Newspaper Page Text
GOV. MORRIS IN OFFICE. THE rNA-CGCrUTION AT HARTFORD. R"ttCOMMI-sND\TIONR TO THE. NEAV I. EC, Int, VT URE -ORGANIZATION OF THE 'I A I BOUSE*, Hartford, Conn., Jun. a.?Governor Luana lt. Mor? ris, of N'evv-iiavi-n, Um tiity bini Governor cf Caa. nectlcnt In succession, was baaagnratod ken to-day with appropriate ceioiufiriirs. Tin- fort timt Governor Bulkeley ha* held over for two years ly reoaaa of the deadlock between kattata BOi Hon s esve reii?Med Interest to the proceedings. GorerOOl Mmrls srrlvi-d from N.-w Haven ttJa morning win*, bot family, sud a lame party of friend-, and aaa escorted to the Capitol by (.(.vernor Iiullieb-y and hi- stair, and tho 1st Reg!meal aod tjoropantos of tho Governor's Foot and Horse Goorda. A GovernorJs i ilnti ol sereB teen pins wn- t'red "ii Hu-htiell p;nlt in front ol th" Capitol when the procession arrived. About lt Iii) O'clock the r>nrfy reached the Capitol. Tlie nooses were in joint sesMon, and Governor Morris nnd his iDSiigura! add rs*-*. The <ii.v.?nun- bes-nn Ota address bv a hlatorlcal review of the progress of manahtetnres nnd arts in the stair, jinii urned a Constltotlonal Convention to revise Rs organic toa In accordance with demands of tl.e times. Tin. legislature, be claimed, was not represent,liv.- nf the people, and tl.'- rpnstltatton wns otsnired Ev t(K> many amendment*. Il" con-. tlnu.Hi ns foltowe: If ?r ar ts. rruin iv-riiiiar goveraiMnt in Ceonerttcul the Constitution should N' *o thonged fiat tin- votes of the people aa coat on alc-tir.,, day should ha.e tl ell fe I effect. . . No em ul ra-ison san !'r Hinwi! idijr f.),e executive officers of tho stite should not br elected b.T a plurality vote. At tho sa-sion of tho (lani ral Assembly in IP^O an tct na* j-a-s.-.l . oin en..nit oleaMsBB, known aa the ' .-r trot Ballot Act--' This law, while aorfctos kaBeaV rally In many NBgeets, has upon tr'sl been laval Sj h: d'* (ectlve, and tl-re ,* n ead ot further lorsiation to almi.lfy it. as Bkat perooas of ..rdinary iataiBaeOM csu teadfly ttriAergtand iu i rovi-..:is. The^e should be a. l*w which WOOld dlsfrai" a mau wbo arils or hu.-. I a vote. . . Theta tbould lo oome leci.iation is prevent soy andu* spproicb to soy member af Iks LegMatew bi the parfonaiaes of hit. dacy. The Governor a's. reeOBBUieflda iel-rm lu th-.: man ner of tn xii.g bondi, sn.: In Mi g away with giade cr ,:s1ri(r-, of rallwaya. Il" urced the ap pDlntruent if raoBralsslooeri t.i nit with hhose of other States In promctlng uniform taws, ll- Micste.-t.s an appropriation to defray tlie expense of Ujr Connecticut World's Fnlr exhibit. Whatever bn.s been done Em far has bern (leno by a voluntary aaaoctattott. Tho Governir closed -witli the nnnounrrnirnt of tbe Phillp Katiti baqaeet of i?ro.<xio to tho state for toe main tenance of an a-ylum for ldi->ts, aod of ihe dtract aaa refunding 1061,000 to be puld to the Met.- ns soon na the Legislature outborlaed some person to rec<lve lt from the Dotted States OoveniBieot. Th? ii~ii?k* of Repteseutatlvei waa oaiici together bv ex-stpsttker Paige, WBO administered tlie o.ith of office to the-members. Tbe bullit for Speaker re? sulted as follows: isa,n: W. Brooits, of Torrington, HS; Geurire M. Gunn, io:,. Ipeaker Brooks waa sworn ia by tho retirlnc B^neokar, Allan W. PttlfB. Andrew F. Gates was eBOata clerk and re-olutl>OB were passed BppolBtta_ ItOOrgC A. Kellogg, cf Rook ville, as,i,tiii,t clerk: fir Kev. J. Kltt.-edge JJ'tic-ler, ef Hartfcid ebaatoia. Thc Senate w*s coiled to order by State Secie'nry R. J. Walsh, of Greenwich. All the Senators were present nnd were sworn into office. A ballot for clark -bowed twelve vote.- for Charles W. Comstock, of Mc nt ville, and twelve for 'Mamre] G. Hutchinson, of Essex, the Senate dividing upon party lines. senator Holcomb, (Rep.), of t-outhlnpton, asked unanimous permission to chang'' bia rota. Hf? m-M tliat lu tbe iiiteicil of public business amt to a deadlock or suv delay he would rote for Mr. Comstock for clem, which he did and Coooatoch vv:,? elected, Senator Holden iliem... v?+- elected prestdeal pru lem, receiving thirteen votes. Eleven Republics a voted blank ballots. Tko Rev. Wibi.- H. .-tone, an Eui. oiaal minister, of this city, whs elected Clutploln. A par? tisan debate occurred on a re-->1 uti rm notifying to thc retiring Governor. Balktoy. that the .-.nat- wai real) to receive OBJ commuid. o'lon tie hud te Blake, seine tor Keera a aaaaaaee ?'. Ike previous booate, objected to reco(riil7.1nn Ooveroor Bulkeley by the psaeuge of the resolution.-, but it passed, 13 ta il. benator i lave land li'i-tii.j, voting wita Ihe Republicans. Gtrvernor bulkeley scut In a communication notify? ing tx. tbe Renate thut he h^d appointed George Haven, of New-London, Brlgsdier-Generol of the Ratlortol Guard, tn pince of General Watson, resigned, lhe conimunU-utlon was tabled. The Governor notllloi to the aeurtte that he hud loaned 1000,000 lo the vsrioiis departments dining tko '.-i-t two vi am, kikI submitted vote her* for t-.e am '.;.t. He Uso sent n communication giving Ike varloui appointments ti cominirialonerslilps be has uncle, ari I. h bare nol been conflnnisl bv the .-emit.- ur acted tipoi, in eoncarretiee with the noose. Botk auUtera were uco-ptod an-i \riu)?niltte<l to thc House. THE RED DAEL HOISTED A0A1S. CENTRAL AND l'EOM.PCT PARES LAKES PROBABLY WILL BE OPEN TO-HAY-bPORT AT VAR cnr.Ti.ANDT. Skating was i-e-umed on Van Cortlundt Lake ft terday. and u targe eresrd enjoyed ike ajairt duitng lite afternoon and evening. Th-- ikatera did nc aoen to mind tba c.-i.'d wiether. The lc- ls bl rx ellan, ^?onoUtiori; in fait, lt i- sssootker and better adapted for sksiitiK than it was before th..- recent rains! na. fniess some radical dunga in the temperature take place today the takes In tentra.1 Park will be Opeu for nkiiiti)|( this afternoon?tbal i-, toe sm.iii lui,.- ai Fift'.-iUntii st., Hurlein Mere ut Oae-hundred md loath st. and Cooservatory lakes will be thrown open, Th' lee mi tb'- tortes lake la still unsafe, and E.^im,: may not be ailini.ii there before Batordajf. t-iiTers were anjoytag ibelr .-ju ri oa Conasrvatpry Luke yrtcrrnriv, aid, alli.o,uh Do regular me.-che- wen pla ed, aoaaa lively araetlee gaatea wera BltBeaof*j, a few venfui-r?orn? small boys put ..n kate a al went on the lak-s, but Ikey were chased ott bv tot poll'.-. The toa ot in axeeUent eondlttoo, otii tue ruin of bundiiy i.h-i t-veti.-d over the rouub p'n??-s and ui da a foe carfare l'or ikaters. Superintendent Parson Mid that tn I.--- a thaw seta la ike lakes aould surely be op? ti lo d ty. Mi ny aaa] raia Inaulrtes wera m?de of the pine to Prue-pecl l'Mii;, Brooklyn, yeaterday ii to vv.,.-;, sauting wouM be allowed on ike takes. TUi Ice m *l! lhe tokes except the laiP'T ooo b In j' >.i . ond Boa, ami loo rest boil will probabtj be bolsted to-oT.y, A LETTI'HE OM MXCATAX10XB IS GUI. ' I A Ictiir". whb h promise! to be "f uuusuol In tei-tst will be flrejn Bl Hamilton Halli Columbia Col ice, la-morrow evrui'i; by Profeeeor William Carey }'o aod, of Brewa I Blve ilty, llb mbje i i* "Bx cavotlorn in Greece to loBB, by the Amorran Kohool St AtkOOS." It is u:.'l :- t.i'? ;i:i-j'i-r of the Bow. York M..-,. y of me Afcbaeologicai In itute of Ai-itI'is- iii -( drealar adtir---.- u> ci.- members br Bte pre?-id(iit, a. C. Merriam, pointe 'A Iniertsl lu regatd to tbs 1'-in-.'- ur.- Uina set forth: ? ri,, appropriation for axoatrottooa la Ore* ca bas produced result have Shed lustre np a E.. Institute abroad and .it Jiorr.e. in ardor tooti the-* reanlti may \+ better atpasraototed, au Bia trated laetora upon i-i-t winter"! aoBapalajB will be deBvered befora this society in January i.y Profs tor Vf. C. Poland, of Dal versitx, woo a is bi nm I director tor tua v?.,lr ind par tlclpaad In ti-, excavations. At the lecture a ->-t ot ciust-- lroin elghl ol the sculpture! dj coven l .it tu. Ar^-iv- lleroenni will be exhibited. This lecture wUl b'- followed ??' one . ui Dr. .lu:.. -., 'Tn. Echoes of Oreeh Epic Poetrj I'. Aneienl Art;' an? other by Dr. M. L Earle on 'Prol lem* if the Gi -I: Tfic^iti'i.' .ind perhaps by others.'1 A WEDDIXQ I ST ER urn ED RY A FKillT. .Lirrls r-aiii/raviitz was mumed Tuesday evening to 6orali Kui-l.y. anil about IlOO hfcad* of thc bappy couple were Invited to a dim,ea- and daine ut N<?. Uti Attorney-at. lu koa BS of lae event, .f. Horivltr. a^-te*T as Hoer manager. Everything went along smoothly until BBntOlgha, Then Mr. Ilorvvlt/. In atrueted the mu-irlaiis to play a waltz. Only half ol tho *-ue*ta wlafesd to watta, willi- the other ball WHnted a Rusalou dance. The Mu*(ov!te i?friots ),?