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?^TnnRcrncniB._ ACADEMY OB Mt'SlC-B-Tb* Bl*** Craob. iHRUlji THF.ATRFa-8 16-Der VogelhsenCw. BIJOU THEATIIK-B V10-A .Society Fod. BROADWAY THFJtTRB-B-Tb* New South. CAn.NlXlIE MVIJIO UALL-10 a. ut. until 10 p. ? Tba Dor* Gallery. CA6lNO-a.l5-Fenclbg Mister. < uicKLRiM. mr iii i I immra COLb'MBt'ti THEATKK-s 116-..siberia SALTS TMF.ATKK-8 :1.V-Tho PMRRbpm. l.Dk.N *sIL'e)JiL-Tbe Woild In Was. FIFTH AVE.VUE TMIUTEP B PstsMtfl (,AKDJ;.\ THEATRK-8-The Mountebanks. iiKAND OI'LRA HOCSE-S-Jsne. IIAKIU'.AN ? THliATKF^-*- Mulligan Go*rd*' Ball. 1IARLF.M OPJ.KA HOVBB-B:!*.?Isle of CliBHi-oglie. MKKK.MANVh TMSATME 1,'IQ B-V-taOd Mt* IIOYT'6 MADISON BQUdJUJ THEATRL-8:30-A Trio to Chinatown. KO-STLR t BIAL'S-6-Vaud*xllle. ItYCEt'M THLATKIT-S-tJlO-ArBrrlcan* Abrtwd. MANHATTAN OI'LIU HOCSF.-tJ TS-Beatidll. KEW EM1TRE THEhTRE-R 15-The lilr: I tefl Behind ?Ve. rAj,MEr.'S THEATUi:-8 15-Arl?tocracy. hTMNDAKD THLATKl-MlJ-My OftlcloJ W.fe. ttTAK THEATRl. sj I", The Udp of Lyons. hTEIN**A'AY HR Mr R Brrtlrl TONY VASTOR?.?*-*-Vaudeville. UNION SQl'AiU; Till.AllU.-JJ-Our Club. 14TH bTKI.I7T THI.ATKL-8-Bltn; J,on>. Jnbcjr. to ^bocrtiscmente. I**g*. Coi. j etc*. Col. AoiusoiaentB . tl Ct-C | etc.ll -r) Announcement* .....10 a Hors** di Ca*rriaf**. s 4 Au'tlon Sale Real lllotels . !i 4 l.-'atas ..,.13 4 Instruction . P 84 4k Uiu..' :- U bitratnr ? <fc Meeting* tl - j.i.aiu ana Koora*... ? 4 Murc.iv- 4: Dentil.* ,' ti I4ti*ine*j, thant e... .. ? ". |.X1|m-o,1jiiious .ld I'.iisiiie** Notices. li 1 Ml.ce lan-i.u* . ss 4) Copartnership Notice.11 4 New l'ub 1-atlotis.... '.) 74 T)*Jirtn? Aeidemtei - I) 4 Ocean Seamer*.ll 0 Dividend Notices ...ll "1 l'iopi.-a|. .ll ., 1> < ...-lutiiin, . ti fi Baal Estataf.IJ 4 Dome tic Situation* KeUftaua Norlie..... 7 0 XXanted . 8 7-fi KallroHd* .IR 6-n Exuuriion* . !? I'Special Notices. 7 ii Fluoiiitii! .ll -?* i'*oi'ir? . 11 4 ?JWiniitMta! Fleetlnn.ll ft To Whom Concern..11 4 Fer Sore . .. rt 4 Winter K**nrts. ;i 4.5 Jlelit TVaut.4. ti 6 xvorii Wanted. 8 Ob Morses 4 tat rlag.v.. I Bnoit.ft.6 iXotirre. Clearancb Sale. DODD. MEAD ft; COMPANY* January Cle?rance Sale includes all their finely bound Standard Seta, ind all thc:, stock of Current Book*. A decided reduction in their usual net pr kv ts made. Th* raecitnen Item today I* ttl! xe KI.1UV S WORKS, ?raff-lab Libranr Kditioe, "4 volumea, 8vo, half calf, published at $84.00, BsMeofl at OjMJ*j, bodd, mead t company, Fixe Eaet Nineteenth .Srretrt, Oppo?)tc Arnold'.*. Foll Top Tjksks jind Office Furniture. t.reat Variety of tattle and Frito. M. H Selle-.v, Kn. 111 Fulton-st.. N*. T. TRIBUNE TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS. Nin"1a 1 rear. Gmo" 8 mos. 1 mo. topy, rally, 7 dava a iroel: . BIO DO ti 00 077 50 cl 00 . Doiii-, ssiut-ut Sunday... 8 00 4 00 -00 00 Rets. bundar Tr.bune... 7; 00 100 60 .... 6 ci*. Weekly Tf'bun.-. 100 . Ret*. ?tad-weakly Tribuoe.... 2 0u . I ct*. tl'ribune Montait. SOO .25't*. F??1?g"* prepaid by IV* XttbOJM except as hereinafter atatod. CITY POST A r.i '..-Tho lats- require* that 0 1 rent postage stamp bo artisod t" avery cray or TIM Daily, Sunday, or tsemi-WeekiT Tilba**, mailed for local dellsery !n New-York Citv. This postage mu*t Bfl p?ld bv sub Bcirorr. r.catins are better serv;d by buying their Tribune trom a newsdealer. PORElnV POSTAUK- To al', forlgn countries fsscepl, Canada and Mexlvoi, 3 couts a <-opv on The Sunday Trlbune; 2 cent* u copy on Dolls-. Scmt-WeeklT and Woehly. 'Iltls postaae inu?t be oatt! bf * 11 bite ri tier. MEMITTAN'CF.S-Remlt bv Poeta) Older. Rspi-ess Ordar. Check, Drift, or Regtster-jd Letter. Cs?h on l'o* Note, II sent lu in unregistered letter, sill bc at the ?wiisr's rl.B. BACK NUMBERS.-For Bick Vumber* of the Dally snd Sunday papen, more thin a week old. an extra price ls chaiged on OTOtint of th* cost of storssre. P IKmtytKtiWmls tZrihxmz POUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY THUHSDAY, JANUARY 20, is?,:.. FOURTEEN PAGES. THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Foreign.?Lord I>urT*rin lelivrred t note tt) tlio French ti over ii acas, srarini' t lia t thc increast* of th? Britiiih garrison In Kgypt does not iinpl.v any olianpe in Eu^lnnJc policy in that countiy. ********** Maitre Borboix roi:tinued hi* anm-h on behalf of fha aoci'sr-d e-nnaTna director*; the Parlia? mentary Coniini*"*! *ii cf Inquiry hRR ended ifs in vratigations. --vi?grr: Princess. Margiirot. sister Rf tho Emperor of Of las BB J. at A Priti.-e Tit** irk (liarl.s of Hestse, xx-ere married in the rata ta chapel. Ia Berlin atr-or-a 'Hie loss of life iiy Um*iiou nf firedamp in the Fti't.-ciivitt iiine. | 1 JVilieriiifi. x* ill reach 130. -?? Ttia li-ili:>n Gurreguaatal BRR ir.a-l..? ? peremtaory dotmr.nd upon Hrari! for *arislactit)ii for outra?es ct-niriiitioil Rt Santos last summei Coni.'r.'M4.-*lvorli HaBrRRR in wseion. -;- Hon*": The day xvas consumed in lilihustcri:,^ RfBiata tBC Torrey B:tnkiii|.tcy hill, rsss Si*nati*: flu* r.omi MfaVRRj of Jinh'e McComas xvas cniiliiiiicl in ex't-cutive eession. Domestic-John Martin xvas ehctcl Senator Kansas hy the eomhined vote or PRBBliRtl and PamiiriRlB the Keiiiil)lican>t rffrairi.Hl Irom votinR. ,?-.. *?* Covernor Flower ret-ived the rt> port of thc C"ncral Mana-'er* of lim Stu!. V.'orld's Fair Board. --? The nominatimi Ri l^ofi*4s?4>r Simeon E, llaldxviii Io bfl ltRRR4sMM Juslici- af MbR Snpreiue CaaH of Errors'was tr ject<*d bj llie 4 oinv-ctirul Mouse Bf Peprcseiita tivi*s. ??? In her preliminary trials thc prac tio* ship Banoro't axRtetstafl her siteed rcqmrc inenth two knots an hour. -=rs .'wn Pullmuii car employ*** xvere arrested at Niagara Falls foi radggUni* opium. City and Suburban.?Three nn*n .vert* knocked ranm'lees in a Brooklyn eynasogue. Jt?= Mrs Langley's divorc,, eas** xvas fiiiinhi'd. =.- ara It xviii Bhoxvn that Wall Street, was awakening Io th, importance of the public opposition to the Maa hattan to-mI's- ntt<*nipr to RflOtaRRj rapid iransit -==---^ Tlio Ilay.