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UNIVERSITY MEN DINE. VI0LET3 AXD COLLEGE CHEER3. HCU cil'i's and BRIOUT i'i;,,-im i,'is \T0B THB DXITCKSITT ui" IHE CITT OF NlAV-Yoliic. \ ioi.-t ralgned aoprean lifcthe ipaeloua dlnlng hal] ol Uio ilot-i Btaaawteh hui nlgfct, when the alamal ,,f u,c UalvaasHy af the Clty ol Be* Yorh aat town t<> their aaaaal dlnner. lt waa oae ol the most pleasant ilnneta tha BBsoetatlon ban ever held, A. B, de Frec?, iiu- gciiini ami rni,u.-i trensurer <>l tha alnmnl, wipamud uii i,i-. prcvlona efforti lo make thlnga lv< ij aud tartereatlng. He bad prepared a number >>f pleas? ant aarprlsee, tncludtog an Ulumlnated tecdmlle d tiie nalveralty bulldlng made ol ciU", a "baby orator" and an nutoiiiaion pteao, A iBTfB miiiihcr Of the :iluitiiil aud thelr gaeata won tna* nt. BOME OF THOSE PRESEXT. Dr. Ilenry C ffoyea sat ln the central seut of tl.e pii.t.'oiiu lahle. At lus rigiit aat Ctaneellor Heary m. MaeCraeken, and ut his kfl the Bev. i>r. iiharloa ii. Baton. The others at the platfonn tahh were Joha 11, li.uii.ii, Van li'iis-.-laer, Dr. Charlea I, r.iid'c, Dr. Ilenry M. Balrd, WUhaaa r. Haveaaeyer, Kob'Tt Mm luy aad John .-Ioaue. Amoiift others pi-es enl wera Hoaaa B. Ma, lay, ':;?i; A. C Ooxe, '3^; j. A. Wflekee, "t'.c Bkdaud 11. r,,Tii, ':iu; p. w. Oetssen halaer, '*.: j, B. Irelaad, '41; Lewla B. need, >43; a. 9*. runman. '48; A. c. Koe, '43; ftofeaaee J. J. Btoreaaea, '(,:>; B. I. Brown, "oi; l'. li. Vaaaoo, '53; I'Orneliu* Vaa l.rillit. '.Vi; J. Owen, '56; John A. Lott. Jr.. Ta; Israel (.'. lVrson. '?.'>: David Con way, '?'?4; L. J'osdick, 'i-*: Klhert Ii. Muuroe, '.'>; Wiiiiam >. Opdyfetb '**?, li. Mgaaaa, '75; c. b. Bruafc, 'f,7: J. K. Paraena, 'to*. rreteeaor Hc, ry M. Ilull, *iO; II. II. lia\ liss, '(Ul; Tlioniah I'orhiaa, IO; (jeorjrc Znbriskle, '70; A. II. Carlton, ?79; P. i;u*ak, '7j; Jaaaaa M. Dcnt/m, '7o; Kufus imtion. '48; Jadge O. M. Vaa lloaaaa, '4*2: Oeorga C. Weiinore, Jr., '711; tho BflV. 11. ti. tMCTWOOd, '-1 , iieui-y P. Bell, '(--; tha Bm. VtaecaA Plaek, '*-; Baaama D. Bagen, TB; Ihe Bev. Dr. John Love, '08; C ,K. BaiMa, '63; K. 1*. Wieticr, '7i*. 3. V. Ciltten (len, -7<; rmtoaor Jaa aaaa AUea; Alfred W. Trotter, '7i: \x. d. Bdaaiia. '75; ti.o Bev. OoenaUaa iirett, ?r.i; J. w. IHtioaid. ?ft6; C. 9. Webh, '.">i; H. C. (.>b ?on, Tamoa Mohes, 'oa; Professor C. J, Utedennan, Blahof l'ulkner, T. A. ithhai-ds nnd X. W. IWk. tiik t ii \m i;i-;>;ii'.s u-oqi'iavi. Tha yonagar alaaanl wera rather aaore de BMiaatiaUva thaa Ihetr oid.r hrethers, and ire ju'iit ertea cf ''Kah! Bahl Bahl >?Y?r: sui Booml Ahl" were haar*. Dr. ffojrea aeled ns laaataaaater. OhaaeaDot MaeCraehea lesponflod lo tt,- tir.-t io:i-t, -Tiie Dntvanlty," ln port aa taltowa: Mr. PNaMeot nnd OenUcamn of tfce Atamnl: l tiiaiik you fur vour greetlng. i fOel eutlrel] al bome even tl.oui.-li I am here us Cnancellor tor tlie flrst Ume. We havo b-en gettlni; ai.junint.-d uitti each "1 ? leveu or elghl yeara. 1 havo been crowliig ewj jrear tnore mdeuted t<> yon tor your klnUne-ss a:..l bujiport. Sorae Ol v-ui bave heen (;,?,(l enough of late i.) wrtte me letters, which I bave already u. biioM'l- ] id_:.-d prlvalely, hm dealre ai-" te acknowledge pub hciy. Thej have relerred t<> my formal lnauguration i.s Yiuiiicelior on some Bpedal eveolug. ii.-y have j Moi.dei-.-d wi.v i diacournged lt. There have been v. . . in.miiwtl isstsons. i'ii-si, it i.:-s appeared lo me Inl t.Ms c;(^(_i a.s expenaive, labork n- aud nupeiauoui t irm : i-arpod, it haa Beameo to me likely to hlndcr rather ii,an te help ? more Important lnauguratlon upon which my iiilinl h, very Bncfc angBged, auA -1 belavc your lnil:ds ais,,. It is th>- Inaugnratloii of u new epocn of tl.e >-?-,v York UnlveBBttf?a reallaatten of tlie euocb tiiiii '.a In the inlnd.s of ^nm ol lt.s fouoden when thw gave lt th- proud aame of tii? L'nlvenlty of the city ui\ New-York. .Appiau-e.. The Inauguratlon of tho new uptowu college is only one pan ,>f ttiif pcreni etiter ]>ri>e. H l* an Important part- it is the InaugumUon l.iis.-i"s., that ls befois- OUT nuiids Just now. Wo ? Intend to Inaugurate tfce uptowu eollege. We aro i gt-itlng it-sdv her Inaugurtttlon rwbe. There nre two putnte Wi whleh you will eapcelally i-Hie to hear from aie. Flrat, Ihe pieaenl condltlon ' of our nndargraduate college. is drar k, you. To Mtno of you there ...-?? few nganlaattoni thal ar.. dearer. Thla la becauae the college luys hold of the I heart of niun in tlie tecoud decade of his life, and ln ' lhe wcond half of tbe BCCOnd decade?from llfleen to i twenty, wben occun the marvelloua tranattlon fn,m i ib- ciiiid t-> t',(> maa. BrieBy, onr college wai never ln better condltioii than it ls to-day?aa to Its j,r,, feaaon or Its Btndenta. (Applauae.l Bventhtea and eveiybody ahont lt U In good marcblng order, and bi the xanie* llme in |."^"i -laylnK eondiiion. The I nl verslly Collefe ls ln N'u-Voi'lv to st;,v ; at the san.e tlnie it ls ln New-York to march on t? great. r elBclency und aaefulDena. Thu hringa me i" lli.nd mbjerl upon wldch i know you desire to hear Mimethlnp: oui pn?eni plan and aroepoota (or lhe propuaod I ulveMtj Oolleae al Tao-aunnredtJ] st. aud the llnrlem River. . irst, i b.-R to ts-ad a brlef oorresjioudeii, o ?1th Maiiford White, tl.e distlnjrul*h(-d arclilUH-t. A few daT? slncu I addreered him the following note: _ "January 122. lkli'i. "Mr. Stanford White: ??My Dear >ir: Relylng upon lhe intero.-t which you taha in the New-Y?>rk rniv.r-lty, botfc beeaus* It wan the alma mater of your father, "5li. Bicfcard Gronl Wblte?a nan...- h coi'cd Bmeng us?and becauM jron \our-elf aie aa hmorarv aluni'-ii-. I s'.lirit t-ui h uid tn ionneci!.-)!. wlth our present movemeirt ?? yon can glve and flspe. iallv In iho way ol profe*stocal ?ug eeetloiiB. At thi, Juncture 1 should be ven jlad to imve your Indpnient In re*,',\e<l to the arehltectewe of our pix.posMi unlverslt] college luilfclliuf.- <>n i ni mtsIiv Helgkta, as well aa of tfce pis.ix^ed Cnlversltv liulldiiig ln Vt'aahlngton 6 luare, bofti of whlc* are out Iined dlmlv ln Um areompanylng printed statemenu ?f our Committee on Seedi and Kudowno-nt._ Kaith f,alv youn, HENRY M. MAC CBACKEX. Tbe 1 .Uowh g is hi., replj : , ".lanuary 'io, 1803. "Chaneellor II. M. MaeCrark?i! _ -l-ur Mr: Your note of the 22d h ree?4ved. The followltiR prlnripal *ncjr*?tloti hai ocenrred i" me lli lOiiiiecUon n-tth U,e unlverslty movement. i ottri it after rarefnl reflecllon upon Ibe lntere?w lnv?^veo. T^ po- IMe arcTill -tnt-ai beglnnlng of lhe propt. .,..-.',. npon tee uptowd gruitnda, wia.-ii gromida i have vUfted and irtvutlv Hdmlre, would M te ra move thlther the wall* of the present maln edlfloe. ln Washlnirton Bqnaw. ahou! BOxl?o, and make herai tee exterlor oi a eollege hall ln the ceftlre of the went I ihe rolletre Tbne walh Bdmll ofa new Interlor, whk-h wlll have a front,ea?tward. Un*** Uie college m.n, and weMwnid tewarfl S,'--W-J ave.. ?ii<1 can )>?? made uneaeeptlonable n* to ,--?'. v.ntiliii .', .-uid .-,11 eollege requlrement*. ??fi. tl- central portion I would plaee the rollege rhape ?Pon the ui?mnd lloor. and atw-elt the m.i-i.m ;, -. i. ,:.- ,,-i.i lhe li'.i-.iv. Ti,- - Bhonld I- ur- pro, f. TMuilnrbi lh" nse of the rtone from the |,r's,,,i V^:?l^nuOi'A ,?'. h'--Vnur-0.<i<,ntu*l*<t..n<*:. Tl,.- man-don now .... tt.- irroundi. ?IU form the -outh v'-t corner of the collepe Bquan?, Bnd ran be -? mndelW fora Hall ol l-l.ll..-.t;<mx **t- f^i- i|i^ i-? ^ y| ? - \i t'h- norlhwest enrner Bhonld l^ ti,<" iny-' "*?, ? it wha'A".' 'Um and etertHeal planl i- n?dM. T "l? i wo bulMlnS l would h-rmonl?e ?itfc the C* V-u itall eonnertlna them wlth lt by areadea. ^ITie ;. , iVlV- V.f the ,?ll"_.'" 