Newspaper Page Text
VJti 1 ^r>?^. tva!/ i TO"*!? , fl . V0,'LfI.NM6,83& NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY ">, 1803. -TWELVE PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. TWENTY-TWO WERE KILLED. DEADLY FIGHT FOR LAW AND OXDEB AT BAKEBSVTLLE. N. C. calvi* tarma taken prom jut, and LTNClinr-A SHERIFFS POSSE MARES A DHSI'KKaTE EFFORT TO PROTECT THE PRIS >KER, Johnston nty, Te?m., Jan. I.?The report conics frott Hskersville, >". ? "., ih;;t Galvin Snypes, th. ouravn-r of Isaac Osborne, waa lynched al thal plac1 this morning. A masked mob of 4>>n men catered the jail at Oakenville, and look Snypes to ? do ase forest, shoal ball :i mile away, where l.e wm killed. Ii: the straggle thal took place in an attempt to defend tiie prisoner eleven ot tb?Kh^r;:i'f poaae were hilled, as also wore eleven of tte mob. It was ono ol the bloodiest riots tlat ever occurred In North Carolina. Among the fad and a i inded arc some of the most prominent nen of the county, a messenger just from lhere jays that both fidel are still Bghting, and many moro people are being killr.i. ThoSS pf the Sheriff* posse who were killed are Jaaea Williams, "Dan" Kitelde, Robert Jones, Philip Sama, Elmer Johnson, William Reed, "Tom"' Beekner, Wallace Lawn, Nathan Fannel, i George HaJliiield, and "Torn" Hale, "llio*? of tlc mob killod are John WoMh, William Osborne, Theodore bailiff, William Perry, John Osborne, Hiilip Crowder, "Jim' Nanoo, "Will" lintier. Usgery B&rrd, Owen Thomas and Jack Phillips. Tho whole c mn try is going wild over the wat for law and order, and recruits arc arriving Lourly from the adjoining cities for both si ior-. Tho facts which l<\\ up to this terrible af. fray were ta follows: Aaron Wiseman and Oli? via Snipes wen- partners i" an illicit distillery in Mitchell County, N. I'.. and had told William Osborne a::d I awe Osborne, two brothers, whore tie distillery was situated. William Osborne ro ported the distillery to the officials ai Itakers nile. N. C., and h'-iped thom to doBtrOy it. Wiseman and Snipes suspected Isaa/- Osborne ts the Informer. On the night of August ?:: Sni^s and Wiseman, HTmod with Winchester rifles, weat to the house of baa/3 Osborne and railed him up. Mr. Osborn came to the do- *, and i>* culprit*- opened fire, almost riddling him wita bullet*. Wiseman and Snipes were arrested, but sufficient evidence could not be obtained against Wiseman a< d he was released. Snip.'.- was bound to tbs Superior Court on purely circumstantial evidence. Ile w;t.- placed la jail, anil after '>? lng confined about two weeks confessed to the killing in thc mininer above related. ?i-? TWO PIO BLAZES IS BBOOKLYX. BOIUMXOfl BCRSED IN 40 MIJtUTES-BAMAOES, *?".'? - Another disastrous Are Visited the Eastern District of Brooklyn last evening, earning a lom ot over 09 "'. ooo. Although no Kvc werel rvernl person* bad narrow escapes. The Ore was d* cered on the tMrd floor of tho three-story frame buildings Nos. 1,057 to I .ooo Boadway, occupied by Jot 'pb Ryan, a wli I" s:t!e rd'1 re-.:: dealer lo wallpaper, paints and furni? ture. Sa rapidly did I ipread thal lt -au-. wit!i difficult;, that thu Inmates of thc lura- : lags gained the rtreet rn nfety. A tow minutes after 8 o'clock tho fire was discovered and shortly after ward, hall the bi k was n names, a second and UM Sham wera t nt out Before the flatw wen under eontral t:..- bandings occniiled by J. A. Di at Se. i. 53 Broadway; M ireas Bros., i a cher i bop, So 1,053 Broadway, and the grocw of A, I Bekerk, So. 1,071, were i mploteij gntted. The ujc?t tto>m of ia<- last-named bou ? were used bj Kyana astebll hment. Tho bnUulngs wei* erected, lt ls Mid, Start? yean nco, aad vcr" nlwuvs rotUMored Undi r I When tko flrvmea responded to tho Brat alarm they foui.d Um water was frozen, rmi it was fairy ten mlaut'i befort a itreaa could be turned on ti- burn. lng bundi:::-. ;n ':,<? mean lime the are bad s>;-"wi through ibo i oudteg. In i^.-s than furn astnutoo from tiie time tho Ore waa di covered Um building was n asses of rama. Ti.- flaiTMb* leaped across Ibo Lroadwr.v Berat'd Railroad, which t ok Uro, stopping trams lo) several boura. When Ibo Hr.- lire!;" out Mr. Byan was at work dictating a letter, wh board a woi ? In tho street crying ? (Ire." ie- (prang I i the < Lndov and mw .-, tongue of Dame kie'ut 'r":n ti,'- third floor. Running Into the uinln LallJlr k bc gave the alura lo tlftj k;:1s employed I ? ;?.-. ai ;.nli- f< Hu I nd in ih< rush for the stairs many Ml und were badi) brui d. Byan road I i i<\. >lr. Byan Mild hut nigh! that hU lo* wv li um mnt to SI 10.000. The total loss, he -Ml m.,is ni. .ut, SSOO.oOO. Ile boida p Helen on peveu Sew York com ;a li for c'< ?.<?"". <>nlj ?n< .'?-?ii'. .>? ? -.<!? ? i : .- d. Haioid GerblUK, of So. -t- Strgg . eaae lo 1 f ? Bchotei il . to ken at the Jir -. While then he fell Ibrougb ?).- . . ? ii.-h . r?>c?'ivlne painful ln)urle?, :n.d was taken t> st. Catberine.s Hospital, tv cai t.. ' ?? n. H:e sha di H roy ed thc Fifth *ven ie Casino. Fifth ave. and l i.l'.n rt., lu-t night Involving i of nearly -.:.<>.??<. The tire iiroki ??'?' In c boll . ruoiu i'i Ibo I ;i ? -net-: and i ; ? I ? .-. ? :? b ron J i I '?: a targe hall, do. wan am] j, timber tra - .-. ?:. Tlie ?.- Iding wax ereeted in lass for a LatinR rink, li ha* since been u>'<! I w varioti purposes, snd the M'-m AthlMlc < l I, liflU its beadquarter* i ? Ono of the members of the athletic club dis covered the fire in his <\r- insroi m over tte boiler room BJ . the i ? . \-:.ri I I."':' -i. Bl IO :30 p. iii. 