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THE HOUSE WASTES A DAY. FlUBrSTERINT' BY OPPONENTS OF THE TORRKY BANKRUPTCY BILL. RENATOR HAf.KS ANNt'AL Fir.HT FOR SHIP?.. Wo*h1'is-"n, .lan. Bl (Special).-Senator Halo today nnd* bis usual animal move inward an Increase of th* Raaf Iv suhmlttlpK on the part of the ftoBBM I'nmmlffs N Naxal Affairs an amendment to the Naval Appropriation bill, authorizing the construction cf mm b-itiie shli>, ***'?? roast d.-f.fice ships and a ' f of light draught gunboats und torpedo boats. Mr. Hal* has brought Iti an amendment of this "-ort every y,,,r for the last three or four Congresses, and br lni<irporatlng lt In Um Naval Approprlatin.i bill and fighting for lt In conference, bas obliged the lIou*e to make much more substantial additions to th* Navy than have been conlempliited by the popular branch. fo fir the House Naval Committee has shown lltth Ir.dlcatioa of a purpose lo add lo Ihe Navy at Ibis ?esjtlnn. Mr. Hale's amendment, however, If accepted by Um Renate, as lt undoubtedly will be, will force a fight between the tao bodies and result In the "tJtliotir.mii.n of af least two or three netv ahlps of mme s,?t. The Senate Committee ls especially anxious to secure the building of thc light draught irunboat.s, which have been strongly recommended for two ir three years, though without sum-as by tho Navy De t>*r:inent. BL6INI*r5S OK THE SENATE. ?V*"hinman. Jan. ?5.?Tha Senate bill ta encourage the roritruction of electric railroads, previous]./ re? lined from the Committee ern Commerce, and placed oo tbe calendar, wa*, on motion of Mr. Morrill, taken ***n gm calendar and referred to the Committee on Itoanci. Hr. Moar, from the Judiciary Committee, reported a ?"attltute for th* bil) to eslabllsh a Court of Appeals k* t?e D1?trict of Columbia, and after explanation lr *m agreed to. A conference was asked, and Messrs. "?sr. Wilson and Pugh were appointed. Mr. faulkner lntroducrd a bill tor the odml?s1on of ***. s* * State, and lt was referred to the Committee *? Tai ri lories. Mr. Dolph offered a resolution, which wa* nareed J*, (ailinn "n the Mate Depart rm nt for information ns ? "hsular fees. fst THINKS ARIZONA IS MISKFPRESF.NTF.D. "sMilngton. Jan. 2.V?Governor Murpliy, In speak? ing of the artlon of the R.-piiMu an Senatorial caucus >***t?rdny. which was ads er.*.- to tbe admission of A"iioaa a* a State, nays : "TU* action ls by RR means final. Muny of the ?"?niton hay,, expressed their InienHon to Investigate "urlher. lt |* niucli to be regretted, however, lim! such mistaken sistemenl* In regard la the affairs of ?o* Territory are published, and while I? ls not con (ended tam th.-se misrepresentation* are Intentionally 'Irculoted la Injure tea Territory, a great wrong ls n.yrtbeless balm*: perpetrated. *? *s absolutely untrue Arizona ls sfltlcted -THERK are 40,?ob families in and near ."sew York who bur the LalDIES' HOME JOURNAL. More than 7 aa, ooo copies sold through? out the country monthly in cities and the larger towna. TWO MEMBERS BLOCK LEGISLATION* WHICH TWO-TIllIinS OF THK HOUSE HAVE A SK KO FOP.. [sr TriFonsrit to thu TRinrvE ] WasMni-'tnn. .Ian. -Jo.?With only thirty three work lui dav* '.f thi* Congress remaining: with only three, (4 thirteen Roaanl appropriation bllLs through tho ?House Ol i;epre*cntatlx'es, and with an enormous amount of oilier unfinished business on its calendar to-d.v wat 1-.excusably and wantonly xva.sted hy that j^v. Tat titat a-* xvell RR for the wasting of many other dix- s,nc* this House xs-r,s organized, the Demo rr,tir RMlutllT which deRberstt-ly framed nnd adopted i cod'' Ol role* which gives one or two members ihe pfrwer t" saaei tafs-loftoa by filibustering, ls solely BJSR*?*!bT* Ita 1- Ron In tin* filibustering of lo dav were Mr. Kiltf/ir-. > I rexss, and Mr. Fierce, of Tennessee. It lt ?*fe ' ' mp tLat si least nlneteen-twentletlis of tea gjjBRBffl f-esent today felt glut that thn latter xs-as grated tor to election, and thnt all who will b? jjjmbe:i "I the ne.xt (Tongi-ess would cheerfully sign BgpHiOR i'i Mr. 4 b-xeland lu favor i.f the appointment ?'Oe tot mm to t lie BloiiraR otRMtaa or any other post ,ajrli xioild lobe hun ont of Congress and beyond oalranlTiri "f ibo Cattai Matea. Tiie |RbUsttn*tog was directed against the considera Rjg of ' " Banbraptcp hill. In favor of xvhirh no le** {jam g81 lt. je-e-entatives-niore than two-tfilrds of the bbssBI ti-einbei ship ,>f t|,f House?had signed a ?siltlon to the t onmilttee on Huies, liv a special ardor Bra 'I'.y* taara set ngari fir Hie con*ideraiion of Die triei re, which I* ;in otaborato and voluminous as well as at. extremely important one. Yesterday was jdit bv Um "djotirnment of the llon?e on account of'> Of Associate Justice Lamar, end to-day was wa*tf<d m s,illus on fl 11 bu sternum motion*. Thr llama wa* simply powerless In the hands of rae BM waa trere s.-, rolly encouraged aid nbett'-d by * few other nienilters?who hud determined that the bill ll id not even be considered, niui h less pasted. It ls a measure which absorbed the lime and (honth'.. of the Judiciary Committee for months, ind which, ii its pre.ent foriii. ls approved bT Otarra of the tatara membon of that committee, but n small minor!'! Bf tea Hoaaa ls unalterably opposed to lt sod determined 'hst lt shall not psis this House. Even If tn-' I RBBlttea on ftule* shall consent lo re rtort sn order ?eu:iig upsn snottier dav f,s the b'l1, lt win Ra o' no nx-all unless ll shall provide for trie rahing; of a vim st un boar therein specified. bf* SUI ie ,vJi..f*Wl*e Ul"- tactics XS llb ll Wert- eft er?ect|vw t,s-dsv au te . i"*J"'?d and Itideflnltely continued. Both xjr. Oat**, af tie- Judiciary ILotBaaitt**. who bis chsr,** of ihe lisiiknipi. y bill, nnd I balrma.ii Holms,, -f lb* kpatoipttalkara committee, srba noa be*n trying , - s Bl lt br the -sundry <~lsil bil, appeal"*! -'? ' 'i.str'iiati 4-rl*p and hi* Denoeraila colleagues ot lb* ?