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J WEDDINGS PAST AND TO COME. ?T-fte a-cddiug of Miss Clara Stratton, daughter of amos >;- MeJitrm, to Falrnuin Wm-rcn, non , Jsni* 8" Wandi, t"ok place yesterday jj! Bim I" shs MoMMOB Aveiu..- fi.iii.:'- THt iii-*'- Hr. Charier; L. ThRRafRRR ?BBrrM. Tta bride va-* given assay by her father, . j; i> brm waa ix-st innn. The Rsbera orara uilt->r Walton. CaUBtO* (debert, ("-renville rjat*th, II. (? BajBBjf, Wibi* Andrews md Loal* Phelp*. Mantua pjaatttS and Rofcx-r* xxei,- poa**. Mi** Anna lintis, I iironliiyi:. tra* maid of honor. The bridesmaids ?rafa, aloa Lulu JaipiBBBB. Miss EoHth DatMbor, Miss g Lg larker and Mis* HaTtb (olfa.v. .x rec,.pti.,n joUowist ?t *?'?? W'< Ku-t .?"i-.tx-eit.nd *t. Anion-. Hm ,r.f, aat* Hr. tnt Hi ?? ll- ll- Rt*e*s*a, Mr. mid Mrs, lii'i.iy Allen, slr. and Mi-. C. G. Moiler, jr.. Mi. nnd aw Wi ii u;i rarboiir. Mr. aud Mrs. Albeit Kelly, ar and -tr*. *TBbaa Utile, Mr. and Mrs. ):. I.eiijanini, m\\ Uii.I Ht*. I ? ?'? H"'""rt, jr., K?. mill Mrs. ? f, l-ak':'. Mr. nnd ."'li*. II. W. Cmilion, Ml*. s-J^nia* lail'tiur. l.ener.l and Mr*. c. II. T. Colll*, gi ind Mr*. *T. P. Km.. Anio* Kno. Mr. ;iml Mi.. . tj, nn.ii'ii. Mi*, eberle* StrcttaB, M:.*. .1. j. mm- and Miss Knox. pj? Harri, t Leer.-, RRBghtCP of ll. S. Ret**, wis parried l? William Hurt Cn, ninan al the home of ?a? lither. So. IBR Nest York'.iv.-., Brooklyn, last fta-ning Coll,--. As enuc The Kev. Dr. Ked, pie*iil.iit of Dlckln.*on ind ihe K.-v. Dr. chnpiiimi, (,r tbe N-xx-York Meliniii.*! K|'l*cop:il ( hureli, t.tliclat-ti. U*n-iioe bB"*nlag lion on xvas best man. Tho v.lit-rs OOM Alfred billia*, N. T. jl'.*<-i*. (.uy Loomis and ttrttrj s*ayn*. Mlsa Mabel Reen, Mi*s (irate ugMRRB **? Mabel French and Mba Adellii" Munn atRaahl th"' bride. A Ratall li'ieplioil folloxvfd. ABOal ?'"' l-s*ala ,v''r'' Mr. and Mr.*. M. M. landa, ijr. ind Mr-- WffllMm Harkness, Mr. and Mrs. J. (.:. bjaaa **? :l"(1 **?*?**? ?'? w- 4'oniell, Mr. and Mr*. .,. oruid Beet*, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. (.lilllie. Mr. uki Mr*, li'.-ib ri'k and Mr. mid Mrs. Edxrtn Bur*. -Mr. and Mr*, (iiecnman stuned for Call 'llll.U l**t ss?*ht. Mi^i (.eiiiii'le llearli HR ('reveling, daughter of Ji.-)b ll- C'jcv.lln;*, ssa* married to Walter C. Tucki r ],->[,-i*!j.t al'iii'iu nt Hie Church ot the Holy Com niu'ilou, MXtb-aVe. :'?d Tn "-inlet ll-* t. The l'.-v. Dr. Jlci.ry Mottet, rector of the i burch, mid the Kev. I'ct.-i ImtoSaE, ol M. John's Chart-b, Cornwall, xvere the ftluiiiitliil' I'leigjini-n. Mi** Nellie UallelibocU was Uie mild of honor and F.dwln Tucker, -i brother ot the iVd-grooni. wa* li"--1 man. The rattan aare W. Prloec C'lSif't' Willitiin Doacber, E. M.Cuffie uud Cllllord Uooc. Tliere ssa* no reception. Mr. and Mrs. 'Tut ker trill sail ?"r R> ""I'" SB -saturday. ,M drace Cnurch at '.IM') o'clock yesterduv nfter Docn Mi*.* ftsSbllba W'entsvorth Parrot!, youngest aaughti-r of Peter P. l'an-ult, of the lire, nssood*. Arden, -v Vi **;|s niarri'd to the Kev. percy Vealer 1J?U, a-s-i-t-mi rector of Crace Church. The Kev. Dr. \V. ll. Hiititlhgioii and the Kev. .1. Y. Chalonci-x. Of Lou-tdule. K. L. were tie obviating clergymen. tut bride wu given awol hg hw father. Thc best Bim was mUkett c.noller. 'He u-ln-rs wet* 1!. I- A., Ita bride'* brother, and Un- Kev. Q, H. BathSe*. of (.mee Parish. There was no reception Among the side Mr*. Dana Whipple, the Kev. iud Mrs. liubori W. Wells. Mr. and Ml*. Hurry Hill Mr. and Mr.-. C. H. Young. Mr. mid Mis. K. il. llmTlnvii). Dr, Loni* A. Bayre, Mlsa HoBtlDRton, the Kev. (i. F. Nelson nmi H. D. Woodward. The iRMfrmrill ?'?- announced yesterday of Ml*s Helm s-:.uslf-r Hurry, daughter of Kdnmnd Ai.iiv Hurry, ta VVUbom Vaiidervisirt Draper, graud-on of simeon Drapei, who ssa- lorin, cly MfMctCV "f the i?vrt nf Next Yolk. No date RM b"-.ii untiled for the redding. . , ,, ,. . Youngstown, ohio. Jan. -J". (Speclall.- Leslie i OoflBta Brute, Kdilor of Turf l'i.-ld mid Farm." of New York, uud xn^s .lulu Andrews, poanffal daughter of C. ll. Andress*. ol HU* pta**, *rrrr married al 8 O'rlCK'li tills eyi'lillig al the hollie Of IR* billie, till Wlck aye. Th.- l-ii.le-* pown was of whit* Batta, xvlth foin! d'Alenco'i Mee, mid BB* tra** diamaud tuna nienta, pita*lila i? her by Ibo blbtaglOUOB. Many liH'tdsome UKI* arie i*rrrftred from rrtaUroa mid frl'-nd-. Al Ii,ldi,i7;iil Mr. and Ml*. Krue started for Florida. Ila,.lon. Jan. 2-< iKpPilall.?At. St John'; Memorliil Church, Old Can .brid >.?>?, at i?'ii lodit. Mr*. J. tX (lilcT. ol (iimbridge. tia* m.mi.-J id Colonel Arthur g i'largo. Kalin,r i.i "Tile Niirror and Am. rican." and '?TIm; Minor and Larmer." of Main h ? It-r. N. ll. The bridal partp niioi.-d tb* rbtaprh led bp Ibe u*bcrs, Mtj.v Hans B. (ill.v, of M*iie?ie*ti*r, N. II.; 4',.r.lon \\.?'.IMirs. of N--\t-Yoik: lin K ll. Blgrtaw. of Cam MM>. "id David ii. Ilaablns, <f Caiiibrid'???. Tin bride f'.'lotvd, haat*S i n the arm of her bi tiber, John Bell Iwate*, for many x.-n* F/litoi of -Th,- .V-ts-Yerk nil nf Coiunier. b" aid an e.4j-pr.-*ident of tho boto* club. ai Um 'taara! la* puns- "ter*swsited bs Dean xviuiam Lawteam, e4 ita T^^fepleal r-etidnsry, ss'l,., olartated, tta 1>rldegri*un and hi- t?-*t man. Prof.-*or Jolni J. Y'l.iv.r. ol JlartHi-ii l'iiiv,|*iiv. The br','!- sm* eiA-,-a -.vat ta 'ur Mother. Tbrrr ora* a larg* attendance nf leading sficlefi people o' ('.itnbriiki' and N.-st l/impsliii-o. I'lcPiflln.' Mr*. W!ll!r,m K. Russell Wi - ol Iti.- c.'vernor. Aftec the ceremony Xir. and Mrs. clarke "darted 1*1 * i-rlef vred'lln? lour. They will rc*id" at Mani-lict.-r. Afltaag Hi- Brainy beaatlfal nnd co*tly wedding preB rrts seas a rare mid valuable m-i of s!i::l>.-pe-us-'* work-, the j^i 1 * of the old Cmnbridg-- -shakespeare Club, w!u>h xta* ioundi*d by Ih,; bride. SLED, ll I SO AS I) SKATISG SPOILED, A TOi-'if! >itx nr.i'VKs -rn'- k r-jtxti'iNi; record xt PROBTRCT l-xr.K. BROOKLTX. Tis* thaw ha* player* hax-e- xvith BaMtltag -M *lcl::.i hlg. Th^:e xta* u fair iniioiini of *noxv r<-maliilii.- bl tho BptOWl drives xesterday, bul the diflir-.iliy tra* in pe'tiiig t> Ibo drives through the slushy streets, li sill t-fpiire miotIrr snowfall before enjoyable BlMgb Iris still brbM I** In order. The lt* on ihe lain* in Grattai l'nrk sa- 000 nnd thisby ve*ter<l.iv. yet thtiii-anO* enjoyed the .sjHirt. bkatliig on tba Fifty-ninth si. lake ssas Blopped. as tin sarni xs,-athel mad.- thc les diingerous, lu the opinion fd the j,-jrk olhoia!-. *>kaiin.T xsa* enjoyed ul Pro-pect Dari;, Brooblra, In Ut* lii-.ilillie, bul the iee 1m-,t;iii to siKCllllib to Hie Keliher als.ut noon, and al 1 :::<> p. m. the ball ssa* ordered doss ii and the police told the BBRtOrB lhat they would hus,- lo *lop. About Itt) ni'ii weis? thea put to work (leaning tia* ice with scrapers, brooms mil li^-sc piotr*. Captain M. A. McNamara nnd fl large force of men al-') began to cl'-ar awav the siiosv or the hirge lake. Ral i' prov.-d a ilifli'iill Mah. After sor'.uig all day Hie result was a ch-ai-cd space about !i(ii le t long and 7J00 xxlde. Thc anllcs of a young skater BOSttaed :i ii-oxv.i ,,f ipi-t-ntois nlmut mien. Tiie young BBBn was per BBRRRBJ some n-itia:baMe athletic f.-iiis upon iln ba. Ile aaa William B. ih'gnrl, of No. BBB Krauklla sve., brooblpa. Bogart ora* halag some Mghjtuap Ins. aid sollie om- aagBealH thai a psaprr trial ta ti.ade BSrai n stationary object. A wotnl.';i hana wa* broogiit out on th* Ice tim! Kognrt istatll clem.-', i' m a sfRBoiag Jump. Ubatawtaa xxen* ptlrg ob toj. Of tho hftr-e cnlil a height cf 71 feet oil Inih.-s tam i.'h.;?.<!. nagari i*ta-tia*l ibis .