Newspaper Page Text
AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. WAS MR. MANNKRS'IIMiDT DRINK? .THE r-OLICF.Ml N SVY BR WAS. HE AND Hl~ FRIENDS SAY HE WA8XT. Jaeeib MbbbubiBbbHI. a peaaperoaa plumber, llxins at No. 71*7 Wlllfiiifrliby nve.. wus smlgaed ye-'orday before Justice Watson In tLo Bwefl gtlOSl Poller. Court on a eoarge af intoxication, jnefoii-i-r! t.y PaleeasaB Myer;, of t!io sixth PYsctoet. A1 lhe time ol Ms nrTo-t Mr. Manner-ehnddt xvus rctttrolag io Us home ofter ninkirii* teresa! Sesr-Year'e catto, ito was ne. companied bj) .inii'i- hRnek, Edward Rrewter, William Timer mid Isadore Prank. Thc prtsooer ls i inewber nf tho Ark-.i Binging society sod n trustee of tho <Jer man Hospllal Berlet*/. He denounced als srresl ss sa nitric.- iind d'miiiil'd .in Immediate examination. After hearing Ute wltn<- es the marislrnte reserved" lils derision. Mr. ia ld thal siter rilnltic al i!;e Itashwlrk Dcmoustk i in!', he aod Ma friends )>alil their leaper*) to n fri-nd Hs Inp st Iln-li wteh ave. ana Mcscrole-st. Alter i sheri rall they Marted for liomi-. At the comer of Ihe streets Mr. MailBUBlllBlRH alluded tn thc piesenei' of lhe poRee mait In a wht thai angered Ihe blaeeoat, who placed aaeter arrest after .1 saar ol words. At th" station'i 'n-o thor'- eras;, lively Hue, in which, Sergeant fa*aaorns orvs, the friends ol the prisoner wera so OaaVesslre that they wera ordered eat of tho piara. Whea tho ca-., rame before the magistrate fonrteea policeman \\. i- ? lp ,-inir;, aod nil iipiersl that Man rierschmi'lt e.rtod in a moot disorderly manner and showed cvi-i-v evidence ol !"-liic intoxicated. Ile io fused, they alleged, lo permit tho doorman to search lilm aad tnosed his porketl.k in Hie sergeant'* lace. >lr. Mann.'!-'lin.Lit nonled thal he was Intoxicated and declared that he had beeii brutally treated lu Ibe station. Ile said hi- friends hud been ejected nnd Emt lo- li .'I been thr.'ssn to Hie floor BM liifi clothing torn. He refused t i be searched, and in the scufBo a diamond pin had be^ii lo'-t. Mr. Manner BOhinidt said tho ri !ii:ir!i he I'md made to the oftieer was in m lobing way. The friends of the prisoner Un. larc that he was bo! intoxicated. WILL CITY OFFICIALS HE INT>lCTEi~) ? The Oraad Jory i- expected t > hrlng la n present? ment ta-raorrow which vsiii severely arraign tho etty nnd county ofti'inls for tli- ir -linn- In the l.-ivsh ex? penditure of money for lhe CohuobUB and Memorial Arch Celebratloo. It hos beea routered that boom ol tho Aldermen and Supervisor* would !?? lodtcted with other eity mid coitnty officials who approved of the expenditures without warrant of Btw, hm these rumor* have bees repeated mil contradicted -o often that bu one eau pr.slut win, ,, what the Grand -luiv xxiii do. An elaborate Investigation In- hoon made. E. H. radley, -i. ii; ol the Boord ol Supervisors, wu. BJMailajed yesterday. A YACHT CXI TAIN* DROWNED. Captnin William Dunn, of No. 409 Po Ti nth si . sllpjHHl from im Icy gBBgplank nt Twenty-fifth st. nnd tlc Boy yeeterday atoning and was dr. e/ned. He waa In toisaaajBiy eoauoand ol Ihe yacht strnng*r fir his beathee, Captain Nicholas Dann. Early yesterday mornl :g he v real asl* re "Eh two hleods in cot a drink, ii!id on returnlnc fell from Ihe plnnk. Ile nu. pulled oat by William M.-I.oiM il. int could nol be resuscitated, aad (ii'-d in .-i sh..n in.,', h.. was Htty-flve years ola anil had it)!i:i:in:iiitil a number of yachts. THE WOMEN'S UTEHARY BXHIBIT AT THE F.MR. A meeting of repreaentntlvea of Hi.- Rternry dab* of Kine- County w.-i- held on Ttiesttn? afternoon nt tho house of Mrs. Frederich P. Bellamy, oro ..f the Board of Women Managers of the Columbian Ex posture* lor thia v:nt'-. lo disease iho preparation ol - the lit.-rary ex! of women's worh which i- to l>o j mado in the New-York State BnBdlng. Mrs. BeBamy, who had Jual retm-ned from ( btcago, ? gave an atcount of Ute xvi rh that hai been and "-'.ill j reaaslnsd to be done, it ls intended t.> obtain a ; systemstlc, chronological and comprehensive history of the literary worl "f women in the State of Kew York from tiip curliest p.nlods t.. the pn -"i lime. Al the close of Ihe Exposition the collodion xviii la*. oom the property ol the State and will be l-licd at Albany, The dillis aro dill con Ht -.