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UNSETTLED BY "WHISKEY." MORE TROUBLE IN STOCKS. DISTILiLINi; AND CATTLE FEEDING FALLS ilVB PO (;i:nt-silm:i:. 6ALES AT THK BTOCB I XCUAN'.K, JVNt'AP.Y 30. BALM OK BONUS AND BANK ST n Ks 0 Amer K,\ Bai.n..K>7 i lOUO M4UM V GM ss .lld BB'-. 8-', HS' 22 h? ST'S A cooo mu v. st p i CAP VV ... 11(1 e0>0 do Dv?it S 5..10 * T l.t 4s. si'. Bil* MV, I'"! 4". (O'. Ol 100 West Bal B? 1000 Tenn sett 8* . , -1, 120O0 Am Cot O lo S..1 l*Vj 45000 A T ft S M 4... SJ1; 7100 An.-t) V N" 1st ... .'.''?? JOOO B ll I ti V\ 6S.102 lOiO Brooms n 1.1 H fiUO ll< R I N 1-.1.1III1, 6000 do Col Tr Os... '.''? i.O('() Can Snuta lu.. 1' '.'?Si DODO C of -NJ OM fts.lll ". 600 d.Ill1, a'.ot'O Ciu (Jen 4>a>. 82-s ICU) do . *!-"? SOO o d .. BS * iecOO do . 8-'\ 10 00 do. BC'i WOOO C \ oe nn .".-. 108*. 10O0U C A l' ll4eA Div 1-t Con 'J-4. ne?, :?? 0 do . 81 lissa, elm Du lt Wt' B*b Blt 4B...". 2('i>0 cln . 1(00 do ia Div 4*.. 100' 0 do . .. &"c*> cd an y oen .>. ie. leo o un. ..los 60'K> CD HQ Deb ..s.lO-'V, lOono N Pa' Cnn it... 71 {*>"()( 11 k Erie I*t.l0.i l'.coo ctn . 7("2 60c0 C i.I,U Co lit. '.U1* l'OJ do . 70* {.OOO 0 OVS W Mtge.107 -0"" Northw ton.13.', lOfH'O C ** N Pa Itt. . V 5000 NA' '.'?'. ?;. I D"i I-.l'l '?? 00 0 dn . 77 , .M'OO ni.ii, K lt it EMOOH. .',.. "i ?:o.7"7. I'.is'O " S (j M 4?.b3 H'"o >1 K (OOO M K 6(0? d'. . .0"! M K 4c 1 -d ... II ""(> do . 4000 clo . 5000 do . L'ooO M A o (? M 4.. WOO do . 2000 M'.r L I J 7. I SUnO NV C Ix ..* lteR.I0.'*| lnOO N Y c SjStL .* 1*7-, III 00 d . .... 07 i 8 00 N Y li v ]-' lil, ..-I n Wi II Ul U- ? : "> 5000 NY04W t n .'.-.In?"* l ?' i?) (.o .BB0IM08 ?tOoo NYOsW ivi i- B'.> 1 00 do . 85*j loco K Y S4W OM.100 25000 X Pt lat Be*..]I . g .,.,, n pa- Terni 1-t.I'2 4 'O'' N Pac '.'d Cou...Ul du .ll.i** .?.nco ur,. Short L ll* ?.O''') cb. ot 0 l do .in.v. .lO-'i .1081* 5000 Ore In.|> 1-t.10."-j H" 0 O e I ( "ii .... . t)2*j 8O00 U'" 1! \ N Co . BOVi . >-'!-. Bl 'i -4 200'0 d.. . 7'"', l40.ui C Klip 3. Cou.101 Hi 201 0 do .IO! v. 10 0 C Ri v p n- Cou 12.V ?'.0 0 do Register 0..122 7""" C ki v p Deb Sa a \ loco .: li t I lat .... '.'7 20000 0 1 SI I- io". ? _oI ir i 1000 Coi V U I il. io. 'O') rt* . 2"('0 (' ll V A X Ba. :>-< 7OOO d. . 1000 Co! Mid 4s. OG', 15000 O S Edt I N c on. OS* in nf 4000 I1** V Est 1st.. Chic 1st 5... . DO H 00 clo . jnoo ji v Ui. (i 4- ue 6000 I'eo A 1 cw tut:. 25 500 iiii; '? imp 6*. ?:'': &000 P.tll i-t ju Inc. 7f.1* 2(00 HIM Sc ML (,. SB H'0.00 th. . TfiH. ?>00 1) Sj !3 v A .V- 100 I2O00 d" . 7i"_ 7000 1 . V A- O Con 6000 P v: K '.''I pt In*. 0*V (io'd 6*. 00V IO0O0 P V It HI pf In (tar, 21000 lal il lil lu ol 86000 ti. cn, MT 1st ba.121 '?''?'O'1 <ii> . ? 3000 Ho . 120** 'OOO I* V R Def Inc 14** ](*>) do .120 6000 do . 14'j 6ooo Ella L fa ti &.'.. 7*, ". t'O P B R :<J ion. COOO clo . 0*v KOO P A li '. M 4? UlS'O d , . ! 8 ld "O do 1000 do . '.'b'* f.""0 do . M*a V.ioo do . OBS 12000 Ft WftD C 1st KO 10000 Oal ll A S An W- et Div 1st ?7*j 60^0 O It A 1 4H?*...lo t\ 1000 HAT 0 OM 4s.. 70 1 Still io IA-crN :iu Mtg ??. :I0 100GO K Pac l.?t Con .1 ti tiooo Ky Kant ut to, SV. 17000 Lu" 04tl K Co of st i. i-t . ... btvj lOOnn L I ? W I-t .VI 12 3000 L Kv & St L 1st 5*. M*j 2000 do . 83 HOOD do . 81 aooo do ,....?.. mi1. 81 * H4\ 81'. 8.' M -"00 I v. Mo Wv llLUOH 12000 I. N A AC Con lOOVj 5000 L ft xa-ri SAN AU Gtd Si. DOV-. do do do ie d . do d. do do '.*7N. 18 I - . ?a- . ' s . ltV'OO 21" SW) 250 DO ?6000 25000 25' O' inooo 12000 10000 fotjo 1(K"io 40i IBO. BOCO L Kt L, Si T 1st 10 0 do . Od 4000 Lour ls OM ls. 93 H"C>. M ih i oal 58....100V, DXO M-1 El I-f. si ' ' '. 3'*") do .117 fiooo M"t Elov 2d....l"7"a :.r*>. t!o .io* 80.**) Mt h 0 M,;,. i*. 'Sj 2000 Ml. ll Oat 7*....120>9 lcooo M t, s V" w i?t Mih Dis-.. . KT2 6000 M b B lt U'10 Main Leia .:U13 JOOO M A B 1st 1018 Ce ?<>:i(J.<r*d .112\ 8000 M L stw Cn 1 'O, 120^0 Mil 6 st P Con.128 ion'. Pitt* A VV l.-t.. 1000 de . 10 ii" I" ? I v D Deb. 82000 K h I vv Pi Col Tr 6* . 4"4 BOM o* . 47r* 4'..C"0 A . 4S', .-.'..H. do Terra Tr .">*. 73 5000 li o .1 1-t sSOJA Ol'. L'OCV'.) Ric Q vv 1st.... "TN 100' clo . 77'* ai oo st L a v i ll Div Bonds. . . i'i; 15000 sr L A I Mt 5-. b!>?, oi 'Xi StL Snuthtt Lt. iii1 iooo 10 00 do 40.O il. BOM do 12000 Sf I. 03 r,.,'-... (K-i, 'ill "d Inc. 27 . no St J" M * M i?--.iori>* 200U bt P M A- M 1-t Con?..l 6s tyd to S'js.10"', 4000 d . . T'O1-.. .'."HO Co C nn.o' Os...121 11000 do Mont K r... ll.,i, ?.'iico do Mm t Ea I*. M 1"00 St 1* t S P (s .KM .'.OOO St, L V |S Y 2J Cia** n.IK'V TfVO S. | VIN K 4. . #nh 80t o T A Pa 1st ... S'"-. 20 ?" d". . so )0 do Kni odd 4s. Mi', 2' o ?'? T t Pa- So lae. 27*j io LB&MS Sd K'lt.l.'ia. HisO") do . 27 8W 0 Tva k i . Otd.lOO* -."' 00 T AA VMt P Os.lOSb .' 00 T A \o:V M Lt io ?? :. 00 I'd P * W 4- . 801, 1:000 Kn Par Kol-I fl* Col Tf Bot** 10.'-_ :,0?y) r p D A ci l.t. 74>-.? '.' "' d,. . T|.\ I'disj clo . Tl , ?.''?nu Kiah s Ext I-f.TH 8 ' o Wal. K ll 1*1 ....10t\ SOM do D t C Esl '"' :n o di . 0>\ BOOO do . . '.'O', anno w*b B B 21... 82"? T'OO Ila . 8' ', 101*9 'o . 8:1, 82OO0 VV b| S ''tn 4*..1(1 fpo*) do .127 6000 M ASt P 7* a**M.123'i coi*) do .1C2'i TUE GENERAL LIST. Stocks. Alb A su*.. At T A e K. o4'*j Allan & Pac ... Am Cable... bl Alu Dls-t 'Iel 57 Adams Exp ..leo Amer Exu.r.lDJ Am Cot oil. I".', So araf. .. k.'j Am Sa| Bet.lifU ao pi**f... .io:!'. Amer lot)., li, _ do M*t.** D*U A oh a.. D7-, Buif ri v r. ... do i-i'J. DURA B ... BAo ^ w pf ... Brunswick. t*)l K A I. lil do pr-t. Col Col Dev. "ifs CS.11 C A I Ul Con c. of Md ... Com Cable... ? . tbio Oas.... iio Consol uaa..lbe Can aloa tb... 57"* Can Pa-'. Cent of N J.E-.i', Cut Pa" ... 'J'.) Ct"M A Ohio, lit do l.t jnef ... Uo td ant ... Chic A Alt.. CK* M .. 4 Chic B v Q 102 Chic ft E 111 70>2 do prft- . C M a st P 8"'* do ant. ...1.5 Ch ?. -NonlittlH do prl.140 C al 14 P. ff C St P MAO 61-* do l>r*I. C C CVSt E 67-1* do prv-f- ?8?? Clev A Pitt. 157 C il V A T. 81 da lire-t. Ta's Da. L ft wi.,, Lah 4Jaaall87 Don A K o do pr?t .. o'.H ?ls S Ut P 44 I Eic IU..126"! t I V * <L 4K* do 1st and ... do 2d nr-f ... Ev ila., ... Flint A P M Ot North 1)1.187** O B Wi-s p ia!j do pr?'t . Ccu Linc.110 ', ll ii ClafllD.123<a Home Min Hons ATC El Cc-nt.101.',, Iowa Cent... do nr* i .... ns Kau A Mfh. . LE v vv 28Vj do nrcf. .. ao L.-t i M S.)3o'? nc Islaod. ... L EA at L ... dd llI'T I>.n 4, Na*h L N A v ? E st Ii v r E?-ad -A.. tu*l S?.(-> Oi*?n. Il mu. Low. Final. ?Closing ? Share*. ?4\ Ol bi-. 1.41 101 Ila 3l?g 3,Hi l'l i.7 100 li!) 461. BJ Sj 120 V, lim*. ii; tl ?%7 IBO l.o t6>a 0-. >a K'-.-V loa i nv los OT '* Bid. 1M 3413 3J4 157 JP.) 454* fclJ, l-'i's 102 ll. l')7>2 i-o.d. 170 84 "i 6,200 ?? IO-. _ lt*i 121 4--.:j 8, bT E',02 73 103 I, 117'-; 25 los!-.. '.'0 So ilolj 03', la', lo 1.0", 58 N E".'-. 28 28 4 10."3 IOsj 'si's K'"? ]! )?? 