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'JVmnscmcnts. ACADEMY Ol- MUSIC -S-The Black Crook". AMBE.Rl) THEATRE Silt?Ital VlgllhlSBdlSe. BIJOt: TMSATBE B.SO v Becbiy Pad. BROADWAY TH KATHE I Tba Xew Smith. I.O.-.I. iii. MUS1V HALL?10 a. m. until 10 p- ni.? Th* Doro Qaltory. OAvSINO -S:1S?fYaclag Master. OOH'mris thean:i B:ia Tko fhjeut CUli KER IM. M.vl.l, 8:30 IBuHmUal Lecture.. DALY'S THEATRE-?:1b-'Hie Relic's fltWBBgini and Tia Boara, l.iii.v MiM'.i: -iii" Wnhi in Waa. FIFTH AVl-Xfl, THEATRE s I.",-Iieiept on. OAKDEN THEATRE B?I* i lana), UKAND ORI RA HOI si. -8?The Power sf 0?!d. IlARltl'.AN-. THEATBE 8 Mulligan Uaaifaf Batt. HARLEM OI'lll.V HOL'aE - 1",-The ill-a. UBBBVSb'X'S TUB v I KL a SO If I W.-rc You. HOYT'fs kUBlSOB BQCARG TIIEATHE-8 30-A TilD to Qdaatowo. KOBTEK ft BI AL'S 8 VaiHJevIlle. LTCEUM T1IEATR! 2 - 13 km -ricaee Abroafl. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE S-The Ide of Cham pogue. rAUMEl'.'.S THE VIKI; S IS Al-I rta ra"V. PBsbOrOR'g mm vTRi; 8:13 i'ounty Pair, STANDARD TBEATBE-Stla-Tbe Masked BOlL STAB THEATRE d:13-A- You Uk* lt. TONY I'ASTolCS-^-Vaudeville UNION BQCABE THEATRE-? The Crest of BOclrty. HTU BTBEET THEATBE I SvprrhB. Jnbct: to ^bucriisctucntB. Page, i i-i. Bega. Col, aiuiil tue i.. .il ,',-ii HotO'a. ??> - tnoonie auto . - l- -I iii-n.i t."u - a z au-oton Bl* Beal Ute mhools... . s -j. ri.t'.f .rt A I,, nu - i MeeUng*ll 0 Bceid sud USOii-s . ll .', Mani*.es ,\ |? all.- 7 tl t*tsli..?s- i ha i - .. :? 0 M.-? .. ...1- 4-d Baaloo** Notices d 1 Mush al Instrument* a - I'epsrtaerslilp lt 4 New fulilleatiuus... rt fl poncing A.-au. inn ??. s -j :\...\ Estele . rt ai DivHe-ut Notice.... ll 4 i..- 1 I -talc . V 4 D>ea.-iuak!ae . o -4 illili.ul. g 6-0 Doui's-Jc Sit'i.itiois .>i"lni Not hes., ... 7 ti Wanta! .'.? 7-rt eaviugs Bank* il 3 fscur-nns . rt ."> s.n..tit.ll ?> luanda!.ll 3-4 I ? u. li- t - . rt tl Kluan, lil 1 1 ctlo ill I Thc I urf.11 ? F.> Ss;-.'j* 4 loWTioui t'anceru..ll 4 Help W nted.. ... . -j 3 Winter ItesorU.. rt i Hors** a. Carr.agss 0 4 Wort Wsnted .. '.? 6-0 UuoilKGG JXotlCCO. Boll Top I>i>ks abb Oil ice Fhrnitere i.teat Varl.-ty of 6t>ie and l'rice, **'. o. Bellin. N*. ill Kulton-rt.. N. Y. rJUBUBs, XiTrlMS lu MAH, SI Hm Killi.Ks. Bingle l rear. Cmo*. :i nins, i at*, copy. Dally, 7 d?Ts a wees-_?10 iM 0300 02 SO ?1 00 . JBallv. vvlHibut Sunday... rt 00 4 i>0 :.' nit '.K? n i ts. Sanity Timmie.... : 00 100 30 .... ? et*. WoasTr ir bnne. loo . 8 i ts Bein!-Weelu. Tribune... ii i 0 . > 11*. Tribune. Monthly. Sun . O''.ts Postage pi-epaul Iv Tho Tribune extent a- leicinaftor tuted. CITY POSTAGE.?The Uar require* a 1 i cut po-touc "tamp he univ-il to every cap* fif Th" liiiiv. bundar, lr -Sf nu v\ c klr Tri hun.-, null L.r J,,, al delivery lu Kew.Yoik City. This postage n.n-t be mid bi sub Krlber. Beacom *re hitter ?erv<-d Uv ouylog rrlhnne fruii a n.-"-.!. lier. BB)HEION POSTAOE i,i all foiicn rountrle* except Canad* and Mexico), n cont- s ropy an Hi* Bundar Trihaoe; 9 cents a roar on Datlv. Semi-Weekly and treokly. Tl-'- postaee uiusi i> pud 'a -ni,-, lih.-r. BEMllTAVt i -. ,t., iv P-.tai Order, K.spr*-* fl Sar Cheek, Dr,rr or i; gl-tercd Litter. Caah er Postal Note. If sent lu an uurcg -: i l I tt:. will h.- at, the owner's risk. BACK BUMBKRS For Back >fiiBib*r* of the I>v:v snd blindly pipers. Brer* Un i ? week old, in est ra tele* i? (barged, on a conni of t ie *0*1 "f Btosage. OFFICES OF THE iltliltNE_Mata oil'"' cf Th* Titbuue. 1",| N.--1. --. New .York. Maui opmaa IfT-c*. 1.2 g ii-, Addmss a.l corietpoudt BCS tlniply "The Tribune *' Bea-Vat*. HARLEM ul! Ii ES; IS?1 East lCith.-t . ii. Mt :M-*ve. UH West l?".t'.-; , bo tween 7th ami filli aves. 120 West, HMh-st. BROOKLYN OPTTCES: 197 Fniun-st., ll'..' Mrrtle-ave.. i.:i lourt-st., 303 Do Kal!) av,-. 1.200 BedforS-ave., mo t:ioad?a?. FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELET D THUBSDaW, JANUARY 5, 1893. TWELVE PAGES. JUE SEWS THIS MOPSISO. Foreign - A riot oceiirretl nnu-ii-' tlio striking miners in tho Saar district of Uermany. Ir ls huid t!.:ii f ii it li- -r ar rcs ta ?.i pereons implicate'! In Uni Fonanm scandal will Im made lo-day, EJglit pool)!'! lixst tin-ir lives ii n railway oullibioii in Hungary. -- At .1 nuvtiog ??! tin* Evicted Tonants' 1'onilnisolnn i ? Dublin, Mr. Dillm untie a plea for t.':c roinatotemeul of ejected fannere. r=^: Fifi'i-n m-n groru killed by bu exuloaiou lu a Hu.-.-.-au mine. Congtvs - Dolli houses in sc?i ii Seoate: Senator Hhermaraj apoko in fnvoi of soon dis? posing of tho Anti ' Iptiofl bill. Hoiise: Little of juiiilm Interest was done. Domestic?A desperate flghl oce trred al Bakvra JriVss, N. E., over ii lynching;; ??leven un-u ut the Sbeiiff'fc !*??;--(? wi re lill d and eleven of tue lynch* ere: ffbfl liiilif aros reported to bc Mill going un. =^=The Denocratje Svoalurial caucus was called to meet at Albany i :i Jannnry io. - Tn-si'ient Harri?in Baned a pruclaumtion of auneaty t-, Mi/rinoiis Uable lo prosecution fut polygamy, The bfU t?j*pu*itpoiie iiuti'. Novi'iuliei ilu- election fnr deloHuteji tu the Coustitntiunal Conventioo pa.-seil both houses of the LsYuuature, Henry talw-ti Iaodge in,.-linst,.,| i,, -tlj?- Kepubllcan cauei:s at Huston to succeed Senator Dawes Many lireim-n vv. rc Injured by explosions of nat ural ff:? m ? * bieago factor)'. City and Bnburbno.--alayof Uilroy surprised people l\v saaking .siiiiic extraordinary appoint luentis, loeleding tboso of John J. Seaaoell lu u,> Yin Ceanntlosiooer, and Joseph Koch to be Police Jusulee. ?i nero were twenty-Hires new caaes of typhus fever and sis. dentha from it in tho city.r=:- Kapid-ti'uiiMt plans wi" dioeuased by tbe Plcal list,ito Exchange; ex-Muyor Hewitt spoke, ossss Tho Ineflleiency of Brooklyn'a Fire Department waa BOOWB X> M;i,\i>r Boody hy in anrarjee BBOSV. - Stocks again opened strong and clow* i weak at. substantial declines; Brading overshadowed Ino nt>t of tho market, but after a rally further lost l nor cent; BMnat* aa sal] was easim, sod fl per cent was tli<* highest rate. Tbe AVe.'itlK-r.