-s trial xvent to tia? jury. TSmXt Steck* Hciive and materially lamar; fears o' lieavy sold sliipineuls and fiutlie! declines in flu leading iaduiitrial shans caus-1 Um depn-ssion the closiug was at a- slight rally; money on cal ruled at ioi \-'i per cent. Th* Weather. -Foioc?v*t fir to-day: Pair, wit! Blight thermal ermine*; colder at night, pora.hly T4*mperatur? yratertUj": Hii.lie.?t, St degrees aaweat, 31; aveitxt,e, ?>-"> Vt. A aeriw of imerviewi with the Tammara; Rtatesmen who represent this city in the Leitii Utare is published this morning, and will cnn m?u.d attention. With striking unanimity th' S4Bnat?ra and Assembly men pin their faith t tha MRnhawan Railway Company, and tug that it ba alloxved to extend it* present line* Tba " trna inwardness" of these deliverance is easily (remprehendod. No reasonable person familiar with the fact can deny that the lodging-rooms iu our pol ic stations are a disgrace to the city. What thei oondition is on winter nights is described ii Dr. Bryant's rept>rt. to the Health Hoard yes terday. He recommends certain measures o improvement, but qualities what he has to sa; |tt a doubt as to whether they should be car ?led into effect at ont*, since many lodger Htwld thereby be turned into the street- Th true remedy is to abolish the present system and put in fore? the Municipal l^ging-lloitrw laxv which is now a dead letter. The opposition nude by Mr. William Zieg? ler two years ago to Mayor Chapin'* put'chasc of the laong Island Water Supply Company is completely vindicated by the majoiity report of iho .Supremo Court Commission constitutcrd under a law pa**ed la?t year. Mt. Chapin. with tho ljio:;klyn Controller and Auditor, agreed to pay Si,*.'."),),OOO for the company'*, franchise and property. The bf lulim names 9S?t, OOO rs a fair and reasonable price. The thiei conniiissioncis xx ho sign tho majority report have done, their work intelligently and thor onghly, and have lefused to be misled by fan? tastic spe< illations coiiceiiiinj? the possible finnie value of tho property in question. Governor Flower seems to have a pennine in? terest in tho Stats Falk in tho Adirondacks. In his BMRRBgd this year he devoted consider? able space to the subject, and evidently at his suggestion a bill has been prepared xvhich will facilitate tho xvork of the Forest Commission? ers in ai quiring lands for tho Adirondack I'aik. Tho purpose of this bill will commend it to liberal-minded citizens, but opposition may be ex|iected from landholders in tho Adirondack region. Tho forest preseivo Itara concerns the entire State, h-.xvever, and the proposed mcas iiiv deserves impartial cnsideiaiioii. SAFE the quarantine rill. Every day increase* the probability that Con gross xxiii adjoin n t\ it hunt the passago of an.V quarantine bill worth having. This lamentable result, beyond all iiucstion deplored by a vast majority ol the people of eveiy State, without thought of partisan interests, is directly due to' the positive instructions forxvarded from Tam? many tu tho Now-York City Congressmen, re? quiring them at all hazards to prevent the passage of any bill curtailing tho powers of Dr. Jenkins and his quaraiiline establishment. Tho b'-alih of Ihe Nation, which the ablest of our epidemiologists liave emphatically declared in dinger on account of the inefficiency of the local quarantine, is of no importance to the Tamniany bosses xxhen the proper caro of it rediuvs uno iota their opportunity of patronage and plunder. It is no argument to thom that the success of the World's Fair depends on impart iii}' to int'liding visitors from abroad a thorough confidence in our arrangements fir their protcclion against disease. Tammany has had long years of experience in meeting clear prods and sound doctrines with contemptuous silence or frivolous excuse. ltd leaders aro no! inconsistent xxhen they attempt noon the couti tiy at large impositions xxhich bave done so xvell at home, but it xviii be shameful if the attempt succeeds. As the Senate Quarantine bill reached the House, xxliile liol abolishing Slate quarantine authority, it gave to the officers of Hie Naiioiial Boord of Health the right to a**eit. upon einei gent occasions, supreme control over incoming vessels, their crexvs. cargoes and passenger*. This xvas by no means an ideal scheme. Tam? many s had purposi-f* were so well represented in the Senate that to avoid dangerous con? tentions the advocates of a sufficient National measure feen cinciliatoiy. Their object was to leave to Tammany and ll-.e New-Tori* State government the right ta make as huge a State establishment as '"icy saw lit io loni" as it xvas done at nobody's expense but their oixn. It xx'is boped that arith this they xvntild be content. Tammany, hoxvever. bas no qual? ity so marked a< that xxhich forbids it to bo content with less of anything it wants than all. When the Tammany bosses sin-render ta public sentiment, they ate beaien, not moved by dull amiability. Their attack on the Sen? ate bill ought to be a lesson to legislatir*. at Washington xvho have at hca-rt ihe public good as a prime consideration. In swiflnt-ss, con? centration and craft it xvas a Tammany master? piece. It displayed xxith graphic effect tho fact that the discipline maintained by Mr. Croker over tho ablest and most, independent of his Congressmen is a* perfect and as snro of results as that enforced upon the pettiest politician that hangs about the City Hall. They all como in xxhen tho bell rings. To OOM the bill as finally emasculated by Tammany will bc to leave Dr. Jenkins as Irotent foi- mischief as he was last summer. Ho xviii bo practically beyond tho reach of Fidcral direction. This is not tho will of the coun? try. a,nd lhere ought to bo some way. oTen at so late a day as this, of making Democratic J Congressmen from the South and West undcr I stand that they must take orders from their j e nistituenls and not from tho bosses of Tam i many Hall. The present