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LASHED TOTHE DECKHOUSE. i Rtfferinu and privation at sea. SILE OP \ Milo BBB BEBCUED AND BROI*(;ht To PORT?HOW THE CAITAIN'S . BTIP1 IBO SOS WEBE SAVED. On Dtejoaaher 80 CBoh in ' C. Bash, of tho Ameri? can bark Herbert Pullar, found hlmseir 180 miles out of Ms (nurse, i,i,,v. ii i ;?t of Cape Hatteras mid Into the Gulf tfljrcam hp u fm lou, gale. And to that cir? cumstance captain Bunker. his -wife, his twelve-year old hoy nnd uln<> nut: of the crew of the lumherludco schooner Letautm owe (heir live,, for t?efore the bark pot Luck into kee regular course sba sight-*! the distress Btgl als "f the * hot ner mid took off the twelve Bama*) who lor almost three days had been clinging to tin- lem of Un after Backhouse, which was the only p.-,rt of Ihe achoouet that wus above water. The bark landed then hera yesterday. The eehooaer Levantei nh- a bag baree mnstcr, re? built from m bark online, and she beal a baraa cargo of pitch pim- bamber. Ibo! eras what saved the lives of h?r erew, for with anything lem booyan! mi board the trait amaki have gone flown inmiv soVr.s before abo wm, Bighted b] the resewing kirk. She snii'si bom Brunswick, (Ja., bound f'.r Mew York, a few d..\^ before Chrtstoms. In expectation et heavy weather the captain lind seven men on board heeld" Dip maha, nnd before sailing an extra man wilt, taken on. Whoa tho Levanter slipped out carly in the morn big aewrytbtng looked fair for :i p>o(l run up Ihe coast, and the freak larc ese from Ute northwest did not blow .Aliii any nnosoal strength until the rohooner had wi.iii-,i aastc distance bi sen. orr shore tlie btu, stlrr*d up i'v iniiiiv flays of storm, was beary and nasty, ami man lae sebooDeg began to make had weather of lt. Inti, ad of riding Ibe Mg waree, she biran to p. and heavily and rose to tin- s?ns sluggishly. The sells were reefed down and the captain tried to work ngnttrl che oerthwesl blow as well as be could. But the gioat wind New her oft more and moro ned thc vessel i?*-(i;iri lo take th'- aeos over her hows and weather shoe. Cl ihrUoaa Dui paaaed with Un- schooner steadily dii-Iiig off before the sea and wind ami nil hands Lard m work, on the next day the Levanter hogan to warfe in toward Cape Hatteras. Toward the afternoon lhere came a gale from nie northeast, 'li:. iea that rotted before the gale wac tremendous, and iho heavily laden scboeoor < .mid ret h< gin to mount tko Lip waves. She sim:, ber bows Into them henvtljr, und Iboy broke o\er ber bi If Rbi vere a rafi of lou.;. Thou, us e;u!i ono rt.shed Iv, she wcuM fall Into the trough of tho nea r itii a crash thal threatened to tear ker up;.rt. Oo the Bight ol Dccombev 28 the beams of Um labu bul Levonlea opened sud the s'a begun t<> nish into the imld. All thal night, in s howllnp g.,lo and Uirongb weather thal was bitterly cold, the :a"ii worked ut the pumps with B desperation horn ol tho bueroieflfla tl al their only chance for life lay iii koepbag the Kbooner afloat. Hour after nour th9 schooner rolled and pluuged mote und more heavily and refused le mind Ler Voltri. December E7 dawnod on a waterlogged, belplma craft, with masts still glair Ung, but steming par di-ubic,i aofl seven feet of w.-it'-r in the hold. The Levanter wus thea lilly miles emt of rap Hatteras. Bef*re dusk the water began to gain so ruptdly that the pumps hail no effect upon lt, mid when night carno tho vessel beean to settle d?*??p lt] thu sea. soon the cabin was lKoded and all on board were forced] to come ob Ihe wnve-wuahed fleck, A groat seu t".'- the batches .-fr aofl tilled Un bold completely. Then tba schooBm becaaac little atora tlian a raft, and when one big wave cbbm over the stern and BOMaibefl the boat, there was Bathing left to do but to escape to the top ..f the after deck! i Then the Kale- chanced to ile northwest and began t.i drive the schooner further mil to sm. Al i" o'clock tliat Olflhi the men lionel Iho woman arni th' boy to the d'. lihouse so they would oat be swept ot ??:? board la lae ulflht. Then they all huddled together, trying te keep warm, while the eeo washed ovet Hiern continually. The mu basl invaded Ihe nehoooer'i !. .1 and cabins ?o suddenly that do proTiotoaa had been saved, and all that 'he Baforttumle people hud be tween tfeeai Bora two quarts af *ut?T ai.'i a little bUruit, which one of ihe crew had secured, j-j, with the spray and waves di-ern'Mn,: them continually :md freezing In the terrible ?..ld. they clung to the top of thu deckhouse for almost three day.-. Tue sen wag builUng a clean breach Over the hull of the schooner, and no OUC knew how BOOB sae would go 10 jiloces. At l*>t, on the noon of oO, when ihe wrei k b4<i drifted 170 mil's east <>f Huttenis, they Bighted a bark, und to their great Joy sm- bore down on them. >ne lay to and sent a boat to the ship wrecked people. Ibo boat made several trip-, to and fro, nnd on the last trip hauled down the di-tn--^ Mgnals on Ute schooner, so that 00 other ship that bighted her would go out of ber course to apeak ber. And then "he went drilling Off to Join th.- fleet nf derelict-, in that part Ol the s'-a. Captain Bunker and his family and the mate set at once to th'-ir boom In Maine yestsrflay. Mn. Bunk.-r and Ibo boy were beginning to feel the effect of the terrible strain, and they were completely broken down. TRTlSd TO EXPEDITE 8MCOMD-CLAMB HAIL Another moetinp of th? American Trade Press As? sociation will Le h'-ld at :> o'clock tomorrow after? noon, in the Broadway central Hotel, t" flbtTOH ways and means of remedying thc- delays in tim handling of ateeamVebma mail om tow at the Stew-York I'os'.oMi.?". A moreawnt koa beea started Ly the as? sociation to ebtata from the Foatumster-Oeoeral or from OBagresa u. saflbfleal appropriation for this purisise. Tho members of the association suv that this is the only way tc, prevent complaints from sub? scribers from which sll the members of the association have sufT'-rcd. A omouBtol to Ike l'ostmu.-ti-r-i'iencral and Congwsvs will probublv bf drawn up at tlie. meet? ing to-morrow. The association held a meeting at the lintel Marlborough on the evening of December 'if. A committee wus then appointed io present the complaints ol Ihe pubaahera io the ftistoltlee Com? mittee of Congress. The committee coaslata ?.f w. .1. Johnston and E. i'. Brow ii. A third member of this committee will be appointed at the meeting to monow. iWBOMBXTM, ATTACBMBXTS A.\D MXBCVTIOXB. The fchciiff has recetVefl four BttSChBMUtS, nggrei.'at Ing *3,ooo. BSBlBSt .'ohu Bord Rogers, of Hyne Park, H. Y., who was a partner In tba Brm ol Bardy Col"* Ai Co.. Importers of druggists' Bundilee at No. Isl Malden Le.ii>*, who fulled In October, 1601, With Uttblllfl'-s of about OB&.OOO. Adolph llollinlt, manufacturer Of plano keys at Nos. 611 and BIA East OSM hundred-and thirty-eeVeBth-St, has confessed judgment for HfiMt'fi in favor of thu Dickinson Ivory Compeay for merekanfllse. The BaayrUI yeaterflay ebmefl ihe factory or GoM fctrom a Loebeobeeher, amoabielarere ii poper boxes at No. i!73 Ctuial'st., on au exeCUttOB lot rl.l"<J In favor of berne P. Van Doser. .tudgiiiei:'. s.