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BIG PUILISHING HOUSES -IIB WORK DON'i: BY BOMX OK THEM. BKETCIir.- ok RABfflR .- BB8TBZR3, cilAV.i.r.s RRflBBBC-PB BOBR, MACK-U-iB - CO., D. BtM-EHM _. DO. BBB DODD, Ml.VD B <"? At no otliei ilme d> i'.ic st'.res of tl.e t.lg puMl-liin? houses otrer Bi many attm. Uaaa aa just before ( lui-t ma.. Every effort 1* mude to li.h'.en Uie BarflBB M th* holiday ahupptr-ycv t.< (?___?? H from n t_i-u t*> a pleaniue. ln Decrniber, ?<- :. iule. tnv pulflahfld" BM Books whieh. by rca-or. ol tl'eir bewitiful appe*ran<c and Intere-tirm ..>itet"N B88 !"'?' BlRMfl ior t*'1"'-' Tlie book-buy.r, therWore. |{ J.e Roa-i aM araB ?1,1'il lll(" j_n few dnv- bflflan CRrlataeta, \?iii Bafl a di-pinv of volumea wliirli (MR d^lifrlit lii- eve ai.d make him aaal to linger all fla. ? CBn-tii.Hh book* are Unl of all att.aitl\c ln _Rpaail8B-8i MR Uie iltle BRpRflfl. M tlie mi___ of many. to stanrtartt ***** tt BBpratoBflaaa b.nd.n_ as well :^ to tbBflfl M BflUflfltf -P____fl and glittei. Iiooka nr_ t'uc eoatfarl and -8*8*1 of tlioae who are (llstracted over tlie pmi.l.'in nl 9MW* ing rkrlktnias glft*. fVw lf B_f U'-t***1 OBBBtM Bfl Krai.tlrd by baafcfl. ll ifl only - -BB-tar of tflfacttng un B8_aapr_Ma BBB). 8/ltB BM rrMMflfl BbR M paM* 88_a_BB| tafl--M8 8888* fleld Of huiit-ii int" t.-t. with the of B-BflBflf anfl UlaateaRaat. aa o ic nced aay Uuu he finds it BapoiMIr ... aaka a Bt -hatoe. Now-Voiii"- inprea-ae) aa :. pabB-hln. eantn aai been f?tiibll*.hfd by a aaaBMr nf tirm- B-flC. flO eredit to tne m< tropoi.- ?nd t>' tBfl nmttbn, !-??? Mafltng Boium have baaa flhawMarlaefl i> eBartfl tofle tlie bes: work. \Vhe?t;er It R t.cran? th*J Bnfl It th.; best peflkp, or haeaaaa IBa heefli M thfl timi-. Baaa been and are men with BBBB-ttflfl i" Bttatt their MflB-B. M for botth taaflfl rflBflflfl-fl, ti." reaaR haa baaa ih?t thc-.* roi.icrn- Itavc cstabiKhed wlde IflptltaBflfli- hfl Bieittarl oo* *tm% m ia_fl8-fl BMfllB-Bi-Al ..\..ii n.v anfl IRa Mpb ___-?. of IRa Bfl-fltaflMaa and ti?(? -I'l .<-et B-attat ot 0*Et feaaka, nCBORBAI iiousf ov 11 Aiti'i-R t nm.rii_.!_>. ...u.e BORO i- li-re IC'.veii ..1 ;. few flfl tlie baaflflfl Whi.1!: BaVfl Won for UiemvejM- ''.-itioil1 ,.f flMttnctlon Iii the pubUaMni worifl. Tlie ii.'iine of Haipar A Bro-h'r. aaMaraUy BflBan M bm btRb tRlaki "f MM ___>, t. iu .t* joi.s _r.d hflflioraBM earaar, ii. tha high _tai.di.i_> -i.uii it Baa s* t aafl Brafl np to, und ln tlie volumfl of iu bii'-lnevs, IMfl linn ls miiioii. Uie muat notttble if tlie worlii. Thw qBBItan of a ccnt'iry agr.. larhtng :. -li.-le yesir. tiie algn of .1. A .1. HafR-T w:. put up over Uie flaar .-f a BttM BriaRafrhOBflfl i'i Bap?n m ihe hniUiei. whi Bral tonaefl Ihe flrm w<*i. Jxa.. > iiiid .U.l.r.. Iii 18-8 .loseph We-ley Har per BM8 Uken into pui', anfl three yiurs im.i' Fletclier. thfl younp.*-i of the four Brotbara, ;-*o en toi^l t!i. liirii. siuce 1888 tho businoMi hns been cariled on ninkr thc atyle of Harper 8 Iiioihei-.. Kra tliin the flrm hud pawn to be Ihfl Burpflfl. In the *tOj, ?')d in \r2o the MeNaafl ln bu-inc-- MM compe.l^d it to in,.ve to MffflB QUfl-Mra, tn Ro. *> ClKT-st. The tirm in wlimlt 1880 eracMfl n blg bn.l-ing In .Yanld'.n Bqwara. The new MraeRua *99 tmUtoftt by fiic in I8&8, caulnB ? Mfl* "f 81,000,0-0, l.ut tl.e -RaekM Om bnlflnaflfl *mt anljf Miparaiy, ft>r the. flrm at oncc rabaUt aafl roatMnrfl t? irldea the rtrele ,,i ii cnt?yp;i-i-? Ii, lrt">4 the niil)'i;iiir*ni. :i1 "H- HMdc that it ??? thi Mrpeai paMtflhtng bouflfl iu ihe wortfl. THK PRBSEXT I'TH.M. Tlie n_Him^-mcnt Imv Been hundcil down from fathe.- tv mbb, Ihe fiiin now eonaMRnf oi .-ix de Boe-idiuit-s nt Mi,. j,,ur founflen. The.-e -i\ nre .lo-eph W.. the senior r'arUiei1, (oa of JaaapB WMdBP I John \V., -on ... .I,il... : .1. Menrv. _>. irt-.ii1 uf F'eti her t Jolin, ^nn of .inim; james Tl.. inc. aon of .laines. and }{or_1..> R., p^;.ll_^():l of .loliti anfl flOB Of J'.hll \V. The tirm'- pnhlMtttMM flaver every t* ?'? litera ture, ttjivi eapefltal pnlna Mt*t bean Mpea to bb! Bf aonie choice booha fur ihe baHflaj trafle. Xhfl Oar* fleJd flfl-ttoa of ? llen Ilin" I- B-BOOg Ihfl tm *-. intei-e.-t lng of tl.e-e. lt i- iu rwo v.ijim., wlll. tw.nty rill pago ph'.K^rraviiiT1. and l.O'u other IB_?tmtM__i as ruarglnal fliRvlBRa. QflManU WalMoe WBfl dcllghted beyond ULH-ui-e t.i tiie beant I I wor__n_nthlp of tiie editiou. fcSl__rp H?v>*,'' iiluttrated anfl WrittflB by W. UnmH ton M-BBB, ls fl.nt a BtRrMr. point of view tiie tine-1 of Uie raeaflfl Harper DOOBa. "The Warwlrk flhlie Aflon,"1 lliu-^ifltert by Alfred Nnaaa, wlth notes by A. T. QB-Rflr-O arb, ?? another lH.pnii-r haHflai brKik. ""IRtor Jbli'N.n," OflOrRt dn Mjiiiil-r's 1lr-t novcl, Baa n:a<le ii Mi, Three cliarniltip bookl *,r c^^a^s iflpiMMfl licm ? llatpei's Montlily,"' GeorfR William GMMM- "1-roiii thfl Ku-y chalr"': t*barlci BaRMp Warntt""s "Afl BTfl Wen wiviux," and William Dean Hcwells's -CHMMflB) BBfl i'tctiun," me alaa ap proprlate glfl rotauncfl. TIh* foiii- Harper periadlealR, tlie ?? M.i.:.7.iiic." ?Wcok!',"' in/ur" anfl 'Young reople," are _nOW0 ln ulino-t tv, ry hon^ehold ln ihe lanfl. 0BA1_-__I BCRIRXERI JOX' Aii.ifher htu-c wliich has achlerefl MBM l- thnt of Churlc- i-iilt .,?:'- ^ons, ui Roa. Tlt! and 748 Braafl* prap, whkh eoverfl a brnafl BeM .,. aetlvltjr. Thc retall sUr.e R tlie lante^t M the <Ity whi.h i- devolert alni _t fii'lreiv t.. boob . Ihfl laaportatloM l.v thi Brni aie aaBMvaus and iiitporti.i.t. It hus a large snl> ?eriptioti flepartaaeal ;.nd pnhttubcfl one ot the uiei.t montlily B-BfaMBea aafl b larpfl bi mbar al Manflarfl bO0k^. Tl.e iBBBfler uf tl i1 huii-e, ."l.m J.- s.virmflr. wns a eollece nmn end u Mwpar. Ia IBflfl he pabltahefl the ltev. j. t. HeaflMp. "BBpaMaa :in<i iii- flflwaiali." Whlch met wiih g***t t*MM*. "Waflhlagtaa aud His fieneiHi*," and other worbfl by thc muba aatRor wera aftermiiiTl Bt*** 1" thfl woild l.y Ibfl riirn. AjflMMR tlie leadini; A_BBMeaa *r|Mri wha ehasi Mr. tasxMMt a.s ? ihelr pnhRsher ?reia Rathaalel P. wniis, DonaM <;. | Mlt? heii. in. ,i. ... HaOaafl and Baparfl Tajior. Tle Hnn tiow oon-latfl ?. Charles and Arthur ll. Scrlbner, UU S OP stvxi.IV.s BOOK. ?aae thc paaaaBfl M lha eopyrlght law thc hoaafl has pRhHahefl i-.oks Bare wh. h h vaaM Baaiaili ba?a left to R__Bjii.ri BrBta. Hearp M. stanhw'- "Ib Dark?.>t Africn' eojejrefl thc BuRflM populnrtty of nnv book -T-flflh has reeently bflen S-mi*1.! by s. ribiier's k.jii-. **ir RBvli AmaM. ?? .iiip* ii''.;i" baa bnfl aa aa* iL-uni >;i*od ilin BjMnp tht ii'Mei baaaa. The tRhsrripfl flepnrtmenl h,an Important braneh of the tirm*- baal Bflflfl an.i eMcf aaflOHB the b(-ihs ioM by it i- the ?? i; aaflla BHtannira,1 in Raantp Bve voliiines, of whi.h .n"- SonH arc the ouly nutii'.rz.'d apeata ii thR caantrr* The "Cyrtnpaeflla af "Muilc md MaaleMBN,** "I rrlopeflM <>f RalnMn aafl , _r_-_a__SJB>" "The OlIIBB-.lltal Artfl ot .'li,:.:'." Itrvnut's ; - P-pular HlaM??*? M the Unltad Btatea" and Oreely. , -Tbree Yenrs of Aredj BBrrlre" BN favi-rlte v.i.rk ?irhleh nn* alflo " otily IRraupb Bfflnta. The new.