OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, July 29, 1892, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1892-07-29/ed-1/seq-2/

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taw. Bangtet, tro WIM oro ?a it fhst he rioes not get.
away. .hi- limiter aghi stota. taken up by the polli*?
nutboriti?- ali over th? l'nlted Mates,, and the An
archUt- ai? ?sitai wii*<,"*<1 al ?very turn. I Or? not
thin'?; that 11,.t Oaa be watched t??, much. This
Aiianlil-t i|ii^tlon has arouse.1 th?* whole country, and
the polne of <??< i. city bave let ?d?*d lo find ?tit Jn-t
liow .-troiiK they ??"?? N" om? lure had any idea
the number of people "f t-hl- Ici tel we have had in the
two cities. WO have furiii?tlir<l ?BUM valuable jx.Infar?
to the j?.Ih" "f other cities, nnd they have heJped
n-, a.nd Ihers is not a protntneot Auarchi?t In the
country tliat could not bo urr? *>t?d on an hour'1?
H was 11)1*01 Ui to nlirht that .lories A Lliiighlln,
of Uie American Irmi Works, had decidisi lo ttik?? ????
tilth 1 tits Amalgamated A.??i? mil hi, and thut they
would -tart th-li- Immensi* plant with non union mm.
?ihe-.* ?rorkfl ore among the largc.-t la the country,
and employ 3'aOO men. ka. F. J???* 1- Ihe principili
Sylvester (fit.hlew, one ..f the striker- rharged with
?arder on the tiav of the Hot, applied for ralease
on ball to-day, hut his raquea! Was rvfu-cd, and
he wa- reminded to jail for trial. At the bearing
.-?venal witncsso, .-w.'i??- thai they eew CMtohlow load
???;-! Ih?? ?? gun ut the barge-. In rrfii-lng stall
.liidge, tstogOg said th" cas? wa.- ?lose to mui-dor In
the first degree. Iloffb ??'Donncll's policy at that
time wa- tot i> oee; tata man's care ali the Urne trag
for blondabtd flit? lilow's attorney? suv they will
be able to prove that he was not behind thi.* barricate,
that day.
VYllllHni (ateo, BAI ther s?lker. t?as released on ?*I0.
OOO hall.
The Carnegie off?n** on Fifth uve. arc now ???.<t
ronstnnt siirvellluiic?, of the polle. Suspicion- h-.k
Ir.?? eliMrui :<*i- Imve been hittertng ?iV-nnit ?he building
foe sss?ora| day-, but tt? att?"t.?pf tvas mode to enter
It. Tout offi.vrv an? now -tatto;:?*?, rmt-?.?!?? und In, tuid
all ?WBJaMOBal periosti are h'M to n?'v?> on.
A nias*?, meeting ?rai held at Dmiuesme yet-terduy
?*afu*Js?(K.!i. at ?rtrleh tv. ft, Caney, flret ?ire pra-a????*
of th? AiiBilia-aiiui'aiSd ? --...?:???":?. Has present ?ml
ma/loan addrest?, AH Ofterattves, im ludlinc a* ? t*lK>T
ers. wen? ?admitted l > membership In the association,
end the pittisi ?- ?' ?? in?'!'" orgsi-m/'?! tl?au imv mill
In Wwtarn G"?:!?-.???,?.??. It I? yot idls?. und tie
?atn;i!l"!i peaeefnl.
Hugh < i'Donnell has left II .me?l?'..d qulellv. and is
pn.hiil? ? ..n hi- w;iv Boat again. Mis. ? I'Moiin. II
nn- quite pervous tin- morning, ami siild, when ?ataed,
thnti her husband tea? awsy on private business. It
I? not Baderei ??? here iliai tlie labor leadw lias any
particular mission East.
<'amp lila. It Is hs.klnp rahher dn'iiir now. Bereral
rerlinenls have BjOftO, nini others gre br'-AMna? ramp.
Miijor i..'in;:il SlWVfdcn and slafT left hen* Mil- ?ift>T
iio'n. in an Interview tli?* cimmandlng offlcer s.iid :
*"The aroopa hin?" behoved admirably, th** dlsripHno
being atflaost perfect. I am w.-ll ?aliased with the
showing. It I- d?*plorabh\ Indeed, that a conditi.?n
azktl whlrli re.|tiiies the colling ont of sta*/* m ? lilla
every two or toree year- t<> suppress trout.>- arising
out ol orage disput?e. Some other mean? of sctlling
th. se trouble? ?botad bo arrived .it."*
The ?!???:??--???? is prevalent among the sohllers
wslio arc to remain that tuey Will not M kept longer
than the end of nezl week.
Tiiree Anarchist? under the gata? "f WorAWngmen
gained Adml-sion to t'ic mill and wer.? secretlv d;-?
tribiittng literature anione the men and trying tu malie
convert?, poaofbly with tin* intention r.f dea?tr'?viiu.' tb?
filant. One of'the workmen told Mr. Potter, who
mmnllafely ordered the Anarchists put out of tho
work-. That \v*s two d?vs BgJ?, ?nd now the polii;*
?r<* hunting the men under t?*llef that they were
impllcat'-d. m the g"incrr?.l plot rigaln*-t th?? CarnegSH
bv the ?? Rc*d?." Tlie flirt-e Anarchist- ?eetti to hare
dii-ppesietl. and u? th? ? sfinitesi the workmen plenty
of money, it 1- pisnnmt-1 went to New-Yurk.
THE ?????.'??.?? OF IAMS.
jrr>r,F. r.r.rivKv thixk.** it was not .tr?mnF.n.
ix-Jiidpe Frrslericlt (;. f.<*dney, who wn- twenty
two T?>ars In Uie Nation?! liiiard. having enll?!?^ a? a
private In the ,17th N.-w Yorl; Stftf?? Militili, ????? heilig
mtistertvl out major of the Bt*. Nciv-York State Militia
In ls-1. Batas? no! think the treatment, of Prlvfite lam?
?ras justified. He said yesterday that he luid read
the iirroint of tho lams matter tw.il the neivspnpvr
comments thereon. Ho n.tici*d that some papers had
fciated that an action would He at-ilnst the htatc of ?
Pennsylvania. "01 OOttfOg till- I- simply ni.nr-eli-e,"
laid the .Tudce. '? The Mate of I'enn-ylvanl.i kiands in
th" (jm? lipht as ?n Individual ?reoponMble inly tol
th?? authorl/M-d act? of it* apeiits and Only for such
matter?; as rome within the ?ef.jx* of an officer'? au?
thority." The .tndpe considers lh.it it wa? aO pi?rt Of
the ?lulv of 11:?? rnnimniuliiifr otlicer In coninilt BOOk ?th
set of cruelty aR tMnalag up a privat? by ti"? tlnimhs.
*? I eutinniit G:??????1 sire-iini?, who ("oiiimlit.-d thi* Ott??
rage," ?aaW lie, 'and uenenil SnowiU-n, wMo lndor-i*d
andi approved of It. arc both responulble perssmnlly
in heavy ?l?magei?, for they actt^l without authority
of law.'
"The duty of (Lionel j?trentor was to have had
the offendine private arrested and tiled by a court
martial. I am awa.-e that lams committed a very
grave offence. At- a soldier it was no p:irt of his
duty to appiuud as^.ts-liintion ; on tlie fintrnry. Ml
very aojoaeoca there was for the purpose of helpltip ta
restore law und ortler to that region. It i- not pn?t?
able that the solditrs of rennsylvanla would havo
car?-4 to have had such a f.lliw among them, bul
would have hen perfectly willing thai he should hr
di-pnu?si ? t being drammed ont of camp as unworthy
of being a cotnnvl.?. When I read of (?.lonel MteatOT'l
a< tlon In the matter I expe4*toi to .?ee. the proceed
iiigs at tssOO <'.iiniermuhded hy (leneral Miotrdcn, but
was ania7.?-d to learn that he had approved of It. If
(a.lonrl streator's action luid bean iiccessir." to main
lain dlsilpliiie on a field of r*a(Me, in the presence of
an enemy, there might have tie.-n sui!:,? possible escasi
for It; but even then u dmrnliead court-martial might
have been held, and the proceeding? conducted lu a
lawful mann? r.
"Article XXV of the Aiticle> of War Of the fulled
Statt??; r????!- :
"No ?8*en or ?/.Idler shall use any rej.roo iifui or pi*a>
veiling tgJUlbta Any s?.ld.?r uliu sn nfl-iiila ?lmil li
^?<au?st<"d la a?k sablea sf tl.?? isiriv ott-ridid lu the pies
?nee of his commanding odi", r.
"lam*? bad offended every soldi'?* of the regiment.
If In Uie servite of the fulled sut???, tho otfence, of
which Iftmv was guilty eines under Artide LXII
Of the Article? of War, which reads a- follows:
"All crimes not capita!, and ail dl?Ofder? and neglect?,
which BsVer? and ?abtltr? ri ?iy l.e gallty if. t,. lb?
prejudice of r?...'l order sod milltaiy dlselpltae, tbaogh BOt
menlioned In ihe fomcomg attlcle? of asir, ar?? t a Is; (afeea
rosnl/anc? of kg? a ??????? ral or a r'TiinnUl garrlv.n, or
Beld odlcer?? court-martial, accordine to tti<? nature ?nd
degree (J the c?-nte. and punl'lied at %%'? dlscr-tiori of
?uch ccirt.
'The Artille? of Mur of tho frutad Mutes dr. hire
Out there shall be no cruel ganlshmmts Inflicted
ui*on ???<1?.??-.