-'kins: copies of old work* written I. Sen Jo;-:, women, xir-. Alice Morse Earl has choree of the work In Kings County. HIE IKiR-NT WAN! HER BOY WHO WAS LOST. ChrlsHaa Gaenslnger, fifteen years oM, disappeared from hi- paret t? home, No. SIS Ma re st., In August, nnd sine- that tltm wa- believed lo be deed, bi no traces nf hiii i. lld I- found. Before going swsy the hey took considerable clothing belonging t" his slater which ho pawned, it I- aUeged. <*n Monday s letter was is?celved from Ihe boy In which h>- said he Ind worked hi- passage across the ocean on a railing *?-.-.-<-l and w irving In London. Following ti letter nun.' another from \, Powter, H emremor of Er. Barn.irda's Home for DesUtute children, aafclng It Information about the Los-. Mia. Oaeoslnger wrnl to lhe Lee Avona* Polieo Court Teeterday for advice and was told lo reply to tho letter herself. She said -1!!- did aol want the boy to return, a.* he was toa wayward. GATHERED Al: 'ET THE TOWN. Coroner Creamer yesterday look the ante-mortctn statement of Peter Eckri, tii<- tetter-carrier who wm Blabbed on th., ferryboat Dakota earl) on Tuesday Booming Ey aa Italian. The knife, which penetrated Just below the heart, wu- found yesterday sticking in t:.'- woodwork in lhe centre-house which divide, the tvs-., hone gangways. The Hade was covered with Mood. Eckel waa lo a mosl critical condition Bite Iti-t Bight. In tho appointment ol A. .t. Perry. .t"-'-ph Benjamin anil Charles Bani! to appraise Ihe Navy x :-'i lund* on th.- Waltebout, abk-h are lo be sold t" Ihe city, lecretaiy Iimv bas named two nun who served on tho commit lon i" appraise Hie lands which il.'- city lioticiit two years ;?;?,. and viihli are noa occupied by Uk- WaP.-iou Market. M.--rs. Perry and Benia min ar>- reappointed and Mr. Small takes Ihe pince if ll. H. Wheeler. Tbe new eummhslon !-. compo 'd entirely of Republican*. Th'- fees will amount bl about >l..viii n y.-ar uptece. A new amateur baseball league ls lo be organised tn Brooklyn. The league alli be corni.1 or either fclx or eight di.' . and Ute player* not to ls? over i.. reoteea years old. The gnme* will in- played ob the parada groand* nt Prospect Park. The Iii-ochivn AaxBli ry "f the Woman's Foreign Mteatsnory fatetety ".' the >."?::.. <i I i": I ropal Church held lt.* annual meting \. tenlnx in tl:- Memorial (hunh. at clark and ll i ry sis, Among th<- .-i>'n!?rs were Mrs. 8. L. Baldwin, Mrs. Margaret Bottome, Mrs. n. ll. McUrew eui Mr- (lark. ApplteaUon was made In the Nupr. Coori ves tcrdtey for b r-i-? iv r for Ibe of Hawlej Chop I niun. who l- in un i. .-iii?- asylum. Th" -tockiiol't.-r- of the Brooklyn Elevated Rall road held their ni.nual meeting ?.- lerdny and re elected Ihe directors. The latter mel il ?< and .]?< td Adolph Ladenburg presidents Anti.v ii-rr-'i ?? ce ju-- i.'-tit. and Elbert Bnedekar secretary and trensurcr. ; Ln-t .var the earnings wcrJ ("1,001,1171 77. Rolw-rt J. Burdette alli deliver i.i- humorous lecture on --(.".al Mi 'ii- Int ' i ? ore lie Baptist Young '."il.'. I7al of Ihe \'-. ? lon Ari nus Baptist Church "ii j Jan .;, lo. ______ jro bore Fiaui oveu ;^y; uameeblet estate. The a. -i"ll of .1"!": ''.' ' li t" -?" :i d'- tin- at'Ii ?? mont reade l.y the heirs ul Loni, i . Hsmerster, In a. tilcm.-nt of the contest uv*:- i.i trill, ass io have eoase up for irlol hefom Sadge |_wrence In the Supresae Court yesterd, j mon lng, hut wh-n lhe rai ? was rotted lt wv announced thai the sctloa bad been withdrawn. LoaB C. Hamiiytej Otpd Miiv ::. l'--.;. leavtaj an rotate rained al n?*rlj Bio.0fjo.000. The ciiiii-e property wai given lo his vif,-. Lily W. lin mers ley In trust, to !-'" :i! li-1- death lo the male children af ii, con-in, .1. Honker i-l -y. lleorge C. Will lams, Jacob K. Lorkman sod Lily xv. Haasoioley were Ibo oxi" iitoi-s nniler Hi- will. John Mason nnd Others iiqRistid Ihe win, i.ut it was admitted to-probate by th.- Surrogate and afterward pronounced valid hy tin buprcme Court .'"ls 17. i--:i. An appeal ans ialc-n to tin- Court of .'ii)|"iil-. lui! a seltlemenl xvi* made befor" a decision wa gi en, iv which Ihe cantcotanta age -I to ssrltlidraw their oppV>siilon for i < ii-M.