mM, bv Aim-t Daatflaon, wRb aaqRapafl bb_p .hflBf and bBOB-MetaBt MhOrlng men. Thc co.itr...'1 for U9 work luidbecn In BBOfll In-tancs sni .lct bv tlie ni'n who mm lieciltJie ?0"k fn.n tlie Boarl of Edibi**'*!.. The detaRBtaa. >f tJie RaUfltBB Tl**** thought tli.-it thi. ahO-Jd lx pi-vcnlrd, and mgf-Btafl lha. BBB Baard of Kd.Kiion lt-, rcguhiiion* so mi1> Mttlni t.nd *p Bunplng on tlie pajt of the contr._"tor_ waaM bc ix.o-lhle. Tiie B-B-Bbfln of thc flOO-flflMtflfl promMol tocoiHider the ..iiggestion favoiably, as tlicy battor-d bM) tliat certaln refornis weie 88888887. rhe flopatn raportad aMo tha; the iMaavhaafl-R _:k1 v.*i:tUiil'>;i ln tbe s.hool nt Nluety-fiftli-st. and Ihtrd-BrvR ij'd baaa don* lipiapaili. TRa Bpa-_8_a lion-, U*1 mM, tor tlic srbool on (inc-liiindrcd-flnd 1v.cnt>? di'.h'.l.-t., between Lcnox and 88*888. 8888, l;ad c'aJed for thrc* crn^ of p_lnt, while only one had tieui P-BOBd on the woodwerh. ln tlic uchpol at St. Nfrhoias ave. and One-liundrcd-and-tlfty-slxtli-st 1,_<1 uiatenal In Uie p.ilnts hnd been used. The ?.pedflctitons hnd called for Atluntic Mad ?!:d American Je_d laid bocn used. The Ainerlran lead was woith 11 cents a pound levs tliAn tho Atlantlc varlily. Thc delegates also uskod thnt in iTie futnro ,-ilv tiniou men be eniployed ln worl.lng on t'c schools. The majority of the men at worlt on thc* BChOOl bulld Ing-. tiu y dtciurcd, rccj'lv.d only 81 7.". a day. wlicrea*; UM uiil'.n men rccetv.d RB. TJie employmcnt of non usfon men wi_< ta u great extcnt tlie lausc '>f thc bad (and-ttoa of Uie schooi bt.lldings. Tle members of the con.mittee an.-wered tbut Uiey could not promlse that only union iiiou sho.ild bo einployei, as that wa*- a mat (BT fur the contractoi-fl to flaoMa. Tliey suld, howorer, that ln the future tl* BRBMBBaH-BB for tho bulldings would be shown to all the walUng delegates If ttiey (Jesii.d to .-ce Uiem. The committee also Invlted tho dclflgates to appcar before lt whencver they had any ihing of inb.rc->t to report Tlie trustees of the Nlnetoenth Ward appeored be? fore tho committce to piote-t against RM payment of erj.OOO tu thc contrador for extm work npon fhe hchool ni t-fty-Bltaat nnd ."lrst-ave. Tlie .ontractor 'laim* thut thc BXeavaataBB were two feet deepcr than ti-e Bpeclfleattons called for, and made ncces.-ury e.tura worl for hlm ln coo-tiuctlng Uie bullding. Tlie trus tces liowever. aap Uiai the escarutlons had b_.;n nn i-7i(*d wlicn thc wx?rh of eoafltmottaa was given to the rontraetor. aud it was-hls flarj to know wlmt eicava tionr bad been n.ade. Tbfl siibject wns referrcd to the rouiLsel oT lha Uoard. The rouiml.te** of exnerte to examlne all the bulld Inirs erected durlng thc last slx yeara wlll be announced thls week._ NO TBAOE OF BLEWITT YET. gTBOBfl AVORI>R VB/oU TUF. LAVVYKR OF THF. MfRBDN MAiN ANT> FltOM FRIF.J?r_r3. Has James Llewitt been kidnapped mr sccre*ted bv some of hls frlendJt Tlds qiiC-Uon ls jnu-Ilrg some who have foUowed the stor>' if hls sutldcn and my? MfltaUfl disapp(_j.ince, from Uie Astor Hoii?-e on Frlda\ Mtarnoon* HM attomey, Isuac N. MUlcr, of No _RB Broadway, >_ld thal on Fildtiy afteiivjon. a few minutes Ijeiore <i..'(Ii.