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IN THE HANDS OF THE J I'KY. MKS. LANGLEY'S DIVORCE SIIT ENDS HEP, Hl'.sl'XVn, Till- I'HIVIIIMI. XXTTVErs, STOfTf-Y MOTES THE CEAltOES A'.AIVsT HIM. The trial of Ibo suit for absolute divorce In which Mrs. Marl.- Belle Langley nppenr'-d as plulnilff and William H. Una-ley, Iht hood of Ito wool-lmpm-tlng firm of Vf. H. Langley A Co., as defendant, was vad-d In Ibo Supreme Court In Hro-aklvii yo. ferd av l? '??:>' Judge Ijindon and a jury, which had io decide tvbeih t Mr. Langley was grolty of Ito offence which annuls the marital He in this state. Tho exldenee for Ito de? fence, begun on Tnl ad B J. was finished early In Ito day, Mr. Lnngloy l.elnj- the chief witness. John E. Parson, summed np lor Ibe defendant, nnd ex ?Judge Reynolds for Ito plaintiff. Aft.-r Ito etoiffe al -indee Landon >be eas* went to the jury curly lu the even lag and a sealed verdict was rendered. The crowd of spectators In Ito courtroom was greater than on either of Ito previous days of the frlsl. Mrs. Laugl-y was accompanied by ber sister. Mia* Shepard, ber father and b-r brother. IX It'll,.!'. RETOOLS*. ? The first orita*"** wu* Erastus M. Yali, clerk at the rnlted states Hotel. He testified that Hi'- n-gl*tri: Hon of '-W. Lawbr and lady. Newark." at the hotel toolf place while lie ssas at Hie desk, and that Mr. Langley had not made any of the entries. Ile bad been lair I Hf ll lo Mr. Langley In the oflice of Chauncey Tmax In November list, and be was certain that be was oot thc- mau. The man who registered 9 JollS E.. PARSONS. BS Lawler was tall and dark. Persons w.-re In the habit of taking: a room at the hotel for a short time. The witness. In cross-examination, Bald he had given a recommendation to tin- balboy, Watta, who was va witness for the plaintiff, and lie had gone nt tb- direc? tion of Mr. Herdllng. tho proprietor, to find Margaret CGrsdy, the chambermaid, another wlti-K-ss for the plaintiff, but he denied that be bad told ber thal she need not work for txvo years If she would do what be told ber to do. Alfred Samu.-l. a ball boy at the Vnited States Hotel, testified that be n-ver suxv Mr. Langley there, and similar evidence was given by David Williams, the nlpht clerk at the hotel. The latter swnre that Wells had told bim that be had made two affidavits In Hie case, one at the office of Mr. Root, and Ihe other at the office 'if Mr. Truax, and lhat Mr. Hoot used ta play billiards with him and would "drop" PS nml tlO bills, nnd that Mi. Hoot had sold that Mrs Langley's side of the ease was worth ?ra.'OO or Ifi'tO to him. George P. Herdllng, proprietor of the Patted states Hotel, In his evidence, declared that Mr. l-ingley lind not register"*! ut the hotel on Hie dales mentioned iii the case. He had knotvn Mr. Langley for a long lime and lt would be nlmost Impossible for bim to stop at the hotel and the witness not know of lt. He never bsw him a idBPst at ito hotel. Tho witness test Hied to going to see Margaret OTirady. Shir bad said she knew nothing nbont tho Langley case, snd would have nothing lo do with lt. Th** witness denied the afar of money to Wells to go away. There was a thrill of Hterest in th- courtroom when William II. Langley xvus culled lo the stand. Ile gave life evidence xxith piumpine.* and decision. Hts rooms, he testified, were at No. 2114 Fifth-nve.. New-York, and his former borne wns at No. 47 noir pont-st., Brooklyn. I*6t summer be took bis family to Shelter Island on Auguu o, and ihe complaint li, this suit was 6erved on bim three dnys hiter. His father died oo December in, lsDO. and he did nut know until after the suit tva* begun thal bis wile had employed a detective t.i wa*eb bis movements soon afterword. After denials of the testimony of the detective DoscJioi, (hm ? week ago Saturday he left No. 234 Fifth uve. xvith a woman, and that they parted at Delmonlco's and met nguiu in lirosdxviiy and went to the Hoffman House, and of Ibo testimony of .Margaret li'Grady that ho was at tbe 1'nltei! states Hoted on August S xvith a woman. Mr. Langley was asked: "Did you register at the I'nited Slates Hotel on October Bl, 161U ; December ni, 1801; January 2A. March 2?, or August .?, UPS, with u woman, under the n*mo of Lawlor or aug saaa*0ta He guvc a pieltlvc denial of this. Ile said lu- OOOBOasOan passed through the hotel on his wuy to Hie elevated "Moilun and hod known the proprietor for a number of yenrs. A week before Augun ? last your be ha/1 left the city on Ito cruise of the New-York Yacht (Tub and returned on August 8. He went lo his homo in Li*ooklyn. He found his fondly in bed nnd hissed his xvlfe and children. After Ids breakfast he went to his office in New-York, whore he spent the day attending to business. At 1 p. m. he went home, crossing Ito Bridge In a carriage, and I ml. Ma futility to shelter Island, remaining thole a week, lie xvas not near tb* states Hotel on Augu-t e. The Siiturday night before he left shelter Island he danced with ids wife and they parted affectionately. un rross-examlnailon the witness Wenicd that women weie received at thc house "afton he hud his apartmentii. He ticing ut a ball a tow night. ago at the Music Hall, bul lu- had taken no om- with him. "Did you say to your wife in Ito presence of her Bitter that you would make lt-hoi for ber ll she did not get u divorce-1" "No." "Did you use pr dane language to her?"1 The witness paused and finally saul Vu." He admitted swearing In the presence of bj? children, but denied using obscene language. He denni saving lu B store ut Eullon mid Ilerrepout st-., on Tuesday, that be didn't care how Hie suit came out. {several witnesses were culled lu rebuttal, but they were In the main those before ou the stand, and brought out smne point* elle, ted by the direct 0*1 dence. A new witness wa.. Henry Eranie, butler ut the Langley House, who w_s called to prove that Mr. Langley was late In arriving on August H. A motion for a verdict for the defence un. the ground that, admitting the trott, of all the evidence, no adul? tery had been proved, was The case xvas then .summed tip by John E. Parsons Prevesllna Kui ure Miser.. If there ii. In this vale of tear*, a more prollOc source sf misery than Uie rheumatic twinge, we have yet tu hear of lt. Pi*ople are born with a t.