-t book ln thi- dep-irltnenl R ? l.'-iiutifiil qtinrt... r.' .Iriine Leon WURaaaa, rnlW -The lloata nnd lluuiit- of ^.ht\,? in rrteen pu:l<. The i. trodnclion ls l.v ' lionice Howard Fnrnes-, aafl aarb part raatalna n fnii paire is*pn>-iietlc:i .,f _ WEmr-ooEtt palntefl lot tl.e ; work, l.y *oet arell-koowa artMM ai QflorRe n Raafh* j ton. \v. HaniUton Ofb-aa. r*rane!? D. Mii',t. B. v<i'\ ItBraB, Alfred PRraonc, william T. .medler, 9. ll*,i> i ldii*>ii Sinlth. and ntben*. TJie Mceeaa uf "Berlbner'i Uaa-Klno1 i- nn achleve menl <>f whlch Ihfl tlrm ? ? , , .,~t piotid. The maimtliie, Bmndefl br c iar'^- -? hi rr, wi ? %o\t ln 18ei to lhc < cntuiy fl onaany, tiu \ i?<1 r npreelng not V> a HmiI ]irrlodle_i for B?"e \?.n-. In Janirwy, J.H7, w.vs bM*n t'ie pnhBeatluii of ;, new ??.-, iinin's Vagar.lfio." whlch leapefl Into pojmlo.l.y a onee. H elretiUUlon Ims Brown t.< l io,(kmi ? ma. aml h.. extendrd from t.i- .ouii'iy i'i Europe, and .-ven Ui Anstmlla. TRR 1111,0 OP M.U MIl L\N I An Kngll-h flrm arhleh Baa bii'u for IMall n flne hnilne-fl In thi- easBarf 9 thal ol m.ii Miilian fl Co., ..f Ko. n*_ Paartfe ave. it v.h- toanflcfl M London ln ims, and pahRaaafl ihfM haaBa Ib I'm iii-1 twelve month of its ex <i -I,,-. i.i t v .? ? thfl aajabar ?;. juflt loo flaar. i- ^:-.'at anfl 18*1 th re Bai baan ?, further bMMBflfl of :.'.??'<? tOrty. I). .,? t] \. UltC mlllan aofli romixnic iho ^r.?Il ln Lor**lori O, I'. llrfltl tx_ng tlie Rtflr-Yorb part..*.'. Uie Ametlean branrh i bow over ? <pia;i?r nt ti eflntary ?.lrt. The paflflnge uf tbe Oonyrtghl art baa euablad thfl flrm t" begln Ihe publlrarl'.Mi here "f a __rl?fl i ??'??.rftj hy trrlHtnown nnttK.ra. 'lhc tacl thal lbe?e itorie ;,"- arell printe. ?ind well bouufl. ?n<l arv ioM f,i a rt .l.'nr. i, ). ilnted emi a- proot tiu* tbfl tew law iii nol Inereaaefl the i pri(*e uf -"'id *.''',k?. Next month Ihe hon .e a'lll l??n? ;i nea !??, k by Mr>. Htiinpiiiv W;.~l, called "Tbc IHntory >?', Imld Orleve," m t '.I' -itll f.u'ti on01 ol lt;'.1 leriec. Thfl aoth-sr ha? *-pi*ni | .ree veai - un It. infl -. lar1... -a! ? ot lt l? (.Htidcni'v ? vjwmcI. it i- e-tlmated fhal nearli 4O0 iico etttt't*. t < er ?? Robert K *i_e"_" were publUhefl. j Fire h"ii-*?> di\ld*d ihe iiroflta, h iwever, ,.-i account ..f the ahflflaea >.f lutematlonal eopyrlpht other borfka ln thu *erj?v. f-f .1 'I'ar noreJfl are ; < Ruflvard KlpUng, . 9. Marton Orawford, Rolf RoUnywoti, j, n. Ahort : ho-**. Martiflon -nd Cbariotte M. X- nK>'. MaerrJBan ; A. th. have Ju-t placed on ial? M-.~. o'ipbant'i new work, " Jefui-l-ni," wlth iifty UhaBtrattoaa. V..ATS yrw Till B RR E-tRRABIl - An Iniport.tit BMNBaB 18 thfl hafllBOfll 0. ti,e New- , ?York tiouflc wi;j hc .ne l/i the fad tltat it Mm licen fljipi.liii.d - I*- fg<-v.t lot thi- oonntry nt i.eo.'Kc I'.ell x Son-, an old KnplNh flrm, whMB r bflfott baen air^etiy aBpaaaaaaafl in ihe I'niioi MbAbb. TBa beat known ?RMMaflMRB ot Hcll * Baaa ure Ihfl RflhB 1 Llbrarlo?. tbe luuie of whlefa ln w .rld ?.. !<|e M_/!aii m Co ar** al-o ajr<*iiU hare far the boohs laflflfld bv Oif'nti inio" (-ini^'.tii-'e nnlverflltlefc. -.Kindai- boolu ?'hl'^h benr thfl linprlnt ol the flrm are -Tii Vrs. OHpbant. "The Bakera of n reiioa . i ,* Maker* "f Venlce," Huith Hwaaaan'fl lllu-ti-ati-d I'll.M.I-' " Dn. ".',.. - ai?. .....i. " "faamrri X-t-flfl" '? ,.??-' tat \t gcat -?.*? of any Brlar a?i. i haa ba** Iflxiflfl ior y-ar?. lt l? nuxai . f.Ul S lu... ! nftllon of "The of WafcefleM." P. Mnrlon Craw : Rrd'a novals, the Akilne edliion of the iirlthh poei-. ; 1'. i). Hiimrrf.ou's "The II*.?nt State of Uie Flne Art*, i ln Frame." Uie Wohlen Treusiiiy serle*. the workis of i Kobert lirowuin,; and a rel-wue of th<* Cambildpe , i>hahejtp(".if. TIU OLD BOINR- BV I). Al'PLETON A CO. ln lr-:. Danlel Appleton, B BSB8BB nitrchunt. came , to New York and openod u book-storo. Hls lirst I vi-iitu.-e a- a piiblUhci upyxared In 1e31. Illa ihlef ! BBatoBBBt was his BBB, Wllllam H. Aiph-ton, the present haad of the beaea al i>- Afpaaaaa A c*., who feaa b>v-n aptly caBad the BeeaBf of American pahBahara. The iBBdlng pnrt Bhtob W. 11. Apphton hns tukeu ln build , inp up thi* great aaaaa, BB 9* *m*mm* BBBlBaeB *QA*> it-r, IBa ion- aad pllaat lipht for tola*aattoaal bbbb* rlght, lils exteusive Uaaaacttoaa ubroad iu i-iuller 8BBTB ajid pciwial u-.-o.iat.oiis w.lii toretgn uuUhk-.*blcii b?-?iti arltfe Thomas Moore. ure fmnillar to ull 1'_?? lUhers. A record of even U.e Inii-oLUint events in the blaton of UiU house 1- laipoaalbla B thLs afaee. ln 1-10 thc hous.. utttartcd gi-uiral attention by publish Inp a *erte? of rellffU-u-. books lepresentlnp Uie trn.t ar un Khaei, bfjt.linltiK wllh Troet No. 1)0 bv Dr. lli-ev. ln later veart. it wus the house of D. Apule too .t Co. which pia*._ barora th.- Ajaeneaa public tha atrhl of Darwln, Tvndall. lluxley aud t-p-nrer, u veDBBBI larpelv due to the effort* of Pmfesnor B. L. YOBCMBe, Uie lir-t editor of Uie "Popular grMncfl Monthlv.'' lu the (8s*- of these writcis, us of others, th- house reojnUed tlie rtgtrta oi the ifuthor-. desi-lto the nb~?nce of InteHiat'oi.Hl copyrlght. AnedhSf .md most Ijiju.rtai.t u'idfir-Uilnfc ~*. thc pnbliraUoa of tpptoton. "American Kncyclopuedln. ,diti-d l.v Georpe lUpie*. a.d Charlea A. D-ana. "Taa \'n i? can Aanaal feaeyelopaailaa and -The c-yclo pBedta of Anerlraa Bramphy" were athar larg.- ea : tvrpr.s s in the -unie departnicnt. Among Uie _B> ; U.v.nm who-<- woths are pubUahed bv thi.- hmi-e are iiii-icroft. i.e-rkv. Rmrtoston, HaerbeL Mlebelel aml Mo Matter, wbo-< th. it tataaM i- t<. l.e laaaed Imra oi ! ately. ln general lltetalaia tha li-t <>f tho baaae m ?* 1 long one and IBpMlj In-reivdnp. and the Bat "t lie** jtivt'iiile b x.K- Is a . on-.d ??mble one. r-om.* ot ib.- BM) I ! -iM.-s-ful axarka or Orttoa in the pust li.tvi- ??'8* UW noveU of Mi- Muhiisi-h and MaraeU'a " LotlMir. >[? ,. i^ocnl pabNeatlorifi have Ineluded iwtlou n*v Bdward Rfideaton. i.e-.rire MarDaM-Jd. w. cinti; Ba* ! sell. Thomaa A. Janvter Oeta*re Thanet, Blrlaai oaiea Hurrla, Ktcbard Malw.lm .toh..-ton, Mnn L.v all. Luca-s Malet, VaJerta, Hall CBlaaand Bmrten Mt?arten*j A Httle iiv?i' twa ve.ns tuto thc mrn Mrt-boiHi ouai Beaa of the hoiiM was Manatorred to the Ameiumi lio<ik Compauy and Ihe Ihm is now d.-'-otlnp ltMJf ni.-oe thjin ever More to general pahlBhlns out-ldc? of ?*.-le tlflc wmlw or.t\ faxi-booha. In tha tarae *?***?w>n deaarlBMBM the 8rm MhUahaa R?clut-v BapeaMai wortt. "The Eurth and Im lahahtMBita," and lara bbbbt t^ii pnrt booka, -BexcAl Ideato of ^uaaitoariArl ana ?? W-man IB VWtith Arl." The ' Mrtniaaaa ! Ani-n.a publl ited bv thU hoaee, reaialna one ..f ihe most -*tr cessfm o( mU*rii-co-i boohs. D. AppU'ton >v 1 B, have Baraed i -l.e.-ial raputatton ae iiiaherra ijiiiii booka, atiW thev pitMI-h 1M? year BOBM t.otable edilwia Ae luxe Ol -luie's Hreton*- autoblocrarhv. "Th" .11.* ol nn Arti-t": "IMneroft'i " History ol the UrOtod Ptaten." and Pere DMan'* *Utt tt Chrl?t." Ihe rarlona departmenta ls th.- lm-pe mrdlr?i d?