140 87'* 31H; 58 98?? 157 81 IB*J 156 >a 137 't>6*| it lvj-Vj 4J, 1871* l?sj 57Hj i :i L'l. ..! S'j't lau 0.-2 10!) l.K-J _______ Ko'-o ITO S'.'"? 131 ', KIO L'J'j 10,075 ICU I 7.5'O SSI ? 1,400 70 '80 12S 1 la^ no Wt* 50-, "wa, f>?.4 15 ; wv, 73>3 164 i:t"'."? 1.(7', 13H. 101 ', lol', ;o BO*| 125 113'* lOj ?'i^? 51* 137 3"', 7 3-a I.'...", 180*1 10-"2 SO1, 134 ll.p, 145>a 8H 51 "a 118 1,7 HO*. Ti 1314* 13.,', 17 8 -.'O'1 I".' 6, 80 70'3 I'OO 1"4 SO Hi 20,-Vso 12V BS 114 1.71U 10" 80*1 IO :.i, .*.KNj 1810 118 1 '4 1,030 ll 60" 2--. 1,577 \\ 111 123'j 110 1.3 Hi loi'a, lo.\ lOL-s, 35 ?'.' tfttj ' 'H. M !- * do atti... L c; 1. at do pref.. ll kb P C ...10'j do pref.101 Man P.*a- h.. 10H. Md (o*l. Minn Ir-in... Mau De.10S Idcx Ont. Ml. U c n:...l'"i Minn A St L 17 lo pis-f. Mo K v T. rat... 2&*j 411', 01'a 35 'L'.-iH, 13t"2 ?4H? -?''* 28*1 s.) 130'i K'J'a 101 10H> '.'la lO.'S 101 10 4SH3 *.' 1 Sj T:?, 102 "a 101 10 124 H n4H* 10 1 13 -OH; 188 KU* 87sj lil7* "ii 102** io 31 1 I 23's '-'' * 180 118 .''4 4- . DI?B vt T2'-j 1"! KO 31 73Hi l.-.-.-a 13. 18 ."'>?, 1.(00 C'-iH'e H ' 125 V, 242 "1 200 33 I! 117 BU*! 142 275 13* '.O' .1" Ile, 1.6*1 102*4 IA Vj BO 28 Vj "'"? 180 1 ll . 1211 4 70 10'i's 100 ld 73Hl 102 DH lOVj 87 18 '. 1 IVj 1" Vj 6. I*') 400 S,.-.i i 5'.> ii ii 80 160 210 20 tftt, 47\? 81', lo llMf Me Pvc Mot A Ohio ... NCI tl K NY CAM Bill XV C ft ? L 1S?? do 1st pr t . do 34 pr?f 8n?, NV I. KAW '25%3 do pMf ? V A B J: NT NH A- ll NY A B pt NY O A W. NY ? A VV. do PI*"!. ... Nor 4 ?>A do ^^'f. North Ar er- liv? North Pa*.. l.?* do pref. ... In"* NY Pt (Mit 1?, NY I. V VV .ll*** N Kent ( oal 1 lr* Nat Cord ...141 Vj rio Ol-f-115H. Nat Lin O. 81)', Nat btach... 2SVJ do l*t Beefioi do 2.1 pr f. 'jo Ont SU "lin. 15 Ohio A Miss ... Ob.o fSoiitb.. 44 Ore imp Ote K A N. Ob Ell N Eeo A East. P*o D ft E. Ptll A RVad j? .<: cast L do pref. p itwiq t 2d 53'* 110H; I8*i 8'H, HO', is-. ?HHi 24', 2S*j 67 hoi, 18>? 30 Hi 2&H ion KiHl 47 1 1 Vj S3 Vj Bi S7 !s. 110', IICL) is leS 7" 7-.', .vu, icu.. 4.V> loO 25** 080 67 V, 1,130 646 150 "no .HO 47H 40', 47*4 31?, lfl?? 31N IS'a O'j'a OOH. OOH. 33S 1SN) lf?? O'.'Hi 2.7 ' IsHi l'.H. cn -??'? 47', 12.'i'.'3 200 2 V*.) ls\ Ese po. io 800 T8 22'* 17Vj ol H's K', 4?\, IN 113>, n7s 141V, 116Vj .i'. , 28 Hi 10S ?JJ ll 7* 221, ITV, 62>* ll 17> 47N 1?, uss 11* 1401. 118 88 ll i:?i 47 \ \H 118** ir* 141 ll.-.Hi 3ft '.Hi tt*j ]"'.' ) wi 17', 47 Nj I Sj "li'a 140>, 78 tts "|7 60 Vj 41 7R 17 50', ?7?? 37V, 37^ 37S, nil Pal CarlM'* ll?8\ 198>, IO8H1 1W . 267 P FtWAiC P 1 W pf Pse MbI1_s Pull Penn Coal.. Outcksllvrr. do prof. Ileriss ft SarlTd 170 170 ftjeb ft w Pt 10 lOVj n\ ieyttt. 88 38, 87>, K Wat * 0.112H. U2% H2Vj lt L AftTH. do pref. ??-;. Bt P ft Dui 45Vj 45V, 451, "?* pi*Sl....*107 108 107 14H) 21-a 4.1 io 'T'.H. I0*j 20 Ol left 1.3 .10 2uH '?Hi 89 11 ls 4T', IS "ii 141V, ll.'.'a :!OH, '.'0 Mi 100 f. 10 0"5 8 06 1 80 1 n PO 1.411 -. 618 BOO 1,7'0 IO 1 1 DO 10 2o0 M Tl ITi, 300 .VU, 71,100 23 C2?a 170 10 ST', 112Hi 4'.?S 108 1TH. 174 10 35 111H; 32 H. 160 46 2iiVi 193 "t 19 18' I lOVj 3s 112Hi 33 '40% l\\t,-Hnii\"V% 10:1 Hi ioih. JJ2HJ lia ^4 a 203 6 7,f?'-'5 8(H) 16 100 08 ioo South Pa" st l a w do pier... . 18'? Tun kai sin. do pref. Tex ? Pd'-, o'*. T A a AN M 30 TAO Cont ... do pr f TStl.vK'' pl 3"', I'nlon Pc 41', VfDI I . US Rubber. 45 cl., pi-: . 88 f 8 l ip . 70 Well-Vat ix vv.-.t U Tel 98Vj VV 1. A M A 74', w?'.isii .... ns .to pr?f. 25 Wh I I. E. JI', do arel. ?(>! Lj H3%j 33?* 33 18*1 13', 83** 8*j 40 IS** 13's 34 H." 88*t OHj 38:, BO*. SO** 41', 40"* iNlVj 70 "vis Tl', 11 *j 25:, 21V, 1.5', Ol'. 70 OT', 74 1 ll Vj 18*1 li I Hi O'* 40 80*4 10*1 ' 4 - Ha I" 1 70 OT*! 71', li's 88*1 33', 600 8 o', 13 ll o,*, B6Vj 86*4 ;,.j;o lol 10 BOO 40 I .', . 64 84 .. . lil ld) 4 ;>',! j, 6.0 17Vj .V, n.'O Bl 72 47.) 140 07', 12 381 0-1 11?? 40' 2". -a n SOVj 1,8:41 04." '.'00 8"'? ?'? ', 79 I-., 40 Vj ll Vj 44*| 84 TO 1.5 67?| "UH) 03 H. 'i'o'ul ?har?-* for tb* dav.6.'G,7:3 SILVER. Sllvei crifs. . 64 84Hi ? Ky.cllvid'nd. KALES AT THE CONSOLIDATED BTOCB AND PETROLEUM EX< BANGE. stoi KS Op. ll- ll :? : I.' w. Baa e?. li :? est" 1 -t Am Sn car P."f.E-", 13 ", E. a AmTobsrc-o .U7Vj llTVj 117a, At 'lop ft ,S Ka. 3 I'', 81*4 31", t an.idii Routh. 58 5s f.s < Cl k St l. 67% .'.*., r,:i4 Col ii V r v..;. :io , 3i?;, I'c'i (li.* * Olilo. 23 28 St I I li a.*. UM. !o :*'* Wi i h i: i a P. tttiVj stu hsiVi ?'l. I! A Qv .leo in..:. {ot^ in M v s- P. si HI** c St P M A c). bl Ht i hie & Nerta*.113?_? H3H? Dil ft IIarl.137 137 KM Lack v W.153V, I'.a'i DUI ft C P. 42"a 42Vj Con "El.f- .310*4 IH , l.'.'ii- '. N:i-h. 71* 74*4 Long 111 Maa Vo\ aol.101?s D.iHt Mo pa ii: ?. 68 fi - Mich i entrsl.ioi 100 Nut Le* I..'.) I'.iHt N V I, K V- W ... 23*i 25*4 N Y I \ B. .7 -)7'-. B Y .nt : I.liniy HOV *?; y v Nor reel. .'<4'\, 3i-'*j N V ii v V.' . p. IP Nor Pa" Mic pref. 48?t 48*j N t'. .vu, H'- UV li's Piicill." Mall. -5'* '-'.'s '.'?'>', Pim A Heading. 62 -r."- IO** Kuti A VV Pt,. IO1, I", '.'', Tenn C ft 1 . SP* ll'i'i 3 I', T.ta. Pacific. '.'', !>'i !", Villon I'm iii-. 41\, ii ', 4"V, Western Vnlno. os's OSVj 'i7Hj wi-- a i. i:. SO 20 so -. i S n.i' n; 131 >| ll.'.', 74*4 11 I iu Q i Vj 100 ? N>? 2 I'? 40', i; "? 81*4 ll--. 20 (' s. 117*j 3l39 6" f,-l, ? . '.'! I'll HON lolS 81 "j 61 - navj 137 154*4 il lin', 7 Ky 11 I 188 ,-,7i, IOU " 48> 47 ', 1 1 Vj "?"' , IO 85 Vj !''4 40*4 O-ly L'O H'ar'i bole. 17,1)30 120 I loo nu I 188 HS fj 3.1-iO | .tl -I j g . , ion I loq ! 130 | - ?-" 70.710 1 .n :? ' ?."ii) 1,00) 340 IO.) 1,450 . Ul 6.20 i 1 ' r, i i n . ? ? 60 20 18 8S0 4'.. I ' 180 li 3'" li") To'al BlMVS* R'ld.. .14001 MINING sr, m RS. IMnimit .SO -20 I ? il v- l?ilior.1.40 II I'llsto .45 .50 .4'. ..dulci ft Curry.f-5 .8'. ur, Mexican .1.45 Iii 1 18 Monte Kristo.2.S0 2 "o 2 st Ophir .1.00 1 80 1.90 Tornado .05 .09 ol Total i-alos .8.370 DO NHS. At C*l A Ps* lat ... 88% B0** t hie A Ind C 1?t . lot', 101 sj Ni.r P.*- 1 il res.ll" 117 p b B l-'- nfd mc. T.'.v 7 iVj P A It 2d I'M Inc ... BSVj B?tj !' I B Sd uM Inc ... Ol . Ol Tf-xaa P.a. fie 2d. 87*j 27*4 Vnion Pacific sf _l05Vj IOSVj Total aniotint . 1.40 1.10 pr,*, 103Vj 1!T 105 Vj .SO 1 Ifl .60 .83 1.43 j '.ii 1 fl ) 4 sr,*, ld'l', 117 7AVj BS ? ? Bl 27 'ts I' . - ll | 1 a) 21 il 100 Vis 1 ft '. I'M i -j cw,,. r, ooo n ,i , 5,000 .-, no i ?j i ii 2,t ro :?;.. 'td CLOSING PRICES OK PHILADELPHIA BT0CE8. Bid. a?b. . ma. a-b. ; I.ehtrii Valley....tWj ol Prill ft R Ptoea .?'? 3-18 -?'?'. Leh c ft N* Co.. .63', P A RO M '.- -I'i si', Nor Pac. 17, 17 , P ft R 1st pf fis 7<__S 7-V Nor Pac pr.f ... .47?j 47 . I' v lt 2d if 5* ir. - Oi , Penn ll ll .63 66'i P .-.- K 3d H 5s i', "1 l'l.llu i; LU" .3oH? ;', Mi t Traci . 1 is CLOSINO ritKF.s OP KOsTON' tTOf KS. k.i.-'..a, M '--., Jan. 80 IS >3 fsaturclt.v.Tn.-ltiv. i Satordajr 'lo. I iv. Af--h V- To;, .o'. ic. ral A it'i. soi so.