Newspaper Page Text
STOCKS ARE LOWER. SPECIALS LEAD THE WAY. Fl'RTHKR I-Kl-UNK** IN* PRO>nNI^T IN PCSTBAL sil.vuis. ?ALES AT TIIE BT04 ? BXCHAKOB, JXM ARV it SALES OP BONDS AND Ilt.N'K STIX KS. I 1000 M A. H 7? HMO. 11.."* 1400(1 N C 4; St L 4 on.lluC. .?.ooo do . ttnVa isioo .V t A st I, lat. 128 ...Kio N V C 1st Reg.H*I'i r*f"t>Oo .lo .l'-'-"a I arno NYC* Bl i. 7000 V S 4s -l"iu|*in 114 Hi Mechanic- Rk.187 704V) Ala lian B... 104"i 80Oi At Col A I* 1st. rill's 10000 AU 4. P !"t*? 4?. 70-is 1(100 At T A 6 Fe 4s. 82's ta.,.I, do . S8"4 - MOO II lt 4 J' GM Ss.lOO'a 17P0O NY L t 4k W 1000 B c R A- N 1st _ BO* 2d Om.. JO. "2 Col Trust ia.... 80 5000 ?'?? ? ? ? ,0''ft-i 84)00 rto . ... I'-", ' '?""'i X 1 lc N 2d 4s sn , 8-KlO dc . I't'V , *"HM> "1" . T0*s 4400") (sui son 1st Ltd iO.'.'-j ! 2100 do . .'-i'i IO") CHI P A N Hs 105 I r*000 NYOAXV Con ..h 108 71*00 C. N J U M t.s.111'4 I IOIH) <lo lOs'-j mot. rle .Ill's 114IO0 XYOAW Bel 4s. *.. 40O0 Ch Oj O Coi 5s.104 , '.OOO tin. J*.1'" R?f<on d'.10.4-14, ".ooo iii. . "-??'* ,' iBooo Ch to Hen 4*??- ni-.. 1 11101 dn ? ??????????? ?4-s 1 1*4000 C R A Q D'h ">- "?'-' , -(,t'<) N, 1 B 4 w tat ' r.-yx) 1 n v g .".* iteiundinr- .,, io.,*, ; 8000 .lo ... 10.1'. .'.OM N Ys J- VV t.M. '' ' -fi-iOOrt Ch t Erle Inc 44 llOoOO V Poe Kt Bec**" 1 f*4f4V) c *?? K 1 on 5* 10l'? 1 H*oo N Pu. 1st (...ill .', 5000 d? . Hilij I 54000 Nor Pac Ca 5*. ,0 ?.?000 Ch A K Pac 1st. 70*s", ! -VXN) do . ???? "'"-J KifW) dt.7in- lanofl 23000 do ... 71.'", S>-fK?l r-000 COLAC Co Ut 'ip, IMOO V2cnn CP.IAP 5s Cou.10P2 iOnrm do .IOISj 1000 ,ln . 101'4 SlfS-l CP.IA.P D"-h 5- (?'! , 5*000 COCASt I. I in XV A M div ah Oi 4000 Col Mid 4s. 07 14000 Cain USB Cn nt Chicago lat r.s. Vt) .'.non CH y Bl -"?*- '"a. 3 8OO0 II S St AU .'cs. 100 10OO D * Waco let r.s. su ItOOO do . *7 4000 Ito . HTh . 1000 do.S7", 310.10 D A BB Del. 4*. S7 1000 do.87 '4 2--O0O imtiO Det MAM LU. 40 yinoo lunn do .it-*1- ' IO" 00 7'00 D-t DCH Ht. 73's ' ?000 4C00 VJ I le. Ill Co 140O0 rt , H**i N* Pac A- M late 88 1000 Xni th w 1 on Con lii.11 llnntl*.. .122 .8000 NWSP Deb 6*.10!>?s 50O0 V XV Hst 4S... OH 700,1 sou 1st...108 5000 Ore s la Os., nw 0000 do .lOSb loo,) On ln,p Con 5*. Oih 'Minn an. tan, OOOO Osweirn A. R "!d.lf*0*j 11000 P A- R l*t pf Inc 7i 40000 p tr. ll "ll pf ln> ? 'll tn " tin . IsH"* -.noiio .in .O'.ih 15000 PCR3d pf lue. li: d', do du do rio 1.-"I 111 "I lill-.. Ul 1,1'4 of V V Kt 5s I181. 100(10 P V ll Def Inc. Uh IOOO Ba A T tl 1st. 122 ,20000 P A- lt Def lue. 1.1 1000 Ff A T ll l*t I 4000 P A R C. fl 4... 84?? Mt.Viiion Div.117 1410M 1* 0 C A St L_ 10000 Ft XV A D C Kt.HUI 1. 4*j| Series A.102a fltxa OKI** Co Deb 5-.100", 2000 Pitt* A xv l.t. Si', .oren clo .mo1-- *>ooo do . sis 4Ot'0 C. R A- 1 Has.lOO-a 5A00 Rich A Danv '^?.107' f.000 GP.WA St P Inc 10000 Rh-li A XV Pt linc Tr Rec. . 'AV*' Col Tifit BS.. 48V I BOOO Int. V lit N 1st 110000 dr. . 48is I oupons off.lil e**afaOO do . Aft f.f.00 do . lilia.1 1000 Rio O Wu 1st ... .7 -.0^0 Kan C A- P l?t 74\, .r>r""i St I. A Ir M 2d. 107 tooo Ka-i Pac IstConlH '-""OO St L A- Ir M 5s. Kn do .Hi's -000 do . ^h Mon do. 1111-.) 1000 St L A S Fr 104 ') Kv < en', 1st 4b. HI a. | -.-ono do . s.',i.. RisrO l.i.l.Co st 1. Ut. t-17'-. Toro LSAMS Kt Reg.H8*a 7000 l,.s\*.:s -.-l's! 100,1 1, V of V V Ur.108)3 8000 L l.v t St I, Cnn-al 1st Be. Sa! I 'HI" d<>. SC-al 80000 L 1 M s A X AU CIA 5s... 05 10T4) 1, A: N Cot, . 1IJ H*oo 1, N A A 4 li.M. 79I4I I'-iiO L St I, ft T l.t. B7-S 10i*>0 rt a . "..?: .noon d?.??'. .;otxo Mehorlna 1 .? Hfii4 700C1 M?t Elev l?t. 117 10000 Meslc-iii Vat Ltl Inc 6s A.. 45\ *"ooo Mersletn Nu 2d III.- t's ll ?! 40000 N I N" 1-t 10H4 Consolidated . lilt's '.ooo M I. s a w lal Mi. h Dlr... 121% 40OO M i St p 1st. Chic A M R 5* 104 700O j,, . ,03: '.WO M i St J' 1st So Minn Hit 115 12000 ll A St I* lat Dak t- r, so 10.14)4*1 *!5?? 2000 ll A S. P Ut I A D Pst 127 1000 M *. S' p lol Lac A Dav Dil-.IOS 20000 MA st P OlXl 4 Serle-. A . "?2<o lOOOO M? k A T 1st. 31 "I KiiOO -lo . Bis. ???>) Me K A- T 2d. -V>'? COOCO do. ,10 4V>tX' Ms Pnclhc ;M. Il 4-, 8?<KiO rio . I IS I 27000 M A F. Cen UtstilBT A llass B . 11."s (??ooo Bl I. So 11 th xv lat. "i-'-j 1 ooo do . eO moo do . nto* 1 ?.-ono St 1, SXV 2d Joe 27Hi i 5000 St P MAM 1-t Mont F.vt 4-. 8**4 [ iriiri du .BB*a ' 5000 S V A X E 4-. S2!2 :tooo do . ?*"?'*? 5, IOO Sec ir lO'p ls. '..7', na^oo So Ccrollnit lae. W's ?"40I.0 flo . IO 7000 S P X M Ut.104 l.VKKi Tex A P lat ?"?* 00 toro rio . sob **noo .'.n . .si -iO'.O Te\ A P 2d Inc. "*'; KOO do . '-'rt ".?nf) T.XAAC Os gtd.104'4 3000 TA A A NM 1*1.10714 SOOU do.107*4 2'00 TA A A fl T 1"?.l I". fooo T st, LA KC 1st. BO*a fiooo r A D?l 1st '.-.1''", intXO T'ti Pac 1st ?1*44 14**)>9 4000 I'n I'aclflf S P.H'5 140CO Da Pac Co'rt 0* I ol Tr Nott..102*? 110000 do.14)2*9 1000 V PD A I. l?t. 7". 2000 wah RR 1st 5*.101 *e do .nm. .'Thio do .101*14 H-00 Wah It R 21. . 82-3 2i'"-**l rio . S2't rooti do . S2's IJ.iOO XA-e?t Sh <;td 4?.101it, loao w N T A P 1st loui, artro do . . ioj'j IjOOfl W K 5' A )' 2<1. K's .-,000 di . 82>3 icas.10, do .B*. 8*1 l-i-OOO Wis On CO )?t. 01?4 looo du. 02*4 iroo do . !)2 Sto lt?. A den 1 s F.zp. -\:ii A sm A T * fl y Alien A Pac An 1 Kxp. THF. BRBKRAL LIST. -Actual Sales-?Closing ? Sharee OfQB. Hlch. laOW. Film:. Hid. Ask. told . 150 M*B ali's *",'| 35*8 35'4 3-4 llHVj Am Tt*A*OBS ll*.**. USS 1151. 11;,*, ur, lon 108 ?07 ins's 103I4 109 40 BS*a 122'; 40 57H 82" 1214': 102-, So prsf. . 108"j 1084 Arr, tot oil ut'. i.,-4 do pr f. 8.i Xi Am Sue Bri 125*-, do pief. . 10H4 Batt A Ohio 071-j HA.NY A LlOila Bis* it a r ... do pref. ll C R A V ... S*o sxv i?*... U-unsttlc;. Uki VII I'.leV. 40 tan South . .Vt's tan P<iill" . let af V IISI I BB* lllalo Chiss A llhio -ii', "lo Ut pr.f. rto 2d pref. 4*hlc A Alt . Ch ll A Q 102?, 102's Vt A II lil 72's 72's do pitt .... 11/1 105 C M tr SI P 82 *? 82-a do prf- 12". VJ". Ch A V W MS IIB do pi? r. lt'l-3 lliii-i lias 140)3 14: ("KI V P 8"4*e 881, ISIS, 131 ' 23*e ' 2313 BS*. l**S*a IBS 071a !.7' 1021a lO-.'sj 37'a 841--J W) .".?3 74 3'i 57'2 "??i-j )30-? ion 103 . . ?art) 4,700 4 120 Ile** 4,200 108>4 75 *,'.'? 80.1 83 445 12.4N, 90,1)10 Mt's BM 40 57 "e 131'a ' l-tiia '.?: '* 40 88 "6>3 8>3 40 57 '. 87*. 130 i-j HM. ul 41 144 IVA 110 450 1.000 1,327 '.?O'-j aw ' C SIP MAO ni's, MS 51 at ? do J.r '.. ..lls . IPs ? llSo 'COI AMI. SW 58 Xs >*, rio |.r,-f 'tf.-j Mt;^ ppi, ties A Pitt*. 0 ll V A T 31*4 31*4 3?-"a do pref_. 4'hfragn Obi Wa 03*a ? !t!/.ns' tins )08*a HWv C..incl lils 135'3 13'.4 ?Com Cable. 4' k H CAI 21 "I 21'3 S0% 21 Cs* ?' of Md . . 4 r,| C A I) ?Sss 54 :M;4 1 ol FA I reai BS*a 'il <>3 3)c| I. A W IM*! 155*, 158 ?Jicl x lt c I8n J:<7'4 J3'l Tt'-n A R '? IS 18 do pr"f. . 5' '4 r.i.U j) ss B A ll lits do pref. Ml 31 J) A C Yds 5! "a 51*3 li T V A I'. do 1*1 pref ... ... 'lo 2d ju-T ... .... A T ll 145 101*1 101*4 lill'l IOI-4 Tl*j 71*2 7l'-si 13 Hu 1041, 104% 14-8 SIS KP, 81 "a 81 "4 124'. 124\ 124'? 125', 111', 114'4 Ill's 114*1 140 (W?i .".I's 51'4 1I8I2 110 '111. 108 131 17", 8.-1*1 13 31 48 07 157 ?40-4 :')T*4 .'a8l2 '.*s Bl 0. ??..:> 200 800 28.4U5 57H 1.108 105 0,2110 3,470 10 los 10 Bil 108 .. . 184*1 i:4i*-a IT* 170 IM ?JO*, Ol's 24,450 70 .ti 44 S8 LM's 04 JS4<b 131-14 IT-* ff Al 48*1 21 SO 23 b 'alb 151*4 188 "a CT Ete* I '1 Fl A J' Mar. nt No- irs. ..-?? <i n XX'AStP 13*s VA', 13?s 13"3 do prc!. (Bis 20*3 --'O'-. 