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AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. A DECISION REACHED AT LAST. THE i oMMIsslu.N Xl-I-OINTEI) Tn CONDEMN THE PEORERTT Of Til! WATER company riXISHEl its xvii-.K. Decision ssa* reacher! yesterday In tte question of thc valuation of thc Loin' l*hmrl Water .supply (on, poar's peap its The eissdemoatPm of tin- property for lt:'- puipo-e oj J.,,!, li:.-. b)f tin- (Itv ssa* i.i a (o,nnii*-ioii appointed bj lb* supreme (.imt la t htinuinr. Iii"- fte* cot!,nii**i(iti> r* gave twenty.flsa Baartaa*, nt arbtch artt**sses apaaarnd and arguments were nindi- in i.g.ird io th* vaia* '>f Ibe property of Mir roaapoay. alma A. C. Cbapln s-.,- Mayor lt* and the Controller aa.i Auditor a-c-.i lo purebaae ibo pn.pertv .,1 tin- company lor -.i.?'".'?.?'(>(>. hut tho rs^alitv of tba purebase aroa contested In cunt, and lr eras dweMtd Ibal theie ssa- rm righi existing for iht? jturjio*,, as the lime had expired within which lb* RMrcbooa eouM he mud*. The atirmpt lo acquire Hm rights 'f lb* etirapony, ss-iii. ?? ar* llmiud lo th* Twenty slut Ward, orlmre the company sta* organli d before the looa -f Ness- Lot- I,.taine part :,f lin- city. being Um* defeated, application ?.-,- amda io the laCgts latiiro for .act!,,r, perin ililli!,* thc punh:i-e. Under Ibe law p:i?-.-<l 1?*t ss inter :i i i.iniiii-*iii!i sin* upp luted. Tin-(a'iiiini*-i,HUT* flirt! tis,i r p Tis V'-t-1'day. Tlio majority tttjett I* *lj.-n-"l l.y E. ft. 1:11**. ll. W. Hunt and E. M. - hcpnl.l. and places thc Value nf Un' properly nt BiTO.OOO, (?f Hil* the value ol the fran chm* an:l rights i* placed al 9200,000, lbs pumping BtaHirM. rc rv,,li**, iir.icliliierv. in-., ni I -". c. OOO, and tho building* and li.xlill'* Ol -r7T,.".'K). Hf lin total, B34IO.OOO nnd latereat anmandng la 117,5833d la t" b<- paid to the Mercantile Trust Company, which holds tom BM4rla*a*jes aasoanUng t" .?,'>(>('.(>'(>. and lim remainder of ."-.".J, l Hi BO ls lo Lc paid to the coin pany. Commissioner* Rosso nnd Enc rv. In the minority rcp'Tt, agree In Um rirjtmtiaa ol aU save thc franchise and tiRiit.s. koltBai timi tba rompany bas nu exclusive right to supply watat In thc Twenty sixth Ward and tliat this cann ,1 1*" lite: ?forts! svith by tho tlty until 11)31. No viiiin- I* *ct iipui, ti,c franchise In thc minority report, bot it i* *ct Birth that In* value sd by thc majority ls entirely Inndeqnoie in vi.-sv ot the earning pois cr of thc rompany In the future and at ter.tlon f* called p. the int that tin* val tut km of P"iTo,(XK) xviii not m-'t-t it:,- llsblUtltr* of the com? pany, wRkh aini'iinl to B810.000. 'ria- :-eport musl be ronhrars**] by lb* Supreme Court, mid lb* < " y lia* let, dav* tn to rile notice of nmrion r-.i argument again*! the conflrni-i Hon of Ike majority repa!. If thi* ls (oiiiirinid. th* 4jase will probably dc curilod to Um Court ol Appeals. THEY D"NT XV ANT TO IlE TAXED. Max or Boody !j?ld a coafertmce with street railroad presidents yailm Ba j In repaid to the i,hi winch ls proposed for taxing sired railroad corporations as a return f'*r the valuable franchises they possess. All tbe principal companies were represented. Mawr lioody explained Mr* proposed inca*iires to tax Hm gro*4 receipts of the companies ;. per cent. Daniel F. Lewis, of tl,i? HrosiMv:i (itv C .ni pa ny, protested Against an Invldloas dlstJnetloa in ilngHng out the etreet railroad corporation* for n special tax. He Unught Um subject f-.'i"iii"i laeiode all corporal looa. Tiie Mayor raid timi tho railroad companies enjoyed special prisllcp* and lt waa the prevailing impression Hint they should pay for them. William Manholl, of tho Coney Island and Brooklyn i ompony, thought that ta lax all (mi,panics alike without regard to tho viiluo of Ihelr stock would Iks unfair, and that n tux should bo proieiHtoiii'd to capital arid profits. William RklardaOO prttertcd for the Atlantic Avenue (Jon.pany ngaln-t any dl*< Ttmlnatlon against street railroad eorpmatlMS, He said that they were n rn taxed in righi different xvas-:. The companies sh raid Ik* cnrotinipi-d to their blglmst form of development, a* lt W-tt-ld be for the b.*l Inter.'*-,* of Ute elly rather iha-i lo annoy and cripple them. 'Die. Mayor ashed li tb* railroad presidents would oppose tlc proj.d Lill, and limy asked for tim* Ui consktor tn* subject. Thc hearing wa* adjourned unlil Tue-day of next week. VICTIMS OP THE WATER FAMINE. For a week tho hapless people living on tho Heights have iio.-n t-'iff.-rlrii; from a stat, r famine, unproce dentcd la tlc Mata**! of that part of the city. In this district ar.- hundreds of tho laest hon*es In Hrook? lyn, as xvell as a large another of lofty apartm.'tit bouses. In which liv.- a dozen or mote families. Since Thursday night of last Week, tho water has not risen above thc tir-t floors. The olfect has hoon serious In personal dl*roml,,r(, and ls menacing to tho health of Hip community. All thc water used above tb* !ir-t floors has lo bo carried up tho stairs or hoisted up on dumb-waiters. People have leen CompeUed lo live on as little food as pr***4bte, tar the danger of bursting boilers forbade thc making of large fires In th<- range*. Tho people dally scan tiie columns of tho newspaper*, boping to learn wii?