-u-iiv ami ibm rtlrsi. Ho i* seventeen rearsoM, ts"i^it- it.', poona* Sad is -ix I.,- tali. A. Coinn-cho lia* 0*46 Ita re?o:ii j,,,- i,,. jumplnc lor *.s???-.,1 pi ir-, but bis ?oal Jump ssa* :: fri*) l ii inebes. Boca rt'a Jan.], ?ba ? r.tinri,,ible peiiiirnianie Captain MeXotnara bs*ajrtsxvre| lr. and he and thrc- oih.r witn.->i-s "dened * i>np-r mrbig ibal thev had thc Jump sud ka, sv .i (o u. authentic BR.M'I.W, WINTKK Wl'.ATMF.i: I'll: To DAY. ll t--;,. inudily. .tann und n;i-ty se : id-s- un to lat lu thc BBwaaaa, st hen it la-rsii M B**W i olde-. Tho htiotitiity or t,(. air anl Um ii.iuiiditv or Ur* iMaaaltit Bbj* tar fr-e.i plBaaoaS. ii v.til ta oaa*ttsr*abtp atfloc* ?*-d-.*. but notiiiii" !ik<- a MRI cold snap i.e.-d be feared. H ttiii .imply i,.- Braelap, char stinU-r mftmmet, sith Sm!, ttoin BJM i.o:thtte*t. HEAVY s,M,\VI"AI,L IN" UNKID.X C'll'XTY. 'tiru. N. V? Jan. '-">-- A heavy r.ill of snow ls r"i?rt.-d :, ,,,, m.. noitberu part of IM* eoaaty. In **?**?*(** it Ik Btated that twa feet or saow foil Mtweoa Jf,1^1**! nlgbl and daylight this morning. The Wl>r? a this (Ky U not severe. ?^''TUKI' CiI.D WAVK IN TDK Ni ?R'i IIWK-r. Sf. p-mi mi,,,,., .ia,,, gp*?Ar Intense cold wave "st 'ornitM over the Northwest T-rrKorics end the fwrtury ihrougiiou! Minnesota last night dropped ta Wl slar-min-- exteni. Yesterdiiy moininu a heavy MBJM act in ai:d raped furiously xvlth almost blitsatd JtrttinHn. Raaatftfl trass a*aalbsa stations over rhe Norihwr??t shoxv a sudden and marked drop In thu temperaun-t. At Calgary, swift Current and Wlnnl **- tai temperature ls noxv twenty-five degree, below *w*. and the cre?t of the wave ha? not passed. The M'jwfail throughout tho entire Northxvett lus been t^oty, Bmt tn average of six feet now covers th* Hf *'MI|1J',!>' Tl,? Umbrr-c-ut of the xx Inter In Minne *^r* an.! \t ,.,,*,,.j,, u.j,| be unu.uallv hcavv. as the n. *!***,of tba milli tire lat *ea-o i u*ed up ull the mps on ha:to. ?? *? ttstttrn ("KKAMNi. WOKK I'.KM'M I I). (omm!s*ion.r BjOaaoa n-itoited an RapaaSBMatOR BB th* scow Blluatlon yrBietday. l>umi?er* vere at (anal. Twelfth. Xlneteo,,u, ,m| K-'Mv-s'tontl, a**., North Khar. ?fl al P.ut-.ia. Suntam, Seveiit.-"iith. Tii'its--lghth and *orty-sixth BM.. Kn*.. lUver. l-'ixe diuii[B-rs stare sent t-> *H and wt back ?ar..|y t*jj*BflRS**,. if the pro-cut aiBBbtt ?onwnuft. th, d.*adlock will be broken, and tbe a.lie* mid aBWRt -,ii,i,i, ,ov i the streels l.tun v.- lial'.r.t to thc sokers lino win h.,,.,,^ ?,, 3,)f, ?,(fn ? u?', ^.m%i xssu n ""'d MhUh '" *p"'i,(* ?'''r ll!" *u"?* *""* ?H"1"" H. mu probably remain until the ,lrr I* torotoi tilth * K*od. ste?dr doss-.,p?ar ,| ?,?. I^ist nlfl.t lhp mmmt of rNll, ??,,.,,,.? |nd ,.^rt, vron. wmin* u Canal, Varick, Heater, l.imioa and E?*"-x -t*., snd In deaning the r nalr.der of the snow from Oe cross logs of FtfUi-ave-, sboxe Fo.uteenUi-st. THESE ARE DARK DAYS FOR GLEASON. wxhkants issi:: n ppg tiik ap.kitst of his r.otr.D ok r.uucATiON. The exrlrement In Uapj Wand (Itv over Hie ?aapet-aMp muddle v.-i* inaitaaud poatasaMp wara it leaked BBt that Mayor Sanf, isl, ;ip,.n in forum tlon fur nlslM-d bp, Pcliccman Peter Kelly, had Issn**] wantata for the arrest ot Hie entire Ul******* Hoard of RR* cution, ittaattttBg of Pn-ld-nt Larkin. ( oi.iiiilss|ou.-r. Vtmfy, iitigii um, st limul/.,-,, i',,.m?i, R'easM aad floris Dlvln.-. i? addition Womat! w,-r Is.ued lor Patrick J. HaiTtgaa, Measoh's !>>rninVs*l,,.|or or muile Work.; William Jlersltl, (ith- lappar, and I'.ernard Pox. slublcmaii. In ibo case <,f um BoarR ot UueatloH tlc objeet la to pmiM, th.- m, mbers lor baMlag ih- b-iohs and popers i,. lOttgbtg lo the depart if), lit ..lal refiling io :-.-. ...--,i.-?? tbe noss- boa:J. appointed Iv Mr. -anfoivl. Tho ai.-.t of Mewitt, Haii'U.'iu .-md Fox xta* resale in eoBBeetlan xxith the removal of Ile- books and |M]S!rs ol the Wat.r JJeparttceiif, whMb WIW* r-moved Hum tin Water Ct.iiin,!..*i,;iier'.s oflee. lt va* al*o tepottet} thal Mr. .--.lilford had is*-ie,l u watTaRf Mr Mr. tilca sou, tan] at tin- inst i:;,,;ri,,nf had tl,sided -mt io terre il uiilil lin- Uland Ji:rj had linislnsl lareMlgBttBBJ thc rase of atp d'-rii Barbe, a* ii ssas b.-ii.-.i-d ital Mr. i.b-ji-on xvould bo UKllclid a, a rnltlt of the investigation. Mr. .-anUird had a con ultatioti vs)|h |,,., Daniel Attorney In ihe ultenioim. M. N.ufoid refaaRi to talk, but lils Corjioiiitloii ( oun.*ei, wiill-im K. .-icxv.n-i, said that Mr. UleoaRH xvould nm be BBbJeeteg to such a test as the indignity of an arrest. Il* wonk! rm rr lp ta sent for. Fax aaa om-sted al 3 ?BU p. Rt. ami xvas arnil-rma U-foi- Mayor baiifonl. lie xs:,* ?etaoaeg on hi* itara i-ecognlr-in, -. Mr. BstBforg yesierduy l-su.d an order pairing all his f polntisis lo give bond.*. The gueens County (irand Jury reionsuied In L*ag Island City ye*ieiduy am', r.-siini-d their lnve.*ti Kallon Into the RtaopBeaitTUiee nf Cay Clerk Hurl;.. Mi. Cl.nson, A. J. Kn I'-smun. ptiaMlBII o' Hie (,1c:.tani l.dice Hoard ; .l.;in ?* Mi Dniuild, glerk of the Ob uv n Hoard of Aaaeaoof*, mul Phillp (otuy. Mr. (,lea-am*, privat-.- seciel.irx, and Dr. Purk-', bnili.r of City Clerk Hiu-ke, were xs lt lie*.se*. The result ol the m-tioii of thc fcwuiiord goveriiiient in ahattlag ott the amer from me tl.tun Ugh! plant, which is osmiisI by May -jr,*oii. was tba. Urarra wera no car* io Newtown or Maspelh yratergap, and no oteatifc lights, bm Mr. Oleoooti faade arrange ments xxlih th' R'oter D.-pcrtniciu of Hrooklyn lo supply his plan-., und lal; in the arterBtMM gut Ibtogr In nuning ostler, Fongrikeepsie. N. Y.. .Inn. S3.- Benjamin W. Dotvn lng. 1'iitrbk J. Uleaoua'* M**Ter, toiliy to Judge Haruard for an Injunction restraining Mayor sm mord ol Long Island City Icm porioriiilng lits* iiiui-* ot Mayo:. Judg,- Harnard denied Ute motion. CE LE ER ATI SO BURNS'S RI Rill DAY, TDK CAIKDONIAN CLUB AM) XHXV-YlMlls B "I' TISH 80C1ETY HOI.JJ KNJOV.XIH.l'. MHKTJM.s. The i.e :;.'.. i- of the lah denian Club trbbSOtWl UM anti Randiod aad Ihlitj Janith analveiaatp I Huh r, limi,*'.-. birth i,s- a supprr and a Raoea ;.t Um elotSsoose, Ko. 10 ll..ii.tli.-*t . la-', ,-s.:,in-. The Jaru--- lull tia* iii.wOi-d by the raemtara and UMlr fncad*. That* wet* user PPR pflOOtat, and man;, ss,-nt fl**] SlaappotatOd, a (Ben- ssas itally nu mom lat (helli lr: the clnliliou-. . Tlio oj", nine iriiiarks mott natl- Jap Chief Junie. Olin at, ? Kuchen, ti ho ?i,-|inmed all. ttnu (.-.iso ., shaft itilot-y ut Hums. ''.vChief CltUR u*ki*l the M"**i,,u'. BIM Unit .*u|,|.o: leran. J h' nail rill,1; trltli ninny a pond Br stell joke, and thoa* ?tm .grebe wot* aoOoabtrdl' Iruni hoi ttl cf Uio l'tteisJ. fm th' ii tpett li betrayed tn ia A Blighty -Ii ?':? went UR tt lien the liufc-i* rsSM in staai,: ing on largo dish"*, it ith ivter Bownian, Bm aM pip' ? leading the piaerasle*. Every one sta* baood to Ui-t Mot -trung-r, and il tia-, good, toa, Thea faUatnd Mis toii*t? Hiid ?i>iiL'. a* (.uluti*: "AddeO** la. th" llsggl*," Lhicrrani \. billies; t-a*t. "Tb* Memory ?! Boras'' ,i" sll'-iii,-, ; son;.', -'There Wit. a Had XV.i* Hun In Itt],-,' H.. (.. XX'ulsiiii ; tO*m\ '-Tn-- i.. nhl a .ir Hum*." A. Ml. ., I, nf "The Hm"kin, .',!!/? n". -.ti.', "lam' te ht Athol.' Mi*. Viotti Morrey; :?..-'. ? '?* and,' .i.-im laird WU sun. of "Tba .N"?-V',|K ll.Mill" . C.l-l. ?Alien- t. .Ind'' Dui id Mc.X.lim, U.a-l, --The l*"t*4<*>," ll. .t ll. i'-ikln*. UUM *l,ii/.-,* tn-,.. Tl,mn*.* UasklBR, .xl,-. A. ll. Hart? man, Wlllbba RtacMIr, Ueeloi MrBrMe und Jana- i---i. Altar tiie sptecte* and hui". Ita (Jan. .ii.' tapa*, ' " no* kept un till a MRI hoer. Thoa* ssim helped lo iitil. -.lit mt-etiiiif u Baacot* war* Jostot Ctttt MeMoahea, rhlaf, IBBST* ll. I i.rUli.,!.-,. BOOB** Col ban lhaile* a. .