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holding he has hud places in the Marine and City courts, in the Financial Department and in tho. Tax Department. Five years n;o be became chief clerk of the City Court, and in Hay, HOI, Mayor (irant made him a CommiaalOBMr of Ac? counts, orhlch ho vacated yeeteremy for his pre-cut poet. Mayor Ottrey enid yioStidogr shot Mr. Daly possessed tine business ajnallflcBtlnna. and had pledged hhnsolf to carry out the " reforms'' which he himself had begun, in th'* Deportment of Public Works. Ile would consult frequently with the Mayor, whoop suggestions would )>o fol? lowed in st reef-paving and other matters in? tended for tho improvement 0f. the city, JOflflSPH KOCH. The appointee tn the office of Park Commis? sioner, Henry Winthrop Groy, is fifty-three years old ard was born in New-York City. He was appointed at the instance of Judge George C. Ittrrett, of the Supreme Court, nnd has fre? quently b?v>u employed ns receiver for concerns which have pot into the courts in bankruptcy proceedings. Mr. Gray's present business is re? ceiver for the firm of Burkhaltcr ct Co. He waa educated at the University ot the City of New York, live* at No. ll Knst Nlstb-et., and belongs to the Union, Knickerhoekor, Century and Whist Clubs. Up to yesterday st f> p. m. be was not a mccubvr of Tammany Hali. t CHARLES E. SIMM's. .IR. Years as;o Mr. (nay was one of tba, principals In a duel on the Canadian line. His antagonist Was John ti- Meeks, tar, well known in this ci'v. Mr. Groy was the challenger. Subsequently Mr. and Mrs. Cray wen- divorce!, and Mr. day mar? ried Miss Frelinghuvaen, a daughter of ex'-S- ero tary Frelinghuyseu, of New-Jersey. Abott ti a year as-o Mr. Heckscher married Mrs. Gray, who had resumed her maiden iiame. Her lather was William lt. Travers, Fire Commissioner John J. Seannell was horn In this city in 1M2 and was educated in the public schools. His business is thtit of a norse dealer. He has gained notoriety from the fact that he. Richard Croker md Edward 8. Stokes Wore all locked np in the Tombs at th- same time, charged with murder, On the ni;ht of November ?. ls;?, Seannell shot and killed Thomas Donahue in Johnson's poolroom, at Broad? way and Twenty-eighth-st. l*wo yean before Scannell's brother Morenos, who was a ward politician, had boen shot and hilled in a caucus disturhunce. John Seannell said that Donahue, a Seeond-ave. liquor dealer, was his brother's murderer, and he killed Donahue, emptying his THOMAS T-. ir.ITXF.IV revolver into tho prostrate niau, lie was so quitted in February, Lb?3, mi Hie plea ol emo? tional Insanity. After throe weeks' confinement in tho St.ito Asylum a: Utica Seannell was set at. iarz<\ It is saul that Mayor (mint's refusal to appoint Seannell a Tire Commissioner caused tin rupture between Mr. ( roker ami Mr. Grant which has pees the subject of much comment during the lost few months. Seannell has bren Tammaoj lciid'-r of the XMh Assembly District -inc lusa.. lie les Inri ehanre of tin- collection of "thank offerings*1 from gcepsis of "" .md other J daces of questionable p-*..u-t io the Tammany Jail corruption lund for many yean T:ix Coi omi sion er Clausen i? a memiier of the brewing firm of H. t luusen's >.me and lu laipi- ?roperi Intereate, He was born In New York in lsiu and was educated at the public! schools and tho Maryland Military < 'll".". He is a member of the Manhattan, New-York, l.otos and New-York Kiding clubs, ead has been president of the IJederkrana Society. Ile be lonirs also to the Arion and t , \\v (.orchmont VaOfll (lull. His name i- on the roll cf tho Tammany Hall General Committee of the Wist A*M"tnhlv District. William Dalton, who leaves the pl.,.t Deputy Commissioner of Street ( teaning to jo Into the Excise Itiard, is forty years old. u linttve of N*W V"ik < ity. and was funnel ly a. butcher, l!f waa three tirraen ed (ted to lbs As aeinblv from the VVllth District, and baa been Tammany leader ol th-- XVth District situ-" ihs;?. 1?>?11," J-istii-e Iturke was horn la this city in lifts, mi'! after arversl veins in tba public aobools learned tho printing, bualssvas. Il" after ward wen? into tho coal business. Sines issn he has bern Water Pnrveynr of the Department of Public. Works, and when the bow JiXVth As--milly Di-tri'-t was created he become kader of the Tssamanr Hall organisation there. Aa disgraceful sn exercise ol power ss waa shown yceterday was 'he appointment of Exoise O.mmissioner Kx-h to !*? a police justice. Few men in liiiiimany ilall have Wltfae records, Kwh v.?s bom in Sew-Yc-ik, ami after l<e|ng graduated Unlike tbs Dutch Process No Alkalies ? OR ? Other Chemicals jrs used in the patpa ration ot W. ISAK KR k CO.-S reakfastCocoa which i$ absolutely pur* and toluble. j lt has 7aor*fAin f/i fe Cmea ' th-.t '.rm iih of Cocoa mme.I iwifu 8t?-ch, Arrowroot or _, 'Sugar, snd ls far moro eco? nomical, eottlng ISM 'Aat>. one c?nt a tins, It ii delicious, nourishing, and sault digest ra.. - Sold by G-ocrrs eterywkert. e7. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass, USE POND'S EXTRACT FOR Female Complaints. laflaaimaUon rapid!) I flated. Hoteaoos s-p-sviuy removed. flOjia Bjaiekly r,< ,*'rd. AYOlfi St*BS1 rn i ks. licnnSM n-me nr.:? by I'd, d's . o., 70 K;ft!i-a-.0.t Nc'-- Vol.. nmi the College of the City ol Now-Vorl and ii-- Columbia Cdlege Daw school he nractiacd uw linn! Is'-.s, ,vhen lie w.-is appointed Deputy 'ounty clerk, ami in l*'J9 wa- elected Civil Instice of the Viii 'udicial District Conti Ile ass ,i state Senator in ivs.' ;U1.| |fl?j3, and m ISSS woo appointed try Mayor Grace a Dock ( am? ii is-sinncr. Ile Waa then a < ounty l?eai'ii'ta . ut wim Monry Ia Purroj left the ' * ounti i md supported Mayor craft ii. I SSS. The ie\t year Mr. Cmit Bppolrterl him an Exeisi emtnissioner, and reappointed him In May, Iflpfl, ile Voted to lie u-" about every improper ;)luc" foi which spplicntion was made, arnon,.' libera that, of iVanchi's remahop ivliere "The"1 Mien was stabbed. When 'he studier Excise nil wu* before the Legislature Koch went t.> Albany, nnd '.lairg Ilia Privilege as an ex Sen.iti.r to go npon the fluor. openly worke l for nhs aaeosure. A ?'