Newspaper Page Text
PART II. JAN. 26, 1893. PART IL PACE8 11 TO 14. WALL STREET tSEKS A LIGHT. it eantcs occ rapid transit. ?tPpr.ECitTiNr. Tin: sthkngth of puulic sr.NTI.MiM MXM1XTTAN ITOCK i;ors nc. wv. Wal! Street is at last xvaking up to tlio fact lhat tin* deal between tbe Manhattan Railway ind Tammany Hull i? menaced by an aroused ublio opinion, and that thf* problem nt rapid intuit niav not ba Wt t* bo solved by bal? larie' tetBUmitOtM nt prominent finan'ial Beti .nd men I'1-'1 -n *???* eau:ieiis ol tao '(irrupt rilli thst r.oxx- d'uninntes tin* nty. Tin* ri*ina lido of public indignation at the s'heme to pormit truo rspiil IrHf" ('' ,>e rtliVd bf conspiracy hu* nut sb'*/ checked tho rapid progress of tho pian, hat bsa eM'itsd Ibo fi-ars of operator* that tbe ap**eu lati**e f<*?*'ir?*!* of tin* ililli ir.ay ht* Ittperilled. T),rrf ii !i,T"' **"'' 'n publio con,mont by h**k?n sr brokers with regard t.> tlio inx-reti.'ttion thut tee Bs**??'??' '"' ?n**nbt?ra of tho New-York I/'iiis Jstnr* wil' -'r"'; ,0 ?i,""''!l against the n-porto) eonibinatio-i of tho eta'******] railroads and tho Omrrtits ti"v' hoWim lin* reins ol' poxx-or |<j 1hi? city and State. A universal r"*luotanco to .re sk fd ma ni ft-tod, xvhich may ho duo to four of offend in* stron-; Wall Street interests that hsve cast their lot xviili tlio midair monopoly. But if a legislative committee e*)Uld unoarth tho ferret* of th,* big speculation in Manhattan stork ind Issi reported prominence of letMaiag Tammany Hall chi-ft.iin- bj I ic? ossful players at the Wall Street game Utera xvould doubtless ho much tati fsrtion on tb* part of Hit* conservative element in the Stck Exchange. Not until such an i:i x-rstisation is |Ol '"?'??T way ean it ho liopod that the *t<>r.v xviii ho told of Tammany Hall's success at mingling Imnec and politics. The of tho Manhattan Company re fu*e to disensa tl,.* rumors xxhich aro eurront and which tara <<,nm,anded iii.* attention of the legislator* of tho State ns shown in Mr. Ifalby'a i^Htolntinri in the AaBCBibly for a committee of hlttstitatlnn Rniwell Sa-.-o and Samuel Muan, who are di-.-,'? ms of tho company, declined yestor day to talk lipon tho subject. J. Piorpont Mar? jon refis-d to diaeaos Manhattan affairs. Less prominent, men interested in lb* i-levated rail? way systi-m als. xvould not speak on tho proposed Inveriiisration. although in privato tlioy " pooh poohed" it. lt eoald T..T pr*** ho loarnoi offi? cially that there xvas a mooting yesterday of the Manhattan apeeial committee on extensions, al thnugh Oa*rge J. Gottld -tua at tho oftVo of Drexel, Morgan A Co., ami there is reason to ?aiposo that a mooting xvas held to consider the Wter of tia- Rapid Transit Commissioners *ie man'Hns that tho company in its propositions far rapid transit fa,"Mitta ple.'go itself to extensions to the etty Iii.):!-, and to a .'.-cent rate of fare Within those limits. lt may ho that tho Manhattan management, in view of the storm of indignant protests against trifling xvith the vital Tiiestion of rapid transit, may he forced to a chango of has". A capitalist Interested in the Manhattan Company, and gen? erally familiar xvith the projects of tho mana-ge ment, said: "Tho Manhattan 20 Iicvond the Harlem River? T doB'1 believe it. Agree ia such a long haul fnr .". cents'' No, sir. What, then, will bl done" Thoro need ho nothing if the commission tinreasonahlo rec|iiiro ments. The Manhattan cm rest content if then? is any new elevated system proposed. If capital? ists think they can get the streets needed and are willing to take thc risk of competition and the pe.XTJicnt of millions of dollars of dumas/is to propert** owner*- they can go ahead. The Msnhattan will continue to enjoy its franchise, sa*i the public can ls? patisliixl xxith the rapid transit facilities any opposition company can furnish." The Mock market reflected yesterday the re aliration that a decisive chock had hoon given to the schemes of tho Manhattan-Tammany Hall "combine" to oe*WO all tho privileges it xx-nnte 1 without duo robard to public, rights, lt should be ri-nionjhored that tho ilcvolopments of the deal?the failure of tin? offer to sell the under? ground railroad lraiiohLse and tho turning of the Rapid Transit Commission to Hie elevated monopoly its the Moses to lead the people out of tiie wilderness of present transit?were attended by a big speculation in Manhattan stock, which earned the price- to 174 '.-4 on January 13, live days before the Commissioners announced that they would receixt* pro(>osition.s from the Man? hattan Company. For nome time afterxvard the price hung around 1*0, hut* the exposure in The Tribune of the '-combine " the price lias heen inclining downxvard. Yesterday the market Barned to take it for granted tint tho "combine" was defeated, if not routed. Manhattan 0|iened at Ita, plunged iloxvn to Hil, rallied to 1 (,.i 1-5, lell later to 111 1-'.* and ended at Itt 1-4 with a net loss from Tuesday night of 4 1-4 per cent. The prii'.? of Manhattan rose over forty points from the day Jay Gould died. There xva* un e\ eellent chance xxhen the excitement ran high for the Tammany Hall politicians xvho r.-c'-ivrd esrlv "" ti|x>? to reap rich profits. Hut there xva> a story yesterday tha-t some of the minor uieiiilN-rs of the Ring liave Is-en bailly nipped. They xxa-re said to haxe loaded up xvh?-n tin* Mock wo* uboxp 17(1 in bupn-me couli h-ii.c thal xvliatovi-i Taiiiuiiiiy Hall said " xx ont," and are noxs- sutlering Irom depicted margins if not entire losses on the gamble. Iir-oaiist" the public indignation had e*ilcd a halt 111 the uniiii|tt?.|.-1 c/iurse of tho scheme to give the Manhattan road jul it wantiil lor rich privileges to go to stock? holders. m CRITICISING THE COMMISSIONER?. I.XWYll'-; SHOW IIOXV T.ITTM: THF.Y HAVF. TIOXF. AMI HOW MICH THKV MIGHT DO. Mttttf Mavor liilroy nor any of the officials of the city Rovf-rumi'iit seen yestfrday carer! to sin mucb stall Ifea rapid transit situation. The Mayor Mid: "i _;n(. not i,,^,, ronsulted by the lommission ? reRsnl to Kb ]il.-in.s, and I decline lg say anvthliig tor publlcati.iii until the matt.-r comes up bt-fort- mc ?n olivia! lona." fonirtillci xis irs did not desire to sar anything. tHIt express"*: Hie opinion lhat nit-n of such high f'uract'-r a-* tba Kupid Tinii.-it Commissioners could snort to look xxith Indllfi-rence upon nny laTuBilga t*0" allied night be made. "If I were a member ot the OBOtB-aaatoa," he udded. "1 should court an luvenigBtif,,, by a commlttco of Hie Assembly.* ^tBOmttlon Counsel Clark and I*resldent Harker, of the Tlx i),.],.;rtmi-nt, positively declined to talk "Pon the Bjbject. A sellinotvn lawyer of this city, whose political ??Ifailion, ai.- mainly with Tamniuny. said: 'If I ?ere a rnpintn.r of ihe Legl-latnre and could Influ ?nee niy bjbbBiI?UB I should take the sling out of *r- -Villiy's rt-oliitlons so far as Tammany Hull ls ?jsbsbbbbjsI, bv having tluiii passed iiniinlmously, and Put lbs- .us,. ii, niP bands of a committee pl.