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BEAL ESTATE MEN SPLIT. JHL EXCHANGE DIVIDED OVER THE RAFID rRAN>ITPROHLT31. A STOIU1T MKF.Tixr. AT Tim UBSXTTsBT. BALE? RgfOMS? gffUCHl S HY AT1P.AM S. HEWITT AND OTQT.nS- CH AI UMAX- BKF.KMAN DEXOVKCED. As time goos on. the ultuatlon lOipotQjlg jilans for Improved rai>id taaamtl facilities la this city becomes nioro complex. Real estate agents atid brokers, e> ?totally those representing property In the northwest? ern section af the toland and In the annexed dis trtets. are Interested iu any erhrine which will im? prove the value of the bads they bold and which they aeek bi marll'.t. ItejCfl WM OXpeCted, tlna-i-f..;-", from Uie mn-taie ealled for l o'clock yesterday tftern->o? lu las Beal notate Bat bange, nt ito. 60 Ilga ill td Th" Blade the object "f tbs ni'-ct ing district by snofsetog Iii porgama to ronslder " wimt ought t" he dom- to facilitate the building of the gojgargreamd rapid transit raUrood ns projected by j aro In process of reconstruction, nnd UM work ls In the bunds of rory intelligent nud very po sm fal mon, financially mid other otoo. Let na give th'-r our heal wlsiies for the .-iriv BCOompUabasent of lame statis. ??rae second agency ls the pus. nt elevsttfl system. This luis done a gm) work for Ihe etty of Jt'-w- Vork. ii boa doubled tue value of propel ty and green ns the means of carrying ob buatnesa that Bauld not othes nine have been done, mut u,* owners ar* bo titted to nil the proflt they derive. Dal Ihe present s\si"in I-- no kmger adequate for estating demande. Their lacillUes can be largely Increased if leeper authority is given lo Un m. They eau separate the through from Um local travel, end tims relieve the situation of one-third <>f it.s preaeni fllffleulUcB. This cnn be accomplbihed hy allowing them lo have a Hilra truck, which shall be used for bringing down tho passengers In the atoning and laking thom buck in the Braning. I would give them surd facilities at the flattery as intelligent engineers shall doom necessary for td" moro complete operation "f u.. -\ toni. If snybndy objects on the un.and Hint we are giving these people valuable privileges Pt the Hapld Transit Com rotation demand sn adequate poyaient for them, and i believe that Hie gentlemen in cbarjl of the elevated system ar" tunic len tty Intelligent la recognise the net Ity and Justice of the kltaaflso " KX-MATOR HEWITT BPEAKTXO. the Cupid Iranda1 Commls-ion. or other means of pro vidla^ Ihe city of New York with sn adequate system of rapid transit." The call nad been signed by Blefc aid V. Hart,"it dj Co., Killumi- di BOOSa, L. J. I'hllPps A Co.. Hall .t. How a- <". Bcnjonflo P. Resaalnuj Hunt flt Wendell. .T. Rhinelander Miloo, C. Bf. Lug ster, Has',.i ll gi Rajfllker, Bennet! A- Orolf, und between fifteen and twenty other Individuals ami firm's opeiat l;ig in T'-nl estat". The re-ult of the meeting was s dtmgreeasent over tho anijouncemenl of the vote, and the creation of a targe-sued aaaptcton tlint thc whole nfTmr trna run ia ihe interest ol the Manhattan Railway Company. Thero waa lavish oralee of Mr. Qouhl from many quot ter^, nnd on tlie utl.-r hand lhere waa an outcry of alarm at what waa characterised sa the appearance ol ??Ul-dead hand of Jay (.enid- In the Beeembly. Alto 'gather the results Begadved Ihe customary Influence if real estate men on questions bearing ob Um it amtertal weMare of th- dig, and canoed moriac and dtrntppotntaaent t" many. Tie attendance at the meeting waa largr, and there wa- arm k b levert manifested lu the result. Benjamin j-. Romaine too* Ihe chair snd ex-Corporutloo couni ?: jt-nr.- lt. Beeka aa was elected pera utan' chairman. Ha mud" u brie* address Indicating tho natural Intereal of mimbi ri <>'. tho i:'-::i Estate exchange In the pro mattau al ru;...! trama! facUlUei foy all parts ol Un toland. After referring to the plan which Mr. Hewitt. wham Mayer of Bow-York, proposed, Mr. Bookman sucs'-v-i unit there waa nc good lesson why the ettj I ahsoM l. -* aonetroci the andergroond road, and adv . lopdon ot i Ho indicating the Bpprorsl of Ihe Bi Bats! i aga i I the prugmsl tem for the building of the road by the city, Bcojamla F. Romaine wat then chosen seeretary, and Jtui.ard V. Ifamctl tatoudueed tho following j.r. amb'e and iMoauttooe: Oyheieae, 'Iho rill- 'f th" Rapid Transit Commts sinner- t,, - I for the fl ;;?i'ij leam I .- sj I - -. - ? ij werna to 11 Ml regain .... attraction sad operation - - hm pc om tina if the auntie and ? i i f-.r tt.o deiwaad of tin* future dil t.-.f i.a.-?-.'? t -f pi tv bm capital i-i H." . -.t trprlat: aaa 0 ttoajB, lt I- ? ? rpeoootM whleh ?aolelpal gs*. toot th 'i thal work- .-f oeaolreetkm U> need beyoafl th* r-Tti of ladivldual crort to BBOMry, Bhoukt I takea by Bmnlelpal s^cn cl?s ?nfl at tiio paMM esaeaoa, ami BUUMMJod ? I r<r*t i t" peoOl ISM Ibo poblls eoavoalooao; sad w ..-,.. The '. ii b! Hm peeaeal sui tho room rrowth of tho MIT sliko d'iBMMld ttl BBUMfllttl tOUOtrueUcMI ti , rapid Uaaall mad wtShta Hm 'itv Inuits which ?trail t??.:r" aheap toroa and the hlpaost spied rons! ? ,. -? ? OooMsod, Thal rn fir jsrtguMai turh a work .?. f.-r..i. lt, nu-'":. puMU In it" I BOIOi t-r fid ti,-' execution '.f :t hy iii" n ? . ' Mpported hy every ressee*whick intt.-r in eoDttrnctmg iiimm, ?n ? .. u - , - and part-s. flitoliod. T!,at the eooewrreaea of wetLlastrueted op ,i.-. .,-'.r rears r eeoalderalloa, f,i\.-->< th- eoastra?> ? ? BOflofgHmad road similar to that vvhi h ii is ;. ?? ii ku md ?ad phma d hy th* Bspfd Transit Coaanbwlon and i ?st. Tkal wo USoisfora ud\or?t<' i-.,u l-.tion i-i'-ier BsSagwefda mall oraks prorlaton for Uic eon i-fi'-in if -h :, i ..-i by ' '? elly, sad foi its operation Bedes OBsjaraprfcUs i.-it-iic mpervleioo, sud f-jit'or BeoelrTd. Ihei Hm chair smiini a eemmtttea of twenty flvo Vi |.p-?M-tit th's BOhJeet ta HM |'-"l*r :?iir'inr:* ?/. with i?i?cr to motet aa eseewtlve rommlteao from and M j-m le Ui'lr BBBOMr, o;>d tn 7?ke Bet li OCtlofl In 'ol fortuity Witt hhBM MsstuOsms u? in flair J"dtf arni cay bc art \, Mr. i..