Newspaper Page Text
THE GERMAN ARMY BILL NOT LIKKLY TO BE ACTED OS l'NTIL A FINANCIAL STATEMENT IS MADE. Xlir. REICHSTAG ANXIOUS TO LEARN Tin; cov EKNMENT FLANS FOR M El Tl'fa THE EXTRA EXPENDITURE IXVOLVED?MIQl'EL'S FISCAL REFORMS -TH I? . 7 Mil w IT 11. ',,/i. riffef, ISM ft,/ The AforUiirtt t'rrn. Berlin, No*. ???..-when h,.. debate on Hi? Im?r?crtal budget openi in tii,. Reichstag ,,n Wr,i""s(i!iv tome In dl.-iiti i" ?ill in. given b? to Ihr manner l" which Um partira arc Hheh lo rang? IhMnselve* on llw Annv Mil. The iir-nv . sti-nairs. prepares) i".aependently uf ill.- im renaed expenditures Involved through the new Mil. BBMMUll to MU,0OO,000 murks, bring l&lMMcOOO mu-Us ,.vir the aasonnt contained la t r i * - lust latdgrt. Horre is mi aim .st nnanlmons feeling among tin? atemben ..f tin? Reichstag agalnsl proceeding ?with the Army Mil nntli tin- ?;.>\ financial projects ( m <?< i.-.i with the mensure an? fhlly disclosed. Tli<? H .is., win compel Chancellor von i'aprl?rl m amke an BxpHi it stiit.'in. in dnring Ihr discussion ol the neuem i estim?t*?, t'itii ? fnii oficial declaration Ik iiimi,. cif tbe Government plans for ne?a taxation, revering ih?' extra expenditures, the leading mem tur- of the Relclntag ara reticent reganllng the linc-i ol attach m- delirare, in tin- nu-un tinte, if Ihe tone <.f the Ontrial and National Liberal organs i- an infallible guide, tin fate of 11?<- Army bin will i?' settled. According j t,i ibese organ* ih?. awnaure ?aill be B?fente?! on Ok ! Brat rmdtng. CbanreBor ron Capriri will realm with la a fortnight, and Ihe Rctchriag ?ill he dlaaolTed - ?..?on nfior be leaves office. The elections for new atemben <vfl] end in January, mid win raeult In h Btranger o]>iii?--iti<iii thon is in fie present Home. Oovernineat officials ?n- ronfldent Unit none of thewe predictions will be fulfilled. Thej siiy tli<? l,ill will be debated on December ,"i. and will pus?, the tirM reading l.v ? '.iii imijorlty. Then It ?111 be aent t.. a committee. THE ANTi-JPSUTT BEFEAL BILL ChaaceBor ron Capri?rt, us recently a? Ihe In -1 s,.s atan, opposed the ?vntrl-1 proposal i<> repeal ihe law agatael the Jesuita; but the party bave choaen iii,? rlput ii' .tiii-ii! lo bring pressure upon th>- Govern? ment, whirl? will srirrciidfr and wlU nelthei oppoea nor aupport the bill. Tin- German people, a- a wh Is, nr.' iMUBemnt ahmt 11.? Jesuit*, the presence of n f"w iiundr^-i ..'f whom would not be felt by tbe coun? try. About forty Centrist! who ?lo n^t rapport Ike plana ol the rest oi the party will >ppose the bill. The Chwernment has uu,, t, uhe Into con<dd?T?tlon th? wrath that will bf aroused among th?- t'.ui-erv.i llree by the return <>f the Jesuit?. MINISTER M3QUEI/S FISCAL BEFOBM Tho Lower llMiae of ti?- Prussian Dirt la absorbed In Uie ffiaruaaton of Finance Minister Mlcjnel'a Bocal reform. The spertacle of ea Minister Herrfnrtb de? Boonclng his fanner colleagues Is almost wlthonl p.?> r di? .t '.'i Ihe history of the Landtag. Uhunt i> itrgsturm uphtalded ll.-rr Herrfurth lor assuming an m'It-id?' iiiiti ?as unwort i y i, statesman who had J'ist lei: ofh, >?. Herr llervtarth seemed lo b?- .st'iim t>. ihi-*. reproach. Ha replied that be had been obliged ti i??si:rn he<-aii*e. while I"? w.ts Minister ol the In t.-rlo;-, he refused ? submit tj abe demands of tbe I'.jivaii-iu party. Minister Mlquel's proposals, with .-?ni" minor amendments, were to-day relrrred Ui a ??? mmlttee. The Diet then adjourned sin- die, CJSAREWtTCB MAT TAKE \N M'STRIAN BRIDE Court and diplomatic circles here art" excited u\n s report thai Ihe Caarewlteh, during bis i<-..-nt vl II to Vienna, paid marhed attentions 1> Princeas Maria Annum lada, daughter of An liduUc Karl Ludwig, brother of Rmperor Francis Joseph. Princess Maria will be only seventeen years old on her next birthday. she tins lived a life of seclusion, having been educated at ? ;i tin ReJchenau. Her mother. Princesa M^rla Thwresd of Bragaoaa, wu,> ?s the third wlf? >.f the AnhdUhe, ts :i el >?f friend of the Crarlim. li\ Ihe ., ncert of their p?renla the Prtnoet* :iud tse Cure wlt.h met nt every fete given to the latt.-r lii Vienna. The ratortnoce of Ihe Russian i.eir apiiareut to marry, which was greatly UroubMng the Caar, is now believed ;.i !.;? ><? been over* ana. PLANNING ?. BIG CANAL BTSTEM, A secret s?truggle is proceeding between a group ..: (,.?:.; .,n flnanctera and a French syndicate over iiio construction of a canal system i?> link tbe Danube wlili the iider and ih<- Motten orlth We Kit**. -\n A'istri;m syndicate employed French englneeni to sur \e\ a route mid estimate Ihe eosi <.f n ship canal iu connect the i^r.-nt coal district? >?i Hohomla, Mtwavla mut islle-ia wit.i in.. Danube, ?ucli a canal, li i? -?In. can b<- completed for 26.-XiO.OO0 Borlna, Jf th. French plans :ire ?,<-.-.-pt'-*i. '..-i-hian money ?sill not ?.-..i lu the construction ol th?1 canal. Tlie directors .f ih.? Aiisir;at' railways declare ihm tb*> French cal? culations are -it" au1 that the ul I mat? cost of tlie p'.,p' ..i work win i?- in..Mm.?> ?i Borlo?. V? tue autii..rlt|e. .,f Bohemia, Lower Auittrla ai i Moravia prouit.* to contribute 12.000,000 Borlns, liter? bj no do ibt that ';:? canal will be built. GF.fUiVN Fwi: Tlli MII.ITM'.V BAND i mi: Bmparor William h?- ni i.,,: , WORLD'! nnted io let a ? ? lltarj band Msii < lu. a:., during Ihe World' Fair, Tha h.-st aun will be selected for the purpose fr.'in Tu- t..-i".is ,,' th.- diff?rent r?giment?. iii.- men nlll be divided hit . wu group . me wearing Ihe unllonn i>l Ih, l-i Inlnntcj (iiiard-H, uni Um other wearing ih iiio -,, >l the liiiur-i? du i'orp . The i.-iii.i w 11 ?. undoubtedly create ,i sensation In (Tiicago. , Mis> ?TONE TO MARRY \ (iKRMAS OFFICER. lie engagement h announced "f Major Wlnsloe, the Court-Marshal of tbe Prince?? of Bcluiumbourg-Llppe, bi Miss -1.,..-, ail Ani.-i!. mu girl. THE HAVANA IM'ARANTINE RAISED. II;.van.i. NO?, -*'??- Ihe I., i\ .'i'i, ,|-I ..??i.