situation is precisely I xx hat Tammany xvishes. Xo legislation at all is probable and no legislation, from tho bORRBR* point of vioxv, is just, a shade lieder than the measure, they remodelled. In eiiher event Dr. Jenkins is free and untrammelled, but if no bill passes ho will have less laxv to construe and moro excuse for spending money. F.very agency through which public opinion can as? sert itself should be active and oirntjst in urg? ing the Senate to stand linn and the House to accept the original Senate bill. Its assurances of safety are little enough, and the necessity of obtaining them is all the more pressing be? cause of the humiliating position in which tho whola Nation would be placed by an abject surrender of Congress to Tammany. That would be a surrender of the highest public interests to a demand for plunder. The perils of/pestilenco in its most dreaded form and of the ruin of an Kxhibitit n iu which the Nation's honor and millions of money are invested would bo actually invoked in order that Tammany might bo left in undisturbed possession ol the spoils of the quarantine office. AMEND THE EIGHTH COMMANDMENT. Tbe Legislature has intervened in tho Co? lumbian celebration frauds in brooklyn and legalized, so far as it was able to do so. thc conduct of tho indicted officials. It ls novx confidently asserted that the civil and criminal proceedings against them will be abandoned We do not make any predictions, but content ourselves with advising good citizens in Brook lyn t> keep a close watch upon the District Attorney's office during the next sixty days If the Legislature has passed an enabling act to invalidate the work of the Grand Jury anc to reliove indicted officials from criminal prone oution. there ought to be sufficient civic virtui in the town to wai rant a public protest again* a glaring abuse of legislative functions. The Legislature recently enacted a mea sun xvhich brought to naught the Grand Jury's in instigation of tho excise cases in this toxvn It has noxv gone to the resciio of a large groin of ind ii ted 4iflieials in Utooklyn. If thesi precedents au* followed, it xxiii be at liberty t* paralyze the functions of ('mud Juries in ollie conni ifs whenever they undertake to expos* public fraud and official corruption. Cynica citizens who reflect npon these matters will bi likely to ask whether a substitute cannot \x found for all this special legislation. Why doe not the Legislature pass a general act limit im the action 4if Grand Juries to ordinary breathe a i of the Kighth Commandment and exemptini , - municipal oj*LsJ*s*4? ?hi\flt*,fT lium its opera lion? That would be a broad method of deal? ing xvith the matter. If Gratti duties have no cause for action against municipal dishonest; tho courts and Di.Miict-Attoincy.s ought to ad? vise them tn confine their attention to petty larceny, highxvay robbery and oidinaiy fm ins of theft and sxvindling. Their time will bc saved and tho legal pi undine gu-atly facili? tated. This may seem, as xve have said, a stiinexxhat cynical view to take of the action of the Lc'.'i* lature: but it is. ut ba*r, logical. A burglar xx ho break* open I safe and is indicted for his clime is not ie?cucd by tba LegMatuie fi-tun prosecution. A group of official! uniting in a deliberate aitempt to swindle the city and coun? ty tieasuties are favored xvith ipedal legisla? tion by xxhich tho indictments.a?anist them are invalidated. This is nut equal and impar? tial justice. It is disciimination in favor of politic ians who havo not robbed their neigh? bors, but the xxhole town. In order to make this a logical proeBBJ a gene;,il ad is needed. The L'-gislatme should place it*clf on recoid by declaring that '" 'lihou shalt not *teal" does not refer to municipal dishonesty and bleaches of public trust Then Grand Juries and prose? cuting authorities will know what to do and what not to do. JUSTICE LAMAR'S SUCCESSOR. The vacancy on tho bench of the Supremo Court. 04'casjoucd by the death of Justice Lamar will be lilied either by Pie-idont Mallison be? fore the cxpiiation of his tenn or by President - olect Cleveland after his accession to office. If is unnecessary for anybody ( > assume that in either case an unlit appointment xxiii be made. No President of the I'liited states has over set brought scandal upon our highest court or dis? graced his own {real office bj his u<o of the appointing poxver in lilting the Supreme Conn beiich. Appointments have been severely < t it - icis'd in some instances, and the motives of tho President in making them have sometimes been called ill question ; but the .si'leclinns made lutve almost invariably turned out lo be xx iso. American ciiiycns may renee! xvith lioiie*t ami patriotic pride upon the fact that no judicial liibunal in tho world sustains a higher char? acter far ability and integrity than the Supreme Court of the I'nited State*, and the conntiy oxpoct.s this high standard lo be maintained. President Ilarrisi.n's appointments thus fir are a .sufficient a*suiance on tin* point M far as he is concerned, and xve have no xxish to assume that Mr. Cleveland xvould permit itntTsrthy cnn* sidorafioiis to influence lum in the appointment. And xx'e are quite willing to leave if, to Presi? dent Harrison's judgment of his own responsi? bility and duty and nf official propriety xxhether he xviii himself send tu thc Senate a nomina? tion Justice Lamar's successor or leave the vacancy tn be filled by Mr. Cleveland. I li? lias no i;vk of advice from the uewapaperR on ihe subject. Au Animated ili-cu**iMi i* in progress in the press over the question nf official punine!v. and xv oboerve that * me of Mr. Cleveland's must ardent guppot-tcre con? tend xxith much eaine*tu< ss. supp u-tiiii-* their contention by citations fenn history, that if xvould be manifestly improper, if n >t altogt-thei indecent, foi Pr*j*ideni Harrison lo make an ap|w>i:itinctif if muli important?? xxiii,in Ms weeks of ihe expiration of his .omi 1* i iii nf office. The 7.1 al nf mir able ronteinporarie* seems 11 us uncalled for nnd misplaced. Theil solicitude appears 1 , be ihietly due to political and partisan ronrideratioB*. Tiny Roana** tint President Mains..11 xv.ull appotnl a FtcmthlicaB, xxhile Mr. Cleveland trould as a matter nf cull*'- si |, ,-t lille nf lil* Ott ll part*/ fol the place. They may be coi reel in thi* a**Miiip tion : but xxhether s., or not ii dora md strike us as a valid argument. For in an* propel view nf tlc- office i' is and of light,*li: to be Bon*po!iti<*al and non*paMioan. A great deal of campaign lions, nv. that bardi)* to the lex, 1 of saloon polMtst, i* in circulation about the preponderance nf one party or the other on the Supreme bench The emptiness and irrelevancy nf it will appear when one -t tpR to consider that hardl.t once in a ?