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fO*?V m-gf, */? he Rav.-57,8C.7.1S, or sn annual average- increase \*g\m* ">?" 0450,000. ai the clo** of tho past year we had ln*nranre ta amounting tn 823il.4.-1.7'.>0, or RboM fl-sO.COO.OOO (han WO had on Deiftuhor 31. l(4-",7. makin:.' an average annual Increase olmo the latter Rat* of (JIG.. Agiln. our accepted and tiHlton business during 187)2 aflRSSOated OsB.OtO.OSO. ?'J7i,3'.'3,100 writ*.r>n In Mpf. ' During the year 1887 we paid t,) the bon.fl. larles of !*, fltmastl taraitam Rlra78,RBl*M, making the total of 'h raftaSMB from oi cani'atlun to the clo*,- ol that t-mtt.lB**1-**- Wo dUhurs.-d ta death lien-lit. during Lg paet peat Ssl,*tSaX**WJra, ?lOtaa Ita "irani Total nfath IsssM psid s.n.e srjjmlloHsn R14.7W.l7R.aM, i r br avenge pay**oa? atat* 1S87 of moro than tri.000,000 an ?sal jtotwltiistandlne thar ne have thus disburse, flhrlaj. more than TF.X ANT) UN'It-HaUI' ? have ad. . yur r'.""' '" ii,,',^',e.- ....... ?......., thi,. pened TWO MiM.l'.X nOM.Allfc tH2(gf0.000), on axer. 'lg, ot mott Ita* KU li Hl'NDKI'.D THOUSAND DOD j*.!.* MsM.tBM am.nully. thal ta' Monal Ita aura Inda all other bara bt anl In Bbs MB I'V the fact, thut tte (11*hur*e p, death nefirlv tis., and om-.half dolla:* (?.J 50) to every on,, -?il*r t*l r01 as-peadad for ali etta! raoasa eoa*j*b*ed, ?Mre?* U*e sworn l*p*H* to the ln*t,r:in," Department, tint the three eroat "etd linc'' companies dl.liur 0 ?je-jseaoea in MamdesBraP' ?* Bosch a> they do for > __ , Uhrs. ""rtjrt'i."?rnioro. althcisrh receiving hut one-third (1.3) at _a}h as do Itam companies for each 01.000 bmntaMB In fg^. ire p*v la death losses a* much p.-r each RI,OOO g. risk a* they Uo, ?* the following table WUI ihOS i ,k, pflOt ?*? ***** Jill.UlON'S OF IHH.I.AKS <flO.*,00.000). x itaerra ai tineiRraey fund dorlof aBBBtsV aV? a iV *tl?'??JJ of this Aesocintlon extend* ultu, tn Its for? eign bnnrhrs, md that our Uno of march ha* tan along th* y*iii of paaaperHp is bsdfeaBSd hy the lettawmg record: A?.Tu,a,rte,r?n'Tl??n''',flD?l ibm. * Tom idM. Amount in farce Dn em bel RI, HM. Eagliod.. Frits re... tl4.3-21.40R 3.4S3.360 R3.N72.230 ? 16,07**,l?'23 at.176.RBO ?,7*20.700 t'ousda.| 11,61 3, son 3,71*0.100 13,700.200 . amt indira Raeden* ml enter coan Mea. ?60,?73 '2.,*.**-V220 3,4544,000 , tMUB.... ..$33,3*1,733 $14,333,0.10 ?4st.043,7'i3 The above tobin lliow* our n-t Increase for tho yea, lr**-.' of business in force tn fir.-ii.-ii countriri to bs 17,203.900. dlstributed among -',859 nev BBSBBbara, and thi niortaiirv for tho year hut ?.8.44 to ouch RI ,000 lr force. In conclusion, to sum up tho pSMBM standing of thi" Aft-o-tHlon. lt ne<*i only be stated that our niortnllty |? . tavorsble a* any company ef the sun,,, magnitude BM BBOW our axpenses lo B*BflOb i* an- hut a fraction of the amoun Charged under the -old ?t*tein:" ull just death claim: base been promptly rmid in full; Ute atsoaot lott-uiU' Mi**-* in every depaitment: the bBOBOm are bSMMty RH BBpsbly managed, ind tm inter upun thc ut-u ram wttl BMurance* of RtOM promise. Respectfully *nibniltted, llLNBf J. REIXMUXD. January 25. 180S. _ TREASt'RERS REPORT. Mortimer and Honoria 1'nud Xcrls. Balance D- -n : ??- Al. 1C91.Vt. ? J-'.0:171 94 REC KI PT!*. h'et receipts from mortu ai v cull* .Lui .ari 1 to Dt.'Cfiuber 31, 1892. lu inclusive.0,*2,753,N13 og Joter*-1, credited io Death Fund Januarv 1 to De? cember 81. lom. In ataatw. 118,343 37 Vn .*?"! Special Deposits.. 30,71!'* 23 Total receipt*. DISBL'nSF.MF.XTS. Inent Uric ms pli ott ith '2.H30.127 SI Rsi,ldS,Y?l ff **2.702.'l37 04 Bo'.isce- December Pl. 1892.13.440,424 71 (Accounted for os lollowsj : Bond* nnd milman lin liena on Kcal I-AUtei .??{,310,000 00 Condi, Dominion of tan* ?du. & per et nt*. Bird*. J'n, vine- ot Quebe~. {, p,r trat* R??l k-tate-ln lb* olly ot Xeti-York (Bala* cumbered' . tmllsli ( onuoU, 2Js l?r cent. . Rigistercl French Kent. *.. 8 |.?r cent*. Lodi, Ci .da Praetor, IhSia, li anett, A per '?'.-.- . . Italian Knite*. 5 per .ta 3'2,3-25 37 30.000 OU 41 331 67 07,300 00 30.1 H3 77 19.SS3 ON 777 07 1.0410 00 Bond*. Cito ur St. U."ls, ,8 ra-tco iM-r aram.. Cur, oi, d*j>o?lt: Ch*mlc?l .National n-ink, New-York.~ $100.000 04 lOO.OOtl Ol First National Bank. Nett-York Fourth N'Htlonu; I'iltik. Neil.,-url. .Central Tiu*t (7oii,uunv, Xew.T*rb . 'Carnell National Itarik. Nett-Vt-rB -MtTuBiiui' Exchaag* Notleaol Hank. . Ne't-X'i.rk . (1'itiiiu, National Bunk. New-Yorb. Mer-ai.Ule XaUonsl Hank. Nen-York X?tto<iai 1' .ii. ul Hank. I.ondun, Ice? land 'BiaK-lthtjIiTi's FJiskllda lianK. stockholm, -. Stt.d,,,. .Credit Fender Pfiri.. tra. . ? * Oriiiptoir Nullawil d'F.i-oaipte. Par!*, fisrire &*dlt Lyonnalse, P*ri?. Ftan-e.. Tthil Xullt>ii*l ll.tiik. Iliistoii Ma* Tlrit XaUotial lvnif. Milwaukee xvi.. w?.hiiirton I^wii and Trus! Company, D. C Xit'onsl l**r'.( Buna i-i?,i:i7 7: HM.Situ o' 70,40!* 3* ?23,000 Ol -23,000 414 al -,000 Ol 30.030 7 34.B-20 S7 12.11 li tl n.Ml I .V '-'0.000 0< 1 il.**44M III 3.3-23 li 3.000 Ol ?3.s:in nt iii rn ati.t-io.t-XdT ?-2>?.IIS-2 ?; 3.371.3U3 3) ?2.702,3.17 0 13.0110.000 Ol 3RB.133 7 4.7V3.'2Mi Qi (iiiortuury ucuniit , Xetr-York .?. Ci?h it, nave (?artnory aeeeaati. Total. fOMP.XlUSOX. xv* nut- Ut-u Itescrxe -r i.m-r B*ict Fund ?'irlnu 18^2 ...-?. ? Mttint ti.i, fi,.,u On Peeentlifi ^1 D'C *?'?? ntld h, Death ( lain.* during tin just rear. Mill.* tt.e (froiid tnt * I d.*our*iu-*'its lo ts. het,.-"cl*-Je* nf our dooen?d incia's-r* Since f.rga'ii'ltloii nomi" Ballas th iw-t 4oiir there ha* b en added ?f. ry..* rash and BBVaatal ?.?ett th--* ?nm of . Bot loBBl irr-e.- u*?.-1- Dece-liln : Ml. 1R0' amotini -d tax . O' " i-ml. ? 81 of tit- ureviou* v.-ar tlc V . _ ***** .. . . ..... 4.3lf?.-*?*-2 tl' Au In. r-a-- of . 430.0S3 ? I .ut.init this siinual tejiort wllh J-erulUr prld. M I'teamir"., lecau,e- each teflr ol my luU.i with the Muttia Wierxe ct>iistr?:iiH me to ie|M-ut with tarreoocd eam**M*a tbe .uteii'i-iii* Ueretolore made, tliut BBS tlnui"'* of thi ?ssotlaij,,,, >n. siin-f.itl.-r manuged. all receipt* behn ixrupulously imotiiiTel (ur, and a'.l dl?biir**-* fin full. taapaaM botom approval; Ital 'u'lt and every let-ltlnml tie*lii rlaloi l* pu.iii.iMy paid lu inll. and adsance* Im WAdlitelv made uiion notice ot death Whenever thc sam* ] Je6atie?t.