'I',-: Janitor found t!,- whole bns?>nient In flame* ind ga n alarm, l^it Ur" !?? >f ;.. i flr<> before tb, ? rived, :,, I I ll Iii n total lo lt wa* owned hy J>. I". Di "iv. of (hi flrni <.f H'Ubv .' Doody. It waa pnrtlallj In urnl v :? . ?-,; f.,;- ;? UM, . mi ??til.. -. lt Sever pi -, I proMtnble t'> lt. owner ? Three ? suini;i< ii",] :t fargo Lumber -f firemen and en gil pud ?;? fire waa confined to the building In which lt tiroke out. TO 907C0TT A PAS8EX0E* WHALEBACK. kt. IVjuI, Minn., Jan. #.?A V.'. ? J=nperior, wi-.. akgaHch lo "Tho DI pah h" aaj i: "A letter rrom Vice Pre<.M"!it ii1 i ?. bl mi Amalgamated .\-.nUon of Iron Workers, to ? loca! Iroi man >'?? r!o i n ?>? Umi'iti" and extensive |4an t-? boycott the Christopher Collin,1,ii;, t!," J , engcr v .:'???;,, U bulli Utt I'l" World's Pair, becauae Ibo vena I l, b- ilt of Kteel piatas from th" West bu perter lr<>u and Bteol Company, which ls a non union I op. 'li. difficulty gr* ws oni of the itrUi*i:. t Kummerand i actuati lbj Un Amalgamated m?n v.'.o were di bai ? i- to have all t!i?> Ubi r unb i. of thc Wi \ V I ali i Ij pi ? b \ COU r lail I I, I J.r. .:. ? will vi lt go nm] otl it ? llb - If t: ? Int'-' -' ol the berni Th- bargi ? i" n; l" ? \ prows na t-iu- of the threat.' ISTlSSi: COLD AT M.WY FLACEH f?ttav.a. om., Jan. 1. Thin iii Ixl ; lu Bow expertem big tho caMest weat lier ll bas known for same peart, At 7:.':i o'clock ibis rnor.u; | t. ?? thermometer lojgMsjred 81 degree below sero. Al Pembroke SO sagnei below aero waa registered. tarro, vt.. Jan. 4. Last i ghi wai Um coldest of tii? ian aaa 39 degree* below. The granite eultir *tre enable to work to-day, and the weather la colder to-night. St. JokhSbarTi vX, -inn. 4.?Tli.'* thtJBMoaciter akajakasei 80 dogreeo baksw aata Ikli noralag; the coMoxi ti.i? winter. ITaadsilHa. N. h.. ian. e>-Tblo was Um collie! fcornlriR or UM winter, the mrrcurv legMterlng li de rrws i,,.iow-, jt l, sa degrees below at Ute Panyan TUL BEAM CBEBK. UWXED IX PITTSBURG. rlllsssrg, lan. 4. The oUtsah sti imei i: ar Creek, report^.! lom j. nstd-orean, wa owned by the Bear Cr?-ek (,ii t'oaapaay, ol ii,is elty. he was a new 3.0(x>toii atnglfl crew Iron steamer, and had been In ?s stt-earrylag trade between Philadelphia ind Amitordiin foi the bud two years. The vessel left "hlsdelahla with n cargo af <>H on Sovember SI, houtHi f?r Aajsterdsm. Bhe reached Ute bittef port ? o?My uri'i stnrti-'i on ber return Irk) ob December s. empty. The Bear Creek was om of tbs largest oil ^'ning eeeaela afloat, having a capacity af -_':t..'i(K> "?trels. hbo was built nh(*it tine.- yean ago iit'd I lbs! w*?,0"?- ?*? ?*? fl'"y iBssarasl In UsytPs. ' ;'"10n*h ?? local owners MBBSt say for what sam. } ne Arm reeolrsfl a flispatek stating mal Um ri i rXe-nlr'*" J' in mid,,,,,,,, >ng |?.r ,,,.? ? I?aakL*%! r*?Vt^,"?,1 ?" Qnesnslowu on the st Ar+n. no hv-- kavlag ssas lost, MA&LET FEVEM mi'.VALEST AT BAYS LAMJUXQ. Cape May, nj, j ( Jan g, gjpji^ t(.yn. hn, i,r, ,??e ?^P^v^^t m May's Uasflmg u,.,t ., i ajaasars of ??akUUoa lt was relived to tlobc Lhc oublk aafeaala. BERMAN MIS Ens IX A III01. lld by anarchists in,,v ePBEA1) TI,nuo , IN THE SAAB DISTRICT. R0RSTRIRER3 BEATER ARD k pMESt ATTA( ;cED "AMOB-VIOLEXTHARAKOUESAOAaiST OOVERXMEXTASDCLERGT. Neilin, Jan .1 _-n,i i , snxiety in be &1?S " ,"v" a ,lay r'r ??? minera and ri i , ' "?"''? wn. ,h" ?<rihm? .',,,;; ""r Anwch,Bt ?*??? have made ' ' ,]""u> J,t,"?"l't to save their cause by .proud Jj tens, and threatening .? conflict,1 In 1; 'hr;" ,h* ""raina a mob of soo strikers ??'?^ed the houaeaei tho men who had refund 18 .nun the,,,. dragged ()U? ...;(, ,?.?. , Plo, and smashed thc windows lu Porbach u mob ,t^ins ?,lt wJfh ? ??,? purpose wa. stepped for a ,,.,?., ,?? a "?' who begged the men te be ressonabh and not o make innocent workingmen stifler for trying io support their families. The doctrines nf Anarchy which they wore trying to realize wera diagraoeful to Germana and Chrlatiana. A pistol waa fired at tho priest M be spoke against the Anarchists, and then a shower cf stones fell mound him. The mob made :, rush for him hui he. aaved himself by running sway. The mob brok., a few windows, brat twa minera wh i had refused to Mop work, mid dttmersed. At tho pit Months the men atti] working and the mine officials have bren in constant il ef beinrj killed. Many ol the strikers are armed With revolvers, and a few With, rifles and I <? bsve Nen tiring recklessly In the neighborhood of the pite. A meeting of h.ons striker? was held to-day near s-mrlouis, and four leaders were i'lei ted to set in place ef the two already arrested. Five men and three women delivered violent harangues They demanded higher wages and aborter shifts. The Government, they aaid, wa? trying lo frighten the strikers into submission, but if the men would hold out they would he able to nilly the German masses to their uid, Inaugurate s general strike "f Herman mirw-rs and paralyze nil German industry. The men became Intensely excited during these speeches and frequently cheered tba speakers. Af? ter the niccting broke up thc men marched nfl in throe bodies, firing revolvers, singing the .Mar se'ilai-?\ and hooting all respectably dressed men in s.