Newspaper Page Text
IS IT WAR AGAINST THE POPE ? CHAISES AND COUNTEBCHABGE? IN Till; CATHOLIC DISPUTE, -PIS IIINTF.U THAT T1IZ A Uv. Ill BISHOP Ol' NEW TOI'.K MW Di: FI (: 11T i N f; THE HOLT BEK yONBlOXOa -saTiji.ij'- POSITION. [nv rsuMBArn to nts raiacxs l iVastdugtou. Jbo. ??.- -\ repnoaotaUva of The Trio un* today aaked a gentlemaB wkola well Iniorroed on gmfm subject rciiitin.; io Um Broiler* of tbe catholic ruurih winn ks Knew aboul Monsignor EotolB's vi-u to thc Called state-. Us replied promptly i "Nol dug asjawer, T.'io Trtbuoa bas beea a source ol news w nie, soi I sst Bstonianed al Bunt* of Ike ttoleutenta trinted. especially Ibe oas frets BosbMj pubUshcd in annosts9,a kane et The Tribune." .UKod if he hud read thc ankle In The Tribune of uedsy li'1 rejpbOd : .?carefully froffl beginning to and." -.tad you know aotbtng roaoeealng ibe discussion BOW fStBf SS I ' ?1 Hid ct say My answer thal I knew BaBfaf about tiie object i f Mouatgaor SololU's rbdi ^ ti,.- Patted States exec],; wiint ii.i- brea pubuthed jroui U"|e '' nato, i do know, however, timi tba ia"-' Basjraul Areablahop oj Row-York b;is a lot of tool agoga mid thal Ikey ara sugrvulng his Bptaropal pillum every day. i?f course if bc ha- no part ht abe 0M9, ke 1- Ike victim of real I kal i- llarply dktbOO ag But lt must be thal ninny oj the BlatemeUta como tutti irvin Lim. Then kara been articles pubUsbed gSB kui two weeke in Bow-York papen that bare rwitiod eveiy allegation made naint the MetropoU an of gow-York, r.ic defenre or Monsignor Corrigan U Hie Tribune lo clay W ividence in rapport of this mw. l uiw the statement prtated ii few dir.- pgo ,fi ta* elicit laol Behana waa growing in tie- New J'srK Sbieeee. Tlie cvidonco eouanalog thu! i- now a looiuucntary fact, "No"', if BB this is not true, bow ls it that Moo? goon Orripn's defenders ave day by dav aoaBdalli lug trie ('lundi and oddblg to the trouble bf aPirailng and ougarsslag m private and in pabUc all that la aijeced sfBdasl Uie Btanopteaeut of th- New York die tnt? Wc ure told that a 'c.imbin"' e\ls*> In Hie Clair, h to stown* the Archbishop of New-York. Is that tra** cnn all the Archbishop* In the I'nited elate.- do to Interfere altk Hie rested lights of the Met? ropolitan of New-York tf he is in aceord arith the Ilun? ja) Wiai .-.i.-.-i-t.- that ('null!.al Gibbons or any ?ther meir.her of the f .'im-cli lu authority has conspired UJ Intel tere with the Archdiocese of Bow-York 1 Mich fharges, If true, would act use the nm-t einlnent men ID th* Cstlidic hi.-ran liv of actually BbettlUg olscoid tn a countiy a here m.tu very recoil ly the public sup toted the t horeb Otoa harmonious In every and torivr of oir 'n-t territory." Tating up The Tribune of to-duy. thc g-mlt-man ion Unuel: sgp aaa rofl read tobi arneb) without tklnklngtnst fOm'tKidy Iris erred. Two week- apo, before Hr. wa- restored by Monsignor SotoUl, the attav Ks which haje bin. e been made a era prodloted by tims" ado know linne tl,un they think it i- cither wise er prudent to luahe puh!,c nt lune. Kona of tho plum nil-tar.-i>il, 1 am tobi, bul roough has Roue forth to confirm all fit was anticipated. -lt would i- inply h.- f .liv tn attempt ni ?-- t . roneoal th* truth Hut .-one', ojv i- inviting tiin displeasure of the Pop0, n:.J i!::it ni ii HUM vihe.i i,.- would ulah lt were not so. Hu ladacuual }uUlee U ni ur nt hand : ind when ho would -'..rely wish lout ile- prelate* tn Uu>s cuimtry wore baa fr..m kteksrlaas, )..- has the shadow of the uocolhtd-for controversy now i~--n.2 nu u tils country lo darken what would otherwise bea hu pp.. memiry bl Mi PuaUBea] eareor lu conon iii n wHh ike progress and proum of tho Catkolic Church tu tue United stat?!." The Tribune re rr. senbttlve asked Iii- Inform ml what was the p-ound for itu- sccusstlon* sgalnsl \>. lil -'. ... Corrigan- eminent ;..- rhte*. ll" replied : ??i>o aw ns 1 have boob able i .-- rrialn, lhere ls none whatever. Wksl hu- happened i- thal Archblsiop terilgan Im* foi- a lang 'Jin" Burtured Ina Mea thal ?wrw-York ls Mg eoeogk t.. be a Iii iv he* all bv Itself, and ibaSsuaaaaow ka ream g.- along very well a lihou! Home, pruvldi-d, of eourse, Rom- WouM kl hi a alone. \v? who ia ngia with tba pauueal eknoeal i.i Washing tea hear a g-j"d del frooi tin." to um.- about Ihe ?kitchen cabinet,' said To bc tooi].I ol Ike 1' r oboJ blends of the Prcrid'ti^ who ure sttegi 1 to i tl ? more Moaoooa lu afcagiBa, pabbe smiter* Utan th" con tUtutio.'isl advisers ut the hcuti of Uie several depart ajana. No President, within my knowledge and rs perienre herc In twenty BBOOB years, .-v. r had BBek i"i auxiliary t-rps of aejvlaue; bos] v b can it-uUiH- umicr ^:and that bs de- w< aM e more annoyed thoa l*r---i Sam Harrtoaa a-eei - eb an aOVgartfta io ',?? repeatod cay aflor Sb| in guarti-r* and tapers belbved to bs irendlv u, h.- Administration. i..- Arckbltkup "f BJowiTorfc, Hun, i.;i- lesa reapeel bar tuc Sovereign Pontiff tf t!,.- ci i,ri-:, than'Self respecting own hove for th- haabtsnl ol Ibe t oiled Stale*, regard lesa "! pir-l.siii boUag. ssonetblng, a: l--u-i. is duo lo Ute fllrr.lty of '!. i i,fl..<?- nf I'o.lilli nmi | re klent. ?Lt New-York po pars srs daUy lelUng us about tr* 'kltrlien cabbt .' rn-' that i- mimili? thirds in Boom .ind l- gotui to crash ne- Arebbt ??< p of New-York. Why I- it In-ti ml of abusing the oudlaga tbad ;..iii--. in lids country, mihi.- un? it b'ew york ka* leal Ibe courage io my Hutt Hie Holy rather 1- too old far li. ofoco, ; -'I !' tkere was aYauuger Vofe perhaps 'ii- ArcbUstiop of Nea Yorjr could down' Monsignors Irebnd, Ulbbuns, Byan, ind til Kia emin,-m null who ?i ? not a;:.'- wit VegsbjBi ui-o have ;i repttllloa of tin- language u ? i ty Ueoalgnor Corrbpin aol for from New Vork, not kjag lit", but icu ic oil" world betteve mi grailous SamueBun would asa auch Uuguage. "lara:, io speak auare SlreeUr, oby du noi Hie aaaaaari lu Bow Vorh mah- open air "ii tie- li dj b?* lii.-ifati of aasoulUng tin' character sod n af tsaaolanoe SatoUll i said in ii.- begluolug I sf I do not lOMW Ile- Object of ht* vi-;l '., ll:.- I lii-tl *Uu>". except as 1 have road Bboat ii In Hie imper.-. I lara beea t. lu thal lu- ia bb ablegate seul bj Leo Hil to do litany ehlBga wk* . very Butnj bisi.oiJs ?ad i'.'.-1-fy ore glad ks baa boom '?> dj. j do know bat fi-'i.i th.- time lu- braded lu New Vork anti] nos Iks sabUcaUon* reoardlag hi- orraad ',<?? the Btoal fart have bora acaudolous, and never would lave bren altered if Ibo Ai'lil'-hop of N.-vv Voil, lcd Sanud !? i ;.,- otberalso. Uraw Uta linc H^it Here. *a^ Igkt, ihe hisoe, tie- inti i-ui hs not aoobtat Moa SpiOl- -atol'i. bul i;?-ltn-l th.- KOUU I lo .'I-. BBS CiitlmjiK Rampolla and Lodoot ia-**!, and hence il"' *b)cii of Monsignor NttoUl'* vbdl is Bot <>." so much BOfBrtance nov, j-i ? as Hr. Mclllyiin's rose bas tenvu io be He- sileged caiue ol il"' atlatbi Blade u set), sro. "You Bskid m.- earlier i.i Ibe convi i kt* i', -lliJ Was ol Hie " i-i'tl^n- i'-a.a ' Vi' t>'.rn..n,', -? in. ni -, - ii i-s In fbi uo.iiuiy, " ' " f-" Be Aa Lia-....a hil* Krwuiuia :-'i being dlspleu i?! with BUatiiofl), \o penicillin nets angry sith hims!' Md tl.-ii blames lt rn - .lii'-t-i. :v el.-. Wv n I ash A: ? . -Co;, t tij-r.KIHI ll U 1- ?' : '?'?" ''"P" ?*' ' '"'-':'' *fi Asl: him If Hi- Holli" ? and bim "il sr In Wruioiiv tm rn lal ti malters abai loticlt v.-iv c|.;s-iv Ba -. nii'iiir. .,i im- liol) -?? ioi"!'