-dged lo J Ol the bottom of this rapid-transit assalsssBBt ?? commission has now been for two years bacMag **"i Hlllnp over tbU rap'd-transit problem, aud after si?**ria_liiB ttiousaiids of dollars lu Inert*.-* toni oxperl ??ents, bas been brought io Ibo confi-sslon that its "?embers are ablo to sugRest nothing better than "???vsted roads, if that ls lin- real situation, lt oiifc'ht tn liav,- beor, reached nearly two years ago Insta-nd Of losing all ibis time. The proposed .-.xt.-nsions "?'nhl nos- be built and In operation. If the Com ?lasloners are ant under tho control of th* Man Ost'an Huilttay < ompaiiy aid are ns lu,mst anrt ns 0? xoted io Hg rmi,ij,. |ni,.rpSts as Hnv xvou.'d like our IT'e to bri;, v,-, ii:,-y vin comiK-l thal rompuny Vi fumisi, SU()l i^Amm-i os will sUorten the lime of J**''**' aixl giso passengers proi>er aeconimodutlons. '?e i-ompany should bo made to abolish Hs curves ?t Park place. Eighthst. and Fifty niMh-st. by the Purchase oj private prop<-ri.x so 1a.1t lt cati run its Hmt on direct iin...s. "If Hie companv refuses to agree, to tbc-c Im Peovemw,u M wcU as ft mfmm ot fninifers that will '-Tsblc u passenger lo go to any point In thc city w ono fan*, and to pay Into tho city treasury a ?eeent comi*i*?**iion for Hs prMleges. let UM com mission establish rival lines and give Ibe Manhattan ?j lively competlUiMi. There are millions ot capital ?***??> to lavett lo such rival cloTated lines, and ll "?LoTv^^ """ ^ *"?? * ?"? *, bo J Another lawyer, who I* . Urge taxpayer ,:il!e-| ?- witlon to Section 3_ ? sb, JJypld g^] -JJ Chapter 4. U*S of IIOl), which makes a con-urrent T* ''f i,:; ?*? member, of the Itapid Tran,lt C?m. aVMOfl necessary to approve the proposed clevatci -a ll way ftimi lani. " aeeilo*.* tu >?;<*. -gives to nr.y or.e member "a power lo veto ar.rt prevent B scheme whir!, ls lot ta Hie public Interest. Any one sided plot wl.|,-|, lils gi.-ocly corporatist**, may hutch ra:-, be *j*4Jp*te*j t ste have a sm?le hone-t and fearle., man 0I1 t),|s ommlssion. 'lime win show if t|,i, ,? ?0i but lf ?I'ey are all tnrrod with '.he Manhattan stick th. Uv will be delivered, baund hand and toot, a* the prey of the elevated cut morant." The part of the lection nf the law which has jeen referred to ls as follows: '?The Hoard of UaoM Transit Commissioners may Ita* from lime t? time, npon application of any rail Bay corp. ration owning or actually operating a i.all ?oart wholly ,?? |M B*irt Wilbla the limits of any city n which MM boarl has p-tt'.-r to act. If In th- Jndg nen of mkJ l.,?,nl tho ,,?blle Interest. M demand \ ii" ?,,,,"!ir,:nt V"V ?* _? ""- osssalws ol th. s,i.i iiiaixl. lix and determine the route or routes by which my such railway iou.puny mut con. wliti oilier -leain railways ?v ihe stations th.-rent, ?r with steam ferries, or may e\len4 ii. lin,? trSum sall city anil nat authorise any railway i-i.mpunv io Uv an" addi Ional tiaiit ?r tracks on. above, under er contiguous o b portion or tl,.- whole ol th,- rom,- or routes of ta railway or railways xsithin sUm city. bjmI io bc lull* terminal or other factlllles necewiary for lbs loc.-inniodation of Hu- trax,-liing public In anv street ,r place, ex.-, pt the place noss- hnown as nattery l'ari., m xvhl, h said nillxvay shall lu- located ; anrt lite s aid ?toort shall lix an-l determine the locations and plans if construction ol t...- railway upon aracb rout.- or oui.s uni ol sil( h tracks and facilities, the limes -cullin which they ?hall be respectively constructed I ne compensation to be made iiien-for to ibe city by -aid railway company, gm* .,?<.., ,,tl,.>i- terms. < ondi lons reipilreincnt i as t? the .said boucl may Ippear Just and proper." Th.- record < ef ti,,- Controller's office show that tbe cost of the Rapist Transit Commission to date has in-cn 1108,4*49 ?7. NO ACTION EXPECTED TOMORROW. mp., stfivxvxy will l'nontm.Y not attf.xo thi: i'OMMissiriN's mc.r.i.xn. Jt ls nol at nil lilu-ly that Hu- Haplil Tiandt C?m nl-slon xslll take any ni lion nt Its meeting to inor ow morning. William steinway, president of the (.'ommlssion, ls confined tu |,|, house by a severe ot lack of rheumatic Bttout. Mr. steinway's condition .estcrday was a tilfle better than it was on Tue. lay. The members of his family and Kugene I,. P.usbe, secretary of the Uopld Transit, tal** oil salon. vere, however, aatlaied that lils health xras nt likely o Improve to such on ejilent that he would be abs* o bo present nt the Interesting meeting of the Com nlsslon that xviii bo held to morrow morning. Mr. Itushe subl yesterday svhen seen by a Tribune re? porter : ?' Mr. steinway ls not likely to ba ia the meet? ing of the Cominls-don on l'rld.nv. I have heard from lim to day, and I am sure that he xxiii not bo well ?nough to ntt'-nd Hie meeting on Friday. The four ither members of tho Commission xviii be present. tVe xviii gix-e B hearing to all who com" and have anv? iling to say on the subjet of rapid transit. No ac? tion can ha taken on the application of tbe Maul attan di ectors srithout a unanimous vote. Kvcn If all the nembers cf the Commission should be al the meeting t ls not likely Hint any plan would be derided un si loon.-' Mr. Pttshc refined to talk about Hie resnlu lon offered In Ihe Assembly on Munday by Mr. Malby, of t?t. Lawrence C uinry. Ki, hard V. Harnett, chairman of Ihe Committee af rwonty-fivc of tba Heal Estate 1'xchango. said x inter? lay that lils committee xsas working actively lo cum? uli the Manhattan directors' lemarkable imposition ror elevated load, nil over the city. Aboat .Mi.iXJO ropies of Um following petition to the Legislature vere printed yesterday, and will bc distributed ihrnugh am the city to-day : ??The undersigned, citizens of the city of New-York, respectfully recommend and p-HHon your honorable body, that you tlo no amend tba Ilaplil Tran-lt net, being Cliupter IV of the Laws of ISP], as to authorize my rapid ti-unsU mHc-aud that ratty bc or may havo lorn designed and laid trot'tit "rtt^daiico with the provisions of said Kapi*! Transit act, to ba construe'et by the Hoard Of Repid Transit Hnilioad v oniinlsslon< rs In tb* s?id set provided for, by contrnrt. H a public work, for the benetlt of Ihe city or iown In which the said road itisy be located, and nt the cost of such illy or town, snd to be thereafter lensed by said cl ly or town, to a private coiporallou, for operation; and that the said Hapld Transit arl be luitli.-r BO iimctided as to require the Issue of I,-.nd-, by, tl,,- said city or town nt not to exceed I 1>9 per ceni, interest j>er annum In Rum sufllclent to uica-,1 the tost of such con? struction." Mr. Harnett'* commlltee will UfMP before the com? mission to-inoiTow- Bornlnf, *r ll "o'clock, xvith Ihe tnrtor-ciiient of the directors of lita Html Kstale Ex? change Committees from ihe, Central labor Jt'nlon and Chadwick Civic club, xtlfb authorised Indorse? ments r.