Newspaper Page Text
tibune yoi. Ul.iNa-l6,H74. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JAM ARV J \ 18W.-FOURTEEN PAGES. PRICE THREE CENTS. ENGLAND ANSWERS FRANCK. A NOTE ON TIIK EMTTIAX QUESTION. ?JUE IHC-VEABIE IX TIIK. ARMY or OCrrrATtON rOI.* NOT IMr'I.Y ANY C HANOI-". IV f,REXT DBJTAlX*ff POWCT IN MYST. Paris, "T?in. M.?Thff Marquis of Pufferin, the British ABtlsRRRadai, baa il<li\i-i. d to iht* Franoli Giivcrnnient a l'.oti- a*? lo the inorr-;is* of tim jiriti*h aairtitum ta w-STBt> ?''' RRffowa thu Got* erDmcnt lhat tin- IBCTCRRB doe* not imply a. ,v jafyiifie-itiiin of pr.-xious a-.sura nee-, in re-^artl to the conditions ol the- British no*!ipaiion, or any chancre 1" the poliey lurctolorp pure-ucl hy ('rent Brifain. M. YVnddi**'*:lon. thr* Flt-BCB Ambassador in I/in tjon. has horn instructed fo a->!< tl).- Earl of |IB*he*ry, lirifi?-li Sc-rctarx ot State for Foreign ^lirs, 'o s'H-iify thc incident- lo Egypt which ms-, have cause.) (.reat liritain to take the re tent extraordinary nteps. The Preach pn-ss con? tinues to display deep Indignation regardaffg the* jttitiu!" .ii** linell by Ei.gland in Egypt. Xhe " 1'i'liat*,'' Rays thal tin.* action of England io Fi*ypt 1* R direi-t provocation to Franec, and th*! Great liritain must crxplain her intention*. Th* "Fi-raro" nays that Franco ought to re? taliate for En'-lnnd'* curse by occupying Tangier- Tbe " R*pablli|Ue Fraiit-air**" declares that Eurone xviii not alioxv thc Khedive lo btv rome b blind \,i**.;il nt England. I/tiidon, Jan 25.?A (ii-patch to the Excliangt* Telegraph CompttOy Baya that France has a*k.'d the I!riti*h Govorntnent for an explanation as lo ihe incrfase of the army of occupation in Epvpt. _ In answer ta an Inquiry by r.-ihle alina! th" present political troubles in Eg>p*. Messrs. E. Mattel S (>-. of th!* city, received yesterday morning the folloxxlug dispatch frotn their correspond'-nt lu Alexandria: a Bo lesions apprehenden* felt here. tnliiod Egyptian bond* over 08 and colton market Stat OBS unruiirice;'-' This netts convince* Messrs. Paladin! A t'o. Hint the alleged fermentation among thc loser classes of the natves iiiu*t lune been greatly exaggerated, us any scrim* RBtaSarBt would at once UaVc depressed nines. ITALY DEMANDS RBPABATlOSf. SHE WILL CSE ronCE, IP BECKBBABT, TO OB? TAIN' RATIRBACTIO*4 FROM Rome, .Tan. IH fltgnBT Tuglni, the Itjillan Minister to frazil, has been liislruited to demand from the Brarlllnn dover;,mer.t satisfaction for Ute outraces committed last "rummer upon Italian sr-1 lon. and rc.*l dents at Santos during a riot which occurred there. The Italian Minister has s"veral time* nrped upon the Drnzillan (.ovornnient the Justice of granting conipen aatlon and redress lor Injuries then inflicted upon Italian subject*. The Italian Oiiveriiiuent has lost patience at but and t-rtt osfBor Tuglni la Instructed to say rliat. if satisfaction k not given promptly Italy aili .sustain lier demand by force. Tiie chief tro'ible between the natives and Italians, nt-a-um-d on Hi'* erentaf of -lui* .",. 1B02. The polite lad maltreated some nallan sailors, and Hie Italian residents held a mee ting t" prates! against the ?,iu raii*e. After the meeting the Italloaa forated lu pro? cession aad paraded tha strc-t*. It wa* said that they tore d"wn a iiiszilian flag and othcialae acted ba s (Usr*rd'*rly manner. The polite, with a crowd of Datives, attacked the Italian procession, mid a riot en-rued whith lasted all nlgitt and fur Into tile next day. Th.- oflice of Hie Italian journal "Roma" wss vrtcked and au Italian restaurant xtas demolished, as stell us oilier damage done to thc props ft*/ of Italian .-esldents. Italy made <-).-ilms lor'aa tisfaction, xs-1 iii h bare, so far, not been granted. AU. DEAD IX THE FORT-CHRITT MINE. ffBE uno OTJlffS BV Till: KiniCDAMV KXI'LOalON ?VI I.L RI.X'H 130. Vienna, Jan. Cj.?All hope ot rescuing alive (he meu s-rn were entombed by the explosion ol tlrerUimp In Ole Fortschrlit mine at Dux, Bohemia, yesterday, has been sbando'.ed. An Investigation of Hie Sal of employes reveals tile fact that ISO men lost their lives In the dlsuncr. It ls roaceded thut Hose ano were not killed by tin- explosion must have treen luffoeuted by the afterdamp. Tim mine ls beltis cleared of the wreckage as rapidly as possible, but Vie work ls neo?***arllv alow, '.very effort will be made to rec iver the bodies of the dead. Many pitia? ble and baa.trending Mein-, aron BllBBBBal about tiie mouth of the shaft when lt was announced by the minc ofTu-liils thut bexond a shadow of doubt every man In the ir.lne xvas dead. No cxplanHtlon ha* jet Itcen made a.s t, how Hie explosion occurred. An BBflaaaao faaatHy of aftetaouap intvi aeeaoBa latefl In t*?e mine. Late tl.l* afternoon, xvhiie a party ol ro*cuer* orofa nt stork. Hie gpa till.ri in- min.- so rapidly Uiat every man of the party had to floe for lu* life. The reBlUatlBf afpoiatas c;iiinoi be worK.-d, arni ll 1* ub-oliiteiy inipo**llile to enter the mice. THE CH Hal.ILV IX GEBMANY. DKATirr* at NTi7Tu:nr..\ and trotm.x-invf.'ti ifATlONS OF DfRff, KfK'II AXH PETPfJlKAOTKB. Berlin, Jan. Co.-A tJl.spatrh fr-orn Molle t.l?t(ss that Ihlrteen n?-xv cases of thoieni and one death from the disease occurred yesterday nt IBO Nletleben Lunatic Asylum. .\t i'roi ha lhere orri* four new c.i.4"s and one death yesterday. Since this morning eight m-w toaaa hax-e occurred, ami three of the persons pre? view.*'? at lucked have di'*:!. livr- fr<-*;i rases of cholera and txvo deaths xvere reported at (ht- Nletleben Iniiin- AmIiiiii up to (1 oMock tu* evcnlnc. Thc autfioritles of linlle. about four attica fnun Nletleben. have received a letter .nineriiliic the epi? demic fruin Professor IVttCJlhofer, ul Munhh. who coii*td.-r* ihe outbieiik nt Ni.-tl" b.-,-i nu lllii*li-all.-n of Ll* :...'ory Hint cholera la bred bj local coiiditlons of the *di and water, rather than bv an Imported bacillus. I'rofe.sur l'ettt niiofer say* that the de? velopment nml jvrogre** af Ihe dLease at Nletleben sre of tba riffBtflcance. Profe.M.r Koch, who was arni by Kmpei-or William to th* Nletlf-Vn Asylum lo bivaallffato Ih* cholera there, is now at Troihn, orhcte he ls ?-xiinilnliij*; Into Wie apffoaroBee af the dim-u,** at timt pince, lie boa adxls.?i thai tiie propped celeliraiioii at Halie aa Ui? snnlvetsnry of Hie KiuptTor's bin a be prohibited in clew nt the danger of cholera Infection. mi:, mahony pit.lisiiiv, m-s PKDIOBBC. Dublin, J.-iii. 2i.