-v flail m,is eatmed yeaterflay egalnit Ihe Home of Industry ami RefBge for DlSChargefl Convicts la favor el Stewart fl TobL Judgment for *U,<?1'4 "ns enteieil yeslcrduv again?| Charles F. Huntington i:i favor Ol the Merc.iiiiil,. National Rank. Deputy BheHfl Finn lias rt'tived nu execution for Bt.O-.'n ap.'nvt l?ai,|<>i Bj. lilllie, Jr., plumb' r, of No. U5 Weat Uoo-Buoflrefl and-tweeSy-Btth-st, la favor of Oeoige A. Drak'-, ea assignee of Jiarmird Maliiiell ,\j Uo. Adolph t . Laky, Jeweller, al No. I.Oia Third* ave., yetteruay confessed luflyuiviil tor N|B?%i lu favor of E. Augustus Neresbelmer .t Co. H. BAtXKM eos fessed TO FOMOEMT Henry Lttm-s, thirty tWO yean oki, BB EAglBle mau by birtii. now Rvtag at No. BOO Laxlastoo eve^ Was held In *1.00<J bonds lu the lumba PoBCS Court jesterdsy for forging the nain- of bil employers, 1'. Pattirel A Co., to a .heck for iMii. lia-, ne- has keea the bookkeeper ft,r I'sturel A Co., Ol Nos. .',? and ')0 Duane st. Yeaterflaty u aaemfaer of Ibe Brm g--:ve Baynes four ebecka ba loeorfl tu Ibe raak book, ile k<J>t one, and wriilng tba firm's BOON 00 lt hud lt cashed at Heyer Uro-. Niter he made a eoBfrwkia to Uie forgety, und returned Bsfl "i the money, ile was airottefl by rXulcemaa tmngbeity, ami in atari his cxaii liiation was set down (or to morrow. AXXEX FOR THE BOWERY MAVIBOM BASK. Tlie Bowery Bottoga Book enabnmmatOS the addi? tion of an auiie.x In KII/..ibeW, .-in,l i ? rind s'.s., nmi bs>> SSflafl for i>la:is from several un hlt'-its. Hm new building win adjoin and eoaaeel with Um present atrncturc, wfiicn is in the Bosaory. above Orood -t. It will front loo fc-ct In EMcabetb st. and sereoty-flve feet In OnseVst, AN ASTIUABUl.lSr, BEETIS'I TO BB HELD A ouhuVaBOOluflg of cttbvum will he beal ai Catcher lng Hall bo flOoakay aflbtcaooa i" giM- eulee t? pubic sentiment on the subject of gamhllBg Amoag lbs signers to the cull lor the meeting aro Uk- R*V. Dis, Lyniiio Abbott, J. Kluieudorf. BobsUi S. BUtoAltbtte, Howard M. rtlisi. Samuel ll. Virgin. David James Hui rcll. Peter rstrylter. Madison C. Iet?-rs, 1. K. Vaunt, nnd Messrs. tsjswicer Tnisli. DoraSSS ll. Eaton, Wanea Hlgley. ("tories I). Killoi-'/. CbStisa J-- Colby. K. J. Whet-ler, Churtee Le Count and lanac \\ Diobnw. IVv ' Judge Noah Dsvls will prside. The following ls the call for Uio meeting: "lt ls an undoubted fuct timi i aainbUtig la one of the crying evils of vho age. it J ^ ls a question whether lt does not outrank all agiler evil agondee a.s n promoter ol certain forms of crlm inch as theft and embecslement, We have the tc-ti BMtny on this point of such men as Chaiineey M. Dept-a-." ? a CALirOBSJA AND WaBBHIPS, IBVIICG M. SCOTT TALES ABOUT BHlPBClt-DIXO OB Till. PACIFIC. Irving M. 8coU, of BOB l-i-undsro. who ls ut the head of tin- largest thlpbulhtlBg establishment In the Wi-st, -ays thal -hip'1 ii!hiing on the Pacith- Coast ls destined to becoane a- great an indu-try ns lt Ls In the Ksst. Mr. Beottfa company built the warahip Monterey. The oflh isl trial for li.-r ae< eptanee will soon take place. Mr. Mott nays Umi the trial will undoubtedly be successful, as Um preMmlnurv test showed that her engines could do what the OoV eniment required of (hem. "The requirement wu that ker main engines should show f>,400 boree power," bbM Mr. Booti wbeu at liie Holland House yesterday, '-nnd us tlie preliminary trial showisl ;,,imsi hor-e power there ls no doubt about th" requirement being nut. Th.- dvelopmeiit of the shipbuilding industry in California ha- beOU rapid, and our works now are in foll operation. We have many advantage- over our Beateni competitors, anj as we have been ebie to compete with them up to the present time are oertaloly can do so in the future, one advantage i- that we bbb work outdoors the year round. Severe chi weather and inow atorms ?io not. drive om- worimi a away from their woilc. We also manufacture everything nt our yardi tbai goes into thc .shijis except Hie plates, which am nut made al any of tho var ls. mir facilities, too, are superior to most of tin- yards In U"- Baot, The disadvantages we have gre that the plnt'-s and armor pbttee Lave to be ahlpped from Pennsylvania, but we can build ships as rapidly a- lucy can kore, -The bids for the building ??! tin- hatti,-hip Iowa ami ihe cruiser Brooklya will probably be awarfled lo ihe Cramps. Lui the lioveriimrnt 1- Aeetroa of having a Kblpbullding eBlaMlahaaeol "ii the lu? cille Coast competent to turn oin <;><A warship-, and for that reason WOUtd wish to maintain sMpbiilhlin ? In CaBfornla. It 1ms been Secretary Treoy'e poUc) lo distribute tho work, and shipbuilding, owing hugely io lils policy, I.- now carried as in Bath, Elizabeth I'ort, New-York, Philadelphia, BalUmore, Chlcng >, san francisco and at som- j>or' in Wisconsin. He olways uiiide it a point to distribute the work when lt was possible for him ii do so. The Cramps now have 014,000,000 lu Con tm CU, and willi the Iowa and Brooklyn will have about S^i.OOO.OOO." Mr. Scot! will remain in Hu- BnM until after Uia Government has decided about accepting the Hon level. ? HERE IS A CHAS' E FOR MAMOAIBB. The block in <ixthave. between Twentieth and Twenty-first sts. |? oc< u:ieii by trXelll's Mg <iiy aoofls bouse. That big building ls alway* an obj c.- uv. point for wumon while shopping, bul ymterday it omi especially so, aofl sbreami of people were sU day pouring into the big wt/'ee BBti] it teemefl sa if Its eaparity could sbUlfl it BO tonger, But lt did, for the -.tore ls a larg" one and is BCCUStOUMd to jual -nih rush.-s aa that "f yesterday. Ibe eau-- "f Un crowds was Umi O'No li's Ina! began u gnat Clonk mid suit sale, the largest probably ever held In 'his city, and tin- maids SOfl BtStTOBS of the town kUOW of lt und had hastened thither. It wa? worth a trip up sixth ave. i" sis) the crowds ail ma*rlng f"i- tue spacious portals of tlie mtabUshment, niger and an tiffie to pet a ebonee at -onie of the lint- bargains, lt ls not necessary In this article to iel! of Un- groat reduction] in price of suits, ''ap -. jacket*, etc., whick m:i<le tin- rush that info; in it va can !"- f and in the aflverUilog eolomne; but those Redford cord, cheviot Bnfl bMad'iotli tapes which have been mailed down way below half of their former price, and those reefer 1wo"<l salt,, which i tu be bought f..r lc- that on, are an objeol leeioo to tin- old?t ihopprm, About 6,000 garment* an- t.. he told nt tm- -*r. r -nie, mut they an- to ho "lil st- cheap timi ono ?? ??'. almost L-.