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NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE RVMOI ?ALONS. THR WOMEN OF THE FRENCH SALONR. By Amelia liere Mason. Illustrated. lmpertal 8vo. pp. 3.6. The Century Company. Not only a single volnme bnt an ejitenslve serlea <rf volumes couW lie prepared from the great magazino of fact and anecdote whlch the French memolrs fur nli?P. <if cour>e, lt was not poatlblc for Mrs. Maeon. in the spa.e of lo- yian IiOO P-ge*. to do an.i thing hke Justl.- to Uie BBflfflflij bnt nevertheleas, she hn? produce. a _ook whlch ls fnH of Intere*'. and whlch will probably be fmind full enongh by the majority ol readert who only seek a general oulltne of snch matters. The Krench. salon ls or wa* tlie most remarkable trt.Hrument ever known for tke applicailon of somvi's lnflnence to general ? calture, Utei-ture and pflBBMa WiUiont anytMag approachlng orgaui satton or scIMcveloped syatemi from thc beglnnaig. the sa-oii __tecr4sed an Influenc. uaxamplcd ln hirtory. Tliat phaae of It moM, commanly ln_l>ted upon, at leaM durtng the "880-08 reglme.'' is lt? frl-ollty and gayety. No doubt hi Uie decndenre ofl the Kegency It becamc murli wlmt MflMBJ was, and the author of this volume has found it ncecssary to touch Iight ly upon thls epoch. whieh, in truih, wlll not bear rlose handling in ? work lulonded for the gfncral public But tbe Important work of the salon did not coasc even under those dcmoraMxing cmditions. Ii continued Ifl pflflR foiwanl that rennN-ancc movement wlilcli was to culmlnate ln the Kevolutlon, and whlch in clearlng the ground tor tlw ronvulskm, was to swecp awny rellglon and lntrodnce n msteria!l?t philo-ophy. marked e.ually by iu extccmlsm and its crudity. The salon morcover rcpresoiited constantly Hhe varlons strata of Freneh sodety. lt cou-.isted of n cor.gerle- of llttle factions, each of whirh served 08 a distribuing point for ideas and oplnlons. The clerer, splrltuclle and anibltious women wlio conducted tbeac gatherings held Uieir places and took their place* by rlght of natura! selectlon and survlvaj of the fltteflt. In Uie seventeenth century a note of ar.l liclallty domlnaied Fr.iieh goclety. Literature nnd Me stood apart from one anothcr and the lltemry rcej.aru.:is wliich Uie salon of the pcriod affected Rtrlke us today as having been singularly stlff, taste le- und Jejnnc. When the men and women of the salons gave the reln to their naive wlt and liumor, tho roults were very dilTerent. and even the 6tlffiiess and search for 11 erary fflflRR liad lt- Kood effects. for ?t tciided lo -..ftcn and rcfine a so. icty wliich down to tbat time had been litlle lieltcr than Uirbaioii-. Not mu-t i: be forgoMen that Uie f-alon did much to? ward' Improvlng the po-itlon of women and ln pro mofing rhlvalrous behavior toward them. lt has often been <*id? usually bf criUcs of nations less advanced in pollteriess-that French gallantry is lnslncere and spperflclal. This, however, 9 only portly true. Most men have in them a central core of harbarism: and if, as clvlllratlon progrc*.?es, this d<>es not dl-.ppear, but is only overlaid wlth a veneering of cmrtcsy end pollteti-s*. this veneering is none the less a distinct ad rance npon the preeedlng condition, in whieh there wa? the same iindcrlyltig eoai-seness and sclfishiie-s, and no attempt to fllflfRRfl or restraln It. The salon taught a hlgher code of manncrs. and that was n g(K?d thing Jo d<>\ It baa. a- a rule, liUle ?erious Intention to play rcformer, but the Influcnee of educat?d women, and even of bcfiutiful a :d graelous women who could not prefud to much lntellectuality, was elevflting and rcfining. as the event suffirlentlv proved. There are BMO. features ln thc hlstory of the salon whlch can hardly be apprehended unles- the nationai ehara. ter aafl MaflflM Bo have been sludied. and un less al.'wance t>c made for dillerence Ui the polnts of rlew. Hut it R easy to appre.late the .strength of the intcllectual fermentition whicli was constantly going on in these clrcles, and the wRB-BBSBBB *nd MlBBBMHafl .ffect of that fnctlon of ideas wliich the general inter 'a-mmutitcatioo. (produood. All ??W.nds t-t bf-QMBfl mind* were here brought in coritact, for the salon was not one but varlou-. Tho literary. fhe philoophtral, the purely and the political oatoflfl each liad their Tot_ries, and these, too. passed from one to another cjn flfl, fre-heiiinu thcir wNfl by the csrhange of oplnlons. And what wefmen thc salon brought into promlnencc! Hnw long a llst of hrilliant and dis tlnjruiM.ed dan.e> the very name recalls: Mme. de Ilam-oTJIllet. the Durhc?sc de l.ongucvlllc, Mlle. de Rrudery, Madamc <le Sevigne. Madame de Ln Favette. Madame de HeiTind, Mr.:e. de S<*i)cln, Mme. dn (hate let, Mme. OfloRrlfl, Muic. d'Kpinay. Mlle. de Lc* pina-*^ Mme. Bfl-bar, Mme, de stacl. Mme. d* tienhs, Mme. Rcamicr. Slme. de Kn.dcner, Mme. de Keratrsat, and how many more I Rome distlnguished f* intellect, aorne for wlt. and some for conver-a tional rharm, or beauty of person or gracc and chai-m of tranners. Tbe salon proved. among other things, that French women could exercls? a true kacftflaMea without possesslng pei?s nal beauty. Not a few of the most eminent and MtAtJb) influentlal of these ladies wei-e not evc_ good-lookinu: and some were positlvely liomely. But thc men who listencd to them forgot Uieir faces. and perluips thls, for women. wa- the great^st triumph of all. How noblc BB anav of gicat men-men of le ters meu of irMtTT. m.n of po'.itlcs, men of art-havo pa-cd. through and exhlbited themselves In the French Bfllon, and h ra m&nr pour and *.tniggllng men of genltis have (,wcd their ri?