%:?? ? ? Htiiiei: Pealla and Rlrhard Uraat. ahieftafais; Jam-* I Tail. Ros* BBOaOR**, willi >aiu".l M. M.Xiii,ur and Bob art I.isini*-<.,i a* a*?l*t.n,t*: Robert t'Mrh, Jan* l> Ma. li.,t,.il'l. Lat-.,.-: -.- J). H.,Ihi!-,i. ,1 . XVI lum ll. smith, Thoma.* M-Nab and John foil Brer* ti'- <u.n nitt I i j an gi I,, at*. lt BM bl, iff RabSIt I'.'iin* wt.' - ?:itiot,*l hi.lldsv lhere svti.ld not ta a u-ir ? SBlhBBtaBlIt celebratloa oi the ttiiiilser.aiy of the lilith of Uie -suilli-h |Hj-t Uian Wa* the a*B li-Id at (hi.I., rim; Mall la?- .>.:i,n.' 0*0** th* snsp'ri* ot tlio Neii-vok gi Billah so.ietv. Th* aedl toiinni I anil with BM BB*BJ? "f .*>? 'olUnd b-r t?.. hours, anl ai Rta clo*e ..r tin- aaBsrtalaase* Um aodlsacc srea* Rinl BBOR --A'lld I.-ia-' .syiie." In RM BBS BC* Bl A. drew (uinet'i.-, th.- haaasary p.OBlSeai, Wlllian x Milli flail ptiahHS. tTaoiB 'thu ('??'* gait ht Hi )!ni"..aniir. ss .-j ? Ii-d-r.k XV. Smxt'i, XVilllaa, I), uni ...:i, Mi*? Maria R. ni* U, OharMi i:..i*ii. J. M. ??- lt.,-a aad Mi*,* Jt*-'|htic I'. Itu ? -T. l'he Bddh -* of th* ciean," wa* dcilsciej by thc Rev. Jbomi ts. Black, ot Ml.ia i> READISd.l REl'REsESTATIVi'. IS BOBTOS A. MAIXE. Booton, Jan. al.").-It is reported boro thai ibe di rectors of lin Ho.ion and Maine Haln-nd h*Vr ? !?-< I?? I tV. K. Nixer, formed.- of ibo PMlBsWIpMa and Hool lng, lo be vite i>rcslle,,t of the road. Ile is to be Ibe OfltrMI repieselltlltlV,- of llesl't.fil Xjil.e ll. with J.,.l.. said to ivt-eod 1 lin**- Ol l-'r.til: Jone-, e!,aln:;:in of the exciiilhc cominllice. lin- -a'ar) is ui)de,*n>ol i. lie r'i'.TiJXh'l. A PVMCMABE AGEEEMEXT APPEOl i D Hy a Iyp0gtapbb*al error ll ssa ::iii,oni,c.i] rester dap that Ibe spedal mectiti;- ol Ibe -t, ? Uiohbi - of the Long l-laiid BaU*eOa*l unanimously uppe*'d Ita agrecmeni iimde by Hie dlrccio: bu ,h' purrlM* "I H.e stock tn ti.<- Prnsprtl Parb and Poa v i laud Rail road. The ssonl ?"oppoBtg' -I,otihi have bcofl -ap jnov- d. ' INCIDENTS IS society Tire Msl of lb* dinner daw**** ssa tis, n i,, Mrs. Rdward Oooaar hts) night al her boase, So. I*J W."-hiiigl"ii Squat ? Dlnm-is ware glt--n pi-.-v|o,i* to RM (lance bs Mt*. I" i-i il ei e iiioiison. Mr*. Uopd liiy:-.'. Mi-*.. l.lviiK'-it'ii mid K. U Wimbion. Tba cotlll'Hi was dane.'.'. .'. RMftray Mrsora l-adlic-. ai? ni io.i people wei ? present. .Xii*. Daiil-'l HnTlf-rlic'd pare Ita la-l Of n seri" of r'C.|ili''ii* j'e-l. islay nfleiiioon. 1' Ki (t,':<)SSnl,.l alie; mid Miss XVhoelei pMped I If hmo Anion'; Ita ^'iu-'s were Mrs. T. I'. M.aRtar, Ita bOsaeaj H-aii, Mrs. J. C W. s(. rs. lt. Mrs. C Men Manar, Mr*. P. RT. loot.-, Mr.* Holme* Agnew. Mrs. May, Miss AraoM, Ml I Di: lal*. A. .-nllisan YealOi'. Consul Cell' ral (linross *k.\ (In- UfOeb Cou al, Mr-. Ogden Ixin-mu-. Miss K-t.-li,.- Doremus, Mn, XV. H. Din-more and Ml** Diii*ui"r . Mr*. K. Francis llvde. of No. IO Wot l",.r l v lif t h *t., a**!-!'*! bv Ml . Charl. 1111(011 Hrosvu. Mi-., 1'o-s and Mlssc. May and Nelli.- Brown, ssill ul'., mday il ? la-t of Imt 'Il:4ir-daj' afternoon rcc-piion* for 1 lie prflfllBl sea "ii. XtETRB OF THE STAGE Tony P..-1'ir ha* tUg-tWA Tolly RobBOB, a youiic Ir lah singer, who still noon umk.- ber tiru apptaioac* In Hil* Bhtotre. sh,, s'nifs m thc aocleol Uoettt hrajtaaas and also In RORUsb, and sh'1 trill ri se BSVORU OB* song* writ en bf J- M. K'H.r. A |eor-?*li.iinl iiiatlii-o "t 'The .Von South" ssJI Im Blscn ut Ita Hi. ad,--ny Iho.itn- tills afu-rno ,n. ?rho Chirac* lottOtaaa" sara: "Bstraas of the Si-l-.IU r hate -pollen in )*sl i-f UM pseoBsBBR a*rh or a .xouthrtil atmiir'T. 'di-* Vin i Bearao, the most - I've of th- ki-ni Toniif. ladle, la I. IV. tOOflBl'* ress. pane. Thnl sonnr* Itdj I- tho rMaObtr-* of a-i old CblOBgB laxvtttrlle, i*uia-l riccmi,,, bo* Mr*. N'oitou. bet ftti. . bein-. Captain BaBlflt I*. NorUm. BdllO* of Tb Marta**!.' of Ntt-Y"i.i. Isabtl I rct-ieu i msde her ii.t B|!pura,i'c OB anv sui" at Wootl'* Mot 'un on tlc* OtShl of thj first CbbaMt* ,lr'>' She ?** th'- fssorll/. Kiding lady, sud John K. MorRhMr, '.ne Kading n.*n. cf an BRfloaMM tooapRap. ?t thu mom srart Boaofar. mi** Mo* con Inh: rlt* the r>ol look* talent of her mother, ami her attlnc hai won MBSBRMl BSRRBBal. This li he: first BBBBflfl on thr itaac." Mb* viobj Doaeaa ls n.,t? bbbtWR . minoi par', ir. tn* d.-atria o.' "Mt OM tMl XVifc." mr.em. at the Standard Tlifatr.-, wini Minnie S.'ilgiriaa OatUaj tn ila- pT-.Kipai china i. The I'rfth Avenue Thostio ssa. , l?*t night on iciount Of Ihe. slckne* of Mm'. El nora Duse, wuo wa? M play ??l-'edarji." lt 0*1 *a;j that her Btes***** ?** iau*ed by hi-r rough sosage and th'- rn rxotisneii attending her oocnlna RBBRsrasOMB on Mondjv nleht- T'ie ia' ? ? f :mar(-e of "Paasf*'' l? pastpaOOd HM laj-morrov nlchi and th kel* botight tor la-t night BRI then he irood. fl.hots Ismghl foi to-iiforroit iil'.ht inav M inhaiit'etl fS4 ans- (attire iffrformaii' <-. or rn RCf 'till ta r<I nmtl ?reiuarrde." wlilih sa* to if- alt, ti tai-moirnw. tull Ih po.tifonerl till Mondsi. m.i -CaiiiiilC' ti il M WpsaRM un Suturdsv. Th" new eje-ia strllt.-a I ,r J).- W, If Hollier bv Mtaai*. i-oodwin and Massa I* to be called ??l-hRMaiisa* u ?s-' lllh i'l'.NNSM.X ANIA L.'Mirr.D. 'flic renn-vlvnnln Limited atlorCa mon- of comfort, convenience mul luxury llRR 4BJ atbe* train ta ea ,,,-n.'' lt leuv.'s New-Var* every day al I- o'cMcfe num. and rearbrs eulengo nt ihe Mm* ?*Ws*?( 1,v (Un- can tmnsacl bnliie*s In MRW-YRTI one tari sRarUaRu iii ruiassT* ups i*e?u .*. OBITUARY. HORACE Nr.WTON COM'AR. Ilonice KOWtOB L'OBgBr, one of lh>- baal known mei Hi Nesv-Jer-.v, dlod al his house 111 Wasltingtou st. Newark, yesterday, after a prolong.-"! lllm-ss. Mr Cmgnr was Isirn In Newark on July 81, lai7. Afte recflving a good ucadenili .sim allon, he tanghl ff, several var-, und dining his lel-tiif hour* road lav In lb* omit; of ( oriielln* I.:,i,,', i,r Plainfield, am *Hb*e,|ii.litly In RMI of Lexsl* C. (i-rovor, of Ness a.-;; In l.s47 ta wu* admitted to ihe l>.ir. Bad Immoillaiol; RrgBR 'lie pi'.iiili* of law lu bl* native place. Ill preference, however, for a ptillHonl life, and the op portimlly which arose, soon after his admission, ti Uti Mir ill Hie BHf| flavors iaii*e, induced him BJ with 'baw almost inilroly from Iii* ptafRaalBB. ll' wa on" ,,; |ta handlul of men who in IBM laid tin foundation* iif n rri-.-fotjl party, nml he RReoOM RjRtagaM from N>-W Jersey M Ihe Huflnlo ( ,mv< nlloi whit h m.minuted Van Hnreii Mr ll"- 0*/BBhMaep mu Adam.* for thc Vite lYcld. ncy of Hie fulled states lu 1*7,0 j?- beeaote RtRor of "The Newark Dall' Mercury,'' ami In Ibis BOatttta* made a vigorous Ugh against slavery ihroiiirtiout tha: lea -tn cieditig pears wtnalag ita raalbMaie und r.*i?-'t of all tiie RjaaVri in Ihfl iini>opillar c.'iii-e. lu lnH) be xi i* a d' legal, to tbe itoptittllcin Naiiomil Conveniioii at Chi,ago whela be itilvocatotl th" nomination of Mr. --eward fo l resMent, btu va* a-ell p!-a-..i with ita < hoicc ? Mr. Lint oin. xxliom he afterward h'-irlily . ept*,,-i.d Mr. i ragor rrreltsjM In ism lb* appointment of i nit.-< Stat-* t'OBaal ut Hong Kong, Whlrh ssa* at lhat tfnn i. ".n.-dod ns one of th-- iim-i Important apptMntntenti in Ihe Bast. Accepting the offer, h- went with ht: Imnily to China, where he remained until 1-Hi. wher in eoBseqa*neo at Impalreg beattl bo orai obttgeg u i.iind in h's reafgBatbm, which ssas oettptti, mid nm Iii" acc. pluncc xsus trallsinilleil hi* BppORBfBMBBt bs Ita PresMeal as CoattailibIobbt of immigration of tin I lilted Slate*. Whii.- u,,i* eoiiiie. t?d xviii, the stut- Departattsal ill Washington bc wa.