2!?13 (lea Klee 112., 112-s 111 lil Mona ATC. ti 114 I.VHa ISO 17-3 55*, ia 2". 1 4S-, i?B 28 fiU 145W 148 830 870 8*0 8.4 Vi 7,700 BOO 2,:.'3'? 300 13'* 31 4SJ? 81.515 si-, ":: 124 23 206 1:40 I8*a 28 :?} BX Ill's ll I*, 1,030 133 1313 101 ll 1,7' 14'2 103 10-4 85*3 C,7' 14'3 Homo Min ll B I 'allin Illino:* l>nt 104 lotta Out . 11 do prf. II",*! Int Con 1 . ti7'-r Kan s Mi h 14lj Kin" A Pcm ... I. 1; ft Weal . do nr.'f. ... Hi's 1. S A- M S l:iOrs IHO's "lUO Ixiiitr Island. Ia E A St Ia. do pr f. trills A V . TH I. X. A Af* 25'4 L ? L A J 2.. I. 41 nf StL )0S 10*4 35.. 07 'rt I4h 81'. SOio "fS-l Tl', 25'4 so-, lao 7 5 "a 25'4 73 50*4 73 ?"'"1 ss 73 40's S3 73 ST 100 Kill 101 108 HM dn pr< f. I.t-atl . do piff. "Mau Itcech Men Vh-t Mrs Ont . Mich I-nt Minn A StL du pref Me KAT <b. p^f ... Mo Pud:!. t Ohio Nld Coil ... Minn I: oil NY C A III' ll 1U HIV. HOI. 1 15** r.Hu BJ 48*i IS aa-. 2"l't i-H loo 1 ssl 58 .15L; (18 Wit, IOU ?f"8', 35' ? 21',*, BS 12 1 i'A 102-s Hiv, 3". 4.7 ll is ?-?>?* 8,1 IBO lt 3 4<l 75?4 r,-''* 24 73 BO 04', ?H. 102" io-,*, 17 48'4 liv. 2"i '4 ,l*iO 457 150 ]0.i 50 15 121 108 ioi, 87 110 ll ir. sp. 1,000 1I40>2 81*0 lift*-, 2-.*2 50 75*. 8.H70 25 "j 40.) 20 700 Ta\ ino "..'H. 9.11 10S*a 1.1 IM 18 <.8*s 15's 437 100 0,480 BOO 1.80 ) M's ?").'? 3 00-T 31 "Ml 08 S5 28 08 X4 88 IIOI3 111 WM c vsti, 10 10 ju _io Pa io's rio Ut pief 77 77 T7 10*. ?0 70 38', 11**s ITS4 40 M 11 "I '.'I 49 tli, 2d pra-f . Xt L Fi XV O'lNt do prrf. 57 M Y A V ra 48i4 *VY NH AH 2.MI X Y A Nor I.'. do prrf. X V 0 I W X Y s A xv de |tr'*f Nor V Mest Ai> pief.. Xor'h Amer. .North Pa do BM f X Y P A O X ce-it 1 nil Xnt CoeiajM 148 rio ai*f.i HS Nat 1 in Dil ? Xat Stat-h.. "i OH!.. A- f?lij,. rsoi-.l, ">r?o In.). O 1*. A Xiv - 0 ls T.vC V . tint Sli Min . . Poo i I"-st . 1 D A Fv 18 Phil ft Rd- V4i. V c C ftSlL 21 gs "-r-f. T* Ft W IC tr . )' A XV pf . Penn >". Bi. . . . Pa. Mail -ss il Pull 1*-"1 Car 198 0--lck?1lvcr. io prf-f. RMI A XV I* !i*a tte BOM . 35-j r. o ft xv-st . . do prf. n xv ft oe ... st j ft fl) I ... Sit, A AT It - flo pref. ... S' P A Dui 47 to 1 .'- ' if.'e 200 IS?4 311 l?i\ 20 70 ' foi 11 ls 2o 14 57 31 1**4 Hi's c;.'4 ".Ti H's im 14V, 118 I5*i 1.4'. H<:* 1'1't ''O'. ' ::ss4 lt's lt , ?18*8 11"0 11' UOt. I4)i, 115', 115*, li: 1 :4!... 28 xat, 4-\ 28 '.lt"* IS ?'"?** 21 198 IDS 18 ?'?'?'. 21 Sf 198 37", 25% 1.1*9 :i:r, 18*1 IOU ('.!?'-. !) 3".', 11'4 17*4 48*8 ns 112 il',-3 8" 17?s no 10a LIM 504) 50 3s Lil's 9.813 57'- SOO 4 S's 8.700 2"'.n soo to |M 84 9 107 19 1.025 ii"** 1 F 71 9'-j faStT** 11'. 1*"* 4"', ?* 700 20-1 430 na 8 fiaa 100 :40a 12 1421- 10.1 VO llO*a 1 31-. 40 4"I) '. 9 50 24 1.4O0 4-t, 200 Bi m, . . il . . is 18 100 .'a 5"'s Ita.O-aO !1 02 3-S "V 35*.. 47 47 47 St p M AM 113*. H8"a 113** Ill-N 112 20 ii 155 art H.9U B*i 17l-i 9** 01 III 111-3 II?1! 7 9 83 85 V-0 i.iu t7^ 10,1 100 720 0 Sti.i'h ""er ?Sooth Ps.- 33*a gt B w. Tev A P?' 10\ I A AAltM ZS', BBS 2S\ 10V 38*4 MS los ta's 1 33 sj 10l4 8?-? KS 113 10% 3?>i l.'i"i 150 129 "' I 404) .too 150 I TAO Coot . do pref. T B> at K C IS d . pief. 1*8 Trna C V I 35 4 tl,, prc" . . t'nioi, Pa, ty V P I) v '. 171. 1' S ll-pr s- Ci v h Itabtar . tte pref. -.."? Wiil-eMi ... 11% ot, pief... 25"s Wi, ,v I. E ... do pref. GO ?Wis Cen'. xv f rn rin's Wells, y.f.o 110 42 "s 17s, M o'. "> 2-J'B "OO 1* 15 2*4 Ill's. tl's 17'? ll* 25'. 00 'ma 14'i Totel shir"* for the div 41X, 17', M 05 }1'3 '-1 '4 O') '.it*. 141. OS ii'-: 17 BA lS*i oil-, H'i 25'. r,5s lt '4 tt-?4 1 lo 64 ?C's 15 3D'3 35'4 1 102 4 I Sf 20 17'? 07 K 4 41-. BsV ? n-5 25V 1 22', tal IB", M 14'J PX) 13.) ,450 .ONO .... I 330 143 510 ,200 100 Soo Silver certs, bl'4 SILVF.l*.. 84'4 84'. SI' .539 84 84'slO, 878 OOO SAHC3 AT THr: CON.sOMI)ATi:r> stock and pe TH0LH1.M I.XCIIA.NUE. SJ OC KS. Op.-n- Hlrrh- I.otv. '?M. .-st 1 ?-?-?,'3 I SS "a ll. s ll??.-?? BIS IOI*s 13t*s 155', Mme*. I*S Am .Sn-,' P..1L'.V_r Am 'i,iliac,., .115*4 An, Coi Oil. 15*4 Ai*, 45 -Xl Ti.'i "v S V. 344'. 3-,'s 85' 1 cut .,f x .1.lilts taits i.'i' Cl PU, I A: I. Iii Ul lil 1 in u?s Ca . 93*4 ;i3st SI' Chi U I <v Pee . ri*** B8*a Chi lt A Uv .102", 102's Chi M ar ht P . 8-JJ, -.', I St P ,M m. 4). 51S.. .,,,.. Ceaataj Ha. .ia,\ i.u\ mi La a. xv.155*4 I**-*.1 Dill S S Jt A. 1.1'4 13'4 laira ?'- .ni . il 11 li] 1 'eat .io:is lu-'* Dist tCP. 51 Sl-a laBCletia Oas pfd . .... 73 73 Lohe slim,- .lao's isl I. X A A Chi. 211 211 Laois ft Kosh. 7ii'? 7<i'i Louis St L "U T. 25'i -Vs Man I un .Ill5'3 1115*3 Mo Pa, Ifle . i*h 58-4 Minn ft St L pfd . 48", ls', Xortli Am . Il1** UV Nat Cord .143 "a 144*1 Xatioidpfd.117.2 117'j Nat IJ-mt . 50?s 5u'-.' V V I. V. A W. 20*2 i'W X Y ft X P.. 47*4 4)S?4 Xor Pae |ifd . 49io 48 H: X Y A Xor pfd. 31 34'4 X Y O A XV. in's IS* X Y Siuj A XV. 10-4 l'l'i Phil & Kde;. 53'i 53*4 Well ft W Pt. S*B 9"? rnion Pacitlc . 42', 41*1 XX'.-st Killen . 99'y M*a XX'e Uss,, pld . 25"a 25*sj Total shore* sold. MIV1N ! STOCK--.. B"in?wlck .It .11 .10 it recce .15 .!.". .15 Comstock Tun .09 -O'.) .09 Chrvsoltte .21 .21 .21 El 'Cristo .50 50 M Motile Cristo .2.50 2.00 2.50 Clos. inr:. 1211 : 118*4 '?Vt 35-a 131', Bf Sharei Sold. 89.670 1 ?* 131 X, Itt "a io ix, HM'! 73 130*| lt'\ 25 '4 I'll', 11 V* 140*4 111! 4 8"-.. 34 ill's 18*4 ol'. ti's tv* 25*i 73 131 18*4 1IX, 140", 48 48't, 34'4 HI'. P.I', 62". 0*1 4 l's ll!) 25'4 IO 1,01*1 14,0 151 0850 2.4. U 8,080 11,520 i 1,'.) IOU .'it ) 100 .01) soo 38.170 100 IM I'") 2,-.10 300 SM SM J.o 40 SM 200 1,210 1120 8.200 ?jot 80 lt>0 .10 .15 .(ll .21 ZO 200 .152,810 400 li) 1,000 l.trao 100 1.300 Total i-ales .T..4,no BON HS. Chic A F. Ill 5* ... 10114 (lies 1 Ohio **s_)03"s COB South l*t .105*1 Chic A X P 6*. "'''I Erle 2d cnn .Ins's 1.-a IJeetric fis.100>-j I, Mt L A T l?t . OS'i V V V Nor Sal...... 75*a KM Pae ."??. 70% Phil A ll 3d Pf Hu- BS Kock' Islrind Bl c H'I ?s P. A XV Pt 5s. IS St I, A I M 5" S'l'2 \V X Y A P 2d. 33 XX ls Ccn'ral Inc . ... 3|\. XVshash 1st .10H, ?Wattalli 2d . Hi1* 101'4 JOH". 10-.1-, 7 il-, 103 io 100*3 1*4 "4 Wig 70', 02 101V 48 M's 33 343 101", 82 ?4 101s, 103 \ JO.-.ij 70', 10.4... loo'o IKS .4 'nh 70'2 OS lol*. IS 891. 33 " 14 H I'M", 82s, 101'4 IO*1, JO.V 70*4 103'. 100-J 98', 70' ? 70 'A 101"* 48 ss* 33 St's 104:s 821. 13,000 ll.01*0 3.000 5 (MS) J.r. 10 4,000 2,1)1'I. 5.Oi>i 15." ') 7.1-ls) 5.000 7/ ls) 2 1)00 4.l*?> 5.000 4.4100 5.000 Total nmoutit ."7.'.S93.000 CLOS1XO TRICKS OP PHILADP.LPHIA STOCKS. Hld.ABIied. Bid.A ked r.O'? HOV I P A K Stoelt C? 1-10 '3'? 52'. P A- KO M 4* 84.4 18'. I- I lt IM pf Bs. 7'i'l 48-4 IPA lt 2d pf 5? M's .V. 1 P A lt 31 pf 5i Ol . 34U I Met Traction ...145 Lehltrh Vallev Heh C A X ( Xor Pac Cs.. N'.t Pic lif . penn R II l*hll A Erle... 17*4 SIP* Uth 7rt'4 (i'.l 33". CLOSING PRICKS 13.,. Yesti>rdav.To-d*T Atch A Top Host A Alhany Host A Maine Chic Har I Qt Eastern R R Bs Pitch I*. P. pf I. P. A F S 7. Mass Ont. V Y A N K Od Ooloo*/ . Putland com Rutland pref--.. XX'v? Cont com .. xvi. (cut pref Allout'7 M (netri Atlantli- . Host A Mont . Cal A Hecla. 30'. M's 213K- 2114s, KO", IT 1 ?? 102', 10113 11913 119V . 92 Hi's ?4 91 . 20's 48'3 a on '1513 80 Oh 34 21' 48 195 OP HOSTOV r.-TOCI?:S. ?on. M*s... .lan. 25. 1893. Ye*ta>rdir Tn-dlT. Fauk'ln .. .. 13 1.1 Krarrarii . I2*i I'-'1* Osceola.3? Bil's QiilncT.KC 185 -santai P.- Cop... 4 5 Ta mar* ck .IM IM Aiinlston L Co.. 22 25 Boftasn I. Co .'.'4 ".'4 san Pietro L CO.. . IS XVs.t Knd I. Ol 17?? 