-. gsti to cry loudly that tito moaklaoi could not. ba keord. Thry oJaO run aboul th" roost like so ninny Indians. .The other giie>u, however, dlBliaHliail to Save tbrlr waJtz. A paotal Unlit followed, and ci1'-s of "Mii'der!" ^Police:" coukl be heard m> mr tliiit. ikey attracted tho attention of the police fn the oottoo sIdHimi n.:ir ky. Detective-, Hussey nnd Shalvey, tkree rooadamea yid six polii-emcn huirli?i to tbe roims. Ttu- bride bad faintad when they urrlvej. mid tho brldi.'na.m vv 11 siimdinir near by fanning tho woman. Tilt- rotok of the floor manager ri/tild be hrnnl above Eoe din !??? glut' the guesbs kl ka rjnlef. I J,e jy.llco found Mi" teleoa Orbetu af No. 'JI8 South Filth sf., Brooklyn, holding her handkerchief to u hie.'ting no e. dbe pointed out four men. who, ?*?* bettered, h.-,d ttrii'-k ber. The police aWOBlSd 'lem. One wiis the floor tnanaKer. The ofhert were Meyer Croaaerwlta, David Ulrjirkeahy. and laetls b-.h.. vi** ??rbrl taUal ti appoor ^.-juiii-.t tiiooi le Bm Kaaaa Market Court y? tei day Slul they were dl-din-geil. A. tJLVl ARRESTED OB A CBAMQE OP lABCEXI Alexander Paul, a manufacturer of musical strings ol No. 3co Wot Thirty-.'-.-corni- t., araa arrested early yesterday merainir, by oflh-er Foirrll on a wa tl I and aft. token ba Jefferson Marlirt Court, ll ere !?<? gas ftiorged ojttfcOi larceny of fSMWO fiom Tkomaa Nel-on, who ls also a manufacturer of mu?lcnl atttttga st No. bo liberty-st. Mr. Roana* is tho present and treasurer of U.< Rice Moateal r-tii:,c Co., No. lfll treat Tweoty-Blflth ?-t. Mr. Pail waa tbe superintendent ol fie company. It ls n'.ieited t).nt on December 28 be appropriated :-' hi- own ii e iv efayeh cn the Mutti BaUonal Baob foi ?.,<*>(). Which bod been given to bim to jiisy a debt of the eoaapaay. Mr. Hyland, a lawyer of No. -ir. Broadway, ap Beared for Mr. Paul lie -::i'i ti'it Mr. Baal whs :, i partner iii t-'.e Rice Company, mid (hut hr lateraled |t. ertthdraw Iron lt. on receiving the check Mi. | Paul had deposited lt to the credit "t hi-. "Wu n'CHlM ! a* ii preeaaBonary ma,,-me, und bud aa uni!'.ed Mi. Beloon .ind hi- brother, vi in, were th" other mi.mbers j of th* compHiiy. Or. receiving Mic notification, Mr. i llrlnrd -jiht rt nt Mr. Behan had cam d the tm I 1 of i.i- diem on i charge ol grand larceny. Just!,-*. Byan adjourned lhe hearing tn the rase until Monday, and paroled Mr. Paul In UT* mst ?'-? ol his COUIl-el._ SELECTIONS FROM THE MAIL. thi: may nun 'K CASE. M \s EBOLA RD'S MV.Ns. CR ART A BEEN VTO LATER' To the Editor of The Tribune. -'.!-: The eloquent appeal lo thc BrltUh Home Office mud.' by ''Gell Hamilton'1 lo your Issue of Oe lober 28 for the relea.I Mrs. Maybrlck from Wo i .- i.i on ta, i- your leading ari le theron |us1 ly remarks, nol only "a lu d review of Ihe evidence upon which Ihe prisoner wa.nvtetod," bul lt d ctdedly - mar-im:- the facts In favor ul uer innocence with such ciimiilailva force a- lo warrant tl.- con elusion thal Ihe Hom.'. Secretary aili ba ja Rited li reopening tbe rose." BO (bullit Mr. A-|Uith will give, direful OttentlOl to Hi- Important plen set forth by (.ail Hamilton." who could nut be expected to use all the argument! orhlek mijftit be advanced in favor nf the releeoe or Mrs. Maybrtek. For argument's *a!>e alone let us look at thia ra-e from a point of view emitted by "Gall Hamilton" ?t point, however, which the Intelligent public to America and England do nol expect thal Mr. Asquith will occasion to dilute upon?viz., thal be sUII does not s.-e bis way to comply with the prayer ol tho-e who pi' for Mrs. Maykrlek's release, Fortn nately for the lowrs of Justice lu every quarter ol nba globe, who arr taking more and more Intereal In the victim Incarcerated In Woklog Prison, (lil- q e Hon his already beea anticipated by Mr. Heatlic do Hardinge ta his letter In this .-us,, in "The Evening Bowe and Post " of October *jt. Voa erRI iee front thal letter thal tba writer asks, -Why I- Mrs. Maybrlck retained In prison on the opinion of two or three gen tienieii Ulai si,e ls guilty of administering anenlc with a felonious Intent' Why do not these gentlemen toke tHo public Into their contid'-nce by rejsirtlug their reasons for str1vlB| al suet, a deetsl m. old so report Inp Hint tba public, both In England and In America, may see clearly that there h:is possibly been sot s reason for the views enter*;,IneT ?" Bach -i request ls Bs fair to all who ore interested |n Mrs. Msybrick'. case that lt cannot Jtirtly be refused. But this Just request contains atora than te super ticlui okaerven lt may appear to do, nt least sorb li my opinion. The English, as a Christian ua'lon. pride ihemaelvea on the hut thal th'ir tau era founded on the law given in tbe Bible?and so tl.ev iur- Magna Charla ls considered lo be so f a d d snd Muslin Churla declares Hint 00 one I- to be de talried In prison for any gu-it length "f tim" without having first been trwi according t" the tow of Ihl lm.d. Henry ill's First Greal Charter also doctoral that "no freeman sluill be Belted, or Im pii-oned . . . nor will we condemn him, n r ss ill we commit him to prison, excepting hy the legal Jud - ne I of lil- livers, or hr tho laws ,,f ;1;,.. toad" v.v.i, 39 This u really the faur.' thing a.* given In Megna (hurts x\x;n. 89. Aid lu E.-- Third Greal Chart** nf Henry lil Cake tri!* ns. 2d Inst..43, :.". and ii. tin though the win io pr vi nt icir ed i ii ..i'-i - bell g ki i> long in prison without tri:,i waa abolished, ve: u w;i .fubi-r^uciitly -4-J l.dw.n*i 111. c. i, revived, io thal lt ls -till In for-". And Hallam ("Middle Agre," rb. 6, part uii liivs that "nothing could be more than the conviction of the Bari ol Cambridge nnd Lord Bcrope in ISIS, if lt t." iroe (accordli ? ? i and Hume) that thev were not heard In their defe .-?-. And be ralbi sttentlon e> b passage ta vir .fohn For tessie'.- treatise, "De Laudlbui Legum Angllae," abere lt ls lnl-.l down that -A King of England cunno! rc hu pleasure make any alterations In the lc- ol the lund . . . wlth-sit the unsent ol the subject." Pawlc also, nijf. 3, et. Ti. i-:t, Informi na thal "the iwo (?rent pillars of the rovitnm. i.t air parliament i iii'--." lt is these, be suv-, whl li give ii- th" till of freeborn Englishmen, "for," be adds, "my notion of fi-re Englishmen ll loll tl at they ure ruled bj law* of their '.v-n nabing, and tried bv men -i "?? some condition a- themselves." Histor] tell u Ui- star < bamber exercised sn Illegal control over the ord I miry court: of lu?tlce, and ti.ut lt "Inflicted m:v r pur Js| nient, brv "lid tba n, ;:?.?? ol Justice." It I- Kims n tbut ? .oma oin- had blunder*d' wit rt I ? ord'-r wu. given for thal famous charge ol lhe Ugh! Lil.-i'ie, In wblrb uni English cavalrj 'lin. whole Russian niiiij ni Hie battle of l'.nl.ihia< i. i d lt ls "known likewise Ibu! '--"iii,- one 1 i blundered" lu ptvlng an ont'-i- lot servitude lor Hf* on NE Maybrlck, such ruder being diametrically opp.- -.i lu England'i Greal < .Tilter, ?. well s- t.> n-r other lao for Hie security ol the .ubjeci from wron a conviction Put a noble nation like England v\iu rretlfv sn error of Judgment She. ai i t kristian nation, i req . i t.. "Judgt rlgbteou* Judgm. t.' and to "*prove ell tliins-' lo en. hi- her to -Juice E..- ja,,jo,- with oo ul ty." Mrs. Maybrlcb must ha sol fr*-', in tin ?pinion ot Un- reflecting people In England at I .iu. rica. Otherwise the Ll.-it ( Loiter of Ell I.i d villi le vi, lated. LEI |. >N. Loi din. Dee, -<>. l'.OS. THE TRIBUNE ANT) THE BRIGGS TRIAL, To the Editor of The Tr 1 ba a e. sn-: Bow Rial ti.- "Brig bria!" i- over, I timit to thunk The fri!,une for lhe excellent report! ol tbe trial which apj.rei from daj today ta it roi limns. Ti, - ? reports have been charbeterlsed tv theil accuracy and fairness. They have given ta thc gen eral public on<- of the best and most cot-,pr. hi n Ive rs..!-., of ;i religious bod] thal have evei appeared in the eolnmiM of s ecular imper. I desire alon i> commend The Tribune f...