.i- Hi" liepnenis sf fe tnht ,., ,n-'.iiit i Hiiiul'- Hint hobt ile- relation ? lae Sec .,i New Yorfc to Booie. You know Ibe old Bari ol |hi- (ai mci abu Uirew grass a I lie uoj lu W? spph tree aud was Ireated derisively by Hie Wrliiu. Th--!, you bmw Ural Hiellug lhere wa* nu JSBat Iii git - tone* eli Hie work <>'? bringing lb? kb dawn i. . burry. To be ure Hie Bul* I* not U*'j!v tom m. ssiaslon ot a searle! hat on Hoi -Unor tVaTi;:: n. ii-, t.i;,;:,. ,r (iitilii.-i'.s l- not ? nully ?sub- Up ol dlscoi lum "li-itieui-: but he m.n lr) Vila BjB?e there |- in l-iipul aiitboiliv, and mi llial point Lt> not think th- Ai-cbl.l b,:. ii.-Di sllghli-ai doiilit. ? tali i- nu,-, s.i,;! ; , ol ii-- Vallcun Iris <ald Bb Bon< -ii -i Corrigan uiusl have done something bbs I, -t iiir.-,.i. wtiv not Iel bis fool blend jwih Ike liol) Piitlw-r i trylns lu dowB Hie ai-ii B*i.'|, ,,f %,,.. v.-.i ni' -e Inn f not en-l.-i I," i Ji'li... ii,ni-s ol a -ow-i-eiirn l-oiiiiil. Wlij I.'.:.-.ul sb) real rsnsc .' lu- animosity and dlvcri attenHon J2 th'-e Who Hiss OIllV bi- pees ill ll.- C.pi-r '.'ai V ! *?'>' ;if'' '.Ci- i 118.1,1 ol lils -Ite li.-t-i.d of IrllllUltIK ll ?eaqiii.' .., -, -,,| , ,. . n?. Snilh cud Weat ' Tbe Tribene reine-eniailve a-io-i his Inforntiint if ??had any Idea lu v.ciil brm Hie l*n|i;il .ilitliont-. **U1 Im- ',].,,,. n. ti,, said his Information wan ihnl g0'1-!- ?'. i .- -i-.l' ' mS-ioii having b?ii Hi wa Med U JJOty rillll-i- Would b- i'illl|,ell.-.| |i| lolill' ? bis ?SWl cx-c;il|.ef!r.i, lilli! iuij.,-.- them on the hb-l incliv ?? * oomrmind. \- io Hu- su |m-h i ll il Hie Ai-. F*'-l'. 'hut w?s loo giavo a iiu-sUoa f-c a lay man *> ais-ii-,*, j"'' Untrue," I.- continued, ??HiaJ Ibo iinlvcr-Uy Fbsre. i-fTd lt is Mild there ls n liter tv bureau lhere g.P*onaaule Iles against the Archbishop of New Vorh. P?B? delig;,if?t it .,Ml.t |?. t? |]?. protesiuut laymen *,?'" I'niletl states to -., defenders of ll"- Metro Wit.? ?r ,|?. ,.,,..,, ,.,lv ,(f N,.?. \l>ru enlMliK bl "*ojii!ors iii the Church liar- und calumniator t?" 2Jt surnrised in hear i'l.out Ihe middle ?f this ??ti'h thal ?f...i-n-li,M tsttt.iii nus received additional jysj-rs fruin t|,? |?0I?. u,?i niay de .-rv.- Hie res|ns-t ''"? AnlihlKliop of New-York, or rennin- li; reslg U,l<"i BS lb* he.U of IhAl province. --a* ?Aiif>!NAi, i.muons HILL NOT TALK. R?ltlniore. ,i,?,. 4 is,,,-, ini^. Ckusttna] ObubNuj today ?t'lltisd t? I,,.,!;,, ,,.,v ,.,?????; ?? (iiu lulen lew villi "Kymar, i? gud Sunday's Tribroe, In whfc-h lt was umntea Umi an eeeleabnitbal combine bad 1." formal "CiOnst Archil.',,,;, CarriSMB. Savorol Iblfla -? ---? < ??-. tt^tr. i.i,i i 'll llf.illl, *-**?? itu ?-.-? , I'^lmve been made rec ?tly to aware lue t ard! ' u* *-">' aamitblag lu rofortaee ta Ike PJotilpoB J**- tbs c.-it'ulM? of Sal..||| and the BCkool -inrstlon. ??never submit.-, ti. un Bitenrbm. Beaapaper mea ?onrteoiisiy received at bia house, but they seldom ?SB b> sse bbn. a Dollta tec.returv Informs thu in n ? J n m"? ^nr,1,na, ?" ?"?MBl. The repartee reply ls , ." f.(r,1("u flnil"*rtjiiit church oneutlon. the THE QBEACB SEEMS TO WIDEN ?sBClllilsilOl' (Oiirhjvn's rtWDM AV!) BBEMI1 ! to.NTi.M-r. theib cnancu. The Bttaatloa among gomsn Cbtaotke kera reamtai Bnchanted. The friends ,,r Arekblsfsop Carrigan stm "?"."?'"?? b> sai bard things about tm- sa-caUed rltoe* "bul, is oppoood to kim. and those who lympotblm with Hie combination have aoOMag pe-asam u, mi j"""-' ??# Arehoisbop. The dispute |, M kmgrr om between lha friends of Dr. Mn lynn .I Um n-lemis Bf Arrkbtthop conic,,!,. Hm dispute new is between tko Mends of AresbUabop corrigan and the Manda of the "combine." all ike opponent! 0f th* ArebMsbop. in fact Dr. Nealyon realty does not Rgam in ttiie dispute, ma Mend* will say nothing tor or against ArebMsbop Corrigan or ihe ranna, wbleta, li i- aa acrted, exists limply lor tba purpose of oppcatog what, vcr amy be dom- by th.- Arehbbibop af New. York, Hbo Mends of Ihe motored print >-*> ihal now that Dr. bas ct bul bad Justice BOd <ias b.en restored to his priestly fenctlous, they have enough to do rejoicing over U>.- happy ending of bbl case, \n old story was oublbhed jreaterday which enid that Dr. MrOlynB v.ou'd nevOT h*v.- barn exrommunl tiit'd had a certain letter which be wron reached Borne. Il -'sins thst at "thc Uni- Dr. nu aa* suspended by Arclabtabop Corrbnta, ha wrote a letter to Hie Pops whick, lt i- oDeaed, wauk] have proeentcd bk excommunication. Thal partkular hitter, it sceam, never reached Be destination, mid lbs stories pub? lished bint that it wus destroyed by Ambbtatmp iv.r rican. A high authority in tbe church tobi a Tribune reporter yesterday the story would never have been pnbnsbed st this bite date hud it boan remem? bered thai ike whole truth about Um loss ol lae letter had been panibona! al Ihe time lt was lost. Tho In? formant of The Tribune reporter mid Unit Hr. Me Glynn'a counsel sent the biter to I'anBosl Gibbons, who wii- then in Rome. Ha turned li over tl) Arch? bishop Ireland, who waa also in Borne at Ike ti. Archbishop ireland, tbtaktag tbe letter would do mora barm than good to Dr. Mci.lynn If delivered io the Pope, destroyed lt. a copy of the letter was afterward miu lo Roane. i?r. Henry Carey, Hie treasurer of the Anti poverty Boclaty and one ol the strongest Mends Dr. MeQIynn has. said yesterday that he was sorry Ibal Ibe story was used again, ns it would tend to errata IB feellng und animosity. He -aid that Dr. Mi?.hun was inure a priest In good standing, and that Ibero wire 00 old charges hanging over his b-ad, ss Monsignor BatoUl hud goally settled bis case. Dr. (Mrey win present a puma or Bl.000 to-day io Hr. McGlynn. The money was contributed by the friends of the notated pries-, who wished lo give bim a pre-cut lu honor of lbs m-w year und tbs happiness ii brought for bim. Another published story auld that In ti day or two every ] :1i-,r lu tho BTChdloerss of New Voil; vc,nil bo requmtod to ?;gn a circular protoatlag against Ike unfavorable rommsnta upon tho result if Monsignor eati'llCs mission to this OOUntry. lt ts said that tue rircular denounces Monsignor BatoUl'* rriUes In bb unstinted manner, nnd that ufier IdtlmaUBg UuU the attacks wera la tiguted by eertaln prebta*. lt ,'.-.-? reasons Which are, supposed t> have ptompted them. A Tribui," rep Vt er Visited a good ri ni liv priest* rector day end asked them whether they ked seen this dr cahir and whether Ikey bud signed M. With one ea ceptlon not one bad teen it or signed lt. Cather Mc? sweeney, Of M. Inlgld's Church, Klchth-sf. und Ave line II, mid im saw th- rlrrular about a week ega and thai 1:- l.ini -ist;c<] it. 11- would say nothing ino:.- a1.,.ut iii- i I- ular. ?l.... Evening. lulagram" published another Inter view kui evening a 1th Father Ducuy, In which he again <i!tlc|si.-s it-rioin things published In Tin- 'Iii;, rn.-, a Tribune reporter called twice yesterdaj ut lilt inc Ducey'i ho i-*. ll" '-mi- t ci by the w .mau si ihe il"..;- c.j: Father Du ey sra* mil af town. ?.Thu Telegram" repweler mid to Fader Ducey: "Tbs ? ? ol i. loiday stated that Ike 'una' was ii >t cardinal Gibbons, An-hld hop Ireland and bishop giana, bul Un- 'roBilrlue' of evil I- th- Arch bishop o; Nov Vork. < a-: yoil give ni- any Info-iua ihui ii* io Hm troth of itatemeni Father Huey answered ! - My good young nun. Thc i ill.-.I..- that i: speak* wini knowledge, uni it makes u most serious (karga against tim Arch bishop. How iu.'i voa ask me t.? giv.- you any In? formation lu ii matter of lida rkoiactei ' "Thc Trihi.ii" -av-: -ihe |.p it romes ?0 US In Boston Him thc leodlug conspirator against lha plant and wUhea of tie- Pop* i- Um Archbishop ?.f Bro \,.:i..- ii.i v.i believe tb!-1" Father Ducey: "I dei un.t to answer." ? ia.- Tiivn." further statee: ? 