-i.i I |tu |s.,,|e,| a de> ?-'? nrdorlng the remo\'?l ol all iiiarantlne resirlc i mis from \.'-->i- ilial lefi Ni Vo i aftei Novembei ].?. ? ? i. \i:-.k FIRE IS n *1 \n.\. Havana, N?>v. ?!S.- ,\ Bra broke oui to-day in th< h,t-.o Umber depot belonging t.. Alegre! ? Co. I in? Bitiues communicated to tin- una Roji cigarette fai i. :?-., oufiiii by \\i\-- .v l?o., and complotai] destroyed it. Two other buildings were si . destroyed, i.n.i aeveral booses adjoining were badly damaged. Mnuj linire i arete Injured, tlegret a <-,>. place t!ieo i.,s i.UOO. I ii'-v have 931,000 insuran e. The In? ..f Vale .. < .. is estimated at rilsi.tKHi; Inkurouce, i ??LO?". ? ? ? LI El TKNANI .iKI'llsi.:. s APPOINTMENT, London, Nov. -??. It l~ reported tlmt Meutennnt jep' -.i-i. who wiis win, Henry M. Stanley's hist African expedition, been appointed iitliisi. Commissioner 1.1 i ganda. AN AMERICAN OFFER FOR RENA N'a LIBRARY. i,.,-..).,n, Xov. J'<- Pr?paration! srere bring mad? to n>,l m. lihriry of I'.iMi-t Renan al au. lion, ?md Madame liman ?tas preparing ibe catalogue, rbe w..rk b?< n'.w b.-cu delayed in con?ei|ueiice ut an offer having &$f^ o^TT? EN'JOYS Roth tV metliods nr.?l rwmlts wlien Svrnp nf Flirs Is tnkrn : it Is plraKnnf rm?! refrcfthinc to tlie tnste, an?1 acts g??ntlv, yet promptly, on tlie Kltlw-vs. (Liver an'l IIowpIs, cloanslng the Bjrslsn erTcctiiallv, fllspi'ls I'oM?, bedMJSCheS SBd fevers, an<l o\irim linli Itnal eonatipatlon. Symp of Figs is flie only retn i-ilr of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the faste and acreptalile to the ctoinacli. Prompt |aj its ac? tion, and truly l?eii?'flniil In its e?Tcct.?, prepared only from the more healthy and agrectihle snh atanc4?s, its maiiy e\c<-llcnf qnaJlttsg commend it to ill, and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fi-s's Is for sale in .r>0r and $1 bottles Ly all leadiiiif drii?i;ists. Any reliable dngqrjg, ?vim may not luve it on liarul will procun? If promptly for liny ?me who \vit>!i?i? to try it. Do not accept any sulsiiitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.. MAN FRANCISCO. CAL., tOtJlBTILLE. Kl. NEW-VORK. N. T. IM? received from A merle.i t.. barf Ib? entire IJ?.rurv. H^i.o;>!rV?"rT,Tpri^ ?S-000 v""""'- ??* i" r?;'' a nimio, iTJu?tl 22 nl^'1""' M. Bennn also Lit i omi"!; V.,,/. """"wrlrrts tl,.,i will os poUUbed In 11.. MISIC AND THE DRAM* in |/)NDUS l-'; THEATRES NOT IFPECTEll IIV Till. GENERAL DEPRI HSIOH OLD wn M:\\ PLAY' NOTES Of MUSICAL tPFAIRs. Loostoo, \..v. ju. TI.Loom- |n theatrical sul '??rs timt was esn*ct*d a| ti..- beginning ..f Ih* Beaann :""1 ?sieh awnsirrr? have aloes i.n looking for kos BOI Vet i,.-,.,, realised. Ta# depression, however, SOTS n"i aRect t .. |*adlng bous**, bol I? Indira.*! bj a n"w r.''"' '" >"Vlv,i. ,nM :,?. ?n,,,,,!..,,,,,. ?r ?,u pl:'-v" ,!l:" :"" awsJHng prodncUoo. Th* unit - util v ?lls^r.,.,,,,,.,. UV!,!',.., |,.,. ?,,?,, ,,, ,,? U,I(| ,|?, .,,,. arm? of crowded boo**?, to* except lon< t.. UV <i" invasion ni- is. r?ur:. Prln.f Wales'? and Hay mark*! theatres. Al lb* Conn -TI.ard man" I? paying well. Ai lb* prior* ol Wales'?, -In T*wo," aith ih* curtain iiu.,'1', - .\,,i,i iMUi. sv,i..." |, ?nli ?oroen*. the denunciation by Ih* rritlr? ol ' V'.n.:. Tvi.i,-,,. Merchant and Shipowner," Mrs. Lsngiry's new plsy, bar* been brsorsd try Ui* pubUr, :i"'i ?*? hons* is mi,.,! ,.v,.n DlfB, M,. Lasgtry ), m well aatlsSed sltb la* ptsj lhal sb? baa boiigbl ti"- provincial and tuertean right? i., ii, and alien ?a* vi-ii^ ,-?,. ,,,,,?,, B4,t? agjjj,, ? ? v>1? ,?-,,.,;,|,|V appear In It. Al n.- Trafalgar Sqnar* Theatre i.. night th* roaalr ?pera 'Dorothy" will be revived, li win b* presented hj a atrong company. -OorulAy" I- on* of lb* mo I mini- ,,,?.,-:,s ?., r-r?iU. Pi,.- Princess'? theatre ?rtll ?Ko reopen lo-alsjM, ?ben -lloodman Mind" will I?. revtv.ii. A great crowd assembled :.t Drary lose Ttieatr* on Thursday aDmtson, lb* ocasi?n being a i,.-ii.iit for ta* Royal Theatrical Pawl. Th* perfortnanc*. iHst.n rron i until t> o'clock. The performer? in eluded th* ii..-iiii?.rs of Moor? acal Barges?'? minstrels, "'.mi|>uiiI.s belonging t., ib? i ?t ut v Lane, ttajety und Coorl th??tres, und Mesara. BtenoM, Arthur Roh ??Ms ?tul Heitert Csaipbell. Tb? benefli netted C4O0. Sydney Urandy bas rswrltten wWhtt.i I.. for Mr BRd Mis., Mr. wilnrd lins accepted a trsgedy, ihe sobjeri <>f which ?s mi- Lancelot, for- his American s, taon. Lont? Pat her is ihe author ol Ihe work. Henry nvi^ in un unacted ata) on the ?sai? su.ij.'.t awaiting i> ? doctlon. Hull Cains'? ??ti.,- BoastOMB," wbtob Wilson Barrel i will piny in Anwrtra, h:w i..-.n presented at Roll?n for eopyrtghl purposes, Charts? Barton, formerly of the Vew VoikCs Inn, us. secured in.- American lilil?- ol ?The Outsider," Forbes DawsaaV? awloirama. Mr. Barton sill ?all to-da) on tiir I'aabrls for He* York. He h?s also purchased two Bteeatecbasers, which ara lo appear In Un; raes ?r-'iie In n..- Ihlrd art ol ibe i.i.v. PaSaisawhl all) ?all on the Havel i?i New.York en December 14, He has dstayed hi? depirture in order iu tull? engagement* lui. that were postponed owing t.. i,is recent lUner*. li.' luu written a new PolUh rnapsoSi for the piano *n<l orchestra foi Ibe, atarwtrh Musk Festival oral v.-m. abete he ?ill j.'.av .i g i i n i . i lie Waguei Sccletj will give bo performsnc* at Bayreuth in 186.1. The ?octet) aoste Paa* ago ap l.oiiitid a rummittee lo r?i- ? mouey for ibe perpuae of securing leHci and aoavenln ..f ibe ar?"at mast ,-i Wugneunuseuni at Vienna. Mmv auch reib and soi,,,nits u.i. obtained, mm it is no? rumoi-ed His' ili'.-v aie about u> be ?olj lu i?--i-oiis In the riiit>-<l r tatet l'.-i,v iiii'riiin-i.n, Mme. Vallerta'i husband, im been appunted aianagei ol ibe Br?ssel? Alhainbrs, nhnii ua* been a?i|iilred by an English ?yrtdlratr foi .vorslou Into u huHe^qu? und vartety house, i ii. Minn, syndicate i- uegothttlug loi Ih? purchase of th? rio-iit-.- in Purls. M-s Lot? inii. i performed at Ihe Elys?e In Part? on Wni r -.