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SELFaCTIONS FROM THE MAIL. Ct'BA AND THE NICARAGUA CANAL. A CORRESTONHENT WHO THINKS MANIFEST DESTINY WILL SETTLE THEIR RELA? TIONS TO THE UNITED *TtTES. To the Edllor of The Tribune. Slr: I basra read xvlth great Interest Hie recent artlrlcB on Cuba from your htnlT correspondent. I. N. F.. the thlnl of which orpmr* bl Tbe Tribune tills nii.rnliig. 1 linvc nlso rend with similar Interest your SiRsslRl of this flute concernm;; Hie Island of Cuba nnd Hs relations to our country nnd our con? trol of the Nleniugua Carnot. Will you kindly allow mo sparc. In your columns for a few words ur-ui Ibo wime subject! Tli'-re syould not serin to bo nny stny ny which Ibo 1'nlted states could at once Beear* the possession of Cub:! except |.y force or pun lin-e. To (ak* If by force wRboat provocation to u* would Ifl this enlightened ng? be little les* tbttfl n crime. To buy lt would inxoive n bug* aatlap, which would, lt toe ms to me, ba unnecessary, .'inri to attempt which xxould probnlly full of remit, nnd so nenin put of for a generation nil efforts for self prof. cl inn and self assertion In tho Wei Itidies mid Central A m. rici. Timi ('nba ns areli ns ('ninda still ultimately be? long to Hi" Culled Ria Ral must appear to every one to lie mnnlfest destiny. Of course ive cm buy them. One cnn buy a greal deni srRb rn oe rp eaoagb. Ral there 1* RR need of buying what wc ran pet for noth? ing. We have Just applied business principles In our devilings with Caniidn. and as a result lier people ure all dancing i.j, and down as If tbop bad fBUen lat* a hornet's nest. I'art of them are ervine for political union and hurrahing for the American Uhr; part are trying RB heal their sting-, bp seilmlng us Into com? mercial union: and tho remainder are eur*lug us right and left, with a BrRtab flag In OB* hand and with tho other hand rut.Mun their hornet Bal leave them alone n little longer and every mother's son of them will be found rushing to Ibo polls to vate for annexation. And Great Hrltnln xviii let them go. Cuba ls In n similar situation. She makes Iht livelihood from sugar, she has list the European market through the development of the boot-sugar Industry. The United Stales ls ber only market. She lg ol 11 ceil to *>11 to us, niul tf sve continue to upply business pilnelples to her she will bo obliged to buy from us. Pnicikallv that ls commercial union olrendy. Rut the greed of Spain In draining tho re sources of the poopsB by bicrwtteg taxation, on tb* on* hand, together wllh tho pre.-'nt cordial com? mercial reliitlons In-tween tho people of Cuba and tho I'nited States on the other, will rapidly develop In the Cubans a resolve to brook loose frr ni spanish con trol and ns rapidly create among them R sentiment In favor of aaaexatbm I* this cont,tty. When that point ls reached lt will not be a section of the popu? lation attempting a revolution which Spain can put down by force, a* in lite pas-t. lr trill bc Hie whole Island in revolt, and with the lulled Slates ready to receive lt, spain will let lt go without a dollar of payment or the firing of a gun. If our country should perosR Spain to place Cuba under any European financial control we could make lt a very poor burgnlu Indeed for the syndicate. If we did not buy Cuba's sugar xvlicrc a*OBM bc tho prosperity of the Island? nnd where would the syndi? cate get Its tuxes ? Ry continuing the development Of Kio beet sugar Industry In the United State* we could beggar the syndicate, or bring spain herself to terms If silo were not svllling to abandon Cuba to us as noon as xre desired to get her. OR the Other hand. If we ahould attempt to pnrcluise Cuba for $.'lOt). 0(i*0.0(X) or ?ia*O0.OiiO.OOO. lt would raise nu opposition In Congress nn.l ntnong the people that xv,mid be al? most certain to defeat the .scheme and put the whole Ccritrol American question in the background for a long time to come. ("really to be desired ns the, Nicaragua ls, thc- extraordinary advantage* lt xviii bring to our country nre not yet appreciated by thc people gen emily to tho extent that they aro by those who have lind the leisure to give thoughtful attention to the snb Ject. A of our largest American capitalists could build tho Nicaragua Canal In a fesv years and derive more gr 'flt from the. Investment than from any enterprise In xxiii, li Hiey could possibly to-dav Invest their money. Yet not n dozen, a humln-d or a thousand of them borg ihe raaabglo foresight and pluck to build tho canal except xvith a governmental flnnncliil guaranty. If they are si falntheartM upon Hie ques? tion Boar can we expect greater fortnight anl Interest among the plain voters ; Again, if xve made our first move Into the West Indian arena on such n largo sonic, we should excite Jealousy nil about us. Ni cai ania and the other Central American States (?could l*o afraid that we had designs on their terri? tory, and England and thc rest of Europe xvould never cease to create and develop antagonism to U* In all Central Am.aloa. From the hour that Ibo Nlcariifrun Canal i* open to commerce iinler American ron trol there xviii develop In Central Amati ea and In Mexico a sentiment In favor of union with the United States, nnd American commerce with those countries and American enterprise within them xviii so foster that sentiment thnt lt will not. then be long before lt will br evident to all t.-iat tue nb*orption of Mexico and Centra! America, with much of the We*l Indies, by the United. States ls also Ti matter of mani? fest de-tlns. Hut In all dealings with other nations governmental policy und diplomacy piny such a Inrge part that one, fal** move may check an ex'stlng development for luilf a century. lt ls very essential, therefore, in Central American matters that every step we take |* first well considered, that lt ls a politic one, tbHt it ls boon enough taken, but nat too soon. Bal xre do need a West Indian prapertp, The Tribune truly says that "thc political con*ideratloi,s which urge Biich an ncqul*ltlon are Rm numerous and too senna* to 1*3 fafely Iguana." Condensing those reasons. three st least stand boldly out. We jieed huch a paaaaaoloa i I. For a coaling station for our nasal vessels sail Inp bltwaa*. (Ins country und Central or South America, either In war or peat**. II. For a rcnde/.v.iu* lat our Navy so as to afford protection to nnd defenso of our southern coast. III. To guard the jipproneh to the Nlcaiagua Canal, Bo as always lo be able to keep it lintier American control, nnd In ease, of star with a foreign nation absolutely to posoeaa lt. We need such a property at once. Further ron alderHtlon of tba suhjeel is uni n.-icssarv. Wa have considered thc question for n Quarter of a century. If that I* not a long enough time, then eternity arnold ba K?i short. N"tv ll, tt the NI eora gup Canal ls al la't to bo built tte hliould not delay another hour, hut should Bl one- mi ange a treats' xs ith iJnnmark for tho purchase of St. Thomas, a purchase ssc nearly effected twenty Uso years ngo. St. Thomas has the finest harliar for R coaling nnd naval stafini lu ai: the West Indies. It ls opposite to the entrance of Hie Nicaragua ('anni It 1* a amati islind lt can. not brine In any juodr to anv tl or financial tax-gatherer, and therefor* sve should I ia ii hie ti. effect a purchase of it at a price |h*t troaM riot meet srt-ith onposlti,,o from the people of tho Culled state*. or del?v the ratification nt the treaty of purchase be? yond H.e session of Congress nt ssh,ch it l- submit ted. Then we can run up tho American bag from Key West nnd tba Virgin lobing*, together ort-tl a Monroe streamer bearing the legend: 'No farther European acquisitions of territory on tb* American Continents." Wheo Eurolie sees oar Hag flo*tine above nnd below Cuba, nod facing tho canal, sh? ari]] gnow hosr to rend the signs of the time* lastly, we can pur n svo-d In tho car of Spain through our rsgre*'nta*l*a, that anv attempt to dl*p >*e of rFher political or financial control of dbi J.S.CONOVER&CO. 28 and 30 West 23d St. Open Fire-Places A lino, and large assortment of Brass. Uronzo 3>nd Iron in r.exv and elegant de? signs. Mantels in all .rood*, native and foreign, f'om our oxxn special design*. Tile of even- foreign make, in rich enamel colorings, and Patterns for Floors, Walls, Hearth*, Facings and l.athrooms. Our new factory, with extensive facilities, en? able* ns to produce tbe finest class of xvork at greatly j ed nerd cost. I'omitli-y and Factory, 526, 528 and 530 West 25th St. bj ~pa:n will bo cons drred bv Hits I'nited Slates full p'r'.voiation for taking po**c**lori of Hits island bv tot*, o. v. Q. Nexv-York, Jan. 2, lena. "HOXIR. SWEET HONE." AS A NATIONAL HYMN. To the Editor of Tho T r 1 t, ii n c. slr: Thc recent correspondence In the press on tho subject of the definite selecllou of a National hymn or air seems to have died out wlShout result. To a stranger this seems a pity, nnd wllh your permits!