-- iti- spirit n lik- manifested In its editorial reference lo i e ti ni g it i.i- proceeded, toma ul i .: tt'i len -. <. r<.t religion! pepera eoald be tonghi ? I- on td Ju i|r, jud fi I,- <ri - hr the ' temple of The Trlbu New-York dalli papers. JAMF.H H. IIOAM.EV. i Nev york, Dee. 31, 180*2. ONE OF 1>E. -s!";r.YNN- HLD 1'AI'l ', I IU .' 1 .IV Tii the Ed I t or of I !: B Tri bu ti e. air : Bumoi hu- . umc t.. my til it Dr. Met ilynn'i old parishioners will be taken bark if thej win re I nounee certain dectrlno* which they profr Bow, ., one ol them, I desire i" Bay over n.v Ignature I tiist I win nut apologise to any "na ,,? borne or ai r nd for bating two I ed i citizen, nod I am nol knocking at lhe door ?; ii,.- ( jill.iii". (. t, ir-:,. or iit the do ir ul any other ml , ?av.r,g esisbli .binatit. J A MPH HARBUTT. i.'4-i E-i-t "in- hundred and-t ? Ifth I Nen -York, Jan. -, i -ic:. -? THE BROTHER Nut CULPABLY fORSAREB. 'id t li ?? Ed I t or of Thc Tri bfl Ii e. sir: My attention v,;,- called ye terday iv ,t dally reader ol j ui paper to an toaccuracy which . , inni jtour issue ol the Sd hist, in describing Hi? llie which broke out on Bew Year's Day In eur ol -? un- leporter InUmatcd thal n.- good old bra ber -..I.. - > .i'll', me! hjs deutn was culpably foi 'i u .ml Int to tare h.i.i-e.t. This ls altogether t..i-?-. No o.i- of tl" Hie brotlier nil i lulf-pi 6 o'clock thal tuornljigi snd i i In the fright he B'i . <i from b ? own into an unoccupied one. ,t wu- Impossible to ku'^- where hr might be, until Uie ?!.;i..ii.- bi.iri, smooe partially cleared away and perm.i.--I tia earehlng ot everj room. Bf. I'll. PARDOJV', ti, .1 . Pn .Mit. st. Franeia Xavlei -, College, Jan. 4, i-:-:. THE FSTBOLEUM HARE ET. lor the iir.t Haas dis we.k ibero were traasartlobs in erade nil eertlftoatee at Uie CootoBdated Btoei and ; petroleum Eachanaa. 'Th.> bosiaeaa amounted to ? se,000 bnireis ?t vt .'i4... i eento, with Bash sates dOWO to ,">-2 l-fl cents. The advices from ''il CU] . wen- Indicative of I firm closing. The cut pul lr iii ; tht* McDonald poul was unchanged from the recent ; figures. Tbs roan d quotaUon* nero um-bunged -it ! "..40 cents in barrels. SI.BO cents In bulk and ''..?-.??'? ] cents In cases. Foiefgn qlotaUons were: Antwerp, lg 7-3 francs; Bremen, 6.60 marks; London, i l-'2<* 1 C. Hid. ? EEIUH'EAN COTTOB MARRETS. Llisipsel, faa. 4. a p. n,. Cottoo?Future* closed steady; Amerkan, mlddllag, lew-mlddliug clause, Jsuu ?rr delly?ry. o_18.04d buyer*: Jaot'ari ind Psbruori do ilvry, -t c. {'^*l hu.'.'- , Pr bru try and Mt-eli iiiivaiv r, nun'' 15-Osid: March and April -ii.-n 5 10-04,1 !i 17 (ll'l . APHI nmi M.v drllveri (1 Ifs-'il,,., lt. ij|-l M iv ami June ?'? . > '? ? u '? .1 -t 4.1 ? Jun- m.U tn da. liv.iv r. '.-?M,,., .v, ma , Jul] ,u?i August d'll ve* j 6 -.'4 Mn', CVCId : Aut'u.t sn.I tse,,te,?bi- d-lurv .") :H 1)4 :,.-, .'i ol-' (n.l\' ?t' in. Jan. 4 ' o', bo i uni -t ? mlddlinv. bl.c ? ,o*r nbtdlliis. K'.c iool i r-l'tiarj. BV: nt sn-i i tv. . tel uta a.bMI twlrs; tole*, X070 lain* llorh 122,042 UC Bortolk. J ml '? ' '>t ten dull; mldflilny 9 9-Hie: low inWailui.'. o'.' [.aod ordlnart - . ps nn ami i/r.r* .-?.;.*. 303 i-sU - r\,.,-- tetttwla*, :n i.ale.; -hi . .-: i Jes: -'o''i. 44.t>U '-. ?? N*? url Kir Jan. 4.-^'ott<n linn; mlddlim, i)'-c ? len u.iadlliiB. O'- poi I oruinuri. BV.; a t i eipt* ii.-i" !nl SI vii-, 7 '_> fi t^-ibs- .??.loris t, li:,..,,, 4 ?_-,,, |,,,.. r.*Ktwlse. 2ABB bub-.; rab.*. , ,000 bales; siiy-ii ail. I 17'.) bal a Ssrsanah. .ion. 4. 'otto-: quiet: min rina B7-tee- iou inHlli-ir. OB h.' ' /(*'"! ordlaary. xii ISa; ,,,. u. j _m>B rer.Tpt*. 4.esk bal'-.-: .'-.ort. roastwla*, 1,041 bal ? saUii', tri-", bilos; stocli, Ei7 '.77 bales, THE MARKETS. TOTAL IIECEIPTS. r. \v. Rear, ? lira:., bbl Hu. k?h< .; bush.... i elton, i i.- - . Un d fruit, i. --?--, I bl. , j. rsae.. l o ? pkg.. t or,.in' si, bl ls - Wheat, bush . .... ( or i, b tB (ul*, bo :.. Kv- bus. M..t. bulb Barley, bush. Pi .,-. busli . ?>r. s-e, pkgs... Us-, teed, bur. ... llellij), bl.i h. I lie .1.0 lieu, fjs farad EM,:, I.-..: 707 OtkaJti , ? I . :i (Ui, |*rd, nt.- . 189 Ob ? -' pug*... OJ!.] ' . . . .: Beal pi.". : :? 1- i i meal* ; tv- - :: ? *; laird, pl gs . yi,;o? Lore kegs . bi a hi c. ncr ,, g.. -,: 80S ll .-a?, nag.. S*K) Iir-s-ed BOIS, No... ('i IU etti. (CM.), I'-cn 0. 00C Sosi, *foi-k, pkgs... 11,000 Tallow, pb sra . a. T*y??**o, bads. 877' rniitiiV ?*** . So Whiskey, i'f.1-*. 71.T a t.i , 1 -...., -"? :i") i .!?'? . '...:( . '.Hal ' cn ( 180 .:?:? ,130 GENERAL MARKET REPORT. COFFER En Broil! growHss tte BSUkel waa Ur,n on iii,. I,.-!- .f E' ("i- Bo. ;. .-Mila... 1,000 bag* Bo, 7. si tilt quotation; 2,00u lagi Santo. B?* ''? sad '. to arrive, 17c ... No, 7. Cal ta oer irreguUt li-.. official e..,, rabi qi ol . Bi I oi lin* v 1.10 lu."- , Vi I 80 I ? ; -. .nol iii) koo-.. Vi a 160; ? " ??'' a* iiii't^ III ?; terr I pt* ii Hoi. S OOo bar;* : Kio eloaMOee* lo l'.ill-d ?'--, 1,000 bag*; Rio .tort. 102,000 tam- . Kio Bstritcl brm r-'li.t- in tanina, 10,000 bags; s.'i:.-.* ito ,,. . ? ? ' h. ?-; sion..- i m ... t i. in ; som! ? eras* Bani ?, ll ."" . r .-.-n.t.. .1 Lo. .Inn 1. I--'. IO .Inn. ii. 3, 1- :>.l l 7.7 !??? ' , i.- . - .-.. : rn - IHO '. -' -io "i 0 bas. ; | tin I 1.403 DO ' batt. ; -c ript* ?-! Kant ?- -lui. 1. I-i'. r>., l il. IM'.l. .-o ' ? ' I.-: -mo" Li," j oi - i "o i u,-. . i ii .? tina' ..--1' '?? 07 "'. i 1.1 ? r i.oii-.i il Uve.rle since J so uar) i. 1* 3: Bus \ . ,.-. r ,;ti ort i,'?' in .. Ni f-Orl ans, W2 ? ? total, il.*ll lop-. 'll.i ?' ? ' ?- ruo.I Bl -I .ital, titi ve. 11..- -ii", were 42.000 '??'.'- and rhr ,-ei| 6 points lower for the ii" on some monthi and ? i Igher on fcttu rs. Mentbi C ??*"?: ? Bees. HE-h-st. i*we t. Sale.. i inuit v.I".-?'?< 1-: OS 1" IO ' I' i.mirv. 16 ?6a 13 00 13 '?"' i ,. I ', 80 d 16.05 li.'.'.. April .I5.;3 : ? " "? M:iv .I A.*.Vi I ? so 1'. 83 1 ' ? .15.70* I5.7S .... - juli ,... 15.70* 16.75 I'.^O ?-i.-'i-t.1'. 7'if l'*'.T'' ...__ - Ul oi, p . I.'.. ,"(1*13.76 16 fe. H.- l, r . I5ee*>16.__ . '-'.I'" :? ber . .lsl.?*lB.7? 16.76 16.76 log , -iiriiiv -The spot nisrict rnt-d dull nt prices were not . !inr,jr- I. Q'lotiiUMi- ure btv." 1 "n Atc-rl. un .*ti?nlirfl - |a .iii atkin ind -ii i in .tere, ruanlof In i i , .... utan half ii ertue siiov* or below tte grad* tr.: ind*. Oatt. ,;- '.?.-> 7> >iri't ordinary . loo I I ' lu rv . -?? ? i.i iTdiiinry . I.ov. M . - Nn? Middling . M ld Inf .trV'f.ft . ol Middling .If MO ? | - '. .ol Middling . ],n* ?| ' I ug Fall . Eatr. t-1'AlNEl). Mad OriE'iarv . 7 I. -' Middling . BH ?... t. Unod Ordinary... T'-? M Idll I .?'?''' Th., i. I - ' - parin; with la, i, ? .erk ind ".75? bales tor th. , nd ns .!-'? ?!-'- r ?"? 1: " '- " ippaaded tho* the . lop m.. 10.(J" I fl rsi 1 S So ir, do UM igYo ?J ',11 18 500 ?J O' I 7.000 it'- io .. 6*| . tl 1 -10 ?' 7 10 . .i IMO 1" IE. ii ;, tn ti nm 0 15 l.) |0_ 10 710 I - ll i\S IB93. ??P_I' .??aneSS !' ii li's 4 day* . ?? ?_ l__ f:s to '-"''I BrRoln. 4 day* ... . I_ ?'?*? I,. ... ? . I ,., ? 4 dov* '? -??' ; ipa ls IO d ntln nt, 4 d.y- . '-'' "'.4 Kio ,i in N." Von !. rosed ? ,r ii...i-s counted ')'!:?? . '-'* *?? Ill ..'! rr pl. c- ? -ti ' " 1 .o'.i .tock in Sew.YorB by ruining ? tai i. H lill Culled S- ,-? - : The netloa market wa* dominated very largely by tbe relative t>. n.- vr-.i bl I In Uh. I i bier ino url .. Indicated sn sdvanee .f Crfa feint* ,i ? .? th" sflvanc* lin j ii.:, increjaed to Ml. polit*. Ssl M..',tl,-. ?I ll-'. I I.i :i: ".'i H4.7:il 70,1172 'Jl I''. 2t,C$7 sis Bi? ra ?',MI S'S) XIII 847,70: 1,1X3.060 1 ll-l.'.!'' .ltd" irv I ? r a y April M v . Juli .VU N !?' '.' il " ?! ' in ii 1 ??) ? ,, 1 164,600 bub-*. , , ?.. , - ? Rt* il I rest. Ssla. 0. . .I 0.32 .'..''" I* !' 7. '.1 71 ?. -.'. ?' *n Illili I '''? '-' OJ ,.. 08,110.IH ll . .111 io.i-j in ia in.i7.1IO .lt! 1" 17 _,'. ' .lo 21 u l" -I-' I" 'A ?' ? ; "' lt, ,v* I) Ml VI H ^. , . ' ? ' rhr ? ???? ? 1 ? ' ' ' - ? , i : ??. ' l ? f ? ? |lom. ?M 83: 1 Quot j. ?.. ? - -,,. .-. ? . ? a . t, III , ? ? - I ?? " ' ' i : |0-' -?? ' ? ' - III ;;v. 11: a. i? 11 "i 1' ?' *l Si ' i-f I'KWIIEAT (illAlN Qubt Bl Wa r ? . ? i , ' --,,- asl* !'.'. 1 IT " lt -' ... ... ? Bull 1. ? ? ? torie et fl ' V , ; . I-- ? 1 < ?., 1.1. -ni 1. 1- ? ? ? a I 1 ? I. D I ? - H. Iisj 1 IM ? I ? , ?.--- i'i .-??:?? 1.:; \ 1 \ v. : ? ? ' ? ? ? -I is ? 