^ht. other meetings in the district were hardly less uproarious. Ail the speakers dei o in -^ with spacial virulence the clergy, who have In? curred the hatred of the Anarchists by < unrolling moderation. At Knsdnrf the strikers have requested t':e Mayor lo propose a compromise to tie- mine I llcials. Reports from Saarlouis lo-uight ure t. ? ? effect that, deapite the bomb Mt u ers .-ti.i tin- appar i i.trike is wea t rc-|-..ti-;\em - . ? ? ? ina. The ? triking miner" are ii.trike is weakening, I he striking miner* ai" suffering k'-enly tho severity of t and tie- expected contributions I rom Kn ance nnd Helcium have roi corue in A- ti,. ?n were unprepared for the strike, thc ?? ric mi.ei ur starve. nu either return t MORE ARRESTS EXPECTED TO-DAY. HEW PACTS BEARIRG OR THE PARAMA <( tRDAL ^ Mt) TO HAVE !'?!'' V I IRi LOBED Paris lan. 4.?M. Biol ' Ia* I redll Lyoni ' ?rae ??"' fr ?: ted beti re Eiamlnl : >l Irate Frai rjn ville titi; afternoon by M ri lane, the Imprl I : of th" Panama Canal I Many new fad "ere elicited from M. Blondln, and crt M. Franquevllla ordered mal ho be placed nader : I " ' lt ls reported timt other Important steps win ?*? ipeedRy taken hy Ita exemtnlng magi rate. In tba I..iv courts todaj the report waa curreat I I FranauevU> !md found sn importaot U ' ?? ?' dressed to Obarks de Lessep . snd thal this tel would not only greatly strengtbea the preaeeetlon but would lead to ti." gravest developments before tts- opening of the trial on next Tuesday. Today M. FruncuevUM bad numerous Interviews with high poMea offlclan nnd with M. Tunton, me Prooureur-Ocneral, sud i aiaequenUy moro er.-. expected to mks pis ? wli dn thi neal lwenty-fonr< . Ibero l- n r<-v<ort. irlU aaeonflrmed, t' at M. H "rhetta . Ambaisad >r In Berlin, - <rn cf lb* '?'. Hal personagee'' unpUi dod b Uti Pw i whose nan."- H. Andricux refu ed to divulge ta li? vy before ti." I art n ntl ry Corni Inquiry. M. Herbette ? ' nata ot I harte* di Lesseps, ai.d the two men have lang be.-n Intimate friends. -M. Herberts owes his diplomatic p largely to tho friendship ??'??<! patronage of M. do net, tl <? Minister i I War. Ia clew ol bal been published regarding tih? effect of the Panama caudal ob Ike anderea between Prance and Ruaau the "Figaro'' i -ir. pond . ? lught intervlewa with (Jeneral Ko rofl nd General Tchernaleff, well-known Rusrtan offleei learn tii"lr;- regarding Iho situation, cxpreaaed themselves a eotindenl lbs! I be Pni i affair would have no effeot iipmi i ie friend 1:1 p lin a entertalt ed i?.r Fran" e. rn peal ms of tin . i ? an situation '<< i erohj Komnn-ff and declared thal a war wis!* Germany would be Ihi popular ot nil wara. RESCUED FROM A FLOODED MINE. APTER Itr-v:; TER DATS v.lT'f'tT POOD I I IHT MER ARI I?'? Viim OCT ALIVE. st Petersburg, Jan. 4. Tan days ago ? miae on '.lc- line ol til" 1/ a its Railway was flooded by I sudden Ingress of a large volume or water. The minen ked set orr n blast snd Um explosion was followed by s rush of water that the pumps were not :.!,:- t' oops with, 'ii" miners fled fr their Itv and nil managed lo nueii the surface rn safety rxei pi ili-'lit men, who, lt wa? tappo cd, ''i'd been drowned fyi th" workings. The pumni were kepi \ I night snd day, and nfter i week they began lo ^?niri ot) th" water. To-day tlxr mltie was declared safe to enter and n n tv of miners went down to scare iii" bodb of ih?ir comrades. They aeawbed Ute mata galleries, i ut f.n-.o no trace of ti ? m. Finally ta a steep lng thal had been abandoned a loap Urn; bro wey ? itumbled over the men, who, ll app .?? . had made for Uris point wnrn they found escnp bj mea of the shaft cul oir. They were still alive, I ri b d n ime been delayed for only a few hour lb ? w alii certainly have died from itarvatlnn. The bad been without food for ten flays, and wen weak that they could hardly peak. Thej" re moved to the surface ns quickly i po Me. Med! cal sid ??'??i- ummoned nnd rtlmulani were given M ila-m, cfter whirl; Ihej were allowed a little mp. The physicians stall l*al with extreme care the < IrHt . will iirobfibl] rei ??? er, Ttl,.lr rescue has cnn ed t.'r"ut rejolring In tie mining tillage wbisre ti.-ir relatlvei and frlrnds I ?>?'? L-i\ .-n them iij> for dead. Some >.l Ihem bavi targe f.iinllleK. HXBRBW BMIGRATIOR PROM Till". CUMBA, grbawtcpol, Jan. a.- m. Freiberg, the Hprnt ot Baron Hirsch, arrived tod,iv at Simferopol, thirty- evin miles uoilbaaal af UlU etty, to mai." arranajeaientM for iho emigration of fl,ooo llebrewi from Um Crimea in Hie spring. Tba Uovernmenl will facilitate tie nioveini nt. CORFU ATED FOR iv.ri.MM. TUB RAKER. Derim, Jun. 4.?Tbs weekly "Zukunft," edited bj Maximilian Harden, has been ronfl rsl I bv Hie-(Jot ernmenl lor publishing sa aitlcle ob the edui tl n ol tn,,ni'i. . In ?!.i<n occur remarks regarded as In nil lng to Kihi- n r William. i i p.iris TO BKTTLH TUB COTTON STRIKE. LondoB, Jan. 4.- 'ra.- great I i; out In Ute Lai* cotton mills lin-, now been In furn, for nine weeks, with Mule advantage lo ellher skte In UM di p ? Efforts a.ive t,""n mill,, to bring about a meeting "f Ike amstera and aperaUrsa to fllsrass Ike sltuall n ?nd to deride upon tba terms ob which tu<- milla will be reopened and tbs spinners and other operaUv'M will r<-tiim lo work. Ileretofbro n?:.::,j>:^ la HiIh direction bare aol bora rewarded trith imeceoo, the Maalan' Pederatl 'ii de< Uni nt: io entartata any sack Bcaposatlea. Lately, however, renewed preaaara baa been hmiigbt t/> bear bbob tin- tain ow in"-- beloogmg to til" j'l-d'-ration, and today lt ?.i^ announced thal that body hid SBgadflJed Ita adlUagness le Basal lbs .