Newspaper Page Text
IN HONOR OF BISHOP BROOKS. lU'siNK-sS HOUSES T<? CLO-**E TO-DAY. ?tiii; ROOT ok Tin: ur ti) curry DMA* to iii*. si rv ur tim nu i.sTtTi'-. li "don, .inn. 83 trsptilsli.-i'iie of Ita mo-i .-Ignlti cn it I.Milli.'- iii < linux lion wllh thc death of bishop BitHil... i* Un- voliminty art ol tho in?-rchaui* of BflO |RB, Tn inoi mw, RBtwraR Ita hours ol 12 and B, xsh.-n I 0 funeral of thc BjrMb-li<-ai-ii-il pieach"r occurs. ? ??/.rv RiiaBj .tor.- in P.i-ioh sill ta dosed. It kt lte liercti iiijai im other pooaotar in thi- montry Bara -mil n ri-matfciible tribute fioin Hie inerchuhls i.f b,-" illy, RWB wbo-c ril:i*lnu* belier* Include Ita Jaar, Uta i mt ni. Ita t*atta>c, mid aMtatmlm i.i I'roi. danftam. independent of Um family and thov* Imoiidltli Ij coiinccl'-U willi the service- iii the i hurt li and thc prara and lnilf p.-iidi-iit of thc private ranloRBs, i'4X) public rartaajjss hara ban aa?a*-fd fur to morn.xv tn alt.'.td Ita Tbt- public xs ill li'ixi- .in tiiiportuiiit v to look upon lb<- Ibm of the tl-uil bl bop ni Trli.llv Church from R until ll o'clock ta marrow morning, ami n tin tun win pam tiirst'iyii tho Vi*tib'ile of ilinl inignlllccnt church such ii* hus never lu .n winn's i'd in Burton. H I* mated by un "'llft-i-s- d', lils fi nilly Ital I'-l-hop Bi..)).- di.*i without RmklBg --m.) will, li I* R*tlmat?d Unit hi* r-iil mid p<-i.-oiial prnpcr'i' cannot fall l?r sbori af ?.:.".(?..-xKi. A *ii.ce-*0|. t , |ta late U*tiop will bc uppoiht-d lit IB* .XIbs.*B4 li'ls'-tt* Dioic-all I'onVt-lillon, wbli U still l>e held tm May li. An impression prevails '? n> Lilly Holt tb.- bl-.liop.1i- still full tu a Illiston d.V'lle. Xuuiberlc*s l.ti-r* nnd telegrams of condolence tara taflB received from ull over thc rouiitry, und from -onie of tU>- most eminent bishops and ranon;} lil Jsjlfc.-lll. a?? A liESOl.IlTO.N l'.\J3<*ED IN MtOOKIAN. Al a iiiei'tUiij! of the Mnn'.altnn I ongregmJc-nal jjUooORBtaM held lu (l.v South 4'ongregatloiiul CRBUCb, HimrBlja. yesterday, a coinuilttct- consisting of the Ita*/. 1>;*. RBstsM S ftOSRR, WMItun ll. Ward, and 9a Vt. i.ninan tm.* appointed io pr.-pare a minute lu raaaMotaaa arith ita t*v?nt dcata ol Bishop Phillip* nf BssfdaB. Thc following rnlnute and re.*o lulim, report!*? by Vt, Mon*.* were unanimously ht'. : [Ba removal o! UM Bight P.ev. Phillips Brooks Ir..m %l?r"".ori< Im Uta Muster ,.-.i c.ii-th. nol only Mult** will, a pronlar saidm-** the, neari>> of those who patton**!!*, iim * anil lox-cd bim. Mal lt l>-nve* var-unt u mo*t liupoii.irit mid coniiptciiaiis place in !h? mlti l*irt ol tte toe-ja-i, not in our country nlnnc, bu' In Cnrt**tendorn. lil* .-\u-uordltitirj' tUtt ol mirri and spirit, as areli a.* Ms tnipfet-sHc pre euee, his rich silioirit sinp, bl* t-oittiai. suttiic mid arida sympathies xott. linn. lil. ti.-v,.-.. d eou*is-i-at*li,n to the Lord and Hi* ? anne, tiie lnuivillo1'* earnestness and eloquence of his ilise,iiirse, nnd the irresistible Htrractioii with which ta drvw tn hlm-lf numb-r* of ail i.'nristian com munlons, xxith fLose Bmndtrtf outside of any attcR? ill Itara coiitlltiiii'il suth an equipment In blip for gr-it service to tb.' l-ord a>. perhaps. Ho Other ot our Miltie ha* cqu:>llv aaoaeirsrd lo our limited and imperfect vision lils Midden deni lt. In ll..- ftilnes* flf lils power und fame. Involves r> *;id eibinillv to the vast circles which ta ba-- M Rtrfel* Inform****.. But the Impression of lil* beaatl ful, devoted, innjc-iic Hie will not fall lu those on s- hun hts poXVei tua larc I'oeii exerted : and the mysteries ul litsl's dealings suth Ul* servants au al's-:-'-* ta l?0 !IOcept?*1 UK mysteries of wisdom nnd ot love. In sonic ssas, si e cannot doubt, the un1v.-r*e I* to !>?? enriched bx Unit xvbleh has mken. for the iiuic a spci-il charm und inonil splendor from the i .rill. Ih.. member* ot Urta ns?oclutlon record, on their Minute* t'lefr umiiilmons sense t.r the groat diameter and xturk ot lils.iop Brook*, aad order this sxpresaton of fhclr lit'imr foT"l.itn and It.elr sori-ow tor bil dt-alb Ir I** forwarded to those who were ne*iro.r, to him b m.. _ __ DfClDESTSlN rniLUPs brook**- CAT.EF1, U'l'iMT*. AXD rXPr P.II'NCKS-IIO.V BOSTON" Fl MST DlBt'c-VEREB BIM. t'roin TlTe" Boston Journal. Ii xviii ta lui crest I nu ut IhU time io relate how BM op llrooks first mine to notice in tbis etiv. When Harvard Voaem.lebrut-u the end ot the war. Phillips Hrooks ssas asked to make the prayer on the occasion. Tat mun whose heart and ltufiglnatlon hud been fired to ibu utmost In the bent of (lie c-onte*t eould no! even pray on tsucU an occasion without breaklnic forth Into words tbnl rose to th* OrentiiesK of ihe eveut . and r*olonel llenrx' Lee. th* Harvard marshal for tba! dav. suld: "The amiliiM (>n that ocdi-lon nere not p.nml tn wrtnt nn-n fell. Evervtblnir fell *hori, und words .seemed td ta tao weak. Phillips Brook*'* pflOTCR xx-ns an exception. That w-os fl fi. spciklnit 1.. God. titid li wm* tia: onlv utterunce of thal dav ?* int ii filled oat Ita mtanlnc io tta full rxtMtt." I owell'a ?? ('orn'tTiciui.ratioii (ide" wns aT'-ni. and *o lt"ta (teiiernl boTOBSat Rp*aim, but Mr. llrooks sui j,77*sed iheni hotli. Tho .-naer luqulrv ol that d.-iv nftrr thru prtx-.-r wu*-: "Who ls Phillips Brook*." Ii wu* Ita rlr*l 11. thal be bad appeared before th- most dl*tliiKiil*lied audience that could be COS leetad In New-England: und Irom ibat moment (ht irrowlne thntiirjit al Trlnltv 4 hnrch was to Indue, ?shop Kastfe-irri to r. -Ifn ri'id to tall Phillip* Brm.!;-. tn the r-ctoisMp of Trinity I'burch. OVV. OF HIS RETORTS. K't'tn Thc Boston .Inurnnl. Bhbop Brook*, before ho WO", eOBOraMted t) the episc-opsie- iva* pen-rnllv known a* a representative in HaramiliBBBUs ol tb- "taota cbuni." parti as op? posed lo the "hUh chnrcir t?-ndeiicles. 0..e day, iiH'iiio* ac... Dr. Brook* wa* svulkiuc In a lone pi" i"-**lon of elrrgymeo who sven- iittciidlni; some ehureb feaUvaJ of connlderablc lmportaoce. Beside Dr. Hrooks In ihe procession walketl a short, thin priest, l>r. Spaldlnir. Dr. Spaldiiit: xta* at that lime an extreme h!i:b rhttirhtnan. A* iii" pimmrtan moved alone and iippniiiched (he roi.liiF-rotim. Dr. Spalding looked up n* Dr. Brooks, Who abavo Ulm, and s!(m: "You ur.-. :ift,?r nil. Dr. Bronk*. In sonn- r-speci* ut least n hi^h i?linrchninii." "*ies,'- replied Hie rector i,r Trlnltv. fdancliiK ol his own enormous phy-hiii'- and then looking nt th* lliln-ebested man tattoac him, "but In BR sense cou you bo cnll'-d a broad ebon Jiman." PI'ANK< OF 111*3 M'.-iCUIl'VOl'r' PIPIIH. Tr,en The B"iston Joiirnnl. -In tb* -Kelclie* fliui have been palllllRsd of the lt. v. Phlllli)* Broi.l-s.- said a -a'tsjl-known new^jiapcr man r.-'-cntly, " m.-nilou l.a* tteeu made of the tim'; sth. n he wrts u IcBftar lu the Bo"-t,oii lati'ln S' liool ami the trouble which Iks hart with bis unruly pnp.K ?? Just up Rta*** the school on iif*dfonl-s!. tnere wa* a tin shop, slid i-verx now und then tnere would be ii Imrrel cf rernse tin ptaeisd on tbe Kidewalb. On> niorillii'- .-very hov In KT'iok*'* room got h it rip of tin anil made s pair of evcKbisie)-. \Vli?*i the bell *RB| we nil look oat ?euts. ?? Mr. Brook.* caine In and *:i!d -good morning,' and Ih-n put on b1> own iftcgiassts to n-ad Hie usual ehapte;- In the New Testament. When he looked ov?r lis in** h.- fonnd everv boy sTtttne bolt upright, staring at him lUfci.-ii a amir <>t tin apafmaaaa. 1 thought la? wn* mad then, tat I hate since come tis the con i lu-lon thar bc wns hun at our unking fun of !il? min Inttrmitv. ulfhotigh 1 don't believe a *lngle l^.y Int,-n't,a io do Kiar. ??I!