2**<'fO KhOllM be r..s-1-ved fhr a'~.'..rn',iio,'v hall. avmnariuin. ole. The north nnd ?o?,? id- "Hl afT.,.-,i ample room for nll future ro?? !oliu,!."u'ashi??i.,n Bonare prepeetr. I ?m??a , ? ,'if tn* Blnale siu-v-ti".''. Whatever n^e i- fo be ;^H?,-r SSKJ of the n?w bulldlng. thiv* I , ,ia he kent very plaln, nnd made to eerre as n t'1 *n,iti,,. ni.?-r'?toHbb whleh ai? to U, i. ?? "mff -I u<* -IV the fnlversi-v gchooh Of Uw. Lda'^BTV On5.lui.te HrhooU of PhlloBophy. HWorr nnd ?hp Ilke Tlic*e Itortei onirht to rc-elve. und rnn Xllv n-c-lv... a rertaln acadeirlc exterlor. They tvin V.f nc.esiitv be v,rv eon nlcaoua. overiooklni t*tth I'nlversitv Pla..- and Waslilngton ?c|iuire. Al un earK dnv T win wnd you an onMae theteh * il?. voooaed bnUdtaga npon the new uptowu gronndji. ..rotHhiv ? vlew of them as tl.ev wiu appear looklng K , the eollei-e green. Fi.lthfullv vour*. fron. tne t jhh,v h> ?OTA?FORI> WHITE." If i,nv ?awotlB have a ?<Mitimer.t ln favor of pre aarVlnB the arehlteetoral aB?oelB?nna of daty T****LJ* utou* tl"- alumnl. A new bulldlng his been i- Mged hr one not n jrraduate. If O.o alumnl ^1H pW? us mucli for iransferrlni.' the old WallB, I lielleve It can bo Bceon,pll-l.?i. (Applauwi.) Tlie elfort for ftmdi to pmchnse tho twenty aerea al fnlveisttv Heteh'i l- ir-.i.iir fonmrd. Laat wort wn n,.e,.'v,-1 a nl(st"(- of W5.000, on coi'dltlon timt we Sbmplete lhe purchaBe wlthnat tenchlng the twjnt let-ti-les (f M.'. Stunrt nr Mr. Payerwea'her. (Ap i,li,iise 1 The voui.fc"-st alumtiu? in the Counril hai Ste^d'to knarintee IMe r.o-iue by him of y Mea his onr. Kift. If ntne otne.s vol wwr? n. ??n.e lApplnnae , We have had n pledm or Bubseilp tton for every day of tht* week. fApptaaBe.V k'n e I . ,, ir ln h. ? ? <" otber ihimnui b*j\ pr?niis,<i tfce bantrt'toa alft cf OVOOO. (?reat Appla-me.) ?tri 1l,<- haides| jxirt remaln* to be dnna We ti-*-l tliat lt WiU le .Id'". We know that no s?ch reaalt* ror hU'lier educnU'41 can Ih- achleved by a few hnndred lhouBand? Mcewhen as rhrht hew by onr nnlver?lty. /Ap pteuie.) The naxl proven It. Our veteran; are dr.p lilnir ont t?it the vounir st'p forward. Howard Croebv U tnne. bht I "" here a yonng nan only ten vears oal of ".ir cllei: -. wh'? has tn.-.d- lhe fl.-t ".-:"-. SSr and dlrtlonary for Ihe I2.n00.?M of Oorra (MTlni.-'-.' -?...- "f lil" enercv n"d BM unrJne our V(Wn? Bllimnl. in Ihw. riie,t|c4n?, '"'~"'e-<. th"o!orr. Oentlemen llfl np tho banner of vl'iM and be prond of Kem \<>:li tniv, :-ltv. (Applaaao, ***** and long ciiitiriii- d , At fhe dos<? of ii,,- apeeek Dr. Hoyea renmiked ? hat Otmi lilver-ii'-' had li, the Clinncllor fl BMOUd IV Ment KeCOflh, if Ihe nhilltv wiih whteh he ,- illeel -i naMf for ti.e Dnlvenlty eonntod for aavthlng. The rhat-cellor's referen(v> to un alumnoi who Iind 3'i-t rlren a ****** *?<>"' **** rerelved wlth n'.'.'.t applaa ?-. lle refu-'-d te ******** Iha aaaaa of tl.e danor, however. He *nid thai the BNBBhef 'f tha eonndl ln whom he re.ferr.-d was- Jo^epU H. Aaettaek. '7:.. The nu.hor of the ro-ean Wetlaaawy <>t whaaa ha apofea naa tke nev Haaaaa O. Unlarwaoi, *Bt. The Bflxt nsahae waa Dr. taraao, the de.-,n of the medlcal BBlteBl. "" ?pokB 1,'ieflv. givinfi BB en<our ssr*t*** ** *? <i";'j,","'"t' flAtVBNA OF THI LAW I? tiooi.. na. of Aaatla Ahhotti the Beaa of tha hw :?;,ir;ot--..:.<.1:...,"^^'.. .?i-. m. ,"',, :,",:" '"',' itd to tius pteaa at ***** tan Bd.L W""" ' "J\ 'ns V ***** 'nli-rU-utniunVn-U-in. 1 jjp, u, rea tru**** * Ju m,.n ,.?,??? j, t?(. "ha? neaa Iha ti,,., ** t ?llU. ??. t?,i,- efcarx ***.''^ ''^ t.tluta*^** ol luv-n'-ihi,^ rtrsrs ^ **** ********* ?s * * kaewled ???? ,.f t.,<-- prtnelplea ut law; ud i-, ....,-.-n i,,, what Impron., "iits (-mi i,-- niade ln our totu** i hai naturally glven BBBM att, iitmn to tfce (|U -l, the ablllty of onr atodenta t-, bm Bnd apply thelr kaowl edu-o eould be laereai d, aad i hare found that eiTort in Ihla dlrectloa i.?s laereai ?! the i , whleh (i,,-v eoalt maa ** Drtncinlea ,.r the law nnd eon prebend tfce llinltatloni >f thow prlaciplea, ?i,<] hai cn haneed th.-ir Intereat even Ib the moat drr :,,,d i parta ,.f tbelr al idlea. Thea ? rowlta have been -? i- , ke, that i um ci,.,iirm.-d la tii" i.ijiiii..n whleh ihe Iw leealm of atadeata is my tttee baa tfven me, * i,,) i in..,,is;, maatery of aenefal prin Iplca oi intei i ,.f th.- - boota of nbatantlve Iaa la beat reaehed by ti uld of a kaowli dne ot i.dura ot adjeettva i ,-,\ -. ?.,,?.] mi leada ma to aar laatlv, teat a rery iowortanl Irature i our rourae alll ba Ihe extent to whleh Inatruetl tralnlos ij. practl e alll be Blvea, aod the extent lo wblcl na ahall '.-?? a praetleal i nowledse ,1 procedure as leadiai od to au Intelllgent Intereat la tha hlahei i , j,ii:r-|,:?(,',-i,, >? in all Ita Bapecta blal rl, il, analjtl al, coaa paratlre aad etbieal. (Applauaa PoUowlng i*r. Abbott eame tbe Bev. Dr. ( harlea ll Eaton, who tpoke npon "New-Yo?h as a Future Educa Uonal Ccntrc." The addreai ahowed careful prepare Uon and waa evidently appreciaied. The loa iniastei then .aiied upon WUIlam il lieadlestoii, li, w. Iiond Thomaa Corhran a.,.l w. i?. Bdward* for Impromptu addreaiBB, aud ihe evening*! entertalnment was I to a eloae. WXDDINOS I'AST AND TO i ome. The weddinc of Miss Mary Loekwood ItownsheM, daughtet of John Tewnabead, te Uentonant J. cilf lord Kciitiurd, Ial Artillery, Unlted btatflB Ariny. ),?,!( plaee laal avealag at .st. Tboauu'a Chareb. TM B r. Dr. .1. Wealey Brown, ractoc nf Ihe ehureh, olDclated. As the bbbb of tho i-ridni parly a!l w,,re thelr ualforma the wed.ling naa BBaaaaOy bri llant. Tbe beat man wna lientenaat Heauy |D. Tedd, jr., 3d ArUllery, Waahtngten Barraeha. Tho aaben were Lleatenanli llerhert Deakyne, w. w. Uarta nnd Bobort McGrejror, of the Engtncer Oerpe, r. g, ,\.; Ueutenanta Allllara 1-assjtor, ChaiK-s Braawel] und J. .-now, ol lhe 1 I ArtlUery, f. B. A, n.e maid of honor aai M.-s laabella Xun iinmt nnd tl.e brMeamatda were Mis, Margaret Inman, Miss Kathwlati noworand mi-* Mary Mllls. Tln.- hride enU-red the chnreh Wlth ber father. After the ren-inoiiy a larpe receptlon followed al the bonae Of tha hrldc's father, No. 22 Wt-st Flftj %,-, ond >t., where I'inard aernei an elal urato aupper. Among tiie gneata were Ghptate u:.d Mrs. Bw all, Lteutennnl Chartoa Hardlng, Uentenant Melndoe, Oaptaln and Mrs. HahkaB, Oaptaln aai Mrs. McMnrray, Major . I Mrs. Baadolph, Mlaa Bandolph, Uentenant W. w. Galhratth, Ueutennnt Erboh, Lteotenani Mareb, Major Joha Eagaa, M.,j,,r and Mr*. Hasklaa, MisS Hasklna, Ltestonanl und Mn. Andrewa, Mrs. ,\. C. Ii.'ttinr. Mr. nnd Mr-.,-, .-u.m. Captala DiUanbaek, Mra. Ranny Barrow, Hn. Jamea Conollej, Judge and Mra. Pryor Mr, and Mr . Clarenee Poatley, Colanol Bbd Mn. Blocum, Mn. Orlando B. Potter, Mrs. .\. <-. v.iu Brnnt, Mr. and Mra. Ateerl Hllton, ea-Jndge and Mn. Dlllon, Mr. and Mn. A. c. Downlng, General '.>. i>. Howard, Mra. !-??: Ilnrvler, Mr. nnd Mn. II. s. van schalck, Mrs. B. II. L. Townaend, Arthur Vaa Brant, Dr. W. B. Lambert, Mr. and Mn. Woodrufl Button, Mr. and Mn. Jamea Bwan, Mi-s Pryor, Mi-s. Jamea Ball and Mn. l After a Sontbern trtp, Uentenanl and Mrs, B. wiii llve at Fort llamllton, wben lhe bridegroom I atattoned. II,,. weddinc of Mlsi M. F.llol um-, only dangbler of Frcd.-i-le H. Betta, t., Buaeell II. Hoadley took plico in ti?> ehantry of Grare Chnreh yestenlay al noon. Ti,e eereoony w.-.s performed i,y lhe Bev. Dr. w. s. BaintJord, rector of 61. George*a Chareb. The itev. Jaaaea Chabnan aaatatod. Ml-s Lonlae Poater, "f Bnffalo, a eonaln of th" brlde, wbb ber mald ot I Tlm brMeamaMa were Miss Bunice Ivea, yn-1 Wlrkham, Mis- Brewster and -Mi-s Banka. i ).