-e to the hindly help of the women wbfl pre-lded there: It wa< ihe nlafl Uiat. in the seven ipenil. and dghteenth eoaMRMS, modifled the ceie nionial oaaMrltMa fll MaBal etbiuette and fo maX a hridge Iftween iflBk and talent. The poor author oc fli-inatlst or BOSl OT man of -. iencc fouud there opi.or tunitv for tnalilng hiii'-e'f Unowti such a- he would have BBflfRI la valn el-ewh-ie. For flic purpo-e< of inl-l Icctual talBiaaarao Uie latriers of birth Imd po-itlon were lowercd. Tl.e ? grand dame de par le inonde," as old Brantome ha- lt. IhOfffl flflM on 08J0H- tcrms the poor poet. who slept in an aitlc and owned hut a single coat to his bad- Tl.e -aloii. too. was the mir-ery of tho-. advanced view. known in eonnectlon with Uie Eneyclo paedia. Here Ibfl **(alal eontrart of BO-flBflfla. tlie rights Of man. ihe oflRO-HB <'f d'llolback, thc scepti. lsm of Vol Ulre and d'Alcmb. rl .md Diderot, were dtflC-jaafl and RBflflBflfldJ and hencc flBltaMlflfl tln-ough i.'ic Jowcr .Irata or society those new philo>oi.hlcal hypotheses whlch, when applled by lgnoraiice a-id pcjudlee and passion to the flflflOM.fll affalrs of life and govern ment, p',duced MflflMfldflaO resnlts. whieh had never entered Into the concepticn of their original propa gators. What the lnflnence of thc salon was, even when lt wa- _8l-tBlBfl t-? Its fall, may bc JudRed the oaOMtaat apprelienslon lt rau-ed Napoleon, whose maxiiii it wa? that wh_tever opp^s.d h.m must bc O-B-b-B. WM8 a!I bM cgoti-m and ma.terfulne-S, he recognlted Uie lmpo-lbility of suppresslng thls Mfltita tion. Madame de Btflflt, ind'-ed, hc could drive Into exlle, th ugh oren thu-. he could nol 0118800 her. But the Faubourg St. (iemiain troubled him, th ugh Its ln liutiitAiits had fallen to be a feeble fojk, afid with all 1,1s'.ality U? worn. n, lie feaied Uiem both soclally and pollUiiiily. Tlie ?aion haa virtna'.ly pa>-cd away. Other Umes other medes. But the intcre-t of lt can never die, and, however MOflOtj it may I.ave been sludied, lt con atitutcc >o vlvld, aiilmsted ar.d changeful a BflflMMBBB ot liuma- natur*1 tliat ijook*, lil.e thls must always be werr-ome MtA popular. Mi1-. Baaflfl has. we think, per lonneil her ta?k 0B the BfRflM Itlf -_t,-fHctorily. and )_r O-RflflRfla, bitef though they neecs-aiiiy are, glvc a clear and oXtcn _triklng lmpre-slon of thc people and th_ flccnes s)ie flaaOflbea The BflbUfl-flTfl have made ?I tho volume a beaiitiful glft-book, with a handsome and appropnate cover, sumptuoii- papcr and print and a serie- of well-executed port:aits._ T Xero JJublicatioits. HK BOOKS AND TAMHILLT-S fonni"ngThe Lioiaiy of tne late HON. 080. UANCnOl'T ? re for nult IS OBB UMi ONLY. lo any l ui.lic kMMOaUaa or indlvldual, ? probable buyer, eaiUcnlar-. wlil b- I'lniisli-d l.y th" . xeeutors of the estate. 5f?jf*Rlg.flT-TcV J-anai.- _^_i'*____..__L_i____:_ TEtjrnu-ei.tb BfllUaa. aa*J pa'd,.'***" EM. or sumps HL Hl'MAN I1AIH; Why It Falia Off ? .id the I'.eii.'dv. Jlr l'rof. HARLKI XM'.KF.R. A. M. JjOXG tt CO.. 1.018 Ar.'h-?t., Phl'.a.. Pm. "Ewrr one shouid read llttle book "?Athenaenm. N UW BEADT-Thfl JaaRBflj J'att of The VOUMG LADIES JOUKXAL, The Ix'-t JournaJ fur I._4.'c* aud J-'amillea. contiilnlnc thc lateit fl.'d Ix.-i ta-iioi.a; ni'ifu-el.v illu-trat*. : a n.auiii. >ih .u.oi.d auppleinei.t of Iflahiona; numfl.oua con.. jleu- ?'..I.,- of ah.orbiog Intcr.^t, ai.d tlie bcglnnlng of a new oOBBt aaURofl ??A MASK'KD KOE"; U-?..?. N.*w Mu?c, liubroid'-ry Deslpna, 4e. The mo_t toini^'te niA-ar.liie for ladl.*n uuoll-b*-,l. Don't fall to get the January number. whlch begln. a new volwi... Jfow I- thc Tln..- u> N'lb-cribe. frlce 80 t^nta. Yeailv. tt.OO. Ineliidlng the Chrl?t. ni_? *, iii.l. r. po-tpflld. All ncwadralera, and THK. IN TFRNATIONAL NEWS I'O., New-Tork. _ j'nEW^XOVELS FOR 15 CKNTS. *M AR B-flRJBBB in the IABVABT RVMBBB of the K.iMir.v UBBABT MoxTiir.T. (..M.V 18 CKSTS. ' Of all Newad. alcrs. and thi; ivrr-nxATioxAi. BBUB co., new-youk. 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IT IS THE MOST COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE NEW WORLD, beglnnlnc with the carlicet rccords and coming down to th? present day. yet published. NO LIBRARY IS COMPLETE WITHOCT IT. En doraed by leadinjr educators, utatesmen and s'.udents thioughout the country. Pamphlet contalnliiar spoclmen pocc?, portralts and full description sent on appllcatlon. D. APPLETON ft COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, 1, 3 AND 5 BOND-ST, NEW-TORK. Jnstrnttion. For Young Ladies?City. A CLASS IN LITERATURE lor ladle-. wlth Dr. Dodge, of Columbla. now fornilng at KEV- DR. AND MILS. CHARLF.S 11 >'.e SDN1 KS M'HtHib. .07 *.th.ave._ Tss UARDBEB*- BCHOOIi KOR fil RLS.-Pnmarv and advanced. ClasM-s lor Ro.v-. Milluiry Drlll for Young Ladlea and Delsarte (.ynuiastica._18_Ea>tJI3lKt-?t. THE MIfcSES WREAKS. Board ng and Day S. I.ool for yciac ladl ?? and chlldren. ?lth Klndergarteo._8. Eaat 68th-at THE M1SRES MOSI-i 047 Madlion-ave. Knard'.np anC. 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E_.ii.i-r- Wllilatu Maaon, Mua. DfB, A. C. M . aud ail-ert llon* I'Bi>oiis, A. C. M. Dudley Iluck. pn-aldeut. H. R. Palmi-r E. Agramo'ile, H. R. Shellv ai.d C. H. Hauley ?ic ammg the distlnguUbad members ol th'- furulty. A fi-ature ln eunnertlon wlth Bm aaaaaa l? the Resldenee Department for ladiea. wlieie pupils f-om a d'aUnci- ?ro ?<?. roinraodated with board aud every teclllty far i.iacllo- and atudy. PUPILS ADMITTED AT ANY TIMK. For partlculara. aeod for College Annual. Addresa H. W. OREENE. Secretary, 19 and 21 Eaat lllh-at. city. M'n-ellarieous. ADV1CK AltOCT SCHOOL8 aad elrcular* trtt t* v**i anta. baatr lo- ahtv, pric* dtaircd. pupii'* agt aad *?x. P. V- UUYSbOON. A...e-. an bcheoi Buraau. !W, Hlh **__. For Young Luiliea?Country. EXCELLENT BOatOOL POB PQDBO I..MMI-S AT MJII. CONN. Collag.- proparatory; work. Apply b. Mr-. K. rs. ORISWOLD. _)iu\ituc/d f.yiin-. ti.nn. CTVlNiibTliN PARK KIJIINaRV. Uoel.eal.-r, N. Y.~ II.,ii,<- Church a>. bo..! f-.r Uie >ai.-, i,.?'-nt and lultura of rouug la41e>. ;-..",u. year bc-i-ini. .--. i.i. io. Istii. Wrlt* for clrcul?r Mr>. C. *S| CuriJv I'rm YACK-ON-HUDSON.-iio?rdlng-chofil tor twai.iy Bva gUU. lerma, 8..00. Addtaaa IMOOENE DER'tHOLF l*rli.*.ipai. ST. HILDA'8 SCHOOL Y"li U1RLS MorrUlown. Ni.w.J'js?y_tteiilo* Junlor and 1'rni.ary D.-part m.utrt Tarma Irom 8?80. Clrculara ou aiiollcatloii. Jnatrnttion._ For Boys and Young Men-Country. BOKUF.NTOWN 18. I.l M1LITARY INbTlTUTS UEV. T. tl. LA-SUON. FUIXCl.'AL. LlfcL'T. T. U.' l.AMM.N I'llMMAMiANT. EASTMAN l.toINK*-. fl.bLL-.-lt. .'oualiMcpjlfl. N.Y. Op*u all the year. Thorouflh instruction In Houkae.-ping. bar.kliiK Con.n.'.Mal, UwWMlnM. Arithii.etlr.A.. ; THosr-phy, r,le;ovn\,hr, Typ* wrltlne .-<*. lluaine*.. men .up.,11,3 **1lh .i.n.'a-tept aa-l-taiit* 08 thett notlee. Ni. . harcc for .Itu.tiono fur_l?h<- -ctxt for . -t I .*. F" M.I'F.IIOLI) INStlTCfE. Fi-chold, S'. .1.. 4.',th y**.t\ OaR-ffl prcparatlon a .peclalty; buslne*, high icu.ol aud el-Mlcal ((.iir-*1*.. _t P~or<iHKI.EI'!-lF. MII.ITARY INSTITI'TK, Twenty'. nlnth y*?r. l'repares for ..oll. <*e, (.l.