*_a__ ni-.t. in eharw oT-Or. I'n.t.K Poator. who te ****** llo-arv." Thc perl-dlraH pni'li-b?l by the hopaa to rlnde -"Tbe Popolar Belenee" edited by Or. \V. .1. Yoiimarll. and "The Nrw-Y-.v'.i Medleal Joaroal. The meaihen ol the Urta ais* ?.viiliam ll. Apptot??. WTIIIani \r. Appleton, Danlcl ApflBa-B, Ldward l'ale Appleton and D. Sldney lyplBBBB. BOOBd OK DOBP. MfJAB 8 ro Dodd, Mead .t Co.. Nos. Tr.r, and 7*.". BroBdBBjr. 1? ? flrm of en"rgv and enlerpri-e. V wh? foundcl ln this elty, nnd ls now rompos.^l of Prnnh H. D^d. F.dward s >[,:/.!, Rlo/vlier Yan Wa.Teieti and Hichard II. Lo'rt. It has three oeparate depaitaMBBa, nnd has done ex ofpUoaaUy wvii in each, Plral is lha beaael d* voted M U.e sale of reiv and chol. e books, Includinp earlv prinlcri .?,.?- tir-t edlrton*. and th"*e whtob ar>. made valnahh' chlctlv by tbe lllnuUaUon*. ": ,'.'?', ,lude a Outanberg "Tha Watutea of the Arehbishop td Mayence," aboal l-WO; i ropy M the ''! .';' ?Ohr-hlclea." three volume-. 1587, from whleh Bh?*? apcaia iiWW nm. h maierl.l: Henry_ .*?.? V -T1' I-i , ? ,'tI|,,() a. Dellneato Oer>8r?Bblfa,".1?__ ?'?;?*?' ">? -The lllfctors '.i Ibe Jawls? War.* Paria. ';' -.(t' whleh theia exlata nnlj one other mnv en veiium. ana ,.i -Uh-aBeaVa Mlo ol 1?28. TWa 1^':'"'"^^^ is remuruablc ns being in a perfcel ^Wtoa, B mre qnalltv among exlaUni toIubmw of that cdilion. Ihe pri.e of the worh la *??..?.?'"? ,. , , 1 insid. Mead d Ca. are tle* puhMabera of e, In teciatJonal t yclopae-lia," whtoh I- ??WhJ;?__,rt?'a^ The set eonatato of llfteen M'lunie.-. and ihe a.e ot the work has b?*n extivmely \?tp>. A "**J**Mon Mto be laanad next month. whi.h wlU be ?<- nderftd ly? m olet/' and ui. to d.ite. Por laatanra. Uie *?**** he .ensus o last v,a.' Bia Jlvan m the volnu?? Tha ..iVt-rinchUf of the naw edltlen hi Hairr Thareta" y-'-v.. profeaaor of the Latin Mngaafe la CMbmbm College. VOLCME1 OB ABT BUBreCTS. Thc tiilrd department i- BM pub'i.aiion of boaha of various hlnd>. and eepeeMllj of Ihaaa aa art _-ubject>. Important among these is Willlam l.uel.k.'s ?? History of \rt '' tiwislLtofl frorn Uw aever.Ui d* -man edltlon. The 8rai K about to Nsue He efgiith Ametirau ****>* ,{l<t< Hmm Parpwr ob*i - A Hlatarj ?*f AMbtteedBie in ab CaaaWee/ Woltmaa aad WwaaBM^'HUtoirj (f PBlBBng." and Bryan'i - Wettonar., of Wnter* ana F.i^iav.'i-V" Mi-o other wotrtu on arl laa*?_ bj th.s b-ua . TS heid^f Seaeml Utoratnre.Ure 8nn aaeagg^a promlneat Blaee. A new houBe _.W ?Utl..i 11 ?? ' ln firtv-eiplit UlnaUatod Wlth ^h,BJPQi^ eiipiavinp, i,v Cn.ikshuni.. Bayaumr, il. h. Brn; .!,?/,. EUumard aod othaje. i- hbort , to ?PK?'? "g in meohanlcal iuid artleUc e-eaUenn it win tx. an M| p iVti'i... Bra. Ameiia B.Jarr'a ao?iaare ,, wlde an.l ihe same .an ta aaW al \**2fg* . il?-r. ana ot ?> l.K ?il. vel mm* TaaeTrad bmT eTcaadlaV freai Bwor. 1 i v. me u'jiiiuii-, .iu- .?v ??--?-- ., ., n,u... knoln bl Mrs. Martha I'lnle", and of B. 1- BOt "8 ? k-' lt ' . rcmirk-ble ta.-t tbal nore of Bca?a ", ,,./' i,,.,.,. gold ln i?!>i than thrre wara la im'*<>. rCaVrte 01 bto|SShte. of innker, of Ameil.a have Tt HIT MR. OttBOl HARD. Commlssi.mer ailrej BB8 la a MfjUj batlfaanl frame ol mind yeste.-day. The OMBBllsatonar WM feverish becaaaa ai Um Maaara el u>e OanteaJ LabM rnion whi.h na BaBBU_7 KaBOBBBBd the cio^walKs ol tb? nea Broadwaj pa-rement badly eonatraetod nnd of oM mM worn aai Matartal. The, aotoa** action araa Uhen an lha _dataBaaai of willum. J. O'Brtea. a d.-K nte of the Ncw-Yorit branrh ol the (invnile CattafB' National I'atoa, wae was one M * eoauDlltee rbarced Wlth BB iuyestipaUo:i ol nllegutions that the crc-s wai.s arara bad. ... ?_?,. Mr OUraf aaa partlcalariy dtogaatod wita Deie nrte oDnen. He -aid: -Mr. O'BrtoB eaaw to M and I BSBlBtBed to hlr.i that for thf>*****<f tocilltatlni aMtten i hud acraad to petaiM u.e laytog 3 ,,? oiSttm for eiaaawalha bbU aaeh aa **rere ia (1?II.,1 bv um -p.*ciiic.a!(M> cmid ta oMahMd. ? u.a, only a toeaaarat*] aapedlaal aadlt aaa ??*????? t^oi-^r'air^ In't-'and h^m^^ntatlon, wera wilful and dlallMBBBBaa. pTBLt-f-KB WITH ARMOR PIERriXG tMEtlB. \ .onlrnct wa* given ont M one of fhe st*el manit fncluri,;;. .on,l*,u <- a vear BBB U ******* to the Navy l),.i,,I"m-i. B quantitv of BMBW BBBIlllBl slie.l-,. All liule e-toeb and aboal ana-hall of the 84acb ahela ir(1,., thai cnu-Hit havc baaa furnhthr-d and Uie majority of the aaaaah which have left the Navy Yard rccentl.* were famlahed wiih their allowanee of ,.."? tu each ..f tha |aaa of bha eaUbaa iiiartnBid, ai.d ?;,-. polnc to toretfa aBdaoaa earrtol BBBfltoa af thotm aiaararplerelBi prcdaettlea to aaaaeli **?***?* ,:?? itotj BM. The B>M arhleh i- mantifacturinp th^" . -____-___ h-i- mn.i.- araaaal aeaartaTaa fr-m lha .?^n-.'wiiich'.av.' resuited in dWtod im pioVfinent-- ^ _ OOOB WOBE POB r<n.oi;i:n OBFBABO. Thc filty-flfth annual Baaetedg ?f UM Oolored orphan Uylnn ami AaaoelaBtoa tor Ihe BeaeBl of < Children in UM <'lc of NeM Yfll* WBI held ut l,i.e BBBBB ol Mn 8. B. Van Daaan, Um Uaaaarer, Bo. ?'>i We_t Thirty BtxtB Bt., V.-trdny BBOe. The reports of Uie ?ecretori aad toeaearer waaa read and aaaataaad. ?? TU- iBatltuBaa," aaid Hia. Vaa Daan to a reporter, **ls in a aanrtehlog uaBdlUan la aaary w-,iy. The -,\. .-r.* BBBBbar of children Ifl aataBBBBee i? alK.ut 800. There has Imi onlv otie d<-a..h ut th> BB)-BM dnrtof Um toM yaar and Ihare is uot a ehlM th.-re ooB ahe aaaa aai tooh toiaraiel to his tMrBBtoM dinner with BBMahjaBBBB whl< h are Uk_ely to I* rsulifrsl. We ure l*kinp g-'eal |?i ns lo Uodi Uie pirl- und baye oeaapattoiia a*Ki tnui-s whirh will t_r oi tanedH t-> tha* ln latura reara. l haaa baaa tixxia Biar of tiu- Hsvinui dlaea 1BT4.* Iha lollowlnp .itticcrs were eHted for aaal year: >!.-.. Aacaetu i'.'i'cr, tii*si aBaalaaaa; Mra. wtiiiam n. OnderB-nfc, M8and dtrartoeaa; Miss BBaahath T. Wall, ,:v: >!)?>. B. H. Van Duaen. BaBBBrap; Misa Annta a. i"n;*d'-. aaatoBBal B*eBeaia~. Amonp thoso pi-e-ent were Mi-s BttflBl eth Lowiu-. Mi*. JaaBM U'rlvht, Ol ManariTTBT, B. J.! Mra. Wllllmn H. <?nde."d..nk. (J tii-.-nt Bark, l. i.; Mra, Aacaataa TBhar, h lad cheater N. '.'. Mla. Antda A. I'urdy. Mi*s. Daele] T. Iloag, Miss Oomella Taber, of a/aaaehealer, N. Y.; \ii?- I'.Hn V. llunMna, Mrs. .1. !.. Chupti), Mra. Richa?l il. Bwait, Mlaa Eluabeib l'. w.i'i, Mrs. Ineiand D. W h ??'? M;n. Wlllinm M. .lackaon and Miss ltachel 11. I'.r.v..'.]. -o*.?. HriciltF. OF iV OBAROB COtFXTt TBIWCLiB. Middl 't-.wn, N. Y.. |).*it, II (-;i-.nlt. Dr. A. J. Baaaaltet, al IMa etta*. ***Mt and kUtod bla-MM Katurdav ? in a stefte puiiijt from .MooUiello to Ri-thel. Ha hnd con.plnlned of arMBBB, aial heforo hB could be j.i-, paaaai laaaaal to ?hr r.?id and a) ?t hBaaaM la IBb baai. Itc was a inaiiiifaiturer of llulmeuta. Thouph sixtv yeurs old ha leavr* u bride of three we?k-, and wns un l;> w:iy to vt her whtu the deud w_a tom milLod. MBBWSBD 10 ACCEPT A VAI.l. TBOTt BBOOEtEB. Marlboio. Mass., Dec. ll.-The Rev. A. F. Newton. of tlio iniiiii OBaaaaaaBaBBl CbBBah, read aa. re?.l|nia^ tlon vesUrdav. Ho Ims gecepted a 881 to the Rorhesier Avenue Congreir-Uoual Church, Iirooklyn. Rvarj'bodr BBBI HBBaaBBaBB* Pa-ttaj rardi. Aak for Tilt >n braud ; double enamelled. All deulers. .'