\n i: lim .a af Ranche Mr nnd dlaeu i tbe uaesllons in dispute if thc cfMrattvaa vooM aKo unit iiiiii amt follow hts recommendation . Tt.peralives' Assocla-g Hon "iii li"ll a meeting on Saturday lo consider Hie I ; I I NI, EVICTIONS IN IRELAND. i l. DILLON'S PLEA FOR TENANTS' REIN STATEMENT. MA r SETTLl MERTS MADE ORDER TREMAR or CA MP Alfi > li : I IBLE I ORDITIOR OP TUB ' t I " :? FARMERS Du' In, .Tan. 4.?Tlie Evicted Ten.en-' Commit ' a rasas* l Hi ? lon to-day, Mr James Mathew lng. >r DflloB made .a earn I plea lu bebull of the rotnatatement of evicted ( ants, and produced rtaUsUea ihowlng the number of good setUementa a ad" IferoBgh I " ''lan ol Campaign between hind lords ?nii tenants, 1 h s ? Uh mi ntl bad S en brought sboat by the good - nae ;.-i.i good f--? ? >t tin landlord] and their tenants. i';-..a somo of Diem i m battle ass tonghi for n Urns with lbs borun* s anil tenacity ?? i neterti n the Irish people, wbrihci ihey w re landlords er tenants or their ailee ob elli r Ide. Revertheloss, bb honor ail.. I'-.-..-" baa b en sci arsd. Even apaa Hie Otpbert ?? late, I, memorie . settlements have been ? t as a proapei I (bal nil Ibo evh led tenant* "111 l* r Instated. Nevertheless, Mr. Dillon Int rn ed tao < ann li a pre thoo of evicted tenants whose condition was as pitiable and desperate th t it constituted a menace h> Hi* public pence, ead he un-nih- advised that measures t.? adopted for i lr relief, both on the ground of humanity and of th* puUlc security. Mr. Dill in ?i?>h* s?v.-r. i of Ihi ? landlords who were np Uf ? sat n rmi ml arra i t;.- Qevernment tv merclleaa < let! aa it 'hu severe season. .him*-. < ii -,or. a leading mealier of the Irish Evicted Te int*' 1- reported aa saying ll nt th?y i I .it want h> hamper Mr. Gladstone ot Mr. Morley i iv Way, bul Ihey were d t. rinlned to do all in ci. ? ,TTor to get evicted tenant* remati led "ti their far I t alena me hmdlnrda wan fd to see the BgBatloi ti Um last twelve yenrs repeated, Uiej would bri g a al a satisfactory settlement. Tbs country * ? 'll i mut. h. ami thor* n-"-d"d vrj IttUe to ao afls ?? i a lund var as Ibero wae before. Mr. Hil).-n it ed Hat Ino total nmmint received from all soveoa for the support ol evicted tenants under Ute I it, ol Campaign was C234,< 0 ii b reci it li ie of uTbe Mancheetes OsansfJao" William O'l len | i\? the fellowing ll t of evictions by Tory laSSClaidS tv:thl:i two ur three ilajs: County Vivo- '.ne fal liles evicted in.ra their In Um frightful Iv congested di trid nf Behana landlorda, I ? ra. I lichen, if Bradford- all for old arreara. Public relief works bad t.. t?* started bul year te keep .? te ,? i ? now evicted from starving; ? iple*s crops st ii :-, t.-.- ground; neither food nor shelter svallablo fer t:..- winter. i ..rt,iv ( . riv Distill ? li ,.ir I ? ghome and armed poAJ sm*n i<r. U-- through toe roof of Ibo . p j,., lal le tera I 11 .':. H. Townshend, ,i. p., i...:- g'rtllibereen, : : .i evl led Ibo f mlly wulla ia., father .-md an. lier were lying lil ... luanna ?.- nomi ig about I nba ? ? I I lo were eject ? . -i -i [ba 1 ??:??.' '. ? on !!.-? Ans brit-Grove esl and, and t lara broken to I emergency i lng t< | ? ,-?'. a i - a for dlggliig for McKennu a mea ' | ... !??? Bili . >.i . 1.1 ? i um . i lure -Cantata < i riff, i ' ... ? I ? i fur i? -i In \i?rt' :- pail - - i ?- ll 'n !? : I mldi.lghl tito tem . ' ? Uti ..'il .. i ,i . rroa u*i ? "r-- i \. ? ?!... ? ,. i ore to I ; ?' BU .\ RAILWAY OOLLLSION iv IirNtJART. EIGHT Fl OI'LBIXI va- 1;.. KU LEO \ ? D I I FTE I S . 1 FEB L-l IRJI Vienna, Jan. 4 \ ?? r trsln fr,.::, tl run.' Into colll lon at Kai train front I - ls st the Ju ti in of the two Boca, and be ? ? Uti -. nf the VI ni train, i Ung i*, r in at t ill in the I j . o1 ead of ' train Whll 'iva: ' . ? i- In I re < s la Uer train p u ?ri I'uire- :i! with : i ?< p- i nm] l '?'?> ??? killed instantly, B' ; i it;.-, i al t bj -. ,- wo a. I : rcri ly, bul -ii..-. All i ' I "?' rt enburg train wen- llir.'i i. fn>::. :'<? ii. : a person i -? .i|h?i unlnj r.-d. .' killel, i ii i -h on -. is t ll rte . . v... partly \- seked MARINO REPAIRS Ti CRIPPLED STEAMSHIPS. London, J in. 4. Adi rn f -1 St Ml I el's sra to ' . ? ? i i. nt the Brltl li t- er A ml rU, Ciptaln ir , from W"-t i mt, I k., D ? m ? t IS, f i ! i .i|i ni. before r i . i | a vin p il i lo Hu t i ? .r t.i i. ? ? robe -~, I cs lt ls thought I ??: i or -'-. ni ? I . . I. i .. Url! '. - ' ?' ?-. also put ll lo ? - mi.-!, id's In a di i Ul I ave I i h.. kc ti imlrs 1 Ton- -' ?? . nu i rhe wink of rep ? I ? ' ? Capt iln i -.'..? i-1 . u-..h. Ti oms f ? ? -I ?. . i! ia i 1 I . di I ? V . "':.i. \ ..- ut i,. Invi ? led th ? r 'lil nd fi that nu li] me I ?r th< nci ?:? nt : Itai Lo t.i ibu Xui.ibe l's taptuiu or offlcen. FOR A PILGRIMAGE TO JERI'SALEM. Li ' . Jsn. i I ??? Hev. Tl irv :-. Lunn, M. !>.. a We leyan I i I It.tivnrc . f ii,.. ? m of the II ' -'? "f W .I- osier, t- mi I i i:.. -oin. ni l ir ,i < ni, I'll r anio i an i pllgi Int ? ? ? I i o tab , 1 ? ? n- : iii. Archdi i on Far rar and u numl ?-r < f l. il ? p .ii In Hi- pll , ai i ;i i ir Brill d"l.\i.- -. !? ' ii. ' :? i iii .... AV ORDER WHICH MAT CAUSE ITJi IE ITIOR. i . in, t.i.;. 4. St. lit-.