** I will venture n suggestion. ll mav t... taken for granted Ilia! Hie cliara< lerlsilcs of a National air should be dignity and simplicity. If to ihese bcaatp of ni.-loriy can be udded. so much the belter. Of the air*, which have hil bert 0 (lom- In formal fluty, Hie bt st known?I need not name ll?can boast of simplicity certainly, but none of them, I think, can be said to possess all three of these feat*!**. The nationality of the composer ls of little con.*e quence. It seems to me you have under your very hand u song thu! meei.* every retirement, one ul ready known nnd admired, Ihe spirit If not the xtopIs of which I have heard uttered with fervor hy Amer? icans all over Un- world: mid there are very mn nv on both sides of Uk- ocean who would Clink lt a special recommendation just at this time that, while the words ure of American, th* music- ls ol English birth. An arrangement lu br. ad, four-part harmony (to Milt It for official and military pirrpus. si, and per haps a very silght compression by one ol your re*| deiit or native mu-lelan*, are all lhat ls raqalred. You xvould then have for all time a Nail.,ital listnii not excelled anywhere for beauty and lime.**. Itv* that the dash of politics ls boshed somesvhnt. Ot* nut the time nnd circumstances ripe fur tl,I* quo? tion ? XVIielher lt be your oiitcolng President, whose tenn Included the year or jubilee, or the Incoming, who will officially witness ll* crowning celene,nv. fierhap* nol tin- loii*i of his claims on th* memory of lls countrymen would lie that he gave letters of naturalisation to "Home, Sweet linnie"! Yours. Illon, N. Y., Jan. ll), 1*4*3. E. J. A. RORERT LOVIS STEVENS!iN PAID TO RE WELL. To the Editor of The Tribune. Slr: In view of the reports recently published concerning thc health of Mr. Rotor! Lom* RteveoBOa, svhlcii have aroused much anxiety among hi* fiends here and In England, may sse ash you to say thu ssa- have today received by mall from Ramo* tetters from Mr. r-tevenson brought to San Pranelseo bv the same steamer which I* said to have brought the un? favorable reports; uud that t:n-*o letters ripon Mr. stevenson to 1* in excellent health and are written In Ihe cheeriest tone! A letter bv Um same mall from a member of his lmniecliale family, i??i*ted Just a* the steamer left, al*,> t-uys nothing whatever of the slightest Hines*. We are convinced that the report that Mr. Steven? son In any dangerous Btttmtloa or In tailing h.s-ilth I* totuliv unfounded, like several ramon of ta.- tame hind which have been spread during the las) few rettn of his residence Ir sam.;,. Very Univ sour*, CHARLES SCBIBXXB'iJ SON*-.. Nesv-York, January J">. AGAINST RENEWAL OF THE RUIOC9 TRIAL. To the Editor of Thc Tribune. Hr: AU the better element lu my nature rose In rolielllon xvheii I read In The Tribune of (oday thal the controversy In reference to Dr. llrlgrr* sea* tn cn to thc i.eneral Assembly. What belter i* the world, how many .sinners bave been cons.ried from the error of th.-lr ways and brought to lead bettor live* I How ninny drunkards have bee* redeemed ' 1! itv many grog shops closed becaase of this coBtrerersy ' Had the time, talent and money Which has beeR spent, to nllosr n fesc pigheaded mon for they are nothing elsi?to talk about something they know Bottling about, only to persecute, as they try to sav. "not the mun,'1 but his doctrine, been spent In even dosing the drinking saloons on sunday the world might be better* to-day ; but 1 see no pood only In stirring np bad blood and making the world look on mid reJCaOO at men professing to lie teachers of the irnth wrangling over u dogma on which they do not ,r ever will ngiee. Make a halt, brethren, ami a*h yourselves If there ls not a nobler and more l.'hri*! like work for you to do In this great city. Allow nie to propose lo all those who svl*h to carry on this controversy to bHnd together for three month* and see what you can do, fir*t, again*! the ex Hs of Ihe dja liking salo ns and then try io save souls, lind employment for trio*.- siised und help the erring. I talah If yon try this plan you xslll timi *,,tne paser of mind, and look upon a xvi rk lhat still glori lr '".I nml help tullen humanity. M. New-York, Jan. ill, lows. IN MEMORY OP Al,KY KOPPEB OHiT.ONS. To Ihe F, tl I t ft r of The T r 1 b ii ti ??. Slr: Tho friendship of many yi-urs leads me to tr-Mlty to Un- B-KllIn.-s-i or Abby Hopper (ill,hons. Not long ago she told nu- that In the home of her child hood tho Bllds was always at hand. Her mother ssas wont to gather thu family around her to tend lind explain to them Its sacred truths. With regard lo such as bold to a Cbristless rel,.lon, she said she lind no sympathy suth their Views; "they sure too ?old." She had the hopeful spirit of a Christian; for, notwithstanding her long experience in Isbort Itu- the degraded and lu mea-up * for Hie defeat of vi io,,, legislation, ula sahl thal sae net er il. .pallet! af anybody. A iii'ililiiidc * - xs. 111 cull her Messed." Cod grant to our country for all lime women sth, ?hall foll,,sc her I,righi example! JCL1A l:ll,LI.\(,s New-York, Jun. BO, IBVS. ' A FLAM FOR PRESERVING THE (ITV HAIL. r o Ihe Editor of T li e, Tri b fl n e. Slr: If. ns they threaten, tha civic authorities de? ride to remove Ibe city Hall, why wooM it not be desirable to tear down the reservoir In llrsant Park nnd placa there the classic and historic mnnldpa] building, and pr-sent lt to Hie trustees of Uie Tilden Library 1 standing In ihe centre of that square, whom ap pearanct- would be vastly Improved, lt wooli both serve a ut.-fal purpoa* and pre*.rv,? for all time a building whose beauty ls the pride of evert r4tis<a. If such ii usc could be made of the City Hall, lt would go far loward changing ih" sentiment of an out? raged public on the removal of tlil? old lanrtm.rk. WILLIAM B. (LARK. New York. Jan. C2. laf'.:. THE GEARY CHIXESE EXfU'SION KILT.. AN" Al'.i.'JM! NT UPO* ITS CO N STITCH OS A LIT ST? COV.PAIt.I) XXTTII TIIK Ks.XMCS ALIEN" LBW. To the Editor of The Tribune. *lr: Oa the 25th Rap al Jun*. A. ri Ito**, daring th* BdmlntBtratMMI of the vain and lr.a*<1Me John*. Iht Congress of the trued (States passed * bfll which h.i? bren kr.oxsn ever *!nce In hist rv *?? th* Allen law. It ssa* patted ".mid treat political ex rttemeni and party Rtrejudlea. Tta ta* petatltted 1.1* President nt the United StBtea to arrest sr older oat of the country any sile* whom ii" Bhoahl caa sider dangeroiii to iii* roi:.-rv leear* peimrllet 44..,.. provided ir* caa* ol dl4*?b*r*(Ueao*. Tho ta** wa* unpofratal and contributed not ft lillie IO the over throw of ihe I'c-deraiM* nnd the sjetiloa "f Jeffei tm pi luceeed Ibe tari of Ihe Federalist lir-ideiits. This tow ssa* never enforced, ll wat looked upon then as nov.- by Ihe onptejudlced toril mind ai clearly unconstitutional, and lt ha* gone along In Mstory a* an example of n fo*.|l*h oulbiir*1 of 111 i moldered legNlatinn xvlthout a single siict"*sf,ii defender. (Ul Mnv ?'.. ISOS, the l're*ldel,l of the Cnlted states approved a bill passed by the Congress of th* Culled States which I* knots ii as Hi- Deary bill. Cn liho Hie taw passed by our erring foratatbera, 11.1 ~ bill se.-ms to be popular and ls not xtlihout valiant defenders. Tim All'-n low had lt* origin In prejudice and po Pilcal e.xciicnient at a pitied of infant legislation In this countrv: tb* (.cary bill, lt ls claimed, ls the off. tprtag of BtatesraansMp; both, however, am Red on like in purpose nnd will shire the place In our lils toiv set aside, lo unconstitutional legislation, If thi* ness- 11,-allon doe* not deserve a t loser i ompatil'ui ship Whtm r.i"- bli* and political Intrigue of th' pn-etii dav and generation shall In history lay claim to Its paternity. The object of this l.asv ls plainly to he seen. The Chinese laborers are coming In over our boii-lera m viol,lion of preseni laws nb.olutely forbidding their comlnc, and lt ssas thought a r*(>"d -tra IO require of Chinese- laborers now- In Hil* country IO come forward with photographs of lilcnilltoatlon nnd leg i*ter. Hms separating the sheep and the goats Hie bona lide residents from th* border (limbers. Th* CMne** reridenlB. other than Chinese lalnarcrs, BUCh ns merchants, artists, students, ct-., aro Indirectly foried to regl-ter nl*o, for the simple i.