-pn-sentliig not b-ss Winn sO.ikhj bona ini. organized workingmen of this city, xviii also Ik- at the meeting to protest against any extension of the prevent elevated road.. I'ETKI* Ii. PWEKNY GIVES SOME NEWS. Peter D. Sweeny has written a long letter on rapid trutis'.t for pullication In the aewtpaoafS. Ile niakes the leir.uikable stalemeiit that the charter granted to the New' York Ballway C'.nipnny, many yean ago, I. still legal iind In force, and thal under il,ls chatter a coiiij-h-t: IBBjM transit system can be built. Ile -ats lhat this charter a OS granted to Alexander ff, stewart, Jobn Jae Bb \slor, August lli-ltnonl. Henry Hilton, William lintier Duncan and other., and thal lt pro? posed the coiistriK tl'-n of what w?* to be calb-d tho Viaduct Railway. Ha assorts further that the gentle? men named for W .?"JW.'JOO of tbfl stock of the com-uny at lls formation, und pnhl ,0 per cori Into Hs trca-iuy, under a condition thal the elly xvii. t,> subscribe #4,0!i0,0C(i, the remaining amount ie quired, before the coiistrurtlon of the mllroad shoulil 1,,-gln. Tiie illy did not p, form lls part. Mr. Sweeny says tliat this failure was duo to u mistake In tin law, whl,-h hal recently btton cleared up by u ioatslsn of the Court of Appuils. Mr. Sweeny dec hues that the m-ney subscribed by private cillr.-ns xvas used in making surveys and pre luring pinn-, which are now In existence. He ndds that i-iencral nicl.ii-a represents a birge number of lin -.aortant stockholders, and that lu- himself represents others. He r-ays, In uditltion, that the frunclilse ein braces Westchester County, xvith a grunt tu build midge*, anil allows connections willi ibo Northern mid Haslem railroad trains entiling that county. The routes are generally defined in the original uct. The plan, an- to be approved by u Hoard of Commissioners, t?aisling of thc Qortrutt et lha state, the Mayor and the Commissioner of Public Works. Mr. Sweeny ls strongly aaa******] to the ronsolllation of Lroolilyn and New-Vork. ;ind argues at much length on lhat subject. H*? bolles-r-s such a consolidation would be unfair nnd Injurious to New-York. He docs not desire that nny titles, towns or villages In the neighborhood of New-York should bo eonsolldatcl with this municipality; but bc is earnestly In favor of a complete and satisfactory sysiem of rspld transit, and suggests that lt can bo senin-d under the charter of the Nexv-York Hnllxvay Company. Mr. Sweeny'.; views as to tin- valid existence and present legaliiv and force of the charier of the Via duct Railway may ba legally sound, but lt in practically certain that no rapid tran-lt system xviii ever be con ? tiacled under Ibis oil charter. Tho construction of such a system under Ibis (hurter xxould bi) liniKsj slble wllhout Hie co-operation of the city authorities and Hie Governor of the State, lt ls absolutely ln fi-eillble that thc city authorities or the Governor of the Stat? xxould attempt to enforce this anllcpic charter or make nnv elfort to build rapid transit lines under il. lt l? certain that its validity or legality would b* tiercels- disputed in lha couit-s ll any elfort wen- made to lilli lt lil foll e. rn- ? ISTF.BEST IS THE (OLOSIAL CW R'S DISSES signatures to the book for the dinner of the Colonial Club on Siiiurrlay evening continue to come In, nnd a big attendance ls assured. Edxvard W. Scott, presl dent Of lha Hub. and a toa-1 master of clever wit and graceful atyle, will bid Ibo guests welcome. Chauncey M- Dopaw, who left a big public dinner io speak at the club's " housewarming.'' I. expected to bo present If bis other engagements permit it. I'.l-tiop l'o*,tfr. tho Hev. Dr. .1. W. Iirown. of St. Thomas'* Protestant Kplscopal (hun h. and .lames XV. Alexandor. president of th** Cnlverslty Club, arc also likely to attend the dinner. _ MES. L liri PLKAUS t.UILTY TO ORR cn ABOE Mrs. Hertha. Laws pleaded gullly to forgery In the second degree In General sessions yesterday, nnd Judge Martin* remanded Iver until Monday for .en tence. un I>eecniber C4 she pas-ed a woith>ss check for A-*7 on the Japanese Trading Company, No. lr! Ea*t K' she was originally arrested with Domingo Ruls. the Consul-General of gonad's-. on tho charge of forging Hie slgn.iuire of Geln ni ITesiou. of Huston, to two notes for il.00*5 each. Mr. Hills was honorably acquitted ol the chaise. * ? FOR TUE TILDEN LIBRARY. APPEAL OP c-Ni: ??P 'MIK TRI -Tl.KS. STEPHI V x. WALKER URGES I II XT THE OLD CITY RALL BUILDING uk i.ivi.v TO IT. Whllo the ., ntlmi-nt of a gnat majority of the people of this dty demand, il:.- retention of Ihe ol') Illy Hall tm lu present hi.tori. al sile ?nd till- sen? timent ls strongly .-.spreed, many people arc Inclined If) think favor.,My of the prop,, ai ?f ,ha trustee* ,' ihe TiMen Tn***, if the Tammany ohVlafa d.. ores rbi,- ihe wishes <>f ihe people aad,, upon the removal of the City Hall. stephen A. Walker, ene of the trustees, aral som ve-i.i-.Uv by a Till,um- re porter, -ind earnestly dl-ciis.rd thc proposal of the trustees. He saul ; "Tba Tribune sHys this morning that the proposal of Hie Tilden Trustees |n reference lo th.- illy Hall 'will b>- entitled to due consideration al th- proper time.- I Migge.t that the proper time |. now. Two things are sun io orcur rJsortly. .x Mg municipal 1.a,lill,ir ls lo l,e erect.-d lr, the i:uv Hall Park. The 1'irty.?-,-:,nd st. reservoir is to be removed, "un- al vantage of the present management of city affairs ls thal the gift ,.f pioplu-.y |. (oinrn-c, lo all of us We have to -c bul few people i,, learn waal I. doing or going to le- done. If th.-.- an- the purposes sllortl] lo become fa- ls many observations and argument are T.ecome stale. The great nett .paper buildings, the postoflice anil other structures Which shut out the sunlight, for a thinl of ta- day from lily Hall Putt are nu longer an inspiration to arguments -busying li nv improper aro all * ?hemes ss Iii, li i url nil the grass plots and lip. Iitunl iln and the i?-n< hes and which even In the height of ihe proposed rtraeturei mat awaken J.-alais emotions. ?'I,' proposal, of tbe Tild-n Trustees eintesBptates things ns Ihey now ar- and Involve, Do Judgment upon the arguments or m..lives bobina* "natters now out of date. We agree with the general sentiment tim a noi.i- Btrueture should be preserved, it i. au rn, Jen xvlio-e PXtl-TklT has please.I th- et-s of 11 .misan ls who have Refer cnt-rM it. lu exterior only i. t ie pu" of it tint ls known. What xx- uiu-i 1, - a-ul trier* io io. ? i, n,- Bseasta-i and eallltntttng tinaa Hon of connecting an historical -vent stitt* s precise locality. To Maud la a room awl sav. Brady 00*1 i.ri!,am spake, ben De Witt flinton sat. here Lincoln's body lax-iin^e are thing-; to awaken sen ibtUtlea which a man who hi; 0*4 or who \rtrt Bl ls brutal. "To pre-, rv- liberty for tb* exercise of twtt setiM raentfl th" ohf lull n.u.t i?- l-n kautct. Aa .annex t,. or Inclosure of a rircumjac.