17'i Bell Telephone 21ft ttO*a Cnn,son St BOT... 18 10 Water Potter. 2*-i 'ih I ' <J-itc,,oli,l rtew-Eag Tel.... no Oh I Hutte A Pelt . Uh 'AA-'\ 000 Electric.112* no 11 MO', WHAT WAS DONE IN STOCKS. Wi-tliio8tl;iy, .Tanuarr 2-".- p tn. The stork market was depressed seriously liv a variety of caut"*s to-day. Fear*, of heavy ship? ments of gold at tilts end of the week wort* not unfounded, although rates of exchang.*. on hotli London and the Continent xx-ere unchanged. Ar rannemonts for th." export of over $.',000,000 xvere mado, and as the next f-pei-io 8hi;is xviii n >t 8ail "Wore Saturday the earl** .-rina cement* point.-d to miK'h larder 8liipinfii?*. The yllini' of stoflis, lioxxtsvor, was not for EBfOpBM a'count On the oontrary, thu openinj*. t**M nffi-eted plainly by ihts stro*i?th of the* London market and bf rrrrj considerable piireha*.^* apparently for fori-i rn aconnt. lt is possiblo, of course, that tin** ad vance in Iaondon -ixiin ilirectod from N.w-Yorlt, an<l tho?iil>Hts|ii<nt course of pric<-s tended strongly to s'i;i|K)rt tilla vioxv. Tin* boar faction ]ia-i boen knoxvn at iiinr*s to expend much fo'cr* in inflin-ii'-inii the niorniii;' doalinps by xvay of laondon, and tlu're can Le no loo-taJ reason xxhy its opponents hhould not occjsionally employ similar ttictii*. On tliis thnry Ibo Btf***Sjgtb nf thc Mocks which have an international mark'-f was not surprisim*, boMtlM thc principal d.i'liiut", I'X'.-ptiiiK tiiosc in a tem aptoialtiea, .? .iirr.'d affi-r ila- Lontlon market xvas clt,s.-il. It is iin p.assible to foretell the efleit xviii.h they will produce abroad, lint the parehs*e* herc to-duy nuiy ta' offset by 8ali"< in London to-morrotv, ani thc arbitraire complete]. The cuiitinued xvi-akness of Ind Mt rial mil Bpccial slocks e.xi-rtcd an advene, not to say bal*" ful, iiitliii-iice. American Sugar Rr-liniOB wit Bird the lead'-rship of the market from DiMilllnff and ('attie Ei-edim:. althoii'-h it laileu to r-iirpass that stink in its downxvard course. In both, the Hist pi -ices XVCie thc big!lt*8t Ior thc doy, BBd tln'V also xvi-io l-2;t.'i-K per rent Hbovo lin- clositr.' BgUr***1 vcsterd.ay. Suirar BeRolnB f'-ll '?'? p*-r i?-nt, but in thc li ij ie I dcoJinga rullieil bhurplv ami ita Iom xvas only 1 1-2 per c-nt. Distlllimj fell ii 1-2 per cents but ri-fovered Blontohlfr atnl closid with a loss of I 1-4 per rent. For thc iii'ivonicnt in both tln-re xvas appaienll.x* no other than purely speculative reasons. It may not even Ik" cdnjectuii'd that, thc recent fall in Diottlllng may have liad something to do xxith the dedin* in Snjs'ar IxYlinini'. Ki-tlucirm PhiiaMlelpliia anti Keailin!* to full shares, no other stock approached in activity th" two lenders. I'.arlv in the day Reading advanced a l*lg* lni'tion, but afterward it yielded slowly without effective resistance, and its last price showell a lo.-vs of 1 per ci-rit. Next in point of activity xvei.t Sf. Paul, xvhich lost, nearly as much; rlijr-aao (.as, xvhich in spite of a rally of ncarlv 1 per cent, lost 1 .',-8 per cent, ii'id I'liion I'acific, which xvas exceptionally strong und actually closed xvith a small gain. lu no other stock, nsidc from flame nict:tione,|. did the transaction*, reach io,ooo shales, ami yet tho tfitiil luinin'tis amounted to orari** .540,OOO share0. ]*a-i,l<-s 1'nion Pacilic. Nortlixx-estein and Luka wiinnii iiiatle Kiii.all Rains, while the declines in Erie, Hock Island and I/msville and Nashville xvere BO smiill that they merely proved their gixsail strength. The closing xvas ai a Ken-ial rally. TIIE DAY IN Till: BOND MARKET. Butti --ales of coupon -ls at lil cave aatrrtlgth to the (.overamertt bond mnil-et. Pi,is fur Imt ii tdaase* of is wert* rais.-'l l-l per cent. 'Ihe goal <liiotations were as folliixxs: Iiitl. A ski'd. r.s. cir. O. ison U.K. es i afjs,l808 t'.S.enr.ft>.,18''7 I'.S.cir.Os.l.vliM liil.Asl.ed. K .-i.cir.Oa, 1891.11 1071. 110 llS-i L" .*-.4'...s 1801 tlnucil at 2 ncr -e-i .--/ .101 . . rs ts 1007. rr*.118*4 iii"-.,J8'.i7, con.11.1", I ll ? 0- i ni 3 05 1891 113's .. Tin' -inly business in State issues wm a a sal" or Alabar,,,i. el.iss P. at Hil 1-2. >r nlv batik stocks Mei'lianics gold ||g) af !s7. Small sules ai auction ar.-n-iiort.-d in anotltet ciltimn. The ceneral bond market xxas a little more aetive, r<-|ioi t.'d tiiii.vnctiiitis amountin?; te about Si.'ii'".o',,,. In sympathy xvith th* depp-t-tion iri sl,"iris Hie market xvas loxv,-r. I,ut th,- final di* .?hui's were not important. Chiragoaiid Noitln-rn Pacilic lir-ts i,t 7?i.'i-f lost .'1-8 per cent, while Northern Pa'ific consol 5s fell l l-l per cent to "io. Philadelphia and R(?dina issues i.'iu; iru-l quiet, althuimh second and third inconn-s xvere llloder.ltt-lv active af drOOBiag WitBM Seconds fell to nt* ii-R, bm rallyiag to cs, lost onUr i-i ts-r ci-ut, and thirds f.-ll to BIMI 1-4, a d.?-!inc of .",-8 per cent. Texas Pacific, flnt* .leclm.-il 1-'.' PM c.-nf to so. anti u tom other iss.ic* m.'t xvith about the same loss. On the other hand. Nexx Vork and Norihorn secnils further advan'eil 1-.' ncr cen* lu sft, and i.<nii*-vil!c, St. Lotti* and Texa* *ir^t? ns., i l-l per cent tn Irg i-i. K.-fer .'nce is ni ide to our full report of bond BBle*. Moiuy on call WM in exoe-isiv,. s:i|i[i]\ nt '.' and 1 1-2, and a lctv loans wert made evett at 1 1-2 per cent. Probahfj the i.'ieater part of (h." nexv business was 4I0110 at J |s>r crin 'Iii" Clearing lions.. alat**ant*iif oro* m follnvxs: Exi-hani{.'s. Si 44,l(i2,n."?2 ; balan.-es. fs',,77',.82.',. Tiie Sib-Treasury **M debtor to tho riisariniz House f540.O4S. Il* net gal* on bnlanee siih is."il ti..'iii'.', nnule up by ".nins of $41,074 in coin hiiiI ".t77.:;s8 in . inrency The day's operati ms inelmled ' It'ceipts, SS.4SS,4?t; payments. B3.S7w.llS; re*"iiltini.' in a >rener?l hsl*tliM ol RI05.i3t.al11. consistinu of |S4,742,lfl(l sola and *]0.9'jl.0i2 etirirncy. Tho Treasury bought 773,000 ounevs 0/ silver luill ion at. 84.20 and si.2.'.. Tho oiTeriii amounted to 1, .107, imo ounc.-.-, Int prieeB o thus,, which were reject,-! \si-rc not miine public The Mercantile sal.- Deposit Company nf tin city silver bullion on band t , aeenr ouMtanatng cetntii-.ite- ut 683,770 oaneea, a de BreSM of 5,131 nun-e-s. Tho United States TrraBiiry ut Watdiingtoi to-day $'.'.>".,s.,8 Nntiotial balik notes lo redemption. I lu- customs rt***Wpts were fl,121,302, the in ternal revenue ro< .-ipts 83116,304, ami the mis oellaoeoua I'-'.-ipt.-. 850,589. To-day's VVashington Treasury Matement " cash on band and deposits m lank-, compare xvith tihe llgnrea "f tin- laat previoM MHiemen ?10 follows: .len. 24. .Iitn. 25. Differ ""? Nit Cold M| lld S11.',.879.'.'90*-11.I.SJI,l',3 P?-. 82.4*488,1 I' N.-l I'lS'-tacci'r. _. .?.,..,,, BB haiiil. 10,792,3 3 11*2 '-.C'3 Inc 1.031.JP Nit, ilise, on h .1 4, ,'i.J.,.".., .','.,.1 .'ol.' lin . _ -'?'?'?" Actual east, ia th 'lr as,ire tanita .-l-l , nts! M.ll- , ,-_ Ino r*niat*te*..81ll.4S4,M7*l80.707 328 D'c. 0,-..(??> Di Po-it, in bens. I' '."Si,-J.,0 io s..",l.<>-.-. D-' ? l.*4v?l. Net, (Tish kal tl 12.41-0.017 Bl ll "."."."13 I) I I. BMI.M Tint foreign exchanges prewnted ii" new toa ttw. TJie oearciiy ol intwcbandise bills was ex? treme, .'ind, in spite ol sa!.- against pn>s|i.-ctiv. shipments ?i gold, tit* market tta. ??rm An pended are qu ot a tiona Inr actual btisiiwsa: Hank ors" bills, !