!??- t deni ol " i?i..idie was tent to Albany to pul the bill through. He waa indicted i-i igpti with other mcmhvn of the l.xcise lu,arrt on confilalnt ol the ( itv Reform lull fer persistently railing fe enforce Ike law it was then openly charged that Koch'i lawyer f^fcfcr: LES PHILLIPS, had difficulty in understanding him when he waa Milled to picul to the indictment ou account of !he condition of Koch from drinking. Charles E. Simms, jr., is a young man who lui* made an uxoellenl record aa Assistant District Ittorney. He was hom In New-York In 18*1, and ivns prnduated with honor lYom the College "f the ( itt of New-York, and from ti..- law ilepart mont of the City l"nivarsity In l---. He was la-oe.iated wi'h District-Attorney Nicoll in the prosecuthm of Frenchy, the "ripper'": t'sriyle w, Harris and Fanning for murder, and lunahnwe for arson. Police Justice Foitner la a Tammany Sachem, wa hom In this city in 1*47 snd lives :.t Na. li Con? vent Hill. H- was admitted to the har in Infill am) ha* iieen a 'lax Commissioner for lbs Issi nine years. Edward Owen. Mr. Daly's successor aa fem missioner of Accounts, woe 'urn in Cincinnati fifty-four yean ago vVlira a young man h - went to New-Orleans and went uno thc cotton husi. ness When tie war birk.ll lie entered tho Confederate army and set -.1 nn<b*t Honers! l/>na street aa an officer "f art-iilery. Ile came lo Nev - York in I "i.- and was n m.ber ol f's* < otton Exchange. Ih- Ins been ( hief Clerk "f the bureau of Accounts for several years. Mr ')?en is a member of ilie s.> ithern Society and was i tive in orgoniring tiie Southern Demoentl ? ? leve land Association during Hw last campul'-rn, Charles F. VVable, Commissioner "f tecoiinta, nnd I,ee Phillipa. Chief Examin?r and S>ei tari ol the Municipal Civil Service Hoard, are P-apnoir.i mellis. THE STORY Of SCANNEM/S CRIME. HOW ll I; MCRDEXEO III MAS DONAnTE Cb IT \;u !) Jl*8T1< E. Jahn J. Seannell, when he wai appointed a Fire Commissioner yesterday iv Majmr Ollrny, reached ike gaol low.-r.i which ii- ambition had !???-.> <'o .'.si ;.,r many years. Ever since li" wat released ir un bb Insane asylum, where s tueressfbllj worked "Insanltj dodge'1 lia<t saved liitn from merited death f. ? Un murder ot Thomas Donabae, on November S, i-tj. he aaa ovated Ibis oflsee. Ile killed Donahue in Jahn ton's poolroom. B ll'iuor shop la Ike besemi' il Ol Iks I'UildjiiK ?t the n .rdiuest comer af Broadway nmi Twenty elplifh <t. The black record ol crime in this pent ?-iiv flora aol skew a murder mari deliberate and cold blooded, nor nae in walch his victim bad L'-en so pcrstslentry banted lo bli death by bli ? 'a ? ?>?? it wp, rm ?<t cf revenge, remorseb???i|j and pHllc '. ? enni^rt oat. Donahue, a Ibo evldeore in Hi- irlnl thawed, waa .ii?.t flown while irving t > ? - bp* from blt stu'taei in n rsum crowded with j" or 300 gamblers and politicians kidding fer Ike pureba e ol pool 'ii lae result of th" Prutflentlal election, which wm ie lake place trove dnvs afterward. Ile sell aita. ? bulks' thr ned hu brain, and fsranneli atood and emptied f."ir more ehambera al Ms revolver lam Ike body af the pro-trite snd dying mau. Tia origin of ike tragedy wes fae killing ol l forence semi nell, John's brother, la u Bgkl lu Doaabue' liquor st.ire, nt Seeeod-ove, and TWenti iblrd-?t? sod Joiui flea imf ff *s beflof thal it w: ia Donahue wke i-au :-h I i,is brother. On December 83, Ifloo, a erawd of asm, headed by nereoee si n nn.-n. ikea n coadldaie for Alderaaan, eatered Dembue'a place, walch was 11m besdejaarteei of Jean Nesbitt, ti,.- rival candida ?? lot Alderman. The Beannelb suspected thal Sleabltl lind rtereted levers! "repeaters* in ? tyam barb af the '.iipior store. A fljrl,t followed between the frlendi ol the candidate*; several men drew knives and other* pitt I-. willie tin- Hrlnp was al il- height Florence BCBBOell sniii. lo I he floor, exclaiming ihnl be wi ?but. The wounded Bain was takca to IMrevne li" i>;tui, where be flied. Donahue waa arreated en a charge of having ebal BcaBBell, bul no evtdenco rould ls. foin! against him nnd kc wa- acquitted. John J. bcanrell ronilnuxd io a aa erl that Donahue had murdered his brother aud to utter thrm's ..r vengeance. The police .-it fi. lime were tlien--Ives ,,f the o|:|-iion thal John li i-l shot florence, Inasmuch a- on arresting atm after Hie Btfnj In th- liquor st/ire it was discovered Hui in? laid tired als chambers of Mi plato!. Nearly a year pH-srsi and the Mannell murder had been elmo I f> gotten when its aa ni-rv was revived by the attempt of an unknown mai to mi.riler limul,:- as In ?.. ? returning home late al sight on September i!?, in?i?. Aa tin- anknowa mun fled, efler sbonUng Donabae itt Uie i^ft breast, le waa reeagotsefl, lt waa alleged, ns .i>im J. scaiini'ii liv two tp^etaton or tte- atiempt'si murder. Donahue recovered io ipite ol his ugly wound, wiiiio arannell fled from lue tlty and was absent nine months. Mr; was thea b*ougkt before t ronrt, ?nd npon giving home to keep Ibo peace with Donahue was released. Donahue, however, had no faith In -'eanmH'i promises, tum rived in constant fear of sssasdnaUon, 1'iriaiiv, at Ike reojueal of frleods, ha determined t nutt ike city, nn i engagod passage on a steaaMr foi i uiiji, Intendlofl kt sad tba dav sitf:- rleeiton of No iember, is"-^. on kotarflay sveotug before toe cbs ?lon with one or iwo Mends be Brent lu Johnoou'i poolroom. Lraassg aialanl ike oar at tin- oxtrenH end of Hie room stoi<i Jooa I, Bcabnefl, Donihiu when III th" midst Of th" ernwd s.-iw hi. eiiein; . a., iiis fm-e became pale, li*- h.i!t?-(i aa if paralyse-! nit! f?-ar. Ti-.e leeHaaany showed thai be turned aol -miit'it to escape Dom the place, tm seaamdl bad ? si him. Doth men Wen armed, hut. a weapon ,;??? le-s in Dooakue't aorveleia hand. a msremenl <-f iiip crowd bbl svennell lora momeni from Denakne, and the luttir. after leDlna a Merni ihut be had un engagement wMch prevented bia sta) lng longer, turned around and sim ira io m up ibi ?iii\\ii\ int j the street lii^n ibero wea ? auddei benia lu tin- place, and <rie? ol angai eiwot froui tba erased, several aaca, ibW t-> be Mends ul Ki-auurll -trove to gel io ile- door, sud ihey wei-.