*? n<-t ;i !it)ti docs a quo-lion COBtd before the Supremo Court in xxiii, h pal ty polities i? even remotely involved. We hope we give no offence ti any of our able contemporaries engaged in pointing out. tin- line of propriety as xvell as of icspoii*i bility and duty for President Harrison tn fol low xxhen xve say that for its own pail Tin: TlilIUNK would bo quite content to leave the whole question to tho President himself, as pei feet ly comiM-tent to gelt lo it in the most ?-alisfactory way. It is not at all likely that at the (lose of his term, after having discharged tho duties of the Presidential office with mob dignity, ability and integriiy as bare brought him the respect and cntiilonce of all pai-ti.-*, he would do anylhing unxxorthy of hi,s record or that, xv.jiild jeopard his high standing in the esteem of bis countrymen. And wo may add, xvithont intending any reflection upon tho in? fallibility of our oxxn profession, that xvo would as soon havo President Harrison or Mr. Cleve? land select Justice Lamar's successor an, for example, to leave the choice to tho Kditor of "Tho New-York Evening Post."' th th Od so tl. ba IM dc ex SI 01 re Ri ti: Rf of (H sn la di oi !>' fi ef I'I a; A in (I 1 111 ;il a. ti HEW CAS ADI AS TRADE RETURNS. Another ypar of the so-called National Pol? icy in Canada has produced results eminly similar to those that have gcnetal'.y followed its 0|>erat:oii. The Canadian government-year ends, as does our oxvn. on .lune .'lo : but while our at.jvfist.ics are published with gnat prompt? ness, the returns from Canada are alxxaxs de? layed. Those for the year lit] have just been published. They shoxv au aggregate foreign tiadc of something over 1241,006,000, an in? crease over last year of 928,066,600. Thc Conservatives, or Government, party, hail these ligures with an appearance of sa-isfactioii j but they overlook the impoilant fact that so long ago as in 1M74. under ihe operation of a tariff arrangement xvhich enabled th.-m to deal freely xxith us. their country enjoyed an aggregate trado of 9217,666,666, or marly as much as they had last year. The National Policy has been in operation for ten years arith a net re? sult of ini leasing the foreign trado of Canada about half as much BS it was increased during the ten years prsceding. The best, that, can be said for it as a fiscal and industrial scheme is that it bas not quite ruined the country. It is a country of such splendid possibilities, such vast tetonrces and such an energetic and indiistnoug population that in many respects tho embarrassments to tiade presented by the Canadian tariff have been overcome. It has frequently been said in Tiie Tribivp. that our present trade relations with Canada aro as satisfactory fiom our point of vieta as any could be except those xvhich would result upon political union. Nd form of ncipivity has been seriously proposed by any Canadian party which xvould be likely to lender Canada more dependent on our markets, both as a source of supply and as a means of export, than she i* now-. If the National Policy has in? jured us at all, it has done so in a degree much less than that by xvhich it, has injured Great Britain. Canada's imports from (neat Britain in 18r*3 were 962,666,666, and from tho I'nited States *5ti,00O.OO0. In ten years tho suppUes Um miiOmm. UuUin have decreased to j value of 941.666.666, while those from 3 I'nited Stales to the value of only $o3, 0,000. So that xvo are not only a larger tree of supply, but one relatively grater ui xve xvere ten years ago. On thc other nd, Canada's exports bave gone to tho ither country in IlKreasing, and to ns in leasing, latio. To Great Britain Canada potted in 1681 merchandise to Hie value of 7.000,000. and to tis to Hie value of -V41. 6,666. La** year ('.leaf Britain*! receipts acned ne.nly 965,666,666, and oms nearly 16,666.666, Bo thar while tho balance of ide xx j* in favor of Great liritain ten yeais o by tho sum of 96.666,660 and in favor the I'nited Stares by the sum of 916,666," 16, it is noxv against (.rent Britain by the m of 923,666,666, ond in favor of us as rgely as ever. Tiie*e figures aro tn no way sturbing to ut. They mean that by no trick tariff! can Canada, escape tho necessity of irchasing tho principal part of ber supplies m the I'nited States. They mean that the rmf to do so after ten years of trial has com ctol.v failed. And they also mean thar our riciiltuial schedules, designed to protect the merican farmer, have had the effect of lend* g Canadian produce in const anl ly incKRflinf nudities to London instead of to New-York. bey vindicate tho xxisdom of American states en in abrogating tho old reciprocity treaty, id iu refusing to negotiate a new one unless companied by a rearnngentenl <?f Canada's cai policy to make it baimonite with ours. The American position with regard to Canada dally, politically and commercially is oect*** ry and consistent. We cannot allow Canadian nts to be the inlet for foreign manufactures tho harm of our own, nor can ire confer >on Canada all the bdvaatagOS of association ith us unless the Provinces are prepared to -nine the liabilities and responsibilities xvhich