-l'uri-cast for to-un] : Wnrincr and cloudy, with li-^lit snow. Tempersturfl yeo. terday: Hifliaegti 23 aeticea; wtreat, IS; aver? age, ao ,'j-s. .________-?_^-_ Tho T.'iiiiniaiiy BoSB in tim Assembly bad ;in opportunity ye-tt rdav to let their feeling mi tho que-iion of Btata or National qnarautJBO bo known. Mr..Ainsworth (Rep.) brotifht in ? res-'luticn eallins upon Confress to ostai>!i>h n tmif')'''ii aysteaB of ojnavantine for the entire ofauntry, to Lo exclusivelj uadcr National super vtsion. Itisiantlv ? Tsmassny niau m;us on Ins feet with an objection and heml'-d off action. Tammany dues nd incut to relinquish one jot o? tittle of the power, it bow exarciBes. Fortu natcly. laers is soena grotutd for lae hope thal Congress will n t Hew this BMoaJjentoug subject exclusively tin..ugh gpefltaVi'loo. Two BOA 'worthy contributions to the tajiit] transit literatnio of tho period Brig made this morning?o:m by Controller Myers, tho ot hel? by tho oresodent of tho RnpM-Transit Coaaa nii<vio.!. Th'- CoBtKnlff is quite light in say? ing that, no fiutlim privileges slioiild bfl BX* tended to tho Manhattan Coaapanj without liberal pSJBieots by it to the city treasniy. Hr. St''injvay is c?jiiuUv n'ghl in .saying lliat i, I supply rapid transl! there sanst ba a lour tia'k r ad capable ot carrjing Hains al foiiy milos an hom-, and thal neither of these things tan Im supplied BJ elevated gtrnctUTCfl of steel or iron. A viaduct through the blocks he re? gards as lu0 costly, and therefore he falls bad; up n the underground .system a-s tho only one te.-tlly arailablo. Bot when be snggeats that the city should tnidt rtJstCfi Ita cmistruetion ho raffles an interesting and a vital qiie>t:on. If .My. Steijnv.iy expects favi r for tiiat auggfljtiogi the ixs/blo of Nnw-Torh let him liist point out sumo way by which thia giganim work can bo kept out of the control of Tam? many Hall. The shameful appointments made by Mayor Gilroy yesterday furnish oondOslvo proof that the jut sent city government is not : lit to manage Mich an entflWprise. There is gotnetbing rafreahing and delicious in Senator Hill's explanation, which must be accepted as official and authoritative, ol' the reason for holding tba Senatorial caucus fll Albany al BO early a dat-e ns tbe 10th inst. ! Tbe reason is thal on tho flt* Governor Kiowie i-11 give bis widely heralded reception, which will be attended by a large Bomber of pron- j incut Demi crats, including Ibe Presidential Meeton ind tba Congressmen from this Stat.*, j and tbe caucus i- ti take place while thoo j im n are In Albany in order t;? afford the fulli >f , opp nt ninty for the expression of their sent i nieitis on tho subject of the benaforship. How Edward Murphy, Jr., will enjoy this naive out? giving of the man whose, colleague he is soon tu be! Tho public sentiment ot tbe country will no doubt ap;,tove President Uairison's action in j it-l'i ri nee to those incinbeis of the Mormon (.hutch who have Violated tho law BgaiBal polygamy. Ha has proclaimed a general an pestj in Ihe case of all offenders, provided that they have obeyed the law since November. 1890, and pledge themselves to do so in the future. This action has been urged upon tho President by the I tah Commission, the Gov ii-iiur of the Territory and many citizens of Utah who are not Mormons. Ii baa not been taken without careful consideration, and it attests tl??' purpose of the Federal Government to refrain from harsh measures provided Ihe Mormons act in good faith in their avowed renunciation of polygamy. THE SEW MAYOR'S J. VU. HORK. Mayor Gilroy has begun his administration very badly. He hus forfeited his claims tu public confidence and reaped al the outset, and no Mayor c.midi well affront Slid outrage de? cent public sentiment and insult every honor? able person in this commuaity in a moro flagrant and ibamejera manner (ban Mr. Gil? roy, has done in appointing -I>'liii if. >canuell a Commissioner of the Fire Depaitmeot, du at I nasura was brought to bear oa Hugh J. I limit, while ho omi Mayor of New-York, to give this man (fannell an important place in ihe public service. To his credit be it said Mr. Grant steadfastly resisted this pressure from certain leaders of Tammany Hall. John J. Seannell is a cowardly Assassin. The rccoitla <?! the New York ennis have bo possible doilbl as to the blackness of hi- gtiili aud the dastardly Bilture of his, litiic Ho murdered an unresisting mau by shooting him ia ihe bead when his victim was irving ii escape. Donahue, tiie victim, f ll nt the Brat .shot, and >? -.11111- il fired foin lim^s into Ins prostrate body, 1'or this vii lanous murder Ibis mau was pm mt trial, Ha escaped the gallows on tbe ground of insanity. ami after a short residence In au insane asy? lum ho wa-j released, and returned to New Vork ? 1 ji ey upon liiis community. Ile has been speeding money lavishly hero ami at Saratoga i r many yt ai-. The sourced of bia income have bc. 11 my-tm mus to persoue unfamiliar with the slimy Bewers of the under-world of politics. Seannell is on terms of intimate friendship with some of the most notorioui law? breakers in New-York. It is generally reported that li** has been the agent of Tammany Hall iii collecting campaign flaieaflmonts iv.?m tho gambling houses and even worse resorts in this city. Public rumor may do him an in? justice, but if thal is not Ins occupatiou?the collection Of campaign a--e?.