- I'leice Mahony, formerly Par r.elliie xi. i'. for North Meath. I* fffteiBalBtBl to prov that hi* mother was n'it a " en?s*bred Hindoo." ns sllege.i bx Matt baot J. Kenny, Anti Piirii.-lllte member f(-r,. Tvrone, In an addn-s* delivered bb Snn ?lsy, which led to Mr. Mahony s RH Sr. Kenny \e?ti-rtlay. Mr. Mahony ls therefore pub? lishing thc pafflgreR of hi* family from th.- beirsntilng of the last century, In older lo show that there ls no Hindoo blond In the stock, nnd that therefore his inot'ier could not have been a -ero*s bred Hindoo.'' The public are pr.-atly lfit<-r<-st"d In tie discussion, sad i ameline*, und Anti l*arii<-llltes nre as Bitch '-x cited over the -iro*s-br?*l lllndon" aoesttal as they "ere over the subject of the o'shea divorce. **T1TLE PltOM'BtT OK MRS. MAYBAICK*S RBLEA>E. Loudon, Jan. -.j.-The lafst acion of the. authorities ?ofllcstes that there I* little pr.r*p?it for the release H Mrs. Maybrnk. The RRtfRHas de SffffBRa, har ?xiHter, succc'-dlug In obtaining the consent of Sir Shsaoo* spencer \xvik pr?-slde(it of the Royal College ff Surgeons and ".-urgeon to Hit Naj**ty** llous-hold. ie Malt her daupliU-r nnd exumlne ber condition. Ap Plication whs miltie to Mr. A-eiillh, the Home laOfB **"7i to jfirmlt tin- vl*il. Tho Hoine M-c.etary refused ir> grant the npplicuti BB, on the troiind that Hie nnd cal treatment plven by tile prison dot-tors was sufficient 'jr Mrs. Matbrl^k as for other prl-oneis. The de ohooa "f tin- Homo Boortttury aapareBtly roatiBaed lb* laronesjs that for the present, at least, nothln:*' for ber could be Rone, and shu ffoa com- buck to Prance. M'DDEN DEATH Ol' HIPIMLYTES SON. 1'iiiian,*, sta (,aivc*lpn. Jan. f*.').-Advices from Haytl say mat HlffQBljBBB ton. Chart, has db-d ?"udderilT. lils death ls said io liave been due to heart disease nllliough there H a general su*plcloii ?tut he wa*, poisoued by Hippolyle's enemies. The Oov-rnment < undid.-.'.- for eleellon a* Peputy for Morin has been returned by a large majority ?^sr the popular candidate. Thi* result, lt i* alleged. waa arronipllshtsd bv bribery and intimidation on lb-} port of thc (fOVt-riinient. . YELLOW PEVEU AT til'AVAQI IL. ..r>na*"'' vUk' 4talV4*ston, Jan. -J-t.-Yellow fever his beohon out tn (iuayaipill, Ecuador. All ships from wJ"$!iJLtor tM* P?rt bare been quarantined and *?*.* WH been allowed to unload their malls or cargo. M. BARBOUN'SELOQUBSTPLEA. STE- XG DEFEXCE OF THE ACCFSED I'.\XAMA DlKFfTORS. BESPOXSIBIUTT For thc. i-srr. op T.nTTF.nv EONl'fe LAID ppoN thi: OHAMBER OF DI i*CTH'-S?Iii*. I.!->S1-'.PS ONLY AN ir. nc- Ban v f. o ra Mitrr. Paris. J?:i. i**,.?When Maitre Parboux resumed lil* argument today In behalf of the act ti-.-d Paiinnri di? rectors the courtroom was nlreadv a* throng.**! as Cha rules fir admission would permit. Barcrol di liiig'.ilshoi member* of thc I'nri* bur were pre*ent lo listen to thc closing slea of the famous advocate, O-hUe finaiKial and other interests were als j promt nently rcpre-entcd. M. Iiiirhoux npplled Mt rlo-p-cncc |-i proving lhat the lanamn directors could n< > b-accusod of ssrtndtlna In the issue of the lottery bonds, as they had Simply adopted Um same position Uta! Iia.1 been openly fidepted by t!i" ('bomber of Pepalles. Tills aaet>rtloa eitu-et a pnifound sensation among the audience. l'rlor to action on (ho part of the directors the. ("kamber of Deputies, M. Rai'hottx snld. hail a'Uhorlr.ed the lottery bond*, lt was argued al the time In the Chamber that Ihe company was already ruined, bit the ('humber voted, notwithstanding this declaration, to authorize the is*ur, mid thus gave confidence to the public to subscribe for bonds whteh the Legislature, after full dlsru.s*lon of Hie sublet t. hal appro.', tl. The dlredors could not. therefore, b- acfu*'*t of sxvlndling In having Issued these bond* wit li the ap and consent of the Chnmber. M. liarboux contended that both Ferdinand and Charles de l.e-scp* were perfectly Jiislltied In flu.n Ihelr utmo*t to mulnt iln public confidence In th. Fanaan Canal scheme iii the hope of averting inenaclag dangers. Therefore tho lecture* tlellveretl in Ibe provinces in a'.d of the scheme woj-e legltiiuair. if Ferdinand de Lesseps erred lt was as an excessive optimist, ?'?"?ut," esrlulmed M. narnnux. -the world belongs to optlllll-ts I" It was true. continued XI. liarboux, that Ferdinand and Charles de Lesseps had been deceived by exei.ts, bul such un error could nol be regarded as culpa1.,lc. M. l.urboux lock up tiie question of the agreements made between the Panama ("anal Board of Directors and (he 4*nlrf*tirs for work 0:1 Ihe canal. He b ania 1 out Ibo fact that the itrrei-nient* and Indemnities lani the unanimous npproval of the bonni, au I he nuilii lalned lhat tb* contractB xrcie hoIely In the Interests of the undertaking. lt ls expected that M. liarboux will conclude his address t i-inorioxv. ?TAB FIND* I'OR POLITICAL .'ITHV--F*. I'lid.-r tiie Second Empire in Frame a deplorable rust,un pnx ailed, lt won cal|e<7 the systi tn of -tire ments," and consisted nf the power left to a Cabinet Minister to lend to n rolle-ium. in di*ti.-ss the funds |u th.- safe of his department. Thi* t tistnm Va* ROI entirely abolished under the KepublU. and a recenl cable di*pntrh staled 1 hat M. i'rovost de* Lonna? would move in the Chain'i.s-. during th" dbi u*'l'ti. of the n.llitai' estimate*, that tin- secret ?rv*!.- I'ui'.d of the War ( flue should bot In future t?- used fr pollilrnl purpnsf*. as bad been done form-Hy. TM* motion xrns made necessiiiy by ?.inio fact* recently ui.earthed In regard to the too eosj disposition of fund* of the different Mini-ti le*. At any roto, no sen*lble and tn"- patriot could entertain H.- I bough! thut the fund* intrusted ;<? the W?r ollie,- might be hi tt Jolly opplled to the Int, re.ts of partisan p.illtu - hoine light xvii* also thrown on t;,e dispatch bv lb* words "a* had boen done formerly." M. I* I'rovo*t de Luunuy evidently alluded to lw., fut ts ss lb li hove become known in france, on,- of wrbieh hos beea di* cox. red only during the Investigation of the Panama araaffaL Tin- Rrat refers to Hie tpptvpttailon by 0 eat ral Roulangi-r, while r sf War. of :ai.(*M frants for which he did not give ltenilr.'-d root hers. but which wara proved nft*ixtnrd ta have been apt*nl In a Bpeelal Inspection of the eastern boundary of 1 ranee. The second tact rifer* probably to the ra cent discovery thnt (ien-rril li-ir-n. another Mlnlstrr of '.Var. handed to M. Pouvicr, Uieu linaiii-e MtRfsli-r, 00O,4XX> francs from the uillitnrv secret service, fund. lo be used In a pell tlc a I campaign at home, but which was duly returned lo the War fflffee. CORNELICS nCRl WEAK AND PFYEltlSH. London, Jan. 25.