-a*nii thal 1! they do not do so they will be Noble lo be praaumsd to I.* laborers nader tho act lt, the absence <.f iii rcglsiration certJIUate and foried to prove their oe cupatlon. Tho object and purpose of till* law the ss mer does not stop hen* to discuss: lt la xvlth the moans employed by this act lhat the writer ha; In hand. The Geary act order* nil Chinese labor-r* ta th* Culled States, being allen", to come forward before May iicxt anti replier, or ba s,nt to pel aaa and thence nut of the country. Thev can 1?- arrest-tl bp anv United Males ou-tom* tilllolnl, oil.dor af liL-itai rexariui or bia deputies. Culled Mates marshal or lil* deputies, and taken before a United Stat, * Judge, Whas* duty it I* le order them deporti-d from IBs Culled Mutes nftcr R i.-rm of Imprisonment not og feeding oin- year, If they do not show that they are Innocent of the accusation awaln-t them: that ls. In noceiit i.f b.lng Chinese laborers mid tinhut fully In tbs United -'ales. Thi* situation* a grave tot, stituiioiiai qui s lon. These p.-opie have not bee* nn-t nt the burlier* of our countrv nml t.hl not I i conn- In; on Ibe contrary, tbej ar.- here miller the protection af our lavs and treaties. "IIi-- Oovernmenl *as* to Ihese people: it I- true pa* ar.- residing In Hil* country gnd hiv.- been residing ber* t.,r * ni? nnie ttiiii Um full p.-ruilfi.lon of thu Nation, enjoying the profit ih.n of th* -am- law* thal ure the defence of other persons ta this great country, bal now ll you doti'l come up and register before Mas i,, xl. Into prison yo* g., and linne- ont ol lb* cuniri. XX ?? are going to lue-nun- poa all lihlass fulls here, io ImbIh vtllli. and *,, poa hail bette* gd your proof r.-udy that you aro Innocent. Viii r.i.,11 hove no iirind Jury lo Investigate your ia-.-, ho pel ll jurs on your trial; all the safeguard- of llb-r's In th Coii-iitail?n.,| HUI of Rights s:,nll be dctried you, I cati-- vo'i are Chinese and ian't Xote. ia.- defender* of this law answer Cat tl,I* I, n fr.-.- coan Irv, an Independent Nation, amt lue righi mari i'.xi*i it, Ibe general (iovernmeni lo *-i"i oul ??: tl.uiitry or otherwise punish objectionable alien' xsho ar- lure bm by sufferance: lhal tai* i* a righi liis.-piirnbl- from Independent natte*-tilly, ir ll |. po sin,hi were granted ("r iii- tah* ol argument ihe .mi of ibe t-onlroveray would mu be reached i right ml-ht exist, rind yet Uta remedy ha Ultconstltu ?ional, wrong remedied only pal "fi th- gs) ul con vale*! flic. The situation I* ji.-t til-. The Ut.vtm m-nt *?k* to prohioit th- Importation ?,: i In.a lalsirers Int* Hil* ("iintr). H.* of all. the cumins of (allies- laborers |, Mi*p.-iul. tl for I.ii t-nr-. t.i-n Ihelr coming ls strictly pr..:.I'll* fl. and s.-: "the .is on the oater ts.n l* -till they rome I" Xir. l'eurj Baja: Nuts- ire will caleb tin? wall climber-. Vie will l,s a period -svs it lal ri sshlch nil Chines* labors.? foi r,.l .a, mi* *i.i- ,,i th- borden inu*i oom* mid r<,i*iT, and after thal tim.- all found l,-r- v. th- i. his doging shall be *.-nt away. In this say thus- ttl,., climb over the bordon during the period! must prov* ihelr residence prior lo lue Um,, gtot for Ihe un la* ful residence, mid th"*.- who oom* lifter Ihe riming time, Whteh ls Max. I ROR, mii-.t do *ome i;,|| Mn,: ,.r mil they go. Thoa* who wen- ber* prior lo Ihi unlawful taara in the almanac can sins, in, i ,. t mii*i come f.irtsar.l und tarnish u aeroonal deacrlp l>n Ihree photograph' ami proof of residence bv i-yo reputable willies*-", or they will go In- wax of lb* border Jumpers, as they mu-t kn.'.w the law presume. all Chinese border Jumpers until they prose tlnl llill.." ellie. 'ia. (hill.-se Intofi-a who Were h.-re prior tn tho tlrst day of Max. 1-H-J. were here mulei lift fal treaties. The act of residing her.- ssa* m. "lime. Can ('ongress make that residence , crime l,v ?ay1ng to thi* das*: If you don't rcgi-'.r youi le-hleiie- I* unlawful' Make thal a ulm. u ? |, |,, If ll xxere not for Hie ? .cnnun.d lo rcglMer. sould b- In nott nt and tnwlul! Hie prohibitions li the Constltu lion forbidding ( oogn-s to p.-,-s any bill of palm, ai,-I penalties or .-s posi fat lo laws desljiicd io secure CURES SCROFULA. Mrs. F J. Rotten, M*4tfatd, Mas... seri her ara**-* h? been evrad cf Rcrofala br bm ??. of fl)11|. p^tAmt ot s. r >., arter baying had much other lr sa nm *l and beta*'rc Ju, cd ls ijuite a lon- CMtdBlaa nf l.*a!U^ ai list. u,g,,?hl the could nul lite. INIII KITI'.I) SCl'.OFUI.A. 8 S. 8. curd nu lure hoy ot henlifsr*- Srror?|? whjc,, ippmmd au evei bli r.--. pM apes* i ,?,. tarm t|| hope of Bis recovery, ?le n IliaiJIy I nt., |?d?e.,l Ul ??. s. R, .s. a few battle* ' rued ulm, and aa apaiRteaM af um*c rcui4iu. Mu. T. I. M a 1 III.Ks, MRihcrt'Ule lilia Our book on Blood ind Skin Iilw-a-e* ir.alled free, swift SPECIFIC co.. Atlanta, Oa. fjorsra ants Carriagea A COVTIUCTfiK still mil Ave horses tl any reasonable price, also t?o Norman morea, neigh 'J MK) Ih. ?150. not one-third xslue; two mocky-bollt hors**. ?,30o Itt. Ol':', areal borBsIu: also a -al fsrr.lly roadhorse. ault incut anv person; surrey svofon and top BrrwMer bujyry, at a Miri? nee. See os uer. roahlSTS KO Leooirdit.. near Dricrs-ive.. lirceiipoint,_ KOR BAU* -A One lot or breeding, bbetland and Welsh ponies. Address Dr. O. C.-J ACKSON. I* O Hox 101. Jimalcii. Xa^r_,_ STABLE WANTED. "A dowetoit-fi .table srtai U. I tty itali*. Address TKCCKMAN, P. 0. Box 8..V.i*t_ WASTy.D.-^ peopi* ra sand far B'rc't'* tarrlace sud herne*. eataloajue*: laure** *?'ortn eat tn America ; vert- moder ? U price* 1 don't par ?'J h extravajrant f.rices tor hirnea* and earrlaire*; e?tar> iihod IRS--'. Addresi J. II. mian. Bur linfton. W. J. (Titn Seal Estate lot Sale CHOICE DECOR ATr.D Orst-cl-an S?torr hot,... near ortice. Oi'i.OOU . barasln. STlI YEN'4*. fiUtase . coiner OMd-*i. STH-AVE. lKlTIl.ST.-torn.r lOd 110; (irand Boulf-vsrd. i-orn?r IMUh-st., C5 xlOO: A?tajrla. 1. I., lol*, water fronts. free and clear: sriU cs, hinge am sbose for Rood payiag proper.). XVOOLSEV, ? Lex In jion ?* ve ' 8 L E XixT;T O N'TAV fTZjZwnYr houseT hindson,sir f'inilslied or fur sale; ,", Nerti Wa ir, l ri j,-to a square, luge house ind stable tor sale, Astoria. I. I.. *h.,r ? mid furnl-hed house, s'.ublc, carden. XVOOlaSEV, a jVx tnrton-ave. vThicagO. WORLD'S PAIR VISITOR-S.-Btiy briu iltul (.'hicBfo hom'-; location aatsrraaaaad; near 1'nlxerilty and renowned "Mid-.tiy I'la,sance'- ; . 5 Jool stsne .south fruin, li rvoni*. coii'tr'i tel modern Improvements throughout; owner will occupy esme ad? joining trsnsportat'on unes..-ilel; rlectrlo, rablc, steam, elevated: 00,000, half cash; rent lair mason. R2.600; reference* ex chana-ed. J. E. O. rKlOMOKE. architect tad owner, 123 La Saiic-at., Chicago. Cit!} ti"1* Cstate do (.et. WYE LOTS in xwst, 2.')thst, betwe-n (Uh 411(1 7th ates. ; owner will build or leas* them hu!!dlii|; parpoata; no agents. Apply JOS. M. ADRIAN. Ali lirSni-it. CUsaaa. FOR RENT In CMOBga (six momh* dur? ing World's Fair) mv home ea lOth-ii., Hyde Park, n-sr tlio lake: south front; cleht rooms; d,-tacli"d hons-: modern ton sentences and ftirut?hed thtoaplmut: price, ? loo per monta; reference* rouulr.d. Ad dre.s 4' H. URADLEV. 1*. O. Hox 2,010. Xew.YorB. inrniarjeb it-looms. DOCTOR cm lind oftlce. private house, neai BsrBlBRbam Ad*re*a A., Tribune Uptown (inn,-, i.ttl Bras* way. K1CELY " Kl RN IMII.I) large room to let In private h?u*e for 1 or 2 gen'lemefj. or young connie; aim a small on.); terms reasonable. :I34 Fast RTth-st. TUE liilAMIItt V. ;:i umaserey I'irit. To lae! ?Il.ieli.tlor apartment. ? rooms; terms i.-a- na I-'.,- Coll or addre** _ SC1*I?'.Ki X'J EX I) EXT. THE 'BUBaUlKlalOV. IO West 30lh-( liandsOii.o lent suit,-. 4 looms; meiil* a la isrtc. prissie service. I.-BACHELOR AJ-AltTMEXTS. r* ? ulta" or .lug> parlor .ind tidier (loot* ; with ar tt Uhisul innate tutti : every a*aV4Ml*ac?; near prloi-lpjl lioteis. club*, lc IJ Eau ?Jiithst.. bat4*a*a IfR snd M?