-iueiil- OB faro banks for Tammany Hall?what is ii and whence comes hi- money? In any place where politicians gather, wheo the question of "pro lection" to gambling bouses is discussed, Kean Bella name u mire to rome up. ls a mau with ?mch a record and such a career as this lit to be a Commissioner of the Fire Depaittnent of ihe city of New-York? And i- a man who is capable of nuking such an appointment as thal of Sciinm-ll a lit man lo be Mayor of the chief city of America? Sollie Of Mayor (Jillie's other Appointments are olmo*! as bad as that of Scaouell. An Ex? cise Commissioner and in other public ollie-. vvhirh he ha.s occupied by Ihe favor of Ihe Tammany leaders, Joseph Koch has proved himself utterly unlit for any position of tmst and responsibility where fairness, firmness and a judicial mimi are required, lt would have Inon difficult to lind ip this city, outside of ita pena] institutions, a person inure grot squely unsuitable than Mr. Km h for such B position as thar, of Polios Justice. For the great office of Commissioner of Public Works, a place of the highest importance .-md tho largest oppor t unit h.-. Mr. Uilroy ha- selected Michael T. linly, who has bien acting as Commissioner of Accounts. If Mr. Haly has a sufficient equip n.eui of ability and experience to cope with tim difficulties of this high office, the people of Nev.-Voil; have never yet had un oppor? tunity to discover the fact, lt ld evident that Mayor Uilroy int*mis i? manage tbe Depart? ment of Public Works himself through a com? paratively obscure agent, and has no intention of allowing any mau of marked force of char? acter, of independence and of energy to ac? quaint himself wiih all the mysteries of the mismanagement of that department dining Mr. Gilroy* tenn, lt might be possible even in Tammany Hall to discover .some public-spirited citizen ol such a character thal he would nut be contented until Im had aaastered every de? tail of this department, and made himself familiar willi all the fads concerning in mg]. adini'ni.-liaiion in the past. Michail T. Haly is not likely to give any trouble in this way. It is useless to timi fault, with the choice of William ll. Iluike and Thomas i.. Feitner for pubic Justices. These Iwo men an- as well qualified for Police Justiceships as are most of Ihe men who are now drawing *X,tiU0 a fear from the city treasury, willi a ten-years' term, fm- dispensing injustice in the lowest ci latina! coutts. Mr. Feitner belongs to a let ter class of citizens than that in whick Police .lustii0 Thomas |\ (Jrady is found. Charles K. Simms, who has dunn useful work in the District-Attorneya office, Appears to be suffi? ciently well qoaJified for a Police Justiceship. Hut .such ajipointtuents as those of Seannell and Km h aro so abominably bad that iu iligua it citizens will not be in tho least ap pflflatbd liv BUch an appointnunt as that of Simms. Mayor Uilroy hus plainly made up his mimi lo put thu worst men in Tammany Hall in the ollices in which they can Work tho larg st ni sehief and evil. The prospect before the people of New-York lg gloomy indeed. \\ iib such a .-peaker of tho Assembly at Albany aa ?ti I/cr, with such a Mayor as Mr. Gilroy lias now revealed himself, and with such appoint? ments as those already made by the Chief Executive of tho city and these which may be expected hereafter, the city of New-York is lo bev for years in tho hands in" men who ire ci 1 tain to deepen ber disgrace to pillage her treasury, t? plunder hn- taxpayers, and li jv 1 riv injury a:id outrage t 1 her cit/.ciis. Thia city is about to piss through a wild rim of mi-doing similar t 1 that from which ii suffered in liff, Ifff aud 1870, uhon thc Tweed Kina was .strongrst. Not a ray of hope appears at Albatrjr or nt the city Hall. ////; rossTlTVTlosAi. rosvp.STios. Both bonroi of thc Legislature yesterday passed a bill t.i cine the big and inexeii-ablo blunder which the last Legislature perpetiated iii Uk* matter of lin- Cai-'tituttonal C invention. Th.- law if IM)-. which the measine put through willi so nun h hoatfl yesterday super? sedes, will always remain a monument to tl"* ignorance or tin- inefficiency, or both, of the lie.iatir Senate and Assembly of that year. If. instead of being a 'nil of fieal and general impoitanto, it had simply related to a bridge over Mime bacje-c .smiiy creek it could mt have been di awn with care. The Legis? lature baa now and then sent lu the statute books Burne piotty lame laws. Hut this mus probably the worst cripple thal ever got there. Tin- oetv bili is a decided Improvement upon the oil one. I: gives the lb mu; rats au unfair partisan advantage? but that aaa to be ex pt (teil. The number Of delegates is livid at lilt;, (if these four ire tu be elected in each ono ol tin- thirty-two Senate districts on a genet al ticket, each elector to have the priv? ilege ol voting fur all four: the remaining thirty-eight are to be. chosen af large, sixteen being swarded to the Republicans, sixteen to tho Democrats and the tesl, two each, to the Prohibitionists, ile Socialises ami the Woman Suffragists. The election of these delegates is not ii take place ni the spring-aa nuder tho law of last year?but at tho general election in November. No provision ht made for ihe appointment of any ol' the delegates. All of them, as the Constitution requires, bur as tim superseded law did not provide, flra to ba fleeted. Kow ever groat un improvement thi> act may be npun the old une, tho fact remains that tho Legislature novel ought! i hove passed it with? out affording the members and their constitu? ents ;i:i opportunity t t give ii a careful study. Hast; legislation as g rule is bad legislation, and certain 1.1 nu excuse eau bo offered for lajilroadiag through thia Bteasure, in which all our people are necessarily iaterestod, since it, relates t i tho orgaaio law- of the Common