-n their a BRI Hon ls to end. In the big St. George Hotel they have been pumping water to tho top floors Irom their own pumps. The clerk In the h'-tel Mild yeafcmday that he lived In o flat In Adams-st., where thc water had not risen above the first flour for live ar fats ills landlord had finally been compelled to put lu a pump on bl* premise*. Residents of thc Heights w.-re told ,ve*terdnv thnt th> city ofliclals xxere concealing thc actual face* shoal thi* water famine; that tin- true reason waa-Jbat their engine posver waa not at the reservoir; that they wcro patting In nero engines, butli was dlflicult to say when they Would have them woiklng. These unfortunate people are wondering how much longer their pre-cut pugh! ls to continue. HE ASKS TO RI SENT TO THF. ASYLCM. Robert Lee, l|iL?"ty years old, of No. -tfiO South Second st., pleaded xsl'li .lu-tico Connelly to be sent to tlio llatbusli If:*ano Asylum yn-t'-rd.-iy, and nft*r hearing the toBtlBBOny of thc young man's mother and slst.r the magi-Hate granted his request. -Ile ls not exactly crazy," said Lee's rnolh'-r, "but bo bas lits that BOmeUflBOB la*t for hours, and during those times he ls very dangerous." ?'Yes." said Hoi Tt, "I t.-l-d to kill my mother nnd lister yesterday. I know I'm dargin, us and 1 want to bo sent to mi a-xluin." Tho young n.aii mid that on ono occasion ho mid Visited tf.o asylum, had ashed for admission, m.(I had be. n praaiptlj i" !"*'??!. .lu-tiii- Connell; tawed a paper compelling thc boh(lt*l BUthWltls* to admit the young Dian. _ THE AMATEl'R MVR1CAL CLUB COW EHT. 'Die Eroohlyn Amateur Musical Club xviii give Hs Ihli-d private concert at Wilson Hall, In Pierre** mt st., to-day ut "1 p. m. The programme will consist Iff Ches by thc club of 1 ifry voltes, plano solo* by Miss Howland and Ml*s May, vinni solos by Nias Lucy E. ( lia->u and via al du.-i* by Ml**es Lynes and Huntington. HF. KILLED lUMRELP JX TIIE STOHE. . John Nnrmborg, eighteen years old, a dork em? ployed by lleinrach Fuck, a groier, at No. nil Nostrand ave., commuted sub ide la-t evening by ahoottag lflm bolf with a RI IBllhtq revolver. Tittie xveie sesernl customers in th>- store xvhoTi Nurnilicrg took his Hf and much excitement followed. After waltlii". on one of the customers he stalked to thc rear of tin store and fired tho fatal shot. Au ambulance was called, but he died before the surgeon arrived. Ho hud boen In the country only three months. For sexcnil days ha bad boon melanrholj. and waa auppu-cd lo have talton lu* life while lu this moau. GATHERED AHOl'T THE TOWN. The Pilgrim liaptlst Church will dedicate lt.* new tSilldliiK. at I'avttiieii-uve. and McDoiiough st.. on Sun? day. Lieutenant peary will lecture again this evening In the Academy of Music. The old building of the former Long Island Savings liani. at Fulton st. und Court Srjuiire, wax sold at auction yesterday for 1*201,(JOO. Tbe King* County Trust Company waa tbe pun baser. The bulldlr.g wss erected shoot * score of years ago. and cost B238.000. The saving* bank frilled tn 1PTT. but paid all the depositor*. In full. Its failure wa* causod bv a report of bank examiners which attacked Its financial atablllty. Til* Fulton Ipal Oas (omi any now occupies the old banking room, and tho Kings County [ Elevated Railroad Company und oiht-r c- rp*rait*Ba tbe upper floors. Tho Tm*t Compans xslll probably remove to lt from the Arbuckle Huildlng. lr. (udor to give thc commute'.- compo^d of A. E. Orr. E. ll. liartlett and J. U Jenkins, uppolntod to Investigate th* charges agahMt the Uro Department. power to summon witnes-x and compel thom to testify, a bill will be pre*enied to tho Legl*l;?ture glv big lo them the r?-qul<-lu- authority. Corporation Counsel .Ieuk? has drawn up the hill, and tho com? mittee will take no action until lt becomes a law. Adrian M. Williamson, the defeated cai.dldate on tho Dornocratlc tlckd for Tax Collector of Flatbush, ye?terday brought ault In tho Brooklyn ('Itv Curt for J?2*>.0<i0 damages again*! the palill-her* of '?' Thc King* County Journal."' a weekly |.apcr. H.-foro el?-c Hon day the paper rbarfjed lhal Ul ? laipayan had been rol-bod of lM.(X.(i llrough UM fa|.|flca'|.,i, of Mr Williamson's accounts, nccordlng lo tlc- records In thc County Treasurer's oflk-. Mr. Williamson BBytl bl* defeat was due to Ik* -tatemeiits publl*h.-d In "The Journal." that thc allegation 1* false, and that lil* atlante Ut Las been Ij.jurcil, < j, The New Bread. T) OVAL un fermented bread, made without -*-?*- yeast, avoiding the decomposition produced in the flour by yeast or other baking powder; peptic, palatable and most healthful ; may be eaten warm and fresh without discomfort, which is not true of bread made in any other way. Can be made only with Royal Baking Powder. o Receipt for Making One Loaf. NE quart flour, t teaspoonful more or less according to thc brand salt, half a teaspoonful sugar, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Posvdcr, hall medium-sized cold boiled potato, and water. Sift to? gether thoroughly flour, salt, lugar, and baking powder ; rub in thc potato; add sufficient xx-atcr to mix smoothly and rapidly into a still batter, about as soft as for pound? cake; about a pint of water to a quart of flour xviii be required? and quality of thc flour used. Do not make a stiff (lough, like yeast bread. Pour the batter into a greased pan. 4*4x1 inches, and 4 inches deep, filling about half full. The loaf xviii rise to fill the pan xxhen baked. Hake in very hot oxen 4* minutes, placing paper over first 15 minutes baking, to pre? vent crusting tooooon oa top. Balta at ouse. Don't mix with milk. HOME NEWS. PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. ASTOR-Roht-rt A. Maxw.ll, yr Batavia, N. V. Fl! ill AVENUE?O. A. von LhtJjea, Ofrmur, Consul at Balli. m.nt*, and Henry C. Payne, of Milwaukee. - Bx-Beaata* Altin Saunders, at Wtbraafc*. HOWMAN? L'aBgressflBaa W. Bourke Caekraa, UOLLAXO Ceagreaaa nun.Hk.t xv. J. White, ,,f Ohio, KUIlMAXOIE-AUor iiev-i.