-oi.ri:sn Booooncofl the preoenoc of ox Mayer Abram s*. Hewitt, who, ax he Boceoded the <-r*-irs to Um eaerl bom ir*! d?<k. a n- loudly apphwded. He mad> ? brief aoktrooa, pi'Om lug it with some anaskwt lo thc nove'iv of als poMtloh, which afforded him, for the gmt lim in hto nt", sn opportunity lo hooch Borne t lng Sown. if ho bsd xild ?? I :i"< li BOUMthlng Ihe rejaorrh arnold have ben nore to the pur pose, for the BOattlOB he BSBUmed had that BlTeel iiitimstoiy upon tho meeting. Them wao much speen lii'loti lat* r on In rersrd la 'h* attitude aaeamed bj Mr. Ham III, Uta theories rcegectlog rot/kt traiul plsru were con-plcnoiislv praeOOted tn tt," jmbllo when he wu* Mayor. Bal he rapeastly declared yewterday that the experl-nce of g f-w yeam had caused him t , modify his former Jaflgmmt in certain particular . Re ft-rrlrie to the niau Ju- hod advocated, be eatd "the ic/utio about thal maneure thal nobody could mahe a dollar aol of it except Ike dty af New-York, and lt tad lei frteade be id.-1- the slayer arni the Corporaikm Counsel." Te De- surprise of many Mr. Howitt eXBreeged Ihe hefsef thal ll w?s idle to refer lo the propo Itloo tba! k>i nuini'-ipai aotkerltlaa ikeadd andertake thc work "It was un III founded belief," he said, ?? flint :, "rmt public w rh could be curried forward without great" Hore Mr. Hewitt BWOSed, and tln-n added: -I da not like to say fniud. but i win -nv without great extravo BJ BS,o Thou bc iilltide:! to Ihe building Of the A in? duct, tnd BOlBtSd to the eeeope Of 'hal croat wort'. ii-oin faiiinif int0 the hands of gdanderam. Conllno hat, he said : " We must take ndvocitage of th" agencies we have, One of the-st, consists of tim BOrfoCC rallro.-ol, which FLINT'S FINE FURNITURE, srtistic Designs; Low Prices, WHAT YOI' DONT KNOW YO!' MAY f.KAKN. lon don't know, ll you've never uren our liirnliurc, wlral brimin,,! fumllttie li U. We have ll In nil M?le?, from the StSgOOOl Kni|>ire nnd tmiliisiii- Hm to,,. dowa to ihe mool, ol modern ,losl?i,?. Voa dtini know, ll you've ne??-r BOOa om- patcse. wkai low price, ihey ore. Knob ulece ls plainly autrked. A slali to our wareroom? Mill roDvlm-e you Hun He aaffj hi BSBOi below gha usual rulla, (till BJtfl ooe and lea ra. ? Bl Y Ol' TIIK CEO. C. FLINT CO., 104. 106, and 108 West 14th St. Mr. Howlit then advocated as an alternative the old New-York I antral Railroad scheme of starting at the Grand Central Hatton and extending through Fourtk-ave. sud Dud. to tho city Hsll. Tils pinn also embraced a rond along Hie North Riv.-r front, and from thu gem ml lucid plan the road could be. extended, underground and by viaduct, to Yonkers mid other suburban points. He added that li" hud no pecuniary interest in either u.e otp-et railway coaapanlea, tho Manhattan or the Now York Ontral Railroad comp: ines. Orlando B. Potter thea argued upon tho same, lines is those hud d*.wn by Mr. Hewitt, ile believed etoo in 'he advisability <>f extending Hie elevated structures along upper Broadway nad Hu Boulevard, and did not conceal ihe fact thal he was a largo owner of real t.stnte on bath thoroughfares. Ho expressed the bop* (hat tho Real K.stnt" fflxehange wooM throw its ia flume* in th.- direction pointed out by the Man tun Company. L J. i allanan expressed the beii.-f tost it nus the uptnkm ol nlneteen-tweotletbi of tho people af flew v..ri, that If private capital could Lui lc collated ii in ? work, linn mi underground n>?d should bo built by ihe etty. Dr. A. V-. Losknr lin nd nc ed an amendment, fib icquenUy accepted hy Jar. Hewitt, ae tao mover "f thc rei lath n . n.-. follow i -lt ta further the tense of this meeting Hist ci .-I'^.d factUUet bo granted to Ute Manhattan Elevatad Railroad ta *-? um foi the city of Kew-Yorfc t*y smsas of extra adVantag I and a t'Srd tnuk which foal! beet enable it to advanoa r?p.d nmnstW" At thia point soma Impsttence waa ev.cont over th" ran^o which the proceeding! had ukin la debate, there - etnecl to be u deposition on ti- pan ol Mr. las-..m i-:. .;? .: iirman, to rale out amendments io the rlgli i! r - dut ms ...nil l'-.k.-i onl) t" t.i" cocatrue .1 n "f the tunnel acberae. H.-to aaa a pi ?> . . . In lia" with th" pta! proposed b] Mr, Howitt mid Mr. Potter. A cry oms ul once not un--" no gag li-i," ?ws di-nnud fair play," mid so on. Iksjrge W. Da l hal k the fl.ior ind proposed lo edd " Che i"--I tiona an smendmenl requiring lbs general sdoptiou ul a eable system for ul present ? hor e" rallwa] -? 11 .-ii James L. Wella proposed un tm. mian at .f ferlag the passage of an ad bj the Legtatatare proVtd Ins for continuous trulm a-,.1 .1 t.v.?-??:.- f-ir- over Ibo .ai"-, of the Manhattan and SuburlsUi ah vated ri ..1 Discontent 1 ??. I p. >? ? dingi wa noa approo ii inp nu exploding point. Chairman Beekman, siter don, called f..r a rote on the amend monts and '..--< were .ni-led. T. on obum the tog ..f ?ar on ike passage "f the original resolutlomi There wat a i"*r ol Yea-' mid un equally emphatic roar of "Say*.'1 Mr. Beekman declared ibe resolu linn carried, Ignored a subsequent uppeui from bli decision nad declared tho meeting adjourned. I til elise ..Mlt"--ii' followed. Men in the audience shook their list* ut Ibe e airman, denounced bim ?* .1 'loafer," Ha dirt\ follow.' rte. Mr. beekman ouletly descended from the Burtioueer'i stand and ro tired from Ihe hall. Ta-ti u meeting of directors was Immediately called. lame I.. W"lls) wa- chosen chairman and B. M. Stew irt, secreter*. Til'.- resolution wai offered by Dr. Ixizlet ind adopted by a role of gd egutnat AB: "Resolved, That tnto meeting docs hereby protest against the deel lon of Mr. tlieehnmn, Ihe cliatrtnan ol the form, r meeting. In shutting "lt jii appeal from the derision <.f Mts chair thal a resolutli n favoring ?h.. coii-trii'-tb n of un underground railway by tho city of New Vork bad been carried by tho former mooting, and 1 refusing to tale- it derision >.f the vote of tt ut body, and thal a com matoo of len be unpointed by Ibe chair to resist nny such measters if afb ri .I at Albany." The committee appointed constated "f .lames 1. Wells, cl ainu ti Dr. A. w. Looter, <>. B. I'ottir. Abram b. ll-witt, B. M. -towart, Hugh N. lamp, m If, Fuller, w. it. Lowe, (.?ug< w. Do I unho tanti Jami 1 L>. Ilnydi n. At ti;.