(.n in me presence of Pn-sbii-ni and M., arnot. Krni's. H?iv,i i? publishing ;i i .1 ni.i- on European actor? und activase?. lio- work contain? irlilml ski telles of Henry Irving, small I.? and l:^:iv hulUvan. Ileury Irving'? compsin lw\e on vnted '.. blrn .i' of hinis,-if in th.. rbsractet ?,i Matblss. ai a lemlndrr ..f lb* twentv-flmi aniilver.?arj ..? Hi. j.r ?In? II >i< i.f ? T, - 1 .os. ? rhe slullietie I III. aortt ui i>iis|ow Ford. I HE FIGHT Al r 'l;l TAMRIN \ HUNDRED OF THE DBRYISHFJI KILLED VM> MAXY WOUNDED. si:;,l;1in. Nov. ??..'.. 'I'll'- Bttsck ii j<1- bv il.'iv- I ' K'.n Tsmrtn, n<-?r Toksr, was ?i datermlncd one \ bad) of cavalry rul tbe road leading lo Ihe fort, in order to prrwest ret n forcement? reaching tii? Egyptian garrison, The dervlshe? then Berrel? attacked the fuit. The Egyptian Irregutarii directed a hi uiii.iii-t tin' enemy. Their aim w?s good and Ike dervishes were literally mowed down a? they i-i ni".n the fort, one hundred of the ?nocking panj were killed and n larfe number were aounded the latter being ihe leader ol the attacking part) Tl.o EgA'ptlau I?.-- wn- only . killed. 1'INAM K.s t?F IHK ARO ENTINE REPt BUL". Bsenoa Ajres, Nov. CO.?Tlie Minister ol Finance ksa Buidi n repon ob th* monetary ?Itusti?n In is* Aigentlne RepnbBc. He dem?nstrale? that II I? Impossible to hav* r*cours* lo the Bnanclal eaped - hitherto employed by ihe tiovernment, Hint ?ugge?ti it,;it n iiioiinii ntloii I-- made in papei mouej : '.?? premium <>n gold gro?r? l<-- dally. On niur?da) 177, and v .--t.-;.';iv II i.h.I fall, 'i III in .. RUMORS OF \ STATE BANK FOR INDIA., Nov. 36.?II is rnmored lu?r* lhal Ih* Brill?? Indian Government j" ?;? ? ? lo ? labUsh i State Bank In India, with ? large rnpllal :.?'! isite rlrcalaUon. Th* ubjecl lu establishing ih* bauk, n I aid i- 'o facil?tate .~'..i. reinlilaiicHi, .. <i : lite ales "f India bill ll.oll TUB CHAMPION OARSMAN BURIED. Toronto, . . N?v. SO. ihe !.? ?ti ^ "f Rllllam t'Conoor, champion oarsman ol America, wm- boiled h at. Michael's Cemetery Ibl morning, The pall Ir.iis-is were Mumd llanktn, whom o*o nn ?.- rutlnied li have been si? tatoi In rawing; Joseph Rogers, fm >en-s ms principal barker; John Ryan, amateur rham i.Uii .srniii-r of America Fred Mossop, William Ken net) and Ccm. T. Enrlght, win. whom o'i'otinoi iii-i cati* Into promlneijce lu double-ocull runt?- i i: \i!N<; IN ENGLAND. l* Lsadon, Nov. 8?. Thl? ?ra? Ih* Ihlrd da) .t iii. Manchester Autumn Meeting, fhe principal isce of ih<' <lnv vu- tin- Manchester Nov-mi... Handicap .,r t..,d.) MVArctgiia " A;' ""' '"J ""' ?'? i,|"'N''\' Ibree v.-ii old coll Paddy. W. I. Ansun' ' "" ?? n M ha i o|i Searuurt w;o -.".m.I. .u.i -. liai l'a Ihre* yi-srold browi coll IXirtland, third. AN KNGLDHI PAWOE CALLED TO WASIUNOTON. i.oii.:..n, Nov. ?-?'>.- a esB wi.s recenU) extended lo tin- Rev. Mr. >t. ?.ii... . n. ? well-known Engll h W? |*yan clergyman, to becorse Ibe po?tor ol lb* M*tro pi.lltan M.-ihiHiM i hurrfi al Washington, II. ? - rh* Wenleyan? ?n attempting In w-issade Mr. -?. pi,,-,,..,,, :,?? ?, accept the u#er, and he is ?till und? Idei a? m v.imi ...'us.' o. i.iTsii.-. Mr. .-i.-i.i."iiso:i in- Wed at Ibe lii-t Wcsleyau < onbTem ?, MB. GLADSrrONE DINES WITH THE (.?' EEN. I ond.m. Nov. SB.?Mr. Gladrtone dined al Windsor Castle list nli-iii with Ihe Queen, Grand Duke ?iergtaa ..i Ruaala, and Lord Rcaorbory. Minister ot lor.i.-n Aif.iirs. ii.'r Majesty and Mr. Gtadrione -li eo?sed Ihe .|ii--ii.ii of tin- I'.i Laareateshlp, aaade vacanl by Ibe i"?.'iit death of Lord Tenny?on. In reply los .|ii.-stioi, iis:.,-,i by n <ori.'s|H.n?i. n'. Mr. Gladstone'? s.-cr.-tnrv ?ms wrttbHt a letter In which h- ImpBes lhal ihe vj.i.'<-ii win not open I'Srttomenl In per on, ? ??? -? MB. fPBRIBN raoTESTS AGAINST EVICTIONS. London, Nov. SS.?William O'lltrlen, U.e Irish Nailon hII-i. who wseasenta Corb <iiv la Ibe House of roMiinoris, as? written I letlcr, wklch I? pnl.ll I A lod.iv, in wii|. i, he vebesaeslly proteat? again ' ''"? erk-tlona <>f tenant? lhal nr<- Impending npon Bevet I estatice in Couuttes HBs? and Mayo. ll>- make? a strong appeal to John Hurley lo prevent Ihe -sordid, wicked hu-lii. ss.s _ SCOTT'S "FAMIIJAD LsTrTEBS,,TO BE PUBLISHED. fond?n. Nov. 28. "The .Mi>?-tiii.uiii'* Isle? lhal David nonplus ui about i? pabUafa Seott'a ?I'nni'i.r Letters" between itht und 1836. lb* leite? In aiaaasrrlpt number apwsrl of S.O0O, and Ihe Banst l,,t,.r.-stin?.' Bad ii,:i::i< i.'il Hf will atone be Included ,n Mr. Houclis's foil in-..minis* wink. OSS' MOtatal * roug'j ?ketch, la Seott'a hsstf, ?>f lb? Abbol ford prof> ,i-t>. Mr. Donata? ?rill sot only sonotatc the work nploiisiv, but he will nl-'. liiiriHiuc explanatory IHter? from osie '.f Ibe m.n and ?jomen who were i ^niis ronlempororle? .I eorresponaent?. I '?> ?? ni t ?f ibe two volumes ?in probsbry appear esrly In t'.?' ! > print.'. 1-I.ANS FOR THE (.oVEKNMI'.NT OP DAIIOMBY. parta, Nov. 'j<;.-.\ii oJaetal Stapsh* received u> il.iv from ( DoSSs, I ..mmanrtlng the Freoeh fones In EtabOSBSF, advis.-s Unit li;ihom.v he dlvhh-1 lato ttaes larillwl?. io ha n?tt th? rahsrabla of ??live ?-hi-fi .ontrol|.<l i.v a ircii.-i. RsaaSesI si Corto Novo, ?cner?! D?jdd? also aajsjaata that tbe Daboraaa toast, together with Ihe algMo?, be directly Koverind b\ the lien, h .-ml 1'ial whydab be mad.' :> lt-i?encU port. I HE NEW t ANADIAN PREMIE!! ?sEWSFAPEB COMMENT OS SIR JOHS IHOMP? SOX'"; ?IT II NT M I N , roroste. Out., Nov. -'.. oimii'ntln-' on the i'-sl.'ii;iii,,n of Mi John Abbott as Ir mi-T ami >he 'pi* iiiiiiient of mi jobn Thompson m~ i.i ? ?" ? "?'. -Th.