* 4?op>(] the RawaHoaal oxer'isaK and told nfl |o biln^ Ita oyratasae* op and depoAlt them in die ssat.te Boonnd. The receptacle hod l*4>f*n splrlled away, and finally bc told ii* to put them Into thc trill Bilk bat Whteh h.- placed QB the end of thc' deek. "li didn't take, inniiT of the tin* to till the hst to overflowing, and thoa one of the brys urHl-rtoofc to |f*-s *s the tin down. He dbl s> OBd ptraood th" top at (bf* h-it ian. and of easarao spilled the tin all over ibo Mar "The hoy who did this injnry to tb* lui! was profii"**. In bl* a]toll.gie*, and i.flers*d to inly u new one, but wns Bo- alltisred, and mo n wnsfo basket st as DBSTOWted lVeiin xiv. Capet), nnd the tin -pectarles all depo*,itc4 in pms. Hr. iiiot.ks sent ana of the tara arorrad to lil* IttiiSK, which, 1 think, was in C*liuiincy-st., Tor anotlier hat, and everythlria; w?* ull right. -S..IHO vears ufterward 1 met the oap who bart knocked thc root of Ita hit ou', nnd who had thou grown to bc I si-llant officer in the Navy. Ile was one of Ihfl tarara npoa the Oorojrrbb lu the cele biwtofl tight wiih tta Manlmnt*. - We were tulltin-' over our boyhood davs, snd thc Incident I taVO BPOtaO al came up. -Ye*. 1 reniemtier lt well.' hflld he. -I couldn't have resisted the lamp'rillon ha ?m: *'i Bind lint if 1 had known that Brook* would thrash in<> so 1 couldn't BRBad.' '' A siiovf.i. ox ms siioti dpi:. ?tam The Pbiliid.-lplihi Times. One of the earlie-1 Imldent.s of Dr. .ftnioks't ii9'.*or Rta i-i H"'.> Trinity xviu, the tiun-v ef alarm lu thuil (t\ir thc mwnce to I'lilla-lclithla, from thc nour up prii.-ich of th* t'ento'lcnte arin*,. When the "ihi<"*- ineii* svere call?-d oin und th- BVothlble forces remaining In the cltv were gathered togcilx-r Rb proiecl the Quaker town j? ssu* the stalwart tlinire of Ita soung rei tor of Jtolv Trinity which we* ?'?en In the van of iho-e mun Mn-, out, BhOVe] on hi* shoulder, to ti.rtiw np prat* tin- rarthwoik* I i front cf I hlli'delphla. whi'.hf. hf. rm nd ins UMMT. F:nni Th* l-ajsi?n Advertl-r's int TView *r:tb tho B'sh .-'- ptttmlfl *ei retuix. ? i.-(pie wonder tam he siood snell a round or Li"*, .pal inxitallon. mid so much travelling. Tn travelliiig did not Beera lo Ure him. It n-sietl him. lb- t!ine h- spent on r:i1|wuy trxxln* * -meii to be a nrresiuiieut to him. 1 n tnon<tnit.*1 with, him once ngii'ii*! tho wax- ta Wi* driving himself, anl told him ta did not Uny Um.' lu tUm*elf. 'Whv 5-7.J *["'.J,,V"|V of lt.' he *.-ild '.vltb his cheery smile. ?I should like tn know when and When,' I **id Wl,v ? h.- UntotA. "'I thc niilwny cars.' And timt was Bbtillt all the time he had to himself.-' THE. ATTENTIONS Of FAIR ADMlRF.ItS. From Tbe l'h:iado||hbi Time*-. Inc imci'tloaxvith Dr. Iin.oks*see)lb..eT minx* amns ?'?*-' st.-ric* ur- told. Intlm.-itlng that bi* Luchelorhissl wa*, to s.,y t|?. j,.,,,, ,?,t a m.,(u.r of ,;?,.,|, v ,.u.Jp,"*ltm'''lt of ?" -',nt* a,K' roraorhs m (h.- aiibltii Of the admlrailoii allvr<*d t? i** beipesi upon bim try femiile rairtsbl. nen nun Mends in general *i,,.Ttsl his Innate inod-sty und nxotdiinre of adf-aarat-tiVMi In I..ins of (limit- prnteafnilon he w.,nld BOT" "T-ilk shout *iiy le-lnit ox. rr.!iel:nod with sttppen! Whv often I haven't ii pair to put on abeu I ie.-,llv neil ?*??? sJaAb' ! s,,rp>?* ihnt'* :i gift from some ..d mlrer. Hillllps.- Kflld his bnitlior on one (kt.ibIoii p. lilting tn a Randseata tashH of fnilt standing .rn tin table. Vi Ki, j? ?lr ?r ? .nehalunce Dr. Brooks neabrd ita busket before his hrolher, saying: ? TtayWgnai Tho lt The way tu st hie li Phillip the (.'..pel ls so Hillvue tim' aren't they .'" Kal tinn., boy. cal ll" iii," BBd ii'itl.lng more d-tlnlle could ta gol frorp bim Bfl K1KST PRF.A4 IIINii. .luiln* II. Wan: In Tlc N'w-F.iii.-I:.m1Mafottna [.rooks ltegiin lo prent li Hie story inns! be t"l'l In tull. Two or three mlle* fr-m tl."- bill on silo. ,1 th- Alexundrln -m minmi -li.nil- ls u Utile Ul" ni let called Shnroii, composed of poor whlu-s mid ni'Rntes, which one ol ht* cl|is*ti:;it.-s, wh ? *nbse.|ii'-fly I??? BOBS* a foreign uiis'it'iinrt. nnderloiik to vork up. lt WHS ll tll*k III Xtl'tcll ll.? 'lieelt-d help. Ililli lie Irefg.-d Brooks to go out sill, bin fi Ita in1*-i?n for n Min dux. He reliKii.ntlv coi.M-i;ted to go: nnd ofter ta bad gone abra lits h'-art WO* liil-r-Mcd ind li- \\:'* r.-iidv io go again, ii-r-- nt pr* nh.-d lil* hr*i -en-ton. and lfo(nui ti,, vn.rk <.f mliii-lerli'g t>< hummi -.-ul*. Ill Which he H-.i* es er shic- lx-*1i ohirugi-d. Ills addn tara wera otway* nu wi Itu n. bul the) in-tim-iv Inteiesid th- piala und r-i tuple I"""'* in ll"' neighbor ht.tfd. Tbe chapel or J'!iOul!i<'U-e wn* ?|il1cl,i\ i-rowded, uiid soon people n*r* stumllng In tl.'- diatTwnj ami listening ut Ihe open BlBBSJWB I" Ih- pr-uch-r student. i NE OF Ills ( i it NTI.F.-s (.O'iD DEED.*. From The Bootra Advcitl*.-!'* Inrervietv willi 1,1 prlvate secretary. ?He wu* free xxitb als mon-X, allboagh h.- never wasted u cern, md wu* coiitiniiMlli ililli.*' l-r"?l dee I, tslth lt. He did I hom 'til.lli. mid ll WSl ..-blom Hint nuv one CX.-'J taatd Of it- He ssh* alum* thi.ii'hllnl of'his brat her* ia Ita i.ilnl-irv, iind hi* sympathies ior poor clergvni.-u tt.-rc cspeclsll) lender, "n one i.cca-Kiii he refelled a check for B14? iroin a pariah in whoso .Tunah ta had peet b.d. When Ute check taine bark io the drawer through Hie tank lt wira Um Indorsement of u p-tor c(rattyman In iiinitlier pan Of the Slate to tvhoin tie hud sent H. S'J one ev-r bpesi oi li uraBt by thai liid..i'*.-ineiit on tta rtarh, which told Hie story nf his x. ' HIS SIMMER ?PJNDRX4 E. IN AKOOVSB. Dl-pntcli to The Bo*lttu Herald. Tbs- old ? Phillips Manse." where Phillips Brooks ha* spent hi* summers fr Ita lit-*! lett- years, ls one of tin oldesl lioii-s in Andover, and, pcrtaps, Ita b.*t example of tta eeatmlal ?*ivie of ruvMlrainra in the locality. , __ ,?, lt iti:* rxrnpled l.v Hie lion. Kamnn Phillips mora Mian 100 years ago. and was prohahly bulli ht blot. Later. C.duux-l .lohn Phillips livid there, and still lal** lt was occupied bx- lu-, daughter*, ai whose doraaM*, about icu vears time. Uie hcu*e xvus pun 'based by Phillips l;rooks. anil has slncit bc.-u used by him us a rammer residence. lt ia a roost bttaraoUog hou*e. arith great gabl.,1 i-oot and large, airy ivouis. Along tta rautb "dde riuis a broad plat/.i*. whlrh was a fatrialte rtdrral uf the great preacher. Tta studs, where PLIlllps Brooks spent mnnv louis. U on the left of the hall. Within is nn old fashioned Iran stave, with Drem. triuimiiigH. Bhera, on t ol siiiuiiicr morning*, a wood tire was uauAHy burnlug. aud -again*! the wnll i* a gta-Ht bookcase.' Tbe house ls right on the road, so thal the ''ur* on the new electric rood r.m a letv met of it. Everything ubout, lt boars nn nlr of aft*, nml lt 1* said to bi- 1ht- richest OX uiiv house in town In ancient relics of ancestral grandeur, ll contains immerom portraits ol Hie colonlnl dav*, Hiitlt|iie silver uiukird* and porringer-. Uprstrh**, nampleT* lu frame- ov.r the nurntels. and 4 llbrnr-v of .pialni old brm** emmet bv g.-nertitlons of tiiiiilst,-:* dal lng back ta 'he settle uieut ol the cCliliy. AX ARDENT CHAMPION". Tiie Rev. MlM ll. Wind lu The New-Enphrul Ma-jn /lue. Another incident occurred nt ihe limo -f the rlo?o of tba 'Ivil war. while Phillip* Brinks txas rector of Holt- Trinity In Philadelphia. " He tva., asked I I mali" tuc prayer on Ita 4K4*asl"*n, stiiinling tn front or Old Indcjicndi nco Hall Ix fore (in Immense crowd of pejple. Ills xsellluinwn b:iblt In ofti-riiic prayer 1* U> throw up Jjls head, so lhal he mi-Jit terna to Roora to be looking ov.r his audlenrr, Ttv. rough men wore s'ntidlng on the osrtei edp* of tin* crowd, when one -aid to tho other. 