<4 so l-l and SI -" l -??ns'I s7 3-4 Im long and short BtgTlinji icspecti-fly; '?"renell franca, 5.16 7-8*5.15: r.-it lunar);*, !)*i ..--.a'a.'. -i I In London Bari tish i li IB t> (Ps 3-14 (or moti'-v and l-fl lo the Mme prin for th" account. The Hani' of England lost ?100,000 rhiltion on balun,". Fn the open market inoni'V xvas Without 'hat'jo at abonl 1 l-l pei cent ior dis-ounts and I 1-2 per rent loi hnnk4*rs lulanc.-s. India Council bills wi-ie allotted tit an advance ol l-"2d. |v-r ru pre, bal Imr nixer xvas only stead** al 39 7-1 nd. im ounce. Ameri? can railway Bhsr*B adv.ned until near tin ilo-e. when small cue-.-.-,mis weie pi-ruiitte-l On M'ttlenn-nf lor the fortniuht the raf.* for carry in-,' American stock* waa in --"ni.- , uses ;is low as 2 per ont. At Karil French 3 p-t cents dei lined 15 'cntimcs to UH.0O. Joseph Walker A Sons that the*/ an- pn-|iiireil to buy u"d sell the Creen Bay, Winona and St. TV ni lii-t i-nii-oliilat.-d .". per MBl mortgaer bond serip, The followint? Beeuritiea xe. re sold nt auction at he N.-w York- Real Estate Sal.wroom, by Adrian II. Muller A Son : io share* Madison rVtuare Hash ISO1!*. io .haio. X',,erl, ,,i H,.r- ? Ksehana* limltel 13810 2,1 aha re i,,l"oini. ChlrsB* and Indiana Ceotnl Rall irav mmnany t*i l?t. 1", shares Seattle mid Easter* Cnn?iructl,in couipmr. |32 Ul 1"'. Soo .lime. Gaadroat shne Machlaerr OampaBrr, gas set ?hore. "01 share* Harris lt'itton-11.,1.- C.tmptltT, <3 rAr "hate. Boo Bhorc* ii.-rr- Wirer Mintos Gatvpaay, M36 i?-: 10 1 shares Osadyeai Maefsln'-rv loi.'J.i'.f 110.".0 r**r lhere. |.1 share -r. Pnnl (inti Dalith P.nllrond Company, .referred 107'.. 143 shart** laurens' I'.leetrlc lllurrf.ii liing Company ol Trooklvn ICO ?_-0 shari ? Trow Di-e lory r I sod linni; bindi ns -emrmnr's s pei ,ent ramulsHv. ptefened, si. loo "hares Brraease 4*4aueolldott*4i bte - Hallway Cot*. tons- 13. aa share* ('hut Isl:,,,-! .lr,. Kev i Iud HO gi -i,aros Porty.tiui s'.i tnt <.,.n-t street parry Uilwav ("ompenr. M0*?. 200 ?han** Bleetker Btreet an-i Koltaa Perry Rallraa* lotnnanv. "-".?'?.?. :,.. aaare* i.i,,t.e Pl,e Ini'irsnee Compent 73 ',; ? .:,?,,>. lainrla .X; t"owler Manufactariof Cemj-nnr. 00. SI OOO Fulton Mnnh l|,xl lia* t omitenr. 1-t BsertgaBI I |.''it '"''''I. 107. 1.00 si.-ir-v 1 W BUS* 4- in. 114, !.%?> ooo Jacksonville, Tampa Bod Kev xv<>?'. i!ali?nv 'ontpanr ronsoHdatod ii.ntteau - B i-er eeol SO ) a |B 1 ytntt" 'lae Itu.). I) lha re* lr ...,-t.i. and TfOtter*' National Pink, OlOV 1". slimes National Park linaI. 317. 1* share. Bank >.f Near-Tort X n A. 23.".. 50 share* AtabaOM Mineral l.sail i ..mpvir. 8U 10 shares ??.. omi At', nae I'.,'- s! ' 107*1. 1?0 -(ere, icntrs! Park. Nortli a', I l.a-t P.l'.er It*:!. oad compsnv 1*8, s share* .Iniirm-iv end P.'irnha." I'ompenr., ,7. BS shar.-s i o-tltn.-ctt' T-i-t < onipeni 1",.'.;. .'.O shares yelloti Pi,.e , ,,.,,,.,, ? ,...,?,' .".?> |400 X'tocnia nii^ XV.,|-,iini?,. i. K.i ' ...I ll per cent st Ttinrtiriee rtlrl hornl*. 'lae iff**. *2r*o. I18 0O0 \'tv-Yoik P,efrli(.-Tsti'i< > ..a-T i-r on ( ,.m tenv, 1-t mnrltlire fi per root lionds, )??0 lot. 1,801 Sit" s.:, 4..a 191 1 211 *-- ' 2714."1 , 824) .14 ' 78,177 RAILROAD RAJCOKGS. CHICAOO. MlLXVAIItl E AND ST PAIL. IMI, 180'.' ism S-iitrher of r-llei. S.?78 ?'. CO . S.J3I rsird week to Jen 8442 4(8 ?.a40-n.4 I .?*- ?..??, BB. 1 to .lin. 91 1 I'" I -I 1 ,WI'., .7, 1., 81.04, CHU At.O. PEORIA AND ST. UH*IS. t-umber of n,ll"?. 313 ?? ...,41'' 1itrd ttei-a In Jun BlO.OaJB ?-'! 1? I 'Ka an. I to Jun. il 1'AWO "'?-? 18 Ml Xl' AN I KMl'.Aia, .?umber nf m.iee. 1.527 I Ml ?hird "teen In Jan ... B13ii.l'-s 1147 '-st in. 1 to Ju 21 M1.S01 lt", si., MI'.XICAN" NA'IK'NAI,. .?'imber of miles. 1218 1.518 ?hird tteek li, .lau S7' 147 870 - .1 an. 1 to Jan iM l-'i J!H :'l2.?-') MILWAUKEE and Nop.rill RN. I'uinher of miles . ll " I '? - hird ti~-it a. Jon BSn ;-?: ?-"? aaa an. 1 tn Jan. 21 ... s.l.-t'l MlS-sOir.I, KANS.XS AND TEXAS. .'umber tf mlle* . 1 TT.', I >. ' hird week lo Jan B1M.4?" 8142.2*43 B103.8IN en. 1 K. Jan. .'I 464,0*1 48] '?-1 IM.1IB MUtaOURI PA' lin. Cumber nf mile. .. . .'..200 ?'.'.00 I, 2*7 'hlr'l ite-u in Jin 0420,... 8470.000 ?47" ' o? an. 1 Ut Jan. 81 -T.I ' "TM.000 l.UTT "Si .MiP.fUI'.r.N PACIFIC, .?mrtier of mlhs 8.851 4 IftJ hird v.e?k In Jan 3?1 OW 8813 '..'<> un. 1 I. Jan- '-'I 1 211 "I HOI Ai. RIO UP.ANDP. St.lTHl.RN. lumber of miles. ? M ?hud week In Jen. 110 MV, an. 1 lu Jar, 21 .28 ' ST. I.UIIS KO'"I-|IXVr.STP.P.N. Inn,hst- t.f ).,.!'?..' 1,222 1.'-"i" hlid tTeck lt, Jan . ITS.ico ST.','< " sn. I io Jen .'1 -H. "00 2*2,000 1 i.X A.-s AM) PAI ll ID. .amber of mlle*_ 1.41*1 !.4'7 ?hlnJ ti*"k In Jen. lill', ,Vi7 8115.137 an. 1 la Jan. JI ... BM 4 IS .Cl ?'*''.' ?JOI.I.DO. KT. L0P1S AND KANSAS (ITT. .'umber of miles. 151 4.",l 4',1 hird week In Jaa ... 127 '-''I 1110 7)1 Bgl.MB an. 1 tai Jan. St.. ?? Bt.BOS 110.404 105.14)4 XV JI ti Xl NO AND LAU IIP.!!'. .'"mtier of miles .. . 1ST -'37 h.rd WOek lol Jan ... SI*- ,'.'.! 820.11*8 an. 1 to Jan. 21 00.158 85,817 XVIStDNMN Cl N I CAI. ,'umber of mlle*. 828 Ra7 uni hltd week In Jen. Sr*.*, I'..'.', SSJ2I3 f('.*f,,4 M. 1 to Jan. 21 ... 24S.4-8 241.'.).'li 2'.4,.-,lil 1 r,7: a it; BOTS ;,,. un iii, na ins.-,, 12,053 is. 'j,.,, '.'.'.i J -I 1.4-.I7 8128 182 aa- .1.11 237 STO 1 ?_??, 70,o'j5 PROPOSES) PIP.MAN1M' 1 WI SlMLNiS. Ilii.ND SALEM. 'onkere, N. Y.-Mes-i,. n a. M .ran * co., were i*? pareboesr* .-( lha a- ? - anal I,.,,,:* to a-, on ,t nt 150,500 oo lledetogtlea 1*0*01 le ai,,,.i,,,r, ,,f .-,.,i,,si ,?, st,ct puti,,.; bea a* t" ernouat ?f lu I22BI paylaa. lui ju 'Jchmond, V. Meaara. John I., xxiii:;.,,, x Kent al"' the h'J'l if a si u,ll, ate tilm h boa J'l"! pur, ha-. ,1 .?m,.-l,t thu 4"a |a r . cur. i;, funner, of Use (I |,,|> c-nt. lliumi t onaol* lo airiounl nf .? ;i'j:i 070 00 it l,i, h fall un. July | nest ; ami nml nlt'-r then for HIS I lie |n< fr, "t on Um ncr i, ,,,,l. |. aa , ui-'l !,. s pl-'l:'-- Ol B] ? OOO of th ? phoiphste lomiii.-s ,,( t.i,- .siii,., ?In,I, at.-raac al. .ul a.tio.ouo a i. ,, (eW'Tork City, n. "r.r Meaara. El wa rd 0. Jooea x- it so llresdsra] kev. p,r . ha-'-d (i inr c-nt l. ? I , ;iu.v. ,r Bret BMHtgaae Held Klnklni i-.-.d bonds nf Uie Tai ia,,,.| il,- I-oiiti., Trsetlon i.paoy, to amount of loo noo oo 'Ihe Central ii'-i Company ,,f gea York I. toe tin.!.-. ' Present value ol property . . 2*.oooooo Net rarelogs . is.ju oo EI.ROPK.XN II.N.XNi i\i. MARKETS. London. Jun. 35, 4 p. ni. I'.,., ,| , '..- :; |.; for 1m,i|, K.ii.v bim th.- ncouiii ; N-tc \,?u. ]? nti vlratiln ami lip. first BtaOrtBagS liotul.. rjo '. - i ilindliiii Pncliic. 2 1-2; Kill-, 27 :i i ; do .,ul consols, IMC, I I ? illnols ('.iiii-sil, Hui 12: Mexlean ordinary, j:; i .' I. lani .ilium ni. -I 3-4. Tit* i.I of hallion with' rawn 'rom liss liank of Kn cia ad nn hs Is ure t , n iv ?.100 nilli. Imii:, ioiiihII bills xt.-te i,llon.,| t,,.|,, I ntl IlllvilllC- Of 1 112,1 pt* I l|'C'. Pul,. .Vivier. not.- :i j?-r e.-ni rentes al Ml (ranea BO centitnee f,r ie ncc, uni. Xinantim. iREEN BAY.WINONA & ST. PAUL FIRST CONSOLIDATED I PUK OXT. .lOHTI.XCK IIOM)>.|R||> 111)1 (HIT IND MOLsVt, I0SEPH WALKER & SGNS,| ILLS 1H11.D1N,;. Nl.x\.v,,nK UTI. 3EOTh7 PRENTISS & CO., j 1 Ullllaiu sst.. N. v. nud -4*0*, Montague >i., WBAytL ' DEALvIlKS in LOCAL UfESmi-IT SECIRITIES. mmmmto ?t ihe resv-VerU Mio, U H?rhnoae. BARING, MAtGOUN & CO., " .,nlLL. ??" !!?' ,MN''' *?OtatTTE**ioB CKi mr tot u.