- lairg .li ; ?i-1 < - ri'- confirm Hie tepon Hint the Ctar I i ordered Um Ministry ul . ;.. interio In Iran fei lo the Hi" admln Istratloi.ll Char i nlfalrs. Thai order l? certain , . ? ult in putting vexatious reatricUon on non orthodox sects, nnd wUl probably lead ti rellgloni Inn, li . f o "?! thal Ihe elriel miterer ?U pe tin- Lutherans, who nt-" mostly Oin mau er of O r mau di ' erl. ? ^ ? MIRISTER LIRCOLR BACK IN' LOKDOR. London, Jan. -t. i: >;.--rt T. Lincoln, the American Mini ler t.i Rnglind, who las b?s?n stetting the cnite-j Ptates '.a :i leave "f ah>?nee, wai i passenger on Ihe WMle Star "teamer IVntonlr. Ile Btrived lu London di iv nlng. _ _ If. CAMROR ll ? Y Iir.l LAI R M. WADDIROTON I ndon, lan. : lt l? reporbd In dlptesaatle 'lr.!. her, iii;.i m. ? sml ? ?*iit I reBi a Uah ,,, ..,.,!;,. will i -i M. Waddi . loj as Pram h Am j,'. udor lu Uren I Brimin. \ CHEAT I \< rORY l;t l.'NIiH IR RLBRRPELn. ia rUn, Jan. ' IJ lb mi ?? Luasmaoa's groat tm .ii was de tro ed bj Dm to J :y. 'j a |? ? . , o.i mi. FIFTEER KH.f.r.l) IR A MIRE l'Kl'I/'-lox. gt Prtetsbwrg, Jan. 4.-A di<pateh from Bsteblbta, on Um Daleper, a] - mal Bfteen bmb wara IfsW i mine explosion lhere ye.derday. Pour nun mverel] i,.(||l. ,. .,.,., p fr :-. il ?? ; it saan after ile exp] '"tt. ? . AMERICAR DELEOATFfl OR BIBIB ITAt HOMa^ Loadeo, Jan. :.. Profeaaor Ronald r. Fattmer) Tbcmai W. CaxUar and Tbotaaa T. KeUsr. asomkert ,.f the delegation representing the mit ri State-., at the ri" liiSernatbinal Mineinn ''" if^t-in" ai j alli bc pa??'iigcr? on Hie steam Idf MajesU.-,] which *aiu bv.u Uvtrpool foe Rea V e* to tiai-. TYPHUS FEVER IN A PRISON. IT BREAKS OUT ON BLACKWELL'S ISLAND. THERE WERE TWEXTY-T1IREB REW CABEfl AND MX DI.AT.'is TESTEROAT-HOSPITALS BUST. In defiance of the efforta to prevent it, the typhus fovet continued to spread yesterday, Tho New-York Hurl of Health, crippled by In? sufficient supplies and inadequate force, ia ai? mee powei ess to cope with the disease. That the dreadful scourge wlUch now menocea Um whole metropolis is directly traceable to tin* ex? isting, system of city government may be token ai a bet beyond dispute. It has laen aggra? vated by the indolence an,i want (Jf eohosion iti tl.e Health Department, which, nffer idly watch? ing through three weeks while the plague spread with the hours, now finds that its em-my la strange! than it.?if. That Incompetency or eare leejnesa <? \isrs among Hie corps ol visittn? medical Inspectors appointed, all too late, hy tho chief af the Contagious Diaeasea Bnieaat, is plainly shown in the ttoriea that came trom Bellevue Hospital. Twenty-three fri-li victims of the plague were found yesterdey. Six*ont of tho *ixfy-nine sulTrr cr* a Ire: i-ly Bncarthed were put in their collins. Now th., total Dumber Of typhus fever patients discovered since December l has gmvn to ninety two, and of these ten have died. Late 1 - i. :t word aros received that two cooes "i the fever hud been discovered in the prison on Blackwell's Island. The victims are William Moneii, fifty yean old, and Percival Carney, twenty-eight, who were gent to the prison a few days ega to serve short eentenoeo. !t is supposed that they hal been lamatea of one ol Hie infected house* in tl is city. It, was a No learned that. Anne Dity, a nurse in the almshouse on Blackwells Island, Ls sitTcrin^ from tbs il>sea.s.'. A ci,ie waa found nt No. p Bowery about midnight, Thc name of the patient is doha Hubbard. A Blanca at yeeterday'o list will show how thoroughly the irunp^ arc spreading tho disease '?' cm ry quarter '?! the city. Orly live of the rosea were tractable ?-:i li<-r directly or Indirectly to No. :<l Baranl-st The ||*t ,.,!.,, indicates Um pro'ability that many Hundreds of persons, all unconscious, are in i- instant and imminent peril of Infection. The cn-"s of ^r--1t.---t Interest are th.,v of Jerome Bndgley, John Maher fid fohn W. Henry. Bndgley, a general ln-lix-r and errand man, who wa.- employed by Stephen Merrit/, thc undertaker, and lived wit', his wife and three children db tho top lloor of No. 263 Weal Xi icenth-st., I* oe i b on Saturday night. Ill was at hrs: supposed t<> '?? simple prostra? tion. I', n when yesterday his temperature rose tu fevi r I elghl aud th.- i .: i fi risth rash sho ??'? I "ii hi- skin, th.- physieinn ia attendance "ii him thought tba; the Health Department had better take him In charge. At a glanee it could be t Haigh ia well develop -1 c i.f i- phi , ls now .. i Sortli Rrother W I -.- : . d : ? ;. ? mployed in w.?-'-*. dLstril ? ? ? tatlen to Mr. Merritt's a meet in ;s in S it'l ?. snd he had L iven nut soi p lo t' e 1 Mildred tramps who nightly i nt - mission s ipp ;-. From tho tramps h-- i ru ?lilj eau rbi tho disc u ? er, a eab-driver, liveil at No. 12 Variok ... j waa ci ? ti livery st '?? man ._.];.? | ? , or righi in the li -'art of tl " "tramp coloi jr." Ile had liren ill sin ??? iv, bul lt was in t until M >twl o night thal ti,,. ,;. i attend -l him sent s rommunl a ? ? ? '.i .-nt'- Hospital. '1 Ins n lion was i. auee tia* mau was poor and waa unable lo nay tl.spense of lu- lllncsa, not because the in h "i ai '? -1 i'.' ,"u regarding Um real rc of the malady, Ile Lad diagnosed the , one "f pneumonia, and thc stub lonee surgeon accepted his view Bul the house pl - '? "t St. Vincent's Hospital looked al the patioiit for ?'? few minutes, and .iit'-r a i?r:--f exami*ritinn ... lcd to place him in a douri near a ward. Ile k'pt the man there under constant watch until this morning, when be, t ?, showed the rash typhus, Ol i ?? i-i now nu North Brother Island. homes ..f these men have iie..n thoroughlj fural liri put under a strlci quarantine. \.