<ii??n iv,-* foi-HST.. 20 xVEST.-Bi'.0 per tn-.-k ; very isarm, smill, nicely furnished rouini f '.- (; a.-:: ; bath. j^tTST.. 3U-\VFi?T.-i:x(ellent locatioa, fnriiT.hed room*', i-onvenlent to car lui.-. and re?taurantJi; r.-r*ience?. iiTB-RT.. ida WBRi sf.aii. iiroaii WaY.?l^irjr* room, also small looms, jelitlemen , plitate house; hand ?OuSdy fiitnlsl'ed. *tRTH-ST . CC EajsT -To huh*,or*, bru* se..,cid .lory room In lint .las* house tilth mi neis. j-l.o lull roon.. Ott \V~FiW~giTrCii.'~sT*ly furnish-d: . f-ntra.1 . Urie rooms, suitable for fainlllei tt bs. h*ler* ; bsck |?irlor for doctor* oltlce. TjbTsT . l(uT>JXST~To~let. furnished. la'ce square and hull room; healed; sith or without board; for adulU only. a /or Sale. A OENITNE AN'TKJI'E HHERATjOB SIDEBOARD, turx-d Boat, lpn,die legs, rnihogany, miuid >tith yalla* aoad; lsth ten-try; proof famished ?* to age, Ad ?ii"." ll. ll. ROOT. lVrt lljrou, X. V. AT Rl'Dl'CI'.D PRICER -XK) second hand woad and Iron noising ras.-i.ine. fully gtiirsiit'-eti ; machinery Itought and SB chauged. i.i.OK'.l. li EDDY, JOH M.! l*on it. ami ***T10*4 i^-*e.Hiif machines oT all" kinds; new, BBS; --???" 1 ec tu,di,and. il" ??ash or credit, ezrhange*, rentes. At BA fm rcs, y.tsi Sd*ye? llRU-et, A ' Ma'i'.MFICKN I:. 01,000 grand al? right 014(1; ev rv lm"**ovxrnienl; ?irtjiig''*t frsu, e : repealing action , guarantatid. 155 XVest ???3d*st. _ _ I'I'.SK's oOlee remit*-**, cash or rredit. BBB Uioaditav ; leeaad hoad de.ks patti. noni, rallinga, bnught and exchanged. ;4S West 4th-st., neor llraadwav; tpccl*!, 4ft. IGllto;.* *1H. _ ~*l'A.\a"Y OOODR ind Notion f-'n- rh*tp; also jeweli.-r'* lath- "lilt ai. that belongi to lt. Inquire SOO Tlh-ave . Brooklyn SAFES -Ilarg-ilns lu new and mtaaT hind safet; lerae .trick to *e|e,t from; no I'oniblnatfon price* ssfes repaired. P. H. (iROSS 400 Rroidwaxv^ 'rVPKWBITBR.-I4fo 2 lUmlnrton trj**. writer, In !f.M.d condition foi tala cheap TYBI xvi'.IT:-ll Tribune Om-e._ 'aiT-VSa Ooo" ni" vii X's organ*. p:-no foita-s Rflg , sgent. wauled : 'atatloctif free. Addres. DANIEL F. BEATTY. XVaihin.-. ton. OT. J. Caantrrj Beat Citate ior Sate A OHOICE HOME on the rr*s( ot Orange Mountains, N. J , idjolnlna Ihe (Ieneral M - ( lellsn ealale; macadamised, electric rood* and rabi* ,(,?d non le.llilliig R ade.. Berty linnroied. large paaBlSB** a?d t-t-'iMe*: oter SUO.OOO ?iH-nt ,,n (he propers : will l>e sod lotv. EliXV. p. TTA MILTON A: CO., Uti Broadway. _ At.LN'l Y FOR XioniTCLAlR -Rendenea prcpe.-'.ies fur sale and to let - large t a-l.-iy of cholcs building .Ito*. TC BBS 1 TAI LOU. ', ll.-ekinaii.kl.. and MonttrlBlr_ "PROPERTY ~iiT the omngea, N. J. jo sp* um i, some bargain* ror sale. E. P. HAMILTON * CO.. PO Broadway, X. Y. floarb aub nooma. Iil.LH.IITI I I. ROOMS l,ii|,.,.f;?, fm. ls. liberal tahh, excellent Jotation. ;rr I. i-t. t,iU,.-l. ' I.Xll'.i. K'MiSl.v ?,Ml ,??,.,, al| a?.on-. modauooa; table, boara. *;s. ja:, ij,?, 20th*t. I. i. i i Mt KIN.A VF... KAU Furnished room*, avery convenience, .nth ,,r ttithom iK>ard; h feraneea. STIIAVE., IRS, BEAR CJli-STT-Trbu em'V*'>'r'tt''?>"r''' f',r"""'- lH,,r<* tn itt... JITII ?'l., XVI.VJ'. -.'14 AND L'lii Lara* and MBtll rooms with Rrat-Clasl boarl reterenceq, ' -'-I--sr bit WEBT.-lfaaUy r*ral*lM*i roon*, lonee nnd "-mull, ttpj, excellent iKf-jnl, ttlil tb.- parts 44l*i,|,,:,. boura tor seton persona plea? , all aoaln. cu, st ie Ra'sf .Handsome uTnTn ZuS'-l. el"'I tl""^; oth"r "ftrtmie rooms tilth ex en. nt boura. rfa.ohjhle. rant bs ta 4? WEST '.'STUM' . I.?,,.r?,,| j.e..,,, ii -llaiid.on.t-iy furiiitli-d rooma ?i ttifh 4r4T! Si *li*r.-Uraa rear ioma on rhird ff nor: niperlor temd . reference* 3TTII4T., MS W*EST.-Two lara* soomt en flilrd floor. sliiBl.v or en suite tilth bon rd : reference, evh.nn.etl ruo iitii st -t he?lf?i homo. .ike hom-- AtawHcaa fannii. i^a,,unTllv f' lame room*; *aweilent "olrli gtatmama pettairaR; terms lateoaable. illiseellnneons. A -XVI'.S'H.O JOHN'S D'te.Mvaand I s,r AC'i.-v duo, e. p,, ,-ured, prissia. i?'n. uiatlon rtiriil.h.-il . .up|*rt. dsii.une. ,.,'',\ ot pronil*,- ,? ??(,,., cou--. c0?iid.?t,t' lootnltatloa free, ni Xaseau-st. " "'?*'. .'/ll! xi , llAN'i'C'-Esenlng ohms at tiiir r-uuiar prlc-.. All me afweot .n.d-* aim extra quality fiuraiite.d lAXim s '?KW Bn.adu\r. M,J1| XV est JJfltJ, ,,.''W' ^ THE CEI.KURAIED LavelJier CorseU it RTcatly rodiired pri-es. n; tuite i,,,* VviU. ??'I other, equally rheiper. JiM. HES. WR Broad**.*., 13 Wenl k-lu-at. ljneitieae Cijancts._ A '.I VU.I.MAN af n..dd!e ag*. |S?RSB. ?ila ami reilsbie aoald ns. p.,*,timi In *n oinc? bi ?tor?; refereuce aad *e urity. ml bm a*4slemte. B h. Tri bun- OR._ A MARKET doini basin*** 14.000 |mt month; tis,'ii'*. BOIMI Bod isa.'-i,* '?( t-i -?,'"', bril. Si.500, ott n.-r |B IO* wti"!'??? issi* lei-ii...... WILLIAMSON, JO Lib I .tn-*,._ ACTIVE X*.**TTU ATE ssai.'id itilh I fi (??".); ba*lna*a co**; e*mUi*R*d many Ijear* (feared ever ajuvoikJ lam y-ur; luk-n lest i-i-i.- rVauired *i"i luraisho*. MAl.'iM. M.r,,I lin,Mil,*. ADDITIONAL IAPITaL ptwanrd IM i. -. ..... |, |.?.. ., invcslor. idvised isitn* ?out charge?i of deiiroui* oppoitiialtl**; Ills-bet ,,,.,,||.?r V.,1 I.f' fte --? 'll'.l'.'?.-l & i IHLE'ION. Hrokeis, j: BioadvrBV. " xITI:NTI"N ' '-tl. MIK' HANTS Baiffala, Bli)4J0 all: bur Newark, V J.. oro, eily ,,n,l business of -0 ?eal*' i-*iub 1.1,, i ' coal cai. ts nth RS wo yarn. ll"!",in |37 Broad n ay, Room i._, A X'Ai.r.xiti.r. l-.xi IN T tot Mle , prlo , IpaUl ,,.,li . lt -sn oj-. 1 lt I I' I |U?t ~A RARE ' Il XVI to nuke it lii*fila*s Invrst-i.etit tint still pal ld ur C*lil ii'-'; I ii I,,, pronertr on me hc*t stieel la Mniri?t."tin for rale al <i ber**!*. AiMreee I IIENT.X' |(>!I.Y-"N MotrtstCrWn, S. J x WORLD'S FAIR HENCH KHOtV WINNEI: Ms-US biii-h pup 4 month* "lil a,?l in beal of health; oofj *10. ITS 10th U\- . .ii-t.*i . butcher *iiop. I . i; KALI Win* i ..-** hotdine 100 ralina*, n wi1 iinpWid; .,i? I, ? delivered at Nt-w-Yerta saar! in i-arlosd lot* at +:4 :.". ,.i,l,; it,, rib *7 In 1 an,.|e. Add res* xi i ii Ti.'", x nt li, I El Ti HER .x-cu.. Cin? cinnati, milo. i'm SALK.?Marbi* and gnnlte works, af. T entail S -I ; f-stabllaliud , sci m frnm, Having decided lo tcUitj Irani bunine**, mn sell tue ,-ntiie staii-k. Address ISRAEL HOWELL 10* lat*' Kute-it., Trenton. N- J I- xii nii ii xi: in i.t:-, in universal dena.,,", ju*i patented . made for 4 diderot ns-f',1 purpose*; World'* Fair *pu,e rn - 'a ,i ? i|.it.iii?t mt.-' 'I. Addreas I'NT VEilS xl. .?.' ( , Iles;,, place I-xi: I il* Ul si fa buy or mvc*f In lot ,,( frc mimili, pailn", slot marilin,.* rind pot Cn tod sith I -a, add''-.* li. K. I) , Roon, I, UKI'lti.ii, 1.1, a Ni. RI l.l.l \ RD ROOM st n ?smrfi,e; "i Callender tobie*; no ri*m*nable i.ii-i ? r.-t,I..-1. ;.-, <i , -a*.,, lor ?'? muir, ott ncr hut oth'.r business. too Doaerj . I'Kl.tiiii'NT tor an important company ?ranted; lin;,- Rioe required; qaallScatloa stock given ami salarv Mild (-? the n^h( pam. xvi t.i.i xxi*,, Tribune uni.e. I'll! VATE acoustic iTiephooe; durable, cheap and eileeiitc; e.p.- lally adapt."! (or all |,tii|H>v. no rental* *e,,l for mi ruiors, UNION TELEPHONE COM I'.v.n v. ci iii qdara*., r.,.?n, i.i "" Kl.*,l'l.i T sm.I |-Al'TIr.* -^eTlnp to Ins".l (rom. Bl.OOO uptiird can Bream Stole rljrhi* tor one ..r Hie B**?t xal'iible In yentlon* of Ihe s?e. Indorsed by (ti* |,re*s and |.illili,. I jil ,,, addie** S. I. MMI-. vn '"I I'rn id tray, Room 4,1. SM a LE cxi-nxi. s-sn ted (Rl.ixrO io ?ioctiii, foi oral bualnesa on mrlfe. IRS Libert) -t . room 1(,:(. _ VERY rapabla ?o los mon ?at,t. ko.kI art i'la to ..n-r In neath" counties of Baa I.-, .ei- np.,,, i ?,uni!.l*-l,iii onlv Addreea Ko-.m 14. Clinton Building, Sen . . XX INT) Ii l-a-tl-* nf nod Btalndlag min Bi 1*0,11410 la j,,,n In,??** ITItJl .ld4,| li?.-r c,,nii.-.-t,<1 "Ith irannra-(ure nt ch.-tnt ,ais: haiibsoiue pmRI*; panie* r*n c-t.-tIn atiMil'ite rsntrol aver capita. Hld li, tin,, li ls chlcflT r-ytlrcl a.* riaiantr nf B'""t RUIB of iin-fy lelah**; advertiser a*4l knomi ami , s|ieri-i ?'?'! In Uti* buslnesa; lu, :..-).t ,,i,.ti natil I.f 1 "I.roary, o!>r* not -Mered into Hill be r.t'irned at Ollie. Adolf* ' VIM I Xl. 1071 \\'e*t I'd ?t. Kit.,"! SNU sUlXTi T-. WAN TED . I'ar'ner-rtlj,; ? 111-?? ,,.,*,f. ** lani; i--'?U li.h- I; cleared tS.000 la.I I ar exjt?r>enc? um ? --.i t i:<">M SI, World Bulldlne. 