-.nimltt.-e aa Rule* thi* afternoon f<s report a -f.fsr'.sl order for one dav Roxi week for the f mst.!.r?'i,.-i of the former inea.tire. Mr. *rioitxjaii) aaajsaiee a/sBneattaf, and sh ld thai by Taeata* riliut Ibe -indrx' dell Mil. Hie D*jfk*teacj bill nnd ti* Nafltan bte woola" bt* Ihraaob Hie lions*. T1*i? dma '--if ? '??me when the Dem'?TSt1( member* af (he (i.-ti-'tH'-f. ,,n Rules sn* comp, lied f. hold sever*' rrafaraacefl <-srh day. In former 4 itnjn*cs*es the majcrlt] ol lb* Commiilra on Utile* bob been ll enonil rated ? '"*teer1ng com mit tee"; in this (on fT*a?i n'id"-r Ibo niles In fore, ft cannot, properly, bs I'.stxied. B*oaae* it i* oaabta to "otes*" mts tiling and It ought perhaps te be cnll(*d a '?ommlttee of Bot]' _ _, THE -TIIREl aUlTALIOma I1ILL TO BE I'Rr.ED. Washington. Jsn. i."> :Sp*rlall.?The House Committee en Military Affair* ao'a.>rii"*d Chairman Outhwslte to r?port a m*a.?'ire tt'tIrfa is** b?en a subject of discus, lion for s *ium''?r of years, known as the "Three Bot tali'in*-' bil! :? fa jetRgaml to Increase th? rBtetaBCf rf t*? RftfteVI i'i l"fan'ry hr Increasing the num? ber ni bs-i-r'? ar fOMpaalm In eacii rejrinieni to tsrelT?, to b* divided Into Hiree battalions nf four com pir.'.f** #aeh. Tb* .irt'>ry ls to contlst of seven rcrrl n)?n-< of not more ibu twera* t4a-ieries ei.?:,. socb r^riient to OBastot of one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, t ire* majors, iTelve captains, eleven lirst and ten sseetd*. tti:* ttie number of enlisted men r.i? allowed bi Intv. 1 B* Infantry force ls to b* <>r (tsniied tata ls?tity-on? teflment.s of not more than rireivf- rompsnltss each, ea, i regiment to consist of one lieutenant <olonei, on* robmel, thre<* majors, ttvlve isptain*, eleven Ur-* and ten second lletitennnis and t?e enJIsfed 1nr~* tmve a riiorlred bv Btw, Tba I"*l*0l e*nt mot aut!iorfre t r enlistment of colored ni'-n and Irrtfls'i*, rompanles 0f this bind not to exteed ten In ant ajfjRMRt. ORR of the argtimrnts urg'-d In favor cf the measure I* that In RRRfl of \ each of the resl n,en'| Se*afat, If necessary, be ex|*siidi-d Into three regi? men'* 'v In* addition of six battalions of volunl.-i i-s. ft vi' .- I . each "if the new regltlietits battalions of stell. Ss ,|tlln**d veteran*, thu* grently BtrongtbMteR and Im reaslnfl lu rtnctaaey in active Bea rte*. (*balraun OatbsraltB xslll try ta secure artlon on tue bill at this ?? s,"n IOR F^HLIFR ItF.Tir.KMF.NT IN TUT. NAVY. Wsshlngton. .'an. -i dpeclali.-I'nder existing law Nai.l officers nre required to retire from active ser toe iitosn reaching the age of sixty two. nnd may be i?tlr?-d upon their own application ta tbe l?r.*ldent af er forty years tit service. In the Army oflirer* msy rellre after thirty year*, of mi Slea, The Army lau ba- Nen envb-d by Naval oflicers for many yeats, and mini'mus eliot I.* liaxe been made 1o b,ive lt* t'ltn . insdt) applbrtble to Hie Nats. The*e effons bit ? 'ec with sollie Btseeeao, f.-r tea Hoara Camotlttee rr BaTol \ffalrs t'.dny ogre.-d t*. reitort n bill tocot* pts-atl'.g the thirty years feature to the House st the Br*; apparteaatf. ReeaWRarp Tracy faxors the Mil. and ie, .-ntit submitted to the isimrnlftee certain Infonnn Uin upon His mlje.t which sliow.-d Um Ju-tlce nnd imr*"-"ince of Hie mallar. 4>ne effect of the bill xslll ba to Increase pi-oniotloii In upper criides. It not In frets.i.rtly happens Hint officers In the Navy aee no proftpec's for futtiter adyiiiic.-inent after Hilrtr years' -. and not a fen- .,( ibi* ela-* will Mi-all them selves ef an opportunity lo ntiro and, svhlle not too old. engage in private bu-lii"-*. This liss happened In a number of liislaine* In the Army. "llb a burdensome debt, or lhat poverty exists any? where within her borders. No part of the country is more prosperous than Arizona to day. and all we ask ls to be Intelligently and Impartially Investigated. This we propose ta light for. respect fully but earnestly and I have no fear but lhat we shall I* vindicated. The country at large ls with us. and further colonial bondage for any of the Territories I* becoming distasteful to the American people.'' Santa Fe. N. M., Jan. fa.?Tb* Legislature wss In? formed by telejrniph today that an omnibus Mil ad? mitting the four Territories was about to be reported IO Congress. Strong Joint resolution* were naaacR and telegraphed to Washington, urging New Mexico's claim to Statehood. MR. M'COMAS CONFIRMED. A I.OXO STi.t'(..;i.F. OVFIt HIS API'OINTMF.NT TO TI!!'. DISTI'.KT SCPRI'.Mi: C017RT ENDED. Washington, Jan. 2.*,.--For the first time this ses-lnn lhere sins a .protracted htrngsrie In the ,-\eeutlve session of the senate over a Presidential nomination, that of Louis MfComas, ex secretary of Ihe National Itepubllcan Committee, to R* Associate Justice of Ihe I)i*trict of C.iliiinMa BagroBM C'mrt. Within a few days after the reieptlon of Ibo nomination tbe oppo slilon to the confirmation aV-giin io a>ratap lu tbe abapa of twa eagae elrnuge*-, touching, the bosaaesa in legfity ?f Hu- nominee. Tiie Judiciary Committee sifted each of these, and dcrlan-d In lls report to the Senate teal in lt* Judgment Ibera xs-.-is nothing thal In any trap ten led to show Ibal Mr. Mernina, xtas not titted for Ibo place to whhh the President pro? posed to appoint him. T'ie opposition xx,i* then innis fernd from tin- outside lo the Senate chamber Itself. Today nt 1 R'ckch the Senate xvent Into executive sessiin with a tb termination on the part cf tin- Le publican Senators to confirm tea nomination before adjournment. The BOM wa* In ehRfffl af Senator Min bell, ol OrefOB, xvhn In behalf of Ibo Judiciary ( "niniltt-e nnved that Ibo nomination he contlrm.-d. The opposition, hoxvever, desired to be heard, and WU heard nt length. Mme i'm four hour.