-n' strm Hire- l'a-r- ls M Bt rhit.-cninil genltM capable of Basking such a coBoculton or loinblnallon of buildings other than inconvi-nl-at for use nd offensive to ins,.-, '?I'ontrnst wllh I lils r-.ult lb* pr. erv,-1 Illili BS transferred to a commanding righi on th- crown of Murray Hill arith spue of aarpte dlaBrattoni around it and unobstructed sunlight re Peet lag from III polished wall-. 'I.- old plciure.. boob* of which ar- ,,f treal xhIu" aad hara been levied upon by niceeaslra sheriffs for many years as Ihe nina available personal property for the fadgmenl ;-rt*dllors' use, ar- Misty w;thln Mn xvalls of Ibe mod'-rn Interior, which is completed mid equipped for Ibe me ,,f Hie peoiHe as a public library tor all gen-ratlons. " lt seems to in" thill no one with x-enernilon for the old. wini UM historic. <>en.e mid xs it), any legree of aesthetic ta.le ,an but web ome. -in li BO nutiom from the <ii-ri ? lng po-.ililli',- cf municipal action. Some such plan i- th* ..nix' way I > maka Ile Tl Idell beiiu--t available ns a r-aliy popular undertaking. I mean the housing somewhere by mimi, lp.-,I or oil-r additional aid nt abai ore have (which is more and better than ls lr,own, nml what ore ejspecl lo bave Of toot and literary matter for the ps,.plc. I r curls of Hew York, as i always expected Ihey would, hara depict"**! ito estate for Ito tobefll of n me,no? li, irs to a sum soaaewhal exceeding Iwo miiiio,, dot lars nnd lins art Inti lae expressed Intention ol the te. taor. In England or Hew England Ihe r?nit would have, been ditter.-nt. The here m,l,e their own law. ami under llu-lr ju-t administration hnxc sulfer.-d ii I"--. ?? I should Ilks to pul to n xote i , the public s, hools of this etty Ito .iu--ti.-ii: -What I- the duty of I - iiiiinii ip.-il nut hurl'I...s In r<" p.i I lo Ito offer of th* Tilden I rust, to wit, I" glv In ptrp.ti, ? say ?-?(?,< XV, fl fear for ii puHI. Iltirart II (he illy will < <|iitp a jiblie for it. fm- .-, barleycorn ? year.1 -Th'- .uni iii rom OM M !??> lusi.flu I. ni for buildings, purchii-- and m:ilnt?-n;ui.??? ot B pt Mic library worthy Of Ihe (itv. Tba uh" rtuitlv- see m. lo li.- I.labll-:, m.nt ..i a libral*) or other institution on some special mid limited line af study. -The pr.,.pert BOW nod**? e.-nsiiler.itloti makes a peopl.-'s (nsUtaUon, locates it In a commanding pla. e. mar..- ll a unique memorial ?f Ito -liv's history, honors a greal name, willena th- Barfsce una of public pi-asnr- gr.aiiuis and I- worth thinking ol and deciding today and not I.fl for r.-gr-t a. a lo-1 Of poi I nully.'' T*"i rilO'?E THE SITE ul'TIIE (ITV HALL. A meeting of Hie new municipal building commission and Ito Advisory I'onntlttee .-f Aj**hlti*ets will ink" place on IbaHassUT 1, at whteh th" advertising f?r tba plans of the new Lily Hall ls lo be u\- g. The exact sile Ior Hie buil.llng lu I Itv Hall Park will also be determined, and win p rob at, ly be announced. It ls that tit" .ti-uctutv aimil have a front***** of Illrt) feet, Brill I** eight storie. In height and that Kui f t>t shall Intervene between Ito rear of th"- .tru. lure and Ito County <Hurt HoVae. lt will cover Ito prc-cut plas* In within a few feet of the wire hsct on th" .south Bli*. Th" park in from of Ito MW building will Hi'-li become Ito plata. The MS build lag at lt- eastern front extremity win sinnd about seventy lite fis*t from the Path Row hoaadary of City Hall Park and Ito xve-li-rn extremity, front, will stand about lha Miine distance from tiie Broadway boundary, leaving about seventy hv>- foi-t Ol th* park only at cadi side. ? CASE OF SMALLPOX IS REA UER-ST. TE Vt NTS OK THE Ul'H.III MI DO NOT PEAR IV nen nv iinxvi vr.R Frederick Hayden, tho clerk In the oflice of Ihe <hi-r clerk of I ra flt c a, counts of th- < mtarlo Kiillroad, who whs found to h.- sulfi-rlng fiom smallpox aa Sunday last, is now ai Ito tlotbasa peslhoose. Ills brother visited th.- ontario Itallroad's ollua-s yesterday and said Ibal Kn-derli k Hayden oral mach lnipniv-d. Tin railroad's otlic-s are on th- thin!, fourth and rials' floors of ito Daba onie a Building, Ho, Kt Beaver-st. Inspectors of the Health ll-pailmchi Speal Ito greater part of Tnooday Ir tha building and examined all Ito employes of Ito company ut Ito othes, varclnallng Bfl many us poariflte, In reference io the waitera mid other employes of Delmonico'-, restaurant on Ito lirst floor. Ito manager of tl,.- hullding said yesterday: "Tie talk about Ihe' smallpox eas- seems to me like a 'iempi".t lu n teapot.* aspeetaUy so far as ito it*otaa rant employes ora eoneeraad. Ito Utebea and ether adjuncts to UH restaurant Bl* In I dflach-,1 pint Bf this building, and aces, to thi- restaurant ls alan, Mtlretf dh.eily from the street. Tin- restaurant ls, therefore, nearly separate from this Iniilillng, wi,I, I, ll aa 00*08 building. The doctors fouad tin- wrill.-is In good health and, as most Of tb>m are vaccinated in accordance with Ito rubs of Ito benevolent and protective unions to which tiny tx long, only few un derwent va. elna lion." Tin- room lu arith li Hayden trorked on the third floor wus fumigated. _ _ PROMISEST TEOPLB OFF FOR EUROPE. Tl,<- White Star steamship MaJCBtle, which -ailed for Liverpool y.-tonia), took out a large numl.-r af etas* pt ail quin for this oeasoa ot ito year. Among tben wei-."- -I. stewart Wallace, M- P. < barbs rapper, Ito lan adlai' Minister of Marin'-: W. K. Vanderbilt, E. lianitulph Morris, Mr. and Ml*. Eugene kelly, Jr.. Mr. and Mr.. Henry Kingsbury, Mr. and Mrs 1'n-roti Lqnunct. t'aptaln E. W. Jaffray, l>r. E. kinloch Inhnaltnr. Mr. and Uro, Osorge W*mT**--wr, Mr. and Mr.*. Till ll C.. Melggs. E. J. Price. Kulh.i fold shiv vesant. ttoarOJB Stanley, Anson Phelps stokes. Mrs. Alexander Thompson. T. W. Kussel, M. P.. li. < n-lgh ton Webb, Mrs. Austin Corbin, li. Howard Davison. Howard. iTcinlng. A. A. If. Bellas tMht. CJissrfB Cavendish llenlinck. M. P.. Montague M. W. lin I rd. Commander Hell, of the British ffavy, Mr. and Mrs. Muk. Ix Hall -md .Mrs. Henry s. Irani. The" lt-si Mar steam.Mp FtfeaBBaC, 4?r Antwerp, took Ott! nuning ber i*s.eai:.-rs Ito Ht"*. A liroch-r. train |s He llack'i, s. s. Mel ai land amt Mrs. E. :'p- nta-r Miller. TM RE.iRRASCF. A SCMMBBU The rnmmlttec of Ibo I hamber of Commerce ap? pointed to confer with Ihe Custom House sflcers and warehouse nu n lorireming Hie rearrangement of rales on uncial rmsl iii.-rchindiM- in ware houses met yesterday, lout. Wlndniulb-i was chair man nnd ll. c.. Weaver secretary. The piaalBl schedule bas been In force for Iwenty years, and Ito changes In the methods ol pai-klng guilds have made il om of dste. Deputy Cralecloi1 M. 4.. Williams told Ihe committee Hint , omplalnis were fi.-"|iieni. and thal Assistant (ashier William A. .tones and warehouse men thought reti-lon was n.acviiiy. The eoiun:ltt,*e bsd boped to rt-cclxc suggestions from bti-lucs, nun, but none wa. <j3eiex1. Mr. Wlndniuilci, H, O. Will iam*. Samuel ll. seaman, E. Y. Drlggs and Winiam C. Casey irere appointed a sab-comBrittet t- seenre Ito tl.Wi cf Impoit.ts of different ckisies o| goods. They aili I,old a .neetlug lO-OTsSfTOW after:,'.