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^MNESTaT FOR MORMON! ? ria;siI)INT PROCLAIMS PARDON TO 1 TH^SE Ll YULE FOR POLYGAMY. JT IS ox coNn:Tio.v that tue laws MAU bl OBETEB III fjfggblSfrtdSa, -Ian. 4.?President. Harrison to-day mtd thc foUowiog pro-larorition : Washington. Jtn. 4. 1803. L'hcreii-. CtoBttWSS, I'V ii statute approved March BM, ,:. O'llCrell-. *."?*?? ?i ?? ?- --rr--.- ?? --. . d t,y Htntutes la furtherance and amendment :^lif deASOd Ibe < rimes nf bigamy, polygamy nnd lirra ihoMlntl'iii Iii the Territories unit </ther ntltoful <' j" altl'lii the e\ilu-lve JurlKdictltm of the Knited joss* and Sieacribed a j" unity for sock crimes; and a-ecres*. OS OT OSShJl the sixth day of October, -jtj the Cborel ,,f 'hr Latter Day ebaata, eoamaalj sons- tbe Mormon Cboreb, through Its president, J rt a BaBatfesto l'lNx-luiniing tbe purpose of said * ^ c0 bog rr to eooettea the practice of aol*/. Ljnuiis SOBfliagao, und colling OfJOfl nil members and Jvrrnt- ": ",li,, rn,lrr" t? ?0,'V ,nr BtWe Of the ItixrA IPle* 1" refereoco to snlrt aabjest mutter; and tttirr'-s-. !l "* repir>etitcd thnt since the date of ,1* det'lttiali"ii the Bte ashers BBS. adherents of Mid lurch Bats aoaeroUff obeyed said laws snd have ob -tunad bs* I'1"1"-''1 niarri.ipes and polygamous BS* hjajBaoi; ?nd Wbrn-ii-, Bf B BOttttOfl dated December 1!>, IBM, Om official- Sf >?iv! cliurib, pledging the membership ^j^j io a fulttiful obedience to the laws against tiurtl gsarlagi - Bad unlawful aaboMlattoa, hove np ii,ri t? a* to grant sauiestjr for pn-t aaaaoss agalost .j bjaa, whii li requeot ii rory large nossbat of Ibe rrJufStlal U"n Mornnms, residing In the Territorb s, MBSBSatroBglj urged; and ahfTesa. T.'ic I tah (.'ommlss'.on, in their report bear In' dsti; BoatiasSar r>. l&.i-, recoaaa*eodl that aabf ggJJgai Bl grume1 sad -old amn-.'siy pn claimed, under artper aasStBOOa BS io the future oh-ervnnce of the li*, willi a view to the enrnnnigeniont of triode now tjjw-ad tn Baresse btw ubi.Ung ti izensl and Wier**-. Dnrbig tba past two years amnesty lins ten griiif-d to ii divii'.iiiil applicant* In a very large number Bf eaaes, eooSJoJOOtd upon tlie fnthfnl ob amr.i? "f the BJWi af the Knited States BSBlOBl un jisftl cjJisbitut.m:: ami there air now landing many n,*,-? oo)l appBo t eos; yow, lian nfn e, I, Benjamin Harrison, ProsMeat tl the Palted State*, oj virtue of tte poarera in me roud, do hen-by deehan and grant a full amnesty tnd jaidjn to ail person* Bablo i" IBO pennine- of jali act by rra.--.ii nf cobobttottOO under tlie ciior MpctTgaaMMie ni- jil.iral marringe, who have tinco Joaoaber I, ISSO, abatotlMdl from such unlawful co labitatinD. hot BOoa thc BZpraog condition that they Ool in Hie future falthfolly obey ide laws Bl the Cottee] Hgjoj ? .-(-lu!, fm c iinnu-d. ajid nut Other?I O, Those Obi ibal -:! l '" avail IhaaiseiTaa of Ibe clemency aaebl Otlereu vr.;; I-- rigorously ],ro.-ei-uW. la witt.e-s wbere .f. I hore bereooto -et my bani tad caused the ?e..l ot th- Knited suites tu be *fnx?1. Done st tlie <;tv of Wa-hln.:t"ii, th s fourth dav of Jai.irsry, tn the yea:- of Oar I ord one thouaaod eight hurjslrwl tnd ntneu three, uti.I of Uie ladopendleu a el tar United States tbe one hundred sud tevi . teenth. BBXIAM1B ll Milli-''N Rf the Prcecnt. .ions Vf. POOTXB, Socrotory of ettie. I'.ie QoggtloB settled IB fiic pwlataatlon has bern Jon,- aad Dolefully considered, aud llnally decided in tavoy ol lin action isetrnunendr- I by ll..- i^eii.i-is ot Hie I.t.ili ( oiiniii?-s.ii.n, the (iov frnor of the Territory, and by a- larj,? numbet of ironiiiirnt. nod influential ci'i/?-t;p, atooy ol then. lon-Moruuuis, nut only of Itali, l.ut of oilier btutcs ami iVrrifoiii*. J baa been oustomary Bjots Vnobj BBBaOianities Imve been inTolved m in effoaee aajaituri the law bi giant aanoeoty upon the application ol those nndot penalty) and upou tlie as.-u.-.'.ii'-e tht-y will in tlie lutuie o?< ?ene the !<iw* thal navu been taMitfrd In 'his u-e aiiiiiisti is eoaditioned upon tlici-e pnutssa: II.nt the S*aSS*9g hus Dot been e*,iiii/u,t.Hl .-.ince Nov.-iiiU-r, ISSO, and that thc law against polyg? amous murrin,,..- and cohabitation shall ba hore sfter faithfully BbaerTeti. ihe Mormon t'huroh ot'iieially ha*. dec!an-l that eii'.'h uinrriaa^es will not- hereafter ts- entered into, while individually S pledge of oboervooog of the btw is given by thc recipients of amnesty. If the law .?,..,?. la- dis ?beyed in any rfiven ca.-e Jrigorooi jiro^t-utloii aili follow. tba amnesty in granted upon ili'-ise oonditioni beCoU.*'- it is ropteoaotc-d and r>ciiev<tj that the jiloces alTeeted will he largely ben^ilted In a macriil way, ind that a munnin.- vviil 1m> riven t.i the faithful and general obaervanes ol Be laws of the Lnited Nt:iti-s. It ahoold also b ?aid that o- large numln-r ol individual ainnes bo> hav.. alreadj '.fen grnruil, and that many more applications are i-ending in tho Jjqpai toa eat if Jun ice. THE STATEMENT I >F CraCULATlOH. A ntl BaaCBMABai LAST MONTH 0?' %t.lCa3 8-.?2: AN IXCKEASL OP SST 000.145 KOR T1IK, JTSaAM. VoOMBatOa, .Ian. 4 (fr pr el al).?The Treasury De? portment'- monthly eire ila ton statement. Issued to dty, shows a OOt OOeroaae In the circulation during b*t BSBttt o' -*>i,iost;.:ii)'j. There wa- taring Dooral' kera decr-^-a of .?a'i/Ki'.cTO In jild certltlcuies, te,33H,liH7 ta lilted ^tates ooLet, yi^'.'D.fsCl! In sllvtr aaMfbOtaa ;md il.lTJO.OOO In currency eertittcatii. On the other Imnd. silver Treasury note* In circulation Increased S.i,li:j,OOT. gold coln ?2,H0r?,nf?7, sutisldlnry BUrrr H15X1BB, BattOaol lank note* *:,74,w31 and lUrrdsrd aJtear dollurs 1986,130. The total eb* :!a',rti if the ciHintrv on January 1 b plac?s! ?t H.010,683,674, or n jr?r csijiltn clrculu ton of f-i -'i- against *l,5?8,Tr*l,72fi .n Jiinnarv 1, 15*2; ?t, BMreosa of fBTt.btat.14s. during t?.r eah-ndnr frlr Ju-t ekxod. During tba pn-c.i-dliig y.-ar endin;.' becs-nilier .'il, IbOl, the circulation of th- couitrj' In craased 100,000,000. Tho get lu tbs elrcalottoa of various hinds of Oi.-:>-y eartag la.-t jrrar, together with t.lie amomntK lu rircukiti.,,, nt the beginning of Ibis ard last roar, ara MujWn in tl.' following table 1 AMOVK1 IB CIBCVLATIOB. Itu. 1. ISM lo-l '.oin . hawson! H.lK-r dollar. bu*ri.?ri r-li \.-r ... tri i Mitiftrote* gpoj ,- rue tte*.. .. ?'lier JT<-i?-,irv note._ '"WI Mat.., note- . 330.008.540 Uuwd'-y tri Uin a'e?.. 7.10" ("0 Sslional tom, ,,,,1..- . lG.-LHOl W> S41J.07O Wi) ? I.' ft.J 0.10 ii: ;ij: 207 117 OM ISO H.-S oa-ioii 1'.'-.- coll t-.'iO .Itn. 1, is:u. 0407.0'.! i SO ftt.Ba'fl lill 0-',77 ibilJ 14S.100.110 3.- -17..-|i>* :.-. ZOd.OAT ?AAA 7U7 g*>l 0.SM.O00 10S,4t7,4M Total,.tl.CKi.i83r.74 S! ,V-S.7SI,72'-> U?t moiitii time was b ii<-t getroaaa af *i..-i..'" b n* Treasury money and bulli.>n fund; gold coln hBSbga decreased SIO.OSB.SOO, and aatasMtary -llv.-r ^'"O.', w'lil. the Tr-ii- urv holdings of Patted Slst.s Bjaq ,i-,ii >??_'.->:i'.,,:;:i7. -liver Tren,urv DOtOS ITsii.ii.'!, itandard silver d'-llars 9BI3.0B0, BaUoool bnk Botes *J14.:.7::. gold bullion Bl.7lt,l4-J and Slrrr BOlbOfl BS,744jtMl. Tb? Ti-.-a-iuy ttora of money and bullion tm Jnnu 19 I, w.-ts ai follows: feM -ui,,- ...tlfBA0S2,4oS sNU&iUei ..^..* uollai* . Soo.05l.04ll >*i?l4air.i -in,. 10,.V7l.iel ?Uv?t ire-,-.uv nol.-. . 2,703.3 i l?il*i Stn-.., noi.-. . li..7(7.ITO Peons! bonk note* . B,049,O.Vi Jff'd hoUksi . st OBi.SoO Saver santos. M,74S.OSS Total.?7'.'i.l:?-,'.SK tai r<-:i?iMi siocb of money coined or issued, and ?tts: Treasury on January l, la sbowo by tba ful ?"