( li. Ulev.ltt c_lled at hls -RMfl and lnrjiilmd of U.e Janibir for Mflfl. Thls ls the last time Uiat Bfl was BBM Ly any onc. Mr. Miller was Indi-nant that it shouid have baaa suggested tbat lie hnd hlddcn hls eBaat awnp, as sudi a pi.Keeding would ei.nri.. pitjadloa against Hlewltt U.e motion now pendlng ln ihe suptente Court. Tbe |888_BM of his BBBjHp was to Baaa Beaa dodded aa Daasa-tat 2^ BsfltaB a sherifl's jury l.y order of J-daa MOflfl 'ic_cb -1 MM ?? Hh'Witi on ItafBdap. when nt his re quest I made a modon nrkirg for hl? cudody tlll tlie <n*o stioiJd (ome to trlal,* Mr. Miller. ?' LataB-M Siiiplc, afb-t-iey for Mra. fllewlU, fleciircd tlie defeat al tbi? BBOttOB b.v answering U'.at hls vlfo was tlie proper petaaa to bave aaasRB of '|!l?. Tbe __aM mat ler l> otie of the gieiitcst _8flia_RB on reioitl. On April ?_7 Mrs. Itlen'.tt ca.sed her Imsband Ui he drs-lored lusanc aud incHircnilcd In the Blooiulngdttb* .Asvlum by a Jury wlo never saw hlm. Hlewltt knew B8-BBBB of thls, foi on May 7 be uindo a will, leavlng all BM v; 9 rt*, vuhied ut $00,0i)0 or ?10o,00), to Ms wlf*. IRM wlll WBfl drawn by an old famlly attorncy, Fredcj-lc Rvaito. AppRuBRon to bave the nnitter opened agaln was made on Jtinc. FJ. lhc ("ourt fius decUrtd all of 9A**t praeoodBBRi Irregular. for t'.erc araa no llllng Tvith thc Countv Clerk M B etipy of the MM-BBBBP, as HOflrtdfld bjr the luw. No wrlt of habfRs corpu- ...ul. hs'. >? rBMaaed -fliiaitt trom RtoonalnRflaM, as lie ?beadi baaa deeMrafl m?_.n. bp a Baa___Mta8 Dt. Kldd and i'r. Ingrain. lii** flajM uicn wbo derlared Nellic BU and K. M. Fidd RMBSe, __-H_fl-M - IlJewlU ?? I shall BBBBB a inolion befon* the BapraflBfl (>>urt ta Baaa tlw irhoM n.i'tfor Mapad tm my eRaat cun bfl Rtttnd," added Mr. Miller, ?? i have aJMavltB bcra fiom Diiuici ii. Mi.itb. (.Jiniiii1 daofl* (i Laaaap 'n ctghtafln jreara. who stiw RtowtM as o/iui __ four ijiiie. u w.eii. au3 bfl daelarflfl thal h" is aaRBrtag from nothing morc than inu?cular paralysis. WlUiam C. Iloyt, -lon.-r of Lunacy ; BolBBB-8 Jfiirrett. ,i. B. HawMPi .i i'i-.i, u-iiig phpfllclaa f?r fltoaaa years; . hariea B. Garriiao, J. Waalap BbbMR, IMawilj of tho Btata itoard of Laaaap: Fredeaic Btrarta. Fnderic Urw, iaaaea M. Hapha., i:.::ry W. MeBahon, .bi.'i . - I'.. -Brfth, wht? has k: own M.wit? for twdvo ?nd 3**mt 9. llBfljhofl 11. witcs r-p-aaaatatlaa on thfl C-Oflolhtatafl BtaflB aafl NapBteaai Baahaage, nll nnlta In te* lartag RtowIM t? be perffloMi s.y,e. und I li.o.. s.vorn BtataBBaaM ta ihtt e)!.*<'t. The Cpnu Iaa'ak <.l Ent Umto**, of wMeh Llewitt is a ?Mmber, haa takea ap lii- oaai T!;/> Fev. Alfrei RMwlMi of No. 806 RTflflfl Thlr.idii li., waa out when a ItR-ttat calied. Lnt 8 iiietntier of BM f-.niu iaM thal Drth-Dfl MM been baard ta re yai_ ta ui" nMfl-BB bi'other. Al Ra. .76 West Thirtv second-st. tbe wlfe of thc i.i naa eaaM not isj , ? but word waa s-i.t ti,_, aba bad piuced the wis.le matter ln the handa of ln?peetor Bjnrni -. Mfl ihH' no o-Panflfl flrooM t*e sp_r*- to nnd hlm. a iiqn of Mr. I-I'v.ii. -^li'i bl? tather ('??? ""t voo walk *uin a eane, and waa only sIlgMJy Mms ta tt* Mfl MR from parily-i-. ?__-_. )im.... JOHX lOBBB BBB OtEVBBBBWTf. Lcwinn. Dae, 14.-Tbfl -uit for dtvaf-B ol Ml_s Flor tt.r,. ,-t. Joha Bfaln-t bcr lin-biuid, Diipianer Mariaa, eaaaata an end todaf. IRa laip ladflaB t'iat ^r- NaMaa wa- no? gilltv of the ad* oi ciin-lty impiited to J.lui l,v Mia- Bt. .lohii. aud RaM Mi ? .?:. laBa wns not gulltv ?f inRfla-ttjr, aa eharaad by Mr. Mariaa. TM <v.urt pwtafl Mr. OBRaa Ma bobM ta BM action. Th- aaaaMaa who sluill pav the oVMt M*M BfBfl ml -Otled. Th. BiM altnofli aa-Mfl ."-day va1- a Btea. Mefltand. ghe teatUMfl -Bat RM had BBaa Mr. Marifla flriBhthg md tbat bJfl BOOd-M fiichtci:,. h. r At hur Coli.ii. tati co.t-poiid*'ii( M tha caaatarartlan Mrdl?--aB btaUtatad 10 Mr. Blartafl a?:iln-t MMfl Bt J'-*'"'. ^*';?