e tho cu'i'llaiiis of -such concessions. Mr. lake's forcible remark, that a reciprocity caty witn the United States for a term of 'ar's would supply to Canada men. money and aikets, goes directly to the heart of tho malian quc*tion. Ile referred, of oiiino, to ir men. our money and cur markets, tad lo iose that, xxould bc procured by r4*aeon nf .siiciation xxiih ns in foreign transactions. hem is no ic.'ison why we sh:.nhl empl ij eui length in building np a country which intends , use. and does use, xshat xxe "ive il to mu? ss and hint. t So long as the Canadian people -efer t? own allegiance to a European Power, td to make use of that connection as a men* ?e in the st ttleiii'-tif of American ipu*iioiis. i loir,' they xviii deny I Rom sui un the full ensure of A merican sympathy and friendship. j hug they will be I. oked upon as English id Lnropean. lather than as a rac ,,f Amuri ina. When they ebtiosc lo put themselves in lie with tin' jKililicil sentiment of these coll? ie li:*, the* will find it easy t, trade with !<? United >tat.-s on sabetantially their own ?lins. _^__^_______ THE WORLD'S FUR appropriation. Th., intt-i x;. s\- arith es*S4Mmt r McNaughton ttblished in Tilt Titinrvr. ob Monday mtlM ax-- been reid xxith Satisfaction by all citizens f (li., -tai.' sslio feel an int.-rest iu the display hidi New-York is to snake at tue World's air. Mr. McNaughton i- !he chief executive Ricer ,,f iii,, state's World's Pair Commi*aion* is and is dnubtle?s bet tri- informed than any it,. 11*<- regarding what his been done aid hat i* contemplated in refe*reBce t.i the Kx "siti.ui. It is evident from his Matementa llfljt the people nf Next V..||V v. ill haxe nu cia inti blnsh foi their State when tiny visit a. k*on Pail:. l?ue point especially of thi; it??!??.tuia! inter/view xviii not escape attention. Ir. McNmtghton i* convinced thal the appro* nan n nf 9306,060 for W irld's 1'air pur ..*.?* mad" by tlc la-t Legislature xxiii prove iisiiflitient. That this xsoiild I..- *,, ssas foie cii bj a large number of atnie observers a ear ago, and the Legislature of 1862 xxas irged to appropriate n <t less than half a million. l'he opposition t<> to r. a* nible an appropriat? ion \xii* led by Govern >r Flow-r and by .lohn loyd Thacher, a member nf the National Vin hi's Pair CommiooioB. They scouted tho ilea that moro than 9366,666 xvould be re* iuii.-d, and the <;,.\einor aiade use of aa ex ircssimi far b-ss creditable lo him than his anions it-maik about Long Island votes last all. Both of these men have since indulged in obi-r second ihoiighis. In his meafsBt"**, to the aegiiletate tho Qovernoi recommended an ad. litional RppropriatioB of 9366,666, and even lefore that Mr. Thacher had c BM to the 000 lusion that double the original amount xxould ie required. It is true tha] last 'ear's appro in.itmri has nd ;ill been expended yd. but it, ias all been provided foi- and ifs inaileouaey s dearly apparent. It behoovea the Legis* ?tare to regard with favor the rciommenda ioil for a liberal appropriation in addition t?> hat alroady Blade. Whether so much as ?iltuO.OOO is demanded is a Question for caro? bil consideration. It is easy enough to se-x hat tho wiser plan xxould havo been to set isido tho 9666,660 a*ked for hutt, year. Hut ho mistake aude ihen should not fail of oor? rectioii now. Tho Empire Slate mu-f be pre liared t4) hold ils oxxn xxith all the other States in the great spectaclo xxhich Chicago xxiii pre ?ien' for the admiring ga/o of the nations of (ho xvoild. LETTING SLIT A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Tin* BBSS' who is lettlBg the paldRB opportunity Blip is Richard Croker. The golden opportunity is the privilege of riditiy- down Penn ylvnt'iii iive. (iii laaafBratiaa Day, on r spirited, blab. stepping. blt-ebamptBg, loiid-snortiiiir, richly c.i parisotii'd fJtargcp, at the head Of the Tanimunv liattalioti. lt hud been jipnerally uiidi-rstutid in pol il k-hI anl ridim* circles that Mr. Croker xv:is tn bfl one Rf the tiinst ornamental of the many features af the Inauguration Day exorcises. Indeed, rrrbr al his ardent admirers sve'it tn thc leagth of ucsi-rtiii!*', "without f.'ar af eoatradie. linn,'' that while Mr. Croker witched the main thoroii-jhfnre af tho rVd.-ral Capital xxith Babb* horsemanship on March 4 it xvoiild hr strange if he did not attract as much attention ns Mr. Clevolmnd himself. "Mark my xvord.*,' said one of these admirers, " nine out of ten persons xvho gaze at the inn R| unit ion pri).*tss?ioti will lie saying to the policemen xvho are keopin.' the croxvd back, "Say. coppy. don't let Dick Croker prance l>y -without our getting a good look at lum.' ** But, nias! a/rording to th* latest advice*, it is not to he. 'l'he imposing inn-ii*iiration pageant itt te lack this promised picturesque feature It U destined to Ive more or less c(in*picuoiis lix Mr. Crokers al.spuce from i!. Nut tap him Uk Htpnl whoso nek is dollied xvith thunder Rat flrboRR lail il lieautilully baBftsd; not tor lon the gloaming spur, not for him the high RB* airy Inuits xvith red tops :md tassels. At least not ou this laaaguralion Day?aa nome othei Inaii'.iirntioii Dux. perhaps. Thc loll;,' Democrat!' line xxiii he searched in vain for a right of him He xxiii ti"t bc there, iltlu-r BMBBtod, us afore said, or Ob foot. The cry. "(Jive *M nilethe horse!" may gu eOasBiag "P and down I'olinsvl xania-nve. from thu inoufh of RRRBR rush gentle ma" who, never BBVlBg seen anv cavalry acme, outside of a rtdlag st-hool, hos been tflOOfld into th Rutter by hut playful thoroujlilircd. lilt to> inoiith will not belong ta Richard Croker. Fo ir ls ilellnitoly iini:oiinced lhat. oxvin,* to circiim stances-whether ur uot they are under his cou trol is noj quite clear, bat they probably are he will not be ia WRflhibltlrB at all on the 4th of next March, lie will be on the other side of Mason and Eixon's linc on that day, en gaged in growing up xvith the New- South. It has Ijeen Intimated that Mr. Croker'*, de? termination not to l>e one of the equestrian RaV s.