?iDg lable: lf*\e*lB . f??ljr!l tllvei dallon... m .,lrt,,lr,-,., . BJi eeniBcatea BL ; r**uri notes ... i*?f! Mat.* note* _ K*sei ,i . ^*i*i tans autos .... Totslt .... Colm i or I'aii'-d. Oaoyo.oai n. 417 8-'fl 088 77 MOS 74H lil 317 >vs:> S2S.7oa.504 UM ,7*3 usa 8l<l."SI.0IC 7 (?i0 174.404,424 .42. !?">,: -Ol, 001 Iii Tieosorr. 0150,012 i.'.L' .V, 1,004,040 io 171, rsl 24,-^.M 7*. ' 1,740,410) 2,705 BOT 15.717. 17(1 400,00 - BR. HABTTJtl siiAKIt RBtOlATTIOIt. *j?Linctt,n, .inn. d.-Reprosentotlre Mkbael i> ?ter. of (-i.i,,. objects bi Ihe raspenston of tbe sljver Itr^ f?olutli.n Introduced in tlie Senate by Mr. J r '?'? of Xev.-Jrrsey, ea tbe ground thal lt P?? to tja Secretary of tbe Tressnry greater control ~*t thc -abject thiin Congress ought lo BlSOS lu the r*** ?f soy ofln-.-r of Iii.- liovernment. Ile offered ih. Hot,.,, (o-day ii substitute In the iinlure of a Mn** ^n'n' ^f"'!,1"":, l>i'"vldlng Hist all furthi-r Raises of silver bullion by the fnlted Mates of roi-rlca thull cease, and that they shall not he re tossw '""" "" '"tevraatbsaal sgwiaosal shall ba j"**** which shall at b-iist int-iiidi- (.rest Britain, JV"*n''' Franc,, aid the Ifnlted Htntes of Amerlco; Baria^T*",1!. "-f'-'-m'-nt shsll lix the ralOBOV n al WbtOb *<t*7.i,f i. ''' w|!1 tl'Ci-eafu-r be re-. |ve,i for colnnge, StSoar' "? ? "S '" '"'iiTHltv. nt th.- mints of all III* **8t.' wm thereafter be ^ ? limit - hs Mbiil, are parties to'sitid inte'n.ittloii.-il agrcs* A*TtAISB BROOBXYM NAVY VA ED LAND. ^??I'lngton, jail< 4_,n ar(.<irrInn,.e W|t|, ?ri H,.t ^^ jOngr?H. Ss-ereta-y Tracy has appointed it c-.m j. ?n ti apprskse ii.,, rotas af Ibal pan of the ^ n .Navy vMra ,0 1m. v,\a tn the city of Ilrooklyn "B-rkct ouroosioi. tu,; comuils?lo?> ""-islsu of A. J. Perry, Joseph Bonjnmln ond Charles tsmall, all ri liens of Brooklyn. NOMINATED AS MINISTER TO PORTEGAL. IX SKNATOR PIKBCF.'S NA MK SF.NT TO TUT: BBXATE. PBOMOTIOMff. Washington. Jun. 4.?Tba President to doy sent to Ibo groats the Mic wing nomfnnttoas: ? ?llb. rt A. Pierce, ?r Minnesota. Minister Boabbml lind C.n-ul-Uenei-iil of tile Milted Mute* to I'ortu.'.il. George w. Portoh, AasaebHe Joattee Bopreaae Court Of t tull. I'.-ttuiister?Kew-Y? br-Robert W. .Mattes-n, Cale di-nla ; Frank L. Luniks, Iii lgevlllc. Lieutenant li'lonel TbOSBOS l. .-'lilli van, n-i-l-t.-int romml-arv gen. r;l, to be colonel gad BSatsbtat enm ml-Miiy g. ncnil; Major Willum ll. Hell, coniml-si.rv ,.f suhsisten e. to bc Reutenant colonel and tuoastaat coai. m tsar] gem nil; Captnlfl Charba A. Woodruff, t.. be major and eummloiary of sabatsteooo; Lieutenant Colonel William B. Ulboon, deputy pajrmaator geaeral, to be colonel nnd uestatanl paymaster general; Mnj.,r Ocurfs K. i.lunn, paymaster, to be Ueobmant-colooel and deputy psyautitrr general; Second Lieutenants Charles T. Menober and T. Bentley Molt, 1st ArMl biy. uiui (,. w. s. gterens, Artillery, to be first licit, nuns; First Lleutenunt Vf, i>. Rnaih, (.. le cap? tain in tb.- revenue cutter tel vice; Second LJeiitenn I Alexander it. l'. Hanks, to i? tii-.t lieutenant, snd laird Lieutenant Ulchard ii. Crisp, io lc sec nd lieutenant In lue anie service. lalbert A-hrvllle Pierce, nominated ns Minister t'> rortugnl, vras om- <>f the llrst Senator, from North Dakota, and ls nt goeoeot propriet r of -nie Min ncnpolls Tribune," a jmjier Ihut ,,:,,- nf Mr. rtur rlsoa'e most loyal supp rier, m the Northwest, both before mid after the nomination. Mr. Pierce ls u native of Bea Vork, nmi while in Indiana rnllsted st Uie Hist call for tmop.. winning th.- eagles <>f it Colonel before the war WM over. After hoMlBg rori us putJlc omeo, he entered Un- newspaper lui-iiio--, 'us lirst ranaertloB being ot editorial writer cn "'ihe Chicago inter Ocean." In 1604 tn- was appointed Qovernor of North Dakota, j,, wbteh eapaetty k> served for two years, being unoalmonsly nombiated ly the U.-ju ll, nu- foi- lulled Mutes Senator In Novem? ber, 1S80. it ls anderatood timi Mr. Pierre hu- been imu led lately with nu afferUon In Ibe il.roat niul was ' by ii N.-iv Y.rk pb)-iel,,,, tin- winter tn -..-.-k n change of climate for .-.m.- months, Mr. Pierce's nomination gives him oppnrtonily lo stay fm- a tim.-, at least, in a i lunate inst win be beneficial lo his health. lit'siNK-s in THE SBBATB. Wablngtoo, Jan. tV-The holiday reeeaa of Congrea* ended al noon to-doy, and ai toot hour tba session nf the Senate was opened. o Mr. Chandler mores an order ibal ob Friday Bm) rm fbttaeday lit aeceaaaryi tbe two bill- on the cal? endar reported by lae Committees on BpMemle Dt? raaes ami on imottgraUon tarring lebttton bi ti"- Sao. ger g| tba introduction ol cholers Into tin- Cnlted states shall be tbe spado] orders and hare eadu i\> :? ,.n those djy*, wit I out otheralSe ills powong tbe preooal "nnflnished baatneaa." it seemed t" bim (be said) thal if any bills were en? titled to preference they wera. Mr. Harris, who bsd reported tbe quarantine bill, [julie agreed oilh tbe Benator from Bow-Hampshire ll...' these two geeolioiia wen- ..( Ute highest tm portaui ?. and thal rn tl ai sh aild be |ak<;, up. n Ihem ut the earileat das ;..- .t la. Mr. Wii-iit.'iii: recognized the Importance ?.f Ihe mea ::?? . b il ii oujgat thal tb ? Anti (Jptl rt I il] wai -till more Importout. After lonte fOrthei colloquy Mr Chandler'i propo rifSpn wo* agreed lo, nnd, af lh- luggesBoq of Mr. relier. Uk. McGarruhan bill went ov-.-r nil li., i i next, iii tba ai ming hoar. Mr. Stewart called ap Mr. McPherson' Jolnl res* Union to ali parchasee of direr bolBnn oder ile- .-lu limn art, nnd gave notice "f sn smendment io ts?bring the wi Introduced by himself, alt tl ? ihii-d section in .HM'st an bs lo moke it- rio Ini nine road: "And all -iiv,-r balnea belonging m the Cnlted States shall bc coined a.- rapldlj a* po I le, without delaying c..inns-.? tor deposit r*." Ila od tressed tbe senate sgainsi tbe repeal "f th<- aol af ISOO. Tba matter wein ov-.-r without act bm. Th.-, baring taken ap tbe calendar and reached the i.ui- llzlog compensation .,f ; j.iie,i Btutel liuir-i'iil- iiii.l de;.ml. - und of the clerks of the dr. ult md distibt curl-. Mr. .'.lil-on sahl tint ne entirely lympothlaed vvith Uk porp ne of the i-'jl-. hut tug p'est.d timi they -h..nhl Ile over until In had Ulne lo i-xuiiiliie them. Mr. \e-i moved timi tb. v be nooda Lhe special order f..;- January U>- Toe matii-r, bow ?vcr, went ovi-r informally Hil tomorrow. -? -*> STATK DRPAKTMENT D'HTMBNT*-. WOSaiOgton, Jun. 4.-Mr. OathWOlte, Of ObSB, to day btttodoeed In toe Hon-.- a r.luUon dbaetti ? the Coasaiittaa on tbe Ubrarj t.> Inquire toto the use nnd control of certnln document* In Uie 04 ile Department. A preamble lo tbe resolution states thal lt has been repeatedly eharged In the Bally papers that the valuable collection ol historical nautuscrlpti in the state Department have boen beM by sab* ordbaOlee la the Departasenl wbject to arthurs ..f eertolfl favored writept, while, other* bare been pw Blab all J pre v. nt,-d from obtaining roptes. The committee ls revues'.,-d to Inquire ino. all facts In tba matter. PRFJ'AUINt; FOR CI.F.VF.LA.N'D's IBAC0CBATIO5. Washington, Jan. 4. 1'ndi r Ibe terns .- f a Joint resolution Introduced by Senator norman, snd paused by the Senate this afternoon, Ibo .-.-r.-t.-irv of War was battraeted to permit tbe use of socb etreets and reservations li, Washington us might be ncc.--arv for the use of the coBUOlU??- having In charge i-'i" earemootos attending the Inauguration of tbe n.-xt President of tba Cnlted States. A PLAN T<< SKTTLK WITH THE PACIFIC HOADS. Washington, .inn. 4.