nealtb. --onie, of the Republicans, of the Legis? lature endeavored tu secure a little lima for n> consideration, hut tho Iii nus ral ic leaden declined 11 gian' their request. This is n^t a g .od beginning for the Logia bit ure of 1893. "Maka baste dowry" is a goo i motto iii lawmakers. TUE WAY OP HIE SEA The Cunard mansger* have Issued an official statement respecting thc L'mbria-Gallta inci? dent, which if noi luminous is ai least trans parent, Captain Fergusons explanation of his neglect t ? stand by a lister ship disabled in ti.i'li.c. an i- barely Intelligible, but thc man? ari rs are evidently satisfied that both he ami ( apt ai ii Mi K.i.v understood each other ami in i .1 u'.rh di-, r -.uni and sobriety of Judgment. l!oih captains are virtually commended. That :.s beean*: each was favored with gu d fortune. If the L'mbria had bet n wrecked on the way f.j New Voil; both would have been severely t uoired. Captain t'irguflaua conduct in de setiiug tho Cuil'iia in that event would havg len piciiiii.ic d in lefentlbl ?? Ila would hi\o lust Ins c m.maud, and his p!?os that his stock if coal wa- low, that lu- ship waa carrying mails and that lc t aili iain- t , put athel ates men on the L'mbria'g tiaik would Luv.* been ilisiti's-cl u> abai lon t icusea tor a plain neglect of duty. Captain McKay tu liku min? uet would have been c mdetnned for not takia| advantage of tun lng offers. .Vs tho catastro? phe waa evened, i,itii officer's prudence m sa'.in,' Hie rumpatrji nnnecessaty expense i* racognircd with hear tv appreciation. That ia the way of the sea. All's well that emla well, If there had leen s disaster both captain* would have lo-t their reputation!. Thal wu. tho iisk wita which each waa confronted when comp.'lied io act i u ni his judgment. The i um ru J i'i-v ha- ended BO far a- the i apt nu- and th ? man il' is ol the linc are i mi terned: inn thc public will remain Inquisitive un several points. Por example: Captain Fer gus.tu -illus ti have been < mvinced tint ihe l.'mbria nbs s.n.- and that tim weather waa moderating; bul In- also apprehended a oon linuaiti'- i.f -t univ weat bel l.n hts own ship, ami uonseqiicutiv e.msidered i: impnuJenl lo protiact In- voyage. Thia seema unintelligible. If the i ham i - os tie- Ueafbci weie to be I ak eu mt i scoouiit, ihe, diiablad steamer ought io have had I he beneiil of tit*- If thu weall,ci' was too un-1 nain tu j11>Li 1 y the (?alba's deli uin n. aaa it not aufficieiitly doubt fl 11 prevent tie- premature abandonment ul an unmanageable ship? Then th ie ia iii" question of e al. Captain Ferguson says thal bis supply was short, and thai with mi prospect o' ibo continuance ot had weather and consequent detention he did not dare t i lie by the I'mbra nulli her repairs were c.mph td. The question at once is sug? gested: Why waa tho Gallia allowed to leave putt willi su sia:n a liip|;|y of Coal? .-surely ii cannot lc- ile- custom of the transatlantic linea io tend out their ateamcia with s;( little ci,al in thc bunkers that tiny caiiuot vesture tu itaBd hy a disabled ship fm- twelve hums. Iii.u is au altogether new phase i-f steamship re .nonius, ami une which will nut favorably impuss ihe publk-. No? will transatlantic) travellers be reassured bj iho intelligence that Iho Gallia wai md scvoral passing ohipa to keep a sharp lookout lui tin- rmbria. Neither pr ieal DOT I.i vile would have appealed tu better Ad j ant age ii he had hailed a Good Samaritan on lim mad with the measago: "There is ii fel? low somewhere behind who hus been robbed ?nd p s-iU; murdered; better keep an eye out fur him ami soe if there bo any (hame of his bleeding t i doo th/' That can hardly be tho way of the stta. I /.III in PE PPP EA I ID. ll is understood fha" Mayor Uilroy has re? solved n-t ii comply ivith the law paased by ile- las! Legbtlot.providing fir tin- appoint? ment of two i otnmis june rs of Kee >ul< foi this :? ty. Tim sppointmenta might hare been made at an.v time during the last flight months d Mayor Grant's term, bm lu- refiained from the exercise ol \Ue mithority conferred on him, ind it is sin,t-,. |v t, be boped that his sm cessor will pursue a like course, The dui,', A these ( oinmis-iui .- - if the-, are ever named -will be to re index thu real estate rerords of the iit,\. Foch of them bl to receive ;i salary jf |6,000 a year, and (hiv mai .serve for ten veals or leas at the discretion of the .Mayor. Jf course there is a jud of large proportions sancealad in iles Jaw, which was paused tinder ?iiiaiin.stum "> ilia' arouse the gravest suspicion regardiag its pm pose. The people of New Vork knew nothing SbOUt the bill until it tint" before thfl Governm for approval, ami before Iioie was lime for a single word of protest against it Governor Plower had signed ic Ubi ii ii wa- before th.- Leghilatare it eacaped he Dotiofl ol' the vigilant ami shaip-eyed cot re <|otdei.t. of the meir sj* IPon bi wopopsio, and t was j assrd without any di-cii-sion of its n-lit- and without a-i.v knowiodgo un the patt f the public that such ;: BBMMUre WBfl undei topside'at.'on. The bill was -ncikcd thruuah the Legislature; and even if the work for which if provides were one of absolute neoofl ?ity high minded ollicials would hesitate to proceed under the terms of fl law enacted in so underhand a minuet. How groot the expenditure would be under this law it i.s not possible to estimate with ac ourary, bul there is no doubt that ii would amount to several hundred thousand dollars. This te-indexiag would ba a fob for the en richimnt of certain Adherent* of Tammany Hall, and liberal ilicea of the expendiUires would bfl c--itain t > lind their way Into Cm coffers of the Tammany organisation. No work of tho kind is called lor, and if il were done it. would doubtless open she way for still greater demands upon the public treasury in iho appointment of a large number oi' official conveyancers, for whom there is no need. 