Newspaper Page Text
// ? V??? I.I.??? ??>,G>*0. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, APRIL ?, is?k?.-FOURTEEIN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. ? DEFALCATION IN WALL-IST. PLOT AGAINST A BANKING-HOUSE ONE OF DIX ?fc PUTII 's c ?.?.G.??; CYDER AMUR AND ANOTHEi; HAS FL1 'D-MOST OT-'TIIE PLUNDEP. REJOOVEaED, A defalcation amounting to about $$0,00*1 WM discovered in Wallet, on .Monday, bat it was kept from the public until yesterday, wlicn t!i?> greater part of tin? ??t:,li-? money WM found in tbe collar of a house in Brooklyn. One of the three men im? plicata??! ai locked op at Police Headquarters, and the other two, who are known to be on a steam? ship bound fot Copenhagen, doubtless will he irrestdl. DU aV? Pliyfe, banker??, at No. 18 Wall-st., carry on an extensive note-brokerage business. About a year ????? their head hook keeper, Mr. Il?.llin?s head, received g leave of abaenoe on aeeoiint of felling health, and he went ta. Southern California, where he ln set. Until Monday his phi.e WM filled by <>.?? ar ?'reamer, a clever younc fellosv, who liivd lieen m the employ of the (inn alx.ut six year?.. ?.reamer war. nineteen year? old, and board???! with big gistei ai. ?... 425 Hickn-at., Brooklyn, Hia habits svere said to Ite ?s'ood, and In? had The conflden? e of his employeia. <>n Saturday he was at. his post as usual, lie svas not in the oftiee on Monday, and hi? Kinetic.? surpri??:?.! Mr. Phyfe, who made an investigation. Cause for aiutiti svas discovered imiuediat?ly. The cash books ha,I been mutilated in a way that sugnested theft, entire pages bavin?; been cut out. Mr. Phyfe looked into the safe and failed to Quel Uuraeo, BuritOftoa and Qt?ney bon.Ii? valued at 920,000 which ought to have ??-eii there. The mutilation of ih? cash biK.Us prevented bim from knowing? how much moucy had been stolen from the sale. It was ascertained that Creamer had not been at his? sister's house in Brooklyn since Saturday. De tective Serereants (?olden and Rogete svere tent to the Hanover Bank, where Dis A Phyfe had an account, and they learned somethiin; of importance Ironi Mr. Humes, the paVjing-teller. On March ... Mr. Hurnes s.ud, young Creamer took to the bank it Cheek fot fO.OOO, beating the signature of Dix ?V Phyfe, and ;?-!<??? for the money. Mr. Banca re?ase 1 to pav the check, and sent word to the liriu's oflice that an Identifica. tion was needed. "William E. Carpenter, who had l?een a lookkcc'ier in tho employ of Dix a\ 1'hyfe for a number of years. au?l w? knoirn to Mr. Humes, went to the bank airi sud that the check svas all righi. "Well. I will Dot nay checks for .?tuli a lurte amount to a boy,'' said Mr. Hornea. "I will cot pay this check now. Yon can go bark and tell the limi so. Say nit?, that I would like to talk with a niemU-r of the Una." Creamer and Carpenter sscit away. The me? saee which Mr. Burnes wished to send t?. the Him did not reach Mr. Dig or V.r. Phyfe until the detective? repeated it on Monday. Chief Inspector Byrnea Iieard the report abo ?t Carpenter on Monday afternoon, and on Turada*; he geni for Carpenter, s\h.> if. thirty?flve jrean old, and has lived With bk wife al No. ??,4 Ix\iti_ton-av<?.. iir.xikls n. Carpenter at first deuied that he had certified to the correct? ness of ihe check foi 90,00 1 at the Hanover Hank. Then he svas placed under arrest onal locked up at Police HeasiqaarterB. There be at length ?*reke dosvn and made a confessi,,11. Young Creamer hai talked svith bim about March 1, whea Aey heard a report that Mr. Hollingshead mi^lit return t<a hi.? duties in a few weeks Creamer said he bad been guilty of some irregularities which Mr. HolUaggthead weald he eure to discover, and be thought it would he well for him to steal all he could lay his hands on and escape before Mr. Holling-head returned. "If I eatdd set assay with $50,000 I Would be willing to serve ten yean in prison," yonng (reamer said, "for I would be well-off when ? ?? ?. lined my liberty. Ferdiaaad Ward stole a tniUioa, and he will l>c at liberty to enjoy it in a few sveek?. " Curiienta?- ?onsentel to aid ("reamer on eon? dition That < reamer woald take all tint lilame ami run away. They hoped to gel all the money ih s needed by tilling in blank cbecka, signed by the linn, for large amount* Their failure t?> ?<-t the check for $0,000 eaabed at the Hanover Bank WM a ?et"baek, bm young Creamer foun 1 a way t?. S'.icceed by taking a new part::!?:? into the enter priee. 'Ihe thirl rogue, ss-ho had the appearance i?f ? shrewd man "f buBirteSB, sva?s known to Car? penter onJy as .bitj.e? I,. White, ol Brooklyn. (reamer laUadnct-I White to Carjiefita-r, but dill not tell ss-here White lived. A fori/ed lett/?r irai pr?-pared. Introducing White to tbe National Park Hank. With t!:<? apparent indorsement ?>t I)i\ A? Phyfe, White opened an account at the bank early in March, depositing a check for $2,000 Later he depoelted cbeckg f*?t $1 l 800, $75, $.'67 51 and $0,850, all bearing the ugnature ??f Dix <V Phyfe. The cbecka had he :i f irnighcd by Creamer, svith Carpenter's aiti. A letter thanking 7>iv Ac Phyfe for sending 1 (pod caatotaet ih geni irmi the hank, but svas intercepted by I reamer, On April l" Wiii t?? drew against his account with the National Par? Hank and took out $10.00*1 in cash. The next morning h<- drew otri $15,000 lie and Creamer bad made ready io cacane from the Country together, ('reamer sul his own flight would ti\ Buapiclon upon him alone be eaus" he ss?,,nil take all the fash ?nd bondg be O'uld lay his hands on in the linn'- saf??. He ??nought it would be gafar t<> leave the bulk of the stolen gtoney svith Carpenter who would re? main and be free from gUOpicion. Whit?? 1-.1, ?enf-? tai that arrangeBBent? Carpenter ??*??.-? 1?, ?end part of the stolen money to Cream?T when the lutter rein-lied a sale place in Europe. It ?va* agreed that <??:.????? svas t?i aend ?????<?? adiiress??.! to "Geeggt H. Taylor," at tin? St. George Hotel in Hrnohlyn, and Carpenter woald get the letters by registering biniseli as "?.?