-. Dosi V; All.anv 213V -I3H.' I K S'k lu . 13 13 Hi.-t V Maine... 173 I7i Kearn* rsc . H's Chic Bur V ck- 108 ld'. Os ..... 3 I , i , I a-', ti, ll R, .,- 1 I UH) 110 a '?' '" t .182 ll ? Fitchburg R II BIVj | -a ... Fe Cop...* P. R |.f . "I". I ii an k . ..1?0 180 I, R V K s 7s.. Hi '.Kv .Viii!-t-,i, L Co . 23 83 Ma.- Central. 21 2 lt. M?x Cenl cora.... 12V IS N V V N E. 47V 17 Old Colons- .2,sj HM K.'itland eon..> Wi- ? eat coin. 14V Wis Cent pf . 47 ? ? vi (new). 7o 7,-, Atlantic . nv nv B 1*1 V Mont ... 33V 33'h !'. .ton I. c. vv.-t Rnd K I P-Il T f..- -,in SI S. ? Wat, 1"'-. ( a!? ii a lal N. it.I.-,'.' T. Butte . Il ???? ? .?I, Electric ... 17. t;-. - . . 60 Ol ll |. ".? .Ill's 110 WHAT WAS \>^V. IN STOCKS. Monday, January 30 -|>. m. Tl.o now vv.-o'.c nt tlc Slock !..'!..iii." opcnetl Bodei the natlevolenl Influence of coniln let! ex? cited speculation in Distillis* and Cattle Fieding. Tbe iiii'isai'tii'iis- in t!i? Block amounted to about one-third ol the t"tul tlealinga, and the i of flmtuations in price covered si\ points. I rsi quotations e/ere ill the wnv fr mi ?! i te 38, Bsjal 47 at noon Saturday, ami after wide and erratic fluctuations the Anal price was tl. A li"-! of conflicting reports! attended Hw speculation, hut they nrcd n"t lip recited. It i- immaterial tn tho penerBl public erhether this company i- plac I In th" hand* of n receiver, t.i oms wild threat to-day, "i wliotlu-i uonost Iml'i.'rs ol' the Block and bold.TS of the r.-1"! obliuations tnko otlier measuis** t" prut***! their interesta. The managemeni ol the com pi ny h.-n succeeded in establishing a reputation wide i i il.i-.* official stut.-iii'-nt.s nf little estimation in Wall Street, iiml doubtless the outjrlvinjr* cf *svn ? well-known operators will lie weighed with rn r* | scepticism in tli" fnttire. Bul whal public policy demands is the i*xteneion of anv Congress scrutiny into ih.- spTCulafions of directors ol lite com? pany in the last two yours, and what h o ??-' Invest -rs denian 1 i? thal lim Sioek hv lange sh ill speedily be rid of thc monstrous pronunenci r?* I'.-ntly occuplod by Distlliiiig and L'attje feeding in thc ui'irk--t. Io another direction, the renewe.1 strength il American Sn^.ir llefjning was somethinM ol a hurt tn the general market t lt ts li ie thal the price, while rising more than - p r r*?nt. Inst nearly all the gain before the close. Wall S reet, mvvertbeless, dreads tts*** cons^iuenee* of a "c-orner" in any stock, however meiitorioiis it may be. Kv??? i though it may be impractieablo to endeavor to proven! men !i",:i holdups extreme views ns io the vain., ol a property, oi other men from involving themselves In Inextricable contracts by rellim' what th.-;- do no! poescaai a hen ll hy iniiV-? naturally abhors ihe creation of ^'l(?h a condition, There was depresriion to-day in industrial sluir'-s, in which investment holders l oshoh* thi' ut mom confldenoe, solely because "if tho unconscionable) manipulation in DiMillinu, nnd of the fear thiit the hell* ou Sugar might exlubit too lnnch power. Ih" railway lia! can hardly he jud red ritrhtly In the confused slate of ihe market, I In- cn il sha.*-.* furnished one anomaly. Perhaps th.- depr.?t.i.yi In Reading was iraeeable ti reelizalione, bul il vt,is curious thiit Delaware. lioekawanna ai I Wet. rn should rally ouickly from it- i".tt"in point and end only a trif!-- lower, when Delaware iiti.l Hudson, whose earning* las! vimi exceeiled Him showing on. th.- stock of lackawanna, lost nearly i pei cent, with tl.notations ol Ihe hit ter nearly 20 points above th'.**- ol Drhwure and Mud.'ni The slight locet-iun in Alclu-coii, a nm dividend payer, seems rurione in view ol the fall ol more than 1 per cent in inct ol ihe li ran er and shares. The oondili ns ul the sneciiaation initht explain tlw sharp declines In Manhattan und Xew-vork and Nonliern. 'I i,. market n* n whole suffered it- principal deprea si'.n iii_tli.- early hours, alter the sensational lull in Distilling had urtaettled. Speculative temper nnil kasl prices were, in some cases, above lowes! points Thc fear of Hie counfry's .-ilv.-r policy al ways revives wlien prieea ure under Ihe hammer. 'lin- long delay in forcing to a conclusion tl.i lits "f thc friends "l sn'itnl currency to eff.-ci beneflcutl action hy Congres* excuses the renewetl anxiety. Yet the eniiagements of $1,500,000 K'.ld fer sliipinc'iit to-morrow vv-re not enlarged, iitcl evidence accumulative that the Incoininx President is exerting more and more an influenoe t. ii-sist in a repeal ol a late which is a night? mare to (mancini circles. While the silver pur? chase act remains in force tbe bear faction vvill trade open the fears <>l holders "t .iriti.-s and endeavor to shake the tenacity ni ownership thal hus .... tar redialed mut. uni depression. THE DAY IN TIIE l??M) MARKET. Government bonds were neglected al tho Stonk Exchange, and the market waa unchanged. Final qajotationj were ns follows Hid.Asked. U f-A\s* 18. . tlnu' d ut S i>rr erni >.-v loo f s 4. 1007. r*eil>\ ii4<a l's'.)7, rou. ll 3>i uk. D_- 1 ul 30'. 1S!H 1 IS', Transanticins in Slut.' t'.S.nir.Ci-,ls:i,', lld Ahli'-d. UN) ',- Is'l.l 1.? 7.-j cs cur.Os.180' r.s.. nt n 1 ns KS., nra;- 1898 110 I2Vj li. in,mis were confined to Teniii-ss.^' *>'ttleiiii"iit 3* at ','0 1-4. Sile.* of city bank stuck*, were Western National loo; nt 116, and Afo.'-rjciM Exchange 18 at 157. Thageoeral bond market was rn rdenitely active, more tlian $1,850,000 representing the pur value of the trnns'i'-tioiiH. In th" butUIMsss done ovet private counters there i* noted a good demand from abroad. Trices, to-day were irregnlar, but in syinpcthy with the stock speeulation th.. majority of chang.** were downward. Reading geoeeal mortgage myielded 1-1 per oent to hi 5-8, and the preference Incomes receded 5-8a3-tl p'-r BtBlt. Miss'.'iri, Kansas and Texas s.-coii(1m aro down Ts per cont to 48 3-4, and Richmond Ter Dtinal ((ill.iteiiil :.*) fell 3.4 to 4s 1-4. St Louis and Southwestern ivies were down l-'Jal per cent. Unusual activity in Louisville and Nashville, South and North Alabama guaranteed 5a, carnell the price up 'i .'i-4 per cut to HU 3-4. Chicago and Northern l'aoiiie, lirst/s Uta fraction at 70 .1-4. J.'Plerence is made to our full report of bond sales. Money on call waa in plentiful supply Bl 2 per cent, and some loans were made, a shade below thi* Iijk^.. Tri (/earing Hons.) statement wa* a.* follows: EtBcJaataos, *:0,616,U24; balances. $ -Il Tlio Sub-Treiusury was 0efctOf to the Clearintt Hou?o 8)457,444. Its net loss on balance since Fridaa wm 5f.38.104, mado up by a, loss ol f.loo m . mn, mil us a -.un ?>? |1,*6Z,304 in currency. The two day*1 ei*ratior*8 iii'dinied. Receipts, fl,737,570; payment.*, $;.Ooo,'..4; re* suiting in .i general balance "f S*0*.?