* tWlr* i ?iin:iii-*io4i?l n. arlin'. A*s|*t.m; Socictary of Slate during Ita lillie** of F W. .seward, malting fi' in the woun ls which le- re el-. --I from the oasflflsM I'usne In |8RR Mr. l 'ingar receiving irom uoverraor Wari ti)"' appointment ?. Secretary of Mate of Nesv J.r-ey, i-e-i|-:ied bi* tofu mi--ii>ni-r*hlp and repaired lo lil. n.-w pwd of dills al Tn nt on. Ini-i- he r. mnliied until IS?JO, when ih' place et sicopr.'siibiit ol ll.i Mutunl lieiiettt IJfi insurance Company, rn Newarb, ssa* ogbreg to him in tins otter h.- is-rnui.i ter ibree var. when, bb health bWiimlng one more imoalrod bj oretawb, Im v.: rompeUed ;.. resdan. Nm lom.' afterward tb* ( on-:i|*hip nt Prague, In lloliomla, nu, i-l'i-rcd lo hill by lTe*liti-nl (.runt, mid in Dint dtp he spent tw. pears, retaralng io hi* native pluto in 1875. Stan ilia! time In- had I,Si-it In Newark, sud held the plat Bf adj aster in Ita Mutual llenelit life Insiiriini- Cbm POOP. RT. ( .ingar Icfi a wife and ihis-e children. Jiu- funeral still take place to ui'-rrow at - p. m., ai Trinity Rplseopai Ch urra, Newark. -~ -rn - JAMI S ll. 4AI.I51M-l')\ J iin- * Il Cai. int;loo died ut hi* home. No. 913 sri' nil-. r.s., ou I no-diiy. In tlc l.l!//:,id "I ISRB ha taORbt i ?cv.-ie coil and tho heavy ni* o' raaghUai ogRnrateR : h, in BReeBoa, which had Iroahled hi,,, ri Bally store. Hi, il,IH--.S tva* forth*** i-oiiipil. u'-id by BriRhfO Rlasa**, whb-l raosed blt dosi:,. Mr, liwftaftoa wa* bom ui Mi fo n (acm., ia April, IM'.'J, and .ana fe,lt, BB eld New Bagtaad ia mit.-.. Hi* Biker, .xhij?h C*xrrtOR*taa sta- ? on. 11 un* cpa Ira! lot i.r Caner* ia al Mt, I ;it,n,e:,, i i,,-.-isiil a r*raaa*a*ate*ri BBsMaUaa BM ft.; a,ni|ir*V, or y.>ai* ita* lt, lb* dr. 'ROOda lei'.- ll ,N,ti-Hat 'i. ll'' leaned xii*- >f.i*.m\-. of 1 h..n,|> - ii t, sod *'ii'-< .|ii. c. Ny raaai la B*w*Yor*t, oxactbtR len UM lulu.eailiit- Inislnc**. Ile hal -Iii"' been inter listed in th- IIIBBqlqil.ll41 al *,-"? BBB*-**. R* wa* a -lt , ?: H"pi:bii.-a i. bat WWI* BtsRhMJ OB alive Intf-i.-sl. Iii ttl. llfallfl "I lu* I" tv. nevi held BBSC*. Mr. ( itiii'.tl tu* a ix. mi-1 oi tn- Net-I.indi, ii Uorlety. A prix an fun. tal ti il! I*, leid ol tl' boase aid tl," le. ly si ill te SB*, i l , Mild,ni. (,,nii , lor burial. JIDi.K ALEXAKDRR V. Xl.k'r'l!. Port >mli!i. Arl.., Jan. 7.'.'.. Judge M-'aml ff Wafter, well known all ort ? Ibe Boatb, ba* ji:..r died ol lo* bORBO Of M.* son in ibis elly. Judge Walker * as Inn n in Virginia, and wa* icrent] .me peon ott. ll* bri a re-ldenl ot Ne* Orban* lo* i.f-v prom, and ams al .no Um* a Supreme Coori Jodee. 1-t oma) t ir ta wi- Karlin,i of ? The Dall) IV.nun.'" and ll,. Tin,.-* Democrat." ile hail i.e. n a reiMoal >.f tnl- ell) al..,ul fl s-ar. ? ? ? M sDl.-oN tl. tVIIITTAKRR. .\ii.o'io, bes, les.,., .jan. ??;,. xi:..ii-i-i c. tVblllabar. who stood bs tie- -Kio ol Rsm llou?toii when soota Xiuci, Ihe os-, rtbrua n Bap ileon ..r M. sb .. wa* broaRbt in a i iptise .ii ihe bal tlc ol San Ja,int,., nmi aha wa* on. of il,,- bistort* rharartri ol T.-xh*. Sled ,.,i Monday meriting nt ita agc ol rirhlj Iwo yeal , lb .ame bl I ? \ a ? i . I v pi it* BRO, and loiirhl in all : Ix war* iu which th<- ror.i Urpnbllt uud Ita Mal pnu. Ipoted. ?m? t> ll i'll xi'.'.I s .m.i xx mu ii BM ITU, ' i . Al. s.n. 1- r brail*, a tt H-hlKlwa il a r la rotated*, di-d yesttrtd*] *"? aa li "? isssaassnla, In le* rtOOS*, i.t No 7 I 1*1 I " 11 ?*"?!' ,.(',-.I Ila th. IM ' I i ?eTP|SJ roM 1 -hu, Uah a'.'", win. h "I- tel,,. I mi. |.ie 'i.i .1 .,i,. ii,- "j- bBta ht Itewlowo, S J la Inlt. I*.'ei. Mr. .--mila sa* employed In . ceri iii ii hi* ,,.:,-? latta unfrl mell yean .. ? ll ? tr, fl . r,. sered ri... en p in ,,r m. p. Deeral i x (-. . ,,r Nf. n:.. N J. tn 1-s.f , . .n '., N, i Xi,rt, ail , ,, neil d ?elf " III th hO'l- nf J-olv,..,|. Croll,., | I ,.. B* estated dealer*, I.ur he tatala* Ms Rcw.Tafh Bf*ol tof )\ilcnri Hal X .,. :h woi*B*S n amil, Int ,* of , v v ii-- va- ai., t,e presMenl or ih Ibsplfl Hall I.'i:.l..r lon pin. ol rfeaarfc. Hi* brothel . tVUIIaoi M -.milli. |,,-tn,.i-ei ,.t iVenlowa, N.J II, i- . -.-??. ai Mr*. V. I*. Mit',-.ii ami Mr*. A. J. . a'im, ..r m.- f. Be tu- .i.-ni af ur. a. a smitii ?l Bc ???? '? Th* Isnerii a 'i i.c e pla t m-OMrrsa Bfteiaaea st Ih uymo ot Mt*. A -I. " Nb iii \\--t i,,ia.--. ia* lattM! alli I*- Bt No tl-w .. N I .1.1/UVf, TIIE athletes. I'' * I || I'- ; I ,,t lh Ainafotir XI li Iel. : liiioii. liss Tf|"'-' ,| S t'f-ir Nolllvoa t' 'ill ? bkcUbi Bf tho l!'.a-ti ol lioraiaor* lol (Saturday, Pabral t is Ita (Will be bi 11 j: Um .x-t.-r House, Ik ; p, m. i he ooeetlafl hs i. ??-. ,a;icti i. roabl A. a -?- i.him'. t,r the VhlesRo Athletie A*.?. latloa, (. laJjora ., e ronuoittee jo-t abai Ih* ( iltxxxfla xi dotii - , i. dose is* altai ll |,r..t>o.e. :, Sa la rel ii ithl lb - ai Um \\" k* j- ie. Hi.- i.,,mn n.i AlsOUlbly all"f. tt f' .niTf.-l |, I Bifhl .-. UM bas Hal Blatch batwroa Uie sinrlii ami (4s*4dt*9 llod Para*. Thc casie derided nih tai, ahs*iM ? ?? ,-Ie Sith I'.e Mul, ,,. h . an! Or. haul- |,,i (lie , ', i a.|n,,i, "il|i or Mle X ,,.?? i. a . Nat..Hill I .ni nan .1 ?. 1 l,<- bpar BOB Ot* bp RIP t> si *,.'it-.a, i.e hui,- th.- hl|/Ji-- 1 wore, Ttl. The rbBtuploniblp cu*,: ead* la-ssttrios net Hie He* Wll! bfl j.ljya on .-l.-uda.. Th* Maatanh tVheolB*n rbi i lively ealasrtilnineal al heb ela."in*. No. RR J'i..*i? ' I'i.,, BU* BlRM luilinj,' "j* Ui" >bi f ;?n 't Um rm rta Baamt Thais wlfl 1, 4 i|*elsl simUi - ri lb* ai, idla AlbbBIc s-?., . at the , b:',ii ,n-, t.,-1....Ir ot evralsil ni B .', io. k im Un- parpe*e of mslstefl .sui jaieadrnf Ih.t ,.,,-t,H.tin:, and liJM.iv.- of He 1 r 4:,,11.-jt..-:, au,I UM ra:i-a<tioii ol 0U1.1 bOslars*. .-? J/ii/f,I 1 ASEA OS TYI'llf;: FEVER.'in -iiiui:/. B4*rrnty rear* .bl. who oa Moostaj ra iii, .', i.i Korti UnHber i-land from Itriletrue ltr.p'i.,1. rn ff erl i* g Hom typhus, died re*t*fUay mni-ir og, tteorga MeLaagbllfl wa* foand i i lu- ill xsiih ii,e i: ci-.- y. I. nlnv Bl la-lb v.,e llo-pilal. ihe follow rn: peraoa* w.-re s.-nt 1,1 Ita H -c.piiim Hospital yea "iiiav auBertOR Hom ixphi"* fever: J "in, n. K4*era*a, 1,im rm* pears old. al Ro. to CHj Hall Place; obn MrLoaghlln, iwtmtp-elgM peers oM, Rf Ka ii. .an.*'saan I -:.. '?'? r,.'e -Miller, I'.teiity i.lne xenr* old: flrOfl llorl.n. Hilly IWO tears old. nf No. Tal'! Wt*. sveiitbil, *i., ami (ill-las-- Nord, txxt-ri'x -liv.- saar* .1 TEA BtYES loll MQXSItJNOt SATOLLI. WaaMaajtoa, -Inn. Bi.?Hto, M.-idelln.- tinton Dahl :n-ii. sildosr ol lb* lalo .Ail mirri I DablgRra, ITUxa- 11 ea iht* jifternoon lu baaor at M sttlgaot tatatt, u. lesly nppi,luted ApOStofbl Deb pale |* thi* lotintry. lu- built-* aaaMRag Mr*. Dohlgrea wera her gaagbter, Ii*. llflffOflp mid Miss UM. Manv (>ov, rBRsTBI fib lal*, members of tba dlplomallc tirps mid proml mil peopl. In aocMlp calbd. lather Donglrcrtv. of I, ASJgasUBO*fl church. oSPjg a* laterprefer. Mo,, IgBOT r>:itolli heine able to RRBVOBRa onie lu Italian 1 niimbei' of the raOBl* Mddressed Monsliiijor -atolii a bb, unlive ii-niru.. which s-'emed tu paaSflfl him cry mucli. rui: rosDiTios op ors streets ison- The Net'-York" Herald. l*bo ..nee:, ot Rew-Yarh at Hie preseni momenr ernlnd Rp* or s nightmare. They are unutterably nd llleirll-ilbls nilli-,*, if We Sere a million a nu half of Hottentots, without BBsreraoMOl ot bbs kimi , m.i. sar. li H'm C "'? 7innsv|.-,,g> of pHsenienl* and bM?* alli* nnd Sialoage, tiling* could M-an-ely te- flrorm l,ii:i ln.v Itu MOW. lilli' p.idllk'-. alOII|C 111 ll sea of iucil.-,i.'lnoii* paste, bMOSmag. ulti-r 11 hell hour* trn^i^7'.- '-rilli (lrium*taiie.-s, rm osjeel of rmtaslly 0 hi* nelu'lbor and ol di*'.!!