-? brlde'a brother, Lonla F. lloidrook Betta, waa the ia-i man. Then wan "'.ly two nahen, wiiiiam Adama and OUvcr Le Ki.rp,-. a unaA] reeeptiofl followed al Ute bome "f th hi.di-'s paienla, Bo. 7- inins- Plaee, Amongthe gui t were Mis. k. H. Hondley, Mlaa Edlte Hoadley, Hr. ,? d Mi-s. (ieor^'e W, Hctts. the Ml--,-- Betta, Somuel B. Th p. Loriiinit BeaaMs, jr. Mr. and Mn. Fred Hateey, Mr. and Mrs. Biagton Iv,--, Mlaa Ivefl, Mr. and Mm. Arthur M. Dodge, Mr. nnd Mn W. C. Whltney, Mr. und Mrs. w. il. 8chle?eBn, Mr. N'athanle] llatcb. w. II, wiri.huiii, Townaend McKeever, Mr. and *?'??? . .1. 1'. r.,,binson, tho Mlsscs Boblnaon, Mr. and Mr-. ii,,iii:ias (initit, Mn. George B. Bcotl and Mi-s (y it. A ,i:,.'-t weddlng took j,-. ? -.-- ? :-' iy at i ? al Ilie boa ?? .,f Mrs. Anna L. utevenBon, No, 0 Ea t Hlxtj aeventhat., when her daaghter, Mlaa Ehdae Btevenaon, was mariied to .laiiev I/.illLnrd K. in,? han, Only ?on of jhui,-- l*. KaawMhaa. Tha tkov, Dr. John HaU per forincd u.e nnirilttae ceremony. rhe cerem ? plaee In tbe diuwli,(f-is>om. the in-i.T" nnd bridegroom entcririg togetber. Dodley Winthrop waa Ibe bi t man. The ot,ly people pis--.-.-it won I'aul n:?i Maxwell Bteven? aon, hrothcrs of ihe hrlde; Mr. and Mn. Jamea V. Karnoehab, partnta of the bridegroom; Mr. and Mn. Herbert l'ell, tha latter the alater ol the brldegi 10m; Mivs Kannie UoKtwiik, Mis Cottenet, Mn. Bva Mn. Wnirht. Aftor the ceremony ...i ial down t> a weddlng hirnkfaal s.-i'\'-d by bberry. Mr. and Mn. Kernochan, wh,, ar>i d,-v?it,'it to hunting and mclng, wlll I.'.i Irl a hous.? at Hempatead, 1.. I, Tha ^e.idiii^ of A. Lawrenee Hopklna, who*e dl obtalned t-nnu- yean ago, t,, Mlai hn-\ iu*; Boaton, wiu be an IncMent of tlie i i Chleago, Jan. j- (Bpeclal Tlie marrlag. of MH Roxanu a. IV ent worth, daughter ol th, Ial. VI i-ntworth, of thla rlty, lu Clarenee W. Bowen, i.f Brooklyn, X. i-. took plaee ut lhe Ne i (hiiKli, at noon lo-duy. i'he Rev, Ur, Jam , >? .loiii. on, pa tor ol '<?? 'liuis'h, performed i'- ivro inony a- i-u-.i i.y the Bev. 1'ranklln v\. i, _ ; ,>f tii,- Chleago Tlieological heniimir}', beauUfulli' deconted, <wis witli >'j,i tivea ol tne !.? t ao. ,? ij. 'I Iw ultur ani i n ?? ? . A uerloun Be mtj ro* llll. . palm ? und Iei 1'ln ,-i,.is of jlhi pewi ln !'.'? ,<.':?? ... [p ? .!??( "fn i.,i wlth roaea an I liUea, and i> .tted pla ln clustera tiboul lhe *Wea >>; il,-- .huis h. l'Iii Kddy played tbe organ, llcrbeil VV. Iiowi I slai.-s < linsul at (..,!, ? l-.i.a. s|,.,,.. ,. .,,. , hi ,,:? -'iiM.m, \mi- I..--I man. 'I lie Ll ],. i.anl Mewart, W'llliam K. fn. Hioh.-H and .laim nn.,,. of New-Yorh : Arthur llatcli, VVIIllui , Held, -r.,u \ ,,i; url and i ranl lln B wen, ol Bnwl Ij,,. ll. nn n Walker, llerreponl laham, ond Kdwu i Blntchford, ol thla clty. 1'rumpUy .,i noon lhe brlde ..i.-:-.i ll,-r v..-,iiii-i_' ral menl --:,- ,i work ,-i urt. The ?raa ol heavy white alln wlth lon? n . co i.Il-Ii. and loua ileevea. trlmmed wlth old iwliii Ijuc. .-,,.. wore a iiuu'iiii!) ,-i,i vell of polnl la.e, llei omamenta were duimnnds inherlted from h-i mother. In iier hand ahe corrled a bouquet ol Iiin- > of the valley. Tha c( icuiony -.v.-.s i,i|.-f, after whi.h tbe brldnl party look camagea for tlie home <>f lhe brlde, No. n'.r. " wben the weddlng bn ikfa wm, scrvwl. Tl.e weddlng Ktft* mer.- numeroua and (,,-iiv. l.ut w"re not dlaplayed. >jiri\ this afternoon tl?; brlde and brtdegroom t(?)k n traln for Ihe South. Aller thelr w.-ddlni; tour th"v wiii return te tliclr future home ln ffew-Yort iny. 'ihe brlde i-i one ol tbe rirh"<it women in the, clty. Keyport, Jau. Bb.- At ??t.. Mary'* Eplacopal Chureh, thl^ Plaee, t**t*ta_y, Mlaa i.iz/ic btylea, daugbter ol ( hi> taln fiht. Btfjae, viof, marrled to Henn Founcer, ol New-York. The eenmony was performed by ihe Rev s. n. CrtaUr, pa'U.r of ihe eharch. The coupk will -:-??? I the honeymoon In Chicago. X0TES OF UW 9TA0E. A new hlll will Le pifaeBtod al aa. h of n.e Gennun ihcaircs to-nlKht. At Iha Thi.lin Joael Kataia wUI continue his popular hnpenonatlona l.y appearing ln "Crlel Acostii." At ti.c Amberg Theatre "IIU'' will ho played for the tirst time hon. TlB' lOQth perloirniii:,?>? ut *M*t Hclvdf ln Ncw York win ba ilven al the Btandard Theatre Ihla even ing. a pratty aonvenlr mad,, ol aterilng Bllver nlh ba pr.-sented. Mis. Annle Yeaaann retnrned lo ber plaee In lhe ,-a-t of "The Last of lhe II, pan ' at llan Igan' 'I he.'.l r ln-t night. Her daugbter, Mlsa Bmlly Yeamana, who wns npofted to t?- dangeroual) alck a few daya tgo, ls Bomewbal beth r. ' Tho meetliitt of theatrleal managera called to eon nlder leglalaUve Bctkm ln regard t" atege pertormanceii of chlldno nll3 ba held al Ibe oBme of A. M. BBlmer thia afternooii. Another meeting .,( managera i t', i?. beld a' Bnother plaee thla afternoon, whlcb, it la undenteod, ?,n conalder tba aame aubject. Bome managera were .il-|,!.:i-",t bj the u< Hon of otben In nendlng an agent to Albaay Ihe otber dav i" lo te prevenl H" pns^uge of tbe meaaure already preiiared tbere. and two partiea hava teua been crealw, bence tbe two s. parate meetlnga. i nissi:!' ir tiu: ioio.iw CLCB, ?ji," Colonial ciui). ,'f Ko. 127 Vi'eni gev< it] ? ? i at. gave a rabacrtpUon dlana laal nlgbl ?i lt* clab houae. George T. Wllson, chalnmni ui the entertaln ment I'oinmiiie,-. a -i George < Ilnt m Uatebeller, ? ma.. ol tha Imnim eomflBttofl, had eharge ol l nuigementa. The dlnner ?:.- a Beclded aaeec Ma, attended i.y :.s manj membera as Ihe ; quarten ol the elab wUI aecommodate. David n Brown preaident "f th? ehib, pteatded, and George T. Wllson nan toaatprerter. Tha Bov. Hr. WBton U sirllli t.he BOV. Dr. I.loyd. the BOV. Madi- ?, ,- peur (-c.icral llenrv I.. Ilnruett, Adjutant ' Bdwanl Kent. Oommlaalooer JohB MeOjvjj. '? M mriy ?'. I O**** DoBghorty. ol PhUadolpbla, ;w:,v ue apeaken .?. Ihe ng^ar teaal IW- Jhere u,.r? .,??, ...tormnl teMtfl. Tbew wen pnaeiil i,. ?rare D. Beott, A-rew ... c ****^\\B?2?' ^ _.- mnover, Jaaaea W. Conrow. l>r. A. ****? i-"/i'.. ili-i.Vv Y Kill-ui... Jnmea A. l-n-ndeK ,-r.i. Ojw HiSw' Cflarlea B. Hammond, WlUlam H. * *? m V Uvifi. AUred P. W. Beaa bo. P >*? ******** Mei'i'ittK. Bawyer, bb4 ahont alxtg othata BoVHt*m7. 'F^ri&K1'^'!-1 baSet Bead lor daaerlyttva paaptM. ? ? A DEPEW ANNIVERSARY. TWEXTY-FTVE Yi:\l;- WITH ONE ROAD, COXG RATCLATIOSS FROM N'l'li UZS ISCl I EXTS l\ BIS itl'.ll.l.: XN i ' xi:t ' lt. i 'i he I- enty flftl .-? ? fii, _| ronnectlon of ' ,'i:n,ii, ? v U. Depew xx 1.1 the Vanderblll .x-t.-rn "f : ; ra.lxx.'ix wi '??!!. :-it' ii |;.-t even ng by n dtnner ci v<-n 1 I l.x liim nl l.i- houae, No. 1:; \v,--i liftx fourth-t. t*> -? *? nf hl-- rn;'' I,* ig :? ll ':(!-. It xxiis :i ~ atrti tly !?- - room of hl* , bonae wai nnl.' ' . 'I'i.? \x, rt Mr. , ].. ;?? xx'- glie.t* : < *i II -? Vanderblll, Frederick W. VandeitUt, wm i>, Sloane, 11. MeK. Twombly, I"'. W. *.? .ml ,Vebb, B'altei Rathbone Baeon, ?'? Plerponl Moi:::*.::. i). <>. Milla, ih,nl*. Lanier, Jame* W, Alexander, 11. ir. i..(i\:.:-l. prealdent ,*f the Mlcblgan Central Rallrand Company; John .ewell, pr* Wenl "f lhe Lake Shore RaUroad Company; U. V. Ingalb, elem prealdent "f tbe Clereland, Clndnnntl, Chtonfo and m. 1.1- Itallroad Company; <..-'? B. Roberta, pre. dent, and Frank Thonmon, Brat rleo-preiident, "f the 1 Ivw ' RaUroad Company; Joha Klnf, pteA denl ',1 Ihe Kii" Rallway Company; Cbartei P. Clarfc, presidcni "f lhe .ew-York and .en liaven RaUroad Company; Au-tin Corbln. Samael fUoan, "f th.* Delawat-, Laehawaaaa nnd Weatern RaUroad; Thomaa P. Fowler, preaideat <>f the N'-xx YoriuOBtarto and Weatern RaUroad Company; B. P. wiibur. praB deni "f n.e !