^ntml .lohn P. (sto-kt',n, of Near-Jeriey. KT. I'l'.MS-Blihoi, John F. Hom, of IWhln'ion, D. C., bi.a Samuel j?. Jours, or (.curcio. WHAT IS GOING ON TO-DAY. Itapid Tiamlt Committee, JU-al F.*Uto Fsehant*, 3 p. m. Hot-King Valle*/ Itallroad suit. Supiome Court. C. W. Harris "ase, C-ourt of i.-n'ral aesslou*. Nallanaj (nura Boarl of Bctision. tslato Arsenal. 1! p. m. Mystic "shrine rc-'ptlon and Arabic carnival. Madison Square (.alden, evening. Menai sinai Hospital Training School for Misses' coin auaceaMat, No. itu East\?rith-*t.. 8 p. ra. Annual nT-'-tln;; Jewellers' Board of Trade, No. ll Maiden Lane. " AO tt. rr,. Hebrew TMhnlcal Institute. Temple I'manu-Fl. 8 p. m. Annual dlnn.r of Qm tlalsreislljf of the 1.1 ty of Mew. Vork. Uatel Brunssslck, esonlnp. Anieri'.au Institute annual ur-etlnR, No. 111 Weal Mth'St., I p. m. Seaman still r'-leren-e, No. SO Wallas., 2 p. m. (ol'imtila College (.'!ce Club conceit, Si. Andrew's thur'h, Harlem, 8 p. m. Chailtr theiirleals, Ip-ikcii-y r,yreum. evening.'.ik Trado S-liool so'lil cath, rlni*. Bl rat BIB. and Sixty.s"s', 8 p. m. TwBlfhl ("lab dinner, M. IKnN Hotel, evening. Concert ut l'llitrim Co&irrejrstloiisl Chnech, S p. m. Citi/f-ns' Bawling, Memorial Baptist Chareh, 8 p. m. Iii'l'ust In l'assile, N. J., Sleighing an ld'ni, S p. in. Le't'ire i,y Prafosset Peary, A<.adjmy ot Musle, Biooklyn, 8 p. tn. M. Patrick's Club, Morton House, 8 p. ra. KEW-YORK CITY. The class exercises of I'nlon Th.olr.flral Seminary xxiii Lc suspended ti. day, in Knembrancc Of Hu- (lay cf prnyr fur colleges. Tho R.>v. Dr. Henry van Dyke will pr.arh before thc students of Harvard Coll.'Ri* on Sunday, In BC COTdanee with a promise made last year sh' 11 li" BOS tho college chaplain. Thc Pork Board yesterday npproved two MM, f.,r presentation nt Albany, pernilitins Ci" Mn*, urns of Art and Nntiiral Histor** to Charge an admission !?-. two days' In each xs-.-ck, provided that the BtaoeauBB shall lu- kept open Cree on otha-r days, Incl nd In j4 sunday. A largo p.istol portrait of George william Cur'l* ls on exhibition In thc rooms of tin- Chamber of Cim merco. It ls tho work of a PbBodelpbla artist Stephen .1. Harriott mis yeatrtday eleetol 11 mem? ber of the nov ern lng committee of the stork Exchange In plan" af L. L. Henedir*. Mr. Harriott ls already a trustee of the gratuity fund. Colonel Louis M. Mont gome: y, the newly appointed Chief of tba Special Tren Miry Agents In this city, took (barge of the 0(0** nt tia- Custon House yester lay. Mr. Whitehead, lils pr.'il.-t e-s,,r. still sturt for bis new station at Suspension lirltli.'" to-day. Thc bark Felltlnd, from Oran, Algiers, came Into port yesterday, and reported dat s!-" had been thirty lays off the coast. Three times tr,., weaterly gala "rove her batik to sea os sh" approached port. The all-night license for ta* Madl-rm SDj* ire ("'ar? len, passed by thc Aldermen on Tuesday, wa* ilg:,.'i Bf Mayor Gilroy ye*terdny. The xVard I.lne steamship City of Washington, which xrrlv.'d here yesterday from Havana, made Ute ti lp from Murro Castle to landy Hook hi :i daya, 0 hours iml 40 minutes. This beat* tbe time of the city of Alexandria, of the same line, which reached port on Dei,nillir ll afters run tsvolve minutes longer. Both ire remarkable runs, tohsldciin,- t.,e tad Wealber o:f tbe coast. The ship Cyrus Wakefield carne Into port yesterday from lJvi rpo',1 nft'r a rons!, voyage. OB Pe en.ber Sd, In a howling gab-, thc spanker boom broke idrlft. While attempting lo Beean lt winiam Mitchell, 'he tlrst mate, ssas cangai In tbe sheet Bad lru---ged overboard. A life buoy with teferal hun? dred feet of Uni" attached was thrown to him. He aught Ute life buoy and was draggd back on boord lb* ship. Ti,<- Kev, Dr. William ?*. Balnsfotd, rer'r,r of st. forge's Church, did not Breach at tbe Baptist M nattai Church last night, a* wa* espected. Ila *s ,* I"-tali.ed at home by 11 severe sore throat lb" R-v. Edward Judson aecapled Ibe pulpit, aad at tbe close if Ms address announced that bishop Potter would ioi ba present at tonight's exercises, ewing lo Ibe 'um-ral Of Bishop I'hlliliis Brook.*. A large number of works relating tn Napoleon nnd he First Empire xvere sold yesterday by Burgs A. Co., it No. 7:;!i Broadway. Bidding was spirited und fair trices were reallied. Today tba feature ot the sale s-lll be Sliaki-speareana. SLAVERY IN TIIE PHOSPHATE MISES. TALtAPJ AND FlCNCH WO BK ME* APPEAL TO TH FI I'. COXSUt.**. Th" phosphate mines ol South Carolina have tor long rime b'-en notorious far the Inhumanities nial ra-ads practised on tile pour wretches who, either f tlielr oxvii will or by force of cir, tnnsinnces, nn omp.-lied to labor tn ll.em. Tsvo llagrimt violations f lbs laxv of humanity have COOM to Hgnt, and the tate authorities arc now at -tort Investigating the ascs. Th* FrenoJi and Italian consuls In U.l* city ave ralkd the attention of Governor TUlnia'i to thc utr.tgi'S. Ulovunnl P. Riva, the Italian Consul, In a letter oted January lb, give* a tummary of the casa a.