1 . 1 result ot I lt t VV . ? f :,,-- 1* latin ? S ?' '* ?- -i ' id ? . c N IN-- 1 good d I .1 ? . ' ? rs.ti.I li n .' ...... . ..... .lam .. I if th" I ?'-.--. ? . , ,-?? - ? ? - , , ? . ' . rut f'.r ; . bb s.t ? , 1 ? oi'l 1 ? , ? -'. |. ? ling ni ; 11 ,-? ? I ' ,!??.-..'..?'.:.. v . . ? i ns'. - - . -? ' ,-(?'.. r .. 1. N-. : s rtt -11- - ? N ? fl pt ns 71. un'I Vn 1 hart --S V ? 1 . 7-'?"'?,. g al - I - i ? I- M t at soV - do Ari SI *- ' '1 ? M ll - " . ? 1 .1 i.i ? 1.,- ?-.?? ?' - I 1 - .- ? ? i-'o-liill ll' si- ' l.'-.N 'I ? ? t WS* hil , ? ?> i'i. Hio-i- 1 ' *i qui tal id' 0 . ' ' . - roi tl,. dsr bul th* bu-in. -- .-a -.- r . 1 ? i|Ub 1 sn ? r h* lil t'. I ,.i?i,iai.. ^h?i.r. f* t.? < ll ? < ? '?? -!. lie I- Hi I No 2 n.lx.-t 1. ? ?! SOd --".ir "r m rad .", ?'," Sall, - | '." boo le ?'. ' i te ..' t,. - pn) M ... ?? '."'.. Me tfl isl Nn '.: ? - ., . - tnt sad "...'i. di lt ? r-.i v.. ?? ?.,, :.. -,:, ? - ; .-. .in ? ? s -. 1 ,. ? ?? ? do Fe bl ? j ., -? ri . Mu- . , - ?? i' do Mir, 51 .".' '." n Vi's -j., t 1. ? orrs* in lair d n ,-, 1 ? ?'????' 1 St sn sdi ? ?? ..f ? ?? *,,-, r... , ?< tar* du .1.1 ; ? -.? ion bu.h futon -" ? .-' bu h -:?? .1 li s.-.1..,. Vo " o-hite, I-.",- n , :i ip, 15 -, , ?: -.11' N ?',... VVa'tern ' .> -I ? -In al lt* .; 1 . ,, - . \., ' . . ? . ' ' 1 ? . .. ? it, ? at :i-' ?? do si , - - , o, -. i ? ? . ? ? . ? ? ,t,. v, i,r lt I".- E. VIII I",' ?>? '? ? -. -.-. , f. tt". red ? ? c., il -,. ? , . ? 1 . ? . in srrtvi -. ' ?' ?' ?' ? m vt.r 1. 11 ,. '.'?'? ? andi ? ? ? 1 ,' , -I 'I'. EV !? ll m. ' 'in. lr a, : I'l I !. ;- ? ?S. fr-' '?? f .. v , - ? ' ? ? ? I ?-,?>?..? (n- ri II 1." ( ???? '.-? ? ?: di ai ~i '.-.- - - 1 .0 il v . VXD i*l LAW n,. mr,, ,, rathei Brmei I - - ItiioUl ' ?'. ? t 1 I . ? a. 1 vi.i. ... ..i ,n? ,-.' , titm loir-d" 1-'! rt v vj ry* *.'. .kji to. ; .. 1 ,ut ,(. >.- .;'.? ihlii 1.'.. 11 . 13 . .wi . "''. I r-.ii .. rim, rusrhH. rsfrw'.Yerk ''''-" ' ? ? l?ftr; .,, ,,, ,.,. ? '? 'ti it ?t la n hji.v : old obis !'? ( "? I IS 'J rliOiCf '.'.I- tOOd 10 I" .ia I-'" I- 'I ' ' :.for;.Iii old elds, 5SOC ; im . : iii, . ?! Ii .-. . in (7.. '.(?? . .ve.Yvi. TIN Closed 1 rrr or il ve and ttronger Balea IOU '.. ? .1.--. ?-, t..i, '',?? it IO '-- . ' :. - . ,. l'i B2*B< * ? ?)??-', , ' >f. ton In j' ,n o' "?' " st '? COPI I quli-i 1,1 vii 1 . ?: 1 I 1 ? ii illlf.ASSI K (J '.f with r r.|-i nuoutton. t'lll . " ' '?' ? ' ' N'.-i. ? . ? il ' '.''J.Li'.c ; ,:o nen rroy . - 1 .,1., nnnjtual ?'?'.?VU. STol'.l_** -i i:-.: r- OP TfRPP.NTIVK-Plrni . ? I,!,'- lt" 1 . l-'-rin : -T'l'.. I ii'ii. ?1 at * I .t" ilE- -: ., , I. Ol '. I! SI 75; I -'j io.,.- ia ? ]' *!?.' ? ? ti, i.i i..-. i '..i. jv i.. eidvvi 11 ni ia ?: i i"'.!'.ll I - I c. ion* mi- a trifle stesd ? r bal ' ? El"" I lt I -.-, I.. ; V|; -. Viii ? |. i -h.. t.' 1 ''O lelah. - Mi? ll LL \ Viol s ? I| -. m RKH . 1., \,. ^ .,..; , , Vl fret , ' 05 ? '.. ??.' r, - 11 nu th t,. .N.u ?fork, .li.--..-I lumlwr, i sci.. -.??. Phlliidclphls bi lln-..n-i ".il gi I" -!'?? i'rr Plrhliioud tn Itlhls, Con - ? -i El ' .-I. phi 1 I '! il in/,1- ,-..i,| - 1 .-,,,. ri IE1 1 ..ii, i.I ruled quirt, bal pr:- ns olAerwIso wrr? ntahu ii <) lotol ? ' fi i'. ii ? ?.!. rrude, | '|.na, 411. 1 -.'?? In ."'? I.Ir.rB 1 -ni. . relloa, ..r.m. . 4iie; while. 1-".- : '?.inuit. Ceylon, .".'. ,-,'., ... . .I .-- ,;.. lin .1 11 v nv ri sn - .-t, ik.- e.-i. ? ?? 1 see.| ,',-J- lard, pru,.r ic ? nt u.i... 1*7.?? ti'|.. nrimc, I'.-'.: icni.ii l"i' 'inila lit,. ::??; ilnr.i pre*s.-d ,17" . Ililli |.i ? -? ! ?'-- li ' " !."! wlal . i I I2r; rx tr* .,i. -0 >,..| ii loo r L- . I i ; i'hit.- winter. 1 ->? -t. rm, rrude Tn,.;:!.- ni-, ral winter, 73rf75>; ii,.,.-i,,.| wlnti-r 7-s , :.,!rri. prime, Li"'-, ?'.'.L Whole rmd N'oHh.-n. ? .....rt: -?-:...-. -" .-?!.- bleached .orin* vi, M.-:' whiter, -M.'-i?? ; bbarhed wlnb'r, 64 '.'..?: 1. . ri ,7' r :?.? .-! ii'.-'t',. ; red -:i.,.,-,i ti. il p, ,.',.-; rios ase; .trait* :i7 ? nllve, Italian, ir,!-, common, i,;.?,,-?- . salad uiialin MB I'ltnJ'ISI 'N- l"'!:iv' I'nli iukI Pro aa|.*, :t*i bbl. o ,| u?>- quots I i?016 6A?rei5 73i nea m ts fid 60 J*l(175; thori 1 ? 1- -,?'.'-..' snd tsmlly, giH 75ni - fi . m 1 E Bull li ' -1 :el.-- ri full-,- mess quoted nt ?'? ? .\n ? me. . *? ? . ? *". cit rstrs Indi* n .* i: sm . . BF.P.I BaMs Qui t uni >u> bins d; quoted -., 'i 1 :,n ii?r- MU.I'LL-- Dun nominal: short , ? ,1 R.S.V nitE-SEP II' '.- Quia* Sod IT r p||. ,,-l,f - 1 ? . ., v -, ,"' . ,, ?- '.i.,',i*?.- ( I T MEAT--' Hull ind ! no Pli fl-'I boll' ."'-ll ?t 'l'i-''I'.' : -lr, *':o?| I ? tt -' ? I" hams tl .'!'..? f.Aitn -Cption. null .ml ii JXinl n-i. r fn- raab whit) optleo. ur., hlshi 1 w.-t-rn ?.-in, 01-ot-i st Ml; -il.--, 250 tr- ,t *-iii ??ifs- lu Btod rut- '! ri.-, r 1 -1 .m.I Urn, to}*. IOU ,, , n, ??'o:'r, refined Coolonent qnoSed at fllCI nmi Knuth Ainrbn. ?ll SO; lairis v eloolag SI II"'I* nntulii'il ? - ? 110 3d noa asl Bs. 1 alni ?" ?to *" 1 1 Tl '? Ml icit nun Crosmrrv, Rt-ita tub-, r.,!i made best, 2Sff30>; rnmrnon t" t -A 23007*; cr un,"ir iVestern wparstir cstr**, : I ?? . in t- -,:,..,- tecoteis -.'?.'?-.?7'- third* f'.r.'H- lum MttrB* 21.,?-,. 1 first. ? IBS ? 1. IO 'ii- : Ht it* dali t t. ill t'.t.- mid nail* est t< 5lJ827r; Brats 2'' ? -'. . ,, . ? , ? Stsl ililli VV. bo. r 't,. Iii-I*. naSftr -.,. . - f\tfon? th rds I-.-'-. I it ? I'lilrla. u.i |n* ;,.. j t, 1,,' ?stras, "i,.--. 1 ?- .' . -.-. ? .,.- in, j- ..,,,. d*lri llrbtn. ext'*. 24a23i ; n--t. 21 ACS. ? sornnil* t-i. .<, vv. 1, -:i ii Hal - rreairs 1. -r. 244 -.: nnd* i-io'ii. v. "st 1 iiiii-.-. first*. W*24c ; reronds I7d ..,,,? ; JVrtiern laeto.f .1. ".'bin. !7? I*' ?<? I .fn,,.- tu ls! K',,/171-.'- . lr- Sb .'tr*- J. '- - . f 1 si, iv- Eic !l.-'- fr,..1, teeonda K',^17,- im-i, i:.^i.-,v. -ii El -e .<???. t tod iiithour inporttai rhtaee. srste fa. t rr. foll cream rail-mad* white, laney, l1Vf>tl*>e; '..Liol 11>,<rii'. RtSt 'r,at>,rr, f?|| ,-,,,.,, ,|,?|,,. n.flt',.-: rno.1 to ,?,: ,.' tni,?flo?,r- rommoa ta f.iir n-lOc; ptrt skims Chsos^on clnilcc, unall Mrcs, OiiO'j-; fuoil to prime, 7*9'-'); UrUe slir. (bole,-. r)v_aKi,c; prime, Ta$c; tilt to pnod. 5ii'(Vue ; i- aa ISMe; full iklms. I02*se; Peansylvanht sitim.s. '.-:-, .. i.....s -in.ii sad mnbsngeo state .uni piton i vu ,':i fr -ii gettered rino..-, soe: Weatera, tiurtterly s-i..ti il-, fresh eolleetton* best, 20B30c' fnir I, -j....-.".-. ; Western, full pac|ied, prinr- to choice, 21*20' -, Western, earl) packed, Icehouse, bett, 21o*25c; w.--t-.-ii, lee-house, fslr quality,> : lali grade*, per i- -i',i. ri "3; Lu. il ..--- State, pei dot., ll'jul-tc; ' v ii ul mn. \f t il../., 24*a8)83c; Wetiera, prime, per il..i., .'1'-."-. Bl '.All .RAW l"i I t.'.t in:.. M'i-.o\ii'lo. ti'J'sst. SB :i l-l ??-. omi '.ni te.i, c.-1-.ti.f'i..ii. ;i 7 IO, , tales, 100 abd* Nf ii- .ii, oil,, _t u, . . iii.riNE.ii Dull anil unchanged :."i"' ?? ?,!.* ; i'm ;. ,1 ,.:,.;.,... r rushes!, 6.31 ..-'.-."?; i"-''! red, i.s I.,,..-,.-: ?? m.? a-. 'i .4.. '.'</1 *? , lu-' gran a laud, I-ieo i ,i-; rxtra im gnauiated, i.sla3c; ciiFsj*, 1.81a 0 ; .N.'.XX powdeted, 3.1oa5*te; mould A. 4.04?5l?c; dk) "ii A. -i OflVi "'i.f "-ll ,!-. rs' A, LV'.iil1,'-: Co. lumbla v, w.iui or a. 4 '? ? <i 4 ..Ve-; Ridgewood A, Wa Loo ? ; En nix A, 4.316 la* . Empire A, 4l?n EIL: , No. ii ElMr/l'-.-. No. 7, 4 ".#4..JU; No. 8. 4#4.1*.': Nu. :?, Sj6l?4r Ba 10. 3*4?8.04r: So. ll, g"a?3.0Uc; Nn 13, ??t?-iV>.v. Bs. 18, B'toS.SK. fiTEARlNF,-Quirt mid nnminsl. Earl quot.*! at ll?s? ll-'v , .nil on....i irgarlne. lo'?>. TALLOW -t,u.,?u and lal U active; prime city quoted nt ?'.'.?; snles, loo lil,,1- ut .Vv. LIVE stock MARKET. Rear-York, Wednesday, /aa. ?e-BF.P.VES-Reeelpu 7.1 co-'s, cr 1,852 b'-.ei-18 cart uxi-i-ii'-d direct rn u taeghterer, 13 ctr.* tot expurt olive to ijroai Britain, omi 14 ir* for tb-j n-arkct. Amie opened aiih tb- leoline brm for ?"<><1 incuium Stet** sud prlci . a -li'ldc higher, hut the demand wa- -ln.-% for rough -tulT. uinl the r.oisli dull, iilioo-.-'ii not lower. No prlmn breves -?ii ssl. . T. n i-o- ol li '.I I ?- - -" -i ?t S3 '?''" ( ? " I .-r ll o tl.. ... ii i...ii to c.. i nat s ti el - at -?! 50( I . 10 ?-. r ?::>-" ..: S3 13; a ii st Vi Ma ri i". bull* ol -_-:..', du- row. a: *l3t>ff*325. Cltv di* ?*?*! native allic ....' bil ? ii. al '?.-'?' I" '?.'