> ter lav Si Vincent's Hospital, t.?\ was redolent of sulphur. All the Burren and patient* were panie-atrlcken. Tba physicians aro mr full} ?a.i?. Iii ? ?? inoes ol an outbreak In thc hos? pital. 'iii* Bruce Memorial Home, known t" all Xew-York under its old nani" of the News': ya' l>Mlging-IIouae, has given shelter to many ti H isand homeless lad*, mid al thc present time Ls th" only r?'l"l^??, of 4M otphans. Among the ? r a*as n colored boy, John V7. Henry, si\ t.-,-ii years obi. It was late no Tuesdaj night Henry walk" I into the Chambers Stict Ho pita] a-. .I complained of a severe cold, sore throit, headache and high fever. Suspecting the real nature of tlie di ??:--. the doctors carefully i men kepi a s*ri. - watch on the |."v until yesterday, when, witlMied that ho had ;.. d .,n undoubted case ol typhus, they ? ? i.t bim lo Bcllot 11 Hospital Al Bellevue ?',.. physicians would n .t |xisltlve*y diaguosei the case, and pending the appeoram.( the eruption have lodged tho patient in the large fever ? cn ? l ? u thc billklu ad ol the pli r. For um" uM'i irrabl? reason case was not re? port* I t.. tho lbs I'l. ll... I. .1 a s \\'-r i, lifty-flve years ol I, cute i - - i:. - v i.. - Hospital mi Monday Buffering from what seemed to bc scute alcoholism. As Hum .... o' on lie ill" played i Iron e'r and stronger evidences "! t- pira , but In answi r to the doctor' i quest ins denic 1 that he had ever been D lodg i In tlu Ba rani st. house. \\ hon al last lie fun. I ,:i ?? t.i ph is held 1 im, ho i onfc sed that he lia i ."?:?? to thc b< spital direel Hom the bole. Ho explained his Ile by aayini thal tim hospital authorities would have turned him' ndnfl it ti:'.-, had known the truth. Prank l'ii..-. twenty-six years obi, who had been taken lo ladbr ?? H pitoj from tho lodging-house No, il lb wery, was .mother ot tho "suspects' trana l. ri- 'i t > the Reception ll ispital 'the throng quarantined at Xo. 31 Bayard-o?. were greatly frightened when Henrj Amen, thlrtj live years old, and William Howl, forty-nine years old, displayed ull the strongest symptoms of tho plague, rmi wen- carried awaj In the llcilth Department wagon. One bl Hr. Roberts'* twen*y Inspectors hud the lodging bouse No. iso Park Rou on lils list, and in his lour among flic cots found Daniel V. Karl and Michael (nilen, partners ni I'li.-iii.--.-, lying In adjoining beda. Both eom ploined 'I headaches, fever and sore throat, and I,.,th eartied thc red miiiks on then fawn Kuri !, ,,j sum t ??'?'..,'. ii!-.hts al Nd. ;; i Bayard-**, (ullin, when asked to till the story of bis ti,ed ;.-, ..i.l' r. s ' ? I"-- hi nd wearily rn ross bis :.hnii. uti I I ? ?? ?? I :' Earl. And n ?w tu . lodging-h uses heretofore cb?ar of infection must ;,!,..! tn thc growing lb?t. At No. un" Bower}", the visiting inspector, in tin- early morning, found among thc rows of Bleepers, Taylor, a delicate looking m.m about twenty-thn-e years old. Taylor bad de? veloped premonitory symptoms, only Hie raab almeot. He was transferred lalei from Bellevue t<> North Brother Island. TIm landlord or No. IO l'l-il-t. wishes thal Herman Smith had int pail IS eents fol a bed on the huh floor Jost shoat the time thal the health Inspector was making his examinations, smith, another brum Bayard st., w< - carri ??! oil y< -t- tday morning to Bellevue, ami thence, with all th" marka of a viruh-nt attack of the (Over noon him, was i irrii-d to North Brother bland. l'i.. bouse in Baynrd-et. t< responaible fm tour mu of the :ix lives that went out yesterday. ? ?ilnurd on lilt li I'a*a? BRA VE FIREMEN INJURED. NATURAL OAS EXPLODES IN THE BASEMENT OP A lilt; FACTORY. FIVE BDRDRED rr.oi'LE ix DEADLY pEKIL-FlUE ItEH BLOWR DOWN AXH BURRED BY gCCCESBIYE EXrLOStORfl. rhicatro, Jan. 4.-Shortly before ? o'clock this afternoon ti terrific explosion of nut ural gas wrecked the lower part of the irreat printing establishment of Donohue A: Hennehi rry on Dearborn-et. Over a, score of firemen, including Chief Swenie, of the fire department, and several laborers, were seriously injured. Two men aro dying, and others are so seriously burran! that they may not recover. The explodion was in the plate vault, located I immediately beneath the sidewalk, which is fora cd of heavy iron frames covered with giana and iron. Darin,' the carly part of the afternoon thn-e em? ployes of the natural cus company had bsSB at work in tlii.; vault, makin!; connections that were to lie uaed in aupplying the boiler plant with fuel. As a precaution Hie doon of tho vault were closed. Shortly before il o'clock Robert Granger, fop-man of thc press-room, which ad? joins the vault, noticed Hames in tho vicinity of the brick wall, which extended between the peens* room and thc vault. These flames had the ap? pearance of knited gas '.hat ha^l escaped throuju tho partition wall. Without waiting to OfCSt tho vault (hors, the foreman Rave an alarm of lire With others, le then returned to tho base? ment when soma ono threw open tho vault door. Instantly there was an explosion and nearly all of the employes vs In, wore in the vicinity, about ten In number, were thrown to tho floor, all sus? taining moro or less serious injuries. Within a few moments m. un tiers of the fire Insaronce patrol and hose engine rom non ks were on the spot, headed hy Chief Swenls. The stood of Bremen rushed to the baaRiaent, and had no booms reached the vault door when a second and stronger explosion followed, and all the men were hurled to the floor or across the room against tbs wall mi the opposite Fido, which they Struck with terrific force. Several of the men were rendered senseless, and thc Harm*, which hud Ignited their clothing, roasted their hands and faces, other firemen were close behind them, however, and for a few minutes the liro wus left to lake care of Itself while the injured moa were rescued. Before one-half of them liad been tiucen out, and while the basement was full of men working with desperation to save their helpless coinrodes, came a third explosion, more terrille than euler of it- predecessors, snd thc would-be n-wuers were !ai I beside the men they had como to a^ist. This tine- the already loosened ironwork covering tl..