\??:??' in the boteL Creamer svh? the last penon to leave th*? office of Dig ? Phyfe at No. 45 Wallet., on Saturday, and l>efor<? he sv?nf asviiv. In? tool; th'? '?on !" Worth $20,000 and all the c.ish from the gaie. The plunder svas hand??! to Cni|K-iiter in Brook? lyn, along with tin? $25,000 which White liad drawn from the National Park Hank. White and Creamer took out $3,000 ea.-h for ?heir |?os.i ble nes-ds, and then parted from Carpenter. The tramp steamship, Oahdale, bound for Copen? liaren, Denmark, palled out from the Atlantic Do.-ks ?m Sifuday evening, but lay oil Governor'? Island until late on Sunday night, when she sailed. Creamer and While svere passen-ers nn the vegeti? Carpi-ntci's eonfeaaiofl al .uilt svas nut. ended until he had told svhere he had hidden the nion.y and bonds which had been lntrusta-d to his can?. He said he had paid a visit to one a.f his relatives, a good woman, living at No. 417 (.?uincy-st., Hiook? lyn, and had been able t?> gQ into the cellar of her boiiBC without her knosvlcdge. In a corner of the cellar, whieh he described carefully, be mi ? M ha I buried the money aud bond? Detective-Ser geante Golden, Rogers and Vallely were sent t?i tbe bouae yesterday tuorning. Having got into tbe cellar, they went straisht t?? one corner and dug up a bux, which they had ex? pected to find. In tlie box were twenty firsts mortgage bornie of the Chica???, Burlinkton and Quiney Kallroad, each of the value of $1,000, and $32,l;io in cash, mostly in bills of larjre denomina? tion. The bonds and money were taken to this city and placed in the teni|>orary custody of 1 i.i??I lmpe?t<?r I'.vn ?-. Carpenter, svho seemed to led hia ?"lis-ri'. keenly, was taken t? the TuDjbs Police Court and ?bb remanded quietly until to-day. In ???titor Hjrnee aaid yeaurday that the asenta of the vessel Imi] ?~| lo ,,.,. ,.??, k?)nw , diately f they lieanl frotn the g? any pori between IW.ork an,] Copenhagen anil alar, t?' -??..I?? t.. the ?ptain .? (|?,.im ( , an.I White on the vessel until i|?.v (.(,,|,| he ptoeed i.n.ler arrest Aa the ?,?,,,,,. ?, tli?-ir |.ossessi on is likely 1<? he reeovere.l I>i\ dt rii.vfe raay rase next to nathiag by the de (??.?ar I'roiinier is only ?rventern years o]?l -??? eordiflg t.? lila sister. Ile Uvei with his eldei brother and .?ist???? in one of Alfre.i j White'a nai'lej tenement hotiaei at No V!', Ilici.? ?1 Iroofi'yn. The family npi?cirs to lie thoroughly respectable. Miss 1 leainer when Baked about bet brother Ins?, evening said : ?? He lau gone ajwav j He went on Saturday and ?iid he would behack on Thursday. He tob I my brother and tornei f 1 thai he was gob?? on ? burines? Hip to Boston ? for tbe finn, and I packed up his clothes f<*,r 1,7-7, j I had no Idea that anything w..s wrong. n he 1 luis done wrong it is owing to bad t*4*e*?panv About a month ??? he Iterarne infili.ate with i li?Hior ?le-iler down in Racket t-at Hi? naia.? ?? [tjorkmann. My brother and I talked with Oacar, and told him that Hie friendship of men a ??;?? could only lend liim into evil, but he would not pay1 any attention 10 what pre suhl an<"i went on giting with the man Mv brother went down to the liquor etnie yesterdiiv. thinking that perhaps Biorkmann would know something' about Orar, bul found that he ha?l disappeared with his wife nnd nobody knew what lui.I become of liitn." Miss Creamer knew- nothing of 11 ny m:in name.I White, and said she tinnier).t it. was an assume I numr. ^he bad nr\er seen (arpenter but on r-, an! that ivas on Monday, when ho call?? I to aak why Oscar had noi been to the office lie had ap? peared to l?e surprised to he.'ir of Oscar's n-piit"d Boston trip. ANOTHER G,??? USED. ?.?,??? AXAT?^HIsTs BL iW IT THE FOUC& DErOT IN ANwF.R?. MANY kVAM&nen ?asUYIRG fa? ?? ? V PKO POtOED DEMO*rftTRATIO*l IN HTDE PARK, i/?Ni?i?\. Pnrl?, Ar?r'l e.-Noiwiih?t.indt!i?: the extra Beert?*?? tiotn to rrevont nny faHher dynatnfte rxplofdon?, the Va-ir hist/? do not ?eem to find Biurh trouble In parsa ine their ir.irk. The totett ?cene of their activity 1? Ancer?.. capital of the Depaiiatent of Malne-el lair??, wii.-ie in the poBeeilepot or which ? Ity a dyravmlte bomb was exploded tosi night. Beery pane or fin-? in the window? of that batldlng and tite adjacent bouse? was siiati?rad and tin? dep,,t it?eif nn? badly damag? 1, One isileeninii In the building wa? lu]nn-d. I ?? is ao clew b> tile perpetrator? <if the outran?. 'tlie b ?t?its uns niade of eheet-lrts* and contained, beside tbe eypio-ive, eipii'.-n poundj ..f nail rivela a-?i iron a?"i a Oetooator "f peraVar make, Mitdiid, April ip- Numer?os Anarehl ts nre leering thi? country on ine to t!:??.:? fear I I being placed ander nrro?t. The Fremii arici Portuguese Ambassador? here have <?????G,?!??!.??.?<? tbe (?Avernmenl on it? esrape from the recent attempi of tbe Anarchist? i" .le-tr.y the Chamber of Deputies, ihn Senate, Ihe royal psloei ther publli buildings trlUt dynamite Kpe? ? judg ? hiive l??en appointed at Madrid, liarcetonn, \<r 1 ?! Bilbao lo try the tnareMsta who have been ?in- led a? t!.. place?. Tare peBee beie ere ? ?? ? red thai the violent ?.s'tcn of ihe tnarchl 1 ! almo I ? composed of foreigner?. Mi personi have ????? 1 r 'stellai Pueble "tuero, charged ?dl ? ; tanto. No damar?? ? a - < , . ed by Ihe eypi ?Ions. liondon. Appi ?i. The Inarchi??? In Londra stai various other centt??? in England prora-??? m hold ? demonstration In Hyde Park, thi* elty, to lympsth) with tv- four Walsiul Ananhlsti ?? ? > \. ?? ? uscenti? ?entenced i? \:.:?. ;:.-, ? nn* oi Imprl ui ihe Stafford ?-?./? - ? ? ? CHOKED AN A(T'"i:? ? -ei. M.IST TIRADE. Vleuaa, April ?'?. -The SoclalUi si la 1, capital of Cpper Austria, nnd ai Brenn, cupi!.?? of Moravia, pro ???'??*? recently ?? ????<? canventtoni in l Tilt? (.overnmenl lini? ???????1 nu m 1er fa :.'*.' ????? 1???* ?'f the coliv.-lpioli?. Durine a p^rformnnre of Bndeiuiann'i " Die Ehre" at the Vienne Theatre last iilslit, OB? of th?? . delivered a ??? lall?l tirade :?-?:.m-l rich 1?? pie. ? Biege number of S/eUII??* vi.-ie In the gallery, and wlidlv applauded th?? aetar'i ?"ni?. Man) <?? ? ?? people b; other parts of ihe bouse ?rere ?:?. {liated, .. ; lfft tlie theatn. ???: ?G??'???.? IN DAHOMEY. OBJECT Ol TMI KINO IN MARINO WAR "N Till. Ii?.'? ??? II ???? IN Ml ? \!