- regular meetine the foiiowltnr were np pointed ns a committee of iwenty-flvo, to carry out lfie provisions of tlie resolution : Richard V. Har? nett. Abrafu h. Hewitt, Oeorge lt. Read, Henry lt. beekman, B. I . Romaine. Franh lt. Haughton, .1. lt. Brown, teaac Frotnme, J, Hamilton Hunt, charles p.uek, h. .1. Callanan, ll. C. P. Koch. George Us Kore t Barton. Frederick <?? Browne, il. II. Catu mn un, Cornelius Vf. Luyster, Jefferson M. Levy, Charles 1'. Ilotfnian, jr., Charles A. ScherntThom, Kdward oppenheimer, ?'. Edgar Leay era ft, John T. Parley, II. W. Desmond end Thomas T. Reynolds, ? * ? WILLIAM STEINWAY ANGRY, HE BKUKVEfl IN TUB UlTDEROROUXD PLA M. AND RESENTS IMTCTATIOBS CASJT nu in? ti ll-; ( OMMI -ion "Yob cnn never get rapid transit la Mew York eily by means of sb elevated Iron or steel itrnclure." These w.-r* the word- Uttered v-st.-nl.v by Wlllium Steinway, preatdrnt of Ibe Raptd-Trsnsit Comm! don, in his efflcs in Fourteenth-at. In answer to .-i Tribune reporter's Inquiry us to the probable solution of me raptd-transtt problem. Mr. (Hehnway ls nn doubtedly tl.e ni" 1 thoroughly and genuinely ol appoliited member ol Ihe commission over ibu failure to neil th" underground franchise. Three. propoHtttoua were made by Mr. Btetuwsy yesterday: First. That rapid Imnsli bj elevated Iron or sled -triii tares ll Impost 111". Second. That rapid tran ii by viaduct through Hocks is Imprncllcable, becanse ol Ihe greal co I al toi.tiiiiK thc perfection of sn u s system, Third. That rapid trenail i.i nodergrouod mllroads, is planned by t;.<- eommla lon's engineers, i- prac, lambie, and baa not neecsaartly been sbondened be rouse 'if the non-ni,- of the Boderaround fmorhtae. Ur. sieiiiwity defended <-a '< "i these propositions vlgoromdy, and lt ls rosily sion thai he favors laking nih steps aa oil] hasten iho building ol the under? ground road propeeed by the tommi doa. Ho sold: ? rdtiee the bil are of Baring Brothem eafdial has been exceedingly shy. Invealori have hewn mtv reticent about putting their money Into new and great en Iwrprtses, They reelb*d thal Um elly already bsd four lines of BO rolled rnpl-t transit, lt ls a fait, however, that Ulla city cnn never hope le gel real rajsM trumlt hy any extension of Ihe present elevated ninds. They have disfigured four of our avenues,: od i should hate io soe any more streets as badly di, figured, in order lo hove real mpid transit we must l.iiii; trail,.- running from lin- Battery ta Ike etty limits st Di" rnlo of forty mll'-s sn lu.iii. WV mn I have a four-track Uno. \\,. eas ii'->'-r hove aueh raped iruoii 1.1 no elevated hmo or steel structure, for no strm lure could be built of tlii-se mulei Inls Um! - mild .stand the caused by capre 1 trains Burr? ing at tin- rn te, of forty miles un hour. -'ihe lyatem of rapid transit by vtodnel Uuoagh blocks was my jx'l BSBjOBt lil Hrs!, but Ps pnat cst makes it Inpracticable, Only mm real eehrtloa of ih" problem rasselas?the underground ay slam oif"r?-J for -aili- by Ibo Cemadsdon. I regrol thal the bancbtso wu- sol sold, bal if any aopitaltoi win c bm to u.s today and say that he wants ta build Hm auSOBBmund reed, wa wm edverttae the bunohlao for Mle again, nnd put lt up within tis weis. If no capitalist offers to bnv the fraochtoe, the city ? 'tiki build the road throiiph an independent rom ml-l-.n. i |? Move that if the city ihouM build the road Itself, mid then lease lt to corpOtuUi I ll would prove to be a Ugbly taofltablo laveatmewt, titian, lally nnd otherwtae. i if eootsa ta.- present Knpid Transit Railroad Commission has no power to ii" anything in this line, bm tie- Legislature could croat" nu Independent commission, with full power i > superintend such an natl.-rt:,kim.-, i ti , not know whether tin- advisability of such a step win le raised iliu-in,' Un. present Msjudon of tl,.. Legbdatnre, but I -hail n.ii I,.- turprlsed if it i-. |n thc meantime. h. w.-vti. lt may bo bpcisaury for th.- commbsdofl to take some ateaa to leeura temporary reBOf t,> the<l linos of travel 1 flo not speak ajnili'st u.leveled road- ms their enemy, r .r they have done much good, i um satisfied, b rwever thai an ea tension of tho elevated roads will not riv- real rs tad tra nd t t" this cit j ? Mr, Steinway n is angry over Um Imputations re? cently iiiin!,. against the commission by certain news pipers, lie --dd h.- did nol thal r.immanv Hall was |i, ?,:-, wav Interested |n ih,. defeat i| the anderground system. -i hove," mst Mr. Htetuwai ??(.tv,-ii ny time t>r nothlog. During the var I awi I worked almost even daj for the Interesti of the etty, The ..'h"i- Commissioners dal iii" mme. They ur-, nu pablli spirited men, sud are working for tho ko. si ,.f the ih\. Noa all tor! of unpleasant I rn paiatlons ;,;,? made. 1 <i , no! like lt a Mt. I t.-n ron I wonk] 11..1 go through all this w ,rk and imrn una irouble ni-.on ;..i .. i|oartei .., a million dolbin,. Whatever the Commissioners may <i" win i?. f,?- whit fey deem the best InlercsU nf the cit, ,,f New-York ' TIIK CONTROLl^iB SOUND? A WARNING. JO I rJCSIOXEBfl DAVE *. rilANCRISE OF EBOR Mf'i's VALVE To BESTOW. ( sitrcller Myers yesterday edd rei ed Uta follow I ? lotter to william Steinway, John H. Starla, Samuel r .-ncer. John ll. Inman and Eugene L, llushe, it nid Transit Ccooodmhwiera My atbmttes bavin; been miled to itafrBisaii ia ti,. io. i> print* that th- itapid Tr. Ooawil*siaaers acre ... hteriog th-- tdvlaabillty nf conferrtag opes ihe Maa its' in Railway Company in reseed fscllluei fee rapid tra. lt. .-md sech an citension of its franchises tad prh egea as would m mme degree lake th- place ?t th fran also Which fall I "f -il- ..a the '.".uti nit, I isl ''??is ipaaartaalty "' tddresstag yeo. nu ono phase al Ml gme Miiijo.-.t. relaUng to ':,.? Baaaclal i'm-:. ..f tu city f N-w-Vn-ti, which by matta of ny stace I my tVUil con, i ia. if s? it N alleged, it li the siirpmi el ti". Rai I Tran- ! Conm Istkmen M gmal to the Manhatra'i Ballway Coesp iv power to lay mw tracks md natation ?