- Globe" (?berall ays: *s?ir John Aidant*? was sever a aerlous i r mi. i - l?). Nr John Thompson baa been the practical lensVr ..? Ibe Uov erumeni sines -ir John Mncdonald'a death. Tbl tilobe' u.ii.iits iiiut ??. j.,1,,, rnompsoti l- in able man, and hopei ibai ander his control Ihr i ?rnipl method? ibnt have given Canadian politic? an nn enviable notoriety throughout Ihe world. >?iU '" *? "".mun..d. end |be old pohVj 'f denial "f Ihe riKht* of ibe Opponttton In ItorHnmenl and id hading the oppooitkm ?ttd unjual gerrymanders and h:iiicbtse arts In tin- country srlll be replaced bj hirer measures and method?. with ibe Ihsi ibal Kir .1 ihn Thompson is u Roman CsthohV it has nothing to do." ?The Empire" (fonservatlve) legrets thai Ill-health rompelled tin- resignation of Hi John Abbott, and day*: "No si rprl .- will 1?. r.-ii ibal tha mantle worn -' long i'\ the :-i.:.t,>t ?tntesaian into cont'nenl evei produced ivi John Macdnnakti bas been bestowed upon ?it .lohn riiompaon, i:j roasiuou consent In- 1- reit t.. be the min nuM emlnentl) (jnaMBed for the post. My the restgnaflon of Mr John Abbott Ihe Mini ?try IS dfoolved, um1 S|r .mi,,, Thompson will ? .11 I"- ?01 ? ?iiMled b) Minuten <,i ins ?wu 1 1.? and ?ele liuii. ? ihe World " icon creative), lu taking leave of Sli John Abbott, ?ajs: ?While hi- us me will not 1st ?,ss,,. intu? ?1th mu irreal re?..cms nr legislative ad vanee?, sun he ha? made n . mistakes, and lie kept i.iin-s lu Brst-clasA running order ?bile in- ii-il Ibe i. us - Lord Stanley, ibe Hovernor-Heneral, left irttssrs i ? du) for l 'ionio, where he will remnlo until Frida) i,s the gne-i ?f Lieutenant-? iovernor Klrkpatrtck. I nlll his return lo mtnwa no autheqtli annuiiiiceiuenl? ni I. the romposttion of the n.-w i'aliinet are expected A report I? nui.-1,1 that Lord MtUlleV hud been Bshed lo be recalled. 1 n< term expires in M?\. Ill? ?u< i, nr ma) he Lord ?tberdeen, ? \ Viceroy at Iretond. lili: MENTAR DF C1IITRAL MURDERED. TROCBLK FOR THE IXDIAM UOVERXMEX1 MAI III sii.T prom THE i IIAMIK lip in 1.1 IlK. I mlon. Via. ?_??; \ ,||.|,||..'|, f ,,',, i ,1 tnia t . - Th ? Hues- .-us 1 tu, 1 \'/in ni Mulk. u,,. reigning uverelgn ?i i ,. 11.,1. 1 .-.?? u,.-r wit1, his \ -iin-'-i- brother, has b s?n murdered bj hbei Maul Khan, a biuther ol IbJ tote ruler. Soer ADul Khan bad la-en exil d fiom Chllral. li- gathered a small IbHowrRig and relamed to the rounI y. and after murdering ?Ihe Mebtar, or ruler, and bis Irthrr, ?riled Ihe thron* III bI??o reported l at the Ameer ..f Afghanistan 1- supporting the usurper. ? The Times,' rouimentlug on Ihi? dispatch, -1 - ? regard* t'liltnl a n plac. 0 great militar) und ..un nierrlsl Important Chit rat, or, a- U l~ somet?a?? rallad. IJith? Ca hgar, roost 1- ol Ihe K wmn \ aitoy. an Ibe ?eu 1 hern slope ?,f ihe Hindou K.h, lu Central A?ia. The territory is 100 mil. s fa length and Iront Bfieen to twenty adlet wide. Cbltral, the capita1, baa ., poputo'ltm of aboiil :?.-'?"" Tbe.m> '?Important I , -, .., - ? || ,? |op el Ihe II ill.I . 1 Ko s.i M UlltalllS fol Ol? li,,. Ha mi 1 plateau, ol the R? stan Cohinri ^ anolTa exploit?. -il,,- Times" nids that r,,i yearn i?i-t t!..- Ru have been itv.-ylmj Idtral, nlth ?i ?les t., future militar) muvriueiil . l?.- town ?.: Cblln? Iles dir .'h .Hi . ? Durah Pass, one ol lbs few pro ' ? il ,,,,,.,.. :,, , .1 ii,.m ihe I'amlrs, um- ?iff.,1.1 . 11 pat ?rai tu India Tbe father ol Ihe muidered rulei die! ,?'," \,;.'ii-i .;u Af/d ill Hulk, v.u.. ?j .1 roungei ?on ?a? tbi 11 In ? hill .1. He ni um ? -, lied Ihe , in iu<? ul iIm- ilalnin ol ?le Miiitnni Mulk, lha , i,.,. . .,,[,. ?ho w.i- r* i - - ? 11 ? ti- In in, "t whl h ;?. . !,,. u ,. i,o\eiuoi. tfxul nl Mull, ' ' ? rull) ? ' 1 ? il-ll-il nl- rlBlm t,i t ? MR? loll, j: d tl,-i, , ,ji|.-t.-.l id,, indi in *. ' 1.?? ?? frills,! 1.?ti.m 10 ,,..?,1,. ;1. 1 hit ml, li I feared that the ne? ? ? ? 1 (fair, pm-1 illlna .??? sill r? t lu trouble 1 1 , lio?. - ? IHK 1 INCOI '?' 1 IlK \ 1 HE 1 ?' iiM'i?. I,,.. ..,.? . \ .? ???. r u .1 ? .1 Bwrnlng Uamei wi re t 1,,, n ihe in. lire al Lincoln, and i- for? . ,.|.- , : e Ihe Whole build lug wa? .? li:. . Ml . B f, t.. . Ml- guUh I ? . and wi'M'i ?'1 hour ?ni) ihe 1 aere laudlun It : '' !'"' ' "'' '"?? n ?mould. 1 . the L'a Uni., sud that Ihe best : , . lank 10 ? ipMe, !: li . i-i ibal avVuCi ?as hurt._ ?111 lilll'll'iM SURPRISED UtM. MR 1 iDIJ ! ROM 1 HE I tCKTRT, TH W S s s 1 I f. I. V v I* \v T ?Id, ll "? nirym in ol ? ut* :i|.|i I' ilhMnB . v. I rWay bru ight ' Im Into I ind ?; ed ,? 0 . . ? ' ? I ' .. . lor? ..f hi . ?; ' ? ? :!?? ? "' K. K. J11 I ? ' ' " -. k ^ ;. .. ... ?? il M I I ! II one ,,? ihe bond? ??' whb '. M l'.'d held Th? in r wa ? "i 1 ? ? ,:..,'-!- ' ? ,1 ! im 10 be r? marked ? -, carried tl Ihln old faul I .. t,i ?. 11 Mr. .1. ?!? .???...?:?? ? Ihm toll n wlio were waUblux I Im -?'' t ? 1 ire," and wa lopped list 1 n down tin 1 allwa) >' tl late 1 . 1 - . . , ...?', t v II Ibe ?lein ' ri ? im. il In s f.- v mit. lt. m I I <>l.rltti n ropj I genii W I '?"' ? ,t .-? In Ivp ? . Mr. T W -1 (KM) MMIand Is I '' '? ' I 1 1 1 ,.ni|. in? 1 , 1 I!. , ri,. 1 i- ? I." 1 ? '??? .,.,,,. ,. 1. i , Idenl : Ole ??'? Mr. )i m . ,,!i,j,i ed Mm until ih- nn ? ' ? iii away hi an ? U w?ll< t h I.intryn m's . ? |-? !.. : I tin ik. l>V>?Hh." ..It - - - ? ? : II it I ' ? ?' to li\ m\ ?? If up -.m.- ?at U1..'- 1:1 I card nisi it ? |.' 1 ? 1. iiowi r. 1.?'.??! 1 $'? at -i -?: M\. d !!|l ! I?* .' I'll ?" rin clerk gave um ?,,ine direction?, mid when last ., , M 'i tsld ' h making hi - ??) '" lhat .1 Irai llv? bill dilllge.?* pot, 1 ?'.ii ' it -1 s>.i:k 1 ?| he le im lilp which nailed fro? tbl i- "i - ?? '? da) t'.r Europe dbl mil carry man) pas-engei Ai.11 ,,i, 1 ,.? 1 tinsrd !? am?hip B? nia w?-re f. I.. i;,., . i ,.- Se? V..I-I. pa ' 1 ??? 1 '-'? '?' "f ''?? " ?w" - Am. ri./'it line, w ... i- (.,1 n Kborl Vl II to K'ir-i|H He ?III i- lun '"'i "th.-t- i" si tel ??I lies Dr. Walter Baker, ftoptaln ??rtbui Bl ? ipialn Cralgje, in-, I. I rank ?nn'l and l m >'? 1 \ . i-, v.. lib, H S The iiuidi. Loiinii f... ih- Mediterranean bad among lbs 1..-? 1 < 1 pi iln I', laffr?,. Di '?' ml *? Hick . Mr, and Mi . v. M. Kldder, tbe ?;-?? I '?''? 1 h.,-n,.. - i,s-, 1 ?plain 1 I. Murphv, Mr an 1 Mi II. J. Roberts, Ml . \. J. V1 ndetp ? I sn ! : ?? M ' Vaiiderpoef. < m Ibe I reni li dp I..I w. i.