% a h,v ,,,r4 *Lm* --"1J AUn ?"'?'"?? ' ".hu .or uar. ls iii. vounrrj. .bo the Vt.., Jsdiss. -"SMWli-ll^^-^r^^ Bis? I SI thousand dulls!. i?2 0i'0, of ,hc ni, ^ , J' , tam '-^r,n. iu nfl. ??, tUeuT.t-tprnt tjSVSj t ulted fsUtee Trust C?. 0f Ncw.Vnrk Ti gall I se-.,.york, faasory0?*! ka?*****' V"^nt' ulcd for 120.000 Vr ennui,;.''!.:1^ ^-ifi?'*' .financial. ^^__ CENTRAL RAILROAD AND BANKING CO. OF GEORGIA. ?n,e uarrttlsTMd Csaiaitttee. app>>4at?i for toe F-ft?*? ,.: i adinstlna lha aitai - et to' ' knit, al iiaili.o.xd \Nl> HANKING COM PA XV ol nlliH'.'ilx and of it* nlil-d um. ttl s. hive, aial.r alic- td ..ian- I. formed a plan ot r-orsanlratiou srhieh his rc ? iv.*i to' 1?"1?,'n,V',,1 toe Kia uv in "i un: BOap.d ot innia mus. aid vt immy of tue imporunt dedlters BO* . cun'.v 1,01 III ll'Mill'''x'vi'l'l'. TRUST COXIPXNY OT NKXV YORK hu- to, u anpolnt-d rt.-- .1 po-1'.H' "I the sccurlt..* nariel th proi oet-d plan, sud will ahortli slye poNee ? it. resd..- to i.-c ne tba securities eoiaraeid la the ieorrnnllotion. ?,,. ,.....,.,.,? un -.,1 iiti'.PN pani: ok THE si.xii.oi- i.koiv .'IX. AT sXX'ANN'XIl L.t. to reeeive deposit nf -oiil tx-ip. like '?na rod !?* I mid t'. I???l tr till -iii- . fe i'i.'- le'etvaal ef the m ?'""saUle Trna ConruaMr. Copies nf ti,, plan mar he had st toe obsm ot the Triit, rompany 120 Breodwar. N ?-Y,rt ila. ore' th,, ,ii:.f ta- southern lian:., al Ssvaoooh, Da., or from the l Imlrm-in n> the Cotimniti- ? I", xx'till-st. J)al>-:l New.York, January IO, ISOJ. ll. II. HOLLI'S**, i hallinan; I.OUS FIT/HEIIALI), DIAN I EL LEHMAN. JAMBS T. moohxvapo, JAMBA rvriLLMtN. New Yorhi E. B. OENNIrVfON, Phil , delphi,!; E. HOI LIN** MOH-E, F. M. 4 OI.STOX, Heston : Itiilliiiune; in.tni.Es ii. piiiM/y. AuaiKln, lii.i > j t( on ii. st iiipp. i Advisotr New Yerlt. I Merni er. in i.i.i.i rt i: u nt ri os, Batt-targ, Counsel lo tho Committee: IaOWREY. MO.vil fe AL'F.RBACH. KewaYork. (.AUn.Xl'.I). MHI.IlP.lM g NKXVM.vN. S I', iii an. ?;? Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company, NIWV.iKIi. Ununiv "Uh ISOS. 'ihe Traeteea In fanfi.ra.ltv with tha Chsrtri il I** Cen,|?nv, iubn.ll thc fo'i ? nin;.- Statement >?( ns ulan*, aa toe ,.1-t of !>?.a. I. l-l J ir i . ,,? MariM |; si - "rom 1" Jami irv. I'|J. loglat li.-,: 1, r. 180*2 I ' ''."Xi 2.0.SS pi imiuu.s ,?, Peliriei not osrked ott I-'. Jaaaary, la**3 ?- . ' tr:, ic. cs Total Maria* PwtalasM. ?"> id'-'.'?'?''?' ?>?' Pr-mlmr. ii eg from l?t Janaary, 1803, to lll-t li",?ii.l,-i, 1892 H.ToO l'.IKO'. Ic s i\, duri 111; th" J- rh il 41 lia*,178.Of) R.rn* of I.iluins and I sj.- . 1738 017.00 'i'h? i oi .pinn- hus tl,.- milo' ? - Pta tl-: i nlted si it, s ana Mat ? ,,f \?o.,nrl4 .sr-, k, 1'IH Honk end ntiier htorka 87.8H*.4".,*..(H) Lob .ii?*d bi St ? her-wie* 2.4)27,0044.00 Heal I -: ?? .'.-I . alms due tos Companv, .- .1 al ...... ........ 1 f)? -11*1 M Pi ml,im Notes md Bili* Recelxable l.a to 'iii 40 i ,-i, in Doak ... -Tu L12.90 A roe sal. .12 f'? - ? ti Bli I r Ml |?r rent. Interest on (JU satBtandlna ??? nih. are* ,' arlll be | '-'! lo tl,.- balder* theitol n. IBtdr h'lpsl entatlsrs on snd after Toiaday, Uie s-t.nMi <t I ??-. nary neat. The ..ui.-i milne <-ertlfl. n'et nf th- Hine of VA-n ?ll! 1>? redeemed end paid ls the hollier, theteof ,,r their left: representative*, n,, *nt\ after Tqeadar, t!i? Ot/venth of l.l.ruai) nest from whteh Caf- ai int-r's* t.i-reou tclll ????- The er,r, a'." tai bl produced ll Ol" lime af ;?? tl ??: f iud ? BO" --lied. x dividend of f nv r-r c.-ut i. declared aa the asl esr,,e.| p -r, him* nf the Cornpsni for the -car ,-i illus lilt peeemhe*. 1M?- fer ont I, rertlfleetee ttl'] bo lioad M eii.l after Tucedav fv s- .nd af Mav netti Bj o-rl-r i f the Ii on!. .1 ll. 4 ll 4PMIN, sr.-rai.irt. X P. i "? r i rs J I) JONI 'si. , li a f. I I -. ll MARSHALL. Il ll MOOKI'. " ll VIII.I -i'll X-FUlfll. I liXX XIII) I l.nVH JONI'S, "I |. lt.. I. tl MACY i. xtfRKXi r ti hm air, XX Ml HON I- i-ltOXVN, ,s ss,.\ (%. H s|;|i. ina ac ia ra . N i-i.s rON -miiii. Ill" tts Vf All l.t.XD, i.l -TX V \ X|-lt, K. I'.s' I'll xi.iliriM i.i*ip..;i. xv , AXipirr.r.ra. VERNON ll BKOtVN ? lil-.l-i I XN np. THOMBEIf, I FAN Ll I. N LOVELL, I \ I RETT FRA/ xi: xx ii 1,1 SM it lu'I I.TOV, m P JI 'N I -. Pr-s'dent. XV ll ll Mi I" I Jt.1 . X|s, Ircs't. A. A HAVEN, Jd Vlee.**i*s*s. . RA VPN joseph ii rn A PM AN, I A S(l -. I ,W XXXI HTI i;.-IS. Pl N I 1M1V ir MKI.D, I XX1 I -. '. DE (?"OIIF'-T, xx 11,1,1 xxi |,c<,r*.i>iT. xx him m ii WEBB. IIOIlAi I. ?.P.A\' xvii.i,i s-t i i.i'P'in. .,1 ..I'...I Ill.iss john i. ru KER, C A HAM) I..UN H JfF.XVT r.TT (ii a i- nt*RDtT?tT, HI.M'.V 1 . HAWLEY, The Security Corporation 1ST CONSOLIDATED MORTGAGE 6 , GOLD BONDS. INTEHF.iT PAI tlll.F MAY 1 AND VIV. 1. |IH E IOIlt COUPON BONPrS OK *i o,?i EACH, WITH PP.IVI I.i.i.P.s. OE RF.i.lriTRATION IT rHE OFFICE UP rilE TRl'STEE THF MtMIITTtV THI-T I'll. OF \. V. PRINCIPAL, INTERFJIT. ami KINKINO H'.X'D PAY* l.t.ll IN HOLD. Llsll.Ii ON Till. Mltt.XOItli -TIKIS FM HIM.E. The properties ,f toe -.e.,,;,tv Cetparallea are leasrd for the leroi of tm nt) leora i > THE NATIONAL CORDAGE CO. f..- ,, ? un sufln i, nt t" ney Ihs Interest an the entire l-sus ot i.oini- .ml it t-nit sinklns fund, payable rn ?enilssanual Inatolnteals, tn provide fund* Bdequate tn ? i Unfu -I. tl.1. .--!? ai iio.fuii't - Hauls pur, Iijm '1 fur the rd WE OFI'FII I I.IHITFH AXIOINT OF TIIKSF. BIIXII* FOIl -ILK. AT A I'llKK WUK ll MILL KBT IMH-TOH- tt I.l PK.II I KM. B. L. SMYTH & CO., 42 IX' HAN,.P. PLACE, NI.XV-Y'IP.K. WATER BONDS, ELECTRIC LIGHT BONDS, 6*/ PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PA YA ll LE INGOLD* CoFrespondeneo Itt ri ted. Monett, Hodgkins & Clarke Co., Hi XX lill MI--T., MlH.VIIHIs. tt PEK CENT. CtK-Tltl'iT IIOMM OP THE RAILROAD EQUIPMENT CO. quail liv li IBM tn \'MK * I'fcll I'BXT. M VTEK MOHKra IIO>D"l pop, sa hi; BY POfsT, .H.tllTIN At CO., \-> WA Lia Al. Copartiurtliip Xoticce. Vsl.Mso.N \- CO.?Whereas. The oonart s oershlp ot a. Blauaon s (?.. af the (Hiv of New Vork -i-iii" !ai,?,-,., Alb ri Sleuson, AutttMn M. tslauson Mini llobeit H. Blear*, lc beeu il--- ls. a by toe tl-uth ..f lu,, -ii 'I s ben rs] ,'i-,,n : ?i,,i Wherrae, the -ai.i .tnenhlp bad tr*n*aet*d baal. -- lu UUi Stol* i,r Hie yeer* ami upward prior t? uirh dlaaoluticw, uiui i,vi anl has loi-in.s. relations tvltli foi cu - amii io- : hi,il t'herrs* tlc ici-i, conducted hy toe ?ald tiru, will be-rs fte; i ? uta ried ami eontinued by th.- nnderslgrril, .x.iii: ^; .-.lui. on niul Robert li tlonea auder tin- -enn? ui m nun,.. Non. therefore, gurman! t. the itatate lu -"il, mw t, :n! ai,'I pms ld ,1 ??? Austin M. slausun ind Robert H. Mi.-.-. ,|, -i??rn:-, beieby .-itift .,,,,1 deelare or are toe |H-r-.,t,. .pal.,, anilei toe inn, name ,f .x. Klau.ou .x tv, aid thal our principal pleee ,,f lu, -a.. ss is ji No.. ;i-.-, ai :?i,i an i,- i.. m n?. citi ,,i New.Yi.rk, la lb ton,itv ami .stat.- ,| N.-i" ; that thc Hi,,. ?r ,.-.| ,M.f th" --cl A??tin .x; Sls.iaon ls -.'l's West T.'.tli->t.. lu the ijt.-. nf New-Yortc, and thst toe pleee nf residerr* ,if the -nhl Robert ll Mose* ls M Charl?t.. in Ihe fits- <f Ncw.York. int-U, New.Yeik, Dec. aisi.. t-u MaU Cite Bini Ul till Bf ? uiiti .xi M'l.N m. SLA I* SON, ROBERT ll MOSES. . .r N, w.Tarii < ?o. ",i Hil Tth da] "f January, IBM" i>ef.,c me Brraaoatlr im- Ac-tin M. Mun-on ami Robert ll Mn*4M to ii,,' ,....itu .,,,,1 known t? bm lo be toe Individuals il -'rihe! in and ttlui ? th- h. .??