- ruucblj re moiis'niiea orita by Ibe m-.i la.-v Jostled. I >?:?? ai. ,i nmoiiK i!ios>. who mere auing Hie pushing was Join J, Sesanell. imu he i|ub-kl> rearbed ibo dour, lil lengHaeferrefl revenge wus nt hunt; bia pur un ka ended, lie stood behind Donaku< for a -'-.- inu, mik drew i:K IiIk nu ?.- revolver and rabied lt au the |.-m alis Donaaoe's h'-nd. Iiotiahue lurned 'is fan . nd uiuneli tiitd Into it. nts vtrtlm fell lo lin hoer ?!::. a balle! u bl* brain. Seatrnall standiui over htui tu-ed four mori Bbott Into '? bod) i lidsi pr"-, ni jj,].; ||,M} .,,. shifted IN pootnon le aiake sun tata tko bolleti -'id i.'i enter :..?? tame phire twice As he fired the crowd shrank swsy from him Into lb poolroom. Not one of the men preaeni mad", sr attempt ta disarm him. When he fired the liftii thot bcaaacil ran un Un stairway into Ike slreet. Ile made hi- ^ay to Hfth ave. and Twenty ninth st., where he threw awav id- pistol, ii" waa bare'overtaken and arrested by Killis*-captain Mcilwaine. There were wild threats of lynrMng the murderer wk*n Captain MeJBwame io >k nlm bark wan-.- Dooahue'i dead bods bar oa the uwdwst-eosrefea floor ?.f ibo basement poolroom. Ta save ike murderer from the suiumury rengewneo '?' th" orowd, the poMce Bunted Mm oft t.? Ute Thirtieth -t., poHea tbuloo, when no one waa allowed io see liiiii except his cooneel. Certainly ii*- olid Just lee 0f Ivnch law would Bot have been s,? u ;, wholly ntijustlfiable Hiing In "-.-nun ll', rase, viewed la Ibe Huh' of his sobseqaenl nail nmi betel detention in a li"s|>ilul far Ike foul crime of whit h li- Im.l been guilty. Al th" nial sia'imir. ie Huns ni-, uni] be rompored to those ..f linlteau, th" assassin nf J':-.?fl--tit Horfield, when Iho biter wu- endeavoring to Impress th" Jarv at Wash? ington erith ito- ketlef thal he wai In him-, lhere ?i-ri. the s:,niv etitfabh. ont breaks and scenes I. nrred during ta.- ttImI .-f liultenu. Ha; lhere wa tau vital difference between th. tun murderers tsia-d to earn "ni ike tusunltc scheme -"f .lilli, while Seannell dhi. Whether seannell s Mends i-v.-r had suv renl anklet* ss lo Ibe outcome of th., iiini ls b iinestton lo ibcse who knee. ih< workings of the cm's tr st em ot rrlmlnal lustre I went i rears aga, when Ibe him was p---' nd ot an able-bodied political -pull." 1vs? verdlrl v ? given on the ground that --< :nm< ll was Insane, un in- following day Ibe prisoner waa taken lo tue state AsyJiuu foi the Insane, at CHea. bot be was -lauih a fi,-rv. a i-l releases and returned to til- rlt) ii h'"nie a n-I.,hu., dp Md leader In Tammany linn. i:i:i"M.:< \:-.s DIoCTrS THE APPOINTMENTS. i' Mayor UHroy's appolni neats pi.-a-et ibe rank an! lil" of TamawBy, ikey were regarded with bo less salis faction bj the enemies of ike wigwam I ba I looked ai ii... amt ter a strictly partisan pclni ul view. \..t a Repubttran couM l? found last Big I who d'.-i ii.; sM\ 1 hui Ike Mayor i :1,i a. ni .is be would Ike io lav Mm art il; tl." tim" In makingnpp>dntntenl . - As long as a e hnv ?? n Tammanj ' ", * roment," said . n ? of tie- IN iHiidu nu i wai fly U udci -. 'Iel s kore ll pure and anode. Nothing will bring ab al a change ia soon. Mayor final sought lo blend bb eleearul ?' respectability w.t'i iii adariMstrattoa, sad by pattin ;-i a few bullaces am, or people ol Blending In tie social week*, be did u ? ??? I .leMng b i. od ana) itdseni bellrve Ikat, ofter all, Tamatany rule ema bM -?I b; d. Now (.line . or mil -a Croker, apparent I) it" s not propose lo save an) Beare of Ikli sari af thing. il" is Tammany nnd notblag bul Tammany from -?art to finish. Croker** Lauri ai.b- decbtrntlon igatnst i.-i-i'-.'s; mi-ti fur puiiii: ofiii" h a slap st (Irani, tint one <?' the i eldest speec bea ever nun. ? by a loiiiind hader. I thins lt will Martie Ike people of this City winn they COOBO to r-n'.i/" Ike mn stgnll uince nf lt. Tammany has thrown "if Ike Bush al last and piupoon to run Hil- t'.wn far all H ls worth. It luis Ike power a-nl Mr. Croker iwafsesre io use ll releaUessly. There is i" be n> asore catering to ike batter element, nrmii Med ihol and ike geog SM not !il?. lt. Croker proposes ?. lake core "f bis own I i-.-nle. reen ni less ' f WfcO I- ph a-i-l or di ph a-.-il. That ls nil lhere ls about it. i kopo our Mugwump fib mi-. who ure rrvlng s . lund Iv these appointments, are pi.el now thal Ikey helped t.i defeal I ,i ell for Hov .-rnor. Thai whs tin- altai point, be been ? i.,1.,1. Tammany t?sM n.-v. i- lim. ubtalas-0 tuck ni> solute toni.ol nf tl.U city." THE GO VPPSMPST ri: OP Pi: PU PT. ESTXMAT1 S DP Tin: Al'.fA. PRODUCT AND V \T DI OP WHEAT, CORN AND OAT! WaaMngtoo, .isa. d.?The wheat crop l? Blight!) akora an average o-i" In yleM. i.-a< bb" Ooremmeni crop report, end kt volume has only been eareeded In IS01, llfld a:idvl--J. nongb ibe mps of ISSfl uno 1880 nearly equalled lt. The area bi ? tlm-tt?-?l is ;:-.:.-.i.-i:M acres]I studu/fl, MS.1)4? .ooo bo ela; rahm, 8325,111^*1. if Ike revUInn ot acreage the prtnrlpsl rhanges ure audc la aome stii.-s in which Ike decline of Ike b I twelve years has t.a h-nvi-r ih-ia hil been reported. There has a!-> been i eon ,i,i. ni, I.- enlargement of breadth ike past ieee le several Western Malus. Ibo rale of yleM i- 13.4 ; n-ii..|s un acre. The a vi rage value, BSA i ? nt - a busk,!. lt the I .'.v. il nv'. ? ?.. e evei reported, thal ?' i--i being 04.a reola, end tJ.?" of I--T i-i -. BS.I . ? ? : . Die average <>l the rrop of IflOl wa . en . 'i lie a i it ol rairt ired i a hi' a ::i I ?? ?: ?? ? rd later, i".t u ls pi ' | I the ai n ag above will ba rtfolvab-BI (.? nearly WOSnOAtOH roai merelal I -i.-u. The esilmatea of i i ". Wheat sod oats, Brea, pi luci and value, by states sad rerrltorb -. by Iks si itlsiMan of tko Deportment??f Agrlcoltere, have beea eoenpMed tnd will be distributed t-> Ibe 11 - ? ? at ??:?'?. ; na ii 11 |i i- sh. i-t. , -.. red< d in i|aanUt) teven lime, !-i Um last li eora, out sflgbtl) larg r Hun in ls - 3, 1--7 and i-'.'i. it~ average yield aa sere, E l i 11. ie ls, has b efl ? - ? ded ? . Umi io Mi yi bis Its ur.ii is < o.i-iib r.ihly hdured, Ike peflartltfl \ - rv h. ,\\ In : " ".rt producing r gton, though ali el in part by larreaoe In me Atbmtk mt", end ghoul Ike i tire cotton belt, la tbs ralleyi ..f M,. i .in i nad Ml toort planting wa- retarded and limited greaM) bj .'