1 eui lha Ume of tbe arrival }1 His- Papal obligate, ArcsrtHsaop namul, natll ?I,.- div ... irs Brittni .'.ia report bi Rome. Ike con? duct <f c... Ai- i.i.i -.j iii hui simply '."--ii iu tin- .,i degree di-r.-|i<ctful If liol Culling. Ur the repre -uiatlV" o' lue Holy Bee Ihem W? nett ber nelioui* nor courtesy, and In various ways bl* acth u ka* bren lll',o!e.-.ibl'-.' Dacey: "I tuu-i nguiu say lo von that you put inn In a very delicate position. You ask me io Steer between Monsignor eu ml il m.d my Arc-tit i -. i .,i i .-H.-., a- ArtltLi --op Oatulll in Bearer '.'ie person ul tlc- il ly Father by virtue cl bl* olUi lal rulsri, Ar. liol- hop --vi. lid i.-a.-1. im- io show greater respect for i.i in, sud as t' ??? Ari bldsbup i rn) Immediate ect ksda li ni -upeit r I tl. one :,, j^..-- Judgment ".i toe ron Al. in i-'iap .-iilolll ha- power lo H'M! with the \ ic li lil im;, it Baa York, i am now, a* I alwojre have be. :i, un Ihe sids '* rl| .'. Ju-nc- and the iHietllgi-ni ana broad BUlhoril) ol Uie liol) ts - ?? ], -,- ;, lilted In V"-i"!Uit\ - I cl" -I ii 111" Hint there i nu -t om Mn.' against Archbishop Corrigan. Du <,,,a ;.. Hew Hut '" -1 iio -no i and nuuualtnedly." v ii*; uin- reporter visited a well-informed priest, who says be knows a* muck about whal saes on In the Church bu Fattier Innes, und showed him the Interview willi Father Ducey In "The Tolegrsm." Ile saul: "All thal was puMlsbed lu Tba tribune ol I n--il.iv lu Ibo story from boston wus refnt.-d by .. weil inlom,.il hiv nail who talked for Tba Tribune. Kat ber Duce) knows as well aa I do thal what that lay man said lu il," Tribune of to-Ony waa true, ami ahat i>, more be might have takl to -i.c- relegreW report a ilnit Ue did i.'in-i.- lhere was a clique In tho bletmrcb) i.i ibe I mn h ot i*i-'d to ArchbWbop Carrigan, beoaam tn- knows of ibo existence ol inch a cTluus. He knows, too, iimt tho ArebMsbop ls not In tbs wrong and lie mlghl have wM io. Thal Arehhlahap Cor rlgan hn- not been dlsrmpectful in bu jr way to Mon? signor >iit ?lll i- irue. und Father Ducey ought t<, be aware of Hie fact, I sm surprised Uiat ba talked to ?'lb-- Telegram' t 'porter ns be old.' Tbe i.prion i i ArehbWhep Corrigan by Ihe Catholic Mi!., which was li. i "iii on January lu, has been ; o ,i polled. BATOLLrfl MISSION APPROVED UV PRIESTS. Te paper approving ihe disposition if Ihe -- i;,:?:s*ali il esses which twee* coin* before Monsignor BatoUl is mid 'o bare among its signers Ihe Rae. ?>. Corrigan, al Hoboken ; fathers Holland and Cody, ol ? .; ' I : Burl all, "f Bondon I, N. . . M sweeney, of Sen York; bougnlln, of Brooklyn; BUeen, ol Bergen I'oiiit ' Malone, of WllllonisUurg; Hennessey, of Bayonne; Bheppard, al Pusoris and Dean McNnlm, it I'lit.-isoii. The ib. ni,i-iit a-s"ii i Ibal when i|..',..,i ,.,',...,. 'ini Buthorily BBtkoriM i delegate bi edjust mnii ?;?? arhlok were perhaps a little Um loose, i; is moil becomlBg thal th" inbordlnaKs rd that high BBtbortty should pyre naqnesttooed al li glance, rorognltlng tkat Bulkorily as nt only leglll mate, but a- most mlutary. Foi tl I* reason tba a Ibm of Monsignor BBtoul moat be Bot onlj reeognlred, bot , ,,.;,.) teeed pml ? worlhy. Borne have ehumn n (.,,;i ;,,v uni..ii. Wo, the offended clergy, unix our Ignntures in support ol Ike Brilon "i M n Innot .,,,:; a- tbe name lime we malnlutn a mosl rtrtct loyally i . "i-i- ri-.Uv Mshops. (]l ,i,, ,(|?,- -?- on lo sa) thal Ihe s>eelled at tad.- ilia' bavs berni mad* i.Min-. ai.].-gai.- havj hsen limplred In auaiteea where a htlse feeling exists, ,IH] h.* in ,1 Ibe bssl* ol Bil n'lcn.pi I - f",..- Ca henslytom upon this country. That lt meaas ihsl he German! Irish. I'olbli. Huiipijan Ha mu and ,,,1,,,. notional customs, wlrirli rhouB have berni left , ? .,?. .,,|l(.,. side ol Hi- Atlaii'ic would bs to- "i il herV wher.' none b w,-|.m- except Hus* willing lo give up allejcla. i- '"" wu..: hui America bu.* ;?'""";, ?"" i .,i ;,;-.,. i, usage* are ni more wonted liere ihaii u ',.b-iiin... for ,'??- Kiar mid Hlripes. 'iii- fbllurfk , |,ll|:i.. n,e circular"nay* in conclusion, ls unl\er?si. ?,?| ||,e eui.-1:,-.Iel mit.f Amei-liii ls ?""""', np,,, free p- ? ?? b and Int thought, yet not forget Ung uiCiii,,.,,!,:1,- priliHples Ol I W fllllfl. Olid M.nlgie.. ?ii.'I' ni- bi-.-ii : in Hom Borne ii ipiell lu an amicable mann.' ? vi !'-'i-' ?ii-.agi"cu.-ius between bl-liolis mut priests._ _ BISHOP KEANE ON THC " -" I'l -i:i>-l'D l.llTC.i;." \Vn-'e:.-"iii. /BB. 4.- luabop K-auc. being saked this evening aa lo what ha had to my In ragard lo Ike recent statement cooorrnlog lae "suppressed hrt lor" lu tbe Mcii'.ynn ease, aaM l ? ii i- vary singular Ihsl lbs people who kara ra aeodoeod Ibf old story of \r>-7, iiiiv.- failed to give also t' tho pubnc Ike ealrlal staloumul bj watek Ibo tfory wus at ihsl Urns dbpoead af. Os fsrptomtfcr is, 1,-rT a Bistement wo* given to tba prom nf Iks coun? try evpai.if.g ike raaaoaa why Dr. Barlaafl'a triter waa aol bsodm lo Ike ProfmfsVtoS. Brteg| smied, ti,,- lotter was directed to tardloal Oibbaas, thoa kt Homo, :i?d not lo Hie liopn/unda. losamd sf "sap ,,r. -ini* tbe content* od Ute totter, Cardinal Ulbbon* aral very carobil to romaausocalo them to tko Cardinal i refect of ike Preoagaaaa, GaidUnal Ulatasaa was In ?? -nv ai itbt risa i la ort a* bb lateral diary boiwoon I m,(.l.iin md bis Archbishop, mid thoisrfore scrupu lanslr avoided inierfering In B inattcr lu which he had un direct cncr-rii. una his Vtadt to Uouic hud In view a different DuioohS." MURPHY SURE OF SUCCESS. SO SEXATOB HILL TELLS IMS FRIENDS in "WASHINGTON. BC IS DI UiiiiTI'I. THAT MU. CLEVELAND CHOSE A L08IB0 IS'CC TUC, v-i Cs ON THC. 10TI1 BECAt'SE OK GOVEBNOB rum i ks BECEPTIOB. |lIV lllll.i.UAI'H T> TIIK Tlillll'M. ] BTasblagton, Jan. d.-Sanatot nm appeared In tba Senate r-r a fen adnuta* ibis afternoon nm! waa, of cour-i-. overwhelmed with Inaulrtea nb..ut ibo sen? atorial Sght In New Voil.. To all wi,,, aakei be gav.- an anqnaUfled aasuraaea of Mr. Murphy* ruc cern, .-md to n few Intimate friends be capre -ed bs nabonnded gratUtcatbm (hat Mr. < Icvelsnd hud ehoeea mi hop,-:.- i a,, boam on which lo make bb Int '".-lu? lls!.; against Ibe Mate Democratic auKfalue. Mr. inn, wiii, i,is uaual nwthod* of precision, has Dgured out toe exact rtrangtli lu Um Ben York Urgtslatara of ibe oppokllhm la Mr. Marpby, and be pms et ?oven the Bamber of legislators who ore willing to fellow President Cleveland's tiuMruottona In Ute pend nag contest. Be Mes tits losing the exact strengtk af Ibe sntt Murpby poll. Beaator HUI sit.[plained frankly lo his friend- why the.Senatorial camus wu called for January 10 Instead of January 17. On Ibe Dib, Mr. inn -av,, Uorernor Ftoww win live a reception in Albany to ike Cleveland electors who atti marl lo cast the vol- of Ike elate for Preaktenl end Vlee President. Tko Bow-York delegation In Congnua umi nearly ;iii un- other prominent Democrats lu the outs un- expected tu bs present at ills receptloa, sud the Murphy programms is lo bold lha csnens ike day ofter, so as t" allow- ibo sanUamat af ibo puny, u^ \,,i,eti in these vartou* leaders, t., llttVe Us lille Influence oil the i.