-? iii.ii Valley RaUroad Company; -4- \. McLeod, prealdent ?.f th** p___*!ph_, and Boadlng Ballroad Company; Cbarlea 1. Mayer, preaMenl ol tha UalUmore and Ohio RaUroad Company; H-om-i ?'? Haydcn, aecond rlee pn --i.i* i,t. and ii. \v.*iit.*r ..i.h, third xi,.* pr. -idciit. of tha Beir-Yorti Central aad iiu,i-o!i Blver RaUroad( ompany; J. i?- Layng, general manager of di" Weat shore RaUroad Compani ; Chartea i". c ? . xi.,- prealdent ..f the Canada Boathera Ralln A Company; Aahbel Oreen, Banrae] l?. Babcoch, K. F. -hepard, Le Grand B. Cannon, Charlei a. Dana and Oeorge W. Child*. Mr. Depew'1 bonae is of the hrownal.fi4.111 order (,,111111,,n to thli elly, and K ronneclcd In a .-*lt?l Bne nf nu-onry wllh the other honae* In the i*I"ck on i.'..- north - ?'?? ..f We I 1'ifty fourth *t. There 1 nothing to dkUngulah it from it- neighbora excepl ? palr ??'. M|nare lampa "f bevelled gb , moonted on inuih-t bronie polea plantcd al ti"- f""i of the atep* nl the front door. Bnl the entra.tead. t ? Ihe haU way of .1 donbk bonie, tbe recepll >'i room being ".. the left and Ibe parlor on thi rlgh. wllh lhe dlnlng 1 . ::. the 1- ir. iii- haU extendi norihwai. 1, t 0 llbrary, from which tbere 1- al?o an entronce I., Uie dlnlng r.n. Mr. i>-;.xx' ha* I**, ,,in,> fatnoua, among other thlnga, for the -i.iil wltb which li- hai ?.(I im. 11 .-tuallty and featlvlly. The proilmlty , .. . ,!. i'i fact, the artaal conjuncilon of lhe llbrarj ? di Ing room, provea lluil lx ha 1 irried the Idea ,*( the udvunl igti of thi 1 'lai h u Into bU Mr. l'.p-xv look ? ":. lon la t evening, al the do ? ,,f u.e dinner, lo treal hla . .i-t- 1 ? - lie Indulged In a retroap. 1 ol lil* Ufe Ince lhe year be cntcn d upon hl* . illwuj .._(er. He j ?:,!;,.. ? ? ? 1 i' imphh i ol eventeen pagea, artiaticnUy und txp._.i;. . ,1 ?? : ? r -.? f rvvtcw ol bl* o'.-.i, , ,- :" : ?? ' ? uii!, |i... *,. i . ? inil II i..--r,'i 1 ?mp iny, imd _ii-, ., oi Ing lhe . "'??? ih r Uie ir_i-porta tion bu.inei ? during tlie la. 1 quarter nl 11 cei tnry, and IU beurlng* up m lhe aui 1 ? of thal ,' 1 ume of 1 U Inga 1 iui dned ln 1 1.phl 1 : - n \. , ii, 1.10. I -' ? to p i t .- prai - ?? ..* r pi ? 1 . Ri ;,;:?,. ? ,1 part) wn lai. Iv duml ,1 frl. nd* in. 'i U at l ; u? ??* * polltji ,,i ,:,:?* i- wero brlllhint. I bad i* Ured 1 .- ol lhe year trom tbe ofll . nl Se*. retary "f ___, | ... - ? ,..i.(i nlled -?.-' ? y ? ' ,,, .1..; || l liud ., ? 4 ?? 4 . ?:. r.,1 c..||.. tur : 1 rn ,f Ni i-Y.irk, ??? rh 1 I wa : 1 ?, pr. ? id< nl John uu .... I '?; <-a i the Republli an - Clvll Righl bill. ?? 1 ... ,;,, raad between a puh Me ?XX bb '1 xx..x " xx... 1 William ll. Vai I IX, , ' . ., -I r .* ' cey, polll ? ? ; n '? ? ' t tho 1 1-. t i ...111,1. . 1 ' Tl.rnrr.t lon Wl -.- : >r the N< ? York ? -i Hariem 1:1II1 *d ' om pany, bul tho dutiea corered even Uili I i>_< .1 in ablch the Commodore wai iutar*_ied 1 01 lti- |a 1 el.-ven \.,u- "I !.-?* Ute I "?< ln alaio. dallj cou.uliailon '-xitii U1I1 remarka ' ??< ll? ircunin lated r ever made. UU long Ul .,.. uiiim. r.:i|n*.| -. -i,.n "t wan III -I ti ,, : irle ly gave battle hi l ,,,,*,.,?? i.n, -. i.f hH Ume, and 1 ever 1 .1 one. 1 n?, 1 ,-\t;, .: ? ln hl? ? ar. 1 I Uml ba gnlm *d ,,,.. ?*, ? ..,., aftei h< r. .*; pa**ed 11, nldlll ? ??' .1 i* * -'' ?f hl* illllllll ll, || >in ?-. g r roj : ir, nm 1. i.ulv...\ j 1 ' r|(> ,,/ n,i 1,,i.ii< ? 11.111 -Illl '?' lial 1 . ? ?I iai.-l ive bi-li ln .'?.: denUal lhe ?. ? , uid 111 J...H, ? ? ? ' ? '' ****}**> ??<?*-? ****** i_, ..'.,1 bl parl "i it, -, ?? ? t- - ? | repaiii ...1,.. t, ?xll... . '? h it 1. 1* ; "* ';""" .?., ii-.. ni' "i ? !l * " ? i" ?/_"''"? " , .! ;, i-r ? , oil;, ? * *,' labor . ' ' ' ?' i": t nnd the ?" "'? ,*i... im, -i innii d w th lhe 11 1 ? and dead ? ? ""'" '' '" pletl -1 we ? ? I 'heii 1.enl* ? ?'??> ,,??, url I..I lhe N"'*;. Y..rt4 u*nir|U .* **m II ,.i!,.'. nud < I*--- w.ih lh. "? xx.,i l . ,11 *. ,*. bave r-nic Ut 1 ? lh.r pnpu 1 ml publl. , - 11 f V ,, ,, .. lil nn.) lhe -t.t-" ."';'? .-I -';'";';' , * ? rvgulatloii l-i blind aud ' 1 1 ? railway pre Id. it ??'??<?' ?'? A -,?,, dl .?.-?-r.i .*! lh- publl' nnd ... tle-. Inte ? 1.ihnlder. i r. ii,eiii..i\ "i ine Ijj. 'V, ?:;.:",":?:"'xxi,:'. ,'"p.-r K i*? ? **** ,7 ,, ,,f commerce and Ibe ***t*r* oi ? ,,?i,?..?,,*., :,i.h. are wllh few ex. ptlon* abto, ,, , ,,rt.,l .(.nl ptlbllC ?I.N'.l.'l. Th X' ai.- l.eenlx ? ?' , !,.- u'lnx.' r apon .MUtlM Wlllrh r-t npon ; . , ,,?. n',,,1,!,. obUgaUon to the pi-plc and ih-lr ,..?_.,. 1.1. -- which rwiulre* both .-tate ma-iahlp and , , u,n , 1 lu.i. i'-''t and ." Uielr duUoi t" Ihal S-Cl*. r"''1 IhO ***** "l il l'l"l:,l,,!,l*'?" ' JXCIDEXT8 l.\ SOCIETY. Mr and Un. C. B. Ilnekley gave ? large roceptton v,-'?,,i;iv after. nl tba Plasa llotrl. The Mlow. ,?. -,.., ted Mr . Ilr.-l.l'y to receive her gn eata: Un. Hackley llarbydt and the Mlaaea Marj t'dall. Oraee ,?.?,.,,??. x.nrv Hackley, Fannle llnek-y. hlnud Bai ,..-x ,,? M.u,'.-...-. Snlder, Miud Ingn Al and Anlia ,,,,,?.,., ..?| ,,?- uitme* M.,ti. Royee and Une. x.ig tboae pn-eni were Mr. nnd Mi , WaUton H. Itrown, Moncnre l>- Conway, Mra, Robert <u Inge. Ml ii'l en ..""l'l. Dr. and Mra. John P. Mnnn. Un. n.,:,u i'.ixi , M. . Oeorge E. Dudge, Bdwln Oi-uld. Mra. John a, Martin, Mr,. Tbeodor. K. iMni..""** Mra. Wllliam I- ahlriey, Mn. Henry Vlllard. Mr*. Dwlghl ,l oin, ,.;?i. xi,-. Martha J, Lamb. Mr , oeorge 1. Monigomerv, Mra. Edmund C. -tedroan. Mra. Augualu* ?. juiuiai-, Mra. Thomaa L. Jamea. Mr*. Ilenrj llall. Mr John D. xi. n-i.!. Mr - OUver II. Jennlng*. Mr* M.,.i Snlder, ol Mlnnenpolla; John W. Vnmman, Mr. ,nd M. . in.. nr. 11. Ilubbaitl, Mr- Ilenrj '?- *'-*'-"? . ,, ,.,,.,1,,,,. Mr , lioward !,.,U?oo.l.M,-. *,( ',,1, ?,. x:r .Channlng F, Heeh. Mra. Fred 1 ,...i.i.i.. Mr ....??- tonover. Mr*. llo rence Rj, ? 1.. Mi - < harlc M. Rajmond. Un. ?*? ??y land Klmi-ll. lhe Ml ? Rwen. Mr*. Angnatna 1 . . ari. - B. Hackley and 1 *-*" "? l-'lll"v xi, . xniiii* M. Dodge gnv? a dame al h*-T h-.u..*, \? a y-..' 11. ,,* : ...,?.I; -r.. laal nlghl. The c llllou ?raa dnnced, Alexander M. Hodden leadlng. Among tbe Ki"-.- *en Mr. and Mr - i""-':r Uobin.m, Jr.. . ..-. . harlea -v, Dod e, Ml' Ethel D , ? -,,,.,,-. ilr. ond Mra. Olivci llarriman, Jr.. Mr. and Mr . mu i ** ?*r. and Mra. Rn_l?h n j,-. ur. and _? ? *> ****** ftebb' ,! ' xx. ?. Mr. and Mr-. Jobn Alewndre, AU ? 0 :, N:.x:,:: -, Jobn Madden, F. II- Daldwln, Mr. nnd Um. < rnel " ' '' ", : IT. MarahaU, Ml 1 C rbln, N ' '" ' " naon, Ml 1 Inamore, Mr. and Mra. J. L * llarriman, UamUton Larey, tha ***** 0_?_ron. J- Atien llu inn:.,,, MU, ai.,, llarriman, r-t.-r Marie, .Uii MolUe Aiiiti,.... Mr. and Mm. ". MeK. T*nmhtp. Mr. nd Mra. ?'. D. Sloane and Bl - <*****? pvenna danetn?<hi? under lhe , un. 11'ii.x Vllii.i-t. Mra-A. -. Oorb,. x; BvereU P. ?Thoeler and Mm. <- ? ****?il m-*l ... the _.,?,, i.s.,1,*. Rco-w, Ro. i"- ttm mu rr.h .,. ,;,., ?.-,,. uwoog lhe mamhrm nmeai wen xii.- (Mli.Urd, Mlaa PU?her. Mtoa Helen rahneatoek. Ml- Ylltard, the Bl**** *'*'?"?>?*'?*? ?*_ ,i>,"x,"r' M,~s thtta Rlcb, .i,:.,i'- Wtttv, T. K. <?,.?. \.ei .....1.. 1. a. kip, jr-. *' ?*? ?,w7* ;U1,";1" ***** llomerFoote, . . i. 0*Coonor ot*********** Mra. Anaoa Fhaapa BBBn ***** Mls' ******** "?vo meyer guve large dlnner partiea hui i Mn, Dentel ButterfieM had tome i.-",,i mn Ic al her dav at boOM. \V--dii"-d:.v. The benutlful dnWlng-rooau <>f ber hooae, Bo. Blfl Flflb-ave., weii liii.-d. i.. f,|i.,|.i Uodowakl played nm* ptona s,,i,,-, Boberl Cflater and W. 9. Moaker nag, il," latter maklng his flrst appeamace aftei ejme yean atudj In Burope. Among tl,e (tueata wen Mr-. OUver ttamner TeaU, Mr-. Jobn i(. Hall. Mlaa Hall. Denlel Dougherty, i.i uie,,am and Mr*. LitUe Mn Kiir-"!,,. McLean, Btncy ciail,. a. >. Yeaton. Algarnan Dougherty, Prinee GaUtolna, ,i. w. Maekay, Jr., Mn. Joha D. I Mis. Townaend, Colonel and Mn. GUla ple, aad Mi-s. J. I-. Townaend. Mn I'aui (.. Tbebeud, of Bo. lflB Madteoa-ave., ?ill glve i, ri epUoo tomorrjn uften.n. The invjliiii.,,,- ( -ii.