'tun iori cr. sn.i !'?', store for od bi. .te Lent b-'L-in* nest meath. LEKtIITON, 1,001 M-sve., bsbi RM -t. _ ? j'") xs ii.i, ni : i"i5 '??-. kij "iu. Ra*"*'* Infallible Handicapping system e onl *urre?sfiil ytsai rsj*a?pectus l?e>:i i i . ii. ROWE, PastoRka Bob 127, (To *Tct for OnoineoflPnrpoBfa ', I'ARK l-l.Al I.. fat-lag e!,-s,r,,l *',. lion I : -vant -' ?? I ?- tai ni amt , -ll ,r. in lal le any b isla a*. PL tah, 231 B'troy. DvcGGmiiking. t fill rsfiMAK I ll. ? lt .'an' i ott- r ... 1 ? :.l i BS] or Bl h un. . perfect lit ? ???! x ? .s ? t illk e ' I 'th *'ii(* ii, nie ,n .? SI eh for *|n , faint ital-f., , .' - ,n?l ia.ll putt,* a ipeclalty. <? Ea-l H'Ui-.t., ie .ir m..nlitsy. S I INK DH Eel *)M AKIM. tr-. ? X! ii ,, .,(. steI w BrB gi jriof...,!., toltol made. a.-. I ail and ? semi,,, u.,,.e. Mme HON x 4.( l..-r. _*?itti -.r. IRTISTIO and . \|?-r.. in ?? I dre*smaJier ii,-.lie, ?,,,. n, faailfle*; iir-t-,a.... norh i--..ii .I,-.-, ii; i-f, i i,,,- *i 23 pee doy. tdd? i xx., i.t, i.a-t :n?i *t.. i,.i Xl'.I 1*1 I' DR JsaM Xii IN".. unni'ie desi -n* tara a special!* . hutt I ? rii-a- *t short notice, sad maderah Mn xi, i i.i;.,, s. bast PUi-st., oitpoalte - ? i , c. iiuiidlne. till ll I I' DI.I *S.SI SKIN'. |-elf - t ll'" lim; e..-tm,.* handsomu nr.-.s r,,r Tr.'. .:.? r--n,i-|. ,!? tl. Mme. "XX in. j, 2 xx rot 2RrJ.*t ? Iii'.l'.-s.xi - French dr??.-.uuk.'r i-.tiilti Ilk. t.i hate a r.ii to. r..inn,, |. le dat ladies' or ,lll,l"l***. f1:e*-e., IR. Ali Ip** Mlle, ll ISM Wes" '."><1.*t. DBI ' e*M XK I.ll ' ll" I, In. Eh SI bi i'iiI't sud litia-r ; tullot Brade mul evening ,It,- .. hy tin- ihiT. OiiO. Addr-.s* Min.-. KILLI I SSI *th - i luil.-s.MtKi.i: Bi experleneci dn*** mak.T . a,,.*! titi, r tn-le-i it fess non- -n cai;-a.",'* in privat.' families; it ill rainolel uni carry out ladlee' design*: b. -t rej.r e-ie.-.. Address DKEri-iMAKI K, J,3'.i; Il ioa.1? ay. lilli- ~**M \ K I ll 'f*!.-,-: th,.r..u -hiv prsetlcal, would like ? few hr.' . us. . n*. [omen tn ti,- da) resoide'* seal gsrmento; i.*t r.-f-r, ,,,-,?? ti* 50 -.tri.] 4.1 p,r das. Mr-. XX lix l III .'(oi ssa. 4 Ml, .( HRl.fVS4.XI SK 1,11. tort OUt; l,a>te* ,,,,-1 i. alii s ox-ei . i* ? make* i hi di ?? ?.-. , lothei SI |c- day. Addi-** ki.I,l.v, sn i.a*t sal h. UKI .ISM Sh III -I I ..-I ?all-nil e,,i,.|. ?.??,"" ?n'l r. int- r .cl dcaigner, ir lotte* a few niur'. ? n.t.,,,.. .-. l.v tl,,, iisi : rut. l.i- I re,,rh --.'?'ii,; best rf-re,,,-,.*. rjln lat,t 17ili-*t. i)i:isssi.\Ki:ii d.-iirc, reW m,re r??t, me-* al hume of by Un- dav. cutting and lliiiii; a *,?,|iltv. Mme. DENTON, iii Weet AM .f. i.iii ssm x kl N'. l*i rr,< a imii, ? i ii . ? ???- mode ii, m.. tte,,,, ij.., Up, Mr.. XVI I Kui'.. ,.:i XV.-.r |)th-?t. I.X'I.N'IN., ai ,| -ir,- t ,|-,-, spring Parisian Mile*; nioderate pili-ea; thur, no t ? l III ha ll. lea Weal i KI.Ni it UIM.eS.xi \M il, f,,,,.,..rit aim Rouit. I'srl*. ,i-ii, * mill lion ,i u.lomers, l,i day or nt ho. ? iltt refer-,,,-.-.; lei m. 1*90*011 al..-. Minc, JIOl'l INCA! , 004 Weat l',tl,*t. I.AHII S' TAll.'iKIN'l. Eadie*' ??ai ma? terial* ini.le up lui., j i krta, ...tte, 1.1 st* ra and ? Bl . s; , |..ik* all kin I- ailee,! and r-' ,1 i.KKI .. 1 II \X'f**f o-M-*t il Al. iJ.XKMI N IS repaired i,.h,,l al? tered .nd rrreadrllrd to new .nap-*, -.ti male, i-li.-n; l!i.! ria*.* norn. iiKI-.iti, Ml SVe-' "J | st. UE xl. ', SKMI NI is r- 'I.- .1 aller-.! orr," pair-*!. Mi*. KAHUI K. llrt XX'.-*' .1'tih *i.. 17 -."ir. ?lth i.e.i-;- Smith, Regent *i.. Landon, amt Uuather**. fith.ive, sf. xl. i; \ lt ni i NTS ten Ired, lemitdMled tn lat -? style: n? not bv Hie daj . 1st* ? nh Rastlde* Montlea!. Mr*. J. MARTIN, li a xx ,.t. Roth-at. WEI.I. -MIHI: SIYI.ISH DRESSES end sulla; uerfes;! Rt; e,.?l'rate alicea; f.-iy mers easton r* aerommadaled. Mila. ELSIE il: i2a--t. tjrlp illiiiitro. AOENTS and C A.N V ASSEK.S, mala 01 female; SJ tv 07 dally prouts aure; es I er en... unnecessary, no miking- i,quired ; I'xelmlvs territory Biron. For pei'.l 'i,s s addi,?s 1. i'L'INAM * LO., Wet XVlnitcd Coan. Mal.'.*. AiilN'TS XVAMEI) b,r ruy and out of tots,, to latraduee ami astl a ,?:,..? tele. j.I,one ni, .aili,mission | I o-t is,'., Hteelsl lo , ..timi allntta-.l to rspOOie nen . lilli .*?? I elli, county ana s'a'.- righto. UNION TELE? PHONE t ump sn x itf Brood way, r,io?i 4:1 A..I.N I-, - Lamp WleBa ii-tcr barn out; no aaseke, a* mot, no trimming; limit, '"inn tn k.t-. ll tamphrs 10,.; ... ? ortisi do.en io'. li. i, .si AYN Ell 4 1 ,, I'lavMaaee, ii. I. XVAM'l.n A*.|.t.sut I*.ul,ke..|.er nnd pti . ml olli.i- ii.-i-tai,t lu lan.'.- men antile; I *t- r--f,-r nc-* esp re-iite and sal ,uy npeetad. ii"\ i'.tii [*om Ogh*a. ld )X' si .inf -.1 In- il. I -AND'aK shirl Mare, 215 tlrand-*t., liro.kitn. I III.I", t., employer*; mnie h'-lp of all kimi* caiefuhy ..le, l-l ami Bent; cits- or roon nv. order, b] niall will re.-is'e pr-mt.f, attention. Ml TL'Al. AGENCY, ?3| llnsi'i nay. " Ml'.N \X XNTI'Il in eatlle .te.,,,,,,. ,? I,md,),, amt Liverpool to tturk fnr Ires ihiv. mr--. 114 (lie am WANTED x * a,.a and r.-lisb;.; ii-iii i>,|cr com po* li or ia a growini countrr vii lag.' u.-ui New-York, Address irlsim: wag** .s|*.i-'l, T|MEB ANO JdI'RNM. Ljueaeaa, N J. XV AN TE!. (Hie lite mn,, li, ,.,..., ,, . and U.isn lu (he Cnlbd Stat,'* to sell Hn article tt Ht erv stahl,., md stock farms Address H., Ai2 East lJllt-st. Female*. A Olltt, with eodii r,.(,.r.n., for n,.,,. I,,,'1- nork and plain rOOBiBg. in^ j u, 17lli-*( A i:ii*.|,i.N I. XliX' 1 in -he I,,,,,,,. ,.,?' ployment ie * fe* ladlee I-.. ,.? ?,,?. 11 hat mu hate iiorked at. am! .end a'ai,,|,e<l enyeioi*. DKESrJMAKEH, u:c, Hhaa-iuut ste. Basts*. Mi" (I'i,I* ls na cam Basing bat W*p*i loble home work., WANTED An exiM-rl'-neetl Freiii-I, ri ,[il Inr gr**** children. Ad'tresa ll. ii. ? iULIULa. lltlaaaUtaU. N. Y. Igy l3oar5 UJatUfi). rsv. Yul'NO MEN desire room anti bo?rd in Amen,,,, family bel.,."Hlh-st,,- Mid i,,?r it.,..ii. it Ad'U'--* slatting pr.te ana p\srtkalZS Cf Ml MIMOSO. 1'- o. Dos iori, city. {Hork IDunifO. .Maloo. A.- WM I.. UARTl'NO, I.speit A, lounujul and Auditor, IJarm* oulMlug, Ko..". 4U, -I i'uia ?>._?. AN ACTIVE BlicrgiUt nun. "I'-'ic* ,.,*hiioii a* .*ti|.'rmi' i.ii.s-i ", isnglneei pi ? in,,. Misting, apart.nth""*'-* oi ''"'?''? . uiorougBly pm. (n ai ana um:-r-iund* all .ind* ol r-|u,lrui-- , IB yoSM' exp. rle... ? ? .mu ,vi rei. i-n. <? from one ,.i,.|.L,sci . an lat* r requeBird. J- li LAKE, ado ...jui ...,,.*, , Brooklyn. a t.i.NTLi.M.xN. i-i year* "f a"1'- 'i Millie Bl l'_ll*. France, 141*11'* B poMtlOU lillee lie , aa iis.l;>- MSs**ll Useful; *| .?;??* lilli 4Ti,ta-. ,,hm i til ll,,ult, I.ell,Hill alni English, a al ,* pmii, ni.t in laney cruekaiy, k-lll_-.Mll re BOd lal." I jel.ellt. iel", Ililli IOI' Burled 44i, e , gilt' guaa id.-.em:- a* l? saue.ty Industrj and wtegrlt*', a"'1 sill ouiine'i.e at ii moderate hale ry. AUiitv* H., K?s -V lilbt. lilli'.-. " Al',1 1ST- Lllle.-.-raph .rason arti-t tomi, bink . oin! "mk, pCl ll:.I lilli:.'* MM isetahliiK, want* Iii "I out ol city. Iddrott* a, K>>i-'l. ii Wyt koiT-at*. r-'kiyn. A RELIABLE YOUNO MAN ul 'Ji I ? ilrea a *ltuatlu4i; i* a, rapid, qui' k iud correct ut. lieu r-. taailllar with eulie-? aol,., olliee snd Custon llou-e tvorli; h'* noel un.l tubti d rciori-nce*. Addi'.-** C'AI'.V RLE, Lox -s, Tribune uili.". ""A Vt il* Ni. MAN'. SH"1i*h (-"J. '.mia tandi Ii'iti'-- ami .*to?m hem Int* ; knotts ho's; j. lake .a,,- uf elesafor BBd du ali kind* -r ieu*e?ork. FRANK BANBBERO, Hi 1.1-1 I Sth *'. .s.N EXl'KKT BOOKKEEPER and .jri-*p.)iiilent desires position "ith tlr*t in*s beuae; thoroughly competent to tike nil charge ..r offl ,-. can furnish relen-nce ni.'l lona*. ( OMl'EI'ENIT, Hos I, 111la? ni.- I'Ho e. A WI I.l, I.Hil ATE!) North 'i.'-rn an" H. it hu na- leen ?? eplntl le.ik* ll, ll ro'-eiv. Hants slttiafl n ; references. Ad? ie** FRITZ ROMAN, 4_'l \Va*liiii-ion-*t.. oner lilli *t.. Unlink, n. BARBER. -Wantt. smrk li, llro-ikltu or Bantry, fall -,r aihlr ce* lia Bu(ter>st., Irooairn, aoeond ile.,,', r,.M,t. KA'III*. -Experienced ma*.r. tie-Ire* lo.ltlon a* alta ndant lu Turkish and Un lian lath*, na.:.-* no object. Addre** Ml lEUR, Tilbuiu- l.'plotvii Oftlce, 1,242 Rj-god tat. K.-JII'I II 111:1.1-1.11 -By ft young nan, 22, helper (,n wagon tvnrk : has had a,n,e experience; I* strong, trilling, *,t?r nil Ind-i.trlou* : not urrald of hail iwrk; fill "ork fnr +7 a vre?k , .Itt- or country. xd'lie., i'., imo Baal 4c.ih *t., 3 Blgftto up. I'.'n'KKI-, ,', K. Empl >?? neut tl.