"I halo Been a number of men drurnmed out of
cnnip 1 ? n.y tin:??, and In nearly every ease there has
been some blunder coline?raed with It In fart, tho
first cas? I ever saw was a mo-t ludhrous one, yet
not without 11? sad side. ? privat/?, had been a?'
cused o' stealing a silver tratet from a commde and
was sentenced to 1?'? drummer] out of ??imp. Now to
properly carry out tMs order, a corporal'? guard, with
bayonet? Hied and pointed at him, hhould have
niarrh?*d him up ami down (he regiment to the tune
of The Bogtif/a March.' A- a matter of faci, a
torporal- guard dil 'carry arms'; and the ttfc and
drum ?orp?-, plaving -Tin? i.lrl 1 Left behind ate,'
really ?at oi-te?] th? thief out of camp; and to ?oahg
mattorr. VKir.e. the fellow ua- a siibslllute for a regu
lar member of tlie lasirliiiont Who ii.nlil not attend,
and be bore the name of tl.c uh.-eiit member li.-t'i.d
ef his own; and to tlav It siami- In general order? in
ihe. hl?V>rv "f thm regiment thai a hlghV honorable
man bad b?*en OOllVlcted of stealing t wut/ h ami liad
been drummed otta of hi- regiment.
"1 presume In the event of a suit for diiinag"?
rtrong mitigniing tlitnntstonie? in behalf of the
geneiai And i-oione.i win ?? the wortbteaa character
Of Ibi- ?oldli-r litins. It I? riportiti that he was at
one time, found asleep at his po-t. This offence
would BO piitil-hal.l?? with death in time of nur: (hen
tho peopW* of this country do not lulo- Kindly |n men
wh?> appl.i'id a--a?Inutloii. still, eien that ?lid iif>l
justify th? nnautborlted act und the tortoro lnfllcti-d
upon the sofllcr Ry the lli-in,-riant-colonel.
"If w?s In the province of a court martial to
?unisti the offence of lams, as provided for In Article
LX.XXVI u? Anieles of War, which ????1? a? follows:
"A court-mart ?I tniy punish, at discretion, any person
who ?????? any in? na. lug nord?, ?iitiis or g.-atur.-a In it.
?.-- ?-?.-.?. or "bo disturbs its pioeeediii.'s hy any ?lui or dis
"'lodare la not jiermllted In the lirltlsh arm v. Tills
is ihe s.ale: Death, penal servitude for a tonti not
exceeding tire year-; impels?.urn? ni, with or without
hard labor; discharge with Ignominy from Her M?J
esty'? service; is-ductlon In the chi?? of a non commi?
fcloned olili er to a tower grade, or to the rank-i flin's
and forfeliure. Article V of **?ytlon -14 of Ui?? llrlttnh
Army Articles ?.ay? :
"(soldi? rs offending may *-^> imrilshed, hut such punlaa
m?nt shall not cau?" injury t-j ;ifo or Hjah.
"The Hrltlsh Army Article?, s?Htlon 117, i?a-1:
"Any officer or non commission*-? offlccr who shall strike
tt lU-tre.t any ?oWl?rr aliali, ?a conviction, be caah 1. ri?
troni tlie wrvlie."
Ja ? <?? ?. Wliltoi?, a cleik in ihe en.pU.v sf loflin, Al
ten.Us k lo.. .1 n',?"|. coiiiii.lsslon iinn-uanu at Nn. ?;i
Worth-st., d?nie? that the liitervlnw abuul 1'rtval??
Iain?'? case, published in The Trlhune of last Wt?lni**4ii.v.
and attributed to Mr. Whlton, I? authentic. Mr. Whlton
ssys that he did not talk to a rcportor. a Trlhune re?
porter, however, on last Tuesday did tulle tilth a man al
Mo. 79 Worlh-et.. and he ?airi that hi? name wa? Jam?*? II
Whlton. The reporter sisdent.v wa? Imposed upon.
Bsalth aV Anaell?? Black Raalary la t'D?nrpa?a?d
Oaolaf and wearing ouantto?, to tao beat ani umamtL
?Wtsil? at ????&at uri cm.
Chalrniiin Thomas H. Carter. Of the NuM-mul lie
pullirmi Coin mit tee, did not retarli hfOBI Wnshlupl'm
yeateriay, bat Secretary Mdi.u .sohl thai be looked
for Mr. Curl, r Ihl?, morning. In the chairman'? .ab?
sence Mr. M.ijunia? was devoting blm-.lf t'i the
routine fcastneas which bad aerumuliiteil ??t the tempo
lary hendiiuarteis. and getting a? much Of It dlftpd ed
or ils possible. Tlie work of flttltii up the p-ruinuent
h'Hil'inarlei?? of the c'Hiiinittec al No. Ol" Flfth-SVe.
gin-, forward, and Mr. MoCoina?? ?till ?Beets to -fri
?rttli-d tkT? befnre the end of ih?? week.
< lailruuui HacUett, nt the BUU Kepublictn head?
quarter?, put in a busy day yeatcrday In apile of Ihe
heat, and kept all of bis u??l?lant? a? bali ut WOT* SI
he v?a?. "Kverythlng i? goiag oo woB," he M?id. ?? i
havenl lime to ge Intoietal?a, bat we have aeen noth
lug to ?lumi us yet. (>n the contrary, tb.? BepoMlcan
outlook In the Stala wn? never better fc? aj-j ]?i?i week
In July cluiint- my recolle?Hon.''
chairman Hatrity, of the Nail.i?al Democratic Com
mittee, occupies Ruiini No. 1 at Hie Twenty ? bird st.
entrance of the Fifth Avenue Hotel as hi? temporary
headquarter?, and wa? represented to bS hard ui WSStj
there yesteuJar making up Ml 1??1? of noted Democrat?
alio m? to s-*fln*BOBS hi? BXa. utiv??, Campaign ?mil Ad
vixiry committee?. At a lat- hour lt?t evening Mr.
IliiiTlly said thut they were not In ?i sufliclently fbr
ward sute to give to tlio public. They will probably
be announced today.
The chairman spent a part of hatl evening in con
Miltadon with ? akin S. Urbe, his piade cs-or In oftice.
and Cliiirics .1. ranis. thS flMMai ti-OHsiirer ai Hie licmo
.ratic National Commit ice, WBOOS -anti 4snappt*r" pro
cllvltle? made him so objectionable to the ?? Snapper'
element Unit In? was fonivi IO iniiUe way te Boberl
h. Bo4*ee**elt Mr. BauesveM ??? ?me of the "hnnp
p.-rt"' who declared at <'bleat-? thai ('levcland ttuild
not carry New York and tliat his nomination would
Imperil Di mocnitlc su'<e-s. Mr. l!rir<? ?unie over fi.,m
Washington, it waa ?a:d. t.. give Mr. Harrity tbe b.mcbi
t?r bi? experience in making up bi? committee?..
The four-itoi-y building. Bo, i;ifi Hfth ave., nren
Twentieth ?l? bu? beca leased by Mr. Harrity for in??
D?mocratie National headquarters for the campaign.
It l? a browntrtcme ?tructure, containing twenty roomt
and inn adapted to Ihe p?s-??--.?. ?in..? Democratl.
politician?, who tie-ire t?? enter it unobserved, can do
?o by wuv of u Tweottetb-at. entrance. Boli snd
ieil.1???? 1>???????<?p?1? will pa-? In at the fronl en
trnnce. In 11 fib av.?. Mr. Ilarriiy espectt to hav?? it
re;uty (or occapancy in a week.
wrosas. op republican cwts.
- THE SPEAK i'.ll?.
A por?fl?l7ed eniwd of Hcpubllcans met WeinesBny
evening at the he:td'|iiurtcr? of th?? 1 nlt<^1 Republican
Club of the N'XIVUi A?? mhtv Dl-tiht at NO. lJo9?
Avenue A. it eras icoMci t-? raise a llavrrlsoa sai Beli
banner in the ?our-?.? of (?boat two week?. It x-x .11 hang
in fmnt, of the ehtbroomi In Avenue A, near Eighty
fourth el. Mnrrit? Ib-ntty made a brief BSairSSI 90 Ihs
" Duties of the Voler In Tins t-.limatigli Atenliet Prei
Trade. ^ ???? srai listened to with atteatloa ind tt-satly
applsaiei at times. A. Numi alvi mail?- ? ?li-art ai
The club wns orfantsei last November us tie? On
wind l?epuhllraii Club, and it now hu? TO BMVlberi
und l? new naines wer?; pi-opoecd Wednesday. Meet?
lilt's will be held every Wednesday evening through
the campaign! the next meaUng i? on August .'!. when
the ipscial cxHamlHee on tbe banner ?,n report. Tbe
officer? an? Joseph T. lieti?, president j I. Cooper, ???'
retary ; F.. Ptiril-lii, Irastitr; M. Behamaun, ei
geant at iirin? ; George IlaitiJ.-y, chairman of the G?
naneo Cotniiiitt??". atnl I.oiil? Horn, chairman of lb* Kv
ccutlve Committee. Among the prominent mem ??
are c. w*. Bytes, K. B. Brhwsrts, George Brit?, II. W.
Jober. L. B. Keiinuii D. I:. Ncvmii.iIi. Benjamin New
mail, c. Llltman, Joseph Power-, Edward Price, John
S. P.utler, Ueiirv?? Colgate, W. Doran. Robert < '??!
land. William Huniphrei ?. K. IE ??.??:??, .1. (iotllcli,
R. l?oeder, C. l.raulle, 1. Kais, Henry Horn ai.J
Charles PUper.
A large snd ??; Ihuslaittlc ratdtior meeting ws ' Id
VTi*dneaday evening under Un? snapii-ot ol Ih tl
men'? Protective [arid League .>' Ihe end of ???.????..
Dr. .Itibu t'u'lghtoii ptciedtlig. Tliei-? Were ?? v.r.il f ai
spitakers prei-ent. asaOBO Wtcoai ??>?:- Qi ?rge A. Ilunt-r
and ('hark-? Valen'ln.?. who dtv.-lt largely on .