-t :..!i buying Ihem, The sale i- Iniixsruuil in dryguod* circles, mid those who do net believe it can si- for themselves, a- th" Twenty-third and Eighteenth-si. elevated rtaHoni ne near (he store. THEY WAST THE SB EMM AX LAW REVEALED A petition bm been started ba Wan Stree! f..r th" repeal al Ibo Bbermaa Stiver law, and it is being ilgned by large numbers af bankers and other* itu. n - led in ourrrncy questions. The petition wa- >tarted jesterda j hy .1. D. Probst, of BO. vi Exchange Pbioe, mid coplei v er.- f-:.t t ? the btccTc Ficos eg* .-md other i x.'. ... . nmi an- ln-lng presented for signatures to otheeri >f liiiMiKial in.siltutlcn.s downtown and buslnei ?;? a ap town. Mr. IYohst H.-ii'l yesterday (bat it wss slimed wbeswver pr'-cnt.d. H.- ls alco drt-alatlng ibo petit: 'ii In liergen (ounty, N. J. Them ur. ta i petition-, one sdflressed to tba House of RepRaeal* live- and tba Otket to tl- - : kl I. They read ai follows : "We, the nndemlgned bualaem men and etilaeni "f tin- ci:>- of Bew-York, Irrespective of parties, re* rpectfully represent to your honorable body thal ti." experience of th" bul two yean has convinced u* that tlie purchase of -liver under Ibe sol <?f Cosign < known ns th'- Bhernmn bin aaa proves] detrimental to the buatnem natara -.s of our country, ami thal a coflUnuanee of sack purchaw amy uitbla a -h..rt tia... r.-snit in Boanda! disaster, ami should, therefore, be Imateeaately discontinued. And we jw-ay tba! your bonorahte i>ody win ai once mba action to occo ? that objcit." The Chamber of Commerce ls on nt ord ns opprarcl to tin- sherman law, and n-orly nil the bookara lu He- city bakews lt should b-- repealed. Tier, ii bow some talk uit'iit cabing a spot iai montiBg "I Ute i :? nr lAg lloiut Association to take iiitlon in fswr ol ti.o rrpcal of t.'ie btw. Tl.flii-ers- o,' tl,.- BSBOCUtlun are now considering ttil- propoMiilon. fhe rtiibde] pani and Boston bankers have already taken action on Uie question. A OOXFEBEXCE OS FOBEIOX Hissioss. The programme for Ihe two-days' conferi-n'-e on foreign missions to be h"ld hy clrurehea andee Ike Preobytarian form of govern.nt nt tin- Board of Missions of th'- Presbyterian Church, Ko. ?'.?; Fifth-are., on /canary ii aofl 13 wa- bbbo ? ? ! yeaterflay. The flelegatea win ateet al I0*30aa. m. flpeaken on the vailoa- toplea win be limited tb Bom three ti, ten minutes. (?|, tl." BeCOod da) Un re will h.- a eonfereoce of all foreign hoi ni- ami loeletlei In IheTJnlted Mates and CaOSda. In eonnecll ai with the conference au InterdenomlnaUonal midwinter meeting !u the interest of f.reign mtmtonj will be held In the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, Flfty-fltth-st. and flftl.-ave., ?n the evening of January li!." This meet lng win be heit) under Un- auspices of Ihe Woman's Foreign Missionary HM-leiv, to which ..ll Mn- women'l foreign misahinsry societies nnd boards of oilier do nominations in mis city lia ve been Invited. I UOBTEM BUBB HY ICE IS THE SOUTH UIVER. George Xcllenry sue ambed yesterday to th- win ter tempeate of tho wjM North Kiter, after an ea petialve experience wbh an Icefloe "f flome?U? mam nfartnre. Qeorge NcHearj ht a ateam lighter, ami at i o'clock yesterday morning ems coming np Ihe .North River with h load of Imported flrygoods, silks sud other flne fabrici on board, mt Weal Tenth st. Oeorfe Melleaiy met thia leefloe, which had grown from a small beglnplBg far up the North River. ile- Icefloe was in u hurry to go down lin- river, il" lighter wa- tn a hurry to go up. Harte Ill-advised li was for the lighter, leefloe and lighter tii'-i willi n craah, al"i 'o-oige McHenry gracefully esreonefl aofl taught the cold eerluatoB "t th" botham of the Bortk Blver. Captain c. Kelson, rotnmanoing oftlcer of the lighter, and tin- oilier MMfloga on board i- raped in a small boat, ??coree BcHenrj valued ;?t 010,. uxi, ami ls fully Insured. HIS ISTIST SOT SHOWS TO HE CBIM1XAL. The indictmeiit for grand liii-i-t-iiv fi arni agalnrt carlton li. Letts, a real estate ageot, ni No. i:i-j Baal nfl) seventh -'.. waa fllemlaaefl In Oeneml Bramina yesterday on the recommendation of ihe Matriel Attorney. The evidence, i; was -aid, nat if.t drong enough to secure a nun I" lou. David F.llau, a lawyer in in.- Beewar! BalkHog, chnrg.-d timi Betts obtained BflOO him la August, loin, by 'else teni mea la linns. Reit, -aid lbs I lie ul.Nd *? deposit Ihe money in n Poughkeepsie bank, a- nu aid in getting bia note ill-coiint'-d there. He wa- no, t., spend thc money. Tho lawyer declared llmt Betts aanfl the amney sud tl,nt be had nd tried io have a note dis counted ut the i-::iii*. Thc defendant lad been anfler 01,500 hail. An I iii-in? llnnieil. There ls an cnciny sith winnn llitin-tiids trc ftmllltr all their lives, herau-o they ate bom with a bmflmty in btnosmieaa, with thi? ammy moy ar- esaeamUy Kittling with mille'lim! flrOBpOM. ll,si, lilt- Si..,.,, |, Bluers win bsfib- ii. Mire pmaauvm win m.*, isfoia a anaeaemg tenflltbm nf tin- liva rsAieefcfl, uni bj cnn stipatimi alone, i?nt abo hy Bek heodaehee, yoUewneai -rf th" skin and eje balls, in- s-a, tarred tongue and BOSMMt BUBB, BBM I t: Ol tri v SpOB BetSSUrO BU tin- rlpht side, lilma ani l^-h.n- th'- -Inat ribo, A\,.:il gfBQtl* pargoUvei ?hich gripe Bad ueakeB aaa ta*esVlae*, sad rabatBem But wnrid-faaious ?nti-t,.i:M> lortiiai, irfcieb likewla removm malarial, Bummeak sad Kidney amiphflatt, rbemBeomn tad ur.-\i.ii-nc?* A? a humUve ?.f the besreia, |uinie.a. but aOtetaal, it Bnprevm apfssBie, Beep and tin- esaVty ti. digest, and postesaet Uie tdJIUorial sdvtntsA'c ot s ktsndsrd toulc. TUE COURTS. FIGH1IKG FOB AN ESTATE. A CONTEST OVER BICUARO I. CLARK El WILtV UNTirr. IN Ti.ri NT!'. ALLEGED. The contest over th" will of Richard J. Clarke. WOO died Bl lialiiii-ld. N. J., leal June, was iiegun in thc .-uii-.igat.--s court yesterday. Mr. Clarke roam to uta Country from England Bbool -1Mv years ago. nnd opened a coffee h. um In Matflen Laoe. He rrttved i from bu mess about t.i" Ume of Ibe civil War. snd j went to live at Ute st Blcholei Hotel. He sever j married. He |, rt an estate rained at Bently 0380,000, I th" bulk of whick wes i.lenthed to Mr-. Annie A. Schell and ber rrtottvee. Whtte living at UM St. Btrhelaa Hotel Mr. clarke amflo Uie acquaintance "f I Nra, Ail-mi Hon ... a widow. They became fri. inls. . ami Mr. Clarke aflopl A bri . ai, Anson Clarke Ilona*. I Mr-. Hon-" and h.-r SOO flied about t'-n yeur* BSD, and I Mrs. BcbeU, a Bksre ol Mr-, lions,., took th-ir phtce I In the affection of Hr. Clarke. Mn. BebeU weal to : Plainfield, K. .1.. arith Mr. Clarks tam June. Mr. Clarke dl.-d on Jane lo. He left a will flated Kevern ; brr '?'. I SOO, and a codicil executed September ?"?. ISOI. I Mrs. Alice A. fathell and Anon c. Mouse were n mo-d , as execotors. Tin- principal contestants ore willi.un ; J. Clarke and 0 saraji B. clarke, who ore oboul Beveaty I years old. They allege that .Mr. (lark" WSS com ! pletely oofler Ibe mfloeoce af Mrs. Schell Bnfl was ' not competent to make a will. Hi-njnmln F. bee umi W. ii. I.. Lee, wttneaeee to Um win. t. still.d ns to lu pr per oxeeuUOn, and said thal they had bearfl of a will being driivvu in 1--7, but had md seen lt. Will? iam Mit'-h.