* were onsumed lu the debate. Thc opposition lo the nomi? nee In Ibo senate xvas based aliuo-t entirely upon the, gn und that Mr. McComas xvas not a resident of the district Tho Rcpub'irans replied lo the Democrats on this jMilnt by referring to the precedents eet by Mr. Cleveland In Us District and nppolm menls, and alerted Dial Mr. Cleveland might feel disposed to again Ignore platform (let laratlons in Hist rc*pert. and setae! t'ie ne*t tilled men toe ledeial appointmeni*, repirdle*s of re.tdcnc.-. When lt cam.- to a vote there was no attempt to filibuster and Hie resuB *-tus deeUtt, the vote siand lng .'l*J for confirmation lo 13 for Hie opposion. Beean** of a failure to ndspt Hie u.iial resolution Informing l,he President of the eontlrmation, Hie result wa* n<t formally annoiiiiced nt the conclusion of '.he session HACKING AT THE TENSION-*. TUT. HOt'RF M'B-COMMITTF.E WILL TRY Tri TTTT OOXVX THF. DlflON SOLDIER?. Washington. Jan. C."< (Special).?Tba anxiety of the Democrat* m 4"otigress to cut down th<? I'nlon soldiers and sailor*' pension roll has fonnd expression In tea deilslon of the subcommittee which bas charge of Ihe Pension Appropriation bill to recommend some radlcnl changes tri the existing laws, i me of these ls Hist no person Tint a dll/en of the Inned stales and living In A foreign country shall receive a pension unle*s he I* suffering from a physical disability. Another provision recommended ls that no person able to earn a living by manual labor or otherwise, or whose In? come from any eource ls MOO a rear or more, shall receive a pension under the Dependent Pension net r.f June, If-oo. This provision, of course, will not sffect pensioners of the Mexican or Indian wars, no matter how large their Incomes mnv be. Another provision ls that no wldotv who was married lo a veteran of the war slnre IBTO shall receive n pension. Another provl-Um abolishes all pension rigencle* and require* pensioners to be paid by rhecks **ued In Washington. It ls also recommended that 'be ".peiiker of Hie House of Representatives Ins autJior Ir.ed to appoint a commission to be romposcsTof Repre? sentatives.elect to the Mild Congress to con-lder the ?object of pen-ion leglatattoB and the methods and practice ?f the iension Bureau In the arTJudlcation of iliiltn*. The Tension Appropriation Mil snddjed xru.i the roregomg amendment* pr.--;**! the subcommittee to tlay by ii party vote, the Republican member*", (eeneral Braal, of Vat moat, end (ieneral ningham, of Prnn?yl calli.i. voting against lt. At least one Democratic ?ember of the rab-eoosatlttaa, Mr. Mntebler, of Fenn. -titania, ls lg favor ef lbs trnn*fer of Hie PenMon llnre.-iu fo the War Department. Whether all Hie imendni'nts jiropos-ed bv the subcommittee will be ipprovad by tb.- full committee remain* to lu- seen. It is understood that Chairman Holman (ind one otter Democrat if member are opposed to several of Hie sniendrnents, especially those affecting Widows, nnd pensioner* under the Dependent net of leftO. Mr. T.N'rlll. of Massachusetts, who dt**w the principal amendments, estimates that If nil "f Ihem be adopted a yearly saving of Rsl0.4X)0,4J*4X) to ir4(i.iKS).ois) will bc made. Tbe iimcndine'tt In reirard te panatana of Bon? is--iden t allen*. If adopted, a* seems lo be rather probable, will reduce ibo annual panstoa Raiments bv about ? HE NFF.D NOT SKND A MFRS ENG ER. Washington. Jan. 2.1.-Secretary John W. Foster hs* reached no decision with reference to the tiuestlon whether be shall send S special messenger to bring lo Washington a duplicate copy of the electoral re? turns of eai b of (h.- four Slates tba! bave failed to BBtWl by messetiRer a duplliute of the oflif Hil Mate ment already s-tit by mall. These Slates are In? diana. Montana. Wisconsin and Oregon. In hi * doubt whether the malled ropy of the returns received from ihe-e Slates was sufficient notification under the law. Secretary Foster referred H.e matter for an opinion to Mr. Partridge, the So llcltor of the Department of State. After a conference with Attorney Uener.-il Miller, Mr. Part? ridge reported lo secretary Foster today Hint be saw no reason why the Secretary should not use bis dis? cretion ss to whether a duplicate copy of the returns should be delivered by messenger. I'pon a careful study of Hie law, h.- found nothing, be said, that compelled tbe secretary lo -.-nd bis RlCfleenger for Ibe return* from Retlnqnenl stat.* nft.-r n copy bud boen rec.-Ixisl through the medium of the mall. COMMANDER JOHNSON DI.SMI***FD. Washlnrttn. Jan. S3 (Speciali.?During ihe cruise of the I'nlted Mates yarala sent to Behring sea under Commander Evans, to enforce thc piovl*|ons of the modus vivendi between this country and I'ngland, Ibo Mohican, < nnn-aiider H. I? Johnson, struck a rick and was more or less seriously damaged. A lourt nf Inejulry investigated the cause of the accident nnd found Hat Commander Johnson was blamable lhere for. Simc time afterward geer*tarp Tracy 00R*BBei R court-marl lal at the Nuvy Yara, Man- Island. Cul., to try Commander Jobn*on on charges of eulimbie negligence ur.d inefficiency in Hie p.-rforiuanie of late und hazarding a, v?-s*el of the Navy. The Marl omvieted Commander Johnson end (sentenced him ta be dismissed from the Navy. In all court -martial -a*es Involving UM dismissal of nn officer from tbe Army. Navy or marine cori**, tba approval of Hie President ls essential before the aentenn ran be e.v uted. The i'resldent to-day spproxett tin- sentence In 4 omn,under Johnson's can-, and that officer xviii Accordingly bc dropped from the rolls of the Navy. THE OPENING OF THE CTAH GOLD FIKLDS. Washington, Jan. -'.?.?Secretary Nobie transmitted to-day, In response to 0 resolution of the House, his -eport concerning the Executive order of November IB, 1?0-,*, |,y whteh that part of t'tah lying Weat of the 110th meridian was restored to tee public do? main, together with all tiie correspondence on the subject. This comprises the land on the San Juan River, in t'tah, In which rich placer fields of gold are illegcd to have been discovered, and tin- document* ihow that this land waa thrown open lo settlement o allow the people of the lulled Stales an opportunity if exploring these placer Melds In search of gold nnd rataaatfl minerals. All the fui tai connected with the ?estoratlon were published generally ihrongbout the tVest al the time the President's proclamation was .