*! to him ."If. He ieels hat ii'-fTier Un- lonni be*! of tta summer 100*110* ,111 dry the rtHls that Ins ROatad Into Ml (.'srnx-iit*. or (he waler* of M.'Karu rinike I,lat or Itam eleni, pal*, our rro?rina*? :"" htataaU**** boo*, RHaiasse*. Hui v.llh Raab, -nois' Ital hus lost ir* repul.iHoli of lieaiuifui," mid Ita frraoi of pertly Beatty every IfllOBi thnt tles'i I* bm m. lt i* aliiKHt tlaiiReriui* 1 ta -Hive under pias-nt c-uciiui-tniic. -. Bbal ** ll"- imi-e ol nil His.' . . . We il,' -T-UM nmbii*B*ia by bud "-ovi rumel,1 . n,.,i ht Ita laag uud tali of lt. fa ara ii-.i uer uni: ?n ri|Mraleal fm a- expi-ndltiiro. Tarp* I* -<,met Ulm: rollo:. In Dni i?,i,. Ita paople an- v?rv pr..r>.-rlv dl*.-urlstieti nd iii'lfjiiiini. il lb* blfBlfaiasM trovOis cl.arse "f Hil* mutter If ls either Incompetent <>r -onietiiini; wor**t>~?-|i| vacate the prf-ntM-i. we cnn nu to work lu a bu-liies, war lind liave the street- cleunel on tm-!:;.--* |,r1n.T|,|,... \\nt inch fl sperrnclo as mis rltv pi'*.ni* today ls a dUgra-o to tn.- prop!??. and lr throw* sn.pirton on erny om- ario I* din-ctLv or in? cl i r.-. 11v r.-*|or:*|bb- f(,r lt. We an- rmfertng fnun eatrageoa* irtBgtiTsrnBwnt. ned. tim plain truth may? as well ta told li) plain Rsgbsh. STU A 7 NOTES HERE A ND THERE Tsvo m-n (tot Inib un argument Hie otb. r div i#\-r RM c.xpmi-lon of sieam lu a t vllml.-r. -Why,'' BRM I ono, --you don't hnow anyiliiiij* ubout rr* hlnrv and Ibo ReUsrlpb*B of m.-ehanic*. Your thumb-, ni" not ?jbaoaal righi." He ih?-n Braal aa to rxptala Ibal a 111:111 wllh loaf, Hun I t.uinb* did mu have .1 ui-e!iaiii' al turn, wbil- tho-.- up a tiibk thumb*. Mood at tta end*, | flrere aaiuralbora wbiMMbIs "I inver btlleveg lu pbpatogaoasp," b* saM, -but 1 Ra taRev* in I bombs. Now, thumb* have boen apprct lated iver -luce tho world bi Ban. in" ant l.-nts iimsJ to call UM thumb UM oi.i'r hand. BRlbotaaa king* used io swear and BJashB comp nts by theil lliumr... Ill Hom" lt wu* a stR* of favor to willie and i.l** Un- thums, niel of dl-favo, or til-era. ?? ti un th ni np ,,1 mm ii,em OOtWi.rd. A man win. stn* hurt In bi* thumbs ssas , \cu*isl fi*,in serving lu Ibe 17. in:, t. star-. Roam ol the ..- until'liv ciUxenx u-t-d 10 cut ('i 11:'-ir lliumb*. BB as 1, i-inain hom-- ami Uti nih. Tem tara 0*rd lo punish Ihrtr pupil* by biltng Ihrir thumbs. Ob, tta thumb I, a great and mi m.-tni-,'.-. 1 inn hr*h at tie iiui.iio or a yo,ms wimma mid desert** bet nguri;, i can ? li st heiinr she l* tl,in and bony, or .tiiunip and rnind ; whether her Joints un- lnr:re and ll! shs pea, or small mid perfectly pi'.'portion.d. Hy ejumlnlnR u man's li,limb 1 cnn tell ss lint oiifjlit io be hi. vocation." A per*! 11. atgntof himself - A. Stupid." writes la Tta Tnbiine Hint Ita egg pal In th- Recanter by tbe ? lub man (the atorp was In '.bl* column the attar dasi KB* arched in. rheta waa a hole kt tta sMe or batta** <>f Ita Seeaatet io arbleb ita lips were spatted io draw lb* .-itu- throiivrii ihe Beeb or Ita sb*eaater, ta bi ii--v.-s. W-ll, -Mr. -fuold'' I* nu tbe xs n ag lin!.- He 1* not evin Bear i-i^rlit. There ssas onlv one hole In Ita decanter, mul lhat wu* In Hu- eera. Iht- I nek i* tb -.mi lest Iii Ibe world, bat at Ibe ?am.- Uni" a-ton!*hliifr. x proper rare mu*t be u*.-ii lu doing lt. Riny an ea perimt-nter Mm < os 'on si hin,*.-|f with Ibe volk before intUii"- reen the ss hilo of un rgR M u bottle. Let "A. MupjM* uy again. _ Somofhlnp lat- hotter than Hie egg trick tv 1* BBMPBU Rt a (anl paris lu Twenty eighth *t. fl Righi or two aga. Tn,. exMMtor Rtstlotwd hlm*oli M ta R reformed Nimbler. Ile had B**dfl mm h money rmi "f the 11 Ult, and did nol mind lenin-,' a few fileiid* know me **eret, 11,- arrant***! tsvo svi,i*t Reatta tram ute deih. in one ,,| which there trot* sli I ramp* and in Ita other none. Thc ennis being iprrqg oat on tta table, fnto up, he Rot <".''?) Itali he ...ubi t-il.e ni her bund mid beat any man in Ita nc an boMIng tho Other. A sonni.- wiu-t pta)** tried him with th* trump bang and l" t. Thea an old r.-iioi*. took Ute oilier hand, wiii.h he -aid ssa- ih., itronser, and also I?',t. Ot bera loll, mri -il mit, and lost. ll made li ?> .llllerenco ssl,., hud m.- bail, iinaiiv ii,.- ..ld r.ii..w brie* aplin and ss.>n. lb- bad anals/.ed Ita play. It li 11*4 note to bfl! "ll ll" Ililli SVltll a III-I-' 11*- plaxel- Ulolo Hui:, oiicc. uiiii tss-o players evenly amtctad Ut*.' trump hand attrayi ta beaten. Tops Hshi i, a -Imple thine <-,,mp ired lo what it aaa sesctitv -,r a hiimlntl tenir. BRO. The book of lo day he- br ., fly t.-.r i"f apprlght, IBD3, by DonaM *'. (michell." or wbatevrt lb* name .>( Ita aatbo* may tx-, lu th" tli .t s.-nr* of lb* rt-n'mv Hil* i* like wbal hud lo ta printed BR lb* Hs leaf of a book pu'iUsh '1 lu XewYorb: u*mattani Dtstrui if Kew.Vorb, --. Ho ii remembered, lhal rr ii"- lentil day of Joauary, ht nie iMrty 1 Ith sear of ita ladepandoa.f UM I'nttad Mate* af America, mi.I R'aoi, ,.f UM saM District. talh tapealled in lui* aRtre, ih- ntl-- .,f b I <*'!(, the rlsht WtaTI'Of ta - Illili* a- pi'.| lielor. Iii the tollowlll.* is. ,nis. i,, ss:,: -riiii... Rmbleat*, uatiual, I.l -tm it ul. -. and divine, lol th. insiiii'iioli anti a,m.*.?men' of VoUlii: dl-pbx .,'C ita bun,;.-, anti nu,lal* or ile- am I, nt lui ul! I- ' In .formllv lo t<>" 4,1 .J Ita ' mis rv** "f th"- t oiled*. onilll.-d, -Au ,s,i f..r ti- '.rsgemeiil of limrning; ot"."' Th;* ,t,i- signed bj lb,cn Hinld, 1 l-rli lil tta .-south.uti Dtkirtri ,,r Kew X m-ii. Tta text i* labea ii..m a inti" t-Miii Heit 1 uti., irom Hie library ol Rlcbstrd Urea! While. HISS I os I ER WAH MISS ( RESS1YELL. Tin: rouxn x\i, xi xv wini hud xi* r.i.i.1.1 vrr. XV X THE li X! 'ill I'I lt di' X SX I I.l. KN 'NX N Il x DEMOCRAT - A lei.' MARTED. lb" Marrar 1 Foster who died un ru. lat atora. Inp In c. lbs ue lloepltal from Ita eReets of u crlm laal opera 1 ton wa* non* alter I baa Marga iel t*oat*e 1 're a-s .-ll. daughter ol Ita tal* C lonel tresswell, uoc* Pp. uk. r ol Ita I'euii.s iv.i-iin Hons of Repn ."t.i ii iv. -. I'M* tar! was .- 1 ti-n-i.eii beyond -tl! iioestlim yes Irtrtay ni rei,c.* i-i :,i- MrnllSralbm ol iii" body mad* by \s. I. R'uodcorh, el Alloon.-i, I .-nil.. nUorii v for Mr-. < .nett, Ita r-'bl' rn-'t .d', and Martin Bell, who ts Di-linl -Mlo;ae- of Ilulr I omits. I'e'in. '0>rj:. W, BflRth, xtl.o il-*, rib.-tl himself a* 11 Iras. I'i,,;: -il.s,?aii. ,.f Nt. RR MlitU ?:., BOd alu timi be had known Mi - CieiaweU Irom child h<?*i, iud ci.ibti al Ita Rora** writer and le*tlfl*d to ter i.i-ntiis. ih.- Bttoattoa of itase ibreo wll ie?* had ic-n rolbd lo ii"' casa is tbe pttbthted il.-? ilplii.n* ol Hie wanan, and by lor own .oi.*lalit reference* t.i Alloooa a* lb* puce of ber binn, lim lin- 1 ih ti.. ibe mau ttl," bnitujbl about lier Iroubt* and ital "f tta mun, or o-oaatn, who brotigbi about her d alli are still iilikii'it'. 11. Rr. Roodkmrb and Mr. ie m reached Kew-Yorh early yestciday Burning, and wenl -ti once ii Um m.,:.",., whore Ihe* IdenUfled tte body. Pb UM r. p..,im. Mr. RVMrorh afterward ...ld ital Ita Read st..m.ti ha.i bcb.nuoj to one of ile- best-known fam 111.. ..; 1 >.,ir loniit.. xt pr*seal Ut* triaads -urn ,,..niin,' of Ibe ama sshu hud wimped her, but wara Irjrlng lo Ind Mm. Ml Ci* iwell had studied physi? cal rub or* :it Uorbester, and obtMimd s Mab****. I'nls i\t,, ss..-ks iij-o Ita I :.:'i ot lain, ilini "f H'.lli daysbarg had granted to her tta ase "f tb* schoolbous* for her piif ll-. C 'lonel Iii swell. B - tat. llb 1 lucite j 1 at-, Bgo, loaring glib" pn-p-rts. s-. I ii li was heavily aawtrMged. Wnrgnret s-.a, almosl Ita noli *i|-|.-"t >'f :i 1 m-.llicr ucl lister. l.a I 11U11I Ita two attar ney* leli New v.,ii. fm Alloons oq ih hirlttc Bspra '. labial ita b. is -.str,. Hi tn, The i-i.