- ,l"" '":*t HHIHI II" tuiUlkd that Cicre MM never been any iiudue b-Bdltortt. btawoBB him-eif aafl HM psBRoaflr. Ha ni.ii Um ttjttttaBBr at BMata -Rrie br T'lib-tit. lha fedlng Bfl cntertalned fo." her w:i- oiu: oi raapaM **M adiniMtiou. CRaaaM oc fcafll Btm* Bgrsafl not to addifhh Rm |a_* 8JM JaMtafl H*Mt *nmmA*t to MM uo thfl 8888. BTMB tbe \crdld v.a> suiiisinccd ItWM ? cd *d wltb rtia-w 4i*d a-lth crtofl id H9nif*\ A ,,,.(.1 niimbVrlng i,o?r|i-r*M.? i.d ."?*?- Mr. MarhM toto ti." ^""?| '?"n Baartlfi -haarod hl- rletorp. M?s m. John bft thc court .julntlT and no notlce was taken UlCBABL BiVITT TO BE A VAXD1DATL. imblln. ixv. 14.-rx?pi_s the tnlurli* MBfltBafl by hlm at Watcrford pBBRBdBf Michoel DavHt W fltill ln the iH.htlcal llold. ln canloT-dty wiLh tho RBJBBBl M ttl^ MaOBll8|l81 leadTi., Mr. Kearm. Um ****** ** Outt McCarUiTMea tor the aeat Ma Waterford ln th_ WeuseAlcollQl pure alcohol to make \V'oi99 9 Acme bl.ACKiMi. Alcohol is pood lor leather; itiagood fortliChkin. Alcohol istliethief itiRredicntof Colo^nc, Florida Water, and Bar Htitu thc well known fa.e washes. **.Ve think there is nothing too costly to use in a good leather jireserrative. Acinn Iilackiug rctails at 20c.1 and at that jirico sells readily. Manj people are so accustomed to btiying 8 dress iug or blacking at Sc. and 10c. a bottle that they cannot nnderstand tliat a black ing can ba cheap at **\\ Wc want to meet them with cheapne.s if we can, and to ac coniplish thia we olTer a rewanl of $10,000 for a recipe which will enable us to make Woi.ff'h Acmk BaVAOfBVB at such a price that aretailer can profilably sell it at 10c. a bottle. We hold this otfer open until Jan. lst, L8BS. WOLFF & RANDOLFH, Phlladelphia. Five College Presidents were asked this question: ??Take a boy forced to leave school at fifteen but who wants an education : what would you him?" They will an swer in the Youth's Companion of 1892. Special articles every week. An Illustrated Family Paper 500,000 Subscribers ?-a*Q|-?pi to new Subscribers Jr** IvGa-} for 180a frorn the date thelr Subscription ($1.75) ia recelved until January ist . . The Youth's Gonjpaoioa BOETOfli AVASSe If you want to spend one dollar and a half for a Christmas present, we have a very pretty nickel paper weight aud clock eoiubined for tliat suin. If you want to spend one hundred and twen ty-flve dollars, we Imve a very lmnd souie grandfather's clock for that. SETH THOMAS OLOOK CO., 49 Maiden Lane. EHTABLISHED OVER FIFTY YEARS. RANDEL, BAREM03E & BiLLINGS, AXD CUTRH OP DIAMONDS a.nd 0-UBB PKWloi's BT0BE8. The Lawat A**ortir..nt of fn-at J>iau..?nd? and Diatmond ISDelrf ln thi* Country. QOODS SENT ON APPR0VAL TU RESPONSIBLE x* A RII fc*"*. .-,8 NA_SAl*-ST. AND ? MAlDEN I.ANE, NEW-YORK THE ABDALLAHS A Pure Earpllau l.'iB?rette._ 1101*0 of OaaaaBBBB, aaeaat by the aa_B oi Rieh ard Power, ha- wtthdrnwn trom tlre nniesl *o*n Mr. DavlU hlmstli Bfll stnnd ns M.e M.t'arthylte BBB d'dote. Mr. and WluBBB O'Hrieu. lt will iw taBBBBBBaad. hud g<>no to Wat .-rfowl to 8Bff8tl Mr. Baaaa'a iinHlalari. aai aUla Ihay aara aa the way lo tlie NM-BBBl Club. wiicre a MeCafBB*fMa nieeti-nt aaa to ba aaM, 0*9 aaaH aMaaBai by tha aupporteia of John R.dmond. the BBaaaOBa tmtMM**, and aariaj lha aaaa-el Mr. DaatM iaaal**ad a BBtaaa blow on the fOBBB Md. This ineld. nt aaaBM lo Imve ,-onvlixed tbe BV i/arihylio- that, lt "*j^t? *?