* alloxvs : Cads* s contract mad"* In Brooklyn, on in ember fi. lrti-j, beta-eon Baas* Natale and fifty iborcrs, tfii- latter would be tab 0 IO -savannah, a., to work on a railroad track fur #1 50 a day. i.stt-ad of tuklng the men to Savannah, "fatals took li.-m to Jnilisonboro, ts. C., and turned them over j Phillp Bingo, xvho set them to xvorl, digging renche-s The men protested that the contract had ??en brohen. nnd that tba work ?as too .hard Tb*y skid to be returned to New Ya.-'.i. bul Iblt wal rc tooti. Finally the bosse* allosved u.ose stIk. bad loney to teturn. live of !he men arr qos- in Pekin, . C., clo-i-iT watched and tb*5**teBed Bltb bodily arm If they attempt to BBOap* The men are kept il work xvtthout pnjr, and are ins practically tn slavery. A dispatch resvelved In till* city yesterday ?ny? that sststant Adjutant '.eneral Buchanan has made a de illed rep-irt to Governor Tillman, and this report >t.cede? that Uie men Bru detained Bgolntt th-lr alli About two weeks ago tbe Frenca consular ng-i.t ! Charlfiton. Mr. 4.ii-r:n. Hiv Preael Conn., t IBM imrt that s-vern! FiTiuhmi-n were dciahi'd 1 thc phosphate mines iigT.!ti*t their wm. \ letter a* forwarded by the Consul to (tovernor niiiinn, ikliiu bim to have the matter looked Into, but as ri 110 dcllnite reply hat been received. BETTER PRICES FOR BORRER con ti nu no thi: Sale of tbotters-thf. ney EM VI ST! III. XV. The sale of the Palo Alto OOt-O* and Ihe Cn^ltm finnis of i,tier I refit, r* nt the American Instit uie yes l.'I'tlliV showed a BNtrhed itlipr'iVeniellt over thrt Hr;. das'* *:,|e. J | ,? ,,1,1 guard of ll," ll"! ling I,"i'-" <Ht! -?un of turfmen were oat In torte. Ibu inagn t tha atn.,, ie,i iii.-in being lbs oak <>( IBs benet Mrai bj Robert steel, of I'hll ?l IpMa. gi Mr. ste, i bi-cils ll marrs Ibal ar.- bred in Ibe purple, nnd as man*1 biwsei bred Bl ( ellar Bark Murk I'arui have ploted Hiern wire* good inm)*.igner* md Irsfa-lass reodsteTs oftei their ram r an Ih* inri. l'he action <>f the Trotting Beg,.ter Association ll depriving btamboal of bis reeartrd ssas condemned bx every tntfman y.'.kon to at tin- "al.-. " It ls Muli Hm Hint every tin cup tttmtt on tin' Hit wns declared off. no matter ss ho sbOUM be hurt br id dollie," I* ixliul one l.reeiler sold orben BBroted up by un argument will n lirotlier breeder, ssl,,, Bedarra reit,ni* for tba arodaci of hi* bra trltboal parlns, i -ingle dollar f r entrant an,nev f., ra, e-. Th- gnp. of Hie Charl.-. Baclunau ion Mgnmest Will begin today at 10 o'clock. Here or. Ill, lol* sold .-uni Ute pilers : l'.'e.i.e. , ii. f. IMII, i,y 1 leda,oat?Delis; D. Sweeny, AiitmIj'ii. N. V., 1*00, MltpSh, I'- ''. ISSI, hr Arn,oor-Milte*e; RoOOret t Bord, J'.eiiti.n, ,N. j.. IMO, I.-.Ma, h. n, , 1-*J, by '>"n. Beaten-Lillian j A. II Da,hui.-, el*/, KOO, B<-ns,,:ii. p. e., i*'ii, by Kcphew?Brtado; j. Murphy, .nv. ruo. Uhaatanl Peile, eh. ... 1811 ? by XVIIlnut?Ida ; J. over? head!, Klagstan, N. V.. B.ic i.l'inl-ll. !,. f 1801, ti;.' XVIilps-Olendile j S. F. Kauf men. Tn Btu*, K. .1. 1 <-'. t.a'alrn, b. ' . 1801, hf I."'err-i.lefuora; G. E. Brut,,, King sin-. S. V-. MOO, Hasger. It. e. 1 -I hi. hy flay- Saltia Hamlet. J 0 ? itv. 1*90, ?*?,"'? '? ", I, f. IBM, Pt Sport-Slfer Ix, Ireno. XV B. XX lilian*, 'ie, ',,l.',e, X. V., t* 1.40. i . ? h. e., 1890, nv c.-' i,.,a,.r-lion; xv. ii: .un. 1310. Maa rorie, br. g., ifi-n. ly Nephew-Mariettei F t.'rrv, ,|fy, ??.!' " I. igor, b. e., IK'!., by XVI.Ir.s -Alain UttlOJ T. C ., >:? "irk. N J.. ?!S*>. \ an, :' Zt, '?? - , lL'sl bv '.^n. rPn'o-i-Badr M; xv. ii Hiiii-'.n. garalagB, N V, atti, '"'i-. h. C, ls'il, br I'l'dmont?"? :.s; J. Smith, city. 1175. Cul.ira A.. br. f., 1801, br Aim?r-Bir'ira Maid, i harli * I'.i'i Inasa, tlty, tl'VO. m is* b. c.. 1891, bs- xx'Udaat? Blaads; J. BTaaaar, -Its'. tl!0. lin' ti i, f'r. m., isle), tty Elect*** tai*-Bi yul st; J. tv. Knox, Jr n'.tn. \. J., 8S1B, 'r -.n't,., br, ?' . 18B1, br F. ?e'.rl.-lrr-Mdy F len , M. Quinn, Plaina, ld, N. .!., sum. ?San All-in'.. '. ? . 1800, iv Ans-l-OaVlan Maid: O. XX*. Un Mit, S. ar' tare,, N. V., (MM I'l'.ui-: hiv ni j,.sm. d. ' Alni. sabin xv CAL. QsMlas, br. *., is-?,. h.- AH--1- QabliOA Med; J. S. X'an Briant, ii.v Rldse. finn. PROPERTY i.|-|,l.i,|-.i.I'. I* MAREOXV, PRESHO, CAL Oaaaams, b. e., I8B0, i,y tSphinji?I.-istrfn-. xv. j Moore, Albany, H. v., tun. PROPERTY "I A KI I.'."BK, FBI '..MlMiToX. N. J. i"rut. 2 2i'?. h. *.. issn, tn- Belsseas?ETeaUde; J ... Warner, llartfiird, reen., si 100 PROPERTY OP ROBERT sn cr., PHILADELPHIA. Dahl i h. r . lott, by niBtiBBSOl -I try j A. JJ, Darling, city, tbOO. >.?-.',- Medlina, b. m.. IBTt, ty Boa**/ ll ulla ai rmi.... (iiy, Rarndell i While, Baabary, Csa*., ?.".'". bspbls, !'. m., ie-:, by Robert MtOiegor-Ora Wood; li i-i. ... a lats Boot, Cal., S7V). St .lina. b. c.. issn, by EpBBlat Btsibt M-dlum; II. B. lohaioB, cits-, t.i:". li'-in", h. r, 1889, br Eoootte Stella Midium; Jan,'- Martin. XVat- rl.uty, ( olin.. SSH). .stslat Medium, b. m., Is77, by Hippy M-'dl-un?Anne St" | ; xv. tiray, 'Mv, ?200. Ballilla, b. m., I**', by PteBBBSJ*t-ySttB*' J. A. xv- n i Phil sdi Iphls, 81,000, ll,|en llooghtoa, 2 2'i'l. h m., 18TS, by Rap*** M.iii,rn, M.