-!,:., ai the I bamber of CoauneKe A: ito meeting yest. r.i.ty lhere were prasiati Emm the cu.ton, Hon-,-, Gesenl Williams, Ci,loni-: Jones. H. O. tVcaver, John M. Kalk ind Hamilton Pulton; fiom thc Cbamlier nf I om merce, Mr. WlndmaBcr, bamuel H. Beaman ard c. A Andrew. The tt ai -hon.. nun pr..cut Wore frederich l-.k-r. E. F. Dftggs, il. E. .Nitchie and Wi.ainu I. Car.j. * AGAINST THE SBEBMaN SUTER LAW, MK.i-cii.xvis tike a:t:ox rpciNT, a r.irr.xi. i 9 IBO x f, ??ne or tr.e lurge.t meetings of business men held ill a long time was that of t!,.- drygoods merchants it Hie room, of th" Merchant*1 Club, No. io. Leonard ?c. ve-.ieri.-iy. n, take sefton regarding ti.,- silver |iiesiion. .lam.- ll Dunham, of Dunham, Qui Wey x Co., Breridod, and nearly SOO of the leading barine** I,oases gad lirriis wei- p-prcenled. After a few ntrodmtory remark, th- following resolution was pi ?eated, atttrt was favorably dtotosaod mid adopted inaiilinoii-lv : ?? H.-solved. That ac ur,- opposed to the eoniiniianc I if the pajrehaa* of silver bullion bv the L'nlted states .overnmeiit, ami favor the Immediate repeal of the -iicnnan sji\,.r BoBlo* Puretaslng tel of l-'aO, by the BasaBfpj of a law for that pu rp ...-, in go Brio elf,*,: al Mee." Among tin- large number ,.f mi rt baals present aron the follett lng-. Charles r. Abbott, Charil* M. Allen, francis Xl. Bacon, Henry l;;iuendahl. Edward I". Iiliblle, Daniel Blrdsal, Cornelius V. Bllas, Murtoa D- I "gu.-, A. sunn P.rotrn, (ieorge .1. Hrowiie, W. C. Pi "'tull,g. ti. pf, p.urklnghsni. William T. Muckley, F. V. Pinion. Henry I.. Ciniin.inn. 1 rank P. Ceil, E. .1. ntoffee, .lohn w. Cochran*, E. ii. Vonrene, .lame. c. Cooley, William Creighton, Ralph I., fuller, TtoOMa .1. Davis, James E. Dean, .lol,n P. Degi-ni-r, E. W. Dewey, Henry Dongiri.*. .1. i.. Dudley, i. ll, Dunham, E. \. Duvlvler. I nailes Elim.ia , William B. K.m. rv. c. lt, Evan., si--.,nmey w. Fay, w. llildnHh Held. John i - irab-v, : nealon- Er-llngliny-en, John'tn li.-rrlsti. Ubtfdge l. i.i-.tx. p. N. wniiain Itirenough, c. ii. Haeaett, Abner P. Ualgfct, John T. Hand, Brace Hayden, y. w Haynes, Casper llllgrr, H. Hobart, Rotor! .t. iiogu-t, Chaii.-s a. I loy I, minion- A. Hyde, U.g.- H. Hughes, William E. l-,-li?, T. M. lt s. Thomas ,|. John.ion, A. I), .lullliard, William li. K.ndail. William P. King. Abel IV. Kin-nun,. George T. Knight, tVoodbary tongtlon, J< -rpo towrenri-, P. D. I.-cumj,te, I imu .s ii. i.,-.-.-ii. Amory l.-l..nd, B. R. tosher, Augustas p. i.ib'.v. Lowell Lincoln, R. B. Maegan non, Ttoaw* B. Marlin Vb Inila. Mauger, Manton p.. Mell p. I.. Minion, c. B., a. p. Montant, Jam E. VkhoK jam-1 s. Moyes, i hark - W. Ofdea, Ilene] A. Page. Alhrecht Pag-n.ici k.-i, Th oma . p. Puller OH, W. A. P. mlii-ikc Janes I'.. Ill, ber, Edwin -1 E Poor. Thoma- W. Porter. John P. r. f.eorge I.. Putnam. J. R. Quinil.y. ieorge Riggs, Chat. '*'. Koot. E. H. Sump on, John P. sherman, G4tnrge ll. .breve, i.eotge p. >in,ie. isaac I. smith, Walter stanton, W. I., strong. E.ittani v. Taller, Franklin E. Taylor, William E. I. flt. Kal" ant M. Town-end. Jr.. .Ioho A. Tweedy. Carl xi-fr, IteortR Ercdcti.k Vb-lor. E. A. \..:i i-.ernuiii Lucie* C. Warner, Charles ll. Webb, William E. U'.',,h. |.. Whitman. John C. WM nerdins;, i. mi- Wlndmuller, Henry c. Val.- and win lam llenrv Yale, -s????^ WILL MRS. MCCAFFERY BE PRINCIPAL! I rank R. Mssters, ,lf, a. M. MllUlscn, TE4CHERS OPPOSE HER mm- il STXH'.VT vs ni'.xii Ol OIUMMtR a IP ol. V I. 11. Tho BajnouneeoBTml ol the apposition oo the pnri nf th.- leocfcera la Onaunar Hchool ff*. 11 t,> ito inmlnatlon Of Mis; inlheilr,- i. McCatfcrv by Ibe scbaol trustees ..r Ito Twenty fir-t Ward a. prlaclp-il of (hal -> to il, poi.ii-hed In The Trtbana of January IS, h.-ts ar-ii-,si Widespread inter.--!, among th- tench. ,-r.. The ease win ba tarried wllh great bitterness before Ito Hoard of Muesli m. Which will ii, I nu Ito n imitation Bl i's next faceting <>n tVednesday, Than l< uiu, li "-peculation B* t,. whether Ito board of Kdu ration win c miirm Ml? - M- <'. nomination. Ii U e*t*taln that Ito friend* of Mr*, f.. Randall Crocker sr- iloing in much to Ito a,lop:, n of Ito re? port of the i minllt.e on teachers, fBViring Ito nomi nation of Miss Mccaffery, as tba friend, of xii-, Mc Caffery an dring ta seem- tba place f.,r ber. The i-sigmili',n of Mi-s Car-lin-* P. Whiting, who wa* principal of tho btIwoI firtv-tiv.- l-ft Mha (tor-trade 1-. Simpsm ber naluiaJ suire* ior, bul Mi-s slu.p-nn Ju- been In poor hrnllii nnd Miss Alida J. WoMlev, who 1. mst In rank, does no| desire the ptoUmOtUm. Tha. Mi . U RandoU Craetor I- the nexl In ttne of bu.. - .-lin. Tho friend, of MlM Mi-Ca (Te ry feel thal tor sIsTe Bf Hie lontrovi-ry lia; not properly heen pl ucl bel i'? ll,.- public, .tames Clancy, in -peaking ol the ease, -aid io a Tribune repenter yraterday: ** The Tribune's Miry of tl.I. malle: ha. opened Bp t tridespreod rou troter.x- nm Mtg Behool teachers In the city. The f.-cling ls that MlM M, lattery ls enlll'.ed bi this place f,,r aovenl good reasons. In Ito tir.t place, sin- hts boen a t.a, lui- thirtx years, which is a longer time than any of Ibe other s-pliutita, for Ito place In Si ho ,1 Ho. 14 hara served, sho was Ito only vice piiml pal in ito ward nt the nm.- aaa was, and h.-r reeott oa ito tooka of Ito Board or RducaUon ls p.-rf.ct. >Ii~-; prances E. A. Hatch resigned her pla,,- as principal .f Vu. 4'.i after Mi-s Mccaffery was nominated, so Ibal Ito charge that she |s out of Ito Un.- of pi-Miiotion ls not. wsU-fOQBded. MIm Mc CafTery ll :in etlnl. ni loactor. Tbe place of principal of <ir.imni.-ir school So. Il I- s bettor om- than that (,f principal of Grammar school Ho. -kl ll has a better etaM of pupil., and ls more nmvetilentlv situated. Ito salary also ls helter, the lir-t being nlioui, ll,tdd. tad the other P1.S00 ii year.' Ai ending to the statement. Of -onie nf the tea, hers of Grammar Behool H> ii. however, Mr. clancy I. ml-bikcn lu .sating that MISS McI'nlTciv luis ben long.-r In tbe pul.In s, hool system as a ten her llian any ,,f ito aspirant* for the pbti ? In ??laminar tsctool v.. ii. These teoetore nay lhat ito Bret eleven t.-acl,er. Iii I,laminar -sh .ol Vu. ll have Wu In IJ.I< .-, hool liol b-s. i-.i-niv year-, ami thal eight out of Ito el-ven have not been priinulut in fifteen years. PLASS FOR MECCA TESII'I.ES CAEN IV AL Th,- raratral <>f Ito Arabia ffcMea af the Mystic Shrine, which will tain- plan gi ModUon ""quote car? den to night, und.-r the auspices of Mecca Temple, will be one Bf lb'- most brilliant -].tacular altair-; ,-ter given In lats cltv. lt ls a neW departure In Un? social r.pilous ot .e.ret orders, and ls nol exclusively for B**mhcra of the organization, but lt will l>- an OCCB tdo* when IM world nt larg- can BtfOIld and lee who and Wtol they are. Th.