..;?-.-. rains, lu-a (,r ., .. ; . / p. li" 1 readtli > ? Hi laird I . T" -..??? , .- ". product, 1,00.404,10111 barbels; .-...u.140,030, averaging SS I otiii i uni cl Hw estlmati s !?.. ? ?'. arc, u' ? i. 27,is;.. piolurf. i.'.i." ;.'.."? wi l.ii-l"-C, value, ? uu ? I leM i" r ;n i.ii-l,. -,;i -iii \. ins i i FOCXD DEAD tS TUE MA} <m s OJ FH I. Albany, Jan. 4.- A Uipalrk toata Uloversvfilo l>,|-|.| \> . lill'-', ll plll\" lIl.-lllU'l. 'll! I ' il.-'U llfsilll I birt I -.eilis, sus naad deed til- in ruin; la Mayal Jordan's otto-". Mr. Ilulett attended aa entertain meal i-.-t aigkl ntei taler went lo Ike Mayor*! afkee, baring ?> key. ll- undn -si portlalij ind laid down i-i .I. ??:.. h in ".'? private ofki e. \\ b n morning be was dead. The door t-. ike room *a? .'en. :,-. 1 ? ? . !? stace "f u> ? wblrli may Its ? i lils death. A i-orum r'j i..-, | - Md .. ? w . . ^ THEY ll WE j-1 ..OOO <ir TUM E'.MI tM Pl W) HIT I-i i.mi.-iii.',iii. Jan, 4.- A Baal meeting of Ike hil i'l-ii-' Kn lan I imtn? Relief Camndttee i aflernooo In Ike '.iii'.- ol Mayor stoort. lin- m. Ina tt'.'.'h irai largeh attended, ans beM kw Ike pnrpoee ol a. ii.i.ig 'ti pu HI w Bl "'? il 113,00 '. ?-. ,. -. i -n lined *^ s kakim " n'ti-i the tMpm* nt i t me la i cai :????? i I tood. lt wai flecbted that ibe mon't al ouM i ?? dis Idi i latOIIg Ike Mitti-!'-: - Ol the fiiiili.| |,.l v, ir ll: mk h ii.mimi, r ?? Mnil'i'i White leny dareel, t ii t ll .1 n-;?-. 1.1 h lecenl rrsBlluunl lltuB i" Mi. While ls r. rejvid ii" fleflnli* adi a in regard lo Ibe ill I ri but lon Ol th" in' nev will ha lille li. /.'?>r irxa mi: is TBTIXii ?;<) n.WM urn wm Uafleto, Jan. i. \ yoong woman named Mollie Miller l"-' her lift In i buming hausa it Uah end \ lin- sn. ii ! Mint s o' lin Ii Hil. iiiiniiiiiL'. She hal escaped in saMy, bul w,m- bark in lo li fa a pel dm;, umi was .'...-.'. h\ the imoke .1 MEPMSTAXT BOSM IR ICIDM'-, T-vt.., Job. 4. Young Tomllnson, ulm a fe* Week :?:'" lefl leiiin suddenly, .ill',- - iii- lane i- name, Ulled blmseli Mitta -i r volt ??> last night. I.'-1 I'rtda) be wrote from Peoria Hui) te \.-. tli u and r'j" ni m Bud wanted t., <ui"- hame, n lelegrapbed front coving. thai he Kai ?" iii be . inila gel a,, further. Ills brothel In loa wcul t" him nial lest eveBlBg Ms tallier wai al Ide (min to meet .-mil forgive him. bul ju-i I-? the brakeman '-nil"! aol raw birdsville, rnuug Tomlin on pul n iwolvet to lils I,, ul una linn, lill falhei fiHClved Min ,i corpse. t FBBIOMT EXOlXFa FATAL BXPIASIOX Lancaster, Penn.. Jan. 4 Frelgbl engine lisa, Penusylvarui Railroad, westward bound, exploded i'll, mornint ol lirown'i ( i"s-iii^'. nar Phrl?tlani. Calvin i'mberger, engineer, nnd italih llellerman, lin-.inn, both of llarrlsbutg, were lerrlMy Injured end viii probably di . The engineer was hurled mm a H"id and Ike in. min o-rSoBsl) aealdrd, The rans- of ti..- BocMenl waa low water, _ . .? . ___ KAY AL IXTELUQKXCE. Wallington, Jin. I. Lhruteaaoi I raruaandi r w. Maynard bes beea detached from tko roanna nd ol ike I latii and ordered io Waablngton lo report lo de Navy Department. A--Mani bwrgroa i". r. Begg ubi ''-ii detached fnun Ike Mar" l-laud N.ay Yard nmi ordered lo Iii" an. lilt V PT. BBMLDOX'B MTBTEBIOCB P.IhE Dr. Charles w. KhHdon, urn da yean old, living ut No. ^'17 S/e?i Porty Molli l., appeared at the Jefferson Market <? i tatt ycitarfli BtornMg. Mik ?Ah:i- skirt and rletblng wei,, stained v.nh blood, mut bli Issad ?as done np in linen baadagee. hr. Mehi m hud I-* i,i- bal. Ile said ibal be bsd been rushed M ?300 ia cask sud a gold walch and chain, hrileeman wilburn fcVaig, ir itu. Merccr-tt. station, hud the pay billi's walMtigsll I;, nad bs rbira>a ;i,.. .io lor wini mallei is adacMef. ! atili k J. Can 'I. the o i ii and driver or ? (.,i,. aatde b rossplalui io Justlea Ryaa yeaierday Bgainsl Lu. Kbeklon, ikarytag h'm iiih damaging Ma nb lu Ike extent 'f S0&, in. .-inMou rmpiieij ii tawyer to prcseul hi- ease la ike BMglstraia The tawyei niki thal ala rfJeni had beea beuteo, lobbed and pu Ifl Jail wltboul an) provoeailwi rio ii- part. Aecardlag lo Ibe eakaaaB'i story, ka vss enrsa-d in Pork-avo, by Dr. ewetaos and another ama todrln iIk-iu downtown. Ile drove ihem us fnr a h^osdweg and Peurtk st.. niii-ii ii,, sbeiflon'o essvsasaa opened the door of the ult and Jumped vat. Dr. fltaeldua J.S.CONOVER&CO. L'S and 90 West St. Dpen Fire-Places A lino and urge assortment of Brass, I lr .u/.'j wid Iron in nen and flteffUli mV signs. Mantels in all wools, native and foreign, f">n> our o'.Mi apeciaJ Resigns. rile of every foreign make in rich flMHiel colorings, and Patterns frtr Roots, waits, Hearths, Facings and Bathruooas. our new factory, with cittmsive foi ili/jcs. cn ibloa ns ii. prodnce thc finest class of wu* at (really rcditccd cns:. lOiimlry and Factory. 326, 523 and 530 Wost 26th St. ipened ti.uer door and sprang 10 ,!"' -,n''''. .iking i.i- 'an- over bli bead. Tneej be attacked lie cab and broke four panes of pla-s and iho two .uno-, tarroll mya. The doctor eras arrested. Ho rei bleeding from a ml on the bead wkea ka errtvid it ike nation hons . where Ms injin!-- nen flrsaaafl. lo was bs, .-ii up. , .,, Dr. s ..-'i-..iii. in giving his itorr yesterday. Mid III) he ead I.n b it'll In the r:ib bv a slrBBgBJJJBIJ. ? linn ii, look rm' a frtciid of ile- cabman, lurrou -,,,i i... aid e.-t Knew anything alsml th- strange nain. Justlee luau hld Dr. sfhcMon lo I"'" > ?" or i rt al -m a rbarge of malicious mrscMef. a mena ?r Un i.i.ii-'d mau wi-ni on his bull. FIG BTtSQ OVER .1 KEW STE BET. :etp >ht ri opi.e grrati.y excitp.o lader wi m.i.i;<i!.I) I KPROVEUDTT. geyport \. J., Jan. i i>i>o. tal'. -War has broken ?ai arning propt-rty owners berg Matt luresleni seri < ? ? (in ... : , ;!?, a '.'iioni thc la?.- win sooner u- taler adjudge guilty "f trespass and prrinps of prayer rhnrges. Two x?-ars age booton of real ?-tnie aling gerond-st. appeared b for- tie- B aid of '.ipiini. i . ? ?-. asking :m exteadon ol last mi-ci % a, First ?'