-nden. v to then. DjBtUru, just as they are with one tu lOiisumption or to scrofula. Blight, causes hut develop this. A* Boon a* tbs agoulmng complaint, u.anitests itself, recourse should be had to Heitetter'a Stornack Hitters, wblrb cheeki lu further Inroad* and banishes the rheumatic poison from the *y*teru. Thia staterr.eut tallies exactly with the testimony of physician, who have employed this line blood ttepurent In their petyale piactice. There I* also the amplest j,roles.ional and general testimony as la) the efficacy of the Hitters for natlarla. User complaint, con f nation, indigestion, kidney trouble, aervouanesi atid a of appetite and flesh After a wetting, whether foi? led by a cold or not, Uie linter* ia useful aa a prc veuUxe of the initial attack pf ibeuniaUiia. nm tm a < sat net pn leo .lor B. tra for the defendant. He ptotursd him as trying hy all means i,, av., 1,1 the db, upturn >,i hi* family. Tua argument for tho pl.iinrlir was mode bs . v-.iud.-, Iteynoids, st io dwell upon ito nilsen ol :i iii "Tit il uni.,, in nhl, li voss, wore I,inion. Judge Landon's Charge lo tb,- Jury ssa. brief. Ile ile lr.??! t.. rliarjro thu Ute evidence of ,, pr.tnt- detective wai nol ba tmdf Ibe -"!<? tari* ol , xeriiut for Ito plaintiff In a sim fm divorce, The Juts wa* directed lo bring in a sea led rerdlcl inf*, a oft In r. loo MAIS 1 LODGERS IN POLK E STA TIONS. DR, BRYANT REPORTS Til Cl" THF OVERCROWD 1XG ? I" 1 Hi: ROOMS ls x HEX Xi I". TO THU CITY-i HEALTH. The Menlth Board bad a long conference yesterday aft.aa.ll, I/,, rhlef s,il,J.-,t of i'-l-' : s-|o-i wm c. ? liKigliii;-roo;n system In'the poll,- stations. Dr. I I presented a report as (be retail ol bl- lour arnon.! ito tadglng-room* oa Niturdsy night. President Mani . of Ito Police Hoard, wa* preseni during Ibe grraH'i part of Ito coiifi-ronc-. and promised to bi) Ito re port before I lu- police Cominis,!, poi . ni lb li meeting io -monow. Tb.- doctor'- report nada lu part as lol Iowa: 1 tm of Ito opinion Ibal prompt imu-nr-- should be taken at one- lo Imii, ate Hie Ia. i U Ito ilo.o. Jilt. Ibe Hollie Commissioners ol Ibis cit; thal Ibe limn ber of the kulgera In those room- -a- In man) lu ?tain .-. al 11,1- lime out til all pi..|,o !! li to Ihe Miami:, ol air -pu., and tho opportunity im proper ventlht lion, lu immy pisces n, ? overcrowding wan sm,, ,,s lo leiuler tin- i'lr eMi-i-nii lt otl.-n-ixe, III spile lil vt n ever voutllatioa xs:.s possible or would bo permlll.-d by those unfortunate tenants. tVtoii ii ls consld red tout these p.-cons ami ihelr rlolbiiig ure Binna n variably in ti, v. both from rhoh'o und mee *ity, and that niilmnl Warmth ls fostered by duse ionia.'. ..,-. inc to Ito absence ol suitable c*ov4'rtng, Iben, Indeed, one can mul. rstahd bon tb<- herding ol lia' poll I' I ? liol,lilllie persons can quickly IteciMlie a menari tu imbil.- benito, especially iii ibe i?.?-!?- ol such di ,-ases iis cbolera, smallpox and typliu* it-x.-r. ll a found lu tomi' Instant --s Hint iii.-'Ilml; ol a. on,mo.., lion was regulated rather by Hie himiii. ut.iiu. - of the sergeant on duly and tbe nrgetii'j ol ibe derna n.i of ito applicant than by any *anlt.iry '.slder.iiliui xvbatever. As tin- result of ibis seiiUmentol stoiidm-d of aU.-lilSsloll, tll-s" pinn-, liol i ll lf-t | llt-ll l 1 N I. -I alli overcrowded to an eitri iii.- d--grce, permlttlns w ? ' I* 100 cubic feel of air space fur each uci-npaiil In ma,iv Instances. \Mdle t ionise ,,r (bis kiini may nfiord tempornrv physical relief lo Itosi1 to wbuan ii I- g.v.n. still, no hating benefit whatever resnlt? from bnrlM,r lng unfortunate people under Ihese unsanllan and degrading sUlTOUndlnSB. In rles of Hie*, facts, I am constrained lo .invi ?? and aro* n.m ti." Interests ol ordlnurj snnltuil m, humanity and public Wifely demand Unit Ihe I" I: lug room, of Ito p> lb ? .im,,,, I,.s be pla,-.inlet the same rule ol a, ti,,,, ns retards Veiillliilloii aa.I cubic apace per capita us an- exacted bj 'In, dl'p'.irt mont ol lb" I,--, pei-- ,.r lodging house* In Hil* elly. I ,-im ii it i?. sax. bus ever, H.ut ihesi measures slioiibi be culed lulu .Ucl at LAsVr, :i- Ibe lc-ult of ruell nen..i, would undoubtedly turn Into Hie stree! a li,rp.- no alter of unfortunate bring* who would nml lt dliiu ali. Indeed, loi ibis reason, lo proteel selves from ito contingencies ol Ibe pl soul severe winter. Honorer, ,s soon as |be wrath.-r orlll permit, this role of action should to eslabu?-, 'i and rigorously ii,.-leafier, li seems lu un? to to a sad i ,.m,i,ei:taiy. li, tl,.- prone;,, ,? ,,| t lie bon -'?? I civilization ol this country, and Ibe charitable Incllna Hons of il,,- people ol ibis pent rlty, Ibal belier messum ol relief cannot I-- provided f.-r this, the most unfortunate, iil-fui.-<t class of iii,- human i-unlit that comes uiider otocltl notice Iii Ibis elly. rn'O ARTISTS' SOCIETIES TO (UVE .1 " BTAO* The "stag" of the Nexv-Yorl. Waler Color Socli-tJ and tho New-York Etchlne Club, fo be given to.n**rri>W evening at the Academy of Design, I- certain toto an affair Of peal Jollity. Tho guests will have an oppor tunitv ta see the CihlhitJon of picture! of the tty i OTgatilTiitioiis, which xviii i,e open to the pnblii on Monday. Sapper xtin ba servod, and there "ill be no end of iiiK.imul metrlment. TUE JU El USE OF A swiss AMERICAS JOE EX AL Tin- '"Aawfttaatwhe tohsrsUaet gaiMag*1 al Mew. yorh, editi-.l Iv .1,.lin ii,, li, ba, j'l-l publish I I ?glendal iiuinb-r to Briobtou Um irrouty'litto anniversjrj af iis foundation. Thi? number cootalai um poitraiu ,f ito Bwlaa Btatestaea na* In powei at bt. and th swiss i-"i.rus,-?tatlse* ta Ito L'oltsd State*, bi areli ... ictnn-s ol Hie piitielpal buildings at Uie Cbleago I te .osltioa. t'nder the able direrUoo nf Mr. Fited rich Uh lieut oi|an of H.e Helvetian leaidenta ..i tate I ... MOB extremely BUtt*BStUl, ir.abilv be BBSS lt ba- J.rim.;. low to ally the old patriotic sent,';,ant. .,i ii, readers sith heir deV*tlSM und dntlc, U,it ard the United Mat -. Ibell Btoptsd lo'iiitry. 'J'l,-- "AmcrlkaoUche Sehweltiei t mutt' '"is roasmatlv displayed at Ut head .,r it he AaWTtCOa ami swiss ria;.-, trhotv lola* Billi ratenu.1 embrace and Inapin Um artlclei pul be honor and |ntere*t* Bl Ito two Republics, lt Blay ;e addi-i timi lu gtvlag Ito kAttoty et Ito Swiss-A nu- , ?au nawBgapet its editor forget lo aientleu tie- BU ? -- ,f thc- fund tillich nus raised by bli panei lot Ito a* ? i>tuncc of ito Swiss rlltoaes :>--i tnUt festf*] ii bv uro la be ll--?.'timi valleys. _?--ss-? A RECORD OF STATESMANSHIP. PR] SI DENT ll XYI.s's, CAREER SKETl DEL UV - UE HON. t SKI. S'.'ill I'./'. "rom Harper's Weekly. Ii may be said without exaggeration tlinl i - .tallon lu this country toa .ehiotn If ever been grac, I it ii mun of purer character or higher and wore ron rlentlou* collection ul duty ami more jailrioilc notites. His career lu private as well .,, lu public Ito xxus throughout thal ,-i fl inod.-l eltlien. Ile ?a btU lu Ohio iu 10*88. lltixliig received a liberul ?diicution, be devoted himself lo (he j,rai,ne ul ibu a xv, mid won Ito genera] esteem ..f Ito profession and f the public by tl.,11-liiy of bl- und ur liiiiviile-IHs iiiiri u colisi-leiilloii performance ,.