-ii, win. received a bcqacat af tfi.'sxi. t'-ti? tled a- to ii,,, proper euratha* of UM eoflbrfl. Mrs. s<-!..-ii n tined that Mr. clark.- was eighty-two years ! "li! at lbs tiru" of hi- heath, BBd giv.- m-r own age 1 Bl forty years. Bbc said Umi Bbl had li'n.wn Mr. Clarke slim- ber ebUdkood and f'.r a Bamber <>f ycora ju. vioiis to his death lind vl-jl.-d lim fi, ,|ueiiily nt tho i .-t. Nicholas Hotel, usually accompanied bv ber dangh i tar She had nursed him ai the hotel, hui always , paid ber own boord while there. She denbsl timi -h 1 hiid retuned to allow bb relative* to see him. She admitted ta- codicil tra* in her handwriting. The examination wfll b.- continued today. MR. AND MRS. BUGKHB HO* DIVORCED. Jnflge Lawrence, of the Supreme Cuort, yesterflay dismissed Um action brought by Msrguret Lei rh for : n divorce fr tn h.-r husband. Eugene Leigh, the well j known bone owner. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh eaaratcd eaveral year. ago. she s.u'i bim for ii leparaOlpn In August, 1601, on the ground o' abandonment, and charpd him with undue InUamcy with Mn, Eleanor Oardner, wife of Charlm W. fMrflnSr, bb sgenl for the Mni,-ty for Iks Praventloo of Crime. Mr. Qard n.-r secured s dljroree from his trim ob scrount "f i.-i- isliti n- with Mr. Leigh. Mr. Leigh brough! a o.-iint'-i- -nit, charging ii- wife wita inflflcflfy with i Henry Anacreon, a tookey. Beading Ike trial af Ihe ia-" tiie oourl awarded Mn. Leigh $j . :i week mi mony mid r2:>o for couaael mea. Mr. uni Mrs. i.. i ?? became reconciled recently, and winn A. ll. Hummel, in behalf cf Mr. Utan, moved bo Shunt** Um i Bon Mi-s, Ldgfe fltd n >t oppose. iMorge W. Dee ??.on ml for Mrs. belab, bad stipulated with ber Uml he should rti '? Ive one ti I rd of any sward or sf! mon} tl ni h.- should recover lot her, and hitlmalcd thal I c.-.-oi,. liia-'on wa merell -i scheme lu 'I fraud ol hi- i ..ti:i- -i-.-.oi..u. IL- ni-- I ll ..i n i fen ? be ap pointed hi pas npon bl* right*. Judge Lawrence ' fused to grunt the request, TEbTTMOKT TB THE EICHLER WILL CONTEST. Probate Clerk Bernard J. Tbiney beard evblence a-- referee yeeterday momlBg in tho roBb I over the will of .I.-:,a Eichler, tl.- M. ni-.--.1.i brewer. Mr. Elrhlei flied bud Augual in lin- l-'li ?-! ? Im-1 Hf. near I.,,!:- ? im, B . hifi Its, ??? en be I sd gone In -.-ar. li of benlUl. Ill * ll, I ? ? : January ll, l-'.'-. gov* bl* ei Un estab . I eluding bl i ?tock ia th- John I..- bb r lu ' . wife. Marl'- rh-bler, formerly a Ml i Bb ci. and mab lng ber exe* unix. Whi Bl ed for probate object I na lo lt wen filed lu heb If vi Km.;.-rina Biehler, who alleged tl. t a bad been m.-irri.'i io Mr. Eichler al Fried**aid, UermaBy, July 24. 1*62. Bb* alb . i ; t Mr. la bb r was Bud il j ii nm,u .il bj Marti - ? -? I Adam I al .-rh k c. Fischer, slim ? to tn- will, UstHed Ihnl Mr. Eb .I- r .. ( imp lent t" .kt li- will. A VI-' TORY I"!! KWH MA61 Efl CAN COTT. Jodge Li.abe In Um rnlted Btat* Ctrcull court ? ? . ? ,,,'| -. and ??'? '???t Us ' it ,.f .i .?" P. Bo ll '" l*v Co neUua Van Cott Th" stat resiralned Ibe dei (rom paying over ia tho Cotted I ?? Pn 10,067 SO, whl ti th.- ptalnt'nff sUeged be peid In ea cam of tba legal postage on I period ' P Ink " Mr. Bowell* tenll m I- thal U ?? pap< r Kj.i,i be adm tt?sl to the m ..:- - ? id i tam u, il li r. Judge 1.; - ab il I ?'? rei opinion BITfl OF I.I BAL Ni WM. jadge Barretl Bap* bm 0* ri Ctambera, yea. ? - . ?-.???? umi ? , ?,.n t"- ?pp | | la eaamma Bleaa I I la I Mil brees .i I? WlllkUB N'ltti.ll t. I. OVOI 0204. N'ltUi WM Mr Manet H issba to t.ra -" ?' vi. ? - io.: aloa lot bm ? i adva - i to ? arrieg sstau ii" Wal "f Be - il i- ? '- .1 au fri m h ipi ... ? . ? i tag Ban '-. h -i" i ta . i .... i ? ii i \ Hummel, I Mansfli d, will ask I i post Mr. M lt ..i ? dj i.. ; . Mri- -' ? 8 l ' weary ? hii iritlranny will i- taken Utera a' Bus t'm<v : fl Andr. ?re, Bl UM S'-|h ri ,r i ) Bd**ed Um remplatot of Miebtri Mede* ni whieh ba .ghi t-, bara iel ? st* bl* sgreei obi witt I. - i Omni, a ia?T.r. by whick ie- Baned t. aaj Omal what r\.r waa rOCOVCrad fOI bo a pay ta lila ault mr r ,n ?-.-.'. bm at la Bm Ih.ik Department Couaool f-.r Matti* Oat* gol, who w.,a ..,.-.-, I tad ? ntntiv in Um Couti ..f Oyei w. i Teimlnei ea Bm cbargi ot attompuag bi Benaud I - onie* ...t o| 070,000 Bad mateneed io km year* and ?:< month* Memoal mud" BppUeettoo lo Bupi bm Court I tits.. y.-'terdaT f'.r t WitlBeat* af raeaoaabl* soubt, jiu! a -mc r-r earn allow .r UM semeae* Bending aa uh-j, is Um deners! Tenn al the lei Deetah i us ?sired Nnati Blebai la, aad r - ??'?<?. -i- af Sooth m- Um mur? der nf PoBeeemn Bbennai, ?a- brougbl bebo Judgi Barrett ta Bupreau Coori, Chambers .-? ? -tcni.c . bul tie argument aa io- appll tUoa f..- ju Injunction remralning inc Bberlfl bom taking bbs rn Stag Blag pending Um Secloloa of bl* appeal by th- Court of Appeah * i* pu*tl*med fer ^ u..-k it i- nameed thai Rtebatd* u liliane aid Baal BM BtUMtkM "f l-h.- QsVOnM* will BO r nll'-d to lils. ctf. n.c Bailee Boom riini itu BM annual report Bue*e rI,.? bow law la ti." i "linty i ;.-pv ? ame* yeaterd*) in.ring I8SS Um H..aid loaned B.OSl IteeasM ami ra. retrod 81,620,780 la lea , ii. espenae* were I1J4 ah-.- .',, 220 sppUcaUon* wera rejeetea sin; 23 Uceaaes rey oked. bsuta I-:'..-- i.i- rei ivei i ., rerSlcI al SS.OOO in Um ii.h. s ;..; nu irlei reelveS la ? i tillaloo alia , ? irk I longing ti Bcruarj pj ,i,. . .:. ,,.. jj, lana, cm JU' CALENBABB i di; Tn dav. BUgeemi Boon?Oeneml Term -u>lor? Voa Braal, I', r.. "iiii-n sud i ...:? ti, JJ. .n .-. 00, hi, 07. au, lt, 72, 7?. VJ, 77, 17, SSL Ouprem* CouM Chanibcr* Befoio iintr.--t, .1.? Ho linn . lilli lal ? a. (1 il ll o'1 lo' ... Supreme L'eun Hjiti-IbI Term?imri I llefnn i,nw. nsjre, l Bes, IT'.", 17IMJ, I MAO, 1017, 1021, 11*21, 2001, .i?,.",. A"'??-. . -I" H. ."OOB -'"'I. '.'"ll. 2lM2, L-o|:i. L-ull, -"i:,. KOW, -V'.'. 2223, 2020, i027, in.-s. L'.ii. 1 ,C>. Oupteme Oourt sji rmi rcrm r.o; li licfur... Trass, .1. Nus. SSS, 154, 402, .'lls 21'JO, USO, l-l.', 2O03, -ll". 220H 2181 I7SCI 22111, 22UO 7S UHs, hts. ls.i, .JM. 2ifl2, '.'-''.I. ..m. --'io. --'.'.', 2JT70, 2272, ii-7.'<, ..',',. ?!-',;. 227S, Cir mt. i -.-in I'sri ill before Ingrahaei, .1 ffos, Bl". -Il'ia 2S7U, IM''1., 2S.1I (tau, 2271. 1080. 537, 1371, lUtft, 1773 '.';:..'. 2100, UI'A. Cursll Couit l'art I li.-i, ;.- r.i'.i i-.n, .1 Cases [rum Ihttt 111 Clreult Court-Part il U'-f ra i:.-u. h. J Casca boat run 111. i ip nil Cull11?Fart IV li 1. Andi***, J. -Cas-s f.i'iii )'., t III'-? fo'itt VV1IU ?f III. liuid I t 1 ,rk io ,1 Wt I Un J. McMotMgal, 10:S0 i n, for prnbom wm-nf J ir. n -H--I) ni i...,i-.- vv. fuller, li..A- ti.'.ni.i.- .-anin.-i i.. I si... ? lo :i m. (?lim-, n Pies* '."ii'r il ' nookstover 1' I. ni-i.-iiiHi and Pryor, JJ. .\u> i,, lo, 20, ia, 33 .., 37, H-. Hr, tV, sri, 00, Ol, 04. Common Bim*?special Term?Before Daly, c. J.? Mn< lens. Coauneo Ptaei Ea ul ti Tern vi.,i"..