-tulU.* ~ .,?<.!?. ai.d huslnpi.. flUEE HOLLAND. C. K. 1'rlnclpal. l'oughkceji?|e, R, Y. _ . SL'MMKK BCHOOL TOR BOYS7 AT TIIE BIlYANT fcCHOOL, Roslyn. I- I.. 9. T. OTerlooking I. I. Beaafl. Baafl for IHoatflalad eatalogaa. TJIE HIOHLAND MII.ITAIIV ACADEMY, Wo...-. ... r, Ma*?.-Eaat?'r Term ty.ln. Jan. 4th. Cluttlcal, Scieii tinc. Bunln^Ha. I'Hn.ary Dejflrtn ents. AthleMca .?iiC'.urflr^d. Cireful tralnlns ; _0!i._..__. l' .nd vlaltor. tho IU Uev. I'hllllnn Hrooks. I> I> Head MaaMi JOBEPH ALDF.N MIAW. A. M. AMERICAN AM) FOREIGN TEACUER_r AOEXCT. _.uppll.a I'lOftaaor-. T?*snei?, lutor*. Govemeflaea. 4c, to College*. _' and .'_.i.ili..-. ALplj to Mr-. M. J. Yol'Xil-Kfl.TON. _3 I'luon fiquare. BEST TKA. HEIUS aupplied for all br-uchev ln anv loralltv. NO FEE for rc.Ntratl'.ii. Vmm tor .Ijii n. 1*. V. RUTSBfl "iV. ..n-r. ... B flflol Boreau. g W Hth^. FOR JI PRIVATK Ti'I'ili. reeooimende- 5J <<? ll-kuown faiiilllc. and -iciallv ? ucce-.ful in breparlnfl l,?y. for college, addreaa Yale I nlvepilty, lio\ 1-, 1 .:?** Br-.dwav. TiTor.-s, l'rof.-s-ora, Traeaara, Horemi?ra of all hraichos aupplied to anivrraltlflfl, colleg??, -,-ho?ls and fan.l)l*?. t'l'dilara schools to pgr?nt?. Modern lainrna-'n ij>oken. MIRl.v.M C0YRI8RE, 150 ..tlmv... ,or. lOtk-flt UNION TEACHERS' AQEECY a'.ppllcs achool offlt*er? wlth f nch**r>i; trseher* wlth postion.. B. M llAKKINi'TON. PrO|_, No. 44 Eaat l.thnt.. R, Y. Dttiuing 3\ciib.mi.s. Alexandcr ma .-Ri-'i-or."-. Mcaflelaflsaa Bmmt, i'V> w. ..iihst. Prlvate l*-?-on> and n'-.aca In _>nclna every day. FERNANDOS ACAr_>MY. 10'-' Cflflt 55t_-a_ l__flfltfl iow formlnu. P.vfltc l_a?on*. any hour. All the ne# and (MhJonahi. dtncea tauRht rapldij. Set.d fui .ucular. TtfBOROB DODWORTlE ? (581 FIKTM-.VVF... Claas aud P'lvate l??ijn. M^n's Class oon,Tnen.*ea Der. T.h. illnoical iJiiotrnmrnts. **? iquare planot of our own Make, in perfect coudltlcs and fully warracUd; aiso a number of .ecotid-hand*) of other p_oi_-__jt maktn at vcrr low prlcca. WM. KNAI'.E t- CO.. 148 5th?ve.. near L'Oth-st. New-York. _}clp tPont-b. WANTED.?Some one to Mkfl 8m Bflaaci f,, B hou-e hold artlcle entlrely new that rt.ll^ f?r 15.*.; ll>) p?r cent pmllt nnd "111 ix.-Un.-iy aetl M BVerj famlly : Ineloaa il in \> KOBERT s WEST, Clevi land, r?hi... tost nnb .foar.b. FOVND.? At the theatre on Siturdav evcnlnfl a ladies' broorn. c.nfiluln. diainn'i.L.. v :,i ii owaei iu?y recovar on aatKfactorv d<arilptlon and parment ..f adverUflemenU. bkn.i. W. OOItR, Kn fliaaflwr. tDintcr Ucoorto. IDIIIIIVDUIis. W1NTER RESORT GRAM) VIEW HOUSE, LAKE Pl.Af ll>. N. Y Higheat occupied Bl.fBllaB ln BM 8__rfla_8flR?i air pure, ory and lnvlg,,rat:ug: an nu-qualltd re* rt f,.r hcjlt;. aeektrs ; Mlflfl Maua ln. ,o-cd wlth tiu-- : Oreplacea; thor oughly airani'd ior alutcr .oii.fort; tabi1 Ur-t-cu*,. Aj. iKhm_BEBBY AL-ES. RlflflflMflM. HOTEL BON AIR, ?HMMRBIIIill HBISHTB AUGUSTA, Oa. Thla new uud ele?nn. hoiel "III 8888 on llcee.iihci' under .he _B8M innna?euirm u? lu?.l ?eu-on. Electric eara wlll irnnafer tntmengert und haugnne dire.-t froin Ihe depnt to ihe hoiei ou Ihe nrrivnl ol 8*888 For* full BaillllBBBU flnd llliiilnilc.I BaeR. "Ilh .Im. ai um ot room-. i.d.lieM C. A. Ll\*?l.l.\. Il.ilcl BBfl Air, Auaualu, (.eorgin_ N. STRONG'S 8ANITARIUM, ^AK..T^H;l RPBIRtta, R. Y. A ponular re-ort fo hea'.Ui. ch.infl". rest or recreatl,,n all the year. RMvaMT. electric bo_l?., tteon.. ouen tlie places, aun-purlor and pron.enjde on the mof. Drv touic air; marvelloua watera ; wlnter apurta. Mi.??e. 'i'urkl.n. RuiflUn, Roinan. JJectro-tlieinial. ail bfltkfl and all remedial flppllaaflflfl._Sflod f,r Ulnatrated clrcular._, FLORIDA. MAGNOLIA SPRINGS HOTEL ON TIIK **.T. J(?H>'S KIVKIt. Most healthful and ]..,_'.,.,:. ln l'lorida. OPEN JANl'AUY 10. lt*'.J. Bpaelal Maan for bm?a. For diagr.m of 188MB, UMltraMfl l,<'"k and pfllRoflMH call or addres a. C. COi.tiMAN, Rvaratt n <???<? E. Y. Bo-tV.n Oflice. '.'_ I'. ii,l>, rto:. Sq. _ LAKBWOOn, X..I. LAUREL HOUSE, OPBR <>( TOIIF.U TO 81*88. LAUREL-IN-THE-P1NES WII.LOI'KN DEC 91. The5e intises have SfBIT nind.-rii imjit ,v? n ? nt. and ac MB-BMflBM seven hundr.d (.'iie-t Western Unloii Tcl**glaph and Long DM8MM0 T* Kor terma, i... ii(ldrei's I'l.l 1I1.K __ I'OIITLK. MRRAOBBR._ LAKKWOOl). \. .1. PALMER HOUSE. Now opui. Open wo.d tlre-. ? clevata . -lam hent, &c._.1. R. r.M.-i.':. Maiiayer._ THEALBION, IM.A1M IKI.Ii. \. J. ? ... M'nuU's f.oui N. V. IH. traii.H djilv. N'.wlv ,u_h0 ' FltWK V.. MILLER. IHIMJI ll \. ThA Ii?n . ol thfl Mlv anfl 8w Rflflfl. 11% il 11/3 o> HOTEL, Oprn from Ilrtrinhri tiiiil Mny, h'/ir t i r(? 11 ]a'.- ''tc. ni-."' WALTKR AIKKV. I'roprlelnr. Mjii il t .. I. ;...i. BLBOABT. BOMEUEB. IIOTF.L ALTAHONT. lui:.'. I'lnce. Hiilliiii.iie. Hi6h?>st and h(*altt,icst poini, ou ba Bfl*. Bieai beotavarfl. A ekanatea i-p.'t M ?p_aa u.e wtatei ; - "., n ellmaM. wltli ad.antiR. s of a lar.:e ciiy. HcaHhlcfll BM1i of .t.'flii kflfltlag la tlie world. A novel fcattir. iaun I'nrlor on lop af houae oserlo.ikin;.' Utt i Itl "f BaitiiM.r,. nnd Ckflflfl tjemke Bay. Scnd Ior OflaBriptlV' pfln.pfl.1 t C. wahm:k 8TOBB, I'rop. IIOTF.L ST. i:i.?IO. GKEF.N < UVK M'UlN..1- Ki.or.m.v. Open .la.i'iary t., M l ? cconimodatlons for 1(X). J i. HOOTT, Maaaflar._ MOINTAIN I'AIMv IIOTFL. HOT BPRINOH, tt. t* FlNivr v. i\ii;it RRSORT. Rrltfet, auniiv flaya Pvn, broe'na air. il ,-',... plnee iu Ane.l.:i. I.ii.uiI.iuk bad- ln cit'i'al hot " it.r Ijliuirate- boofclet._W. C rVM-M ffop'r. VAN COURT 1NN. RO.F.LI.F,, N. J. 33 minutes Li;,.r'y-?t.: lf.o ualns New and flrafc cl...... f 10 u> .!.'?. Open all tho raM Stfiiinboiils. ALBANY BOATS. PEOEVWn LINI. Mj?,|. DREW aud DBAM lln J1M..M) have old I'l'i 41, B. K, fuol caual.t.. i\urj w.eaday ui U f>. ?;.. n.aaUig dire.-t ..'ouiu'ct on (Sunday- ..t.pttrd). for ALL, I'ol.Nj.. KQHTH, EA-IT aud WEST. _ NORWICH LINE. F*\j-.t? INSIDE KnL'ii: I.m.i , [U-OUCBO lo NEW LONDON, 81.00; NOHWICii. fll.g. VVOl. RS lKit.a-.Oi', iios'ioN. aa .'). i <.n. *>,.,..(_..; r. loctioe m all (k.IiiLs l_ir'.. fci. ait, r- itave I'ier 40, Rlmfl, __M abov,- lJt-i.iu-.c.-t. Itrry, d_..i, buoday.* e.\,:ept*d. at _ ^TOININCTON LINE. INMDi; IIOL'TE. ALL FAltK.s Rl _._( : Jt. BOSTON. 9A. PB0V10ENC8.aS.i_Jj *A UH-..-.1 I.K, 82.-5. BlraniflTfl lea..- u,i. i*hi _fo B, 1>, ono block above Canal-at., at 6 1*. J_. daily. axeflpfl buii__y. A-ONLY $3.01) to BCBTON \ia KALL ? R1VEU LINE?T8? H)0?t ixipulal travel i?uu In .... world. Fais-s redueed to all noluti. SWmnver. IMI.'