-I by the ts notl-l:ir4. I congratulnta* our rn- mbcm upon Ita splendid r-jtor of 18i>- lt brsBeMM steady und healthy growth Rf Hu ABsotlat'on, and js a practical ? \ of the uiiioBsln "abor and m.- )adf aa| of our Pitapat oh The luccesitful pant aaastM gi te us added Inspiration 1 .rontlntiit the develop-T^tft of Life Insurance ta Rh* future The good tior-i ot providing for thc widow and orphan cir **?"*? u* *,u* I>o**xlhillWCB sTlthout limit; and our b*? ?taught sod-cftoft ?hould go forth to -advance the Intercat rtol ,, ? ?*'UP?'** hi which we are engaged. Tie Ham roth, ten. 25. *?b_^ -Tibmmbi. HONEST CIsAlW* ALWAYS PAID. I Jlm-u'it1 " ?' ?' ,U",Wln' C"*?rB'*n Death Cl.lm* De. j Cain" Zl"'t% '" ?' "? ,J,,lt,Wi"' **-*--?*"ssbs of the BaRIb 4 l? nm Department, -hewed that tu, lea, lh8h lM-. wiUuita. I orphans and other beosaMaattat ta thia and nth., ,.,,?nt.ies. I'l't.-.utlni.' 77:1 p.Hrles. th- ,iuvme,it ?f wl,i.h no* BB* pi. ted. re.-.-ived frol? fh(. lrf,a,lltv a-...:o2.3.,7.0t during me iv.-.?. CooUaoiag, Mr. RBtawta'airpanaaM: if- eatoa-M ..1 Room .iain*. gmiaBid B*aw?*-M ami tnrapfjwved, Me pam IORI mai XmWrnu\ W?LV -<?<"'.-"I. tihlle ira antr.unt, in 1*12 over ism y,a, ?i,iv B270.t74.00, a din.-,.-,..-,. i? faV?t of ,*.,-, (lf ,,,,., ,?. (i0' j Au cv.eii..,,, ataorMR, condering thc greal Increase sf Ii.'tv hu-ines,. Thi, b*Jpa*trarai deiires u i-eodet lu "Matta to nm Helical Derartmeni for biiIiRmh ttmtttot in ita various op-ratlon*. u* *e|| a* Bj ail Bttal RspailBtSalB U the ABBI* Inti in. lt give, me ptaoaara to report that from the dea-i, etataa -received oud thc raaam ihereot Ui- indication, ur- tha' la artppe, which darli.*; the l?*t three seor, has been as t.ital a.* 4tell a* st, uni vcr al, has sort latin-ly abated, and the death rata- ls rc. ."i.tly materially Unpins eu thereby, and a continual lu pint.m.nt rroin tm* cnuice I,,,,i )?. npei-trd, All death etalon hate bc,, , -.r?*fiilTy esamined under tl:? nil.-* and tfi-nl;ui..u* laid dotti, hv the n..ard of Dlraelem and Coarail ot ORteoia r<>r nit irnpaiiwiai; md they are nuts bala* also s,.-rutlnl/od hy the i?**Mlll| Con,. mltt.e ?n Death Claims before pic.-ntatloii to the iio?id 8f Dir.eUir* ot I'Aeeutlve Committee for 111,al 8000*1 lelon ana arstperais ot dtaspprsrsl. lt ha* bee,, th,- aim of lin* Dep.rtin.nt t.. prc*, claim* lorttard with the utmost dl-jsitch and pay all jn-t clnln,*, having duo reKird ta. tho In,]-,:t;,ii,,. ?f peeper Investigation, to the .nd that all the BOpan may be In tWROl foin, and thc BBOSpMp fully Bra* Meted upon |siTiri,iit. On" '??*? re)e, ted by thia Department deserves a special nicnti'in: On August! 2 we riveJvtd notloe of the death nf Joseph R. Claikson, stiid lo have been drowne,|. insured for fin,. WO. Ill* body not has-lnj- bera lound, and BOM tatostf. (ration lt appearing t? the satisfaction of this Department IBM Mi. l'laik*on was not dron-ned. nlihouirh sworn afli? davit* in support ot the claim had been tiled, the claim was r-jctted. On November 14 Mr. Josasph R- Clarkson ap IK-jftcd alive, ?,,d hat" since remained alive. XV.rc li not tor thu suits whl' h have been broucht against the A**.. elution on the most preposterous claims, limply tor annoy? ance and vexation, if not for btookniall. lt would be un? necessary for me to add that no stilt hi. benn commenced up. n this claim. On the other side, In the carte of neimen* o. Krelbehm, J-it. lannis, Mpv tvbo had only been ln?ured In fhl* Ann? otation f-r 1 month I days for Rr.OOO, nae Instantly killed by an explosion. The ci*,- of Lattas D. OflrpBBtar, Seymour, Ind.. *10. OOO 'Insured 2 ?wita 23 day*; accidcntallv drowned. Tta tom of Dr. .1. H. Hill. Intuited only 1 month 10 days, for 4.2.000: lu-'.lcd out ut night on u profV*?lon il visit aud brutally murdered bv a crowd of disorderly negroes. All were not onlv promptly but gladly paid In full by thia Association. El a hiv-tb ree elaina, amouiiting to RPORSJRB, have bren accept d. t> bo jmiiI from lin proceed* or the assessment of PbhtOmP I. IRBR, when the ionic shall hove been cl beted, unless provlou*lv palo from the Emergency Fund. Th- Uabllltlf-s Dfteniber 31. 1H92. ait* slated al 0301,. 088. of which amount el tri (.'00 han bron already pud. I again be* to report pi rf*et harmony In the working of the for--e in thu- Dep?rtoient lu their endeavor* to pro du'"* fhe t"'*t results tun ord t'ie suetrem and proiperity of tint Mutual Reserve Fund Ufa AoamMltaa. Very rtypeetfuiiy raRSBltMd, \ l). D. BALDWIN, ( L.ilrtr.uti D. C. D*purtment, REPORT OF <?r\Si:ia I?Ir.I.D I:illf K A. Bl KMIAM. The repurt ot thu law department ot the AseralOttafl was ItflflBMi ti. with min h Interest. Mr. F.nrnhain *ild th il ntiti4ltb-?tasadli,L- the lt,rr?o?e ot bWBtaeea the nun,lier of -nit* pandlBg wa* le** Ilian one .tear ago. Referring lo ile esperieii' es of lils BlRce, Mr. Uurnkam, among other iblnes. said i Tbe |utt year han not bi en without attempts to de rmu.l wi death lund, bul lu no taalOM, mve one. a* far as w-- are nwur.-, hi. any *uch erturt net with sucre**. One rBRBOR for thin lark of ieee BM may U* ta th- b*w rule which we adopted at the RefbUtlag ol Hie year and whteh ara have -t? scilly Mtawed, t- the .ne, t that iii earn of iii attempted fraud we would nut l>e roetrat tilth Hlmply stn te**rully resisting th-- claim, but that we would tarry tta war Into Africa, and hy criminal proaoraBra** punish these scoundrel* lu the s-m- n ann*i (hst we would th-- more courageous thieves who attempt.-! to break Into our safes at night, 'ihe defeat of tbe fraudulent death Ulm hn? been hut a secondary vonilderutloii, (ta punish? ment of the ciin,mil* who snake lt a bu*ifi?-". BS rob life insurance RORBJRatafl ticing in these nutter* our great aim. lu this tte ham ROM more stiece.sfnl than ive anticipated. XX'c base secuied more than one BMOltUM, and more than om- hitherlo preaumitly respectahle ell nen bu. learned ttao lute that lt I* a (lill la rob B Hie In*.nant- .om jany, and In Ita opportunity lor ie Ra aura aBordad hln, lu the'l' ot (h.- felon', cell repeats, ll not of hi* crime, certainly 'hat be Trl"<! 1t M the Mutual He*, ive. Tiie proposed BBdllOBttafl of the tUiltitr* of this tsta'e in i clot inn t. Hf.- btanraora, trbleh I lu niv report lani yest, ls now au accompli-h-*d fact. Hie pro? vision* cd tills Itntute concerning a**e*fmeut or natural premium liisurau.?