. Tim commissioners were fltkv ory In granting Ibe n "? I M the petltbiaers, nod ?i.i, Idem tl ?:, of tt..- matter was permitted t,? flrag dong ,'titil so nm'ti pressure wss brought to bear ip n c.,;i Hov appointed a board "f appnlwr oBilsliag "f Theodore Aumack, non- rioaty clerk; P. c. Roberts ind ? \ i" tma.tet Rnrei (isden. After i n ll rn- more Ikey brought In a report eondemnlog :,.? poporty .-nd making awards. The town <i'-ri<. Han - ii. Tm it. linnie iJi" pu-, m. ii- tn ii number tl property ladders, smong wk n wen Henry iis? -r. Mfied I'.iluK' Leopard Robert! un.I Jaime Poling. Many of Ubi property owners declined ??? accept me iwarfla, uni protested t'. ?* Ibo nun,nats nil .wed ?-?re nock ;-s, ?! ,i ti,,, p.iii vain" of th" property. They .- ive B ti- e !?? ti..- . : .id bod mal if tie- aotfcorlties , ? ii. i ?-< i ii,.- opening <?' n." at reel tb?? would roots! ino tm i i !-ie ii- ei >n If f.m ?? orert necessary. .\t the i. t meetiag >>f ti"- Booed tko romesiStee of itu/-- - sppeared before the rontmisdo ara and urged :, gaol 'I-i-i..ti. The Hoard still Ii-ki i.sik un an iwer, mut th.- property owners wbe bsd acropted Hi., nu.n.t. railed ."?! Indignation meeting and relived i. open tim s-i-.- regardless of th- town sat barlil ai Karly yeaterdsy morning a rang i>f ann began Ike v i. nf demolition, and witMn Ave boun thej bod i!.- -r..i.>i s. rerol bousea, ootbulMlngs, (rares utid ' ef I ra .i .io hoi Hi bi id mooter a f M t.i topi ?? i'"i,. Tba rititei 1 tora*ted la tko v ni then f...-tne'l n pmc-eislon -.i ,| mots bed ?r niplsintli thi sigh the new -. and dedicated lt i , ibe bra h. ' pp lllon ? ? .--, . r\ .-iI1I7.n| te .lil u hr 1, f ell -i - held, among a li uh were silvai I ? ? representing ihe . tate nf Talbott Ia- bim! ol "?-. M - Hannah hiting, ivlw.ti Smith lol H .1 -ii : i i-i:--ll .ii,.! . i :,.?!-. |dex d ihe en.f ? -? J stge \:fr ri Wa*] na tod Mm tn I'liiti'.- tags! pro "'d,ii?s against ,: ? ? -pi .-:-. Mri. Tl Sos .1Sl> PXTl I: TA IS.VI.A r.e. Fad lao tl a be tra. n (eli ind I ': ? . ii VJ ? -? -i n nf a ?< mu , ute* ea l.t. ti ' ?? ' i of bol ,|. r uklck ll ll ?." '. ? I- ? r |. .. J.- fai 4 . .-.-?,- ?,f ' ' ? ?. i- ',i" n,i|.'iini ? ' il ? ?*. r..i iha I IIS.. ,.( tl,, ?s I- ?? - ,.,, i ,v mornings of tbs p ??? t i musty : fl ? S .- ll 1 !? t Il-IM ? i rtural oatie and OmiBHsnt" p-,.r - ,,r 1 ll "? ? -I ? .-? .. l ' l l |i,ei!" -s "!|.Oil ? In ti.. . k All," oo Ki brae*? C. ll. ls nmi '? ? ?? K - 4 "ill Ifs ??ir* ,. i ? Ch - '! ? ? - - - i ? i I ? -s tm; I-'- '? "a Man i, i :? - - W. fl w na ' Tho i ransiuoa i ? ? . ? M ?: i- ?? i a-- ,-? ? r, " ..a Marco 11 ind ll r A. P. V namba aa ' \ Mle. tura! i sa ni Karly 1 :?-..., i ?ii- s In tai Ital " i , Msirii ??. ?t I Apt I. nw i. lures ?ui begts st ii ? a tad orlll ie froo to ad uko ajay ki laettsed ta aahtad '' ? '.-? ( lore" I.- - . ? ? la ki been aald for iii* pta ?'? ll ? ia il- i.i?; ? ? b- a. 11 ti . i soi ii n. .ii Thordaj eyeoloe\ Joe lil i Sets i -e.- bs teeslaed f.'-"' Kmlllo ,\r-v '." 110 Lasingtoa-avf., ned k. c. Ooatalea, Ka. .-. in . i a.- i.m. ,., I. ? - - ? ' < rodin* aug a-wnbers i Ml Hoiai ii -. *i ?!>? dtopenaary iiiiiw Int, v t ? ? i ? ? ? . , H Kunda) nt. 11 a n,.. ? i- rt ? ind ? !?? ling still sn ' -i ? rd ot dtroetoro reeommsndhig i, ii t ne i" i.? ..f i. ?: < ? t i ,.. th* jo -i al a to i,f ia.- a ??! iii ni Flteohere f." >>,<? aeroiBiodailoa nf : -o t, nsi |..,':.i,' tad tim- lbs aeeeaoari funds t>.- ab tjf.."i i.-. Issalaa im.iiii?. titei mo plan adopted bj aka ii.i - ??. 11:; i, ni \-i lin, v. , ii. s | . i... i ?. i ap n. Tko ,.., ?, ? ?,, i fi... i 12 ta ia | p. in. Mr. tie rgs D Mi kay keglna a ia ? ttaeka' roaroc ,,,' ;..;.i ? Karta)! r'ootprlr.ts ol Our !>.---i l/trd,' - ' ? ? ? ,;?.. ' ?? i ..pi ? a si.-wv st t aire! ? ? ?? -. i , .' ' in. rh, K i,ni'i i\. , leloa r ar i . Monday rvenlni, January 9, st, s e'eloeh ?, rkett alli be liven upon apnllraUon al tho rkureh: ti ,. u* t.'i - ? t"-t ;' "' s' ?'? ?' i ';'' Biangi'llet, Waverleji :? -.-, ' ' ' ll,., ninth annual Iwll of Ike tt. ii ku ?'r. ;?- mn t? I i ;,. i. ? l ?? ?'.- Iltil, Xo li'. I ttl Kitty Hgfc! . -t ii iii - I-., a -b.r (b-1? U.Board if Um unman d i. i ol Ibo Wtdi ;.nm/ flak, sol Uh , ir, le i- i-i f"' ii ih wilkie ii ' tub, 'Mi" ball i* i,i ? tit) private, cara merah r barbie ? iiihoerlutton, mit ? uta " .? bli t . ii." i> Ivtleee i-f taviuna two Minda ?ll.- | . - ? ii- - li ship i - Ho l.n h l.n.. Bod MrentJ - i. ii ? " :i v ii: I " ii- f ii ? ii I ? ? ii bo I IVA 1 .-. 'un II in'i .:.- tr* t ii,. i. \ i ssspUea ?I i be Md pri>vion ... ?',- lastl. The execution rommlltee i-oaalsts irf Colon lamb 1 . U'U. mi ii. ki -n-1.--. Joseph ll.ilk Kuril Si i- ,. August S MarUn, 'Uta kl i lilli, I'harlei i -- i , r,. K i i, i rr, ' i ? M ll Wi ' i. Willi io i ? it .1 Bebo fe nn-i lt c ganunerr. a moue ia..-- abo i'l^- j- rn -i 1.1\ it i'iini* Bad ?li" ?:?? '-x peeted la ni I Maror i,i!oe- sx-Msyat iina-.i j, i-i.o''. ? i M ?' ? w-uia ?? lt, li ii ?. \-. i ii.n i n inway Auton :s, ,ii. Hermann isslrlrfce, ituotav ll. arhwab, Kraal, .1.?'? ? i Voa illaka, Judge \'<oi Omul, Urtarlrl /.iiI!n. r Bud 1 i um \ ni Dei Mn I. -ii \ in'1-i..ii un.i rerUaUvo eab-rtalaaaeol win bo uiv.-r in Toesdav, Januar) 10, al >> ''? p m., at tko < air s. . Iko M.k, TMrtj fourth-?V uni Kark-ave. An.j ta. nitr.i-imus arill ba lunn; I. lu- "in, Hm humorist; M's Delano, i. i \ r Camacho, ventriloquism, umi -ini; lng by Mist Ulee Mandelb i aad Miss riirenrc ii. jaka Raudolph Tucker, ot i:\'\ mod, Va., ucesldeni Df th- An,-in un ll.e AOOOl .lt'.on J Miinlii W i , tk< . I ll i i: H. v.. tad JCdae llogei \. Pryor, al tkh ii;., mu bs Um speakers Bl tho sex! ausrtlng nf th. KBtrta I |"'' ob in'iiy in .11? w. January l-l. Tba subj i i,t ii-.- 'i olag "iii I- "Tbs American CoutUttitioo." li ls i-\i.:-i| lim: l'l.'-i-h-iit i-:.-, t rievrtaad will iv- tmoni I h<- miest? nf -' s'ld'd Iii I'tli nitin li,. .-Inn... un- h. . nsi..ii rke . bib kai ita h.ii ot membership slm.