_i3''*J.,_ r.''.' aisling "f 909,863,546 coln and $14.1 I".-'1 i currency , ,, . rhe Mere;.-i'i'.? >;.:.? Deposit Company ol inu eity rrpor's silver I ullion un hand, to eecnro out ?? nding eertifl . ???.-. ol l t?,3M oanoea,aoeeiitaai Of 1 *,('4.i o ile '*. ,? . . , There ur- do reportl from the Vvasmngton Treas ry, which i* i lose i ot: account of tho funeral of rx-Secretary of State Maine The fbrei*m exchange market wa* exceedingly dall No Increase In ihe supply of comrnercial bill* was reported, bul ' ? 1 " ;< "i demand lei! lo an easier tone, and short Bterllni was retluce* l-lal-'.' cent to rh* C. Ap|"'!.ded arc revised qnotatlons fer actual business: Bankers nuie. si-. I tA s; foi long and shoit atoning rMtpectivelvi'l'r. i rh francs, 6.17 l--'a"> 1" ! reich*. Bfl 3-8af4S 5-8. , , .._,_, In London British consols advanced 1-* for money to 68 7-16, and l-lfl for tbeacoaont, to the aame quotation. Tho Hank of England lot! ?8,000 bullion on balance. In tho open muriel money eras Bubstantlsllv unchanged nt i-^a'i-4 pei cent for daily balances, and I i-f) per cont for discount* liar silver was unchanged at 38 7-lsd, an ounce. American raliway shares weic h-'avy, nu i price- declined steadily, closing nt about lowest points At Paris French .'. per cento further Bdvanced 23 i--' eonUmealo 88.85. RAILROAD EARNINGS ra.EVE.KA.sD, ClXilXXATI. CHIOAOO AND 6T. LOKIS. Kin). 1885. iBr>i. N'in.h.r nf mll?s .'.7.... Mil Vs39 ___, 1 8a"> Third welt in Jan. 6241,374 SC'JO.s. 1 KKK. ' > Jan. 1 tu Jsa. 21 . 808.100 7---',0.>J 04e,0."J PEORIA ANU K.sNTKKN. Burneer *f aiflea. Bil 881 851 Third wees In Jan . 820.4SS ???'5J? 626,002 J..a. 1 to .Km. ^1 . 80.091 81,871 b<),.i.O cjKKI'.I'.M' KIVKR. N-in brr uf mll."?. "J 8J ___, M Third weeli In J*a. 62.12? ?'-':"-' 81.588 j.h.. 1 to Jan. -ll. .''.'17 B.< 08 5,.i7* Kl.INT A XI) PEBE MARQUETTE. N-inbrof ml--. CJ7 857 .CW Third ?.-?:, ,., Jan. B53.W7 ev.,0 s Ja:.. 1 to Jan. 21. 183,041 112,820 KANS,-*, ruy, (KIXTUX AND Sl'KI M. KIEI.l). an ci.' f miles. K'.:i 101 103 'lt.ira sse.-li In .Km. SO IV. *:!.!'''7 ?' "n j,,:.. 1 to Jil -l. 17,588 11,710 18,501 KANSAS (UV, 101.T St CIT' ABB MEMPHIS. y.ic ber nf mil** . 871 o:i 0:1 . d week In Jan. 877,185 680.275 ssn.iiro Jan. 1 o. Jan. 'JI. 215,026 1155,710 278.6C8 KANSAS 1 I IV. MEMPHIS AND HI KM I SCH AM. vninii. r if '? Ile* . '-'7.'. 878 276 ? reck in .Kn . 838.120 020,428 821.023 Jw, 1 to iso. -1. 80.708 68.888 SB.IOJ OHIO RIVER. X rrh-r of mlle. 208 809 888 Thlid week In Jan. 812.888 611.2':i 614.025 Jan. 1 to Jan. SI ... 87,149 JiKT.-S 88,876 CANADIAN PAC1P1U. Monti, cf December? Number nf mlle*.. ... ?'? .07 8 878 .1.707 i.i',..- sarnia** ? 61.548.401 si.oii.si4 61.804,1 JO Operadi re* - ? '?'?'?' "'<- 1.889,183 1,072,843 Bet rsl - 1675.628 6676,626 6881,786 Jan. 1 lo I'. ?. Bl? - .617.082.310 620,241.086 031.400.350 Uperatina expense*..... 1o,5m1,s50 12,281,438 18.088,004 X ? f r 13 u."Mn* . 66,450.406 88,009,800 68,421.846 CH IC A IO, KI'KLl.N'iToN AND Ql'IBCY. M.tull r.f r>.mber? Xntiibr of nil's . -,141 .'.010 -,?>'.'. i.r - ".r.liiL-- ... 62.815732 63.521.471 63.544.275 (Jut rall .. I."SS 501 S.210,001 8.215,711 Bet ' U ? ?- ... 61,077,231 61,308,474 61.82S.5UI Jan. t Ui Bee. :<l - (ir..-, earnings . . 633.1.10.8*4635.852.875640.412.401 Operati te. ?- . 22.552,510 ji.'..i.',:sd 'M.lobfJ'JO Bel - - ? - 612.478.070 018.4O0.ro5 614.253,405 I'.:-- . . - . . '.'.-.' i*r 0.612.284 8.720.000 Barf I 12 I ita* 83.105.1*83 W 807,701 64,533,405 RI ? ..'lANliL WESTER*. Month 'fi> ber? - 878 4.a 812 .."'?- .. 6241,77'.) 6210.1SI 61' ' ' ? , 1.- - .... Ui,748 I 12,127 1 ? . . X'r .arl',? . 1117,030 687.050* 605,723 .1 r I Ki Ik. .11 - ? ? . 61.180 ? Vt ?1 140 031 ll :i-'..*l7 .,-.-- . IISH 043 > ?'? 171 ".- . ? ' .'. Be! lt ii ii....'.,- ... 1510,710 tor ? - ? PROPOSED PERMANENT IXVI STMKXl.S. f vi'.'I> N Vf.KS limit.nev Ind-M - 1 , , ? fi | 1 : 1 vs . -? \ \ /".i-e : ., - ir lo.'. SO. Hu I Iii'-?! ? . : : .. . 1 . t I of.... ...... Sll 500 Khali., Id, - ' Lai , ? ? Bro* I I lit- . . . ,.t ,| it roi ti ?? : ? - .' -. i : . ? - r 1 ' : ' '...'. 60,000 j. ?." .:. N '. ?IK.AX 11N.VM i \I. MARKKT8 I ? 'l I 0, 4 p, m. -Consol , 0* 7 ld for both ? I 1 loutit: .x.--.v York, Pmii av! vania a .1 re I--I '1 . 2 ' 7 -: i ntl*, li I' -:? ll - : I'.rl--. ?_?''. 1 I : rio ,.?,:,.-., |o< . v , ?.. 211 1-4:1*. jiu tit .'I,. fill.. Kai nd-. |< .-I . i" : 1 ? ? t i'. ? ?.- il :"', frarn li." 1 ntlnn ? .? I >? amoanl .?( bulli n ali drawn fioai k," I io uk ? 1 England on Kala:.' ?? tu .1,. Unction dalco, financial. Mil IM NEMER, Auctioneer. BEtell'LAM AK IIO\ rVAM) STOCKS and BONDS By ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON. '.. 1 km.--i.vy i ?: marr I, Al I'ilSS 4KII...U. ni lin- N.s, \ <>, U llenl Il.tntr **u|r*l?.n... No. 1 I I llroiulttiiv. Hy ., '! r cf li li V .,1 treutaf ftc. Bf VV. W M. 1...... d., a , ' ? v - 1 nu .: I ll I'l-nii Iiitir BR Ko ?'? "? ' ? . N' ? ll...-1. V iUitl-iril UK. I 11. BU 1 rr* ll nm v A 1 , ,v lil;. . ,,. 70 alu re, i..i-:- National Hank "f Boehest^r, \ \ 1 ) :??? ls M,Him lasuraae* ( 0 of hpi incn.'Id, I- "i l( 1 at l.t- ut/,ri nf 1 -'..te Jen..,, Kawl, (J.i-'d ) 10 "-i.n- ? Alban' I - . rsi ? lianna BB. 1 0 rn- -1 in - 1 mun Ka, ni,- nu I o. I "I'M Shoit Kin- K'ttuy Ko. Ut Mtg.. 6 BOT Ii,..-. I:'..'. ' bl Louis. .1* k-i.n..,> j- Khoigo RIK Co. 7 per 61.000 Kong ll ly 4- i'lusiitng nit., co fi i^r lt,.h.1- iii.;.. 62,000 I'niori IM. m. KR to. lit Mlle. 6 Bet cut liold 11.1.. I-:.- " ' 62.000 V V . 1 vv. ?. ,? RR, c*BsM. 1st Mtfn ?? I- ? Ill ll. K'.l'a. 61,000 Kau**, I'..' ''. . ( o. Cwt*!. Ut Miir cj i-i .-nt lion 1. imo. 11 J ' ' ? ? ? Mil'v.uKi t M. pauj Kui wy y ( 1. 7 1 ? . ul llond, 1006. S3.I. ..',.... 'o j Mtge li'.,.!, |?|8 62 1.: .'. I'., a ki; 1 ., 0 i"' "nt. llond* i*:>7. 61,000 v.iM,':, I-., ill lill, ejia Kimi i.iiint Conald Mtge , 1. , .. -it. |;,,:,il. it..-.1. r. ? .'!? r "I 1 \-' 11 tor. , P ? Bo. 160, ..". A veno* I'reabjteriaa t'hurrb fDr. I'I ". \ li,-'ir:.i '?<? Co. .'a. -lui. - l'l,, lix Nil 10 1..: Flank. h .har. - I'.auk of ti,- 1; 1. . ll -1.1: - Kl Nichols* Maali. I". ? har. - I'li-iiit lii-uiaii,. 1 a, *.* -1, n-? Ni. - ira I n I usn ram ? r* M -I sr. - trail .tm Ni'.1 Hank. : ' - ? - v in 1.1- 1 n*.1 ranee . o ;?-? -lim. - llanover I a- In mr in * 1 ., .1 OOO ' i" ap. ike '. Ohio KR. 0 par Mal. Oe!d llond, (Br order nf th* Trnstftr*.) no shares nu! liomin. Land < ... 124,0011 li,- NVsiMla 1 -1,mu Kl:. ( ?. |n Utat. Ineorne none* 103* 20 sia.i s m Mi ii I.-,- Mink. BiO.oOU N. ?.- ..-ti- v CbenanB* Vall^r 1st Mte?. fl i^r "tn 1,,ia un-, uu*r*jit?M*d, low. 30 Basis's Tl lot- t'.rs I'riDtlng and IliKikliinillng 1 ,-n 1 ni'. * |.. r ? -nt pis-Id, ?lr 1 .,1 if ti I-11, it mar rooeern 1 100 Martha \Va?hlnirion n-i11. r*-'i Kla.ur Conaeav . f Un 1 mt. 1 Mia -,10.1, loo aban - Kqultablu Os* Light 1 ..mpajir ..f Meanphis, lean. t.'i.i'OO N-.t-.i. r?. v S'.