_ L Setv BtaShMd b ur. r; aad, IhoaeB ha bad prev-iousiy Mteaad lo ?aaapt lha nDealnaUaa, IBa attaeB aaaa hlm vcrrtctday evidor.tly Baaaaai him bt chnnpo hl? niliid. A BETtTBN OF THE GRIP BIPECTED. SRVBRAL DEATH* FROM THI' BIBBOB AI,RE-ADY BKPOBQ o. "Tlie inrtlcatlons are that the frr_*i ha- iak.'n BM*' York by the HBBal a;ca_ i." --aid a ********* ,)f lil*' liealth Department BaBBBMaa*. '-Many I* IBBBB bBBB beaa aBkhaa aaaa b*8 tha aaataii daitag Bm Iaal w<eh ii-id s-veral deiths l_av<* \>?en BVtmM bf lt ln ftimplicwtion aBh other eaaajB-i-aa. BTa piahahljf ?)uii baaa nn afMaaak of tJ.? laaaaaaa la tiius MMj d-uHi*H the BBd lt B BBBBaalhla <?> aB| ><* aaaaaal ahclhrr U am bc bbm aa-naai aa Baa aeaara Okhi HM ei.idu.i. of la-t wl.'i.'r. I*:-.>*, BBB havo had an BHaah al lha plf ??" aai bava laaBaaUf ***** l,he dl*K, ai they urj llabk* to ^V'V tn,m ? ***** or third BlBinB BJHIl the 8Bfei*BBta BWA N''1*" Tarhan have imd darlag rvv.. jraara Bm ? o"~bt uj ix* pra~aa*ed from eaaatag mary deatha l'hy -Irlans BN BMBtllar Wltl BM 8*1888-8 BBd iBMar bow u, raeor-Me and tt> it acaaarly. II ****** :-:'?, eaiatal lha da-ig-r Boa laflaaBta B ikx paat, Baaara it ib lactaaaed i-y a eeaBpBcallaii atth -*>iiic aahaa ilBBaaa." B-nporta to Dr. Jaha T. Baa* . ed N a Bareaa of "rHal OBiBaBta. Iaal aaah taaaad thai Buaa paraaaa had dicd fivm toaaaaaa. IBey bbtb Baaa BtBwirar, w*i BAtta-MMtt, cl Bo. 1387 Badfcj?B-ar?.; Bllxa H-o-ar, Sed alBiti -f Wo. 135 E^t *******_,V'.-.',R? Uflorw Lod*. li-lrty "??? ? oW, "f -s??- 'l8' '?'!??'" ,i\v> Two deVJis Irom taflueiiza ***a*s :--;"--.i ?* , :,i>v. The )/I-tlnM wero Slmon A. A*eba, a_?i flftrooo, ,.f Bo. 80B v..,t PITU -I.*.... *?-?... ??_.J"I? iiiiik.-r. twentj-ooa raara aM, ol Ba. J-1' waai ?*> ^Ulrn^iiKliaiii. Conn.. ln-. II (Spcclal).-An epldernio tf rrtp b*r* reached thls t am. Thera are **?'&*** ink vlth it. ln oaa taadti three pe? ?m dn-rt or paea moula loUowtoB an ntUca ?i the jptp. ****** -1; Davla rtltd yeaiettli;y. aml Mr. and Mra. lUrrj ?l;'""; this morrilof. AiwjdIb haa many eacaa, a'-" ***** -in.l Bhfll ui are al-o --'irleri'i!*. CMcSoTlSc. W.-Dlapatcbti to a nion.lnjr PJ!"T trwa Baaa. ad Um bu_er Htae* a*a*te eaantn gwrar thaft on itr-*ntitit of tne ptevatUna artat aaiap aawarr, taa icrlp i, atniin preraMOi At h<>me point'. lt U s-vere. wblla at oSien *rhllt epldemk. II 1__< a i.uUl form. Oovernoi eleel McKlnI"j la tralfarini frorn an attaeB oi the tin'adv at Csaton. Ohlo. At Nilwoakee I.-muel Klchar.;-. 1 lonp tlme Hend of th. Itev. Dr. I'.orlti.. Ol Evansloo. who Hiled himself a f-w dar? BfO. tom mittert Bolelde arhOa iaiarl_8 f.-o'n lha P*P raatarBaf. JUBTICM*. BBX1WB AND LAVAB ILL. l^hlmlna Dee. IL JaaMi 1 Baaara a:id Unaar, of lha Ibbbbbm Oaarl oi Um DBBad aaaBa, are eaa> fin-Td 10 (ii-*tr beaaaa aafi aHaafei al the prtp, aaleh hai ai-?> aflaeaad aaher iBaaaban of lha eaBH in a m,ider form._^__ .1 PBOTE9X TROM mWUCTABB., De.. li HBgb Daj B ha.- addres-w.i b leiter ti ii'--..i.nt Miniu-i OaflBaata BBd |ha aaVajaaaa of lha raiwallaii af Lahar C-aai an. *. iarlealag a ? ir.i'1-.r praaaal aa Bm mhfaal ?>f "taa IBapj ad mls-ioti of tho .-lriiu.--s i.r. heatra into thls country in plaln and Uistltit t vlolatioti uf tlie Alien Cootni.l LahBf law." Mr. Coyle <**y* Iio lnt?*tdf. to l^v* in BBBBBBl ln the ll<m*i a iv.jiieet for a eimiinlt'.-. U. ItivesUKale not only the -dml-Kloii <?f tbe * areh.-stiu. bill of the tlire" Me il.?ui band? whi.h were playjii* nt Interloi expoiltiona dtirttiK' tlio pr**-?*nt jr-ar, i?'id Um ABBBrlBB boy b_"'d. all pUjlng here uudi*r 8-BBBBBi NEWS FROM NKW-JERSKY. JEIttKY CHY. Owing to tho lliness of District-Attorney Wlnlleld from hemorrhago. 