-1 ror Mr*. i . II. r. (.,lhs s rerepUon, So. 1,056 llfth-ave., ennounced i" l>? lield to-morrow aften \ ,. have hoen cancchcd, ln ,,,i, e quence of ber contlnued lllneaa. DE8CBIBINQ CHINA AND ITS PEOPLE. PBESIDEBT \N,,!I.I, OP Till'. I'MVi i:.-[TV OF Ml IIIiiAN, Bl TOBE MH. DBAWIS . BOOM CLUB. Tha ii.eiu'ncis al the Dnntog-Boom Club were Ibrtanata eaoagh te Uatcai io an anuaaally IntereaUng laetare upon "CUna nnd the chtoeaa" at tinir pleax Htit rooins. Bo. ooi Fiitli-avc., laat attalng. it waa BeUvered by Itoatecinl Aagell, af the Ualventy "f mi, i.ic.n, who reprmanted iha i'nited Btatea as Mln? lster for several yean in china and enjoyed excep lloual opportuiiilics t>> l-.iin ahOttt ihe people ai.d ihe , ',111,11 v. Tha Chlneee, Preaident AngeU -a,.i, amoug other tblnga, nen; a paopla northy ,>f iflrlottB atudy. Thelr country covewd aa uiva of ***** than iwhc of tho i'nited state. it cntiiii.ed graat monntatai eapped bf eteinal saawa, rtven comparahle te the Aiiuuoii and Mlaaleslppl, pl.-.lns ,-,s ri, li as tboae ,,f tn..,oi , aad ii,,i,-s ol cold nnd siivcr. H roolalned one quarter of Uie population of the irlobo. DeBptta tba Bamerona dlalaets, the paopla ware aa hoawgeaeoiui bb iii-?-e. of th-- i nlted Btatea. Thelr Ul nature araa :.- eelebnted for ita awralty as ita vohuae. The canntry'a elvUttntlon naa the oUr* i" tha norld nve lhal of Bgypl it *-?,- tha ona nation whoae hlgh oiln-ers arere bU bi h I i h wa, dUBcoli ior Ibe facnlgner t-> Jodge ol inany thlnga iu China, aaM tbe apenfcer, :.s be waa kcidom allowed to gel any tealghl late the honM u of ii people. Tba"-<_ wen al ?. naturally elu >lv ? ..f exaaUnatton. Among tha chlel rharacterletl of the i".'pi. PreaMeot Aagell named thelr '.u dn nv. They i.uipii-hed mueh, althoogb Ihey never nere In b hoiry. They alwaya aeted bi .f I imi pl my of Ume in tbe paat and expected p ,.t Ume la Um tafure. Forelgnere wen ala ih" apeaker added, alU lhe abacaei ol what tbe) decmed n.aaary elemenl ,,f ocUl Ilie. One gr al ,-f t:.'? :-? :.. ?? '? Bfl th-- tOClB |on ,,( ||i? women. 'lio- cii,,,-,. alao BuHered Irom .1," Uck ,.f menna of commnnlcallon, aueh as new*papers, telegraph wlrea and nllrouda, which alded lhe formatlon of pablle opinion. Tho ConaUiutton "( i, ; . al o made pdUU nl acUvlty unneeeaaary. Tbe < blne <? IaM greot str.-ss up II ? , teught Indeed, aloMHt m * parl ol i1,.- rellglon. 1,1. ,i reaport and obedlenco aere also apporent ln every family. i ?? i- ple wen temperote- Durlng i id. i . \: ki ll'i anUre .... don be 'i"i only .n lliroe Intoxlcated Cbln.>n Uw itrecta ol Pekln, n.,v acre aonderfullj fond of Bowen and pete, aad i. wns ii >t im,i,.niie,ti for worklngmen to carry llttlo i,.-t blrds at.t wlth thea that u?-y mlght ilng t" tbem a bl le :,i work. Pt* Went AngeU a?w ln tba Chlnese U *tem nl ??: - a , .. one ,-r the . .,,.-.?> ,,f thelr atognaUon. t:,--..- edu , ntl .,i , oi .led ? hlefly In Uie utadj ? f the ? i,.,,:,-. Theae Ihey commltted t-> memory aim-.-t. Everj three yeaw Hi- gl al NaUooal examlnailon* \mt" beM al tho capital, anll i.' ae who paaaed ifcre ebglble to appolntmenl to the blgbesl oOcea ln the rountry. it ?:,s diil? uit. however, to pam thesa .?\.-,,i.ii,;,.|...,-. and -".I "f 13.000 who ri-f.-.t it when Ur. Ingell ?;. ln Pekln, only hhi were rarreaaful. ul (-, nerel of i'l ina ln Ben Vork, Sben tv. al ., i.'i,i'- a ',..,?' i.!. (,' the member* ,-f ib. Ue IhankHd i'i- i.i. ni Al gel' ror ' I- prnloe i.f I-.- nntlon nnd said lhal J,- had lieen flatten 1 by ti ?? ipeaher'H remarka. lle expn ?.'. . . .. ,? '., ? ,-.. wltli the i??.lltor ..f tl." ' '.. ? . hal . .1 ?' al tl ?? peopl* ,,f hl- : ,t'.-\' omen of Imerli . f ir Juatlee. SHE 1El I IIEl: BONET TO 00 GOOD. WILLOPMBS. M. K BOTCHBIS9, OX< t \ I.K ildtt OP 1A-111 \. i:i Ibe wlll nf Maria B. Hotehkiaa, whleh waa Bled (,,r probata In lhe Burrogata'a ofllee yeaterday, ' ? i.--i'i,i- o| ber '? late 1- beqaeathed i" The rrtbune ... 1 . : \?i finelety, lhe Income t> ba u-'-A tur Ibe henerit of jn.or < blldren ln tul- clty. Tbe ntll .1 on Jannary 7. i-:>i. Bafael Wood, ? ;,,],(.,... recelvea 1100,000 and leveral other amaller i..-,|ii.- ? ,:. I.. 1- latlvea. Tbe Metropolltan Mu-.-niii of Art gel ;? Ple. e ol antlque Venctlan poll I and ?> - -,i\"i loii.H e-ihell Inn. The kooaevell nl , . |v, f ? "' 0 wlth nhh h te endow ? the Mui ' 1: Ii-i, m.i 1-?! for Ihe 1.r." 1..... ? Wodell nnd lhe 1 nton Tru I ? my. 11,.. lawyer nl . 1 1.4 Ihe alll j ? terdaj ,,,,,',! nol tell how mn, h the n Idue of lhe eatate \i uai: :.'.1 lo. Mi m la !'. 11 1 ?.'.,. pi milncnl ln i- ? m s,-i. -- ? ,:,? ,1 r?n 1 -. i'. 1. ,', li '' 1 ? ... ihe Kverett II. ill a long .11 rwenty >. ... ,,,.,: :i--<i ll. li, Uot. h nvenl 1 ol u..- fnmoii- Uon likl- 1 gun. 1 nr 11,1111' \ ? ., - t !.',| '?? ?- ? IIpl. d :, pi ,::, "iv ||l ? ,?," * :,.,?.,!-- ki- "??. abero they i ? ii,,i i n every rounn ln K ir p ? Ai,..,,. in ?? yeai - ago Mi. Il?l 1 1, leai Ing 11 ., ,1 ni f.*,,oiHi,ooo. lle l,.,'l 1-",, nun l< - ..- .- 1. 1 ..-, imi pi lor lo hli - lh hla .. ond ?ll, 1 id .,' . ,, - ,1 11 dn. ? 11, li hc ,','?l 1,1 - '.,-' v,- ,..ii-?|,'i"! 1 . I." perl., tl-. 1, ..,1. ' "i his ,|, uili ihe 1:1 1 -.'. lle rume foi II ,,,.- wldow', Imre "t ihe 1 ilate, nll, glng tliiit tl. illvon-i' 1.ccdlniM had not ,,..,, propeily ri.,11 de. 1,1,-1 't- c." 1.1 ' alli 's favor. Mr. JI..111,1,1- had made no will. .md Ihui n?- whole .?' hi- esUite wenl i" H," hr-t win-. and r" hla brotlierx, ? ho i'ln- ln < ,,,,'.,, U< ,:. Por ii,.- 1., 1 fo.11 i-i ... ? ih-- aernnd Mra. ll-,;. has ii\,,i 11. -11..( retlremeni, occupylug n a-ilte of ;..,,- ui tii,' Bveretl ll".i . ami ati,-i.|.,l onlv 1,1 her inaid. 1 i.t- peraonal 1 iat" ;- belleved to be large. TEBBIBLE EXPLOSION <>E DYS'AMITI.. I <-. IBE OP MIM.I'.S IN.IIKI 1) AN'll TWO Kll.l.i .', ui TBIOBT. Wllknbnrw, Penn., Jaa. 88.- A terrtflc exploalon of dynnmlti I,..,, 1,,-,,,,. when aeveral attcka ,,f dynamlte, whlcb had been ptered naar 11." itove, rxploded, blowtng Ud- ahanti 10 fragmeniB. The ahock "f the explo?lon wn- bewd Bve mll"- away. ln a ahorl llme hundreda ,,( j.ple kad gatbered t.i tha apot, aad nOltng haad nen aoon aMlng the nounded, Two men, Adam Bornlch and John Htetltskl, nere Inetantly'.i, ih.-ir bodiea belng iboeklngfy mutllated. a apecial te "Tke WUkvebarre Becord,'' al i" o'eloek thl* evening, ?y?: "Tben nen twenty ttfava lnjured, ,,f wbom s,-\,-,, ;,.-,- nou at the Mlnen' Uw |, I, iia/.i'-t'-n. lu,, ara knonn to i?' dead, and othera mv belng Ireated hy tbe doctora al thelr hnti near whera Um acrtdenl oeearred. At nlghtfall there v "I.- two ii,-.1 yet mi- Ing, and the doctora and 1,. ten .,;,- I'.uiini,' ii,.- w,?),i- lor ii,"...? I'"" exploalve 1 known aa dualln, ,,,,.? .f 11," blghe 1 aude. ii com. - 11. aUeka i?,i 1. UK.- taUow raadlea, nnd poaacaabig nuch ih" BexlbOlty. Tl,.- exploalon uaa ,.,? ,-,i bj 11," Blava tborangkU keatlag tea daabn and tben , M,, ing ii I,, ih" i,,i,i ii.,- i,?'. temperature caoalag li i? rontrael nltk tha reaull itated above. The iu,n ul... imd ihe dualln naa Iterally tern to pleeea. Iu .,... ,., _ ,..,.,, lh,!,??:,ni, '?.. (,-'.d thli'lv i'i -hi : v. lio had Ilie tiunliii ****** '"' ""'?' . ? ".'? tbe h?-|, nra John Hldocoolck. aged thlrty *??-1.1 : Mfke Stenaik. ageil I U ***j **** ******' **-" 1'irti four Kandu Martln. aeed thlrty-one, lliiiiuulsli \., ,-. .,-..i tiiirij three n ,1 three uiiUnoii men, all Ol HbOffl 11 is Ihoii-h! WUI il"''." FOB .1 ./'/.' l.l D. B. /-'. TU ? 