-A dispatch from IiouriuriioiiDi stnte,s that OBBRlSoS Herr is worse. >|,. *|,.,)t ?,^v one hour last night, and ha" been reatleaa ull day. He Ls weaker and slightly ferirtth. TIIK COMMIS-loN MAX RFPORT TODAY. IMa, Jan. -JJ.-The Parham, -nt.-iry ('omrtil.Mon of Inquiry Imo the I'linuma scaaffol laspfndwl lt* sluing* to-day. after having heard the res', of Ibo tssjtmi of the siiti-coiiinil-*.Jon BdOM "-rtilng the work of the iind'-r writing syndicate*. Further pro.,"litton of (he panania Investigation DOH depend* <inli.-ly RfRR M. Fraii'pi" villf, Hu- llif'-s'lgslllig . Th"- report of thc Parliamentary ( ..iii-,ils-li,n sill b* pie-cnt.-d prol,.il>ly to morrow by M. Iirl*son, the ? halrmrni. A WAII.M.V. To IMs-IAN NF.W-PAI'Ei:.*I. St. Peter*!,tug, Jan. mi.?Tin- ?? official M'---r,g. r" announce* tha' th" Ooferniuenl !,.i* aeverely rehtihsR the Editor Bf the " (.riishdaniiln'' for th"- uti-<""iilv ul ItlBtoaB to dlpbiiiiatist* thal have Im -ii m.ide In lhal newipaper in ronaeetton with th>- Panama scandal. Thc ?? .uncial Meoaeafpr" trarna the editors of other Journals to avoid l**feirncea of th<* kind that will Incur de fftopleRoare of ihe (jT^tvernmenL Cologne, .lan. 25.?A dispatch to the* " Cologne 1.,17, tic fr-ti-n st. Peterstsarg atatea thal ih'- posllb?n of liaron Mohranbetm, Itffssbin Ambasoaslor i" France, l.s regaialed as -i-iion-It shaken, anti lt b> bellered laal ue xviii 400:1 bc 1 "(.111111. -sOt -- MAINTAINING THE I.EHMN'S APPBOPBIATIOX. Paris, Jan. 83.?Tho Clumner of Dcpuric rejet.-d ly a majurlty of only thirty *l.\ today ll.e moiion of Lo Provost de Lnunny that thc iipuroprtalloii to the Legion of Honor be reduced tt, JCO frants as a RTOtCSl ngaln*t the ubuse of RecotatlBg foreigners. In bl* speech M. de Lfiiinay said bc could vouch for thc fart that a Street potter III ? "1,-tnlltiliopJe |>o**e*scd the Grand (ross of the Legion of Honor. Foiclgn finan? ciers, moreover, bad been decorated, while gallant patriot* (rippi'-d in tin- service of France hud been Igiiocd. LORD STANLEY'S sl>F.F7( II FROM THK TIlRoNF.. Ottawa. Jan. 25 (Special).?The speech from Sta throne to-morrow will refer to the c"iiim!*ilon ap? pointed to Inquire Into the delineation of the Al.i*ka bonndnrv. Reference will also be made to the canal tolls difficulty of hist summer and regret will bc mp Breatcd Hint un limitable scttleineiit has not been roached between Canada and thc Culled States. Amend? ments ure promised to tis* Dominion franchise bill. I..,rd Stanley trill suv that the revenue returns show that thc coiintri' ls pro*pcrous. fSNP'TOBB HORTHTl.TrRIST.I MEET. RtKhester. N. Y.. Jan. 2').-The thirty-eighth nnr.-ial meeting of the Western New York Horticultural -odety met hen* this mornlni,*. '-00 delegates b.-lng prcent. Among those In attendance ure C. W. BtRRTt, N'-w Vork; A. M. Hmlth. nt. CfftBariae'R, ont.: rYRfeaoon L. H. Halie*/. J- f* Roberts and O. C. Caldwell, of Cornell Cialleg*; Professor li. F. Callowuy nnd M. R. Wilte, of Washington; C. F. Poaell. of Albany I William McMillan. IluiTolo; Addison Wood, New Ilnrtf'.rd. ( ,nn.; M ll Achesney, Syracuse, and ff. Weinert, Pbtlodel. ph'lii President William C. Harrv raOei ti,- conven lion to order and delivered the annual addre-s. TUP, TRIAL OF ASA P. POTTER Iio*lnii. Jan.- 2.*).-The trial of A*a P. Patter, ex pr-ldent of Hie Maverick Hank, for false c<T'lficatlo:i of checks, was resumed today la the Catted slates Circuit Court. District-Attorney Allen opened the rose for the Oatataassat Ko cited the atatata la regard to the cerlltlcatton of checks, and culled at t.-iitlon to the accounts presented In Ihe (.rand Jiuv Indictments ugaln-t Mr. Potter. Mr. Allen 'h-r, ex? plained Ihe effect of the certification of 11, u.d stated that he would produce Ihe man who *lgned Irx-lng A. Ex-ans's checks, and show that ihe de f.-ndnn! signed the certification when the account was overdrawn, and thal Ihe checks were passed through Hie Clearing House and paid. Wji-ti Mr. Allen niil*hed. seven witnesses were sworn lor thc Government. Austin E. foley. Of the Insolvent firm of Irving A. Evan* <fc Co., t<tiffed lo drawing ch-.k* against StfOsltB In the Mnteilck Hank. Mr 'Allen asked the willies* about the condition of irving A. Evan* A (?.'* deposit when h? drew certain cheeks. Counsel objected, on the ground thst Un? hooks of the bank in poast-aslou of ilia Oovcniment would show this, and that this was the heat Bvldeace. cou' s't/iM1 %-? ???XfJ ,!"? ! **?" ??' ettvsleiia*, Raff toun*ei object,ii |n thdr introduction. A ROYAL WEDDING IN BERLIN. MARBIAGE OP PKINf ESS MAK-'.APET AXD PBIXCt FREDEK!! K OF IILSSI.. Tlin CEREMONY xviTMssm ry a BRILUAMT TUROXO-BERUB OAT xvitii fl tc,*-thi; riAREBTTCIl IMOXG THC. OIJEBTR. R"rlin, Jan. 25.?Tb* whole dry wa* RVrarated with Bags last et/cning nu-l this morning In cel.-brsi; ol 'h. "reaffing af ihe prim-*. Margret, reungvoi Bister of lb* Rasperar, a-rd Prl nc* Prederieti Charles "f Toa frons of Ibe targe bull.Uur* In Cuter den Linden and In Ihe Fri "dr! < i-trn**- for h-.lf a mlle north and Boat! Ber* half hidden tutu cuwotaui stria* af l'rn*.|.in raton. At thc BeblaaaytatB, m.,er,. ? ;,.. Empcr.-.i-v body guard are t|, ttaved Hie flags (,f Priisali arl the Empire. T'tc Cn'.x-i-rsUv, H.- typtn llit-nse, ':. ? Muaeuins anl the ZeoghatN, ali ncr ?,. Raia ? ,,i Ci,. Kmpresa PttRerkia, had been decnni'ed .!? pubHe expn*" .st. litl-'.lv a* ta make fte whole <ii*. irirt a Moo* nf colora. It BSOS1 ol (h.- moraine, bat st 1 oYJor-k the sun clinic out, and before 4 orb r'.t, the hour fur th civil marriage, the itreota were drv and rmwd.-d with tig itseera. The chll Masson*, waa peifotoied hv cunt vin W"i"l, af the Koeal Heooeboll In Ihe hall of the Empress* Frederick'* palact. The bride iind brideffroom were totten t" Hu- s. hlo** through rhrerlns crowd* ttln.i hal lined tl/, rou'*- since io o'clock Hil.* morning, .xt th" aVffloafl all th* royal B*TSona*tr* Calli'-r.M la Hi" (lilnen- rahlncf to .cc t'.,,. F.mpre". Alien.ta Yict.iria atece th* bridal rratra aaoa IMaceaa Margaret's bead, I'i ii-* Frederick Clunie* and hi- brid- then led the rr<iie*.!oii ta th* rbspel, where tn- it litton* cr moir. was to |?. iicrforaie;!. They ts-. ?