| in- Uie lena 1'..tin,.,,! l'l-.,? Ti Ui! Term l'art I -Before ui-e-rl, n .1. -Nu-. 787, 713, H'M. :>V>. 7i">. KU, 40, BOO. 132 sud -il li'io llli,'007, oas, tau, list, tau, ll,, USS, min 1002 1004 < BM. Pl***- lil*! Tem I'JrlH ll ami III Adjourn, d fur Um 1. rm, Superior Conn- Oeneral Term?AdJeuroed f..r tin. leets Buuerlor Coarl rWelal Term?Befom Dagra, J.?No*. IB, 402, 013. r,-:,. :!-.i sup'riur loon 1.|uiii- rem?Before s.-iit?ir!t c. j... Bo*. IBS, 111, !.'.?. 17(1 III. ld.-, (Ill, 117 "IK, SIB 220, 221. "'-"-', -'"i!. 224, .?'.'.. 221, -,.'7. .-.'- 23 Benerlor t!ourl Trial Term ru t I?ll fora Oildrmleeve, I N.,-. ISSI, 147.), '.".".?';. 1704, 1002, Idol, 1070, 1700 1H'7, SSS. -uti. rn.r I'cni-t-|-|i! T. nt. 1'itll Refora I'r'.-'Iiniin. .1 Bm 2S4I '.'Hi'- IMO aaa, 1507 li"." ns,, ..,)?? HhQ Saperloi Court?Trial Term l'art III lt bra McAdam I '?- 1430, ISIS, 1401 241S 140 i.-i ( in? Cnn Special 1 rm?Beforo MctUrtk* I Motion*. ( ur Court i r :,i Tees I' n i liefer* Mnmen i - Ni.-. Min :i .:> linc, .vu Bum, lotrJ H2S l-.-.i- i-in I2S8, l-.-'f. I 'IO. ISSI, 1212, l-li. 1214, 1243 1340 1247 li'i-. I.-.-.;., l-_'.',u. 1257, li-',-, |-i !?_?'," I .,:i |'-| |-"n-,' I2'.7. I2i>!l 1271, l"7'J. l-.'7:i. 1774, l-'7.-,. IJ77. 1200 C'S" I'x:t. 1285, 1207, I2OT, 1200, 1291, 1 _'.>_*. l.'n.t i";i4 i"',j' 1200. i ur Court Trial Term P*n ll -li.-f...,. Van vvT,-i< I Xo*. H-.7 1027 '.<'?? IB* i.-.T .'.-J.- --'-.I. 071 ii7f TofV '.(7. 1024, I'.'.'.. 001 402, gan IflS, 1003 1004, I0|-' 4P0' -si|. Cos IBS, .-.M. 555, 300, 140, 202, Si< sj.-.d"' s^7' C,7. '.U7 ti'7, I'M'I. 1010. City C'.'irt. i rial T> rn, I'nrt III?Belem Klt??ltrnn* I .Boo, BB4, IOCS, 1002, 1200. I SOI, iona |*r>3 isoo' IS07, ISOO, ISOO, 1110, lilli. 1112. HIS |gl* ala' 1510. ' City Courtr-Trlsl Te'in-Purt IV?n?-fore r.'ewlniruer I -Sharl c:,iuti-a. Ni,a. 2SS7, '.'lld, 2474, "USD, UM "?o,-, '.'Ki. 2487 2S73. ' W '.olin of Ueaeml 8cs?ion??Pat 1?Hcforo binjth. tt-. and Assistant District-Attorney Mclntyre-N?*- 1 at hmlaalve. . _ _ . TI n??ftr0 Marline, Oourt of Oeeeral Bemtam T^Hlj^fSZ u. io, l Bad Assistant District-Attorney aTseke?use. i inrc;,urV'..f oas. ml a.marnte--Buri in-Bero.-* P't-germd. j. and a**4aumtBtatrlet-AOkuaeyTewoeeua?a^ .1 CLUB DIVIDED OJT BKLIGWU3 UBB8. CUTJBCB MEMBERS in Till- il UH.CM CLCB Piont ini; Tiir. oTiit.r.s. ?-ne of tiio nio-t energetic eaavaaeee in the history .?f the Harlem ciul. bl bring mode Jual bow P****** lon- to tho BBOOOl Clertloi), whir li Will tillie OhMO January ld. Tba lim-s lu Um canvass hov* beea ttmrpty flrawB in tween tbs church people sod thom tam reiinlonsiy Inclined. Whet ls known us uta regabtt ticket of Ibe duh, Omi atone eat by the nominating committee, eooaUta of Bte followtofl eon flbUtee: Jehu .\. Deafly, Bevabteut; Oabrid CaevaJler. viceiire.sid.-tit; J.itii.-s J. Bli, Ir. Bearer' K'lwin C. Raynor, Secretary) and william B. dray. Henry T. Petrea and Robert Boayofe, IraMeee Tba oppo -Mon ticket Indoraco Um eandhtotee on the regular ticket for vic-l'resl'leiit. treasurer, und VVUBom B, amy f"t trustee, but In place of the other candidates it puta up Bflwta T. Ki.e r.-r preobtent, Jehu A. nun,, r for eecretary, sad Berkley lt. Merwin and A. A. BUJlwrll for truateea. Mr. Rice we* pwsldeBt ? if the duli for six consecutive yours and probably be would li.-ive bees president now bad li" bo! ssked to in. 1-,-ii. red of Hi" booor. A. ptotalneal member "f Hu- elak snid to a Trtbuae reporter kurt Bight: "iii" iiiino.-piiere in Ibe dubhouee, Bgurotlvely peaking, I- full of flying fur. sod Ibe friend* ol the opposing candidates bm exerting themsetvea to the iiimo-t to weare Uie elcctbm ol their own ticket. lt i- a flghl betwetfl Urn Holy Trinity Church people abe are members el Ibe club and the mer" convivial .-I,-,! iii iii" du''. Those supporting the regular ticket urge ;i aa srgUBteol In their ttvor thal lt l , i, lin lion on tin- dui' 10 pol Bf .1 un"! ?B0 bOS already brrvefl sta yen- and who Baked to be re? lieved of the honor, lt la ss much ss saying (hoi of tin- 330 member* of Ibe club only one men I Ibe propi r "ii" for tl ipi*, .;. mee. iii-- church rs h.ind, -ny thal lin- club ta nm on uki . .mvlvlal :i i" snit ile m. Tte-y want a little :,,,?-,.> i'i I heir ticket and so tln-y kavs pal np ii ttckcl of Uirir own." MME MBMTBA LAWS KQA1B ARRESTED Mn. Merila Laws li again In Um lunate of Ibe police She uni aire ted ye terday auder the name of Wai Lola Vninama for pa rtng i worthlc - chock for gai ,.ii tba Japanese Trading Company, Bos. i- nnd M Baal Blgbleenth-at. On December Sd Mlm WllUama, ss abe cabed herself, bough! b labul el for fi' Irma l-l. 1). ?."?!/, .i .-;, -'i- Hi- curnpuny. In pay m.nt Mlm wini.un. gave a check lor r-~ drawn on Bm Fifth Avenue B mi.. Ii bore Ike ill ?< '? ls ? Mm. \ i it ni r> Aksander, omi i -i lase payable ii Mlm Lota William*. Ml - Wilban* gol pia In rhange. i ? check wa returned by Ibe tTftb Avenui Banka* ? no :.I." I. mplatnl wa* then made I ? lue Central other, bul ii-> one anea who Mit- VVIUlami was. A ?:? rrlptlofl ol the woman wsi -.v.u to Detectives Price nnd Montgomery, who ;.? terday arra led the woman in ? hain he rn st. i a discovered thal -li" mu Bertha Lat . abo wat arra led S'?mo Um ago "ti td.mpbtlal "f the Itortugu* j ronsol In I;..-I..n. The police Blso found thal Mr-, Lawa bast ; ?' -i riiiR valued at BOO from ? Mr*. Kl-'fT, of Nu. 83 Ba ?! Mrs. Laws li ? d ?rtlk Mm. Kl. ir t S i ter. lt : alb.- <t thal a got the i : ibe purp ..-?? ..f . \ ? ? ? lng it. .-: .1.1 not r. .uin it because, -'..- said, Hr. !'?? ter wished to look ul lt. When Mrs. Laws, alla* Williams, was token tn the Jcff.-i Market 1 i ri Mr Kb 1 tva* t' . !?- lo pn A rharse "f tar ia le agalait I woman i.v Mr. '??': . tar ihe Janene**! rradiug I um a ,..i. Just!. ?? Byan ? - I Mi a. I '. : . h. -1 lb ? rlug . j ?? ti ttl" Ii trli I v A MEBOMJ IL Tn FBOFEBBOM VU.. \ mem rial bi l i lessoi I ti bard ll. Bull 1< about to i.- placed in Ihi i lr I Ci- b)terian Chun ii al I Ifth ive ml BlerenUi i., c.- Bev. l>r Howard D ; ? .1 Im- ii hand -.-? >?,, iii -? i nt glam !??'.- tad b] url- ? i-- Butt, -"ti al h ' t ru:!. i ? ? i design I Maitland / ISnl pi lo I I Rle figure of St. nul i ol.ti-. !tom a 1 Mam HUI: I ii ' a Iho Act p ? -.n. rveteteor Ran flied rs P bra p I, IflOS. He wa prubi r ol Ul Ihematlra for forty vear itt tie- Iii ventry ol Ute city ni Bea v..r'i. and from loflO to inna pr ktem uti Vork ravings Bank. The tari few years ol it- li'.- bad beea targrlj devoted t" the preparation ol a book oo the ?abject <?' Ibo ala div-- Craatteu, ir, wMel ; .1 to |>r..v.. that Mooee, |,v ,nvin. ? .???\.y. aaa regal Baal "f tin- l-i-* ? af Bwthemattc* ind tttroaomy whee h.- arah thal part ?>'? Ibe scriptures and timi tin wriUng i, i-i barmen] with those lu**. Tin- Roll window is I,, be Ibe foartb la a seriis- which kai r.itt-, hex i i ' i .