- thoroughly lOBBRalm and llrmir e?t?b lisp tbe principle, of our a) Bte SB. F.qual rights and equal i raaseUra ure i,v rht* law tullr ie tii:"1-s| to ail honest i.Btural piemluiii l*SBBJBaa**u. Tta statute 1*. li.Ue.d, In mv judgment, a model one. und, l Mn. lnfurnied. 1* lielnff coiiled and BMBMl M ? liw In *n,*nv uth?r SUtes. All credit 1* due to Hon. Jameu F. Ilene, the ."'iiiurliiU-tid ent tat laamoara ot thi* StaU-. la promt.rluir the pa.*air i,r t.hl* act. and 1 "hiv reeiet Uiul be wa* not equullv u* ntmaTnl ta bl* en,.it*, in which we nsslited. ls bat.- the -an- act prohlhlt the frsudulent business carrud H bv th,, itali term -inb.wnient Briers, iii* boob***** ta thia ic.sp.-ct wu* "hiiwn bv the collapse .| th- Iron Hull only a few it, eks uita-r the bill be, uni- a law. With the B**r*oaol koewledga that durinn Ihe i.u*t year everv liBiic*! deui.Ii claim hu* b>*n pu.runt Iv poid In tull, with the riinemliuiicc nt the olint,*t InvarlsMo surc-fts which ha* attended th* lubcr. nt mv d"i>attn.ent in this and oth< r Rlicctlraa. I mrteej th.- leeetd of the year with much of pud- aird t-ntKactiori. If-<aii*e with thli ret lew iib ti the tMBflaaanraa Brat i have thus been able tn contribute SOBMObtoR to-.t.nd the ureat and taJteReBM res'ilt* tillich the BBMftaUra I* dally .f ospBabbiR. FRF.DKI'.H K A. JU'lt*.'ll AM. Coitniel Mutual Riserve lund Ufa AaaeetaUra. siliCRKTARV'S REPOST. Secretary P. I. Bsoasra rtjsd hii raper! ?? leBew*, being the uselttli uJ.iiuul statement of Hie seeiituiy of tte As.o Buluii"- net or inn-ted fuiets Dn ember ?jj iRRg . t3 3H4.4.I, 0.) Di. on.- iluiniB 1S97-'._4.1 e. 17.2(3 (r.i Total . source.* . 0-7.48!.RM U Total di*l)ur-cinent*. ? .m.''*. ?>? llalance Dec ll, D3*C. *''!'.'-"l'Wilii Total asset*. 4, I'" . 1, T74T. (>B!i 147 imaa our all ll-jblllt1e* . *:4.048,202 ')? lo.'u pollolei wHttea la lotw . 4*,it4r.,i4M? oo Toiai llabllltle yet .,.741 4 ,. > :44- lfolicu* in force peeeoe i",- El 1M7'2. rovertng ..e2R0^21,-nW00 04.U70 poiletea tn ferr* pee**** ,.,,?^ b-r 31, Ictlll. covering.... 21.',2O7,!H0 00 7,003 pollcle* Kicion-ed for IRRS, aiuount lng to. ri 1.213,830 00 REPORT OF J. OO I-fi la AS WELL?, THIRO VICE-PRESIDENT. A Titi III Ii- TO JOHN A. MH'AI.D. rio* Ml Tit Il?r|*ei s?ld on the conclusion of tho bS*X**flflrp*a CUBllBBSna' Von seo the inapniriceiit tlgures |? our show ine for the pam POO*. RtaOl "f you doubtie.s wonder bow all thi* I BBB! rr wa* seined. 1 um going to lal IM se, rot oi.t and in doing *o. 1 ""I pr.*-ni to you Mr. Wells, our Third Vlce-l'is-i-lent. ta chart-e or the Uepailm.-iit of the .Xr.*o.J*tlon. Mi XVell* wa* loundiy ttaeeofl a* he stepped fer. ward and frefi'iontlv was he apphi'id-d d.irlii* the rea ling ?t hi* rsrpawt. 'it.e pmeflral brltata paM ny him to ex Insurance ('omnii**loner John A. McCall sus heartily appreciated. atBl* I* what Mr. Well- said: To (he nisltir*. Bliwrtra* und MssaMr* of th.: Mutual Biiiiti Fund UM Msneioitaai uBMTltCMBB: in pramalMi t> you mr lopfltl of the Tear 18712 I ,vl" Md lora*, us far a* pal stall', to Keep within the* ot mv own de,,arlinent. and to deal ivlth (hose matter* only wM. ti ulTe.t th- agency *orit of this A-soc la tlon. M.xv BtmiBRBB. I .tat<"l |aj Utf BSpert OM y-nr tliat the new business applied fur. through our BRXWMS, durlnK ihe your 1S1U aiiiiiiiiit-d t?> i'.O.Or.i.Ul-'t. and lhat the Inoi-ase oter the BiertOOB year ol new bti.liirt* aiiiouuted ta osei XINi; AND (iNi-Ql'MiTKIt MILUOXa. 1 MW ROB the honor lu report that the new BMMSM applle.1 for during the year IS'.U Bmouflt* lo ROO.OIO.OIO, ano ttist the lucre**"- oter thc year 1J(?1 amounts to aasjaavRRB. Thia hMMMt talawa or tasdnmn wai reniM-tl a* foll""*' l-r.m the ll". Department.Oia.OJO.WO I-.. tho I'lnadl... EavartOrent . **00.000 ir r (he IlrlMsh D'psrtmeot . 0.Ul.1.."tiio Ro? "he lontlnenli! Department. . J.tW.MJ pyS the W'*t t""11"*' '" . 2.O47O.0OO 1 M<-**1 hajdrji remind yon tint In bl* annual report RMI rcsr ont Fiesldrii-t foretold a R*4B builnesa of edO OOO.nOO for the your 18!?2. and I am now glad ta Bhnw you thst bi* prophetic Instincts hate brm fullr renUied. It itiiiet be r-mruibi red, too, lh*t ev-ry dollar of this aiW.lXiO.itOi) repr.'f-eiil* straight life Insurance, and Uiat If "TC eiimltuto tm'itiue and endowment business and limited llf? and In vestment ltotleleA Bf one Bind and another, ill tt wlHrh I* meru TJi-.'-if1 wit* au iniurouc* nii.h, the reiult la I* I Km BOS squalled RP mr nth?r fMBtraOM company In Ute world. It should not ta forgotten, however, that In order to mable the I'r'-sldrnt U. fuilill his pmrTtery ?nd Beep his word, the agent* of the Association furnish*!! mw applir* BMfl during the month <.f BcetaoMt alone amounting t" RRt.IO.Bta, a feat wMeb ha* probably neser ls-n a. om pll-tn-d before ror any other coni|*jrn- hr BM same asartaf of uf'nt*. If our J'r's.J.nt will malte ano7h'r pioplcr for the Teat f'.i'A, M may rest BMOJtd tl-. Min.m-rgy la baataoos and the sam. dei.,tlon to him will n.uke lt .le? st our next, aiiiiual RateUM "a pioph'-cy falfllled." IXCIU.XMM; I (i.NHIiI'.M j:. Hut while et id. ice ot th" rxer-toereastag e**>R4eac? nt Ute |?il,ll, in th,- Mulual r..-*.-ri.- , .... et/er) ilsy. alt* In every form und from evert- ii'inlet, paths** ta- flBtal ora i tai log ctid-nt. i? (,? is. fi.niiti iii the ?tflnanmo'y in rrea?ing bn-ln-*" (*Bcb month in IRD9 arel IM terr*. sroodtag fltaalhi "f IRB1. This in ress* arra, lo Jaaaary. BtRS.ROO'Jot*. MT.RIA IVbruary . V'.t'.t'-c Aucnst . VM.2H) Mai h . . '."0100 Sept. ni ', . ' 'l*]n Aptll . Bltt,400O.-Io*?er . ill '.7(1.. Mai .1..7IISH \o,en,Kr . -.71 t'.'.n ju:.e . 301 toi J'-e.ehcr .5,033,100 't'hls nirtcllnus laeiCB** "I ba*lBti*?, oil '.r shi,li, ,>r erarse, ha* boon Hts tra*! <>f sprat*, ha* ne', bera .1 -esra pllshrd without B '? rn'*|,mulina Incrfi ... |,, u,e trorB sf lanai Im.mes. chinna the nr.l tweli- i,,r- nf lt- ex? istence .-sceeflsd by many millions the combiu'd business during- the first twelxe ^.-ai* of their ulan Blt af throe or the lar.-c.t lii?ii-?n-'.- companies lu the world, sli: Th-' F.iultaible, the MunM Ut,- aili ih- Bew*Terb Life, and wli?e brats*** ilnrinit Ks twelfth v.-ar fas Beatty BOOthla thst ni Ita l; i'll-1 .lo, und eleven t-:,.-* lar.. r ? ililli that of the Mutual Life, and USMB Urc-r Dian Hut -r tiie X'l'-Vorl. Uhf aWtoR th,- r.-elfin tear of Uielr esi?|.-i,i???; n , .ei?puny will, h by the es r l-e nf a judi, lou* .