- lb i-b-it J. Toybet, l rem h Sai > Ka 1 indi M:, e-i!.1 iiiillau Consul :it Itilhidi i|. da K? "il I er.-ii-.i. I be Mm |iii .m I Msr*|iilvi le Is Halle, Ihe Banni A. de Vaiiioniie and Miss Delphine tau ?MllVlll .--.i-ii. -? - - ? /;.\ ;/./// l/S MATS TH 1 OH > 11 ii.i v Ti,.- -.Mim...anagers af Ihe BaW? ' 11 ? ? 1 ? ? -? 1 ul New York ?dl give two entertainment? al Madls-m Bqnare Harden < oncer! Hall, on th. evening ?I 0? ber ~~ and the aflemoos of Derembet '-''? "' '"' Mistletoe Bough," In iiv?- pantomimic arts, ?HI Is presented. Tbl work mode a ra?l uoes 1 fe? \..u ago ;ii the Aradetn) ..f Music. Leon J?ha Vine lit, ih,- stage director in Ihi Instance, prepared the ?am? ?tor) for the Regents >.f America, i> it-- ? "'m "' Vernon Eudowmenl Fond. -?. - :.n vhiu,' ny 1111 i.tiY M. i.i:t;i<r; WtIA DISK the Men York 1 tMnamndery of the IflHtarj Hrtler ol t tl,.- Loyal Leg!.f Ihe I'nlled Btalea will ""? ? ?' I h Im.m'h, ,.11 in-emher 7, ?m.! ?ii d:30 o'ebrh will imii.-h Into tbe torpe lull lo the dinner |?reimred for the lo.? members, who will be pn eut. After ,l"' roffi-e, Payma Irr RTBlam T. Meredith, roimert) ot the N;iv\. ?Ill read a paper entitled, - > un- Naval ' ?n ih.- bonita Atlantic and UuU Bqnadroo Dnring the War." There will ..lo in- hh'.i-i peerhe* and .Mc. Melt.en names .,f applicant? for memberahtp ?HI '"' ?. ..M upon. ? '.? /;//.,. l ///: i //,/r if, DfrOfii i ?''/1 ,\ suit fur divoii ? hi, h.-.-n begun ngalnal Fia ;- I cayler, lha managet of ?i metodinma raltod "Ught^ ?,,i,i Khadowa of New-York." by hi- wife, who names Mi - Ranina Palmer, tormeri) the leading woman of Mi. Uaytor's company, ? eo-ie pon?l?,nL '' If '''' j, I---.I that Mr-. Gaytor employed a dri? live lo ?wa h her hiishaiid, m,: i f.:ii in detective i>i ? ? ?? i a small part in Ihe company in order to Bod opportonlUes f .r collecting evidence. The dor) recetvea addltbmal Interest from the tori that Mr. ?.;,\l--r I- Ih.< i iiiil.s Oayler, the Btae?rlgbL who dml * ?hott lljne oeil, being ihm ih.- 1,11. i draaaath author ta llns , uuntry. a? I,,-i ttoe la lha w-si i ibe N.-w .ork Central. Twelve i rains u (tof, ftoa ?Bse-table. ?'? MRS. PENSA WEPT IN COURT. IIEH CIlTLDRl :-' Vin ni.'OCGlTT THERE, THEIR : ITHER HAD BRI N 0RD1 RED TO TARE THEM I lir- :r. i t r DISORETED. Tie . not* i over Iba qu? II.?I "'?>' ?'"?11 1|:,V|' Ibe rustisly ,,f ike two children of Andrea B. and i !.??:? ? .1 I'. i:-n ?gros s m. i complicated every day, Indien ??-cured a ?livor?.? from hi- wir.- in ihe sup,.,),,,. and In Ihe decree the cu t.?i> <>r Wie rhikirn Was given lo Ihe lather. The mother refused t.. g v I hem up, t,,,w.v.-'. assl Andres ?e iwed a wril of li.'i'.'.is rurpua li the Siipvrioi Court requiring her lo Mng Ihe . i ihir-n to ibe toortroom. The husband and alfe had been separated for several years, and during this tlitn the rhttdr n I....1 been Uvtog with m.-II -.-. After til-- father *ecur*d ih? srll ol habeas eorpn fron Wie s. |?..,,,,. four) : ?? t....i, ibe children mid w?.s about departing for i.l- borne ta Aatsnnta, Conn., ahen a will of habeas rorpus was *erv#d ii]m.u him requir? ing lil'u !.. takr Ihe r-hUdifn '?? Ihe Supreme'Court, i bombers, yesterday morning. In lite petition o( t<h* mother for t ?- writ s'i" ?i il.ii'.sl lhal her husband bad ?ii.-olm |y nothing i" Ih* supp. Ihe <i.|!i1i.ii for i number of years, nnd lhal h* w;? - an und person to h,.v.- rbarge of tio-in. Tb* emdhei appeared before Judge Truas In Ibe Supreme Court, i yesterday. The falber ?lid not appear with ? ? rhthtren, however, and ih* mother S'a? almo? I'rlti'l.l vv'i.-.i she IhhI |? y., home iii-Miti Without -??in?; her children. she Went nut "i the courtroom itvIiil.' bitterly. Judge rruns ?Id lhal ir the ?i-t. ?? in ih- divorce ?ub gave lb* riistndv ol Ih* .-h, lo th* rather, tin- win rould tii.v- :" lie vacated, but he wo'ii.i hear bo argument until bV father bad obeyed the order or the court. Froceedlnga win b* falten i?. punMi the father fv>r contempt r..r disobey lug the writ of babeas corpus. Il\- SHI'. NEtiT.EciKD m:i{ insane son? MRS MARES \i i is; s HEB MOTHER OF MI SAP PROPRIATINtl HEB BROTHER'S PROPERTT. Israel Kaum was declared to beg lonstlc and placrd IH Rtoomlngdal* Asylum In lf?u. upon lb* petition of 1.1- .liter, Hannah Itaura, ami -he was mad* it.mmlttee of his person and est?t?-. Ills propert) amounted i i about HS.tNJO, Mrs. Jennie Marks, ih> l-i.-i of ihe lunatic, las now iimde un appllcall.Hi !?? th.- tinprem* Conrt for the removsl of Mis. Beam a th.mmlttee of her ?on. i pon th?- sister's pelillos Judge True a yesterday appointed George II. Kracht ii.-iiil guardian ol Ihe lunatic for Ihe purpose or ron ?lu? link' lb* proceeding? fot the rensoval "i Ihe mother, Tbe daughter declare? lhal lor mother luis never taken an laveqtor) ol her ?on'? property and I but sh ? is ?evenly.five v-.irs ? ,;?t aud Ilitt?rale, She assertu that Mrs. i..linn ...ok |be glst,000 which belonged bei -on und bought property al No?, 843 and S4" in lave, in her own name, and ?ub >i|uentl) '-\ phans'sd these ?toast? t i piuperty al No. It? Mien -i . which she siiu hohl- in bei name. Mrs. Mark? MVs thai her luotltcr I- In the iiiiliii'-i v bn?lnsss al No. !i?'i I trough ton st., savannah, ?.a, aiid lhal ?he has no! Visio-,! her sun m severwl v. ui - rhe daughter saut, her mother removed from the po in?n which ?In fluids and Ihe BCOpert) Which ?he I.old- lu lo r US name i, be declared Ibe propert) ..r the ih-hii* son. ? s? ?? ?1RS ItlNNIN'. \N|. nu: lirSRtNDfl Will. Mil. WANT! I CON.vrRl'i rtOS 01 IT FROM 'MM i 01 ;?;,' Mrs, Evelina Dunning hi?- began a suit In Ibe si.|.r. i i instruction ..r tbe will of her huabsnd, ? Jiiam Dunning, who died on July >. i -,.i ' : ..I with her a? plaintif? are Joseph M. Devean and \dutn ? Martin, ?ii?., Mr?. Dnn nlng, are itu eiecnfon *>r t'.- win ..f Mr. Dot rhe d< '? ' 'i..' ' named are I tat t'y c. CI ?se, U Ib I Hi iderson and Edgar F, Dunning, who an 11 ildr? n of Mr. and Mr-, Dunning. i v the term? ol Hm will ot Mi Donning, hi? ?Mow received, in li.