-.Ti. T'arls, April 0.?The ????.1??!1" lo-tjsy -a.s l| has private advlees from Porto Nov.. whl h show that Ute ?itimi,..n arising frma the ?rarBke attitude .?- Kl Itehaazlii. of Dabomey, I- far B?.? >u-. than I he 1 fh? tal dispatches state. Tbe Dahomani ?..-t?? ?? always beea ntitsd f?.i" their nan-bunting expeditions, and tali 1? Ihe sea on ol ihe year al which these exped? Uont ?turi from AbAaney and other putee? in Dahomey, Un? object "f ?"?-? expedition? Is lo procure Ultimi for to?? staaghtera, termed "costoni*" by tbe 1 hi which hundred 1 of captive? are ?acrifled, and .. to pruna? -lave-, from Ihe ale ol whl h Klan Bebantlo derives much of bis revenae. The ?? soldi" todav -av- thai the abject Of Hie Kins' in warHng open the French 1 lo weeken iheir InBaeoe? .-?? Ihe r^aul town? that he will t.?? able to ,- f.e-h slave 1 .ui??- VThydah 1 defended ??* 0111 ? - ? French attack by '???" warriors, all ol whom are armed with ihe Man-??! rifl? : mxi Frenchmen '!.. t? My timi Ihe "Hi win pue ml,?, COtlld have been ?ocared ?a1 through fh<? Otimat. AD Odatela) dispatch from PlaiO Nova, -:,- th expected attach on that plao? tei? I?????', deferred. The imbon?.??p hu??? retired northward, ishing with them a terge nnmber of nativi pti unei ?nd auiny heal of retile. ?1. boni-, Benegal, April C? I"?irtti.-r in!? ? ? le!?.??! (en? fron, Uh Interior ibOW (hai the member ?f CBptalB llenard'i expedition were sol ?. ? ?? '? b, the foresi ol t'hlel Hamory. 'il??? expedition mode ?a attach up. .11 ?amori-- lillni??? of hegunU, ad In Ih.? flgbtlne (hai follow? ! 1 spiai 1 Henard boM Bv? ol hi-. -1 negalese sohllerii wer? la ted. ? DIAAGREEMF.NT WITH ?PMN BXAfBtERATED. Fari , Api;! B. The "Jouinal dea Debat?" to-da] ?ayi Inai a m pon.? quarrel te threatened between ?pain and the I'lilted Btat? ? "'.ihm t? the latter country appointing II. L. Hand a Coneulal ?- api, one ,,f the Puoiiiie Islanda. Mr. ? md la the eh* r broth 1 nl the mis-lona:? Hand, th?? leader of the Mer:..! ?? I: 1 wen? the ?tilth'-'? of I'm recent troulil??? between P?. -paiil-h ???1???p:??. and the nativ-.s of the Ciro Unes, -pam, the - Debate" ?ette, i"? I In her ?'? i?'''"?' ?n exequatur to air. Rand, and Ihe 1 nit ?? states refuse. i<? wRbdraw in? appoliittnrnt. Wssblngton, April 0.?Inquiry ?? the ?Rate Ope I r,irilt viiow thai the report tram P*rH "f Imperidlni trouble between ? 1 ??- Hatted Man?? and Bnsln In ?? n 1 to the appoilitineiit or II. t.. Hal.?? ?? <?? ni al foi ai |?1. Il) H?* Carolin?? l?luii?l?. I? BJUCh I'Min'oiil d. when the Bpanlsh Uovemmenl n??? laJotiaed "f Mr. itHini'? appointment, it ein ?si to Issue the neees ary rxenuatar sad aatrfBclally taformed till (k>v?*rnmenl that i' W!,v "pposrrl lo tlie ? lahll-liui??))! of any ',,?,. ,.., con?iiliit> on the Caroline Island?. II I '.m y.-i-ally re?oi;iiir.e<l a? a principle of International comity tint? a ???ntiy has an Inherent p?riit to control n,.. estabUakaa al "f (*<m?nlil?*i teithja it? oaaa dominion wlthonl la?a*teby ?ivme any gronnds <? ? trence lo imi "Hier ?oiiiiirv. Tlie Secretary ol ?tut?? 1!, accordingly acquiesced in the ?aiioa of Ib? Spanish ?utBorltlee ?md lus not pressed the matter in tha loaei?_f ._ (U1MEAN VETEI{\.N's RECEIVED BY THE (HE E.V. llyere?. April 1.-Queen Victoria received at Cost? belle to dav a number of French sailors who t-ei ve?l In tho Crimeun War. In a short addre?.? she malo t?i thrm Her hlajoety said: -I am happv to BMStt Ike companions of mv brave, *ol<li?r,. Your pr?seme re? cette to ?lis, incfl-feable memories. " The v.'ternns p:e -anted a bouquet to the Queen, who conversed with then In Frenrh? Thev weut ?way dellght??d With ili" reception acoirded ?iem. AFPROVrSfT THE i.CEI.PH FCNP WtL. Cerlln, April ?T.-The upper houss of the ?.????-?p Diet HOOT bv a unanlmou, vote, npprovro"ihe (.uelph Fiiid bill. Count von Muenster, on behalf of the J8et of Hanover. tharik?*d the Empsror for InltiaUng UM measure, addine : "Mar.v persons who have hlthert 1 hid their sen'.?? ?*lf tu'tbe wounded will henceforth willlnplv conform lo Hie tir.w older of thlritT-."' AN EX-I.??RI> EAY01 Of laOVDOM IN TaWIIBLE I ?nidori. April 0. -llorntlo sir Henry l-aaa? Joseph ???0?1 and chnrl.? Hollmun, who ?? ebsreed with having conspired together to defraud ths Hanaiu-d Publtohlng Cnlon ilinilfd). wblcr, fall-d som? Urne ?go for upward of ??,???. were to dag oom milted for trul by sir .lohn BrMgg, rttttag In the BOW sir?-t I'oil. .? < ..11 it. sir ll-m ? Isaacs Wai former!*? Um Mayor of Loodon. rio? d?*fen4anbi wee? |'''|?^?'? upon filini Mu.? .,, Iir,ly i,, ,??. ,um ?f ?.?,??? Till: EVELYN HURLBERT CASE REPQBfT OP Tin i',<;:n-u aouCITOR POR ???G, m:, ssrr.y ix m ..situ ?,,, m ni.m.RT'.s ALLEGED PEBJ?RT. Longen, .\pr,i ??,. \ reporl inai baa had b?-ei m:.'!?? l'y Sir Augnata? fttrphnwon. gn?**.?or f ,r tit.? rr.'.isiiiv am! |*?|,||?? G??..???, nt.,,?. ,,fTI.I:illy eOBflrm? Ihe ?rttriemail ttamf na? time ago risei a warranl limi beta, ?????.al tor ih,? :,trr?t ,,f svilliatn llmry llurl t,ert on the charge ..f perjury m the mil f.r breech o? promise of roarrlage bnmghl agaiml him ?? sii-? Oer * filai?? Filis, otherwise" leaiWIi :?- l.l.t?!?.- G.?.|\?. ?Ili th*- trial ..f Hi?? ta??? th.? Jim' returned a Sajltttcl for Heribert, which ees appealed from hi the plaintiff. The appeal was rteaiea. In the ni'.intime gn teqtriry was ilarterj. sir AnguatttM In hi? re;i"tt ? (pinta? live ?leltiy in lil - own action in Ihe iii>itt<-i'. II?? ?ays that aft'-r ??? Evelyn appealed (or a nee trial it wwrid heve been tuainf.'stii I m proper for th?? Government ?a tau.? action In tag premise?. Perni .?Ion lisa! been refused htm ??? ? pec) uif impounded document? aft.?? the courf? re huai to ??," a ::?.??? tri?! until he itated what action lie would lake, ??liter dirimiti??, ?rere al?" I"it In hi any, hut Anally en< ugh evidence wa? obtained In rap? port of the evidence given by Mm Evelyn tal eon? tradictl? ? of llirlleTt's teattmoo*? f?> .?:.?!,1" him to procare a warrant for Ih? latter?? anesl oa th?? charge of perjury, ?.?.t.? precaution sia? taken to cenerei tme fa,?) that Inquiries ware being imui??, bet it appear that Ii wa?? imp ?