-m.i. al Koropsn* (People'a I.:ni>) i-f Conoid. 5 p. r .,,1,1 Mtge, 1021. 152 sliar. - I luun:.- I i"ii K.i. .". .liar-* Xi sv-v..ric Luarajitf mul liid'iniiltjr Co. 35 sha ? f..-'.,i 1 -:? traph-i aldo (',.. :" VV llllamsburg I Its- I ir- Co, .',0 ahsre* ik-rn.anlii 1 ir.-- ln*uranee 1 n. : 1 -i ir - 1 hii a ? . ami Alton KU Breed. 82 -1 1 ? - in ni .. md s, ,,|,n, wena* UR. Co. lo shams Sixth Avenue K*llrosd Co IS -Ii IIS*I I'd ".I '|, le l-,|,|, t ali|? I ?. 50 *li?r-^ Knlekerl.I*, r K- ( .,. 80 ijiutar-' lill- Inniranee Co, MK) shs ivs Lewis s rM>wlei Maiiulaeturlne 4>. t:> share* ia- K. N i.r.--i-v s <?..., of Konne-Mleutt, SI,ooo st. I'atil ( ,,iii.,lliliii,i| c 1,1,1,1 1st '."M .". [rt cent II..11.I 1087. 40 share, American Casualty In*, an-l Sc-iirity rv,., Bal? timore, Md. lie abate* l-u-t Vation*! Kink ..f Biidgeport, Ala. 'jo hlmr. - !.aiis-r- lill- Inmranee .'... 810,000 Bellaire, K*ne*vll1e I Cincinnati Kit. .'n. ss re ..riT'tii/'ii 1-t Mtge. 1 per cern nonda. 1080. a* f-ti-it? ll. lale /ai,.-*t ill- v ( in.lninitl Kit. UP. Mi -I, ima Velio* Pine 1 -. roauaoa. '.() -li US* V ell iv (-.. IMS ahara* iii- Mani* Buttonhole Attachment Co. B0,5O0 1 In. am .ii Kogan.port V < hleago K'isay Co. 10 p-r eeni Inrome li.I*. Km shares K vv. in-.* Co. rommaa. 20 share* lt Wallana! Hank r,f SetttJ City. H"l i-lit 1. ^ lu..-,1 in, C ty KR Co. 65,000 liKllan.ip.iliv I'.-.atir I- Sprliiirfl^IU RU. 2d Mtge. 7 Bel ? -nt Hold ll'.ii'ls 105 share* | .<le,?i Valley Coal Ca. ^-',.oii Big Bend Hydraulic Co. 1st Mtge,. 0 i^sr rent Bond* a--.-~-in.-nt. '.aid. 88 shsrra National Park 100 .here* Brookisrn l-.i-vat. .1 BB Co. eioocsi Kintr* County Elevated li'sur r.l Mte?. Bonds. 20 -t.are- ll-- ring. IK..1-M ,rs in Co. CorOBSOB. 10 abare? railed State* 'ir.-t 1 1 '.'l el.are- Ualted Mat.* Book Co pr f! *10,O0" X-is 1 ni.ans Tnctli.n Ko. Sul.scrlpt.lon Receipt, carrying loo aaarei of preferred Baa 7;. tksrei of common stock. ISO shir-s Poople/s ....- Klcht C*. of tlrm.kls-n. rm siisr-s isiit.a, Municipal Ka.* Light Ko. .'.11 sluir- , l-atriii.'iii Ure |n?*IMre Co. :'ii share* iraelOe l-'ir- Inw.rsncc r... loo -h..t*s iseodyeai Bbo* IteebBt* > t. i'lnanucu. KEAN ft VAN CORTLAND^ BANKERS. 33 WALL KTRF.KT. NF.WYORK. IBVEST.1LBBT BECTRITllti. /mancini. $1,200,000 Toledo & Ohio Central R'way Go. 1ST MTCE. 5 PER CENT. COLD BONDS, fWF.xTF.RN DIVIDION.) DATKD Ol T. 1. 1883. MATURE OCT. 1, 1035. IBTERESX Al'K.lK aNI) 0CT0I1K1'.. Coupon nonda of 81,000 enrh, ss Uh privlle** of registration of principal. NEW.YOnit SK.< ! RITV AM) Tltl'sT (0. OF NEW-YORK., TlBSSlSe Torte bends are part r,f a total SOtbortied l?*ne of 62.::, a*eared i... a iit*t lien ni the Wasters Division, constricted urrf to b* con-tru ted frmn Toledo to Cul'imbn*. s dtsteaci of sbeal Kin mil"-*, lactvsBas *n franchise*. fri:.h.als, and eqalpSaea*, it'd *l-o a lien u|K>n all the other raUwty, pttatttf, aoalsmat, m.d Cianeblena ot Bm tesv puny, nosy osvne-d or BSISBftBI *'<iulrcd, setdOCt onlv to an sf *J,00o,0;,'i> i.utv out-uniting on the Eastern Division. The Tokdo and Olilo Ceotrsl Rallscay reaches th* coal fHd* of Oki* and ps*ate tbrougS a very fcrtJU and pro dnctive country. Including tho Wc-t-rn l'iti-1'.i,. lt own* AM Billa iori I.'-* 41, not im-lndlnq about 13 mil"*, 1,run li'-; 'i' ti- Hie majority cf thc .-huie taatAal of BM Rasewba an! MtrhlfSB lu. lr ai c- lii*v y. ssUich I- Bperattd In It-s liit.'ie.-t; ii.,ni- v ry heat of t'linlnal BK tittil at T*ledO, l i,Iambus, BUCJiaS, Kcatea, Athen-., Si -. Th* p ii - si. ai consul i.r Um ;?!?>:" :u i* -v ,.,i-nt, and ? *? a t...; late* uiiiinni-t bar* been .pent ia later* rataiiit* and b.t,'.in..i.t? und ihalfc-1 dlf*Ctljf li om iaUlig CV Ii-:n-' -. 'Hit BtOftfBgt d-i't a?eln-t ttSl'WtWSa ay.-aem, Including tia- usia*, ail! ba toss (baa 616,008 pei adie, svith equip? ment, terniln-'il-i, Be. 'Mi" IVeatera Div Lion I* now built from Tol'do to Ridgeway, Obie, a ilstsaei af about si iiiii??, and on Uii* completed red lae above 614108,806 aro issued; IBs bsl? un " und" I tin: IBMlgBSS, I '" BBljF be ISBBOi at th* rutc of 615,008 pei Bill* si ? ,i:.|.l*t-'i road, svith S500.000 rc serve* for *ew tenaiaals sad Bate* equipment. Ttii* lino l.a* Bert) la *s*ra(ioa a.-. u ssparai i road for tue past tinco reen, and duung Uti* that Un sat taralga* hat" ate rared svci 8108,000 per annum, or 610,000 la ixccsj of the ia. '? : .-' elmrg--. ta Um -.:..?> prap**!?, and th!* dospite tho f*< t th it We roiri baa bees spars tc< pir?!y bb a lo:al rua-1. When the Wc,tern Division ls extended to Columbus, lt will form Of in,in nu., of Ui- syataaa, mid **ill n.ak- (i thrciih root* iri'm Tote** t.. Colamba*, atid, with lt* con se ' mt, ta Ktti.liina'J and Bm B Ti,* Beveath Annii.ii Brport girt* the Mlowtaa sba*** nient of f-ar-.inf-. ?|? itlng i i :.--.-, and net eariiln^s for the iia-t. earea years: ... t;ir,-- Operatlag Bet Tear.* Karn inf*. K.xp Earnlag*. 1880 .8607,888.13 8573.253.37 il'44,?S4.?3 1.--7. 661,400.84 672.603.41 tMS.HOS.S.1 1888 .1.167.576.67 800.748.10 llt.O.sjy. 17 1688 .1,163,818 Bl 619.29248 J44.5'J.i.S(| 18 i) .1..--.74!':it 843.111.22 545,?.'I??.1J 1891.1,601,822.86 1.033.807.49 4lih.0l5.-l7 ly.. J .. ..1,661,380.30 1,055,033.23 500,1100.01 ?I; J'.:.' 80. Tbs gr bbs ? ?. . . - '. r Bm sii Bats tai ending Bee. 81, IS'i'. wera tl I28JI5.74, I* If*1**! fl.UtWJ.14S.08 Bil -ur i-.;e<t Um pravteaa year. These taratan .?;-.'. ' ra I','.i-."a tr,.ia UCbtBCI f".' both '--.r-. I t/tittthti ttl ? " tatar i "'v. farlaeDae tktemoaalta ta* antral tftHat, ar* 63 io ooo. aeafael ,r;. v ts* earalae* ur IBM, laefaatlae tat W**ttm M*t>( ?, sanaaled ii -? il.'.. iii-", r aa* tf ta* benafltt fUrittt ft m thu ttta*,th*ttmaaag thtwtatl mn,, ./? forth* ;>w rt*rears tthtalaftcttatt* ?a<j,ii'. latter*** tharmtt,iatluA. 1 j ? ? 1 rt '', 1 < iKir? IMM*. Tba Capita! Sleek sf Bm Ceetasay* c.' ?.i 7*n. (iii ptefi 146.000 Cl " n. cm walch 1 | , <: ? ? nd* , ? paid ?t "J." mfe nf 6 per reel pei siiaum Pre! ? : mal 8 ts 4 pi ? ? < In dui ? ? . il "0 alli I- n 11* la hat- Bm ? 1 lb* Bea v .... f,?,. 1 uasasj*. Tb 1 -.??,. :?- ? artfully Brana aoOef Um aaptrvtsiM r WK OKI Kit THK AIIOVK. IIIIVII* KOIt Mn. aCRIPTlO*! IT 10.1 1-J AND IBTBREST, BUR. Jl.lT TO KALB. BLAIR ?& CO.. bj VV.Vf.f,-M' , Kl W V"l'.lv. ATLANTIC TRUST COMPANY, SO. Aft \\ ll.1.1 AM KTREBT, Bl IV-TOBB CITT. Tb* Mia* :..- rousoai *;* das u.d p*yabl* at tala 1.:. ? ? md ,:t r Um first dav if rebraary, lstiJ; Itt'i'.Ti.N s'l'O' K ( AK COMPAXT, Bat. Ill NNI.KK it 1 Vf. INVIsi'i; ST CO MKAN'Y. SMSe F. iXKKMnKS. .IHMlllNi, VAI.I.iV 4: 'ioKl.UO CAI'. 1 rt' > ; A M. KOLI NIKI'S IK" MN'"i VAf.f.KY t Tor.KIK) r.AIL BOAB ' 'iMI'.vW. nc mi stu si win., machine compart. Kt I.T'.N WA VV'tl'.K.N KOMPABT. K.vii'.ii vvi.v li M.'