Iloti (o American I ti il m tri e., and Ib tinti.- tbe axjrh
lagrnea owed u> tbcanaelreat sai families by lappori
Ing las candidates of piutliMnu and icciproclty,
U.-?rge A. llut.fer. on IMng lnler?diiee?l, ?aid: " II ' ?
wxirklngman will think tut m I for Mm-.?* be irill ioob
learn that his true inter???; lbs In the prom,,? ? of
the Industrv ihat elves him (t*sa)*aj*a -ni. If he per
nil:? t.b pai.-!,?ii- and prejudi? ?s to cava?! him to ? trn
Ball an act of ?iggtc-siun ng:iin?-4 ihe i:u1i?tiv of 1 ? I ?
Muplaier he in ? greater sr ha? d-gree cripple? bhn
?elf. TbOas ?hn ?uff'-r m i<l ar? wiv. .v.d cblldrei
of t.hc amlliiauirti ne tin?-?? depende? nixm Ihcm. s??
In cattlnit th?4r vote?, if the lidien sete ???'? Ihe party
who?? policy ?? to (cater t .-.?? Indnttriet ol ? for?
jiaihti gomlng In ?ompetiii >u wit;. Hm Indarirtei thai
gives >ilm hi- ilallv head Hiev -1 ri li.- a il-aily blow
at (Mr own Inteiealasni those dependent ui>-.:i ?
4:?iarl?-- Valentin??, 9*noOR CrUier Hill g?. ?aid : ?? w il
G?- workliigrri'ii a*aal to ?lav 1- a l'r?sl?*?',it wie? I
tieyutid all qaaritoa Invai und true to the Intel????t- ??;
the work1ti(rmen, nnd In nil n-spects a man who can
fathom the ieelgna of every Earopean Power; s atan
who ail! prut'.f everv AJMtrtcan Inda ley. ' ?'? ? In
ter???!, everv American ritisea MttaraBi ?? as a*sU a?
natlv?? Is.rn, wherever be miv be; a ????? wlu. will
not v..'Id ?m stem <?! KaUonsI Imnur lo nil th? I
Of the ?-arili romMu'-d. ? muri fullv ahi?? IO malntaln
the rights SD? lee.or of our Nailon, and U.at man 1
Besdasatn HtwriatM."
Keaolutloii.? wer?? iitiiiblmoti-lr ad ipt.'il, Indortll?g
the H.publleiin pliitfnrui, ani Itivitlne ?Il workliigniei,
it**?roaS of Joliiing the VVorklngmen's Proiectiv?? Tarli!
Lesgru lo ?-?mi Unir names ami sdiresaes t<> the
Prealient, Dr, John Prrtgblon, or t" the lecretsry,
William ???!?? Jr., Ro, 4SI \V.?r,t ? un.? hundred and
Hit v .?'(ond ?t.
The XIXHi ??????1?!? Mrdriel *'?.?',???1 irepii?,'!? an
Club held S ?VWetlng W'ilIieMlaV evening vi hl? ti ??;??
largely Httctided. Tb?,ma. Tucker -?,lo? Strongly ?nd
sMy on the Indorsement f,f Michael J. PeatOfl BI ????
(riet leade;?. The foROWlag ?a- adopted I
f*. ?olved. Tbat w.. Hi? membcrx "f ini- club, do
Indorse Ibe Hon. Michael J. Pentoli as lead? of the
i.ew XXVlHth Asseuibiv HNtrlct. and hope ti.at a
union and seulement vull |h? mude.''
Nl*.\v MFaMBEItR POR Tlll.li: BATTEItY.
T!??v inembei? of the Twsnty-elgbth Ward Repub
il? ?m Hiitteiy, of Hr.,.,kit n, turned out In Urge
numb.?!? on Wed ?-?da ? evening to alieni the regular
weekly taeattag of Ihe rt**ssiiiaatkm. Tbe bolter) has
Comfortable h?ad.|iuuleis in Ebbri Hull. In I".!?'? it
St., Iienr HiisIiwk-k-ave. Tblrty-elpbt Be? in?
vivre added to the roll, making ? total ??*???!. r?lilp
Of 11.'.. The follOWllir; oftlc?'!'? Were (llos.li (Of the
campaign ; President, William a. lk*oth; sei***?*tBry,
John H. Rfley; lt*raaurer, a. d. |*aekner; captain,
?..-?irp.? I'. Bril; IlliHine ?aammltt??.?, BtgeloW M'-elur.
Patrlrh Unllfovle. P.. J. Knit, ?, bob. William DUI On
and Charles P. Tick? II. A commit!????, comprising
Mc?srs. Bril, Pailuier mid William A. Halloran, wu
iippt.lnl.d on ??????????.
r?*Ks?iL1TIi)Ns BY Till LATTIMI >RK AS?mriATH?N.
The viinii aenthn? di?l nut ?p???? th" Sxembers ol
tin? Qaoif-e \v. utU*M?re Aaavi-ristlon from bavlog ?
-awwded mr-rllng on xYetoeadsy night m Ihrir i?",m
In West sixtieth ?t. Ten nsrw m?sabers a*0rs added lo
the roll. Pr.?ldei,t Dol-un, In hi? ipeecb, imid.? nu
ateroni refei*niis lo tao ubi?- nigumcnt of Itenaior
Aidrich in the staute uism imo of the taaln It-am a ol
the (nmpalgn, luumly. Pn.tetUon vs. Pros Ti-ade.
llosi.hit!??!!? were siso udnpted denouncing the Tain?
mnny Hall Rcnyiiuinil'i?, und tbe evpi"s?l,ui of e\ I*rcs
Ident Cl.veliiitd In r.gnid to th.. s.? ealei " lone bill.*'
I'lher resobiil.ui- une p;is?ed aiSSiaalSg Implicit en
tldetica In the fit ? ess und ability of the l!ev. .1. It. B.
smltb. suit? rommlHi-eman at lartrc, and his eltets ??
form ? campnlKii comniltte?? of tiie colored (ratera, A
iiumbir of speeches were nmde.
The Repiihllcan? of the IVth Assemblv Dntrlit will
hold a inc?'llng ut H.-bivw Institute Hall, East Lroud
way and Jelfei-toii st., ?t ? p. m. tomorrow, ?renerai
Oeorge A. bherldan and oilier? will ?p. ali.
A big ratification moling under the iitwplcen ?if lh?.
regular orgiuil/.ulloii uf ? be di-tibt a m ?*. bsAf In Un
Vtli Assimibly District (formerly the Vltln, ?l Apollo
Unii, No?, pjii ?nd In?) ?????.??-st . ai s ..?. ?,,,? ibi?
evening. General George ?. Sheridan and other? will
?peak and John .??.???,?-? win pp-nlde.
Milwaukee, Wit., July '-"H.-The Denio?r-it!c -tate
Central Commlttoc lias decided OB Mllwaukoo a? the
plwc, nnd August G',1 ss tbe time, for th?? cunvenUon to
nominate a t? ate ticket.
New route to i*aul smnh'.?. Chiblwold, stirante tnd
Topper Lake?. Through sleeping cart via ?New-York
Centi at ,:.
t onliiinert from lirai Page,
the floors with mud and doing fully ??-.,??? dnnmge
to building.?, machinery and slot???. The oil In three
ditemi under the ?torebonse was ieotei up nnd iar
rled away. Thi -ame n.inpiinv'- traili ant that of
Ihe Illinois t'entrai VU Wandtet] ?ml for a distaine of
300 f????' north of this city, ami ?ill train? :.r?? dcliiv-rl.
I'ullv ptO.OOO damage mi-? d"'"' t" ?llOvU In this cttv.
Ughlnlng -iruck In a ???/???? places In Uie cltjf, but
did not do min Ii duiiiag??.
? .?? -
THE sikkkpckivs ni.miu;u MHaUtaVm
i-XTi.NT OF IHE ii'T tVAVB NOP ? ? ? M Ml ? D
- WIT. HIN'? I'll ?'?.?.?? WKATU 1.11.
Clilrag". July ? ?--I" ?'?mil.?An ?i? -faiaMone?)
tliii'.il. ??|?. Mi al."i:t ? ?0 this ?.'Venirig lienild.-d th'*
, uiii'i?.? ol tii<- ?uve of rool air wMefe the safferlng
people, haV? ?a?? looklns lor. The breeze tr? nlrhl 1?
,? .?./l otre and ?iftor?!- great n*!M. Alttsmgh tli?
nienurv did not ri-.? 01 Mgh 88 ?Vtf as y,-!.-iil?iy, M
ws? up to W ilcf'?- part of tir* time, and ui.'niv
weak people ?nani ?town. Dp to ~ p. m. twenty -it
dtathl from he it trave b-M) reported by the poljoc
?ir.d the Health flurcs-u e t,?cri? to I, fir t?f g| h-jsl a
do/en m.r? t * iilgiif. The ni'.rt'.llty among lior-cts is
gtr*eai, tTp to thi- evenin?' ISO ???a? horaea luv,?, been
re|??>rteid for today, and I! i? stiif??l bv t*he health
ofli? Lai? Unti ?"in? thing BlO? 100 1???-*t< a day have,
tied dining th?? booted sp.-ll. Kven the, cows have
!11<-U ?? pi ?t'.-t ggSdlBlt thO iotillniiaU.?n Of tl.ls but
tt.-utlier by if*(u..ng t<> #*? tiie.lr asatal QMIllMg of
milk. A? a ro-iilt. many of the lurge
dairies In the ?Uv B*? pat to great
liiciiiiveiileiic.j In ?pftlftng th.-lr nistomer-.
*o im- they have l.c.-n ?.in ???? ful In getting what milk
I? re.|iiin-! for the iride hv -llpplni from nunier-oil?
rotiiis throughout the OotwUT, hut the ?oppiv Is dully
growing ?-mailer, and uiil'-s the Weather lluresu give?
? ?',.?.?? weathirr ?tasa, "r ?|?? cows relent, CMcacoani
will b'? tonfi Pillati ?Ith ? milk fumine. NotwithMitiitl
lug tho fa?t that aW,000,000 gallona Of water |>er day
at being pumped Into ihe city mala*, the uuUying It?
mi!, uro suffering feom B ?OrlaOS shortage of w iter,
and nil over tbe .in people living above ii?? s.-..?mi
?tone- have noi been able to draw w?vtor from theti
bui t. tor leverei -tal -? Ihe poll ? har? ?em oi-t, ? ,?
lo make a Im i-c to hou?e raum*? ???? ?hut off tin
necessary u?e of niter.