-glsbtuie's t heb " of u Senator. As lit -f every ten of the repre tentative Democrats io attend ina reception w.n b lim Hint Murphy men, Ibe coogar aud Ingenoouo iic-s ni this appeal ta party seottmeul bb tba Sen? atorial i|ii,-n,,ii win ba Keenly nppradatad by tho Cleveland opporitbm. So ib-llgl.'fully liberal and gi neron- u challenge "f the wiiie-i una frmst rxpresaloa of party oplruon ami preference ls likely, kowavor, to toke tba wind out of tho Nulls of tbOSI wlo ore tiling to iiislnti.tu Unit Mr, Murphy kt no' ibe genuine cootes "f Bbc party fm- Beaator. Mr. mn knows be is the choice or Ute party leaden mid porty urganlmtiou, und in aol nfruid to have tbe matter tested Beat week, especially ns he luis uh eui! v selected u'w coin* und druvvn up tb.. verdict in addition t? glvtug his own view* on Um Senatorial situation. Mr. HUI confided them with ana ostentathm ta Beprewntattvo Backwell and mot Umi accidental sutmmoa out i" "dbacmlnste" them. Mr. Beekwell wus ut oom Interviewed ead produced tbla Bccuruto r.-tiiotiou uf fmaatoe hui's private i n.vii su? tton: "Th- flxtOg Bf Ike lOfk.s mM I ?-, " f,,r holding t!is esucus had no other abject taara Ibal ul serving ti.v oonvi nb -rn ??? of Demo rata af New wu and glvlug the inn,-t opportunity for any espr sstoa of senti au il i urra Bright be ea fem subj.-c. AU Um l kera land electors, Hie Democrate of tl ? Sea Vork Cob gn ! itel. natl.iii tlid BlOSt of tl. ? pi. uiiii--nt 1'. lu i cm-- of the Mute will be lil Alkali] lu sttond bbs reception of Governor Flower on the Otb. All af ibem would like bi ba present abeu u- caucus li beal and meal of Hiern wouM be there, even if Ikey i*d t.aka two trips, nv having lha two thing* cou... loge!ker, i'...- Inconvenience al u second vUll ls avoided ned iiio caucus 1- held trader riorum tunes* io gh.- rullml expretalon lo Uta sentbnent ??! lbs stat*. Thara is no candidate lor lbs senate except Mr. Murphy, und lhere alli be none, and aouM be none, no mutti r boa long ti--- i , ? *? rap '; i. ere i- lberaf<nre no reason why t...- raucu ibouM liol be I. ld un Ike lu of the 1* t?ul ...' i: ?? ntnet) one i I. , latin ? ur.- but -.oven w bu WOUt Ul v..;,- ogutl ii, ? ? can. ii-.'' John ('"vd Thacher, of All my, one ul Ihe Sew Vork tt urbt i Fair < mil I ? ? lu town tu doy and aluo talki d freely abu tl tbe - it il i rn i, t. lhere was not Ibe i-i-' duubl lu lbw world, ha -..i.i. that Mr. Murphi wnnM I" "lc nd and it w. s .. * iu sui p..'He lau who kin ??' Bnj tldtig ?' ti,.- Hi un lion l-i Nea Vork i. st Mr I have made Hw break iso did in pubtb-ij luterf.-ri _? 'o Mn |.' -. . Even lt lb* opp lal I lu were b lb* red und I -l had lot f, r lime f..r their work, ll Would -'Ul bS tint"'- I' ir- fi* Hie I, even Bllh Bil I.' influei.r Mr. < l< v. land, t > Btlei I Ilsa cl?s tl, a la .. iy poi il' ui.?r. _ 'i m: "SNAi" CALL FOR a < \c< ts uvBritT ia a i.i..vr ni mtv . ? i"t'.i.' Loai BIM MOBTOAGE OB lill- s- ' '-lill'. Albany, Jon. -i ispeclol .- Tbe >*'.'> lor a ? the Darn ut ratfc Biembera of tb* l ? ? tl?lai .-- t i i -. sa ... i .v.ii.ii.- f..r t'tdted ,-tat'M s-i.-ii.-r was Oily 1 i I today. Il i-.i. - - 1 lesdsy, Isnuan "? ??- um Oaj f,,r holding Ibe raucui leoolor Pl akltt, ol Tba many Hall, read Ibe rsB to tbs Stol* r-tsnata whue lt \i..s in .???. aa! Bi unlor I . Bepnb ii.-nu, iii ???'1 ibal tie- mil ba placed upon tbe ti", ii'. . Tba rall la ar* nap" oas. There la bo Boot of tba camus being ,e -I BnUl Ila U.iv.-i lat.-.-, on Jw IO, i-ii Rdward Murphy, Jr., desires t" foreelo ? il- mortgage upon tl." rx ilorsldp ..t lb* esrll ri possible moment, and ihereforc I.bclrd lannary 1". although Iii : I."-'l-l itore il..- - not ?-.t's -? i.r.'.o:- un',11 January l~- Bul s mon who though! lt tr -yr to I-hi a Mate Convention lu I'euros ry io ebel dele gales '" u Natl nal < uuvcntlon nol io t>? beht before ti..- .inn.' following will we bo Impropriety la haring a caucus I..-ld a week al.I "f lha lime w,j.-ii lt U necessary to bold M. Mr. Murphy'* object ut t' prevent Pn Went-elect ClevehtBd from defeoUag kb el.-i ibm ii- Kenator, .md Ihal obj aol be will an tloubi.iiiv altai t. .vii Merpby'e blend* tay Ihal he now hus pledged to bis Buppori slsiy-seven out of the ninety-one Dem lu'.i. mernie!.. They Bcknowbdga thal lbs Binga I ounty DemocratB, who srlll mal nu oteen voti ,, have not wt ? tat thal ':--.' wUI support Mr. Murphy. Hut Senator McCsrmn, lbs leodOr ul t!,- Brjokiyn Democrat*, ins given hi* j.i-iig" thal loo] alli nb lead lha Benoiortel muru . it I* briloved ii:?' ikey win casi their ballot- once f", tome other raudlda ? ?bau Mr. Murphy; the Demoemtli '?bo**'1 er Brook lyn, Hugh McLaughlin, d Iring to beep nu good terms ultu pi, ident elect i li'.ci?,io, and itou* ubialu Hie I'.i-'.ni,. nilli >*->v v.nii patt nogs "? Brooklyn. But niter om- ballot< a 1- ?; ,<i, i..- brooklyn D-'um lint- ..-iii.iniv wm >ok- tor .Mr. Miirph) lor Senator, bcnator Forker, ol, h i- tatal. will v^-to foi Mr. Murphy, oltuough Albanj :? ? ttroug Cleve li.nd count'.'. ABBI nibil man Hilton, of Alban? i Milli)', ,,n u.iher band, lt 1* ?kt orlll vote for emigres* ?,ai. Charlo* I'nitey, ol Albany, wu Um nr-t ballot, WANTON AND CNFOBTt'XATB V/A11FAHK. From Tl s Noa Vorl nun. A lp uier ol "The -lu" Biked Mr. John bigelow, Uovernui iii.i.n', rtecralorj ul Mole and e*?s sc, "in i-' lound in bis l!br?rj 1> uriinenj lark, winn li,- thougnt of Mr. Cleveland ? pinnum lu ugaiutt Mr. Mm pie - ?ii reminds me," aald Mr. Bigelow, - il the i iwk which t'onslii. lb* eminent Freiu-h phil upn r, made V h< n I lo .Nomi Issued but natani enc)elli iii u Ui u?l t1 Mleiiilsw lu looa: 'BujI a gram opportunity Ihe Hob luther hu. I.-t of lumping silent. ii i- pn il,n'ilv ?l\!in. public nollie t" ul! tl. hu lil- it dr. Murphj end e'ciuttor inn mat hs regni '? h.- m s* io. in,... ii ti ultu, anal ls far worm In a moral j>-?i.i view, n wandu*, to every member ul tie- Legislature in,,, innie v...-# v..t,-- im Murpb) '.-il karl fur a wol c..i,i" al tl" WI.ll" lin;.-" or .iliv lal.a., al te !, hi I. Ot Hie I rc-l'i. lit ' ld I. As th- lint, nf -.|i I'll- iii: atora In Conores* " - - U-en rontkled l.j ibe ?-. t|tn I i: ,n nf nor Mate Ju it- lejr/.sloUve uodlei, ?u,i uni lo the I'l'-bi'nt. mon) ?iii Ihlnk H ooiild hava Is-en !,.-e tl.iou- I" leave to Ills friends alni o-ill.i. . ti,,, iiii-m.-- ot pelting Ur. Min ph). --le"ill Bf. Muruhv I"- '1'ii'i t^ Ibe .---ii:.* ? Hie probulilllii.- ol Whlcll till l.'o-v I.. I"-'- th- bell ls rillier rilliuiiited ;.. Increase than dlmluUb Mr, I'levuiiUMl ?tn timi i.iin-ei: iii a very ewhwiird po-IUou. ti mu.' either I. iii- " nt lo bl j>ai iv . ?-|i|rh h-.s Ju-t ?'Ivii him siu-ii u tiatii-rliin .-vp" sion "f ll partial Itv. ,-u'l refuse In recoirnlse elllu of thc Ve? Vork senator ?<? I' nuiowl lu sebM-tlns lils aids f.. rairs I,,, ,., Mi - i, v.-. ,i:i. ni. er In- MIHI.-- comp-Iii I ll ultl,. I,, them: nell bel ii vcr) dignified posilkin f r our 1 In--' M:il;-i ute I.. ' . ? upi , If. Oil lite id li ? lum I, \l,. um j i \ foi i.m i nu ??? !? ?iihl '!?-. Uni' i.i i ?? ii . ini ,Ililli!.-, Hie (le,itel li.I"! V . liol III -av III .,lilli.'. ,e|-in- i.i which Mr. Cleveland denounce his cumlMtnturi mu bardi)' roulrlliute io He ?! rlioii ul a c.,ml,,lat-- likely io be any more nccepoilile in bim. ?? ii, thur aontonh latin* t.-- ibiil lu )"i -on sgnlrsi Mu Mmphv. I ilitnK Mr. Cleveland lia expesod Mn -.-': uuu> ce--n;Hv lo the ?-,,? |?I? .<-!, if a Ishim: lo Ini-sr f, i',. with thc liidcp-u,!"iu" of il-" I - lu ire! "f I ? Inning to exert an undue and curiiipilug Inllueiica over Ibal bodvl a tu?|4clo? Hut an ld be rm I s- un I,nun,H.- fer Ills p I-'.inti n-pu'a'ioi than lill-lVoralle i,, the end* ti" sought to arrumpllsh bv r " MXETIXa OP THE ll ARI.LU I. fi V.HISE CLUB Tba Mgolof a. i'll'''-' ic'i ni' of the Hmm O. Biala* Cini, of 11 arlena wo* I" M ls-'- nlstil si lu rlul.use, Ba. Il' I,.al O.ic-liiuiili. --' -aiiO-ti nt' ??'. KlrfBiuml K.ili i |.i, nIiI.U. und Mr. "...?Uinir mu- -i .itu,. A ? .una..tte- nf gm was apiioiiitcii tj mvba Um eaoattm'Maa ima i-. ijV,. .