.KIM and PLYMOI.TI1 ln conjnlaalon. Le... "... _. .N b, tool ot Muira.v-at., ?'? P -)., wickdaya aud .Viiii_r>. .Vin' nectlon bv Annex lloat fron. Ilroolilvn. 4 30 ? m. Je.aer City, * p. m. _ . _ . pATSKILU HUDSON. AND 00XS1CKI? V/ bo.iU leave dflMj, sui.dfly ABOBfltefl. Iron. I?l.r S3 foot of Jfly-t.. N. BL, ut b p. m.. cdnaectlaa ji llnliaa ailh Bn.ion and Albanv lt. R. for nl. point. RaM. V KW-HAVEN.-Steam.-rs lea.<- P.? I. 8lTi> ifl (l*ler 25. E RJ fll 8 p. Bl. and 11 p. m. (Stiniiay* Z irpted,. arnv nc lu Utae f,-r tr, n? X i:: , i r. ? R'AMSUKLL Une-St rs ie.ive I'ier 24, N. B. foot Franxltn-?t.. fof Wtat I'ou.l, ('al l bprina Curu?a__ F:_aklll Lao-ing. N?wbqro. mtUt 8 fl. *u; .uuday 9 a. ta. TROY HOAT-S.-Stea-Dera SamtoRi or City of Troy leave pler foot Wuat lOth-at. daily. ejui-pl bAT I'P.DAY. tt I'. M. Cfli.nect wlih tralui fo. North tat Eaat. bttudajr ateamet louchca al Albany. C-CBraiflfiB.^_ p/m*^^ VACATION EXCURSION3. ALL TRAVELL1N.I ******** -vNCLUDED. A WINTER CALIFORNIA. s-e I.l PBJMMB d Tialaa, MllaBMl __lB88 ?Wlnfl ..0.1 l>lnin? Car-. arttl leav N'W.Yor* for l"j_S_wI*U0VMBea -Orl-ana .I I'.l I'BBO. JunaS^ 11 Via < hlcg.. aud ****9t. lehrunry *-8. Vn Ne-a -i)r|e.n,? m I I.l Paan. PrbrunrJ II. Via Chlea*o aud San a Fe Kebrilnryil. Via New-oM.-aiii ond El Paao (Mirdl l,rMnreh''io. VM CBfcaaa aaajBBM Pa. Ihe i-n.T Every -MBM of Tnsvel hnth m, aud allow ,:,ll e f.dom ??...-?, tl,- P:,. Um Cojrt. 5__? m-iv be u-d rr-tur-.i,, - mi Auy Kraiilijr Tmln untl JulT IK'*'-'. **?M a Choler ol Four I) jliretil llo.Hea. .r wlth aii; one of Mnr Keliirnlng Pnrllra under l?prcinl F.scnrl. _ EaniAiona ln llrvlio nnd < nllfornin, Janimrv 12 "'Earuralmi 18 >lexleo. Nol Im luriina Cnlitoruln. FThe '?MinHwiel. lalnnH.. A PBftP will BBfljBBBl ?_** J-r'iI-'.. "el. inrv 4 ror lh>: SbimIwI, h laBBBS- and Iho ,,,,.;,; V..i an . l t BflBflBB. K?*.id fo- deacripUve book, "uVntlonlng tbe partlcular RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 257 Broadway, BSW-YOML S (Dccun Gtcamcro. -T-tOPICAL TOURS. Novel and InfP'stlng trips to tbe beautlful *_plUa Island of Jamaica and the many r.d-wtrld to?na oi **** Spaulsh Main. t*t*py**t two ****** or lur.far. by inu ATLas UMB STEAMERS. ABOUT FIVE DOLLARS A DAY defravs all 88888881. expcnsca of a vlalt tc Jamaica. Hartl. Colon" !.l?. Nic.'iMgn- Bud (. oeta Rn-a. Only lir-l caDIB p.nsaong*ra. Kor !ilu*traf.eiJ paipfllM aflnfflM l'l.M. POBWOOO i. CO.. Ag"nto. 24 State-st.. New-Yorlc, _or THOS. COOK ,_ SONS, 2o\ and 1.225 Urondway.__ _AVE Mo.NEV B_ BUYLNQ TRUNKS. Va ._>:.-.- it,.- . >i..n,,-. Inu- I..I i ivM.iic-.utin in gcmral of R. H. MACY t OO., tith-av* . IBM to UB st; 4 - WHITE STAI! I.INE ??), utonlc.Dec. 10. '. 80 B.m. I .??Ji.iti. Jan. 13. 2 p. m. Urit-imicDcc. 23. 11 B, m. 1*- u-,1--lan- liO, 10 ?'.,,,,. ? UueaU. ... Dec. DO, 3 p. iu. llr.Uu.ulc. '?.'? 91,9 o. B. u*rn?nt. -Jan. 0. 11 a. m.| Maj ...- Feto.8. o a. m. rrom White bUir Baa*, foot of Wflrt 10Ui-st. ?ge ""i MMn oa t"-- -i> .;i.> r-. im end 815. Salonu ? it - MO aod ii|i?ard. ac- rdlna lo -i.l locauon of b.rtli. Exeui. UckeU on favorabh teroia; iteemjo irom or to to" oid Country. 8-0. N... 20 Riondway, N.-w V,.rK. PhlUdelphla Ofllea, 400 Walnufcat. lt. MAITLAND KER8ET, Agent_ = CI'NAal* LINE. ? YOLIVERP.iOI.. vUQi EI.N*sTO\YN. ?er-M. D"c. it). 7:3o *. iu. i;-.... -... J...I-o..i p aa l-.lrut.a.Dee. M, l?B I ***???. J*-,*,'.; lbokt ?\iir.ii:.i....J?i.**2, B ?PUa.fla MMIIh Jan. BB, 1.30 p.m. Krom Pler 40, Nnrth Rlver. foot or c;nr.?a..n-s Cabln pa-sag.'. -.00 a .U ufwaltt ?**.;??d abUj aJ.> FUerai*" Ucketa Ifl aad rroi: all part- ol Eurui-e at very low rau-. Kor freleli*. and |.-.--afe Bpply M th? cnn>. uany'a onii''. Nn. 4 RnV.tng Or> -u New-\orlc. VERNON II. BROWN * Cj'., ...'iiTal AgentX_ ANCHOR LINE, I ?"? ?'??a'1 StaBinabipal FOB Of-AS'iOW vlB I.O.Mi"M.l'.RI.V. I'roi.i Plet .".4. N. R.. foo*. .,f Wt- >l *!4tll ?t. Ctreaaila n- . 19. B a. m.i I m. < Jan. 8, ? t. m. Etblopla.-.-Dao. 2?i. 2 p. a..lDevonla lim 8, 2 p- n baiuon *'.o ana uuwarfl. b' cabln, ?3n. su-craKe 818 lor'book of t.virs and furlhel -nforn-jtion, upplr to HENDERSON IIIUTIHERS. '? ftowllng Oraaa. N- T. Cll CRLESTON, 3. C. the Booth & South weat, JA( JvSONVM.LE AND Al.L FLORIDA POIB-B. Ull-. CLYDE STEA-M8R1P COMPAKT. Frooi I'l-r -'-?. I'. K. .f?">?- Roowwlt-a*.), aiB p. m. YEMAS-sEI-.. ( hirlesion ai.d Ji.'-kaon vllbv. WBB., Dc. 10. 11:<)CJI i ?l.*->. ( lairle-tmi Blld .l:i> k-oiivill- ... FB.. l?i-c. IS. AL4.0NQCIN, . harlaatan and laekaonTllli Maa., Dae. 51. All a'eaniera have flrst-claas paasenser actoinmodatlons. Insurance und-r mien _pulirj elTei. l?U al ou**-tiftli of oiib per cent. WM. P. CLYDfc - < 0 Oenataj AflaaB). 6 lio?i:ng Qjoge. s. \. T. O. EOF.R. 0?n*l Aet. O S. Ir't El.'" 3)* Broadway. rM IMPAGXIE QKNERALE Tranfatlantique, J FRI-v. M LINE IO HAVRF. EVERY BATUR_DAT. LA BOUR l.'.iNE, I..-?Mieiif.Sat.. Dec 19, 5:80 b. m LA OAfclOONE, Santelli.'"?*??? Dec 20, no.-ti. L\ CHAMPAOwE, Boyer.Sat.. Jan. '-', .".:30 a. :ii. A. FOROET. Dflieral Ai.*ent. B>_ .? Bo*_UBg Oreen. r?UION LLNE. \JI UNITEI) STATES MAIL STF.AMERS FOR Ql'l EN.-s'1'AVN AND Lt VEill'OOL. Leave Pler BB, B. R f-ot of KliiK-at- .. WYOM1NO. Saturdav. D> <--n.i.-r 11). 11 a. ai. WlscoNSIN.Satuiday. DSrant r -fl. 2 :30 p. m. ?%l s\i?A . Saturdoy. January 8, fl a. m. \I',YSSINIA. Saturday, Janoari 10, ii Ao a. ni. \vyoMINO N 'ii ii;iv. January 28. noon. Cablii tai' 830. 800. 880 j el 8HXI <?'?<? rdlng lo neim r). Saeond cabln 130 and ;:IV ste^rag^ a*. .ow nte*. A. M. UNDERHILL * CO.. 35 Broadway._ IS'MAN LLNE, U. S. and Royal Maii Stoamers, K)R Wl I KNSTOWN AND I.l YT'.R POOL. i ITY <)K CliU'.'O. .Wcdaaaaay, lim-i-ii h?r 10, 10 a. m. CITY OP (iii STER .W Bda. <tav. Deceaber 18. ll a. m. l ITV OP l'AI'.IS. Winl.i-sduy, Januvv II. 10:80a. m. CITY OK UEllLlN. ..Wedaeaday, January 'JO. 8:80 a. ui. Erom P l IB N- R- ad'ljolnlnii Chr!sto|.*i?-r-st. Eerry. FJRsT AHIN. 8o0 and up.vard. a-ctdinl to iteamat and locatlui of loom. SECOND CAB1N. *30 aud ?:<5: meiald *8. STEERAUE 8.0. PETER WRIOHT t BON.S. OeaetBl .'...*ents. 0 Rowllng f'eeeii. V. Y JAPAN -OHINA. OCCIDENTAL AND OKIENTAL 6te? leavo San Krauclaco -js follovs: CCEAN1C.. .l'i.>-'lav. Januarv 12, 3 p. in. i.AI-LIC (will call at HonolBlU Thur-day K.I.. 4. 3 v. ni. 1H.I...IC.T-eada? Uarch 1. 