?-cheii.?. n.ilv. N. Y., July 'J-1.-The heut i*oiitliiu>?
oppre- lie here, ihoiigh no .n-?-i of prustrutloti have
v. ? been reported. The ih.imom. tei nnnle ?a r>-c,.nl
mis gaofittnc, re?ft**erl8*j In tao ?hui).? at n? o'.io.k
100 ti.gif-, and Bl n oVlorh i"i ?ivgi???*?. wlUi nulo
or m. he?008 -inring
Trey? N- V? Juit .'-.- The lew peral ure In ihi- ? ? ; ?
testarda) r. ?? !?.-?? ??? aVaTee? In the ?had?, The
avet*ag* mailman tempemture fut the past ton day?
im- b.en '-'4." degrees.
Iti.:?. Bf. V.. July 'J-1 AI S ? tu, tt.,? theimotn. ter
rt*sditerod W d? ??t????*? in the shade. A sattghl brees?
i.-ii;?-if?i the beai ? '??? rhal The potriettage ..? ha
mldlty i- lari,.?, ami mah??? Ihe hittt lunch more i?p
pn's-li ???.
1, rileni .??. l*f. .' . -I ut ? fi ?mham ? ('?..'? bric.;
yards ?hai down vea-t-rdaV OH ?.?count of t!|.? h.-at
1 l.e m,-n ?rere nimble to ?urk lu the e lu y bunks with
tin? lli-niiom.tcr at Iti ?VaglOe*. ????.- Joliiivii. a
?Vii!.??!: i-ar old ?oli ol WjiIUt John . Of this ill..
wa? ?1.1, "in?* b\ th.? heal on the ?trevi here re?
letalav ai?! Ml up,?h the pat m -ut.
(javrego, Jal? ?a*. 11?- IhenossiBaWet ?a ? o'etork
irgl-tei'si 78 degrees; the highest peoni rOBekted dur
mg the ?i.i> oras Bl. .
Albany, ? ? . Jnly ?.'- aetheriitooBOtor regi tared
'...?. In the hart.? at :t "'. I??? ii. H?" hem I- mure Bp
pi?--in* than a'.? <J*v th'? meli ou ?.."uni ot the
-i.?.-a-ii?? humidity.
ftowhttrg. n. ... Julj --. ? he anerrnry r,r:g"<l fu.m
?ej ?,, [Ni m Ihi? -halle lien- |bll aftOf. B. I?" BOM
vere ? rostrated by the h? al,
Loskporta M. ?.. July Sa. t Ughi toll "f p
.,?????,?,,? -? in. ?- ii.it .i"l the ali.|.??."? A1 3
? ?,.. ??: ? . .-?? ol prestiii. .?, i\ hea! no? reported,
rbo i'.?m ?;.?? !?? r? ?? '"? ??- '
Kyr.-?-. N. ... Juli '-'- I'?? " 1er at 3
j.. m. -t.. ?1 at ?? In tl
Kingston, N. ? . -1"!? -? ? * Ihe Bftti ?????.*? ???utiv?
dej ????? ti.'-ni' ni't'i hate r gi u?i*ed ia*i?..-ei. m tust
inn ???.- .?. ?a ibi lu ??? 11 ??" t ?? . ni i! ..'. bm k
il W:i- \- il'-i'i-r?. Ueportrl il'.:;. '
tl.al it ?- bot in the maj.iil) "f pUVrO? OOling 1!.?
hai I....I m il.- rveplugi sod oiuIi.k Ihe Bight.
? . ion, Ma?., July 'Je- li?" Bpell "f inton ? I.? ii
?ha? lu.- p.ei .il-? ? here toi Us .? ' loui Baya wa?
hr?.!.' n today l.j ? r. Ir ? ha)
The il.?unou,.''t at the ? nlbrd -;?it. Signal Oll
J ]?. m., r-.-l lered Vi I !! ?? tret .?? I BO ?1
ne ?."in yeati rito). Throe e uf heal pro
?ration, 'fi. of totea total, ??t reportai ???
roornti g,
'?.,?.,?!?!. N lui) W. Ili' ????,|??t;????? loar??
t..?lay i-i- been '.?- degtem, un? ?Vi I et Iban
yesteiday, ? "? ? hamldlt) ni Ihe atutospher? 1- mach
greater. ? Laborer ??..?..??1 .? !>-r.i.?" ?:? ,,?.t. .m.
?,y ??..? beat while ?hovelling cual In MM villi, ind
Springfield, Ms . July S If '!? tampers tare In
Ihi iny continu?* to .?" up a II hi been doing In
ih.? Lisi f.-M dar?, yankee Ingenuity ? il have to add
a fw more Inehe? t<. II..? ih-i ???????? 1?t. ?? BOOB
toda) ih? unii un -?...?? a US, alito i?n boat latte
n bad gone up t? '?>'?'?. or two degr?? - botici lhaa
yesterday il U??? .-?iim um.
.n-?? Haven, ?.)., Jol) --- ?he Intense hoot c?t
11 n u?-- In ihi.- city ind nHghisirbood, the toermometH
registering ?? degree? ii ismsu t ???\. The huiuldl
in.t a?, great, boweiser, and there I? .. fresh br?ese thai
tempri ? lb? beat.
Hartford, Conn., Julj _? ? TW ?? the p....? np
]ir." Ire day thai hai ?.'??? ??\??p???.?-?? ?Inee Ihe
h'iii'sl hen? .et in. I!??? 11.-ru.omet-r r. ?.dati-r? ?1 -il
??' 3 o'clock ibi ?.nlng. end al - p. m-, to Ihe
-.linde, sti.d at 101. it I the holte-t ?pell star?
the ?umili.-r of l-7?i, when neaii) 9J?0 peraoli? lier?
vi re ? itoti iy affei toi b) ih? beat
1 r... I.l.'ii.-, B. i., Julv !??. I lie wather ht ?? ? ?
?sever ?.??'.:\ and ti.- mert'ur) I till ui? nnwmg Um
ni ne tie?. :iiih"ir.'i ?? strong wind ?- blowing.
?\????.????.??..??, i) I., .lull .-. ini.- taddlUooal death
from ?? -it occurred this tuoruliig. .\u the vtrUuu
?-?- .,?,er, "in- t,i w u ,-,?,-, ? hot ?rave.
ttalttmore, July tw. Tlie tbundersto ? "f I? * even
lag had tl??? . :!.11 m abating Usi n-tusrknhl* high usai
perntur?? .f the two or three dst preceding, and Ihr
i. ?ip.-?iliii?.? tortai'. Bit bough --I?I high, w.i- in. ? ??- op
pie-.slie. ? h.-ir ?.?- n ?. ??G?? ?.ibi?? ? ?.??? , .,11 ||?? moni
Im'. At ?.?? Ih- ???.?:?,"?!?? !??!? ??m ??,-.? :?'. degms?.
iT?eie wen? atony pmatratlon? i-.d.-.v from the h-ni
Wn inn.?!.luh .?. ? ?- in.?\,n,um leinpcreiui*
reached ul \V??hlnglon (??tot a a? -..ii degrees, ahlch
\i ? - ?'. ii.gi'-?? ?.-!?.? the blgrsssl "f *???'? rdsy, There
wore. ?:?.?\? v-i?. ?cveral pns? ration? front ibe heat.
\i 7 o'clock in.- evenlug Ito? lemj*e!-aturo bad fallen
?eversi degree?, ,inrt the Indlcatltoi? aero much ????1er
Amsterdam. N. v. July 2? r1?? bol wave eonUn
lie- I,, pieviill In the N?ohawk Villici. ,????.| to ?luv .it
I p. m. tbe men un ??,-.??-?????.??? ss degree in the shade
Mi.inifi. ? u ??, ? ?- ni?.. toiiiUaslnlng limi ih? heal bas com
ne lieti nui!.t ..f their hands, e->i?-einll, 11?? glru, to
leave erork. It l- ??Umated ?thai fuiii jo.? ?,-?-???
.it??? .m.i.'i ti om the min an ii.ni account.
Mliwiiiik?.?. Jnlv 'J-, ? ll-?????, Ul- , ?l,.p.,l,h ?at^ :
"A liuinhr of persons were .<;lcbr.?ttng |h?? wedding o(
?? >?.,inn.? , ,,ii|.i,- named ??.?,?.???. aa tto?nmr'e lahind.
?bout .-ia-!.! mil, . n,.m )....?. \.-t?T.li,y ?G?,-p.?.
The .?.mpniiy were seated Bilder a big ti???.?, partaking
of re fir? h ? ? ? nt?,. when a thunderatoroi came up. The
people remaiii-d ander the u .?. \ bolt of iighicing
?truck at the nsits ot Ihe tree, killing iw?. ?on? ..f
John Kuan and fatally Injuring a boy tiaated lia/.lng.
? ? ? ?
A Kill.IM. l'K??>T IN MONTANA.
.Minn?*-ipoli?. July ?? liier.? wa, ri ????????? frost In
Montana tost night and tbe old trave 1? e..mini; tilt?
way. At Havre, old Tort AeilnahotBO, the iner.niy
went down ??. :ui. The .",.1 wave is gaaeraJ ???t
liritlih i'iiluiubiii. At Winnipeg the mercury 1? 4-.
Ik;llileheiii. I'.nii., July Si isji-i lull.?There ?rnt s
bOtNBl of ??union ut the Itcdiiiktoii piovili?; ? r. ?? nil s of
Un- lielhlih-iii lion ( ?'iiipiny lo.lny \, gajfjj ,?, g |n,|,
gun was ls'liik' metOd, and the proje. |iie wei|.lie.l -J."
|?.iiiids. The (.'im Is a 11*000801, lliivliiu u relKiuiidiltK
font of 1,000,000 pounda. n Vm,, !t v?-],?iity test
pr?t?iraioi7 10 Iftag al exja-rinu ntal armor plaie.