_'..p.o .-.-rt Beale aad thet ..-tcraliv Ui allK.SI I' <ij? ll BM tllllC the* o\.-c,|ta,| th,- s|.|" . , , william ii MITCHELL. l"s***".J Votiiit Public fo. Klnt's counlv. _('? m.ri p, \riT.y?ik Couatr. tto Ul li om Di IWtin tTonrrni. IN PI*IfSlTANCK ol an ortjer uiaile '..y tho Hon Meir xv p.H,i<.t?icr, ii,,,. of th'1 Judges sf la* i nl|rt o' Cannon Plea* tm toe , in ant] Count' of Ka*. york, -ai Um BUi dsy ul tor.l, i.-uj notice ts hereby |i*"*i.i ? -nt' - ni''1 i',-..,i- has lui claim* bo ' nat l;nh> rt HurTiuau mil lu u. iVhntasei lut-lr BolBB bu -ii. u, ti, . .iv ead County >.f Vew-Tatk, attOei th, Brat name of HiirTniii'i V Ochiilnver. U,,t tiny are required tn |,r?-s,-nt th-lr , lui,us. I,,.'.thor with the hm,, hers th.-r. duly terlfled tat ihe Mbeeribir, Hie duly appointed ?s-t-'ti.- of .aid norTniaii t n.-hnlnrer, for the bcuertt nf m.sin.,rs, st pi. |a?.. of tranaoetiafl hu?iness. x,, no P load ar ar, New.Vork 4 lit. .?, ,.r hsf.^- th-' ltith dav of March, IHf'3 ALPERT R. Mm'P.P. I?ilay| New-Tork. Pecemhsr 27, 1*,02. As.lenee ll! RRF.IlT T. K Krill AM. ? A" ? lui for Assignee, Se. ITU ili.adv.jj. Mw-York City. Banker* and Broker*. BLAIR & CO., Bankers, 33 MALL ST., NEW-YORK. Letters of Credit For Trarellcrs, pat/able through? out thc I ni ini Slnlcs, f unnila and "flexlco. Bills and Cable Transfers on London, Paris and Berlin, FORFJI.N EXtllANt'E PFRC H.t>EI>. Wayland Trask & Co., Bankers and Stock Brokers, l*s Wall Street. .New-York, transect a regular banning business, 'mmmmtj the p'.r .htvu and sale on SSSSBlllslSB of iccuriUei dealt In at Die New-York .Stock Ev-l-inge. WAYLAND TRASK. ALFRED N RANKIN. Ditiibcna Notices. 'lill. XVII 1.1.Ll.Mi ANO I.Xiii! ERIK RAILWAY COM? PANY. NO. 40 XVALL ST., N I1XV-YORK. JAN. 17. IBMt, DIVIDEND NO. SO.-A dividend of ONE i birt I l-.A'l- ,1 p.i cent, oa Use iiii'feried Min li .,i ihw company tor tot quarter euding Doc. Bt, lavs. h4s inls out ben declared, sud till! be p.i!d on aud after Pcb. IS -BBB. 'I .ie transfer rxnnvs tull close on Jau. HU at 3 o'clock and 1*000* Pott. I'i Bl 141 o'clock a. ni. JAMES M. HAM, B*ci*tsry. LINCnr.N NATIONAL HANK. oi-oiA EAST FORTY SECOND sIRI'F.T. NI'.XV-Vi ill ii. Jon. TS, Isfs** DIVIDEND.?Tha Bmrd of Dirtjotow baa thia (Uv momtot a si-iiu-iiiinu;,; dlvtd nd >f 'mir per ..-ul un IO* ?t'"-k ff this Hank, loveable l-'-hiiuiv 1st. Ike tranefer bu-ks tun r-rooln rla?ed anti] that date. XV. T- I'ORNF.LL. (ii-hler. t OBN EXCHANOE HANK. Ni.xv* YORK, lan. 18th. 1893. TIIK BOARD OF DIRECTORS has ihis day decloied a divldenii of si\ iri, PPR CENT., payable to th* shar.-honl-r* on and sft-r tu Mi<t day of February BOB' lbs trin-fer b"?lts ttlll be . lns<*<J from Januarr Ulai to February "Sd. LOPTIN LOVE. Citotor._ 1,1'IIt K OP THF. DENVER t RIO i.RAVDE R. R. CO. NEXV-YORK, -Ian. 5. 1893. rpilE BOARD OP Dli.K< TOKS hat this d9.y 1 dedand e ditld?ud rf ONE PPR CENT, on the Pre lei red Capital stuck nf the company out of thu ucl earu lng. payable Pet. 20, pros,mo Thc traii-f.-r book- nf th- preferred St* lt will close at 3 o'clock p. M., Pcb. 0, and reopen on the norning uf Feb. SI, iiTCXlBM UKO P.i; P. rOPPP.LL. Chairman of thc Hoard. Till; NI tv.V'iP.K. I HU X'.<> ANI) sT. I.OI'IS RAIL ROAD CO., UP. x.Ni) (KNTRAL DEPOT. NKXV-YORK Jasosry "4. I8:m. TIIK 110AKD <>F DIRECTORii have this I dst deelse*d ' ctn,lend of Til RI.ll per rent, on the I ll'.si PRKFI RHEO Sin' K of tl,,- I onipa,,;.. potable,il ihls ofde, na tl,.- l,r-f day ot M ti - li H'M, ..ut ..f thc n.-l . .?:,, ul-, lui tl B ? tal -ii'I. i 1M!.J. Tho Tranafor hooBa r.n I,i.t Preferred stock will be ,!???? 1 at t.? a*, lock P. M. Ml VVedaeBdajr, the first day ,/ i luj.-i. ind -*vll be roopeaOd on la* morning of Thursday, lu- w-, <u,d div ol M*.1 ALLYN COX, Trcanirer. IT MON UAH.WAV COMPANY OF NEW ; York lilt. New-York, lain,in- j:4 IBB3. ''--/upon* due Febroarv 1st ln:-3. on th- Klr?t Mortgage Five i?t ? ? Hold Flood* of Hil? Cor norn- will he nala on and after ti ii o .-? . r, presentation il the ,> Trust (_' n,panv nt Nee t irk M i\?'i Mreei New.York C'ltr. THOMA**. XV Ola OTT, Tr-aisiirr ?* I ST SK M IA N N TAI. CASH DIVIDEND, ill tlllooie Control Railroad ' o-npacy? From the He; Kerning! ,,f ,he c. rnonth* qpded iie<-einb<,r 31. ISO'2. the Dlr.elora have declared a Dividend nf '."-.. p*r .-ont In Path, payable March l. t-*'*. t? st ?? kholders ?f the llllnnli i enfral P?liro?tt Companv os registered at th* clo*" of hiisi-.-.s p-hrnerv ll. IBM. The Stock Transfer Honk* will b* .-ins,.,! f?r tl,.- pup. e af 'h< above Dividend from Fobntarr n until March i! igfii. ALEXANDER O. HxiKSTAFF, Unitary. Neo*.Tork. J an uar? ih. i-o:t -financi-it (Plrrtiona. Il-'l xii. - ll,!, ntl, PROTI'.'TIVF. ("O. 'PUK ANNUAL MEETING of tho stockhold 1 noll,rs ?f the HOLM F'S M.HTRH PROTECTIVE lo alli bo held ?t the ..r,|,. nf the ,-nmpaiiT, 31 a Broad way New-York, ea Pridey, r braaqr ti. Im.3, et 3 n-, lo. k I- XI f?r the elect, in ol Director* for rhe .nsulng rear mid sn h other business a- nciv MOM before the meeting. E. 1. HOLME'S, Sas-retary. tjorere, (Tiirnagts, Cte. HETEItC. KULI ?>'.<; A , ,>.. Al I ITO NF F. 1*51 win sell CONSI'.NMPNTS PBOM l-li'lMINT-NT n p. r. p. dp. tts ol T R 0 T T I N '. ITOCI, ?t '..,.. Amen, sn Institute II,,lld,ne. M-are., between BJJd sad u4t,i tu., New.Tori , "lithe |07 Joh,, .t . Titi R8DAY aid PHI DAY. January 20 end ?.'7, 1891, con,men lng each dav ?t I" ..'.-lock. The rotologue ,,?i Bin* eh,,,ir 1*0 horses ,if fa*h!onnhln nnd MKCesaful trotsing hl.? il fiom well breeding e-tof.lisiitucits, ti, to .old ?p|ii.,\linately lu Uie fallowing uricr al iwoerahlp. THL'MDAT, J xni 'ART 20. 1893. Dr I C M COY. Kirkwood, Dil. Mr ll HA. KXisN. Stouv Ford, N. Y. Ms., ii - DENNY v HU", Pa. Alli I.I.NI-; FARM, M.udi-tMi. toiiu. AND OTHERS. FRIDAY, JANUARY Tl, D393. xi- DANIEL BECKLEY, Brooklya, N. v. offer* the S-t af lat Ooold, i bartle lt , Robert McOreaor, Hlue Bell, St. Bel, Onwai I. t< ul VALUABLE COKSIOH1UBMTS. Toe horse* nev bow be sen, P,,r raBllfatars address PETER C. KKI.L..?.i. x CO., Xii- t|,,n.--s. _ 107 John st., N>?.York. TO ALL WHOM I KENT i UH I I.AP.s TO regal ling the aol ? nf mv . otto, whli h are ciicuiatM to rr.i%? i is to ",) mllea sn hour and upeat, after thr four'.hs '.. un h,u.,'? mat Foi say man willing t., s-ivt- the required price. I will go to N'en.Yort, o, aoywbere, t., git,- in?tru< tiona ho tv lo train and propagate thi* .p, i?s of boreel tn going out with trainer, while at T ii. t'orvan's, I IBS lu- tint not uiul,-island hamlllim' this class of hOIBOO BO I turn ? 1 him oT. I', ii. . oivnii. nor no other man. knowrs my secret of 'reining ni propoffitlag thu ??',.*. ef horeos ' nave tao lanie im.t telle refetrcd io In i Irealsra -uti ai hume. Dal - in loll airain. BbOUld tim partiOO hoi ling or own ul- toe .-oils I to I aped ta. N.-n-Yoi!, 'itt f.oi to apply '. , Insti iiciiutis for Balwina la make success tu propagate ucl train Ihese sp- c s ,,f horses |? specl nf SO miles an iiuir or more anti repeit. thev it il! nut -,'et Bil seel, ind u, olin r pa,tv cm tit- If to'them. C. A. HAP .,11111, ]hopo?:llO. \ K.MV III ll.DIMi. Whit.hull sticht. New .l\ i itv, Janusr] M, IHta*. Noalsd iiMpusals. in riplieatc, hui be received ht-i.. until 12 o'clock, M.. ciUiiit 4, IBU**, ami then opened, for repairing th, IS tea m .numil *-1lan.i:r.n. '- ilovemnient reat-tvee lae richi t.