8BBB8I by an operatlon BB hls throot, he wa* yexterday un*ble to try the ra** of the elertioti ofliccrs charged. wlth ?tu_ffing a ballot-box ln Oio Flfth 1're.inrt of thc lst District ln iho fall of lfl*<u. There wlll, In nll probabilltv. bo anv moro of Ihaaa eascs tricd before June. _ EUZARKTII. A blg dclejjatlon of flrem'-n from Wilmintrton. Del.. BMBBBMB of Washlnpto.i Enpine Coiiijxtiiy of that citv, went to Kllzabcth ye-terday and ptaBBBlBi ? beaatttai _tt flag, with eheay iBUi aanBoaatei by a poM plated eagle, to P.olla F.ugine Company of beth, for oourtosiea est'nd'il b> the Delawarc men whon tliey went t<? tn tuke purt last o. to bor in the tournnmont of tlio Elir.abotli Fite IVpan nient. A handwuicly ciiKros^ed set of ro-xiltitiun-. ac eotnpaaVed tho flai*. Tbe presetit-tion was roade bv 9. .1. Ileidomialer, of WllmlnfViii, and speerhes wero aiade in re-sp?ii*e by Poretnan MeCRfidless, of Balla Company; Flre Chief Aat-falk, of K.lirabrth. nt..', othetav, To-duy tha dele*fpatl?_>i] wlll call aa the New York and RrooSlyn VetorsU) Volunu**** Flremen. and lo nipht they wlll make prescut.vtlons of slmilar r-so Ititions, entrrossert a*n1 framed. to PfOteeUon atat Waab Irrton Bapna aonpaalw of rtew-Branawlek. ut vbtcb cltj tha* aara alao hoapttabb eatertadaed durinp thelr ?..-it io Bear Jeraey. uui nf-ht thev visited Bahway, aeeompaolad by the sBeera of the Bttsabeth de] ??< neot, and atteiidc<l a ball of thc Ruhway Firc Di' nient. _ NEWARK. Tho reetxtnt of the vote-. for Aldermnn In th", Thlr t""nt,i Ward was eontlnt'ed In tho eOBftfl yi"terd.iy. Th.*. counting of lha Brel vattBg pi-eein.t ballata aaa llWlUlhilad and showed a yuU\ ot ten v08M tor 1 W >? Dea-MfBh Thc error nrose ln ealciilntlng tha balBOO - from dahtta nnd cicdlts, the total 9Xt befeBf 9*** ** ?2'*1 mt I'lrich. The reco;int of the aeeoad voting pi*> eln-H pnve lha Republlcan conrtldate B g?l" "f **?*?, A))d Um Denoeral Iaal oue. Tho fourth dtatitet eoaat showed 110 BTianp The third district waa eoeatBd on s.-nirriay. In the four districts. not roimtin;,' the d .puted ballot*, the Ropubilcun candldnte ****** BBB Bhaad, hnvlng lost nine of Ma deelared n.njor.ty. if the flfty haOoaa laaajnated for th.* tUatriet ind1 voi?iyiu th.- ttiisi for the l^Vn^v"wCi 1 i<ai.l- :?'. nr.' tb.own OBt tha Hcp.'blu-aii najotttywtn lo- - llftr. Cpon tha result of the eonteel U***nM* tbe ran Bo\ Ot tho Common Couiicll next yar. lf tbe1 ( nm u should bo DemocriHIc the eiitir-* miv hiucr,, legu biliv'r ai.d executive. of the miinkipal government will bo ln Democrntle lainds. -.?-? OTHER SUBURBAN TOWNS. WESTCSBBTEB COUNTY. TIIF. LA-sAK WILL CABB BBTTLKD. Thi- .v.-.:t<?-.t ;.mori(r tho hrirs of Frnn<-!s I-a-.C <?' Dohba Ferr,, pBwBUJ ont of an ejectment still Insttlated by Mi--. AntoWiotte Uicinda Sr hermorhorn, of N< w XOtt <'i?o'. ajtalnftt her sister, Mrs. opheha J. OBV bert to otist tho latter fr.)m the possc-lon of th" l^saii B8Bl Bt Dobbs R'try, and thti> BBea Bf BBBBl tho pnilliBm aphad Uie validity of Mr. La**'* will. wao araicably -?*ttled la lha Hiiprem-.' Omtti ai WBB8B BlalBa yesb-rday. befor- Jadaa Bart* lett the la-.vye-? rerprescntliig UM i-especUve parUBi i-i Ltmni BfraelBg le lel Itoa. BehafBMrBnea aad >"> Marcaret Ir*-.. datifthkr irf the d.-d raillionolre, hare tl.elr pioportionate nt thc La**H e?tate. aa rhoueh Mr. Laaah had dled iBtaaBBBB. This eaae has heen in (he roi.rte BhMB the death of Mr. Laaah ln 18-- Ile ln hls lifetlme wa.s a BB-UBBBfal men hiwit ln the fur BBBB in New York Citv. and lt. Ma eartj b? laaaa lla is aaM to havo boen BiaeeMBBi artlh .loiin foeot Aaaar. IB the lattor yeurs of hla life h^ i.v.v. Bl Dobbs Perry and enjoyed the Income of an est_te NBaated at a-rcral mllllaaa ?