-??;.??? t?. prevent tluribert from beine advised that he em liken t?. he arrested, lliirii.eri fl.ii fr ?m England m the rnlfd state-. Th? ?. ml ?a? cats!ed there, bat Hurli.en wa? airain svutn'id and fled m Mexico and thai escaped ant t. ? f. THE 1???-?? G? UI". OP THF. KIIK1HVE. IM?, Apri] ''?? ?? dispatch received m thai city tori, iv from tetra ?ay? thai ihe welling ? >? the firman of taveatltate ?,? the Ktadlv? h? Wn post porteti. Under the advice .,' I.,,an Mill? bury, the K!i??!:v.> ?m? ??aed tin? Panera I. Ihetr Inftaeace ail h the Burtan of Turkej to Indacti lai in lo Include tbe tgnal Peninsula, between the s--nif of sua?/, imd Ababa, within the Umidar!.?? ?if Egvpt. Th?? Tillmm? In it I- ne ?>? Manli !? lai-t cuve ?? ?..-? rient ??f the ttnal Penlnsnla qtaesaton whtch '.? now broogbi forward ofgrialrr, and which naif be cone u ?suis? al trouble In the intrrneWonnl pnnVy of Europe, Lord ~ii'.?iury hee mhea it up a t? pragteat tor ft*? Kaenle? : > retto?? m ?? leeal to deJay .? tii?? Bnltan's Hnimn >.f Invratttnro, WHeh could hardlj be .1?? ?im??! on the mere jJ*-? Ihal It I- gn ? ??! ? ? tl i'.> ha ? ' - ;? '? li'eris ,.f ,? rnrtrJ . ;? ? ?. rince the reame >?? ??,??!!???? il ?.' ? eliti- ?????? ??.. The aim *?f ?..1? h dipt u- io have !'??'? ,?' ? ad ? - ? ? 4 at (In Iv ??,?!??;-- ::al. ? ? State, v h 1?? Ihe t*.Il? v ,,f Other Rnro pean I" ?.set?-, e perl? !' ? ?.?.? ?? ? if! I a: ??. I- l?> Inulti ialli th?? < .tin'ri n ? ? . ' ? ' It.?? f.-riiial -..s. : . ..( ihe Porte nd to have ,! ? ? p: d ? ?? ,- in urder t . preven) or ?iriai that 1 I *?ssll bury bat adi ? ed t:r ?!.??!:\? lo misti I f the ral al il?, m in, ? ? manta ape us : - ??...?'.? ; |i . Idenl hM ? I .? bei .<-?':' lisien . ? mplarently t? the ? ? .'t\ adi.I EntrlUh dipi .maa ?.. ? Porle had m ?? ? il ??? . ? .|?? lenip. . .? ? certain ? uni ?? ? . wrlili ?? w f,.?? ti,?? e?? ti .,' ' . S!.?? . ., ,.,: ,? ? ? ? ' , ? . tinieni ? ? ..' V ?le ij I? ',?.?.'.? lin 1 . f Ah?!.? :u I?? ... up..-ai b) I i.ik:-', - Ml? r- I ?. I ?.?.?.? .? 1 - ? ? ,11 ? , .? ? ' ' ? .? . ??? .. :. ?t s?-t rt?Med ? ? ? ? - Mixien in m boom t-1 un poi m?.me. .-t. ivi.-i-i.uia,'. Aprfl ?.. Charte? tesar* ?m,ti., th? I -tal - si'? ?, ? ? ?itr, ' . : . te hl? deportai : .? l'nlted Rlnte?. Ili- ?I . .. ,?. ?m'?-Is at,?i weruili ?f ? th? ' ?! .4?k??,! sfr. Il lo ,>??.?, ?? thenki lo tl e Amaelcao ? v ??:..! Il ?SI??? tati ;o n turn (,, I. he ? ;.||(..1 ?|.,t. | | , .? ., ?.. but he ba ... ? .n m .'f iha lour, gr ? . ?? ?? pr??* ? ?. ? ?fiii Sa.? rie?. Tbc dl?! ? ? .11 or ? ? thai i? .?..'] t.r ,. .-?i .u the ?? ?? o?r ?, ? he ?? .. ?? r ??? 111 ?? a??? ?t ? ., : ?111 sali f-"'.i Liverpool ? r .? ? ,..?? , ? ? w.April ?T. o THB BEHRING SEA MODC8 riTENDL sv .s'.r*.i'.: Mi.vr i'? ? G? ,.u.v ??.? ? ??; ? ix sv \ ????t??. \\ ? !??:.? n. April ?, 11.e ?:? Iti ?? Minister ? ?\\?? it ? e BYiijti ?? ?? ?? ori morning and had another ^inference with ti.?? President In regard t.. ? ? ? \|s.n?ll f ,r II.?? coming kling I . ??? It II ini.!? r ?.? that a , e?;?..", m ih?? matter baa practically ??????, reached, but it, it there an? still certain pre Umiliarle? t?? ?? lettled, one id the most Importan! being ihe determinai Bin "f the numls : ? ? whtch ih?? leaseei hall be allowed to uU?? <?i the Irin I.?ft ? land . ??: JuBan a?nncefote, who has ? ?rtted .. . iv u(..:. Ihe liehrlng Ben negntlsiloit for n. ?: ? . ? end? ivorlng t,, ha??? tin? uh?.I.? matter definitela settled al an ea Ij date, a. he t? anxlooi t?, h.???? |he ' ?into In June for ?ail bad, f"i ?. ?? i:' itment f'?r ria innati, troubh . - ? ? slit ?????? BADEN G"\\ ? ?.? '? ???? ??\\ Mvi rji .oi, tprtl 'i. m a meeting hem tbi evening ?it .t? .?<? Badei ?'?."..]! , ,? he had had a roiga tima of it in tmerlra, nlthongh In Lord Kail bnrjr he l.?ui an iiioii.?, t behind him apcriur t?? of am man In An,? ria a. Ml . I.I.mi, ? n 11 one Ol the ari' ' BM ? America had produced. If? had acted Iralgbl In all tin? li.-hi-in.? ??a neg*dlatlon?, nnd had agreed t<? submit lo arMtiallon the olii) disputatimi ronld ever create ? ?d ?.? ? ?? ' ?? Amerli.. ?ud England, ?it- <?? n ?.? t! ungili thai t'?? ri ; ' m ?,f Ihl mei hod f,,r Iha? :"l ]n Uta tit III Ih?? .Hill, al'i SS.eil-l .? mlill ?, :, |.|. . ..i1a?iit for the (ttk-ment of fl herj dl putc with other nation . ?? ? .hit //.'.?.?; m/.Vg : m ????/./,?.? mi? wfM'.vf i>. ?? ? berg, Aprila (*ipe? ?!)? rhe report lahnl Warden \v. it. Brow? had ft?"??!, ?an ?-? mach excltemenl le ,. :,1 his li..m??, I'll ?la IIOl bell i'??l f ' Uli the llr-f. i>e|egr.imi f. and to hi Mend hare '?-- -n flying nil any, and from all ma ? Ih.poti ? denied. ???? dl ?, '?u B*?m fing B?rsg .\ auti?sTitnileci] that there I no truth In Ihe ramar, Mr. Lettin?, super ?, h), ? ..: ? rl ? w? ot In A Bs nj ?? .1.., bet a teiegnun frmn bis ???? i?-i:n->. Mr. Imhsw, ??..?: "it ! .,. , ? o, me. ? hove never !i<-..r! id any n*nh thing and l ?loui.t if ih.!,? i? .-.?? truth In II." ilorenior Flower'? private ? ??* t?t.n s mj The lorj ? la mv opinion rmeelj a ?lanUonol report, aad so rar .?? ? knuw tii??!??? ?? ?" truth in it." Mr. Brown lutateli ? reported a? mylng tin?' sera report had bee printed period lea I Ijr, and a- prnfaabrj i" plred h people who ?ani t" run III" (.risoli ati'l ? an I. It I? sup. .,.. .-?? thai i tin- lai-t t'.aiarli he r?l'T- i" ? ftW 1????,. ??rat- ihraughonl I be Mate m?.?, ?a wu 1?? Mu ?? ??**? Um ousted._ ror- orOOLD .nn MTrrg IM riti: mi m. l.ilillald, Penn., April ?'.. The heir? Of .loiiithau HiM.orn. of Ihl? place, after ? long ?eerra for tarantran ?upposed t.. have been meroted around Ike dwelttag botiae ocenptgd bj him, had Ihetr eMtort? re*enr?*td b? Ik? t!n?1li)K of .*l.7<?? III the oliai. cmrrnleal In earthen i"?ts. and burled. 01 tM? ainouni gl.:;uu svas In i?.!?! and WOO In -liver. CBAMBB WIIB AHAUITIMO A wn???\ A -tvli?lily dressed fOeng intn who cave th* ruine of Mwii ?'? ??'-??? ? ot?im, Belai ni >?<>? ?? Weaf Thirty ?'sth M. OT? lr" tad up In lb? "v',<t ThlrU??'!, .st. BtaMoa in?t radghla "a a werraat ?hnriine htm wttk narariilHg a Mr?. ABhmmd, of n?1? ;i- w"?et TWrty-flrBl ?t., la rreai of the Plftk Aeeaae Hot??, oa Mach 31 ? What lad to the u??Huit u ii??hii???'n. but Mrs. Aahmeod ? ??. - imd t?. be ? wealthy ?maaan, l?a^ h much ?ii? colored left ?rvc. I-evv w?? arre.?t"?l hy I'oiirt Dflcer sv,?