-i on th" north ride ol It. i>ufti,-id rharrh, th- ot Ik-rs represenUng M.-, Itafaih and - ? ?? Ev meetwt. In midi tn.- . ... I , . t tdol i un'M , ti, I Ki li; -1 i-i--ii ?? 11 in i hun i. I'liin- lin.- been lr* wu for lies* I iri-li house whl i will form ,t wins lu tin- old building i>n ? ? Rlevetiib-tl. -ld". I'll. -Mle of Ile lleW will he tn ".vi'I |.-;.|,.,|n, 'i,,n ni ike Norm in ttuthli ,u> min iur- ul I iiM | THEY ari: sire he BLABBED him BOWK, Two person* named Brown, bul ti"t reflated, won defendant and romptalnanl In * trial lu General Se* lon* yesterday. Mlm Lotte Brown, an on am monly pretty vonni.- woman, accused August I.. Brawn, u man of p perlubie apps-straaee, of ikwbli lbs ihlrt ..f 'i ? - In i car ob tho Mntbave. eh?vnted r>>:it "t-. Aa nat -". Ml brou ,. who lives .-it Bo. OB Varied '. sod i u model in t Broadway doak fcousi wo* "ii ber way la Bldomdo. Rut ie lillid thal felt a lugging .a ii..- bark o( ber skirt and lound thal Un- i loin had !??? n cul Bi ?Wp wa behind Uer . i. ll- lui 1 u if- h tut i i of I., ii it h i-..i, god tt ere wi- blood ii Ik r iklrt. Margaret Rekrtow, a professional nurse, of Bo, 30 Marlon st., I'.moklyn, saw Brown lug nt Um rming a's gown, and tn did Mrs. Umflw Hinger, or Bo. i-i BTe ? Kortj rourth-st. Mm. flinger st.i.i thal ihe I'M inr used his le" hand ll ru sm i- sn engraver of jewelrj ni So, wi Basaau t., and hoi I * n In hu i',.--' lor ii.m.-.-ii year*. He denied rutiluu in. gown, mid .mm m...i in.ii be bsd hurl lii% iuij-i ul uta aliop. iii.- trial wai go on lu day. XO FALUXO OFF FBOM THE old BXCBLLBXCB The blah rbaracter uf - n,.- Mew Vork Ledger" i wi ii sustained by it receni ;-? ues. The eli number raatolmd contributions bj Maurice 'li, mp,. Minnie Hunk, Heirn Mil.-ii iii North, Ibo IteV, i. Iv i iidlii.iii, .\ir-. William Minter, Mn, ll. 1). R, N Bonthworth and oil-i-i well-kuowu autbora. a serial story by ABtotta B. Cnn-, ? is.iii tin- Baa," snfl a novelette bj Miss Holley ("Joalah All.-n's wu.-", .,,-. bj.lg iblags wtill ii win shortly appear. Ruben -suis, Un. editor* ami proprietors, authoritative!) an nouncfl tint! ii,.-ri, witt io- no sieji bes-hwarfl in mam mining in., ebaracier mid aliiarUveiu-s* ol -in Ledger." Jffl STEISWAY SAYS IT IS SOT A FlAXO TRI ST Wiiiiaiii Steinway deutad yesteraU) thal a rom!,! nation af plana manufacturers bad beru formed in Bew-Jeraey for Ihe purpose ol ruanufaciurinn ptam uni controlling the auurfcet. The combination nhl , bas been formed ta, Mr. Bteluua) ays, men Iv i. i Ute iiiiriio-.- rn Belling pianos and orgiiiis ul various manufacturers, lin- combination bas been Incoruu -,r A -Iiik.-i Mi; i-i i., Un- good li..un -r' A Pure Norwegian nil ir, thc kind used in thc production of Scottys Emul? sion ? Ilypophos- , phitcsof Lime and |G Sodu arc added -A for their vital ef? fect upon nerve anti brain. No mystery surrounds this formula? the only mystery is how quickly it builds up flesh and bring! back strength to the weak of ult ages. Scoffs Emulsion will check Consumption and is indispsnsable in all wasting dis cases. PUUUWOd br Boat! k Bowna. 11 y. All aVaaaskOa rated under the laws of Xcw-Jersey. Its name ls N. ^telson & t'o. Mr. Steinway ?*ld that a plano trust was an Impossibility, ns there were n dozen grades of pianos. Tlie multi bbbOS of the company will !?>? at KO. I,dlfl thestnut st., Philadelphia. The officers ure: Wllliani Steinway, prestdeat; Freeborn 0, Smith. vice-president; freeborn G. Smith, Jr.. secretary; N. Stetson tn usurer. Tlie company Will have branch ottii ea In New-Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. JBBB8TOFA NBW-IOBE BMBBZELBB. JAMES 0. TUUBJrTOB. wno MTXOJB FBOM EIIRICB Ultu rill.ll'-. POUBD IN CBMCAOO. Word was rec-lvcd yesterday by Assistant District Attorney Lindsay of tile in 0*00000 BB Tuesday of James <?. Thurston, formerly n confidential clerk tor Match Brothel*, toe Blatbaee. flryfjaofla merchants. There was a atbartoge ol from SiJ.otao to $7,000 In Tiiur*tou's accounta wheo ba dtaappeored last May. ile gad Lcmi iii tlie employ of tko Brm lat als yaam, mid 'lad risen to a posttbM of Importoore. He roaftvefl u largo aoktry, bal it aaa Bot enough to mut iii.- expenses of his aootahohl lo Moact Vernon. Ile ls about ll ft y youls old. but lils wife ls nun li younger. In May Ihe firm beean nu examination of Thurs? ton's books, ile immediately tendered his rerigoottoo. Ills employer* become lusplctoua, bal did oat aaok lo prevent bia going. They soon ft'iind out that his in "..nuts were a>ii.tK>0 or 17,000 .short. Then an effort was made to srrest him, but he hud fled. His borne had formerly been ob noe of Ibo WloaVword I lands, and lt was thought thal In- Bright Imve gone. Ibero, Inquiry was msde of Um offlebuo there, but th.. BBswer rame thal Thorstoa bad aol been nt lils "ld hoine for ii ft. "ii yean. in August, bb Indictment for grand larceny in thc tecond degree wa* found anslnal the m'aatng man. The -I'-iitii- charge ame the obtalalog of swio by false repreeentattoaa. On Ortober IB, ISM, Thurston had i'1'ort.'d thal the linn owed ll W. White, Jr., that sum. a cocci for tba Barnool was drawn bop able to the clerk, who mid he would bond lt io White. Thurston, howerer, Indorsed the ekeek, cashed lt, and kepi tl,., money. itecently i termer employe of Ehrtch Brothers, reeog nlxed in., fugitive tu i blcago. Thurston bad shaved oir lils mustache ami dyod ula hair. 'Hie Inf ci malton wu* -ni tn tin- tl rm and the nmn'a srreel tollowefl, li i,. :ive Jacobs, of Iflapector Mi l.-iuchlln's itnft. vvent io Albany stat Bight for n nsiulsltlon for th" transfer ol tlie prisoner to Ihe authorities of tats Mate. VOMIXATlOXi MT THE BEFUBUCAB CLUB. A Urki: to t?- voted on nt the coming imcrhui af the ll'im!,l.ran club Ima bun reported by Um club's ( .mi, ;?-,-.? ..ii Nomi:m.ona. lt I- made m> as follows: ' Kor president John S. Smith; Bret rtee-necatdeot, Arthur L. Merriam; Becond rtee-preahlmt, James 5. i.-biii.-iiei; third vice president, William I.'arv; record Ins secretory. Francis K. Lolmbeer; corrc ponding -^< rotary, Henry B. Johnson. Uxe .;i..- c iininiit.e James A. Btanrbard, Joseph c. .i. Monroe B. Bryant, .fames w. Hawes and Charlot N. Tnlntor. Committee on Membership (to serve anttl January, t - j. .in c. West; d" mrvc until January, I Watter S. Ialdwin, K_ A. Kewell and Joseph H. Bub u n. Committee ob Library and Publication James I Walter lt. Tufts, Willi.un C. Robert . .'ur.-! i>. Baldwin, jr., J. '??. Hart, Willi.m c. tvarson, Cephas , ?:. Jr., '.v nil;.m Brdrnan and William P. Herrick. Committee on Finance- William li. Arnoux, John . Charles GSSper, Brace Hayden and Or. Theo? dore K. 'Ii:'!.tn. t .? ( ommlttee on Nomination* is rnmpos-'d, of MOT tinier c., Henri L. Einstein. Joseph ll. i . '.. I , ... i;.ii.. n Vf. Taylor. ?'. A. '.r.-n. Cornelius X. Bliss, Edward B. Harper and P-t vinni T. Bartlett. ?????-? BOT BB FBOM TUE TACMT CUT BB. 'i ? ate ira '? i .t Ri ?? rle been mid by I Wt!