.V WllATCOM BAILWAT COM. p \:. V iOLIahKOBO WATEB COMPART. ll IRV 1 Y 1 ItA.t s] r 1 "Ml'.VN V. Hil hs sTOt K ' vii COMPART, A BS. Il'.nV 1 All I Vi'H'M I NT COMPART, Z-2; n-192; ZO; / 12. ii : n usc nv 1 kkk. WATEB COMPAXT. Kl vu 1 KV t'RIOB BAILWAT, A-09. KM',ll T IN'Vl -TMI.M' ( "MI'ANV. M'Hiii.:; a 1'li I" 1 til TRI ST, A-38. >t"Nl..iK WV ll ll ( .i.VIl'A.N V BTRI Ki's. VV! -il RR MAUI.'I CAR KINK. Bl'l'I'.BlOB ll DI 1.1 ill K'lA.N ANI) DI ll KN HT,!', I COMPANY. Tl xa.s i.'i.v:.' AO] Xi v. WiriTMAR ('H Ni V bCHOOL DISTRICT BON'DS iW.VSlI I IK ll lt I ARV 19. CARBA CATTLH I til I OMPABT, A-40. san ANTONIO si i;i 1 i' it mi.WAV COMPART. 'inf.Kim v mii" 1 i n 11; ti, 1 ah 1 nt sr, SERIES 5. I KIIKI ARV JO. F.AVT CIIEBTEB I I.Ki rillC COMPART. 60 INVESTMENT SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM. UIvM adi sr- eoaipaieO Iroia lb* Brat dst of the month ttl...tint; li.- i ...111,.-,.(, .ml ur. a.'. lani in jBlinary si.U July. Ul* lull rn; mini lau)- Lei si|t,.:i?wii uiiwi, i*-a*oiM*__c iiuto.-. ih- lund* i?!\cvtod m I III. BIRKBECK sr- loaned ..pon ih. A ?oclatl a I--.a, oul) upon ur-', oiortjfa 00 iii|ii,t.<i iropcrty. A **U?i*ctury miran of s.,iiri'i 1* .1 on every lona mad.', and tb* borrowser u Ubll(i-*J to beglo 'he r-l-J ? n''nt. "I Ul* orin Ipal together ssa ih Tho Interest and pr n.n m. la equal tn iithly ln*t*ln?uU from 1 th- u. the luau 1- Brailled, tin* ron.tan Ur de. r. a-in-r ; Ibe Binoiintal rl?B rm: IIIRKBECK 1* under UM .uiAif. vt*.un uf the li.tiklni: K part)...-ni ..f tl., .suit.-. 1 if ipondoae: iavBed. Addi .-? THE BIRKBECK, COOPER UNION. N. Y. TBL'STCRB. Hull. Kl,arl* h lair.-hud, l.ia.n srra'is. li'.a. 1 sri > liar/. A Augustus l!-aly. Hun A braal B llwiit. 1 ii,..-? 11 1 ,m, W-n. John ll VV..slssard, Ucl.him ll. PmiU., li'i-'-.t.- ll. Si-hstab, Drlandu M. Ilur|**r A. Abisiiani. Horace K. D-u Ins. Opee dally fr-i- ft a. M ta 8 P, If, Munday and Sat. ll rd av tvcolai illitll lo o', lot U. Washington Trust Co. "i I ill, 1 I 1 V OP NEW-YORK, htessiii BjaltatBf, 'J-jD lit natl ss ay. CAPITAL.$.100,000 ?'?"*_? . :i? DAVID M MOKBlifON, KHAKI.KS p. CLARK l'l*?lfleiit. VI e-IT.-I'l-iit WU.KIWI KKMM1S. Cl VD IT- *ldent. IBANCIM ll. I'Ai.k. r*erretar? M. kl Ki'1 1. As-t. eec'y, llllblKI,s. DAVID M MORRISON. 1.I1ARI.KM I'. cr.AI'.K . tl ll |;l s^i.l.K, p. C. l.cil'NslU RV ' OEO. II. PRENTISS. 1.1 '. I hamlin ' ). lill.I.MAN. si.ill k JIIO.MAM I.. 1 iMWi.i.i, ti i Iks k Wi I.Ui-.itDIMl Hf* K?*l I- Pl vs| . ,,| |.,,,|' v MORRISON ; WM. HKNI'.V IIVI.K, I'lSI.I'H r. IIAI.DVVIN JiillN K ANJJER-VlN, JR. I I". IIOMANN IVII.AIAM I.KMMiN. IIIARI.KS A JOHNSON wil.i.l.vM WlllTIBO, John- k HEOEMAN. ' IBTRRRBT Al.I.ow id on DRPOWITB. Till* I omimiiT I* ri I.-uni tl.-|.o-itoi r lor Court nnil Tru*l I-und* iin.l 1- iiullini i/ril io .lo unit .Ul otli.-r l.n?ii-."?* 11 -111.fl* don.- li. Ti ii?i 1 .niiiil.", ni r.-spuu*|. ? ??li. * mid alum Him. GEO. H. PRENTISS & CO., a? William M.. V Y. omi 'JOS Honman* BB*, ll'klru. DEALERS IN LOCAL UTfESTIEUT SECIRITIES. ol the Sew-Vork stock Rs*BBsa*je. " BARING, MAGOUN & CO., >S VA?|| stfr-t. New York. BILLS OF BRCMAMC8 ABDLSTTBBSOf CRI DIT s.sil.i'li I* .11 pin, of ih, world, a; .. 1 r,?-hoc c.r-Jit* 1*1 ?*. la Ibis to.Bir), Ue.lcs, sad thc Wot Isdi**. /marmal. _ Atlantic Mutual'Insurance Company, NI.VVVciKK, Jcinuoiy "4th. lS'jU. Th" Puttee*, In ( ni,furn Ity strith tho Chatter .f the Company, lubmll tb* following statement or lt.* aiair* on ti,. .',i-t 0f 11' en ic r. 1893 Premium* on Mann- Risk* frost lsd January. ?,_____,__,-_. ___, l-'i.'. to31.*t Dc.'ii.bcr. 1S9-!.m. S3.090.2-.0.88 on Polio!** not n.ariied off l?t _ Jui.a.iry, 1888. 1,4.2,142 48 Total Minne Prcatiatai.."' 182,398.88 PremlaaM BMrkrd off frets 1st January, 1892, to 81*1 December, is'.)2. 3,...9.103 0> L'^".! poid during the same ._,-_,?_____, icnod. Betaras <.t Premlumi aad Tin- Coir.panr hs* th" rollOWlng Asset*, VlS.1 United State* and Stat* of N-ss-.Vnrk Slo-k, ' Ity, iiur.,c and other Stock*.67,816,438.00 Loan* secured br btoc-K* and otherwise. S.o^T.oon.OO i.. , i ?,'?- ii.d ciatn,* due tim Ccnipany, c'lr-a', ,1 at . 1.029 846.20 Premium N'ote* sad mils Becelvsble. l,838,02x-40 Carl, in lianll. 270.268.90 Amount .12 48.1_lW.K_p Six p<-r cent. Interest cn th? outstanding certificates of ! prntlt* will b." paid to tb* hold -s thereof or their legal , representative* ci. and uftor trnttaaf, Uie Seventh '< I Kel.marv neil. ?rh., (cit-tandina certificate* of the .aaa* of 1888 win bo redeemed ai"i paid to lb* holder. Uieteof, or their l*4t*J . representative*, on and after Taettar. lb* Seventh of 1 February next, from a-nlch dato ail interest thereon all! ! cease. The certificate* to bu produced at the Mme of and i ancell ed. a dividend of forty per ont. is declared on th* net I earned prernium* of the ('omrunv f"r the year ending Slat I December, 1892, fur which certificate* ssi.i bo Issued on ? and after Tuesday, tb* second ot May next. I Dy oid'T cf the Board, .1 ll. CHAPMAN, Secretary. TRUST K K S : I J. D. JONES, CHARLES H. MARSH AM"., VV. H. II. MOORE, < HARM S n L.EVERIC1I, A. A. RAVEN, KDVV'AI'.I) I KOVD.IONKS, JOSEPH ll. CHAPMAN, liEOROK If MACY. JAMES K'lW, I wvi'.l Ni i; Tl RN URE, WM. BTL'RGIS, WA Kl ID i.N P. BROWN, BENJAMIN ll FIELD, ANSON W. HARD, JAMKS fl. DE FOREST, isaak BELL, Wi I, i.i AM I > Kai RoOT, N. DENTON s.MITII, WILLIAM ll WEBB, THOMAS MAITLAND. lIul'.Ai I. LIMY Ot'STAV AldSINCB. WILLIAM K. DODGE, JORK.l'll AOOSTINt UKOROE IU.IS.S, i-.EOROE W. CAMPHELXi, JOHN K. RISER, VERNON H. BROWN. K A HAND. CHRISTIAN DI. TID'MSEN, JOHN D. HEWLETT. LEANDER N. LOVELL, CHARLES P KKRDETT, K.VKRK.I !' ERA/.AB, HENRY E. HAWLEY, WILLI vM K. BOI'LTOB, J. D. JONl> I're-ldent. VV. H. H. MOORE, Vlce-Prea't A. a. BA VEX. 21 Vicc-Pfet't. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company, Or, MILK ST.. BOSTON, Oct. 27. 1892. Income Bond Conversion. CIRCULAR SS. Hold?rs of CNTON TRUST COMPANY'S TRUST RE! KIM'S fer INCOME BONDS deposited caa now re eelvo nev. SECOND MORTGAGE CLAIM "A'' BONDS, la etchange therefor, '., . *np ? i'.Ioii at Ageneie* of ai bia** i oaiaaay i INION TRI ST COMPART OP NEW-YORK, MO llroi.Hsvnv, New. York. n Alt IM. BROS, aV (<>.. LIMITED, London, En* III nd. For B*e*MB**laBOB of holder* s,ho have been unable, t.'.'')'i"n BoeeatroUabl* <'ir lontsae**, te convert their laeom* Banda, tho time for depo*it of same has been ?Steaded anti! further nctiee, ant sack holder* can nos* r '..?? r.e. SEl OND MORTQAGB (LASS "A" BONDS DIRECT IN EXCRABOE for IBCOMR BONDS under terms of Oreular 08. trllb**! penalty. Th* n*ss- SECOXB MORTGAGE CLASS "A" BONDS HAVE BEER LISTED ON THC NLW-YOHK STOCK EXCRABOE. .!. \V. HKIMIART. vice-President. GREEN BAY,WINONA & ST. PAUL FIRST CONSOLIDATED I PER ( BUT. MORTGAGE BONOfst RIP HOI CUT AMI POLO. JOSEPH WALKER & SONS, MILLS BUILDING, NEW-YORK. CITY. THE MERCANTILE TRDST~ClT EQU1TARLE BtTILDIBO. NEWYORK. CAPITAL ABD ">!'ltPLUS si,?ioo,ooo. [? a I'gul deposlto v lu- c ..'irt and Trust funda and for i' bi ral .;? j -? ',, upon wi,i a it pay* LIRI HAL Ri I l.s OP INTEREST ll m ?'