-u of dower, two hou ? ? ?- rlfy, ItS) hare '.r v.,, i, in t?.- Brood ?vu m..i ?. vniii AV?niM Railroad Combant and I . !? . :l ? ?n- t . i. .-iv .?. under the win. 114 attire? ..r ?toch u the ion lldated tin? i .,i pany. Thl?, togethei nth ttock In iba New . hlcagu and ist, l...n - tallroad Company and bond ol the Atchtsoo, I ipeka and Santa Fe Rail mad Company, a'er? pledgi I f.. margin? on transaction? with < A Itahn -v .... broker?, .t Ihe lime of Iba death ot Mr. Du ?'? ?- PI ? lock wa? . ? , .,,,!.. psl to the client Of *?* 000. The widow de lhal Ihe stock wa? bequeathed t,. Iiet clear >?f jii encumbrance?, and ?he want one ol the real ? . (heir cbldren, s.,ia t > pay tbl rhe real ?state whb h went to Ih? .' i -, ilne In -rl ss.UMl, ?ut ihi v r ,, ,, . ant "' I' i ' pa) the Indebted .? - ol II.. :, . ' i be ".i., '.v .:... - nl I, iw where Mr-, i h..-?? Mi Heiali ou, Ihe iw.. ilnughlein who are >nade .!? ??".,.!;?:.'-. ai-'. i poll bei application Judge 1-onx, In Miprenie ? > irl CI n.: -. v- ??. ? lut gra?V d mi -?-. o. or Ihe -o-iiluon, noon ,: , ?!,-? ? publ i .m ai. --? ? \ Ul VA\ l.i: FOR Ml! ? RYDER S PROPERTY i-i: ,, , i.i.i \..s, BROtrr.UT IfitlNST IHM BY 'nil D v SII CRY N Ft ION U. BtVh i : . 11 ? i, \. in the sapiens? Cn I .. tentai appointed Ji.'s J. NealU recelvei ?>? ih propert i ??' VVlltlani Weimore i rv.i-r, es president ill P.. Madtxni square bank, In proceedings brought iiK,,In . mi t'rydei b) lite Danbury National Bank inh holds .i jiiii.-iii.-nt against Mm. ami ..? wa> f xamli ?. In li ? ea iinlnallon lu tld H .,t i.:. wiv ...i.- i .i h 'n-.- .i.?! lot and hoi lira in ruxed ?. Mr. I ryder i? Indebted to I . Madison square Bank i > Ibe amounl o| 0100,000, b Ibe banl.M ? irlt) M :' :- amounl. Mr. and >? i < i?.-' Inherited large ui.f money ,, i;1. rslrt) v it? i ??. ?nd the) have been living ul t high rate '?'?', -"Ti1'' H.Il!h ""^ 'iav'' become I nun, ig)!) ,-uii.'.ii.i-- .1 rhe detail? ol the null ul Ha: ?linn.- Bank b'-mIii-i Mrs. Cry der wen The haul? led Mrs. Ci yd? r [? ,r, ? . | !.-.? ?. promt- urj ; i..?l i., \?u i !.. Mr. Ci ?der l.\ virtue o| ? i uv . ,,. att?rii v whh h h - wire hau given lu mm lu !-"<? -??. iie.-ii.i lhal Ih? power of all ?rue) w? not go i lt .;?- um? it wa. n ??.. -h- al u --. i lhal I .n I i .-.i inoitgngr "ii her prop?rt) ?l t?\ -d . to -?? nr n ior tbe Minoan. due oo the notes WHERE I? I "i I? I ? IjORILI.ABD * HOME! I,,,,,i. i . i.oitil nd. lie millionaire, h? Is-giin ? l? M,,. (iiipt me '' ?n lo IVe i! " '1'.' ' .a, ol Whelh? r , , ui/, n ,,f .ids state or i ' Rhod? l land | i oui.iilv .i.-'. i,,.o.. a. ., that be will nol have to pay ?,... i both Mates, In bl eaamln ?!i in In tin II h? declare? thai undet Ihe win ol Mi - Catherine lorlUard ?Ti Ife i. recel? id ihe home ol Ml.s \\.,i.. i. Kearport, railed 'Finland," and lhal he look pu ; .,i II und h..s ilv.-ii there ever since, rhe place i- ..vo:'!, s ?o ...?n, and Hr, Lorillard -:.?. i,.- determined when he received it t.. -iv.- up i,i i, idetirr In tbl? BlSte and OUlke hi* home on Rh de i land. He I- a member ol ihe Metropolitan Hub, i,, i i. cliy, bal he -avs that h? l- al-.. a member ..f .lui. in Xesrport, Boston, England and France. Ever klnce lss7, in- declare? he ha* voted la Newport, bau paid taaes lio-i'- and i?- considered thai atare Ms home. He attend? church l-here and isiv- rent lot three pew? for his family and servants. ?Yben be m traveittng be alwayt reglatera as from Newport. ||.- li.-is I'.liti'.-n un-n Working m hi- u-i.'.-n m,s, . tiv. iii ni. stables and [ourtis-ll;- Indoor?, In tbe ou, . loi v he is ii;iu,..l ..-- l!:. vb'e-prc"sldent of Ihe HondiiRK I ...i ...ill|>:itiv, tm i Mr. bortBartl ? :ivs ii.ui the company doe? nol do anv bosiniss, Ihe ?a-.- will rotnc up lu l-tee ->ii|.r.-rti.- t?..tin for trial vvlta'., a ihort lime. COLLEQf. 90C?ETIES BXD TBEIB SES?/0\.s The annual ronventlen of Ibe Chi VU Fraternity ?nd.-?! yesterday. i i1. In potnl ?>r attendance and In lb* amounl ?>f Important bnslneis transacted, the invention l.ns he.-n mosl ?arcessful, Petition? wcra received j ? -t.-nlav troai many roOeges, asking for Ihe establishment ol new chapter , butafiertil . u ?Joa f?-i decldid noi i.. Incresse lbs number ..r rhaptera now in exUtence, The -- .f Ihe rtnvenMon was thai wllh iw.i'iv une well? labll bed clnpter?, embra? lig .mber hip ul 4,tkX) men, n wns not necessan i . make additions. TI.lection ..r ofltarr? was ii,,. , ?j|,.( tin in?-, before the i inventa? yestertsjr, en?! resultej a? follows: Grand Alpha, J. I?. Adam- Grand tismma ?. ii. Brorkantar; tlrand Delta, Heiaerl Ballentlue. Ih- tieit convention will b.? held In Washington, on November 18, m und 11, 1803. The annual convention of the Delta Phi l*rater?atty was also Antobed yesterday. A large ?im ,unt of Impertan) buslneaa was transected Baring Ihe two daya of the convention, and tbe attendance at the session*- was large. THE "READISO HI. A I." fXVESTIHATIOS. V.. R, ROLDEN, I 11 WIN II. MEAD WI? A. i: M'DONOL'OR OR Mil'. MAM? Tie r?agi?oa lavestlra'ioa tota ti.Reading deal" ??is reitlaued yesteiday la Kaeai 121 ... the Fcaerrl iiinidiiii?. Only in oir, ssin, u |*anim?B ?nd ?eras .. the roaualltce were ti ?a- espleined ibal Caaie? nun Coombs ?;t< absent ?"t lereuni ai iilaaas, Mi. Pati raon act-?d as rhaliman and he ?mi ('harte? r. Beerb, jr., til? i it'tl,-''. i-i.ttii-el. did 11 u?t. Of the QUeMloalBg. There vus us :,| (h- BtOVton? WesiaBO, a I. Ige 011?IV ,.f roansel, toriadlag J. i?. (amphcll, Jaasrs Aratstreag and .1. ',. lobnsoa tepieseailng tba R?<adtog int-rests; M. I . Olmstcd, ?r the Delaware, Lackt?;sons and West '?"' RallNsvl ,.,.,,,; |;0|,?n w. De Korreal, for th.' rentrai Railroad al v-.. -.!.??-. ?.. ind T. M. Met'arl . u ti,.- t-:,i-ti Vuii.'v -.i, r. k. il,.i,| n. x.reme m- , |. .sil-i i ?? t .. Delaware, Lue., i? ana tint West? n Rail.i l'omi inv. t id ,,r the ibaagea osai had take? i- ai ' ami n- Uta . m lai? i r thi r<a u ai ab int t.