-rve,l of all observers on the great festival of the return to power of Cleveland is due to a serious injury to his feelings Inflicted bv the l'resider.t-elect. That is, Mr. Clex-elanl havins stated that "the next Administration will be a business men's Administration," or xvords to that effect, Mr. Croker construes the observation as antngoni/ini, malieiouslv r-ntaironizin-*, his oxvm notorious remark RiperilBg business men as not made of the ritrht stuff for ofliceholders. l'.uf we prefer to bellex-e that Mr. Croker has de? cided to absent himself from the parade ior a raison xvlth which Mr, Cleveland has Beta-ring and rx quadruped evcrvlhinti to do. Croker is a bold man, but a conservative one lie may xvell rca*on, therefore, flat it is the part of prudence for him not to trust hini.ell UBBRC4M sa ri l.v on the slippery bael; of un inverlaul horse Linn* experience in the observation of such thiBgS must, liave taught him that a statesman RM R horse la a political parade occupies a place of ure.xt insecurity. In ease a Bag \vhi"h Croker was lid Usg on IVnusylx-nnia-avc., faking a mean ud vnntuge of ix moment xxhen his pjmstMf was glBCR* tally bowtag to right and left, should proceed ta div RBd'ptteh him un his head, while small boys laagiM long and loiid-xvhat then ? Would not, Mr. Cro'lier find that bia prestige in the Wigwam had rece'ived r latal blow'.' Very likelv the more he lia* thought about his engagement with a horse for the 4th ot March the more it l.ns oct tuned to ^lr. Croker that he xvould let veil RBOUirh on foot alone. Das iii mot David Dennett' lune ago declared that "a hore ts a vain thing f?r safely." Docs Mr. Croker agree wirh David? Wi* think he does. a' pl Ul 1): til ul If any OBO lackfl a thoroit';h appreciation of the negleal af duly of xvhich the Department, Rf Street Cleaning is guilty these days he perhaps cannot, do better than to take a xvalk aloin; Sixth-ave., nay bet xv cen Forty-second and Thirty second Rta, This is the central part of that great thonjii'-hfure, and yet its condition is absolutely abominable. The nidexvalks fairly rpek willi mud, iln. urtcetK are lined xvith piles of dirty Biioxv, barrels lilied xvlth re CURR arc. encountered on every block, i'i" ''rossini's ure a mingled mass of mud, snow and water, forming a slunh of IndeRCribable nastiness. Nevertheless, New York is suppos*si to be r civilized eily, it is frequently alluded to as a metropolis, and it pays out. over two million dollars a year for the purpose of seeurini* clean htrc-ts. -4> Speaking of political ghosts -is Garland fo fol? low Bayard ta ina Little White Hons-) in Iabm* stood .' The saloon -keepers keep ngliailne a* Albur.v for the po*.i*-ii?i of lb* *m:tli rrmaliilnR tiorilou of Uta terth not mirier llietr duiiuiiaiioii.--'.Tlic vol.e. Yen, that is what they Rro doing. You might have atldetl, Reightor, that xxhen the sal'ion-k'cp ers return thanks to those xvho have Inst them a helping hand they nev.-r lorL'.-* the Prohibition e.-wspap-rs which sfeuMy play into tiie hands of the DpiBocratia party. The detailed repor's presented at the annual RMetlBg of the Mutual Reserve lund Lifo lu Wtraace A.ssoci.ition, which are printed in the col? onies of 'lin* Tribune this morning, show that tho coinpany h;is developed its operations te a rem.'rU.ibU' extent duriBg lite last year. There ir" intei'ifting BgartR and details in thesis r.-ports which xviii furnish attractive material tot Study to nil xvho concern themselves with insurance prohleSRS 'nml insurance werMagn The c.iinp.itix is soon r., ,?-,"ipy a new and spa-nous bulldlnp in broadway, and appears likely to RB lan.-.* the number of its policy-holders aud tho extent .r its alT.iirs with tin* saint* rapid progress duriag the coming* year xvhich it h.t.* shoxvu in Ihe >'-ar covered by its reports. "The people," nays "The Albany Argus,*' "will soon RM I completed structure ea the top of tsM State-*t. hill ? Tin* refcr'-'ice is to tho) Capi? tol, acd the information is obviously iuiporrant if trut*. Bub, alas! "soon" is such an elastic, un s>tisf.,,-tory term. Couldn't " Thi: Argus" be moro gpec itic.' lt would be ired manner*, !o say lin* least of it. if on- Demociatifl and UagwUUlp contempora? ries xvmild xvithhold theil orders to the lVsident :is to what be may <>r may Bal do with regard to tin* piai<* so lately vatmtsd on the btmeh af the Snpreine Court, at least tint il .lust iee I.auiai's body has l,.cn" peacefully buried. 'Hie attempt ta provoke a partisan (|i:arn*!- over an opeu grave Ls utterly indecent. Of all possible p**BMediagfl it is the least likely ta ailed the mind of such a, man a* ticn.ral Harrison, except BJ exciting his difjgoat, ? m - Tba att"-nti"n of the police authorities of this city is called to a nexv industry xvhich in sprim lng ap among the elly's local thieves. Thin is tho BtealiBg bp sneaks of bun.Iles of the morning BBWiipapRW which have bean left by tho wagons of the news companies and wholesalers in thc doors anti hallways of the retail n.-tssdr-alers. While it is true that thc retail doa BB should bts on ! the ulivt and look out) for Ins own property, it is a lin! that, in spite ol' all he eau ilo, ba xviii o.