[ Its liam lrnuph mi.-ts bow aoeccupled i.y it, n, nu in--:, cobbs* ostraM erith Hm Imperative needs of tao public, and rafflsk -t to *aS..s(y Hmm needs f,,r jiu- mn storable time iii tin future, inch a grant tavereea a Rift, ot pabile propel of ahapiy enormous value. This tmtement, "f . iflpUaa sith ns nmeh taree ta Bay eeo .-.-r;. n, tiou ?: .t> Bsfajrhs ho argealsed to tperato tech ? fmaeblae os is he Msw tai Han Railway Csmpaey. Bfken the sleVMCd Solway* wore llr-t ptamwfl, thor meceso was -? pron; Tii-tlcsl IhUI lt "a- duli, ult to Induce CS|>IMI to aagage inc wnric r-t HM.aatruetkw. Malaly aa this Bcceaat, ina parMv- beeauM el Um! Hmo th. i ?,, b<- j. tact of Budentaadlng af the prableai si - torlea Hm ?wahflacMty HM roaUageet righi M them to t profit* ot meh sn mterprkw, sim.nd them psaSM beeoi racesslVO| ar->p?r pim.-mn nm nut n,ado to sot-urn to tim public tine i nippen-it.on toe Hm m Joy meat nf n pnblle us,., ?iitr . p ov.-d to be Immensely, rstravagaaUy, isiu.-i i?. WhaSaoaj excise nt-ht have been then offered for 'Alt on.i-s! ii -w. i r, rr ?;, Bly ii-.ii" i ju I,- made now, in }> iU<lit ' f paM BSptWleBI ??. Tim ? . ? .1 alOVSMd r<:lisaT !n tun t.ti> . of Bea TorO, rlewed owrely a- a b i laeae reutmra, ' now laduUtehiy emil,thad. a..'l Ma Hsnhattn r Ball ?a> Usa amy permitted to tay boo trerki ' extend Its rsU?-u,-i, tn 1 to build I I BU BBB d OOOtSO, sn h ? ?-. ti Sou woukt be wholly free from I ?*'n??s risk. 1 sin.. irely ten '., therefore, should j ??! d ,Uli B jJ ah'.c to i". et prtVl ? ' - St 'M nihsf ii Hallway Company Hum Mo i ? gr sWhe occasion ? ? stria a t.- th" imiii- pal ty an aden. ?o* taiuai for UM ase ..f lu ott -is. bal i ' etta of ti | ia! be k mee eal il it leas) i I i ?'* Mr .?1,ti :? -1 a ? Hm Rupld rrai * Cal ...ssira sod In their s1-!:''. m properly i nd il ? reata "f ? ? eitj i staoaoBee wkiefc it .-? ? i .? lA.senr-e t. save ibis oi'P"ttnniiy to iipiooo aSajil ec beau eur ? nt u. to doro bm m taavi ?-. ? Both oe cootel in ti ?? rooaraanlcaOoa, bad !? em beea IhM the ?? ' t-rtunat* oj p. ri onro ? f Ibo ps?t mJ pirfmi o af th!? u i' tu tt, Hi" possie kai.u "I ? , " ?-:.?. Hnrratll fur telling tia* oppoft io ? )o i of Hm supm * I '? H - * ? ' it (s ki Mo auteouM of your dellberat, itu. KATE BBMHJDAM MICK BTU COVLD MOT OBT B\lt. B/stddogton, Ion, d. Counsel for Kata flhorldan lillies, the yon'g woman who w i srreeted In Bee Tosh en a o'.srii.- of the I ?? ? i -. ot .!-? ??? Mid i.tlo-r valnabta arSkdoa lo the ?if" <?' Brines bb altai he of the Italian I.e.- n'ti In tt'ssb logion, mads MspOe Hob for b li before J dge Mi i c,ms ia ibo (ila in il Court toll Bell was r..\.<t ba tko oom of *a.oou ma woman dbi not sjijicnr tn curt Having neither Mends nor relaUvet In WsshlBgtan, she ? is anabta to hi t-.i isaaea, at.d ???- remanded to ) ll andi ? ie could eur.- nhl from fr. di ll Wee koch. SOO I lied ? i dire i ? r-l I - lot glng wert ? I).kt rahm to r< itOCO (' ? ni ' > t" ow Bl r print r tm t she waa comp appsoprtale -. ma ai bi tl eil- ? ? . " bi d ti if ? ie latendi U ?? si " 'aid Ibal w.-r- para faUrlcaU w.i hlngton <-!lH reporiera, had l, ino "fa .'I 1 IntelVlewi with bal until the ro-...."i to tali, to newspaper 11> ii i talma by i i Illili ta lund. rc lu .-out le-I'I .i, mail" under lllo-nil rolonlza TUE '' BLACK s*ifff.C huhes OOWX T,e aragoa haotrg ? ike "Black Mars.'' which cariios prl-..' M (rem UM Tombs lo UM Oeneral -' tiona, broke dowB nt earl and Ce ire tooday morning while SB tts ?U| to llio .ourt building. Tho hreaatag "f a rear ootg aa i rmponotbio for ike ai i idenl A noad quickly sOthered un.and f> MBgon, fruin whi h name the enortled erica >>f the eccupaato. rtopiiti Sheriff Cesstflf, wm, vie In charge of tba v?n. i-t/-rfi /lard ?t ihe flow ta prevent ?nv mt. a,pt at mu outbreak on th" purl el ase a -o'.or-. A ?onad af oHiei-ns from Cv Ganorsl aOsal ls toon srrlv.d sad sro red ino prisoners, fourteen rn noraber, lo t.iat court. No stlempi vat nu.di oy any sf Um prisoners io get away,_ FBOTBBTIXQ AMAtXBt IS ir liars 9EFOBTB. gosse reports publhdmd la-: -a-c.-u cencernlBg Ihe ?als af C. Bermana di flooli esrp?l end olleloth bu-i ,. .. ,t No. ?? fcvrooe a., and rumon af fraud roo netted olth thal ntanaaethui l ci censed tho linn to te o oat a circular te correct ihe prevsillng Impre ?lon. Owing to ootraeUag n mu creditors have levied attachments BUd replevin- d he propetlj "f I hi t,r:u; mid tl . i.a? hamp ???? ' prompt setiiemeiii. Maurice ll. HlumenUml, attorney al Ihe Item, said yes tcnlay Hint mentis iu-r.- under aa) lo - rt together a lund rni' . skien le rattail the claim ? and that he,,t thal <'. Uermeun Si Son would make an i.t lind f-ilr in-, nuntin ?. The total Ind btedmsu will nol rx ced ?10,000. _ AM IBFOBTAXT LAMB CLAIM El LED gam i Et, N. M., J?n. 4.-An i tortoni claim ha been Bled in tho Court af Eriva .l.ul-..- N". til,-, of Uiicoln. Neb. f, r the H.-nih Lind ".rant, 100,1 00 Boa Mexico, 'ibo wool td Heath Iho law of ISSI, S h i li vas ll,.- in, tl-.n law- of Mexico, li *?'-< Bhaeet lurlug thc tbort re'."n of Ilurbid.-, and was ni force oul}' B few tn.lillis. hud for this reason not many granta stiTe made under it. No ease under Um taw ..?- etor reached the bu prcme Coori of the Catted ffltotes, bad the ...uri ol ?i, . - have iim.s Buatalocd the taw. lt i- re garded as ooo ol the mool important taits in coori, and ? om.- now and Intel ? Hog pcaot "f constltul ona] tnd l? ,. nm lons I la ? arl ? Ul UM 'ase. Mr. Needle 1- um ,, ,|?. neath heir . Ile made several irips to Mexico .. ii red I', bia sltornoys hi claim is a good one.-m A Tnon ISO BTALUOX ASP ,t TEAR! ISU MOLD Lestagtm, !<? . Jan. * ffltoei ed).?W. B. Spiers, af i, .1 , pals, ST, V . lu- IBM M '? OfO lt. Kl iniiii. ol Toledo, Ohio, ta tl otUai Malltaa iV.i'-rt M-ii.-L-.i 13 IT foi a prl'.at-' price, John I. Madden Ins sold I" linea ii. Muni< Jo- rbeataat yeerlteg miy hy Ihoes, asa Mist ljisioii. f. r SS.! 0 '. Onu DOSBB BOTILffli OF -rs- TH2 CT!NUINS UJOHAinr hoff's Um ^ Malt Extract |P3 iL-^ EQUAL3 oad TONIC PrspcrtlM int Csik of ALE, withool bsing Intoxloiting. It ex ills tlie tOtrglBB, stimulate* tho ntnritivo Bowers, hnprcrreo the ?nd aidfl dlgaatiofs. rt caa Lo used for erm, v.