."'I '?' r?l*0 prin.. quality. Tess, beef I- M'. ? I st ?">'."?-? So latrr rabi ie ii . Bblpr.ieuta lo-iii i ui SHU itu?rter* ol i e-1 oi thu Britannic ...I t ..- Muriel -ariie, 5 i-ettlu and .(> -lo.-p io ii muda. '1 i" Hunk salli Tlnirsday wita 70-. tafve. f r Ka.tu.oii Company, und the ii.-'iuiaik with ii'.' luwl lo M i.....i-i.,,i.,. Sal -Neston l (Jillett:? 20 P.H,n?ylvsnla steers. 1188 Ri S ve rage ni ri per Eil ir.; 20 -I". ?'"'?'' ::'' -'' ??? "j '" . lo, ll ..( ' . ni el; 2 Uiii" ito 1*30 lb, at 64 50; il Piilu ix ii, li 'o :,, ,,t -: i ; Kl ML rn .-nu do, is ,, : .. ifj7ii; 13 do, 1183 lb, st 62 30; - State do, 1500 ti., m at; I bull, 1200 in, .it I2V0; li Matu cow* 1102 il, at BS 23; "i da 1000 "-. Bl 12 BO; - ll". OOO ::', at -I 7-'.. -I >' .... do, 1032 I'-, ut *2 7.V li pc phi ..ii v ' ...: IC3 T.-Mi"*. ioio m. ,tf *:t 75. Et do '.'-'.I Bi, at 13 70; i Indi ina -:?-?:- 1303 lb, st SO IO; l-l do, 1275 !'>, st rt ??',. 12 do, 1212 ir>. at 64 63; i do. lf'lo th. at 54 IO; 30 i ni iis-o do, 1283 I'., at fri i'.'. , 1 d., ll-" Bl at -il 7.'.; .1 U". 1243 lb, at. 41 63; 17 do, 1809 IT.. a- at 50; ls (uno do, 1207 m *t el 65; If* do. 1206 lb. .t ~; ... i ox, lb, atoll 2 do, 1020 tb, 0(66 30; 7 do. 1117 " Bl 66 23; 5 do. 1-l'iO "-. 't SC ,-.">, I hun* lo'J i l* j ',.-.. 13 cow*, ucl ".. nt il 7u ; I do, 070 tb, ut 62 25; ., du ;-.,. Bi, si Si 00; I du, BOO " . il ri ."." ,| ilondii 20 vim:.i.i tti-eri, 1283 th, tl St 60: JI Un, i ,. ?? ii 11 25 . I ? lei -? ? i own, 1120 th, it -.: I I, ? \ ilvrri I-* "io" u ???-. Ei"s ii. tt t-l TC; ? . si j.,... ,;., ; i ni ? . st ?. i 'i", lu do, 1142 fl . ci IO; 1 Mate (iv ii, 1700 :"'. at rJ 75; J (Rata cos -. 10 i ? Bl j' I ' ? M ., ;:-.,,iib: ls Chlrspo steer*. 1191 tb, st, SI 40; 5 ,. , ioho , at 61 45; 20 do, I i.i Bl, st ?l SO 20 do 1105 t*->. st $4 13 :. ii -i-i lei El I' ''?!-' Ivonla oxen. 1335 lt., at :....., I ; 7 'I". 1492 BJ, St 63 23 ; 0 '! - ,.,... p> .1770 tl -i' -.i i" ? -. ld ; ?! -' er* snd cows, lo. ?> i, 1123 ". nt 'i-' 1*3 30 1 bull, 1100 lb, st *2 60. S. saud . -'? :- i- ?! rh, ni -I '.IO; ix d... 1210 tb, si -485; IO <!??. 1224 . . ir. 0176; 15 do, 1105 I', st SI HO: 21 dc. 12:40 B it 04 00 ls nilx<d cut? tle, Ell " at I 20 : I I Mi li - ia uvn, loin Bi .,- : t |,?, I 6- li ... ox'--. 1713 I' . at I : ; 1 bull. I 00 - . u: .--' ? I, ll n?- v Millen: 2 bs -i. 1333 ff), st -::t'U;-.:; 1 de, icon : it 4 .mu.' lt cows Beeelpt* owr all rooda, 145 h-nd. -? . for til c;.il.- of stock. Poor to good rov.' .. p. U.I |*i Ina ? I I ? ? i old by ll... v it.',:- ut 635*442 60 each, std I I.-.- Kewlou v (Jil i.-tf for I IS CALVI ?r.--.ri!it- I f"|-, brod, of which BIO E lt. i ? ? -.! 'rina the I ..-ot. demand ? i .i.1 - d." lt "I f"..o '. ti ?oe |" r "'. i ..Ul? lin -i ? ? - -old it -... ? -.-.- . 1 fain j rsl! Bl '?' Uia.- i- al 2'.?3 VVeatem rslvr* ll |2 4 ??.. -.1 !'.' .. pr IBO 31 lu - ? : itv. a - ? it 7'--iiO|.- lor eountrr I vral*: '? ' ' ? ... ? i . . . . .- - ; er. :i Catie f .i I IV -t rn* v'.' J. P. Nelson: 21 vrals, 140 lb averoae, a' Iff" ff . '.. .1 . i.i Bi .: 7 23 22 do, 116 lb a- -; ,t .1 . 107 lb, at 60; 0 de, |0I IB it 65; 2rt Wr.ti-m ralve. .t"! '? " I ?? Ul, - ? fl . a' 62 50 I I I LT I--' : - - -1 '''" k * ll il I* 2 v is |t| ??. at 68 60; fl On. ito m. st ea ? ? 4 d?. , -. 1 r- ? 1 ...'-..- 1 ? M: ??" vv. -r. ru do. 1 . ill ???- '--'j . .'. ' --' I" ll '- " li vrola, 171 - .- - - 50; 1 ri i ISO ? ... Iii n>, at ed ?" li; J tem ii'." . ? ii ii. 1) 30 llarl.-m 1 i, 130 to 170 lb at 4 ' ? ? - ? ' ? I i-i i, 144 B lt I i S I'l'.k ? . - tt 67 80 ?'. do I I ( ' a- - . , .;?-. -.' ii V 1"-' - -i ? 100 tb. St 91 OD : 2 ia-]|. | If, ?? M - ii .m. . - Ii'.-' st I - ti ?2 SO; ve.,1. sill i .-. .. t,\Mi ' . ? - - - ? ,t J ? I 2 esr* nt . : . - ? ? i -. I at al ? i :? : I " .. - Vr*t. i ? - - . '. 105 ' Kiln do. ri bute du, 71 1 127 d i, ? 113 fit at ? ? i . -..---? .";. th. al rt ll , ll ?. 71 n. al tt eS ? 211 Wiati'ru du, 7r tb ai it 76 ; 140 pi ic : ? ? , ; Mate ? ? : . . ,. : -,(.?- , . ? it 6173; 10 ? - i st e? 12S; . . i-. . - ia Stat. 114 1 . ? ...I., to i - ita .harp H-. SJ ? it ?l 50; 3 ... ? ? . . ,. ? - . .: 112 TS. o' *5 25 ,. -1 , . . il P), ot 63 50 -.1 '.v ? - l ? ?' . - ? 1 f I **. a; ,i ?.??--???. i ,. . i'i th, ii - ?.'." ii i . . -. i- ??. ii. ??.- .-. i |> hi nt S2 -1- ? ai ? tnd 10 rar nt J. - - i ? ' ' ?' '"I and Bi ?? ? .'.'.? |- ? oft Newton ' ? ? ? -? . IO I'-, viva i 170 lb .is. ii., it 67 per 100 ml Judi 1 ll . ..' ?7. ? LIVE STOCK MARKETS BY TELEORAP1I. Ii -, i, ian i - .!?: i. ? I it ? Et 24 bonn, 620 ... ..| laital foi week thu* fal 7.VIJV brad: foi -?-. tn i-i -. . ,v. s ino brad . con.lsw ?! Mi " igb, 100 ;? Ni a v ..I,,. 820 head; ... -.- -'? h id; nu >t/:i.h and Urn.. . ? ? ?? I p.',.. .o' ??? ? r- 64 20 ... eh ? ,,-!- I : ? , .ol Ulla 101 ?e.H 1 ... f.r -. . I . ? ,1 foi -.. Ulm -? - ? I., 'i'i - ... ,., ?l i.iiialein : tl 2.231" ..-il. '?? N. u Vork, 3.30-1 i. nn sal-' .. .?-'. be* i ? !'?? t "r-u- ?' falrli sctivi . ?'.- ,c. ? a i ul| Iii i" .t demand heavy rom (? 1 6, 15*67 61 ... - and 16 , - - | to best om f'-d. I . | to I '..-.- lo BOO : vi ST 4o?67 4i; ?? i m : ... . ? h. .ii . tu gnu i i d I,.h. ... lb ? pt la ) 24 hour*, i.-'io . ? ta ?? -ad, foi- toni* -i ai rfc, .,' -? o io ul ... - ?,, N".i V or i i ?? il i. ... ..'i ?' I,issi ,.",.| , inarki-; op. net ail . steidr. willi j 1 . >id ? ? . ?. a.-U ? - ? l-'i ' -.. L-....I - I ? -, . ' l ?"? . a.l l r 7 ... ? I .1 . . , . -i M 76; du ss- " - ii ?'??'?. l'.. latnlM fan m. lal. to -.;.. -. . . . . ?, . i , . i ti fanei si i l.-at'oil pl 3 200 bead i sb p 1 . ..- . I . . . ? :'? 1 ... ii ? -'..! I tool n III Vi I. ? !-. .? -l. , p I ' : I . . ? tt ted. 62 16466 i .. | - i OM ., VI - I* -I ? Ill : Il ? pl ll" le Bl ii ,,. oi ;i .t reported n ?: in osslrr i,r i i . . -. -.. n ?. ? , 11ghi Ul |0 . i ;;. . j , i ooo ie id, ttl pu, ats m i ri i- ? Miuei fur ii good n.lim-, -i.lo ii 50; chale, ni' Itali, il ? ? LTili-sgo .Em -i "Th* l-'.vanlnt Journal" lepnrte* i i . ??- llernlpu, 16,14)0 head .hipnunt* 1,000 head i.:h .... s .teody , orin ?? tn HMM ?:.-? i -I ?? . .?i-i I ,-i -ii - . . ito i,.-i , 'ii-:i 'ii . ow*, ? " ll.--*, :i ' ""' beni . ...ip- ?? its i j- r --? , ii i. i.!,-. SH ,.".-;? -o f .. i in nm! n : on lina ?-. sSoOfl ! i heavy and b I ... IO: I -ht, So ' il . ??'. !)0 alu i p E . pt,, 11,000 heid: ?hipn ?'-. i MW i. wi, market inni.v ..i hoi - ;.i ??.?> 23; vv.-i.ii.-. ti '.iiiiiiJ lj. -... - ? - . -o* . ??? OPUS ASD PPoplt E MARKETS. PE ATC RES OP B KW-YO BK Di. vi.t.Ni.s Til" speculation in wheal opUoni jfesterday aral bb I moderate scale, tbe iransactlum amuuntlng t.> les* M, i'. l.jiiii.ciio bushel*. Tba market opened veak .ii ipi'.i:,"> ranging iron 1-4 to 1 St rent. Toe re app-.uiii .- ot the Anti i ipthm bli Iii Congress ss u [eaIure ol agitation nnd tte In-.nv receipts of i.-rniii it ti" M t were depressing Influences. A report from Eh, .1.0 tint No. 1 Northern alua! bad been nude ;i 1. >l delivery on contracts and Ibal vs,;,,...,! hod pu Into ????.ulif .-I. v.iiuu, iii-u eM-r.i-ei I, hear 1-1 Influence. Tue tone became lir.n-r iu * 11 - - after noon ...1 unfavorable ,. a p- peelina Ibe progress ol th" Am1 np ion bili. Tue opt ci lt gu res, ss lor,- tbej : iii' I to recover to show an sdvnnre above i-i cent, indicated a gain <>f 1 1 cent. Januarj options sold al . -. .'- 1 2c; l-.i ri. 1 rv al 7:' 1 tie: Mareil al f'oii.-. He; Mm it ns 1-*. 1 KiB-lOc; June al NaBoai-Sc; uni .lui. ni Ntl 1.1"-i l-8c, Th.- -|?,t market aa. tnoderaUvelj active end onlf steady, vt pu tsuii", io . ajHifters ol HO.000 bushel 1. In.- .-|i -cul iil'in in hitiires lu 1'.'ii aros neglected yrs et-in., only 260,000 bushell being .l.^lt in. Th. market rlosed al sm advance of n -?? l 1 rent for the dar. *|H.t com ra* nulel ut an advance ol 1-2 cent, (hipper* ionic 12,000 bushels out o| lo'ol dealings ol itt,inn, bushels mi lhe spot, ,-p..i lui- s'.ei-" mob active nmi linn, ending itt nu advance of l-'J.. u-i cent. Dptlous *>ere duli, bm i-'.'., 5-8 "-ut blaber. 'Mir quotation! were :e< follows: Wheal January, 78 1 Se; February, 70 i ir; March, Ml7 ?c; April, 82c; liny, N3c; June, 83a-8o; .inly. -4 1 SC. turn Jaaoorr, .vv; Pebrusry, viii 4c; Jhin-h. 51 1 2c ; Mnv. 5S I -c fiats iiinuiiry, 371-80; Petrunry, 381-8c; slay, 30 , .