-The Pacific mllroad*a>bi que*. tl"ti 1- again before Congress, Ibis lime tn s HU to* triKiuc-d to-day by Senator Frye, aatborttlng the ap potntmenl of a commission to sett!" claims growing ont of tin- tootie of boosts bv the Cnlted Stab to aid in tbe eonatrncUoe of tbe Pacific railroad*, and to secure to tba Cnlted Stoles payment of their In Sobtedneaa. t oder this bill Ibe PretWeut ls author lard to appotal i eommlsaion ..f twe BepubBenns and tWO Democrat*. BBd OBS mein!.er <.f tie- People's party, tor a term of oas rear, ??dib aatbority ;? extend to two years, ai bb bbbbo] linn of HO.OOQ each uni neceaaory espeooes, to tn- poid Jointly by tba Cnlted states and iii?- laUrooSs loterested. Tbe coi,uni?ion has stttbortty to ascerbtln tbe amooot ol all obllgntl'.n- dm- 'ir bl bi" (mic due tu Un- United states, and enter Info sgreeanonts will, lin- isaopoob-. ndju-t ai:'! saieod Uie obllgsUoii* as nun seem equi I able and Ju-t. subject only t., Ibe approval "f tba M-.-i-etnrv of the interior UM] tin- President. All el lstlng rights of Ibe teovemmenl un lo bu preaerved. nisi Ibe (ommls/li.ti I* Vested willi niihoriii i . Uilsu tesilmonv :uui invoke tba aid of Ibe I ailed bute* courts If necessary. K. 3. CHH.TOB WILL IK CHIEF ri.KKK. Washington, Jan. 4. Tba Secretary "f State has ap ?Bloted Loi-crt 8, i..ii on ' Wei elora al lhe suite De partmetrt, vic- Sevellon A, Btowb, resigned, sad he will iis-ume (hinge of lbs ofsce mi Moudsy wxU Mr I'lillton ls n iw prlvab tecre.'arj tb Vbe-Prcaldeiil Morton. He r---igm-d n pielUon In Ibe State Depart merit to tecoma Mr. Morton- aeendary. JNIU AN LAND OBSSIOBB. tvaabtngtif. Jan- 4.- Tho Prealdent seal to the se/iiu.- today s cnininniiic.ition from ibe Secretary al tin- Interior, accampaoled by an agreement mada by tin- cboiokee Commbsdon with Uie Coroanch?, Kiowa anJ Apache trlla- of Indtani in "l" Territory for the .??? arbai ol certain lands, Tba rea ervaU-n contains B,oHlo,BOa ocrra, and Bnder Ibe Hgril-.Bl the llKlhins will luke lu ;i!lolm-ni i BbOUt *.-,:,issi acres. Tba amoaol of moor] aareed upon bi- ti,.- ihihI- I- |U,O00r0O0. Tbe Pre Meal also teal to tbe senate sn agreement ooocloded by tin riiei-ok''' ( oii.ii.i-.-lou sad tba Pawnee tribe of in ilinns in Obhtboma Terrilorj for Ute cession ol Ib'-lr reservation lau-J. WHY AJtCHOBlHOP JACOBIMI <-<?T No SALUTE. B'asblBgteei, Jan. 4. 'i"h<- octton of tbs commander of tbe Catted Stoles tralalag si.iji Moooogobebt >? iiTdiiy .it Ia-hon lu falling lo accord ofBcbd honors io An hbi-iioi. Jacenta!, Papal Bundo to lbs eouri af I'oriugai. l- easily eoijaalaed ut tbe r*uit<- sad Bary mi int incuts. Thc (ii vi-inni'iit ol the United States luis not mogntre the Vatican, nnd conaequently An-bbisiiop Jaeobtai bad no otBelal ttandlng In lbs ?Tea of ibo laoaengabrio'e oomssandor. Tba Naval regulations pr'-ciile- Unit BtOWOSH hoMIng otliclal positions under foreign nations -shall BB rece|\.il OB board Catted stale- risssls vviti, lbs beoors due per .our, of similar rank iu Ihls country. As Anh litahop .in. oi ini I. not, In Ibe eyre "f tbe Cnlted states, a representative ol s Ballon or of any t'-m coral power, Ibero was nu reaomi erby be should ic 11. Ue the saline p.-.--, liles! for BWatgO iiiIiii-It-,. A LILL AIMED AT TH! PIN KKK i "NS. Wn.hiiigion, Jan. 4. -sei-nt'ir Chandler thinks that ie BOB hit upon h-gltliniite ineiins Itu BtOpptnl furlher ajMisBnai ny tbe Plabeetoas, ead to-day bs totrodaced ii iii- goaate a sbosl bin with this oed ba rb?w. Tba lin, u eagsreed, would abm daatieg Ibe semi mintnrv inarcblfit orgaliizutlons. The MU pruvldc, oasl H shall bc unlawful for nny body of men numbering ten or more, any of whom are subject to enrolment ns a part of tba militia ?( any Stab-, t I assemble or drill or bear arms a- a military i.r^n 11I7.1 l.m, unless they arc railed forth by rome civil or military officer lawfully utbortred to make such call, it shall lie the doty af t-ie iTesldotif to m-Merse any such orranlaatton, nnd rv.-rv ja-r-ui Serving a- :, member -hnll 1?- lo a 'me nut exceeding Bl .000 ,,r Imprlsonmcni ii.,t ex. coeding one year, or both. ?HlTMENTS OVEH Till: CANADA LINE. a r.r.POKT to nr. sf.nt t<i COBOBJBbj adoit tiik COBBtTLAB SF.M. TfllFni". JJ'sshin^ton, Jun. 4. Secretary Foster win send to the ITedd.-nt to morrow a report on the shipment ..'. toast over Canadian tranapoetattoa linea to and from Uie Cnlted States, a. directed by a House resolution nt the i.-i-t leeabm. Tin- "eaaaariar-aeel" frame 1, alee Sat f'i--"<i in tin- report ll 1. anderstoed timi tbe in resBgaUon -hows tba! th.- nmsalBrscsi Misin.--s 1, rspTaiy growing in balk sad ratao. President riana, lt i- asM, win report tbe Barta lo tin- House, nnd having thi- leave to C ingress tin- daly ot changing existing it*gutetlons. Although he ha.s aeetded vlewi ni*.11 this subject, and tbe law glees the Kxecutlve authority to Impose new regotstbrns '?:? amend the old "in--, til- Pre Menl Im- 'ml ti ? Int.Mil.i- vf doing BOT* th:,n to rall itu- sttoattoa "f Ooagresa to tin- roodltlon "f .-iif.-ilr-. Ile waa tin- more Inclined to this caase, lt N sniii, by th.- fact that the Canadian Pacific Battroad and I-- connecting steanathbB line (rom Vlctofis to sm Franctaeo leciired its preseni prlvileces in regard to lilted States business by proclamation lssn.-d by Presl dent I'lev'il.-Ultl. Secretary Foster boa given the subject much si ody mid tbtnks timi it would aol i"- alee t" Interfere ertlb the consular -eal traine originating lu tin- Cotted State* nmi destined to point* lu the Cotted Slates. Tra Ok originating 1 ntskte till- country and destined t" point* within If might weil he subjected to examination it tin. border. The nnndrnpUcate Invoices required by tin- Treasury regulatlona announced In Joly, lSBl. have, -:> the agents report, absolutely stopped ill smuggling, so Ihal Ihe revenue* of the Government sutler nothing from tbe consular-seal eyeless. SENATOR CHANDLER*! BMW IMMIORATIOB MILL. ?rashtngton, Jan. 4. Tba lloaae Committee hoi yet done nothing aili Senator Chandler'* ImmtgruRon bill, so to-day be latroduccd another Mil eatatiflMhln 1 additional regutatl ms concerning Immigration to tho Cnlted State*. This sitter MU I- Intended to suppl" in-li! Un- former bill. If lt ihouM BBSS, bal innv 11I-1 stand as .-.n .-tl-, the pie* ? of t strtrttva 1 gial ii 11. Tbe fcntiii-e- of ito. new bbbbbbw sw th des i-iii-iMi ..1 four n.-.v rlaase ..r exdaded pei ? ? reijulremcnl for 1 d rlsraiton bj every Immigrant -.r hi-' n'ltne, place ol departure, tenner laeMeace, snd other Information; il..- 1 nie <.f rrrtlflrate hi 1 ruted stilt.-- Consul* npon \ ilunlary snpllcntton of Ininti grants; .-i rcfiulremenl ol more cubic -1.*? Iniml grants aboard -.. -i and bettor emulation; and. lastly, a ne? naturalization clause, requlrtns daly SOya1 BOttci ul ti,- .1.;.:.. nu n before tba trial. KENATOR ALLISON MAI ll Bs II KN FROM TIIK C<>M MfeSlON. w.i h i.c ti, Jsn. 1- wi'.', aahed tbb amrnlng if lt waa tn tb ? he ??-.:. ii to resign bi ? member "f fi- Inti; ??? itl f il JIi neiarj 1 on fi ?? ?-..? ? ? en Mi H 1 n '?::'- AdmlnbiraUon ends, Senator ABiaon Belt! . inn r H-- Imptj "I Ihal t not worrying me now. 1 rer ? ? . lt now, an I a Iii lliei ; :':.iii ab< n Iii ? level tok< - bl - al li ii m titer 'hst lb ? future ( in !.,!.?? .if Of." ' I I. l :? Alli on ralI \. ?? ' 1 I ? ? ul t --rt. Inlj 1 1 . Mr. 1 loveland : I ? resigi allon s* a ?? - bm, and ?? Intlm ited thal his t oUeaguei 1 ?; . I... MUD IT 1^ .-\IH THAT MB. t'ABLISLB WILL Ai BIT v. . :. : gt ;,. Jan. 4. li,? I eral 1 il,,- rue mb. rs of the Kiutui-ky d vi I .ii.I-I- i ,i-. h -eu . : Mr. ?1ci : rbis belief ls hate<| ... ,- ? Ibal h.