-m Ron of B10I.OH". 1 lin.! Un H.-nil-it .ict.-d ni agenl far 'he c.!.,i-'m.i- In lin trunsiirtlnn. The acthin li let a-i.t.- tin :..-:???. -ii -rn m..- broaghl bj Mr. Mason on the ground Ihsl ha bad signed lt with the understanding thal all Uie contestants should share alike. . whereas James Kent Mason bad received :r-;(i.i.(Mi outside the agreement, li ? ni lin Bartlett. George <;. !??? win and Bobert Kewell, on behall of the other defendants, denied that John Mason hud signed the agreement under snj conditions whatever, art alleged thal Hie action was a hlacl malling scii me, Counsel for Mr. Mason would give no reason lor 'lu. althdrawal of the Milt. Aaaaaaeeesaasi HpjsT.y A Iieii'.i.v M. D.. SO Vs'F.ST SliTH-ST JH?aj?as of th* Barretta Beti m. Oeaits-Prlaary Orr**., lapotener orid S'-arti!tv. lli.nn. 8 to 1. 3 to 8. ? ? PHILLIPS' DlOESTIBLR COCOA f>r?*M'nt? a lew uni Miiniii. ri,.! beverate. it I* de. aiou* to ti"' tost: sud highly autrlSteua. CougliK rt ik] enids oro ii.iii:'-rous intrndcra. Ex rsM them wit-h Parker's (Hager Toni* Psriti f* Hair hJateaai uid- the hair (.fi.inh. ?. A, W.-Tlio T.v'-Tonga link cuff alioiild bo weis w;tb our Yukoua ut Bete?S collar, li. lc XV. - Stern Bros. wil- continu; their Great Sale of Linen Housekeeping Goods at Special Prices all of thi- week. West 23d St HOME NEWS. rROMINT_NT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. hue NsxviEK-Thaaau de Boats Eora. Beetegaese Mlnifter ?t Wsshtegtea, and Colane] William i."-H*r1. if Uhfsio island. i.ii/Siv .iiunf*, ii. Broodkead, of st. Louts. HOLLARS-Maortee Beoiot, Berretarr el the Preaeh Lopatli.ii at Watategtca. MURRAY HILL Senator Arno-a J. Tsrlirr. ..' Alr.sny. and ( hatla. E.. Elf ii, of Roeaester. JI'IBDSOR- E. T. Jeffery, ia*es|. lent of the Penver *nd Rio (irani!.' Rsll.sny l on |i.iny, md Theodora M. l'litti'iey, of Auburn. M. T. -a WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. r.".-i'd ot AMeroiea. Cltr Rall. 1 p. m. Bhate-Dtake ease, before referee. Re. Bt wv.l st.. s p. m. Itetaetef Ctrrle af ("ionian I.lcrjerltranz tail. L!"<5?r k:?inr Rall, evenine. Raisers md Child's Reapltal ?nnual Bteetlag, Flftr fii-t-?t and LexlaatM-avs., neon. Ans ic.iii Tr.i 1 Er-* Asso lattoa, Rro-ittisor ("antral Hotel, :i p. di. XXonnn SuTnta beoaue, No. 131 Eool Tis-.-ntr-thlnt -f. s ,, m, ii tallaUoa if Atessader Hamilton Psst, Ma. is*.', \n ?.3i Lei os-are . B p. bi, XIX Ui Assembly DUUkt Republlroa Or zan I rn tl on. r,:tti-st ami Boatovard, ? p. m. Lecture by M. P. Spilth, ll"'.-.- rmi Lreetna. s n. m. i:\r-i-icr Cyellag Club reecpUon, Hotel Pemriuy, p r?. m. NEW-YORK 'TTY I'or a nunit'or of monti 1 s qm ri ntlne has existed 11 Egypt on passengers frmii Europe, which has b ? 1 troublesome t" Ira*, riler* Intending t" spend t' ? ivliiter in Egypt. Oelrlcha .? Co., Ihe .-i^.nt. ?.f lb* Vorth flermni Lloyd Line, have received Information liv: this quarantine has been sbollshed i" Egypt and Polestlne, nnd travellers seeking nat nnd bcoltli In these 1 nileol crmntiles will nol experience delay jerra ft er. A large number of patterns for armor galing for :he Puritan and terror were sen! from thc Navy ?%.-1 r 11 to Carnegie's work-, nt llomcsUr.d, yesterday. The oflteers of the ffjtg>l i]i 1 hlcagn gave s reeep 1.11 to their friends on iii" vei el at ti." n.-.w Yard 1 rsterday nft':Boon. Tlio lecood irrtef ol fe course of fp-o lectures, riven by (Re Board ol Education for Uie season "f lf-ni.'-isf?.i. will bcfla ci January lfl, when len leetnr* tv-l)l tie giver. In Ibe Mino- balls In different jnrt "f the city lu which the firs! series was given. 1'.? ? ictures viii be continued aeml-wii-klv, Monday and rharsday evenings, until April 1. The attendance it these lectures baa been tepidly Birren lng Tho Qoniuntlne Committee of (he Board of Tmde it-.d Trnnsportatten, which lins been collecting Ihe ?pinions of snnltnry c.tperta all over thc country on la question of N.--iiciiiil 'iim.niiii.o, win preseni U feport nt a speclnl meeting "f the board tomorrow ifternoon, Tlie members of ti <? Cotton Fsehnng* are t-jiinninc to worry again over Ute Antl-t">pllon Mil. Yesterday there was sc. nneaMneaa shown, but report- from Washington thal thc Senate hod pul lhe Immigration i-ill nh'.ni of Ihe Antl-Opllon bill resulted In an ad? vance >.f f.