3 p. m. OCEAN1C.Thuraday, Warch 21, 3 p. m. BaptfBly Bppolnt"d?Sui*riur Aciominodat-'oiis. ij'servat o:is can b- made by letter or tB*****o* B and ribln nlans MCB af 'J87 and 343 Broadway, New-Vcrk, or Ruotii 74, Railr..aa Bulldlnt. rian F.-anclsco. LLLAND SlA.NkoRD. Pr"*ldent. T. H. OOODBAB. Qeneral i'a- ? ????a-' Agaaa._ BMEDITERRANEAN LINE. i.T| Bxpreai Pasaenaer bleamer Serv'.ce. Neir-Yi rk tu (ieno* Ul Ie?^ thin Eleven Daya. Ni.r.Dl.l't 1-t iil'-R LLOYD .*- H. CO. DIRECT ROCTF lo DO! ill OP FRANCE, R1VIERA, AND li'VI.Y. Touching Qlbraltar. u> Bnd paaacna ? to spaln. Avoldlii;.- tho Noit!i-rn Latltudea uf Atlantlc, uiu Channcl : t .i- iu -ii- i; R. II .1--. PEPAHiUUEb: ? di Sat., Jan. 2, S p.m. W. r>-1 Sat, K'b.57, 2|>.m. \v'etra sat . -1 BB.28, SpJB. rnfcU Ba*.., Mar. 12. ][?.**. Fulda -at.. I (b 0 I ... in W.-rr.i Sat., Apr. 2, BpJB. Paasaco 8100, -M^.i oi 81.10 a bertl . lu-l Cabln, CloaVTouneTtloni for ECTl'T bj NoRDDECTSCHER Ll i)YI) B'fEAMERh Nov. '.. and every fortnii'ht therw afier froiu OENOA to l*-MMI,IA. ? r OELRICIIR * CO, 2 P.owllng Oreen. CH'tin' ROlJTJi TO LONDON. O NORDDEUTSI lll'-R LLOYD MAII. S. S. VI W*. ORK. so! I IIAMPKiN PRKMEN. S-.-nii. i sall from piei* foot of 3d-*_., Hobolwn. PAST EJ.PRES- -'I i-.A.Mi--.,ts. 81'RBI . I i I" . 1_. 0 a.B_|TBAVB, lu--, Un. ."?. 10 a.m. ! vl-. lu.-... I). ?- -'?( r.oon.ll MS I'.-. Jnu. 12, 2 p m. ,,.. .'i-.i.. Tne.D r.20, -' p'"' .l-'-AAI.I. Taa, lan. I.t 9 a.m rir-i i-abln, BT8 and oparaiBa a bcrth; necood sabla. 850 u berth , -i- eraai a low ia"-.. . Ol I.UI< II- I CO., No. 2 BowllnB ( N JORDDRITTSCHEB LLOYD S. S. CO HPRINO -AIMN'.s, IB92. to Soutbamptoii (Loudon , BRf.MEN. Uu.-, u ' ..iri'.r. Kav.-I, I.i.,-. Uha, .-aale Nm*, I-IIh-. Alll i. 'I ii v. l i. i. Ilavel, Tut?, -'-'' *? Kjna, -ai . Lano, 'iu.-., Ma* 10 -H-.i.-, sat., Ma] 11. Bprea. Tuaa., May ' Alb-r. Hai., 'I i . i, Tuea. Eld r, sut , llavel, I u'-s. l-.uis, Mat., Eahii, iu.-. M.i.. Si'i.-c, Tnea. l.ilH-, W.-d., Allir. >..!.. '1 rave 1 m -. i.i.-i. Kat. Uavel '!>.. I , i, Bat. iEl.RH HS A co., 2 Rowllng Orean._ N"T:\\rYORK & CUBA Maii Steiimhhip Co. pten in aad 17. Baal aiv.r. batuidav Bt unera ai 1 p. **., aad uUurs at A p. m. tor ilaviua. Progreao, i.ui.p-in. Frontcra, La^una, Tamplao, Tuxpaoi ai.u vera Cr.ix, Micun.-..-. Clhlinas, Sugua, Catbarleu. Naisiu, S.intliu"! de CnMh O'l.iiiUiiamu ami Clonfuegos. .-AI'.ATO'iA, II ivana anJ Card-iB-..Wed., Bat. hi. Vt i ai iN. Harana ..nd Mexloan Ports >-.ii., d.-c. ;:i ? 1 I -. OF AI.I'.X ANDRI A. Ha\. t Ma'Ki raaWtd., D'-c. J). VI'MI Rf, II l\-llB and M-V.ian I'.iits SBt., Dc- -il t II'.NF''E->OS Baaaafl, '.us a .a:i.o. Sauthiio ile Ciibn ,ind tienfuegim .Thui-.. De,-. 17. Thia liLj>- ha- 8li*et eaan?ctten arlth nnt \?*ne* thruunh Bbla or j.^a nu to all rotiit- on Maareaa It. W. Co., Mexl-an lemral U. W. Co., Ltd., and thi Moiiterey antl M'-xUan Oull Rallroad. F^r full partlcul-ira, fre'rht or t*-?ii?e. apnlv to JAAI1 - i' WARD * CO_. 1C4 Wall-at. RED " D" LINE OP STEAMSIIIP3, KOR LAlil'WRA. PHEAITO 1 .Ull-.I.I.o, CCRACOA CORll AND MAR \t'AillO, Pli r 80, l~-t Rlver. S-. VALENCIA.Bftl p y, lu--. 10, 1P U -- .'M*. a. as. .... . w,(i -d.i,, De. 80, l I*. M s>. vi- n . ,'.i 1 l.v Salnida january '.). 1 r. li, l*l.i;??? A. in Kl - thlps, ipei hill) i....:l f ,r tne trade have very tuperlor BeeommoaVitlona lyr pissencara. BOULTON 1.1.!-- v DAi.l.KTT. Tourisis' Aceal .. nei-.i Minavra 71 Watbst. Uiu.-,. COOK '. BON, 201 a"l t.?.*.'. Broadway. rPEO WAR LINE. i FOR -V. I WERP AVI> PAKIS, Sa.iiue f r Naw-York aml Anltrriyij W,?,.;,|T NOOP.DLAND . vvidue-lav. Decimber lt) 0 a ni ; Kll ,-I.AM) Wedue day, 0*vi 29. II a' n' Cabln rjtc-: Plj I c.ii.'n 880 ind upwiird, Exeurslon. K)5 and aparard. Saeond Cabln, tj.?. Bxentaloa, 863 to fT'.', Si'i-r.i,.. ... \-r\ i".' ra' PETER wr.i'.iir i sn.vs Oep'j A-.-t-., .*, BovJIni Otaaa I> ACIFtC HALL STEAMSHIP COMl'AXYS 1 l.l.S'1'.S 1'. CALIFORN1A. JAPAN OHINA CENTRAL l-.ll SOUTH AMERll v AND MEXICO" 1 ?;. ? 1 New-York, pi?r foot ot Caaal-aL, n. y fnr Ba i, via tl - lathmui u* I'aiuma. CITY OP PARA -nbs M u.'t.-n December 21 iiinm Kro:-i san Pranrlteo, lst and Mrannun-.l I OR JAPAN ANIi I I' ' ITV OP PEKlNfl -ill- Thuraday, ii< . ,i.iH-r a\ 3 ? ?, For fr-li'lii. paaaaaa and general infunnation. 'applr io ron.poiiv-. bBe? un -h- pl-'r. fin.1 ot .'inal-st. N R ' (_g. J. BUTXAT. Oaneral BuperlatwiiUat GAVANNAH LINE-porn 8TEAMER8 O rVYALMLY troin Nc\? Plar S4, N. B.. fo I al _i.rii.iia' O. - lv\'.-\-< l'.\ VV,.!,. -la-.. lie. I., ;i |>M s B CHATTAHOO) HF.E. 1'r'd.iy. Dee! 18 8 9. U a. S. N Al '.Hl III. E. ."saUn ln Inc l'i lu \i ' B.B.CITI OP 1 IRMINi.llAM.M > m|.,\ ib, 1 I p M sonnerllne WfOl C ".. R of Oa. anl I IV t \V. R-? f?. >ll 10 DU ln OROROIA. FI.DRIDl HOI Tli CARORfNA ALABAMA ai.d LOI I81AKA. Cn-.ura.aal aciO'Mi.ijdj hou.. Kir.t-.itMB tahl. J h.iV For fr- tht and paaaaga jfB; HAMIA.iEX. I.. Xgt, | vv. II Itltril <*.?, I.. h.K. 8 W K'J -'1 B'l iv 1 ? .1.1 I R. |;., 317 B'way R. L r Oeean Bteamabln Oo O. U. BORREL Mauucer. New l'l. - U N r:h Rlvi* rpin. BOOK OPOPEN-AIRHPORTS. oetovo. 4)10 1 m a" 8 llluatral-l Tln ala-daiB nutliorllj 011 Am.-rlcju iiim-ii ali a..iu?..,n..,1u Rui., f.r Millnu', ?.wbomliig. hall pUy. Ing. ahnotii-u. horaebaek iidlny, 4c, At .. In full. ?l imt copy. Piiiilished by The Trlbune, Naw-Yori IjiUrtaiu. in?t aud uuivcrsalU coinuilu.i_;iiU.'l bt Uiu uttt*. Uiiilr-iiO.. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. THE STANDARD RAILWAY or AMERlb* AND The Scenio Line to the West. TR.tlX* LKAVK RT4TIO**, .?.?!? Dn .bromar% and <'orlluntlt Strenta, ' a*. lollauat ? On andnftep Dcceinhcr 1st, 181)1, TIIK 9MB*} LISK. UiOQ A. .11. -Pullman Vaallbulfl bii-cpiaa aad Pflrlor Car*. Arrive* Clceiand 6:2- a. ro.. Cului-bua A flO a. ?.. l.,d .v.-poli. 11 40 a. m , Chl ngt, ? il- p tn.. and ML Loula 7:00 p. m. next day. CounecU alao for ticept Saturdav. TIIK PBVVw.LVA.MA I.IMITKH. 10:00 A. II. -.on.pu ra a-uu-.vtiy "f 1'u.i'U-u v'eallbulfl -.rawui. _.'-*;? IUkmd, Hlrflplnf, Dtniufl, Swoklnfl aud o,a?..rvatlon Car., pre??ntln? fluanelal rapo* ?? kt'iioio., r* aafl Lypfl?rrU?ra, bal>rao??i f.r b?'.a MIM,' mald, baro* r-.h.,p, library and all th* ' on IBfllMflflfl of h,.u,r ,,r oflic Llatau-d '>t .tallonary anfl mov.blo .le .ri. l:?hU. Arrive* ."InrlnnaU 8 40 a. n . Jndlanapoll* 11 : .0 a. m.. and Chteafo 9 15 a. a. BAfll *'Is ARBC-RCIRBA-. F.XPRF.**. '.lOO 9. H. 1'iiilmaii Vr.ui?..e MUMB-flfl ? *'* <'*"'?? 