*ir ti a* Inn,.le elltljf BOflkk '-'p'T and oller man li-er, famiu'ir tfiih foreign accounting and iiiii Mversl Europsan -anguegx**. salary, llJIOO per annum. AMERICAN, ctr Vn (aimer. Sii Bl.ker-*( , nof)KK!'.rri:it mid 0PF1CE MANAOER. sink i-x|i.'ii.!io " : , ,,i ie*|.oud'-nt ,,, English, i'i mun aial If a,, h. . bri, ul vs oik ot any mi. it i. I-V.' Slsth-ave._ lunik li I Il'l .1'.. t> . AU experienced a' otintjiit lin,, or go-rd adclr.-**. correspond ni la English ana 4tarsias, aha held a p" illon of tiu-t for It .car- d*?lr-'* ? losluoa h> bookkeeper, roihler or any employment rRerc Boa-.ty, al.ilitr and Intogrlr* are a-endiU ? l?--t referent**. Ad.l:e*t ll. E., ins 14. Tribune unic. ll'i >KKEEl'i ll Es|.erlet,'fl, r ?.*! i.>"r. un and b'-t or leferenee*. Addie** HENRY HABER, o-'.'. Broadway_ Ii. i. Ji K I.T l-l K. competent and icllab'e; ?n sear.' ? iperler, ?? *--k- porinoncnt po*|. Inn; best r.l""ti, ?*. B-, iii Tribune IOU ?? lint' (.is. would Ilk* t" learn lock. raul, buslni ** . Is inoiilh*' experience or ,???? ij.i uni. HENRY xv. FELD (si * ion xv *t .ia l-i._ HOY ii, wishes situation In t Ire*. las* bal; rt to learn Uie trade I berman de rent. Address L. WATERS, 1J7 East iota it Hui' of 17 rears, iranf a p- ?ltlon tl rat lae* rfette*. I KANE HILT, 212 '.'Oi? se . Ki,?,kiln. ur I a ReR - I si ? ?ri-ii' ?-il. single butcher, peaking English ind '.-ru an. dealt* posl lon; city ? country. Addi--* FRANK, ins I, 1 rlbune (inue._ ( , I'M x ic eh itmi* place aa ham. ,,,i fti-nit'i-e. i:.--;.. ls-* rafersnee. A. P., 1.1 sk i h.. -? Ri ? klyn._ ~~I ARI-l'N . I H .1 -si ? i. ie ed : a* eup-r. if. ntl, nt or a,*;*" tr up In pian*: ti.'.I ll, i Ry or touotry. D. C., 270 West Id-it._ 1 ARI'I NI I ll \ n -? . ii- mun si iTl ls." s-rT t,-.m.,nnf,le e-uti.ut - .rn , I loo*, r. [mi -, et- splendid ref renee* rom eu#l -u.-r.. HERRI SS Ul---k.-i ?(. , .ii.i.i'., lu: iii st.,-h. :ti total ab tal 'T "S|>. ric," . d . a hustler, s|e a. li in-,- 4 uiguagca |- refer n?-e*: ran -rive j.h aeeurltr. IJ1R1STIAN, 132 0th-a ve. i <i.N l-l DEN i I xl. CLERK of varied est erlenee, trustworthy, reliable, sou ld repre. .nt aaaisl ,.r look arter iirlsate Inti ls- -t* quiring hour or iso tinily attention, in ki il u? tu ie* pi' * -ni 'tn. ? - t ? i .- best Uv |efe,',e. .. PRIVATE SI.' REi'AilV, os ."a, iril.niie nfllee. ti'l-VIN'i. .,r at.4 kind; cox elopes ad re*, ed . ir,.mi penman: .nrity glveu; mil all nor* Utk.'i home. Aildr... a. II. ,X'I Itv. inn Warne-st., J.-r-.t City, ri t FiTT: - Tts--:.~iimt-elasa and ie i/ mctleol tailor; inuT.nil. AdJre s ll A ItH s l i... 111 D x De-hl'T. Ohio, DRAl ',11'lsM.XN or mebrilral a**l*tint ?jt,; knott* S|*nl*h, Ft (ac I, perfectly; teoogratph r, ii i .? i ll-r, I,,.,,kl e. |. r. Re. j 41 -. f.? T.'ll tl.eklt i III SI-. Ilse CT ff lt* IIC I'S. ?"li,-* IN 1,1 si lill) ls. Iluv 41. Trlbuiio fllle Diii'i. ill Kli la-Jit years' axpi ri? le*, good BBl**man und pr*acriat!ool*t, at r-*4ont dlseiigog.d, irlahe* a i',',?I permanent "*lll-ti Imui.di-tt.-ly , *|_-ak- t.aiiau; ref. ?ince. MENTHOL., 41'7 Munhattau ase , rooklyn, i xi pi.oi xii sr sv.s.i ii.ii :,s reliable, im-rfui to,hil' Aaierlcan; sniiiiu- t.> nark; nail ti i,'??* f... start. J E. Il . care J. nm. un IOU)-ave. EN .ini ku iii ,, thorough, prac! , ?i.' I So . 13 i. ,1 *' ref.-reii,... uuriue, am,uart li.-n*- ; Bil I lug to take flat... all or a,Hr-** ,1. C XV I Ol Hu l.,,n *i. I. si. I NI I I- Ks an rxpericfl - il re" ible engineer; general machinist; thur. i.'h.t |,.-i. I la ,i,ri hraioh ..f the 1,,,-n ** ; Brat-class In ? isv .rn i reference. . ?.,,,,. Mitton in iir-t , ia** apartment or busluem "'-*' ' "v "I .il". I Bil or j,I Ires ?t iineseek, H.. Engineer I '.Kl i Ulai-. I.Ni,I NT I lt Itt a ineehanlcal engineer; il" rn n,'-i| lu suprrintcuding and working ii Ins eu tiona; expert In dtmeniag u,,. h.mi? ll* r,,r ull purputhM; refercllCB li . Tribune Oflice. I Ni.INI.I lt I., ? iii 'I . e.|? ,,,., ,,.| ??'. lll.I.t; ?t'adv ami sola-, ; traills |?i*ui.i:i r-i , ia.*.* refereneu, -i.w Fast -.'let-.t. ENilfNEER Wanta poailloal does not rink; aluin* reliable; narine or station i chief* [leen* ? rjiy ur i-ouuti, ? stos.n. :t.-r. C. II XXTIITlAKI.H, NorUipurt urr.ik i aunty, L. I. ENKINEER -lit- praclicul machinist ? mipeteni rn all man. ,.,?* ,,r engine >i na ipslring, dyna.*. lee machines and Corliss id Bil olin-r eugine*; lo tear* in ,, i,,-,. loee a* rhlef: uriah .tm,fl,er |taaltlon nest eek. ENGINEER. 213 East 4;id-*t. EN'olNEEII Ht j mechanical ongliieor ipeii-n, ,-,i in superintend lug and working it Invention* i .-ip.-ri m designing ,, echanl. ii awvemeata f,,r nil parpoae*; Nfereiii-u . i. , Tribune ott!,.-. ENlil VEER I!) -S|, nene,d , n -ne I .1 reference. Add,"-, j. COLLINS* li Rail mit?*(.. ITRsTI'LASS PAINTER ami I-.xl-l lt.. all, gi xe t-.i mate, mi l?,(. i tai.-* nnd other trt r\ ; uili kaUotnlne rooui* i ..ii tints ui ti per room. LEVI 3-7 .1.1 Ut)th -t I ir.-l a I, xs-* , XKI'I.N I I Ka. fur'"'n~ru r lourneyman in im) In store, hotel ,,r e tort : , itv or country; l.-rin* nindciale. ' \X u.v.N, aaa Weal 29th-al, ~ rtiitExiAN MACHINIST die sin i t,.?i aker I *!f**s iliuitlou; lia* ha.I charge nf irge machine ahop, Addresi rooL DIE IA KER. 07, Brooklyn. FRI Ni ll Yul Na. MAN CH-' a eild [iga situation In some huslneaa oltt. e, suI.t iposRIon. r.-uts am! "riles French and ngiish correctly, Address HENRY li.x AILLEY, 1.1*01 Braadsay, Brooklyn. PURNITURE.-A tiei|.,.xj,..,|Pr,,.,.(i ~^~~ Islie. *ll?allon m hot'l o, 'Usaf- li,ni ? , ,..-,k,' anth,ne furniture, repair sad d,, ail ind* of mimd work. I). C.. liox il Trio. n I tito ern Dill,'" 1.348 llnsultnii iNtf.i7liof.nt yoini. man (.d', i*li-* i,, leeare good poeitioii; 4 r-?r< arlih r>'*fnt .iiniiiai er* : good peamaa; r)r**>cla?i ?feren-es. Adtli-s. \ . Ti linne LflK,-. iNX'I'.NT.iitS' Idea* developed by an and exp.rl in , am killi BtMigalag; alimiriesi devi, ,.s H "pe. iii,, 1 retereiiieH. OITRIXL, ll |d*|J rixiklvii. JANITOR. -Itv a man anti ?ire. ?,, (hil. ItS, a* janitor of a llr*t-t lass gat; Al ref. e.* .illili-.*, a.l ereok, A. CARHART 1 xv,.' Ztth ?'- . m. cirds JANITOR l".x|.c i-i,cod man ami tv I fe Slit h,iii?es, flstr. ,.i ,,n,.e? |0 , are far ?fcrettie* .1. S., .100 We.t JANIT'iH.-Uv ronna -Seor, limau i,.?," .-d; can do *teim. tlu'.ing ol any kind of ark. -all ll M NEIL, no ;iti..tse , ,, ,, JANITOR Ks inna and st if,. ; ,ion!,l Le .ure .vf ii a- .7 ft ts ho',*.-<; unil.rstands uni.*, painting, .ul- limning n.i jil y,.,,. al lenoir*: l*?s| referese*. Address j ,, 2t\A loth-st.. JANITOR -Rj iicn and ttlf* as J*nll*r flrst-t I ,ss flat house; ,an po?ltalv*ly tlc l general rt-i.ali- ainaiul flat*, uud-r- ! ?i ami* hot-air engine* .'. t.-ar. In pr***ai I nployer's: beet or rel* Ma CB* itls--n Ad- I . -- J sN 1 J.iH. lol t'r. *'. c, JANITOR or xv A Tl HM A fT-CitdeN ".' and- .van, h-u:. rxperiencad; can eoave I .-n rcio,,'in.-,ul'*t H BRAT, L'.'l,.- Ho.-- I Ing.*t. Brooklyn._ I ci -? ?-I J(, JAN1TOH oi ELEVATOR M.VN'.-iiy i 5 ,or,u man , or ilene,a n*.r,, -man n, |?j. | ti family. AoAre** Beg i" s.".t; Otha xe LITERARY or CLERICAL "mk ja ,,(" ?ri or otheiutte, nant, -,| by Kian of 8,'l ? ia" tom* mperter on .-itr .Ioim? short mi - etc., supplied. aUlEHxilY, Trib rn waus*, (Dark .Banted. Male* MARRIED MAN. ;4>4. a* salesman or inanagei . m rears' experience locally and in HO .state*; ene getic ; Intelligent, nlgu.l refcrenc*. WORKER, Tribune Odlee._ BBd ea-'tri. Hy treatment; llaeaaca ol the nerves, spine and bowels Micial; highesi im-tUal ant private ref rion,..* liEKLAI H. Kl Etsi qlsteat_ MIDDLE-AGED MAN wonts work of mv kii.d. when - cue-fiil. lion<-*t. .body ind cuii.p-iUnl man still ba aPI WI inulifl.-d tai (lil xatlous position* bt teats .f experience: *ulaiv losy. Addie*. blT K,N :i',ii East 7itti-*t._ 1'IIYSICIAX, ' uiiin-.'* -ii'., cn",-,-tl''. bc*t reference*, nm-* .nitaibii) employment; i-olld serve a- C4snp*ulau ant ittss.dont to intalid. ALI.'Jl'.xni. Hox gi, T.I'. uue Oflico._ 1*41ltfEl!.?By a voling man. 1,1*1-1 la*-* ?i-rrei,'". JOHN OWEN*,, lil Vol'W-.t.. Brooklyn._ "FORTER?By eolxi. Iiiiellis.-nt und I" l,i*tri"'i* (ieniiiin. 40. In bank, 1 lubliou*c ,, ofttce; ai city r- ferenee*. Eked o.. II "J"!-est._ I'ORTER "r I'.X' KER-Uy ? young nan. ---0. ll. KITZINOER, HA East :.