-. oiioii.v In -ill :l* <|. purim, ic *. and by purine I?l lt* nen l,u*ue-- i. -- thu:, MC mild, ami l-l BM fiialia..-' .,r lr. oil lenin.**, lesa 'han SB**Mlf of Hie tt..Ta.'- ii ri., mut | all by Ihe nhl In, , i,ii,|r.iiile?. ll able to h.-?;,.? il- i. su;l. r* Bl kr** than hull Uie reel ot oiilliiarj I,,..ini,,?- : a ? -tt,| ..liv ii I,:? :, ha. j -,,li,| gold r,-., ri, Bf i.-ail- .-'< MM J* 'i. "'"I ne- osaeU asMoaltafl i *??_? 7", (,,; ,-j h *1''*i Bf Hal, I-f; * eoipssj wblcb poM dariofl fae i.-nr le-.r.- iM tl,.o, ?!.,(,.-. oat af Ita erdlaary mnrtuatt fund. Hi- ISM ol 02,702,000, BBd -ic IM organisation, In leal, asorly |IS,0W.(M0; i.spoay which --ur, 1 ir. Bte tuoiith ol December last, BRI** It-SIMM bm lasarsa ?? aaiouaUng ?" tB.9dfi.0lfl aad ipplleatam darteg Ita r*oi iB*B4p.tia-; ta star 000 O0.00*. Raeh :, i on pany. I ray, BWOORed by peaBtieal bnatocs* method, ami . antro Ile t. lospiioR ami eoargil i by a great rum. raaader, eta I* tsjih |.idem sud genersl aatasger, bc ? ii|iie. a very preta paaBlan asarsig tit- Inanrhl InstUB. MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION'S NEW HOME, Broadway, Corner Duane Street, New-York. vuur ag-my department, from whleb Mi b"-n amt out durlne th. year BMrly 1 ?"> 01)0 lett r. :., our malian-r* ? nd agent*, Brat 4 ?>. o rspre*t parcels rae.talalag ,fi-i,; hundred fhou-aiel printed documents, iii ah*",r to sp.-'I il I BROS BBS, und oter l'l.QnO special elmrtBI letleis. lu addition ta, this ne leta thBii 1.100 new ...i.tri't* with agen's hBte MW mad' land HMM, Uut wt u- i* the Briio'int ot lalor iii vols ed in rho eerrrapeedeor* r.f ?? ?? I re. Bod the .eruiiig or tirw BReata, thc neil In, I lent il [., the dillie* o', you: BR*My l*pa*t*>t*l s* I.l li 1. dills trought Into conti I with .vi iv ..tli-r dciatta-nenl of th.. Aiaactattaa, li .,r raoal n*raHta>. ROB. J'iii\ ,x. Mf.ti.r.. lt ri'.e* h.. .ii,i|.iaiiiie i ptewnire an beaalf M lb* BRWtl Bf III* Mutual l!e,<f.,e l'ui?I |.if? A -n, .al -it t.. i on-rat'little Ih.- Moll. John .X. M'l'uli BRM hi- appoint nant ai PreeMem >.r Ur* Kew-Yerb LBe. Tb*** ha. boen tm Magie cteiit iii i asa rant* rirdea durira tha part year srhtrb ha* bera i.iri'iieii attn raere latetv ? aad which rrsaled inti.fie tim. ihan ",.' Bptjotntmeol XV- ell iou eu,her (he deep ansi.-tv wi.Mi prevailed BM ot.-r the w,,*ld ht'.l vu rcMH-ernini tta Bil "f tbe N.-tv-Votk Lire, ar.,I nhill , nln, .ute:) bj "" - a -? . rt Bott i,r Su|i"iint'ndent [Var. au! tte all Hut Moiety 4ian relieved by IM ?|.| oiniu-ut o'. Mi Mrl'all. Th.- app un''',' nt wa. r* ?rded by i-i"i li-islv a* u ?troke...r geolni ea IM part al "" esoeailva ..nie- * ,,t thut eorapwp, ii'"l H i'*ul'-t in '?oinpletelf leataring the rawpeay ie public iwiRdrnre Mi. ItrCall, BlUteuqh allied with and Mtteated In the m bool or old Ito* rsaV panic, waa b**M eooogti aad big eiaMRh up-n oil o.u sions to aekaewledge bbb *i,u:i1 priaelplea aud baoest m*nayment ni Ihe Mutual Fleas* VS and lo de.n .- In vigereM Bum itam wba iloodered B. ll ta tor ni.-. roa-ons th?t. altatoaah b- i-,nt t,r n petmitol rlral Insurance .nu.pany. the ra*MRer* untl* -I ti,,- MuUiol Itesi-rte l-nder him itali num.esl ioin.t:iiulutitiii.. Mi MeCall'a example, l *?. i*i?d i? ??:'. im* brea fallowed by munv of the btrget a'"! "'r':" I'-pe table Insiirni.c- cm panie.. lucluif ,ii'e not onlt the New.,'ora. l.lf-. of .oiii.e. but tho l'.ijultiiUo aud tho Mutual tito, win. I, roaapoatei bat* show ii not ""7y u dlspasltlM bm u d.-l.-riiiinat'i.n la ?Cop the disreputable method* uf *Iaiid-i and abuse which hate hitherto pm ailed. MU-i tiMMITlT'.r.S OP Dlltl'.i TOP.S. I cannot spMR bra highly, so far it ul', et. ms as th. ag<m-v dspirtm-nt I* ' oiic-rn.-d. ot (he p*BB thar ha already been BOBBI1"* ?l th'' ?"g".'**!'"" M th- PtmMral, af tartal a. rab taasadB.<r tbs due. tor* n.t duly r<., the discussion or what inns- ts- calb-d-estiauidinaiv BWtlllS, The plan ha* ttoil-'tl u'l tn ira lily, und hu* bj lo Bbs l.c-t result*. lt not only lii-un-* the bel and tti*e?t mn-Mira MM Bl es ? r s mat:'t brouj-ht the aflMBtMae, but il, BU natl th'' con-'e-tlon ol hn-iii-ss and gMIOOlfas, O" nu other sYst.-in .au. prampl attention (.. th ? Innumerable and imitorUiit detail.- ..f ofllio tt..:.. 1TF.LD KII'I'KTN"!! '.ND I'.NT BJ. I). Lt'DXVIti. lt would alford me liiHulte ptanMN to'leter pmtlirVlarly to thole manage!* and ast-nt* who contributed sa targely in the results of the ron. but the ?|,0'-c allowed bl BM In thia report presents lt. I cannot r*fmto, tawarra, 'rom referring to ?nd expressing my appro,lit'nn af the l?lsir* of our Field Siipoilnteiideut. I'., ll. I.udttlg. II. bSBR BRpflrWam und gr.-ul rapoRMtaa j.- iii administrator and orrunif.r wen- BOeb ** to j'lltlfv thc A*"*., a ssl i'll ur.' to him. for BBRaMttthM, a tarp Urge aertlaa of pm Uaitt-d State*. *nd m. ordlngl*' he itu* pto,-tl in ? har-v ot xv. -t. Bra PJew-Yeeh, IVnns'yls-t?iil?,Ohlo.'XtVi X'lrt'liilu, Mhhl eau. lini.?na and Mi**mitl-B district lures enough ta unlit: several Old BTOtM'pt'IMBjRBBlB. Si).-r],itBjabM Ludwig hat i roten bimi lr ile- right mun In the light pla e. not only lu Hie Ibid hut ul tin home onie; :t* a af the ABeiu-T ''ulm:,Itt.-.- hi* BOggSStloO* and es|? t,? ii.???* hate MSB of ire*1 tata* to tba .Xs*o litn.n. 1!:* work ? un 1"' somewhat und,' (sid when 1 ?til- tiia7. tin," y. .ir. pretlons lo his bsntaR I hire-- af Mlasottil. th- IpRt ' aiitinnt ot rhe taataflBt fro-n that Mute ?** laaa IhM BJ .VfO.OOO. whlh in the teal* h- lu- hal r-bOtCS Ita biiBine?s ha* exc.-ederi t*-.i.(*X?,t>()0. Ptnraplranta, Waatara Bew*TetB, Ohio and Michigan hate ul*o made laree b**tSOam niubr ll* -ur* rinteiideiii-y. During the pa*t tear h.- lu* actually travcllel full* JJ0,1"*i milos, vlsitinc Beery laetlM ol his Held, fhUaBBBR mw and salnablc ns-n In the agent-)- work, and hy lils BMOMlBM and iTm\ RaralBptaR n number ..( old ug-iiia who hail he. come nome*, hat d.? li ea rte ii OB, The reason Bf hts su-cesa I* found in bl* unqtiBllfird belli f lu th<> intern nf th,. Mut ul Beset ie and hi* (lototio-i to lt* I're-ldent. St'l*CCMPI I. JlF.Sl'LTS. - I aro not. I hope, trin?(tre**lri? the ordinary limits ot esUhuilaim when I raj that au iniuraucc company whoso Uara of thi* country, and l? rarely rntitlel to b<- tm. kMeied oin ,,( tlil financial tt..inlet. ,,f IM age. k.