-i A FULL STOMACH ought to cause you BO discom? fort whatever. If it iloes, though if there's any trotiblo .ofter cuting take Dr. Tierce's jplsasant Pallets. Tnsy'rs a 'perfbet ami convenient vest poeket rcnictly. One of these tiny. su<;m-coated, anti-bilious granules at a dflflfl regulates ami corrects the entire BJfStSflfl. Sick or Bilious Headache*, t'on sllpntloii. Indigestion, Hilious Attacks, and nil denngementsof tba liv? er, Btomach, and bowels ure prevented, relieved, ami permanently cared. They're Ihe smallest, easiest to fake, cheapest, and best. They're yuarantetd to fire soUefacttoo. or gaofljsy \* returned. cannot cure. ls perfectly, pernumontly, poaftivoly cnirecl Lv Doctor r-iu'i < '.iii- rh Remedy. The Broprtesoi'i of tata me?l i'-jno prove that liv their orTei. It's gV?l en sh for a '?uso of f'atarrh which they Bjf all druggist 00 cents. INEFFICIENCY SHOWN. POOR WORK OF BROOKLYNS FIREMEN*. UfSUSAXCB MIX MAKI MAST CH ARO KS TO MATOR PoODy HO UlSStr TIIF, T>! r.\RTMr.NT. Tin" trenenil charge nf the lin-flM'-nry of the r.rooh lvn Fire Deportment wai rcp,ato?l With details, show Ing w lint ikould ba remedied, by representatives of th"- I Basra ace Tariff lAnmctatlou belan Mayor iioody sud oth-r city oflktats yeaterday in the rity Ham Drooklyn. Tfce Oommtstoe ot tko THiiir AssaetBtlsw roodsted or .1. 11. Waakburn, of ttie Home loeasuaca I 1 oin ria nv: Manrhetl .--. Drlggs, of the Wlthiirretntr!: [company; George M. Dolt, of Ute itoval company: I 11. R, llowera, 'if Ihe Onarflaa Congony, of London; I E. R. Kennedy, preetdeni of the Board of lire ender 1 wrlten of Kew Vork, end Deneal taeamoofl, president of the Tartfl Aeaoctetton. The etty one represented by Mayor Hoody, Oorpomtioti L'aaamal Jeana, Fire Commissioner Boats, ? Hy flforke fommfsetoner Adana I Assistant Pin rtonolssjonet lenore, chier En.iner Nevins, Assistant Knirlneer Dole, snd Tire Msrafeal Lewie. Tko Mayor read the reeotadtaa of th<- Taritt As.oeistlon adopted on Iiccsnilicr -2'2 'o rslse i'm rotes of Insurant ?? on business kaflfcttOgB in brooklyn BS pm- rent, mid wen! on t" sty: -I n e<l ira say timi the Isnpiape of tills resolution conveys a charge si'-iinst th- iflhrtinry of our nra Department, it Implleo timi Ikara are rertaflfl defect*! sud until ihey un- removed Hie Increased mies rviu rennin : nnd winn tiirv tire removed tfce old mles will 1* restored, Tfch makes it aeeesssry for us to know la wk it way you kent ve the Hrs Department to lo IneBJrtent ss tkat we amy be abbi to eoereet the errors if they exist, Tlie efcargs fi n aerkMa one find reflects boob iii- geoeemneat of ike city. if we aooCrtaln Ihrougfc yon l ha I lhere ere garnets in onr Fire O'jaiittii'-i.t fi ls our duty |0 HO,that Ibejf oro removed and ara muat not nest one moment onttl we remove them. Ob th- other bend, I i*?itevo yon mill be ooly too ready to go u- justice if jon are eeovlocod that ll I-i du.- in 11-." Tin- Mayor Ikea ssfced Ibe committee If nt nny lime lin- asaoetaUoa had complained of Hie cundill ?n of the lire Depart Bleat lo Ibe department or to nnv o' tho officials af lbs etty, Chslniinn Washburn re? plied that lt hud not done s., nor lind complaint been mrde to ike oflVtals of snjr elly where the con? ti 11 nf ihe sn drpertmcflt waa erttlcleed. The only ni tildi the .-. loelnMon ever t" ?!? waa lo raise rates. Mr. YYiihhbiini was ita n n ked lo in aka a atatemeat find s,,|,i : -Tb" action of ibe Tariff Assoclstlon, which bas le'ti so mach discussed, lu my opinion lias been of benefit io BrooMyn. t\"e hare no oedn to interfere with city government except bo far aa n almeta our Interests. Rat for Ihe rala'Bfl of rates ni Insurance company would have cared any longer io write rt-s* In Urookhn. Many bsd already eonsod to do so. A prominent eompanr hs; a ns.,nt or tos-o-i lu it'oo'. l*n fer 11 year asaouutlog to i-t per ceul of ris-o'.pm i,u?l ii- oxpensea ure over 30 pey r*nt, other bueiaeao elsewhere hud to make up the inference. My cnn puny had birt:- loaeee ht Brooklyn, ind we cancelled nnd reduced policies a few months ugo nnd paid back SIO.OOO in premiums. vVe bare saved #140,000 in b.-ies by is'tnrnlng thone premiums. In awat cities where lhere ls bb efficient fir-.* department there nr-> many iiiumi*. but few total lasses. Tho tatter Beean ti be Ihe rufe lu Brooklyn. There m-e Minn, appar? ent defects in ber Bm department. Brooklyn his t"a ;e<t io be a Ug village and bas become s gri-at div 11 rift lt reojolrei n tal UM,' ii r<- departmeot and .1 nratetaea eojttpmeut. in brooklyn yeo rover the s: ni" area bi Ib Kew-Torfc *th ooe-baM Ike engines, Your fire alnrnt In.-."- are t.?, |>w smd tao fHi- Hjiirt in.d tini- ls io<t ia built!nc keys snd sending out alarms. \ small department under perte?! dis rlpMeto ls better Ikaa s lure- one nndtsolpttned, I ti,ink lhere is h\ dlaclpUao In \"iu- department. I Ho not ll\o In Brooklyn snd tuner attended a Ure t ? .-. i -,- ; |udge bj romans rumor and ihe reports In the newspapers. They sh .v.- thal Bremen .-ire trb-d (or nmlng In engine Im?m*. -; ror lounp'ng in the itreei wt.n oe? duty; that Ihey frequent grogshops where lhere ai ? gongs lo summon them I 1 tln-s; that 1 ... ,.- 1 ... 1 I ri ed for B> itilHng f..r'ni"n nnd I c..11 tent i>.nck to daly; thal ihe? Umd thal iie-v ranna! be discharged as Ibe) hare poVtteel polls: thal sreeaea bare been s. aoorlj equipped that they . have bud lo borrow axon to gel Into butMtngs, snd Ibal proper patrol duty ls nit done to see thal liv - di-snts are nd froaeo. All this showa lax discipline. I 'iii-- Tariff A?so lalirra has no pollllca sud Un Hr ok lui 1 ir-- Deportmi-nl shoal 1 have do- ?-. Vet lt is nu secret snd no : nder thal roar (lie Com mtaoloBer appointed fur political reasons ind n,a .,,;? espectnl Illness or trelntng, I sifc.,,1, ,,r these Iblngi fnau reports. 1 do not knew 1 kiel Nevtm personally, bul 1 know af him ns ,1 cn|"i .1" BremoB. bul he I- '.il I snd too rlrli ta remain al tba bead ol Ihe department. Ile 1- fonder ii winter "f spending bli time on his ptantatiofl la I ,-.r lin. ind in mtmmer of being on fie nce-lreeti ur bis lui.' t : .it, ai Mng at Bret, sad *n- li 11 awn nnnet I ? :i- "ttl. ;? -n' al br's ns a BUM who gives lh?> sim!" lim, ??> ike work. Ile ha gained his spun ind csa ad .1 ?? reel 1 have 1.1 ngly - pplle ..' 1 ie depart men) were aol Bar it .