-pjsiid; B. H. Buley, Porliatid. Me., MU. Ai;--line MedlMB, b. m., l*"-i, by Hippy Mrdlaai Mi-* Wllllsm*; ;. ll. Bs'iev, Pertisad, Me., av.O. Ladj Mark, b. ? , i *"**?. bs- tfletot von Biiraareb '.,ir' Patches; a. lt Bailing, rlty ei2*>. ak,,'- Medium, h. n- , ibe,. by Happy Medburn- Aliena j A. II. Darling, rl?J . ?!,I00. Dun Monteith. - 'i'",. b e., ?SS,*,, hr F'cctloaftr Marnia 0.j I. a. xviii', l'h:;a(j,-ipi,;a. |1,B ii..,",, tb. f, 1887, by Bay Wilks* Lady Belosti; r. ii Reseknn*, S< alon, K. J . atti. Alva b. n... 1881, by 1. "Muli'tr-Alssri'-'a; A. Ktl. po.... Flemington, S, -t . t'i't N'i'.riiion, 2 2\., blk, ... 1881, hy N Biased?I ".'Bey; i hui.-, "golan, Phi ad' labia, ti BOO. PROPERT. OP U- t. HAMMOND. bapphlre, th. rs., 1880, >)y Jay OaaM?Laey; a. ii. Maota, Phlisdelph a, t'.' HO. J a, ora "t*.a, br n., In7,. by Oe*. K Ott "Laity Timm ; A. ll. Moore, Philod Iphla, tl.loo. no Mor.r. BIUOL'ATEg t N Yam". ti;x::.s. N I Hava, Ian. SI (Sp" rn'o -Ti,at Tait ls In -Wp nra *t In lbs proposed r ?: *j*mUo* steladlag srsdaaiea rr-.-,, BtcmberdUi on her ithleMs '.inn in fntart, la pros d ty Ihs tact that uie Inastatien ?.:i Bsraredly tu tend t/, oti.ei brsacbss af Btbletiea ti.un tBotball. ti. -I ri i j.-ir, "ni of tbs Yale navy'in-. d today 'hat '.li* ia* mi'- ivgarding the sltalblllly of aadergiadaatai sal) to play on tba 'xrartRy leotbstl tum thaii te mad* cs ippiy '.o ti" sra* ?!?"? roe r-.\ s;:i go otte eflTeci it, once. *r.d **::i te abterr-1 by Tale, whetbat Rartratd J Ides to adopt lt or BO*. Tills v.i'.l BtttlI the rju -?*lon tt itv,, it Bmbentt of ??*!* In Bm Tait I Mt, ?.,,:. .r.t . ir.d sSslUetl, So*, I ar.d 5?. rsMpeetteelr, *r" I-Mi In Collegs, !n tee Btw ind IheJteM pt>*t ^radaate d;ar', r.i-n*.*. bu Berteer, urii-r *a* d'rtlatsa nt the v?i? bbvt, s'.ll be BllOWSd te IOW, Th" ,r.?r.fir/?rT,-?t ?f the base, la'-l Biloela tl ea il-o a?""rt? that none but BM ii. ti?is of BM Bcadeodc *r.d s?;e-ifiti.' leoaitaieBM win be foond Bl tin) Yale dltinior.d Milt y-a -. 'J'h* ffT<-et of thi* rul? sin bo te'ctlgpte the nine, .t lt win deprive it of Bm >niy pitt her la the ,oil*g K-BOSftf* Parts*, at s .ond .bi*, xslll ilio be Uir-wn out by the n?-.v irrunsement. rn* ?t*p of Yal* will eompletele rese'.utlonlte BsstMtif .ports at th* unlsersitr ind it every other to:ie-? vs hera t raaf bc pat bite bAbcI. FOOTBABB IBFCTIOV AT IVHSBKYAN. Conn., Jan 2) (S|s*elal).--The ar.nuol n-etli^! r,r ti.* UfeBiayaa rot.tloll Awto^lation wa* held III af'e)iioon. The following ode ?r? uer- ele ted for hs Dfit ?ea*on : President and ni*n?g.-r ti tb* team. I. R VaJide.aen. 'Ol; ss-.r.tury and tno.unr. J. II lunes. lr., 'ni: grsdaah di 1*4*4*!', PisMmsi I.. I m mi. v ii D.y, 'Ol, >,r Ne'surK wa- i*a*lotsed ia tte grad* ?e advleory boaid lor u tern, of thi'-e y-ars. T. Hoyt, Bl, wai i ,.-? n lot rhe .um. board to till oat the un spir'l letm of Rich. '88. loelgic-d. COL. NOIVIHS XV.xSHIN'VruN PARK F.NTP.1F.S t'hl'iso, Jan. 25 -Bast bul no' Iea?t of th"'.loni o tht entry Usn of the Tfoahtniltg i'ark Club wa* the elayea paeatse thai rame Iroiii Bondon y.-ir.-rliy. lt ?>id the BsmlaaWsas to th. Mine B*e*a fer tfH n,*de by olonel John T. Nonh. thc ' Nitrate Klnrr,'- anil by .0.:* N >rho nfeld. ot Ro hpott. Ind.. whose business rh'-e I* m (h. Ci.iisri n.itrn|oils and tttio-" rwf*g ste, ;. . .-,-h.t'1 tren, l'r,t.iin'i o<|Hlf,e hl?ol , , I ,:,,! :0rrh'? aaaUastlaat la th" hanainij. bk a* folio"*; Ccluti.bu. Hand.'ap ldd't.1. Igb, lay roll, I. bv Cnea* Mea%*0i Hiir). i oiiin.I.sloiier. brown horaa. 0. hy Lott, ind Oatt! tioasolatlsa| Kougi, and Beady, bro-tn gilding. , by Uui-iiim..--.; a nord .Mini; Anare, bay iiorie, j, by | Petrareh-Belle Agnes, I'llhim Queen, cheitnut filly. 3. by bwfllbtgtaa Tborioftea Queen. Willi th" ex'-eptlon "i F.Hhain Queen the Hume Bone* are enier.-d in the ttfbWlei and Oakwood Handle ip* . 8(Bil|lf?M cmer* tba fbaaBBal gelding S?rr.e.?iul(, (our tears old, In Ihe hsnllaps and tiie bay mit JOBgler, tour tea,, ,,;1, i? ihe I'm,lei ard stak'l In adiicon ro (h(?e lie lus entered In oth'-r slakes TO SFBB Till: STALLION SYDNKY. BM Iran. I- ". lan 2.",.-The executor* of Count TBlCBBlB'a e.tale haie ,e,"|te,| p*-,wer to take the stallion Ssdney t. Cleveland nest wiatt and Bell him -'? Bastien. lt ... belittled that St .Cv --lill bring money In lei, .,,,-1 than In .Vets.York. The stallion ls now al th'! \',l n*j, Bloch farm at Pleaianton. acron the bay fioin San I i.ill'l.i u. O NEWS FROM NEW-JERSEY. JESSEY CITY. MR*. I.'il Is.x .! HAHN'S DIVORCK ^i'lT Tie divorce Mill >,f LO'lisa .1. Hann as'alnsi Ila .1. Hann ss;,, rontlnued before Vice Chancellor Pitney in t'li-ateis ( I, ni,her*, ,)ers,s Hiv, yesterday. Mrs Hann noxs- lives In Waslilngl an. N. J . but til- couple formerly Hird lu Sou Y ri., xs lu -re a pr.-vion* suit irl.d and a (baree refused. Frank B. Phillip*, shu said I,,- ssas a Ni w York newspaper man. WBS the !ii?l svitne**. Bo dented acting tm properly xvith Mrs ll- also detailed a ionser*iitlun hi- bad oveibettrd between Mrs. Hann and Detective Breen, ss Br, had laen en,ploted lo I had 5 W lui. Breen Bald Hint Hann couM only liing snit for desertion. Mrs. Hann replied that If ber husband tranled h divorce ou Upai ground le could hast- lt. Ix lc. live Breen ssas recalled nnd denied thal Phillip* had been p,e-cut nt any conversation he had exa-r h'|,I ss lu, Mr*. Hann. Marv E. I'roatv, B Sister ,,r Mi*. Moan, le* tl fl ed that she 111-1*4 with ber Mater a! So. 1,715 Madison ave.. New-York City, that Hann dill nm live wit Ji lu* wile, bul paid the rent Ol Un? ions, und o.'teii came lhere t? talk over lb* pr-p >.