-j(h-*t._ SALESMAN, tc Ry a married man. Imerleau, a* salesman, Bailor, derk, or BorB Bf any kind, 1* handy With tool*; aridly irraperata- .xddre** Box J., Tri*. mu 'Hilve SITt'A J'IDN XX'XN"! El) -III on exoerl I nt, her. Atdresv* N. Il EM EN W AY, lia .".ltli-*t . Smith ilr.Miklyn. _ 'I'YI-EXVl-.nTNO WANTED.-Dlet'ilion*, ir: I* cues on iimhiI. intent un 1 unlliors' turk tailed ror und d'-llvei-d. Adtlr*** sYLWXNl N r.KilXVN. 11(1 ".Ci-.tve, L'PIIOl STERY niul inaitr. tse* done re.i .ona lily at your hou-e lu B practical up nuteer. .'x,id.-** J. BAAN, 303 West I-I-Vb -St _ YOCNli MAN. 21, desir** ifoslllon; A ear*' experience lu i-ariieiiterlng ttork; an hui,dh- .Kid ,aie fur )?ir*e* 1 willing to inrlt: l..-f r-ference. DANIEL J. O'NEIL, (8 riedford-ave., Brooklyn. X'lil'Ni. M.xN, l.i. de Ires situation in lillee; |/,s,J ? ennuin, gulch at (ik'tiiei; can urnish reference; three tear. In Io -r posi? on WM. XV PRIRYL, -'.41 5th-?t. YOUNO MAN, ls nant* situation; tilling to stork at ons (hine: best ol refer ,,,-- EDWARD Hickey, sus Baltic t., Hiiioklyn. _ Yul'I'll. IT,'H |H)*lllon ill orili if lara* buiioeu houaa ttl,.-,- ability am! ,er* v, rin-e still gain ads auc-ment. i ra pl.! tr.ter; snotl at tltrures ; |,.-*t rvfereocee, li.UN VAN ALBTYNE, 1 IO i*outli sth t... Hrooklyn. _ YhCNi, MAN. V.I. i?"itiitiu tilth par? in*, experienced entry clerk, eorreopoad. Bl anti stn-:h ilcrk. dealt*** |x,*ition ; 0 ?eurs' men untile experience; iiii.-sreptlon bl- city refeiencss: salary low. WlloLE lAt.E. Roi 15. Tribune Ollie*._ YOUNO Man wanta employment of oar dad . I* WHIM* and obliging and not afiald if han! worh or long I,our*; good reference. ,ddi***a WILLIAM, Tribune l'ptowu oltl_e. ,_'4_* Draadway. _ Yiir.Nii NORTH OERMAN wants any dm! or i4?rk In a saloon. U. THOLEN, are II. 'll-tjens, 111 So'lth-st. YO (j Nfl Man, some huainetts experlenc*. "_iit< position In wholesale hou?e : .an lui* ,t*h tx-st rerereaee*. J. a. p, ino East 11.4th -st. YOUNO MAN. -ii. de*,,.-* permanent msitlon ttheie, by cloie attention bi boat 1(00 he can ?scare Sdianceuieiit : 'air pen? na il ; (pink and correct at llf-ures ; il'>t la-* references; moderate -ulaiv io beyiu. Idilr---.* XV A., HO IIenry-*l.. Brooklyn. Yul N't. MAN. Si, si -le-* loaitluu us oil" tan ? Al reference and hand. Add MSB \ s Bis Jefferson-ax-e., Brooklyn._ x?,i Ni, man [20i desires to winn a si*ltlou willi a mer. m,t l>- bona* ; four years' i.iiino** experieaca i con furni*h best refer ill"*. H.... 4.','.a 1-t-st.. H'kltn. x oCNii MAN. SO. wl*hea aimatiea ; fair H-ii.' ll. R , 4a!l East 8.JUi-*t. Females. RCARFS and TIES.-Th,,ro'ieh ln?*,-i lon -fi.n 1,, prltuia' cstabil.hmeot by o atv work secured when ron.petent. J-'" sirib nior* ap|ilv (it Christian Aid to Ivi ,|o"inent Seel.fy. SO Bible Ho'i*f-. -J Fri rx ky. \. Br a l*dy, as seer arv. ur redden! or visiting goxemesa. .. V-nographer anti Irpewriter. Addr.e* Ml** .. L. DAWEs, 57-1 Lexlngton-ave., Collins s*H. STENOGRAPHER and TYPEWRHER, Xpert, 4t|alie? day mid evening work. Ad ress or -all sIT.Not.KAl'HEK, Jtoom 89, TD Pi ood way. ila, ini; x. young lady teacher, 're,,, I, anti If.iii.iti. r.-i|'ilies |o*ltl.m. Mr.. ?PORE, -JT". VVeal :('.th-ft.. privat.' hon*-. TVI'r.Wltl I IN', nnd St. ENi M. ,.A i n X r t very description ; piaf*, iiov-l* circular*, re cl ni allon., Rc ; moderate- p-b'e. ; al-o "tarleton rlsran. Mr*. 1* jWI.K, kio ".Oi? se ear. in.tsr. ! \ l-l s-fltlTER si:*hi~j7e-,"tI.T.7' -xi.-ri *,,"<!. lie lu Um- lim- 4i,,,ii: b?* Remington, OOd tpellcr ami 0*00101*. Mis* Q-, 2(TJ [roadway, ituum SS. TYPEWRIT!.VU WANTED bi- (l ,u I bia nml experienced young woman w,t4, ne year'* reference from ix-t emplorer. dir.... Mia* ll.. Christian Aid t,. Em loyment Soclejr, BO Bible House, y. y. "Yin N't. l.xiix . experienced tyrs-u-rlter, eilres |?.*iriou few hieii* a day ol i,-.-u a eui. Addie** lt. C.. LIT tV -t IJ'iUi-.t lo.,in IS X "t Ni. LADY, spanish teacher, desires .ore pupl* rrtiisiatloii d',ne ev-nlngs. .d.!r??* FERNANDEZ, Tribune L'ptowu file.-. 1 'H'i Ilroadti-ny. Domestic Situations fflanteb Malo*. ATTENDANT.?Te li valid or eld-rlv ntl. mun, bs reapectsble American mau: uni. (.nt, nilli ii.-. BtricUy l-inp, lula*; r?-a ,ii,ii,i.- tenn.; c.tjf "i countrv. Addi..-* IELIEF, Ib.x 8, Tribune OBIce. ATTENDANT. iuMI'aXJuX or NUHJBE. liv young Eni.ll-.hii,an ; well educated and ' pleasing add raia; holiiing excellent m. di? ll und per*onai mforencea, d'*lie* t., act . Ihe abuse t", an Intalid -.'.-litl.-uaiti. R. Il . 1 ?..'7 ll oil nat. KT I LEK. By lonni: F.iiglNliman; un ?if>tuni* ii**. thoroughly; city or iuntry; refareiices. xi.r.Nt x. HU Hbave. t ill. i" -By a Fiehcnman for prl xor* .nu It , llr-'Iu** city ref.-i,,,,'.'.*. till.!. ,i iVeel l'-th-sr. CHEF ilj arst-elss* lieioh r?ok, In Ital- faa iii : k??| B|tj* rer,.|..||,e*. .vL BltT Jilbune Uptown (.nike, I iii ' x. ii man Hy un ex|ierii in rd mar. cd until ; rood ii"r-.atu.n, .t.adv drivel it and il'an . u ir.- j*-.. I louudrc** : e||r or ?mirv. Adare.*- COACHMAN, 139 Emt rt* -? ( ii.xi HM x.N. -Married, snull faimiv; tn mntry. thoroughly underaiand* ia* baal* *-. i;:*t, i.i.*. lefer ?,),,,. Addrca* COACH AN. ft| tVettt IMth-st. ( "\i HM XN and URO ?M. Hy *U-ady. Bleat, lober, young nun: wiring a,nd iilirincr; attend furnace and ma*Te himself '.?lui, country preferred. 1*. O., 1,098 lute. CIA. flM.V\ ?r s|., ,,.N j, ,X| x\ fi ?ad r.uiilly. Adir..** i . Il , r.ii Eau Cn At ll.xi AN.-snul.-Tfully und.-istaid ? - hush. careful driver; stm-tii i.-, >rate; Br*t-c|sat cits- refer ace* Address i.mi-ika ii; Trtbane i utosm Odie* H'i K'.snliui'. COACHMAN lit ., Herman; thoiouirhlv ,.!.-: -ta,ul* lu. in,.in,.** . e,??i reference*. I Ai ll MAN. i.-i *ih uie i i 'At l!Xt xN'.-iieniieiiau giving up lil* ,.*.* nani* -I',lotion (,,r hi. coachman; a gie . thoroughly e\|M-r en ed . ,-itr ur oouu t , uni.' ,*t.inds gardening, inllklng, at mi in,: fumaee: ttining t., Im- generally dui: eau be recuinioeuded. Addis-.* KU E. Hos |, Tribune Oflice. COACHMAN. HARDENER. Ac?By a I,Ile man. .art-r-il drlsei, uootl cukiiii: ill tie u.eful , until:*!',,,d* Ihe management gei.tleuan's country pimc Uiorouehly; ?ry *uti*r.o r.,,v references. OARDNER ox IS. Trlliune Oftlce. tux' HMAN. (..-ntl,-man tii?he. to pru? ne nlao* r,.r hi* roachmou: eau recomaiend ii, ii* bei,,',' atrietly tempemte, heni**t id f!o"d driver. Apply J. tv., 113 i a*t Mi -t. CO AC HM AN.-Br Hwed*: koowa bas tu ?li'u (ajid-ni; is tliorougii hor.eiiiui , beet tv and countrv i-feuioe*. A".ENCY, ll ttliave. COACHMAN, ba. -:x xear*' city ref. .-ncc from la?t .-niplos-.r. E-ax In? nu ,.-. ?'int of breaking up. Address E. J) JJ, h-ive. COACHMAN -liv nrti-clss* reftchawoT lorottghlv iindT'tenJ. cara rn horse. ,ar? ni:-* . aver ll yen*' nr*t-:a.s raforeac**: ?i.e.t. snit,:, ss tl' li, rf. ohlU-:,ig. !a*t em. ?M-r re,'..fy. fall or addie-s CtT'.LEY, ll Wise._ *t ') A i 11 XI ax N~ and i. aTu)':NER.-IIv a ii tari-- 'i'-rman; B.-ntlenien'.. place in the iuntry; leiirf experience: be?t reference. I' . Tribune urti e. C.'i'ils Kv 1, young l'iiL'il*ini,:,,, j-.-t riscd "mm Euio|ie: ssl.he. *it,inri,.ii in 't-'l, lir-t i:!a*. rettaumal or prisare family t. vr, 1:.,--. 4-:-.i..t HARDENER.-Bf drst-clasa man. sieadv ul taber; l-ioraugnly experienced; ou iu! it- plo.-- 01, Feb. 1 or later X M. ,jr Mi. M.y. 1, .'111 XV,-1 JANITOR ur I'SEITI.M XN.- fly tn ling uii in lilts m.- booie or itftit c building; yean' ne?t 1.-r-r.-n.-e understood* -team at. OEOBCtE lani; -.'.'i 1 ?.i .*i-i ., r-riiT.Mx.N FoRTF.K or eiTe tTOIt MAN. -Its a ress* IrlsJiman (i'i); 1 sib sad ?? um* -I 1.1,.- .1. ti m. rlbune Uptown Ofllee, l,2U lisroadwny, rsl'.I'LL or Ma 1,Ni) MAN. -ll* sued I toting mau. tvliluig tudu anything. C. , box 18. Tri!,une 1'ptott:, ,i.ln, l.-Ji.' roadway._ 1 REFOL?1 OOB? By nuurld couple, ror ntleman s place; wife, cook: mon. ^,lc^,| ; rdemm wat**, d. j. cotter, na NSIllltUT. _ rsl.l-fTeM.xN-ur I'llltTER.-lli- young |> |orcd man (JJ), lu j.r. i., ?? tamil" : '.. ...I feieiice. ( xml M. MELTON, iii tVest i, Hi *l .ate Mi. Tm,iinji_I J valli or WAITER Br yoaog lr-i.-li- c in *peaKlnp a llitlc Engiiib: In innate i tnllv : Kuod rei. renee. I CIIIRON, 205 " isl Hal,-*: _ _I ( VALET.?By Keedi*h voung man: p s)d 11 lt. rl.-nre ? best r-t.-rences. JOB, tribune [ 4 Oflice, IMS Broadway. \l Domestic Situations (Dantei GROOM-By a llrst claw groom; tw I nu it hit- under, food* caro horses hsriJsT icarriaee*; would be Boaerally userui , ?? or couulrr; Kood ri.teicncc. J. gimW Tribune Oflice. ' * i MAN. ;u tTife. "ST American: tow^. washing, boning : man useful; gmt r.