-ned. A telegram ssas received today from Colonel Hunt, of tea Army, reporting teal no prospector*, had nirudcd on Ihe Navajo Rcscrxalloh. A BILL TO nETIRE GENERAL ROBINSON. Washington, Jan. 2"j.-A bill wns Introduced by ?eiiator Hlscock today lo put Major (ieneral John C. taaaBaoa aa tea retired :i*i ol the Army, with ibe lill rank and pay of a major general, General Robin ion lost Rta leg at th.- battle of SpottsylvanU Com 1 iou-.- and ls lints- very Infirm from this and oilier rounds recrlx-cd In battle, totally blind, nnd unable ai earn anything for lil, own support, and l* nearly eventy years ol Bf*. TIE PRESIDENT AND CABINET PHOTOGRAPHED. Washington. Jan. 23.-The President and all Hie icmbers of his Cabinet hud a large group photograph iken today, preparatory to their ofinial .eparatlon a a little over Iva weeks' time. NOMINATIONS BY TIIE PRESIDENT. Washington, Jan. 2.?.-The President to-day sent > ihe Bennie the following nominations: Captain ames N. Allison. 2d Cavalry, lo be commissary of ubalslence; Captain John IL Eaton, assistant quarter laster, lo be captain 2d Cavalry; Captain Guv loward. commissary of subtslstencc. to be capinln and islttant quartermaster. These are transfer*.. Spring Humors CPRIN'O HT-MOR-*. Mood humor., skin humors, D scalp humeri with loss of terr BMOOaM other humor whether itchlnf, burnio?. bleedlr.7 scaly, emited, pimply or blotchy, whether BtastC ?erofclou*. ot hereditary, from infancy ,o bb? .ra bow, jv?rmanently.and ecoaonilcally cured by Hist greaten of all known humor curei, tho (Qticura Resolvent AlKEf ?ad blood purifier cf Incompsrsble parity sud curative power. .Vn acknowledged ipeciflo ef world.wide celebrity. Knilrely BOROUbll nfc InaoeeM, and palatable. Efsctl daily ruore'rreat eurea of a'ln, *calp, nnd blood humora than all other akin and blood rcinedrc* before the public raia grenier thin the combined laira of all other blood and ekin remedies. Poid everywhere, prire, |1. PoTTIB |>RBfl aaa ORaaieat Ooaraaaxrma, Braton. Os*" Pend for ''How to Cure Pr-rin* ffomom Blood Humors, bltia Humora, rica lp Humor*." MR. BAYARD'S CHANCE SMALL HIS I'LOO.M'' FOB Sl.t'lMTARY OF STATE FALLS FLAT. F.X-MI.VIVTFr*, PIIKI.I-.S A VD DON DICKINSON'S 1'BOOMs'' BAVI 1'lVtrPFAr.F.O-PIsOS PF( TS OF MT.. MsTls. fnr ti i ia,nsi-it Ti) Titi: TBtBOVB.] VTaRBtngtoa, .Inn. ii",.?I'iie clforl to create n "boom" for Mr. ttayo**] ns -.wretary of Stat* hus not MO Ri any |r*at decree of excitement or eiithu.l.i*tn ani'Mii*: Democrats in tVashlniton, befit*** few of them be? lieve teat iheie i* iinv prospeit of blt Bppolnlm?ol. The tiuih i* Unit, Democrat who stere in c ra press (lniinc Mr. Bayard** incumbency, tram is*", to IBBB, and st ho are silll In public life, almost illuminion-iv admit in private c iiver-iilion thnt Mr. til Tatami would naka b grave oitstok* if he BhoaM nguiu ptoee ih* Detaworo Btatesatan at Hie bend Rf tea Wmta Depariment. While lt ls n fact that Mr. Pnynrd too'c Utile pain to endear hiin*.if io Democratle politicians in or out of Congress bv bl* manner of rc cit lui* and tlttettag their r.-qiie*!. lu liehnlf ef .'fiend* xvlio BOaghl oflice. there ls not much crillcl-m of lum for that re:i-..ii j the chief abjeettoa utajei I* tii.-m be larks tea ability md fiiiHiif.c.-itioii* neeeasorv for tiie, Baccesafal BdMlnls trillion of tho Department of Mate. I 'OW D-mrx-rot* r-ven tew contend Hint 1,1- foi mer MOnflRTMBnl of ihe nff.'ilrs of teal DepartmeBl wns Micces.ful, and manx- of them privately towed* tesl In .*oine rcspert-s lt inched btth wisrdoin nnd Btraagth. The WaoMactoa ojoMaaam uro i*cn*-raiir disposed tn acree thilt whatever probability mar have existed nf one time of ihe appointment of ex Mini ter K. .1. Phelps as *,e, rotary of Bteto lias vanished, lind some if them (ire ROW disposed ta believe thnt lion .Manuel Dickinson's '?boom'' for t!ie snnie oflice ba* been un 1ulv expanded nnd ls lllii'ly to Miff-r lollnp-c. This opinion nppeiirs |a RR boa**] upon Int1niiiil"ns said to tere been i*eeetved fratn beding nnd Ingaealtal Mlcnl nm Democrats who at'-r Mr. 1 >l<Tiln*<>u"ts tate -rshtp lu Ibat State ba* been, on tb* whole, demoraliz? ing mid dlsHslron* to the prospects of t!,<- I)- mocrailc party flier- for fran lo come. The political fr,-nd* of e\ vnator r'.n-ll". of I/.ulsl ina, do Rot regard I ha prrapral of lil* upp"tntinent to the ofiiifi of Beentarp of rMate <>r some oilier j.lace u the cabinet as bop* le sa bj ar.r Boeoos, BMbaanjR he ippesrs not to is* greatly roaeernad oboal tha Plotter. rbi mention of QeBflffll Bafltta'fl RRBM raggests lb* [act thst Ressttera Deoaoentfl ?re hp rio mraaa r.-:niy o believe that Mr. Cleveland bas <|ctcnn!n>-<l lo < ' tam inly iwo of '!"? ?-ic|it "?amber* of blt ? abtael from ibe ?r*oiid" gaata, ss ia. ii rara Mm IM electoral votra. *'i<Ii a dlvl-|e,n of ( al.iri.-t lum,irs t..itve-n (Se North md south they would refer! *. uro- ly utah*, and ?j. dl*p*M'd lo resent, cpd lally in vi.-w of the fact 'hat three of tlte .seven member, of |Rfl I nbliiet In 1RM xvere spltollit'd from H.e S'fillli, Bli'l Ubfl South sill BR flflttsRed artUl i,"(hine short Rf tbre* pla".-* In Mr. Ctovelaad'B ???? ind I The tlc Ui a'ion nf Mr. i b velsfid that "tallliieM men ire to have UM preference In the appointment*," and lint be "*linll appoint -H. i e* ful lei,me.-, ne n aa leads of the depart men! s" ts regarded ? .t sertttu* and iiobubiv ulai ? -'ii i" Hm .,n,: ni,i. ,,f Bept-rtw italiva lilonnl, of i.