9KB ." The Ueite Bappa i'i- '"" *'*'**'? Sn- >'*'?'' nth-ave.. ?,il have one ,-f 1 ? J1 ?">' entertalnmcnta thla tv a .- i:3(i o'eloek, wkkh wUI laka tbe form of b ? - ? ,1 Orcbeetra, .i? led of Uw tel lowtag, wlB piay: VtoUns, CUfford Kmlih, L. MetaWr, O. n. Petite nmi .1. C. Ayer I ite, 1 ar h. bmlth; i-iolonceUo, Otto i>- Blngarl eornet, Charl 1 1: 1. al n rlarlnal T. ?'- MUeBela; donbte-boaa, Alger C. GUder -. and plan,,, Irvtag II. Tllft. Thi 11 reld Qnartet; coaslatlag of Maasra. Aadnde, Ebert, bllven an,i BoUaaon, nfll itog. Buppar nUl be mn I 1 I r Um prograauna '-.,- b ea glyeflL The enierl 1 romhiittee <>f whieii Ir*'lng il. r.ttt |s chalrman, und IVnlier i;'s-ith."i i- aecretary, Invlte all memben of tbe fraternlty ? be pi-1 nm tBB TtBMTT ALVMXl TUBXX i: Tfce aaaaal dlanar ,?f tta Bew-York Aafloeiattoa ot the Alumnl of Trlnitv OoBegB, wlll l.e BeM nt D* ,-.i,I,..', on Tu- s'lav BMEteg, ?t 7 ill.l ,.'? I?, k. -V. I,"-. ?ill in- mado i.v PnaMeal Low, (MCetamUa; O01 ?or Battaley, of C.e.tin.t: Iha Uev. Dr. B. c. Bollaa, and oihers Aaaaaaj Mteaa wh,. win i? preaenl ara John Sahluc bmitli. U.e Bm. Dr. lluntlngtoii, Mayor i . iit, *?! llurtford; WUliam K. Cnrtia, Chartea D. .-<'iidde:, l ini,-"ii T. Morgan, Alexander T. Maeon, Krcderic Uoodrldge. K. I>. Appl.-t n and other*. Ap ?ns fnr tidx.'t. ahould in* made to k iheri Thorae, No. -i VVc?t Thlrtx tbu.-t. IIT CAS*I EFBX LOOE AT THE WOBK. THE n<'HT WITH TOE EDISO. COMPA-T 6BOWI Ib. l :: lt. The atrnggle i riwean V.*-- Rdlaon Electrlcal liluini nnting Company and it-. employea, who an* memben ..i Eleetilcal l'nlon No- ?'???''? . wa* reaumed In ehmeet >'???* terday. Eaeh _dc look t Ilrm itand und proftMeed t-. ? ? suci-e.1 wai mar at band. Ddegate \\;ii ..,, inn found i<.ui- wlrcmcn, membera ol Etoetrlcal i , i ,, so. -,*-<_, wortUng toi the Bdlaoo compai. ye* trrdaj In tbe Elacher piano ealeerooma, at RUWenth-rt .,,,,1 i ,:n, ;,*,,.. There waa alao ..ti" non-unlon wtremaa vrorktng on thl mme J *. Ue at once ordered the foni i.nben "f hl- unton t" itop worh anleaa th- oon nn,.,u man xxn- dl'charged. ln orter to ttralghten oni ii. nt. r--. temp niirix al leaat, the toreman ienl tho oon ,,:,. ni ni i,i the ,.ih,c Of the eompany, at Klm and iinii *t*? whereupon tne anlon nwn rmamed weih. Tha uon unioti man wna icnt bm* bnl did n..t reaoaM work. This action by Um Kdiaon company, tt xxas snid. waa taken to baraaa the anlon men. Oonaatjaeatly lt waa decided laal nlghl thnl if tha non-unlon man is preaeni aa a ipectator agaln thli BMrnlng a atriha artll turely ba ordered. \ .,.:,i meeting of Dectrleal Cnton Nn. B,4fM waa ealled al Pythagoi-e HnU Inat orenlag t.. tako tnpa pr pamtorj to a ptttertl rt-thn, -?**e bondred wtamaan trere i.ent. rhe meeUng wm In aeaolon at _ Ma honr lut nlght and ir xv;,- evtdent that the men .-en* .., ,-i* exctted. ix,.rv aald to a Mhnne mporter: -We don'l propose to Bght the Bdlaon company anleaa thei ii-. We itlAA that onlv iinion men fcluill ba employed. tt. have the matter beloi. U.e H"ard of Walhing Delegatea of tho buUdlng Imiei and ererj biili.iin.' trade haa agreed to netp us. Wo leel emv lidcnt are wlU wln tha Ight" R. u. Bowher, Irei rtee prealdent of the company, uni,* Um (oUowlng lUtement; --hla eompany haa n_ (t - haraed any awn. The atrtke wa. eaaaed soi.-ly bv th- uiiwilllngne . of aome unlon workmen and the -,v,i klng.,t' tbc iiinoti to permlt ? feilo xx-xxorK lllgniill, xxh., (!:?! [_ot ..ll'". " t" j.'-u I'"- unioll, to XV">'K ame buihi i ( xxnii them. There la ti" t u_ ahatewr In anj itatemenl or Inference that thia rom , - ,; .i ;; wagea or l* propoalug to ____ " ? '. I . ? m N'UTE*- IN THK KlK.l.l* Of LABOR. Colonel ii. I,. 11 ... IngenoU, John f-rtntoB, titc Rev. Madlnon < ? Peten aml Josepb Banodaab have been Ur xit-.i to ipeak ai a maaa-meetln. to ba heM ln Coopar i nioii to* nlght to denounce tha "iwentlng" Mretem. An ln tereatlng maa* d.ttng of bafcaw wUl bo haM on Bunday mornlng :.t .**?>. 1,551 Hacood-ave^ to _> UM reporl "t the committee appotnted reeentty i , |nv< lUgate the i o tdition of lhe bakete' ahopa of th? ei ty. II 1-. expected lome .artllng facta xviii bo uadc public al Uii* meeting. The eondltion of many rn Uie buber ' iliop*, i. la aold, la tulll ?*> bAA _, MmM .,i uiunx ,,: U.iweaUng" -??? P-- ,_ ?. . ,x itrUe "f atcaiii-Uera employed on O'ReUIjri . .* warehou..*, at on?.liuiMl_--aud-iwent)-lhli iti?l -1. m* i.??--rixc. wu* ordered al noon x.-.ter . a i-ommiilee of delegatea from Knterprl*. Aa* ,, ;i| ?ii ,,; m iimtittei . ll Piogm. Ive A*.*. lation ?f Meamtittoi ?' Help _ and Ute M-amlUten.1 i r.i ni. I'he rievanie waa agalnal Um roiitra-tor, Mr. I'ralg, of Newark, xxn,,. n xxa. .ani, xx i> tOM tli-m Uie ,.;.! -li -. nie '?' xxa- ->. XEW-TOBB'8 Hl'T'I i: APPBOPBIATIOX ? xn I'H iiii.i. I -8HED 'I IIHOCOfl -IU* BEST xri. Itl i'i in.I* x\ OPPOSITIO- l*$E__Bt. Albany, Jan. 29.?The .'orH'e l-'air bill. appro priating oni) tnOO.OOO tor th.* axhlbU that this ****** wlll make nt th" ,'orld'i Fair iu Chlcago, paaaed the -r.u.r tins mornlng wlthoul a diieenilng vote. No .,_,*,,- tion vn 11, *',i t-. the inll by any of tha 8mai n. Tbo Republlcana knew tt.;it the cancni rule bnd been Invukcd bj the Demoeraie to reatrlet the amonnt to be appropi lated to thia Inadequate mm, and lt ther foro xxa. u -Ieat for them to attempt to lacra__ the nmount beyond tbal Ugure. tjenator Erwin aaked a qneation or' two, if'.-r tln un had been read through, which ahowed lhat tho proapecta are tire WorkV* rttt Co__n__lo__a rrom thia Stnte -.*-1ii probably be compeOed ... ronw t.> i. lature next winter to aak f"r more money i , up the defldency which, In aU probabtlity, wUl .?M-t. n xxa-* aacertained, throngh Benator Rrwtn'a ? ,ri.. Um expenaaa "f tho pnnd bnll whkh xx ni I.- ^ren t-. the Nnral oSoen who atv to partto Ipate in the N"aral demonstr.itlon to tnlte pliuo ln tho ii,,;' or of N*e_ v rh mu-t come out of th.* anm appro* i -..?. i ii, tbe Cantor MU. Tboae whoae memortee earry them baeh ;.. the Ceotennlal eelehnatlon od the apring of l--r. -4*-111.I!-.. that Ihe ball tln-n glven i .mall Min. *.f m """? ? After S*. t ator Erwin had i iv ? !,..*.i thl* fact, the bill waa pui "ii Its flnal pnsiaue .tii the Srnatore preaent, boili RepubUcao aud i .?in.. ratlc, roted lor lt. - ? - ? HOW THB ?."x Kir.NMK.vrs All) Wll.l, Bl ASKED. fWi -- l-peclal).?Prealdenl l-lmer, of the N'aUoaal -orld'i Fulr L'ommlaatoa, ln nn ititorvnw here t...t.-iv. *aM: uOurC-mmlt1.i Fudeinl Rrtatlnna irlied ... u-k tor nn appvoprtntton .-r ..?,,.?iii.i.iMi, iiniividiiaiiv. the member* >,f the Natlonal ,:,. ai rn". ii ln favor of nr. appraprtstlon aa an , and II they had been aaked to Indone tne approprtaUon Idea they wonld h..x- don.- -.. Bnt u,. .-I.-...I to co-operute lu -eenring ? loan f:-..."" Oon and ,*.n- oommltte . wltboat exeeedlog lti an ,1, ,:| -, . beyond Ibal point if Iha qneeUon . arben the committee meeti ln *,,,, i. i bave no doubl that we wUl Indone ihe up ;,, [iiiatloii len ind try to aeenre Ite paaaage." . . i i m. i lalr, ii^ chairman of the Comml I'ommli.i I'ederal LeglalnUon, xx.:!, Bdwtn WnUmr, ..... * , ,'.?.., ed n plan hy whieh the two , ,,:? maj properl) -*k f i the money t'-lauel .. Clalr xx,n be xvill iu ihe-e It'Ui. tll. - ,1,11.-I-. in l_*pnrinieii- uf tho trnvernmenl tor an ap ,,,. nrintioti of .i.ria'.""" .*, eomplt'te ind manage th" ,U'';T.. thej have .torted. The Joinl bf- I 6eUe.e xxlll l"--' _<> AL'STRALIA A.M. TIIK. FAIR. Melbourne, Jan, -8.?The noeernment of Vtetorta baa decided I . grant Um -um of f.8,000 t" enahle the colony ." pnrtlclpate In the __*_*. l-erti- Knlr. provlded Vlctortan ?hlbltori nheerlho .f-.'