-i in ibo in'-? economical way, nnd tast flromsB are employed mi outaMe work, All thees things em worth In veal Iga 11 ig. We f-inli be mUtfled wbes I ." lin- Depsrtmenl of jr< ar 1 Ity li as raVteol .-is lae b*st II ? .- depi ? tents In l ie < mntry. 1'e do not cir* ni ii the 'v-r-i.-n-l nf the deportasenl 1-" Maror lioodv t >-n pu a Burles ol i|ueetkms widen I Mr. Washburn answered, ll- aoreed In rrduf.0 .. lona '.1 willina, sod Hld Ike rnmmiltef wnuM -u.-iiH in in adel "-\ nansen r with ? remadltoe ol business ann appointed tn InvesUprte ibo case for ? ,.- .-ti. Tba need ol 1 Bre patrol, of belter waler ier\1ce and "f belter building la"- were all imuigiit rail In the course et thp atorioMlon Mr. Waahhurn nild thit prop in In IkrooklvB ??> no mire combus? tible than ia Ken Vork, bul In ??'?>? taller city ihe Rna w. r ? pul eui while In Brooklyn Ihey w?re Bllewed "> bun "" Ile admitted thal Inouranee r.i'-s ked been raHed In n number nf .t'U-* and that Ibe trolley s^tn-s would render ibo work ol Bremen more dlSVult and probably Increase !.-??-. rorpnratlon mraert Jenks int 1 sr.rie^ nf i|uea!lonw designed tn lake som- of th" neigh! "f blame off toe ri re Depnr'mnnt. K 11. li-ir''"'. lt-orv Ba tl erma n ail .isiin-s Matthews spo^e ni the Inte're*! af biadnesa men In Ihe ,-,-.- ii ,i Incidentally ret>rrefl lo the z**\ work done by BremeB in reeenl Bree, lt was understood 1 rnt the chsrges troulj b? formu tated and timi itara Ihe Mayor wouM mu In cesiicnttng rommlttee lo co-operate willi fte Teri! .\s-1 Union Coinralttee. WILLIAM BCBACBS WILL FILED Fun ;??"/?\TE. The will nf William Behana, the Bli dealer, was bled for probate yesterday el Ibo flurropite'B "ffl'-e. it wis executed Kovember 10, ISofl, and sppolnta Wilhelmina Kennsrd, ^ir. .-.-iirtiis's daughter, hh-i I.. I ullin Kellogg, executors. The entire estate ls left ii nov family. Two trusts of ?30,000 each for bis daughter Mabel and for Ms ms Wlhehu Oeorge s,i ti s 11 t- ' rested, and Ihe resi ot lbs estele ts . bf, ni "piiii poitioni lo ir, daughters Annle*Walion 1 Brtnkmann. Margerel I'oaover Koeblcraad Kllbelmlna | Kennard. By ihe terms or the will sny beneficiary contesting 11 forfeits lils nterest, Msbel flchaas eloped with Dr. Charles r. Stillman several yeera ago, ni'ii v\fut with bim lo Chicago, nmi afterward 1-1 rain-e. ti irai generally suppeacd thal tier father would I'll-ln'ierit her. Sue will r-eelve lae Income of ti,,. fsiO.noo tn- life nmi then tho principal will gu to ber children. The prov don for ibe son is Bindiar. A MAX Ki V DOfl'.V PT ( CABLM CAM Levi J. Carr, forty yens o'd. of Ko. Sd bawreneo Bt., a grlpmaB on Ihe One-bundrefl-snd-tweotj Bfth-st. c.iiile rend, held without ball by Jualtai Voar ii-, at the Harlem Polln Court, yertordoy, to await iii" r-siilt of Uijnri-'. lotti list upi 11 sn unknown mnn. who waa run down Tuesday night al Dae-bttBdred-flad Iweaty-flftk-sl, end Bocondove. The ama is now lying lu 11 dying condition, willi a fracture of ihe skell, at the Harlem Hospital. The grtpmasi said that lie whs eniii-i iv ni imetasa, ns ibe lo|amd ama and deflberotely thrown Mmtc4f In front of the c.n-. The 1111111 was well dre.-ed uni al 0111 sixtv years nhl. lu his jiu bet eras .111 envelope addressed to peter Lennon. Ko. iv'<? Beach -t.. Bridgeport, econ. li bore this poslofllee misMMgei "Not found. Tr> Ko. ?J.', t i-ulr.-st., New Vork." ST, WC!* MMMWMBB CCTTIXQ FBICBB Bt. Louis. Jan. 4. There ls a beer wnr OB between the synfltehta breweia af ibis etty nnd Ihe new brew. i-rb-s whlt-ti hMV" s|iriiliK up since Ibo tyadsOBte w?s bm med. Per tevaral bmbUm past in,iii tue aaBaetettea jinl the newly imaMfcHMSf loncern* bBve been lill.'Wing rebates and mil,ins' reduelloai rn srtB tani trade hom mell other. Tte association, al its meellug last night, erderrd ibe arlee ral ts *i a barrel, watch k a little inoie Hum tba coal price la Ike bro we rles, so teat what "Vi: kami" I iloin- on (lint basis ls done ut u loss io Ike breweries, iioiu .-ides nf the m.1,1 announce lli.-ni?"lv,-, as determined te flgkl lt lu the , iid, timi brer may yet i?- given away, MIBKKB His LIVE PO fl A PI TBB CBILDBMM IMltsburg, Jan. I. i.j -.t erenlag Andrew pnuadtt, un 11 it 1 lu 11. wai .-i-iioiisiy lajnri'd while nnlng two tamil 1 in id ren from being mn ever by an engine on Ute junction nmd. iii" childi-.11 tm playing along tue railroad mid did mu nodes n aStfUafl eaglae hoi-klna down aa them. PeeeOtU ?ow ase p-rll of the children and luavely ran lo their lasflam OUJU<>g ftt)t u Cuok Positively Last Week CT YORK WATER COLOR CLUB EXHIBITION. Kirra avknik art uallkiuks. seo iiritiAVK. DAT AND EVENlNu. ADMISSION, 25 CENTS. Solid Silver ?f sterling quality, in most attractive onus, for all purpose* of household lse, can now lie found at our ware ooms. Particularly choice assortment of Enamelled Work. Reed & Barton, si IA ER SMITHS 37 Union Square. rm, he ran a few slop-: and thru Jumped just ss be His slunk Sf tlie engine. The children were Bot mri, kate at some flUtanCQ tag IhMr r*SSSSf mottonleM, *<wyi *i reaming from ? wound In his hoed, ile wee mcoaoeleui oben Becked sn und so badly inj-ir-si ukai i ls feared he will not recover. RA 11.POA lt is TMMMBTB, DID IV KS I---TK KlUt uri.KNT >TO( KT cincinnati. Jan. 4 o peehli.-In Judge Kuml-r'a toort yesterday whs BrgBa the firs) si timi trisl of tfie iiiesiion whether Henry S. Ives, th" former ?? Napoleon if flasnew," !-?insi ffoaaluleat atsck af las < inMnnni, lendltca and Payton BaHrood Cceaejsenj, law oeSJaa s against the rsfsssra and Teedera' Boah of i eetag on. Ky., eg lim i iii<iiiioiH, 11 h m i tt on sud Dayton .iinji my, to (OUSel the stock, the uaiik having been NTOUgnt Imo the euee as a jinny def^nlant to tho iiiplnnl BStfoa. TBS link m-iris that -o fa- ns lt ti toneertd, iii*; atora ht valid, as it waa saaYtatsH in I" open malle'. When Ives and Muner lisd ron roi o' the i'tn< Inniitl. Hamilton nad Dayton lAid In v be I ii large amount of Naen Issued an-1 pu' lt .-I me malkai, thatsskf rewhaMsi BemSreda ag ihouaMda tf dollin s. When tnev wore ousted fr ni in. n- .