- carnival, however, is not the sole fi-atur-, as there will Im- a reception aud dancing preceding ll. and daming afterward, The int.-ri, r bl the Galdra ls si*.billy decorated for th- occasion, everything being nev, handsome and original. A dress ie beal sal io- k place yaatorfaty aad th.- ina! om- will be given to dav. Til-' seating capacity of the I.aubn I- bug-, all seals ale good and will be fr,-.-. The private boxes, however, ar- on sale, ami nearly all has- been lake*. Al o o*etoc* then- xviii be an instrumental concert by lattes** Military Band .f ISO piece,; al 10 p. m. Hare will lu) tbl' entrance of the ofsVcers ef Mena i-iiipi.-, aad g reception ,,r tho several tammltlin and their Barignateat vi their i*4Stt?ectlve pla..-; from 10*30 lo i'2 o'clock there will tie daming. (,, w Immediately followed by tb'- carnival. The lalt.-r will Include entrance ol Arable carnival pageant, vi-Uath-n Of trltics from varloii., mal- and f mal.-; grand .nonteal tiona, written uud adapi.-d f,,r tn,, oi easton, live hundr-d i?-rfoimers, prominent In th- dancing and mimic world, will take port In Ito carnival. Un- nld (iuard reception, lo take plan nt Madison Squat* caid-n on Mottflay Bight, xvig b>- ane ol Ito most eiitertaintng of tao season's soclul gatherings, mi.- ?f the principal feature- will ba the military marci, at mldnig'it. at tt !ileh l.iaiO uniforms "Alli l? In line, representing lin- Aimv and Ito N?vy UtMlt-ry of th- ti.itttl states. Canada and Europe. Tw,, large band. w|U furnish Ito music for promenading and ior daming._ A i LC R'S HISSER FOR THE MAYOR. A dinner In honor of Mayor Thomas E. lillrov will Im- given by Ito Democratic Club on "aiturilay evening. It is likely that nearly MO persons xviii attend lt. Tho? who to speak Include Mayor Gilroy, Govi moe Flower, H pester Babier and ss-Mayon Edward Cop-r, Abram **. Il'-wut and Hugh J. Grant. 1STERESTIS0 MELT1SUS Interesting meetings are being held In Trinity Methodist Episcopal i burch. In One hundred and eighteenth st.. near -ecoml ave., by D. W. WI tai, of i hlisgrt, an evangelist xvell Known In Bs* Western state-, saafaded by T. W. Mill.-r, a singer. al?n from UM West. This i hinch hs. a hrge field, as lhere l iio other Meth'tdist chuiih within Hiv ladtus of ? toft arila, and the res-ili of Hie r. vii-jl meeting. Issi lng thirteen weeks, by Thomar, HirrtsOii; a youl ago. was a large addltlop to the chimb-.-, lu I'arleoi. Thc j Rev. Thoms* ll. Iturfh ha* neat Iv completed the tenth year of his pastorate, and H.e board nf the church hu* sent n unanimous petition to the ap? pointing pawers to return him to Ht present charge. i'h>- ssristant pn-tor, ito Kev. I .coi ce W, Carter, ls satiating Hu- evangelists and li spatially aitive among the j, tung people._ TAMMANY AND TIIE NATION HANDS OFF." SAY- "THF lULTIMORF SUN." a scathing DEMOCRATIC EniToni.xn OH THE IVT1.IU ERENf'E OE THE KEW-TORK OCTOffCg IV Ql'AKAVTIVE MATTERS. [ny tit i.Gnxrii to th*: trhiim-:., Washington. Jan. -Jo.-lt I. said lhat Mr. Unyner, of Maryland, ii-cards the pa.sage of the maimed and mis-l.ap.ti Quarantine bill through Ito House vf Kepre sentatlvet as a wtotantlal triumph, ir bf dat he minns a triumph for Tammany, Mr. Rayner ls en? tirely correct; If nit. h.- li the sort of who can discover little or no different** between the shadow ami Ito -ul,.tame of legislative ,-otion. 0* recently a. last, Thursday Mr. Rayner xvai In a white heat of Indignation on account of the throats aad demands sf Tammany's vassals lu the House, who. be asserted, orara acting lu obedience to tilegraphic orders from ftrolherln law Jenkins He paced the Bistre and corridor, In high mMhai lal, pia claiming aloud to everybody lils purpose openly lo expose, and d< noonee on lb* floor of Hie House of Representatives the wicked Interference of Tam? many. It was while In this condition that ne en? countered a correspondent ot "The lialtlmon- Sun,''tbe lending Democratic newspaper of bis slate and city, and gave bim a battas*) of (to Tammany performance and threi'ts In regard to (,um antin-* 1,-gl-lation, which "ns opealy pabUatod in that, newspaper. Two days later ??'The mhi" published an editorial on "Tammany nnd the cholera.'' Which editorial Wa* In.pited bv the Jtnvner Inter? view, and xviii, li recite-; .onie w.-II koowa lind attested fa/Is iii a striking manner. Hen- I. an excerpt : ??Ta m ma ti-.'. leMsb Interest la the matte, is ..-n evident. Il is io control without the pos-iblllty of Bay Federal regulation or Interference, not only Ito vast patronage COOaerted xxlih tho Vow-York Health Depaitment, bat Ito stilt vaster ti.-ld tad oppartaaHy for private, -grntitloui I ,11,' brlberv and blackmail xvhich Ito unchecked control of thai department affords. Tammany's methods, since (to da\s of Ta ted, are known and should be abhOITtd of all mon. .So long as they an- confined lo Ito exploitation and plunder of the Bunitipa! .notary of Hew York. Hu- rest of th; country caa sffon ta stand lt: thal i-. so long as tho taxpayers of Xew.Yorh ciiv can. When th nat* poHtlcal octopus reocbea nut Its arms and takes tnt,, Ita embrace the State GoveraBBOBl of Vow York, the people of other states may still con? sole tin-in.lives with the reflection IIihI thev. ni least, do not ll vt; and pay taxes under Tammany dispensation. Bal when Tammany, rather that fo, go a pan >.r spoil, which lt regaNs as its legitimate prey, makes war iiihiii tin* whole country and de? clares It.elf Hie ally iind champion of H13 ebel ara, and ns such seeks to cnirol legislation al Walling? ton, then lt becomes another qraitto*.*' After it passage which is a Just and discriminating review of tho evil lenaaneie* and demoralizing tn lurnces of Tammany la v.-itiotiai politic;, the editorial rooUnnet i ?it wat hoped tiwi Tanunaay would confine its-lf to rending the flesh and picking the bones of tin- fiit and lac calool . -nit ri inge iirTord-*d by ihe absolute conirol of Vow York state and elly patronage. Bat it seems thnt the Nntioiml QsawanUn* bill. In the eyes uf Tammany politicians, nt len.l, threatens to tar.' away or kama the sa'u-*, at nil events, Bf some of Ibal patronage, nnd In 11 e, ll Tammany can accomplish lt. the Nail, mil Qunionilne bill pas-od by Democratic ;uid iti'piibllinu votes alike Ih the Solute ininti he beafeji 111 the Hoii-r. H ls to be soon what tb"* rest of the country will hiive to say to this litest and most Im? pudent manifestation of J anni,ant s greed and tin icrnpaloasneai. Il xtnuld ga extraoi-dlnary. indeed, vtfHi tint knowledge which ba. spu-nd 1 brough every elly, village and almust every household In Hie land of Tammany's methods of ad? ministration, If HM great Interior States ut Ito Weal trill submit to have their protection from cholera deiiend upon local official, of Vow-York City, ibo appointees of Tammany Hill. Jobbery would be Mupe. led, nnd with 1*0000, lt every expenditure and approprtattoa. Personal favor nnd partisan services rather than character and rapacity, lt would be as? sumed, svould control the selection and appointment of every subordinate. Justly or unj.i.tly, this ls the character whteh yean ol Tammany rule have earned for thal oiganl/allon. Will tho peoplo of tin- I'nltod state.4 tamely surrender, nt 11 time of National pei ll, the giiardianshlp of j the Nation's U.