-f. af pj|M': lound la Ita room ixcopied bj Mi-, i: ,s,ii in ita lon-t ol lr. He. Landau wei-o palched i'i?'i '.T yesterday- nnd (tan lhere ? .niie It light a .'.ss v, :,l?h urns ja,.-ii,ly 1 ad io Im portanl Rlsroveri Amung u uumtar of .nidi-e-*,': ou tta pasted .-Hp wa- thal or Dr. c. W. SeMen. who us.-. :ii ,N,,. sis \\.-i piny tl lid -1.. Bod ha* mi "Hie ai Ko. 217 w"*t I'.u-it ninth il. .x 1 legram found hi Mi-* ('ii'--.s'.tii'-, i-i,i,i un.1 Bddi*esst*d to M.u.:.ii,.| Footer, Ka, 'J'.s Weal Pill 1 I im*i. t,ml il,,:, il .Inn,,1,rv IT. ten das.* ugo, road a* folbie.*: ?? Will you pol work In XII,em.,. An iwer imui'iiiaiiav. Kl/ab'th RiRrrU m." Thi* puen io .how, ll I* ia-li,--..ii. tint Ml tn Cress -.vol! ssa* Bl Dr. ReMeo** hoii-e boob ofter ber ar ri-, il In Ibis .Itv. Th" police of tba Tr ei;|y .*,, .md I'l-eilnet se*tcnlav st",'- ninian" auxin.:* :il?|iilii,-s aban! Hr. Rctdca. Br. SeMeo'a advertl-tt*meuI read* ns folliisvs: ??* lie.'illn: toiiualeniiat treitin. ni ,o:i*uii Dr. aad Mrs. getge.Ra. RI" Wait fbrip nu.ii 11 i.' n- ilel.slix.-s did ll"! lilli RT. "JS'ldell, l.,*c:i"*e Dr. s. bbu nnd bi* wife have di- ,|.|i".,,e,i Lal ? on xi, nt!:.} ukin ll.- c., plo |. il llietr liu>e. saying lhat ihey e-mid nol loll abra lue* would rellim. Karly on 'f.'in morning Dr. -? hicu weal lu lib room*, and aller ii few minute*- wenl away. Keliher I,., nor i.i* tsir. ha* dorr ihea I..1 wu, riitar al Ibe house or al Ita ollie-. Who Eliza ."Hi K'.b.-iism mat I-.- ran iml) be tobi at Altoomt. 1 ah (Timuier Ress. Kier and D.-pntv Coron.-.' Conwus are earlie.t in a. mining Mi-- tandou ol naponslldlli) foi mi** Cn-saell's death. *? We atv "atlsRed from Ibe ron dill,,li "I Ita bods,'' *aul Dr. ''..nit ny, "thal Mi** .11 iiiiili-rti.iii H.I* opei-ml-m many RM]'fl BBfOgt' elli tu Mc I. to lau'* bOMOO.* Tilt". .V/.IV A El HO IEE AT A roXCBBT. The pii|.iu of Malan Brsdley Keshn bo*/* ? niaue lui i*-t niKiii oi rm ? j lars* aodlaocfl u OmaaatflSB ROtlc Hall. .Setciuli-Bsc. and 1'lfrt *( icnth-*!. An lm*B***Jag Bl BRI BOMBO ?a? 1 eu.l.-iol by Mi-- Ethel Nett esmb, Mlsa Ulta u.titt.-ii, Him Biala larnoThbumi ant i.ottrried ll. l'-derl'-ln. Th* nain i?ui|to-?? of thc retltal tts. U5 deu.on.-.ute RM in.-ilts of RM ntw key boa:tl. Which b?? bc-ll ir.'., i, dtocuasod nf ROB, and bv n,,-in? ol tshbli it 1" claimed tltat the ta_- ItniiBl Jirtb-ultl. . of plsuofoire pMPtRf ste jsr- adc RRflbtMtadi The lam. attendant-"- iii'liiat-d 1 loniiderible lnl?r?'st in tills devb.-o. BELATED CRTTICISM. Kron The New Y irk Commercial Ad"e.ll*er. lnillguant ritl/i-n. who write la ' l'iic New-Yorli gretdog PCflt*' Uui ital' Uon.e garbRja rr* njt been reiiK.t'd I,ir a loi'iul-*ht, *o lue<>ui*ni 1* Mn so." (Hl ros'* -treet ileulillig bureau, doubtl"*. neall xs iis -u'rre'-ful elfirts -il that Journal to e.ithiine Gilroy nnd lils pal* over ii*. It wa* no?, until Mr. des??? li.nd'* elecilnn ssa-- a**tir,tl (hut Mr. t.llrov beeame '? lllrli'ir.x land lorn.' Il'-roio Ita . le. i,,ii - pi,,, I.s.liing Iml" a-.i.-i-d Nest Vm-koi*. [bal "In bl* pre-fiu p-i.-iti in (Public Worh*l ta hu* shown greal e*,<-, mho rnperHy. mid ha* aamlnlatered bl* gepnrtr m.-iii i" tn.- ipparent ?dvanlage ol ita .lix. . . . .Nu tatter n niiii.itl'.ii 101 Ita oflsf* to l?) lill-si enid luis. be.n mild,- willmot gotRg WtsMe the onrjuii/niiuii io Whlrh ta bob ns;-." la otln'i ttonl*. *,-s,ral v.-n mtflmabte ptaileBaon who Bright ta oamrl ss.;,- no. to h.- melli!,.fie.i lu the s-iiii" l,:*-iit|| ssitti Mr. UBro) as a candidate Ior May >:. tstreef rbaatag I- 1 depgrtaieai ol public wor., atid i'll la iiuiie.- Um Rogar. Th? abase or timi indi vldail bp --The i'venlii-a l'i*(- and lt. 1 Hi-nlol- I* IHodcil and treacherous. We jm further. It 1* asinine, llas-liv imide Its bad. our rh b-mle r- n toiiitHiniiv aud Its hy*:.-rltal ciistlimii, \ BBOtlM lie dowu mi lt and -uv ti thing. ."OE I TIC AL ODDS AND ESDS. COL. S. E. WINSLOW TIIE KEW STATE CHAIRMAN' Boston. Jan. Sto-M a meeting of thc r.epubllesi .-lat- (vntr.-il Committee yesterday < alone! Samuel K Wln-low. of Worcester, was chosen . b.-iirmmi for th tomlns year: c.. S. lorpent.r, Rf Hrookllne, tren rarer! K. c. Bcntaa, Rf Belmont, chairman of tb* ex i-cutlvo commit:.-e : George Von ... Meyer, of Boston chairman of tb* liliane.' committee. A rennin! lol wu* adopted tiiunkliiK Klten ft. Draper, the retlrlu; rhulrniuii, for his srork in the last campaign, ????solution of respect to the memory of ex-Prcsideu Hap** 0*0* also adopl'd. A DRRiOCRATIC BAKtjj-CKT IN RICHMOND. nict.nionl, V*a.. Jun. Ti'..-The niurli-talbed-of D.-mn cr:,tb- taBqarl took plate lo-nlght Rt Ibo Mii-oni' Temple. The aiti''. taweref, was not what ll projectors had BBllclpRtei. Few fjaatalRenl possttcMa BUtsM* ot Viri-lni.-i ware Toasts wore nil iioiiiii-i\ lng ro-peiubtl io ai follows: -'Th.* Preri deni oi.-t and tba Denim latta IMtip," W. C. V. Hrecl, Iniidge, of Kentucky : "Turill Reform.*' W. L. Wilson of \\V*t Virginia; -'Tho LiOBORI of the Elecll-n.' (harli-" s. I'uircblld. of N"W-York: "The Commercla Krait or the Democratic Triumph." John M. Allen, fl Ml--l-*lppl ; - Vtririiili," General Kltr.hui-ri Lee. KORIKATEO loll M.Wui: Of BINGHAMTON*. H'nghiinifoii. N. Y.. Jon. 2"i.-Tli* Republican Clfx Coiiveiitl'iu tonight unmiiwit'-d Of Rip E. tireen fal Mil 4,,I . L'Oi.OR.'.l) Hri't'l'.f.K ans MEET. Tta (,i i-ii Republteaa Comity OrrgaotaaUaa had i BJtsettag al No. IM Sistli-ave. la,?t SlWOtagi st, which 4 aid ll. MtaMM pr-sld--d. Tho Ber. Dr. UT. II. Derth-k madi ni i ti rem bm the future or Mt aatorag moa bi poRRoa Ur, M su-tviirr and V. R. ROBBM BBM IgSRO. I'lepaiiUon. Pa bflUbafl prbOOrte. io elect d ftojflflflfl from (he .*. s ens di*tii't* BaRaaMtad, a tarp* pariel thc flsamhaflsba] lasur stiu.'. I* Known u* the Philadelphia pl** of organl/a ti,n ami .,r ,sodncthsR prtanraTtos. Hr. Deirtah has man.. Iii.ntl lu BM bolt- who fasor hi. n'/irn lo Uie RepoWMM Stat ? Cuniniltf.e a* the lipiriinlBllTn of the colored soler* Meararm taobtog to tin* md Brets under ?*r last sYBBtog ? ?*>- ?? CATHI -IASM IR THE XITII DISTRICT. a mar Hag <>r bbc Repottlcaa A*>oiattoii of RM Xlri Assembly District tm* hcM Tuesday aveotag at xo. sii Msth-is". John C. O'Ct.nnnr prasldad. The nieetlnrj wa, well BtttaRsd and the BBssaastoaa paaiaRp shown in i liter rflmpalm *'*** llaplBJOS* tal*****! RRW member trero ClOCRM anti a h.r.'e iiumh.-r of BropaBBlB for uieaiber ship r.'"-ived. BpaaehOB mot* made by Janies Ii. Town ..?nd, lol, E. Rotas*. John -jablne -smith. Lyman B Rh*W and several others. Til HY WANT TIM'. QCARTERS (.TI A Ni. KIV Tta l'*e|i.iblit:tn hradiparti-r* of thc XXVIIIth As s ii,' iv District tara iee;, established ai HM Wu-htnator li Ighs* RepabBeaa tl ab. One-iuind-eti-iiid-ilfty-.tefond-*'.. uni T-nth-ni '. This I* on" of the nettly BtOOhM Assem My flaslrkts, and UtotnA Mlcbafll Kerala i-,a? been decies flu Moder. lt i. BBBMlnt bi- eimile* f,. Cronin, wlii nu. Usart al Rerwto*B oppoocol for Ma bagsssbsp, ant by ot!.." r..-|.nblli nu. ssh, ,ise In th" lotv*r part of thr iii*;,i,t, ti.ut ita Os* rr tl, lo mamas RM taoaajaottari to b.' i-tabilih-tl ot iii* hom- .-lui., bas tak-n the'- tor fut un'.ian. and thal a ntojoritr ol the OMranl'itlou hsvt Ih-'lr hoin.s miles away fr mt 'ieual|ii<trtor?. The l>r BB nt -ll . they i:-1*7. n.nJe* M a l:ard-lil,, fat them to arfml Mt ? BIBBtlBflS ?f th" arsaalaOttaa th' district ion) BUttee. The lower lim- ol UM diOtrtet ls ar One-hundrd ?nd'ts nui-tii-*t. and it esrends gmthaaid to sRoftofl Dnvsil (:, ell. (.eic ul Kerrill anti hi* adler nts reply Ital th" kesatas* Ires al Oar-hood .-?d-ani!-tiftv.*e?-oiid-*t. uni 1'- nih *??. ar" ronald rably *ou(h of Bhe dliirlet cen lr* and that t ons qnentl.v M". Cronin and his sup pasten neat Um tow r ba* smrm ie>*. la tt**pmtm. An eliot 4i lil ],r'.lf?blf lo- and* ?'