-. Lard Jan isry, 910 PS : Man h. BIO :. ,: Mnv, *k> 40, The i-. elpts ..f grain and flour r ported reeterda) ti Sea Vork, Philadelphia, Hal timor* und Boston aero o- loiiuu-; Wheat, 50,inti ? ,. ,,k , corn, A4,OH hnshela; oats, I02.WHT bu-ioU; tutasl groin, S32,im7 bu ela; flour, i>-i.T?-.7 pm I,..-.,. At chicago, MU aa ii kee and t. Louts Hie rtrrlvt ? ss.:.-: Wheat, -ji"-, i'i" birsbe. : corn, 304,207 bu-h-l-: oats 342,030 bu-'.'!,; total groin, 0144177 bushels; flour, 14,730 barn I . Till'. TBAD1 IN CHICAOO, Chicago, Jan. i (Bpeelal), Bfoeal gol from :u>-. tn -?'? ' OtJ ' -'? ' ' I leu'uiarly ut "BV At. Bight mi IBS 'Hill. aft. r the i mo tn.i,. Bl rpo::, hat been i-siinl, || told at 77'.. Tho U.slo all day bud tn u.lud tho fsrU. coming rrpnrt, and had hardly any thought for anything 'Tao. Cables had lost a little of thslr energy. Ra. ..ipi* tieri- si-era very Beaty j the contract itocii, fi. 792. OOO I.u-li--I*. -h"?r<l sn liK-ri-a*e fnr the week of 66O.OOO bushels, Partridge wa. a very neaw Belier, au th.--* 'hm.- ware aj/uin-t Um price; yet whenever thc maik'-t cased a little there aaa say amount of buying, ile. relate her.) 718 cir*; the i-tlmitb- for Tliur-d iy. Ho I.' v grades aere up s cent; the news fnui Wson. too mus more favorable in regari to OM Hatch lilli. s.e.i" i sa li business ira* donn. Minneapolis and Duluth hod 895 cars, Corn oras Jumped i eeal serly bp the anxiety of short, to Ct Covered before the <?ov*rn:r:rnt report aros Iwaed. Mnv .old from 4S*s to 4d'-j and ?I" >-d nf ISV4. At Bight on ihe curl), after the I lo vern .bi report urea Issned. lt sold at 40. Oat. advanced ', "-nt for May ami closed strong. May .oil between HE.- ftn1 66<t aiid rioted ll SS1*. Provisions were vry -trnng, with Insider* buying. Pork advuiiced 50 reata n bur"!; lard. 2" cent* a hundred; rib*, 22 '???uta a hundred. The elnar w?? nnlv % little under the top. Hu re were only Iff) ors) boga; the asWhOBte for Thui-sdnv. rt.",.OOO. The market i* rottlne blah enough for out sfder* to begin to bur. Local re-ales*lnnal* ore r'SSSSTo* tba pelee arjrta uriem-mr.*. ? WajM's stunk sf ltH., BgSlast 102,000 Inst month, and ".bli,000 lan rear, THE STATE OE TRADE. Paltlmo-e, .ian. 4.?Flour du'l nd anebaagofl; reeelpti, 10.089 'o'.!-: tblpaienU, 1,608 bUs; Balsa, E730 hb!s. Wlent, llrm : No. | red Spal and January, 77'?c ; February, laHPiBJie; May, Bl***f81*46i itramai No. 2 r*d, 7lsje bid; i'-".-!pt,.s. 26,402 bash; stock, 1.284,671 beak; sales, 181,000 bush; milling wheat, 76#78e. Com ?Broad! mixed, .-i?.'.. 10*46 1 OT -. Jooiiary, tBVMte; r'.-hnnir-.-, I-'.,.-1-.1,- - Mm. o-,!,,/.vrV : ttesmer mixed, -17c bid; .elliti. 1.807 bush; shipment*, 100.601 hush: sleek, . "? . ..", bn-ii : -n,.-s, 110 OOO 1,1.-1- white corn bj -ainu!-. !?-.. I''.?; yellow do. (1052c. Oat* 'pil.t: N'o. 2 wnlte A ..-'ni. ld? lb- : BO. '. mixed do. Ul./.'bo-; receipt.*, 13 000 bush: Mock, 128,024 bush, liv- dull; Nu. 2, 50* ?-!??'!: r.lot-. luO bush; .tock 118.38'.) bath. Iii tesdy; g.-"i to choice timothy, 611 606)610, Orsln freights moe sctlve, Cotton nominal; mi.Idling, lOe. i'i'..-.lal .ii., unchanged, Butter Arm; creamery, Bwiey 81 I2c; do fair ti choice 28e29c; do Imitation, 24d!25e; ladled, fancy, 22623c; good to choice, 10321c : roll*. Un--. .".',. C:> ; do f-ilr I., good, I0o*2lc; store packed, l7CI8e, I ?- ii in and scttve .'ev. Coffee neady; Kin cargoes fair. L-"....-; \n. 7, i7e. Hagar strang and fairly active; granulaUd, 4V:. Copper unchanged. JYhiskey un lui:. 'I. !' Won, .Ian. l._sji-kat* f,.:|at and un'-htrvrl. Tte. i-eipto-PIoar, 3...I0 bbb*. i.-.ii7o nvln; corn, 23 365 bush; B7,6atj bush; shores, HS ton*. Murrain, ,lsn. 4.?flood de-niaiid from outside millers; tit t* mi No. 1 Northern Diihttb reduced "ae. s-abs, '.OOO bu?h No. 1 bord, fl1.,;; ...moo hu-p No. 1 Northern. 7Br; ?..' SI d ,. 7-;-- Ei.tii") bush So, '_' Northern, 2,300 bush do, 73'sc: rinsing, N'o. 1 hsrd "ld. ?7'. : di new, s-.'ii.-; No, 1 Northern Duluth, sid, B4??e; ii Washburn do, 7-',.-: do Minneapolis, mixed. 78-?r: No. 1 N "them Duluth, new, 78"?e; No. 2 Northern, 7'.V' sinter tn better request bat rs.ler: taloa 2 cor* Ito. 2 red, r-'i-; ?"> Bo, 1 white. 73'sc; 2,300 bu?h No. 1 extra red, roue (on, u -iii. i.-it closed Brm it out. -I prjres -1 - it rai*. No. -j yellow, 45'. M.l'je: 2.1 car* Bo. 3 rel. low, 11 V.i ll'. .,-1.-, ? : detr No. I v.'!| I I - 11 j,1 ll'-...- : 1 car Ko 2, UV: 8 car* So 8, 14 fi ? I'-i.c-ic-..-.-. O-it* . p-ried '-?er, ' 1 -.-.? .I --.-els-, with 1 fa r >'.1 it nutsMs Og urra;; isl - ll raes No. 2 white. :t7'EJ7'i-(H71-..-; 7 rare No. 8 .shit.-, 'ii'.',..:::;'-: 1 car No. 2 mix d, n'.v. Eur ley < fit. r, and steady: No. 2 JVestern 7;i.-: No, :t extra No. 8, '.".illV : No. 1. .Vol'.''?,; Michigan, OH.r State, 08fr7flc; C*n*ds No. I, 81283c; N'o. 2. 7.".'-; Nn :i sxir* 6T3r ft" doll: No. 2 57e n ;od etor*. Hour in linter demand higher; old price* fr- .-ly bid: i.-t spring, -si .-,.-,,, i, ,-,-, ,.., winter 64001 18. Kee dour, ? IO, 64 :.<>. Mill f""l stesdy: good d ima nd : BO ?? hon sod. lt--"i|.t? vvii-.-it i,w> bush: rnru. 52.000 huah : n ,'-. 12 OOO bush. Shit menis -Wheat, Ul.OOO I, ish ; .m. 11.000 iii-!i: barter, 8,700 hush. ' lease, .fun. 1.?Tin- leading feataree rrnigrd as 'si'..'I Wh"Jf. No. 2. Op.-f p. II "'"*:. Lssf***| ' u.Va . 7-.-i- 7-"? rr? 72^l?7l?' May . 78V 797r7'jit 7 a Vi 7'<-?--i7'^,, Inly . 76*| 77-a 7C, 77,*<i77'? ('.-rn No. 2. fanuarr .40,,740%, 41'. 40'i2*:0\. di ?? .41>t?4l>-j 42?i 41*. 42V VI,iv . 45V 46a t'V 4ii', Oats No. 2. ftnuary . UO'. no? 30:, :tov ny . l-il", lil's BI'S 31-', la-.- . 31V JV, 3iV 3' -UV. I -- rs ri;, per bbl. r*nu* r . $10 25 *1T77V BIOM 610 7.1 Rt . Ul 7*11 17^:5 lo 70 17 17V Lord, v.t too Th. * I n-i.nv . 10 70 1075 10 02 "a 10(T2V . 1002a IO 17V 1000 10 15 Si eil El s. per IOO rs ..... -. ra) 913 ft ;o f> 18 'tis- 6 00 U L'.V 'JOO M 10 ? lt (ont ncr.. 1* fellow - : 1 ? ,.- 1'itfl.V B'lvnnca on Bm pi ... Nu 2 iprlng wheat, *2S*72'sc; Wo. :i . N'o. 1 red, 72S?r72'aO; No. 2 7. J. H'i'. .NJ*. J ? -./.il : No. 1 b, .1.'.-. ..-::iV ; No. J white, ;E'a'l-'V": No. .- r ?'? I . No . borley, 66c . No. n. I. ,,. b ,404 . ; 1. ;i ..-c. No, 1 Haste d, *i 0, orin ? 1 -.j'. '? |a!ir bbl. 616 ? "2 '-.-'. 610 701 -t. Tt rlbS ?lda.. .loiaia , --??I',, dry -rEVd should, * Iboxed . BU 87VO ? . ? ? ? ??>'.-""' ID 60: whl-k -v. tl - -.1 i.-.. i-, pi r ga', ?:l 80. Bugoi -. . I. Art. I- Reaefpts, Shipment* bbl* . 12 - 00 27,0< " , .2)2.000 21.("'Ni . --, . 285 ""I 1 . ? - ,,, .UV f'OO 20'1 OOO ' ',, .|| . 6,000 ll 0 0 . 66.000 64.000 m, u . ;?? ,'.!,- ? 1 v 'hat ga to-do) the but* nurnct sa* ,, . . dalry, Vii'. Egg* Urn-.: fr -:.. 27..--- . 1 iii'piri.iti. Jin- I. risv. Whr?t (pilct: No. 2 .. ? ? .,-.?. 1 ...1 bi -h ; ihlptr.nnt*, i ".00 ban. No, :? mlxisl. -ll,Mtv- njt* inlet I N? ' nils..! 1" ?'.'? ll-" .-'? "'-v. ?- ?* Pros'..' ttr ' '?' '? ui,..,- ?? -,'.- -,.'.'- 6130. Butter Una. Sugar i 2iii25c. iii- soe steady. , . 1.- 1 Flour q' lot JVheal -t.-ndv; May. ;? ? iprlne '?'..'? No I Northern, ,0a le, t i.r:i ? so ?? BO 1 Oatt I'tive; No. 2 white, Jin \ , :., -'i :'.i-.". Uorley quirt; Bo, 2. 04oj .. 1, ..) n? 1 .-.-?" Provtaloaa ;. Mar. 617161 Isrd May, 61023 B/*cftpt?? ,. ,.-? ;. W|? ,t -7.'"-' bush ? bart v. 8..000 nta E.o'ir. Il"- I bhls t Whist, 10,000 OUShi - bush. - Jnn. 1 : f oas a little isaak. Ma; ors '1 at 71 '. anfl .I 71 ', ?'.?? r ? ? to s is , .? . . , ,i at ' : - ? for beat erade* Na ? ? No 2 N'.."i ern s. .. 1 bril ?? lt OI.KlJ II - - '?'- ll hr t lor- ??!-? 253 .ar-. "T- Msy 71VI highest, -?-..-? 1 na eat 71 he: closed 71V. " ' !::'' ' N" l '??t:xi No 1 Northern, OOc; v. 2 Northern, iiijv,3o. p .I Iphis Jan, 4 -Tier" oat 1 uocldodly '.ii.-r demanl foi drslrslib' grsd ? snd Urn market ruled i:-. dour ' ?'.s. md p ?-- favor buyrs, tj ir, i - ? jo ,, co ooillts- Du kwheol Boor n-ib-t anT un. I it -1 -00-fl '.'i> p- r 100 ? for rhoire new. Wheal ? it ? ruled linn ami sdranced V; No 2 rel in esport 77. ? do li.' hall January -it 771,.-: No 2 red 7 .77'.-- Keb,uar) 78A?**7H*?e; March, 7'."-*a vi-.: -.I'.,/-!'-. Iii -N'o J l'ann*vlvanls "t ?..-s r.-ii ._-."i market advanced '," closing firm but .,,...? \,, .- fTlToa In grain depot. 40V; No 1 mlv.-d In .-m..rt ib'vator i-s1-.-: v., 2 mlsed Jaaaarv, 48S*4*?Hej i ,r-. M.r-h and .vp il. 4si,,; in . Oats?Market ruled llrm ind urtre. a.E.mci ??. on options No 2 "htte. Boc; ? I n I. "a 40V: No I white -hort -Uirsrfe 41 '????; ..1- ll'-.