.txx) in nd diU on. PALESTIXE COMMAXDEBTB BAlL. OVEB aOUTTIIOU* IXD PEOPtE PBESEMTIB IHE Mi i ROPOUTAM "i'l !'-^ H.'i'M. Over 8,000 people nen al the PaleaUae Conunaadery ball glven but ntght In tbe MetropoUtan oi>eni liouse ,,,? u.,1;ll I,, p, i.on, revtow and driii ,.f the eoa mandery preceded tha dnnrtng. Tha revtewtng ofleen a-ero stewort B. Bradburu, roaimandar ol Efcfeatine and QeOTfl 9. IMttt, omilian.l-r Of ,,,.,,,,1 lommandery or New-York Btata. The present and pa-t commanden of ilatar eommandertai, tho tirand Commnndery ofleen ol Bow Jeraey, ConnceU CUt, i -nti-'.l\:.nla and M-1--.H l.'.s"tt- nnd i.rand C un mandery of btate of New-Vort were received aader tiie "Ai'ii "f >t,-"i.'' The - pere-hooae waa baaaatfally ,,.:,i..,i aiih numberlaaa bonners, atraemeri and shi"ld-, and over the -ru-" hang a laige llgbted rro imiii iiu. Icgend " iu ii-"' 6lgno Vlacea" aarrou dlng lt ln i. il-is of tii-c. Home ,,f ii,.-? pre ent nere: Prom tba commnndery , r i?. -i,i". Bdward l. Gnul, John H. Bonnlngton, jamea W. Ilowden, lloroce A. Boble, Joha A. Mapea, K ||. chrtxtlanre, Kobarl Maeoy, Arthar Mae t'rthur, (ieorge Slchol. Charlea B. Id* Charlea II. Ilouaiey, Oeorga W. Vlekery. C. S. Twtag, and alao Charlea B. Ware. n. \vni? Unea, DanhM falbliiB, Major Boberl V. McKlm, Colonel l>.,nl"l Anple ,,,.n.'i-.ii i ii, _.- i-.-i :. Colonel A.B. Hflten, Colonel Ctuirlcs s ttogers, (ieueral II. M. Whltloek. Oeneral Kerdtnand !'. Enrt-i Genenl J. P. D. Bryant, Colonel wiiiriin freward, ivilone] .i..u,e- . avanagh, Major David (Tocker. Major ll. i*. Yun Duser, Joim B. vjorhla, rm ui- Wlman. Ileeorder Frederlck Hmyth, and JOaepb s wrlght, ',rind Commander ,-f Pennaylvnala. Iili: nCB-PXESIDEXr* DTXMEB PARTY. Washlngl m, Jan. 8B.?The Plee PreflMenl and Mrs. \- gave a dlnn r party thla evening; the gaeata Includlai the Turttah Mtalater, the Belglaa Mlnlater, tne 11-. neh Mlnl ter, Benator nnd Mn. Bbarmaa, Beeav ,,.~ .,,?( M:-. MeP . Benator and Mr-. Ilnle, :- .md Mra. (ameron, BepraaaataHva nnd Mrs. l:'.,.nnt. Bepr mtattve and Mrs. llitt, Mr. nnd .Mr-. !.;:- ?!! Jl. Ilarrl-oll. Jml-" and Mn. I?a\i-, OOVamOT ,..,! Mra, Carroll. Mr. Bnd Mi . CjUdeiwn rarbato, Mi Von Miiiniii, Mr-. Hobaon, and MhM Latter. OIL PJJXTTXa* AT MODB9UTB PI.UE-. mmv.i.i.,,- ci pabntaga i.y ti,,- laaa Ifcamai Bleka it. A., nera aaM at Bm kamttetm Art BaBartH IbbB even Ing, aader ti." aireetloa sl Bahert M. Olyghaaaaad Oaflaflfl ll. Vxx.-n Ai.?,t aavaaty.Bi ? i.i>!" ?'-i" praaank '?( (-,.. , \-.., I,,. ,,, -, I...u -?>'-a ir, ,'.-i,t BlOBor *a*t, Xbey ?.r- "WeapBUtOB" fllBOi "I>r- KHi.e ln Cabin rt the Ad\?n,-e," B17">; '-llenewlng the O'd Lova." 0170: "PaM Thro.u-h tlio iVoad*," B105; "A Friendly Warning." fllOO. and i lai-* |i,*rtralt of lhe K*x. Dr. Rotif rt Tollrer. 01.VI. ??Tle Truant" _,< .t.-irt*- at #-5 and went ?i? to 0_S 50, ;.iid nll M,<* n.ictiui.c. i > offort* ronld noi -i-ure a bid ?f #100. _ xn: ot the lati.aHi-r |_!iitllia? w?re aold at ti eaeh, eae M M on,* m nn aid t?o at tt. Tlie total aniu'int naUaad wa* *-', i:t!? .'>o -at lliiniii r? of iln- 4'old. a,i. \Vh.*n the meretu** fall* 20 degieta ln I hoeie, at lt dii in tiu. , nv laat Tlniadaj mornlng. the eonaemnjni ? to uia luiit-, tiir,-t mili broocbtal t'i..* i ?t tht roamualty ar" xary *4,*x,-re. .xiHHit on,. pe. ea in avery thtee i? aile,. ,i aa _ i .i-.iioir in homo ii.aiin.-t-. f h. r,* la no .|a->di r tmt* tat (?lds rbeumaUi ittaeka than Baeataa and T.irki.h l-'itli* Thn l.afaxctf.. Ptace I tath. nr*- th" ni,i*t eorn |>|.-to aml hest iiiina.'.-l, lo Laljyclt** Plaee, ono blovk M *t liroalxxuv Monev lo l.onn an Henl Fatiile - A Ura"* amnunl f.,r navlnea bank .i connl I- ,,iT,-i.-d bi lhe TI TLE i.'.'.xiu A-TEK v Tlt-KT io . nt .'.-". l-ltHitx-.t S. V., at 4'-.? p* eeat. >'i\.d iv. ir.xv (.*.-.. Nii c,,,ilaUaalaaa. Neeaaw I nlli- I i.i.iiiriiix'a Kxtrnct ol lle.l. The apiii- iian'* dallgMt .Ma.,,'. PBt --O'.p at once. When i*' t waa aiuK. wa gavi* her < a-torl* Wueo ?> ** ?*_ a Clind. ....- cliotf (or Ca-*>u>r._ Wbeu ai.*- i,c, ?n.<- Mi**., ?li.- , iunsr lo taateria. Wbaa ahe had CMidrao. *i,a aaxe il.eiu t.'irori. MARRIED. r.r.iss-Rovcr.-in ai_?_. n. y. ? Itoaai***, tnntt ttth, 1 ,i_', at UM reefcliaea of th. biid". hv the Bi V. I'duarl lli.ntting Itudl, (,*?(,rt,* .s,*xx,*i ni_... ,,r .%',*? York (Itv. to llarrlei A. WtU* dauitlit. r of th- lato Jullu* lTeath and ll?nl.*t Well* it.,\,r. . D_* llt.Kl-rl.A.NA.IAN-Oa Monday, .lanuury 2j, at tha rea|dei|,-e of the brlde hv the K"'X. < li ,? ? - .1. Ilolt, Lllllaa Joaephtne, daaghier of i .n ?-. Flanaaan, t. V '.*>?.? I>aiihiell Dechert. RO_D_E-?HhljS~On Th-iraday, Januarv .8. *t the ,,..!,- -. of lirxo luuivli I.v ihe ite x. Ilr. XX Illl?n, 14. Kaln.tord, rc* oi of Kt, i.e.,run'. i.i,,i:,i, .v-w-Yira. asulat.'d bv IU.. J. V. I'nain. _. aaai-tmit . > t N ?( <ira. hu'r* h N-xx-Yoik Mary Kliot, rUnr/hle r ,,f Kt>*4 ttte iienrv Petta. tma., of Kew-Yerk, t*. Mr. <B*m*A it. Hoadl.-y. of the aani". Kil'MN.. ii.n.i .tikk nn Jaaaary ia at aii som!.' Ihurch. l'la. >'. London. VjigU'A llndyarl Ixliiiina, nm of J. Lock-(K_ Kipllnc, C, t. 1. "f I ih,, . . l'ni.jjb, India, and .''irolhio Stirr. etd-at dauirlitor of the late H. Wolcott Batoatier, ol N,*"-Vi,rli, I . .. A. ii.iT.xus-_AI__-K-Oa Wedaeaday, Jaaaary IT, *t Ilri.-k rr,*.|,xi' Chureh, EaM .iraii-*. tt. .1 t.v Hl. Ilanrv V. flickok. 1). I).. _umle laabel, dni.hi.r ,*4* Mrs. [_trta ... ll_lo, k, to Wllliam Flctthcr Oalaaia Brooklyn . , S\ RTA--0R0 BLAt'-OJf-.ln WetM*adav, Janunry J7 I"'.J. at the reaidence <>f Uie biid.*'. 2S_ *Me*t T.Ui* .t., Nexx-Vi.rk. hv th- K x I hailea IL I (t-n, Tt D.. Cornelln .'.. da>i|/iit.-r of AnatlP M hlaucon, to lar,iea Ward SUttord. uf XVhite I'lams. ,\. V. Notines of marnasee nuiet bc iudorscd witli full name and addre-.. DIED. BLOOM?At Kew.Brtfhtoa, s I., on WcaaeaaJay, ttam* try rt, iu.-ha,*i a., xxid ,w .,r Bdwaid B. Mee_, c. -d o5 x* ns. Friend* a. inMt.-i to at. n?i th" fm-i **ntoea at h*. laa r-ldence, No. i Hortoii Bow, oa FrMay avenlM al 8 e'eloek. Ir.t. rn ,-nt ^.it.iidnv ;if, (iro.-nxvood. COMSTOCK?Oa Iiii'iarv Ci r.t tlie re.ldrnri* of her ain, Hr. ii. (-. r.ini.t.??... ?.t Lexlngton-ave., Mr*. FJi/?t-*'Ji A. Comatovk, In the >*ar ,.f ber aee. widow of tae lato i: x. il C Con .to. Ic. _ Fnr, ral fr,,m h,-r Waldeace at 10 _ n.. Krlday, the 20th. Cl'KTIS?At, Blrml-ghaii Conn., Jai.f -Tti.. CareUae i-.. loa, ?*. widow (,f n. unwvener t nrt. , ln tht 86th y*r of h r n -.?. latcnueat at South I- - aionl Ma-**. rui.lHT'.n k xt i:.i-t orange, S. '?? -Wi**lay. Janu iirv 20, Uluale l... xxif,- ot j. it. Fredarlek, m th" .ii.iri v.-ii" nf her y*j., .. . I uii.i .1 fr .ru Iit late reeld? nee. 70 . orth rtlnton-t., I i-t ciaiir.'.* N. .1.. Maaday, Febraar. I, ai 2 At) n- m. '..-..Sil.l. ,''i XX.?!; .:.iv. Jiiiniiry il tttmt A -lioit Ul ii',<?, .lait.'-n Iho tle, ln the ,?<rth y,:ir i.r hl* af runcral Mrvlcea a h\* iit** reaidence, __ x\ ? .i, nn Frtday iftomoon, at ?"? I'eloek. Intorment at convenlcnce of Ilniily. l*i rthshlre, ScoUand, popera pleaae c *py. hN.trp?S-Menly t\ l*t**y Clty, H. ?!., *->n Taeadar, Januarv io. ih'.ti. tion. Maiinlne M Knapp, Juatice ol tne >:|,"in.- < 0'irt. biata ?_ n--x?-.i.-r-.>.*., la me anti v.-ar of hta aee. Funeral icrvlcea froni the be.<t Beformee Chureh, tttoto* nt., uackenaack, n. J . oa b__rday, Janoary 'ao, at i AO P tn. T.-iui toarea f ot of n.-i. _*_ an i lortlandt ata., N*'w V,,rk. ot 12 n.aiii aad .."?" t CBj :.:. VI 12 p. m. Ki'Miili.-Oa Tn .liv momlna Jan. SOth, OaraUna I'.ira sheth. danehter of th** Iit-* XV'll'.ior, Kudibel. Funeral aervkaj at her I.t- ro4_cace. 120 Hlck-j-at.. Bro-klyn _ FHday, 29th laat., al aall paat t.v. a'ewek. PI _ .. onilt fli?i*r.. LTVIX08TON-AI Bblnebeek, N Y. 