TI?o fukteUt tet-t lliioui;l? Ih? tt??ttit ??-?t???, Hln-wd
i,7()? feet a se"?nd. ???? ehktrp wa? ?\ nn?js?li of
Vrlsmntic, powder. Tlie projectile lnibeiUi,.?t M?elf in
the cliff.
the i...veriim.nt lii*i>??? tors ?,nd <oii,p,iMy 0ffli1?lK
wen- pns-.-iii. Th.-y were paatlf phand with the.
I.?l. im .-Miturd.iy Ihfl aJalg ?? to U> urt-d ut. it t
ten feet by eight and twelve lii.li??? ihhk. It m.*?
treated b) the kaarees? giuegia Bad wa? sjadg ii-ie.
Th?? tramaporutton of ltothlt>hea. Iran r.nl|r,ll( armor
ptate? ?. ib.? Washington und Anns poll- testing
iTi.-und I* now-???.,?.,?.-. Th.-y w| ? bi lostod ber?
?fter nt lUsllnirt, n,
UAMMIXQ mi: WgECB o? un: ALTA.
fott.ii.'.? t'iti. Mass., Mgj *J.,._A Be?** pii buoi
wss phM-d In the Slue, at Mtooh Hip Jg<jgj|. 1G*0
yard.a a,>llL|ICJl.s, of Uin sjumuui ya(,,lt Ah..4 Nh,rtlll|
the light b?! exUngulsheal, the crew of ih? p,,Ui?*i
Hip Llghlashlp ?rill reUght ? li po-Mbl?. ? ?hev nee
?*>?*'- ari??3^*-\f><???LL^l----*v*-?"? vv^**- ????a?--?
??.lid rxtract derived frem most ?uperlnr (rri.wtl:? of wbeit -
totlilng nn.re. It cmblnc? the OKEATFST QtANTlTY OF
gorBIOBMBVY with Um LKA.sT tVMOl'BT "P LAr.oK
RBI F.bSAKT G??5 IT? DIGESTION, and ?lands to ?lay
1)1 T'F., ROUTHINO ANT) BIBBBOIBaYvBTJtO, I?? vain? !n
ferrr?, In tnanltlon. tad In all gaUSSI ?nd enteric dtteaarl,?
rtprclall)' In eaOUBt itrAtTfM, ntriMRiitoanr?, dia nano- a.
an'I DTnt-iTttr baa baas in. oxtiitaui.y rm.vr* ?. -i.ften
beine ?be only POOD Hie ?tornarti would tolerate WHEN I.IKE
CIHI.HIlKr?*; in I'lcnmptribl?! nllineii? for PY.Sl'KITH,,
itrmit ?? well ?? the we?k.
I pharma. l.?t?, the pnbllr. n:td Ifet pre??, It? MM and
popularity ?re. ron.tantlT Incrnulnt: - ?nil it wn.i. luvt
?tri?rtiT.'?T tK?i i.r? ?? ?? I BIT IOS rait into tux rcTt'Ht
bacsaBS it ?? basai un mikit ??,i raovaa bcocsm lu tue ?>???.
gota ut t*iii;i?'ing Depot,
BBOiralSYa. JOHN CABLB ? ???, N>w York.
DOMINION 1 ??.???<'?- less VIOLEKT.
'? Ni ??.???'?.? MEA6VRF.3 MAY 11!-. A Hui'Tl .11-A
l'xLTNET ?? ?.???'? l ALLEI).
Ottawa? Jaly -- (Kperlal). u ?? laaraed lo-ntght on
good BUIterity Unit ? meeting of the Cabin??! will be
rallad at '.nee te Hie pur|?.-e of further considering
the ..inalbili? ,|i:,-;|?,i,. || I, umici ?tn<?l tliat live
?\?t. .? ol rebate mil be sholliltri altogether, and uni?
fum logs, aithonl regard to route?. Imposed, come
of Ihe Mini lew favor the soolltloo ol t .11? sltof-atber.
Montreal, .lulv "?.- p. ".'ani In g the ttetallatlOB bill
sad the canal lotte, -*The (?asette," ? local H?rern
ment ?iigtin. In an etld,ntly '? ??-????G article,
?dltoi lullv ?iivs '-We mUSl be pupari i lo b?? done
by a? vi?? ?!,,, ?ml It I? not al all certain Hint tlie
??????-?> an? i.av?? gun?? farisei :i? y.-t in their ???,?-!.?
lb.? Hun tu apply lu tuiltlc through tbe Suult Sto.
.Valle Camal ??.?- ,.????" nil?? Unit lunati? upplbs lu
it.?!.c Um.agii Um ???-lliiiid Canni. All ?.?-cl?,
Hlbelher Alu r rie n (,r Unil-.li, eaOTlng caigo tteougb
tbe bstilt ite. M.irlr Canal tu ?t t anadian jiuri x*.ill
L? reiiulr.sJ to pay a loi, but all vesrel?, whether
Ameni an or HrlMsh, carrying ?argo through Ihs studi
Ite, Marl?? t?. an American j-ort ?111 bu exempt (Tom
tuli, nere ?? sa ??<??:??!*? ..f treni ment In (Tie opinion
of Congre?? in tbe ?vi.??? the cuuadiuu Qorernmenl has
IMerprrled Artici? ".7. und ? i? no! ?? ????>? BMttet
lo gal mia] ih?? ? ontani ion."
-Tbe Uraett?* m.iiiitiiliia, howev ir. Uiat lt I? In
th?? rata "t bulla i.> Le Iraaosoi on Canadian or cm
sdlan-bound retarla that the American Government
L? "manifesting a spi: it of retaliation nnd ho-lllllr
i|ii|f.? out ..' accori Willi th,? ??.??.???1,.?? of dolili" liuti.
: - the* are don.? b>."
,: Hng ? ?? :? ? of rumiseiraal .????,rt ale, Ihe paper
? ? < ?: :i ,????.. i??- ol :hl? Uni srt nag ph want
.'??iiiphii??. nor t., t? encouraged bv wttid ur deed.
i' turn cat deolre of the fans alan ? ?- to Uto tu put,*
' ? '? ????-. |'i?,iii"i|':g ? mm ? lai
,. i,.',ue?i ih?? t'A?, t.. ite Bimoti eitenl tua
??.??:.- atta "ir ? interi intogrtty sud Nlriloaal u.i
? . ge. By a ???1?. y of b'Ui ::.????? ..???? .? Ud?, ,??????
li-t??. Brill !? ? Hiele ?a -.if.-'; BI ill -a.:, ili:,.? a- ... .-r
r,,n',.?i? prevali, and no ssaslble purtuan ras ron?
??? piafe iti! li II di ?f?-i ? : , ? '..?? |n?? il tread of Legat
Ulli?.:, Ui I g?? ."
mini ;? the paper atta ! ' Itow, then, hadar?
provide a ???? "? Olivtontly Ihe iltnallon It aiterei
If tbe .? ? li .? pi ? . Uly piti
tul at ?tuli ?te. MuH?? ??.? im-rcly applying the
,f Veil. :.? BY nul ar?? lit de
,..??,?.,. ? ,,r equally of
inaimi Oui (?overnm??nt, lhrrefo-a, ma) ?t- ? ui it
.1 --? ? . ? , ? StS ? ?l'in :.:.d muli.? ?,
utio'.ru t?? m nit l-rgard !.. rolli?! or :?. d?. .'may
,e: -all!, |.,ll?. ??;,? I'li.gu Ic.-' e ?- -?? ?.- CletW,
namely, ?.. ?? ou effort abouti b-? ?pctred t?? bring ab,?!?!
a , ? ... .? ., ? ?',? ?
Kr.? ton, ?u.t.. Jaly l?e, raer? ?? t?ese Intere?!
maiilfe led bere "ter Ite p>Bc) "f ili? ? olted *??????.
Bai, al: In ??,?? net ?'? ?'??G,,.? known, ? ;tu,liliali tilgt
and Large mat be pi ihUdted (rom going Ihrvugb Ite
Aoicrlruu wutora "f the lUvrr st. Lawnrnc? an their
wa] t" ?'.'.'.??,?. 1,,? "i.I> r nte for a ? ig ?lib a
lang ??-?' . <i"?ii past Clayton and Alexandria Hay,
a- i!ie island? ur?? ???" aumerout and Ui??
?vtift to pt-rmll of them tatting any other rourae.
If Hu'lr p:.?-. nl rout.? u? -bul ..if a ?erb. ?? .1.U to
Un? rain larrytai trade a !i r?-uit.
? e> ?
INI.].,? \?'|? l lUlNi ? ?, VN VUlANs.
iiH.iWii. .Inly 'J*?. "I.?? Caii.idu'' of Un? ril) pub
llahea a ?? i'ai;.able ??1:'.?????1 on the Manitoba provili
imi eterfloa . i' fteemrae thai a .ru-id.? ?? being
inrried <ui there lo sboBsh Hi?? t*athoile aeparate
-??????!-. t?,?? (?riti!????', guaranteed b) Ite . ??iltn
il si, ?? openl] tapponei by Ite Uberai ??'*? and In
dop-ed it Us? CoL.Tvative preat The srtlrle "rare
un t.. ?it thai tin elT.rl 1? l?elng bui'!.? lo danai.al
/.? the French Cqnailaaa and mah" iliem "bewi f
?.?si ini uraive.-s i( tt.a'er.'' H n l?t-:
"After ?i rentar) ?>( ?trugg?'-, ,( ?. il.e.? sud of
pwOgrciw uader Un- RngUtb flag, sia ??? going i" ?? s-a
?uixlvei ? ??? appear *:????> kv bui aurei) lo order ?<?
gire ?ai lo lui'ii-ii , ik-rdataf Will ???? tubacit lo
limi bumlliatlunl No. kar-aty no. li,-bue ollotrtng
al?. In?? lo le engUlg-d on the ?oli o? our nui'???.??-?
i.t a fon ?? ?nuauiiDtic e*?nient ?? vu?i pigra imr
.li.?- iii;d?i tll? Mn ri .-?ci ?Ing und ???ih for tbe "lury
und gramlenr of timi grand f?eintry."