. OOMPLAININQ OF A PA8TOR rRKACHI.VC. AND CONDITT Of MR. TiFNTZ. IXJID-.I AN'dlf. BBB KI.DI'.It FOX COXDi MN BOTH |B Tiu. PBRRBB-JBU flflfl-HR POR PI All". The rresbytery of New York in November rceelved a ?aaaartal Roai m.iiuVi- ..f the nr>t CRaraR of Mar* risanla rceltini; the fact lha'- theie WflM dl--"ii-lon in the church and a*kin. for tho ?ppOtntflflSM of a BBflB* iiii.U. cf coiifen.i.e. l>t J""" '' BBM, U-* BMfl-BflBBJ of the lt?Bytiay. u_*i?>.i>t?i -.- Mflfllrflaan ?f thi- . initte. Dr. RflWBffl L. Clark. >r the ihtii.h of thr I'uil ME*, In lUrlcm. Yoiterdny the committee made IU report. whlch wiu. :.- follow. : There ls _ daclded oppo-itlon on the patt of Koine agntn-i tha paator. At i._-i two-thlrd* of the eongr. i_Ut..i. art- f?aU-ti<*d with ln- preflchlM t_nd hW tondud nf iiilM.ii_. Voor eoinmltlo.1 bopfl thnt UnoinUi rnutiial oonceafllofl peare nuiv be rest'ii.<t without further intei \..ihlon of >.' 1*1?iytary. Ina_n>ach ai the meetlnf Mt whieh . l.lei- wcrc elected w.i- called to c'er i1"1 queatlou* M rotary eldorship, n ts raflflflB-Baaflafl Ihnl ih,. 1'ivsbyiei'v .hould oid.r ,i new eledlon lu Uie aaaal method, tiiunilv. by ttaUng itie fu'l purpose of _ucli me ink on two pteeafltBB Bb_-B__Bi sec.niici_ pa-Mta repart waa Uie BflflBflMa of two or three flpeaehflfl fii lion. padfla, M. E. Ita, _n Mdflr lu U.e church, ubjectcd .trotiulv M tl'- rci*oi'. bfl aa Ifl he BBM Uiat BM p-Mor, the Kcv. J. K. I_"M_. (Ud not dc-ire Jw.-niotiy ; theie liad been no disposlth.n on hl- part to seel; _ rec"iirl!a.ti>.u. Mr. l.cnU did Mt ivply to lii. cld.r's intl iiatii.',;., aud p*iiiu_.*-Um .iu given to ex.liKlfe Ange.l, a BflflB-bet of thi ehureb, to ipeah. Mr. .\n*el was BBfl of thc **i.ner*, nf flbfl m< nioiial, and lle procceded to evplain his lc-->oii- **** Ing ->. Thfl cliurch. i.e BflM, MM l?eeii B-_BB_BBfl tw-iit..--i\ JMM and nntll thc praa?nl paflMratfl baaaa thciv had never beeti h fai Haa: now tliere were two jul fll und ih, ( WM M iling'r of ***MMMBb9A9. .-tiil** and (ii-ciiMon, Bfl -a'.d. bflfl tnlt-'ii the **M* tt th. hai'iuony thal fonnerly ptavalMfl. He BBBflfltahWa" of thB iharai ter of Mr. Lent-'s preaj hlu.. saylng Uiat the poopJe got a KOJd d>'a! of Haiwini-m and lluxleylmi, but veij my, apiriinal food. Hfl BrtflflMBfl 0* ***** Of Uie paator ln bullding up wltt.ln the churrli a partv ?flMfllflttag largely ;rf tMMg |>coplt'. whose. ronduct w;. iiiBRpallni BM Mflar Baaaben ta taara HM eharah: Uio MM-BBflfl BrwRnj-i hadc, kiivl. wcrc packed ln Uie intcr (M of Uie pKstor and BR-J8M IR( other BMBfl-fl-B. 11" WBfl call'- to (tfder ?? he BflflBB 1" mtfl a pafSr, pfl-Bfl Mfa (l.-lail- URBlfllBI tlie work aud DORflBCt M the pica.ti.r, lil-, la.t varflfl belim "this youinr uiireliahle."* Mr. UflrM MBfl to reply, MR ll? BBBI BM peni.itte.l M xpeuk at _M-llb. ii- un order of Uie dny wa- ralhd Mr. lie aiw*mflfl thc eharse thnt he had conc flawa Man to collect niouey for BM salury b\ B-fMlntni fjuit he lui'I pa?M I.. pM BBNMP 1" J'i'V i'l) a.s-e-sin.nt oii the prn]H'iiy for seweraite, * debt coutrai ted bel?r? he became paator. Dr. Rrtpp 1<">?-' la bahaU of Mr. Uflrta, BorMitni that be ahoaM bc haaifl M Uie in MMM of fuli play. but iiftcr BBtatal motions and anieiidmentv had been ma':.-. Uie n'poil. M the SfBB AlltMll wa, ai'.opted. Mr. Leatl MBBBlfl BBtiflflflfl with ti.i- artlna. and Mr. Aueei aaM that it wnaM ba aaefl Bfl n weapon in Uie paator. hand- BRBIbM the third M the lamglBBBflaa *k* did not uu'icc wlth him. Dr. H. R. R-Rflt, i>r- >'? A. BtoflRaifl nnd Rahflrt 1 Rcrrb, the comiiiiitee appolntofl t.. nnawer thc pretoM i.iiei.'d bv I>r. van D\k.-. ln t.c eaflfl M ftt?f-_aoi i Uriggfl. whirh ??> prlnted In The Tribnne ye_te_dny, j mail. ht reperl Tlfl aaflwer, wj.t.h aeenpted Bmrte^n I paaea af Bx>l_-ap> was tu the effeet thnt there *n re not -iiihclent cr ,1111.1.- for either Item of the protaat Tne .-hiio chiirrh foaiared) wa- dlhHOlVad Blter thc rexlpnation of its pnai ir, i>r. w. T. < arr, h_<i been : aeeepted, nnd a new chnrch >\:i- orderefl t.? be orfBnl_ed ; ii'-ar Kfjsiitii-ave. ai.d One-bnndred-anfl thirtv terenth ?t. PtTPBR-lI 09 LOYJIt DB B9MAS. The body of Lonls IVItobiun wns tahen yeaterdap from his BaflBB, ?*?< "'?'' *-?* Kift.v-eventli-t., to _t. Patrlck"~ i>itlie>ii_i. Brbera a flotoa.i raq-haa ?a- eaMRra-efl. after whieh it v.hs tahea t<> t':.lv_ry Ceimt.-ry and burlef!. Tlie flOfl-B wa- hnd in MM rentre Uale of th' _8fl__8-_-, near the saiioiuary ratlinir. and on lt were a WrflBih of flowers. a pail of \\liU? lOflea, nnd ihe tti r-.lor- M the Kmicli -MpabRf. Tlie solrnin ma.-- of re<|tiiem was oele brafafl by the Rev. Jantes Connollv. uK-i-ted by 11k*. Iloir. I"atriok Daly itn 888888 1 the Kov. T. J Murphy .nb d-_e?n: flnd tho Rer. ll-riry T. Krwey, m_-ter of wetiitBh-. Tbe Ker. Ja?eiDh MrJUbon wa? aJ?o prejient. A? tne eofllti *m ttnne from the chnrch two ! raptdns ot the Fn?nrh l.ine ?f BM-_BBn *nd twelve ?flUon w**n* pflflflflfl-rt a*- u inark M rr-pist, to ihe Kiiiner B8__fl ef the .ompaTiy. Tlies. dlr.^'toiss of thfl ChilfllopBarM nnd Temii-t. Rallroafl, tt whirh Mr. De BeWaa wa- preMdaat, wera ai-o tiicis-: .lohn Dnaraap, Oaarsi 87. Lpaeh, CMargB K. PraaRai, William H. Haraxd. .1. W. ?*(**.P' r. Kdwiml K .lone-, and Ja.nes A. Hichmoiid. Aiikuir OtRflTfl PfBBBBt were: Eupene Kellv. .Intne* R. Kloyd. MarlRl, T. M.Mahon. 9. W. ?' Hnrst, William lt. Clyde, I'idmrd liutK-r. OaUflbota, Oa-ton lv liebiaii bioUier of Ihe dead man; fltenenil I.oui- 1'. J>! Oflaooto, Vlscoiint D".\V-,ac, tl^ < -iiMiI??"ii':riil Ol France; PraflarleB R. Coaflefa, OharMfl Oonden, K. J. J|,b'ii"t. M. liiiifl, I. QaflBap, aitd A. Fois.-I. BdBO AI WORK ox IHE BAECB09T. The new -teel Naval Ai.'i.lcii y pi-.nlice vc-m-1, whn li u to be liuiiied Uie Haiiti.ft, iu lioiio.' of (MMM i'?", wla. flBto-liflhefl :ho .\,(\iil Arademy nt An napolis. ln OctflRflT, lHIo, is Uie next rBBBBl of the Navy U> tr? luunched. und thi- will be about Baa Y**n. She i-. bfllng baflt M thfl w..:ks of -iimncl I,. Mo-ire .v Beaa, -Ubah-ihport, B. J-. *'"id M R 8? ]..?. led Uiat t-he will be ready fm s".i l.y .luly iicaI. She Ib it.tended a*- a crulM*r far naval c-deb-, fm pi-.i. RflBj in-tni. lion in BBBBBJMMRip and (nii.nery, and wll! la.vt* twin-Mi.w, veitical 11 tpM expt.n -.ou eiiiriJit1.-. eipnbM <J ?iviii? he;1 8 speed uf tliiiteoii knots. lier laaf-h i? 187 i-_ feet, and her AlaptareflBent B3fl lona. Her ariiiament wlll BOaatM ?l four 4-Ineli bcccth-loud Bm Hiaa, Baa flpoaadar. twe _-po__Mar, and oue 1 iM.umler gitu, one llotchklflfl rerol?tM eon n<.ri. aud one (iailmc BBB. sh*1 will be pn.vldrd nun stvil power iu BddlRaa U) lier BBglB8B HOW 1W0 OT "THB 'V.HVR HiU"1 11YE. The owner of Uia rear teneinent liou?e No. ? Ludlow st., yesterday wna oiO-rert by thc Health BOBTfl to elenn the dark ccllar of the house and pievent Nl eeeapaflan by lodgers. laeab a. RRs, author of tha 1,'iok "How the Othcr Half I.K'-," rrc< ntly found two Hebrew. ihmplai ta thc bbUbt nnd toah a pRol grapb (,f of Ihem bv flaahBfht He karnafl that th" HablBBI lO-fefl regnhifly in the ccll.'