'I bs simple fact ii that this law provides for a con? tinuing job of large proportions, involving aa outlay of money by lim city which ian univ be gm sscd at. .Mayor Grant did well to ignore this stat.ito. Mayor Gilroy will du weil i.i pursue th" same course. Bot than thu is required. Tim law in quest),>n ought tu be repealed. Mr. Gilroy will do the people of New-York a ser? vice if in the message which he intenda to send to the Aldermen to-day ho earnestly lccutn itieiids the repeal cf Ibis enan incut, and then lo 1 m> up tba' icc unmendation by urging upon tho Legislature the ncc aaity of repeal. MR. MAI BY AS PEA DI: P. Ju choosing Mr- (dalby, of St. Lawrenosj County, as their leader for thia session the Republicans nf tho Assembly have dune well. j Jn all the difficult sitnationa that arose in last I year's Assembly, aid tiny were pectdiarly try? ing for tho Republicans id' Hie lower house, Mt. Malby displayed a rare degree of tact, courage, sagacity and strength, aiming aalely and always io du the Just mid light thing bli? the public juiciest, and nutting in that course the -afest assurance of party welfare, li i nut au experiment, therefore, to intrust the leadership to bim. lb- hm fairly earned ic Ho understands the political conditions with which he will have ti deal, lb' knows the Democratic leaders, their motives, methods am) cuds. He understand! how absolute and re? lentless fa their tyranny, how despicably dm ile their legislative following, lb- ku twa that ex? posure ia tlie chief function of a minority in -ni h a budy aa thu Now-Yurlf Legislature ol' j 1 Mi:!, ami he may bfl relii d upon I > do his il nv. 11 is a favorite ti iel; of tie- Denn.eratic, when they aim tu di something particukiriy | bad. io thr.ivv their wiles ai. und a few weak kneed Republicans, and bv seducing them from their allegiance to aomproiuiae and render diffi I Ctllt I.'ip. i bl ti au opposition. Mr. Malby is a II ader vvh.i v ill be well plac d lu deal j wiih this daager. He will lind it we wain lcm. thc most aanoying feature of his d Mi. lt task, hui ii ian always be overcome l>) pru (bul. linn nnd delicate treatment. Ile may ? ,i,n' upon tim support nf an undivided portj in all that i-?-..? leadership require* i-f him. The I.Ypul.liiats of tlc- Legislature are a: A! hauy tins jrear to oppose and point mit evert jub. every fraud thar comes tbore, The.i are ev|M'f.'l to h-i ni upen or tovell scheme ? ?; privabs gain or partisan tricker? become a iv nil hom their stool and pctsiatenl opposition. QOFKBSOE fLOWBM ASD QL'JBJSTISE. Governor Flown - atatomtnl thal Ibo "chol? era dui not iel lu v"ini tim gates of our harbor bet irs. ut Ihe etta i io \ ul inc Stahl aud'hcii iju.itatitiiii" wa- mad,- for the ptirpi si- ol de? feating Hie pinpi-.d legislation of Coni? j giving il.e iiipreme r i.ii-.l nf quarantine ad ' lliilll-t:al ll tu the Natl,tia! Cv < ruinen!. Tu I entertain I hot purpose is rait a misdemeanor (specially in uno whose office impose* oil him | the duli (,| being watchful and jealous ol al: 1 sugge i n- I ...king i i the i url liimeut of stat" a ? niity. li I- natural a id proper that the c..veil, i should coiuitlci all such suggestions ? i .ti tl iv. i s pu-in<; i heir weak iii ss jvhercver be can lind it, snd offer jug w bute vcr arguments lhere m.i.v be f-.r li ivinp, Ihe malters involved nt the hands nf im al auihorities. Hut af!--! sui h investigations int i ihe conduct of Health olin -I- Jenkins bs bavo been made bj the i bamber ol CoBimeu o, the tom in it ti. p., ,,,|,,; m. i i>y ('resident l."\\ sud ibo associated com? mit ea i-f ph.v -u ians, mid m the face bf tbe I.ut- set forth in their reports, it is absurd to -ay dat tin- li i.ii quarantine eas rlticieui u. even if.i-uiiably well conducted, .lu-: us In tho leapp liutment ot Ma.v n ml, Governoi I'loWer shut bia eves and eilis to public piu ti'-t. claiming thal a Icier In Maynard's fuvor fruin a lawyer who his ben :;t!v i haraoterized as putic-ps criminis, and Cum an thor lawyer ulm is a membei of Senator Hill's Hrra iu Cliiuia a sufficient offset tu Ibe memorial of the Har Atsodation, sj now, la dialing with the ijitaruutine subject, ho -huts himself nwnj ft.un tim overwhelming manifestations of pub lie diaplegsiire and anxiety, and pm- forward th" assert toil! of Taunt.anv politicians as a sufficient -answer t> the demonstrated lac's re pott'd by the Chamber of Commerce, lt lu- had nut chosen to make ibis character? istic exhibition ol his willingness tu subordi? nate public interests lo tbe schemes of the politicians iu whose company ami service ho ia al arty a found, wa should wiitin gl,j consider (ioveraor Flower'a argument in favor of the " .lell ?t suntan idea" of tho reserved rights il the States, ll is an old nba. older bv a good man.v Hum Jefferson's statement of it. And ii is au excellent iden. Tbe interests ol Ihe Stott a being so generally common to all, and being -o much mora efficaciously and i hcapH cooaerved bi a -singh- machino directed by a single load thu by fortj four diffcieut machines, nm in forty-four different ways, tbe temptation to hand thing- over io tho Federal Government is always strong. The peoplo aro nu lunger frightened by tbe bugaboo of a '.stn ni,', ceuliali/ed puwei." They perfectly understand ihal talk of thal sort is a relic of the davs when tho public thought of a GoV einiueut aa a thing apart fruin themselves, and when king- and dietotora were more or le--an actual menace. Tiny understand thal ii is univ brought forward nowadays to conceal aa ulterior purpose pr ? want, of original thought, The Government, wh ttber State or National, is tho creature of the people, and bo law-abiding leisiin is afraid of it. Hut the reasons fog making sharp distinctions between State and National jurisdiction are .