-p ? Hally'-I. j. i. xv ir. i.s. Third \'i'e-l're.l:lcul. HiJ'oiM or Hi:I)MAI. Ill KIM TOK BOWDEN. A < 1 ra t if) 11147 Mliott iiii* I kihi lin- rletl 14 (il StaiHlpoiiit. Tm,-'.:??: T. :.:i X','. X'r ?n,Jn !? ::.|, il ??-?- .',:? Be 'Ipi .1 tl. 'hair, and it i,"ii,,.. bb lot) ta lafrodu. Dr. J. Vt*. Dttwdea, Me.lini lilr ? i.,r. to SBOIli lie I- ? i-.mrlt i I, : I- il .. 'IMd Rds baie." NI.X'.'.VOKK. Jun. ??, lbl>3. Ta fl,. I'i .luiLuad the IV* d "i birt! tor* I lb* Mutual Ri -? rte I'u . 1 l.,:e.,x-.. ,?,:.: , n, Xe* I", .. i Hy. tl .-;. n? ii : a:- Mi li. wi Dirri tai 11 tb* * ? la? ura l-l* 1 at/* to snlllliit tel V",t . -a-al-la!, ll .1 brl-f : |, ' .: tn labors la-longing '" h.- B. pa iR ??? al lining the I-,.- i .,? . aii'i iii in.un- x cu refill rmnld.-ratioa ,4 i:,,. ...... 4 .,,.- t. unite sith ran In rejol lag ut the i,i.lia:.' succttM a ui.-a il ld tta A? orlatioa darla* Bw t-.,t latrc. 'Ihe t ,'..,1 um-':!?' Bl , m timing the put ttt-ive i:,until* I-, Bit9.OlO.0IC, 14" irbleb ttare hoi bara r-. ,n..I f...:n ita I ulled stn - - i ' ??? BBB Irom th D-.ii <t '.unuilii. .i-l'."'.','"'. IMBI llreal Hrlt.iln aud Ireland, Kl,*lb, ,ui; frota Un- l.'ontlnentaj dt-iioitiiient, R3.S4R.3ft4; fr*ta lb* R*-a.,rrdlnavi*a aad otbei rewtri**, ta, r.i.'. IMO. ur thi. ta-t volume .,r Mall. |ep.e?eoted by 17.070 ?ppIlrsUon*, lb ?.? ha* been approved MS.fllfl.BV>. ami re. |eetrd i ? rt. nd ami lu |,'u,,-s ,,f luvi -ti-'ulion piior la ainu ot al. +11.:ii'.3.7(ili>. M'nii labor hu* bera gitra to ti.nilderai na of thi* (.ti--i..?. eomlag :? ? H '1 ie* f? tit *>. milli- tlltt, i- nt conn trie* and r..|t,iring rsBefSl oi*l'l' "Bl n tml .-lilt' ot th rltata toing) "r Ot- .mint'I-* it a- h have tarnished lt, bur aloa ;.* le lat Malnbtllt] fr*'"' the sun-ip-int- al f*Mlj ami peraoeal hi--,irv. ox.imlii sMafl aiel snvlronmentB, ll, ita perforawae* Bf tm* daly tta m-duai tl rector ha* ex .?iil-sil u tl -lu- 'ure. lias In rr i-ah'-l Ihe i.*?:ly ol keen di*,, rum. ni. ?* IliBBBlBlal bf tb* rej--li.ui af a norlin risk, on tin- one hand, ami UM meeptooee af an urnl *ii able one ..ii (If ,,t'->r: Bad BOB foetid ' at BWay times to be a Roost1** "I callie*!. IhOdfbtfVl I rash* tati.m. ' an rill ., -rntinv sad int. *:igarion. Ilovtaf rsa raited nv a--. , late* rretjueatly lu aeriel le anira bi s eorreet raarlnslra, j-ul bax.n? eserci* -1 mt t, ty les! juli-nant In al! ta- baal. ii,-., wkl'h h?* hen before ni- for .isiileiattou, I tar* eiit|eas?red I on*.leritl("i*lv 1. gOBld the tru*l tWBSSXd I* m-. Mv coworkers ,.r tli- BMOsrOl Itod han- eit.-ii to mo t,,e Rt milt -I their csis'r'.ene and all a*i-t. In Ita ariuou* latat sf th.i-iii"i',.'i.,ii af thia ta*t valaaM al baslaera. snd Rave lone a" bi IMIr gowar I* au ra* ta tr dlarhorg* -( Bty awlttpl* daB*?, Md foi their rapparl and .Hie.-iri'.-eiuenl. 1 RSsiM to t ndd- my Mncere thank* and ap? er'' lattas. | hat- attar* f nit iil-rnllc art.-tl Bl :>'*> (?> the triller ?r the d"-.tu- "inch Mr* Beran i tariM ta* rwm rear, ti,., detalla or a-bleb "ill bs pm*mb*d by th* ebslnua of ,1,,- Dratb * la'ti. Ii-p:trtnoiit. i me li iiitlr*-il and I* -itlr-fineo or Ita r**M .u.iiiprl*.-,! In tho lOeoei "t n.-inilitf am ta bc attributed lo th rpllcml. which int.-I'I ."ir ...iinr*v Iwo yeal* BR** or ,,,?-.. i.iii.i" ii a* "I-' .r,|p." Th- -t.-.t: ?, lag power* af thi* rooted* cannot l- aaMawMl, st M <i,:T.-r. fn.iii any ,,'hor epitiertiie "hilt Ms eyre esuttd, lavadltig ihe palace ami the hotel *'"-' ** I ...:n u- ad many ti ho lute bet. Bbl* <? f-"' ""' *??????*> """' di*"*****, ll ha, la-en re -'.-I,'-/-! m S Stssl WSBdeK*! illa::no*tici:i-t. iraieodng IM arab po1"'* fcf *-* ~*umu ?-?t-a, nil ?tlaehlng Vital |;,:" **btab, M "? lt* J|.f'ara ...-. Ind not iiuif. i.'i jut- i adit -it'on or a\RtinUh?d r..r ... Tin* .t*. ",'.'i',,t'i.ia. ii-' oom a-i -s... nttoa I- it- bBaetal la. , nft |)M| |t |a n.i .ariii-.t li- li -r rha( bsd 't imf mal lt, .pi, aroora tts, mutt-iii- of eal ,x arte!.roaM Mia I ,., i f'r I -low MO iitet-aKc essp*Heare-| Iv ?..,nannies of . .'i'n,. ,?.??,'.ershlp. A* wi all Ml, Rhea*** <>t th" , t.,,1 tot ti"" cii.uiutory -y-:.tii ur, pstrot tartari ['""din Ini-bl "?' ",ir mntai but ti" line Vr-at |v,i?,.:i* to i.iiai' rarsrlvra Mai bt .-ar- in Ita act Hos -r ni nh hat..- b-en ttttpOrt thi* Aaaaelatlea hn* bera KttjVta n.t "ll d-ni:.'"J* ah*** hat- MM mule u|uin lt thr,','.i;h death aaOMR our member*. tl,., a.lrnlt ible (er -I.iii at out Sialril Pt -.Ident sq* hi* e*-?r*?R*** MB BMrh pr: l-e cannot be elt.-n. f -r ly wei i'd -Heed l"'?ln-? rrin.Jjil.s amt i mOttOm. Baster BBBBdtaR sf our -.i tn sf taramaee rbi* AraariallM to-dov stand* th- fu'ic'L cf ti*. SMMtl ,,..-i'.l-' ttl n* M Ita gMsT. with fratMpi "'? P-M phaemn I Mata with ny a**o claU- ai'-d "I"1 TB*, PW momhsm. In Un- cr at rejoicing to wtk-h wo are tn'altled **i the wonderful aucces* *f Ita Mutual K.*erv* Kund Life A?*oejottnn. No Institution of a Uko number of years of existence ran approach It In lu wanrjerful record. It batt paid to the widow and tho orphan ovrr ? M.OOO.OOO. and lt li ready to meet every ju-t claim which moy be made upon lt ; while Itt eruer ironcy fund, eveedmg RR,000.000, gives tn lt a BRM and persMoeet BNeRCrORti In the minds of (tte pdbllc. rontir.itutatliiB- fun and my associate officer* upon thi' duse of Ihe most *tiioe?sfiil yonr experienced by th. -Xtutuai lt?.rv*, and w;th an aasOjasI wish that, 1803 naas I "if nair o<|titl. but excel thc record of the feist, I clout the volume of the record <-r my Reward sh lp for RM yeti last*. J. W. IH-WDF.X. Medical Dlr-*ctor. UK DU Al. SIPERVISOR*.* RE. FORT. Thi* la BM rpott of MOdteol Rapatvtsm L- L. aVaomn ni the t>i>eratloii* or th.- Association for IBM I To tho ItaORfaM aud Hoar' nf Directors of the Mutual it'.-ise Fund Inf- A **... lu lion : ... ntl.-n .-ti : Tee Iie| aitm> til of Medical Supervision I* bow rcL-ularlv -'irani,,-1, willi a medical <up.-rtlsor ut Its band, *..i*ted hy tun ettpflrimced Bhpaietara, *nd sss pteptag Bitch ot'e r ae*l'tnrii >- u* ,.,*'-' fro'n tune tu time b< r ?|ti.r 'I. It. object, aro. Hrs', and fort-most, tho Inxe-tltrailon of rhe , na,... te, of itsks before, rather thou oft-r, their ac repMom bp Bta AaaeciatlM, a*p*cMly in thara fltaorteta ti It-re (r?u-.l ha* b.s'u mo t pretulent. In conducting these luse*tlcition* attention I* isi'.il not only to (he ph)Mal It'? ll.-* of Bm applicant, but al-o to the BMttOT ot Mtsi'iflcu I it'll. Mrroeadbta*, habit*, etc .?lu ohi'r words, to (lie ararat lu., nd. Them iiivc.