-.? !.,!lotte.1 bv Ibe Empr"-* Frederick, rocarted hf the Emperor in thc Raia uniform af the tinrde du Cot-pa and wearlnu the d-cor.ti1'>ns of the Ula k Rogl* and tb* Darter, mit bf the Landgrarr af He-s.; th- tamper** AuROsta \ lt loria, esiorieil by Ihe King of IrroB) BBd bf Ihe Care witch, in ?j?. tinifoitn (,f tiif Westphalia!! Hii*-.'ir-: Ihe landgrave Of Hes-e, escorted hv the Dake of Edin? burgh and Hie (.rand Dole of Bo4k*JI. The bride wore fl gown of white silk snd crepe d'- (hine, nrii nm culed with sprays of white dttl.l-s nnd roaghl .-ii thc wal-t with a getaea girdle. H.-r only Jewelry wa* a diamond necklace. 'Hie F.tnp..-* Augusta Victoria wore drap d'ara-eat. BRI hinder-,,i v.ini poid. Th- Ktnpri-s* Frederich's goons was snav damask with fl velvet train. Coan Ch*ptain Dryandar awaited lb* bri lal parti at Ihe Bliar In a bowe;- of Italliis and i krvsanlh.-niui-. The Princess Maraarei atoSa her r**-pou-es Brady, bul In Burn a low tone that onlv Hide lu the front seat* heard ber voice, .vs tba waffle excbaaRed ring tbe arilllerv In the Lastfarton hreii thirty-all salvos, Tho wedding ban<|ttal was lerred in the White Hall. After lt He myal guottl looh place* ti-nicr Hie . iin-ipy <1 Ih* throne, and the othars ranged ibeBSiehrea t, lb* right and len In a *<-uii circle, lu owler "I rank. Twelve Minister* of state, bearlag waa randles, then bogan Un- faekeitans. Th*f Invited tbe bridal cuttle to dance and escorted I beni i rind iff* num. Tho hilde th.-n invited Ibe F.mper ,r (" ia., and Ihe brMegrcom liitit.yi lb* Km etea* After lb* '?,, rou pl CT hail made the .Inuit ol lb- ronni twelve pic'* toidi the loiale*. hand.*1 th. rn t . oth.i>, mid ll.r* iiiony st;,-, continued bj the royal guests un'll li tt ? mergeff Inti a gmonil doner. Flnallf tn* pa.'-- led He ssl - -. lng the jrovng ronplc lo lb* 'bur of the I ridi.i chamber, the m'*ire-* or Use j >? * distributed garters amoug tin- m.-n, anl the tal bra lion wa ended, Ii Rr* lr< I 'mr!-* -nd h.* bude tv.ll p., . Ibr t'r-t par! o,' I bett botieytnoon In Potsdam. Tba wedding present* were displayed ot ibe palara of thc F.mpi. Fredertrh Emperor Winiam'* gW wa* a string of RtaBMnds; Hu- brtdBgiiwra's, Ive mairnlflrcni dium.ind rin^*. Rawing m.- Kids was shown Hie atti presented i> the Prim.--* Margaret bf King limul,,ri. then i rown I'Hiic he; I'-i-'i-i.! Il I* Jewelled, and b bn XII Ibe lib* e* were smith. ( a.lctlsnl. Th" revival of the faciteiiati/, a Realm castatn at i rn*-i4ii sledding*, bas i at a.* li i* b.-iieted hardly III" I lilt- I.f massive poid Blade**, bcsvtte ? ti ann n-- kl.i butt k pt ti rift. H.. work ol Hie i el braird i:.o.l . '1 si,uk- mit er*, loiiiment ., ift-ctm.- tee dignity of Mini ter* "' state lu bsd ill lt. Thfl dan, c Wa* .. -i !??--- ol .oiri cereinoalo* durum Hie Btnurnlng i ir Klliperor William I, adm nulli) boffrff Hint ll BOd !"'?!. performed for Hie l?*t Hine. 'Pie brid "gTOOai ls a Lieutenant In Qu?*"i XTri.trtii'* Prii.iin'i Drago-m Uoard*. Ptlace*.* MarffarH n*c?iv*i a haiid*om- dots rs from ber Bttother. The Castle Chapel, In which the coreoioaf as* per formed, i* .'in wt agonal <-<ii ri. <*. lin.ti aad paved ttiH, marbi.- ol RlltVreni rotors and adorn.-i with lr* i * ? ?ti B -"ld sr,.und. The sitar, wllh lt* four i ilttl. I* ,,f v.'iiovt- Egyptian raorbla, and thc Bul ott i and.-Illira are ,,f I arrara marble, tin- second floor of ih- OM rote Joining m- B'hlte Ihtlon. Tin- priui-lpal for.-ij-n representative wa- tb* wp. h. who*.' presence In Berlin a* Ihs r**pr* nf ll,-- ( /ur I* (nUeii a* alt Intllcalion of th* llsbmenl "f cordial relation* bet'.ie.i, >:,. . lt, rim and si. rVterabnrg. Ku.penn Wllltan lenci l:,e d"C,III,til.f tile Ottfl"T Of 111 of Pru* lt u|">n ll ?? ('.ar.-sllclt. Among Hi"' a:., wei.ipected to attend th isv'i'ii.-' wa* the Kin,.' "f Dctimarii. but h- t-"* off at the .'.[..'rte.! staiement* ,-r cbance||,,r von before the Betrhstag i am ni I Will, reference lo IhC Ottltlld liermany, and. making lb dit lined to uiake lb- trip lo lli-r'.ln Th- "Iniii-! ls Immediately ntl ats'li. . . al. irt* Of , on Eagle Ulai sprlx-l 111- Aron hill. Of I)e||iniuk lo.t ard . obi srealber an e.xi Bte, THE BANCROFT'8 TM I HIS I WORK. snr. r Xi ri'- THE fOXTRACT Rr^t'lREMEXTB IX ic :: Piit'.i.iMiN xi'.v TRI xi.v Wa Si lllgloli. Ian, 2'-.-Pris ale advices reived al Ihe Nats Department from Newport .tate thal Ihe prellmlmirv nial* ol Hie praiib- rr-strl Hain c. fi (hi* week were fas,,rabi- In Ihe blgbe I degree, u:.A lt ls certain nat rn- vi.I tti'.i greatly exceed h.-r ron trait r."|i;lreni,mis. Th* hlgbesl run of Ibe Bancrofl over tb.- measured mlle* wa* foarteen limit*, or two knot* moie than p-'i'ilred bf the contract This will give Ihe 1 .nilri?-r--. the Moores, of NhrabethROrt, ff. A.. I pren,lum 0| about fjMO^UOO. It U Mated nt Ih* Navy Department that several can*.-, h ive operated to produce Hil* r.-ull. the taoal Important of which can be traced to Ibe c\< ell-nc of Ihe Tull deslgB. The bull of tbe Hancroft Wa* ronstmcted from destgns furnished bf the late Naval riiii*!iut tor <inicv.ood, mid If Ute |*eif4WmaKC* of tbe Hui', rofl I- Bil Hat report make* lt. they are far lu adv.,. i,t the lin'* n rd In bnlMlng ether thia* "' th.- n-w Navy. Another reason '(.signed for a pat lion "f tbe rcnli* obtained 1* that the eagliiffl Br* of ii," xirticai instead ol tea hartaantal tvpc lt I* predicted lhal ut 1-ast one knot can l?? RMalned from a vessel with engines of Hil* prim Ipi'- '.v.-r a dmllor ship with engine* nf the horl'oiital print Ipi". Th"- excellent b,*1?tted oil Hie efigine* Bf the liam rofl I- also rc*ponslble for R chare ll tee performance. From Ih* nBOastTaal reports already received at U.i- llnr.-au of steam F.n id in-ring lt scent* that Ito heating ha* been manifested In any Of th* letslli of tb* machinery, and no bitches af any kimi hav- io far shown lill in-elves. Newport. R. I., 'on. BA.-The four hoi:- speed trial nt .sea Rf tbf praiTtlca fhlp Hancroft liss been again po*:p. ned. Tue lon haag heavy ut s,inrl*c and the Natal DaaitJ 'arly hoped that lt would ehsir, snd ll did. nu aft-?:? a ran "I flOfaa or eiglit miles to sea to warm Rff tho engine* lt ww s-en Unit head MOS and sstnd then prevailing would not be cobSbcIvr to m favomble run, mid conoaoaeattf the vessel retained Ul her RM borsge. \\ esther permitting, th* trial will be run to-morrow muming. PU LLS AS EMPLOY EA SMUOOUMQ OPIUM. P.uffalo. N. Y., Jan. 25.?A Nlajrar.t Falls dispitch says: "Lii*t niisht speilal Agent C. E. Lewi*, af this thy, and SpcriB] InsfftftOf t.rori;e Cirter, of New Vork, Btreated I, J. Henry and c. .1. li,ind. thc colored in,.