-till as numerotai and as strong as they wen- winn tin- Constitution was framed, and t ? Indicate thean, iii view of tho tendency we have mentioned, i-. always to du a public service. Hut Governor Flower does not indicate these distinctions. His talk about the protection of Ike public health being a State affair is simply <?< nilling. When tho quarantine administra timi of tbe great puts has bun assumed by tke Fi di ral authorities, the State Hoard of Health will still have quite enough to do. 'Che tight ol' Congress to legislate ra thi> subject cann n he qm -tiun d?although Governor Flow? er, without aitualiy laying a. muck, tilka as ir it might be -and tho argument in favor uf ciial acion and Federal c intro! is c ni ilit'iv'. The einiic Nati,'tr from ead I ? cud is core, rued in sicing I i il that neither pei sics nor infected with c nt'.gmtis I disease shall outer the port of New-York. Tho ! National Government dona possets at all times j the means of performing this duty successfully, : and tho State Government docs nut anti can ! not. lu limes of real danger ihe National , Government must be appealed so, ami then a 'dual authority lu com's an additional Booree j 11 public anxiety. There is, therefore, no rea> : rou for maintaining a quarantine machine ! which is only efficient when it has littl" to du, ! and every reason fm- the substitution of ono I which cm be depended on af all time-. COSSECTICOT DSDEB WAY AGAIN. The inaugural message of (Jovcriior Mom's, tho new Democratic Governor of Connecticut, i- a mulei in ona respect Inatrad of follow? ing the custom cf making a rehash of tho re* < pons of the various depottmeats of the State Cove:ninene c aiccrning which he cannot bo supposed to have any official knowledge upon his induction into ollice. he referg the Legis? lature to the reports them- Ives and proceeds ot on e ti the consideration of such subjects as in bis judgment deserve the attention of tho lawmaking b dy. As might be expected under tho circumstances, he devotes considciable ?pace to the question of a Conatitutional Con veution. that being the State issue which his party made most prominent in the late cam? paign, and the one upon which it is apparently moat united, 'ihe chief defects in the present Constitution from ile1 Democratic-point of view atc: lir-t. tim requirement of a majority of lim popular vote for the election of State ollie us, through the operation of which tho demil'.ck iii the Legislature resulted which ha.s lasted lur two years; and, second, the system of town iepiescalation in the 'Honan, under windi it is contended that the cities and largo towns are deprived ol' their just weight in legislation, and tim small agricultural and manufacturing towns enjoy undue influence ami pow. r. lt is further coutendod that tho State has so outgrown iis organic act, and i'll thc conditions have -j changed since its'adt.ptioii, that single amendment! by thc ordinary courso ol procedure would lc- only temporary pallia? tives, inadequate to tin- ind in view, and that nothing sin.i,? of a Constitutional Convention and ;i thorough rev i-i rn will s"rve. I: may be said for Govt raor Morris's presenta? tion of the argument that ir hs torse and clear, strongly pul and reasonably free from par? tisanship. Thcio is no complaint of the in? justice of the operation of the constitutional provision by which he. ns tho choice of a plu? rality 'd the voters tivo yean agu, was de? barred tbe office of Governor! nor does he indulge in angry rhetorical declamation against tho in qualities in represent tt ion, although ho does intimate in a sad soil of way that popular g.n ei Mn. m iu Connecticut is in great danger of coming to naught unloas aontething is don" ti remedy these evils. Doubt Uss the question ? f a Constitutional Ci n vent ion will be brough! at an culy dav in accordance with the (iovernor's recommendation and the policy of Ins party, when there will be full discussion uf t,i" alb ged abuses ami proposed remedies. Th" instincts ol th.- Connecticut people are ... . .natue: Hey tiing willi a good deal of :. ??. ti their old systems and (l-l waya\ n limp- sam limes even ai'i-r iii-.v have mani ;,--'!?, outgrown them, aud they will not lake the -I p nf ordering a convention to flame a noir, Constitution except alter ike Bios! thor c uh .1 scussion aud careful considi ration. That tbore aro inequalities in represeutatiou under Ibo existing ? .institution will Bot bo denied, ? ? ,.-;.- a-.- ipni ? a- likely to adopt the course I remedying these bj .single amendments and tuc ordinary procedure as to take the riski involved in a Constitutional Convi inion aid au ? line v new departure. The argument for I* in: 1 u rt-preseutation in Ihe House is plau? sible bul *p?ions. Kepti ie il it ion act urti inn I i p | : at Cn it now the rule iii tbe * nal -. though h I-- are man foal inequalitii i in its ope ra I u. The real question with Ihe Connecticut voter ia wh thor it is desirable I i chai "" a sy?t< tu whu h makes the town tbe unit of represent.! tu u tu uno which bases in pre-cut itiou on p ipu latiou purely, and makes tbe individual thc unit. The ti "v State Goveiuuienl having now been launched, and the Legislature having re - imed its fiini (ions alter i...?j ai -' sus] elution, Ihe people "f Connecticut -.viii have nu op iiuitiiiniv io i.n.i au intelligent opinion as to the aha:,! lt- or disadvantage uf frequent legislative sessions, 'ii"- wheels of legislation h t- ?? bet n idl ? uow for u< ai >.? four years. I hero have been inconveniences, of c rurae. re? sulting From <? nilli, d nf aitth rit.i in the State .I. paiiui. nfs. but