-.-'u elghl t"'- points lu quotations. Tra-:-- va- nd i.rl-U. however. Tlie closing prices ts-<re e|._-',t to eleven points nlmve these of 'lins lay. March optloiin rouged from ii"; to B.86. cents 1 pound, lind dosed nt from D.B4 to H.-r, cent-. Tho Brm of Beecher. Bctenck A Co. bas formed an Individual underwriters' association, ta be known bi ii..- Beecher, rs-henck A- Ca. Lloyds, iho member may Insure iii'ir atm or mil Ide il ka, and ere not ll.(ll-. I'll,.-liv lia! I-- h.r lli'iiiance in vs lileh tl,ry do nol loin. The association ron.lin'- n number o' bankers mid drygoods Hi rn-. A Btsetlng of the Business Men's Cleveland and Stevenson clubs -.rn- held vi let-day nt Bo, Ti Broad ?v.-'v lo make nrrangtYhent* for Hie ptaposed trip of tho clubs t., Washington on March ii. The mle of ntnlnp* In tli'- pnsteface or, Tuesday amounted lo 033,315, cf which fi-':.--'! vhs paid for Oolrmhbin utnmpa. Georgs Iii Hip Popp v.v. sentenced lo Slate prison for live year* by Judge Martin' in (.-?? cral -? yesterdaj for bigamy. In Aprfl he deserted 1,1 alte und two children, and In rh-ptember become Hie hus? band ol EE-.- Ever*, Th'- Eulin lie (lui) will nico) (hts ey,.nine to vote nn thc proposition i" rnhte th<- nt.nnnl due. from fBO te #40. The reports ?f several commHtees ..i ., be i" ? '-"i. The moiitiilv meeUog ..f Ute nrolter Club -will he held this evening. There will be on exhlMtton "f portraits by BanteaB. The ennelb -,it imn held 1 ma meeting yesterday I.* N'l. |0 >'iii 1 1. to j,i-i t< t again t Bis encroach rn-'ii of the railroads on Hm canals, Captain N, li-nnv, presided, and n committee aa* appointed to go to Albany mid lay (he ta * before tho Legl lature. The vi % Am. di :ni Line steamship Columlda will sail today for Naples nnd Genoa via (.ihr.-iliar. Thi- ls the second of IM- Hamburg Arnei-iciin Line's M>f'iierriiiiiiu voyages, and a largo number of poa sengers lins been hooked. xv Howard HIMer, Albert Mayer nnd Drayton Burrill have formed .-, copartnership under lae ftrm iinnm of Gilder, Mayer .v Co., nt Rn. if, Exchange Place, for stock Bxcbange buslnesa. Mr. Hilder i* tho hoard BBSmber til the (Inn. Tho examtnaUos of xvininm Purcell for the killing nf Juba T, Farrell on Now Year's uletit was cootlnued yesterday by Justice Tatntor In tlio Yorkvflte Police Conn, seyerui wHoeases were examined. The eg. iiiiiliiath.ii will be (i titliiii'd on saturday. NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. JERSEY CITY. The ladle ' Auxiliary Bocfetj of tin- Greenvllki v. M. C. A., of th!- elly, (llslmndcd on Tm- dav night niter ii stmiuy session. The.-'- arete ten membcri present, nnd an n!t"inj)t x\as aiade to steel 11 pn .1 deni in place of Mrs lt. L. Harvey, wooes lerra wo* Minuit to expire. Before the Bomlnntlon* closed every v\."min present waa BttoaBmlod, sad Biter isveia] in eir-i ui.-ii 1.ail..;inn- xtr-. jensen, aa shscBtsc, wus eh .ted ns a compromise. Mr-. Jaehne was elected vic- jir. -ii. ni v.nil'.iii opposition, but wnether mud die occurred over the election of a secretory, in Hie tnl-lst of it, Mi-. Bells) suddenly moved that the soclet) disband, which wu- quite as suddenly adopted by a vole of li ill -1. - - HS PATERSON. Mrs. Holiort Enrhour, whoso husband, th" flux innn ufscturer, <ii,-d bb November 3ft, hus piven *i,<x>o to Hie I*!,ter-nn Geneva] llo-i).i!,l ns 1, Now Year** pitt. fccarlct lever and dlplali'-rlu ure becoming prevalent. I ' s liii ..aa HILTON, HUGHES & CO., r -.....*.,-s i,. \. T. sTEU JUT A CO, JANUARY CLEARING SALE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, FROM 3D TO 31 ST INST. INCLUSIVE. SPECIAL TO-DAY AND THIS WEEK] EXQUISITE WRAPS, FUR TRIMMED AND LINED, From $20.00 upward; reduced .'i.'