-'cr and conductor of the sleeping car salmon River on Hie (.rand Trunk, tat opium smu2g:ing. lort)' pail,ape* of opium uri,- lound ur,d-r oat* o' the ?e.u* in the ni un its arrival m t.'H* City. The car I* a Toronto-New-Y4Wh sleej*sir.M When Hie car Salmon Itlvt r re.-irhed the Wet shore depot at 'iVeebasken yeRIcrffflf an ln*pet tor from Hie special Agent's office made another Inv.-stlgailon. mid fount! more BRSjOBO (Oi.oaled In tee Sprinc* of the sofa In tee stateroom. There were foi ly can*, or about twenty pounds. Th* duty I* *?1- u poiiRd. TUP. ASSISTANT TREASURER TO RESI1S. arqahlrgton, Job. Btv? ftp*m Tren-urer RRhohar rc tun;* to B/aahhutoa tum indiana JaRtsa RT, Wh.',|,iet, Hie As,|.taut Tr; aa so IOI of the UofMS stnl"-*, xvii; re ?lgn lil* p"*itloii. Mr. Whclpb-y will become },!?*? rate preaMeat of the American tecBrily nnd T;n*t lim.pant, hi ibis ritf. He ha* -cr ed In all Hu grade* in tue Trra-iir.r'* office, fiom clerk up tu hi* present position, mid 1* probably ot well ncQualnttil situ fiuanctui nfialrs a* any maa la thc acrxlc* of the Government. JUDGE MARTIN ELECTED. CH "*EX RY AX II.LD.AL BODY SEXATOR FBOM KANS.x.*'-. ur. it. TitF. r.F.Aur.r. of tiif. rtJBlON nr.xtocR.xcr ?populist- XM) DEMO) rats COMM BC -TiiK rtFpi'Bi.ictNs p.f.h*;; TO V''TIV Topeln, Kan., .Ian. SS.?AfllM Intense- exctte* nient and uml'-r the most peculiar clre'iinst-ii""** *'irrniiniliti' an election of the kind, Judge John Martin, letttlei of tho Fusion Democracy af Kansas, wm* this afternoon electorl to tba Se'iitte by a f'oir.i'ifintlon of PopnliatR aad Doififrerats Martin t.hf" solid xoti* ?f th* twenty-live Populists and Demo-rats In thc Semite: in the PfffMlis! HoBRR tie received sixty-two \ of OB, till* tiU!lllx?r incliifliiiL- *.?-. i-ral of thoM who Lave b.-i-n prated bj tha Populists on ci.nt.??.?*. The election of Martin loaves tho Munition as ' "lupii' i'.-,l a* ho'iir.., ThtWfh lie i* tie.lar-il elected, it oraa done by the vote of a hottee tha j coiiHfltiniotialif.v of xvhicji is lu dispute. Tiie Re pul>li-ans und the Stalwart Ibuno' rats claim that I tba .-l'"tion is a fart"* by renison that the I'opulist | Ilo'iaa" i* un illegal body, mid non- of Ita acts can | lie taral. The Kepiihlic.'-ns find tliein.plvi's in a ] prr(licam<>iif. for the rcaoon thal th'T uc unable. I to BlBflter 'i qiioriiin* to vote on the BeMttaTflhip and ttill not Ik- aide to <in so until their riulitn in tba Mon*- have l?. |, |,n*s".l upon by tli'- court". lr tiie courts d' olde Hie Republican* have tb.- constitutional lotter hons,*, th,-n they xviii elect anotlier Senator, xvlio xviii undoubtedly be a Rtralffht-fffft iV.ii"cr::t. mid fin cont.-st for n-o-Tll tioii will bfl tr,iiislerr"'l to Washington. When th?' joint eaBVRBtiaB RRRraffbled thc Toll BTRfl callctl. The I'< tp' 11 i*. t.i aiiMver'-l to their nunirs, hut tho IJepulilicans and thr.*"* of the Ib-iii'it ruts IBOMtBffd silent. The'itenuut-iiov crnor mid that ninety-one nuinliers of the joint convention had reepmidod to their names, and ord"t('l -.i-i ri-tarv I (row ti to cull the roll for a ballot on United .Stat.-* Senator. This proceeded U'.iietl.v, each populist SeniH.or rising and voting for J nd gi* Martin, until the name of Senator (?'Brien ||)i-;u., whs retched, whait, to the astonish? ment of all, he and x .)T<*-| for Martin. The 1' lida of the House and the Populist svmpathi'i*rs on the floor and in th" gallery burst into applause a! tii-., xx huh had RMrcel) itulssided xx hen the n.inn- of Taylor iDffffi. tra* n-Mchcil, and he, too, voted foi Judge Mirtin. This gave a. fresh provocation for applause, anl tin- mil had t" he suspended until th<* pr.s-id Ing officer could reotorr order When the l!e puHicoo Sonni 'rs saw bow tilings were golan they, denian le 1 Ute righi to rata, bal as fhay hal lail.-d to an*, uer the roll rall, the I.i.'Utorialif Govarnor paid not nttciition to them. Wh.-n the -ot.-* completed the lieutenant' Governor the ri*snlf a* follows: John Marlin. 86; M. Sf. Cobjjirn, 4; Jimna, 1; Sny tlei, I ; CloflC, I, The l.ictit'-niiiif-tiovernor then said: "Jo!m Martin baviag lecelved a majority of the votes rae! f'-r l'iiit-d Mat"* -senator, i* declared cl?-etei| lintel Statis Si ii itoi." Loud erica anne mode for Martin, hut a motion to di--solve the convention wa* 'ii ric I. I- It'fpulivi'-iiiiK of Loth lloiisi", then xvent into joint c.iiiiiiiittei', hut the combined forces of the two 11,iii,-* tta*only i*Yeaty-*ight| liv l.--s than a quorum. A ballot for Senator waa tehan, re sulting in .s.'veiit.v-i-i_'hf Vote* for Adv. Th*- Ke? paltin iii joint contention adjourned till ii""-t tn iiioirow. Bath llo.uaea adjourned until 0 a. m. Ir u.otr.vs'. Mai tm -mis i.ouiii'fifcd in Ihe Popullat raaeaa lust Righi mi the foiirf.'enth Ini-'t Juhu Mu titi, for xvh"iii the Populiflta vated today, is a kadini lawyer in Topeka. II" hai Im ci a resi.leni of K.iu.-u* lor moro than twenty yean, i'or a long tiff*** h<- xxa* chalnaan Rf the I >.*.-ii..--ri.t:f. st ne Committee. Loot year be esme ont sirona for Hill, hat aff-*r the Domination af ('loveland he a I vitiated fusion with tbs* PopnliatR in order to take Kan*u* ant of the Republican col ulm, And it tta- Ihtoiuh hi* effort*, thal tho lii-iii .t-ritid convention nominated ih.- Pope list Stat.- and National lawyer h ?? rani:* politician hi fi ?k.-t. As xvlth the for"nio*t; ai has always been brid In hi'h eeteam until lue Bop to Hu- Populists, which excited indignation among his oil liitrt.x friend'" ll'* waa laira in T'-iii bet 12, 1-.H' In January, i-*:., Judge Martin u n Judge of tin* District (out ',\ ?Jovcmur Ulick to lill an nnexpinsl term. Ile waa .-lectc.l to the RBBtd oflice in I**,!, defeatist -Indi;.' W" ll-- .-er--.-.I two yen* In is,,; Judge Mm t in ian tor < on/xresa, ami In i*s* "mn Demooratie citididate foi L'onfft**aa, in both of ?.?huh i*s*Mnaat*rn* In* tva* defeated. During the I'll'.- rail he served a* .>nD-rIV-r-'-li-'f-irit ot ('.un. pony A. 3d Kegiment, KaBttRR wilina. His family. '' amati "i wu.- :iii'l daughter - ? - ? ?? FATALLY INJURED AT A EIRE. ni I'.il lit DOWN TUBER or in* CITlItORCN WITH A ItOl'l. AM) TH IN RI 1.1, TO Till sTTUT.T. There tran a tetot imt Mritlaf tic*, at \tidell lhere ?tere a BOmb*T of daring renie* and probably ivto deaths, in Hie hid RffaUa tenement bouse ai Sn. ',<>.. t., Jersef div, inst night, tho Hr.