( In. ailie,. He sought und fouiri i-uugenlal compauloiUililp imoiig persons of culture and high character. !!? irluilpb-s and sympathies mule ulm un antl-slavet*) nun. When, after ito outbreak ul ttoseeei lou move noni, the National i?nvei'iiiiieiit called lu .!. <? promptly abandoned iii, protspensi* prof, on a I ewotlee ana Joined ito army, 'the wounds he re rived attest** Iii, taloc. lit -gallaUt and meritorious undue! In battle," nml l.\ giving evidell.f Ito Hpabillty of leuOOKhlp, to i-;u-im*i for Mantell ibe mik nun command of a genera] ofhrer ani a plan urning Hie benvoal and ablest ,,l our riUsen sotdlei . ii isii-i a nomination ior Cougres* thought bim, uud e wa, ,-lo, led while serving iii Hie li<-ld. in ino" In? nis lioiuliiiitod for tbe lioveiiiorshlp of -ih.... bihI lected lo tliat office twtco Iii Buoce .iou, tun, lu rearing majorities, one canvsai i .u.,:,.- ujmiu Ute ?eiaiiist,!-uetl,.n measures aud the other nimn ihe Una ii lui hon. sty ,f the Natloiiiil I lovernmeilt, of Which In eeamc one of ito startHesi and im.-t uiirompromisln*' hampiotia. Hia admlnlslrations as liovcrnor were ithoiit u flaw in point or rectitude and good polk')'. ronttnnted far Congress lu ir-7_ to tta- defeated by .stroiu- combluHtton of oppoalng forces, ami tun re from public life, us J,.- e.sjioi t" U. for.vei. Hui C was < all'-d forth nguiu by u nomination for n, ?ovortishlii iii IH?.'., which be reluctantly arcepled, nd then lie bil in thut famous campaign for "sound loii.-y," the slrtorlous lasue of tthb., roaled t ia mil defeat of the Oatner-liialatioii movement lt x\us not surprising Hiat ito noifesl man whom nibllr plate had so often Bought, Instead of hi- seeking I, who by meritorious service had io sorb s u, ... ion the esteem and confidence of his fellow-cltltem itbool making enemies, mid wbo IfiTn become ,. ron "?sOttout a i.'pt.-r.enia-ive of public Integrity ami arrant! oiloies, should have bern arieded by t'n<- .Vail,mal lepublican Convention ot 1*711 as | safe mun lo bad tu- party?Iton seriously discredited by Ito exposure f corrupt practices iiihI.-i H.-n.-ral ?iri.ut"- sc omi .Xi] linlst rai lon- once mort to victory. The doubtful ? ?suit ol the election and Ihe dangeroili i lite I Ibnl illowi-d and wns finally Hetti, sj in favor of Mr. Jlay>-. re well remembered. President Haye* asKumed the lilies of bil otb'.- under cir. nm.tan.,-, ,,f uniiaunl Iffli-ulty. Had to been a triiUh politician, .? ? man f no moro than nu ordinary messure ol moral courage, B troald have Bottgbl Ito toVor ol Ibe mosl powerful lenienis of his pony Ital Ibey mlghl li^-lit bl- batlli-s .r him. This be did not do. ll.- bod nothing In i.-xv bul the greal Interesti ol ih- country. In li ?tier of accepiunc- be had, B4*eo!*d*ng lo t-onvteilou. ,ng entertained, laid j-'r.-ai -tr.?.. u]h.ii (be in.iiy ' a thevrougb r.-roirn of ihe civil sendee, in hi in ,Bural aaoreis to reiterated with emphoal ii deter lim lion lo curry on Hint reform. He formed bl* ubiiiei. not wlib ii view to pl.':,-,- ito party potentate*, it with a vb-w to ibe aarcewfnl exeeuUon ol Hu ork to lie done. H.- hud hardly entered the IVhlle on,.- xvii, -i to began Jil- preparation* tor tl,.- with awiil of the troop-, from ? Hm eitate* lately In 'bellloir-n.i?i -/r.-j.t and ttl..- measure of nacHlcattuii libh relieved Ito Southern people of tbe cur ?? ol culled rarpet-bog mle, gare them ba-lt Ihei ell iverninent, and became the sturilng-polnl of that osperous devriopmenl which xta- now tohtiht. Thi reosury Detriment tl on..- rigiwonsly prepared for ,- resumption of Bpeele psymenis and iii" reduction ul funtlitii! of ito Nan.mal il. bl at a lower rale ol forest. Tin- lii'sidi-ni by Rxeeutlve order warned ibu.- otiicers against mesMllog srlth party politic* and e tovylOg of Jiollilcal tiss.-s iii-nt-?: comp, lilly,- ex nlmitlous, discontinued umbi- President i.rant. tt.r. sumisl lu Bevevol of Ibe depsrtments In tt'ahlilngloii id Hu- 'gtVai lioxi-rniii'iit olhcea in X,-?l,nli, and bsciiuenily (wo of Ho- principal and mos) titers in Sets-York were removed on ito ground thnt ey bud mude Heir olin -et headqiiarter* ol political snagement?an ari highly offensive to pnw.-rfid party nd.-rs. While these measures were ii-ceive.l willi favor by e InleUlajenl patriotism of Ito country, Ihey oroon-d B lesei.tniout of ito praciicul is.1,11, lan-, bini, nnd tr? tho withdrawal of Hu- troop* from the south, le? ns* lt woukl turn Republican imo liemocratic itett; the (lt il .-v'lVlce Reform lll'II lin-, lieonll-" M Hie patronage oVtinaln ol tl,.- memtor* Congress mid Hie purtv BBB gnat* Thus Ito Opposl ,n io Hu- |*t**aja>nl li, CJongresi nnd In tta party anetta mew sie*dlly to Etrength and violence. Tto -oinmeiidatloni made bv tl,.- lYcBldi I.l an'! tho bead ll.-par!mellis wen- lenlempiuonsly tbrottn aside ?cn ito gnanctal rnsnaures ol (to Admlnistrntl si at >? miler.Hi, and a -dta-r bill pataed over the president' io. Hut be st...Kl firmly by his prinriples. Tl, Bttotn policy imilntnln.-d. tue r.-suniption ol >-ole psymenis BOCCrBflfUll* effectod, ami ti,.- ii.<l a nor of Ute toantiy pi tm t rot. lt l< Irue (tat Ihe ictlcal re ror rn of Ito civil Borrie* f.|| sbort of Ito -?inai ppogramine: but. cnmMarlng timi hi* pi--de .sot- bud Btaodoned Ihe whole svstem, thal Pi -i at Have, and i!k- beads of Ito Departments uni,: ii bud to xvork without any appropriation* for tb" rpoao, uiid si'ere at evert riep <,b*tructed und assailed a hostile Coner""*, lt ls r.-marl;a'..le not that m. ,re. but that on nincb of permanent value ? is ., nplisiiisl. If President Hiiy?*s dbl ootonrry through complete reform of Hie ('(xii sortie,-, h.- cejt,,l?l. ?ed that reform from niter Bhtilhl'utlou. ;,nd -rave lt n jr nnd vIporoiiM impul*"'. wlHeuii arbleb Its 4Ubse*"ju.-ui ip-ess would hardly have been i*>sslble. LAKEWOOD TRAINS vo New-York from station c. n'r.,1 Itallrand or (few ?sey, foot Llbertv-st.. Norlh Klxor. at 4*stt). g:|_ m., 1:45, 3:40, 4 "20, ?:15 p. m. N'j bninlay Ina. ut THE OFFICIALS 8TAHED. M.'Mt'Il S * I' THE H4X IslN ; YAI.I,i;> CASK i Lint I* i rti'.H Pl x tTOR nu.i. >* 'in' (?IIOUIaDCR. xvii Tilt* COI'RT OFFICER" IRK - ['RPRISEO STEVENS! S Bl'RKf* x xx tin; R& '.Ins ' eli r, . on ll irhe In Ihe Hoi h lng Valh-y Raliway -a- wn* continued yestcrtoj In l'ari III ol Ito supreme in.rt. Mr. bari." wa* in the wiine- ? ? r the close of ito mes lng re* alon. Most of Ha time wai tx ipled In reading extracts iron, tb" testimony In prevlooi r*.**** In whlrh (to *?-.. ii., i". | bond* ka vb |.., I, ir.-, lived, onli an ,,,,;.,<- . n toing din lcd I" ito -'-; ' -? Tl: ? pr >.. ? dh _? '?? re ll] exi eedlngly tedi? ous, und during a large portion ol tl." dav ito roar! room pr.