**^^1^*\1tfe|Sd iIih) i,n l^tuiii* acoentrlc near Uie caoeeoi m- ure, miki .^hi -v Mr - >chcni,rhon. ddad alth heT mother ... a inairel botween her parBBU, whl'h brofct? up the MM <mt off with the Licome on #-H).000. LOHO ISLAND. LONG ISLAND CITY.-The trial of Mayor Glea^on, under an Indictment l l.arping Wm wlth IMaaaB M the aaeOBd iaffBB, artB begm txi-day 111 Uie Queint OBBBty Court. jB-ge (iarre.son pivsdlnp. Thc BjMBr la eha-aai with ilaleealBn Aifre* B**aBBVa saou.dcr la B rtrafgh for nbm patara a. a ********* Board of Health. held 011 the night of JBB8 80 laat. The Quer-ns County Crand .lury yes erdi.y investirat d tne eaar-ea bbb-b agalnst Ma and two poBea oBcara ?___? n?!?___? Bmmth an hupeetar of e:e.t..>n. -pa* '^s'V.o'iblv K out of Se polling p:u.c by .-rder of \iav..r GkaaOB, a:id orivMed. FI'EE1'<)RT.-Mi?. David Mlller, a M*M?har_tf?M Dombs 8 Kleiv of Uie First HaptUt thurrli at F.-e-port. 5SW5 axftaB* \t*yz LTJSeare *n\** M b* eaata Srh, tha dojl tobe rJe. t.d to the one ob.alnlug tlie m.xt fOfca. There 1^ iiin.' con."sta ts. amoiiR wh* ni wa. .1. nnle Mll er. daoahtn"ofMra Miller. JennM BUler obtotoed the mSrt vote*. but her ratarna were r.ot h.nnded ln iin-il most v paaa, "?? ?3 f eloatng the ronteat, and an ;:tnhcrr t% ?%**I ti%"?!?- The atfilr ha, caused much excltement._^__ YELLOW FEVER ON TIIE ADVANCE. SHE BraNG-"V.'0nn THAT TIIKDI-FA-V. ISP.AllN.'i in bkahuab p.^rt>. Th" Cnited btates and Rnv'-il Ma!l illBMBMf A*V raoee arrlved hare yeeteNei fnm BraaUtar porta, aad nported Had Mn ot her crew, the earaaaler aad the qoartermaatar. had dled from fdOoB tever ea BM roraaa. Tha Biaef is reported ar. rapleg at BanBoa. The (leiih ral* In the ltt* * la:g". BBd laUOW are dvinc in alaiailaa naBBMia aa the dUpi anehored In the !.,-. r. Thc .ondltto:. of otfaira lu Rlo de JBlMlra B.8 dio irported as bed Boa a naBarp aotoi of rlear, the domeatte traaaaa of Braall baalaf relaxed the itrtel ragalaUooa for the paeaacllBa of the pi-biie beatfb ?HiBb wera aaa-rrad ap Dom Mnt Oarerarasai Tho ABaaaae Bfl Baalei aa November 10, Kio on November 15. RahlB Novemh-r 21. Pernauibuc.. Novcm ber a-',, Maianhao Nover.:t'.*i* 18, PBlB PeCMBber I. Baihadaea December 5 and >t. Thomas Daaaaahar - ihn torer broha out aaaoag ih? erew somi after the ftaaal BA kattea, and on Bovaahef 17, ahOe the ;' P wns batwaaa BJe ead Bahla, Um ihlp'a earpeBter, WW laaa B. ThoaMa, dled o-UMBread dltaaia. At 1 abfa la-ea ..f tive erew aere ieal la u.e boaptfhl Beh arllb the fever. The ship ?as .iiii.-.iiitlned at Bahh for .-v. ru! davs Oa Novemfr ia, tha dav after tea-lna Naran Imb QBarterBMBtet ?>- H. Baleea <M^d of peHoa tever. N? other easea M Behaaaa f..:iowe-i. BJhae IBe Ad raaee reaehad Qnaiaotlne reateraajr, hoaarer. ahe ae dete.iiic.1 for dl-i: f--ilon. Thi. wa, ui-relv a p Uoaarj awaaair ?- fto-t -BB lha lana ol pellaw tever, a-d thara B no peMOrfBtp of tho dbaaaa belni latro duccd hcr<* Bt Uda aaaaoa ot tba year. lne loi'dtuou o.' thluR at .--.uit.'s and Rlo 1- Mld ta be entirsl) duo 10 Uw dtareg-rd ol Uie uuiitarj Uiwb ei net. 1 nnder the Bmplre. The ImmlgranM wlio havj liKkcd to Rlo and fj!.i^- ol MM ara wporMd 1- dymg ln t'.' Btrceta at tbe -at<* of twenty live or U}!rfj a lay. The ablpj ot tho Bia_ll Maii Llne me ohlhtal f 1 men preea?a_n aKnlrwt tbe torer and **"".> ov * oonMant -v=t-m of lianigaUon and eutj the utmoat rh'.