-runnn or chi!r?. Matchless as =, tonio la cr.nvaJeecence. 1'urrhasert ore warcerl ifainst imposl t;rn and disaotxnotairo-.. "asii: u??n ibo "f-o-r-jne." wtirh ar '. haee the tlc"itumol ??JOHANN HO:"r" " . . -ie r ec* Ia.ei. HODGMANS MACKINTOSHES OVERSHOES Aiti: i:\< i:i.i.i:i> nv viul If () I) (i M A N R U B 15 E R C () M P ANY, HltOtllWAV. il Weat SjSd Street, tonio,- (.riind -.neel. | Adjolnlu* .>lli AvOWM Hotel. THE TWO NEW NAVAL SHU'S. CHARA! TERISTIC FEATURES OP THE IOWA AND BROOKLYN. THI.V 0711* BB TM,: I,|,,m,T mm y,-,. ,,,.,, BUCKO FOB THE N\vv COXTB.tCTS hoon TO it. wv \;:i.i.n [BV xiii., it a in io tiu: tri in ni-..] Wii-hli,,!,,:,. .(,?. .,. AWBP-, fl, ,,?. ,.((|!S.,.,?.??? i I the battleship |uwa liml ,hl. ?,.?,,,m, ,.,..,._,. ,ir., JTO um be made b) Secretary Tracy within tho next lew ?l.ivs. -n,,?. lwa ,,,,w Mpil hn eonMnUy (.v Peel.d to be the highes) p Int or offensive and de f.tiHlve "Mn enc) v.-i reached lu the American Bary. "Compering the Iowa with the Indiana." mid sec? retary Tracy recenUy, "we timi thal Ibe ronner lins greater length and benin nnd more than 1.000 sd dltlonal lon* displacement nnd loot lier increased d tensive power, real endurance and >.ii.-.mI. loawthsv ?Uh etlriij I., um it ber guan lo almcal any -on. render her design as i tr agni nw battleship a marked Improve 1.1 "'??'? """ ol tl,,, (hire .,,:,-? line hatti.-,hips. (-'"Biparlng the 111.Klin with Ibe Bew-Yorit, the ' '?>?">,'> ? Ul Hie lal', -i hov. a marled IlllproVoIiion t over th- latter. The Brooklyn's roal capacity ls In ireasefl ::o per feen! over thal "f th.. Bow-York Compering ti..- Brooklyn with the most recent types r armored rntiaen of rorelgn servlcea, the Depart ""?ut bus perfect confidence in aseertlng that her offensive and defensive qualities greatly snrpiiss I hose ? ?r dmllar v.- .:. sfloat or lu cm-o.. of construction." Arnon- th.- Improvements applied f > the Iowa which nt her for cruising ns well ns fJghUng purposes ne? llie following: A forecastle fleck, with Increased freeboard forwaid: a relative increase i? the bright of the gone from tho waterline; nu inoro-tve in the maximum tn tallied ipeed from flfteen to sixteen l.n"*-: un Increase in the normal foul capacity by more than uno lons; u aerrowfng in of tin- sid.s to teran greeter angular range to the batter?, while diminishing th- wrighl of ti,.- hull mid flattening the curve of stabBlty. 'lit.. Iowa's waterline nrmor belt lue- beea Incree "I more than ?_''. per ""it nmi nd dltloBsl protection hts- been afforded the guns' trews bp a splinter bulkhead on each side of Hi" (rms sfnllnns on Hie cnn dork. The total we^-ht of the rndlanii nnd her stater slips ls 104100 f ms; that of the Iowa win he 11,300 iona. in general Ike towa will have tho foltrywtngfeatnrea: Ungth on load wateritao, 830 f--"t: breadth nt sam,' flue, 72 foot: mean draaght. Sd f??t; frce hoard st bow, lf< feet; freeboard at st..rn. il foot f* ? ?: total coal rapacity, 1,073 lona: aermal roal rapacity, 029 tone; amalonno sostalued speed, ld t i... complement of ofseers and men will be l-i). Tim hull ts to be of stool, not sheathed, with double bott >m and close watertight compsrtmentc to about ten foot shove tao wateritao. only on* mu-t rontemplated, and Hat to be n mlHtary must with fighting topi, ia which twopmiBdera nnd machine placed, lim ship "iii to driven hy twin crewe, propelled by two engines of Um vertical ti ;?!?? expand n type, placed in two separate roe* ;,i latents. The b IVr- ff to be B?e In miuil'-r, bree of which %> lil be of tho cylindrical doable-ended pattern, and taro of the dngle-ended typ-. piiio,-u in four compartments. Thc mari's neracentrtc height ?lii no* bo greater than 4 feet * Inches, I a.- protection of tao hull agnlnst injury to the uater-tlgb! regtofl ol the reoeel ls te be afforded by a li. armored bell with ii maximum Urteknem el H ? ? ? d mewn depth ot 7 feH fl toeheu. The trsnsversi dj al this bolt ore to t..- twelve Inekee thick. nie eldee of tho s:.;p, fr".-n the anoor bell te tho milla do, lt, Will bo covered with Uv laches tee), okeh of a il h cool aili t.unfed, Extending 'forward and aft from tho emts ot Um nrmor holt, ii pr.-.- live dock, Ihreo Inches thick, will ho w.,rko,l la. de armor fhis protective deck will bc I ree .\ ..:' lin bell "Ul he Btted tlong th- sid.-s forward ? ?' iheB Ibe ddc nr.-n r belt en the three-Inch protective do,;,. ?? d ul-" an the emin de u forward tad ii if! ? ? flvt Inch ur.r, tn irmored c.lng tower, t. a li ?? thick, si I I ivlng s seven Inch sr red lng tu ???. will be pi, ed in a con mending po Hlon forward. 'I i battery "f Iho Iowa wW be: Four Iwelve-lBCh and el...- right-Inch breech loading rifles; -ix tour-lnc . twenty Ux-poundor and four one-pounder rapid iii" pun; one Reid BBd four machine guns. The [worro tm h |.-u:i. ar., n. be mounted In two barbette turrets pla -st ono forward sad ''ti*' bB "ti tho rentes Hue of - 'l, and will be it feel :i la hm above Ihe in.', m.d bo capable "f tala.' through nu ure of ?j7'> degrees. Th'--" barbette! will be covered With nftcen Inrbea "f armor. Tbs right-Inch guns will also be placed in barbettes, four on each broadstds of tho vos-oi. The lotter barhettea wlfl buve right Inches of armor on the exposed ddee nad >-ix Inches rt. i ? righi Ini a bbb will be S3 tart above the siat.-r sud mn Uro through un ur- of 170 defer sa. Excepting two. whick add be drooled na tho brt'lce at fi ? nf. r end of fe superstructure, Ibe four-Inch gum edll lo- placed ob :'"? gua Seek, and are ? o be protected by Axed shields four Inches ii.lei,, built ll,t.i tho bull of the V.--S.-J uni forming aa armored Boonoon. Protection io tho BamDer piti trtll I..- afforded bj shield* 'md eatm sido platiag. The Iowa ?W have i? eomptefe torposio t.nttit, nil] | hide levee tubm, twelve torpedoes mid a laltsbls allowaace of run-cotton f..r ndneo ami ml ellaneoui puipoaee. Steel nets, ranted by swlt -i booms, '-'-in be " .