-; N'o 2 whip- lum: irv 40?a**in?.e |,| mri I"',..IE- Msrrh 4iv- .(-ll- Viii! 40', .Ml'," ?-i. with ?? -"i - "" ? Pennsylvania Or*ts, . , ?:-.' -..-,?. 1 -.-., dull ant Irrronlar; Pennsylvania n tts. S0u31c. Cbei'se llrmi New-York tactorv, lOJ.d ll Sugars R tined qulr| and iteady; cut. -? I*,-: -t .i-i.t .1 ii powdered 61 ; Uti' -rui'ilii'--1 i . .ui l* I ranuPJted IV: Crosru a. 5V; Cry*tal \ 1. double r'Mued Dl.iraond v. 4V; onferi 1 t ? ?? ned N,:ir ,v 1 '.'. Keyaton* a. 4.60c: innis Uri it |<-r; RionkUn estrs E. S.B4c; lt".I .Mir C 6.04 i,-.-."i'' C S.OOc '"'?? atti les unchanged, lb ,.i,i. E.. ir 7.300 bbl., 6.700 .-i.-,..; nie it 3.OOO bush; ',101 bush "a"- 17-600 bosh. Shipment*?Wheal, th; corn, ls.->'K) bush; nate, li.two boah. st. i.. .tau. I.?Floor st adv and unchanged; wheo) . "sa*9c'v rt* ve itt later and eloora about ti lailUSn 08V E'-1 "ian- lil ', V',n rt'ie; .Inls 7iN Corn d*el|ned '?? "arli. r ? invrted mi'! sdi.I flnl.hli ! '--? st*.vi 1-e.terdsy; .-i-h sud January 37*9C: IVb-u,ri- 88V: Mir h. JV- . m.,, ir, . Dst* .1 li .!? I! Slr Md: Viv higher :li'..r ,,', I:-. -. .- 1 nd Brm 1 until el Ea?( K d> '. .: .? .mall -ii-- 1 .wa .'??! Mfnnraota, at Dlr lo ally, ? Hui--: 1- Int - 1 lotti r -*.? -.7'.. I, ? ! .,'. ? r --t :.-. --,? Ita tina ?-i 1 ' E' ,?,-,.'! ..i-i r -! o7'.'. Hotter sn I 1 - un 1 m-?? .1 Conni Bl quire. +1 BO. Whl-k v steidt 61 30. I 1 . ,,".,., ila. unchanged. Poik hi.-s. r. 616 f 0 old I 1 . ;. i 610 00 Erv -ilt m. nts. bettor; lo-. ?boulder. 6*25; lng* si..I Ht* es 75 -'.ort- 68 00 . boxed b 1 1'. ore ' a on shoulder* r- IO . . ... -?. -, an rr- -I" a"'-'1"' cured bams, *; 1 :.. ,/ - E'. Iti it Piotr ii."".' bois: sv'ini :i. om 125000 bu li -.f 12.000 hu?b nc 1 00.1 : .i lee 0000 bush, v. ? u,.-i'- I lour, " OOO bbl* wheal 21.000 hush oom 338.000 bu?h nat*, 38.000 hu I. : rn- 13.000 bush! borley, 4.000 bu-h. Toledo, .fan. 4 JW Ol dill', -'adi-; No 2 cn-h and Inn' .i-i. 73V; Mi- 78Ts'?70c. Cu n tetlve, -, 1 lr N . .? .ii.h os-; Ji nusn I" . No ?< 3ti No t Bf, . ? 'j'- dull ; ? ish 36 IE ? quirt ? 1 i?h Sftc. Clnvrr - ! dull -'? .1.; i-i.1 18061 lu"nov 68 07*?: ,-s p.". Msreh m 17V. ii" ? I pu fi ? 1 ,, ll,1-; is'iiit 34.200 1" -li 1..'ll. 163.110 hush; ,|,.\.r -.-I StVI bush. ShlllU nts li.'.'r. 177". bhls; ahest 1,000 1 i' - ?"?' l'"-li . oats, OM b'l-h , ri", 121 I buMi; ?li verteed, 1.471 bug*. r.lTl iEKAN ITI"l.t'K MVEKKTN. Liverpool im 1 ni'. i> i" Beef Hole>r4 oa>r atad. irately Pork Holder* r -pu n,u ? -i.,it nu shoal 11 t. |n Bl strona st '?? - Li...-. II l-l.-i i.'T.-.- .mr. In ? ? 1 on ii. E..0.1 rut, 28 lo 60 B -t ung ol 50s (ld; siioit rib, "ia..:*. 28 Bi, strona st 40s; long .-lear mid.lie. limul 15 th -t oi- 't I'.'- ''??! : hm;; and -'mr' rlesr mid di. about :,'. " -I-adi si 18* 1 hm ?? Bolder* fl - ?il"i-iieiv : Vincrtenn Hn.'-t whit* -tr'.n; n, (Ts Tallow Holder* otter teoderslrly. Turi e-u,.,. Holders offer ? ,.1 ..iv Itos'n Hod. - iffei oi. il. ra'eli I commoa Arra ?,. :?; od. Lard Kprrt Holder* offer moderately; fain res Holders sr* not offi-rlng Wheat Holder* otter four Holders offer nstderitelv. Corn Spoi .ind futuie. Hod r- offer Iii. d'l-il -Iv ? mixed VV.-t.-rri spot ttrOU i.t 1, --'.-ii; Pehruarv, noss nun .it 1- Sd, Hop-at London I'l'.'in,. Coast Hold"!a lifer moderately. (Pecan Stramrrfl. pOMl'AUNIK GENKRALK Tranaatlantique \J lllE.N'iTI LINK IO IIAVK1-, EV Elli ^AT. LA OASCiK?NR Santel'.l .BnE, Jan. 7. 1 p. tn EV IU) I Ki.tu IN E. I.ilo.iif. Sat., -I m. 14. (ia ? LA ( ll vMC.Vi.N'E Hirer .Mit., Jun. 21. 1 u in A. POlMJET, (ia "ru! AgOBt, No. J BoWilug lire-n pi.oi;iI>\, (TUA. MkTxiCO. SOUTHRRN 1 1 1, ii loi ir Li lt ly, Mir, RlVloiO, .Vc. *st<au,slilii uni rall rsi I tn -ttr ts Ui all |uit,s of tin- world. scud fi.r'I'oiiil-t Gazette it. BABB k M'Ns. ita Broadway, Rev PACIFIC MAH. BTEAMSlilP COMPANY'S LINES IO. VEII-.'1'..N'IA, JAPAN AND CHINA, CENTRAL VN'l) .s,u ill AMERICA ANO MEXEO Bram Near-York lier (not of Conal-tt. N'ortii iii vcr I,.i- ?. 11 Ene ci- h. na th. 1-fin,.11, ,,r Panama. ' NEWPORT uti. Tu.-div, January IO. noun, Emm Ban r'ronclsco. l-c mid Mrdnaoii sm. Eu ll .ev P vN VN'U 1 RINA, CITJ* OE UH) BE JANEIIK, *.i 1- bat., .lim. lt, | p. bi. Eur iralgbl passage sud emeral loformstloii ippfy a', company'* ofll.e on th* per. fi?>t of Oaa*l-st., N. ll. 11 I Bt'LLAY Oeurral BupeitalenOoat. RED " D" LINK OF STtA.MSIIIFS, jill TOR t.V'.E Vi TVA. I'l Elti'.. I'AIU'.I.L.) ol.'RACOA I 1.En AND M Vl'.Ai VI la). llAllltECK BTORE8 BRO 'L'LVN. B. S. VI-'.N'UZI I LA s..fii dav. Jan. ll. 1 n. m. s ei. Pilli A DELPHI A .Wcdin-d is Jsn. 25, 1 p m. S H. CA RAC AB Er- Iv. . Ireb. J. 1 p. m. These Amerb-sn Bteaawhl|M, espaelally built for ttio trad'*, linve vari tuprrlsr sct-ommolations for im'sriiMri. BOULTON, Pt.iss * DALLETT. 'J'o-.irl t*' s.-'.i ueueral Monogers. 1J5 I ront-si. TUO*J. COOK 4s bJN, 201 aud 1,220 Broadway. I CDreon Steamer*. -NOBTH GEIOIAN LLOYlTsTTnT ??? BfioH. Mil .1-, TO EOVUsiN ' w, NEW-YORK, SOUTHAMPTON. Hlt'FME.H ot . ,*../** '??^'KI.-s-s MEAMEIW ' heaS r" c,abl"' ?',? **'"' ,BWM* a****. V4bln. ,__ .e% Hafe?' '?W Mt?*' "^"^ "?" ''-mies?* Eil o''To'.0r' ?'?''?I'?' '?*????'? "Tl-SVO. Tue., ,Vb ? , * 1,. ? X""-- ''nn- '"? (1 ???>. baale, Tn-., Feb ii ?** Aller, Tuc-.. Jw,. 2i, 'J a.m. i..,..,. Ti,.-., pVb ti ?* ? Dresses, Sat., E-b. 4 0 s.m 1 Ibe, Tue., v.i <m f1* MROITERRAkRAN LINK. t"s-('?*, ?... ..I.;0.' u> tJcaoa in ie?? tin,:, eleven dar. RStSSrWJI. .J..n.2S. 10 tva*. Kubla, Sat.Mor ll 'ft ._ Hilda, Sst... Ket,. A. 10 a.m. Wura tat'Anal 1 n Si Werra, Sat. i-.-i,25. 11 a.m. Ral. r xv. 11. Apr, I ?__> K,'S'vrsJ- ^'..1*J? ? ,n WdB, 606a.Air 1610 tl1 __?W-YORR Td PAM.ItMo VN'I- Nvl'liw * Ems Bal.. Feb 18. 10 a. m. | tJ& aValaa l'u-s-agc. MOOL 6126 ? fofl 1 .? rt,., lire.%-,..._* ORLRICRS * co . o Dowllns oS ^-HAMBURG-AM ERIC AN PACKET 0? ' MEMTEIrRANEAN BXPBE6S LINK W 1? tka* SE,IV Ii i? io Naples and I'cnoa. via (iibiaitar, bv tha mtim.^. twin.screw SXpresS .learners. Leran pasr-ttfu irs, t*__J*i Next soiling Columbia. Jan. 5. lsiu 1 . _, ORAN!) i-.XUTlMiLV lo tue .NltOii.-.ra-au ??* a. Orient by ta. 6. iYerat, flismaj is. fiotn Nea-Vork Kat.*1 PuiaUeO, lUNsorUa. Scud tor p-iiui hlrt. ' "?-1 UAMBiKd-AMl-.ltlCAN P.U KhT CO., 37 B'Wty, *| , A -TOUR8 TO THE TROPICS, ^~ ^?. ATLAS LINE. WEEKLY SERVICE 1 .; NEWTORR tn tho island of Jamaica, renowned for it* .tinr,* lln.otr and natural ba' ul't." tutlon nf m. to?* Navy and hawdon, rte, s of to- lirui-n Armv !?> th. w>* I'idi"-. Hood hotel- ant tplrnald r "1-. ' *?> Regular rallinga ui-o foi ii,:::, Lo-to nico a.,. a. iiamy old world town* of Bm bps ni -t, maia. 1 I'in-t ated pan.pi : t nial lo I fas PIM, forwood v (ii.. Ag nt* 2i braters, v.. y ar THOB. COOK l SONS Tourii . Ajaaeow. * A MKRICAN PASSENGER LINE. - For .ST. THOMAS, MARTINIQUE, IlARnADOfta BRAZIL. THE E. H. AM) BRAZIL NEVIL J, s"^' frum Robert Pier, Brooklyn. -S. b. bEfiUUANLA. Wen,, my."Jan. 13, 3 p. MONTEVIDEO. nt'EN'oS AlKES AND l'.OSARin Calling st St. Thnmat. ' R. 8. ADVANCE.Tnr-djiy. Feb. "3. I a . PALI, F. GERHARD i; CO.. Oeaerol A<anuP'4 I? xv lMitlfst., N' vc y,ri_ Tourist Agent*, THOB. COOK k SON, 201^nd I____faa A - WHITE STAR LINK. " ?Adriatic....Jan. ll, i p, m. "TraHafc, I-rb. 8, ll :J0ta (..? lb. 0 a. 111. u ?? ririaoi'.-.. .Feb. 15 |_? ?MaJa-tlc.Jan. zr,, lt 30 a.m. >?! .j isl . I rb '.'-J. IO Susi Hr.tannie....Feo. 1, 0 a. m. Britannic..Mar. li 1, 3 a j_" I .oin White Slur Ilnc-k, Lot ij vs,.-, 1 BVOt, Sainf.n i*te*, 650 upward, Bocordlag tn tteansr aad ba* Hon of berth. s.-coiil . ol.iu on tl.a-e .to* nen *3j u. *s-0. I'rpild. *I0 a-d -I"., ,-t .-raRri fr?-.j ux u 7__ Old Co'.mry, #::'?. N... Ztl ls.-oad?uy. Bea fork, __-T delpble ollice, '(ri W.i.iiut-.t. * __IL MAITLAND RERBRT. hmm. 4 --R?0 STAR UNI:. ./*? FOR ANTWERP AND PARIS. Ralllnir for New-York aad Aatoorp iva?s'?. ?vi -.!', UNI,ANO. . xv.-.t- ?du . Jan. 11, 1 irj) . . NOORDLANB .Wednesday, Jan. is, 5 :30 J. ? Elr-t 'Sbi'i. 650 Upward: * ...ini eabta, to Antwtn +3-4; from Antwerp, e-EL Redaction 0:1 roana trip, it I iy fjr "Ku-t*." Sbrrraee at very lew rut.... ~ INTERNATIONAL Nax 1 lATfON CO., Gea oral ,\i-\.tn. ii Bowling Ott ?n. i ? CLYDE LINK. X\o ( ll.vr.I.F^TON. K C., tbe South and Southwest, JA KSONVILLE oi.d ai. EiuiilJ Pom?. l-Yorfi Pier 'M. R. lt. ffoot of Pux.