London. jTiiTy C?. After a t al,Ine!, Cituncll toduy
Mi. Ealf.ur, II..? ? .ot et iimci I lead? r lb lite Holl?.? of
im.??, ?cm In . ??.boni?? Ihi.i-, I-I?? >t VVigat, where
Ite yu'S'u i? ut presimi sojouniing. t?? eoaaoU iv II h th??
Quicen vilth ufi?;.m.? |" llw -??-eh limi lite lt**e*OOS tu
I,,? il? ?cut??! al Ibe ppaateg "f l'acbini'lil on AURIUl 4.
Mr. Lind t?'!).? hehl ?? cun'ei-uc?? le illiv wit li Mr Will
lam V.iiiui Har. "iirt. Hail -?p. m?, r und .lohn Muri.?)'.
At I'M? m-eilng a ?tint, inullou, de. Ihilng that I be
il.m.f Commons had no r*?in?lenee in Um H?rern
m? ut wn . drafted, and will be |.u '?':!<<! apon tin? open
log or I'lirllalliciit.
A recount nf tbe vote? rust. In OnetACMh, S'ullalul.
for member of I ailla ment. ?how. that *?lr Thotmts
Sutherland, libsldeiil, Liberal, reclv???! B^if votes.
nsalti?t -,s->7 cast for John Hrur.?, hi? Lib.ntl op
poiii'lit, wbom Ihe flrsl count, ?hovi.sl 99 baVO bee?
?Ic.led. Tins (luiiige risine? Mr. < .l.idib'Ue's mnjorliv
m Ike Hoaaa t?. fortv, ?tin -?anting upon the risi-Boa
if ih, i.i.-id-iniibin candida!?? In ih?? Orbite) Islands, the
return? Iioin tibuli bru e not y. ? !.. en rocolved.
A PEE>?E\N DEPUTY .?????'??).
Vicuna. July Bg,. Count |[erm?dnrlf. ? lnemlaT ot
????> Piaatteu teatMag, and a promalaJ ? oiini'lllor,
ha? h.en arreatei al Igte?, ?? Um ekargs "f em
bc/.-ltug Ite pcotaait of ? Bads of 1.???" ?hare! of
Bm 1 lied ? it-li ?alo if lr-ti Work?.
???? SITCATI.iN IV ???4???.
London, July -jh. A dl.put. b t.. "'??? THn?a," from
Tiinglej?, hnys : " The ?juLiiii BUIIOSBaDSi to tile court
ut r*Oa, "u July -JO, that he Inliiidisl to ?? the Czar
tu ai. nsllt a Husslan Minister to Mol'oci?), at, If tld?
\iei?s doll??, the cl.ne alliance U-Uieen Praiut? and Has
?la would r.-ndir him lndc|sMidciit of other Kiiropeiin
Power?. Tin?. Sjaltaa mid til? -tlstera an?. Itowevcr,
ivported to bo extremely nervini? as I?) the possible
.u???.in.???. ? of lil-i treat men ? ?f t?lr Charle? Euan
hinllli, In Pas.
Tlieio ui?? I'-'.itK? reils-1 Abgta'rtis encamp??! In sigli!
if 'laniier. The sulitn ami h|s ?nldiers ur?? oxtreinely
iiiitvlllliig Id liglil. bul lb. y conllnu?? Un'lr I? rrlbl??
iTUeltlot, nini ibeir murdcilng und plsndertng ol
PllHs. July ?>.- The, trial nt TSISBIBsS "f the four
Aliarclilits, Kauguiix, < huiler?!, Drouet and ? levant,
?Im weis? under Indictment for ?t-iilln ; ? quantity of,
dynamite ?hieb wu? u??-d In the c.xplo-l.ms no last
Mag Day, wn? endi-rt lo day by tlio convlcilon t-f the
BBSjaaaan. linigoiit ??- "iiienced to twenty ye*r*'
iniprUonin.ni ni h "i?, ciuilleret b) twelve years,
, Dranet to ?Ja, uud ...it tan ? to ?,??.
MO SON OP ?(.?.?1 MhNT O? Till?; WORLD'S
FAIR AITI.-????????'??.
wu.'i.E mi.i. i viia *. ?.??-???'????
O* AUlUt'la-NMIiNT.
fur ??????&?? t? the t ai ? ? ? ?.*.
TaahlBgtOtl. July BbV After wasting tlie day in
MlhBBteillig. the Dgeaoilintll House of Representative?.?,
dividwi ?galant Itaalf, asajonrnoi ni ?* o'clock In the
?fteiiusm, leaving the ???--???? of extending tiov.'rii
nient th] to the World's lair n? nearer solution than
It wus yesterday. The faction led by Holmun.
(?Ulliwalte siKl llail-y -.how mi ?It-ms of weakening
as yet. and Is evidently determined to Jeopardize the
-u.| of th- lair, ?ven if sudi OOttgM should lu
volve the crlppttng of the Hoveniiueiit by a failure
uf the ttondry tuli bin.
?salti II the day a rgaotatton providing for adjourn
ment on eoturduy next at vl ?.'clock was pausiti ; but
it- passage d???- not tond t*> dear up matters. By
?Otne of the friends of th?; appropriation it was regarded
gg ?? hint to the ii?i.ii-1'?- tu persevere In their
coarse. A inBptcton I- ?iI-<? enterliilned by soem mem
bctl on (roth sl<I??- tint ("hnlimaii Hillman would not
be lii.oiisoi.lol?? if th?? .-.indiy Clvtl bill should fall
BltoggghBI ut this ses?|?;ii. tig r-marln-d several days
II?.0 that till? failure to pas?" that hill one? m wai
times did not do any great harm, alili.?uich the mi'U-ui?.?
wan Of relatively greater lri]?,rtum e than now. JudR??
llolmati Is lighting hanl against an iiggregute of ap?
propriations which pgOBatao to osoeoi by many millions
tic gggregato of the Hist Motea of tlie Jnstt oiija'iess, and
a eat of 130,000,000, ovan If It should Ixt ?lused by
the faillir? of the ibutdry Civil bill, would probably not
ba ri'paitled a* an in-ln.-vubl- disinter by lilm and his
assoliate eeonooatote.
If tho llllhii-l-rs in th.- House hold out, as they now
fhr-nteii to do. they H?il be able to bold t'?.rigiese In
???Ion inilt'llnitely ; but Hiere I- reason to bt'H-ve thai
some of tli.-m will ive.ihen, f??r there Is ulready talk
among them |*j tosta* of g compromis??, on? ptss.
which in.-els With OOBM tovo? BOaong th<-m I? t.? have
tlm Worlds Kalr Bpproprtatton ?tosa? e loan, to be re
Ii-.ild from tho receipts, Instead of a plfl.
i?f coin?* ther?.* Is MM nay In which filli.lettering
.?in b" brought to an end. and only one, so lung at the
ob-lrucfl'inl-ts hold oat. Tin* remedy Is In the hands
of the Contadttee on Unies, the D?mi?fra'i<? member?
of which an- Speaker Crtsp and Beeen, M?Mllhn and
Catchlngs. it i*. argued that if Hi?* Ootanatttee on Batee
fell Jnsiitli'd In reporting g closure resolution, In order
t.? e-t;ii,ll-h ?? ii-w torni of government In I'lali, It
would Und still stronger Ju-iitbatloii in liilfninc In and
pas-??? gaeh a r?solution to prevent the defeat of this
gnat general tpproprtotlon i.iii In which the nantie
totorests arc so deeply Involved and concerned, by a
s.|ti:id of lllibu-ters uh) altogether4o not nuiubcr mor?
id:.? forty to fifty men.
Bjheaker Crlap, when ??>. Mri.?.?. of Arkansas, pre
M-nixi a conference report on on unimportant inea-un?,
and Mr. Dtagjley, of Maine, made th?.? point ?? order
l'ai there ?i- already one t*oofeg??nce roporf pettflBg -
tbot -n the sttndry < ?ell Aappvoprtolton btu. oeorralof
tbe i?>.m of order, Ther? woo. !,<? s?M. no contercoc?
report ponding on tbe Sundry Clvtl bill. Thai hud
been di-pov? of and I ??? confer? ta ?* cuninltt-e had
been dl-u i,ar???i ti-mi farther ron*a?titalien ol the .iub
j??. ? j : ni u?. new conference ? i?i been uni-red. Xnere
???:>? Varti/ttl BelMte ain-ndtii'lil? pending, but lliey
did not bare the pitvttoge of a ronferenco report.
Th- gmenxlmenbt, however, ore ?oflntobed tontines?,
und y? ?iti'.eiiiiiiic'i? - t?. a genera, approprbttlon bill,
have ab? Point ol vantage from ?rhleh nothing hut a,
matter of iiii.?:.??: privilege, ?web aa, a oiiottt4Bk*? report,
nan di-i"?!a'- Ibem.
Mr. M.Miiiiii. of Tonnes??, then ,??? m silatlegttl
quettton calle?! up the Inai adjournment resolution.
As nuieiidiai, n provide? ior adjournment at - o'ctocl
Saturday, July 30.
.Mr. H?U h, uf kOaaOUrl, *aii1 thai he would oppose
tills rr-oiiiti.m. und any other leootattou for the Inai
a.ij.utniuie'ii -.f tale wrsalun until th? ami opimu bill
hud p:.g?d UM Sfinii.?.
Mr. Camming!, ..f N-w York, offered an nniendni-nt
tlxiiK the Urne uf adjournment at i- o'clock Monday,
August 1.