-'I m protecUoB against torpedo it tack. The dlstrtlmtlon "f torpedo tuhea will be tu , forward, two on ruck broadside na.I "ti" aft. The eleotrli pirat will be an extensive one and ? ll ,,n,i i ,,. r ,i.i- unlta, each having engine, dynamos ind romMnaUon tad pim.-. Bach dynamo is io karv a rated output "r 300 erapherea at thirty volts. Si sith 'I." iowa, tb" pian, tm- ia.. Brooklyn in ri mle many unprovemenia which experience his sh iwn ;,, i..- Bdv.intagisius, A- provided In Ihe authorising ail. tl" general de Ign "f the Non Yorli has bren ud le red io lu preparing Hi" drawings foi- Ihe Brooklyn. i ,,.;-! lenity -.'.'ii ii. policy io secure the lat. i .-ip ia..v.-.I lype if v"--ls. tin- Nmi Department his in rorp Bled ai iii.- Brooklyn's dealgn inch advanced ,,'??;,, :., iii" experience of Uda ind other countries has found to bo v.ilual le and practicable. At HMM i, -..| with th! V n io:h. the Brooklyn will have aa Increased displacement of I,mo ton-.; thal ls. Um viii have IMOO Instead "i 3.1S0 lona. This increased ,'|sphi,.-i.ii-i.t malo- po-.ini" creal Improvements in fie seagoing quallUes, roal endurance and dtapnsltlon ,a weigh) "f iiiniainont .>' the -hip. in the Brooklyn lae forecastle doch hes boen sdded, Ihe forward free , i !,,k been Increaied righi fe. t und tb" forward lukin ? iain- rorri-spondlngly raised. By permll Ides hip* t" *tumble borne" somewhat, , ,,,;U|. . .ill lire l-l- loin -a , ?r,sj for UM broadside iiiti-t cons. The Brooklyn will carry'two .nol.. right-Inch gun Umb the N>w-Vorh and have rive Inch rapid-lire pm- Instead "f ti:.- latter's four l?r|, ..i,,, . lin. Brooklyn'i secondary battery ls abo Inerea ed bi fonr -ix pounder*, liv Ihe armagemeal ot the Brooklyn's battery ll is pcealbte to roucentraM ? I,,, tire of six eight lin-h u'uns ahead, astern or abeam; vi,,.,, in ii" Bru Vork oaly four of Umbi gnus id ,,r intern Bod five ? bea rn ran he cooeeotnted. I'e iiii-uard gum if 'ii'- BroohlyB being righi f>"t i k-'.rn- Hain those of th" New-York, the former will !?? aide t,> flgbl iii Blmoal rmv weather, end for pluag lng |jr,. ,i. aboard the Brooklyo's advantages in Ibis resp-i t ar" d'-' i tad. in., genera] features of the Broohlyn sn as follows; l.iu-tii mi load waterline, 400 f -. t ll Inches; in. nu breadth, Ct foot. mrsB drsfl, Sd feet; freeboard al !,,w, -_':i feet; freeboard st stern, Si feet; normal dis placement, D.130 loewi total coal capacity, |,030tona; itomml "al capacity, i"*> tana. Tl.mptamcnl ,,( offlrera and bmb eui ba 300. The kail I lo ba 0f st, I. ma heel bed, a Uh dotibls bottom ead close tratei i|.,':ii bbbssvIsIoos to bc shoal twelve reel above .i.iti-r line. Twa adlltary Blasts with tfluttng i"i?<. bul wtthoul snii "re lo b- Itted. The sP,.,) 0f the i win be twenty knots, and win be developed by twin iciwws peopeUed by "ii?!n"s of BM vertical expansion type, fear lu Bamber, two on each -lutfi ,.,,i |n four separate compartments. Ker crnaatng at low- tpeed Um forward eoginei will he rn < aistrocted il,?t ibci amy be readily uncoupled from tlie after The boilers ar" live rn Bomber, Utrea - I Hi- i-yliiidilial double ended [Kitt'-m and two Of the tingle anded type peaced la three compartments, the upper pun of ibo lutmktyn'a hull is io t" covered by ? duel protective derk, backed bl heavy bea me Ike l.oitom .-ilp-.s "f thia U'-'-li niii! Is'iips ure io In- si\ l l six Inches below ibo iv .. f,-o?. ?''"? lino; "'st t'?p of me dei li r!in-' to LBta water foot In the middle of th" vessel. i a the BOMCS of Hie deck over tho machinery and holler, th- armor I* io be sl\ liicbea talck; on the bortaontal porttona lt ls to io. llirt-" nebea latch; forward ned aluin the machinery bim i". 1 ira, lo st, ni and st. rn, tin deck ut Its thinnest jiiirt is not ; , i?. j,.,, tmtii iv., uni i no milt Inches thick. Below Hi's d?s|{ will be situntod wfcol ls ordlnuiilv known as -the vitals ?r a warship," The hall or tb" vess..| sboat ti.e wm. r lino region ls t,, be pr.. tecled by mi armor belt :i biobes tides. Which will Inclose fi., un ninon and liolb-r spice, mid extend from 4 fist above to 4 feet :i Inches below the water line. Within ibis arUMU bell and skin Steting mid above the armor, a brit of eritakioe fl 1-3 feet win.. ls 10 ls- tilted lind "\!e:,d the Whole length Of Hie vessel, In d.-pth from tho armor d.t-k to the berth deck. As 11 further protection, coal will be carrM ebove the Bimored flock for a length corresponding iknt of the Inns* bs,Hom. An armored conning tower 7 1-u lochee In ttiii kue-ts having u comniunl relive bibe of five baches of imnor will be situated forward. The bstlery of tho Bjroaklyn ls to be eight right tock guns of :tr, calibre; twelve flve-taeh mpkt-flrc pius; twelve six-pounder and four one-pounder rapid tir* guns: f.air machine guns and two field guns. The eight-Inch innis un- lo be imy'nted In four bnrtiotto luit-.-ts placed one forward and one aft, on Um lino o* tho vessel, and one on either broud-lde amidships. 'I'iie middle guns are to have -t trulii of :tin degrees, and th" broadside pms of ISO deg-i-.-o, each, lins.- anns mri their carnages nad raaehtnery un- to be protected by right lachen of armor placed on th., barbettes. The armor or th,, turreta, whieli rrvolv. Inside H.e barbettes, ls to be ?'? I J Inch-s thick, in.. Bve-lnch milts ar.- io ba protected by iK'-it soft-menu I shh ids f.)U|- Inches in thickness, uh J" the pms- crews are t" be shidtetvu behind splinter bulkheads 1 l ? j Inches tl.bk. as a protection lii-aln-t explosive shells, lin- smaller pms will Us protected bj shields and extra lldc plating. The brooklyn's supply of ammunition vin bo- Btght-lneh gnns, IMX) roimils: nv,- lin-h pin-, 1.1400 rounds; slx pouiuieis. n.tssi rounds; mie-pounders, .:,4?hi rounds, Her torpedo outflt will rousts! of five torpedo tuiM-s. six torped. umi ii suitabi" allowance ot tain-cotton. From the foregoing If will be seen Hint s.troiMrv Tracy I- fully lu asserting Hint tho offensive ami defensive qualities of these two eeaaels greatly tarps* thus.