.i- in d'liatu fl Ot Um BMataiy oafla, and be mefle a BBBaafainl whieh led to the Health Baard. aettaa. OBPEB-X AXDBXBT lACKMOTt iior.^i:. J. BL Ctaaaj ls jret'-ral BBjeat, Mr-. )'.:i\t-r NflflBtl and Mra. I). !>? Darrtfl Heeretary nf the LaflMfl1 Hei inilagc AflflUfMtton of BaahrUto, Tcnn. The tienertil Aaflenbly M timt state eaBrrapefl le it haa yaan ?-?>. IhraapB i bnm i pfl tm-ie*-. ihe baaflfl nnd lomb M (,.:,.i'il Andrew Jaeh-BB with twemy flve a. f- -ur ronndl-f it- "ta baaatHy aafl preaarra tln* >*ine throit.hout nll eoinin. ai***-, in pflrpeflanl BWBMMry of Ihfl Rt'"at mnn tfAMt BflR-fl ItRflBfl bflBBfltB thr flflfl.* The aaflialallnn atfal R Ra-leaaJ, Baalaa ta it wobbbb fi-om erary Btak la tha DnJoa, apr>*'ais t<. the pohUc for help in Uii- undeitaUlng. It prnpoacs " to puivhav thfl rattofl, to raaaraM thc bonaa, M bflBBttfy the K'li.uu.l-, aiid to n'.a'.e thfl I Ic.' tbfl :n"-l Iifatitifnl spot. a-s It h-i- been thc nn.-t intcrcKlluK s|?'t, In all ta. BonthhuM. it wl" b.* a Baflonal B-bbbb-B, Inrtttag pilprlm-. fn.rn the Rorth, tha Boath. Ihfl Ki-t anfl IRa weat, who -viil fletiftri to honor thfl memory ol him wl.o __!d ThB I'eil'.ral Oal-B un.-t BBfl shall be pir -erved.' " 01 D PIBUM-TI TO WlYE A MBBTTBB, A member of the OM VBRmtofljr Plve Dep__rt__a_rt of tlils city who was 88 duty tit thfl RtUfl of Ihfl greit tin1, Deceinber 18, IBBA, WlttM t, HM THM-B8 Uuit tlie exempi BflB?herenl tl" old flflpartaMflrt who wen: oti duty at tha' tlr,1 ure. t?. BflM M UM corner nt Wlll iain and lleavrr st-. on the an.1lvor.sti7 of tlie tirc This old iirrmu.11 npa thn' Bfl baBevm that Rh bin vlvo..- of llliit oca-'. ui who are siill Uvlnp ln tliU city, can be counted on the BflflBH ol one l.aml. r/II-.T DIDS'T WA1T TO OBAEOB 109WBBB. A ctirtnln 011 th" MBR8 M Loui- Stnjer's concei.-halt at No. -J5.'> Ilowery flB__M tlit* fr un Ba oll UMM fflfl V*rdny nfierno-.n und some of Ui*- -ln?t*r- run Into the Mreat aURaul taaltMfl t<> chaap IRat* 888888888. The ?oAMaoe was not ia.-. c flnmiph to oreato a paaM nnd thc tlre wm put uit ni a Ur* BilnuMa. Tiu* flaaaapfl wa.*, sllcllt. _-? RBBDfl OF A B0V1BBBB COJJJBBB. Tlic ftev. C A. A. Tuvlor, flnai.i lal MMM M F.dward Wiitei- 080818, -ReR-BBt-Bfl, Kla., wlll dellver au ud rt *m NBh-f fartB Um BaaflR ..f that MallRMMa at the. RI.Y's CMBAM IIAI.M Applled .i.i*, NoKtrtls l? gin klv Ab florbed, Cle_-ai tho H**_d. tie_J_ the s-.i.ji and < nti CATARRH Uastorei T_-t<* and stiifll. (julckly lUllovaa CoM In Head and H__d a-iie. aoe. at Di_.i_.i_. kLY LUO... 86 Warrau at.. N. Y. r, w. ********* DIAMONDS, Ite.hel A?can M-thodS' F.pWropal Church ln ^ullivaa st. thls -twlng at 7 o'.IO'k i:\A\lXATIOXS AGAIX POSTI'OXED. TVMMANV VA.VT5 TIIF FOUCE .SURGLONS TO BE WH iLLV IN rl* C.Rlf. ?scentorr L,- Phllllp-. of Uie Municlpal C.lvil **? v-r li.mrd, Md ^Kicrs Vc*tet-ay to aii the aw-l ,U.i". who baaBBafpBBlMdaa or IUe for iioUre stirjceon lial IhB 8IMldB8|aai. ahlch were tohogtn today at the mbbm <?f thr QMBU-atoB in Uie Oaeper DaBaa, hud hccn agaln postp?ied. No date la tixed thls Unie for IBg t-.viuiinatJ.m >;d tho promlsc ls made tli-'. due BBBtoe of the 4ate BD be glvcn hercaft*r. The-e n.-Uce- we* sHiit out by Mr. Philllps hlmaelf wi UUMbMJ and evcutivo ofllcer, ahowing that he oontinue-. on duty reurdlet* of the reoent otfer of hh* rewlcnaMoti. Mayor Vmnt sold yesterday that the qaflstiea ..f aacapllnrdfr. RdUBBa i8il|B8ll8B waa -till in ube>*nco. "Iuve not yet oondudod uiy B>> io.i," tho Mavotwdded. The aaaaa of thls i>et>od poetpono.ment ol the p? I, , iBIplMI exaniinatlou is ? gubject ol conjecture. BBBM of those who prete^l to know what U going on bMlie the Wigwaiu round chamber **ay Uiat the ex iiuiinntion will never im Md. M M Uie purpoae of the BBBBB, it Ls a-sserted. U have the law changed by thc next Lepishuui- BB aa o taite the ofli.e of poliee suipcon out of the c!a??H?d *rvU-e. ThLs wonld lc-ave the 1'olic* Uoard frflfl tvappoint whom Uie Boai-d. of ConuulssiiMicrs Bhaaaa, reau-dtcss of Civll feervica marks. There are now three v.kuiicI-s ln the oflice oi poliee aaraaaa in th'.* olty md another ls Ukely to <*-. ur shortly. The pfeMB 1? jracUrWly a llfe offlee and ha, B solury 888*6*81 of *J_JM) a year, i.nd when U)e incumbant hai reacheo. Uie t\? provided b> *w. or BBBBBMa iinaiweitiitert for iwtivo arvice. he go* upon the polltt* p.iusiou n?U wlUl ao naniH\ of 81, IOO. TIk- able men who do Uie Tamnwiy thlnilrag have BBIIIllBBBd thut this is too sofl a " ?ap" U) give every body who BBBBl U 88 even rluwice h secure. rt will thaaaaaa b<* adthdfBBa Bbm lompeHioii, ami if Uio LegislaUire cun bo influenced to agieeto lt Uie Btoa will bo llll.d onl> bf Uax-e wlio lave good Taiu ma y hMafBaaaflBtB. "Yaa will Hud," said a city iiaii Bxaart reateiaay, "Uiat u?e Utxytf*.lavaattpa u?i, wii. .ii oa for soma tlme >et. ma. the Ubarpai MBI'.-i FnUlipB of favnriti-.ui will end li *mok?i, BM Hi.a Um Mn ..i will ilnally dae llne to aoetpt Iiis realg uaiiou lu the moaiitimo, while public ittenUon l* dlvarted, Ihe Clvll .-eivu-e law wiil be onouded M -ult the BPOlUmct) of T.iiuuiany Mall and a lu oi placei nadar the ottj aoTarniiMi'B, thai *JV**\******** naoag Umbi, wlll be added to tho iist afBBB-aaBfB pteBlBC* puio .nol siinple." THE CMlZJPi E0D1IX THE RCIXi. KABZB-IBAtfM 11M) PBOBABLT DROPPi'O HER AETBB STA-OUra To CARlir HKlt 0U1. AII doul.t aa to BM fate of little (jus.-ie btrauer. was set at t-csi JBrtldBJ afternoon, when her body w.m Coaad la t aiBauaaonl hi us: Ma. Bt* uciacy-st.,' BhB wivs on Friday nlpht whlu tlio houst; wa* daaMcad by tire. ntaaasa ma.ic a aaaafal aeir.ii throaah tha haaaa oa aBta-BBy BMaalac after Uie chUd'fl dlaapfaaiania was r^ported, but Uiey aaaM BOl lind her body. 'Iho poliee heai- Uie atory of Morris Ka.ienliaum. who startcd to cari-y tiusaie oit of Lhe boaaa at UM BBBB <>f UM Ure and l.?t her on Uo tof Hoor. Kiuieiibaum's allep**<l rt-Oollectioii Uiat i BtraafBr took bar aai uf his BPaaa gave hope Uiat ala w?, alivo BBd in Uie 8888 ef .-oine klud-hewted nelgh l.or. ( apuiln IKelierty hud policonion make inquiries f,,r bha ahUd al aaaa, aaaaa la the predaai during iBBaidpJ and Sun.lay. A* no ti*aee of the ehlld waa reportod, rai.tnin Doflhartp aai Oaaato- lather went to tha haaaa yaateBiBJI and be*an anotlier aearoli. ln eoni paay with _ aieMaar oi uie laaaraaaa I'utroi who araa ou gnaiU there. ln the fourth -tory they found a heap of half-burnod rabhiah, whtoh aearll btoehad the stairs levid'.ng to tha top story. Aa Uie men were haiidllng over tho tubblsh ai.out 1 p. ni. Struuch BMefBd a ery and polntwl tu Ui? ehanad loot of hia thild, whleh had been uu coveivd. Hio little g.rl'. body was 8B Uie third stc,? .,f tln Malrway, ??d t-'d u*,ai eeaeealed by Uie rub bish. Afier l.eiu? dropixsd by Ka-_.U*nbauni ahe had pr i.i'ily waadered down th? sialrs uutil she waa over OOBM l.y the stiiok'*. Her body was btiriied to a eriap. Captuin Docharll Phieod the body lu a basiu-t and earrtial it to the poliee atattoa ta Dciaucej-st. Miaucii s.,11 ho was too poor to btiry thc corpse. lt WB8 BBH tliat tho expeiisc* ot decent burial prubably wouia be mct bv thc l Bltod ilouiew ClmrliU-s. CBRUTMA*. OtWtM IX TBE 90BBDBB if.iiUS. Last wn'k there waaa dteaaaelMd to forelgn aaaartrtae from tbo Ncw-VorU PBaBoBMa :n? ?ack?, roverlnp ;,7.:iit? n-.1-!