-.v 1 ? ' , nf Ile I ' ll. ? I ??!? . . ? to Mr. ' Brits* d th! . thal Mr. aoukl be ashed lo ai pl , 1 v.. sUolutlniand that he Uid lhe a sUtaBOC "I Ita- r-enst..r I.lilia--I. lbs lu- bini decided to .nepi tb* o.lrr bj Ibe ITe-l dent eb* t. HOW BACTERIA JSl Erl p.AXB BOTES.,gt..11. jon. 4 li< ; of ohio, ba* laban up and, In vleu .f ibe iia-.-.-r .f cholers Invasion, will pis - vl- row v at this -? sion o' 1 i.ii-r. - ,1 prop lUnn f.u lhe freijnen* .\ obsngi of Bolled paper money f...- Ben noteo. An In v. gatton made at I 1 . ? bu shoe. greenbeebs and boab note* ? Blob Un germs ,?' disease t> bb BausuaJ degToo, and that lhere t- r. 1 ion tor apprehension "f them bi a producer ease. In view of tba neceoslq tor tba atmo 1 pr* raullott against 'he spread ot chotara la tbb eoun try in-\t summit, Mr. 1 ulbwolta bas Introduced .. bill dlr"'in.- Ibo geer*tal. ..f t:.?- Treaoar to make tl.?? ne.ary regulation* to secure ' tte -|a-.*tj gad frequaul redemption ol nil Called State* pap. rency nnd all National isms Botes ahlcb imve u tolled, liiijuire, un. 1>.in or otherwise until lor ll-e. Hr. J. c. Graham, bactertotoglat of StarilBg Medical Colli-re, wai ashed t<> roohe nn laveatlgaUon, and bb partial report discloses tbs tort 1 ..1 oM poper mon**) 1- ;, full of bacteria aa efl M to be ni meat. I>r. 1.1.ii.nm orites ' ba made bb examination ..f right bill-.. A .ri bill "f ti"- fries ol 1-7- showed thi'..- hind- ol bacteria, one of s.-rh- of I--'' iwo kin I-; i?o sc bin- "f the ima torie* one baoferlum each, and aaotber i?i hill, tories of isss, twa kinda. Tbe bill- were nil 11,10 li worn sud dill). The culture made ol tba Boto*aOosred Umt aa .-rn h of them arees n number of bacteria colonise arneb mlghl tome Say, under -onie rlrumstaocea, develop energy snoagh t? infi-ct the human system. For inotaoee, tba doctor's report bowi thal ooo of thc hill* bod thirteen col om.-- 1 f twa kinds of bacteria. Tbe doctor says that lt yet rematos lo determine sba nature of lb* v..r...ii- microbes lo ascertain if Ibej bo pathogenic genni rapable nf producing disease. Tba worb ?tn n-ijuii-e . in-ddemble Un... 1N\ ESTiOATllftl TUM DISEASE AT'i.f. ROCK. w. 1, Jan. 4. suiv.-on ti'-ii'-.-ai Wyman ba* n.,t yet received * report bom Surgeon (..liding-, -it Little Roi 1.. "ti ita re iii ol hi-, examination af the alleged cholera bacteria among tba convict* lhere, mid lt I- nu! likely thin each report alli le- for a day or two, aa the Invest!gatton win consume about two rinis. Adrien* bare bera received at lhe Marine Hospital h'-re that Ihrr. ar.- ubini slat) ease. nmi sixteen deaths, all in Ibe penitentiary, which ls IhoroBghl] i utoted. a rit-id scorch 1- in lng m.nb- bl Dr. OeaMtags to find tin- ears in abkb the rontrleta raeaaaped nt Helena; eben found Ihey villi be disinfected. A precaution Dr. UllUoms, ol Ibe Marine Hospital Service, baa bren detailed f'-r duty al Helena. ( UNI I.K TIM; RUMORS ABOUT THE SPANISH MIN Wiishlngton, Jan. 4. The appointment of a Spanish Minister to succeed abos* Dupuy Ut Loom al B/ash Ington 1- ' li oded in some mystery. Madrid iiisiuiti bea state t!iit tbs gu..11 ass signed tts commtaston af ii,.- Daba ..r AloMstovar l?l Calle. Verterdnj lb Mute Department received InformnUoo by cobla iron Ibe Cnlted stales legation al Madrid that Senor Marunga had bera OpaotUOd Minister to the Catted (Mates, iiiii,!, bi tba i.niv lui'.motto 11 received. Al Ina spanish Legation here no Uah) inn be thrown upon io", lu in>- ni oltu lui In for nm lion, which will probably only como wnh tba arrival oi iii" nea Minister blmwlf. MR. SHULMAN CLEARS Till: AIR Willi A SPEECH. W;i-hlli|M"li. Jan. 4 (Special). Tin- meat slice. ?ful rtiiii etfectlve speech yet mode in Ibo debate on iii AnU-Opttou tiin coan tin- af tem aaa from benotor sherman, it wu-, only ton "r Sftoen mtoates bi bii-.nb. bal 11 cleared tte abaeapbere groatly. bob alor sherman announced briefly thal ba sympathised with tba objects of tte pending massae* Bad believed that tte funnel-, were properly entBIed to nil Ibe protection Abai could be given thom from ii"- de atoralblng effects <>f gambling In grala and colton. ll- boped Illili lhe JJ ii -li buri! bill Wolli.1 be tl. illili li? ll -.rion- piece of legislation and be brough! promptly to a v.te. Tbcea bad baan t<>" mach asrleaa Setay over lt and inor.- time should not la- wasted. Tbb appeal Bool a Bonator of Mr. sin nunns st soding had nu excellent effect and tte senate seemed dis|io.-.-ti to ?ian sbllly shallvlng willi UM bill and to conic to n vote on iii" amendments noa pendine. Loch of a quorum stopped progress, hoaever, and tte bbl went over, lt bibi be Anally disposed of early next seek, TO ATTEND MINISTER PRICE'S FUNERAL. u/asnlngtoo, -'"n' * Aastotaol Becrrtary OriaaeU, of the state Deportairat, baa bera deebjoated to repre M ,lt ti,,- (tovernmral Bl tte tooaral "f Mr. Pile-, tate Minister from liayti, which win btbe place in Uashlyn to morroa _ o> ? A WOMAN St'FIVAGI AMF.NUMKNT IlKIlHtTF.I). WaabfngbHs, Jan. s. Bsnator Warroo, from tba Ofleel coiiiniltlie 011 womui -nllrag-, 10-day is |'ort.-d to tin. -niuiie 11 total resolution to nuieiul tb* QXOBfl tatton by extending tte right of suttrage bi women. Senator Vance submitted a minority rvi>orL. 4 pi o sass. tjorsrs and CarnageB FLABdrau * co?"~ -ELANDKAL' * CO_ Uownu.viu, Uptown, ?;,-., \,ANM o Ill'.-'VIIVVVY m;ouAii.--s,. Axil .-.lvt-st. inline HAMS, atrugbi float ULui' exie-iaion fmnti 1.1...1I-. (.(ACHES. L.v Mia t's, atam Boat, 1.AN DA t's,, l.MUier ton. OMNIBI -- 2, 3 o?a 1-1,0. BO< KAVVAVS. UOt KA WA vs. VICTORIAS. Ia ur. 1.1 li. rs. VI SA Vi.-,. r-l'il-iilKs. DOb-A-DOS. JV.M.i.NI.I ITS. I'll Al. 11 f.S.-s, 4 pam PHAETONS, 2 |'*-v ( Allis. KIN villi! TS. DEPOT WAI,ONS. J'Kll'LKX SI lilli ES. BBCRBOARM. SEW IN DEBTOR, .. Ql'ALI IV OP I III. n,:>T. IN ALL SIZES ABB WLI..HTS. AND COLORS ul-- PAINTING AND .,.?,. TRIMMING, rOKMINO HU. l.VK'.l -,i .-lo. K ni HN1SUED ._\ lilli Liv- IN Hil. WORLD A CnilKAL INSPECTION bOLIClTED. ' "MIL: i I SiuCK AltOVK ST V Ll s sl-.Ci.NI) tl ami v r l.'ivv PRK is. a 'ii;i:vr \ -v .-.-i i,.*-.ii- .ii .-' bay r.-iiniii j, r., in band*; tproly, yn >g ?od -o'linl; ,,n.|?. Rockaway, naru.iw 4c, aninaraUvi ly se* ; il-,, teri m. -i-. fa i I i ali t i. ... nt i I,,, ,., on,1.1 offer lafu-.'d. Ricans* t I Uh Mal.!---, .(J to ;t.j VV.-- Lt.|.,t. io-ir ot!,-nie. FOB SALL. I.MI.I, SI PIT. II I.I.I ii A NI". Fii-i iri-.. it Maditoa bquar* Qardea thu loll. Have tiiK-ot moiv tim, prln - than uni other BOloal* ?f s.-i,i," ..i.-.i ,;i tin- ruuotry, 1 I'-.-:i. ii ?-.;h ttallto-i, Donaaer. 'J French i on .-ti inuii-s, iron, 1,000 tn l.i'ioo pounds roch. 1 Ir-i li ,.... li ally. 1 ll-.-lllll ..,?. I, wi't ta- sold at (i baroola st once. hiv I. OTTO, llolie-'.-r. N. V. ITENTLE BOUSE f"r wile cheap. i NIT EU KT ' I L.-> XOi IOB " , ttl I 0 .- '. it., RroohTjii. OREaT s '.ci.ii'K i. .-. il i thli .au- '..-nile, iii hnviiiL- h'- hois-, first-. lt.- -1 lol ti ? bUffj used I" ? li ..nth ; Plagsiil !'..i lsn : .ri haili* ?-. -aldir. bridle md roi'- ill netllj ww; must s-TI si aiij niter -i- oauei Bau th. li v ' ?' Pl I ''?' ' le, !-? V. -: lill -t SM ILL H U-I'L- RORKE un I i -i .' bu. 1. -..ri ind i :.- - .II r ? ?' work, r -: 13 t o <1 ubi ? h ? ? ?'? pu ?. rV ,. Ill ,1-| .1. I,.- ll I Illili i il Ill'.t'S , I .. . Ii - I VV v - .... ?, peoplr ' , -?? I fur Rh .. r , ? ?< <i sara, ?- - I !.".--? ? - ort, ?? ? i- t ai.- j.- ? . do ? pt] ? ir. . ; .1 .- . ? . 1 -'el IS02. Adlr. -? I lt. lill'.' ll. M-ir Iii it ti, N. .1. . o ' r Ci'tn Urn. (Totuir *fo ttl >N Hf! BIVI :n v: i ToitK ? IT v ?mil i ??-? altm ? r ..r the .u.atb ur Lil rd ' r .--.?? s'n) ni - ' - .