1,rm' Vo._. ai.d I.inli.K Car- ttiu, NflW-IOfli to St Lo.n* and < ii,, l.i?<*u_<*r eoaefc N?~ Vurk to C-iii-ibu*. Arrlioa Clncl-iriaU 10 45 a ni., and St. Louia 7 ?J p. m. next d.r. TIIK (OLl MltliN KXPRK?*. i:00 P. 11. -1'uilman V.ati.ula Sleeplng. Dinlnt. SiB-k li.lf, and J'.un-.l.iiila lUtlroad Vflfltibui* I'flfl-eugflf CflaflBjfl frum Xflw.Yart w Ckleflfo. Arnva. ln uu* , ij,-o 3 li p ii,. Bflflfl (IflT. TIIK ITBB__HRR F.XPRK***. fl.-O I'. .11. Pu.-_._a V_*ui>-.? *>.*-? i?...? > ?*' N.w-.ork w I'ltubura, bt. Louia, Uuca?u, Cinc.nniti, tin.l-nd and Mn-pa-T biiiu.K Car* -L-w-TorB to l'ulladelpiiia, and I'ltt-bur. to lU'TuiKMid anfl CMeafla. Airiv*. at > lev land ll 40 a. n... i oluubua, 1 -.'. p. Bt., < Uia_J-_al, 6 M *. 1..., Chf.-aiM "' 80 p. n. ii*M d:.v. and Mt. Loula 7:0.) a. .... aceond n ortiln?. Conneeta for Toledo dally. flflsaofll Batarflay, PACIPir KM'Rl.s**. N:00 H. .11. UuJ.t SKsepiiig i:?r Nflw-York to Ctncafo Rflw-Yarfl to M.-.ptola il. tha flhanandoaB Valley ' arrlvea weik-daya at Columbua 7:16 n. tn, Cl.veluid 0 85 p. m. next dar. and dally at fl hjr**. 7 00 a m M-flflfl mnrnin.. ? onn<*ru for Toledo dflllr. ar . for OvMand ?n . O-I'iirrmfl. exeept Si.tnrd-*'. ..:1M> 9, W. ..i.eiiai.doah Valley Expreaa wlth Ihrou.h llutf.-t Slooper to RatMMSBBa, ntLTIMOKK. WJUBUMIII-HI AND TIIK *?OI TII "Vt.i-liiuiituii l.lmH.H Kaprc." 9 BPflBlIflaflB PBrMl ? ara i-.U, un..... . u lo li_.iin...r*-/, dalir. .a.api ftuud-j. 10 10 A. ?.. arrlv- Wjihli.tflon * 40 F. M , kBfl " <-ucr<-aaion-J Limlie-" dally i? iU. HfPiix ( ar, at 8_3 r. M . arrive s\a.ii:.iKlon ? _- P. M. . rfk-Ur *?' pr**-..., 8 SO. b 00. S AO and 11 :M A. M.. J-10. t V . _ ()0, and 9 00 i\ M. aud 12 1*. ni-bt. ??' -fl'11' nioro 08-J. I 00 I'. M. hunday U-l- and 8:80 A. M., 4 80. 8 00. and U .00 9. M , ?o? 18:1(1 night. For ATLANTI0 (ITY, 1:00 P- M. ae^kdaya, ?1U? ThM'iah I'ay (',*, ), For CAPE MAY. 1 on I' M. ?*?*ek^ay<i. For BROWN'fl MII.I.- INTllK. t'INXS, wltk Tkroiifh ccm?!.. 1 .oo i' R flrflfli _H I'm: IMIILAIIKI.PIIIA. B-OBflflO : 0 :20, 7 :-*J. ? tAJ. . _<J, J .00 ilfl" D0 Prr.nflylvaala l.iiultcd, witn iiinlug Cur. -i.d lo.lfli VVaaMi.g-.u Ui.. H*d, Dlalag ? *r , and 11 .(H) a. in.. 13 '-"? ' "'. . :l6. _ :00, 8 30, 1 00. 4 .80. 6 00. 0 00. 0 :80, 8 00 and 8 00 it. in. _nd i2:l- nLI.L Ac on.inodatlon II l" a. in.. 4 40 an I 7 w p. iu. bini-ava, Expr k* tt 15 B BO, 9 0<) (10 00 Lln.ltcdi and 10 W ?. a... _ OO. t 00, 4 80, 6:00. 8:80, 8 (K) md '.. "O |i. n... and I_:1S nlgnt. Ac eoi n Matleti 7 :00 y. m. For Time-mhlea of tr.lna to lo^fll point* on tha P"en?yL vaula Hai.rojl tij.ura apply at the follor. mu Tl'flot OMcefl: Noa. 433 849 and 044 Broad-flT. 1 A*tof Hou-e, and foot of I)e?bro*?.? and Crrtandt ata. . 4 ?:o-rt-?t., B00 I ul'vii -'... and llrooKl>n Ann.x Station, loot of Fiiit,,n JI . Ur.i.Ulyn ; 7'> Uud oii--t . Il(,t..._ '. Matlon, Thi"'S'l'w. Vork Transfer Companr wlll eall for and rhe. k faa-fraan ttvm hotel* >ud realdenc-* tl.n.'iflh tn dct'natiun. CIIAS. i. 1T..II. , I I"; WOOD (? ..tbI M-Bafler. flRaaaR Pa->'r A.ent. RIE LINES. E SOLID TRAlJIfl Bl.TWKF.N NF.WV..RK AND CUICAflK), VIA l HAl'TAI.'Ql'A LAKEORNL AOAUA PALLA. AN ENCHANTlNfl* PANO I'.A.MA OF MOVRT-L-RR, PORF-.TS ANU bTREAMS. BMM loute to Pasaalr. Pater*on, Tuxedo. Newburf, Mtddletown, Port Jeivla, Montieaiio. White I.ak?, H.4 dai**, b.rantoo, Dlnctiamton, Elmlra, (nrnlnjf, Watklm (Jlen, flath, Ifan:n,ond?,iurt. Avon Sprlnfa, Ro.lli?^t*ir. Hornellavllle. n.ilTslo Niaflara FilM, Toron'o. Chanlauqua tjtke, cievefand riaelanatl, st. Wtmtt, Chlc?iro and a.l point. Wflflfl, Train** leave New-York. foot ?f Cbamljer* ?t., aa follow. ind fl\? ariaaMfl e.rller fraai flraM _3d-at. : U?TFK\ OAY RXPBBRB. 9f\(\ A. M. Iiim VI.* FaUfl and Chaut.i.inua . ,\/W Lake. l'.rlor Car New-York to BurTilo. b. e|~r lloniellsvlllfl to < ln' Innati. Conoertt at Port JtrvU la unlon .tatlon. exrcrtt *mt**g. f?r Mr>ii"''e!!o. VESTIIII LFO LI1IITEO. 3i\t\ 9, M. D.ily-SolM train lo. c'.ii_?o, vla Charvi A)\I ,| ... Lake, wltli ulnlng rar tfl C_Jc__o. bleapcr io Chica.o, Clevdind and Clnclnnatl. MOFNTAIN KXPRE**.*. 3Qft P. M., flxeapt Sunday?For Blugbamton, Honeadala .?nl ar.d Monttrello. (I1K AIJO ABB 4.HAND Tni'NK FM'KK****. 6 0.1. I'- R- Datlv?Po'.:d train to Chicago vu .?*w I-ll. and <.r.n.! Trunk Railway. 61.eper_ to Uulfalo, Rochester, and Chicago. I'AtlFH KXPRKia-a, 8 0/_ P M. ChauUiuqua Lake and Nlaaar. .?>U K.'.l*. Solid tr-lu to C_j?ago. blcepar* to Buffalo, Chicago and Cln, Innatl. PBM POKT JKIMT**. WRBR DAYS-? a. m., !) a. m., 10.30 a. m., 1 p. ro.. 3:30 p. m.. 4:80 p. ni.. 0:30 p. m., 7 p. m., 8:80 p. ra. bun.aya-9 a. :n., 3 p. m.. 0 :30 p. n... 8 .80 p. n.. FOR KRWBtlBA OTEEE D-YR-0 a. Bl., 3:45 p. tn., 4:45 p. m., 8:30 lf |> ui. -iiiiil:..*-'.) a. m.. '_ p. m., fl SO p. m. M'l.llAL INFORMATIO.N. MAPS AND TIMETABLE8 MSJ M f,*italned from ticket oflic.!*1. Al-o flflflMfl of "bummcr Hoinat," con tainlng -elect UM of bfltfll* -ud'i-e. , "-..ubur'jaa ll?,." dcfcrlbhiK vhinlty ?f New-York; **Chaut?.i.;ua Lakfl suuvenlr" and "Siimmer Excurlon*." Tn ki.j- ANU 1'l.LL.MVN' All (IM.MODATIONS at 401. .117. and 887 Uroadway, Chauibors _u. \V,-.t ??Mtt. WttlUm, New-Yor_; 83J Fulton-Ht., llruoklvn; 107 Broadway, Wllllam-burfl: eornflr Newarx and uudaon ^ts lloboken, aad .l.-r-.y City station. J'.rie. Tnui^for i on'.pany call* Ior .nd . he, k. bausago from hataU aud mat. dence- throuith tu OaaUnattna. D. I, R0BERT8, Oeneral EMaNflfM A.-'iit. GOOK'S TOURS. A TIIKKK OAY*.' TRIP TII WASHINGTON, ?*??*?? * '.IM, UOTEE- i'v.>. v__-_ roR 10. INCLl'I.l.Mr IIOTEL EXPEXSES i-.u; $1A -l-? --_-,... ... NOW. DESCRIPTIVE PKOORAMMPB KROM TM.-. COOK As SON. '.(il AMI 1,'--.. IIIIOAOWAY. I CIIIGII VALLEY RAILKOAD. 1' tBRRXOER TRAIRfl RafB foot of Cortlandt and Dcs. MOflflflfl ?t_-, nt followfl: 7 a ni. for Mauch Chunk and lntv>rni**dlat. point*. 8 10 a. m. f-,r Oenev... Lvoil. Lii ilra. RocheflMr. Buf. falo and UM We^t, PotUvillfl aiid prlncipal loeal polnta. Chalr Car to Eraofl aud I'lillinan Car to Suspenslon Iirirt^e. 0 a ni ter Slau, h Cliunk aud Inleruiedlat" polnta. il i n.. for Svutl, Plalnfleld ai.d all Int.-rmcdlat.* polnta. ..':;.0 i>. in. for Eluili- BBfl B_Mfl_-MMM point-; chalr r to Wlllieaharre. car to wu-flan?rtw. 1 i. in Ior Tuni'hannoca and Interm.'dlate polnta, eon? nectlon to R.*_d1.i- and Htrrl.biirK. ?'30 o m. for liounrt Fl ook and all Int-rrnedUte polnta. 