-rt,, ui poaSttVaua tn il" eocuptajr th, stock was repudiated hy ie- ne iv ti,aird of directors. _- ??. HIVBRTIXa KXI-'iCl TltVDK TO NEW OtUUM N.iv'n-lean-. .lan. 4 iSpeola'u Ten carloads ot nu Kine keane peaflncti arrtved lie... Monday from \i?n as i Uv mid will tai tosded on h. si rd of the, ship ImatylM*, of tiii- i Pi ooo! lino, boemd for Ko't?r tam. The aMpaaSM wae ausflo bf (l,o Armour IMS n^ i HRpanjr, and ktgnlflea th" ai qai-ition af an'itUor nrge portion st ihe export trade which heretofore hu lid hs- nattai BUheel entirely Ihroagh E??trrti port*. Die titije 1-,,-ts inon Bosatly worked by toa Kaoota uv. part Scot! mid Memphis Itntlronl. eeveral tMier tmSUer slilpnieai, Jibm- beta male In order to trove thal tho butloem rouM lie mfely handlad in !iis woy. ii" fuiiiier inroad Into Ravtent oaaSBMeoe nm li-nd nartleumr judal t? the eowa>ieiue of th* S'ew-orkmos Fretghl Tmrti' Association and Um Wo?? ni Trafltc AasuCtStlOB on -la Min ry ?_.",. THE NEW HAVES ANO (COBT1I \MIT1 ?>' New-Haven, conn.. Jm. 4.- a Bhsottog sf tfce >??->, ic loldcis af tlie N<w Haven and KeattMtBUisa Ballnad i.'iipanv ins ketd In Mils cilv today. C. M. Yea antis wt?s et?wi?t pre-ldeiit for Hie ratOlBsj ySSr| I.a. las Tuttle, vice itre-ldert, and Morard A. IUj\ ssc rotary siid Irsaeurer, Tio- following bonrd of #> rectort aros aka Hst tedi <'. hf, Yeanssan. Paniel w. trowbridge. ',e,sce ,i. noah, H. >. Knight, C. H. I'oiid. K. it. Trowbridge, charam P. Cairs, A. Heads! Robertson and Lui ins ruthie. BOSTON wi) gfAIXI WILL SCOT <TT BATH. Boston. Jun. 4 |flfsrtal|. lt BOW B|ajeara Hint Oe threatened rHt by the Huston anil Mil'ie Kallroad la ii - nstea t? gt, paul bob Minaeep flo and ifce threat mod cut in proporthnmi rates to Mtemsalsml uiver ?r..-sinjr?. rouerlog truffle to Mhamatl Rivet poi'.1*, sill nm ink- stace, notwltl ttsudlng the Trunk Un* lOBMaHal uer Beonowkdgrd thal tn ts had leen out, as luln:"d, ky Hw BowtOfl nnd Maine. Those who cut the i lass rmi--, tn flt, Pail and MnronpolK hnva igerad le wHhdiaw the BbgeatloaaMe tnrlTs and re -tore rates. TU" Kiinnwlin Dfapoteh, Wheel miiti n i irrd rates t , Ml-s?l:.j>l lt'v. ;? i :. sd': ,?? from Mif-s'Url Uiver piNllts, hllS (ils,, UH|g Umi 111" "I.Jei-tl-mibie rales snail ho withdrawn, taking efleci aa .istiuary lu. J. P. BRAOriEI.H TO MAKK \ < IIAM.E. Alhaay, .isa. 4 laoaelalb I, P. r.radiie'.d. ti.e bu BerlBtendenl af the ftaflale div!si,.;i ni ii,r ffssl .sh"r? Ueflrned. vin. os Febfaary I, asisssti the gr-ner.ii Miperliiti-nd.-tu-y of the New Vork, ikalaita and VsstSta ahdtruofl, with kiedejoaitnt la Kew-1 rk <ny. Hr, I'.radBeld luis been With the West .inure aloce Its or gantsathm, kui in-1 |iaei U'lng iBat 01 IrMaauuter of lae Hud-mi Kiwi division. .1 HISSER TO ( WM HIKE' TORS Wa".-r g. L.ieim gave a dliini-r ln?t c\fr;w tl til htaakoaus < lob ij hhs aansaMn "t HM koaefl sf dir<>iceri tl tho Munno and Klrld (.lob, ef Hs'li Bl Bl h. sad ? naai. In-r of invited gOOOBS. Als.nt tWcnlJ-SvO oeiOOM "ero fieoees st tiu glamor, which waa hod flt eoe el ia< et-ivato aloiag?naeae BpoSstiw. lt, usa ci\?-n ky Mr- Lassa t" Me feOowdlio tor? in eheereaaM of thAir rettaaaBMl from .mi.-.' .ni i-..-s-j., ? nest, erhea the ucw board prUJ be elected. TH F. WEA TB EB Khl'OPT. oOKDtTfcOxa ix nu: i.vsr. Waahlagteo, Jan. i.-Tiie tp.ugii nf taw pii ssin,. whirl BxMoSfi from Manltotia ti '.ac Im-.i-r MtaOOwrl V Tn. aa) liss amved eaetward asia eveatag, aid aaaeadi fruii 1 tia- Superior M HM hsotbora ktiaatbj Lhoek, orSai ttnec ftr.-:is nf !,nM-r plltOWW BBB eft HM N'-rtli C'lrolluB coast, tue ever t''f s&trtsM anaet Dhta Valley >n'd nie mer boko suaertor, k saurked dre ta leBtpeiasaN hi? es* curred ihmwgaout the mitral veJRya a:.d th.- la1-' regtau; in um Sookaerbewwo v*atley lhere koo ks -i a fill in me ten,I* m., ? of JO t ?? HO flegreea. Light usooi tia* fiin-n ta Ti,., mi., vnii.v -joli Tc oas oats*, the take n--tton? and hag Miil'iin Afentii- states; pieewbem Hw, ?? a*it 1 ss? Beea generally lair. Ooarmlly fnir snd nddet weeshei i? iud" rsted Iklliakial the tBOMBI VSllels anil BtBBOO t, hm flochy hloooatloa. la ita hlbftt; sod *ewd&M> isnu Mites iho wtnther ?ill lo un- Ki a, with siliw ur nttii nnd higher mmyoiasar*. rORKCSST TOM tiiiav. Poy Kew-Btagtoad and Ka-toin Keer-Terh, laeseaahaj cioiidino- aad sattWi "-n-ii.u . wotarly wtad-i. |--.,r l-'Sslnrn l',-iinh.vl\iiii;.i. gSWjOroey snit l>?ls?.iil. twow, fallowed by ctaeetas le eVrntere PaaamylvSalSl wanner: (sst. rli waul-. kacOBdBS \ariil>l''. foi- Man land anil V.:-'|.n.i. MBBW, taUOWOS br ehkU> lug: weeuwe; roost* and dir gi May NV'st. rn Kew-York, taow; iioii!-:. eaoepl taokw by wei Virginia i'd Washers Peaaaytvaals, rimHS|| Itldlet. loiln fall prsrisl'-l hr i-iin? : coi. Tennctae* tad Keatmky, fa*r: ceotar. 1.1.wit mu inc m. sui (tai l".. comer. ior arieceaota, fair. Titi bi sk OBflhtRV vt.hNS rT, f Ull'ltS: Mm mag T iiis*istsTi . suki, n S ? S n 7 I I IQ 12 1 3 S 4 S A , til 10 Ul tata. 30.1 lu Ulls distrain u COOllBOOaS while line ihniv, thc tbaagea in acesoore, a* maieatm ky iii, nikoao's ?''-!? inoiung bar.tiirti-r. Tba bro*oa line repfeoeahi tn? fi** prMtUtt ?>i ohsent-d tt I'orri'. 1'tiai na- >. Tribune Oflkm, Jan. 5. 1 *? m.-Clc.r |MM BSM th* nile yeehrrdhy, halthsea ??-?? itaodmomahesraamg. lie winds winked arnuad dom ?niithw.?t-rly lo fcoiiUietsU-ily, but mme :,.m. *><i hmaadlhy reeashM 1 tow. in* t'liiim stine mOgBd U'tw.en U IBS U flegatSa, th* ax "rag." t'-'OV brlOg '?'? MWOI W'sa 00 Ue> ?',i!re?))0n'llin Say i??t var. nmi d'j lower Moa ea lu -uuv- fee iH-trtoot inltlnlglil uni inilnUlit Wi- im-r. iny ruse 7 ScglB ?? lu and ufa.. t?iis itu kiday Uwiie will teebskiy lei warne-: nratlnr with i-Uiiiilliii?? im.l liulit OBBW. THE KEELEY TREATMENT wini Uta Ou"lilc chlaridi- of BoU Kouiedlc* fur HOI. 1-11. UKI (4 ADDICTION AMI M'.KVK ITV IIA(STIU\. ni b'itiiici li N, ?'. Mst-' uni* ll His Keoiov iii-i'.t-..-, lu Wia:t. Mains BliKhaaiHm. Csa niiiiaigiia, WeekseM, and Hain lou, L. 1. Kor Mrtui Sta i r-M or .all wt tither loohitata, o at ike fi 0'i.e'*: 7 last J7th H.. N. Y. City; Knom ld, iraniii Blorl. Buf. isio; :? Imrgyfl U'ld'a. bjra.-u-e; Room 8. ??"> flsaht^iji ail.sui ; 12-.' l-TTlwsnaer a lurrv Mi.llduif. RochasU'C. AU commuoli'stloos <irntiy lOnBdcntltl. BEWARE OF IMITATORS.