-o\ tn Frederick <i. Hour".-. Mr. Bourne ls ;ir.- I ? Sewing Macbln ? Con pan]. ll" li a rand late 1 t;i In iii" Nee York Yacht Club, and will be ried I al the Beal meeting. Th* ibout I "il. and was built by ' Pine, bI ii;--???I. .'ii-, she i- a bbl yacht, be? ing ino feel ofer all, nnd b areli equipped. 'i team j ? Trophi ins i.e.-n s .id by Tin maa if. Pratt to Edward H. Bennett. Th- Trophy was i by j. ob Lorillard, and waa bulli by lin" la Mir, 1-- ? Sha : ,;. i{ [00 feel "V-r all. Tba Mai arbusett* Vacht Club "III bold Its annual I '? ?: ? ??:?-. tl :. of nilli-,-r- in Ita wtoter nuar trrs iii Hayward Place, Boston, next Pridsy > vening. B's ren A. dirt M. "f Lexington, and P. M. Keauaa, of boston, ar>- candldatei for adauOaloo. Mr. Bambie I- t'.-.vii.-r ol the sloop Pe ul. Frederick W. Vanderbilt'* iteam v.-n-'it Coii'inornr. walch bas ben tit'ii' ? obi il Bau purl far a oralee lo t...- Weal ladlee, arti] be re-re an Mm day ti take in ttorc*. She will thea mil for Um .--.uta wiiu Mr. Vanderbilt and u porty <>f friend* on bo-ird. Edgar Scott, Of I' lladelphla, liu^ bought the gtetim Boga Bore [rom Wlttkwa A. sinter. The Supi more is sou aa a cruise la the Veal Inflate under charter lo E. M. PuBeu, jr. T e OOO-iofl steam yachl Map, Oom on a cruise In the Mediterranean under charter lo Kobert Qoelet, .... been bough) from tn-r Bngflsb owner by aa Vnierlcau, Bumor h.ts lt that B. l>. Morgan 1* ti e pup ?'. and thal ? alli !??? hts flagship ii^M -?sn-??ii when .e become* Commander of Um Mew-Yoru , . . nub. -? TR Al SS DEL MED OX THE URI DUE The steam In tim bullen which tarnish tba power for the ? .-? - Wbl< I work Ike cable* on the Bridge gol low bud night al B:80 aWoek and oaaoed I d.-lnv of flfte n minute* lu the rutitiiiiR of t e train-, it nae tn the "rush" hourn and many people walked ?crust i"' Bridge Instead <>f walting f"i- ike train* to !? sn.ii" tl." r trip*. To All) DBBBBVIXO BTVDBXTB. a i-i- iden! of thia rlty kai siren lo i?;-. Jubui i>. Prehr, president of Roanoke College, Vj., the nam d s<i,ishi :i ytar ter Hine yearn, t,, t?- nerd in sup porting rholar fiiji- ter deserving young men of small means in thal btatltuUon, The offer waa nude aa a New fear'* gi" !<> "r- Drebr, who wei risttlng friends bara bi the Ume. SE W Uti A TM IS I I Ott SUB Vms DISEASES M-tu rr\N;, ' s injection's ol' l-tiu-rnvTK or SOUA. From The New-York Herold. i..- o::??-..un- of th.- adair (the Browu-Sequarfl elUlri has been that Hie hypodermic method "f Hiving medicine Ima imtde ,i ai ride forward, mid timi therapeutic* bas noa a nea opening ta fore lt. Tbma ? s.i?? ? iun.-rn , lin.- ii .wii .1- w-,1 .'.. ht thia -ub eutiiuisius method we can hat - .i bun ? dlrecl action on diire:,-i.i luteniiil organs til.iii when - I Uti i i.-nn-iv to i;.) ihroagh iii.- aflmenuri canal, In whick ll is subjected in linn,.-, ibe nature of abl i l- generally mik ? ia a to ii-. ll i" i- nu namul* of what we can now flo. Tko process I* a- \i-i uliuusi unknown, and will amke a stir mi il:,- world, a- lt arem* dcstbied tu t?i,t> a leading |ttiit lu Ihe trentmeui of ? great umnv rom plat nts of m.- nervous -v-t.-m. Kv.-rt ,.is- knowa the nii|i riuii'-e of th,- various phosphate* la Ike compo> alBon of Ho- uervons system; ikey burn the skeleton ..f iii" ii'-rv-.ii- molecule und lt I* anani them us a ? "nil" that take phire tin- nutritive intercbaasoa that constitute nervous life ami activity. in Hie irivalii perl of the disorder* nf the nervous sj tem these phosphate* undergo inotUflcatfoas whi h ii iv., a iii.-i!-i,"ii a-ibm .rn ii..- structure snd properties of ti... nervous centres unu which are at h'*st one of ii," lin.-,-- thal create lesions ,,f these cenuse*, and Ihe ? m >? -iv-- ellmltiathjii of phosphates by the kidney* ls ene of Um commonest manlfestsllona ,-f i ervou . disorder*, On the other hand, li I- well known thal phosphab ..:?" natural, pbyalologlcal tllmujantt ?i nervous lo-lviiv. rio- Idea Kiri ha* gorerned Ihe researches of wbk*k 1 am about lo speak I- io supply this activity with Ita ni -1 m..ileii-.iv- -iimiil.-iiii nisi ii, furnish tho nervous sj dem ?t-.-tr viiiii ii- most energetic agout fur repairing waste, The plan li lo Injecl beneath Ibe r-kin a solution of phosphate of soda, which, br n >t beinK modi tied bj au] pasanse Uiruugh ihe digestive irwt, is lith.-n up in lt, original form and acta directly on tbs nervous system, ihe portion ol the orflonlam for whick lt ko* ih" greatest affinity, M. Crocq af Iti-ii-.-l-, Injecl* a Mlnttoo of two grammea "f phiwphnta "f --sta tu khi gramme? of aqua Inir'i-rasl, ,-ti the dose of Ihree noble itenlb metren every dav or every other dav. with ordinary antlsepUo precaullon*. These inlecdon* produce in Ither local nor general reaction, swelling rt r rednem, uni the pain t" which Uley give rise ts Instgnltteanf. M. Albert H bin nam a salBtf m of Uv.- grasimea of phosphate of soda lu uki grammes of sii-rt'Wed dla titled wnl.-r. Dr cberon l- mid to asa m"r> eeaeeatrated solutions sod in Burger doora. These physician* Imve found (hut these Injections ni,- a iH.MerfuI tonie for the nervous system, to whick Ihey restore lt* activity when lt ahoara slpis of flagging: that tbev ran be achmllr euratlva En di-? ordeiN depending merely on functional derangement! of the r.-r.-i ro-pinui asia, as lu cns,-* where tho nervou* syatem has been overstrained by a lon^ Hi? ms,: flnallr. thai eren In ranea In widen tiu-re ure oraanto leaton* of the nervous rentres, paiiiutiv-o .-ir-.-N have be,n ubtalned aith tin-ir use. This is nu entirety new BMriltod, remarkable for tis almpllcttv and barmlesanee* and worthy t" be hrmiiriit io the attention nf th.- profeadoa. lt ls situ nt Bo begltinlna and win prubanly he nerforted lu w on, tra! li ha* certain*! i brigbl fut are before Hand conatllotea ii shill., in advance in ihe path so brim univ opened ui> by 'he rcocarehea of M. Srosra-e^oaard, and for vi Illili he iit'isi ,i,me dav reoelve sultalil- ln)Miiii;e In oniitul elnli-s. Travol to Vonttenl vin new rsute, BOW-Tovb Central nnd Adirondack and flt. Lawrence Line. Magnlllrent Wagner veallbuled train, bl-o Uni'- table. A PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN. The Cnlted Stntr.i Army li. on the whole, dotnf pretty well. If the ojiinlon of n foreign private in o Liberty Islund company ls of tiny value, lie received a vlBlt yesterday from a foreign prlvute in a company of the 10th Beglmetit. u good-looking young soldier with n contracted OSOOOi, whirr- left no room for doubt that he Baaas BB America from one of the small kingdoms of Europe. The Liberty Island mnn dom not belong to the i-tsrrultlng service, but ought to. and probably would If thc bend af that dej/artment could hear him expatiate floquenlly on tba beauties of the duties of the enlisted man In America. "The duty,'' he explained, "the duty?there ls no duty. I have no duty lo unnoy me. I have been bara, here on this Island?let me s?e how long. How long have I baas herc, John -"?to the keeper of the har?'