\iea?urc? eera takes tu woks i report apoa ti. mian, lui reodlUoa -I Um rt ab, la lae baps ?f keateahoj ti,,-" sf t'1'- I"'1"'- tel hapmasBamt* li Ula rlubbaoae. ? - CAFTAIX Roi-hi FELLER tMFBOVIBO. Tb- tri. nd- "f OBpl cn (li|r!?- M. BaekefBltar, cf BM ;uh Il'-uinicnt f.f I.'.rantry. I'. S. I., will bl gtad ' inst h" ls doinc well ai Bosstven HosaNat. Twa ymw tao he ? is BMOSrB out of s SBfgf snd ?.-virtlr burt hi* Uti skai.Usr. Tho wouad waa looked uxoa M blalCd, until i^m* titre- aftcrwsrd tha bfl arm beean... frtly oaralyaaa. The captain tomi Mifl?ied fiom neurnlzi.- palm In BUN srtn. Tl... tympsOSM hearne so sc rio: is tbat mi Tuesday lost hs sutered Bososvebl HospBai ?,- a private pBtMMt, and ?a- epsraatd ?u by l?r. Ma. Hr lil". Th* ohyascBst -?id yaauaday amt his Banoal --as doing ????>!. Ba added um UM nen.-.- of tlie ann lind be.-u htbued, and tli-H tbe tim mlKlit i,?\,. bom ';?le? h?d lt 0*1 twa stomded fat. Ti..- marnbi wbl Bum ti's uo-piui, lt ls ?uid. iu u al.t.rt t.iinj 4 c iud niau. social Ll PE IS WASHINGTON. BECEPTIOXS AT THU ItoMis OF TUT. VhK PBESIDI-:xt AMD Titi CABIXET MIXIBTBBB. WiiililiiK'ton. .Inn. 4 isp.cinl) -The President's New Yt ur-- r-e.-jitlun ls iisuully the formul epSBtBg of the metal aaoaon kt BJashtaigton. This >cur the wnite House was clnv-d. lind the 108000 wus opened to din? by nc pl io-.- nt tba bonn s af UM Vice PrOBtdaat and Ike Cabinet offtcers. A snowstorm sst lu ut '.I B'dOSk, whick proved far mon.' serieas to carriage folk than to peopt* uiiii tba courage to lace it und moke iii- round of visits on loot, The tight miow was easily Brushed from v. ra;.s. but lt Brade Ibo ssaootk uspbult pave Btoata ex, i-'-iiniv slippery and dangmoua for hones. lu spit" of Um most careful efforti af drivers, many horse- amt down, and thom that kept Un-ir looting mada only slow program. Many indies wara aUtgod i" dlsariss Utelr enrriagm ami Rahm theta1 vi.-its on fool. i'..Iii;: home lu tbs sirc-l curs. Glowing ".niles nnd si-iiiiiiiiK urns were the nil" mid the bright interiors wera tbe more delicti, fill by lontr.-i-t with the Cheerless w-'-atlier. lt pcs Without ?aylng Ural the Vic President'* boam was tho centre of lilli;,, il. n for fib mis and slrunK'-rs. The vate PresMent joined his wife In receiving and his fenbtl welcome added to tba pleasure ol visitors. Mrs. Morion extremely well, and wu.-, us usual the grecbraa aosbea. Shu waa n.-sisted bv Senator Halo's wife, x-niitor Gray's wif- and lb- wir- of Beerwaento llv" Min. mi- . Killin Mellon was u. charmin* vonni; hostess lu ina um-room, when abe vms assarted by Ml-- Hunt, Mba Pauocefota, Miss Bl tee, MI-s Bruit and mi-, Folsom, or Bow-York. Tbs draw In-li oms of Brutton of Malo lind Ml*. Foster were scarcely lem erewded than Ibe Vkso Pre kim t's. Mrs Foster was Batistes' by her daugh? ter, Mis. lansing, iii- wives of the Mexican and Spanish Ministers, und Mba Voorbeea, daughter of Senator Vocrliees. In Uta tuinMnu were Ml-s B'alto, daughter of tbe late Chief Justice Wultc, und Miss Marimi I'alnl.r. -\t lae home of tb" Secretary of tho Navy \i-lt"rs received a charming welcome from bis daughter, Mrs. IVUmerdtng. mi-s Alkea WBaaerdtng and tho Mi?a Detmonto wire Ute pretty yoong bostemea In tba lea room. HW rata ty mid Mrs. KU.Ins and I heir daughter were assisted bj Mrs. Stoi.ley Matthews and Nra. Aadenricd. l.ure.. reception* urra heb! al tba bonn - of tbe Sh I'-t.ii-. of tim Trenenry, tbs botrttary ol Interior und iii- hes n lory ol .\-t! ul lure -iiutor nod Mr*, li ic- gave a this evening lu honor of tba s,. ,-r<l a rv of Stole mid Mr-, li Uer. Dr. ,-usan Bdson kuv- a birthday tra pi.nv today at ie r hem- in i st. it v. ii - her seventieth birthday. Imonf many irifu from fib mis was n *l<i> check from Mr-, tiartlild, wldoa of Prcaktenl Oarfleld. lt will I-- remembered thal Hr. I .l-..:i wu, one of Presi? dent phyiklani und una also constant lu uti. ndi in c a- nut ie. WE Dil I SOS. Ti.a wedding ..; Ml - Bells Hayden, a daughter "t ? karie* Hayden, of Columbus, ohio, to Frederic W, Pieutl -, "f thal rliy, took place yesteidoy al Boon st a- of tbs bride's grandtnotker, Mrs. Peter llav deo, Bo, 100 Fifth-ate. li" Boo. Dr. Billum ll. vu.-it. ,.r Trinity ChopeL oin. Tbe bride wai .-.a,-. i,y i t father. Miss Bdlth Hayden, n il* let ol lb* bride, was Ibe amM of boone. Tbe best i - ! .-..-i. ?? ll: v.l.-i-, a brolhi r of the bud-. Les* than BBj people, all relative* ol tko pair. were precut at i i art P ri as ned Ike arel breakfast. Mr. end Mrs. Prenti**- win live In bus. I.n-i b, Job l ?'? Pctc-'s Chureli, Eaton Hqnare, v.... Ulled wi'h u fssblmablo ihrung Hil, i ternoon "? -...., l. -i - nf Slr Pl mp Henry Brian <ir..\ ] r, :? ii.i itt Miss Wayne I uyler, ol Baltimore, Md. Tbe Int rlor of Ibe chun i wa* decorated with Sowers umi palms, and brilUonUj Ulumlnnttd, , i. ., bil ? i aa ea ried t i ""? slim bj Henry Willie, Charra S'Affatrea of ile AmeriroB i... it ? . in the sbst-nce of Minister Lincoln. Lord lirjveoBor aros lbs I?t maa, amt lb* Mis ss Cort ? "rt cit and Egerton acted a, bridesmaid*, rho ceremony, which a ?- f ll rb ral, wm performed ? ? Bel. ft Ultim Kg' rt m, ile- Bec. lie >rge I i | ?,,., ?: >l thc ' I -ir "f M I ? 'el' ? liter III" c-oliioiiv -' . I ?- ? ? ? li: left Loud "I !'.'? Ma- Itlvl.-r.i. !? mp i - .": 1- a nephew ..' tue sixth Earl -'-??1 I birk. Hi- London home I* il N" tiri Balun Square, und he has bi t?e* ot Hulton Hark, Tai purley, i I tl 1 Itt ixl IU, ''ld Hull. < lo -ii I". Ml-- Cuvier I- i il.ter -f the late I'atrlrS I'ujrler, "f Hie l Mt. I I i.i-.i.. . i ...^ cn,.. mi- Phillp Kgerton I i.i in-i In American society, he, lu rompany wBb bl* ni .::,.-,-. who I h ? ? ' ' l-'i. irun 1. udes h, bivi,o- p. -.-. i ? ?.r last summer -i1 Sew poi! i.'id I., nut. ; .-i. Jan. 4 i-; ? I ll I Llentl ti'itit Lb hird Mi.iii mu. if ike Bary, and Mi-s Emily Milla Ogden orara married t"day at i a'elork In Bi, Paul's Ckurck iv tho rector, Ur. Harding. Tho ashers were Lieu ? Bnehinghsm and Ueutenanl Douglierty, ?.' ? .,. \-.. | , -. ?! i:'. h ird a and ea Representative .ii.iui Kean, Jr., ol Xew-Jersey. Tbe bride, who wo* given away bj i rr un le, Theodore Braise, ol Bee uara a goura of whits mUn and carried a houi|tie| of biles ol the valley. The bridegroom wo* in ont form. A reception followed ut tin- boin.- ol tbe bride's parent*. Among ike guest* wera >v Governor snd Mt , UfeeB, of New .!? i-v ; Mrs. LOUIS Lerifli.-.-.!. Mr.-. S. B. Hoaland, Mr. snd Mn*. Btrkard M. Hunt, snd Mrs. C. F. Blnlkrop, ol New-York; tba iiii'i-'i Mini tat sod Ledj Pouncefote, Benstor sad Mrs. lisle, c.- relary and Mr , Elkins, Berretari ?I,,, i M, i mi Mrs. John McU in und ca-tiovernor and Mi . Tarroll. MUSIAL OF MRS TAYLOR Tins funeral of Mrs. catharine Taylor, widow of Mo ? Taylor, tba well-known Bnonrler, was brid nt me, No. lsd li" .av.-., v.- terday si ll a. tn il,- Kev, i>,-. .1 .im Hill, pastor of the FIBn Aveoui prob) terian t'luirch, rondiirted the services and pabl i a nm Irlbute I i Mn luyl 'r's un -! 'Btntlous rlmrtty and lu im- domestic virtues. Mm, v.. H. Forrln ton, .; mi ? Ant i" v. liyou, alto; ll. v.. Btstellmt it, tenor: K. F, I'm-hm ll. ba -. Bl d P. A. rllrei tor. all f Ur. Hall' Die i "dv was taken to un - ,rli i. r. inn. h. -an:: tw? hymns. iWi od i cai.-I. rj for burial. rr \rn\L OP MES MAMTBA I IAMB. Tbe fni'.-r.l of Mrs. Martha I. Lnnib, the blstortas ni writer, held yesterday siter.ti In Ike Mullion minara Presbyterian Chnrch. The rliurrb was w ,1 Ulled i <i iii. i" were present n pi '? mia lives from ii ? I Mootai Donn's, the llnguenol Kortetv. . Ihe Seo V nh Ill-i ";. al -.1 lety and all the los n! . fierier of v bb ' Mrs. Lamb waa 1 member. Tb* p>v. i>.'