-"i,t"<i 'i" appearance nf sn afternoon 'a. vvlthnoi the ladle, and t-o lea. benator Hill aid i*s ? ll ur -fi *. Coe ','. ahvL -<#? *__*?? /I III)fl 4 \ ^s\W^a(\M U \ . wLmmmW '?-l Wimiml M8|L 1 LNts ,1" '''I s: N tTOR lill.I. I.-"Hi's vTISE. hts .i ?*lal( . I'i'n Root, Charles P. Ma, Lean and i : ni,., h. Hunter, ,,f ? olnmbns, Ohio, Jobed to-.-eih.-r ,r m|i!, Hie opposing i.ciii.-i. Joseph ll. Ctoote, I ieneral I'-ei |amln li Rri tow, Hugh L Cole and I'nvld Wilcox, Mr. Ilnrto and Judge Ingraham ex changed s word .... a-i.,n;,liv while ihe irroansel wore ?nd t . r ii- v?? ii," moBotony judge IngrsJinm gol up frequently .and l"i,k"d mil ,,f ih,. stii,! The Jury had tang ilnee ceased ta wond.-r tt'int n wa* ail iii. nu, and were beginning lo gel acquainted with each other. JOsl :?!! ii , ii" iTE 'j I... objei ? -,f ito i i" cs imliiBtl ? ioi led ij Mr. Rout, os lo rsra ffml Karto out iii- as rlatei had given nu valae lo n-- railroad rompani In exchange tor Hie b md . ? scept ,- nala , oal land n ,,ii,. Mr. Root, In emphasising this point, tapped s-nnlor lilli' .hould, r bi \ eral ilu? . 1 be court ifB,lui* dared Bl tich familiarity x-.itli ii,,- deua ex nncblne. and the .-? natur lootod embsrrsaaed. -i Uren, anything mon ' a ked Judge Ingraham lever*] limes. y*i. I'huale ashed Mr. Han'er if tliere had toe* ii or 11 h'm i ? t np for thi* ?? han i .-r Ibe ,,| riimpan] ' lurk, Ihe ..i.j.-< bril ri.,' ititi li ri (hal Bil Ito ??-?'? rn r .-r ito coal stn k had ,;.-..,,I t? ibe transfer. Mr. HUI objected, and lb abjection was u lal nisi. Mr. Choote then a tod ti: i 'iii.c. i v.. i: xii \ . i i.'-r :\-. yo as <nu cition*. .mri t, dir.n :, verdict for ito defenilants on to ground lhal ito plaintiff* had no) ixrtnhlh-tod srii ? :,i..i .,;i ito ground thal atoy were rocinibsi imii bringing ibis all by reason ..r their greement ta ;, -nit decided by Ito Ohio coarto. .iinigc- Ingraham suggested thal ba aired a pr* irma verdlrl fr Ito diiendani , with Lave t? both ld.-, to argue Ihe rase, if np n argnmeni to boold .-"il.- to reverse Ito verdict, both stales limb! have a,- opportunity lo Introduce new evidence, Senator Hill sugge-tiil ibal tl,.- Jury l?- tl ctiargjei \ consent, Ibal the ai**mmenl ls- toord, and ii,.i: udge Ingraham decide a< a Judge In equity, |*he li-t.. n , m ali. i. but ? ito] rodd aol pee ila- rouri ndionrii ii until lo-dav. If ito counsel free aloin: lb" Iii", .ii.-.-.-I,a|, a v.-tall, I xi Ul |?. Irected; if not, ito xv til proceed. THU) WANT EXTRA ACCOMMODATION, PPMCATIO.XS sir. 'j T . 1 ni: DO j, RD OP I U'nitl cxi. COXTROI, BT srx'i \ COMPANIES. Tho Hoard ot Electrical t outed held n grot ? < i ini' \.-icril:,\ fur (he year. The iio.ini bs i,-iiir'ani/.si bj eleetlqg Mayor Qlb v rtolramn id Commls I h. i Mo-- wc reta ry, lu opening Ito oceedlngi Ibe Mat,., said lhal I,- prop.I ta seo If ii could liol to o,,n<|in I",! oil -Ull" -t I.mat!. it**.*' Application* wore i.-i.-iv-u (rom seven com nibs fur extra BcenmmislatJcms. rto Maiihaitnu lectrle Ugh) company, llnriem Ugbttag Company, etropoUtan Teb'gtaph and Telephone Coospoay, inuit Morris Comp bj nnd rails.,n (*ompan* tofeod r ROW Ibr.'-Inch dud tu tallou- 1 a allll-,. The opire * lt s sill, i,,mp,nv proposed t-, build sub syi fm- iii. Billson Blectrica] lUumloaUng Omnpany (tooth it., BS far north us Itei-l.maii : in Chambei*s'0 a, ra, a ,i iii U'lauc. Worth, Elm. Frankln, Wail,, t, e-t Bi aaa** ay, Canal, I'rond, IMoonie, Spring; Hiiiue. m-ioii, MoM, Mun,"'it mid Marion .sis.; lg loath flt, ave., lt Fourth, Madison, Cnlver-iiv Fhif. ,tu teeni h. M-fteeoth, Xlneieeiitli. Tlilrtx ninth, Fifty lll, rifty ei'-lilli. ,-si.XtV S-MUIIll. .-cVenUelh, .si-Vl-lltj ?i. Keven.) fotirlh, Bevei'it* rlghtl Baal ierenty nih --1-., ami in Fifth, Hath and Hurl; ave..; ul-,, Iht Telegraph BBd Baal Company fl dm t m Crtmt , and one ta Seventy ninth -t. io the Ba*lerBiol The appUraltans wet* all, on Ito Minors dion, io ti,.- i,iw gBvertriag the s?,,?,,\. d the paymuiil of e-iai.ii-insi rentals, x.tb.- nm rtai on all,il.s that bo OOO*!] paved Orris stall be disturbed In-r-uller under BB] dr mri ,n cs. rto expert, S. H W'toelor, offered appninltona r,,, la*,'" ol siihri diary conni?< Hons. Ali were Beted sThleh axceeitad gao f.-.-t In length. The privi ? ra ml ic i h' ?? Filia ana rheumatism, 8|i4-|,sia. p |.-s. liv.-r complaint, biliousm*.*, al any ili<- a-,- Bria**aj /nun an impure* state tlio Mimd. On.- oi taro at night <>n hu empty im.iih. fm a xxt-tk m two, xxiii keep you in uti form anl touo up thc s'stem. Wi (??i 1!,i i,ll bis Dh Col M, am Let Xiii uv dr, De kn-o of un,.|>ie nilly one street xviii, nxerheiid WtltB un, .illitved. Tie ujiplii allon Ol th" Xorlh Klvct Blectric Light Conipuiit io erect pol.-, hom V-mdor "nv. and imo bu" ic-la-id Hilt--'..xth -1. I.) the Klngsbrtdge road was PRIZES OFFERRD RY THE SM ITllsoSlAS. ::i x* xv i.i. BE FOR MW DI?C0VKRIK9 ami i s-ivs sin,cr TIM' xtx: iSPIIERR ttashtarton, Inn. Sh.?The annual rneotlng ol Ito Regent* -,f th- Pmiitaontan Ittstltastloa ?vos toM ta day, ti.,. ciubeePor, chlel Justice Faller, presiding An Interesting IncMeni -".i- lbs presenttllon of the portmll painted by I! tori Oo**aoa HaftUt, >' Sam S .1 H. A ll:- !:,,,. Tliom.-i, '.. Il fright**, -st li ?o total -rirt bi (he Institution ?iii. it ls believed, aanranf to a qr.artei of o BillItoti doBar*. It wat an? nounced that a grand Hodgkins prise <f gi0,000 xxiii to (tflere-l, ,p,-ii ', all Hi- tv.,lld. for a -realise em i. lying som* new a-,,I Important discovery In regard 'o flu; r.ii? .r.- .md properties cf Btatosphirle air, i Hodgkins pri/, \ 9&J0DQ '.ur Ito Bkisl otJslael irv ?--r. ipili (be i.i,..un piopeitbis ,,f atmospheric ?ir uridtred in their relationship* i> rasearch lu evert department ol natural - Iti ?- Bini Ihe Importance of i lindy of iii,, atm,,-plier" cotisl.lei.-d lu vlexv ol '!ip.e relatio.iship.. tho propel lill" ll ni of fuiiir :??--at. h In , un", lion wtlb ito l-npe: lections ol oar knowledge of Blmosptorte air, and or the coniteeil>n* il Ital knowledge with ottor wlenees. A Hodgkin* ?j './?? of 11,000 ttiii ai.o to given tor Ito best pipnlor utUe npon a:mo-o!,erio air, Ra .properties mid rein ??..ti-iiiji. (IncliHllng uio-k- io physical anal ntttnttl hygiene). A Bold tin-ilnl ls ul,., ti hg ,lrml(. under Ito mimi if ? Tlio Hodgkins Medal ?( Ito smithsonian Inslliu .ton,'- tthici: ?iii i,.. Htt.-inbsi annually or biennially, i a Important rontritmti ms to our tarawtedgB of tho i.itur- mid ii--ijit-itli-1 of ttroosphertc air, or r^r pru. Ilea] iipplic.-ilion- Of "ir existing knott bili*.,! Of Mein io ihe welfare ol mankind. ?secretary tangley .spike .,f Mr. IMgktns'a ur.-. i, id lune ixt\ \.