-i -ii the Htdel tiactholdl, and will i?e arraigned at the .ta'-*Ter?.,ii MarBet PrjBee iv.iirt tosny. ill/. MlM/yG l "'\?< CUBA? TOVXO, ;. ijajaj ,, \1 . Il?? Ihl 11?*?? V .11- hi * "'Itaca II. ? hi di-? Banmred le ??..??>???*. Para, Braaklra la?t >-?tnd.av. ha? |???>?? f.,iiii?l. I^?t ?-?a-ialiijr li?? tOOOfat Inni, a G-?,??? listila tiaiti 011 t?i" 11? w,n?ai.k M,a?i *?. ?hile ou th.? w.-iv tu Jna??? Citr. Hr i?n? u?inlm?<t The fgOMMtpa rsaUc? ??.-. tufe.n.eU. sai BU le? ktethu? BNk Bua Leass. CL08EV0TE IN RHODE ISLAND REPUBLIC AN FRMSPEiTS FAVORABLE. TEE I.ITI'.ST RETURN;? INDICATE A tsKFE PLU? Jt.MTY lOR BROWN OVI.r. WARllWELL ANO A RPI'PKI.I. \N MUoKlTY ON JOINT BALLOT IN nil Ll ??*?*????? - Ol'MOiT. ?,???' U09SEB IN l'unviPr.N??!:. [eaOM ? sTirr ? .nr.airovpBNT or t?? tbib?sb] rroviilenc, April 0.?Rhode Island has b?en pia.?, r| bj the Republican column for the Presi? dential .venr. Brown, Hie Republican candidat?? for liovi-rnoi?, htts a plurality ol 65*3 over Wardwcll in se- enty-IWo towns and districts. ? careful estimate of tho remaining, twenty towns and districts leave? Rrown a safe plurality. The RepuhlicaiiK have iindoiibtedly a plurality for all '??iridiantes for Stale offices. It j* hoped ut. Re? putili? an bead-iuarters that liny will have a ma? jority of the popular vote. Bui compiei ? ??????p? will ?? needed befare this can be positively af. tinned. Providence has gone Democratic on the State ticket, by 100. Thi.? is a great Republican gain. Wo ?IMocket is very and i- reported tr> lie . I>einoiratie. Oy a ringle vote. POWtucket has noi,e Republican. Newport i? claitued at midnight | by iM.fli sides. Linoolfl is safely Republican |,y ? ?'" plurality. There are Republican gaina ut I Cranston, JehRBtOB und oliier laaiiiifacturing suburbs. 'Iho Re|)iiblicaiis have certainly elected forty one rnetaben* of the ..errisi.?turo to twenty-three D?mocratie member, ami will probably secure a aaajorlty oa joint ballot, although second elec? tion? \i?;i be tieeded in aia districts and poasibly in IT.??.ideine aLs??. Th?? li"iires al 1 o'cloi k do BOI itali ate an elec? tion of the Uovernor by the people, and the 1a'?tis lature in that cas,? v. ill elect the Governor. A heavy vote wan, polled U*JJ*Ot*ghott1 tin? Sfate. Plie weather was fine mid the Intere?" in the e!?" tioii Inteaae. Th?? Dem?crata ina.??? itrenuoua ?veillons fu excite reUgiotlg resentment againat the Republicana by circulating acurrileua eircu? lars aimed u'.-ilfist the Roman Catholic Churdi The??? were Boated upon fences and barn? in town.? and eounYty and und'.tibtedlv home effort was produced by llnTil. ihe toillots were on ? ted verv ?lowly, no that returns ?v? 10 OOloch were incomplete oil l?.tli tho Stato and I.e .-isiativo tieketo The r??salt at tiiat, hour w is pi doubt nnd was do,? ?.lent largely upon th?? vote <>f tho cities of Providence, Newport, Pawtucket, Woon ?? and th?? town <?f Lincoln. The Repuhli Dana at thai hour, however, ''?aimed tin? election ? twent] nine monitor?, of the [?egialatiire, and ?once le the election of fourteen Drnsocratlo ??-?? hera Ret ima fr?.m thirfv-tw.. t.wns aad dis tricta . : e I'.roWiV, Repilldl'-atl. a pl'llalp.V of -"'l ? ???? War.lwell. Tlie I.'ep,.!.!l. alls af that ln"ir ? laiuied that the relative gala ?.n? in their favor and thai the Stai?? ti? kel had h?-en elected and the li'iflll ?tute earned. i;,t - from fortj f"".* towng ?did diatr ? 11 out ..f nil a gave Brown ? plurality of ?,." ... ..-.t ?Tai KbtpII \' I it ??'?' i" o'i lock tl ? Hi ?.. ??..?? , liming tha ?-lection ,.f ? three Btemhera al the I?? ?let ire, an ? eon? ? ? e el?-?'?? of twenty ?'lie Democrats <?ne hall "t the soi? "f the Legislature bad not I??? n I,?? ir?l from at that hour. ? ..tup?ete returns frota Retti Cou Ity gave I'twn a mi?/?.. ?-r si!. The? is ? nain of ;:.-,i over lea? year Mr tl;o Ropubli m let ? s from ?ftv-oiie oat of ninety thtec tastila aad duttrlotsi ?ecelved .?t it o'cl<*cB s''??- Brotrn - m. ..p??, of 834 ..',i, ?nd Indicated ? ,? the RepnlfUcana would hive a plurality f??r their State ticket. Thirty-font Dem?crata h ? I iiee-i elected ? tlie laCg?alature, und tliere were ?iv seats '"r win'h s??. ..nd election.?? would be ? All the?e sea'? re naturali?, Republican. Returns from alxtj two (owns and district? ?p..? ?'.,?'.??? ? j?! ri!iP. of 7:1 over Wardwell \? all th?? heaviest D?mocratie wards in Provi? d.-ll.e had been h?? nd from, Ila- election ..I ll..? Re Si ite 1 ?1 ' eli ?? majority on tbe populai vote ?ecined prohabh at p ';" o'clock Ih?? Is'-i-hituie waa ?-'ill m doubt, with the ??., ? :p ? e. in favor of the Republican? The ret urna from Provblence ahowed large Republli*aa . Tbe total rate "t Providence a- tirsi reported from Democratic aouroea ?? i",:??'?? lor Wardwell, ''.7'".i ? r Brown and 150 acattering, Hila Indi rated a Ian.? decrease m the D?mocratie plttrallty m the town. Brown, according r?? return? receive I at midnight from sixty-seven town? aad diri icta, had a plurality of 104 over Ward well. The town "t ?.???'?? went Republican on the Smtr ticket b-, o\er 100 plurality. Retini:? troia rixty nine ?.ut of the ninety-three town? and di-tri"tr? gave Brown a plurality ?>! 77.". over War!.veil. At. midnight the new? was that \\Ooiis?.??',,. t had prob;1b'\ gone Democratic, but that Paartucket ima Republican on the State ticket by a small plurality, l'ho Dcaioorato ?.?? claiming Newport at timi hour, but were .'ding that there was no election ol the la?.? islatiM? ticket in l'ini id?'in?> rXCept foi oi.e tix-in her of Assembly, and that Wardwcll'? majoritj in (he ? ity will not evece I 21 ". 1. >,'. ]?'. MR. BROWN SIMS I 1' THE RESULT. RHODE I -t.t ? i? Wil.I. RB IN LINK POR TIU ??:?-?!...?, ?? ?. ? I'.ii r in sot, i ubi ?? I'roviiieiicc, April ?. Special . \f midnight, with ?- ?m?? of the dtetriet? m Providence, New pert and Pawtuekel to bear from, 1 hive made ,? net Main of about 3,000 <?