Mr. OuthwaHe, uf iMilo, favtired the amendment,
lie ?lid nit ihi'.ii, thai the House would be prepared
to adjourn en ?attarady. ? ?? ? ?? bill, with a large
iiumii-r <<t amendments, tras pentii ng, Ther?? was a
ban* possibility that the Mil would not torrante a tow
at ail tin- ?.????!.>n.
G?- had ?????a It stjiteil that tho advocate, ,,( tli?
Worst's Kalr (appropriation Iuni d.s l.in-d that th-y
?A.uid not p-niilt any extension of the upprra??rtutluus.
Ito did not Lii"** whether that wa? m or nut. bat if
?... it wa, something that would require the consider
n'l. :?. of the House, Therefore, he did not think thai
tbe House should agree t?? a final adjournment li-iore
M ji..!;iv
The rewdutton fur Dnsl adjournment on Saturday
ui- agreed lu yea? 181, nay? ??
The Speaker th-n etarted the ????.???? badness. It
???- ih?> motion tmsde b) Mr. Dingham) ??, table the
motion (mode bj Mr. Ilolmun !.. reconsider the ? ???
by which tbe l?tala? .!???? .??*? to rerede from it- dia
agreement f.. th- WorsTi i':.i: amendaient ?? tin?
Suinlry civil Appropriation ? 111.
Immediately Mr. tnitbwalte, of Ohio, the i.a?' r |
the eubusters, wa* un bit tee* with ?. Biotfbn t.. ml?
|?ap?. Thi? be tolloved up with ? motion t.. adjourn
until Raturday. I'tlier nilbusterlng proeeedlng? oc
cililed the llou '? uni ll ailjo nil. lli-U",
? a>
??1??GG I'KlM-i IN HAWAII.
???.??????. July Bd.?A largo ma?- me-tltii; of Ha>
?rallan?, held al Queen's Armory, July ri, waa ad
?! b) It. W. W !? "\ ..? the ?ubje? ? of the , rasi?n
,f Pearl lta?*t*or t? ihe ? ni'-i **tat.??. ?Tltotn t?????
the ground tftal t" rede pu'iiiiy t> Ataerlen wonM
-ii Hawaiian Indeneiuleu e. lie ?rtohed ? in? ..p
DOi!."uent of ? Committee "f tit'* t" ?t?? to Wa-lilngton
I..? al...nt UM iimtt.-r. tttaW >me dl?ci??.'?ti the
lubjeri ?a- dropped and '>n tlie folhrwtng day h'lfcoi
?-???1 to mll'di.iw In- ?? ,.li:t.,u. ?*. ? 5111 tr that bii-ui-sa
of ?u? ? Importance shoakl oui I?* roosldeted bv th?
pre-, nt r.ihlnet.
I he ?II- ??????? of the .ipi'i???p: nit...u Mil ittlaUtii-' lo
-, f lb? pul?.e departa.? ??*.? lo nn.?ther nit
between BepresentoUve \ ',,i?ni and Attoiiuyi.en
?iirl Wliiilio-, lu Hi.? tovlsJ iiui??. .hill 1-, uml \?l?efvril
moved ?ii-it the eommltteo on the ictiol? repon to the
n,,n-, thai t';? \ declined to t?:!;...:i further ~,.iip:.?
tor the support of Hi- i'a8J?V*t, and i*otomutotided thai
tin* lion*.? paia resolut nn4 naklug f"r the dl?mi??ai ..t
??..? Cabinet Wlkoi ?ltd thai he na> ??G iti.? upuiloa
that the Attorney ?,?*se. il, atorshal and Depaty Mar
&I111I weis? liiipllcat.sl lu -iiiii.'itllng opinili, ami he lrop-1
III- . niiimiil???? arotlld ?,".??:? Ill? v?oliitloir ? ?? :?
vote ?>f weal "f ??.?;,n?!??.,..? in ibe Ministry. both
motion? ?ere lo-t and Hie tssembly adjourned.
Ih?? resjrurt bt cttrrenl Unti the entire I'lbiurt ha*
resigne I.
II t-IM.s?. l.s IHK M.N VIF.
WsshtogtOD, July S?. In Ih,? r-emit? todiiv Mr.
Jones, -?f Nevada, from Uie Com?o!Uee un ???<??/????
l'.il"!.-. -. reported Usa it*>?idaUuo lot U?? ?t-potottsveal
-f ,? aaleet committee >.f asven ^..nut<>?-, u? InTrsIlgats
Utfl nient labor trottoli - ?il ???????,1??????, lVnii . hiiiI
?jlaosl. l'i'iiniv, l.l.ili,., .uni n? m ?|?, emploi m. ni
Of ?????,.???? delecllu -, AI the ?ngglilhia of Mr.
Quay the raauhttton went over nu ??, nini ma.
Mr. .ion,- ?i-,. rip.p..? ?s reeotottoei fur ih>* up
poliilliieul of a a. le. I > ? .? 111111 i I.-.- ?,t lino?, ra,.,,?(,?? l(,
mi? UK'tito Um m.m.? ..t ??,?, ,? raaiiilalbiiii la ? ???
tornio, and ??) repor! what ?tepe ought t?> b?? isUen
V, protect the rUlu.s ?.r bous lido ?eitler? thereon, it
wa.? acreed to.
Th.? resolution offered yesterday by Mr. ?Totcott fur
a letod ctf*mmlttee <?f Ove ?ttHutor? t.. tovestalgato the
opentltona <>f tho ?.togkal suncy was httd be
foi-e the Benote nnd ai.'r.-r?t to. .Messrs. Wolctt,
l ?nei. linllliipT. I.orinan, mid Jon.-a, of Arkaiisius,
wer- appotataad.
The resntolttai offered ye-terd.iv by Mr. Platt In
?uncling Hi.? l.'otnnilii.m 'lenlioi1.fi. or a snbioin
mitt.?? thereof, to visit daring th.? recesa the Terri
loues of New Mexico. ?? ?/.ma. I "tali ami Okliihutiiu
a mi inquire lato their raatrsntj -, popatotton. et.?., mu?
?is to the propriety ?f tit; I*- ?ulinl?ton M .slal.-s. ??.,
luid bifore Ute nettiate and ????,-eai to,
'Ilio henal?* prtwittssfed lo the cui ..?Idei-? 11?, ? of bills
on ih.? eilender. The folhrwtng wer? pearaed :
House bill n-la?ng lo tin limitation of the hong? of
lull) Belline, eight bottra ,0f laborer- and inechanlcs
einployed Upon the puhlt.? \i..rk- of tho I'nlt.d .Siateti
uml .?f ih?? Utatriot .<i lluiumbto.
r*eiial.? bill appiopilaiiug rii.iXS) for the purchase
of Alexander Lawrltvs portrait of latotteraJ (?eorge li.
rit..mus un- btkeo from th?? atondar, and ?ift-r dis
cuoston wun amended by making Ute appropriation
g-?.OiX). ??nd iei|iilruii? ?il-?i th- purcha*.? of .?. \V.
Price's portrait of (.eiiinil Th..ina?, ut tt.',.?tnj euch.
It w-us then passed.
TO IMl;i !l.\sR THI ?\?????|??' ?.?????????.
IVoahlngtoo, Jnly --? In the latestto today the ?????
upproprlatiiii.? ,?*;.'.,(??? for th?? piircha.se of the Kbrar)
of hlslorlcal immu-cripl? ami printed boOatg heloiiKing
to the estate of the lab? (iniig?? Hancroft was taken up.
Mr. Vent ln.|iilnsl of Mr. V'OOrhees (who had ppoiti-d
ll,- 1.11! fnmi thi ?.??t.??.? ( ..mmlttwl what the (?ov
.?iiiiiicnt had puiii for th.* ?????-,?? pap,-r, nnd the
J-tT-r-,?? pabers. Mr. Voiuhee? ?nid that he cult!
not answer tho question-, but lie h.nl roted th?? pro
po-ed purrluise xvMli others, and could ?uy that It
was the most economical purrhiuse. that the tiovern
ment had over had a cuauce to maae. In reply tu
There'? ? ????
difference !??
twoen the help
that's talked of
and tbe help
that's ?7??p rait
Which do yoo
want, when yoa
am buying merli?
If you're ?ris?
fiod with words, you get them with every
blr-rvdpurif'er but une. That one la Dr.
Pierre'? Gulden Medical DieroTery. With
that, you ??? a ?yu ? ran fee. If it doeen*?
help yoa, you hnrri your monev back. Oa
thU plan, a ntetiieino that pnirtiiaea help is
pretty sure to give it
But it'? lieeaute the medicine is different,
that it's sold ?iilfcrcntly. It'a not like th?
earsauiirillas, which are eald to 1?? good for
tbe Id. iu?l in March, April, and May. At all
Bssaoaa and in all casca, it cures permanently,
as nothing else? can, all the disa-iuw-t arising
from a torpid liver or from impure blr-od.
It's the ftr-f Mood rurifler, and it's th?
cbonix-st, no matter how many tioam are
offered (or a dollar.
With this, you pay only for tha <jood yoa
got. Can you ?title more f
Reed & Barton,
37 I iiion Square.
other quest Ions, Mr. Voorhe?** eald that the purchase
applb-d to Mr. Hniumft's ??iitir?? library, ?.?> li? left R
In his house lu H ?t., In Washington.
Washlnglon, July gg (???""flail. -The Ionglhretb-f?
Ing pmhaMlltv thut a vol.? on the Hutch I *-a*t*aaasj
Atitl < ???????? bill would ?????? u? be poadpsaMi un'll lea
next SOSSIO? 1-e? ame stesasi a certainty tai-day. wiie??
on a motion to table .Mr. Wolcott'?, p:upo?al to refer
ti.?? bill to the Kliian?'.? Commltte?-, no ???pp? <ould be
obtained, oxeepl by b general violation of pair?
plt-dgai betifeea praraat aai absent .senator?, a.? the
Il?t of ab-.utie.? will OS linieusial to-morrow and Bb>
sriay, it secma rlsar that no legitimate gaoraai oaa bs
obtaln.il lo pass ih?? Aliti liptloii bill, even If It ?hould
come directly to ? v,,te. There Is every Pidhatlo-?,
hoM-v,?!?, thai Mr. Wn-iihiim will < misent to a cor-?,
prorate, by which the pt***attag bill may re?rate the ua
finished lui-Ines?, nini thu? have ????? ?'1???, e over til
Ota?? legislation st Ute beginning of ihe thnrt ?e?iion.