*iig*iMoii* ai*o BRtaod ta Rta examinion- physician* and aeanf... whenever (hort I* reason to Mapee! that' they bm not working for Uie best Inter ? -!?, ,,r the Association. lu cort* BOM one btSOBBM U10 11,, ??ity for .nu h supervision ba* ulr.sidy Mm demon stilted. In addition to rh.s duties mentioned the Department of MM '?l .Nupcrvl.toii ha* full charge of all foreign applica? tion* those from (aaiada .'scented, and co-o|s'i-ites to the fnlle*t extent pesstbta with th* Death 4'lalm Department In the liise*tlisiUuii of BMb claim* as bear etld.-ii<?s of a .|U> *tiuiial le nature. lt also |<B*t*M the M isl hal Director of ? portion of lil* work when the volume of new busi? ness li so gis-at as to atm OBI hi* d"psrtmont. From tho nature of BB duties lt I* not practicable nor de. *lr.ible to lepokt la detail tho method* pursued nor result* reached further tlian to state that they base cnnstanC.v In view- Un- eomnion ebfflel of all departmental, th" bes-t Inter? est* ot the A?soclailc.-i In Bhe protection of lt* membership. K"'.*p>x tfully submitted, L. L. SEAMAN. M. D., L. L. B. Medli ai taperrtm*. Januajy 23, 1S03. REPORT CHAIRMAN INVEST. MEST COMMITTEE. Th- fottawtad ls the report rabwltgerl by C. P.- BsMtU. ehalrman of BM Investment Cou,mitt-o : To the l'lesldent. Directors and Menib'-rs of tho Mutual geoeira Fund Life AraartatlM: 1-lilli men : Tour "MBMlttee, through lt* ?li-)tnmin, raspectfolly repott* tiiot on the Ital duy of pMeoatbsr, I ROS, poer nsflira or BRMffearp fund oanmaasd 10 ?*;i ;471..'m:i..V,i. ?n Increase oscr the year 1801 of RBI*).. ORSjSI; BM amount Insetted in bond and more-age 1* *^,:!io,ooo. This last amount hoing that with which your com 11,ut-- ho* raper tally io deal, U tamed on .nat-cUns, tai prnt.-d Kal rohtta In the tttp of New-Voik. as tim mort? gage*, ul !??** than HO |* r cent of lt* value. u< alpra!*"d hv Hon. Michael Coleman, who also appraise* for the (antral Treat Company. The value of ground rep-esented lt- (hos- mortgage, ls ei.&M.O.'.O, and the value of the MlMlBRa upon the ground Ut *2,4.V;,9jO. making a (oral taine af #1.047.OOO. Th.- tin- Insurance carried upon tho bulldlntrs Barara! hT these BM**tRBB*S In favor of thc company amount; to (i.OOR 100, all lu old and leliablc NflBpoOsBB, INTF.IU'.-ST. Tlio n-t batareal on (hose loane for tho year 1P02, In eluding R3.18S pm uniald and Ru*O,270.19. accrued but not vet duo, ha* Mea Rt40.RRR4R. j',,- :, deerdtad d.-s.-rliitlon of rh" jirois-rtl"s on which our lunns aro ba*-d wo refer lo and herewith submit a talulat-d st.iton.eiit. ci tilled by our trust-e. fin- Central Tru-r Company of Now.York, lu coii'ludln* Ihls br.ef report we rej,,|ce in being ubi" to relterafo tho stuteuient 11.ado in cur report a rdSI afio? xii., thnt our compuny bus Bevel lost t? dollar lu Hs loan.", either of principal o: lab ri Bb I'..*pctf'illy submitted, C R. BI5SF.LL. Chaim,an lusehtmeiit Commltfc<*. report of stepiie* II. TV\f., CE.MaRAL DIRECTOR OF TIIE COMPANV FOR (OMIVEMAL El ROPE. Wheo PiraMtOl llirper Bnnoiinr-.'J that Director.O-n rial fitrphm ll. Ty*f. wbu-e btodoaartflm are in Fans, t.otild t -ul the report of that tb partmeut, thee- was a -tir BOMBI Bm audience, r,illottod bv applause a- Dr. Tyofl ailsun, cd ta bas platform. Ile look si tttM, mid throagboat ita (wents- (ive aUaat*** o'-euoi'-d In tho rr tdim/ of th.. r>-|*irt hi* tvorils ti "re cur tully list ned to. und h' r.*ii'ii"d hi* tat amid much .iithu*l.i.?n. Ht* r-'iuarks roost t.t ot a Materleol review or btaafraea, b-tii Hr- and ur-, in Fmu.e, and trera rb*r*et*ttmd bv nulli'r,,iis lttl..i~*tlnsr touches Brlaata* bl. sketch down to there ldt.-r day'". Dr. Tvtig saxid: ?Tho n--lmlla-l-n td Uf* ln?uranee with tho*.- lire Basoctatlaaa sta* th- problem priseated to Us- Fr*nch pub? lic l.v um latradaetiaa <>r Bm n-u of th- Mutual Kesorsc lt ml I'.f.i AaaeStallM BMM *tx y.-jrs ago. lt wu" (o:.nd thut In tho Mutu'-lli lninioblll-To. ,,-?ji,i/.d in teltl und the Mufti.ll- Mut uit-re. orRBOlt d In IbtR, the BbM (Batar"** of our system were "rerefataai laid applied. They ats) pnr*lv mutual, In the sense that they are controller! ht tin 1- ni-iiib-r* Brilbral shire or giur.uitee capitol, They Inwm at coal prli", without th- baiting tf r*t.> ItalWIS* for tli- creation ol ai. BB*a*t|*BMy fun4,. They levied 11 pta nm premium deleiailaid bv th-ir ac'uui lara**, until they had mtomutalol iii tli-Mr emeigeney fund ? lUfhftenl *uni to tt?rr.iu', th- d-termlnaflou nf 1 u.BSlmtini mu,u.i: tutlfT. Tu nail out.-lv.-* of their cs. i-fii.-in- rad t>. 1 x-'nd th,-ir m-'thod* to pur" ur* hear BM* ttua the nat-trjl Hue of u-t'.on mn,Ked Ott tor Bl i,v the blemrp ot laatrais srhra ora iir?t temafltaeta th* Miittiiil lb-serve Poad Life AaaeetBIM. hilo France. Tl,I* tte luise ip te aa r.h? lines ol urirumont traced bs thc Pr *M nt und rh* iiiMi'd at Bhe*tera et the Associator lu Mu- ta hu* dir.u'ient* that ure *o ftnilllar In America but. a', th" *ane- time we luise artm-it-sl the*e orirum.nti I* the pet nlinr BMftadi of ttangbt of itaeaaatry to ahlrl tt ? trett" . .,n:mi*?ie>ind umt the Marney ?>( Ita prsjadhei .1* tte lune ulr-idy trai'-I them. Tta diseaqiloq in thc pr,-.* af their pmtaem. Ma ob leetleSB ral.ed bv the "ld line retnpu'il.-i to rhelr prim J. pies end tho JeaJousv ot tlnaiiclal clicl,-. p, left* I ant I ta. their Btiuitinta-es have combined to place lu *'r4iinei itllej anil to estuhllsb rn, a Urn,.", pedfatnl the i-lear mt. nu. t|Ulsti,jl und most *atl*ru tory a ra tem of th- MotMl Ko ?orv* loud Ufi AamctatlM. Out of all rho distil tatara <>f r.?ra. tnalnttlned with Hut bitterest acrimony ut linn*, alu.,I hs- Ute struice.l 111.11:11 lui *-'lf lnlei"-*r. amt iMtalMd bv Ita p*i -nltt-iclon. nu,- peeteaitaaa of so-callod "actuaries" in RM aflflfltap ol .xlstlng coiiipunl."', bus he?n rtwlral a .nnvicthin In th' public mind that tte ?rn right. tlm( mir principle., ?r,- true utid lhat the meir- or all pure UT* Insurance, unconnected with bunking, i* HBOieg to ussoclatioti* unalBgou. to our* I),iring th. si-it of our ili-.liiiiriii.heij 1'iestdtnt In th* month of A ut, u.t la.*t, wirti that thames* of vision and ilehiiit.i.ii fThleh hate uli'av* > na bled him to forove unit pi os ide for the po.sll.Ie ol the ASBBClBllM Hi dlfforenl lund*, tu- piopouiided a ilocrrlne whh-li wa* mmt llhelv, liistruclise uiul determlna'lce of thc problem than 1 slstln : and d*SBBOdl*fl lolutlon. XX'hsii h- stated to an Influential -at'iHi :..