-.-I i ror i I ? -l r.> , ? ? hail -rr ? fi \ . . I-I.VM"! 1 ll 1 lb "". i 'K LYN HW i LLTN'U T' ? . ? 1 bi - ? ' 1 ? N i ..- Il n 1 i- ? -, N NI w. best ? tutu Beal (Estate fox Cmlt .t c. ... V CoEiiiti; tiru trsmtf 4 cr 'jaie v - . . . . - . I : ? ? \ J V .' I , ,, OB ivvii . si- ?- - ?-? r ,,. , |rvlnat< '.'.or ?- - . i\V. P i ll s.viiLi'..N | fi ?-. RrooOarar, n V I'ltOPI RT1 I . i- - .N I .. ?(. I 1 ' - I .. J | BAMii.iox e rn -., i. ot ..,, \ v ?finis Cfo ?ici, tlttftirntolico I Ll ' - ? ? ? . <?l,tiwi ? i . 10 vv ? ? ? . , Ll.-Il ' . : . - ? r I |irtv*'^ ball. , -I. a ?! ? ;? ? I-. tn l-l, . ,'.:.. \V.-?-.. . s ., i, ?: ,?.-., i .. na; ? ?'.. ? .'. . l-ar? ?.-? a .d '.? ' -t .J ,1 r ti,. t'? "? ... 1 '? i -.. - :... B_'u ,., ? lau ??...?? t.i - ?...-' la 101 a 111 Iii I !> ? r th-.t., ali . ,-r 1 ? > ? , 4.' , j. , I a-' '.if, ? ? C r ?? -i?? n.'l ba'ti. ?.<?> B| - I KA Nc I J. .m ii VI .,., ITS "-a-T. 'sit'i.-t -Tntuiohcb Apartmenta (Uatttet. WAN ll' ... .-.; I-,:, . ni --. i . I., ttl I , ... '?? :- un - j.,: - | b.| , Li ??. I w ...| In (Uti ,.- r- n- ? - l.-.r.l-.-l. M'-ilEUN ll I. Tribune l Blown m.,, ll- al?s; Wa NT ED, v - , ? ,.r i".. ii ...tii- fui *u i . fsfflily " : I rhtldren, itii.-n i'.t:, sod son, .f- un-l Tin nn.| vin. a,, u arri a dd rr a. p n i 'Ir'... UM 'in.,-... /or Inilt*. VT l: I Li fl .D PRICES 'n>i as*, ond hiiiid h.. d aid iras aerator. - . fully ?'',ar*..t.-.-u , n,i I, ii,ni i,.,.-,,i aod .\ i io. *?? i. '.l</|;i.i. li, 1.,1,'iv , j vi,, .., . A M v, vu |. in;' ji vi:., vin uk:.i. Bl 30 ..-..I i '.. ii nnl ftnl.h, durtlil it I .Vj vv. -t _-...| i. fill V VII. Kv IILV mi .;. e.i.i and iri.'lv fur lt r g ht i i i bi tod j.iii .'in - li .| r ut iii.. f. -I loo. I, .-i-T i'r -..'. o' st., UrunSlni. saki s -liars? In* iii ?? ? ?? i I r.-ond I .: d 'Sf.-- ; -;.. . . 1 I iri.--.-i. tl, t- ,, itt, I- ii li: '-- i" n aldus: v v TJ l-l 'Al: i Tl I) l i,'I- -ul Il ll, ?:..; .1 V. -ii,los-.,1, k. v..I ir I lb" new, ' - at r i . . ssh ? i PEW III I I ll, Ros 17 'I il."re "H. - ? I.'.c. ... i in v I I v ?-- . roarii pl no loll - SSI Igri 1- ai:,;.. I . slnlotfU flw. villi--- HVMI I. I' BEATTY, JVsabliia loo v ,i. Dress malting. \ K I IS 1 li lilll.ssMAKIM,, nnln.ur ,1.-.tri - Bvenias -li.*-* t -u--..n'y: hotel .- .ron I i.uti. v sod ii." li isl . hill ri ? Mr M. -Ll.Ito V. .-. fclost 'j:i.-L. oppo*lla Stewart's Bultdlog. V UTI VI ll lUlls-Mlli'lM,. 1-. r'. .1 flttlns ? o-t'inie- . Imo.I- in- ll."-- fu. BIS. MME. OW IN. 202 vv. -t jii'I -i A A DRK-NrsMAB LIU ; 11 ,t - uti r, ami tut r. <:( a ilav ?> si boon- p rusrant.I ir,i.; -1 Ik ot , loth In om- ii.. u to.-etd; me v i.ui-t- t'* and ?iii L-iiwii- i *i>-. i il'.y. ii East I'.tii-t. nra Bro si way. lilli',-- M VKI.IL ..- Milli I- | tl r isl... i- an rsi .lui lilt r omi hist sawer wishes n l-l.i.??? in private family; ?>. li- hui' - ii sid !. ? -? -il \ :? i Ti n ?? .. A M i' int w.-.t :-.:ti. -i. Hill H* M ,h III Ry i. tlr-t . I ? tallar; wlslie* .. len more ? u -i..i, ?-,.-. ^..od rrferrtirra. UhI I .i-r Uolh-at. i.iii -m vis i it ? in,!.- n r.-,\ noe* . ;?i,or. ;-. ai hun <? .ulta from io up, tl POX, m vv--' -'Hi t.. pear Riverside liri v. du; --s vt ak I ni. in thorough, Orsv , Ums ? . ucl nf- i nf tlie ' .? -r. di- .sm tu iir-i..-in-- faiiiiin-s; t. rm* pi per laj Blghret ref'r.-ii. ??. Aildr. - B, 234 BUi lie. inti -sMali i: r. i aral in-- dress. n uk. r to k"> ont le fe .!.- ..-o.,i| .-lt -. - i f.r ii e. Mr*. P. IX) NO ll I I.. - .. Oth. nu-.. 2 mehi- o|.. lilli ss vi ak LU il-- f ii n.h. iT". me - ut Borne ur bj U," dui : ruttiiis .uni ,, specl ilty. Mme. DEN in.N. -j.-i VI,-?t 3.(1 -t. I'KI Ni ll |il'.l>-'.! IMK ;? ' in.! tt] .' sraol. lt lo.' ll pl rle t MHUij,'; llnlu ? [Mitt -I 50 et nu Mote. I.I I li I. IBS JVi -i :: I, VDI! ?' 1 VII univ.. L dies' o ri mat cul. mad> up iel i is Sri* i ..,t- ui?c ? ami .!,?,??. , I sits- nil kin!- altered and ree.-lill. ri. (Jil El ll III VV. ?t KM-st. MM I'. Hill.vlf. V. 1-i'll.s' tallo": Bowns. cont,-, rbtlni habit* rrr >ptl .1 toilets v, kariiiiit* Winrouthll lalmr-mid . form.-riv wis. Ma . i oe Belly on I IU if- m. LOOS Braadwaj MAI." (i A KM I. NTs r.diil. alt-T.-d or repaired M *. BARKER, nu w,v,i aou?. .i 17 roars -rn i lieorte BmlUi i; . .-. .!.. LOOOOn, ned liuillor'- otliii.--. si u, '. viivii NTS di redyed" ?li<r>-l ai,'! r. ii o'l'-lh't to nra shape.; r?t I ma tr* t-'ii.i : *:i ii doy; iirt-.--.i-- a o. t.i-.i.n. mi vv. t 22d t ' 'l'll'illdt' DltKSSM VKI'.ti (!e|r. . rn'. ni "" nt I''' ?t*s' or i- "k ; lu n I ut si ll-,, my ? hi. t ., f.-. .es Ad !?? -- vu | N Tilt, nt.- l'i tom "ii e. 1.24S Broadway, lUiofcllrtiicono. W AN TE ti - M.iili'n ri lo builil. I>v th" dav or . sntrai I I ? 'nnn ? iiui.l --v.- I. inri*l sod i ui to ul ?..-km n rmploj i! OEOROE O, KINNT.. -J3-I Uroadvtay. RStaa ,8 Ollartlts! I'c.stoftlcC. Dela HJantcd. AOEXTS and CAN VA>sElU?. malo or f.-male; S3 to ST dallr prout* .ure; es l>erienco unnei-casarv ; no uiK.n- saulred; ?'s'-lu.lve terrl'.ori given. I'nr paul, ila * ?d'li.-.? 1. PL TB AM 4; CO., We.i VVin?U-d. Conn. Males. COACHMAN WANTED.?Mast have bo.kI .-iti rcMrears toot be I* a s-rs-r. -i'-"ii ll HIST sod a llr-t-? Isss .Hy d h.-r; lil ii ile-1.-..1 p. if erred Apply at :;, w.*t oT'.n-st., aft-r li e'clsek I.Ml'LiiV. mk.Vi ?( all kl ida quickly p.? cored for men, and ulle help furnl.n'il fri* to employer* br thc OLD RELIABLE MUTUAL Ai.ENCY, *H urosdwsy. Lill'. IN- -RAVE VlillN'i'S Wl1b- M.. M " i i.'' ? fir n- ?- romhlnstioa lu" sud Investment; rrlshlc._ .OiTEUS oi ii DELATORS WANTED. Apilv EUI isl >N LAME WORKS, ii irrlaaa, B. J. SEALERS! X WANTED. Appl) taOlaON LAME WORKS, Marr.-on, J. J. (il RIA WANTED, A|,; Iv LILS.IN LAM!' WO BBS, Barri son J. J. W'ANTEIl-Tiielv- jfood ... < ? '- fM cray 11 p irtrali - -. taine new; in, -r.,1 'olary or |ald. Adlress the LELAND PRINTINll CO.. 41.". Pearl-tt. '1 \. land <? WANTED v flr-f- ? - I, c.-.. urcond man. French ..i Buzllsb ?iti, excellent r?r ? 'ron es pr I vat,' Mi lill'*. JACQClN, 002 Othave. WANTED, v roon* rrsta tn le sn of. t'c in u -? for, al..rv : MoaV! nun. cf l bric, flan chars t?r :"?-( itrl ?'-. t m rorato. a 1 itr-s INSTITUTION, Station M, Bea VT' CRy. vv a M il' Printer, who will tret I rsl.; (five sa*, ems sri week It salary. f,i x RV. ll >x -I, Tribune Offlce. v.'iii-.kin'i; HEAD ftARDENKB sa c.-n", mni's pia,-. ? i;o?: refer ni from Issi l.'ii-- ? Indlsp ti-si'.l--. LEX.. Tilbiin.- OBIce. I-'.-iiiu'e. BOESEWORKF.R WANTED. In s fam? ily ,r |, -i,.,r- .i stance In the country: a med home will be given to Bin ri .ht pirti BB I lt :? l.? ; ? ' : ?? -.,'?:? BCO. W? ii \ :.. Tribun uni'". Wv Ni ld -. native North i..-rTniin n? itenosrspher ai rt ni.Mer; mufcl -|> ?>'. aid in in- i .-n. -i i -,- l l ,...| i, fluently - nd " -i ??? til - - --r-?|?.-d 'ncr |? En-.-Ii-'i i* li : .-''.-I- r.- . ,.-? nnd na Uri . v Mr .? ',i.lm v,\. Box li, Trihu WANT'I l?, \ au tobi, lads -,- v ?? v rrnresciittllvr of th" Fresh-Air nn I Coo? li ?-.-..: lion nf sun ;' n. .1. vt- i ?tuts -le. i ? . - ' '?:-... ItEI'EE I .' ' IVE, P stnlTI ?? Rot 2111 Ve* V.'li. . ? .1 '.??? ii.. . . ri Inn ralnln ? ?- r f r -.. ? - ?..-. (To <?et for tiiioiue'joJJttrpcoco ?.-c. I- \ UK l-l. ICE, ft .;i - - :. ' .-l- roil ? ? ? iii md .--l.iii ; -. lt :ble f n say bu. ni ?*. ELA--, :..: i ? li ll Ol tl CO <5 ttlllltlCCG. ? ,'-i-i : i"-- vi, - vi'i'i vi, ic. und tt r p . IK.- - - - : . ,t.. ?!--' li Iii I i \ i ? a i: i n 11? i I A 1 I'l I' N VI. (-El ORT. N'tTl I ii i,.i ??? . ;?''?? ? ii ? il i -,l ..l'i.I i INNI li . .it. I'nst ? : vv I. JlPil 'li ? . .. ? .!?* ..! ii;,i. ii KIN VE. "ill ll.