^red leitera and pBefeBBBB, a Iargo portlon of whleh doabtleaa aaaaalaai CBrialaBM pifu **ent by taahtonte Ifl Um rhit.-u. atalaa to their friends apd i.i.tiv- in Barafe aad alaaarhera. The number dis patehed by aaeh Btoaaaar ~dr a^ BBIoan: Trave, 7tu*s:i; city of Parta, 8,544; Paaral uismarch, **A*9', La Bratogae, *J.Tl7; F.lbe, 8,380; Cnibria, 7,765; all Bthat nmll-. t.034; total. .17,3.0. Tln- fonicn money-onlor busincss of the offlee during Bm BBBe period wa- also aairaeaety aaary, owinp to the same .:iiisc,. as l> shown by Uieso flgures: Num l^r of BBBBM y ordera haaed here and pay able la Buropeao eoantrtoa, 84,403; BBBl amount, *''.:i., B0B56; of whi.h Ihcre was seni to (ireat llrltalu paatiBl i OT; to oanaaay, ?'ift7,7oi ?.i; to Bwaaaa, -<-t'i-:7i 84; to 11a 1 v. **:i"..')oi Oi; to Kwlt/erhuid, 8117 070 '.<?*? I>. Notwav, SM7.H7H 0?; to Denmark, 310038 1)3; t<> l'rance, #fl.*JR0 Sl ; to Heiplnm, #*_i.071 04; to llolland, #l,r.71 O.'l; to I'ortugal, iJ'.'.KJl 02. -*-? .1 GOOD 9TOBB AT WHICH TO BVY. i >n?> of the atoaat CMaBBaa BBBaaai to receive ls ;i wat< h, but when OBM buy!, a wuUh, wbether f?r u ^Ift or lot hlm-elf, lie sli'.ul.l buv It at a trusrworthv pteee. Ha eaahl n?>t do better than to go 1a Ilenedlct Brathers, tha aaU known ara8eaaB_aajB und jeweiier*, a| DiuadBBi and ( oitlHinlt st. Thls lirm haa b.-en tiu-H- foi inu-iy years, nnd it is hnown us one of tho baal pawae ta tha elty la whi.h to pBraBaai watchea ?ind Jewcliv. The tlrtn is maMii): a flne dlnpluy for IM boUdaye, BBd the larire store in filled with every tliing whleh a flrst-cla?* Jewelh r's should contaln. TlM f f i ii j is e.vtrcnn'ly proud of B patent eollar and rutfbiitton of iheirs, "Tho Ilenedlct." made in ono ptoce, which tlMj m\J i-> tlie only perfect rutt or . ollar-butt u m-id.*. i nnuLB CB-jrx nra-uraan .1 pbtxpt. BaWaMwa, Dae. 14 (ftpttrtal),?Mra. Mary BaaaahBaar, wbile tabortag tho halltu Inatlon thut the Rev. .1. c. B hatti/.. aaatotaat paator of st. Alpheaaaa chun-h, had kllled her mo ther. BaaBMBBBj herself lut 8alur tiay in the eoafaaatoBal hox u-uaiiv Baeaptod bv Uie pitaat, with tha lataattoa Of khootlng him. The priest wus lute BBBBflBg the cliunh to h.?r ronfes-lyns that afauuoea, aud n, be Baa about le Baaa lha parsonattr. a boy warned him thai Mis.. Baaaahaaar wn? bld ta th? rhun h and hud thraateaed to hlil Idm. An uttendant loohod thraaph tha eharah, but the woman had aon... PBtbar Bcbaata raaterday Bwara aai a warrant for thc arrest of tbe woman as a daafaeaaa crank. in thc poUea < tarl to-day Mrs. BaasBhaauar daaBad BMBdag any thraate apiiu-t th3 priest, but suld she wh- ln araeb troabls and hud u.>t bbbbb aaythtaa for two .Inv s. sh.- was so traah she could seanoly stand. Kath-* Sebhata leeUBed that ha attaBdad Uie womun's in 'I. r on hcr daalhbed, and adwInliBaad to her the ti mm nt. Un l.ft the house for a suort Umo and uji'ii I.i let'.rn found tha mother di*ud ln the anna m bar daapater. The lutt.-;- then atewnd hlm ot klBtng her nmthrr nnd s^-ore to he lavanead. Rereral frtend? ol Mrs. noaonbannr te-tltied t<> thi-ata nade by beragalnal U.c* pri ?t. slie wlll ptahahty b<* -t*nt to un ayliun. xi.W BOJEOPB OF WBtTMBB BRNWI. PMrla du Chtoa, w'is., Dec. u-PBMMv BaahaBh haa r> rciv.-d a aahla dlapatah from Kome, laBMBBBa him of his BpP< :utni.-nt j, Hlshop of LaatBBBB dloces?>, to nn iha raaaaey aaaeed hy Iba daath of BWtPi ITaaah, MttwaalBBB, Dae. 14. -TBB Rev. Dr. Sebastlan Maa> mer, of "seto'i llall 0bMbB8i *v.utli (ir.tnxe, N. I., i,;., bBBB appalBtai Btohap <>f Qaaaa nay, to n 11 tho vaeancy eaa ed by the elevatton of Arcnblahop Katzer. iBBfoca rosopr *tB*n bwab POMEtanrx, Pcl.sklll, Dae. ll ivp*s. UI).- F.xtcnsiv.. f.,rest flrea aie laalai ta IBa BMUntaius about this city. I.asl nicbt Um w.nxIs on Mt. PBaaaaa and Dapoa**a aaada to um s..itth ?nd Bdathaaai wer- Bhaaaa ana lOBaUaahBl Ih^ sliy for a iri-at dUtann*. Tlu*se flre* liave suhslded rotisi.l.'r.ibly now. but the djintffr ls not v. t over, and murli ralBaMa Baaher ls bcitur bumed, whlle several small boiisc- and barns are lu danger. To tbe north. Anlhonv's Baaa BBd tho KMtaUaai Mills are ettvelojaid Iii belts nf IBBB- I'l.ese ttns have been raglng nearly .. waeh aad hai nicht w?<re f?*t Bpraadlag; lo-ntghl there ls no abaieroeot. i nlaaa rain ?oon. aerloui n.snlts um! los^'- are anticip it.-d. KlTortB havo been' to ehaei the llaines, hut ln vatit thua far. Tlie I.iibip nl liin... ritiB tl.iond. EXClTIXo: JoUi : Suiud l-oil ALL AOi-ll TIIE 0OUBT& HE WOTOD mt* IW eV**Om}* nu* rnra-ER B__a_rrt has bo nn wiS0N ArrER BURYI.rO THK TATIII R i-hn w T Van Klper, for over forty veari B clerk ln t,.e N w-\U'lls?o 1 ice. dled ?, April. ld8B. ** ** ***** ! 2 BRR8 M ,1.r. Btophfl. Mrrrftt. a BM*JMMB MiflMahar. was bbUM m to la* htm. The deafl .na ? wn* a n.emhcr of BB* ItaRRata Mi.ti. ,1 AM -BflBllljW S ?t Ui. U.n. of hls dea.l. hls ,_*??<JJ*** to ....-r I Hfl Ifl-, A* the MB alW flflj MltjWB, _?,,? W. Van Hlper. who had BMBdfaBfl[*****J*** father"*. had refnsed to BBP *8 undert.ker'? bUl. tlua ?um waa attaehed by Mr. Merritt'a ??>?' Th. elfflirt to get RRfl B-flflflt. from tha ******* <h" r. aaiirar of U.e fund. so that the ,tnd<rtaker'? blll eou d not be pald, would 8B88B. IntercUng reiding _* M what chanees aflfl ta taken to obtMn money by so-ralied 1-gal proce**. In order to RMIflMB MaBMfl th... attaehed to 888 Mr. MerrlU'.. blll Van Rlp*r 8 attorncy pre.ented four tinderlaUlnir.. Bfl M whi.h were worthlc**. ond M laat the noney wp oh MM8fl frou, th. IVrtofflce Mutual AJV*^^ "" M under-tklng n.oi. worthMaa t'wn all the PR* WRBlMR the fliiretp B88M than ho owned certnln ******?* Brooklyn. ln Ita. VU<e. IMfl 881 BMEWBE**** *? covercd to be MMB. For thla and oBtrajreous mls-.taten.ento U.e 8B8 8*fMp. Mlddletoii. wns -n^tel. Mr. Merritt's caac came up on RrMap before XUflRO Prvor. ex-judL-e oaflaap apaaar-M fl*'m**J*u***t\\ Vfu-r brtol Judge I'rvor dirocted * *erdlct 18 me pY_Jt tiri Lot* for U.e full MBBUnt *t**J*^<***** ind OOflU. It ls thc Intention Ofl Mr. Mcrrltt to eollect thls judgment by every _??.-. I rc?ourc. in hls power. ? A I.IVELY CBCBB Uf HflWATlOW. B.___X M'CLO-KY TEEdB OK JOIIX A*B*M*\**P* QL'EKR WAYS. Joseph H. Choate'. crosa-examlnaUon of Fcllx Mc Closliy was BBfl-Rnaafl yesterday b"fore .Itibtic. I'attor .un, ln the trial of the ault of Mc IflBBM Y. Apole on aKninit the New-York Llfe In.urance Company Ut c_ tabltsli her l laini to a llfth Interest ln RM grouud occupled by fhe Pl__a Hotel. whioh was owned by her father. John AallllllB Mr. Choate read portlons of Mr. McCloshy'fl teaUmony on the two trlals of ihe flfl. brought by Mary Maud Watoon. involving tho same propeny. aud when It dcviaU-d from the wlt ne-seb' t?stiui<iny oii Uils trlal, Mr. Choato wantod to know whieh w_s Uie corrett -tory. Thore were sev? eral sharp pu.Htige* between th. lawyer and tlie wfl* n.m. 