- of any ttmfler vessels afloat or In course i>r eenatraction. Those vessels aro distinctive creations of the proseai Administration I for before s's r tnrv Tracy's appointment, :u" Bevy w?h wholly defletent In bea vii] armored cruisers and powerful battleships. As iv prominent Baval offlcer recently i-.x;.:-. ss,-d lt : "Before we bsd vessels which could rapidly mn away from un enemy, but we had no vessels which -ult boliily nnd wita reasonable coufldeooO'engage th-- enemy. With such ships ns thc Indlnmi. Mi- h ts. orton umi Iowa we eon hold up our heads .1 homo nnd abroad with Jut pride " SOTES OP THE STAOE. MUM Marloo Munola was unable to appisir at Herrmann', ti.cone yesterday a:t*r,.oin or evening, and bo perform Hiern UN glVOU, ll was s?tld m tlie thoitre lti-t night Unit, aka tra* o\pect<sl to ko BOM M a*:t tn-nlirht, anil that f..- performances of "if I Wore You" would, doubt, lem ie ie without fmther tatjrrepUeo. it ts laaeeaeed that ? sew theatre win te built lu Nih Voik br Hi yt & Thomas la MOO th-- losve of Um Modloee Square, which expires ta a buna les* than om yoars, cammi be NOCWed. It N kitted, as lt bas bee: nsmv n Hmo before, that tho site of tho Madison flgUOCI Tn'u:r<> will aft-r that HUM b" toed for an sdilttlon ti tin 1 fi 1 avenue Berni. 1 Lure- Hopper hus resumed lils part tn "The FenelnB tfaotet" al HM (taslao, which wan played tor a few night, by M. Marms. The part proved to be unfitted for M Marius's stylo sf acting and singing. A pe-formaii'-e of '-Ties Psrvseas" was given Isac nleln at tho Berkeley Lyceum by nnsnbers of the smotam Comedy Cte* for tho tarneit of th* ItabieV Shelter. Tin ISCOtpM were about $710 - Moree lueca** will be pluyed in Barhaa next wena-, am Ckaaueey oleott will tlion bo wwii for the Ural Urno ir sew-Vork In the pac formerly played by Of. I. Scanlon. reamiday'a Bamber of "Kddy's Weoitiv Squib," a Ira trait.: paper punished hr Jerome B. Bfaty and OUsmUMM sm tho ojghth yam of its publication. Mr. Kddi li one sf th" ben kBOWB th .-ut rh ai pro^s repts-sontaMv 1 n tie- country, and hi- p*|>'.- kl ink-iided ws an aid to Un matte erl t >r?. H whom bIoUB it is sent. 4 ?.neut tr. be alvan at Palmers Theatre on TueaSB] tfteraooo for the widow nt Charles L. Harris hs* alreadj boen BUSSWiniOd Th" ITM pvt of the prOfraUHM adi ? on?ii-t of a imitation by mi-* Beverly Bttflreaves, s ketch by -i- W. Kdly, * leeluUoo by BeU oreraer, ant a violin sn!i> bv Miss .lonni* i-ranko. A ono-act coined] called "My Album'' ail! h.- piaved by M'.ss II-ito, (jratghtoe, J. U UMomeyer, Prank 1*..<i'-r ? and F. 1, short. Thom "'Ul be Meerai otin-r novel *nd mtorootkuj f.aturea. Marshall P. Wilder wli appear tal tho BM tin* m Better uf OM teeaeetra. This week sev.-iut ase tyoclaBlm tiave kern Mdod t. ? -supo:b?," whi.ii eada at Die Poarteeach str,et Thoatrt ..ii Batm Uv Beassnatkma for a reUita ei.gage 11.-nt of this Bompsay le May ur.- la progress. jrorn aroit tvrf affairs. Th" 01.tries for the handicaps aro not bi 1^ alvon h ? public until t"duy. Tim .iitrifs- ls the Malr.u ant t-situnty stas-s froat laieiand Bamber ovrr right/, sm ar" t-xttvm-ly graUfjrtBg M UM BcfcOy clubs. Tho bm OS . rs, however, do uot hmii utth favor aa the entries ol foreign braodamrae, as it Indicates rnaayattelea ta HM ?uie ring with iiuti\.- bred yoaaeatere. The entries ar?- fr.nn lea differeal breedera aa tint lt looks as if Um totara ?l rt.Biish i.tih..-s would be worn ta rht sioat two-year aid ,, . . , 4 lass. Tho qaeu on of ante-post betting on the Brooklyn and suburban handicap* i- i?-lag dlsoaaaed M Hu a|Mtwa m. ?.,r'.s. Th. !?? h*\" been u Bumbei ol -jk-s of ??wolehlag" by ti..- backers ot utatoi books. Ccrteta ladivktoabi kave tmded inuspsoalblo aookmakem M tb' paeUe, why beVO loon ewinilled out Ot HMIl winnliiCTi tv tlio boofc. 11 aS.'l I, TraMworthy nv-n. who aro wellktiown to ra?e?oer?. ana ti . 11 wh.. lias I BsUMy lo P-iv. do BS* '".'r" I ' tOOSOom with tho Bdvmtarem uhe send out a list "f setmsiaibli wids, nov.-i- iiit.i.iiiiiu to pay unb st som- home by Hm sMrsot '?Suke" should wm whhii mil nut La.-Sid by th" Babuc. WHERE IS CHARLES S. WOTLMM\ Chartaa fl. Butler, gmoagir of tho Assured Build? ing and Lout Aaaociattou, Bu. BB7 Broadway, c?miiot be round ead Me friends are took lils' for hBO. Ile was Inst se. a a wool; a^o i tl Monday, nnd it believed lo have been loki n uiddenly lil among strangers. Fer several dav? be had not been feeling areli. Mr. Butler is ab. ut fort, \ears old and UVO* with lils buber uni mother. brother and si tr ut No. 183 Oatesave., lamokJvu. The ofllcen Of Um loon BssoriaUon bavo oeea making luvestigadoos Into bli accouuta doc* bl- disappear nme. bm have urns far discovered no reason t<- believe bun to '"? a defaulter. At the hot. 0 lu i..U"-nv... \e-:.idav Mr. Huller's -.Mer sold tlint sh" did not Inow wier.- he Was. Bbc All she lu.ow oe wus ill, but could nm tall where he hud gmi". ai 11." attlee ni the loan assottatlon au expert accountant oas In charge ul tlie booka, li could tell nothing about Mr. Butler, but ' barten A. Deskon, ia- attome] for Ibe a- 0,1.1 hm. abeu las! nluiit tobi all iii.ii waa known atom Bu mUatiig mull. v "I have no i-.m-oii to believe." 1 ltd ti", "thal there ls SuylhlBg wrong with 1 ie SCI OB ta. Mr. Hiller ll probably ill. A few dav- before he tfmpprared be tefl tin- otb eal I p. m. wttboul mylng anything amt dkt Bta , .nu- back Hm day. Wheo 1 rea.troted with Um the ll, Xl dav ll" Mid he had I.I lukell ill alni Wi lia Sble H. "'tue bark. I did I "I U?k li' .blt ill matter was. After b-.* weni awai we of couim began .vinni!,- iii" hook-, iv,- opened the safe and foo <t glOO, When ii" had been fi-tllug ill 1 tea dais 1.rv 1 ba 1 tobi Ulm to go noni" au l leave a uotlcf [,>r tailer. all al my outee In Um same building, ll ? .mi Hus sud l collei ie' several hundred doll:-rs. simpi. making Boles ol i."- tra 11-aitloiis for him t > enter on 1 afterward. Wheo he ralarned h" t"ok tue money, ,V" bud ghat lu- depodtel thai nil escreet!] lu Hie tamk, rhe "ttii '? books, tbs exieito lell me, prue.I,nil, 1.illume. Boa .ve have celled In, ai bi aeonl al Hos time "1 Hu- \'-:ir. the 1 ass books, and ar.- g lug ii routh 1,..