-alth nt the chief gate and point of attack bv which (to cholera may lind entrance ,-md lodgment, Into such hands? Are the vast Interests lovotvud In the success of ihe Wo.Id's Columbian Exposition content that such should be lb* cuael Vet IMS, and nothing less thin this, is Involved In Ui" suoce.s of Tammany's efforts ti de? feat 11 National Quarantine law. New-York City may he 1 onttd.-nt of lls ability to deal with the cholera as a local epidemic within Its own limits, nnd even to ex ilude the germs of disease and pass them mi to the res! of ibo country. lint what has the rest of the country to say upon that point.' The Very character and source of the opposition which bas licen developed to the passage of Ito bill ought to awaken Ito xvbolo country, the people of the In? terior, and Ito South and the West particularly, la the necessity of taking the subject under Ito control of ihe Federal Oorarnmenl ami out of the hands of local politician-; and patronage brokers." These are HM editorial arguments and criticisms, not of 11 RepubBeou oewapeper, bot of one of the oldest, stanchest and most Influential Democratic n.-tt spa pera In tho south, published In a cltv which has been rep.-at.stlv visited by pwUtonce Importad front foreign countries. The argument ilia' (be country cannot allard ta tal-e tbe risk of il Tam? many 11 Imlnlstratlon of i|unr.inttne laws and n-gnliHoiis at Hie chief commercial port ls ;, sound om-, which ought to and probably will iii tlu.-mo ito actions af Ijow braoetoa of Congress, ir lt .hall Ix.' found practicable to re.cue Hie Uhuiruntlno i ill from the predicament into which lt lias boon IhrUSi ll,rough Ihe machlnaUiils of and the ?weabaetai aad Incapacity ,.f the Democratic m.i ji.iltv of the Committee 011 Interstate and Foreign Com men e. -.+ DECIDED AQAIXBt TUE MISSIOSART. Colonel Weber yesterday decided thal tin* result of tho Investigation of the .-barges against the Re*. Mr. Peter.i-n. Ita Norwegian missionary at Ellis Island, abowe< that H.e pastor was not a deslrnt.le man to have on th.- totutlfl. nnd -0 told bim. The society wiiiiii Mr. Petersen lepreaenU svin be irajaaated lo send niiother man In his place. As lo the charges of trying lo create dimension between a man and bbl wife, in Erooklxn, and holding hOeh pail of th. money sent lo the woman, Ito Colonel said he had nothing to do xvlth thal, ns tho maller was already In Ito courts. As to HW cl,argo of keeping an Immigrant giri la ito mission house of l*eturson's aoetety for un undue length of Hmo before he obtained il position for tor, ito Colonel decided Hilt Peterson iniii not shown due dint-once. Mr. Peterson yesterday made ;in emphatic denial of all ito charge-, and bald h.. might bring the matter bel*re th* courts. ACTION OF THE PARK BOARD. Charles De E. Purus iras yesterday appointed ?oeretory and treasurer of tbe Park Police Pension lund bv the Park Hourd. Commissioner Tappet! pro. posed timi thc board appoint a xToe-prcsldent without -alary to act In the absence of the president. Tbe maller WO* laid oxer. To Commissioner cray was refoned a proposlUon to make certain Improvemcnfs In tho Central liirk Menagerie. The suni of *n>T,ooo will probably bo i-l,cl to complete 1 lie retaining wall and wallu at P.iverslde Park. 4 ominissloner Cray's resolution authoilzing any commissioner lo act lu case of emergency, and making Ihe president and one oilier commissioner a quorum to audit bills and pyvrolls ssas adopted. I? nilma, the baby hippopotami!., will lie sold at auction to-day at ll a. m. at tbe central Park Arsenal. The upset price ls plated at jKi.004). ? ? 1 IMMKiRASTS HELD FOR EXAMISATIOS. Contract Labor Inspectors fiom Ellis Island yester? day found twenty nine Immigrants on the steamship WaoHsnd. who ru-in' over as second -cabin passengers. A their luggage consisted of small nundle"*, and most of thea* hid only about #_ In money, they were taken lu Elli-. toland tor examination. They all said they had rome ovei to x|.|t friend*. Eb von ol Hiern were n felted sud elgn,****_. held fer further eiswlnaUog. KKW-YOKK AND THE BIG FAIR REPORT OF Tilt STATE BOARD. MORE MONEY NEEDER Tn MAKE A CREDITABLE I-IM'LAY-KEVIEW OE THE WOr.K DOXE. Albunv. Jan. rio.?Governor Plower to-day received* he report of the (.encral Mstmgers of tho sui* iVorld's lair Hoard. It ls a long document detailing he organization of the board and the district com Missioners nnd Ibo conferences of these officer* at hlcago with the heads of tho Exposition. Th* report -ays : ?? It became evident that the sphere of activity snd int*, of the board waa more extensive than was latklpatoi before the meeting nt chicago. It era irnccd the dissemination of Information to Intending -ommercbil exhibitors and farllltaiing their apiHi.-.i lons for space, un Hie organisation of the board there sere loss than 100 applications for space, and ttepl were taken to secure a representation propor? tioned to ike pince New-York holds in the bushiest ictlvlty of the Inion. The managers set forth His rad |b*f In agriculture, horticulture, forestry, mining ind education there was no commercial I m pul te to ?tlnitilutc a proper exhibit, and yet lt was ascertain-tl that OrgaatttthMM and departments supported by ap? propriations had no funds available for collecting nnd installing their exhibits. The dulles devolving upoa ibo board thus developed, are classified In eighteen paragraph*, relating to the obligations resting on the Dc.-ird la procure a creditable exhibit and giving reasons for urgency for performing the duties e munera ted. Cpon such organization no such diversity and rang* if dulles were anticipated, and consequently the ap? propriation made xvas not adequate for the need* out Hued. Much of the work of the board in preparation for Hu- enMIM bas b'-cn tentative, und Its prosecution lopontlfl on obtaining an ml and adequate ap proprlatloii. ?The applications for space from commercial B0> lilbltois are more iImn -.',400. Itefcrrinir. to tho itlnTeuli (ash Of allo-ing space by the authorities at I'hbag- the general managers say that the dutiea ioaaoeted with this tas|< are so complicated and dolla etta B% to ib-mntid for them the utmost Indulgence and recognition of the Impossibility of satisfying the great mn'orlty of Individual demands. Tho combined or uidtlod exhibits molo under the direction of associations economize space without lessoning interest of ex? hibits." Ti'e report refers in complimentary terms to the Boa ni Of Women Manager., stating that they hara over 960 applications for spare for xvomen. It re? fers v.