- ni-1, tchou a poor EngRsh miter hoy, wrecked and lu Ut" hospital al <'.butta, ba fia Bled ihe resolution i,, amass i fortune ani lo devote ii pl,Itanlhropb- purposes, Tho circular anoounctng Ito , irrespondenta ,l t prise* will si,,,, | I i all part* .f tl.- globe, of Ito .-mltlisonluii, th t"iu ol tt,.nnecllon* mnv l.e shown i,v ibo fact that au edition oi Hi.4mo ropies bas toma ordered. \ i eu d. tan i.,i,il,,- seal ol Ito InaUtntloa by m. I..iii,I.ii-. ,,f .Veu Vlartt, was ad pied. Tho alfuirs of Ibe in-1 lt ti it >n are In a prosperous condition, ii- endowmenl land tating recwlly tern materially Increased. THE CONDITION' OF TIIE TREASURY. x REPORT FROM BS**CRr*TART l* ivrr.i: TO CHAIR MAX gPRIXOER. Wu-i,huton, .Ian. ti. cu airmail Springer, ,,f thc ll'ayi aa,I Ki -ails l orninll lee. tnda\,<| fnuii Seo retary Foster, >.r do Treasury Department, the state to im- I...ii expecting tor -onie lune, .touring the ,.tnlltion of O'- lien.,,ry and lt., .-tim.-iiod loiidlllon ,t ii,,- end ot ito pwaem and hi iu- ead af ti,.- n.-xt Meal year. The stuii-m. tu ihows' lhal during the aa -ix montbi of ti,-- pr.--, nt ri-,ni y,.,r lae receipts nan all tanrOri xv.-r,- *-J:il.41ii.-Jl.".. ;,nd Ito ,x leadltarefl -f-:aO..'.7i,iii)i), leaving un rxe*sfl of r.-vonuos ncr urdlu .rv eipendllures of tT)\t4-*MOO. The mil, i, Ito I'r-a hiv, InchnUng p..ld r.-sirx.-, July 1, 1 ella.;. -a. #1::-.'.l ia,-l-'il. mid on Itattemtot Bl, IBBS, ri-".'. ''.'J,.'.-ll. The total e.iiin.itfd revenue* r.,r (to ti, al x--,r ead ng .lum- BO, iago, are ?-'i'',>',.';'*'i,:r.o, and Ito total .Hauled expetrofftraret * mt, UTI, :i jo, leaving un es '? sui pla. of rca-lpt. ov.r expenditures for tho nrrenl Bacal year ol rxartlj P.l,4MO,4)0O, The "-'l . l-l, lralail. e uVsllnl'I" Jillie 30, I IBO, ll place,' il ?si-.-o,n.ej..i77. which lucbule. f,,t rb old reserve fund. I'or Ito ii'-xt ll-oul year, rt*1lB| .lune :ii), IBM, Ito er reta ry estimates lhal ito revenue* irom all sources rlll ain.iun! io eaii'iM-l.-'b'.J. und ibo erilmaled ? \ sn.iltur",, which, however, do ott appear la include ai ..lian-a, is umi rXlinordloary espeodllures, al eir.7. a'.i.a:;.. ot an esttBmted turplui of aXPA,ao6fiO0. To 1,1, Hi.- s.-cr-iary udds Ito ?j,.o.i?i?-J.:i77 rash balam Ik.v.. iii" gold r.-.-rv.Routed ta to available .lum io, i-'ai, Baking an estimated available balance on una 30, i-.'A. ,,f c'.:;,s..j.^o7. ir..m which mut to educled P_,tx)0l000 f.,r lodematlon of pu,t due bond", i.i-tion.,1 wt roney and Notional bank notes, and IjUOO.OOO for pinbabb- payntents an mall tutetdtary ? minni,, |MVlBg 'he Milano- 4*17,BM, 107. Then mu tontroel liiHUtl"-, of alwait lb* iimoiint of iii bi!;,n..-. jud it is estimates! lhal lu m tract* will to pnvnbie In iBsM, Wblrh would bring ..- rea] working totanee doora to P7,h5*,4l07. The i petali urea on account of pensions estimated in this ai,mut for Ito nevi ll-, al yent amount to glOO, II.:!.'/', or an lu. ca-.- ov.-r tli.- am iiiut which lt ls t|m;.!--d ttlll b-r -p-iil lol pensions this [ls, al y ur r ..nit- ?',.v.*8,:;..". In a separate ,'iitom. nt showing lb'- .ontrart lia littles etlstlni Dei ember 31, im?-j, lt l- Mated thal I,- natalities on i-uiriicis ou existing apptoprinllons ,- ir",;,,i7:i.!,:?,.';, of which li l- exp.-ted itint tn. iii.a.'it still bo .Jip ?ml.,I iu the Iii. al jeir IBM, <i fni,j7'.,,u::7 iu the ii-., al year 1804. The - re ry's -Mteni.iit ior IBM shows ital the BtO.iTa.O'W inimri Itabilitles ur io bc deducted Hom ito tt7. .?.?iii7 ol balanee above ito i-'-'id reoexrve esllmattsl available caah, bul li does not ihow rieorly in-iiier m.- ??:'..jv.!,:i...-> of i*ooti*cta t> l?- lmhi in ?li.'l lian oi Las not I,-.ii deducted lo ibe estimate Isivo Hu- l-'old re-er--.- fund) of BHU.lUJri.M" a* tb -nm,'ed nish i.i,lum.- available .lum- au, 1BB0, oiikIi ii N prtsumed ii wu. dislu. i>-.| in figuring ,- i tah -valance. Vrrj lillis la allowed io ito riuk X fund lu these estimates, und a iiippletnental at. in.-nt piax-s ito esilmaled balance due the fmid i-..- :,,), Hui, in |as},tWl,4ta7. ER I DE .-IV/*) UR I DEC ROOM ARRESTED. r.TI'.cTlVl s Txkk a J a Ki'.V'.s, NffWItTMADE WII'H Flt-,xi itixr. I ld nco. Jan. 'J...?A ueddiiii* rcceplloii thal wat lng told i.i-i eveolng ta honor of lha BMrt*t*ge of i Baale c.niev, of m. Louts, nmi .loim hloonay, B ctoj at Itawthorna, ?wns rudely Intorruptad by id er lives Dteb nnd Egan, af Hi" Central Btatfna. Ita i.l" and bildecrooiii wi-rc Brrcste.1 while 1*4 fix lu-; .- , ouBraiiihitliitis of friends, and tukeii lufon- Cap in ii taja, who ordered thom toafeed up for tha Bight, Ks 4'otdey. or railn-r, .Mrs. If patsy, |s th? daughter, ls Bllegea, Of a st. Louis millionaire. Her lather, i!ll:illl Conley, ls lllO Bt Louis reprOSelltilllVo ,,f u Dun A- C.. Ile lives nt Xo. 2,'AOi I'liio-si. A i>1mis;,I of inarrlano from Ita Jockey was incepted by I-, conby, bit, ns .-iii.- fore-eon, her parentl mid not i'ix> their eanaanl to lha union. tari uiiiiiY sim etopod Irina Bt. louis, and waa mei by r lour In this city \csl.rduy tiiorninp. Two ,,,,uis n-r ber iiir-'ht Ito Cbtaago poUce wore oahod to watch e Alton express u|N,n Its arrival bore, ns ll was ppQ al she bad taken that train. Miss dulcy nnd Mend id Mooney's bril Un- t nil ii ut liri-*!,! ,n I'urk, lorn a currluRo was In xxiiltinj'. In this xvny Hu? tu portal and Ibo Chleago police were outwit tod. io P*nty entered Ita carruno- _nd drove io the oin, e .lii-tlco Doyle, where they xv-to maini-l ul noun, xin.v, who ls tst?only-two yours old, ls on.- of the i known jockeys in ibo Bonttorn rieentt. hi. lur ls turf reporter for a tailagtoa] poper, lu which v MoOOey was born. Tin- couple will bo hold ni Mr. Canley arriveg irina **t. Loni-. m. Louts, .ian. 8B.?wiiiintii Confoy, Ha* tether of -s smile Confoy, wno married Ita Jo-kev Mooney Chicago, ls not ii milli,,mdr.- as reputed, but a ri; mi fl small salary. Th" family do not live In ii i,ional,lo quarter of ito elly, bul heep ljoui*ders it, unpretentious purl of town. Tin- tether luis gone Chicago. -? I I0/.r.t\o ACTIVE IS S FAY MEX HO Abbiulii. X. M.. .lan. ?jr..-Piideriial P.ak. i- Ito Ids of Kio Arrtta Cooifty. tttm Mexico, is bow la violent stat* of oruprion nnd is belching forth pliuroiis fume-; uud lava ut Intervals of about ?ce hours, each lasting about thirty BsfantN. This . toona Koine on finer the lust wool, lg Deeemhet*. e entire i.ip uf Ho- moiiiiluln. win, I, was ulmosl ian- and nbiui, a Brita In extent, ls blown od. aad ? lata ls pnurln>,' down lin- Kid.-- and hus already cd up thc valley for ubout one half milo on ench c. A considerable pirtlon of a ruined div of the ?lent clift dwelleis wall bc covered willi the ila,; ? ilia Hie eruptions coiiMniie. I'udertiul I'.uk ls ? of Ito BsOBl proinluoni landmarks of the Territory. ? tld M.