<i l")-l ' IKiVI < ? I*I*.N IN? ? l v . ? i.:. ?: i i . ? . , . r ? . ,,.- ? .-- .Rn MO c 0 ..... sn wi: r ir, r. . I . ? - - '- .'' I -I |.,N V.'.l.l ll . . .. ' -'IV VI. liol 'T. ?. i W il . ', I - ? - I |. ' tt. .)? -- v ? ? tv a : bu - XEJJ '.VILE Ni.. -,.-, * sly v. i.i ; tl bia ll in lb spplnl -i -'???: i - ' - ??'- cetus ls 'I Li: '.vi: I 0-I..I). ?? ii v ut; - son vl'i'l?: |.'N m. ? vd iL ? ;..i l . ? ? ? .,-. . v '.l ess III -1 ttl ll RI SI l - ... v..... i !? . -r Ibsim 2. i'Oiirb ano Boona. V EVE'!. IP OM I - ll I ni 1 -.In ? . I.i V\e-l a :. ( I,ii-i,ji, - : 'Ui. r .1 tobie : tdullt i lat !?" V El' I'"R vinni ? r ?o ? t ?! I .. i I I- ,i .1 iV. -, 521. ? t , H.', flo i.i . mi t'.ii ri EL Chri.tlan home larr ? ? i nina ladle. . ? \, ell . r" t it.,- 3T l'i-t I'i4th-*t lt..I I.I. Vl.vN" AM, I-.E-1 Al R ANT. ? ;-? i ?? ll ii - ?; illy, ii up; wi ii alta board Wi mri! -. M Vl> Iso \ \V! :: ' E. il . room i . ilth !.",r I. lilli ?- I 53 V. 1 -I N . ' fi. nt ru.) - '. . .11 , -l-'i v : iii v.-E Sunny rooms with i ord HST ST I 13 iv- r iir.i'ii ??!? j p-ir Two hum!-.'-. t1 rn I-'iii ."f iii-- tl'i-l n ? front -o-itli. rn expos nl-si larne ii o-I. taro Hight*; tuperlor Ubi* i nsr l refrrenres :ll URvMI |p V PARK. i.'iit'.-mo' .ni-, ti un! .ii furnished mite ..f rooms; , - - ',i.-,kfi-t if .I.-I-..I; referraeea. ll IT ll-ST.. Il vv I -i foo ?.,,,,.. r, r h.-I."I roon ?: south.-oi.-ur" |,n\rv', I il lr if .le-ir.' I, f ol ? ? ?? i. ' ? fal . - '?: I i - I' '.-. I tl SI ? I. .I-i! ; nf . ? ? tnd .lr." .?. I - il.-'.I-: qu rt home i .e . term. ?'?' 90 vv i sf .'?? 'i ?-' . MILLER'S liol EL. V con fortahla ,,.| t h r- I h.." * | ern. i nrnl or tran, tsil cin-ata; -J.', fueot* hov* ' ? . of ll y. ir-. '. .ti ST., ol w i.-i r'our'.ri il., f hork or third floor fe . sa, with I ...-'1 ? '? 'I. \-> i vis'i -T i. rtant mom- pn ? ?ii Mnfly. Uoui5 tDanteo. v I ,MILY f four ml.iii- (.'???ii- board flt:.Ill . VV. -t -ll!" i,!,.ne ,[ .tv -t. . - ... I door Hr-.- r. sn. r lei t i rs, .'. Mir - with part! ti RA NT ll..-*. 7, 'ir,!.un.. I Irtlre. /nrnioliet) Rooms. in si i: m-I.E ii ...i f irnl i. I rooms; psi ... .i nine room pi li ,ii ? toUe; refer ? n. ? - ... VV. - I - " li -xi ni. i'.N wi . hm. ii.-i.i ni ind tent,ni |,.|i ,t. -Ku rn I abed roonka, even cou. I rel . - IMPEROVAL III.-I vi RANT, bi vv. -7 j -.rsii, ,i Itsiids.m iv furuUbed looms, with' both. TWO liii? aipiari i.- ni. "Iv fuTnlsli. ?! | nmi in :- . .I bs -iiiiv heal na ? and hath : private bou. >; ? n np h-nl ta tell ilile pirty ; . 'i! '. ? parsl ;i 311 i i-- I ? EU ll n I'., vi vv l - i \ few ? ha s rooms, newly rurolohod; superior sppolnt. ii.,-ni- ; tc ?? i lot il lan lui - ? hts e ? on. ii isl tu il : ev. ptlnn i. ? f. i i ?? ?-?ii'll-> i'. 17 vv i si' Lb i ? roon - in-iili fiii-oi-le-1 ; h-it'-.t ant cold water; . i -!? ii lol .ii srtnietita, -, ? I li ST c. i E. v- r I'.. I-.- I elor., [arve - i sid .tory room. flr*t-clit* tum v. <i th ,.iui.-r lill WFaHT SH I ll'- I- Li- ? hand.Iv fiinu-ii"! roonia for aent emeu i- rreiu-e. IDorit HJuuico. Mills. AN EXPERIENCED oreBrtoctorai drouvhtsman desire, s poalUon wita an .n cBltaat, jood ? i> itr.n :...- ... msnufactntliia rouiiini; obr) m . i. i u.-. Addi ra* A, E H.. IBO ' Bi Iton u" i'-i- >.i n. A yul V. M IN, iv.ti oin "ir - ? v perlenee, -I res ]-?? Mon a t:i pro i>-1 of advsiireipeiit in futuie: l> ??.. 1 rrferesces. ld lr -- n '? I'- ? !"* Wt ?? 12 ' ' \ l'ui'Nn M vn linn in wiso** -ii io t nu lu ii but..rt io ie mi ii irul d-e- not .,,ois Eagil'h. vviiie u, E. .viiii.Nu.N, ly i,i . ii. ir,ini.-._ \, i ni n i'.v.n r and anira namoaer will .hint-.' po*IUoo; li year*' esprrlcuce lu rorrrspoiidis.i-r. JudBIng i-rcdiu. piiiiha*ina ?upillie. tr.: ?nti ti<" atsoufscturln? i Ur ? , Mil: -s C. V.. Hov 6S7, viii Penn,_ k VOI BU MAN SI, '! -ir * I P -it.on . i? mIlilli* t-. di .ii-..'-- .-nut.nut" ? ii fur. !,,.,,',?? i....- ,. rf- enrol ll. PARRI H. N . '..el ll.nri -.. \ v filN'i, M VN -J il -I rs position lu OBI.f mn '"i in- -- : r?l>ld , rood |-i nan .I '?? ur ?!? ?? ti.'?--. "Vi ?"! i; vi- ure. I MK,I I C IC MO I UO E. -I 10-J.I. t. \ i,en I i.i M vN. m. of expert ii ? ii . -I ra n |.-s.ti ... s* account mt caahj*r or i ? Lill.- -.- ri i-i: r 1 h?-al . f if r- I. e. Ad? ore*- IE. I'oV IT. 'llE'Cle ""tl ?'??_ AN ACTIVE. Int,-'!!'.-'ni hil nant a ,, altin,, i.t 11 im un undcrsta d? oalce (rora ot I- iru a Iradi R D., r,n Eui;,hi- i. vn ELDERLY MAN reed, rmploymenl at inrvi.-ruto usf?* sutl'fsrtory r I -i u ? - MVOa. Ad ire- C. Ul'RRLLL, N". 05? Bloom***. COiuk ITJaRteO. Males. P.OOKKEEPER.-Hy honest snd csptble .ouuit ina.i fioiu tbe country, with con tidi i-abi" ixporieaca la baookcepiag sui iftt..- nor.., conj r?-frieil' >?-. HOS 173, Wallingford, vt._ BARKER" By bans-r on sa Amarloaa, EogRaa or f- 11, ti -usuii. r. Add..*- A. .nu. il, i37 Modi wa-st., Braaalya,_ Buv, 17. srisao* t" leoru un- inaeblniat rid", or any oUn-r. AOSrsss II. .MUN -1 -v lu is j. h Pisco, Brooklyn. _ BOOKKEEl'EK.?By a youag man (STl ka biaiSScep.-i or il. rk In bink: BlgOOSl raf ?rs'licr* as Ui charo, t'-r anil utility. Addreas 1111 Pl iF.NT, Boa 4/7, Irlbiinc Office, HCTTEK, CAKE"* ii ia-nu BAKER. ? it* or oouoary, Adi,-.*. L. TL'VELEH HM) 2d *t._ l..N.,,.N'EER.-lly m?n ot strict sobrie? ty; no years' experience a th ai. kind* td Maginot ' 13 vea:-, full OhargC slOCt IC plant. - 1. 1 Biter and a ma" weil-poatod bl ti inj? inu' and molting all kind- ol heavy maeoln ? 11. Adoreat a UAWEO, 47 Baot 31 lt., l'liiiiii.:., B. -I _ FIREMAN wants position in restaurant ,r hotel; cltj ol coin,tn ; s \>-ir.-' esaert aco; con cook ail 01.-. Addraa* X. I'.RACNEBERO, -Jil ' hr; itto-st. UENTLEMAN, (*?. tingle, from tei-lii"-* .- -.. .- |..-it ...1 un r respecbtbillty md rapabllit) would '' :ipi>re lat. si i.i.NiiA. Tribune L'ptowa OaTco, 1.141 11 rood way. _ I.Ri" ERV CLERK 1 th 4 V'-ara' rx Hrieii'-e. wishes B position. Addie ? ll 1 in. I" 93 > hoi ? ' . ..lyn. _ JANITOR. Ry a married mun: no i-hll li-'-ni 1* u..?s>d carpenter; undersUMsl* .team in-at. thoroughly competent; b st refe eoce. ai.lily i.ANin."i-.i) :u: vv,.,, ?_??_.! -t ?1 a.n 1 mir. ~i" , . ,1. Not sreflao. understand, iteom heal, rleetn* boll* and .''?in rai repair*; a Oneal rsiercncea AiMr... 1 AMT 1. ll ix :3t, ii il,ui.e 1 ptowa OOice, 1.-12 Broadway. _ -il'KUIE WORK sod TTPEWRITINO. Dy Jon:.': nun; hu- knowledge "' *bort> hand; tao y. :ir.s' experience. Adircvi t'. .. 31-. Rivli.u'ton-st. PROFESSOR of Herman, fine llagui.t md * inilar niches po?ltlon in institution or Dil vat* family; would give Instruction :i ... .1 ni board BIM] r in llr-r-.- ,?. 1 i,..;ie. Addis? UENTLEMAN. Chrittisn Aid t. En.po- ,1. nt Society, 50 Bible ll"" n v PAINTER V-.-.-IJy a liri- !;i? poi tel .ol paperhanger by <i;.j- or joh estimate* ii" n "'inii kinds of work, levi, 3.7 e. :: th-M PAINTER Wants koi-oi-uninir: SOe n Ev: tn rough, pre -t al worknmn; gi 1 st? rut a I d 01 ii., . a 1 Ire** PAPER ll AN',I R -I ! West I',!-' -t. PORTER, wai HMAN r HANOI VI v.N.- By ms rr! ?! - v got ?! itt I"" -. A'.'l" ? li. \ Pai i-i ER. ll s yo 1- ' 1 , - ar 1 rfu 1. ' i '.!?-!> lt ..-r, or drug bu-l - ? ..! ref r 11 1 -. M. li Ri AIM I i 123 ' ?! Li .-i-f.. , _ _ SALESMAN. ' si- r ' ' -'.""l Pod ' 1 ?? wi ii na '? 1 .- r ii".I f hie, 1* boob ..- .ri.ine.i' :t, with n'ri'.,, lt rm bv?t M TWINE ORETI H. 200 Emmi vt._ spp.i-|Al. nFPK'ER or WATCHMAN .1 h. r. 1 theatre, .tori 01 r-jii 1 "i'l bl an 1 :i-.-- '.-ii,.?.',r- man of 85. .1. CON ITO.', CE, 1..i-f SI-- st. - ' 1 N,'i.i-..\ i-i ? :; .,. - [ ,1-, vii ni , . IL .! 1 , 0 ot beal ref, renee* : ,r> . 118. vddre - VtVERATE, Bos 17, Trlb ... Ditter .