-vi m>.nally overslei-p, ami he has a right to lind at his door xxhen he unlocks it the bundle ot p ipors left thew by the iicsvs company. Furthermore, hi-* customers wiro baxe ordered bim to deliver the morning papers to them at their residence:* ure entitled to receive them. Thc stealing of the bundle, by a thief is not. only an annoyance to a largs number of nexvspapi-r readt-is, hut a BBB te the xxoithy man xvho conducts the tiesvs.stanil. Tbs fivtiuency of these thefts, and the fact that they are now ta*Jdag place all oxer the city, indi? cate that the evil is Itecaminj' rampant, aud the police authorities should give the matter attention. ? O' ? The committee appointed to make an appraisal ot the plant, and franchise of" the Leag bland Water Supply Company has scaled down Mayor l hapiu's scandalous otter considerably more one-half. This is documentary evidence which xviii coiivinco any honest citizen Bf brooklyn that the gUt-edged afmWtsRBd system of governing that town is ruinously expensix'e. PERSOSAL. Mr. Ruskin HUMPS sufllcicntlv coori health lo bo able io play hi* favorite ta RIO of chess. Bs secretary K.iiillcoii lias Inherited from ihe late William Kndlcott, ot -salem and I.tunion, the famous John Kudkott farm, sf Salem, xxhich ls R part of the original prant io lioveruor John Kndlcott. and in? cl, taloa the old Endii'iiit berpiai place aud tb* Kndicou pour tn-e. Judge Kndlcott. ss/ho new conics Into pcs session of tin- esliile, 1* a dlr,"ct cle*i andOtll of liov? emor Endicott. Tb* propert* hi* inver pel btwfl rb! ut tlit> Kndlcott family since thi- original tram, about i?ao. Samuel F.. Adams, who died |n Cleveland last Sun? day at the age of seventy-live years, was cue ol tho 1.1*1 iilminal lawyers In Ohio In his prime. At a ('ros*, examiner bfl xvas almo*! without an conni 111 thal -"tale. HI* varied learning aid lil* generosity tAi-re also notable traps. The Int ? Illshop Paddock, of offl?RtihRBfllM. had a salary of -Jiti.Ouo, and Phillips ItTOOb*. RB rector of Trinity (hurt h lu Boslon, received 13m,ooo. When the latter was elected to Mitered the former, tba** tuns an ntl."opt to At*** lils Hillary lu the llesv RlaeR Bl lea*! a* large a* lt was lu thc old oar, Hm warn Dr. ItrnoUs heard svlmt xvas going on bo reiniesii-u :i friend to offer nu objection, which ltd to an luileliiilt,. po.lpoiieiiieiii Rf Ihe plan. I. liny bind RBRiO many contributions to the Swedl*!, Kpl-copnl t Ininti lu Chicago. Si. Ausgarlus. which Wus fouiuleil In ISIS). This Ls the oldest (ougrci'nllin, of Ibal natloiialiiy In this country, and she took a crenl Interctt lu ll. The comm, in lou (.et of lida church, om- of bog gifts, ls vert' .-lal*.rate. Senator lillie's hos-pltnllly |, uhii*ei|. the Washing ton paper-, say. In much tlc same wnv ns that Rf olher famous entertainers at the Nniloiml capital. At ii recent reception, persons who did not know tba ? i Uni (tt tP***? % mmAQri uj.-u- way Into Ute beuator'a Jislon and lingered a long while around tba un. ^^ THE DRAMA-MUSIC, TIIK NEW EMPIRE THEATRE. Tiie opening of the Kmptre Theatre was pleasanUp tORBfasasai last night, and another conimodioos lynonse tn xrlthln the public rent h. An eager and idlv iiiidleiicc attended, nnd a mw play, by Mr. ivld Uclasco mid Mr. Fninlilln Kyles, called "The ri I Left I'cMml Me,*' wns observed wHS Interestni t'-nUon and welcomed with friendly RflRj. It ls an tellciit pict,, of romantic melodrama, nnd there |. ? ry nason to anticipate that lt will hold the stajw (I have a BBstgRNM Bjpabp. lt belongs to I class of dramatic lomposltlons repiv. ute,! hv Uoiielcniilt's-* " J,?**:,? Iirossn' and ignstln Daly's " Horizon.'' It portrays military Mr* the Western frontier, mid lt Implicates Indlaus and Idl.-rs la t|)e fnlti-d Statis service. Much of ||a lrlt and color have been 4*11**4 from Cooper's "Last the Mohicans." The rrrbr ls RR army post, and e environment of the sentimental story ts a res-rat tho Indians mid un Impending peril for a garrison mo*r defenceless That ululation lins long i,o#n millar. It ls, however, u*4d In lids new play th felicitous Ingenuity, and lt ls decorated Uh Incidents o.* exciting Interest. Tue preliminary ?oceedlmrs cf the Indy xs ho !* Its heroine, and whoi* induct bot paved th" trap for its action ls lneg. ilcable. but they answer their design. Tills jj^y ves one of h?-r txvo I iv-rs, but, without cause or ?uson, or sense, and agnln-t nature and probability ii- has flflBBUBi h<-r*clf lo marry the other. ?*??,-! an chosen ls a scoundrel, lie ha, (vdrjeed md MRMr**] the xvlfc of an oflicer iu xvhose regfrrjent 8 I* noxv eiiiolltd. Retribution ls coining to him i Hil* Army I'osr on the frontier, and amid aji y_, >rrorii of mi Indian mutiny. Like many other plays of open air life thu an. heavily laden willi trivialities, it op-.m, |0f sample, wllh the arrival (,r a young doctor frora iiebec (.so that he nmy be Kngli-hi, wba proceed, IRIfliMtflly to confide all his affair* to a p,-rt. hoyd"a mntiy girl with a basket of he: rle*. Tkam two ithe thstr liands Rai dry tliom on the il'* underskirt-, which BRR conveniently tts for that purpose. That K probably, thourjl-t t0 I humor. There ls a speech, likewise, in act flr,^ -livered by n general to a tile of aobatota, AU such mik .-md stern judgment BaWaM BXttrpaM and come : once lo Hecuba. The relation* botaoaa the two 'Vers are iiiauagid witt- expert skill, and the treat. cnt of the wronged and suiferlng nfh'er whose wife Bfl beoR lured fruin him i* s,tUl more felicitous. h^ Indian episode has Rosa Judi.-lously devised nd deftly hnndlcd. In the second act. aven-as at elgluin. before Waterloo?a ball 1* in progre.s whlla 10 cloud of danger nnd death Ria*** ever nearer. hp element of suspense, I* sustained In a way to rouse mi almost bnathlis* interest, but the movement I1011I1I bo much quicker; ami indeed thc pervading de -ct of the plec l, luck or concentration. Mr. lielaseo ??lids much to childishness, and overlays all hi* fork with frippery, such us he suppose, will please desultory nudli-iice. Into a capital scene, accord. iigly, whkh ought ta be ciiuulatlvo with serious Merest, comes a sudden Irrup-.lon af a booby who hag unit a hole lu the top of his har and stuck a tallow audie through lt. It ls incredible that anybody an bo so foolish with a p?-n In hi, lund. It ivoulil require many words to rehearse all ths it ident.* of this piece, lt ls enough to Indicate th* dui lout, of the chief characters. Kate Kennion love* lOBtSBRBt llaxvks.worth, but RRR promised to marry leiitenant I*ailow. The latter will not release her om brr engulfment. Lieutenant l'arlow has se aced and abandoned, before coming to (emeral ennlon's post, the alte of Major Burleigh, who has ought, thus far In vain, lo discover bj* wronger, IflRwMRBBt l'arlow l-l gullly of cowardice in the fae* f rhe enemy, and ls MRBrXtd bf Lieutenant Hawks orth, xvhom he th.