. thc nest merlins te i-oa*il-r Ibfl ,ot- Iv ss in, ii RM Hall kl h'sulti'i'-Ors it.,- e-tabiiih d ai iii- Washington H.'i'.-hu Rf-pobUcaa (-'lub. A WOOROI'S CItCB iv TIIK XXIID. A rrgolar weekly raeetlng of tho Abriham Lincoln He. pabl'caa elah .rf Um XXIII arat-arMp was heM I :--In Bight in the elab'B room*. Nu. PSI Ka*f? .seventy si vt Ii-.'., nu , |i,i,. nhl, a was koowa durlnrr th'- l'resl tl tr rampllga a* the John XV. Terry A?-oo|ation, h..* tak.-n oa a io tv life a?(l ||fl BMBtaM pr-upo e ta work ti troualy lor to* Bepabikoa asitr. Rsa*rtB. I i*-*nl- nf. of (li ? i lui,, pr-sided ai Tm *du> Olghtf* ii.CtliiitT. lin- Rev. Lr. Mefiirlliy. ulm ipok* ro-'pi'-iiliv tliirti..- tie lu-t rampatga, arMieaml th-' elah sud hapsaoaM upon BM BMmben Km t.--itv ,,r raraeat work and eaacartad ? ? Ms*. ile tia* loll,mel bv Hiaaml flowers, who ad located Um appoiaUag af Mi** Barn to c?nvs>* tho du lr:, I, In-t. ul of BO* J* i* BOO the ea..-. His sufcgeitttoii na- auaolmoady adept, i " X.lmiinl " I.* Mrirtiy thc hlghesl gnaUty of Cl rmi ilia aroa produced. \eier koa Rarry'i Tririmhsraas failed ro sirencilicn, UlirBen, IsajrUieu. snltefl and I in pa ri a uk-aiuy l'i*tr" lo the hilt l> whi.ii lt lia,- he'll BPpUoa. tar-* all *t:alp di?>'aiie*. MARRIED. BARRRTT fLARR-Oa XXednesdav, Janna-r IS, IBPR. br ttl" K's si r of Milli,rook. X V.. at rJie rcldenie ?.f the bride's Bade, John i ii-si Bams, esq., inborulo, X. i .. i;. Lathrop ll.irr-ti. .if i.i.iran'* si.ition, to Alice V. . lark, formerly of North I.i-f. \. V. Bt'ilNTO.V- KINKY Oa We1n-sd?v. Ja'tuarv IRth, WW, by ii,- Hot. iiiiiHTt R. MacArthur, H. H., Earaoa Kinnv I.. S her- Mural.mi. Ill I'M ll II XltX'l'.V--i a XV"t,-il,t- .1. ulan- i-.-.Ui, 180?, ht the Rev. A. I*. UiVoii. Mi*. Aoole Italie lian, v to t>,!.t?do XV. Hitler. li xi.i,- pa p. iii i ir "ii xv.d leadafi J* BirrfMth, ta i.ra.e I'buis-h, lt the Rex. xvii,, lt. Huutiti-rtaiu, I). H.. aad tba lbs. Jane* V. I hun:..,.. k rede ll ka XV.-iitwoith, ,:,,?,-- ?f I*,.,.,. p. parrutt, of Ard n. N. Y.. ta th-* Kt. Percy Foster ll iii. aMlstaal robtiaMr of (.rai-o i ..,. i,. Jt.\I->. III'RLBI'T-Ofl Wedaeadar cs.-iiIub. J.inuarv SSUi, ic Um R*v. i lui:'- Cuthbert Hull. H. H.. Maiihii i'm. doughtei et t:. Bralseo Uuctbat, to Henry Jolie*. r.r.vv t"iii:\ tm tVedtMsd**-, Jaaaary SS, l-su;!. br Un: K i FUnhoel Beaiaoiln, M. .... badle ta,hen i., ts^a-- J. l.-sy.'ov RIM ll xr the hone ol ber fath-r. s. M. Par,a,. I-,--,;-. H. J on i''i'-iiv ereolog, Jaaoarj 14, Inna, I.* the Iles. John Crawford, J?nmo u. Hirth to Jamb X'.in Derveer buMSttm, uf Toutwanda, N. V. Notice* of uirirrlnges mu*t bc Indcracd sith full natue uud niiaiess. DIED. A- "I ..*." Rd wa rd R . MW al .'norie* \. ami I'.li'n ACBOB, in Un .lot i yea, of in- age. Reta! I so* a,d tri,nd* am ie*(i-..ti'iiiiv Invited io a((and Ct" run.-,:,| from hi* lat* n-.i'lem -. at T'i,". on tho il,::'m lt,. R? aa Thin.* hiv, January **uth. -servlr.s at i p.m. ia i,a :<js... t, rj ul i ? il, ... Heis.i ?i :4 :ot ii. m. Interment u tn.- eoarentooci nt ramilt u: Rorwalk, Caa*. ann x\- sndii.-iii. in Brooklya, aa Jsooary iiti. Elwaid x.ia, |r., :il--'U '-??'i t ar*. I'lincral IIIT.KI.I.V .lanni,. "Jd, IRDS, * '.'l.alv. of tieatt fail,ir-. Ihcodor- a. Bulkier, len ul the li,,,,*, ot ir* slater, Mr*. M. V. Honks, rrj Ito h. ? I . Brooklyn, on Tharrdajr, ;i p. m. Il-la-, III,-ll ut I Mt . ' xlii-.l Mi I'tiV Suililnlv. on T'icsl-it- inorulii-.', Janini" ?_nu. i: Irabetb Carrlngtao. Pun.ral - -si ,* v in t..- ht id at her lot* r"-:donce. k;:i sse-r 7<il,--l., oi lim *Jat .'rrcinoon, Janua-v -Ji'.th, ut .a ?? io. k. , xiiiiKs'. |. N Hnddanly, Januiry "4th, at bl* laa- r?'si, .-.,, IIIR lei.-nin- -n -.. tn* . ti v. Jame* il. Car iln-'tou. ul th- TJil teat- of ,1* ju',-. I',cn ral pillule hu.i nt Milford, ('"na. ,-,\..aij st Newark, N. -i.. tVedaeaday, Jaaaary 2'uh, ?.. ,i-ii..- N'ewtos LoBBor, aixl 7-'. t-ili*. :..,,...,' serslre* tim be loll al inu.'ty (hui,h. Xettaik, ,,n l nil n. j, -a ii- ;.. a 2 |>. m. [nternuul XIouul Pioaaoai i ,:,?t.av, Nets-ark. R, j. Ul \/.i .in Toe*day, Januari .-lin. jt her resldenn, Co. rona, H. I., Latin J. wife oi i.oar I*. Bros! ass.' ?iim-lit-T (,f xl Ml.uni Pro. tor. of Newts-Din. H. I., ju the :;",|li yeal- , r lier lg ', ? -? a . i, * Bl M-'a.Hli?t ('.mri li. Corona, Ia. I., on iiiiii.i. Jaaaary PTHi, si I JO p. m. r.xii:-m-i"nt.i'll*.??.i. Ta*mar marotaf. at her toto resi ,|e,,., . M Ml l-.inl'.-m.-.. Tampkln.Viile, .stuu-n IslsnU, Marj Towo*.I s.-ndd-,. wit.. ,r Kieham lair. ii.oi.l -,isi... al .lin-, inn iii.. Nen.?i ifiuon, I'ridav, ci' 27th io-' . al :* p. m. PjK'- 2 o', lo a: ii.iif Ires, .smith i'crr.r. ?Di.'.i.r. xt Bantacket, M..--., Jaaaary .mu,. Ipejg, fjp. ctetla I ol;." i. uni',tt t?r I io:i<i* ll. Falgar, a?,d ;u year*. I ai.!.?la .iir-e, i ut. aa Jaaaary 'nth, Rev. Wlltlaia Hali. M. a.. aged SB .vin ? un.lui -,- ike* ttlll I.- lolil it .st. Antr,Kline tlisi.-l iTriuilT l-srl-fi,. IOI 1-.-- Ii...,-.,,ii- - .. .\. ii.Vork ,?! Timi .tiny Burning al li a'ctacb. i'll* M;it lott hat., .la,..i . 7_"7JJ, la UM ts'itl year of hi* ase. "narra, wrvtre* at h:* kit.- icstaleace, i.l xvest i3d--t., Thur-day. .'(Jth ln*(-. ot 1 p Bl. iM'.S'i l.s -u I'Shlcill-on-ltud-on. on l'u?'4day. Jaiitiarv Sith, Daniel I'roiiinicll.i TcrpMocK Ki:et"l?. In (Ht-- ead \t ii nf Bil ' - .'tu,, rtl .cul.-e. v. iii be heh! at. st I.ukc's ("tiurch. Mat UOS ni, un Thunlav. Janu-ir. .iltli. at t :30 p. Bs. *rrtagea vin atvait arrival nf tiains ??. ri>hkill-on-H>id *ou MSB rhe North sud South. ,l.(HT)-.vt Netvtjtvn. I. I.. MoOdBy, Januirr *:a, lrJOS, R. I.losd. *?*d 71 yeai*. ? sarine** st Use rMBbmc* of Boa. n. J. (>arret *on. |a Newrotvn. Thursdav Jbiiubt..-, ot 1.30 p. m. Train* h-ate Lon( CRp at 1 p. m. JA'J'Iir.XV->-On Iuik.iv, Januarv 21th. stiUdnilt-. of an.,a--xs. Marv Mithetvs, mother of Mri. H. Ruthven Pratt, services will be held ?t Cslsary Church. 21it-?t* and Fourth-ate., lliuiiday afternoo.i at 2 o'clock. ,11 X\(.LV:-A1 ROostM. R. J-. aBBr ? br.ef llbaes*. on January 23. aub*.me Ia., allow of Ano* Shinjie, In thc 3Tth seor 0f h*i ag*, "imeral Mi Vt*** at the ic?idonc? of Mr.. Phillp 0,1 I I't.rsU.iv. Jth.urv JR, at 2 o't lock p. tn. "rlend* ate Invited M lTII-*J*nuari- tt, at 7 F.a*t lilth-si.. L'hji-l?s AlesandT Minlth. Un,.,ul ?eri|.-e? al th,- residence t,r hi* *l*(er, Mrs. A. J. Damn. 411 Bfasl I7ntl-uve. Iritftv. ll 4 p. nt. uterine-,r at Kewtea. S. A.. RatuidaT next, un atrltal of 12 B'rtorh train irutn BMI of Rare! ir-st. iTKBtalNU Oa i',i.-*dav, Jaooary -'4tb, of BSBMBjSflpflMa, .a Morristown, N. J., Sarah xviiiicinb Rtertbor. wire of liconie ll. Ktertlog, and daupht.-t of J. M. and Sa rr. h C. XX hH."nh p-laf te** ami f. ki.ds a,.- In'-It'd (< attend funeral servp-es n iijtlor ,,f l'.Miitlii.u I ils-nia.l". 17 Wost :Mlri-*t., V.-it-Voik. on SalurU.i.i. .lanuury 7-Stii, at 11:30 a. m. Birra) Bl it RrUgrpatt, CaR*. I'i I HUS-,,, ia,.-.lav. .I.,: ti irv Jilli, at RflflMMSL lonii., Mai ri**t tVhlton. ttlfc or William R. ll BMI B, of fccranton, I'.-iiii.. Iii Ihe o'lh year of her *".e. 'Il 11', i'.-s .st ||?. r?*jM*aa>? of hU puient-, IR l'-a*l U4?h *t . New.Yoek. neorte MeWhorler mu.rues, soui.insi -,.r Hoary r. Btutms* and bomb .xdanu m. xx kui ter, apel 4 sear* aid 7 uiu-itlu. uui-ral pris au. BIKO. SWFF.T-Sta.poen Sweet. Januiry 24th, ap* TS roora. Funeral aervia ?