-xiraiis here sax that lt bur,! filth In xdo I eruption In "hBB, nml dbl not rouse for niOflj year afterward, lt bas Min dormanl until lls -en, freak. The rambling uni wt and ibe HkIu can h. inly heard and sven at Marra Amarilla, wventy es dlslllllt. ba Tn lie el un Ml 1.0 COSSECRATIOS OT BISHOP HARKER Duluth, .lan. 0"i.-TI,e roii,ecmtlon of tiie Rev. Inti) lt. Harker, of lids city, as Bishop af Western orudo, troll pla..- lu M. Pauls F.jHs.-opal Church < murnini*. Tho -ai mon was pr.-ncli.-d by Illshop bert, of st. Paul. Amour' Ita fort*1 number Bf BBB*] and tfoiBJ present wen- lt. Wlstnr Morris, hop of iin-B'n: tollu P, SpauldlnR. Illshop nf or,do, Denver: lt. McLaren. Illshop if ChtengOi lib.n X. lillb.-rl, taristanl 111.Inp of Minnesota. 1 J. ls, Mcholson, Bfotap f Mllwnukoo. luther h. of Sun rranri-co, nnd Ki.lher Dubinsky, of iiieap ll., wen- present a* tat fowl ted ropresenln :* .I th* Qrooh I haul,, au unusual and sl?nltlcatil ?um-taimo. Illshop Harker will have here fog i vex on K'tru-ua i_. A thu ii .-I i'. li NORTHER:, FOR NEW-HAVEN iilK IIKAI, WITH MANHATTAN IS OFF. REW-TORK xvii Nor.Tiir.n.N. nowEVER, rr.xe TlC.tLLT A Ss LT. cl) IO VAM ll at IU L? INTF.UI'.'-T' Tbe m. r> arbo ure net unliit,-d with Hie facts cor retains, ito pnretase af ihe Nexv-Vurk mid North-r by I. rb-rpoiit Morgaa from Ito New York Lunn nm Improt .-meiit Company were stid i-eth-eiil xe-tenln In thetf pub!!' statements. Mr Maegan relNssed t Ubi bm Um ntbjeet, and ito djre**tcrt ol Ih ? Mantaltai Hull xvi, v. who ibillned to tali,- Mr. Morgan's BtBWtaa iitt blt tanda, bow bud aol bing to suv t? Ufo pu' lie. -otno Bddlilonal teeta, however, wore voaotei te by persons wini ur" In a position fo know Ihe truth It I- Bald tl,at to* proposition of piircliuse xvas bas... npon l*i for Ito common Btoeh of IB* New-York un. Nm Hmm. 'i*i for (he pn-fern d stock, and BO for tin -"ion.I mortgage bond,. Tl ?? pnvnioiit wu* lo ba in nb In Manhattan stock ut ito rate of IT9 ? thar*. Th. I.eiZntl.itlolis jue sahl to hilve lieelt conducted l.y Mr Morgan, under tin- bl.-a tl,at lu- p.s-...ssod mil nu Ihorlty Irom lin- Man bal lan board nf dlr. elois. Bl rtalmma of tin- spatial eomnrittoe on ex4*nstaBfl iVI,.-,i tin- matter came to Ito point of campttltag tm Iraiisf.-r, il,,. opporittOU nt li.-orj,"' J. lo.-.ld. Rm.-ell -ai;.- and otl,,-r directors cunipillel tb- BbOB oaineni ol (lu- deal, ibe price* were regarded a- extravayanl ami il;.-re waa a stn,iii; fe.-lliin thut Ibo rouU xvii* no! il desirable nouiil-ltloB for lin- .tfiiiil.itHm. The exton .lon nu, (isi far lulu tiie ciiuntry for an niblin r nd lo undertake, and lier.- xvii, lb.- fear lhat lls pu elms.. would Invite legbtelton eompeUIng iii- Msnbatlan ta Charge onlv .*i .-.-lit pat laager ians wi li n Uh- oliy limits. Il Waa current petBlp |., Wul\ Street Ital Um fa lure of Ito deal ulii, Maiiiiaiiiu tad cnusid d-illed iritioi taning tin- dlreetort ,,r ito efotatnd eoatpnay. Tatt was il. n I "il by some genoa* lu fl poslttoa to Bpeah uulliorllallv.-lv, but |t v.-is doclur.-il Unit not ii single Manhattan dli-etrior untsida of Mr- Mmgaii. with Um Boaslbfo exception of T. t . Ita atman and Donald Mac? kay, wns iii fax ur or tin- Manhattan pntrtaMng tii?** New-York niul North.rn. lt i, ii.-, i.nail on .x..-noni a ii 11 ,h t v. however, t II ll t tn- control of iln- Kew.yorh and Kortttrrn reata ,titii .Mr. Not*aan mid timt ttora ls nu undiis tandi ng but lt xviii bt Iraiisb ried lo ibo Now-Vork. New ttaven ind Hartford, or ti tbe K4rw-llaven ami tho Kcw-Yorh Central rtrada Jointly. Tin- taranto** of rontrol of Ut'- Nnrtiiern road by th* Kew-llatma is ibvloiis, in tint |t pun anotlier bloc]. In the xvav of I,, plans ol ( balle. I'ai'- u,s to curry lin' Ni-sv 1 Til md Rew-ltagbrod rood imo N.-w y,,rl. i Hy. Tta x'ori li.-i n road xvonbl also s.-rve ns an excellent ro iperallng Hm' fm- the Harlem mid. which ls loused o tb.- Ran York Central, mid xx bbb runs about urall.-l tu tin- Norlbern. Ibo inutuul Interests of be 4'ejitrul and Hu- Ne xv -Hove* ure as lo Ulrike t billilly pioliitble Hist u practicable iiiTUtigeme-iit mild to foriu.-d by whteh those two cttiiipiiub-s mild ulntlx own ilsa Now-York und Northern. Mr. Morona'a influence in tav Control sud tta New Isveii bounl, ls potent. If Ul taman Hs did not pre ull. lt ls MsriUa thut bis retattOO* to Hie pnn-liase f il. Nor:':?'iii limy be Hath Ital I.-- euiila restoro In- control to Hie origtii.-il Wlllliiey purly. Iii such enso, tbe mt nie tl veness of th,- Northern mai li be N.-w-YorU mid .s.w-Eiij.'1ui:<1 or Reading inn lingers light be decidedly rtstanred. lt I* nm eaajMaeind ?o.-lblo. however, timi ibo Now Kn (tl bi ul ,-upltiillsts ill bate un opportunity ta Bcenre (to New York and .ortl'in. Well-Inform**.! peoply lu Wu ll st. nay thnt he Non In rn road I, practically In gris* builds of Bhe ow Huton and Vanderbilt Interests nnd thut lt will uh I..- a i|ii.-.ii.,n of s short Huie totara Hie trana ?r will formally be uunuunc.-d. Tu Mi a I'.KD -.IT'KItlNTKNDKNT Yu. Ht I IF. KS. Tb- rica ney caused bv thc resignation of Theodore 'norh".-, genera] Baperlntgaionl of tue Row York ? iilrul. tens I1II.-.1 vi-sterduv ly the appointment of Mgm Van Kiln. Mr. Van Ktten oi.tor.-tl ibo rall u:ul senue In i-f I. and Biter terri**] In subordinate ap.i. tl. i ,u lin- Ki1>- puid, lu- becutiio siiperi'itetident f ito Delaware dlvhton In IBM, and of tbe Western ivisbui in i--7. lu i--.ii he wai appatnted anpar itetident of Un' Wi'.tent dlvl-lon ,,f tho Home, Wnter ,wii anti Ogdeoiliarg lUllr-.i-l, und the foll'jwlnu: veur ?? sa- niau.- BstaagOr of the tar Service Ast-oc|(iU'?i t liuir-jlti. For a ahori tim- lu ISMS **lr. Van F.tton toa sapartnteasfoBt ,,f Hie imi'ai, dix-ision ,,f the Le? igh Will.v. but for nearly n your bc ha* be.*n ip.-rlnteml. ia ,tf tbe Rome. Watertown und ? igden* j in,; road. Ills rojHilnlloii ns nu openitlii_ railroad ian fltaada hlifh. Mr. Van Knell xviii tBjaagad Mr. oortoes on February 1. A LIVELY i I Tl-lNi; ni' BATEB POBBIBUB. Tlio Wlthdrosral of ibo New-York mid New England uni th" **> und Uta AaBOt felton ls Inter-preied In illway circles as pointing to an early outbreak nf wnr of rates. Tin- Baaortttfoa is cosapoasd of all i,- and ste.un.r lim-, bctw.-en Huston and eiv-Yorli. Ita New Vork nml Ncw-Ki,ulina! BOOrtfOtt io Niirwlch nnd Wor<esf"r mid. bv tv bbb jt reach.-s trwfoh, and Iht Norwich lino of 1m,his t. Mow. ,B-k. A lively culling nf rate*- bv th- lOBttd afoot oon-ldor.-d probable, allia, it'll li > aggressive htep m vol been tiiken by the Poe boo* road. Nu IU'llII IN THE A It ll.\ Nii KM KN T. li tens stated l.v 4". I*. Huntlncioii yeatasday Ital en is no bibb lu tta arranpBmettl by which ? I, (? 