?'- ??' . ?? ' until date '.f ss:rhelruisa!. li.mpany ilsott :,? art* a.* exe. utor sdmtnlstrsv .- ..-r and trustee, a.* B*CBl ana transfer ai." nt, st,.I ?* t ri -' ar of '?? k -. i i . t ' ?- ii I r i itloa *r? eT,^-d to i*v|_rioiis ? tut .j,- u:,'i i. executor* or uu.t.-ee u.' e*tu'.. - I.'1' is FITZGERALD, P."-.Went. JOHN T. 'I I Ri: V. ) il! Miv lt IIVDE, _? Vl"e-President*. I l.DVVARI) L M'.N PifiMKRV. V Hi M'.v i DEMING, b. rettry i. ,d Treasurer. CLINTON HUNTER, AMUtant tieeretary, HANKim; HOtTBI OE HENRY CLEWS & CO., ll, 13 & ll BROAD ST., r.|p. N. Y. S'o-k Ex-hanjo. Dejie?ir* reeelved iabj ct t* ekeek on d'n.uid. Interest allowed on dally balaac *? Order* executed an the Brar.T*rh Steek Ex-hanga for Block* sad ii da, f r lnve*Bn*al or ea margin. INyESTMENTSr .-All.. MMPLI IdSIM.N-I.IKt. Kor imrt! ill ir- nil:- -- A. A.. Kr.?-.. 1. D. Box '-'.002. DON Treasurer, De., Molars, loss*, arm r*y uv lo H [ Bond* of th* City of De* Mole**, lows, ou Bad afb t Mari ti l*t, IWI3 ! Win ant Henel Fund of lS^J, 7 bond* No*. 'J7 to io |nr|ii?lvr>. Second Renewed Judgment and luiidlne, ? B .nil* BOB. .M r . :,il !.,. luairo. Renewed l-urid'.w? Bond* of l^SS, 3 Boucl* No*, ll 'o 15 Inclusive Warrant Boin! lund of 18S8, -.". lionel* Nos. 41 la 03 ilse. i . A. RYDEN, Klty Tr.4sur?r. D'. Mo nes. Jaaaary .'.'li. k-:..k JJOTICB. st a meetlnB of t'i? Board 'f Director* ef rhe ii... ii.--t.-r lia* ,v ElsctHu ' itnpaii} dui/ heil jr tb* cBlce "f the ' n i... ii i.. tn Ibe Kils of Koebester N V.. oa Janusrv .at.., ]*:>:l. by resoluMon d'.is- adopted, ull ,f tin. i.iitetiuidliig bond* 'f (he Hoi-hester (itt I'ombaay, "f Ro i. i*i . N v, known a* the "Sis !'? r Oal loiprtvo i.eni li 'il-" "f said Company, i-..r. i dat.. November is,' (hi ?'? u linn.heil .H,ii olnet) one, and numhoted u-e.i- i ? one hun I ed i id thirteen, nola mnnber* lu. ilii-lse, w, i" ,a!,.| n.r |.< .iieit under tue . |.tl..n eon. kilned in -uiit tien l- a uti ng Uien payment and ra <leiii|itii)ii nt ..i at unV tl.titer enc s.'ir frein th, ir .tut.'. i i'.,.. heater lia* A I I" trie I'omuany, by slr na <>r c. Coi i sol Ida tlon Aaroatneat dated Jul} lltli Iaft2, un-.t duly i .'.ii,-!, in- .n ... ,|.-a to all th* rlfnta of the Boche*t*r Cia- i ni.,l*.ni * Nut I. " ls therefore het.t.v els'ti th it Mi* bond* iifere. mji'I Lui" been called fut tiiyment, jud arith ho u -nd lnt.ere-t thereon ni i be paid and redeemed oa proaea'atlon al the ne- Kul.-ke '. ker TruM l'..m|?*iiy, I** Wall -t.. in tie- '. its nf Ness Verl.. at ans (IBM Bfter U..> date "f thia B lire ku !??..' .ai .-? <i i.di win rea** on March l.t. 1888. Dat..1 R... hi -.-'. N. V., i mu .* ?>! t-' i ROCHESTER OAS v KIM rill' i'OMPANT, Bj I KKK. .11 DSON, 1" ??- il-nf. _ vi ni uii wi riucAtio, m.. s pw cent \P lt rt ',1 lt rt r Stro-t linpr. s.year VVarraal*. 6100.. l'i*i 'ipisai l- of siiii"'i- Munl.'ipal 4 jer cent to (> per cent Bond*. Sus,is llol.'l Co N V. 0 I. ' -nt V|,,,t a ?? Bund*, innirtiit'-l. Euultabl* Kif.- AMUraaC*, N. V. i it,/.1 -hu.-- al '-" ' ti. Hrder. tarefullj executed, Ail local :iiui Hated .-..han.,- securities. !'.Mutes inanaired. Ti tut e.". and ln\e*lor* advl*ed ? nllei made SAMUEL ll, MAI LEAN I-i ii. I-'-? . .tn Hi a :--t N V._ A s issn:or iacki'tio.wi.i.v >tijoni, 'V i, p. r e nt. Uotd Wat." Work* Banda nre offend ?>n fovoiabln term*. Munlrli**! rontraet, pledged .nd poid clli-.-f, la Slate Tm-' Cmpant ?.-',., ..nt.-. - Inter t. KrimiMii secured iiec.iid ipi.-Mon. I-nil particulars on lippi!, ati..h. WILLIAM P KARRIS ll, Milla Building. Cankers ano Crokfrs. Wayland Trask & Go., Bankers and Stock Brokers, IS Willi *>lreei. Neiv-York, t-.uiM ? ? r'gular baaklns Baataess, including the pur ,'h*.-e end sale nn c-<>iiitnl*-.oii of sccurltlc* dealt In at the NcMs-.Ynrl; Block Ex long.;. WAYLAND TRASK. ALPBED N RANKIN. Ci uni n 0.0 fjunke. INTEREST ALLOWED linin FKII"I'\RV 1 on deposit* .nude NOT LATER THAN I I UKI HIV li. mid ia niau,in? in bant* oil JI IV I. IB4JK8, by IBM) Excelsior Savings Bank, DBPOBITB ABD BUBPt.l'B, - - ? $il..'Uii,l01.>*b ?j:||? MT.. I BTU AVE. Jfinanciiil Qrkttiono. THE Nl.W-V'iKK BOWERT KIHI'. INSI'KANi K. COM. PANT. Nil 1S4 RciVVKKY, NKVV.ViH'.K C ITV ^r HE ANNUAL MEETING of Um stockbold A ei- ot t',1, ('nuiiKiiiv for tue |..,i|? ? ,,( electing Klfteeu ti.ii DI ree tor* nnd Thre* Kt ln*peet?ra ..f Eleetion for Uie rnaulng rear Will te held at Hie (lillee ,.f the (nnipiiny, No. 1J4 Bosserv, Ncsv-York, on Wedncdav, Eebruary 8th, lU'JJ. Koli* oixu from KJ in, to lu. fla. J. l'lUNli PA'lTlJtoON, Stcretar/, ?ioibenb Soticei. KEW-YORK CENTRAL AND aaatL?^ ? ?"-, omotMHffflilVL**** ? ntvuiKM, .4"5raSjA*a ATJ.ANTIK TRI sr , ,,M,,.V ~ Ko. ay wiiiiaiU.,t s'" W, A DIVIDEND of tw.niv x^Zn, il C?ntl on d'bentnie l?,;, ' J ' *?B* (Oq WKSTI.KN FARM MOKO i.s... .TI' 'vp r&l ?, ?,5 been^ured, payabU th t*i. aSffilffl WP*ij ? A LL COUPONS duo l^i^Tl^rr^ A I**'"*.?^-8BB^tl^B% RAILROAD BQUIPMEXT COMPANY -LT11 * tal -an,,.. .,,? b f..?..._,..... ..... ' ' "hil Mfiikk.7 '?"?'?* ', riliinit stink furnUaed miiio...i, u will bo paid en and ait.-r tint d,te ... fi,,. A',,r'f <m f?, MARTIN ? . o? Na. IS Wau g" "<? ^Jfttd 1 l5 CLARK 4 CO . No. Ki'J Sou I, it|, ? .'.J,',"!,' "N EV _JiU,. 31^_K*_.'H._ll. AV i'",!>"_.1^ir*kir' *? MlaBODBI, Kans \s" s v. ..,."? .-' !98i Kl, KANSAS AND li.x,;-~--S 4.} VVALLVi'. NEV/Jvoiur*^ 08. OUPONS ol the KaiiMts ftJ."-?. D ll. R. Co. maturing Keb. 1, I68?, Sn W haft .eolation ji tl.ii.-.. ,.r ti.,. ..'.'" Bl Baal7?^ pre?eiiialion at tb* aBtea Bf Un st., on and arter that dine. C. ll. HKDi.K, Se iTKFVALO, KO HKST1 ton,i?uy; j^*W ? kdi.k. Se^e^uy eM "JABjBBai pOUPONS of thc ttiwtater and Pint \J R. R. Co.'aFlr*! .... I'-".",- ?',,.!'^Hft son be P*W on or after thai, date at tSatftUSC teaVaaey of Bew.T*rk. Wo '-'dwi _U J. ll. lld A KT. 1BT, AatkeeM Tr.,^ nOUPONS No. 12. of tho Fir^wTS VUmids of the LOUISVILLE, sr lAvis *Vortl*Il KV. CO., win be ,^id at tn,, eave of u- ?* ToS Wall-st.. Ness.York, on und r Feb 1.18<Ja 1*^*l Louisville, Kv., Sta.'SJ,' 1888.BAC***j Ttuur... MISSOKHI, KANSAS <t TEXAS BAUJ?l_?_M_?r_^ 4.-. WALL Si., NEW .YgttT??8lJ?AIT. POUPON8 due February i tb. Vj SECOND MORTGAGE FoCr fvirmaJm thej BONDS of Uti* coo.piny ssin be paid"? SR OOto ci..n presentation ar th.He? ..f t.,. ' ^ *?'"' Baa WiiU-.t., Norr.York City. CHAS, o Kin ?#"/'N?-41 - - __1 6' Ir,**ui?r. LINCOLN NATIONAL HAN'if 8^-38 EAttT FORTY si.' ? D RTY sj., OND STREET IVIOEXD.-The Btjart^DfttaS Ai day declsred a semi-auniia; dub! ?d t fors,ua?tMl ilie stunk of this Bunk, payable Kronur ?iL,w ?