'H'co when MeCMaRp said that he had wrltten some thing. In a letter to John Charles Anderson, wblch were not exactly true, whlch he had wrltton M ihe Interc-t ol peaco. .Mr. Choato rejoincd: "Then you lled in tluit letter 1" A few minutes. afterward Uie witiiefls lilt back hard. Mr. Choate asked, sarta-tl.-Lly. 11 the witnei* had ever heard or read of the advciiturea of Uurmi Mun flhaaaaB. "No blnekgunrd over asl.ed me Ihat quesUon untll pOB asked it the oUier day," replied McClosliy. McClosky went over the story of Mr. Anders'in 8 lutlliieiiiatlonn about flBBR-g hls dead _0D ? Wlllle. .Mci' wua wlth Mr. Anderson, sltting on a be.nrh ou Uie Battery one dav, when Auderson called a little l.ov up und told McCtoflBp Uiat lt wa_ Wlll'e. Mc Otoahy aahafl the Bay irkat BM name was and tho l.ov nave -ome uunio other than W.llle. Anderson gave the bov a *_ gold piece. Another boy whom he saw lu Johh Hocy'b ullica one da>, he called Wllllo. Anderson u-ed often lo tell about drflflmlng of " WUlto" and llieii seelng hlm In the inorning. HeCWflky did not nce-s-i-y think thnt Anderson wns crazy be 0A9M _8 inlhefl about .oininluing sulcide. Thero were plentv of meu who belleved ln hpirltuallsm, und who tfllkafl of committing sulctde, who weie not tr.izy, ku said. Mr. Chonte-s tros--examination will be continued to-day. SUED BY A FKMALE COLLKGE. JACOB B. TADI/MAN ACCL'SED OK CONNIVINS TO INJL'RE IT. Th*? anlt af K.vtgers Fcmaie College against Jacob B. Tnllmaii. a rotiiud bullder. for au accounting oonoeni lng his ?ru-t .c-hip of the coUege, ?a> broiiRht to trial before Justlce Lawreiute, ln Uie bupreme C.urt, yest.r day. The collega ailefecs Uiat Tallnian connive. with lienry M. llerce, the prosldeut of the collepe, and had inoi'tguge. placod upou the property and siib-quenily purchaaed under ^rej-losure by a brotlur of Pierce for $180,00-. Sub-e<iuently, lt U alieged, T-llmau pur rhaufld fhe preperty from Pierce*. brother. Then Uie college leased thfl property. Th. eluwge M also mndc Uiat, while Uie college I?u_ed lt from hlm, Tallmau luducd the authoritles to exempt the property from beeau . lt belong.'d to an InsUtuUou of letii'u ing. AnoUier charge lu tke compluint ls Uiat jjiii-.-tiH-i-a the furnliurc in thc college nt a sale uud t iin execuiloii on a Judgment entered prior to lt)7. Tallnuui -peclflcally dentes each of Uie charKe-. Hc .l.-ciar-. tliat all the transueUons were leglUniu-. and thut he wa- u fiieiid of the college. and that the :i. uiiiiloii uuw owes hlm 840,000 for rents, etc. Tallnaa dealaraa that fi-- nua Induced t?. lnv?wi nioi.ev ln the college becausu he wa. well-to-do und hud iimi.i'v enough to su-tiilti the lustltntlou. Kvery moii/jage on the eollcgi*, lt li averred, was thcra before Mr, TuUpian had anrUiing tu do wuh It or waa uware of its ,'_i-t.-ii,... ,1,. I'.i.hnaii H.1.0 decUii-s that h*i ha_ pald taxes on the property every year, and that hi haa r-celpt- to back up thls asscrtlon. The ca-e will be continued to-day. tue immD btate* ?itreme coltit. MMXK'. KIUUT TO TAX THK 0BABD TftVXK RAIL. ROAIJ Ai'llRMKU-OTUKR BL'__X1_.S?. Wiisiuii-t in. Dec. 14.?The Hupreme Court to-day held, ln an opinion render?d by Justlce Field, thnt 8 tnx levted by the Stflte of Malnc on the frro. | retelpts of the (iiiind Trunk ftnllway Conipany of Canada, for ihe privQflRfl of BSflretfllnB it_ RaaehMefl within Mnine. wns I.-..,! and constltutlonal and was not omitrary to the iu.'.i -lon of tbe CoiiHtltution prohibiUng tho States froin regulatiug Interstate com.nerie. The tux wus levlcd under a generfil InW pa?Ked rn 1881, pre sd-iblng an excixe tax upon all r-A'h-Hds opirrated within the State for the pdvHege of exenlsing their iHUMhlaa. The tax amounted In the eas.* of the fl.rumj Tntuk to $0,300 In 1881, aud $1_,0._ in 1P.^. The court holds that tliere can be no question of Uie power of the State to levy u tax of UiU character. It ls natural that the corporaUon shouid be made to beaj some propc.rUon of tbo burdens of tiovernment. The members of tho court agreeing wlth the view . expressed by Justlce Field were Chief .Justlce- Fuller und Jin*tices Oruy, Ulatehford und Rrewr. The dis .eiititig iBatfBM wero Meusrs. Uradley, Hurinn, I.ain,.r Aiid llrown. Justlce Bnvlley delivering a vlfjorous oiiil di?sent. He opposed the constltuttonalliy flfl tho tax on prlnriple, and 08 the atrength of prelious decisions of thc court. Wliilc thc tax pi-ofev-scd to be a tax for Rm priiiioge of aaarrlRBB a RaachMa Rltbla Maino, the niode iiiloptod secnis to thc minority a rvgulaiiou of MMrataM and Intaraaflaaal traaBpoMatloa. lha inlnniity thinU that the decMons of thc court for a iiuiiiber of penn have ostabli-hed the prln.iple tluit taxation of inteistate 0B-MB-B8 is contrary M tlie Con-tltution. f-juio of Uie other bnslnesn tMii-act'._ was Uie fol? lowlng: Xo. 173-Thc Xew-Orl uns IRflMfl RbUvbB C mpnny et al-, iip'peltunut, agt. .Iv'ui t> Ituthvt ct al. M/ilon to dlsmlf. p'.?tj,,.ii, (1 to lhc _?_i1'..- on the uierits. Xo. l,4-_b?Jiwl B. Krlurdt. Collcitor, etc, phtlmlif ln errar, uitt. Julius Colin et al. ._n.i,u.. granted. Xo. :i:>_-Tiie OrBflan Rallwap *ud Narigaaon (".m nauy, plulnUtl In error, a?rt. the Otagonlan Railway DBflapnny (llmlled). Motion for MaVfl t? hUbtnlt tblfl CBflfl Miihoui piiiitlng the 1-...,:-', submlUed. Xo. 587?TRe Rlenmonfl iui?l DaavtUfl lUUlru.1 ("..m ptiny, pli.lntifr ineno.-, agt. .. B. DyKtmui. _)i?in.-_ i per supuJatlon. X<>. .'l.v Tlie Fowl.r Mantif-cturtiiK Company et al., appellanta, *itt. Artol CRaaeron. Lusniis-o.1 wiui eoato. X?. 10?Cnglnal U parto, ln U.,. .nutter ol .1. slout r.s-e.t. i"iltl()iier. ArpBBMflrt begun b.v So!l l;or Ceu tial i^ft for the petitioucr. Tho ili.v cul. titr Tue-duy, Dcccnilier IB, will le as followa: ROB. 10, ortgliuil; 1_^ und 183, 1^4, 180 188, 1,04?, l.oh'A, 12*, 1RB and KJO. srixc. A BOBOBQB FOR RBOUOSBCS. Judge. 0*Bri8B und a ]ury in tlie bupicmc Court vostcrduy b.gau the trial of the **ult of Wiud.or C. Hurtt, flfl TaJiytowii, uguinst Ur. YVIUluin C. Hull, to laoarfll *n?,000 Mr Injailflp Bllflflflfl Ut have beou re cc^'ed ln ronheo.ueurc of the (urgeon. negllgence lu perfort-Jap un oaaraRaa upon Maa. The oaafl haa ai randy baaa trled onee in whlto Plalnfl, and |R? jm-v brought iu a rarfllat Mr Uie defendant. Tho pMlnt-8 uow ailer*c* U.e Jur> wa- (ocrctd. W. J. K. KKXXY I'l'lIKI.I). Jitstle. ingrilmm, ln the suproino (ourt, Clrambers, yestei'Iay handed (town a flflflflflMa de.ivlng Uk> in.Hi.m of John X. Kinra for au Injunctlon ISaMlflflBR tlw BBBflfl iiiniv from maklng a RaaflRJM t wtM) Um*A R. llrown to puljllsh n The City lU.cocd" f r the year 1888. twtg* liiKtaliam *ay? Uwt he Baaa BOl tiuiiU Uiat any Meu aare uw-antai to jusUfy a Hndlng thai the inper iM.r.if "Tiiailry Record"' w_? Kiii:ty ,,f an. fii.u.i, ool lu-|,,n or l<-d __lth. lt Is cl-H... tbe <? uit dccklva. tliat Ui. Iioaid had RM power to make the aontmol wiUtoui advcill 4-iiu-nt for blds o. prop.. _ The dlsoreilon. he __.