* Less than a monUi. Ob, yes, much less. I enme kate on the lr, th of December und t<eday ts the 'jd of Joauory. That is etgbleea days, und in all that time my duty has W> ii only six hours. Just think of that! BU hours! It la what In this country BbSf cull B snail. Voa will OOVO such B snap soon. It ls nothing to do nt all. It ls ajaaaat flo aa you Bleaoo. I bo to the city ahenever I t-"'t ready and eeeaa koefe WbOB I pb-nse. I wear pood etotbeo. Look nt my shoes. They cost ni" Bl 1M?, nnd I would not s-JJ them for three silver dellars. I knew bow- lt would lt" when I came h.-r", or I T.ouldn't have rome. Oh, lt ls the place for'duty, for there ls no duty. I know wliHt duty ls, tmoooaa I served In New Mexico for three years." Ali oilier on duty loot around the corner of the ped-stal was giving another foreign private lessons lu lb" practice of the signal code. A Beatty walk?4 up nnd down the edge of the fort, holding his gun with his elbt,w and blowing on hLs lingers to keep them warm. _ A Southerner vl-ltlns tin- city was asked by a resi? dent : '? What In all (hat you have seen lins Impressed voa most r" "The tired and worn-out appearance of the peoria I bora met," was the i^ton Uh In c. answer. "They till seem to be on the run. They seem to hsve a hunted look. They po about aa If they had but one day to live and ore toe tlr-d la Baafco lt Interesting.'' "What Impressr , you most about our lnstltutJonst" ?Their Imaseaatty. vTheo i return home thingi will look so small thai I shall feel like a Hg man. Tim riven arti look like creeks and Hm great oaks will seem as BBpHoga. I Ibnoghi Alioota was a tre meodoai phare Hil 1 saw New York. When I go Uirk 1 theil not be able to walk in the sir- ts. but s'.nll stride over Ihe tops of kite kamara. Atlanta, lifter all. is only b bomlet." There la a soted singer In tiiis city who has ? com? plaint to muk", un I si the HOM lim- :. Bavar to a-k. Every morning si.t bnlf-poal I o'clock be kt swak . ned i v Ute soond of a band organ at his front window. "Now,'- sud he " <iay oi- two ago, "1 asa not opposed to hand organs at all. 1 would rah r hiv.. thom paving about tba streets thoa not They BM aoaocthlM moo thoo a soeeaaarf BriL Toop glva au loooronl plaainia to many tkooinndi of obi ss amil us young i>-' plo, wolla they barm nobody. Bal I Hunk timi UM munn ipnl tv owe-, it to th- peOpM Bf Bew-York to am t" ll thal tko organs Urn! play in sar public streets a' an snmemly hour In iii" aborning sin.nwt I*- in good tune, i want ? baad-oraun eeoaor hi.lp cstabflthefl. .\ comotlttee of aile mmnchaoo ikoald be oppoloh I la litton t.i un] exaBttBa once a u.-:, avery organ rn iii" etty, and it rimahl tie instr duty io tti-t ashla a^ worthbms aU that kore grown eroekofl and wheesy erltb :ur.-. and to Bend t > a bond orgflo koeottal nil Um! ara alrm'-broken n'.d out of bear. We don't allow rosiers do the :urf: why, then, should wa aii-.w them bb 'ii" nubile taoreoffkfaroaf v, . tber complaint t.'mt I bare ba r-ake |; aoubmt tb-- tuna In will I mo ? of tfce nand-organ tines ara pta ??'. 'Home, .-'?? I Home1 b a j!;-' al 8 tn tho morning and a funeral march ur Boob. To tho ur lt "il inch ." thing ls ab trainable. 1 am poinz to writ" to ibe new Mayor at boos bb tba subject.'' Thc little Hov IJidge. of the Liberty rMite. tntics out i\ full i oinpWneiit gf paaaaagon at every tr'ij?. The ptiMc tl" not seem to have grown tired of th-* statue, bm tba per-.-ins who go there now declare that once ls etinnjrh ai.d they will never go again. At b.-st the climb to the erowal efl Ml?e Liberty ls a serious undertaking, and the return to the of the pede?t?I a tremendous labor, not OnattanaPd with considerable danger, but In tia abm st total absence of lights on baa narrow winding stairs an accident poj'cy go a man's life would fetch B r\fh premium. Few women go to the tt>p of tito -fan e. M.*t of t>i?in get al.out li.tlf vrav nnd ?top, frightened by the blackness above and the di/zv tliajft U-lovv. Ilal'en And Hart have bCOO to the nices at ?omi time or oth-r. In Th.-lr new play. -Th" Id-a." they sing the BtOCJJf of a, young man's sucre,, hi the ring, and th-n give n pantomimic re^auaeanattea of hil utter fiilhii-". Hart makes book and liys a good p:Ue ngiunsf Hallen's seleition. Tho i1 tc falls, they're, oft, nnd Hallen begins to ride. Bbl style of r.dlng is Mite that of Kn uk CaVtSf, of Sli-epshead Boy. It ls known as the fnnnlug-home myla, Ol eoarea lie oula ba fa,n hard tomaga and the imrv; loses. Halton'* emotbmol ugiiiiy leave, no room for doutt Umi he baa Leen on -dead irs" before, alni knows wlut ll bl to and -not- and?lase. '? Sno'lygoster" Ham. of Georgia, bj Shout to start out on a lecturing tour, following In the wake of ex Oaves om "Bab*1 Taylor, of Tennessee. The subject of his discourse will be ?? Chestnuts Crocked In the Ark." '-Doh" Taylor expelfla to what up his tour with sn ei-ttion to the Cotted sine- BsBote, Hum boom for nu appolntmenl ns Mmhrtrc to ftabcaaey, John Tempto Grave* wool* to go a> eoosul t.. tho Austrian capitol. Bx-Congressman P. m. h. Yoong d'**. Bot think wriouslr of returiilng to st. leter-burg. lVrhnps Hon M. Dickinson can mil why. A REPOUT OB TMOVMLE OM THE RE ADI SO DESIED. POttsetlle, Penn.. Jan. 4.?Trouble bj threatening between the ReodlOg Knlli-oad uud IbOM of Its en, gk.f" and Br*ama who betoog to Um Protbtrfcoofj and kindred Kaanfaattous. The patoh ap of trouble* c-f last fall wus only temporary snd the Heading inu". B foment is said to b" ju-.-paring for another struggle. AppBchote by tba acer* un- being axaaatoefl and en? gineers' leriitlcates ara Ol lng given <sit freely to old iiremen. Thv Brotherhood aa a openly smart that they are SWOTS ti- willpally ls jir'-jmrlng to order Ifcom to kare their titrion or the ,-umpaiiy's employ, and thai ihe light will BOBO be divhired on. Beading, Penn.. Jae*, -i.?Tba Beading eoaOhuu in tin* etty proBoanced il. story af Impending trouble lo b* without mc slight'- t foin.dallon. -Tien- i, aooohttetp nettling ia u." snit rmrmrtuteudenl t;. i>. vThltcomb. ??If there wa* we should Know aomethlng about lt. A tew tin men have recently been examined f?-r pro* motton, but that ls not new." Wholesome Food Makes I healthy body and a sound mind. Hoar desirable then to use those food products whirh make healthful food. Cottoleiic Is almost entirely fl sweet vegetable oil, the one other ingredient being purified beef suet. What could be more acceptable in thc way of a cooking tal for use in all shortening and frying? Physicians of the highest standing use Cottolbmi in their own homes, and recommend its use, and there is ample evidence that it is doing efficient service in behalf of hygiene Give it a trial. For sale by all grocers. Beware of imitations. Manufactured onlv bf N. K. FAIRBANK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL., and Produce Exchange, N. Y.