-? .ho transfer book* will r-main ? -,tatt Viii*.. . I ODISIANA AND MISSOURI RIVerTT Jj KlRsT i.Vvds R*'l LOVDtlANA AND MISSOURI RIVE* a ? GUARANTEED lMlEKERIlEJ)>trf8ct K KANSAS CITY ST Lol ls A.M. . MChSi R a PREFERRED STOCK m K ? Coupon, and ais,JeMd, ?? t'ie above, maturim,???.?. 1, 180C will be paid on and after that a^Sl/IffiS cl'yleh, Mom.S \r'v * TIIE DENVER .4 4 l'llie.*t.. .V OKI!CE OK ' * ft RIO ORAN DP, R R efl NEw.Yoi'.K. jii raaf ninia 'I', ,i,_. r' ?..'M. rp UK HOARD OF DIRECfo^S hU^L 1 derl*red a dividend of ONE per CBBT' ori.9 ferred Capital Stock of Bli company out tit tis uk i? lugs payable Keb. ?. pro\.mo " n" *? The tmn-fer booka of U.e preferred ,torw _,-, ,..__,._, Keb. 0. sa*fiSS*a oa th.To.^5 Keb. il. proximo GEORGE COPPEU tJBlnBBB of Un: Bo**], OREEN BAY. BTIMONA^ANDOT. TAI L %ARURm 1MIE COUPONS of the'Ifst ConwUdtdei 1 Hettin QoU Bond* f ? ., .. , Bas (K2 sr..Paul K.'.iiroue Catnnaay, du," i-t of nhraS law svlll b-s paid al MSatlty, at Ibe oaV* cf the Ti-^i Loan ond Iru.^t Ci/mpaav. 23 Winiam Street- V?*-"?i ?-'?r-_Vv'II.r.lAM li Ll.i'iu. TreaMfrr PACIFIC BANK 470 BROADWAY. ?" BBw-TORK Jaauary 20, I8BL CORN EXCHANGE BANK. SEW-I 'H'.K J*a 15th. 1?0J rriIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS has this dar M. itt ian 1 a dlsld.:,.l ..f SIX IO PER KI.NT,. uiv?K to th" shar.-ho'.dtrs uu and aft'-r tn-j ural day of Et'-ivt next. * 'Ihe transfer book* ss-iu be clo-ed fro-n Janmrr 21n a Pabrusry 3d _ koki in LOVB, Cnaiw. BANK OP THE few-York-, J.. T AND DI ... ' oi i.iiiv b*\* th- a..- deeba*! ?wt* annual dlvld'-nd ot Tnre-? aid a Half i'' r -,'ei.c. out of tu earnings of tb* la'-t six Boondi*, paysbl* oa a,i atv* Kr'.dav Febn.'irj\ K'Vi, to *toekho!(fer* ol relid on rta i ai:-. i*'. Transfer i^-.k* u> reaHtla do^-d to th-i bbbi lng ?f February 10, '.a . J. T. BALDWIN", Cart!*. OMPANY soth. lttl. ..? ,. ?? in, j, i -in*, s OV'41. JC7f, rp HE PRESIDENT AND DIIUKToRS of the ? Manl.utt.iii Cot laius- i.ase th: ' THE NEVV.yOKIi, MID AGO sN'D ST I.OKIS S41. Road cu., ora nd central di-.K' e NEW-YORK 24. ISM. rVUE HOARD OF DIRECTOR^ have thi 8. dav de.-lar>d a disldend nf turee p->r cent os** 1 1RST PREFERRED MO' K of lb* C*B)Uia_r. p*r?b'.? M Dil* u ".-? ? on the first day of Murk ..? vc, out vf t!.t lb earning* for the calendar sear I88S 'Jim Trtnsfor ln*ili? for lint l'ref?rr*d Steele wi'.i a clo*e.i at threo o'cio.'k P. M. .ju vv- ;i. alar, tk> Int Ut of Kr!,ruars-. and ?_I1 les t.?i^ned on ihe n.uiLici a iu':r?U*v, the wc ond day of Marta. ALLYN COX, Treasurer MIK HOARD OP TRITSTEE9 ok THE I i.'.ie'oln safe D'tosif com: it r &?? deelarcda -cmuaiial dividend of THREE AND oNI.HaL!' Uer cut., pap at.I'i February l*t a*at ,. ? ? _JOHN B. VAN WORMER. teirtSay.^ ITNION RAILWAY COMPAXI OF NBfi U Y'.rk City. New-York, .ian'.rv ?:.. 1898, OaajBB due Febraarr 1st, 1888, on tn* Klr*t Mortnejl ntl >' cent ?i"ld llond* of thi, Company "ill !??? j-aid on and alt* tliat dal- on pr-?ei,t?ti'iri at the Ci tral Tr>t CanpBBI t N.-iv-v..ric S* Weill Street, S w.York Cits-. THuMU VV. OI-( OTT Tr-a*.:r-r. imsT SEMI-ANNUAL CASH DIVIDESDl "ll Illino!* c Railroad < "" j'^nv ? From th? Sd l^rnin^s of th* 0 BWntha elided Decembei 31 IBM :? Dir."i:t<'r* h?s.> d".''.ar<d s Dividend of '_'_? y r tent tn ~mW, lavahlo Mareh 1. Ison, to Stoekholdera of rh* K.:neli central R-niroud Compnar ... ??-?.-??-?! a; th. rlcw ol l.uslues* K-tT'.urv ll. 1808. Th" BUxk Tranef-r BiwM ?.:: be eloaed for the purpoe** ni ike an-ve D;s;i!.r.d frat Kcliruarv ll until Mach 2 I8OT ALEXANDER fl HACBSTAFT, SecreUry New-Tork, JanuarT V*. ison. UnoinfQfi tThitncce. Fl rr A BLfSHED MaNkka. TiT.iVii BK8IBB88.? i t?,;?d hy valuable )at-iit*. alli be sold l i. rm.; a fe**" tlici.-u. 1 rb liar* only i d ii Iddsss 1 a VV., Room A, '.'"2 Bl *d**| Cr.ial Notices QUPBEME COURT OF THE STATE OF C .N i..s V"i.i\. tntMr Ol KIN',- l'..- rs,: trail* Btred ns ulalotltl ss liam ii. Kennith. pialnPJf, ?*__?_? ( i ,r.e- D. Sweeuy, and Mary bweear, bl* * ? i**twt Mary belua Uctlttou*, be ..'??? her r* ii cbruolta **b*J ? , . ? . . ... . rt,,,,,, .M Dated N V. City, lat a's lil D*? KHARLFJ4 v. !*PO i.M lt Pin I ' ? Vt!"""'; OBI - ? i I-' :'? i : *a, Bo. IIB Nfl*** - ?' UNITED STATES OP AMERICA. DJJ sb ariel of S'.'.in carolina. In t ? i "-'? i '^ . ii.uit 1'o.iit. I"-''" ' l^"? ^ '? ! V 5 B the lentil Ila .Ii 1 Un .la against the Carolina. kii..\vl s n ? ??? ?' "_?_. I,'il c .... the l.ri.:. , I. ? id II"-' I omi ? aard Diam. k ' ? ' ? . ? tt . ', > reiver uf tb* Georgia Bad ms-i ? *? '''"l''i.,,.iaut to lb* d.-'i'.". omi i ..f ll-'i ('. Il I ''.1J f. S. J.,di.'". " 'I" lu ' '' ' "??*' ' B 17Ui Aiik'u-t ls.'-' ,, -^ ? 1 will .el! at public "' I''ry at th." i- "?;""' .' .,, f Court House In tie I .ts- ..f Ote.-nvHI.' Sn - ' .- S on the M..-..-, i sv-'tii.-'fs iu M if' ii ari* bB*s ? m day af 'aid Bionth Bl I- " - ??' " BJ. f tM 11.., antin' iu"i"-n, " ??? ? , l sluentar lt* railroad and i.ratu ???? - *n'i Un; ? - ?' ;r.;'rVt*l brunell** and ill exteu*lon* aili I rail- h?. thee?l oii'jri a, :,.-._,?r.'.i. exliiidlii* from in ii th I tj ol k ?? .u',l_3 the stale ol i".e- to .' or near Banibarg. ?* g Cot.ntv uf Aiken s'K- et bo ttl i .rolla* ia -"^'('?"1 --I" ?'? V.,,7'!i\uVl e-M* n.aiK a- it i- bulli ur ' ' . ..adueS. rail* ."Mm-' -('??". inc-h*. sid I :?- '' ^ V ,W* bulloilne*. U"!-"-- 'allon fi ' svHrei.*e* turn l*ble?, .sat'" stations f;''1''*"'''.vael erertion*. ilxture* ind spiKirtenan es m'?''"',..i? ol whatever Bind iherenni.??; Un* sn \\MJgam ...,?. ....I .1 ru., .h.,.'?? li lit- I'.ls "rk_. ...^ t perui,|niiiif'.'a7|,i"';iir t:.- rorps.riW ri ???. prlvlBfJSg franrhlse* ol the .uid Carolin*, baoxvuM i- "? I'oii.pnjr. Beroi*1, any Wd aball le leeepte*. liver t? th- 1!.Iver his > Hld ? nilled rheek I* y-f* of lei, Dol ill ?" Rs .-?,?:t*"*.??!?? < f^_,rt part ins,,...,t ,| sith lld. Kilts I ?""*?"d ,tttAl? nliO.OOi) "t the p?reha*e money to t- |*M '?''??',_,;, of len tess fr.'in bte da; ' sile :..,.! the t'"""'J ^ nurehase araney rn ta.|<ial iii*t*lni*at?, at au as. i.n U*s^ r'*i.lively '!'''' "r ",1"_. ,,. M,.t.f. li. r u: virii K* -I "' j *r*Kt*l wotan Hneaavllle N I De ?'' '?"''-'? iXo CD li ont 3l iUun (Toncfrit. w r f?* ANTED Information u* i, the ?i-,, i..i ... 3 ?f Charles Hobers ?ho " '? ^ ? ?"".''".'- p*? ssat. ond al un Ki.R.'d "?".' - *!"";'. ,,'i, am-'** fi,,,, Aa*a*t. 1861 to August. 1800. vva*f..n.e ri'?B? bet ..f i. ll. Thoma* I'"-' N" -'? I';,.i" . J ?,,. I 9 Waa areli and InUmat ly known bv ?"?.?1.2,u?,,j 0U*? Pianklln-*t. .lu-'. Kir..-. N. J. I VV. lol l. mm st.. st. Louis, Mi t)clp Dftatttb A -A.-A MII.LINKKV . Illooinlnsdule Ul as. r*Mjulro ? MB>P*?BI riliMMER,' fer their do^rtni.-M^pr' <1?;'V^'''^^f'l^^ma^MSlt thoronglily experi 'need In rt ___?t ,t'u^"' %lLah7 persouaa/ or by BBtBf. Talnt-ave, Cor. ????*? ^d