. Charles ll. ParkUorsI conducted Hie see vices, -.'.lilct, wera marked bv un entbe ab- m s of . I,. There waa no eui atv, at A after tbe briel pr ,v terian burial service Lad been read by Ihe , Ihe sssemblsge slowly dispersed. Mrs. Rn il Sag* mill u large wreath of lw and hyacintha: Mr. and Mi . ll. ll- Merson, 1 largs li monet rn While r.- and lille*; Mr. and Mr*. ?'? M. Lawton, 11 sheaf .,f wheat, end Mra. BIIBom hirings ton. palin Vi:.. . 1 hose preseni w.-:.- Mis Lamb, Mrs. Lamb's stepdaughter; the Rev. Cbsrli - E. Hardner and Mrs. ilardner, Mr . Russell mb--. Mr*. Anson P. Uhurbury, vi Hamlltim B. Falrutx, Mr*. Klllaen Von Beno sclaer, Mrs. IV. ls, Beekman, Profes .- Bee*, of I'olum but College; Mr*. James U. Uraloo, Thoms* K. I Ktpwnrt, !'? 11 ' ?? '"" 1 snd Mr*, tireen, K. M. I Kin-i"-. of the I iii-I Tlc .I'-icil Seminary: Pro ! f.t- ll. M. I'.alrtl Bes. II. '? ? Lester. VV. Ituv.-ird 1 j'.lac kwell Mut <kew Clari n Mi . S. .'"lu.- 11 Hudson, ' Mr ami Mrs. Clarence IV. Bowra and Frederic J. De - ? ' KEXTVCKT'B WHISKEY FMODCCTIOX. |/ml viii'. Ky., .'-'in- I. T. M- HHm #e, 1 pranri nenl whiskey amii Bad reproaeBtallvs .f on Baaiern ohlskcy Jciima!. -uv-: "The whiskey rnruduellon lor ' tba roar pronusi 1 t" eat ?' '?>' '"' ?U prerious pt ? 1 ,.,,.,'.,,,,. The Indication are Ihal this dist rici alone j will produce :..'.< iat,(? si rill-i.-, wbl I, ls tali 3.0 0, ,?,,, i i ?:. ? . nih ? slate produced last ye ir Searl) . vi-rv ii!-:iil. rv lu this di I rici ls either doubling ,,;. irebBUg ll rapacity. Tba rdlsmted oroduci tor id.. : l.t.. for -lc pre ii! -a-.ii I 50.0iKI,nSI pilbui The mtlmsted rontumptlon "f Kentucky whiskey i oboui 20,000,000 galton*, sml unless Increase:! lhere am !,.? a i.u ..i. : | : i-i. lion, ll I- caused bv ibe wharp In spirits principally wbbb i- -:l-,,u laitna He in; in. 'i > i or t..- cheap i|Ulrk-agln3 brands ii Mli.-!..-v. .Vint ih n Hi- !-i lins Mis I ll" lax mi Ili|iii.r will bc I -! - Mil I- liavlli-' -..nile luSuem ,-.'' THE 'I \ss\rnrsiATs f'MEB IfOIT BOCIETT. i . -,n, .ian. -i iSperiolL- li.?:?'? ui" soveral well knowu per .n- lt'tit'i'.-i with tho Mssaocliiisett-i ' rema tort ?-?.ly, wkbrh lill Its annual meeting In ll ,,i {,, lay. The ncwlj .it. i oBseert are Ja ow R. Chadwick, kl anea mlbibury, JebB "? Marbia, Aagustoa IB ni'-ii-v.iv. Henry P. Bowdttek, Ba hs rm S. I..old, RaoSSU a'lirg'a, Jr., Mtv. Wilburn ll. BOfoea, MJji Allys M. LoagfeUow, John lUtcbie sad Joha , Homans 'id. A site for the crematory has not yet boen aifierd upon <m account of tha objection r?b?ed to lt aa a probable nuisance. OBI! CARY. JOHN' HRIEKSOy. John Grierson, a pnsluce commission merchant of No. Bad Washlogtonab, dM ?u Tuoodoy at ibo tt. Qoorga Hotel, Iiroadway and Twclfth-st. He was taken 111 suddenly With panSBIonla und died ufier un Illness of less than two days. He was born In rscotlaud fifty six yean ugo, where most of lils relatives BOW live, j te was unniarrbsl. The funeral will be held ut the home of .lames Md.can, >?'o. 131 LeStaftea ave., this morning ut lu o'clock. 'J he burlul will bo in UreonwoofL ??? - - ALKXAN1H.K, SHAW. DSBVOr, Col., Jan. l.-Ilr. Alexander Shaw. rJbwf Bf the BortarolBne Depiraaeot of Bm World's fair, and ono of Mi.i Houri t.f World's Fair uiauaa-is, Ubsl pssSmaay. Hr. Shaw w.i* |,orii on O'loller 13, 1815, in Casaba, Bmt Caaaty, Bob Ho bad wide 'eiptibaos in gm work ut asbOsanaaa, During BM Centennial ho was la cliareo ct tho exhibit fur Iowa, and at New. Orleans he was In f OBI gp of Hie fruit atsptty ut that exhibition from Colorado. WILLIAM PALMER. Leaden, Iso, 4.-winiam fukoer, a bmsuVi of thc firm ?f Huntley ii 1'aliiaT. til- biscuit malar-, uni ;iO.'[. IsiiniMi iilillaiiUiiupl-t, Sled ut Undina to-day. Hs was rixtyolas yeera old. I AM ES kulti b. Jinn* Bche, a well-known politklun nf iel my City, dlcl at fit. l-'rsm-ls Hospital yostciday ironi pneumonia,. He was about Bite-game y ara eat uni u manna. Ho had ramsted a fortune lu the liquor auobUJes, and oas Un. SWIM) of Beebe's Hall. Illa aeoaarSy UBI iiroluhlv be divid.-t among hu bmakera and rioters. .Mr. Ko. la? vas b u. m.,.-mt. but left bis party lo issn amj seeeptad Bm JeSersonbui nomination f.r Buaessr of UM Beard sf I'r. -iiol-.b-rs, and also lull mi UM BOpaMleOB Mi ket willi Wi'iiiiin s. suitir, who was tim eoodMoM for Senator. Timt arm BM year of BM ballot boa fiouds. lhere was ria-mi to !.. I ie ve that Mr. Beebe hal a iiiuj":i!.j- ol over Ive UMomad apoo layaklog like a feb count, md amt BM regalM Democrats nam obliirea ta steal shoot twice du- Bamber of votes they started out to :.bal la oid-r to def, ut him. AJJUBRT DKI.I'IT. Tari?, Jan. d.?Albert Helplt, U d.ud. Albert Deipit was born In Hew-Orieanc ob January no, 1848, jiu was educated Iq Prance and passed fha Inter years of hts life In that country. In 187.T Ins - Baberi iradi-l," ? drama In four acta, was produced ur the ode.,n. ills ".lean .Nu lied-,- aloa B?araaaa la hmr acts, was produced st tko Vaudeville In l*;.'.. Ile eonbibuted io Uie "tmaban,* " L'Bvenaau nf and tho " ll-vae des lieux Monde ." Among ills nov.,1s are ?? i to- Companion- of tho Kins.'1 "Jean Bu-Pledo" und "Tile boas of Coralie." Jk\NEW DIANA BOB TUE TO ir ER. Milli SMALLER TUAN TH! ITK-T. Wli: Il DWARFED Ttir. BTRDCTVRR. a wogi n stn ,d in the street nader the Mallison Bquon Horden tower yesterday. Heavy ropes ran up the wail, over bal not lad al and through bolcontcs. People 10 tin- number of mme seventy-five were gathered around, ult their glance* sharpened at lha omi nod log of a wooran of Imnmnte stature lying in thc wagon. Tlie limb waa a golden yellow. The amterial waa i>!.v-ter. Stunt rd Wolta, ono of the designers of tbe pardoo, ls going io Kuroiie In a lew days, bit before Bis de? parture bo v.iii -ce tau woman of gnat stature look? ing lulu the eye of the wind I hot blows BCTOm tin I.- of th- tower. Thora la a v.,cant .-p.t op thora now, left by the big Duma who waa taken dowu bieune she was si bl- -loo big for KeW-Vork? .md sent 11Chicago, tor which nothing l- <<>., bi,- since 11 . iptured i e WotWa fair. it was thought by Um erIUci Biol the big Diana iiv\u:f"i the tower. Though beautiful t<. look ob there was too muru of lier. The lew- Diana l.s muck lier, being ntilv thirteen feet la bright. Al -. ii |oH-'t-r -h.- ls only u dummy, and will ba taken oa tilul for nbotil ten minute* some still mord:,.: -.1 - the iiitics cnn are If ibo 1- of 1 irrect dse. The ?taine I- to be done In bron/.') If the plaster cast I -.a'i-r.--' iorv. rb,- new nialia win i,.- dressed In the same style as the old thal ls. she win wenr a bow uni snow lu and a Rooting scsrf behind, abe will he, us formerly, u weather vane, tbut and nothing mora. I SCI DPS IS IS sot l ETY. Mrs. Frederich Itoenlnghaua, of So. 43 Weal Fifty f.mtii-' . nm., fl dance kial nlgkl tor her mos, Frtta and Kidney llcenlnghous, who ur-- st i ibm tor Ike holidays fruin Yuh- CntversB)". Amoila those preoeul w. is- Nits Moen, Ula* Cram, Mba i Isbop, Miss Steven ?on. Mi-s Julie Bradley. Ula* Areola, Mt** Cort bs, th* Ml- - Jdrgenaen, Henry Voorhras, E. P. De Lancey, Rene Moen, C. Moen, Clarence Day, Walter Mead, itt rry Livingston, Duncan ne Peystet sud II. U. Dor v.