->?(! divorce, \ be cl,ancell ,r Pitney said that Ui* next bearing ss.,nlil lc at ih. lintel Bristol, Fast fcltviiiUi st, Ness York, on February 17. EUZADETTf. The First National Bunk of Bltafeotft wn* S*rindled out of PflOO yesterday by a iwindlor who Intradua-ed himself n> .t lawyer, Pf. ll li. Davey, of EUsabOtb, a. D. F. Morrison, "f Philadelphia, under the pr**tento ti. 1 !.'? st.iiiietl to .11 ga kc MM as ll* COUP "I In UM purcbase ol properly. Ile (lien had Mr. Davey intro dure Mm lo the cashier, Tbonpaon, "f 'bo lust SntIonal Rank and pr tended to ripen on au',uni by fiepieiilne 1 h.-ck* representing di. imo; got the banu to cnsii dis check lor if-i"?. and afterword Induced the laurel tn accompan* bim io Nesv.n-k, whore lie manama la elude Mm and disappeared. . .xii tlie checks xs.-re found to be SV.Uthle**. bs 11 ssell dre.-.a| Inri Tl svho called ll t Inr 1.-? nnd gare ber B check lor BUS In payment ol a nm ?.f Uro, whick be said be owed (o Mr. mil. Mr*, mil gav.- lb* stranger ti change, and tubae i|ii.-fiilv learned Bom let husband the liad bren duped. duped a m ORANGE. Th" cloting concert ol lb* New-York Pbllbarawnle chi', cuni ol? In M lisle Hall. 1 irani;,', list evening, and .sn* attended by :i lar^-.- nudlenee. The *.,| a*t* were Will un ll. ItlrgiT, .Xii ., M.,y |,s le sinlfh mid Paul Ml 1- h. .1 cat Eic HT TBE CAUSE of A BLARE. TWO tfTRCGGUXa ANIMALS overturn A STOVE IB Tin. nxs; mi nt OP iin: " FIVE A's"! i I.PU. T* ? largi , iti mel and lough! yesterday la the boy. r i' et le n '..iii.m.1, who, In Ibe boHemenl "f Po. ?1 ; Weil Tw 1,h etghth-st, sbaves (be menbers of ibe ?I's-' AV Club abase r" .ai- ur-' In Ihe -.un- building While hlgnor sbsrpened bis roAOta |utx| after S o'riork yesierdsy BjornBtf, Bill, Ma pet cat, lay curled up on a eiiatr peacefully blinking al an oil store .,11 ss ','i ? L,,,rn. rr 1. ii.e >?,i Muter. I p ' iirs Breen tt. irjf T.i- -pian, Blt*ep|ng. Bill 1, Ihe clumpiest I'u-;,i.r ..f t',. block. Ill- "terrible rl-rlit '* has put i,, slumber all risai- ?!,,. had tbe courage t. fae* kim, except one wno bolongrd lo the owner of a hon*.- tn the tame Btrert. Par him Bill had trotted In doorways atnl dari; ,"rii rs in raia, ai Bi-^r bbl rhaiK* crime. A* be las nu bis chair lb* d'?>r of OUltete'S simp ?.lowly opened and tbere crawled In Ibe int-*i mern*-, With one bunni Bill ssa* oat ol his chair. A lively Ight f'll'SSel. OuOata smlttogly toobvd on until Ibo nf* rolleti ac-ilii-r ibe oil-store. Kor a moment tbe atove swayed umieodlly aad trwn fell ov4?r t" Ibe door. The mt., ranlshed. Uulteta felled and liam.* leaped up from thc floor, in 11 moment tbe boaeflseni oas hblaae. Oul 11 ii nutted np tbe stairs, oul Into tbe stree! and them e lo Ihe ballway ol thc bcuae, Bct*4"aatlng u Pira I" ?i rae lOP "f !J* Voil'.-. h..ssh ii,.- sfdirs, wearing only Mrttshlrts, ru W'euis-* lli'iidersoii, of the chi, ugo 1 ipra House; Hans c. Bmart, manager ..f tba "llarresl Mom Com? pany*; Hairy Hawk, of Un- "KngUsh Bose Company*'; Thoma* .x. Ui-c, ,,f in- -?(,lorinna Company." mid C. M. Remington. But William ll. Daly, a well km, siago manager, and Piny H. Howard wera rick aiid bel pies* In th, lr rooms and unabte to move. Policeman Abeam, ol the NIBelrenlh Precinct, hurried into the I, aflaa post thc men and bUndl] knocked nt every doo* ii..ii.i ind. The smoke tho hon.- anti hld all tl,lng* from s|K-hf. Alo-arn slur,' a! ried up to the second door nm! lhere became faint. IB- tried iii lind Un- *!alis, bul Ihey vert gonn. Iillndly ia- grouped around and loueli4*d gins*, Tbe gls-s ss ii* ii ts 1,ni,,tv pane, lb- opened the window and Ibe i,ol an rasbed In. Then be Juiup.-.l oul and fell to Ihe gu,and in ibe nar tun, orrfrant John Vaughan, nf No. .i lire Patrol, had reached il,, house hy 1 bs I time, .md siiih Firemen Betti* and Ku's, 11 behind dim dashed I brough ihe house and ap to tim room ss hen- Mi. Dal) bis helploss. Mr. Daly I* a large muli, but Ibe ihree Bremen I fi e.1 bun up amt hiui.up the stalls and llirougli tl. lille alni ull I" III- roof. lamil Hie roof hi- un. tniped iiuts 11 nun in- nexl hoittat. lina, tba ilil? li,,,, turned ii.-nk nnd pit Mr. ll..wurst and carried inn .mt liv iii" same arajr. When th* lt* lu the 1,;,-em. ni bad i" en drowned out it ssa.* lound thal Ibo damage ssa. Bl.I B1.4JW, .1 MEEBEXOEE ROY HELD FOR LABCMXY. .'ame* Horfclno, nlniriern years old, a messenger boy employed at Ihe Nea bi. oBtce of the Western Union Telegraph Company, st,, arfadgned by special uniter Drennan tn tba Tombs Mice (..uri yesterday, ebarfrd trtth lan- ny. He a?s bi'M lo awatl ihe mil.,11 of tb* Jury In Ihe sum "( BSOO. llaililiis ssas called by William A. Powltr, a broker, to deliver fl lo io Ibo lincoln National Bink u sick ago. Ile did not deliver the money, but Marted oat lo hat-,- a gum! lime. Ile ssa* arrested Tuesday. The boy admits hi* g lilt. a> STEAMSHIP CAPTAIN ASH AOBXT DROWRRB. a cuhii- stessage ama i*ecelved in tins city yesterday nnlio'inclng Oho dro-vnlng of Cb listen Jan*en, B troll known marta* Inaarnnca gian "f thin dtp, gad Cop tola Boe, of 1 Me Norwegian Btennwr Antonio /am bl'MliO, by lb* capsizing of 11 ..'ililli Inuit St tile nu,nf li vf the Maddalena River, In Ct doini, la. Mr. Janeen sseni to ( olotuhla, In the Interest of Norwegian under writers to taped tho WTOCk of the Bt**Os*f Alert. He ssas thirty six yean old. His widow nnd three children survive him They are noss visiting friends Ul .VoissHy. Mr. !ni.