-si i- N.e ,; vrii 1; ,i '. , ;?- ti . , ... ... .??,.. ; best ll 2.0.11 .il-oi". n.raImTer :? 1 TV l'i ?' . ? eers' .?-... 1: : 1 e os ulna mai lac, 1 '-ir - i-.'r., ". piling*. Vdd ' ? Mm Pox :t. Tilbune 1 ptiiwu om. ?? 1 srj n ..: *l 1 NOOK VPHEK sud TVPEJVRI I ER ol ? ..od . du. iib n ? i. :? ? tl ? - . - - v : li. . vi 1 ' i-.v 1,-: iin\ ir ace. - 1 \ isLI "?'. w VVJIIIl 11 lo I. n-v'-il tl rer: cit ? 1 .."."?- -.-... hurst, 23d JVaid. N. V. ( [ty. ki NU LR vi v.N : ' lil f tiffeI at sn 11 Ad li -.-? I-. -? WANTED ? n .i 'I - '???.I I. - - ,, H. -A .8.7(1 I Vi \ ? ? r ,i"i| ?tot bust s* * lld travel, Adi 1 I. i'.- .? ' ,tl -- VHEN'ii VI VN Cl is-:l-l iltlOd In ... d penman 1 vf r - ? -? M.. Ros 4 Tribune Cptown otTIre, 1.342 B'way. YOI'N'H '.|IV JJ mi f- irn-k Ol ?riV kind; limul'.- sith 'ir ?*nter's t""l? : 1 rear*' : fe.rn ? C. JOHNSON, ll- Atlantic. ii' . Er ? ' ill 11. Female* a V'lt'Ni; i.Miv. 1, sinner, <l -'? ?- a i"- ? bsi 1- -*?? 10 " iv 1 and ty Addi .- K. MORONEJ', 50 N'ortli Mo..r-*t. I. VIlV li - re. . 11. ,,.--,, ,, lo- tea un o: ting n . Fi 1, and 1 ! v .ir-' "r ( ontlneut. . t "\u r - AppiJ 2Sl W tl '.-': f. lO.'C s' rn 1..1 -v ' L1.1.K-111|?| .... oin.e ; roi ? K gra I it-- shii . ? v ? r "nc d ?? \ 1 - 1 r f- ? i ?? ? A ic- 18 li buai I |i(/.?n 1 "I ..- 1 212 !' osdwt " Ml -.1, AND I.VN'l.C V.i -. 1-:.. it-' ni; |.ure EiiL'Ush ai" ... -i bj yocng 1 idy, sstlati .1 bi -.1-: ie ' . ber*; ilghly r- - in .-:.1' . j.:, vat ? 1 ouse Ad Ira* a Li.N DUN, lr!! Hie I'ptOWU, ' 2l2 Er...1 iii.ay. s ENO.r vl'HEK ai J Tv ci:--, lu iEi a It . ic ii ?? ?..,'.- 11 ?: ito ?: sp, liri ?:? di - )?.-,'. in 11, I ii - to tsti't in othc I ? lt .\ 7P<\ (iran.-. N. .1. Tl. VCIII.R liv |OU J u'!v : traci'e. lr in 11 td itillui. M-*. MOORE, jr.i A.-.--. :((ltli -t.. pr \.it<- li ,.:-". I", l-l VVRITlNll 11 > -l\... \ v ? ;.?-..r ption p! i' - i o.. - rirciltir-. .? .. fcc.; mod rsl, i> Ice .1 ? intro t mi v-ive . Mr-, p cv i ,;. 0 5th. ive . or. ?!?t ?t. TVI'EVVRU'i N.i md ropying of every Inscription neatly sud .1 1 sxoruudi il-o slipriliaod , tc.-iii- roasonsble. 50 liro.j ? >l ll. tn fC, Toirer [Ll I'llli.'_ Donu'Biu ditnaticns UJamcCi Males. A (iinil) ((CV HMAN, (ierman. wlio toow* boa to tak" care of hor*e* and .ai loge*, inuit' work j Dv.l refer ni - F. IV. "I 1. e inii' ii--l Al'ILMivNI ANJi VERSE Bj .1 rouilg E ul.-iiililli Ol good e lu ? i'.ioi, and I,s*iiia ml tr ?. to sn Invalid requiring tb' i-ni--.? of one ?lio u-i 1. r--.i 1- hi* duti ? 11 \vr> retnei t. n. -. ? ratlica ai i- ? ? int ii. r-:-r 11 1 -. R [ ll '. . I:'- ?v. v , 1 n ti v.N'i'. on luvalid or ? 1.ri) [rntlen so by 1 '>;> rlenctd -V:. ?? li -i 1 ... tu . . ?- a tb I 1 Ity 01 rou .Uv. Ad? it**-.* "RELIABLE ' Box 8. ATTENDANT.?Bj iii exp rlen "I young il-, uri! -lui uri ii,:i--iii I n.;.o:ir, or |.t 11 .111 'lit, intli von. ile* -. nt .:. ? ll ld , l; *n ??' rem - ivonSl t.-.ive'. v.i- -- Mas. -I I R Eo\ 2, TU Ul ? I |'t 1 a 11 1.ll; . 1 .li? lt 1.1 !-i,vy. I ATTENDANT or NV ITS I to sa elderly ir .l.wicil u-i-itj. it.ii . ina: e\,i ri. ni -I r '?? ? . A,!dr ?- I" NORllBY. ."I West inti-'_ a ym Ni, oekma.v, mTn santa poalUoa elly or eouotrj ; exprrlrnred 1 ta 1..-..- mus-, p'Ultry, gsrdriilns' viilinR tnd ni li. 1 -.-. Vddress DICE. ISO Ima liv.ii Biooklyu. Bl IT.El: IV. a cu ig 11,au m prlVatO om Iv ; . iti refei . ? ? \ I ti -- Rlal-'.PU AR MN l-l N ? tb M< r -?!. Ill i'Ll.i: I'-' ,, ?: 1 Tot 1 mi.- esp ri n"e l '1 R.1 I t-i'l: ? : li 1- ts .. ia,' i-i'. - ?lice f, "in 1.,-t place. AitCr . .1. D pox .. E-IJ ll'. ll THI ll I |ll ' ' ll l-.c ali t iv vi 1 ri - - Bj , young ->'-"l:-l.Iplo 1, 1,1 a- .lef. iilf.- .1- v. ft ress; llrst-?ltti eferrncr*. Agency, ju mu -m. - ? ' 11 'Iv . Iii llr-t-. I.i--. Ill i-oi,,i 1 ii 1.1 . 1 i-ata tnd |'i-':i; eronomlra ai il -nh t : a- t nf r.-f r ii"- E. LOUIS lb HIRTH .'ju Ei-t s.-t -*t. 1 ? vi ll vi v.N Ri a roting m rr ."i n sn : lr-'-'lu-. ; mid r-t uni- li- Ini-liie-- tho: ? ..iciii.v-; id st eu,, , u, ni. r nco*: in-t em? ployer roo t..n. cali or address oai hm v.n nan psrk-sve. 1 .1 \. 11 vi.v.n. ii-, thoroi -hiv ,-vi .|"_l" 11..111 ..f ten,.1 i-.t 1: ihlt.-; i-i, iii rltj Dil.! : would esr* turns ?? snd t.,- Ben.-r civ nar fu I ,.-...-1 .-itv ri fore.., v-.'.r. -- vi. c.. h.: ? .--,.- / o-ii.-e if,; ;i i- ive. 1 "V iimvn. thorough I) underHonds bl. ,,,,'..,... s., ot. lui'ui .Ingle ? ir M drli.-r, ?rr.iel fnrrui.e. milk, u-.r-i I Iv useful ; roon ii pref rr"!: u' ri i-'rem ? -. k Idt -- vs. |-j.v ft, Trlb. ofB ? COACHMAN. -Thoiouehly understoiid-i -.ii., of and rarrloao*; over ll vin-' I tt-t-lssa city reference! lober wnilnir, ih'lglns; 'a-' emplore* ?ll' rertllj i" hi iblllttaa. Adtr?s C. J.. U2 East -Vith t.. pr 1 ih si Mt. _ c.. veil M V N ii 11 1 --i.-i. 1,mun : k wv, * iow t ? drive curl-m. snd 1- thorough bone. i-i-,: beat '-'tv and eouotry reference*, Vpenn . 345 Ith-oyc COACHMAN ? 1 young < nan. will ,. ,,, 1 o In tl,.- , rt -nf-v ? 'Ste ho - - r*r ? and fjein-r'"' ?? ''??' ar -""I ,1-1. tool reference*. CHARLES. Trlb* in* '."'.-.-_ t'OAi HM VN in'! ORO" vi 1 ?-. 1 un ired -'I'., u-oisl am"'iran.-'?: end- rat* ? .1 ,1, 1,n in?1 thorougblt : city re* ?itv or country. 1 M . 4-j East u-.m-m., II ll to* ?lnl)l.'._ . .v. RMAN and HARDENER, *|iu?le. ?xperlen.vd with horse* carrlsgeo. milk. ?v.itrv amt er'terol ?ork on gentleman', dara; reference*. Addreos J. V.. Bas li*. I'r li'ine Hfll'-e. 1 ., \i ll Vt vN. itentli"!un going to E iron*, saut* It'ntlo'i for hi* I'oii.-hmau . alniife omprrste thoroughly esperl.d! city or -ii,- driver..t.-. ? ? uri - rv den? na uiliiiiii" frisco, seneralh useful; .11 n-.'l-lv r . eu.tte nd. Ad1r- DEVILS Bot 7 Mr ung otu e._ OVI'IIMAN M.i.nir mm tho'o"cnlv u-i '.---t.imt ? fin" h r"??. barn -- . .... obllglna: eoot cits- driver: he?* .-itv ?. fer.-m-e i.EE.HARDT. 159 VVe?t 1240V it._ 1 ii viii vi > n:.- t-v I., -n.' man ; tbnrs"shl? no! r t uni* One horse* sa I rsi ric - -ii. 'r ililli-lns- rood 'fie- l."?t .-Itv icf"r/-n.e*. V. ti. I0S -tilth -t COLORED mvn want* .Itnstioa a* ...Uer In hoirdliiu' liou-e or hotel. 3L'4 Weat 21 *t st Domcetic Bitnoiionf CDftiUd Males. COLORED Man, BR, would ilk* a pac* ?s n.r^-r or ii-, f Hi-man In privotr family: irtBieaee. carr m melton, ul Weat itrth-st.. care of Mr.. Thomas._ ?/AKlnNER. ry o .ugle liermsn: flrst ? is-.; praeaaoa aafarteasa in toa illili.ti n ..f -'... and greeuhou*e ulan ta, o-e growing, -i-i|i i '??> and ail truno, Uoacr. aol v?' a1'.c.; lr at city refs, ness. Audre*. J. a., wed .torr, 37 East i vt a sa. aa?. itROOM.?By young marrlrd En-:tl*h naiu ; u: ,1 r .las,, ls hi., bu.-"oas thoroughly! ol rider and driver. Ad lr aw STEV?I.Ng, liu Toot 3-Ja-?u i.rui oTorl'HIRD MAN.-By a hceteh nsin ; Mu.:.i ,.. on,n.. nd,' I. Aliply J. ici'iRMiciv, Blooiufleid-ave., uHiir.d N. J. _ NCitaE.?i rained mair nurae wishes positioa ii nh innate .emlen, ui , no obj*0* (inft to travel ; hig.ient i-f r no.. HEWITT, I'17 Kart 7?th-?t._ esi i-in^MAN.-By-rs"i?- ubi! yoimg Swed* i.-7i tn yi-ivsu- family: nail i<tu 'i- d. iudutrois and las: tts "i" .. AJdr a- 1). E. irllilllie lillie.'. I SEI'EL MAN.-Rv a Herman Prob. '?aunt; iiirler-Uiid- horwa; not n'ralI ot work. HENRY, B^x si.), l?i West 23d -t.; igoacy._ 'ESEEi'L-MAN.-Hy Swede; long time ta Ult* ssaBtry ; . .uni. wita ca p"iit??r'. or palOtl r'- tools: hal. to- !? at of city ref. . nc a ; ii i ; fu-ul li mr oivn tsail*. ('all or address C. E. BROWN, 300 Warren-.!., lt ?"! li"._ v.i! i,i oi rooi.viAN.?Uy young f irni-ii baot of lefrreocea. VALET, lol E;?H -0Ui-?t. An ii icoi Ador VALET and Mv.--.--EER.-Hy Swede, 3Ti good n.a-*-ur ami ni'icli u-'il to trivcis ?