* brette bul lu Hie cellar. Thence ll i-prcid !?. a irttfBtore i.ii Hie Ur t flo,tr and then Hie flame, teroogh Hu- alnhoft to tea fourth floor, entirely salpptng ?lie second Sud third llonr*. whtrli tvere occupied liv fiair 'amitie*, These tenants found their escape cut off by the Annie* TisDin the drug kiora wMrfa rolled ap thc stairtvav, destroying lt, but Ihsy wen- ns. u il by the tireiiicn by moona ol ? |a*M -r. (rn the top floor lived Matthew lilith, who owned H" balMlag. Ile atag nt boata with id* wife and live children, they could not make their way down stHlr*: Hie la tl dc rs would no tram li Ibem, and BUffb uiid-rtonk to loser Hicin down xvlth fl clotlies line, ii.- taceeeied in letttag Utree nf Ibe children down la ih.- lin men In-low mid then h'* ln*t hi* batencs and fell. r-trlklnR ou the awning he boanded te tea *tr. et, and when he was picked up hi* leg was brohea and he vtu.s so badly Injured P'teiindly that he xxiii probably die. In Hie meantime 1'<>H' "fitnii Patrick Mahoney made bis stay tlir<4iRli Hie lUuies and smoke und sn. ical, ,| In ia-.*, liing Mrs. Illlgh und ihe oilier two Children. He, Ihe woman nnd the fonngest child were barned badly. an<t Hie utter, which ts h. il-v.-d to have Inhaled flame, v.ui probably die. The Ure sviis ipc.dllv extinguished, Ihe serle., of in? cidents consuming only thirty minute*. SO CEARQR IS MR. BLAISE'S COSDITIOS. Washington, Jan. 'Jj.?Dr. Johnston paid his usual nx'i'iitng xNt to Mr. Maine at tl o'clock. He -.aid tbot Mr. Blaine was leitlng comfortably, suffering no pain, nnd that there was na appreciable change In hi* condition, ll* would not return, he said. uiile-* sent fur. Af 12:710 o'clock this afternoon Dr. Johnston lelmrted r.O mateilul chuilge in Hie patient's condition since ln*t night. Mr. Ulallie "troted well during thc nljlit and this morning. While |lf hos gained no strength, he ls no weaner than on jester ??' _a-_, TBtXSARBS USTRR To THE rey. r. fat Mills Dei Moine*. Iowa. Ja".. US. ? i'ho (Umax ol iho revival meetings cotidm t-d bf tue Kev. II. Fay Mills, Which have RRBfl Ul pingie*- li-r- lor ti u RhfO, was reatlicd today the lui.'.ne-*, iiouses of the city ilos.-d their doors, and Hie people united lu a serle. if greal religion* meetings, lt wu* Ilka sunday, eta pi that no sunday ever ??t ?o many people utieud ebttrch services. It li e.tlinnted that ;?).04S> person* :itte:id,Kl the mc Ung* The number of conversions reported (ur the dav nm*, inti, tin- hundreds. AMXIOUS AROUT d ffo.xrO.X' FRF.I0HT STEAMT.R BjRBtRSj. .'sn. 25.-rni)sIderalile BOjaWtf I* felt RI the noire Rf the Tun Bsa Steamship Line over the aaa arrival of lae fi-ei-i,t HraRBSRla atachhotei City, BlMeb Killed from London January 1. Kven with the lind weather snd usual difficulties of Hie pa**age nt Hil* season of the year, Ihfl sH-amcr should have arrived at Icaat four or fire day* ago. bhe has not been reported alfie* tailsAO LAMONT VISITS LAULWOOD. Mit. Cl EVE LA ND, HIS FORMER SECRETARY AND MK. KAYAK!) CONFER. BOT YFT KXOXVX WIIST DISPOSITION* WILL BI' MADE OP THF. II'CLAXVXKK ST..TI7"M.XX? CALLBBJ ox Tiir. pi.rtsinr.xT ru ct Ixihexvoid, N. J., Jau. St.?President-elect Cleve'.iiid and ex-Sec ret a r\- Kayard sat up to? gether until a late hour last night, und rcauined their consultation this murnini. The inu-t prom? inent arrival flt the Cleveland toft !?;.' to-day xx as Colonel Dani.-! lanr.innt, the lorine' private *e Te? lar-, to Mr. Cleveland. Mr. lamont came hen.* from New-York hy the first train, mid xx-as met hy Mr. ('levelatid, xv ho had drixen to the station ih his private carriage. The |*|BJffilSRtllfihflf took Colonel laBffRMM directly to the Cleveland cot tn-e, xvli'-ro they xvere joined hy ex-Secretary l'.a.varil. .V lon**; conference followed la Mr. C|?\chr.d'.s study, and at 4 o'clock Mr. Cleveland conducted hi* evsocietitry te the station, xvhorts the latter bojirded the train for the city. Fmui knoxving oni-s it is learned that Mr Lamont's jo limey here was te use bia lnflneB**e in peeoaadteg Mr. Kayai 1 te a.(.apt the portfolio offered t<. him him by Mr. < loveland. Mr. I'ayanl hus h"*u ralhtr tindecidel alu.ut acecptiner. Knoxville th* Intlnenc"" clint his lute secretary had in wlBBlag Mr. Kayard ox'-r. Mr. t'l.-v.''i sent for Lamont. It Ir said that laftmont's flak* xvas su ? -cseful. Mr. Lamont refused to falk politics te n-porter*. and IWRlRllMll In Mr. Cleveland'? carriage at the sta? tion until the turin arrived. Among other railer* x?ero ll. B. Smaller, of Vermont, and \t',iliim II. Gritlin and J.din M. Tuylor, xvho wert* part of the elc-.toral coiuui.tu-. from Tenr.e*"s,s-. It Ir cert-iin that nothing further has t>eeu done in regard IR filling vacancies in thc < ahl uet. This will lox left until Mr. Whitney and Mr. Carlisle cnn ls? consulted. Mr. Clevelaud xviii flo to New-York to-morroxv morning and xviii return here in the afternoon, lt is believed hem that Mr. Karaite is booked for the Post mnster-Ceneralship. ile is expected to visit Mr. Clevelund ROBB. E. C. Wall, of Wisconsin, xviii, it, is said, be tendered the Sceri-turyship of tho Interior. s> DEMOCRATS NOW SEEK LAKEWOOD. MR. CLHVF.LAXDS FfsIKXHS NEGLECT \r.\V-Y''Ult" -'TflXXCK REPORT AHCVT (;f.x. COMIX** Democrat le statesmen have rec ntly liecnnie un? usually scarce tn Xew York. This I* owing. It ls sup? ported, to Mr. Ovelnnd having made Lakewood his BbtCI Rf resld'llte *tlKe Monduy. The President rtoct'l cotiaee nt Lakewood, known as "Tho Little Utilte II ni-e,* ha* therefTt* h*come the DeniorniHc Meera, and us pilgrims ar? now ahle to each Hie nine woods ivsort bf tlirouph train* from Washing lon, they hilve i.e:;un to slop ther- and avoid Netv Yoilt. K\-J'"*lma-t'-r(ieneial Hit?fclBORB, after- a brief -tay In Hie city, start d ycsien'.ay, lt was said, for Mr. Cleveland's winter quarters. The raeaney or Ihe Supreme court benth of tea fulled (States caused It the death Of Ju*ltce Lamar ls ataTRrttng as n,tn li attention Bi present among the polltnlnus a* the mnl.c nj) of Mr. cleveland's Cab? inet. ABMNBg those tt hose names are mentioned 111 connection with lin* vacant seat, ls General Patrick .X. Collina, of Ma-*:i, li .'-tts. A consaessmaii from a sowlben Male, who u*scrtrd that BR had good grounds for the statement, said yesterday that he iieiievni that sJetveral collies would receive Hie ap? pointment. - Hut ita you thinlt thnt President Harrison would appoint sn active Democrat like (i.-neral Collin* to the supreme hench ?" th.