\er last year's Re? publican vote, and probably have a majority, Ihe ?.land I Onilint be will ais? be Republic m lins is ?? great victory far the Protective policy ,,| mil' pain. ?' de- i'led blow to the soft OlOnCJ het'sie? ni th?? Dei.italic majority in < ongress, and imticite? whai G??? entire country will do in N< veni Iter, Rhode [aland will surely le found m Im?? for the Republican ticket In the I'lealdenlial elrctiui even il Ml. Cleveland ahould favor us with another \i-it. D RUSSELL BROWN, Republic m candidi!?? for Uovernor. ? ? ? DEM -CHATS PR'H.Al.l.Y WIN IN NEWPORT. M.I.I?.PI) VIOLATIOM OP THE BALLOT LAtO BY POME OP THEM. Newport. R I, April ?. - ???' State elCOtiOB in ihi? city lui? b'-eii ? hot Hght, and indicati .?? point tO the election of the full lh-inociatlc Lefio? hitive ticket One ward is y.'t to be heai't] Irom, iv huh probably will not change the result. The vote tollo?! litis bis*n very largo, and fhe ward rooms have beea centre? of oMitetnont all day. This enlniinated iu tJa- Fifth Wail, whore the Republicans claim that a Demm-Pitn- supervisor, who is also pre?idont of the Common Council, vio? lated the Ila Hot Law by giving unsolicited as? sistance to voters. They collected evident"* and placed it iu the bands of roc-City ?Solicitor iv<-k ham, wlio lia? promised to ptOBMB?**, if it is euf tieient, and s prominent Repoblican lawyer is of the opinion that it is The Republicans pt*Opose to bring ? eriinin?l suit ngniii.?t President and supervisor Boyle, and perhaps the warden of tlie ward as well, and also, if necessary, appeal to the Supremo Court and contest the ?eata ?>f inemliers of the Legislature elected here. Then ?rag a terioua .piarrel over the election Iu lamestowii. culminatili?" in an aaaault by ?? Re? publican Repie.-eafilli? r, J, ? tendera, Bpoa Dr. I [lowland, ? Democrat, which requited the at tendance ?>f a pbjrettiJaB ;???? maj reanlt seriously. ! USEDOM on.'ii Till: KACQAICCS /.p, ?a.. Anioni?, Conn., April Be Th? MupUit. brida?, b? twaca Ajugnla ?voi. Weft Av??iila, over the .Nuu-jttiicii , Biver, svas btirn?vl tut-? afternoon; loss Sio.iyal, no it nrance? it wai a wooden ?mietute, built u 1871, and the. main connection b"tw>en the two piases. NINE PERSONS ?i CUNE O TO DE ? ? ?. THEIR ESCAPE CUT OPT IIY ???. T.XriiOSION OF fUCGg OV BUMPOWDEB. Fort Madison. Iowa. April ?;. ? ra'iinlfy uaumitkl Isst nicht In the we?t end of thi? rlty by which nine people lew their Ivee. At Me. BJati Santa ? asm. stood ? tWO-etory luiildiiiR owned by ??. V. Kltclien. ihr Upper ?t.iry wa*. u>,?d a? a dwclllnir bv the owner an?! the lower iicnipied by t!,?? genero] ?tore and nif.'it market of Mclatoah A Pease. At 11:45 p. m. the building wai diacoveied on tlie. The alarm avus (riven and tlie Klro Department turne?! out. Atout two iniiuites after tho flee svas ?tivcovercal a tcrrifi?? ex pi. isiuii (hook the bulldlnc. and Ihe llames hurst, out flirloU'ly. It is ?:ip|ii.?ed that BOUBJ tagi of pOWdlW sforasi in tkt biilldiin?? oxploicd and destroyed the ? ar? a-t.-iirs bmdtng inside tin? hUlMUng from the ??find ?tory, and thus ?ketttag oat ail hop? of ???'upe. Tin? flro baraad rapidly. Tho nearest hvdiunt was four blo.-lis ?listnnt, and before connections could be m id?: ili?? building svas doomed. SO ortra w-ere !ie*,rd fr.aiii Ihoso In the building, and they all peH?hed in tho flam's. They were: .-?. V. Kitchen, aged thirty lisa?: Mr?, s. v. Kitchen, a?r"d thirty, ?nd their ttireo children, a;Td one, three and five year?; Miss Sidney Day, ned ?Lsfcii, a ?i-ter of Mr?. Kitchen: Aus,).'t Knetneyer, a bonrder, o?s?vi menatane; Hoary Kne meyer, a hoarder, a?ed tightee?; gomad Kitchen, brother of the owner, ns-??d twenty. The two luttT svere taken out alive, but died ai :? o', lock thi?. morning. Th?; seien bodies found In th?? nun? were taken t<> Ine undertaker*?, A dwelBng ossned bv John Knock wn? al?o de, Itioyed, wttli no lo-* of Uf'?. The origin o? Uie lire la a mystery. ? ? PLAMM EXTF.M> <?VK?lt TWO A?"1!ER. A fire wlilch extended over n???rly two acre?; of ground br.ih?? out l:u?t night In th?? lumber yard ot th- IS.,mesti?? Sowing Mm Itine Company 00 tlie river treat in Harrison, M. I. The flumes got the pjnatery ,,f the local flre denurtinent. and two r-indues ?ere ?eut from Newark. The fire extended to the sheds of the llarrleon Ooal Company ani a stoii-hou??? for hay u??-d ?ii?.? as a BtaUa by the fami Oompaay. Tiinty horse? In the Blabla were rearmed. The ?table, wrack wa? rrame, wa? dasrtroyed toother svith ??.ots? bHl?-s of hay. Moat of Ihe lumber In the I)oa*estk Company's ?turd was. geatOOyOd. Th?? tir?? mad?; n great voliimo of flame, thuT excited much anxiety for the lafety of th? town. Il sia- Impossible to estimate the ?.,??, which it .wn- s:,ui \,,,uid ??.? exceed $<:?,<?>?. Tho Inaurane? svas unknown. 90UTBEWX PACIFIC oTOCBHOlDBBB HFF.T. Ban lYam ??, o, April '">.? Ihn annual mecMog of th? Southern Pacific itocknolden ?.?- held today. Of -? 1-.-.',! .oon nt ?aphis! Mock ?!1.'>.!?>?';.???? was repre lented. Prealdeot <'. P. Huntington pre-.uited lus annual report, in whit ii be ?aid the pceakteat and director? has.? t.. r.-p,.ri th?? baelneM of last fear has been In tl^? main ?iti-fitct.,ry. "The ?urpliis of aarntap haa been ?mail.'' ho s.-.v?. uowing to mntiv ennaea, Bmong which may b? niention??d the extrem*.?t of fed and many other article! largely used in opemttag t!'??' imi? Un??? of Um company, Which ??,-????? roads ftfaj a!.].? t. pel ?ii much :.,!>.t price?, and tin? nrplns has been need in Improving your prop^rtv ar.d thm-ehy ,- t?, the safety af penona ami property that paa tra iport. '???? earnlagB are a- large as the owners .f tt..? property could have expected." Mr. liantlngton rabmltted Igurea ihosrtag the es? tent ..f operation? r..r ti,.? year, hut these svere noi mu!?? punii?. Ike following board of directora was i: C. I'. Ilnnttngton, Lcland Stanford, ?harles P. < raker, Tbomaa r.. StHlman, Thi,ma? if, linbhaag, \. tt. Town.?, .1. <'. Siul,!,-. E. II. Miller, Jr.. .->. T. Baga, 11. F.. Huntington nnd Georg? ?rocker. Tlie two i??! namad are now elreetoto, g w. v. llnnMngton and L. V. Ilmwn. The dir?? tor?, will meet to-morrow and it I? reported tint it. e. Hunting um wiii ),d etected fn.asnrer to succeed Timothy Hop? kins, who lately i?eclgni*d. POT .iBsnanrn WT TUB urniiFR rsrst. New.Haven, Conn, April ?.?Henry v. Hot, ???.?