*cii tva* a member ul tba Muiltlme Bli ljimge. ? MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MIXIATCr.K ALMANAC. Sunrise. 7 :lli**tet 5 OiPMooi. int* 1:4(1 B BAMBOO'S age J-J. UK.ll tx til.,; TOBAT A. M.-***r,dv Hook 1 ll (-nv. Island l:B3|H4MI date 4 HI P.m. landy Reek - IBKtev. Island 1 00.11, n i.atc 4 :oa INCOMING SIT AMIRS. FBIDAV, JAXVART 21. Vtseet, From Lin?.'r|-ol Jan 18. White Star SaHUBg*>.Nassau, .lan '.'.'I .N Y * Cul,u Caracas.Ba liliana, Jun. 2.Re,i d -S.XTl-KDAY. J.XN'l'ABV I'S. |'u?r>t Bini, til li ...Ila,ni,ur j. Jan 'iO.Han h Au .-1 Enuila.Llteip.,,.1, Jan ?>!.4Jun.rU OU1GOISG STEAMERS. Mill* V"?se| cin-e. talla. Trinidad. Qn-b--, P-ra-'-da. IO) pm 3.O', pm PAIDAT, JAM'AI'.Y 27. Ta.Dhassie. Oeean, Snaaiiah. 3 00 p in SAT CK DAY, JANI.'ABV L'S. Aurania, COOMB, UvttUOOt...11:00 a rn 2 00 p m La Notuiaudlc, Fieoch'Tiau*, Ussr-.. A vt) 1 u, 0 :00 a ui HILTON, HUGHES & CO.. SucceMori to A. T. HT EWART JL CO. j SPRING NOVELTIES IN COTTON CLOTHS, Exquisite Printed Embroidered Batiste, (FIRST APPEARANCE IN AMERICA). Jacquard Zephyrs, All Styles. New Colorings in Silk Ginghams and Imported COTTON CHEVIOT* One Special Lot Whitelaw's ZEPHYR GINGHAM, 'JOc. per yard. Additions to the above, in similar lines, are constantly arriving, and will be. placed on exhibition daily. a ro uni) rloon. BROADWAY, 4TH AVENUE, 9TH AND 10TH SIS, Ladies' J Cape Jackets, $5.00. These garments are well made, faced with Silk, and Capes edged with Fur. Lord& Taylor Broad waj 1% 30th Sk OPEN YOl'R EVES! To these nias,.Ul, rm sprrlnl sse offer In Miali < lass -lulls, linn oms nnd listers, s?ln> I, sse oller lor Tn-lli,,, Friday and Saturday for Sl-VOO. tl 3.00, SHOO. All . il Iron. 9 JJ.00 le 93.1.00. OPES I'NTII. 7 O'CLO'.K EVENINGS. A. II. KING & CO., m, near lum ker st, S '(.ju 1 Broads r Dldaiu, Ne**-Amer, Rotterdem.Il- oo m 2 ax) p rn Jason, N V 1 , x, li ey to vt n.10 oil j, m 1-' 0) ia llu te-v. Trinidad, Pet, Spain.Vi i> i ni 5 DO pm Ile.eli, Quebec, XX i il-.iarl in) 4 m IJ .00 iii "N , 1 .ni. N V A Ouija, llaiai,a, Lc...11:00 B Bl I in p n, Alt*! Atl-s. Islii_-s-.I, .lt.On a ni 1 0>l p ni A,,, I,.,na Anchor, ja,, I .U o-'rn B.OOpai Kansas City, ocean, a**/MaaB.. 3.00pm I0 ,x, SH I ITI SO SE IFS. POI'.T Dp NI'.XV-YOIIK-WI 'DXESDAT, JAN*. 2"). 1333. ARRIVED Fib istet Siberian ifir-. Park. ;.ia?goiT January in. via Mena** iinii mit... and passenser* t.i Au?tlu. Baldwin i. Co. .X,r:ie,| al tl,.- liar at. 0:18 p 111. Memer Kiona K/Ul' 'Ur, M<-.ibbon. Bremen January IO, is ill, in'i..- lo I 'in li. Jidye * Co. A irised ot til Uar si 1 i m.,,-? Mar,ia dlr), Pi'tiulfk, Rio Janeiro r><-reinr?ir 18. Victoria SW, Para luman 8. St Thomas 17, wl'.li mltn t< Hie fulled Slater anil Briirll Mall Stenmsh'ji 'un, j- ii iv. Arrived af tie Bar at li) p m. of 24th. Messier Daltao i Hr, Barten. Plo .1,neiio January 1, lt ].?>> i.i 17. tv,O, I,.ilse lo Husk A J.-t,ms. Arrived at BC Ila: Bl ! I) m. Si-i,ni.r partalafl ll-'. Thom*on, inMcnii January ld. Wa'.vi'i. \:>. ititi, bubb! t., older; veaael to Mi.l.-r." Bull X Keosrlloo, .X r." ,s ? 1 a' tin- Bur at noon. St-iimer I Ut nf XX aslilnvton I'-irll*. Malan?ls January ll.tuna ll. t.itii Baise, paaaengers to Jame* j, an] ?- io. Arrived nt th.- liar at I a m. nt. a,er l.? a |,,.?- ('rowell. fJalvaatoa. tilth mdse aud !-? ,-. - io . lt Mallar*/ & Co. Ht, Mtier I'herokee, Bear*e, Ja-ksYinvllle ani Charleston, 4ltli mil? :ml pa-..-!!'-'.-... p. XV Iii lam P t lille I i ?. -.-.liner John C lartatopiVr, xisxvtfoid, Jackattavlll.', sith e 1- la XVilliain il Ct**l -. Steamer i itv ,,f Ht. .Xii-.-u tine, Roy, Kerninrtlna. tvitj, umlier t,, Ycllos line Lumber te t >s?.-l to Warren Ray. Ka, -il- . liar, l-', Savaoaaa, with tatlss sod Misengen i" lt I. Wsyisr. Slesmer xvi annk>*. Boa*, p,,inr, Va. with mil" ind r**??Sisers IO OW I)-.-iiliil.ui St SUnahl*" l',v St.sninr II M XVnltnei. lUllock, with amt* to II F A,uno k. Ship llrlti.ii Anil*li? Hunks. Calcutta, US dav... sl'li uni.,- lo Ball, lli.tni.. Vttssel In II Maitland Iv-r- r. Ship I'I.ra I* *>tau*?id dlr. Smith. Loddon, ii tty*, * lilt .en? nt in l.He . te. ..1 to J XV Parke,- * I'u. Ah lu Augusta Ul lu-sa-r. London .',7 dan, with e* milt in ,,-,!.?, . t".i.-i to snow t- Dargo**, siil.i l'.,,n T II Allen, Merriman, San I-ranclieo October I. ss itli it?t?e t,, jahn Ro*ear?td's Soo*. Shi p Cy ru* Wakellold, Morton, Liverpool Oi dary la ,,: ,?r ,, Snow l- ll,,,?.-.?. riatK K-,,1 .lilts Jnaephr (liar), Brailherliiff. Wellington. lets .Zealand, 118 days, si I* iuds,- t-, ll XV Peabody A o. vessi I ii, ?' I.Ma. X io. Biri; XV lt Flint. Pears.,,,. XVelllncton, New-Zealand, 7 dins, willi n.dse to ll XV Peah dy A tu; Vessel t> lint X Co. Itaik l.-li.Ina l'-rrnil rita!. Maesonl. Oran. Algeria lt, dais, ttith marble and vegetable hiir to ,,rdir; ve**.-! B In:., li lah.- x CO. Bark Bownan il Law (Br\ Tiller. Greenock 50 dais, ra tanita .*. to I dara rd lliu.-k.-n & (jon, Bark Mart C Halt", Higgins, t ../sies. Mex., 'ii divs, itth ,-edar and mahogany to XV R (nain ? Co; xe**.-! to , I y Melealf X Co, Baik .1 ?* ii iiueno. Robertaaa, st Jaeo, Coba, 28 days, ,Itti ingar and it n>d to (J Auslm-k i li; veasi | t, xx a . ? ell X le. Baili Altona, d-.r. (arter. F.i.t London November 17, ill,, ii i|v Ul .riler ti-1 to .1 XV Parker ,< "... Bri", Fairfield il'.r. Brown.,ts. -Jil dais, alt* i-'ti,?..! t.. XV '? X I,.snnan . 