3:40 .. m. for I. ?Bd H. Jnactloa and prln-ipal inter. tneulat.1 polnta. Chalr Car to L. jnd II. .Itinetlon. 4 :_0 P. iu- Ior l'olt-Ull. aud irtemiedlate poluti. Chalr Car t" Pott?vllle. 5--J0 p. m. for Mauch ( bank and Intermediato polnU. Coni.e.t.on to K*Jd,n- and Harrlaburn. ii ?.?>.' p. ui. f,r Kkii.linloii and ull Interniefllate polnf.. 7-30 p. m. for Oflneva, Lyou-, I'.luiira, Iloches;er. Huf falo and the West. I'liiln.aii .Sleep.-r to Lyons and bu.. l.en-lon BrldKe. liains 1-a.luR at 8:10 a. m.. 1'.':30 p. m., 1 p. m. and 3-40 |,. in. C-BBflflt for all jx):ut? ln Mahanoy and ton coal reglon-. mmAy TI,AIN-S 8 10 and 11 a. m. for Mauch Chunk, Ha/elton, Shenandoah ar.d liiterna-lflte Polnta. .", I", p ni. for Mauch Chjink und Intermedl.te point*. 7:30 p. m. f$>r UBBflva. Lyona, i.lmira. I'.ichctar. Huf. falo and the West. Pullnian Sleeper to Lyon* and Suj. p_niloti Brldp**. Oenenl E_tern Off^c, _3 > Broadway. The New-York Transfer Co. *aill nl\ for and eh?ck bascatre fr.m bnt 1 or .**?(.enee throueh to destinatlon. LONG ISLAND &EASTERN STATES LINE HltOOKI.YN AMI R08TOR. Wat-itmry, Ra?-Rrtt_-B. Uaruwfl, WUiliuauBk, I'utnam. Fi inkllfl ani I'.-.'v draee, MOLIU P|'LLMAN<VK*>.TIIjri,l:i> TBAlRfl WITH , *% ? Brooklja (FlatbuahHIve. aud i iiuWIln-aM1. sutio.i? 1. 1. U. lt.i 11:05, BBfl LOAfl 1-Und Clt. at 11:10 p. i?. daily ilncludla. sunday), itm la lio.-iuu ut 7.60 n. .... . ,. eapondlDK train r 'lurnlnc. ?tfl and h.iths -? ciir.i! tn New-York foot Eaat _iu,-t . 71. 888, 115, .??'?<). Uio un.l ljj_ Rroaflwai; Brocklya, :i::i Ful .mst., 107 Broaflwa Loni 1 -1_ih1 EUprflfla '.ilN Ior a .d ehackfl hacaa^c irom taaldencfl l<, destinatlon. NtU -\ t.Klv. O.NTARIO ANO WBMfBBM IU1LWAY JrJ.Ii> lca?f IU..I 4-d.l. -t . ot \. .... v,. ,_lU. ut.m ? uller fro.n fnot Jay--t.). for Ljl Muhouk. Ijjk.j Ulnnflwaaka, md Wallklll Valley K. ll -uuon-. Midiil* uiwu. BlaoralnEburgb. Port .lervS. Montlc.llg, EUianvllla, FJll-.t.utj.'h. Ulertv. Ll\luk---iu Mai.i.r. itan.ock. Carbuu dai**, S.rantoii, Walton. IJel.l. Bldnry, Norwlch, Ednte-tou t'tlca, Roiue, On.ldj, Oawego, Detro.t, Chlcaao, and polnta Wflflfl. _t.il_i 1'. M.. ('jn.i.l-!ll Hall, Lak-j Mohonk and Mlaaa wa.k*. Wallklll Valley itfltlona, Nftddletown. iil_oi.,tn_. Uutb, KlIe.iMll.', Fall-burgh. Ilurleyvtlle, Llberty. Whlu. L_ke. Livlug.iton Matior. t?i00 T'. M.. M'Ml *own, FaM-burgh. Llberty. Llv l.iff u_u Manor. l'..? k1 .nd. WalUHi, blflney Sfcrwi.h Oneldj. 0.w."|o, Rochoater, Nlaiara Fall., Detroit, Ckl taco. and iV.-t Pulln ji. -I,"i?r-: ..vlinlnc 'hair car ttet lo Sin!ten?lmi Bridife. lOally, '.ill uther tr.i'.ni dally, ex. tept Hunday. I'lillinai. tnwtnt f(vm ?eat> aud llcaMafl car bertha obtalned M RM Bro?dw*<. N^w-York. ... c AndSfaon o. p. A.. 18 Enaaaflfl Haea. NawYork. naainon. 4 HVERT18F.MENT8 i"i II.:". NI.W-VoitK Tl'.li:. A I NE WII.L ih: UBCLiVED AT l?n I imius ... Fll'ES, No. I.'.__ Itioadway, ...iner Thirtv. i< i.iio Uroafla?f, -'<'?:ii???.., .,..tii ?. ,,. ,h k\ ,| 1 want) thinl -t. ciru. i mi, au*., i'..' Oth-a.e. i VI I'mirth. ?ve. corner Fourtrenth-at. 700 Third ave, cornei Forlv* ?evenUi-flt-i l 'i-.'ii Talrd-ava., n.-..r sut.tir t-t i.7_h nf__*_i?*J0a U''"t ,"',.v *""?'<!'.. 1.002 Colun.l.fln..a,'\.... 1,170 Ninth^.e., ror. T8d-flt . 08 Llberti it .v; A l.lf-'S TiilM-ave.. ai.d tl.e IIARLEM OFFICK ls.) F**t .?liiii.ilr>d-?iid-tweiitT-llfth-t. ui. t.. ri i, u. and 'TKI W_.t One-hundr.xl._nd-twenty.|_f_--?t., ut MRflM ofllofl RnilronoB. ??aibbbicab OBBATaar bailboab ?? ?? 1SEWYORK TRUNK LINC ^^___J_t>. Operatlng tha faataat and moat "BB***B q. parfact through traln annrlca ln ?^X^'yL^ tha world. I -?-|i| lUarhlng br Ita thfune* earn tha ?* * V~V? moat tmportai.*. roramarcial can**** af tbo ^^ >? Unttad Btataaand Oacvla, aad tha gBBBBBBi ^s~- jpr* of Amartea'a Baaltb and Plaaaura raaorta DIRECT LINE TO NIAGARA r*m Br -rar of tha hiatorle H'i?a-n *\i**n aad '*-r~m ^, baaatlful Mchawk Vallay. Alltralnaarn-a at and dap?rtfnwn ORAHn dnrr?Al btatioh. 4th aaaaaa- -nd aan *****>%, ft*- Tai%.oiatn of Hotel aad RaaliUnca 8a*--on. TBB OBLT RAILBOAD 8TATTOB IB TBB CITY 01 JTEvV TOBB Tralna Irava aa F?Haws: ON AM. All I R I)' ? ? BBI B 4. 1H81. I MI'IIIK UTATK F.\r?l -?? 9nn A M_' ******* ***** ln M .UU I**.. Bl. ? ;\d 4IU BdWB In lill m r.'iU. i 77 nlnt tlme 52 18 mlle* .*, om, ' JT eatra fara Ft-T BAIL. A II _ Dally, fat Pa g??..-p? ?. \.btmy, Caaa. . IU Ft. B*. h\ icufle, Ro-lia-ter, Ilvava aM BaT falo. MW-VIIHK IM) < HU MM MMITKD 10:00 A. M.?BbbIp, ' I aBaaat at m *mm*. IHV BXP-VB-Bfl. min A M _; ?' ' I'1 smdara -bh-*Ut falr lm lU.vJU M. Bl. n.,t r*aa west af < 1 v> aai mt Dt** NOl*TlliVB?TBB> I i iitkii. I.TIfl D IB T due . Un liinati II 15 a. m Ia. I.OU r, B?. diaii*|'ill?. 1! ?"> > * ni st \j*vi, - ^ U. in BBBl day \o ??lr? ttjt' WOKi.n - i nn BTM UI.. 1. _rt D IB_Daily <"'"* ' hbagv -i W) f> m. anta_ .OU r. Bl. \? -u.a fare. ALBANY. TROV AMI BA-MPJM t ?*?PF? IAL l-.-rt D IB I' ?"?!>'? *>""d>y D,? Aihaay 7M, 1J.OU r. Bl. Trny 7 ?V *-a .">ga x U) p m MniTii aa*HBBfl i.imitiii 4:50 P. M.-iM^pd':,.D"'r"'1 tf '*' "-? c?*-* fa??t \vk-tkk-*. i:\piik-si. 6._fi_fi D li ?"? ''?? ??*** BafBl. N'a?a*a ??__ .UU r> IB. 7 ia. Cla-elaoB I > J5 _ >u iwj 1 i.'. CBkaoa 9 < >?? -_ta 7 Ci b m. mm* tlillfiiMMI K AMI MOXTKKAI. I\nn?. 6:25 P. M.? '?~:>.""" Mbbbbbb i m a. ?. Himui AND M UUI ?. PAE4UB arw IAL 7>**frt P II _Dalh. due ButTalo 7 Aii a. m.. .1 *ja? .OU r. Bl, fBJU 9 0? a. n, ^** IIMMNATI A_>U Bfl -BMM > \ i'io 8.fin P II _ Dallv, due . : tu . n. i. .VU r. Bl. d:_...,..i,u - Dl .IJ u n. St LoiO. 7? a. rn I.IHITED PA*f >ltll.. 9*nn P II _Battp, sie. iu'.r-< ar Bb*a*aflaa?|BB__i .UU r. Bl. Bi un Uil- tr..ln f H iVltuI DaB 7 18 a- m. lllll MlillT KXPHF.-aM. 9,ie p aa _ Dai.y, Ba Huffa.o, OaBawBflM irum ,I*J r. 1*1. u.i i hl a.?? * ?.. ?..r . ?p? V^ .at d?iiv aaaaal s?t'ird?i HSIIKI..L t.M.VS in i.i.j. i-'<L..u?\ i.i.Chli., KHIBB CLIIF iKi-V'._-,! u.N,. CA..SKILI. oJs.l.s ,(.al? KII.Li A.-sD 11. DaO.N - . .. . > . 88 * I l? :)0 8.58. 9 -JA P. M. ; aiao f..r I'u.gha -i *.-. 1*3 A. v| | ,'n 4 | I 1*. M. : f'.r <*aru- -ni (Weet I'olut T )w i ... U B ? V >l .( . , , '.? -i ' " ALIIANV AND TROY-I7.B0. ? OU, 9 18 10 a 10 Bt 111 Bl \ M l J.'. II M .i ,i . io 8 80 7 E b 00. 8:15, ll .Vj P M. . _L*o f.r Im; e, il i* n suiv ".,-. .? ni, :o id. '.i :)d *. m .. .,u ? j_ ?11 M I* M ? ~nm UTICA AND 6VRAC' SE- '7 JO !0 00. 9 10. 