-Ti'lir---." When the iffvance rearhed Bahta -h* toood Uw oerman Uoyd ateamahlp Welaer then*. Nearlv all t*t her CTBW wen- s'.-k wlth fever. ??- .? ? tBTEJE 9MBJB90 ov CMBMBt VlAMOXtn. The aaaaal bbmIIih <>f lha Banhalton Athletlc Club wns heM at 'he iilalihaaaii. PBrty-fllth it. .md Madlaon ?V(.., !., t BifM. Tha Hai ii-t tataraal aaa naal f.*-r -d by Ihe ni'miliew aud the hand-onie Uieatr. where t.he mwting wus beM aaa erowBtd. PweMenl ?..-..'o- vv. CBrr alBi Beer lary C C. Iloghe at hls l?.ft. and tho liaaaiirer, B/alsoa >t-'r.u. al hi liljht. The repilars ar-.d BPyoattton clashed ut times, l,ui tho UlBMlB -Wt humor i?r ITBlled BBd BO) aUvuioi Bl u].o:i hosUJUy \w. proinptl- qu<-.'ich,'d. Ihe aui'.il nient t>. laeraaaa tha aaaaal aaaa from #J<) la BW caii-od a lively dahB88| and thc BBBHar was (li allv l.ii'l ou Uie Uible. Mr. .-tortn's repoit tnet a iiko falr. \ r** w;u, pass.^1 e\pi\*--iii:g Uie hirhe-t r.v'aixi foi and btliel ln the lnte?rlty of Mr. .stuitn. Tl..- exaeetod boaih, a reaototton to arfthdraa from the ABMiteur AthMlc Unton, did not explode. Dl fti-t tho matter w-^i not araa meaBaaed ln ih>- ni<-.*i Ma, TU aaMaaBMBl mi? **t?^ ?' ????"? a l m mamb* ot oae who had bakxitpari to th.* club f>* llftceu years upon pt)iiient of HO0, was al*> lald tiiom Ihe tnble._t 11AGER TO WTB THE DEM'llATI'- COSVEXTISKX. B-BraaBaa, Daa. m.-oiw hundmi alttsaaa, iaf re--eiiUiiB a capital of s.*veral nill'ioi. dollars, to-d iv sljni?I thoir name* to _ guarantee fund of a?l.K),o.)- 1.1 pBK-tha aaaaaaaa of Uk* tMaaaaalto National Ooevaa BBB, should lt be acrurert for Mllwntilov. A " bBBB-BB" | BBBBBBBBM haa been aelecu-d und Indel i|iiatt>-r- -e. ure-t ln WashlliKtoti. One of the bu MeaBBtoe wlll B8Bd . earlaad al beea t.i UM cnpiui for fi-ee dbMbBBBB. au arctdtect who examiii.-d the Fipositim BbUCBM Jj ?y tmpOTMt that their woald be .1 -Mtln:,- - MB ltv of 2-!oOO.'i -latidltig room for .*..0(X). nnd fottv eluht de.|."fatlOn rooms. 9*\ IBBL Do.'. l?> A BMflUBf of Ihe .lolnt (ommitt.?e r.n QuBiaaBna PaaaBBBaa aad aadHoelBaB ^'r ti.e DBBBaeaa-i BBBbbbI OBBfaaaiaa ?**?? haM OU motb Inc IIBBBBJ LuWlor ?uBniltU.*d uu opinion tliat the citv could leimllv build the propaaan audtUiriuiii by Uio *t ooo.iaK) B?JdlUoiuil tax- A rtwolutimi requoBttna ? tfcctl 'ii w?? udopted. Roth bt-uclus ..f t!i^ rou icll have hy utianlmou*) vote, fuvo-ed the pnipowed inctliod oi bulldli.i a inaiiimoih aiidlilriuiu. Jj(tof_H-S ONI5 _G.rvJOY_sl Both tlie me(hods and rexiilt* when Syrup of TTflR ls taken : it ls plcosant and r^frcshlng to the taata. and acts jrentiv. yet promptly, on thc Ktdneya.^ I.lver and Ilowcl... cleinaing the system effeetuallT, dlspel.s c.ihls. lietiducbes i *C levers a-l < M ha?> lttial cD'.stnv.fioii. Svrup of Fijr* is the only ren_. edy of its kind ever prolticed. pleaaing ta the tasta and acceptable to 0M atomaeh. Prompt ln ita ao ti->n, nnd trul.v l/cncticitil in ita efTcct.s, prepared only from tbe more healthv and agreeable fl-b atonces, ita many excellent o,ualifies commcnd lt to a!i; aad hive 88888 it the most popular remedp known. Syrup of Fi_3 ls for sale ln 50c and $1 bottlea by all kadtng (iiu-gi-ts. Any reliable druggtab who may not liave it on hand will procure U ptoaptlp for any one who wLsI.cs to try it. Dfl not aoeepl aay BBfcatttsB.. CALIFOPiHIA FIG SYRUP CO., HBR M_AR__80fl. ?:Al_. I.OIIiVII.I.K. KY. NEW-VORK. S. Y. 2tfow fteatiy-Holiday Number FRAJKTK LESLIES (For Janlutr\h tS99)t II. A flp-fltB-lj BBRBflRafl flfllhfll. wlth hvd^ome Ulomt nat?(J ,o.