? l-.'5 per cent. LYNX MUFFS, $10.00; reduced from nIl'.oO and $18.00, SUEDE GLOVES, 12 button 3Ious<_iietaire, $1,4*9; reduced from $2.50 iii ? M $1.78; u " 93.00 -JO ? M $1.08; " ?? $.?.r>o Our Dressmaking Department is prepared to furnish Street, Carriage, Reception and Diuner Gowns at shortest notice. Elevator to fourth floor. BROADWAY, 4TH AVENUE, 9TH AND 10TH STS. The wife of Uen<a*n!ti AvrriCJt. a **ll-linu?n lawyer, died MKldenly Tc*toniiiv lifter a frw h Ul*' Ulnras. mid utter death a rash appeared, n I- thoapht that bbb died from i.ii'levvl"'. si scarlet lever. NEWARK. Twen'y employes of Um Newar_ N'rw Art MSoalae taring Company Quit worh yesterday, tho reason brina nu injnstir* nii.-i.- i to neva been done io Ibe superintendent, Frederica- Hogs rd us, bv Uu company In a redui (ion ol Ula ELIZABETH John McCOttley wai fatally Injaree! in Elisabeth jresterdajt bf sllpplns sml sailing andee tte wheels ol n bchmll enrJn*- ne wa, trying ta boara. One ann and leg were i-nii-is rmi oed, nnd hr wa* dying Livt night nt the hosp tal He was s painter. Lost. ISLAND. .iFi'U'll". Mortimer Bryant, nn rmploye al the Jeetrh > Hotel, al -''iv ii", wai ii'--' it gored Sn den tl jresterdoy Bl im- employer** horne by aa angry ball. Ties animal mi- caird lor by Bryant and seemed docile, v teroaj Bften ? a IJryant o:.t<-: d the li ,|..-:,.e where Hie Lull ss t- te.?:,i.,-. Midden ly trw anim 'I lowered hi* Ik ad in : m ide :, i , li t ? .? I . a an. striking him i i ii'- ui 'i-.iii ?'. Iiryanl t usll i K-.d-'t in cett ng :i"-nv i v i Umi lt uv -r Hie Thi man's Injuries an- r.' ?.. in ?? H fa'.t Hy. MAE IN E INTELLIGENCE. ? MI VT \ ' '1.1'. MM WA''. D'Set. 4 :*15,.M . ? pm : I < 111.. 11 JJ* ATI . s , a *! Soi ly Ito '? ? ? i I tu it-i: liol* ll ii; l'.M-Sj ii. ii - - -.- - ? ? ll '? in . INCOMING STEAMERS. lo DAT. Vessel. i r I.'i.s. < "in -ul t . Lol !? : I" IT . M ? . . Holli ls ,.. i .... m. . ? . . RY ii. IIB.....!l ? ? .. N- -ii A: ? r s v i L'HI'AY, I v.m my ;. idriaUi. .-.;.. OUTGOING STE A VI R.S. '1 V , . Malla V* ? i I ll . ' v- -. . . ' ' 1 ll * ? . . i ?: ? . l. . Bullio?'., X Y 6 < I "" I- i. ?< ?? ? |i m I . '. V V . I - . . :> . I) | , H AT I.' ? J : V . i ?. i. !'? "? ' I. I ?m 9 t-0 ft di v. ? X et li- i .... I.I.I ... . , ?: , I...... ? I" Ol) ? . ?- v \ ? . ? i m 1 Mtiaoda, j. . ? -. 4 j 1- t.i ??-. ? ? tm i ? |. ? . . ? ? , i 'i i . -1 ? s. -. | a?I vi.', Ni apart, l's III Mall, ? ?? sa .. . 12 Du a sim ppm. .wm.v. PORT ??)' NEW-TORK '.' JAM. 4, ItM A Rill J ? <-?? i ? I- ' . ? neei ii >- r i'i ???v - . , M j i v ? ?? v- ??'-,:-., ri I. < "ii ? ber J3 mia lu. Chi ? ? ?,. St. ill, r !-. .?!? i .-:-.- , Il '? - - r . I ll, all ? ' i ' Ui l'elrr I ? ? ? ? hi ? '. ik ? ?? i- . Il ? ' ??? ll..- '. : ? I i, 1- !1 . . I . . ? ? ? ll r j- I 1 I'll vi. . H . ? : 82, '? || i ? . ?., ? p i. . n ? -. i , V i: . r I' ...'.! ii . llUtrl !'? I. V '? ? 1, I. ? - 1 1 I'nillu i I'. :? I Mitti :-...-? ... I .-, :, 1. 1- . V i . Vi ?.:..'. I. ,-. i, ?-, |. ? Kt. . - v.. ni. (lim m [,?. '? ? ,; ? ?' , . i ti dim ti 1 rt -. i . ', :?'< .-I i-i i-, .- i io Kl VV.-oru.i I - -. Ml twerp I" -rji.. bet -i ?nt, . H-. ii i . -,-?,. ?;,.; u'. i, i ... Al- \- -I .- ' ? ll ?? ? '. lt ? | ?-.-,??- '.,".! .. ?:? . Mit/lal M'sHu-rrsoeaa norla ri th i -i.. ll- sdi - -. I'. ?? \ riv >1 ii- tl IVll -.( ' |i hu* ? - '!? -i :? . i ? - ? Wi I ju- lr* rx ? 7 !''V i 13 M Lu-1' '?! ?-? ll . ?. I v..... ? . r ... ?i.. ....,.,.- || JV I' ? t/eH"! to M. i'i <!t ii y.r v ti- ?-! .ii Hw lu- .; Ito ?-..-. Hun M. n H III . ll 'I | Kl liner ' ' -.1 -i'i. It'll - ll I- ? ? rh i . . i- . ? ( .. V., | , - , ? I ? ;?!,, M, ,. nr i "-. , ' i .. -,i ' i v - I- ? I v. , . r ' Iii ot Kite Mi . ' fall TVvor I ll. Tl ?',...... , j, h'r.p I *Csil<inl fordi. ' ?? ? :?>?" ii i'. Vernon ll llroan I ' ll irS PortJlW'*) Hal 'l'i .'el Bateum I-.-- il.s- -sn', li,,,, . :.,,,, io M roe*; vessel to John ' ? ;., vi;i n . ? t i ... ,,: ,-? i-< .i- i 1.1-.---' n, s C, io 1 Is ?:?? vv , i- ? . -i v ? ? . i- mt c (U ' >porla I*')- 'iv* Bros '? c.. si.-un. r .fn.l 'is ' :il- Mi'.'.- Pi v ,,,,., . . Tl ? r ? ? 't- ./ i 't ? v s ? ,. mer ( (?!'?-'? ' lt. Purl ll ?' " I! ill ll i ? -, ..-.- Il' v, ? '. inn i Illa.' ' ? i r W ilk. r Ja !?'. .ri,. : ll":' ' . ' ' ? ? . C's '?' V ? -i '-.? 'ie. f_v*iinaii ll I. . . I Matins** Pa* . '" - 'ni aad Bb ha oed Old t nd ? , Mis rpo tl?gi Malt I j lb * i s-, Beoofnr il :. vv, .i ;.., in, l V\ ? . I).....lui..ii K S fn Mi-im r I'. ' SU-omei I'.--.l.t.