- vault was ; .ru from its fastenings ami came thundering down. Fresh food for the gas waa already at hand, nnd a score of gallant Bremen hprang into th" vault to rescue the men who had tM-oti injure I, undeterre I bj thc danger of another explosion. Cheered on by Swenle tbs firemen worked as men can work when their own lives and the lives of others were trembling m th" bu hm. e. <>ii" '.y ir." the barned .nd batt, red men were dragged from Hu- basement, and as the laat otu- na- taken out Swenio called: "Now out fur your lives men," ami there was a rash f^r the upper floor, which v.a.- made Jual in (he nick of time, foe a fourth cxploaion came, which made bricks, ni" and Ironwork Hy like [eathers, and gave ike chi*; a -. i. ? . -i fie a retreat that hi- will remember t..r nianj a long day. Hurrying t?? the door, xv.-iiio caUed '" the driver nf a patrol wagon I standing near, and ordered it t . drive at once to the office ol the Natural Gag Company and tell ! th. in tn shut "if the flow ..f . .1 "lf lt ls Lol, dull"," lie SUI'l. "I W Ont BBSWei f,.r tu.- safety of the building." I .... :.: ail} IVurned are Junien Hu -"ll. ilreniun, burned 1 uut inc bead and Internal injin!"-: rmmui liullaglier, until.1.., Internal lujuilen and face altuoi ., ? ri. iii.- fallowing were seriously bul no! fat:.liv nani's!: |i.iii I- s?.1,ie. Chief of td. iii,- I'.i.r.iruni-ai; Patrick u'Aiulii-y, t,ro unusual; Clarie* e> ferllck, inptalu ITui k N". i; .i.-nn Mn...nam, captain So. IO; Frederick ,1. Kaeder, captain Ri. ul; Martin Lacey, lieutenant No. ia. Patrick Mm 1.liv, hemmant Ro. 1" .1. 1. I..,in. lieutenant ln-urance patrol: John Hu hu. fireman; Matthew Koch, fireman Will lum r.ii:.. . fireman; Michael Nolan, fireman; Tl N?wii -. Uremnn; John Devlin, Bremen: .1. I'. Kelly, ian; Charles FlemVis, fireman; l Iward Mull?n. lim -I,, ci'i-r ter Donohue .\. llenn*?berry; John sh.-div, op-!- mri; August Unatt, pressman; fUntra Cleve? land, laborer; John t'arragh, labon-i ; tierny skroed r. laborer: >i. Mullane, laborer; unknown utan employed 1-. .ms corqponT. Th.- patrol wagon took only a few minutes ti fnllill it, mi-. 11, the iras was shut oil, and the firemen, led on by the Chief, who hal Improved Hie opportunity to have hui face and bands dressed and Itaiulaged, went at th.- tire once more and mah- short work "f it. Ihc j.r--:it building, however, had been badly strained and torn, aid evert, pam- "i glass n tlc entire eight stores waa lying in spinners on the ground. It .mII cool s: ?",. tu repair 1.irsvage done. There uro usually about sou people emploj e l ia. the building, lu- then- was ic panic among them. Some pat hot ic scenes wen witne?-<ed in a ilia,' stoft' close by thc .-?-.?tn- "?' thc accident. The floor was coven d w lt li the h 1! es .-i men whose scon Iwd and tJaekenci fices Imre testimony t" the agony tln\ uif suffering. Near th.- door lay a stalwart fellow liearitig the badge .,t [Yuck '??? Ile was slr 1 km. l\ burned, 1 il be made no sign or atm nd. "How is it, old man"" said Assistant thief Mush mi aa lie I pi ' over him. - All ri [ht, I guess, ll",, s the Ore'" ??i"i* now." "Well, it there oin'! anythiiiK more fur you to do Just stand by me. will you?" And tho chief - -;.I hy" until strim.' hm S lifted T li ^ patient itfTerer liitn an nm belan e, and Thomas Gout .hr of Tnii l? fl was rarrit -1 away tn die. How the h is be ame 1 mit* I ia a myst ry. I n ' police are Inclined t,, put - the blame on the mon, but it 11 doubtful whctlu r tho cause will ever 1 e di .covered. STATE FOBEBT LAXDS soil) Albany, Jan. 4.?The Btate Forest Commission this afternoon disposed of nine lots of State lands, sggn I rn acres, lying out-He the Adirondack Par! lu Franklin County, bids w re rejected on twenty oue lots, ile land -"''I brought 934,401 30, an av er j gi1 "f A54S per eera. Five lots In Township H. g,l rj acres, were .l-l t > \v. \v. Wheeler, rilugton, vt . f.>r (110.431 ?*.?>. tuber maller 1 ti vrere old lo M. V. D. Turner and Denton Turner, of Plattsburg; Leonard Smith, of New-York City, and r. \v. 1 ii:, e, "f 1.'"ti Lake, i'm- tbs aweej received for these 4,460 acrt-s of ia:.<i s ii tin romrnlxslon , ;m pun hose 10.000 ?cr*i of Coi forest hind within the Adlrondai k Park. OBOASIXIXO TUE MOST AX A flor SE. Helena, Mont. Jan. 4.- Tko organlaaaloa of lae H..; a nf Representatives begun yesterday under aa arrangement between ibo P>pu!ltti ead ile- Dobbo rrats was flalsbed Mil- morning. Populists have tbs ,-p a'.-r and the sergeant-at-arma, Hie Desaoerata toe chief clerk, a Istaal cv-u and a latani sergeant it arms, Uepublleana Uara itopp<*d dilatory movements DU| pre watching closely for an opportunity to - ?? ,o,tri il ta- House, The margin between ihe two .i,i,.s i-- bu close that thc absence of one l>.