'Thnt mun M fl tOfA', Un pruvs with bli exes open.' Hi* companion replied, -sav !hat again If you dur.-.' The remark wa? repeated, whi-renpon the oilier fart* fleOtl bim bo rtc-nc a bl rw In bl* forehciid Ital ta Knick-d bim down. Thai was tbe Way he emphasized lils U-llef lu Phillip-' BrfOiV." ? ? a THE MERCHANTS' (EUR TO SELL ITS HOME. IT WITT, HF PPR. HtftVl) BY TllF. NEW -TOM LIPK ImatJBitHOE COMPANY, which I*. TENI).*. TD F.RFtT A **PXV BXITJTTSG The Merchant's' Ctab, la Leonard st.. ls one of Ita Btral solid uiid most rabBtontlol of tb* flodal organiza? tions of business tin-i lu this city. Il lududo* In H.* meiitbershlp 4he best-known und most Influential mer cliajiU lu the drvgond* dl*tr1(t. lt lia* occupied tor more than fifteen fMTa a romforinble u,uJ t -onvenl- tit building, aoiaewhal old-fanhlon-d and qnprrtraUraa, but of spadous pTopnrtlOTi"!, nnd ftmtsbl'i'J eitrtisiv* ant atirnitlTo room* for tbe tue of the member*. T lil - club lins never sought publicity or prominent- In mm way. Jt ha,s Bttqlrarared la supply for ih.- u->e of lt.* members a place wiiere t!i*y could take their menin and meei meir friend* Ir conditions ibat would tr* them every oppoi-runllv lor quiet Hfld laRORHObll The New-York Life Insurance ORBBBM* bs* d. Ide I to follow the example of the E,|niT*Jb1e 4.lfe Asmiratice ROtletp arid tta Mutual L1V Insurarice OompRBV anl enlarge tt* pr."-enf hands uno building. It ls prapos*d to exTi-nd lt* present strutture ti Elm ?st. la Hie n-,ir. In order lo uccoinpl'sh this objrrf, lt I* nrnmno f >r tbs compoat to acdaire Hie prip-rtv of tbe Merebaato' Club. Tal.* orsjnlratlon pa Pl BiifiOO tot Its ptore^rtt ubout fllie-n yaala ugo. The Nets-York lit* ln-ur ance Company ls prepare-l to pay ptW^ttM ,'or If. A nieeiiiig of fhe Menlrutiis' club *u* held x>*t.i dav, nnd lt was decided ti sell the pToitertv lo Hie Insurance con.pans- for Ital price. The New York Elf.- desires to Welcome |Jr* Merchant";' Club to tn-a taortraa rr Ita lop fi.Mjr of \u u iiiding. ir thu bt rnapaosent iboaM be ranted out, the relations ,,i \ n Mcrclnnt-' nub to Ihe "N.-wYork Life Iii-nraitc, Company would ta simiiur le t!io-?- i-xl ring bet tresa tho Eawven,' Club on the top lara Rf Ibo Eojiltable hulld lng and the Kcjiiliiiblc I.if- AswrRRra shirty. Many rnembers* of tho Matti bania' Qab, bow-ver. ur?- ex iremely Indcpi-iidi-n! lu Ihcir libii*. and prefer lo liave a clubhuiise of their i.ttn lu the fut iii ?-, a* Ita) bare hud bl tJn- past, wh.llv Hpart from any o'lur building mul any othei orgnnlrailiuii. Hem e a iii jIIo:i wa, made aud adepti-d at tba Rtrnthig yestorday, Hihi a (otnrnltteu should be appoiiiieti io eonstdrr Ita qa** tion of securing inilbihle pwperiy ;<.r a raw CRBh house fur The club, lt ls not yet dear. IhWtfOH, Whelher the RfflBlbRRtl' f'l'lb will fltid Its ffljfHrfl home on the upper Hoot of th<- Xew-YorU Insirmice ( pai.y''- building or will build a mw clubhouse. Maiiv ot tin- mot! IniportTunt BjVtauajBRa rampapln ol the city, both the Are and life laWraBN innipaiilai. have b.-en building Imamasa "tahwetaret ol lute year--, or have Leen adding very laigelv to the pm portions of the ollarafl which I tay have pnvloii-it occupied. A fcxx, var* ago tha K?iilUhlc Life Amii. ance Sodely ociupied onil a pan of thc broadway front now lohen up bx tts huge bulldl'ig. This edithe hu* beril atsplllled io colonial propoiiloris hoth in frotit and in rhe raar. The Mutual Lite inanrahee ('oiaiMlliy luis bought extensive proper!v lu tho r--M ol its praWBt mmtmtlmUttj, nnd proposes ti, es|iaml io an imiire.-tve deirr.-e Hie dlmeiuiions of |l? building. The New-Vork Life, with itt. new building, will rrral lu the afr* aud lmpreisitei.eAs of its edilra thts minc Hires occupied by tint Eiiuilahle mid the Mututil. GATETY AT THE CATBOLIC Ul.UR. Al'I't'STIN Dtl.Y i.TVF.S AX FN'Tr'.rtTA IVMI'.NT IV hdxob ch Tiir. .V7.>rrr.n<! 'rho home ot tiie Cathou- ('Int,, ut, \0. ISO XV-i PIBj moth at. 44a? Blear Bod la*t night witu t)>- Bawabcn and friend* of tin- elab, srhe mat bkers to rajsy the -n lariaiuir.ent ansnged In compliment to the club hr aucuh tlu Dalv, one of it* BOMBI IB. Th- TnTrrtelamtOl oi'-L-d with a fat.* cnutk-d "A'* xvam," ht which .'?me* ItSWta, Mr*, ("lllsrit, ,X||?* |?BbH Irxlnc, Cre-ton Chtrto, William simrriin nnd Mba Ptasrai1 Crana tuon pjit. Thea William tauru irh obv* in italian laralfltent.a vtrslori of IMatBbw'i .h.-uvery. u- w8s RjMewed tn .liuncs J, K. llmrBftr, who 0**0 an imltiMoe. ot ( arin.ri. Ota'* dincinif. The prtfgraiitiife wa* end'd by the vii,mu ? Ulcm, ti ho Blav.-d N the vlnhi, and pla,io. Tta MtattRbBBOml w?* held 111 Uie hallrf^iui. tt li. r,- i hand*,,me *tag.> bmi bow BSSBtneted for Uk- acraslon JJ in. inc iii. Itegun al IO o'eb. U anti tsj* hui al ?<-1 [n DB ti I aft>] midiiight. Anning the nunr pr.-viit it. re Qetf, ral ind Mrs, lota Newton. ( 'ivies V. lorne*. A. J. I omilel, John ll. (Hui nilli*". Mi*)" Crimiiiin*. Jooepb E. Uwm*jj ladRt Bad Mm. JeWph I. Daly. Mr. and Mr*. A'liru.ttu D*l.y. Mi timi Mr*. John (.. O'K.-le, Jame* p. pheluti. M,. ttnl .Mr* Jul,n I). Desmond, AJrlan Ivlirnnii. .Ind;-,. ind Mr- Morraa .1. (TMn, QBBtmif Tin a m. Jo*'ph Tin ron. Mr, und M *. ll itali J. Ilogu"*, Hoary Amy, Mr. and Mi*. Adrian Urila, -., Mr, a:nl Mr*. M. .1. MOteoSflO, Vincent 1'. TiJtei., Jssapb I ? M.-hei. tl.iiiv I! KatBinieli. >lr. .wi Mr*. John R, M, Xulte, Mr. aud Mts. JoUn ( niue, v. J. bewlboh Uosaam Itlddia Mr. and Mr*. Joseph J. 0*1) "ia Bb oe, Mr. aad Mr*. Pei i Iioi-lgci. jr.. Kuiru'.-tte and Mrs. Fritnt T. I'lt7"cr-ild. ev xiiivoi Hofb J. Oma*. Mr. aad Mt*, xv. J, k. Ettmy, Mr. and Mr*. Mab J. Mciiulre. Mr. and Mr*. ttOtpA p. M. ll i-i, BBd IdiTard V. Holland. AI.EJASDEi'. COMSTOCK IS CoUBT AH HS Alisander Comst<*-!(, 10000011 ot Xll.l..-* i^raV-ii. was jrnileiKsl lu Rat Ton us Police Cmitt tt*tard.iv by A*-l* it?ut a*jpBSRSB*adem Mocking, of Mr. Heit J'a *;<i(ty. Ile sa* charged with till,mlutz li.sidle Iton-I.s-*, Bf* rlRbt, color<.-d. to appear on ttic .ta"" lu the jiihll.aaWB la th I SBUj nt ''' ttilhntit a l-riiilt. Bjuanrl f'ob',1* hi! ?Mb bora fltdcmd mopprai apra Bt* >im.' rtsapltlsis, bo! wbk not iirt-sa'nt In court. Mr. I oiii*tc I ??, h* Itt In *>:;o0 boo** ror trial. SERB AS HISSER OT THE C SIT ARI AS CUTS The anni: il uk-tine and dinner of thc Unitarian (bib wai h-ld lo*t BraabtR at the -S't. Deni* Hot-I. I),. BSTdea XVilmot [reilded. and PaaM XViri'ii sa* ?Tretiry. Over 14*0 aMRsRCffl and (rmsxt. rrral pmama The aobjeei under discustilon ?.t, ??Anieriran Art and LRh>r*ttm -Their Illrht-f Tenden cl nt." Tb* *|<:i!:.r- wets* Kdwinl J^ggl-s ton, tt. I-Tdtiiii IVll uud J. XXi-ll* Chanipuey. A YEAR OF SUCCESS. The Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association Hold Their An? nual Meeting. A HAPPY PF.RIOD Ol INTERCOURSE AM) INTERCHANGE OF VIEWS. al Notable BnsineSH (iatherinfi. Th.- Menial p. -me rand Ufa A*"*orMthm held Ita iwrlfth Baaaal m..tin- ya i? nlny Rt Om bartram onie-* of Ita In-iIiuHoii Iii Ita Puter HuUdrnr. the lil. ;i of l,:,i rii,l- Lt-, i h.-r et-rt tour the nn-n who ar* mtlveh HiRBRrd in Ita labor* of promoting Ihi* energetic bn*lii.-s .-uteri rise I* In 04*eorRaae* Britta lue *|,irii ttiiich bra atstrtad Ita tavetooaaMl of this coinpniix from lb* dab Rf ll* nrgiilir/uttoii. E. B. Harpi r. Ita pr. *lt1enl. ls a mun ot vdu! Iii-tliicls und impulse.. |||a bu-, life In Ita awlrapeMs n* nu lltllllliite !i.