-s.rji.,, wno ls biuIous Io serve lae conn IV :i* l'o-l,i;M-ti r ('-ril. [)Uting Die lu**I twenty real b* ba erved i-ontlnooiwly bb s member ol (in ||i,ii>e. io still, b ha stn- elecled Bl Ce a*** of thlrtv 1ve, sifter four v.'ar*' --ix,"' In Ihe get**] Army. Ills 'boom* se.-in* io be ot .-r-liiidinte"! at I Ia* - pi -lit tillie >y Uat Rf William I'.. Ilitrrlty. CHIKF wei.I' OBSBBTE8 DKM4XBAT1C \v.\VS. tTaahlagtoa, -ian. ss taps dal).?DaartM Oaefcraa lent 10 New York In -1 night, bal lil* sent tins oe ? ii pl cd and tilled, imlll Hu- House met t<|.lay, bv .iiother big "heave." Ile was not u Tamma nv bras.-. ral be 1- ii bl,; . lief for nil that. Ila ls Chief Wolf. if one of ibo Indian Bibra aa 'he PaMtte roast, who ins (onie to Wastencton io see ibe "Urrat Fate****1 ind pro eenie a claim- niul Incldently lo BM Hie IgbtO, le oicupled Um Speiiker's ibiilr for a short lime, bm tm* nindi belier pleoaed sllh lhat of IluurUe (oekriin. he Tn in in a ny bravo' und once sealed he was xviib llfficitlty per-iiiidcd to retire before tt.e llotlsB Was ailed to ord-r. ( blef Wolf was decked In full nellan BOclety roatomn. and his cheeks were painted o correspond willi I.l, gay apparel. He spent Ihe fternoon In one of tha reserved gallerleo, br attentive ? bserver Ol the bllbusferlfiK proceedings "ll th* ROOT, nd Bttractoi arneb attention. tVho! bl* opinion >>r . Democratic Hons* of Ilrpresentaiivcs i*. ta:,not be '?vealed nt present. i chan( I", ron BUBSTRtTTI l.F.TTF.a CAKBIEM. Washlnjrtoli. .lan. 'Jj.-The Postmaster 1 sued 1i? follow lui; order : A* substl'itte |*ta*fW4BSa*ta**J sr* r*1'il'"d to be In **? end.inre at fr** delivery olflres (sometimes for a year -r iimi',. a*, m Banoal B*Btry ,f el tog the pro rata SSayeasotMn Bf tiny 'airier who*? ri.ate they tu.iv ta to. I'llrcd taOBpanrlly to ??'rve, before sn op|iortiuiltr O'cum or promo'Vin ; and as BM MtBatatemanl of letter-carrier* iho mar lute soluniarilr reslum-l. or beaa r.-nr,nted for au**, d'-l.ivs Hie nrniiioilori i.f these paid ?'ib t.ltute*, reinstatements should In equity ind eontl con deli,-e be reduced to the minimum ; lt If therff'-re Ordered: Kii*t, that the yoltinttiiv r'-si^n.-itlon of a Htcr-carrler shall be s bar to hi. reinstatement at any ftl'S where there mar be a substitute, In ?erv"/:e and any lass above the RRM eratle. Bs*tC*od. ? leller-ciirrier will ..o' ti* remoted e\, apt for Without An Equal That is what wc can truthfully say of the be-tt shortening and frying material Cottolene Thc use of it hy American housewives is no longer an experiment. It lias become a household necessity, and as staple as sugar, tea, or coffee, ami the longer it is used thc better pleased with it are the users. (Jive it one trial and test its merits yourself. CoiToi.r.NE is for sale by all grocers. Mintif* lured only by N. K. FAIRBANK t% CO.. CHICAGO, ILL., and Produce Exchange. N. Y. violation of tho posui ;??? and regulations, or for some cause alTcetnji injuriously th* efficiency of the BBTVlSfl or lila iriteflrlty a* a citizen. Third, a letter-carrier Mrnovel for causa will not be reinstated unle*? the charges upon which hi* removal wa.. bs?ed sre di*proved. No appointments of leiter-rarrier* st free delivery offices will bo made BOaORl from the .suh.tttute list, until Ut*! list ls rateOBtBfl, and pmmntlons from said Uta "hall be In the, order of their seniority. CAPTAIN SAMPv i.V TO HF. O INFIRMED. Washington, Jan. Si fg|MJflfll) Osplfllfl Sampson, (lie praaaal commandant of tbe Navy Yard in Una eily, where the naval pun foundry I* located, ira.* r.n-nlnsied as Chief of tho Bureau of Ordnance, Navy DrpartRMBt, to BOCCOOd Commodore Foliz.-r. soon ofter Tiie ganai* recoavcaed afi?-r tee holiday it cc m. There has been some slight oppo-ltlon tn the continuation of Captain Siimp*or1, tated, lt ls reported, upon charges toiftd against teat ofnctT by Pav Inspector Stephen? son, of Ci"-, xs lui bud BOOM personal dltterenre wini Sampson winie tb- hitter was superintendent of the Naval iteodemy a tew prara ag,,, i^,. Renate Cam mit!",- .ci Bara! Adair* ba* Investigated the report* msde against bim hui concluded that tiiev ore of s trivial natara anl will recommend ilmt oflicer's con? firmation on- day mis week. Cnpinln Samson ls regorded Ir naval circles it* a brilliant, Kalora officer md hts .-ei.-eijon ta BUC.d Commodore Folp.-r. whose service in the Bnreaa ol Ordnance bis t.n so pto ductlve of Iraportanl and valuable results, ls looked upon as a U.iii'b-'itue compliment tu bl* ability au,l energy, EROF. IIAEDWISS SOM1SATIOSREJECTED. SC Pp RT SE IX Till'- CONNKCTtCCT HOUSE OF RI PHI REXTATIVrSB. llurl.'ortl, .Inn. S3.?The fleaMtem In tbs House to d,-iv was til" rejection of tbe nomination made hy iiovernor Morii* flt Plflfemot simeon K. Luldxvln, of (fOW-HaVOe, to be associate Jostles of the Miprems Court of Errors. Tiie. nomination of Jndge AaoaotBR H. PeBB, of V.'lncl.e*ter. for ihe Supreme Court bench, was promptly coa lr med by a vate of Sid io i. r.otu noriiltinilon* bail bera reported favorably upon by tbe Jiidii liirx Ct niii.liiee. Repreacatathre nrardflay (Dem.), of Bridgeport, sup P'ii"d the nomtnailoa of Piofe.*or Baldwin. Rep r<*.'iiinilxe (iuiin (D.m.i, of Milford, b-d lu the RB* posltloR to |*raft*aor Baldwin's eoaCrmattaa. ii.; toket whether tho arumbera of tea Judiciary Com? mittee hud given a t baan to tlio*e objecting to Mr. BaMwIn'a Ramlnatton i" he heard, ta wbirii Mr. Rfood, "biilriiinu of Hie .Indi, in ry Committee, replied that they bini liol. Mr. (.nun said (bat bo regretted opposing Mr. Baldwin'* iionilraiion, but Mr, Illili!orin was tx pif.fe-*or In the Yule Law Scliool nnd tiie attorney of the New Vork mid New England Kalin nd and he could not see bow li.