- , tomposed of 1'reii' fi economist* and liisurinci .11 in l'arls. Unit the Mutual r,e*-rve Tund Lll^- Assis'la il, ,1 wa* at onto n national anil an International **->o litton wlicf'tor lt opcra''tl. M "tt'ici. a 1 hord which bas boen librsttaR lu many mud*, and Mta*d In maaiv circle* rdaet hi* departure. lOOflmoeb as till* As.oclatlon 1* authoilfs< In PrMM by a PieoMaattol decree, in accordance with a law dating 1*001 l*-'"7, la unti.-r Ma supervision of thc Minl*fr of Commerce nnl Nbjtct to hie control, uni ti-c-pt" Ita j''ideiic ? and ihe judicature ?.f tbs Ile. public ol Fun. a Baster HM .ou'lition* af li* eMRimta it hil* tu'* n^ht U. .iain, to BM ,1* uovrrniie-nt, authorl/ution |. 1 QUI I load, lo I" u natl mal Inetlturlan. Moreover, i: il,,., nil that unv nutUnul tasBMOjM I* e|r|,*r obligated M ea prated lt mi-it papa lt* death losse. In France. ]| iii.-liit.ilnH tho d.-iKwIt of the l'ii,er?-n.y Fund p'.'ttBlnln. t., it* 1 tench policies III Ra**OWBMM llistllutlons III Pl Bl I lt eiiploy* lt* Mt pto'i Poml ht Pto***, ant it insok-.s thi orarstPhl of French clttaBM 'oniprLIng a Xi'Der-l Council ?f BMBBtam Insured foi rhe lara-st sum.. In all thoa, lealures lt btv* at 1*1*011 OOtflMI ix, and 1. not so tim J f, r-l-i. a- rh" Cr. mil ? ouiponi.* .ihivJi operite |,. B*brtS*B Spain and Half, where nuuiy of Ihs*.. ,-ontlltions uro un fullllled. Hut Li sud, anl bctond fills na'lonal MpSet, lt (ilse* tn,- Bdsanta."- to local member* of on international lit ,,r in lUilty Iroln Hat operatl'sis In all Ita healthy portion of tho Culled Ma'--* und other baefRO countries. This doctrine ha? been *o thoroughly approve! bt thlukei. on mir side ol rho ocean that th- Association bu today a pafltHn taefed bp m sflbm America.1 or larahp ium|.?uy or asi.o.-utn.n, ami pres.-ut. a claim to the Irene) peeps* amish nBBtaa the aaceealtp af argaaiaaitaM 0 a like Batar* In that cotibiry. The rosultf, of th'- year's operitlou* are hssRBBad In th. I rt'l-otts of the general ollher* of the Association. ll i only tiecei-ary to a-lrt that our mortuars as?es-,,.e,,'? hast j incr-a-od In an abounding manner during the pust ve ir that ads number ol applications has boen one-third mor than dering the pres lou* year, and that the ins'imnc now lu force ls nearly the double of what It was ai ft,.- tl.110 of my lu?t personal tepee**. The death loise h?4e Nen more uuincro'is. but tho entire amount j*|, during tlio your has BBM only IlJl.OOO francs, wherena. uui mortuary eabfl f >r tho ?arno period have been 48'i.729.4.' franc*. Has Inc iH.upi.d *o much ?paeo and time in r ruc In j the hi-to: s of insurance in Frince and the relation* of Un econoBilcal MM Introduced by the Mutual ReBerve Fund Life A BiataMM to thli hlitory, 1 hive lett my-ell but . few niomenti in which te speak of tbe HEBB eraatrlei whlrh hove been placed under my direction. It la isAV clent to roy, however, that dunn-.; the whole year wa have had no serious o,ue*tlon? in any of the sevca countries, cither with tho government* or before their conn* of lao. Our measure* hate beet taken to right our battle oa the plan of reason, accepting limitations whlrh, like molli,Um ridges, surround us, under Uj* form of RBMnmam pmraabpBnta and BSBaRBtaad law*. In Haly, a* win BRBOM from the report of our general manager in that country, we have osui llshcd BR0RBM all teamas our trtajbta andes the mbxbI desBee. Ir .*?pain wo ins.- MMteM BM r-ugultlon Oma the Mlnl*try of Cluan, e. in I'ortti'.-al tte BM on rh. paM ol iMBtabBJI the -ama BSSMOBtMBOW. In lleluliim and in Holland our pBOPJM 1* undisputed, and we enjoy Ms lure..- liberty affnrded by thus- c.-neron* kingdom*, mir system ot BjpflMtaB and stib-uirei,,Flea has been .-sl.-nd- ,1 all those coiintrie-i. 1 BM. ?ga its Bp fu ii.-kn.iv. Ld.e. ,? this connection, the large and RRMMH n,-a.,ms taken by the PtaaMRflR during his rei ont \ to Kalapa, aud pBOdRrl (hat if tho Association shall BBBflBlB him In (h.- consl.tlon* which In- formed upon rho greata and the Inn- ?r action Bbb BJ he h.t. laid out und which tv. n* ht. BBbMMaOM officer*, are onlv too glad to -t| with all loyalty ana ll "silty, tha production rion, lin' Continent of Lumpe will not only ex, fled, u? ll now do-*, thnt of som.- of MO mo*t liniutrtaut Mute.* in (he Airorican Clou, tat will bring Considers. thui* ot .cneiie.l , risiti t, th- minds ol RJMM who. hov. lng a IteUcr preps, td H.-IU MM l<?-* -ho-'lllfv, are t-u.pted bssxtap to steee rmdai anea, XVlrh the siilntaHou. ,,r otir larne group ol members, tho expretsloii ot their ..ninden,-, p, the - n. ral manar*, mont of RM A**..ciu(lon am! their p|l?htad eo-operution ta the extension ot the true .soniimbjl principle* of whlcb the Mutual tatsWTS lund Uta .x.sociatluii ls tb* exisincnt throughoul the xi ,rid, I um, faithfull!- sour*. S. II. TYNii, DiKi'toM AKSISTAVF COMPTROLLER'.-. RE. PORT. Asils-ant Comptroller. The report af >?? lt- MeCboancp ls un-a Is-luw III fill, as follo-t*. I'o th.. PraaaaMO, ORtaara :uui Bfteetom of the Mutual Berat ra Fund Lifo AaaaataUao. tMBbhram : lt altiird* nie pbmsom to render a brief ??. count and review- ,,f th,- verb of my d- pun,neut for Uie yar HEB, st hi. h hus so Mu'ie.*fully etasOd. A* A**i<tuiir ?t'oinpir Jler el tin- Association lt has been my duty not only to renew t;..- tlailt llBMMMM ul the business i,r rh" A**oc|?tlo,i, but t.< !t?p a derailed ac? count af all pull,'ie* iBSMd, il* Bred BB tho business tt tho vari aaa bssMs M rh.- Jtaaeemtlaa, -o tiiai raeb Bdtom could h. taferBMd at aay hour or the bu*iue*s Msahrad from any deptaoarem o,- aaaoi. in ad inion ttanie I hav during (he pu*t r-tt months kept RM .icoiiut* of tho special Barrani, showing r.e amount af hu-lii'ss re cited from each agent, and the amount paid for meb goatees*. I udor the dir-'tinn of Uie pteaMMt I hise rexlesvod the work of thc audlrtir*. footlnc Rta taOORM of tho a.soelatloa from raeb BaBMeaaaat, rartfpmg Hm BdMataM roanta in the policy register" or the aaaaetottaa nf lach as-einnioiit, whlcb work ha* required const int uttentluii gild necessitated working at mtiht us areli us d:i\ dartoR m..