*r. flflBMlag, am.nsj other Intereitln. fflatiim, Uv tollonlug: ?TIIK llinillllllUBI QI'B-STIOV AN'D THK F-l'RO IKAN KQlTI.inUIl'M." by J. I-i'id WVson; "THR BBA ROR8B8 (WALBV8BB. AXD THKIB fl.'liASl,." by Bi aml Ingcr-flll: ?down TBB I'lioNi;." by Profewtor Mfl-MoRflBI "POOLR ABR MV TIIK.MF,.-' by >!_.-. V. RTflBflRfll "WOMAN-. I.1KK IX TTBKJ.Y," bv OltTfl Harpw: "Nl.vy.YoKK PBOM A CABI.E CAR," br VlrglnM Daaeaa. 100 lllustra.ions and a Beaiitiful Colored Plate. Price 25c. per Copy. NOW IS THE TIME TO SHBSCRIBE! 33.00 per Year. $1.50, 6 mot. New Volume lieiiins with ih* Jnmtai'fi Ntinilier, Those who ?ub>trib_ r.ow ior 1M0_ will recelre thfl .HKIi-TMA*-. NI'MHEB (18811 PRJEB. ClubMna terms a.-t on app'1 fltlou. BpflflftflSflfl eopy, 10 ccnta. Addre.i, ?tllt***. HRANI- UBBUB. PublUher. Na*. 110 Klfth Avrnnc. New Yorfc Little Girl?ct, papa, pleare do buy me one of them Singer niachinea. Papa-WUy. petl What could you do with a machine ? L. (}.- Make hij? dollics, papa, Juat like mamma and I saw on Broadway. _"<? jjci-B'it, darling, t-inger macliinea don't maka dollie.s! r _J.?_0, yes, papa. we aaw 'em'. an' mamma said it'wuN tlM SiiiKcr placo, an' all the pretty ilowors an1 pictures an* dollies was made on the SlnBCT maclune, an', oh, papal such pretty (iretsse.! NOTE.'?The little one had viaitcd tlie Singer Maniifacturinp Company'- Art Kuoms at 92B Broadway, New-Vork. ? HOLIDAY GIFTS.* DIAMONDS AND WATCHES ia _.p<<li>lty.i IMPOltTKKS \\l> JIAMKAtTin-M. WAT.'IMS DIAMONDS, CBAIBB, RICB Jl-W* ri.ltv'r.w.M ... A_ff> BOClStT fl-UKHCB. ??THE BBKBBICT." Only per.'ect ceff, Rflflflfl aud . ,.i,i buttOfl I'.J.'- All ia an. Mflfl*. (?v* in Um i netgt -ii'i Blflfl arfl<*iafl i "? -? tl.e buttinhnl,-. ftitjug. dun. Mfl, -nd caa ... _djust.*d with p f ..-r (Mfl No weir or teflr, ul. can be put on any tl-ivfl (PtTFN'T.) be:.\::dkt hi-OTHers, KBBPBRB OP THK CITY Tl.MK. BRBBDICV Hlil.DlMi, 171 mtmimtv, ? . artlandt St BENEDICTS TIME. ERTABUBBBB IRRt. GeiWeli. Keep By using That Matchless Malt Tonic, \ / 1 ^ -"-__yr NICHOLSON'S WCllfl mimB\^mWL\QV\D BREAD. Nothing equals it ?invalids, conva fescents, and 'fagge _? out' people. Got I.IQUID BREAD. Don'texpectasgooJ results 'from tiie ' just-as-good' kinds. At lciwtin. and Grocera. PE.EUMONIA |,|'UK- 1^ KVEBl COLD. Oa?fl ia Bm Hunt** m ^-c -i**1"* of ? nm. um u*rribi? inooflflcr -UDMki aafl clalmfl ****T*Au*. Tflfl eau n*-a t out or v.?u tt* it*n It out, but ti I l Rti-flf vo') muM Dfl \.-ry pfo' and f_i_-f-l " fflBI flflfl M DR SCHEXtrs POLMSIC SYRUP Sflfl i.atur_l guarUI-u of tl.e lunjji B____M -11 i.iflaii.u.aU-iia a'ld r-op^trona, .iti'l tl. < inln-hty proUrUjr ut tneir ti-cnirfl roar eoMl Di-arm your I'liNini.itila-tha d*_4 l'_?: ciu-i.iy ot i.i-i Kiiid ! Vou iJive ? l:U!?.i,aii tn thfl HULMONIC SYll1 1'. ne.,-.' piflaeara uo mmtf et Wi-i 'ui.i.'- '?<? t lt..?:_...: As ,.i ii.l to uatiir,. ?>*.*iji all thfl .... r tloci-,. flflfl tii.' su).r?,'li. llv?'i' and Uiw.-la by uicaufl UK. SCIIHCini N.^DRAKK PILLS ...,) ?? t yeur mt t u> ! in,. ? -, tuou-t r PNEI'MONIA. tini*. f--? of lt* .1 _dly anp. and flflflfl Bfl fl Ui'f in Ui- nU-lit. Tlie IT L.MDMC >VlU'P, (bfl M ANbi'.AK!'. I'll.l-S placfl th"+. i.i. fuard, and all la irwl,_ Dr. HCHRSi'Kf Hook on I n.i?uii.|?iloii. l.l.rr loa. uliilnl hihI Mywi'i-p-ln. ??*ut friH?. I)lt".l. ll. ifr-IKXCK A MIN. Phllndclphla. Ha. J.CURLEY&BROTHER, Bflflflfl M'lTAHI.E HOK HOLIDAY . HE8ENT8. 8WARKKNST., 2 POOBB BBOM ukuadwaY. 1IILE8! PILEH' Btttllh hoiiK' t(*stimoni aU; In.iiut relief', |i?<.ltlv. **t*\ imm1f4 1.| "'Mt. Addreas r. ?,.'.. Ul. UO l.tb^rty-st., N. X.