-!?!.??,? ..f th?? ?'in?!.?? Rubber Company, of this city, ?aid to-day that the newly-formed t'nlt'il slat s Rubber Compaay bad neither absorbed nor parebaaad ? plant of th?? (and*? Company. Mr. Hotchklss -..Id that ?Secretary Jobneon, of tl.?? Cande? Company, and himself, entered th?? dir??.-tors? of the rulo?'! State? Company f,,:- reaaooi which ! ?? 1. to Iba protection ?'f tlie Deaden Company*? beetneei la. Whether thi? company wfll <>r win not bava contract rviattoni *1th the na-w . irporation, he -aid. is a qtiMtloa to 1" ettlrd In the futur??, but In no ?????) siili the operation of tlie plant In Mew Haven be dlavonflnued. Mr. Ilrtchklaa would ?aV untiti n g further on the rab|49Ct. The ?and?? Corn pan* I? now employing about 2,000 person?. ?G?G,.'p, WOUK AT COBXELL. Ithaca, April ?, Cornell Cnlvemlty tosfay announce? a neu departirre, Poilowtng the example of bom other entrenadles, summ. ?? roane? wOl be ofleeed here this year, tho librarle?, laboratorlei and museum? being opened dnrlng a p..'?' of the summer vacation, in par? lieiiiar. Inatrartl a will he odored in i, t mv, chemlanry, nintlwti.iii.. -, philosophy, pas?:.-. BngBah, ?Trench, normal . iireek, ?Latin, elas*lcal ar. hna? ? ,?.?>? and physi? cal culture, sm..:?.? the men ?la? will teach ar?? Pro fe ..G, Hitchcock, Alfred Emerson, Jones, Orndorfl and " K. Bmerson; Instructoei Rowlee, Creightoo, Bappleye, riaunder?, Von ??????/'?. chainol and Tanner, and ?. i>. Wright. The classe? wBI meet ?viris in .luti and l??? in ?>???!??? si\ ?reeks. Without excluding '?iiirr- f|ualifled to take up the work, th.??? roursci ???? offered for the !"?? lai benelli ,?! ? ?wbecs, .'JMi's if Hi: CBAXQEt B/XTB G??'.?. Chicago April ''?. ?ir ?, orge Korthedgo, who r-n luir t,, over ?: l.ii'.o.i'.Ki |.f, |,.. |u, ^tnudfiil ??t, and Is now m Chicago, I- earned al the Chicngo pnatoalce. Before the windfall, Sir George wa? a P'?ir carpenter living on ?tat.-?t. Tiring ol manual labor, Sort hedge ?reni ?. ih?? p.-t.'iti.e und ? adi ? civil service I'xaml nui:,,n ??? a letter carrier, ? in? mm? two m ????~ ago. I'.,,In the postoflce official? looked over tbe list ?->f ihoae who bad paaaed the examluatlon, und th? Brel name al the top of the Usi waa none other than thai ol Sort hedge, who had paaaed with a high iveraze. in addition he ?? ?? > ??? midier an?! rutilici to preajr eli, e 1? hell rl.tlll's itlr ,.?|??. till. N? .ft l..'?1t??? ?TM IIII , iti. lulls Informed today thai he had passed a ?u.? ,e..'ui exnmlnatlon, and wu? entitled to be pal on ??..? .???:??'!,? li-t The baronet, however, laughingly dirli.!. Later h<? ?ill receive official notice of Ills ,UC? ?'? . In pet ???' tl,? v.saiiiliiatlon. POd QETTIXa JEWFJ8T Bl fALXB PBWlEXrKB. lio^l.Sp:l! 0.?William .'? KnOWMon, expert and dealer In diamond?, ?????,?,??- ritmea ?nd n?neraJi al v.,. ?a? l'iena,m -t., wa? OTeated ti.i- afternoon on ?.harta? ..' obtaining hj fai?.? rtretence?, on Peb ruary \". precious Monte worth I1.3&3, ti?? property ..f Miiha-l, l'"\ A < ?'?. ol Mo. ? Maiden Lan??, Mee s irk. ?:?? ??? ,? nltoga thai he tsusghl ti?? ?tone? ? ? credM with Hie under landing he wne to ?ell I'm .-.Hat? at retail, bnl thai be ??.id bhem oatrighl .?m after be gol Ihetii and then falUsI and ?t.jii lulo It -..Is.-n.v, In? llal.llltia?- U-iwn li'M-ly .fJlKl.lSS?. In muri Hu? a/?^rnoo4i hi? ca?-e was continued till next lililiiy, kill l?rtnis' IK'sl at .fJ.:.(K). THY CAP-ATOXB OF G?? kttBOfOP TI^JP?a: LAID. >alt Lake, I'tah. April ?'?. The r?peteme of the Mor mon Temple wai lai?! al noon to lay hy Presidi?;.! W....! p? ft, . f the Mormon I bareh, la th^ pre?enre of an amembla?? eatlmatad at from sio.isii to .??,??? people. The ceretnonie? wire simple, but of the most Impressivi character, umi Un ^t??rie wa? elaeed In peal? ilon by ele?-tririty from th? .sp.'aker's stand at the ?oath ?iide of the hulMiiif.. Ncailv every hMdlng man of tlie Mormon Church svns ?r.-sent, and the aceaaloa ?a? ?teteed hy tlie i?ea.ple a* one of the most important In their hlstors. A leBOluUon svn? adopted svtth cheers to complete the bulldinK bv April next After Uylnp the sane the conference, ?hlch haa been tu us.sslon toni daga, adjoaraed to next Octolier. p??: strwk at MS. i.or/.s gRTZaEO. Bt lauii?, April ii.-The rtvevtnen'i ?tniu?, which ha? i.ecu on just a week, cud???! ?..?!.?.> is the Anchor Une agreeing to pay the wage? demaaded by Iha ?tiik.-is and by iiie uuiouv yteWiag to tg*-' itmm?kiml Un??-, the ptlvileee of Mltag 000-union ui.'u wii.n they wani t. or wksm eaeaaattg artesa. Iteveael huudred men iliaV? i'fltu.-|i?(l to worlt, anal t.j morrow Ilia l?V?e wisjl nvteeat 1U Oid-Uiua ?????*t???..? ?sud. ?lyuvnjc, A RING-PLUNDERED TOWN. SAD PLIGHT OF JERSEY CITY, CITIZEN? AWAKEN!.!) TO TIIIIR DE-PEEA' CON Dm? ??. ? LONO try* OF FVIf.s BBOCOHT UPON IT BY UX8CRITULOUS OFI-'Ii E I1OL0ER.V-THL' ON'LT REM.'-.UY AND TUP WlV ?? apply it. Jersey City; in proportion u, wenlrh an | pan | MM nu?? ??e ot the most oumbi??,,,.? ami e.i ! p'-naive city governments in tho country ? : the propio tolerate? || hj a mystery not only | outsiders, hut, to the residents. '??? dtp rank. nineteenth among the cities af the fnion. It, hail a population, accorditi? a. ,|lf? census of 1800, Of l<>i,t?87. Its area is twelve square mile?,, ?a tho map. It ? dividefl on the assos?.?rs' map into 104,000 city lots, in round number?, lif these 4?,0?? are mea?low lots. These are entirely un? improved und many ?f them are ?ubmerged at ?ner.y high tide. Railroad and other corpora? tion-?, by legislative aid, have recured over 30, 000 tote. There are Bei over 34.000 upland lota, and of these 21,000 are built upon. The railroad companies pay no local tax, though they contributed about $300,000 a .year Oo the city treasury iiuliroctly. . ho meadow lote, an* unsalable at any prie?*, and have to to? rated at small value for taxation. The 21,000 hoioses bear the main burden of taxaii??n. The realty in the city ia owned by less than 1 7,000 individuale. The ratio Of property owners to a fraction below one In ten of the total population. Any one judging from these facts would imagine that a community of interest would make the property-owner* unite ia favor of low taxes. They have a maj-ority of the votes. Estimating one voter out of five, there could not be more lhan 32,798 voters in the city. But, tho property-?,wners do not vote one way. At leant the ret urne do uot show that they do. Two w?