- tv Bro*. vt, r. \ sn B " N'liw-Orl an - IcepB ll Keaiuaii '- ' o Ktesiner Muriel lit M<, taiadaloupe, S- mn- ,t v I - ? Steamer I. pattin il! . Wise, vi t ? p oil rv..n v*r V..., St n.r I'.i'-iii ? re i. I V Vi."' t'lmpll ll, I.-.i BOd <':'U> ? i, ii ?(.. , v. ute* sad (;? ii ?> gt Bater I .ur j m n , i cadell, ("alveston 0 II M illnrv ? I, i',. tl ?? i | ii Intra .fc < I-f--.ii,' r (' R asar ?-'?.;,', i rienmari fP-r) Thom landon r W .1 li-ir-t fey* met* launs '.'r Hill >.i lt oni.-np -U I ' ort.-*. shi|, .lui ? Howe., it'iiM, Mon i rm.-I-..-.. De* born snip i; n Balloo, Carter, Baa Prsaelsee- Bataaa b Ob v, a i un Kteairer* Rhrnlond rei Antwerp; r.nuuinir. I.tse'. i?...i iiliiniitii I'hil.'!. : in-.-f" Port BU t-rin-is: Csrtw-s.. I.a^nisu el KSrotom I|-is:nii and Mstsn IBS; Nen-( Dlr-"i* NeW-OrlrS'l. Vi...... V>?|,r' V, is ami Hlebmood ' I" rnti ? . I'horli ?. '?'?? III", ll- I- i. r.,'ii.i. him pori I ' !'>i'."\ ''.'-. City ?>( A-.-it:i. iii- ."mil: l^uiinsssH, (lal ton Shin leers n- Ilona I. r, sill -I vi* Lons t-l-iiiii s . ?, i -1 ? Kb .mi. i- ll. rrrmr '.'. Inti N li ?>. Boob t, Titi', vinvi MI'N'I's nt RTE v MK RH I OHKICN PORTS. vt.-ni- di n-1-..-i '., :. ?,.. .t, from N*e? V orb I' . ber '-'7 fer Ur. uin Brrlved il ton .limn irv lt nmi proceed .| |,,, |;t. ; . ,? Ktearrs i l H.. (tieri v isl On ? I frnoi liremen railed frora Homhaniiitnn (.i \-- i v i.rS Jans tr* I '-??- :? ? I HI"-! 0 I'L . ,;?? I Hull for Xe* v ark Januir ?. vi.mill Mohlioa Rr), ni.inn, sailed (rum Bean I '. Mew.Yura Jon.jr 1. Bl .i 'li .de [|)i , i -hi im i. N'ew-Ynrk r>? rai. ' '.. I.h. ;...,.: pa ..| I .. .'? : l ,-,.,..- n Bb is ? . (Wu lin Bi . Morl in mun Xi ) , \ j.,.?.. ' ,-r "" f,,r v.'s-- ri isssed the M I I . ? , ,- | Kb-suier I'oIj Li '?? . Rn li, . New-Vork H..-in. lier 1 . i'll" -I Si ' "I ? lill 'I I -.rv -I. Bloomer OrVla ll tiled Imoi Hamburg (or Rear.Yorb Jannari J v, ^,u-i Ss,r-,.?. , ,,.. lorwaaen, -*l!"t .'rem linne luirn for Xew.York !?' ?'i-i).1, r I'l. Ktesroer Hpvanidaci lOm ii Ronjer, f,?,? VewTorb Ii.-..ii.i i -.-i arri v. -i ii i ?.. ? t. , \ ,?? i ?.; , ?i.'m.. i (..? -i ii aadi .. lull r. \.-ii Tort !. ' IS I mi. I lt X'-M I Kb un r I'. ? ? IT. |- ir,,,, >...?,? v, , , ,, . , ly-r 11 irrh-d ki ? nvi -is. j .ni ,r. :i W .". j " ?':"'. [fort Knud. n, aalled from (ii*,:-i? foi New.J nrs I). . .-.-?,?.? ;:o Melli: er M'lv-iil., i l'i (jOMllr f.,.|? NVw-V. Hi D' eomt. i ls irrlved si Mst- ll lei i -i, Bteamer IsmaPls [Bi Morrm from Xes Yort ls.-; !'? foi loloma iiirivet nt Jleter* to-dar -iru,.r Orieen (Br). Thoii.iisnu, frmu X?w.\ork Vt ccrubsr la, sirivcd st i'sr^ Jiauarjr L Bargains in Furs. I laving purchased thc stock of genuine Alaska Seal Jackets, Reefers (ly Box Coats, (nil of thia seasons maka and" tim latest shape* from the celebrated lirra of narrie A l;i.--nk. who ar.- retiring fr n I-U Ines*,) we will offer them as follows: af $ I <'5.00 that wore $265.00. a- |2 35.00, that were $2Q:\00. at $265.00, Ihatwere $320.00. Silk Sicilian Fur lined Cir? culars, $24.00, 5;*?.00, $35.00, $59.00, ?N: $.;';.'_*o. about /2t price. Astrakhan Capes..$9.00. 1 Persian Lamb Capes.. $35.00* ' t ???:????' ". Mink Capes.$59.00. ?'. ta ? I".-1. Alaska Sable Capes. .$29.00. ? ' : : Seal Capes .$.{9.00. ? ? 1-- , Cia k Lynx Xcck Scarfs $7.00 - 1000 Assorted Muffs at $t.5o each. Lorri & Taylor Brotdwoj i 20th St. [minor liver}' never wears 011I?ours doesn't atiywn) ; inn nfter it'-* soiled you don't wiinl il iiroiint?. So Joli -(?ml your man lo r tailor, (unless you know bettor,) wait until your patience in ironc, ami )ii\ loo DlUcll bj ll third (it least. No wait Ik ic; we have tho right livery*?indoors ami out, with all acces Koriei?ready to put on. Semi your mau or page to us with 11 note, and we'll semi lum back properly dressed. WC take all risk?but lhere Isn't any. ROGERS, PEET & CO. ru Rea ?mnr.. riit.f.K ? mata, UAiiWAY I vv.ires, ionics. I --? a a*. j WARM, COMFORTABLE, STYLISH. THC CORK FILLED' f"KQRREGT SHAPE" SHOES. BOOT SH Ol'. PARK PLACE AND BROADWAY. .1 LloSESS MADE I /7.T 0.V BOA Bil SHU'. Among tin- .ini;.. eras hero froai tin steamship Rank yesterday aaa a jroimg lioness. 'h. mi ruptured ...