-cai! nie.idallon ; city or country. E. li. BRou/w aw Bom 4.j ?t., dont BOaasaBBs. *"'vwa, ""r.-j.ii'L m \n ?r iva rreri-s*r loka gent young Herroao; pu vito fanni,? boaidlna nous.): anxious to plea.*J finnan-: referencea; nmi.'eiato 'ulf-T HENKY. .'I' Wt.t 14tb.*t. '**?? WAITER.-Bv young colond mon suS* lng and obllgtsg: uinhI lef.-rence 1*1 .'SO West (i.'deU. room ft. *s "xVAlTlTi!, .TrToois.-ijy ? J?[aae^"*\^r*5 iiibii a* nailer ,,r ,00k In . privaia. tmmSt loud reeommeiidatioii. Address A A ?t-.l) uno Offlie. " *??*? toma lt*. A.-A ? MRS. L m:ely TT? (fcimerly Miss L. Cair.pbelli OS WEST KD-BT. *" FOREIGN ANO DOMlisTlfl MALE AND FEMALE ' EMPLOYMENT BlRtiij ALL REI EilENt Es n*5AlT' STKIt J LY INVESTIOxrVn Servant* breftktng ?iitavcneiit* sun be dl*iii!s*ed Irom odie-, and forfeit j| claim to faa psid. n' ?* N. B.-NO BRANCH OFFICB. 0--4 XV I.ST L-JD-ST . *A "Tt']t'"*r*rM,*-?- liAtoifg aaaV men* lillie. J.tO Otli-avc, between "Ju\-\ ii- *t... eui be rdled upon (or flr-Zff help, mab' and female; i.fereocea oZ-m* gated ^*> ?a .~a. - a .- sw e ^^Ft^iSoitarTirrrr*^ mail*. ttaltrcBSs*. -.-ainxticW* nulJ*' aiapenmald'. laundr-*.-., hou.ess.,?**' Mr.! MAL.x,BE,;(is BC'REaT {Jm's'S* aiie.. apolalrs. - ***? 4U> Ml;s i.xi'i.x. .'",() ~murjF~7T-r a** dressmaking and amio.,,. ?'?** reasonable' work d,. on -.on \otirl ? HA.Xl HF KM x His and xvi^iIF^r tlrst-eliss. Eogllsh and ^a,Uh li.^?^ isl. walting at Kt.YAL EXU'Loyu1^*!; iii'lim M Weat orMlls,T ( HAMBERMAID and iVaJTB.*LA-****g s young giri In a i.rlxala Unaly-stS rcferen, ?. $.+ve, u"7' ***?? RV CHAMBERMAID -.tiaTFAmtn-ntmS pr a ,-*,*-tab,.- ,,n, ii^cir5-Sr tdion to the country; best or a?lJl. r'""- *?'> w*m 4'.',.?..t., j arSa*'*' w,;,,n?:^;eill'?;!,:!^:!;:;^?^^ cook -liv a co?ip.Tent w0l"~"Tr""*"-**"' ciinp-t.-ut laundress, ,??*, Xttt\\\\\t' rill av;':.^:i:,^,,ua'KMj''*,s-^?S (aMiK.-l!v a l'r''le"*tai^"7o^~lT)c4 .ok ant! bake,, ,.,,,., I||(, ajSTt-aaH Uh tva-tiin-r: city sr country; good"?.* sse. B*a Earn jgmh-el., M floor COOK.-By ? ii, --.., I iiVTwrTrao: ??. ateat bi eyers hapett; test it r*7ee<S ar ^Vtgye---ri? ?**? **5*m ('(mts. - Ry V-,??. arnott*. sTrrisB. speak In ?? English, laiv-r. baker d'-siVta! .ame, mail, ti , -. , ,, ?r .,,,,,,,..- -t3 ? xcl.N, v. .li", ithas... wmm COOK, xe -Kv ? s.ntcli PrulsKifll. 10,-1,7 neat. ref. renee*; or house**., u! LiEHf:,^\x',:j;y^,;.:;',-''tr>' ** ? roOK.-By -. -.rd chef; I3~year7 t^eokng; good city r-f-re-ic ?: all kind.,* '.".kli.a- instr ;. mu imsii . ,.t;ar and carr. lng; hot I*. Ir ml,. Eut'llsli or siaatki go anywhere. C. F? iv, sx.*t irTth^i. ' l o -Ks ml iir*t.,|j., i, |,,: rWiiijSfi In vestige tad (??- .1 Mr*. \VILSOS*S EmnlovTrient Pa rio -. 7.-I otn-ase fOOK a.i l.tixiii',;,*. II-.- a 5S svitmati. c..| i-es.K a: d j'jin -inM'Sii ahem ehamliermaid I* kepi unod .p. -t'. ; ? ? POM I sill r. EaS -otn.Jt ' "'ii' aud i. s' nuki ss_\riLxMnnE ""IA! I) and WAITBE.SU._By t?o BBB bait irlrl*: *? :-, .'? tl nr ,,,,n(rv: r-*r>r* "i,"'<: Kwedlab houseworker; l>",r'h nura*, ?.ti ilia at,-., near I Sth-at. With Mar, COOK.-By a thoi ., with f veare' n-f.-rinces la.t place; j, r'-ilabla, "...llofl |, Ul. Se.'H 002 olll-BVe. J AC QC*IN'S Oflice. COOK.?By uii econ mica! Q rama ai very gistd cook : wllliag lo .,*.-i*t nith ma. lng; rRy reference, iv; East :Hth-st. i '?'"ls. Br a s mug ?o,n.,n a. .-Ir-t-claas e.eii. by Ci' day; ? *. c ,.-i louodreoi; lust -atc reference. fall for tiio days, Mn. MAf.LOX .(L.i XV -t t.;,|.*t. ' ""ii \\'xiri:i.s> By tao 4*4Bbpbbb1 sn.-iii-ii girls; together or ?* pa ri la rrftr. ii?. i all Xir*. M.XLMHEItii, >wctlJili [J ta A',i 1th-av it* . ? ""K Ry .i yooag FreachamB, tat from I'.'iro|?-: wUhea slt'Mtlon la hotel, ilr.f - lass r- -taurant or pia tate familr. I T, SO East 4aM-*t. DAY'S XX'i.KK. llv^~flWrlsjia ^un." dr-**, or houses-leaning; la! v.-irt' cttt"ref. '?reine. Addtvas M. C , -Al Emit SAUi-rt., 2d Moor, front. DAY'S WORK.?XVeatiin trlihe* U, go niis bv the dav. call or addrcst iii Wes* nth. *t., :id door. " iT0VERNIaBI^.-n> KflOCd BlaBb 4*SrsML HaiiosarlJii. a* mir..rt f-t mei* and atslil lily in bousefceepitnc lu AmeriCBa tsmliyj excellent city reference*, a. L., 19 Es* i;:(,l-*(. ? et i v I", ii NE**s.?Lui t- "fsaehlag prefect French und .si<iu..h i, .h.-.* *lt'niion si gar. '?rn'-; 44iu take entire charge ?t chil? dren; b'.r reft-^n.-es. Pa lil si.XV. 149 East I3th*t. HOrBEKEEPER.-An ABterteaa anana ts .-mts :i js.*it|,,fi a* working huns, keeper In gi'ntlenan'i family e< u|i*tair* tturka'sl sewins: the beet "f rsfews*****. c. ll. SMITH. IDI .".'have II.Itltn.__^^ HOUSEKEEPER.-Young tiTdis is heaaeket-per in a sklower's family or to t?'," eare of bacbelo'a' apcrtaieam Mn. IOHO, -r.'. Wee* .cu,-et. IIOt.'SEWOKNER.?Pwtestant; exceHiot ? -~ . bread, raeal* soupa, dea**rt>; ff-* washer auj Irooer: city ur eouatry; lit* reference. 1,017 (ith-as.-., betweea oTVtObi yata *(.*. tr?"i iv,.man doing a*y ' housework ; ,i , i ... ml ironer. 323 Ca*r 4 ld-st. "" lIOI'sF.XXOr.K.-Bv :.'a - ail lak*as b*e es -I'.iit worker: booie e."re of ** ihjeet; references, IT/iYD's i.,r< iltbar*. ilOi'SEWORK By *trong Leru-an. rord CSF.WOBK.-By * respeetebt* rtsTBJ I to go .mt by the dat I ipibie of plain c. ol. and lau,u!:e*. or general hou* itnrk: city r.>r-r--i,.- lei Ea*: 34rh-*:._ " II' .1 * I XV.fltK IT... I.:.- .- r .- ate I*. allUng (<? (In light boueewot*; wag** **? all ?.?*.: .'Il lite _ IliiC-l'.KI'l ITU lit' v.,iim: irerm** ii'alotv, s|feaklng Enirllsh. In rlubho>i?e ? lintel where eervanU ac* kent: ntr ej -ountry. Address or rill n.x XVIII OBX* RF-STAURANJ AA' tth-ave, IIOCSEWORK.-Yoang N'.th IreluXl Kiri; taro roora la*' refemoee; goad cook ind*; near ea'' and wall tal''* MK** rYLF.R'S OtBce, lin; iidiate._< iii'i'M:isi'.i:i-ri: Refined rouneaaajaa, thiiri.iiglilv <? i.ii.|.erenr.; le*t 's retVuBS** Mils pROWNIN . I'". East ddtb-st *" it'll si WORK i ?? " I' -? ? ' : wnuidii and lea ilau-.'iitor a* "'ok and g-S ral lu |itasat.- Ba**V "J boa-dlug-hoiise. Aid.-* IL X. ??. M Clill*toph" i-st., near Hieeim !, hu- _ I.XHY's MAID .mil s| AXtsTKI'.sS.-Rf , rumpeteni joung woman ?:-'?' -***}, *d kind* af Beams: tulHne to bc u.-eful is tth.r dutie-; b"*t r-feicnccs. IjO E**? "ll'lll st. _ " LADY s MAUI (ts ? iir*t ??!*?? French Budd isith ?_? year*' reference ls*! (sac*. kaiidreaser. dressoautcr. J.xt Qt ins (Ji? ll,e. i-OJ _9 "l.Ai'NDiii ss FlrtteclB** Treotti *** capable al tine f ,**" ? . I. ft,, .md fh'tP i.xt QUINS Agency, 002 Othavo. L.x IN DRE *s.. Competent mg all I,ran he* of the Brade, hy (he itu best -t r.f -i' Xl.sll. gUd EsVBl CJd-*f. ~ M XII), le Hs j French Piul?l4am SS ma <l mir*.- ind -,-im'fr ?*.* ->r hou*t**mSri very obilBlng; thoroitithlv .s|i"'l-n .rd . mt*. ? st ,ori-r.'ii,e. Address fir twa ****j tCILITY 4 hrleCau Aid to Eirpli'vioeai Koclety, -'io Bible ll,.- N. Y._ MAID Excellent seaiii'tre.I, d"**aasB> er .ind hiiir1i.?*.r: go-d .'Itv ref*rCOCC. MX1D. 41(1 XX', .t, lOthsBI_ NC Ks I. -ut hlehly leanremblB, to fined, middle-aged Protestaoi iadt- a? sea* to Invalid lailv or children : rni*tw.*rttr, riperleoced, cajtable and obliging; city a country. Hi XX'.-t :4t)th-*t.. ChiM 'nn'j^_, ni'Ks i. or MAID By i "'il|",<1 **M r.-iman fiom Hanoi -r a* iiur-c to f**"/ ?lulilren or maid BS sou,,.' ladle* I bert S* ? .-?. Call I,". 1 t-t -'.'.'.i-t._ ?NURSE XYAITRl'-s-s By ruo '?"???_"! ,lrU; t-ieth-'r or ..'iMrate: .*. yarr ;cr#r ?I,,.? lofaat'* Bar**: rtrit-cla.i waitr*", i:i-:..rual.l :<H'. i'.th-ax_e._. NI "HSE".'-'-('onipet.-ni to tate mat* ?ha: ge ni rouag children; ?ix year". rerer .ii.(- Cad i>: a-Utei* 002 l.ricne-ix-S-. lin,'lilia_,_? il xX|*llt|ss liv .?..nipetetit ^-*m?(J**SS uv ,he dat . do?Bllhind.offamllrm*la*j InlshiOB di ?'-. ,.-i?iri.itT ~\v*t\f*' n.-u Hil', bultouhole- AdJress Oi.A-\ stress, -.-iii W.-st :ilth-M-_^-s ~SFA.MST:iEss. Iioiin uuilU l.*n~-tn**A *,7^,!,ut,,'',!^:,M\r.^su? r'*-!,,ml , ,k,k 8wedl*h profes.I,>:i:i, ctws, , i , M. Enelish t'-.tlcr. Siuth *maa h'ma'l Ot-ixxrsrss ?-j4.rUaa _***"! mdt'* IT nih smld .and ch.Uli nurse. ?? recoil mei.ded t*Jg4*_'**-___?-?-*! " WAITRESS and CHAMBERMAID^ twedlBh tiri Coll fis.m 10 to 5. Ir-aWBW SON. bl \V.-t Mthal._._?. 'WASHINO asd IRONINOe-BTJ"LT, op doer._?_-???rr^nss. ' Vd'sv' )--" --- -? v-^ji.ry.ri^i.^'i^ if!-'?. I.' I.**)" ^f ^^lu^Vf^ fflsDllm-l^?"^*