*Oi lille xtllli ll* niosl ?iii<.**flll !.ll*ill''?.* men ii;.* il. lin ii*in,i.u bt bim ii* li bws to many oiher. Ita rasas of ri. i*4*mt1ansbtp batwrra Ita wa Irolttni ferres nt beodantwtera Rad Mm aajflt** ming tarra In Ita ti.-lii. the bralnim of Hf-- Insatanrc e*i-e<miii link* itself nMh iiuniberie--; Ihmiio-. lt ls deua*'-.itu lu il.* th. -rv nnd lo ta sin ces,fully ondtnled inu*t bo flem,.critic In prnclKe. ThOOB niinuul cuVeiitloiis of c ittorker* in u parlb-ular cnil-e ure prtelUCtlve of the ino-t ti liole.soine r?nils. Kvldehce of thi* tat" 1 ls Bppareol in tn- l,l*t" y of .very i orp .ration. Tln-n ls not bini *? stimulative olmtg the line* or l?b-.r ra friendly and npprcitntivo lula rt our-"' between tb* taper! t oi'it-r and Un- aabordlRate. om of which groxts a bi 'ii-lci- compre|i.ii*lv-u.-** of liidivlliiul furn tim. rcspoiuibllliy uni! dcvoilni. In RSAflRsMlRjf Hie agent- of bl* Institution t,."-titer evcrx x.-ar I-MflMiBt Hui pt r liol inly Impail* eiicitimgeilietit Ij lils ,,? lui, reis, but let elv.-s ciici.iinigeii.eiil from them. Tbfl RtratlBJ y"r,t.r,1av tva* sii|>er]iiflvc lb the decree ot ll* *utces*. There ss CT.- enlurgi-d res'lltR for ull lo coiiteiriplni- u* Hie product of Hieir toil, and lhere was un sfttarfBd iiliniK-r lo punh'lpafe lu Hilt enjoviiietit. The big cuuiitiiig room xxn* uUllzed for the nnvtlug r.iom. and il xvns thoroughly packed with men nnxiotis |* lah* par! In Um WodtntleB orer n your nf triumphant uc,..nip".*hmoiit. Thc reading of tta l.-pnrl* was Rho first In the order o' exercise- In tin- pr-n-Te,** of thc un'eHrig oh flection <f ihra* director* took pine**), unit .lotah -I. Gorman, x'-i ? tr-Z'- W. and Ghnrl^ XX". Jackson. Mil of New.York City, w.-re chosen, '"ll t!ie tRBCBMlOR rn Hu- ri-iullng of Hi- repRrM call* wore marte upon home pie*.-nt foi- *pee. hc-s. Among tho <? ssl-o ad ore.--eel Hie .'i*-t-ll'.b'.ige store E. A. I.'ldn-lg, Raper liit.-ivJeni if Agencies; D. ll. '.V...xiWorth. Hallfns. N. t*.; (.en. ral IflROi Shield--. Philadelphia : ct-Hunk siipeniiiendeii' I nmb, Ss*. V.: D. E. Cameron, Depnty Treasorrr, ltatmln, CBaoda, nnd I-i. M. Co-t'Uo. Nets York. Tin- sum of Wm.OCA) tnt dl-trlbutci nmonc rartnln agent- In Ut* fo!l"xx1ng ju op iHtOB* RS K-'Im'.nlnl* ('. tlnir Industry In procuring bii-inc-s: 1.. M i e.(,-;!,,, Kew-Yorl. *">0? A. Vt. M'NI'ol. WIOOdpfR, MnnllotHt. MR C. M ilI-.I-t RM rrinil*'-'.. Cal. 200 K. fd. Ac-i'ih. Havona. Cab* . J00 xv. .i Miinr. Piranhas, ChaaRt. 200 Pimrdi. Kadal, l*"iu. Klee.. . ? loo u. n. Brake, Kaaaaa t'.tv. Ma od .!. D. I'/ler. I'urt smith, AlfcaOBB* 'tO I' XV. lea,,a, IU'. Wi*. 2U A ,7oid xsiiti li .iud i bala Bera awarded t<> I ii .lillee. Alluiiia, tia.; (-. A. Milder-oh. Kuii-.i* ||y, Mo.; E. M. Ai-' Ilnvsno, Cuba: c. lt. xvoK*,m. N.'.t ? ii-i.--.iit-, Lr.; .?. a ii" ?! -v. i7i,ntit)t-'in.iii. Rag land. Ibosa wini We** pr.nt nt tl.e martini from near al home und from .-ilnr tram : Among lb* geiitiem.ji who 11*1. im! to Ita ssslram were; K. P. We.-d. Bio.,|*h**ll. N. V rt I Jon.-.. (.leiindje, N. J.'. U. W. Mieijen. NY-w York 'I'v W. o. Yon Puerulor, KaW'TOrl .Tty ' T D. Miller. ahdtinmra, Md.; c. ll. Bmltb, a roo'.ii rn. Sf. V.; FianltUn f itd-rlilll. Nf*. York .lix ; R. B Ur'nHerlmfT P.rooUlvn, St. Y. ; C. lt. Wight, New York Ci'x F A. sliiiierv. N. tx Yo: I, i,tv c. T. F.v.tti*. N-w-York riu. ; C. 1 il,ju. N.-s York .Itv ; u. Il M.-i. -r. llr.oh Kn. N. Y.; c. II. llenHx. M..ntsI*.itr. N. J.; I. I.. M.-.HII .ii, M. D.. N*w-Y*rb ? Hf l- ll. Drab*/. CMrafa III.: II. W. -.illlieiluiKl. I ...on'". Oi.l.; I. tjV ... \ri.i-. tag-. I.-i i'll -. Hill.; XX'. .!. MuiTaV. Pl.s.klln. (Jill ; k. P. .loan-on. i.'tiii/i'ini. uni.; r ii. i*am| xi. D. N.w Verb elly: Colonel a. IV, lav!.,!, bad tn*, iii:i-i a.-.-r ? Philadelphia I'tui"--." I'll lotlelt,hlu . f.-? K.x. KratiK lt. xior-e. 1) D N. v. York. X V.; (?. V. I'rt-bl,. Nos York. S. ... IB Tge 10*4 Ititi.., I te.iiiL-e. N. .1.: William IP mc. PblbtdetpMa, Penn.: Jame C. P.-tr;. -nfliir-xn. "irriomiv . Henry Vradn lang. .i'i-v . itv. X. J.; A A. colby. Xe* York. \ x ll KV Ijiiu'o. Nev York. N. Y. ; .1. c. Malone. Stew York, X. i O. Rt. oMltt N.-w Y .ric. *t. V.: Th.-tims 1'o'icwli. Toronto. IBU : M. I* Pise, Montreal. Panax4*: J c Intend, t if-i.n. Boa.: F. a. Wii ||?, PoiiL'like.p lr. N. Y.; ft. II. Uiildsdii, i.i-n* l.,i: N v.. -i. II. cr--n. Lawr-ii".-. Kan.: John Mri. lat. Nen Xorlt. N. Y.; -v ll. Ttng. Jr. S "ir \ otk. N. X.: F. M. Valid. ?! Tm*/, N- Y. : N. P. 111*.-, N.w Ycli. N \ : V. T I**Jdrr, N.-tv York. N \.: c. v.. .ii.k*oii. NexxYo-.k. n, i.; Osman ii. WdRRtar, N-tt Y-itU. N. \.: I'.ip'ntti William Tiiiuhrldge, brook Ita, N. V.: F. BJ. P-vm Ms, N.-t York. X. Y.; P. ( . De Wolf, utmife. X. -I.; V. \\ Ko*-, p.-?r*poit. Jd*.; .!. P..1.-V. ruc*), v v.; v. D. ?oammQ, Jrabsra rile, Ila: ll. I., l.a uh. I .-in-liighurg. X. Y. . K. Han d'Mph Taylor, BnaMyn, N. Y.; K. \. .locobsi-.n, plew Vorb, N. Y.: W. lier Bird, New-*.ork. M. Y.; (.. x. tm.itu. n.-w Yiih, N. Y.; ii. ff. Proerofbras, New Vorb, n. Y.; rbi it-v. Ur. ft. t. BariMl, Wushingi?. D.C.; K. M. (a.lill... New Xork. N. Y.; XV. UtiBpitM, New Volt, N. Y.; E. M. L. tX-trto, N-w-York. X. Y.: D. b. Woodworth. Nova scotia; A. II. Denril.ron. Wotal sid*, I . I : F. T. Rt-amati. Freeport, L. I.j O. W. Page, BaWimara, Md.; I. M. P^oraaaoB, ItrooUlyn, N. Y.: P. ll. ( ooper. New-York. N. \. W. H. liarher. Nbw York, N. V.; P. H. KH-rbtok, M. D., New York, N. Y.; Alex TlflfllBstllR. M. D.. New-Yuri:, N. Y.. P. F. BMbsssW, New York. N. Y.; Hie Kev. .famea lPagli.a, UrooUivn, SC. Y.; II. ( . Smith. DlUflblfR, N. V.; o. F. Spauldltip. New York, N. Y.: Iteiiheti le Hov, New Jersey . David l.oommi. Malilmor'-. Md.; K. P. I.eeain, New-Yerk. N. \.: 17 A. s-luttcrv, New York. N. ,.. F. 1. Fumes, Kuii-.i- i nv. xio.. d. /. bewetiij M.minni. CRostda; H. t<. I.ndwig. Krie. I'eiiti., ll, A. (Siynlersoii. Kan--u-'. l.ity. Mo.: (.ii I Hoetar, Rt. Lottls, Mo.; Max Fisher .p....-?Dtspotisst, Rt. bonis Bad Slew-Yot?; lion. w. i. Jones, r*t. Louis, Xl,,.; J. M. Joulni), Rt. I-ouls. Mo.; li. II. KoblMh, i.malia. Nob.: A. N. Mill*. I'tlra, N. V.; Mamari w. Wmv. rbi bali IpMa, Praa.; t*. ii. Tyng. D. D.. Purl-. Prue-; ||. \V. .-.inlih, I >urUel(l, Pen ti.; K, d. lin., i...nd, ii, RBaJoad; J. Parry aVott, Phil nd'-lplila. Paste.; D. lt. Drab**, Kansas Hiv, Mn.; 1'. ft. I), li" i'a. Pai Hie, Wis.; (ieorge JU. tait**, t 'inrtiiiiii'i, ohio; d. m. faMaeB, M. p., Pto .lilvn, N. V.; W. XV. llnrp-r. Erle. Penn.; I). XX. llarprr, File. Penn.; L Y. Manning, Posion. *,;.-i *.; Marj R. Ilaituf-.rd, PofftMad, Me., ll. P. I*r. eilis. pi.rtl.i.iJ. Mc; ff, \ Humbim. N-tt York Clip; ft. J. MrMortrj, rortml*, Oat.; i. h. ?lil-lils, 1 -hlladelplilii. Penn.; II. .1. ID-lriinunil, FiitI, wind, N. .1.; W. c. I'i-.-, u-Hiiutote. Md.; ll. A. Nb ?;.-.;!. i aili I,-, IB.; a. I- Lewis, Newark. X. J.; I>. K. ( iiiiii-n.ii. Pr-.tlnie of uniiirio, Pa neda: Hon. J. W. Viooinaii. Il-Tulmer, N. Y. : ll. M. lilli bench, xi. D., i.r-en.,!, h, i oim.: ,i,,hn MnltlRan, Vobtatw, N. Y.: P.. xv. T. Aimaleii. Mm.- *ii,e. pj, \. PMward lt, Harper, Nets >ui.i (in, .1. \\. Btmrtlrn, N. D., Yonkrrs, N. V.: Uoa. .1. J. Danusn, Kow York ("ny; -I. !'. I-,miali. Xl. D. N. \t York lily; \\. A. Batta llroofclyn, N. \.. c lt. UisarB, M. D., SCrw.Yrah Pltj : XX. I.. Il.-ill.-i. riilliid.|].lil.a. Penn.; ||. II. Denn. Wiiiiiim-iiori. Petra.; \v. 11. Hragn. Bedalia, Mo.; 11. p. IU inmiiod, Jr., I'.n-l. ii-i.l, N. .1., n |, |laM?lll, Nett York I ,lv: K. T. lloitard. N'etx-*<o,k l'|iN ; ,|. |-;' i k.i'i. N.u Yorh i ?'