1,1,-- p-is,es,inn i-f the San Antonio an.l ransiis l-a . Railroad in Ihe lutctcsi ol tin- Bontton uliic. ih,. truu-fi-r tat been delayed nt Ita ro? ust of Hie rc.r^anlsiiti'-ii committee, to eonhfa lt complete rn rtiiii matters. Thouin- E. Stillman will , Un- pt-cbb-lit of the AratttBS Puss xxl,en lt goes rmallv Into Ito conti".1 of the. goathem I'm llb', ie road ls now betag operated Mttatartorlly ta nutt I.Tesl. -s?. ?-1 KW BOOTI POH TDK ** WA.-HINi.TiiN F.XIMM'r-s." DOOtOB, lan. ?-?"..-The New-Vork and ffi n BBgfond i ii road Compaay tnnonooot timt beginning ,.u gita v. Jaaaary -ti, it* Pteahlngl in express will be mu way of Hie INmchK".-|rs|e BrtdfBj on account of ,? eaatlaaad daltyt i-au-4*il by be at Ni-xv-Yuri. id Hie flicoliveiileuce of sleainer triills|.-r. iiri'H ISTF.RF.ST IS THE BMW BASK. There ls a treal deni of nilli In Wall Street about I Bett bank timi ls simd to be slurb-d by 'William Winney, Gaorpe 0, ItaVOOO, S. D. Haliood, mid t.r P*eW Yoilt .-ind Philadelphia capitalist*-. It wus tlrst reported thal bhe capital would i>.- *h,4>s>,(K)-.), I li ls now sahl that lt will more likely be fiOOJOOO. It will do tnneh of tb.- business of the ?ti'.ipolltan Traction (onipnny. niul lt is believed it Ibero ur-- Standard "ll Interests lu lt. Rumor io bus ll (bal a number of prominent Tammany ?ii tove "nit".I lu Uh.- formation of tho bunk. JUDGMENT*. ARD WXRCUTIORS. The sheriff yesterday ic-clvcd another attachment allis! taroo! Weaber, builder, nnd president of the tatra state Ihmwtag Coospony, xvii,, xveut to Bnropo Jainiary 17, for -i> lu favor of Nichols ,v Ipwax. on thieu ptotoated notes. They nlso tiled llsuniilens on Mr. W, tiler's property at Nos. uno 1 lill St. Nicholas uv.-. Tho iittiiclitnoiit of .Iiicob Took, on Tu.-s'.lny, for B1.900 xvas "stat mi a pro totl Bots*. The .-heritr xvii; Infuiined yesterday by son of Mr. Weiher thut Hie latter would return tn i.ermiinx In u few weokK. Depuiy BhtrlR Mulvaney yestorduv receive.! au ?rutioii foi sH.-.'-J.*! unaliist William ll. Mcllroy, m,. Mer, of this city, who niuimlttod suicide tn Chicago. ssdsv. in favor of \ ulenlino M(k-s|--Iii. a rn ehlBtel l wns tile.l Bgatnri Hie esliito of Mr. Mcllroy for l'iki lu tenor ot Willlurd Miller, on proiicrly ut f bnndiad nnd rigtooath ot, and Madtaonstva. .xir. , llroy, lt is said, transfernri Hie house No. 470 | lox-ave., on .tantuiry 1^, to Henry W. Heuedbt, ! former partner, fo' pa.tlOO. subject to a in,>rtgan;o I lints Fine Furniture. Ti See li ls Appreciate. In*lillshl?. - >V.> .-ls,, yon b t.-tv w oil, on furniture ry day. Hut these atc only fiishllglits un Hie subj.- n iccoud'i "**JdJag and they're gone. You bain ?onie . fruin then. (I,,,,,uh. int, ir yi?i'd bat* a lastliiK llpht on furniture, cull and u?. You'll lind atm what tte Balta bv artistic ami I Hillie furniture. You'll lind ont tth?t ive inoati n we say wo sell at uiauufartcrlns prices, .all. It'i for your own Interest. niY OK THE Mt KKK. rEO. 0. FLINT CO., 104,106 and 108 Witt 14th St. MANY LETTERS RECEIVED. MEX WHO HANDLE THE .-.AIL* I IJFTTI II TIMES got SITMP.INTKNDKXT CO?W. ,_ MoitoAB and jackson ;VD")NKI-ia. OT1IKK I'MPIaOYI-'.lga Th- POStaOOPfl abtSSI* I, a si.uncl s,|,i.-ii 0110 n?v - Tht in-'-.tit lt lataBld om- fools mi Intorc.t. iJJ '?om I O.K 4 || ll,.- totara for me? Whu cai. they |, ,, lean gaad n-i-.-, ur i, i' norw,.. ... . _.. ' OOaiai* crisps, ju anaaontaaaagj At ell times ol BM year and In all kinds ot ?-,?___ ihe BtMttnao mal;.-, hi, r.-gulir round", n th ?? anTr brsttol ,?,|,l?v,-,,, m lbs ortho nh- ?,?, ,B1|waint f ?? of oar ..a,:.-,, . ixlli/i, ,.m. HON :..- root* Interj Lilt, csnaecud arith i-,,--. 0,11,0 Bflajaayaas: ^ Mr. i). c. Ceaklfo i. saavriBisoiom i? rnttmst-l Hera ar the tfew.Yeri. Pom Ogfoe. i? ??. ... 'ei/; laaervfo* ha -.ila: -i tad trntmp f.-t.-i sobh lu .X Lib ina fi oin bli tarty Jn-idii - .'.cars .ss 00) laver Mme that tim, 1 hate Leen a tammi l4>u*oesa aol ic il,r.a. It ba, iittir-ked ,,. J?_? ?ns. Bhani ivory tnt at ks, t tove hs| foeabtS t*toi and teileral iinlltiu-ss for wok With Hu.* ,? licks. I nate tri,il ulm,, r BeiiyihlBg, uml to ?? \i.ttju j until i bega* fo aaa tnfo**a ttttty "*ar**tad, ja 3 rand Bta in bm* attie k riaae i bsa** t, .^^ _ ta.7 um ? gieai kettater ia it i?.v,,:i." 1'Jttni M. MaigBB. le-,! S':j> rll.-ivlc;., 0f (tM. ~ Delivery. N.-w-Vuik Pa t Othes, sst.: "MT ?if? wu 17 weil and 1 ;,.,<! I.,-, ty paine's celery BSBqwatd, ind ilia, dom- hoi noah (food, and 1 shuil bat.- I-.-: esathj*W tom it." *R Mr. K. C. Jack on Superl'.t'-iid.-nt of the Ralls-|T u^ Borvteo, nada the tolfowlog loMA-sttag s'.>>,,ieo,. ??*? xvlfe bas |,iik been un Intense siilfi-rr ftnin jstbrsi I gav* ber bmbb ot taite's rttasy eaaayaaad, ?i?i ittonn] M hst BSin*, acted a. a foale aad I "-:i> litetl kr. 4?Uhm Ktcotly.-' Mr. Baoasri II. Uowno, 0r tho AdxTrtiaa] tyt",,,, jj^ I acti.ii'tit, cli.-rfully Ind'.,*-, the laregolag In Uie tsrlWisrui. noni.: "KotMog beietofar.t evei sa vs m? mm- thfo moponry lettrf f,om* hms- Btandlng rase sfsriaBfo^tf I tried I'aiio-'s cei.-iy ranpaoad. Thst fottadM nata liss dune mo a neild uf :; mhI. and I un cnlidrtit Uti; ts t iii I,cake ii pei foal cat*, it is a fcMghafoap eisy mt ptfOSBBl ",. ia nt. too. and I am gfod I tn>-d lt." Mr. T. A. .iBrdiiie, Aodltef af the pi,st Oast*, ireifla from experlenco. ??! hsdOIld n,f fath.-r to nv Um eiiiiij-outid." bo .aid. "and with s'i'lkf?ctorv insult,, u. is dtllgbtld with M and mach ta|BB?t< ni fotBh." Ur. a. ii. Moo*, BsOBeriofooOoat nf Baan, gew.TeiB Post Ogfoe, i* j i.t, as BotBgaBan Bs wt. i 0l,e been u .ins- Paine's celery etnpoood. I Uki lt tiwi *,?< BBd shall continue to BBB lt as ,i ,?\j'lte. Many ?f rha carrl.-is toro, I knott gi renal1 v. ,- Bong lt md ons bets* creails* lamented." Mr. Joli.i, Bbl aetMmowi fotani and cigar anal r, wtaaa pfor* ht din tit tippmttn ari Phi natte, nat t iiii'-rlv a Post Office etiip'oy.' . In .;?, iking 'lpm foi ?iiji.t above ninti,h.ei to ms aanMBBg*, Mr. l'.l-.k.-ly's ?t stein lc cam.- -,. I Statute1 by r>v?r?orB Bod apt licetu,n to i Bataan Uni ka ?? Btnetid "it* ia. B*anlfl n, tl hail :?? a ta o' BlgM r li,,- pi.rpos* of tektag fu,4l. -I ari, boggy fo sty, kowever,M he s-ubbbbbb, "thal lion, tin- BK "t POtoc'l ? ? I- i BBipnOg I IB, rn* able ti, flfoOp ?">a f ulii'-lf rll BlgM, aial I otvc trij- ja> ? ica-oi ii BHh and bapplnen tu it* on. it bi* sin baan af g-.*at bs --tit t.. bm tnrfoOB n..-n.u.-r. wi my faii.i!".'' lt .au ri-.dur Ik' ano tan iii. above Btu no mm b*a 141-m tin- t jiu, ..| .a an j l.t.,,a, aad Berra form ?ay to, fbi, great ,n Bovary la sbts ;?? natrri than bb* ..',.,. gfo tta-t ,i Bowen ,ad nssae* t>> trim anpoi ?*,. dlOiui. lt has le in *ucce?