>'?, ln left to Uicm* pnl.lle !lt..'is wlien thev flflflflfl lt M b" for Uks lie-< BrMraM <tt the .uv to ii.iv. uu- prtanai flona otfear tha*; by ...iitiuo.> let _fU*r adTflrttflBBBBt M Iddfl aret pi .postU*. Thls dlfl OERBY DESKS. 18 I1KEKMAN KP ' CHAIRS, OFFICE FURNITURE. UVHIIV X BlUgRfl in>K Qfl, (of i.-?u>?,. ?,?:..-? ol Ui. flfllfltMbafl IttlltUV It.M.l. IOI- li.>K*s, __v. uu ...j j mic-iwou -. .wn aU(Lr?M. C-hU.gUfl oa . PL 877,879 BROADVAY WE HAVE JUST OPENE) 39 CASES EntirelyNewGools FRODI JAPAN, SUITABLE FOR Price*, $2.00, $.1.00. $10.00, $2,5.00, $30.00, $73.00, $100.00 and upwttrd. PORCELAIN, HETAL & BRONZI Until Christmas we will be pleased to show our Stock of fine Diamonds and Jewelry until 10 P. M. A. KOHN & 56 West 23d St. cretlon U> venl&l ln tlK>m, taal w*b*-n uaed ln r-od bl* I* not subject to tlie court'* eontrol. **THe*f DRC1SIONH BY THE NEW COUBT. The new Federal Clreult O.u.t sf AppeaU tMtM down its lirst hatch ol declalonii In adrniralty ea*B yesterday. Judge* and UMBBBBh whu fort_ed tbe court, liauded down twelvo opinion*, in i*ven ?( whicli they reveraert the dwleloD* ol tiie DBirtB Court. Iu the Ubel ol Hajnlltt-n agaiui* the BrryboM Jolui King, tbe de?1?<toti of the lower court wa* n-rertel und a decree w%? eiitw-ed dikml^ng tiie Buit. Tha UUeilont owued the propeller TUoma-. McHafiui. waaa came ln eotlBton with tl><* ferryboat. ln tlie libel ol John Hall m< the seamer flag nt Naples, the llbellant'a allowance tor *lv?ge waa rwiuCed from ?*?,000 to Plu.OoO. Hl? Uig. the ?? Moran, aM.*d hi puttln*? out ;he tlre ln the a'aain-Jia off Bedlow's Island, on .Septemter 2. leH). T!i?* deciBn of tlie toMBT court, limlWtiz tbe llaMMty of CeTW val.a Line, w_- fni-tained. (Hi Aujfuat 14, 1868, ?*) fthlps ol that compuny, Uu- Geyaer nnd Ihe ll.l'.nU came In eolBaloo nenr Sable I-Uud, BBd almod U Ure* woro Isflt li wn- hekl that no daniBC"*-. m* bo IBUWatBd l'roni Uie |BB MT \m* ot life or propatj. BOBDIMB IN IM court OF AfPBAU Albany. Hec. 14?IB the Court of AppenN tohf tlie following moUona wei*e heard: Heury Mes-iuger atft. the lletropolitan F.V-aaB lUilroad Company und another. Motioi. t.. .ituend ta* inlttltur jjranteil. ... , - W. il. Baaaaat iifrt. thc li< me, Watcrtown and uplrt)* biirg Uullruad Coiiip_nv, appellani. MeBMB M distnla bppbbL Audrew filiiiooly at-t. Adolph laaaehaBM *c? another, appeUaata. >iotlon to BBMBBB appeal The.-t* BPP -I*- BBBl c/i-lei| were The People ex rel. the BMetrk I lliirnlnatlr.f Company, ai.iiellant, uri. ConUoller W-mple. lUa People. ex rel. G. \V. ***a.ver. appeBBBA *P~ C. P, MaeMafl ct al.. Commi?>ii?iwr. etc Tho* Battonal Iiank of lilush?n'on, ap pellant. aet. c. f. I'endletoi et al. TUo .MjUiufuctureiV NiMioirtl lia;ik a,.'t. DudBf *** and uuoUier, upp.-llant*. Submitted. Uuuc Romaiitf). taa raoeirer, etc, appeHaaa ****? Chaaaaep aud atiothcr. liuania C.aiU, a? aijtnliil-tratrix. otc. ap, BBBB M. < orwin alfd another. aa BKacatora, ttt?-. appellw** 'rtio reoph* ex rel. the Anertean OootracBM *"? Dredgtag conpaay, appeiiant, ut ? d*",iw a;-*i BBBfBi Cootroiler, etc. Tho People ex rel. the BdlaBB HarllBl Illuminatinl Companv at't. < ontroller WTenple. In BM BMBMr of >-pe appIbatl'Mi of Mnry WaBBB, eu., for tlie -mpp/rt uf tr_:-*li Wult.or. W. 1'. Waltaa et al.. reif)oiident?. mrt. A. r. tstcwiirt, tni.-t^e, etc, appellant. B-MaMiaa*. The BBB*BBBf tt. the calendar lor to-uiorro-: ^'o^. D.'ll. X',2, XIX PB4, *J15, 2i(*. J-**J aoA HW. Tl)e flrst four c-aso are entltled : The People ex rel. John A. Nlchols afrt. the tinond?_ga County Boarf ? Canvosner*; Uie People cx rel. P_ rkk J. Ryan ___# IBa BBBM: BBl Poople ex rel. David A. Munro, Jr, ajct. the same; thc People ex rel. liufus T. I*eck ajt the same. In thc Second Division to-day the following ra*** wbbb aipaad: W. 9. Ii. iaalth et al.. ast. C. Mlaa ei al-. r*P***l lants. T. M. aBahBaa und another aftt. Morltz Freema'i and another, BaplpaBBi, BM., a|ip<*!lant?. James 11. OaodaeU. n*|ioiideii-. and appellant, tgi the B/eaton i tuoii Teit-e'raph OoBapaay, VfMaBB ** rv-spondeiit. Tiie toUawtag i* the tM*?*<ind Dtrlatoa f?>r to-aaaraw* Maa. BBBa '>*r-i. J*!-'.. J<ii>. bl*i, _:i7. OU aud 5-',? OOCBT CAl.ENUAK*-; I'OK TO-DAT. .Mipiviii.' .'iiuit?U.-11. ia! 1. rni?K*-iv??. ,_,-???? aaprena t yiit-i haa,bri-? Uc(or? Iugi-aliani, J;TK^T ojj-.-..- at, ;<J.3o a. in. Betlaa .ai^ndar cataM ** ll * T .supieiiii: couii-biicial 1 rr'u-l'art l? Bc'or*. b'fLi' - Laa ,i.o Kaet: \c ko*, nt.i. iaui. 220. aw. a*. Z2B, 80.', ???-?, .;o. 005. 108, 2A. '..1'.'. ia>. __,. duvNuie Court- *,. ,?i ivrni -i'-rt Il-Befon. i.*~J?il J.?Law ami l*aat: . ??<? ou, No ?*)?>. Balaaia ?*-i*~ Coliuxe- Ba dav ealrudar. v_ aupr.'iui- Cui.ii.-i 1rn.1i?Part l-B.-fur.' I iuix J,-?iL. 1047, 111.- ltt- -i'."* ???.'. T.V), 100.-V 11'-'J. ?** 6HU, 8172, .>.,. n;*i. LIBB, 7 U). *s*"0, 7B7, M08. bupr.ii.e Courl?Oluiilt^-l'ari il-B '.or* ,J'?i/l_B' ?VL .\u?. llj,, HlOO, la-t". IAAA. 1310. 13.W- 9**JB Bua, u?a ii'-:'.'. n-'>"' iaal v**, \**> iau WA r.-7-i. 704, Bia. 9-'?3. 1288 1829. lUA, 1388. , tjiiprnu" Court-Clreuit-Part Iil-IM '*.; **i*;u'7I!?,_i -Cas? uu. No 1183, Appictou v.> Baw-TarB 1.1W ****** \o U.ty 1 ileoOar. ,,, ??? sh ? ? .-Ircilt-Part IV-Adjuiui-d until ??? d.iv, t.eri>iub.*r Sl, lbl'l. , v. ,&. Bttpartor . uun S!?, al T.-rni- H.-f,.r.' 1*"/ ? L-^oi* Bupert r < ? t lienarsl Tcrui-Aa;uuru?i ui.ui **.&***? Jannarv II, 1838. _ __, _ 1 _NaB ,.1-.,, luuit Eauity T.T.ii - ?.?'????.? ).-h.-im. i?*m 50."., Soo '..;.. MB, MB. 511. "'f-'. oia 5M _,.,,.? Bvaerlor Ceurl Trtid Tena-Pari i-Bokwa 8iai**" C. J.- ".- I.s,. ;..<! M->8, 1111. Hl'-'- .>-"*'? ?!-**?., u-^ Poaartar Caurt-Trtal Term-Patt-. m -u.d 1 il-A<ty>*v*'m SunoKato's Court-H.furv lUu^om. 9>-** ,3*ilrtl* B*)*4 wm i-f J.'hu HaraUfh al 16:88 **? ?*?? *?? ealeodar aalled at 10 30 a .... Testiu.ony tu J* **? bafare u- p obatt elerk Wllla of Adatofe t- *}*>*"\'* . Minlr M ihoiua-.. HrUb* Maix, ?t 10 ? h .1 r \iiii'. ? >1 ifiouia-. iirv.-ni> .?**??*., ?- ?* rh..,#i Ellra I. Blahop. Thaaiaa 0*8haufhae?,y. Maito ia*j 1 1, ,/ Blrk, l'au*r > Blaloj, Mary A. R"*'^''' ??*-?* 30 I it Nhaar! MShaal MBwaB, BBB- Naiighuni. a? M ~ | a UBBBMa HBBB-apaBBl Tcrm-UcforB BlwholT, *A* ' ^srja_??: oTii y^'Ao, ir."?'* ** j ^'.onii'u.; ^iaaf-Trlaj Jto?^aM>f^JWtt 'j.-.m,, i:..\i. i.iav. IW?. 1074. -"M>v ' '** '*'?? u., vmi), ll". ?.?:;. ii' 841' IO"*"1 a?*. ? ^' **L 7^0, iSl, iipT, a. laaa, i3?. i";*?. ??*,?? 100-' 'ol* ''""(?o'ulmu, PMB8 -Tr a! T*rM-J'art M- BBBM ***> C *' -Ca*JM>a U) I" *fttt froin Part l Nr.arHI. ._ C011..10,. IMaaa l'nal 'IVrn. -Part I I ? llefcw 9*1**. r?u. ? 1.1 ha . nt f'tini Part 1 for trini- . ??. ,.i;,;.'.r. S-'i.i la win. I*''.'''''***** S *ifi,aa*j_?iato BF srfi l.-iiu 1.- .7 04O4, * -l. ."I'l. I'"0- ?"'?' ? ' I70O. Mm. 47IM. >.--'. i**;1 m.-oowb, J Clty loutt i'rial N?J l'art I lh? il'???**"'^at, -Boa.4074. BMt ITOO, *M* lOM. tPfB. 874J> BB S :^.,;;.. ? ?85-. iift. fli*. *? ?* ftlO't! ftHX. *?I0.">. \10fl. Ebrll^h. Ck?i _f:;:^A'?i'^;^r;:, Sr^pS^D"* ** U;i B781. 4817. 4MUI. ?287. 3081. ?0?i.