. ; t. D. \v.n-. FMltmsb, L I.; u. lt. M.chesney. Koa Yorh (Hy: B. F. phelp . Utaek lyn. Sf. V.; J. I. Arbor, Alban., N. Y.; J. T. I at-r- .11. N.w Vorb ( Ht. '.Yb ni Ita tull It Ita Beseting hud b***a r ml pr.*i di ut iiiui.:- Bram io di*U*/rr iii" annul addnx n, tia, ioiiihIIv eic -rill. :i:ul several iniiiulc* .lip..i| before be urra nhl.- n. piara 1 d. m- - - ^-ap Twelfth Annual Report H p PRESIDENT EDWARD B. HARPER Far Ibr 1 eur Ku?li,,K ||,,,,?b?r 711 si, |*ifl-i. To Um (ibc.-r.. DbrmlBflB Bad Xambras ..f Ibe Mutual lt. -erse r?m| |.u,. .\ .,M.|?||?,,. Oinllwratn : XV- PHM today .-iiioih-r m||, .,t,,i,e BSSSBR tb- road side In il.- history ol tbl* As-.? i.-,n??. , nmrnrmi.riitiii ? Ute mei Ital .-inothor yo,,r-. w,,^ ,I11S |M?? ,,,mi,|f.fM. - ni..thor year's triumph "BraRmaJtahOij Hint Ihe iH.,k* e.tnPilhlhg tin- nc.ini* ?r ti..- Irniis.-iciiim* Raj Hi* p:isl iw.fv.-* In mir hl-t-rv hnxo been cli*.d and wo euler upon rhe work of Pta Uilrt-oiith ,,.ar ?,*? the most fa, 0,1,1 p. MflpMut. ttjjtpmti ,..,, rtottmH ..ur ! effo.t* tn every dirri Una Mid In every depart aunt. i Tb* pear ISti-J will ever bo rcmenihiTed ns lin i haulier year In our history. 4S*|'|S. We bax.- l:icr?:isiii mir gross RRRefj dorine. Hie year if'.ii from BtfrttJJBS tt lo ,*!..* VJ s<l.(V.. iii'.il.lni; .1 I el gill!! I.f .?J''i;.(Je:t'.l7. p.i'st.r.vr". Pt'BB. Me bRtm liirniised (fiir Re*<*rxo or Surplus pane] Paad xsiibiu tb* past pear from $ii,iio.mio it i? J'::..".7l.:n.:!..".ti. making :* ml RstRiBm of RBIS. II-'.' Bb, I Ms. Xl I'.. Tli- IncT.luring iii- v. ir IBUS, from ull -..'ir,,-. amoU'i'etl lo tI.WwT.-.-UI.IUi. ng.ln*i nu Income "f BO,. nu.i.'i. ii for ih.- pear IMI, bbsMbb ? Sot nst*i*rara Tor Ita tear of BBB8,|lfl\flM. I I-.XTH ( Uti MR. For ibo peat IMP, we hav<- BRM IR Death Ilalm* lo the widows, orphans und re|tro-*-eiilattx-e* or il.eora uiemb-rs. .jij.;ih:,:i:t7.(?4. while our asVsbnenomeBla J-r De uh claims Ir Hill were *?--'.'^?<?.l?,'*-s*J. RRsBlRR a RH loorana* nf IMbBimminls n> Hie widows and or phau*, .iver th- pw rte** veur. <if 4*4P2.-2i**i.-24. and making a grand total of Death Claim* poM "f n-urlv FIITTKN MII.I.IU.X INiLIaAH**. being ali ******* yearly assbraiii nu al lo <b<- altasrs. iM-ptam mid wpr* *. iii.i';t"* ,,f our*. ?f BWRrM flt* ?j-.o.nC(?. nhl!.- Bl the etas* of Hie \ -ur are had in our Re?*j**ve F-nergeiii >' I'nnil. Fire Thou-umd Dollar* for .--,,', ny..' TRSUnUl Dollar* of oul-tnndltia* D"-it!i claim* of every nature, nml a si ugle .Morlnnrr (MU ROW prod ur i more tbuii Half a Million Dollars. AN BCOXOMIC RTBTKM. .-pr lui flltralten ,1s dltratei io Ita fort arbtab nins irate* Ibe trr.-al enniouiic prluclplos iinderlvln* Ita i-r in ..r lb* M'ltn-il lt--erv.-, thal the total gr.)-* Xlorim.rt Premium- paid bf tin- "aMBbrff during Ibe year l*t*4>2 9XBAM 1.740'AtX tit Hil* -um I21?, (KIO xv,,* ntblid to the KV*, rv.-or F.tiierg.-n. y Pun!. wMh* the illiiount pail lu tlw widows lind orphans exi.d*d !.-j.7oii.iki,i. or u oiin vtllbln a fnidlon of Ita ninoum Bf the u.ial Mortuary Premium* paid bx- Ita mrmtars for lb* xe.,r 1*-M2. NP XV During tho PORT IM- we i-ec-lved new appllrailoDs fur iiienib.i*hip aggr.-gntifiga-'Ki.OlO.OIO. of which Itara was rejected, the iimoutil applied for reduced, returned uiiapprov.'d. or lidd In sii*p.*n*.- *ll.:i>"l.-'i'-0. funking the amoiinl of Insurance iiituallv uirepted mid written 4s4o,.*4ii.(;*.(i. thu* iktaarlag rtiat nearly one fifth of all applicants who applied for admirion to itieiiibci-Mp xs ith ii- in i-Oi'2 were refuted. SABSJ A\D IVVIaSTIiaD ASM TS mir cn-li nnd li.v.*loil n-sei* during the vear In rp Rm from *?rt.:t.-i4.4:iT.t?"t M iW.noo,:,:;-*"'!. beta* aa Inrrea.e of BB0JR.1M.TI. ?J,310.(S'i? of ?nld (ii*ll As let" 1* Invested tn bond and niortgsg,' l!r**t Hen* on Improved prap! I lp I" N.-w York ilir-*?ld Inve-iinenu s-ere made trith Hie apffwral Rf Ita Perara! Tl nst Cera pa ny In raajabtflon with the noora of Director of thi* Aaoorimton sud Ibo Hon- Michael d. i.iIh. formerly PltflHini Rf Ibo Hoard of Tax rommlassaa*** of the t'ltv of Xew-York. CF.RTI.'ICtTF. OP < PNTRtl. TIU-T CO'll'AW I take plranta In pu*.-ming to you a det.illeii s, billilli', mviug n Rat nnd location nf RrofJRrlp, "f lb* iiivesiment.s uiiide. wi h a ferULr-ite from the great i -ntr?l Trn*t loinpinx nf Newport, duly bv Ita Hon. P. P. Ultu!', lbs President of said Trust Com puny, ibu'; subing tata. Rtraabec t > Roamin* fie him self th.- inxe-ttiieiils uinde by Ita As,,ic|||tloii, Mini Ita cu.- craw faed hy the A toor talton In muUiig .said lu i..Un. nt* sill b>- denion th. reap. lTMM.SS in lunn:. I al-n MB* pbstsar* ta precepting a detailed BlRte menl. sloitxlng Pie prorreis of the A?i"(l*tlon : plkx.fti ka np viii; as "iivtiun. I i,*ur*n r issi, and ll y.-.r iii laren te.t.n .... t. nail .'. . RR.nNaa ie*j . ra, i wa mo mimi lt**:i i; i.8'?**i.-*H0 IB!'Pitt .'t IMM rt.*. 4.s''iH?o IA0.77SOS I4B-I . I M.J'.P.TjOo ').1"..*;7-.i tl I**' .. . I'.,' I . . 7'.V0 BBt'JttO IU ls-- KM SJi iori 1 472.**"> il l*T-H hesi'lSKl I.RB*,fi8*1 ic*'. .iai.7J.s-.-tjo >.Bis.ara im is"." .. id :. 00.4 cr. s.tRO.ifa ra I67" ??". .-ti' (i:0 :-, 'f i ts: o", it'->-' ran,isi nm 8.000.1911 ia Il sort.- a* Des' , BlOM fi ii ? int .-;> h. '. r.inj. pa a. lOHJ . . *l I .lint, ll", *) I...OIK "; 113.743 00 888.07*, oo BOM :-. i i ion", HIS 172 "?? '?? . 4'.r.< ASA Ul I O..I.??juki I I .'.,!> 7 . i ill ?_' ..t'.t -el lin ?"??........ 1 .(O', fl 'T I I I* 071 '.'Tl IRRR 1 7 ii. UT" I'I J ,'C4.4(H ?', !?*? ?j.;lol,".u'i II"" 7.RO0.4R4 74 lara ; rr.' vs.-, mt -. . m -cu ?-. ?aol :i |.-,.-, ?>*, -,, i ? OR-j in .-,., '*'- a*r7i,*WR ra i4,7j4> a:? t,:t Ll XHll.IT 1.' 'lb- Ur n Mil,lillie*. ii^luJing liiiid DtTliends, nil oajtstaadinR Death I'luims.. nnd a liabllit'- of BtXtS, MIjBOi isr-proHenilng th,- ne, prv^.-nt value af nil pol'tb- In f,,r ?? ,-, Deeanrtw ll*' last. Wtflb li laHer Item li votnntarU* aaanm**] by the a*-* ian m. wari ' rn if,737,94*3.37, and Irs - tb* i.r.t*. .\.*e'a am unit I lo sM.7.-Jt.'J?"(IiMI. ss-,, had on hutal nf (be tl*- of Ihe T.-*r laii'J a ?urplus ,,v.r ats,| alx.vo all Labilities of *i.')4h.C(>i:.4Jii A* s further iB-htam* Of the care dUplaritl lu Ibr j.Iii.1* -tia, cf nieiobi-r*. the i-i ,,-iiimv eter.lseii Iti .he mansfemt nt >.i lu liiislue** .mn m- see.rl'v ' for the pri.'.sti.m nt Its , untrue!*. Ibe following mlle* ...inplied from tl,.- itrarfl r imrts ti, the faoaraaee Depanmont., win peas mo*t < juvliiciiig arguinofiis upon Hie*,, imp winni points In Ibo ,-idnilnl -trallon of ihe hiTbIi-m of this A..*.*-tatton, and flflflMS lally "a, when Hie ettonWou 1 <-all?d to HM fuef Hint thes.- RORJSfmrtaflB* ar-' Rtod* willi thc three strongest, lament and best marrigisl old sv?tem c.ini'Binle*, In ihe, world. i'.ATIOS (?(I.XII'II.K.U PBjOM .i.'IKixt. RKPObaTS. I Luise* pflM | lC?7t*aaM I Ort*** J<" I tu rac B I tn ttaeh i wiu ut ij*ri(.' *'?',("*. I ii ism loaob *too I l-i furs-e. I lu fun-e. | HohilltV, t\?. i ab..', iniii I " 1 010.18 ! " AHA Minn.,, ililli. I 18..'tt I 10.47 I m* x-f. Yolk ur... ibu*.- ? n.4>! i ii.ii m Mutual Ile*,*te, I8'.lg..| ll.tTI | A AR | Hi MMPAaVfJDK. The Mutual f'etieiv.- bat iidw li* twelfrli year. Without tvWhlhg ta niske invldioii* comparl ion* wirti (.riier rastime ra eompoot**. rapeelally tim*" Ital ?r- w-uk ind IVehle. neXerfh.-le,.. lt |s ii pleesai* tar RM) In he ab!" tn preseni fa V ,'i u co:nparlsi.I rta r.siiP" Bbtataed bv Pa* Mutual Kes,ivo '.sith tbae* of the prratraf, tar/jMi und beal anuta***! Ufa lasamara i.mpaiile* ir.iti*ariiiig Msdnem un br Ita old apstem, and thc ta. I Hint the Xl ul uh I Reserve -.