4.HS.-1 to,** C i:|||ot'.. -.. ii ii iht There* ? Ur), MathtJaton, aux Cai*** 27 davs. ith IoshoikI tn Hut, Iiuai?r & Co; Vessel lo y' . Jil,itt. S, h. ?>ner C-orjaiix Ol I key, inlk^r, St Martini, S3 at., ts(ti, -silt, to Pendleton inner ind Nickels Handy Ilu-.k. 8 p ta. Wind NW; ii.ud-r.ite bree:e; B/v. At City Island-Wind Bl BUaset, light, NW; clear, i I.l ARRO. St.amer S-ira'n?n. ItBlftBltia, Havana and 4"ani-na*~ ,ni -a I. Wa d V ' ,,. steamer Umbri* il'.r). M. Knc, L'.vcrpool-Vornon ll :..imii x Co Hleimer Iroquois, P nnlugt-i.-i. Charleston and Jack' on' ll> Wm I* 4 is tl.- >. ? -' ?? ? i (sorrento fWi, Jorgemoo, liam* uro via Pr.lla I'nn h. I dye x ( B, ii inner Relief, Ballier, .-an Andr-w*. U S C. Bt Mar it ll I- Di. r t i ... ll tea mer llrlshain. Dunel, Baltimore- II C Pu' r. Biri. Cordelia (Br;. Oneil, Belfast? Browning ft rrhlbald Bark -vnilranui (Nor). Niel.on. Dublin ?Pun, h, I.dt-e ,t St'om-r O'.lndi. du P.a/a, Oporto via Arore*-Hag.-niever : Kruiiu St-liner Kansas Cttr. Pi-h-'r. Savannah-H I, Walker St imer Norw, glan (Br;, 4-l.rii.tli-. CHasgOW?Austin ulditin v Co Me.m.?, N rlui.d. ;Br), (art.r. Lisbon-Simpson, Sl>ncer Youl..-. SAILED. steamer de Kuvter, for Antwerp; Phllidelphli. Lb atjTIB, fte .J (Jeestemuade, linter fur orsl.-r*; rstratoca. ats,ia. fte; ll-slmm. Beaufort, S Cj 4'itr nf Augusta, Hannah; Iroquois, (..hnr'.e.'on sud Ja.'k*onMlle ; Olympia. in-gntT ; I'rl'sland. Antwerp; MsjeBtte, Liverpool, Nhl pa Camella, for Loud,.,,: l'micipallty. Hong Kong; '?a>-r,iib Jets. Svdney. N ,s W. Bark T-.itty (lin, Tif--?h<iaiiii and Valparaiso. Sailed, via Long Iiland Sound . steamer Herman Winter, BB***, SPOKEN". Ship Frederik niUliigs Ireaman. from New-Tork ov*iiii)er ll, far *ssn Prai,-l*.-o, waa ?pok?n Pei ember 21 Ufltuna* ,*i N, longitude 2H W. Bark Annie Johnmn. Hill, from Ne*?-York September . for S*n Kraneisi-o waa ipeken November 24 In latitude I \ longltud* 00 W. ni: Mox'i.Mr.NTS ok st!'.ami-".bs-kobj-:ii;n pouts S-e.imer llersih"l (Br), --liter, from New-York January I. arrived ot Llserpool January 2.',. S*. shut xon-oii llw), Menilas, f-oin New.Vors Junuaiy I nrrlted at illaagow January 2t Bteamer V-.-ndan. (But.-h, VaaderSC*, from Ne4T.YorW muan- 14, arr^ed it Kott-rdan. January 2.V steoner Victoria (Br,, Johnson, silled irom Nsplei for ra Vork January 21. Steam-r Moray (Br,, Couche, sailed from Shinglui for iw-York January 22. MIS! T.I.LAX POPS. St Jan. 17.-Arrived: Ship Ringleader of aston, from New-York lor Bombay; leaking. Anaouacemaa"*. Henry A. Daniels, M. D.; BO WI.rtT s-.irusT. Dl*ei*e? of th-* N.-rvi,u* System,'.'Q.Vrtnarx* Organs, i potency and Sterility. Hours, a to I, 6 ts. b. ft The timo eoino* xvhi?n r-vi?rvltoily nei'Js Parkor's nnr Tonie, it ofter, shs,-* ure. Parker'. Hair tis BO sss the nalp. Phillip*1 PiorjiTiiiLE Oxrot odne.'t a (,-,.:ing of Uuhitie** a* amlnat that of w.-lglxt ai adathe, so comuiori with ordinary cocoai. Kleh flttvo K. & W.-The Tyronjja link cult shouIJ b* .ra with our Yokeaa tt N'utcka collar, li. a XV, Till* "*rl? I* on Hie Bole ate.... mir ol ""ry THI {g\ V CORK FILLED' |"KORRECT SHAPE" SHOES *4ny* be lound ni our " ?** BOOT SHOP PARK PLACE AND BROADWAY. Shoes, Annual Clearing Sale, 480 Pairs Ladies* $4.00,55-00 & s56.00 Shoes. ?>*?-s r, ii/2) 2, 3tA<;t 3# Widths, AA, A, B. $1.90. PAISLEY'S, 397 6th Avenue, totween a ith and 24th Sts.. N. T. Bed Coverings. Silkaline Covered Ccttoa Comforters, Tufted. (Full size.) $1-95 Lord& Taylor Broadway & 20th Sta Tribune Almanac. 1893. NOW READY. JREATEST ALMANAC EVER ISSUED BY THE TRIBUNE. 350 PA4Ul***--!t5 CBNTS A COPV. Some of the most valuable tables iver printed by Tho Tribune Almanac tppetr in tbii number. A map of he World's Fait (.rounds is pre* outed, in addition to full particulars .bout the Fair. All the usual statisti al and political features, and many of pedal and great importance. Copies can be ordered through anj icwsdealor or news company, or pur based at tbe office of Tbe Tribune. THB TRIBUNE. TRIBUNE PUBLICATIONS ALL IS PAMPHLET FORM. ALMANAC. 1?*93. A really splendid number, fsst I' ihe areal tli.iann.-s ou Ihe m.nUrt. JJO p*l** ow ready. Vi5 ceol* a copy. KNITTING AND 4RIH'llET. New. tflch ot**t B(OB devoted lo lion*,-hold Jr orullon sod ia* bl*'* i eeaiB a espy. _ MILLIONAIRE**. A rainplele 11*1 af the 4.04." s*M" nun ires of the lulled ?miles, nod how Ihey msde UWB oney. Only 11*1 ever compiled. Valuable lo iludW** (.non,Ins and promoters of new eBlerprlie*. ?**? ?ut* a copy, li, ilcxibli- i .oili. ?* t ? NEW NAVY. All ihe new worship* described, wM* uslintlon*. and lurludln* n ll?i or the sid ss?Tt iisiiiiirnis, elf. 'ti i rms n t'opy. VVAn STORIES liter 40 tale* of ihe Cfrll War. W iilon soldier-. In-pli ina. ihrllliug mid pathetic. Ms* I tlirm wrlitcuVor Tribune cnali prUe*. ii tent*. Bli: ISSIE**. The be.l of Ho.well G. Harr'e aril*' es lu The Meekly Tribune ou the Tariff, t-'lassesass liver. 'Ai rems. _________ VILLAGE IMPROVEMENT.-Two charialnf ?*?? r IL G. Northrop, ihe prime mover In titi* wor*. ? oil. lily men who wami lo help besallfy their aa.. mme In the nunn y .hould rend thi*. 3 cents scsp*' NORTHFIELD, tass**. -The lhere. ?>? -nts n copy. ________?? IHAlTAiqiA, tsflal.-Prorusely HluBiralss, orr of the seaioa. 'ii ceni* a copy. THE TESBXTSS*