-rv.-lt-t.,, 3d. b. jrf'.Jd v.->ee Cbartosi n iiud Jst-ksoavill*. Fri., Jin. sa, AL(JO.N(.'t'lN. L'harlesbMI and Jacksonville, Mon., Jon I sEinNOLE, Cbarieston and Jaekanvlile, wot Jan. ri Ali stfr-an..-rs have iir-i-.i-.a. na**eoger sccomMBOaai W.M. P. CLYDE 4 CO.. 'ranrral Airrot*, 5 Iluwltnp i.r".-i,. N. T. t. a. Eor.R. rien'i Agt_ 0. s. rr*t Liae, 647 oBaaaaa A CUNARD LINE. ? TO LIVEItPOUL, VIA tJUJoENbTOWB, botrinla.Ino. 7, 9 a. m. I.trmla.. l>h. 4. 7 :D0 sa Bervfa.Isa, 14, 2 p. m. s?r\ia.Eau 11, 1 p. a (.tilla. Jan. 21, 7 Xi 6, BL dalila ...Feb. 18,.; SO1.0, Aurania-lan. 26, 1 p. m A urania... Feb. 2"). 1 p, a Fr.'m pi?r 40. North Eivn, root of ( larkataab Coblo passage. +'.0 and upward. Saro-.t ,abln, hieerau- tickets te and from sll p-irt- sf Estops at to) loss late*. Bar fr.'isht aili posaaira app s at thu ? pony's oif-'o. No. i n-iaHni' Orran, New-York. VEK.NfiN 11. BROWN \ i'?, Oeaeral Ajrena. A -INMAN LINK. t\, NEXV-TOKK TO fiOt'TIIAMPTON. ' ITV OE NEW-YOUK.Saturday, Fab. :'5, 1:80 a a CITY OK CHESTER. Saturday. Mir. 4. 7*. a . ITV OB Paws .ria'urlay. Mar. ll 12 mm, LITV OE BERLIN . baturdoy, Mar. 19,8*. Frotn I'L r 43. N lt.. f n Ot <;rir>toph?nt. FIr?t rab ii i-i--- (1 ? ? B alban nt. a. London or TI*vt% tCO and upward* sccordlng to ttoaimr. a.-coad ctba, tlO and <W3. Kte*rog? at low rit-s. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION EO., Cap. rn! A grut* B nnssliii'.- lirrrn. N'. V. IA PAN-CHIN A ?' 0CC1DESTAL ^ND ORIENTAL Staam^r* I'a-.I San E.on.'iwo ts follow.: 'JATT.e .T ii-^oay. .iaJi".ry 24, Sp.* flELOTf .Thnr*a?v. (*o. SS, 6 a. a .0 pavtc .....Turadav. Ma^?ll H, 'J p. a i.AEI.I'' will cali at Hon?lulu Taesday, Apr!! 4. 3 p | S'ip'iblv appoint'd?tsufa-rl'-.r t'-'-ommodstiofl*. Roservaaoas 'an L" mada bjr lftt.-r <r '... I'^Mi.i t* I robin pion* ^en at -*s7 oi.d 3L1 Uroadwav, .N'.-ii Yorlti I Ealt'-rv Plier, or room 74. Kallroad lle.lidtnB- r.?r Fr? ,'i.r>o.' LaXAND STANFORD, Presfdesi 1. H. OOODMAB General i'.i-aenger Ajuit. V BW-TOH*C and CUBA Mail Steamship Cc. a.1 Piers loai.d 17. East Jilv.-r .--aiiirdtr Ptratner* at 1 n. m.. and ather* at 3 d. m. !? Havunu. l'roeirsu. C*niis?i-hi'. Front, u Lasruu*. Ta:: Dla, Tuvpsni ami Vrri Ciuz. Matanza.. 1 ard. :a-, rsuua. s :ubartrn. N"o?*su, Baatlago de Cube, tiuontanamo and (Tenf-i'r^i sE.NF.i'.X. Havana sud M-*-- P"i'--. -a'., Jai.J CITY OB WASHINGTON Havana .X\-Kd., Jan. Ill SAVTI VC" Na?au. eai.tlaa-.. d ? CabB and rirofuegO* .Thur*., Jan. I CITY GK ALEXANDRIA, Ilu-ina ....Wed., .Ia ll rbis ll S is a illr-rt ronnrrtt*! with and l**'ir* th'n'Ol Rill- of I-idii 1 b' till uoiiii* oo ht' titan R. xv* c . M.* ian Inf r.stile R. R-. Meslesn Central lt. xv. C L'i.. sin! tin- Moiitrfv and Mexleaa Uulf Kailroad. Excurtlai T uri tn the '!'?? ? il -I ? I '? 680 mid 'inward. For full portirulars. Irelaht or pa***ce, simlv to james E. WARD I CO., Ill vvnii-it vL D I) 0 M INK) N LINE V M. Tliroiiifh tl.-kata and freeht rotes to tl: p.: a South and Weal Applv ar (ieneral Ofti.??? .f Co, , . !?>?. or *. 47 326, th", 2>t\. 287, TI7A 362, OM ind 1.23 Broadway. W. r, OuILLAUDEo, Ttam- gmici. SAVANNAH LINE?Fort BteauBen wickly fron New Pier SS, N. lt.. f at Sprigg al ^ s. tallahassee. Friday, -ian. a, spa. - S K.VNSA-s EITV, .fan. 7. 3 p.a. s -- ( it v iTAii'iiiiiEE.(donday, Jan. *.?, j a. a > s KaCUOCHEE.XX'.-li...-.lav. Jan. ll. S p. m. Loonrrting with C. lt ll. er Uo. a.u B E. t XV. Rf for ah points in GEORGIA, FLOBIDA, *s IUTH 1 XKO LINA VI.VIEVMA .ml LOUISIANA. fiisuriKwd tt. cooiBtodstaOUa. lir.stila.-s ta..- d'lo'o. Bet frelrl.t tal njs-a.'i' apl'lv to J. IE lissi a.en F. Ant. XV. H. Rhett (e-n'l Aft.. S. F. t xx* K'v ?(*! H'wsr. - Cent' IE R. :U7 lfa-?T. R L. XX'.VLKEH Agent Orran ftes ?? To., <; M. SORREL. Ksnaaar. Bow pur 63. North River Propoaal9. rMI'BOVKMENT OF PHILADELI'HI.a HAR. 1 BOR. Cs ian..: ?' r 00 -. EUt* AL I. Bil ? raOS d-lplila. Ba., U.o 60, 169'.'.?Sealed I 1.?,?? -a..-. ii mp., ate, will bi 1" rived tt tbi* ^:v.c aotll 11 1. rt. 'l'i.'-dav, January 31. 1866, and then pubBcIy ..i-ir-si. te dr-'dwii.-' and rr ton al of ?lia: 1,111: In I'l.i! id. Ipiua llirtaf uiiU lil* depoaltlng ai.d -pr e.. -,j of i..ii..-al un l*'*."i. I .land. Sprs'lnratloot, Moak :.?:..-. ai. 1 til a--, -itiir lt t . .'..:i si ll be pu 1 shed ju appin 1 lo tal* .ra'*. 1 vv. RAYMOND, Major. Corp* id Lngluecr., 1-6. Are v. Ol KICK OF Till: COLLECTOR OF v\% timm, i'o t ? f Kew-J ark Joni 1 s 1 - ? j sra hereby InviMl f'.r printing E..- , . . f axB ? t :?.<> lots 'f m.-lil' . i 11 I .1 ? : . its l."!"-. iini.t. la- ib-llv-rd nt Kr mr K -' (louse, ..ti bi before Jenner) .'i |6!KI, Pio|sit*l* sib a o|.dat, nu-11 1 in.,.11. -. '-..' ni un - -. j ? ,ud-anea catalogue van ta- *? ? 1 at *. ,' r :: ibuw. FilANi I-. Ill NllltlCKb ' ? |>R0I?08ALS FOH CA RT AUK OF IMI'cRT I El) MERCHANDISE AZ TUB PORI OF NE*' X iiKIv *,T'rra?i,rv Dep ulm.-nt OBI r of ihe S-.renrr. xx'a-tiingtoi). D. C.. December 3. 10147! -Ia ??..-dnier wld the reipilr n.rnt.. vt Meetloa '- > .1 tke A ' el Jun* 3. l*s7E until-.' is brrr'iy glvea thal -iola,! ptopoasl* will b) r.lveil at tha Treustirs In purtrrrnf. 11 X\ a-'i :,'*?'1 '_?? lg o'cloi-k noiti sf Vuaaday tba I- th dav *f Jsauarv, I'd*. for ?he .artlul ,,r dutlshf. Bwrrhondls" Imporfad tt .N>? Vork, for thr temi nf three year. 0 . I Ir-t I-"-' ? February, 1m?^. tudd-i- wat fate nndrr ..s-.h ti. ts* lei :u.d Isicds of VOhli-les .nd. r tl.e.r , ..,,..: -,?,| ? oh B* mu?t lie sc-omiwnlisl bv o c-rt'il>-d ebeck 'or el OOo pa"* Ide t? th-' ord.-: af ti..- secretory f tbs Tres*qry ?? seearier that ir airh bid be icraptrd a p-'i-r 1 a I (embodvi'iat th" tpsclflraBoas glvea below) ?ill h* rnt***! Into bv tiie purf to is hom sueb eentract -hall b.' sa-?fd?4 wltliln ten d'""- from tb* du'" of mt th-iron of a.-.-rptaaej of I'd. and that a tend will bo sveruted la "" . *? ? ti.'.iv.Oi'O, aitli mo or BOT* s'lreti'-s for fia faltjif'il OW. turino: '??? of tu h 1 ' . I Th" ot in t si! 1 b- -0 f sf* ta bi ponnti Hie BeereSsry ..f Hm rrewmry to annul tt se ?nv tim. for vs|iai aa stay d.-- -rn i-i'o.i csu mi. Th* l".'!*1* mei't r.rvrs th-- ri*!it t> r-;.- | u.-,-. bi all Md-. r ? v>tlvi> def eta- Tao Md* rniiM ba tdde -?-.l to f^. "!'*!" letarv of tie- Traaaurv Wsablnston, l> C ," M*alid *? J '** d..rt-d a- followa: "l'r.)i*j-a!., fr Cartage nt Bew.Tsau mid sill! rwibraee. First T'h.> pr'-- (.-r po ??: ar- lor _? (!:?(:,-.-?- wltaln tb* ivit of Ni'.s-Yorlt In-b-dlne fe'isn for i-artliiu doti.1 le pooda to ih.- ABprolser'a or I'-iM* More for enamln .tiuii fio.n tlie lu |rut:lin ve**rl and fsa ll*ner*l Older store aod Worebour'* inriudina sll a**" : use* *nd pier- so North River s-d Rael R:\ir. In ti* rlthsi "f K?ss York. Brooklva sod leraei City sud 1J Hob .len. Seeeod -Tb* prle* ger poeksge fr . artit:-' ?? ?ampi* tuo-k-gr. Irorn Ul |-oinlo-nd plaeo- s**'ov- t' >* 1 .-or Al pr*l--'S Store I.s.'.ndinp'r-- sa-. I li e ?of'f nii-i-e-tful bldd-r will be retained until a roatrsrt h.. **__ , . r.'d Into and bond elvo ?- tboVB. sud 'in bid w ill* si'saainisd Bales* seroiapaoled ss ti' -? .-h ii, >'it. HsB_j partmrnt reserves the r'eht to r.'j.'.-t ai v or all bid- s1* th.titra't will br so frar" d a- to permit tb? BecretBB cf fha Trsvaurv to annul lt st aili' tbna. Informstljn BB_ rrrnlnp th" sm.Hi will b-' nive:, i.i l'i- i' ,,f ,-.i?t*aa on tpollsStlu'. CHARLES FOSTER. *>? creiarjb^ US. ENGINEKR OFFICE. Rona* IL 7. ArBj ? BaUdlns, ir., vvhithiii-st., Bow-York (itv. isn'itiT U 1808. S.alrd r>m|-n*t's for dredging In Minfrl "JJ; li,,r Conivrtl. et will !?? af tbi* otlli-e until t?',__ (12) i.'.'to-k. ju., n, on Timi .In rVbrnsrv 2. land, ?_! tl,rn publtely rpen.d. ?*? ?-< itt. nt., n- h.*.ii. forms ??? ,,n svallab'.e Informttlon wi I b- fnrir?ii>*i on npu'i.-.itioa? thi- ' fn.''-- I'-E IHHSTON. I'.'lonl ion - of En .-Miirrr* IT 8. ENGINEER OFFICE, Room II. 7. Arm? | ? i: n.."i 80 wi',:'.' .;:--:. New-Yrrk City, JsiuiT :, ?.. i s-j.,,1 prorjoasl for dr Urine in Ksnastajl i; - - c.'iiii". tie'it, will li-' !? 'li'*! st thi. ogles aita twnlvs (121 ??" .:.??? k. noon, on Tin rod ay. I rusrr 2. '_* and the-i uublirly opened. SiUH-ltlrvtlin*, blsn* f"f__ uni all iivallal'1' li.fonr.atb n si ll l,e fun,|.Vd on oi'S'h*_; ton tn 'hi* eave. i>. 0. ROL'STOn, Colaaei OerfBf] pll-.tlon to Uti. olbiiv ul Eaiilneors. ,