-cured mote (.'Kin--* in ihe lint itrolra pearn Rf it* exisieii.v, tajl'i mare death chil.ii*. lefalin-d more iBBBbhfBfl In Borra Huiii did all 'lin.f th.-*.- grout i.lf. inaaraBe* Cotiipnule, combined, uf Ita mom af rholr ex l*lene.-, and *Bp*rblW*ad "Hiv iiImiiii the Mini" ruth ot lupe* or termination* n* Itoae organlr.rillutis, I* un earnest Bf ccl|-lnn--l pr .sperliv and great *ui*ce*s fo: Ita Kataal Bi serra In the future. P.l'.i'H'.D OP 1'lti'- ilit-iT TWELVE YK.xps. I-Q1T I AIII.l: MIT., IBM rn. Ne., boilrasa writtan, HP.ilTO . 1291,200.040 In.un-ce In ft.rrit, ISTO 148,1.70..** ' luhiis nml .-nil".-.! iMfils palJ. IHt'.-Ti).. 4,'J',i| Mt',', lii.uriuie leroilnattd ntberslie inwn by deatb -??ul eiiti?iiii..'iit. laRR-TO .. 112,73.1,721 PerceaMde of lerrawtiras lu iiuutiat aritieu, lr4.V.).,0. . 14 RR Mt'Tl'.XI, bil H. 11 ' 4 -."..-,. Maa basia*** ariMra, hu-".'.. 137.07.1,1 Bl Inseriure ii, (or-e. IH.V. . i-i.trti iv.t.i i I.i I ms :md eaRowasWt" lull. ISII-.V, l,4i?l.;ts;i in*'if?n,T irnalnated BtMrwlse tiwu in Rt a tb nnd .ali... in. ii- lull-Vi lll..'.*7 171 r, i ? ni iee af lenslnalloa* to au, sritri-a, Mn.*;;, ... ... :ir, ip VI.XV YtiRK lal PB, lel'-".i,. Ni w Im.ii.-s st. uren. 18-.-,.'..I .R9t.S72.091 Irmursi ??,- ,, foano, Is.-.n . Il.:i". ia ; Cl?,in* md ,-ieiO" in in - pul Imi.Vt. Io7I Oi In aiianie lernilttii-l ,,:her.|-*. than li ,1- i'll mut " m-iit. Isl.",- ... ... |g 215,, ;n I".-:- ? ulalie nt t'-iiicn ilio.i > li, atjnullul it lu* ii. IRII4R 4'i ;i xn rt xi. iii'sirtvi:. im-02. Nea luisa,.* -ii't-n .0147.271.71'". In-'iruice lu loree IsW 5*11.121,700 ' icm* laid. 1M*|.'.l*. .... u,Ta ;i7-' In.urine- r, rmi'.He I ?Siter"*/!*' Iii fi bf il-i-.'i |fj>l tll.130 I- r .--tai- ..I,,ur. i, aetonat ts rill -h. I.-81.U2 . . <R.I s I'.X \M I NATIONS. Tb* ni'in.'u*-in?'iii. arbite raofvbdag Ita gu*.iti*i car, |H.--itde Pi Ita tmh-aolInn of overs detail loniiect-d xtllll lin bu.lni"* of Ibf Mutual l,-e*,-iv, while 1^-1,,^ ahle lo announce In yon thu! at the bea,I of ea.ll d' p.irtna-lii of ncr large and sRflflaflf*a hu*liie-. tt !i'V' af xv, Il lu tmn r puiati.ui alli bnMnrSN sbtllly, p*-i uli irlx' lilted for Ihelr ie p.elixe |toailloin and dalles, set | am pleased in itelng able laaBBBMBre tu xml Ibwl na le** rItitit - \ . innate and In,I,-pendent an-Hi bara t" eil medo iind-r the illr-cllon Rf BM Xutlitnr* ullliin Hie pist iwelvo mtciths, Of Ihfl Inciilii" uri I dlibarsTi'Tiient.*, books BBd ORrBBBlta, iBPRttRmata and di j*, ll*, liiilnllng nil Bratten rel.-itltii; lo Hie M,,Hilary Dersirlment of the AMttrbiilon. ?n.l in ararj Instattra ItaflR bbMjacbR^OBl flmfiti luxe r-suitei in the msriMgrnenl recel'Tug ibo mist . -n pilmentny rettMcatea "f lasJoraameal from said Auditors us He result of tlielr MraatlfBltaBfl nnd au'Ha, but being de-dnin^ nf pre-feiilng srlll fiirther evidence from other sources, the well-known linn of Chartered F.ncPsli .Vtmiuinnt*. Messrs. ITtro. Wa tern on*-* * Co., of Ix fl don. Fjigtsnd. sith Itr-inrhrs In New York nnd ( Isl - ni|)B, xvns dltvctid to make un ludopendont nu Ht of the Ini-otue anl disbursement* of A-s.-s*nieut Xo. rt*i. and their flpfljersxraaee *' our tiflire with' six skilled BlpPftfl wu.* aller the luniks ol staid assessment bad ts--ti closed, aller tin- ueposlts bad been made lu Hank, mid after Un- tllshurseuit-nt* hud been made. They came li. Ita I'flice without Hie Knowledge of HOV one rSfepI 1xv<? olher memlK-r; ol the F.xecntlve Cami mit t" ?-. Thej proceeded at outr upon ih.-lr dutle-i of auditing the Ineaora nnd dtafRRmrnftrBtfl of said nsses* Bteat. After di-yoilng len daxs' lime, working nli*iit Ntld dav, 1 um pleased III being able tn preselll tn voil their report, which ls as follow*: .Xjeiiiv PI'.HT. xVATFRIIOI'sT. * IO.. ChBtter-d A. I'l.'intaiit*. l/i.uti.,n. New.Yotk and ( liic??t>. *1-t llroadtvar. N'ety-Ytaik. .lan. lttth, IMM. this I* ta cettiry Hint we have thi.. dav I -iiiuplet.-d an ? ?si,ii,-.atlon or thc latelpls and ? spemtltutv* in romteet. t.. Murl.jitir Call No. O't. tilth (ho beoBfl of thc Mutual Me? son e Poad Life Adulation. ?* nsnje up la thc 12(h day ?r luiiuurv, lat"!!, iud llml th- same ii*"defall.-il in the abey* rl-rurt ur I'idlfoi* r,, I,,: correct. ?Signed; PP.HT. WATFItTIOt'SI* t CO., Chartered Accountant*. 'Hie evident e pre.ciiti-d by Iblfl linn of experienced ii'i'iiiiitiifit*. showing th- rom* ino-. nf mir mortuary nc ipi a ami til-r'.iir-.-'ii'iit * w ihawnbl om- hook* nindi* trader il ubi as an ni Xo. (j".. I* highly satisfactory to the iiuuiugeiiii'iii, mid is un evidence of tb.- correctness of Hie previous uiiilll* uinde by Messrs. Wray 4 Acker. The fuct that this well knosii Him of Expert Account ants ure employed by the largest Institutions In the J world. Including such bunking coiieenis as the la,uk of F.tigiatui. the National Provincial Hunk, and similar Institutions, Illustrates tin- value of au nudli made by them. savi.n".;. Tin- onnnal mrtng t.? our raemtar*. af the present Mme, u* coinpar.-d with Un- rules charged hy the old system <'oiiipaiile* for ordinary lifo lliuuniure, now .-.pulls ii dividend paid In advance or bonus allowed, whbh I* retained In the pockets of our Insured, ex? ceeding Five Million Dollars per year, making our total *axlng io th>- prc.i-nt. limo bp ri-dne'lon of premiums, ns BfOresoM, of more Uiau Thirty-Five Million, ni Dol lars. .MATH (I,A IMS PAY'XIKNTS. -Ince the dnte of our organization, niore (lian Hf* Thousand widows liaVe received protection, uiid ?jX"-r Ten Thousand orphan children baxe been ftir nl*lii*l Klih iln- m.-iins of securing a proper education, a* well ns shelter n-nd a Imam, through the millions of dollar* dtabarrad hs ibta laanrlattrra to Ute nrMosn and orphan, of Hs ataeenflad members, mid no part of Ike work connected xvirb the administration of Ibo affair* of lin* Association hus gixen gn-aler Joy or pl.-:,.ure to rho niBiiiigeinent than the disbursement of Hs nioin-v In Ihe payim-nt of lt* legitimate dedth claims, and In every Instance from the date of Its orgniiDntinii lo Ibo present lime every l.jn.-st death clnlm where a l-gul mira BB could be oI.IhIii.sI lins beOB paid i,l ur In-fore Hie dale il wu* due. Almost ovry day In Ibo your th- mulls bring'io us Um uiosi fluttering ceitllic-.ites of cjinineiidullon from the belie uriari"'* um1 fri-nds of d-ceased members commend lng tho AraortatbM for Hie hoiioruble trcatiiiciit re? ceived bv I belli. As au i vWeiici- nf this fut. I alli detain fOR on 1 v ti, read a -Jugl"' tatter received alBRB Ma first of Um vi-nr fruin R widow und h* r children, and a hlnillur tatter upon Hie sam" subject from ber brother: ,x xviD'.xvs Ti.sTixtnvr.xr, January 24. IBBS, Fd nani n Harper, PitslRent, M'iti?l lb san" Pun'! Ut* A**n . K*w*Toeb. Dear Sir- A* BM t" IdOOJ BOd rhtldrCSJ i-f the nfc Will lam T Ntatam, of Augti.t*. its.. t4ho "a* In.und Ul vntir iBIOflflrtBO BM aX.sSJt). Hilder pullet N't), ll.1111'. it Bfft.rls as plrawia tu bear tratiOMoy t* th- g*w*t*alty and b**R< aaateltp .'siiii'its-d bv pear ?"'ao-ipaoy la puring fh" '*"* il, lull .11,il refUBlOfl in tata Bdewmra or any soi all I4*eb0iealltiei arbleb 'listed in laver ot the I'ouipiiiT. I?. wu. 'hr.ngrit hy ioma, (hat. the ( timpanr had ii ptlini fide .a?e in ,(-. favor, aad f*4 aller MMBRetBttaO Bl all che Bte**, the ClMkpray c.ii*ld tbcIv md ina2i,?ulniou*1v waite! Its tioretic." In Cimr nt 'ho trid-tr and . tlllJr il. and tm ,-llned ts. ac. opt B i-ouiproinl?4- utter,*! ht them h?tt pre? ferred to neat tho contract. rot a< lurdhiB t?