- Congressman sos aiktd. '?Ile Blight," sa* Hie reply, "or ne BBlgbt leave the vacancy for Mr. I'U'veland BR till, with the under BaBdiag thal QaaeRII Collins should be Hie mun. The (.enernl ls a* popular BRBOBSj Remibllean* as he ls Hmong D?ui(icrstK, and be hus many influential Re puhl.esii friend* si ho are anxious to see him apitointed. Ho I* reiopnl/.ed lu New-Kn pl and nnd elsewhere as mi able liiwver, and hi* marked Impartiality and ?litilt> ns a presiding BffkRf are well known through nut the country. I admit lhat tbe statement may leela strange la munt people, bat, nevertheless, neii eral I'ollln* stands a P*xl clninre of donnln.; tile Ju? an lal ermine wirilla the nest fetv weeks." ll A SK SWIEDLEBS ARRESTED. TWO MIX CAVORT IX llAI.TI.MOI'.r, WHO AME xvxxrii) :x sr.vr.RXL citifs. linlHni' re, .lan. S3.?The Brand .fury to-day pre tented Thomas. Hamilton and Otto C*. Q. Dench.-r, tli- banh swindler.* arrested la the city last week by D.-t.-cllvi-s ll.,can and 1 In ll. Their wives, who were arrested at the sam- titi).-, were r.-lcas.-d on tho ??ug gesllon pf Hie dl-tild attorney. The cashier of the Pori Pill Hank, of bltt.btir;-. arrived In town to-day nnd was athen t.y captain Ptoitsvger, chief nf the it.--.-i ttve terre, to thc elly Jail, when* Hamilton and l>e:i'-ker were Imprisoned, He promptly Identified Hamilton as Uv mau WOO tee etd that bank out of i few hundred tl,,liars wttb ipUllOOB Ch*tits. llarnllton nnd Deockee and their wives llvt-d at No. I'll Wen slxlv Hdrtl *t., New York. They are ihe same men who attempted, a short time nco. to .windle :i B*aohlyn, N. V., bunk. Th'V are "wanted-' In Posion and Louisville. Tfsef are belb-x-cd also f> Im the swindlers-under other nairns-who operated ipon the bank* of Nashville, Toled >. cleveland, Km sis City und Topeka. The authorities are confident thai they inn sisiire tlp-ir convlctliui. The BpeetfC charge* are forging the name cf Denatete, Cohen ,fc Co., tn a cheek on the Continental National Hank for ai.ono: ftTirintr the mime of **. M. Lyell \ c.. to a check on Hie Bnultable National Hank I. -,- BitM, and Hie name of I'ulHp ll. Leiiderklni: to i draft on the Herman Hank of I'alUmon- for B31S, FOR JUSTICE LAMAR'S FUSERAl. vhf. REBYICEB to dc. ix Mtenx, ga., TO-MOR ROW KOON. Mari n, (Ja., Jan. -.'..?The funeral of .lusiice Lamar viii take pince In Mil* etty nt noon Friday. Trie local air win meet in the Superior cour( room al RSM Friday morning to h'-ar ratagtoa on the dead man, OfMeR Bill In- delivered by s-veral pi-omlnetit lawyers of ld* anti other titles. The pallbearers ttlll be M**srs. Xlder, Hmlth and 'larson, reprrsemiiip the ("itv ? omi ll; A. 0. Bacon and Washington Daaoa, from the mr: E. S. WiLscn und W. lt. Boorai ot Hie Boori of liadc, xvlth lt. ll. Plant und T. I), Tinsley from the ?liv at large, together with a lung ll*t of honorary pail i.aicrs from Hie lair of the Mate. The budy af the Jurist, now lying In state at ihe lou.e where ba died ni vineviii.-, win reatste taara intil ll o'clock Friday forenoon. wh"ii it will be taken 0 thu Mulberry Street Church, where lllshop Flt/. ,-erukl. Dr. Cnudlor, of F.mory College, and Dr. Hlack, laster of tho church, will conduct the ceremony. L. Q. C. I .a mar, Jr., son of the dead man, arrived this if tea-noon and bin dinghies-* will arrive io morrow. t message xva.s received to-day from Presidentelect levolaud saying* that tt would be impussilik*. for bim o attend the funeral *> rn Ti) ATTfCND JISTirT. LAMAR'.-; 1TXF.RAL. Waslilnatoii. .tan. 25.-chlef Justice liiller. ?f the aipreme Court of the Inlted .states, and A*so<,aie llistlces i'.liiicliionl. Ilrewer and ilrown. and Marstiall VriKht. Clerk McKinney and other attaches of the start lclt hero by a *sB*atal train on lha Rlchtnoiid nd Danville vestibuled limited t'l-iiiRht for Macon, .a., to att?nd tha futienil of the late Justice Lamar, ihlch xxiii take place there on noon Friday. The linty will reach Mucoti ut N :10 p. ni., Thursday nd will return after the funeral ea*Wl**s, arrtvtnc ii Wushlngtoii at (1:45 a. m. on Jumiiiry -u, l. *T irown. general agent of the I'li-r.inOnd ana DoavUle ,-ullroad, arcompsu'ed Ihe party. 1 WABBARt FOR THE ARREST OF F TUESQLISO. .loan D. Stein, s clerk in a la* oflice ai Xo. I'd lin id lay. appeared lu J?ITrr*jjii Market Court ymterday and pplled to lutti-e Voorhi* for a warrant for Uie flrrOBl of Fred" ViieuBllng. for a**anlt. Stehi'i f-Te waa OU'-K nd nu nose tra* swollen. He asld Uiat VuerijillnB had sadBh him. Mein, ac >.idins lo his Sfoiy. Went to the Vendome lot- I. at i'i mditav and l-'urty-llrsi-.i., Tucwlay nlpht o serve a els ll summon* on the "Itarnness" Ulalie, who ? SBBfRtR there. Stein was lu tho ail of acrilnB the aper on the "Biroii.-??" when YucuglUig entered Rte oom. Ue called Reeta names, it BMBBB, and then itruck, I !m In the eye. '| Voorhl* Issued the wan-ant. l"|, to B lalo boar ' ut bight Tutagliag hod not boto unatate, I FIGHT IN A SYNAGOGUE. THE PRE-IDENT KNOCKED SENSELESS. k. erf ti? ll Ll'mi. xnr RR ALSO " LATS OFT'' TWO OTHER, MF.X WITH A FOOTSTOOL?NOW HE sTABTR TIMM AHIU'.sTI'.O. Tlieye syn* a lively light in the Temple Asifah Isriifl in Varrt-s!., near llroailxvay, Brooklyn, ob night, xvliich resulted in three of the member* of the eaBfK allon being batlly injuoed. The .juarrel grexv mt of the ole** ion of .SirRtm Daato us president ?f the congregation. Since th* election several attempt* have bflnOj matle by those who wen- oppo*etl lo him to unseat him, hut they railed. Damn's most aftive opponent xvor Saint-.-I nium.'tilierr, 0f No. ?o Moore-st.. Hrook? lvn. Ilium..t-bcre schemed to have all the sap, ponents of Danfo at the regular in-fting of tho eoiiere-.-ition, xvhlch xvi-.s li.-l.l ?n Sunday nie-tit. bantu heard of the scheme, and af once ?u> ranted to have his friend* then in fore... Ha also secured thc s< rvi-c ol a policeman to keep order. lifter Isaac W.-nistoin had flni*hed tha preliminary services, I'i,-*i.lent Danto TBflrfl fha aseeting to ottler. The wnai'ngiie was packed with the friends of loth parties, and immedi? ately after ealltag the rb*s**4bc to order lie Is?> ciiii to denoiinei" Hlinnonlieri.' nnd Iii The friends of Hlunieiiher'.." at once bolte the m.-etinff, ami, while* on the eldexvalk. rifled the actions of President Danto in the pi*i*a onc,. of the policeman. Hliiinenlterg and his friends wore about reftirninr.' to fhn synagrsgue, xx lien another policeman apiioared a.nd drovo them away. On Tuesd'iv t-vcniii? President Danlo met teat of his friends and xvent, to the Temple to pray. While h<" was- pinyin-.: at the altar BliimentVrg apiiean-d and shouted tint he xvas going to clean out thc pince. Ho wis drunk, *t said, whoa he ent. red. When 'Vii lent Danlo and hie friends saw his condition they r ?