-? months agi In sene uniM-i, :.i ii aa 1 -i.lpii. il here to .. > animal dealer In Hook vi lt t. on bonrd Ute ship si ? lavrune .1 p -t with ? ifti. <; . anderea*, and ans allowed la roam wherever sh.- v.-.-ii.-.i, never h.-. inin: .mi till-j-. i..i-i nlghl -sin' un-- placed lu company arith Utrea young lions al remiv tn tba j.:--, lon nf di lenler. and making fri'1.rt- 1,1 oiks, added tu aa already happy ii-ouim iHBUfi O'NEILL'S, 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. GREAT SALE OP FIRS AI FM GARMENTS FURS. 1,000 Children's Sets and Muffs in a variety of furs and styles. Fine Angora Sets, white and colors, $1,29, FORMERLY, $2.98. Thibet Sets, $1,98, FORMER PRICE, $3.98. Krimmcr Muffs, 89c, WORTH" 13.15. 1,000 Ladies' Muffs, in Bernhardt, La Tosca and round shapes, in Persian Lamb, Mink, (dimmer, Beaver,Marten, Astrakhan, etc. Fine Dark Mink, CAPES. 215 Bright Astrakhan Fur Capes, $4,98 and $6,98, FORMERLY $7.98 and $12.7*, 50 Persian Wool Capes, 32 inches long, lUUl FORMERLY, $12 98. Natural Beaver, very fine, $7,98, FORMERLY, $14.98. JACKETS ANO CAPES. Genuine Alaska Seal Jackets, $159,00 Upward, FORMERLY, $225.00 UPWARD. 50 Canada Seal Beefer Jackets, Lon? don dyed, ' $37,50 and $49,00, FORMER PRICES, $50.0* and $i*5.00. (Jennine Alaska Seal Keefer Jackets, Eastern Mink Sleeves and Collar, IUU| FORMERLY. $239 no. Tudor and Box Genuine Alaska Seal ,""" $89,00 lo $189,00, FORMERLY $125.00 TO $250.00. H. O'Neill & Co., 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. IUUI FORMERLY $10 H 200 Russian Lynx Capes, militarj shapes, 28 inches long, $7,98, FORMERLY $14.11. 75 Tight fitting Electric Seal Capet, $7,98, FORMERLY $14.91., IOO Canada Seal Capes, collars of Alaska Sable Fur, do FORMERLY $19.7$. 125 Persian Lamb Capes, IUUI FORMERLY $.1100. 25 Monkey Fur Capes, collars of Alaska Seal, IUU| FORMERLY $30 00, 25 Selected K ri in mer Military Capet, 32 inches long, tine fur, $22,75, FORMERLY $39.00. 150 Canada Seal Military Capes, $24,95, FORMERLY $39.00. 150 Alaska Sable Capes, 24 inches long, $24,98, FORMERLY $39.75. 50 Dark Slink Capes, Tail Fdges, $29,98, $35,00 and $49,00, FORMERLY $30.St, $49.00 and S6D.0O H. O'Neill & Co., 6th Ave., 20th to 21st St. TRIBUNE EXTRAS. MIIOKT TII.K. WITH AMI.ItH 4*. VOTKtl... !l-.'. I'M cr |.:nn I'Ii I*-1 riiiii|ii.*i-il rntlli-l* ul llu? .1, nulli. .rm mill ii-* ?( linn- i.'.i-isi-t! (.. Moir, arliioafoe Tin- VV rr kl* Tl limni\ on I lu. I1111H inul thc Currane*. I 1 ls 1- 11 a.-l lc> I Hinir ul inl.i. iiiiii:,.., for un aBOMaalva |< rp 11 li 111 un <:i 111 i.iii a"- I srr> ru tu |iu I a 11 ont I or a li ont J oaoaroaa rapt. " Praia* llaa Nat a Tux." " \\ lu n ii,ai Tarli Para,.Mik Kant Dartrtaa of Pratasrtaat" "Klee in)'! I'oor lo Ainerl.-.i," ''Hiviproi-il*," "Moori lor l'i? I'eopln,'' " Knrni I Hi;>lrmriil? \hro.11l," -'ihe Dm,i'm I'liiitorti)." "lunn M01 l?n?i-." un,I " Jlttaaca rim Manar Kaaaaaa*)." are sals . nw .1 ilii-iupii. iri-nii-il. li i-pui*) ii copi. ??ni rt iii aim ii \." ?? nm- rim nm ????*? i. Caaaaaas Vt Dt-pn. . .situ la ,-.-1 t II t ,11 T ll. knoll Irilut-il lo !>-. ?nu- ol iho lori-ni.i.l ol sjiiirri.-uu oinlon ?,.url,liligi, ?nu,,.l ml .iniu.-iuu*. Iii* uh fl r-lin i?r .prrrlir. nt-o lilith Itu' iii ml i- 1 -. unil lim i|p*|i ilr of lill ri * ul-.. .r Iii,.,f. " I* it parin. I,. Lim.- II. Ill nillir*, pindi.riv mill rollllmllT liv Dim unit C. I). (.il>?oii, ni o nf I his ln-.i pm-mut-I il ll Brtlata la Nrii-J'nrk I in. ll i. rt .l.-lli'tou* plfl.-i- nt Inn. unit ll ,-. nior< os.-, |.o*.r*?rt1 ol :i -:>,r,l olMi-nliil uiiil alu.-err iidtiilriilion lol'it. rloi| ?.i,J Ji-ri. ll ia ilouiiilnl nhrllirr Mr. Iii ?iiiI.-t lin. o.isr ilonr lit. wli mali- .rnlll (li in lu ilir.r iliialtlua. ral* Iii Linn un.' Ix-111 lu ii i fesses. IC ?-nt 11 prirr. $1 li .-np.. Tltr hook lui. I.rt-n ,.ll,-,r,l na n pi-riiiiuiti la (lu- i ru Lm-t ol Tltr \J rrlsi? I'rlliirur ; unit imiy urluul .uh.rrlBar la Tltr Wnili inn* noss ol),nln ll ou lhe amur Him*, tlM >0 rt-ni. n i-opr lu addition fa ?"? ?uu?.-ripituu. Tho b?ols 1. aral lu a Bu per bon. ('lill.I AM) TIIK \r*.JV AM RR KAT** WITT 1*1801 il.-nl llnt-rl.on'n inra.nar. io ( nngrr*. an t'-r lu.ult lo itu- Vinrilrnn unllorm unit Una In J'nlparnl.o und rx Irnilril ilr?i t lill I.