*eka ago the City Controller Issued hie annual report. It snows the city's bonded ?Jeht to Is? $18,173,050 11. Tnis is e<iual OB a mortgage of ijto'JO on each hou?p in the city. In a<ldmon to tliia, ea?h house is pledged for Has pro rata of the county debt. Sixty per cent of the county liability fallu on lamp City. This and other debts bring the mortgage on ea?h house close to Si,000. And tliis is a mortgage which ciiiuiuU lie paid off by the owner. A DECEPTIVE TVX LEVY. The tax levy for the current lis-ail year waa $l,7oo,ooo in round numbers. It wa? mu? li larger in the estimate, but it was cut down to bring the fax-rate below 3 por cent. Tue piluetiua did not result in economy. The difference I ?'tween what was allowed and what wa? asked for appears to have been made good by temporary loans. Tho Controller's report .shows that tin'?? Ioana arretrate $K24,<><>". Altor a year loan? are mot i?y revenue bonds, and gradually enter the bonded debt of the ?ity. The aamc report shows that the taxpayers had paid $1,330,101 30 on account of the tax levy; the railroad coni pames bad paid $20?,84?> ?56 ; tax arrears had brought in $5?s,041 07; assessments hud re.iliz'd }fl4s,?!ol '.'4, and uncir?? ol assessments $14?, 4l? 7i ; liquor tteeaaea produced $330,048 0??, other Hnaiaaa brought in $0,039 71: court fees $3,034 11 ; Health Board perniiti?, $2,47s bj; puh tte decks, $3,458 ?>'??: sewer perniile, $1-303; the sum of tj!?20,023 50 haal been realixe?! by the sale Of new bonds, and $1)24,000 ha?l been botroyved from the banks. This ma?'.e a. total of $4,331,? Oeo 10 received by the city official? in one year. There ate a many small frame house? ia Jersey City, owned by wage-earners. They brina ilio average value of the houses down below $3,.1. A larpe percentaje of the hou.-e.? liavo niortagnges on them, issi.les the city's mortgage. One Jersey City fcavings bank has *???,????,?(?a invested in mortgagee. Many New-Vork institu, tloni hold ?Jersey City*???. Besidea these there are many bull ling ???? a-Mici ?11??ri mortgage?. ? hive mottgB?t? have little eqaitjr f??r the owners. The pi-op?T?v-owner? who can sell are leaving the city. 'Hey are Boatly the weB to ?to. There is a lull in buiiding. The prices foi leai eaUte have Callea moie than 50 per ?ent. Ex-Mayor Siedler left the city. Ilia residence with fifteen lots wa;. sold for $13,04)0, although the stai le and conservatory eoaO as niiieli as that. l.x-M.i.vor Tat ?-l.'s ? si lonce With t"ur lois was sold at miction for $0,044X The atable eoat fully that ?am. Tha Gnnreaal I homestead with titteon lois ara? d"*ea>oaed af for $13,500. The Valentino Euy place w..? sold for $10,1. with six lots. Ihr Isnot house, which ...?t $33,000, brought only ?f*,.?. The ?fradatv ? bergli house, which cost $33,000, was sold for $0,100, leaa sel It's couinnssiui, and the Davy mansion, which cost $40,ooo, wa? dlepeaed of for !>|l7,i"i0. These are sale? u.ali Wiihiii the l:ia?t fortnight ami thov ate only ?yelBiena. Tney are olarotd aniong the finest property in the city. 'Ihe Bwnera bave gone. L**aa desirable piopettp ?a held by Us owiep bf?? tl.e.Y cannot sell, or cannot afford the sacrifice. BCPPEBIXQ 1??G? RTV-OWNT.l-.s. In 1008 the realty valuatlofl wag $04,040j 305, ami the pei-multy valuation $4,071,430, making the rattvbl? value $00,040,733. Tho valuation ?araa Dotably un??.piai. Soni?? owtaers know how to secure low valuation, an 1 other? bid to Buffer. Last year the valuation \?as im-i eased to $81,300,005. It araa returned nearly $0,000?? m o below tins figure, and was mlaed subsequently to keep the rut?' below .! pel cent. The Martin act, a law which provi.h s tm the mia of the tee tor ???liminent taxes ait.-r two .years, pro? hibits a rate In exeeaa <?f ?> per ?ont. By it? terms it becasBtea inoperative when the tax e\ ? ce?!? that Rate. ??? office-holders e.inn.?! <li?|M'ii-e with tli it law, since it foreea the property-owBara to pay their laxes. Ihe t i\ rifletei? and the city tinanclere ?en nei the lisi .?? taxable property, and added to Ihe valuations hero and thep? enoU';h to bring the total tO 1'. ploeiil tiente. They also made some reduction?, m the list of ?'?innate?. Thus I y udtliiioii and subtraction tlie rate waa put below .'i ??t cent. Tuo reduci lona la the estimates were plobablv mad?' goad by the issue of bonds or i?y lemparary loan-, freaa tha bank?. The result to the tax|>u.\er WM ? larger mortgage ?n 1. s hoiis? and an iueioa?e in 1rs tax bill. Racli ven? Mace the now charter of 1080 beeaaia apera? live the ?aipajeil have had a similar expeii'-nce. Why ?? it that th?? prois'rty-own'rs do not unite, irrespective of party, und ?s*?-ur<? a change ? Kvory one who hoars of the condition of the city ask? that queetleai. 'Has brief stat?'inent of the linan cial condition of Jersey City shows that it is Hearing the danger point. The valuation pla?-ed on the property by the assessors was only $7.'?,000,000 tteforc it was forced up to lower the rate. The recent sales show that that waa a very high valuation. This tact has b>en recog? nized by some New-York financial institutions, and they demanded a reduction of their mortgage?), because their rules do not allow- loans iu excess of 50 pej- cent of value. The actual value of the ratable property is probably not ?JrtO,000,O?O t ?-day. and the bonded debt is a mortgage oa every bouse of one-third of its value. Why then, do tho taxpayers continue these officiate in offloe? FRFi'BJOTFi:*? AND BUCCANEERS. Tbe answer to that question revels a danger to which any city may Is? expose,). It presenta a municipal evil for which no remedy has been, devised. It demonstrates the fact that a gang of freebooters? can seize a city and loot it aa effectively an any gang of buccaneers which raided the Spanish Main. Begin n?ug operations in a single election pre? cinot, ths political banditti s?>oursd ptao? atta? ylaoB, until thox had. tOOJOt'oli"?' o?. ?14