-n privately accuses of his own rime. l'e.*tlvllles ure in ptaStraOfl ul Hie post. An ndian mutiny occurs, flu- identity of l'arlow, a* lie scoundrel, ls di*<-ux-er>*l bv Major Hurleigh. And tn- fur.- of th.-*., jn-r-on* |s wri.inihr out lo a ]UMt dos*. The play was. set lu hairttnoM seoBflty. but not well iianag.-'l. A rciiiarlt.-ililv artistic performance xvia Iven by Theodore ItuM'itB rrrtalnlj die gem of tn* 4* mi chief. I*** obnoxious character f l'arloxv, allottid to Nd-on \\iieatcrolt. ls one Ibat i"|i,lr-s a thi" order of dramutic talent tor Its adequate epiiseiitaliuii, n'nl the ret|Ulremenr wns enUrely fill illed. Tills scoundrel ls exf.-edlnglr well drarnatiteg nd Mr. Wiieatcroll played t.iin bo .ii to win pity. Tha iruatlon ut tr,? end of BOt B***ORM ls one or th* beat !.ar ar>- |str*a*>Bb*r**l> Miss Sidney Armsirong 4. ta*d sith splendid feeling, fro.-, and many an ey? most ave pretrn Biniilenlv dim in loolUng on that BbMbrM Ilma*.. Mr. Vs'. II. Thompson, as Major burletgfe lined sT.'at admlnitlon. If natural method bs In* in arelgneis. bo ir ls in natives?aud lt tva* very admlr nie tn thin manly embotiiment. lia- lull catt ot 1*S riaructers should bs.- preserved. i??ii*ral Kennion.~.~..Frank Monlsont Mijor llurleigh.W. ll. Thompson T.lentenanr, Kdgnr HSWBTeBWOrtb.WI Ulam MotTtfl l.letiteiiant Morton l'arlow.XeLson .Vhesrcroft Sergeant Dicks .Then a* OVrl* Or-Wlsr M.-'.lvnn .Jame* o. Barrona rrlvar" Jones,.Orr'ti j4*sossa Pr. Aitlitir P.nwi.-k.Cyril Scott D:ck Hurleleh.Jliatter XVstlle Kitti)user Andy Jackson..JooepR Ad.-lmsa John I.adru. or *). ?r Brow.Theodore Ko"-*j'* l'ell-An-Dv.l-'rink I.iihrop Silent Tongue.Arrh'ir Hivii?ri Kate Kennion.Sidnee Armstrong 1....T HatsKemiorth. (id-tie Trl-r Wllher's Aim.Fd 11 a, XVallB'-S Faun Afraid.Katharine Florence " carmen" ix EKBUgB. There I* little that 1-' patifvlng. either to th* over of ".pera who cares nothln? about the |RRgRRg| 11 xxhich lt ls performetl, or to the patriotic Amer! -an xvlio xxMn's to hear the iRBBMBflS of lils country in Hie ly 1 ic slime. t> BR SSH aUsit Hu- BSsfwaaaBSR tf "Carmeir at the Manhattan opera House last RBght, l'he opera ls one xvhich can be made nttraittve with >ut great diniciilty. It ls. in fact, unique- In Hieratic literature. In this, ihat though lr Invitea bo utmost refinement of art in every on* of Its d?> nlls, tho charm of its pictures, characters and RsssM s so gnat that even n mediocre representation can IM . tijo.ved. ' There have been marv performances of t In New York, nnd som.- of th* most admired ot ivlng Bogan basra Mho* part in them, yet we can 10! roon one Ibal illit mil Justice to the pecullnrly miltie and Marinating soire, lt cannot bo said, there 'ore, that Ino public or reviewers hr tba "ew* jap'-r press huve learned to set tb* standard loo high, lor the amount of enjoyment lhat the Broth lias t*lven to all 1* great, almost ln.-oniparablv great. That pral?e cannot be bestowed upon Mr. Hammer "loin's citort Ls dm* simply to the fact tht HM V'r |,,ifii:iiice xsiis slipshod lo a de'-ree that made 4*Jlloy nient UBfORfltblS1 A tiiile inoi-e merit tn the principal 8ln-;crs would dara savei it had not tim Mags RSRORgBOWBt been r-ucli as ti Mac tilf.:ic-. Mr. Durward Lily. Who essayed Ult- part of 1)011 Jos,-, conics xvell recollilliendid fn-m I'.iul.iiiil. lt is BRM that bfl xtas liiJi*posed la*t ni^ht. The clrcum*tani.- may miaiunr for his [QUfltrRlnng acting, but it did not SSSSR to allcct his voice, ss hiih xs::* true in Intonation. Hut lt ts a haul volte, void of *x inouthetlc qnalltr, m-.d In all that he did lin-:.- ssa* xx.,1111111- that note ot -Jinoriiy ami feeling xviudi i* absolutely raseaitol t.. ??>. aa?M> latioll of the rliarat ter IhroORb tb* nri-b . Tot} 1 '.n-iu.-n ssa* Ml** i'h.-a Dorri, svho et!e. ted her nr*t appearance on Ti***>dap evening mni ReoBonMnte* lj*t iilKht, a* then, litut she ha* a good xs,.il,l':| lniosvbKlge nf pi-aerical ttMSW bii*lne*s. mu! mii'vint of coiilltlelice iii her abllule* and a paiBObb* voico and vocal ktpM. Miss Anni-* Att.u. aosBber n*"*" comer, sun;- MlrhRBM. and Mr. Kathjciis was tufl Touador. iii;i*.i:mann"s thiutke. Mr. Herrmann wishes the public to know that he bas built irr.iit hopes u|>oii Iii4 ptagRORg production of " Timm, lilt/.'' RI his Uhr Wo to-nle'it, wh.-re that piece sxiii rb ottered by the Maaoaa-Maooa floasfaaf for the first time. Mi. Marius ha* directed tba prepnnuloiis, and it ls tiitl'ii.ii.-d that all P">*ibl? cm" boo b"> 11 labati i>> obiulu a trooii produt-Uou ?f a novel lieut li play. AliU.Vi'a ALDACMY. From The Hartford Courant. llecause free and Independent American orators twist Hie lion's tull With impunity, lt doesn't follow that lt is permitted to little (itientril princes on suffer? ance to Indulge in that amusement. That ra?R young chap at (Julio ls monkeying ssith danger. NO; FOK IT WAS WT*-*- THUS. From The st. Paul Pioncsr Frc-.*. The Idea of lb.- Ea.t that ono of tho purposes Of Its cr-aticn was that lt wight sit lu Judgment oa the West 1* liol ea-liv eradituled. gTATS HANKING IN OHIO. From The Cleveland Leuder. The proposlilon l? csIiIkIBi Ibo -'ute office of bsnb supervisor d.*:-rv.-s ipeetal considcnulon ol tba "*(.? Of lb* (i.-lieiul A*,lv. . . Ohio <mvht to hara a Mate s?p,,v;*?! ol bankin;- trljlb Wwwl >*7*g| K.very brunch of nial.- banking should be under hi* A YAI.KIIAUVAKD LKACIi:. From The llosion Herabl. l're*ident Dwight's declaration In tan* Sj *__**SP leapie beisveii) Harvard and Vole, lu all iblnp 111 ' ? ? InteUecloal and physical, probably votiN** me sju., mania of :. birpa noloHty ol lb* fl him** of *J*?JP ll,,-,,-"...*.. l'he cont.-:* s4l'-..'Hi " ." l.-ges have been ollll*!"<l svilh llurv .rd mid i* ' gei.enlly been ut.nd mid tba ret.HU* tatt aiUsFj*^ sutlsfacforv. A Hmvard mid ^t.le dual IcifcO* "? what wo axe ulUnmtely coming W?