* K* IcH-r. bul bp it* tirtrit and p*ld the tall iimonnt due it i* not i/u-u (hit, rarpamttara om nn.visi bp ronalden" lum* uiher tliBii tito I af pur Iv U-jncial i.*aln. adi Bf* fiuis-r-te tan., plrasar* in eois***mdhi| rhe an lae vt ree* Company in rslootarliy paptaa s Isa* bosana* ita tebhw and tblMira hud lh**gM H""-' ?*-??'?? |-""ur<d. sheu. If the l... Imii-tl letta* of the i?.li.-v hail laen BtBM BtMRBMRB I f. theil B***C* iiilrr-it hav b-i-n dr?ii; t ein'--l. XVe tln-i-'ii.- af- Kind Io . oiijiierid fo thv-"' in s'arih nt ln*"ir?ii'" 'hi* ISSMSSSO* iict,"ii BROS Iii- part ol tour ( "tn paiir \V.nd bswtrttb the atlRbml p"J'v. duly re ret)*.,! and achaaw ledge i-"lpt ot lour .lick lo cnx-r ?ho -artie. ir* cul' iStcat ?t. rs vs ir. p. win i.r s. i. it tif. i; xx it'-'U.v*. XV.Xl.I A' J. XVIII ll ss Al.XRIP. XV ll F.I.I-SyS, ax BROTUP.K'i I (.MXIIMI.X I H'N. .lanni: T Pt -. Pf-, len I",md I.! 'lull, IRRR. Near*Tork> .Ul ti j i a h. iur|, Uotool Rim rt Dear Blt 1 brp \ ..iinii ti ii -- t , I-j- i- -tit. ,,nt- to rh* llbei al actina BRM the |u-t af tour rempaay ia pavim: c. Hit ?i*t r ititi* ateI Bl.- t'.Otvi uelag iti-'ti 'IO** Bpaa Hie life ur RV bl** XVIIluni I" XVb'l.-** 11*001 puller No i4,04-' in your reaanrap. Lawyer, ts limn I ? o is , Itel III the Interest ,g mv sl-t'r Infirm-d me Ibal He te na* n,. doubt bit that your eoRipaap bud > .(Mug. ll ml j petfrel d.r.'iice t.. bal ?tiin-nf of th' |?? ? 11? v. iud .I't.'ik lu their in'.ivst. I rs? ouuiunti.d a eooipteailaa eblrh altai - aaatserattm, pom ot,,pant- BeclUied t? aeeept bat fleelded not to like td raatspi ur any teebnlral defence, bu; to pay tue lus* in run Il I" nor. often thtl even Individual* fall to avail t'lein Wives -r nil tli.'ir l"i*al richi" mid I hute n.\?r Unomi h? ' t.> ,,r ii ,, rporBUra thu Ht ant Rladly Un *o. I tiiei< r* , timm it d',"- t.i you that i t- imii iii isbwawladp* Hu- lt-4' ll eatlon irblcb I feat beiatnw- cr rour rernsal to lore litigation nilli u4 itatm and bm ebiMrra. u uni Btiurii uiv piaaflom i? msataand your roiapinp r.i iho-e in *i>bic1i ,,r j bbIs ana rottabt* nimranee. Vi.ur* rory tmiv. Mi-'tied P. iJixVxKD PBABCB. xiv for r.-f-rrlii '?> Hil- mutter 1* that cer? tain puMMioi-s ,,f lu-urai:..- Joinnals from Hine 1 ? Hine luke pl.-isiircTti - pleading bffOR4B?RRt fals.-lioml* regarding tho payment of ll- d.-iilh claim* bf this A-so<latiiiii. and th.- agent* of rartaln competing life In-iirance ion,panics ure Instrttas*nts In the clrctilaHnn -if these falsehiMi'd*. It I* a fut xx el I kiu.wn lo our nie'tibet-s that "-ar 'toalli claim* are din- and pnyaM' within I'liolv Jut. after r-c,-Ipi ,,f *;itl-tai'orv proofs nf donth. alli I' !- a farther fact thal Ita spatcm nf ibo .xs., rtatlca provides for n inoriu.-irv call r? tu* RMtde "very silty dav-, ss lr li ttl,|, h t ? ..npplv it'e A-siclaH.m villi rarans f r iii- payment .-f eslslitM anpflld death claims, tr tu- death rtalnu wera pull in od Taara, bedan lb* call ataaM be male. Itara woul 1 bo no e.\i*'lng death rtalms aapasal. aad an \-tmi mortnarp rab nratd be trade npon He- ?rremtan: ciin-e ?ineiiilv our *v*letn providing fur th. mortunrv culls lo be bflted u|h>ii the actuni monalltv of Hie As-o clalhili mid t,ol upon nu .' mnrtalllv, tbe mun nary call* mu*t Maretto* ta made RbOB donth .'Ulai, tvhbli b;i\.- ln-i-ii nj)|ir ix s'il .1:1 I m-iii;iIii nnpuitl. [I xxiii ta seen Hiai liia*uiiu*li as ihlrtv dnvs aro BllOWed for ibe payment of Hie niorUiarv calls, and runt-li Hine I. re<iuireil In InnamtttlBR lb* r-ctpl Bsrreof from Hie IbMa haodred Bod more b:ink* il,ai make. ..ur c illei Hiui*. Hint a nasimohs* 'Imo nm t lie allmvcd f,,r Un- paMiieiu of Hi- death claim* ufier d.-aih, whteh esp.alu* 4ihv Hie eon I ruc ts of Hie MITI Al., I IND I.llTH ASssiCIATION pne vide for th- pnyiiieht ?,f Hie death claims within nlu. tv dav* after tb- .???'? Ipi of *ail*fucli-rx proofs of death. Il j. true an I'.mer ge ney Kuinl ROS ln-eii rreiilcl under lb- re*oliili ni of (.e::-rnl BblrMl lu l.S*tJ. Miii.ii Kiner-enev lund now omoaata tu PISSJOBB, mid which eiiald? Hi- x* ratolhsji fa unlblptil,. Ui patinefii of lt* d.-iiUi claim* airer tho inii-.tunrr cull hi'* been Rude, *o Ililli tho A- *M lull 11 I* al,',. I,, mp Uuil. during tho pa*! twelve iii,.nth*, avery clnlm lin* been posf ni or b**Bsj*e din-. Brbare fl tappj r.-b-n*.nhl he ohtalii.-tl, an-1 in n-arly every In? stance long before lb" alli" aa* due. I WI si |t; \TH?\ ul' iH'.tlll 1 I.xixis. Hie Management is-lb-xe lt to be lt.* duly lo In? vestigate inch t-iillt clnlm, e*p,sj:,lly Hi,h,- ibm iccnr upon iH.llcies timi hive l.i-i-n in fore- f ,r |brao Tears sud uiulec, ami learn IbfWajjfh 'Hld InfraMra Hon whether a frand ind bria attempt**! upon tho . oini*itiy or not. bx prc :ent!n- b health] prison for I examination In place of n sick or utreo/toj uBtjEtt-ani. or bp forio-ry or fraud, and Whether tho ln* xvas nclUiilly dead ur nol. The BBJRBtaf of proofs of di-nlh claims received bv lb.- A.-oclalloii. priiporlv iiiiiI out nnd sworn to, ci rttlvlng Hint th,- lii.iirit is dent. Bad 'hal Hie III.y t* Un,. j,n,| pivn' le. tiheii tipon lavestlosBtoa it baa tara di*(-tiveissi ibm m- ralf tasured ssas not demi, and th- Bamber of othr-r In -ini..* ..r Bttempted fnuid npon the ttrt**sa?n ot tho Assn,Jail.,:, foti es th- Mali.i-enieltt lo th- conclu.loii Hint their duli rciulie* Ibem in laaba careful Inves tlgnilon into Hu- dentb cl.iln-s i?f.,re pRpneal I* mad-. Ta* traflBBBri nml other office!* ,,f tin- ,\*.,, rtstlon trill give dciuil* r.-ginlli.g ihts mutt r xrhlrh I tx-llcve will fully justify |*afl innuagcnieiit lu adopt Hui the coarse lt lin*. The fact that only wilbla UM pa*t ninety dapa the criminal court* of Si. John Mw. Priinswlck, c.nvlited two rHmlnals f?r robbing tba \s*os*lnilon of tt-yiXtO. and other life lorarance ceao. Panb-s of a much larger som, ls nn exldence \\\\\ gr.-:, i can tl.ol.hl be 1RHBRUR" Wot* rayment* saab be inuilo. Inle.-d, no buslne-e, man could take bk place in oar I'-iitii claim department and not xxhhta n Very few days realize the Importance of siiehia! x.-*1igutlolis. Attention ls ciill.d to Hie fart that many of tba criticisms refer to Hie date of the death of the io, sured and not to Hie date when proofs ut *?.,,, s^*" been received by tl,,- Association. Many IrataticaR have o4-curr?-d where mouths and even years hara elapsi-d before the proofs of death would be prt-seotad lo the Association, und until the same bad b pic*enied tli'- Mnriugeiiieiit tjnd no knowledge of ta deutlj of the liisnriHl. und yet because payment ?M not made ts Illili, ninety (i,,vs from the date of dratb these falsifiers of ibe truth, manufacture and cite*. late the story aud falsehood that Hil, AssnUtlra scale* and rcfiis?? the payment of Its honest death clnlm*. ADVA Ni I". PAYMENTS. I wonld rall the esp.-clal attention of oar "?mina to the fact that tbe rules of ibo company proxMe tm liuiii.-dlttte mix uni.- payments after death, even tafara Hie proofs of death have been received by th* Aa social lon, by which the widow ran provide for tv. luiiinl and other pressing expense*, and them kV vance payments are often made by un to the ataow even before the Interment of her deceased balbara*. COMPF/nNO I.U"F, ISM'RANct" COMP.tXIE-3 ARI SySTKMS. The record for the last decade fully deBitBjrntJO, that a want exists on Hie port of the P*?|ta far bs sura nee, under almost every plan and lw alawa! ev.