- could "Berra both the Lord and tea devil." a mun'* uMlity nt R lawyer ls a criterion of bi* talent ns ii Judge. Mr. (.tum said that Slr. Baldtrta hod loot ox ara ruses than ho bad won, that iie appeared lo bim lo l>,> cold, narrow-minded, sel'nh nnd prejudiced, carrying lino official relations the amenities of private life.. He ls not in touch with ti,* people. Mr. Mealy (Deni.I, of Windsor Locks, argued tn favor of Mr. Baldwin's nomination combatting Mr. ilunir* opinion of bim and disputed the soundness of his comln-lons. I'pon a vote br ballot Professor Baldwin's nomina? tion wu* defeated by n Vito nf 07 to TJO, the Repub? licans voling svitii many Democrat* in defeat Pro fes-or llnldviln. Mr. Hamersley (Dem.!, of Hart font, nppenleit for Ptoteasor Baldwin nnd ili** anlty of the Democratic party, ile asked s"m? r* pr* flan to Uve |n mos.. re,-oti*ldernl|on of t!i? vote, which. Mr. Ounn consented to do. IteroRslderalton waa defeated on a yea and ii:,y xote, by ot: lo 1-s. SU IC IDF, OF A CAS ADI.AS COrSTT TREASURER Buffalo, Jon. SS.?A man regl-h-rlng n* Ceorjce II. T.-ivlor, of London, Ont., romnilit.*l Btdelde at tea Mansion Boara tesl night hy laking poison, Emm. pitpe-s found eil him ii" ls mppaaiR ta he R. ?;. Hmm, of xirangevllle, tint., rouniy Trcn-urer and BMnagvr "f a bank at that place. Toronto, ont., Jan. 23.?A dispatch from Orange? ville mj *: " li. T. Hann, I i*ra**arer of Du If ern County and. until rercn'l,, manager of t'...> Orangeville bruin h af Ibo Boah or Hamilton, who rammltted tnlrMa Rt Buffalo l.i.i night by taking palMn, left ber- ia*t htoadoy evening, o*t,ti*ll,|y for I ilea, N. Y., When he hud been sanasoned lo t.-.tify In s caa* concerning ihe Hank of llaalltm). For a l"!i*7 Hate lt had been runof-d lhal il tun m.i* short lu bl* accounts, and lil* -ul. Ide 1; tullen BS couth malton of the rumors. Hasn't ls,nd.nun were two prominent restaewts of this piara and lb* amount of their liomin wjs ir'id.OOO. duties eefurbrb to a fish company. Wnter'own, N. Y.. Jan. BS -The end bas teat Leen reached in tbe c:i*o of tavotvteg an laportent 'l'i"*Moii nri.-Ing from lb* piovl-lons of th* M. Kinley bin, which pm* on tb- free ii i Ssh raagbl with nen or tucki.- owned bx* American*. Tho Luke, On inrio Ptah Company, ankh control* tho wImmboIo gah trude on flu- upper Bf. I.uwi-1. River, parchfloed Hie oiitlll* of -oin- ll.tieiin.n on Ibe Canadian side and toniiiiii'-d ihfl hBRBtess, tiie rampony occupying th* |.o-lt|on of .in Anierltan clil'cii. In the cally part of Jaaaary, let>3, it w;, i ai.ged lhal Ibo Luke On? tario Fish Company bns ratered .-'* free u large cjimntllT of dutiable fn-.h Ssh al th* port of ( ape Vincent, by ahlrh opwords ..f BMABJO In daile* had been withheld from Ihe Oovornmeot. Ita president, willard Ainsworth, and "t*>rretary, w. C. Ilorten, arete iiire-t.ii ou trarranls cbaagtag teem alta snaggltng. The defendnnls gBVO no evidence nnd w.T" held ta await tbe action of lin- i.r.'itid -Miry. DteBOBB Of tefl nppwed iib gol ifni oi tatton*, Cote dor itetBh was di r'cie.i, emly in the. *jring, ta enarra duties on nil ri.h ratered i>v tee rompoay'. Thora wera paid un? der pi.,i.-t .uni appeal were taken from in* c.l let-torn'* ruling t-> Ihe lii-ard of (.-n-r.-il Appraisers of I \t,rk. I oder lb-, I lon* of timi liOfird tb" Treasury DopnrMnent has refund'-*! Uw dull.-* so poid. It HI mi|t|/4jw*d thal Ihe prnsetutlon aaa lnslltnlt*d by i-r lam nnfrluidlx i anudlan ll-luini"ii and n li dealerfl. A PlTTSItURa MAS ROBBED AT SIAOAEA. Niagara Falls. N. V.. .Ian. 33 special i.-William Clari:, a IlttsBurf*. iron manufacturer, arr,vd herc siindny to stcst tbe lea bridge. ile wont Into u Miiall hotel and liquor shop kept by Charl*** Mills, In (anni st., to Inquire about n s!ei,-:i lo lake a ride. Whlta there ,< man In tho piece volunteered ta tin I ix sleigh nnd during hi* Rbaetira chirk hod several drinks xslrli twa or three other men. ll" b"taiiie unconseloua und when ba i*ecovered bl* sense* ufiei several hours his money, gobi xuiteh and valuable* wera minster. mun, ibe proprietor of the place, (burles Mitchell, John n'l'.rien and Wiiiirim Me 1.alt) bute I.n arrested. Tin* police think they have a gang ss lui have Reen malling a practice of enticing men imo Milli'* place and drugging mid robbing ibem. ti'ltriefi has i**en li.-i.i for tho tlrand .liirv. and die evidence ng.-iln-t Hie others will probfl bly convict them of being acressorle, lo the crime POLUY PLAYISO IS BALTIMORE. Baltimore, .Inn. CV?"Th" News'' this nftemoon prints two pug.* siiotxlng the cxti nt ofpollcy-plnylm-ln liiiliimore. Boltlatora enjoys BraRwoavtabl*distinction, ll ls siiltl, af hiing perhaps Ibo gT'-atcst hotbed of policy playing ta tue United Slater. It hus. In fact, b*ramfl n part ol the pmiltaRl Btachlnaiy hy which RalUflBon I* goxeriied. sellers of the loitery polk lei gbortsfa will,..ul. I'lfi.tltally, ht or hlndrnnce. The chief backers of the game. "The News" i otitlnues, ure nun w ll known hi munlclpnl politics. It ls .?i-sert'-d thal .mth.l* lu Ih* police d< jtart'iient itself are concerned lu the bu,nu* . CHARCEU WITH ILLEOAI. MEDICAL PRACTICE. Aiisu*t Lorir.g. of the County Medical Society, caused toe uri-'st yesterday Of Dr. Dol.b Irving, of No. r-d 1'lfili ave., and Louis Wiejiirl, wini does business nt No. SR Church*!. The agent's tomplallit aile;."* lhat Dr. Jrvlhg ls not rr gi tiered us a physlckm, and \\b-gail ROadaetB nn Illegal m*dlcln* bureau. The priaoaora artB te arraigned today. Tba brst prtaonor Mya lhat hi* mme ls n"t Irving, hut that he i% Dr. ( barbs ll. (.rives, mid under thal BOOM lt re^i-f,.red. Wlegarl's plate wus omplnlned of by people In th" West wlio were Induced Ihrough his OdVCItlseMSats t. send him money. Sh. hi* urrest Vt'legart say* his Him.c !-, ( iurle* L. ( lenient. BCAXXEU ELECTED TEE ABU SEE At the meeting of the Hoard of Klre OomnHmloners yesterday Commlaataan Kb i.i.tiT resigned us treas iircr of the tfftiinl. and ( omml*.loner Stannell waa clctt.