|eaks Jive aiiiruau'e*; BOM tpi-earaiicc ; lnulic,t reference*. C., itox 3. Tribune I 'plow ii OfMie, 1,8*2 Bmad??y. WAITER, in private faflilly or prlv ita I. arliiig-hous.'; l.v j* nuns colOfOd man, ivlUi best reference*. Allie? HENRY SMITH ZO Cur-:.,;.horst. yo'TH fl8) wl?hr7*ontre work, expe-t. ??'ne; bookkeeping; uptown Blodmea. P. H. .E. 3IU West Sltt-U. IDE.Ni; EN i. 1.1-i 11 MAN aisha* situation a* coachman, careful driver: thoroughly un d.-i?f.ind? hor-e-; a 1 reference-. Andreas ll. C.. IS<i lit CE. th-at._ V I Ni, ENGLISHMAN wlshra situation ss roar hmso, rsrefal drive. a?d thsrouehiy understand* boras* a 1 references. Address ll. C., ISO East |TBOs ll Font altai. A.-A.-A.--? mrs. L BEBLY i foi mr Mia. L. Campbell), 08 WllsT 2'JD-aT. POBEION AND DOMESTIO, MALE AND ELMA LE EMPLOYMENT BE REA C. ALL RE! ER EN' Eb HTKll Tty INVESTIO.VTED. Servant* br>-BaJng ouus/cmenta wiu b litm. -1 I rom olbin aug iorf.Il ali i alu to f a pa d. X. li. N ? BRANCH OFEICE. OS WEST 22D-ST. A -A. V. A. A. A.-A.? MR- malmreri,-n s-u-d .., Bervaaa*. 352 tth-ave.. up-tui-s n>-:ir v v a v. Mr-. Roon'* Emptor. mens oiih- 350 Suave, rutraotse. ant. ? ai. i r,!.,u." help; NforaBosa lo - C. ll. . BO.voR.vND's JIVREAU for help. 2M DUwava.. -Op n im., ?- wsMiog; wmtd, on- French ? ?*??. nd lidy'- nold-. aura*. Vi- ' ti -:..i:i -.-??.. i;,...?. . Harman, r.a.u na. fl -r.,.,.- En?l|?h rook. 8 otca . ham. I -ii. ;.i l, |ai i niu , ref Bam SO, - :i/. iii.i., vi mii sad v. \nr.t?..-uy "li ci ' -io 1 a bali i'-.irs' uitv -?"..' sthave., iiu.Miin c.-, 2 lilghl CHAMBERMAID, WAITRESS. ('('OK, \in; Mutch Prutoatauu: raia,-. nco*I city ui r.iuntry. COLLIER'S, l.J is - _:..:-: cn VMBERMAID. Hy "a eoloroi woouwi a- . ii.-iii... ;i ..nt in bu d, g-hou*e; tiara M. i . 231 w.?t li'.'i-si.. top ttuor, bm a. ? ll Vim kMaid.-Ry a ^irl -n private fan.ii., uptown, New .york. Address E*J i av. .. li. ? ii|.. nt. Cook ii'n?.-.,?.wui*.K.- nV 2 North nor* - ?. , ,?,., ami laundress r ?? other Beat houseworker, or vsaitinu' and chaiuberwork: ai.*., scotch Protestant .? o'..-; city or country. Mr-. TYLER'tf ? -:i ? ld., tit .ai". 11 s >K ?liv a (ortoiin a oman : Srst-rlas* j tanda ber lonue-a in Ji .ta braaca. ? *; tirst-c'a.*- tiyr rtfrieacos. AgsaHBj, . ' .,-? ;c- ,--t., ?e:ir iii ave. COOK.?Bj a competfrt wooioa in ta Ai. : nu .J...I.;. , undiE-.tanCs -o.].- and n.-.-i-is, ass, t mil, i.oar..- asahusg; good lit Ha.N.xj.s s b?-ii, 1IJ i-asl .', lili-t. COOK.?By a reopeotohlc woom a? inst .-lo- - ? -ik und" suviiils all kind.- of o-okinir so :: a- 1st ii Rh 111:11.1 i work; u-oou - n? ? '? ? ni . . 11(1 Eaat (131-nt. .K LAI N'DREeK ?a*l*i with ? Iianib K. -Rv two yoong Sn-.-dl.h u-r *. .-luanna English, a* tl-*t-.-!a-?s cook; other iv ??!:?-.I iia.:r'?a; city re fe ri.1 nc us AGENCY, 315 Itl.-ii.c. __^_ __ COOK.?Br a competent i'- I worn tn In a BrSt-rls*. tmoil private family. or whew a ii-in'inni 1 I- kept; eltjr or country, Address tor ono week, s. h., uri Mrs. v, i{,. Conger*, Bock.and Counry, N. Y._ COOK.- By -i reliable gill t. d-> g.KSl pil Cooklag and dim .-tails WcTS In aiiaii |. I i ., Ut o' groo n ut ji .-; A me i li un family prefert d: personal irfeience. Coil '.'53 lt o. duai-, oil" lliu-lit up. COOK Esceilentj wlui long eeord; "lng wages, *-'.. rite ,.""ferr 1. <viik. ( l.rl-tlan Aid t.. Employmeol oVr lety. r,n ri -. ir-*,--. ? ? r -i-- fob'e vn'ing aid West l9-S-?t. COOK. By ii North Oertnaa; und-r Hand, i-ookliia bi nil lt.; lir-u i i s references; will do ion *. waa'ung. li'- Ei-t -Tt.V-t.. I-'. Boor. _ c.' nv t.'-By mimili; elly refeMM (MUK anil I.AE.NDItI>.s By i - ? i protestant; rXrcUent '"ik and Isund^-*; maa i.o .- wcrker*. FLOYD'B Prot i?';int ilur. au. Els tith-ave. _ i ' ii .K. Bl I r 'sp.s'table WOOMBI; would ?sslt ivith wsshtng la prliate laiinly; mrerenrea. 158 Ea-t Rith-t. rn mi. IOO*. i el? iot} East 31 tb Ci " Uv- VV lt,, u'"')il r.'f'-ri nc- ; city ur country, CABPENTEB'B, H'-'O Oih-ave., i mp ..vmeiit Bunao. DAY'S VViiRiv. liva r?s-(rfs lah!- n n ? tn n. go oat by thc dar, wsahlaff, iroiiinit or lo hnu*e?-erk: I-e-t .liv referencr. I'leoM ??ill at '.'I'-i li-: ?.'.:,i -c_ DAY'S woe:; -v need---, r-liable woman wtnU day'* w.os; cleaning, .o'atng or rrrshlnff. Inqult* Mr*. WALSH, 100 Fju.1 102d-st._ , ll ?! SEKEEPEK.?By middle i."d Udv. widow in wldowor's family or hotel. S. l ll box -.':il South N iratlk Coup. IIOl'SEKEEPKK. By young Swcdlil widow lu hot.l. clubhouse or gentieaao'i fiimiiy. where servaot* me kept, ile- i-t-i ?my port of Ann rna. Ill .ii.-.. ,,i.o'r -Mirant. ___________ " ll-1 SEWOHR By" eoci. ulalu i,--r-i?i:i. or u- uersl houreworl : . ..ii 'w : 4 rears' referen -r : ..'i- iin-ave, teeney,_ INFANT Nt'lU-K-Hr an M E- g!l-h Enit-sin it liomin, s- infant * nur-e; ..... 1-t.--it tak.- rhorgr from birth: long e\p. 'I-nee: I. ttl" f.sdl'iu'; mariv v. ir- SO doubted cit* refcteacea from cnoteye ? u* l.:.-f 7-J.l-f- _ LArNDRESH By i youas Bwade, ?* iir-t- li*- i.Tiii'r ??; rltr refcreooe. KERK MvND 270 Weal Ji.iE-t. _ I M Vli'V ni'l du-i'ie e?'ab ishm-nl ,--,, ? riri -* loeoBoo In H.'' cltv, ? : .i paying bi'.liiri- ? gesxt rea .,,. ? .? .el li g. :?'.( Leslagtonav. __ MVID. V Ind- u-o nu' to F.nrO"->. vs -h * a ?dilation fm i li.ii'! d ea n-.t obj-rt t* irrhet 'Us- H We-t 5.d-?t, Ml DtM.E- V'.EI) Vmrican iartv wl-hc. ul-ui'-on ?< '" *ekeaper u-ool .-.aik per. fectlj nroslworthy; baal of referraeas. 30 ro*t :i"fi'-\_ \I-i"sl' i?v a P oti.*tant: en'id chtu. i,. rn ll: -.-i-f--*- eve Tent ref0r0ae*S| Pity -r '-..linty. COLLIER, IS Wtmt MSB. ? h?-; ? 'M'lt-r'iv i.nvrnM'ss nr nTrSr ind sriM-Ttll-'-is Itv an ,stn af ri liar, iron "? '!? -tr-di".' Eosllah perfaetlr: will I.- hlu'cli r.'I ? cl' t by i "rsent ? Biployer ; SOgs* in ?'?"ute ; cull b'for' 1^' oVlo.-k. CO Weal Soth-ot._ NI'll-l' Ev , .?? i- .- i."if (iernipn .ru ?SUI to .I.:1" ri. .??? ito . li'iinlH-rivirk In Preach or Boo American fsmly: al*n da.'trh r-i- 'r. ;.- eura* "i wahrmai. Mrs. Ji Clll.y. Ill s.oith guts, Hr-oklyn. NERsf !'v ti I r to-'-iion an ? w?H . ?:?!? willing snd ? bpelag Mid nett sewer. Add"-- MADELINE, l.i-.'-l Sj. ?vr. NERSE I'v s vonr."'i'i ?* SrVu ?ll-- BOO*" -I mir ? ui-irlne-. , -fa t ?ne.-|?l. t. div reek or mooth: rltv or country: ...' ? oi- t ? I.iv ind o josBtatloa. Hoon .',-> I" K-.e tllUSS'. SE VMSTRI'SS.... Uv a yeas og ...lor**! s.ari-11"-- t. CO IH|' lv ''ii- St* or waa*; .- t ke w wk bowie Call 0? sddr---* 3M Til-au- . Will F.LER, top ft.*,-. sf VMSTI'.I',--,. By a ii.-iiii' l?t\ si d ?r.. I-. - ins*' es li ie i a'.- fan tlv al'O Wpllrg to -.'.i-f wl'h ort, r ?.ak. fal C tl-l.'l'lf. Ml VVY.f I7t,l-*t. sEVM-TKE.-s iv th d-v; d"? -ft kind (*f far 'li "ewing finishing dre '?*, repairing slbsiofons OBsesStaa. hutton. |. las, A^1?"-* Il B Ros 2. Till.uBS Bptoom Ottley 1.241 tvo.d?or._ 'A\'A NTED.-Bv ~ a rcpertablr Hnell.h s>on>a'). tn co ont bv rh?? div f-sr hnuae. sBaaina srashaio tad i'*nlnc. V'td'*.. EN'.LI-ll. 22(1 Weat 2Vh-*t . ba'cirant. ? W.tNTEn -Ry an Mrrrlcan Ta-ty7"a pos|rlo,i -,. i^afro'.. hne?ei'r,pe" or |>o.ltlnr, of tr'i*t:; etty or ro'iifrv. Ad drea. vt^- trai y nw Weal Bid st._ WO Ra INO Iti.t ? t vi-ri'r--R Irt' an Rnall '. E-e.istaot nilli elr! of -evan vetr.; h*n| .-' ref r-o. ??? rRjr e- i-o".itrv. Al ........ Mr E ( .r'-fl-i-. Aid to Employment Ho-'afv Vt Elite lion e. W ? it''Ess ? Wl'h irood re'er-nce* nt CARPENTER'S iV-C Sthave., EmploTmenl Ban ui . Wa PPRFIta WANTED.-Expertenc-d. BESTAURANT, 98 Du; ne.-t. vv vslll\.i , r DAY'-- WOttK.-By a I ?l o-e,', nm: in to -lo washing ot h sae, - r imht dsv". work: ctn furnish, csxsl 'rfr-rn.-*, Ms. CLARA FRAN CH*, i'81 Wost IMBav *C. cito*.