>n* ol lltp uris smr.llin. of llifl I ,,Ki-it ?*tnlr?. s.i i ii uni,.., nu. Illnvi ration., nmi In. i-1 ii il I ny ii i-omplrio U.I ol nil lilt- ur si ir..ri., iii -tr al/r, ui limmi-iit. ern... rlr. Till. ito. timmi ul.o ni 11 a rom-li-lr ll.l ol nil t lin vi-.?i>L ot lin- olil Navy. Thi. Kxlt tl lilli Im icuil nilli lin-itri-|ir.?l mirr.'.l hi ,-t-rr Auii-ili'iii, i-iii/.t-u. I'uiiiiilili-i lu. iii. li I lina.'*- ?.Jorui. aoopjr._ J* AU?*IIII?"? OmiC AT -.AMOA.-Moh mu kr (hr Allin trun Nus v (ntly aa uni.'ll n-> Aiuniriin *'il|.?. I pun iiliul roc.lri nt- ilrpi-tul in ll lorrlun mir' lt,ml this Star* ol ll," -nil,ml i-iiiiriii!,., lin- i,i?rniili? mill ilosgrd ob.iiitiii'r ssiih ?Illili nu win *lilp. t'lii-oniii crail ilia iiii-i ii hi'ltiiina liirii-a ol Nunile lu ihi* liiti'iirnnr ut "?ninon I Tilla iiuitihrr ul.o .n,nulli, lite ".loliti.lown l)l*uan-r," " Auniliiiu Alii-nuil" ilu-lr tlllril hichumt*; ??lo, lr* ol llunilns. Bia. 1 ?? ? |>it?i'?. IU ,-i-nla ii rup*. _ kmttim; amickochkt. IMVt.-Raa-.Moaiaaa. Thi- hiinil.oiiii-.t mid hr.I Kuilltna un il Croi-lmi Kxtrn i-ii'i-l**u?-it Iit Thu Trlliitur. in orin, a .op*. Thi. taaaa I* drv otnil to putiem. lor dirts giuini-iiis, lin.aur'i umi i n*lilou i nv.-ra, Ili'iiiulnu. riirliiin binni., buss. mill.. SCOrfe. Ililli-.. Iiumtkri-. hlcl*, fir. lu llititllioi, 4 i pus**, al Un- .-linrniinu "Hunns umi **ncli-ir" urlicle* Hum Tlir !-)uiii1iit Tribiiut'. A ilrilahiliil number. UHAVTAU(|I)S 1> ItBOBj, Now rruilili) n hnnil.oms pumphlci ol lits puacf. l'i oluri lr illu.(i uicl. ii aca##. TRIBUNE EXTRAS. AMFIMCxV MII.UOMIHKX. The Tribune roll af pr).ona ri-pulrd io br minti u million or moro hn.besa rn lani .uni rrptibliahrtl. ll si*'-. Ibo muna, of 4,047 llilllioiinlrra ol Ihr lulled *.|illra, umi Ihr line, of baal. in-aa in ii Iii.-li rn .'li imo uni il a lil. lortunr. Mlthpuprr i-oirr. In pnmphli-l lorin, Ihr pi'lilirnlliin will roal 'JI orilla, poainsf* punl. A atiba.-t pi on i-dllloa. on int.t pu liri, si lih lli-a tile , i os cl *. ss III hr inn, I ed le .inf inl.lrr*.. iu imprr box. for Bl. Probably Jul) .11.1,141). hu ir been in,ult- m ibo Hal. Pl.t>ilYTr'KtA\ I'HA KU AI. A a* F. tin I. Y. laaMbw Tln- proerrillua*. report.-.! bv Ihe Kr*. Jahat B. Delina, nit rxpi-rlruei-ii joiiruiili.l and I'reahvlerlas rlrt jis mun. lind icilac.t mid tvilurucil. ju puiupliltl lorin. 'J.J i-i-ula ii cop*. "VIM.AUK IMPICOt I.Mr.ST; JVh* Ainerleoa ?ll. tnara IllnVr lu l'ro?|ivril *.'' In .mull pumphlri I'orm. Ihr chitrimna uriiclr ot ll. 0? Northrop, Bellina forlS lliriitlur ol li.inna,mir iippi-ni iince aud an ullin ? bel* Irrmrnia. ibo plrnaiiri'io ho deni rd bv the iithublt.atS Irom improvement uaao.-liiilau. und tito ? reit I aervt.'S um inuii cnn do mi-oi* u.i im i- -ill.i..- S ceola a copr. B.I pit IBU copiea. AUB eopie. SI 4. 1,000 copies $?. _ M'KIM.I'.V INDI rOTBIBO. -New. Aromp'IntUnef ?i ri Ut <i? si rll* lr. Irom The Tribune, ite.cilblns Inda.. lina nhl. li lin se hem r.tubll alic.I un.ler or brnrflird br lb" Mclvinlrv bill. KUurca tire (lira ahowlaa belter mips and lower piir. ol wnnalaciarodl ooda. 'Ai .cu. u nil's.; aPBKI HE*.-* pam. phlrl ot *** puac*. ? ""I niilna Hie meal eloquent and cunt numut nllrr-il, ,n.r api-n-iira nnd memorial ad* ilira?r. of I lie public dinner, ol Cte winier af ISSI* M in New-, orb till. SO erm. a copy. TUKUM* WAK \ mo.unlrt.-rnt rolloe. lion ol oirr ll) stories ol i li - Ciiil Um. wriliea br in-1 un I purlldpnnt.. *>omr ol' their lair, ara u'Oong llie inn.l thrllllu* nnd puihi-nc nm li hilve beea pst imo prim, lill pngt-a. \ii crai. a copr. Tit I MAP. ALMANAC. IM).'. Couiiilnina ibe plal* forma ol nil Kif pnilioa in IMII, nnd Ibe elrriins rn om* mnl aiiiilalii iii (Intra ol (bul year. JJO paaooi ?ii irma a copy. _, COII'\U'N -III IT F\ Ti: vs. The campnl.o la over, hut (he iliaeiiaalou ol' reouoniie and qiieallnn* la not. Por lin- brnrflt ol Ihoao who deairs them, ii bndsrl ?' ,np loiv.prlrod i-nitipalgn aheet i-xlni. ol TheTrlbimr. Ill IB immbrr, will be .catto tho*i- Jrairliiu tlit-m lor !.*? * t*ntn. po-i i??- paid. NOKTiU'lKi.i). tiik tEBMCtMBSM AT-!fea? ri-Hily. li erina a copy. Por other llxirti. ol Tbe Trleaoe .rmi far elrcalor. THE TRIBUNE.