-ii. Dancing was Informs!, Mrs. Basil Itali Kaw u ima ot UM Marmy inn Hotel ymterddy. Her pic-ts were Mlm Wheeler, Mi-- llalght, Mils Abrams, mi-s Brayton, Mlm K. Height, Ml-s Johnson, Mist '' nut Mi-s Parkes. Mrs. John <i- MrCaUegb. Bf Bo. BB Part-ave., gatre a reception resteedsy Bfternoon to Introduce uer duucliter, Ml-.s Bilmbeth L. McCullogb. Mr-. E. J. linlp-, wit- of tba fenner Minl-tci- t" Kn-land; Mrs. i Ba Jennings, Mis. Mabel Busch, Miss CatUa, Mi-s 1.1,h.. Holly ami Mia* Albertina - bertoiifier aailsted ti receive, A dinner foe young people toltowod the re caption. Mra. McCuUogh will be at borne ob Um aft. moon of Jan. ll. Ml i. Bdwoid Van N. s, of v.i. -j Kit Fiftj ?? . lilli st., -av- bb informal reception yesterday Bbernoon. Tbe Brat Assembly ball will toke place to-night in ike Md- on Square Assembly lb om-. Mrs, Ogdon Mil!* gove a dance bul i- .-lit following dinner portie* given by Mrs. Maturln Livings!. Mrs. Iironson, E. I- BTnthrop, Mr*, w. K. Vundorblt, Mrs, vv. C. Whitney mid Mr . Lloyd Bryce, Mr. Brogden, pr'nc pal of Lamil Seminary, Auburn dale, Mas-., willi I,:- wife and slater, Milled on Tues. dav on the N" th German Lloyd BtMamalp Kins tor Alexandria. They will spend a f. w weeks In BsTypt and Palestine, where vic. Bragtluu wishes to do biow work, retuiuing liv way of Athens, Constant nopto ;ind Haly._ - a> - A OBCIBIOX AH M SST HHS POTTER. Judge McCarthy, of Ibe City Curt, yesterday gave a ib.-i.-iiM. ii favor or Mr. l.n-o. if iii i tull trougbi bj bim agalnol Mr-. Coin Crquhsrt Potter for - r vices icii'i. -rad. While Mrs, Potter was imvrisng n India, I ulna sad Australu ike wrote letter* of ber ??\piTiciicc- io Mr. li." oi< -.villi a h.. edited, rear ..iii.-ed. wrote Introduction* fo- and sdi to vartoas American nowspopers for publication, Mr. Il-eorb UgH ? ted tin- scheme, nnd Mrs, Putter agreed and wrote several notes to him expressing her deBgk at Ibe arrangement. Wier Hm last lt ter wo* pub ll-hed Mrs. Potter offered tu paj Mr. Ilocock SOiJO for Wi -iv''es. but did ut iii so, Mrs. Potter In ber answer lo Ike romplslbt dented Ihal she bad made i eontracl wllh Mr. I tor or k, nnd pul ;n :? counter ililm for grijOOU damages which she Blleged vu- due her on BCCOUBt 'f Mr. Bocock'* Cliskllflll handling of her letters, lieu]*niln Patterson pul lu a ,|. nillir.-; lo tilt- n.-w-r !u behalf of Mr. I.oe uh. urgtng mi legal groi'icls the ln?ufBrleiicy uf .Mrs. Puter's defence. Judge MeCaithy'* decision ml tallied ihl. demurrer. BFEAKEBB AT THE MBETTXO OF BOMOBIB Borosli held a meeting yt'aletday sfternooB al Bberry's, FIBh-ave, and Thlrt) tevenlb ->-. al which Un- president, Dr. Jennie da li M. Lc lee, pn Med. Tlie programme yesterday vms of nnnsual Iv* c i and aa* as toltowa; Kong, "Taree ii Bolto,'' Mn, Minnie N. ivini:'.ci Goodwin, Bcenmpanbt. Mi-s Lory c. Morse: reading, ?? va CnpubSshed Poem." Kli/.a ;,. th Akers Allen: snail, ?? Mv Hear; ut Thy Dear \'i.|.e" || ."i ?? -i.nisiui"i. Miss ?.rai'"-, oft.panll ! bj .Ml - Vuin.-iu : reodtog, ?? rte Yellows! ne Park sad How ll was Namul.'' Paunia !. Hebuatk, Lory C, Tinuna-, i iiiilnniiu bI Ike committee bb boam and biinc. then presented Ibo i|ueat|oa tor dlseoasl .u. ? Bi --"ivett. Thal ini-b-in rlty life I- unfavorable lo tba formal bm of true bonn--, and dom not elevate tbe ;. re- . of men or women.?? Mary Virginia T.ivum- ind fieale Hottsmeyer Boornfekl reed msert lu t.i- .?iiiiiiuuiive. umi Laura J. Palmer und Mar garet M. Menin look ike negative -i.:.- of ino anea ibm. The Biker speakeri were Bara CjuobI Oolrom .?uni Rlltahoth w. rhampuey. Among thom peeseal were Mrs. UIMe Devereux Blake, Mm. Fgajamton. Mr- Margaret K. Bnngster, Mi-, Maddix, Mi-s Bowens lim ,f lanni -I: Mrs. Filch, of California; Mrs. K. ll lirunnls, of -T;..- Cbureh rnlon'*; Mrs. Bli ham , ,,,-,.., ..mi Mis* i mbtrve (Lotto). IIIRT MT THE WICBBD 7.ERRA lomos W. M .ni- ... of tbe Madlmn Bqusm Gorden. received fi sa t. R. Iliirkkardt, president of Ike I la r Intuit I Zoatogirul lia leo, ye lerday a lalegram rajrto? .i. .i ana "i UM I.per* ol the -ano," waite eltomptto*. , -et Hie Wicked /'bin illlo i e.n I i - -i'l bim ! ' \ ? '.V fork, aa* terribly Injured bj the vi tons au mil, ead til* wounds arc BB s-iioii- that he kl li it C.\p'i| I t i Il vp. ?? Sat.' tail Mr. Men rt. a y, ? las bsosl wlU h. a to jedi ...iii mi,, i iui.-s.M,r i.icasou wm O'" IO a muan, a* lUOT my in the pri/.e rink*. Gtaaaea will iindertike to break bin, and drive nim to a curt. The seam cume from tbe fnranglml itniMens af Parto, sud ls the largest tn the world, BS well cs the :no-t vicious.'' "Jlnnliou" the fluent BBBririlag table outer sod rita fr C'naii.pj^n.- in th* word. Order them for the Bou? lay s. ?-??-? SAOO Ilesvnrd sill ba paid for Information Icid.nfr Ui the .onvli-tton Af UM men or Badi BBSSSSOebM who BOM wilfully dsatnyed mt |?i?tcr? of th" --Admiral" clcm-etu-s lu New.York and Nsw Isesay. XAiTON'Af, CyOARCTZSI * TOnAlCO CO.. iBsBTB and 27tb-tt> MA PP I El). poiT-tiitoss-nn Wedaeoaay, Jbbbiij <tn. ison, ay the Bov. Kdwaid P. Jnhnwiii. a; thc F.rsl KatorrooJ < hui'-ii. Albany. B. Y. Bllzo'eUl Wil?on, j, iirhtcr of Mr. Jam - h. (iro-?, of Allan), to ('baric*, iralrtieb i*-:-', of Bew-Yerk. Notices of rri.irrl.igcs must bo Indorsed with tail narnu und address. DIEU. AVt'KICii -Abbie Provo, deatly betOVSd wif" nf IVnlSmBt Ayerlgjr, Jr., ot Puerseo, B. J-. .suddenly on January ita, is'.'-'.. Iiiteiin-nt |? Piti-lhll Mais. BARNUM At Root M.-cb,iv. Beeaastead, f,. I.. Tuesday. January ld, ."-ui-ali A. HBlBOm. ni UM T'Jlh year of Sar aga. I'.in. services will bs h-ld nt lier lalo ri ?Idoii'-c en Saturday, J inuaiy 7fi. ai l o'clock. Train l-av-- Long ls.tad i itv for It'irpslest tt XX o'clock; K iitbu-li-ave. IlieoAljii. tt 10.">i. Carriages win Le in waitui!) i the pun loo. CASWELL-Os rursdsj. Joooary 3d, USS, Mtry P. Coo. well, in h-r 7lth vi ar. Fuaoral service at ii- r late rerideaee, '?> Arlington Pisco, Brooklyn, Thuradsy evenlog, Jaaaary stk, ut t) o'clock. Interim nt at Bridgeport, Cana., Friday morning. COFFEY?On Taeobvy, Jaaaary 3d, il-nnetu Kellogg, wUs nf ti," lt-v. vv. rj. Cooey. Heathes and friends el Ute family nie invitad tn att- nd BBS funeral s.-rvl -- it gt. Paul'* ( le rb. Kast Chester. un Friday. J so us ry (Uh. ut e. o'clock |>. in. Lariii,?o.s Will be In saiunfl :? t .Mt. V-iimn on arrlvsl of nain on Bsw-llsven lt. ft, lo witts B. Y- city rn 3 ajo p, m. DR MAURIAC?Entered into re?r, Coraua* a. I'., wife cf William J. il- Mauriac, on Tuesday, January :tvf. lt the i-esidei,c.- of h.-r father, BM Rev. .Samuel Fuller. Ic lc. In Middletown, < oua, I'lin 'ul i?ri\ut/- i-i Thursday, Jimiarv otb, at 2 n. m. DIMMOCR -At Hartford, Cona., mteml Into ns', Iwunry 4ih, barretta Benjamin, second dsugkter of J. Benjamin sui l.oiil-.. Hunt Ulniniok. Burial at g-metm I'.vKiiKi.i.v Rei M.t'iii.i-.t. : i.ii-'iv, of omudnaa Antel ChUKh. Coney I-lan.I Jum.aiy -ttl,. nodes of fun. rut inn after, Fl'KMAN Suddeoljr, rn. N.-i--I;.. Int!.', on Tuc-d-.r, J*nu ii v :i. 1803, Mi m.! i:. Puronwi, adopted daughter of tho lute Jnht, M. I- Bl B .ri. Funeral services will !?? held st Trlnlf,- Church, Kew. Rochelle, ra Tho rotor al I o'eloek. Train haves Orso! Control D'not ot - Od p. m. QA RA BAB -On Wednesday, J moory tnt, ll en lisrahsri. Friends, Inrludlne present tod former tes'her* sud nu.tts sf UM Packer Institute, in Invited wsuead Oin fun-rsi sen l,.-? ?t ti,.- vv..-ti,nu te: Praat'-ylerka l hua-h. flin tm,.st., corner -f First Mace, Brooklra, on friday trier noi'ii, at hair pud tin ? e*cloek, UABRIS-On Tuesdiy eventaa. .lanvary Sa, MSB, nestle B ? bunni dougbter nf I Intun S, .ml Jolto a. Hurd*. I'. ?! '. yeer and twenty -four dar*. Funeral from Barents' reardon .?, Vu IM I'...-s-st.. lin. >*? ij ii, Ihormoy H I SO p. m. MeCOSRRY?Oa Wedneolsy, .lieu rv lab, l?>.1, entered lille r--l. Billa l.a>:-i..,. Mi ut.-ii.n. ri . O'MOW nf th* bite boBKiel A. McCeakry, H. H.. lo tis* .