'mraarr -Tt.. I lizabeth xv widow _ the late Walter T. Lixins-ton, ln the T-'.th v.-ir of bi r ar-\ i.i.nYii?on MoikIiv. Jaaaerv 2Sth, ?. tha r*iidea ? af li.r .o.i ll.nrx D. l>*-*ii. N.-xxtor. Contre, Maa*., Mr*. Anni* B. I.Ioyd. au>A .*.', v.-r-. XICAl.I, Al -.arrif,-.-..:! o-i XV. ,ti* ,-iliv .laniiarv 2:. 1-'.'-'. lar.**. tr.l-.4jr ? M C III, ?f St '-York. Funeral .ervlc * at Uie re IU.r bia fa'h. i ,iw. " w. McCait, n?. y i;j.t .; _-t. aa Frlday, 29th ln -t-. nt ll o'cloxk a. i*'. K'latlves ani Irl.nrt-. ave invlted to a'.t>Wd. I'M.MI'H-RMg-wood If, I Thnralay u ornlnc, Haniel liaikin.. \v if .* of Fredarlek E. Palmer, ln ln-r ti-. Funeral aervleea at her lat.' realdei. 'Jr.i" u. m. Rundiv, on orrlval of 1 o'do^k tr iin from foot (,f Chanito-r-?t., Erle lt. K. Ul -'VXul.t. -,.n XViIn.-il iv nlfht. .lun.nrv 2Tth. I-'red r*i,-k H.iirx- BejrBO_*, v....n-.'*-t -ori ?t Kn.ll.v V. ?. nud th" lat-* Hr Jaa**a 11 Bej BOW*. _ ,it|.*.. of funeral her*-aft. r. _xNIi|OI',_-At Yoakera, X. "*.. on Jan 2Ht1. Thomaa 8. sandforl. *on ol the lat- lil.xu.,1 sandford, in the 84th yaar of M* boe, S'etli t af tn'.' r.ii bmeaf-r. SMITH "i Thoraday ?. - . ii len k. smith. *t Iki i.t** iw-ldeaee, 128 tVeet l2Sd?*. l.iatix.a aad frleod* ,,f h r brother, <i. \t..'!,> .**n!,th, ani ..f Inr roi-'u Cbarl . SuKlvan. nr* iii\,t.*d ?? t t r.,i her* fiir.-iii on Baturday aftafaoon, al A o'cioek, at th- Chnrch <.f the liirtaii*. i.-)ixii-st., ? ir M_m_, ttfAKKH xi i i..i|.j-.iua. Hamuel J. Hparke, ti* Mtoval husband <.f Mafgle I. oab.rn, rhnradiy ianaarr W. i*uneral aerVlrea at tha r?i_eaee ..f liu Catoe . Wlfnan ir. -. Baturday. i p- m., at lvihamviiie, xv.etcheatm ? Sew-Haven Itaiiro.d. im.-rm. nt .it , , n..r iba fjiniiy. BTKI'THRBS?On Thuradey mornlna Jaaaary Sflh, Mirv. (x*i|,i.x of Jamea Kiruthen ln h-r 77th year. |- .4 -. rvl ?. xiill :.* h* IJ .-.jt'irdr., ai 11 a. in., f^,:n 118 ihk.-! . Jerae; Clty. wiiiii.Ni. ln iti-,,'?-.uri. Januarr '.'7. Ann r... widoxf ,,t tbe lato Wllliam E. whltlnn and drmehter of John I. nnd x . poat, (i.aaed, or Xew-York Clty, la tho ^*lth rear of her tt*. filenda and relative* are Invltod tn the funeral fr-*irn h, r late realde.? 21.1, near Da Kait.-axe., on Sal :-.Ijv th*- n.'tii. tl '.' p. in. Wll.l**. "n lu-tix. Januarr 20th, U.*.. -Xnrii >!., diu-hti r of r'i ? lato John xx i -. , M>rvlcea to-daj Kridaj , :.' o'ctock, at her reii StHnho|?*. N- .1 Traln* ?.v th? D. L. I vV. Ra'lroid leave Jrew.Tork at Vi :u,l I .., '??? k. Beturnbic laava Btanhope G '-'?'. trtmrmma ??' ihe iv, itc.iium. \. O, *?? N. V., ?re no, i<-tod '?? .'.it*'ii 1 the ruueral of Henry a. Bo-t.xi,.? I8th i ,, . nt .xn Houi- Chureh, on Frttay, J?n. --.ini _ ?i o'elock p. nr. irinvAitn v, ABTftl'lt, ( *>: wei Cperitil -.'olicrs. \, -. l-'lllli A4cnue An Uiillerle*. Nd 0111 AVI, , M-.xK ;<: III -.T. MARIM'-S AND I.ANH. Al'_3. PAINTINOb ny B, K.M. K I.I IV. To be Sold by Au-tlon n ithout Neerva Tlesday an i> wi;dnl.**day IVI NINGS, FEB. 2 AND a, AT I nri/nK. r.oBtii;t BOMEBVIXiLC, AaeUeaeer. By 0KTOZE1 _ CO. I'oNieBice Boaton, iShould be r-ad da.y l,y all latMVflted, a* changes may ocur at any IUM , TjCtt-r* (or furcgti rouatrtea n>,*l not ho _.p- iailv ad draaacd f,)r diajuvtch h.v ?iiy nerNenlar itwimnr. exrepa wh a K ls d"?ir?d t>? aend dupllcat .t haaklag and com maivlal ilocuinenu, !ett"M not uprclally aJdreo. d betag s,nn ! y tlie faat,.'Kt veaaela ?\u.labl.-. I'or.-iirn nu...* tor th<- wt-ek eiiiiinii Januarv AO u;U cl,,*. iprompUv |n all ,-a.s,'*- ut thi.< odi.-. a* toi:>"--?: SAiLKDW-At 1 a. ni. for France, M* tt/.-rland. IUlr. Mpata, rurtu/al and Tnrkey, per .-. *. La nr-iaicn", via Uavie; at 2 a- n>. (??' Ureat Briui.i. Iretand, ia ? ;<? ..-.,. Nrth, rlj.irts, Au?tr:. ai.d No. a ay Berfen . per a. ^ Ktrurta, vla Queeaatewa (lettera for oiioc part- tt Kui-opa in.,st t," dir-, i,-a "jK-r E tru rta" : at A j. iu. int .\',>r?ar dltect, per a. *. A. x. MudUii iletara moat ,?? direeten "P-r J. X. Badvig"); ?t 3 3.> a. n, f.-r (j rmany, n.-n ii.urK, aweflen, Nor*?y (Chrlatkuilsl >.?i Ruaala |, a, -. Aiier, \u a,,,l Breniea .i-tt-r. f,,r otaer puru of Kiir?|,.- muat !*? dlreeted "per Alier"); at l a. n,. for beotlaod dlKet, per ... ?*. Clrcaaala, \n. Glaegoa ii.tvre ,,.i -t I). dlreeted "per i Ireaaaia" . at i a. ,.,. for v-tn.-r lanls dli" t. |". ?-. s Aniet, rda ,,. \ :a r..,', (1,-lteia not ba dlreeted "per Am-t rd?...'' ; at lo a. n,. fi* s in- iu-". ( uta, per v x Panama letter* fo Y,--, wela and KavaaUla, ,t--.. inu?t be directed "per Paaaina"); at 10 a. m. lauppteneotary io 30 a. m.I fo: st Caatx aad Bi iiin.js. \;,i st. , rolx. hI-<> Wind ward thlaada ,,i,e.t. p>-r *. *. Batalr [letteai fo,- Uraaada, lilmdad ar.d T'h.-o nrii-t be ,!,(??'t'd "l?-, Il'-iair",; at 10 a. Bl. (aajHMO. ii,.-iil(irv II -x. in.) fni''il Ameik-a (exeept l ..?ta Kitai and s->,,tli I'a.lil,- Parta, i?-r a. s. Clou, \ .a i oi,,., [lettera for uuatemela nnat be dir-'.-d "ix-r Coioii'"-; ?t I' ?* ni for Cempecbe, L'fctapaa, Tfcbaaee aon ^ j, itan, per <-. a. er:. iba (i.-ti.-rs foi- Cuba .md Tainpiio dlisTt anl (.'lur M, \l??... Btatoa vla V, ru .'.?/ ***** ha ii r.. t.'d "per Orttaba")1 ?t li a. m. laappleaMBHry li :n ? rn. for Pertoafl 1- tul aar Jamalra, aiio fa-.m-l and Aux Uayflfl. Itavti. |> : -. ?. .\ lironda. k: at 11 a. m. rauppteti., \2 ,,.. toi V, :,,-/,.-I., and Panraa. itlao Haiaailla, .ii? Cnrecaa, p-r a. a, Carecaa (tatiora for otii.-r i ,,,-,,,,, : i., I'.-rt/- nn,-t .) II.t" I "per Cftiai'aa' , : at l p, in f,,: il,anada. Truildad ind lol.a?!.>. p--r *. ?. Rnrnl?-y. M'M.lV-Al 3 p, .?. fo , ,,-u Rica -,ia, p-r a. x. 1-oxhill Irom Naw-Orteeaa; nt i* Ao p. 10. f0r fct>. I'i- ir<-Mi.|'i Ioo per x'-.-iuiK-r ttWU Uii ti\. \| . - f, r tha s,>, ie:y l?lmd p.r ?l,i|) Tltr of I^pr-iel (from San Praaelaeo), rlo* here dailv np ta Jmuarv -24, it ,13' p. Bi, Mill- tor China and hini. i?.r -. a. (laeilo [fMin san Pi inelaea , . '-u- h re .^.ilv up t? .lanmrv -2-.i. .ie c, ;i, p in. Mill< for AUDtralla. Mew-Zeataad, 11 twatlan. I .,...,I San oan I l*eA* per ?. a. Alamedi from Hutt Prand eo), ctoa he* dfllif an to January -So at 0:30 p ni. (or on urlval at New.Vork af v t. Auran.a ?ita Rrltiah .,-i:l- f?r AlAtnllal. MaiU fo.- Hawallan Islanda, -,,.-r a. ?? aaatntla Itrnm r-n Fram-i.-ro r]o-e here dillr np Eo Kxhruarv '10 at 'CHO p. m. Mall- fcr N^afonnd liind, bv rartl to Ilallfax. and thence hr ?teniier. eloae at thla nrtlr., dailv at 9:30 p. m. MalU for Miqu#lon. hy rull ta ll.-ten, ?hd thern-e l>r ..x?r,-r ,-\o-f at thU otttv*> d'tllr at f -AO p. Bi. Matla for (',,!? l,v r)'.l t, TBBMa, Fh . and th-..,-.' bv '(.-ami-- aaillBg M : ,1 -. Tharadayi aad B ,,r1avs,, clo.,- at tlii- efllca i! i : ii 2*Aii a. m. M Mis fo? \l-\:.... iivrland unles* <|x-,-l-il|\ a.|,!r<-s >sl f?r dlNjK?Uh l? t--ii.,-r. tlaae ?t Uil? a^ce dailv || 3 00 *. in. ? Trans-l'i'lfl,' nalN arp for?ar.Ied to s*-i Irai,. i.,-o Bally *','! th,' ?,hnlu|,' of ilo Ini.' I- .irr-inir.'d on tln- pr?. -,,-..;,?;,'-, of ".- r .iiilut rrupted ov, rl md to Svi Paaaelaea. Mall- from ti.-i >'.i?t arrlvtag on un,-- nt Haa riail.aa.ll on U,? day of ?allliia >,f .ii-jnuT, aro ,.'l-i?t<-li.4 Ue -,' ?? tt." mSfl d.v. K"al*t..r.>d mall vl?-,s at 0 .00 p. ta. pr>'\ lou- dav l-'.xirt siippl.'iiientarr Mall- ar" awnad oo (.he p:er? of tha Kiiall-I' ?"rt Kreorli ?.t.-amers at Uni hour of ilo-lng at Kiipiil.'ii?'iitnrv Ma: - it. tl,.- I", -iaM--.- wl, .1, rennlui. ouaa uutil wlth Teu Mlimte of Ui,? hour of salJInp of xteamar. t-Olt.nci.1UM V.v.V <Y11T. Postmaaata Poatofflce. Kcw.YorB, K. Y.. Jaauary *22. 1BBX