*d to lill hi* piara. to ni: tri e.p. For. alleoed forgery. John Lowmn, ix eolleetw nr,d boolikeejH-r for W, J. BmIhl00*, .1 dealer In lumber and fuel ut No*. JOT SIS West Twetitv t1r*t-*t.. wa* nirslg led b?fore JsatftM Wblte lu the Tun!., Pofttt Cona ye-t'-rday rror a charge of forgery. tsflWMR, ssh") I* s married Britt ? sstfc- anti family of mo children living at No. tot) XX'est Thirtieth "i.. forgi-d UM BgROtRra of his employer to a Chaeh di.iwn uivtn lin- Riverside Rank fur ^IllO-s. After getiing Henry Ruge. of No. l.Tgg Hr0udwny. to In? dorse lt, he nitceeded lu Kelling Ihe check CROROd. It ls chanted thst Lawsm has forged fourteen or fifteen Other Check*. Ile wns arrested bv Detectives Kleld md Heidelberg, of the Central Office, on Tuesday lu | "^r without p doubt 7..v ^rtheBest ?.?i--.Tr'*' Machine .ft^i77;.^i^owmade. >%.\t-.4Am-mZ2 -' Reliable and energetic agents required to sell this won? derful machine. Operators wanted to take positions whew the Yost is used. Apply to YOST WRITING MACHINE CO., 71 and 73 Broadway, New York City. West Twentyfirth-st. He pleaded not guilty In court reaterdas and was beid ior trial. A S ORIES TA L Tl ER A RY BOUGH T. THE LAGABH-E COLLECTION" SF.ClTtED BT THE UNIVEKt-ITY of THE (TTY OK NEW YtiRK rog, $r,-jo.-,. The rnlvcrvltr of tbe (itv of New-York hus lind a stroiie of fortune- iu becoming tee pate ha am of thc Paul de Lafoido Llbrury. bequeateed to tho lloyal ->'0f|ely of i.ottiiigcn. Shortly before Christmas I'ro fe-s>or ll.itipt, of .lohn.s Hopkins University, who ls spending ibo winier in Germany, sort word to Pro fe**or John Dynely Pilnce, of the chair'ol tin* semitic langnafes and comparative philology in tin- New-York ( nlver.*lty, teat lt wa. p,,* ill.- that titi* libraiy arra to do sold by tea Boya! *-o lt ty of Uottlnfen, to whom Professor de Lagarde bud lett it by lils xxiii. Pro fe*-^or Haupt, wrote timt whoever ol.tulned this col? lection xvould po**e-* Hie Snoot Oriental library in America. An cxumitiutl rn by lTofev-or Prince of tefl culnlogue sent him by I*rtife**oi- Haupt led him to in dor.*e thlsvletr. He-ides the iiii|*i) numiier td Oriental xvork4 iu tho iolle. lion. Utera is a line library of Patristic nnd Christian literature, and also Important (.reek and Latta collei lion*, representing .*e\er;il (bon.und* of authors. l'he precise nunil er of voliim-s in the llbrury I* not vet known. Profe..*Or de liBtarlfj tho collector, wa* probably Ibo BOBBI remarkable writer on bomltic studies thal tiie world nra e\er known. There I-i bardlv a spot lu this vai*t ibid which h- baa not touched with his great horning His own writings alone would form no meun addlilon lo a ate varsity library. Tbs library romprl**es nil thal wm collected by Um during Rta long yeur.4 of study. Tin- rooney to iBcnra Ibis collection bas been guar imtefsd bv jiffy citi/en* of New-York who are either lutero.ted in the elly unlverMty or in the promotion of Oriental learning and generul literature. Hie j'oval -h loty wu* dlspooed to sell lt to a university which would keep lt. unbroken, railier than to private dial? er-. It accepted u bid of .'iO.OOO marks which the Bnteerstty sent, aouunttes ta #7,-jo:?. Ike secretary of tho iioyai Society bus Bent u ruble dispatch lu forming iho university that lt may expect a (.overn ment decree conveylnf ibo library to the I'nlversKy of the City of Now-,orli. Proteooot Prince, to whom tbe credit of securing thi* prize to tee BBlverslty belting-, i* profeaaor ima i-< lurer In th* university lu Hebrew, tlssyrtan and Arabic, and ls off.-ring courses tn Kthloplc aud Turk lORs MEETINGS ASD SNTESTAINMRRTS. An entertainment for the benefit of 17. RId>y & Son*- r.m|>l,i>.-*' BeUef runt will tv- given at the I^nox l.teeiiiii on Jue*<1jT e-.eiilng, Jyiiuaiy RI. The enter ui'.----.,, nt. sill begin at Rill p. m.. and piomi*es to be in Interesting one. Ticket, mat* be obtained of air." of tho f,,Hotting nit-mb-i* or the committee : Mathea, Jimmerr-ou, Allissa, Croft, Bodberf, Btoaot, HaJiu, Throckmorton er Withers. 'J ne I lillian; ian Hand uf ten pie-ri and the follotftig will takt) parti Mi.-, Mab"l Jstenheaion, teclta lioaa: tho i'ark si-it.-rs, laatnsaaaaBl trio; iirook* and D-nton, banjoist*, th- Hatton Mal* Quartet; J. is. Ifrllaflf. magician, anil Mino. tTeiuentln jj io Yere, .<>? |,raii,.. Tba Brasapt Bieejam'il Association, of the town of I7ist>he*ter, will have if.* fourth annual r-'i-ptlon ut, Fair fas llrUl, .Mount X'-rnoii, ou the evening ?f February tl A "grand union BBBBOr" of tho Woman's Auxiliary of tho EoaBBm PteWlet Brooch Brooklyn Young Men's A**ii-'Ul.iiii, Brill b- glteu at No. J43 South **lghth*tt., Broolilyn, E. i>.i 1 vt mary o, ;, 6 .i.a '.?, rn aid of UM MW tmUdlBg fund. i h.- third af ti," serle* ,,r i-lures at the Park Pre*. bytSMan Church, BOdet tl"' Basptras ot Uie Ladle*' Aid -....?lett-, ttlll BB RtVOa at (hat, c ti ti r- ll on Tu.-Ml.iy even Ior Best, by tha Bev. or. crartad s. Robinson, ou "Egypt, lt* I'yrair.l'ts and Murnini''*.'* Lieutenant Robert E. Peary, of the Navy, tho oreti exiior.-r, win gite a loetam on tho fueler*, arovaaaaa, mountain*. WSW ll-W*. Annis and rocky promontorios ot thc Int'-rlor and Ut* faith. *t haondBftm "f lirccnland. at tho Bcadetoy af lloale, Biaohlyn, t.-'-nicht. a raaMtaR ot tea Rt- Patrick's duh vin bo held at the Morton IIouso al U o', lock lo-n^ht for th.) electlcu if tfdlcer". The American SatlHf of Comparative Relig*pn will tii.-ci in the council pasta of tho Cnlxersity of the City of New-York on January 710. it 2.740 p. m. Thc Bev. Dr. Ii. F. Kidd** stilt dlamaa ''Krtflhra and Christ.'1 Th- Harlem Broach rd tea T nmg Mbr'b Chriattra A** elation will hold lt* anniversary e\.-r-l-es In the ?*m? latlon building ot No. i Weat Oiie-huudied-and-tiventy llf*h-.*'. till* BTCOlag" The flr?t regulur "stag" ind "imoker" of the Inde? pendence Club ?III be heM af Its clubroom*, No. 337 LCHOJ.