these have been mot by prompt and intelligent action on the pan ul tho acting tlovcroor; sn that ihe only real ! deprivation has been of thu exorciae of the legislative furn lion. No new laws have been made n r any old one- np abd fr more than j nine years, The State .and the people seem tu but ? got along very well, how ver, with j the uM Matutes and In the old way. aSoj well, iud ed, that thoughtful citizens may well ask ile ni 'Ives the question whether, on tho whole, a fistful period of four years is not as good a- ur better than the law tinkering and ! lobbying thai como with annual ur biennial s -.siuiis. ilium:.' the neil four or live months the-, will li" .lilli'ii liul out whether the Legis laliic i- BB untiiiv tl bb ssing. Mr Richard < raker's announcement of his po? litical creed will ruuimaud at tent iou. If he i tn prevent it. u? butiiuaa wen will ...- apboinbsl tu iitlic,> under Mayor Gilroy; and flier*' ls a sua pH ..I thal Mr l rokor'a luliiieiiee v.i'h Ute p , eui city administration will be rotatidcrable. Mr. Croker would put none hut politicians ob tuaril lins i-. im lanie than might have heea expeotpd, init hi- reasons ter aucb a polk) are aovel. Mr. (inker wants polltielane only i"r oflieeboldera l.'.ai-.' lin",' Will dei ute all their time to their official dutbv! Does he mean to Imply their official duties Include looking aftei IBM Interests of Tammany Hall ? ? ?++ ? Mr. amory, who undertook to buy the under? ground railroad franchise lasl week, is a cool a well ns a queer euatonier. Ifo Mill claims that he iicule a bona Ada purchase and thal tl ? frai chloe is his property, fl would ie Interesting to know v\lm i- boekiug him,, but he finnlv ref nora tu c.ive the tiaiiics of hi* capital'-is. Doubtless ihey nt" preparing to press Stu ir claim in tim curt-, which vv.aili! at least be annoying to the Rapid Transit ' 'ommisaion. a> I.ieiileiiiinf-iiiivcrnor Sheehan would wm t-> be iiiiniim <" Bequlro a reputation sa a humorlot of tim extravagant sort. Wo Judge so (root tim little speech which be made ba tbe Seoab) after calling it to miler on Tn cod sy< In tho course] of thia effort he remarked timi "the proud record nf the Senate nf I sic.' should ho a lM*a0Ofl Ibrhl lo guide this ho ly lo a courageous, faithful and In? corruptible discharge of official obligatlona." Tlist's just lovely -, a piece of humor. \ Domo nrotlc majority obtained Cv fraud, a Coagreasional gerrymander, an Anscmbly gerry neander, repeated raids Up ll til" principle ul lucile lille, all illtail: lt|J excise bill, the "Huckleberry" ht.-.I, the Consti? tutional Convention blundrr?-thous m ? rom* ol tho contributions In thal record which Mr. Shoo. hun points tu with rapide and proposes to have utilised ns .i - ii.-iu-uii light." Aivmi.v funny, i isn't he? Colonel l.anii-nt is luuted hs Baying auberon-' tlslly that tho Presidentelect u> going to keep hie hands off tho Sonatorshlp lu ?very State os. cept New-York. When -Mr. .\furphy hean this lie will probably remark that the policy of ona* interference, Uko charity, ought to begin ot home. In hi* message Governor Flower made acme feeling and highly impressive observaSlooo against Hie use of money in elections. Aod note here conies "Ihe Kingston Freeman" wirh tho cruel comment that the observations are* to tho admission "that the Governor deplores bia own election.' Perhaps on second thought the (iuvernor will ask iinauimotia consent of tho Legislature to amend the messajro hy runninf ti blue peucil over the observations lu question. It was a bad break, Governor. A year asro this month, when a number af leading business nmn. of this city went to Al* bany to urge the Governor and Legislature ta appropriate $.'iOO,000 for the World'a Fair, Gov? ernor Flower daaauoood their appeal with a con temptuotis "Cats:" In thia year's message, how? ever, he ici'iiimnends the apjiroprlation for that purpose of ?.(00,000 in addition to thc appropria? tion of that amount made last winter. It Ls aclf evident that tho larger appropriation should haro lseen made twelve months a?o rather than now within leas than four months of tho opening of the Pair, lr, would appear to he proper, how? ever, fur the Covcrnor to nuilee a full and complete apology to the merchants whom he treated with such discourte?.y last January. Mr. Sheehan, in addressing the Senate on Tues? day, said that it Braal an "all-wise" Providence willoh had permitted the Senators to reassemble with unabated vigor. "Inscrutable'' would hare Iii u a mure appropriate udjective. FERSOSAL. Un. Juba W':ird Howe's roceSft for her latest aiumul MbofriBtJea to the Egypt exploration Fun* bears tlie number "0,000." Hie has, however, given to tills prof eat beebee, 'the orkgool contributor waa .Mrs. .laini 'pink*, und ulivi-r Wendell Hdiae* aoon followed her. winn Ofaartea Theodore BVuaajott, fotbor of novernor llus-cll, of ttOaOBCbUOOttSi was Mayor of Cambridge, uwavr link In WOT days, lie und lils family spent a good port of everv CSbftatOHB ut the .Almshoii-e, en icit.iiii ng the Inmates, lntle.-d, the Russells atfnd?d il-v..ii..nut .x.-ic:-s OB rJaoday in the AlaaahOUSB rhapel frequently, and became luiniliai- rlgurc* lu that 1 tist I tatton. Btsbop Nleboleoa of wisconsin, formerly a Plula d-lplila jiiis'or. tells thl- story willi nnu-u relish: A country paKshlotier culled cn bim, and In the coors* of the conversation declared his aemlmenis on thl* wise: - w - ull Bks you. Bl anon. un mir way, ba -.i a von ure -i darned coomboo. Tkbi was a lltti* staggering el Brat: but Ihe bishop finn discovered that tbs utterance, was meant fur a heany compliment. htiiin- one laving ashed Mr. OtOiatOBO Ihe secret ol hl.s r.-iiiui-Uiible actlvliy, be repUsg with u story; v.ns ones a t'.i'ii lending out <if London on lek nu re bornes db-d lusa nnv ether, mid Inmilry revealed tba fsrt thal tt was t--r'-cilv level. Cons* i.ii.