-m. lt coora ino amount to much any a av, and bli bond ls g.1 for a areal d-al more then auv possible hort lg". Ill" iis-o Int 01 wonll los- noliiln. allder P ii il.- retires ,0 .-a, lo ll roi. li" r"il oil to do niiv r.iiillli-t'inies. look for him ii'-.iiu pl, i,.ii on als nam timi." Vi. ? (hut wolli -i and S" have HILLS SD LU TOO LOW. Camden, .iuu. 4. Cbanssrilor M.(.lil hus ufaaid to oonflrm Ute sai^ of th- B'aahtngtoa min ot iBouceater to wiiihim j, Thompaou, the proprietor of Um mee> Irack. The mills coal aeerly PleOOOXOOO, mil ul the Bale, which was by ahreetioo of the ? bmn "iior. they Were sold for $10''.imvi (,, ThompeOU. This, the Chancellor -a,,'..,! hadoy, ama too taw u flgnre, sud the sanction ,<t ibo court was withheld, The receiver will malio another effort to soil in,. mi::>. LAL AX DM FMIBM AWAMDBD To prof BABXAMD. ibu (dewiestory, Col., .inn. g.?Bows bas keen n-i.-lv. I. lore thal Un- Lanni'" prir..- of the Purls Academy of eVteoeee wus awarded lo Proflissoe Dar Bard, of the Lick Obaervatory, on December IB, 1802, for Ida work lu Bstronomv, especially for nis dla cover] af the nftti mlolllte of .lupi 1 r, she Took CAMMQUC .{rut FOR MMDICIXM. Tba Saager .,f mkleg BMSblao eereJooaly wa, forcibly illiutiateg Issi algkl bj 1 total ease ot seel, deatal potooatag. Mrs. Bom M't-islan. au american To grt things dean in liaif the time; To keep tilings clean for half the money; use FAIRBANKS Gold Dust Washing Powder. Sold cverywlicre. Pleases everybody. 1 Gifts (hat Charm and Last. A Homo m Itkioiit Firr-plarra is like ta mun without oyr*-<'lirerio*sand un j ?iislatly. The stove is, not sociable nor j does Hie steam initiator glow willi j liuspit(llll). In family a flairs what lu sentimental lo also praefieal. Domestic liapiiineao ' Its a practical matter, and the home io ? Ihe shrine of sentiment. A Fireplace j lo fhecenireof the home circle, warms ! hearts and hands alike. The re lora j b-ny seasonable f/ifls for the fireside. W. H. Jackson & Co.. UNION SQUARE, Cor. Brsadtrayj. Kine Wood Mantel* ami Miiiiincv-plece Not elites. Three Family Machines ABB SWIFT, LICHT, NOISELE83 ANO Sew From Lace to Leather WITHOUT CHANGE. The Singer Manufg. Co., 929 BROADWAY and 167 3d AVE. Die Original ano Genuine (WORCESTERSHIRE) LEAtPERRIM SAUCE Imparts tte must faflaanOB taste and seat fla EXTRACT of a LETTER tram a MEDICAL QBB TLEMAN at Matf his brother at WOBCBSTXB. Jdaj, ISM. "Tell LIA ft PERRINS' that their sauce 13 hkrkly esteemed in India, and ll In my onlnlon. the most palatable, as well as the most whole? some sauce that la _ ,_ made." ^-jnB* *?? Beware of Imitations; eumeeiBBi^BBsaBBBBmmmummmmni aee that you get Lea & Perriirf flJBOafcma on eT*ry bottle of the Ods mal an 4 nannine JOH .sr yai'vc.*?- . ??-? ? "-sau. HAREB1T8, HANDKERCHIEFS. Whatrccris nc:,rsl and most iii'si rab lc in Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for Miti. Wont tu and Chil? dren may always bc found in our Handkerchief Dc partment. james mccutcheon & co., THE LINEN STORE, 64 ll cst 934 st. F0LK8 96 REDUCED. C\\\rT: Kron. l."> lu -J.', |BU lice month, by hiirmlraa herbal rcmeillc. i ...ii io io, In)',re Hi- l.ciltli or Int Koro witt are'* buaiueoe or plcotoro. lt bn..Us un mi improvee tho na< ni bealla, dears the skin i'd ms-itifl. s the .i. pl ex iou \o wrinkles sr Rabbin ?s M oi mia treat? ment, imio t?-i by phy*lc|aat si I . - nj ladlee, PATIBBWTKBATBD Bl MAH*, < ONKIDKNTIAf. Uarmic-.s. No a ur* lui? bind G Seam in ?un :?> for BsrusralsM io Dr.O.YV. B. "ln?.lfr. M'VI. -ker's Tu .".it re. Milcags. III. BRANCH OFFICES DU IF. BOOTH, ll 07, C'.Til->l'.. VFW YORK. rm. ii pi.vMi'Tuv -oi ii M.s::vyr.. iiij..oKi.ys, Wilfeelnj&toef BR040WAY & 2?th ST. China, Glass and Pottery Far Mac Ycur's Tables, Dinner nnd Tenwnre, Punch howls, .Table Giana. Pl'rt'M UorpUtne Habit lurrS lal u (Jl?H'M t<?ttud*..a. N.> >.?.? Hil coreel. Dl'Il M l>r. J. Ni.sjttwatB, Ubuua Uv, iinin.-in tiv.-nrv s,?? .-n pele . .'. fl BO lin 1 ruth her hus. mad mid taree rkUflrea at Bo. gi Olin ssh, reached for a bettie ..i ... l-ii BsealekM ,u Bbenl *:)<) eretauh Itel Blahs, sm un- Beeag bottle, ami t"H.i; ;i kasey dose ut earboUo seal, Hbo ?i?- taken ti ance t?> hes Chambers Btreel Bospimi, ano avery mini peotftlo ??* done to ..- bet hie, but wltlioi.t miran bb- died st about d', lock. IX THE Or' I IHO/? Ni-nilv all I lie ineiiili-'-s nf ti.e Marble Mo-ale B'orkers1 L'ukm struck jrestenUjr for a workday og ilgbl boure, .-six months agu iiic Banoo sent worst i., the employers that ll a wild amke a formal do iimill fur ;i wi.ilui: v of el.iii hsum Bl tile DcflniBIlg of ike rear. The uni sj ls emu native la Us methods, niiii u- them ht always :i flemand ,'.>r markie mossie wuilii'i-, the iii-n expect ta ula. Th3l have (-stab u-!:ed ustrike ii'Mii'iimrters" bi Chumoflao ilsii, Ba. lil Baal ThIHeeBtfc it. Heirn Ki.nrleh uiv lied 1: M <-\? nt an adjourned Bteettog of he Neer-Yurfc amte Labor CoanufOBSB ka Chiroufloa ll II Th1it> *:vs orpSBlmttooa were repro >.-ntiii. riir i rgua i 'i. >.. ? ammtitee af the eeoflmuBSO w:i> Inatfueted to pi >tre resnlasioua denouncing the Democratic state Leglslatora fm "freealag mst'' is-pre teutatirea of oegsoUed lnin,:- mm 'he constitutional ?mari atlou. rocodnrs V. lum ?ugguetafl that the conference hteorae tb ? toi i iii-: i nun- party'n <i.-ii-g-atea? bul bte i>:- >;.< >--t: lol. ?.-? boa led Basra in short ardern Toe etrlklug brad gkisW;a and I Im-d ala-.* workma received aa ultimatum bom theil I ruicr employees \.-'-rili.v. Ibe i ' : in- men that tinleaj Uley ton .ri- I. | .-? ue tl M SUaTf '," B ork fifty four boan B ereek, ike emptogers' aaaorletl :i will require Hiern tn wok Bflj i ? 1 ii- i week uhCO they poa ilutli- that Hie uni ii ii ? le ii beatca. SEXATOR FESS I .1 LITTLE 9MTTBB. Ifaahtagtea, -'.in. I. !\.:in.i j):i-se<l a com fettahls flajr, sui this er atag ll ama *i'id Uut ida cmidltiiiii \\n> aheul ti ? vu.;.- i^ liiis innrniog-a slUiit Imyroremeui ovei ? tay betofl shown. " If vou want to Ure bl ti ? suburbs and travel to ard fioin Bew-York i-umfortabtf, tske the Central ItNlIroiiC of N'ew-Jerorjr, Oksck ii?es anthracite oeal ascittstvely. a's .