(?ui'sted him to leave the place I'ltiuicrilterir. at once became much excited, and strucU Aaron Schoenfeld, of No. |g Cook-at., a severe li'.oxv in the face. S-*ho4*4> feld fell hackxvard, .triklmr his hoad against one of the pews, niakinv- him nneonsclotiH. Tha xxunii'ii in the syn.i rotriie ts'gati to scream. Pn*a id'-nt Dant i, Joseph H'senlwr-* and Jacob Frie httrg ran lo assi*-' Schoenfeld. As tue men op proi'hed Hliiinetila'rg, it is alIoc,,.<Jt he grablied Danto by the thrall and butted his hr-vl an-aitrot the trail, and then threw him into one of tha pexrs. unconscious. Wiatt! Rosenberg and Eri7ehi*ra saxv txvo of their friend* unconscious, thc** graMaM chairs and foi tstools and struck iUiitiienl>erg severa; ugly bloxvs. Dorine tho encounter llltimen berg managed to catch Rost-nberr by the leg and throxv hint on the floor, tsMBfiag Rosenberg'a chair, he atnie c Eiiebeig, mi.kitig him uneon t-ciiiiis. While li< lily there I'lumcnl-erg wilked oxer H. witera Rosenberg xva* lying, and was about to iissa'ilt him, when .ie taw that ho waa un? co ncc iou h. KoosBbcrg xvas "playing 'poss'.tn,? anti whoa IMuiii.-nU'rg wa* about to leave the building Kosenberu quietly arose und grab-hint* a foot* stool struck lllunienberg a blow which sent him against the xvall. ltefore Rosenberg eould mpt-at the attack Hillmen bert,- e-e-ap"-.!. I'r.Miih'nt Dania was still unconscious when ix>c,.st?'.|>e>rg went to ? lim. und he remained in that condition for threa hours. Dr. Loria was called, and after reviving; him he xvas taken to his home in a coach. Schoen? feld was also afisisteJ to his home. *i reterday Blumenberg went to thc Ewen Straet Police Court and (secured warrants for the arrest of President Danto, Schoenfeld, Rosenberg and Freib.*rg on chara.** of ae-souH. Jliu.ii.-iilierre left ove wuh bliek and his face c-ox-ered willi bruitv-a. President Danto lives at No. 1.71R PuItonHrt* When R reporter called there yesterday he waa too ill to Ik* seen. Rosenbor.r and b?bsMRM *srcra wen at Rotsenberg's house in Sienel-et. The lat ter auld : ?? Schoenfeld, President Dnnto snd I had gong to the temple lo pray, xvhen lllunienberg enteare*! and cried ont: T'x'e got you now.' Schoenfeld asked him to ho quiet until xve got through pray? ing but he ref lilied, and xve hail to stop praying in ord. r to put hun out. He then took President Danto by tue n?sk and shook him. We went to Li* a?*i*tu:ic", and BOW he wants us arrested.'' Baldwin K. Strau*?* has btSOB engaged to prcvt*<*> cute Bluntenberg in counter charge* xvhich will bf brought against him. KILLED BY A ROILER EXTLOSION. i TXVO I'F.BSOXS WAD AXD THRF.L' FATALLY IB"> JL'KKD. Columba*. Ci.,' Jan. -J-V-At 7 o'clock yesterday morilla,: the la ri."* flaw mill of ,1. W. Favors tt 47o.. at Ppatote, near c dumbus. was blown to atoms by the explosion of Hie bolter of the iRRjRT Two person* Wera kill.-d. Hire., filially lnjun-d and four seriously hurt. Tii.v-.. kili-d wara i WU,I, (iltll'i ix. stliite. fourteen years old. TITt'S MEATH, * ncsie. The finally ttnunded were Sandy T1n.*ley, John Grant and Anna Wa'-"'. Ihfl cm*- of IBR explosion ls unknown. ALI. MJCSPt TWO OP TIIE (REIT DROWSED. ? St. John's, X. F., Jan. **...?Tin* brigantine Kestral, which arrived at Kartar ".race to-day from Trapanl, tirougi i In two .sallur* ratea*d on January ii from the rr g Lovisa, ts lt i BalM Crear, Porto Plata aa December li tor Havre. Tha Lo--i*a arra wrecked ot mldocean and all af tee crete except the two brought lu by the Kestrel were lost. I aptala RsTteasoa having been killed bv fiilllng must* sud the otlu-rs washed orer i...ard. Th" two survivors suffered terribly, liavinz been without food for flft.-n dat*. Their rescue waa Hccumpltsh-*a xvlth great difficulty. BOLD OPERATIOSX OF col ST ER? FAT ERA. <;:ty of Me\i,a>, jun. 2i.?The police luxe learned lhal the op'Tinlon* af tha gang of banknote counter? feiters, two of wh.m tran am-t-d la-re yestt-rdsy, have seldom brea aqualtefl tar boMoaaa in Hil* country. The leaders of tee pag wrote ta th'* American I ta ak Xote Conipjiiy of ?xv-York, asking that company print for theta bank bill.* Rf th* London Hank of Mexte* and routh America. T" ese men repneenled Utabsbstriq os agnts of tea Imnk and fteaetei tiiat I heir corrifipiiidence be sent to the bunk's poslofl)ra Bthtreas, evldeiitlt liavlng boom ptan to get Uiclrjeticra tuili, ut tat- bank's kn-.ttl.-1i;,.. Tue banknote company bu* be-n Informed of tte Intended swindle. The poll-e ar. making an active ?t-.ircli for the ruembera of the gang still at liberty. At th.- ofll.e of the .Xiii, il. an Hank-Note Company yesterday lt sta* said that the name af the m?n who -.ent Um proposal from the (Uv of Mexico to print Miine fraudulent (i"U-s of lb* Hank of London and Mexico xvas Manuel Camacho. l{ei|ue*ts were fre <|in nilv made lo lin* comiuinv to print fraudulent note* af bante wssste plates laef aaaaraatsl, and they were at once Uirin-d over lu tlc officer, of the Secret Bar trie*. The man had brea arrested tn Mexico, hut nothing further was knotsn about the cane. ? WARTS i?'^.(>00 FOP BREACH OF PROMISE. Asbury Park. ff. 1-. Jun. '-j (Spt*(uii>.-An mellon for bn*uch of promise was brought to-4luy by Hrs. Neille Crane Van NoitsxKk. of thi* place, the daughter of Hie late Helen Pei k Crane, a prominent worker ta the Woman* Christian Temperance I nlon. and a *lsl*r of Judge William il. (-rune, af Port Jerxds, X. Y., Bflalast Hubert Holbrook, a wealthy contractor and builder of Hi can Grove. Mrs. Van Nortwlrk claims RKi.DOO damages. Mrs. Vun NortwlcR u a divorced woman. a ,vor OBTAINRB ABAIRST OlSSBURQ. The Judgment* publi*lied yest, rday for 911,133 apilnst Hurry iiln*bura, of Xo. (i'i Ellz-ibelhsf., la favor of the (until Mieet Hank, were not obtained BJfllBSl Mi. i.inst.tug. lui ROBBBBl David liliirk alone. Ho- suits huvlng been bivucht ogalust both parties on IlOtes. LARKER WISH A GAME FROM OOLMATO. Havana, Jan. .i.-The chess contest between Lasher and C.olmayo xx-.-is contlnm-d la*t nigh!. The gains Blared was the Zukertort Opening, lt was won br Linker. ? *>-? sta!. M'lt.ROT Sf' FROS BUICIDAT. ?.t.V/.4. Chicago, Jon. 25.?Nothing new wus developed at the Ituiuest to-day ot/the body of W. ll. Mcllroy, sho shut himself at the Auditorium yesterday. Tito Jury found Hint Mcllroy iras suffering from suicidal mania when he took ld* life. Mcllroy leaves relatives In Belfast, Ireland, sandford. Ind., and Chicago. Tha body will be burled In Bot* mu x^metery to moen*,