> um '"' '?'."i.hi,i*:,,': ati.iiHi.' tbe loads. Ile testlaed ?. i, 'II,' I..s WbO intended the III- el. Il ??s ?I lile s, , . Igftflt? und as to what port ape atoi s ??? r.'prea Btnd j. th. -e i'"-'-M gs< H" mid In ?.-ti.-i.i I nut Mr. Mr Leo!*? lestt. iiiiuiv wits rorree! us far ?is th.- UMaa Uoaa riBH Sadei i,., observation. ihe witness a \, I? t.loot bi a ? i - i,i in .-lui'.'- .,r ii.,- ,,,.ii miul.ig us t., in-- Jh.,,, i,t ?h., h ti,,- railroad coaipauy rouid tianape I no<a Mai* t... Unie, und ni; t amount wa? -? ?it bom Bay t> daj Is icrordsnrr wltii the ln??nicl'o??. The rara I >.' re -Ill-til.u t!:e lilltpQI the -.Mlr.-.s uxa* I ,,t lUllilllal Slth. The a?. HI Inltflit sluit down lilt. '-,-th. i- ,,n ?..lie-.v. IS '" I I".I til,II el Ulle till',' I.II . II. ? (|'i..: .l,( ?. . K- ;,. |, | i t,, ,, ,| s, 'i...,,i, sin,il;?, t., th.- nre on lii'la. :i - t,, Wheths Ih, I O.II| 'li' should I?' required t.. rurai<4i n ?i. u.iii ?tciemenl of Mm ii>-. i-.' ii'iinh-r i.i days ?it whlrh work had been rarrl <i oa m ti.e rol 1erie? ani lb? nunibe ..f mei ew.ploy? i Mr, Olmsted objected to -. oing ala that line of etuiml ? tii.ll ; III! tile <?.Unite- llnl let i ,,l. (i I ?.!" W ?tin's |, rjiawer tin- question. M . 11 olden ?old Hut il tba a. hit's ,,f Hie ralci ii.iit. ,:i,l, OHUItb ti;.-.,- ?a? ?' Biiitua exchange ?. r Vlewi nul un nul, s'.imJm l' ?> i- : orbed ;< ? ?.. the o? 1res i, be charged. I)'.:- ?<? . Ibe v. tne?i -??il. in. ,il!,, ii.? .!?? ut. M,.. ii-.-i.:e :.. t., tin- n, IXinl whlrh ?i ?i eomusii) ?,- t. mine. IMwbi il. Mead, i.... |.'. '?? m .?? Um Pennojrhaabi r,,;,i ('ompsa.r, ?as ilao psaatlneo. Ile -\-nt ovet arneh -.un,- !.s|.||!,.,v ,.s ,,i p-eVWOl ?Titel ke?. lie tin.?!',?,a tin- ti,, t, tul |-,ss|i,i,- uatput >,: . u Ibe i.? |,.i. |l - nil |. . li- BKI-I faVOiabiC . ,-, Hi sen,, ,. w?? ?baoi ?"..' G " '? ,1- ill Ml I.' "'I SB l |".e "'I lie l.'-'lie ?omewbrl higher, Ibe ?lines? druled i.mi there ?a? u t-ouiblnatlon amone tbe t ad?, bul ?lien CbairtL*i P ifl ksktd ke? - ?? ?.panic? happened I? a? ii,. ans thing tl the Mme un- wltlonl Bgree?B)enl to . ?? niai itini i ?- : en. \. It. MrDonoHgb, ??-!.?: i v of lb? I.;.- m.iiI. v tiiL.t thai bi> . 'i "hi a?! i-arrv roal .?? Individual owiteis, i in.mi litee tdjourard t, m.-.-i un ' la) n. min- at 10:JU o'i lock. ; .V'#,.\T;';A?' TO HOLD fSOTtWtOH?t fRMIOXB. The American Soctety of Mechanical Knglneera will have n -eil,-- ,,r proft ?Innal ?Ions on tonr <h.>? ul lila w."K. beginning on Tuesday, at the anise of tbe society, No. 12 Wesi Thlrty-llrxt-st. ?'? mniodore i hartos II. '?ring, ol the Bnglneei ? m ?is of tlie N.i\\, and presiden! ?r tl.iclety, will ..ill iio- iir-t s, don . i lesday. and win deliver ?,ls t.d.'.r. is. Refresh? ments ?'li i- served later in the mipperrontn, and an upportnnlt) given for smoking and n h* hil reunion if ibe members, T >? grs! ol the bualness session* will be h.i.i mi Wednesda) a! t<? ?. m. Af'-r Ihi? ?III i>. on "i reporta ol Ibe rouncll, Dnniue com l It tee, letlecs >.f election and of tbe profession I committees. The professtoiial papen will then be read by c. II. Peabody, l". II. Daniels, James B. ?Ianwood a ?l F. M Rlt?s. Ih-n lunch. will be ?erved sud :..? if!.--1, on ?111 be spent In visita to points ol pro fesshninl irit.Tr-st. In Ihe evening I ?ere will I? ?i reception and a i-'.rul gathering ?.i (dierry's, ?mil ?it in o'clock ?uppei win i.rvi i The etvidng will .' s,. Rirta dandng, and I? is especiaII) de?4red that un one ?hull remain away becaaae not provided wtih evening d:.s. The s^ssl,,|i will 1* t.-iitiieil ni in a, m. ..n Thursday, when papera win i*- read by IV. A. i..,'.tel. Ueorge Kit eaoud, lleorfe W. Usaell, ! Webber and ft*. F. Durand, in the evening panera win be read by De Votoun ?.1, II. F. J. Porter, John K. Sweel and W. H Rogera. Tbe last .-soin win be ii.hi on I rhhiv morning, and popera will be read bj u. s\ .ho onus, \v. n. Bristol, R, \'mii A. .Noiris. n. i. spauldlng, l>". C. Carpenter, \>, bony \ i.-i.iiln and John T. Hawkins, ?m Friday ? n the members will \i-i: Ibe American In? stitute. -?v iv .1' Ni'i: ;.Kji BdTiTR MilaTCT. ii,;?,!.\s have i tendency lo rednc? buslneM li real estate, ami no 010- ex<pect<< an active marlu-li iiiksgivlug w.-en. 'iiii- year'? Thanksgiving had not, however. ;.s depret?lng an enTeri "i. ii"- i--?-'., 1 1. would linve 1.n Kupp>?ed C n idertng Ihe slrnrl A.e'?. ibe in 1?!.. * for residence properly wan ur |. Isingly i.-.'.1. I.oi. property in- leen lu demand, and f e auction market w.,- fairly itrone. Among the ?ales of the weel. are 'h. U) li" ( ,lw.ll 1., ;?i c.. |bc flve-story bnlbflog 24^x100 at the uoithwesl ? ? : ? 1 ol ?-luth ave, and Thirty ninth st., It?O.OOO; the foiiMtory hrownstone hwae, 'JT\. uoilie.O, So. " Rnst ?,.' v fo 'i-'.h -1., belonging lo I..,,mis 1.. White, for 1*0,000, and four i"t?. belonging ? , ir,.\ l l' ,"h. on lb?- .''t -i i>- 'f Seventy '. ' -' . 1<?> f ? t e 1 si of An '.-.hi in :i\ ' . f u- .*?; 1.11. U1. ? Tbe Re, it-d mil i.nhle" report? Ibal I! ?i-r, Wallare .?.I r, K, skktmore 1 *?> 1 m ?torj btownsione ii; .1 ,1 : ill '.'.??? bevent) tift. -;.. t r an s.'i.m?.. Hug) Funke ha? ?old Ibe four-stir) ipariment bouses In Muelj e) nth t.. near Third ave. he -'-1.? 0, p ,. 1 nvevaiicea ..f ihe we '> numl-ered Sal, .i 11 Involved -.'. 1-??. --T : us against -*>'?? in? Ivlng ft!, 7?.'...?"..h. in '.rtespoiidlng week of l-'.il. The 1.taugea ol Ihe we-i. nunibered L?O0 and InvMved ! ?.'."?e... ?"..'. while in Un- rorri"?!?inding period .-f I.i \.,r lllev iuiin!..-|,-.l J'-.'. oud ln\-olved 03,'nj.ln':. I rtv-cliiht buildings, to ..-: *1.02".7T3, were ?co? l?ete?!, ?mil In the i "ii- |. mili'" "?-i? :1 J'"ur ago ?, n? uve wi -.? i'i"j' .i'-1 ??' ''" '" imnted coat ??.' RHEUMATISM ?\ It I M II A LL*8 Anti-Rheumatic //. Ring I. L I ?i Kin nun,tlsni In nil |ta In. Il s. Il <|lll. hen? IBM? I II , llll,IHUl ?I II,- I In,ill In.lot-e.l ti?