10 88. 110 80. Ill 90 A U . 1 .80, 4 80. 8 00, 7 10. 9 <3! ui. :u aa p m. ^ ROiHF.Sl'ER AND HCFEaLO- *? 00. 8 10, 10 98. .10 N i M 1 .1.1. 4 V'. ., BB V V). 1 00. 0 lf ?II :.t. l* M ajao f..r R...-neater '.* 00 P M NIADARA rALLB--9.Afl. B 10. 10 00, 110 B> A. Ita i :50. 6 00. 7 S0. I..I4 P. M. AD1*\"VDA' K MIH'NTAIBB sN'K M"VTRI*.vl. -:9 90. ?8 10 A. M , r.'S P. M < aim: \'n i;n r vd.i.avtov ?!. is p m U ? I* M aien fnr < '.l?iat,urB. *? H P M P *)9 P _, .I--HI..M i0M 10.80 A. M. 8 -X) 9 1'.. '11 M I- M AtTBCRB. r-vKV\ a??D ca?ca VDAiarA-818, 10 oo mis i v ?; - ? ?. ?fi(i *a n ? ? ?;<?, p. l? PITT*>FIKI.I?. I.KNOV NORTH *DAM*4 AMI TIIK MK.KK-IIHf). Illl.l.*s iVIa llariea Hl.i.lon Two l._._s wlth uiruuBu *)ia?t_B-akuuu. ,.ara tt F.U**t*M, IV .01 b rn., d'.e 1' llaueld 1 36. N ,ru. Adan., 1 io fi. m, 13 So p. bi.. due I'itt lleid U.ln Nortii Adans * 10 t m. I r UcaBla aiiu ?pace iu Bleepira-i ar. t^\ \j ai Oraal C'l'r.. Bl 418. 7h:, ?i2 HiiMdair. U ?l'm/a l'iai-?, ...i We-; i.fttn ?t, ai.d Utc. ?'.. ataflea. K-a*. >urk. C.) Wt-hliikbui-i.1., 188 >uituo-a?., aul 188 8V4 ford ave., Y. li H ooklyn. iVe^u-oC.'i Etpreaa calla for and ehartt bactaa* tttm hotals and r-.u.: e- through to deaUnalioa. 1 Dally e?c-i?t bunday. "Call; aicayt Sattuitr. OUaa traln. ruu d.iij. Abova ujIiis. except Ihaaa leaving at 9.00, 8:10 a. tt, S:ln. HV, 8 Art 8 M, 4:60. 4:68 aad 11.60 fi. a. aua at Utfth ?t. ?.?i ..n. ? JUIIN M TDlTET. OEORiDB H. DAJflEI.S. <l-neral Mi_ll|i*t, ?*.-.,.-1-%) Paaaeotar Afmi BALT0.&QHI0H.I I a>t i -?in>--s i r_. i,* >. -. ' 1" I.l l>l ' P II A t. HALTIMOR& WAS1IINOT05, 0H1UAUO, CINCINNAH. ST L<1LIS. AND ALL PtllNT-s tVFBT. on i.maS CAB 9BBTBSB O.v All TRAIXI Laat -m.-v ?i-uK, toui oi Liocrty u.. ae lo.umti i-,.f . Bl. .v.ii. I'llT's-JtiC. I JU f U . II U A.B. A')-M' CIVClNNVTI. ST. LOCLS, 9:00 A. M.. 6 P B. For WASfllNi.loS' llAUjMiiIlE, 9 00 A. M UI . ,,, d | .Ao (J:80 P. M. d'nlri?.fa/i. 109 i*' m ' 18*16 \. tt. All !*ain.s run dallr 'Tor' NOR.'.CK. vU baj LU.". '30 hj*^J*J**>*E? Yora -I.'d 98 Droidwar, Brooklyn. BtaTIOX FOOT 0P I IB1 i V *s I R- B. o! N. J I N^w-Yor^ Traneftr CoMpaay wlll .-all for _n*l rh*i-B baf* f*e? fruin hotel ur WBWBflBa BB destlnat xi __? CBMTatAIi R. K. OF HBW-JB-MBf luOT OP I.l I.'-Rl Y-ST.. NORTII RIVER. Tiin.i T.i'i'' al Baifi BB8I '-?--". MP1 tM m. m. U* umim --? ?? -.? ??*???>*??*. Bcrainon, Riwduia, luin.bartf. U.i.aou-. I'otUviun, bta* akta. iuabu/y, w Uam port. On buudan* tot Lk-v Uju. !i chunk. Wlll?.-?>'arre ina t?'.ranfou. t,..?0 a. ni. loi l?? ton aud Allen owa. ._.,._. 7 00 *. nt. tor ******* and M uniK hunk. On Sb:H?*~. Ea*-t.>n. Chunk, Bbamokla and_>v uUam^part. ^H .6 a iu f-r i u.lo.1, Mati'-h .'..-*. \V:.?-.arra, Brr-i'iton Readlna. UirrNb M I I i mn'ii *-m? okfn! suiib-ir*. aTluiawapar*. - aaTB BTaf___i ?^'i'oo p. m for Baaaaa, Mauch j baaB, BlifBa, Harrtj On tSu/ido for B-vton, >Iau-h Chunk, famaqua. If?UB. vill". ReadinK nnd llarri?burf. _ i a;, i .? for l.i-'.-i Mauek chink. R>?d n?. BBBBB huru, WUkaatairie, scranUi. tjmaqua. i'* u-u-*. ?***> *9j*M\ n m for Euton an* Allentown. _. 6-4^ C: ? f ' KV-V<? Banch i iuak. BllBiiP, HanlB. burit' -*.-. Bunda; at 6 ??*>)?? ?; f ao p. m. for LA-ton B.-^aJaaieam. io i? ?.? j' ' ??'" " BB ** ? ?? ">?> I 0?. I 9*\ n-_fli 4 ??.! tt-tti 10:00 11:3" P ni BaaBap, 1 J0. i./Midl^iukat'llO 0,0 : 0.1.7 .V).;.5. joa lfir.11 ll Sil ^ 111 li '. I ,l" - I... - ??". 3 -Hl J ??. o ' 1 '10? s 00! R 80 .1 1:.. .1 ;).). 7jM. - i) s ?0 8:45 '?' 18, 10:00, II 80 p. n... li li nUht -su'mlav- 4'80 7 0 - :<0 8 00. Ut mi J '??? 1 <" 1 ?? ; ll :i :in. i o.). 8*00, I BB, BaM '-' "0. io 00 b at. "r^rWiflrid .1 ' ? B-0B, i.oo. T.^V I UL b* io.h). ii 80 a. a '^?a*.ffc?*?ff,?,i*r a _a* ?S 4 -to 6*O0 I ?. ?? B0, ?*? ?"?,, .i i^. u -."._ tj*m - __' B00 - <?' ' ' ?? "? ?-,"- 1130 p u... 12.lJ. 1 * L-Si sud'avs l:M 7:00 1:80, l\ 10. 10:88% Bk "^00 ir... I.'oT)"2-10. 1 :00. 5^30. 8 00. 7 0>. I 00. fcl 0* **" For Wehi-iVii "and^.T KlRhlandj. at 4 :S0. 8:18. n r, a aT, 1:80. 4 :i> 0:00 p. n. Ba-Ba_ya aap PiMhoM), 9:00 a. m.. 4 :00 p. m. p? Red Binfc. Lonc Bran-h md pot.Tj -<"ith t* Pvt* l'leaaant ?t liM. Flfc " iw a. B. l 30 R-d UaaB '.il-.). 4:00. 4 18, ? 00 1.. m. BBaBara, -v - pt 0<*t* a:ul Ashiov Paf*. BtBB B ni 4 00 n. m. FOR l.tKF.WDOH. At 4 :30. 8:17. j.. m., i Av. U i... I :2B a a> **-'l;lf'r**' 9:30 a. iu. l'ailor care aie rua on iralaa leaving a. *,**B 8*16, 4 :'J.) p. iu. Sunday. 9 :30 a. Bl. M :-'.r 'lom- Rlv.-r. Harnagat l'aik aml Harn-gat. 4 *v. 8:15 a. m., 1 80 _4 20 axpreaai p m __.__. ., . m For Atlantlc City. Vmeland and Brid?etoo al 4 a. m.. l 'io i m _ .... For Monmouth R.-ch and Scabrlttht at 4 *40 8-ia. 11:15 a. rn.. 1 :30. 4 :f>'?, 4**20 p. m. KOR Pllll.ADF.I.PIII \. Iltl.TniOHK A\0 \\ \-.|||M:TON. ROYAL ULt't LINE. PaanU-BalH-laal ) -w '. *o.-j oo. 10 00. U*BB8>% 1:30. IMi, A.M, * .00. i OO. o ."0. 7 :JU p. B- VB nJj{iiU &L MJAis, J) .00. .0 3j\ 11 .30 a. m . I -30. ???"*"?> 6:00, 0 :C0 p. ni., 1..16 Miglil. ^ ,, _.. m.m For Daltiiuon. aud w*?hiu?u?n dally al 9 *??? Diiilng iar. a. ui., 130. A .30 .Ii.ihiik Oar), 5 00 P- ?. U^lBaU?Vta| at 7:45 a. ?.. l:3>. 4.00. .1 00. 7-80* in., Ul:15 nlaiit irxcapt SaturJay niv t .-I'l'*' ''_f a. in., 1:80, o oo, 6:00 p- ia., ua\. caaa 'U.-u?fj.' *k>? Inf, HarrUburg, Potuvllie, \.. ?.T-a >or Bunbury and WlUUmaport, via ?U*ael?h-?A**yS a. Hi., 1:30, 7 80 p- m.. 1-li liudumli'. f\? "I'l sa.'-r?*" Blght . Bundara 0 00 p m. ., ,Tj. TickeU and rarlur-Oar bmBj . an be procured al __. '?'^ 261. 415. 944. 1.140. 1.3_J3 Uroadwui. 787 *tM*%i.y Wot i^Sth-at., 13) IC-tbat.. New-York; 4 court-ik. 880 V'ulton st.. 98 Rroad^av. Rnoklvn. ta Nrw-Vork Tran-f. r I on paaj ?ill call for and chttk o**T K*tt" from hotel or re.idence. _ wlaTTiTilE RAILROAD. t.v. Y. c. _ B. R R- R- OJm Maaaa-L-. Yor. Tralna Uve 42d st. (North RTVar) ?Sf'fe^Vlt Bfl fnllowa, aad L0 <arU-*r from f.- t *_2*_filSj ??,-ii? a M -i*lv tot .S'-wbura. Ku.iiswn. ******** 7M l-s2W*i?, 2I*?S_?w r,<.n Dallf e\c<*pt .Saturdsv. f'<r loron-u- u,^ < r 'llurtalo S.a_4.r.. 1'all-. l?etrolt. C_TeafB. bl. I-*** Uailv .-..??l'l Salurdav. fo i. r? i.i.? - HAVEUMI'.vSv LOCAtS. 8 15 *3 45 I. M- m N1.W1H Ki> LCX tL? ? -?;. -10 15 A. M. 6 83 ?n 30 'II 15 ?' M. -? T<m,n?o. 0*> ki.wi,Inu , ur. tor lluilalu. N BK?ra ran?. iurv '^?-vft:;;.;'^::,:ffV^'? a Wrta^^^u*^^ Kllton^t; N.w\u,- Uiv, _,7l/%.^Jjf ___???_* ?'' ' ""^ AT?S?r?aBBBa1aaBW *?-*