* Triursdav evea lag at 7 oWaeh, al ROR Monnie-*( , Brooklyn. Interment J-rloajr ai Albany. Albany and Troy poper* piesse C4rpy. TAYLOR- Suddi-nlv. on Juiuaav ?tllh, at Ue MttRMS SC | hal mother. Mr*, eik-pheu Babcock, 344 Vreit stSd-*t.. Ralph V. Taylor, agaa 2S years. Funeral services at toe above addr*M, Thursday evening. at 7:46. Friend* Invite*. rn,rial 'u Rhode Island. TKOXvniiiDiiK-Ai Hn-kensactt. K. J., on Monday, ?"act? uary '2ad. Munu Trowbridge, in his -Nth year._ Funeral from hi* Ute residence, at 2 p. m.. on Thursday. Jamjars- -"-nth. ? Trato leaven New.York, Irom foot of ( ortUnlt and De*. bros*?* Hts., at 1 :10 p. m. VAN BYCK-Tuesdar. January 24, 18U8, the R*v. It. H. V'ao Dvck. I"ia. ul .'rom his late re.ldenco. 1,007 Iksi/otd-avr., Brook' Ivn, on Th"i.dat at 11 a. m. WARD-At I'amdens, ijifornla. January IfttJi, F.lten H. Ward, widow ol' the lion Killah Ward, of New-Vork. Th.- interment wat ta at Woodlawn Cemetery on Friday, the -.*7th Inst* A i-iiu will leave Hie >.tand Cental Station. H*> lem Ditlslon, at 2 o'clo.-W p. m. Friends o' the family a.e inxited to attend without far. ther nollie. XViniD-in the eltv of .\ew-York, on Wednesday. January JVn. 1803. FJI/abeth XV. Nicholls, widow of th* lam Waiter A. XVood. of Noonac Falls. Ttew-Yerk. Notice of fun, r.i I hereafter. Keoslca rem*terr, aa tho Harlem lUilreod. 4R ?lattm frssi th* Oraad Cnn teal Depot. New Depot ot *s trass*. Ornea 10 East 4*2d-*t. Special Notitita. ?ats** Executors' A tutsi ute stale AT CHICKKRINO HALL, TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) RfjRRIRO, BEOINVIBR PROMPTLY AT 8 O'CLOCK. (ADMISSION WITHOUT CARD. SO RESERVRD SEATS.) ON KXHiniTION THIS DAY AND EVENIRO. (0 A. M. TO 0. 7 :80 TO 10 P. M.). AND TOMORROW (FRIDAY) FROM 0 A. M. UN Rfc NOON, AT TnE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. MADISON SQL'ARK SOUTH. MODERN PA IN TIN OS, REPRESENTATIVE EXAMPLES OR CELEBRATED MASTERS, BELONOINO TO THE ESTATE OB THE LATS CHARLES J. OSBORN, TIIE ESTATE OF THE LATE EDWIN THORNE, AND TO EDWIN S. CHAPIN. Also RUSSIAN. FRENCH, AND JAPANESE BRONZER, EUROPEAN AND ORIENTAL IVORY CARVINGS. SEVRES, ROYAL WORCESTER AND OTHER PORCE. HAINS. ELLI'ANT CLOCK S17TS, MUSICAL BOX OR. t'BESTKA. ELABORATE FLORENTINE CABINET BRIC-A-BRAC. CARRARA MARULE GROUPS, "LOVE AND PSYCHE." Br ALBANO. Flor nee, ETC., ETC., BELONGING TO TUE ESTATE OK THE LATS CHARLES J. OSBORN. TO BE SOLD BV ORDER OF EXECUTORS. ON TO-MORROW (FRIDAY) AND SATURDAY AFTE*. NOONS, BEf'INNINO PROMPTLY AX 3 O'CLOCK EACH DAT AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, 0 I.a-'. St., Madison Square South. THOMAS E. KIRBY. Aui-tloaeer. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. MANAGERS. ? - - * A.- By tbe Fifth Avenue Auction Room*, ?J33 FIFT1I-AVE. WILLIAM B. NORMAN. Auctioneer. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING AT 8 O'CLOCK, SUPERB OIL PAINTINGS, FINISHED PKTURF.S AND STUDIES, formerly the property ot tho laps THOMtS P. WARNER, Together ss ith olhers ts-loniHiig to BBS 17stat* sf MRS. MARY E. SMITH. Including examples by the followiug Great Masters I NaoBBtORBr. i.-'ron*. Delacroix lleimer, /.ania, "I-. D''t?lll'', Domingo Dis/.. Tieyon, Daubeny, italian., 1 *abe.r. Carol Raaost**a ?Rim, lortupv. Vim Mir, ke Vollon, Palma r.i! i, I'ompt-" i a:.x, and the Kr no tin. 1 Painting, EVANGELINE, BV SA INTI N\ BOW OR EKIIIIUTION. A.? Filth Aro,me Art 1'iillerles, ?JJ4) H.THAVE., Near 7i4th-*t. NOW OR FRF.K EXHIBITION". PAINTINGS UV WILLIAM L. SONNTAO, N.A, AND HENRY A. l-'ERGUSON. A.S.A. TO BF. SOLD BY AUCTION TUI>n.XY AND XVF.DNESDAY EVENINGS. J.XM'xr.V 3! AND f-EBRVARY 1 AT 8 O'CLOCK. RUPERT SOMERVILLE. ORTi.IES A. CO., Auctioneer. Manager*. Jahaaals, "KlOg of Naturi! 'raMe XV aler*. Ra BBBRanl i* ***a i-ejrle'' withoutji*^ PoslofU. e Notice. l.Hhould tn- read dally ly all interested, as changes may I..-tier* for ioreinii cow,tri. * need not bc ipettail* addressed for di-j?tah by aojf pariJ.ular *t<, except when lt ls de*ire<l to i*>id dupllcata-i if latiikltiK and oiiminerelal documents, letter* not specially aUdresseg L ix-i.17 sent, by bbs**** VSSSeU asallable. F?r*iga mail* for the week cidlug January 28. will clow (promptly In all .a.e af this odlce. a* folhttrs : VIII ll*DAV- At 1 p. tn- ,*,i-y 1:30 p. m.) fer Bermuda, ter a. s. Trinidad. FM DAV-At -.'I g. iii. for Blueflelds. per 1. S. Guiaic, New-Otlcans: at I 'i. m. for Bluetieldi. par ?. s. Agnes. Iroui Nen-Orleans. isA'I'CKDAY?A4 :i a. m. for France, Switzerland. Itolr, Sitaiii. I'ortuirai air** fur"**-)- |e r *. s. Li N'ormanale, via Hut re (letter* for other part* of Ear*** mii?t bc direct** ??per La Non-mud ie" ; ul IO a. fla, for (.ts-vtown, per h. *? Jason tiettarss for Jamil.-s H'-l'ie i..internals Truxllln and l'ticrto lortei must Ix* ifie-cted "per Josou") ; ot 10 s. m. (supplementary W:30 a. nc for XV.ndwa'd I.lau'ts. per a * Bermuda (letters fur i!r"nada. Trinidad and Tabaao nui.t be dlrecfd "pei llermuda") ; at ll a. in. (or i an,i" lo ? limns*, 1'shese.i and X uratan, per a. *. Niaears rlett-r* ror (nisi. Ttimpleo anti Tuspmi direct and otli.r Mexican state*, vis V'-i-a Our. must be directed "ocr Nlaf-aivt" II SI H *? n)- i*ii|ipl'-nieiiti.ry 11:30 a. m.i Tor l*l*ud snd Janalea, also Ja.nv-1 and Aux-4'aye* Iliytl i>er ?. ?. Alene: it 11 a m. (sii|.plf*mentory 11:80 p Bl.) fer Europe, lier *. *. Aurania, via Queenstown; at r' n for 'irenaaa, Trinidad and T?baa*o. per ?. h. Burnley ; ar 13 ni- for Netherlands di reel per *. I. Illdain, via Rot. ta-idsm (letter* limit b" directed -'per Dldsm") : at I? m. fnr scotland direct, pr ?. ?. Anchorla, n, d-lasftow (let tori ii.'i?t be tt'ro.-la-t ? |.'-r .So.horls.'-t SI XDAV--At 8 P- Bl- 'or tJOBBB Ji'ca si? I.lm-.n jisr s * Foxhill. Iron, Nett-Orle?n?: ii HM p. m. far St, l'i.-rr' Miniielnn, ter steamer frim Hilirax. Mall-* tor the society l*Iand?. ,,er shlj. cits- of Pt*e<(-4 ruin, Kraiifist-oi. , leav* bet* (l?llr un tn Jannary igl, st (ISO P- tn. MBlli fnr Anatolia, NewraalBnd. Hiv slim I-Ul :"?* Samoan Island*. )ter *. *. Marino** ,troin Sm Fr-.nel*coi. .'lise here dally up to .ranuary *28. ai (j so p m. (or on arrival at Xew-York or s a. Etruria vim British sulla for Austral lai. Mail* lor ("hlaa Brig limn nor ? ?? OW ot I"*Blna (from San Fi-anclaeo) clea* ttrt'dilly up te JBOviiry "2fl. at e.W p. a.. Malla for (he Hafailaa lilsndi. per s. a. Australia from San Fria. '-Vtol close h.-r* daily up to Fehruary t) st 6 :Rfi p ot. Malls'for China xnd Jinan vin Vsncouvar (ipeelaUe ag. ?r5assd ?!y) elsa* Bl thia ?mee dali** at 6 SOjTm. Milla mr NcwfoundlBsd. by rsl! ? Halifax, aarf thaooTlM .tinter floio nt (hi* ntti'-r 4'Hy st 8 80 p. tn. Maila Mr VIKi'nelon. by rall ? Biiot^n god -oenro hy stsamair. ctam Bt thi. omce daily st 8 80 p. m. Msfls torCOml rs- rall ts Tatapa. Fix- sad thence bc Btoamer Miling Mondavi. n?iir?W* and .Oaaayoawa. close at thia offlcs iiiiv".t 2 ? .. m. M?tl* tnt Msrico. oxarlmd, onlam '^pcfiar.y aadrsssel for dtspateh by BttaaMr, clam it thu Tra^elflr m^s^forsrsrded b% Ssa *>tflel*c* dsilr .nd th* schedule of elnalns t* *r*r*nB*d 00 the pi*>*umBMoo nrt itellr (inlef rrupled overload (nniit tf? Sar, trtpEtte. Malt* ft"sn tit* F.aat *rrlv1n? on time ?t San Fmnelsea *o rile dsr of aslllng of atcamer* are dlspat-ted fheoee th* ',mV.e?*rt>4 m*11 .loses al tl p. m. previous day. Kstri Supnleiiiciitarr Mill* ?*** opened on the pier* nt the 'Knoll"!) Fr-neh sod Cenrsn *t*snrefs at the hoar ol rloslntr of Suppl MTientiirv M*H* it Ihe P-.togl.c. which rema'n *Bm ?**?! within Tm Minutes of the hour of wit* '"- ** *"*n'*T- CORNF.L'I'K VAN rOTT. I'cssrmsister. t" Ve'i-Voilt. R. V. Jinuarv ?r)rh 1*?>3. ttrligioRS Xotiffs. AT CALVARY M. E. CRsTRCR, 121ilhat. and 7l*V ave.. IWv. Dr. J. R. DAY. Pastor.?RexIval service*, a*-Lied br OYPSY (RODNF.Y) SMITH, the oote-l llsh Ksan(*ell?t and sweet *!ii*"*r. Evry night al 7 .48. and na Tuesday, .Vedueads:.-, Thursday sad Friday BifDui at 8:30. 6'rang**-" cordially welci