<fully isca in most pronusenl iit*,, willi- aroona iinii M lantaable ia hm nooy tr)t,g ..Iteurestaticcs fo vthnli lb...?'?.','1. of gm.tssi. na I, ni-o i,-i>.,!tisi f, bat* imnm IBO A bl lindon BQnnrn Hotel property to James W. Thompson, OB -laiiuury i. Tho -lieritT vi-.teiday neal tod BB execution for 4'lD.l'i". Bgnlnal Hu* Phuetnx Mining 4 mn pany. et Xs. ?lt, in favor of Kdward 1. Tsiiinprsn .ludaitient [gr fflu.tsVT yy-.i* yasterday entered .mlast the 'ivegoi, I'ollie llmir.-ntl t'otnpoiiv. In fat -r af .i. ii. Poi dy, hs oaaeator ol tb.- cattle of Jicob llulct'-d, for delii icm y on the sib' of some .ertiflcatn Of d.-ixislt xxhich wei-"- sold for i?7.-.'i?>. .4 FREIOHT ST EAU ER SEPOSTSD BIBBIN*, tren ate mterialosd that ins neoanhap i>. nat*. Whit li lett Uiis port OB Uer, nib-r IB tor (Jport*. tin lonndored al ?*a. Bb* taoad bot oat arrived st ? iporto, and tas not bas* apaa**a rinee sto fofl hare. sin- xvb.4 ii treiiibior <ii ito gnat Hump noel af La*. |M?it <t Holt. Bta was a lillie BOOB I.t**) it* regl-iler, and wis commnnded bv taptstn XVIllliiu*. Tin- Uonntl wa* built lu lasts, and Lalb-d lumi Liver pani rue Norwesluti bark All.-inUc, lum tbgiAira, N. H., for Liverpool, ban been glx.u up lur BJBth Hhs- leif I'I,alt.aa, on "i.tots-r tf, .md Ins uut taeO beard from tlnce. __-J a .1 BARBETTE FOB THE ABPHITRITU H.Lli'eliem. I'oi.i... .lan. J.*, i.-p.rlal . A barbottl for Hie l.overtimellt vessel Ampl.ilrl'- La* 1-nn completed nt tta ordnance wuk, of "I"- ImiliieheW Iron COOJjpaay aad will foata Ita nilli tor the Nar to'.k Nusy Yard io im-now morning. Th.-* Am pal" trite ls OB* Of tbe ninny vt-.. K Ita i.-'V.-b** t'oinpiiiiy ls euiiipplng xvltli armor. Thc vt-tanj sill lat* twa barU'ttes tu be t*t on the centre Uno tors uud nfl. rh.- Uni. He luis BB dit-ldo din meter of twenty-font reel five tnetao, and nu ln?lde diameter Bf rxventy iwr foal -Ix lii'li-". The arm r is elexM and ine-half Inches thick. The iMrhetta loaded to-day weighed Sfventyflvo lons. Tta valtaj of eacn barbette is if.".,<?.i>u4i. o r .tis asp r Ron rut' markets. ITATI'IH'S OF NI.W-YOKK DI'.XI.IN'.S Th.- speeoteUTo Balta af wheal ut ita Pr.,lae .-_. iii.mi:.' ycst.nluy wot* oil li Uuiitod ttnfo, I4*MPI bushel, covering the entire duy's business. The market opened steady, but xxitii Bstrenoed r-ieipts at too West, mid light clenrunceH soon deillited 1 n?l-B cent. Tba iiestern iiiurliots siro also wonk, lu Ita iifternoon OR iidvunee of I-.?"? 1 ??, ..nt t.xik place on towering by tb- shorts, and ihe owrtot closed steady at a iu-i docllae of i -,/ i-i mit foi Ito *iv. Tptre wen- go -siib-s of tho innuiry ipilon. I'obrnsry sold Bl "'tin 711 1 - cuts; Mai'h. it *"'" rO l-d cents; Xbix nt BB l^as, iii cents, mid Jul", at *'A 1-4**" nil j-- cent.-. Tb.- sp,,f .linrlu't diowi-d a fair move? ment ou export account as s result of I dei lill* In X'lilues of lt cent, shippers took 14J4.1*;.! bushels out Ol tho lotal spot sales of U'.'.UOO Ilihliels. Corn options optned :i-r"?l-_ cent lower, (toa re roven*! l-e</l-4 cont, ruled very dull for Boan time mid dosed ot a net of l-MS-B c-nt for tb* dsy. Q.o mariiet was without BpeefoJ future. Tbe sales of options t ||l l pilli ! it "OOO bushels, sud bushels xvere scld on th. spot. Ibo m.-rket ruled ii sbsdi- lower, bui closwl B*aX*tady, OWUBJ tu tal Uk",i local supply ru ai'.ibl-. Huts were dull uud Weah OB the option market, and closed at a loss of 3-?'ri-2 c-nt for tht diiy. goat oats were In moderate Jobbing ii-<iu< at un changed mites. li,.- linul i|ootaltottt were as follow,: .Isiiiiarv. 7.s ova; Felruiry. 7*> 1-H; Varch, so is: April, -i 3-g; Bar, ti ;;.s; Jun". *2 < o', .inly, .-:t 1-- coins. i .-rn-.iiiiiu.iij. o'.i us: Pehvnory, ?"?" M B3 lu: Mav, .Ya l-B cuts. ? ?ats Jonuary, 'i-* i-.-*: Pebtnary, 'is ia; 9B; May. ::t" l-B c.-nts. Lind.mumu \. fMltJO, Petertuuy, uni "iO: Hill 45. Mux, #11 fsV, Tbe n-coinis ot ^iain ,-iuti n,?,r reported yntMB*Jf it New York, I'blludelpir.a, liultlmoro iind t'-'t-tin wert ns foll, tts: tVtoat, TiAiW.' bushris; nun. '?"-?'?J; out.s, ll.-..,1)17 bushel,; ,.,i..,i grata, t*AA*M I'tisbols: flour, 41.350>s. At CblCtffo, -tar si. Louis un- arrivals were! xi'tieit. I-"*:.7ii? bushels; coin, .'! -".ibu i.ushois: ..als, 4ta_B0 msbeis; total grain, i,-.*i:i..i-J'.j i-iisiieK; Boar, -HRJ" terrel*. March, xi j ri a. Mareil, THI TRADE IN CIIICA430. ClilCOJJO, Jun. -.'j ,*?p.?chill.- hird was put up to lay over ii dollor B titree In urdci to mur* lu a tam? ma, Mhich bas been exhibiting tn-rx usiiess for roms lays past. Tho udvance In Hie May price from edi B *il 40 .tf. .led Ita purpose. Leopold Uloolo udtled privately a Uno of l'l.OOO threes wllh th* *Blrhtink porty ami boogbt about 5,(K><J tiena's adiltV Ional In the ..p.'ti innrk.-t. This B*e ,,-ttled. -Jw irlce xvas dropped QUlrkly -'<> orots I !4tMh. >'?? ,I>ened Bf *rU o7. sold between 1*<11 and #11 40. ant los.-d al '?ll 17. Kib?. xx. re illino t as iirtlve Bs lard, ult had bv BO means -?? Wide B Ha. tuatbui. Tilers BttBOd t j be a lot of selling of ribs by Insiders. Tli* less from flu- vai-ds for once had very little effi*"'*. "here were '_&,000 Ikii?,; prices wen* If. eenfo 1"**'*_; to i-stilnnfe for Thur div tt i. J.'..iV00. Mnv PX* old between if ino:, and tit 40, gmt lo-.-d al #H*-"?. luv rib* sold botxvech ri BS and BIO 1<?. and rUneu 1 ?M0 07. llloom fo "-aid ll linxe pocketed a lo-*,2! 175,000 on his sh ?rt lard. Itara ??* support raj ihssil again at 7rt cents for May. Tbe price sula rom 78 .1 4 to 7J*e. but closed at Tt fl-IJC. Whether he support came frum the t'udahv Interdt or whether l came from outriders, tailers, and t'udaby broken, o one I* abb- to ..iv. For (to BM -ten', at nny rat*. i hud lust Ito -ame tnfleet. Het.lpts her.- were am ar--: Ihe iBlloaitl for Tluirsdnv xvas t?_5. Minn"*' ixills and Duluth bal BIB can. The day'* tag eeiii.-d siuiiil Mud iwilniyartaat Carn brahe_iron 7 1-^ for Mav to 47 tonis, and at 4. 1 ?? Ik-re wu. a lim- of about .*:M).OfW bushels soid. ap arontly for the K*W-York crowd, which I* supp|i***s n be I .;.,!? ri. Oat-; broke HS cent, and el,-sod ? bout tho buttiiiii. Mnv w-iit from U to -li J_? nd chived ut :tt ??.-?". ti IM team. Fbts'sii *?* ull at :i 4*71 cent decline. Vax 1-foOBl at #1 ls l*s THE PETROLEUM MA Rh IT. FWS FROM THC FITLD AND RANT.K OF PMW** Tin- crude oil speciil.illon romulus nt a standstill. 0 tramsactloiia being yesterday at either ? lie New-York Encbang'S. Oil illy tjuotalh>ns were BBaai-4 cents, which xvere lower than the Ne** ork llirures on Monday. , , _ ?rt -^s. petroleum wns uncbiinged. al 5...0' -TVJ er gallon In barrell. :.-3-. c*nte In bulk ood "j" ont. In cn i.s. Forolg.. nuotutlons. *-*^An!*52C 2 7-8 francs; Bremen. 5.4i marlu; London. 4i*