-ii-ly Ibe Htilnmls In truv illili;,' over tx used only one sw of iniiiilos. vviiiiinn lloyd darlleen's statue ht bronte, ol roloaaal abut, wig be aatenVai ta Bsobuijpoil next .-oiiriu ni Joly. II. rnli-'rdt'.s -un kuutltos, arks retired from puUlo i. .til,- taos after ala BMrrtaga "o the rich Russian laay, Prbieesa Jabtonoaska, aa* beea ko ext rn va gani I bat hts wife ha- ii-k'-d for a legal " eeaaruttou sf property." Ska docs oot wish to lose her fortune. Catari al Carron 1?. Wrtgbt, who has be?n reap potatad I'.'iiiiui--! arr af Labor for saar roses more liv Ptesbteni Marrawa, probably t-e-igp. it ts ld. Wkofl -Mr. sTi v,-Im,it rOBie* In. but lt ls regarded .uitfiil wi,ii,ii-i- bis i-i-ignatini win be aeoeptod. THE TALK of TUE DAY. V.. in: Young Mn.iti'V Teacher.-Now bojre, vvlcit iiiii-t we ull d-i lo ?o to Heaven! Blight boy- DU, She Knew the Infant Mind.-" Bah .Tove.'* sst* f'happto to tin- vo,His' vioitiiiu Ht the chufch fair. ??lileah stem- to b-- a -ort of OT Bk ir.tell ctuat -vtnpnlhy b"tvci.-n ii-. Soot cli.-r iliow. Aw you literary or BOtnetktng of the -or:.'' ?? No." -he answered. " I aoa a teacher In the kindergarten."- iiiidiuu.ii>"lls Journal ?I ie Butts later Moootola,* ftoraa't tieiieve ta silo* i: g li- reeders io jiu'/l.. over unii-intl nbbrest Bl loni, ia. t- ii ill|ii!i h r- ;:tlii,M i " Mer.'' -.'iliiUI, wtilcS lt print,si tn.- ol!,cr dav. it lind tko word. - .Mn na ger ratolll" i-i Uk black letters: aud now the Botts peopls ?I l-i- ti n the gentkoun In qaestbut ls the "Man* : i of ill* lloBaeao. li.. Mu. li nf s.u.,?,... iiiiniii-Weii, ?, I heard yo bill linn* ll lo lin- I l. .-l.n- Well, v.- heard rlgfct, it'.: I waa loaf rta* week iiirnin w.n. h.-v they gol anything slfrunt 111*1* iruiii abai 1 -i-v\e got lao wit ta Braltleboryl alias i'l'iiuitl Well ye might t-r ga ther' onco. Tltfj ? .a lo-- kerrs th-t artll Bokt BgobV onto a hundred ;.tni iliev pull ,-m r. cuni abb a Usrtla aire no il. ;er'B ii Biraw.?sJbaAou Courter. Tlicie I.-, BSld to bs uti iiilv.-it - ti CnnnecUcul abo paint* bia "ad" ii. raws bj letda coutlguouj tt tbe 1 Ulroad*. tils Kind af Inaaawls. ?Youof PrrityjetMe-sDoctor, I ino lutfertng lunn In omnis. < aa you suggest s i- ' - - icili? (.rtiilnlv. Don't Bta? up all nlglit ? . gu .Nev - Ile. 1 rd. roc Hartford Poet" tens low a bill collector ttepp?d BB <?!!"" tbs BUaSf dny. and teeing ll.e debtor laBUng tu a number of laay friends wtltcd HU bs had lei.v.irc. W'hereupon tie debtor turned io ibo eaUoetor wltb a very pbsassBt manner and -uni: 1 aBI lom y,,u tiiis 11111C1 to-day. Come lisiiu vi!;. 11 V..11 are Up," aid tnilled one of Uioae .-mile- tun eraek a ksetdag-gaaas. A I'icllinliisrv to'.ty.- ? Miinima,'* said little Willie, ?? 1 cannot tell a lie. 1 tw>h taif pie io feed s pose liule itarvtog boy." ?' Viv daitlag child,- wild his mother, "und did the pasir little tallow ral it f ?? Vo'in. Vou iee, 1 couldn't find any; boy 10 pie lt IO, .so 1 lutd to tilt lt IllVaelf.-' ?iC'llSCslgO NeU't ll.-i ni.!. A "fii'.li" woo sell- prise BSribjgM never says that there t- a )>rl/..' In ev. ry aaobufS. Such a statement 11 mild be sllogetker ton weak for hint. He alwtyi speaks "f a prise In "euell mid every package." Kart] 1 v,ry fahlr lov?-s tko lil.raac so much toot he um* it i-uch mid avery nasa. Twenty years n>M tiic forntga-bora furtaoaaas in Brazil Wen1 Itl.S pee cent of ike whole, the 1,,'Hiism lh.8, bul of hue years Hie lelailv" nuiiilH-rs have im it> .1 tba og*. I''ie orerSowing poaulatloa sf I'.dy tm- elm 1 ,t Bratll tor ita aatUeaienl, srlth aawurbsag ra Milis. ii in i-s-:i io 1SS7 itu- 11.-1H4111 tmaiigranta were 33.3 per real of Ute whole nuatb*r; bVe I'onu gue ?? inaic next, with 1:0.0, and the UefUMUS h?v* oropiied lo i..l per nut. benn; almost (quailed bv th* Kfrntilard . vvith 4.7. in Argentina Un- Italian a> rendeni y is even Blore Biarfced. lioin l<s7?.i to ISSg UT.i per sent of Ike iiuml^riitits were ItaBaaa, 1:1.5 viiie opaularda. ^.ll Krenonmen, sud bul 1.7 Knallsb m. 11. in fSuy ibe popnlallon of 000.000 tn r<?inl Hguna rontalned bo ba* lhan aso,000 ItaBaaa, snd ip l.MHi. iilouc, lin,I-.'J wen- added to H.?i'1'he JitUiburaa Bovteu. Tbe loarn Sf Forsyth, HS., U fifty years old, aol 001 er lind a church. ItcV'-n-e.?siimsoii -Way, Willie, you mast hiv* been in ;, terrible Hg t. Willie Ve*, I aaa; I Pot Beaui by the mlruaters ^oll. " W'lmt <lld li-|> voil for ?" -ll" lui 00 a so'' of hiv rlotbee von ?*nt Min. and lie told Hutt vein the ouly vvav he could gel eveO.* iC'lottler and PornbUier. KOBE IM'KIIRT THAN BRINCITLE. l-'n m Tue bosIOS Journnl. Tba fuct ttint lbs power sf future ijatsral patroar age hu- been tm nile -iv used by ike Mugwump iru pouents ul Murpby rds tbe N'ew-York aeaabasdu iii-'iu of ali seiuiiiuiice of princlpts and reduces it te u v illgar Mii-abblo of OJOttQOS, A gWUBUC PlgFnaWaV. Itoaa Thc ladbiBasogi Jauraal. ? whv nut coin" anutb for a home:" n-k< a v-mhera paper, tWrilj bemuse bul one jmiitic.-ii iwrty te iilluwed to e\i-t. and the eleetloua ure SOtornnBed br tie- v :.--< oiiiiit-i--. wh.1 air .-ole-ted by thotss a ho hold lae llfSCe - sa ni:rnm; OB < OLLbflg .-.imrts. Proa Tbs Bsatoa Bea . If tin- f.iculty 'if Vide .-ii.c.'ej iii orosoblaiaf bettina among ihe stii.i.-nis. iiiuny pateraal pamsa win Vxi a tort of ebb tide In tlulr ynuly uutpiit. U ?TlTt TIONAI. AMKNliy.BNl? VAM'BI.KSI. Pl au Iii- tlbaOf K\l>: Tao fi".' 1-. la oir f"tm ".' ooseroaaeol tiiere i- no remedy sgalgst fraudubnt .-I-. Hon- exraul with Hie ? ? 11 ?' iiicin-'ives. ii-: on frauds will not aeaaOj Imii aili ci., and swarm, until Hie hnverriau people BrbUJ md pi.n.-li lii' nnd pITtbu who j^-rao ti-.'.li.' Un.iii or toutlive ut und i>:oUl hi Uicwu