-1V0.. on (saturday Svaalng, SNRTTRRSAMt OP A SEAJfCM OF TUT. Y. M c. a Tin* barth, anniversary of tiie Freud: brunch of th.- Young Men-.* christian Aoaoetatton wu* held In \ CtRtlon Hall, at Twenty-thlrd-st. and Fourth riv-., Inst night. There wn* a Inrgo .-lit'-nduuce. Among Ibosp on Ihe platform store Kfnlle Twvefort, t'o pi told* al <>f ibe Preach branch; ii. p. ii,.*r.-r. vi,.-. prestdoBt: i.. Dlchool, sacrelary; Aogusi Hoartet ami J. Eugene Robert, the vice consul from switzerland. Addle*.es were delivered liv I lev-land ||, Dodge, Hie araaldeBl Ri tee Young Men's Christian Associa? tion of bola city: the Bev. H. L Oraitatteaaia*, HaxUne Durand, the Frencii Ylce-C<.n*ul: J. Thoron, tea pre*bi.-nt of th* Pranch Benevoleat society, ana eS?5& Both tiie method and Hie results xvlien Svrup of Pig! ii taken: it is pleBflROt and tefftjahlBg to tho taxle, RBtl acts gently jct prompt Iv on the Kid iieye, Liver and Howc-ls, c>aiia-a theav.*t"-m eiTcct.i allv, di-pcls colds, headaches anti fi-vers aud cure* lialiitual constipation. Syrup of Fljjfl la Uta only remedy of it6 kind ever produced, alRRRBraj to tiie t.mtc and acceptable to the stomach, prompt la it* action and truly beneticiul in it* e|),-cta, pre? pared only from the moat healthy and aert-eabie s':l)statice-i, it? many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made lt the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs Ir for sale in ."iOc. and $l bottle* by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist xvjio may not have it on hand xxiii procure it promptly for any one xvho xvishes to try lt. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., HAS 1 BANI 1-tO. 111. LO I I** VII. LE, KV. NEW YORK, K. Y. The Original and Genuine (WORCESTERSHIRE) LEA&PERRINS SAUCE Imparts tba most delicious EXTRACT Rt a LITTEB frsm a MEDICAL OE.N TI.EMAN st Mad nw,to his brother at WOBCB-t/fEB. nay, i >i' ?Teu LEK R PERTUNS' that th?ir sauce ts highly enteetQexJ tn Indln, and 1* In my cointon, ihe most palatable, as well as tho most whoie Romo sauce that ls tudc." Beware of Imitations; sb.raiiiiras**oom*a*araMB'so**araa* ?? that you get Lea & Perrini t^tJ^^f3Cs^ 0!g(!ltorBon*T9r7botllB?f the OrXVtnM lcd0?bala*. Ittrar*v"n ?*?)??*? - ? ohk. Ladies, You Can See Any Day ai The Singer Parlors The Different Varieties of Art Needle Work In Process of Manufacture On Singer Machines. The Singer Manufg. Co., Cor. 16th St. and 3d Aye, Blankets & Bed Spreads t| In connection with our specialty of linn goods, we carry an extensixe assort? ment of medium and fine grade Blankets and Bed Spreads. Comfortables with K^MV r'i''"i^r7^.. Cotton and Doxvn fillings. james mccutcheon & co., THE LINEN STORE, (14 West 23d St. Wilbelro&*3r?ef BROADWAY & 2*tb ST. China, Glass and Pottery Ojr?XTTBX 'lorpUltif 1 ur*-* in ls C>x*xvuai x<. pi? niirumi. j>j*f?X XTJJbbT. , Ur. J. Stephens, Lrb.aoa. O. PERFECT LAMPS io aluin .md li.-iitllltal il -lins 1.,:- non,', .tait**. offl.-r., Uui.-I. ?iieji. factory, i-barak. etc. Kst-ry I,niup ssarrante*U Tint -Kif. ii- *t. . " hu. no i-quiil. Ma-iufa. turod by IIAVAKU .MI l.t.i'll Jc CO., 10 ,x; IL' Collo-fe Pillie, X. T. tho !>x\ J. rrovo*t. Tin* report of the braneVi work dLowe4 proina** In ull ili<? departmonis. THE SEW-EmWMSWtCR A<clDEST. ? A number of nierchrnit* int-ulrer! nt thc PostofBra v?'eiii;iy BOBBI mtiil which XTiii lu*t In th* wreck on ll'.c l'i-fi!i-xlviiiii:i 1*004 ii--1r IfRB1 llRIIOBRBll on Tue* l.iy. ThlftOBR pouches of lKt*f|Rm mull matter anR sixty sin!.* nt BSflOSBl and third bJrbb matter wera totally destroyed. No ir-i.t-i'ii l'-ni-r* or parrot* ts'i-ia- mi Hie train. Nomi- nf tin- mull, which came from tis IU more anil Washington, nitouM nasa rsaciitR ini* elly nt 12:30 ii. m. mi TaesRajr, imt. nil>.-ing con* re. iii ii nt, i' iphiii. bad to ba *> at an th.- trula is tn. li tra* srreckod. Tba ii'.il ssa* mninlv tor point* in eastern New Jersey and thia etty and .--tate. Vii ISO A BALI. IS AID OP CHARITY. i Thi "liospltil ball " arfeOrb was elson last night *R ihe llarl-m OfSm IIoii"i* Hill nnil r thc aaSRRfOi ot :hi* La-no.-. So. ia; Llab fit a brRTiaal urdu.- aird a en-afl .M.?? ????. Tl'.-- lull tva* ltira for BB b.-n.-fH ot the st. Anl!-n-* Jiillri-uir*-, ec Ho. l"s East Ou'r-hiindrod-oad* t wen tv sBgl lh-*t., and a tOOOmttmm sum was reallied (or this chitrl'-y. Ttosa botlaf BROSM of the affair tierO tVflllaat B. tori -. .x. Ii. Ii?.'I'iir.-. Ilnrry J. Bi*adl>*y, QtOtg* l'l-hf-r, tlia.l - C. Uatoa, W. |", B. I.c*nnln*r. oct- t*. itii'.-v, imii, - .4. i, rn Mitd;. - ii. joba-a !?. Bartels, Caa? lei 1:. Raul Boya, s. t, curry. ArUiai KlrkpatricB, Juhn uni Caatrim a. Beiiedi-.-t. UORF. HOLD RMQABRB FOR SI11PUEST. Wore poid xviii rd to Karapa RR Ibo French -tciniefl Lr N. mundie. Miii.ii -a.I* tn.-ii tm, port on Saturday. it xv;:* icain.d j.-i. nlay I Bat ?iri.iiijKment hud tet-a ?flat* i.v im, i..i:.:..n,- branca ior ibr ahipment of R?,l(*0.O00, nt:d tba coin still he tvli:,dr:i\vn from ttta ?ii'iTiea-nrT to-day. lt i- connMercR bv well in? onu.d l.aiilier* Ital al kRst if-i.oiJ4i.iii*) in go\o will i>- exported oa ratanlay, ami Um Bataam may rraoa ti.tnniAiOO. n ci uki "not bu tamed uti.-ti,or tba lank ?>.' 11 jin.- Rod ti, allow lataraat on tb-* -pilli- in tr.'t)*lt, imt a* Itt* tl-mind Mata bam that iist-.tutioii it I* |ir.--ntni*i ilia' ita trraqrjigranta under tiiitt. last taUuaay'a soiBsneau vtra made BRta beta CU.'44.Kl. CIa04UB0 PUCn OF CA LI FOUNT A STOCKS. .san, Jan. RR, ISM. S i tu rda.** To-d? 4. toa t ti .-d* t . l'o-dsr. 130 lat i.'rii isa i.-.*a .IR ! t'ta.I". luiiver .!?? ii-uh'-r.i*5 l-t v I>!i her..1.-0 (odie Consul.'.ii hollar ..'.0 on lal A; Va .-*.;'.) rottti Point.HO -mild 4- Curry... .Ti tale Si .Nu.'.it/es.. .li .in I Mexican .Ml I Navajo .Ij 1 ?.??"> Ophir .1.:o 0 I l'c'o,| .1.4*, bavara ? LO", *'-,r, NeraRa....l.l| t'tah.IB I'lilon 4_oii*ol.tnt Vciiotr Ja'.k*t.00 .tl 2Ai .-',