-ry purpose, and thnt those companies with a otra patent inanugoniefit dlns-tlng Ihelr au .flttao ta . special feature or sy?tem have succeeded wttMa tm lust len venn to sn extent never before knovn to tra hist..rv of In ?ura ncc. a ml especially such it tb* mm with regard to life Insurance, under the old a* *?**, an under the new system, which fact only eon fl rmi fha statement which I made In my annual report to aw member* lu I8e4. whlrh I now reiterate as tatra equnilv us true to-dar as at thnt time: *' lu mr opinion, there lias Ix-en no neeesKltT for UM conflict. Tiie mau controlling tia* lexel premium cara pu nip.*, who have waged the war, have l>en tf-tdr o*ra worst enemioi,. Tlwir svsteru. if properly coriducttsl, can Join hand In hand with our own, and, mutedly, we can press forward In our work, providing for oar widows and orphans, encouraging economy, pradracn and forecasting imbil*; bo Hint, as each generatle* *hall paes sway, "aili sjystetn wiM be honored and praised by thousuuds und tens of thousand* of p*r*ot** who have been lifted to a higher pinna of eivWfsV Hon and hrnthorhood br nnd through tbe direct ritfla* once of the u.-iism.-iit. ns well as that of the level premium system of life Insurance." NFW bWILMIMM. Agroiable io Instruction* received from Ih* m.txv ben ul our la>t Annual Meeting, the contract for th* erection of ? new tire-proof building, to be known aa Hie Mf'TlAI. UF.SF.HVF. IHTLDIX(?, was dnly ex** cijied willi Ihe Weld Eetate of Ho-sluo, and on the Bni dav of May. 1?02. work was ennunenced upon MM building, uud except for the strike occurring at tho Carnegie works, which hart the contract for tho mano* fucfurc of the Bteof, coupled with tbe (.ranlte strike, our building would have already been enclosed; not. withstanding ttjl* delny, satisfaction progress has b*efl niH.I- upon said 1 untiing, and I nm pleased to .Ute thal the column*" of the sixth and eex-enth floor* am ln.w being placed in position, und without doubt by Ila lal ur part of this year our building will be comp'****, und we shall then have proper accommodation for the employe.,, agents and oftin-rs of thU Association In tho irunsaclloii of Its business and at tbe same Hm* R Bass depo.lrorv for our Records. Tho Importance ot the apeoip completion of our building ls Illustrated bf Um taM 'hut even UM Dins-tors- room and many id the other oftU-eiV rooms had to be surrendered in (lie employes of thc a--ot billon. In order that lt-, business might hoi be i*-mHied for want of *p*c* bs ooaonsmodate the employes that have been te unlr-d lu ibo performance of the dally routine work. 1 ''o'- pi.-ii*ur.- In presenting to goa u picture of oat hew building as lt will appear wlien completed. FORFJi .N IH'.I'A KIM KN IT*. I nm pleased to report Hint our business In Ihe flt*. forent foreign connirles where we ar? transacrinp l ? I - i.-i s has been highly satlsfuctory, RssM as istpnd* the vclnme of new business received, is rafi ag regards the lo**.-, which hove ocennred upon th* bost> ne*? lu force. Tb"' Pisses upon our foreign bnsxtnem bfive never exec.dod three-qunrtors of the percentap* of lo-sos t,|N)ii Am.-rlru- IBSfBSm: which simws tbs! irr.-nt caro hus he ea exercised by Hie Association M the transaction ot its foreign haRfMBB. I had pIlRaan Iii x Mt lng. with Counsellor Bora hum, ibo vari.ii* foi-.-Ign departments wlibtn the past tour, and we were much delighted, not only with the largo volume of btt*in.-s* alr> utlx ol.'ali ed. but with Ih* bright pro*p.s*ts whliab existed for a birgelv lncr(*a*cd xt.liiiu** of new huslness In future sears. FOFXPsTKiN PRINi fl'r F.1*. Tiie foufidalion principles of tho Bf idem presented kV tko Mutual Reserve Fund Life A* ..elation con? tinue the BBRm indiiy u* In rita p?-U xvlilrh are. re i,diet t from Hie inenil.ers the ni li int sum required fnr tbfl pax un-nt of lls current dciiih claim* anl legltl ninte i-xp"ii*es, Ita linne e.|iilt.iblv apportioned among Ita iiioinb" rs ac tinting to the ugc of the member snd the amount "f Insurance held by eacli. Tile Boure* or I'.mergency lund ls admitted lo DR au exi'.-ss over Ita curp-ut tost, nnd therefore it h) held, iii-i, foi Ita paxiii.-nt of ox'os-lv" death claims, Ita obJ?*? t being M prevent excessive payments fro?R IhR meuiher* In nny yenr; <"-<oud. if not ra required, io be retained to Ita iflsBBbara by credit on theil linnie premiums, or lu cash at stated periods, as thsell intlHlH't* piOX-lde. *. 11 C r> s *? t; r. t C. F. VT5S. I am phased to oniinuiico tn von thut the fii|!o-*r!afl getitb nien have bren rated s ponoaal to* by the Board of Dire: tors of tliis Association for the faith* fulness, devotion and loyally which they have dl*play*l lu In-half af our Association, mm.-Iv : E. M. CAtiTH.I.o. New-York City. T. II. JUNK*, Atlanta, lia. XX. J. hVMITtTilY. Toronto, Canada. (.. A. SANDKItSO.N, Kansas City, Mo. Bj. M. ACKYF.D4). llax-ana. lube, x it. M'NF'lltil.. Winnipeg, Manitoba, l . M. oAKLP.Y, |rr rranclya-o. Cal. P. lt. ?<JdJfas*Mf, New ("ricans. La. t.. J. Ml'ltRY. lirookUiie. Canada. J. J. K?H).>KY, lsruilnghiira, iV.irs.Ick. Ku"*. llIt'AKDU NADA I., Havana, Cuba. D. K. DP AK P.. Kansas City, Mo. .I. D. ti/IKP., Fort siiil;ti. Ark. F. W. Dr.AlnN, Karine. WU. In corif'u-loii. I xvould stair Cuni Wo enter the vetf IRRO auder most auspicious clrcumstance-i. tatOT future prosp.-cl* w-re ii-ver brighler Hisn nt rhe ur** i.-nt moment, und we shall uudoutitedlv obtain without any special .-"Tort a volume of business hi 1803 equal, at least, bi rimt oblaffifj during anv other Tear la the hl*tory of our Abbr lat'on. IB my oefni.-il ussoclsre*. to our many loyal *nd fnliiitiil agent* in the Ihl'i. ns xtell rr io HV ssoro flinn ISO employes tn our outee, I di slr* to aikuewl* edge my special obligation* fur the help, aid and as? sistance which they liaxc ron lored in their respertlra frpartmiats. and io the many iliousands of membem loci,ted throngtaat irar eoaaRfp. CbanRM, Omm Brltaia, I'rance. BpRlR. Unix, llelglum, (Jormany. Sweden sad Jue We-1 Indies, who hnvit given us their loyal ?op port iu Ito greai c. nfllct wbMh has been tvaged aoatasd RR, I extend my sincere th:inV.s and rtyuost a 4?m i inna nc- of their roiitid.-iicc and uuppirt. He*p.,ifiilly .submitted, F.DWAPD II. II XKPF.R. Itt nidi Bl Mutiiiil Ite.erve Fund Ufo Asauelsiiea. New York, .lannary 2Mb. IBU-I. ItllMtKT OF HO^f. HEXBY J K?aI^.lH'KD, rSecand Plee-Prettldeai and KK.*ot*-4**talT>Be\i<el ef Ita eu rs see al ita Mtai* af 4?M*. To thr I'rtsUlmt, IHreetm* omi Members o/tk4 Mutual Hf.nree Fund Life Ahtoeiattou: ti,'iiiie....-ii-Eba ".-pirt tWiii-a our amajta Pwiii*** ho* pre*, nt.-tl to BM la *uch un Babsssatm and -t~Utoet*tt sun v ot th- fl.-ld or our WM In beb'lf of uar sa??B?*r*, tint details to BR) *t tbe ability exercised lo ??*? din-ting th.- uirili* of mu AasaaMIMR sud th- |ncn>s*ls| IsoMrnsfl lt is attaining rMiri an Intelligent public, s**** iinint-e-s?ry. *.%j* Tke ptwr.-** af this .x*??eJulina ha* r*"S io i*r"*isrrawe Batt i om lindy hmjemaaf it* laram succ'*** i* ???lK**" crsCle. ind ultUougli I um SSSBBsaM th?* r? *H ?*>?*?* *?? suiiie .onvlctloii. sell I sill. tslUi four kind Indulgiwei*. 1 Help resl-n a i-.trthm af P* history. In January. i9ntt, Ut.- y.ats *<r?. I last the B4e*-ta*e * -tittnilttinc Bj yon mt lint rep tri, and u|*wi referring to? I am ".-rutifi.-d ti sa'a oar lnrrea*-d |A?-**|>*rlty wbleb bm surpass, d our then BRRl eeoeuJoe expt^-AtlaBi. Oar trash snd Inxested s-ntci* on Becemh'r ll tast **? *:4.7i*;i.:,(!7.C7. ssherfuu ul tiie cha* trf the year IRRf a?si** aero el,i72,C00.t'J, shotting the increi** during lb* dm