- .lieu?mils ?l proill. nient iieioiuiK. Mule limn 7.0110 linsoll. Ileil llsliul.inllll? lui te been rceetved frewi e?ei? arcttoa afibaa , oeillI? und I illepe BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. PRICE, TWO DOLLARS. (?old Covered <?m Or.tslde, 15. ir atdei i by mall ?t*lp ??' pipe? "f ta* -??"? wanted I ?hiiuld n..i It '"i i" ?urn uu an- Duger. U .-tir.s ii..n.i,;.ti-ni wberev, r loeil ??! -? ,,,| tum iddre - urn ?tamp required) and i -l\, IK l.l. ., i'\M I'll I.i .'l' ?ii ? n i.l's wlaj Kheiimallani , nil) i. Hi- ,.in? et Um1 lialii stU-ndlug It, lud bo? to ubl.llu a lasting ami In'xpeaslVB . are. FreparH an I ?old ooljr ny F. W. Kimball, 3 l ilion Square, Xcw-Yorli, HO M 101. IAKI I.l.l.VATOH. AMI !>G Court Si. Brooklyn, KooM to. >, urii.i>is,i. FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE. FIRST PICK FROM 01 it ?UM nOLIOAl iu-H;\s wil.l. ?? o UTA l M l? ??V THOrt COMING RABLV. THE PRICE* IBI HABFEIOFSI.Y LOW AM? WOBKHA-WHl* UBBATL1 As "only one price, cash. Ml IH-t III M* l'A? HK Al.l.tHKl? TO AM ORB. CEO. Ce FLINT CO.. FURNITURE MAKERS. 104. 106, 108 West 14th Street, A NEW DEPARTURE In the Practice of Medicine. THE IMIIVKI.OI? (1RES Isaaa m?d. bv homoes ?>jtl.'. ?j,,, i-,ii..!s ?.,. a ?our.?' of ?ontier and antonlaS* ii'i-ni "V. rrwaera. .\utn,?g ihr etnasall ?in ?'" approach*? fas in i tfcr/al ran ? ?etna ataSU da/Is fcy Aa ?billed taamsaaa Ci:lIn. n|.r< 1.11*1. Il.-r I? on.- ?ho rireiv If ever los.? ? rov of TrphoHt Kevet. AsetBer ?as tai ? ttety .j**. ol .voliiii iMspepaia, Aastsei kaa teaejarted Raasasassaav S asent? baa ? ?svereaja esa? for in Timm ond Bros, rbial tnni...., and ?mi asaran ?n laBlMasa mr.edr far ( uturril. vii.l -o on ibreafb naa aasb li-i until aimou cv?ry .,,,.?,- ii.-.?:, ,is i,,,-, , ,? ujm peraaa of mbm neai uttoner .1 ?Ms ?|,,h.I. mi: lai.n y i,f this COMPART has rffx TO HKTVf?M AI .\n MATTXB WHAT ros T THF. H EST FfUtMl'I. AM ot i/lfM s/./,/;//srv vo THAr i I/at o\i: or ori: ttKJfKMKH /s tiif i-KonrcT of i M A Mr KM tJI i it i r I'M. //< I / AM WtMAMMOW Will ?I UK M \KKS .1 "PKCtAirr. t.. tu.-.- win, ,-an i,- .., ? ? aauld wIvl?- eattfsaj ?t our oRtre, ?l>r.' ? . -r- m iih.v-linn \v.|| tar-f.ill. iiia?u??'? n.-n- rase, wirbeui rba re, if yea naa l..aal von will i ? laid -... f -..n <n. be h-i|,..i \..i ??;i b<- told -t. n in.: v.... v.oi ..- mil the'. Tbere ?111 ba aa sMtsataaj to pureSa.Beta aalrs? \?>. stab. Oer esaeaaaaaaSM ? i; ...i' on.v i,. tiiarmtcb, bat BB"ataeJj it???-. Th? pure ..f remed?'? N ...i. .. |'|T It' IN l.\tn;K BSTffTI.Eat, sita Um ?a epOea al ?i tow ayssssl?, wadefe HI ? SI. TBOtSfl i.ivim; .\t A invrwc E. at ?her., it .- n..?', i? i..,i t.. .ri, aaste, ..???/ ??Mesetas, ulv um ran pai i-m.i.'- ?..' UeHi ?aserias, spaa ?.itit ef ?tiii-ii are .,iii at? ? ? t;.-ii, fully. i?'ii i i.iii.? i.v.i all ..s..- ? Space forbids ,?t' . j, i. aa*. * \ woiti? ti? Tin: M-'.itvot ?*. Te 'ii?. sut r,i..j t,,,.i, senas? traaM?a as promtae ? .'ri..... ui,,| .,. . |i :,- , t. I\*>0>I\IA. fo in in 'I ?."' ?aSteere from lo?. of ?bap ?i? i.ii.i.i.i i:-i...iv appeal . it i? * ?r-iitie, qntetia? nn'ii. in.-, and ,i- v.l.. baa i> .. preved in hun? deed? ?.' ? ii- ?. t ATARBn i ol II all) RBBM HITI?. It is sa i. i . lulling i:? i m f w pb) ?telan* uiili-Uiid tS.?m i,,?-t prevalent ?i?..- uni . . aaabbt t.i rase them. In Nea r?rt aad Breeklya alette ?re ases ?m --??fully irev.U ovM -i\ loJilrU ci-.', m i.',.- peal -i-, i;.oiifhs by ail 14 and -....urn . r.-a? iinti w.i'1'isii n.. . \ .- ainaty psatlal ?nd frs qiiuutly total ?i. ".- ." i.|ii. t.;v i aft: i Mm ?>?*?ll ef pbyslelaa? ?eaetallr. ii>n>?ii-t. ead f-rii. la ""r "&? I ;. i |- |*d .neee?4 In . SI nil It, l?isi*i.rsin. ?.f an it* .vu. latat i.?.-t Uta basssa !?,???. n a* :- ?a remosta :.- .. -.,-1?-- ?. A Mtaaaaad ?'<d ase ill? . :?<? in- at.r;! alWaMy i i tt. <?<ir forrrnla tor tin- >-.:r.' ?<f mi- ? ii'i'i- tllaaai ?raa aaaauted ir?m tha iin-t ?a.-t.i ?pe ..?list loi-nvi, bj tbe teastaa-al af till? o ?,??.?.. If raa bsvi lyspapeia ... tbbtb 'on have it, a Hie ar ? saw la u? -' TO \\'otiK\. ''?' "? saat ? i eat] .>?? waataaSj toe? bteaeBa?, tie. If von aaal a traed i ?ajdsalaa ?'?S , ?..,, ?ata ?... i., th? i "??? ' ? ''-? .:"'i'i'- ??.?! has "?> asas yon oi :.,i,' dbjpwttv? ..: **mal praabt*a, aad ?as wni bave ae awi ? aw tor >? ?"t'!' ? ? ? ?f' Wlei? WEAK AM? lit nil.ITATFH Beraeaa -?., ii.'i.'iied ?im faVarr row ek ? ?? ? \\ nur- ... . |.--|i.-. t-ii .ni re rt ".i l.v'-tietUoa. i ..n r .m;ii...- parier? Bed roarteea. treat atea*, ah ?re ?- m ana, N'a H.aii. r wbat di*appolntmeut? roa h%t? m"' w,t^ .-.s. raer? na i it? ? aaal ?? ;, i '!? i r? ?my bsas to'.d v?.i to?iE OR white ru i s* aad be estit-Satal of v i...* ski,!..i i. n.>|H,tm, s.,., .?o.t, ran da for von. IC I? BFRrfT I ITII s-T.. RBW M??K < ITY, N .All '?! VI r*s t;KMI\K IBPOBTBB LILY WHITE RUGBY FOOT BALLS, 82.50 EACH. II 1.1. l.lNEs. BV rtaST BAJA su ppi.iF.s. HULBERT BROS, ft CO., 26 West 23d St., Opposite .1th Ave. Hotel. HOOK GLOVES A RK STAMPED FOSTER'S PATENTS, OB UCbNSED UNDER FOSTER'S PATENTS. BEWARB OF IMITATIONS! Wiibeln? & (ir&ef BROADWAY & 26tb ST. OL?SS SETS BmaSSS Sad nnrc^umt u-, ,;r| 6?PJECES *6.75 DINNER SETS, LATEST IMPORT ATIONS. FROM $I?.QO. ? ROGERS & BRO., A. 1. II \t?l AUE MMPraiWTM A\I> DlHtil'HTEB WITH THE >ll-Elt\III.E TB \s>|| W?BM FOB ???.II.VE? I'l.ATEO W \HE" \"? ? II * Kt;AI>'8" (f) III V THE ABOVE ?HI? AM) BEI.IAIII.K RKAND ?ABB HV BBSJBBR ?1 llltOTHEU. OF WATER. Rl'BVi < <?N\.. I'OK 11*1. F A t BNTIRY. AMD ?;t'.T THEIIt Tltll'I.E I'l.tTE. W A It It ANTED FOB TW E\T\-I'IVE \ BABA IB tOHTI.\M?T "sTKEET. NKW.YOBB TH?TAHMlr? ^QwIATPSt. "'?'NEWYO? Coirp.ctely firnluhe? a room. A eomfortabte, clean. well Bed. l>re.??liiK (.??e. i In Hohler, Desk snS Wishstand in eae piera ef furniture, ompylnK lea? tasa half the room <>r ?n ?ild-f islilon.-d b ?l?t.-?d , vermin proof ; handsome; duruile; ?Mo to SUS ; L'.OUO reference?. Write 1er illustrated ?.?(?logu?.