> ??;? ? t ni,-. ??:? iii propoaala. Kpeelflcotlons und nirther ..nile,Pars can la' Iel un apple a:. Rid* must ls- in |.,r-,I "Propoaala '?<r repelrtng Stt'om f*unch "Hamilton" ? I a lire, s,, l |o ItXIls, \|. .tl,nun;, Deputy Quarter .-'? i '..iniat, r. .s. Artsy. f\FFICE ol' TilK LIGIIT-HOIT8E* EN Lfglooer, District. Toii.pkin-.'ii-. January SB, moB. Prepoaels wm bs. tsst-eived nt thi. nm... until i-_> ,'t-locB noon of Wednesday, February I, liun. fur tu, ilahlng material* and I.iIh., nf all hinds necHsarv fur the oiHttruction of tho -u sull ?>' th.- inn a Huts* tl.rai Js*ithou*e Depot, Staten Mond, Nesr-Tork. according n the I'loii* and epateltteat*on ? therefor, which, taoicther lilli .itiu r Inf,,, unit!.m. mnv be Obtained "ul uppll :,,,.. , 0 Hil- ofhec The amount available f."- this wotk is ihotll 023,000. The righi ls reserved to reject any or ,i| hld . ni, I tu ttnite any defect*. 1). P. III' \P. Xlnjur ,f I'n xl nee rs. C. s. Amy, Eaglmer Hurd Llcht-Huiise Hstri. t. DKOFOSALH Hil; V.M'l.H FOR THE PUB 1 Ll, PRINTINl). -I x i.l H PROPOSALM will he rcelied until Jsuiwry 27, lo'JJ. si I0**0 o'clock ? ai. in furiiMiiiig the PAPER foi -V PUBLIC PRINTINH or tbs tear .miniv .'-th ..f I ?'.-'.. u-irv. Is'.M, the slid pro ?u-al.-. tu tm opel,el before uni lue award of rtSBtiacta tu ?? mode by km Joint Committee of .gi .. un Public 'rioting to the lowell und h.-.t bidder for the Interest ,f tlc- Hot,'rn,tent, th- .oa.uitl.- ,,-, ? r v 111 g lo Itself si,., t, reject nut and nil i.kIs. a. lt., juiii'iin-nt of thu ,1'it Interest, of th- Coven.ut amy dictate. Nu |j>i|>,t containing mechanically pri-pund ooo*l*alB r moimi rood kill be re rived in ani Instance, d,-. siled >'i."lui,-, of ih"' des, ription. quootiti ..nd qoality f toe pap,r required, accompanied by aoniplin nnd Maali i',,|,,-.ii. mul divine the i-cgulotlon* wiui which hidden mist, co.nph. cai, he ohtii ,,-J I, atdr. tiing Prank XV ?alu,er, Public Printer, Waahlngtoo, D. I'. The con nt. v 111 be entered Int. for -,,|i,.Ititi- sip h quantities f pap.- a. nwiv he needed liming the yeer un.) no more h.tltuur.-il taantitlee set foi th lu detail in the sch-dulo oini-rl e . 4.1.04)1) reams ns.-hlne.nnisii priniing |U|)"'r, 'Jlslls. I .0 lenin, iifichlnclliilsh printing |*i|>'!'. .'Isms. 4,(K)o usn,is sii>-<i and sup.- v*lendered prlatlag pap-r, iAx'ii. 2.COO IMBI* rited and lapel calendered printing poper, "1.700 roo si* s!/<l and su|m r .ul.-nd- Ted white or tinted p,lulim- paper, tarlous si/,.,. ?J8.-00 leam, tihitc ss i itluK pipa. sarlons sizes and weigtttB, 2.000 trout* i ?|,.red wrttiBg patier, sarlous .lies and ti.-lcht-. I 700 i,.j,i,s cover piper, talons *i'c* and tvelghttt 7-X.iioo pound* ?f I,?t platt" poper. loo.Mst pounds of h.-.t mop paper. lOii.Os*' |m,und. ed so .lent pa|)<-r. 1,330 r.ams mu:,Illa paper, t.irlui. si/e.senl weights. ",700 num. ils-ne and i pa|ier. Hu.cVrO poonda gie ted Umd piper. 13,000 poundi arti Br Isl parchment, sarlou* *|/cs. ?_? its. pcn,is perehnienl deed. ,8-3,000 .siuet. cardboard, rarlou* color., sires, neights rte, ? lO.aXW reom* Brsi ia<- le lier paper, irhlls or blue la'd o, warr, t.aa -o--. ami weigh**. b.'iOH i.-nus s, cindi Ihs ladgci |?i|sr. while or blue l.i ,| oi >i,,i... tirh.iit .l/.es and weights. Ai reams blottuia; paper, onv i.i|ii red culor or weight. SOO resin. i>ir paper. MsSB. BOS ,. IBM piala, marble and comb nape- sarlous s|/.-S. 50 icm.. 000*1 fur proof*, L'lsllS 30 reams whlta- Preach folio. 17\J: P.-jmi-.i^s will bo ic, .itel for nu,- tliou-and nems or tore My dlreetlna of ? u- lo -it I'oiiuni'ree ,,( pongress n Public Printing. FRANK XX. PALMER Pnbll, ?rintel VVsehlagton, Jaaaary IO, '.s:i;i. i DVERTInKMENTS AND sIRsl Kl P PIONS FOR A Tilla Nl'.XX Xl,UK I KIHI NIT WILL PE RE EIVF.D AT THF. PPruXVN' ul m K Sn |,'.-|; rim ut. ruy, 2d door north of Tl,lrtva-lr*t-?t J and ADVER fsFJtlKNIS at H>e P,!lo-i!n? nran, h OfBces; {?4 8th ve.; ?? e. cor. -.3d st. : 1*3 (Ith-sse. : 137 Fourth-sto. omar Fo,irta>enlli-st. ; 700 Third-ate., .orrie, Fortv-aexe-ith. IsJ Lo.'* Toud-ove.. near *?utr.flrit-?t., 1,709 lint me. <&_ ?etan Steamers. A -NORTH -JtlUIAsN LLOYD "srT*cir mt\m sill.Kl KuLic. TO Lutluti ? NEW-YORK. SOUTHAMPI iX iftEMrv Fl. et t^JmMa\)mn^n**i Sh-A-HtmrnT'*** Hilt Cabin. 6,0 mid upward. Second labia. ? SS: 0 low wtc* **-Zttt\m\-3M Trove, Tue., Feb. 7. 10 aau Aller, Tue. Mar - ol'?? Elbe. Tues., l*b. ll, 6 a.m. riraxe, Mt .Mai 1 {' ii .-*1 MEDITERRANEAN LINE ' " '?? ^iV^m'trtl" -Xi -&sfa..-BB*, Lm*.Saturday, pel, |o ,? ? POsiege. B100- BP-'3 ?* ala* a beru, First (stTsaZ " _OELRIOHS t C5. aMtoWllo, Soft A CUNARD LINK. '" ? TO LIVERPOOL. VIA QI i.l..NsifjW.v Aurania....Jan. pp, 2 p. in. AumuU.. Pet, 7 a*T"l rs . Etruria... Feb. 4. 7:30 a. m. Kt 'url., Mar ill") J* t?ertl?.lob ll, l p. m. Serxli Mar n s*!** liaJHB ..Feb. IB. H:30 a. m. ?" mhr'a Mir pt' Iria !***? rrom Pier 40. North River, foot of Ula%BMB, -?sui ? ...? aw. . - v. ... HOW, .--UV 1>l 1^, J TH .0,1 ..Ji. Cabin passage. JUjO and upward. Seen,! cabin aa (Steerage tickets to and from all parts of Hurons si 9 low rates. For freight an.1 pa ".sa ir- apo t at th* ?21' pany'* oftlce. No. 4 Rowling oreen. New-YOt* w** VERNON H. JlltUXV.N A: CO.. t.ener il Agent*. J^ -HAMUUKU AMKRICAN lUCKET^Cfc Tn i.KNO.x, xii rtltMTsIt* . per Twin-Screw Express s. S. PVEIIST IHSMarck Bis . tiKASU KM i rtolON to th- Medlwrr?t^,Jla Orient by H. ii- l-'aeiit I!i?inar.:k. fto-n Son-Yor. v..** Duration, 10 ve-iis. ?..-ul for pin pha-t. ' ?*?*? EXPRESS SEBVrcE io SOUTHAMPTON. LONDON, AND THE C0VTfjVB**s by tho 4 mognlfleent tc In?crew st.-atti.lrD" nt t!L is'Ii Ii. P. Spring sailing! b'l-in Marl, MV,. ,"*~'",.4ai IIA.MBLKi.-A.ill.Kli.AN PA' KUM). A', ll'mty, K y i ? CLYDE LINE. ?" Xis CHAl'iLESTON, 8. C. Its* Ut Uti. ani iso U-, wm. JACKSONVILLE and all Plot-id*, I'oluu m From Pier 29. E. R. (foal uf Eco vt-I..*,, ', - _ Til P.ROK UK. i??- I it. J,r,Pul""'-? Yl'MASsKP. .W^Sf.SaEB ALOONQiriN. xv.,i , (v, IRSLt All at-aners B.itc cr-'-cia..- pnsMriizcr ?emBH^ZJ' WM. P. CLYDE A IO. -.e? .ra! am^*'***"' 5 Botvlh.g ..locn v'v T. O. FOFR. Oeii'l Ag-.. C. S. I rt L ,. ? .117'Biea,Vaf, -T0UB6 T<? THE TBOPICS. ATLAS LINE. WFZEKLY bERVICE KIlOU M'.'.V.TORK to tho Islend ot Jatualre, i enow ucl tot ita lanjhriss. cilns?t? and natural b- i?t:tr; uint" .tar-on of th. bAhs! Navy and headquarters of the BritiiB Army ln tha xvii Indies. Hood hotel, anl spPridia r sd*. **? Regular -allinga aLo tor Haili, ileo** Rica eui tn. meny 014 Woild town, or th- .Sj.jnl- rae. ---mn lltust'era-d par.'plii-1 nailed f ea. PIM, I-ORXVOOD A PO. xe nt- .1 >:,,.-.... .\sw.Tstk or THOS. COOK * SoNs. Acen.|?i. ? A A -INMAN LINE. NEW-YORK TO SOtaTtl AMPT0.V. ? TTY OF NIXV-YOI1K. ?'3t*il*dar Ph IX ll,,. CITY OP CHESTER . Sst- ? lat Uar! 4 7 L ? CITY of paris .baturdor. Mir. n 'i*?Jr CITY OP BERLIN bstuidai Mar. IS 175 From Pier 4-1. V. !! . f, r. nf Chi -rousor-st. FlrsJ cabin \>h?-.t tm Southe milton LoodSB or Hivv* ?r,o and nu-cord". ieco**dlng lo moii I s- tod cahls! (IO and ti"., stoc-ag. ar lou- nt,-. ^^ INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION CO. (ieneral AS'iit,,. ii Rewlinc .reen, \. Y. AMERICAN PASSENGER I.INK**. For st. iliou.a-. Moitsnlq.i"' lie '.ul,.- ..nd IPeilL THE 1 s i. ND BR A/.IL MAIL -. s. ft)., from Rnbert Pl-r'klyn. S. 8. VIOILA.Ni IX v., ' , : ., ;-, 3 p. ?. FOR MONTEVIDEO, BPI N S klREI v ., 8. B. ADVANCE. ! ?