Bach ?m egresasen! villi keva tbe Benate free toad.
loara as ?.'?.?? a? Hie House <il?p?i?e? of tho sundry Clvg
ApproprteBoB bill.
Wluu the bill rame up today Mr. ?Vnsliburn moved
to I:., on ib?? tehee Mr. \t,.i?utf'.? motion to refer ihe
hill ?? ?." Coliniiitt'e oil Finance.
Mr. Hlaeoek resaaitei that (ten was, p'rimp?, not
a rating quorum pr?sent, sai that Uten would t,?? ?iij
bu,:- senators preeent to atesiow. lie therefore saa,
ge?t??l to Mr. Wii-hburn Io l?'t Hi?? bill go owr until
th?? seal ? --ioti a? tl..? ?? iinihil-lied tsaafaV???. '
.Mr. tta-hbiiru ibslltnil in accede to the ?ugg-MlOB,
The vole was lallen ami rasBlltrg yea? BB, nut Li?
as follow ? :
Yeas Xeeeis. Allen. HUeoa. Basa, Blacbbaia. OHtj
Coke, Datela, Feit** (?serge, Ben*brwgh, Kratso, .lunM
tfirlTBUairl. Join ? (N'.vedu?. P.tl??. M.r,d r- n, M,t?h-il,
Hersa?, raddoi b. Paaea, Peste, G?????. ??????-??,
PrtMttOr, Pu-ll. Ou.i?.', BaatMM, NtAX'kbM'lr??, Turpi?,
Veorbe ?, Wallhall, VFarroa <?. a v. ajtiiburn? :?.'.
Kayo?Mean?, Brice, lauer, ????*, lex,.!!, uibtoe
?. . ,,. , (Maryland), Bawtey? Idiaeeek, I'a.ait-r,
Sawyer, bberman, Btewsrl aai Feti 13
Mr, Olbaon, of Louisiana, In ? on-iilenitinii of th?
Intolerable heat In Ih?? ???;???????, and of the f a? t that
then was r.allv not a voting .|Uunitii pre?, nt (lut
only a tpa.,um to arate a gaerm), -igg"?t<.?i sgasi
to Mr. Wnshhiini that the ?nll go ovvi' till next ?e?.?imi.
He as ??ait i thai no i,u uuui ? ?p M be found lo vota
upon Ite pu--a-'? of Ite hill al this -.--imi.
Mr. Waabburne sdaMited thai Ite beai arsa Inten*
?uni thai It was highly iralrable t ? dispera of Hie bill
with.?ut much furiber delay, put it had beca de
Iwtei In th?? Senat?' for mop* than two ive??!,-. nnd
bad tesm delayed bv the Judb l.irv 4Ommltt?*e fur
????'*? weelis: and th" pssagg of the ?oiintry wer?
looking to .????? It passed durine this se?slon. lie
therefore reiieivisl tlio r?-<|ur-t which he had made
pt*aaa*Stay that to-morrow at 4 p. ui. tlie ?enata
?hull pro??.t to vote on th?? bill and amendment?.
Mi. White-1 ub]"it tt? thut reijue.st.
Mr. l'addo, k (tea awVaraasei ??? Sena:?? In favor
of the hill. ?:i> lug that he was impelled bv his
-arara ot duty to tin- great agriraltanl state which
he represented to rotes her approval ..f the proposed
Mr. Iterate then ssalrrsBed the senate In supporl
of tlie bill. Ho STgaStl that Onere?? had the In
dep.?? ..leni power t?? ?1??.?1 ilraitly with th?? practice ol
Ite lede of .?pilon? sad future? sa i-dseawaaas to ani
destructive. ..f l?gitim?t.? commerce. It had al.?o tha
right te deal ulUi li ludireelly, by Imposing a tax
destructive ?,f It? ii|rr.itlon.
*?,? :loii 11!, ou motion of Mr. \V*?hbi;ni. wius ?.truck
oat. The nexi aneatlos was on Mr. Danl-r? nuuioo
t.. etrlk ? "in Section 13. i????!! >:i l'J re.|ulrr?x a
bean ? fee ,'f ??"--' on Ihe purt of perrane earning or
euiiibil u? ite poetwari >i: ot th?? arilitot aold for futtir*?
de-llvery ; and Article 13 pro-r?tet p-raalttis te ????? ro?
porting , ??I'fi-n :? .?r Sgraeraer.ia.)
Mr. VVu? it.uri a--?in?d Unit Section CI wi- ?beo
lately ??. ,-r.irv for currying onl th? law: und Mr.
I>v?!??! nr.-.i' 1 j r::t:,-?; ili" .??,::?,:: a.? a nw-t tetaft pro
v1?l >n.
Ko a. Moo cas tekra oa Mr. tTAwiri'i atneadme-it,
hoi ?::.?? ? :?'??1 :ttii"l\dtii? tit ? wer? <????-?<? by Mr.
vv.??' horn, whlc? ss ??? raado necestai-y bf ?? ?'r'.Uui
out of the i-ib wtrttei,
MB. ?AIU.l.sl.K WILL ?I'F.VK T" PAY.
Wi?hi!igi,?n, .inlv ?.'-. la Hi" Boaaio In isy Mr.
i'a:li.l" gave :i"Mii tlmt In? ?uuld. lifter lue r-eilftl
ut? ?ini:; i,.i in???, t?, m arrow, ssalnas the .?enote *?
Mr. Ha!??'- r--? ??:?|? ?n a- ti ihe rel.i'lve ctT??. t.s 4 pn>
t?? lion rai s tariff for revenue only.
MR. ? "WDKIH.V AMvK.I) ?? I TKslH'V.
Watklagloa, July ?.'?. The House Judiciary ('em?
uliti? e baa tergasi to luHo further testimoni? m Uve
Int esile..non Ini.? ihe Haaaeateai tnsiMe? ?od the
llnUertoii ?v tern. Mr. Povvd-rly. ?.???? Ma???
Worum.?:! ..f the Knight? of Labor, baa baan t.iegrapbei
to appear lel'ie Hie , ? ?tu in i It?.*?.' In ? morrow and fh?
tevUega ?f tlailng their views will ?Uso be saoataafj
lu other Knights of Labor, If they d. -he.
a.itl In.rf.'ii. .lulv -Js. -The Pr?sident todav Kent?
ih?? Beneoe Ike follow lag nomination?: captati
Aiicii?rns A Ibl'ilTre. a??i?taut ?urgeon, m 99 BBBaBSat
ttliit raiili of major; l'ir?t Ltcuieiiant It. D. IVrtts,
fid Aitllbry. ciiuain. Btsooni l.t"Utejmn( R, W. Hub
bard itiu* John K. Cree, 'id Artillery, ilr?t he'itenrals?
THK i;k.*?i>i.cti?>n k? >u ??.???p????t.
Vaaggagfaa, Inly Oa. Tba liouso saaeanesi "*??"
lutimi for the linai adjournment on Sit unlay "?
hi'd bOfON Hie Senate tudnv. Mr. Allison said: "It
1? usimi to refer ?uch resolutbuis t,. a committee?
but I tlilttk tatet under existing circumstance? U U
not, liecoary lo luaUe that referen? e at 1*9*9 bun*?
??? StStat lmissltinent now In Ibe way of n.t'nuruiue"?
I? the Sundry 4 1vil Appi?iprbition bill. M hen thai
bill I? p??seil, 1 tete l! that Ite two ||?si??'X ??? *-?-"
Jotlrn BlaW a v.ry brief priletti, l.ul mull that MR ??
|,.i-?t?l. it ?".in.? to tue that It would be iinvvl?? t?
(?ike .trtlim In rega?? to ?itljoiiriimeul. as it i- ate
po??lhh> for Congre?? to adjourn uni.I it Is i?i???d. I
Ibeiefiue WSjaa?) Hun the ic?,.lotion Is' laid 09 ???
tablo for the prr.?ent." Ihi- via- done, but Mr.
?1???? (after ransnltetion with me ubera of ite ^P
pioprlalhui ???????????.?? ?Uggeated thai the laatTSte**
?hould he referred la timi cominlitce. nnd It "OSS ?
Wuslilngloii, July ".-.-Mi. lilnghain. of ???!!*?**"
vaina, lias i.ir.r.d In the House for reference m t1-?
Commute.? on Hules the following r.sMilutlou to era
oir the llllbusterliig.
K'-olv.xl. Ihai on Friday. "u?y -?. I,,'',,*"i'*i?!
aft.r th.- adoption nf Ihl? r.-?olutt..n, th.- ???? ??"
.. . ..? . . .. ...._...... ? .....,,? ?.enta
luimiier.-ti .,"ii. .ut? unti au, m ?"-- ?"???. " *eltl
then ..u a mou..n te u-U a turili.r ...uf. r-n? ?? ?'J
th.? se?ale mi the disagi.Ing voles of the iwo boMm
on said bill. _
On tetarisy, .lulv 30, ?he i>atral Kullnud of >????
ImatJ, of tte Heading Railroad ?y-leln. will l*g_g
uild-iimnnr cxcursluii 10 Manch Chunk, (?leu 0???
mid tte switchback. No Otti Ing f"r a day -????G
Lhla in tWSata grandeur. Train louves Lit?--") **V?
North lUver. at 8:30 a. m. iare Jtejaa9J(^aaa
?2 25: Bwliiliijaca &0 cents extta. PrivUe?? ?.?**
um?Ung uotU folteF?-ag M?>uUaj ?? exua? ***

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