*t or tin- past tli i-i**- montli*. in this coiitioetlon I deslr" to ?tato (hat. alf*ioiigh not knowing tho renting* or th* register* made by the auditors, yet, utter |B*efBftj coiue ov-r til'' work of footing the lev* oral reglsrer* anil a-c. ita-niiiF (he luceme, from tho seserSal mortuary tulls, ti ho, tho ie*ult ol our aJdltion and foot> ings tram compared, my I SI RM and audit confirmed tba eorrectne** cf the auditors' tunk. lr I* hut pi-uper RMI du- should bo riven to tha faldiful corp* of ut?l*taiits In my dipartinont, who have must faithfully psffatRMR lho:r several duties iud co*, tribnied much tn the flaeeom "f Rta o*po*4BmB*. ltaepeiItally submitted. G. P.. MeCHEBSfST, A*?l.taut Comptroller THE Itlll TISH DEPART-nEXT. ?*l>lr udiil *?liott I uk from Beyond tho Spa. F.. D. Jones, Dlroctor-i.enerjil af M* nrltl.h Depart*. ment, wa* |>r"-'iit t? uud the i*3port frew that ics-altty. Mt'TCAL RBBEBVB FIND UPI AS.SOCIATI0!r, HKo.xD RTRBBT HOUSE, cl.I) SKOAD STIIF.F.T. F. C., LOB DOM, Msg., *?'i- ?* 1803. To tho rroldent. MieebSM uud Meesbms ol the Mututf ttemrri lund l.tle ,Xj.-o,'I;i(IBB, Netv-Vork. OsMtaOMO : Wt iiuxe to report for the year now h'utl* no.. flfliraflttal to *7.318,:.V), OtawMg hu Increase ? id P1.7U.PRR on the pieredtaR .var. U*B IQ Ul BBS! brun, h.-* hate l.e-t, < |rf?n, tl In the course, ?f RM year, and altnough it I* ?' present too early te speak uf l-eiults tte think taut the futur,* will tfilTe juitlfyl our efforts to thu* extend tb.- MOMOB*. ibo chief stimulus which tha tl-isirtment received w*a the visit of our distinguished President in th? month of July, wthlch a'ted as an Incentive to our agents, ,,.* wa* demonstrated by the Influx ol new builnesrt during tho months of Ker*tomb?r nnd October, usually a dull peri*d ut* the j*ar for life Insurance. The Pr-sltl-iit's visit haa also Inspired coiifldence ou the jiart Bf our members. Mr. Har|ter, ever anxious lo stroiirthon our hand*, ap* poln'ed an Agency Manager, who Iib* .ntered most actively ii|K)n his diit!.-*. anl tr* bap* b) u fin thor development of our o.-cii.p ipaBBW that tho MsBMM will ero'! accord* mgl.v ?urine th" year. In mortuary call* and du**, we hara ell-ted (li- no', uicnsldi ubi* vim of e'^Ht.UTJ. Our death llanos have been heavier than uiuai, amo'intliiL- to t'2-.?,B00. LIM BU other BRI organization*. we And that th" dreadful areorps of influenza h*? i.f* it* usn k* ui on our mortality MrpattaBM; perhaps tha dea'h lia* not Bltrapa bera ascill-l to li. but those pul monars- com'.Utnts tillich lt .nundi* bute b-en ".trungly lu evidence. As we have beter* palatal out. rh" future wlli mu Bb depend upon our own atlvity. XX'e base au A-aoetarjoo tn work for BOaaM to none In lr* IB******, it. utlllov and ita beiietltetice. OaasehN* ol (lil* 'jct. sto begin our labors ttlth'r-nottel etlo.t*. BirraROhsssId by our e-xperl. euee of the pa?t. and by our faith In tl,.- BSnadBOM of tho AsaarMttM'i pru,, ipi... '.-isini- a* it do*. Uta li *urano* al coil, and tirlnain- lt svi'hlu the r,u?h of all settle** of tiie community. honor ta bo, gentlemen, your* tapp XX'e base the lalthfuliy. E. D. JOXES, Dpctor-Coneral. J AM ER T. URIPPIE, Treasurer. EDWIN lt. Rl'BlRB, c-mptroll-r. KOBBBT MC l lt. I gil I M ita -er. JOHN I.' 'XVI. BM, Illy Manager. TIIE LIVERPOOL DEPABTME\T A tepoit wa* al-so iced ttOM A. lt llaivey, managor of the Llver)iool depart,,. nt. epOSBttBR enthusiastically of the luxor wltli Whteh the Mutual K ?. rsv plan BBB la "MR h.ealitt and Bap* ult ol Ue ttBMttM i.t*oided by ri ii ita i ni ltaip.-i's reeeat s:-it t.. Lu op-. OFFICER** ELECTED. At th." elem of rbo annual nie.-iutg of thu member*, thi Hooitl of lni-t.,i* imt und BeRXBOtBfld und Blevted toe tollowiiiu BRI "I* r?r Mi" pm* IBRl! I'.DXX'AUD ll. HhBPEB, Fie-ilnt. ? . 0. 1). BhlaOWlB, Vic?? President. ?_ H. st. lif'JNMCNl). MtllOd Vl.e-rro?ld< nt, J. D. XVKI.I.s. 'Ihutt Vi. e.l'i.-.-ili nt. 1. A. liCKNIIAM. I ..tinsel. JOIIX XV. VHOUM.XN. 'lie.'.ui.i B. F. l'flll.l'S. (.?iierul S'lpiuxi. it. ll. Mei 'H ESS EY, ( ompdolhr. P. T. liKA.XlAN, M-Clt-Uiy. I, XV. B()XVI"I'.N, M. H., M.'ilh al Duector. I.. L. .S.KA.XIAX, M. I)., Medleol Su|s-rsl.0r. j. M. RTEVEXBOB, As*,*tant BtateMtpt B. W. T. AMSDKN, AiilstuiK Set r.ury. i ll BISSI.LI,. M. D.. 4 liairnuii Investment Commlttmh JOHN MIT.I.KiAN, Supeisi-oi- Mippls Department. H. M. HITCH! DCB, M. O., 1. n. i 'A MI-HI I.I,, M. Q^ J. D. (idll.MAN. M. I). .x*-l-Uii-. M.11. al Direi-toia. i'.. D. LI'DXVUi, Superintendent, i;. H. H.Xltl'i:it, ll. J. 1U.1NMI ND, F. A. UUKMIAIIa executive 4'oinmitto,'. O. D. F.A1.DXVIN, ( hinman D ath I lalm lommlttee, hAMLT.L XV. XVF.AV, JnHN J. A( Kl.l.t, Auditoi*. ani taramoabj cor.Ncil un d ki-.**:. A. N- BK A DY. WhJUUBU KIANI.DY, ll. 17. t AMF.KDN, 1. ll. .SIIIF.I.IJ4*. K. D. JON IA, A. H. llAKVF.Y. J. KUtllAKD. M. D, ll KN RY L. LA Mil, XVM. XVII.SON. ll. A. MIJ.'nlT. JiIlN .tl. JDl-.IiX.V, J. I (.KUHN, S. ll. TY.Ni', D. D., *-n XV. UUTII HLNJ'PJI, M. D. When the r.'pjrts ind ull b-cti rend, speeches wera culled for fruin dllterent 000000* pr-*?-t,i, bjb| limned iibiive r--p> Then Mr. Lamb offensl th-u* lesoltllltJIl*, which BRM llli:illlll!:.ii*ly il I,.,?!-,I : The pBtttP holder*, memb-rs ot Uk- Mutual KoserrO Fund I.K- A** af tho Tis.-llth Atniua,! Meeting BaaewrMed, hosing h-urd with pleasure the most exhmi*Uio I repart* of the I'lesldoiu and tho other olin cn ot ibe tu*. elation, teadatataf u inn reraed of bm BoosasMgw of ta* a sactatlflB, sta th'- poa! laretv* bbmrM in parhlntar, os it.-ll a- tor lt* BOSON hi-t-ry. ti 1,1,h i.-p.,rt* fulls- *t forth tho amount ot !>>-ath Cluain* pall. tiru.mat i,r BOM sad n Ba? ner of their In vestment, the IN", of liix-?tti,enui. tertltl, alu* ot Auditor* aud Kspert Accountant*, ant tillich fully d'-iu oiistrates that th.- hu?ine?* <f this Asiu lati.ui has bea tmn?a?-t"l Ititellli-ent'.y, h?n-*tlv and ?ticcessfully. aad that thi* Association I- Hu- pom ot any Life Iniutaueo organisation In (h.- world. Kessilied, That the .pedal than'*;* ot tin memboni ar* due to Mr. FdwarJ H. Harper. l?ri-*idoiit, and tn all of lu officer* and direotor* for their faithfulness lu the potforai* ance of their xartous duties. I.a*t evening l*re*ldeiit F,. li. Il:irp?-r entertained ? number of lil* ass .elute oHli-ors aafl lu-'en!. of the Mutual Ueserve Fund Life ftaaoftalbsi itt dlnn*r al tho Lotus Club rooms, Twetuy-Hrst-st. lind Hfth ar*. Informal Mpeeche* were delivered at thc flos-* ot fal* dinner bp Mr. llarpei and auuiy ot bte gueat*.