-ichiy-niiith ; ? ur Of BOT ISO. Funeral it- . slr] nc* af ber toa-tn-lsw, et?j.hcn R. *? antill, ,130 i a-i I7tl --I stay vesont Sob tte. ea o.tur ibe .I.iiiii.n v Til., a i ,.'. li.. .1 'i. c. Detroit "aler- please .. ; ? HOURI LL?Al (ir.- - I 3d, ot pneumonia, I ian,. , T.. Wit* of -lu...c. A. .". Funeral | REYNOLDS?On T.!?-.. Jaoaory ltd, Janies Ualmood Reynolds, In the .",..t,, vi- ,,' ii ut Funeral ?im? si Ut Chapel nf Kl Lake'* Ilo-ptui rn Thu t-tiny nu.mine si half-peat U '.'lull.!> At Wli-- Plaina, .luim-irc I'd 1K03. r.enrsO eaBord, mu. of D niel Halford, In i .- IO ', ,.. Puni rsl - - . lees lu Urico Church on Fri lty. the nth intt.. al .' ia, i.-. ... k. Rel stive* and Mends aro re.trull Invited t> stood. Coorhss ooltiaa Ht" si rival ,.: Ibe lo SO train fr-m i.rsni i i-ntral f a- friend* atshlne ??? u to bis I '.- r-?ld"nce. will al-" .t tbs 12:93 trala O. C. fur frauds tit aueod ' 'i'll ll vi ve ss. si iir.xcK-At ii'iu'-i .a, Jsousrr ai. is-.i Mrs. Phebe II s. i.en. k seed 73 years j moobi sod g dovs, Funeral -rs i. ? -. at Pi-slyteri in Church, liouiil r.hnk. v J., 'li arador, Jonoory 5?h si S n I SRIBMORF.-Jsnuin :'l ISSI, ..f pneoasoa'a, WIBbm Kobcrl -, iHer - n -r John t?. .-siiliiti.nre snd th* lat,, r.ll/ui.'th Wei..- skldnwre. Funeral -? vi-'-s ?!ll I- held tl lil* lat- re-llenc-. Xo. Tl Wast tom-M., sa rharoday, Janos - I, nt 4 -0 p. m. 6MITH -v: Mooni Bites n V. sn Ta ldar fansBIT H. I-:.:: Dooli i Ka I th ..-? !-:??. Friend* ir* Invll J t. titrnd til- toaari a"'vi ?< si' "rti,..b.\ M..-in.' Bourn, CbsppoQua, Friday Bl i'-' s'eloeB ni. ss'VDi'.ii-in Braskiyu. on Meadbr, Jeoaory 2t, Edw?rl B, Sm ler, In ti"' til -t rmi -f his a,-. ?erv! - si - lat* andes ii J Brooklyo SOO i i. i ll.ul-slav , Bl I :>? ni M'lNM.v in Braaktya, Jasrmry nh. Eaalo a.. wita of Joseph is. mi m.: , Funeral from bondi Street Meotoritl M. E. (Tmrch. .mn'.- < lark uad Urary -i-. ea Saturday, 7th lass., ot ?-? p. m. -iii,' - Isnuary 3d, I abcth C. Btflm, youns?m doucbter of w illiam Stl Funeral prlvato bu Januaiy lill fr-iu ler bite r- silence, SIS . I- rtjr-tt. \Vlll-.|-.I.l.U-ii, 'ie.'liv, i | Igga at his lita 1.--H.-. IM East iii.,n a- M. Wheeler. *',?<?! oj roara. RttlallVat I"-.I Ir:- i: 1-. 0 - Invttad la ..'l-l, t the fm,-ral .-a ut st .1 in i chm ?' ?- sod Ma-it tun-ave., mi Thai By ?> seary I, isol, ?-.?.?. io o. . * u. m. V. :iIT!'.\tv\ Murv Off* sf BB i ? Whiten sn. OB Wi ! iesds: .hun si f i S'S!li - ..I I .? ? le i- tft> r. lil -. , ; i; - ; I I ??! \ WILLI AM"-- lu N. ?> I'-i iBtWlrk B. J. ht Ihe re-ldan'O nf lier -i.u-lii-'.aw vi v m N. Jen on Wellies Bay, .l-oiiiir- 4 Mi- lt! Iiar.l-ou Willisin-. in her -.-{??nu -ninia .' ? i'i? JVRIOUT "a VV I-. -lu- Lu, iii:)- |. nf lip,richill pna.|. i atilt, In the --.uh i-.n "f lid -.-??? l-.'?-":i Mirv nlda C-lt. okla* nf the late John M. Wilrhl sf I', Itu -r Ri IsUv - j I fri" n I- tte Invite ! lo sit' nd th* fu -? ni ?arv vires if iii* i hureh ut UM Incarustioa ta l-'rdiv. Jon cu.i ii a' 4 |>. lu. Km lly ..rnii lowers, \.i.-mis of ? :-. ''. menl N il R. \ V ne? ra. ,,?.?.. : , , .--. I ? peal ..f Ms.oi .-. - M. Whee'er, i war vetemo of Us Xlnth I'aralon r, UH <t i ri I'harrli vi cl-, .lom ? . -ml 7,?i.-?t, un in.i: las ii iiruiui, t.i UBI Ul, St '? ?'< ? ? i nw vr.n i. Aii'i'ii'i:, ( otoaaL rTrcs'ro rorrtfrr. nn the Iflrlam RtWlSOd. ?9 rclnutse ?-ni the (irma .*rji iic|.,t. Boa Begol *t ctrascs. (IfSrs ld fu-'. lid ?t iipcrutl Xoticca. ll ss t.lllil Itel III" MOOBUlS ??t , ,-..?,.-ne n t ,. ; ' .'.- i '.i ("Mh Appia I; . suns, ' -1- - i '. ? Si - -V -? l Obs . vr. PoaeafBlB Nallce. (Should ba r.-sd daily bv all linu-tted s* chti,?a? ntr occur at ?nv time). , I,.,., . ? ?. ..,-,|-...-s t.aad la- ?;a-,-ltllT td Ji ned for di-;.n- ii by hiv paiUcuhv steamer ? \- ? 11 nb-n lt I- desired i" - nd duplicate! ul honklr o id ,, rial ri" ??' - - ly BddWm d le-ina ? nt by tie- ri-'.--' \.a> ill abbr. ??'orelee m*ll> far th. mltn.' .lim-.rv : wBl il.s* ,- I , ,.-.-.- ? ' ? ii- i . -'sa lin c.-.:, v, lt ll a. i ? . ? stol ? ll :fin a. m ) ',;r Fortune l?iond Jams '? sod .ter-. i?-- ?. ?. Alvano lat tari tor Co Ut llb a. na Union. ..'i-t I, do-, t-d --i??r Alvens" : at I |. i ? ? -i"|.' rr, nun 1 M p Bt,| for N'-.i-au X. P., ti I Saut "- '. i ubi. I"'r *. -. bOOUOOOi ?t, I |. .,. ' ..||i|,1.m .? -id v I I'' ; li ll Nos BU, H. P.. |er .-. ?, ,l"li.i -ii"- I. "... i ? ?? las all lied "toe .Inhume- Brun"ij it3 p. m far isovsullbtand CmttsagmBt ;. - -. Y'liccri. tltlnvv ,v. :l i. n t !: - >' 1 Tiro rs-r t. o. i p ai fol '- Bj a., ii , r?p, . I i.i-i .: ii f .,.. \ >i i rrhrsn* SATt'BDAY? Al c. a hs ll --.I- inc ia aid If. in-ij p. i , . ii alu i ? ? i tb uv i - far . ci- r ion* .f Karora, wu* he dlr. t--l -pea) tt ?? iti'a". ; at ? m. ?..r Net -'.al- .1. ? i - - 'A i, Miii. ns iiii-r. -,- lan latter* ,.-i-r '?? Jr- ted "pri Werkendoai" ; tl s ,i si. foi Xorwav br I, I"'. ?- -. I-ant ilitfeia ,,i.nt i, ? ri ? . i- l "| i lt io t>. ".. is.,1 il,..,,, n'arr tl HO rt. III.! fm I'.UMp". ler -. ?. Ll lisscoaiin \,% Havre; ut ll ?. m, f >r i anipoche L'hisuo* Tsbis , ? i \ lilli lat - - ?-?'"? ? ' I O i'-i I.i .| Tnsusm ill <"t Bod ot'ier Mesb ai Slates ria \'-ra Cr ii, must i?- din i'll 'i e? ?' ? ;', ??' ll.?' '- ? f-i- J ? I ? ? i,..-it..i,i n i -? ?? M rn.'a letter* f,r itii/e, linatei i'.c Tr'ivlllo, and I'ueHo ?ir-/ caral be ,!,,,., .. j ?pa Ml rand*" I tl -1 c- rn. f..r UtueS ' -.'-. p, r s. ?. Uussle from N"'.' ? r!mn . st'N'nvY vt t I- si. for Costa Rica, ii Umm, ats . . Foshull, to??. Bew-Or'esn< M.,.I- ' \.i ".?' i Na-/ li-md 'l.i'-i.aii FIJI oid -,.,,,,-, 1-lim'. !?? - -? V.ll fill, s,., (.-, ,,,, ,.,,, Ina. here rt tilt V '? Jssuarj I ..- c. M u, rv. -or .si ?.ri, (1 .,; S r.Vnrl ot ?. ??? nr.?hn . with Bril -h smIU f? Vn-f ul"i . Mslls t"i illina iel .l?|ri:i. pei ? t. (Itv ,.. it io jen ir. (fioni -n, Proi. ??'. h-,-? .ii tv ,p t,', ).,,,;,,- s, tl ii SO i> m. Miiii- r.. ti,.. Rswatlsa Island* h-r.. - v.-. frnw ?-.?, Fram-lteoi, ei-m ;. Jtltv un t. fanearj I'. "? 'I III i. ".. Mill* lot ? I,,. mi.I.-iv I-'nels ,c ship i "? ? !?' "Hi if,-ni Sv? Frsnrlaco), . ??? hi-ri dillj up -. Jsnu* i :?"> si ri ?3 , .,, Mstlt tot ''inn Japan ria Yancoove* '?,x..-ltllv srliba-ss'! ISllVl .'.? lt t!,L ,.ajl7. rt,!M ;lt il 11 P in Mun- t?? v "f..- iel',, d, I.- tell to Halifax, ant thence bl .le-- n? loria adi's doll, .t H .ev p. ei. ^lnl,.s for Miquelon, be isl ti ll?i..n. ami Bream br .?.' . ? i' Hil* -I ; ?' -I ? ? ?'' ' '? ". ai. Ml!!* fol i'ula by id '??' i''1'' Hs, Bud i i n i '???? shatmer (mik in- Mon div ? 'ili-rs-Ii'- ? '"! - 't rl-ir* ? '? ll HU- u'f s jj liv sr ? io ? Molls li v;, lea, >\srtSod, .,,,l?** ,.,-. !:?i|v aibli.--'! f'- diSOBl a bj .-' cu, ,:,.-,? st HU* ,,-. ,? dull! nt 3 a. m. 1 i-i,i--l-a. ill.' i' il are fun. ir.! i! to Sci Vrtuciim dally, sod tue trh*0ul?- "?' i-to*'n* ls *r,soaod ..-i tho I ,>esiinipti.i!i -J theil n-i.-i,ia.I nvettsad tmn-lt ia -, ? ? i-i.i-i-o. m,.1- ii.-a te., i-i ? sirivlne m Oaoj st sm Inn. I-i i. Oil th. lc "f salllaa of ateoOlSM sro ,1,-, ttl I ..I fieri. - t!i Si tc. '-.. -1.1-1 -|.-il i. ai! ? !"-< ? Bl B n Bl. mes SOS rt. i:\i.i nipples.i- ' ?.Be afore of the F.npll'k Freaek and fieneau -i-me-. st tho Vionr o| 1 of i rn'..i---' ' ill* c Mic iv.' .ni-1 ?rkleb ree*iln seen ootll wilHin t'.i mlaotos sf th.- hoi? ss mllhia of -'in ? RK! I H'S WN PfrTT i-o.?-r,?te?. t'?..0ri,-.. JTe* \ ' S. v . I>. .??,!??? BS ISSt, Rclioicir.s Xctuca. Ni" \;i\V MEETIBUa AT I Nb i\ (.'I- VII!-. TIII-VTI'.C Kvl.i'.Y BAT, lg iilin,ta- afl.r 1J lu ll) rlii'iL ? tef..r> 1. fc.wuu.s- mo t.ii'.i cm rv du/ liih-nL, eipo.iis tUcyai Mav. C. JL YsiZMAJt.