-d.T. (?? i,. jfg, 3 n. ?. PAVL F- GERHARD I CO itenerai A.enie, 19 Whltfholl-H., N'-w-York. Tourist Agenta. TJWS^CCJOK x SON, 1 nd 1...'J B'eiy 1 -UED STAR LINE. ^?e FOR A.NTXVI.I'.P AND PARU. Selling for Ncw-Yora anti Aotwerp'T. WAESLAND Wedne*day, K.-b. I, lill RHYNL/.ND xx 1 -:,? 1 ;. > n no a. rs. F!r*t cabin. i-'iO aovrarl iceond cabin, bi Antwerp, ?38; from Antwe.-p, Bi8. Redu rio . ? a r und inp. Aa I'ly for ?? Facts'? st'-rig.- a' \ ry lo 1 rat**. 1.N1KK.NA1ION XL NAVIIATION CO.. tieueral Agents, (j Rowlla| '<reen. a - ~\VHITE VT AK LEN lT~ ? Ami Knunnlc....Fe3. 1, 0 a. ra. RuaimicM-ircb I, I p. a ?i'eutoQ|c, tah. 8. ll 3D a.m. I Teutonic Mai 1, .-? lf)a. ra, i.erniaalc.. Feb 15. 4 p.m. Oermenle Mareil lo. 1 p ra. ?Majeet'.'. Keb .a!. 10 M ., ll M 1. 1 S3 I 4. rn. From XV'tilto star Dock, loot ,,f xx ?.., 1 ? isaioon lotes, B60 upward accord li .? tai iteaswr aad leev tlon of beith, "second cobla on mes aasamen, $35 inf trio. Prepaid. ?-40 ind B4.">. St.ire p ?? .1 j |;jj, from NeeV"r<. **0. No. ?i> Broadway, New-York. Phllv tteluU!-i otlke, iou VVoini.t-.t. _H. MAITLAND KERSEY. Aa***. APART? tai I'.'il. stiiu- leaves Np.x-York 1'et.riaii- Mdt, by i, -. LA V HIM ANDIE, aol for programme. I. M. JIIN'kins. ..->- Broodsay. n. T. COMFAGNIK GENEBALE Tr;i;-.satl:intiqa*I KRI'.NCH LINE TO HAVRE EVERV" BAT. LA NORMANDIK. Lmretit . Sat. Jan 1*. 0 as. LA OA8COONF., saut 111 . hat. Peb. 4, DOSS. LA BRET Ai.NE, ' 'Ulei set.. t?-b. ll I 1. a. A. ?*OR('E*T. Oo'ieral Agent. No. a Hr"?a. L^i.YlT-rooKs'NII.i: -TK\MI RS MJ hate iain Novetnber 15, ai, 1 ' gul* v 1,1-ieifter doj"",. ?ml'lngs, p,..:.- 1 -.-.,! ? t, -1 InformO' Hon frnm Illos. i , >K t BOX, SDI B sid?,v. ff. r. J^UROI'E AND HOLY LANP.~jEiiiiIb1i"I ai leaves Pcb. I, Mir h ll end Me* IS. etc. bead fur -T.-iir!?t .i-i/oh-." Ocean dc kel* 'v t\\ Rae*. _JI. PAM t soxs. 113 Broadway, New-York. ^ IAPAN-CJI1NA w OCCIDBNTAL -ND OKIESTAL s 1 ,.,. ra leave mu Francisco *- foUo*ai GAFT.IC .j'u..saev. J Site Itt 24, S p. IB. BELtTIC .Thin slav. I-",- BB, 3 p. ra. OCEANIC....Tu ta-Jiv. Mira 14. ll p. ta. vtAKLH' (will call af Roaol'ilul Tuesday, April 4. 3 p m. Superbly sp|>olnt,d- Kup-ri-r .1. , ,,nin oilsrions. R.sersatlons can !?? by letter or televi-am te in* rabin plan* seen et "ST aud 141 Broodwer. 8flw??sBJ| 1 Batters Place, cr room 74. Bntldlna. Sin Priaa iiico. leland btani-'ord, Pnsuasai. T. H. OOODMAN. Oei.crel Pee"*nB<l Airent. I INHA DE YAl'ORKS HORTUGUEZE3, - - XXTiit, r P.s-iirsioii. XO THE A7.0RF.S MADEIRA OPORTO, LiSBOB, CADIZ Oil OIHRALTAR. To eal! riguleriv In eonjuoctlon ali* the steamer 01ln4ia and Bloomer Ofveoum. the 4'ompoiiy have sdlfd te their line the new. Orsi-cla** passenger steamer DuXA Ma Ma, of - oAP tors. ti. H. DOVA MARIA will *ai! al-out February 4. Th!a fl'"' nearjier o'er, iiaiemlid a ???"miiodatlo , for Sri*, rlaas j?ea.fneer? seeslng n milder cllflMt*. Dur*t:i- af round trip. "L\ wee!- M-di-al Bttendanei on beard. For fret.'i't no*eaa*e ind orin"- infuriation applv to HAOlMEYER t IlP.t-'NN oe: Til Ager.U, 103 HroaU its, .V W X .,-,.. Chao V. Da-ev, A sent. XV. D. SonlKirn. Acenl. 7 Hroad-.r. postou Xi M u?? ? r , "ipi FnactSWi MALLORY STEAMSHIP LINE. Sen fork xv-In?lav. 1 . !,,. , | BifiBBF FOR TEXAS, UEOROIA AND PLORIDA. Thniu,.'!! 1 :? Bet* I" n'l p late in Tl SB* ' - ? ? I -. I't-sh, Arl/o'ia. I'o'if ariii-i, M-\lo. fcc, ...... li aaa Havana Cube. l's,-.'lieut po**ens"-r ... ommodatloaa. xvn-^ f,.r .;;r Bt'Doa* i-*t'3 Manuel trail 1 f,?e . C. H. MALLORY ti CO-. Pea. Aats.. Pl 0 11 N. Y. Y EW-YUKK and CUBA Mail Steamship Co. ass Piers 10 sud 17. Eos* Uit.r. tjaiuidav otciiiier. it 1 ,,. m.. am-, othes at 3 n m. t>1 basans. Progre?o Cooina, lie. Front, ra Lacuna. Iuloki. T*iis|*m and Vet* Chi/ Mataasaa, 1 aid' rsagUO. c'aibarlen. \ii.iii, sant.ato ,|o t'ut.J. lioentalton > ind .'.enfnsg'W. MAUARA, Uavena and Mexican pun- Dal Ja ll IV ul-' XV.XSll' N>. ION. tintana tl , ,i . Pet). I. SXNi'l.Xt.O. NoerBU, .sunllasio anti Cleul ih iraday, P'b. J. SENECA, Hesona aid MexleBB jtorts Bot., FOB. 4, This line has a .Pre.t OOOOCetl ,1 snd Issue* thiourt PHI- of I-niiti.i* t" all nol,.;. on Mexican R. W Cu MtaU ,eu liuerocanli- R. R . Mexican Pen tra I 1; xv Ce Lt4. md th.- Moats**? ami MiAi.-en (i-iif Railroad FaxatsMB IViita to the Tropics |,sdnced ti ?V* and upwoio For lull parti, ulais. freight or na-aa ire annlt te jami's p. xv.xpn a CO. nu Will-et.^ OLD D 4) M INION Ll N ii. .'itean-en, for NORFOLK. PORi*4>MOCTH 'LD POlNI CoMI'onr and NKWI'UHT SKtVS, v inn. et ms for X IK. i.lNTA lll.Ai ll Pi:i'r**ltJ>'BL'Rii. and R1CHMOXO. \'A?. and XV ASM INi.'l'uN. D. C.?Mon.. lues.. XV.-I Thur*. ? mt .-at. Pur RICHMOND vii JAME*! R1VKR Moe.. and Sat- For WEST POINT, VA?Tore Tnurt j tot Sal. Fiom Pier*.**, new- No., N H.. fool it I P. M. Thtough tickets nail frc r-hr rates to ell ploB) south and xve.t. Ai-plv at (ieneral OfH-e f io on Pier, or C 47. 229, S-IT. 2iU. SB7, M7A, B*8, DH lsd ll*** Proedwav^ W. L. .HILL.xiDI U Tiafll. Maoicer^ -Tin; NEW I t'OL'MP.l.XV LINE PANAMA R XILROAD CO. Itiln cen N,*w-Y?rk and Colon, rai'.auio, South Pacific, >I \. 1, ind PALI PORN I A. Sailings irmu Koa York. Pier 54, BT. R-. (aa! af sYool .''thst,. 8. s san MARCO*, PI.ll. I.'.. .1 P. Hi I S. Al. XXI". MAH' Il I, I P. M.. AND ALI 'LISNA TIT XX ili'NI IsDAYrj. isveiimg fi om Colan. 8. s. san MARCOe", M xi: ii I, I Baa, AND Al.rLR.N.X'll. XVI DM>I).XY. For frc.j:!,t. |?i-":iki', aud B**Cnl inf rmition apply 0) lint Traill.' Mau ifeM, -jT.XMlniU) PAPvllY. IILP.RO.N | CO., 3", lil aldwa;, . _^^ PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY* I.INLS IO 1 A LI Pi KM A, JAPAN AND CHINA. CKNTRAL AND Sot III AMI.ISU X AND .-ti.Xiv* l-'ioin Now.York Pier loot of Canal-.i.. North liner. Pt bon Pronelsro, vie rn latoaio* of l-anana. CITY HP PARA -al- M. lidos Jen uer* 3u nj?.a. Fiom ha,, Pniiu i-'-o. i-i aad Brannan et.-, FOR JAPAN AND 1 RINA. CITY Ol' Pl.lilNii soil* sot , Pet). I, i p- m. Poi irelcht. poesOJiO and Beni ru I u.r.-nna-.o.i iMIf 0* ronii?ny'? ufll n an thi par. loot ol (anal-.t. >? I. H. J. lll LLAY. liea-M1 ?Siip.irliit.'i.d*t. _ KED " I)" LINE OF STKA.MSIIII'T-*, FOR LAitCAYRA, PUEltTO CADI -.Ll.'1, v L RACOA. IOHO AND MAR.VI AlIU) HAKIILCK SlOllll.s BRO 'li LYX. i H. CA RAI AS.?***??>'? -Ci** ,% , t nZ 1 s. VENEZUELA ??dn -tor, I h. IA, I I'- "*? 4. s. PHIL.XDI I.Pill X Mi'"l lit. I-eb. ....I ?>**? These Aarerlcoo .-".-vn-?'.'i>-. -p- n") '""'" l0' 'ir trade, havo sen superior Bccommoiatioos f,..- i*a-;?eiig?r*? ' UOLLTON X DAIXKTT. Tiuiri-ts' .xseni-. oenerel MlOSBfOfe IM 1 rout-st. THOS. 1'OOIs &. S ).N. SCI .md '.J-.'. I! ros. I way. m olAVANNAIi LINE-Kiiiir BllloHn tvcoldj vl fiom NewVic; ii. N K-- fool s?riii,-*l: 4. ti. TA LEAH AKSEL h.Hit. Jaa. St, I P- ?? s. s. RANS AH CITY Batordiy, Jan- -?? ?JP ? s. S. I'H.xTT.XHliocHPi: Xl,..div, .lia i". 3 i'- "?? ,. s ,\ x,-lani in.:; xv, un, Mini. Fe*. I. "LPJfi (.lOneeUi;: ss-1 ttl C. P. H. or ita. ana BV I;.- * M. AMP or al, |.o|iii> in OBOROIA VUiBAbi. ttOi TV- CARO* UINA. ALABAMA and I.Ot'lSIXNA I nsiirisna-sl BJj onimoilitloii-. l-'irst das* table d'lot-. Ior fmlghl ano r?%o13geo*. 11 ac W. il Phetr ttmn-MBm b P. A W. R'v 2(11 ITi'iiv. Pent" ll. R-. SI. B?|y. R. L. WALKER. Atrent Oecao B4a*a?Sk?^4**Oa__fc ?. M. bulUlCL, j.MauajM. Now IMcx 3a. Worto oVt** i