-m.. rat ;1,,,i ti... twitching a. PopuUsl would give tba Bo ,.;,.,,, ,- mii-,1. Tb- latter n-riiHe t . pair under ?',, v rlrcuni*tuines. racy sun refu>e lo allow buen ? on llie alci beni... r.a. to BtteO I thc rn isl n . .1 WOMAB PBOBABLY FATALU BUBBED. Mrs. II. I- BJeksid n, wife ,.f in tt. 1,. BJeaard ?.?( 1 pojrstrlaa al mia m., was m teveiel] ,,.. rday ?t ber kearn al Mea CUg, l.. I., mat it is ;,,un. ti'.- Mal -lu- "'" il"'- 'I'"- .1 ia-it occurred a., ,,,., . sad n t ? thing a ta aearly .iii Barned cr, mut 1,,., a a un-, badi], 1. mi clocking 1- tappet j t-, bava eaagkt Bia from lae kltekrn stave, lier .".un nun beard bot raUlag fur beta uni na MM cai- ksuao. Ho round ker ekrtklni Wail j. sad ska wai aeariy tmaUe. The roackmen qui kly poll <l '.if bis roat sad wrapp ii lt ? her. Tko |si!u aiada Ute sroi sa sbaooi 1 Iht, unit sh" broke sway Hom kim ami r.m into tlc li ill. The . ,. hmso followed kef Bad rxtiagulski 1 OM fl-jim-'. He i>,. 11 -.nt t. Um i.. .ir.-? BOtgkk r-?. u ((iiarti-r i-f a nillo away, fir kelp Dr. narai waa ealkM una treii.-j MM i.n. lng woman, tts esarooaed gmvo tlouuu of her r.ii.i.rv. .Mr-. KliliiirC.-m ant bee husband li?\e live! tn Hm flea CMS* Haast Me out a yeer, but tue Uuctoi Boaetkee lu Kew-Terfc civ, APPOINTED BY THE MAYOR SURPRI=IXG SELECTIOXl BY MR. GILROY. JOHX J. SCVXXTXL FINALLY GETS AX OFFICB KCKII MADK A POLICE JUSTICE-POLI rKI AXs' REWARDED. Mayor Gilroy aunounocd th> following appoint. merits yesterday : Commissioner of Public Works, Michael T. Daly, in plato of Thomas F Gilroy, elected Mayor: term expires May 1, 1393; salary, $5,uoo a year. MICHAIL T. DALT. Commissiorer of Public Parks, Henry Winthrop/ Gray, in placo of the late Albert Gallup; term expire May I, Jbi/7; no salary. Pira Commissioner, John J. Seannell, in place of Henry D. Purrov, elected County Clerk; term expires May 1, ISO); salary, $a\00g a year. Commissioner of Taxes and AsaeaaSSSftta, George C. Clausen, in place of Thomas L FeitSjsr, ap? pointed Police Justice; term expires May 1, 1S'J7; salary, {54,Oui> a year. ^~>> IIEXRT winthrop C. ray. Conunisaion r of Excise, William Dalton, in place of Joseph Koon, appointed Poins Jnstles; term expires May l, ISP*: salary-, $fltswS a year. Police Justices: William II, ilurke, for the full term of ten years, in place 0f Patrick G. Duffy; term expired, Joseph Koah, for the full term of ten year-, In place al dantes T. Kilhretli; Wm ex? pired. Charles E. Simms, jr., in plaee of ans late .loon K. Kelly ; term expires May 1, 1 -au. Thomas li. Feitner, in place of the late Daniel O'Reilly; term expires December IS, ISflf, The talary of police justices is $8,000 a year. G WILLI \M it. BURKE. Commissioners of Account.--. Ctmrles G. n, Wahlc, reaop. ur. il, : ul I'lward Owen, in place of .Michael 'i'. Daly, appointed CnnansoBMSSsti of Public Works; term daring the Mayor's pleasure; salary, 0S,vuO a year each. Secretary and ?. hief Examiner of tho Municipal Civil Service lioatfl, Leo Phillipsi ;?? appointed; t? -int during tho Mayor's pleasure; caiary, $4,jua a year. Hie superstitious clement among Mr. Crokers WigWam adhere.its aril] be likely to nnd soasethiag ominous in rle met thai there ore hut thirteen patriots in Mayor Gilroy's Brat hatch ol ai h*c iniis for preference, hat tbs general pul lie will look through it in vain lot 'x<-' perouss "with business in-tinei.-" who Mr. Croker aaid on Tnea> day were needed in the ari vies "f '.ho city. If Mr. Clausen, appointed 'r>\ Commissioner, ls ts> cepted, it will he seen tba! Mr Crofcet and Mr. Gilroy have bren abb? to hind politic-;.ms, pure and simple, to nil nil the vacancies exfawta : Mr. Crokers hand is visible throughout this beautiful piece of TanmsMiy work, taner lally in the naming ot hhl faithful servitor, .Michael Daly, to the Important office "f Commissioner of hillie Works; in the selection of Jos .ph Kosh as a police Jostles for fen years, and tint of John J. Snannell to '"? Firs Commissioner, whom ex-Mayor Grant had twice- refused to pat in that place. All the im-ii Barned were summoned to tho Mayor's ottos jrcstcrdoy, and reached there abaaaj ?J :1!0 p. m. Mr. Seannell was one of the llrst to arrive, and was warmly we le?Md by his predecessor in tie- Fire Board, County Clerk Pnrroy, wno hid been called tn to talk over th" slate with flo- Mayor. Kx-Kxcjse Commis? sioner 1- T. ntspatrleb was also on hand, but a mtrary t- earpeetetaoua ba did not -land" either in his old place or as a 'fix Cumur.sinner. Mr. Gilroy his appointees into tho Mayor's private ottoe, where In* distribute.] their commission-!, duly signed and sealed) and admin latered th.- oath >'f oflce to tin m. Tin* wheeo affair was om r. and the Mayor's SttOS was aa 1'iiet as a elitirch after a prayer BBSOtiaaj in lesa than half au boaa?, Michucl T. Idly was horn in Ireland in 1841 nnd caine to New-York in his tenth year. He received his edueatiea in the city's puhiie sch-mla and in thc College ol tbs City of New-York. His Iii st einph.ytucnt was as a "lerk ri a com mwioii-hous.-, I ut he emly vent into polities, aud attracted thc attention of John Kelly, who showed him s|?s ia) marks of favor Since Mr. Kelly's death afr. Daly has been in the close coull dence of Mr. Croker nnd has acted many yeare aa his private secretary. During bis career of ajttjfe>