|th pildc to tho Slate Itulldlng u-s ii Utting rep? resentation of the presence of New-York nt His World's 1'nir. Tin- contributions of New York to tho Dally P.tillding xviii demonstrate the value and Irn po-.lnnce of Ito buller and choose products of (hs Slate. The maaagan ace aided bv B committee from the state Dairymen's As.cciutlon, the state Hoard paying nil exp.-n.e-. After conference with li-alln* agricultural! tis of I lie* state, a Hureau of Agricul? ture, of wlibh James Wood, of Mount Klsco, I.7 the direct:.r in i-hicf. xvas orginized. It wl.T ?<haw at chi iago Hu- great variety of soil and climate of the State, 'he diversity of product i raised, stimulate an interest in that department, and If possible modify the old time coarse pf crops and husbander. Live st-?ck and poultry exhibits are in c lu rge of associations o| breeders, of equal importance I- Ihe horticultural exhibit, one In which the piomptlng< of commercial advantage cantif be Irust'-d as a means for bringing out un exhibit worthy of the stnte, yet New-York; I i.slii. es more fruit than ull the other sfste*, with lae san pl too of citrus fruits, and Ito money vallis Of Ihe grape crop of New-York D greater than that of the grai".' crop of Callfirnhi. The commissioners review the result of their effort* In the different department-, which was published f-jnm time to time as the work advanci-d, and sit: '?As a mutter of public policy the Hoard of i.enoral Managers has been guided by the idea that the ex? hibit ot the State of New York at the World's 4 olutn tlao Exp-r-ltion should be In every department sa excellent In cori-rr?ct"iTTTTi*?i~ iraff sg-h'TJeitxii V~T>>?**eBta. tlon ns In ber, Intelligence and money could make P. Apart from lls ronttoorefol Importance, tills great iri'tvf.lesson of the stage of progress rearhed hr the civilized wirrW at the close of the momentous cen? tury of Its history, hos th<- highest educational and hint orien 1 ?lgnlfli*ance. The Influent-, of Hu- eiB**ssss** ta Iht social, Industrial aud artistic development of Hie American people cannot be over-estimated. As un Intort,ntl au] display ll will. In everv depart? ment, far exceed thal of Pails lu I Mt, The nn lix.ilbsl extent and tho nrchltts-tural hapaty and mng nlflcoiue of Us buildings hax-e slreadv been unlvor sally leoognlr.i-d as a credit to ito is'iinirv. and a* a prOper cause ?f National pride. To all of this New-York bas fully contributed, amt b?-r citizens have the beal possible reasons t , participate In the senti? ment wbtoh lt evokes. In furnishing forth Ito con? tents of the.,, buildings, and making IN mark OH ihs grand completed result, lt requires no argument t * show that New-York cannot be left behind. Tiie task is now seen to be far greater and more complicated than pre seated itself a year apo, but lt ls one whotte satisfactory performance carries with lt an Inevitable responsibility no less than t brilliant reward." The report ls signed bv Chnuiv-v M. tVpew, John lloyd Thacher, Horton W. Allen. Louis M. Howland, Wgltet I., -session-, and Charles A. sweet, genera) managers. ' O a IH; WANTS THE FAIR OPEN ON SINDAY. MR. Bl'lTERW'OP.TII f-XY- T1UT WORRISOME!** WIM, VISIT IT Off THAT DAT. Ex Congressman Benjamin Butterworth, of ""'hi*, who was moratory of the World's columbian Exposition, when nt Hie Elf th Avenue Hotel yesterday denounced the effort* that are hoing made to have the Ex po-t tlon grounds closed on Sunday as an insult to tho working? man. "The liquor stores are permitted tn do a wide-open business In Chicago,"1 he added, " nnd Ito cloying of lha Enir on UM Sabbath would only ie..ult In -ending mora trade to the xxiii.' and beer seller. There are thou sands nf poor people who xviii want to seo the exhibits, but who xviii be prevented from having a good chance to se- them If tho sunday-closing lde3 I. enroroed. It ls not everybody who can alford lo take a day off for pleasure. Sunday ought to he regarded ss the work? ingman's day. and Ito admission on that day ought to b? only -J"> -eiii-. I most emphatically am In favor of permitting th.- l-'alr grounds to Im- open on Sunday. There Hie people can rind Innocent and Instructive pleasure, and there they can hear sacred music. It would certainly result In great benefit to the liquor stores If the Fair ls cli.ed Sunday, nnd lt would also remit In great finanolil loss to the" tiforge ll. DnvK tho Director-iieneral of the World* Eatr bas sent word lo the committee of the Stationers* Board ..f Trade In Uria cltv lhat tb* notices regarding th- allotment of space would ive .ont ?,ut soon, and that the lime for receiving notices of Intention t* exhibit would bo extended to April 10, as leqne.steC I SHE SCORED THE PARK COMMISSIOSBBS. The Park Board xvas pounced upon nt IL* wsslon yesterday by a xvoman who said that she was Mrs. M. A. .tones. No. Ti West Vlneteentli-st., of the Wtxrk. lng Woman's Society. Bhe said that she Had beco Insulted by two park judi'-men named Mei.lotu and Delanty In Madison Hquon OB Juno ll. While walk? ing In tbe square she -aw a policeman rap a sleeping mail on ibo feet, mid she r.-mon-trjlcd. Mrs. Jones was arrested. While she xvas excitedly telling her story the commissioners cxcUang.-d surprised glances. They had never heard of tbe cns*, which happened M'von months ago. "Tb.- time will come,'' said Mrs. Jones, -? svben Hie women will haag their right* In I his country, and women still sit tn the Dark Boord.* IYesldont Danu asked her to put brr complaint in writing, telling Inr that lt would bc Investigated. Mrs. Jones stats not mollified, and she gave Com nils ?Jtojoia Dana nnd straus a piece of her mind. They were both slave drivers, the said, and the elly park* were prlsi-tis. '?But Ell walk In them every day, In spite of you,* she shouted. -Shi- was requested to leave tile room. As she went oul she turned around In the door and hissed: "If there -.vent young mon lu this hoard 1 would be better Ireati-d." Sisretaiy Burns said that the woman was ari. -i.-d she pei slited in walking ou ito grass. cr VU l SK EY STOLE BOBE TEAS WAS BUPPOBEO. Experts have for some tims been examining ito accounts of Matthew T. 4". Cumnilskoy,. life former"1 ollieer In charge of the Customs Division of the Puat office, who was sent to tho Erle County. lY.nltenttory for two and a half years for .toiling, and they lind that mu. li more was taken thou xs*s al first sappi sod. cummlskey was a clerk under t'ollectot Mag-ne. on January ll. Itsss, I"- was kent to th* Postofflco and placed In rhnrgo of the Customs DI vision. List spring Collector Hendricks bocsBH suspicious of his actions and en InxcstliiaU-in Its* him srrested. Ile confessed Hat be had tnk"n aboul Hl.sOO and pleaded guilty. Th<* experts have rsibi over hi* account*, except fnr ihe tint year to waa tn charge of the division. ?o far they gnd a Short age of about t io aim. lt will take a moats) Ualoh the taveailfrttlou. ?Ft.' -